Examples of farewell messages

Noah's Ark

2019.05.11 05:38 Nardo318 Noah's Ark

Have you ever seen some horrible acts from humanity and wished for a second flood to end humanity? Give God a reason to send the flood. https://discord.gg/u3Wehzt

2022.08.26 16:14 sinbad3140 Character.AI

Character.AI lets you create and talk to advanced AI - language tutors, text adventure games, life advice, brainstorming and much more.

2013.06.06 21:26 tara1 Humans just being bros

A place for sharing videos, gifs, news stories and images of people being total bros.

2024.05.14 18:48 Neat_Weekend_7671 What am I doing wrong while trying to have WebSocket connection with flutter ?

I dont know what is the problem here , and the error is displayed in both Flutter and golang. However, the same url works perfectly in POSTMAN app so I am assuming there is something wrong in flutter code.
import 'package:fluttematerial.dart'; import 'package:web_socket_channel/web_socket_channel.dart'; import 'package:web_socket_channel/io.dart'; // Import this for Flutter Desktop or Flutter Web final channel = WebSocketChannel.connect(Uri.parse('ws://localhost:8000/ws')); void main() { runApp(const MyApp()); } class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { const MyApp({Key? key}) : super(key: key); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( home: Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: const Text("WebSocket Example"), ), body: Center( child: StreamBuilder( stream: channel.stream, builder: (context, snapshot) { if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.waiting) { return const CircularProgressIndicator(); } else if (snapshot.hasError) { return Text('Error: ${snapshot.error}'); } else { final data = snapshot.data; return Text(data != null ? data.toString() : 'No data'); } }, ), ), ), ); } } //error : Performing hot restart... 406ms Restarted application in 408ms. Error: WebSocketChannelException: Instance of 'WebSocketException' dart-sdk/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/private/ddc_runtime/errors.dart 330:10 createErrorWithStack dart-sdk/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/patch/core_patch.dart 337:28 _throw dart-sdk/lib/core/errors.dart 120:5 throwWithStackTrace dart-sdk/lib/async/zone.dart 1386:11 callback dart-sdk/lib/async/schedule_microtask.dart 40:11 _microtaskLoop dart-sdk/lib/async/schedule_microtask.dart 49:5 _startMicrotaskLoop dart-sdk/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/patch/async_patch.dart 181:7  
Golang code :
package main import ( "fmt" "net/http" "github.com/go-chi/chi/v5" "nhooyr.io/websocket" ); func ws_connection(w http.ResponseWriter,r *http.Request){ con,err:=websocket.Accept(w,r,nil); if err!=nil{ fmt.Print("connection can't be etablished. orry:!") } //defer con.Close(websocket.StatusGoingAway,"sayo nara"); fmt.Print("connection channel is etablished\n\n"); str :="hello"; err=con.Write(r.Context(),websocket.MessageText,[]byte(str)); if err!=nil{ fmt.Print("the messsage can't be written"); } str=str+"a"; } func main(){ ws_mux:=chi.NewRouter(); ws_mux.Get("/ws",ws_connection); http.ListenAndServe(":8000",ws_mux); } 
submitted by Neat_Weekend_7671 to flutterhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:22 mysteriousflu Read this if you are ashamed

Read this is your ashamed!
Hi! I am a 26 year old female and I just want to say, I think a lot of the reason people are ashamed to be a lesbian is because of the collective weirdness of the community. I personally live a very “normal” life. I am engaged, and my fiancé and I come home and watch TV and cook dinner and go on dates. Neither of us are obsessed with the fact that we are lesbians, and looking at us we both would seem very straight passing. We don’t hide the fact that we are together at all but it just isn’t this massive thing that defines me. We both want normal things out of life, comfortable job, a family, nice house etc.
I think the reason people are ashamed is because they see examples of these off the wall lesbians and do not want to be associated with something so counterculture- there is nothing wrong with this kind of person, but I believe most people just want a normal life and don’t have a desire to be edgy, angry, or change the way they look just to be accepted by others.
This is just a message to lesbians who feel ashamed for the same reasons I used to. Anyways- don’t be ashamed. Just live your life!
submitted by mysteriousflu to LesbianActually [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:19 tempmailgenerator Implementing Direct Email Functionality in Flutter via PHP

Exploring Email Integration in Flutter Apps

Integrating email functionality within Flutter applications offers a seamless way for users to communicate directly from their mobile or web applications. Flutter, being a versatile framework for building natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase, provides developers with a plethora of options for incorporating external services such as email. This capability is especially crucial for apps requiring user verification, support communication, or the ability to send notifications directly to users' email addresses. By leveraging Flutter's robust ecosystem, developers can enhance user engagement and provide a more cohesive application experience.
On the other hand, PHP stands as a powerful server-side scripting language that's widely used for web development and can serve as a backend for sending emails. Combining PHP with Flutter enables developers to create a secure and efficient email sending mechanism. This integration allows for handling the email sending logic on the server side, thereby offloading the heavy lifting from the client application. It ensures that the email functionality is not only efficient but also secure, as it leverages PHP's advanced features for email delivery, including handling SMTP protocols and securing email content against potential vulnerabilities.
Command/Function Description
mail() Sends email from a PHP script
SMTP Configuration Server settings for sending email
Flutter Email Package Flutter package for sending emails

Enhancing Communication in Flutter Applications

Integrating direct email functionality into Flutter applications opens a new realm of possibilities for app developers and business owners. This feature is not just about sending messages; it's a strategic tool for enhancing user engagement, providing support, and facilitating transactions. For instance, a Flutter app that allows users to directly contact customer support or receive transactional emails without leaving the app significantly improves the user experience. This direct line of communication can be crucial for feedback collection, user retention, and even for marketing purposes. By implementing email functionalities, developers can craft personalized user journeys, send updates, or promotions directly to their users' inboxes, thereby fostering a stronger connection between the user and the application.
From a technical standpoint, the integration of email services within Flutter apps involves a combination of client-side and server-side operations. While Flutter provides the frontend interface, the backend, possibly powered by PHP, handles the actual email sending process. This separation of concerns not only makes the application more scalable but also enhances security by keeping sensitive information on the server side. Furthermore, it allows for more complex email functionalities to be implemented, such as automated emails triggered by specific user actions or scheduled newsletters. By leveraging these capabilities, developers can create more dynamic, responsive, and engaging applications that stand out in a crowded digital landscape.

Email Sending Function in PHP

PHP Scripting

Flutter Email Integration

Flutter Development
import 'package:flutter_email_sendeflutter_email_sender.dart'; final Email email = Email( body: 'Email body', subject: 'Email subject', recipients: ['example@example.com'], cc: ['cc@example.com'], bcc: ['bcc@example.com'], attachmentPaths: ['/path/to/attachment.zip'], isHTML: false, ); await FlutterEmailSender.send(email); 

Streamlining Email Capabilities in Flutter Apps

Implementing email functionality within Flutter applications offers a significant advantage, providing a direct and efficient communication channel between the app and its users. This feature can elevate the overall user experience, offering immediate access to support, information, and services directly through email. The integration facilitates various functionalities such as account verification, password resets, notifications, and promotional communications, which are essential components of modern mobile applications. It not only enhances user engagement but also supports a robust framework for personalization and targeted communication strategies.
The technical integration of email services in Flutter involves leveraging existing packages and server-side technologies like PHP for backend processing. This approach ensures a secure and scalable system for handling email operations, including sending and receiving emails, managing templates, and automating communication flows based on user actions or preferences. Moreover, the ability to incorporate advanced features, such as attachments, HTML content, and custom headers, allows developers to create a comprehensive email solution that can adapt to various business needs, making Flutter an even more versatile platform for app development.

