Give a lap dance

Vegan fitness

2011.07.10 21:36 fatbobcat Vegan fitness

The place to come and discuss vegan fitness, bodybuilding, and health.

2009.12.08 04:55 jobsSchmobs /r/Guitars

/guitars is a place for people to post pictures of and discuss everything about guitars i.e. electric, acoustic, lap, steel, bass, amps, pedals, strings, picks, etc. Basically anything with strings. Feel free to post pics of your own gear, cool gear you saw online or anything else as long as it complies with the rules.

2008.07.05 10:21 /r/Memes the original since 2008

Memes! A way of describing cultural information being shared. An element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation.

2024.04.29 00:10 mysef1221 Alright

I really am starting to get sick of having to go through what we call as, "living". I am lost, confuse and useless. I want to make a difference onto myself, but I just can't seem to cherish my own internally struggles that's kept within my sub consciousness. I am tired. I repeatedly say this for as long as I can remember to say it, but the screaming yet unheard voices in my clattered shaking brain of a kind is getting unbearable. Sometimes, I wish I woke up in a mystical forest where I can dance freely to my own real hallucinations, but, I'm being tormented daily with a hit of "reality". So no, I am not living worth to earn that luxurious life. Sad, but true.
Sure I can put the work into it, like how hard can it be? Should be straight forward right? All you do is sleep, work, eat then repeat so how bad can it be?
It's not bad. It's terrible. Such terrible feelings often at times makes me want to jump into the void and pretend nothing around me exists but I know that is impossible because my stupid neurotic pathways will not and dare I say, WILL NOT, let me live a second of remembering my own past.
I hate it, and I hate myself too. Hate is a strong word they say. No it's not, kill is. But I don't think I have reached a point to start questioning my own will to live.....yet. That to me is possible.
I am stuck in between these corners where it feels like I'm trying to flashlight myself out of these tangled wires that's strangling me everytime I make a sudden movement. But that's me just trying to find a way or a reason, to continue pushing or leading my own reflection to another world that seems so close and so far to reach. I can feel the shivers going down my spine as I type this because it's something I often don't do, and I am sitting in a weirdly position that's probably not best for my spine to straightened up itself. I mean, I can move but I don't want to. I'm giving myself a hug, painfully but that's the only good thing I can do for the sake of my very personal humanity of a life.
So, I will go back to sleep, or maybe read a book. And wish for a world where I can be solely be something, among others, and onto myself.
submitted by mysef1221 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:08 Fablerwhack [Complete] [14k] [Historical Fantasy] The Little Devils

This is my first post here, so I apologize if it is not formatted 100% right.
The wagon bucked and trundled up the road with a dreary kind of determination. Ibn Hasan rode in the back, shrouded in a dark cloak and containing enough vomit to cake the road but somehow holding it within himself out of love for the wagons following. He stared bleakly through bloodshot eyes up at the grey smote sky.
How is it I find myself here? Twelve hundred miles from the light of civilization? Amongst the pale Northmen and their dead or dying lands?
He gave in to the need to vomit, stretched himself over the side of the wagon, and emptied his bowels.
It was the most satisfying feeling he’d experienced in months.
The guardsmen saw him, the great physician so knowledgeable and wise, and laughed, rattling their plate.
Ibn Hasan watched them with rheumy eyes, and despaired.
The countryside was indeed devoid of all signs of life.
Sometimes cook fires of brigands and outlaws lit the late evening dusk like fireflies. They were steered away from, and not spoken of. The distant horizon provided no light to steer towards, so for all Hasan knew they were going in some drunken haze of direction, soon –or perhaps never– to arrive.
Murky green, rolling hills gave way to bogs and marshes unfit for wagon travel. That’s when the caravan would stop and break up into tiny camps strung together loosely by the smoke of cookfire, and the sounds of separate conversations.
Hasan stared into his cups with a sense of dread. Like most nights, the two cups greeted him as soon as his unpacking duties were finished. One cup of thin gruel, floated with earth grubs, and another of cold wine, three parts distilled water.
From his cups Hasan looked up past the tent tops of their small camp and into the array of stars above. He named what constellations he could see, comforted that they were the same that Al-Razir had shown him as a boy, in far-off Cordoba.
See the rear foot of the lion? Then the crab -no…follow his carapace, and there - the pincers. See the shepherd over all, and his lost sheep.
Al-Razir would paint the night sky with his hands while Ibn Hasan, only a boy of twelve, peered closely and tried to imagine his destiny.
There are all things greater than heaven and earth. Al-Razir was fond of saying. But perhaps between the two are the stars and they are greater still.
Even in the lone wastes of England, Hasan thought the blanket of stars Al-Razir had cast over him those nights followed him still. Forever visible in every season, baring the intrusion of fog and clouds. He found himself smiling and drank half his dull wine, then the entiriety of the gruel. This erased his smile. Then he chased it with the rest of the wine, barely a finger. He wanted to fling his cups into the fire but alas, there were no more cups to be found.
The Caliph spares no expense in outfitting his journeymen. He thought fouly. The riches of Al Hakaam II are incomparable, in that he parades like a prince while having empty pockets.
Hasan echoed the knowledge that most men in his company had known for years. Some of the hired guards had been living this life for almost a decade, and somehow always returned to Cordoba, even if their scholarly charges did not.
Even these hardened veterans had been surprised when after a week of lavish bread and salted meat, copious strong wine and enough to feed both horses and men, they had uncovered the second layer of casks in their provisions.
One of the veterans had told Ibn Hasan:
“It used to be we ate like kings on the way out, and then, on the way back, like beggars. Rich beggars but still….”
It seemed that now the Caliph’s pockets were not only hollow, but holed as well.
Hasan slept his nights in the comfort of his one prized possession; the sleeping hide made from Andalusian sheepskin and lined with the warm fur of a wolf. It was a true treasure, and had been gifted to him one night under the Summer Mediterranean moon. This the Summer before his fateful Winter departure.
At the time he had known he was to leave –or be banished, more like– for weeks. The letter that had summoned him to the lower garden grove that night had come as a scrap of paper beneath his soup bowl. He had eaten the soup until the other physicians had fallen asleep then removed the scrap and lifted it to his nose even before reading it.
Peppermint and clove….and something sweeter. The scrap had been warmed by the soup and made more fragrant.
Meet me beneath the fountain
where fish die
a silvery death
each night reborn again
He escaped the academy three nights later, beneath a full moon. His path took him into the streets, beneath walkways and hanging lamps. He hid his face with the cloak he’d bought from a beggar the day before.
He found the fountain after scaling the low wall around the compound of the Caliph’s uncle. The fountain bubbled soft crystalline water into the pool where the full moon danced like the women with bared stomachs in court. He watched the fish swim about madly in the unexpected light, thinking it was day at this impossible hour. Hasan was still breathing hard from his climb when she appeared like a phantom beneath the hanging flowers.
She uttered his name, and his soul felt like the pool of moon-crazed fish. His heart was alight with wild, unexpected power.
He met her and held her, at first cautious, then stronger at the urging of her own hands. He pulled her to him and as far as shadows were concerned they were one.
Their hands and lips moved secretly in the dark before they pulled apart just enough to see each other's dim outline.
“When they make my sins public," Hasan began. "I will take every effort to keep them from learning your name. You will not face the consequences with me, I will not allow it."
"What sins?” She admonished him. “You are to be glorified, not punished –I have seen to it.”
It was already widely held knowledge that one of the high physicians had been caught with one of the Caliph’s many nieces. The identity of which niece, however, was not known. Not even to the caliphate himself.
Even in his many journals on the subject of his secret lover, Ibn Hasan never discloses the name of the Caliph’s niece with whom he had become entangled. To this day, her identity is a mystery.
"But how?" Hasan blubbered. "Your uncle knows it was me who was caught leaving the chambers that night…"
"Yes. Unfortunately so. But he wants my name from your lips. And he is willing to torture to get it. All week I have been pleading for help amongst the more discreet members of court. And some of which advise the Caliph directly. He is going to make you one of his grand sojourners. He is going to send you on a mission of great import to the east.”
Hasan took a step back. "No… To leave you here…"
She followed his step, bringing them further into the moonlight and casting her face in the iridescent glow. “You were always going to have to leave me, my beloved. I would rather it be as a freeman to the east than in the dungeons beneath my feet."
Hasan took another step back. "But to go on one of the academic journeys… Many never return. Many of my peers have simply vanished in the wild lands of the barbarians.”
Again, she followed his step until they stood side-by-side with the fountain pool. It was as if they were conducting some slow dance in the moonlight. "If all goes to my plan… You will never return to the west."
He was silent.
“In the far east, in Asyria, my cousin owns a small villa ran only by his sons. They are drunkards, and hate the Caliph for stealing the throne and casting them back. They hold no love for my uncle. If I can arrange passage for you, you could go and live on that villa…tend the vineyards as one of the workers… And I could visit my cousin… who will know I am really there to see you."
He uttered her name, making it sound like a moan, a prayer. “And if I die before I get there…?"
She reached out and touched his cheek with her slender hand. Her eyes –naked now in the glow– held him fast.
“I will pray every day for your survival and safety.”
It did not take Hasan long to realize this was his only chance. The Caliph wanted the name of his beloved, and at some lucky wise counsel, had abandoned torture and instead hoped that by sending Hasan out into the wilderness on one of his buffoon expeditions to spread knowledge, he would be able to bring him back broken. Broken and willing to give up the name he held so dearly.
But if Hasan broke free in some place where the caliph had no power…
There in the dark night of an English gloom, Hasan studied the few stars and thought of his beloved. He pictured the vineyards in Syria, and the touch of her lips, secret and welcome in the shade of another sun.
He slept soundly in the warm hide, which she had slept in for a month, to imbue her scent into its very fiber.
All these long months and longer roads later, it still had just a little of her left in it.

submitted by Fablerwhack to BetaReaders [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:03 more_motorsport Long Fingernails Appreciation

To all those with long enough Fingernails to chew and still have some, just want to say Martin Brundle appreciates you.
It gives him something to reference lap, after lap, after lap, after lap... After lap to finally end with "You'll have to PRIZE the number 1 plate out from Bagnaias Fingernails" (Prize capitalized cause it's clearly pry, and secondly, come on mate it doesn't even make sense)
Like come on!! Is it just me or does it make you groan every time and legitimately want to just rage inside every time he mentions biting Fingernails?
Is there any possible way to get through to him and ask him just to relax on talking about mine and everyone's fingernails and chewing them? You know so much about the sport you have a tonne to talk about, please for the love of God come up with a new call, it's been years, every race!
submitted by more_motorsport to motogp [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:02 Tasty_Conflict_4739 AITA for calling my swifty sister a narcissist?

