Alter command to enable autoextend

Anime Dubs

2012.08.13 21:14 anonymepelle Anime Dubs

Welcome to AnimeDubs ! The Subreddit For All Things Anime Dubs, Dubbed Anime, Non-Japanese Anime Influenced / Inspired Animation & East-Asian Dubbed Animation

2010.08.11 18:28 brodie7838 Tasker: Total Automation for Android


2009.06.27 21:19 antidense North Korea

Discussion about everything North Korea, one of the most controversial and unusual places on Earth: Join us to discuss its people, political and social issues, crises, controversies, power struggles, quirks, arts, diaspora and propaganda. Jokes and memes are not allowed.

2024.05.16 03:17 honeyCrisis Enabling PSRAM using menuconfig causes boot loop

Dump provided below. ESP-IDF 5.2.1
I'm trying to get PSRAM working on the M5 Stack Core 2 under the ESP-IDF.
Under Arduino I have no issues.
However, as soon as I go to menuconfigcomponent configurationESP PSRAM and enable it I get a boot loop.
I've even tried disabling initializing it on startup just to see if that would make a difference. I've tried skipping the memory test. I tried disabling paging. I made sure that it's only allocated using heap_caps_malloc
Googling the error isn't turning me up anything helpful on the forums, and I can't find an example of getting the ESP-IDF + PSRAM to work with the Core 2
I'm at a loss.
Guru Meditation Error: Core 0 panic'ed (Cache disabled but cached memory region accessed).
Core 0 register dump:
PC : 0x400ead00 PS : 0x00060734 A0 : 0x80089d48 A1 : 0x3ffe3a50
A2 : 0x3ff42000 A3 : 0x3ffe3ab0 A4 : 0x00000003 A5 : 0x00000003
A6 : 0x00000000 A7 : 0x00000003 A8 : 0x80089a21 A9 : 0x3ffe3a20
A10 : 0x3ffe3ab0 A11 : 0x3ffe3a50 A12 : 0x00000003 A13 : 0xffffffff
A14 : 0x00000000 A15 : 0xfffffffe SAR : 0x00000020 EXCCAUSE: 0x00000007
EXCVADDR: 0x00000000 LBEG : 0x400eaeba LEND : 0x400eaec5 LCOUNT : 0x00000000
Backtrace: 0x400eacfd:0x3ffe3a50 0x40089d45:0x3ffe3a80 0x4008ba51:0x3ffe3ab0 0x40083727:0x3ffe3af0 0x400d9ab5:0x3ffe3b20 0x40083802:0x3ffe3b40 0x400d98e7:0x3ffe3b70 0x400d8468:0x3ffe3bd0 0x400d86b9:0x3ffe3bf0 0x40081a72:0x3ffe3c30 0x400796d1:0x3ffe3c80 <-CORRUPTED
#0 0x400eacfd:0x3ffe3a50 in __memcpy_aux at /builds/idf/crosstool-NG/.build/HOST-x86_64-w64-mingw32/xtensa-esp32-elf/src/newlib/newlib/libc/machine/xtensa/memcpy.S:130
#1 0x40089d45:0x3ffe3a80 in spi_flash_hal_common_command at C:\Users\gazto\.platformio\packages\framework-espidf\components\hal/
#2 0x4008ba51:0x3ffe3ab0 in memspi_host_read_id_hs at C:/Users/gazto/.platformio/packages/framework-espidf/components/spi_flash/memspi_host_driver.c:99
#3 0x40083727:0x3ffe3af0 in read_id_core at C:/Users/gazto/.platformio/packages/framework-espidf/components/spi_flash/esp_flash_api.c:424
#4 0x400d9ab5:0x3ffe3b20 in esp_flash_read_chip_id at C:/Users/gazto/.platformio/packages/framework-espidf/components/spi_flash/esp_flash_api.c:442
#5 0x40083802:0x3ffe3b40 in esp_flash_init_main at C:/Users/gazto/.platformio/packages/framework-espidf/components/spi_flash/esp_flash_api.c:351 (discriminator 2)
#6 0x400d98e7:0x3ffe3b70 in esp_flash_init_default_chip at C:/Users/gazto/.platformio/packages/framework-espidf/components/spi_flash/esp_flash_spi_init.c:367
#7 0x400d8468:0x3ffe3bd0 in do_core_init at C:/Users/gazto/.platformio/packages/framework-espidf/components/esp_system/startup.c:333
#8 0x400d86b9:0x3ffe3bf0 in start_cpu0_default at C:/Users/gazto/.platformio/packages/framework-espidf/components/esp_system/startup.c:467 (discriminator 3)
#9 0x40081a72:0x3ffe3c30 in call_start_cpu0 at C:/Users/gazto/.platformio/packages/framework-espidf/components/esp_system/port/cpu_start.c:784
#10 0x400796d1:0x3ffe3c80 in ?? ??:0
submitted by honeyCrisis to esp32 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:55 NewLeafArmand The psychiatric community puts too much weight on hearing “command voices”.

As the name suggests, a command voice is hearing a voice that commands you to take an action. Whether or not your voices are commands can be the make or break factor in determining what gets you admitted into or turned away from a psychiatric hospital that you’ve gone to for help.
The idea behind it is rather silly. It’s assumed that a command voice poses a greater danger than non commands. What matters is whether or not your voice alters your behavior. Apart from getting a direct instruction, is there any difference between a voice that says “cut the bug out from under your skin” and “there are bugs beneath your skin. You’ll die if they stay in there”. There’s not much of one if you ask me.
On the topic of receiving dangerous instructions, you needn’t hallucinate at all. A flood of false memories can easily alter your behavior. Imagine having crystal clear memories of being told by state officials that the lottery would be rigged in your favor tonight if you sell your car. One would probably sell their car. I would sell it despite not hallucinating once. Simply false memory. A symptom not considered to be severe. It could wreck your life in one day.
Hey, they’re not command voices so no biggie right? All signs that your reality is being significantly warped should be grounds to receive prompt and adequate care. We need to reevaluate what is considered severe.
submitted by NewLeafArmand to CrazyNicePeople [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:57 jsimait1 The Rise of In-Jeopardy

In the bustling city of Rochester, NY, a groundbreaking phenomenon was on the rise. The super mutant X-gene known as The Catalyst was spreading rapidly, altering the lives of those it touched in unimaginable ways. It wasn’t long before The Catalyst reached the hallowed halls of the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT), a beacon of innovation and progress.
At the heart of this story is a remarkable young girl named Tova Tzion. An African-Jewish prodigy, Tova possessed an IQ of 4.5, placing her among the most intelligent beings on the planet. Tova’s unique talent was an innate ability to fix anything with a plug, a skill that made her invaluable in a world increasingly dependent on technology. Yet, despite her brilliance, Tova struggled to connect with those around her.
Tova's difficulty in getting along with people stemmed from a combination of her extraordinary intelligence and her challenging upbringing. Her parents, both brilliant engineers, had raised her in an environment that prioritized intellect over social interaction. This, coupled with her peers' jealousy and misunderstanding of her abilities, led to Tova becoming a solitary figure. She often found solace in machines, preferring their predictable logic over the complexities of human emotions.
By the age of 15, Tova’s unparalleled genius had earned her a full scholarship to RIT, where she was the youngest student ever admitted. Her scholarship was a testament to her groundbreaking work in robotics and electronics, fields in which she had already made significant contributions despite her young age. However, Tova's time at RIT was marked by isolation, as her peers struggled to understand her and she found it difficult to bridge the gap between her mind and theirs.
Everything changed the day The Catalyst hit RIT. As the mysterious gene spread through the campus, Tova felt an intense surge of energy. Her mind was flooded with information, and she could feel the machines around her as if they were extensions of her own body. The Catalyst had awakened within her the power of Techno-kinesis, an ability that allowed her to control and communicate with technology with her mind.
Tova’s powers grew exponentially, far beyond the capabilities of any known mutant. She could manipulate electronics on a molecular level, transforming them and herself in ways she had never imagined. She discovered that she could integrate technology into her own body, becoming a living nano-cyborg. Her newfound abilities enabled her to build a secret laboratory hidden deep within the city, a place where she could experiment and hone her powers without interference.
During her research, Tova learned about Danger, the sentient artificial intelligence from the X-Men’s Danger Room. Inspired by Danger's evolution and sentience, Tova began to experiment with creating autonomous technology that could think and act independently. She also discovered ways to interface directly with machines, allowing her to hack into any system with her mind alone.
Adopting the moniker "In-Jeopardy," Tova set out to use her powers for the greater good. She viewed herself as a protector of the technological world, ensuring that it was used ethically and efficiently. In-Jeopardy became a force to be reckoned with, her presence felt in every corner of the digital landscape. She could neutralize threats before they even materialized, and her ability to control technology made her an invaluable ally to those who fought for justice.
Despite her incredible powers, Tova still struggled with her social interactions. However, her journey as In-Jeopardy brought her into contact with other mutants and heroes who valued her for her abilities and her heart. Through these connections, Tova began to find her place in the world, learning to balance her extraordinary intellect with the emotional complexities of human relationships.
As In-Jeopardy, Tova Tzion became a legend in the mutant community, a symbol of the potential for technology to be a force for good. Her story was one of transformation and self-discovery, a testament to the power of The Catalyst and the resilience of the human spirit. In the ever-evolving world of mutants and superheroes, In-Jeopardy stood as a beacon of hope and innovation, forever changing the landscape of the Marvel Universe.
submitted by jsimait1 to MarvelFanStory [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:00 livia2lima Day 9 - Diving into networking


The two services your server is now running are sshd for remote login, and apache2 for web access. These are both "open to the world" via the TCP/IP “ports” - 22 and 80.
As a sysadmin, you need to understand what ports you have open on your servers because each open port is also a potential focus of attacks. You need to be be able to put in place appropriate monitoring and controls.



First we'll look at a couple of ways of determining what ports are open on your server:
There are a wide range of options that can be used with ss, but first try: ss -ltpn
The output lines show which ports are open on which interfaces:
sudo ss -ltp State Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address:Port Peer Address:Port Process LISTEN 0 4096* users:(("systemd-resolve",pid=364,fd=13)) LISTEN 0 128* users:(("sshd",pid=625,fd=3)) LISTEN 0 128 [::]:22 [::]:* users:(("sshd",pid=625,fd=4)) LISTEN 0 511 *:80 *:* users:(("apache2",pid=106630,fd=4),("apache2",pid=106629,fd=4),("apache2",pid=106627,fd=4)) 
The network notation can be a little confusing, but the lines above show ports 80 and 22 open "to the world" on all local IP addresses - and port 53 (DNS) open only on a special local address.
Now install nmap with apt install. This works rather differently, actively probing 1,000 or more ports to check whether they're open. It's most famously used to scan remote machines - please don't - but it's also very handy to check your own configuration, by scanning your server:
$ nmap localhost Starting Nmap 5.21 ( ) at 2013-03-17 02:18 UTC Nmap scan report for localhost ( Host is up (0.00042s latency). Not shown: 998 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE 22/tcp open ssh 80/tcp open http Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.08 seconds 
Port 22 is providing the ssh service, which is how you're connected, so that will be open. If you have Apache running then port 80/http will also be open. Every open port is an increase in the "attack surface", so it's Best Practice to shut down services that you don't need.
Note that however that "localhost" (, is the loopback network device. Services "bound" only to this will only be available on this local machine. To see what's actually exposed to others, first use the ip a command to find the IP address of your actual network card, and then nmap that.

