Nyx brushes dupes for mac brushes

MediBang Paint

2015.07.21 10:06 churasco MediBang Paint

MediBang Paint is a free lightweight digital painting program for illustrators and comic book artists. We also have a community for ARTstreet (artstreet)! Please check it out:))

2016.12.30 20:53 totally_connor FireAlpaca – Free digital painting software for Windows, macOS and Linux

FireAlpaca is free digital painting software for Windows, macOS, and now Linux. Post questions, creations, share brushes or settings, or any other stuff related to FireAlpaca. This is an unofficial, fan-based subreddit for FireAlpaca.

2024.05.21 11:39 BadJuJuQ Baby wakes up every single morning between 4-5am. Please help.

I'll try to keep this simultaneously concise and thorough:
-10 month-old boy
-Been crawling and pulling himself up for a little less than a month now. Not walking yet.
-Babbling, no real words yet.
-bedtime routine: bath, lotions, lullaby, bottle, brush teeth, burp, rock, put down between 8:30-9 (same routine for most of his life)
-We typically rock him fully asleep, then put him down.
-We've tried in earnest to re-ferber him, but it's more challenging this time because he can roll, sit up, and even pull himself up standing when we leave home alone.
-physically healthy (no cough, sneezing, fever, etc)
-2 naps a day, each one 1-2 hours long
-He could be teething (but then why is he only waking up once, and why the same timeframe every morning?)
Please help. My wife and I are exhausted from waking up at 4-5am every morning, spending an hour+ trying to put him back down, and FAILING every. single. morning.
Thank you.
submitted by BadJuJuQ to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:38 justasleepymf AITAH for getting upset with my bf for watching porn?

So ik it’s a heavy topic that a lot of people have strong feelings for on both ends, and this is a long one, I apologize in advance. So I’m 22, F, and my new bf is 25, M.
I have a lot of insecurities about myself and I fully admit that. I also have borderline personality disorder, which adds to the insecurities within a relationship. With that being said, I have been in intensive therapy for years and my bpd isn’t necessarily an issue. I’ve had issues with my weight, and finally just dropped 30 lbs.
My new bf is very sweet, I adore him, and I am fairly happy with him. But. There’s one red flag I can’t get passed no matter how hard I try.
I think he’s a sex addict. We talked about sex before we started dating and I told him due to trauma, I sometimes go through phases where I don’t want to be touched sexually. His response “Don’t get upset if you find porn on my phone.” Not the best response, but hey as long as I don’t see it, it can’t hurt me, right? Wrong. We’ve been sexually active very frequently, but as time goes on it’s definitely changed. Going from multiple times a day, to him going off the first try after 10 minutes. But he’s always making sexual comments at me, always hinting for sex, grabbing me sexually. It was off putting but not horrible till the other day. We showered together, I had a mental health moment regarding sex and I told him I sometimes feel like I’m being used for my body, to where I legitimately bawled my eyes out, which I never do in front of people. Fast forward I get up to get dressed and do my thing, he has the door shut, and I realized I forgot my socks. Go to open the door for them and I look down to look at him and see his phone, porn. Straight porn.
I felt sick, not even minutes after I bawled about my sexual trauma and how I’m feeling used, do I open the door to see a girl giving head on his phone.
He claimed it was from the other day and he accidentally left it open, but he’s always on his google so I originally didn’t believe him, now I kinda just brushed it off as a possible tab that was opened.
Fast forward again, I felt sick all day at work yesterday, and had a bad day at work. He picked me up, and got me kinda annoyed with some jokes (non sexual) that he was making towards me so I kept to myself for a bit and laid down to calm my stomach. I knew he was outside in the garage fixing up his car so I got up, walked outside; and was going to tell him I was starting to feel a bit better and wanted to just sit with him. I walk inside and he turns around, belt buckle undone, pants undone, and very visibly aroused. He claimed he went pee and never buckled it back up.
I went to go throw up inside. I was more hurt than anything. He doesn’t ever ask for pictures or videos of me, other than 2 he took before we even started dating. We can’t even have one full session anymore because he goes limp right away and claims it’s because he’s sweating.
I’ve had this uncomfortable feeling in my stomach since, and it’s making the nausea 10x worse. I close my eyes and I see him watching those videos and I don’t know why it makes me feel so awful. I have a very specific build. I’m shortish (5’5) but have very small breasts and upper body, but a larger lower body.
When im in love with someone, I can’t find other people attractive, and I’m even bisexual. The idea of porn grosses me out. My thought process is that you have a partner, why do you have to look at someone else’s videos sexually when you can easily get your partners. But that could also be the fact I have bpd as well. Lastly, as of right now, the reason I’m writing this is because he’s in the shower for work, and he thinks I’m asleep. I hear a women’s voice from inside the bathroom (his phone obv) and the more I try to understand it the more it sounds like moaning. I’m trying not to throw up or cry. I don’t understand why it bothers me so much but it does. I don’t want to seem controlling but it’s absolutely steering me away from him, to the point where when we do have sex, if he closes his eyes I immediately dry up because i just get this thought of him imagining other women.
Am I the AH for being upset over this?
submitted by justasleepymf to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:35 LadyRhovaniel Some hope for the parents with poor sleepers out there.

I’m a FTM to an almost 1 year old who’s been a notoriously bad sleeper since 2 - 3 months old. We’re talking sometimes 6 - 8 wakeups a night, needing comfort pats or rocking every half hour, the works. It’s been rough. I doubted myself and my approach constantly because, well, everybody else’s child seemed to be an awesome sleeper (they were not and only a handful admitted to that recently) and I was getting tired of having to ‘justify’ myself for cosleeping, not sleep training, and maintaining that sleep is biological and that he’d eventually get it.
But here I am, a week shy from his first birthday, and he is down to 2 - 3 wakeups a night, is easily settled, and doesn’t absolutely need to nurse to fall back asleep. He’s not sleeping through yet, but given how far we’ve come, it’s a win! He also does two solid naps a day, most contact naps, but we’ve been having some luck napping in the stroller and even being put down when he’s had a busy day. He’s also not so sensitive to movement anymore, meaning I can transfer him without instantly waking him up more often than not.
Does he still have bad nights? Absolutely. But it is getting better.
(For those who are interested - he falls asleep between 8 and 9 PM and wakes up between 7 - 8 AM. He naps once or twice a day depending on the day and his nighttime routine is change the diaper - breastfeed - read 1 / 2 books - bottle - brush teeth.)
submitted by LadyRhovaniel to AttachmentParenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:35 CoffeeBeanx3 Mila is a blessing

Mila is a blessing
All the cats I had before came to me as kittens. I rescued them, hand raised one of them (who was absolutely amazing), nursed them back to health. All of them were standard strays, European Shorthair. The little void I hand raised passed away last year.
Mila is a 12 year old Maine Coon, her precious owner is one of my sister's best friends. She has two kids, and Mila is not for kids. She grew terrified, lost weight, was almost never home and stopped grooming herself. So she had to find a new home, and I am the kind of person that can't just "look" at a cat or a dog. If I see them I want to take them in.
So now I have a very tiny dog, and a very large cat. Mila gives me daily kisses. She purrs so loud it sometimes makes my ears ring. Fur is EVERYWHERE, I never had a long haired cat, but it is simply everywhere. She hisses when she's brushed, but she never scratches. She's extremely sweet, and getting used to Coffee (my dog). They sniff each other hello.
She accepts healthy treats now when before she'd only take ham. Freeze dried salmon is her favourite, but she also takes chicken hearts and lamb lung.
She is a very long woman. When she stretches out, she reaches from my belly button down to my toes, and I'm 180cm tall.
She meows as if she's asking a question.
I love her so much.
submitted by CoffeeBeanx3 to cats [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:29 brygf a bit scary? help?

