Farm town cheat codes

Town of Salem Game

2014.03.10 23:47 thewanderer888 Town of Salem Game

An unofficial community for players of the mafia-style online game Town of Salem and its sequel, Town of Salem 2. Community-run. Moderators are not employees of Blank Media Games.

2024.05.15 15:31 casefilesofVJ The Love Tunnel

Every kid growing up in Gympie in the early 90- 2000s knew about the Love Tunnel.
The love tunnel was located over the hill from the skatepark on the Riverbank. It was a massive storm water drain filled with spray paint and lore unbound throughout the generations; the glowing dick, whose name is the furthest in, the people who live inside, the bull shark that lived under the bridge just outside, all that fun stuff.
It collapsed in the late 2000’s in a flood and was eventually rebuilt, but it was all fancy, modern, safe and not the same. Back in the day it had decades of graffiti, crumbling cement, jagged metal pole framing bent and jutting out from the sides. You know, real character.
I remember when I was just a kid at the skatepark and I spotted a bunch of other kids at the metal grating of a drain. I joined them and gazed down a few metres to some older teenagers, they had trekked through this “love tunnel” under the massive hill all this way. Badass I thought. LEGENDARY.
I talked about it at school, about this mysterious “love tunnel”. It was in view from the road when I crossed the bridge everyday on my daily commutes from the backseat of mums car.
I would gaze down at the weir and see the top of the love tunnel, sliightly hidden from view by a hill. It fascinated me.
I learned all these mysterious tales; this person slept with this person there, someone took a dump at the entrance and some other girl stood in it and now she had a nickname, someone found needles, another found a homeless woman and she screamed at them. I was pumped for the next weekend. I was going to go see it for myself.
I saw too much.
Early Saturday morning I was riding my push bike through town and toward destination adventure! I started out at the skatepark, met up with a few of the regulars, a mix of 5-19y/o everyone on the half pipes and ramps had a code of comrady that I've never found in a public place anywhere else and you always had someone to hang with.
My usual crew slowly arrived through the morning, a bunch of other 10/11 year old misfits like myself and we headed on our first place on our journey, Hungry Jacks. Now we never technically stole, we found a loophole…
One or two would order a stunner meal, then we'd take privilege of the free refills and fill up the empty plastic 4L juice jugs that we all had prepped in our backpacks. Coke and red Fanta for days.
So we got our supplies and headed behind HJ, past the volleyball courts and headed down a bush track down to the river.
We walked along the banks to loop back down to where the bridge was, we passed a few teenagers fishing and a couple other groups of kids swinging from rope swings into the water or huddled in groups smoking things they shouldn't.
We eventually arrived at the weir and the stormwater drain that I had been so intrigued by. The Love Tunnel.
Climbing up the hill and seeing it up close when you were just a tiny human. It was like staring into the dark abyss of hell.
There was a small stream of water flowing out of the big grey cylinder and it was covered in multicolored quotes and crude pictures that was very eye opening at the time.
Our voices echoed as one by one we climbed up the grassy, eroding clay edging that was the makeshift path into the mouth that probably changed each time it rained. Each of us had pulled out clumps of grass that we thought were handholds. If you fell, you fell down an embankment of slippery jagged rocks poking out from the fast flowing river.
So were inside and began to walk a couple of metres in then around us the light abruptly disappeared into complete darkness. And I remember the way the sounds traveled you could feel it through your chest it was mesmerizing.
I remember bravely stepping into the darkness and taking five or six steps in. That thick darkness was something else, I ran myself back to that entrance and light, heart pounding from the adrenaline.
This turned into a game of who could go in the furthest. This stopped when one of the boys screamed out from the darkness in pain.
He was back in the light teary eyed a few moments later wet on one side and feigning a laugh. He'd slipped down and cut open his knee, it was hilarious. We teased him saying he was going to get gangrene and leprosy and a myriad of other ailments we had no idea actually was.
We decided to bail, we forgot torches, we didn't plan that part out too well, and enjoyed the rest of the afternoon being little menaces.
We met the next day with a game plan, we had an array of various sized torches, from small ones that didn't do anything, one of those giant rectangle ones that was our main light source, a couple of handheld ones, one which flickered and the other stopped working before we even got into the tunnel.
We got in safely and tested out our torches and began walking into the unknown. It was pretty much the same as before, but there were strange things, old makeshift bongs, shopping bags, random shoes, a shopping trolley, a mattress that was all moldy and rotted. I still to this day do not understand how people managed to get that shit in there.
We passed a section where someone had thrown a can of red paint all over the walls, the amount of those ‘S’ symbols was more terrifying.
We saw light up ahead, we were passing our first grate. It was kind of daunting looking up towards it. Even getting on each other's shoulders we couldn't reach. There was an array of broken beer bottles and glass was everywhere, under the grate was a dead snake amongst some debris.
We had a debate whether to go further, we ended up going on at least until the next grate, we came to a fork, one seemed like a smaller offshoot so we stuck to the bigger side.
There were more offshoots and we came to a part where the big pipes split off into three under another grate. We gazed up hoping to get an identifier of our location, but all we could see was blue. We called out to see if we could get anyone's attention.
“Cooooweeee” we shouted in unison, the sound echoing in all directions.
We were laughing and having a grand time until something shouted back, something that still shakes me to my core to this day.
Some yobbo crackhead chick in her fifties with this ratty pink tank top that was all stretched half showing her saggy titties. “What the fuck you think you little cunts doing down here.” This chick screeched at us through her few teeth or something along the lines of that. She just exploded at us with a barrage of threats.
We were shocked silenced moving together to make one mass.
One of the boys screamed when a skinny guy emerged from the darkness. He was covered in tattoos with scraggly hair and a beard, he was all crazy eyed and pantless.
Someone yelled out to run and it was all the motivation we needed.
We could hear them screaming and the guy ran after us, we heard glass shattering behind us, they must have thrown a bottle. We were legging it.
We got split up in our running, I fell down, tripping over some rubbish, one mate stayed back to help me, this left us without a torch. We came across the same kid who slipped over yesterday, he had slipped down again cutting open his other knee. He wore those with badges of honor at school, but he was blubbering like a baby at this point.
He had the flickering torch and it disoriented us more than helped, as it turned on and off every time he took a step. I thought we were lost but we found the other grate, then eventually the entrance.
The others were already climbed down, we were soon by their side panting in the grass and wiping away our tears so the others couldn't see.
We ran back over to the skatepark and immediately told every kid we saw.
That was the wildest shit we had ever experienced. Sure we’d seen crazy up on the street but to have it jump out at you from the shadows in a storm water drain was next level.
By that night one of the other boys had spilled to his parents about our escapades and a couple of other mums got phone calls, three got in trouble, two of us didn't, including me.
I never stepped foot back in that tunnel, I swam at the weir more times than I could count afterwards though and never encountered anyone else too sketchy.
I think only a year or two later I saw on the news people dying in storm water drains somewhere else in Aus, we never realized how dangerous they could be back then. Lol.
Every party or get together afterwards it was a crowd favorite to bring up. It was a good conversation starter and joined the tales amongst my friends of the weird shit that happens in ‘Helltown’.
Growing up and looking back they were probably just homeless drug addicts freaked out from a bunch of children's voices yelling out coooweee from the underground where they thought they were alone. That would have scared the shit outta me if I was them.
Good times.
.VJ - in 2012 two women tragically passed away when they were exploring the tunnels and got swept away when a wild storm cell hit. Pictures of the upgraded version of the 'love tunnel' can be found in corresponding news articles.
submitted by casefilesofVJ to TrueScaryStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:18 Brodator Solace UHC Statistics (S1-S33)