Host firewall

The Linux kernel has built-in firewall functionality called "netfilter". We configure and query this via various utilities, the most low-level of which are the iptables command, and the newer nftables. These are powerful, but also complex - so we'll use a more friendly alternative - ufw - the "uncomplicated firewall".
First let's list what rules are in place by typing sudo iptables -L
You will see something like this:
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination 
So, essentially no firewalling - any traffic is accepted to anywhere.
Using ufw is very simple. It is available by default in all Ubuntu installations after 8.04 LTS, but if you need to install it:
sudo apt install ufw 
Then, to allow SSH, but disallow HTTP we would type:
sudo ufw allow ssh sudo ufw deny http 
BEWARE! Don't forget to explicitly ALLOW ssh, or you’ll lose all contact with your server! If not allowed, the firewall assumes the port is DENIED by default.
And then enable this with:
sudo ufw enable 
Typing sudo iptables -L now will list the detailed rules generated by this - one of these should now be:
“DROP tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:http” 
The effect of this is that although your server is still running Apache, it's no longer accessible from the "outside" - all incoming traffic to the destination port of http/80 being DROPed. Test for yourself! You will probably want to reverse this with:
sudo ufw allow http sudo ufw enable 
In practice, ensuring that you're not running unnecessary services is often enough protection, and a host-based firewall is unnecessary, but this very much depends on the type of server you are configuring. Regardless, hopefully this session has given you some insight into the concepts.
BTW: For this test/learning server you should allow http/80 access again now, because those access.log files will give you a real feel for what it's like to run a server in a hostile world.

Using non-standard ports

Occasionally it may be reasonable to re-configure a service so that it’s provided on a non-standard port - this is particularly common advice for ssh/22 - and would be done by altering the configuration in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.
Some call this “security by obscurity” - equivalent to moving the keyhole on your front door to an unusual place rather than improving the lock itself, or camouflaging your tank rather than improving its armour - but it does effectively eliminate attacks by opportunistic hackers, which is the main threat for most servers.
But, if you're going to do it, remember all the rules and security tools you already have in place. If you are using AWS, for example, and change the SSH port to 2222, you will need to open that port in the EC2 security group for your instance.


Even after denying access, it might be useful to know who's been trying to gain entry. Check out these discussions of logging and more complex setups:



Practice what you've learned with some challenges at


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submitted by livia2lima to linuxupskillchallenge [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:54 SportMammoth867 Idea for only women's have quirks fanfiction: Izuku Merge Quirk

As if any of you have read "Cobalt star" or "total command" many of you are coming familiar with the concept of the fan fiction trope where only women have quirks but izuku mysteriously is, seemingly, the only male with a quirk.
**(PS if anyone wants to use this prompt they can but just make sure to shoot me the link and give me some credit or at least get the credit for inspiration
My idea for this fanfiction is to create a fanfiction where izuku has a sort of possession type quirk. When this quiirk is activated Midoriya's body will glow in a green aura and when he makes contact with a living being he will seemingly phase into them without altering their mass. This allows him to merge with another person and increase their physical abilities to superhuman levels and their quirk for so long as they are merged. When possessed the target's abilities are increased to higher levels sometimes to the point where it looks like the Awakening for example Mina now can telekinetically control her acid and it's acidity after it's left her body or Urararka can now if that gravity fields around a person she touches either increasing them or removing their gravity, and in addition to this manipulating the direction of that gravity. Furthermore by placing himself inside an organic objects Izuku can strengthen them increasing their Durability and be able to manipulate the objects as though they were his own personal vehicle and move them around telekinetically while inside them at high speeds.
Those possessed by Izuku Midoriya are often marked with glowing green eyes, his freckles, and a few stands of green hair but these can be suppressed. Izuku can either choose to let them stay in control or take control himself. It also allows him the ability him to see into the mind of those he possesses. The downsides to this quick is that it can't allow him to face through objects like a normal ghost would he can only go through and possess organic objects. Another downside is that if someone has a strong enough will they can resist his control. One other downside is that reading the mind of someone demented can mess with his own mind. Izuku sees possession of someone as a great deal of trust unless he's only done it with Katsumi, Inko, and Mitsuki in the beginning.
  1. How does this quirk sound for the fanfiction?
  2. How well should I integrate the Harem aspects of it because I'm all for a good romance but I do like action?
  3. Should I go for the giant women aspect or just keep us a normal size girls?
  4. Who should be the first student from 1-A he should possess?
  5. What level should I set the sexism at for this story from 1-5?
submitted by SportMammoth867 to BokunoheroFanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:41 Extreme_Persimmon_38 Temporal Labyrinth

Quirk Type: Emitter
Quirk Description: Temporal Labyrinth grants the user the extraordinary ability to project a complex field that distorts time within its intricate pathways. This quirk allows the user to create a maze-like structure where time slows down significantly for individuals navigating through it, causing them to move at a sluggish pace compared to the external world. The temporal labyrinth serves as a formidable tool for manipulation and containment, trapping others within its time-altered corridors for extended durations and potentially leading to temporal disorientation upon escape. However, wielding this intricate power comes with its own set of challenges and limitations that test the user's control and adaptability.
  1. Time Reduction: The user can manipulate time within the intricate pathways of the temporal labyrinth, inducing a notable reduction in temporal flow for individuals inside, slowing down their movements and temporal perception to a fraction of the normal rate.
  2. Time Stopping: By crafting a labyrinthine structure with time-distorting properties, the user can halt time within specific sections of the maze, immobilizing individuals and objects within those areas while time progresses normally outside, allowing for strategic containment and control.
  1. Effect Field Projection: Temporal Labyrinth is a unique variation of Effect Field Projection, enabling the user to manifest a labyrinthine field with intricate time-altering properties that impact the flow of time within its convoluted pathways, affecting those ensnared within the temporal maze.
  2. Temporal Imprisonment: The quirk's ability to entrap individuals within the time-distorted labyrinth can lead to instances of temporal imprisonment, where victims experience extended subjective time while minimal time transpires in the external world, creating a disorienting and isolating experience.
  1. Temporal Immunity: Individuals possessing temporal immunity may resist or counteract the effects of the time dilation within the labyrinth, challenging the user's control over their manipulation of time within the maze and necessitating strategic adaptations to overcome resistance.
  2. Self-Vulnerability: The user may be susceptible to the time distortion effects of their own labyrinth, potentially experiencing unintended temporal disruptions or disorientation as they navigate the maze, requiring focus and adaptability to overcome challenges within the intricate structure.
  3. Limited Maze Range: The scope of the temporal labyrinth may be confined to a defined area or series of pathways, restricting the user's capacity to extend the time dilation effect throughout a broader region, requiring strategic planning and navigation to maximize the quirk's utility and impact.
Additional Drawbacks:
  1. Temporal Disorientation: Extended use of Temporal Labyrinth can lead to temporal disorientation for the user, causing a mismatch between their internal sense of time and the external world. Prolonged exposure to time distortion may result in confusion and difficulty in distinguishing temporal realities.
  2. Mental Fatigue: Maintaining the complex time-distorting field of the labyrinth requires intense mental focus and concentration. The user may experience mental fatigue and strain from managing the intricate temporal manipulations, potentially leading to decreased cognitive function and decision-making abilities over time.
  3. Temporal Feedback: The user is susceptible to temporal feedback effects, where alterations in time within the labyrinth reverberate back onto the user, causing temporal distortions in their own perception and potentially disrupting their sense of time and reality.
submitted by Extreme_Persimmon_38 to BNHA_OC_Characters [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:24 gm19g Uneasy Glances in the War Department Peacock-Shah Alternate Elections

