Vitamin d3 megadose

/r/Vegan - the largest vegan community online!

2008.03.31 21:45 /r/Vegan - the largest vegan community online!

Veganism: A philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose; and by extension, promotes the development and use of animal-free alternatives for the benefit of animals, humans and the environment. In dietary terms it denotes the practice of dispensing with all products derived wholly or partly from animals.

2018.12.24 13:51 thetimeisnow Cholecalciferol

Cholecalciferol / Vitamin D3 / is the active ingredient in rat poison.

2012.06.24 04:34 zapff PlantBasedDiet - Whole Food Plant Based Diet subreddit (WFPBD)

Home of the Whole Food Plant Based Diet (WFPB)! A whole-food plant-based, low-fat diet could reverse heart disease and diabetes.

2024.05.14 04:08 trianglespacerock ADVICE ON HOW TO TAKE THESE SUPPLEMENTS.

Hello there guys. So a few days ago I went to the get a blood work done and it went well. I still asked my doctor if it would be okay if I take VITAMIN D3, B12, MAGNESIUM , ZINC AND CALCIUM since I honestly don't eat something daily that will give that kind of minerals. He said "Its okay you can. it wouldn't hurt"
Moments later I realized I didn't ask him how to properly take them... and I tried to call the doctors office and he is on medical leave now. So based on your experience I would like to ask you what's the best way to take the following vitamins. VITAMIN D3, B12 , MAGNESIUM , ZINC AND CALCIUM.
Also. any advices or what could be the best MAGNESIUM with more absorption since I know there's different kinds of it.
Thank you very much.
submitted by trianglespacerock to vitamins [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:00 Possible-Anything289 Ich leide unter Erwachsenenakne

Erwachsenenakne fängt ca. ab dem 25. Lebensjahr an, wenn man denn Akne hat und sie mit dem Ende der Pubertät nicht loswird. Das habe ich damals auch bei mir gemerkt, weil meine Haut seitdem sehr empfindlich auf fast alle Lebensmittel wurde. Außerdem bekomme ich seitdem auch viele Pickel an der Stirn und am Hals, was zuvor nicht der Fall war.
Ansonsten bin ich männlich. Bei Frauen kommt es selten auch vor, dass sie bis zur Erwachsenenakne gar keine Hautprobleme hatten. Das ist dann auch meistens hormonbedingt.
Wichtig bei Akne ist: Ernährung, Hautpflege, Sport, Stress, Schlaf, Hormone
Wobei es bei mir ausschließlich an der Ernährung liegt. Ich habe 30 Tage nur Reis gegessen und alle Pickel waren weg, ohne etwas anderes verändert zu haben. Das ist zusammen mit ein paar Gemüsesorten eines der wenigen Lebensmittel, dass ich noch vertrage. Alles was tierisch, süß, getreidehaltig, fettig ist und irgendwelche Stärke beinhaltet, ist Gift. Und bei anderen Lebensmitteln, die nicht in dieses Schema passen, die aber trotzdem Akne verursachen, weiß ich nicht, woran es liegt.
Letztlich kann und will ich mich allerdings nicht nur von Reis ernähren. Der soziale Druck ist bei Leuten schon groß, wenn sie kein Alkohol trinken, was ich nie getan habe. Aber wenn man alles verweigert, was mit Essen zu tun hat, ist das nochmal was anderes und man wird nicht ernst genommen.
Ansonsten, wenn man die Akne nicht heilen kann, kann man allerdings noch anders entgegenwirken. Ich lasse 1x im Monat eine professionelle Gesichtsausreinigung machen. Es gibt auch Leute, denen Salben oder Tabletten helfen. Ein paar der Medikamente haben mir auch geholfen, allerdings habe ich da wiederum das Pech, dass die Pickel dann am Rücken auftauchen bzw. sich der Dreck einen anderen Ausweg sucht.
Und man kann es mit Nahrungsergänzungsmitteln versuchen. Ich habe Vitamin D3, K2, B12, Biotin, Selen, Zink, B2, Jod, Siliciumdioxid, Vitamin A, Pflanzenstoffe getestet, für über 6 Monate inzwischen und unterschiedliche Probiotica für jeweils immer 1 Monat, aber das zeigt keine Wirkung.
submitted by Possible-Anything289 to de_IAmA [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:16 br_swan Hypercalcemia, concerning?