Solace Statistics


S1: Cahnner
S2: Permm, iWrekt, Krbreb
S3: DumbThiccNick, risn, Sigtash, soakle
S4: adrmf
S5: FLOWTIVES, marceloifhy
S6: mxrwzndood
S7: FLOWTIVES, Gleoss, Zopho_
S9: Gleoss, Zoroh, ANJELLOH, downkey
S10: Zoroh
S11: Raying, 5ize, lapppp
S12: Zoroh
S13: Gleoss, Zoroh
S14: cnner
S15: adrmf, Bobbytheturtle, brocktober, checog, Lynxo, PotatoPlayer_, zewgle, _carn, 5idekick, downkey, MarcoThePh0enix
S16: PizzqWithAQ, adrmf, spellygod
S17: PupperKun
S18: checog, Crayonix, spellygod, rodfather
S20: LLEANN, LUCRODIUM, _pbo, spellygod, Dcrpy, LZNAR, PotatoPlayer_, Scyles, Zoroh
S21: spellygod
S22: adrmf, retrys, spellygod, jubatyson, KennyTee
S23: lapppp
S24: adrmf, Gleoss
S25: Captureee, Ginzburg, colbay, naseemXBT
S26: xtiger34
S27: kendawg_g, StrengthDMN, FLOWTIVES
S28: PizzqWithAQ, Scyles
S29: PizzqWithAQ, skyzfy, Gleoss, lapppp, MisaSama
S30: brinkwhy, GrassPiece, skyzfy
S31: mxrwzndood
S32: lapppp, LUCRODIUM
S33: BruceTheNinja10, LUCRODIUM, SAYNAR, Dargxn, Dreamfall, Erdql, TheShippFloats, hypcr, lapppp