Uneasy Glances in the War Department Peacock-Shah Alternate Elections
Colonel James M. Gavin shifted uncomfortably in his seat at the War Department and closed his eyes tightly to block out the pressure he felt building up in his head. Opening them, he continued to read the newspaper sprawled out on his mahogany desk:
In a rare moment of outward fury for the normally stoic soldier, Gavin crumpled the newspaper and threw it across his Pentagon staff office. He had already read the thing twice over to make sure he hadn’t missed anything the first time. To read it again would just be an exercise in making himself even more depressed. Colonel Gavin stood up and walked to the office window and looked out. Summer was rapidly dying and Fall was taking root, already some of the leaves on the trees were turning to new, vibrant colors. His office with the Strategic Plans Department was on the Eastern side of the Pentagon and offered him a view of the gently flowing Potomac River and into Washington DC itself. On clear days, such as today, he could even see the needle of the Washington Monument sticking triumphantly high into the sky. On other days the view might have filled him with pride, but today all he felt was dread. Looking over the Potomac he tried to make out where the White House would be. What was going on in there right now? Was the President and his gang of fascist jackals working out their next plan to strip away American democracy or disappear another political opponent at this very moment? Was this what he had fought for? What so many of his comrades in arms had died for?
He thought back. Gavin had always wanted to be a soldier. He was not born into some political dynasty or with a silver spoon in his mouth, no, he had to work for everything he wanted. He had been an orphan and whatever free time he had was devoted to work. Whether as a paperboy or a barbers assistant caring for the miners in his poor Pennsylvania town, he was always working. He knew he had to get out. Listening to his school teachers' lectures about the Civil War and the stories of discharged veterans from the Canadian front opened his eyes to the world outside coal mining and poverty. He knew had to be a soldier. The Americans who went off to fight in these wars were heroes to him, they did not fight for riches, they fought for what was good, decent, honorable, and righteous. Democracy. The thought was the only thing that kept him going when he had to get up before the crack of dawn, when he had to give up on making friends, and when his adoptive father forced him to drop out of school in 8th grade to work full time. He had his break when the Revolution began in 1921 and at only 15 years old he ran from home to join an anti-communist militia marching off to liberate New York City. Gavin was filled with pride as they marched off to battle and sang old marching tunes as well as praises for the newly inaugurated President Lejeune. Wearing a shabby, worn-out uniform a kind Sergeant had given to him, and using an old hunting rifle, he fought through the streets of the Big Apple alongside Patton’s regulars and the collaborationist bastard Hugh Johnson. The irony of the fact he had been fighting against Benjamin Gitlow, who now seemed to have been the last best hope of democracy in the United States, did not escape Colonel Gavin.
Federal troops enter the Bronx Soviet in May 1922. A young Gavin first saw combat here in the brutal urban warfare of the Revolution while fighting in an anti-communist militia
He had proved himself in the Revolution, enough to stay in with the Pennsylvania National Guard as a Corporal and fight the insurrectionist remnants with distinction until 1924 when one of his superior officers decided he might cut it as an officer and got him an appointment to West Point. The Academy was hard, but he was used to dealing with challenges so he was up at 4:30 every morning to try and catch up on the basic education he had been forced out of as a boy. After graduation, he got to serve on the far frontiers of American global reach where he witnessed brutality not seen since the Revolution, except this time it was not undisciplined militias or renegade Japanese collaborators, but regular United States Federal troops. Confronted by the reality of the crimes committed by a few notable Caribbean officers in the Moroland shook his faith in what he was fighting for, but still, he persisted. Those men were in the minority and their actions brought shame to the military as a whole, even as the politicians back home lauded them or helped to cover it up. It was then he first began to notice the uneasy glances shared between servicemen as they read the newspapers or talked about the events in hushed tones. At the time they were few, and no one was outspoken, but still, Gavin had noticed. When a new Pacific War broke out, all of that was forgotten as the Army of the Free marched off once more to battle. Good god, Guadalcanal had been so hot and the Japanese had been so fierce. As one of the masterminds behind the Airborne Corps, it was only right that he once more serve on the frontlines with his men and so he made every combat jump the 82nd Airborne conducted during the war. Gavin had fought in every major battle and watched as the men around him were maimed, mutilated, and murdered by a vicious enemy in a war of aggression he was beginning to lose faith in.
Theater-Ranked Brigadier General Gavin preparing to make a combat jump into Guadalcanal in late 1942 with his beloved \"All-American\" 82nd Airborne Division
He was off the coast of Iwo Jima, on board an aircraft carrier for a planning conference on the invasion of Japan, when the room suddenly turned white with the flash of the nuclear bomb. In an instant, 75,000 soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen, sons, brothers, fathers, and husbands were vaporized by the deadliest weapon known to mankind. A follow-up attack on Guam was just as bad. What had they died for? Democracy. It had to be something as just and noble as that. To spread democracy and bring peace to the Pacific. Right? The atomic bombings of Japan followed soon after.
Because of the nature of the Japanese defeat, the collapsed central government was unable to stop the raging fires, set up food distribution, or stop the roaming bandits in large swathes of the country. To counter this, an immediate American occupation was needed to restore order, end the famine, and set up a provisional government. The planning for the airborne contingent of this action, entitled Operation Eastern Wind, was left in the capable hands of theater-ranked Major General James Gavin. Eastern Wind would include massive amphibious landings across the Japanese Isles, preluded by the largest airborne drop the war had seen pinpointed outside major cities to secure vital infrastructure as the seaborne troops and equipment arrived. In a personal victory during planning, Gavin had used the loss of personnel on Iwo Jima and Guam to argue for the integration of all-black paratroop units into the rest of the Airborne Corps to bolster numbers before the big jump. Then in early September 1945, the skies over Japan were once again filled with the roaring sounds of American engines as thousands of paratroopers jumped from their transports to begin the occupation of Japan. Jumping into the icy vacuum one more time, Gavin landed on the outskirts of Tokyo and was the highest-ranking American officer in Japan for about two hours before the rest of the Army hit the beaches. As he and whatever men landed near him advanced on a railroad depot where he planned to set up his headquarters, they were horrified to find it had become an open-air hospital and mass grave for Japanese civilians caught in the Tokyo atomic bombing. The horrific stench of rotting corpses and gangrenous infected innocents permeated the air and Gavin’s first instinct was to vomit and shield his eyes. But as a soldier, and especially a soldier who was good, decent, honorable, and righteous, he instead directed the creation of an aid station along with an operational headquarters to assist the beleaguered Japanese doctors and nurses. Over the next few months in Japan, Gavin saw the extent of the destruction wrought in the name of ‘democracy’. When the final tally of over 2.5 million civilian casualties, was released he believed it. The Japanese people had suffered greatly, so he could only hope that peace would hold out when he received new orders to head the innovative Strategic Plans Department back in Washington DC at the end of 1946.
Operation Eastern Wind, directed by Theater-Ranked Major General Gavin, would see the largest airborne drop of the war as the American military began its occupation of Japan. The landings would meet no formal Japanese resistance and allowed for the quick seizure of vital infrastructure across the country. American troops encountered firsthand the effects of the nuclear attacks, the subsequent famine, wildfires, and governmental collapse.
Bumped back down to a peacetime rank, Gavin continued to climb the ladder arguing for the modernization and integration of the armed forces. He tried to readjust to peacetime service and revert to how he had served all the other presidential administrations, but something was different about La Follette. Gavin had initially viewed him positively, seeing as he had been a soldier in the Pacific before rising to the highest office, but that quickly changed with the appointment of MacArthur as Secretary of State and the dictatorial nature of the Administration in occupied Japan. As the years passed, Gavin noticed a rise in the uneasy glances he had not seen since the Moroland warcrimes had been revealed. Officers reading their newspapers would shoot a look at their comrades before receiving a knowing and acknowledging look back. Pre-briefing meetings often took an off-topic turn as someone would bring up current events and the whispers and hushed voices began. Perhaps someone would bring up the actions of the Black Shirts and reminisce about their actions during the Revolution and how the revolutionary militias and extremist fascists seemed awfully similar. Sometimes the room would go silent when an Administration appointee or outwardly supportive serviceman would walk in and the huddled soldiers would quickly and quietly disperse. Still, it was business as usual in the Pentagon and on all the bases that Gavin would visit on tours. Then the chaos of the 1948 Farmer-Labor Convention happened, followed by the streetfighting, followed by the reelection of the President, the arrests of political opponents, and the revelations preceding the impeachment attempt. Slowly but surely the number of disaffected servicemen rose with each incident and some commanders were beginning to give uncomfortable, but necessary, reminders to their men on the apolitical nature of the military and its members, even if they were beginning to lose faith in that too.
The Pentagon was abuzz with quiet discontent. Even if it was unconfirmed it was clear to most servicemen that Lindbergh and La Follette had murdered General Smedley Butler or were at the very least deeply involved in the cover-up. Once again paramilitary forces were roaming the streets of America. Once again opponents of a political philosophy were in real, mortal danger. Once again American democracy was under threat from the inside. Gavin’s generation of servicemen had marched off to war to fight for something that the La Follette administration did not care about. The current Officer Corps of the United States Military idolized Smedley Butler and John Lejeune and every affront against their names and legacies was duly, but as of yet silently, noted. The Lower Enlisted and especially Non-Commissioned Officer Corps also looked on at the proceedings with great interest as it seemed that their sacrifices in the Revolution and Pacific War were being forgotten and their authority handed over to a bunch of undisciplined and hyper-partisan Black Shirts. The uneasy glances abounded in the War Department. Outspoken fascists and La Follette supporters who seemed to have forgotten their oaths were increasingly shunned and effectively exiled by their comrades and superior officers.
James M. Gavin took a step back from the window and sneered. I cannot believe that disgrace Batista came in second he thought. Looking out at the skyline of the home of sacred American democracy, it very suddenly became very clear that the union was approaching a precipice. It was quite possible that the Administration might call upon the military to enforce its will should they take a step to alter the very fabric of the United States. If and when that time comes… what would the military’s response be? Not the reaction from the higher-ups, the ones appointed by the politicians, but the reaction from the men? The Officers and Enlisted who had watched their buddies die overseas as they fought for some vague notion of advancing the cause of freedom? The Officers and Enlisted who had set out to defend America during the Revolution? Personally, Gavin knew what he would do, and he had a general feeling about what the rest of the men of the military might do. But the revelation had forced the thought into his mind and he knew he would never be able to shake it again. He sat down at his desk once again and began to outline a list of names. Once he had finished, he looked it over again, committed it to memory, took out his lighter, and burned the paper. He would set about doing what he did best. Organizing and planning. He wasn’t sure just how paranoid the Administration was, but he would leave no paper trail, only speak to those he was absolutely sure he knew the sentiments of, and take every precaution as he made feelers. Too much was at risk. Too many had died. Too many had sacrificed. Too many who naively believed that their bloodshed would not be in vain and that their superiors in the government were also good, decent, honorable, and righteous. James M. Gavin would do whatever he could to remind Washington that there were still patriots willing to fight for a worthy cause. And if necessary, die for it. Democracy.
Washington's Last Patriot: James M. Gavin
submitted by gm19g to Presidentialpoll [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 00:10 5yleop1m Whats wrong with my config, ABL keeps starting with the probe off the bed.

