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2024.06.10 18:48 apondalifa [RATE ANNOUNCEMENT] 90s Warp Rate

Howdy, indieheads! Welcome to the 90s Warp Rate, the biggest, bleepiest collection of classic electronica this side of the Atlantic! I’m your host, Warp-alifa, and with my ravey co-host u/WaneLietoc, we’ve prepared to bring you the best rave rate of British golden age drum & bass, bleep, and IDM electronic listening music that acid can buy!

Hold on! What’s a rate?

Once a month, this subreddit plays a game called a “rate” where a host (myself and u/WaneLietoc) select a collection of albums (and bonus songs) for everyone to score on a scale of 1-10, with a single 11 & a 0 available as well. Ballots of these scores are submitted, and then over “reveal” weekend, the host(s) take the averages of the songs and eliminate them from worst to best, giving one song out of all the albums the top spot, and declaring the album where that song is from the coveted “rate winner.”
Our sister subreddit popheads has a Guide to Rates Video that can give you a broad overview of rates (please note our reveal process is thread-based instead of video chat rooms). And here's recent examples of a rate announcement and a rate reveal.

Cool! Are there any other rates happening right now?

Yes! The Brazil Classics Rate is currently ongoing, with ballots due June 21st! Check out more info about it here.

Cool! How do I participate in the Warp Rate?

Simply fill out the ballot by the due date and submit it to me through the link below! You may also use the playlists to help you keep track of what and where you’re listening to everything.


Backup Pastebin Ballot

BALLOTS DUE: July 16th

REVEAL WEEKEND: July 19th - 21st


Apple Music

Main Rate

1) Who and what is Warp?
There’s a label guide to be written here one day, so we’ll try to keep it short. Warp Records was born in 1989 as something of an evolution of a Sheffield sound that had been developing for 15 prior years as 80s dance/rave scene in Sheffield was finally reaching a place of maturation: DJs displayed a wide knowledge base, mixing older rare groove/funk/disco into new abstract electronic minimalism arriving on import from Detroit & Chicago; sounds that crossed racial divides. Meanwhile, luminaries like Cabaret Voltaire, ABC, the Human League, and Heaven 17, all were Sheffield-based pioneers in electronic pop that also happened to have ties to the FON complex, a place where Rob Gordon was cooking up and devising the “bleep” techno sound. By 1989, an opportunity had presented itself to Gordon, partnering with Steve Beckett and Rob Mitchell to found Warp as both a record store and a pioneering label with an MO in exploring emerging homegrown electronic sounds that could tear up a Saturday night in the abandoned warehouses across the Northern UK.
It was almost Warped, but no one could understand it through the phone lines really. Also, Warp could stand for We Are Reasonable People. Cheeky Brits!
2) So What Did Warp’s 90s Look Like? Is there a definitive Warp Sound?
You could broadly characterize Warp’s 90s into 3 distinctive parts:
Needless to say, Warp’s pivot out of singles, towards singular artists on the outside of “scenes” quickly established itself as the flagship electronic independent label of its time, and is still the label where many of today’s most cherished alternative acts call home. In the mainline rate, we’ll focus on the highs of the Blech Era and meet a few of the most legendary acts to ever sport the little purple globe, exploring their most enduring works.

Aphex Twin - Richard D. James Album (1997) (WARP 43)

The poster child of IDM (so much so that he derided the term), RDJ has built his legacy on going against every little grain he comes across, passing through techno, acid house, rave, ambient, drum & bass, breakbeat, and everything in between. In the process, he became the court jester of electronic dance, a stinky little ginger prankster with a tank living in a bank vault that happened to be one of the most prolific producers ever pressed to wax, Richard David James has gone by many monikers-- Polygon Window, The Dice Man, Caustic Window, user18081971, Four Tet (rumored), Burial (also rumored)-- yet everyone knows the name Aphex Twin.
No one could keep up with Richard in the 90s, not even his best mate Luke Vibert! His sincere acts of trolling repeatedly manifested itself into compilations of analog electronic listening music that he also reveled in rarely giving easy, definitive answers to. Even if he despised his inadvertent celebrity status, the legend of the 1990s Richard D James was an extravagant, decadent one, whose face sprawled forth from every direction. The self-titled-by-proxy Richard D. James Album, with its menacing grin and simplistic title, is but one of a plethora of AFX projects that could have been chosen for this rate; yet with its childlike sense of wonder and bouncing beats, it’s an easy selection for old fans and newcomers alike.
It may even be his most personal work yet. He’d done a portrait for a cover, left track names as anagrams or references to Cornwall, even brought out a new edition of Calx, but the RDJ album happened to feature one major upgrade for Richard hiding in the reflection of his eye: a computer! That’s right, Richard was making the leap to the digital age for breakbeat innovation. He’d long been an analog purist, but after releasing Squarepusher’s debut Feed Me Weird Things, Richard had a new friend, one who he would be locked in a sonic arms race with for the rest of the decade, and a new direction towards something jungle-adjacent, but manic of its own accord.
Note: we will be using the American CD release for this rate, which included the Girl/Boy EP as an addendum–minus the remixes. This edition is not on normal streaming in full.
  1. 4
  2. Cornish Acid
  3. Peek 82454201
  4. Fingerbib
  5. Carn Marth
  6. To Cure A Weakling Child
  7. Goon Gumpas
  8. Yellow Calx
  9. Girl/Boy Song
  10. Logan Rock Witch
  11. Milk Man
  12. Inkey$
  13. Beetles

Autechre - Tri Repetae (1995) (WARP 38)

This is when we knew it was really on. Gloriously driven by the kick drum swing of hip-hop while also beginning to dissolve in their new acid computer bath, Tri Repetae is the first full album where Sean and Rob let their hearts and brains fully merge with the gear.
-Sasha Frere-Jones, the Shfl’s (very good!) guide to IDM
There’s a joke in the office, that the Autechre duo always say the next album’s going to be ‘much more hiphop’
-Ian Anderson of the Designers Republic (Autechre’s album cover designers)
I thought I might give them boys another go....Would be the third time of trying, if we count the initial back-in-the-day listening. Got rid of nearly all the CDs years ago - where shall I start? Tips, playlists, beginner's guide to , all very much welcomed. Bear in mind, though, my entrenched position is 1/ no grooves 2/ no tunes 3/ no discernible emotions or even moods.... so evidence proffered to the contrary is unlikely to be persuasive... Much more likely to be swayed by extremes of abstraction.... absolute unhuman inhospitable uninhabitable inclemency... the kind of unreachable alienness gestured at in the devastating denouement to Stanislaw Lem's Fiasco...I do remember being quite impressed by Confield, for instance...Did I quite-like Oversteps? Thing is, I can't remember. And that is the main issue, I just find their stuff resolutely evades memory. There's no element in it, on any level, that sticks. I mean, come on. Who hasn't got better things to do than this?
- Simon Reynolds, continuing to be frustrated by Autechre as of October 19, 2023
I remember, like, doing Tri Rep and it was literally like: ‘Right, we’re just going to do loops, and that’s it’. And it’s going to be that, and they’re going to be incrementally changing. And it was very much about it being looped. I was really thinking about that a lot at the time, that I’m going to loop this more than I should, it’s going to go on longer than it should. But it’s going to be just about tolerable, just within the kind of boundary of what’s acceptable in terms of how long things are going on for and how much repetition there is…I mean, basically we still sit in there arsing around with drum machines and keyboards, we’re not doing anything technically amazing and flash. We’re just REALLY into it.”
- Sean Booth, keeping his feet on the ground in an Interview with Droid (2023) + for Rob Young’s Warp: Labels Unlimited (2006)
By 1995 Autechre wanted out of the industry; they were shit at signing CDs and hated doing interviews. The duo had come to Warp with hardcore electro cuts in ‘91 that were passed on, returning months later with tracks “a bit like LFO but they’ve got better beats”. Warp was amused, edging one cut after another out of them until debut Incunabula was curated as a result. Amber took things in a more decidedly ambient exploration, but neither release quite reflected the promise "The Egg" on the Artificial Intelligence compilation, "Basscadet" on Incunabula, nor the Garbage EP were trafficking in. Tri Repetae was to be their escape vessel.
Very few musicians from the last century were ever able to build the type of devoted cult following that the Manchester-based duo of Sean Booth and Rob Brown have accumulated over 30 years; even fewer have done so while consistently scouting the deepest regions of dance music until it was rendered into some kind of jam-based synthetic utopia. Tri Repetae, their third full-length album from Warp, locates the pair at a pivotal moment in their development. One where the technology was finally at the point Autechre’s love of Street Sounds electro could be hyper-charged while also still playing to a composeNew Music bent the duo was seeing themselves in a lineage belonging to.
It’s straight up an album of loops, ones fully grown into cool, synthetic worlds. It is hip hop but in a way that is beyond the after-image of a break-dancer, an actual moving 'n' grooving human, toeing the line between human and machine, and pushing electronica into a new era of methodical mechanics and pulsing glitch textures. It sounds like music Wall-E and EVE have RAD sex to. It is 70 minutes and Autechre politely requests you listen to it on analog vinyl (the cassette is disposable information & the CD is incomplete without surface noise) AND in the dark; if applicable.
NOTE: this album is a real bizarre one. If the quoteboard makes anything clear, there is SOMETHING to this release, but also it may sound like a brick to you. Deadass. Play around with it. Have fun. Don’t remain motionless!
  1. Dael
  2. Clipper
  3. Leterel
  4. Rotar
  5. Stud
  6. Eutow
  7. C/Path
  8. Gnit
  9. Overand
  10. Rsdio

Boards of Canada - Music Has the Right to Children (1998) (WARP 55)

We grew up in the 70s, a time of great paranoia about science, a paranoia which comes across in the science fiction of that era, in books as well as films. It’s this paranoia, this pessimism, this fear of science, which can be found in our music along with other influences. When we were growing up in the 70s, the view of the future shown in TV and films was very dark, very powerful.
After hearing a tape of their work. Sean Booth of Autechre hipped Warp to a pair of enigmatic, nostalgic, brothers, Michael Sanderson and Marcus Eoin. The duo had been working south of Edinburgh in part of a free ranging collective of artist friends since the 80s, Hexagon Sun, that was holding outdoor music and art events. Proto-Boards of Canada music, alongside children’s song records and tapes mixed and reversed over the top were in the mix, complete with kaleidoscopic imagery. But such events had slowed over the 90s as the collective dwindled and insularity became key to the brothers’ work for the Skam label.
With their ARG-album announcements, hidden occult messages, and exquisite production, it’s no wonder why BoC have developed such a rabid following, and an even wider scope of influence in the decades since. The recurring themes of nature and man, memory and nostalgia, wonder and fear of the unknown, all accumulate seamlessly on their Warp debut, Music Has the Right to Children. Flipping fluidly between slinky downtempo and wobbling ambient, while always keeping an underlying adoration to 90s boom bap hip-hop instrumentals, this turquoise-tinted record was another zap from where 90s music was zipping towards. To say it has wowed and inspired generations of listeners would be an understatement, as much as it has become something of a sacred text… an essential bliss out.
Note: we will be using the original UK release for this rate, which did not include the track “Happy Cycling” as found on streaming now.
  1. Wildlife Analysis
  2. An Eagle in Your Mind
  3. The Colour of the Fire
  4. Telephasic Workshop
  5. Triangles & Rhombuses
  6. Sixtyten
  7. Turquoise Hexagon Sun
  8. Kaini Industries
  9. Bocuma
  10. Roygbiv
  11. Rue the Whirl
  12. Aquarius
  13. Olson
  14. Pete Standing Alone
  15. Smokes Quantity
  16. Open the Light
  17. One Very Important Thought

Squarepusher - Hard Normal Daddy (1997) (WARP 50)

Indeed there have been questions about an act in which Warp is currently investing its future; solo performer Squarepusher, described respectfully as “Weather Report on 78”... Going between us, from 95-97, was really like a conversation. It wasn't like we were trying to better each other; or at least if it was we never came out in the open about it. We were just like, ‘Oh yeah man, that’s wicked’, and then turn up the next week with a DAT: ‘Check this out’. But it was brilliant.
- Tom Jenkinson (Squarepusher) on his friendship with Richard D James during 1995-1997
Tom Jenkinson’s discography is an eclectic, mind-twisting journey through the heart and soul of frantically rhythmic dance music. Spanning almost 30 years, the Squarepusher moniker has explored everything from acid and drill, jungle and techno, hard breaks and flash-- all while maintaining a distinctly human touch to the easier-said-than-done prospect of making drums go “brrrr.” All the while, he’s eschewed a scene or collective. “The idea of being part of a movement isn’t particularly exciting to me, unfortunately,” he said back in 1998.
But before all that, Tom just wanted to release a purple sleeve on Warp. He was a raver that knew his jungle breaks and was cooking up tunes back in the 92-93 heyday when he was 17. He was well on his way to a purple sleeve by 1995, when RDJ helped him curate dozens of cuts into Feed Me Weird Things, a harmonious blending of melodic hooks with technical bravado, for Rephelx. It would kick off the great Squarepusher v Aphex Twin (v Autechre) “make the freakiest shit you can” arms race of the late 90s. The RDJ album fired back at the speed Squarepusher pushed. Chiastic Slide offered an alternate freak mode glitch hop swing. Hard Normal Daddy, Jenkinson’s debut LP on Warp in the spring of ‘97 and hot off the heels of the singularly brilliant purple sleeve Port Rhombus EP, may have been the real achievement of Warp’s 90s run.
Armed with a fake Fender Jazz bass and a “totally outdated” Akai S950 sampler, Jenkinson aimed for something singular. Both a love letter to his local rave scene, as much as an attempt to perfect and enshrine his Weather Report jazz fusion worship into the hardcore continuum, Hard Normal Daddy carries a sense of personalization akin to a bildungsroman. This is Squarepusher the Underdog cementing his own wicked legacy as yet another progressive pioneer in the landscape of alternative electronica.
  1. Coopers World
  2. Beep Street
  3. Rustic Raver
  4. Anirog D9
  5. Chin Hippy
  6. Papalon
  7. E8 Boogie
  8. Fat Controller
  9. Vic Acid
  10. Male Pill Part 13
  11. Rat/P’s + Q’s
  12. Rebus

Bonus Rate (Optional)

Warp had over 71 albums and 128 singles released across 1989-1999. We could be here for DAYS rating cuts! So, we came up with something reasonable. Our bonus rate includes an absolute bevy of Warp classics, examining the varied eras and aesthetics. From the heaviest of dance tunes to the most blissful of comedown tracks fit for a spliff. Oh, and wicked spins on kitschy rave! Want to float peacefully around the orbital space station? Or dive into the deep end of bleep techno? This bonus rate has a little something for everyone, and perhaps a new obsession or two to follow.
  1. B12 - ”Telefone 529”
  2. The Black Dog - ”End of Time”
  3. Broadcast - ”Echo’s Answer”
  4. Drexciya - ”Black Sea”
  5. F.U.S.E. - ”Substance Abuse”
  6. Richard H. Kirk - ”World War Three”
  7. Kenny Larkin - ”Tedra”
  8. LFO - ”We Are Back”
  9. Max Tundra - ”Children at Play”
  10. Nightmares on Wax - ”Mega Donutz”
  11. Plone - ”Plock”
  12. Seefeel - ”Fracture”
  13. Speedy J - ”Beam Me Up!”
  14. Tricky Disco - ”Tricky Disco”
  15. Two Lone Swordsmen - ”The Big Clapper”



Songs - THIS IS CORRECT (single space after colon):
Milk Man: 7
You may also and are generally encouraged to leave comments with your scores!
Milk Man: 7 thank you Mrs. Milk Man but I prefer non-dairy alternatives
Milk Man 7 thank you Mrs. Milk Man but I prefer non-dairy alternatives
Milk Man - 7 thank you Mrs. Milk Man but I prefer non-dairy alternatives
Milk Man: 7: thank you Mrs. Milk Man but I prefer non-dairy alternatives
Milk Man: (7) thank you Mrs. Milk Man but I prefer non-dairy alternatives
Milk Man: thank you Mrs. Milk Man but I prefer non-dairy alternatives 7
Albums: You can also comment on the complete albums by adding a colon after the album name and then your comment, like so:
Album: Music Has the Right to Children Wow! This is just like the time when I had the opportunity to serve as a juror in a censorship or so-called obscenity case, where the same people who would stop me from listening to Boards of Canada complained about a book and even a tv program, and I defended my constitutionally protected rights!
(If you don't follow the format, I'll probably still accept your ballot, but you have to write me a 1000-word essay WITH SOURCES on why Drexciya is the most important techno act of all time.)
Did a lot of copy and pasting here (including the following list of users), so thank you to all the raters of old: daswef2; u/vapourlomo; u/roseisonlineagain; u/DolphLundgrensArms; u/R_E_S_I_G_N_E_D; u/stansymash; u/ClocktowerMaria; u/aerocom; u/themilkeyedmender; u/greencaptain; u/Crankeedoo; u/dirdbub; u/ThatParanoidPenguin; u/tedcruzcontrol; u/kappyko; u/FuckUpSomeCommasYeah; u/LazyDayLullaby; u/SRTViper; u/Whatsanillinois; u/NFLFreak98; u/freav; u/freeofblasphemy; u/kvothetyron, u/RatesNorman; u/aPenumbra; u/idontreallycare4; u/p-u-n-k_girl; u/luigijon3; u/WaneLietoc; u/dream_fighter2018; u/darjeelingdarkroast (RIP); u/smuckles; u/PiperIBarelyKnowHer; u/welcome2thejam; u/imrlynotonreddit; u/kvothetyrion; u/thedoctordances1940; u/b_o_g_o (of the BogoLomo Rate Collective); u/MCK_OH; u/TiltControls; u/chug-a-lug-donna; u/TakeOnMeByA-ha; u/indie_fan_; u/bilbodabag, u/zenits, u/saison_Marguerite, and tons of people on popheads.


Ballots are DUE JULY 16TH

Reveal Weekend July 19th - 21st

Thank you for reading, and we hope you enjoy the rate!
submitted by apondalifa to indieheads [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 18:46 nahimavegan (Selling) Huge List Of 1100+ Movies! Lots Of New And Rare Titles!