Runner(s) Up

S2: FLOWTIVES, Gleeming, Scyles
S3: LUCRODIUM, PolarTaco, Raying, ZachConnor
S4: maccwyatt
S5: AiroKun, Cahnner
S6: AvyleZ
S7: benidk, samdave, ZachConnor
S8: lapppp
S9: Dcrpy, IdkKiller, PingBomb, xtiger34
S10: Greninja
S11: AiroKun, FishManIsPotato, hypcr
S12: samdave
S13: brinkwhy, downkey
S14: Bulbexe
S15: IdkKiller, Kartracer, Kelldeo, MisaSama, notrhain, PizzqWithAQ, 5HARPGOD, spellygod, TheSlimeBrother, QuacksL, ToeKun
S16: LZNAR, lapppp, samdave
S17: lapppp
S18: DripGodDavid, hypcr, samdave, tonylmao
S19: Gleoss, Zoroh
S20: _1mmortal_, 4runnermaster, ArcticSeagull, Aybel, bayweafs, carterwarterbear, DeadpoolUHC, Demomaker, Hrray, Lynxo, Gleoss, GodlySteal, Gott_aka_Leonard, Kaismartypants, ilylazaro, Luca_Kgaming, nug17, onstep, RollRealQuick, Colozi, Slooshyy, St0rmplayz, Stravilight, TitaniumDino25, UbiquityHD, WoodFired, ShmeckleBoy, Zebobo10, Zopho_, jubatyson
S22: BENJADDD, FroztiSnowman, IZUR, lapppp, Xifto
S23: soakle
S24: onstep, skyzfy
S25: AiroKun, Greninja, Luca_Kgaming, theTrapDoor
S26: FishManIsPotato
S27: checog, PupperKun, xtiger34
S28: Captureee, dahii
S29: adrmf, Captureee, Ginzburg, GrassPiece, Luca_Kgaming, maccwyatt, derekast, PupperKun, Shm3e, zCent
S30: CipherKai, lamzyk, xtiger34
S31: lamzyk
S32: colbay, tonylmao
S33: _1mmortal_, benidk, carterwarterbear, CHAINGE, flameh, ranmari, ScaryPumpkinFace, Spongey, Supersun_

Most Kills

S2: PizzqWithAQ (9)
S4: adrmf (7)
S6: mxrwzndood (9)
S9: FLOWTIVES, Gleoss (8)
S10: Zoroh (13)
S11: hypcr (11)
S12: willif (8)
S13: Zoroh (15)
S14: FLOWTIVES, cnner (9)
S15: skyzfy (7)
S16: adrmf, spellygod (9)
S17: Strikeroonie, checog (9)
S18: Dargxn (7)
S19: Cirex (11)
S20: Dizzying (9)
S21: lapppp (13)
S22: adrmf (14)
S23: lapppp (10)
S24: Gleoss (8)
S25: Captureee (6)
S26: FishManIsPotato (8)
S27: swishduck, adrmf, PupperKun, kendawg_g, StrengthDMN (5)
S28: adrmf (9)
S29: skyzfy (8)
S30: skyzfy (7)
S31: mxrwzndood (12)
S32: lapppp (7)
S33: lapppp (5)

Most Kills (Team)