When ever I start the bed mesh generation the initial point starts at what would be 0,0 instead of the given 40,0. This is not good because the probe is off the bed at this point but the nozzle isn't, meaning the nozzle collides with the bed.
Any idea why this is happening? My config is below. Klipper version: v0.12.0-190
[include mainsail.cfg] # This file contains common pin mappings for the BigTreeTech SKR 2. # To use this config, the firmware should be compiled for the # STM32F407 with a "32KiB bootloader". # In newer versions of this board shipped in late 2021 the STM32F429 # is used, if this is the case compile for this with a "32KiB bootloader" # You will need to check the chip on your board to identify which you have. # # The "make flash" command does not work on the SKR 2. Instead, # after running "make", copy the generated "out/klipper.bin" file to a # file named "firmware.bin" on an SD card and then restart the SKR 2 # with that SD card. # See docs/ for a description of parameters. # Note: The initial revision of this board has a flaw that can cause # damage to itself and other boards. Be sure to verify the board is # not impacted by this flaw before using it. [tmc2208 stepper_x] uart_pin: PE0 run_current: 1.2 stealthchop_threshold: 120 interpolate: True [stepper_x] step_pin: PE2 dir_pin: !PE1 enable_pin: !PE3 microsteps: 32 rotation_distance: 40 #steps_per_mm: 645.812 endstop_pin: !PC1 position_endstop: 0 position_max: 255 homing_speed: 30 [tmc2208 stepper_y] uart_pin: PD3 run_current: 1.2 stealthchop_threshold: 120 interpolate: True [stepper_y] step_pin: PD5 dir_pin: !PD4 enable_pin: !PD6 microsteps: 32 rotation_distance: 40 #steps_per_mm: 643.863 endstop_pin: !PC3 position_endstop: 0 position_max: 255 homing_speed: 50 [tmc2208 stepper_z] uart_pin: PD0 run_current: 1.2 #stealthchop_threshold: 999999 interpolate: True [stepper_z] step_pin: PA15 dir_pin: PA8 enable_pin: !PD1 microsteps: 32 rotation_distance: 8 endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop #position_endstop: 0.5 position_max: 200 position_min: -20 #use for testing [bltouch] sensor_pin: ^PE4 control_pin: PE5 x_offset: 40 y_offset: 0 #z_offset: 0 samples: 5 samples_tolerance_retries: 1 samples_result: average [safe_z_home] home_xy_position: 127.5, 127.5 # Change coordinates to the center of your print bed speed: 10 z_hop: 15 # Move up 10mm z_hop_speed: 5 [tmc2208 extruder] uart_pin: PC6 run_current: 1.2 #stealthchop_threshold: 999999 interpolate: False [extruder] step_pin: PD15 dir_pin: !PD14 enable_pin: !PC7 microsteps: 16 rotation_distance: 33.6 #steps_per_mm = nozzle_diameter: 0.400 filament_diameter: 1.750 max_extrude_cross_section: 500 heater_pin: PB3 sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F sensor_pin: PA2 min_extrude_temp: 120 min_temp: 0 max_temp: 250 pressure_advance: 0.52 [heater_bed] heater_pin: PD7 sensor_type: Generic 3950 sensor_pin: PA1 #control: watermark min_temp: 0 max_temp: 130 [bed_screws] screw1: 44, 44 screw2: 212, 44 screw3: 212, 215 screw4: 44, 215 [bed_mesh] speed: 80 horizontal_move_z: 25 mesh_min: 40, 0 mesh_max: 245, 245 probe_count: 10, 10 algorithm: bicubic mesh_pps: 3, 3 [fan] pin: PB5 [heater_fan fan1] pin: PB7 [output_pin motor_power] pin: PC13 value: 1 [mcu] serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32f429xx_3C003A001450304738323420-if00 [printer] kinematics: cartesian max_velocity: 300 max_accel: 3000 max_z_velocity: 25 max_z_accel: 100 [virtual_sdcard] path: /home/dietpi/printer_data/gcodes on_error_gcode: CANCEL_PRINT [temperature_sensor raspberry_pi] sensor_type: temperature_host min_temp: 10 max_temp: 100 [temperature_sensor mcu_temp] sensor_type: temperature_mcu min_temp: 0 max_temp: 100 #[firmware_retraction] #retract_length: 0 # The length of filament (in mm) to retract when G10 is activated, # and to unretract when G11 is activated (but see # unretract_extra_length below). The default is 0 mm. #retract_speed: 20 # The speed of retraction, in mm/s. The default is 20 mm/s. #unretract_extra_length: 0 # The length (in mm) of *additional* filament to add when # unretracting. #unretract_speed: 10 # The speed of unretraction, in mm/s. The default is 10 mm/s. ######################################## # EXP1 / EXP2 (display) pins ######################################## [board_pins] aliases: # EXP1 header EXP1_1=PC5, EXP1_3=PB1, EXP1_5=PE10, EXP1_7=PE12, EXP1_9=, EXP1_2=PB0, EXP1_4=PE9, EXP1_6=PE11, EXP1_8=PE13, EXP1_10=<5V>, # EXP2 header EXP2_1=PA6, EXP2_3=PE7, EXP2_5=PB2, EXP2_7=PC4, EXP2_9=, EXP2_2=PA5, EXP2_4=PA4, EXP2_6=PA7, EXP2_8=, EXP2_10= [include timelapse.cfg] [include pa_cal.cfg] [save_variables] filename: /home/dietpi/printer_data/config/saved_variables.cfg #*# <---------------------- SAVE_CONFIG -------------------- #*# DO NOT EDIT THIS BLOCK OR BELOW. The contents are auto-generated. #*# #*# [bltouch] #*# z_offset = 2.600 #*# #*# [extruder] #*# control = pid #*# pid_kp = 29.866 #*# pid_ki = 1.645 #*# pid_kd = 135.516 #*# #*# [heater_bed] #*# control = pid #*# pid_kp = 67.366 #*# pid_ki = 1.593 #*# pid_kd = 712.399 
submitted by 5yleop1m to klippers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:51 hrothmartin Homeworld 3: A point-by-point breakdown for series veterans

Disclaimer: the audience for this post is people who are familiar with Homeworld. I've put hundreds of hours into all the games across the series. I'm going to assume that you're familiar with the basic mechanics, story beats and tone of the original game.
Homeworld 3 has been out a few days now. Critic reviews are largely positive, and fan sentiment seems to be a mixed bag.
Personally, I give it a strong recommend. But I also understand some of the frustration: there are a few gameplay design decisions that I don't agree with that I'll get into later. Here's my detailed breakdown:


graphics: amazing, no notes
camera: generally easy to control
audio design: fantastic
movement & selection improvements
environmental improvements
new unit types
story and worldbuilding
roguelike mode (War Games)


missing features from HW2
different narrative tone
tactical changes


pacing & level design issues
issues with camera & selection controls


A bit more detail on some of the points above:
neutral: missing features from HW2
I think the general sentiment is that few people liked squadrons in HW2. Subsystems were sort of cool but kind of annoying to target in the heat of battle. I don't really miss either of these features, personally.
neutral: different narrative tone
A lot of people seem to be up in arms about this. I have to say that the character-driven CGI cutscenes do add a bit of texture to the universe, but for me, it comes the expense of the kind of epic feel of the older titles. The older games doesn't really put individual people at the center of the narrative; the spaceships themselves are the characters.
Still, the in-engine cutscenes look great, with cool coreography. I wish they would have done more of this, it's more true to the original style.
neutral: too many single-target abilities
Why can't I shoot my charged beams at multiple enemies? Why can't I band-box to capture multiple ships at once? Not only would more multi-select abilies makes sense tactically, it would make things easier to control: it can be hard to pick out a single enemy from a big pile of ships.
neutral: some units finicky to control
I'm thinking of units like bombers. They have a cloaking ability, which doesn't always seem to work (maybe because one of them is still firing?). It's very frustrating when you *think* you enabled the cloaking device, only to have all your units wiped out 10 seconds later because the ability didn't actually trigger.
Movement and target selection can also be an issue. Again with bombers: they have an extremely long range, but will dive heedlessly toward the enemy at close range and get chewed up instead of turning around at a reasonable distance on their attack run. They also don't spread out their targets enough: they might drop two salvos of bombs on a target that would be destroyed by just one. Torpedo frigates are the opposite: they will try and keep a very large distance from the enemy, sometimes making it difficult to get them to go where you want them to go.
neutral: tactical changes
You can set a "stance" like in HW2, and this generally works better than in that game. Units don't run all over the map in a hyper-aggressive way, and will generally stick close to units they're guarding.
However you can't set "tactics" independently like in HW1 or HW: Remastered. For example, you can't set your recon units to "evasive" to have them break formation and tie up enemy units in the same way you could in that game.
You can kind of approximate this with formations, though. If you set "no formation" then strike craft will manuever in an evasive way. It took me a while to figure this out: the game doesn't really teach this to you.
negative: pacing and level design
This is the most frustrating thing about the game, even more so because it's 100% fixable. All you would need to do is give players a little time at the beginning of a mission to build a few units and get their selection groups set up before starting mission timers.
Likewise, it would be really nice to have some cooldown time at the end of missions to collect resources and rebuild your fleet. The "forced hyperspace" is a really questionable gameplay design decision.
There's one mission in particular where you're defending a chokepoint against a large enemy fleet. By the end of the mission, your fleet is battered: I was playing on the hardest difficulty, and had no resources remaining. After the combat, there are wrecked ships everywhere that your resource collectors can salvage, but the mission ends before you can collect anything!
Instead, I had to start the next mission with no resources and a crippled fleet. There didn't seem to be any plot justification for this: it's like it's specifically designed to annoy players.
negative: issues with camera and selection controls
These issues are more minor. The first is that you can't deselect a unit directly by right-clicking. As far as I can tell, you can only do it in the unit overlay in the lower-left corner. But in that view, you can't tell which unit you're delecting, since it's just a box with a pile of ships.
The large environmental objects (superstructures) are also an obstacle to selection. This is a problem, since some levels take place in large hollow structures. You can see the units in sensor mode, but if you try to click on one and there's a solid object in the way, it won't select them. This is annoying, and it forces you to waste time rotating the camera around until the object is no longer in between you and the selection.
The sensors manager can also drop you in weird places when you exit back into the standard view, particularly if you've been zooming around. Sometimes there's a big object blocking your view. Hope they can patch this.
Finally, there are hidden controls that are hard to access. There's a whole context menu that you can only find by holding 'alt' and right clicking: I had to look this up online. The command to retire a ship is hidden in this menu. If you've played these series you know that 'retire' is actually a pretty important command: your population is capped and sometimes you need to retire some ships to make room for better ones.
negative: miscellaneous
Why don't groups keep their formation after docking? Why? WHY? Sajuuk, why have you forsaken me?
Finally, and this is more of a feature request: it should be simple to auto-reinforce your groups back to full strength. Granted, this is a problem with every homeworld game: it's so frustrating to lose focus on a battle just because you're trying to add a single recon unit to bring your group from 29 to 30. Then you need to remember to update the formation because adding a unit makes it "mixed".
Maybe this is only a problem for OCD formation micromanagers like me, I don't know.
a note on performance
The game mostly peformed well for my mid-range computer on high settings. A few large, open levels had performance issues: one level in the War Games mode which consists of a bunch of vertical structures and a very large map occasionally slowed to a crawl, and I had to turn down the settings.


The fact that I can strongly recommend this game in spite of the issues listed above is a testament to the quality of the engine that BBI has built. The minute-to-minute gameplay feels very solid and true to the series. With a few tweaks, I think they could really improve the pacing of the single-player game.
I have high hopes for the modding scene, given that the modding tools appear to be based on a customized version of the Unreal Engine. The roguelike mode is actually a blast, and I'd love to see where they go with it. New maps and mission objectives would be welcome. I haven't played it cooperatively but I'm eager to try.
I haven't played the skirmish mode yet, and I never played the older games competitively, so I've got no opinions there. Would love to hear more from others one what they think.
Also happy to clarify any points above, please feel free to ask.
submitted by hrothmartin to homeworld [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 23:34 Snushy_101 Freshcaller Pricing: Decoded

Freshcaller Pricing: Decoded
When it comes to finding the right pricing plan for your business phone system, navigating through various options, alternatives can be overwhelming. However, with Freshcaller Pricing, simplicity meets versatility. Say goodbye to complicated pricing structures and hello to transparent and flexible plans tailored to suit your specific needs. Whether you are a small startup or a growing enterprise, Freshcaller offers a range of pricing tiers that provide value without compromising on features. Experience the ease of selecting a plan that aligns perfectly with your requirements and budget, making communication solutions stress-free, cost-effective, and easy to pay for.
Useful Links:
  1. Freshcaller LifeTime Deal
  2. Freshcaller Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding Pricing Plans: Familiarize yourself with the different pricing tiers offered by Freshcaller to choose the most suitable plan for your business needs.
  • New Phone Call Rates and Monthly Fees: Stay informed about the updated call rates and monthly fees to manage your budget effectively and make informed decisions.
  • How to Purchase a Business Number: Follow the step-by-step guide provided in the article to easily purchase a business number through Freshcaller for seamless communication.
  • FAQs on Pricing and Services: Address any lingering questions by referring to the FAQs section, ensuring clarity on pricing details and available services.
  • Additional Features and Their Costs: Explore the additional features available and their associated costs to enhance your communication capabilities within your budget constraints.