So i’ve heard everywhere that once you become aware you are dreaming (during a dream) it is “so easy to wake up”. However that is not at all the case for me. If i acknowledge i’m in a dream everything goes absolutely horrifying and waking up becomes near impossible. No matter how hard i try i just can’t open my eyes! Always feels like they are glued shut. What the heck is going on?!?! The thing is i’m always aware i’m dreaming but if i even try reminding myself im in a dream, everything just goes wrong. I’m good with nightmares but man the feeling of freaking out over being “trapped” is crazy. I know it won’t happen, but when this does happen it just feels terrifying and horrible to wake up to. I would brush it off as regular sleep paralysis but i swear it lasts so much longer. I don’t feel like i can’t move i just can’t wake up!! It’s starts off as a normal great happy dream. I remind myself i’m dreaming and boom all of a sudden the whole vibe switches and it’s a fkn nightmare. Almost like i’m being purposely tourtured lmao. rip me
submitted by brygf to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:26 Cautious-Goat-6190 Minimum effective dosage of Purina Pro Plan Liveclear?

Hi there,
I have a few friends, including a boyfriend, who are allergic to cats. I'm a little allergic myself. Most friends haven't had any issues with my cat, as he's a shorthair and I keep my house pretty clean. I vacuum twice a week, have air purifiers, and brush my cat every day. So I'm pretty pleased with that!
However, most of my friends stay for <6 hours at most. When the BF stays overnight and beyond, he can get a stuffy nose. We thought he'd acclimatized to my cat as the allergy symptoms stopped completely for a while, but I guess they've come back with other spring allergens coming around.
Anyway, many friends (and Reddit) recommended Purina Pro Plan Liveclear as a solution. My question is how much of it do I need to feed my cat daily for the allergen to neutralise?
I ask because (a) it's $$$ and I'd like to stretch it out; (b) I'd like to keep on using some of my cat's current dry food as he likes it.
Thanks very much!
submitted by Cautious-Goat-6190 to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:23 Kissing_Kitten Is this 'normal' or negligence?

Is this 'normal' or negligence?
In Nov 2022 we hired a company to replace our hot water heater. We had come into some issues during install. Resulting in the placement being a smallemore expensive unit.
Yesterday the same company had their plumber come out to flush our unit and inspect our plumbing. Plumber stated that the two areas at the top were leaking. This is Resulting in corrosion at the junction between the unit and pipes. We spoke about time frame and them being the installer and he agreed it likely was something they'd either replace the part (he used the term nipple for the part), but he also seemed confident this was either due to negligence or failure of the part and may even be grounds to replace if we made enough noise.
Tried to provided picture of proximity to HVAC if that helps. Pictures of issue were after my husband followed instruction to clean off build up. Which also had the blue green build up, which I've been told before is from leaking.
Plumbing manager called us back and blamed condensation and dust build up. Now I feel like I'm being lied to. Our concerns being brushed off is not new.
We have given this company an excessive amounts of money in 2 years. We have replaced 2 HVAC, this unit, and additional smaller jobs.
I already know this company lost money on this job. We signed an estimate for a standard sized unit and they honored the price even with the last minute, more expensive unit.
If 'normal', as a home owner how can I improve this? If not normal, is this an easy part or am I fighting for replacement?
I'm also being told that the "dual shut off" at the top makes no sense as to why they would not remove the old one. And the old one is now leaking a bit. If they end up doing work here already, is it insane to bring this up as an issue as well? Or is this plumber just a little bit of a "petfectionist?" Because I see that as a possibility too.
I appreciate your input! Thank you!
submitted by Kissing_Kitten to Plumbing [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:19 Loganfornow A romance between two individuals grappling with internalized homophobia

I'm desperate for a F/F pairing but I'll take what I can get haha. My affection does also extend to M/M. I like stories with a gritty tone, not too sugary. Something with minimal sexual content, but I can brush that aside if it's good. Internalized homophobia does not have to be central to the plot/story. No underage characters. Thank you. I owe ya.
Self recs are encouraged 💪
submitted by Loganfornow to FanFiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:18 Cool-Weekend913 FREE ART Exhibition Freedom Road 25th May

FREE ART Exhibition Freedom Road 25th May
Come join us and meet like minded artistic people you can even learn how to paint brush up & Sip up with us this weekend
submitted by Cool-Weekend913 to Zambianart [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:16 redsoapterminal3 I’m tired of trying to sleep.

This is just me rambling and venting. I’m going to preface this with the fact that I love my LO. I’m so grateful to have her. She’s everything I wanted and I would do it all again. I’m blessed to be home with my LO. Mostly due to the fact that my whole paycheck would go towards daycare. So might as well just stay home with my baby, right?
My LO is a month old, and a Velcro baby. I’m so sick of trying to sleep. Every ounce of free time is spent trying to sleep. I’m so sleep deprived and bored. I can’t fix being bored because then I’m more sleep deprived. If I do something to alleviate feeling bored then I lose the 1 to 3 hours of sleep I can sometimes get. Every minute of every day and night is spent taking care of LO, trying to get a meal, clean up a bit, get a shower, brush my teeth, or sleep. Mostly unsussesfully on all accounts except (I hope) taking care of my LO. I’m tired, depressed, and bored.
My lovely husband works an extremely demanding job for not a lot of pay. It’s the nature of where we live. We are saving to chase a better cost of living/sallery. He does what he can. But mostly I’m on my own. He tries and constantly apologizes for being useless because he can’t stay awake on his days off. I always tell him he’s doing exactly what I need him to do. There isn’t a budget to make things easier by buying premade food, a house cleaner, babysitter ect. The help I do have from family I use to catch up on sleep. I’m so bored it’s fueling my being depressed. I miss going to the gym with hubby, I miss grocery shopping, I miss my hobbies, I miss feeling human. This is such a big adjustment, I’m holding out for that 3 month mark everyone talks about. Heck I lost sleep to just write this post. I’m gonna hope LO sleeps a bit longer and try to join her in dream land.
submitted by redsoapterminal3 to NewParents [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:07 CringeyVal0451 Maple Walnut Pie

