Funny poems for adultsunny poems for

Prompts for poems

2014.05.15 16:48 sunspot_ink Prompts for poems

Much like /writingprompts, but for poem responses only. Rhyming not required, nor is there a min/max length.

2009.02.15 16:29 Poets & Poetries: that which gives rhythm to our life


2009.10.07 19:51 rosesarered My Goals

For poems that start with "Roses are red, Violets are blue." Or similar things.

2024.05.14 00:52 ICantLeafYou [TW: Drugs] I did ketamine and felt [in] love for the first time.

For a bit of background, I'm very firmly aro and also strongly romance-repulsed. I've never wanted anything to do with that stuff, it disgusts me on a visceral level.
Five weeks ago, I did ketamine and k-holed for the first time. [I'd done ketamine once before in the past, in a small amount, just to make sure I didn't react badly to it.] You can read the entire trip report here; for this post, I'll just be focussing on the relevant part of the experience.
During that k-hole, I suddenly understood every damn love song, every romantic poem or story I've ever read. It felt like my heart was filled and swelled with love directed at me and from me to everyone. It felt like the universe had swathed me in nothing but pure love. I couldn't feel or think of anything else. I wanted someone to latch onto and give my love to.
I've never felt anything like it in my life. I haven't even felt loved by family or friends that intensely. It really shook me, when I came out of the k-hole and started to consciously realize what happened. I don't know that I've been able to integrate the experience... because the feelings are so foreign to my everyday life?
I do firmly believe that this was just a drug temporarily manipulating chemicals in my brain, I don't think it changed my being aro at all or anything like that. But I wanted to see if anyone could relate.
Has anyone else had a similar experience on drugs? Feelings that defy your orientation [whether romantic or sexual]?
submitted by ICantLeafYou to aromantic [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:47 Affectionate-Lab-270 My boyfriend (M24) is not financially stable and I (F20) don’t know if I should break up with him. He’s not independent in many ways. I feel like I deserve better and I should’ve left him a long time ago. What is your opinion?

I’ve been with my boyfriend for two years now. We met online and we’re in a long-distance relationship. I’ve had such wonderful times with him and I love him. But lately, as we’re becoming more serious, I’ve been noticing things about him that bother me. I feel like I don’t really have a normal boyfriend and I feel like I deserve better. I suddenly catch myself wondering if this is really going to work out and if I won’t be happier with someone else. I’ve really loved him so much, he was everything to me. I was always bursting with love for him. I feel quite numb lately, because there are so many things about him that I’m starting to notice now, and they’re starting to bother me. I feel resentment towards him.
First of all, he is a bit overweight and I’ve been waiting two years for him to lose weight. It stayed the same in the first year even though he promised me he would lose the weight for me. We dated for nine months online before meeting and he only told me he was overweight two months before we were going to meet up. I didn’t know, because the only pictures of him online were of when he was slim. He is starting to lose weight now, but it’s going quite slowly and I feel like I need to push him and help him all the time.
Second of all, he’s not financially stable. He’s a freelance writer but he doesn’t earn any money. He lives with his parents which is not ideal but wouldn’t bother me so much if he was actually employed and earning money When we ‘works’ it’s just him writing stories and poems for himself. He does receive £500 a months because he once tried to commot suicide when he was 17, but that will end soon and still, it’s not enough. I told him that I would like him to get a job because we want to get married early and it’s important that he has a steady income before we do. He told me that I should look for jobs for him, he looked a little aswell and asked around in the city but he’s not really doing anything about it now. It really comes from me. He’s setting up his writing website now but even that takes so long. I don’t feel much motivation or ambition from him.
Third, he doesn’t have his driver’s licence and he doesn’t have a car. I was the one who really spurred him on to get lessons. He’s had two lessons from his dad in two months. He’s not really doing much for it.
I feel like there are so many things that lack in him. I really love him, but I feel like I constantly have to see things through my fingers. I’m constantly waiting for him to do and achieve the things that I want him to do. I feel anxious and stressed. I’m starting to feel like I don’t have a future with him. I can’t see us living together in a nice house with children. I can’t see him being a father. It’s all just a dream. It’s not normal that I should make my boyfriend get a job and work and get his licence. He’s turning 25 this years, these are things he should already have and that he should be doing on his own, I shouldn’t have to tell him. I stayed because I really thought it would get better and maybe it is getting better, but it’s not enough. I don’t feel safe, I feel unstable. I feel like it’s just a game. I’m doing my part, I’m in college and saving as much money as I can. I feel like he’s not doing his part. And now I actually feel like I love and like him less because of all these things, because it makes me feel resentful and unnattracted to him. I keep imagining myself and a man who has a job and a house and is independent and even the thought of that makes me feel so relieved. I really don’t need much, I’m not asking for a huge income and a big house. And I’m also willing to work hard myself, but I can’t do it alone. Even if we just live in an apartment and don’t go on holiday that much, I don’t mind if I’m with the man I love. But this is not even at the minimum.
I’m all alone in bed now, he walked away angrily to sleep downstairs because I called him a manchild because he said he doesn’t want to come to my house during the six weeks we won’t see each other. It made me feel annoyed because even if he doesn’t like my house or my parents and is afraid of flying, would it really be worth not seeing me for so long? I feel so sad and hopeless. I just want a man. I’m done with this. I’m going home tommorow and maybe I should just break it off now, although his parents booked a holiday for us all in Cornwall in June. Please help me.
submitted by Affectionate-Lab-270 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:12 Extension-Piglet-759 I am king

