Autograph bingo ideas

Minecraft Bingo

2014.05.11 14:39 reedmanisback Minecraft Bingo

A place for players of Minecraft BINGO. To compare scores on seed challenges, discuss strategies, ideas, and to meet other players.

2018.02.15 17:57 Bombingofdresden The Daily Zeitgeist

The un-official official subreddit for the iHeartRadio program "the Daily Zeitgeist"

2024.05.15 11:32 Scared-Gift8980 DIBZ - win up to £20 each week by playing football bingo

DIBZ combines Football and Bingo to give you an easy betting experience on the Football. Simply select from the pre-built bingo tickets on the biggest football matches.
I recently signed up to this offer and I have to say its the most fun I’ve had earning beer money!
I won £10 last week & when I withdrew the money it was in my bank the same day!
Each week you get given 2 free tokens (each with the winning potential of £10)
Here’s what you need to do:
  1. Download the DIBZ app & create an account (this took me less than 1 minute to do)
  2. You’ll then see a blue present with ‘2’ at the top of the page, this is your 2 free tokens
  3. Tap on a match and pick one of the pre-made bingo sheets. The ones with the blue present in the middle are the ones you can use your free tokens for
  4. And thats it! Just wait till the end of the match to see if your predictions came true & be in with the chance of winning £20 each week!
You don’t need to know a lot about football to do this as the sheets are pre-made, it also tells you how many other people have purchased that sheet which kind of gives you an idea of how popular that particular one is.
You need to be 18+ to sign up to this as it is a gambling platform.
If you pick a winning sheet and win £10/£20, congrats! In order to be able to withdraw you just need to deposit £2 first and then you can instantly withdraw the whole amount.
submitted by Scared-Gift8980 to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:22 Sudden_Philosophy_33 [TOMT] Please help me remember

guys I feel like Im TRIPPING
There was this random movie or tv special on dvd that my grandpa used to watch with us that was a bunch of animated characters and the show was in a game-like format where the questions or points came down kinda like bingo balls.
I wouldve been watching this in like 2006-2007 maybe so it had to have been released before then
Im losing my mind trying to figure this out. Does anybody have any ideas
submitted by Sudden_Philosophy_33 to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:15 pgr1993 Stumped on a signature from around 2001

Stumped on a signature from around 2001
My wife was going thru her things and found her autograph book from around 2001 we recognize every signature except this one and ideas?
submitted by pgr1993 to WaltDisneyWorld [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:58 SeparateHope1152 Need Card Suggestion for Max Points

Hi all,
I am looking at getting more into credit cards to build up points to pay for travel. I have a good amount of my regular spend categories covered with 2-3x points but always think I could do more. Also wanting to get some cards with bigger sign on bonus to really start racking up points.
I fly 3-4 times a year, on delta mostly. But I am moving and the closest airport will no longer be a delta hub. When I do travel I mostly stay at Airbnb’s and get rental cars or Turos, would like to build up points to stay at hotels from time to time.
Let me know your suggestions!
Current credit cards you are the primary account holder of: - Wells Fargo Autograph, $5.3k limit, June 2015 - Amex Delta platinum, $28k limit, June 2021 - Bilt Mastercard, $6.5k limit, Feb. 2024 - Amex Blue Business plus, $14k limit, April 2024 - Also a BCU Cash Rewards card that is not used anymore $9k limit, June 2020 * * FICO Scores with source: - Fico score 780 * * Oldest credit card account age with you as primary name on the account: - Wells Fargo autograph from 2015
PURPOSE * Purpose of this next card is mainly getting Travel rewards points for other portals outside of the delta points that I have an lot of. I also want to get the best points per dollar spent on my regular purchases. I prefer to fly Delta (hence the platinum delta amex) but also need a card that gives me more airline options.
submitted by SeparateHope1152 to CreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:58 Euphoric-Earth-4765 An inside look at the culture and ideology of Faith Comes By Hearing PART 1

If you are thinking about working at or if you are thinking about donating to Faith Comes By Hearing/Hosanna []( you should consider the following. Having worked at Faith Comes By Hearing myself for decades, you should be aware of their culture and ideology. (Arranged from most important to least.)

