Designs made by keyboard symbols

r/Spanish: Learn, teach or discuss the 2nd most spoken language by natives

2009.02.25 08:00 pallaviwensil r/Spanish: Learn, teach or discuss the 2nd most spoken language by natives

This is the biggest Reddit community dedicated to discussing, teaching, and learning Spanish. Answer or ask questions, share information, stories, and more on themes related to the 2nd most spoken language in the world by native speakers.

2016.11.30 14:08 CustomKeyboards - For customs only!

A subreddit where your kustom with BoW can actually reach top post

2010.08.06 14:24 Dream Interpretation

Every dream is a direct, personal, and meaningful message to the dreamer. This communication uses symbols common to all mankind, but always in an individual way. By identifying what a symbol means to us, we can start to identify the message a dream brings. Dream Interpretation is a place to post your dreams with the aim of having others discuss and interpret possible meanings of your dream or its constituent parts. . . . YOU CAN HELP . . . by responding supportively to others' dream posts!

2024.05.22 04:23 adulting4kids Tarot History

The history of tarot is a fascinating journey that spans centuries and traverses various cultures. The origins of tarot cards can be traced back to 15th-century Italy, where they emerged as playing cards. The initial purpose of these decks was purely recreational, serving as a game known as "tarocchi" or "triumphi."
  1. Early Playing Cards (15th Century):
    • Origin: Tarot cards likely originated in northern Italy in the early 15th century. The oldest surviving complete deck is the "Visconti-Sforza" deck, dating back to the 1440s.
    • Function: Originally used for games, tarot decks were adorned with symbolic imagery, including allegorical illustrations and trump cards.
  2. Tarot in France (Late 15th Century):
    • Migration: Tarot cards crossed into France in the late 15th century, and the game evolved with the addition of the 22 trump cards, known as the Major Arcana.
    • Symbolism: The Major Arcana introduced iconic characters and archetypal symbols, enhancing the cards' allegorical significance.
  3. Occult Associations (18th Century):
    • Esoteric Interest: In the 18th century, interest in the occult and mystical arts surged in Europe. Tarot cards gained esoteric significance, with scholars attributing hidden meanings to the cards beyond their gaming purpose.
    • Etteilla: The French occultist Etteilla published influential tarot interpretations, contributing to the transformation of tarot into a tool for divination and self-discovery.
  4. The Rider-Waite-Smith Deck (Early 20th Century):
    • Revolutionary Design: In 1909, A.E. Waite and Pamela Colman Smith collaborated on the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, featuring vivid illustrations and intricate symbolism. This deck became immensely popular and served as the foundation for many modern tarot decks.
    • Divinatory Focus: The Rider-Waite-Smith deck emphasized the mystical and divinatory aspects of tarot, influencing the widespread adoption of tarot for spiritual and introspective purposes.
  5. Tarot in the New Age Movement (20th Century Onward):
    • Popularization: The mid-20th century witnessed a surge in interest in mysticism, the occult, and alternative spiritual practices. Tarot cards gained popularity within the New Age movement, becoming a tool for self-reflection, divination, and personal growth.
    • Diverse Decks: The latter half of the 20th century saw the creation of diverse tarot decks, each with unique themes and interpretations, catering to different spiritual traditions and personal preferences.
  6. Modern Tarot Practices (21st Century):
    • Global Appeal: Tarot has transcended cultural boundaries and gained a global following. The internet has played a significant role in disseminating tarot knowledge, making it accessible to a diverse audience.
    • Integration with Psychology: Many practitioners view tarot through a psychological lens, using the cards as a tool for introspection, therapy, and personal development.
The historical evolution of tarot reflects its transformation from a simple deck of playing cards to a versatile tool for divination, self-exploration, and spiritual guidance. Today, tarot continues to captivate individuals worldwide, offering a unique blend of ancient symbolism and contemporary relevance.
  1. Diverse Tarot Systems and Cultural Influences:
    • Cultural Adaptations: Tarot has adapted to various cultural contexts, leading to the creation of decks that draw inspiration from different mythologies, traditions, and artistic styles.
    • Themed Decks: Modern tarot enthusiasts can explore decks inspired by Norse mythology, Celtic traditions, Eastern philosophies, and more, allowing for a rich diversity of interpretations and connections.
  2. Tarot and Popular Culture:
    • Media Exposure: Tarot has found its way into mainstream media, with references in literature, movies, and television series. This exposure has contributed to its widespread recognition and acceptance.
    • Creative Interpretations: Popular culture has inspired artists and creators to produce tarot decks with themes ranging from fantasy and science fiction to contemporary pop culture references, showcasing the adaptability of tarot symbolism.
  3. Tarot in Digital Age:
    • Online Platforms: The digital age has transformed tarot readings, making them accessible through online platforms and mobile apps. Virtual tarot readings and communities provide a global forum for discussion and learning.
    • Digital Decks: Tarot decks are now available in digital formats, enabling users to explore and engage with the cards through virtual platforms, expanding the reach of tarot practices.
  4. Tarot as a Personalized Tool:
    • Self-Expression: Many individuals now create their own tarot decks, infusing personal symbols, experiences, and artistic styles into the cards. This personalized approach enhances the connection between the user and the cards.
    • Intuitive Reading: Modern tarot practices often emphasize intuitive reading, encouraging users to trust their instincts and personal interpretations rather than relying strictly on traditional meanings.
  5. Scientific and Skeptical Perspectives:
    • Psychology and Tarot: Some psychologists view tarot as a projective tool that can tap into the unconscious mind, offering insights into one's thoughts and emotions.
    • Skepticism and Tarot: Skeptics often approach tarot from a psychological or statistical standpoint, exploring the phenomenon through the lens of cognitive biases and the placebo effect.
  6. Tarot Communities and Education:
    • Learning Resources: The availability of books, online courses, and workshops has contributed to the education and skill development of tarot practitioners. This has empowered individuals to deepen their understanding of tarot symbolism and interpretation.
    • Community Engagement: Tarot communities, both online and offline, provide platforms for sharing experiences, seeking guidance, and fostering a sense of community among practitioners.
As tarot continues to evolve, its rich history merges with contemporary influences, shaping a dynamic and diverse landscape. Whether embraced for spiritual guidance, artistic expression, or personal insight, tarot remains a versatile and enduring tool that resonates with individuals on their unique journeys of self-discovery.
  1. Tarot Ethics and Professionalization:
    • Code of Ethics: In modern tarot practices, professional readers often adhere to ethical guidelines. These guidelines emphasize confidentiality, client empowerment, and responsible use of divination tools.
    • Certification and Training: Some tarot practitioners pursue formal training and certification programs to enhance their skills and professionalism, contributing to the recognition of tarot reading as a legitimate and ethical practice.
  2. Scientific Research on Tarot:
    • Psychological Studies: While scientific research on tarot is limited, some studies explore the psychological aspects of tarot reading. Research has investigated how individuals interpret symbols, engage in reflective thinking, and experience a sense of empowerment through tarot readings.
    • Cognitive Science Perspectives: Tarot's intersection with cognitive science has led to examinations of how the mind processes symbolic information and the impact of belief systems on perception.
  3. Tarot and Intersectionality:
    • Inclusivity: Tarot communities increasingly emphasize inclusivity, recognizing the importance of diverse perspectives, cultures, and identities. Decks that reflect a broader range of experiences and backgrounds contribute to a more inclusive tarot landscape.
    • Intersectional Readings: Practitioners may integrate intersectionality into their readings, acknowledging the complexity of individual identities and experiences within a broader social context.
  4. Tarot's Influence on Art and Literature:
    • Literary Works: Tarot symbolism has inspired numerous works of literature, poetry, and art. Authors and artists often incorporate tarot themes to explore psychological, spiritual, and philosophical concepts.
    • Tarot in Visual Arts: Tarot continues to be a muse for visual artists, with contemporary artworks reimagining and interpreting the traditional tarot archetypes in new and innovative ways.
  5. Tarot and Holistic Wellness:
    • Mind-Body-Spirit Connection: Tarot is increasingly integrated into holistic wellness practices that emphasize the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. It complements approaches like meditation, mindfulness, and energy healing.
    • Wellness Retreats and Workshops: Wellness retreats and workshops may incorporate tarot as a tool for self-reflection, personal growth, and stress reduction, aligning with the broader holistic wellness movement.
  6. Tarot and Technology Integration:
    • Mobile Apps and Online Platforms: Technology has facilitated the accessibility of tarot through mobile apps and online platforms, offering virtual readings, digital decks, and interactive tarot experiences.
    • Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality: Emerging technologies like augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) have the potential to transform tarot experiences, providing immersive and interactive readings.
The ongoing evolution of tarot reflects its adaptability to societal changes, technological advancements, and a growing understanding of its psychological and symbolic dimensions. As it continues to weave through various aspects of contemporary life, tarot remains a dynamic and versatile tool with enduring relevance.
  1. Tarot and Social Media:
    • Online Communities: Social media platforms, such as Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, have become hubs for tarot enthusiasts. Tarot readers share daily card pulls, interpretations, and create educational content, fostering a vibrant online community.
    • Global Connections: Social media has facilitated global connections among tarot practitioners, allowing for the exchange of diverse perspectives, interpretations, and deck recommendations.
  2. Tarot in Mental Health Practices:
    • Therapeutic Applications: Some mental health professionals incorporate tarot into therapeutic practices, using it as a tool for self-reflection, exploration of emotions, and promoting therapeutic dialogue.
    • Mindfulness and Coping: Tarot readings can be used as a mindfulness practice, helping individuals cultivate self-awareness and coping strategies for managing stress, anxiety, and mental health challenges.
  3. Tarot's Evolving Symbolism:
    • Living Symbolism: Tarot symbolism is not static; it evolves over time. Modern tarot decks often reinterpret traditional symbols to reflect contemporary values, ensuring that the cards remain relevant and resonant with current cultural contexts.
    • Innovative Decks: Artists continue to create innovative tarot decks that explore diverse themes, introducing new symbols and archetypes that speak to a wide range of experiences.
  4. Tarot and Ritual Practices:
    • Ritualistic Use: Tarot is incorporated into various ritual practices, from simple daily card pulls to more elaborate ceremonies. These rituals can serve as a form of meditation, intention-setting, or connection with spiritual energies.
    • Seasonal Celebrations: Some practitioners align tarot practices with seasonal changes, using specific spreads or decks to explore themes associated with the solstices, equinoxes, and other significant astrological events.
  5. Tarot and Gender Representation:
    • Expanding Archetypes: Modern tarot decks often challenge traditional gender roles and expand archetypal representations. Decks may feature diverse gender identities and expressions, offering a more inclusive and fluid understanding of the archetypal energies within the cards.
    • Feminist Tarot: Some decks explicitly adopt feminist perspectives, reimagining traditional tarot symbolism to empower and celebrate the diverse experiences of individuals across the gender spectrum.
  6. Tarot as Literary Inspiration:
    • Literary Works and Tarot: Tarot continues to inspire literary works, with novels, poems, and plays incorporating tarot themes and archetypes. Authors explore the psychological and symbolic depths of tarot, infusing their narratives with mystical and esoteric elements.
    • Narrative Exploration: Tarot's narrative potential serves as a source of inspiration for storytellers, offering a structure that mirrors the hero's journey or provides a framework for exploring characters' internal and external conflicts.
The dynamic interplay between tarot and contemporary culture reveals its enduring appeal and adaptability. From social media platforms to therapeutic practices, tarot remains a versatile tool that resonates with individuals seeking insight, connection, and personal growth in an ever-changing world.
In conclusion, the history and evolution of tarot reflect its remarkable journey from humble playing cards to a multifaceted tool deeply embedded in modern culture. As tarot continues to weave its way through diverse aspects of society, from online communities to therapeutic practices, its enduring relevance lies in its adaptability, symbolism, and capacity to inspire self-discovery.
From the mysterious origins of the 15th century to its current role as a global phenomenon, tarot has transcended cultural and historical boundaries. As it integrates with technology, influences art and literature, and finds new applications in mental health and wellness, tarot remains a dynamic force that resonates with those seeking spiritual insights, artistic expression, and personal transformation.
Whether approached through a psychological lens, as a form of self-reflection, or as part of broader cultural movements, tarot's journey reflects the human quest for meaning, connection, and the exploration of the inner self. Its rich tapestry of symbolism continues to captivate individuals across the globe, making tarot a timeless and ever-evolving companion on the diverse paths of human experience.
submitted by adulting4kids to tarotjourneys [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:19 DCdentistrty What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

What is Cosmetic Dentistry?
Cosmetic dentistry focuses on improving the appearance of your teeth and smile. Unlike general dentistry, which aims at maintaining overall oral health, cosmetic procedures are designed to enhance dental aesthetics. For those in Washington, DC, seeking to boost their confidence with a brighter smile, cosmetic dentistry offers a range of solutions. At Washington Dental, we specialize in transforming smiles through innovative cosmetic treatments.

The Role of Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry plays a vital role in enhancing not only the beauty of your smile but also your self-esteem. Procedures like teeth whitening, veneers, and Invisalign can address various issues such as discoloration, misalignment, and chipped teeth. At DC Dental, we understand the impact a perfect smile can have on your personal and professional life. Our services are tailored to meet the unique needs of each patient, ensuring optimal results.

Popular Cosmetic Dental Procedures

  1. Teeth Whitening: One of the most sought-after treatments at [Washington Dental], teeth whitening can significantly lighten the color of your teeth, removing stains and discoloration. It's a quick and effective way to rejuvenate your smile.
  2. Veneers: These thin, custom-made shells cover the front surface of your teeth, masking imperfections such as chips, gaps, and severe discoloration. Veneers offer a natural look and are a popular choice at DC Dental.
  3. Invisalign: For those seeking to straighten their teeth without the hassle of traditional braces, Invisalign provides a discreet and comfortable alternative. At our Washington, DC office, we have helped many patients achieve beautifully aligned smiles.

Benefits of Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry offers numerous benefits beyond just aesthetic improvements. It can enhance your oral health by correcting bite issues and aligning teeth properly. Additionally, treatments at [Washington Dental] can help prevent further dental damage. Improved appearance often leads to better oral hygiene as patients become more motivated to maintain their new smile.

Choosing the Right Cosmetic Dentist

Selecting the right cosmetic dentist in Washington, DC is crucial for achieving the best results. Look for a practice like DC Dental that has experienced professionals, state-of-the-art technology, and a strong track record of satisfied patients. Consultations are an excellent opportunity to discuss your goals and explore the best treatment options for you.
Cosmetic dentistry can transform your smile and boost your confidence. If you are considering cosmetic dental treatments in Washington, DC, contact Washington Dental or DC Dental today. Our team of experts is dedicated to helping you achieve the smile of your dreams. Call us now to schedule your consultation and start your journey to a more beautiful smile.
DC Implant & Cosmetic Dentistry
4444 Connecticut Ave NW #106, Washington, DC 20008
(202) 363-2810
submitted by DCdentistrty to u/DCdentistrty [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:17 Late_Review3761 I’m lowballed by my client

Hi guys. Last November, I was hired by a UK client on Upwork with doing outreach tasks including: Sending connection requests on Linkedin & Facebook, sending and managing cold email campaigns, and responding to DMs. This was for 3 dollars per hour. I was new to freelancing and I thought na this was a great deal kasi I would get paid more than PH minimum wage while just sending out friend requests. It was also my first time hunting jobs on Upwork and I had a hundred connects kaya apply lang ako nang apply during this time.
Nung job interview, she asked me whether I was looking for a full time or a part time job, and I said I was looking for a full time. She also brought up na she saw on my Upwork profile na I do graphics design and video editing kaya I might do these tasks din for her. I thought it would be great kasi I could skip doing pro-bono and build my portfolio while working for her. I got the job.
Nag-start ako. Madali lang naman yung mga tasks. Since I was a fast learner and really efficient with my time (hourly ang bayad kaya medyo lugi) Mapa-administrative tasks, video edit, graphics design, outreach tasks, and technical tasks. I was doing her website on GoHighLevel. I also helped her with her webinars. Naging honest ako sa kaniya na I don’t think replying to DMs are for me kasi nag-ooverthink ako madalas sa irereply sa clients niya. Yung iba ginagawa ko parin naman. Magrreach out ako sa warm leads and hot leads, pero yung pag-build na ng rapport siya na gumagawa. She said she understood, kaya I felt bad and just did the other things the best that I could. I loved the job because I was gaining a lot - knowledge, skills, and experience. She was happy with the work I do at lagi niyang sinasabi na naaappreciate niya ako. I was satisfied.
After 3 months, dun na ako nakasali sa reddit at nakapagbasa tungkol sa job compensations. May mga nagpo-post ng job description dito tapos sasabihin na lowball ang client - hello, they’re getting paid a lot more than I am and low ball parin sila? That’s when I started feeling bad about myself and thought kung eto lang ba yung worth ng lahat ng ginagawa ko.
I brought it up to her na I believe I could be paid more sa amount and scope ng tasks na hawak ko. First week ng march ‘to, and she said na she agrees kasi initially 2 hrs lang naman talaga dapat work ko. (Yung outreach) But nung sinabi ko raw sa job interview na full time hanap ko, nag-isip at nag-hanap pa daw siya ng ibang tasks for me para gawing full-time. Kaya naisip ko neto, “ah, kasalanan ko.” Sabi niya pag-usapan raw ulit namin ng end of March.
That March ginanahan ako ng sobra mag-trabaho - she also did webinars, so overtime ako madalas. 10 hours per day? Sure, at least mas maraming pera dumadating sakin. I worked 192 hours during this month sa sobrang saya ko. Kaso dumating yung end of March, hindi na niya brining up yung increase ko.
So ayun. Nawalhan ako ng gana sa work. I was still doing them, pero not with the same will. I was having intense episodes of impostor syndrome. I was blaming myself for taking such a low compensation (according to reddit) job. I was starting to doubt kung eto lang ba worth ng skills at time ko. Every time she tells me she appreciates me, I was disgusted. Yung ginagawa ko ba yung appreciate niya or the fact na I was doing it for mere 3 dollars per hour? By the second week of April, I told her I’m quitting. I made all sorts of SOP para lang maging mas smooth yung transition sa bagong VA.
I felt bad for suddenly quitting kaya I told her I’m willing to work with her until she finds someone else to replace me. That’s my mistake. Ngayon, I’m not even sure if she’s trying to find someone else. Every time tinatry ko i-follow up sakaniya kung may nahanap na siya, she just says na she agrees she needs more help then proceeds to give me more tasks. I was doing the same tasks for less time kasi naging part time nalang ako when I told her I was quitting.
Most recently, she started to make me do reels. I initially told her na I didn’t think I was fit for the job. Sabi niya “didn’t you love video editing?” Sabi ko nalang na iba kasi yung long-form video editing sa short-form. Kailangan mas mapukaw ‘yung atensyon ng viewer blabla. I was practicing kako pero hindi ko gusto yung output and I would feel bad to get paid for it. My mistake again. Sabi niya go lang try mo lang. So what I did is just add subtitles kasi alam ko sa sarili ko na once na simulan ko na mag-effort mag-ssnowball na siya. Nag-suggest siya na mag-add ako ng emoji para lang makuha atensyon ng viewer. And eto na kinaaayawan ko. Nag-simula na ako mag-edit in Alex Hormozi’s style. With b-rolls, animations, and film burns - all for 3 dollars per hour. I only edited 3 kasi naisipan ko na i-dagdag nalang sa portfolio ko. Ngayon, she wants me to do more. Sabi niya gusto niya raw ng bank of reels. Pero ayoko na talaga gawin siya for only 3 dollars.
Ngayon I want to send her a follow up sa salary increase ko. If she gave me an increase, I will stay. But if she doesn’t, I will quit for good na talaga. I don’t want to burn bridges kasi natatakot ako na mag-leave siya ng bad review sa Upwork profile ko. The thing is hindi ko alam kung magkano dapat ang compensation ng all around na virtual assistant. I think she doesn’t earn much kaya ayoko siya pilitin kasi isang client niya 1k usd per month lang bayad sakaniya. Tapos yung dalawa, 2k for 26 weeks. Is 5 dollars ok kung ganun? Hindi ko rin alam sasabihin kasi baka maging masyadong mean if sasabihin ko na “My role has extended beyond the job description to include graphics design, administrative work, video editing, and technical tasks, while maintaining the same compensation. I honestly believe that my contributions are worth more than $3 dollars for hour.” Lalo na kung ako naman nag-dala neto sa sarili ko?
Anyway, please be nice. I know I brought this upon myself pero hindi ko alam na I would be doing more than the job description while keeping the same salary compensation. Wag niyo na idiin sakin na kasalanan ko kasi tumanggap ako ng lowball client. Again, it was my first time and I thought I was only sending out friend requests. Please and thank you.
submitted by Late_Review3761 to buhaydigital [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:16 322241837 "traumadumping", paywalled relationships, & therapyspeak influence on development