Hi, I'm a 25 years old male, no symptoms or prior hypercalcemia, non smoker and occasional drinking only.
my exam pointed the following results:
Calcium 11 mg/dL Hemoglobin 17g/dL Hematocrit 50,1% Vitamin D3 23 PTH 20 Normal T3, T4,TSH Normal AST/ALT Normal creatinine (1,12) kidney, liver and pancreas normal in ultrasonography Chest X ray from January (5 months ago) also normal.
Is this calcium level concerning or probably just because of diet or dehydration?
I'm hypochondriac and I'm trying to overcome this mental disease, I'm afraid of cancer possibility because of high calcium.
I'm sorry to bother with this topic, but my psychological state is terrible when I see exams out of normality.
submitted by br_swan to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:14 additionalallie Vitamin D3

Can taking vitamin D3 improve TSH/T4 levels? Or does it make it make them lower? If anyone has an answer from personal experiences or just general knowledge that would be great because Google can’t seem to give me a straight answer.
submitted by additionalallie to Hypothyroidism [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:07 EchoMoon777 WBC normal during active infection?

Hello everyone, I was hoping someone could have an explanation for something. I apologize ahead of time for sloppy formatting, I’m on mobile.
In December of 2022 I had an onset of random infections, a breast abscess (retroareola) in my left breast and an ear infection that spread to the mastoid bone of my right ear. —the infection of my eabone is still festering even after a partial mastoidectomy in July 2023, but that isn’t part of this question.—
Anyway, each time I had bloodwork done during these infections my WBC was completely normal. Even before being given antibiotics. The infection of my mastoid was so bad at one point I was hospitalized for four days. How can this be possible? Aren’t WBC supposed to be elevated during active infection?
I saw an immunologist who did a million blood tests and said they all came back normal, they could not figure out why I was in an “immunocompromised state” and are not even sure if that was the case for the infections.
About me:
31F, 5’2”, 208lbs
-Motegrity 2mg -Zofran 8mg -Pantoprazole 40mg -Pristiq 100mg -Pregabalin 100mg -Probiotic -Vitamin D3 -Monthly B12 injections -Daily methylfolate/b12 tincture -Tylenol 1000-2000mg
Other dx conditions:
-Gastroparesis -Reflux esophagitis -Intestinal metaplasia -Chronic gastritis -Inflammatory bowel disease -Interstitial cystitis -Iron deficiency -B12 deficiency -PTSD -GAD
Other general symptoms I have that aren’t related: moderate to severe fatigue, trouble sleeping, trouble losing weight, and night sweats.
I also want to note that the breast abscess started after a lump in my armpit that has bothered me for years started getting more noticeable and aching randomly. I have asked every doctor I’ve seen about looking into it and all of them say it is just an “inflamed lymph node” and won’t do anything else about it. My mom even came with me to the doctor to explain how she had to have lymph nodes removed after a severe infection and that maybe that’s my issue and they refuse to listen. I now have lumps in my neck that I am getting an ultrasound on in two days.
submitted by EchoMoon777 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:56 Strawberry_Ice_Pop Leopard gecko supplements

Do leopard geckos need the D3 suppliment because I was at Dotty's and the intendant said to get the supplements that do NOT have D3 in them so that what I have lol do I need to go back for some more good ol vitamins?
submitted by Strawberry_Ice_Pop to reptiles [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:42 DrealGargamel Need help and advice, please

Hello, Im 25 yrs old male, 6.1ft, 150-155lbs, caucasian. I dont drink, smoke and i dont use recreatioanl drugs. My diet is simple: (Rice, potatoes, oranges, carrots, red meat and chicken, butter, milk, liver, spinach, almonds) + cheddar, blueberries, walnuts, pistachios and eggs every now and then. Thats all i eat. And i drink more than 2 liters of water everyday. And i workout
I have a lot of skin issues. Acne, dishydrosis on my hands, cheilitis on my mouth, and from time to time i get some redness and itchiness on the posterior side of my elbows, some kind of eczema i guess. I've been diagnosed with ADHD and im on concerta but it doesn't help much. I still have lack of focus, attention and im not feeling good mentally. Still have brain fogg, and i feel stupid af. Recently i've noticed i have a few lumps under my chin and one under my right ear. I also have the shits, on the bristol chart between 5-6. I take zinc picolinate 15mg, vit d3 10 000IU, omega 3, creatine monohydrate and rarely magnesium citrate before bed, i also take vitamin C sporadically.
My derm told me to test IgE and it came 2182 IU/ml (the norm is 0-100) Last bloodwork i did long ago, my leukocytes were high but thats all i know.
Thats all for now. Thank you!
submitted by DrealGargamel to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:17 turtleBear49 What's going on with my hair

