Sample resume with internship experience as medical assistant

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2009.03.19 18:01 p_W Reddit Resume - Get Your Resume Reviewed

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2011.09.27 20:21 vetcmb Ask Veterinary Related Questions

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2013.03.20 22:00 BostonScienceJobs Connecting Boston Scientists with Jobs (hopefully)!

BostonScientistJobs was started by a scientific recruiter in biotech/pharma/industry in the Greater Boston area who had a hard time finding candidates. The best part about Reddit is that you can remain anonymous if you want to. You don't have to worry about your employer finding your resume posted on Monster or CareerBuilder, or worry about your colleagues seeing that you connected with an external hiring manager on LinkedIn.

2024.06.02 06:06 ParkingAd144 14yo cat has front leg flesh eating bacteria infection

Hi all,
I was going to post on catadvice but saw the no medical advice rule and thought here might be more appropriate.
Tldr: cats front leg is FUBAR from flesh eating bacteria; amputate or put down. Vet thinks he's got a good shot, and more life to give. Unsure if it is worth putting him through it, outlook looks grim from the limit resources online. Any advice, own experiences or input anyone can share?
Our 14yo male desexed mixed breed cat has been diagnosed with a flesh eating bacterial infection in his front left leg. Most of the tissue afrer his elbow joint is necrotic. We are going in tomorrow morning for either amputation, or euthenisation.
Unfortunately we only got the lab results Friday afternoon with very little opportunity to discuss the facts and stats with the vet, we are very ill prepared to make this decision (especially me).
An antibiotic injection was given 7 days after the first pink bump and swelling started, it is now 23 days in. The cat is quite healthy otherwise, except a heart murmur that has recently been discovered (will require assessment from a cardiologist). Arthritis is his only known health condition. Full blood and urine works were done, aerobic and anaerobic sample cultures and tissue samples were sent for testing. The urine testing revealed his live kidney function was on the highest range before it is considered unhealthy, suggested to be due to 2 weeks of being on anti inflammitories (meloxicam). In retrospect this appears to be a symptom of the infection also. 4 xrays have been done, 2 on the leg (separate days) and one on each half of his body. No abnormalities showed up (nor any indicators on blood tests). Cancer not suspected but the vet noted he cannot guarantee he doesn't have any, just the tests done did not reveal any.
He is progressively getting worse, the leg is almost entirely necrotic after his elbow. The fight in him has been remarkable, I don't think he's ready to go.
He is still very enthusiastic for food ( though has gone off dry food) he comes running up meowing and purring at food time. Until yesterday all waste was normal, but his poos have significantly reduced in size since yesterday. Regularitywise, it's been good. Resting heart rate is 84bpm seems wildly low, but did it twice with identical results. Breaths per minute is 32. He is very tolerant of our kids getting up in his face when they check on him Mobility however has significantly reduced. He barely leaves his new spot on a couch in an unused room.
My reservations is that from what I can find online, very few pets survive this. Though in the same articles, the majority forgoed treatment and opted for euthenising. And above all, i could barely find anything on it, and what was available is very uninformative for me. Is there any basic stats for acual treatment success rates? Does it being contained to leg increase his chances? Knowing nothing is guaranteed, but we need some sort of baseline. An "it might work" isn't the most comforting, nor helpful.
For me if it was 50/50 chance, there is no hesitation, I would go the amputation. My partner is not comfortable with 60% success likelihood, for her he is too far gone and think he's too old, it's too much for him to go through, it's time to let go etc. Given the disparity, we are concerned of a stalemate in the morning, trying to prepare as best we can.
Costs we can afford, but it's certainly not insignificant. Looking at almost $4000AUD, + cost for a needed teeth scaling, and obviously would then need to get that heart murmur diagnosed, so another $1600 for the cardiologist alone. About $3800 spent on this issue so far...definitely adding up
Seeking advice on: What would you do? What do you think is best for the cat? Do you know any statistics on survival rates of this treatment? We've been cautious, but should we be concerned of being infected by him?
submitted by ParkingAd144 to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 06:00 throwaway_071478 Am I an idiot for wanting to do these things first before settling on a career path and not doing my degree?

Hey guys. I apologize for making a long post, but bear with me.
To put a long story short, I tried graduated with a bachelors in Information Systems, persisted and realized I hate coding (as in I never want to type another line of code ever again). Working in an unrelated job (teaching assistant). I like the tasks of the job, but it doesn't pay very well (I enjoy the time off it is so good). Plus teaching in the States isn't something I want to do long term. I also considered trying for travel nursing, a job adjacent in the education sector or aviation industry or merchant maritime but I am unsure of those pathways. I am really unsure what I am able to tolerate for a job that would pay enough/have enough time off. I do have some experiences (internship, office job, etc) but they are all unrelated. I am 23, and I feel that I don't have very much life experiences.
I guess really what I am asking is:
I have traveled on my own before. Really what I am asking is, has anyone done these things before and do you regret it? I am trying to find a balance between YOLO and making sure I have some stability. I do feel lost in life and have unanswered questions. Fortunately I don't really desire marriage/never ever want kids, but I would like pets eventually as they do help with appreciating the small things in life.
submitted by throwaway_071478 to Adulting [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:45 Alien-shmailen450 I don’t want to drop my major in psychology and minor in CJ but I also want to do nursing.

For started the reason I chose psychology was because it was something I’ve always loved growing up, I enjoyed the idea of being able to figure someone out and analyze them and their brain. I have taken a upper level forensic psych class my 2nd semester of my freshman year and I was very good and loved it which it hit me that I should work with “troubled” youth because its who I was friends with growing up and it was because I have always been open minded to every walk of life. People have always trusted me even without me saying a word and knowing I made someone feel that safe just being there I knew I needed to do something helping people. So, I met with my professor for said forensic psych class and I explained to her everything about how I am dealing with others traumas and how people seem to confide in me without me saying a word so she told me with the love I have and passion for psych I could do forensic psych path and work at advocacy centers and then we hit forensic interviewing and I thought it was perfect. From there on since I had left her office I was excited to have finally found something to look to and feel like it fit me and made sense or so I thought up until recently.
I started working at my mothers job a clinic and all I did was scan paperwork and help write referrals and then they realized they needed more people and so they looked at me and said “you learn quick and work fast and are a hard worker, do you think you could learn if we taught you to be an MA?” (Medical Assistant) and I agreed because I mean maybe it’s something I could fall back on if I end up not liking psychology for some reason. And health was always my backup plan if I wanted to change majors! So now working at the clinic and being trained by an MA and seeing how it works I realize I might enjoy that sort of career too. I’m now at a point where I’m think of how psychology in order to do the sort of things I’d like to do I would need a Masters or a PsyD for which I planned for but then after putting scrubs on and learning all I have learned as of now the backup plan I had of taking the steps to become a RN (Registered Nurse) just in case I didn’t want to do psych have become a new love for me I don’t know what to do. Because I love both and I know I would do amazing in both and I’ve heard from people in those fields I’d do amazing in them I’m lost. Is there something I could do that involves all three? Nursing, Psychology and, Criminal Justice?
I grew up loving psychology and the idea of analyzing someone from the inside out but I also grew up being at the hospital with family, always being the first there and helping the nurses anyway I could, even if someone needed care at home I’d always be there. Or being at the hospital and learning so much from all the times I was there with family I was able to explain what the doctor or nurse was trying to explain because all those years I learned so much medical terms. And criminal justice with the idea of being in law enforcement and once again helping people? There the three things that have never left my mind and I’m at a cross road at what I should do as I love all three :( so I thought maybe I could finish my psych major with minor in criminal justice and continue to train at the clinic so I could eventually get certification and work my way up from there and eventually get to RN and work in a hospital with kids because they like me as I said previously and help them get through things. Or if we had a case with a kid who had to deal with something a kid should never have to experience such as SA, abuse,etc or something of the sort, I can help them with psych and CJ such as using techniques I’ve learned to help cope with things like that and help find proper resources for their situation. I’m not sure where I should go with those three paths and I’m looking for any advice or a career that can include all three or even if my plan I explained could work.
Anything helps :)
submitted by Alien-shmailen450 to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:44 sparksflyup7 Navigating job search with GPA?