During my late teens when I was super deep in therapy, going 3x/week and taking 6 different medications all at once, they essentially forced me to "create [my] own Support Circle™ because it's essential to build positive interpersonal connections in order to Recover™ [from CPTSD so bad that it manifests as autism...or maybe one predisposed me to the other]" and simutaneously mindfucking every aspect of my personhood until I could only rightthink how they programmed me to. Obviously, therapy would always take precedence though, to ensure that I was engaging in ~appropriate goals~ in their approved ways.
Consequently, this always used to happen when I previously attempted friendships. I've been a loner for most of my life, not for lack of trying to socialize, but because I never fit in anywhere. Since quitting psychiatry for the most part, I'm in the process of liberating myself from the uphill fool's errand of societal assimilation.
I had very little positive socialization from relatives and was mostly left to my own devices to bond with books and other media, so I always had the idea that "friendship" was supposed to be just like in stories where people support each other through everything. Believing that "true love" really existed was the only thing that kept me going, and I spent my entire childhood chasing the euphoria of what stories promised. I didn't want anything to do with "real life" at all, which was what my entire indentity was built around and how I managed to survive, and psychiatry stole that from me too.
Obviously, that ended up as buried dreams and chronic resentment on my end when I eventually found myself subconsciously modelling therapist behavior in all my interpersonal interactions, and expected a level of reciprocation that no one could bother with because people are unpredictable, superficial, or otherwise incompatible with me. Besides therapists, there was no one else in my life that modeled what not-overtly-hostile relationships should look like. (Teachers always took the side of bullies or just couldn't be bothered with how weird and unpersonable I am, so they don't count).
It went down as a clusterfuck of substituting my flight/freeze CPTSD for fight/fawn (i.e. BPD on steroids). I tried so hard for years to do something that was not natural for me at all, made things suck for a lot of people, wasting an embarrassing amount of one-sided effort on people who couldn't meet me halfway, as well as further damaged myself knowing that I am totally FUBAR for any relationship because I can never be likeable as myself. I don't have any real hobbies or ways of engaging with the world that make it desirable for other anyone to want to interact with unless I fake everything, which has been proven as unsustainable.
Not everyone needs to have friends or Do The Work™ or whatever the fuck as a broken adult who is struggling to survive already. For fucking real, if anyone just gave enough of a fuck to take care of me the ways I needed when I needed it the most (i.e. since birth or at least age 6, basically choose to be my guardian/family), or provide me with the sort of unconditional fuck-you money that enables me to get away from my abusers forever, then maybe I could've made actual progress into not being a total degen.
Not to sound hypocritically shallow, but I can't think of any problem I have that can't be immediately resolved by simply having enough money. Wealth simply means access to whatever it is to make life comfortable, if not liveable, or to end it comfortably of your own choosing. By design, therapy always treats systematic suffering as individual moral failings, which is why it will never work for anyone who has real problems.
submitted by 322241837 to therapycritical [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:13 LavenderBlueberry3 Do I call off my wedding, cut my mom off, or both?

I’ll apologize in advance because this is so long but I don’t know what else to do.
My mother (60F) and I (25F) have been bickering about small things surrounding my wedding since I got engaged in March. It started with chairs and escalated to the guest list.
My parents have these two friends, we’ll call them Alex and Demi, who I am not particularly fond of. These friends also have two adult children who I am also not that fond of.
Demi is an extremely nosey woman and has been texting my mom non stop since I got engaged wanting to know ALL details. She also keeps saying she’s “so excited for OUR kids” (her son also just got engaged) and went as far as to ask my mom if her son’s wedding date was okay with my family.
It should be noted my parents don’t speak very kindly of these people to begin with. So much so that my fiancé is confused of why this is such a big fuss. They also travel with this couple and see them weekly.
When I finally told my mom I didn’t want this couple or their kids at my wedding she lost it. My parents told me they would lose friends and that I couldn’t just not invite them. I dug my heels in on my decision because I feel like this is another thing I’m not being heard on.
Fast forward this weekend and I dug in yet again and drew a line in the sand that I didn’t want them coming. I told my mom I didn’t understand how they would lose friends when I don’t have relationships with these people aside from when my parents invited them over growing up. Not to mention I just don’t see adults ending “friendship” over a non invite.
My mom yelled at me first and then would barely speak to me until today when she told me she was “ready to talk” because I had asked her what was wrong over the weekend and she “couldn’t put it into words before”.
We were on the phone for an hour, she started by reading her “notes” that she had made that ripped me and my character to pieces. She called me ungrateful, disrespectful, and not compassionate for “picking and choosing” who gets to come to my wedding.
She also said I was being self centered by referring to my wedding as my wedding. To top it all off she told me I was extremely close to losing my relationship with her and my dad and that I should stop and think about how my decisions affect other people.
I was so hurt by this because we’ve only been disputing two things and I’ve been trying to be kind about everything else- design, seating, flowers, etc.
I asked for examples about the labels she gave me and tried to understand what she meant by them. She couldn’t give any and kept going back to the original issue of me not wanting this family at my wedding.
She also said while I was “good at setting boundaries” she felt I would never have any meaningful personal relationships because I lack compassion, the ability to be kind, and the ability to forgive.
She then threw in my face that one of my bridesmaids and I haven’t always gotten along and “if she can come then other people who want to support you should be allowed to as-well”.
I told her I was over it and that she can invite whomever she pleases but I pointed out that while I gave her a quote of 25 people as well as my fiancés mother, my mom did not adhere to it. She argued that my fiancés parents went over their quota as well and I had to correct her that they didn’t until we told them to because my parents had a list of almost 40 people.
She cried on and off the whole call. She did apologize but it always felt back handed (“I’m sorry you feel that way but you always say I’m a bad mom so I can’t help feeling this way”) I was very calm most of the call until the last 15 minutes where I couldn’t stop crying because I still can’t understand the ungrateful, no compassion, and disrespectful comments.
At this point she went back on her words and said it was “an isolated incident” because now it’s been resolved. She called it a thing of the past. She also demanded I apologize to her because she had already done so.
I had to correct her and say that I have been constantly asking for examples and a solution and apologizing. She agreed with that but ultimately would not allow me to recognize my own frustration without adding in that she “feels the same”.
At this point I couldn’t take it anymore. I told her I was done and asked if we could cancel the wedding. Unfortunately we’ve already signed a contract so we can’t. I love my fiancé but I cannot take this any more, I’m also not sure if I can move on past the things my mother said. Her and my father as well as my fiancés parents are paying for the wedding so I don’t think no contact is the option.
I need advice, anything is helpful. I’m in therapy and I do know my mother is a narcissist from my work with my therapist (my childhood is also another sore subject my mom hates talking about unless it’s all sunshine and rainbows). Honestly, I want to crawl in bed and never get out but I know that’s not an option. What do I do?
submitted by LavenderBlueberry3 to TwoHotTakes [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:11 Hopeful_Sentence9639 Uptick rule standards

Uptick rule standards
Excellent info to be read in the discord.
submitted by Hopeful_Sentence9639 to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 04:01 Atoraxic Directed Energy development budget growth from 2014- 2023.

Since I have been under assault the funding for directed energy weapons has absolutely exploded.News June 30, 2014
Directed Energy non lethal development budget compared to entire DEW from 2014- 2023.
-2014 non lethal: $1,630.6M
-2023 entire DEW: "US$6.4 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 19.6% during the forecast period 2024-2034."
Conducted And Directed Energy Weapons To Drive Non-Lethal Weapons Market Growth
The concept of a weapon that is designed merely to temporarily incapacitate, with little or no lasting injury, is relatively new. The development of non-lethal weapons can be viewed as a consequence of the rise of democratic values. The use of lethal force on a nation’s own citizens is often met with dissent and criticism in democracies. The rise of non-lethal weapons has taken place in the last two decades. Non-lethal weapons for anti-personnel purposes have become increasingly high in demand from law enforcement agencies across the world. The new report has calculated that in 2014 the market will be worth $1,630.6M.
The new report, now available on ASDReports, Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW) Market 2014-2024: Conducted & Directed Energy Weapons (CEW & DEW), Less Lethal Weapons (LLW) & Equipment for Military & Law Enforcement. This report finds overall market growth over the forecast period as more nations enter the market and technological advances realise new capabilities.
A detailed analysis of the latest political, economic and technological trends lies at the heart of the reports unparalleled quantitative and qualitative analysis of the non-lethal weapons market. The new report assesses that global spending on non- lethal weapons will amount to $1630.6m in 2014, or the start of the forecast period covered by this report. This 239 page report is packed with 205 tables, figures and charts that illustrate key trends in the market at the global level, 2 submarkets, and in 15 leading national markets. The report profiles 17 leading non- lethal weapons companies. The report also contains interviews with expert members within the industry and details of more than 150 relevant non-lethal weapons contracts and programmes.
“Non-lethal anti-personnel systems such as conducted energy weapons, less-lethal ammunition, tear gas and pepper spray have proven capabilities in crowd control situation. Our research indicates that non-lethal anti-personnel weapons are becoming increasingly high in demand particularly from law enforcement agencies.
In recent years, advances in energy weapon technology both Conducted Energy Weapons (CEW) for anti-personnel utility and Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) technology predominantly for anti-vehicle have highlighted the demand for such systems, particularly in nations with more advanced armed forces.
Furthermore, efforts of nations such as India, Brazil and South Africa to modernise their armed forces and security services will provide significant new market opportunities. It is believed that a lowering of barriers to entry with technological advancements made over the past decade will create new demand for a range of non-lethal systems. This new demand will drive growth within the market.”
The Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW) Market 2014-2024: Conducted & Directed Energy Weapons (CEW & DEW), Less Lethal Weapons (LLW) & Equipment for Military & Law Enforcement report will be of impressive value to current and future investors into the industry, as well as to companies and research centres who wish to broaden their knowledge of the non-lethal weapons market.

Conducted And Directed Energy Weapons To Drive Non-Lethal Weapons Market Growth
The concept of a weapon that is designed merely to temporarily incapacitate, with little or no lasting injury, is relatively new. The development of non-lethal weapons can be viewed as a consequence of the rise of democratic values. The use of lethal force on a nation’s own citizens is often met with dissent and criticism in democracies. The rise of non-lethal weapons has taken place in the last two decades. Non-lethal weapons for anti-personnel purposes have become increasingly high in demand from law enforcement agencies across the world. The new report has calculated that in 2014 the market will be worth $1,630.6M.
The new report, now available on ASDReports, Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW) Market 2014-2024: Conducted & Directed Energy Weapons (CEW & DEW), Less Lethal Weapons (LLW) & Equipment for Military & Law Enforcement. This report finds overall market growth over the forecast period as more nations enter the market and technological advances realise new capabilities.
A detailed analysis of the latest political, economic and technological trends lies at the heart of the reports unparalleled quantitative and qualitative analysis of the non-lethal weapons market. The new report assesses that global spending on non- lethal weapons will amount to $1630.6m in 2014, or the start of the forecast period covered by this report. This 239 page report is packed with 205 tables, figures and charts that illustrate key trends in the market at the global level, 2 submarkets, and in 15 leading national markets. The report profiles 17 leading non- lethal weapons companies. The report also contains interviews with expert members within the industry and details of more than 150 relevant non-lethal weapons contracts and programmes.
“Non-lethal anti-personnel systems such as conducted energy weapons, less-lethal ammunition, tear gas and pepper spray have proven capabilities in crowd control situation. Our research indicates that non-lethal anti-personnel weapons are becoming increasingly high in demand particularly from law enforcement agencies.
In recent years, advances in energy weapon technology both Conducted Energy Weapons (CEW) for anti-personnel utility and Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) technology predominantly for anti-vehicle have highlighted the demand for such systems, particularly in nations with more advanced armed forces.
Furthermore, efforts of nations such as India, Brazil and South Africa to modernise their armed forces and security services will provide significant new market opportunities. It is believed that a lowering of barriers to entry with technological advancements made over the past decade will create new demand for a range of non-lethal systems. This new demand will drive growth within the market.”
The Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW) Market 2014-2024: Conducted & Directed Energy Weapons (CEW & DEW), Less Lethal Weapons (LLW) & Equipment for Military & Law Enforcement report will be of impressive value to current and future investors into the industry, as well as to companies and research centres who wish to broaden their knowledge of the non-lethal weapons market.
Visiongain Publishes Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) Market Report 2024-2034
26 February 2024
Visiongain has published a new report entitled Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) Market Report 2024-2034: Forecasts by Type (Lethal Weapons, Non-lethal Weapons), by System (Anti-Satellite (ASAT) DEW, Electromagnetic Railgun Systems, Counter-Drone DEW Systems, Other), by Technology (High-Energy Lasers (HEL), High-Power Microwaves (HPM), Sonic Weapons, Electromagnetic Weapons, Other), by Application (Ground-Based DEW for Military Bases, Airborne DEW for Aircraft Defence, Naval DEW for Ship Defence, Homeland Security, Critical Infrastructure Defence, Other) AND Regional and Leading National Market Analysis PLUS Analysis of Leading Companies AND COVID-19 Impact and Recovery Pattern Analysis.
The global directed energy weapons (DEW) market was valued at US$6.4 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 19.6% during the forecast period 2024-2034.
Requirement for Cost-Effective Defense Solutions
The requirement for cost-effective defense solutions amidst constrained defense budgets is driving the adoption of directed energy weapons by military organizations worldwide. Traditional kinetic weapons and missile defense systems involve high procurement, operation, and maintenance costs, making them economically unsustainable for many defense budgets. Directed energy weapons offer a more cost-effective alternative with reduced ammunition costs, minimal logistical footprint, and lower lifecycle expenses. For example, the deployment of laser-based counter-UAV systems by military forces provides a cost-effective means of defending against small unmanned aerial threats compared to conventional missile-based interceptors.
Increasing Investments in Directed Energy Programs
The increasing investments in directed energy programs by government agencies, defense contractors, and research institutions are driving innovation and growth in the global directed energy weapons market. Countries such as the United States, China, Russia, and European nations are allocating substantial funding to accelerate the development and deployment of directed energy technologies for military applications. These investments support research and development initiatives aimed at enhancing the performance, reliability, and operational capabilities of directed energy weapons across various platforms. For instance, the U.S. Department of Defense's Directed Energy Weapons Directorate (DEWD) oversees a range of directed energy programs focused on advancing laser, microwave, and radiofrequency technologies for military use.
How has COVID-19 had a significant negative impact on the Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) Market?
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a discernible impact on the directed energy weapon (DEW) market, influencing various aspects of its development, production, and deployment. One notable effect has been the disruption of supply chains and manufacturing processes. Lockdowns, restrictions on movement, and workforce limitations imposed to curb the spread of the virus have led to delays in production schedules and the availability of essential components for DEW systems. This has, in turn, affected the overall pace of development and delivery of directed energy weapons.
Financial constraints have emerged as another significant impact of the pandemic on the directed energy weapon market. Many defence budgets faced reallocations and adjustments to address the immediate healthcare and economic challenges posed by the pandemic. Consequently, some defence programs, including those related to advanced technologies like DEWs, experienced budgetary constraints, slowing down investment and procurement processes.
Operational disruptions have affected the testing and validation phases of DEW systems. Social distancing measures and limitations on gatherings have impeded the ability to conduct field trials and exercises. These constraints have slowed down the evaluation and validation of directed energy weapons in real-world scenarios, hindering progress in achieving operational readiness.
How will this Report Benefit you?
Visiongain’s 372-page report provides 113 tables and 198 charts/graphs. Our new study is suitable for anyone requiring commercial, in-depth analyses for the global directed energy weapons (DEW) market, along with detailed segment analysis in the market. Our new study will help you evaluate the overall global and regional market for Directed Energy Weapons (DEW). Get financial analysis of the overall market and different segments including type, system, technology, and application and capture higher market share. We believe that there are strong opportunities in this fast-growing directed energy weapons (DEW) market. See how to use the existing and upcoming opportunities in this market to gain revenue benefits in the near future. Moreover, the report will help you to improve your strategic decision-making, allowing you to frame growth strategies, reinforce the analysis of other market players, and maximise the productivity of the company.
What are the Current Market Drivers?
Need for Precision and Lethality in Modern Warfare The need for precision and lethality in modern warfare scenarios drives the adoption of directed energy weapons by defense forces worldwide. Traditional kinetic weapons, such as missiles and artillery shells, often result in collateral damage and unintended casualties, limiting their effectiveness in densely populated urban environments and sensitive infrastructure areas. Directed energy weapons offer a more precise and controlled means of engaging targets, minimizing collateral damage and civilian casualties while maximizing lethality against enemy assets. For example, the U.S. Air Force's Tactical High Energy Laser (THEL) system demonstrates the capability of DEWs to engage and destroy incoming artillery shells and rockets with pinpoint accuracy, reducing the risk to friendly forces and civilian populations.
Growing Threat of Ballistic Missile and Hypersonic Weapons The growing threat posed by ballistic missile proliferation and the development of hypersonic weapons systems is driving the demand for directed energy weapons as a viable defense solution. Ballistic missiles and hypersonic glide vehicles pose significant challenges to existing missile defense systems due to their high speeds, maneuverability, and unpredictable trajectories. Directed energy weapons offer a potential solution for intercepting and neutralizing ballistic missiles and hypersonic threats in the boost, mid-course, and terminal phases of flight. For instance, the concept of using high-energy lasers or particle beams to intercept and destroy incoming missiles in near-real-time is being explored as a cost-effective and reliable defense against advanced missile threats.
Where are the Market Opportunities?
Advancements in Compact and Mobile Directed Energy Platforms Advancements in compact and mobile directed energy platforms are expanding the operational flexibility and deployment options for directed energy weapons in military environments. Traditional directed energy systems were often large, stationary installations limited to fixed bases or naval vessels, which restricted their mobility and deployment agility. However, recent technological advancements have led to the development of compact, lightweight, and mobile directed energy platforms that can be integrated into various military platforms, including ground vehicles, aircraft, and dismounted soldier systems. For example, the development of man-portable laser weapons, such as the U.S. Army's Mobile Experimental High Energy Laser (MEHEL) system, enables ground troops to engage and neutralize threats with precision and speed in diverse operational environments.
Need for Counter-UAS and Counter-Swarm Capabilities The proliferation of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and the emergence of drone swarms as asymmetric threats are driving the demand for directed energy weapons with counter-UAS and counter-swarm capabilities. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and drone swarms pose challenges to conventional air defense systems due to their small size, agility, and swarm tactics, making them difficult to detect and intercept using traditional kinetic weapons. Directed energy weapons offer a rapid and effective means of countering UAS threats by providing continuous, 360-degree coverage, rapid engagement, and scalable lethality. For instance, ground-based laser and microwave systems deployed in urban areas or critical infrastructure sites can detect and neutralize hostile drones and swarms with precision, protecting assets and personnel from aerial threats.
Competitive Landscape
The major players operating in the directed energy weapons (DEW) market are BAE Systems PLC, Blue Halo, Elbit Systems Ltd, Honeywell International Inc, L3Harris Technologies, Inc, Leonardo S.p.A, Lockheed Martin Corporation, Moog Inc, Northrop Grumman Corporation, Rafael Advanced Defence Systems Ltd., Raytheon Technologies Corporation, Rheinmetall AG, Textron Inc, Thales Group, The Boeing Company. These major players operating in this market have adopted various strategies comprising M&A, investment in R&D, collaborations, partnerships, regional business expansion, and new product launch.
Recent Developments
24 Sept 2023, Raytheon Technologies Corporation has entered into collaboration with Northrop Grumman to develop a prototype High-Power Microwave (HPM) weapon system for maritime applications.
04 June 2023, Lockheed Martin and Rafael Advanced Defence Systems partnered to manufacture 100 kW fiber-class laser weapons for the IRON BEAM project, aiming to defend Israel against rockets, mortars, and drones.
Notes for Editors If you are interested in a more detailed overview of this report, please send an e-mail to []( or call +44 (0) 207 336 6100.
About Visiongain Visiongain is one of the fastest-growing and most innovative independent media companies in Europe. Based in London, UK, Visiongain produces a host of business-to-business reports focusing on the automotive, aviation, chemicals, cyber, defence, energy, food & drink, materials, packaging, pharmaceutical and utilities sectors.
Visiongain publishes reports produced by analysts who are qualified experts in their field. Visiongain has firmly established itself as the first port of call for the business professional who needs independent, high-quality, original material to rely and depend on.Visiongain Publishes Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) Market Report 2024-2034
26 February 2024
submitted by Atoraxic to v2khelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:59 OsethReaper Calypso Station Pt 1