I've been balding for a while (34 right now, balding since I was 24ish), but started using Ketoconozal shampoo for the last month or so and I've taken Finnestride 1mg/daily for 3 weeks now, and I've done microneedling twice (0.75mm with a dr pen dermal pen). I've been taking L-Lysine, biotin, multi-vitamins, and vitamin K2+D3 for about a month now as well. I've also been on an anti-inflamatory diet for about 2 months due to stomach issues. I was hoping for some regrowth but I'm getting a TON more than I expected, I've been using Clinical Head and shoulders and some tea tree oil + aloe vera serum for 2 days now and it seems to have made a big impact as well but I have a lot of new growth in my crown (and reduced a lot of redness) and I'm starting to get growth in my hair line area as well as my temples where I've been bald for 10 years. A lot of the regrowth seems to start out as white hairs, then new dark hairs come out eventually. It seems to me like the second I started using tea tree oil + Selenium Sulfide the rate of hair growth accellerated (hair that was not growing for weeks suddenly popped out).
I've always had really bad dandruff, and redness on my skin and when I started balding I assumed it was just typical MPB and accepted my fate and started shaving it bald, but sadly as the balding kept getting worse my head shape changed due to skin thinning out in the bald region and I realized bald doesn't work for me since I have the head shape of E.T.
Based on my before pics from a few weeks ago, does it look like I have Seborrhoeic Dermatitis or something, given that the anti-fungal shampoos seem to be helping and there seems to be a lot of redness on my scalp (and there still is some today in my crown area). Does my hair loss even look like typical MPB, or is could it be MPB + alopecia areata? I'm going to see a dermatologist when I can but my appointment is a few weeks out so I was wondering if there was something obvious because I've scanned around and nothing looks too similar to my case
Front facing shot from 2 months ago (longer hair):
Crown shot from 2 months ago (longer hair):
A few weeks ago
Back of head:
Temple area that was previosuly completely bald:
Products used:
submitted by turtleBear49 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:07 Positive-Gap-5147 Vitamin d3 causing high bp and anxiety

Hello yall i was originally taking vitamin d3 10kiu for bout a month with k2 and magnesium so on day i decided too goof around at walmart and get my bo done it was 177/100 something i thought originally it was my synthetic b conplex but symptoms still happened when i stopped that a couple weeks ago the only other then i was taking was d3 and k2 i stopped about 6 days ago and my body went down significantly its 129/93 now and my anxiety is slowly getting better any reason what would cause anxiety brain fog and high bp with fatigue from d3 every day seems too get a lil better since stopping any ideas?
submitted by Positive-Gap-5147 to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:02 tairanasaurus Concerning bloodwork results

I'm a 34 year old female (never pregnant, not trying) in the US who recently had some bloodwork done after suffering from a recent increase migraines. Height is 5'4" and weight is around 140 lbs. My current meds include 0.5mg of clonazepam daily, 30mg total of fluoxetine daily, and a weekly dose of vitamin D3. I don't have any other medical conditions. My work is mostly sedentary and I've been on a plant-based, vegan diet for about 4 months now. I was working out regularly for a while but have been out of it for a few weeks now.
The concerning results include: TSH: high at 4.53, BUN/creatinine ratio: low at 7, ALT (SGPT): high at 33, Total cholesterol: high at 227, LDL: high at 158
Everything else (Free T3/T4, CBC, Metabolic and Lipid levels) were normal. Despite my change in diet, both cholesterol levels listed above have increased around 30 points since I last had bloodwork done in January 2024. Would could be contributing to these abnormalities?
Edited to add: I have already been referred by my PCP to have an ultrasound done on my thyroid and an MRI of my brain for the migraines. I am also having more bloodwork done in a few days to look at thyroid antibody levels.
submitted by tairanasaurus to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:34 excitement2k Is this stack perfection, or what!?!?

