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Discussion about the Baha'i Faith on Reddit - /r/bahai

2008.05.27 16:21 Discussion about the Baha'i Faith on Reddit - /r/bahai

A place for discussion and the exploration of questions on themes and topics relevant to the Bahá’í Faith. Feel welcome to post any questions, discussions, as well as relevant news and current events. Please note our rules when posting and commenting. Note that this sub is not the official voice of the Bahá’í Faith on reddit. For an official site check out:

2013.06.13 03:09 occupyskyrim Blackgaze

A haven for sharing, discussing, and listening to blackgaze; a niche music subgenre which mixes the elements of frigid post-black metal and warm shoegaze tones.

2016.04.30 02:13 Baha'i Pics - Beautiful Baha'i-themed photography [ /r/bahai ]

Beautiful and interesting photos about the Baha'i Faith on Reddit. For general Baha'i discussion, see /bahai. ---- Check out the rest of our family of subreddits too: /bahainews • /bahaiquotes • /bahaihistory • /bahaidev

2024.05.15 01:05 GPSTrackerShop1 California Department Of Fish And Wildlife GPS Trackers

 California Department Of Fish And Wildlife GPS Trackers

Department of Fish and Wildlife GPS Tracking

GPS Tracking Helps In Conservation
Visit website:
  • Longest Battery Life Of Any GPS Tracker On The Market
  • Most Widely Used Live GPS Among Law Enforcement Agencies
  • Secretly Track Any Vehicle For $16.99 Per Month
With more and more hipsters wanting to live a more "authentic" lifestyle, teens and millennials are walking away from the shopping malls and into nature. This is a great thing but it has caused some issues for conservation groups such as the California Department of Fish and Wildlife who spend their time fighting those who could cause damage to the natural environment. Whether it be people cultivating marijuana crops on protected land, issues related to species management, or maybe something as simple as people fishing without licenses, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife has a lot of work to do and unfortunately limited resources. However, technology is now helping fill in some of the gaps for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife who is calling upon GPS tracking devices for a number of different reasons.

California Department of Fish and Wildlife Vehicles

One of the most obvious benefits of using GPS live tracking technology is how it can assist in vehicle management. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife are often lacking manpower and resources. Therefore, fewer people are available to cover a lot of land. That means efficiency is a high priority. When real-time auto tracking units are equipped on the California Department of Fish and Wildlife vehicles the process of documenting and managing vehicle activity becomes significantly easier. This is because live GPS systems provide up-to-date info about where a vehicle is located, speeds it is traveling, stops made, and more. Safe speed alerts can also be programmed. Other benefits from a fleet oversight perspective include:
1. Theft Security 2. Unlimited Historical Access 3. Safe Zone Alerts 4. Speed Alerts

Fighting Crime With GPS Tracking

Another benefit of using GPS monitoring systems among government agencies such as the Bureau of Land Management, Department of Homeland Security, or California Department of Fish and Wildlife is that the technology can also be pivotal in investigative work. Whether it be illegal poaching or the cultivation of illegal crops, bad things happen on public land all the time. These areas are often chosen as the setting for criminal activity because they are remote and often in regions where cellular service is not available. This means live GPS won't work. This is where data logging systems are proving their value and helping authorities conduct successful investigations.

GPS Data Logger For Government Employees

Passive GPS solutions record travel activity to the internal memory of the device. Information such as route traveled, speed-driven, and more are all recorded and stored on the car tracker. This data can then be reviewed once the tracker is removed from the target vehicle and downloaded. Here is a real-world example of how technology is employed successfully. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife received a top about a poacher illegally hunting mountain lions. The suspect is identified and shown to be frequenting areas where mountain lion populations are dwindling. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife acquires a warrant, puts a vehicle tracker on the car of the suspect, and then removes the GPS after a month. The data shows the suspect was indeed at the location where each mountain lion shooting took place. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife has its man and can move forward with an arrest.
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife has a tremendously challenging task and the work they do is for all of us. GPS monitoring systems are helping to make that job a little easier which is fantastic because when they do their job effectively it means they are preserving wildlife and essentially nature for everyone for generations to come.

Conservation Top Priority For U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Government Agency Calls Upon GPS
There are a number of government and federal agencies that serve a vital role to the public from everything to energy conservation to counter-terrorism, but there is only one agency that focuses solely on making certain the next generation of wildlife is secure and safe. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service works tirelessly to conserve and safeguard fish, wildlife, plants, and their natural habitats through scientific experimentation and the creation of refuges. All of the work is conducted by professionals who strive to protect natural resources. However, the task of maintaining stable ecosystems and the life they support can be a very daunting task, and that is why the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service continues to call upon the latest in technological advancement to help in conservation efforts. With many government agencies feeling the financial pinch, departments such as the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service are now turning to GPS tracking systems to help conduct business as usual, and what they are finding is that GPS tracking devices are not only a cost-smart solution for monitoring equipment/environment but also an effective one.
GPS tracking systems have always been the surveillance tools of choice among federal police agencies to conduct covert investigations, but now the monitoring technology has taken on increased responsibility. Now, GPS monitoring technology and devices are used for everything from GPS fleet management improvement to the observation of wildlife in scientific experiments and studies. There are still many mysteries that ecologists and wildlife experts are trying to solve regarding the way many animals interact with their natural environment and the role that humans play in disrupting that balance. By equipping different species with micro GPS trackers that can transmit real-time GPS tracking and location-based data, scientists can understand how a particular species interact with everything in their environment.
With many staff members working for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service having to conduct experiments in the field, vehicle management and route efficiency are also a concern for the federal agency. However, real-time GPS tracking solutions such as SpaceHawk GPS can bring simplicity to a complex fleet problem. The SpaceHawk GPS allows government agencies to remotely view where any agency vehicle is while operating in the field. This GPS data can be used for fuel consumption reduction, a way to observe employee activity via vehicle tracking, and/or see what areas in a region a particular employee/scientist visited for experimentation.
Tracking System Direct would like to thank those working for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for their conservation efforts and focus on maintaining and preserving our most precious resources.
submitted by GPSTrackerShop1 to redditreviewed [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:00 communist-crapshoot How to argue in favor of capitalism and against socialism, a helpful guide: Part 2.

Hello. My name is Bungling-Worm. You may remember me from my highly condemned submissions such as "Socialists-The Moralist Busybodies Preventing You From Beating YOUR Cheating C\nt of a Wife and Annoying Children", "Profit or: Humanity's Raisin Deter (sic).", "Who Really 'Needs' Clean Air and Water Anyway?", "Hayek Was Right! - How Fascism Saved Western Civilization™ From the Bolshevik Menace" and "SWEATSHOPS!-The Greatest Gift to Third-World Youths Since the Polio Vaccine.*"
Today I'd like to address my fellow capitalists. It's no secret that, much like the U.S. military in Iraq circa 2003-2011, we're losing the battle for the hearts and minds of our intended slav..subje...vict...vassa...thral...our fellow men™. For this reason my employer, Generic Right-Wing Think Tank Inc., in partnership with our good friends in the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and the U.K. Special Intelligence Service (formerly U.K. Military Intelligence, Section 6), have contacted the eminent propagandist conservative philosopher picnic-boy and gained his gracious permission to make an official Part 2 to his highly acclaimed How to argue in favor of capitalism and against socialism, a helpful guide the table of contents of which is freely available (for a limited time only) here:
Without picnic-boy's pioneering achievements in sophistry this work would not be possible. Now, without further add-do (sic) I give you a sneak peak into the table of contents of How to argue in favor of capitalism and against socialism, a helpful guide: Part 2.
  1. State, often and always without evidence (because none exists), that socialists control all mainstream news media, organized religion (especially the Catholic Church, the Jesuit Order, the Hasidic College and every sect of Islam), Western academia, K-12 public education, the entire U.S. civil service (from the municipal all the way up to the federal), the FBI, the CIA, the Justice Department, the Democratic Party, the Fraternal Order of Freemasons, Hollywood, all police unions, the entire federal judiciary, all the major drug cartels and organized crime syndicates, the Federal Reserve System and the governments of literally every single third and second world country, especially the far-right and non-white majority ones. At the exact same time, and this is really important so pay close attention, accuse socialists of being unpopular teenage losers living in their parents' basement who're too lazy to get a job.
  2. When socialists remark upon how similar the claims in point 1 are to contemporary Neo-Nazi conspiracy theories and start to question how you feel about Jewish people turn around and accuse them of being "the real anti-semites" for "wanting to take all the Jews' money away ". In no way is this conflation of all Jews with rich capitalists a form of economic antisemitism. If someone points out that it is simply cherry pick quotes from Marx's "On the Jewish Question" out of context so that none of the parts where Marx makes it clear he is only critiquing Judaism as a religion while at the same time advocating for the political emancipation of Jews as people are clear to the reader. After that go on to talk about how much you support Israel and how much happier you think diaspora Jews would be if they permanently immigrated there. Also and for no particular reason talk about the "failure" of the Kibbutzim apropos of nothing and don't elaborate on anything.
  3. Always portray struggles of democratic socialists within ML states/the Eastern Bloc as struggles for capitalism. Yes, it is true the people who organized the East German Uprising of 1953, the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, the Prague Spring of 1968, and the Polish Solidarity Movement of the 1980's (before the Vatican and CIA hijacked it) all demanded democratic socialism, yes they all said that, but what they "really wanted" was capitalism and don't you let any so-called "historian" tell you otherwise.
  4. Pretend that socialists invented the very concept of the state and thus that all state rulers from the Roman Emperors, Egyptian Pharaohs, Greek Archons, etc. to modern Kings, Kaisers, Tsars and Presidents were/are "socialists".
  5. Don't forget to liberally pepper your psychotic rants with plenty of freudian slips and accusations in a mirror. For example, make the claim that socialists want to destroy the family so that they can isolate, abuse and indoctrinate women and children while at the same time assert that wives and children are nothing more than an extension of "the individual" who need to be shielded by this individual from an unrealistically hostile and confusing world (literally everything and everyone outside the home).
  6. Assert that socialists invented taxation and ignore that the first taxes in recorded history took the form of land-rents set by the first governments (which were councils of militaristic landlords).
  7. Defend rent-seeking and landlordism so long as it's done by private individuals. Remember rent-seeking is only bad when the government does it because they spend that money on social parasites and welfare leeches, unlike landlords who spend it on their second families in the next state over.
  8. Claim fascism is a form of socialism but also defend the legacies of lesser known fascist regimes, military dictatorships and other totalitarian right-wing governments whose symbols and mottos the people in your country haven't developed a learned fear response to yet the way they have the Swastika and the Fasces.
  9. When leftists point out that the main victims of things like the Great Purge and the Chinese Cultural Revolution were socialists,communists, anarchists and other left-wing intellectuals who opposed Stalin and Mao's cults of personality either ignore them and maintain that the "real victims" were the tiny minority of "innocent" religious extremists, ultranationalists (who were "definitely not" fascist collaborators or spies), and resource hoarders who were killed or do a complete one hundred and eighty degree pivot and actually defend the Great Purge and Cultural Revolution because "The more left someone is, the more violent/dictatorial they are, therefore anyone to the left of Stalin and Mao would have been more violent than them and it's a good thing they were killed."
  10. If you think any of these points are self-contradicting just remember that doublethink is merely a tool and "communists" (Stalinists) shouldn't be the only ones allowed to make use of it.
  11. Ignore the mountains of evidence that an anti-Stalinist left exists. Portray these leftists as right-wingers and edit their most famous works to leave out the many mentions of their own support for socialism.
  12. Remind your interlocutor(s) that socialism is gay and cringe.
  13. Remember that reading is gay but total illiteracy is still kinda cringe (unfortunately). Therefore read as little as humanly possible without going full illiterate. Our recommendation is to only read blurbs from ancap websites, your favorite right-wing conspiracy theorists' social media threads and your fellow "capitalists' " reddit posts and nothing else.
  14. In keeping with point 13 let the only things you "know" or "learn" about socialism be things you absorbed through osmosis and half remember from your high school history textbooks assuming you even read them at all. Never look at primary sources, never listen to people trying to explain things to you in detail, always complain that quotes provided to you are "blocks of text" or "unoriginal".
  15. Remember that conformism, unquestioning obedience to authority, an unflinching belief in the correctness of the current socioeconomic status quo and conventional wisdom, and a general Panglossian worldview with a huge heaping of moral nihilism (which is definitely a real philosophical school of thought and not just a rationalization of one's own sociopathic tendencies) are actually somehow radical and that "conservatism is the new punk rock" of the 21st century.
submitted by communist-crapshoot to CapitalismVSocialism [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:58 yabbadabbafroo Where would be the optimal place in the US to build a new 100k city?

If you had like $100 billion and wanted to construct a new city that would last for centuries, where would you build it? Primary things to consider would be access to natural resources, weather, risk of natural disasters. I think about this often, and while my original thought was the coastline of Humboldt County, since there's nothing there, the climate's temperate, plenty of rain, access to the ocean and the redwoods, but I hate that there's the constant risk of a massive earthquake destroying the city, since it's right on the San Andreas Fault.
Where would you choose?
submitted by yabbadabbafroo to geography [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:35 businessnewstv How to Optimize Energy Consumption of Vending Machines in 2024

Introduction to energy consumption in vending machines

Vending machines have become an integral part of our daily lives, providing convenient access to a wide range of products. However, the energy consumption of these machines is a growing concern. In this article, we will explore the various factors that contribute to the energy consumption of vending machines and discuss strategies to optimize their energy usage. By understanding the impact of energy consumption in vending machines, we can work towards creating a more sustainable and efficient future.

Importance of optimizing energy consumption

Optimizing energy consumption in vending machines is of utmost importance in today's world. With the increasing focus on sustainability and energy efficiency, it is crucial to minimize the energy usage of vending machines. By doing so, we can reduce the environmental impact and contribute to a greener future. Additionally, optimizing energy consumption can lead to significant cost savings for businesses. Lower energy consumption means lower electricity bills, allowing companies to allocate their resources more efficiently. Moreover, by optimizing energy consumption, vending machines can operate more effectively, ensuring a seamless experience for customers. Overall, the importance of optimizing energy consumption in vending machines cannot be overstated, as it brings both environmental and economic benefits.

