Lymph nodes chills

Blood, lymph nodes, spleen, and bone marrow!

2013.02.26 16:01 Darth_insomniac Blood, lymph nodes, spleen, and bone marrow!

A subreddit for individuals with an interest in the diseases of the hematopoietic system, coagulative disorders, and/or management of the hematology laboratory.

2020.06.25 23:25 SensitiveBorder2 Swollenlymphnodes

THIS GROUP IS PRIMARILY FOR CHRONICALLY ENLARGED LYMPH NODES WITH NO CAUSE FOUND Most everyone here has had lymph nodes swell up and never fully return to their original size. A lot of us panicked and seen nothing but cancer stories until finding so many others who simply had nodes pop up and stay that way and this community is hopefully going to be a place to calm the anxieties of many and for us to discuss our experiences with swollen nodes that stayed there forever.

2022.03.02 17:47 Yasssinator lymphnodes

Community for people with enlarged lymph nodes, without lymphoma. All advisements are to be taken with a grain of salt, no one can diagnose you but a doctor.

2024.04.29 00:45 PriorRefrigerator726 Chest Surgery/Nerve Damage

Anyone else get chest surgery and get a really bad cough for two months afterwards from nerve damage (Vagus Nerve)? I had the surgery done, which was recommended to me because I had some enlarged lymph nodes in my chest. Nothing came back positive for cancer and I'm left with nerve damage and altered breathing. I don't remember being warned about the horrendous cough I would endure after the surgery. In fact, members of the staff told me it should subside after two weeks, when really that's when it started getting bad. It was awful.
submitted by PriorRefrigerator726 to thyroidcancer [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:28 Vast_Jackfruit1665 Stage IV breast cancer that is in the spine and liver

Hi - My mum currently has Stage IV breast cancer which was discovered only two days ago.
For context, she did have breast cancer in May 2022, and underwent chemotherapy, lumpectomy, lymph node removal, and a course of radiotherapy.
It has spread to the spine and liver. As a result it has caused ascites (significant fluid retention) which was affecting her breathing. That was drained overnight and 4 litres of fluid were removed. A sample was also sent for testing of cancer cells and this is awaitng results.
In addition, as a result her liver isn't working too well and neither are her kidneys (although they have improved a bit).
Has anyone got experience of any similar cases where breast cancer has spread like this and any potential treatment options available?
The doctor mentioned that the ascites is being caused by the cancer spreading to the liver. Has anyone had a similar case like this too, I'm concerned that they may have to put in a permanent drain.
I'm aware that cancer treatments are improving all the time, and keen to hear from anyone else who has the same or similar cancer and any treatment options/prognosis.

submitted by Vast_Jackfruit1665 to cancer [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:57 MadaTensai Is it normal to be able to palpate occipital lymph nodes? Would appreciate a response ❤️

28M. Obesity. High Blood pressure. I noticed I’m able to palpate my lymph nodes (occipital) on both sides. Seems small like a bean, doesn’t really hurt. But is it normal that I’m able to feel them? Dr. google gives me mixed answers.
submitted by MadaTensai to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:53 heybro222 I’m scared I have hiv

Hey guys, I know this probably comes up here a lot but I’m in a very dark place and would just like some advice. Foremost I am a transsexual man who looks completely male so my partners have always been gay/bi men. Last weekend I hooked up with a guy and we had sex (used a condom) but I gave him head and we kissed. I know he has multiple partners and doesn’t always use condoms. Anyway, three days after I had an extremely sore throat which developed into flu like symptoms and now at day 6 of being sick my lymph nodes are swollen. I tested negative for the flu, Covid, gonnorea, and chlamydia. I’m going for a rapid hiv test tomorrow. My question is for maybe those of you who are knowledgeable, am I being irrational to assume it’s hiv because the symptoms occurred only three days after? Or could it be legitimate? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by heybro222 to askgaybros [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:24 RaspberryNegative308 31M. Unexplained fever (5 days now). Blood work shows nothing. Doctors don’t know. Very worried. Please help.

My boyfriend is 31. No known health condition. apparently his immune system can be a little weird (he never developed any antibodies after a tuberculosis vaccine etc). It’s not the first time it happens but the last time (november 23) was only 3 days of high fever (about a week after recovering from covid)
On Wednesday he developed a fever (38 degrees to 39.5 at times). The fever subsides with tylenol and ibuprofen but keeps coming back. So he gets a fever about 3 times a day. Sweating profusely at night. Very tired. Had an episode of insomnia. He has muscle aches and headaches and gets a bit dizzy when he gets up too quickly.
Appetite is normal. No gastro intestinal symptoms.
He went to the doctor on Thursday. They said they had no idea what it was but prescribed blood work and urine test.
Blood work came back perfect (be it white cells count, hormones, liver etc). Still waiting on urine test results. He says his lymph nodes are swollen (everywhere).
I’m starting to get very worried.
Please help.
submitted by RaspberryNegative308 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:08 Desperate_Extreme697 Not sure what I have, or how to test for cure