\*Treatment of the Bible:

Grammatical, historical and cultural context as well as literary genre are all ignored by top management. So, Scripture is often misquoted and misused:

Ignoring basic, common sense guidelines, rules for interpreting the Bible results in misinterpreting, misunderstanding, and misapplying the Bible. Management ignores the fact that observation (what the text says) must always come before interpretation (what the text means); and interpretation always comes before application (how the text applies to me). They do not consider the Bible text objectively first: They treat the text subjectively or relatively or assume what the passage text means. And they ignore the fact that a text cannot mean today what it never could have meant to the original authors and original readers. Exegesis is often contrasted with “eisegesis”; the Greek preposition εἰς means “into,” and hence eisegesis means reading your own meaning into the text. Bible study is not reading your personal theology into some biblical passage. Bible study is letting the text talk to us; we are the listeners, not the talkers. Many Christians just want to know what the Bible “means to me.” If you stop to think about it, this just is not possible. We must do the hard work of learning the author’s original meaning first, and without that we can’t ever know “what it means to me.” A text cannot mean what it never meant.

\*Feelings and experiences rule:

There is a focus by top management on personal experiences and feelings instead of a studied period of reflection: Emotional, simple, popular teaching instead of intellectually careful and doctrinally precise teaching. Bible studies go straight to the question, “What does this passage mean to me?” while bypassing the prior question, “What does the passage say and why do I think my interpretation is correct?” Management promotes and allows employees to get away with applying an understanding of a passage that is based on vague feelings or first impressions and not on the hard work of reading the context, verifying with commentaries and using study tools such as concordances, Bible dictionaries, and the like because a careful exercise of reason is not important in understanding what the Bible actually says for management. Besides, it takes work! For management, Christianity is identified with subjective feelings, sincere motives, personal piety, and blind faith. Management tests the truth not by a careful application of our God-given faculties of thought, or even by biblical mandates (for example, 2 Corinthians 10:5), but rather by private subjective experiences. For the most part, theoretical reason is just not part of the culture at FCBH. In fact, top management will often spiritualizing normal, everyday things like advice, facts, common knowledge:

Example during a meeting, the CEO said he saw a full moon, then clouds formed & covered the moon, then clouds dissipated. He then said he felt God say: "I can turn nothing into something; something into nothing; turn this ministry into something & if it goes thick & blocks Jesus; it has to diminish.”

So, personal, subjective experiences that top management shares equals truth that employees must agree with or at least accept as true.

Also, time is money, but management uses their mandatory meetings to discuss controversial or complex topics (e.g., fasting, communion, tithing, personal stewardship of money, helping the homeless, how to create more interaction with remote workers, how to retain employees, how to hire more Gen Z employees, past trauma), most of which are unrelated to the actual work. Then they ask employees (most of which have no authority to get things changed/done) what their opinion is about the controversial or complex topic, instead of consulting with professionals or experts.

So, top management will read a bible verse (not a paragraph, not a chapter, a verse; usually out of context) using a version of the Bible that is almost a paraphrase. Then share something personal that happened to them, something they did or saw or experienced or a personal conviction that is not related to the verse. Then explain how they felt about it, how they interpreted it. Then they will ask employees (especially internationals) to share similar experiences. And, then if no one shares or comments or speaks, management makes employees feel guilty: Along the lines of “So, God is not working in your life?”

Example: “I felt God give me this verse about gossip. Let me share with you some personal stories about gossip…. This is how I see it. Now, in the last 5 min of our time, I want people to share. I especially want input from internationals. Does anyone have anything to say about this? No, one? Is God not speaking to you? How can God not be moving and speaking? This is unreal….”

Top management will often use a reader response or subjective biblical interpretation: “This is what I think this verse means. What do you think this verse means? What stood out to you? What did you learn? What is God asking you to apply?” This is a very self-centered way to interpret Scripture. The focus is all about you. What you think. What you feel. But, “The Bible is not about you.” - Timothy Keller. And this leads to people looking at the same verse and coming up with completely different interpretations. Everybody seems to have an opinion on what the Bible says/teaches.

So, instead of discovering what the original author said to the original readers. They will take Biblical concepts (e.g., called to ministry; felt led by the Spirit; God spoke to me; felt peace) and then add new meanings to them which the original author did not intend. This is dangerous since it leaves employees with doubt, disillusionment, disappointment, discouragement, and false hope and can leave them with unmet, unrealistic, and false expectations. Top management will also take subjective, unclear biblical principles or non-essentials, or personal convictions and make them scriptural authority and then judge other Christians who do not agree. They will treat the Proverbs as promises. They will also not make an effort to distinguish between Biblical principles and practices which are relative, time bound, culturally subjective, Biblically illustrated (not commanded). They will often make hasty generalizations. They will beg the question. They will commit special pleading, dictionary simpliciter, reductive, faulty analogy and many other fallacies. They will also allegorize promises in Scripture and spiritualize all principles. They assume that all historical narratives have individual identifiable moral application. God’s word should be taught clearly, not in a distorted manner. Top management will proof text and use religious words to promote their agenda.

