Birthday poems financeirthday poems finance

A poem I wrote

2024.05.14 02:07 hateeverythingnow A poem I wrote

After coming to realize my condition I wrote a little poem, hope it helps someone. All the love.

I am no one But I can be whoever you tell to me to be But if you found out that I am no one, then surely you'd have to leave So I will do anything To keep you with me, So I can keep being Who you say that I am Because I can't Be no one Again. I'll make you Prove that you love me, Until I believe That it's true You'll Be upset And say that You're leaving But I'd kill No one To be here with you When you say that you'll stay because you love me And I'm everything You told me I am I'll make you prove it Again And again So I know That I am Who you said. 
submitted by hateeverythingnow to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:04 Innerflare Tennysons Poems, from 1830(?). Any help identifying?

Tennysons Poems, from 1830(?). Any help identifying? submitted by Innerflare to rarebooks [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:03 Da_moose1232 Looking for artist that are poets so i can use there verses in my english project and poetry themed “loss”

i just need some PG quotes/poems that depict loss of anything in a rap song.
submitted by Da_moose1232 to rap [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:00 AutoModerator Third-day Poet's Thread

Use this thread to share poems, musings and anything that makes you feel inspired to love others as you love yourself.
submitted by AutoModerator to GiveMeJesus [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:59 Da_moose1232 looking for song lyrics/ poems written by kendrick to use for music english poetry project.

My theme is “loss” it dosent have to be about loss or anything but i just wanna use him in my project because hes an important figure in my life.
submitted by Da_moose1232 to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:49 TheLiquorStation What’s your funniest “Roses are red, violets are blue” poem?

submitted by TheLiquorStation to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:42 Spirited-Form-5748 Corroded

A short Zuihitsu poem I strung together for the monthly prompt, "New and Old".
Morning. Monday. The sun peeks between the cracks of my window blinds, spilling out onto my floor. He’s tentative – he’d rather not wake me too strenuously, but I have to get out of bed.
A boy wanders under a freeway – aimless, he is – with his little brown eyes surveying the rubbled ground. It’s dark and noisy and clammy down here, but a flash of silver jumps out to grab ahold of his flashlight and yank him its way.
I haven’t forgotten anything, have I? Keys, coat, wallet; I’m always on a time crunch even when I’m not.
Drive to work: upbeat, perfervid, vivacious.
The fork the boy picks up is antique, ancient, like it’d been dumped straight out of a tear in time into the wrong era. It tries to speak to him and tell him all about its endeavors, but the rust coating it muffles its voice.
I’m wearing a new suit today; I bought it a little while back, although the saleswoman wasn't sure I could afford it. Well, I proved her wrong – and as I traipse into the office with as much vigor as I can muster, I wonder if any of my colleagues will comment on it.
My old suit was tiresome and down-at-the-heels. It pioneered for a great while and served its purpose grand and supplemental – I rescued a dog in it, I was promoted in it, I tore a hole in it.
“I mean, it’s corroded–
No one has a lick to say to me about my new suit, but I linger patiently for it anyway – an offhanded quip or a, “hey, nice suit”. I spend the day waiting for something that doesn’t want to arrive.
Had to get that hole stitched up, by the way. It was a whole lot of trouble. I’d hired this old babushka to do it, but she wouldn’t stop giving me dirty looks, as if I did something to offend her. Maybe I looked at one of her thousand cats the wrong way, or pushed open the door to her abode too loudly.
The boy carries his fork all the way home like a lost kitten. He steals – borrows, more accurately – his parent’s tools so he can polish it up all mutton-fisted. For hours upon end, he scrapes away at the rust, fleck by fleck, until the fork's voice isn’t so stifled.
Drive to home: dreary, tedious, toilworn.
–and what’s so great about a used-up fork, anyway? You might as well throw it away and buy a new one, you know? I wouldn’t go through all that trouble.”
As soon as I’m home, I take off my new suit. I place it in the wash. Run a cycle; squeaky clean. I crawl into bed.
His parents remark about the fork that night when the boy uses it to eat dinner. He should sell it off at a pawnshop, they’d simultaneously said; he’ll fetch a good price for it. He argues otherwise. It’s pretty and besides, finders, keepers!
Anyway, I ended up throwing out that old suit. I grew weary and bored of it.
Morning. Tuesday. The sun bulldozes through the cracks of my window blinds, pouring out onto my floor. He’s unabashed – he wants me to know loud and clear I have to get out of bed and wear my suit again.
submitted by Spirited-Form-5748 to creativewriting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:09 THE_REAL_ODB I dedicate a poem to LEETCODE.