Hi, I’m posting this because I’ve been having massive anxiety. I’m 30, male, and I had a one night stand where I received unprotected oral sex. A week later, I started experiencing some burning while urinating, and a week after that I noticed cleawhite-ish discharge residue in my underwear.
I went to a walk-in clinic a week after symptoms started and they prescribed me doxycycline 100mg x2 for 7 days and tested me for gonorrhea and chlamydia, and I also asked to be tested for trich, mycoplasma, and ureaplasma. The results for gonorrhea, chlamydia, and trich came back negative. The results for mycoplasma/ureaplasma haven’t come back yet and may take up to another week.
After I completed the doxy treatment, the discharge was gone and the burning sensation when urinating became milder but was not gone completely. I also started experiencing strange mild pain in my pelvic area: particularly in the middle of my pelvis, right between my pelvis and abdomin, as well as at the area between my thighs and pelvis (I think there are lymph nodes there?).
I went to another walk-in and told them I still have symptoms but no official diagnosis yet so they prescribed me azithromycin (1g day 1, 500mg day 2, 500mg day 3) + cefixime (800mg day 1). I’m currently on day 2 of that regimen.
Right now I still have the mild burning while urinating and the mild pelvic pain (plus an incredible amount of anxiety and sleeplessness). I’m still waiting on the myco/urea test results.
I’m also worried the myco/urea test that was ordered isn’t sensitive enough to catch it and might lead to a false negative.
My question is: if the myco/urea test results come back negative, what should I advocate for myself for and test for? Now that I’ve taken 3 different types of antibiotics without a diagnosis, how can I test for cure if I don’t know what I’m testing for? I’ve read on MycoplasmaGenitalium that lingering symptoms after cure are normal, but how would I even know if I’m cured if none of the tests were positive prior to treatment?
Since I’ve only been going to walk-ins and seeing different doctors each time, I would appreciate any questions or tips to help me advocate for myself and make sure I get proper treatment, diagnosis, and ability to test for cure. I’m planning to follow up about my test results and see a doctor again this week.
Tl;dr: 4 weeks ago: received unprotected oral sex 3 weeks ago: symptoms started with burning while urinating, and then a week later clear discharge 2 weeks ago: got prescribed doxy 100x2 for 7 days AND got tested for gonorrhea, chlamydia, trich, myco/urea. 1 week ago: gonorrhea/chlamydia/trich tests came back negative. Myco/urea need another week. Doxy treatment completed but burning while urinating and mild pelvic discomfort symptoms persist. Yesterday: got prescribed azithromycin (2g total over 3 days) and cefixime (800mg)
Not sure how to test for cure or how to advocate for myself if symptoms persist after this last treatment.
submitted by Desperate_Extreme697 to STD [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:20 flannalypearce Anyone else relate? Any insight welcome. HSV??/ Severe YI

Too much at one time
Just had to tell someone not IRL to me.
The people who matter to me know I don’t care if anyone else does but just needed a pure vent.
About a month ago I had a raging sinus and ear infection. Took a z pack and prednisone.
Two weeks later not 100% better but I got a huge kumquat size lump under my tongue…. Turns out I had a ranula (spit filled cyst)
Went to my ENT got some more antibiotics and prednisone.
Flash forward a week later? The Ranula is bigger than ever. I manage to pop it and it seems to go down. Finish my meds.
A week later??
Cold from hell.
Started having tingling/ burning on my genitalia.
Had to go to urgent care at my clinic and they definitely think I have thrush but I also have lesions and swelling that made them test for herpes and HPV as those can spawn/ turn up when you’re very ill.
All of this to say. Something is wrong/ off.
Prior to all of this I went to my ENT the first time due to severe lymph node swelling in my ears/ neck/ head.
Ive had a whole work up as of yesterday for viruses and any bacterial anything known to man.
The doc I saw was thorough and kind and agreed something was up as that is a lot in a 6 month span.
Just had to vent. I’m so sick. Have a one year old and a promising move in my career coming that missing work is not going to help.
Feeling defeated. Almost wish it was HSV or HPV so I could take meds and manage my symptoms.
Childbirth hurt less/ was more tolerable than the inflammation and swelling I have down there.
Thank god I work from home or I would probably have been laid off. If anyone has insight or can relate please talk to me.
submitted by flannalypearce to Healthyhooha [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:17 ordinaryemu808 Fluid filled bump on surgical scar - 16 months post op