Kadillac Kirk had been a good friend of mine for several years. I had met him through friends from The Spring Stage; and he never had anything to do with The Imp, which is why he didn’t appear in the Married Mary saga. Mary would have totally thrown herself at him, and Kirk would have definitely “thrown it in her.” He loved the ladies and often remarked that there was no such thing as an unappealing woman, nor was there anything sweeter than finding the pearl of passion in an outwardly plain dame. Fortunately for Kirk, he never met Mary. This was probably fortunate for Mary as well, seeing as Kirk was a confirmed bachelor and his rakish nature might have broken her fat heart.
Kirk was an older guy. Not MOE old, though. He was in his early forties, but he easily passed for a carefree dude in his 30s... not that he lied about his age. I only mention this trait to juxtapose Kirk’s genuine youthful air with Moe’s unconvincing youthful farce. Kirk dressed normally, avoided stupid jargon, and never busted out gimmicks like tarot cards or spells. He just existed, behaved affably, and people liked him for it.
He drove a classic 1962 Cadillac El Dorado convertible with red leather interior, and he lived in a charmingly quaint (and ridiculously expensive) neighborhood. How he made his fortune remained a mystery, but he never bloviated about his wealth. He just threw spectacular parties and people showed up. And, to my knowledge, he never tried to lure women into bed with his money (although I’m sure he got his fair share of boom-boom thanks to his digs and his wheels, even if the gold-diggers denied their monetary agendas).
Kirk was legitimately handsome. He was a drummer, he had a full head of black hair, he was clean-shaven, he worked out, and he knew all the hidden gems in Wellsprings. So why hadn’t I tried... or even desired to date him? I don’t know. I just didn’t feel drawn to him like that. He felt like a cool uncle and he had, thus far, never done anything to change my perception. Plus, the age difference weirded me out a little. Kirk didn’t look forty; but knowing that he had so much more life experience than I did created a power imbalance that would have creeped me out if we’d been dating. As buddies, I just felt supremely cool riding in his Cadillac, smoking Fantasia cigarettes, and hitting the speakeasies and jazz clubs I would have never known about if it weren’t for Kirk’s connections.
And he had been a good person to talk to about my romantic woes. He never lecherously suggested that I should date him, and he gave the type of tempered advice that only comes with lived experience. But he often lightly mocked me for my crush on Dennis and he did a hilarious impression of Smegal popping too soon over his “precious.” So when Mary “got me back” by doing whatever she did with to Dennis, I called Kadillac Kirk and told him the drinks were on me if he’d be my designated driver for the night.
Why hadn’t I called Whisky??? Well, A) Kirk was way more fun to hang out with, at least from my past experiences up to that point. And B) I needed to bitch about a boy, something I couldn’t do in good conscience in front of a guy I was dating. So I put on the sexiest plunging halter dress I owned, applied heavy eye makeup and spikey accessories, braved a pair of stilettos, and sashayed out to Kirk’s convertible. I felt like a badass rock star. I probably looked like a try-hard hooker.
Kirk: Daaaaay-um! Somebody really did do a number on you, huh? I know you said you were upset, but the gents are gonna be writing thank you notes to that fat girl and that butt-fucking hobbit.
Me: I just need to feel pretty and numb. And I trust you to keep me from making a fool of myself.
Kirk squeezed my shoulder. “I’ve got you. You do whatever you need to do to get rid of these demons.”
He sparked up a J and offered me the first puff. I gladly accepted. He took one puff of his own, but said that the rest was mine since he didn’t want to drive stoned. See? He was responsible! Weed wasn’t legal in California yet, so I got a little bit baked before I stashed the sativa in the glove box and wrapped a scarf around my hair like a starlet from the Golden Age of Hollywood. Kirk sped out of the parking lot and said he was taking me to a downtown hotel that was hosting a party that night in their lush lobby.
Kadillac Kirk pulled up to the main entrance, paid the valet, and then opened my door. I was wobbly from the weed. And I had stupidly decided to wear heels. You can get high or you can wear high (heels). You can’t have both. Not if you’ve repeatedly injured both ankles (as I have). I had to take Kirk’s arm to keep from keeling over. “Can people tell I’m stoned?” I whispered. Kirk replied, “Nobody’s paying any attention to anyone else’s intoxication. I promise you that much.” I nodded, steadied myself, and strutted alongside my very cool friend, feeling a little more confident.
A live jazz orchestra was playing Cole Porter as we entered the lobby. Everything sparkled. The music was even more intoxicating than the spliff had been. “Just One of Those Things” brought tears to my eyes since the lyrics hit every raw nerve regarding the Dennis debacle. But I smiled. It might sound mental, but being distraught over a trash fire of a one-sided romance was exhilarating. Immature, for sure. But also exhilarating. You see, that kind of sadness doesn’t hurt. Not really. It stings. It leaves little bruises, but it’s very safe to wallow in because you haven’t actually lost anything. Melancholia over that which you never had is as sweet as it is bitter; and that type of twisted splendor is rivaled only by Stendhal.
“Here's hoping we meet now and then. It was great fun, but it was just one of those things.” I sang along with the band, and a fat tear rolled down past my melancholic smile and onto my chin. Kirk brushed it aside. “Too close to home?” I wiped away the remnants of the tear’s journey from eye to chin and smiled a more genuine smile. “The perfect distance from home. Shall we get drinks? Remember, I’m buying.”
Kirk: No, no. This is your time to heal. And I’m here as your pal, not your chauffeur. What would the lady like?”
I pretended to barf. Kirk knew I hated it when he got overly formal and overly attentive. So he did it just to mess with me. “Shot of vodka,” I replied.
Kirk: How many?
I thought briefly. “FIVE.”
Kirk: Five to one, baby. One in five...
Me: No one here gets out alive.
Kirk: Are you able to hold yourself upright, or should you come with?
I took a seat on an ornate, damask-upholstered chaise lounge. “I’ll be okay. And I was kidding about the five shots.”
I sat there lost in the music for a while. I thought very little about Dennis. Even less about Mary. And not at all about Whisky (whom I had shagged less than a week ago). My mind danced through the ornate lighting in the hotel lobby, and I suddenly felt the need to join the hoity-toity guests on the dancefloor!
Kirk returned with four shots of vodka. Two for him, two for me. That was quite reasonable of him. He knew damn well that I couldn’t handle five shots, but he also knew that I was in a... state. One that called for more than a single shot. I raised a both miniature glasses to “No more ninnyhammers or hairy-footed lovers.” Kirk did his hilarious Smegal impression, we double-toasted, and downed the shots. The band launched into “Let’s Misbehave,” and I kicked off my stilettos and made a beeline for the dance floor.
“There’s something wild about you child that’s so contagious. Let’s be outrageous! Let’s misbehave.” Kadillac Kirk swept me up, twirled me around, and dipped me as we both sang along with the lyrics. I wasn’t swooning for him, but I was enthralled by the moment. The music, the dancing, the combination of booze and bud... so I kissed him as he pulled me back to my feet. And he kissed back. In a way that Dennis never had. In a way that Whisky’s beard wouldn’t permit. I didn’t feel the visceral sensations that I’d felt when Dennis had kissed me, but it felt nice to feel desired. And then I noticed that other guests were watching us and applauding. Now, that was a dopamine rush if ever there was one!
I gently broke away from the embrace, high-fived Kirk and returned to the chaise lounge to put my stupid shoes back on. He followed me and smashed his face back onto mine. I pulled away and laughed. “It was a moment,” I told him. “I appreciate the dance, and that kiss was the perfect finale. But it’s not happening again.”
Kirk: Not to worry, Valerie. I know you. I knew all along that we were performing, and I was more than happy to be your scene partner.
Me: And dance partner! Those were some excellent moves! I didn’t know you had ballroom training.
Kirk: You name it, I’ve mastered it. Another drink for the lady?
I pretended to barf again. “Not yet. I’m not sad right now. Do you mind if I just sit here and enjoy the music?”
Kirk: Ah. My kisses do have healing properties...
I flipped my hand up at him. “Knock that shit off, bro. I wanted to hang out with you because I trust you not to get weird. Even if I get weird, I know you have the maturity to balance me out.”
Kirk: Are you calling me old???
Me: No. I’m calling you rational, responsible, and respectful.
Kirk: Well, now. If you can articulate an alliterative statement that fluently, then you clearly aren’t drunk enough!
I dismissed this comment as a joke. And he did indeed knock off the flirtation. We had a perfectly pleasant time chatting and dancing (no more kissing, though). And then I noticed a girl I knew from Into the Woods entering the lobby. She’d played Florinda and I’d played Little Red. I called her name and waved enthusiastically. She waved back. And then her date entered. It was D.E.N.N.I.S. I sank into the chaise. Kirk caught on immediately. “The hobbit???” he asked. I nodded silently. “You wanna make out again?” he enthused. I shook my head. I had to go say hello to Flo. And I had an idea...
I crossed the lobby, smiled, squealed, and hugged her.
Florinda: Lil’ Red! It’s been forever! So glad to see you!!! This is my friend, Denny.
Dennis was shifting uncomfortably. I extended my hand. “Nice to meet you. I know your date from Into the Woods. I bet she could tell you some entertaining stories about that show...” Flo laughed out loud, well aware of the many misadventures to which I'd referred. Of course, she might have been laughing because Dennis never, ever listened to anyone else's stories. He was too busy telling, re-telling, slightly altering, and exaggerating his own.
Dennis: C’mon, Val...
Me: Oh, you’ve heard of me? Small world! You guys picked a great night to come here. They’re playing Cole Porter, and the band is delovely!
Florinda (appearing oblivious to the iciness between me and Dennis): Have you seen Prince Big Bad (Scumbanger) lately?
I laughed. “Last time I saw him, he was hitting on some nasty fat chick at The Imp.”
Flo and I both scoffed at the pervy pest. Into the Woods was where I’d initially met Scumbanger. He played The Wolf/Cinderella’s Prince. Again... typecasting. There’s a whole essay in my brain about my first encounter with the pest, during which he quoted the song that he sang to me in the show, “Hello, Little Girl.” But it gets into some pretty uncomfortable territory because he made me feel excited. Well, excited and scared. Nothing of note happened during Into the Woods, but our odd interactions did kind of set the stage for some extremely regrettable events during that Cats cast party.
