Gap hollidey hours

gender wage gap

2012.05.31 23:22 gender wage gap

Place for links and posts related to the possibility of a wage gap between genders. This is defined narrowly as _gender being the sole reason for the difference in pay_, all other factors (job description, work hours, performance, etc.) being held equal.

2010.09.21 04:06 herenewiam r/weezer

For fans of the rock band Weezer. Current members: Rivers Cuomo, Brian Bell, Scott Shriner, Patrick Wilson

2014.03.22 04:40 28DansLater #davidmedidnothingwrong


2024.05.21 22:26 Sugarskull_1117 How to have hope when hopeless

Tldr; Been struggling lately because it feels like no matter where I go. I'm stuck in an environment that's hostile one way or another. And I'm stuck having to be around immature grown ass adults. And I'm very tired of it. It's tanked the hell outta my morale. To the point where I'm considering on enlisting because I don't feel like I can fit anywhere else in regular society. I'd appreciate any insights if you want to share.
I honestly feel like 2020 was the start of my downward sprial. I had always been depressed. But I feel like the Pandemic really made it worse. As ridiculous as it may sound. I was upset that my prom and senior trip was canceled. As I was looking forwards to it. Because I saw it as a day I could truly feel pretty. And the last time I could spend with friends before adulthood sucked the little life left in us. Didn't help me to see the next classes get to have their prom and trip either. But it's in the past, and I'm glad they had the privilege to have theirs. But a huge issue, back then. Was I didn't know what the hell I wanted to do with myself after Highschool.
My guidance counselor was more excited for my senior year than I was. And my dad didn't help with all the pressure he put on me. We got into more arguments when I was eighteen. As mentioned before, I was clueless on what I wanted in life. And had told my dad I was taking a gap year. Gap year turned into two years. Due to me having fallen into a deep depression due to the quarantine. Which didn't help things between my parents and I. They told me I had to get a job. Fine, started working part-time at dollar tree. And over time that wasn't enough. I started getting badgered about school again.
I have no issue with further education. Be it college or a trade. But the world is far more expensive than it was in the 80s - 90s. And it felt like my parents didn't grasp that. Everytime I brought it up I was treated like I was making excuses. I also didn't want go to school because I didn't want to be stuck with courses to something I fucking hated. I was the one that would have to pay for it in the end. I wanted it to be something I could at least tolerate until I found something better. Ended up doing it anyway to shut them up. And I started working another job to save money. Though I wasn't doing much of that.
Because I'd spend money to get a shred of serotonin. Mostly fast food. Not proud of it, but that was my reality. Eventually, I couldn't put up with the classes and two jobs. And attitude I was getting from my parents. And became very apathetic about life. This was maybe around 2021 - 2022. I truly felt alone at this point. And because I grew isolated from family aside my maternal grandma. I felt I had nobody to really open up to. Couldn't talk to my older brother because he's awful at communicating back with me. As he's always busy with work. And he has a son so. I have friends. But they have their own lives and seem to be doing well. I didn't want to risk being an emotional burden. So I didn't vent to them.
Didn't even have much energy to Journal anymore either. And I stopped therapy when I was nineteen I think. Because my father essentially said I was wasting my therapists time. Since I had been seeing her since I was fifteen and still had the same mentality. My care for my well being and self preservation went out the window for the most part at this time. Think I was twenty at the time. Because that's when I met my ex. Let's call him Gio. Gio is five years older than me (I'm 22F now). I didn't expect us to end up dating. As I wanted to just be friends. But I don't regret it. He's a pain in my ass sometimes. But a great guy.
I think in 2022, April 14th me and my dad got into an awful arguement. Gio had a habit of calling me after he dropped me off home. And we'd talk while he walked to his since he lived a town next to mine. So he had heard everything. At some point I stormed out of the apartment. And my dad had stormed out and tried grabbing me to drag me back in. And that's when Gio pushed us apart. I want to make it a point. That Gio didn't come to the apartment to fight my dad. He came to console me, and since my dad was being agressive, he got protective. They ended up getting into a little scuffle and someone called the police.
After a little more arguing I packed some of my shit and stayed with Gio the next two weeks. Two weeks where I dealt with passive aggressive texts from my dad. The next few months were hot and cold with them. I'd move in and then get kicked out due to my dad and I bumping heads. Around December that year Gio's brother. Let's call him Antonio, invited us to live with him in Massachusetts. Since my dad presses charges on Gio. And due to court stuff, his boss didn't want to give him hours. So we were struggling with money. And Antonio wanted to help us. It was a hard move for me. Since I'm from New Jersey and haven't lived anywhere else.
But I figured a fresh start outta state would get me to take initiative and get my shit together. But before that could even happen there was a misunderstanding between me and Antonio's wife. It was quite small, and I was willing to apologize for it. But she blew it out of proportion and called her daughter. And I assume said I gave her attitude. Little bitch actually came to the house in attempt to fight me over it. Luckily Antonio was able to hold her back. I ended up getting sent back to Jersey. Which leads to my whole point here. It seems like no matter what. Something gets in the way of me going somewhere in life.
Im always surrounded by at least one or two immature grown ass adults. And im tired of it. My dad hasnt changed much either. And ive been unemployed for three months. Theres no peace at my parents house because of my dad. And there isn't any at my exes house. Which I currently have to reside since my parents moved into a one bedroom two months ago. I have no issue with the majority of the house aside from Gios aunt. Who is an old bitch I hate. And I don't use that word lightly. I understand she deals with stress and chronic pain. But that doesn't excuse her attitude. I know my place in this apartment and generally keep out of the way. And respect everyone. But she has a very nasty spirit, lacks accountability and self awareness, is entitled, and rude as hell.
And being told by not only my ex but her DAUGHTER to just ignore her. Is tiring. I understand it though, because that's just how it is with some people. But like... that's been my WHOLE childhood. Being mindful and expected to have sympathy, understanding, patience, and respect for others. Yet never or barely receiving any myself. All because what? I don't pay rent? I don't work 40+hrs a week? I'm so tired of this shit. I know I'm pathetic. I can be immature. And emotional. But I'm TRYING and it's like it's never enough. And when I'm at a point where I'm hopeless. It's as if I never tried in the first place.
I'm supposes to appreciate and validate others and what they've contributed for or something that benefitted me. Yet I can't get the simplest acknowledgment that hey, you've been struggling. But you managed to do X today. And that's great, I'm proud of you. But perhaps that's too childish of me. I'm a grown woman. Not a toddler. You don't get stickers for doing what you're supposed to. Because nobody gives a fuck. Hell, when you're a child it's probably worse. To quote my father, why should or would I get praise for something I was SUPPOSED to do.
submitted by Sugarskull_1117 to emotionalneglect [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:24 stfu2005 I think I have long COVID or something.