Understanding Pricing Plans

Free Plan: Getting Started


The free plan offered by Freshcaller is an excellent option for businesses looking to get started with a basic communication system without any upfront costs.


  • $0/agent/month + pay/min, billed monthly: The free plan allows you to get started with Freshcaller at no cost per agent per month. However, you'll be charged based on usage, with a pay-per-minute billing model.
  • No FREE minutes: Unlike other plans, the free plan does not include any free incoming minutes.
  • Buy Local Numbers: You have the option to purchase local phone numbers to establish a local presence in different regions.
  • Buy Toll-free Numbers: Toll-free numbers are available for businesses that want to provide a free calling option for their customers.
  • Inbound Caller ID: Identify incoming callers with caller ID information.
  • Desktop Notifications: Receive desktop notifications for incoming calls and messages.
  • Call Notes: Add notes to calls for reference or follow-up.
  • Custom Greetings: Personalize greetings for callers based on specific criteria.
  • Call Metrics: Track and analyze call metrics to gain insights into call performance.
  • Conversation Properties: Tag conversations with custom properties for organization and categorization.
  • Inbox: Manage and organize calls and messages in a centralized inbox.

Growth Plan: For Fast Growth

The growth plan is designed for businesses that are experiencing rapid growth and need more advanced features to support their expanding communication needs.


  • $18/agent/month + pay/min, billed monthly: The growth plan includes all the features of the free plan, with additional benefits, at a monthly cost per agent.
  • Up to 2000 incoming minutes/month FREE: Enjoy up to 2000 free incoming minutes per month, reducing the overall cost of usage.
  • Number Porting: Transfer existing phone numbers to Freshcaller for seamless transition and consolidation.
  • Basic Call Queues: Create basic call queues to efficiently manage incoming calls and distribute them among agents.
  • Wait Queues: Queue callers and provide them with estimated wait times to manage expectations.
  • Voicemail: Allow callers to leave voicemail messages when agents are unavailable.
  • Warm Transfer: Transfer calls to other agents with a warm introduction to ensure a smooth transition.
  • Cold Transfer: Transfer calls to other agents without any introduction or handoff.
  • Call Recording: Record calls for training, quality assurance, and compliance purposes.
  • Pre-built Reports: Access pre-built reports to analyze call data and performance metrics.
  • Parallel Calling: Allow agents to handle multiple calls simultaneously to improve efficiency.
  • Queue Transfer: Transfer callers between different queues to ensure they reach the right department or agent efficiently.

Pro Plan: For High Performance

The pro plan is ideal for businesses that require high-performance communication capabilities and advanced features to streamline their operations.


  • $47/agent/month + pay/min, billed monthly: The pro plan builds upon the features of the growth plan, offering additional benefits at a higher monthly cost per agent.
  • Up to 3000 incoming minutes/month FREE: Enjoy an increased limit of up to 3000 free incoming minutes per month, reducing overall usage costs.
  • Holiday Routing: Set up automated routing rules for holidays to ensure calls are handled appropriately.
  • Advanced Call Metrics: Access advanced call metrics and analytics to gain deeper insights into call performance.
  • Call Barging: Supervisors can join ongoing calls to provide assistance or intervene when necessary.
  • Call Center Agent Statuses: Customize agent statuses to indicate availability, break times, or other conditions.
  • Call Recording Opt-out: Allow agents to opt-out of call recordings for privacy or compliance reasons.
  • Agent Availability Report: Monitor agent availability and productivity with detailed reports.
  • Queue Callback (Virtual Hold): Offer callers the option to receive a callback instead of waiting on hold, improving customer satisfaction.
  • Routing Automation: Automate call routing based on predefined rules and criteria to streamline operations.
  • Call Lifecycle: Track the entire lifecycle of calls from initiation to resolution for improved management and analysis.
  • Call Monitoring: Supervisors can monitor ongoing calls in real-time to provide support or coaching to agents.
  • Pause Recordings: Temporarily pause call recordings to exclude sensitive or confidential information.
  • IVR (Phone Trees): Set up interactive voice response (IVR) systems to route callers to the appropriate department or agent automatically.
  • Custom Reports: Create custom reports tailored to your specific business needs for in-depth analysis and insights.

Enterprise Plan: For Enterprise-Grade Support

The enterprise plan is designed for large enterprises with complex communication requirements and the need for personalized support and customization options.


  • $83/agent/month + pay/min, billed monthly: The enterprise plan offers the most comprehensive set of features and benefits, tailored to the needs of large enterprises, at a higher monthly cost per agent.
  • Up to 5000 incoming minutes/month FREE: Enjoy an increased limit of up to 5000 free incoming minutes per month, reducing overall usage costs further.
  • Holiday Routing: Set up automated routing rules for holidays to ensure calls are handled appropriately.
  • Advanced Call Metrics: Access advanced call metrics and analytics to gain deeper insights into call performance.
  • Call Barging: Supervisors can join ongoing calls to provide assistance or intervene when necessary.
  • Call Center Agent Statuses: Customize agent statuses to indicate availability, break times, or other conditions.
  • Call Recording Opt-out: Allow agents to opt-out of call recordings for privacy or compliance reasons.
  • Agent Availability Report: Monitor agent availability and productivity with detailed reports.
  • Queue Callback (Virtual Hold): Offer callers the option to receive a callback instead of waiting on hold, improving customer satisfaction.
  • Routing Automation: Automate call routing based on predefined rules and criteria to streamline operations.
  • Call Lifecycle: Track the entire lifecycle of calls from initiation to resolution for improved management and analysis.
  • Call Monitoring: Supervisors can monitor ongoing calls in real-time to provide support or coaching to agents.
  • Pause Recordings: Temporarily pause call recordings to exclude sensitive or confidential information.
  • IVR (Phone Trees): Set up interactive voice response (IVR) systems to route callers to the appropriate department or agent automatically.
  • Custom Reports: Create custom reports tailored to your specific business needs for in-depth analysis and insights.
  • Call Conferencing: Conduct multi-party conference calls with agents, supervisors, and external parties for collaboration and problem-solving.
  • Bring Your Own Carrier: Integrate Freshcaller with your existing telephony carrier for seamless communication.
  • SIP Connections: Establish SIP connections for voice communication over the internet, enabling cost-effective and scalable solutions.
  • Agent Extensions: Assign unique extensions to agents for easy identification and direct calling within the organization.
  • Smart Escalations: Set up automated escalation rules to ensure timely resolution of customer issues and inquiries.

How to Purchase a Business Number

Local Numbers

To purchase a business number in Freshcaller, start by navigating to the "Numbers" section. Click on "Buy Numbers" and choose your desired local number. Enter the area code or location for a specific local presence to call.

Toll-Free Numbers

For a toll-free business number, follow the same steps but select the toll-free option instead. Pick a memorable toll-free number that aligns with your brand identity for customer engagement when they call.

Number Porting Process

Freshcaller allows users to port existing numbers seamlessly. Initiate the process by providing necessary details like current service provider information and account details for a smooth transition.

Inbound Caller ID and Call Notes

Inbound caller ID enables you to identify callers before answering, enhancing personalized interactions. Utilize call notes feature to jot down important details during calls for future reference and improved customer service.
  • Pros of Freshcaller's Number Purchase:
    • Easy navigation for buying local and toll-free numbers.
    • Seamless number porting process for convenience.
  • Cons of Freshcaller's Number Purchase:
    • Limited customization options for business numbers.
    • Additional charges may apply for premium numbers.

Additional Features and Their Costs

Advanced Features

Freshcaller offers advanced features like call barging and routing automation, enhancing your call center's efficiency. These features enable supervisors to listen in on calls for quality control and automate call routing based on preset rules.

Speech-Enabled IVR and Abandoned Call Metrics

By incorporating speech-enabled IVR, Freshcaller provides a seamless customer experience by allowing callers to interact using voice commands. The platform tracks abandoned call metrics, helping businesses identify bottlenecks in their call flow for improved customer service.

Custom Reports and Call Conferencing

Freshcaller allows users to generate custom reports tailored to their specific needs, providing valuable insights into call performance and agent productivity. Moreover, the inclusion of call conferencing simplifies communication among team members, fostering collaboration and problem-solving.
Incorporating these features into your Freshcaller subscription can elevate your call center operations, leading to enhanced customer satisfaction and streamlined workflows.

Final Remarks

You've now gained a comprehensive understanding of Freshcaller's pricing plans, call rates, purchasing a business number, FAQs, and additional features. By exploring these sections, you're equipped to make informed decisions that align with your business needs and budget. Remember to consider the value each feature brings to your operations and how it can enhance customer interactions.
As you navigate through Freshcaller's pricing options, keep in mind the scalability and flexibility they offer to adapt to your growing business requirements. Take advantage of the diverse features available to streamline your communication processes and provide top-notch service to your customers. Make the most of Freshcaller's offerings to elevate your business communication strategies and drive success.
Transform your business communication with Freshcaller's cloud-based solution. Get started for free! 🚀📞

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Freshcaller pricing plans work?

Freshcaller offers flexible pricing plans based on the number of users and features needed. You can choose from monthly or annual billing options to suit your budget and requirements.

What are the new call rates and monthly fees?

Freshcaller's call rates depend on the chosen plan, with competitive rates for local and international calls. Monthly fees vary based on the plan selected, starting from a basic package to more advanced options.

Are there additional costs for purchasing a business number?

There may be additional charges for purchasing specific business numbers depending on the type and region. Freshcaller provides transparent pricing details upfront so you can make an informed decision.

What are some of the additional features offered by Freshcaller, and their costs?

Freshcaller offers various additional features like call recording, voicemail transcription, and advanced analytics at additional costs. These features enhance communication efficiency and provide valuable insights to improve customer interactions.