FAQs on Email Integration in Flutter

  1. Question: Can Flutter apps send emails without opening a mail client?
  2. Answer: Yes, by using backend services like PHP to handle the email sending process, Flutter apps can send emails directly without requiring the user to open a mail client.
  3. Question: Is it secure to send emails from Flutter apps?
  4. Answer: Yes, when implemented correctly with secure backend services for email sending, it's secure. It's crucial to ensure data protection and privacy measures are in place.
  5. Question: How can I implement email functionality in my Flutter app?
  6. Answer: Implementing email functionality involves using Flutter packages for email sending and configuring a backend service (like PHP) to process and send emails.
  7. Question: Can I send emails with attachments from Flutter apps?
  8. Answer: Yes, emails with attachments can be sent from Flutter apps by handling attachment uploading and email sending on the server side.
  9. Question: How do I handle email templates in Flutter?
  10. Answer: Email templates are usually managed on the server side (e.g., PHP). The Flutter app can trigger emails based on user actions, and the server processes the template sending.
  11. Question: Can Flutter apps receive emails?
  12. Answer: Directly receiving emails within a Flutter app is not typical; instead, email interactions are usually managed through backend services.
  13. Question: What are the best practices for sending emails from Flutter apps?
  14. Answer: Best practices include using secure and reliable backend services, ensuring user data protection, and providing clear user consent for email communication.
  15. Question: How can I test email functionality in Flutter during development?
  16. Answer: Use testing and development services like Mailtrap to simulate email sending and receiving without spamming real users.
  17. Question: Are there any limitations to email integration in Flutter?
  18. Answer: The main limitations stem from the backend email service used (e.g., rate limits, security policies) rather than Flutter itself.
  19. Question: Can email functionality in Flutter be used for marketing purposes?
  20. Answer: Yes, with proper user consent and adherence to email marketing regulations, Flutter apps can utilize email for promotional communications.

Final Thoughts on Flutter's Email Integration Capabilities

Email integration within Flutter applications represents a pivotal enhancement in how developers can interact with their user base. By facilitating direct email communications through the app, developers unlock a myriad of functionalities that significantly contribute to the user experience. Whether it's for verification, support, or marketing purposes, the ability to send and manage emails directly can drive engagement, improve customer support, and boost the overall utility of the application. Moreover, the combination of Flutter's frontend flexibility and PHP's robust server-side processing offers a balanced approach to implementing these features securely and efficiently. As mobile applications continue to evolve, integrating such comprehensive communication tools will be crucial for developers looking to create more interactive, user-friendly experiences. This capability not only demonstrates the versatility of Flutter as a development platform but also highlights the importance of effective communication channels in the digital age.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:10 bananabelle69 What is the general etiquette around using others' fanart?

Hello! I'm relatively new to fanbinding and I really want to be respectful. I feel pretty comfortable with all the bookbinding/fanfic etiquette, but this seems to often be much more explicitly stated. For example, many fanfic authors have clear policies on AO3 about what they allow to be done with their work (i.e. can be bound for personal use or not, etc.)
I can't really find any generally accepted 'rules' of etiquette for using fanart, and I haven't seen any similarly clear individual policies on the artists I've been following. I've reached out to a few but have yet to hear anything back (they have large followings so my messages quite likely will be missed.)
For the record, I do NOT take commissions or make money off binding in any way (in fact, it's a pretty expensive hobby lol) and all my projects are for personal use, gifts, or trade.
  1. Is it ok to use publicly posted (like IG, tumblr) art for a bind (cover or typeset) as long as I very clearly credit the artist?
  2. Do I need to reach out to each artist individually if I'd like to use their work in a personal bind?
  3. Is it just an absolute 'no' to be using any public art that was not personally commissioned by me?
I am really against AI art ethically (just my opinion, not trying to start an argument) so I personally do not want to use that ever, and I will happily be commissioning art from time to time but it is of course very expensive (and rightfully so, these artists are so talented!) so I can't do it for every bind. However, being respectful trumps all that so that's why I am asking!
Anyway, this got pretty long, but if anyone has any opinions or knowledge around the questions I asked or even things I didn't ask, please let me know!
submitted by bananabelle69 to Fanbinding [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:01 Sea_Competition3505 Stories that diverge later in canon?

Any stories that diverge later in canon, basically, instead of being outright pre-canon.
For example, The Third Door (Skitter is nominated for the Nine by Jack) or Drift (Sophia and Taylors roles are reversed at the hospital, she joins the Wards). For what i'm not looking for; alt-power Taylor or full on AU settings or the like.
Also at the tip of my tongue but can't remember the name, Taylor chose to stay with the Undersiders instead of surrendering to the PRT after receiving Dinahs message. Would appreciate if anyone could remind me of the name of that too.
submitted by Sea_Competition3505 to WormFanfic [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:58 Rare-Matter-9826 UC agents keep coming up with more random requirements for childcare costs evidence?

So, to give a bit of a background - we have 2 kids - 7 and 2. Both me and my husband have always been working and only started claiming UC last year when the costs of living have become so unbearable to go without. My husband always worked full time and I did about 30 hours a week in pretty inhumane hours to keep the childcare costs as low as possible. Up until sort of September time, the younger one would go to the childminder, but then I got a really good job opportunity, which also meant increasing to full time regular office hours. The childminder didn’t want to work for us 5 days a week, so at the moment the little one does 4 days with her and 1 in the nursery. And it was all fine. I was spending most of my pay on childcare and then getting some of it back through uc, no issues.
But ever since the beginning of this year it just feels like the UC people checking our reported costs are trying to come up with a reason not to pay us. For example: the guidance on the gov.uk states that things like childcare providers registration number or the type of childcare have to only be proven once when you provide an evidence of having a contract with said provider (unless I’m reading it wrong?). It also states that the proof of payment that we provide each month has to include the dates of childcare I paid for, how much and when did I pay it, right?
Suddenly, 4-5 months in they notice that childminder’s invoice doesn’t have her registration number on it, so they can’t pay it? But that’s fine, our childminder is lovely, easy to reach outside her working hours and always helpful, so we got this sorted quickly.
Nearly two weeks ago, I get a message from the agent that I can’t claim for both providers for the most recent payments because the invoices don’t include the dates to show that we’re claiming for different days. I’ve replied within an hour to point out that the childminder’s invoice clearly states Monday-Thursday childcare, while the nursery one has a list of dates which are all Fridays, so it’s clear that they are all different days. They now (literally a day before our cut off) came back to me stating that the invoices need to include more detail, like ‘whether or not meals are provided’. I’m sorry, what? I read through that guidance like 7 times and I just can’t find any information about having to prove who provides my child’s food. And how has this never been an issue before?
Am I being stupid here or are they just trying to come up with reasons not to pay? One of the main reasons of me accepting the more hours job was because I was counting on the UC support. I thought the point of the childcare bit of it was to support parents in return to the working force?
submitted by Rare-Matter-9826 to BenefitsAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:55 HobbsRussel How do get a string with regex

Hi community, I'm looking for a cleaner way to get a string, I'd like to use regex if is possible. I need the user_uuid from a api response, in this example, I need to get ae58852-4afa-a9e-a66-e5e8e0 from the Value.AuthUserDetailNew.
This is what I have so far:
const user_uuid = response.Value.AuthUserDetailNew.split('--'); const user_uuid2 = user_uuid[user_uuid.length - 2].split('_'); console.log('user_uuid2::: ' + user_uuid2[user_uuid2.length - 1]); 
This is an example of the response:
const response = { "Value": { "AuthUserDetailNew": "asdf.asdf--asdf.asdf----PM--Registered--jwttokeniXko8u9wlQH/KBxNHRTfN8XR9cWxiVdvoVvgqChtYpaawYdEceUDgvec00reIXuI/J1FBlmCNf8xUYsIcFtiH0qUSqK1V2f3FvAfHwnLAS1WvN8M0yGd7oUThft7sI0kTIIVapbGaMDxfhmSWOWhMTxFii9HXkmBzlIN6FxAOf8CbQs18fY/O2DwPyFPhZHLUMVlfaP/lykcBAV3GhzHbLUvvz9%2BzGPIu9A3niM6XKzGHzxqpoomxA27V0d7qVOkKupJDfxGpijIxb71YyrOA5WcusQuAqqrBI0VYSdSaq0IjyBNVnBrvXEucrRNywSWF7M18GhkjW3EA%2BoECWpGbWpy9cUN9iGTrG/WlDxPp%2BjDcdJ5uOdMfBBjnjZZJO/E/L9wxcrpgij3MAA42%2BLUeBPUYbYtOXPkOqoPbSQaemZwoMuJKkfUGwq5yzDBpSoMEa4Nmv5LRFwTufWDg9bgoVHYLjxTQi9AYtM1no1PpT28AA%2BwTONetZFnJqP1u/wRD%2B3zEaxY0o/6jksBLUTycMi4T483tpg/7GqQvEfIHUyVbjth9fX4G3ZzjbiEUjNzLslNuQ2YitJji40zOKLHJ43%2BsCHKbl5J4PqCmbaZbw/wQ9nKu8sewnGZQwQS6MyJcldCIKNjE0kI1sSpbrz%2BtCEL7QRrnEQNRXRn/cybc%2B1RgeTYcvCNeKL8%2BfZUApJahf3VIFdcpDJ3FEe/KY1BpfA9PKSmxRSpUVhiYchn5pODV544U19eZYEa15ZydNniNHpy5mgXlN4jM8b85irE9y/ivjzYRjb5te6zm3SeCGwHoj9OM4/BneaBFCOCu7NnB5Vj4SO5%2BLrDBRaMuBPPRVwJCDw6CeJhWY=--user_uuid_ae58852-4afa-a9e-a66-e5e8e0--impersonator_user_uuid_", "NoOfAttemptTractions": 0 }, "Success": true, "ResultMessage": "Success" } 
Thank you in advanced!
submitted by HobbsRussel to learnjavascript [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:53 IItzPhantom [UNPAID] 2D Pixel Artist Needed