And top management will encourage others to have this view/philosophy of Bible interpretation. Many incorrectly interpret the Bible and do not even realize it.

I pray to God that this bad method of interpretation is not being taught to internationals, to people who have never had bibles, who do not have biblical discernment, who don't know any better.

\*Inductive Bible study and internationals:

Hermeneutics has been defined as the science and art of biblical interpretation. Hermeneutics helps us understand the Bible. It is a science because there are specific rules the interpreter must follow. It is an art because it takes years of practice to develop the ability to employ those rules properly. There is a difference between a novice and a seasoned interpreter. Hermeneutics has two basic steps, finding what the text meant to its original audience, and then seeing how it applies to our current situation. Unfortunately, many people (Americans included), impose their own personal experiences, theology, and modern culture on to the Biblical text.

Fortunately, God has allowed us (especially Americans) to have Bible dictionaries, commentaries, handbooks, atlases, etc., to help us with correct hermeneutics, to understand the essential historical and cultural information - the context of the original author and readers of the Bible. We have tools that shed light on the text and help us to arrive at the correct interpretation. When you read a commentary, it will provide checks and balances against your possible mistakes. They can answer questions that a reading of the text can never provide or ask questions that you may never think of asking. Unfortunately, many international people groups do not have access to these tools (or even access to mature, trained, and experienced Christians and pastors). And even if they do have access to resources, they may not know how to use them properly (i.e., limitations of commentaries).

Grammatical-Historical Method or Inductive Bible study can easily be done with printed or digital Bibles. But how can a person do this with audio and video Bibles? This is critical especially for international people groups that do not have access to (and may never have) print Bibles.

False gospels and heresies are popular in illiterate people groups because they are not taught discernment or how to evaluate Scripture and the thoughts of others for themselves. People with ulterior motives misuse Scripture and end up influencing the illiterate.

If these Bible Films and audio Bibles are considered to be actual Bible Translations – video and audio translations of the Bible and the equivalent to and sometimes a replacement for print scripture – then should we also make it a point to teach people who are watching and listening to our video and audio Bible translations Biblical hermeneutics (historical-grammatical interpretation)? How to study the Bible properly for themselves?

My experience has been that many non-Christians (and Christians) misquote or misinterpret the Bible because they do not know how to actually read and study it on their own to find out what the text actually meant to the original author and audience and seeing how it applies to their current situation.

There are many ways to study the Bible, and there are many excellent study aids available to help you with specific books of the Bible. But the most important thing you need to remember is that to find out what the Bible says, you need to read it yourself in a way that will help you discover what it says, what it means, and how you are to apply it to your life. And the best way to do this is through the process called inductive study. Inductive study doesn’t tell you what the Bible means or what you should believe. Instead, it teaches you a method of studying God’s Word that can be applied to any portion of Scripture at any time.

Inductive Bible study draws you into personal interaction with the Scripture and thus with the God of the Scriptures so that your beliefs are based on a prayerful understanding and legitimate interpretation of Scripture.

\*Artistic freedom concerns:

Another concern is with the artistic freedom or personal preference when it comes to audio and video Bible media (when these function as replacements for print Scripture). How much can be taken before you compromise the historical accuracy or the meaning and understanding of the original message? A good translation must be faithful to the historical situation and not change the cultural background. In Bible Translation, the translator’s first job is to study the text carefully to discover the correct meaning (what the original author wanted to communicate). Do international people groups understand that the “artistic freedom” (e.g., how the film is lit, the key shots, angles it shoots from, close-ups, point of view, sets, locations and props, editing, the dialogue and the actors’ performance and emotions, wardrobe choices, soundtrack, visual transitions, reference shots), the visuals and sound, are all NOT inspired?

Biblical and Orthodox Christianity teaches that All Scripture (not just some) is inspired by God who utilized the human element within man to accomplish this without error.The very WORDS (not just the ideas, even parts of letters, and sometimes the tense of verbs) are a result of the mind of God expressed in human terms and conditions. The Bible IS fully true in all that it teaches or asserts to be true (including historical and scientific matters). Only the original documents (autographs) are completely free from error. Does FCBH make an effort to explain this to people groups? If not, then there will be conflict when the visuals and sounds that are added do not match the Biblical text. There will be confusion, doubt, disillusionment, disappointment, discouragement, false hope when people are confronted with unmet, unrealistic, and false expectations.