In the realm of bytes and lines, LeetCode reigns, where darkness shines. With each algorithmic decree, It shatters dreams with ruthless glee.
Programmers brave, with visions bright, Enter its domain, ready to fight. But in its labyrinthine code, Their aspirations begin to erode.
Through arrays, stacks, and queues they roam, In pursuit of answers, far from home. But LeetCode's riddles, cunning and sly, Leave them stranded, wondering why.
With each failed submission, a soul's descent, As hope fades into discontent. For in this digital abyss they tread, Dreams lie shattered, like code unread.
Yet still they strive, in this digital haze, Caught in LeetCode's merciless maze. For in the end, what do they find? But broken dreams, in lines entwined.
So they code on, with weary hearts, As LeetCode tears their dreams apart. For in this realm of endless trial, Hope flickers faint, in futile denial.
-courtesy of GPT
submitted by THE_REAL_ODB to leetcode [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:08 sstroupe12 “Everything I have let go of, has claw marks.”

There’s a poem with a line in it (the title) that is popular on tik tok.
But in regard to this job and for me personally, this can be changed to “everything I have let go of, has a kiss on the forehead.” Not literally, of course.
I am not the best at a lot of things when it comes to this job. My beds will not be the tidiest and I do not know the best ways to position people, but I know without a doubt every person feels cared for. Sometimes, I think the most important thing you can really do for people is listen and show up.
I started thinking about all this the other day when a resident said (at 3am): “I love the way you take care of me.”
submitted by sstroupe12 to cna [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:06 SitaSingsTheWhat First Day of Freedom?

Sounds silly right? I would usually be panicking about money but I am decidedly not allowing that. This week is my week of self care.
And I pretty much did what I always do. Sat in the grass. Went for a walk. Wrote. Thought. But I wasn’t bound to the constraints of a workday or being in front of a screen so it was liberating. Scribbling notes for future poems.
I have an idea for one where I am the object being pressed into clay to indicate a trade. Put me in the oven. Record that history. The imprint of a woman. Round bits creating deeper divets. The shadow of my life on an orange tablet, just another transaction.
I ache. It feels like someone is pulling away or leaving. I want to be closer not farther. I want to be whole.
submitted by SitaSingsTheWhat to u/SitaSingsTheWhat [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:05 Markeese_the_poet [poem] shadowy figure by MD

[poem] shadowy figure by MD submitted by Markeese_the_poet to OCPoetryFree [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:04 sivadneb I tried using AI to translate Arjun's haiku into japanese, while remaining a haiku. Can any japanese speakers/poets do better?