Been over 6 weeks since I tested positive; I've posted here about my "timeline". Just the initial infection stuff went away within 2 weeks, but there's still no improvement in the fatigue issues. Showering and getting dressed is already beyond difficult. If I essentially lay in bed all day, I'll feel relatively okay-ish the next day, do some minor tasks and feel horrendously ill again the following day. Like I got a fever again, worsened lightheadedness/limb pain and heaviness issues. Bit of a vicious cycle.
I was supposed to go on vacation with some mates earlier this week. Had to cancel because just taking a few steps feels like I just ran a marathon. Walking is way easier when I lean on someone because that takes pressure off my legs or something. But I can't really go around using a homie as a human crutch lol.
Headaches are still debilitating. Pounding, all the way across my forehead and into the sides of my neck. Makes me so nauseous if it's bad enough. Gets worse with physical exertion or screen time, gets better laying down in a dark room.
Blood work is normal, ECG is normal, oxygen is normal, so nothing easily fixable
I still sleep way too much. At least 14 hours straight at night with at least one nap. Still can't wake up from alarms, no matter how loud. Weirdly vivid, lucid dreams this last week, which is new. My mind might just be under-stimulated from not getting out of the house much.
I thought I would've been able to update with more positive news regarding my health by now. Not really how I wanted to enjoy my gap year, I've almost spent 2 months dicking around by now.
submitted by stfu2005 to COVID19positive [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:51 Ok-Ostrich-9373 Retraining not working at wits end

We successfully managed to train at 4.5months old and had crying down to 1minute. Since then he’s had teething and a holiday abroad mess it up. We’ve been retraining for around 3 weeks now and it seems like it’s not working anymore, we can’t get his crying down to less than 20mins and can’t get longer than 3 hour stretches
He’s 6 months now so I’m wondering whether it’s a scheduling issue? His routine is as follows:
7am - wake 8.30-10.00 - nap (sometimes this will be 1 hour) 12.00-1.30 - nap 3.30-5.00 - nap 8.00 - bed (mostly naps moved around and his nap ends up 4.00-5.30 so always shift bedtime for 2.5hr gap from nap)
Sometimes his other naps get messed around meaning his last nap starts later and finishes at 6.00 and bed time 8.15
I have no clue what I’m doing wrong and just can’t stand to keep hearing the cries 😩. Happy to try whatever to get it down to less than 10mins again.
submitted by Ok-Ostrich-9373 to sleeptrain [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:45 HRJafael Pioneer’s new auxiliary gym a ‘valuable resource’ that boosts student health
With a one-time financial investment into the complete overhaul of its auxiliary gym, Pioneer Valley Regional School is hoping the work will pay dividends for students in the classroom, on the athletic field and for the rest of their lives.
The upgrades, which cost around $65,000, according to Director of Finance and Operations Jordan Burns, turned the school’s auxiliary gym — affectionately branded as “The Aux” — from an old workout space to a modern gym that welcomes students of all abilities and motivations. Among the improvements are a new floor; all-new equipment, including six racks; and a strip of artificial turf.
Nick Adams, Pioneer’s physical education teacher and assistant athletic director, said the improvements can “bridge the gap” between education and physical and mental wellness, and students of all backgrounds have been engaging in the new space since it opened in March.
“The kids are starting to identify the flow. … They come in, no matter what team they are, what age, it’s all scalable, so we can reach all of our students that are willing to come in,” Adams said. “Traditional phys. ed. isn’t everybody’s cup of tea. ... All teams, all genders, all social groups, we’re able to go inside and work toward a common goal, which I think is very unifying for a school.”
Burns added that the renovation was a big project for the school and the results speak for themselves.
“That was money well-spent to take a space that was somewhat of an eyesore and turn it into not only a functional classroom and training space, but a space that students can be proud of,” Burns said.
The gym is open for Adams’ two strength and fitness classes and then after school most days for students to use. He also expects the gym will be open for student athletes and their teams in the summer, and the school has been communicating with Northfield’s Recreation Department to see if they can set up public workout hours.
This “investment for a lifetime,” Adams said, can instill good physical exercise habits, which in turn directly benefits mental and emotional health for students. He noted those benefits, especially for middle school boys and girls, are invaluable for their growth into young adults. The practical knowledge of gym equipment is an added benefit, too, as students can take the exercises and routines they develop at Pioneer and take them to a public gym.
“Anything that we can do to get a positive reinforcement in their confidence, like, ‘Hey, I couldn’t do that last time, but I tried it this time and it was possible,’” Adams said. “They get that and you really get to start to see them shimmer and that’s cool, but we’ve got to access it, which is the hard part.”
Junior Jackson Campbell and several other students said the auxiliary gym’s improvements have been a huge boost for the school and they’ve enjoyed using it.
“It’s a good spot to come and feel like yourself,” Campbell said, joking that it’s “the best room in the entire school.” “People work together in here.”
“It’s a really valuable resource,” added fellow junior Joey Seaman.
submitted by HRJafael to FranklinCountyMA [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:21 OA1125 How are my stats, and what can I do to improve my application?