Poem: what color am I By: Rashek Chandler
They told me who I am Made me feel less than a man Took control of my thoughts They stoled the identity of who I am Blind to my own image I only can see who they are If being another color was so honorable Why are we so torn a part Why are we divided by the heart Maybe I'm not getting the picture Maybe someone should do the art What color am I supposed to be When they taught us never to read When they showed us never to think And killed us when we begin to speak
What color am I Why do they hate my life What can I do to survive
What color am I Am I going blind Can the same suit co-exist Some one open my eyes My sister and brother hate me Yet they look like I do Their hatred turns against me My shame for them tears me apart That they would love someone else other than me Did I cause this to happen Did I do this to my self Did we put this pressure on ourselves
What color am I What shade of black am I
My screams are confusing My future is beyond evolution My pain is the deepest black ever seen No clouds No sun No trees No ocean No wind to feel the breeze Just the same people who look like me Unable to be free
submitted by Extension-Piglet-759 to HebrewIsraelites [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:10 linecurve24 AITA for not inviting a friend to my party?

I am having a party with a small group of people. They are all friends from various social groups I am a part of. I have joined a new group of friends and in this group I (24 female) really got along well with one person (31 female), we’ll call her Emma.
Eventually, Emma told me that she liked me. I told her that I didn’t feel the same way, but I would still like to be friends. I ended up being quite busy after that finishing the semester, visiting family and whatnot. I would still see her on the occasional weekend outings with our other friends. At these hangouts, I was more hesitant with Emma because I wanted to gauge how she felt/give her the space she needed.
It became increasingly clear, every time we were hanging out with friends, that she was avoiding me more and more. At one group hangout (trivia), I arrived late so everyone was already on teams. So I just talked to people. Emma was already drunk. It ended with her joining into the groups I was talking to and bumping me and making me bump into people. At one point she put her hand over mouth. She kept wanting to talk bout me not hanging out with her anymore (to which I told her we could talk about it later).
I later asked Emma what was up that night and she said she did not remember anything (I found it hard to believe). Another night, she ended up walking me to my car and we talked about the whole thing and she told me her friends suggested that we should be friends. After that I gave her space, it was clear she needed it. There had been several hang outs we were at, and our interactions were a little awkward. We had a long conversation about things again. And it seemed like things were fine and we could interact and it wasn’t too weird.
Fast forward to last week, I went to trivia and Emma was really avoiding me. I had invited a few people from our friend group to my party, so when Emma, one of the people I invited, and I were in conversation they brought it up. I asked her if we were good and she told me that was a weird question to ask, so I sort of just let it go. On another occasion, at a club, Emma started making small digs at me in front of people. So I decided to leave.
When I got home I ended up talking to Emma for hours. She told me that she did’t trust me and said she was hurt that I ghosted her. Which surprised me. But I explained that I did’t see it that way. There was one conversation, in particular, she mentioned, where she sent me poems, and she wanted me to send her poems back but I didn’t want to send her poems (I already sent one).
It was clear that she was mad about the poems. Towards the end of the call, she said she was mad that the party came up and she should have left earlier and that I was in the wrong for it having come up. I know she wanted me to invite her then and that’s what she was hoping for in bringing it up, but I don’t want to feel uncomfortable or feel like there would be drama. So, AITA?
submitted by linecurve24 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:07 Known-Average-7551 Something I never considered a Special Interest!