S2: iWrekt (3), Krbreb (6), Permm (6)
S3: brinkwhy (4), colbay (3), hypcr (0), StrengthDMN (0)
S4: adrmf (7)
S5: FLOWTIVES (12), marceloifhy (2)
S6: mxrwzndood (9)
S7: FLOWTIVES (11), Gleoss (5), Zopho_ (1)
S9: ANJELLOH (0), downkey (0), Gleoss (8), Zoroh (6)
S10: Zoroh (13)
S11: 5ize (3), lapppp (7), Raying (6)
S12: willif (8)
S13: Gleoss (5), Zoroh (15)
S15: _carn (1), adrmf (6), 5idekick (0), Bobbytheturtle (2), brocktober (0), checog (5), downkey (2), Lynxo (1), MarcoThePh0enix (0), PotatoPlayer_ (1), zewgle (4)
S16: PizzqWithAQ (5), adrmf (9), spellygod (9)
S17: Strikeroonie (9)
S18: checog (5), Crayonix (4), rodfather (2), spellygod (3)
S19: Cirex (11), FLOWTIVES (8)
S20: Senkhi (2), colbay (2), Crayonix (0), Dizzying (9), ethodog (0), FLOWTIVES (4), HUQTER (1), JayNonsense (0), marceloifhy (2), hashtagmat (0), skyzfy (2), theTrapDoor (2), winterf (1)
S21: lapppp (13)
S22: adrmf (14), KennyTee (2), retrys (7), spellygod (3), jubatyson (4)
S23: lapppp (10)
S24: adrmf (7), Gleoss (8)
S25: Captureee (6), Ginzburg (2), colbay (3), naseemXBT (1)
S26: FishManIsPotato (8)
S27: FLOWTIVES (0), kendawg_g (5), StrengthDMN (5)
S28: adrmf (9), upraise (5)
S29: Gleoss (1), lapppp (7), MisaSama (0), PizzqWithAQ (6), skyzfy (8)
S30: brinkwhy (2), GrassPiece (5), skyzfy (7)
S31: mxrwzndood (12)
S32: lapppp (7), LUCRODIUM (3)
S33: BruceTheNinja10 (2), Dargxn (2), Dreamfall (0), Erdql (1), TheShippFloats (1), hypcr (1), lapppp (5), LUCRODIUM (3), SAYNAR (4)

First Blood

S1: Shqkster
S2: downkey
S4: Senkhi
S5: loyaltea
S6: PizzqWithAQ
S7: ERHDude
S8: Emplacement
S9: ArcticSeagull
S10: Lynxo
S11: Zoroh
S12: broccoliar
S14: FearThrows
S16: tonylmao
S17: ghostblurr
S19: xtiger34
S20: DripGodDavid
S21: kirkfr
S22: Strikeroonie
S23: lapppp
S24: Ryfri
S25: soakle
S26: BruceTheNinja10
S28: Stravilight
S29: BruceTheNinja10
S30: benidk
S31: ranmari
S32: willif
S33: Flcnt

First Death

S1: Sigtash
S2: repped
S3: soakle
S4: mxcros
S5: maccwyatt
S6: Suzunexd
S7: NotChewi
S8: DogInCar
S9: ilylazaro
S10: PolarTaco
S11: PizzqWithAQ
S12: StepBroImStuck1
S13: ranmari
S14: remyyyyyy
S15: xDiversity
S16: QuacksL
S17: emi1iano
S18: BackToAfrica
S19: chrisrokay
S20: adrmf
S21: Aybel
S22: _1mmortal_
S23: Vrehv
S24: Slooshyy
S25: idklyn
S26: choiceband
S27: HalfLechuga
S28: Luca_Kgaming
S29: EivLs
S30: retrys
S32: Fcrm
S33: Dreamfall


S1: chimah
S2: Bofishkix
S3: IsoLights
S4: slxps
S5: Emplacement
S6: PwincessVanessa
S7: Charrlottie
S8: BraydenB11
S9: MangoPlayz
S10: Bulbexe
S11: xMisha
S12: Nightshqdee
S13: jjsteeples
S14: BanMoon
S15: Kartracer
S16: Lynxo
S17: ceije
S18: PupperKun
S19: Luca_Kgaming
S20: _pbo
S21: lasdarling
S22: Hpark03
S23: CommanderK22_
S24: omchris
S25: Krbreb
S26: _carn
S27: Slooshyy
S28: Supersun_
S29: TheRealHagrid
S30: PupperKun
S31: dylxnd
S32: soakle
S33: Haydcn

First Damage

S1: Mvte
S2: Scyles
S3: Dredex
S4: chimah
S5: Greatwarrior_
S6: Emplacement
S7: ranmari
S8: dahii
S9: PwincessVanessa
S10: PotatoPlayer_
S11: 5ize
S12: 5idekick
S13: YouCheated
S14: FearThrows
S15: Kelldeo
S16: RohanSmashBro
S17: broccoliar
S18: emi1iano
S19: broccoliar
S20: broccoliar
S21: broccoliar
S22: broccoliar
S23: peppermint
S24: InProper
S25: choiceband
S26: vegis
S27: broccoliar
S28: broccoliar
S29: derekast
S30: dahii
S32: onstep
S33: Dreamfall