The necropolis was gorgeous, for what it was. Its white outer walls hiding the darker Victorian Gothic interior. The tech that was hidden in the walls though was able to move bodies in their caskets from a designated place in the necropolis to the "viewing area" as the necropolians called it. This was where I waited for my, for lack of a better term, escort to take me to the mortuary. Since science has grown surprisingly fast our abilities for forensic sciences have also grown, and that's to whom I was headed. (S)He was an, unusual (wo)man to say the least. An expert in their field and about as learned as a doctor, if not multi-doctorate. If you ever asked them why they never pursued an actual doctorate, they would get angry and act all prissy while saying that going to school would've slowed them down and all they needed were the basic certificates for their work. The reality though, revealed to me during a drunken bout, they just never liked school and believed that it ultimately stunted a person's growth and ability to question the reality around them, that everything that you need to learn is already in books and in some form or another in digital content online. They were brilliant, if a little wacky. About five minutes after I had arrived and was sitting down in the viewing area, a little box rolled up to me making a couple of beeps to let me know to follow it and immediately started rolling towards the wall opposite of where it came from. When it looked like it was about to hit the wall, a hidden door opened up by the casket viewer, inside was a set of stairs leading down into the darkness. Stepping through the doorway I became acutely aware of sounds seemingly coming from all around me suddenly. It really is impressive, as though I just stepped from a tomb to a busy workshop, the sounds of gas escaping pistons, whirring, and clanking chains flooded my ears. I continued down the stairs following my helpful little box, which despite its size and shape would suggest was actually quite nimble on the stairs. It seemed to have wheels that would extend down to the next step as the edge rolled over it and once the back of the box was clear of the step it would drop back into its squat position, hiding its wheels as quickly as possible. It continued to do so the entire way. The box seemed to notice me watching it and made a kinda shrill whistle and its undercarriage light went from a comfortable yellow to a, is that... Peach? Is it blushing? My god I think it is! I let out a small chuckle and my little blushing box stopped dead in its tracks mid-step, its light suddenly going white, almost blinding me from behind and lighting up the hallway for a split second. Luckily both of my feet were solidly on a step so I didn't take a tumble or anything, but I couldn't help doing anything but laughing harder. After a second the little box crept up behind me and continued down, its status light continuing to show pinkish. I followed it slowly, the chuckle slowly dying in my throat as we reached Ceriths office. Well "office" was being nice. Morgue, mortuary, both of these fit just as well. Cerith was, for the most part, a recluse. We reached the door and the little robot continued through a little hole in the wall. I waited a second and knocked. "Enter!" Came the voice on the other side. I opened the door and stepped through. Along one wall set doors that normally housed the dead waiting to be processed. One out of dozens were open, its occupant missing from its silver slab. The middle of the room was brightly lit from a single overhead light. In the middle of the circle of light stood a figure, long Raven colored hair bound in a single braided ponytail, the rest of them bound in medical examination garb. They seemed to be engrossed in the corpse in front of them. The little robot rolled up next to Ceriths feet and made a little chiming noise. "Thank you Tabitha. That'll be all," said a voice that was neither male nor female from beneath the mask. Just sort of in the middle. "Tabitha? Never knew you to be sentimental," I said gently, the chuckle in my voice making itself clear. "I see you still find even the darkest things funny," Cerith quipped back. "My line of work Cer, you take the laughs where you get them. Look who's talking anyway, you're usually elbows deep inside someone 25/8. Even you have a seriously fucked up sense of humor." That got Cerith laughing, sounding like thunder and the whip crack of lightning at the same time. "You've got me there Julius," Cerith said after his laughter subsided. I think he suits him today. Which is both a good and bad sign. When Cerith is acting like a man, it usually means some grim news, but they are going to try to make it seem like not a big deal and laugh a lot. Plus they almost never call me Julius. Something was wrong. Very seriously wrong. As this realization hit me I got this odd tingle in the small of my back. Like someone had put several freezing needles under the skin and into my spine, something I'm familiar with from the anima-games from the cyber sphere. Halos: Divine Retribution If I remember right. Those Angels were sadistic bastards. I shuddered at both the memories from the game and the shockingly similar feeling I was experiencing. Dread, that feeling is dread my friend, the quiet part of my mind whispered to me. "Cer, what's wrong bud," I asked. He didn't say anything. For a long time. After a few minutes I was about to ask again, but then he spoke. And what came out will haunt me, quite possibly till the day I die . "This ones temporal lobes are gray matter. Nothing even close to being coherent. Just. Dead neurons. And he's not the first." Gone was the jovialness of the past ten minutes. This was Cerith the whisperer. In an almost dead tone they continued, "the others didn't fare nearly as well as this one. Most of the brain is intact here, which means that if they didn't deliver a massive shock or something similar to fully kill him he would have possibly lived as a vegetable with memory issues, but that's not what I'm looking for in this one here now. Now I'm trying to figure out what else the others had in common with him, and so far that's brought up all but naught. Well this one has a bit of liver damage. But that's about it. So Mr John was a drinker. Not much there." When Cerith is "whispering" the best thing to do is just let him be. But I couldn't help but prick my ears up at mentions of others with similar wounds, and the fact that this one had liver issues.... "Cer. You said... CERITH," I finally snapped out and caught his attention mid ramble. "Thank you. You said liver problems. But nothing similar to the others? No drugs? Alcohol? Not even a synth brain-pattern? You checked Everything?" "Well let's see, John here was a drinker that's for sure," Cerith said his hands never ceasing their work as he started to put 'John' back together seemingly satisfied that he found nothing else, " Mr Lombardo in chest 3 had cocaine mostly, and Mr Lei in chest 9 had opium. Although to tell you where it came from for both I'd have to do a molecular analysis and see what it compares to. Other than that, no. Absolutely nothing connecting any of them. As far as I can tell they are all unique cases completely separate from each other except for the damages to the brain. And I only found this by accident. During a routine scan I happened to look at the screen as it passed through the brain and noticed an odd density in his temporal lobes. Just slightly higher than normal. Hell to be honest with you it had the density of a fresh cutie, you know those little oranges?" I nodded, and he continued, "Right of course you do, who hasn't? Anyways it's just super dense compared to the surrounding tissues, and I take a sliver probe and drop it in like you do. And when I turn the damn thing on to look at the neurons the area all I see are dead cells packed on top of one another. Not natural decay death, but forced to die. Most of the cell walls were torn open like they had blown up from the INSIDE. That's when I called you." He finished up with 'John' putting the final few perfect stitches in place and sealing him up for good. Once he seemed happy with his work he called out to his seemingly empty morgue, "Grom I'm done! Can you put Mr John Doe here back in his room? Number 11 if you please." He turned away from the body on the table and removed the giant rubber gloves that went to his elbows. He walked into the dark calling out over his shoulder, "I'll be back in a sec I gotta scrub out, want a drink? I have beer, whiskey, vodka, I might have some Cognac somewhere, and bourbon. Your choice, just call out what you want and Tabitha will be there with it. Also have a seat! We have much to discuss." With that he disappeared from both sight and sound in the dark. It was a neat trick I have to admit, and it had something to do with how he had his morgue set up. Even the giant war machine that was Grom was absolutely quiet unless you managed to catch him through the gloom. I thought for the longest time the reason why I could never catch him sneaking around was from some sort of stealth program put into place, but when he goes up and down those stairs he's as loud as can be. So it was definitely not his program but the way the morgue was built. I'm confident in saying that because when I turned back to look at the table, or rather where it was, there was now a chair that looked like it had just grown out of the floor and the body was gone. Also the thought of something as big as a fridge just sneaking up on some poor combatants and snapping their necks as quietly as he walks in the morgue just gives me the heebies. As I sat in the chair a thought occurred to me. Considering how advanced the morgue seemed to be it would make sense that it had some sort of AI or integrated computer. "Computer?" I had been here a million times but I'd never had a chance to think about it nor try anything. But not even a second after I had said anything a response came. "Yes Detective Julius. My name is DANNA. Or Dynamically Actualized Neural Net AI. How can I be of service?" The voice seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere, slightly feminine and breathy, all service but no sex. Honestly I was just surprised that it worked. "DANNA, I was just wondering if I could take a look at the files that Cerith had mentioned? If it is as bad as they claim I think I might need to know anyway. Also if you can get those blood works done for me I'd appreciate it. Also something with whiskey or rum would be amazing." "Of course Detective. I will have Tabitha bring it shortly. And how would you like the information to be displayed? Desktop or dynamic?" That piqued my interest. "Dynamic please." No sooner than I had said a series of screens blinked into existence in front of me. It was some sort of Holographic display. I reached out and touched the display and was surprised that I got stopped by something. It was hard but surprisingly I found that I could push into the screen with my finger if I pushed hard enough. It kinda felt like... Oobleck. I also found that by pinching the corner I could pull the screens closer or further from me. I even found that I could grab individual pages of the reports off the screen and hold it. It felt like a thin sheet of plastic and responded like both a tablet and a singular document. If I switched pages the old one would appear back onto the screen and the next would pop onto it. This was about as slick a set up as I had ever seen and whistled my appreciation under my breath, I'm definitely going to have to ask Cerith about where they got DANNA from. "See something you like, big boy?" A very DEFINITELY female voice said in my ear from behind, soft and throaty, screaming come hither. I felt small dainty hands gently caress the tops of my shoulders before slipping down the front of my chest, pulling me back into the chair that I didn't realize I had been slouching in. "You know better than that, Jules. Your back is important and slouching will destroy the muscles and cause some to atrophy." The voice left no room for argument, and left me more than a little bit flushed. I closed my eyes and dropped my head back as far as it would go, the back of my head hitting something soft and warm, stretching my neck and back out. "Damnit Cer I thought you were scrubbing out, not completely changing." I hadn't realized it, but at least an hour had passed from when I started playing with the computer and working with the files if the clock on the computer was to be believed. "You looked like you were pretty into it so I decided not to disturb you. Plus you know how much fun it is for me to tease you like this. Especially after, well these..." One hand waved at the screens in front of me. The small hands' nails were painted the darkest black and almost made them blend into the void that existed outside of the screens. "I do Cer, and that's part of the problem, we both know that it's never going to happen. Least of all for you." She laughed a little, a clear beautiful sound and the body beneath my head bounced slightly telling me I was against her stomach. "Still I know you enjoy these little moments," she said, the pressure on the back of my head disappearing and was replaced by the voice right by my ear again as she whispered, "especially when we both know that's not at all true." At the last words she nibbled my ear gently. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her, in spite of my baser instinct rising to meet her VERY juicy insinuations. But for as long as I've known Cerith and as many times as we have both been VERY drunk, they have NEVER cashed in. I just assumed that it was a quirk of theirs. "Anyways," she said standing back up, "what are you thinking so far about the files? Spooky, right? Like I said, nothing that I can see connects them." Her hands gestured in front of me in an approximation of a shrug. She then clasped them together, wringing the knuckles and effectively trapping me in the chair and back against her abdomen. I scrubbed my eyes with my fingertips acutely aware of the growing headache that suddenly made itself known. "Your right from the medical side. I can't see everything you can, of course. I don't have near the knowledge that you have," which is true being that Cerith is at least 200 years old. I never asked directly, the old adage still holding about women and their age. Still though her answers to certain questions would lead one to believe her being her first adult car was a Bing Cherry 2201 Firebird GT with white walled hover trim and chrome accents. From pictures that I could find it looked like a slick piece. Looking back to the screens I couldn't help but feel that itch again. I couldn't explain it. That prickly feeling of ice needles again, this time in the back of my skull. As much as I'd hate to admit it. I think Cerith is right. I sighed heavily before saying "send me everything. I'll open a new case file and have the team start working on it first thing." She made a happy noise and bounced slightly, clearly satisfied with my decision to take it on. I reached out and to my left and a glass was placed gently into my hand by Tabitha. I hadn't even realized she had come over while I was working and was now ready for that drink. Room temperature rum and cola. The drink went down smoothly enough considering I drained the glass in one gulp, during which time I finally got a good eyeful of Ceriths current form. Or rather the underside of part of it. From what I could tell she was wearing a black T-shirt. That was it. I put the glass back down, it's job done without moving my head and said, "What a lovely view Cerith. I'm guessing you chose this to try to get a rise out of me?" I couldn't lie though it was affecting me, but I couldn't let her know that. Not when she's like this. Otherwise she'll continue to tease me till she leaves me with the absolute worst case of blue balls this side of the City. Her hands came up and cupped my chin almost lovingly, and her voice said "Of course Detective. Do you not approve? Or would you rather I change back to my medical examination form? Or something else?" Her words dripped with implied sex. I groaned, loudly, and said, "This is fine. Jesus Cer." Before we could continue our most scintillating of conversations there was a sudden PING! And DANNA said, "I'm sorry to interrupt, but there's a message for you Cerith. It says 'If you can get to the department Cerith, do so. We need you to explain your paperwork. And if Detective Julius is still with you have him come in too.' signed the Chief. Would you like to reply?" 'shit, I forgot the morgue kills all signals,' I thought to myself as I stood up gently (regretfully) prying myself from Ceriths grasp with a, "duty calls. Need a lift?" I stretched gently, the scales in between my shoulders clicking appreciatively for the stretch, and turned around to notice she was indeed, just wearing a black T-shirt that hugged her voluptuous figure closely. The scales in my back clicked shut in surprise. Cerith let out a small cute chuckle, "I see after all this time I can still surprise you," she said blowing a kiss my way, reminding me of a little Gothic pixy. I rolled my eyes away from her and willed my scales to relax. I grabbed my jacket off the back of the chair, slinging it on and clicking the neck clasp shut under the cord that connected my scales to the unit in my head. I was awarded the cybernetics upon completing my training and getting all my licenses to have them. The force had allowed me to customize it, I had chosen top of the line. A dual unit with custom built AI. The individual scales were ceracoated titanium microprocessors all running in both series and parallel, and could move to expel heat or react. The main unit was the same except it was one solid unit that replaced a chunk of skull. Once that was done I zipped up the front of the leathers and ran the scales through the racer setting. They clicked and flattened against the outside of the jacket, securing it to my back. I shrugged making sure it was comfortable. "I'll take the fact that you're only in a t-shirt you'll be along shortly?" "Certainly detective." Her voice was filled with dismissive submission... And sadness? I looked back at her and noticed her makeup was gone. Or had she had any on in the first place? I gave myself a mental shake. There's no way. This was Cerith, veritable goddess of the necropolis. I put the last few minutes away for review later. Chief called. I have to go. On an instinct I thought long dead, I reached out and squeezed her hand. I felt a slight squeeze back. And then she let go with a, "Go on, be a good detective. I'll be along shortly." I left with Tabitha as my guide. Before Cerith disappeared into the darkness I thought I heard her whisper, "please don't leave." My scales raised in a saddened response. I couldn't be sure I heard her right though. If I heard her at all. I reached back and stroked them, knowing my ai probably heard her, and knowing it could feel me touch the scales. After a few seconds the scales settled down. 'I know buddy,' I thought to the AI. It couldn't respond like usual AI. The force thought that was too dangerous. What if it went rogue? What if it tried to kill the host and take over? The list went on and eventually they decided the basics were ok. When I got my unit one of the first things I did was jack it into a diagnostic to see what kind of hardware I was dealing with exactly because manufacturer specs from real use are sometimes different with AI if the bits and bobs are in place. When I did, all I got on the screen was 'Hello?'
submitted by OsethReaper to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:58 Atoraxic Directed Energy development budget growth from 2014- 2023