Greetings. I just wrapped up my undergrad in Biology. I am not looking to apply this cycle, but the next one (2 gap years), and I was looking at what actions I could take to improve my application. These are my stats so far, but I also included the projected stats by the time I apply. I am currently studying for the MCAT and plan on taking it this summer. During the course of the next year, I plan on continuing to work at my two clinical jobs, getting more volunteer experience, and getting more shadowing experience. My hours will only increase during the application cycle too, so it will actually be higher by the time I get into medical school. My main concern is my lower GPA
General Stats
Paid clinical Experience
Paid non-clinical experience
Clinical Volunteering
Non-clinical Volunteering
submitted by OA1125 to premed [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:48 Eastern-Yogurt-7232 I keep having semi-romantic dreams of the same person

I have been having the same dream for the past 4 weeks of a guy I met 5 months ago. We had a family gathering and I met him for the first time through my brother. We connected and he asked me a lot of questions about my life, about school, my aspirations and dreams. A lot of memorable moments was him laughing so hard at my stupid jokes and him being surprised at how young I was (there’s about a 7 year age gap between us). He was very friendly and I was naturally drawn to him, platonically, because he seemed so cool and had his shit together. He even offered me his sweater at night when it got cold, but I declined. At the end of it all, it was just a hug goodbye, and I haven’t seen him since.
The dreams are weird; it always starts off where he’s always there and we strike up conversation. He then would make advances on me, complimenting me and hinting that he likes me. One dream even went far enough where he was kissing my neck to which I enjoyed in my dream but felt violated when I woke up.
Another dream was him holding my waist when we were walking, asking me if I liked him too. All of which are all things he definitely did not do when we met irl. I always wake up feeling like it was real, but also guilty because it’s wrong to my current relationship.
I have him on social media but we don’t communicate at all. He views my posts but nothing more. He knows about my long term relationship because I told him when I met him.
As for my sleeping patterns, they haven’t changed, I’m not taking anything new, I’m very happy in my current relationship, my lifestyle has pretty much been the same since… so it’s just odd how the dreams are recurring even when he hasn’t crossed my mind at all during my waking hours. I guess the only thing I can say is that I’ve been stressed with myself lately but that’s it. What could this mean??
submitted by Eastern-Yogurt-7232 to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:45 aabbracadabra I’m a weak human

Haven't attended classes since the beginning of April. My final project is due... I actually don't know when it's due. Although I will try to pass all the exams in June. I hope I won't be kicked out. I hate it. I wish I didn't go there. I wish I took a gap year after graduating high school, as I initially wanted to. Constantly anxious, worrying about everything, and being in a fight or flight state over minor things. Quarantine gave me a much-needed break, but it didn't last long. My final high school year was really stressful, and this anxiety lasted until last summer. I did really well at uni last year. I was really proud of myself and managed to take a mental break from it for two months, which flew by so fast. I don't know what triggered me to spiral this time, but I have never been this bad for this long. I think it was a combination of a really stressful semester, which I've never fully "recovered" from (the winter break lasts two weeks, and I spent it being sick and asleep for 16+ hours a day because of medication), and stress from driving school. My driving instructor is a little bit older than me, but he treated me poorly. Of course, I am dumb. I know shit about cars and driving - that's why I came here. I was shaking before every lesson. I couldn't go to another one because transferring is expensive. He did some shady stuff with our driving practice hours. He would assign me three hours, call another student, and we two would drive for only an hour each. I obviously didn't pass, which I'm not really mad about. I don't think it's entirely my fault. I rarely shower, brush or floss my teeth, or go out. I finally mopped the floor (I haven't done it since late March) like four days ago??? I don't have the will to do anything. I became distant from my mom. I can't tell her anything. She feels something is wrong with me. I just can't talk about my feelings. Like physically, it's hard for me to talk about it, I shut down and swallow my words. There's no one who can take care of me or help me. My mom lives 400 kms away from me. My bf is supportive, but he clearly doesn't understand. He blames me, basically calling me ungrateful for everything I have, lazy, and not willing to change. It hurts really bad that he sees me this way, but there's definitely some truth in his words. I wish I was strong. I wish I was different. But I'm weak. I'm a garbage human. I am worthless. I don't have any hope for the future. I don't know what to do. I'm lost. I'd definitely kill myself if it wasn't for my close ones. I can't imagine the pain it'd cause them. I don’t have any profitable skill (yet?). I don’t have passion for anything (except for art). I don’t see myself having an actual job, being a professional or whatever. I’m actually terrified rn thinking about it. I’m ashamed and guilty for letting my family down.
submitted by aabbracadabra to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:44 NigelVanDomki Inverse H&S. Gap fill tomorrow or after hours. Boom.

Inverse H&S. Gap fill tomorrow or after hours. Boom. submitted by NigelVanDomki to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:40 joshua0005 I'm bad at math. Should I give up the idea of a CS-related field?

20M from the US
TL;DR: I don't like math and as a result of that I don't understand it and struggle immensely in my math and physics college courses. I'm majoring in CS but I think I should quit because I don't like programming or math. I just don't know what other skill to learn so I'm not stuck being a cleaner or fast food worker for the rest of my life.
Long version: I don't think I'm inherently bad at math but I've always found it boring so I didn't pay much attention and my teachers aren't always good anyway and as a result of that I have a ton of gaps in my knowledge of math and don't understand it but also don't care about it at all. It's the same for anything that uses a lot of math like physics.
Even when I started programming I brushed it to the side because I was able to do what I wanted to in programming (make Roblox games and make web pages). I've now completed two semesters of college and am taking summer classes and last fall I struggled immensely with trigonometry and now I am struggling with physics although not as bad. I'm signed up to take trig again later this summer but I'm thinking about quitting it before it starts so I don't waste my money.
I don't even like programming anymore and was in it for the money but I've heard the web dev market is very oversaturated and unless you're really passionate about the field it's very hard to get a job. I just don't know what to do anymore and I'm afraid I'm going to be doomed to minimum wage jobs for the rest of my life because I'm too stupid to learn how to do any career.
The only thing I'm "good" at is learning languages and the only reason I'm "good" at it is because I'm extremely interested and passionate about learning languages. I don't think I'm actually any better than any other person. I'm just so passionate about it that I've had the drive to push through the hard moments and I have put thousands of hours into practicing Spanish.
Speaking intermediate Spanish is literally the only skill I have and it's pretty useless in terms of making money. I'm not interested in learning a single skill besides acquiring more languages and I know I have to if I want to make more money but I don't know what to learn. I also want to move abroad or be a digital nomad but I know if I don't figure out what to learn and learn it I have no hope of doing that.
submitted by joshua0005 to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:35 WatchFew2450 Age Gap (F 25 & M 48). Made my parents cry. Need advice.

