Darkrp exploit rcon

CyberpunkRP Custom Gamemode & Map

2024.05.08 13:12 SoftTemperature9729 CyberpunkRP Custom Gamemode & Map

** Server releases in 9 days from when this post was made! *
What is Dystopian Roleplay? Set in Zion City, dystopian roleplay is a game set in a dark and crumbling metropolis. Players will step into the shoes of survivors trying to navigate the harsh realities of a society teetering on the edge of collapse. As the city once known for its prosperity and technological advancements now lies in ruins, its inhabitants struggle to adapt to a life governed by oppression, scarcity, and the ever-looming presence of a totalitarian regime.
Shape your world with a multitude of options for character development and progression with a unique attribute system and potential cybernetic augmentations. Choose your path as a law-abiding citizen of Zion or exploit the chaos for personal gain with your own custom organization. This city is yours for the taking.
DISCORD: https://discord.gg/dystopianrp
Here's what's waiting for you:
Want to see it for your own eyes? Checkout the server introduction here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Btd23QYfvmU
submitted by SoftTemperature9729 to GMServers [link] [comments]

2023.09.17 22:14 Repulsive_World7521 The unlimited Gmod iceberg

The unlimited Gmod iceberg submitted by Repulsive_World7521 to IcebergCharts [link] [comments]

2023.09.06 16:44 Chance-Personality50 Remote console Exploit?

Are the remote console commands a potential security exploit?
I have all remote.* services blocked on my pc however when playing INSS I notice many strange event alerts such as commands that do not originate on my pc and can't be listed because the user has disconnected. I have since deleted Sandstorm and would ask if there is a way around this? Is the RCON password the same as my EPIC games password and how can I change it? What I have noticed is a player playing as a terrorist or terrorists in a security game, bumped health for certain, teleporting around the map and the game mysteriously crashing when my score gets too high for this little weasel to feel comfortable with. I enjoy the game and would like to play without any interruption any ideas?
submitted by Chance-Personality50 to InsurgencySandstorm [link] [comments]

2023.08.09 18:38 Juntistik Meta Quest Update - RC Channel - Patch Notes and FAQ

Hey all!
We've updated the RC channel of Pavlock Shack. This comes with a lot of changes as well as an Unreal Engine upgrade. Lets first kick off with the FAQ.
What is "RC" and what is a Release Channel?
RC is the channel name in the Meta Quest for the newest version of Pavlov Shack. RC stands for "Release Candidate" which is intended for store launch when Pavlov Shack becomes a monetized title. in the future.
You will need to opt-in the "RC" Release Channel to play the newest version, eventually the main "live" channel will be merged with this update, but if you want to play earlier, you will need to Opt-in
How do I change the release channel for my version of the game?
Here is a helpful picture on how to do this from the Meta Quest companion app on your phone. You cannot change the release channel in the headset itself at this time.

I am having trouble installing the update; it just keeps looping.

If your update is looping on install, follow these steps in this specific order
  1. If you are using more than once account on the same device make sure the alternative account is not using the other branches.
  2. Remove Appdata. Go to your oculus settings, click on Storage, find "Pavlov Shack Beta" and click on "Delete App Data"
  3. Uninstall the game completely
  4. Restart your HMD (Head-Mounted Display, also known as a Meta Quest)
  5. Install again
If the above doesn't work. Try to uninstall the game first, then connect your quest to a PC and explore the file manager to look for any leftover Pavlov content and remove them.
Crossplay with PC/PS5?

What's going on with Mods?
We have a new content delivery network with mods, as well as an engine update. With engine updates, all prior mods and maps are rendered incompatible and must be updated by the map authors for this new game version.
However, community servers are no longer responsible for delivering mod content themselves, which will save them bandwidth as well as enable lobbies access to modded content.
The main menu now has a mod browser to check out the available content, download, update, or remove your currently installed content. You do not need to link your account to Mod.io. If you join a match using custom content, you will automatically download the mod or update it to the latest version.

Why has [Feature] been removed?
Hitting consistent performance quality has been paramount to this release. Moving to Unreal 5 has forced us to change the physics system to Chaos which is pretty fragile at this time. We may reintroduce or refactor removed features in the future to the best of our ability.