Since I have been under assault the funding for directed energy weapons has absolutely exploded.
Directed Energy non lethal development budget compared to entire DEW from 2014- 2023.
-2014 non lethal: $1,630.6M entire DEW is estimated at around 1 billion US.
-2023 entire DEW: "US$6.4 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 19.6% during the forecast period 2024-2034."
News June 30, 2014
Conducted And Directed Energy Weapons To Drive Non-Lethal Weapons Market Growth
The concept of a weapon that is designed merely to temporarily incapacitate, with little or no lasting injury, is relatively new. The development of non-lethal weapons can be viewed as a consequence of the rise of democratic values. The use of lethal force on a nation’s own citizens is often met with dissent and criticism in democracies. The rise of non-lethal weapons has taken place in the last two decades. Non-lethal weapons for anti-personnel purposes have become increasingly high in demand from law enforcement agencies across the world. The new report has calculated that in 2014 the market will be worth $1,630.6M.
The new report, now available on ASDReports, Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW) Market 2014-2024: Conducted & Directed Energy Weapons (CEW & DEW), Less Lethal Weapons (LLW) & Equipment for Military & Law Enforcement. This report finds overall market growth over the forecast period as more nations enter the market and technological advances realise new capabilities.
A detailed analysis of the latest political, economic and technological trends lies at the heart of the reports unparalleled quantitative and qualitative analysis of the non-lethal weapons market. The new report assesses that global spending on non- lethal weapons will amount to $1630.6m in 2014, or the start of the forecast period covered by this report. This 239 page report is packed with 205 tables, figures and charts that illustrate key trends in the market at the global level, 2 submarkets, and in 15 leading national markets. The report profiles 17 leading non- lethal weapons companies. The report also contains interviews with expert members within the industry and details of more than 150 relevant non-lethal weapons contracts and programmes.
“Non-lethal anti-personnel systems such as conducted energy weapons, less-lethal ammunition, tear gas and pepper spray have proven capabilities in crowd control situation. Our research indicates that non-lethal anti-personnel weapons are becoming increasingly high in demand particularly from law enforcement agencies.
In recent years, advances in energy weapon technology both Conducted Energy Weapons (CEW) for anti-personnel utility and Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) technology predominantly for anti-vehicle have highlighted the demand for such systems, particularly in nations with more advanced armed forces.
Furthermore, efforts of nations such as India, Brazil and South Africa to modernise their armed forces and security services will provide significant new market opportunities. It is believed that a lowering of barriers to entry with technological advancements made over the past decade will create new demand for a range of non-lethal systems. This new demand will drive growth within the market.”
The Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW) Market 2014-2024: Conducted & Directed Energy Weapons (CEW & DEW), Less Lethal Weapons (LLW) & Equipment for Military & Law Enforcement report will be of impressive value to current and future investors into the industry, as well as to companies and research centres who wish to broaden their knowledge of the non-lethal weapons market.
Visiongain Publishes Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) Market Report 2024-2034
26 February 2024
Visiongain has published a new report entitled Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) Market Report 2024-2034: Forecasts by Type (Lethal Weapons, Non-lethal Weapons), by System (Anti-Satellite (ASAT) DEW, Electromagnetic Railgun Systems, Counter-Drone DEW Systems, Other), by Technology (High-Energy Lasers (HEL), High-Power Microwaves (HPM), Sonic Weapons, Electromagnetic Weapons, Other), by Application (Ground-Based DEW for Military Bases, Airborne DEW for Aircraft Defence, Naval DEW for Ship Defence, Homeland Security, Critical Infrastructure Defence, Other) AND Regional and Leading National Market Analysis PLUS Analysis of Leading Companies AND COVID-19 Impact and Recovery Pattern Analysis.
The global directed energy weapons (DEW) market was valued at US$6.4 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 19.6% during the forecast period 2024-2034.
Requirement for Cost-Effective Defense Solutions
The requirement for cost-effective defense solutions amidst constrained defense budgets is driving the adoption of directed energy weapons by military organizations worldwide. Traditional kinetic weapons and missile defense systems involve high procurement, operation, and maintenance costs, making them economically unsustainable for many defense budgets. Directed energy weapons offer a more cost-effective alternative with reduced ammunition costs, minimal logistical footprint, and lower lifecycle expenses. For example, the deployment of laser-based counter-UAV systems by military forces provides a cost-effective means of defending against small unmanned aerial threats compared to conventional missile-based interceptors.
Increasing Investments in Directed Energy Programs
The increasing investments in directed energy programs by government agencies, defense contractors, and research institutions are driving innovation and growth in the global directed energy weapons market. Countries such as the United States, China, Russia, and European nations are allocating substantial funding to accelerate the development and deployment of directed energy technologies for military applications. These investments support research and development initiatives aimed at enhancing the performance, reliability, and operational capabilities of directed energy weapons across various platforms. For instance, the U.S. Department of Defense's Directed Energy Weapons Directorate (DEWD) oversees a range of directed energy programs focused on advancing laser, microwave, and radiofrequency technologies for military use.
How has COVID-19 had a significant negative impact on the Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) Market?
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a discernible impact on the directed energy weapon (DEW) market, influencing various aspects of its development, production, and deployment. One notable effect has been the disruption of supply chains and manufacturing processes. Lockdowns, restrictions on movement, and workforce limitations imposed to curb the spread of the virus have led to delays in production schedules and the availability of essential components for DEW systems. This has, in turn, affected the overall pace of development and delivery of directed energy weapons.
Financial constraints have emerged as another significant impact of the pandemic on the directed energy weapon market. Many defence budgets faced reallocations and adjustments to address the immediate healthcare and economic challenges posed by the pandemic. Consequently, some defence programs, including those related to advanced technologies like DEWs, experienced budgetary constraints, slowing down investment and procurement processes.
Operational disruptions have affected the testing and validation phases of DEW systems. Social distancing measures and limitations on gatherings have impeded the ability to conduct field trials and exercises. These constraints have slowed down the evaluation and validation of directed energy weapons in real-world scenarios, hindering progress in achieving operational readiness.
How will this Report Benefit you?
Visiongain’s 372-page report provides 113 tables and 198 charts/graphs. Our new study is suitable for anyone requiring commercial, in-depth analyses for the global directed energy weapons (DEW) market, along with detailed segment analysis in the market. Our new study will help you evaluate the overall global and regional market for Directed Energy Weapons (DEW). Get financial analysis of the overall market and different segments including type, system, technology, and application and capture higher market share. We believe that there are strong opportunities in this fast-growing directed energy weapons (DEW) market. See how to use the existing and upcoming opportunities in this market to gain revenue benefits in the near future. Moreover, the report will help you to improve your strategic decision-making, allowing you to frame growth strategies, reinforce the analysis of other market players, and maximise the productivity of the company.
What are the Current Market Drivers?
Need for Precision and Lethality in Modern Warfare The need for precision and lethality in modern warfare scenarios drives the adoption of directed energy weapons by defense forces worldwide. Traditional kinetic weapons, such as missiles and artillery shells, often result in collateral damage and unintended casualties, limiting their effectiveness in densely populated urban environments and sensitive infrastructure areas. Directed energy weapons offer a more precise and controlled means of engaging targets, minimizing collateral damage and civilian casualties while maximizing lethality against enemy assets. For example, the U.S. Air Force's Tactical High Energy Laser (THEL) system demonstrates the capability of DEWs to engage and destroy incoming artillery shells and rockets with pinpoint accuracy, reducing the risk to friendly forces and civilian populations.
Growing Threat of Ballistic Missile and Hypersonic Weapons The growing threat posed by ballistic missile proliferation and the development of hypersonic weapons systems is driving the demand for directed energy weapons as a viable defense solution. Ballistic missiles and hypersonic glide vehicles pose significant challenges to existing missile defense systems due to their high speeds, maneuverability, and unpredictable trajectories. Directed energy weapons offer a potential solution for intercepting and neutralizing ballistic missiles and hypersonic threats in the boost, mid-course, and terminal phases of flight. For instance, the concept of using high-energy lasers or particle beams to intercept and destroy incoming missiles in near-real-time is being explored as a cost-effective and reliable defense against advanced missile threats.
Where are the Market Opportunities?
Advancements in Compact and Mobile Directed Energy Platforms Advancements in compact and mobile directed energy platforms are expanding the operational flexibility and deployment options for directed energy weapons in military environments. Traditional directed energy systems were often large, stationary installations limited to fixed bases or naval vessels, which restricted their mobility and deployment agility. However, recent technological advancements have led to the development of compact, lightweight, and mobile directed energy platforms that can be integrated into various military platforms, including ground vehicles, aircraft, and dismounted soldier systems. For example, the development of man-portable laser weapons, such as the U.S. Army's Mobile Experimental High Energy Laser (MEHEL) system, enables ground troops to engage and neutralize threats with precision and speed in diverse operational environments.
Need for Counter-UAS and Counter-Swarm Capabilities The proliferation of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and the emergence of drone swarms as asymmetric threats are driving the demand for directed energy weapons with counter-UAS and counter-swarm capabilities. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and drone swarms pose challenges to conventional air defense systems due to their small size, agility, and swarm tactics, making them difficult to detect and intercept using traditional kinetic weapons. Directed energy weapons offer a rapid and effective means of countering UAS threats by providing continuous, 360-degree coverage, rapid engagement, and scalable lethality. For instance, ground-based laser and microwave systems deployed in urban areas or critical infrastructure sites can detect and neutralize hostile drones and swarms with precision, protecting assets and personnel from aerial threats.
Competitive Landscape
The major players operating in the directed energy weapons (DEW) market are BAE Systems PLC, Blue Halo, Elbit Systems Ltd, Honeywell International Inc, L3Harris Technologies, Inc, Leonardo S.p.A, Lockheed Martin Corporation, Moog Inc, Northrop Grumman Corporation, Rafael Advanced Defence Systems Ltd., Raytheon Technologies Corporation, Rheinmetall AG, Textron Inc, Thales Group, The Boeing Company. These major players operating in this market have adopted various strategies comprising M&A, investment in R&D, collaborations, partnerships, regional business expansion, and new product launch.
Recent Developments
24 Sept 2023, Raytheon Technologies Corporation has entered into collaboration with Northrop Grumman to develop a prototype High-Power Microwave (HPM) weapon system for maritime applications.
04 June 2023, Lockheed Martin and Rafael Advanced Defence Systems partnered to manufacture 100 kW fiber-class laser weapons for the IRON BEAM project, aiming to defend Israel against rockets, mortars, and drones.
Notes for Editors If you are interested in a more detailed overview of this report, please send an e-mail to []( or call +44 (0) 207 336 6100.
About Visiongain Visiongain is one of the fastest-growing and most innovative independent media companies in Europe. Based in London, UK, Visiongain produces a host of business-to-business reports focusing on the automotive, aviation, chemicals, cyber, defence, energy, food & drink, materials, packaging, pharmaceutical and utilities sectors.
Visiongain publishes reports produced by analysts who are qualified experts in their field. Visiongain has firmly established itself as the first port of call for the business professional who needs independent, high-quality, original material to rely and depend on.Visiongain Publishes Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) Market Report 2024-2034
26 February 2024
submitted by Atoraxic to Overt_Podcast [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:58 Atoraxic Directed Energy development budget growth from 2014- 2023.