My sister ellie (13F) has always had big personality, which I (16F) don’t necessarily mind as she can be incredibly bubbly and fun on occasion. However, she has no understanding of my personal boundaries, particularly in relation to my relationship with my parents.
I don’t think I’ve had a conversation one on one with my parents if she’s in the house in the last year or so. This is particularly difficult for me because I have struggled with sever mental health issues and find it difficult to communicate what support I need to them when she is always butting in (although no one has ever told her explicitly about my problems, she probably knows some of it already at this point).
Although Ellie doesn’t see the point in respecting other’s privacy, she makes a point that we respect hers. She often makes our mum stay up late with her to listen to her ramble about the drama going on at her school or in her dance classes, and crying (so loud the neighbours came over worried) if she refuses to stay. If I enter the bedroom, I’m yelled at and have the door thrown in my face. This happens every night.
Furthermore (this is turning into a bloody essay) Ellie complains that I am given more ‘stuff’ by our parents, often making a point that I - a hormonal 16 year old with mild acne - was gifted a Bobbi brown makeup set by our grandmother. I love my makeup, but other than that set I have only got makeup from Poundland, cause cost of living and that, and tbh it works fine. But my sister has been wearing makeup for dance class ( which is expensive in itself) since she was 9, full face stage makeup mind you, and uses this as an excuse to buy a whole desk full of makeup. Total Sephora 10 year old behaviour (she had perfect skin btw). Considering my family is not financially secure atm this is not sustainable. One time I saw my mum told her off cause she bought herself a £26 full coverage anti ageing foundation and then try to steal £10 from my dads wallet, and she had the audacity to respond ‘you never give me anything, but (sister) gets so much!’ For the record, her dance lessons are our greatest expense after the electricity bill.
Finally, and I know I might alienate some of u with this point, but Ellie is a swifty. Not just a normal swifty. She is crazy. Now I don’t mind Tay Tay’s music, but I think her latest album isn’t her best, plus that stunt she pulled at the Grammys, and her contribution to climate change, make me like her less as a person. I was having a conversation with my mum tonight at dinner about this while my sister was in her room (playing Taylor swift at full blast, as she does all day every day). She comes down and starts screaming her head off at me abt how Taylor is a great person and I was just saying that to piss her off. I replied ‘not everything is about you you f*cking narcissist, could you stfu for two seconds’ and left.
It’s been a few hours now and she has locked me in my room. I hate this bitch.
submitted by Tasty_Conflict_4739 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:52 mooshwa Official Twenty One Pilots Clancy Lore Megathread: Early DMAORG to Red Taped Albums

Official Twenty One Pilots Clancy Lore Megathread: Early DMAORG to Red Taped Albums
*last updated 4/28/2024 @ 5:30 pm EST
Hello all! This is a full, easily digestible thread detailing the confirmed bulk of the current twenty one pilots lore spanning over the last 7 years for all to catch up on.
*THIS IS A REUPLOAD. reddit is glitching like crazy and disabled editing on the last thread (and the one I just posted too) so this is still the same one from February!
**Please read this if you are new to the community or just want to get caught up before posting in case your question is answered in this thread.*\*
Part 2 of the lore continued here! last updated 4/28/2024 @ 5:30 pm EST
We are continuously discussing this in the official discord, come join!
Confirmed Fake Sources
Clancy Tour Info/Discussion
I will update this as time goes on!
All information was gathered from discord clique, and
thread made by u/mooshwa
*Trigger warning for heavy topics such as suicide and self-harm\*

Blurryface Music Videos/ Important info going in

On 3/16/2015, "Fairly Local" was uploaded to youtube, shoeing in a brand new dark and disturbing era for twenty one pilots. It took place in a frozen and abandoned building, and featured the vocalist, Tyler, in red contacts with his hands and neck covered in black, almost as if the color was swallowing him. It also featured Josh, the drummer, with red hair and intense red eyeshadow playing his drum set while it flew way from him. The video showcased a deep battle between two forces controlling Tyler. Someone named Blurryface, and his actual self. The color red is extremely important in this story, and is always associated with Blurryface and evil. In "Heavydirtysoul" we saw Tyler being driven by an unseen figure, and later on the car caught on fire before almost hitting Josh in the middle of the road, who was also playing a flaming drum set. The burning car is a recurring theme throughout this story, always showing up during moments of personal power or rebellion. The frozen land and snow is also a recurring theme (and this era went unnecessarily hard looking back at it).

The Hiatus (2017-2018)

On July 6th, 2017, twenty one pilots began a year long hiatus with a series of cryptic tweets showing a red eye slowly closing.
After almost a year of silence, the gif on top of the Vessel store page updated to show a glitched-out url which brought you to a site called is where the band would slowly build their new world and tease their new records. They continue to utilize this site for updates to this day.
On 7/2/18, members of their mailing list received an email titled “ARE YOU STILL SLEEPING?” with a gif of a yellow vulture’s eye with clips of Jumpsuit playing in the pupil. The eye officially opened on 7/10/18 with the release of “Jumpsuit” and “Nico and the Niners”, revealing the new logo -//

DMAORG (in a nutshell) is a website domain officially created and hosted by the band Twenty One Pilots and used mainly as an online conceptual teaser for their 2018 album "TRENCH". It featured a cryptic background story and important lore information referenced in the songs and music videos of the TRENCH era.
The domain was first discovered by the fanbase on 4/21/2018, during the band’s hiatus between Blurryface and Trench through a link hidden inside the Twenty One Pilots’ official merch store website. The original link led to an exclusive 404 error page, telling the viewer “they’re in violation” and “no one should know about this” while showing a violation code
404 ER_ROR
you are in violation. thEy mustn't know you were here. no one should ever find out About this. you can never tell anyone about thiS -- for The sake of the others' survIval, you muSt keep this silent. we mUst keeP silent. no one can know. no one can know. no o ne c an kn ow_
(Violation Code. 15398642_14)
hidden message: EASTISUP
When pasted correctly into the URL of the website, the violation code granted access to another page of containing journals and images telling the story of Clancy, a disillusioned fictional character living inside a circular theocratic city loomed by huge walls and ruled by nine bishops – the Sacred Municipality of Dema. It sat nestled in the lower region of the large and wild continent of Trench.
brief scroll-through of early
The religion the city follows is called Vialism, where the end goal is to take your own life as it is the only route to Paradise, and that the bland dystopia they are living in should be embraced. The Bishops' names were a combination of lyrics from different songs on "Blurryface". The Bishops were as follows:
Andre, Lisden, Keons, Nico, Reisdro, Sacarver, Nills, Vetomo, Listo
Andre= fairly local- ANDREpeat yesterday's dance Lisden= Polarize-all I feeL IS DENial Keons= Heavydirtysoul-choKEONSmoke Nico-Stressed Out- N/A Reisdro= Doubt -temperatuRE IS DROpping Sacarver= Tear in My Heart- sheS ACARVER Nills= Goner- beaten dowNILL Slip away Vetomo= Lane Boy- will they be aliVE TOMOrrow Listo= Ride- a LIST Of people
Clancy started to question Dema and Vialism 9 years after arriving. His dismay grew as his struggles with Dema became visible and the call for “more” became stronger, and he formulated a plan to escape, attempting multiple times before Nico (calls himself Blurryface), the head bishop, finds him and brings him back.
He convinced Nico one day to leave the city, and destroyed the car they were driving (events of heavydirtysoul). He succeeds in escaping Nico yet again, but after getting lost in the unknown wilderness of Trench, he grew weary and anxious. Nico found him yet again in a narrow valley 5 days later. This time was different however, as he stumbled across a group of people on the clifftops of Trench. The Banditos, the rebel group he only ever heard rumors of (the events of "Jumpsuit").
After being returned to Dema, the Banditos returned for Clancy and got him out during the Annual Assemblage of the Glorified, which is a disturbing annual ritual that only the most upstanding citizens of Dema called “The Glorified” may attend, where they become the ”Glorious Gone” (they die) and become available vessels for the Bishops to use( events of "Nico and the Niners"). They brought him back to their camp and taught him their ways, but the cycle was just too strong and he was taken back (events of Levitate).
We didn't hear from Clancy again until the release of the "Chlorine" music video, where we were introduced to Ned. In this letter, he talked about his time outside in Trench and noted that he felt torn between the two places, but interestingly enough he called Dema home- something he never thought he could be able to do again.
On 4/2/2021, the website updated to show a progress bar that would result in the site being terminated, and a complete inversion of colors.
On 4/5/2021, all files in the subdomain were deleted and the website showed up an “Account Terminated” message instead, showing that the Bishops had found and overtaken the site, while also hiding some images teasing the next era of the band's projects.
Account Terminated
The page you are looking for has been removed from our servers. The account was in violation of terms established by The Sacred Municipality of Dema, and deemed contraband material. Disciplinary action has been taken, and the offender no longer has access to this account. Further actions have been taken to ensure these violations will not occur again. Anyone attempting to access or share any contraband material will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the laws set forth by DMA ORG and The Sacred Municipality of Dema.
Infraction No. 9.19
hidden message: C.L.A.N.C.Y I.S D.E.A.D
After almost a year of silence, on 3/16/2022 the site updated with a new map of the continent of Trench which introduced the island of Voldsøy-the Norwegian word for “Violence Island.”
Map of the Continent of Trench. Notable locations include the main continent, the City of Dema, Port Vial, and the island Voldsøy
With this map, we saw the return of Clancy and the Torchbearer after they washed up on the island following the events of the Saturday music video. Clancy talked about how he was being used as propaganda, the performance he was to give on the ship for another Annual Assemblage of the Glorified, and how they were attacked by a strange creature under the water. He notes that the Bishops on the ship weren't real. Throughout a couple of days, Clancy lamented about his struggles back in captivity in the city and formulated his plan to take down the bishops, eventually finding a way to succeed.
On 3/17/22, a schematic was uploaded showing steps to some type of ritual labeled as “psychokinesis”, and that they must “seize the available vessel”. On the next line it states that the available vessel is something that could be considered a “Glorious Gone”, so in essence its a dead body.
On March 18th, 2022, Clancy discovered how to perform psychokinesis using a weapon fashioned by some curious little creatures on Voldsøy, affectionately identified as "Ned" (Neuro Expansion Device). They were thought to have been extinct. We see Ned in the Chlorine music video, and hanging out by the fire in “Ned’s cozy fireplace
These little creatures have special antlers that the bishops use for seizing their deceased victims, allowing them to inhabit their body and take control of them until they inevitably start to decay. However, they seem to be working with Keons who betrayed Nico.
We saw these events play out in "The Outside" music video, which is explained further down in the thread.
Fun fact-the neds call each other ned and write letters to each other :D
letter to ned from ned, with a drawing of the \"Trees\" tree visual
saw clancy n torch berer jus like keons sed
hope you ar well
On 2/13/2024, 1500 scary red letters were sent out to the public by the Sacred Municipality of Dema containing evidence seemingly seized from Clancy's belongings. It included a new letter from Clancy, where he talked about having renewed hope in his plan, an updated map showing the new Paladin Strait between Voldsøy and the mainland of Trench, and a request for information on Clancy's whereabouts from the Bishops of Dema. Both letters included hidden messages, but handwritten was a question.
How did you find

Chlorine Music Video

Watch "Chlorine" here
On 1/22/2019, the "Chlorine" music video was uploaded to youtube. In this music video, we saw an entirely alternate reality than the one we were accustomed to. Tyler and Josh were just some pool-cleaning guys who stumbled across a little funky shy guy in Australia (its Ned). Nothing out of the ordinary there. Over the course of the video, Ned started to come out of his shell as he became very interested in what the boys were pouring into the pool (it was chlorine). Tyler had a cup the whole time, but he merely pondered it instead of taking a sip. During the bridge, when the pool is filled, Ned took a dip and grew a full set of antlers. He sat down with Tyler at the end of the video, where Tyler offered him a sip of his drink and he politely declined while looking mildly disgusted. This video didn’t seem like it had too much lore significance at first. However, its repeated symbolism throughout the story and the return of Ned, the introduction of him coinciding with a letter that seems to directly contradict what we saw in natn/levitate music videos, and his significance later on, it feels too important to not include his origin…

The Hype

Watch "The Hype" here
on 7/26/2019, "The Hype" music video was uploaded after recruiting a bunch of fans to partake. We're invited into Tyler's chest where there's a sick house concert happening, and everything is plaid. Everyone is wearing plaid. As the video progresses, everyone starts wearing more plaid. Even the house is wearing plaid. The camera pans out to the crowd and its just a bunch of people wearing plaid but Ned is there too (he is wearing plaid but he doesn't have antlers). The plaid levels increased to critical amounts, and the house simply could not contain it and it exploded. Tyler and Josh fell back through the roof, and continued their performance layered in flannel as the house rebuilt itself around them. As they slowly took off their tartan shackles, they placed yellow tape over the broken pieces.

Level of Concern ARG

The level of concern ARG was a long, arduous, and extremely complicated online scavenger hunt that was put on by the band in July of 2020. It was designed to last over a week, but we figured it out in 12 hours. It started with a cryptic livestream on youtube that just showed a room of analog tvs that would play a distorted clip of Level of Concern on repeat, occasionally interjected by jarring audio bits. On the tv screens, various gifs and images would cycle through and occasionally a complex code would show up on screen, leading to various webpages and puzzles. There were a total of 20 codes that needed to be entered on Once code 20 was entered, the first 500 people needed to enter their address, and they received a USB drive in the mail. This usb contained various cryptic files, demos, and goofy images from early in the Vessel era, including a video from Tyler thanking the fans for playing the game and figuring out the codes. Behind him, an analog tv flashes the phrase “Clancy is dead” in code, as can be seen here
Clancy Is Dead (FULL WITH AUDIO)
You can watch the recap of how the codes were found for yourself here.