Yo Squad!
I’ve crafted an amazing combo and I wanted to brag to you all about it! Might even help a few peeks out. Here’s the secret to ultimate success.
  1. Creatine
  2. Fish Oil
  3. Magnesium
  4. Curowhite
  5. Collagen
  6. Colostrum
  7. Sea Moss Gel
  8. Apple Cider Vinnegar
  9. Vitamin D3
  10. Vitamin K2
  11. Bacopa Monnieri
This combo has worked wonders-what do ya’ll use to really get your best results!?!?
submitted by excitement2k to Biohackers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:19 Objective-Morning-38 Day 4

I felt sick around 4 weeks before, suffered from a nasty flu for about two weeks on the third week i had recovered. My stepdad asked me to create a website for his company. interestingly, i did it a ease. I find it very interesting. now i am back to the usual routine.
DRDCEWMEC- i have found out new ways of recording the CBT techiniques on to my fitnes pal so that i am not only recording the diet and excercise but also making notes for the CBT.
As for today i woke up inthe morning aorund 11am. I realise the situation at my rented house. the outside environment is very difficult for me to sleep. I thinking moving outside of here and moving to a larger also quieter apartment would deemed to be neccessary for me in the near coming future. So from now on my routine has changed to sleep at 12am so that i am wake up around 8 to 9 am then i will start my day. today i woke up 11am then i had two coffee i took the usual supplements following the CBT strategies.
CBT; 1. meditation 2.diary 3. supplements including omega three, multivitamin and vitamin d3 4. sleep music 5. sleep tea 6. sleep perfume 7. cold room 8. lavender shower gel and shampoo (from 1 to 6 are active and 7 and 8 are passive). another classification is that the diary belong the the D and the other 7 are the CBT which belong to the C.
After i took the supplement i went to the gym. I realised i had no groceries left so i took the supplements with two cups of coffes and one mug of milk and i developed very bad diarroeah around 4-5 times. very good for losing the weight that is the good side.
later on the day i completed my food diary and then read sunzi, 33 strategies of the war and 36 military strategies of chinese warfare. One thing i learned most today is the ending strategy. Most ppl when they declared a war with others, they did not end with good terms and they will resume back to the original enenemies for no reason. Robert greene state that if you know/ analysis the situation, most often this is because of either of conflicting interest or the way of human behaviou human nature. very often there is nothing we can do about it. e.g. if this business or coroperation is against this someone's interest then obvious both you and him cannot come into terms. on the other hand let's say if he who can longer come into terms or taking advantage of you then he would hate you if you do not delater the ending strategy. From the famous quote the kindeness does not necessarily breed kindess in return in this world by Robert greene. The pp who do not understand this principal would struggle greatly.
Application: recently my roomate had trouble with me using the shared bathroom with him. he is claiming that he find it too difficult to share with me because he would like it to be more available with him . we had two shared bathroom one upstairs right next to me and one downstairs. I orignially agreed with him that it is ok for me to go downstairs if it is not too urgent but if it is then obviously i had to rushed to the one closer to me. Despit having repeated conversation i have devided to use the ending strategies.
There are a lot of ppl in this world who do not understand the society. they sort of live the world of their own in the example of my roommate he only considers for himself that if the bathroom near him is more available to him then it would be conveient and beneficial but he forgets to consider that what might seems convinient for him would also be conviniet for the others. this brings the key to advancing social skills, being a ppl person simplys means considerate more about others not only yourself. From the famous saying fit yourself into other ppl's boots. interestly, there are a lot of ppl in this world who does not understand this despite many years of repeptive failure experiences. in this situation because i had conversation over and over, i would not need to talk to him again. simply because if he does not get this principal then no matter how many times i expalinning to him it wouldn't make any difference. so what's the point really? so now it's the time to use the ending strategy. this is 1. the issue with the interest 2. the nature of the room who does not understand the common principles in life despite many times of repetitive explaining. the best practice now is to leave it there.
another learinig point of this strategy is the learn how to end the failure. in the past i had also experience failures and like many ppl i had learn to dealt with my failure 1. being hopelss and despair - thinking this is the end of the world and now there's nothing i can do 2. having negative thoughts and action about the society - blaming, accusing, being extremly defensive about yourself think everything happened is the fault of society 3. find nothing positive about the past failure experience and fallen into constant cycle of regreat.
what Robert said in his book as 1. Do not treat failure as failure but as a lesson to sucess so you need to know that both failures and success is in a constant cycles of repetition that is a common norm. what you need to do is to deeply analyse your failure and learn something useful out of it. this is also expalined in Rober kiosaki book do not just let life pushes you around instead learn something out of it which makes you stronger and smarter everyday 2. instead of being negative all times you should start learning some postitives out of it. this is greatly illustratd by the chinese philosophy so Ying and Yang. No matter how bad something gets as long as you are still alive there must be a corresponding positives. in other words if something is really happening terrible to your life then after you analysed it very carefully then there must also be at least one correponding huge positive. e.g. for my i graduated from pharmacy shcool becuase of my condition i cannot become pharmacist in the past i always thought of how other ppl in this society always descriminat me but on the other hands i have also learned the fundamental rules and algothrim of the society which is a key thing to master in order to thrive in this society. at the same time i als found my passion in tech, web desigh and cyber and going to pursue a carrere in this field. imagine if i never experienced these failures then how could i possibly learn and self develop and figure out my true passion. 3. feel extremely excited about failures since i just told you failures in life is inevitable and yuo know that failures taught us how to succed failures taught us how to thrive and strive better in life and in this society, failure has taught me how to fucntion better and accpeted better in this society, failure has taught me the importance of finding your target, do not be afraid, action and immeditate execution and the importance of long lasting perseverance. then now why are you afraid and why you are running away?
submitted by Objective-Morning-38 to u/Objective-Morning-38 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:16 Objective-Morning-38 day 4