I excused myself, saying that I needed to get back to my friend. And then I leaned in and said in a hushed voice to Flo, “Watch your ass with that one. If he’s the Denny I’m thinking of...” I gave her a look that only another female would be able to read. Her eyebrows shot up and she nodded. Dennis continued to shift as though he were trying to hold in a massive dump. “BABE! Uh...”
Flo apparently answered to that moniker as well. “What is it, Denny? Don’t worry. That was just telepathic girl talk. You apparently have a reputation...”
Dennis: Different Denny. I assure you I’m a pious gentleman.
Me: Ah. My mistake. Well, then. You guys have a good time! Nice to meet you, Denny. Great to see you, Flo!
I hugged Flo again, gave Dennis a curt nod, ignored the scent of mandarins and mountain air, and returned to Kirk.
I collapsed on the chaise lounge, exhausted from holding back the rage. I had no right to be mad at Florinda. I hadn’t seen her in three years, so how was she supposed to know that I’d had a thing with Dennis? Hell, I couldn’t even be mad at Dennis because the last time he and I had spoken in any meaningful way, I’d told him that I was no longer entertaining my crush on him. So why was I surprised to see him dating??? And why had he never taken ME out on a date like this??? And why wasn’t I smitten with Kadillac Kirk who HAD taken me out on a date like this, was an objectively excellent kisser, and a bona fide BALLER? What was wrong with me???
Kirk suggested going down the street to a quaint little bar and then sobering up at a diner closer to my apartment. I numbly nodded and followed him in silence for a few blocks. He assured me that I had “turned several heads” on the way to the new location, but I neither cared nor believed him. This wasn't the type of numbness I'd been aiming for. Now I needed to get schnockered. “Five shots of vodka, please.” Yes, I was serious.
Kadillac Kirk, my reliable designated driver, ordered only a beer and watched in something across between astonishment, concern, and delight as I slammed all five shots in rapid succession. I half expected to immediately retch all over the bar. But I felt fine. I half expected to immediately lose consciousness and wake up in the hospital. But I remained coherent. How I’d managed to take in that much hard liquor and suffer no direct consequences, I’ll never know.
I think I wanted to suffer. I wanted to either feel nothing at all or to feel a sickness bad enough to distract me from the scorching sting that pulsed through my being when I realized that I had lost the abstract notion I’d been addicted to this entire time. Hope. It wasn’t Dennis himself I couldn’t quit. It was that drug called hope. The hope that maybe, just maybe Dennis would give our romance a fair chance. The hope that maybe, just maybe he would make peace with himself, get his mind out of his crotch, and enjoy some agenda-free togetherness. The hope that maybe, just maybe he would stop bloviating about his admittedly impressive accomplishments for five fucking minutes and ask about my life. I had my own reasonably impressive accomplishments, even if they paled in comparison to his. A proper suitor would have enjoyed hearing about them.
But seeing him out with another woman, a woman who had no reason to parade her Dennis escapades before me as some means of revenge, a woman he was clearly courting of his own volition... My hope had died. It died before I’d had time to wean myself off it. Now I had to mourn the loss of hope, which is a very tricky brand of grief to navigate. Vodka wasn’t the answer, but it was what I had to work with. So it would have to do.
After enough time had passed without vomiting or collapsing, I asked Kirk to bring his car around to the bar so that I didn’t have to walk two and a half blocks drunk and in heels. He nodded and dramatically leaned in for a kiss. I recoiled. “DUDE! I told you. The moment has passed.”
Kirk: I beg your pardon. I misread your eyes. Thought I saw a green light...
Me: It’s fine. I just want to go home while I’m still feeling okay.
Kirk: Of course. Your chariot will be here soon.
He skipped off to fetch his Cadillac and I noticed that the lights in the bar were beginning to dance a bit. This should have been concerning. But then I realized that I was giggling. Wait... What? Oh shit. Sure, I was drunk from those shots. But what I was feeling in that moment wasn’t drunkery. It was stonery. Kirk probably misread my face because my pupils were dilated. Not from desire, but from drug use.
Some of you might be thinking that I was a bad friend for not introducing Lucy, an old dude connoisseur, to Kirk. Well... I did. Several years before the events of this story. He adored her. She, on the other hand, thought he was immature. And she wasn’t wrong. Lucy was astute when it came to sussing out a person’s true nature. Far more astute than I. Her initial assessment that Kirk was immature is about to be vindicated. Stretch those cringe muscles! It’s almost time for pie...
I somehow managed to get to his car. I honestly don’t recall how I got there. Did one of the bartenders carry me? Did some kind patron allow me to lean on him? Had Kadillac Kirk carried me out? I’m not sure. But my memory ceases to be fuzzy about halfway to the 24-hour diner. It might have been the very same 24-hour diner where Mary pulled her... shenanigans. I’ll never know.
Kirk: Would you say that you’re more drunk or more stoned?
Me: STONED. Definitely stoned.
Kirk made some sort of grunty noise and reached for my thigh. I slapped his hand.
Kirk: Stoned but not amorous? That’s rare.
I started laughing rather unkindly. “You’re a fucking horndog! I thought you were my safe straight male friend, dammit.”
Kirk: I solemnly swear that your safety is my primary concern, my stoned beauty.
I pretended to throw up.
Kirk: So... You’re not horny. But are you hungry? The diner I’m heading to makes this Maple Walnut Pie with the most sumptuous... sensual cream and exquisite drizzling of...
Me: Ew! Stop trying to bang the pie. Bro. Are YOU stoned? (Then I remembered the question.) Yes, I’m hungry. But I don’t like nuts. I’ll have banana cream.
Kirk made that repulsive grunty noise again. “Uhhhhh... Mmmmmm. Cream. Yessssss. Yes, we’ll be there in just a minute.” He was squirming in the driver's seat.
Me: GROSS, DUDE! If you’re gonna be like that I’ll just order HASH brows. Get it? Hash??? (I giggled uncontrollably.). You can’t make that sound nasty.
Kirk: Forgive my jokes. I think my blood sugar’s a bit low.
As Kirk parked, I began to wonder how I might get away with walking shoeless into the diner. The stilettos had to get off my feet. At least while I was walking. And Kirk was kind enough to give me his socks and wear his loafers “island style” into the establishment. Okay, that was gallant of him. Maybe he was going to behave himself for the rest of the evening.
I wasn’t terribly talkative as we sat down, and he expressed concern for my emotional well-being. I wasn’t coherent enough to explain what was happening to my emotions and I wasn’t sure I trusted him with my deep, dark secrets at that point. So I shrugged like a sulky teenager, ran my hands over my messy, windblown hair, and mumbled that I was “just hungry.” And right on cue, a very kind, slightly older waitress with a sweet southern accent stopped by to take our order.
Kirk: Ah, yes. We’ll have two cups of black coffee. And we’ll share a slice of that delectable Maple Walnut Pie.
Waitress: Oh, honey. That pie is scrumptious! I take it you’ve been here before?
Kirk: I have. This will be her first time to taste the splendor.
I hated to be a killjoy, but I interrupted and said to the waitress, “Ma’am? I’m sure the Maple Walnut is excellent, but could I please get a slice of Banana Cream? And a big glass of ice water?
Waitress: Sure, hon! Banana Cream’s just as yummy! I’ll be right back with those coffees and that big water.
Kirk was sucking on the tip of his forefinger and shaking his head a bit. “You’re passing up so many sensational... sensual...”
I put my forehead on the table and growled. “You swore you’d stop being nasty!” I held this #headdesk pose for quite some time before I finally lifted my head... only to see that Kirk was still sucking his fingertip and staring at me like a wild animal. “Pleeeeeease be normal,” I whined. “It’s been a really weird night for me.”
Kirk: Indeed. Many surprises. You know... You’re like titanium. Your flame burns so fast and so bright, if a guy doesn’t get in there while the iron is hot, he’ll never get another chance. I was too slow.
What the...? I was pretty sure he was wrong about titanium burning quickly. I’m no chemistry wiz, but my dad and my oldest brother are both big-brains when it comes to physics and chemistry. So I picked up some things just listening to them talk. Accurate or inaccurate, Kirk was being creepy again. He’d never been creepy towards me before, although I’d seen him act like this with other women. Usually with staggering success. Why????? His money. It had to be his money. Kirk was a nice-looking man, but holy shit... No amount of good looks could save this creep show.
And then, our sweet waitress sat down our coffees, my water, and the two slices of pie. After I gulped down a whole bunch of water, I grabbed a fork, prepared to quell my munchies... and then I froze. Kirk was quickly flicking his finger back and forth across the top of his pie. And moaning. He noticed my wide-eyed stare, smirked, sucked the tip of his thumb, picked up the plate with both hands, and began flicking his tongue across the tip of the triangular pie slice. And moaning some more. Well, there went my appetite.
Kirk took his middle finger and jabbed it into the crustless vertex of the pie slice, then he began pumping it in and out like a piston, and flicking his thumb across the increasingly demolished top layer of whipped cream. He gasped this time. People were starting to stare. His pointer finger joined his middle finger in the piston action, and he replaced his thumb with his tongue. Between flicks of the tongue, he groaned, “Oh yeah, baby... Let me taste you,” but it was kind of hard to understand him.
And I was either about to run to the back office, tell them that I was in danger and needed a police escort home... OR I was about to burst out laughing at the spectacle. Kirk continued... He removed his fingers and gregariously licked pie filling off of them. And then he started sucking his fingertips again, switching from middle to pointer, middle to pointer and emitting a delighted little, “Mmmmmm” with every suck.
Finally, he jabbed his fingers back into the utterly destroyed pie, lowered his face into the mess and lapped loudly and passionately, moaning, grunting, and mumbling “Come on, baby. Come on. Mmmmmm. Come on.” I could see the waitress and some dude in a suit heading over to the table, so I sank down in my seat, partially covered my face, but continued to watch the train wreck. At last, Kirk shuddered violently, he splatted his entire hand onto the plate and rubbed furiously. And then he locked eyes with me. He sucked the tip of his thumb one final time and said, “You...” There was a long pause during which Kirk lovingly stroked the mess he’d made. “You... are the pie.”
I don’t hang out with Kadillac Kirk anymore. But he’s still a bachelor, ladies!
submitted by CringeyVal0451 to ReddXReads [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:07 lanter67 Ludwig’s ball guide…