I'm 25 years old and seeing a 48 year old I met in NA. He has 7 years sober, I have a little less than a year. That is already an issue considering he has more time than me, and my sponsor considers it '13th stepping.'
It started out with an immediate connection and I met his kids in a week. It feels like a normal relationship -- I'm in grad school with good career prospects and he's jumping from jobs, currently has enough money to be comfortable unemployed. He has two kids and is widowed. My friends don't approve and my mother cried when I told her. I don't know how to explain it to her. She immediately told me to end it. They will never accept him or our relationship I think.
I don't feel like he's attracted to me because I'm young. He thought I was around 30 (which is still a 18 year age gap oops) when we first met. We have so much in common and can talk for hours without getting bored. It's just very taboo and I don't know how to proceed.
Our age gap is not an issue when we are together, it's only a problem when it comes to what other people think. We talk about everything ranging from Dostoyevsky to tap water. The only time I can tell he's old is when he doesn't understand my memes or text lingo.
I feel so conflicted. My logical brain is telling me that I don't want to become a caretaker at 60 if it gets serious. My gut is telling me I already have strong feelings for him.
I don't know how to tell my parents that I'm happy without them being heartbroken. I don't know how to tell my friends without them thinking I'm being taken advantage of. I'm not -- if anything, I feel like I have the upper-hand because I'm able to detach quickly, have financial stability, good friend circle that I'm close to and a strong sense of independence.
The red flag is how quickly we moved. It is such an intense connection that it felt natural. I need advice. I don't know if I should end it before it gets too much, wait and hope my friends and family understand, or just let it naturally fizzle out. It's causing me a lot of anxiety because I care about what the people close to me think.
submitted by WatchFew2450 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:26 SR_Penny Looking for (paid) help with Ferrite editing

Hi all,
I currently use Logic Pro to edit my podcasts (on Mac) - as most who use LPX know, it's massive overkill for basic-ish editing tasks, but I've stuck with it as I have a process and workflow, and, once I'm in the groove, I can move quite quickly through an episode and get it done quite efficiently.
BUT ... I want something a bit more lightweight, but still with the key features I need/want, such as stripping silences, closing gaps (which LPX doesn't do), chapter markers etc ... and that's where Ferrite comes in. I've had Ferrite on my iPad for years but never really used it, but now I'm keen to start editing on it, My main problem is adapting my current workflow and working out how to get Ferrite to do what I want/need it to do.
I've watched their own videos, as well as some others online, but they've not really helped. Therefore, I'm looking for someone who is a bit of a power-user of Ferrite to spend an hour or two with me (online) to see what my current workflow is and to give me tips/direction on how best to utilise Ferrite - I'm happy to pay an hourly rate to someone with the right level of knowledge.
If you think you might be able to help, please reply here (don't DM as I don't ever use the Reddit app or website and never see DMs). You can also get hold me via hi (at) theotherz (dot) net
Thanks in advance!
submitted by SR_Penny to podcasting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:03 Flat_Aardvark2278 School List help

hey guys i am a transfer student that graduated from a T20 university with a 4.0. i’m a CA resident, am first generation, ORM, and low SES as well. i took my mcat twice
1st attempt: 505: (128/122/128/127)
2nd attempt: 512: (129/122/130/131)
Ik my CARS score is f’d and was doing better on my fl the second time around but i honestly don’t know what happen. currently on my 1st gap year and decided to go ahead and apply this cycle. for my activities i have 2500 hours of paid clinical as well as 700 total of volunteering all around (community work/clubs). i am also apart of a good wet lab and have 1000 hours and currently still work at the lab. have pretty strong LOR. Got a 5 on my preview if that means anything lol
Here are the schools i have so far:
MD: Albany, Case Western, CMS, CNSU, Colorado, Creighton, CUSM, Drexel, Einstein, FIU, Georgetown, GWU, Jefferson, Kaiser, Loyola, Miami, NYMC, Ohio State, OUWB, Rush, Stony Brook, SUNY Downstate, SUNY Upstate, Temple, Tufts, Tulane, UC Davis, UCI, UCLA, UCR, UCSD, UCSF, UMass, UofA-Phoenix, UofA-Tucson, USC, UVM, VCU, Wayne State
Western-COMP, AZCOM, CHSU, CCOM, KCUMB, Touro-CA, Touro-NV
please let me know if you would add or take out any schools. thank you!
submitted by Flat_Aardvark2278 to premed [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:02 Minute_Place6641 Time between feedings

Just wondering how long gaps can be between feeds as I need to go back to work. I would be leaving baby for 8 hours but don't want to go while I need to pump ect. We responsively feed and she'll curreny go anywhere between 3 and 6 hrs but with the hot weather it's usually 3 or 4. She's currently just gone 10 months.
submitted by Minute_Place6641 to breastfeeding [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:34 towfuh What to do when salary from freelancing is delayed?

Hello! I'm a first year in university who has started freelancing to support myself being financially independent and being far away from home to pursue my studies.
For context, this particular freelance work consists of finding new leads, and I am only required to do 2 hours per day with the agreed payment of P150/hour. I work under a local VA who, in turn, is working for an international company.
We had previously agreed on the terms that my payment would be given every two weeks on a Monday, as the international company that my client works under gives the invoice and payment during this time. I just started working for more than a month, and noticed that my client would always have a delay in paying my salary but it was usually only between a gap of 1-2 days which I could somehow understand.
Now, however, my salary has been delayed for almost two weeks. I have been persistently asking an update in regards to this matter, but was always met with excuses such as how my client was going to send it tonight or the next morning, which was then followed by him saying that he'll just send it over on Friday. Then the following day he said he was traveling, thus he could not send the money over right now but would send it once he got home; Then he said that the money was still processing; And now, he stated that the payment from the international company was strangely facing a delay in transfer in Wise.
I've worked as a VA under different companies and individuals in the past, but had never had this kind of problem, be it with my salary or with payment transfers through Wise.
I don't have any money left for food and I have bills to pay soon for rent and other necessities. I just wanted to ask some advice as to how I could address this matter. If, perhaps, I'm just exaggerating or asking for too much for a mere P150/hour salary, or if my grievances are valid.
Do freelancers usually face a delay in payment? Since they're freelancing, and usually without a contract, is there anything one can do if their payment is delayed?
Thank you so much!
submitted by towfuh to buhaydigital [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:32 FalloutKid3356 Girlfriend of five years dumps me for a 45-year-old cop then steals my dog two years later