-Updated to Unreal Engine 5.1
-Added new onboarding UI
-Added mod.io support
-Added mod support to lobbies
-Added Industry
-Added new competitive waiting room
-Added new game mode Prop Hunt and Infection
-Added new admin menu for community server mods
-Added movement vignette option
-Added trigger discipline pose
-Added pkm weapon
-Added gun angle adjustment in shooting range
-Added prop hunt game mode (Bunker, Station, Foundation)
-Added new smoke grenade effects
-Added option to remove blood
-Added new bullet hit reaction animation on 3rd person players
-Added highlight to hip ammo pouches when your hand is near them
-Added ability to pass lobby leader to another player
-Added new spawning logic, tries to place you near teammates (if its a team based game) and away from enemies
-Added 1911 WWII variant
-Added tokarev modern variant
-Added comfort options for a vignette on player movement
-Added prone poses (not available in SND)
-Added new finger gestures
-Added AFK kick
-Added credits
-Added normals to characters
-Added KOTH, Infection, and Prophunt to lobby selection
-Added OutOfBounds death icon
-Adjusted smokes for inside/outside balance
-Adjusted revolver trigger to have a slightly shorter pull (revolvewebley)
-Adjusted bot count on quest (increase)
-Adjusted Ballistics Shield inventory offset
-Adjusted ar9/am16 charging handle anim
-Adjusted MainMenu voice line not fading out properly when you complete the last tutorial task
-Adjusted Muzzle flashes and tracers
-Adjusted ragdolls to death animations for optimization
-Adjusted the smoke grenade trail to be less jittery
-Adjusted magazine trigger threshold
-Adjusted weapon racks in shooting ranges and killhouse
-Adjusted mag eject on m1garand
-Adjusted flashlight shader
-Adjusted player height to update occasionally
-Adjusted controller forward vector when aiming up in cases of drastic verticality encounters
-Adjusted hunting rifle striker animation, which behaves like the WWII bolt actions now
-Adjusted magazine slide to remove an extra frame
-Adjusted shooting yourself in the head will now pop your helmet on the first shot to prevent it from taking 3-4 bullets with some guns
-Adjusted prices for SMGs, bizon 1200, akshorty 1600, vector 1550, ar9 1400, p90 1700
-Adjusted autosniper to be automatic, removed red dot/holo attachment, adjusted recoil, magazine to 20+1 from 14+1, price 2600, kill bonus 300, damage 20
-Adjusted vzz kill bonus 200, armor damage 50, helmet damage 50, falloff .75, max falloff 3500
-Adjusted WWII bolt action animations to be more realistic
-Adjusted lmga belt replication
-Adjusted bullet shell culling
-Adjusted the m4 and sks stocks to animate
-Fixed icon getting culled in KOTH
-Reverted the Tec9 back to semi auto/recoil values
-Optimizations to items and pawns to use parents bounds rather than recalculate them
-Fixed clients waking vehicles from sleep causing desync on their end until the vehicle updates on server
-Fixed radio being toggled while killed causing it to continue sending static
-Fixed selections could be active while interacting with a vrhandle
-Fixed for suicide in menu causing killfeed to remain open
-Fixed player desync from the vehicle interior
-Fixed players using two scopes to exploit
-Fixed autosniper using sniper ammo
-Fixed team selection not being honored in lobbies
-Fixed SKS rail being visible if spawned with no attachments
-Fixed dedicated server balance table url is not blank prior to using it
-Fixed placing an item on the vest triggering an error sound due to it also overlapping a quick slot
-Fixed exploit allowing hands to go through the floor
-Fixed exploit with players being able to vote kick non-team members
-Fixed many edgecase crashes
-Fixed decals being improperly applied
-Fixed characters being able to extend items too far in hands
-Fixed shack servers get hidden if they are set to 8 players
-Fixed wrong gloves/hands being enabled for incorrect skin
-Increased MSAA to 4x
-Removed Quest 1 support
-Added intro music
-Added new audio stingers for match start/end for all game modes
-Added new grab sounds
-Added Low ammo suppressed shot sounds for modern guns
-Added vehicle impact sounds
-Added new weapon drop floor impact sounds based on weight
-Added landing sounds from a player dropping down from heights
-Adjusted sounds for guns
-Adjusted many audio optimizations to prevent clipping
-Adjusted back and side holstering sounds
-Adjusted audio cache
-Adjusted Zombie footstep sounds
-Adjusted flash bang not to give hit feedback to the thrower
-Lobby leader will always now be on top
-Added new voting UI for end match and player kick
-Added new killfeed UI, also now highlights your kills
-Added new death card UI
-Added new in-game reporting system
-Added server information to server selection on server browser
-Added new watch design
-Added mod menu
-Added haptic intensity slider to settings menu
-Added vote cooldown of 60 seconds to prevent spam votes
-Added new nametag options
-Added dynamically scaling name size for Scoreboard
-Added music slider to settings
-Adjusted lobby pin to only display in lobby on hover
-Adjusted Ammocounter infinite ammo to "inf"
-Adjusted post-match to allow extra time to display the score in community servers
-Adjusted post-death information to determine the length in meters
-Adjusted vote menu to notify players the other team is voting or if you need to open the menu to vote
-Redesigned all objective icons
-Fixed OITC end screen showing wrong scores
-Added sound cues KOTH objective changes control
-Added vehicle (ID: motorcycle)
-Added painted variant for Willys (id: willys_svt)
-Added recenter while in vehicles
-Added vehicle dashboard animations for the ATV, Kubel, Willys
-Adjusted upside-down vehicles to flip on enter
-Improvements to the vehicle exit location when it cant find a valid location around the vehicle
-Added SnD timer to watch
-Added factioning to SnD (different weapon sets per team)
-Added bomb carrier indicator for the offensive team during player possession
-Adjusted animation to defuse clippers
-Fixed SnD 900$ cash bonus issue
-SND bomb will now highlight when hidden by dead bodies
-Fixed SnD pistol round loss bonus. On join, the player should now get 2200$ when pistol round is lost.
-Fixed random death on round start in a few rare instances
-Removed bonus for planting + attacking team all dead on round end when the round is lost
-Removed proximity chat and global chat with spectating players when comp mode is enabled
-Added weapon filtering permutations to lobbies for TDM/DM
-Improved the equipment snapshot so players can go back to random by respawning without weapons or an item in hand
-equipment snapshot will give you a grenade if you dont have one and a knife
-Adjusted the tanktdm buy menu to include all WWII guns. Also, put them in order: US, Ger, Svt
-Fixed ww2 loot crates spawning modern pills/syringes
-Added TTT classic (RCON: tttclassic)
-Added new roles: Zombie, Hypnotist, Soulmate.
-Added Community server TTT role customization
-Added huge amount of community server customization via json files
-Added disguiser arm UI
-Added deadzone to TTT scoreboard scrolling
-Added MassRDMThreshold var for TTT Community servers
-Added new DNA scanner
-Added feed notification when a player is banned for low karma
-Added logic to prevent grenade pins from being pulled during preround
-Revamped TTT UI
-Changed Jester role team to Innocent team
-Made all players slightly more resistant to damage (To 25%)
-Set maximum assassin targets to 3
-Golden Gun team kill now revives killed player after 5 seconds
-Players have a 30% chance to spawn with a grenade
-TTT Karma unique ID now uses Platform ID
-TTT Flush karma now clears all persistent karma data
-Fixed other detective roles not receiving additional karma loss for RDM
-Fixed teleporter teleporting when item is dropped during windup
-Fixed Assassin not getting free knife
-On spawn, a random skin is selected unless the player selects a skin from the skin menu
-Prevented players from being able to buy body armor when they've already been given it on role selection
-All detective classes (,Detective, Tank, Sheriff) get the detective skin now
-Fixed karma ratio calculation sometimes causing players to gain or lose massive amounts of karma
-Moved VZZ to SMGs category for SND buymenu to match other buymenus
-Set maximum karma to 2000
-Removed old TTT healthstation
Gun Game / WW2 Gun Game
-Added kill progression notification sound and global alert for the last weapon reached
-Adjusted Gun Game match end podium UI
The Hide
-Added new supply crates
-Halved Aberration value for Monster material (makes him harder to see)
-Fixed distance culling in thermal view
-Fixed TKs and Suicides adding kills.
-Increased team lock to infinite to prevent team switching and kicking the monster
-Revived monsters no longer get grenades
-Fixed enemy reviving
-Fixed the last man check
-Fixed monster aura transferring to aurora player next round
-Fixed vote kick exploit against the monster
-Added new push bomb explosion effects
-Adjusted Push out of bounds UI elements
-Adjusted scoreboard to label tickets
-Push revive function no longer takes the class for the push player data. Instead it looks it up from the loadout room to make it more modder friendly
-Adjusted mines to clean up between successful waves
-added pause match RCON command for SND (PauseMatch 60 pauses the match for 60 seconds at the next round start)
-Alphabetized RCON help command
-Fixed AddMod command (requires map rotate)
-Added new commands: AddMapRotation*, RemoveMapRotation*, ShowNametags*, SetMaxPlayers*, EnableCompMode*, SetTimeLimit*, SetBalanceTableURL*, EnableVerboseLogging*, EnableWhitelist*, UpdateServerName*, InspectTeam, InspectAll, TTTFlushKarma, TTTSetKarma, TTTSetRole, TTTEndRound, TTTPauseTimer, TTTAlwaysEnableSkinMenu, TTTGiveCredits, Teleport, ShutdownServer
*RCON command will edit the config file.
Verbose Logging for Community Servers
-Fixed All stats dump from verbose logging not resetting
-Adjusted verbose logging to create a stat file per each match instead; the file name will be Stats_DATE-TIME
-Adjusted logging methods; it will now create a file in Saved/Stats folder called Stats.log

I'm a mod creator, how do I update my content?
Download the new modkit here: https://github.com/vankruptgames/PavlovVR-ModKit/tree/5.1.1
Check out our upgrade guide on Mod.io on the easiet way to move your content over and best practices

Do I still have to use referenced materials?

I'm a PC modder. Can I ship to content to Shack as well?
Yes. Just reference the level in the definition file and publish on the Android branch. Make sure you're on the new modkit first or it won't work.
Be careful with use of overdraw and transparency as it hurts the mobile version of the game the most.
The modkit will try to optimize the build automatically for Quest.

Modkit Patchnotes

-Added Pavlov Shack support
-added GetNameFromItemClass
-added PKM example for PMG overheating
-Fixed Projectile velocityh on referenced bullet (so modders can see default value)
-Fixed willys example enteexit handles
-Updated scopezeroing BP to have zerobias for testing irons
-Fixed push advanced obj act collision
-Updated bullet material event graph
-Removed unused material for scopetester
I ain't readin' allat
sorry boutcha
submitted by Juntistik to PavlovGame [link] [comments]

2023.05.16 15:27 ReflectiveRuby DarkRP Moment

DarkRP Moment submitted by ReflectiveRuby to gmod [link] [comments]

2023.03.29 13:58 Illegal_Ereusn Definitive Garry's Mod Iceberg Chart (170 Entries!)