I (36F, 5'7', 130lbs, active, otherwise healthy, no medications, no smoking, ~1 drink per week, Canada), broke my ankle (trimalleolar fracture) at end of December 2022, with ORIF surgery early January 2023. I recently have had a recurring blistefluid filled bump under the incision scar and I'm not sure what it is/what to do about it.
Backstory: A few days post-op (Jan 2023) I developed a fever and went to the ER. My cast was cut off, they swabbed the incisions (very small amount of pus on one of two incisions), and gave me antibiotics (cephalexin if I remember correctly). Finished the antibiotics, no further signs of infection.
Both of my incisions looked horrible throughout the first couple of months. I had blisters on/around both incisions. Surgeon said they were fracture blisters, but I believe some may have come from the excessive amount of steri-strips placed over my incisions.
The last blister I had developed and burst around 6-7 weeks post op. This too became infected, and I had to take antibiotics again (cipro if I remember correctly). Finished those, no further signs of infection.
Once my incisions/surrounding skin finally healed, the rest of my recovery went smoothly. I've gone through PT and have mostly returned to my normal, very physically active life. My ankle does get sore and stiff depending on how active I've been/the weather, but from what I understand this is all to be expected.
Now: Over the last month though I've had a recurring bump under my surgical scar. A couple days before it first appeared, I had a PT appointment and they used a laser on this area for ~5 minutes, after which I noticed it was red and swollen. After a few days, and it looked like this:
March 31:
It felt like fluid under the skin where the greyish area was. I didn't have any other symptoms - no fever, no pain beyond some slight tenderness where the bump was. Maybe a little warm to the touch but hard to say for sure. I washed it with Dettol soap twice a day, applied Polysporin, and covered it with a large bandaid to keep it protected. The quickest my surgeon could see me was a week later - and by then my ankle was back to looking like this (how it normally looks):
April 7:
The surgeon didn't seem concerned at all, even after I showed him photos. The nurse who saw me/the photos first, on the other hand, thought I may need to fill out OR paperwork and mentioned getting a washout - so clearly she had some concerns about possible infection. He told me he wasn't sure what it was, and thought maybe it was an infected hair follicle. His instruction was to keep an eye on it, and if it came back + burst or came back + fever, 'you should get it looked at right away.'
Fast forward a couple weeks later, and I am in a different country (US) on vacation (OK'ed by the surgeon), and of course it comes back.
I was out surfing for a couple of hours, and sure enough, it started to come back the following day - looked like this:
April 23:
I applied an antibacterial (benzalkonium chloride) waterproof bandaid to keep it protected - and it REALLY did not react well. The next day the skin was red and I had little white heads where the bandage was touching my skin. I believe this was a reaction from the bandaid.
Here's how it progressed: April 24: April 25: Today, April 28:
There is some tenderness on the bump itself and a little bit of pain in my ankle once in a while, but honestly not much - 1/10. No fever. I have pretty reactive lymph nodes and none are enlarged. I'm taking it easy as I really don't want the skin to break.
...So what could this be? I'm scared it could be chronic osteomyelitis, considering my early post op infections. Thoughts? Test(s) I should ask for when I get home?
Could it be an infected hair follicle that has come back? It seems so unlikely that it would just happen to occur right under the incision. I rarely have ingrown hairs.
I do have medical travel insurance, but would prefer not to have to use it unless it's absolutely necessary. Also, was planning on having the hardware removed + arthroscopy in June or July.
Any advice on how I should proceed would be much appreciated! And thank you for reading all of this!
submitted by ordinaryemu808 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:17 No_Instance_2070 what is small low density foci on my liver?