I realized that all my life I’ve loved to write way more than a normal person would. I would sit on the computer for hours writing stories as a kid. Throughout my life I’ve written short film scripts, fiction novels, so many lists of other things I liked, analyzed characters, make songs. I write poems like every second of the day. In middle school i was inspired by “The Raven” wanted to be a writer and would write stories to read to the class and scary poems. My favorite class was ELA because sometimes we’d get to write creative writing or argumentative essays. I don’t do hours of research about writing because honestly learning grammar and structures just makes it not as fun for me and I don’t read much real books but I read an extreme amount of fanfiction and lately comic books too. I consume a lot of tv and animated media which when you think about it is all about storytelling. I like to listen to people talk like audiobooks when it’s a real book. These are some of the reasons I didn’t think writing could be considered a special interest because most my special interests I know so much about that I infodump facts about it a lot but i realized that most people don’t write as excessively as I do and I didn’t even realize but I was infodumping to a friend about some stories I’ve written and realized that it’s really been my life long interest.
submitted by Known-Average-7551 to AutisticWithADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:03 FootyEnthusiast How do I revise CCEA English Literature?

So my school is doing poems on conflict and Blood Brothers, but I have no clue what to do for studying. We were told to focus solely on Edward for Blood Brothers, but still I'm clueless. Sitting on an A with 50% to go and looking to maintain it, any advice on how to properly revise?
submitted by FootyEnthusiast to GCSE [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:50 fleeting-bird Cipher Decoding

my brother sent a Unicode text within our siblings group chat and has given us 72 hrs to decode it and I have set my mind towards finishing the quest first. I have gotten this far: \uf605\u97df\uf0c7\u3b05\u7286\u62f5\u34a5\u91c4\ue945\u2064 but honestly have no idea about ciphers at all. after 24 hrs had passed, he attached the following poem:
In the heart of ancient lands, where empires clash, Lies the tale of Caesar's cipher, a code with a brash flash. But amidst the echoes of history's grandeur and might, Stood Qin Shi Huang, with secrets veiled in night.
His cipher, a whisper in the wind of ancient tongues, Wove through scrolls, where the sage's wisdom hung. Not mere substitution, but a dance of strokes refined, Each character a thread, in a tapestry enshrined.
While Caesar boasted of his shift, a simple spin, Qin Shi Huang's cipher danced with cunning, akin To shadows in moonlight, elusive and sly, A puzzle unsolvable, beneath the emperor's eye.
In Unicode's embrace, the Chinese characters gleam, Each stroke a symbol, in Qin's cryptic dream. Caesar's cipher pales against this oriental art, A masterpiece of secrecy, tearing logic apart.
So let Caesar tout his cipher, in Rome's grand fray, But in the realms of secrets, Qin's cipher holds sway. For in the silent corridors of ancient lore, The emperor's cipher reigns forevermore.
I am now asking you to help with me the last step onward. With the quest completion, a grand price awaits me...
submitted by fleeting-bird to Cipher [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:49 fleeting-bird Cipher Decoding

my brother sent a Unicode text within our siblings group chat and has given us 72 hrs to decode it and I have set my mind towards finishing the quest first. I have gotten this far: \uf605\u97df\uf0c7\u3b05\u7286\u62f5\u34a5\u91c4\ue945\u2064 but honestly have no idea about ciphers at all. after 24 hrs had passed, he attached the following poem:
In the heart of ancient lands, where empires clash, Lies the tale of Caesar's cipher, a code with a brash flash. But amidst the echoes of history's grandeur and might, Stood Qin Shi Huang, with secrets veiled in night.
His cipher, a whisper in the wind of ancient tongues, Wove through scrolls, where the sage's wisdom hung. Not mere substitution, but a dance of strokes refined, Each character a thread, in a tapestry enshrined.
While Caesar boasted of his shift, a simple spin, Qin Shi Huang's cipher danced with cunning, akin To shadows in moonlight, elusive and sly, A puzzle unsolvable, beneath the emperor's eye.
In Unicode's embrace, the Chinese characters gleam, Each stroke a symbol, in Qin's cryptic dream. Caesar's cipher pales against this oriental art, A masterpiece of secrecy, tearing logic apart.
So let Caesar tout his cipher, in Rome's grand fray, But in the realms of secrets, Qin's cipher holds sway. For in the silent corridors of ancient lore, The emperor's cipher reigns forevermore.
I am now asking you to help with me the last step onward. With the quest completion, a grand price awaits me...
submitted by fleeting-bird to u/fleeting-bird [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:47 fledging_buccaneer Domnall