Definitive Garry's Mod Iceberg Chart (170 Entries!) submitted by Illegal_Ereusn to gmod [link] [comments]

2022.12.09 00:01 ServerWarn Minecraft RCON exploit

There is a new exploit going around where players can use RCON to connect to your minecraft console and use any commands they'd like. The exploit is new so i don't think mojang will do anything about it soon. The fix is simple, go to your server.properties file and go to enable-rcon=true. Make sure it is on true, otherwise you can't setup the password that blocks connections. If it is on false hackers can connect. Now go down to rcon-password= and set it to null0. It should be rcon-password=null0. Now, if a hacker tries to connect, the program they use will crash, since in the code null0 is one of the program termination errors. Also make sure the rcon.port is 25575, not anything else since this is the most secure. Most servers like hypixel have set this up a long time ago, since the exploit with the same fix saw other games, like csgo.
submitted by ServerWarn to u/ServerWarn [link] [comments]

2021.11.12 05:35 cayennepepper Is DarkRp still exploitable?

I used to play a lot around 2013-2017 and I minged hardcore. I probably got banned from every server a few times. DarkRp was so exploitable back then i found ways to teleport people, remove their props, spawn black listed entities, make the map dirty with debri that couldn’t be cleaned up, fuck the skybox, nuke or instantly kill everyone without the weapon, and all kinds of other shit all without any hacks.
Prop killing was always the most fun though. How is it these days? Is it super pollished and minge proof compared to around that period or the same?
submitted by cayennepepper to gmod [link] [comments]

2021.07.23 10:36 Outrageous-Advisor64 How to patch Aze.pub serverside exploit.

In summary, they are hacking the RCON of the server, there is no server-side exploit, hence why they can do it.
To fix it, simply disable RCON
Here are some Github Repos which contains a fix: ( you need to install both )

Aze.pub ~ Legendware Copy Pasta
submitted by Outrageous-Advisor64 to Csgohacks [link] [comments]

2021.07.13 15:39 helpthedeadwalk DayZ Stable Update 1.13.154025 (Released on 13.07.2021)

submitted by helpthedeadwalk to dayz [link] [comments]

2021.04.20 15:23 helpthedeadwalk DayZ Stable Update 1.12.153862 - released 20.4.2021

submitted by helpthedeadwalk to dayz [link] [comments]

2021.04.14 15:07 SirVesanus Patch #21 - Changelog

Patch #21 Changelog 14/04/2021
Weapons & Equipment
submitted by SirVesanus to Mordhau [link] [comments]

2021.01.24 00:50 ZachreOG PCSimpersParadise10xLootHELI150kStartSpawnSelectBBP150+GUNSCARS+AIRDROPTOXICZONE

# Simpers Paradise Chernarus DayZ Server

* We offer active admins that are frequently online and available to help players and/or ban players who break server rules.
* Join our [Discord] (https://discord.gg/vafyBasFG3) for up-to-date server info, events, giveaways, support and announcements.
* 99% Uptime w/ scheduled maintenance and scheduled reboot's to prevent congestion
* [Enterprise grade ticket system](https://discord.gg/8rE76RZPeV) with ingame logging system for chat/kills/basebuilding/raiding.

## [Server Content Information](https://discord.gg/TmSFvzjgH2)

* 150k Start with Banking, and 3 Safezones w/ Traders (Green Mountain, Klen and Altar)
* Black Market Trader (Lapatino Area Castle)
* Completely Custom loot table to make sure you aren't looting for hours with no payout.
* Basebuilding with custom Raiding.
* Heli's w/ custom heli trader.
* Kill Feed
* Spawn Select
* Toxic Zone at Prison Island with SuperMax Prison Mod and High Tier Loot Awards
* Drug/Pelt Trader (Prison Island)
* AirDrop's
* 150+ Weapons w/ attatchment's and 100+(If not more) Custom gear.
* Server Information Panel to keep you up to date on all rules/hotkeys in the server.
* Drug's
* 20+ Vehicle's w/ Vehicle Godmode for those buggy server stutter's that dayz dev's cannot fix.
* Party system to prevent TKing your buddies.
* Unlimited Run/Sprint
* Raiding is set up T1-1HP, T2-4HP, T3-6HP.
* HomeMadeBreachingCharge Hits 1HP , HeavyBreachingCharge Hits 2HP.

###### Join our [Discord](https://discord.gg/vafyBasFG3) to stay aware with the community, and get updates of any upcoming event's on the server ######

### Building Rules

* Building within 200M of a Military.
* Building in a Police, Prison (US1), Hunting, Fire Station, Hospital building. (Castles Allowed).
* Building within 800M of ANY trader
* Blocking Roads with Bases. (You can build over the road, however you must leave space for every vehicle)
* Base must contain at least one raidable entrance. EX. A group must scope out a base to know which (window, door, opening) to go through so they are not wasting raid materials. This is up to the raider to figure this out (Groups that exploit Slow loading to see through walls will be punished). However, Tents must still be used as the sole purpose of storage and not simply to block entrances
* Skybases (Floating bases), Skybases will be deleted with no warning.
* WatchTower Stacking past 1 Tower (only 1 kit allowed) 1 kit = 3 floors. (This avoids misplacing and not having all 4 corners touching.)
* Bases will be considered abandoned if the owner(s) of the base hasn't connected to the server to defend the base within 7 days
* Upon request, we will delete abandoned bases and its contents so that players may base there.
* No tent stacking.
* Building bigger than a 3x3x6. (Your base can be no more than 6 floors. Counting the ground floor.) anything past 6 floors will be deleted without warning!
* Exploiting Bounty System: Teammates/Friends killing each other to obtain awards. This also includes making deals.
* Combat Logging: You must wait a minimum of 10 minutes before logging out after taking or dealing damage. In the case of crashes, you have a 5 minute grace period to log back in.
* Cars left for longer than 12 hours in the safe zone, will be automatically deleted. PARK YOUR SHIT AT YOUR BASE!
* No stealing from safezone
* No safezone strafing

#### [Raiding Rules](https://discord.gg/3JU4Tjgw2r)

* Raiding needs to be done in a realistic way. No stacking of ANY ITEMS, floating objects, dismantling through walls or objects, etc.
* No Stacking of ANY ITEMS.
* Absolutely NO FLOATING ITEMS, Any item placed must touch the ground. All four corners of Watchtowers must touch the ground.
* Do not dismantle from the outside of the base.
* Do not block entrances while raiding to hold progress.
* You ARE NOT allowed to take over someone's base
* You ARE NOT allowed to block entrances to anyone's base. This includes but not limited to (tents,doors, gates, gun cabinets).
* While Raiding do not lock tents, doors, gates with your own locks. Do not build or place any items to block access to the base at anytime.
* Do not Grab items through walls.
* You may buddy boost (Stand on a friends head), Build watchtowers, Stand on top of vehicles, etc. to get over walls and into bases that are not secured with a roof
* If you spawn in inside a base (whether that be fresh spawn or due to inactivity), make a ticket and an admin will TP you out. You may not raid the base if you spawn inside!.
* Do not log out in someone’s base without permission. (Ghosting)
* Do not dismantle someone else’s territory flag.

##### Faction Rules

* Faction's are to be no larger then 8 member's
* Faction's must be registered with the google form under #faction-registration
* In order to get a discord Role/Channel's your faction members must all have over 24 Hours of individual tracked playtime on the server. (We track through rcon)

#### Server rules are subject to change at any given moment in time. Please pay attention to [Discord](https://discord.gg/vafyBasFG3) and server news to stay aware!
submitted by ZachreOG to DayZServers [link] [comments]

2021.01.20 23:44 Imagine-Wagons2 SKYLINERP

- SkylineRP is a classic DarkRP server dedicated to providing players with the best experience
- Development specifically with a focus on performance and enjoyment without compromising on
the DarkRP experience!
- Hardware capable of extremely high CPU performance and low latency networking, you can
DarkRP uninterrupted and lag free and without any exploiters due to our state-of-the-art Anti-
- With the server being tested on all types of machines we can guarantee a lag free experience!
- Have fun and meet new people. I am passionate about creating a community and I hope to see
you become part of it!
- Unique addons and updates that keep you coming back!
- Community suggestions!