Benefits of reducing energy usage in vending machines

Reducing energy usage in vending machines offers several benefits. Firstly, it helps in maximizing return on construction services. By optimizing energy consumption, vending machines can operate more efficiently, resulting in reduced energy costs and increased profitability. Additionally, reducing energy usage contributes to environmental sustainability, as it reduces the carbon footprint associated with vending machine operations. This not only aligns with corporate social responsibility goals but also enhances the brand image by showcasing a commitment to energy conservation. Moreover, by minimizing energy consumption, vending machine owners can extend the lifespan of their machines, reducing maintenance and replacement costs. Overall, the benefits of reducing energy usage in vending machines are multifaceted, encompassing financial savings, environmental impact, and operational efficiency.

Understanding Energy Consumption in Vending Machines

Factors contributing to energy consumption

Factors contributing to energy consumption in vending machines include the type of refrigeration system used, the age and condition of the machine, and the location where it is placed. Additionally, the design and functionality of the machine's user interface can also impact energy usage. One important factor to consider is the implementation of a mobile-friendly website design. This allows customers to conveniently access information about the vending machine, such as product availability and nutritional information, through their mobile devices. By incorporating mobile-friendly website design, vending machine operators can enhance the user experience and reduce the need for physical interaction with the machine, ultimately optimizing energy consumption.

Types of energy used in vending machines

Vending machines are powered by various types of energy sources to operate efficiently. The most commonly used energy sources in vending machines include electricity, batteries, and solar power. Electricity is the primary energy source for most vending machines, as it provides a reliable and constant power supply. Batteries are often used as a backup power source in case of power outages or to ensure continuous operation in remote locations. In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards using solar power in vending machines, as it is a renewable and environmentally friendly energy source. Solar-powered vending machines not only reduce energy consumption but also contribute to reducing carbon emissions. The choice of energy source in vending machines plays a crucial role in optimizing energy consumption and minimizing the environmental impact.

Measuring energy consumption in vending machines

Measuring energy consumption in vending machines is a crucial step towards optimizing their efficiency and reducing their environmental impact. By accurately measuring the energy consumed by these machines, companies can identify areas for improvement and implement strategies to minimize energy waste. One key aspect to consider when measuring energy consumption is the impact of custom advertisements. These advertisements, when displayed on vending machines, can significantly affect energy usage. By analyzing the energy consumption patterns during the display of custom advertisements, companies can make informed decisions on how to optimize energy usage without compromising the effectiveness of these promotional materials.

Strategies for Optimizing Energy Consumption

Implementing energy-efficient lighting systems

Implementing energy-efficient lighting systems is crucial in optimizing the energy consumption of vending machines. By using advanced lighting technologies such as LED lights, vending machine operators can significantly reduce energy usage without compromising on the quality of illumination. LED lights are known for their long lifespan, low energy consumption, and high efficiency, making them an ideal choice for energy-conscious businesses. Furthermore, implementing motion sensors and timers can further enhance energy efficiency by automatically adjusting the lighting levels based on the presence of customers. Overall, integrating energy-efficient lighting systems into vending machines not only helps in reducing energy costs but also contributes to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly operation.

Utilizing motion sensors to control power usage

Motion sensors can play a crucial role in optimizing the energy consumption of vending machines. By utilizing motion sensors to control power usage, vending machines can automatically detect when there is no activity and enter a low-power mode. This not only reduces energy waste but also extends the lifespan of the machine. Additionally, motion sensors can be used to trigger the machine to power up when someone approaches, ensuring that energy is only consumed when necessary. By incorporating motion sensors into vending machines, businesses can significantly reduce their energy costs and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Optimizing temperature settings for refrigeration

Optimizing temperature settings for refrigeration is a crucial step in reducing energy consumption of vending machines. By carefully adjusting the temperature settings, operators can ensure that the refrigeration units are running efficiently without unnecessary energy waste. It is recommended to set the temperature at the minimum level required to maintain the freshness and quality of the products. Regular monitoring and maintenance of the refrigeration systems can also help identify any potential issues that may be causing excessive energy usage. Implementing these optimization strategies can not only save energy but also contribute to the overall sustainability goals of the vending machine industry.

Monitoring and Analyzing Energy Usage

Using smart meters to track energy consumption

Using smart meters to track energy consumption is an effective way to optimize the energy usage of vending machines. By installing smart meters, vending machine operators can monitor and analyze the energy consumption patterns in real-time. This data can then be used to identify areas of high energy usage and develop strategies to reduce energy waste. One of the key benefits of using smart meters is the ability to tailor service payments based on actual energy consumption. This allows vending machine operators to accurately bill customers for the energy used, promoting fairness and encouraging energy-efficient practices. By implementing smart metering technology, vending machine operators can take proactive steps towards optimizing energy consumption and reducing their environmental impact.

Analyzing data to identify energy-saving opportunities

Analyzing data to identify energy-saving opportunities is a crucial step in optimizing the energy consumption of vending machines. By carefully examining the data collected from various sources, such as energy usage logs and machine performance metrics, businesses can gain valuable insights into their vending machine operations. These insights can then be used to identify areas where energy consumption can be reduced, leading to cost savings and a more sustainable business model. Implementing data-driven strategies and technologies, such as smart sensors and machine learning algorithms, can further enhance the energy efficiency of vending machines. By leveraging data analysis techniques and adopting energy-saving measures, businesses can not only reduce their environmental impact but also improve their bottom line.

Implementing energy management software

Implementing energy management software is a crucial step in optimizing the energy consumption of vending machines. By utilizing advanced software solutions, vending machine operators can gain better control over the energy usage of their machines, resulting in significant cost savings and environmental benefits. Energy management software allows for real-time monitoring of energy consumption, enabling operators to identify inefficiencies and implement corrective measures promptly. Additionally, this software provides valuable insights into usage patterns and trends, facilitating the development of targeted energy-saving strategies. With the implementation of energy management software, vending machine operators can contribute to a more sustainable future while also improving their bottom line.

Best Practices for Energy Efficiency

Regular maintenance and cleaning of vending machines

Regular maintenance and cleaning of vending machines is crucial for optimizing energy consumption. By conducting regular maintenance checks, vending machine operators can identify and address any issues that may be causing excessive energy usage. This includes inspecting and cleaning the cooling systems, ensuring proper insulation, and monitoring the power consumption of individual components. Additionally, implementing effective cleaning practices, such as regularly wiping down surfaces and removing debris, can help maintain the efficiency of the machines. By prioritizing regular maintenance and cleaning, vending machine operators can reduce energy waste and improve the overall performance of their machines.

Educating users on energy-saving practices

Educating users on energy-saving practices is crucial for optimizing energy consumption of vending machines. By providing entrepreneurs with the necessary knowledge and tools, they can make informed decisions that promote energy efficiency and contribute to positive change. It is important to educate users on the benefits of energy-saving practices and the impact they can have on the environment and their own businesses. By implementing energy-saving measures, entrepreneurs can not only reduce their operating costs but also demonstrate their commitment to sustainability, which can attract environmentally conscious customers. Emphasizing the importance of energy-saving practices and encouraging users to adopt them can create a culture of responsible energy consumption and drive positive change in the vending machine industry.

Collaborating with suppliers to source energy-efficient equipment

Collaborating with suppliers to source energy-efficient equipment is a crucial step in optimizing the energy consumption of vending machines. By working closely with suppliers, businesses can ensure that the equipment they acquire meets the highest energy efficiency standards. This collaboration allows for the identification and selection of energy-efficient vending machines that not only reduce energy consumption but also contribute to cost savings. Furthermore, by partnering with suppliers who prioritize sustainability, businesses can align their values with suppliers who share a commitment to reducing environmental impact. This collaboration also provides an opportunity for businesses to explore innovative technologies and solutions that can further enhance energy efficiency in vending machines. By actively engaging with suppliers, businesses can establish a sustainable and energy-efficient business formation that benefits both the environment and the bottom line.


Summary of key points

The summary of key points is an essential section that provides a concise overview of the main ideas discussed in the article. In the article titled 'How to Optimize Energy Consumption of Vending Machines', several key points were highlighted. Firstly, it is crucial to understand the importance of energy optimization in vending machines to reduce operational costs and environmental impact. Secondly, implementing energy-efficient technologies such as LED lighting and smart sensors can significantly contribute to energy savings. Additionally, regular maintenance and cleaning of vending machines can help ensure optimal performance and energy efficiency. Lastly, monitoring energy consumption through data analysis and implementing energy-saving strategies can further optimize energy usage in vending machines. By following these key points, vending machine operators can effectively optimize energy consumption and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Importance of ongoing energy optimization efforts

Energy optimization is a crucial aspect that should not be overlooked when it comes to vending machines. The ongoing efforts to optimize energy consumption play a significant role in reducing the environmental impact and operational costs associated with these machines. By implementing efficient energy management strategies, vending machine owners can not only contribute to a greener and more sustainable future but also improve their bottom line. It is imperative for businesses to prioritize ongoing energy optimization efforts to ensure maximum efficiency and minimize wastage. By doing so, they can not only reduce their carbon footprint but also enhance their reputation as environmentally responsible entities.

Future trends in energy-efficient vending machines

Future trends in energy-efficient vending machines are crucial for the entrepreneurial success of businesses. As technology continues to advance, there is a growing demand for vending machines that consume less energy while still providing efficient service. Companies are investing in research and development to create vending machines that are equipped with energy-saving features such as LED lighting, smart sensors, and power management systems. These advancements not only reduce energy consumption but also contribute to cost savings for businesses. By embracing these future trends in energy-efficient vending machines, entrepreneurs can enhance their sustainability efforts and create a positive impact on the environment.
In conclusion, starting a vending machine business can be a lucrative venture. With the right strategies and a solid plan, you can tap into a market that is constantly growing. If you want to learn more about how to start a vending machine business in 2023, check out our website. We provide step-by-step guides and valuable resources to help you get started. Don't miss out on this opportunity to create a successful business in the vending machine industry. Visit our website today and take the first step towards financial freedom.
submitted by businessnewstv to u/businessnewstv [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:35 SeaAnybody8119 We just unveiled our Net Revenue Retention (NRR) Diagnostic Tools (Free) for B2B SaaS companies

Hi all,
We just released the Ibbaka Net Revenue Retention (NRR) Diagnostic Services toolset and it's all yours to grab for free.
We've long believed NRR to be the most critically important metric you need to follow in B2B SaaS. Many companies don't follow it, many people don't know it or even track it....if they do, they just pass on a single number to their board and call it a day. A lot of companies don't even know their NDR score.
New customer acquisition is king these days, and we've unleashed a set of free tools designed to help B2B SaaS companies evaluate their NRR processes, uncover opportunities, and create practical strategies for improvement.
  1. Download the NRR Diagnostic Guide = this is an essential resource that will help you navigate the NRR survey effectively and maximize the value of your personalized report.
  2. You take the quick survey = this will help gather key information and structure your approach to improving Net Revenue Retention using our very own Revenue Retention Maturity Model.
  3. Survey respondents will receive a comprehensive assessment based on the Ibbaka Revenue Retention Maturity model along with a personalized action plan to improve NRR.
  4. Download the NRR Data Collector spreadsheet = NRR improvements start with data. You can use this template to gather the data you need for your NRR analysis with the option of uploading data to the Ibbaka NRR AI Service which provides deep analysis of your NRR and discounting data.
4 easy steps to measure AND improve your NRR.
If you're interested in Pricing in the B2B SaaS world, check out our blog: - you'll find some really deep content on pricing by Ibbaka's Steven Forth, one of the top pricing experts/leaders in the B2B SaaS realm.
submitted by SeaAnybody8119 to SaaS [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:29 blackbearcoffee DC Democratic Party Local Election Voting Guide

I recently received my ballot and was attempting to fill it out but have found essentially zero resources or guides on candidates' stances on the issues. Are there any comprehensive guides to the primary yet?
submitted by blackbearcoffee to washingtondc [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:24 businessnewstv How to Start a Specialized Staffing Agency for Surgeons in 2024

Definition of a specialized staffing agency for surgeons

A specialized staffing agency for surgeons is a company that focuses exclusively on providing staffing solutions for medical facilities in need of qualified surgeons. These agencies play a crucial role in the healthcare industry by connecting hospitals, clinics, and other medical institutions with highly skilled and experienced surgeons. The primary goal of a specialized staffing agency for surgeons is to ensure that medical facilities have access to the best surgical talent available, allowing them to deliver high-quality patient care. By partnering with a specialized staffing agency, medical facilities can save time and resources in their search for qualified surgeons, as these agencies have a vast network of pre-screened and highly qualified candidates. This ensures that medical facilities can quickly fill any staffing gaps and maintain a high level of surgical expertise. Overall, a specialized staffing agency for surgeons serves as a valuable resource for medical institutions seeking to optimize their surgical staffing needs.

Importance of specialized staffing agencies for surgeons

Specialized staffing agencies play a crucial role in the healthcare industry, particularly for surgeons. These agencies focus on connecting skilled and experienced surgeons with hospitals and medical facilities in need of their specialized expertise. The importance of specialized staffing agencies for surgeons cannot be overstated. They not only ensure that hospitals have access to a pool of highly qualified surgeons, but they also help streamline the hiring process, saving time and resources. By partnering with a specialized staffing agency, hospitals can confidently fill their surgical vacancies with top-notch professionals. This ultimately leads to improved patient care and outcomes.

Market demand for specialized staffing agencies for surgeons

The market demand for specialized staffing agencies for surgeons has been steadily increasing in recent years. As the healthcare industry continues to evolve and become more specialized, the need for highly skilled and experienced surgeons has become paramount. However, finding and hiring these specialized professionals can be a challenging and time-consuming process for hospitals and medical facilities. This is where specialized staffing agencies come in. By focusing solely on recruiting and placing surgeons, these agencies can provide a valuable service to both healthcare providers and surgeons seeking new opportunities. They have the expertise and resources to match the right surgeon with the right job, ensuring that hospitals have access to the best talent and surgeons have access to the most rewarding career opportunities. With the growing demand for specialized healthcare services, the market for specialized staffing agencies for surgeons is poised for significant growth in the coming years.

Understanding the Surgeon Staffing Industry

Current state of the surgeon staffing industry

The current state of the surgeon staffing industry is a complex and dynamic landscape. With the increasing demand for specialized healthcare services, the need for qualified surgeons has never been greater. However, the industry is facing several challenges, including a shortage of skilled surgeons, rising healthcare costs, and an aging population. These factors have put immense pressure on healthcare facilities to find and retain top talent. In order to navigate this challenging environment, healthcare organizations are turning to specialized staffing agencies for surgeons. These agencies play a crucial role in connecting hospitals and medical centers with highly skilled surgeons, ensuring that patients receive the best possible care. By leveraging their expertise and network, these agencies are able to streamline the recruitment process, reduce costs, and improve patient outcomes. As the demand for specialized healthcare services continues to grow, the surgeon staffing industry is poised for further expansion and innovation.