I'm a recent grad from a top university for politics in Washington, DC. Currently trying to break into the legal field as an entry-level paralegal or something similar, but my undergrad experience was shite as I was constantly struggling to balance school with 5 internships and 5 student org leadership positions to boost my resume. As a result, my resume looks really good imo and I have previous legal services/law firm experience but my GPA isn't exactly the best.
Being first-gen and an immigrant, I was really torn about putting work before academics throughout college, but all of the conflicting advice I received from my peers and mentors told me that it would be impossible for me to get hired without a ton of work/internship experience.
My one saving grace is that I was really strong at academic writing and my block GPA from those courses is a 3.79, but I'm not really sure how to explain that situation on either my resume or to interviewers without looking like I just slacked off during my four years (if anything, I feel overwhelmed and burnt out from my amount of work experience and managing multiple responsibilities). Should I put that block GPA on my resume, or what are other ways I could manage the job search?
submitted by sparksflyup7 to jobsearch [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:25 picklenoise UTI symptoms, and no treatment for a week

Last sunday I started having UTI symptoms, which started getting worse on Tuesday so I went to Urgent Care. Did an initial urine test which was negative, along with a culture that was negative. So they didn't give me medication.
Went again Friday, to my regular PCP office and the PA told me that the initial urine test was negative and I wasn't pregnant, so she wouldn't need to do a culture. I ended up getting an x-ray done and blood tests, and another urine sample, which the culture has not come back yet.
I know that bacteria from UTI's can go undetected, and cultures are famous for resulting in false negatives. I'm still having symptoms, although not as severe as before.
Wondering if anyone has gone through the same experience
submitted by picklenoise to WomensHealth [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:23 Ok_Letterhead4 A series of pain, consultations, and tests which led to the final diagnosis of Left Hip Dysplasia (LHP), with labrum tear and a recount of Left Periacetabular Osteotomy (LPAO) procedure.

Hi, not sure if this has been documented before but here I am, giving my 2 cents worth to everyone who needs this. I know it’s been really tough on everyone who has to go through this. It’s a really long post, so if you are short on time, just go straight to the heading in bold to find out what you’re looking for.
I don't know where everyone is from, but I am from Singapore and apparently, I can’t find any related posts by Singaporeans in any subreddits. If any fellow countryman needs this, there you go. For fellow netizens with Hip Dysplasia, there might be differences in the processes, but I suppose the recovery process is just about the same. Hope this helps, nonetheless!
Pre-diagnosis I have been a leisure runner in my late teens, and pretty much run about 5 to 10km regularly til mid-20s. It started with knee pain in a particular race, and the pain continued for a couple of years more. I had wanted to train for a half marathon, but I also wanted to ensure that I started my training right and pain-free. So I went to straight to a Sports Specialist Doctor in a Public Hospital and she diagnosed me with a Runner’s Knee (or formally known as Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome, PFPS) after looking through my x-ray, and my description of pain. She referred me to the Podiatrist and the Physiotherapist for gait correction and muscle strengthening. It was going on fine for a while, but I still couldn’t run pain-free. Then Covid came, and the appointments have to be suspended. But I was still doing my physio exercises and running about 2.5 to 5km when we were allowed to.
Diagnosis As more restrictions eased, I began training for speed, and that was when the pain started coming from the hip, and walking became strangely painful with a pinching sensation at the hip/groin area at this point. I sought help from a private physiotherapist to find out what happened. After a few sessions, he realized something was not right and suggested me to get a hip x-ray done. And so I did, at a Polyclinic, and the x-ray showed shallow acetabulum and I got referred (again) to a Sports Specialist to get a MRI done. And LHP with a labrum tear was the diagnosis. And to no surprise… I got referred to another Specialist again, who was affirmative that I need a LPAO and at the same time broke it to me that I have a RHP which will need a PAO too. If you need to know the timeline - I had the x-ray done at the end of 2022, MRI done on mid-2023, LPAO done at the start of 2024.
Pre-surgery Preparation (Work) Check with your doctor on the estimated rest period (mine’s 3months) and inform your boss about it. The surgery will most likely be about 5 hours max, hospital stay 5 days, and you will be on 2 crutches for 6-8 weeks, and another 1-2 weeks on 1 crutch to stabilize your walking. You might be able to resume work obligations if it’s a sedentary job or another 6 more weeks of home rest if your work requires much walking or manual labour. So it’s really important to work out with your boss and colleagues for a proper handover so that you can concentrate solely on recovery.
Pre-surgery Preparation (Hospital) There will be a blood test / some swab done 3 – 4 weeks prior to the surgery; the nurse will let you know. You will be under General Anesthesia (GA) during the surgery, so fasting is required a day before is required.
Do pack light for your hospital stay. Use a backpack for convenience. Clothes to wear after discharge + source of entertainment and communication is enough. You wouldn’t want to carry a lot of things home after discharge when you’re on 2 crutches.
Pre-surgery Preparation (Insurance + Hospital Wards) Do inform your Insurance Agent / Company about it so that they are aware. It may or may not be covered, so please get in touch with them as soon as you have the details.
[Singapore’s context] There will be a pre-admission appointment with the hospital staff about 3 weeks before the scheduled surgery, which the staff with share with you the cost of the different class wards. Basically, Class C (8-bedded) and Class B2 (6-bedded) wards are fully subsidized by the government. I can’t remember how much a Class B1 (4-bedded) ward costs, but probably about 10-15K SGD. Class A (1-bedded) is about 21-23K SGD. The staff with help you out with the Letter of Guarantee (LOG) from your Insurance Company and will let you know in about 2 weeks if the application for LOG is successful, if not you would have to prepare for the bills depending on your chosen ward (either Class A or Class B1). There is no need for LOG for Class C and Class B2 wards, since it’s fully government-subsidized. Medisave and MediShield/IPs will be used for all Class Wards (Note: IPs is only applicable to 30 years old and above). My insurance allows me to be in the Class A ward and the application for LOG was also successful, thankfully.
Pre-surgery Preparation (Personal) Since you will be on crutches, do arrange your house to accommodate that. A folding bedside table, a caddy trolley, a long-arm grabber, pillows are items that you can prepare beforehand. Do also ensure that your toilet is slip-free as well or restructure it in a way that is beneficial for you. I had to bathe sitting on the toilet bowl for the 1st week as it is difficult to make it slip-free. It got better 2nd week onwards when I was allowed a 30% weight-bearing on my operated side, so I could be in the showering area. You will be at home and ‘confine’ to the bed/chair most of the time, so it’d be good to have some form of entertainment at home. Nanoblocks, Colouring books, Wordsearch, Sudoku, Crosswords, Netflix, Disney+, Hbo, Reading, Crocheting, Journalling, Zoom with friends are some of the things that you can do / prepare before surgery. You may or may not have energy for them, but that’s ok, the main idea is to focus on resting and having a sound mind so that you won’t be discouraged / feel bored / unmotivated. For meal wise, it’d be good if your family can cook / buy food, if not do ensure that your budget allows you to get food delivery for 6-8 weeks. I got my meals from Grabfood. Do ensure that you have a good chair – not those that put your knees above your hips.
Day of surgery If you can, do arrive 5-10mins earlier to settle in after registration.
[Singapore’s context] Do note that the staff who registers you in will ask you for the person to contact after the surgery. It’d be a text message to inform the person on the end of your surgery and which ward you will be in. You will need to sign the LOG letter (if any) and proceed to take your height and weight at the self-administered machine. Wait and follow any instructions by the nurse. You will be asked to change into the hospital gown and the nurses will ask you more questions, just answer them accordingly. They will also help to keep your belongings in their storage and will deliver to your ward at their timeslot after your surgery.
Process of surgery The Anesthesiology team will introduce themselves to you and go through the pain management methods. They asked what method (they mentioned 3, but I only remembered what I had) I preferred, and I told them to go ahead with what they think was good for me. Epidural, it was. And so, I got pricked with needles and whatnots and they finally brought me into the operating room. I didn’t realize the room was so big and cold and there were many doctors and nurses around. They did their thing, and I was just trying not to feel awkward with so many people looking at my bareback and being in a very vulnerable state. It’s a little pricky and painful at some point. Do let them know if you’re too cold, they have this hot air thing that can warm you up. They will also insert a urine catheter for you to help with the bladder movements. I was quickly under General Anesthesia (GA) with a breathing mouthpiece (the Anesthesiologists will direct you on what to do). I woke up after the surgery with a very dry throat and asked if I could have some water. They gave me a tiny vial of water, just about enough to soothe my throat. I guess it was also caused I was under GA and couldn’t be given much for my stomach too. I was quite aware of what was going on though I was still a little sleepy. I had to be brought to the High Dependency Ward (HDW) due to low blood pressure.
After surgery (in HDW) I kept wanting to drink water but that also caused me to vomit out water and had no appetite for dinner. Nausea and vomiting are just some side effects of GA. (I remembered being disappointed that I couldn’t have the watermelon, I had wanted to eat that, but I knew I couldn’t stomach it) And little did I realize that was the last time I saw a watermelon during meal times (damn the side effects). I was also quite weak on my operated left side, I was not in that much of a pain, just some discomfort. I was given a self-administered morphine device too, there is this button that I can press to administer morphine into my system at regular interval, the device has some safety feature which helps to stop people from abusing it) Used it once after I had to be flipped over to be wiped clean by the nurse (at this time, I had given up on trying to maintain my dignity, though the nurses were quite humane about it, if you know what I mean) But I was also trying not to use the morphine at all cos it gave me more side effects like drowsiness and an even lower blood pressure). Thankfully I had a good Pain Team (that’s what they call themselves), which helped to lower the dosage after they realized I was not using it that much and I was still very drowsy (I fell asleep halfway unknowingly after talking to people), and eventually I was off it. I was taken for an x-ray after the nurse ascertained that my blood pressure was normal (since I had the catheter, I just sipped water without a care in the world, to help raise my blood pressure). And I administered the morphine once after they flipped me over for the x-ray (it was bloody hell painful and it took a lot of strength). Probably in a day or 2, the doctors decided to remove my epidural needle and I was finally free of it. The next thing to get rid of was the catheter. I had a love-hate relationship with it. I need to be able to pass motion to get rid of it, which I did after an arduous process. Constipation is a side effect of not moving around. Your stool will most definitely be a Type 1 under the Bristol Stool Chart but it will be back to normal in a few days or so. I did a little cheer when I finally pooped.
My physiotherapist came and pushed me to move around. The first step coming down from the bed was the hardest due to gravitational pull. My muscles needed to be woken up after lying down for 48 hours or more. I got transferred to General Ward (GW) soon after.
After surgery (GW) I had some bed exercises to help to wake up the muscles and I was using the walker to move around. It was tough doing the bed exercises, but they have to be done. I was also able to bath independently by sitting down on the bathing chair in the bathing area of the toilet. I still needed assistance to wear my pyjamas pants. So unfortunately, the nurse still had to be around when I bathed for safety purposes since I was a fall-risk patient.
At this time, I was trying to get out of bed and be in the chair and also use the walker more to help with moving around and getting the muscles up and running. I had 2 more physio sessions with the crutches. Using the walker frequently helped with the use of crutches. (You will know what I meant when you have tried both out. You can push yourself but please do not force it if you are not strong enough yet.) My doctors have cleared me for discharge, I just need my physiotherapist to clear me too (they have to be sure that I can use the crutches properly and safely and also complete simple daily adaptive skills). Finally, I got cleared for discharge. I got the medication, and it was a cashless and fuss-free stay/process for me. I stayed in the hospital for 7 days (3.5 days in HDW, 3.5 days in GW). Remember to get your crutches before leaving the hospital.
Home rest 1st Week I must say, it’s really liberating to be at home, though it’s really a chore to move around. I did my physio exercises about 3x a day and just be a sloth. I was still very tired, but it was difficult to sleep. I’m usually a side sleeper, but I had to sleep on my back for 6 weeks, at least. My doctors said that I could sleep on my unoperated side, but it can be achy.
Home rest 2nd Week Things are looking up a little more since I could place a 30% weight on my left. I could enter the showering area now, just be careful not to overload the operated side. 2 crutches are still a must to prevent any overloading of weight to help with the recovery. Protein and calcium-rich food are your best friend. Again, do your physio exercises regularly. I still do mine 3x a day.
Home rest 7th Week Finally, I got to put full weight on my operated side. Happily, I tried to ditch BOTH my crutches, please do not be like me! Ease into walking slowly. Use 1 crutch to help you with the gravity pull as you put 100% weight on both legs. It is also possible to ditch the crutch and try walking on very short distances, do take care of your walking form. If you limp badly, please use 1 crutch and practice walking. I did try stairs and use the railings if necessary. I managed to ditch the crutches by Week 8. Physio continues, if you have access to the gym, please go ahead, slowly. I am sleeping both on my back and on my unoperated side now.
Home rest 13th Week Not sure if things are still looking good, but my knees kinda hurt, and that’d be another story for another day. I am cleared to resume work, though I still got to be careful with the walking and all.
Week 14 – Week 18 (current) I think since I am walking a lot more, I am limping a little, but not enough for a need to bring back the crutch. It got more achy when I’m sleeping on my unoperated side and still a little discomfort if I try to sleep on my operated side. My operated side is still weak and achy when I walk or sit or lie down. I am still doing my physio, though not 3x a day now.
I am not too sure how I will progress but that’s my journey thus far. Happy to share here and to answer any questions you may have.
Edit: Formatting
submitted by Ok_Letterhead4 to hipdysplasia [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 05:19 healthmedicinet Health Daily News MAY 31 2024