**Prices firm, but I take off $1.00 for every $10 spent (multiple items)*\*
**I accept PayPal, Venmo, & Cashapp*\*
**Codes are always split/dual portion where applicable, & have no DMI*\*
**Only redeem the portion you pay for!*\*
Birds of Prey HD/MA $3.5
Scoob! HD/MA $3.5
Superman Red Son HD/MA $4
Wonder Woman: Bloodlines HD/MA $3.5
New additions
2000s 10-Film Bundle (The Departed 4K, I Am Legend 4K, Pan's Labyrinth 4K, The Hangover 4K, A History of Violence HD, Best in Show HD, A.I. Artificial Intelligence HD, Mystic River HD, Ocean's Eleven HD, Letters from Iwo Jima HD) HD/MA $30
48 Hrs HD/VU $6
65 HD/MA $4.5 or SD/MA $2.5
80 for Brady HD/VU $5
976-Evil HD/MA $5.5
A24 Horror 5-Film Set (X, Green Room, Hereditary, It Comes at Night, Witch) HD/VU $13.5
A Dog's Way Home HD/MA $3
A League of Their Own 4K/MA $5.5
A Monster Calls HD/MA $3
A Most Violent Year HD/VU $4.5
A Quiet Place Pt 2 4K/VU $5.5
A Simple Favor HD/VU $4
About Time HD/MA or IT $3.5
Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter HD/MA $3.5
Addams Family '19 4K/IT $4.5
Adventures of Tintin HD/VU or IT $3
Afflicted HD/MA $4
Aliens 4K/MA $6.5
Almost Famous 4K/VU $5
American Psycho 4K/VU $5.5
Angels & Demons 4K/MA $6
Anyone But You HD/MA $7
Aquaman & the Lost Kingdom HD/MA $6.5
Armageddon Time HD/MA $4.5
Arrow Complete Series HD/VU $45
As Good as it Gets 4K/MA $6
Atlantis Milo's Return HD/MA $5 or HD/GP $4.5
Avatar The Way of Water HD/MA $4.5 or HD/GP $4
Back to the Future Trilogy HD/MA $10
Bad Boys 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Bad Boys 2 HD/MA $4
Bad Guys HD/MA $4.5
Bad Moms HD/MA $3
Baggage Claim HD/MA $3.5
Bambi HD/MA $4
Banshees of Inisherin HD/GP $3.5
Barbie HD/MA $6
Barbie Rock 'n Royals HD/MA $3
Battle for Terra HD/VU $4.5
Beast HD/MA $4.5
Beguiled HD/IT $3
Beyond Re-Animator HD/VU $4
Big Chill 4K/MA $5.5
Big Eyes HD/VU $4
Billy Lynn’s Long Half Time Walk HD/MA $4
Black Adam 4K/MA $5.5
Black Hawk Down 4K/MA $6
Black Phone HD/MA $4
Blockers HD/MA $3.5
Blood Father HD/VU $3
Bloodshot HD/MA $4
Blue Bayou HD/MA $4.5
Bob Marley One Love HD/MA $9
Body Double 4K/MA $5.5
Boogeyman HD/MA $5
Book Club Next Chapter HD/MA $5
Book of Life HD/MA $3.5
Broken City HD/MA $3.5
Broken Hearts Gallery HD/VU $4.5
Bros HD/MA $4.5
Bullet Train 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Burrowers HD/VU $4
Call Jane HD/VU $4.5
Cannibal Cabin 4K/VU $5
Casino 4K/MA $5.5
Chappie HD/MA $3
Charlie's Angels '00 4K/MA $5.5
Charlie's Angels '19 HD/MA $4
Cheech & Chong's Up in Smoke HD/VU $3.5
Christmas Classics 4-Film Set (Miracle on 34th Street '94, A Christmas Carol '84, Home Alone, Jingle all the Way) HD/MA $12
Cinderella '15 HD/MA $3.5
Cinderella '50 HD/MA $4.5
Cobweb 4K/VU $7
Cocaine Bear HD/MA $5
Colossal HD/VU or IT $4
Conan the Barbarian '11 4K/VU $5.5
Contagion 4K/MA $6.5
Creature from the Black Lagoon '54 HD/MA $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
Creed 3 4K/MA $6.5
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon 4K/MA $6
Crow 4K/VU $5.5
The Cornetto Trilogy (Shaun, Fuzz, World's) 4K/MA $15
Counselor HD/MA $4
Da Vinci Code 4K/MA $6
Dagon HD/VU $4
Dark Skies HD/VU $3.5
DCU All Star Superman 4K/MA $6.5
Dear David 4K/VU $6
Dear White People HD/VU $3.5
Den of Thieves HD/IT $3
Departed 4K/MA $6.5
Devil's Workshop 4K/VU $5.5
Devil's Workshop HD/VU $4.5
Devotion 4K/VU $6 or HD/VU $4.5
Diary of the Dead HD/VU $4
Dig 4K/VU $5.5
Dirty Grandpa (Thea & Unr) HD/VU or IT $3.5
District 9 / Elysium Bundle HD/MA $7.5
Dora & the Lost City of Gold HD/VU $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
Dracula Untold HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Dragon Blade HD/VU $3.5
Dragonheart 5-Film Set HD/MA $13
Dreamland HD/VU $4.5
Dream Scenario HD/VU $6.5
Drive HD/MA $4
Dumb Money HD/MA $6
Dune Part 2 4K/MA $10 or HD/MA $8.5
Easy Rider 4K/MA $6
Elemental HD/MA $6
Emperor HD/VU $3.5
Equalizer 3 HD/MA $5.5
Escape Plan HD/VU $2.5
Escape Plan 2 HD/VU $2.5
Everything Everywhere All At Once 4K/VU $5
Evil Dead '13 4K/MA $5.5
Evil Dead Rise 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $4.5
Evil Under The Sun HD/VU $4
Exorcist '73 (2-cuts) 4K/MA $6.5
Exorcist Believer 4K/MA $7 or HD/MA $5.5
Expendables 1-3 Set 4K/MA $10 or HD/VU $7
Expendables 1-4 Set 4K/VU $15 or HD/VU $11
F9 The Fast Saga (Thea & Ext) HD/MA $4
Fall 4K/VU $6 or HD/VU $4.5
Fast & the Furious 10-film Set 4K/MA $30 or HD/MA $22
Fast X 4K/MA $6.5 or HD/MA $5
Feast (Unr) HD/VU $4
Fifth Element 4K/MA $5.5
Fifty Shades 6-Cut Set (Thea & Unr) HD/MA $12
First Purge HD/MA $3.5
First Wive's Club HD/VU $4
Five Nights at Freddy's HD/MA $6
Fool's Paradise HD/VU $5.5
Force of Nature '20 HD/VU $3.5
Forger HD/VU $3
Forrest Gump HD/VU $4
Freeheld HD/VU $4
Friday the 13th Pt 2 HD/VU $3.5
Friendsgiving HD/VU $4
Front Runner HD/MA $4
Frozen '10 HD/VU $4
Funny Girl 4K/MA $5.5
Gandhi 4K/MA $5.5
Gateway 4K/VU $5.5
Gattaca 4K/MA $6
Ghostbusters Afterlife HD/MA $4
Ghoulies Go To College HD/VU $3.5
Gladiator 4K/VU $5.5
Glory 4K/MA $6
Godfather 3 Coda HD/VU $4
Gone Girl HD/MA $4
Good Boys HD/MA $3.5
Good House 4K/VU $5.5
Goodnight Mommy HD/VU $4
Goosebumps 2 HD/MA $3
Gran Turismo 4K/MA $7 or HD/MA $5.5
Grease Trilogy HD/VU or IT $9
Green Knight 4K/VU $5
Green Room HD/VU $4
Groundhog Day 4K/MA $5.5
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner 4K/MA $6
Hail, Caesar! HD/VU or IT $2.5
Hammett HD/VU $4
Halloween Curse of Michael Myers HD/VU $4
Halloween Ends HD/MA $4.5
Halloween H20 HD/VU $4
Halloween Kills (Ext) HD/MA $4.5
Halloween Resurrection HD/VU $4
Harriet 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $4.5
Haunting '99 HD/VU $4
Hex 4K/VU $5.5
High Tension HD/VU $4.5
Hell Fest HD/VU $3.5
Hellbenders HD/VU $4
Hellraiser: Judgment HD/VU $4
Home Alone 1 & 2 Set HD/MA $6.5
Hook 4K/MA $6
Hot Tub Time Machine 2 HD/VU $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
Hotel Transylvania 2 HD/MA $3.5
How to Train Your Dragon HD/MA $4
How to Train Your Dragon Hidden World HD/MA $3.5
Hundred-Foot Journey HD/MA or IT $3.5
Hunger Games 4-Film Set 4K/VU $15
The Hunger Games Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes 4K/VU $7.5 or HD/VU $6
Hurricane Heist HD/VU $3.5
Hustlers 4K/IT $4.5
Ice Age Continental Drift HD/MA $3
I, Frankenstein HD/VU or IT $3
I Saw the Light HD/MA $4
Ice Age HD/MA $3.5
Identity Thief HD/IT $3.5
If Beale Street Could Talk HD/MA $4
Imaginary HD/VU $8.5
Indiana Jones & the Dial of Destiny HD/MA $6
Indiana Jones & the Last Crusade HD/VU $4 or 4K/IT $4.5
Inhabitant HD/VU $4.5
Insidious 4K/MA $5.5
Insidious The Last Key HD/MA $3.5
Insidious Red Door HD/MA $5
Iron Claw HD/VU $6
It Comes at Night HD/MA $4
Jackie Brown HD/VU $4
Jerry Maguire 4K/MA $6
Jesus Revolution HD/VU $4.5
Jigsaw HD/VU $3.5
John Wick 4 4K/VU $6.5
John Wick 4-Film Collection HD/VU $13
Journey to Bethlehem HD/MA $5.5
Jumanji '95 4K/MA $6
Jungle Book '67 HD/MA $4
Jurassic World 6-film Set HD/MA $18
Jurassic World Dominion (Thea & Ext) 4K/MA $6.5 or HD/MA $5
Kandahar HD/MA $5.5
Kill Bill Vol 2 HD/VU $4.5
Killing Them Softly HD/VU $3.5
Kiss the Girls 4K/VU $6
Knights of the Zodiac HD/MA $5
Kramer vs Kramer 4K/MA $6
Kung Fu Panda 3 HD/MA $3.5
Kung Fu Panda 4 HD/MA $9.5
Last Action Hero 4K/MA $5.5
Last Christmas HD/MA $4.5
Last Night in Soho 4K/MA $5.5
Last Voyage of the Demeter HD/MA $5.5
Lawless HD/VU $4
Leap! HD/VU $3.5
Leprechaun 8-Film Set HD/VU $15
Liar Liar HD/MA or IT $4
Licorice Pizza 4K/IT $5
Little Mermaid '23 HD/MA $5
Long Shot HD/VU $4
Lorax HD/MA or IT $3.5
Lost Boys 4K/MA $6
Love Again SD/MA $2.5
Lucky Number Slevin HD/VU $4.5
M3GAN (Thea & Unr) HD/MA $5
Ma '19 HD/MA $4
Madame Web HD/MA $7.5
Mamma Mia Here We Go Again HD/MA $3
Manchester by the Sea HD/VU $4
Manodrome HD/VU $5
Marsh King's Daughter 4K/VU $5.5
Martyrs HD/VU $4.5
May HD/VU $4
Maze Runner Death Cure HD/MA $4
Maze Runner Scorch Trials HD/MA $3.5
Mean Girls '24 HD/VU $8.5
Meg 2 4K/MA $7
Memories of Murder 4K/MA $6.5
Menu HD/GP $3.5
Meryl Streep 8-Film Set HD/MA $22
MIB International HD/MA $4
Mickey's Christmas Carol HD/MA $4
Midnight Meat Train (Unr) HD/VU $4
Migration HD/MA $6
Mike & Dave Need Wedding Dates HD/MA $3
Miller's Girl 4K/VU $8
Miracle on 34th Street HD/MA $4
Missing HD/MA $5
Mission Impossible Dead Reckoning Pt 1 4K/VU $7.5 or HD/VU $6
Mist 4K/VU $6.5
Mitchells vs the Machines HD/MA $4.5
Moms' Night Out HD/MA $3.5
Monster High Electrified HD/MA or IT $2.5
Moonfall 4K/VU $4.5
Moonrise Kingdom HD/MA $4
Mortal Kombat Legends Cage Match HD/MA $5.5
Mr. Holmes HD/VU $3.5
Mulan '98 HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 HD/MA $3
My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3 HD/MA $5.5
My Girl 4K/MA $6
National Champions 4K/IT $5
New Mutants HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Night at the Museum Secret of the Tomb HD/MA $3
Night Swim HD/MA $7
Night Train to Lisbon HD/VU $4
No Good Deed HD/MA $3
No Hard Feelings HD/MA $5.5
Nope 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $4.5
Notting Hill HD/MA $4
Nun 2 HD/MA $5.5
Ocean's Trilogy 4K/MA $16
Old 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $4.5
Official Secrets HD/VU $4
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood 4K/MA $5.5
Oppenheimer HD/MA $6
Other Side of the Door HD/MA $4
Out Of The Blue HD/VU $4
Overlord 4K/VU or IT $4.5
ParaNorman HD/IT $4
Parental Guidance HD/MA $2.5
Parents HD/VU $4
Parasite 4K/MA $5.5
Paw Patrol Mighty Movie HD/VU $5.5
Penguins of Madagascar HD/MA $3
Pet Sematary Bloodlines HD/VU $5.5
Peter Pan Return to Neverland HD/MA $4.5 or HD/GP $4
Philadelphia 4K/MA $5.5
Pinocchio '40 HD/MA $4
Pitch Perfect 3 4K/MA $5
Pixels HD/MA $3
Plane 4K/VU $5.5
Poor Things HD/MA $6.5
Pope's Exorcist HD/MA $5
Prey for the Devil 4K/VU $5.5
Priscilla HD/VU $6
Punch-Drunk Love 4K/MA $6.5
Purge 4-Film Set HD/MA $12
Queen & Slim HD/MA $4
Quick & the Dead '95 4K/MA $6
Rambo First Blood HD/VU $4
Rambo First Blood Pt 2 HD/VU $4
Real Genius 4K/MA $5.5
Red Rocket HD/VU $4
Red Sparrow HD/MA $3.5
Renfield HD/MA $5.5
Requin HD/VU $4.5
Resident Evil Welcome to Raccoon City HD/MA $4
Rise of the Planet of the Apes HD/MA $4
Riverdale Complete Series HD/VU $45
Robin Hood '73 HD/MA $4
Rocky Horror Picture Show HD/MA $4
Rosemary's Baby 4K/VU $6.5
Rhythm Section HD/VU $3.5
Ruby Gilman Teenage Kraken HD/MA $5.5
Rudy (Dir Cut) 4K/MA $6.5
Rudy 4K/MA $6
Run Lola Run 4K/MA $6.5
Saint Maud HD/VU $4
Samurai Jack Complete Series HD/VU $40
Saw 8-film Set (Unr except Jigsaw) HD/VU $20
Secret Life of Walter Mitty HD/MA $3.5
Shaun the Sheep HD/VU $3.5
Shrek 6-Film Set (1-4, Musical, Puss in Boots) HD/MA $19
Skiptrace HD/VU $3.5
Scorpion King 4 HD/MA or IT $2.5
Scorpion King 4-Film Set (1, 3, 4, Book of Souls) HD/MA $12
Scream 3 4K/VU $5.5
Scream 5 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Scream 6 4K/VU $7 or HD/VU $5.5
Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel HD/MA $3.5
Sharktopus HD/VU $3.5
Shaun of the Dead HD/MA $4
Shazam 2-film Set HD/MA $8
Shazam Fury of the Gods 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $4.5
She Said HD/MA $4.5
She's the Man HD/VU $3.5
Sin City HD/VU $4
Silent Night '23 HD/VU $5.5
Silver Linings Playbook HD/VU $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Sixteen Candles HD/MA $3.5 or HD/IT $3.5
Sleepless in Seattle 4K/MA $6
Smile HD/VU $4.5
Social Network 4K/MA $6
Sometimes They Come Back...Again HD/VU $4
Sometimes They Come Back...For More HD/VU $3.5
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 4K/VU $5.5
Spartacus 4K/IT $4
Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse 4K/MA $7 or HD/MA $5.5
Split 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Spoiler Alert HD/MA $5
Spotlight HD/MA or IT $3
Spy (Unr) HD/MA $3
Star Wars A New Hope HD/MA $4
Starship Troopers 4K/MA $6
Step Brothers 4K/MA $6.5
Stillwater HD/MA $4
Studio 666 HD/MA $5
Sum of All Fears 4K/VU $5
Supercell HD/VU $4.5
Super Mario Bros Movie 4K/MA $6.5 or HD/MA $5
Superfly HD/MA $4
Suspiria (2018) HD/VU $4
T2 Trainspotting 4K/MA $6
Talk to Me 4K/VU $6
Talladega Nights 4K/MA $6.5
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Out of the Shadows HD/VU $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
Thanksgiving 4K/MA $7
The Bay HD/VU $4
The Color Purple '23 4K/MA $7.5 or HD/MA $6
The Creator HD/MA $6
The Descent (Unr) HD/VU $4.5
The Last Dragon 4K/MA $5.5
The Marvels HD/MA $6.5
The Natural 4K/MA $6
The Other Guys 4K/MA $6
The Professional (Ext) 4K/MA $6
The Space Between Us HD/MA $4
The Sting HD/MA $3.5
The Super '17 HD/VU $4
The Words (Thea & Ext) HD/MA $4
Ticket to Paradise HD/MA $4.5
Titanic 4K/VU or IT $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Top Gun Maverick HD/VU $4
Toy Story 3 HD/MA $4
Trading Places 4K/VU $6
Transformers Rise of the Beasts 4K/MA $7 or HD/VU $5.5
Trolls 3-Film Collection HD/MA $12
Trolls Band Together HD/MA $6.5
Umma HD/MA $4.5
Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent 4K/VU $5
Underwater HD/MA $4.5
Unfriended HD/MA $4
Universal Monsters 4-Film Set 4K/MA $17
V for Vendetta 4K/MA $6.5
Vanilla Sky HD/VU $5.5
Varsity Blues 4K/VU $6
Velvet Goldmine HD/VU $4.5
Venture Bros Radiant is the Blood of the Baboon Heart HD/MA $5.5
Violent Night HD/MA $5
Walking Dead Season 9 HD/VU $7
Watchmen Ultimate Cut 4K/MA $7.5
Waxwork 2 HD/VU $3.5
Welcome to Marwen HD/MA $4.5
Welcome to Monster High HD/MA or IT $3
Whiplash 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $4.5
White House Down HD/MA $3.5
Whitney Houston I Wanna Dance w/ Somebody HD/MA $4
Wicker Man 4K/VU $5.5
Wind River HD/VU $4
Wish HD/MA $6.5
Witch HD/VU $3.5
Woman King 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $4
Woman Walks Ahead HD/VU $4
Wonka HD/MA $7
You're Next HD/VU $3.5
X-Men 1-4 Set SD/MA $7.5
X-Men Trilogy (X-Men, X2, Last Stand) HD/MA $11.5
Young Guns 4K/VU $5.5
Zombieland Double Tap HD/MA $4
All other movies (A-Z)
10 Cloverfield Lane HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
101 Dalmatians '61 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
13 Hours HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
14 Blades HD/VU $3.5
1917 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
2 Guns 4K/MA $4 or HD/MA or IT $2.5
21 Jump Street HD/MA $3
22 Jump Street HD/MA $3.5
3 Extremes HD/VU $4
3 From Hell (Unr) 4K/VU $4 or HD/VU $2.5
3:10 to Yuma 4K/VU $5
31 HD/VU $2.5
47 Meters Down HD/VU or IT $3.5
47 Meters Down Uncaged 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
47 Ronin HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
600 Miles HD/VU $3.5
71 HD/VU $3.5
A Christmas Story 4K/MA $6
A Dog's Purpose HD/IT $3
A Good Day to Die Hard (Ext) HD/VU $2.5
A Journal For Jordan HD/MA $4
A Quiet Place HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
A Walk Among the Tombstones HD/IT $3.5
A Wrinkle in Time HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
A.C.O.D. HD/IT $3.5
Abominable 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
About Last Night HD/MA $3
Ad Astra 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Adaptation 4K/MA $6
Adverse 4K/VU $5
After Earth HD/MA $3
Aftermath HD/VU $3
Air Force One 4K/MA $6
Aladdin ‘19 HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Aladdin ‘92 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Alien HD/MA $4
Alien Covenant HD/MA $2.5
Alfred Hitchcock 4-Film Set Vol 1 4K/MA $18
Alfred Hitchcock 5-Film Set Vol 2 4K/MA $21
Alien 6-film Set HD/MA $16
Alita Battle Angel 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
All Eyez on Me HD/VU or IT $3
All is Lost HD/VU $3.5
All the Money in the World HD/MA $3.5
Allied HD/VU or IT $3.5
Amazing Spider-Man 2 HD/MA $3.5 or SD/MA $1.5
Amazing Spider-Man HD/MA $3.5 or SD/MA $1.5
American Assassin 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
American Hustle HD/MA $3.5
American Ultra HD/VU or IT $4
American Underdog 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Anatomy of a Murder 4K/MA $5
Anchorman 2 HD/VU or IT $2.5
Angel Has Fallen 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Angel Heart 4K/VU $5.5
Angel of Mine 4K/VU $5.5
Angry Birds Movie HD/MA $3.5
Anna Karenina HD/IT $3.5
Annie ‘14 HD/MA $3.5
Annihilation HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Antebellum 4K/VU $5
Antlers HD/GP $3
Ant-Man & the Wasp HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Ant-Man HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Apache Junction HD/VU $3.5
Apollo 13 4K/MA or IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Arctic HD/MA $4
Arrival HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Art of Self-Defense HD/MA $4
Assassination Nation HD/MA $3.5
Assassin's Creed HD/MA $3
Assignment HD/VU $4
Atomic Blonde 4K/IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
August Osage County HD/VU $3
Avengers Age of Ultron HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Avengers Endgame HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Avengers Infinity War 4K/MA $4 or HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Baby Driver HD/MA $4
Backdraft 4K/MA or IT $5.5
Bad Grandpa HD/VU or IT $2.5
Bad Words HD/MA or IT $3
Barb & Star go to Vista Del Mar HD/VU $4
Barbie & Her Sisters in the Great Puppy Adventure HD/IT $3.5
Bart Got a Room HD/VU $4
Battle Royale HD/VU $4.5
Battleship 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Beauty & the Beast ‘17 HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Beauty & the Beast ‘91 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Bedknobs & Broomsticks HD/GP $3.5
Before I Fall HD/VU or IT $3.5
Begin Again HD/VU $3.5
Beiruit HD/MA $3.5
Belly 4K/VU $5.5
Ben-Hur ‘16 HD/VU $3.5
Between Worlds HD/VU $3.5
Big Hero 6 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Big Lebowski 4K/MA or IT $5.5
Big Short HD/VU $3.5
Big Wedding HD/VU or IT $3
Billy Elliot HD/MA or IT $4
Birdman HD/MA $4
Black & Blue HD/MA $4
Black Christmas '19 HD/MA $4.5
Black Panther 4K/MA $4.5 or HD/GP $2.5
Black Panther Wakanda Forever HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
BlackKklansman HD/MA $4.5
Blacklight HD/MA $4
Black Widow HD/GP $3
Blackhat HD/IT $3.5
Blair Witch Project ‘99 HD/VU $4
Bleeding Steel HD/VU $3.5
Blindspotting 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Blood Money ‘17 HD/VU $3.5
Blood Ties HD/VU $3.5
Blue Jasmine HD/MA $3.5
Blue Ruin HD/VU $4
Blues Brothers HD/MA $4 or 4K/IT $4.5
Bob's Burgers Movie HD/GP $3
Body Cam HD/VU $4
Bohemian Rhapsody 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Bombshell 4K/VU $5
Book of Life HD/MA $3.5
Boss Baby HD/MA $2.5
Bourne Identity 4K/IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Bourne Legacy HD/VU $2 or 4K/IT $2.5
Bourne Supremacy HD/MA $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
Bourne Ultimatum 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Boy ‘16 HD/IT $3.5
Boy & the World HD/IT $3.5
Braven HD/VU $4
Breakfast Club HD/MA or IT $4
Breakthrough HD/MA $3
Brian Banks HD/MA $3
Bridge of Spies HD/GP $3.5
Brothers Bloom HD/VU $4.5
Bumblebee 4K/VU or IT $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Butler HD/VU $3
Cabin in the Woods HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Cake HD/MA $4
Call of Wild 4K/MA $4.5 or HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Calvary HD/MA $4
Candyman '20 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $4.5
Candyman 3 HD/VU $4
Captain America Civil War HD/GP $2.5
Captain America First Avenger HD/GP $3.5
Captain America Winter Soldier HD/GP $3.5
Captain Marvel 4K/MA $4 or HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Captain Phillips HD/MA $3.5
Captain Underpants First Epic Movie HD/MA $2.5
Carol HD/VU $4
Cars 3 HD/GP $2.5
Casablanca 4K/MA $5.5
Case for Christ HD/MA or IT $2.5
Casper HD/IT $4
Celebrating Mickey HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Chaos Walking 4K/VU $5
Chappaquiddick HD/VU $4
Chasing Mavericks HD/MA $3.5
Chicago HD/VU $4
Child 44 HD/VU $4
Children ‘08 HD/VU $4
Christopher Robin HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Clerks 3 4K/VU $4.5
Clifford the Big Red Dog HD/VU $4
Cloverfield 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Coco HD/GP $2.5
Cold Pursuit 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Collection HD/VU $3.5
Collide ‘17 HD/VU or IT $2.5
Colma The Musical HD/VU $4
Colombiana (Unr) HD/MA $4
Colony 4K/VU $5
Come & Find Me HD/VU $4
Commuter 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Company of Heroes HD/MA $4
Conspirator HD/VU $4
Contraband HD/IT $3
Contractor HD/VU $4.5
Cooler HD/VU $4
Cool Hand Luke 4K/MA $5.5
Cooties HD/VU $4
Cotton Club Encore 4K/VU $5.5
Countdown ‘16 HD/VU $3.5
Courier 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Craft Legacy HD/MA $4.5
Criminal HD/VU or IT $3
Croods HD/VU $3.5
Cruella HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Crypto 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Daddy's Home HD/VU or IT $2.5
Daddy's Home 2 HD/VU or IT $3
Damsel HD/VU $4.5
Dangerous 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Danny Collins HD/IT $3.5
Dark Crimes HD/VU $4
Darkest Minds HD/MA $4
Dark Places HD/VU $4
Dark Tower HD/MA $3.5
Darkest Hour ‘17 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes HD/MA $3.5
Deadpool 2 (w/Super Duper Cut) HD/MA $4
Deadpool HD/MA $2.5
Death of Me HD/VU $4
Death on the Nile HD/GP $3
Death Wish '18 HD/VU $3
Deepwater Horizon HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Deliver Us From Evil HD/MA $3.5
Dentist 2-Film Set HD/VU $7
Despicable Me 2 HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Despicable Me 3 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Despicable Me 4K/MA or IT $4.5
Detroit HD/MA $3.5
Devil Inside HD/VU $3.5
Devil's Due HD/MA $3.5
Die Hard HD/MA $3.5
Die Hard 5-film Set HD/MA $18
Die in a Gunfight 4K/VU $5
Dirty Dancing 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Disney Animated Short Films Set HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Disneynature Monkey Kingdom HD/MA $3
Django Unchained HD/VU $3
Doctor Strange HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Dolittle HD/MA $3.5
Dom Hemingway HD/MA $3.5
Don Verdean HD/VU $4.5
Doorman HD/VU $3.5
Doors 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Downsizing HD/VU $2 or 4K/IT $2.5
Downton Abbey A New Era HD/MA $4
Downton Abbey The Movie HD/MA $3.5
Draft Day HD/IT $3.5
Dragged Across Concrete HD/VU $3.5
Dragonslayer 4K/VU $5.5
Dream a Little Dream HD/VU $4
Dreamkatcher HD/VU $4
Dreamworks 10-Film HD/MA $25