Trends and challenges in the surgeon staffing industry

The surgeon staffing industry is constantly evolving, and staying on top of the latest trends and challenges is crucial for success. One key trend in the industry is the advancement of payment processing systems. With the increasing demand for specialized surgeons, efficient and secure payment processing has become a priority for staffing agencies. This trend has led to the development of innovative solutions that streamline the payment process, ensuring timely and accurate compensation for surgeons. Additionally, the challenges in payment processing, such as complex billing procedures and insurance requirements, require staffing agencies to stay updated with the latest regulations and technologies. By addressing these challenges and embracing the trend of payment processing, specialized staffing agencies can enhance their reputation and attract top-tier surgeons.

Opportunities for growth in the surgeon staffing industry

The surgeon staffing industry presents immense opportunities for growth. With the increasing demand for specialized healthcare professionals, there is a rising need for staffing agencies that focus on providing surgeons to medical facilities. One key area of growth in this industry is the development of website building tools. These tools enable staffing agencies to create professional and user-friendly websites that showcase their services, attract potential clients, and streamline the recruitment process. By utilizing website building tools, staffing agencies can establish a strong online presence and effectively market their expertise in surgeon staffing. This not only enhances their credibility but also expands their reach to a wider audience of healthcare facilities and surgeons seeking employment opportunities.

Setting Up Your Specialized Staffing Agency

Legal requirements and regulations

Starting a specialized staffing agency for surgeons requires a deep understanding of the legal requirements and regulations. It is essential to comply with all applicable laws and regulations to ensure the smooth operation of the agency. Some of the key legal requirements include obtaining the necessary licenses and permits, adhering to healthcare privacy laws, and following employment laws. Additionally, it is important to stay updated with any changes in the legal landscape to maintain compliance and avoid any potential legal issues. By prioritizing legal compliance, a staffing agency can create a solid foundation for business growth.

Choosing a niche within the surgeon staffing industry

When starting a specialized staffing agency for surgeons, one of the crucial decisions you need to make is choosing a niche within the surgeon staffing industry. Selecting a specific area of focus allows you to tailor your services and expertise to meet the unique needs of that particular niche. By specializing in a specific field, such as orthopedic surgery or neurosurgery, you can develop a deep understanding of the industry, build strong relationships with clients and candidates, and position your agency as a trusted resource in the market. This strategic approach not only differentiates your agency from competitors but also enables you to provide specialized staffing solutions that address the specific challenges and requirements of your chosen niche. Therefore, careful consideration and research are essential in identifying a niche that aligns with your agency's goals and expertise, ultimately leading to long-term success in the surgeon staffing industry.

Developing a business plan and financial projections

Developing a business plan and financial projections is a crucial step in starting a specialized staffing agency for surgeons. This process involves thoroughly researching the market, understanding the needs and demands of both surgeons and healthcare facilities, and identifying potential competitors. It also requires careful financial analysis to determine the initial investment required, projected revenue streams, and expected expenses. By creating a comprehensive business plan and accurate financial projections, entrepreneurs can effectively communicate their vision to potential investors and secure the necessary funding to launch and grow their staffing agency. Moreover, a well-developed business plan serves as a roadmap for the future, guiding decision-making and ensuring the organization remains on track to achieve its goals and objectives. In summary, developing a business plan and financial projections is a critical foundation for success in the specialized staffing agency industry.

Building a Network of Surgeons

Identifying and recruiting qualified surgeons

Identifying and recruiting qualified surgeons is a crucial step in starting a specialized staffing agency for surgeons. The success of the agency relies heavily on the ability to attract and retain highly skilled and experienced surgeons. To ensure the highest standard of care for patients, it is essential to thoroughly vet potential candidates and verify their qualifications and credentials. This includes conducting thorough background checks, verifying licenses and certifications, and assessing their surgical expertise and track record. By carefully selecting and recruiting qualified surgeons, the agency can build a strong reputation in the medical community and establish itself as a trusted provider of specialized staffing services.

Establishing relationships with medical institutions

Establishing relationships with medical institutions is crucial for the success of a specialized staffing agency for surgeons. One key aspect of building these relationships is partnering with travel nurses. Travel nurses play a vital role in providing temporary staffing solutions to medical institutions in need of specialized surgical expertise. By collaborating with travel nurses, a staffing agency can ensure that hospitals and clinics have access to skilled surgeons on a short-term basis. This partnership not only benefits the medical institutions by fulfilling their staffing needs but also provides opportunities for surgeons to gain valuable experience and expand their professional network. Building strong relationships with medical institutions and leveraging the expertise of travel nurses are essential steps in establishing a successful specialized staffing agency for surgeons.

Providing ongoing support and professional development

Providing ongoing support and professional development is crucial in the field of healthcare recruitment. As the demand for specialized staffing agencies for surgeons continues to grow, it is important to stay updated with the latest healthcare recruitment tips. By offering ongoing support and professional development opportunities to both the agency's staff and the surgeons they work with, the agency can ensure that they are providing the highest quality service. Healthcare recruitment tips can include strategies for attracting top talent, improving the screening and interview process, and staying informed about industry trends. By staying proactive and continuously improving their skills, the agency can successfully meet the needs of both surgeons and healthcare facilities.

Marketing and Promoting Your Agency

Creating a strong brand identity

Creating a strong brand identity is crucial for the success of any specialized staffing agency, especially in the field of healthcare. It not only helps differentiate the agency from its competitors but also builds trust and credibility among clients and candidates. One key aspect of creating a strong brand identity is effective financial management for small businesses. By implementing sound financial practices, such as budgeting, forecasting, and cost control, a specialized staffing agency can ensure its long-term sustainability and growth. Moreover, by highlighting the importance of financial management for small businesses, the agency can attract potential clients and candidates who value transparency and stability in their partnerships. Therefore, it is essential for a specialized staffing agency for surgeons to prioritize financial management as a core component of its brand identity.

Utilizing digital marketing strategies

Utilizing digital marketing strategies is crucial for the success of a specialized staffing agency for surgeons. In today's digital age, it is essential to establish a strong online presence to effectively reach and engage with both potential clients and qualified surgeons. By leveraging various digital marketing channels such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, and targeted advertising campaigns, a specialized staffing agency can showcase its expertise, attract top talent, and connect with healthcare facilities in need of surgical staffing solutions. Additionally, digital marketing allows for precise targeting and tracking of results, enabling the agency to optimize its strategies and maximize its return on investment. Overall, incorporating digital marketing strategies is not only a necessity but also a competitive advantage in the highly specialized field of surgical staffing.

Building partnerships with healthcare organizations

Building partnerships with healthcare organizations is a crucial step in establishing a successful specialized staffing agency for surgeons. By forging strong relationships with hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities, the agency can gain access to a pool of talented and experienced surgeons. These partnerships enable the agency to provide top-notch surgical staffing solutions to healthcare organizations, ensuring that they have the right surgeons available when needed. Additionally, collaborating with healthcare organizations allows the agency to stay updated on the latest advancements in surgical techniques and technology, further enhancing the quality of service provided. Managing stress in business is a key aspect of building and maintaining these partnerships, as it requires effective communication, negotiation, and problem-solving skills. By prioritizing stress management, the agency can foster a positive and productive working relationship with healthcare organizations, leading to long-term success and growth.


The future of specialized staffing agencies for surgeons

The future of specialized staffing agencies for surgeons is promising, especially as the demand for highly skilled and specialized medical professionals continues to grow. These agencies play a crucial role in providing hospitals and healthcare facilities with qualified surgeons who possess the necessary expertise to meet the unique needs of patients. To ensure the success of specialized staffing agencies, it is essential to establish clear goals and objectives for dental practice. By setting clear goals, agencies can focus their efforts on recruiting and placing surgeons who excel in specific areas such as oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthodontics, or periodontics. This targeted approach not only enhances patient care but also contributes to the overall growth and reputation of the agency. As the healthcare industry evolves, specialized staffing agencies that prioritize clear goals and objectives will continue to play a vital role in meeting the staffing needs of dental practices and ensuring the delivery of high-quality surgical services.

Benefits of starting a specialized staffing agency for surgeons

Starting a specialized staffing agency for surgeons can provide numerous benefits. One of the key advantages is the ability to offer custom logos for surgeons. Custom logos can help surgeons establish a unique brand identity and differentiate themselves from their competitors. By having a custom logo, surgeons can create a professional and memorable image that resonates with their target audience. This can ultimately lead to increased credibility, trust, and recognition in the medical field. Additionally, custom logos can be used on various marketing materials, such as websites, business cards, and promotional materials, further enhancing the visibility and professionalism of the surgeons' agency. Overall, offering custom logos as part of a specialized staffing agency for surgeons can contribute to the success and growth of the agency and its clients.

Final thoughts and recommendations

In conclusion, starting a specialized staffing agency for surgeons can be a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. It requires careful planning, extensive research, and a deep understanding of the healthcare industry. However, the potential for success is immense, as the demand for specialized medical professionals continues to rise. As you embark on this journey, it is crucial to remember the importance of forgiveness in business. Forgiving others for their mistakes and shortcomings can foster a positive work environment and strengthen professional relationships. By practicing forgiveness, you can create a culture of empathy, understanding, and growth within your staffing agency. Additionally, it is recommended to establish clear communication channels, provide ongoing training and support for your staff, and stay updated with the latest advancements in the medical field. With dedication, perseverance, and a commitment to excellence, your specialized staffing agency for surgeons has the potential to thrive in the ever-evolving healthcare landscape.
In conclusion, starting a healthcare staffing business online is a great opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs. With the right knowledge and resources, anyone can enter this lucrative industry. If you want to learn more about how to start a healthcare staffing business online, visit our website for a complete guide. Our website, How to Start a Healthcare Staffing Business Online 2023, provides valuable information and resources to help you get started. Don't miss out on this chance to build a successful business in the healthcare industry. Click here to visit our website now!
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2024.05.15 00:15 Ur_Anemone Ending gender-based violence means building beyond prisons

Ending gender-based violence means building beyond prisons
Organizations like Desis Rising Up and Moving help South Asian communities reimagine safety outside of police, courts, and prisons
…For immigrant women across the U.S., the control exerted by their male partners only serves as the foundation for other forms of abuse—and domestic violence is an epidemic with deadly consequences. Every minute, nearly 20 people are physically abused by an intimate partner, according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence. A study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that for women under the age of 44, homicide is one of the leading causes of death, and nearly half of all victims are killed by men who are current or former intimate partners. Sixty-five percent of immigrant survivors have experienced some form of immigration-related abuse, according to the National Organization for Women.
Despite the dangers women face in abusive relationships with men, women are still criminalized when they defend themselves—and the consequences can be especially dire for immigrant women who potentially face family separation, detention, and deportation…
Immigrant women and children in mixed-status families can be particularly vulnerable to domestic violence. Abuse rates among immigrant women are as high as 49.8%, almost three times the national average. While domestic violence is largely underreported, immigrant survivors are even less likely to report abuse due to fears of detention and deportation…
In recent years, organizers have turned to collective defense campaigns to garner public support for criminalized survivors…These campaigns advocate for their safety and freedom through petitions, rallies, fundraisers, and other events. According to a recent report by Survived & Punished, a group that leads campaigns for survivors, these strategies create “a powerful locus of mass support, connection, and political momentum for survivors who are isolated through incarceration and media distortions.”
These campaigns have changed many survivors’ lives. An overwhelming number of criminalized survivors are Black women. For example, Marissa Alexander was convicted in 2012 of aggravated assault charges after firing a warning shot when her estranged, abusive husband attacked her. The National Free Marissa Now campaign exerted media and political pressure, eventually helping her legal team appeal her conviction. Alexander was freed in 2017. Campaigns like Alexander’s raised national awareness around the issues facing criminalized survivors and paved the way for other survivors…
The experiences of criminalized survivors capture the limitations of the carceral system’s efficacy in addressing gender-based violence and, more broadly, the role of the state in finding solutions.
Among the groups working to combat gender-based violence, some use an organizing approach focused on fighting for the freedom of criminalized survivors or combating the roots of violence in their communities. Others offer direct services to survivors, connecting them to shelters, lawyers, and government assistance...
Direct service organizations are often limited in their scope because they receive government funding, according to Amrita Doshi, the executive director of the anti-domestic violence advocacy group South Asian SOAR. Specifically, the funding comes from legislation like the Violence Against Women Act, “which defines gender-based violence as a crime and directly invests in carceral solutions as the primary solution for gender-based violence,” Doshi said.
This presents a “Catch-22” for many organizations, according to Doshi, because while they can expand with government funding, they also cannot explore alternative solutions outside of the carceral state.
Even with funding from the state and other donors, service providers across the country are struggling to meet the needs of survivors. For example, according to a national study from the National Network to End Domestic Violence, over the course of just one day in September 2023, 7,143 survivors had unmet requests for assistance from a domestic violence organization to help them find shelter, leaving them unable to find a shelter, hotel, motel, transitional housing, or any other safe option to escape abuse.
To Nourn, it’s clear that the solution lies in grassroots organizing separate from the state and service-based organizations. The Asian Prisoner Support Committee often organizes mutual aid for survivors to ease their financial burden so they can attain basic necessities while also having the financial ability to heal and grow…
In Nourn’s work with criminalized survivors and their loved ones, she prioritizes the needs of survivors as opposed to the interests of the state that focus on prosecution. “It’s collectively working as a community that we are able to support each other to address harm and safety, and that’s what organizers do as opposed to domestic violence, gender-based, state-funded organizations,” Nourn said…
Approaches outside of the carceral system have proven successful across various communities. Take for example the work of Lavender Phoenix. As a way to address anti-LGBTQIA+ and gender-based violence, the organization works to move resources away from policing and funnel them into housing and community-based solutions.
“Last year, we started a free peer counseling program led by and for queer and trans API, and that team trained more than 35 peer counselors and provided that free mental health support to more than 20 folks,” Wang explained. The group also trains individuals on how to address interpersonal violence and establish safety networks so people have alternative contacts in moments of crisis instead of calling the police. Lavender Phoenix also launched a campaign calling to redirect the police budget in San Francisco because, as Wang said, increased policing is a “temporary and false solution.”
LGBTQIA+ people are more likely than their cisgender and heterosexual peers to experience intimate partner violence at some point in their lives. LGBTQIA+ communities also face tremendous barriers to seeking help, according to the Williams Institute. For example, legal definitions of domestic violence often exclude LGBTQIA+ people, and there are few assistance resources for these communities…
Organizations across the country are charting their own paths for addressing violence in their communities. For example, in Minneapolis, Man Forward is “transforming masculinity” by creating ways to hold men accountable for harmful behavior outside of the criminal legal system. The organization receives referrals for participants from workplaces, organizations, and community members and offers one-on-one coaching and healing circles…
submitted by Ur_Anemone to afterAWDTSG [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:04 NoDadYouShutUp How to Ask for Help on the Plex Subreddit