I’ve had left-sided/middle abdominal pain for 2-3 years. I am 23, female, 5’6”, and 220 pounds. Due to this pain, I’ve undergone an ultrasound, endoscopy/colonoscopy, and recently a CT. I am concerned about what the result found for my liver means. The GI doctor who reviewed my results said everything looked fine and didn’t say anything about the “Small low density foci in the liver are too small to characterize”. For more context, I do not drink (only have a handful of times in my life), never smoked, I’ve been tested for HIV and don’t have that. All of my bloodwork has always indicated that my liver function was within normal range too. Nothing was found wrong with my liver in my endoscopy/colonoscopy, it was done on January 2023. I have hypertension, and I am nearing pre-diabetic levels but haven’t been diagnosed with it.
TECHNIQUE: Helical CT of the abdomen and pelvis was performed with non-ionic intravenous contrast. Ingested oral contrast partially opacifies the bowel. Procedure done on 4/24/24. COMPARISON: Abdominal ultrasound November 14, 2023 (will attach in next paragraph) FINDINGS CT ABDOMEN/PELVIS: Lung Bases: Lung bases are clear. Heart size is normal. Liver: The liver is normal in size. Small low density foci in the liver are too small to characterize. Biliary tree: Gallbladder is present. No biliary ductal dilatation. Spleen: Normal in size. Pancreas: Normal in size and enhances homogenously. Adrenal glands: Normal in size and shape. Kidneys: Bilateral symmetric nephrograms without hydronephrosis. Lymph nodes: Abdomen: No abdominal adenopathy. Pelvis: No pelvic adenopathy. Vasculature: The aorta is normal in caliber. Peritoneum/mesentery/omentum: No free fluid or free air. GI tract: There is no bowel obstruction. The appendix is unremarkable. Pelvic urogenital structures: The bladder is grossly unremarkable. The uterus is present. Dominant left follicle measuring 1.6 cm. Crenulated enhancing focus within the right ovary likely reflects a corpus luteum. Body wall: Osseous structures are unremarkable. IMPRESSION: No CT evidence of acute abnormality within the abdomen or pelvis.
——- COMPARISON FROM 11/14/23: PROCEDURE: US LIVER COMPLETE W UPPER TECHNIQUE: Grayscale ultrasound of the liver and abdomen was performed. COMPARISON: None. FINDINGS: MEASUREMENTS: Liver length: 16.5 cm Common duct diameter: 0.1 cm Peak portal vein velocity: 21 cm/sec Spleen: 7.8 cm Right kidney length: 10.8 cm Left kidney length: 10.6 cm LIVER: The liver is normal in size and echogenicity. The echotexture is smooth. There is no intrahepatic mass or biliary ductal dilatation. There is hepatopetal flow in the main portal vein. The surface of the liver is smooth. GALLBLADDER: The gallbladder is unremarkable, without cholelithiasis, wall thickening or pericholecystic fluid. No sonographic Murphy's sign was elicited. There is no extrahepatic biliary ductal dilatation. ABDOMINAL AORTA AND IVC: Portions of the superior IVC and abdominal aorta are visualized. PANCREAS: The pancreas is poorly seen and cannot be evaluated. SPLEEN: The spleen is normal in size. KIDNEYS: The kidneys are normal in size and echogenicity. There is no collecting system dilatation. OTHER: There is no free fluid in the upper abdomen. IMPRESSION: Unremarkable ultrasound of the upper abdomen.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this
submitted by No_Instance_2070 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:09 flannalypearce Too much at one time

Just had to tell someone not IRL to me.
The people who matter to me know I don’t care if anyone else does but just needed a pure vent.
About a month ago I had a raging sinus and ear infection. Took a z pack and prednisone.
Two weeks later not 100% better but I got a huge kumquat size lump under my tongue…. Turns out I had a ranula (spit filled cyst)
Went to my ENT got some more antibiotics and prednisone.
Flash forward a week later? The Ranula is bigger than ever. I manage to pop it and it seems to go down. Finish my meds.
A week later??
Cold from hell.
Started having tingling/ burning on my genitalia.
Had to go to urgent care at my clinic and they definitely think I have thrush but I also have lesions and swelling that made them test for herpes and HPV as those can spawn/ turn up when you’re very ill.
All of this to say. Something is wrong/ off.
Prior to all of this I went to my ENT the first time due to severe lymph node swelling in my ears/ neck/ head.
Ive had a whole work up as of yesterday for viruses and any bacterial anything known to man.
The doc I saw was thorough and kind and agreed something was up as that is a lot in a 6 month span.
Just had to vent. I’m so sick. Have a one year old and a promising move in my career coming that missing work is not going to help.
Feeling defeated. Almost wish it was HSV or HPV so I could take meds and manage my symptoms.
Childbirth hurt less/ was more tolerable than the inflammation and swelling I have down there.
Thank god I work from home or I would probably have been laid off. If anyone has insight or can relate please talk to me.
submitted by flannalypearce to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 20:52 EstrangedLlama21 Long lasting HIV anxiety due to symptoms despite low risk exposure