Dredd 4K/VU $4 or HD/VU $2.5
Dying of the Light HD/VU $2.5
E.T. Extra Terrestrial 4K/MA or IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Early Man 4K/VU $5.5
Earth Girls are Easy HD/VU $4
Eddie the Eagle HD/MA $4
Edge of Seventeen HD/IT $3
Edward Scissorhands HD/MA $3.5
El Chicano HD/MA $4
Elysium HD/MA $3.5
Emoji Movie HD/MA $3
Empire of Light HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Empire State HD/VU $3
Enough Said HD/MA $3.5
Enter the Dragon 4K/MA $6
Epic HD/MA $3
Equalizer HD/MA $3.5
Equalizer 2 HD/MA $3.5
Escape From Planet Earth HD/VU $3
Eternals HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Everest HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Everything Must Go HD/VU $4
Evil Dead 2 HD/VU $3.5
Ex Machina HD/VU $3
Exodus Gods & Kings HD/MA $3.5
Expired 4K/VU $4.5
Fair Game (Dir) HD/VU $4
Fantastic Four ‘15 HD/MA $4
Fast & Furious 4 4K/MA $5
Fast & the Furious 8-film Set HD/MA $17
Fast & the Furious 9-film Set HD/MA $19
Fast Color 4K/VU $5.5
Fatale ‘20 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Fatherhood HD/MA $4
Fault in Our Stars HD/MA $3.5
Fear of Rain 4K/VU $5.5
Fences HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Ferdinand HD/MA $3.5
Field of Dreams 4K/MA or IT $5.5
Fifty Shades Darker (Unr) HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Fifty Shades Freed HD/MA $4
Fifty Shades of Grey (Unr) 4K/MA or IT $4
Finding Dory HD/GP $2
Finding Nemo HD/GP $3.5
Finest Hours HD/GP $3
Firm 4K/VU $6
First Man 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Flashback ‘20 HD/VU $4
Flight HD/VU or IT $3
Florence Foster Jenkins HD/VU or IT $3
Footloose ‘11 HD/IT $3
Forbidden Kingdom HD/VU $4.5
Ford v Ferrari HD/MA $4
Forest HD/IT $3.5
Forever My Girl HD/IT $3
Fortress HD/VU $3.5
Fortress Sniper's Eye HD/VU $3.5
Fox & the Hound 2 HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Foxcatcher HD/MA $4
Frank & Lola HD/VU or IT $3
Free Guy HD/GP $3
French Dispatch HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Friday the 13th 4K/VU $5.5
From Here to Eternity 4K/MA $5.5
Frozen (Sing-Along) HD/MA $2 or HD/GP $1.5
Frozen HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Frozen 2 HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Frozen Ground ‘13 HD/VU $3.5
Fury HD/MA $3.5
Future World HD/VU $3.5
G.I. Joe Retaliation HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Gambit ‘12 HD/MA $4
Gambler HD/VU or IT $3
Gamer 4K/VU $5.5
Gemini Man 4K/VU or IT $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Get Out 4K/MA or IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Ghost in the Shell ‘17 HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Ghost in the Shell ‘95 4K/VU $5
Ghost Team One HD/VU or IT $3.5
Ghostbusters ‘84 HD/MA $3.5
Ghostbusters (Thea & Ext) ‘16 HD/MA $3
Ghostbusters 2 HD/MA $3.5
Gifted HD/MA $3
Girl on Train HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Girl w/ All Gifts HD/VU $4
Giver HD/VU $3.5
Glass Castle 4K/VU $5.5
Glass HD/MA $4
God Bless The Broken Road HD/VU $3.5
God's Not Dead 2 HD/MA or IT $2.5
God's Not Dead 3 HD/MA $3
Gods of Egypt HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Gold ‘16 HD/VU $2.5
Good Dinosaur HD/GP $2.5
Good Kill HD/VU or IT $3.5
Grease 2 HD/VU $3.5
Great Wall 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Greatest Showman HD/MA $3.5
Green Book HD/MA $4
Grey HD/VU or IT $3
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 1 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Guilt Trip HD/VU or IT $3
Gunman HD/MA or IT $3
Guns of Navarone 4K/MA $5.5
Hacksaw Ridge 4K/VU or IT $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Halloween ‘18 HD/MA $3
Hammer of the Gods HD/VU $2
Hannibal S.1 HD/VU $5
Hansel & Gretel Witch Hunters (Unr) HD/VU or IT $3
Hard Luck Love Song 4K/VU $5.5
Hard Target 2 HD/IT $1.5
Hardcore Henry HD/VU or IT $3.5
Hate U Give HD/MA $4
Hateful Eight HD/VU $3.5
Heat (Director's Cut) ‘95 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Heaven is for Real HD/MA $3.5
Hercules ‘14 HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Here Comes the Boom HD/MA $3.5
Hereditary HD/VU $3.5
Hidden Figures HD/MA $3
High Note HD/MA $4
Highlander 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Hitchcock '12 HD/MA $4
Hitman Agent 47 HD/MA $3
Hitman's Bodyguard HD/VU $3.5
Hocus Pocus HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Home HD/MA $3
Home Again HD/MA $3
Home Alone 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Homefront HD/MA or IT $3
Homesman HD/VU $3
Honey 2 HD/VU $3
Hostiles 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Hotel Transylvania 3 HD/MA $3.5
Hot Fuzz HD/VU $4
Hotel Mumbai HD/MA $4
Hours ‘13 HD/VU $4
House of 1000 Corpses HD/VU $4
House of Gucci 4K/IT $5.5
House w/ a Clock in Its Walls sHD/MA $4
How to Train Your Dragon 2 HD/MA $2.5
Hugo HD/VU $3
Hunt for Red October 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Huntsman Winter's War (Ext) HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
I Can Only Imagine HD/VU $3.5
I Feel Pretty HD/IT $2
Ides of March HD/MA $4
I Know What You Did Last Summer 4K/MA $5.5
Imitation Game HD/VU $3
In Secret ‘14 HD/VU $4.5
In the Blood HD/VU $4
Incredibles 2 HD/GP $3
Independence Day ‘96 HD/MA $4
Independence Day Resurgence HD/MA $2.5
Indiana Jones & the Raiders of the Lost Ark 4K/VU or IT $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Indiana Jones & the Temple of Doom 4K/VU or IT $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Indignation HD/VU $4
Indivisible HD/MA $3.5
Inferno HD/MA $3
Initiation 4K/VU $5
Initiation HD/VU $3.5
Internship HD/MA $3
Interstellar 4K/VU or IT $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Interview HD/MA $3.5
Into the Woods HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Invisible Man '20 HD/MA $3.5
Invisible Man ‘33 HD/MA $3.5
Iron Man 3 HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Iron Man & Hulk Heroes United HD/GP $3.5
Iron Mask ‘19 HD/VU $4.5
It Follows HD/VU $3.5
It's a Wonderful Life HD/VU $3
Jack & Jill HD/MA $3.5
Jack Reacher 4K/IT $4.5
Jack Reacher Never Go Back HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit 4K/IT $4 or HD/VU $2.5
Jacob's Ladder HD/VU $4
Jane Got a Gun HD/VU $4
Jason Bourne HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Jesus Music HD/VU $3.5
Jexi HD/VU $3.5
Jobs HD/MA or IT $3.5
Joe HD/VU $3.5
Joe Kidd HD/IT $4
John Wick 1 & 2 Bundle HD/VU $4
John Wick 3 Parabellum 4K/VU $4.5
John Wick Chapter 2 HD/VU $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
John Wick HD/VU $2 or 4K/IT $2.5
John Wick Trilogy 4K/VU $13 or HD/VU (#3 4K) $9 or all HD/VU $8
Journey to the West Conquering the Demons HD/VU $3.5
Joy HD/MA $3
Judy 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Juliet, Naked 4K/VU $5.5
Jumanji Welcome To The Jungle HD/MA $2.5
Jungle Book ‘16 4K/MA $4.5 or HD/GP $2.5
Jungle Cruise HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Jurassic Park 3 HD/VU $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
Jurassic Park 4K/MA or IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Jurassic World 5-film Set HD/MA $14
Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom 4K/MA $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Kama Sutra HD/VU $4
Kick-Ass 2 HD/MA $3.5
Kid ‘19 HD/VU $3.5
Kid Who Would Be King 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Kill Zone ‘05 HD/VU $4.5
Killer Elite HD/IT $3
Killing Gunther HD/VU $4
Kin ‘18 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
King Kong ‘05 4K/MA or IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
King of Staten Island HD/MA $4
King's Man HD/GP $3.5
Kingsman The Golden Circle HD/MA $3
Kingsman The Secret Service HD/MA $3.5
Knives Out HD/VU $3.5 s Knowing 4K/VU $5.5
La La Land HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Labor Day HD/VU or IT $3
Lady Macbeth HD/VU $4.5
Lady of the Manor 4K/VU $5
Lair of White Worm HD/VU $4.5
Lake Mungo HD/VU $4
Lara Croft Tomb Raider 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Last Dragon HD/MA $4.5
Last Duel HD/GP $3.5
Last Exorcism HD/VU $4
Last Knights HD/VU $3.5
Last Man ‘19 HD/VU $4
Last Vegas HD/VU $3
Last Witch Hunter 4K/IT $3.5
Lawrence of Arabia 4K/MA $5.5
Legends of Oz Dorothy's Return HD/MA $3.5
Leprechaun 7-film Set HD/VU $12
Let's be Cops HD/MA $3.5
Let Him Go HD/MA $4
Life ‘17 HD/MA $3.5
Life of Crime HD/VU $3.5
Life of Pi 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA or IT $3.5
Light of My Life HD/IT $3.5
Lightyear HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Like a Boss HD/VU $3.5
Lilo & Stitch 2 HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Lion HD/VU $4
Lion King ‘19 4K/MA $4 or HD/GP $2
Lion King ‘94 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Little HD/MA $3.5
Little Mermaid ‘89 HD/MA $4
Live Free or Die Hard HD/MA $4
Locked Down 4K/MA $5.5
Logan HD/MA $3
Logan Lucky HD/MA $3.5 or /IT $4
Lone Ranger HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Lone Survivor HD/VU $2.5
Longest Week HD/VU $3.5
Looper HD/MA $3.5
Lord of War 4K/VU $5.5
Lords of Salem HD/VU $4
Lost World Jurassic Park HD/MA $3.5
Love & Mercy HD/VU $3.5
Love the Coopers HD/VU or IT $4
Love, Simon HD/MA $3.5
Loving HD/VU or IT $3.5
Luca HD/GP $3
Lucy 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Lyle, Lyle Crocodile HD/MA $4.5
Madagascar 3 HD/MA $3
Magic Mike's Last Dance HD/MA $4.5
Magnificent Seven ‘16 HD/VU $3
Maleficent HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Maleficent Mistress of Evil HD/GP $2.5
Man Who Fell To Earth ‘76 4K/VU $5
Man Who Shot Liberty Vance 4K/VU $5.5
Marauders HD/VU $3.5
Marksman HD/MA $4
Martian HD/MA $3.5
Mary Poppins ‘64 HD/MA $3.5 or ‘64 HD/GP $3
Mary Poppins Returns 4K/MA $4.5 or HD/GP $2.5
Mask of Zorro 4K/MA $6
Mauritanian 4K/IT $5
Max Steel HD/IT $3
Maze Runner HD/MA $3.5
McKenna Shoots for the Stars HD/IT $2
Meatballs HD/VU $4
Memory HD/MA $3.5
Men HD/VU $4
Men in Black 3 HD/MA $3
Men in Black 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
MI-5 Spooks '15 HD/VU $4
Mickey & Minnie 10 Classic Shorts HD/GP $4.5
Mid-Century 4K/VU $5
Midnight in the Switchgrass 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Midway 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Mile 22 HD/IT $3
Million Dollar Arm HD/GP $2.5
MindGamers HD/MA or IT $3.5
Minions 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Miracles from Heaven HD/MA $3.5
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children HD/MA $3
Mission Impossible 3 4K/VU $5
Mission Impossible 6-film Set HD/VU $17 or 4K/IT $20
Mommy HD/VU $4
Moneyball HD/MA $3
Monster High Electrified HD/IT $2.5
Monster Hunter HD/MA $3.5
Money Monster HD/MA $3.5
Monster Trucks HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Monsters University HD/GP $3
Monuments Men HD/MA $3.5
Moon 4K/MA $5.5
Morbius HD/MA $4
Morgan HD/MA $4
Mortal Engines 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Mortal HD/VU $4
Mortal Instruments City of Bones HD/MA $3
Mortdecai HD/VU $3.5
Mountain Between Us HD/MA $2.5
Mr. Peabody & Sherman HD/MA $3
Mulan ‘20 4K/MA $4.5 or ‘20 HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Mummy ‘17 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Mummy ‘99 HD/MA $3.5
Mummy 4-Film Set (Mummy 1-3, Scorpion King) HD/MA $12
Mummy Trilogy 4K/MA or IT $14 or HD/MA $9 4K/IT
Muppets Most Wanted HD/GP $3
Murder on the Orient Express HD/MA $3.5
My All American HD/MA or IT $3.5
My Best Friend is a Vampire HD/VU $4
Nebraska HD/VU $3
Need for Speed HD/GP $3.5
Needle in a Timestack 4K/VU $5.5
Nerve HD/VU $3.5
News of the World HD/MA $4
Night at the Museum Trilogy HD/MA $11
Night House HD/MA $4.5 or HD/GP $4
Nightmare Alley HD/GP $3.5
Nightmare Before Christmas 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
No Time to Die 4K/IT $4.5
Noah HD/VU or IT $2.5
Non-Stop HD/VU or IT $3
Norm of the North HD/VU $2.5
Nostalgia ‘18 HD/MA $3.5
Now You See Me 2 4K/IT $4
Now You See Me HD/VU $2.5 or SD/VU $1
Nutcracker & Four Realms HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Oblivion 4K/MA or IT $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Occupation ‘18 HD/VU $3.5
Occupation Rainfall HD/VU $4
Office Christmas Party 4K/IT $3.5
Olaf's Frozen Adventure HD/GP $3
Oliver! 4K/MA $5
On Chesil Beach HD/MA $4.5
One Ranger HD/VU $4.5
Onward HD/GP $2.5
Open Water 2 Adrift HD/VU $4
Open Water HD/VU $4
Operation Avalanche HD/VU $4
Ouija HD/MA or IT $3.5
Our Kind of Traitor HD/MA $4
Outlander S.1 Vol 1 HD/VU $5
Overboard ‘18 HD/VU $3.5
Oz the Great & Powerful HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Pacific Rim Uprising HD/MA $4
Paddington HD/VU $3.5
Pain & Gain HD/VU or IT $3.5
Paper Towns HD/MA $3
Paradise Highway 4K/VU $5
Paranormal Activity 3 (Ext) HD/VU or IT $3
Paranormal Activity Ghost Dimension (Unr) HD/VU or IT $3.5
Paranormal Activity HD/VU $4
Paranormal Activity The Marked Ones HD/VU or IT $3.5
Passengers HD/MA $3.5
Patriot Games 4K/VU $5
Patriot's Day HD/VU $3
Paul Apostle of Christ HD/MA $3
Peanuts Movie HD/MA $3
Penelope HD/VU $4.5
Peppermint HD/IT $3.5
Percy Jackson Sea of Monsters HD/MA $3
Perks of Being a Wallflower HD/VU or IT $3 or SD/VU or IT $1
Pet Sematary ‘19 HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Pet Sematary ‘89 HD/VU $3.5 or 4K/IT $4
Peter Rabbit HD/MA $3.5
Pete's Dragon ‘16 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Phantom Thread HD/MA $4
Philomena HD/VU $2.5
Pirates of the Caribbean 5 HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Pitch Perfect 2 4K/MA $4 or HD/MA $2.5
Pitch Perfect HD/MA $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Pixar Short Films Set Vol. 3 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Planes Fire & Rescue HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Planes HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Planes, Trains & Automobiles 4K/VU $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Playing w/ Fire HD/VU or IT $2.5
Poltergeist ‘82 4K/MA $5.5
Poltergeist (Ext) ‘15 HD/MA $4
Pompeii HD/MA $3.5
Power Rangers ‘17 HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Predator ‘18 HD/MA $3
Predator ‘87 HD/MA $4
Pride & Prejudice & Zombies HD/MA $3.5
Primal HD/VU $3.5
Promise HD/MA or IT $3.5
Proud Mary HD/MA $3.5
Psycho 4K/MA $5
Pulp Fiction HD/VU $4
Punisher War Zone 4K/VU $5.5
Purge Anarchy HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Purge Election Year HD/MA $3.5
Purge 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3 or
Push 4K/VU $6
Quarry 4K/VU $5
Quartet HD/VU $4
Queen of Katwe HD/GP $2.5
Quiet Ones HD/VU $3.5
Rambo ‘08 HD/VU $4
Rambo 5-film Set HD/VU $18
Rambo Last Blood 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Ran ‘85 4K/VU $5.5
Raya & the Last Dragon HD/MA $3.5
Rear Window 4K/IT $3.5
Rebel Without a Cause 4K/MA $5.5
Reclaim HD/VU $3.5
Redline ‘10 HD/VU $4.5
Reign of Assassins HD/VU $4.5
Replicant ‘01 HD/VU $3.5
Replicas HD/VU $3.5
Rescuers Down Under HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Rescuers HD/MA $4.5 or HD/GP $4
Reservoir Dogs HD/VU $4
Resident Evil Retribution 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Retaliation ‘17 HD/VU $4
Revenant 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Ricki & the Flash HD/MA $3
Riddick (Unr) HD/VU or IT $3
Ride Like a Girl HD/VU $4
Right At Your Door HD/VU $4
Right One 4K/VU $5.5
Rio 2 (Sing-Along) HD/MA $3
Riot HD/VU or IT $3
Risen HD/MA $3
Rob Zombie Trilogy (3 From Hell, House of 1000 Corpses, Devil's Rejects) HD/VU $8
Robin Hood ‘18 HD/VU $3
Robocop ‘14 HD/VU $2.5
Rocketman ‘19 HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Roman J. Israel Esq HD/MA $3
Ron's Gone Wrong HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Room '15 HD/VU $3.5
Rough Night 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Run The Race HD/MA $3
Runner Runner HD/MA $3.5
Rush HD/IT $3
Safe HD/VU or IT $2.5
Same Kind of Different As Me HD/VU or IT $3
Samson HD/MA $3.5
Santa Clause HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Santa Clause 2 HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Santa Clause 3 HD/GP $2.5
Sapphires HD/VU $4
Sausage Party HD/MA $3.5
Saving Mr. Banks HD/GP $3
Saw (Unr) 4K/VU $4.5
Saw 7-film Set (Unr) HD/VU $16
Saw HD/VU $3
Scarface HD/MA $4 or 4K/IT $4.5
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark 4K/VU $4.5
Schindler's List 4K/MA or IT $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Scream '96 HD/VU $3.5
Scream Trilogy HD/VU $11
Secret Garden ‘20 4K/VU or IT $5.5
Secret in Their Eyes HD/VU or IT $3
Secret Life of Pets 4K/MA or IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
See No Evil 2 HD/VU $3.5
Serenity ‘05 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Seriously Red HD/VU $4
Sex Tape HD/MA $3.5
Shallows HD/MA $3.5
Shang-Chi Legend of the Ten Rings HD/GP $3
Shape of Water HD/MA $3.5
Sherlock Gnomes HD/IT $2.5
Shivers HD/VU $4
Show Dogs HD/MA $3.5
Sicario HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Sicario Day of the Soldado HD/MA $4
Sicario, Wind River, Hell or High Water HD/VU $7.5
Side Effects HD/IT $3.5
Silencing HD/VU $4
Silent Night, Deadly Night 3-Film Set (3-5) HD/VU $7.5
Silk Road 4K/VU $5
Sing ‘16 HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Sing Street HD/VU $4
Sinister HD/VU $3
Skeleton Twins HD/VU $4
Skyfall HD/VU $2.5
Skyscraper 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Sleeping Beauty ‘59 HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Sleepy Hollow 4K/VU $6.5
Smokey & the Bandit HD/MA $3.5
Smokin' Aces 4K/MA $5.5
Smurfs The Lost Village HD/MA or IT $3
Snitch 4K/IT $3 or HD/VU $2.5 or SD/VU or IT $1
Snow White & the Huntsman (Ext) 4K/VU or IT $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs ‘37 4K/MA $6 or HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Snowden HD/MA or IT $3.5
Snowpiercer HD/VU $4.5
Solo A Star Wars Story HD/GP $3
Son of God HD/MA $3
Sonic the Hedgehog 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Soul HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
Source Code 4K/VU $5.5
Southpaw HD/VU $3
Spectre HD/VU $3.5
Spider-Man 2 (Thea & Ext) HD/MA $4.5
Spider-Man 3 HD/MA $3.5
Spider-Man 4-Cut Set (Spider-Man 2 w/ Thea & Ext) HD/MA $11.5
Spider-Man Far From Home HD/MA $3
Spider-Man Homecoming HD/MA $2.5
Spider-Man Into the Spider-Verse HD/MA $4.5
Spider-Man No Way Home HD/MA $4 or SD/MA $2
Spies in Disguise HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Spinning Man HD/VU $4
Spiral 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Spontaneous HD/VU $4.5
Spy Who Dumped Me 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
St. Vincent HD/VU $3
Stand Up Guys HD/VU $3.5
Star Trek '09 4K/VU or IT $5.5 or HD/VU $4
Star Trek 1-6 4K/VU $25
Star Trek 3 Search for Spock 4K/VU $5
Star Trek Beyond HD/VU $3
Star Trek Into Darkness HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Star Trek The Motion Picture ‘79 4K/VU $5
Steel Dawn HD/VU $3.5
Still Alice HD/MA $4
Straight Outta Compton (Unr) HD/MA $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Strange World HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Suburbicon HD/VU $3 or /IT $3.5
Super 8 4K/VU or IT $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Sword in the Stone HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Taken 2 HD/MA $3.5
Taken 3 (Unr) HD/MA $3.5
Tangled HD/GP $3.5
Ted (Unr) HD/MA or IT $2.5
Teen Spirit ‘19 HD/MA $4
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ‘14 4K/VU or IT $4.5 or HD/VU $2.5
Terminator 2 Judgment Day (Special) HD/VU $4.5
Terminator 2 Judgment Day 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Terminator Genisys HD/VU $3 or 4K/IT $3.5
Texas Chainsaw ‘13 HD/VU $3.5
Thanks for Sharing HD/VU $4
The Heat HD/MA $3
The Impossible HD/VU $3.5
Think Like a Dog 4K/VU $5
This is the End HD/MA $3.5
Thor Dark World HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Thor Love & Thunder HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
Thor Ragnarok HD/MA $2.5 or HD/GP $2
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri HD/MA $3.5
To Kill a Mockingbird HD/MA $3.5
Toll HD/VU $4.5
Tomorrowland HD/GP $3
Top Gun ‘86 HD/VU $3.5
Total Recall ‘90 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Touched w/ Fire HD/VU $4.5
Toy Story HD/GP $3.5
Toy Story 4 4K/MA $4 or HD/GP $2
Training Day 4K/MA $5.5
Transformers Age of Extinction HD/VU $2.5 or 4K/IT $3
Transformers Dark of the Moon 4K/VU $4.5 or HD/VU $3
Transformers The Last Knight 4K/VU or IT $4 or HD/VU $2.5
Trust ‘16 HD/VU $4
Tulip Fever HD/VU $4
Tumbledown HD/VU $4
Turbo HD/MA $3
Turning HD/MA $4
Ugly Dolls 4K/VU or IT $5.5
Unbreakable HD/GP $3.5
Uncharted HD/MA $4
Uncle Drew HD/VU $3.5
Underworld Awakening HD/MA $3
Underworld Blood Wars HD/MA $3
Untouchables 4K/VU $5.5
Us ‘19 4K/MA $5.5 or HD/MA $4
Valerian & the City of a Thousand Planets HD/VU $3.5
Vampire Academy HD/VU $3.5
Vanishing ‘18 HD/VU $4
Venom 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5
Victoria & Abdul HD/MA $4
Virtuoso 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU $3.5
Vivo HD/MA $4.5
Voices ‘14 HD/VU $4
Voyagers 4K/VU $5
Walk HD/MA $3.5
Wall '17 HD/VU $4
War for the Planet of the Apes HD/MA $3
War of the Worlds ‘53 4K/VU $5.5
War on Everyone HD/VU $4
Warcraft 4K/IT $4.5 or HD/MA $3
Warhunt 4K/VU $4.5
Warning HD/VU $4
Watch HD/MA or IT $3.5
Wayne's World HD/VU $4.5
We Die Young HD/VU $3.5
Weekend HD/VU $4
Werewolf The Beast Among Us (Unr) HD/MA or IT $3.5
West Side Story 4K/MA $5 or HD/MA $3.5 or HD/GP $3
What We Did on our Holiday HD/VU $4
When the Game Stands Tall HD/MA $3
Whiskey Tango Foxtrot HD/VU or IT $3
Why Him? HD/MA $3
Widows HD/MA $3.5
Wild Card HD/VU $3
Willow HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Wilson HD/MA $3.5
Winchester HD/VU $3.5
Winnie the Pooh Springtime w/ Roo HD/MA $4 or HD/GP $3.5
Wolf Hound 4K/VU $4.5
Wolf of Wall Street 4K/VU $5 or HD/VU or IT $3.5
Wolverine (Unr) (w/Thea) HD/MA $3.5
Woman in Gold HD/VU $3.5
Won't Back Down HD/MA $3.5
Woodlawn HD/MA or IT $3.5
Wraith HD/VU $4
X-Men Apocalypse HD/MA $3
X-Men Days of Future Past HD/MA $3
XXX Return of Xander Cage HD/VU $2 or 4K/IT $2.5
Z for Zachariah HD/VU $4
Zero Dark Thirty HD/MA $3.5
Zeros & Ones HD/VU $4
Zootopia HD/MA $3 or HD/GP $2.5
submitted by nahimavegan to DigitalCodeSELL [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 17:52 eggyoke Help finding this mouse pad