After being a member of the subreddit for years and seeing hundreds if not thousands of posts it has become clear to me that some of you struggle with helping yourself. By which I mean you struggle understanding what you need to ask for help properly. I have drawn up some good advice on how to ask for help. I hope this is helpful for some people.
So you have a problem with Plex. You're not tech literate. Or have little experience with troubleshooting software and networking. Maybe you also have no experience handling IT support tickets or writing them. Possibly you are tech literate but the problem you have is a real mystery. You've come to the right place. Before you post your question let's take a look at a few things.
1. Have you reasonably searched for a solution to your problem?
Search for your problem on Google, DuckDuckGo, YouTube, or the built-in Reddit search for this subreddit. There is a very high probability that someone has already run into the same problem. As much as everyone's ecosystems are all unique to their use case, they are not really unique in general. A vast majority of users are runninig bare metal on Windows or Linux, or in a Docker container. There isn't that much deviation. For sure there are those of us out there running elaborate Proxmox + Kubernetes clusters and doing things like VIFO GPU passthrough. We are the exception. Odds are, someone has already asked your question.
You may want to consider how you are searching your problem. Have you been searching an exact error message? Typing something like "Plex is slow" into Google is extremely non-specific and not helpful. Leverage error messages, or specific scenarios when searching. Consider the conditions or operating systems you are using, and so on. Try to be specific when possible.
Try using keyword parameters in search engines. For example, you can add to your Google search. Or -docker to exclude results not relevant to you. Maybe add something specifically in quotations " " to force that string of text to be present on results. There are tons of ways to leverage a search feature.
2. Have you asked an AI?
Whether you like it or not, AI is not going anywhere. ChatGPT in particular is solid for troubleshooting problems. GPT3.5 is free, but not amazing. GPT4 however is $20 a month and will be worth every penny you spend on it. Ask some friends, maybe someone you know has a subscription if you are not interested in paying for a one-time problem. In general, I highly recommend having an active subscription to ChatGPT4. I use it every single day when working on tech related problems. This is not school, you are not being graded on your ArPlex ecosystem. Use advanced tools to help make things easier on yourself. I promise you, general networking questions, Docker questions, virtualization questions, port fowarding, etc. are all things AI can handle with ease. It's exceedingly rare you are having a problem it can't help with unless you are dealing with heavy layers of abstraction in your set up.
3. Have you asked for help in other places before Reddit, or in conjunction with Reddit?
There are so many various resources out there where you may get a faster response from Reddit. And to a certain extent, better troubleshooting. IRC/Forums channels for private trackers (that you are downloading Linux ISOs from right... right...), Discords for other subreddits like homelab or datahoarders are great places to start. These guys are deep in the home lab game, you'd be a fool to think they are not running Plex. There are hundreds of online tech nerds hanging out in these channels who probably know the answer to your question.
It's also more responsive. If you ask a question, someone who wants to help may ask further questions. Or ask you to try various tasks and commands to see if it helps. There is a back and forth between you and the person helping you. On Reddit you have a much slower back-and-forth and if you ask too many questions in a thread it's liable to be hidden by Reddit or may never get enough eyes on it in the New feed.
4. Did you make a proper tech support ticket post?
So you've looked high and low. You can't find a thing on any search engines, no one in IRC or Discord has an answer for you, and you're up against a wall. It's time for writing a Reddit post to ask for help. Fair enough. But did you actually write a post that helps yourself as well as the people trying to help you?
Posting "I am having a problem. None of my posters will load. Help!" is not a sufficient way to ask for help. Here are some things you will want to include in your post when asking for help.
We cannot help you if we don't have the appropriate amount of context. If I had to really hammer a few of those in, "things you have already tried" and "specific error messages from logs" are the big ones. It saves time ruling things out. It helps people who are better at looking up problems than yourself find the relevant information. Even the best of IT guys don't have this memorized. Here's an industry secret for you: the IT guy doesn't know why it's broken either. They are just better at Googling things than you from many years of slaving away in the StackOverflow mines. You need to give the IT help as much information as possible. In fact, overshare when possible. It's way easier to ignore non-relevant information than it is to drag that information out of you.
This all seems like obvious advice. People who are stressed when something is broken generally are not thinking very logically. Bookmark this post. When you have a problem, refer to it. Skim it over. Ask yourself if you have satisfied all of this. I guarantee that you will see better results troubleshooting your problem if you follow this advice.
submitted by NoDadYouShutUp to PleX [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:00 businessnewstv How to Optimize Every Web Page with a Detailed Audit Using SEMrush

What is a web page audit?

A web page audit is a comprehensive analysis of a website's performance, structure, and content to identify areas for improvement. It involves evaluating various aspects such as page load speed, mobile-friendliness, SEO optimization, and user experience. By conducting a web page audit, businesses can gain valuable insights into their website's strengths and weaknesses, allowing them to make informed decisions on how to optimize their web pages. One of the main goals of a web page audit is to increase sales by enhancing the overall performance and user satisfaction of the website.

Why is a web page audit important?

A web page audit is essential for optimizing every aspect of your website. It allows you to identify any issues or areas for improvement that may be affecting your website's performance and user experience. By conducting a detailed audit using SEMrush, you can gain valuable insights into your website's SEO, technical, and content-related aspects. This information can help you make informed decisions and implement effective strategies to enhance your web page's visibility, rankings, and overall performance. Whether you are a small business owner, a marketer, or a website developer, conducting a web page audit is crucial for ensuring that your website is optimized to its full potential.

Benefits of conducting a web page audit

Conducting a web page audit offers several benefits for website owners and digital marketers. Firstly, it helps identify areas of improvement and optimization opportunities, ensuring that every web page is performing at its best. By analyzing various aspects such as page speed, mobile responsiveness, and user experience, a web page audit enables businesses to enhance their online presence and attract more visitors. Additionally, conducting regular audits allows website owners to stay updated with the latest industry standards and best practices, ensuring that their web pages are in compliance with search engine guidelines. Overall, a detailed web page audit using SEMrush can greatly contribute to the success and performance of a website.

Preparing for the Audit

Defining the audit objectives

When defining the audit objectives, it is important to consider the specific goals and targets that need to be achieved. The audit objectives serve as a roadmap for the entire auditing process, providing a clear direction and focus. In the case of optimizing every web page with a detailed audit using SEMrush, the primary objective is to identify areas of improvement and implement strategies that can enhance the overall performance and visibility of the website. By conducting a comprehensive audit, businesses can gain valuable insights into their website's strengths and weaknesses, allowing them to make informed decisions and take necessary actions to optimize their online presence. Whether it's improving website speed, enhancing user experience, or optimizing content for search engines, the audit objectives play a crucial role in guiding the optimization process and ensuring the desired outcomes are achieved.

Identifying key performance indicators

Key performance indicators (KPIs) play a crucial role in measuring the success of a website's performance. By identifying and tracking specific metrics, website owners can gain valuable insights into how well their web pages are performing and identify areas for improvement. These KPIs can include metrics such as page load time, bounce rate, conversion rate, and organic search traffic. By analyzing these indicators, website owners can make informed decisions on how to optimize their web pages for better performance and user experience. In this article, we will explore how to conduct a detailed audit using SEMrush to identify key performance indicators and optimize every web page accordingly.

Gathering necessary data and tools

To optimize every web page with a detailed audit using SEMrush, the first step is gathering necessary data and tools. This crucial stage involves identifying key metrics, such as organic traffic, backlinks, and keyword rankings, to assess the current performance of the website. Additionally, it is essential to ensure that the necessary tools, such as SEMrush's Site Audit feature, are readily available to conduct a comprehensive analysis. By collecting relevant data and equipping oneself with the right tools, website owners can gain valuable insights and make informed decisions to enhance their web pages' optimization.

Technical Analysis

Checking for crawlability and indexability

When it comes to checking for crawlability and indexability of a web page, there are several important factors to consider. One of these factors is the logo design. The logo design plays a crucial role in creating a strong brand identity and attracting visitors to the website. It is important to ensure that the logo is properly optimized for search engines and is easily crawlable and indexable. By following best practices for logo design, such as using descriptive alt text and optimizing the file size, webmasters can improve the crawlability and indexability of their web pages.

Analyzing page load speed

Analyzing page load speed is crucial for optimizing the performance of a website. It directly impacts user experience and can significantly affect search engine rankings. When it comes to making money with a home security company, ensuring a fast page load speed is even more important. Slow-loading pages can lead to frustrated visitors who may abandon the site and seek services from competitors. By conducting a detailed audit using SEMrush, webmasters can identify and address any issues that may be slowing down their web pages. This includes optimizing images, minifying code, and leveraging browser caching. Implementing these optimizations can not only improve page load speed but also increase the chances of attracting and retaining potential customers. To learn more about how to optimize every web page with a detailed audit using SEMrush, continue reading.

Reviewing URL structure and redirects

Reviewing URL structure and redirects is an essential step in optimizing every web page. It helps ensure that your website is organized and that visitors can easily navigate through your content. One important aspect to consider is the mobile-friendliness of your site, as more and more people are accessing the internet through their smartphones. Additionally, it is crucial to review and optimize the redirects on your website to ensure a seamless user experience. When it comes to optimizing your web page for search engines, paying attention to the URL structure and redirects is key.

On-Page Optimization

Optimizing meta tags and descriptions

When it comes to optimizing meta tags and descriptions, one important aspect to consider is the use of premium WordPress themes. These themes offer a range of benefits, including enhanced design options, improved functionality, and better performance. By utilizing premium WordPress themes, website owners can ensure that their meta tags and descriptions are not only visually appealing but also optimized for search engines. With the ability to customize meta tags and descriptions, website owners can incorporate relevant keywords and create compelling descriptions that entice users to click through to their website. Additionally, premium WordPress themes often come with built-in SEO features, making it easier to optimize meta tags and descriptions without the need for additional plugins or tools. Overall, optimizing meta tags and descriptions with premium WordPress themes is an effective strategy for improving search engine visibility and driving more organic traffic to a website.

Improving keyword usage and density

Improving keyword usage and density is crucial for optimizing web pages. One important aspect of this optimization process is ensuring that the keyword, in this case, Wix, is used effectively throughout the content. By incorporating the keyword naturally and strategically, it helps search engines understand the relevance of the webpage to the user's search query. Additionally, using the keyword in headings, subheadings, and meta tags can further enhance its visibility. To achieve optimal keyword density, it is important to strike a balance between using the keyword enough to rank well in search results, but not overusing it to the point of keyword stuffing. By following these best practices, website owners can improve their web page's visibility and attract more organic traffic.

Enhancing content readability and structure

Enhancing content readability and structure is crucial for optimizing web pages. By following best practices, such as using clear headings, organizing content into paragraphs, and incorporating bullet points, you can improve the overall user experience. Additionally, utilizing appropriate font styles, sizes, and colors can enhance readability. Another important aspect is the use of hyperlinks, which can provide additional information and resources. For example, if you are interested in learning how to start a bar supply business, you can find valuable insights and tips in our comprehensive guide.

Off-Page Factors

Assessing backlink profile

Assessing the backlink profile of a website is a crucial step in optimizing its overall performance. By examining the quality and quantity of backlinks pointing to a site, webmasters can gain valuable insights into its authority and relevance in the online landscape. One important aspect of backlink assessment is analyzing the anchor text used in the links. In the case of a staffing company logo, it is essential to ensure that the logo is properly linked and associated with relevant keywords. By doing so, the website can enhance its visibility and credibility, thereby attracting more potential clients and improving its overall online presence.

Monitoring social signals

Monitoring social signals is an essential aspect of optimizing every web page. By keeping track of social signals such as likes, shares, and comments, website owners can gain valuable insights into the performance and popularity of their content. Additionally, monitoring social signals allows businesses to understand how their target audience is engaging with their web pages and identify areas for improvement. This information can be particularly valuable for individuals who are advancing in their careers, as it provides a clear indication of the impact and reach of their online presence. By leveraging tools like SEMrush, professionals can conduct a detailed audit of their web pages, analyze social signals, and make data-driven decisions to optimize their content and enhance their career prospects.

Analyzing online reputation

Analyzing online reputation is an important aspect of optimizing every web page. It allows businesses to understand how their brand is perceived by the online community and identify areas for improvement. One key factor to consider is the design of a website. A stand out car website design can make a significant impact on the reputation of a business. By incorporating visually appealing elements and user-friendly navigation, a website can attract more visitors and enhance the overall user experience. Additionally, optimizing the website for search engines can increase its visibility and credibility, further improving the online reputation of the business.


Key takeaways from the web page audit

The web page audit conducted using SEMrush provides valuable insights for optimizing every web page. The key takeaways from the audit include understanding the algorithm used by search engines to rank web pages. By analyzing the algorithm, website owners can make informed decisions to improve their page rankings. Additionally, the audit highlights the importance of conducting regular audits to identify and fix any issues that may affect the performance of the web page. With the help of SEMrush, website owners can optimize their web pages and drive more organic traffic to their sites.

Next steps for optimizing web pages

After completing a detailed audit using SEMrush, the next steps for optimizing web pages involve implementing the necessary changes. One important aspect to consider is healthcare staffing agency. By focusing on this keyword, website owners can attract more relevant traffic and improve their overall search engine rankings. To optimize web pages for healthcare staffing agency, it is crucial to create high-quality content that addresses the needs and challenges of the target audience. Additionally, incorporating relevant keywords in the meta tags, headings, and body text can further enhance the page's visibility. By conducting thorough keyword research and regularly monitoring the performance of the optimized pages, website owners can ensure that their web pages are consistently delivering value to users and ranking well in search engine results.