After Luds comment on his last stream I did a quick Reddit search and found this post from 9yrs ago in sex by U/LudwigAhgren
Note: It was a funny read and definitely in his charming grammar style.
Note 2: Some of things do not work anymore but, a few still do.
“The Ultimate Guide to Shaving Your Pubes for Beginners (Men)
If you have a bush like Brillo© , or just want to trim up the forrest so others can pass safely, you're in the right place.
I split groin hair into 5 different groups. Below I have listed the difficulty of each area as well as what kind of shave each area shall receive.
This is what we want the end product to look like. (His pubes look like the mustache of almighty Zeus himself!)
Pubic Hair Ball Hair Taint/Gooch Hair High Thigh Hair Shaft Hair
Easiest to shave. Needs to be trimmed down (No new-born baby penis look) Scariest/Most Difficult to shave. This will be a clean shave. Moderate difficulty. Up to shaver, but I prefer a clean shave. Easy to shave. This will be a clean shave. Nicks can happen here easily. This will be a clean shave.
Tools Needed: Shaving cream (MUST - Practice before which shaving cream works best! Sometimes Conditioner can work better),
electric razor (The side that pops out I will refer to as buzzer and the side with the guard I will refer to as electric razor from here on out)
A Women’s! shaving razor (women’s razors have a much higher guard and will protect better than one for men.
*PLEASE BE PREPARED!* I mean it’s your balls we’re talking about here…
Step 1: The first step will be to shave the pubic hair. Depending on how much hair is down there, you have the option to go at it with scissors like a harbor before throwing the buzzer down there. If you have an average amount (2”>x) then go at it with the buzzer. Hover your family jewels over the toilet, you may even choose to sit like a cool substitute teacher. Brush the square side of the buzzer backwards across your pubes vertically. It may seem as if it isn’t doing anything but trust me you’re losing hair faster than LeBraun James. Continue this until you deem it short enough, I like my pubes around 1/2”.
Note Make sure the pubes length is even throughout, focusing on areas that with longer hair to insure optimum symmetry, bitches love symmetry. Use a mirror!
Step 2: Now you’ll want to ‘square’ out your hair and completely shave off any outliers around your pubes. Perhaps you have a leaky happy trail? Or maybe your pubes are ‘fading’ in. Either way you’ll want this instead of this (not penis don’t fret) Use a mirror to make sure it’s not lopsided.
Step 3: Here we are going to tackle that upper thigh hair that encompasses the whole male crotch area. Now get all nakey if you aren’t already and hop in that shower. Make sure the water is warm because you’re going to be in there for a while. Whip out you’re shaving cream of choice, I use this because it makes the blade glide across my nuts (phrase of the day!). To be fair I am more metrosexual than most gay men. Anyway(!) lather that shaving cream on to you’re upper thigh, above the pubes and right around the taint (make sure the water isn’t washing it all away) and start shaving those areas. The shaving razor will insure that these areas are hair-free.
Note Make sure the blade follows the surface of the skin. You want max blade to skin contact.
Step 4: Here’s my favorite part. Shaving the shaft. Why is it my favorite? It adds an inch to your perceived dick length (now your dick will look like it’s an inch longrekt. Extend your dick by pulling out your head. It will give a similar surface on the base of the dick to an erect penis. Now with the shaving cream and razor, shave the front part of the base, while always making sure the base is flat. Then do each side, trying your best to make the area being shaved flat. A flat area not only allows the razor to get more hair, it also prevents little nicks that can occur. I’ll refer back to Davidfor how far down the base you should shave.
Note If you look at the pic of David, you’ll notice he shaved the area to the right and left of his penis. That is totally you’re call, I have no opinion I find both to by stylish in their own penis way.
Step 5: The balls. AKA Holyshitiamsoscarediamgoingtochopmynutsoff. You may be tempted to skip this part, but trust me, hairy balls do not look good when the rest has been shaved. If you start this, you must to finish it. You are the chosen one. You are supposed to bring balance to your pubes, not leave them in darkness! Do it for the (potential) children.
Back to the balls. We’re going to first start with the outside balls. To do this get in your best captain stance which creates a nice U shape between your thigh and outer left/right ball. This is the kind of U Brett Farve has been talking about. Now, using that handy shaving cream and razor, this should be quite easy. Gently go up that are and always going along the grain. Don’t switch up directions here, that’s too ballsy.
After that’s done we’re going to drift away from the pubes for just a bit. Throw some shaving cream on the taint (this is the area that prevents you from shitting on your balls) and you’ll want to shave from your asshole to the base of your balls. Always going in that direction. IMPORTANT If you touch your taint (ew you’re gross) you’ll notice there is a line. Kind of feels like hair running from your asshole to your balls. It’s actually a vein that controls your orgasms. DO NOT SHAVE ON THIS VEIN Shave to the left and right of it. Don’t go directly on it. I don’t think anything will happen if you do… but better safe than orgasmless.
Step 6: Back to the balls and the last part of the shaving in the shower. This part is difficult and to be honest I’m not sure of the best way to approach this. Balls are weird and that they have no fucking shape and 2 million wrinkles. I like to first take my electric razor and use the buzzer part of it. Then I just air swipe my balls getting all the hair about 1/4” short. Then I take the shaving cream and focus on specific parts squeezing my balls to get maximum surface area. This seems to work out for me, but keeping it 1/4 of an inch isn’t that big of a deal. Hair that short is difficult to notice and ladies/men will still suck your nuts.
Note Loosen up before shaving your balls. Take deep breaths and relax. Make sure your asshole isn’t clenched because that raises your balls. And if you’re down there shaving with a clenched asshole, and for any reason your asshole unclenches, you’re balls will drop (again) and hell will break loose. It is better to shave them while they are low and have them clench upwards.
Step 7: Clean up all the pubes off of your body. This is no simple task. Water is an adhesive so you’ll have to detach the shower head and put that all up in your business. I like to turn on the bath and use that heavy rush of water to cleanse my body of those clingy cutoff pubes. Hop out the shower, dry off and look at your masterpiece Michelangelo. But you are not done yet!
Step 8: Similar to barbers, you will have missed a few hair and you’ll probably have a few 2 inch hairs amongst you’re gently coiffed pubes. Grab a pair of nail scissors or whatever tool you prefer and chop those suckers off. The majority will be on your balls. A fun thing I like to do that is totally fucking weird, is pulling long pubes on my balls and plucking them off. It is surprisingly easy to do so because of the loose ball skin. Don’t yank it out like a band-aid though or you’ll need a band-aid (Ha Ha.. I’m not funny)
Voila, you’re done. Get some aftershave on those freshly shaven balls to disinfect your nicks and make those meaty knockers smell like a man. Congratulations and I hope I was of some help!
Edit 1: Let't talk about asshole hair, (what a great conversation startfuriouslyjotsdown) that area can be shaved and it can look/feel good! But personally, I like to keep my Brown Eye of Sauron to myself. No traveller has dared venture down so I feel no need to shave.
Edit 2: One of my ball shaving colleagues has alerted me that the 'taint vein' is actually, "[A] scar, from where the skin fuses before birth and is called the perineal raphe." (Google it for some nice visuals)
Thank you all for the great response! Being on the front page of sex is something all my future employers will be impressed by. I recently shaved and I seriously mistook my junk for King David's jewels (obviously he is miles bigger) and I thought I'd right down exactly what I did.”
submitted by lanter67 to LudwigAhgren [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:06 RayDragsley K70 core keys won't work