There is a beautful scene in Caliban's War, when Avasarala is reading a message from Arjun:
She touched the screen, her fingertips tracing the line of his shoulder. “So I understand from your message that you may not come home,” he said.
“I’m sorry,” she said to the screen. “As you imagine, I find the thought … distressing,” he said, and then a smile split his face, dancing in eyes she now saw were red with tears. “But what can I do about it? I teach poetry to graduate students. I have no power in this world. That has always been you. And so I want to offer you this. Don’t think about me. Don’t take your mind from what you’re doing on my account. And if you don’t …” Arjun took a deep breath.
He ends with a poem:
“If life transcends death, then I will seek for you there. If not, then there too.” He looked down and then up again. “I love you, Kiki. And I will always love you, from whatever distance.”
Later on in the book:
... and then something else, something small, fell into place in the back of her mind and she started laughing and cursing at the same time.
[Bobbie]: "What? what is it?"
"'If life transcends death, then I will seek for you there. If not, then there too'." she said. "It's a fucking haiku. That man has a one-track mind and one train on it. Poetry. Save me from poetry."
The poem resonated with me in a big way. I can't say why, but when I read it I teared up a bit, and cracked up at Avasarala's "It's a fucking haiku"
Anyway, I've been playing around with AI since Chat GPT came out, and one test I like to give is to see if they can translate the English haiku into a Japanese haiku while retaining its meaning (at least, how I interpreted it).
No AI has been able to do it (not even close). That is until GPT-4o, which was announced today. It took a bit of prompting and testing (by feeding it back in to a new conversation). But this is what I came up with so far:
死後あるか (shigo aru ka) Is there an afterlife 無にても君を (mu nitemo kimi o) Even if there's nothingness 探し求む (sagashi motomu) I will search for you 
While I don't understand Japanese in the slightest, this attempt was much better than my previous ones. It captures the meaning (in my opinion), but I'm not sure of the aesthetics in Japanese. The English version "hit" in way the AI still doesn't seem to get. I'm curious if there's any humans out there who can come up w/ something better!
submitted by sivadneb to TheExpanse [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:02 definitely_not_duck [Request] How does one approach calculating the amount of unique poems here? (And how many are there) [more details below]

[Request] How does one approach calculating the amount of unique poems here? (And how many are there) [more details below]
There is a diagonal 5×5 point grid. Each 'point' being an interchangable phrase within a poem, where the beginning and end are the top and bottom corners. ('As we', and 'across our faces' respectively). You can only move down, but at each level you may choose the right or left path, unless you find yourself along the 'edge' at or after the fifth phrase, forcing the same path every time. The goal is to find the total amount of paths that each form their own /unique/ poem. Take notice that the first, sixth, and last phrases will always be the same throughout all poems. Along with an answer I'd love an explanation or at least a good source explaining the process of finding the answer :)
submitted by definitely_not_duck to theydidthemath [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:53 Let047 POEME 0

Le carnet fragmenté se lamente.
Mon âme se délite.
Avant de vivre : il faut mourir.
Les carnets des morts
Belle, une lame sous la lune, éclat. Larme de métal ; éclaté, éclaboussé… Éclat. Sillon de sang dans la lumière du néant. Éclair. Douleur infinie et terrible, Eclat. Le rouge est profond. Opaque. Meurtri. Eclat Il m'envahit. M'obsède. Me sidère. Me raz-de-marée. Eclat. Puis il disparaît. Tout disparaît. Je redeviens. Néant. 
Les carnets fragmentés sont ensanglantés.
Le liquide finit de jaillir de mon corps meurtri.
Fini. Enfin. Fin.
……………………………………………….. ……………………………………………….. ……………………………………………….. ……………………………………………….. ………………………………………………..
Mon blog:
submitted by Let047 to Poesie [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:47 Affectionate-Lab-270 My boyfriend (M24) is not financially stable and I (F20) don’t know if I should break up with him. He’s not independent in many ways. I feel like I deserve better and I should’ve left him a long time ago. What is your opinion?