Has anyone seen what he's been up to on instagram? I just finished the final and I like seeing what former contestants are getting up to and he's writing petty poems comparing the experience/people in it to the seven deadly sins 💀 He was invited to the final but chose not to go, according to Ben's instagram comments (I couldn't find anyone else commenting on the situation). It's all just a bit odd.
Domnall is very talented but he doesn't handle criticism or rejection well it seems, idk I can't analyse someone's personality when I've never met them but there's just something so sad and petty about writing a angry poem about something like this. Everyone's aware that competition shows are never fully what they seem but I feel the best thing you can do is use the publicity for your own advantage, as it's a privilege in itself to be given a big medium to show your stuff.
Thoughts? I don't personally care about his or anyones elimination because it seemed pretty clear to me that the production has an underdog story they wanted to tell with Roisin, and the prize this season (the contract) wasn't half as appealing as past one's in my opinion (isn't furniture design a separate specialism? I know they are linked but just because your good at making spaces look nice doesn't mean you'll know what makes a good piece of furniture.)
submitted by fledging_buccaneer to InteriorDesignMasters [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:38 Agreeable-Shallot423 Can you turn names of poems into acronym?

e.g. for an unseen poem with a long name, or like Checking Out Me History, can I abbreviate it into COMH?
submitted by Agreeable-Shallot423 to GCSE [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:30 Dr_Roma 34/M/US - Finally Taking the Leap! Any Other 30+ Working Professionals Out There?

Here we go—I'm finally making a post!
So, after months of lurking (and a handful of half-written posts), I'm finally taking the plunge and giving this a shot. I know they say the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, but in my case, it begins with a single post. So, here goes nothing, right? Haha.
What am I looking for?
In a nutshell—authentic, meaningful conversation. A few days ago, a few other faculty members and I met up for an evening out to celebrate the end of finals. A few of us stayed pretty late, pontificating about life, talking about the most random topics, and basically just enjoying each other's company. I don't know about you, but in today's world (where so many of us are glued to Zoom screens and remote work), we need more of that sort of dynamic—just genuine, authentic, long-form discourse. I like to believe with the right sort of person (and the right sort of conversational skills), you can cultivate that sort of vibe in online conversation.
For example, when I think back to the past, one of my favorite memories was a lengthy conversation I had with a random stranger at a cozy little coffee shop in a small town in Upstate New York. We talked about everything from philosophy to the best type of coffee beans. That's the sort of conversation I crave!
A bit about me:
So basically...
I'm hoping to find thoughtful interactions with folks who genuinely want to discuss all that life has to offer. I'm drawn to people with a natural zest and curiosity for life, who embrace a growth mindset, and who value emotional intelligence and strong communication skills. Whether we're delving into deep philosophical questions or sharing our favorite recipes, I'm looking for someone who appreciates the beauty of a well-rounded, engaging conversation.
If this sounds like you, send me a chat message! I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
submitted by Dr_Roma to penpalsover30 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:12 FluteNinja78 How much do you need to know for each poem youre studying?

I'm doing power and conflict, and going through each poem again. Hardest part is comparison, shit sucks.
Very worried about Paper 2
submitted by FluteNinja78 to GCSE [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:03 all_pain_0_gainz I Know We All Enjoy a gd Laugh Here an there w 🗑 ,,, but saw This Fb Post and This Little Poem made Me Kind of Think of Trash, How She's throwing her life away does she even realize?? 😕🙁