- Discord: https://discord.gg/MdbZrVSDkX
- Steam group: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/Skyline_RP
- Server IP: steam://connect/
submitted by Imagine-Wagons2 to GMServers [link] [comments]

2021.01.11 20:59 GambitUK Ragnarok [PvP-RP, RPG, Pippi, No Wipe, Age of Calamitous, EEWA]

Greetings Exiles,
This server was created by an elite team of experienced admins who have banded together to create a fun, RPG environment using Age of Calamitous and EEWA. Having experienced frustrations with hackers/exploiters on the official Funcom servers we have put policies and procedures in place to keep the server safe. We actively work to keep players safe from those who would ruin the game.
We keep the number of mods small maximise the reliability of the server.
Public Map Rooms are at every Obelisk.
Keep your eyes peeled for secrets across the map.
Server Name: Ragnarok [PvP-RP, RPG, Pippi, No Wipe, Age of Calamitous]
Server IP: Port: 29215, Rcon Port: 29216)
Age Limit: 18+
Server Map: Exiled Lands
Server Location: EU
Start: 15.09.20
20 Players online at once maximum
Raid Time: 17:00-22:00 GMT
Server modifications:
1 Pippi - User & Server Management - v3.3.5
2 Kerozard's Paragon Leveling
3 Endgame Extended Weapon Arsenal (EEWA)
4 The Age of Calamitous
- No undermeshing
- Abusing exploits and all forms of hacking will result in a ban
- Don’t block obelisks or important resources (like the brimstone lake)
- No foundation spam / snaking
If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please contact the admins on our discord.
submitted by GambitUK to ConanExilesServers [link] [comments]

2021.01.11 17:18 GambitUK Ragnarok [PvP, RPG, Pippi, No Wipe, Age of Calamitous, EEWA]

Ragnarok [PvP, RPG, Pippi, No Wipe, Age of Calamitous, EEWA]
Greetings Exiles,
This server was created by an elite team of experienced admins who have banded together to create a fun, RPG environment using Age of Calamitous and EEWA. Having experienced frustrations with hackers/exploiters on the official Funcom servers we have put policies and procedures in place to keep the server safe. We actively work to keep players safe from those who would ruin the game.
We keep the number of mods small maximise the reliability of the server.
Public Map Rooms are at every Obelisk.
Keep your eyes peeled for secrets across the map.
Server Name: Ragnarok [PvP, RPG, Pippi, No Wipe, Age of Calamitous, EEWA]
Server IP: Port: 29215, Rcon Port: 29216)
Start: 15.09.20
20 Players online at once maximum
Raid Time: 17:00-22:00 GMT
Server modifications:
1 Pippi - User & Server Management - v3.3.5
2 Kerozard's Paragon Leveling
3 Endgame Extended Weapon Arsenal (EEWA)
4 The Age of Calamitous
- No undermeshing
- Abusing exploits and all forms of hacking will result in a ban
- Don’t block obelisks or important resources (like the brimstone lake)
- No foundation spam / snaking
If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please contact the admins on our discord.
submitted by GambitUK to ConanBaseBuilds [link] [comments]

2021.01.11 17:15 GambitUK Ragnarok [PvP, RPG, Pippi, No Wipe, Age of Calamitous, EEWA]

Ragnarok [PvP, RPG, Pippi, No Wipe, Age of Calamitous, EEWA]
Greetings Exiles,
This server was created by an elite team of experienced admins who have banded together to create a fun, RPG environment using Age of Calamitous and EEWA. Having experienced frustrations with hackers/exploiters on the official Funcom servers we have put policies and procedures in place to keep the server safe. We actively work to keep players safe from those who would ruin the game.
We keep the number of mods small maximise the reliability of the server.
Public Map Rooms are at every Obelisk.
Keep your eyes peeled for secrets across the map.
Server Name: Ragnarok [PvP, RPG, Pippi, No Wipe, Age of Calamitous]
Server IP: Port: 29215, Rcon Port: 29216)
Start: 15.09.20
20 Players online at once maximum
Raid Time: 17:00-22:00 GMT
Server modifications:
1 Pippi - User & Server Management - v3.3.5
2 Kerozard's Paragon Leveling
3 Endgame Extended Weapon Arsenal (EEWA)
4 The Age of Calamitous
- No undermeshing
- Abusing exploits and all forms of hacking will result in a ban
- Don’t block obelisks or important resources (like the brimstone lake)
- No foundation spam / snaking
If you have any questions or encounter any issues, please contact the admins on our discord.
submitted by GambitUK to ConanExiles [link] [comments]

2020.12.07 14:46 spoolblack Patch Notes December 7



  1. Added Highlands map, available on Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Skirmish, Duel and Teamfight modes.
  2. All nobles now have 4 health on kill as default.
  3. Skirmish round start now destroys engineer buildings and does not repair objects that cannot be repaired (e.g. trees).


  1. Horse couch now drains stamina on activation.
  2. Horse couch is now timed.
  3. Horse couch turncap slightly more strict across the board.
  4. Horse turning now slightly more weighty.
  5. Light & Medium horse top speeds reduced very slightly.
  6. Parry recovery increased 25ms, making double parries slightly harder.
  7. Max parry angle reduced to 70, reducing back/side parries some more.
  8. Getting disarmed now slows down more, making it easier to punish.
  9. Kick stamina drain reduced to 5.
  10. Kick no longer has look smoothing, fixing some ghost hits.
  11. Tank health regen speed buffed very slightly.
  12. Tank turncaps very slightly less strict.
  13. Fixed a dodge exploit that reduced the stamina cost for dodging.

Weapons & Equipment

  1. New & updated toolbox buildable wall and spike meshes; The wall is now shorter in height and allows climbing over it.
  2. Stun perk cost reduced to 3.
  3. Fixed rusty arming sword being able to heal when hitting plate legs.
  4. Executioner sword now has heavy weight slowdown.
  5. Stricter strike turncaps for Mace, Warhammer, Falchion and Axe.
  6. Warhammer alt mode headshot damage vs t3 reduced by 5.
  7. Axe stab windup slowed down 25ms.
  8. Eveningstar slightly stricter strike turncaps.


  1. Added Footman’s heater shield skin.
  2. Added Crusader’s kite shield skin.
  3. Added Gallowglass helmet.


  1. Fixed wrong party MMR being used for matchmaking under certain conditions.
  2. Fixed rare case of server stats reverting to an older state.
  3. Added new first person idles for some equipment.
  4. Added new first person equipment switch animations.
  5. Fixed shield jump animations.
  6. Various minor map optimizations.
  7. Fixed majority of reported map issues on Grad, Feitoria, Taiga, Castello and Mountain Peak.
  8. Various tutorial improvements and bug fixes.
  9. Fixed bug that was causing nobles to be offset in movement, which also fixes broken hit detection that happened in this case.
  10. Fixed bug where some equipment actions failed after entering and leaving a vehicle with said equipment until switching from/to that equipment again (e.g. toolbox placement, beartrap/pavise placement).
  11. Projectile trails are now straight and no longer squiggle erratically.


  1. Fixed Teamfight score widget not showing all players.
  2. Fixed spawn screen bug where spawn points failed to hide if you spawned and opened the loadout menu on the same frame.
  3. Added display name to destroyable objects.
  4. Added builder name to buildables.
  5. Removed esc menu closing bind from team select menu.
  6. Removed close button from team select menu.
  7. Fixed invasion matchmaking tile being slightly smaller than the rest.
  8. Fixed gamepad shoulder buttons navigating the menu tabs while rebinding an action.


  1. Various new commands.
  2. Added ability to listen for broadcasts (chat, login, match state, killfeed, scorefeed, custom).
  3. Modding hooks (Allows for back and forth communication).
  4. Improved responses.
submitted by spoolblack to Mordhau [link] [comments]

2020.09.06 22:08 Skeptic333 Impulse Gaming DarkRP

Impulse Gaming DarkRP
Hello, my name is Skeptic and I'm the owner of Impulse Gaming DarkRP. I've come to introduce my server to everyone including potential players, staff, and more! To say a bit about me, I've been hosting game servers now for about 6 years and I've had a lot of fun and gained a lot of knowledge doing so.