Christmas Saves the Year

Watch "Christmas Saves the Year" here
On the cover of "Christmas saves the Year", there is a tiny present behind Josh that has the nametag "Clancy" and it says "Sai is Propaganda" alluding to their upcoming album "Scaled and Icy"

The Live Experience Control Room

After was terminated, the site was hiding a few images teasing the new era.
70's style Scaled and Icy promo posters
After the release of “Shy Away”, was made available to the public, and we were introduced to our icy yellow-eyed friend, Trash the Dragon. The site led to a control room where you could explore dozens of easter eggs, purchase merchandise, and wait for incoming song premieres leading up to the release of their 6th album “Scaled and Icy” - which happens to be an anagram for “clancy is dead”. It was also here that Dema held their first ever live performance, an event designed to entertain(indoctrinate) the citizens of Dema, and Clancy was the star. However, he was repeatedly referred to as Tyler during the show.

Choker Music Video

Watch "Choker" here
The Choker music video was a very interesting, seemingly light hearted and silly addition to this saga. It started off in a similar manner to the “Chlorine” music video (which is explained further down).
This time, it’s set in a normal area of Columbus, Ohio, and filled with various alleyways (which we could later explore in the Roblox live event…i wont get into that here). Tyler, wearing an orange beanie, walked nervously into a toy store and was met with its employees Josh and Jim (josh’s dog). He got to the counter, and really wanted the blue dragon in the case, but Josh just started drumming. Tyler tried to get his attention, but Josh was locked in and slamming away. Tyler, now frustrated, turned back and explored the shop a little more and was startled by a sudden blue flash.
Something to note, when he turned around the first time, Josh was in the same position he was in when Tyler walked in and the drums were nowhere to be found.
He turned back around and went back to the counter, and Jim had turned into a little toy with a blue bandana. Josh tenderly picked up the little dragon from before and set it on the counter in front of Tyler. He heavily pondered it for a moment, before deciding to yoink it right in front of Josh and dip. Tyler didn’t realize shoplifting was against the rules. Josh chased him down with a massive gun. He caught up with Tyler and shot a giant net at him, knocking him over and encapsulating him, and Josh dragged him back to the shop. Once they reached the front, Josh opened his mouth and just absolutely smited Tyler, turning him into a bobblehead on the shelf next to Jim and the nearly liberated Trash toy.

The Livestream Experience

The show started off as a 70’s style morning show called “Good Day Dema” with its eccentric hosts Dan Lisden and Sally Sacarver. It opened with Tyler (Clancy) sitting on the couch in between the two bishops looking positively miserable, and the bishops scornfully mocking him and insulting Josh.
Dan Lisden (left), Tyler (middle), Sally Sacarver (right)
Then they transitioned into Choker, a single from Scaled and Icy. The show was a concert filled with various mashups and interesting cutoffs, always being stopped or changed during a song or lyrics about rebellion or personal power. Occasionally, the bishop hosts would come back in little infomercial segments to promote Scaled and Icy, though curiously looking more and more beat up and…for lack of better phrasing they were decaying. The bishops had seized these two people and were living vicariously through their bodies while they slowly rotted during the performance to give off the impression of manufactured joy.
Dan Lisden with blooddrippuing down his shirt during the 2nd informercial break, then actively decaying during the last break
Sally Sacarver looking a little worse for wear (no pun intended)-second infomercial break, then actively cementing herself into my nightmares- Last infomercial break
In the middle of the performance, just before “Lane Boy”, the bishops came on screen with half of their faces painted black reciting the “Stay Low” poem. The last verse of “Redecorate” was put into the end of “Lane Boy”, and was cut off by “Chlorine”. After a solemn moment during Heathens/Trees, Josh returned as the Torchbearer and they performed some songs off of Trench, burning car on stage included. After this segment concluded with heavydirtysoul, the bishops came back for their final infomercial dripping blood and threatening the audience, and then played it off like nothing happened.
The performance carried on, eventually getting to Car Radio where alarms started to blare, and chaos erupted in the studio. “Never Take It” was last on the setlist, performed in a street filled with burning cars and running people. After the song ended, Tyler slowly and begrudgingly trudged back to the first set with the bishops-who were somehow looking completely normal, and finished the end of Choker, and then everyone stood up and clapped.

Saturday Music Video

Watch "Saturday" here
On 7/8/21, the next Annual Assemblage of the Glorified was set to take place. Because of the smashing success of the livestream, the bishops decided to hold a party on a submarine and have Clancy and Josh be the main performers. They sent bishop imposters (bishposters?) to control the ship and make sure everything was going smoothly. Everything did not go smoothly. A massive dragon (trash) attacked the ship, nearly drowning everyone, but 21 people are shown to have survived overall (the other 19 pilots?)

The Outside Music Video/Weapon

Watch "The Outside" here
On 3/18/22, the Outside music video was uploaded after a few days of updates on dmaorg. It began with a visual of Trash, the 9 bishops, and Keons in the center holding a pair of antlers, having been caught controlling Trash and betraying the other Bishops. Then they just start stabbing. Julius Caesar style. not a fun way to go, i won’t lie. The yellow glow in Keons’ eyes dimmed, and so too did the life in Trash as he sank to the ocean floor. Clancy (Tyler??) washed up on the frozen island of Voldsøy, covered in snow. Josh/The Torchbearer came up and picked Clancy up by his collar and they walked off, eventually finding a break in the foliage. They discovered a cliff face with a cave opening, and a little guy welcoming them in. it’s Ned!! They walked through the narrow cave passages, spitting some fire bars on the way, eventually arriving at a rotation you couldn’t have dreamed up better. A bunch of Neds, all hanging out by the fire. The Ned that welcomed them in started to leave through a side cave, but Clancy and the Torchbearer followed. They met Ned on the beach, who broke his antlers to give to Clancy. He posted a schematic for a ritual to harness the power of psychokinesis.
The bottom reads:
seize available vessel at Voldsoy eastern cove intercept bishops. _____________________________ glorious gone = available vessel ________________________________ bishops control the available vessel! intercept and seize _________________________________ they will make you a weapon _________________________________
The top letters unscramble to say “seize keons”
The Neds began performing the motions, and Clancy followed- somehow taking control of Keons’ body. He was an available vessel after all! After emoting in front of the bishops, he destroyed one of the towering lights in front of him. Keons’ body fell to the ground, and Clancy regained control of his own body. He later wrote about the experience in the most recent letter update on dmaorg. After Clancy regained control of his body, he’s seen with the Torchbearer waiting for a signal. On the other side of the Strait, dozens of banditos return the signal, cutting to a blue flaming city behind them
On 3/18/2022 Clancy uploaded the most recent **digital*\* letter to the site
What is this thing? This device? This gift? Some sort of neurological connection or expansion. Psychokinetic weapon? This is absurd. Why was this given to me? Why am I the only one that can wield it? Was this the reason that I survived? My mind is racing as I wait here on the rocks -- staring off into the darkness. Waiting for our torches to be mirrored - the signal he told me to wait for. It feels oddly familiar. Not the spikes in my hand, but the power it harnesses, I've felt it before. Is this also the source of those rumors I heard in the dark corners of the city? Legends and stories that I assumed were myth, inspired by children's nightmares -- tales of what the bishops would use the bodies for. Those "honorable" citizens who acheived The Glorious Gone -- referred to as available vessels. It all begins to make sense. The episodes I would have: the blood red vision, my dreams of flying, the out of body account of the rider in the river, the decaying hosts of the television show, the robed figures that commanded the doomed ship... Had we all been "seized" by the bishops using this same technique? Is this where their power comes from? Are they immortal, or just feeding off the next body, giving their hosts a brief second-life? I am in my original life, why am I available to this control? This whole time I thought I was battling my inner self. Was I actually under assault for something else? someONE else? This small eerie island has made me a weapon. We both believe that we can use it to change the momentum of this war. Now, we must return to the mainland where they should be there to recieve is. We will destroy and rebuild. Though it's been years since he last spoke with them, I hope they have not lost faith in The Torchbearers plan. But how could any of this have been planned? -Clancy

Clancy Era-Where we are now

On 2/13/2024, 1500 scary red letters were sent out to the public by the Sacred Municipality of Dema containing evidence seemingly seized from Clancy's belongings. It included a new letter from Clancy, where he talked about having renewed hope in his plan, an updated map showing the new Paladin Strait between Voldsøy and the mainland of Trench, and a request for information on Clancy's whereabouts from the Bishops of Dema. Both letters included hidden messages, but handwritten was a question.
How did you find
Information requests from the Bishops of Dema along with a new transcribed letter from Clancy, coupled with an updated map of Trench to include the new \"Paladin Strait\"
Letter One Transcript:
Letter Two Transcript:
hidden message: STILL ALIVE
Clancy's Letter Transcript:
024 02MOON09 "I'm not as scared as I used to be. Their mystery begins to fade as a method to defeat them becomes more clear\**. I no longer feel powerless. I can outsmart them. This new power of psychokinesis worked, and I believe it can work again. I stand here, looking down at the line where the water meets the sand-a starting line. All the while, knowing there is a finish line across the Strait. Their compass lies, but mine remains true. I've left embers of inspiration, I only hope whatever spark was left has grown to a torch, and together we create** an inferno. -Clancy
hidden message-meruioenpepa

I Am Clancy

Watch "I am Clancy" here
On 2/22/24, a new spoken letter was uploaded to the youtube from Clancy, basically narrating what you just read. In a portion of the video where it shows the map of Dema, Keons' tower is grayed out. He explained his story, what happened to the Bishops, and how he's an exception to the strange powers the Bishops wield. He's taking back his own identity, and he is going to return to Trench to finish what he's started.

Red Tape

On 2/17/2024, the band updated their studio album covers to include red tape. The best running theory is that the red tape signifies bishop control. That's why keon's circle is taped, why trash is taped, why clifford is taped specifically to cover leave the city. the city is still under bishop control, and the vultures are property of Dema for surveillance. since the grandfathers are taped, and trench is in the shape of a brain, i can only assume that insinuates that the bishops have control over the continent somehow since many ideas from vessel are used in this story. or, to go along with my other theory in the next part, clancy is so focused on getting back to trench that its clouding his vision
the red tape seems to only be partially (but still almost fully) covering the eyes of the subjects on the cover

Important details that couldn't really fit anywhere

  • Nico is the only bishop without matching lyrics, and he is repeatedly noted to not be present at gatherings with the other 8 bishops
  • There is a tie to "Nicholas Bourbaki" which was a pseudonym for a group of French mathematicians that formed after the first world war in response to needing to use dated texts for scholarly work due to a generation of their mathematicians being slaughtered. Their goal was to publish updated and accurate information when there was none available. The name is mentioned in "Morph", they also came up with the mathematical ø.
  • the bishops cannot see yellow, that is why it is the color of the rebellion, and blue means defeat according to blurryface's twitter.
  • Nico has been known to be the harshest bishop, while Keons stands out as the most compassionate and kind according to Clancy.
  • KEONS IS THE ONE WHO WAS STABBED AND KILLED. NOT NICO. we saw this during The Outside, and he was shown during "I am Clancy" with further confirmation from Mark
part 2 is continued here <3
If i have missed anything you feel is deeply important to understanding the basics of the lore, please let me know!! I’m going to be updating this thread as things come in. In the meantime, i hope this answers your basic questions and happy theorizing!
submitted by mooshwa to twentyonepilots [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:48 Disastrous_Amount_75 Left my wife for the girl I was having an affair with, wife turned into an alcoholic, girl who I left my wife for left the country.