DAY: MAY 31 2024


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More than 300 million children a year are victims of online sexual exploitation and abuse, research indicates. Pupils in every classroom, in every school, in every country are victims of this hidden pandemic, according to researchers who have conducted the first global estimate of the scale of the crisis. The statistics, from the Childlight Global Child Safety Institute at the University of Edinburgh, amount to a clear and present danger to the world’s children, according to the crime agency Interpol. Online risks One in eight of the world’s children, about


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The government of British Columbia recently introduced a bill to ban people convicted of serious offenses from legally changing their name. The proposed amendment to the province’s Name Act would also prohibit those found not criminally responsible due to mental disorder from changing their name. The government announced the move after media reports that Allan Schoenborn legally changed his name to Ken Johnson. Schoenborn was found not criminally responsible for the deaths of his children in 2010 because of a delusional disorder, and was placed at a psychiatric hospital.


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Classification of superspreader accounts. A large portion (55.1%) of accounts are no longer active. For each class annotated with political affiliations, colors indicate the ideological split. The last group aggregates all accounts with political affiliations. Credit: PLOS ONE (2024). DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0302201 A small team of social media analysts at Indiana University has found that a major portion of tweets spreading disinformation are sent by a surprisingly small percentage of a given userbase. In their study, published in PLOS ONE, the group conducted a review of 2,397,388 tweets posted on Twitter


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New research has revealed up to a 9% increase in college first-year enrollments in US states that have legalized recreational marijuana compared with states without such legalization. The study, which is published in Economic Inquiry, found that the increase was from out-of-state enrollments, with early adopter states and public non-research institutions experiencing the most pronounced increases. Recreational marijuana legalization did not negatively impact degree completion or graduation rate, and it did not affect college prices, quality, or in?state enrollment. The findings suggest that some students perceive recreational marijuana legalization as


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On the left, a bird’s-eye view of the virtual classroom; on the right, screenshots of each of the four gaze-visualization conditions. Teachers need to know their material, but they must also keep their students engaged and interested. Part of that involves making eye contact with their students—all of them. A multidisciplinary team of researchers tested several methods of data visualization in an immersive virtual reality (VR) classroom, to give teachers a way to gauge


Wifi-enabled washing machines. Voice-controlled microwaves. App-enabled TVs, vacuum cleaners, and even window blinds you can control from the comfort of your couch. Many of the technological features now included in everyday products are useful and accessible. But research has shown that having too many can overwhelm potential buyers, making them less likely to make a purchase. In recent research, Wayne Hoyer, marketing professor and James L. Bayless/William S. Farrish Fund Chair for Free Enterprise at Texas McCombs, digs into the phenomenon of “feature creep” and its impact on consumer sentiment.