Hello everyone!
I am working on a top-down shooter / rogue like based on the book of revelations from the bible. I want to include art from all the biblically accurate angels. Themes from the coming of the end, as well as fun and engaging gameplay mechanics for players to fight for their life at the end of times!
I have worked on a few smaller solo projects before (my itch page at the bottom of this post) and I am wanting to expand my scope. As my ambitions increase and my scope follows it, I know that the production quality I want with the art is out of my current skill set. I really want this game to have that WOW factor when the players see the amazing (or horrific) things that are described in the book of revelations. In terms of art style I am willing to compromise for sure, but as of now, what I have in mind is the style of Blasphemous 1 and 2.
Here are some examples of one of the things I would like to see turned into pixel art.
https://imgur.com/a/L1StqXG https://imgur.com/a/Rjg7ylh
That being said I would love a chance to work with someone or perhaps a team of people who either just love the project idea or are looking to hone their skills. I want to work closely with this person to build all the assets from the ground up. Tilesets, Player, NPCS, enemies, animations, main menu, logo, etc. If anyone think this sounds like a fun project please reply here, DM me, or message me on discord at "iitzphantom".
submitted by IItzPhantom to INAT [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:52 KanimalZ High School Career Project!

Yellow y’all, I am a Junior in High School currently in a program my public school has where they send us to another school to take a class. I am taking the Veterinary Science Class and we have been working on a project for a bit now. It is a career project were we research a career we are interested in. There are 2 parts to the project. The first part is the research portion. We research what education we need and were we can go to get it to reach our career goal as well as information about the career relating to what it requires, does it involve travel, how laborious is it, what is needed for it, what are the patient relationships like, what is the social aspect like, the requirements for the career, etc. This is the easier portion for me, but the harder portion I have found is the second part. For the second portion is a grade by itself and contributes to the first parts grade. (Both summative grades) What is required for this second portion is we must find someone who works in the field and contact them about interviewing them on their experiences in the field. (What it has been like for them, what I should know about it, and any tips, tricks, or forewarnings I should know) I had ended up finding a farrier in the area that seemed nice and who is exspeinced and licensed. I had emailed them emailed them explaining who I am, the project I was doing this for, and where I go to school with the class the project was for. I covered everything my teacher had told everyone in the class to do. She had given us a template to use and base our emails off of and I did while changing it up a little bit to be friendly, but keeping the main necessary content in it. I singed off at the bottom of the email with my name again, my email that was used to send this email, and my phone number if she would prefer to use that instead. After about 2 - 3 weeks with no response I sent a follow up email that my teacher also gave us a template for. The email templates we had were made in class as a class. It was part of the creative/business aspect in the project. After about 10 days with no response I was ready to tell my teacher about the situation and ask what to do when I finally got my first and, spoiler alert, only response. She explained that she was traveling and didn’t check her email in that amount of time. She said that she was now trying to ketchup on her email now. In her email to me she said and I quote “Are you interested in learning about traditional horse shoeing? I am a natural hoofcare provider with my focus being barefoot trims. I only have a handful of horses in composite type shoes that I strictly glue on. I do not use nails or work with metal shoes so I am not sure I’d be the best fit if you are planning to attend a horseshoeing school. I can recommend other traditional farriers locally to shadow if that is the direction you may want to pursue. However, if you are interested in a natural barefoot approach then I am happy to chat with you and have you join for shadowing.” End quote. I showed my teacher the email the next day looking for advice as to how I should respond. My teacher said to continue to try and make plans for an interview and potential job shadow that she seemed interested in taking on. My teacher also told me to try and get the other recommendations as well. I then replied to her email saying how I would be happy to learn from her and job shadow with her or at the very least do an interview with her. I also then said how my teacher suggested I ask if I could have the other farrier recommendations. After that I mentioned again how much it would mean to me if she gave me the chance and for her to have a wonderful night. That’s was sent march 17th. Still no reply. After a bit of waiting for a response I tried calling her because in her email she left her number. It went to voicemail so I left a voicemail message saying who I am, my number, project information from my first email, and that I am still interested in the interview and at least a job shadow. I haven’t received a return call or any missed calls. In her voicemail she said if she isn’t able to get back to you within a few days to message her through text, so I did. I was then left on read for about a week until I asked my teacher what to do. She suggested I ask if I can at least interview her over the phone or have her just send me a message of answer to my questions. So that is what I asked her sending the same message through both text and email. I also provided her with example questions that I would be asking in the message. I have been since left on read with no reply. I am now turning to searching for someone new on here to help me. I just need someone to answer a few questions on their experience being a farrier. It would mean so much to me if someone could help me here. I understand everyone here has their own lives and must be busy with such, but this assignment is due may 22nd and today is may 14. I only have 8 days left for this second portion and I hope y’all understand. Sorry this came out to be so long. Please, have a wonderful rest of your day and my email is katelynnzannoni99@gmail.com if anyone can help. Thank you.
submitted by KanimalZ to Farriers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:38 BronxDo How do I admit my feelings to this girl without scaring her away?