"You start dying slowly; if you do not travel, if you do not read, If you do not listen to the sounds of life, If you do not appreciate yourself.
You start dying slowly: When you kill your self-esteem, When you do not let others help you.
You start dying slowly; If you become a slave of your habits, Walking everyday on the same paths… If you do not change your routine, If you do not wear different colours Or you do not speak to those you don’t know.
You start dying slowly: If you avoid to feel passion And their turbulent emotions; Those which make your eyes glisten And your heart beat fast.
You start dying slowly: If you do not risk what is safe for the uncertain If you do not go after a dream If you do not allow yourself At least once in your lifetime To run away from sensible advice
Don't let yourself die slowly Do not forget to be happy!"
~ Pablo Neruda, a Chilean poet awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971
Art by Laron G. S. via Midjourney (PM Laron for digital prints)
I know trash will probably think a poem is dumb or something and not read it 🙄🙄🙄
submitted by all_pain_0_gainz to exposemakeupqueenn30 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:55 Efficient-Barber-773 Does race, religion, etc. affect how we laugh beyond nuclear families?

I've read the rules of this sub and think this question fits.
Tldr: do non-white non-high control communities laugh loudly together? Alone? Not just, a polite laugh. A spirited, "raucous" laugh. Bothering people, crying yourself laughing. I wasn't allowed that growing up.
I've noticed especially watching comedians particularly famous in black communities, (background I was raised Mormon and white. I have educated myself but you're always ignorant.) such as Gary Owen, Katt williams that I've been exposed to recently, the laughter is lively. Spirited. I've also noticed while watching Maya Angelou read Still I Rise that laughter is very important to the reading of the poem, both as the reader and an audience participant. Even in a reading by Nikki Minaj at an A&E event that seems quite rich and California, she and the audience knew to laugh at the right time, though a completely different level of spiritedness.
My family is pretty stringent on laughter. My father has a booming laugh but my mother and sister are always shushing him and complaining about the volume. Meanwhile, they have all inherited my grandfather's sneeze, which involves near screaming when you let the sneeze out. I don't see why throwing my back out sneezing is any worse than laughing loudly.
Angelou - Minaj -
Why do you laugh the way you do? (Regardless of background) Is there cultural context to laughter? Was there a significant impact by Angelou's poem on black communities? I found the concept of laughter and joy as resistance to be very powerful, and I wonder if it was employed or passed down.
White people feel like, polite at shows sometimes? I personally have difficulty regulating my volume and yeah I'd appreciate it if someone lmk I was talking WAY too loud but my girlfriend and family shushes me like. All the time, just for laughing. I see this less among some of the younger audiences I watch, Stavros Halkias and Nate Jackson's crowd work, people seem to let loose a little more. Did I just grow up in a cult so I'm weird lol?
submitted by Efficient-Barber-773 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:55 Voiiidy Will she come back?

So me and my ex recently broke up, again and we were together nearly one year(longest relationship thus far)…. The relationship was somewhat toxic, but i was enduring relationship as it was, with physical and mental abuse towards me, i can proudly say i have never risen my hand against a female, and i was angry barely at few times, but never have i screamed, or anything, cuz i dont see the point, like, im relaxed, i try to communicate even tho i get denied 9/10, i dont drink, i dont do drugs, i do house work, ok yes financial state is going pretty rocky at the moment, but me pulling everything together also is a bit of a challange, but i tried and did everything for her, and by everything, i mean everything, run to the store at middle of the night, go for night drives, i tried taking her to places but she declined every offer, so i just gave up on offering, i tried every possible way to be different, to show that im loyal to one e.c her parent loved me, her brothers and sisters too, but me telling my close friends after the breakup, the situations i went thro, when she cheated on me, all the manipulation, all the lying, all the disrespect i got, ungreatfulness, and the way she pushed me away like im just another guy, barely any love, barely even communication, barely any attention (even tho i wrote her poems of why i love her, complimented her, cleaned the house nesrly all the time(clothes, floors, dishes e.c)tried to communicate but all she did mostly was scroll tiktok, or get angry n hysteric or made me the bad person) lovebombed e.c e.c essentialy making it abit toxic… Im not saying im perfect, but for relationship ill try my best to be there for her, supported respected and love, humble and protect her, and again, did everything to make her comfortable and loved and relaxed, but all i got back was mostly just something…. She did return the first time, but then i was desperste for her, now im lowkey over it… will she come back again?
submitted by Voiiidy to ToxicRelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:50 neosspeer She may have gotten a little carried away when her zealousness kicked in

She may have gotten a little carried away when her zealousness kicked in submitted by neosspeer to PrimarchGFs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:41 chiefslw Theory about Bilbo's Three Books of Lore: _Translations from Elvish_