Ok reddit buckle up this is a long one. As a growing fan of the subs, I’ve decided to tell my story. I 26M was dating my high school sweetheart for five years. We’ll call her CF for short. Yep, you guessed it, young love ignorant bliss the whole nine. At the time, this girl was my world, my life, my future. Well as the title suggests, things got interesting. Reflecting on the relationship now and all I’ve learned, it was unstable, toxic and at times abusive. There were so many red flags I ignored trying to make it work. Not knowing any better I fought to keep us together despite constant fights, arguments, and sleepless nights. Nearing the end of the relationship, in a last-ditch effort to either save what was or get closure that it in fact is over, I naively suggested to open our relationship. My thought process was, if she slept with someone else and felt rotten and/or dirty, then there was hope we could move passed it together. If she had slept with someone else and came home to me seemingly unbothered, then I knew it was over and beyond fixing. I however did not consider the emotional damage I would in turn subject myself to. Now I should clarify I had done some homework on my suggestion and found most blogs, forums and panels all mentioned that rules are important. So, as I mentioned before, this was a trial in finding out just how far gone the relationship was. The rules we set forward are the following: we bring no one to our house, protection must be used, we would never meet the persons together, and the last and most important one for me was I wanted to know as soon as she hooked up with someone, so we could talk and I could make my decision based on her behaviour. I should mention I had no intention of seeing anyone else at this time,I was devoted to her, and had no desire to see anyone else. This was purely to see if she still had love in her heart for me. Ok now into the nitty gritty, so not only was her hook up less than a week after we opened, she also broke a rule and saw her partner for over two months without telling me. Now I know this may be a point to argue, but I saw this as betrayal and cheating. We made rules and they were ignored. Turns out CF was seeing a 45-year-old cop going through a divorce of his own, at the time CF and I were 22. I’m not shaming age gaps, but this one made me sick. One week after our 5-year anniversary yep, she dumped me.
Now I know this is becoming a novel, but the best is yet to come. Ok now where does the dog fit in you might ask. Right, now onto that. Two years into CF and I’s relationship we were given the opportunity to foster a rescue dog, lets call her GA. The day this beautiful kind soul of a companion came into my life, I was in love. Screw fostering we’ll take her. Now GA wasn’t perfect at first but with love, guidance and patience she honestly is one of the best dogs I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting- let alone getting to call her my girl. Now like I said before, GA came with some areas to work on, like not eating couches; two to be exact. Also having a strong dislike of thunderstorms, and other behaviours most common with rescues, but she most notable has epilepsy, requiring medication twice a day to keep them at bay. This is important for later.
Alright so now we’re caught up to the breakup. After dealing with my world burning the best I can, I became angry and decided I wanted nothing to do with her. I helped get all her stuff out and she moved in with her dad. Knowing that GA would remind me of her, I told CF to also take GA. Now her dads a chain smoking, explosive drunk. After giving GA away, I lasted all of two hours before I begged to get her back, I realised I can’t lose everything all in one day. CF very willingly gave GA back. Both of us agreed that my house had more yard space for her and it was a cleaner, more stable home for her. I once again had GA in my life, and it was the best thing to have ever happened to me. Ok fast forward two weeks later I got sited from animal control for having an unregistered dog in the house and had 48 hours to register and pay the fee or I risk massive fines. I went that day, now where I live, pets become registered to the occupant of the registering address, then dog tags are issued to that name. GA also is micro chipped to the same address. So, to recap: CF moves out two weeks later, I’m forced to register GA solely in my name and my address. Now its time to talk about the verbal agreement we made regarding GA’s health, so I had agreed to what I’m choosing to call visitation rights. I’ll explain, so I worked weekends; three 12 hours shifts. GA gets her meds at 9am and 9pm so enter CF. She would come by on the weekend, with written notice, give GA her meds, and spend some time with her, then I would take over when I got home and the rest of the week when CF was working. So, the rules to the visitation: she was to give me written notice prior to stopping by and if I said no to her picking her up, that was final. CF was rarely told no unless I was already out with GA or it was late at night. Its worth mentioning CF still had her house key so effectively she could come and go as she pleased from my residence.
Now fast forward just under two years CF was very good at keeping with the program, written notice, healthy boundaries, and limited contact. I should add at the start, CF and I would chat about the relationship and possibly getting back together or not, then I was told that if CF couldn’t find anyone better than me, we would get back together. I’m no one’s safe bet and that comment broke me. I was hurt, broken, and angry from then on I was personally done with her. I started seeing other people and really living my own life. I’m a firm believer that when you buckle down and take charge of your own life, the universe will reward you. So, from then on, it was limited contact, if CF would message for GA. Then she could take her and I would leave the house and get coffee so I didn’t have to see her.
Ok let me introduce all of you to my current GF lets call her JT for short. She is an incredible, beautiful, smart, funny, and witty. I could use every possible vernacular in the English language to describe her and it still wouldn’t do her justice. Honestly folks, I couldn’t have gotten a better GF if I had ordered one from a magazine. She is truly my first love. CF may have been my first with a few things, but love wasn’t one of them, although at the time I thought she was. Ok I’m off topic so I met JT and things where surreal for the first time in two years since I was dumped. I believed I could love again. As my relationship with JT grew and the love not only grew but blossomed, its worth mentioning CF’s behaviour to me, and our arrangement became sparce. CF began showing up without notice to take GA. At one point me and JT were laying in bed bare under the covers, when CF opened my bedroom door to retrieve GA. Obviously this startled us both. I rushed to check my phone, that perhaps I missed a text... NOPE ok that was unsettling. Now to add to the disrespect of the arrangement, CF was keeping GA for days at a time without informing me. I would have to text her and ask “hey you got GA” CF. “ oh yea she’s with me” Me. “um ok no problem but as per our arrangement you need to make me aware of your plans with my GA”. CF. “yea ok slipped my mind”. Ok, so now you see my growing concern with the ongoing disrespect. I had no obligation to even let CF see GA legally, she was my sole property. Let me clarify real quick: remember how I was sighted by animal control? Well yeah, where I live animals are seen as property, and seeing as how I was sited after she left, GA became mine. Amiss my new found love and bliss, and growing concern, life hit me with one more unfortunate curve ball. I got evicted. Landlord got his GF pregnant and wanted the house I was renting for them to live in. Man, when I tell you that was a shock at the time, with some other things going on it was overwhelming. Turns out it was a blessing in disguise. We found an amazing house 40 minutes away from the city. I live on the cutest farm. Things with JT and I are going amazing! Not only has she made me feel things I thought were long dead, but she made me feel new experiences as well. Ok, decision time. I HATE CF for what she did to me, and I love JT with everything and more. One is getting in the way of the other. So, I devised a plan, taking advantage of my new residence and the distance, along with anonymity: I’m going to move out and cancel the arrangement with CF. Alright time to get to work. One week leading up to the move, I denied CF’s attempts to see GA. I rented a large box truck, and with the help of a small army of close friends and available family, we packed and move the entire house in one day. I would like the take the time now to thank all of you that helped me that day. It was such an empowering and liberating day. Right, so two pickup trucks and a mini van load go out off to the new house. Me, my old man and a dear friend pack the last into the box truck. Now I pre-wrote the message to CF in my notes, consulted a lawyer appraising them of the facts and documents to make sure what I had written was clear, concise, and contained the right verbiage for legal standing if need be. I hopped in the truck, started the engine, sent the text and drove off. Oh, I forgot to mention I did in fact change the locks and made my landlord aware of everything. Off I drove to start my new life happy, healthy, and full of bright prosperity.
So, as you may have guessed, my phone blew up from CF. Texts, calls, voice mails everything, it all fell on deaf ears. My word was final, and I was finally ready to close this ugly painful chapter of my life. So, well um, I will tell you all, I’m naturally a logical thinker that sometimes leads to a healthy level of paranoia. So, my new address was given to trusted people only. Written on paper and requested once we all met up at the new place and burned in the lane way. Why? Well, I know CF and her family, and I’ve seen them do less than legal things, and know who her dad is- and the contacts he knows. I took ZERO chances when it came to keeping my new life and address safe. Also remember I told you she’s dating a cop... knowing the fallout that awaits me, I took steps into protecting what I longed for. We moved in for June first of 2022. I should mention I live with my now GF and my roommate, my brother from another mother. My roommate moved in a month after CF moved out and I can update for any questions regarding him but for now back to the story. All members of the house were to follow strict security measures anticipating a reaction from CF. I had quickly found out that CF was trying to find out where I live through contacting friends, family and my old landlord trying to find the new address to no avail. Now, I work a full-time job, as well as run my own woodworking business. One day I was filing paperwork in the front office and I saw CF drive by in her vehicle. She drives an extremely recognizable car, so I knew it was her. I wasted no time. I drove to my local law enforcement and made them aware of everything. I wanted to start a case just to be safe if anything happened.