Yup - this sounds like it has potential to be a netflix TV show and believe me if I went into every single detail it would, but I don't think I can on this sub Reddit there isn't a nsfw button. There is so many twists to this story that I will go into if people really want to know, but I've been carrything this shit on my shoulders for way to long.
But to cut a long story as short as possible, met my now ex wife in 2018, hit it off straight away and before we knew it we were engaged. Now id always wanted children and I was 25 at the time of meeting her, she was everything I was looking for in a future wife, she was a doctor, great family, kind had nice friends wasn't too much of a party girl but liked a drink once in a while to let her hair down. The sex wasn't great, she was very vanilla and hadn't had much experience, I wasn't too worried at the time as in my mind, I was going to marry this girl and I was certain it would improve.
Unfortunately it didn't, we had planned to get married abroad, Santorini of all places. Shit didn't go to plan as our old friend COVID reared it's head and ruined all our plans, so I spent lockdown living with her. The summer of 2020 was just us and to be honest day to day living was good, no drama no problems, but just the sex was bad. It wasn't bad enough for me to warrant leaving her as I still thought she would be perfect to raise my future kids with! But in the back of my mind I was struggling the first tell tell signs there could be trouble in paradise.
During that summer i had started a new job which was remote, that's where I met Andrea, she happened to start on the same day as me. We hit it off, we quickly became friendly and from then the sexting would begin once my fiance was asleep. As soon as the lockdown restrictions were lifted I went home to London whilst she stayed up north, Andrea lived in London.... We met up regularly, we would have the best times and then id go back to fiance Jennifer as if nothing happened. Andrea knew I had plans to get married and at the time as it was a bit of fun neither of us were bothered.
But ladies I'll give you a heads up, if the sex goes dry completely dont be surprised if your man is cheating on you, chances are he is. Me and Andrea started seeing eachother more and more and feelings started to grow, just at the wrong damn time. I was too much of coward to call off the rescheduled wedding date, so yup I got married, a small covid wedding, I even remembered messaging Andrea on my wedding day, wild when I think back to it.
I tried to forget Andrea and make it work with my now wife but I couldn't, going to sleep with someone every night who you are now not attracted too because you are attracted to someone else is something I cannot fathom. Waiting for her to go sleep so I could have chats with Andrea without looking over my shoulder, this happened on our honeymoon, holidays, it happened everyday. But after a few months I realised I'd made a mistake in getting married, it took me nearly two years to make the decision to ask for a divorce only after a crazy turn of events.
Me and Andrea whilst I was married had been on countless "work trips" abroad, we had spoke about starting a life together, living together, children the whole works. I was buying it, it felt right and my mind was made up to actually ask my wife for a divorce. In the lead up to this, I'd noticed my wife had been coming home from work slurring her words on occasions, bumping into things, acting incoherent, which I raised to her numerous times and i was met with I'm fine I'm fine. I feel like I could go into so much detail but I won't right now, but she ended up crashing her car twice whilst intoxicated, both times calling me and me getting a taxi to where she was to sort out her mess. Luckily no one was ever injured physically anyway, but I was starting to get worried about this behaviour. I never knew if this was down to me even to this day but during our marriage the drinking gradually increased, she would drink and hide the fact she was drinking which all came to light after we got divorced.
Whilst this was happening I was already planning a life with Andrea, me and Jennifer agreed to divorce last year. First thing I did was go see Andrea, i was happy she was happy, we could do all the things we had spoken about. One thing about Andrea, she was super impulsive and in someway was a free spirit. Anyway we headed to Dubai later than month, had a great holiday, talked about our plans. Everything was moving in the right direction, until I came to see her on a Friday evening, had dinner, she sat on my laps after dinner and hit me with the fact that she had just accepted a role in Australia and would be moving in two months. She asked me to come but I had family commitments that stopped me from leaving them behind.
She now lives abroad, my ex wife is now living happily ever after (I hope), I'm here thinking where it all went wrong. In the back of my mind I hope i wasn't to blame for my ex wifi having a drinking problem. I'm now 33, back at square one, no one will ever know about Andrea, they all think me and Jen broke up because my ex had a drinking problem, which isn't actually far from the truth. Life is one crazy ride put it that way. Guys if you're not feeling it leave your woman, women if you know something is up and you're lacking the affection you once received, best believe something is up.
Fyi I know I was wrong for cheating amongst other things and there is no way to defend what Ive done. What can I say, If there was a rulebook on how to be a perfect human being, maybe id read it but there isn't so everyone gotta figure their own shit out themselves! Peace
submitted by Disastrous_Amount_75 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:47 MichaelGBonilla New tortie tips

New tortie tips
Hi y’all, this is Pen Pen!
I got her around 3ish weeks ago and she is 8 months old. The previous owner said she was on the timid side and that’s also what I’ve experienced.
She will come out to eat and stuff but won’t play, won’t let us pet her and runs if we try to reach or look at her. She, in all her wisdom, doesn’t quite understand how peripheral vision works so I’ve just resorted to giving her the side eye as she walks around.
I’ve tried everything (I can think of). She has her own little space away from us where she hangs, I try to be frequent but not overbearing. I’ve started to limit her many hiding spaces so she can get used to being around me more, nothing. I’ve tried numerous combinations of treats and toys, I’ve tried feliway (wall plug and spray).
She doesn’t seem food motivated, I can’t lure her out with treats, she won’t even go for the gogurt cat thing, you know what I’m talking about. I also got the catnip banana for her but nada.
She doesn’t seem terribly curious about me and I only see her out and about later in the night around 12ish. I will very occasionally see her walking towards me and sniffing my foot or something but if I move at all she bolts.
Not sure what to do here guys, she just kind of sits in her cat tree or hugs the couch trying to avoid us as best she can. I know cats can take some time to warm up and I’m not expecting a lap cat or anything I just feel horrible she seems very scared.
If anyone has a super shy cat in their household, how did you do it? How can you tell a shy cat from a cat that is just getting used to their new home? Any tips are appreciated.
submitted by MichaelGBonilla to torties [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:47 Disastrous_Amount_75 Left my wife for the girl I was having an affair with, wife turned into an alcoholic, girl who I left my wife for left the country.

Yup - this sounds like it has potential to be a netflix TV show and believe me if I went into every single detail it would, but I don't think I can on this sub Reddit there isn't a nsfw button. There is so many twists to this story that I will go into if people really want to know, but I've been carrything this shit on my shoulders for way to long.
But to cut a long story as short as possible, met my now ex wife in 2018, hit it off straight away and before we knew it we were engaged. Now id always wanted children and I was 25 at the time of meeting her, she was everything I was looking for in a future wife, she was a doctor, great family, kind had nice friends wasn't too much of a party girl but liked a drink once in a while to let her hair down. The sex wasn't great, she was very vanilla and hadn't had much experience, I wasn't too worried at the time as in my mind, I was going to marry this girl and I was certain it would improve.
Unfortunately it didn't, we had planned to get married abroad, Santorini of all places. Shit didn't go to plan as our old friend COVID reared it's head and ruined all our plans, so I spent lockdown living with her. The summer of 2020 was just us and to be honest day to day living was good, no drama no problems, but just the sex was bad. It wasn't bad enough for me to warrant leaving her as I still thought she would be perfect to raise my future kids with! But in the back of my mind I was struggling the first tell tell signs there could be trouble in paradise.
During that summer i had started a new job which was remote, that's where I met Andrea, she happened to start on the same day as me. We hit it off, we quickly became friendly and from then the sexting would begin once my fiance was asleep. As soon as the lockdown restrictions were lifted I went home to London whilst she stayed up north, Andrea lived in London.... We met up regularly, we would have the best times and then id go back to fiance Jennifer as if nothing happened. Andrea knew I had plans to get married and at the time as it was a bit of fun neither of us were bothered.
But ladies I'll give you a heads up, if the sex goes dry completely dont be surprised if your man is cheating on you, chances are he is. Me and Andrea started seeing eachother more and more and feelings started to grow, just at the wrong damn time. I was too much of coward to call off the rescheduled wedding date, so yup I got married, a small covid wedding, I even remembered messaging Andrea on my wedding day, wild when I think back to it.
I tried to forget Andrea and make it work with my now wife but I couldn't, going to sleep with someone every night who you are now not attracted too because you are attracted to someone else is something I cannot fathom. Waiting for her to go sleep so I could have chats with Andrea without looking over my shoulder, this happened on our honeymoon, holidays, it happened everyday. But after a few months I realised I'd made a mistake in getting married, it took me nearly two years to make the decision to ask for a divorce only after a crazy turn of events.
Me and Andrea whilst I was married had been on countless "work trips" abroad, we had spoke about starting a life together, living together, children the whole works. I was buying it, it felt right and my mind was made up to actually ask my wife for a divorce. In the lead up to this, I'd noticed my wife had been coming home from work slurring her words on occasions, bumping into things, acting incoherent, which I raised to her numerous times and i was met with I'm fine I'm fine. I feel like I could go into so much detail but I won't right now, but she ended up crashing her car twice whilst intoxicated, both times calling me and me getting a taxi to where she was to sort out her mess. Luckily no one was ever injured physically anyway, but I was starting to get worried about this behaviour. I never knew if this was down to me even to this day but during our marriage the drinking gradually increased, she would drink and hide the fact she was drinking which all came to light after we got divorced.
Whilst this was happening I was already planning a life with Andrea, me and Jennifer agreed to divorce last year. First thing I did was go see Andrea, i was happy she was happy, we could do all the things we had spoken about. One thing about Andrea, she was super impulsive and in someway was a free spirit. Anyway we headed to Dubai later than month, had a great holiday, talked about our plans. Everything was moving in the right direction, until I came to see her on a Friday evening, had dinner, she sat on my laps after dinner and hit me with the fact that she had just accepted a role in Australia and would be moving in two months. She asked me to come but I had family commitments that stopped me from leaving them behind.
She now lives abroad, my ex wife is now living happily ever after (I hope), I'm here thinking where it all went wrong. In the back of my mind I hope i wasn't to blame for my ex wifi having a drinking problem. I'm now 33, back at square one, no one will ever know about Andrea, they all think me and Jen broke up because my ex had a drinking problem, which isn't actually far from the truth. Life is one crazy ride put it that way. Guys if you're not feeling it leave your woman, women if you know something is up and you're lacking the affection you once received, best believe something is up.
Fyi I know I was wrong for cheating amongst other things and there is no way to defend what Ive done. What can I say, If there was a rulebook on how to be a perfect human being, maybe id read it but there isn't so everyone gotta figure their own shit out themselves! Peace
submitted by Disastrous_Amount_75 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:44 SpecialistExchange28 Wheelchair Ramps 101 - DIY down and dirty edition 2024