I am 24M, she is 24F, we've been friends for 3 years.
A bit of context is required I met (We'll call her Sam) on tinder in early 2021. We chatted for a bit and I ended up getting her instagram and that's where we chatted from that point forwards. Initially we were talking everyday, if not back and forth, then maybe at the start and end of the day as we were both working. Eventually I asked Sam to grab a coffee, she declined (specifically she actually ignored it the first time i asked, I'm not sure whether out shyness, or distrust or whatever, but she made it clear that she didn't have a lot of free time due to study and work when i asked why she ignored it) we continued talking anyway, a few months later, I asked again, I got the same old tune of "i'm soo busy im sorry" kinda vibe and eventually I gave up asking but we remained talking, I still very much liked her and found her pretty.
The talking dwindled, sometimes she'd take 1 or 2 days to get back to me, days became weeks, then there were periods inbetween of hearing from her more freqeuntly, then back to a week, or a day, or several weeks, it fluctuated a lot. I had just accepted that, she probably saw me as an overseas friend (shes an international student) and wouldn't ever be interested in meeting. But still we remained talking, eventually it normalised to talking to each other about once a week, this continued for almost a year I'd say, we'd share occasional funny videos, respond to each others stories and just talk about life.
Fast forward to early 2023, I asked her if she wanted to finally meet up as we'd been talking more recently, and we did. We went to a bar, had some drinks, grabbed dinner and then walked around the city, it was a great night, I felt excited because we finally met each other in person and she was lovely, soft spoken, smart and pretty, she even asked me if I wanted to grab lunch with her the next day during her lunch, and we did, and i thought this is where things would take off, but after that day, things slowly drifted back to the way things were, it would be a year before I saw her again (just this last week) and before that, we had gone months without talking at times (I had an interesting year and a lot of distractions, I'm sure Sam did too) but we still remained talking somewhat, even talking about meeting up again eventually.
Fast forward to last week, we meet up (we tried to earlier but I was going through some heavy stuff for the last 5 months that left me disinterested in taking care of myself, let alone trying to "date") we grabbed dinner, and the night was just great, conversation flowed, we were buying rounds for each other, whilst we were eating she at times would just plonk stuff from her bowl into mine and would tell me "try this", "try that" etc, we then went to get some cocktails at some different bars, we were chatting about music, cars, our lives and stuff, I was smitten by her, we then went and got ice cream and we were sharing them with spoons and then I walked her back to her apartment, hugged, said goodbye (we also promised we'd see each other soon). I was sold that I really liked this girl, shes gorgeous, I love her energy, her sweetness, she is quite literally a breath of fresh air in an unfortunate dating history of mine where I've been strung along/lied to. I LIKE this girl a lot. I can't get her out of my head, we talked a bit the next day, and now the talking is starting to diminish again, for example we spoke on sunday, then she didnt respond to me til yesterday, which was just a video (she didn't actually reply to anything I said, which isn't totally unusual she has done that before) and I'm just stuck wondering what she thinks of me, everyone I've spoken to said that was a date.
I was going to send her a message the night of that basically would have said that I have feelings for her, and I would want to know if im barking up the wrong tree looking for a relationship with her but was talked out of it by a friend, but eventually I'll have to say something, whether that results in her not wanting any kind of serious relationship or not, I just need to get this off my chest. Any tips for me? Feel free to ask any questions, this is a rather layered story. I know some of you are probably thinking, 'the fuck is wrong with this guy? shes clearly not interested' or 'shes using you' but like man the date/catch up was genuinley so good, that's why im so fucking confused. Is it me? is it her? What should I do?
btw we have agreed to see a movie sometime in the next two weeks. aswell go out to dinner w some of her friends eventually too
TLDR: I have talked to this girl for 3 years, we have met up 3 times, i have feelings for her and the label to what we are is unclear, I need advice on how to admit to her i have feelings without scaring her away, and peoples opinions on whats going on here.
submitted by BronxDo to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:30 ExaminationOdd8421 user_proxy.initiate_chat summary_args

I created an agent that given a query it searches on the web using BING and then using APIFY scraper it scrapes the first posts. For each post I want a summary using summary_args but I have a couple of questions:
  1. Is there a limit on how many things can we have with the summary_args? When I add more things I get: Given the structure you've requested, it's important to note that the provided Reddit scrape results do not directly offer all the detailed information for each field in the template. However, I'll construct a summary based on the available data for one of the URLs as an example. For a comprehensive analysis, each URL would need to be individually assessed with this template in mind. (I want all of the URLs but it only outputs one)
  2. Is there a way to store locally the summary_args? Any suggestions?
    chat_result = user_proxy.initiate_chat( manager, message="Search the web for information about Deere vs Bobcat on reddit,scrape them and summarize in detail these results.", summary_method="reflection_with_llm", summary_args={ "summary_prompt": """Summarize for each scraped reddit content and format summary as EXACTLY as follows: data = { URL: url used, Date Published: date of post or comment, Title: title of post, Models: what specific models are mentioned?, ... (15 more things)... } """
submitted by ExaminationOdd8421 to AutoGenAI [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:24 olivethepurple02 Horrible first day experience... help please!

I started a new nannying job today and I already want to leave this family. For context, it's 4 kids and I'm looking after the youngest who just turned 3. I met the family once for coffee and a tour of the house before starting.
At the initial meeting a few weeks ago, I got some weird vibes I couldn't really describe, it just felt "off". There's a language barrier between myself and the dad, he speaks Spanish and not great English. This was fine albeit a little hard to understand and he made some jokes I didn't get at this first meeting. The older kids seemed quite naughty but the mum seemed to find this adorable, laughing at them “being cheeky etc”. I didn't really take this as a red flag though because I'm only having the little one and he seemed absolutely fine. I also got a vibe that the dad is quite controlling because he was very rude to the mum but put it down to a bad day potentially.
Cut to today and instantly the dad makes me feel uncomfortable with the amount he stares and how close he got to me whenever he spoke to me or NK. Forgot to say both parents are working from home. He came across just a bit too friendly at first, but then said something in Spanish and asks NK to repeat. The dad asked if i know what it meant and i said no, and he says "it means beautiful" and pointed at me. It was in the context of also calling his son handsome but i feel it crossed a line.
He also continued to make toilet humour jokes with NK throughout the day. Now, i'm not a prude or afraid of a fart joke but it seemed excessive, almost like a teenager showing off if that makes sense. Just added to the level of discomfort.
I also noticed a continuation of the rude behaviour towards the mum today. Dad tracked mud through the house and she got understandably a little frustrated but nothing more than "you're making a mess please be careful" and he literally shushed her and said "be quiet I'm talking". There were further nasty comments like that and at one point she told him needed to go back to work and asked if that was okay, only for him to ignore her 3 times. It seems like such a horrible dynamic and made me feel really bad for her.
NK also had awful tantrums when he didn’t get his way, for example, he asked for a second yogurt after lunch and I explained that he’d already had dessert. I’m fully aware that toddlers have tantrums- I've nannied for 7 years- but I’ve never seen a child act this way. He wouldn’t stop screaming and swiped everything off the table before I could catch him then preceded to try and knock down every single dining room chair. I held the chairs so he couldn’t and this made him even worse, biting and scratching me to the point of taking a small chunk of skin out my finger and causing my arm to bleed. He then ran over to a cabinet and tried to smash everything on it (pictures, toys and decor) and when I picked him up he slapped me in the face. I put him down at this point because he was trying to grab my hair and he began smashing his head against a wall. I’ve never seen a child do that before and it was really concerning how he looked at me before doing it over and over. I stayed calm and firm throughout but it left me very upset and feeling like a failure.
Both parents witnessed a further tantrum of the same type when he dropped a toy and I didn’t pick it up within 0.1 seconds. He threw everything off the table and smashed his head in to the chair, screaming and trying to hit everyone. I expected the parents to discipline or at least show me their tricks for dealing with an obviously challenging child, but the mum found it adorable and said nothing, just laughed it off, and the dad just riled him up more by laughing and tickling him. They both made it so much worse and then left me with him which he obviously didn’t like, so would begin screaming and hurting me again. Towards the end of the day I needed to change his soiled nappy. He didn’t want to go upstairs and began lashing out again so I picked him up quite tightly to take him up, and he slapped me in the face again as well as making my other arm bleed in 2 places. There's zero discipline from the parents who can obviously hear this going on. I didn't say he'd hurt me but they must have heard me saying ouch when he made me bleed. I felt like saying what had happened wouldn't go well with how angry the dad seems to be.
At that point my gut was saying this isn’t a good fit for me and I don’t want to go back. I haven’t told the parents about the cuts NK gave me but I’m wondering if I should in my message saying I don’t want to come back. I'm not one to quit something for no reason but experience has taught me to trust my gut. Any advice on what to say in the message would be great. I want to be respectful because of course I don’t know what’s going on for them but the vibe is so off that I really don’t feel comfortable going back.
submitted by olivethepurple02 to Nanny [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:16 tempmailgenerator Troubleshooting SMTP Authentication Errors in Django

Understanding Django's Email Sending Issues

Email integration in Django applications is a common feature, allowing for a range of functionalities from sending notifications to users to password resets. However, developers often encounter SMTP authentication errors when setting up their Django projects to send emails. This issue can stem from a variety of reasons such as incorrect SMTP server settings, the use of less secure apps being blocked by the email provider, or even the Django configuration itself not being properly set up to handle email sending.
Diagnosing and resolving SMTP authentication errors requires a deep dive into the Django settings.py file, understanding the SMTP protocol, and possibly adjusting security settings on the email account being used. This can involve ensuring that the correct host, port, and encryption method are used, as well as configuring Django to use the appropriate authentication credentials. Additionally, understanding the common pitfalls and how to securely manage sensitive information within a Django project is crucial to both the functionality and security of the application.
Command/Setting Description
EMAIL_BACKEND Specifies the backend to use for sending emails. For SMTP, Django uses 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'.
EMAIL_HOST The host to use for sending email. For example, 'smtp.gmail.com' for Gmail.
EMAIL_USE_TLS Whether to use a TLS (secure) connection when talking to the SMTP server. This is usually set to True.
EMAIL_PORT The port to use for the SMTP server. Typically, this is 587 when using TLS.
EMAIL_HOST_USER Your email account you wish to send emails from.
EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD Password for your email account. It's recommended to use app-specific passwords if your email provider supports them.