So, side note but very important, I was given the opportunity to purchase a puppy; FT for short. After discussion with the house, we decided getting GA a little sister was a great idea, you know, get her company and give her a friend to run around the farm with. To say they were inseparable is an understatement. They loved each other so much and it was the best move we ever made. I promise this is important later.
Right, June was great settling in, getting used to the new place, and watching GA play, mentor and thrive with her sister all was great! Moving to August 2022, our guards began to fall and we started letting the two out without being helicopters to them. August 12th 2022 oh man that day will forever remain with me rent free. JT and I are at work and the roommate’s home with the kiddos. 4:15pm I receive a phone call that will change my bliss for some time… yes GA, GA is gone “the hell do you mean”!! roommate “I let them out back, door open I was doing the dishes turned around and only FT was there”. “well did you look for them?” “yes I did, call in the damn microchip now!!” roommate hangs up. It’s worth mentioning he misunderstood how a K9 microchip works and thought It was like a GPS tracker. Work refuses to let me leave early and by the time I got home, three hours have passed since the disappearance.
I spent at least an hour exhausting any search method I could think of at the time, thinking if she ran off, she couldn’t have gotten far. After that hour I started to think, no way GA runs off and FT, 6 weeks old at the time, doesn’t follow.. Welp now it dawns on me, what? No? damn she must have taken her… off to the police I go. “ hey officer M, remember me from a few weeks ago?” “yeah what can I do for you?” “umm well I think my fears came true, I think CF stole her?” Ensue crying, panic and fear. How’d she find me? How is this possible?? Officer M “ ok take a breath tell me everything.” As I explain, I’m asked questions like are you sure she didn’t run off? I explain, no way she did and FT a young pup didn’t follow. I make my statement, broken, drained and beside myself with concern and fear I go home. No more then two hours later I get a call from M “Hi T so I’ve made some calls and I’m 99% sure she took her.” Me “what how? I mean what did you find?” M “I called your vet and an order for medication was placed by CF 10 days ago.” Me “ok damn so what happens now?” M “well this seems pretty clear cut I’ll investigate a bit more and make a case to the Crown.” Ok well my fears are confirmed. Damn she somehow found me and actually stole my beautiful GA. To this day, I have no idea how she found me. I suspect she put a GPS tracker on my truck. I had officer M looking into the possibility if her cop BF looked me up in the system, but that was ruled out very quickly.
Now the painful waiting game hoping justice will prevail. Each week I call for an update. On week 3 I’m informed he’s built a case and sent it to the Crown to see if it’s a clear-cut case of stolen property. Week 5 I’m told to hang tight its under review. At this point I became impatient and decided I can’t sit and wait. I took all the evidence and paperwork I had. I took it to both our vets as well as every vet in the region I knew she lived, explained and made airtight protocols for if, and when statements. Week 6 again I call, and I’m hit with bad news: the Crown, quite annoyed I was told, made it clear to M that this was a property dispute and needs to be settle in family court. Well, now it’s time to lawyer up. I scraped every extra penny I had to hire a good family lawyer and man did I find a good one. Turns out she was divorced and took my case a bit personally. She starts to prepare the necessary documents. 2 more weeks go by and thank whomever you believe in, I became impatient and went full proactive mode. I receive a phone call at work from my family vet. Vet “hi this is vet clinic just confirming your appointment for Monday at 11:25am?” well I sure as hell am now. I ring my lawyer, explain what happened, and put a rush on the papers having to call my dad to borrow money. You see now that I know exactly where CF is going to be with GA, I needed a legal reason to wait for her. So, I used the court case as a reason to serve her in person, thus being able to obtain GA custody until the hearing.
That Sunday I didn’t sleep a wink. 6:30am, I park my truck at the hardware store around the back of the vet, so CF wouldn’t see it. 8:00am the clinic opens. I walked in, documents in hand, and tell them everything and insist they let her in so I may serve her the documents and take GA. Regrettably, I forgot this was a functioning clinic and was told this could not happen inside, out of respect to the other patients. Me “Oh crap that’s more then fair, well what are my options?” Vet. “Well, we can bar her from the clinic under the proceeds of crime and you can serve her in the parking lot.” Me. “perfect I’ll wait in the sub shop down the way. you absolutely can not inform her of this.” Vet. “Not a problem we hope you get her back; we wish you luck.”
Off to the sub shop I go, for the longest 2 hours of my life. I get a phone call from JT, fully aware of my plan “hey we got rained out I’m off work do you want me there?” Me. “YES please come right away you can help record and dial the police.” The dominos are stacked, my shaky finger on the last one. JT shows up and we rehearse the plan; I must have checked the time a million times. The time comes I say where the hell is she. JT, with the calmest voice goes “she’s right there.” Me. “WTF!!” I ran out, papers in hand. JT calls the cops and starts recording. I utter the legal jargon, serve her the paperwork and latch onto GA as gentle and firm as I can, so CF can’t break my grip and wait for the police. They arrive in minutes. Get our stories. Check my paperwork. Separate us and attempt to figure out the situation. Low and behold, cop BF shows up. I’m told he’s “off duty” and is here in a BF capacity. Me, JT, two uniformed officers, CF, and cop BF talking, waiting with a level of uncertainty of the outcome. 2 hours goes by, and we ask what’s going on. I’m told that they are trying to defuse the situation, but cop BF has requested a supervisor. Well, he shows up and talks in great length to the BF, seeming frustrated. 3 hours go by, the supervisor walks up to me and demands our paperwork; I happily oblige. He reviews the documents and walks off, then comes back a minute or two later. “You gotta leash?” This clinic happens to be right next door to a pet store. So, just in case, I bought a leash in the three hours I was waiting. I hand him the leash. Words cannot describe the feeling as we watch the supervisor walk GA over to us after so long. Gone for 10 weeks total and waiting for three hours for the cops to deal with the situation. October 31, 2022, will be a day I will never forget. We will forever celebrate that day. Folks WE GOT HER!! What was once stolen by someone who couldn’t move on, was finally returned.