Hi gang! Can I get your expertise on what this mouse is? It's a YouTube reviewer and shows glimpse of this really cool looking pad, multi-coloured with a Chinese letter. Thank you for your help! And if you do have this mouse pad. Is it good one? Recommended?
submitted by eggyoke to MousepadReview [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 17:28 thisuseristakenbreh E is for Eating, which I do at lunch

E is for Eating, which I do at lunch submitted by thisuseristakenbreh to TheLetterE [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 17:17 Sarsion The Language of Destiny - Eliksni, Dread, Hive... cut from the same tapestry?

Sarsion here. It's been a minute.
Some of you may recall my efforts to transcribe and translate the Eliksni language.
Some of you may have no idea what rabbit hole I'm about to introduce you to.

Let's recap

Whether you've been on this ride with me from the start, or are just now picking up the trail, here's a quick recap of all the major events:
May 21 2015
Sarsion via /DestinyTheGame:
HoW gives us our first chance to translate Fallen language into English.
August 14 2015
Sarsion via /DestinyTheGame:
Fallen-English Translations - Mobs, Skolas, Taniks and Silent Fang's "Insult"!
July 18 2017
Sarsion via /DestinyTheGame:
Learn to Speak 87 Fallen Words!
[Ishtar Collective]
September 4 2018
Forsaken is released along with our first-ever Eliksni script.
Lord of Wolves
The Queenbreaker
May 15 2019
Season of the Drifter
Outbreak Perfected
June 4 2019
Season of Opulence
October 8 2019
Destiny Grimoire Anthology, Volume II: Fallen Kingdoms
As transcribed by aflyingwelshman via /DestinyLore
December 10 2019
Season of Dawn
Burden Part III
February 16 2020
Sarsion via /DestinyTheGame:
We can now directly translate Eliksni (The Fallen Language) by translating lore entries in Traditional Simplified Chinese.
The Cryptarchy Discord community is launched.
@mallozee (game dev. writer. narrative @bungie) via Twitter X:
"the eliksni that appears in the written lore does not have much relation to the combat SFX that fallen units use. and though i don’t want to spoil anyone’s fun in looking for patterns in the combat SFX, they are, to my knowledge, nongrammatical syllables (just like the cabal)"
"everyone who has contributed to the effort of investigating the combat SFX deserves a medal for their valiant efforts. i really don’t mean to spoil it! and it’s not for nothing, because it made me realize how cool it would be to work on a game where that foley WAS meaningful"
"other people have realized that, too, and so if any of us have the opportunity to pitch that kind of feature in the future, we will try!"
"my hat is off to all of you!! i hope i have the pleasure of meeting some of y’all in the future so i can applaud you personally"
"mm, well — the eliksni that appears in the written lore from forsaken onward IS a constructed language"
"with syntax and everything!"
February 26 2020
Planet Destiny Podcast #229 (ft. Sarsion)
November 10 2020
Beyond Light
I. The Prisoner
May 11 2021
Season of the Splicer
I: Eggcloth
August 30 2022
Season of Plunder
I - The Long Drift
III - Chosen
December 27 2022
Season of the Seraph
Revision Zero is released, along with its catalyst.
This quest lifts words I created as part of my July 2017 effort. More than half of the words in this dictionary of 87 words are never heard in Eliksni combat Foley; I made them up based on patterns I recognised within prefix and suffixes.
They have henceforth been made part of canon.
Should You Choose to Accept It, Part I
'"Bar'den" is an Eliksni phrase. It means "forever unable to find the way."'
Should You Choose to Accept It, Part II
'"Di'dras" is an Eliksni phrase. It means "the end of all life."'
Should You Choose to Accept It, Part III
'"Ge'fres" is an Eliksni phrase. It means "to be hatched."'
Should You Choose to Accept It, Part IV
'"Shas'ki" is an Eliksni phrase. It means "to defy fear of a powerful being."'
February 16 2024
The Cryptarchy website is launched to celebrate 4 years since its founding.
May 23 2024
Bungie announces the Dread will speak a translatable language.
They are extremely careful not to directly state the language's origin.
June 4 2024
Final Shape
All that, and there's every chance I missed one or two milestones.


The localisation revelation in 2020 was something that, in retrospect, I have mixed feelings about. On the one hand, it led to a reignited sense of excitement in the translation effort, culminating in the explosive creation of my Discord community, The Cryptarchy, which I feel may have been one of the most important events to happen in my life. But on the other hand, I worry sometimes that I may have stumbled onto, what Riven might call, the Anathematic Arc. We were not meant to learn any of this.
As mallozee said, "it’s not for nothing, because it made me realize how cool it would be to work on a game where that foley WAS meaningful".
I have been ruminating on this language since before Destiny began, since 2010. I mention in my first thread here on the matter that Bungie created a language for the Covenant for Halo Reach, which largely went unnoticed at the time, so I entered Destiny with a sense of wonder and apprehension; could this be done? Did they repeat the process?
We may know now they did not directly do so with the Fallen combat Foley, but looking back, perhaps retroactively, did Bungie redirect the course, and succeed? But if so, why was Eliksni never highlighted as such? A conlang is a huge undertaking, why do all that work for the Eliksni only to focus on the Dread?
As the years with the Cryptarchy went on, and I learned that the Eliksni language I had been translating was entirely of my own pattern-recognition-go-brrrr manifestation, I kept wondering why Bungie was never officially commenting on the language, beyond mallozee's tweets the same day I uncovered the localisation mishap. Was there a deeper meaning they could not comment on? Did I spoil something? Did I inspire something? I've been wracked with self-doubt and confusion. I want more than anything else to enhance this world for others.
I've been working with some of the most intensely bright Cryptarchs, helping their own projects to shine, casting light on otherwise forgotten and niche interests. I've been told about how many people have loved the work I did for translating the Eliksni language, despite its rough state. Fan-fiction, fan-art, role-play, entire worlds of imagination and creativity, all because I sat in my room for 2 years, tightly pressing my headphones against my ears, listening to barks of an alien species that turned out to be speaking gibberish, and making something of it.
So the day arrived when my work was surprisingly implemented into the Revision Zero quest in 2022, officially in the game, and something clicked for me.
In short?

Guardians make their own fate.

It doesn't matter whether any of this was intended originally. It matters that we gave it meaning, and it matters that Bungie has honoured all of us in doing so, with Final Shape. They called it a love letter, it absolutely got delivered. I heard the call.
Quite literally too, as a key for Final Shape appeared in my email inbox, from Bungie, highlighting me as a Bungie Creator officially. Now, whether this was because I applied to the Bungie Creator program on behalf of my community, or if they had predetermined this, I can't be sure. This was the first I had heard back from Bungie from any of my direct interactions with them, so either way the gambit coin landed, I was ready.
In the final days between the Final Shape ViDoc and Final Shape's release, I realised I had some work to do. I took 2 weeks off of work, dedicated every hour of every single day to translating Eliksni. My partner was of undying support during this time, and she even took a photo of me mid-process, which I didn't see until a couple weeks later. It captures the past 9 years for me perfectly. Sarsion, staring at the ceiling, full ADHD locked-in, stimming with his thinking cap, muttering randomly in cryptic tones, wearing his House of Judgment t-shirt.
My 87 words had grown by this point to somewhere far over 500 individual words and phrases. I am still nowhere near fully comprehending the language, but the plot thickened.

The Dread

As I worked, and tried desperately to ignore the Dread revelation, my fellow Cryptarchs investigated the Tormentors. They sent me through recordings. One of these recordings, taken during a Tormentor grabbing a Guardian and draining their energy, made me sit straight up with a shock.
Now, I'm jumpy at the best of times. But these are all Eliksni words.
Vos. Ki. Dra. Ka.
Known[?]. Strong. Life. Burn.
This was midway through my process, so it was extremely raw, but those last three words were from my 2017 effort.
Maybe it was in my imagination.
I pushed it to the side.
As I played Final Shape, solo, Legendary, feeling nostalgically reminiscent of my days of pioneering TUE, Trigates, and LASO in Halo 2 and 3, almost 20 years ago, I had one of the most bizarre experiences I've ever had with any game. I kept catching snippets of the Dread's speech, and understanding them.
You know that feeling when you sometimes hear someone speaking, say French, and you don't quite know what they're saying, but you sure as hell know what they mean?
Yeah, that.
I kept trying to ignore it. Let's be fair, I was just off the back of an intense two weeks of translating Eliksni; I was surely just hearing what I was used to hearing, or perhaps rather, wanting to hear.
I get to the final campaign mission, desperately fighting for my life against the Witness and its Subjugators. I pick up the Aegis, I rush to the Traveler's fissure, as the Dread goad me on.
"[...] sovek."
I was so shocked that I actually wiped, despite it being the furthest I had gotten thus far.
Sovek? When Sjur had Misraaks bound, and performed her "perfect ireliis bow". Misraaks felt betrayed and enraged, believing this to be a trick, and proclaimed "iirsoveks!" to which Sjur simply said "nama".
Again, I was convinced I was hearing things. In the same instance, I heard a Subjugator say "Kapsok". Another Eliksni term used in Burden III, meaning something akin to "you will".
I began a thread on Twitter X to keep my thoughts rolling.
This thread rapidly turned into a series of revelation after revelation.
I discovered "irrealis" grammatical moods.
Is this a clear reference and hint to the Eliksni "ireliis"?
"ir" is benedictive. it's a polite honorific question.
  • "ireliis" - {respectful formal address}
  • I would later determine that "ir" directly means "court"
"iir" is interrogative. it's a question.
  • "iirsoveks - "is this a trick?"
  • If "ir" is "court", is "iir" antonymous to "ir"; [trialaccusecharge]?
I considered that if the Dread's language shared etymological roots with the Eliksni language, might the Hive?
"Al Eck Ruk Nam, Shu Nam Eck Ur"
  • "She said, "That's your star, Sean Rigby. Follow it each night, when it's the last star hanging low, and sing to it. You sing, 'Al Eck Ruk Nam, Shu Nam Eck Ur,' until you call that star down to Earth. You do that, and your family will endure."
Cryptarch Adonna believes the Hive language is:
"protological patterns underlying quantum field theory, relativity, and paracausal phenomena."
I thought back to "ir" meaning court. Where have we seen that before?
The Hive.
Ir Yût. Ir Halak. Ir Anûk.
What does Crota refer to Ir Yût as? His courtier.
a person who attends a royal court as a companion or adviser to the king or queen.
Surely this is no coincidence.
How far does this stretch. Is the Ahamkara "Anthem Anatheme" part of this? "O [Subject] mine?". Is the "O" significant in that Auryx became Oryx after speaking to the Deep? Is there power in that single phoneme?
What of the Vex?
In my translation process, I focused extensively on iirsoveks, and pondered on how Mithrax became Misraaks. That quirk of "ks" and "x" made me wonder. Veks. Vex.
Let's break it down:
{indefinite article}
{indefinite article} {indefinite article}
{definite article}
{definite article} {description}
[proclamation accusation trial charge]
{action event state} {copula: to be}
is to be
{imperative} {declarative}
how/what interrogation
interrogation {subject agent}
suspect (noun) conjecture (noun)
suspect (noun) {action event state}
suspect (verb) inclining to think (verb) conjecture (verb)
iir, so, veks
proclamation is to be conjecture
Accuse of being suspect.
I don't believe it.
Sjur responds?
{manner} {mass: less}
{noun: collective} {mass: less}
empty instance
"Sus" "Suspect"?
"Inclined to Think"?
Are the Vex quite literally named after the "Judgment" term for "an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information"?
If the Dread were shouting "[..] sovek", what were they saying?
"is to be conjecture (noun)"? Were they goading me? Saying I had no idea what I was doing? Flailing hopelessly. I had incomplete information. I was without a full grasp of what to do with the encounter? That I was an idiot?
Well, they were absolutely right.
I didn't have any idea what I was doing.
I didn't have any idea what was going on.
I never have, and I never will.
It's my greatest tool of the trade.