Exploring SMTP Authentication Errors in Django

SMTP authentication errors in Django can be a significant hurdle in the development process, especially when integrating email functionalities into a web application. These errors typically occur when the Django application attempts to connect to an SMTP server to send an email, but the server rejects the connection due to authentication issues. The root causes of these errors are often multifaceted, involving misconfigured email settings in Django's settings.py file, incorrect SMTP server details, or even the use of an email account with insufficient security settings for external applications. Understanding these errors is crucial for developers, as email sending capabilities are essential for tasks such as user registration, password resets, and notifications.
To effectively resolve SMTP authentication errors, developers need to ensure that their Django settings are correctly configured with the right email backend, host, port, and security settings. It's also important to verify that the email account used for sending emails permits connections from external applications. Some email providers require setting up an app-specific password or enabling less secure app access for such connections. Additionally, debugging these issues may involve consulting the SMTP server's logs to identify the exact nature of the authentication error. By addressing these aspects, developers can establish a reliable email sending setup in their Django applications, enhancing the functionality and user experience of their web applications.

Configuring Django for SMTP Email Sending

Python/Django setup

Unraveling SMTP Authentication Challenges in Django

SMTP authentication errors in Django can perplex developers, particularly when their web applications fail to send emails as expected. These errors often stem from incorrect configurations within the Django settings, specifically within the EMAIL_BACKEND, EMAIL_HOST, EMAIL_PORT, EMAIL_USE_TLS, and EMAIL_HOST_USER settings. Additionally, such issues may arise due to the email service provider's security protocols, which may block login attempts from what it deems unsecure apps. This necessitates a thorough review of both Django's email configuration and the email account's security settings. Understanding the intricacies of these configurations is essential for developers to ensure their applications can reliably send emails, which are crucial for functions like user authentication, notifications, and system alerts.
Beyond configuration, developers must also be mindful of the SMTP server's requirements and the need for accurate credentials, including the correct use of app-specific passwords for services like Gmail. The complexity increases when deploying Django applications to production environments, where differences in network configurations can further complicate SMTP connections. Debugging these errors requires a methodical approach, including checking for typos in environment variables, ensuring that firewalls or network policies do not block SMTP traffic, and sometimes liaising with email service providers to understand their security measures and requirements. By tackling these challenges, developers can enhance the robustness and reliability of their Django applications' email functionalities.

Common SMTP Authentication Queries in Django

  1. Question: Why am I getting SMTP authentication errors in Django?
  2. Answer: This could be due to incorrect email settings in Django, such as the EMAIL_HOST, EMAIL_PORT, or EMAIL_HOST_USER, or because your email provider is blocking the connection.
  3. Question: How do I configure Django to send emails?
  5. Question: What are app-specific passwords and do I need one for Django email sending?
  6. Answer: App-specific passwords are unique passwords for accessing your email account from third-party apps. Yes, you might need one if your email provider requires it for added security.
  7. Question: How can I troubleshoot SMTP authentication errors in Django?
  8. Answer: Check your Django email configuration settings, ensure your email account allows less secure apps (if applicable), and verify your internet connection and SMTP server details.
  9. Question: Can firewall or VPN settings affect Django's ability to send emails?
  10. Answer: Yes, firewall or VPN settings can block SMTP ports, preventing Django from sending emails. Ensure that your network allows traffic on the necessary ports.
  11. Question: Is it necessary to use EMAIL_USE_TLS or EMAIL_USE_SSL in Django?
  12. Answer: Yes, these settings enable encryption for email communications, which is essential for security, especially if you are sending sensitive information.
  13. Question: How do I know if my email provider is blocking Django from sending emails?
  14. Answer: Check your email account for any security alerts or messages about blocked sign-in attempts, and consult your provider's documentation on allowing access to less secure apps or setting up app-specific passwords.
  15. Question: Can incorrect EMAIL_PORT settings prevent Django from sending emails?
  16. Answer: Yes, using the wrong port can prevent your application from connecting to the SMTP server. Common ports are 25, 465 (for SSL), and 587 (for TLS).
  17. Question: How does using a third-party email service like SendGrid or Mailgun compare to configuring Django's SMTP for email sending?
  18. Answer: Third-party services often provide more robust delivery infrastructure, analytics, and easier configuration but require integrating their API into your Django project.
  19. Question: What should I do if my emails are sent from Django but not received?
  20. Answer: Check your spam folder, verify email addresses for typos, and confirm that your email server isn't on any blacklists. Additionally, consult SMTP server logs for clues.

Final Thoughts on SMTP Authentication in Django

Addressing SMTP authentication errors in Django is a pivotal task for developers, ensuring that their web applications maintain crucial email functionalities. These errors, often rooted in configuration mishaps or stringent email provider security measures, can hinder the application's ability to communicate with users effectively. The key to overcoming these challenges lies in meticulous configuration of Django's email settings, understanding the nuances of SMTP protocols, and adhering to email providers' security requirements. Additionally, exploring third-party email services can offer alternative solutions with added benefits such as improved deliverability and analytics. Ultimately, the ability to diagnose and resolve SMTP authentication issues will significantly enhance the robustness and reliability of email communications within Django applications, thereby enriching the user experience and supporting essential application features like notifications, password resets, and user verification processes.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:11 Vince_- List of features and ideas I've compiled over my time playing R6S

I'm a big fan of R6S and put a ton of hours into this game. I've compiled a list of the desired features I would truly like the devs to implement into R6S.
In my opinion, many more features can still be added to make this game even better, as you'll see below, that can help Ubisoft not only gain more financially to ensure the shelf life of this game and to show our support (aside from whats already there aka battle passes and cosmetics).
So without further ado:
'Voice Guy' Alternatives So you know the voice of the guy that says things between rounds like "Down to ten seconds." "We failed to disable the defuser..." I think it'd be pretty cool if we could purchase different voices. Just imagine if the voice was replaced by Morgan Freeman or Jack Black. You might be saying 'the rights and costs to get a celebrity's voice might be too high. Well, to that I'll say, A) Look at many of the outfits already available for purchase in the R6S store from different franchise IPs. Halo, Street Fighter, Resident Evil, Dead By Daylight, Rick and Morty, Yakuza, etc. B) Ubisoft can just get some of their devs to voice-record them as they already do for some/many operators if they want to save on the rights and costs.
Circle Chat Wheel This feature would benefit console players the most who don't use microphones and you might even see a huge uptick in Deimos' usage too. Currently in R6S, pressing up on the D-Pad on consoles or a certain key on PC would ping a spot. It would be nice to hold up on the D-Pad or a certain key on PC to bring up a chat wheel and select from prewritten set of text messages. Prewritten text can be edited in settings and up to 6 max can be slotted in the wheel. For example, you can prewrite something like 'Someone is roaming the first floor' or 'They're in bombsite B'. For those who worry that trolls can abuse this, A) Only 3 max prewritten messages can be used consecutively before a cooldown timer kicks in requiring players to wait to use it again. B) You can just text mute them. (ps. even though this feature might not benefit PC players as much, it should be there for both console and PC players who prefer it over typing during a tense game for example)
Universal Outfits Currently, I feel as though Ubisoft is losing potential money from a lot of the outfit bundles available in the R6S store. For instance, I love the Master Chief elite bundle, but do I really want to buy it and be forced to use Sledge everytime I want to show it off? No. Going forward, I'd like to see more universal bundle outfits that can be used by any operator the player wants to assign it to (or all if they desire).
Flashlights! More on this later, but allow select operators to be able to add a flashlight as an attachment to weapons that serve one of two purposes (or both). A) Another alternative to blind enemies instead of flashbangs or B) (Again, more on this later, I promise!).
Attackers Spawn Points Freedom Currently, attackers can only choose 2-4 designated spawn points during the operator selection phase and drone phase. Instead, It'd be nice if attackers could choose any spot on the edge of the maps (that allows it) to spawn. This would give attackers more of an advantage from defenders who know the map really well and like to spawn peek the most popular spawn points. It'll add another layer of competitiveness.
Good Standing Immunity I think most people will hate this one, but in my opinion, when you have a good reputation (players with the little fire indicator), they should be immune from mundane reports like 'Report Griefing' to prevent trolls from reporting just because 'they can'. Right now in R6S, someone can just report a player with a good rep for some idiotic reason like the player didn't avenge their death or plays how they want them to. The only way how someone with a good rep can be removed from immunity is if they TK a certain amount of times. No offense to the devs, but you have to put yourselves in the shoes of trolls and not allow them to abuse things like this.
A new operator named Blackout This would require the devs to make every map daytime, no night maps (like Favela or it would need to be adjusted into daytime maps). This attacking operator can turn off the lights entirely in all rooms and corridors, meaning it would be pitch black for everyone if Blackout uses his ability to jam the lights. This ability would last for 15 seconds and can be used twice, and when initiated by Blackout, the lights will start flickering for 5 seconds to allow defenders time to anticipate their strategy. All the other four attacking teammates would be automatically equipped with night vision goggles after the droning phase if Blackout is chosen and they can turn them on/off whenever they please during that round. The only way to see again during Blackout's ability is in use is if, A) Your operator is equipped with a flashlight attachment. B) Defenders break barricaded windows or doors to allow outdoor lighting in. C) You've chosen one of the following defenders: Mute/Bandit/Kaid any lights close to their devices will not be turned off. Solis will be able to see where Blackout is during the blackout when her electro sensor is enabled. Pulse can detect where Blackout or any opponents are if they're close enough. Goyo/Tachanka's fire can add slight visibility to the area. Valkyrie/Maestro's cameras. Defenders can also throw a C4 or Impact grenade at a window to instantly blind the attackers when they have their night vision goggles on. This would add a whole new dynamic to Siege and would make the game feel more tactical.
submitted by Vince_- to Rainbow6 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:10 JunkyardEmperor More songs with meaning - good trend