It's been a month since I resumed writing in this diary. A lot has happened. I felt sick around four weeks ago and suffered from a nasty flu for about two weeks. By the third week, I had recovered. My stepdad asked me to create a website for his company, and interestingly, I did it with ease. I find it very interesting. Now I am back to my usual routine.
Recently, I've found new ways of recording the CBT techniques on my fitness pal so that I'm not only recording my diet and exercise but also making notes for the CBT.
As for today, I woke up around 11 am and realized the situation at my rented house. The outside environment makes it difficult for me to sleep. I'm thinking of moving to a larger, quieter apartment in the near future. So, from now on, my routine has changed to sleeping at 12 am so that I wake up around 8 to 9 am to start my day. Today, I woke up at 11 am, had two coffees, took my usual supplements, and followed the CBT strategies.
  1. Meditation
  2. Diary
  3. Supplements, including omega-three, multivitamin, and vitamin D3
  4. Sleep music
  5. Sleep tea
  6. Sleep perfume
  7. Cold room
  8. Lavender shower gel and shampoo
After taking the supplements, I went to the gym. I realized I had no groceries left, so I took the supplements with two cups of coffee and one mug of milk and developed very bad diarrhea around 4-5 times. It's good for losing weight, though.
Later in the day, I completed my food diary and then read Sunzi's "33 Strategies of War" and "36 Military Strategies of Chinese Warfare." One thing I learned today is the ending strategy. Most people, when they declare war, do not end on good terms and often resume hostilities for no reason. Robert Greene states that this is often due to conflicting interests or human behavior. If someone cannot come to terms or takes advantage of you, they would hate you if you do not detail the ending strategy.
Recently, my roommate had trouble with me using the shared bathroom. He finds it difficult to share because he wants it more available for himself. Despite repeated conversations, I have decided to use the ending strategy. Many people in this world do not understand society and live in their own world. Being a people person means considering others, not just yourself. Since I've had multiple conversations with him and he still doesn't understand, there's no point in talking to him again. The best practice now is to leave it there.
Another learning point of this strategy is learning how to end failure. In the past, I experienced failures and dealt with them by being hopeless and despairing, having negative thoughts and actions about society, and finding nothing positive about past failure experiences. Instead, failures should be treated as lessons to success. Analyze failures deeply and learn something useful from them. Also, find positives in every situation, no matter how bad, and feel excited about failures, as they teach us how to succeed and thrive better in life and society.
submitted by Objective-Morning-38 to u/Objective-Morning-38 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:15 Beautiful_Mix_1301 Do yall take any supplements? & why do you take it?