So, Veks

In Season of Undying, there were many weapons that were quite literally grammatical terms.
Each weapon has flavour text that exemplifies their meaning.
Expressing a wish or a choice.
  • An irrealis mood.
  • Event is hoped, expected, or awaited.
  • "May I be loved!"
Flavour text refers to the Traveler.
  • 'If only you could see yourself. But you have no eyes. Not the dimmest sense survives…'
Relating to the giving of advice; tending to adhort.
  • "Hortative"
    • An irrealis mood.
    • Event is exhorted, implored, insisted or encouraged by speaker.
    • "Let us love!"
Flavour text refers to our Ghost.
  • '"So... you think you can kill a god?" —Ghost'
Expressing a command; authoritatively or absolutely directive.
  • An irrealis mood.
  • Event is directly ordered or requested by the speaker.
  • "Love me!"
Flavour text refers to Ikora.
  • '"We must stop the weavers before they seal the Garden and begin to summon back its heart." —Ikora Rey'
Inflected to indicate that an act or state of being is possible, contingent or hypothetical, and not a fact.
  • An irrealis mood.
  • Event is considered unlikely (mainly used in dependent clauses).
  • "If I were to love you..."
Flavour text refers to Vex, directly quoting Ghost Fragment: Pantheon
  • 'Stop 'em? Pretty sure our deaths are just meant to be the early warning system.'
Pertaining to action completed before another action or event in the past, past perfect.
  • A verb form relating to an action that occurred prior to an aforementioned time in the past.
  • "They Had Built"
Flavour text refers to how the Vex build and define their actions in the past.
  • 'builds builds builds builds the past'
Temporal Clause
An adverbial clause of time; informing the reader about the time when the action of main verb of the sentence occurred.
Flavour text refers to how the Vex predict and define timelines in the future, and find the successful timelines which suit their directives.
  • 'the future narrows narrows narrows narrows'
Could these have been our first hint to go looking for "irrealis" and make the connection to "ireliis"? Coincidence though it may be, there are many connections here. But what are they narrowing towards?


It's like a game of battleship; knowing I am hitting something but have no idea the scale nor direction it takes.
I couldn't shake it:
The Dread kept saying Eliksni words.
The Vex think along the same lines as the Eliksni speak.
The Hive share morphemes with Eliksni, and their words grant them arcane paracausal abilities.
Ahamkara, similarly, gain power from the words of others and can twist them into paracausal outcomes.
Psions understand Ahamkara better than anyone in the Cabal, and many of them are now one with the Dread.
All of the Dread know the same language; countless beings reshaped and combined from countless eons of existence, newly formed and created within the Traveler, yet all in harmony, able to communicate.
Is this language a gift of the Witness?
A gift of the Traveler?
A fundamental principle of the universe?
Here's my hypothesis:

What if it was all cut from the same tapestry?

Eliksni, Dread, Hive... How deep could this go?
What if these languages share philological and etymological roots. Like Latin-derivatives; Italian, French, Spanish...
Since House of Wolves, I've thought I was translating "Standard Eliksni" but...what if the "High Speak of Judgment" Variks refers to is derived from some ancient "Judgment" language; their "old ways".
The Witness's precursors uncovered the Traveler on their homeworld, offended it with their attempt to begin their Final Shape, and thereafter it left unto other worlds. In its wake, the Witness reshaped, recruited, and repurposed. Punishing those the Traveler visited, and "saving" those it did not.
In Books of Sorrow and Entelechy, entirely separate aliens seem to understand one another.
The Ecumene, for example, was an interstellar group of individual alien species, who also knew of the Fundament system. Of note, is that the Dakaua were immediately able to understand Taox upon finding her after drifting in stasis for 24,000 years.
In Entelechy: it's incredibly apt, is it not, that the communications recovered of the Witness's precursors in both the tetrahedral ship and the Vex Minotaur were translated by Eliksni.
How could scribes like Eido translate these messages, so eloquently, from the Witness's precursors, if they were not capable of recognising and interpreting the morphemes that construct their terminology? The answer is given in Eido's notes: with the help of Servitors. The Eliksni were gifted by the Traveler, as were we, but Variks once asked us if the Traveler spoke to us, as it spoke to him. Did Servitors speak for the Traveler?
In stark intriguing contrast, also in Entelechy, we learn of the Noesis. Eido was able to transcribe overlapping concepts via "self-reinforcing group of informational units, which subsumes lesser concepts", rather than strictly semantical phrases; the Noesis spoke thought in a language akin to a moodboard; perhaps like birdsong.
The Noesis seemingly never encountered the Traveler, but are still comprehensible to Eido. Is it a result of the Noesis language also sharing etymological roots, or did the Witness intercept, supplanting their cries with a language of its own?
Eido muses on the theatrics of it all. Did it orchestrate this? Grant them some universal language millennia ago, knowing they would scream out to the wider universe? A harbinger of its own making?
Is "Judgment" a gift of the Traveler before it was silenced? Is it a psionic inception from the Witness's precursor days, with its abiogenetic Crèches? Both?
Are the Vex that language given form and function?
Non-artificial intelligent lifeforms created in the shape of natural language; pure sapience itself.
I know this sounds frankly Toland-esque, but, hear me out.
Could this "Judgment" be the underlying fundamental law of the Destiny universe? The language, and thus meaning, of life itself?
I aim to find out.

The Cryptarchy needs you

If you wish to assist us with this process, to see if there is more to this unified language theory, please join us in The Cryptarchy Discord server, and stay tuned to our website. I also hope to begin livestreaming my process of translation.
In the meantime, here is a WIP read-only access to what I have been referring to as "Eliksni 3.0". This is my live spreadsheet, so you may find that at any given time, it is being actively worked on and filtered. This is not the ideal way I intend to present this information down the line as the goal is to create a fully fledged dictionary, complete with etymological and philological roots.
I share this in the hope that others can see my process and build upon it. I have been doing this for 9 years, I would love if by the 10th for it to have been with an overflowing union of Cryptarchs.
For now, I will continue this process within the Discord server, and begin to migrate the results to our website as soon as I am able. I hope to begin streaming my process of translation as well. I have spent the last 4 years learning how to code, and have found my way into a career as a web-developer, so my hope is to utilise all of my skills to finally solve this mystery.
My only caveat is that I point-blank refuse to use generative AI in this process. In my eyes, language is a much more delicate process that requires pattern-recognition, context, variety, extrapolation, etymology, philology, human intuition, and the indomitable human spirit. AI can only ever give you pattern-recognition and extrapolation. The rest are key ingredients to constructed languages. I urge anyone interested in this to please respect that process.
Machine-learning, generally speaking, is great at understanding and executing explicit rules, but it operates like any other machine: garbage in, garbage out. It feels to me antithetical to translate what may be the essence of life in the Destiny universe with something that cannot comprehend it.
Thank you for reading, everyone, and thank you for your support over the years.
To close my thoughts, of which I know there were many, I would like to leave you with two quotes that have been circling my mind these past years. It has been a mantra that has kept me going.
It's so simple. Elegant like a knife point. It explains - this is not hyperbole, this is the farthest thing from exaggeration - EVERYTHING.
Why does anything exist?
My answer?
Aiat: let it be thus because it must.
submitted by Sarsion to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:19 Dando711 [WTS] Cupboard clean out, Zero Tolerance, Heretic, Reate, Microtech, Benchmade, and some freebies!

Hey everyone,
Letting some of my knives go due to funding my other way too expensive hobby, guns. Check out the videos down below and feel free to offer!
Heretic Cleric 2: 2nd owner, LNIB, carried under 5 times and only ever used to open letters, blade has never been sharpened, comes with basically full bottle of OTF lube as well. SV$280
Heretic Manticore-S USN Show 2021 Special Edition: 2nd owner, in great condition only thing is there’s a bit of a nick on the body to due to me dropping it like an idiot (damn thing is tiny!). But other than that it’s great, blade has a factory edge on it. This heretic does not come with the OTF lube as it want in the box when i originally bought it. SV$225
ZT0300: This one is an oldie but a goodie and will absolutely scratch that overbuilt knife itch! first owner and barely used over the million years I’ve owned it, doesn’t come with the box since i lost track of it so it will ship in an old kershaw sheepskin pouch. SV$285
Reate EXO SMKW Exvlusive Blue Nebula Fat Carbon: 1st owner LNIB on this guy, blade has only been used to cut paper to see how sharp the factory edge is, I carried this around the house for 2 days and decided it wasn’t my style although it is fun to fidget with, comes with box, dust bag, sticker, and Reate morale patch SV$250
Microtech Stitch Ram-lok Fluted Aluminum: LNIB with an edge only used to cut paper (this thing is a laser beam). I definitely fell victim to the hype on this knife because after receiving it I was pretty unimpressed with the action in both opening and closing, idk it just feels awkward manipulating it to me. SV$285
Benchmade Mini-Griptillian: 1st owner, LNIPouch(with a catch), factory edge. Fun story on this one, bought this knife probably 10 years ago, snapped off the tip and left it to sit until last year when I reached out to BM and had them put on a brand new blade hence the catch. SV$110
CRKT Fulcrum: Another cool old knife I picked up many years back, no box on this one and the black coating on the blade is showing signs of wear. Very unique action on this one and really fun to see people try and open it haha. SV$30
Civivi Appalachian Drifter 2: 1st Owner LNIB, bought it because I wanted to try out a front flipper, which I liked about it, what I don’t like about it is that it’s a bit too small for me. SV$45
Picaroon Tools Mutineer: 1st owner, LNIB, Another victim of the being to small for me crowd, cool design though. SV$110
CRKT SPEW: carried once, didn’t like it, will send it free with purchase of any other knife just tell me if you want it
Ka-Bar Fighting Knife: Used at the camp site, could also use a sharpening, comes with leather sheathe. SV$40 SOLDSOLDSOLD
Ka-Bar Fighting Knife Tanto: light use (cutting paper), still has the factory edge (which wasn’t very sharp to begin with), and also comes with a nice kydex sheathe. SV$70
submitted by Dando711 to Knife_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 16:08 forky1899 How I would book WWE vs AEW (Part Two of Two)

If you haven't read part one yet, give it a read here:
WWE vs AEW: Wrestling's Grandest Clash (Night Two)
Pre-Show: Womens' Casino Battle Royale
(Participants: Billie Starkz, Blair Davenport, Dakota Kai, Deonna Purrazzo, Hikaru Shida, Jordynne Grace, Lyra Valkyria, Naomi, Natalya, Nia Jax, Nyla Rose, Piper Niven, Riho, Saraya, Shayna Baszler, Skye Blue, Taya Valkyrie, Thunder Rosa, Tiffany Stratton, Willow Nightingale, & Zoey Stark)
(Again, not a whole lot of build. Grace is the joker of the match and scores a ton of eliminations. However, it comes down to Willow and Tiffany in the end with Willow ultimately going over.)
Instead of opening night two with a match, I would open with a segment. Kenny Omega comes down to the ring. He announces that his surgery was a complete success and is looking forward to his return to the ring. He gets a massive pop from the fans as he cuts a good babyface promo. Things amp up though when he is interrupted by JOHN CENA! Cena runs down to the ring and has a faceoff with Omega. Cena cuts his own babyface promo before congratulating Omega on his recovery. Cena says from the guy who carried the WWE flag to the guy who carried the AEW flag, Omega has his respect. Cena extends his hand for a handshake and Omega takes it. The two take in the cheers and respect of the Wembley Stadium crowd as we get things underway.
LA Knight vs Adam Cole
(The build around this match is about LA Knight's growing popularity. Cole is jealous of Knight's superstardom; believing that it should be him in Knight's position. He tries to get in Knight's head and uses the Undisputed Kingdom to beat Knight down. Just a simple heel vs face build lol.
As for the match, it's a very solid opening contest. Knight holds his own while Cole reaches into his peak NXT bag. In the end, Knight puts Cole down with the BFT and scores a big win.)
Open House match: The Judgment Day (Finn Balor, Damian Priest, and Dominik Mysterio) vs The House of Black (Malakai Black, Buddy Matthews, and Brody King)
(This would be such a cool match in my opinion. There would be three individual stories going here. Finn and Malakai target each other as Malakai wants to channel the darkness within Balor. Priest and King target each other as they're the juggernauts of their factions. And juiciest of all, Buddy and Dom Dom have BEEF. Buddy despises Dominik for his closeness with Rhea Ripley and wants to beat his ass.
As for the match, this would be fantastic. Judgment Day's decided rule would be that the match would be a tornado match. As this is the case, it would be a chaotic 10-15 minutes of action. In the end, Julia Hart would come down to ringside and spit black mist into the eyes of Balor. Priest would try to help him but King would tackle him through a ringside barricade. This leaves Black and Matthews alone with Dom Dom. Black hits the Black Mass on Dom. Dom falls right into Buddy who hits him with Murphy's Law (I don't know what he calls it now) for the win.
After the match, Matthews continues to beat down Dom Dom. Julia Hart enters the ring and looks to hit Dom Dom with the black mist but Liv Morgan comes out from the crowd!
Liv takes out Julia Hart and goes to shield Dom Dom. It looks like The House of Black are going to attack both of them until...
Rhea Ripley comes down to a HUGE pop from the crowd. And she looks 100%! Rhea storms down and gets into The House of Black's faces---especially Buddy. Reluctantly, they back down. Rhea stands tall with the rest of Judgment Day re-entering the ring. As they do so, Liv sees red and tries to attack Rhea from behind. Rhea sees this , grabs Liv, and DROPS her with the Riptide! Dom looks conflicted as Judgment Day stands tall even in defeat.)
Gunther vs Bryan Danielson
(We're switching gears from the chaos of the previous match to a potential match of the millennium contender. Gunther and Bryan Danielson confront each other and want to know who the best in the world truly is.
And this match does not answer that question because both men are on their A++++ game. Around 30 minutes of hard-hitting, technical, and brutal action. The match does end with Gunther forcing Danielson to submit; putting him deeper into the echelons of immortality.)
Iyo Sky and Kairi Sane (w/ Dakota Kai) vs Mina Shirakawa and Maika (w/ Mariah May)
(I know the latter team isn't technically a part of AEW but fuck it this is my card. The build of this match is basically a showcase of Stardom's present vs Stardom's past. On top of that, it's pride month so we have to get Mariah and Mina some love.
As for the match, it's as athletic and captivating as you would expect. Iyo does go over as she hits Maika with a moonsault for the win.)
Street Fight: Logan Paul vs Eddie Kingston
(This is probably the greatest match that you never knew you needed to see. I love matches where two polar opposite people have to fight and this is no exception. Eddie DESPISES Logan for using wrestling as a jumping pad for his Youtube career. Logan thinks Eddie is a bum and looks down at him. The hatred and animosity between the two boils over until it can't anymore. They're given a street fight stipulation to do whatever they want to each other.
As for the match, they don't even wait to get to the ring to start fighting. Eddie jumps Logan as he's preparing to make his entrance. What follows is roughly 15 minutes of a bloody and brutal carwreck of a match. The match ends with Logan's posse hitting the ring. They try to jump Eddie but Eddie beats the hell out of them. One of them manages to slide a pair of brass knuckles over to Logan...who SMASHES Eddie in the face with them. Eddie simply falls to a knee, spits out some blood, and laughs. Logan is horrified. Eddie eggs Logan on to hit him again and he does; finally putting Eddie down and scoring a win.)
Bayley vs Mercedes Mone
(I don't think I need to write a build for this. It's simply another chapter added onto the iconic rivalry between these two.
As for the match, it is presented as a BIG TIME fight. Bayley is played down to the ring by Paramore (I feel like Hard Times would be the perfect song for her but I'll leave that to your interpretation). Mercedes enters in a decked-out limo (and I would lobby for her to use her New Japan theme because I am not feeling her AEW theme lol). And the match itself is epic. After over 20 minutes of action, Bayley puts Mercedes away with the Rose Plant.
But the real story is what happens after the match. We see Charlotte Flair and Becky Lynch sat in the front row. They enter the ring and celebrate with Bayley. Mercedes joins the celebration, reunites with her fellow Horsewomen, and the four share a moment in the ring together.)
The Young Bucks (w/ Jack Perry) vs Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn
(This one's for all the PWG fans here. The Young Bucks continue to abuse their power over AEW alongside Okada and Jack Perry. One man in particular decides to take a stand against them---Kevin Owens. Owens calls out The Young Bucks for changing over the last few years. Owens says that they used to be revolutionaries but now they're a bunch of corporate jackasses. This leads to Owens being targeted by the Bucks---leading to Zayn joining back up with KO to put an end to The Bucks' reign of terror once and for all.
As for the match itself, it's a love letter to tag team wrestling. While Owens and Zayn put up an amazing effort, The Bucks' underhanded tactics and constant interference by Jack Perry are too much and lead to The Young Bucks scoring the victory.)
MAIN EVENT: Cody Rhodes vs Swerve Strickland
(Finally, this is the match that we've all been waiting for. Two of wrestling's biggest trailblazers. AEW's world champion vs WWE's world champion. Top face vs top face. An AEW guy who went to WWE and took over vs a WWE guy who went to AEW and took over. But beneath all that, it's just a simple build between two men who want to prove who the very best is.
And the entrances are insane. Swerve wears Jimmy Rave's robe down to the ring while Nita Strauss plays him down. Cody comes out with support from the Nightmare Family---including Brandi, Dustin, and Arn Anderson.
And the match itself holds itself to being more than worthy of main eventing this massive show. Swerve and Cody leave it ALL in the ring in a 30+ minute classic. In the end, Cody is barely able to put Swerve away with the triple Cross Rhodes combo.
After the match though, it's all love and respect. Cody and Swerve hand each other their respective titles and shake hands. Triple H comes down to the ring. Tony Khan comes down. The AEW and WWE rosters come down in a show of solidarity. While Cody won the match, it's the wrestling business that truly came out as the winner of this event. Even if it's only for one night, the wrestling business stands together as a unified front.
And that caps off my WWE vs AEW supercard. I really hope you guys enjoyed it! Let me know which matches were your favorite. What could I have added to make this even better? I want all the feedback lol
submitted by forky1899 to fantasybooking [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 12:54 Relevant-Judgment671 Bußgeldbescheid and overdue ticket

Hello all,
I was wondering if anyone here has dealt with a similar problem and could tell me how it went. A couple of days ago my ex flatmate sent me a letter from polizei berlin saying that with a decision from 10/2023 I have to pay 520€ fine and give my driving license away for a month. Decision refers to an event in July, when I rode an electric scooter and blew 0,6 promille. Not cool obviously and I’m not proud of it, would be nice if you spare me the lecture. Now my question is, why am I only getting the letter now? I didn’t get the original information. I will comply with giving my driving licence away, but can I appeal to paying that sum of money? I’d much rather pay what was the original amount back in October. Has anyone been in such situation and what have you done?
Thank you in advance.
submitted by Relevant-Judgment671 to askberliners [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:52 Consistent_Eye1465 Glaswegians

One of my favourite microbrands Paulin in Glasgow have released a new Modul range powered by the reliable La Joux-Perret G101 in their stylish & design led yellow, brown, or pink dials with uber cool lettering and check out their new GMT collection. #horology #trending #watches #touchmyclock #mens fashion
submitted by Consistent_Eye1465 to touchmyclock [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 11:36 mayanksharmaaa Romanized Sanskrit Crash Course! - Learn to read IAST in minutes!

IAST Crash Course

Hare Krishna! This post is aimed at newbies who see verses like these in Sanskrit:
paśyaitāṁ pāṇḍu-putrāṇām ācārya mahatīṁ camūm vyūḍhāṁ drupada-putreṇa tava śiṣyeṇa dhīmatā
and are not sure how to read it. While many Indians know how to read devanāgarī, IAST or Romanized Sanskrit script is still extremely useful since it's easy to read, easy to write and easy to learn for non-Indians.

Before we start, we need to know a few basic facts:

1. Every consonant in Sanskrit ends with an 'uh' sound, the 'u' as in 'but' or 'cut'. For example, the letter क (ka) is pronounced as 'kuh', म (ma) is pronounced as 'muh'. Similarly, all the consonants have this 'uh' sound. Many Indians (especially north Indians) do not know this and they exclude this 'uh' sound.
So when you pronounce Rāma, You're not suppose to say "rAAm", you're supposed to say "rAAmUH". Similarly, it's not "Krishn", it's "KrishnUH". 'Jaya' not "Jai" it's "JuhYuh".
2. There are a few consonants that sound quite the same. श (śa) and ष (ṣa) for example, sound like the 'sh' as in 'shut'. For most, it can be hard to understand the difference so it's okay to not worry and think of them as the same sound.
3. There are a few consonants that are difficult to pronounce. ण (ṇa), ढ (ḍha), ड (ḍa), ट (ṭa). If you're unable to pronounce, do not worry, it's ok. With time, you can learn to pronounce these properly, if you choose to do so. It's quite easy but can take time, like training a muscle.
With that out of the way, I'm going to assume you know all the alphabets of english.
Let's start!
Devanāgarī Transcription
अं / ं
अः / ः
Consonants table:
क ka ख kha ग ga घ gha ङ ṅa
च ca छ cha ज ja झ jha ञ ña
ट ṭa ठ ṭha ड ḍa ढ ḍha ण ṇa
त ta थ tha द da ध dha न na
प pa फ pha ब ba भ bha म ma
य ya र ra ल la व va
श śa ष ṣa स sa ह ha


Let's learn the pronunciation of alphabets. It's quite easy :D
That's it! Now all you need is to read a few verses and you'll be really good at reading IAST in to time!
paśyaitāṁ pāṇḍu-putrāṇām ācārya mahatīṁ camūm
paSHyaitAAm pAAndu putrAAnAAm AACHAArya mahatEEm CHamOOm
For Indians, try reading the IAST along with the devanāgarī on and you'll quickly pick this up :)
Please let me know if you have any questions. I might make a video on this too :)
submitted by mayanksharmaaa to HareKrishna [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:46 HappyGeese09 Write a letter to a cosmonaut and win a prize!