Importance of regular audits for ongoing optimization

Regular audits are an essential part of ongoing optimization for any website. They help identify areas that need improvement and ensure that the website is performing at its best. One important aspect of regular audits is the ability to detect signs that indicate the need for optimization. One such sign is when you notice that your website's design is not visually appealing or lacks professional graphics. In such cases, using a tool like Canva can be a game-changer. Canva provides a user-friendly interface and a wide range of design templates that can help enhance the visual appeal of your web pages. By using Canva, you can create stunning graphics and images that will captivate your audience and improve the overall user experience. So, if you're looking for a sign that you need to optimize your web pages, keep an eye out for any design-related issues and consider using Canva to elevate your website's visual appeal.
In conclusion, online marketing can be easy and effective with the right tools and strategies. With Semrush, you can turn the algorithm into your friend and make your business visible online. With over 55+ tools for SEO, PPC, content, social media, and competitive research, Semrush provides everything you need to achieve measurable results from your online marketing efforts. Don't miss out on the opportunity to boost your online presence and drive more traffic to your website. Visit Semrush today and start maximizing your online marketing potential!
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2024.05.14 23:22 i-will-overcome Relapsed & Struggling

I've been struggling with a very destructive pattern of paying for sex for some time now. I don't do it often, and bc of that I've fooled myself into believing that these act-outs are just a series of one-off events brought on by specific stressors in my life, but it has undoubtedly become a pattern and I know that I need some accountability.
For context, from a young age I've always engaged in somewhat deviant (to me) sexual behavior. I was raised very strictly catholic and from a young age was told in school that it was a sin to masturbate. I matured earlier than many boys and started masturbating in 4th grade. The first time scared the hell out of me as I had no idea what was happening. All I knew is it felt good and that I couldn't talk to it about anyone.
Fast forward to 8th grade - I was in a serious relationship through 9th grade. This was the first time I had sex of any kind with another person. I also was cheating on her with many other girls.
Next was sophomore year of high school. The first time I experienced true love. And the first time I felt I had such a deep connection with someone else that was respectful and honest. And still I ended up cheating on her toward the end of our two years together. We remain friends to this day which I'm very thankful for, and hey it was high school - water under the bridge, young people make mistakes right? maybe, but...
Fast forward to my college years, I was in a very serious relationship for the entirety of college that culminated in marriage right out of school and a subsequent divorce a few years later. She was the one. Beautiful, smart, sexy. She had everything I wanted (or thought I wanted in my juvenile brain). But as we entered our 3rd year of dating, we began to have many serious sexual issues that we would later find out, stemmed from both of our underlying trauma surrounding sex. We continuously played out a very destructive sexual fantasy that was never explicitly spoken about until the very end of our relationship. In addition to this, I also had many emotional and physical affairs along the way.
That failed marriage prompted a complete overhaul of my life. I was devastated and I knew there were many things I needed to sort out if I was ever going to have a healthy relationship to sex and with another person. Thus, I found a therapist. An amazing therapist. I didn't realize how good he was until much later. The work we did together changed my life. I found a stable career. And I found the girl of my dreams. The relationship was calm, respectful, loving, and without the vicious ups and downs I had previously known. The sex was good and meaningful. We are still together - married with three children. And to this day I have not had any sort of emotional connection to anyone else but her.
And yet, I'm here. Early in my relationship with my now-wife, I visited a massage parlor and cheated. I talked about this with my therapist. We dug in and explored why I felt the need to do this and discovered that this acting out had very little to do with my relationship and everything to do with some unresolved issues inside of me. Thus, the advice was to not disclose the transgression to my partner as it would only cause her pain. That took me a minute to understand but I believe it was the right decision. I still do. And with time, I moved past it.
That was my only transgression for a long time. After many years of intensive therapy I was a new man, feeling more confident and secure in myself than I'd ever been. And so on my therapists advice we began to taper off on the sessions until finally we felt the bulk of our work was done and that I we would check in only on a necessary basis.
And then 3 years into my marriage, I acted out again. I visited another sex worker. I was devastated. But I felt confident that I could handle this on my own. I didn't call my therapist. I journaled, I downloaded a sober app, I conducted therapy sessions with myself, and I held myself accountable. And with time I began to feel better until the guilt faded away and after numerous successful moments where I stopped myself from acting out. This gave me a security that I might finally have kicked my issue. And so I went on with life, I dedicated myself to being the best partner and father I could be. I didn't think of my transgressions often - only when those impulses would arise or I would catch myself drinking a bit too much and experiencing intrusive thoughts.
And then after almost 2 years of sobriety, I did again last week. And I'm crushed. It shakes the foundation I've fought so hard to build. It makes me question everything. It makes me feel like a broken person doomed to failure. And my deep fear now is that I've pathologized this behavior. I've normalized it. And that thought sends me into a panic. Is this what my life will be? Will I always have to carry around this shadow self? This is not the man I want to be. This is not the partner or father I want to be.
And what makes it that much more difficult is that my family and friends adore me. I've been referred to as "golden boy" more than a few times. I have an enviable life. And I'm the type of person who friends and family confide in and look up to. I've been told I emanate a quiet strength and people feel safe around me.
And yet, here I am with this terrible secret. I don't feel like the man people think I am or that I portray myself to be. I've called my therapist and we will speak tomorrow, but any words of encouragement or additional resources would be much appreciated. I cannot allow this to happen again. It is eating away at my heart.
submitted by i-will-overcome to SexAddictionHelp [link] [comments]

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2024.05.14 23:17 Background_War_4949 Reddit on my windows 11 PC and iPhone

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submitted by Background_War_4949 to help [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:16 cyberprincessqq What is Cryptojacking?

What is Cryptojacking?
Cryptojacking, a cyberattack type, occurs when hackers leverage a device’s computational power without the owner’s consent. It is deployed through malicious software (malware) that infects your devices, aiming to utilize them for cryptocurrency mining. The prevalence of this issue surged during the 2017 crypto surge, with bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies’ values soaring, turning crypto mining into a lucrative venture.
The goal of cryptojacking is to utilize a device’s computational resources (usually processors or graphic processors) for cryptocurrency mining without the owner’s consent. Attackers aim to earn cryptocurrency through the resources consumed in the mining process, which can potentially become a lucrative source of income for them in the long term.
Let’s consider how this process typically works:
Infection: The attacker inserts malicious code into a website, online advertisement, or email attachment. Upon clicking on the infected content, the code activates and infects the user’s device.
Mining Script: The inserted code includes a mining script, typically for a cryptocurrency like Monero, which uses the device’s processing power to mine coins.
Resource Utilization: The mining script operates discreetly, utilizing the device’s CPU or GPU resources to solve complex mathematical problems necessary for cryptocurrency mining.
Mining Rewards: Any cryptocurrency mined is directed to the attacker’s wallet, providing them with a revenue stream while consuming the victim’s resources and electricity.
Detection: Detecting cryptojacking can be challenging as it often doesn’t cause noticeable performance issues. However, victims might observe slower device performance, increased heat generation, or higher energy bills.
Cryptojacking is an integral part of modern cyberthreats, and understanding its mechanisms and defenses is key to staying safe in the digital world.

Types of Cryptojacking

There are several main types of cryptojacking, each using different methods to execute the attack and profit from cryptocurrency mining without the device owner’s consent. Some of the most common types of cryptojacking include:

Browser-based Cryptojacking:

  • JavaScript Mining: Hackers embed malicious JavaScript code directly into web pages or advertisements. Visitors to these pages automatically start the mining process on their devices when they open such pages.
  • Browser Extension Usage: Attackers create malicious browser extensions that can automatically initiate the mining process on the user's device.

Malware-based Cryptojacking:

  • Using Malware: Attackers infect computers and other devices with viruses or malware that then initiate the mining process without the owner's knowledge.
  • Script Execution at Startup: Some malware automatically launches the mining process upon device startup, thereby concealing its activity from the user.
Both forms of cryptojacking pose risks to victims, potentially resulting in higher energy costs, diminished device functionality, and, in certain instances, lasting hardware impairment caused by excessive heat.

The Impact of Cryptojacking on Infected Computers

Cryptojacking can have several negative impacts on an infected computer.
Increased Energy Consumption: Cryptojacking significantly increases the energy consumption of infected computers. The mining process requires substantial computational resources, leading to higher electricity bills for users.
Decreased Performance: The malicious code executing the mining process consumes the device’s computational power, resulting in decreased overall performance. Users may experience slower application response times and general system sluggishness.
Overheating and Hardware Damage: Intensive resource usage without adequate ventilation and cooling can cause components to overheat. This poses a risk of hardware damage, including processors, graphic cards, and other critical elements.
Loss of Confidentiality and Security: Certain forms of cryptojacking may open backdoors for additional attacks or enable the theft of confidential information. This jeopardizes user data security and privacy.
Financial Losses: Besides increased energy consumption, cryptojacking can lead to financial losses due to higher electricity bills and potential costs for repairing or replacing damaged hardware.
The comprehensive impact of cryptojacking on a computer depends on various factors, including the intensity of the attack, the device’s resource capabilities, and the security measures taken by the user.

Security for Miners: detecting and preventing cryptojacking

Detection and prevention of cryptojacking require a combination of technical measures and user awareness. Here are some methods for detecting and preventing cryptojacking:
Use Antivirus Software: Install reliable antivirus software with capabilities to detect malicious scripts and programs associated with cryptojacking. Regularly update virus signature databases.
Monitor Resources: Track the resource usage of your computer or device. If there is an unexplained increase in CPU or GPU load, check the system for malicious scripts.
Block Unauthorized Domains: Use software to block access to known domains and IP addresses associated with cryptojacking. This helps prevent the loading of malicious scripts.
Update Software: Regularly update operating systems, browsers, and other software to the latest versions. Vulnerabilities in outdated software versions can be exploited by attackers to inject cryptojacking scripts.
Beware of Phishing: Be cautious when opening emails, files, and links from unknown sources. Phishing attacks can be used to distribute malicious scripts.
Use Ad-Blocking Extensions: Consider using ad-blocking extensions in your browsers. Some of them can automatically block scripts used for cryptojacking.
Enhance Cloud Security: If you use cloud resources, ensure enhanced security measures. Use strong passwords, enable two-factor authentication, and monitor activity to detect suspicious actions
Following these tips will help miners strengthen their protection against potential security threats and keep their assets and data safe. Remember the importance of being vigilant and responding to threats in the cryptocurrency environment.


In summary, cryptojacking remains a major concern in 2024, with cybercriminals persistently taking advantage of unaware users’ devices for mining cryptocurrencies. The development of this harmful activity highlights the critical need for strong cybersecurity protocols. With attackers adopting more advanced methods like fileless malware and precise attacks, it’s crucial for users to stay alert and enforce solid security practices. This involves keeping software updated, utilizing trusted antivirus software, and exercising caution when encountering dubious links or downloads. Use only proven mining software, customize your miners according to the guides to make sure they work properly.

Have a safe mining!

submitted by cyberprincessqq to MiningOcean_Pool [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:15 AvidSpongebobEnjoyer How The Pizzaplex Network Solves The Prototype

One of the top lingering mysteries of the RUIN DLC of Security Breach is the identity of The Prototype Glamrock Freddy. Immediately, an argument could be made that it is the original Freddy animatronic. Of course, this is a fair argument to be made, but rather than just simply saying it's this or that, let's go over what we know and what the game tells us.

Prototype Freddy in RUIN

In Chapter 8 of RUIN, in Fazer Blast, Cassie encounters Prototype Freddy. After disabling the mask inhibitor, she discovers Prototype Freddy lying atop a heap of junk and staff bots, partially buried under collapsed catwalk. As Prototype Freddy rises and gives chase, Cassie has to flee.
Cassie is eventually cornered by the Prototype, to which she deactivates the inhibitor and he disappears when the mask is put on.
Theories regarding Prototype Freddy generally fall into one of two categories.
  1. Prototype Freddy is the same Freddy as the Freddy in Security Breach
  2. Prototype Freddy is a different Freddy
But ultimately, what I want to talk about isn't the theories in detail, but I'll go over them briefly and what are the main points of each argument.

Prototype Is The Same Freddy

When RUIN initially released, the theory about Prototype Freddy being the same Freddy in Security Breach wasn't as common as saying he was a different Freddy. Though this perspective seems to have become the community consensus or at least the one I see the most.
The Princess Quest ending is strongly hinted to be the canonical ending in some capacity, which correlates with Prototype Freddy's absence of a head and his presence within Fazer Blast.
In the PQ ending, Freddy's body is extensively damaged and torn apart, mirroring the condition of Prototype Freddy.
This theory also works with Freddy being in safe mode; if he's disconnected from the network, it's makes sense that he wouldn't appear in the network.

Prototype Is Not The Same Freddy

Prototype Freddy is argued to be a different Freddy due to the prototype writing on his foot, not seen with Freddy in Security Breach. Why would they add this if not to differentiate him from the actual Freddy?
Prototype Freddy is also ontop of a trash pile while he would just be on the floor, as seen in the Superstar ending where Freddy game ends.
Prototype Freddy also doesn't resemble the Freddy we know in Security Breach at all. Where Freddy is nice and friendly, the Prototype is mindless and a monster.
The gift inside Prototype Freddy is also a different color, being green and blue, compared to orange blue we see in the actual Freddy.

How Safe Mode is Assumed To Factor In

A major argument for why Prototype Freddy disappears is safe mode. The argument follows the idea that because Freddy is in safe mode, he is disconnected from the network. The same thing happened to Freddy in safe mode back in Security Breach; he couldn't see Vanny until he got eyes that were connected to the network.
So it's a pretty safe bet to say that Freddy couldn't see Vanny and disappears because he is not connected to the network, right?

Roxy in RUIN

Roxy in RUIN is involved in a cutscene where she grabs onto Cassie's wrist, before Cassie yells at her to let go. Roxy lets go and pauses, even saying error out loud. This later results in the shift we see when Cassie has to deactivate Roxy before she goes into the sinkhole.
The obvious question being, why does this shift occur? And since we're talking about it, the generally accepted answer is that she enters safe mode after the encounter with Cassie.
But the thing is, if she's in safe mode, why can she see Cassie when she puts on the mask? Why can Cassie see her with the mask on?
If Roxy is in safe mode, using the logic of Prototype Freddy being the same Freddy, we should not be seeing her. So what's going on exactly?

How Safe Mode Actually Works

To explain why safe mode doesn't affect Prototype Freddy at all, we first have to look at real-life examples of how safe modes work, and what we see in-game from Freddy.
Safe mode on something like an operating system is a startup mode that provides access to the operating system when the system won't start normally. Depending on the operating system, there might be different safe modes to choose from, and it may be called something different like safe boot, but ultimately, that's not important to the discussion.
When in safe mode, an operating system will often download the necessary files and drivers needed to properly function. Safe mode often doesn't have net access as it's more geared toward turning on the operating system and troubleshooting from there.