Wheelchair Ramps 101 - DIY down and dirty edition 2024
Thanks for deciding to read my post today. This is not the definitive or complete explanation of wheelchair ramp design. Before I start let's get the technical potentially legal stuff out of the way first.
Ramps that are indoors or in a fenced in area like a back yard (THE FENCED AREA MAY BE DIFFERENT IF IT IS ACCESSIBLE TO THE PUBLIC). Ramps not used by the public = Food delivery, mailperson, utility meter reader, Jahova's Witnesses, etc.
These Ramps do not need to Meer ADA requirements. But should still be functional and safe to use. You'd be surprised at what people do. But if it works, then it works.
Backyards that are fenced in and not accessible to the public MIGHT be excluded.
Here is where it gets real. If you decide to ignore this and say someone trips, slips pr otherwise gets injured by your accessibility fearure. YOU and only YOU are at fault. Even if it is 100% ADA compliant, the feature was not properly registered with the town or city so it can be noted when and where it is installed and on what property.
Next the town or city will fine you a set amount per day it was in place without a permit. For example a permit for my handcycle shed cost $100 that might seem unfair and costly. But if I had just built my shed without permit they could fine me $1,000 per day it was up from the time it was built.
Getting a permit and making things 100% or better than ADA complaint, yes it is easy to surpass what the ADA asks for. ADA is the bare minimum expected.
This doesn't mean someone trying to con you won't try and sue you. But, if you have things in order such as getting a permit. Making things at least ADA compliant will support your side in a legal issue.
Yup that is the borish stuff for the most part. Forget about it and life will likely get very annoying.
For those who are interested and want a live community to chillax in to talk about most anything really, listen to music and make requests for Fave songs or topics you would like to discuss.
I broadcast live typically in the cold months M-F from around when my pain allows me to get up varies 9am to after noon and I go until my sweetheart arrives home. About 5PM to 6PM I have been broadcasting live 16 years.
Quite literally I am just repeating here what I will talk about live also.
TikTok until the ban kicks in. Then it's back to Twitch. AbiliTV or AbiliTV Live. If you Google the name do not pay attention to the website I don't have one. And the owner of that sight well let's say I don't endorse him.
I am on YouTube, FB, IG,,Twitch, account still there but not used since it went to X (Twitter), Kick - although I don't like the vibe on Kick.
Of course I am here getting started here on Reddit in a more text based community. I am in the Wheelchair and Disabilities communities where I am learning about all sorts of amazing people.
OK, I always hate posting I am a live content creator. I hate it so much I have hardly any community live.
What makes a crappy, good, or excellent ramp?
For me it is the little details that really make the differences. I will use images to try and explain the bare basics.
1st image: Most people see this and think: My prayers have been answered.
No they have not. You will notice the direction the person is using the ramp. Manufacturers do this to play into your desperate need for a ramp solution. They want you imagining how easy there ramp is to use. So they stage images showing that. Much how homes are staged. To make it easier for people to fall victim to slick sales tricks.
What if the door were closed and rhe person was approaching the door? Look at the ramp. How does one say open s screen door or storm door that swings out? Most dwellings will have one.
Now imagine it's raining really hard and that nice metal surface isn't as grippy? And you have a bag or two of groceries on your lap. Now open the storm door and then before it closes as they are typically on a door closer of some design. As you fight the storm door, are annoyed by the driving rain, and fumbling for your keys.
Even on an ideally perfect day without snow or rain this ramp will work 100% against you. Also it isn't wide enough to allow you to move over out of the way ofcthe storm door. Meaning you need to back up and get the door perched against your wheelchair frame to now roll foward to open the entry door. Sadly using the wheelchair brakes just make things all that much more frustrating.
2nd Image: 3 ft ramp $219. This seems decent right? It isn't. You have to account for the pitch or slope.
If you have a threshold that is 10 inches higher than the surface you need to reach, this means you need not just a ten foot long ramp but a raised area that meets the threshold that the ramp attaches to closest to the surface you're trying to reach.
What happens if you decide to use a short ramp and have a steeper slope? The worst will be to flip backwards going up. Next worst you don't have the upper body strength to make it. The next will be you deciding never to use it except to exit with. It is a little less scary going down. Although you need really good hand strength and dexterity to maintain control at higher speeds.
ADDING INFO AS A SAFETY REMINDER: Most manual wheelchairs have what are called brakes. ⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ These are NOT brakes like those of a car, or bicycle. Injury or worse can happen when they are used as friction brakes. DANGER: You risk not only destroying your tire and wheelchair but also injuries from catastrophic failures of the tire and possibly the rims of the wheels.
These levers no matter if they are push or pull to lock or scissor styled brakes are only meant and made to hold you in place AFTER you use your hands to stop with. OR FEET for those able to do that.
The reason these are not brakes in the typical sense is because of how they work. They bite into the tire material and can blow out air filled tires by ripping through the rubber tire. On solid tires they can tear the tire causing it to fail and possibly fall off the rim. If the rim is left exposed and you are moving the metal or composite rim will slide on the surface.
The biggest excuses I hear for using these levers as brakes are: They are called brakes. YouTube wheelchair brake basics how to use and not use them. I don't want people ending more disabled than they already are.
My hands are to weak to stop me. I understand that. So my best suggestion is rubber coated work gooves. Leather gloves or some form of glove that you like to use. I personally don't like wearing gloves, but when I go on 16 mile strolls I wear a pair. They provide additional traction and that grip means less hand strength is needed to stop overall. It is not recommended to grab the tire for additional friction at any time while moving down hill.
If tire use us needed make sure you have a pair of heavy duty leather gloves on. Welding gloves short gauntlet works. Warning: This method destroys gloves rapidly. These is due to the sandpaper like friction the tire creates with its texture and tread design. Extreme heat can build up and burn your hands. So pay attention and release grip changing hand positions to reduce this.
Ramps have to be designed to work with the fact wheels like to roll. And steep ramps are what prompted my warning about brake use.
I am considering designing a brake system to work like a bicycle that could be added by most people. I will look into this concept at some point.
So a stubby short ramp might be low cost but isn't the answer it appears in most manufacturers images.
Lots of information that needs to be shared because so many people will fall into the thinking what they have is a good solution and it's harming them and the equipment they use.
Good news here: Most towns and cities do not charge or keep the charge very low for ramp and other disability access devices in public spaces.
What the permit does is show you the bare minimum of what is required to make your project ADA compliant. Also it resistors your ramp or lift with the town or city and at what property. This way should a nosy neighbor want to whine about your project looking horrible the town or city can reassure that negative rube that you are in full compliance with all the ordinances and ADA requirements. So they can mind their own beeswax.
Also the permit is a must if a property owner or landlord are to allow the access in the first place. This has to do with liability and property insurance. Speaking of that crap it would be wise to invest in renters insurance in the event someone claimsxto have been injured by your device. Do not depend only on the landlord or property owner's word that its covered. You could also ask your town or city how that works also to get a straight answer. If the landlord or property owner does claim you are covered always get that in writing.
3rd image shows the lack of what is called a staging area. This is exactly what a porch does. Notice the porch is flat and provides room to move out of the way of any storm door? This is a super important and all to easy to miss feature that makes a ramp go from frustrating to awesome.
I even made that mistake with my ramp I built for my garage. I did change it so it has a 6ft deep 4ft wide same as the ramp staging area that once I installed a screen door I use daily.
4th image: Now it gets colorful. Nothing attaches to the porch or the building in my design. This is to respect the property. And save you on extra costs to restore things later.
The support for the flat area of the porch:
Measure uo to the front top edge of the threshold. Say this is 6 inches or so... Using 4X4 cut to the same width of the porch. These are rated for outdoor ground contact.
Next using decking wood this should be equal to the top front edge of the threshold. In effect the timbers are the support they are orange and just on top of the porch. They go across to provide full support.
How to determine how many. For the porch shown in your image would likely use three. One right under the threshold, one in the middle, and one right along the front edge of the porch.
Decking would go left to right and for the parts with out full support use scrap pieces of 4X4 to position under those rows.
An alternative way to set the supports are: under the threshold is left to right full width of porch. Then instead of the others being left to right. Place one on the left going vertical or not left to right. One on the right side going perpendicular to fhe horizontal one. Then you will cut one 4 inches short for the center also placed parallel to the left and right. The front porch edge piece cut to fit the width between the left and right support.
That would allow you to place decking horizontally left to right with out worry of adding support for some of the deck strips.
The front edge of porch part I feel should be left to right mainly to insure there is no possible way for a ramp to flext or bow in this area. But you are welcome to Google methods on building something like this also.
The ramp for the porch will be the longest most likely based on the photos you shared. They are also referenced later in my post.
Only around the porch and the outside of the caster wheel guides on each side or the blue color in my image needs a railing, as well as down that first ramp.
The other ramps are little more than the plywood laying there. You wouldn't even really need the blue guides on the but they add additional stiffness from bouncing and bending.
Again Google is very good for finding examples of how you can design a capable railing. It doesn't need to be fancy, just meet the requirements the ADA sets. To avoid annoying splinters I strongly suggest using iron pipe or proper outdoor rated round railingbars.
Benefit of the metal pipe is it is very low cost. Con is in the sun it can get hot. To overcome thar railing grip tape can he used to cancle out the hot part and make it easier to grasp. Grip tape is not required.
Thankfully all of this is pretty easy to do if you have some some basic tools or have access to them like narrowing them. If you lack the skill or ability to do this. Trust me when I say buying lunch each day for the hard worker(s) often is payment enough. And Thank You is the perfect payment. Our reward is seeing you enjoying the work put into the project.
Last there is an green outline of a 2x4 on each side of the porch staging area. Put one on the far side as well and this should keep the staging area from shifting leftcand right. Surfaces endure a lot more force than we realize.
5th image I used my garage ramp before I corrected the flat staging area issue.
So this isn't how my indoor ramp now looks. It has no railings as it is not required and the flat area towards the garage side has a 4 inch tall wheel guard wall to keep me from accidentally rolling off front casters or rear wheels.
But, this is roughly how your front porch would look like. All designed to keep everyone safe who uses it.
By connecting the ramp to the flat staging areas makes it much harder for it to shift around. In the case of this if you owned the property you would use a contractors grade waterproof glue and 4 8 inch long lag bolts to secure the 4x4 or wood support right next to and under the threshold and bolt it and glue it to the location. Silicone sealant works also as it is mainly to keep insects from making the area home.
But since the property needs to be returned to original state, I find that making a saddle staging area works wonders. Sadlle in that it is,like a horse saddle. It isn't bolted to the horse but does use the shape of the horse as the stabilizer. And is easy to remove when needed.
Image 6: Sorry about the messy drawing. This is your photo.
The green is the railing around the porch and the first longest ramp.
The light kind of red horizontal strips are stair tread grip tape. Using wood screws shorter than the thickness of the plywood allows you to have a 2 method way to keep these strips in place. For how much they cost you will thank me. One screw near each corner and two one top one bottom in the center. This insures they are secure. The gue or adhesive isn't likely going to stick in every case.
You want full left to right coverage with 2 to 3 inch spacing between each horizontal strip. Yes you can just apply them centered and hope no one slips of they walk closer to the railing. Plus it makes insurance companies feel better also with more safety in mind.
In the event someone slips or falls when pictures are taken of l the scene it will look better for you to have provided more safety than not.
Also more screws can be used if desired. The only thing to make sure of is all screw heads are flat to the surface. The two method way also known as redundant measures to make sure things don't fail to the point of a catastrophe.
The ADA will likely have other suggestions different than I mention. Either will work, I find much of my ideas go beyond ADA requirements.
The ramps since they are so minor in slope may even be able to lay strips of 2x4 or even 1x1 that you screw to the underside of ramp. I almost think you could make what would look like a continuous ramp.
One step won't really need all 8 ft of plywood however keeping them full length means you could likely add smaller pieces where one ramp ends to meet with the highest point so you can connect them so this keeps them from shifting and moving as they will.
The little green marks along the sides of the blue for the length of the ramp represent side supports that are rounded into the ground and screwed to the sides.
As you use a ramp that is not secured it will move a little in the opposite direction of your direction of travel.
Also it will shift left or right when you first roll onto it. And since the ground shown is easy to return to its original condition once this is removed lowers cost at that time.
The blue dots represent horizontal srips placed where needed these are screwed in place as yes they will slide and move into new positions that don't support the ramp.
The goal is no bouncing, bending, flexing, warping ramps.
As long as all wood is rated for ground contact otherwise it will rot away pretty quickly otherwise.
The blue kind of bloody areas are flat sections filled in with plywood.
So once you enter this ramp ot remains a plywood surface until the porch area. Where it's decking.
7th image: An example of how your ramp could be designed. In this image since the ramp os longer and rises up higher I definitely would include ratings on each side. But - it may not require them so that is OK also. The redish area is a flat area at least 5 ft deep and 4ft wide. This would allow a person the chance to turn around also.
The circled spots denote support placement.
Now your steps for me would not need a ramp as I can strong arm my way up short steps or curbs like those. Tha porch would be the only area I would build if this were my place.
8th image: Immediately after moving in I built this and prior to finding the original screen door that the price owners removed and I reinstalled.
It was no fun using this ramp when I had to open the door. I typically had one of the kiddos now all grown up open it first for me.
The lack of a staging or flat area is a huge mistake.
This is ground contact outdoor rated plywood nearly 1 inch thick. Plywood keeps the construction simpler, and removal easier also later.
9th image: Shows the outdoor ramp. Notice the grip tape on this. This is the typical arrangement. I suggest side to side full width strips so able people can walk anyplace and be assured solid footing. The spacing I prefer also assures wheelchair tires have solid grip.
The steeper the ramp I say 3 inches between horizontal strips.
The shallower ramps for your lower or step ramps can be 4 to five inches between them. If they are wide strips works better.
Image 10: This is the ADA recommendation: 36 inches wide. Trust me especially for entry doors you want some space to move over to the side to get out of the way of a screen or storm door. And a place to put down groceries or a package or anything else so you can access the door.
48 inches just happens to be a pretty decent and better than ADA requirements that allows you more room for any purposes.
Image 11: Shows your porch. From what I see this should be pretty easy to cover with the staging area over the porch and ramp going down.
You want to measure from the front edge ofcthe threshold to the ground in front of the porch the walkway leading to it. This will give you a total height that needs to be accounted for.
Say it is a total of 10 inches tall. Your ramp will be 1 foot out per one inch in height. So 10 feet long. Now say you have the room and used 2 8 foot long plywood sheets end to end that is 16 ft. That means your slope will be less overall and easy to roll up. 10 ft will be usable but will be a little harder to roll up.
Funny thing is you use the same energy to roll up 10ft or 16ft. You just exert less energy over a longer distance that still equals the amount it takes to go up a 10 foot length.
Slope is something only you know what works for you. So if you need a little longer of a ramp if room allows it then that is fine.
Oh I forgot skip over the smaller step when making your measurements. That isn't where a ramp will end at to rest.
Image 12: The walkway. These little steps are easily rolled up by some wheelchair users. However of you can not. That is fine.
The over all length of these looks decently long enough. You in effect are just governing them as I hope I explained.
To keep the ramps from moving side spikes can be placed as mentioned 2 at the sides and top, two in the middle sides. And 2 and the bottom sides.
They get rounded into the ground next to each area of the Ramos they will be screwed to. You might even be able to lay a plywood sheet down and see if that is enough to raise you up enough. That the plywood could just lay on the walkway.
Now most likely that option will not fully work. Offered as an alternative.
The very end where ramp ends or starts at the lowest point you can get an aluminum door threshold commercial grade one. It means a little bump up onto the ramp and or down it.
I will photograph the one I have as it works like a charm. Also the rest of my garage ramp.
The deck to ramp can be connected using lag bolts from underneath into the 2 4x4 support. Using 6 or preferred 7 or 8 inch long lag bolts 3 of them to secure the ramp to the staging deck area.
Trust me when I say this, this is a mere drop in the bucket of information on how to design a ramp system.
Last little note:
Always get a permit prior making anything. The permit should cost nothing or very little since it is an accessibility ♿️ need. The information the permit comes with will also be of huge help in DIY or other options.
Sadly there is no way to construct something like this for no cost. However, church groups, friends, local elected officials, and others can be great resources. From fundraising, to helping you locate a foundation or charity to help cover some or all of it.
Do not feel bad for asking for help like this and when needed. Being a renter doesn't mean you should not have accessibility.
Like I mentioned if I was your fellow disabled neighbor I would help construct this.
Tools needed:
Tape measure x 2 I always end up needing 2 of them at times.
4 ft level.
Carpenter square.
Torpedo level. This is a 1 foot long smaller level like the larger 4ft one.
Carpenter or construction style pencil ✏️ they are flat and don't roll away when sat down.
Wood/deck screws 3 or 4in long.
Cordless drill and 2 batteries allows rotation of them when charging. They typically will last 2 or hours each. So when one runs out charge it while using the other.
Leather work gloves.
Socket wrench set for lag bolts.
Screw driver set. Mainly a number 2 Phillips and flathead. These come in handy.
Circular saw - they come corded or cordless either works.
Hand saw for those cuts to awkward for a power tool.
Drill bits for pre drilling holes.
Liquid nails to glue some things together.
Short wood screws not longer than the plywood is thick. For the grip tape strips.
Safety glasses get a few pair.
Hearing protection. Cutting wood can be really loud. Same with drilling it and all.
Things that could help: Something stable to place wood to be cut on.
Saw horses or milk crates the sturdy plastic ones. If they get cut into no big deal.
They cut be cut safely on the ground without risk of damaging tools or injuring you.
Since we are all in the same boat 🚢 in many respects, I find it sp satisfying helping people by helping them learn how they can also help themselves. It's how I was raised. Knowing you have some information and know where to locate more is my payment.
Back to me talking about my live content.
A lot like this post and my others, it is insanely boring stuff. 😴
However, I ask what other content creator is willing to discuss and cover this type of stuff?
Really go look on Twitch live, YouTube live, TikTok Live, Kick,Instagram Live or any other site allowing live content.
How many do you find that can answer questions or get you aimed in the correct direction for the information you need?
16 years now this is what I do for free. I will not and do not monetize my content. I removed myself from Twitch affiliate orogram, I have asked TikTok to allow offboarding and the option to not monetize.
I prefer to lead by example.
Please consider getting to know this strange goofball of a weirdo on my social media channels. It's not a big community but any means and is well sp unique that most people fail to realize all the nerdy disability related bits of knowledge I have to share. Plus I love light sabers and anime to make me extra geeky.
AbiliTV and AbiliTV Live on the main social media platforms.
On TikTok my actual username is AbiliTV and my screen or showing name is DJ Wheelchairbeats.
If you visit tell me your from Reddit and I will in a very socially awkward way greet you. Well I hope with practice this gets less awkward in time. :)
I am not seeking a relationship. Or any side quests. I am at level 54 in my life and to old to give a fart for drama. Making cool new friends, now that's what it's about.
Time to get some photos of my garage ramp.
submitted by SpecialistExchange28 to u/SpecialistExchange28 [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:33 Hashinoki I love this app, Who doesnt?