So, using audio and especially video as Bibles should come with some teaching of the basic principles of film criticism, the doctrine of inspiration (difference between artistic freedom and the Word of God), and inductive Bible study or Bible interpretation.

\*Communicating the truth:

They employ a presuppositional and fideistic/experiential approach to evangelism: In the many testimonies that are shared, many of the people who receive the audio bibles say they believe in Jesus because FCBH gave them bibles that are in their native language. Makes you wonder what would happen if the audio was from the Quran or book of Mormon. Would they believe in anything as long as it was in their own language? FCBH does not seem to make sure people are actually believing facts. There seems to be no appeals to evidence and reason for the truthfulness of the Christianity. One should become a Christian and believe that Jesus is God because it is true (from reason, historical evidence, archaeological evidence, theistic arguments) and not because the Bible one reads is in a certain language. You should follow Jesus because He is God and proved it; not because He speaks your language.

\*Hearing from God?

Many in management practice “hearing from God” and then claim God said something specific and personal to them and to the ministry. This practice uses God's name in vain. And often use God to avoid personal responsibility - “I heard from God; God told me; I felt led; God spoke to me…” They then put what happens on God, so they avoid any personal responsibility if it does not come to pass. They make Christianity out to be personal, private, and a matter of “how I feel about things.” Many Christians actually feel spiritually sub-standard and defeated because for them “the heavens have been silent”. This can be debilitating, and it’s profoundly unfair to employees if their only shortcoming is entertaining a false expectation of what a relationship with God entails. Conversations are often littered with casual references to one’s latest revelations without any sense of the gravity of the assertion, or any sense of responsibility to justify the claim. Even Jesus Himself didn’t presume to speak for God without compelling evidence. But, management takes personal opinions and spiritualize them as if they were God’s word to give divine authority to impulses or thoughts that drift through their minds. To say “God is telling me” gives feelings an authority the Scripture does not justify and virtually ends debate. You can’t argue with the person if God supposedly gave the command. Trusting inner feelings is not biblical. It’s confusing at best, and dangerous at worst.

And with certain requests from employees, when top management does not want to do something, they will respond by saying things like: “I need to pray about it first. Sorry, I do not feel led. I need to get confirmation first. I need to have peace about it first. I need to hear from God first.” But with other things, with things they want to do, they do not need to pray about it first, do not need to feel led, do not need to get confirmation first, do not need to have a peace about it first, do not need to hear from God first. When management does not want to do something, they pass the responsibility off to God (“We cannot…. because God didn’t tell us to do it. Didn't get confirmation.”); but when they do want to do something, they don't seek God and do what they want (“We have decided and are going to… and we don’t need to ask God for guidance or permission”).
submitted by Euphoric-Earth-4765 to u/Euphoric-Earth-4765 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:38 Evening-Board4438 Whose autographs are on my church mouth album?

Whose autographs are on my church mouth album?
Hi all,
could you please help me with a question? I saw Portugal. The Man in November 2009 in Frankfurt, Germany, the first time and immediately was a fan. After the concert I bought a CD and chatted with some of them, there was not a big audience. Two of them signed the album I bought. I just found the album today in an old box, where I put it with other CDs.
Do you have any idea who signed here? I compared the autographs to more recent ones, and it seems that the signatures evolved. My guess would be that these are the signatures of Zach (the left one) and John. Do you confirm that?
submitted by Evening-Board4438 to portugaltheman [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:45 Ms_basicc Trinkets/Bingo Cards?

Hi All!!
As we get closer to the event I have been thinking of trinkets and stuff to hand out to fellow attendees. When i have attended Roo and Eforest there were some people that handed out bingo cards to people just for fun of things people did every year and just fun activities most people do at the festivals. This would be my first time attending LIB but would love to work on something like this for the festival. Is this something people would be interested in? If so any one have good idea to put in the bingo spaces!! (Side Note: I am aware of paper waste being an issue and was planning on using Wildflower Seed paper.)
As for trinkets I am trying to not be to wasteful as well and was wondering what people liked getting from New friends or strangers. Any thoughts?
Thanks you all in advance :) <3
submitted by Ms_basicc to LightningInABottle [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:49 Former_Chemist_9397 Naughty bingo prize ideas

I am starting naughty bingo at our bar soon, and I need ideas for prizes 😅 HELP
submitted by Former_Chemist_9397 to bartenders [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:00 rfantasygolem /r/Fantasy Daily Recommendation Requests and Simple Questions Thread - May 14, 2024