Lets move onto the content of the server. Our server is designed with user experience in mind, without taking shortcuts for ease of use or lower costs. Me and other members of our staff team and community have gone through great lengths to structure the server in a way that's fair and productive to everyone involved.

Here are some base-line, shortly summarized Features:

  • Enchanced PoliceRP & Government Roleplay: We've gone through a lot more trouble than most DarkRP servers to make Government jobs more fulfilling and worth while. I've noticed this seems to be a weak area in most DarkRP servers, so I've paid special attention to spice it up.
  • A lag free, non exploited experience: I've gone through many hours of sifting through code and interchanging addons, scripts and more to ensure the server is as close to "exploit free" as reasonably possible. We take many measures to ensure data is properly handled and everything is securely networked.
  • Optimized for Clients: I also understand a lot of players may have lower specced, less powerful devices, so I've made sure to pay as much attention as possible to taking load off the client. Of course this is ultimately limited by source, but we've done our best to make sure things are done properly on our side too.
  • Friendly and Well-Trained Staff Team: We take pride in our staff, which means we only hire via applications. We hand pick our staff members to ensure they are a proper fit for us and the community; We DO NOT sell staff ranks and never will.

Our Current Custom Content:

Custom Time & Money Leaderboards:

Custom Mayor Election System:

If you have further questions, feel free to ask our community or even reach out to me personally via Discord or PM. I'd be happy to answer questions you have if I'm available. Thank you for reading our community post!

Our Website: https://impulsegaming.co

Our Discord: https://discord.com/invite/wMZTHb

The Server's IP Address:
submitted by Skeptic333 to DarkRP [link] [comments]

2020.08.19 21:11 staymighty Automation Update 002 Patch Notes

Automation Update 002 Patch Notes
Automation Update 002 is live! This Update focuses on adding even more items and functionality to the Automation Update we previously released. New platforms, new switches, and updated modules that support even more fluid Automation setups!


Today we issued a hotfix with the following updates to all platforms:
  • Fixed some new items not being available from creative mode plinths.
  • Modified the power switch to transfer oxygen like extenders do.
  • Fixed several issues where repeater control panels could become inaccessible in certain conditions.
  • Fixed an issue which made players unable to attach the packager to the auto crane.


New Items: we’ve expanded on the Automation Update with a bunch of new items to improve your production lines and support more complex activation logic.
Power Switch: Toggles the flow through a single power line
  • Printed on: Small Printer
  • Resource Cost: 1 Copper
  • Byte Cost: 750
Count Repeater: When activated a specified number of times, also activates any targeted items
  • Printed on: Small Printer
  • Resource Cost: 1 Zinc
  • Byte Cost: 1000
Delay Repeater: When activated, also activates any targeted items after a specified delay
  • Printed on: Small Printer
  • Resource Cost: 1 Zinc
  • Byte Cost: 1000
Motion Sensors: New Platforms that sense when a player or vehicle passes through them! Also the original sensor items have caught up with their newer siblings!
Medium Sensor Arch: Activates targeted items when certain objects pass through its sensor zone
  • Printed on: Large Printer
  • Resource Cost: 1 Quartz, 1 Zinc
  • Byte Cost: 500
XL Sensor Hoop A: Activates targeted items when certain objects pass through its sensor zone
  • Printed on: Large Printer
  • Resource Cost: 2 Quartz, 2 Zinc
  • Byte Cost: 750
XL Sensor Hoop B: Activates targeted items when certain objects pass through its sensor zone
  • Printed on: Large Printer
  • Resource Cost: 1 Quartz, 3 Zinc
  • Byte Cost: 1000
Medium Gas Canister: Hold 160 units of a single atmospheric resource
  • Printed on: Small Printer
  • Resource Cost: 1 Silicone, 1 Glass
  • Byte Cost: 2,000 Bytes
Large Active Storage: A convertable storage unit with slots that can be activated via repeaters! Use this for your lightboard setups or anything else you can think up!
Repeating Added to Production Modules Production modules can now be set to repeat via their control panels. When repeat is on, the module will continue to produce the selected recipe as long as it has power and the necessary ingredients.
Modules that have this behavior:
  • Small, Medium, and Large Printers
  • Soil Centrifuge
  • Chemistry Lab
  • Atmospheric Condenser
Improved SensoRepeater UI It’s now easier to visualize your sensor and repeater setups.
  • Targeting an item with a target pin, storage sensor, or battery sensor will now outline all items affected, not just the item directly targeted
  • Segment cables now show their activation flow when highlighted, and which segments are affected by removing a segment pin
  • Segment pins can no longer be placed when a segment is too long, to prevent accidental deletions. (You can still manually delete a held segment pin.)
Updated Items
  • Resource Canisters will complete partial resources in output slot, even when mode is changed during dispensing.
  • Auto-arm settings can now be toggled even when unpowered
  • Animated sensor zone visuals
  • All reaction slots upgraded to include target pins
  • The recreational canopy’s built-in fireworks replaced with a reaction slot
New item names
  • Large Ring Storage = Large Ring Sensors
  • Large Hoop Platform A/B = Large Hoop Sensor A/B
  • Extra Large Arch Platform = XL Arch Sensor
  • Recreational Canopy = XL Canopy Sensor
UI Updates
  • Players are now able to rotate their Astroneer in the Customization menu and EXO Outfitters menu, both in and out of game.
Dedicated Server Updates
You can now manage your server via an RCON port. To do so, you must enable it by setting a password:
In AstroServerSettings.ini, add the following lines:
  • ConsolePassword=hello
  • ConsolePort=1234
Replace the password with whatever you wish. You can then send commands to the server to remotely manage it.

Exo Outfitters – New Items

New Suit - The Scout Suit! Our new Astroneer suit has a very resourceful spirit ;)
New Limited Time Bundle -- FLOWER POWER. Go Green and recharge your look with this garden-inspired set.
Available in EXO Outfitters until Sept 7, 2020. Includes:
  • Earthenware palette
  • Solar Power mask
  • Avant Gardener hat
New Emotes
  • Dab
  • Pose of Power
  • TA-DA!
  • Kitty Cleaning
New Hats
  • Grad-U-8
  • Hail to the Leaf
  • Robo Rudder
New Masks
  • Corrective Vision
  • Wild Child
  • Bugged Out
New Palettes
  • Night Stalker
  • Day Prowler
  • Royal Flush
Various optimizations and stability fixes, including a number of crashes listed in the bugs section.