I love this app, Who doesnt?
I love this public character kero!!! Its my type of NSFW and it has an amazing start!!!
my invite code is n6chmlrj if anyone wants to use it
my favorite feature on charstar has to be the no filter and NSFW mode!
submitted by Hashinoki to CharStarAI [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:31 supergymfan Champions All 1979 AA rewatch!

Hey there! I thought I’d take a trip down memory lane from before I was born and rewatch a classic comp, thanks to MizMamie on yt!
Here’s the meet!
Sold out crowd at Wembley.
Nadia’s big “comeback” (aka, she’s lost weight) since the 1978 Worlds.
Charlie, the commentator, is tooooooo taken by Elena Naimushina 🤢 Asks her for a kiss on the cheek. She says he has to wait until the end of the meet. Laughs all around. (She’s 14 btw)
First rotation - vault. Lots of front tucks, baranis, and tsuk layouts. After one: Comaneci Johnson Naimushina
Eberle is competing in exhibition.
Second rotation - bars
Special shout out to the US women’s team that won a medal at the 1948 Olympic team! Decent routine from Eberle - love her ‘cartwheel’ on the low bar. 9.65 Johnson in one of my favorite USA leotards. Clean bars set from her. 9.65 Naimushina with a ‘men’s high bar move’ aka a giant swing. Given how close the bars are, this is pretty impressive. 9.6 Nadia interview shown. She gives 0 fxcks lol. Her bar routine is light years ahead of everyone else’s. Free hip Tkatchev release. 9.9 After two: Comaneci Johnson (Eberle) Naimushina
Third rotation - beam
Big build up about the 1980 Olympics 😔 Throwback footage of 1976 Nadia. Nadia with a big wobble on her cartwheel back tuck. Otherwise, a beautiful routine. 9.5 Elena jumps up to middle splits with no arm/hand support. Then two one armed back handsprings, switching her arms. Very cool! Solid and clean. 9.75 Kathy with a beautiful set, just a few little wobbles. Exceptional choreography! 9.8
After three: Comaneci Johnson Naimushina
Fourth rotation - floor
Eberle. Nancy Theiss describe her style as a ‘wind up doll’. One of the most Geza Pozar routines ever. 9.8 Naimushina with such a beautiful and polished routine 🙌🏻 Stunning and captivating, including great tumbling and presentation. 9.8 Johnson, unfortunately, struggles. The music starts in the wrong spot, so she needs to restart. Then she falters on two tumbling passes. The choreography and dance is beyond stellar, though. 8.5 takes her out of the medals. Comaneci needs 9.6 to win. New routine, much better than her 1978 one. But only if she’d smile more (according to Nancy). 9.9 for the win.
Results: Comaneci Naimushina (Eberle) Horacsek
Another interview with Nadia. Charlie “collects” his kiss from Elena. Ick.
submitted by supergymfan to Gymnastics [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:16 Full-Baker-9491 Making sense of the aftermath, 1 year later.

The point of this post is for me to understand some of what I believe to be "common" behaviors, and to see if anyone has had similar experiences. Sorry if this is long, I typed it out and didn't realize it would be haha. I guess this turned into a bit of a vent.
Background: We are both 35, Me (m) her (F), we both have a child from previous relationships. We met in Oct of 2019, we had gone to HS together but never talked or hung out then. We met up through mutual friends, and began hanging out often right out of the gate. This were whirlwind, we slept together on the first date, which she told me "She never does". Told me she slept better in my presence than any other time in her life. I was the hero, and all was well. (Same old story lol) and by Jan we were talking about living together. The onset of Covid rushed this, as lockdowns began, we grabbed up a rental and moved in together. We wanted to at least be together as a family if Lockdowns were coming. Thigs were still good for months, and we both handwaved the speed at which thing moved, happily blaming it on covid. We went on an amazing vacation in June of that year (road trip, the roads were empty, again, because Covid.) We got a puppy on this trip and surprised our kids when we got back. By this time there had been a few arguments, but nothing I saw (at the time) as any red flags. She brought her ex up somewhat often in the beginning, and we laughed at some of his antics together. He isnt the brightest bulb, but I didnt see this as a red flag at the time. However, as the summer waned, the arguments kicked up in frequency and intensity. by September, she was telling me things like "you should find someone better" "Im not worth it" etc. I was heartbroken, but now I see this as a "soft exit" she was attempting. I didn't bite, I loved her and was devoted. The arguments got worse, and her "soft exit" turned hard, fast. By late Nov, she was a miserable, stressed angry person who was never happy with anything. Then she kicked me out (and my son, who was 7 at the time). I was on the lease, and didnt actually have to leave, but I did because I wanted to be amicable and I was still so in love with her. Kicked out last week of Nov. She had a new BF by Christmas, and spent the next few months in NC. Come Feb 2021, she started reaching out occasionally. Initially about something benign, like mail. then they just kept going. I was asking to see her, etc, she kept telling me "me talking to you makes NEWBF uncomfortable, we shouldn't" etc etc. I said I didnt care if he was uncomfortable, HER AND I were meant to be etc etc. This back and forth continued through that summer, and in Aug she broke up with him, and I moved back in that Sept. Whirlwind # 2, which as you all my have guessed, didn't last as long. By Jan-March of 2022, we were arguing a lot again, and things were starting to feel awful again between us. My SIL was helping her get a new much more lucrative job, and it "wasn't happening fast enough" and she was all kinds of touchy, angry all the time. Eventually she DID end up getting the job and working from home, and was much happier. Looking back however, I believe this changed effect her view of my "value", as she was now making more than I was. She started complaining a lot about me not pulling my weight, but our budget and exepenses hadnt changed, nor had the amount I was contributing to these things. Seasons effect her mood quite a lot, and by Spring we had gotten a 2nd puppy, and things were again pretty happy most of the time. We planned a 2nd vacation, for the same week in June as the first one, and this time we took our kids. Amazing vacation, best week of my life. During this vacation, i bought a ring at a local mom and pop jewler, and with the help of the kids, popped the question during the high point of our vacation. She was thrilled, kids were thrilled. We head home, 2 weeks of happy, excited wedding brainstorming. Then she went cold. The romance died off very quickly. She started going to a new Gym, and would talk to me about people (guys) she had met there, and brought them up often, talking about how cool they were. I eventually told her these felt like comparisons and I wasnt a big fan, but was glad she was enjoying a new sport. Then my annual "Summers end" camping trip with friends was a drama fest, where she drank too much, and was very flirty (just BARELY mild enough to be able to brush it off when asked about it) with one of my best friends. He was even offput by it, which he and I discussed after the fact. The last few weeks of summer were pretty awful. She caused a big scene at my brothers house, and cried, smearing her makeup, and came out looking a mess. My SIL told her to go back in, as to not worry the kids and she said "they should see this, they should see how me makes me FEEL!" So by late Sept. she was telling me to leave again, I was trying to fix things. One morining right after I put the kids on the bus, she blew up at me over my angry response to two weeks of passive agressive comments about a stupid water jug. She told me she wanted me gone then and there. My son got on the bus, and never got to come home. Never said goodbye to his step sister, his dogs, his house (which he LOVED), his classmates or anything else. I had to pull him from that school, a week into 2nd grade, so Myexwife and I could enroll him in the town she lives in. I had nowhere to go. I had stayed 9 months at a friends house the first breakup, but that wasnt an option this time. I ended up having to stay in a camper for 6 months, which STRONGLY jeopardized my 50/50 custody. Because kids shouldnt sleep in campers through the winter. OBVIOUSLY. 2 months after kicking me out, she told me she found out she had been pregnant since July, and hadn't known. She said she was scheduling a last min termination. We hadn't talked in weeks at that point. She went and did that, and we went back to NC. She stared dating a new guy, from the gym. That didn't last, and she was hitting me up for hookups by January (which had to be secret, I was blocked on SOcial Media). I lapped it up like the eager doormat I was. She went cold on me again in Feb, started dating another new guy, which lasted another few months. Recycle for a month in July, and was very upfront and cold about it being purely physical. I told her that was really hard as i obviously still loved her. She told me she was "figuring herself out, and was blissfully unattached". I missed her, our home, our dogs, our family. She knew it. She slow faded me through August, and I stopped reaching out. October of last year rolled around, and I shot her a message, I was curious, still hurt, and lonely. She told me she met someone new, he made her SO HAPPY, and that i shouldn't reach out anymore. I said Okay, and didn't. I sent a very business-like, typed, letter in early Nov, asking for the last of my belongings back. That was all that was in the letter. Her new BF texted me and was a vulgar, crass machismo tough guy. Couldn't articulate a full sentence, but was basically telling me to "leave them alone, give up, stop bothering them" I was confused and told him I hadn't reached out since Oct and Wasnt planning to, especially after that awful conversation. Months of peace and healing began. Then, as I was living my life, back in Jan, I got more angry texts from him, this time about some mail that had shown up with my name on it (i had no idea). Again i was accused of reaching out, being a stalker, all sorts of nonsense. I again told him I didn't care, and that if he reached out like this again I would take needed steps, blocked him, and went on with life. Then, it happened AGAIN about 2 weeks ago. I got a call from her number, which I didn't answer, then a stream of angry texts, inviting me to go fight him, him threatining me, accusing me of having been abusive of her (she said the same thing to me about her ex) him telling me how much of a "B***h and a P***Y, and a loser" he has be told I am. He bragged that he "put a ring on it". I had to laugh at that one, (good luck dude) again I said, last straw, if i hear from you again, Im calling the cops. I dont care, go away etc. I haven't heard anything since. However she did reach out to my SIL the day after, about something totally random, and they hadnt spoken in ages, but had been very close when we were together. So odd.
Here are the points I want to address. 1. Serial Monogamy. - Can they ever be alone? like, EVER?
  1. Cognitive Dissonance - It took me SO LONG to realize that the person I fell in love with, and STAYED in love with way too long was simply a smokescreen. Then during the breakups, I feel sooooo "less than" to be replaced by obvious downgrades. However, only recently, I've truly come to understand that All of the "In love" versions of her are equally fake, and uniquely cultivated for each new man. The person I loved was never real, i think it just felt "realer" to me, because were together longer, and we were what felt like, a perfect match. The argumentative, manipulative, callous and unscrupulous person i knew at the end of relationships was the real her. I thought that was the broken, backside of her perfect shining coin all along. Nope. Other way around.
  2. Serial Recycles - She doesn't do this with every guy, so why did she do it with me? (although, I think I've seen the last of the recycle attempts, and I wouldn't participate in them at this point either.
  3. Patterns - Has anyone else had a partner that is very sensitive to things like changing seasons, seasonal depression, or even erratic behavior near the full moon? All of these things applied to her, and one could almost set a calendar to her flighty moods and outbursts.
  4. Projection, Smear campaign, and re-writing history - All the awful things she told Newguy, (whom i dont know and have never met) to make him hate me so much, but I fell victim to the same mind games about her ex before me. I can't understand what they see as profit for triangulation though. That part has always confused me greatly. What is to be gained by doing this? What's more is that I think she actually ends up believing these smear lies she makes up to crap on her ex, in order to praise the newguy. Then there are all the arguments that were entirely my fault, despite being very conveniently timed for her, and very manufactured feeling.
So again, sorry for length. Have any of you had similar experiences? Are these like, default BPD behaviors? Everyday I look back, and am equally amazed that I remained blind for so long, that I let this be done to me, and scariest of all, the "boiling frog" circumstances under which it happened, and progressed without my noticing it.
I can even now, say, knowing all I do, that she is very smart, charismatic, and so convincing. I've heard her brag about how she can manipulate co-workers and subordinates, friends and family. The flags were there all along, but would'nt you know? red flags are hard to see while wearing rose colored glasses.
Thank you from coming to my TEDtalk haha.
submitted by Full-Baker-9491 to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:08 Routine-Platform-210 girl what is he wearing