I have two theories about what could be in the three volumes:
Is it possible the significance of having three tomes relates to the three ages of Middle-Earth? Bilbo and Frodo's parts come in rather late in the Third Age so there might be enough to fill in a volume even without their parts included.
Or, and I like this better, each book was a translation of epic Elvish poetry: The Lay of the Children of Húrin, The Lay of Leithian, and The Song of Eärendil, which we already know Bilbo had completed since he recites it when Frodo first comes to Rivendell.
I lean towards the second option since Bilbo even says "when I have time to write, I only really like writing poetry" and I like the idea that Tolkien would set himself up for releasing his own "translations" of those epic poems.
submitted by chiefslw to prancingponypod [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:31 Alert-Republic8874 in and out of hospital for the past month and a half

I (f, 22) just wanted to vent somewhere people will actually understand. I’ve been dealing with GP for about 4 years now and finally got diagnosed last year, i had the botox injection in september and was in hospital for around a month, didn’t have to go back to a&e at all until the end of march where it all started happening again. for the first time in years i actually felt free and i was able to live as close to a normal life as i could, obviously being careful in what i ate and portion size but pretty much had freedom to eat what i wanted when i wanted and it just made me feel somewhat like a normal person.
since the end of march i’ve been in and out of hospital, i had another round of botox early april but that didn’t seem to help and the doctors couldn’t explain why, they said maybe it wasn’t injected in the right place or they didn’t use enough, they honestly were nearly as clueless as i was. in the end they decided to repeat the botox, that was just over a week ago. i was sent home the same day, had to go back to a&e later that evening, was sent home 2 days later and again was back in a&e that same evening. i’ve now been kept as an inpatient for a week and i’m still finding it hard to eat/drink without being sick and feeling really intense stomach pain, it gets to the point where i’m rolling around, crying and screaming in pain. doctors don’t seem to do much at all other than keep me on regular IV cyclizine and metoclopramide for sickness, subcutaneous morphine injections for the pain and a sliding scale to manage my T1DM.
when i was healthy for that october-march period i’d managed to gain some weight and was around 50kg, a week ago i was back to the godforsaken 46kg i seemed to always be stuck at before, and now i’ve gone down to 43kg which has been really disheartening and has taken a toll on my mental health. i felt i was doing so well, not only had i gained weight but also muscle, i was exercising more than i ever could have before and even walking 10-12km a day, now i can barely walk down the hall without feeling drained. i managed to get a job which i was doing quite well at and it was my first job, at 22, because i could never get hired before due to being so unreliable with my condition, luckily they understand what i have to deal with as it is my boyfriend’s family business.
i don’t know, everything is just making me feel really down and depressed and all i want is to be able to go home and go back to my life. staff at hospital also don’t help, the majority are nice but i still get comments from certain nurses who accuse me of faking to get medication or who complain when i’m crying as i’m “disturbing others” when there’s nothing i can do. i hate the way my body looks again, i hate the gap between my thighs and how i can see my ribs and bony shoulders. i hate my arms even more, all the bruises and needle marks from blood tests and IV drips, it makes me look like a junkie and i find myself crying because of it a lot.
i’ve been referred to another hospital for a consultation regarding a G-POEM but still haven’t heard from them yet. it’s just getting to the point where i’m feeling so hopeless and helpless. i’ve also been put back on anti depressants and taking diazepam regularly to help with the anxiety and distress it all causes.
at home i smoke weed, a decent amount, which helps with my appetite and also helps with my mental health struggles but obviously being in hospital i haven’t been able to smoke which makes everything so much worse as i don’t have anything to distract myself from what’s happening. some days smoking is the only thing that will get me to eat and keep me from having anxiety toward food.
my boyfriend (m, 29) and his family have been really supportive and they’re pretty much the only reason i haven’t spiraled into a full on mental health crisis, he visits nearly everyday and so does his mother who has been such a huge support for me as my own family aren’t there for me. i actually asked my mother if she would come visit me, i knew she wouldn’t, but i did it anyway, she came up with a bullshit excuse as to why she couldn’t and that nearly broke me because i was already feeling so low and on top of that i then felt rejected by my own mother, i should’ve known better but at that moment i just needed my mom. the one who came through for me that day was my boyfriend’s mom who came to see me as soon as she found out how upset i was, she held me, she let me cry and hugged me so tightly and reassured me i was loved and cared for. she’s truly been the mother i needed through this.
i know that i can be somewhat healthy and live almost normally, but right now things are just so bleak and i’m struggling to see a way out, all i want is to just be normal, it’s all i’ve wanted my entire life and it’s like no matter what i will never get that. i’ve had T1DM since i was 9 with 2 diabetes related comas under my belt by age 10, PTSD, depression, and anxiety since 12, and the GP since i was 18, it’s like i can’t catch a break. no one understands what it’s like but i keep getting told “i get it” or “i relate to that” and i know people are trying to make me feel better but to me it just comes across as diminishing what i’m going through and have been going through for so long. I was also recently told just how bad my GP is and i just couldn’t stop crying for hours, i was always told it was ‘severe’ but now i know that i have 96% retention after 4 hours and all it did was make me feel even more hopeless.
sorry for the long post, i just really don’t know where else to go where people might ACTUALLY understand what i’m going through
submitted by Alert-Republic8874 to Gastroparesis [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:26 flintlocket314 Writing a poetry book on limerence