This thread is to be used for recommendation requests or simple questions that are small/general enough that they won’t spark a full thread of discussion.
Check out Fantasy's 2024 Book Bingo Card here!
As usual, first have a look at the sidebar in case what you're after is there. The Fantasy wiki contains links to many community resources, including "best of" lists, flowcharts, the LGTBQ+ database, and more. If you need some help figuring out what you want, think about including some of the information below:
Be sure to check out responses to other users' requests in the thread, as you may find plenty of ideas there as well. Happy reading, and may your TBR grow ever higher!
As we are limited to only two stickied threads on Fantasy at any given point, we ask that you please upvote this thread to help increase visibility!
submitted by rfantasygolem to Fantasy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:36 HANGonSL00PY Autographs.

I'm planning our trip right before the kids start the new school year in August. We've done the traditional autograph books but I saw someone have them sign on the matting of a picture frame and later add mickey and Minnie ears, Goofy and Donald's hat and so forth.
What have you done differently than an autograph book? Can I get some ideas that have lasted the test of time please? Can I also get either a picture or a detailed explanation on how you did something original? I'm older and not sure I want to go the traditional route of an autograph book. Thanks in advance. This sub has answered a lot of my questions just by reading past posts and answering one direct question I had. I did look at some pintrest stuff which is where I saw the example I listed above. It's pretty self explanatory. But nothing else jumped out at me. Maybe it was how I typed it in? Anyways thank you. I appreciate any help and direction :))
Edit to ask: #1. Has anyone done a quilt from the autographs? If so what would you do differently if you knew what you now know? #2. I read somewhere that they used a journal to get autographs. In that journal they also used it for their animation drawings they went to a couple each day they were there. It was on one of those Disney news pages. People asked a lot questions but no one answered them. The post was from the beginning of last year so I doubt they were in a hurry to go back and answer them. If I can't find out anymore info I will do the picture frame or the Walt book that was mentioned...
submitted by HANGonSL00PY to DisneyPlanning [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:06 Icy_Pumpkin_9760 Not the best pictures, but help?

Not the best pictures, but help?
I’ll probably post both of our other dogs at some point, but this is Bingo.
The main reason the photos are bad is because if she’s not sleeping, she’s Not. Sitting. Still.
Found her on Facebook when she was 9 weeks old. Her mom’s human, who lives in a very rural area where pet ownership is less than responsible, said “oh our dog is a lab but we haven’t had her long and she got out and we think she hooked up with the neighbor’s heeler.” At the time, Bingo here (yes, we named her after Bluey’s little sister because we and our kiddo are fans) looked like a lab and heeler. We paid $50 for this dog just to cover food.
We were lied to. That or the human just didn’t know. Either way, the way this dog’s head is shaped, I suspect she’s more on the pit side than the lab side. She’s got little speckle spots of coloring on her legs, so I believe the heeler part. She might be 50lbs now, and STAYS skinny - we moved out to my parents’ farm last year and she has decided to live up to half her heritage and spend most of the day outside with the horses and cows. She eats anything at least once, we’ve had her checked and dewormed, she’s just skinny. With a MUSCLY flank. She’s wicked speedy when she runs, but she has zero common sense and does not seem to learn from her repeat mistakes 7/10 times. She’s improved a lot since she turned 2, but she also is obsessed with licking people and refusing to take no for an answer about cuddles.
So while I’m pretty sure she may have a little pit and heeler, does anyone else have an idea?
submitted by Icy_Pumpkin_9760 to IDmydog [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:56 Capital-Increase-573 Some ideas to buff underpowered exotics!