Kills & Kill/Death Ratio (KDR)

Too big so linked here (Part 1)
Too big so linked here (Part 2)

PvE Deaths

Gravity (25): SpaceFenix (S2), NotChewi (S7), Slooshyy (S9), Zeko_Kun (S13), Slooshyy (S13), Jkkl (S16), HalfLechuga (S16), Stravilight (S16), MisaSama (S16), solnyy (S16), emi1iano (S17), Glarza (S19), JayNonsense (S20), omchris (S21), 5idekick (S23), idklyn (S25), DumbThiccNick (S26), Sigtash (S27), FishManIsPotato (S27), onstep (S27), MisaSama (S27), adrmf (S27), retrys (S30), dontbow (S30), jasondoa (S30)
Lava (13): DogInCar (S8), kendawg_g (S9), Dargxn (S10), Stornette (S12), QuacksL (S16), ArcticSeagull (S20), Aybel (S21), JIMMY453 (S21), JIMMY453 (S23), Shqkster (S26), Evxn063 (S28), hypcr (S30), spellygod (S32)
Left (11): SariiTaaa (S7), dylxnd (S8), ilylazaro (S9), risn (S11), Cheetah_16 (S11), TPolls (S16), mxcros (S16), K0REDRAG0N (S23), HalfLechuga (S27), Luca_Kgaming (S28), GodlySteal (S29)
Cacedoupamso (6): Haydcn (S8), brinkwhy (S8), toggleuhc (S8), samdave (S8), St0rmplayz (S8), DanishDrill (S8)
Creeper (5): Gleeming (S2), FearThrows (S2), Emplacement (S2), AdonisGaming (S2), FLOWTIVES (S31)
Suffocation (4): Sigtash (S1), repped (S2), bayweafs (S16), PitSolitayrh (S23)
Fire (3): 14flyte (S8), Luca_Kgaming (S8), PolarTaco (S10)
ImChilly (2): ToeKun (S8), AiroKun (S8)
Krbreb (2): RohanSmashBro (S14), Daltun (S14)
Zombie (2): Shqkster (S28), EivLs (S29)
Anvil (1): repped (S3)
Unknown (1): Pahm (S3)
Drowning (1): Dargxn (S5)
Blew Up (1): PizzqWithAQ (S11)
IronGolem (1): StepBroImStuck1 (S12)
Withered Away (1): Slooshyy (S14)
Cactus (1): adrmf (S20)
CaveSpider (1): BEESTARG (S21)
Gamemode (1): omchris (S24)