I’ve been with my boyfriend for two years now. We met online and we’re in a long-distance relationship. I’ve had such wonderful times with him and I love him. But lately, as we’re becoming more serious, I’ve been noticing things about him that bother me. I feel like I don’t really have a normal boyfriend and I feel like I deserve better. I suddenly catch myself wondering if this is really going to work out and if I won’t be happier with someone else. I’ve really loved him so much, he was everything to me. I was always bursting with love for him. I feel quite numb lately, because there are so many things about him that I’m starting to notice now, and they’re starting to bother me. I feel resentment towards him.
First of all, he is a bit overweight and I’ve been waiting two years for him to lose weight. It stayed the same in the first year even though he promised me he would lose the weight for me. We dated for nine months online before meeting and he only told me he was overweight two months before we were going to meet up. I didn’t know, because the only pictures of him online were of when he was slim. He is starting to lose weight now, but it’s going quite slowly and I feel like I need to push him and help him all the time.
Second of all, he’s not financially stable. He’s a freelance writer but he doesn’t earn any money. He lives with his parents which is not ideal but wouldn’t bother me so much if he was actually employed and earning money. When we ‘works’ it’s just him writing stories and poems for himself. He does receive £500 a month because he once tried to commit suicide when he was 17, but that will end soon and still, it’s not enough. He also dropped out of college because of that so he doesn’t have a degree either. I told him that I would like him to get a job because we want to get married early and it’s important that he has a steady income before we do. He asked me if I could look for jobs for him, which was fine by me, I don’t mind helping. He looked a little aswell and asked around in some libraries but he’s not really doing anything about it now. He’s not actively searching. It really comes from me. He’s setting up his writing website now but even that takes so long. I don’t feel much motivation or ambition from him.
Third, he doesn’t have his driver’s licence and he doesn’t have a car. I was the one who really spurred him on to get lessons. He’s had two lessons from his dad in two months. He’s not really doing much for it. If he really cared he would make sure to get at least one lesson a week.
I feel like there are so many things that lack in him. I really love him, but I feel like I constantly have to see things through my fingers. I’m constantly waiting for him to do and achieve the things that I want him to do. I feel anxious and stressed. I’m starting to feel like I don’t have a future with him. I can’t see us living together in a nice house with children. I can’t see him being a father. It’s all just a dream. It’s not normal that I should make my boyfriend get a job and work and get his licence. He’s turning 25 this year, these are things he should already have and that he should be doing on his own, I shouldn’t have to tell him. I stayed because I really thought it would get better and maybe it is getting a little better, but it’s not enough. I don’t feel safe, I feel unstable. I feel like it’s just a game. I’m doing my part, I’m in college and saving as much money as I can. I feel like he’s not doing his part. And now I actually feel like I love and like him less because of all these things, because it makes me feel resentful and unnattracted to him. I keep imagining myself and a man who has a job and a house and is independent and even the thought of that makes me feel so relieved. I’m thinking of being with other people and it makes me feel guilty. I really don’t need much, I’m not asking for a huge income and a big house. And I’m also willing to work hard myself, but I can’t do it alone. Even if we just live in an apartment and don’t go on holidays that much, I don’t mind if I’m with the man I love. But this is not even at the minimum.
I’m all alone in bed now, he walked away angrily to sleep downstairs because I called him a manchild because he said he doesn’t want to come to my house during the six weeks we won’t see each other. It made me feel annoyed because even if he doesn’t like my house or my parents and is afraid of flying, would it really be worth not seeing me for so long? I feel so sad and hopeless. I just want a man. I’m done with this. I’m going home tommorow and maybe I should just break it off now, although his parents booked a holiday for us all in Cornwall in June. Please help me. I’ve always been willing to fight for him and wait for him and make sacrifices for him. I’ve been cutting down my own needs for him, but my patience and hope is running out now.
submitted by Affectionate-Lab-270 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:43 ApprehensiveCable254 I feel like crying at something beautiful today

Please share something beautiful (if u feel like it) It could be anything… A song… A poem… A painting… A story of yours…
submitted by ApprehensiveCable254 to infp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:40 CrypticPaw New Poem "Clutching at Embers" on the Official Cryptic Paw Website!

A dark poem where a twisted girl meets a twisted boy. A gothic and violent romance blooms.
Read now on the Official Cryptic Paw website!
Become Part of The Pack on YouTube and Patreon!
submitted by CrypticPaw to DarkTales [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:38 CrypticPaw New Poem "Clutching at Embers" on the Official Cryptic Paw Website!

New Poem
A dark poem where a twisted girl meets a twisted boy. A gothic and violent romance blooms.
Read now on the Official Cryptic Paw website!
Become Part of The Pack on YouTube and Patreon!
submitted by CrypticPaw to DarkArts [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:38 jan_triana Help! I can't double space paragraphs

Hi, I started a Substack to share poetry, and I need to add two lines after the title of the poems. Like this:
. [Text of the poem]
However, when I add the two spaces in the draft, it only shows one space in the previews. Like this:
. [Text of the poem]
I've tried using the "poetry block" formatting option and the CTRL/Swift+Enter command without results. Can someone help me? (I'm using a Macbook Pro.)
submitted by jan_triana to Substack [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:37 CrypticPaw New Poem "Clutching at Embers" on the Official Cryptic Paw Website!