Hi all! With TFS looming over the horizon, I wanted to take a look at some Exotic weapons we have in that grand ol’ arsenal of ours that haven’t been doing too hot in a while… or ever. We have a lot of strong choices nowadays, and even some fun niche ones too, but there are a lot of picks that just don’t make sense, have better legendary variants, or are outdated asf (looking at you specifically, DARCI). In this post, I want to share some fun ideas I had for how to rebalance these exotics, adding new functionality in both their intrinsic abilities and catalysts. I don’t even think all these exotics necessarily need a huge intrinsic buff: sometimes a catalyst is all it takes; just look at how nice Trinity Ghoul is with its catalyst, and that’s just a teeny tiny change.
What I count as an underpowered exotic is a weapon that doesn’t really have a place both in regular play, endgame activities, or as a niche weapon with certain uses. So something like Tractor Cannon, although not a DPS/adclear option, is super super useful against certain bosses like Crota or in certain situations, therefore, in my mind it is not underpowered as it has its place. Something like Hard Light, though… yeah.
I’m swinging the hammer kinda heavy with the buffs because it’s more fun that way. I hope you all enjoy, and please share your ideas too! Bonus if you make a bingo card to see how many of these exotics Bungo actually changes in TFS. We’ll find out soon enough, I’d imagine.
Oh, yeah, and this is just my opinion. I know some or a lot of these weapons are usable. But alas, this is what I think.
Sweet Business: Adds intrinsic Overload capabilities. Once this weapon is spun up, it will remain spinning until reloaded. This assures that once you enter combat, you won’t be stuck having to get ‘er goin every time a new enemy jumps you. Catalyst now adds Killing Tally. This perk would make the weapon much stronger (duh) but also it has good synergy with Sweet Business, as the playstyle opts for keeping the weapon out, in use, and continuously fed from ammo pickups or actium war rig.
MIDA Multi-Tool: Adds the ability to change the rate and mode of fire, so that the weapon can behave like a pulse rifle and an auto rifle by changing perk options in the gun’s menu. Scoping in now highlights information about enemies and distance, just like DARCI does.
Crimson: Perhaps this sounds repetitive, but for weapons that sustain fire, Killing Tally is really solid. This would reward the user for continuous precision kills to maintain Killing Tally, a strong bonus on top of Exotics have a 40% buff against red bars.
Cerberus+1: Damage againts elite (orange bar) and major (yellow bar, non capitalized names) also increased by 40% to match the minor (red bar) enemy increase. New intrinstic perk: Interial Quakes: sustained damage on one target causes shockwaves to summon at the location of the target, disorienting them and dealing high damage. This offers Cerberus+1 a variant of Kinetic Tremors that has increased functionality, as it’s an exotic, as well as the ability to activate off of non-precision hits since.. yeah hitting crits with Cerberus is ass.
Bad Juju: Catalyst increases super energy gained from a kill closer to D1 levels, to make it more of a super battery. We get our super back so quickly in PvE with the amount of orbs we generate; let’s ratchet Bad Juju up to make it a competitive super generating option. The catalyst also gives Desperado.
Bastion: I wish I knew what to do to make it better. But it needs help.
Traveler’s Chosen: This weapon was designed back when Bungo was like “lol we hate damage perks”. Gathering Light now grants an escalating damage bonus in addition to its previuos effects. Consuming Gathering Light increases this weapon’s RoF for 10 seconds to compensate for being reset to its baseline.
Cryosthesia 77K: Here’s a dousey. Every third precision shot applies x25 slow to enemies. The special “reload after kill” show now loads the gun with a projectile that is akin to a coldsnap grenade, seeking out and freezing a target. Catalyst grants headstone so you can make more stasis crystals with this bad boy.
Wicked Implement: Make this thing a 260rpm scout. That is all.
Coldheart: Catalyst adds voltshot. Increase the damage ramp-up for sustained fire.
Borealis: Why does this thing not have anti barrier. Half of its gimmick is breaking barriers. Give it anti barrier lmao and it’ll be top tier in GMs. That’s literally all you need to do?
Skyburner’s Oath: Increase rate of fire for Scout Rifle mode. Make it unstop intrinsically.
Merciless: Catalyst gives Controlled Burst, further decreasing charge time and increasing damage.
Hard Light: Add incandescent, voltshot, and destabilizing rounds depending on the elemental mode that is selected. Catalyst allows it to swap between Stasis and Strand, giving Headstone and Hatchling respectively.
Fighting Lion: Just revert some of the nerfs on this poor guy for crying out loud. Life was more fun when he was still kickin’.
Prometheus Lens: Sustained damage will this weapon can cause enemies to ignite prematurely.
Tommy’s Matchbook: Buff the scorch this weapon deals against enemies. Increase hipfire accuracy further to make sure you can hit your shots. Allow for kills on scorched enemies to trigger brief health regeneration.
D.A.R.C.I.: Ammo type switched to special, damage is decreased to compensate. Deals further increased precision damage after hitting 3 shots in a row. Catalyst adds Reconstruction and High-Impact Reserves.
Legend of Acrius: Add one-two punch, as well as the ability for Acrius to add a solar centurion shield if you are within close proximity (melee range) of an enemy.
The Wardcliff Coil: Buff the damage! This weapon and EoT deal less damage against bosses since they fire a salvo but it’s too weakkkk. Also, catalyst jolts targets if 5 or more rockets hit the target.
The Prospector: Grant this weapon a GL variant of bipod” grenades deal decreased damage, but this weapon can carry double the amount of grenades. Grenades chain lightning between themselves and targets when exploded, and the catalyst now adds auto-loading holster.
Worldline Zero: Uhhh….
Sleeper Simulant: Buff that damage Bungie. Make it a powerhouse again.
Black Talon: I’m not gonna lie I have no idea what to do to make this thing better.
One Thousand Voices: Make this thing hurt, Bungie. Buff it’s fuckin damage. And make it guarantee ignite enemies if the entire beam hits a target. Chain reaction is added as well to chain explosions from target to target.
Truth: Rockets have a larger blast radius than normal, and debuff nearby enemies with Volatile. Bipod is added to the roster of perks. Rocket tracking becomes closer to its D1 level of aggresiveness. Catalyst reloads this weapon whenever a void debuff is cast to double capacity.
Deathbringer: Too much setup, too little payoff. Void orbs now weaken targets. The void orbs now take less airtime to reach max damage increase.
Eyes of Tomorrow: Make it do more damage against bosses. Stop being a pussy. We have Gjallarhorn, Dragon’s Breath, and whatever the fuck else. Make. Them. Fear. It.
Deterministic Chaos: Removes the sustained fire requirement for triggering weakening and volatile rounds. Enemies are made volatile AND weak at the same time (every 4 shots), and every 16th shot is now a quadruple damage bullet.
submitted by Capital-Increase-573 to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:32 sabine47838 EBay Seller Using my Parents’ address to sell fake merchandise