31(1): brinkwhy (S1-S31)
28(2): FLOWTIVES (S1-S10,S13-S17,S19-S29,S31,S33), benidk (S4-S28,S30-S31,S33)
27(1): lapppp (S5-S25,S27,S29-S33)
26(1): skyzfy (S3,S6-S22,S24-S31)
24(2): Gleoss (S2,S4,S6-S7,S9-S20,S22-S26,S28-S29,S33), carterwarterbear (S8-S10,S12,S14-S33)
23(2): Shqkster (S1-S3,S6-S9,S12-S17,S20,S22,S26-S33), Zoroh (S4,S6,S8-S23,S26-S28,S31-S32)
21(3): soakle (S1-S4,S6-S7,S10-S11,S13,S17-S21,S23-S25,S27-S28,S31-S32), L1GHT1NG (S5-S9,S12,S14-S20,S22,S26-S29,S31-S33), PotatoPlayer_ (S5,S8,S10,S12-S13,S15-S16,S18-S23,S26-S33)
20(5): ranmari (S1,S3-S4,S6-S8,S10-S14,S16-S17,S21,S24-S26,S31-S33), spellygod (S2-S7,S9,S15-S22,S25,S29,S31-S33), DripGodDavid (S6-S7,S9-S11,S13-S16,S18-S21,S23-S24,S26-S29,S31), St0rmplayz (S6-S17,S20-S23,S26-S28,S31), Crayonix (S8-S16,S18,S20-S21,S23-S24,S26-S27,S29,S31-S33)
19(7): Dargxn (S1,S5,S7-S10,S12-S18,S22-S23,S25-S26,S31,S33), HUQTER (S1-S6,S8,S10,S15,S20-S21,S23-S24,S26-S29,S32-S33), LUCRODIUM (S2-S3,S15-S28,S31-S33), adrmf (S4-S5,S9,S11,S15-S16,S18-S29,S31), willif (S5-S10,S12-S17,S20-S21,S23,S25,S31-S33), _carn (S6-S8,S11-S12,S15-S17,S19,S21-S22,S24,S26-S32), RohanSmashBro (S6-S9,S11-S18,S24-S27,S29-S31)
18(6): Stravilight (S1,S5-S8,S10,S12-S13,S16-S17,S19-S21,S23,S26,S28-S29,S31), ArcticSeagull (S2,S6-S10,S12-S17,S20-S21,S24-S25,S27-S28), IdkKiller (S3-S6,S8-S9,S12-S16,S18-S21,S26-S27,S32), WoodFired (S5-S8,S11-S12,S14,S16-S22,S24,S26-S27,S31), onstep (S6-S8,S10,S16,S18-S24,S26-S29,S31-S32), ToeKun (S6-S12,S14-S19,S22,S24-S25,S27,S30)
17(4): kirkfr (S2,S5-S9,S12-S19,S21-S22,S28), DJoee (S5-S7,S15-S16,S18,S20-S21,S24-S31,S33), Slooshyy (S7-S9,S11,S13-S14,S17-S24,S27,S29,S31), HalfLechuga (S9-S10,S12,S14-S16,S20-S22,S24-S29,S31-S32)
16(7): downkey (S1-S2,S8-S16,S18,S21-S23,S31), MangoPlayz (S1-S3,S5-S10,S13-S14,S16-S17,S19,S23,S25), checog (S2,S9,S12,S15-S20,S22,S24-S29), AiroKun (S5,S7-S13,S16-S19,S21,S25-S26,S29), MisaSama (S14-S18,S20-S21,S23-S29,S31,S33), zCent (S14-S19,S21-S24,S27,S29-S33), PupperKun (S17-S20,S22-S33)
15(8): Bulbexe (S2-S10,S12,S14-S15,S17,S19,S24), samdave (S2-S3,S5,S7-S8,S10-S13,S15-S18,S20-S21), DumbThiccNick (S3-S6,S8-S9,S11-S12,S18-S19,S21,S23-S26), hypcr (S3,S5,S11,S13,S15-S16,S18,S21-S25,S28,S30,S33), Lynxo (S4-S6,S8,S10-S13,S15-S21), Cloversss (S6-S8,S12,S14-S15,S19,S22-S24,S27,S29-S31,S33), Luca_Kgaming (S8,S16-S20,S22-S23,S25-S29,S32-S33), bayweafs (S12-S17,S19-S21,S24-S25,S29-S31,S33)
14(7): broccoliar (S1,S10,S12,S16-S17,S19-S22,S27-S28,S30-S31,S33), PizzqWithAQ (S2,S5-S7,S9,S11,S14-S16,S18-S20,S28-S29), Dizzying (S5-S7,S12-S17,S20-S22,S31,S33), _1mmortal_ (S7,S9-S13,S16-S18,S20,S22,S29-S30,S33), remyyyyyy (S10,S14-S22,S25-S27,S29), Kaismartypants (S17,S19-S21,S24-S33), theTrapDoor (S18-S23,S25-S27,S29-S33)