TLDR: Receptive oral sex exposure without ejaculation and only precum. MSM, possible bleeding gums and gingivitis risk factors. Mild isolated symptom at 4 week mark. Severe ARS like symptoms at 6 week mark. Tested negative for covid and flu on what i assume to be a rapid test at the hospital. Looking for advice regarding exposure risk, conflicting information and anxiety
For over 1 year I have been struggling with really bad anxiety due to HIV. Hopefully later this year i can have a conversation about it with my parents and get tested. Hopefully someone can provide some advice and another prespective
My exposure was receptive oral sex. He (19M) did not ejaculate in my mouth. However there was precum and my mouth was very dry, especially the roof of my mouth which came into contact with with the precum mostly. I dont recall any ulcers in my mouth and I brushed my teeth around 3 hours before so if there were cuts from brushing i would imagine they healed. I also have gingivitis.
Now for the symptoms.
The day after i had a bad sore throat which lasted almost a week. I sure this isint related but this was what sparked my anxiety.
Around the 4 week mark. I got another mild sore throat. Few days later i got antibiotics. towards the end of my course my dad said his throat felt weird too. Either way it got less serious but there was some hot flashes.
The main issue was the day before the 6 week mark. I woke up with 2am with stabbing pains in my chest which got worse as i breathe. I tried screaming (thats how painful it was) to get the attention of my family members but i couldnt scream loud enough, once they were awake we went to the ER where they did what i assume to be rapid test for influenza and covid which came back negative in an hour. I was diagnosed with acute phyrangitis.
From that point on all the synptoms came on. The chest pains(pleursy) High fever(broke and became low fever after 2 days) Night sweats(worst for the first 2 days, the bed no longer got drenched after). Very painful sore throat Muscle aches (initially generalized, then only on one side of the body, subsided within a week) Swollen lymph nodes in both armpits one ulcer Cough
Syptoms went away one by one over 2 weeks. Sore throat and lymph node were the last to go. High fever being the earliest to go.
Alot of times on here i see people test negative with light symptoms or just one or 2 of these systems, but everytime i see people with all these symptoms they test positive.
Part of me feels like it was covid or mono(partially due to the fact that my mom got pretty sick with flu like symptoms around a week after my severe symptoms and I heard that these 1 hour hospital test for covid and flu can have false negatives alot.
I understand that receptive oral sex, especially without ejaculation is a very low risk, pep isint even recommended according to one of the guidelines posted regarding hiv in my country:
However ive seen way too many post here on reddit, and on the news about hiv through oral sex. I-base even says that 5% of cases yearly are assumed to be from oral sex. Yet ive seen reputable drs such as Dr Hunter Hansfield and Dr Hook say they never had a paitent who got hiv from receptive Oral sex (despite acknowledging that there have been very few proven cases).
Im sorry for all the rambling and really long winded post. My country isint as great as other countries in regards to hiv prevention (21% of MSM estimated to be hiv positive, though the estimate is likely in accurate. And only around 60% of HIV+ people here are on ART) which makes me extremely worried. Additionally my parents finding out, being denined insurance claims and being discriminated against while im looking for employment if i get HIV has caused me alot of anxiety so much that i tend to sleep at 5am these days.
Im hoping some of you could advise me on how to move on. The internet is full of contradicting information, especially among reputable sites, experts and activists. I know that people can live with long lives despite having hiv but it would ruin my life in so many other ways which keep me up at night.
submitted by EstrangedLlama21 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 20:44 oneballjoe 26M With Testicular cancer

26M, ~150kg (330lbs), 185cm (6ft). Vaping. On Fluoxetine, Methylphenidate.
Almost to the day two months ago went to the urologist with swollen, hard, and slightly painful right testicle. I went after ~3 weeks of experiencing those symptoms. After urologists examination, I was sent to do an MRI that was also somehow inconclusive, went to a different urologist twice, who first time diagnosed me with orchitis-epididymitis, but suspected cancer on the second time after the MRI. Then I got sent to an onco-urologist who booked me for the testicle removal surgery and sent me to do the tumor markers and a full body CT scan. The answers from that were:
"Suspicious l/m of the short dimension of ~13 mm is observed in the left part of the neck. Pathologically altered paraaortic l/m. right testicle looks tumor-like altered"
I roughly translated this from my home language, I assume the l/m mean lymph nodes? Not sure.
Tumor markers were:
LDH: 289
AFP: 400
B-HCG: 14956
I have the MRI, CT Scan files locally, I would attach them but I'm not sure how to anonymize them. If anyone wants to have a look I'll try to take some screenshots of the images.
After I got my surgery on March 29th, I had to wait a month for the biopsy (autopsy?) results which I received last week at April 25th. Stated were as follows, Mixed germ tumor (EC (60%) + ChCa (30%) + YST (~10%)).
pT2, LVI2, R0. (not entirely sure what LVI2 and R0 mean).
The diagnosis after all that seems to be:
Ca testis dextri pT2N2M0S3 IIIc St. Status post oechofuniculectomiam dextrae
I am from the EU, so I'm not sure how much my treatment will make sense here, but the whole process has been extremely confusing and frustrating. I will be going to a chemotherapist tomorrow for the first time and I have some questions.
  1. Do I need chemo (I assume yes but still).
  2. Should tumor marker tests be done before start of chemo.
  3. Can I work during chemo.
  4. Does it make sense that my stage is 3c which I understand is poor risk?
  5. Do I have any realistic chances of beating this? What are they?
  6. How long does treatment typically take?
  7. Will I live? How long have I got?
  8. Will I ever have a life that is normal again?
  9. Should I have been given the option for a testicle prosthesis?
  10. Could the cancer have spread and/or metastasized since my last ct scan at the end of march?
  11. Should another CT scan be done before chemo?
  12. Is it even possible to get cured of this, or am I just extending for some years until the cancer inevitably comes back?
Basically any information anyone could provide that would help me out here would be great, because every doctor I've been to has been very cold and giving me one word answers and I can't imagine tomorrow being any different, so I had to rely on googling but obviously that has it's issues as well.
Sorry for any mistakes, English isn't my first language and my stupid keyboard is acting up. I'll try to clarify anything that you may ask.
Thank you to everyone and anyone who responds.
submitted by oneballjoe to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 20:27 EstrangedLlama21 Long lasting HIV anxiety due to symptoms despite low risk exposure