girl what is he wearing
i'm not even gonna talk about our outfit but bruh
submitted by Routine-Platform-210 to loveislandthegametwo [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:06 P-u-m-p-t-i-n-i My daughter choked today and I feel ill.

My daughter turned 6 months last week and we’ve slowly been weaning her and just giving her bits of food each day.
She was sat in her high chair and I had given her a rusk. I noticed that a huge chunk of the rusk was missing and at first I just assumed that it had dropped onto her lap or on the floor (she loves to give her food to our dog) but I couldn’t find it.
I remember reading somewhere if your baby is making noises then they’re fine but if they go silent they’re choking. I screamed for my boyfriend to help and he managed to dislodge the food and I picked it out her mouth then just broke down crying.
Thankfully she’s okay and is acting like nothing has happened but I’ve just cried all night. I feel awful, I feel sick, I feel guilty and I’m just so embarrassed. I’m her mum and I just feel like I’ve let her down. My boyfriend has been consoling me and is thankful that I noticed so quickly but I just keep thinking that it could’ve been so much worse.
I’m not sure why I’m posting this but my god always keep an eye on your little ones when they’re eating.
submitted by P-u-m-p-t-i-n-i to BeyondTheBumpUK [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:02 toddkong7 A Review of Spy X Family [Ch96.5 & Ch97]

This is not a drill! We got a Henderson/Martha chapter boys! DON'T PANIC!
But for real, I say all the time that SxF checks every box for me as perfectly as any piece of entertainment--let alone anime/manga--can possilby do so. Though the only box that it didn't check that way for me was the romance box. I'm might have to rescind that statment going forward!
Ask and ye shall receive ig haha. Though I wanted it to be Loid/Yor stuff, I DEFINITELY won't complain about a twilight romance or reminiscence of old heartbreaks between the elderly. Especially if they are as sweet as the likes of Henderson and Martha~~
Also, I didn't have the time or energy to do a full review of the last short mission. So I will just briefly touch on it here. Regarding the last short mission:
  • I loved the fact that Anya chose her dress through the "Push Damain over the edge = Kill Damain = Dress to kill = Dress like Ha-ha" train of thought. Its so innocent and it shows how much she looks up to Yor =)
  • WISE budget is the real hero of this story, given how much Anya abuses it (whether intentionally or not).
  • I wanted to see Loid dance with Yor in an attempt to teach Anya by example...! Oh well. It might have been better this way, since I want Loid to live to see another day haha.
Also-also, not Martha being the source of Henderson's first "Eleganto!" MY HEART. SO FULL!
The blushing! The instinctual clapping! Oh MY! Also, I guess Henderson just lived his whole life without eye brows, huh lol?
Also-also-also, young Henderson had so much honor. He self-reported when he felt that he deserved a Bolt. Then realizing how corrupt faculty was, he resolved to end fist-fights and wars through the power of education. Based on that, I bet his opinion of Anya must have REALLY shot up for the better when she used Twilight's line of, "I want to create a world where children don't have to cry," against Billy Squire during the Red Circus arc.
Young Henry beggin for a Bolt.
Babe, wake up. New SxF meme template just dropped.
Also-also-also-also, Ah.
So Henderson danced with Martha not because they had danced before. But because they had NEVER danced before... That's so sweet and equally so sad... Like the gentlemen he is, he tried to make up for all the lost years... And from his statement at the beginning of the chapter, he still only views her as merely a friend (I assume that a man with such intergrity would not lie about such things, even to maintain an air of dignity)... The bittersweet angst is KILLING me! Damn you, Endo, you eleganto bastard, you!!
I say this as mostly a joke, but come on: What is it with all the men in Ostania and have an aversion to giving into love? Loid denying his feelings for Yor. Damian being a Tsundere towards Anya. Yuri not realizing that Chloe is RIGHT THERE. Donovan being estranged from his wife, Melinda. And now THIS? Eh tu, Henderson?? The only one being a man about this shit is Dominic, and he has the most high-maintanence girl out of all of them! Oh, and Frankie gets an honorable mention for at least trying. I guess Ostania just has too many Gigachad Sigmas, focusing on their own grindset...?
Its such a shame. Martha impacted Henry's life so much in regards to honor and elegance. And yet he never saw how much she loved him. I bet Martha joined the military just to help end the war faster for Henderson's sake. What a blind, eleganto fool he is...
At least they finally got to dance despite their history~~
Lastly, Martha kept the tradition of tea time! She became an imperial scholar, confirmed by her Harry Potter cloak at the end of the chapter. Which means she was able to get permission to keep tea time going. I bet she continued it alone due to the heartbreak of unrequited love...
But then, he returneth... Bro went from Henderson-senpai to Henderson-sensei real quick!
Buckle up folks. Seeing as they aren't togerther now, things are looking to get tragic... So maybe we actually should panic.
submitted by toddkong7 to SpyxFamily [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:02 TumbleWeedPasses Arachnophobia

I sat in my stationary car, my knuckles clenching the steering wheel with a grip so firm I thought it might crumble in my fists. My phone was somewhere on my lap, on loud speaker to the emergency services.
'Ok sir, they're on their way to you now. I need you to try to calm yourself down and describe to me what happened...'

My wife Angela and I had been having a "lovers tiff" all evening over every little thing, but the argument came to a head at bedtime. I was laying in bed in my pyjamas quietly watching a movie while Angela silently completed her nightly routine, making a great effort to not acknowledge my existence. A soft tapping sound from above my head pulled me from the movie. I practically dove out of bed when I looked up to find the cause of the noise. A large black spider slowly made its way along the wall, each movement of its long coordinated legs giving off a slight brushing sound.
Angela glared at me. 'What are you doing?' With wide eyes, I point to the eight legged intruder.
'Could you take it outside, please?' I asked her softly. Angela laughed. 'Pathetic,' she said coldly. 'A man of your age and size squealing like a little girl over a spider.'
I'd always been scared of spiders, it's a fear I just can't shake. Angela knows I'm ashamed of this phobia, and is usually very understanding. But tonight, she chose to be mocking.
'Could you get it for me please, I'll go get the cup and-' My pleading was cut off by Angela suddenly throwing her hairbrush at it. The hairbrush sailed through the air, bouncing off the wall and falling behind the bed, taking the spider with it.
'There was no need for that.' I told her. Angela glared at me once again. 'What? I killed it, you can go back to bed now, you big brave boy.' She smiled sarcastically. I looked towards the bed. 'But the spider's under there now, you only knocked it down by throwing things at it, maybe we-'
'Shut up!' Angela suddenly boomed, with a tone so full of rage I almost flinched. Angela took a breath, instantly looking remorseful for her unwarranted outburst. She opened her mouth to speak, but I cut her off.
'I'm going to sleep downstairs tonight.' I told her, as I pulled on my robe and slippers and headed for the door. I left the room before Angela could say another word. Switching on the living room TV, I made myself a little camp on the sofa and continued watching my movie.
I woke up at 7 in the morning, a small ray of sunshine lit up the room from a slight gap in the curtains. I stretched, turning off the TV which was now playing some random early shows. I felt a mild frustration that I'd fallen asleep before finishing the movie I'd been watching, but soon got up and decided to make coffee. 'I'll take a cup up to Angela so we can talk things out,' I thought to myself as I poured in the boiling water. 'She's an early riser so she'll be up by now.'
Armed with my beverages, I began to make my way up the stairs to our bedroom. I try to open the door with my elbow, making a lot more noise than intended. Finally, after a struggle, I managed to crack it open.
'Angela?' I called into the dimly lit room as I slowly entered. 'Ange, are you up? I've got a coffee, I thought we should talk about-'
The sight I was met with made me stop in my tracks. My eyes widened as I realised what I was looking at.
A large, silky, bloody cocoon was strung above our bed, levitating my wife within. Crimson blood dripped onto our once white sheets, and flecks of skin and hair littered the bed. The only part of Angela visible was the top half of her head. Her crystal blue eyes, once shining with life, now stared desolate back at me. I dropped both mugs of coffee at my feet and began to back away, my legs shaking uncontrollably.
Then, through the thumping of my heartbeat in my ears, I heard it. That familiar brushing sound, but this time much louder and more frequent. I forced my head to turn to the direction of the sound and I nearly fell out the door as I laid eyes on the cause. A hole in the ceiling around the size of a snooker ball, with multiple large black spiders slowly scuttling out. It was then I saw something more. From the hole, a large, grey, hairy leg the size and width of a candlestick emerged and began feeling its way around the opening in the ceiling. The creaks emitting from the floorboards above told me all I needed to know about its size, and I turned and fled. I almost tripped down the stairs as I sprinted for the front door, snatching my car keys off the counter in the hallway as I did so.
I ran across my driveway and flung my car door open before diving inside fumbling for my phone in the pocket of my robe. Hands shaking uncontrollably, I managed to dial the emergency line and hit loud speaker before my phone slipped out of my sweaty hand. I gripped the steering wheel, trying to get myself under control as I bellowed barely coherently into the phone my address and pleaded for help.