A new paper summarizing decades of research demonstrates how social media has supported an explosion of diversity in gender and sexuality in America during the 21st century, and also how these technologies have equally enabled a cultural backlash. The paper’s authors, UC Santa Cruz Psychology Department faculty members Phil Hammack and Adriana Manago, identified five main narratives about gender and sexuality that they believe emerged through social media as people have strived to be “authentic” on these platforms. The findings, along with resulting recommendations for psychology researchers and practitioners, were


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Justin Frake is interested in cause-and-effect relationships in real-world data and the hidden dynamics that shape workplace behavior and equality—or inequality, as the case might be. His curiosity has led to research that challenges some popular beliefs as well as published studies related to women in the workforce. One study shows that firms promoting flatter hierarchies inadvertently discourage female applicants and another study counters several recent studies that claim women CEOs negatively impact career outcomes of other women. Both are published in the Strategic Management Journal. The assistant professor of


A recent series of experiments challenges the longstanding theory of motivational conflict resolution introduced by Kurt Lewin. According to Lewin, conflicts between two undesirable outcomes (avoidance–avoidance conflicts) are typically harder to resolve than those between two desirable ones (approach–approach conflicts). Lewin posited that avoidance–avoidance conflicts, where individuals must choose between two undesirable outcomes, are typically more challenging to resolve compared to approach–approach conflicts, which involve choosing between two desirable options.


No means no when it comes to sex. But what happens when a woman makes a more passive response to a sexual advance? According to new research from Binghamton University, men differ in how they interpret these types of responses, and men who display hostile masculinity, known commonly as “toxic masculinity,” tend to act on them regardless of whether or not they think it’s consensual. A team of researchers, including Binghamton psychology professor Richard Mattson and graduate student Michael Shaw asked men between the ages of 18–25 to respond to


Some of human history’s greatest atrocities—genocide, slavery, ethnic cleanings—are rooted in our ability to dehumanize people from other social, political, or cultural groups. Whereas prior research has traced dehumanization to the belief that others think or feel less than we do, new research co-authored by Haas professor Sameer Srivastava shows that our tendency to dehumanize can also be influenced by how we think others view important facets of the world. The greater the difference between our perceptions of an outgroup’s worldview


When a child peruses YouTube, the content recommended to them is not always age appropriate, a new study suggests. Researchers mimicked search behaviors of children using popular search terms, such as memes, Minecraft and Fortnite, and captured video thumbnails recommended at the end of each video. Among the 2,880 thumbnails analyzed, many contained problematic click bait, such as violence or frightening images, according to the Michigan Medicine led research in JAMA Network Open. “Children spend a significant amount of time on free video sharing platforms that include user-generated content,” said


Post-war peace processes are a dangerous period for women. Many are forced to live close to men who committed serious abuse during the war or are expected to testify in various types of truth commissions, which can be both retraumatizing and stigmatizing. These are the findings of a new study by peace researchers at Uppsala University, published in the journal PLOS ONE. “In short, peace projects can force women to live side by side with ex-combatants who committed atrocities during the war. This puts them at risk of further threat


We can all agree that dating is hard. Getting to know people can feel vulnerable, but at the same time, exciting. We can also agree that feeling rejected can be one of the worst feelings, especially after we put ourselves out there. Dating can also expose us to a lot of cringey things, maybe even something we didn’t know we’d consider cringey. Think of cringe like something that makes you uncomfortable, or something about someone else that you don’t find attractive. Before dating, most of us consider what we’re looking


New survey results from Wiley suggest people still feel connected at work despite the prevalence of hybrid and remote work environments and the rise of artificial intelligence (AI). According to the latest Wiley Workplace Intelligence report, “Human Connection: The Crucial Secret to Thriving in the Digital Age,” nearly 8 in 10 employees surveyed (78%) said they feel connected with their coworkers, and almost 7 in 10 (69%) said they also enjoy making connections with their colleagues. Around half even said they want to learn more about their coworkers by doing


A study has provided new insights into social media influencers, particularly focusing on those in the women’s fashion sector on the well-known image and video sharing platform Instagram. In a departure from the approach taken by earlier studies, Jens K. Perret of the International School of Management in Cologne, Germany, has used network statistics and centrality measures to establish a model of influencer importance within their network. Perret analyzed data from 255 influencers covering a four-year period. Influencers are loosely


Rank (X-axis) does not affect the evaluation of trustworthiness (Y-axis, mean-centered) of accurate results. This lack of relationship is robust across experiments (columns) and for clicked results (top row, red) as well as non-clicked results (bottom row, blue). The trend lines represent the predicted change in trustworthiness ratings per unit decrease in rank fitted by the linear regression models. Credit: Scientific Reports (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-61645-8 Using experiments with COVID-19 related queries, Cornell sociology and information science researchers found that in a public health emergency, most people pick out and click


Despite the greater potency of “fake news” on Facebook to discourage Americans from taking the COVID-19 vaccine, users’ greater exposure to unflagged, vaccine-skeptical content meant the latter had a much greater negative effect on vaccine uptake. Credit: Jennifer Allen, Duncan Watts, David G. Rand Since the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine in 2021, fake news on social media has been widely blamed for low vaccine uptake in the United States—but research by MIT Sloan School of Management Ph.D. candidate Jennifer Allen and Professor David Rand finds that the blame lies


Adult heterosexual men with sexist and homophobic views can potentially improve their attitudes toward gay men and women by engaging in critical dialogues that use illustrations as a springboard, according to a new University of Michigan study. The work is published in the journal Sexual and Gender Diversity in Social Services. The process by which people shift from a prejudicial stance to one of relative acceptance is a key innovation of the study. Guided by trained facilitators, critical dialogues reflect illustrations depicting different gender roles and sexual identities. The images


If you dread public speaking you are not alone. It is a leading social phobia, one that can cause a state of anxiety that reduces otherwise articulate people to nervous incoherence. A strong fear of public speaking is known as glossophobia. Academic studies estimate it affects 20% of the population, but depending on the sample and methodology, the figure could be as high as 40%. As American writer and humourist Mark Twain said, “There are two types of speakers: Those who get nervous and those who are liars.” But help


How do universities and colleges decide who to admit? Given the earnings advantage of a post-secondary degree both globally and in Canada, this is an important social mobility question. While the answer varies from one institution to the next, most focus on education criteria like exam scores and grades. However, Canada’s new intake cap on study permit applications puts increased pressure on Canadian institutions to also consider immigration criteria when admitting international undergraduate students. This is just the latest example of immigration’s growing influence on the societal roles of Canadian
submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:41 SicSemperTyrannis123 I have a marketing degree and finishing up an internship. Would a certificate from Google help boost job prospects at all? Due to past experiences I'm worried the internship & degree isn't enough so I'm not sure what to do.

Some background info: I have a marketing degree, i'm 28 and graduated in 2020 from a good university. I had two internships before this one and I spent a majority of my time looking for "professional" type jobs. I've been working at a restaurant for almost 2 years now, but even if I move up to being a server(they make a decent amount where I'm at) I dread doing it for the rest of my life.
Anyways, the two internships before were marketing and had no luck finding a job. I ended up finding this internship which thankfully took me in since I'm certain like many others, I have to be a student, which I AM taking a community college course. But because I was only able to find another internship from my other internships, i'm worried once it ends that I will be back to where I was before with no luck. But this internship made me wonder if I should take a certificate from google because I have been working with Google Ads, and doing more work than just making instagram posts & scheduling them(my last two internships were that so it was hard to even feel I was doing "marketing").
Because I've been working with Google Ads, I was curious if it'd be worth it to just go get a certificate in that or get a certificate in something else.
I've heard conflicting info that it's not useful but I want to get as much experience as possible since the internship is only 5 months long. If not, would there be other ways? Although I realized I DO like marketing now or at least my internship because it's always different tasks, I'm open to going into other fields. But because my degree is marketing I don't think I'm qualified for any other job. I'm open to entry jobs like data entry, admin assistant or other "assistant" jobs but then I don't know how people then move up?
TL;DR: I have a marketing degree, did two internships before but they didn't help at all and I landed just another internship this year, even though I graduated 2020. I'm wondering if getting a certificate from Google, Coursera, etc would help. I'm also open to changing fields but I never know where to start and what positions have room to grow. Like if I applied for data entry, would I just be stuck doing that? I know for my current restaurant job the highest I could get is server OR manager but my managers make less than servers lol

submitted by SicSemperTyrannis123 to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:36 No-Newspaper4366 chance me please

Law school:
My resume: SPLITTER
Volunteer Experience:
Random Things:
School List:
New England Law
Notre Dame
Wake Forest
Roger Williams
submitted by No-Newspaper4366 to lawschooladmissions [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:35 Lonely_Examination92 Bagorah/Korghan Retold oc