TLDR: Receptive oral sex exposure without ejaculation and only precum. MSM, possible bleeding gums and gingivitis risk factors. Mild isolated symptom at 4 week mark. Severe ARS like symptoms at 6 week mark. Tested negative for covid and flu on what i assume to be a rapid test at the hospital. Looking for advice regarding exposure risk, conflicting information and anxiety
For over 1 year I have been struggling with heavy anxiety due to HIV. Hopefully later this year i can have a conversation about it with my parents and get tested. Hopefully someone can provide some advice and another prespective
My exposure was receptive oral sex. He (19M) did not ejaculate in my mouth. However there was precum and my mouth was very dry, especially the roof of my mouth which came into contact with with the precum mostly. I dont recall any ulcers in my mouth and I brushed my teeth around 3 hours before so if there were cuts from brushing i would imagine they healed. I also have gingivitis.
Now for the symptoms.
The day after i had a bad sore throat which lasted almost a week. I sure this isint related but this was what sparked my anxiety.
Around the 4 week mark. I got another mild sore throat. Few days later i got antibiotics. towards the end of my course my dad said his throat felt weird too. Either way it got less serious but there was some hot flashes.
The main issue was the day before the 6 week mark. I woke up with 2am with stabbing pains in my chest which got worse as i breathe. I tried screaming (thats how painful it was) to get the attention of my family members but i couldnt scream loud enough, once they were awake we went to the ER where they did what i assume to be rapid test for influenza and covid which came back negative in an hour. I was diagnosed with acute phyrangitis.
From that point on all the synptoms came on. The chest pains(pleursy) High fever(broke and became low fever after 2 days) Night sweats(worst for the first 2 days, the bed no longer got drenched after). Very painful sore throat Muscle aches (initially generalized, then only on one side of the body, subsided within a week) Swollen lymph nodes in both armpits one ulcer Cough
Syptoms went away one by one over 2 weeks. Sore throat and lymph node were the last to go. High fever being the earliest to go.
Alot of times on here i see people test negative with light symptoms or just one or 2 of these systems, but everytime i see people with all these symptoms they test positive.
Part of me feels like it was covid or mono(partially due to the fact that my mom got pretty sick with flu like symptoms around a week after my severe symptoms and I heard that these 1 hour hospital test for covid and flu can have false negatives alot.
I understand that receptive oral sex, especially without ejaculation is a very low risk, pep isint even recommended according to one of the guidelines posted regarding hiv in my country:
However ive seen way too many post here on reddit, and on the news about hiv through oral sex. I-base even says that 5% of cases yearly are assumed to be from oral sex. Yet ive seen reputable drs such as Dr Hunter Hansfield and Dr Hook say they never had a paitent who got hiv from receptive Oral sex (despite acknowledging that there have been very few proven cases).
Im sorry for all the rambling and really long winded post. My country isint as great as other countries in regards to hiv prevention (21% of MSM estimated to be hiv positive, though the estimate is likely in accurate. And only around 60% of HIV+ people here are on ART) which makes me extremely worried. Additionally my parents finding out, being denined insurance claims and being discriminated against while im looking for employment if i get HIV has caused me alot of anxiety so much that i tend to sleep at 5am these days.
Im hoping some of you could advise me on how to move on. The internet is full of contradicting information, especially among reputable sites, experts and activists. I know that people can live with long lives despite having hiv but it would ruin my life in so many other ways which keep me up at night.
submitted by EstrangedLlama21 to STD [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 20:26 AskMeForABookRec Advice / Help

Looking for Endo in NYC/Advice Hi all. Since March 2023 something has felt off in mt body. I lost almost 60% of my hair, have gained hormonal fat / weight despite working out everyday and continuing my healthy eating lifestyle. I have become incredibly lethargic and sensitive. As noted my weight has steadily increased even though I’m eating below maintenance and working out everyday. I want to also note that I was on HGH as a child (diagnosed with a pituitary gland disorder)(ages 11-14) and was taken off of it by my insurance due to height but my parents have always felt I never was fully developed. I am still small, skinny, and almost androgynist looking in appearance. my doctors can’t seem to figure out why I keep having problems ( my doctors (one specific endo in nyc refuses to believe I have hypopituitarism even tho my blood results came back affirming low levels of certain hormones) having ruled out hypothyroidism, hypopitutiarism, thyroid or lymph node issues.) I feel it could definitely be a hormonal issue but my doctors are hesitant to diagnose me with anything. I was just wondering if anyone else had experienced this problem or have any advice for me about what to bring up to my endocrinologist and stop stressing about it! I really just want to feel like myself again. Thank you!
submitted by AskMeForABookRec to endocrinology [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 20:25 Additional-Fix-5896 What should I expect chemo to be like for my first round?