Write a letter to a cosmonaut! Those who pen the most unique and interesting questions will receive prizes! The author of the very best question will win a trip to the Vostochny cosmodrome to see a rocket launch in person!
How cool is that!
Details here:
submitted by HappyGeese09 to u/HappyGeese09 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 09:35 GreatRecipeCollctr29 Cookie Recipes that We All Love from Popular Bakeries Either Across America or Regionally in Several States

I am compiling recipes found on the Internet of cookies recipes found in popular bakeries, cookie shops from across America or regionally in several states.
If you have any cookie recipes that you know of please post the name of the cookies - then links. So other members may be interested making these to satisfy our cravings.
Specialty's Cafe and Bakery: Chocolate chip cookies either Semi-sweet chocolate chips, Semi-sweet chocolate chips with walnuts, White Chocolate Macadamia Nuts -
Black & White -
Oatmeal Wheatgerm Chocolate chip - Omit the pecans for the original kind of healthiest cookie but has a texture of a granola bar -
Pecan Sandies -
Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip -
Fudge Brownies (whether it is plain, with walnuts or peanut butter chips) -
Snickerdoodles -
Note: Specialty's uses Guittard Semi-sweet chocolate chips and milk chocolate chips on their chocolate chip cookies. They also use Guittard's Au Lait White Chocolate chips on their black and white. After mixing the cookie dough and folding the chips and nuts, it is advisable to fold in the ingredients until it is evenly distributed into the cookie dough. Then scoop out either 3.5 oz or beige scoop (standard cookie size in 1990s to 2014), then reduced to 2 oz (standard blue scoop). Scoop them onto a parchment paper lined container in a single layer. Then put another layer of cardboard & parchment paper, add another single layer of cookies. Cover with plastic film and let it refrigerate and rest the cookies overnight to 24 hours.
Next day, preheat oven to 350F (conventional) or 325F (convection). Place the cookies 1.5" to 2" apart from each other on a parchment paper lined baking sheet. Bake cookies for 14 to 15 minutes or until edges are golden brown but soft on centers.
As for black and whites, preheat oven to oven's instructions from the recipe. But cook for 12- 13 minutes to avoid chocolate from burning.
We remove the cookies from the oven, and let it cool on the baking sheets for 5 to 10 minutes to avoid breaking the cookies. People go crazy when our cookies came straight from the oven. We advise them to wait at the alloted time. Then cookies are packed in a slanted to vertical position in boxes. If it were packaged flat, they would crumble.
They also used Gold Medal Blue Label for all of their cookies.
Panera's Kitchen Sink Cookies -
Levain Bakery's Double Chocolate Peanut Butter Chips -
Levain Bakery's Chocolate Chip Walnut -
Black and White cookie from NYC -
Crumbl Cookies:
Pink Sugar Cookie -
Master document of all retired cookie flavors from Crumbl Cookies -
Follow this link and click on them to make your favorite to suit your cravings.
Cornbread cookie -
The Original Cookie Company's Butter cookie recipe -
Corner Bakery & Cafe Oatmeal Cookies -
Mrs. Field's Cookie base recipe -
Neiman Marcus chocolate chip cookies -
Double Tree Chocolate Chip cookies -
Reddit's Best Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe posted from FoodPorn -
Reddit's Best Gooeist Brownie Recipe posted from Baking -
Tate's Bakeshop thin chocolate chip cookies -
They also use Gold Medal Blue label ap flour for making their cookies. Most bakeries use this brand. Others might use a different brand depending how the flour was milled and how much protein it contains. 10% to 11% protein is ideal used by professional bakers and pastry chefs at commercial kitchens and manufacturing companies.
Good luck baking! Enjoy, have fun! Share these treats!
submitted by GreatRecipeCollctr29 to TopSecretRecipes [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 08:06 Uncle-Barnacle A messy love story : Month 3 Second Half

In the second half of month 3 into this college drama, the incidents were mostly between Jake and I.
What I believed is that Jake is a player, or at the very least has what I call someone with a harem king dream. With how Faye would always bring the gang to join me in on lunches etc. Jake had roughly known my usual spots.
On days where I have super early classes, I would always have breakfast at the same spot , lesser crowd and they serve good food. It was around this time Jake started showing up at my usual breakfast spot and would automatically sit at my table. He never once asked, just a smile and a 'good morning'. The place is usually empty in the morning and he'd chose to sit next to me as if I were his buddy. I was always indifferent towards his presence and ignored him. He would try to talk to me about my hobbies, relationship stuff, memes etc and I would always brush him off with one worded answers.
From the beginning I was never close with Jake, nor have I ever managed to click with him well. He just decided one day that he wants to gain my attention.
The first time he showed up at my breakfast spot I didn't think much, maybe it was just a coincidence, but this went on for three days and I was really annoyed at this point.
In class, he started to approach me to discuss about assignments. Whenever I leave the lecture hall, be it for toilet breaks or snack breaks, I caught him trailing behind me. When confronted he just said it's not safe for a girl to always wander around alone. Like, huh?? I'm in a campus, in broad daylight, what's there to happen? Also whenever he trails behind me, I noticed a few times whenever I bump into a lecturer he would turn around and walk in the opposite direction only to follow me again once the lecturer leaves.
In club meetings, he would stand next to me as I chat away with other club members. I usually only notice his presence when I can smell him, yes, that's how close he stood beside me. Other members were freaked out and asked me about Jake, I told them to ignore him as Jake is a freak.
Whenever a large group of college mates invited me for lunch and Seraphine is absent (if she isn't around she's most likely out with Alvin), Jake would sit on my left side like how he did with Seraphine. He made attempts to touch my hair, put his arm around the back of my seat and he even used his leg to brush mine. I loudly exclaimed that I didn't consider he needed more space and I should scoot over a little. He seemed embarrassed and stopped his antics for awhile.
I reached my breaking point after putting up with him for roughly two weeks. I was alone in the club studio ( I joined a crafts club btw) finishing on a paper display for an upcoming event when I felt someone breathing down my neck. It sent chills down my spine but I soon caught a whiff of that disgusting smell of Jake's. I asked Jake to back off and leave me alone before he regrets doing what he has been doing. Jake scoffed and asked "what a girl like you could do to a guy?". I was infuriated and turn around to pin Jake onto a wall. I was holding a paper cutter at the time and immediately pressed the blunt part of the cutter on his shoulder. All my life I have never seen a grown man whimper, and I got front row seats to that. I pressed the cutter harder and spoke in a low tone, "I said leave me alone fker. You think you are Mr. Cool kid? Don't let me see you approach me ever again or I'll beat the shit out of you the next time."
Jake mumbled and scampered out of the studio. Ngl it was so funny that the sight of that, that quenched my anger.
As to why I think Jake said, what a girl like me would do to him. I believed it stemmed from the fact that at the time everyone knows I had a medical condition but I never mentioned the specifics, only told them I couldn't carry heavy things as I experienced some muscle along the road of recovery. Maybe to Jake, he thought muscle loss = lack of strength. Well, I wouldn't know anyways.
I thought that was the last encounter I would have to endure with Jake. Unfortunately, the guy's not a quitter. He made one last attempt on me. He approached me once again the next day as if nothing had happened and attempted to touch my hair, face and waist. I moved away when he tried to touch my hair and face but the moment he tried to wrap he hand around my waist I gave him a huge slap across his face and a knee to his guts forcing him to curl on the floor.
A lecturer saw everything and stopped me before I could send my foot to his face. After some questioning and luckily for me, a hidden camera near my faculty office had a clear shot of everything that happened. I was allow to leave while Jake got a warning letter.
Since that day, as if I became a whole new person. I treated Jake as if he were invisible. (He still tried to greet me a few times after I beat his ass) If Faye asked if she could bring the whole gang along for lunch I would reject the proposal. I spent the remainder of that semester alone most of the time. I believe Jake didn't tell anybody what had happened because many asked why did I suddenly started to ignore Jake. I always responded with "who?" and resume my own things and everyone just left it at that.
While this whole thing went on, Alvin and Seraphine had some interesting development in their relationship.
submitted by Uncle-Barnacle to u/Uncle-Barnacle [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 06:38 Significant-Tower146 Best Folders with Prongs

Best Folders with Prongs
Gone are the days of flimsy, paper folders that never seem to hold your papers in place. Say hello to the new age of storage with folders featuring prongs! These handy tools are here to revolutionize the way you organize your life. In this roundup, we'll be exploring the benefits of these sturdy folders, showcasing our top picks, and providing you with the perfect folder to suit your every need. Get ready to take your organization game to the next level with our curated selection of folders with prongs!

The Top 7 Best Folders with Prongs

  1. Durable 2-Pocket Folders with Prongs - Assorted Colors - The 7pack Plastic Folders with Pockets and Prongs are highly durable and versatile, providing an efficient organizational solution for home, office, and classroom use, while easily accommodating standard letter-size documents.
  2. Vintage Color Plastic Folders with Pockets and Prongs - Vintage-style folders with pockets and prongs by Mr. Pen provide superior durability and versatile storage for documents, offering a sleek and sophisticated solution for various users.
  3. Professional Folders: Stylish 2 Pocket Folders for School, Home, and Office - Get organized with E-Clips USA's sturdy, vibrant, and versatile folders with pockets, perfect for schools, home, or office use.
  4. Durable Acid-Free Poly Folders with 3 Prongs and Pockets - Organize your documents with ease using Dunwell's versatile 2-Pocket Plastic Folders with Prongs - perfect for schools or offices, available in various colors, and featuring long-lasting durability.
  5. Versatile 6-Color Folder Set with Pockets and Business Card Slot - Stay organized with the CACASO 30 pack plastic folders featuring 2 pockets, 3 prongs, and business card slot, available in vibrant colors, for use at home, school, and office environments.
  6. Stylish Spirit 2-Pocket Folder with Prongs - Stay organized and stylish with the Spirit 2PKT Poly Portfolio, featuring 2 pockets for up to 25 sheets each, 3 prongs for neat storage, and a Spirit fan-approved design on the front and back covers.
  7. Stylish 2-Pocket Poly Folder with Prongs for School Use - Organize your letter-size papers with ease using the durable, well-made, and sturdy Office Depot 2-Pocket Poly Folder - perfect for efficient note-taking and keeping your documents securely in place.
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🔗Durable 2-Pocket Folders with Prongs - Assorted Colors
I recently started using the 7pack Plastic Folders with Prongs and Pockets for my home office, and I must say, they're fantastic organizational tools. These folders come in a variety of colors, which is a great touch to keep my workspace looking bright and cheerful.
Each folder has two pockets, perfect for holding documents, and the prongs allow me to punch holes for easy filing. I appreciate that they're made of strong plastic, ensuring my papers stay protected from damage. The folders are lightweight yet sturdy, making them ideal for both students and office workers looking to maintain a neat and tidy workspace.
It's refreshing to have a folder system that can withstand daily use without losing its shape, and I'm confident in recommending these folders to anyone in need of a durable and practical organizing solution.

🔗Vintage Color Plastic Folders with Pockets and Prongs
As a reviewer, I've been using Mr. Pen's plastic folders with pockets and prongs, and let me tell you, they're a game-changer! .
Not only do they look great with their vintage colors, but they're also incredibly durable and made from high-quality plastic. These folders have been a lifesaver when it comes to organizing all sorts of papers, from schoolwork to important documents. The dual pockets and three center prongs provide ample room for both loose and bound documents, ensuring everything stays neat and tidy.
The 11.5-inch by 9.35-inch size is perfect for standard-sized papers, and they've been working like a charm in my daily life. Highly recommended for anyone looking to streamline their paper management and presentation needs.

🔗Professional Folders: Stylish 2 Pocket Folders for School, Home, and Office
As someone who uses these folders in their daily life, I can attest to their sturdiness and durability. With tabs on the inside of each folder, they provide the perfect structure to easily organize loose leaf papers.
The bright and assorted colors available make them not only functional but also visually appealing, and I appreciate how the recycled materials contribute to a more sustainable product. The real advantage, however, is the versatility.
These folders are just as good for organizing school work as they are for creating professional real estate listings.

🔗Durable Acid-Free Poly Folders with 3 Prongs and Pockets
I recently gave the Dunwell black 3-prong plastic folders a try, and I must say, they've been a game changer in my daily life. These folders have definitely made organizing my documents, school projects, and important papers much easier. The two pockets are perfect for storing loose papers and notes, while the prongs securely hold 3-hole punched paper in place.
One thing I appreciate about these folders is their durability. Made of poly plastic, they're easy to clean and even water resistant. I also love the variety of colors available – they're vibrant and eye-catching! However, one drawback I noticed is that the adhesive labels do leave a bit of a sticky residue, but that's a minor inconvenience considering the overall quality of the product.
Overall, these folders are an excellent addition to any busy person's life. They're great for both personal and professional use, and I highly recommend them to anyone looking for a reliable, sturdy way to keep their papers organized.

🔗Versatile 6-Color Folder Set with Pockets and Business Card Slot
I recently had the opportunity to try out a set of these plastic folders with pockets and prongs by CACASO. Say goodbye to cluttered desks and hello to organized paperwork with these 30-piece folders, available in six vibrant colors.
One of the many benefits I found is that they are incredibly versatile, perfect for storing assignments, work documents, presentations, projects and more. The durable design also makes them great for frequent traveling, as the lightweight folders can easily fit in your bag while still keeping your files secure.
While the material used might not be the highest quality, I was impressed by how sturdy and waterproof they turned out to be, lasting a long time and protecting my precious documents. The pockets in these folders aren't just plain, they include a handy business card slot which adds a practical touch to these colorful folders.
Overall, these folders with prongs make an excellent addition to any workspace, bringing color and order to your daily routine.

🔗Stylish Spirit 2-Pocket Folder with Prongs
When I first stumbled upon this Plastic Folder with Prongs 2 Pocket Spirit, it reminded me of how fussy and disorganized our school days used to be. But as I started to use it, I was blown away by its innovative design and practicality. The prongs hold my pre-punched papers neat and orderly, while the two deep pockets can store up to 25 sheets each. It has a cool spirit design on both front and back covers, which definitely adds style points.
The only thing that stands out as a concern is that sometimes the prongs can be a bit too sturdy, making it harder to insert papers. However, this little issue doesn't overshadow the benefits. The Spirit 2PKT Poly Portfolio is a game-changer, allowing me to stay organized and save time throughout my school week.

🔗Stylish 2-Pocket Poly Folder with Prongs for School Use
In my experience, the Office Depot school-grade folder has been a reliable organization tool to help me keep my daily documents and notes neatly tucked away. Its three-prong design is sturdy and effective in maintaining my letter-sized paper organization, ensuring that each page is securely held together. The polypropylene material is durable and can withstand constant handling, making it a suitable companion for both my work and home life.
One aspect that I particularly enjoy is how easily the folder can be cleaned, as any mess can be quickly wiped away. While the sturdy prongs are helpful for keeping papers in their designated pockets, they can sometimes get caught on clothing or materials, causing a slight inconvenience.
Overall, this well-crafted and practical folder has become a valuable part of my daily routine.

Buyer's Guide

A folder with prongs is a versatile and practical storage solution for organizing documents, notes, and other papers. These folders come with multiple prongs or tabs that help keep your papers in place, making them a popular choice for home, office, or school use. When shopping for folders with prongs, consider the following factors to ensure you find the best option for your needs.

Size and Capacity
Folders with prongs come in various sizes, each designed to hold a specific number of items. Consider the size of the documents you need to store, as well as the available storage space in your environment. Smaller folders may be suitable for personal use, while larger ones can better accommodate business or office needs.

Material and Durability

Folders with prongs can be made from various materials, such as plastic, metal, or cardboard. Each material offers different levels of durability, so it's essential to choose one that can withstand regular use. Metal folders tend to be more robust and long-lasting, while plastic and cardboard folders are generally more lightweight and affordable.

Design and Aesthetics

The design and appearance of the folder can be important, especially if it will be placed in a public or client-facing area. Consider the color, shape, and overall style, as well as whether any branding or logos would be appropriate. While functionality should be the primary concern, an aesthetically pleasing folder can also help create a professional and organized impression.

Prong/Tab Count

Folders with prongs come with varying numbers of tabs or prongs, usually ranging from 2 to 6 or more. More prongs generally offer better organization but may be more challenging to use. For example, if you need to keep multiple documents open at the same time, a folder with fewer prongs might be more suitable. Consider the number of items you typically store and how you plan to use the folder to determine the ideal prong count for your needs.

Price and Value

The final factor to consider when shopping for folders with prongs is the price. While you may be tempted to choose the cheapest option available, it's essential to consider the value you receive for your money. A more expensive folder with better materials, more prongs, or a sleeker design might be worth the investment if it meets your specific needs and provides long-term use.
When shopping for folders with prongs, it's crucial to consider the size and capacity needed for your storage needs, the durability of the materials, the design and aesthetics, the number of prongs or tabs, and the overall price and value. By considering these factors, you can find the perfect folder with prongs to help keep your papers organized and easily accessible.


What are Folders with Prongs and how do they work?

Folders with Prongs are a type of folder designed to securely hold documents, such as important papers and mail. They work by having small prongs that grip and hold onto the pages, preventing them from falling out or getting lost.

What are the benefits of using Folders with Prongs?

  • Securely holds documents in place
  • Prevents pages from falling out or getting lost
  • Easy to use and access documents
  • Saves time and reduces clutter

What materials are Folders with Prongs typically made from?

Folders with Prongs are commonly made from durable materials like plastic, metal, or a combination of both. This ensures that they can withstand daily use and maintain their functionality over time.

What are some features to look for when choosing Folders with Prongs?

  • Number of prongs
  • Material quality and durability
  • Size and capacity
  • Comfort and ergonomics
  • Color and design

How do I properly use Folders with Prongs?

To use Folders with Prongs, simply place the document in the folder, making sure that the pages line up with the prongs. Gently push the pages until they are securely gripped by the prongs. To access the document, simply lift the folder and remove the pages as needed.

What is the average price range for Folders with Prongs?

The price range for Folders with Prongs can vary depending on the brand, size, and features. Generally, they can be found within the price range of $5-$25. It's essential to consider your budget and specific requirements when selecting one.

Are Folders with Prongs suitable for various document types?

Yes, Folders with Prongs are suitable for various document types, including important papers, mail, invoices, reports, and more. Their versatility makes them an essential tool for both personal and professional use.

How do I clean and maintain Folders with Prongs?