Thank you to anyone who read all of this. I needed to tell my story and I hope this was a good cup of tea for someone. I mean what I say, if anyone is going through something similar and is looking for help, please don’t hesitate. to reach out. For any questions, comments, or PM’s, I will read them, but I wish to update them publicly

submitted by FalloutKid3356 to pettyrevenge [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:30 UbiquitousUguisu Decorating the outdoors

Decorating the outdoors
This game is my guilty pleasure haha, and I've spent way too many hours on it destressing.
I always decorate in clusters and then fill in the gaps, so here's my current three outdoor "zones". Next up is the pond!
submitted by UbiquitousUguisu to rentpleasesim [link] [comments]

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5-20-2024 New AI model uses federated learning for multi-organ segmentation based on medical image data
Researchers have successfully developed the technology that can accurately segment different body organs by effectively learning medical image data used for different purposes in different hospitals, which is expected to greatly contribute to the development of large-scale medical AI models in the future.
5-20-2024 Second Phase 3 clinical trial again shows dupilumab lessens disease in COPD patients with type 2 inflammation
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients with type 2 inflammation may soon gain access to a new drug—dupilumab—that showed rapid and sustained improvements in patients in a pivotal Phase 3 clinical trial, researchers report in the New England Journal of Medicine. This monoclonal antibody is the first biologic shown to improve clinical outcomes in COPD. The data supporting the use of dupilumab in COPD will be reviewed by the United States Food and Drug Administration in June. The disease improvements—as measured by a significantly lower annualized rate of acute exacerbations
submitted by healthmedicinet to u/healthmedicinet [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:16 Dutch_Blue_20 Last Minute Trip Help

Leaving for Iceland in just a few days. So excited to visit and see all the wonderful things. I’m happy with our itinerary but I have a gap that I’m having trouble filling.
On our first day, we land at 6:00 am and expect to be through customs and have our rental car by 8-ish.
We are headed to Laugarvatn as our first activity - bakery tour and pools, starting at 11:45.
I’m trying to find something along the route (either going through Reykjavik or down through Selfoss) that we can do from about 9:00 - 11:00. I looked at the Old Dairy in Selfoss but they don’t open until 10 which could work but it still leaves us with about an hour to kill. I also looked at IKEA/Costco but they don’t open until 11.
We’re going to be very jet lagged so I’m hoping to be low-key active for most of the day so we can get on Iceland time as quickly as possible.
Any suggestions?
If nothing else, we’ll see Thingvellir on the way to Laugarvatn instead of later in the week when we do the Golden Circle.
submitted by Dutch_Blue_20 to VisitingIceland [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:06 docrypt Can we book flight from Kathmandu to Pokhara at Kathmandu airport itself? Is it easy to get flight on the spot at airport? Or should we book in advance?