Hi guys, I’m a hobby poet and I really enjoy using my creative outlets to give some dignity to my insane Limerent thoughts. Lol. Now I’ve got quite the collection built up and just for fun I thought I’d draw a few illustrations and self publish it on amazon (for free of course). Was wondering, as I cleaned it up a bit, if anyone had any suggestions or prompts to use to write a few more poems or perhaps add some elements to already created ones. Obviously stuff you yourself wouldn’t use. If you are interested in my style here is some of my work (not related to limerence):
“Heavy May:
Leave to others mild browns, let them twist their daisy crowns into emblems of their life; free of blizzards, free of strife Hand me winter's tortured twigs stain my lips with august figs. Suicide's breath is springs's warm air, how I wish I loved the fair! I have switched my white with yellow, only sought the sweet and mellow, Yet I ache for freezing lungs miss the wildfires on my tongue. My hearts needs its howling nights Bethlehem's raging candlelight. Hear, I have observed one thing, who rests in winter, dies in spring.”
“Electric Shocks:
My rainbow boy, disturbed by none is lying on the bed,
his mother is the august sun, the lightness in your head.
His father is the steady rain that lulls you back to sleep, she spread her warmth in every vein he gave him strength to keep.
But I am not admired by crowds, the envy makes me shudder the product of two thunderclouds will always be an other.
They have made something frightening in their violent clash.
My fingers burn with lightning beware my wild flash.”
submitted by flintlocket314 to limerence [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:24 stillhungrybaby Best blogging platform for my kind of writing

Hello all,
I'm looking for the best blogging/self-publishing platform where I can publish my stuff and hopefully get paid. I write short stories (usually around 10000 words), essays (on topics like mental health, food, music, politics), poems, and really just very random little pieces about whatever interests me (a lot of it has to do with the everyday agony of life). I'm hoping to find a site where all my stuff fits in, to avoid having to subscribe to multiple platforms. Please let me know if there's one you think would work for me.
Thanks for your help!
submitted by stillhungrybaby to writers [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:17 Nocodeyv 6000 Subscribers!

Šulmu one and all,
As of today, our small community has officially reached 6000 subscribers! While that's not as large as some of the mainstream pagan and polytheist communities, it's impressive considering how niche our faiths are.
I've never had a roadmap for this community, trusting instead that the userbase would guide its growth and development toward whatever made it the most useful to them, and I will continue to do the same as we move toward 10,000 subscribers.
Thank you, everyone, for all of your contributions, comments, artwork, dedicatory poems, videos, insight into the languages, and more over the past decade. This community, and its affiliated groups, only exist because you continue to show an interest in connecting with the Gods, and a thirst for knowledge that goes beyond conspiracy theories and fad interpretations of our faiths.
May our words and actions continue to be pleasing to the Anunnakkū and Igīgū, and our lives worthy of their many blessings.
submitted by Nocodeyv to Sumer [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:13 Edewede [Help] What poem would you read at an Open Mic night this week?

I'm stopping by a bar on Wednesday that has open mic night. I want to read a poem, or poems, and I'm curious what the community here would read.
I might do something by Lucile Clifton, I'm still looking around for something light and fun but also memorable with some depth to think about. Suggestions welcomed. Thank you.
submitted by Edewede to Poetry [link] [comments]