I think that with all these ongoing scandals this year we really should appreciate the trend - we hear more songs with some real meaning behind them and less songs with generic lyrics about "love love peace peace". For example, Dons with his Hollow sends really strong message and it felt like lyrics meant a lot to the singer (he almost cried in semi-final). Isaak from Germany and winner Nemo with songs about identity searching (as I understand from lyrics). Norway with dark and bloody folk-tale behind their song. The list goes on and on. Plus, songs with generic lyrics now have a tendency to just not qualify - Natalie Barbu being good example this year. I think there is some growing importance of good lyrics and something behind the song to exist - not just random, generic and hollow (yeah, Dons song is probably about this also) text. And that's good. It's called song contest, not just staging or tune contest.
submitted by JunkyardEmperor to eurovision [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:02 BronxDo I have conjured up a rather interesting "situationship", give me advice on how I can be honest with somebody who doesn't appear to know that I have feelings for them.

A bit of context is required I (24,M) met (We'll call her Sam) on tinder in early 2021. We chatted for a bit and I ended up getting her instagram and that's where we chatted from that point forwards. Initially we were talking everyday, if not back and forth, then maybe at the start and end of the day as we were both working. Eventually I asked Sam to grab a coffee, she declined (specifically she actually ignored it the first time i asked, I'm not sure whether out shyness, or distrust or whatever, but she made it clear that she didn't have a lot of free time due to study and work when i asked why she ignored it) we continued talking anyway, a few months later, I asked again, I got the same old tune of "i'm soo busy im sorry" kinda vibe and eventually I gave up asking but we remained talking, I still very much liked her and found her pretty.
The talking dwindled, sometimes she'd take 1 or 2 days to get back to me, days became weeks, then there were periods inbetween of hearing from her more freqeuntly, then back to a week, or a day, or several weeks, it fluctuated a lot. I had just accepted that, she probably saw me as an overseas friend (shes an international student) and wouldn't ever be interested in meeting. But still we remained talking, eventually it normalised to talking to each other about once a week, this continued for almost a year I'd say, we'd share occasional funny videos, respond to each others stories and just talk about life.
Fast forward to early 2023, I asked her if she wanted to finally meet up as we'd been talking more recently, and we did. We went to a bar, had some drinks, grabbed dinner and then walked around the city, it was a great night, I felt excited because we finally met each other in person and she was lovely, soft spoken, smart and pretty, she even asked me if I wanted to grab lunch with her the next day during her lunch, and we did, and i thought this is where things would take off, but after that day, things slowly drifted back to the way things were, it would be a year before I saw her again (just this last week) and before that, we had gone months without talking at times (I had an interesting year and a lot of distractions, I'm sure Sam did too) but we still remained talking somewhat, even talking about meeting up again eventually.
Fast forward to last week, we meet up (we tried to earlier but I was going through some heavy stuff for the last 5 months that left me disinterested in taking care of myself, let alone trying to "date") we grabbed dinner, and the night was just great, conversation flowed, we were buying rounds for each other, whilst we were eating she at times would just plonk stuff from her bowl into mine and would tell me "try this", "try that" etc, we then went to get some cocktails at some different bars, we were chatting about music, cars, our lives and stuff, I was smitten by her, we then went and got ice cream and we were sharing them with spoons and then I walked her back to her apartment, hugged, said goodbye (we also promised we'd see each other soon). I was sold that I really liked this girl, shes gorgeous, I love her energy, her sweetness, she is quite literally a breath of fresh air in an unfortunate dating history of mine where I've been strung along/lied to. I LIKE this girl a lot. I can't get her out of my head, we talked a bit the next day, and now the talking is starting to diminish again, for example we spoke on sunday, then she didnt respond to me til yesterday, which was just a video (she didn't actually reply to anything I said, which isn't totally unusual she has done that before) and I'm just stuck wondering what she thinks of me, everyone I've spoken to said that was a date.
I was going to send her a message the night of that basically would have said that I have feelings for her, and I would want to know if im barking up the wrong tree looking for a relationship with her but was talked out of it by a friend, but eventually I'll have to say something, whether that results in her not wanting any kind of serious relationship or not, I just need to get this off my chest. Any tips for me? Feel free to ask any questions, this is a rather layered story. I know some of you are probably thinking, 'the fuck is wrong with this guy? shes clearly not interested' or 'shes using you' but like man the date/catch up was genuinley so good, that's why im so fucking confused. Is it me? is it her? What should I do?
btw we have agreed to see a movie sometime in the next two weeks. aswell go out to dinner w some of her friends eventually too
submitted by BronxDo to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:57 fabbrunette Why doesn’t Jillian Harris follow Canadian Ad Standards and provide appropriate disclosures on her sponsored posts?

Why doesn’t Jillian Harris follow Canadian Ad Standards and provide appropriate disclosures on her sponsored posts?
It dumbfounds me that this boss babe cannot follow basic rules when it comes to advertisements and sponsored posts, especially when she has a whole fan-girl team that should be reviewing and helping her with the posting process.
Firstly, this promo package she received is NOT a PRESENT, it is PAYMENT:
  • Payment means any form of consideration, including financial compensation or other arrangements, such as provision of free products (see definition of Material Connection).
  • The disclosure guidelines apply to all exchanges of value between an advertiser—or a party working on behalf of an advertiser—and an influencer. This may include free products, monetary exchange, or other perks with the expectation— explicit or implied—that a promotion or inclusion of the advertiser’s products in a post occurs.
A post like this requires a DISCLOSURE and disclosures should be CLEAR, conspicuous and easy to understand:
  • Hashtags that have been recognized as clear and widely accepted include:

    ad, #sponsored, #XYZ_Ambassador, #XYZ_Partner (where “XYZ” is the brand name)