How Safe Mode Plays Into SB

We don't get much info or elaboration on Safe mode and how it works with the animatronics. But with what we know, we can gather a few pointers.
  1. Safe Mode boots the animatronic with out the Mimic1 program
  2. Safe mode either activates or is used with reduced power (from what Vanessa says)
  3. The aniamtronics are disconnected from the network
Freddy, obviously loads without the Mimic1 program, as we don't see any of the unusual behavior displayed by the animatronics when afflicted by Mimic1.
Vanessa says,
Now parts and services have you on reduced power. They said it was a safety precaution.
Suggesting a connection between reduced power and safe mode.
Gregory tells Freddy and somehow knows he is disconnected from the network, but says that Vanessa cut him off? It's weird.

The Pizzaplex Network (And Actual Networks)

The network of the Pizzaplex is also something I want to explain. A network in simple terms is a system that connects two computing devices that exchange data and resources. The one most people know is a wifi network.
The Pizzaplex network is a little different, as it connects every electronic part of the Pizzaplex, from technology, devices, animatronics and servers.
The V.A.N.N.I. mask, is simply an extension of the network, allowing the technicians to interact with the network from outside of it.
When a computer shuts off, it disconnects from the network it is connected. Though, some computers through something known as LAN (Local Area Network) can still be turned on by other devices given specific circumstances. Other network managing tools may be able to detect devices, depending on the network.
Networks can also be divided into subnets, smaller controlled parts of a larger network. A company may have a specific subnet designed for the IT department. Often times, subnets are used to make things more efficient and control who has access to what.
If I run a business, where my staff use the network and I want my customers to be able to use the network, I would divide that into subnets so the traffic doesn't interfere with my staff.

What Am I getting at?

The point I'm making is how networks and safe mode function, which helps us understand Prototype Freddy. If Roxanne Wolf is in safe mode when we encounter her before the sinkhole, and then disconnects from the network, logically she should disappear, similar to Prototype Freddy disappearing due to safe mode. In fact, we shouldn't see most staff bots because they wouldn't be connected to the network while powered off.
Roxy is likely in safe mode as we see her talk in the same robotic way Freddy starts to in Security Breach, she doesn't use contractions (You're, Aren't). This is different from Freddy, who we're told doesn't use contractions normally in Tiger Rock.
"You're the best. You will find him first." - Roxanne in Security Breach
For comparison.
"I remember because you are number one - twice." - Roxanne talking to Cassie in RUIN
All this is to say, that The Prototype is not in safe mode, and therefore, not the Freddy we know from the base game.

So Why Does He Disappear?

Earlier, I discussed networks and subnets. This is where that becomes important.
A question I didn't see anyone asking when RUIN came out, was about M.X.E.S. Aside from what it is, where it came from and a whole host of other ones. I never saw a specific question. Where does the M.X.E.S. entity go when it disappears?
M.X.E.S. is obviously part of the network, being a digital manifestation of the M.X.E.S. security program, but it doesn't immediately appear in the network despite the fact it should be there, and it's likely tracking Cassie.
M.X.E.S. is in fact in a subnet of the Pizzaplex when we don't see it. Subnets are designed to be secure and provide security for specific parts of the network. So when the entity gets an alert of the security of the network, it exits the subnet and goes into the main Pizzaplex network.
This would also make sense for Prototype Freddy. In order to be more secure and not affected by the corruption of the Pizzaplex network, Prototype Freddy would be moved to a part of the subnet to protect it. The M.X.E.S. program can then use it to stop Cassie like it does with the other animatronics.
That's also how he manages to track you without having a head. Compared to Roxy, Prototype Freddy can't hear anything, since most of its processors relating to hearing and seeing would likely be with its head. It needs a way to track Cassie, and it has no other way besides using the network. And when Cassie puts on the mask, it separates the two.
Prototype Freddy can't swap between the two networks; it remains in the subnet.
We know that the Pizzaplex was undergoing a reconstruction project before it was abandoned by the time of RUIN. We're also told from Tales that not only are there multiple Pizzaplexes, but we see first-hand in The Bobbiedots that animatronics get thrown out if they're damaged or whatever else.
There are tons of ways this could be a different Freddy and still suffer the damages we see. Maybe they were using this Freddy during excavation and abandoned him when the project fell apart.


Prototype Freddy can't be in safe mode to disappear in RUIN. He has to be connected to a different part of the network. It can't be safe mode because then that breaks the rules established by being disconnected from the network.
This was something I had been brewing for a while; it actually had me stumped because I couldn't come to a proper conclusion unless I had some evidence that Roxy was actually in safe mode. It wasn't until I remembered what the story Tiger Rock said that I could actually form a conclusion.
Let me know what you think.
submitted by AvidSpongebobEnjoyer to fnaftheories [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:53 uninvitedthirteenth Travel Diary: Amsterdam, May 2-May 8

Travel Diary: I make $195,000 and spent $2149.75 (+49k points) while on a trip to Amsterdam
Section One: Bio
Age: 40
Occupation: Lawyer
Hometown: DC
Number of PTO days and how you accrue them: I earn 6 hours of annual leave every two weeks (19 days total a year), and used 36 hours for this trip
Section Two: Assets + Debt
Not super comfortable with a very detailed financial picture, but my NW is ~$750k. No SO.
Section Three: Income
Main Job Monthly Take Home: After all deductions and contributions to savings, my monthly take home is ~$6200
Section Four: Travel Expenses/Diary
Trip planning - My (40F) best friend from college (39F) and I decide to go to Amsterdam on a birthday trip. We both turn 40 in 2024, and we decide to go in May because it's in between our birthdays and because it'll be tulip season in Amsterdam! Neither of us have been. We also haven't travelled together before, despite being friends for 20(!) years, so we are a little apprehensive, although we have spent a lot of time together over the past few years. We decide on a 6 day trip. For purposes of this diary I'm going to list my half of the expenses for things we split. Costs are in US dollars, despite paying using Euros. As a side note, I also am a little over one year post-Gastric Bypass, which has a limited effect on my diet (I try to eat low carb, but you'll see that I mostly fail at this on this trip!).
Pre-trip expenses: $1193.15 total
Flight: $255 + 49k points (from Capital One)
Lodging: $1425.91 (split) - $713
Rijksmuseum: $40.28
Anne Frank House: $24.95
Keukenhof Gardens plus bus ticket: $36.20
Red Light District Tour: $50.52
Day trip to windmills tour: $43.20
Snacks: $30ish
Day 1 (Total $21.17)
Our flight is at 5:30pm, so we planned to be at the airport by 3:30pm, which actually turned out to be 4pm. Uber ($21.17). After checking bags (included in flight price) and getting through security we made it to our gate right as boarding was about to start. No time for food or drinks.
On the plane I eat a snack of roasted chickpeas before dinner, which was chicken cacciatore with mashed potatoes, bread, cheesecake, cheese, and a salad. And two glasses of wine. I save the cheesecake and cheese for later.
My friend and I watch a movie (Poor Things) and then try to sleep. I am reading A Fault In Our Stars, because Amsterdam. I try unsuccessfully to sleep for awhile and then go back to reading. At some point i eat the cheese and cheesecake. Breakfast is a cheese roll, which i eat a couple bites of (OMG does all of Amsterdam have this much cheese?? - spoiler alert… yes it does!). I wish I had slept more.
Day 2 - Even though it feels like a continuation of day one. (Total $207.02)
7am - We land at 7 and then grab the bags and go through customs. Easy peasy. We are exhausted so we grab coffee at the airport before figuring out public transit ($5.10). I take out 60 euro for cash in case we need it ($65). We buy a train ticket to the central station ($6.33) and when we get there we buy a four day unlimited public transit pass ($28.44) so that we don’t have to worry about it later.
We get to the hotel at around 9am. They tell us it will cost $50 to check in early, which we opt not to do. Instead we go get breakfast and coffee at a cafe nearby ($21.20). The hotel tells us that our prepaid amount did not include city taxes, which is another $183 (my half $91.88).
11:30am - Back at the room we decide to rest for 90 minutes. Enough to catch up on sleep but not to waste the day and get more jet-lagged. After a rest we decide to walk around and get a feel for the neighborhood and do some shopping. We find a bookstore, and I buy a copy of my favorite book from high school, Tess of the D’Ubervilles with a beautiful cover and gold edges ($21.46). We also buy fries with truffle, mayo, and Parmesan at a fry shop ($3.32) (that’s all they have and they are delicious!). We also stop a grocery store and pick up a few things including yogurt, cheese, salami, apples, and an energy drink ($13.19). We have some early days planned and nothing seems to open early. It’s very cold and rainy and semi unpleasant.
6pm - We drop stuff off, bundle up, and head off to dinner and a tour of the red light district. We try to find a place that serves Snert, a Dutch pea soup, but strike out. We end up at an Asian place instead. I get chicken satay and a beer and my friend gets Indonesian soup and wine ($16.10). Our red light tour is great, but we are exhausted after and head straight home to bed. 22k steps total
Day 3 (Total $87.24)
7:30am - We have an early day planned, and have to be on a bus near the central station by 8am. I eat a yogurt and energy drink (from grocery store) for breakfast and we take public transit (covered on unlimited card) to the station. We find the right bus and head off!
First stop is the windmills, which are beautiful! I am happy we get there early because we basically have the place to ourselves. My friend gets a coffee and we both use the restroom ($1.08!). Then we head to Edam and do a walking tour there. Next stop is a clog/cheese place, which feels very touristy but they do feed us lots of cheese. I buy a cheese slicer as a souvenir ($10.81). Next stop is another small town where we have lunch at a cafe. We basically pick one at random. My friend gets fried fish and I get a ham and cheese panini and a beer ($17.30). Final stop is an artificial island town called Maarken. We do another walking tour.
2:30pm - we arrive back in Amsterdam and get let off north of the water. I grab a coffee ($3.76). We go up to the Adam lookout and take a ride on the swing off the side of the building ($25.95 for swing plus ticket to lookout). We also grab a drink and sit on a pillow watching the city from very high up, which is lovely ($6.63). On the way out I buy a reusable water bottle at the gift shop ($4.87).
After the lookout we take the tram over to a brewery at a windmill that was recommended to us by several people (including here on Reddit!). Cost was covered by the transit pass. We buy bitterballen and a small bottle of Genever (local whiskey) (paid by my friend) and a flight of beer ($16.84). We are a bit tipsy but enjoying the lovely weather.
6:30 - On the way back toward the hotel the weather turns and it starts raining so we dip into a pub for dinner. I have a burger ($16.12). We are there at 8pm, which is momentous because it’s a day of remembrance and the whole bar is silent for two minutes. It was very interesting to be there during this time.
We are exhausted by this point and go home to bed. 19k steps total for the day.
Day 4 (Total $104.33)
7am - Another early day as we have to be on a bus at 7:30 to go to Keukenhof for the tulips! (paid in advance). We wanted to take the first bus out there because we heard the crowds were bad. I eat a yogurt for breakfast and take a 5 hour energy (no cafes open this early!). We try to take public transit to the train station but didn’t realize that the trains do not run that early on a Sunday so we grab an Uber instead ($12.20). We tell the Uber driver we’re trying to catch a bus so he makes sure we find the right place and we pull up just as the bus is loading. Phew!
8:00am - we spend 5 hours in the gardens and take literally hundreds of pictures. We are glad that we get there early as the first few hours are lovely and empty. We get a coffee ($4.60) and lunch later ($25.36). By 1pm it’s getting very crowded so we start heading out. We grab the bus back to the train station.
2:30pm - We decide to go by the Rijksmuseum although not in it because we planning that later. Instead we stop off at the Van Gogh/Rijks gift shop that’s nearby. I get a couple souvenirs, including a foldable bag and a magnet ($20.44). I also get a coffee ($3.64) and my friend gets bubble tea. We sit on the hill on museumplein and people watch. After awhile it starts to get hot (we had dressed for the early morning) so we head back to the hotel to change.
5pm - we decide we are having an evening of drinking. We first grab a drink in the hotel bar because we get free vouchers for each day we choose not to have the room cleaned. Then we have dinner at an udon place, which is delicious. We have tempura, chicken katsu, and dumplings ($15.94). Then because it’s cinco de mayo we decide to have margaritas at the Mexican place near the hotel ($15.15)! Not Dutch but it’s fun. We head down the street to another bar and have a Genever cocktail called an Amsterdam mule ($9.91). I am happy with our choice of hotel because there are so many places in our neighborhood. On the way home we pass a fresh stroopwaffle place and must get in line for one ($5.92).
By then we are exhausted and head to bed. 21k steps total for the day.
Day 5 (Total $80.44)
8am - We have a slightly less early day but have tickets to the Anne Frank house at 9:15. (paid in advance). I eat some yogurt and cheese in the room before we leave. It’s walkable so we decide to head out early and grab coffee on the way. ($3.19). The house is sombering but I’m glad we did it.
11am - After the Anne Frank house we walk to the nearby cheese museum. We sample lots of cheese. I buy one cheese to take home ($15.18). We want to walk to a used bookstore, but decide to have lunch at a cafe on the way. We pick one at random. We split chicken tenders and a goat cheese and apple sandwich and I have a beer. ($15.14). The sandwich is one of the best things we have eaten. We spend about an hour in the bookstore and my friend buys one book.
3pm - We realize we are by the monkey bar (one of the oldest bars in Amsterdam that they told us about on our red light district tour). We stop in for a drink. Ok two drinks. ($12.50). We take the metro back towards the hotel and stop in at a tile store in our neighborhood so I can buy a magnet. I buy magnets from all my trips, but I like non-touristy handmade ones if I can find them, Van Gogh magnet from yesterday aside. I buy one with a windmill on it. ($14). We also stop at the grocery store for more yogurt ($3.05) and for Dutch apple pie at the cafe across the street from the hotel ($4). We get back to the hotel and have another free drink and then rest before dinner.
8pm - We go out to a Dutch restaurant for dinner. I am not super hungry from pie so I just get the snert (pea soup). My friend gets sauerkraut and potatoes. Sorry, but I thought it was pretty bland food in general. ($13.38).
We head home. It’s a lighter day, only 14k steps today.
Day 6 (Total $194.47)
8am - Today is our last full day in Amsterdam. We have planned to spend the day at the Rijksmuseum. We want to get there right when it opens for crowd reasons. We had bought “friend of the museum” passes ahead of time so that we can skip the line. I have a yogurt for breakfast and we walk to a cafe near the museum for coffee and breakfast for my friend ($3.78). The man at the cafe is very nice and we love sitting outside in the sunshine. It’s going to be a warm day!
We spend about 5 hours at the museum. We rush to see the Van goghs and the main gallery where the Rembrandts are, including The Night Watch, which is probably one of the most famous paintings in there. We had downloaded the app so we shared a pair of earbuds and listened to audio notes about many of the works (they have a number you can enter in). We take a break outside for coffee ($7.29 - i pay) and skip the line again. Totally worth it for the more expensive ticket. Around 2 we are hungry and have seen almost everything. We stop in the gift shop and I buy a ring and earring set. ($64.76). I forget to use my 10% discount for being a friend. :( I wanted a necklace too but didn’t like the ones they had there so I’ll try to find a matching piece at home.
2pm - My friend has been trying to get herring for the whole trip so we make it a point to do that. The first place is a bust so we find a little stand that sells it a 15 min walk away. We are determined, so we head there. I don’t eat fish so I get a shawarma on the way, which is terrible (cash). I throw half away. After lunch we get ice cream. I get coffee ice cream, and it makes up for the bad shawarma ($6). We also stop at the peanut butter store, which is allegedly the first in the world, and I pick up 3 small jars for my mom for Mother’s Day ($8.11). We also stop at a thrift store and i buy a dress ($21.59). At some point this day (I think), we also stop at another bookstore, and I buy a few things including a card, a couple gifts, and a book ($39.71).
6pm - After resting a bit, we get two more free drinks at the hotel and then head out to dinner. We pick another Asian place. I get an aperol spritz at dinner and we share appetizers (satay, spring rolls, and bitterballen). We also get coconut ice cream with mango sauce for dessert. All yum! ($33.03).
We get one final drink at a local bar near the hotel ($10.20) and I’m again grateful for our choice of neighborhood. Today has been all walking because our 4-day metro pass ran out yesterday. Total steps 13k.
Day 7 (Total $36.93)
8am - this our last day. The plane was supposed to leave at 1:30pm, but we get a message that it’s delayed an hour. We decide to have a leisurely breakfast. We pick a place that’s at a hotel near our hotel. I get an egg sandwich and my friend gets French toast. We both get coffee. ($15.27)
We decide to leave for the airport around 11. We walk to the central station about 20 min away, and I buy wooden tulips for my mom on the way (cash). We buy train tickets (cash) and get right on a train. We are proud of ourselves for our navigation on this trip.
12pm - we get to the airport and through security. We head to a lounge but there’s a line. We are 40th in line based on our QR code place. We decide not to wait and sit down for lunch at a random bar. I get a sausage and a beer ($20.66). We walk around some and get another message that our flight is delayed more, to 4pm. It’s finally our turn to get into the lounge at 2:30 (2 1/2 hour wait) so we go. I grab some water and a whiskey and coke but we just ate so we are not hungry. Around 3 we head to the gate. Unfortunately when we get there our flight is delayed more and will board at 4. They give us airport vouchers so we buy a book, beer, and some stroopwaffles ($1 after vouchers). We finally board and head off around 5.
On the flight we are served dinner. They have run out of chicken by the time they get to me, but eventually find one and bring it to me later. I have a wine too. I read, watch a movie, and try to sleep a little. We have a whole row of four to ourselves so we can spread out. Dinner is a French bread pizza.
8pm - We land around 7pm (love time zone math!), grab our bags, and get a taxi to my car ($27.09). I drop off my friend and get home at 8:30. I am exhausted but cuddle my cats for about an hour before going to bed. 15k steps today
After trip expenses - $225 cat sitting
Total expenses: $2149.75 (+49k points)
Flight: $255 + 49k points
Lodging: $804.88
Food/drinks: $531.38
Travel: $101.56
Activities: $221.10
Souvenirs/gifts: $ 231.93
Final parting thoughts - I think just over $2k for an almost-week long trip to Europe is a pretty comfortable number for me. I am glad I could use points for most of the flight. We definitely didn't try to cheap out on anything. We spent a lot of money drinking (neither of us drink this much usually). I hope this was helpful to anyone, and I look forward to reactions/comments!
submitted by uninvitedthirteenth to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:45 Soninetz ZoomInfo vs Zoom: The Business Tool Battle?