My parents have been receiving movie posters in the mail that are marked return to sender. There is a company name on the label along with their address. They’ve opened the posters and found invoices saying “return reason: fraudulent”. They are basically signed posters and come with a lanyard to show they’re “official”.
There’s been one that looks as if the actual sender returned it back to the recipient and then it was sent back by the recipient again to us. They’ve taken these back to the post office to make them aware. The post office recorded this but they’ve received another again today marked return to sender that was insured by the person. My parents had a package thief come to their house a few months back. They live rurally but with enough neighbors out and about that it was ballsy move. The guy literally had to walk up their driveway and parked on a grassy road.
I get the feeling this is just someone who is using a random address as a scam and then changes their company name/uses another address when their luck runs out. I’m sure they’re not in any danger but it is annoying for them to keep taking packages back to the post office and they’re worried someone will look the address up and associate them with fraud.
Any thoughts or other ideas to get this to stop? I have attachments of the poster and “Warner Bros. Lanyard” that comes with it but it won’t allow me to upload here.
TL;DR my parents are receiving fake autographed movie posters in the mail marked return to sender. These are going for like $1K according to the invoice.
submitted by sabine47838 to RBI [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:51 illproper I have a video idea and would love your help

I want to get into making gaming videos, I have a decent amount of shorts but I had an idea for a fun video. I want to get everyone’s input on an MK1 bingo card for kombat league, and I’m going to take a shot for every square I get until the card is complete, so what I want is the communities input for items that should be in that card, for instance a square can be getting matched with someone who picks a cliche character or something, let’s make this fun!
submitted by illproper to MortalKombat [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:27 Mightycube How is the PayPal Mastercard managed?

Hello everyone, I have a SavorOne and an Autograph, with a QS as my catch-all. I was thinking of getting WF Active Cash to replace QS, mostly so I won’t need to download more banking apps. However, I just got an offer for the PayPal MC with a $150 SUB. Less than the Active Cash, but I expect to spend at least $5000 on PayPal in the next 2 years, so I figure it would pay for itself. I really don’t want to download another banking app though. Does anyone know if payments for this card are made through Synchrony, or can I pay on the PayPal app, which I already have? Thanks in advance.
Completely unrelated: I had my QS for three years before I opened my SavorOne. When I opened it, they gave a SL of $40k. From other posts on here that seems really high. Not that I’m upset about, but any idea why they would give me such a high limit on my second ever credit card?
submitted by Mightycube to CreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:50 Buggyblonde Single people in their thirties are so exasperatingly depressing

The men are angry, broke up with their long term gf after lockdowns lifted they never wanted to marry thinking they’d be getting laid more, bought a house but it’s a hoarder hovel, mad that having a house doesn’t mean they’re high valued by women, and by women I mean they only see models who are a 9/10 or higher as dateable so obviously out of their league because by 30 these guys are balding, fat, childfree dad bods with no personality to make up for it. And they’re day drinking and become intolerable with their unfunny and socially inept humor that doesn’t hit when us married couples come in for bar bingo at 6.
The women are posting solo trips around the world and of their book club with other girls who have stopped waxing their upper lip or wearing flattering clothes because the male gaze is worthless to them (or their idea of a woman is a bimbo so now they call themselves non-binary), but when wine drunk they cry to me that they can’t find a good guy, they actually just want to have babies and stay at home. And when I say you have to pick 2/3 (hot,kind,smart) they laugh and say their standards are higher than mine :’) ok Kween! What the hell happened to millennials
submitted by Buggyblonde to redscarepod [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:21 Credit_2_Reddit Bingo card.