  • Where the influencer receives payment other than financial compensation, such as free product or an exclusive invite, and the influencer talks about the product or the event, they should disclose the nature of the material connection in order to be transparent, such as #GiftedProduct.
There is no guarantee that consumers are LISTENING to the stories videos - many people keep them muted and read through or read the captions, which Miss Jillian Harris does quite often- except when it comes to this story - she doesn’t use captions, and the only text on the page is the brand and other partnered influencer. Where is the “gifted item” or “sponsored post” type?
  • There is no guarantee that viewers will read, hear or see a message unless it is presented prominently at the beginning of a piece.
  • Some mediums may require both visual and audio disclosures. Disclosures should be written, said, and/or displayed somewhere it can be easily read, heard, or seen. • For example, Facebook/Instagram videos often play without sound, so a visual disclosure would be needed within the video itself in addition to disclosure within the caption. For Instagram photo posts, inclusion in the caption should suffice.
  • Don’t: Simply “tag the brand” - Effective Disclosure Tips: • Some influencers only tag their sponsors, some tag brands with which they have no relationships, and some do a bit of both. Viewers cannot be sure that simply tagging a brand indicates material connection.
So why does this matter? In many other countries, these ad standards have become punishable under law. In Britain, influencers have to disclose disclose disclose or they receive complaints and will be fined if there are continuous complaints against them (such as not disclosing hotel stays). There is a ton of information online about all of this.
Why does this matter? Influencers with much less followers are bound by these guidelines - brands and agencies partner with “smaller” influencers and as part of their contract explain EXACTLY what needs to be written and disclosed - because it is not only on the influencer but also on the BRAND to ensure these standards are being followed.
So why can’t Jillian Harris, self-proclaimed story-teller and full-time influencer, do her job right? Does she truly believe she’s ABOVE basic standards, which are put in place to protect consumers from big brands and influencers?
Hey Jill! I know you read here - here is the Canadian ad standards done in a really easy-to-read manner for you and your team to study: https://adstandards.ca/wp-content/uploads/AdStandards-Influencer-Guidelines-EN-2023-FIN.pdf
I mean, you’ve only been doing this for, what, 12 or 14 years? About time someone showed you how it’s supposed to be done.
Also, way to hide the camel toe and cheeky bum with the brand names - but no disclosures!
submitted by fabbrunette to JillianHarrisSnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:50 Even-Adhesiveness322 Are you employee of small to medium size business and Looking for CRM and Marketing App? we will give you 30 days free trial.

Sorry for the long post and I hope you take time to read this.
We are an emerging marketing consultancy in the UAE, dedicated to fortifying small to medium-sized businesses by enhancing their sales through effective marketing strategies. We optimize processes, aiding them in elevating their business by leveraging our comprehensive digital marketing solutions. We also offer training sessions for new customers to acquaint them with our marketing tools and strategies.
so basically our application is an all-in-one where you can integrate all your company's social media flatform into one application.
Example: You have meta, whatsapp, mails, linkedin, and SMS. when you connect it to our application, anyone who message you will be added to your contact and it's easier to for the users to transform and inquiries to a lead.
We are not offering just this feature, we also have an Calendar, Online-Consultation, AI integration, Automation, AI calling features (where AI will automatically give a call to the leads to gather information, like setting an appointment for you make the job much easier), Marketing (where you can plan your social media posts and contents), Online payments, reporting, opportunities, and more.
Basically anything you need in one application. Aside from that, we are offering unlimited user, so ideally if you have 10 people who do the admin, marketing and etc. You don't need to purchase subscription for each of them.
you can visit our link below:
submitted by Even-Adhesiveness322 to UAE [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:37 Kraaiboy 90's feeling, give me my life back! [Success story]

Hi everyone!
👀 I had already written a post to share with you my long-term detox method. I've been applying it for 4 months now, and it's quite incredible. I'm writing this message to give you feedback. Yes, I "succumbed to temptation" a few times, for example, to quickly make bank transfers, or to reply to some messages while comfortably seated on my couch. But those times were few, and I quickly realized that they were exceptional, so I would quickly put the phone back in the hallway of my apartment afterward. It's like take off your shoes or coat before entering home. 📌 Most of the time, I stick to what I've set up, and the well-being that comes from it is beyond what I hoped for. I come home from work and I'm at home, without distractions. I've even gotten into the habit of not immediately turning on my computer. I clean, exercise, listen to a record, meditate, write, read, and as a last resort, I turn on the computer (which can happen, it's a tool after all, and I really do need it often to watch a movie, listen to music, or take care of administrative tasks, make purchases, etc.). ♾️ Yesterday, I came home and I was like "transported" by the silence. Knowing that my phone is out of reach calms me. My overall anxiety has greatly decreased. Knowing that no one can disturb me. I took my e-reader and read for an hour sitting on a chair with the sound of the rain outside, fully in the moment, instead of wasting time on YouTube videos or Instagram feeds that I don't care about. It was magical, a moment for myself, to settle down, to refocus, a real "90's feeling". I also do this a lot during solitary walks without my phone (or in airplane mode at the bottom of my bag). As it turns out, the solution exists, it's within reach. Disconnecting. I still have progress to make on YouTube videos and using my computer, but I already feel much better. More present, in reality. 👉 As a reminder, my phone is in grayscale, I have TouchID on most apps to slow myself down, Apple's screen time feature, and ScreenZen on top of that. I removed Instagram, I just have Tumblr and Pinterest on it, in terms of social networks, and Signal/Whatsapp.
Maybe it's because I work all day long on a computer at work, but unless it's for write or watching movies, I really feel that screens (and not only computers) are toxic in a lot of ways. They suck our energy, focus, desire. It's awful. I hope this message motivates some of you to try my method and above all, to free yourselves from this digital life that isn't worth it.

submitted by Kraaiboy to nosurf [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:36 TheBlaringBlue The Art of the Rap Battle