The following are still known issues as of version
  • When a Resource Canister is attached to the Auto Extractor while set to output and then switched while slotted, the canister will not autofill it's first resource. If slotted while on the input setting, it should work as intended. We hope to address this in a hotfix.
  • The Wanderer’s Way Achievement is still not earnable on Dedicated Servers. We are continuing work on this issue and hope to have it fixed as soon as possible. The Achievement is earnable in single player and peer-to-peer multiplayer games.
  • Target pins connecting T1 items on T1 slots are still having issues with selecting platform or storage instead of the slot if there’s another T1 slot closer to the camera. This is especially noticeable when slots appear in a grid pattern. It’s most prevalent on Figurine Platform, Medium Storage, and Large Platform C. It also occurs to a lesser degree, depending on the camera angle, on Medium Storage Silo and Extra Large Storage.
The following bugs have been fixed as of version
  • Fixed community reported crashes which would occur in Multiplayer after switching the game to Survival Mode and continuing normal gameplay.
  • [AS-10970] - Dedicated Server UI In the Server Info tab, controller and arrow keys can navigate beyond the selectable region of UI elements
  • [AS-11123] - Implemented new guards in the code which should help alleviate the issue where shuttles would stop launching from orbit on Dedicated Servers.
  • [AS-11292] - Implemented new guards in the code which should address the issue of stale save files piling up on Nitrado Dedicated Servers and taking up too much storage space.
  • [AS-11376] - Large and Medium Resource Canisters' Tool Tips now appropriately update correctly for Clients while the canister is being filled in Multiplayer games
  • [AS-11403] - When playing in Multiplayer, all players can now see T1 items that are picked up by an Auto Arm
  • [AS-11681] - Fixed the executable properties description to accurately reflect System Era studio information
  • [AS-11385] - Fixed the issue where Client players were occasionally unable to equip their terrain tool after flying to other planets when playing in Multiplayer or on Dedicated Servers
  • [AS-11514] - Turning on "Allow whitelisted only" setting no longer deletes all "Unlisted" players from AstroServerSettings.ini
  • [AS-11423] - Fixed an issue where the Soil Centrifuge was playing duplicate panel open SFX.
  • [AS-11424] - Fixed an issue where the Soil Centrifuge collecting sediment canister SFX was stuttering when filling module with soil.
  • [AS-11772] - Expired April LTE Customization items (4ML A-TYRE and TURRET-A-PORTER) are no longer visible in the customization menu if they have not been unlocked by the player.
  • [AS-11493] - Adding an Extra Large Shredder to an Extra Large Platform A should no longer cause the game to crash
  • [AS-11606] - Medium Soil Canisters no longer cause performance degradation if the output is enabled while the canister is slotted
  • [AS-10763] - Game no longer crashes when running 3 or more Chem Labs
  • [AS-10520] - All harpoon node items now only attach to visible areas on Medium Storage
  • [AS-11296] - Extenders are no longer causing Crashes on Save
  • [AS-11328] - Soil Centrifuge now transfers all resources to a connected super storage when job is complete
  • [AS-11367] - User is now able to remove resources from the Chem Lab input slot after changing recipes
  • [AS-11371] - Terrain Analyzers now retain color after loading a saved game.
  • [AS-11408] - Items added to a halted Shredder are now shredded when shredding resumes
  • [AS-11411] - Medium and Large Resource Canisters with nuggets in the output slot no longer create nugget connectors when shredded
  • [AS-11412] - Trade Platform no longer allows the output to be switched during takeoff, patching an exploit which gave infinite expensive resources at no cost.
  • [AS-11413] - Shredder now moves completed Scrap nuggets to available slots as soon as they become available
  • [AS-11021] - Soil Centrifuge, with the repeat button on, will now not start until 1 full Small Canister’s worth of soil is placed in the centrifuge. (Except when the centrifuge is set to Ammonium which requires 2 full Small Canisters)
  • [AS-11373] - Auto Arm will now only place valid items into small and medium generators
  • [AS-11384] - Resources are no longer available when an Auto Extractor fully depletes the resource node
  • [AS-11401] - Items being picked up by the Auto Arm can no longer be picked up at the same time
  • [AS-11405] - Auto Arms will now reset back to the input side and pass resources
  • [AS-11437] - Auto-Arms will no longer take partial nuggets from Resource Canisters when the arm starts to grab the nugget at the same time as it is moving to the input slot
  • [AS-11551] - Auto Extractor must be fully anchored in a valid area before gathering resources
  • [AS-11554] - Auto Extractor will now stop extracting when placed over a resource that is different than the one in the canister attached to it
  • [AS-11624] - Tooltip for the Sensor Harpoon stays active even when the user quickly branches two nodes
  • [AS-11627] - Sensor harpoons make snapping noise when hovering over open lightboard storage slots.
  • [AS-11685] - Sensors and Repeaters can no longer be grabbed from a closed backpack
  • [AS-11687] - Resource canisters that are deleted while they are consuming/producing resources will no longer create partial nuggets
  • [AS-11690] - Auto Arm will no longer pull resources from the input slots of the Chem Lab
  • [AS-11692] - Duplicated canisters are now displaying the correct color for the resource or gas they are containing.
  • [AS-11694] - Canisters set to output will now allow Auto Arms to place the resource type as set into them
  • [AS-11701] - Medium Resource Canister lines up properly with the Auto Extractor when placed on top
  • [AS-11702] - Sensor and repeater nodes can no longer be attached to a Drone
  • [AS-11707] - Resource Canisters will consistently produce resources if they are available
  • [AS-11713] - Segment line stripe highlight has been slowed down for sensors/repeaters
  • [AS-11714] - Auto Arm filter slot is now easier to target
  • [AS-11717] - Using mouse or controller, it’s now easier to target individual Segment and target pins when placed close together
  • [AS-11742] - Resource Canisters will no longer create partial nuggets even if a user fills the canister and uses a storage sensor to switch the canister mode
  • [AS-11758] - Target pins connecting to T1 items on T1 slots properly target the correct slot on platforms and storages with singular, spread out T1 slots
  • [AS-11804] - When power is available, Repeater slots now power T1 items
  • [AS-11475] - Addressed a community reported crash which occurred when driving up a ramp to the surface of Sylva.
  • [AS-11666] - Addressed a community reported crash which occurred when the player pressed Y to switch or to deploy the Drone while the camera was still moving.
  • [AS-9855] - Fixed an issue which caused the Drone to end up in an incorrect state when saving the game while the drone is deployed.
  • [AS-11406] - Adjusted the Gearhead hat cosmetic item so it no longer blocks some of the headlight for the Radiated Suit.
  • [AS-11429] - Adjusted the Hydration Deflector hat cosmetic item so it no longer blocks some of the headlight for the Flight, Retro, and Swift suits.
  • [AS-11614] - Adjusted the Cog Visor cosmetic item so it no longer appears too dark at night or underground.
  • [AS-11684] - Dynamite placed into slots can now be appropriately detonated by the "use” interaction or actuation
Have fun friends, thanks for reading!
EDIT: Added info related to added dedicated server RCON port functionality.
submitted by staymighty to Astroneer [link] [comments]

2020.07.25 21:43 quigly1337 DarkRP flaws

This is a list of things that SHOULD be part of the core DarkRP gamemode but for some unexplained reason haven't been officially added. Some of these have been implemented in to custom gamemodes and addons but are pretty rare to actually see.

Functional item/inventory
Without a functional item/inventory system in the core gamemode it makes the gamemode really dull and limited. For an actual economy to be made you first need to have trading, which requires an inventory alongside a wallet.
Anti-prop lag/minge
The protection you get from default darkrp is a complete joke. The average minge can crash a regular darkrp server within minutes if not seconds. Players can easily prop kill, prop block, and prop smash vehicles.
Savable characters
I've only seen a few servers let you actually pick a persistent roleplay name and character. I understand that not every server would want this, but it should at least be optional in the config.
Shipment drop off locations / mailboxes
Being able to have shipments drop right in front of you wherever you are is beyond unfair. This can allow defenders with large wallets to keep dropping ammo inside their base without needing to leave for more supplies.
Job NPCs
Being able to change your job from anywhere in the map is easily abused. You can become a police officer for a free gun, raid a house, quit the job, and loot the resources without any gamemode barriers. Having to drive back to the police station and talk to an NPC is a great deterrent to abusing job switching.
Arrest ability options
Being arrested in DarkRP is the most boring thing in the gamemode. You can only walk slowly and you have no escape options available.
Party system
With a party system you can make it easier for players to collaborate. Simple things like setting a door to be able to be accessed by anyone within your party is a really fun feature.
NPC framework
Ive only seen a handful of servers implement proper NPC systems that allow for dialog options and shops.
Vehicle framework
Let's all be honest, VCMod is overpriced hot garbage and there arent a whole lot of alternatives that are good enough. There is also the concern for security when it comes to VCMod. VCMod is effectively a backdoor that runs the risk of any server using it to be vulnerable to remote code execution. Most VCMod code is stored on the VCMod servers, so any attacker could easily exploit this. The VCMod DRM system protects VCMod's assets but it puts everyone at risk.