I’m going to make a bingo card for her vacation, please drop ideas below 👇
submitted by Credit_2_Reddit to KyleaGomezsnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 15:20 twujstaryp1jany Rammstein hotel

does anyone have any idea what hotel Rammstein is going to stay at in Belgrade? I wish I could get an autograph on a CD
submitted by twujstaryp1jany to Belgrade [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:29 Pretty-Student2826 Episode/Season Bingo

Hey everyone! My sister and I are doing 2 bingo cards. One to use per episode and another one for all season. I was wondering if any of you have any ideas as to what to add to either? 🐝💛
Ps. We are turning this into a drinking game aswell. Hopefully it will pass the time before part 2 🤣
submitted by Pretty-Student2826 to BridgertonNetflix [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:00 rfantasygolem /r/Fantasy Daily Recommendation Requests and Simple Questions Thread - May 13, 2024

This thread is to be used for recommendation requests or simple questions that are small/general enough that they won’t spark a full thread of discussion.
Check out Fantasy's 2024 Book Bingo Card here!
As usual, first have a look at the sidebar in case what you're after is there. The Fantasy wiki contains links to many community resources, including "best of" lists, flowcharts, the LGTBQ+ database, and more. If you need some help figuring out what you want, think about including some of the information below:
Be sure to check out responses to other users' requests in the thread, as you may find plenty of ideas there as well. Happy reading, and may your TBR grow ever higher!
As we are limited to only two stickied threads on Fantasy at any given point, we ask that you please upvote this thread to help increase visibility!
submitted by rfantasygolem to Fantasy [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 11:49 Wrexis FYI - The Basingstoke Comic Con 2024 with many Stargate actors was such a disaster they issued a press release and turned off comments on Instagram and X/Twitter

FYI - The Basingstoke Comic Con 2024 with many Stargate actors was such a disaster they issued a press release and turned off comments on Instagram and X/Twitter
Where to start...
  • No signs.
  • No aircon, on a blistering sunny weekend. There were a few people taken out to ambulances. The very first thing some actors said coming on stage was "Stay hydrated".
  • There was a crush risk at times in the queue.
  • Seemingly no cap on autographs, so Richard Dean Anderson was there until 12am Saturday and 1am Sunday to get everything signed. A lovely man that spent time and apologized to people over the delays, so he was a professional and it wasn't his fault. Amanda Tapping also spent hours over her time there.
  • They ran out of printed photos for RDA to sign.
  • A mad queuing system where numbers were give to people and the queue restarted hours later. For example I was given D20, but because I was a Red badge holder not a Silver badge holder I was lower in the queue than a Silver badge with a D50.
  • A huge conflict in time where people were in line for autographs so long they missed stage events and photos.
  • Staff didn't know the names of some actors attending and didn't know where to direct people.
  • Incorrect information was given out. I was told I missed my group photo (which I paid £200+ for) because it was on earlier in the day. I had to talk to another staff member who confirmed the first staff member was wrong and I got my photo.
  • Management left long before the event was over. A handful of volunteers stayed until 1am.
Comments locked X/Twitter post: Comments locked Instagram post:

EDIT1 13-May-2024: The organisation has posted a "reason" as to why they locked socials on an Instagram Story:
We're currently collecting and reading all existing feedback in historic posts and direct messages. That is the only reason why comments are turned off on this post.
Thank you to everyone who is sending us messages of support and providing constructive feedback. We're getting some great ideas come in.
They have also started deleting Facebook reviews.

EDIT2: 13-May-2024: A fellow con attendee has put together some refund options that you may want to be aware of.
Credit: u/Joseph_4
submitted by Wrexis to Stargate [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 10:48 Pretty-Student2826 Episode/Season bingo

Hey everyone! My sister and I are doing 2 bingo cards. One to use per episode and another one for all season. I was wondering if any of you have any ideas as to what to add to either? 🐝💛
Ps. We are turning this into a drinking game aswell. Hopefully it will pass the time before part 2 🤣
submitted by Pretty-Student2826 to PolinBridgerton [link] [comments]