Since I have been under assault the funding for directed energy weapons has absolutely exploded.
Directed Energy non lethal development budget compared to entire DEW from 2014- 2023.
-2014 non lethal: $1,630.6M
-2023 entire DEW: "US$6.4 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 19.6% during the forecast period 2024-2034."
News June 30, 2014
Conducted And Directed Energy Weapons To Drive Non-Lethal Weapons Market Growth
The concept of a weapon that is designed merely to temporarily incapacitate, with little or no lasting injury, is relatively new. The development of non-lethal weapons can be viewed as a consequence of the rise of democratic values. The use of lethal force on a nation’s own citizens is often met with dissent and criticism in democracies. The rise of non-lethal weapons has taken place in the last two decades. Non-lethal weapons for anti-personnel purposes have become increasingly high in demand from law enforcement agencies across the world. The new report has calculated that in 2014 the market will be worth $1,630.6M.
The new report, now available on ASDReports, Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW) Market 2014-2024: Conducted & Directed Energy Weapons (CEW & DEW), Less Lethal Weapons (LLW) & Equipment for Military & Law Enforcement. This report finds overall market growth over the forecast period as more nations enter the market and technological advances realise new capabilities.
A detailed analysis of the latest political, economic and technological trends lies at the heart of the reports unparalleled quantitative and qualitative analysis of the non-lethal weapons market. The new report assesses that global spending on non- lethal weapons will amount to $1630.6m in 2014, or the start of the forecast period covered by this report. This 239 page report is packed with 205 tables, figures and charts that illustrate key trends in the market at the global level, 2 submarkets, and in 15 leading national markets. The report profiles 17 leading non- lethal weapons companies. The report also contains interviews with expert members within the industry and details of more than 150 relevant non-lethal weapons contracts and programmes.
“Non-lethal anti-personnel systems such as conducted energy weapons, less-lethal ammunition, tear gas and pepper spray have proven capabilities in crowd control situation. Our research indicates that non-lethal anti-personnel weapons are becoming increasingly high in demand particularly from law enforcement agencies.
In recent years, advances in energy weapon technology both Conducted Energy Weapons (CEW) for anti-personnel utility and Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) technology predominantly for anti-vehicle have highlighted the demand for such systems, particularly in nations with more advanced armed forces.
Furthermore, efforts of nations such as India, Brazil and South Africa to modernise their armed forces and security services will provide significant new market opportunities. It is believed that a lowering of barriers to entry with technological advancements made over the past decade will create new demand for a range of non-lethal systems. This new demand will drive growth within the market.”
The Non-Lethal Weapons (NLW) Market 2014-2024: Conducted & Directed Energy Weapons (CEW & DEW), Less Lethal Weapons (LLW) & Equipment for Military & Law Enforcement report will be of impressive value to current and future investors into the industry, as well as to companies and research centres who wish to broaden their knowledge of the non-lethal weapons market.
Visiongain Publishes Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) Market Report 2024-2034
26 February 2024
Visiongain has published a new report entitled Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) Market Report 2024-2034: Forecasts by Type (Lethal Weapons, Non-lethal Weapons), by System (Anti-Satellite (ASAT) DEW, Electromagnetic Railgun Systems, Counter-Drone DEW Systems, Other), by Technology (High-Energy Lasers (HEL), High-Power Microwaves (HPM), Sonic Weapons, Electromagnetic Weapons, Other), by Application (Ground-Based DEW for Military Bases, Airborne DEW for Aircraft Defence, Naval DEW for Ship Defence, Homeland Security, Critical Infrastructure Defence, Other) AND Regional and Leading National Market Analysis PLUS Analysis of Leading Companies AND COVID-19 Impact and Recovery Pattern Analysis.
The global directed energy weapons (DEW) market was valued at US$6.4 billion in 2023 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of 19.6% during the forecast period 2024-2034.
Requirement for Cost-Effective Defense Solutions
The requirement for cost-effective defense solutions amidst constrained defense budgets is driving the adoption of directed energy weapons by military organizations worldwide. Traditional kinetic weapons and missile defense systems involve high procurement, operation, and maintenance costs, making them economically unsustainable for many defense budgets. Directed energy weapons offer a more cost-effective alternative with reduced ammunition costs, minimal logistical footprint, and lower lifecycle expenses. For example, the deployment of laser-based counter-UAV systems by military forces provides a cost-effective means of defending against small unmanned aerial threats compared to conventional missile-based interceptors.
Increasing Investments in Directed Energy Programs
The increasing investments in directed energy programs by government agencies, defense contractors, and research institutions are driving innovation and growth in the global directed energy weapons market. Countries such as the United States, China, Russia, and European nations are allocating substantial funding to accelerate the development and deployment of directed energy technologies for military applications. These investments support research and development initiatives aimed at enhancing the performance, reliability, and operational capabilities of directed energy weapons across various platforms. For instance, the U.S. Department of Defense's Directed Energy Weapons Directorate (DEWD) oversees a range of directed energy programs focused on advancing laser, microwave, and radiofrequency technologies for military use.
How has COVID-19 had a significant negative impact on the Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) Market?
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a discernible impact on the directed energy weapon (DEW) market, influencing various aspects of its development, production, and deployment. One notable effect has been the disruption of supply chains and manufacturing processes. Lockdowns, restrictions on movement, and workforce limitations imposed to curb the spread of the virus have led to delays in production schedules and the availability of essential components for DEW systems. This has, in turn, affected the overall pace of development and delivery of directed energy weapons.
Financial constraints have emerged as another significant impact of the pandemic on the directed energy weapon market. Many defence budgets faced reallocations and adjustments to address the immediate healthcare and economic challenges posed by the pandemic. Consequently, some defence programs, including those related to advanced technologies like DEWs, experienced budgetary constraints, slowing down investment and procurement processes.
Operational disruptions have affected the testing and validation phases of DEW systems. Social distancing measures and limitations on gatherings have impeded the ability to conduct field trials and exercises. These constraints have slowed down the evaluation and validation of directed energy weapons in real-world scenarios, hindering progress in achieving operational readiness.
How will this Report Benefit you?
Visiongain’s 372-page report provides 113 tables and 198 charts/graphs. Our new study is suitable for anyone requiring commercial, in-depth analyses for the global directed energy weapons (DEW) market, along with detailed segment analysis in the market. Our new study will help you evaluate the overall global and regional market for Directed Energy Weapons (DEW). Get financial analysis of the overall market and different segments including type, system, technology, and application and capture higher market share. We believe that there are strong opportunities in this fast-growing directed energy weapons (DEW) market. See how to use the existing and upcoming opportunities in this market to gain revenue benefits in the near future. Moreover, the report will help you to improve your strategic decision-making, allowing you to frame growth strategies, reinforce the analysis of other market players, and maximise the productivity of the company.
What are the Current Market Drivers?
Need for Precision and Lethality in Modern Warfare The need for precision and lethality in modern warfare scenarios drives the adoption of directed energy weapons by defense forces worldwide. Traditional kinetic weapons, such as missiles and artillery shells, often result in collateral damage and unintended casualties, limiting their effectiveness in densely populated urban environments and sensitive infrastructure areas. Directed energy weapons offer a more precise and controlled means of engaging targets, minimizing collateral damage and civilian casualties while maximizing lethality against enemy assets. For example, the U.S. Air Force's Tactical High Energy Laser (THEL) system demonstrates the capability of DEWs to engage and destroy incoming artillery shells and rockets with pinpoint accuracy, reducing the risk to friendly forces and civilian populations.
Growing Threat of Ballistic Missile and Hypersonic Weapons The growing threat posed by ballistic missile proliferation and the development of hypersonic weapons systems is driving the demand for directed energy weapons as a viable defense solution. Ballistic missiles and hypersonic glide vehicles pose significant challenges to existing missile defense systems due to their high speeds, maneuverability, and unpredictable trajectories. Directed energy weapons offer a potential solution for intercepting and neutralizing ballistic missiles and hypersonic threats in the boost, mid-course, and terminal phases of flight. For instance, the concept of using high-energy lasers or particle beams to intercept and destroy incoming missiles in near-real-time is being explored as a cost-effective and reliable defense against advanced missile threats.
Where are the Market Opportunities?
Advancements in Compact and Mobile Directed Energy Platforms Advancements in compact and mobile directed energy platforms are expanding the operational flexibility and deployment options for directed energy weapons in military environments. Traditional directed energy systems were often large, stationary installations limited to fixed bases or naval vessels, which restricted their mobility and deployment agility. However, recent technological advancements have led to the development of compact, lightweight, and mobile directed energy platforms that can be integrated into various military platforms, including ground vehicles, aircraft, and dismounted soldier systems. For example, the development of man-portable laser weapons, such as the U.S. Army's Mobile Experimental High Energy Laser (MEHEL) system, enables ground troops to engage and neutralize threats with precision and speed in diverse operational environments.
Need for Counter-UAS and Counter-Swarm Capabilities The proliferation of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and the emergence of drone swarms as asymmetric threats are driving the demand for directed energy weapons with counter-UAS and counter-swarm capabilities. Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and drone swarms pose challenges to conventional air defense systems due to their small size, agility, and swarm tactics, making them difficult to detect and intercept using traditional kinetic weapons. Directed energy weapons offer a rapid and effective means of countering UAS threats by providing continuous, 360-degree coverage, rapid engagement, and scalable lethality. For instance, ground-based laser and microwave systems deployed in urban areas or critical infrastructure sites can detect and neutralize hostile drones and swarms with precision, protecting assets and personnel from aerial threats.
Competitive Landscape
The major players operating in the directed energy weapons (DEW) market are BAE Systems PLC, Blue Halo, Elbit Systems Ltd, Honeywell International Inc, L3Harris Technologies, Inc, Leonardo S.p.A, Lockheed Martin Corporation, Moog Inc, Northrop Grumman Corporation, Rafael Advanced Defence Systems Ltd., Raytheon Technologies Corporation, Rheinmetall AG, Textron Inc, Thales Group, The Boeing Company. These major players operating in this market have adopted various strategies comprising M&A, investment in R&D, collaborations, partnerships, regional business expansion, and new product launch.
Recent Developments
24 Sept 2023, Raytheon Technologies Corporation has entered into collaboration with Northrop Grumman to develop a prototype High-Power Microwave (HPM) weapon system for maritime applications.
04 June 2023, Lockheed Martin and Rafael Advanced Defence Systems partnered to manufacture 100 kW fiber-class laser weapons for the IRON BEAM project, aiming to defend Israel against rockets, mortars, and drones.
Notes for Editors If you are interested in a more detailed overview of this report, please send an e-mail to []( or call +44 (0) 207 336 6100.
About Visiongain Visiongain is one of the fastest-growing and most innovative independent media companies in Europe. Based in London, UK, Visiongain produces a host of business-to-business reports focusing on the automotive, aviation, chemicals, cyber, defence, energy, food & drink, materials, packaging, pharmaceutical and utilities sectors.
Visiongain publishes reports produced by analysts who are qualified experts in their field. Visiongain has firmly established itself as the first port of call for the business professional who needs independent, high-quality, original material to rely and depend on.Visiongain Publishes Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) Market Report 2024-2034
26 February 2024
submitted by Atoraxic to TargetedEnergyWeapons [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:51 streetsmartstocks Breaking News: FFIE Stock Rockets to New Heights!

🔥 Attention, fellow FFIE space travelers! 🔥
Are you ready for the ride of a lifetime? Buckle up, because Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc. (NASDAQ: FFIE) is about to launch its electric rocket straight to the moon and beyond! 🌙🚀
Why FFIE? Let me tell you why this stock is hotter than a SpaceX Falcon 9 booster during re-entry:
  1. 🚗 Revolutionizing Electric Mobility: FFIE isn't just another electric vehicle (EV) company. It's a visionary force, designing, developing, and manufacturing cutting-edge EVs that'll make Tesla's Cybertruck look like a Tonka toy. 🚙
  2. 🌐 Global Ecosystem: FFIE isn't content with Earthly roads alone. It's building an intelligent electric mobility ecosystem that spans continents. Mars rovers? Nah, FFIE's got Martian EVs covered! 🌍🔌
  3. 📈 Recent Surge: FFIE's stock price has been on a warp-speed trajectory. Just last week, it soared by 367.21% in a single trading day! 📈💥
  4. 🌟 Meme Stock Magic: Remember GameStop's meteoric rise? FFIE is the new star in the meme stock galaxy. Reddit traders are chanting "To the moon!" and "To Mars!" simultaneously. 🌟🚀
Upcoming Catalysts:
Disclaimer: I'm not a financial advisor, but I've got more rocket emojis than a SpaceX launch. Invest wisely, fellow stargazers! 🌠🚀🌕 I do own this stock.
submitted by streetsmartstocks to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:49 LuckBeALacey Smoother frosting?

I recently made cupcakes for an art-related event and attempted to make a palette design on top of some of them. In the tutorial, the person basically just smoothed out the white frosting by pressing it into wax paper. That did not work for me. Instead it just pulled the icomg off. Of course, I have no idea what kind of frosting was being used in the tutorial. . I just saw the decorating process. Anyway, it didn't turn out terrible, but I would have liked to make a smooth finish on top next time I try. Thoughts?
Edit: clarification
submitted by LuckBeALacey to Baking [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:49 TheMightiestO Adam is the best character by far

Adam is the best character by far
Dickmaster my beloved
I don't care what anybody says Adam is the best character in the show by far, at least in my opinion. I honestly think hes not just a good hateable villain, but just a generally amazing character. His voice actor is amazing, his design is the best of the show (Especially mask on), his relationship with Lute more complex and human that any other ship in the show, and no matter what anybody says he will stay my favorite forever. People say he is mysoginistic but I honestly dont really see it, I feel like he is just talking down to demons (Which is fair from his perspective.) Think about it, you are made to be the first man, king of the world, and then some random guy with insane ideas ruins the future of you and all your offspring. Im honestly impressed he didnt kill Charlie then and there. Really hoping he reappears in season 2, with redemption arc or without.
submitted by TheMightiestO to HazbinHotel [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:46 TheHittite Let's talk straight swords

I figured I'd continue this sort of thing with the next weapon class down the list.
Historically, straight-bladed, one-handed or hand-and-a-half swords were sidearms. Either as a backup weapon on the battlefield or as personal defense/a status symbol for everyday carry. I think the devs did a good job of capturing that in game. As a class, straight swords are rarely if ever an outright bad choice, but in any specific circumstance they'll fall well behind a more specialized option. Once you have access to bigger, flashier, or more impressive options they tend to fall by the wayside. But if your main breaks or is the wrong choice for a fight, it's comforting to know that you always have something that's basically OK to fall back on.
One thing that's not historically accurate is the power stance. I actually enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. The damage output was pretty impressive and the specific way you swing both of them seems to have a more generous hitbox than one alone. Would I recommend doing it yourself? Well, definitely with Blue Flame and maybe with a couple others.
There are 18 straight swords in this game so let's get into individual details.
The main thing you notice using this is it's short. Deep insight, I know. Thing is, this is Dark Souls 2 and weapon hitboxes are at least vaguely the same size as the model. At times you can really feel the lack of reach when you find yourself whiffing attacks more than is healthy. The second thing you notice about the Shortsword is it isn't very strong. Straight swords don't have a whole lot of variance in their damage, but the Shortsword is definitely on the lower end of the scale and the above average counter damage can only do so much to cover for it. The third thing you notice is that the moveset is bloody fantastic. I'm always going to value a straight sword with a thrusting attack over one that only slashes. Thrust is just plain a better damage type than slash, it improves performance in tight spaces, and it gives your attacks more forward momentum to keep up aggression (and make up for short reach). It also may just be me, but it feels like the thrusting heavy attacks are better than slashing against NPC invaders too.
It's only the second entry on the list and my thrust attack bias is rearing its head again. The 2 handed strong attack of the Longsword is just plain good. Between the damage and the stagger, there's parts of the game where I treat it more like a thrusting sword than a straight sword. There are a few other swords that have the same attack, but the Longsword is the strongest of the bunch (though it's only in the middle of the pack for the overall weapon class). The free fire infused one you can get is fine enough for the price. It performs about as well on average as the base model but it has some advantages against fire weak or slash resistant enemies and some glaring disadvantages once you hit a water or fire level. It's a lot more useful in vanilla where the Dull Ember is a lot harder to get. One last thing: I'd be remiss if I didn't bring up the Longsword's performance in PVP. I don't know nearly enough about that aspect of the game to really talk about it, but something about the specific intersection of reach, stagger, moveset, and requirements means this gets an S rank in a LOT of tier lists.
Broken Straight Sword
Something has to be the worst option, and it's the broken sword's thankless duty to fulfill this role. It's pitifully short, pathetically weak, and disappointingly fragile. It exists mostly to give players a clearly visible bottom of the barrel to compare other weapons to. One thing it does have going for itself is the lowest stamina costs of literally any weapon which is at least something. Poison or Mundane infusion can even make it borderline usable for the masochists out there.
One thing I've noticed about DS2's weapon design is that the first weapon you find in a specific class gets treated as the "default" and most others will be variants of it in some way. The Broadsword fits that mold here and that's not a bad place to be. It's got a decent moveset, decent damage, and it's decently easy to get and use. The thing is that being the archetype for the Basically OK weapon class means that you don't stand out at all. Its damage is a little above average, but it's reach is a little below and it's still well in the middle of the pack for both. All other stats and its moveset are completely standard. There's nothing wrong with using it, as long as you don't need to stab anything that is, but you'll find plenty of better options down the line.
Foot Soldier Sword
Lightweight, extremely low requirements, good reach, decent base damage for infusions, and an excellent moveset. If it weren't for the incredibly low durability this would be one of the best swords in the game. As it stands, well, it can make a decent emergency backup option as long as you don't need to rely on it too much.
Heide Knight Sword
This got done dirty in the Scholar version. First by being shifted from a guaranteed drop to a rare drop, and second when they made infusion much easier to unlock and devalued pre-infused and natural elemental weapons. It's still a Basically OK weapon but it's been knocked down to niche use rather than a staple. I'd say the best use case is someone who wants to use Faith from the start (for instance, helping a friend with a dedicated support build in co-op) and wants at least some payoff in damage before late game. I used it as my left hand weapon in power stance for quite a lot of the game since I wasn't planning to buff that hand anyway and it pulled its weight. That said, there's a reason I didn't use it in the right hand. I'm not a big fan of the one handed moveset. It's not bad per se but the underhanded swings just feel less powerful and I'm not sure why the strong attacks are borrowed from the Royal Dirk.
Varangian Sword
These first 7 swords are available pretty much at the start of the game, with varying levels of effort, so I'm loosely grouping them together as the "starter pack." Out of these, the Varangian Sword is the most viable as a main weapon rather than simply a backup. Broadsword moveset, Longsword length, and noticeably higher damage output than any of the other 6. Durability is something you have to keep in mind, and it can be especially bad for newer players who aren't as experienced with making it last, but for me it was mostly a non-issue.
Blue Flame
You know, when Elden Ring came out and there wasn't a single melee weapon that doubled as a casting tool I was a little confused. But then looking at the ones that appeared in DS2 and 3 and I start to think that the Blue Flame being actually pretty good as both a weapon and a casting tool was some sort of fluke. It's not really the best at either, as a staff it's a bit slow and only about third place in damage and as a sword it's Basically OK most of the time but suffers from the frequency of magic resistant enemies. But it lets me double buff easily in power stance and when you do, it's a blast to use. Now there is the question of infusion. Both Raw and Magic are basically direct upgrades in different ways. Raw works best if you plan to use it primarily as a sword since while it does improve the magic damage, it doesn't do so by a lot. Magic greatly improves spell damage, but is worse than base as a melee weapon, in no small part because it drops the physical damage down to "might as well not exist" level. Personally I think Raw is the better deal overall, especially since you have the option to apply Aromatic Ooze for an even better boost to spell damage than any spell buff, but I can see situations where more powerful spells could tip the balance in your favor. Also a heads up when you use this, due to some quirks in the buff formulas, Great Magic Weapon is only a few points weaker than Crystal on this weapon.
Red Rust Sword
This is an axe. Normally I would be fine with that since I fucking love the standard axe moveset for reasons I can't fully articulate, but this is not a particularly strong axe either. In fact at 40 Strength it's noticeably weaker than the Battle Axe even before you factor in the complete lack of counter damage. And the Battle Axe upgrades with normal titanite. And that;s not even touching on the Bandit Axe. Though granted it is at least strong for a straight sword if you count it as one. The one unique thing about the Red Rust Sword is its power stance performance (as you might have guessed from the person you get it from). It has straight sword compatibility and moveset priority but axe power stance moveset. This means you can pair it with some things that you normally can't pair with axes (daggers, thrusting swords, greatswords, spears, and lances specifically) and putting it in the left hand means it's less likely to override the moveset if you don't care for the axe power stance (and I don't).
Sun Sword
So the thing about weapons in DS2 with noticeably higher scaling than others in their class is they almost always have much lower base damage. This means that high stats are a requirement for use rather than a reward. Said scaling in this case is also a textbook example of DS2's misleading letter grades. The game tells you A/A but doesn't tell you that means 80%/45%. The other semi-unique feature, the one-handed stab, is not nearly as impressive or effective to me as the Longsword's two-handed one. And farming it is a complete pain in the ass even with the best luck boosts and a good plan. But let's take a step back from negativity and look at what this sword really wants you to do. It incentivizes physical stats and one handed use, which to me suggests one of two routes. Sword and board, especially since it comes with its own shield, but I've never felt that that's a particularly interesting playstyle. Or you can use it as the right hand in power stance, and that's where I think it shines. Again, having the option to use thrust damage when needed is very helpful, and the Sun Sword is one of the better options for this specific niche.
Drakekeeper's Sword
This just barely avoids being a direct upgrade to the Broadsword by having no counter damage. Above average reach and stagger, good damage, and high durability make this a very strong if not particularly flashy or dynamic choice. Just a pity that it's found almost at the end of the game.
Black Dragon Sword
Until you get very high stats, this is the strongest straight sword in the game. Both with a Raw infusion when compared to the physical options and with elemental infusions. And unlike the other strongest options, there's no traditional downside to balance it. High durability, Broadsword moveset, average reach, average weight, and no notable stat deficiencies. The real downside, aside from it being a pain to farm, is the opportunity cost of spending your boss upgrade material on something that is only the best of the Basically OK.
Yellow Quartz Longsword
Imagine a Longsword with a Broadsword moveset, worse damage, half the durability, and a bunch of crud smeared on the blade. Preorder weapons had a couple of hits and a bunch of misses. This one's a miss.
Possessed Armor Sword
This one has a few unique things going for it. The least remarkable thing is the above average reach, nice as it is. The moveset borrows a bit from axes and greatswords for a few attacks, and it works pretty decently. But the real draw is in the self-buff. L2 gives you 25 seconds of boosted fire damage at the cost of durability (much like the Watcher and Defender Greatswords). As for how well all of that works in practice, well it's not great but it's not really bad either. The buff doesn't add all that much damage, and fire is in many ways the worst damage type, but as long as you keep an eye on the durability and are not using it on things that resist it, it's Basically OK.
Ashen Warrior Sword
This sword has the same moveset as the Shortsword, with thrusting strong attacks when both one and two handed, so it makes a good first impression. And unlike the Shortsword it has decent reach so it's even better. The cracks start to show when you see the durability, though even then it's not a dealbreaker for me. That comes when you see the damage output and realize it traded actual real damage for bleed. Heartbreaking.
Puzzling Stone Sword
This weapon is unique top to bottom. The light attacks are already a pretty unique combination before you get into the weird extendo whip sword strong attacks. It's even got some weirdly high Dex scaling. Thing is, even with that scaling it's always on the lower end of damage for straight swords. And taking advantage of the extended reach with the strong attacks means dealing even less damage since they're way out of the sword's sweet spot. Still, as a rollcatcher or zoning tool it's pretty effective. Just ask Fencer Sharron.
Fume Sword
This is the longest straight sword by a decent margin, and acts even longer with those thrusting attacks. It has dark scaling, but no requirements in those stats and can be buffed with resin so it works just fine in physical builds. It also has above average counter damage. I think like the Sun Sword, this works best one handed with either a shield or another weapon, just like how its previous owner used it.
Ivory Straight Sword
It's a lightsaber. It deals pure physical Strike damage. It requires 40 Dex. It has no scaling. It weighs 0.5 pounds. It does not benefit from Flynn's Ring at all. It has 250 durability. It breaks after 25 swings no matter what you hit. It deals the least amount of poise damage of any weapon. It has the slowest attacks and the highest stamina costs of any straight sword. The 2 handed strong attack can deal 4 digit damage. Using that attack costs as much stamina as drawing a Twin-Headed Greatbow. I'm about 70% sure it can headshot. It's cool looking and unique. It sucks so bad. If you're intrigued by this thing's design and want to try to make the most of it, there's two different routes you can take to make it work. 1. Treat it like some sort of weird fucked up pocket great hammer and exclusively use the 2HR2. 2. Go play Elden Ring and build around the Carian Knight Sword or Coded Sword instead.
submitted by TheHittite to DarkSouls2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:44 thegalactarchivist The Serendipity of Emilace