My current supplements I take include:
Sea Moss 3500mg Ashwagandha 2000mg Black Seed Oil 4000mg Burdock 2000mg Turmeric 2000mg Bladderwrack 2000mg Ginger Vitamin C D3 with Elderberry Manuka Cholorophyll
These are all piled up in one small pill which I’ll take one a day
It contains the majority of the 102 minerals humans need daily
submitted by Beautiful_Mix_1301 to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:58 Positive-Gap-5147 Vitamin d3 supplements causing high bp

Hello so one day i was goofing around and took a blood pressure test at walmat it was like 177/100 or something around those numbers i used too take 10kui dailey for bout a month and for that month i had increase anxiety fatigue and high bp i did take magnesium along side k2 with it i thought it was my b complex causing it because it was mainly synthetic but no it still didnt go down i read somewhere not too take d3 when u have high bp i had quit 6 days ago and my bp is 129/93 the best it has been in a couple weeks after stopping d3 any reasons why d3 would cause this anxiety brain fog fatigue and high bp?
submitted by Positive-Gap-5147 to VitaminD [link] [comments]

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You are not recommended to try spells to bring a lover back if you are going through the following: You know that your relationship with your ex is toxic and the best painful option to take in this is to move on. It is not a good choice to be in a relationship that is un-natural, one that is built on witchcraft. The love spark as to be their at all times.
Even the most powerful love spell may not fulfill the things that are required for a real relationship to be in place. Love should be natural and if your partner looses interest in you, its better that you let them follow the heart. If one door closes, expect another open infront of you.
Therefore witchcraft or love spells should not be the ultimate solution to mending a broken heart in a relationship, one has to make love exist naturally by doing the right things to your partner, the things that will recapture the inner feelings of love and affection as you did in the start of the relationship.
Only if and when all has been tried and failed to work that one should order for my love spells that actually work, and indeed this will be the last nail in the coffin to fix your troubled relationship permanently.
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submitted by taitaigarvin to blackmagicspelling [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:44 TimelyLetterhead3968 Should I buy inositol?

I am 23 and I have been on birth control since many years now given that it helps cramps and regulates my cycle. -And I got a man I'm seeing-
It did come with the side effect that I gained some weight. Nothing drastic but I do see myself eating more junk food amd just not having a healthy diet. I started to take bunch of supplements and that's when my cravings disappeared and I started eating better and also not gaining crazy weight. Now I'm thinking of adding inositol to my list of supplements but I think I take enough and it might not be needed.
Any advice?
This is my supplement regime:
Mornings: Omega 3 Folic acid w DHA (helps me really w depressive moods I'm ngl) Vitamin B complex (Depending if i have college in the morning also a protein shake w creatin and almond milk w frozen fruit of my choice)
Lunch: Magnesium Calcium D3 Vitamin (It's all in one pill)
Night: Silica Biotin Zinc (Also all in one pill)
I just think that if I add inositol to it in the morning that it will just maybe be a waste of money given how much i am taking already but idk maybe I should. Any advice is really appreciated <3
submitted by TimelyLetterhead3968 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:17 Rossowdult DOR success story