How can I get started with purchasing a business number through Freshcaller?

To purchase a business number with Freshcaller, simply sign up for an account, choose your desired plan, select a business number option, and complete the payment process. The user-friendly interface ensures a seamless experience in setting up your virtual phone system.
Useful Links:
  1. Freshcaller LifeTime Deal
  2. Freshcaller Free Trial
submitted by Snushy_101 to Hairfortin [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:52 RiceeeChrispies Anyone having any luck with Windows Update Driver Rings?

Wanting to move away from Dell Command, mainly because we are using per-device BIOS passwords now as part of the new BIOS Configuration device configuration profile so BIOS updates will fail anyway.
Windows Update offers a cool feature which allows you update the BIOS through UEFI firmware capsule which doesn't require the password. We already use WUFB w/ Autopatch - so it seemed like a no-brainer.
However, I can't for the life of me get any devices to pull down approved drivers from a ring I created a couple of weeks ago.
I have checked:
When running through Graph API to get the applicable devices so I can troubleshoot further, I'm not getting 'matchedDevices' returned despite the GUI reporting that multiple devices are matched to the approved drivers.
WUFB is awesome, but driver rings just don't feel polished compared to quality/feature update rings.
Is it really this awkward/flaky or am I missing something obvious?
Looking to hear your experiences.
submitted by RiceeeChrispies to Intune [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:40 FireNunchuks The tale of copy into

Let me tell you the tale of copy into
For those of you that don’t know this kind of command, COPY INTO, is a command that lets you unload data from snowflake to any external source and with a specified format, it also works in the other direction to load data.
Here is the documentation for the curious ones
As all the talented data engineers on this subreddit we wanted to build an idempotent pipeline to export data so we decided to use the Overwrite option to… overwrite the data in case we have to re-run the process if there are some data quality issues for example.
COPY INTO 'gcs://mybucket/unload/my_file.csv' FROM mytable STORAGE_INTEGRATION = myintegration FILE_FORMAT = (FORMAT_NAME = my_csv_format) OVERWRITE = True; 
As the naming is fairly obvious and it looks really like the option I’m looking for I didn’t dig deeper in the documentation.
But a few days later we started having some issues, sometimes we had a bit too many rows, most of the time a few rows were fully duplicated, but never a lot, around 5% and not on every run… We tried to replicate it, but it was not always happening. And it was part of a more complex pipeline.
After investigating we were left with only two possibilities: either copy into doesn’t work (highly improbable) or we didn’t use the command well (weird because it didn’t look complicated). I decided to RTFM deeper.
After looking at File format features I started to dig on OVERWRITE
OVERWRITE = TRUE FALSE Boolean that specifies whether the COPY command overwrites existing files with matching names, if any, in the location where files are stored. 
Quite what you would expect from overwrite but wait.. there is more
The option does not remove any existing files that do not match the names of the files that the COPY command unloads. 
In many cases, enabling this option helps prevent data duplication in the target stage when the same COPY INTO  statement is executed multiple times. However, when an unload operation writes multiple files to a stage, Snowflake appends a suffix that ensures each file name is unique across parallel execution threads (e.g. data_0_1_0). The number of parallel execution threads can vary between unload operations. If the files written by an unload operation do not have the same filenames as files written by a previous operation, SQL statements that include this copy option cannot replace the existing files, resulting in duplicate files. 
Oh… so if your process is using multiple threads (like you would expect in a data platform), multiple partitions are written and if between different runs the number of threads used changes it may not overwrite all your partitions.
In our case it was a single partition that was sometimes overwritten or not explaining the small row count difference we had.
But there is a solution offered,
To avoid data duplication in the target stage, we recommend setting the INCLUDE_QUERY_ID = TRUE copy option instead of OVERWRITE = TRUE and removing all data files in the target stage and path (or using a different path for each unload operation) between each unload job. 
I can think of 2 other solutions that could be also useful for different use cases:
  1. include query_id name in each partition file, in our case we would have some duplicates but it would be a far easier bug to discover because it would be a full duplication of the data
  2. use SINGLE=True to write the output to a single partition, works for a lot of cases, but not big data use cases
  3. empty the folder before outputting to it using another tool
I hope it will help some data engineers to avoid this pitfall.
TLDR: Snowflake OVERWRITE option in COPY INTO should be named OPTIMISTIC_OVERWRITE, and I should have taken the time to read the doc.
submitted by FireNunchuks to dataengineering [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:25 NoMuffinForYou Plex playback skipping randomly

Running PMS off a Asustor NAS and most of the time it's been having issues where it'll be playing something fine but occasionally it'll just skip ahead a couple of seconds (2or 3 seconds mostly but up to 15 at a time).
No buffering, no audio issues, it's seamless aside from the time jump, happens across multiple file formats but most of my library is H265.
Client is a PS5.
Saw a thread from years ago saying to enable an alterative streaming protocol but I can't find that setting anymore.
Thanks in advance.
submitted by NoMuffinForYou to PleX [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:20 aj53108 Need help getting HDR working in game

So I'm running Fedora 40 KDE. I'm using an RTX 4090. I have Nvidia driver 550.78 and running Wayland. I enabled HDR in the display settings on KDE. Gamescope is installed. I'm trying to get Cyberpunk 2077 running with HDR. I added the following launch options:
gamescope -W 3440 -H 1440 -r 165 --hdr-enabled -f -e -- %command% --launcher-skip --intro-skip -skipStartScreen
The game will start and get to the main menu and then locks up every time. Just wondering if anyone knows what I'm doing wrong or what I'm missing?
submitted by aj53108 to linux_gaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:06 Extreme_Persimmon_38 ConditioForge

Quirk Type: Transformation/Emitter
Quirk Description: ConditioForge grants the user the remarkable ability to manipulate their personal condition and state across a wide spectrum of attributes, including strength, speed, agility, durability, intelligence, willpower, and more. By harnessing this quirk, the user can enhance, diminish, or alter their physical and mental qualities at will, shaping their abilities to match the demands of any situation. However, this versatile power comes with its own set of drawbacks that challenge the user's control and equilibrium.
  1. Peak Human/Enhanced/Supernatural/Absolute Condition: The user can push their condition to peak human, enhanced, supernatural, or absolute levels, unlocking extraordinary physical and mental capabilities to surpass normal limits.
  2. Athletic Manipulation: Fine-tuning athletic abilities like stamina, agility, and coordination allows the user to excel in sports, combat, or physical challenges with exceptional precision and performance.
  3. Intelligence Manipulation: Manipulating intelligence and cognitive functions enables the user to enhance problem-solving skills, memory retention, and strategic thinking, adapting to intellectual tasks with heightened acuity.
  4. Strength/Speed/Agility Manipulation: Adjusting strength, speed, and agility grants the user enhanced physical prowess tailored to combat, athletics, or daily activities, amplifying performance and responsiveness as needed.
  5. Durability/Dexterity Manipulation: Modulating durability for increased resilience or dexterity for enhanced coordination empowers the user to withstand damage, execute precise movements, and maintain control over their actions.
  1. Instability: The rapid alterations in the user's condition can lead to physical and mental instability, causing fluctuations in attributes that may be challenging to control, resulting in unpredictable outcomes and potential drawbacks.
  2. Energy Drain: Each manipulation of the user's condition requires a significant amount of energy and focus, leading to exhaustion and fatigue if overused or sustained for prolonged periods, limiting the user's endurance and combat effectiveness.
  3. Backlash Effects: Intensive manipulation of attributes may trigger backlash effects, such as temporary weakness, cognitive impairment, or physical strain, as the user's body struggles to adapt to rapid changes in condition.
  4. Dependency Risk: Overreliance on ConditioForge for continuous enhancements may create a dependency on the quirk, diminishing the user's natural abilities and self-reliance, as well as potentially affecting their sense of identity and self-confidence.
ConditioForge bestows the user with unparalleled control over their personal condition and state, offering a breadth of applications across various attributes, but with drawbacks including instability, energy drain, backlash effects, and dependency risks that test the user's mastery and resilience in harnessing this transformative power.
submitted by Extreme_Persimmon_38 to BNHA_OC_Characters [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 22:05 Itchy-Assumption3803 Hydra Launcher - How to work

#linux #hydra #hydralauncher #archlinux #steamdeck #steam #howtowork
Hydra Launcher is a launcher designed to simplify the management and sharing of your favorite games. Available on various platforms, including Steam Deck, Hydra Launcher offers a wide range of features to enhance your gaming experience.
This guide aims to help Steam Deck owners install Hydra Launcher in the simplest way possible, with the possibility of changes due to updates.
But let's move on to the installation steps.

WARNING PLEASE - Disclaimer on Usage and Responsibilities

It is hereby stated that neither the project, nor the website, nor the author of the article assume any responsibility for the use of the program and the results obtained. Furthermore, no responsibility is assumed for any errors that may cause the console to be blocked or malfunction. It is strongly advised to perform each step with awareness and competence, and it is strongly discouraged for those who are not familiar with such procedures to proceed. The user is required to fully understand the actions they are taking and to act with caution.

Installation Steps on Steam Deck:

  1. Download the latest version zip of Hydra Launcher.
  2. Extract the zip file to a folder of your choice.
  3. If you haven't already, unlock the read-only mode to install programs. Note that the database is in read-only mode, hence you'll receive an error with the same phrase.
sudo steamos-readonly disable sudo sh -c 'echo "keyserver hkps://" >> /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/gpg.conf' sudo pacman-key --init sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux sudo pacman-key --populate holo
3.1. Save the following text into a file named in the same folder where you extracted the program. This script will install the necessary dependencies to proceed with the program's build. The file will install Node.js, Yarn, and Python 3.9
# Install Node.js, Yarn, Python 3.9, and project dependencies
sudo pacman -S --needed nodejs npm yarn python
# Install Node dependencies
yarn install
# Install Python dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Configure environment variables
cp .env.example .env
# Add instructions here to insert any necessary credentials into the .env file
# Build Electron
yarn build:electron
# Run Hydra Launcher
yarn dev
To grant execution permissions, you can use the following command:
chmod +x
Then, to execute the script, use:
This will run the setup script and install the necessary dependencies for Hydra Launcher.
To restore the read-only mode, you can use the following command:
sudo steamos-readonly enable
This will re-enable the read-only mode on your system.

To start the launcher

Navigate to the folder where Hydra Launcher is installed, and then run the following command:yarn dev
This command will launch Hydra Launcher and allow you to start using it on your system.
Exactly like the setup, you can create a file called, for example, 'Hydra' and add it to Steam to run it directly from there.
Here's a sample script that you can use:
# Navigate to the directory where Hydra Launcher is installed
cd /path/to/hydra_launcher_directory
# Run the launcher
yarn dev
Replace "/path/to/hydra_launcher_directory" with the actual path to the directory where Hydra Launcher is installed. After creating the script, make sure to grant execution permissions to it using the command chmod +x Hydra\
Then, you can add this script to Steam as a non-Steam game, allowing you to launch Hydra Launcher directly from your Steam library.