The Serendipity of Emilace
(Originally posted to tumblr in 2021 + some new edits)
Emilace is the pairing of Grace Monroe from Infinity Train and Emily Wong from Galactaron; in addition to being fantastically written, their respective narratives share a number of parallels!
But first…
Who is Emily Wong?
As stated before, Emily Wong is the protagonist of Galactaron, a virtual band created by Owen Dennis. This connection has led me to associate the universe and lore of Galactaron with that of IT as well, and therefore strengthened my love for this ship.
The Parallels:
Given the existence of the ties between Infinity Train and Galactaron via their creator, I think it’s reasonable to deduce that certain thematic, symbolic, and aesthetic parallels are a direct result of this link (such as the design/concept of Singer and One-One). In regards to Grace and Emily, there are many such parallels—enough to the point that if they were to meet, they’d quickly realize just how much they have in common. Emily vs. the government is very similar to Grace vs. Simon in that both girls feel the need to conceal a problem so as to appease the antagonist and protect their friends. In Emily’s case, she’s pressured by the government to lie to Galactaron about humanity’s flaws, hiding them in the same way Grace tells Hazel to conceal her shell, lest Simon learn her true nature. In the end, the truth gets out, and Emily and Grace have to deal with the resulting tragedy. When she discovers the government’s true motives, Emily apologizes profusely, announcing her hatred for the dreaded Landmine Operation; when Galactaron departs from Earth, they invite her to join them, and as evidenced by Replicator’s Tide, she does so. Grace is left with Simon, meanwhile, when Hazel chooses to leave with Amelia.
Another parallel comes in the form of the robotic mind-invasion and subsequent revelation both girls experience near the end of their arcs: Grace is trapped inside her mind by the tape, and upon self-reflection, fully deconstructs her Apex mentality and escapes to set things right once and for all. In Replicator’s Tide, Emily is separated from her friends by the nanobots consuming the planet; they enter her mind and interrogate her as to what the true nature of humanity is, for they can hardly comprehend the complexity and nuance comprising us as a species. Subsequently, Emily has some solo songs wherein she questions herself and the choices she’s made, and it’s through her self-reflection that the planet too discovers its identity.
Lastly, one trait I’ve observed in Grace and Emily alike is ego: it’s simultaneously endearing and detrimental in a sense. For Grace, ego manifests as a royal and elegant persona, whilst in actuality, it exists primarily as a means to fill the void of loneliness she experienced as a child. For Emily, it’s her connection to Galactaron which sparks her idea of a pre-established destiny, as well as her obsession with being the archetypal “Chosen One.” Songs like “My Own Corona” (this album was made in 2013 and the title’s a reference to crowns/a phenomenon related to the Sun) is all ABOUT Emily’s eagerness to pursue her life in space as the author of her own story, even going so far as to exclaim that without Singer and the band, she never would have realized this confidence. However, like Grace again, this also has its detriments. Whilst Grace feels the need to be perceived as perfect, Emily wants to present everything else as if it’s perfect (a mindset induced, or at the very least encouraged, by the government so as to further deceive Galactaron). This results in her only showing the good sides of humanity to her alien friends, which inevitably backfires when the government takes advantage of the band for their own selfish means.
The Ship:
I can see Grace finally receiving her exit, ready to enter a new chapter of her life, only to end up on Galactaron’s ship due to a glitch in space-time. It’s my belief that a place distinct from the home she hasn’t seen in 9ish years and the interdimensional nightmare Train that gave her 9ish years of trauma is what she needs in order to properly heal from her ordeal.
The reason I love this relationship is that Emily Wong can empathize with Grace’s experience. She listens to the horrors she’s endured and believes every word of what she says. On Earth, I don’t know if anyone who hasn’t experienced the Train would so much as be able to comprehend what Grace has been through, and I doubt many former passengers literally grew up on the Train. But Emily’s survived black holes and vengeful robots; if anyone would understand, it’s her.
Galactaron is comprised of five aliens, each originating from a different planet, each more bizarre and mysterious than the last. They speak through music. Grace is a dancer. Not to mention, Emily sings. Ergo, Grace would likely feel very at home with the group, accompanying their songs with her ballet. Plus, it would be nice for Emily to have a human friend in space! Grace wouldn’t be surprised by Galactaron’s strangeness either, as she’s accustomed to these sorts of entities from all her years on the Train.
One of my favorite Emilace headcanons is that when Grace gets scared or anxious, Emily sings her Hazel’s song. They talk extensively about their adventures, and when they know each other well enough, discuss their mistakes openly, how they feel about their pasts, and their hopes for the future. The most important aspect of this relationship is the validation of each other’s trauma; Emily lets Grace talk as much as she needs, especially because it’s been so long since Grace had a friend her age to confide in. Grace tells her everything she could never tell to the Apex kids; she lets herself cry, and she lets herself mourn, which are instrumental in her healing process. And Emily listens. And Emily tells her that she knows exactly how she feels, because in some cases, she does. And each ensures the other’s self-esteem is never low, and Grace befriends Galactaron as well. It’s a classic found-family situation, and for now it all exists solely in my head.
But I wanted to tell you about this, because I love Grace and she deserves to fall in love and be loved in return.
When it comes to Emilace, it’s my personal connection to Galactaron and Infinity Train (and the literal marrying of the two) that makes this pairing so special.
Addendum: While I don’t consider Dennis’s input much of a legitimizing factor, it may be worth noting that he liked the first edit I made with a Galactaron song, which combined the track Artificial/Organic with Grace’s memory sequence, drawing direct parallels between Emily and Grace’s narratives.
submitted by thegalactarchivist to InfinityTrain [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:42 MaleficTekX I still don’t like anything about the Weapon from Halo Infinite

The Weapon is essentially Cortana’s replacement in every single possible way.
She looks like, sounds like, and does everything Cortana does, except she acts much more naive. Other than blatantly being Cortana’s replacement, I hate her naivety so much. First off, I get its to introduce newer players to aspects of the Halo universe, but it gets to the point where you just get annoyed sometimes. That’s actually endurable though.
What isn’t is her throwing a freaking tantrum. Chief is always ready to delete her if he needs be so they end up with a second rampant AI like Cortana, and he is absolutely justified in doing so, Cortana literally subjugated the whole universe and even before then, it’s Cortana who’s the whole reason anything even happens in the Original Trilogy. If you have any AI who can do what she does and thinks the way she does, it is absolutely imperative you DO NOT let them be on any side except your own.
So Chief is always ready to delete her if need be, and she constantly says she’s fine with that… constantly. I’m not kidding. So what happens when Chief activated the delete and it doesn’t work. The Weapon, the super advanced AI designed to take out Cortana and then be deleted, throws a childish tantrum. She can’t believe that Chief would dare try to delete her at the first sign that she might be compromised. Bitch do you not understand what your entire reason for existing, THAT YOU HAVE BEEN AGREEING WITH, is?!
Not to mention that an AI acting this way is an obvious sign for concern. Last time this happened in Halo, Cortana was going freaking rampant, not to mention that The Weapon was in contact with Cortana before the game even begins, so whose to say she wasn’t corrupted by her. Obviously this isn’t the case in the story, but the way the characters just brush this moment off infuriates me so much because of what it’s supposed to mean in the Halo universe.
Your equivalent to the greatest human AI ever made is throwing a temper tantrum after you just tried to do the one contingency to prevent the bullshit that put you in this situation from happening again.
Also her little snap thing is stupid. Cortana did it once, it’s not a character trait of Cortana and it’s stupid she figures it out that way.
She also has an emotional breakdown due to that revelation… for some reason. Like… she knows she’s made to kill Cortana… but the fact she’s a copy of Cortana makes her breakdown… and it’s not because she’s like, “I gotta kill someone who’s basically me.” It’s because “Cortana is a terrible person, so what if I’m a terrible person.”
It’s also implied in the ending she wants to take Cortana’s name. Why would that be a good idea. Cortana is remembered as the tyrant who took over the Galaxy and blew up the Brute Homeworld. There is no situation where being a blue hologram girl named Cortana will benefit you at all.
submitted by MaleficTekX to CharacterRant [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:41 antipenko Organizing a Breakthroughin the Red Army, 1944