We are travelling from India. We will reach Kathmandu approximately at 1-30 pm. There can be delays during journey. We are planning to go to pokhara on the same day. If I book in advance I have to keep atleast 4-5 hours gap. If we reach on time, we have to wait for our flight. I heard that there is high frequency of flights between Kathmandu and pokhara. So we are planning that if we can book a flight on spot, it would save us the trouble of guessing our estimated arrival.
submitted by docrypt to pokhara [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:56 ijewukiswhat aitah for not talking to my sister when we live together

tw//abuse maybe?? I'm really not sure if it counts as abuse, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry if it's too long I wanted to keep it short but I kept remembering things
My sister(26) and I (23f) live together since I'm 16. We used to live together with our parents but we had to leave that place for personal reasons. She took the role of a mother for me which I'm both grateful and sorry for but our relationship has gotten worse with time.
After my graduation from highschool, I took a gap year because I didn't like the college I got into so I decided to give it an another shot. Since I was in the apartment all the time I was expected to do all the chores around the house. I didn't know much about cleaning and other stuff and to be honest I lacked a lot. I still like to think that I did my best, even though she didn't think it was enough. One day I wanted to clean the house with more effort because she told me I was lacking for the past few days. I cleaned for hours and I also cooked for her. I was so excited to show it to her so I sat down and waited for her to come from her class. I got up and welcomed her by the door. She took one look at the apartment and started punching me on the stomach. She was crying and calling me names. I had bruises for a while. We didn't speak of it afterwards. I asked about it a few years later and she said that she doesn't remember doing that to me, that she must've been out of her mind. She laughed and we moved on from that.
I don't have clear memory of everything because I have terrible memory from all the childhood traumas I had to endure. Which I think it's something she uses against me. Whenever I confronted her with something she had done, she'd ask the exact date of it happening... And when I couldn't answer, she'd simply say that it never happened.
She has always told me that I was so selfish, annoying, evil, enemy(yes she has called me her ememy multiple times) and more and I used to believe it because I didn't have much friends at the time so there was no one to tell me otherwise.
Before she got a job(untill few months ago, I mean) Our parents used to sent us money for both of us to share. But since she was in the control of the money. I wouldn't get much. I don't have much clothes unless i save up and buy for myself. All my things are old and broken. And she lives in such luxury. She always buys stuff for herself and whenever I asked for money for something she'd either yell because we have no money or she'd tell me we'll get it next month(we would never) And I never asked for anything luxurious. I never asked for something I didn't desperately need because I knew that she'd yell at me even for asking.
I don't lack at cleaning anymore. I cook everday for her. I take care of everything that doesn't have anything to do with her job and education. I fixed myself in ways that I didn't even know was a flaw. But I'm still not enough. She stole 30k(not in dollars) from me and I said nothing. She would put her trash and dirty laundry in my room and I said nothing. I can't confront her with anything without it turning into a fight. I can't set boundaries. I can't insult her or gaslight her the same way she does. All I know is communicating and it doesn't work with her. So I decided to say nothing other than the important things. She started to treat me like shit because of it. She just looks at me with hatered in her eyes because I won't talk to her. I don't know if what I'm doing is wrong or right. I'm genuinely asking if I'm doing something horrible? I love her and I'd do anything to fix our relationship. I'm ignoring her around the house at the moment.
(I'm okay with being wrong but please say it nicely I'm in a sensitive state right now.)
submitted by ijewukiswhat to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:54 soolooz School list advice needed (ORM/518/3.9)

Hi y'all!
I'm planning on applying to med school this cycle and would greatly appreciate some help & opinions on my school list!
cGPA/sGPA: 3.90/3.85, MCAT: 518. ORM (South Asian) from TN, but ties to CA and NC. Went to a T20 school, one gap year. Polisci & biochem major
School List (25 schools, hoping to get to around 28)
"Safer" Schools:
Might be too top-heavy? Would like to replace some schools that maybe don't fit, but hoping to also add a few more. Would appreciate any feedback!!
submitted by soolooz to premed [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 18:42 lonelysadkisslessold Rant - starting to feel the snobbery within the circles of piano and classical instruments (most classical music) in general

I’ve only just started, im 22 for context. I’m doing absrm grade 2. I’ve tried to join more piano communities in my area, and the rumours were upsettingly true :/
Very snobby and dismissive of late learners - usually unintentional (i hope). I feel immense shame around these people and it’s making me want to just give it up.
I’ve always seen instruments such as cello, violin, piano etc as very upper middle class to middle class hobbies - so tbh it’s not like i wasn’t aware. I joined a piano society at my skl before I started uni, a lot of the ppl in the society (including the head) would go on ‘society trips' to Taylor swift concerts and society trips overseas (watching performances in Tokyo and Poland etc.) - obviously things the average person cannot afford, yet alone a 16 year old, so the few of us who couldn’t afford it just ended up being left out and we stopped coming. This is when i realised the kind of money that a lot of these early piano/classical musicians had at hand.
I naturally understand it’s a middle class / upper middle class thing to have your parents invest in tutoring of any kind at a young age - whether piano or motorsports. It takes time and is incredibly expensive. Those with more money may even buy or inherit an actual piano. But even just buying a keyboard of a couple hundred pounds to encourage your child to start piano is still a lot, and a privilege I don’t believe most children have. I know if i asked my mom for a £200 keyboard because i wanted to start piano at 9 yrs old, my mom would’ve simply given me a 'no, end of' - as would a lot of ppl.
My mom has cried to me when she was older, saying she wish she could’ve afforded to get me in hobbies. We would often go to taster days (from dance to fencing to piano) as they were free, but we could never carry them on as lessons were just too expensive. Most frustrating thing is I’ve known ive wanted to play piano since 6 or so, but i wasn’t able to do anything about it until i had my own stream of income (so until i was 18). I’ve saved so much and worked so hard, i worked 40 hours weeks, brought my own keyboard, bought practice books, bought music lessons, signed up to examboard, spent hours on YouTubes looking for a suitable ABRSM guide during my gap year.
And now im at uni (not studying anything music related) and barely in, these communities don’t even want me around. At some point i was asked 'why are you even here?'. It was an informal session where everyone was trying out on the piano, i didn’t feel comfortable playing but they were chanting my name and encouraged me so i went for it - it was nothing complex as i wasn’t trying to impress just join in. I guess that set alarms bells off for them.
I’ve been blatantly ignored. most conversations are around what public school they went to (all the public skls in the uk know eachother for some reason). I’ve been sneered at for using a keyboard and not a piano (was unironically told to 'just buy a second hand bechstein, there’s looadds available'). A lot of them still have the tired out 2016 take ‘rap isn’t music’ - that kind of attitude. Idk im just ranting now, but i feel like I’ve hit brick wall. im being a baby about this but it’s a stabbing feeling, this just might not be a space for me.
submitted by lonelysadkisslessold to piano [link] [comments]