Hey guys, 3 months ago, i bought a k70 core off of Amazon and I've recently spilled some sugary drink on it by accident. After letting it dry upside down on a tower for the night, the " F " key was acting up and starting typing the letter twice every time I pressed the key. Yesterday I decided to try and clean the thing with some isopropyl alcohol and a toothbrush at a friend's house, brushed the whole thing, tested the keyboard on my friend's computer and everything worked great! So I went home, plugged the keyboard in, and surprise! my " Z " key was working once every 10 presses and the " 4 " key above it is pressing itself at random. Tried drying the keyboard again overnight in case it was some alcohol stuck inside and now both the Z and 4 key won't work at all. Am I good to buy another ? I heard this keyboard is near impossible to disassemble without breaking anything, so it it even worth taking it to a repair shop?
submitted by RayDragsley to Corsair [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:57 G_Thorn_1966 Just the Facts - Avoiding use of the "Market"

Preface: I originally wrote this mini-novel in response to a comment from one of my most-admired frequent-commenters on this forum... but the original post has been unfortunately deleted, so I creating a NEW post that's starting-off directly in the middle of a recurring controversy... here it is:
Trying not to anger anyone, and I suppose we could come up with a new "term" other than "market", but the reality in my area of the country is this; I AM paying what is being asked. I'm NOT negotiating anyone "down" below what they are asking. Mid xxx is the highest that I'm being asked* ... The other fools and I (61M) are sending DM's to each other to compare what is being asked. We are not exchanging negotiating techniques, nor trying to create a cartel for keeping prices low (as was suggested a couple days ago).
I don't live on a coast, but the cost of living is in my county is very similar to Scottsdale, Austin, Cherry Creek, Evanston, Barrington, Brentwood, Leawood, Edina, Ladue... so I don't think you can brush off my experiences as "just midwest bumpkins and hillbillies". (btw, yah I may have just named my home city, and the location of several of my new DM-friends. We're doing ok, even if aren't pretending to be on a coastal whaling expedition)
I am in process of trying to efficiently find a goldilocks scenario for a LTR and have been actively talking with 6 - 7 girls (4 from SD.com, 1 from WYP.com, 2 from freestyling at my favorite club). I am NOT setting a price, I am simply offering to be "generous" and they are telling me what they'd like to have (some understand the PPM/allowance terminology, others just ask for specific help with car payments, rent, or whatever), and I have almost always simply agreed.
*In last 4 months there have only been two times I've passed because the PPM was double what others have asked. One time she texted me back a week later and cut her number in half. The other was a fascinating situation where the stated amount was actually for her and her girlfriend to both participate in the bedroom activities (her profile hinted at that, but i had misinterpreted) which I think would have been complicated.
Two days ago, the latest new M&G was fantastic. We made-out in the parking lot afterwards, amazing!! On way home she texted describing that she wants to see me again this Thursday, and she isn't expecting anything, but she'd love it if I could help her pay for the babysitter and gas money (a single benjamin). Texting multiple times a day/night getting sexier and sexier. She's a 32yo knockout that had heads swiveling at the restaurant, and is exactly "my type".
It genuinely seems to me that these women (ranging in age from 22 to 36) are all very happy with the financial side of the arrangement, and they are all completely aware of my intent to have this next chapter of my life be a "forever thing". Dating can be painful, and I'm not going to be making my choices based on "market price", I'll be moving forward with a few, and then make a decision.
TL;DR: I'm agreeing to what is being asked. SD's (aka: fools) sometimes describe financial issues using words like "market". Dm for more specifics.
submitted by G_Thorn_1966 to sugarlifestyleforum [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:55 Brite_Dental Sports Mouthguard Maintenance 101: Keep Your Mouthguard Clean & Effective

There are numerous essentials to protect athletes from physical harm. These protectants include sports mouthguards. These protect athletes' teeth and prevent concussions and other oral injuries. To ensure and maximize its effectiveness and longevity, proper maintenance is crucial. Continue reading to learn more tips about keeping mouthguards clean and effective.

Why Mouthguard Maintenance Matters

A sports mouthguard must be regularly maintained for multiple reasons. First, it helps minimize bacteria buildup, plaque, and other tartar. This buildup can lead to oral health issues like cavities and gum disease. Second, proper maintenance ensures the mouthguard is comfortable and doesn't irritate or discomfort the athlete. Finally, it prolongs the mouthguard's lifespan, which saves owners in the long run.

Cleaning Your Mouthguard

Sports mouthguards must be cleaned after every use. This is a crucial step to prevent the growth of bacteria and maintain oral hygiene. Begin with rinsing thoroughly with cold water to remove any saliva or debris. Additionally, it is important to avoid using hot water, which may deform the mouthguard. You should gently brush it with a soft toothbrush, mild soap, or toothpaste. In addition, attention to all surfaces, including the inside and outside, is essential. That is why being careful with the crevices and grooves is important since bacteria may accumulate in these areas.

Deep Cleaning and Disinfection

On top of cleaning mouthguards daily, it's essential to perform regular deep cleaning and disinfection. Owners can do this by soaking the mouthguard in antimicrobial solutions, as your dental professional recommends. Alternatively, owners can use a mixture of equal parts vinegar and water or hydrogen peroxide for disinfecting. In that regard, it’s important to rinse it thoroughly to remove any residual solutions.

Proper Storage

Another one of the top maintenance tips is to store it properly. This step is essential to prevent damage and maintain hygiene. That is why you should always store the mouthguard in its protective case when not in use. Furthermore, avoid leaving it exposed to sunlight, heat, or moisture, as it might damage or cause the guard to deteriorate or become warped. In addition, cleaning the storage compartment is as important to lessen the growth of bacteria.

Regular Inspection

For the final tip, it is important to inspect your sports mouthguard. This is a crucial measure to watch for signs of wear and tear to maximize effectiveness. In this step, it is important to check for cracks, tears, or deformities that may compromise its integrity. Contact your dental professional immediately to avoid injury or infection if you notice any issues.