The following is a directive by the 2nd Shock Army instructing its subordinate formations and commanders on how to prepare and carry out a breakthrough, including organizational measures to improve its combat effectiveness. 2nd Shock Army was deployed in the rear of 2nd Belorussian Front in December 1944, preparing to participate in the East Prussian Operation. In mid-January to would successfully break out from the Rozhan bridgehead.
When preparing for a breakthrough, I require you to focus particular attention on the following issues:
a) Study in the entire tactical depth of the enemy’s defense his engineering structures and obstacles, infantry and anti-tank fire systems, artillery and mortar groups, and the system of observation posts.
b) Know the areas where reserves are concentrated and the possible directions of counterattacks. Senior commanders (commanders of rifle corps and rifle divisions) must also know the operational depth of the enemy’s defense, the location of his operational reserves, the possibility of meeting them and on what lines.
c) Know where tanks are concentrated and the possible directions of their actions.
d) Using an observation system and studying all intelligence data in detail, establish the combat routine of the defending enemy.
2) Organization of observation
a) No later than December 25 the army headquarters will equip one OP [Observation Point] (main) in each direction and two auxiliary ones, providing them with communications equipment, surveillance equipment and specially trained officers.
b) Corps and division commanders must determine places for OPs and report to me no later than 12/18.
All OPs from the platoon commander and above must ensure complete observation of the terrain from the starting position according to the principle - every commander must see the battlefield.
Telephones should be placed at the OP for those where the commander is monitoring the battlefield.
c) Artillery and infantry observation should be organized by the army headquarters from 12/20/44, corps and divisions - by special order with the obligatory keeping of observation logs and a report to the top.
Observation data for the day should be submitted to corps headquarters and artillery headquarters to army headquarters by 10 p.m. daily.
d) At the OP from regiments and above, specially trained and instructed officers (3-4 people), headed by a staff officer and provided with security (2-3 machine gunners), must be located and monitored.
Observers should change every 2 hours.
The senior officer must visit the OP at least once a day.
e) Each commander must have a map with data from his personal observation and data received from other commanders (in different colors).
Artillery and infantry commanders should compare the data received by each of them about the enemy to clarify them.
f) By 12/28, the Army Headquarters will provide the corps and divisions with maps filled with the situation about the enemy based on data received from the defenders, observation from the OPs and from other sources.
3) Study the area
a) Study in detail the features of the terrain in front of the enemy’s front line of defense, in the tactical depth of his defense, and for higher commanders in the operational depth. Pay special attention to studying the terrain in tank terms.
b) Keeping in mind the open nature of the terrain, carefully study all approaches to the enemy’s front line, possible starting positions for the attack and the directions along which the artillery will advance.
Know the roads leading to the front line from the depths, and the roads in the depths of the enemy’s defense in the zone intended for the offensive.
4) Secrecy and camouflage of measures taken to prepare the operation
a) Regrouping of troops (infantry, artillery, tanks) should be carried out only at night.
Carefully camouflage the areas where troops are located, preventing the appearance of smoke during the day and the lighting of fires at night.
b) Eliminate any possibility of communication and conversations with the local population. Under no circumstances should commanders and fighters be allowed to be housed with local residents.
The headquarters of units and formations are usually located in a forest.
c) Warn all personnel about the inadmissibility of revealing the numbering of army units and formations.
d) Avoid talking on the phone about ongoing events. The commanders of the formations personally approve the lists of persons to whom telephone numbers are left and the right to converse.
Strictly prohibit the use of radio equipment until the moment of the attack.
e) Do not allow signs indicating unit numbers, field mail and commanders' names, as well as identification marks of hospitals and rear institutions to be displayed at intersections and at entrances to areas where formations and units are located. The latter will be displayed by special order.
f) Take the strictest measures to protect documents and maps, preventing their loss. Do not take maps with the details of your units to the front line.
g) Army headquarters, rifle corps headquarters, rifle divisions and rifle regiments organize a commandant service, establish commandant posts and patrols and carefully instruct them.
Commandant posts and patrols should not allow accumulations of vehicles, horse-drawn vehicles and manpower, especially in areas of visibility, and ensure strict compliance with all camouflage instructions.
Inform all personnel that the requirements of commandant posts and patrols are mandatory for all officers, regardless of official position.
h) All reconnaissance should be carried out in accordance with special instructions.
5) Combat training
Combat training begins on 12/20/44.
Combat training of troops differs from general combat training in that it is carried out in a specific environment.
Commanders of formations and units should organize combat training based on the specific tasks of each unit (being in the first or second echelon, with whom and when it interacts, etc.).
Conduct combat training on terrain as similar as possible to the one on which you will operate.
Corps and division commanders should be ready for an operational game at army headquarters by 12/26/44 based on the materials and conditions of the operation being prepared.
6) Work of headquarters
a) All headquarters prepare a complete schedule of urgent reports and the procedure for its implementation.
Establish a list of officers responsible for information from higher headquarters, formations of supporting and interacting units.
Consider the failure of the transmission of at least one report at any link to be an emergency.
Pay special attention to the truthfulness of the information.
b) Check the readiness of all means of communication: telephone, telegraph, radio, mobile vehicles (liaison officers, cars, motorcycles, etc.).
Have a reserve of radio equipment to create intermediate stations, especially for communication with mobile groups.
c) Check the distribution of functional responsibilities among staff officers and their mastery.
d) Ensure control over the implementation of combat orders of commanders. Following a combat order, an officer of the operations directorate (department) must be sent to the troops to monitor the implementation of this order.
The officers sent must be instructed by the formation commander or chief of staff and have a firm knowledge of the mission of the formation, unit or subunit to which they are sent.
e) Minimize the production time for operational documents, without in any way “eating up” the time of lower headquarters.
f) Carefully work out in advance all interaction documents for the entire depth of the battle.
g) Prepare SUV (Covert troop management) documents in advance and send them to the troops.
Immediately upon receipt of them, organize training and ensure free use of them by all officers, especially officers and administrators.
7) Logistical support
a) Carefully check the condition of automatic weapons. Each fighter must have the prescribed number of cartridges, each machine gun must have the prescribed number of belts and disks. Belts should not be damp.
Check the winding of the seals, the tension of the return springs, the availability of spacer rings (spare), extractors and antifreeze fluid.
In rifle platoons, which are intended for special work in clearing mines and laying paths for infantry, have carts for pulling away wire and other obstacles.
b) Check the ammunition from the rifle to the gun. Determine where to store ammunition, who, how and where to supply it.
c) The equipment of each fighter must be checked (fitting of uniform, equipment, contents of duffel bag, etc.).
d) Prepare a backpack supply for soldiers in the amount of one daily allowance, the issuance of which will be carried out by special order of division commanders.
Check the feeding arrangements, especially on the first day of the fight.
e) All vehicles must be repaired, possible routes determined, fuel depots installed. Each driver must be familiar with these routes and road conditions in advance. Cars must have chains and tools (shovels, axes).
f) Put horse-drawn transport in order.
g) On roads in the army zone, install signs at all intersections indicating populated areas, marking altitudes and azimuths of directions.
h) In crossing areas, prepare gaps and exits from roads every 50 m in both directions. Crossings should be distributed among commanders of formations and a commandant service should be established on them, avoiding the accumulation of vehicles, horse-drawn vehicles or manpower.
i) Establish a procedure for evacuating the wounded. Designate sanitary picket points.
Explain to the soldiers that the wounded must bring their weapons to the dressing station, and the weapons of the seriously wounded must be picked up by orderlies.
j) Explain to all fighters the inadmissibility of using captured products and “junk”.
k) All commanders should check the unit’s logistics on a daily basis.
1) The day before the troops reach their starting position, mark the routes to it for each company to prevent wandering and mixing of units. Set up beacons.
Take the most decisive measures so that soldiers and officers cannot get lost and fall into the hands of the enemy. Under no circumstances should you allow yourself to go over to the enemy’s side.
2) Study the starting position and equip it so that the infantry and materiel are completely covered. Eliminate the possibility of exposure and losses of manpower and materiel.
Considering the dampness of the soil and the appearance of track marks on it after turning off the road, these marks should be immediately smoothed out.
3) Regiment commanders prepare and fix roads to pull everything necessary to the starting position.
4) Consider the organization of communication when reaching the starting position.
5) Reach the starting position over two nights.
On the first night, bring out heavy infantry fire weapons and direct fire weapons. Those guns that can be seen in positions by the enemy should be brought out on the second night.
On the second night, bring out the infantry.
6) When taking over a combat area from defending units, carefully study your own and enemy’s minefields.
Clear your minefields located in the depths of the defense in advance; those located in front of the front line should be cleared of mines two to three days before the offensive, organizing the protection of the passages.
Clear enemy minefields within two nights. This demining is carried out under conditions of careful camouflage from enemy observation.
7) Before leaving for the starting position, explain to all personnel: for what, where and how should they do it, what secrecy and camouflage measures to take.
Bring the combat mission to the fighters 4 hours before the start of the attack.
1) Build battle formations not according to a template, but taking into account the specific actions of each unit and subunit.
During a frontal breakthrough, the battle formation will be straightforward, in a forest battle - along road directions, when crossing rivers - echeloned, and when fighting in the depths of defense - maneuverable.
Pay special attention to the placement of forces and weapons in combat formations at all stages and in all conditions, so that fire weapons do not lag behind the infantry.
Senior commanders check the decisions of subordinate commanders, carefully explain the shortcomings they made in the formation of battle formations and indicate measures to eliminate these shortcomings.
2) Every Red Army soldier must understand that the main goal of an organized breakthrough of the enemy’s defense is to reach the firing positions of his artillery in the first 2-3 hours of the battle.
3) Remind each officer once again that combined arms combat consists of three elements:
a) organizing artillery fire support,
b) organizing close combat between infantry and tanks and
c) organizing close interaction between these two elements.
4) Remember that the basis of artillery fire support is not artillery preparation, but the organization of artillery fire in the depths of the enemy’s defense.
Every officer must know that the success of artillery fire depends on good organization of reconnaissance, on his knowledge of the capabilities of all means of reinforcement and the correct formulation of tasks.
5) An infantry strike must be preceded by a fire strike. This means that it is necessary to follow this order: reconnaissance, then fire strike, then attack, and not the reverse.
6) During the attack, under no circumstances should infantry be allowed to lie in the first trench. It is dangerous because it causes a desire to take cover and, as a rule, is always targeted by enemy artillery.
Don't linger at temporary stops; The longer people lie, the more difficult it is to raise them, the greater the losses.
The attack must be swift.
7) All means must be used to hit one place. Everything must be linked together.
I forbid pointing at others: “The tanks failed,” “The infantry did not rise,” “The artillery did not support.”
Check the implementation of interaction issues at all levels.
The artillery commanders will be with the infantry commanders.
8) During a battle deep in the enemy’s defense, obtaining accurate data on the enemy’s behavior becomes of utmost importance. Report about the enemy only quantitatively, and not organizationally, i.e. 30-40 soldiers and not a company or platoon.
Report exactly where and what enemy firing points are hindering the advance. Do not allow the expressions: “Heavy machine gun or mortar fire.”
9) Each commander knows at any time the position and condition of the formation (unit). The situation report must always be truthful.
The commander must have the courage to report whether his unit can carry out the order at a given moment, and if not, then for what reasons.
10) The depth of the enemy’s tactical defense in front of the army’s front lies at the line of 6-8 km from the front edge (the artillery positions). Until we reached the artillery positions, the breakthrough was not realized.
11) Consider the tactics of using tanks by the enemy:
a) for counterattacks with small groups of infantry,
b) as fixed firing points (armored fortified points) and
c) in night battle conditions.
Introduce to every officer the procedure for organizing anti-tank defense, which should include:
– a two-tier construction of the AT defense is provided;
– measures to combat both counterattack tanks and armored fortified points are indicated.
Take measures to consolidate occupied lines.
The two-tier construction of AT defense should be understood as follows:
– first tier – fire weapons from platoon to regiment (from anti-tank grenades to regimental guns); this tier is mobile and is located in infantry combat formations; his task is to fight enemy tanks and self-propelled guns encountered along the path of troops;
– the second tier is organized in depth from anti-tank fighter regiments and other artillery reinforcement means. This tier moves in jumps from line to line and ensures the advancement of the infantry.
A solid knowledge by officers and soldiers of the order of constructing anti-tank support prevents tank fear.
Each unit should have groups of sapper-hunters to blow up tanks.
12) The battle must be continuous, waged day and night. Continuity is achieved through reserves and the use of battalions specially trained for night combat. When issuing an order to commit a reserve to battle, the same order should also indicate the creation of a new reserve.
The order for a night battle should be given in such a way that the unit is not late in starting action.
13) The attack must be general. Do not allow the formation's battle to turn into battles of individual units. This can only be achieved by good observation of the enemy, knowledge of the situation, immediate response to the course of the battle, and solving the problem using fire weapons.
14) The battle must be deep, which means that commanders are required to know not only the object they are attacking, but also what is behind it, by organizing deep reconnaissance.
15) Provide advance relocation to new command posts and OPs. The relocation plan must be approved in advance by a senior commander. The axis of movement of the command post must be known to junior commanders.
You can move to a new point only when communication is established there.
16) Commanders who have personal radio stations should always keep them with them and during the offensive do not move forward without them.
17) The names of the commanders of units and formations are addressed on the radio only by their operational call signs, because some of them were published in the orders of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief and mentioning them will enable the enemy to establish from which front these units or formations arrived.
18) Prohibit communications on the radio in the clear. Use only communications tables, reference diagrams and coded maps.
1) All commanders should check their subordinates’ knowledge of the materiel, ability to eliminate delays, and tactically, competently, fire and use each type of weapon.
2) Check all weapons for trouble-free operation and combat accuracy.
3) Require officers, non-commissioned officers and enlisted personnel to make full use of infantry fire, especially at the moment when artillery fire will be transferred from the first trench to the second.
Carefully consider infantry fire according to the stages of the battle.
2-3 minutes before launching an attack, heavy machine guns should open fire on the enemy trench under attack. Be sure to take into account which heavy machine guns will go on the attack with the infantry and which ones will support them with fire.
Light machine guns must be completely in the combat formations of the attacking infantry and fire on the move and from short stops.
Fire from machine guns on the move during an attack, taking into account to save ammunition when you need to fight in the second and subsequent trenches.
4) Artillery commanders should not dismiss the organization of fire combat for the infantry itself. Take into account the fire of heavy and light machine guns in planning.
5) The guns will be assigned to companies and platoons; you should always help them move with you, and not abandon them.
6) Commanders of rifle corps and divisions and artillery commanders should give instructions to officers up to the company commander on how and what type of artillery should be assigned tasks.
7) Each commander is obliged to know what assets are operating in his offensive zone in addition to his group. Every leader should inform his subordinates about this so that they can take it into account when making a decision.
8) Division commanders must approve the OP for direct fire guns. Each direct fire weapon must have its own target, the nature and position of this target, the number of shells to hit it, and the time for their consumption.
Rifle corps, divisions and regiments must have general fire plans for direct fire guns.
Direct fire guns should only be placed on the observation posts when the latter are fully prepared and all work is camouflaged. After installing direct fire guns, they should also be carefully camouflaged so that the enemy could not guess their presence even with the help of photographs.
9) In terms of artillery fire for the destruction of trenches, each artillery and mortar battery must have its own area, preventing firing in areas.
Check target numbers with batteries and guns to ensure there are no typos or errors. Also check the trench numbers.
10) Particularly consider the issue of organizing fire to repel counterattacks of small groups of the enemy, with the help of which he seeks to delay our advance. In such cases, the counterattacking infantry must be met with organized fire and, pursuing it, burst into his trenches on the shoulders of the enemy.
11) When moving artillery, first of all move those batteries whose fire has reached the [range] limit.
1) Eliminate the shortcomings in the use of self-propelled artillery that occurred in previous battles: excessive fragmentation of self-propelled units, the use of self-propelled guns as tanks, lack of proper assistance from sappers in clearing mines, building bridges, etc.
Self-propelled guns are used to reinforce regiments as infantry escort weapons.
In regimental battle formations, self-propelled guns should be placed behind the infantry.
2) Provide assigned tanks with fire from the guns of the infantry's anti-tank system. The guns accompanying the tanks must be accurately aimed at the enemy firing points that they need to suppress.
3) Fully use the minesweeper tanks attached to formations. The actions of these tanks will be supported by infantry fire.
To remove and neutralize mines not detonated by minesweeper tanks, assign sapper groups to accompany them.
(second echelons)
1) Take all necessary measures to eliminate the possibility of delay in bringing reserves (second echelons) into battle.
The commanders of the reserve units must be at the OP together with the commanders of the units advancing in the first echelon.
2) Commanders of reserve units are required to conduct reconnaissance on all possible directions of action of their units.
3) Thoroughly work out on the ground issues of interaction related to the introduction of reserves. Determine the boundaries of deployment, reassignment of reinforcement equipment, establish signals and the procedure for organizing communications.
Avoid delays in switching amplifiers.
Commanders of rifle divisions and regiments can be appointed heads of mobile groups. They need to remember the following:
– more initiative; do not wait for the decision of senior commanders;
– conduct thorough reconnaissance, especially engineering;
– always have a group of sappers ready to clear mine routes, fix roads, and build bridges;
– in case of major damage, use all available human resources to correct it, without waiting for the sapper units to arrive;
– ensure communication both within the group and especially with the highest headquarters of the formation in whose zone it operates;
– before the introduction of a mobile group, check that the issues of interaction, communication and support have been worked out by the commander in whose zone the group operates.
1) By 12/20/44, check the staffing, composition and preparedness of the headquarters of company and battalion commanders and the availability of communications equipment. Avoid loss of control in this link.
Every officer must once again understand that control during battle is the basis of success; its loss threatens to disrupt the offensive.
2) Rocket signals should be a means of control only by the regiment commander. Other commanders duplicate these signals.
The signals should be common throughout the breakthrough area.
3) Use only white flares to indicate our front line when flying our aircraft. These missiles should only be launched at the very front line. Prohibit the use of white flares for any other signals. Corps commanders should check and report the presence of white flares and signal pistols.
4) Ensure that rifle units (companies) are always combat-ready. It is necessary to maintain a combination of manpower and fire.
After each battle, restore the combat readiness and firepower of the attacking units.
5) Each commander must have two pre-appointed deputies.
submitted by antipenko to WarCollege [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:37 jl_theprofessor Quick notes on Christian Theology and Imagery

This is a discussion about Christian theology. There's some real obvious stuff I discuss up top, and some more arcane stuff later, namely the Doctrine of the Serpent Seed and the View of Felix Culpa. Feel free to jump to those if you don't want a rehash of all the Jesus/Satan parallels in the trailers but I think it's worth a refresh.
Miquella is Marika's child. Messmer is Marika's child. The first comes from the world's Golden Order and the second from the Land of Shadow. The gameplay trailer has Messmer referring to "mother" and doesn't say Marika's name directly but she's the most likely candidate to sanction someone becoming a Lord since it's her order that was last in existence.
Christ and Satan
Miquella and Messmer take center stage in the gameplay trailer and both are referenced heavily throughout. If you have the Grace of Gold, you won't meet death. That's a promise of Marika's since within the Golden Order the Rune of Death has been removed. People return to the Erdtree. In contrast, Messmer says "Those stripped of the Grace of Gold shall all meet death in the embrace of Messmer's flame." So to be graced means salvation, and to not be means destruction. Heaven, hell, with Miquella aligned with the salvation aspect and Messmer aligned with the destruction aspect.
So Miquella is pretty heavily aligned with Christ. Miquella's rune blatantly looks like a cross, evoking Christ. The gameplay trailer says he "wields love to shrive clean the hearts of men." To shrive in Christian practice is to hear a confession and absolve a person of their sin. Christ in the Bible is described as a Christian's High Priest who wipes clean a person's heart.
But the most important words here are from the story trailer which says, "Miquella would abandon everything. His golden flesh, his blinding strength. Even his fate." So the motif here parallels Phillippians 2, which says about Jesus, "Who, being in very nature[a] God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature[b] of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross!" Here we have both casting off divinity.
In contrast, and as noted above, Messmer is aligned with Satan in a lot of ways. There's the quote that his fire destroys those not graced by gold, similar to how hellfire is the destruction of the unsaved. There's also the snake imagery, and the fire motif.
The Doctrine of the Serpent Seed
Alright so now for the first doctrine. The story trailer says that in the beginning, there was "The seduction and the betrayal." The story of the Garden of Eden often references Eve being seduced not necessarily sexually but by the allure of becoming a god. The Old King James version specifically says, "Your eyes shall be open, and you shall be as gods." So we have an initial parallel here of this moment being when both Marika and Eve become as gods because of their affair.
For Eve it wasn't a sexual affair, and it might not have been Marika's either. But there's a lot happening in that trailer that evokes sexuality and actual birth, including two images of what looks like the vulva and a birthing canal.
At any rate, the trailer then says this was "An affair from which Gold arose. And so too was Shadow born." So this act of Marika's brings both salvation and destruction. Those blessed by Gold had the prospect of life eternal, while those left in the Shadows faced destruction.
In the Doctrine of the Serpent Seed, it is believed that Eve first had sex with the snake before she had sex with Adam. Her affair with the snake gave birth to Cain, while her relationship with Adam gave birth to Abel and Seth. This doctrine marks the descendants of Cain versus Adam/Seth as two different races of human beings. The first was the wicked descendants of the snake who was cursed to be damned, while the second was the righteous who were bound to have eternal life. And we see in the trailers that Marika's decisions, like Eve, produced two outcomes with a group of the damned and a group of the saved.
And, of course, throughout Elden Ring, the snake is associated with wickedness and a betrayal to the Erdtree, such as with the Duelist Helm, which explicitly states, "The snake is viewed as a traitor to the Erdtree."
Am I saying Marika slept with god like snake? Maybe. If Messmer is the product of that, he is a reflection of Cain and what Cain represents. Adam and Seth, meanwhile, are two bloodlines similar to how Marika/Radagon has two lines through the Godfrey/Rennala partnerships.
The Doctrine of the Serpent Seed says that history is defined by the conflict between these two races and that one day the descendants of Adam will crush the descendants of the Serpent. I'll just say here that Messmer's got snakes coming out of him and I don't think he gets that from Rennala or Godfrey.
The View of Felix Culpa
Felix Culpa in Christian theology means "happy fault," "blessed fall" or "fortunate fall." In Christian theology, it refers to how the Fall of man brought the unexpected benefit of also allowing for mankind to know and understand the saving grace of Christ. I like the Doctrine of the Serpent Seed more but this one may have some application. I say that because the story trailer says that there was a negative event, a seduction and betrayal, but that this allowed for Gold to arise.
So the story trailer notes that despite the evil that came of this seduction and betrayal, there was also the grace of Gold that arose from it and the eternal life that accompanied it. There is the original salvation offered in the grace of Gold. But the image released from Bandai Namco says that Miquella "abandon(ed) Grace in pursuit of something greater." From a Christian theological perspective, there were two methods of redemption used in human history. The first was the use of the animal sacrifice as practiced historically by the Jewish community. Later, there was the sacrifice of Christ that brought a permanent removal of sin. It sounds crass to describe it as an "upgraded" form of forgiveness but that's the most basic way to put it.
So the unfortunate consequence of Marika's actions also birthed the path to the ultimate form of salvation not even in her original design, but through Miquella's sacrificing of his own divinity in pursuit of something greater.
In the end, I think there's a nice little resonance between the Doctrine of the Serpent Seed and Felix Culpa going on in the trailer.
submitted by jl_theprofessor to EldenRingLoreTalk [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:30 Rude_Answer_5594 Rubbed a sleeping homeless mans hard cock.

I've been extremely wild these last few months and have been using straight homeless guys for sexual favors. Usually, these are consensual, and I normally compensate them with food, cigarettes, or money. However, this was not the case last night. Last night, I was out drinking with some friends, and after the bar closed, everyone went their separate ways. I decided not to go home but to walk around and hopefully find a guy to do stuff with. Well, I didn't have any luck. We have a bike share company in my city where you pay a monthly subscription, and you can use the bikes anytime you want, and they're basically everywhere. So, I grabbed one of those bikes and decided to ride down to the park/community tennis courts. The designated station for the bikes at the park is at one end, and the tennis courts are on the other side. The distance is probably slightly less than half a mile. Anyway, l parked the bike and wandered around the park until I ended up at the tennis courts. That's when I spotted him there, sleeping on the bench.
At first, I sat on the bench next to him for about a minute in silence. Nothing happened. I then loudly cleared my throat to see how lightly he was sleeping. He was still asleep, but then his cock made a jump. I could see it through the wrap he was wearing, like a shawl or something. I was really surprised, as I didn't even notice he was hard before (mostly because it was dark and I had not gone close to him yet).
I walked over to him and slowly rubbed my fingers over his cock. I did this for a few seconds, and he didn't respond. That's when I kind of pushed the fabric down over his cock so that I could see the full shape. It was nice and thick with a nice head on it. Man, was I ever hard. I started rubbing and stroking his cock, stroking the head. It was an amazing experience, but then I let my curiosity get the best of me, as I wanted to now see his cock fully exposed. Maybe even take it in my mouth. I started to pull the shawl up to his waistline. I got about half a foot up, just about to expose his cock, when he suddenly woke up. He smacked my hand away hard and yelled,
I immediately turned around and ran off back towards the bike share station. I got about a quarter of the way there and turned around. I saw him following me, but he wasn't running, just walking, but definitely in pursuit of me. I started running. It was now about 5 am, and people were up for their morning jogs, so many people were running around the park. I tried my best not to look too panicked and to blend in with the joggers. I was almost to the bikes when I turned around again, and the guy was now running full speed towards me. I quickly unlocked a bike with a code, got on, and immediately took off. I ran over another homeless guy's foot by accident as I sped off. I booked it for about three blocks and then finally looked back. I didn't see him, obviously, as he was on foot and I was on a bike. Finally, I could stop and breathe. I cycled home. There's a bike station on my street. I went in, grabbed a drink of water, and plopped down on the couch. I just breathed for a moment, thinking about the whole thing.
I could have gotten beaten up, stabbed, or killed-maybe all three-but man, was I ever excited. Just the risk alone is an amazing feeling. The pursuit really got my adrenaline up. I wish I had never pulled the shawl up so l could have stroked his cock some more. I want to do it again, but l'm afraid. I can't tell anyone this. I have another experience to share if you all want to hear it.
submitted by Rude_Answer_5594 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:26 understand-the-times The number 7 in Creation and in the Holy Bible. Everyday reasons to believe in God.