Bagorah/Korghan Retold oc
Family: Titanus Chiroptera
Name: Bagorah and Korghan, Lord of Bats (Bagorah) and Lady of Night (Korghan)
Species: Super Fauna
Height: 239.6 feet/73 meters (Bagorah), 200.2 feet/61 meters (Korghan)
Length: 918.8 feet/280 meters (Bagorah), 459.4 feet/140 meters (Korghan)
Wingspan: 1377.11 feet/420 meters (Bagorah), 1148.4 feet/350 meters (Korghan)
Weight: 49,000 tons (Bagorah), 34,000 tons (Korghan)
Class: Alpha-Omega (Bagorah), Alpha (Korghan)
Aggression: Very high (Bagorah), Medium (Korghan)
Territory: mainly mountainous region of Skull Island Minor’s interior, but will occasionally roost in the mountains of Skull Island Major during the harsh dry seasons that hit the island chain from time to time
Rivals: Showa Godzilla, Millennium Godzilla, Gorgo, Anguirus, Mothra, Rodan, Gamera and Leora
Allies: each other, most amoeba-mutated Titans, Battra, Sasori, Yog and Hitodah
Main weapon: concentrated blasts of sonic waves capable of rendering concrete to dust and flesh to paste if strong enough
•though much attention and research has been devoted to the Titans and their sometimes climactic appearances and struggles with one another, the creatures that followed them into the limelight, nicknamed Mega Fauna, were just as important due to their crucial impact on the global ecosystem. Many have feared that the introduction of so many new species could irreversibly damage the stability of the environment and send it into a downward spiral if left alone, and have so called for a systematic extermination of the Mega Fauna on the surface. Just as many have decried such notions as fear mongering, however, and instead suggest introducing measures to naturally curb and control the population growth of the newly discovered creatures; the bats that would become Bagorah and Korghan were to be one such attempted measure of control. Created by the biologist Zaphen Crumwell, these new bats were to act as a sort of microbat for regions dominated by the Mega Fauna and the plants and fruits that have followed in their wake. In particular, they were to feed on the invertebrates and fruit that were growing in abundance in tropical regions of the world; as such, they were spliced with hammerhead bat, common and white-winged vampire bat, little brown bat, and large flying fox to give them both a sufficient size and a wide range of diet that was to ensure that they wouldn’t starve during early lean years. A mating pair was thus created to study their affects in a controlled environment and see how well they adapt to their environment and how they would cope with the pressures they might face. Unfortunately, the secure research facility that they were contained in was attacked and destroyed by an unknown party, releasing the one entity most feared by the staff: the Yog. When the Yog searched for a suitable host, it found the pair instead. With no other option, the Yog infected the two despite their screeches playing havoc on him. As they mutated and grew in stature, Yog mutated and grew a certain immunity to sonic waves up to a point. After they finished growing, the two new Titans were ravenous, so Yog commanded them to devour nine entire costal villages before raiding a nuclear plant in the dead of night so that they had enough energy for the long voyage. After roosting in an isolated cavern nearby, Bagorah and Korghan then proceeded to make a journey across the North Atlantic Ocean, attacking and sinking ships of all sizes along the way. As the US Navy scrambled to search for the cause of so many sinking vessels, Bagorah and Korghan land in Miami, Florida and go on a devastating rampage that levels multiple areas of the city and kill many people. Under the directions of Yog, Bagorah and Korghan move towards the largest concentration of animal life that was closest to their position: Greater Miami Zoo. Once there, they proceed to infect as many animals as they could, creating an army of Super Fauna under the control of the Space Amoeba. Once this was completed, they then went on the march, following the coast and moving towards South America and the amazon rainforest, on of the largest and richest ecosystems in the world. Fortunately for mankind, this doomsday army was halted at the city of Galveston by a coalition of Titans led by Showa Godzilla and Gorgo. While the other amoeba-controlled mutants were bogged down by the other Titans, Bagorah and Korghan fought the Gojiras and Gorgo directly. The fight was long and brutal, both sides dealing harsh blows that knocked any unwary mutant that strayed too close unconscious. When Gorgo was isolated and pinned down, Bagorah and Korghan feasted on his blood, unable to resist their primal instincts anymore. The intake of DNA caused Yog to experience a sudden, uncontrollable series of mutations that left both mutant Titans paralyzed. All the sudden, every piece of the Space Amoeba left the bodies of every single mutant Titan present and converged upon the two pieces that were formerly within Bagorah and Korghan, taking the form that Yog keeps to this day. Resuming his own battle, Yog viciously fought with the trio while the two bat Titans watched on from their perches on a couple of skyscrapers. Though now free from Yog’s direct influence, they still felt a kinship with him and were conflicted over whether or not they should flee the scene to lick their wounds. By the time Yog had been defeated and sent scurrying into the hollow earth, however, Bagorah and Korghan had long since fled back across the ocean and further east, never truly stopping until they reached their current location. Bagorah and his mate rarely leave their location, only doing so when summoned by either Battra or Yog or when they seek larger prey beyond their island.
•of the two, Bagorah is by far more aggressive and hotheaded than Korghan, preferring to get into the thick of it and crack some skulls open and use brute force to solve any issues. Korghan, on the other hand, is more level headed and prefers to either outthink her opponent or use diplomacy to avoid conflict outright; caution should still be taken, however, for she’s just as dangerous as her mate, with faster attacks and movements due to her smaller size and lighter build. Amongst their allies in Battra’s alliance, some would be shocked to learn that they are the most consistent and reliable heavy hitters of them all when it has the likes of Kumonga, Tlanusi and Sasori. In practice, however, things are much different: Kumonga is usually too indifferent to the plight of nature, Tlanusi is usually deep asleep and unable to be roused by anyone, and Sasori is too much of a wild card to be relied upon for any period of time. Once Bagorah and Korghan are committed to a task or goal, however, they will stick to it to the bitter end, no matter how long it takes. This, combined with their desire to actually support and sustain the world’s ecosystem, makes them consistent and reliable allies for Battra to call upon any time he needs to. The only thing that somewhat sours their relationship with each other is Bagorah and Korghan’s ravenous appetite that repeatedly see them get into conflict with Titans on the other islands when chasing down larger prey. This, combined with their habit to periodically deplete their island of large prey, has caused them to be a lesser thorn in the sides of Battra and Monarch, who seek to maintain a stable population of Mega Fauna on the Skull Island chain.
•of the two, Bagorah is the most likely of the two to leave the island and wonder around the world to explore, his sense of curiosity driving him to seek new things to discover and map out. Such curiosity has often led him to get into all sorts of trouble, which usually involves him brawling with other Titans when he unintentionally enters their territory. He’s seen the most fights with Venria, Zeus and Tiamat, since Bagorah has an undying hatred for those who have such an insufferable and arrogant personality and abrasive attitude. It has gotten to the point that Bagorah seems to go out of his way to goad them into a fight, using his ear-piercing, sonic screeches to taunt and harass them until they either attack or retreat into a spot out of his range. Korghan, on the other hand, seems to mostly stick to the island entirely, patrolling its shores and keeping any wondering Titans away with her piercing shrieks when they get too close. The only times she ever leaves the island for extended periods of time are when Battra calls upon her for help or Bagorah manages to successfully coax her into joining him on one of his exploration journeys into the hollow earth and usually ends with both of them brawling with an enraged Titan that Bagorah had unwisely taunted and goaded until they snapped. Despite her very apparent anger towards her mate whenever this happens, Korghan seems to be willing to forgive Bagorah every single time. Despite their clashing personalities, differences and demeanors, however, the two are very loyal towards one another and have rebuffed multiple attempts by other bat Titans to court them. In fact, it’s Korghan who seems to act more aggressively towards other female bat Titans that try to court Bagorah than he does towards male Titans. This interesting quirk is still under study, but it has been theorized by the more conspiracist researchers that Bagorah secretly enjoys the attention he gets and is ashamed of it, which drives Korghan into a frenzy to protect her mate and save him from such uncomfortable situations.
•despite two of the bats that went into their genetic makeup being fruit eaters, the vampire bat and little brown bat within their makeup was amplified and further enhanced by Yog have caused them to become obligate carnivores, ingesting fruit, seeds and other plant matter in order to supplement their diet. Their main source of prey are Megapedes, Water-Vipers, Lesser Goliath Krakens and Skull Crawlers, with sauropods and other creatures of similar mass sometimes being preyed upon if there are no other sources of nutrients available. Megapedes, in particular, are amongst their favorites because they can use the creature’s naturally occurring toxins as a deterrent for skin parasites by rubbing it in their fur, wings, tail and face. Their most preferred prey, however, is the Lesser Goliath Kraken due its sheer bulk and the ease of preserving it in one of the salt-filled caves that they like to frequent. In fact, when researchers explored one of these caverns whilst Bagorah and Korghan were away on one of their explorations of the hollow earth, they discovered dozens of well preserved Lesser Goliath Krakens that showed signs of being casually nibbled upon and consumed; when taking samples to see how long they were preserved, they were startled to discover that the oldest carcass dated back to late 1999, just over ten years ago. This has led to Monarch researching into the preservation properties of the salt caverns of Skull Island Minor to see what could preserve dead matter so perfectly that they look like they were just killed a few days ago. Recently, however, such potentially groundbreaking research has been halted due to drastic changes in the two Titans.
•behavior of the two bat Titans has completely changed, leaving Monarch both confused and suspicious. It has been noted that Korghan has been sticking to the valley that she and Bagorah roost in the mountain range exclusively, picking up trees and other such shrubbery with a delicateness unseen before and taking them back to their main cavern. The only documentation that they could get before they were chased off by Bagorah was that it appears that she’s building a nest of some sort, using the tree trunks to build a crude wall and using the leaves and branches to create a soft (for them) bedding. The last sighting Monarch has received from the outpost station has noted that Korghan has put on not insignificant amount of weight, and seems to have grown to prefer skulking along the ground in a loping gate instead of flying, which may tie in to her weight gain. Bagorah seems to have done a 180 on some of his behavior, becoming much more reclusive and reluctant to leave the island unless it’s to chase sufficiently large prey; he now spends his days aggressively patrolling the shores of the island, the entrances to the mountainous region and the island’s single entrance to the hollow earth when he’s not excessively hunting prey of any sufficiently large size down and taking it to their roost, only to do it again immediately after. It has gone on for long enough that he’s been spotted boldly raiding territories that he once avoided in order to hunt their plentiful stocks of Mega Fauna and take them back to their caverns. More alarming about the change in Bagorah’s behavior in that he has become increasingly aggressive and suspicious towards any Titans or human craft of any kind that shows even a hint towards going to the island. A few much lesser Titans have even been found to have been ruthlessly attacked and killed by Bagorah, their bodies missing chunks of themselves that were taken by Bagorah himself as food. Things escalated slightly when a few freighters were found in ruins near the island’s coast, everything of even the remotest value was destroyed, though the crews were lucky to escape with only moderate injuries. Though the companies that owned those freighters had lobbied heavily for military action against Bagorah for the economic loss sustained by his attacks, Monarch was able to get it vetoed by pointing out the recent collapse of his paths of patrolling to only the mountainous region of the island. This has also allowed Monarch to regain communications with their outposts, who have reported that Bagorah himself now rarely leaves the surrounding valleys that connect to their roost and has blocked off the other entrances to the main cavern besides one that is easily defendable. Though some more aggressive personnel have suggested that they crack open the cavern and see what is going on, Ishirō Serizawa, now head of Monarch after the arrest of the previously head after their arrest due to their part in the attempted recreation of the Oxygen Destroyer, vetoed it on the grounds of just how a bad idea it was to do so and ordered that they be monitored for any changes to their behavior and movements. Time will only tell if his hunch is correct or not…
submitted by Lonely_Examination92 to GODZILLA [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:09 This-Athlete-8679 Startups and minors