To clean and maintain Folders with Prongs, gently wipe them down with a soft cloth or damp paper towel. Avoid using harsh chemicals, as this may damage the materials and affect their functionality. Store folders in a dry and clean area to prevent any buildup of dust or dirt.
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submitted by Significant-Tower146 to u/Significant-Tower146 [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 06:32 VegetableHousing139 Best longform profiles of the week

Hey guys,
I'm back with some of the best longform profiles I've found this week. You can also subscribe here if you want to get the weekly newsletter in your inbox. Any feedback or suggestions, please let me know!
🚔 The Border Patrol Is an Engine of Crisis—and Has Been Since the Beginning
Tim Murphy Mother Jones
The agency, and the landmark immigration-reform bill that nudged it into existence in May 1924, were backed by eugenicist politicians who feared a Great Replacement by “undesirable” immigrants. The story of the Border Patrol’s founding offers a lesson for the century that followed, and a rejoinder to the agency’s modern myth: Chaos is not just the absence of a border; it is also the consequence of trying to maintain one.
🍕 How Food Critic Keith Lee Went From MMA Fighter to TikTok Star
CT Jones Rolling Stone
His reviews have helped stop businesses from closing, jump-started their online presence, and, in one case, spun a city’s food scene into complete turmoil in less than two videos. Lee’s fans span from teenagers to their parents, uncles, and aunts, a generational divide that other influencers couldn’t even pay to win over. Lee has become the Everyman voice of food TikTok. He’s a bona fide star — just don’t let him hear you say it.
📝 “Curb Your Enthusiasm” Was Larry David’s Book of Manners (🔒 paywall link)
Wesley Morris The New York Times
Even people who don’t watch the show (and that’s most of the country) seem to know the gist, that Larry, as performed by Larry David, is a monstrously entitled crank, the Godzilla of western Los Angeles. But “Curb Your Enthusiasm” is about more than Larry’s probable narcissism. It’s a supreme comedy of manners. How, it asks, do we share a meal, a drive, a party, a meeting, a bathroom, an office pantry, a city — how do we courteously enforce norms and, with modesty, uphold standards?
📰 How to Publish a Magazine in a Maximum-Security Prison
John J. Lennon The New Yorker
I hate to look at it this way, but the fact is, if I had not gone to prison, I would have been dead a long, long time ago. I didn’t care what happened to me. I didn’t have the kind of knowledge and education I have today, where we can discuss this. Back then, I was angry. I just had emotions and feelings. They drive you. You’re too stupid to know anything else.
🧬 This Woman Will Decide Which Babies Are Born
Jason Kehe WIRED
There will still be disease and suffering. We are not that much of an optimistic fantasy. We are taking risk off of the table. For the whole category of cancer, for example, about 10 percent to 15 percent has a genetic component. So 90 percent of people will still get cancer. And the same with neurodevelopmental disorders and birth defects. It’s just going to make it so that more parents can feel more confident and have more information going into the most important decision of their life, which is to have a child.
🎬 Robert Downey Jr. Doesn’t See Things the Way You Do
Ryan D'Agostino Esquire
“It’s so funny, too, because you either constantly remind yourself when things aren’t going your way, or you’re constantly reminded externally when things are going your way,” he says, unwrapping a nugget of Nicorette. “Clearly, the latter is preferable.” He smiles, the bright, boyish smile—rubbery lips and eyes like a sad clown’s and not a care on God’s green earth—that has broken your heart or made you laugh in a thousand scenes.
🎨 It’s Not What the World Needs Right Now
Andrew Norman Wilson The Baffler
But Trump is in office, and my work is deemed less “urgent”—“irresponsible,” even. A curator who selected me for an Art Basel commission ghosts me. A gallerist who wants to work with me says she can’t add a white man to her roster. An esteemed curator from the Middle East tells me I should probably get a day job for a while because my career outlook in the art world is bleak. It becomes trendy to believe that images within contemporary art contexts can directly achieve the goals of political struggle.
🎤 Erick the Architect of Flatbush Zombies constructs his own sound
Brian Braiker Brooklyn Magazine
You either fuck with my music or you don’t. If you don’t, that’s cool with me. I wanted to make a project that I love. I’ve heard reviewers write, “This is like a mess.” I’m like, What are you listening to? If this is a mess, what the fuck is good in hip-hop music? How the hell is this a mess? Or, “This is awkward to listen to.” I’m being so honest. If my honesty makes you uncomfortable, then I’m not the artist for you.
🏀 Ladies and Gentlemen, Ian Eagle
Bryan Curtis The Ringer
To understand how Eagle calls a basketball game, you have to visit him and Jack and Monica in the swinging show-business past. You have to travel to Catskills resorts and $10-a-night hotels on the Las Vegas Strip, where you can hear the sting of the drummer in the house band. That’s where Ian Eagle, the no. 1 announcer, was created.
👔 How Marni Designer Francesco Risso Built the Ultimate Fashion Playground
Samuel Hine GQ
In a way, the cave also served as a metaphor for Risso’s own eight-year journey to becoming one of the most captivating and irreverent creative voices in fashion. Italian menswear is heavy with tradition, but since Risso joined Marni in 2016 he has built his own distinct—and highly unpredictable—universe. He has defied the commercial imperative of the modern luxury business, which increasingly dictates that the fantasy of fashion should take a backseat to the business of it.
🤖 OpenAI Made Sam Altman Famous. His Investments Made Him A Billionaire.(🔒 paywall link)
Alex Konrad, Phoebe Liu Forbes
A founder turned partner and president at Y Combinator who has invested out of a number of funds over his career, Altman maintains a maze of holdings that are not well understood. Forbes sifted through more than a dozen regulatory filings and spoke to more than a dozen people familiar with Altman’s investments to reach the most thorough estimate of his net worth so far: $1 billion, enough to make Altman a new billionaire.
🕵️‍♂️ The Family Who Vanished Into the Bush
Dan Kois Slate
Soon photos of the missing father and his three smiling children were in every newspaper and on every TV channel in New Zealand. Police and volunteer searchers fanned out over the area, knocking on doors. Helicopters, planes, and heat-detecting drones flew over the deep bush surrounding the beach. Rescue boats and jet skis buzzed through the roaring waves, looking for bodies. On days the sea was calm, swimmers from surf rescue teams explored caves along the shoreline.
🍾 How Jay-Z and the 40/40 Club Ruled NYC Nightlife (🔒 paywall link)
Abe Beame Rolling Stone
The allure of proximity to Carter and his circle was the main draw. Once you got through the heavy, fortress-like, wood-panel doors with silver baseball-bat handles off of 25th Street, you might see J. Cole performing on the stairs or Alonzo Mourning hanging out alongside Dame Dash, sharing plates from the menu of greasy, salty, beer-friendly sports-bar standards. Any random day over two decades, Carter and his friends might be in a visible roped-off area, or lingering somewhere in the far recesses of the club.
✈️ The Boeing Nosedive
Jeff Wise New York Magazine
Contemporary air travel is the safest mode of transport human beings have ever devised. That’s because when things go wrong, a robust procedure has been developed to learn from what happened and make changes to reduce the odds that they will happen again. Almost always, aviation accidents happen after a chain of mistakes, any one of which would have prevented the accident from occurring. The challenge for Boeing is to apply that analysis to its own slowly unfolding corporate disaster and find a way to fix its chain of management failures.
🔫 Confessions of a Moll: A Boston Gangster’s Long-Time Girlfriend Speaks
Dave Wedge Boston Magazine
To Grispi, though, Flemmi was something else entirely. She threw her arms around the gangster’s neck and planted a kiss on his lips. For the past nine years, she had been Flemmi’s moll, as gangsters’ girlfriends are known. Throughout the 1960s, a decade known in Boston for its deadly and terrifying gang wars, Grispi had an intimate view of a notorious criminal operating in the city’s underworld and his interactions with his mentors, who would also become his targets.
💸 How A Texas Oil Billionaire Hit A Gusher In Hotels (🔒 paywall link)
Christopher Helman Forbes
Deep in the early 1980s oil bust, the Rowlings and their Tana Oil & Gas couldn’t find any partners to back a particularly promising prospect in Live Oak County. With their lease set to expire, they bet it all on drilling one well. It was 100% risk but they found an oil field prolific enough to support 17 more wells. Only a few years later, in 1989, Texaco bought nearly all of Tana’s assets for $480 million worth of preferred stock paying 9%. “We got paid, and continued to get paid,” says Rowling, who was tasked with diversifying the fortune.
🧠 She had a severe brain injury—so her husband turned to an unprecedented therapy(🔒 paywall link)
Jonathan Moens National Geographic
Every day, for more than 550 days, David has been meticulously noting Sarah’s condition and the impact of treatments: stimulants, sleeping pills, ADHD medications, supplements, cognitive enhancers known as “nootropics," and techniques to arouse the brain, including transcranial direct-current stimulation. He’s also tried various recommended nutrients administered through a feeding tube: shots of espresso, scoops of matcha, mushroom-based powders, liquid turmeric, lemon juice, and Chinese acupuncture tea.
🏡 One Couple's Quest to Ditch Natural Gas
Tik Root WIRED
What unfolded was more than a year of cascading decisions and obstacles that strained our wallets and tested our notions of comfort and sacrifice. While the late nights buried to my knuckles in spreadsheets calculating the payback periods on heat pumps and solar panels were, dare I say, fun, my nerves began to fray when the solar company we wanted to hire abruptly went out of business. They nearly broke when I saw what all of this would cost, and they shattered when I thought we’d have to upgrade the electrical panel. My wife found her limit when we were forced to choose between cutting emissions or cutting trees.
🗑️ The Ex-N.Y.P.D. Official Trying to Tame New York’s Trash
Eric Lach The New Yorker
Tisch believes that she and her aides have developed a plan that will clean up New York City. It’s a program they refer to, grandly, as the Trash Revolution. Bags off the sidewalks. Clean highways. Citywide organic-waste pickup. Beefed-up enforcement of sanitary laws. Tisch has committed her department to implementing these changes, along with other improvements that have eluded previous sanitation commissioners.
🌵 One Man's Quest to Transform the West Texas Desert
Wes Ferguson Texas Highways
He grew up in the Fort Worth suburbs and still lives there with his wife, Neidy Overton, and their three kids. Entering middle age, he’d grown financially comfortable from his career as a software programmer and small-business owner, but he also felt burned out. Overton enjoyed watching online videos about permaculture, a farming movement that preaches harmony with nature. Like many urban dwellers, he fantasized of returning to the land, of building something with his own hands.
🎾 Zendaya Talks Challengers, Talks to Serena Williams, and Considers Her Future
Marley Marius Vogue
Zendaya wrestles with how to exist in public—what to share, what to show up to, how to avoid it all becoming too overwhelming. At one point none of it felt like a choice: “I think growing up, I always felt like when someone asks for a picture, I have to do it, all the time. You have to say yes, because you need to be grateful that you’re here,” she says. “And while I still feel that way, I also have learned that I can say no, and I can say kindly that I’m having a day off, or I’m just trying to be to myself today, and I don’t actually have to perform all the time.”
⚖️ How a Case Against Fox News Tore Apart a Media-Fighting Law Firm (🔒 paywall link)
David Enrich The New York Times
Litigation, however, tended to be a last resort. More frequently, Mr. Clare, Ms. Locke and their colleagues sought to derail or shape stories before publication. To do this, they cranked out warning letters to reporters, editors, publishers and their lawyers trying to poke holes in planned articles and accusing journalists of bias, unethical behavior and getting facts wrong. Citing the possibility of litigation, the letters often instructed news organizations to preserve all documents, notes and other materials associated with their reporting.
♟️ Chess Brat
Jen Wieczner New York Magazine
Long before the scandal, he was notorious for his volatile demeanor and widely disliked. He plays with the face of a bull preparing to charge: raw rage in his scowl, bug-eyed glare, nostrils flaring. Livestreams of his games often end with Niemann screaming and pounding his computer, making the speakers explode with feedback and the webcam tumble down in a blur of lights.
🤯 Inside the Savage, Surreal, Booming World of Professional Slap Fighting
Ander Monson Esquire
It’s the replay, caught with super-slo-mo cameras, that makes it exactly the kind of weird I like: We see the hand approaching the face and then the impact. BAM! Phillips’s face is briefly displaced off his skull, his neck skin stretching, his face in this moment deformed like a rubber mask—that’s how unlike a face it looks!—and then suddenly it snaps back on. And in that extended instant we see the light going out. His face is almost peaceful as he falls in the aftermath of such a sudden blast of pain. The clip ends and we don’t see what happens after.
submitted by VegetableHousing139 to longform [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 06:32 Mikeim520 Part 3 The Dark Lord again

Part 3 The Dark Lord again
Hello and welcome back to Soda Dungeons 2 Soda Junkies only part 3. You can find part 2 here
Part 2: The Dark Lord : sodadungeon (
Last time I had just built the arena so I could set up a script (not that important yet but it will be). Now my next goal is reaching the Dark Lord again who is at level 200. Because I only have Soda Junkies I’l need better gear at some point but for now I’l just get as high as I can before I need to stop. As it happens I managed to get up to 180 before being stalled. The first thing I want to do is build the final building, the stables. For that I need some resources but luckily I have some battle credits that I can use to get them quickly.
I now have a whale. I guess that's cool. That done and all my weapons upgraded to level 3 and all my other gear upgraded to level 2 I’m ready to face the Dark Lord (again).
Also I guess the Dark Lord is a Lizard now. That's cool I guess
Anyways the Dark Lord is defeated, runs away, I follow him you know the drill. The space thingy gives me a choice between a health relic, a gold find relic and a MP relic. I pick the +5 health per relic level because everything kills me really quickly and I don’t like that. He also gives me a relic of mastery to let my Soda Junkies level up slightly faster. Not hugely useful since they’re already at a high level but it gets me to level 50 faster so I can get a new relic. The Dark Lord sends an angry letter on account of me chasing him through dimensions and gives me a quest about something to do with a stupid idiot. I manage to make it to level 82 on my first run where the Dark Lord makes some bad puns or something.
Here are my relics
And that's it for today.
submitted by Mikeim520 to sodadungeon [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 06:01 Choice_Evidence1983 My mother abused me my whole life, and is now suing me to see my children - I'm fed up!

I am NOT OOP, OOP is u/Ok_Investigator_6011
Originally posted to TrueOffMyChest
Editor’s Note: added paragraph breaks for readability
Editor's Note 2: BSA is Boy Scouts of America, FOIL is Freedom of Information Law
My mother abused me my whole life, and is now suing me to see my children - I'm fed up!
Trigger Warnings: abuse, mentions of alcoholism, emotional abuse and manipulation, past trauma, verbal abuse
Original Post: May 31, 2024
I am a 41 year old, happily married father of 5 children. My wife and I have been married for 20 years and both of us came from fractured, chaotic families. My wife's parents divorced and were both alcoholics. Her father died of liver failure and her mother has cooled off a bit and has retired. My parents went through a vicious, violent divorce when I was a child. My father moved 10 states away to get away from the craziness and my mother has never changed.
Because of our experiences with violent and unstable families, my wife and I have worked extremely hard to be picture-perfect parents and spouses. We've done everything you can think to have a perfect life for our kids. My wife is a sports coach and I'm a scoutmaster with the BSA. Our kids are healthy, engaged, and have everything they need physically and emotionally. This has been in spite of our families, not because of them.
My mother is a terrible woman. She systematically abused me throughout my whole childhood, and continued to be a violent, bitter, mean and aggressive person to me throughout my whole life. I could sit here for hours and write about the things that she's done. She used the courts to destroy the life of my father for decades. Once he was out of the house, she turned her anger at me with physical and emotional violence.
When I was 16, she expelled me from the house and left me homeless. I had to go from house to house, figuring out where to live, and try to graduate high school. I ended up living with an older boy that was about 4 years older than me, and I had to engage in a sexual relationship with him in order to secure that housing. I was not gay, I did not want to be gay, and I had to endure something that destroyed me in order to not be sleeping on the street. When I turned 18, I was able to start working at a better job, and was able to get out of that bad situation and start my life from scratch.
My wife and I have scratched and clawed our way into a stable, middle class lifestyle. We both went to college at night for years and years, and we have good jobs and a house in the suburbs. Out of a sense of duty to our family, I sought to include my extended family in our lives, and permitted a relationship with strict boundaries between my mother and my children. For the most part, she has been fairly stable for about 20 years. I say stable in that we could have routine contact about once per month for that time period, with a minimum of disruptive behavior. She has never acknowledged her abuse to me as she is an extremely selfish person. Everything about our past has been left unsaid.
My mother, over the last 2 years, has become completely unraveled. Her second husband decided to leave her for his own health and sanity, and she has instantly reverted back to the most cruel and the most bizarre behavior imaginable. All aspects of her life have been affected. She is calling the cops, suing him in family court, alienating large parts of her family from one another, all while trying to tell my children about why their grandfather is a bastard for how she feels about him. Once I saw this happening, I said "that's it, not again" and took some action.
At the beginning of this year, I wrote a very courteous note to my mother asking her to re-evaluate the way she's been behaving to me and my family. When I tell you it was neutral and courteous, I really mean it - I checked it like 5 times. She responded by calling me terrible names (ungrateful piece of shit for example) and screaming bloody murder on the phone at me. I blocked her from my phone, then she did the same thing to my wife. So I informed my mother by email that I'd like to maintain distance until she works on herself in therapy or with her divorce mediator. Things lay still for about 6 months.
This morning, I wake up to a series of bizarre emails from my mother asserting that she wants to see my children for their birthday which is coming soon, and that she is giving me 24 hours to provide acceptable dates for permitting visitation or to be prepared for a legal summons to family court. I'm like, wtf???? This woman is the equivalent of a schoolyard bully, following me around in life, tormenting me non-stop until you just want to cry! The worst part of a bully is that when you ask them to lay off you for even 5 minutes, that they just take this as a cue to keep it up even more!
I took one look at this and I was like, holy shit, this woman is clearly out of her fucking mind. Now I know in the post title I said she's suing me - I work in the legal field and I know that until I've been summoned to appear, that I have not been sued. So, no, she's only threatening to sue me right now. Sorry for using the hyperbole. But I'm finding myself in the same bizarre, out-of-touch reality that everyone in this person's life finds themselves.
This batshit insane woman forced me to see my own father at a McDonalds when we were kids for 2 hours every two weeks (as per the court order) while she waited outside in a running car. I was only allowed to see him in this fashion because she hated him and didn't care what this would do to her own kids. There were more than a few times when the clock would strike 8 and she would come screaming into the McDonalds threatening to call the cops and have my dad arrested for kidnapping while grabbing us by the arms and pulling us out of the store. This is what she's capable of doing with family court.
I had a literal, hyperventilating panic attack on the floor of my office this morning. I have sought to be respectful, mature, and use good decision making this whole time. My wife and I have an extremely secure marriage and she is in agreement with me 100% through all of this. I'm finding myself wishing that my mother would just die already, and just please to leave me alone. She's like this inescapable bully that will never, never under any circumstance leave a person alone until she's proven that she can hurt them. I don't even care what she's experienced in her life. I just need to be away from her!
So that's my true off my chest story. I've been living with this shame and fear and lingering self-hatred for 30+ years, all while trying to be super-dad and a great career man. I called a local family law practice today to get a referral. I'm going to ask them to send a demand letter to her, to try and get her to back the hell off, but look at what this has come to! I have to shell money out of my own pocket to protect myself and my kids from my insane mother. I feel like Rodney Dangerfield sometimes. Ironically, the money I'm going to have to send to the lawyer for their retainer is money that I had earmarked for the kids to go to summer camp. So figure that one out.
Thank you for letting me tell you my story. Just typing it out helps.
Relevant Comments
OOP on if there are legal precedent that gives her threats in his area
OOP: New York does provide an avenue for grandparents to sue for custody, although it would turn into a protracted legal fight that will cost me a lot of money and aggravation if she does.
In general, the process is the punishment. I had to deal with family court and CPS, cops etc when I was 10 and my parents were getting divorced. If you wanted to see me literally pass out on the floor, you'd drag me back to family court.
OOP on his mother having the financial means to sue for grandparents rights
OOP: I've seen this woman use the courts to destroy my father for over ten years. The answer is, who knows? I guess I'll just have to wait for a court summons to see what she will do.
Chocolatecandybar_: OP, I'm extremely sad to read it. I suppose you know that, would she sue you, this would more likely bring to her 40yrs horrors being exposed in court and her being denied to stay on the same planet of your kids. So, I suppose that you're here to just get it off and YES YOU DON'T DESERVE IT and definitively yes you are paying for having been a good person
May life repay you and your mom. All my vibes are for you
Update: June 3, 2024
I posted this all on Thursday when I was experiencing a serious amount of turmoil. Since then, I've calmed down a lot and also had the good judgement to talk this over with the important people in my life.
First thing's first, I'd like to thank everyone for the words of encouragement and support that were given. There were some surprising insights from many of the posters, and I found myself agreeing with and appreciating many of the stories of support that were posted by others. I now understand that I am not the only person with a domineering, selfish, easily enraged parent.
To all the people who blamed me for being a victim of my mother, and somehow being at fault for all this: well, I want to use some strong language to you, but I'll just ask you to please think about how fortunate your life has been that you haven't experienced what I have experienced.
So on to the update: As it turns out, only two states in the union have codified grandparents rights (California and New York) and I do live in New York. Basically, in New York a grandparent does not have the automatic right to have access to grandchildren, but a grandparent does have automatic standing to file a petition to be heard in family court. The petition can be squashed, but they can file the petition. I do want to get back to this later.
I did conference with a family law attorney on Friday, and he helped me to understand the situation and craft a strategy. He was generous enough to not require a retainer unless and until I'm served with legal papers. He basically explained that the grandparent does have standing to file a petition based on a pre-existing relationship with the grandchildren, but that she would most likely not be able to overcome the desires of two married parents who are both exercising their judgement for the health and safety of their children. He explained that in NY, our simple desire to terminate a relationship would most likely be overcome in court, however if we introduce some of the specific actions that she's exhibited over the last few years (familial alienation, adult humor near children, uncontrollable anger, hoarding of housecats, dangerous operation of a motor vehicle) that we would very likely prevail in a court setting. He explained that the good thing is that we had already restricted contact between our children and my mother to about once per month, and that in his experience he had never seen a court order for grandparent visitation for more often than once a month, for one hour per session. I try to be reasonable so I said, ok, the worst case scenario is supervised status quo.
I did broach the topic of a restraining order, and I was quickly schooled on how that works. Despite the Reddit attorneys who all assured me that I can automatically get a restraining order, well, I hate to say that you're all completely wrong. An order of protection has to be accompanied by some facilitating act of domestic violence. Because I've only been harassed and alarmed by words, I can't be granted a restraining order period. However, if my mother causes some disorderly act such as coming to my house and causing a ruckus, that could trigger an order if and only if I document it by having the police come and detailing a report. So, keep that in mind next time you recommend a restraining order. They're not easy to get.
The attorney recommended that I send a private cease-and-desist to my mother via certified mail and email. I decided to write a two-page, brutal takedown of this woman in order to a) blow off some steam and b) document in writing my concerns and try to get ahead of her legal maneuvering. I decided to take a two pronged approach. First, I send this cease-and-desist to her on Friday at lunch time via email and also certified mail. Then, I took a page out of her playbook and publicly scorched the earth to apply social pressure to her. I emailed and texted every single member of my extended family (brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, my stepfather, my father) and spoke to several of them to tell them exactly what was happening. Whether they wanted to hear it or not, I sent them intimate details of my mothers abuse and my decision to cut her off for the welfare of myself and my family.
My reasoning there is simple: my mothers abuse thrives in closed doors and embarrassed silence. For 30 years I've had to hear "oh, you know, that's just the way your mother is", while people just stood by and let her act in the most insane and violent ways you can imagine. My mother got angry at my stepfather last year, and tried to run him over with her car, then crashed her car into the front door of his business screaming at him and ranting and raving in public. Do you know what people did? They surely called the police or an ambulance and had her monitored for her safety, right? No! My sister quickly threw her into her car and drove her away so that she wouldn't be arrested. My stepfather was so embarrassed that he took the crashed car, drove it to a parking spot, and then paid out of pocket for the damage to the front of his business. This is what happens in families that are dealing with a crazy person. They cover it up, hoping that it will someday get better. Well I'm not comfortable with this anymore. I sought to publically embarrass and pressure her for a change.
Anyway, by Friday afternoon, my mother got the message and sent me emails telling me that I can "stop attacking her" and maligning her to my family. She indicated that she would abandon any legal efforts to seek visitation with my children. This was a relief, but to be fair I was almost looking forward to having a public forum to describe her antics at court. Nevertheless, it seems like she's backing off for the moment. The fallout and damage to my extended family is most likely severe and permanent. However my wife and I discussed this fully and have decided that this is the direction we're going in. We'll just have to have holidays by ourselves if the family can't be loyal and supportive to me.
On to the last point, and I really want to drive this home. In 1991, my mother conducted an incredibly vicious divorce against my father. I mean, she literally sought to destroy him, and she did. He was completely beaten by her. One of the things that my father told me about just this weekend, was that at the time my grandparents on his side sought to have guaranteed visitation with us after the divorce. My mother actually went to court on that specific topic, and specifically litigated that she was the custodial mother and had sole decision making about who the children would be around. The court ruled at the time that in fact, there was no right for a grandparent to see children, and my mother successfully was able to keep me away from my (very loving and happy) grandparents for years. I was only able to see them during court-mandated visitation with my own father. The law in New York changed in 2000 so that grandparents rights came into effect, too late to help me unfortunately.
I want to really drive this home: the fucking balls on this woman to go to court on her own behalf and state in a court of law that she, as the custodial mother of children, has the sole and ultimate decision on who her children have relationships with, and then to 35 years later attempt to use the changes in law to assert that she has grandparents rights to visitation - despite the wishes of the both parents - was too much for me to bear. That alone made me say, no way, not happening under my watch.
So that's the update. Long winded, yes, but it makes me feel good to type this out. I'm finally able to unburden the unbearable shame and embarrassment of what happened to me to members of my family, and I won't allow myself to be ignored anymore. I'm 41 and my selfish, insane baby-boomer asshole mother is in her mid 70's and has no power over me anymore. I'm sick and tired of bottling this up. Anyone who doesn't like it? They can go suck an egg. I deserve to have loyal and faithful people in my life.
Relevant Comments
Ascholay: Isn't her case now public record? If she believes that only custodial parents should dictate a child's relationship with extended family... isn't that something a lawyer can look up and use?
OOP: I have started the FOIL request at the family court where the divorce was adjudicated, however this will likely take months and months to get the records. I may read them just to more fully understand my family's history.
tattoovamp: The AUDACITY of this beetch!!
OP, you got sound advice from Your lawyer and you outed her to her family. Good job!
Practical-Chest2313: man, i am so unbelievably glad that you stood up for yourself and that you and your wife are united in standing up to your extended family. that’s not easy to do. nobody deserves to be treated like that, but abusers are so, so good at making you believe that you’re the one exception.



submitted by Choice_Evidence1983 to BestofRedditorUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 05:22 taocosta What is the "X" in your (non-Latin script) language?