Links:View in the websiteView Steam Deck\_hydra-launcher-header.webp
submitted by Itchy-Assumption3803 to decknewsunofficial [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:56 NoURider xRDP not native to RHEL 9.x?

Total noob when it comes to Linux, etc. Generally a windows shop. There is a need for Linux server for an application. Installed RHEL 9.x with GUI.
One thing we wanted was to have remote access for management. General preference was xRDP versus VNC.
Found what appears to be a decent configuration guide
But when we run command: sudo dnf install xrdp receive no match for argument xrdp (No error when running sudo dnf install tigervnc-server)
Noticed at top of the xrdp section a brief comment to Enable EPEL Repository on system. Looking into this a bit, seems to a toolset to access other apps. But not finding anything specific.
So my question is to confirm/deny that xrdp is not native to the distro of RHEL? Appreciate confirmation.
submitted by NoURider to rhel [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:46 enoumen A Daily chronicle of AI Innovations May 15 2024: 🤖Google unveiled the future of AI @ I/O event 🧪OpenAI chief scientist Ilya Sutskever is leaving ✨Google announced a wide array of updates across its AI ecosystem 🧠Google’s Gemini updates and Sora competitor 🔎Google’s AI agent & AI search upgrades

A Daily chronicle of AI Innovations May 15 2024: 🤖Google unveiled the future of AI @ I/O event 🧪OpenAI chief scientist Ilya Sutskever is leaving ✨Google announced a wide array of updates across its AI ecosystem 🧠Google’s Gemini updates and Sora competitor 🔎Google’s AI agent & AI search upgrades

A Daily chronicle of AI Innovations May 15th 2024:

🤖Google unveiled the 'future of AI' at I/O event 🧪OpenAI chief scientist Ilya Sutskever is leaving 🚗Former Cruise CEO starts robotics firm with ex-Tesla AI manager ✨Google announced a wide array of updates across its AI ecosystem 🧠Ilya Sutskever, OpenAI's co-founder and chief scientist, has left the company 🏖️Expedia is launching AI features, including a bot named Romi 🧬NVIDIA and Recursion have collaborated to build BioHive-2, an AI supercomputer for drug discovery 🚀NASA appoints David Salvagnini, its first chief AI officer 💰SoftBank plans to invest $75-$150 million in Indian data center and industrial robotics 💶Microsoft announces €4 billion investment in France to accelerate AI adoption 🎥Google’s Gemini updates and Sora competitor 🔎Google’s AI agents and AI search upgrades 

Enjoying these daily updates, subscribe below for more: Read Aloud For Me - Recommend AI Tools For Me

🤖 Google’s Gemini updates and Sora competitor
Google just kicked off its I/O Developer’s Conference, announcing a wide array of updates across its AI ecosystem — including enhancements across its flagship Gemini model family and a new video generation model to rival OpenAI’s Sora.
Gemini model updates:
  • New updates to 1.5 Pro include a massive 2M context window extension and enhanced performance in code, logic, and image understanding.
  • Gemini 1.5 Pro can also utilize the long context to analyze a range media types, including documents, videos, audio, and codebases.
  • Google announced Gemini 1.5 Flash, a new model optimized for speed and efficiency with a context window of 1M tokens.
  • Gemma 2, the next generation of Google’s open-source models, is launching in the coming weeks, along with a new vision-language model called PaliGemma.
  • Gemini Advanced subscribers can soon create customized personas called ‘Gems’ from a simple text description, similar to ChatGPT GPTs.
Video and image model upgrades:
  • Google revealed a new video model called Veo, capable of generating over 60-second, 1080p resolution videos from text, image, and video prompts.
  • The new Imagen 3 text-to-image model was also unveiled with better detail, text generation, and natural language understanding than its predecessor.
  • VideoFX text-to-video tool, featuring storyboard scene-by-scene creation and the ability to add music to generations.
  • VideoFX is launching in a ‘private preview’ in the U.S. for select creators, while ImageFX (with Imagen 3) is available to try via a waitlist.
Why it matters: Gemini’s already industry-leading context window gets a 2x boost, enabling endless new opportunities to utilize AI with massive amounts of information. Additionally, Sora officially has competition with the impressive Veo demo — but which one will make it to public access first?

🔎Google’s AI agents and AI search upgrades
Google just showcased its new AI agent project ‘Project Astra’, alongside a slew of updates to infuse AI across search and enable Gemini to reason and take more advanced actions for users.
Progress on AI agents:
  • Google announced Project Astra, a real-time AI agent prototype that can see, hear, and take actions on a user’s behalf.
  • The demo showcased a voice assistant responding to what it sees and hears, including code, images, and video — capable of advanced reasoning and recall.
  • Public access for Astra is expected through the Gemini app later this year.
  • Google also showed off ‘AI teammates’, agents that can answer questions on emails, meetings, and other data within Workspace.
  • Live is also rolling out in the coming months, allowing users to speak and converse with Gemini in near real-time.
Search upgrades:
  • Google Search now features expanded AI Overviews, advanced planning capabilities, and AI-organized search results.
  • Gemini will be able to execute more complex planning, such as planning, maintaining, and updating trip itineraries.
  • Search will also receive ‘multi-step reasoning’ capabilities, allowing Gemini to break down questions and speed up research.
  • Users can also now ask questions with video, allowing Search to analyze visual content and provide helpful AI Overviews.
Why it matters: We officially have a new voice assistant battle — with OpenAI and Google both showcasing mind-blowing new capabilities in just the last two days alone. Also, despite rumblings of an OpenAI search product and excitement over platforms like Perplexity, it’s going to be difficult to unseat the king of search. Especially as they integrate advanced AI across the entire ecosystem in an impressive fashion.

🚗Former Cruise CEO starts robotics firm with ex-Tesla AI manager

  • Former Cruise CEO Kyle Vogt, who resigned in November following a self-driving car accident, has launched a new robotics firm called The Bot Company with former Tesla AI Manager Paril Jain.
  • The Bot Company aims to develop robots that handle everyday chores to give people more free time, and has already raised $150 million from investors.
  • The announcement of The Bot Company comes amid significant challenges for Cruise, which had its self-driving operations suspended by the California DMV following a pedestrian accident.
  • Source

✨Google announced a wide array of updates across its AI ecosystem

Major headlines were Project Astra, an AI agent that can see and hear users in real time, and AI teammates that can answer questions and organize data within Workspace.
Google also introduced Veo, a high-quality video generation model, and significant updates to Google Search, including expanded AI Overviews, advanced planning capabilities, and AI-organized search results.
The company launched Gemini 1.5 Pro, boasting a massive 2M context window extension, and Imagen 3, the next version of its text-to-image model. Other notable announcements included:
  • Gemma 2 updates: New 27-billion-parameter model launching in June
  • Google Play: New app discovery feature and developer tools
  • Android feature to detect potential scams during calls using Gemini Nano
  • Ask Photos: AI-powered search in Google Photos using natural language queries
  • Gemini in Gmail for searching, summarizing, and drafting emails
  • Gemini 1.5 Pro: Increased input capacity to 2 million tokens
  • Gemini Live: In-depth voice chats with Gemini on smartphones
  • Gemini Nano: Smallest AI model built into Chrome desktop client
  • Gemini on Android: Deep integration with Android OS and Google apps
  • Gemini on Google Maps: Generative AI summaries for places and areas
  • Tensor Processing Units (TPU): Sixth-generation Trillium chips with 4.7x performance boost
  • Project IDX: AI-centric browser-based development environment in open beta
  • Circle to Search: AI-powered feature for instant answers using gestures on Android
  • Pixel 8a: New smartphone with Tensor G3 chip, starting at $499
  • Pixel Slate: Google's Pixel Tablet is now available with or without the base
With 22 announcements, Google is making everyone a bit overwhelmed. By integrating AI across its vast ecosystem, Google aims to provide users with more personalized and innovative experiences. But Google Project Astra and Veo are not available to the public yet. This may irritate customers compared to OpenAI, which launches new products that customers can play with immediately.

🧠Ilya Sutskever, OpenAI's co-founder and chief scientist, has left the company

Ilya Sutskever, OpenAI's co-founder and longtime chief scientist, has left the company. OpenAI CEO Sam Altman announced the news on X, expressing his sadness and gratitude for Sutskever's contributions. Jakub Pachocki, OpenAI's research director, will step up as a chief scientist.
Sutskever's departure comes amidst reports of disagreements with Altman over OpenAI's direction, mainly concerns about rushing AI-powered product launches at the expense of safety. The situation escalated last November when Sutskever and OpenAI CTO Mira Murati approached the company's previous board to express their concerns, leading to a brief attempt to fire Altman. However, Altman was swiftly reinstated, and much of the old board resigned.
Why does it matter?
As one of the most accomplished minds in AI, Sutskever's departure raises questions about the future of OpenAI's approach to AI development and safety. The incident also highlights the growing tensions within the AI industry between rapidly commercializing AI technologies and the need for responsible development and deployment practices.

What Else Is Happening in AI on May 15th 2024 ❗

🏖️ Expedia is launching AI features, including a bot named Romi
It helps users search for hotels, build itineraries, and make changes via iMessage and WhatsApp. The company also introduces smart search, allowing travelers to find hotels based on desired features. Expedia pulls data from AccuWeather and Yelp to tailor search results and provide real-time updates. (Link)
🧬 NVIDIA and Recursion have collaborated to build BioHive-2, an AI supercomputer for drug discovery
BioHive-2 features 504 NVIDIA H100 GPUs, delivering 2 exaflops of AI performance, nearly 5 times faster than its predecessor. Powered by Recursion's massive 50-petabyte dataset and AI models like Phenom, these companies aim to simulate biology and fast-track the identification of promising drug candidates. (Link)
🚀 NASA appoints David Salvagnini, its first chief AI officer
The move aims to ensure NASA stays ahead in AI advancement and responsible use. Salvagnini will lead NASA's efforts in guiding the responsible use of AI and collaborating with other agencies, academia, and industry partners. (Link)
💰 SoftBank plans to invest $75-$150 million in Indian data center and industrial robotics
The move aligns with the Japanese tech giant's global strategy to capitalize on the power of artificial intelligence as it shifts focus from e-commerce and fintech to high-growth industries like logistics and robotics. The potential investments mark the end of a two-year hiatus in SoftBank's deal-making activities in India. (Link)
💶 Microsoft announces €4 billion investment in France to accelerate AI adoption
The tech giant will expand its cloud and AI infrastructure, launch skilling programs, and accelerate French startups through its new Microsoft GenAI Studio, positioning France as a leader in the AI revolution. It aims to train 1 million people and support 2,500 startups by 2027. (Link)

AI TRAINING: Use ChatGPT's highlighting for context
ChatGPT now allows you to highlight parts of its responses for quick follow-up questions, partial response rewrites, reusing old context, and more.
  1. Prompt ChatGPT and generate a response.
  2. Highlight relevant parts of the response you want to follow-up on and click the double quote icon above the highlighted text.
  3. The highlighted text will be automatically added in the next prompt so you can ask for clarification, rewrites, counterpoints, and more.