TL;DR: After 3 miscarriages and a diagnosis of DOR, I had two healthy pregnancies without IVF or other ART.
We started TTC when I was 35.5, my partner 37. We got pregnant quickly, and quickly had 3 miscarriages, all around 8 or 9 weeks. We never had them tested, but my OB suspected genetic abnormalities.
My partner's test results were normal for a man his age. After the 2nd miscarriage, I had bloodwork and an SHG, a procedure where my OB filled my uterus with saline and looked at it on an ultrasound to see whether I had any visible issues that could explain what was wrong. This procedure was timed to a specific day in my menstrual cycle, so that while we were at it, she could look at my ovaries on the ultrasound as well, to make a prediction about how many eggs she could expect to retrieve if we decided to try IVF.
The SHG turned out normal. My uterus was perfectly fine. My ovaries, however, looked like those of a woman nearing menopause. My antral follicle count (AFC) was only 4. If we did IVF now, the doctor said, that’s how many eggs she expected to harvest -- just 4. Not nearly enough for a promising cycle. The results from the blood test also corresponded to the levels of a menopausal woman. Here are the numbers, for those of you who already know what these mean:
Day 3 AMH: 0.311
Estradiol: 23.8
FSH: 13.8
I might have looked 30 on the outside, but I’d just turned 36, and on the inside I was closer to 50. Our doctor did not recommend that we move forward with IVF. We asked her what we could do instead. She suggested I try supplementing with DHEA, and gave us the recommended dosage (25 mg 3 times/day, for a total of 75 mg daily). She also recommended CoQ10, though she didn’t have a suggested dosage for that, and noted that my vitamin D levels were low. I started supplementing with each of those three things.
I noticed the effects of the DHEA very quickly. It’s an androgen, and can cause women to start sprouting extra body hair. My libido sprang up to teenager levels, and I got acne again.
I decided to take only 200 mg/day of the CoQ10 because it was expensive. That and the vitamin D seemed to give me more energy, maybe, but I couldn’t say for sure.
It took us longer to get pregnant the 3rd time. The miscarriage was the same.
Our OB explained again why she didn't recommend IVF for women with DOR, and told us about a patient of hers who’d had 9 miscarriages before having a successful pregnancy. We were lucky we were able to get pregnant so easily, she said. We were lucky that we didn’t have any other issues compounding the DOR.
If we wanted to explore other options, she told us, our best chance was to use an egg donor. Other than that, all we could do was keep trying. During my fertile window, and given our age, she recommended intercourse every 48 hours.
I doubled down on my research. I read everything I could find online, and read a lot of posts on message boards like the one I’m writing now. Here’s what I decided to do:
  1. Lots of exercise, or at least “lots” by my desk-worker standards (brisk walks every day, gentle training with 10-to-20-pound weights a few times a week, and frequent bike rides)
  2. Lots of time being happy and relaxed and out in the sun
  3. Supplements:
    1. DHEA, 75 mg/day divided in 3 doses
    2. CoQ10, 800 mg/day (ubiquinone, the cheaper kind)
    3. Vitamin D3, 2,000 IU/day
    4. Acetyl L-carnitine, or Alcar, 250 mg/day (the typical dose is 500 mg, but I found this amount gave me nightmares; at 250 mg I felt more energetic, like I could do twice as much exercising as I normally did)
    5. Alpha lipoic acid, 300 mg/day (this makes your urine stink, but it’s inexpensive and safe, and in addition to helping with fertility, I also found studies about its benefit to diabetics and its effect on the pancreas)
    6. Black cohosh on cycle days 1 through 12 (it’s an herb, so I have no idea how much I was actually getting)
    7. Vitex (ditto)
    8. Prenatal vitamins
    9. Fish oil (why not)
    10. More soy foods and freshly ground flax seeds in my diet, for extra estrogen
A note about CoQ10: There are two kinds on the market, a cheaper one (ubiquinone) and an expensive one (ubiquinol), which is supposed to be better absorbed. Both are similar in structure to vitamin E, but are not classified as vitamins because your body can make them on its own. I went with a low-ish dosage of the expensive one the first time around, but after the third miscarriage, I switched to a higher dose of the cheaper one, 800 mg. I definitely noticed an increase in energy while I was taking it.
Here is a study on CoQ10 in follicular fluid and its association with better outcomes:
Here’s another (“Conclusion: Our observation leads to the hypothesis that the oral supplementation of CoQ10 may improve follicular fluid oxidative metabolism and oocyte quality, specially in over 35-year-old women”):
The positive news about CoQ10 keeps coming. I’ll stop with these:,
From what I learned while researching this stuff, both CoQ10 and acetyl l-carnitine are antioxidants that are thought to be active in the mitochondria. The mitochondria is sometimes called the “battery” of the cell, supplying its energy as it does its job. After an egg leaves the nourishing environment of the ovary for its journey down the fallopian tube, its only source of energy is its own mitochondria. That’s what keeps it fresh and alive. So an antioxidant that might help the mitochondria have more energy might be crucial for keeping egg cells, and the DNA inside them, better organized for longer -- long enough to conceive. This theory would apply to sperm cells as well, and is thought to be why taking these supplements gives people more energy. Young people have a lot of CoQ10 in their bodies, but after age 25 or so, our natural production goes down.
Here’s a study about egg quality and acetyl l-carnitine (ALCAR):
There isn’t as much research, especially in humans, on ACLAR as there is on CoQ10, but what’s been done so far looks promising. Here’s a study in mice:
As for alpha lipoic acid (ALA), my understanding is that this is thought to be beneficial for diabetics because of its effects on the pancreas. The pancreas and the ovaries are similar in the way they age (again, according to things I read while I was researching like crazy). While I’m not overweight, I’ve always had high blood sugar, and have type 2 diabetes on both sides of my family. So I added this to my regimen too.
Research: ALA supplementation is thought to be safe during pregnancy:
A small study has shown ALA to be helpful in patients with PCOS undergoing IVF:
Anyway, if you're still reading, pregnancy number 4 was a success. I quit every supplement except for prenatal vitamins. My doctor at the IVF clinic put me on progesterone until I got through week 10, in case a progesterone deficiency was the cause of my previous miscarriages. She’d never tested for this, so the progesterone was just a precaution. I’d always been plenty nauseated with each of my pregnancies, and the supplemental progesterone only made it worse. All I could eat were dry crackers. After reading a few things about the potential effects of progesterone on an embryo, I don’t think I’d do it again, not unless my doctor had a test result suggesting that it was what I really needed.
My doctor also recommended I start taking baby aspirin, 81 mgs/day, to be continued throughout the pregnancy, in case I had an issue with blood clotting that was causing the miscarriages. She’d never tested me for it, and given my AFC and AMH and FSH levels, it seemed like we already knew what my problem was, but she said it couldn’t hurt, so I went on it and stayed on it until 36 weeks.
Two years later, while I was supplementing with just prenatal vitamins and CoQ10, and without really trying, we got pregnant again. Baby #1 is now five years old, and #2 is three.
submitted by Rossowdult to DOR [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:43 SassyandSmitten Hair growth & skin care routine: Help please

Asalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu sisters,
Could you kindly help me?
I've lost alot of hair and developed wrinkles and dark circles due to a period of prolonged sickness.
Please can you list the natural or shop bought brands of oils, skincare, hair care that you use to help with the above issues (especially hair loss). Any homemade remedies recommended by hooyoo are also welcome lol.
Feel free to also recommend vitamin brands for skin, hair and nails that you've seen a big difference regarding hairloss and rapid nail growth (I take the Solgar B12, K2, Magnesium and D3 tablets already)
submitted by SassyandSmitten to Somalia [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:41 Ill_Doubt_2221 Rate my supplement stack (34M)

Hey everyone, wanted to share my current stack.
Context: Active 34M - play racket sports, roughly 6 hours a week. Don't lift at the moment, plan to, but it's just so boring.
I haven't had blood tests done to check levels.
Shake: Collagen - Vital Proteins 10g Creatine - Thorne 5g Protein powder - 27g of protein Cocoa powder: 10g
NAC - Pure Encapsulations - 600mg CaAKG
Would like to hear what everyone thinks? If there's anything that's helped you with energy levels or think i'm missing something when it comes to anti-ageing & longevity.
I wanted to add NAC but i've read some comments here about checking glutathione levels before doing so.
I track sleep with a Whoop band and usually score 75% average with sleep.
submitted by Ill_Doubt_2221 to Biohackers [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:33 Own_Plant_3578 What am I missing in my life? What more can I do?

I really just want to be the best version of myself both physically and mentally but no matter what I do I feel like I'm just one step away. What can I do to better myself because I don't know what else I can do to become who I want to be? I'm just not happy at all in my life right now. (20 years old)
As of now I:
I try and do all this stuff but I just don't find myself "improving." What else can/should I do to better myself both physically and mentally?
submitted by Own_Plant_3578 to DecidingToBeBetter [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:23 ttcthrowaway_99 Does anyone else feel like sh*t?

Is anyone else experiencing insomnia, sore muscles and joints, low energy, minimal weight loss… just kind of a general depleted feeling?! I know its from estrogen suppression and relaxin, but I seriously feel worse than I did 9 mos pregnant!
I take a prenatal plus extra vitamin b12, D3, Omega, calcium, magnesium and I eat pretty well, lots of protein and greens, plus drink a ton of water.
Babe is 7 months and eating more solids. He sleeps 7-6ish and I wake up several times a night. I am considering weaning bc I want to feel normal again.
Is there a magic supplement I am missing or anything I can do? For any other mom feeling this way… I feel you!
submitted by ttcthrowaway_99 to breastfeeding [link] [comments]