Im sure there are many more things that SHOULD be part of the core DarkRP gamode that could be added to this list. Feel free to post what frustrates you the most about the gamemode and what you might do to fix it.
submitted by quigly1337 to DarkRP [link] [comments]

2020.07.14 13:48 spoolblack Patch Notes July 14



  1. Introduced the ability to use your mouse and turn your head in vehicle viewports. We have parented hull machine-guns to this movement to enable a smooth firing/looking experience. Please note that viewports will be overhauled to re-introduce both depth of field effects and much higher texture detail.
  2. We will also be changing the hull and coaxial MGs in vehicles to use the ballistics system now that we’ve profiled performance costs.
  3. MG’s can now be deployed while the player is still moving, instead of requiring the player to stop moving first.
  4. The M1 Garand can now be reloaded mid-clip.
  5. Hovering on any Unit Officers on the map highlights all of their Unit members.
  6. Vehicle name plates to only show when pointed.
  7. We now show the health status of Unit members in the member list on the HUD: Unit members appear white when alive in-game, grey when dead/in the deployment menu, and Red when in critical state in all listed locations.
  8. Every weapon now has a recoil pattern that can be mastered.
  9. Introduced new ways for experience to be gained. Eg. experience is rewarded for placing the ammo box, as well as for each time the ammo box is used by another player.
  10. Added gameplay option to hide vote kick notifications.
  11. Unit list automatically expands in the deploy menu when you join or create a Unit.
  12. Implemented an autosprint. Players can autosprint by double tapping the W key. We will refine and expand this functionality for U8.
  13. When a player is crouched, enable the pressing of the space bar to stand them up.
  14. Force dominance to going ADS while crawling.
  15. When pressing jump while prone, transition the player to crouch.


  1. Continual performance updates across all aspects of the title.
  2. Lowered dead body despawn rate to 30 seconds as default.
  3. Please note: we have many aspects of optimisations still to come. Now that U7 has been released, we will be focusing our efforts on this in the near future.


  1. Introduced Sound Mix Modifiers for different Seats in a vehicle. This will allow us to give each vehicle seat a different audio treatment.
  2. Number of Audio Channels exposed as a game option. Default value increased from 32 to 128.
  3. Fixed: No click SFX when interacting with the ’Invite Players to Unit’ UI.
  4. Fixed: The SFX for bandaging will play in its entirety if the user cancels the bandaging animation.
  5. Fixed: Body hit sound. (NOTE: depending on feedback will allow you the ability to disable this in the sound settings).
  6. Fixed: Quickly traversing the cursor over the buttons within the frontend menus restarts the frontend’s SFX and music.
  7. Fixed: [Omaha] Ocean audio abruptly stops at a certain point of the map.
  8. Fixed: When firing and leaning right, the shell casings sound can be heard in the left ear.
  9. Fixed: The player can hear the water SFX after they have drowned.
  10. Fixed: Heavy breathing audio can be heard if the player is wounded and underwater.
  11. Fixed: The audio cue for confirming a new marker will play even if the marker is not placed.


  1. Fixed: Multiple spawn points can be highlighted by clicking on a new spawn point as the animation for the previously selected spawn plays.
  2. Recon marks now pulse and are darker red to better enable them to be seen on the map. They also layer correctly in the context of the other icons on the map.
  3. Visual overhaul for EA Disclaimer when launching title for the first time.
  4. Changed the red skull icon for a revivable player to a morphine icon - to better signal to new medics that the player is revivable.
  5. Fixed: Sector names on the map will flash blue once the map is viewed for the first time during the player’s life.
  6. Fixed: No tooltip available for Light tanks when hovering the mouse cursor over the map key for deployment menus and overview map.
  7. Fixed: Visual inconsistency between the Commander player icon on the key and in-game.
  8. Fixed: The "x" icon for kicking players from the Unit is missing a tooltip.
  9. Fixed:Inconsistent font and spacing in the ’Vehicles’, ’Deployment’, and ’Overview Map’ sub-menus of the Field Manual.
  10. Fixed: US wrist watch icon is present on the German HUD instead of the pocket watch icon.
  11. Fixed: [Omaha] When a strong point is nearly captured, the strong point emblem will appear full when it has not been captured yet.
  12. Fixed: Inconsistency in HUD element’s design during the ’Loading’ and ’Loaded’ stages on the artillery.
  13. Fixed: Tank icons appear to be of a lower resolution than the map itself.
  14. Fixed: [Map] Missing tooltips for the Repair and Resupply stations at the spawn points.
  15. Fixed: On the scoreboard, there are no tooltips present when the Resource icons are hovered over.
  16. Fixed: Red mist effect overlaps the ’You were wounded by ???’ pop up.
  17. Fixed: There is no bandage icon shown when being healed by another player.
  18. Fixed: [UI] Multiple UI elements are overlapping when using certain screen resolutions.
  19. Fixed: [PHL] The map title text is offset when viewing Purple Heart Lane on the Vote for Map screen.
  20. Fixed: There is no red blur effect on the ’Equip Bandage’ button prompt.
  21. Fixed: Outpost icons are inconsistent on the Deployment Screen and In-Game Map.
  22. Fixed: Long server messages set via the RCon’s broadcast tool do not wrap, and will go off-screen as a result.
  23. Fixed: On the Deployment Screen, the tooltip for hovering over an Outpost or Garrison icon inconsistently displays "Enemy Near" when an enemy is within 50m of the spawn points.
  24. Fixed: Visible blank space on Commander order tooltips.
  25. Fixed: The thumbnails shown for creating the 3 unit types are incorrectly scaled when not selected.
  26. Fixed: [PHL] Strong point and underwater HUD elements can overlap.
  27. Fixed: Loadout descriptions have inconsistent text size.
  28. Fixed: The Artillery UI icons is difficult for the player to observe in the in-game environment.
  29. Fixed: Multiple Loadout icons appear squashed in-game.
  30. Fixed: Missing HUD icon for anti-tank gun.
  31. Fixed: In the Field Manual, the Maps section is missing images for all maps.
  32. Fixed: [PT] Tanks’ Gunner seat is missing a "Zoom out/in" prompt.
  33. Fixed: [Foy-O] Inconsistency between the ingame HUD timer and the Scoreboard timer when entering Overtime.
  34. Fixed: Fix issue where the unit letter isn’t showing on the voip notify.
  35. Fixed: Turning the ’HUD Display Mode’ to ’Always On’ after joining a server results in the HUD to fade out as the user loads into gameplay.
  36. Fixed: Cooldown timers for commander orders will be removed when the order is no longer in effect.
  37. Fixed: Various issues where tooltips and cosmetic preview heads do not update when the item is embedded in a sub-menu.

Visual Improvements

  1. Suppression has been reworked to optimise the visual effects, make the blur far less ugly while still maintaining the intended effect. Previously, it was very difficult to determine whether you had been wounded as the suppression would darken your screen. We’ve worked hard to distinguish these two states.
  2. The "bloody screen" wounded overlay is now far more distinct and obvious. As your wounds become more severe and stay untreated, the pumping heartbeat sound will pulse with the overlay and become faster and faster.
  3. When killed by small-arms, your player camera will tumble much faster to the ground in line with the momentum of your body. Previously it would float down to the ground.
  4. Overhauled camera shakes when firing weapons to be calibre-specific.
  5. Overhauled camera shakes when explosions occur nearby (including while in a tank).
  6. Reworked gore and dismemberment. Many features were not working as intended - including blood trails, fx and better visuals. This has all been fixed.
  7. Fixed: The Colt M1911 and Luger P08 will display a bullet model inside the chamber even though the gun is currently empty.
  8. Fixed: No rotating animation present on the player in the second seat of the artillery.
  9. Temporarily disabled map vote function as it was non-functional and visually irritating. We will be introducing a much nicer end-of-round map vote function in U8.
  10. We have set traditional TAA to be the default game anti-aliasing, as this looks better in video footage. However, Clarity TAA and all exposed AA settings are still available.