So I am a high school student, I would consider myself career oriented. The thing is I have nothing to do this summer before my next year of high school. I want to intern at a company most likely a startup(biotech or ai) or something of the sort. I have never had a job before and never have I gone through the recruiting process and such.
First of, my qualifications:
Second, What I am looking for:
Third, questions:
I have looked and tried to apply to programs mainly for highschoolers but I was too late and didn't apply to enough. Thanks in advance!
submitted by This-Athlete-8679 to csMajors [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 04:00 cammi93 [for hire] 🙋🏻‍♀️ Freelance Writing Tutor

Hello, dedicated learners and aspiring achievers! Are you grappling with the weight of upcoming academic tasks and coursework? Fret not, because I'm here to provide unwavering support. With an impressive 6.5 years of experience in academic writing and tutoring, I'm your dependable freelance writing tutor.
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🔹 Assignments: Tackling assignments of varying complexities.
🔹 Research Papers: Thoroughly researched papers showcasing expertise.
🔹 Case Studies: Analyzing and presenting case studies with precision.
🔹 Dissertations: Comprehensive and insightful dissertations that leave an impression.
🔹 Mastery Exercises: Assisting in mastering crucial concepts.
🔹 Discussions/Peer Responses: Engaging in insightful academic dialogues.
Coursework Services:
📚 Classes Support: Supplementing your learning with invaluable insights and notes.
📚 Coursework Assistance: Navigating through coursework requirements seamlessly.
📚 Study Guides: Crafting comprehensive study guides to facilitate understanding.
📚 Test Preparation: Equipping you with the knowledge to excel in assessments.
🔒 Plagiarism-Free Content: I provide a FREE Turnitin plagiarism report to ensure originality.
🔍 AI-Free Report: I guarantee authentic work with an AI-free report, maintaining quality.
Client Experience:
📬 Constant Communication: I'll be in touch via email or Discord for a seamless and enhanced experience.
👥 Client Vouches: I can provide vouches from satisfied previous clients for your assurance.
📜 Sample Work: Samples of my previous work available upon request.
🔥 Quality Guarantee: Not satisfied with the quality? I offer a full refund.
Why Choose Me:
🔸 Years of Experience: Over 6.5 years refining my skills as an academic writer and tutor.
🔸 Holistic Support: From research and writing to proofreading and formatting.
🔸 Personalized Approach: Tailoring solutions to meet your unique academic needs.
🔸 Quality Assurance: Delivering excellence without compromise.
🔸 Client Satisfaction: Your contentment is my ultimate priority.
🔸 Punctuality: Committed to meeting deadlines with dedication.
💲 Competitive pricing at $15 per page. Full payment only after your complete satisfaction.
Embark on an academic journey of success with me while safeguarding your privacy and enjoying constant communication. With client vouches, sample work, and a quality guarantee, your academic experience is in good hands. Remember, my values are centered around delivering quality work, ensuring your happiness, and maintaining impeccable punctuality. 🌟
Thank you for considering me as your academic partner! Let's make learning an enjoyable and fruitful experience together. 🚀
submitted by cammi93 to jobbit [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:59 cammi93 [for hire] 🙋🏻‍♀️ Freelance Writing Tutor

Hello, dedicated learners and aspiring achievers! Are you grappling with the weight of upcoming academic tasks and coursework? Fret not, because I'm here to provide unwavering support. With an impressive 6.5 years of experience in academic writing and tutoring, I'm your dependable freelance writing tutor.
Get in Touch:
📧 Email: [](
💬 Discord: Camilla#0817
What I Offer:
🔹 Essay Writing: Crafting well-researched and structured essays that stand out.
🔹 Speech Writing: Delivering impactful speeches that resonate.
🔹 Assignments: Tackling assignments of varying complexities.
🔹 Research Papers: Thoroughly researched papers showcasing expertise.
🔹 Case Studies: Analyzing and presenting case studies with precision.
🔹 Dissertations: Comprehensive and insightful dissertations that leave an impression.
🔹 Mastery Exercises: Assisting in mastering crucial concepts.
🔹 Discussions/Peer Responses: Engaging in insightful academic dialogues.
Coursework Services:
📚 Classes Support: Supplementing your learning with invaluable insights and notes.
📚 Coursework Assistance: Navigating through coursework requirements seamlessly.
📚 Study Guides: Crafting comprehensive study guides to facilitate understanding.
📚 Test Preparation: Equipping you with the knowledge to excel in assessments.
🔒 Plagiarism-Free Content: I provide a FREE Turnitin plagiarism report to ensure originality.
🔍 AI-Free Report: I guarantee authentic work with an AI-free report, maintaining quality.
Client Experience:
📬 Constant Communication: I'll be in touch via email or Discord for a seamless and enhanced experience.
👥 Client Vouches: I can provide vouches from satisfied previous clients for your assurance.
📜 Sample Work: Samples of my previous work available upon request.
🔥 Quality Guarantee: Not satisfied with the quality? I offer a full refund.
Why Choose Me:
🔸 Years of Experience: Over 6.5 years refining my skills as an academic writer and tutor.
🔸 Holistic Support: From research and writing to proofreading and formatting.
🔸 Personalized Approach: Tailoring solutions to meet your unique academic needs.
🔸 Quality Assurance: Delivering excellence without compromise.
🔸 Client Satisfaction: Your contentment is my ultimate priority.
🔸 Punctuality: Committed to meeting deadlines with dedication.
💲 Competitive pricing at $15 per page. Full payment only after your complete satisfaction.
Embark on an academic journey of success with me while safeguarding your privacy and enjoying constant communication. With client vouches, sample work, and a quality guarantee, your academic experience is in good hands. Remember, my values are centered around delivering quality work, ensuring your happiness, and maintaining impeccable punctuality. 🌟
Thank you for considering me as your academic partner! Let's make learning an enjoyable and fruitful experience together. 🚀
submitted by cammi93 to homeworkhelpNY [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:57 Careful_Bicycle8737 Practical Concerns in Attending Mass with Disability