New AI Job Opportunities on May 15th 2024

  • OpenAI - Media Relations, Policy Communications
  • Lambda - Sourcing Manager
  • C3 AI - General Manager, Federal Systems
  • Glean - Accounting Manager

🤖 Google unveiled the 'future of AI' at I/O event

  • Google I/O just ended and a lot of announcements were made. Gemini 1.5 Pro will increase its context window from one to two million tokens and a new model called Gemini Flash was announced, which is optimized for speed and efficiency
  • The company launched Astra, a multimodal AI assistant for everyday life. It can process text, video, and audio in real time. In a video, Google showed Astra identifying speakers, crayons and other objects in response to a camera image and voice commands.
  • Google also unveiled its latest AI models for creating media content: Veo, for creating 1080p videos, and Imagen 3, for generating images from text descriptions.
  • Source

🧠 OpenAI chief scientist Ilya Sutskever is leaving

  • Ilya Sutskever, OpenAI's co-founder and chief scientist, is officially leaving the company after his involvement in the failed attempt to remove CEO Sam Altman and subsequently changing his stance.
  • Sam Altman announced that Jakub Pachocki, who has led significant projects such as GPT-4 and OpenAI Five, will take over as the new Chief Scientist at OpenAI, ensuring the company's continued progress towards its mission.
  • Jan Leike, who has been leading the Superalignment team aimed at controlling more powerful AI, has also resigned, with his responsibilities now being taken over by OpenAI co-founder John Schulman.
  • Source

Enjoying these daily updates, subscribe below for more: Read Aloud For Me - Recommend AI Tools For Me
submitted by enoumen to u/enoumen [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:36 Normal-Reddit-Person Friend got his PC hacked and lost his Honkai account.

I dont know much details, but the summary is that he accidentally clicked on a setup he didn't install himself, the command prompt opened, and his PC blue-screened. 2 hours later, all his accounts are tried, but most have 2FA enabled. He was locked out of his HSR account and can't get back in. Is there anything he can do to get it back?
submitted by Normal-Reddit-Person to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:10 KimballOHara UFW blocking the node (next) app ?

Hi. I've seen a few tutorials for self-deploying a Next.js app using NGINX and a generic Linux server. Up until now I've been running the base 'npm run start' which calls 'next start -H -p 3000'.
This works fine locally, and for deploys on Netlify. If I run it on a remote Ubuntu server I noticed that the firewall (UFW) seems to be blocking access even with HTTP and tcp/80,443 allowed in. If I disable the firewall (not great) the app is reachable, but as long UFW is enabled and running the app is unreachable and browser times out.
Is the underlying 'next' command that starts it using some other protocols to communicate with a browser that requests it? Is it not just HTTP on port 80?
E: D'oh n00b mistake, since I was running it on a custom port, needed to tell UFW to allow tcp on 3000
submitted by KimballOHara to nextjs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:00 adulting4kids Crazy Subplots and Minor Character Prompts

  1. Zephyr Whisperer: Introduce a minor character who communicates with the wind, influencing weather patterns and gathering information from distant lands. How does their ability shape the story, and what challenges arise from this unique skill?
  2. Luminous Scribe: Create a character who possesses the rare ability to write with light. How does this luminous scribe contribute to the documentation of crucial events, and what secrets are unveiled through their radiant writings?
  3. Quicksilver Alchemist: Develop a minor character skilled in manipulating quicksilver, using it for alchemical feats. How does their alchemical expertise become a valuable asset or a potential threat to the main characters?
  4. Harmony Weaver: Introduce a character who weaves harmony into the fabric of reality. How do their actions affect the emotional landscape of the story, and what challenges arise from maintaining balance in a tumultuous world?
  5. Shapeshifting Librarian: Craft a minor character who is a shapeshifting librarian with the ability to transform into any creature found in the books. How does their unique perspective influence the characters' understanding of mythical creatures?
  6. Aetherial Navigator: Create a character skilled in navigating the aether, enabling them to travel between dimensions. How does their interdimensional knowledge become crucial to the main characters' quest, and what dangers lurk in the aether?
  7. Silent Oracle of Shadows: Introduce a character who communicates through shadows, providing cryptic guidance to those who seek their counsel. How does the silent oracle's advice shape the characters' decisions and the overall trajectory of the story?
  8. Petal Whisperer: Develop a minor character who can communicate with plants by listening to the whispers of petals. How does this connection to nature aid or hinder the characters, and what ecological revelations emerge?
  9. Celestial Cartographer: Craft a character with the ability to map constellations and predict cosmic events. How does the celestial cartographer guide the main characters through the challenges of their quest?
  10. Spectral Sculptor: Introduce a character who sculpts with ethereal materials, creating spectral artworks that hold mystical properties. How do these sculptures play a role in the unfolding events, and what secrets do they conceal?
  11. Time-Walker Storyteller: Create a minor character who walks through time, gathering stories from different eras. How does the time-walker's storytelling influence the characters' understanding of history and shape their decisions?
  12. Astral Harmonica Virtuoso: Craft a character proficient in playing the astral harmonica, an otherworldly instrument with the power to manipulate emotions. How does the virtuoso's music impact the characters and the atmosphere of key scenes?
  13. Quantum Entangler: Introduce a character with the ability to entangle quantum states, linking events across space and time. How does the quantum entangler's presence lead to unexpected connections and consequences for the main characters?
  14. Dream Alchemist: Develop a minor character skilled in alchemical dream manipulation. How does their expertise in crafting dreams become a tool for insight, deception, or altering the perceptions of other characters?
  15. Magnetic Artisan: Create a character whose craftsmanship is enhanced by a natural affinity with magnetic fields. How does their magnetic artistry influence the technological and magical aspects of the story?
  16. Echo Dancer of Echoes: Introduce a character who can summon echoes of past events through dance. How do the echoes contribute to the characters' understanding of history, and what challenges arise from this mystical dance?
  17. Etheric Enchantress: Craft a minor character proficient in ethereal enchantments, capable of imbuing objects with otherworldly properties. How do these enchanted objects aid or hinder the characters' journey?
  18. Glowing Ink Alchemist: Develop a character skilled in creating ink that glows with magical properties. How does this glowing ink play a role in communication, spellcasting, or leaving mystical marks throughout the story?
  19. Puppeteer of Elemental Shadows: Introduce a character who can control elemental shadows, manipulating them for various purposes. How does the puppeteer's control over shadows impact the story's conflicts and resolutions?
  20. Sonic Artificer of Echoing Realms: Craft a character who forges sonic artifacts resonating with echoes from alternate realms. How do these artifacts affect the characters' interactions with parallel dimensions, and what challenges arise from wielding the power of echoes?
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 21:00 No-Support-9079 A Thousand Mind Think Alike

Description: A CT that constantly creates a new personality within the user's mind and every new personality carries their own Innate Technique that can be used by the user. While this makes the user innately crazy, it also makes them completely immune to any mental manipulation-based abilities and when the user allows a personality to take over, their body will change and morph into the appearance of said ego.
Maximum Technique: Insanity: The user makes contact with the head of their opponent and transfers some of their alter egos into their head, allowing them to run rampant and completely eradicate their sense of self before taking them back in as their opponent will either come out brain dead or completely delusional.
Domain Expansion: Rubber Room Of Madness: The domain takes the appearance of a large, rubber-patted hallway with rooms that contain all of the alter egos within the user's head. To escape the domain, they have to reach the first ever created alter ego, Prime Minister Trench, and convince him to let them out. However, if the victim of the domain fails to get to Trench after a certain period of time or are killed by one of the egos, their own personality will be ripped from their body and be absorbed into the user's head as a new personality they can use.
Nexus Wristband Of Legion: A Cursed Tool that allows the user to select a specific personality to bring out or turn into instead of a random one. It also stabilizes the user's mind and allows them to think coherently without the other personalities interrupting them.
Created Alter Egos:
Prime Minister Trench(#1): The first alter ego created by the user. He takes the appearance of a 30-year old Japanese businessman and is the central point within the user's head. He has complete control over all the personalities within the user's head.
Havana Breakdown(#14): A young woman with red hair and sharp, yellow eyes. Her CT allows her to manipulate a special corrosive substance that can corrode all/any organic material it comes in contact with.
Amari Goldstone(#31): A small boy with grey hair, blue eyes, and a noticeable scar going down his eye. His CT allows him to conjure special Shikigami that can control aspects of people's emotions.
Queen Erza(#83): A tall, slender woman with long purple hair and silver eyes. Her CT gives her the ability to create an endless army of knights and mages that follow her every command and will continue to spawn so long as she CE left.
???%$@(#1000): An entity of complete darkness and abnormality. It has a CT that gives it complete control over what people believe and makes whatever they believe come true. This being is only reserved for enemies too strong for the user to handle with their other personalities.
The Ascended One(#739): An elderly-looking man with a muscular physique and bright green eyes. His CT allows him to alter the sub-atomic structure of anything he touches.
The Doctor(#336): A 48-Year Old doctor that has a DE that straps someone down to an operating table and allows The Doctor to modify their body without limit.
Potential Man/"Megumi Fushiguro"(#1500): A copy of the late 10 Shadows User, Megumi Fushiguro, except he has the same scar on his mouth as Toji and has a more upbeat personality. This alter ego has a specialized version of the 10 Shadows Technique that automatically has all 10 Shikigami tamed, including the great Mahoraga, and they can all be revived after death, with the drawback of being unable to merge the summons together.
Armageddon(#515): A being contained in a bright orange hazmat suit that has a CT that allows them to control all forms of radiation.
The Apex(#235): An androgynous being with a muscular physique and a beast-like appearance. They have the ability to summon giant-versions of natural apex predators and can control anyone with a weaker will than them.
Anti-Boy(#90): A young boy with dark green hair and black eyes. He has a CT that creates an invisible field around him that negates the usage of all CE, even CTS like the Limitless are affected by this. The boy can also create special weapons imbued with CE Nullification and control them telekinetically/remotely.
submitted by No-Support-9079 to CTsandbox [link] [comments]