Final Thoughts

Proper maintenance is essential to keep your sports mouthguard clean, hygienic, and effective. You can ensure that your mouthguard provides optimal protection for your teeth and gums by following the tips. That said, always remember to clean your mouthguard after each use. Perform regular deep cleaning and disinfection, store it properly, and inspect it regularly for any signs of damage.
There is no doubt that your mouthguard will continue serving you for numerous physical sports and practices with proper maintenance. For more information regarding dental health, contact our professionals now at Brite Dental!
submitted by Brite_Dental to u/Brite_Dental [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:52 Turbulent_Night1627 Road Sweeping Machine Ride On Sweeper Industrial Floor Sweeper

Sweeping is the function performed to clear a floor, road or surface of dirt, litter or the like by the means of a broom or brush. Soil and debris that are allowed to accumulate on the surface can become hazardous. Sweeping is an effective means of removing the soil and debris and hence reducing the risk.
Roots Multiclean Ltd offers various kinds of effective sweeping machines for variety of industrial, commercial and domestic cleaning requirements from simple walk behind push sweeper having the sweeping with of 650mm, and area coverage of 2600m2/hr to high performance Truck Mounted City Sweepers and & Airport Runway Sweepers having the sweeping with of 3000mm and the area coverage of 30000m2/hour.
Our comprehensive range of Sweepers caters to numerous industrial cleaning applications.
View More:
Walk behind sweepers
Ride on sweepers
Truck mounted sweeping machines
City sweepers
submitted by Turbulent_Night1627 to u/Turbulent_Night1627 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:51 lovelyyash I feel like a fucking burden.

I feel like I cant speak about my problems anymore lol
I feel like I’m fucking alone. I feel alone. I don’t wanna feel like a burden anymore, I feel bad venting to people. I feel like I’m just putting a weight on them they don’t need. I feel so bad.
My boyfriend doesn’t want to hear me vent, even my whole family hates me venting / complaining. If my own family and boyfriend can’t put up with me a stranger wouldn’t be able to either. My people know me well, and they don’t even want me to vent to them, seriously a stranger would probably feel the same and I feel sick about it. I feel so fucking alone in this world
I don’t have motivation to be here anymore man I really fucking dont . This is getting too hard to get up everyday, to brush my teeth, to get fucking changed into clean clothes, to even shower I can’t fucking do this at all. everyone treats me so god damn fucking bad, I push away the good people and I fucking hate my self for it. I don’t deserve to live
My whole family thinks I’m a failure, that I’ll never make it anywhere in life and it’s killing me. They are bringing me down more and more, I already don’t want to be here anymore and they are making me feel worse.
I’m the family member no body likes Lol
submitted by lovelyyash to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:49 GeneralJist8 [Volunteer] Lead Writer Wanted at Honor Games

We at Honor Games released award winning Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars modification Tiberium Secrets. We are now pursuing our first commercial titles.
We consist of passionate individuals striving to get into the games and entertainment industries, which has resulted in us networking with many developers and executives in the industry.
We're looking for dedicated individuals interested in continuing a new project with us.
You can learn more about us here:
~Opening: Lead writer~
We at Honor Games (based in Pacific standard time (GMT-8) are searching for a competent lead writer to take on the hands-on details of implementing world building and character backstories of the IP we create. As of now, we have 1 project in active development (vultures), 1 project in preproduction (charge!), and 1 project waiting for proper personnel support (Equation of Humanity).
As a writer myself, I’ve come to understand that I’m more interested and able to do the big picture writing and act as a “show runner.” I’m less interested in IMPLEMENTING the nitty gritty details myself. I’D SAY I’M GOOD AT DOING “THE BROAD BRUSH”, and I’d like to find a writing candidate to train into lead writer, and eventually narrative director for the company.
I have a psychology background, and I act as CEO an executive producer for the company and projects in question. I’ve also acted as lead writer and PR lead in the past. I’m specifically searching for narrative candidates who are able to run with an existing direction, stay within the limits of said direction, yet also synthesize concepts into a holistic picture in potentially novel ways.
We’re looking for a passionate and strong minded individual, a person who can articulate their position and work alongside other department leads. They will be able to act as a core leadership member and back up their perspective logically. They will be able to hold their ground, and lead a writing department that has yet to be staffed. They will be able to write and proof public relations posts as needed. They will be able to take notes for meetings they attend. They will be able to do effective research. Other duties as assigned.
~The only hard requirement I have, is that you need to have at least one finished and published work OUT IN THE WORLD.~
~Vultures~ is a game that combines the elements of an economic and manufacturing simulator such as Factorio and Production Line. The game takes place in real time, with players put in charge of a manufacturing corporate empire. Players are responsible for buying plants and equipment, hiring labor, and buying and selling raw materials and finished goods.
Vultures aims to satirize corporate culture and the manufacturing process. Vultures will keep players engaged, switching between the two simulations to keep either one from becoming stale too quickly.
~Charge!~ is a first-person shooter (FPS) set in the future where there is peace on earth, and this sport is how most people entertain and advance themselves. All weapons are light based. and players will be able to choose different color classes, each with their own unique set of features.
The game is effectively laser tag with mirrors, prisms, and lenses. It can also be thought of as Portal with light-based puzzles.
To advance the first-person shooter (FPS) genre, by adding novel mechanics and unconventional weapons. Returning to the halcyon days of FPS, focusing on deathmatch and the multiplayer experience.
~Equation of Humanity (EoH)~ Is a concept for a real-time strategy (RTS) game in a science fiction setting. Players will take control of one of two armies, building bases, managing resources, and producing and commanding units in order to destroy other players and AI controlled factions on the battlefield. EoH started out as a mod for another RTS game (Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars) named Tiberium Secrets. The mod aimed to add three new armies, each with unique aesthetics and mechanics that separated them both from existing elements within the base game and from each other. Tiberium Secrets had a partial release to good reception, especially considering how old the base game was at the time. However, the limitations of the base game and its license eventually proved insurmountable, and the mod was canceled before a full release. The ASI faction was finalized and shipped, along with minor but fundamental changes to the original factions.
EoH seeks to pick up where Tiberium Secrets left off. Like its predecessor, EoH has plans for three armies with radically different designs. Using the power of the Unreal Engine, EoH will be free of the constraints of a mod and will be commercially available as a standalone product.
The factions come complete with diverse units, structures, mechanics, and lore. Players will take command of a global government faction intent on ensuring the survival of humanity without concern for red tape or ideologies or an artificial intelligence believing itself to be the next evolution of humanity.
This Game’s aim is to create an aesthetically pleasing, diverse and intriguing play-style for each faction, incorporating inspiration from many other works and real-world subjects. We also strive to recreate and surpass the original draw and impact of “Tiberium Secrets”. Striving to present theories of how the world/ universe works and operates.
This position gives the great chance to not only gain experience in your fields, but to also work together with highly motivated individuals in a team. It is required to give and take constructive criticism and simply push the designs to the limits to give the player the best gaming experience possible. In addition, we are focusing on creating high quality across the board, which means that you'll get great video material to publish on your blogs/websites to showcase your work. You can expect a solid foundation and work done in every area of development, since this is not our first project. The team leader may be a reference for future work relationships.
Professional networking and development opportunities are also critical to our success and if you invest in us, we will invest in you, both on a personal and professional level. As long as your committed to our core values and share knowledge and resources.
Required Time:
This position will require 10-15 hours per week. It is very important that you can react to emails and inquiries via smartphone or any other devices. We also have regular team meetings, which are required. Many of us have day jobs in addition to this commitment. You will be responsible for logging and reporting your hours, which will be regularly audited, for the purpose of determining fair Revenue share when the game ships.
We use Google Drive, Jira, Slack, Zoom and Email for the exchange of data and information. Further information can be given upon request.
Interested in working with us?

To Apply

If you’re interested and able Please email me [eric.chou@honorgames.co](mailto:eric.chou@honorgames.co)
Include: 1. Time zone 2. Portfolio/ writing samples 3. Introduction 4. name of your published work, and your biggest lesson learned
submitted by GeneralJist8 to INAT [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:42 Sonoran_Rose08 When is enough..enough.