A dark poem where a twisted girl meets a twisted boy. A gothic and violent romance blooms.
Read now on the Official Cryptic Paw website!
Become Part of The Pack on YouTube and Patreon!
submitted by CrypticPaw to Dark_Poetry [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:35 CrypticPaw New Poem "Clutching at Embers" on the Official Cryptic Paw Website!

New Poem
A dark poem where a twisted girl meets a twisted boy. A gothic and violent romance blooms.
Read now on the Official Cryptic Paw website!
Become Part of The Pack on YouTube and Patreon!
submitted by CrypticPaw to u/CrypticPaw [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:31 IntelligentCitron917 AITA for standing my ground and not allowing my stepdaughter to continue to treat me like something she stepped in.

22 years ago I (32F) met my partner then (30M). Both previously married, a child each. Me, son (9), OH daughter (3). We lived nearly 200 miles from each other, after a year he move in but work commitments moved him away again. I fell pregnant and we have a 16F. For last 15 years he's lived here.
From the very beginning we have both included the children, never excluded them. I often did the round trip to pick his daughter up for her to spend the weekend with us. We often went up there too.
Over the years she has tried several times to cause problems between us despite any effort I put in. Even during COVID when I had to shield for 18 months she still tried to create problems.
First time since COVID that we went away, on arrival OH didn't fell well and tested positive next day I'm also + but luckily I was OK but OH had it bad. They (her bf and son (2) came down for the day knowing we had both tested + and luckily it didn't affect them. I had taken birthday gifts for (GS) from Grandma and Grandad but refuses me being called Grandma. The others are nana, so it's not confusing or treading on anybody's toes. They asked if OH could take their horsebox to a Gypsy fair the following weekend as they can't tow. This would mean him driving nearly 200 miles to collect it, driving to fair, spend the day then do it in reverse arriving home early hours.
After our holiday he spent most of the week in bed only getting up for a few hours each day. Needless to say he had to say he wasn't well enough to do the horsebox towing and driving on the Sunday.
This is when things went pear shaped. Her bf put a message on FB asking if anybody could tow them as had been LET DOWN at short notice. I was fuming. She had known for 2 weeks he had COVID and spent lots in bed. I replied saying having COVID for 2 weeks was not letting someone down at the last minute.
They had recently started to make wedding plans but unless I apologized I was not invited.
As far as I was concerned I was stating a fact so refused to apologise. They stopped visiting us and I stopped visiting them. Everyone agreed she's in the wrong and has been "entitled" her entire life. Shes never worked always expected money from others.
She was adamant that unless I apologised I would not attend the wedding. OH agreed I didn't owe apology, backed me 100%. I stated that if I wasn't at wedding, I'm done. As it would have to be a planned visit so she would never just turn up anyway. OH agrees
Everyone was asking where I was as they had expected to see me there. Since OH has hardly made effort to visit them, only if work causes him to be in area. Them never setting foot over our doorstep still stands.
It's nearly 12 months since the wedding, OH's mum has been diagnosed with cancer, undergoing Chemo. I've no issue in visiting but said when there we have no contact with them. OH agrees can totally see my point. The mere talk of her wedding still hurts me and can never be undone.
But am I being an AH?
Update... It's now been nearly a year since the wedding. Still not made any effort whatsoever and thankfully OH backs me 100%.
Recently found out she has been asking him to buy them a car suitable of towing the horsebox despite him checking out their current car and assuring them it is totally legal and within towing regulations for them to use the one they already have.
She been trying every to get him to buy one. We don't have the money at all so I don't know why she keeps asking him for money as he keeps telling her we don't have it.
He recently had a phone call from her now MIL, not sure how she got his number but glad she did. He was under the impression they only had 18months left to pay for the cars finance. Nope. They have taken out (well MIL has for them) a consolidation loan. No idea of the amount but it has to be considerable as it won't be repaid until 2036. All this expense, 2 horses, they are just about to go on holiday abroad (we've not been abroad in over 10 years) and yet stepdaughter has never worked a day in her life.
submitted by IntelligentCitron917 to AITA_WIBTA_PUBLIC [link] [comments]