I have already contacted the priest at the church I'm trying to attend, but haven't heard back for a few weeks as apparently he is on vacation, so I thought I'd ask here.
I'm a mother and wife in my late thirties with a disabling medical condition that affects my spinal cord, cardiovascular system and joints. I use a wheelchair most of the time I'm out of the house but can walk and stand for limited amounts of time with crutches if necessary - but this is usually not a great or safe idea.
I connected/reconnected with God in a profound experience about six years ago and have been discerning mainly between the Orthodox and Latin Catholic Churches since then. I attended a Greek Orthodox Church off and on the past few years but it the building was not accessible enough and I had to stop attending. I recently discovered the beauty of the Latin Mass and am so fortunate to have a TLM church just fifteen minutes from me, but the accessibility is spotty and I have some concerns.
I'm wondering, as someone new to Catholicism, how does this work if I'm physically unable to kneel, stand, or even sit in the pews? There is no cut-out in the pews for a wheelchair as there was at the EO church. I would be blocking the aisle. How would I, if I were to be baptized (something I've longed for for years), use the confessional or take communion at the rail? At this church, apparently the elevator to get in breaks frequently and was out for months on end before I came. What happens if I, as an inquirer, can't even get to Mass? Also, because of my condition, I often need to use an accessible restroom (which they don't have) at inconvenient times, and sometimes cannot sit up for an hour or more on end, especially if it's hot. I have tried numerous churches both orthodox and Catholic in the area, and the accessibility is pretty awful at all (old New England churches). I have resorted to attending with crutches but end up nearly fainting from the pain and fatigue by the end of the services and can barely get myself out of there safely let alone chat with new people. When I do this I often become incapacitated for the rest of the day or even multiple days. My husband is not comfortable with traditional Christianity at this time and works on Sundays, I don't have anyone else to assist me on these days so it's up to me to fight through just to attend or stay home and feel guilty and longing all week. I just want to attend, learn about the faith, and not draw attention or cause issues with a church and community I don't even know yet.
TLDR - I feel like my physical disability is this huge barrier to entry for me to attend mass and become a faithful Catholic. What can I do when all of the churches are equally inaccessible? Pope Francis wouldn't even be able to get into mass here! (Obv he has a multitude of assistants that I don't, but still) I can't blame old buildings for inaccessibility but then how do I become a practicing Catholic?
submitted by Careful_Bicycle8737 to AskAPriest [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:57 cammi93 [for hire] 🙋🏻‍♀️ Freelance Writing Tutor

Hello, dedicated learners and aspiring achievers! Are you grappling with the weight of upcoming academic tasks and coursework? Fret not, because I'm here to provide unwavering support. With an impressive 6.5 years of experience in academic writing and tutoring, I'm your dependable freelance writing tutor.
Get in Touch:
📧 Email: [](
💬 Discord: Camilla#0817
What I Offer:
🔹 Essay Writing: Crafting well-researched and structured essays that stand out.
🔹 Speech Writing: Delivering impactful speeches that resonate.
🔹 Assignments: Tackling assignments of varying complexities.
🔹 Research Papers: Thoroughly researched papers showcasing expertise.
🔹 Case Studies: Analyzing and presenting case studies with precision.
🔹 Dissertations: Comprehensive and insightful dissertations that leave an impression.
🔹 Mastery Exercises: Assisting in mastering crucial concepts.
🔹 Discussions/Peer Responses: Engaging in insightful academic dialogues.
Coursework Services:
📚 Classes Support: Supplementing your learning with invaluable insights and notes.
📚 Coursework Assistance: Navigating through coursework requirements seamlessly.
📚 Study Guides: Crafting comprehensive study guides to facilitate understanding.
📚 Test Preparation: Equipping you with the knowledge to excel in assessments.
🔒 Plagiarism-Free Content: I provide a FREE Turnitin plagiarism report to ensure originality.
🔍 AI-Free Report: I guarantee authentic work with an AI-free report, maintaining quality.
Client Experience:
📬 Constant Communication: I'll be in touch via email or Discord for a seamless and enhanced experience.
👥 Client Vouches: I can provide vouches from satisfied previous clients for your assurance.
📜 Sample Work: Samples of my previous work available upon request.
🔥 Quality Guarantee: Not satisfied with the quality? I offer a full refund.
Why Choose Me:
🔸 Years of Experience: Over 6.5 years refining my skills as an academic writer and tutor.
🔸 Holistic Support: From research and writing to proofreading and formatting.
🔸 Personalized Approach: Tailoring solutions to meet your unique academic needs.
🔸 Quality Assurance: Delivering excellence without compromise.
🔸 Client Satisfaction: Your contentment is my ultimate priority.
🔸 Punctuality: Committed to meeting deadlines with dedication.
💲 Competitive pricing at $15 per page. Full payment only after your complete satisfaction.
Embark on an academic journey of success with me while safeguarding your privacy and enjoying constant communication. With client vouches, sample work, and a quality guarantee, your academic experience is in good hands. Remember, my values are centered around delivering quality work, ensuring your happiness, and maintaining impeccable punctuality. 🌟
Thank you for considering me as your academic partner! Let's make learning an enjoyable and fruitful experience together. 🚀
submitted by cammi93 to Essayprowriter [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:55 cammi93 [for hire] 🙋🏻‍♀️ Freelance Writing Tutor

Hello, dedicated learners and aspiring achievers! Are you grappling with the weight of upcoming academic tasks and coursework? Fret not, because I'm here to provide unwavering support. With an impressive 6.5 years of experience in academic writing and tutoring, I'm your dependable freelance writing tutor.
Get in Touch:
📧 Email: [](
💬 Discord: Camilla#0817
What I Offer:
🔹 Essay Writing: Crafting well-researched and structured essays that stand out.
🔹 Speech Writing: Delivering impactful speeches that resonate.
🔹 Assignments: Tackling assignments of varying complexities.
🔹 Research Papers: Thoroughly researched papers showcasing expertise.
🔹 Case Studies: Analyzing and presenting case studies with precision.
🔹 Dissertations: Comprehensive and insightful dissertations that leave an impression.
🔹 Mastery Exercises: Assisting in mastering crucial concepts.
🔹 Discussions/Peer Responses: Engaging in insightful academic dialogues.
Coursework Services:
📚 Classes Support: Supplementing your learning with invaluable insights and notes.
📚 Coursework Assistance: Navigating through coursework requirements seamlessly.
📚 Study Guides: Crafting comprehensive study guides to facilitate understanding.
📚 Test Preparation: Equipping you with the knowledge to excel in assessments.
🔒 Plagiarism-Free Content: I provide a FREE Turnitin plagiarism report to ensure originality.
🔍 AI-Free Report: I guarantee authentic work with an AI-free report, maintaining quality.
Client Experience:
📬 Constant Communication: I'll be in touch via email or Discord for a seamless and enhanced experience.
👥 Client Vouches: I can provide vouches from satisfied previous clients for your assurance.
📜 Sample Work: Samples of my previous work available upon request.
🔥 Quality Guarantee: Not satisfied with the quality? I offer a full refund.
Why Choose Me:
🔸 Years of Experience: Over 6.5 years refining my skills as an academic writer and tutor.
🔸 Holistic Support: From research and writing to proofreading and formatting.
🔸 Personalized Approach: Tailoring solutions to meet your unique academic needs.
🔸 Quality Assurance: Delivering excellence without compromise.
🔸 Client Satisfaction: Your contentment is my ultimate priority.
🔸 Punctuality: Committed to meeting deadlines with dedication.
💲 Competitive pricing at $15 per page. Full payment only after your complete satisfaction.
Embark on an academic journey of success with me while safeguarding your privacy and enjoying constant communication. With client vouches, sample work, and a quality guarantee, your academic experience is in good hands. Remember, my values are centered around delivering quality work, ensuring your happiness, and maintaining impeccable punctuality. 🌟
Thank you for considering me as your academic partner! Let's make learning an enjoyable and fruitful experience together. 🚀
submitted by cammi93 to Students_AcademicHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:53 cammi93 [for hire] 🙋🏻‍♀️ Freelance Writing Tutor