ZoomInfo vs Zoom: The Business Tool Battle?
Did you know that despite their similar names, ZoomInfo and Zoom serve vastly different purposes? While Zoom is a popular video conferencing platform, ZoomInfo is a powerful tool for B2B lead generation, sales intelligence, emails, and partners. Understanding the distinctions between these two platforms is crucial for maximizing your business's efficiency and effectiveness.
Useful Links:
  1. ZoomInfo LifeTime Deal
  2. ZoomInfo Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • When deciding between ZoomInfo and Zoom, notice your specific needs, leads, plans, and budget to make the right choice.
  • ZoomInfo is primarily a B2B contact database tool, while Zoom is a video conferencing platform.
  • Pros of ZoomInfo include robust contact information and lead generation capabilities, while Zoom excels in video conferencing features and ease of use.
  • Cons of ZoomInfo may include cost and complexity, whereas Zoom's limitations lie in its focus on video conferencing.
  • Best use cases for ZoomInfo involve sales and marketing teams looking to enhance their lead generation efforts, while Zoom is ideal for virtual meetings, webinars, and remote collaboration.
  • To choose the right tool, evaluate your priorities, such as data accuracy versus virtual communication needs, to align with your business objectives.

Overview Comparison

Core Functionalities

Zoom primarily focuses on video conferencing and real-time communication, offering a seamless platform for virtual meetings. On the other hand, ZoomInfo serves as a comprehensive database providing B2B contact information and company data.
Zoom excels in facilitating high-quality video calls and interactive virtual meetings, making it ideal for remote collaboration and team communication. In contrast, ZoomInfo stands out for its extensive collection of business-related data, catering to sales, marketing, and recruitment needs.
Ready to revolutionize your prospecting game? Get started with ZoomInfo's free trial today! 🎯

Target Audiences

Zoom targets businesses and individuals looking for efficient time communication, enabling them to connect instantly from anywhere in the world. Conversely, ZoomInfo caters specifically to organizations seeking accurate and up-to-date B2B contact details for lead generation and marketing campaigns.
  • Zoom: Ideal for teams requiring seamless video conferencing solutions.
  • ZoomInfo: Perfect for businesses focusing on B2B sales strategies.

Business Needs

Businesses with a priority on real-time collaboration and virtual meetings benefit significantly from Zoom's user-friendly interface and reliable connectivity. In contrast, companies emphasizing data-driven decision-making and targeted marketing strategies find ZoomInfo's vast database invaluable for acquiring valuable insights.

Key Differences


  • Zoom: Known for its video conferencing platform with features like virtual backgrounds and breakout rooms.
  • ZoomInfo: Focuses on providing contact and company information for sales and marketing efforts.


Zoom offers seamless video conferencing solutions, while ZoomInfo specializes in lead generation and B2B data services.

Specialized Services

  • Zoom: Ideal for hosting webinars, virtual meetings, and online collaboration.
  • ZoomInfo: Helps businesses with targeted lead generation, account-based marketing, and sales intelligence.

Factors to Consider

  1. Business Needs: Choose Zoom for communication and collaboration requirements; opt for ZoomInfo for enhancing sales and marketing strategies.
  2. Data Accuracy: While Zoom focuses on real-time video interactions, ZoomInfo prioritizes accurate contact and company data for targeted outreach.
  3. Integration Capabilities: Consider how each platform integrates with existing tools to streamline workflows effectively.
Useful Links:
  1. ZoomInfo LifeTime Deal
  2. ZoomInfo Free Trial

Pros and Cons

Zoom for Communication and Collaboration

  • Ease of Use: Zoom offers a user-friendly interface, making it simple for employees to join meetings without technical complications.
  • Versatility: Users can host large webinars, virtual conferences, or one-on-one meetings with ease, catering to various business needs.
  • Integration: Zoom seamlessly integrates with other tools like Slack, Google Calendar, and Outlook, enhancing productivity.
  • Security Concerns: Zoom has faced scrutiny over privacy and security issues in the past, raising concerns about data protection.
  • Costly Plans: Some businesses may find Zoom's pricing plans expensive, especially for larger teams requiring advanced features.
  • Fatigue: Prolonged use of video conferencing tools like Zoom can lead to "Zoom fatigue," impacting employee well-being.

ZoomInfo for B2B Lead Generation

  • Rich Database: ZoomInfo provides access to a vast database of B2B contacts and companies, enabling targeted lead generation efforts.
  • Accurate Data: The platform offers up-to-date and accurate information on leads, helping businesses reach the right audience effectively.
  • Increased Sales Opportunities: By providing detailed insights on potential partners and customers, ZoomInfo boosts sales opportunities.
  • Costly Investment: Utilizing ZoomInfo's services can be expensive for smaller businesses or startups operating on limited budgets.
  • Limited Free Access: Unlike some alternatives, ZoomInfo does not offer a free version, restricting access to its benefits for those unwilling to commit financially.

Best Use Cases

Zoom for Virtual Meetings

Users rely on Zoom for virtual meetings due to its user-friendly interface, high-quality video and audio capabilities, and seamless screen sharing options. Businesses find Zoom ideal for hosting team meetings, client calls, and webinars with large audiences. The platform's versatility allows for interactive features like chat functions, breakout rooms, and recording capabilities, enhancing collaboration among remote teams.

ZoomInfo for B2B Sales Strategies

Businesses leverage ZoomInfo to enhance their B2B sales strategies by providing detailed company profiles, contact information, and market insights. Sales teams can use this data to identify potential leads, personalize outreach efforts, and improve conversion rates. By integrating ZoomInfo into their CRM systems, companies can streamline their sales processes and target the right prospects effectively.

Maximizing Benefits

  • Zoom: Ideal for businesses focusing on real-time communication needs such as team meetings or client presentations.
  • ZoomInfo: Beneficial for companies looking to boost their B2B marketing campaigns through targeted lead generation and data-driven decision-making.

Choosing the Right Tool

Budget Considerations

When deciding between Zoom and ZoomInfo, businesses should first assess their budget constraints. Zoom typically offers more cost-effective solutions for companies with limited financial resources.

Company Size Evaluation

Company size plays a crucial role in determining whether to opt for Zoom or ZoomInfo. Smaller businesses often find Zoom more suitable due to its user-friendly interface and affordable pricing plans.

Business Goals Alignment

Aligning the platform with specific business goals is essential. For direct marketing efforts, ZoomInfo provides detailed insights into potential recipients, making it ideal for companies focusing on targeted campaigns.
When considering which tool best suits your needs, evaluating factors such as budget, company size, and business goals is crucial. By understanding these key aspects, businesses can make an informed decision that aligns with their unique requirements.

Closing Thoughts

In weighing ZoomInfo against Zoom, you've gained a clear understanding of their features, strengths, and weaknesses. Now equipped with this knowledge, you can confidently select the tool that aligns best with your specific needs and goals. Consider the nuances highlighted in this comparison to make an informed decision that will optimize your workflow and productivity.
As you move forward, remember to evaluate your requirements carefully and keep in mind the insights shared here. Whether you prioritize comprehensive data solutions or seamless video conferencing, choosing the right tool is pivotal. Your choice between ZoomInfo and Zoom can significantly impact your daily operations, so make your selection wisely.
Discover new opportunities 🌟 and boost revenue with ZoomInfo. Sign up now for a free trial!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the main difference between ZoomInfo and Zoom?

ZoomInfo is a B2B contact database platform used for sales and marketing purposes, providing detailed company and contact information. On the other hand, Zoom is a video conferencing tool primarily used for virtual meetings and webinars.

Which tool offers better lead generation capabilities: ZoomInfo or Zoom?

ZoomInfo excels in lead generation by providing extensive data on businesses and contacts, aiding sales teams in targeting prospects effectively. In contrast, while Zoom can facilitate virtual meetings where potential leads can be engaged, it does not offer lead generation features like ZoomInfo.

How do the pros of using Zoom differ from those of using ZoomInfo?

Zoom's pros include high-quality video conferencing capabilities, ease of use for virtual meetings, and various collaboration features. Conversely, ZoomInfo's strengths lie in its comprehensive database for lead generation, accurate contact information, and integration with CRM systems.

In what scenarios would it be best to use Zoom over ZoomInfo?

Zoom is ideal for hosting virtual team meetings, client consultations, online training sessions, webinars, and remote interviews. It is more focused on real-time communication needs rather than data-driven sales and marketing activities like lead generation or prospecting.

How can businesses decide whether to choose ZoomInfo or Zoom for their specific needs?