I’m 17 and post orchiectomy and I’m receiving chemo for an Embryonal carcinoma in a lymph node.
submitted by Additional-Fix-5896 to testicularcancer [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 20:25 AskMeForABookRec Looking for Endo in NYC/Advice

Hi all. Since March 2023 something has felt off in mt body. I lost almost 60% of my hair, have gained hormonal fat / weight despite working out everyday and continuing my healthy eating lifestyle. I have become incredibly lethargic and sensitive. As noted my weight has steadily increased even though I’m eating below maintenance and working out everyday. I want to also note that I was on HGH as a child (diagnosed with a pituitary gland disorder)(ages 11-14) and was taken off of it by my insurance due to height but my parents have always felt I never was fully developed. I am still small, skinny, and almost androgynist looking in appearance. my doctors can’t seem to figure out why I keep having problems ( my doctors (one specific endo in nyc refuses to believe I have hypopituitarism even tho my blood results came back affirming low levels of certain hormones) having ruled out hypothyroidism, hypopitutiarism, thyroid or lymph node issues.) I feel it could definitely be a hormonal issue but my doctors are hesitant to diagnose me with anything. I was just wondering if anyone else had experienced this problem or have any advice for me about what to bring up to my endocrinologist and stop stressing about it! I really just want to feel like myself again. Thank you!
submitted by AskMeForABookRec to Hypopituitarism [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 20:21 Alone-Owl4131 When to have labs?

Hi all. I was bitten by a tick five days ago, it had probably been on me for a little over 24 hours. I already have alpha gal (diagnosed in 2020) so I am pretty vigilant about checking myself for ticks and I am quite careful when outside.
The site was itchy and inflamed for a few days and then over this weekend I started to feel really, really unwell. First came muscle and joint pain, followed by chills, fatigue, and then last night my inguinal lymph nodes — which are the closest nodes to my bite — really swelled up and became painful. So I went to the urgent care this am and was started on doxy. 100mg/2x daily for two weeks.
The urgent care doctor told me to follow up with my family doctor in case he wants to extend the doxy; he also said to get labs but “not this week.” I guess from what I gather it would be negative if it’s done too soon?
I guess I am wondering if a) it’s abnormal to have symptoms a few days after a bite, b) if not, how long I should push to stay on the antibiotic and then c) when is the best time to test?
submitted by Alone-Owl4131 to Lyme [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 20:12 SyrianChristian Tightness and soreness in lower back

So I am having some minor tightness and soreness in my lower back on the same side that I had a mass discovered. I am going for my pre orchiectomy CT scan on Tuesday.
And I was wondering, is this a sign that it could have spread? What was your experience with having pain? Or some very mild discomfort or tightness. I kinda don't know how to describe it it's not really painful just noticeable. Did you have some pain? But it turned out to be nothing.
Friday I consulted with the urogist about it And he told me usually it could be a sign that it spread to my lymph nodes in the back but he won't know for sure until he looks over my CT scan and said for now don't stress about it but I kinda am
submitted by SyrianChristian to testicularcancer [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 20:02 ImprovementLarge3866 Seminoma stage 2A - docs recommending radiation, looking for advice

My partners urologist told him his pathology (don’t have report) post surgery was seminoma stage 2A based on a suspicious lymph node. We are proceeding with consults with both radiation and chemo oncologists. The radiation oncologist made a strong case for radiation, but I’ve been browsing this thread since his dx and it seems a lot of people go forward with the RPLND surgery. Unfortunately his urologist told us that was “too complex” - we are in Ontario, Canada. We are in our early 30s and have been trying to conceive for about 7 months. My husband is a carpenter, which is very physically demanding, and he was hoping with radiation he could work through treatment.
I am curious if anyone has any positives for going with medical treatment instead? I know his pathology is a very treatable one, and I don’t want him to suffer more than he has to. I guess considering we are TTC as soon as possible, (would rather try naturally than IVF but will do what we have to), and his job, does anyone recommend BEP over Radiation? Thanks in advance, such an information overload!
submitted by ImprovementLarge3866 to testicularcancer [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 19:48 MyAltAccount4Stuff I'm 51yo and I was just diagnosed with prostate cancer