Hello, dedicated learners and aspiring achievers! Are you grappling with the weight of upcoming academic tasks and coursework? Fret not, because I'm here to provide unwavering support. With an impressive 6.5 years of experience in academic writing and tutoring, I'm your dependable freelance writing tutor.
Get in Touch:
📧 Email: [](
💬 Discord: Camilla#0817
What I Offer:
🔹 Essay Writing: Crafting well-researched and structured essays that stand out.
🔹 Speech Writing: Delivering impactful speeches that resonate.
🔹 Assignments: Tackling assignments of varying complexities.
🔹 Research Papers: Thoroughly researched papers showcasing expertise.
🔹 Case Studies: Analyzing and presenting case studies with precision.
🔹 Dissertations: Comprehensive and insightful dissertations that leave an impression.
🔹 Mastery Exercises: Assisting in mastering crucial concepts.
🔹 Discussions/Peer Responses: Engaging in insightful academic dialogues.
Coursework Services:
📚 Classes Support: Supplementing your learning with invaluable insights and notes.
📚 Coursework Assistance: Navigating through coursework requirements seamlessly.
📚 Study Guides: Crafting comprehensive study guides to facilitate understanding.
📚 Test Preparation: Equipping you with the knowledge to excel in assessments.
🔒 Plagiarism-Free Content: I provide a FREE Turnitin plagiarism report to ensure originality.
🔍 AI-Free Report: I guarantee authentic work with an AI-free report, maintaining quality.
Client Experience:
📬 Constant Communication: I'll be in touch via email or Discord for a seamless and enhanced experience.
👥 Client Vouches: I can provide vouches from satisfied previous clients for your assurance.
📜 Sample Work: Samples of my previous work available upon request.
🔥 Quality Guarantee: Not satisfied with the quality? I offer a full refund.
Why Choose Me:
🔸 Years of Experience: Over 6.5 years refining my skills as an academic writer and tutor.
🔸 Holistic Support: From research and writing to proofreading and formatting.
🔸 Personalized Approach: Tailoring solutions to meet your unique academic needs.
🔸 Quality Assurance: Delivering excellence without compromise.
🔸 Client Satisfaction: Your contentment is my ultimate priority.
🔸 Punctuality: Committed to meeting deadlines with dedication.
💲 Competitive pricing at $15 per page. Full payment only after your complete satisfaction.
Embark on an academic journey of success with me while safeguarding your privacy and enjoying constant communication. With client vouches, sample work, and a quality guarantee, your academic experience is in good hands. Remember, my values are centered around delivering quality work, ensuring your happiness, and maintaining impeccable punctuality. 🌟
Thank you for considering me as your academic partner! Let's make learning an enjoyable and fruitful experience together. 🚀
submitted by cammi93 to HomeworkHelp_Tutors [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 03:02 ResinArtSupply Looking for Graphic Designer for Eco-Friendly Menstrual Care Brand Ecoblossom

Company: Ecoblossom
Position: Graphic Designer Location: Long Beach
About Us: Ecoblossom is an eco-friendly menstrual care brand committed to providing sustainable and high-quality products. We offer a range of products including silicone cups, discs, pelvic floor weights, and dilators. Our mission is to revolutionize period care with planet-friendly solutions.
Job Description: We are seeking a talented and creative Graphic Designer to join our team.
· Requirements:
How to Apply:
Please submit your resume and portfolio to [](
submitted by ResinArtSupply to CSULB [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:59 barzixlab Do I add my current internship on my resume when applying for more internships?

I start my internship next week. I want to continue applying to as many internships as possible before I graduate (next year). I have little work experience, but feel like adding it can help me get more interviews?
I haven’t done anything yet, but I know my role and what I have to do with the company.
Should I leave it out? Is it too early to add it to my resume?
submitted by barzixlab to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:36 litmavenDFW Advice for disability and employment. Time sensitive

Apologies in advance for the length. I don't know what other questions to ask to get the answers I need. And I'm just lost. right now. Any advice or recommends/references would be appreciative.
TEXAS resident.
Hi everyone:
I'm seeking advice and feedback on my situation regarding disability and employment. Last year, I had a stroke that affected my speech and some mobility. Thankfully, I've regained much of my mobility and can type, but speaking remains challenging. I'm hoping it's only temporary, but it could be long-term or permanent. I also have other health concerns including an auto-immune disorder.
Here's a brief overview of my situation:
I've tried returning to my job three times with accommodation requests, but they were denied. My employer says they have no suitable positions for me.
I'm concerned about my long-term employment prospects and the possibility of losing my job due to my current condition or the company's financial struggles. I have a mortgage, medical bills, and other expenses that need to be covered, and I need to keep my health insurance for ongoing treatment.
I did try to get a consult from a disability attorney just to see my options, but once they learned I had LTD they said call back if it's denied.
Q: Are there any other options available to me regarding job placement for someone with speaking difficulty, employment assistance, or ways I can have my doctor word my accommodation request so that I can return to work to current employer, but work remotely and with minimal verbal communication?
My family believes I need to take my time to recover as fully as possible but I've been working since I was 15 and just do not know life w/out having that structure and this past year has been hard, more stressful because my finances are not reliable as LTD can end at any time.
Thank you for any advice or suggestions.
submitted by litmavenDFW to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:34 litmavenDFW Need other perspectives, LTD, FMLA, disability and returning to work

Apologies in advance for the length. I don't know what other questions to ask to get the answers I need. And I'm just lost. right now. Any advice or recommends/references would be appreciative.
TEXAS resident.
Hi everyone:
I'm seeking advice and feedback on my situation regarding disability and employment. Last year, I had a stroke that affected my speech and some mobility. Thankfully, I've regained much of my mobility and can type, but speaking remains challenging. I'm hoping it's only temporary, but it could be long-term or permanent. I also have other health concerns including an auto-immune disorder.
Here's a brief overview of my situation:
I've tried returning to my job three times with accommodation requests, but they were denied. My employer says they have no suitable positions for me.
I'm concerned about my long-term employment prospects and the possibility of losing my job due to my current condition or the company's financial struggles. I have a mortgage, medical bills, and other expenses that need to be covered, and I need to keep my health insurance for ongoing treatment.
I did try to get a consult from a disability attorney just to see my options, but once they learned I had LTD they said call back if it's denied.
Q: Are there any other options available to me regarding job placement for someone with speaking difficulty, employment assistance, or ways I can have my doctor word my accommodation request so that I can return to work to current employer, but work remotely and with minimal verbal communication?
My family believes I need to take my time to recover as fully as possible but I've been working since I was 15 and just do not know life w/out having that structure and this past year has been hard, more stressful because my finances are not reliable as LTD can end at any time.
submitted by litmavenDFW to disability [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 02:28 savannahkellen Season 3 Spoiler Round-Up

With so many little filming updates available to us, I've been thinking for a while that we should have a post for a spoiler round-up for anyone who wants a quick reference or doesn't feel like sifting through the extra casting calls and previous threads to see what has been filmed already. I'm trying to only include sourceable material here - so mainly details from casting calls or location notices, set content, or sightings of the actors themselves.
I'm sure that I've missed *something*, so if you know, you can drop it into the comments and I'll edit or add it to this post! I'll try to keep this ongoing if there's interest. ♾️
“First week of June”
submitted by savannahkellen to TheSummerITurnedPrett [link] [comments]