Businesses should assess their primary goals: if they require robust lead generation tools with detailed business insights for sales and marketing efforts, then choosing ZoomInfo would be beneficial. However, if their priority is seamless video conferencing and collaboration features for online meetings, then opting for Zoom may be more suitable.
Useful Links:
  1. ZoomInfo LifeTime Deal
  2. ZoomInfo Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to NutraVestaProVen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:40 adamr_z How We Acquired Our First 50 Users for the consumer app

Hey fellow entrepreneurs!
My co-founder and I were recently successful in acquiring 50 people to the private beta of our new consumer fitness/gaming app so I figured I'd share what worked for us in case it helps others.
First, a little background...
The idea for was born out of a desire to apply gamified techniques to the health and fitness journey.
Fitness can often feel like a grind, with progress taking time to become visible. We wanted to create an app that helps users see and feel improvements, even when they’re not immediately noticeable in real life.
Additionally, we wanted to leverage AI to provide a unique, interactive experience that benefits users’ fitness journeys.
I remember one day at the gym, feeling frustrated with my progress, and thinking, "There has to be a way to make this more fun and engaging."
That's when the idea of battling AI-driven villains as part of a fitness routine really clicked for me.
Actionable Step: Define Your Inspiration and Goal
Defining Our Target Audience
As someone deeply involved in health and fitness, with notable achievements in CrossFit and a lifelong passion for gaming, I built for people like me.
This approach ensured that the app met the needs of our initial user base effectively. I figured if it was something I would use and enjoy, there would be others out there just like me.
For consumer-focused startups, especially those being bootstrapped, I believe it’s essential for the founders to be the target audience. It allows you to move MUCH quicker and not be overly concerned with market research.
I tested this assumption by talking to friends at the gym and fellow gamers, asking if they would find an app like this useful and fun.
Actionable Step: Know Your Target Audience
Early Marketing and User Acquisition
Initially, we needed to validate that the primary engagement loop was, well engaging 🙂.
We started by reaching out to friends in various fitness communities who also had an interest in gaming - literally DMing them and asking them to give our alpha a shot. Here was one of the initial messages:
Yo D! Would love your help in Alpha testing Here's the link to download the app:
The invite code is "alpha" (all lower case)
The alpha will last 2 weeks and have two surveys to fill out. If you can hang with the app and fill out both surveys will hook you up with a free shirt
The alpha is SUPER limited in features. Basically we're testing:
  • Do people "get it" (kind like D&D it's a little complicated)
  • What bugs exist?
  • Is the primary game-play loop enjoyable? (battling villains, influenced by your exercise)
This approach helped us secure the first 15 to 20 users.
To hit our goal of 50 for our beta, we capitalized on the timing by releasing it at the beginning of the year (new years resolutions and whatnot), leveraging my social media presence to invite more people to try the app.
The timing, coupled with the growing interest in AI, helped us reach our goal of 50 users.
I vividly remember posting about our private beta on Facebook, hoping for a few responses, and waking up to dozens of messages from people eager to try it out. It was a thrilling moment that showed me there was real interest in what we were building.
Actionable Step: Validate with Friends and Community
Effective Strategies and Platforms
One effective strategy was limiting the number of users who could join the private beta, creating a sense of urgency.
Facebook was the primary platform for user acquisition, given its algorithm and the personal connection it offers.
We also created a Facebook group for, which allowed us to collect feedback, share updates, and engage with users in a private community. This approach fostered a sense of exclusivity and community among early adopters.
People love to feel like they're part of something exclusive, and this really drove engagement.
Actionable Step: Leverage Timing and Social Media
Engaging with Early Users
Engaging with early users primarily through the Facebook group was highly effective for us.
In particular, polls were excellent ways of gathering valuable feedback. Most posts to the group didn't get a ton of engagement, but when I posted a poll, it was easy for people to give feedback.
Actionable Step: Utilize Social Media Groups
Acquiring your first 50 users can definitely be challenging, but through a combination of timing, value-proposition and putting ourselves out there, we were able to do it and gather great feedback along the way.
Hopefully this helps some of you get your initial users!
submitted by adamr_z to EntrepreneurRideAlong [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:37 Transitsystem PSA for anyone doing a Tale of Two Wastelands playthrough of F3

After watching the fallout show I decided I wanted to go back and play F3 and FNV with the Tale of Two Wastelands mod which combined 3 and FNV into one game in NV’s engine.
Something the mod doesn’t tell you is that since you’re technically playing in NV’s engine, you’re fighting NV’s super mutants, which are MUCH strongetankier than F3’s, and there are FAR more super mutants in 3 than NV, which can make your F3 early game absolute hell.
Point being, download the weaker super mutants mod from nexus in order to make your early game in modded F3 much less painful and straining on your resources.
submitted by Transitsystem to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:17 i-will-overcome First time poster - long time coming

Hey everyone,
I've been struggling with a very destructive pattern of paying for sex for some time now. I don't do it often, and bc of that I've fooled myself into believing that these act-outs are just a series of one-off events brought on by specific stressors in my life, but it has undoubtedly become a pattern and I know that I need some accountability.
For context, from a young age I've always engaged in somewhat deviant (to me) sexual behavior. I was raised very strictly catholic and from a young age was told in school that it was a sin to masturbate. I matured earlier than many boys and started masturbating in 4th grade. The first time scared the hell out of me as I had no idea what was happening. All I knew is it felt good and that I couldn't talk to it about anyone.
In 6th and 7th grade I was spying on my nextdoor neighbors. Two very attractive sisters whose room was right across the way from mine. I would watch them as they showered and changed.
Fast forward to 8th grade - I was in a serious relationship through 9th grade. This was the first time I had sex of any kind with another person. I also was cheating on her with many other girls.
Next was sophomore year of high school. The first time I experienced true love. And the first time I felt I had such a deep connection with someone else that was respectful and honest. And still I ended up cheating on her toward the end of our two years together. We remain friends to this day which I'm very thankful for, and hey it was high school - water under the bridge, young people make mistakes right? maybe, but...
Fast forward to my college years, I was in a very serious relationship for the entirety of college that culminated in marriage right out of school and a subsequent divorce a few years later. She was the one. Beautiful, smart, sexy. She had everything I wanted (or thought I wanted in my juvenile brain). But as we entered our 3rd year of dating, we began to have many serious sexual issues that we would later find out, stemmed from both of our underlying trauma surrounding sex. We continuously played out a very destructive sexual fantasy that was never explicitly spoken about until the very end of our relationship. In addition to this, I also had many emotional and physical affairs along the way.
That failed marriage prompted a complete overhaul of my life. I was devastated and I knew there were many things I needed to sort out if I was ever going to have a healthy relationship to sex and with another person. Thus, I found a therapist. An amazing therapist. I didn't realize how good he was until much later. The work we did together changed my life. I found a stable career. And I found the girl of my dreams. The relationship was calm, respectful, loving, and without the vicious ups and downs I had previously known. The sex was good and meaningful. We are still together - married with three children. And to this day I have not had any sort of emotional connection to anyone else but her.
And yet, I'm here. Early in my relationship with my now-wife, I visited a massage parlor and cheated. I talked about this with my therapist. We dug in and explored why I felt the need to do this and discovered that this acting out had very little to do with my relationship and everything to do with some unresolved issues inside of me. Thus, the advice was to not disclose the transgression to my partner as it would only cause her pain. That took me a minute to understand but I believe it was the right decision. I still do. And with time, I moved past it.
That was my only transgression for a long time. After many years of intensive therapy I was a new man, feeling more confident and secure in myself than I'd ever been. And so on my therapists advice we began to taper off on the sessions until finally we felt the bulk of our work was done and that I we would check in only on a necessary basis.
And then 3 years into my marriage, I acted out again. I visited another sex worker. I was devastated. But I felt confident that I could handle this on my own. I didn't call my therapist. I journaled, I downloaded a sober app, I conducted therapy sessions with myself, and I held myself accountable. And with time I began to feel better until the guilt faded away and after numerous successful moments where I stopped myself from acting out. This gave me a security that I might finally have kicked my issue. And so I went on with life, I didn't think of it often - only when those impulses would arise or I would catch myself drinking a bit too much and experiencing intrusive thoughts.
And then after almost 2 years of sobriety, I did again last week. And I'm crushed. It shakes the foundation I've fought so hard to build. It makes me question everything. It makes me feel like a broken person doomed to failure. And my deep fear now is that I've pathologized this behavior. I've normalized it. And that thought sends me into a panic. Is this what my life will be? Will I always have to carry around this shadow self? This is not the man I want to be. This is not the partner or father I want to be.
And what makes it that much more difficult is that my family and friends adore me. I've been referred to as "golden boy" more than a few times. I have an enviable life. And I'm the type of person who friends and family confide in and look up to. I've been told I emanate a quiet strength and people feel safe around me.
And yet, here I am with this terrible secret. I don't feel like the man people think I am or that I portray myself to be. I've called my therapist and we will speak tomorrow, but any words of encouragement or additional resources would be much appreciated. I cannot allow this to happen again. It is eating away at my heart.
submitted by i-will-overcome to SexAddiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:02 ConfusionEmpty3542 Echoes of Destiny: A Hint Of Things To Come.

Hello, glorious readers of EoD! Thank you for your patience in these two weeks' matters. My exams are now done, and that means I have a lot more time for writing. In order to reward your continued patience, I am planning something big next week. Here's a small hint: It's gonna take a long time for the ships to actually reach Sanctuary, so that means a lot of time for the Arxur commander and the CSSF commander to diss one another. The first chapter is going to be like one big rap battle.
First Chapter Next Chapter> (Coming soon)
The stars swirled above, labyrinthine in their structure and arrangement, the five moons casting an elegant light open the planet’s surface. A gleaming silver and gray object lays embedded in Mount Yth'Rathgor, searchlights scanning the surface and sky alike. Long convoys of trucks filed with materials lumber up the long, winding paths leading to the gate, the cumbersome and primitive internal combustion engines spitting out polluting gasses as they haul their cargo and passengers up the mountain side. As the leading truck reaches the gate, the mountain looms over the truck’s cabin, as the driver hands over his ID to the guard. A few seconds later, The trucks start flooding into the mountain’s hold.
Inside the base is a cavernous parking and cargo processing center, that feeds its resources into a hidden facility, buried deep under the hundreds of meters of rock. Screams of agony and pain echo through the halls, reverberations of the brutal and uncaring experiments that take place here. The bodies of the fallen are simply thrown into an incinerator, unthinking of the countless acts of trauma and suffering they endured. Reptilian eyes watch from the catwalks, making sure that the contaminated bodies are properly disposed of. More than one Arxur has thought about eating the bodies, but the risk of contamination is too great for such a prize.
This facility, known as Testing Center KL-1HC, is the development center for CHE. The Arxur themselves are immune to its behavioral effects, but the bodily processes are more affected. Contamination gradually leads to internal hemorrhaging, heart arrhythmias, and organ failure. Without immediate medical intervention, the mostly likely outcome is death. To the leaders of the Arxur, it is not worth all the time and money to save just one more replaceable life. Just another body thrown on the top of the brutal regime’s mountain of corpses.
In this facility, the commanders of the surrounding region come together, planning their vengeance against the unknown new aggressors that wiped an entire raid fleet off of the map. Probes detected the paths of the departing ships, and the exact pinpoint location of their destination was finally calculated. A main sequence star, a G2 type, is an excellent location for a possible base, being that they have a higher chance to contain habitable planets. They begin to construct a battle plan, using the forces shown at the Slaughter of Beta Jannik, as if it could be called any other name but a bloody massacre. After a few days of deliberations and simulations, the Arxur leaders quietly send their orders to the fleets harbored in gigantic fleet yards that orbit the many moons of this star system. One by one, the ships take on crew and supplies, before igniting their huge engines, and slowly gliding out of the many hangers, or undocking from umbilical-like docking ports. They begin to line up in formations, reporting in to their squadron leaders. It is not long before the fleet is ready.
Thousands of ships filled with hundreds of thousands of Arxur thirsting for the blood of those who would dare attack the righteous Arxur. They will pay for their insolence. There is no doubt that the property that they stole from the holds of the cattle ships will be there. They must be recovered, and the aggressors annihilated, for the Betterment of the Arxur race. They begin to move to the jump limit, in order to minimize the effects of the jump drives on the planet’s atmosphere. As they reach it, the Arxur commander broadcasts himself across the entire fleet’s comm links.
“Fellow Arxur, disciples of Betterment! Today, we stand upon the precipice of vengeance, our souls seething with the flames of righteous fury! Behold the scarred visage of our fleet, destroyed in Beta Jannik, once a beacon of our dominion, now reduced to naught but ashes and sorrow.
We gather here not as mere mortals, but as avatars of annihilation, sworn to deliver swift and merciless retribution upon those who dare defy our sovereignty. The Slaughter of Beta Jannik shall not go unpunished, for every drop of Arxur blood spilled shall be repaid a thousandfold!
To the aggressors who dared infringe upon our sacred flocks, heed my words and tremble! Your reckoning draws nigh, and the flames of damnation shall consume your very essence. No corner of the cosmos shall offer you refuge from our righteous fury!
We are the harbingers of oblivion, the heralds of eternal darkness. We shall rain down upon you a tempest of torment, and your cries of anguish shall echo throughout the void, a testament to the folly of challenging the might of the Betterment!
Let the heavens themselves bear witness to our wrath, for today marks the dawn of your demise! Prepare yourselves, for the Arxur fleet marches forth, and none shall escape the judgement of the Betterment! May our enemies cower in fear, for we are the instruments of their destruction!”
The Arxur cheer, and more than one cattle is sacrificed for good luck, and a good meal. The jump drives are charged, their coils glistening and pulsing with frantic energy as they prepare to breach the laws of the universe.
Something unexpected happens. The fleet splits in two, one smaller segment warping to the destination as planned, and the rest to a star close to the target. This is no error, nor a folly, but part of the plan. The smaller part is to scout out the system, relay the information back to the primary fleet, and then their assault the enemy, or start looking for their real base.
But, they do not know of the CSSF’s defenses. They have known that the Arxur would attack Sanctuary. After all, it is part of the plan. Lure the enemy fleet here, into the CSSF’s home territory, and then both gain more valuable information on the Arxur, as well as leaking the location of the home base of this attacking fleet. It also serves a third purpose. To drain the reserves of the enemy fleet stationed there, softening it up for a future CSSF assault.
The Arxur know none of this. But they will. Cowards hiding behind the facade of false warrior's valor. Their hollow threats echo in the void, mere whispers of delusion. The Arxur fleet may brandish its swords, but it lacks the spine to face true adversaries. Beware, for their arrogance shall be their undoing.
First Chapter Next Chapter> (Coming soon)
submitted by ConfusionEmpty3542 to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:00 NorseManGef ueberzug++ not installing on fedora 40

When I try to install I get this:
error: Verifying a signature using certificate 7627D0F8F60FBA35371A29E1AA6B2752759F9361 (home:justkidding OBS Project ): 1. Certificiate AA6B2752759F9361 invalid: certificate is not alive because: The primary key is not live because: Expired on 2024-04-23T06:11:38Z 2. Key AA6B2752759F9361 invalid: key is not alive because: The primary key is not live because: Expired on 2024-04-23T06:11:38Z error: Verifying a signature using certificate 7627D0F8F60FBA35371A29E1AA6B2752759F9361 (home:justkidding OBS Project ): 1. Certificiate AA6B2752759F9361 invalid: certificate is not alive because: The primary key is not live because: Expired on 2024-04-23T06:11:38Z 2. Key AA6B2752759F9361 invalid: key is not alive because: The primary key is not live because: Expired on 2024-04-23T06:11:38Z home:justkidding (Fedora_40) 2.4 kB/s 1.1 kB 00:00 GPG key at (0x759F9361) is already installed The GPG keys listed for the "home:justkidding (Fedora_40)" repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package. Check that the correct key URLs are configured for this repository.. Failing package is: ueberzugpp-2.9.5-1.1.x86_64 GPG Keys are configured as: Error: GPG check FAILED 
I tried using --nogpgcheck, doesn't fix it. It worked fine of fedora 38 before I updated.
submitted by NorseManGef to Fedora [link] [comments]