The number 7 in Creation and in the Holy Bible. Everyday reasons to believe in God.
7-day week.
"In all, the number 7 is used in the Bible more than seven hundred times. If we also include the words related to seven(terms like sevenfold or seventy or seven hundred), the count is higher. The first use of the number 7 in the Bible relates to the creation week in Genesis 1. God spends six days creating the heavens and the earth, and then rests on the seventh day. This is our template for the seven-day week, observed around the world to this day." "Thus, right at the start of the Bible, the number 7 is identified with something being “finished” or “complete.” From then on, that association continues, as 7 is often found in contexts involving completeness or divine perfection."
7 last words of Jesus Christ on the Cross and the meaning.
1) “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” Luke 23:34
2) “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise" Luke 23:43
3) “Dear Woman, here is your son!” and “Here is your mother!” John 19:26-27
4) “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” Matthew 27:46
5) “I am thirsty” John 19:28
6) “It is finished!” John 19:30
7) "Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." Luke 23:46
Music has 7 foundational notes. C-D-E-F-G-A-B
“The reason music is such a wonderful blessing is because God Himself designed music. It seems there is a spiritual version of music that exists apart from and transcending our physical universe. The Bible describes glorious music in God’s very throne room in heaven (Revelation 15:1-4).” “In Colossians 3:16 Paul wrote, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”
Rainbows are commonly described as having 7 colors.
ROYGBIV or Roy G. Biv is an acronym for the sequence of hues commonly described as making up a rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.
"I have placed my rainbow in the clouds. It is the sign of my covenant with you and with all the earth.” Genesis 9:13
What Is the Meaning of the Rainbow in the Bible?
"1 The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship. 2 Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make him known. 3 They speak without a sound or word; their voice is never heard. 4 Yet their message has gone throughout the earth, and their words to all the world. God has made a home in the heavens for the sun." Psalm 19:1-4
"All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.” John 1:3
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
"Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12
"The Romans Road to salvation is a method based on the biblical principles found in the New Testament book of Romans to explain how a person can come to faith in Jesus Christ. Shared with millions of people around the world, the Romans Road explains why we need salvation, how God provided salvation, how we can receive salvation, and the results of salvation.” The Romans Road to salvation - What is it?
More reasons to believe, learning more about the Bible, and encouragement if interested is in previous posts and here.
submitted by understand-the-times to SimulationTheory [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:22 nana-spline Lego-inspired interactive event page made using Spline by HelloDesign and Elia Faber

 Lego-inspired interactive event page made using Spline by HelloDesign and Elia Faber submitted by nana-spline to Spline3D [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 03:21 Spirited-Clothes-556 AAR: Gorthikan. (short story/ bookish)

My second playthrough of Stellaris.
Writing a story while playing improves the strongest part of this game: The role playing. I did it mostly for myself, but i guess it never hurts to share.
It's pretty long for a reddit post. (short compared to some other AARs tho).
I played the pre-defined Gorthikan race. Their origin is Overtuned Genetics. Democratic scavengers with mutagenic spas. Fanatic egalitarian materialist.
2200: We overthrew the shackles of mindless ravaging and tyranny with our bravery. We would not succumb to our animal like existence. Gene splicing gave us the answers. Life for everyone got easier. With all this pressure taken away from us, we would finally be able to create a Government. A place for every Gorthikan to be represented. Freedom would be our guide. Self improvement our Sword. To the stars!
2205: Our scientist informed us of our biosphere in danger. We would need to research catastrophic events on other planets. With only one planet, this is of major importance. We found one planet, but its not very habitable. The search goes on.
2208: We found a planet worth colonizing. Our colonist are on the way.
2210: Another alpine world found! A glorious day for all Grothikans. We have decided to improve fertility, but the genetic splicing made our species fragile. Leading positions are hard to fill, with leaders only serving for 10-15 years. This takes a huge toll on our unity as a species. Maybe more splicing has to be made, in order to increase the lifespan. For now, we must fill the stars with the abundance of our citizens.
2215: It turned out our recent splicing was a fatal mistake. With our populations life span toll, governing a galactic civilization would become impossible. Our latest leader served less than a year. We would fall into chaos if would not intervene immediately. Splicing had to be conducted NOW. Our scientist came up with a genius trait, which would automatically adjust citizens to their jobs. We needed to incorporate this in exchange for some reproduction, and gain a lot of lifespan in return. Sadly it took many years to modify our species. Only hope could carry us further from here.
2218: We encountered sentient alien life! They seem to be fungus in nature, but form a usual Space faring civilization. Fascinating.
2220: Early years of space colonization have been really rough for us. Still about 15 more years until the splice fixing would be complete. 2 great habitable worlds are locked in a system with what seems space amoeba. Those creatures are fending us off. With one fleet of corvettes destroyed, we had to realize that, our military technology would have to improve if we wanted to take that system.
2221: War has been declared on us. The first Alien nation we met is now trying to beat us into vassals. With our fleets weakened we have to scramble to not get overrun. Things looking more dire by the minute.
2222: With no fleets by the start of the war we were forced to accept submission. We lost a system and are now dominated by those fungal creatures. Our Agreements with them were dire. No further expansion and 15% tax on goods. We could only hope they would treat us with more respect later.
2228: After a few tough years we were able to negotiate the terms of our servant ship. We would be free to expand, and not taxed. Maybe there would be a chance for our civilization, if just a slim one. The stresses of galactic wars and resource shortages had taken their toll on the population. Unfortunately one of our planets started to rebel.
2232: The rebellion had long been quenched easily. Our genetic alterations finally commenced. New hopes were rising. Unfortunately climate changed completely on one of your planets, and it turned into an ocean world. Not quite habitable for our people, but it would have to suffice. Luckily we research robotics. That would make things a bit easier. It also turns out that our latest genetics program was a success. Our civilization is manageable now, since individuals can grow into significant personalities due to their increased lifespans.
2243: After a calm period of economic growth we decided it would be time to challenge our overlord. Enough oppression. Rally the fleets.
2246: We won! Finally free from their control, we decided to bide our time until we could return the favor. For now, we had gotten control of 2 of their systems as a bonus.
2248: Our improved robotics now allow for specialized robots. Finally, we have effective workers for our ocean planet. After a gradual replacement, we hope to resettle our real citizens to a more suitable planet. Habitable planets are much less common than anticipated. We still only possess 4 worlds, and they are getting crowded. Most of them are quite small. We decided we would try putting a colony on a tropical world. Not very habitable for us cold-loving creatures, but maybe our robots could do most of the work there.
2257: While we were preparing to vassalize our fungal neighbors, another empire to the south declared war on us. They wish to vassalize us. Traumatic memories come ashore. We discovered them about a year ago. They are reptilian. We don't have much more information. To war!
2263: We are close to victory over the cold-blooded snake-eyes. But our fleets are so far away from our old rival, the fungal fiends, that we decided to build a second fleet. We declared war to vassalize them and marched onwards with our secondary fleet.
2266: Our society had a breakthrough! With the combined might of the unity between us, we've gotten our society even more focused on what even united us in the first place. New fields of genetics lay before us. We would ascend.
2267: We have encountered quite a few space faring civilizations by now. A multitude of them proposed to create a galactic council. That sounds promising. Maybe it could get more peaceful around here.
2268: We have beaten the cold-blooded and gotten 6 systems in reparations, but the fungoids are proving hardy. With only a small fleet of ours in the northern conflict, we cannot win the war effectively even though we have the upper hand. We will settle on the status quo for now, still planning to return in a few years. Their atrocities of the first war still reverberate to this day.
2272: The scientific community proposed a technology to alter our species' habitability towards specific planets! In preparation, we would send colony ships to every planet we were able to reach. This news came at the right time. Our planets are bursting with populations.
2277: One more year until our truce with the snake-eyes ends. Shipyards are converting every alloy we have into fleets. 2282: We would have loved to attack the fungal menace in the north, but it's very far from the south, and down there, our truce with the snake-eyes would end. Our cunning plan: draw the snake-eyes into a quick war, with the intention of a quick truce. With the forced peace in the south, we could concentrate our fleets on the north without danger from below.
2283: Our scientists had a massive breakthrough! Genetics would now be possible almost without constraints. Ascension had come. Each and every citizen elevated to perfection for its purpose.
Modification template creation would start immediately. The masses of Gorthikans would be modified to either be shaped for dry, wet, or cold environments. But we would not stop there. Genetics had so much more to offer.
The generalist Gorthikans would live long lives, be happier, less unruly, and very efficient at industrious tasks. In addition, they would adapt to whatever task they picked up. Perfection.
The less common Gorthikans would be next. We only created them from clone vats, since we could control exactly where those would be needed, and they would not reproduce out of control, since there were never many jobs for such citizens anyway. We made them incredibly smart. Tests showed that they would be 50% smarter than their peers. Artists and bureaucrats were designed to live long, happy lives, with an urge for the betterment of other people's lives.
Lastly, in a fortunate coincidence, we managed to find gene samples for a species able to survive the harshest post-apocalyptic landscapes. We perfected those mammals to live on the huge tomb world that happened to be in our borders. They would be obedient and strong, perfect for lowly works.
From now on, robots would be obsolete. Sentient life was more than just superior.
With our new plan set in action, we needed tremendous amounts of biomass.
2292: What was supposed to be a quick stratagem, turned out to be a nail-biting war of attrition against the snake-eyes. We could barely whittle them down. But our prize was phenomenal. 6 star systems and 1 huge relic world. With those achievements behind us, we were looking northwards to our fungal rivals. It was time to settle this once and for all.
2293: Our fleets in position, there was a moment of calamity. In our early days of space fare, we were taught that the strong would get their way. Our magnificent creations, each and every one perfect, were threatened. Threatened by the imperfect. It was time we got our way. Perfection should rule over the galaxy. As we would make every life form flawless. Other empires would not see our plans with mistrust. We were preparing to bring our gift by force. From now on, other empires called us the Galactic Nemesis from then on.
2298: We learned some valuable lessons during this war. Our enemy would absolutely not surrender multiple systems to us and be our vassal. They would rather die. We are not at that point yet. Another offense at a later point will subjugate them. We are patient.
2302: The snake-eyes in the south kept cursing our way. It's only a matter of time until they declared war. We had to end it once and for all. Use the leftover specimens as genetic material. We started by paying raiders. Hiring a few mercenaries wouldn't hurt either. Our fleets were strong. So it begins. To war!
2313: With a last effort, the reptilians were able to muster out one last powerful fleet. We couldn't push further. But they lost 80% of their star systems. About half of them fell into our possession. Construction vessels were on the way to conquer the others. The snake-eyes would no longer pose a threat to us. Gorthikans could rest easier.
2320: The snake-eyes would prove sturdier than we thought. They formed alliances with multiple other empires. We set out to crush them again. This time supporting a rebellion from within them.
2321: Our species is divided. We gave them everything. Freedom. Perfect bodies. Great living standards. But we have always been rebels at heart. Seemingly even the best splicing could not get rid of that. Half of the population wanted to conquer the galaxy. The other half wanted to embrace peace and compassion for the alien nations. Overall unhappiness took hold in our empire. Rebellions sprung up from time to time. Enforcement and distractions were necessary to keep the population in check. Did we go too far? Our hatred was sparked by the attacks on us. Now we were the aggressors. Did we go too far?
2325: The wars on multiple fronts spread us too thin. We won against the snake-eyes, but the fungus managed to get away with a white peace status quo. Again. The fallen empires start threatening us and our citizens shake in fear. Frustration settles in. The once so great vision and unity is no more. Hatred within and without our nation. There is no turning back either. Everybody hates us and wants to see us dead. The economy is decent but cannot support our required fleet. We took every planet we could. Unemployment is still high.
2331: We had shifted our focus inwards. What worth is freedom if you have no choice? We created opportunities for our citizens. Theaters on every planet. An abundance of jobs. After all, if we were determined to bring our way to the universe, it'd better be worth it.
2332: We were finally able to construct hyper relays. The century-old problem of fleet logistics would become far less detrimental.
2334: Dormant empire threatened us for the third time. This time it was enough. Fleet production to the maximum.
2335: With no attack from the fallen ones, we decided to use our fleets to attack the cursed fungal people. Success came fast this time. We relied on our spacecraft until now. But the first breakthrough in this century-long conflict was achieved by our ground forces. Our gene-soldiers would make short work of planetary defenses. Perfection would prevail after all. With 4 planets full of new citizens taken from them, our researchers had lots to do in order to ascend them to perfection. They would be grateful after all. Free of inadequacies, free citizens in our egalitarian nation.
2336: Formation of the galactic council. We couldn't care less. The other empires were neither free nor perfect. We would bring it to them. No matter what they say.
2343: An all-out war with the lizard fiends was at full swing. The hatred between our species surged to new heights. Every Gorthikan could feel it. A mysterious connection. Our scientists said it came from the Shroud. Some raised their voices in question, asking if we had gone mad. Did our genetic splicing take its toll after all? Billions had died in our wake. There was no turning back.
2348: In an unforeseen event, the Panaxalan Horde united under a Khan. Their fleets were absolutely massive. All other wars had to be put to rest for now. We had made great land gains. We could come back later.
2358: Luckily, the horde was concentrating on other empires. We lost a few systems here and there, but the losses were acceptable. We decided it was time to level the playing field and erase some of the tiny empires in the area. With them removed, the big players in the area would not have to tread so carefully in the future.
2361: The horde started turning our way. We managed to destroy their second-biggest fleet and one of their flagships. Their biggest fleet wiped out our fighters shortly after. Mass production from all starports would hopefully suffice.
2364: The Great Khan's fleet was destroyed. The coward escaped through hyperspace. The war is not over. Our fleets shall push as fast as they can through their territory. Sadly, a vile necropolis kingdom declared war on us, and we had to spread our fleets thin.
2365: The Khan already had a second fleet assembled. Seems like he would not give up easily.
2366: We were able to bruise the necropolis kingdom hard enough to make them settle for a status quo. Just in time. Our forces needed to race to meet the Khan's second fleet. No time for repairs. Meanwhile, our eyes turned west. During all our fighting in the north and south, the Ruphaarian Hive was left unchecked for a century. Their unobtrusive looks were deceiving. Insignificant mammals at first glance, but connected via a fascinating connection, they acted as one individual. In either case, their empire was massive. They took the fungal people as vassals recently. Our fighting in the south and east needed to come to a conclusion soon.
2367: The Great Khan is dead! New, infighting empires were founded. With our fleets bordering one of them, we decided to subjugate the closest one. Such uprisings shall never happen again.
2370: The Galactic Community declared us an existential galactic threat. All we wanted was to bring freedom and perfection. Maybe our methods were not diplomatic, but our motives were good. Sacrifices had to be made. Billions so far. With everyone against us now, trillions to come. Probably. Maybe there was another way out. Our scientists proposed a new device: the Aetherophasic Engine. Combined with the immense star-eater ships, we could get closer to tapping into the shroud, the mysterious thing which connected all of us. We had to see it through.
2371: The onslaught from all sides was immense. When war was declared on us, our fleets were completely out of position. To our demise, the Ruhaarian Hive used a wormhole close to our home planet to bring in massive fleets. Our only hope was that our hyperlanes could get us into position fast enough. Due to a fatal error in miscommunication between our scientists and mega-facility team, our starbases were not upgraded to the citadel design, which was needed to produce further Star-Eaters. Who would have thought that the destruction of our species might come down to such an embarrassing error? Our only chance was to defend longer with our normal fleets.
2373: Defense was manageable. The other empires in the galaxy were no match for a conglomerate of perfected species after all. Attacks were still underway, but the surprise attack was defeated, and the brunt of their fleets shattered.
2385: Other empires had no fight left in them anymore. Our Star-Eaters left a wake of destruction. More than that, our neighboring empires glowed up in supernovae. Unusable star systems with nothing left except black holes remained. Our rivalry with the fungoids seemed so childish and innocent. The snake-eyes were about to meet the same fate. The citizens whom we integrated into our empire before the great star feast were all that was left of them.
2395: The galaxy started to change. Not in the visuals in the sky. Most systems were not connected to a hyperlane anyway. But the galactic map of charted systems did even more. Half the Ruphaarian Hives' worlds were devoured by black holes.
2398: Our hold on the shroud grew with every stage of the project. Soon not only our bodies would be perfect, but our minds as well. Perfect in every aspect.
2399: The fabric of space tore apart, the being of the void entered our space. We had no more mercy for them than for the other casualties of this war. The price had to be paid. But after all, a universe in flames was a sight to behold.
2409: The shroud is fighting with all its frenzy not to be invaded. Mad avatars pour into our dimension as it lies in anguish.
2418: The Aetherophasic Engine is brimming with the dark energy of countless stars. We would only have to activate it and ascend. Nothing of what has been could describe what would be. Perfected beings in a flawless new existence. The destruction of the whole galaxy was the price. As an inconceivable number of beings perished, we were taken somewhere, where those things don't have meaning anymore.
submitted by Spirited-Clothes-556 to Stellaris [link] [comments]