I'm currently staying with my sister and her family in their spare room. My first therapy session starts next week. Every slight brushing sound or crinkle of a bag has me bolting upright and the hairs on the back of my neck standing up. The police found Angela deceased in a woven cocoon as I'd described, and found evidence of an abnormally large spiders nest in our attic. No spiders were found. The coroner stated Angela had been fully drained of blood.
One evening, I was sat in my sisters living room with her family, watching a movie on TV. In my peripheral vision, I saw a small, dark figure scuttle across the other side of the room. I leapt from the couch with a gasp, heart pounding and eyes wide as I began to lose control of my breathing, pointing in the direction of the dark mass on the carpet.
'I got it!' My brother in law assured me, as he ran to the kitchen to get a cup to remove the uninvited guest. My sister sat with me and held my shaking hand to console me as her husband rid the house of the unwanted creature. Her six year old daughter, too young to be informed of the horrific event which took place, looked up at me with a toothy smile and gave me an innocent giggle.
'What's wrong, silly? It's just a spider...'

submitted by TumbleWeedPasses to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:00 First_Ad_6891 The worst date of my LIFE - Was I in the wrong?

So I went on a date with this guy last night. When we got to the restaurant, his friends ended up being there. Off the bat I thought, this isn’t really the ideal date right?
During our time at the restaurant he was talking to other girl friends he knew, adding them on instagram. There were times we weren’t talking, his friends would come up and talk to me ,and I would talk to them. Not anything bad right?
This whole thing is out of my comfort zone because I never been in this situation with so many people, I am a homebody. I was trying to adapt to the environment and just do what other people were doing; talking to others. I didn’t really think much of it, talking to his friends because 1. He was doing the same thing and 2. I was trying to adapt to the environment.
Then we went to the club with all his friends. I’ve never been to a club before. Extremely out of my comfort zone. Again, I was trying to adapt and talk to people , that is what I saw everyone else doing.
He was being kind of distant and left the table. His friends waved me over to their table. Again, I didn’t think anything of it. I thought they saw me alone, not knowing anyone else so they waved me over. I thought they were looking out for me.
Then one of this friends asked me for my instagram. I started to give it to him because again, that’s what everyone else was doing and being my first time in a club I thought that’s just what you do.
He took me outside and was “you need to leave” saying he didn’t want me giving my instagram to his friend.
I was so put off. He proceeded to tell me “we are on a romantic date right now”. I was just thinking, no we are not on a romantic date at all. I did not verbally say that.
Here is a list of everything he did that night. -Put his chain on an another girl and was dancing with him. -Was putting his arm around other girls/flirting with them. -Gave his instagram to another girl.
Was I in the wrong by giving my instagram to his friend? Keep in mind I was not aware we were on a romantic date, this was my first time at a club and i was trying to adapt to the situation. I did not have any intention to get with his friend. Mabye I am just young and naive. But I didn’t think it was a big deal
submitted by First_Ad_6891 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:56 Dog__eater2024 AITA for worrying about my friend?

hi, I’m coming here just to know what to do because I’ve seen other people do this and I’m just really nervous to know how to deal with these kind of situations so I have a friend 13 female and 13 female have a sort of toxic friendship or so I’ve been told by other people in the school but let’s get on with this. She is a lot to deal with. shall I say the least and I’ve been friends with her since seventh grade when I moved to the new amazing school where I was just a nervous new kid who didn’t know how to talk to anyone. Anyways, I met her sister 14 female and she was a nicest thing ever and so I got with her in February. I’m sorry if the stories a bit messy to you I am not entirely sure how to like get everything straight on here and she really liked me too so we got together and so we told her sister and a day prior to that her sister I told her sister that I was white and so her sister called me the N-word, and just so you know they are black Nigerian to exact some contacts for their mom is very racist towards other races like white east Asians and I am a quarter white and the rest Asian that’s very important and so when we move down to eighth grade the present she started changing ways. I really didn’t like she never really she just started doing it more frequently like for example, in seventh grade, I would give her a compliment, and she would tell me well. She wouldn’t tell me, but she would point out all of my flaws to me and I just be like ha ha OK as a joke cause I didn’t wanna lose her because then again I didn’t really understand toxic friendships and then she started doing it more frequently when we got into eighth grade, so I’m like OK this is normal, so I decided to do the same to her just to see what happened on our homecoming dance and she got really mad at me and when I texted her the next morning about it and she was like yeah I don’t like it when people point out my flaws and I’m like we’re gonna call her Elizabeth and I’m just like Elizabeth you point out all my flaws all the time and then she said oh well why are you making this about you? I’m the one who got hurt and so I ended up apologizing to her and so everything‘s OK and then she starts getting violent with me again, and it’s really sad because she got into that fight back by homecoming in October oh my other friends were defending her like oh Elizabeth is a good person we know for a fact it is but I have his other friend. We’re gonna call her while she was 15 female and she tried to tell me about all the stuff Elizabeth would pull and I was just like oh well she hasn’t done that to me. I’m pretty sure I’ll be different things weren’t different and it turns out she is incredibly toxic and so apparently my friends we’re gonna call him Michael male he is 14 he told me that her sister had been called mentally ill all because she has depression by Elizabeth and so well by then me and her sister had broken up I’m sorry I know this sounds really messy but she decided that she was gonna call her sister mentally ill because her mom pushed her into some boxes her older sister into a thing of boxes all because she forgot some work in her locker and so I contacted Elizabeth about this and I was like hey Elizabeth, it wasn’t right to call you instrumentally ill and I was just like are you OK cause you but I’m not you been acting different lately and she she got all defensive like oh well it’s none of your business was going on in my home and so I’m just like I’m worried about you. I’m just trying to make sure you and your sister are OK and then she started getting all defensive like look I get it and I like that you’re looking out for me but I don’t appreciate you being nosy and nosy around in my business and so I’m like fine. I’m sorry and we both sent ❤️ back to each other and now I’m just wondering how I should deal with this situation because she’s very violent and I don’t even know if I want to be friends with her anymore but I know if I say something to her about not want to be friends she’s gonna tell me something like you aren’t gonna be allowed to be friends with Michael my sister, which is honestly bullshit because she’s horrible Elizabeth is she was a good person. She never showed me her true colors but I’m wondering what to do and AITA in the story?
submitted by Dog__eater2024 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:41 backtrvck To the girl upset about my friends with cowboys hats @ Inzo in PHX last night….

To the girl upset about my friends with cowboys hats @ Inzo in PHX last night….
You didn’t ask for the rail for a song or two. You asked my friends to completely move out of the way for you to headbang… and we were there vibing having a great time. Nobody was rude to you about it, we just simply didn’t want to give you our spot??? And yes we were dancing, and having the best night of our lives. That post was super unnecessary and just a heads up, nobody was texting about you lol. Want to preach about PLUR? Learn what it means first. Btw they got the hats. 🥳
submitted by backtrvck to aves [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:39 Dan_in_Munich [Help] How do I bond with my newly adopted chinchillas?

As the title suggests I’m struggling with bonding with my babies. They’re very young — a little over one year old.
They bonded with their previous owner; they would jump on their previous owner lap/shoulder.
Yin, the naughtier boy, hardly lets me pet him. He would push my hand away, yup he does it, whenever I try to pet him. Sometimes he nibbles on my fingers when I put my (empty) hand in the cage and wait for them to come to me. Sometimes he just bites me — the bites are harder than the nibbles but not as hard as to make my fingers bleed. But if I put my hand in the cage with some treats, then it’s fine — they would come around to take the treats.
What I found weird today was that he was trying to lick/drink my blood — I cut my thumb with a piece of glass last night and there’s still some bleeding today. I put my empty hand inside the cage as per usual and waited for them come around. Yin came to my wounded hand trying to lick my blood. Is he turning into a vampire? 😂
Yang, a shy boy, lets me scratch his chin from time to time. He let me hold him for 10 whole seconds once. Just once. No exaggeration. I can pet him but only when he’s asleep. But if he’s awake, he would also pushes my hand away. He nibbles on my fingers a couple times never bites me.
When they nibble on my finger, I never pull back my hand. I let them continue nibbling on my finger. But if they (Yin) do, I do pull back my hand.
I know it takes time for them to warm up to in order to bond. But I feel discouraged when they nibble/bite me or when they just pull back when I try to touch pet them.
Do you have any tips? Please don’t say “Give them time” because I know I have to be patient. But I just want to know how to do it in a way that they wouldn’t feel threatened and bite me.
submitted by Dan_in_Munich to chinchilla [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:37 PleasantVanilla6181 Trying to conceive with PCOS??

New member here👋🏻
I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 15 after a day in the hospital because of a ruptured cyst. I was on birth control until I turned 21 and I regret every moment of it lol. It did give me regular, light periods for a while but didn’t last long.
Anyway, I’ve spent the past ten years trying to find doctors that actually listen and care and it was very hard. We actually thought I might’ve had endo at some point and found a gyno who suggested a lap, but luckily, everything was clear.
I’m 25 now and I’ve been with my partner for a while and we’ve been married for almost a year. We’ve been trying to conceive for a while and have not been successful. I don’t have a regular period, but I usually get one every few months. Recently, I had labs done and my gynecologist (who I adore her and her NPs very much) decided to prescribe me Metformin to try to regulate my periods and help me ovulate. I started exercising and eating a little better as well.
About a month later, I had awful pain in mid to right lower abdomen. Scheduled an appt on Friday and then they had me come back the following Tuesday to do an ultrasound, where they saw I was ovulating. A week after that, I started spotting, then light bleeding, which turned into heavier bleeding which turned into blood clots and changing my tampon every half hour to an hour (current day). The bleeding is starting to slow down now.
My mother also has PCOS and when she was younger, she says she used to not get a period for a while and when she would, it was heavy with blood clots like I’m having now. I just really hope it’s not like this every month. It takes so much out of me, emotionally and physically, and I just want to lay in bed all day. I’m also just very discouraged and afraid I won’t be able to conceive (which isn’t very logical thinking, but I’m sure most of us have been worried like that). I haven’t been to the gym more than twice in three weeks because of all the pain and bleeding, which sucks because exercising can be so beneficial for lots of reasons.
I guess I’m just wondering if anybody else has a similar story? I know I’m not alone, but it can definitely still feel that way some times.
Best wishes to everybody experiencing PCOS and other similar reproductive issues. It’s a terrible thing to go through.
submitted by PleasantVanilla6181 to PCOS [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:30 Actual_Spring_5213 Splitting checks...

I serve at a restaurant that gets big party's pretty often. We have a lot of dance/cheerleading groups come in. It is such a pain to split all of the checks...ex: 45 top. 20 kids. 25 adults. All adults want separate checks to match their kids. Some kids are by themselves. Parents are ordering alcohol. People switching seats. Someone new shows up. Etc.
What is your best advice for splitting checks with large groups? I've tried different jersey #s, assigning #'s, names, last week I was going to do 45 separate checks and have the kids give the parents the checks (found out aloha will only split 32 checks so that idea went right out of the window) 🤯
My manager said to just tell everyone at the beginning to either split everything up evenly or one person pays and the others can venmo etc. but I feel like that would make the groups mad.
I was thinking about getting little note cards and pencils. Having each person write down their order & then having the kids give them to the parent or parents to be grouped together. That would also cut the time for me taking 45 orders so I could focus on refills etc.
Any advice is greatly appreciated ❤️
submitted by Actual_Spring_5213 to Serverlife [link] [comments]