I'm really not sure how much info to provide or where to begin, so forgive me if I ramble a bit or if I mis-remember some things. Naturally, I've got a lot on my mind.
Had a biopsy done, 15 samples. I have the results, 6 of them refer to a Gleason score. My urologist told me I can have a full prostate removal (including lymph nodes) for a 99+% chance of becoming cancer free (but also with chance of impotence and loss of urinary continence), or radiation therapy with 97% chance of becoming cancer free.
My sex life has already been greatly diminished due to multiple spinal injuries. I'm not impotent, but I've lost a lot of mobility and that makes sex a lot less fun.
The biopsy was 13 days ago to be exact, and although it gave me blood in my urine for around 8 days straight, I'm still having a little bit here and there. Also worth noting was that today was the first day I decided to attempt sex since the biopsy. I'm currently partnerless, so it was a solo act. I did it strictly to find out if I'd have blood in my semen, which I did. I don't know if the blood was leftover from the biopsy after these 13 days, or if it "means" something else.
I see an oncologist this Wednesday to discuss radiation therapy. I've heard of having radioactive seeds implanted into the prostate, but I don't know if I need to be a candidate for that particular procedure or if that's the only way to receive radiation therapy for the prostate.
I realize I could "just Google" for some of these answers, but I'd rather hear real experiences from real people. I'm also aware that no one's stories and/or advice is a substitute for licensed medical advice, so I will take any info offered as your experience only.
Again, sorry if there's some rambling in here. I'm not thinking very straight after seeing my own blood-infused semen. TBH, I'm a little freaked out right now.
submitted by MyAltAccount4Stuff to ProstateCancer [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 19:00 cw_127 💎 ChillZone [SMP] {Semi-Vanilla} {1.20.4} {Community} {HermitCraft Inspired} {WhiteList} {Claims} {Dynmap} {Player Shops}

Apply Here
ChillZone is a newly releasing Semi-Vanilla server. We're dedicated to providing a great vanilla experience, with small additions that help enhance the multiplayer aspect. We value the community aspect greatly, on ChillZone all players have a say as to what goes on, what gets added, and so on.
We've existed as a community for around 4 years now, starting out with a similar server, inspired by Hermitcraft. This means we're experienced in creating and hosting a community, providing a great experience with great server performance & well developed features. However, we're always looking to add to our tight-knit, welcoming community and share :)
Quick Links
Our Values
Community - In ChillZone all players get a say in what happens, all suggestions and feedback are taken seriously. We're transparent with all decisions made, asking the community for their input and giving our reasoning for everything.
Welcoming - We're committed to creating a diverse environment where all players can feel welcomed, included and accepted. We welcome everyone, from people who are more interested in Redstone, Farming to Builders or people more focused on Community, such as setting up towns.
Stability - We use top of the line, dedicated hardware to ensure your experience is stable. The owner is an experienced sys admin, managing multiple nodes across the network.
Updates - We release frequent updates, keeping the experience fresh. We're also committed to updating to the latest version of Minecraft as soon as possible.
Some of Our Features
- We have a simple, user friendly claims plugin allowing you to easily claim & protect your land, and also provide access to your friends.
- Vanilla Tweaks, including Armor Stands, Mob Heads, Double Shulker Shells, etc.
- Discord Linking, you can talk to your friends ingame from our Discord server!
- Dynmap, allowing you to preview our whole world & some great builds from players.
- Player Shops, including a central shopping district. We do have an economy plugin, however our economy is based around the value of a diamond. The economy is completely player controlled.
- Friendly, experienced and helpful staff, who respect players and use their permissions fairly.
Our Rules
We try to be fairly relaxed, as we aim to build a mature community where staff don't need to parent players. However, obviously any exploiting, griefing, stealing & any sort of abuse to other players will not be accepted. We're a safe place for all, and anyone who doesn't share that interest won't be tolerated.
That was a lot of words, however to summarise we're a great community looking for some new members! We're committed to creating a great player experience, from frequent seasonal events, to our high performing dedicated server with great uptime. If we've hopefully captured your attention in this post - Apply Today! Our application process isn't very complex, we just have a couple simple questions to weed out any unserious players :)
submitted by cw_127 to MinecraftServer [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 18:49 JacobM2021 Lymphocytosis for no apparent cause

18 M 5’ 11 175 lbs
-December: Patient identified a small mass, identified as right occipital lymph node. 1 month Antibiotic round prescribed to help with any infection
-January: Re-eval. Bump persisted with same size. No discomfort noted. Patient sent home and told to return if signs of growth appeared
-February: Patient returned due to growth and identification of second mass. lymph node on left neck identified. Patient sent to ENT
-March: Evaluated and patient told to wait for more growth. Patient later calls reporting two new masses, sent for CT scan. Right occipital lymph node identified at 1.3 cm diameter. 3 others were within 0.3-0.8 cm diameter.
-April: Excision of right occipital lymph node on 4/11. Flow cytometry showed no signs of lymphoprolific disease. Lymphocyte levels at 66.4%. No bacterial cultures were positive. Patient identifies two new lymph nodes on 4/28.
What could the causes of the high lymphocyte levels be? Patient has no signs of infection or disease. Are prolonged lymphocyte levels something to be concerned about and if so, what is standard treatment?
Any info/comments on this situation would be gravely appreciated.
submitted by JacobM2021 to AskDocs [link] [comments]