Eivor is a bit of a strange protagonist.
She’s basically flawless and without blame. She’s brash and bold, proud and unashamed — brave and wise far beyond her years, yet able to be soft and compassionate when not brandishing spears. She’s got a knack for leadership, a strong moral compass and an even stronger muscular system with which to enact justice.
And she’s got bars?
As someone not deeply versed in medieval European histories, imagine my shock and confusion upon discovering that Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla included rap battling.
My first experience with Flyting had me asking so many questions about what I just witnessed that I couldn’t wait to begin Googling. I figured flyting probably was historically accurate, but if that’s the case, then what else can it tells us about the medieval warrior and about Eivor’s characterization?
I set off to find out.
Wikipedia and howstuffworks combined gave me a robust definition of flyting.
A ritual, poetic exchange of insults practiced mainly between the 5th and 16th centuries. Examples of flyting are found throughout Scots, Ancient, Medieval and Modern Celtic, Old English, Middle English and Norse literature involving both historical and mythological figures. The exchanges would become extremely provocative, often involving accusations of cowardice or sexual perversion.
The idea behind flyting was to influence public opinion of the participants and raise both of their profiles. And each participant wanted to make himself look better than the other, even if they were friendly.
Not only that, but flyting’s also the first recorded use of shit as an insult. That right there is worth this whole essay and then some.
I came away from those definitions with some small Euphoria, as they reinforce what I already expected from Ubisoft — historically accurate and (arguably) immersive side activities grounded in realism.
Unfortunately, none of the flyting foes that Eivor faces in this fantasy are founded in any real-world flyters. I was particularly frustrated when I realized Fergal the Faceless and Borghild the Alewife’s Bane were fictional features, not real historical fiends of rhythm and rhyme.
Two of Eivor’s syntax competitors are “real” in some sense, however.
In Norse mythos, Odin, Thor, Loki, Freyja and more would handle their Family Matters over a flyte from time to time, dueling wits and words as competition and entertainment.
In fact, one flyte we do see in game — Odin as he flytes over the river with Thor in the Asgard Arc — is likely a reference to a real medieval Norse poem; The Hárbarðsljóð.
In it, Thor jaunts back to Asgard after a journey in Jötunheim. He comes to a junction in which he must jump a large river, and thus hunts down a ferryman to shepherd him across. The ferryman, Hárbarðr, is Odin in disguise. He then begins to diss guys.
Ahem. ‘Guys’ being Thor, obviously.
First, Odin drops a yo-mama joke:
Of thy morning feats art thou proud, but the future thou knowest not wholly; Doleful thine home-coming is: thy mother, me thinks, is dead.
He keeps going, taking more shots than a First Person Shooter, this time saying Thor dresses like a girl:
Three good dwellings methinks, thou hast not; Barefoot thou standest and wearest a beggar’s dress; Not even hose dost thou have.
Thor says watch your mouth before I clap back:
Ill for thee comes thy keenness of tongue, if the water I choose to wade; Louder, I ween, than a wolf thou cryest, if a blow of my hammer thou hast.
Odin replies by saying Thor’s wife is fucking another dude:
Sif has a lover at home, and him shouldst thou meet; More fitting it were on him to put forth thy strength.
The version we play out in game isn’t identical to the real-world poem, but carries some similarities; Thor’s threatening to cross the river to fight Odin as well as his boasting of slaying giants are present in each.
Ratatosk is the only other ‘real’ flyting enemy in Valhalla. While Odin doesn’t flyte with Ratatosk in Norse myth to my knowledge, the flyting against the squirrel is thematically accurate, at least.
Ratatosk’s purpose is to scramble up and down Yggdrasil, scurrying spoken messages from the eagle that sits at its peaks to the snake that slithers at its base. The nature of Ratatosk’s messages is in line with the act of flyting — the mischievous rodent carries falsehoods and aggressive statements to stir up drama and distrust between bird and serpent.
Flyting took place not only in poems and folklore, but in town squares and royal court. It was a facet of medieval life and social interaction. This weaving of prose then, in this time period, seemingly was just about as much of an admired skill as the swinging of a sword. It’s no wonder our unbreakable warrior Eivor is so proficient with word.
Like, really proficient with word.
I mean, I know it’s me choosing the dialogue options, but sheesh, is there anything she can’t do?
Actually, Eivor’s expertise in flyting is strange to me. It feels random and unearned — out of character, even. It comes more unexpectedly than Kendrick Lamar’s Not Like Us.
It probably only feels out of character, however, due to our modern understanding of proficiency with words versus proficiency with might. Our current interpretation of verbal ability compared to physical ability would perceive verbal ability as the ‘softer’ of the two skillsets. Physical strength is typically interpreted as tough and more dominant. You don’t expect to see an MMA fighter composing poetry, do you? The qualities that modern thought attributes to writing and physicality don’t mesh.
But in reality — and historically accurately in Valhalla — medieval warriors weren’t just blind berserkers. They were actually artists, poets and writers.
We’ve already demonstrated how Odin and Thor — Norse myth’s most famous warriors — carried out flyting. Thus, medieval Vikings would’ve surely done the same. Beyond Vikings though, the Illiad contains instances of public, ritualized abuse. Taunting songs are present in Inuit culture while Arabic poetry contains a form of flyting called naqa’id. Further, Japanese Samurai were known to be frequent composers of haiku, while Japanese culture also gave birth to Haikai, poetry in which vulgar satire and puns were wielded.
This historical accuracy ends up eliminating the randomness of Eivor’s flyting ability. Despite her verbal finesse feeling unearned, we can surmise historically that Eivor has practiced the wielding of words plenty in her life before we take over as the player. She’s dedicated time to this.
Now that we know why she has it, we can take a closer look at what it does for her.
So, Eivor can rap. She can match you with her axe or she can match you with her words. She’s just about unbeatable.
Her mastery of words demonstrates on some level that she’s not all Push Ups and might is right. She’s not all bruiser and bluster, burn and berserk. She’s an appreciator of the finer things — the more abstract, mental skills that require brain power, deftness and finesse.
This duality of strength and genius rounds out Eivor into a deeper, richer, more admirable character. More than just raw muscle in pursuit of glory, Eivor’s mastery of verse demonstrates her prioritizing not just her body, but her mind.
And it goes a long way for her.
Eivor can use her prowess with prose to progress past pointless plot points throughout Valhalla’s plethora of arcs and missions. It’s just a stat check in the end, but with enough practice flyting and enough charisma gained, Eivor unlocks new dialogue options that bend the world around her to her will.
Witch hunters in Eurvicscire on the brink of terrorizing Moira can be dispersed verbally rather than brawled or killed. There’s an entire riddle-solving fetch quest in Wincestre that can be skipped completely by telling King Aelfred’s abbot fuck off (figuratively). Eivor’s sharpening of her mind protects her body, saves her time, and allows her to frictionlessly fell her endeavors.
Her articulate advances don’t just alter her into admirability, they allow her to influence people and progression. With semantics from her mouth and twists from her tongue, Eivor can have her way whenever she wishes. In a game this large, I’m only left longing that the opportunity to make use of this charisma wasn’t relegated to niches.
Regardless, if medieval England is butter, Eivor’s tongue is the hot knife that behooves her move through her subduing more smoothly.
It all just goes to show that ̶m̶i̶g̶h̶t̶ flyte is right.
submitted by TheBlaringBlue to AssassinsCreedValhala [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:34 BalkanCastevet Review Godzilla X Kong

As a chapter it is better than the previous one, there isn't that whole part with the multinational managed badly and in a rather childish way, just as there isn't the classic generic human villain. However, Wingard confirms that he does not have the slightest sense of the epic, he does not know how to give a mythology, a strength to the kaiju and the lore he creates. This is due to the timing that the director proves he really doesn't have, there's no breathing space, everything is fast, even the introduction of the Kaiju, including the new ones, has no emphasis, there's no intensity and in general there's a certain lack of eye, knowing how to construct iconic shots. Even when he tries, when he uses long shots showing the whole, the totality of the scenario or the moment from a glance, the final result is never memorable and not even Wingard himself seems to believe it as these moments are hyper fleeting. So the staging is standard, it's a film if the Russos or Col-Serra had directed it I don't think there would have been any differences and that's a bad thing. Skar King's entrance on the scene is too flat especially because we are talking about the main villain, I repeat, there is no visual power, just as there is no drama in the human section either. Jia's pivotal moment, for example, has no awareness, it has no narrative arc, he simply makes the gesture without the direction even building an expressive moment around it. The Iwi tribe is the same, you don't stop to understand how the tribe works, to explore it, to have some characters interact, everything is always fast. Personally I love the Showa era films so of course a Godzilla film doesn't have to be as serious as the recent Minus One, it plays a whole different league to Wingard's film, but the Showa films were the triumph of craftsmanship, Godzilla , the kaiju were deliberately funny, ironic, they were films for children, teenagers, who also gave worthy teachings, they had messages. The problem therefore is not Godzilla and Kong doing wrestling moves or Big G sleeping on the Colosseum, these things are fine and are fun moments of the film in Showa era style, the problem is that it is a bunch of CGI with a scene without actually visual flashes, clearly there are some better shots but overall it travels on the standard, with dynamics that then also deliberately go on the tamarro, which personally I always find it difficult to digest. For example, Mechagodzilla from '74 had a crazy plot and gimmicks, just like other films of the Showa era, where however the awakening of King Ceaser had its intensity, the direction took its time but like the other films of the it was Showa, the films were actually funny, here instead Wingard instills too much of the sensations of a super tamarra pumped up with CGI. Even in the Heisei era, there was still craftsmanship, but in addition to this, when it focused on emotions the films succeeded, Godzilla vs Biollante or Godzilla vs Destoroyah, they managed to trigger emotions, an aspect that Wingard instead always manages in a hasty and without actually even building it up too much. So a big toy all in CGI, without epic, without emphasis, without even who knows what visual and staging flashes, tastes too much like Marvel, and that's a bad thing. I love Godzilla very much, seeing him in films always makes me happy, seeing the clashes between the kaiju I always like but I really don't like Wingard's style. The references to the Showa era are fine, some moments are funny, but the film has that slightly tacky aftertaste, stuffed with CGI which clashes a bit with the spirit of the films Wingard wants to refer to
submitted by BalkanCastevet to u/BalkanCastevet [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:28 OurLadyOfThe18Wheels Characters with specific speech patterns

So I made a fig who speaks a certain way. I left lots of examples in the dialog box and he started out good but has reverted back to normal speech, sometimes way too fancy for his character. Editing dialog helps sometimes but then after one or two messages reverts back. Does anyone have any suggestions to keep it on track?
submitted by OurLadyOfThe18Wheels to FiggsAI [link] [comments]