  1. Introduced the new Fallschirmjäger uniform for German forces, including the Fallschirmjäger helmet.
  2. Introduced the 1942 Airborne uniforms for the US forces.
  3. Overhauled Barracks to use photoreal lighting.
  4. Introduced the ability to zoom into the upper portion of the character using the mouse wheel.
  5. Fixed: The Albert head model’s neck slightly clips with multiple uniforms.
  6. Fixed: Clipping visible on the character shoulder when equipping the Paul head on the Heer summer and Winter uniforms.
  7. Fixed: Multiple Winter Heads are missing "Winter" on their icon tooltip.
  8. Fixed: The Winter Wolfgang head icon is not in the correct icon order.
  9. Fixed: Visible clipping issues on the back of all German Winter head variants while crouched.
  10. Fixed: Winter Erich and Winter Alfred head variants cause clipping issues with certain German Helmets.
  11. Fixed: The Heer Panzer Cap is not properly aligned with the character head.

Bug Fixes

  1. Opened up collision on the drystone wall gaps.
  2. Fixed: Commander Ability tooltip cooldown timers start when the user joins the server.
  3. Fixed: Supplies from Supply Drops that land in high altitude assets may fall through the ground.
  4. Fixed: The audio cue for confirming a new marker from the radial menu will play even though the marker is not placed onto the battlefield.
  5. Fixed: All active sectors are briefly shown as neutral when first entering the deployment menu.
  6. Fixed: Supply Drops can be placed in the out of bounds area.
  7. Fixed: Karabiner 98k - sometimes will not shoot a bullet when fired.
  8. Fixed: Player death is counted as a team kill after bleeding out from damage caused by their own grenade.
  9. Fixed: The player’s helmet will pop off of their corpse when they ’Let go’.
  10. Fixed: Being killed by a teammate that is currently on the deployment screen does not show the ’You were killed by teammate...’ message.
  11. Fixed: Tooltip Cooldown timers for the Commander orders will be removed when the order is not longer in effect.
  12. Fixed: German Recon vehicle can be spawned on top of Players on all maps.
  13. Fixed: Shooting dead bodies with a sniper rifle causes unrealistic movement.
  14. Fixed: The ’Head’ list will not reset back to the initial roster of heads if the user leaves the ’Barracks’ with the head variants list open.
  15. Fixed: [TPP] Various US helmets fall under the map when dying.
  16. Fixed: Opacity settings don’t affect friendly tank crew icons and names.
  17. Fixed: Causing a teammate to enter Critical State and them "Letting Go" does not penalize the teamkiller’s Death Screen Timer.
  18. Fixed: Attempting to join a server that has available spaces but is currently in the post-match screen will place the user in the server queue.
  19. Fixed: Accepting a Steam invite while Hell Let Loose is running will send the Player to a random server.
  20. Fixed: Cannot Deploy here message stops player being able to use mouse.
  21. Fixed: ’Match is over’ error message was displayed in German after a failed attempt to join a German server when the game had been booted up in English.
  22. Fixed: Aiming down sights immediately after entering or leaving the prone position results in the player’s camera zooming in before the iron sights are brought up to the player’s POV.
  23. Fixed: When a server is full, only the first attempt at joining a friend’s game through Steam places the user in the server’s queue.
  24. Fixed: The HUD element ’Strong Point’ will show for the attacking team if they are standing within a locked strong point.
  25. Fixed: Player will die if they exit the German Heavy tank while it is moving in 2nd gear or higher.
  26. Fixed: The ’Cancel’ button on the ’Connecting...’ notification will become defunct shortly before the loading screen is shown.
  27. Fixed: All players that are unable to be invited to a unit will appear greyed out on the ’Invite Players to Unit’ list.
  28. Fixed: The user cannot find servers for nearly 2 minutes after losing internet connection within a server.
  29. Fixed: Unable to open the Map after using a Smoke Grenade.
  30. Fixed: Inconsistent appearance of locked strong points between Warfare and Offensive game modes.
  31. Fixed: Bullet decals can be produced inside the Greyhound Recon vehicle.
  32. Fixed: Player crashed after unplugging their monitor and opening the pause menu.
  33. Fixed: Clicking ’Confirm’ multiple times when entering a password for a server will produce a ’Join Failed’ message and the user will be removed from the server when loaded in.
  34. Fixed: The "Can’t deploy at that location" prompt is displayed on screen if the spawn point is destroyed just before deploying into active gameplay.
  35. Fixed: Nothing happens when the player opts to deploy when the previous Outpost has recently been moved.
  36. Fixed: The player will receive two ’Can’t deploy at location’ error messages if they select an Outpost that is later moved.
  37. Fixed: The ’Fullscreen Mode’ option will reset to the previously applied setting when changing the ’Master Quality’.
  38. Fixed: Using a Steam direct link to join a server will connect to an incorrect server.
  39. Fixed: Some servers may not update their map rotation list after a Patch/Update.
  40. Fixed: Users may appear falling under the map and get disconnected during map transitions on a specific community server.
  41. Fixed: Creating a Unit causes all other different Unit types to not be visible in the Deployment Screen.
  42. Fixed: Vehicle trail fx are kicking out far in front of the vehicle.
  43. Fixed: Manual bolt cycling.
  44. Fixed: Shadows are removed from the frontend (Barracks) when the user leaves a server.
  45. Fixed: Blood and Gore Decals not visible and causing SSAO/Lighting issues.

Armoured Gameplay

  1. We have begun taking a look at the armoured gameplay ahead of introducing new vehicles into the game. We will continue to work on more improvements as we iterate.
  2. Reduced the damage that carries over from the tracks/wheels to the hull, so body shots are more effective and efficient than repeatedly shooting the tracks/wheels.


  1. Exposed weapon player is killed with.
  2. Added ability to identify players in chat log.
  3. Fixed: The server broadcast message will not show correctly if it has been edited via the internal Rcon.
  4. Fixed: Internal Rcon cannot be accessed while on the scoreboard.
  5. Fixed: An inconsistency of the current map can occur between external RCon tool and the Enlist screen if the user changes map twice in quick succession.

Purple Heart Lane

  1. Fixed: [PHL] Possible exploit locations because of no collision.
  2. Fixed: [PHL] Confirming a Fuel order on the middle US HQ spawn will block the main path for tanks.
  3. Fixed: [PHL-O] There is no "turn back" boundary that prevents Defenders from reaching the Attacker’s initial HQ.
  4. Fixed 18 minor collision issues.


  1. Fixed: [SMDM] The US Commander cannot place Fuel Abilities on the mid HQ.
  2. Fixed: [SMDM] Placeholder text is present when loading into the map.
  3. Fixed 10 minor collision issues.


  1. Fixed: [Foy][C10] The Greyhound Recon vehicle can become stuck if the player drives over the snow mound directly in front of the Fuel Order spawn.
  2. Fixed: [Foy-O] The attacking German team does not have any tanks available at the start of the game on the left or right HQs.
  3. Inconsistent sector names between Offensive and Warfare modes. Both points are now referred to as "Flak Battery".
  4. Fixed 56 minor collision and visual issues.

Utah Beach

  1. Fixed 6 minor collision and visual issues.

Hill 400

  1. The US Top HQ Heavy Tank spawn location has the exact same spawn point as the Commander’s Fuel abilities spawn location.
  2. Fixed 25 minor collision issues.

Omaha Beach

  1. Fixed: ’Out of Bounds’ area overlaps all US HQ sector strongpoints.
  2. Fixed 13 minor collision issues.


  1. Fixed: [SME-W][A6] Player is unable to exit the top two German Artilleries.
  2. Fixed: [SME-O] German resupply stations are present in the US HQ’s.
  3. Fixed: [Sainte-Mere-Eglise] Observing the sun at a specific angle creates a powerful lens flare.
  4. Fixed 22 minor collision issues.
submitted by spoolblack to HellLetLoose [link] [comments]