This might not be the correct place to ask, but like the title says, if Elon Musk was from your country and spoke only your language, what would he re-name Twitter to? That is to say, the "cool" letter or the "placeholder" letter, the letter of "Xtreme" and "X marks the spot".
I know the Greco-Cyrillic "chi" (Xx) which look the basically the same, and Georgian "dzhe" (Ⴟⴟ, ჯ) which is similar depending on style, but do those have the same vibe as the Latin "x"? And what of other scripts?
submitted by taocosta to linguisticshumor [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:38 Peaceofshet AITA?:I am shunned by my partners family because I told his mother to croak

AITA: Backstory: I had a rough relationship with my mother in middle/highschool and eventually ended up sleeping in parks, outside or any friends house in the surrounding area for as long as I could. Eventually I met my boyfriend and started going over to his house for the majority of the day and leaving as late as they’d allow me. Eventually they noticed something wasn’t right and allowed me to stay until 10pm almost every day. One Xmas eve my mother and I really got into it and she started choking me out to where my Necklace cut my neck. At this point I left not planning to return. I snuck over to my boyfriends and spent the night in the outdoor basement on a metal chair with the spider crickets and stray cats in the middle of winter. Their neighbor had a camera that caught me sneaking in and alerted my boyfriend’s parents that some “homeless person snuck into their basement.” at this point they let me stay there, and I slept on the couch, went to every family party for 6 years. His family started to feel like the only family I had.
I lived here for about four years. A lot of drama. His mother is some form of a narcissist alcoholic with no ability to ration or have a normal conversation. She made my life a living hell and everyone else in that house. She’d constantly tell him to grow some balls and get rid of me if he seemed upset and she assumed we were arguing. He was punished due to her resentment for me. She’d tell him to do something simple like the laundry and if he didn’t do it fast enough somehow it was my fault. She expected us to clean more than anybody else in the household and She expected me to clean up after everyone in the household. And I was still in my boyfriend was still reamed because I never did enough. When I started keeping tabs. I realized I did more than everyone combined. I kept videos and pictures and she was not happy about that.
She would scream loudly from downstairs telling him how I ruined him, how I have him by the balls and how much less of a man he is. That we’re just friends with benefits. If we ever have a kid, it’ll be an asshole. She wouldn’t let him drive me to see my father who is in hospice because we had to take her car and she said that he couldn’t use her car for anything related to me and then retracted that statement the next day and said she never said it.
She would talk crap about you loud enough to where she knows u can hear it but to ur face you are her favorite and she never say anything bad about you. It only got worse and worse and worse the longer it went on, and I couldn’t defend myself because if I challenged/ questioned anything, she thought/did/said I was threatened a bed and a roof. Their “generosity” was used against me in every way shape or form. Not to mention, I was mainly referred to as twat/twatface. Almost always called out of my name. This is was a very dehumanizing experience. I felt like a stray animal stuck. Obviously one will snap eventually, and when I did, I lost it.She was yelling at my Boyfriend to spontaneously fix something on her car she had never mentioned before because he started helping me do my oil. When he didn’t stop what he was doing immediately she started throwing out more tasks and yelling we do don’t do anything around the house. This started a fight between the two of them which somehow like always became about me. She had thrown out that I have “done enough” to her and now I started defending myself. I asked her what I do? I’m respectful even when I don’t deserve to be, I keep my mouth shut and I do what I’m told even when I’m being disrespected. She said she has been praying I disappeared since the day I started coming around and I out of a fit of rage told her to croak. I didn’t mean it, She shoved me around in the bathroom just prior so I was in fight or flight already. Especially being that this is already a traumatic environment for me and having come from a traumatic environment prior I wasn’t my healthiest most stable self.
She then preceded to “throw us out” and we had one day to pack and leave. Now the family I’ve spent the last 6 years with won’t speak to me and it’s very awkward.
Everyone says it’s best to not even bother with the situation and to forget about it but this is very much awkward uncomfortable and in a way traumatizing for me and me and my boyfriend have been together now almost 7 years and I’m very close with his family, I feel almost as if I’m reliving the abandonment from my own family and not one person believes she will accept any form of apology, nor would it do any one any favors. I have a huge letter written out for her that I was encouraged not to send so I’ll put it here for more context- I know its a bit rash but I’m very emotional - please let me know am I the asshole?
Letter to his mom:
I’ve had enough of u pretending like you didn’t do anything wrong. Boy do I have years worth of shit to say to you. I know this is probably pointless, you have mocked every single time I have tried opening up to you. But all of what I am about to say needed to be said years ago. I am sorry I said a terrible thing, it was out of anger I didn’t not mean it and I do not wish that upon anyone. it is not my character to pretend I didn’t say it. But The way you all treated me was disgusting. The way you treat your kids and your family is disgusting. You literally brag about not reaching out to your elderly parents. You complain whenever somebody in your family calls or texts you. But they get mad when nobody texts you or keeps u in the loop.
Tomina You have drained me. You have been terrible to me for the entire time I’ve known you. maybe not to my face but I’ve heard it all. I didn’t flip out and for no reason it was bound to happen sooner or later. I snapped. A person can only handle so much psychological abuse. I have done nothing to you except date your son and lose my home. I agreed with you even when u were dead wrong, I stayed away every other time you argued with cole, I walked away. I kept my cool even when I had my name thrown in the dirt for no reason other than your own resentment and hatred. And I know you must really hate me because you couldn’t even be bothered to come to my father’s funeral. And every time I tried to talk about it to you, you somehow made it about yourself.
What do u get from being angry all the time? You create a very hostile environment. You’ve made it so that I never felt comfortable to open my mouth about anything. If anyone in the house said anything that disagreed with you, especially if you are wrong. it’s a fight. That’s not healthy. The one time I ever spoke up to you was to deescalate a fight between you and cole because I thought scream fighting about nuts was unnecessary and I was told I had to move out. How nice! You cannot admit u are wrong ever
I’m sick and tired of every single argument you have with cole actually being about me. You yell at him for literally anything and everything except for the real reason you are mad. Me. You have dreaded my existence since I’ve been around. But we’re always too scared to say it to my face. You talk a lot of shit like you are bold but you are not tomina. I’ve heard you say some terrible things about me then smile in my face the next day. That’s not bold that is a coward. You do the same to your kids. You say some terrible things to them and then instead of apologizing as you should, you buy them a bag of chips the next day. Real mature parenting. Teaching your children apologies aren’t important. Don’t own up to what you say. I’ve literally heard you tell Billy to stop being nicer to me than his own kids all because he offered to pay for my fucking school pictures because no one in my family would. How is that being nicer to me than his kids? That to me sounds a whole lot like jealousy. What are you really mad about? Me!
I feel like you and Billy forget why I ended up there. I genuinely feel like you think I wanted to sleep in the basement with the spiders in the middle of winter. You pretend to care about me. you pretend to understand the situation, but I genuinely do not think you knew the extent of what I went through with my mother. You bitched at me for months telling me to be nice to her then I’d start trying to be nice to her and you use it against me. Mocked me for it. Still do. You may not strangle your kids by the throat like my mother but you do your own damage by calling your child names mid argument like you are the child. You throw tantrums because you don’t get what u want. Who’s the adult? Why can’t you act like one? I can’t imagine how you spoke to them as children.
You were never nice to me not even good at faking it. Every day I lost more and more respect for you hearing the way you spoke to and tried to control your children and me included. It’s honestly about time you got the same treatment. You are genuinely not a nice person. i just finally have the balls to say it.
You will most likely never have a good relationship with ur kids as adults If u don’t realize how you treat people will reflect on how u get treated. You’ll haven’t even even harder time finding someone who’s gonna kindly take care of you. It would probably of helped out in your marriage too. Maybe then you wouldn’t be blaming that on ur kids too when ur mood and how u act is all your fault.
The way you act pushes people away. This will get you nowhere in life with people if you haven’t already noticed. Especially your kids. You act like you know everything and that your better than everyone when really your a very anxious, sad depressed individual who has no friends no social life no hobbies, skills or talents and a failing marriage all of which you literally blame on ur kids-that is psychological abuse btw. Speaking of psychological abuse….
It’s not normal to feel that you cant go to the bathroom in the place that you live. It’s not normal to feel that you can’t eat or make food in the place that you live. It’s not normal to walk on eggshells to avoid shifting your mood one way or the other. This is the environment you create. You are an abusive person. That is the definition of abuse in multiple forms. You may not have ever said u can’t use the bathroom, but nobody wants to do anything to set you off in any way so if Me going to the bathroom or making food it’s gonna cause you to huff and puff and throw a fit. I’ll just hold it til everyone’s asleep. Same thing happened with cleaning. I used to clean all the time when I first moved in. but you started complaining that you couldn’t find anything. You wouldn’t say it to me, but I hear you yelling downstairs that you can’t ever find nothing so I stopped. With the amount of hoarded junk in the house it is impossible to actually get anything clean. You literally told us to just clean around boxes of junk on the floor. You wonder why there’s mice and ants when ur headboard in ur bedroom is covered in food, food gets left out overnight, and ur bathtub is full of boxes. That’s disgusting. Good luck with the house checks doing that.
Did you know there are studies that prove that getting yelled at can literally lead to physical health issues like cardiovascular diseases? You can literally weaken somebody’s heart and immune system by screaming at them nonstop. If you’re genuinely worried about your husband’s health. You should work on yourself there. Maybe he’d want to be home more.
FYI It’s not your child’s job to talk to you because you don’t have friends. It’s not your child’s job to clean every square inch of the house after you because you didn’t clean up after yourself before you went to bed the night before. You put that on them like it’s completely their responsibility. 90% of the messes cole and I clean were everybody elses mess. I can understand wanting to help out, clean up after yourself but you expected us to do literally everything and u expected no one else to clean up after themselves. I kept track for over a month of what Cole did what I did what you did and what Bailey did in a day. I’ll show you that if you’d like. It’s actually crazy how much we “didn’t do” Since all but one person in the house works, Why is it that some people are required to do more than others? Why is it that some get to do less but they do enough?
I’ll tell you why Because you resent me so nothing I do is enough. Cole just gets punished by association
Btw Letting a toddler have free roam of the house while you sleep in the middle of the night isn’t great parenting. Best believe if I ever have a child that is related to you it will never be there alone like that with you. And u continue to act the way u do I promise you it will never be. You’re the one who said that if me and Cole have a kid he’s gonna be an asshole. Good thing you won’t have to meet it. See how there is consequences for what you do and how u treat people!
I have said this to you before. I speak up when I believe things are wrong and you have kept my mouth shut for about four years too long because I wasn’t allowed to have a say. if I spoke at all, cole had to hear it, I was threatened a place to sleep. I was told to go live with my mom. If living with my mom was as easy and simple as you guys make it out to be. I never would’ve lived there in the first place. I never wanted to live at ur house. Me and Coles relationship struggled for years due to it. I didn’t enjoy a single moment. I didn’t feel safe I didn’t feel welcome and I never felt cared about. I’ve been through more than I could handle in the past seven years, you have put me through more than enough, You have put Cole through more than enough.
Btw If you want to continue to go around telling ur whole family how much of a bitch I am, I’ll gladly show them my side of the story. Your actions have consequences and you can’t just go around talking crap about everybody because it makes you feel better. I will clear my name if I have to. I play petty games too.
I have hundreds of videos of the way you speak nasty to everyone in the house over small things like garbage. I have a video of you telling Cole he can’t use the car for anything related to me the day before we were going to go see my dying dad then immediately retracted your statement the day after because of how fucked up it is was. You literally tried to keep me from seeing my dying father because you were mad that he was going.
I’ve recorded almost every argument you’ve had with cole. Every literal pigsty that I had to clean up that everyone decided to go to bed and leave for the next day. So please try and tell me I’m wrong I will prove myself to whoever the hell i need to.
You love telling your side of the story , but you never tell the whole story. Or anywhere near the truth of the situation. You never mention how you act, or what you say that caused the situation to happen how it did. You had no reason to speak to me the way you did to begin with.
I have been nothing but respectful and grateful to you. I’ve been nothing but patient and given what u have put me through I have been exceptionally forgiving. I am no longer keeping my mouth shut with you. I will say what I need to say. You no longer have that control. I really don’t care what you think of me. You don’t think nicely of anyone. You hated every single one of coles friends until now. I have nothing but love for you Billy Bailey and everyone in Cole’s family but I will not however continue to be abused, taken advantage of, and controlled by people who anrent even related to me. You already drove your kids away. You barely see one grandkid. Why would you wanna make it so that you never see another? I’m not one to play childish games with grown people, and I do not respect mean girls that shit talk like they are in highschool that are well over 20 years of age.
Me and cole are very happy. So you are going to have to grow up let go and accept that. If you don’t that is u and Cole’s relationship that suffers. Not ours. If you can’t be friendly you will 100% get what you give. That’s life.
submitted by Peaceofshet to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 03:28 SithEggswithSithLegs Opinion on some Rules

Hey all!
Like a lot of people, I saw that post with all those rules of questionable quality. It made me a little nervous that some of my own table rules could be a bit much, so I figured I'd ask around to see if I'm going overboard on anything. It can only be good for my table to have a competent set of them, I'd say.
Below, I've copy-pasted what I sent to the other players. Let me know if I should adjust anything.
  1. Don't be a dick. Goes without saying, but don't start drama that doesn't need to be started. Getting into fights in character is fine, so long as it doesn't get out of hand.
  2. Don't rules-lawyer other players. Technically part of rule 1, but don't go citing rulebooks to other players. You're welcome to correct me if I get something wrong, but let me handle the other players.
  3. Stay on-task. We've all come here to play D&D, so I'd appreciate it if you actually stayed with me while we're playing. You can check your messages all you like, but don't expect me to hold your hand if you miss out on important details because you were doing something else.
  4. Try not to derail the game. I get that D&D is a very free game, in the sense that you can do quite a lot, but I have planned something out before hand and I would appreciate it if you actually stayed on track. It's hard for me to provide a satisfying game if you're constantly trying to murder-hobo your way past every problem.
  5. Please don't metagame. Using information your character wouldn't reasonably know (If an enemy was weak to fire, your character wouldn't go out of their way to use fire if they didn't know) is known as metagaming. Generally, try not to look up too many stat-blocks, as it messes with the suspense of the game, and It's not always the most reliable, seeing as I often tinker with the exact stats.
  6. Roleplaying is encouraged, but not required. I'm not gonna put you on the spot if you don't want to, but I will reward playing to your character with things such as advantages or inspiration. Of course, this is not the only way to earn such, but I'll leave the other methods for you to find out :)
  7. Don't worry if you have to leave or can't show up, you will still get any of the shared rewards, and you keep whatever you found. You can discuss with your fellow players after the fact on how you want to split any extra things they might have found such as a cool bit of armor or weapon.
  8. We're playing fast and loose with plenty of the game rules, and I can't always guarantee I'll be the most consistent. If it becomes an issue, please let me know and we can get something sorted.
  9. If someone or something is making you uncomfortable in the session, you can step outside and we can find a way to fix it. You can also message me after the session if you so wish.
submitted by SithEggswithSithLegs to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:24 PortelloKing EggFlation

Dear SiMadame.
I hope you having a good King birthday (Monday)
The ASX market is closed today so I wish to ask for some questions.
Let me make this crystal clear to everyone. I'm not in this for the money, girls, fame, publicity or power. Now thats out of the way.
I am looking at creating a SMSF to corner the egg market and want your input.
The price of eggs has been increasing rapidly, I have potentially and accidentally worked out a way to become a billionaire if not a trillionaire within a short 6-12 month timeframe.
It's belived H7N3 is wreaking havoc upon the egg market threatening the world wide supply of eggs.
Most people don't know this but 40% off all items in Earth contain egg or something that has the letters e or g in it.
Australian large chain supermarket Coles have choked the chicken as to speak limiting egg purchases to two cartons as of today excluding WA.
The Victorian Farmers Federation told me that about 450,000 fewer eggs are being produced daily due to the culling of infected chickens.
Now this is my buisness idea.
If I can simply sell each of my egg's for $20 during the peak of EggFlation i stand to make $9,000,000 per day. This is for the Victorian market only. My profit would be $63,000,000 per week and $3,276,000,000 billion per year. If you just times that by the number of capital cities in the world your looking at a cool $32,760,000,000,000 per year or $3,739,726,027 per hour.
The chickens require food. But I've worked out. If I don't feed them they will get violent and kill other chickens and eat them. This would not only make the surviving chickens stronger and smarter. In doing so it would increase the egg size by 40% based on Rothenbergs size formula and eliminate all pests from Australia and put the Pied Piper into retirement.
I'd use drop shipping via China it's basicly free. They have a reputable shipping company in some town called Wuhan near a seafood market. The Google reviews look good 2.1 stars.
Now the part your here for. Once I'm worth $400,000,000 I will start liaising with ASIC and the ASX to look into going public on the ASX in Q4 2024. Followed by NYSE in Q2 2025.
I'd appreciate any feedback or improvements.
Not financial advice. DYOR.
submitted by PortelloKing to ASX_Bets [link] [comments]

2024.06.10 02:08 negot8or Target Circle Card vague warning letter - any ideas?

Has anyone ever gotten a letter telling them that there’s indications on their account that you’ve used the card for business (and not purely personal) reasons - in violation of the cardholder agreement?
I got such a letter and called Target to follow up. All of my purchases are ALWAYS for personal use. In fact, I buy the same things from Target all the time and my recent purchases are no different… but they were ONLINE recently, rather than in a store.
They had no answer. The supervisor I talked with put me on hold and talked with “Security” to discuss for more details.
All he could come back with was that it was a warning… and that if I wasn’t doing anything wrong, I didn’t have to worry. I responded that this kind of vague non-answer wasn’t cool. That I knew that they had an extensive data sciences team (they’re really some of the innovators in the big data space) and that there’s SOMETHING that triggered this letter.
But the supervisor had no answer… just more warnings.
So I’m wondering if anyone else has ever received such a thing or knows any real details about why I would get such a letter. I suppose I would’ve suspected a potential fraud notification because of the online nature of the purchases… but not this.
Any ideas?
submitted by negot8or to CreditCards [link] [comments]