I don’t think anyone knows where to start when it comes to asking for a bit of guidance when it comes to marriage. I just feel as if my anxiety can’t take it anymore, and I’m in a state of fight or flight. I’m at my hard time in marriage.
My husband (26M) and I (25F) have been together for 4 years and married for a year. We have 2 beautiful children and are very committed to our family. Although we are faulting in our promises we are wanting to change for one another, so I think. We both have grown and have come a long way of trying our best for each other and ourselves. Over the time I’m beginning to feel more anxiety on our fights that are repeating themselves.
We both are very prideful during our arguments and of course just like any other marriage, we can be quiet hurtful when it comes to words. At the end we of course try our best to let go and move forward, but how can I when it comes to a constant argument over how “ it was said, done or understood. “ I’m really trying my best to move forward. I want to save my marriage, I want to speak to my spouse without having to feel like I’m going to say or do the wrong thing or vice versa.
My husband and I have our own roles for our family, as he works to support our family while I raise the babies and tend to our home needs. Sometimes are fights can be about the way the other person is holding all the pressure. We haven’t had any chance to do anything for ourselves or each other, not like it’s a big thing for us but I have made it a point for us to get time to ourselves or even to feel wanted like we once did.
For example, just the other day we had another of our deep talks, due to us arguing. I’m a week postpartum and he of course took a week off to be at home. We had a misunderstanding as I woke up going on my routine with my son, making sure he ate breakfast, brushed his teeth, etc. the whole shabang for us mom’s and our babies. Well of course without fault dad isn’t fully aware of our daily routine and automatically thought I was being pushy and bossing around. I explained I wasn’t mad and that even though he is home I’m not going to expect him to do what I do. Although than began the fight my husband’s move is to name call, throw out smart ass remarks, and from my understanding always wants to say the last words. As I guilty can say that I than defend myself by just ignoring him, expressing that others wouldn’t be treating me like this, and also mentioning of course his anger issue’s.
We’re all human I’m at fault too but it’s just starting to feel like now it’s hitting me more after I realize it’s the SAME arguments over and over again. The same apologizes, the same faults that we both try to amend and fix. Now it’s just being to get at the point of I’m disappointed, within myself and the both of us. My husband believes I haven’t changed or hear what I’m saying sometimes, it’s seems like he’s the only one that is doing better while I just complain and keep calling the kettle black. I’m at my end of no longer feeling emotionally attacked by him or me emotionally attacking him.
I care about his feelings and wants, as of course he feels the same way, but how so when we both are to hateful during our arguments and talks. I’ve expressed to him about couple’s therapy or counseling because I feel like as if it’ll benefit my struggles of communicating, skills and behaviors that need to be taken into consideration. I love my husband, I love our life that we built, our family but how can I tell myself I’m having a hard time or being put through a hard time.
I’m willing to hear anyone’s advice, options or opinions on what is the best possibility for us. I have made it known that even through our rich love I’m willing to throw the towel in if it begins to effect our marriage worse or our children. I don’t want to give up, I never want to give us up but I need us to both understand how this is actually affecting us and that we both need help through this.
submitted by Sonoran_Rose08 to Marriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:41 jewelryrenderingserv What’s Included in 3D Jewelry Rendering Services: A Comprehensive Guide

In the intricate world of jewelry design, presenting your creations in the best possible light is crucial. 3D jewelry rendering services have become an essential tool for designers, providing the ability to create lifelike and detailed visualizations of their designs. This blog will delve into what is included in 3D jewelry rendering services and how they can elevate your design process.
1. High-Resolution 3D Modeling: At the heart of 3D jewelry rendering services is high-resolution 3D modeling. Designers can craft detailed digital models of their jewelry pieces, capturing every intricate detail and ensuring that the model is an accurate representation of the final product. These models are the foundation upon which realistic renderings are built.
2. Realistic Textures and Materials: One of the standout features of 3D jewelry rendering is the ability to apply realistic textures and materials to the digital model. This includes a variety of metals like gold, silver, and platinum, as well as an array of gemstones and other materials. The textures can be fine-tuned to mimic the look and feel of real-life materials, adding depth and authenticity to the renderings.
3. Advanced Lighting Techniques: Lighting plays a crucial role in 3D jewelry rendering. Advanced lighting techniques are used to simulate how light interacts with the jewelry piece. This includes creating realistic reflections, refractions, and shadows that enhance the overall realism of the rendering. Designers can experiment with different lighting conditions to see how their piece will look in various environments.
4. Detailed Surface Finish: Surface finish details are critical in jewelry design. 3D rendering services include the ability to showcase various finishes, such as polished, matte, brushed, or hammered. These finishes add to the realism of the renderings and help clients visualize the final look of the piece.
5. Customization and Iteration: 3D jewelry rendering services offer extensive customization options. Designers can easily modify aspects of their designs, such as changing the size or shape of a gemstone, adjusting the setting, or altering the overall design. This flexibility allows for rapid iteration and fine-tuning of designs based on client feedback.
6. Animation and Interactive 3D Views: Many 3D jewelry rendering services also include the ability to create animations or interactive 3D views. These features allow clients to see the jewelry piece from every angle, enhancing their understanding and appreciation of the design. Animations can show how the piece moves and catches light, adding an extra layer of realism.
7. High-Quality Visuals for Marketing: The high-quality visuals produced by 3D jewelry rendering services are perfect for marketing purposes. These images can be used on websites, social media, advertisements, and other marketing materials. The stunning, photorealistic visuals help attract customers and showcase the jewelry in the best possible light.
8. Seamless Integration with CAD Software: 3D jewelry rendering services often integrate seamlessly with CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software. This integration allows designers to import their CAD models directly into the rendering software, streamlining the workflow and ensuring accuracy throughout the design and rendering process.
In conclusion, 3D jewelry rendering services provide a comprehensive suite of tools and features that enable designers to create lifelike and detailed visualizations of their jewelry pieces. From high-resolution 3D modeling to realistic materials, advanced lighting techniques, and customization options, these services are indispensable for any jewelry designer looking to elevate their design process and present their creations in the best possible light.
submitted by jewelryrenderingserv to u/jewelryrenderingserv [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:36 Crafty_Cup_792 Bought old an old used drill press it does function. Working on restoring and making my own.

Hey got an old drill press on Facebook marketplace. Dude got it broken 40 years ago, repaired to functionality, and used it a ton. Had to disassemble it to move it. Got it two days ago. So far working on identification because cuase I can’t find any record of it online, paint stripping, and figuring out how to measure the speeds because it doesn’t seem to have a speed table. Or it’s buried under rust on inside of the top cover. Old guy advised me the quill bearings are starting to go.
I’m new to this and learning as I go along all I know right now is it’s a 2hp floor standing delta drill press. Hoping for help with identification and possibly either findings a manual or schematics. This will be an ongoing project if you guys want to follow along.
submitted by Crafty_Cup_792 to vintagemachinery [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:34 Repulsive_Income4923 Colposcopy validation?

I had a colposcopy yesterday and honestly had an extremely traumatizing and painful experience. I feel like a read a lot of threads that made me expect 50/50 for pain. It seems everyone in my friend circle has had one and seemed surprised at how horrible I described my experience.
I went in on 800mg ibuprofen, which I was told to take before hand. I took it an hour before with food. I’ve never had a painful Pap smear until recently. And even then it was just slightly uncomfortable. I’ve had multiple Pap smears and never an issue. When it was described as a longer Pap smear with a pinch, I felt ok to go in.
First of all, I noticed the scope was dirty. I asked them to clean it well in front of me. I’m talking boogies on the knobs like clearly it hasn’t been scrubbed. The NP told me “it doesn’t touch you” which I responded yes but YOU touch me after touching the knobs to adjust them…. I expressed severe anxiety about the procedure which was compared to a bee sting. I was literally a beekeeper. It was not comparable.
The biopsy itself hurt, but then I guess they insert a little brush into the biopsy site to get a good sample of all surrounding cells. When she did this I literally screamed and started panicking. I then would not stop bleeding so an additional 15 mins was spent spread Eagle with a bunch of silver nitrate sticks and pressure trying to get me to clot. They then kinda implied that the ibuprofen was to blame. Like YOU told me to take it!!!!
I cried the entire time. I asked for water and needed a moment before leaving to gather myself. Post biopsy I’ve had the expected coffee grounds and gross discharge. I’ve had very mild cramping.
I just feel kinda fucked up. Like am I dramatic? I have 20 tattoos, fractured my ankle and walked on it, etc. I genuinely feel like this was a procedure that should’ve had SOMETHING for analgesia. How tf was I not put out for that???? At one point she said I was a moving target. I feel confident than a benzo beforehand and something for pain would’ve made that process 1000% easier for both parties.
Anyone else?
submitted by Repulsive_Income4923 to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]