13(7): XERNE5 (S2-S5,S7-S11,S14,S16-S18), xMisha (S5-S7,S9-S12,S14,S17-S20,S23), alcxz (S6-S10,S12-S14,S16,S19,S24,S29,S31), RollRealQuick (S10,S12-S14,S16,S18-S22,S27,S31,S33), BENJADDD (S12-S16,S19,S21-S24,S26,S32-S33), winterf (S12-S14,S16-S20,S22,S25-S26,S28,S31), LUKAD0NCIC (S17-S18,S20-S21,S23-S27,S29,S31-S33)
12(12): PwincessVanessa (S1-S2,S4-S11,S13,S18), Senkhi (S1,S4-S5,S8-S9,S16,S19-S21,S23-S24,S29), kendawg_g (S2-S3,S6-S7,S9,S11,S15,S26-S29,S31), upraise (S2,S4-S9,S15,S24-S25,S27-S28), Haydcn (S4-S6,S8-S9,S16,S18-S19,S21,S23,S30,S33), tonylmao (S5,S7-S10,S15-S16,S18-S20,S31-S32), Zeesue (S5,S8-S12,S15-S18,S31,S33), Zebobo10 (S6-S9,S12-S14,S20,S22,S26,S28,S31), 5idekick (S8-S10,S12,S15-S17,S19,S23-S24,S27-S28), dahii (S8,S10,S19,S21-S22,S24-S25,S27-S28,S30-S31,S33), GodlySteal (S15-S17,S19-S23,S26-S27,S29,S32), sgouche (S21-S25,S27-S33)
11(5): risn (S2-S7,S11,S15-S17,S19), CipherKai (S4,S6-S7,S9-S10,S12,S14,S17,S24,S30,S33), brinniex (S5-S13,S15-S16), Kaddyn (S7-S11,S17,S19,S27,S30-S31,S33), xtiger34 (S9,S15,S17,S19-S20,S24,S26-S27,S30-S31,S33)
10(11): Sigtash (S1-S5,S8,S11,S15,S27-S28), FearThrows (S2,S4,S6-S7,S10,S13-S14,S23,S32-S33), Krbreb (S2,S4,S8,S10-S13,S16,S24-S25), TehBaconBrawlerZ (S2-S4,S7,S9,S11,S13-S14,S21,S24), colbay (S3-S4,S18,S20-S23,S25,S27,S32), Vrehv (S3-S4,S6-S7,S9-S10,S12,S16-S17,S23), harkuaa (S6-S9,S17-S18,S21,S30-S32), Charrlottie (S7-S10,S12-S13,S15,S27-S29), FishManIsPotato (S7,S9,S11-S12,S15-S16,S22,S26-S27,S33), swishduck (S14-S16,S18-S19,S22-S24,S27,S33), Supersun_ (S17,S20,S22-S23,S26-S28,S30,S32-S33)
9(14): Cahnner (S1-S2,S4-S7,S9,S14,S21), Mohala (S1,S3-S8,S12,S19), loyaltea (S2,S4-S6,S9,S27,S29,S31-S32), Dredex (S3-S4,S10-S11,S16-S17,S20,S24,S27), Greatwarrior_ (S4-S12), Dcrpy (S5,S8-S9,S12-S13,S16,S20-S21,S26), Deanuhc (S5-S8,S10,S12-S14,S21), apa37 (S6,S8,S11-S13,S15-S17,S30), void_hi (S6-S9,S15,S22,S27-S28,S32), Zopho_ (S7-S8,S17,S20-S22,S24,S28,S32), Glarza (S14,S16,S19,S22,S25,S28-S30,S33), Colozi (S16,S18-S20,S22-S24,S27,S29), jasondoa (S21-S22,S27-S33), BuildingBard300 (S24-S27,S29-S33)
8(23): SpaceFenix (S1-S3,S9,S13,S15,S18,S26), Emplacement (S2,S4-S6,S8-S9,S11,S13), HeyItsJBug (S2-S4,S16,S19,S27,S30-S31), StrengthDMN (S3,S7-S10,S15,S27,S31), AvyleZ (S4-S7,S12,S14,S18-S19), saltbag (S5-S8,S15-S16,S19,S21), Valnius (S5-S7,S21-S23,S29,S31), SSGSS4Goku (S6,S10-S12,S15,S17,S23,S27), Bornyo (S8,S11-S12,S16-S17,S19-S20,S24), DRI60 (S8-S10,S13-S15,S19,S27), Ryfri (S8,S10,S13-S14,S19,S23-S24,S29), spittoon (S8,S10,S19-S21,S25,S27-S28), xDiversity (S9,S11,S15-S17,S23-S24,S26), QuacksL (S10-S11,S13-S16,S18,S24), solnyy (S10,S12-S14,S16,S18-S19,S22), derekast (S12-S13,S22-S24,S29,S31-S32), GhostLikesCakes (S15-S16,S18-S19,S22,S24,S28,S33), Gott_aka_Leonard (S15-S17,S19-S20,S22-S23,S27), LZNAR (S15-S18,S20-S22,S33), CurdledDrip (S20,S24,S26,S28-S31,S33), strategy (S23-S27,S29-S31), Fcrm (S24,S26-S29,S31-S33), SAYNAR (S25-S29,S31-S33)
7(14): CallMeBqse (S1-S4,S15-S17), Flcnt (S2,S4,S9-S10,S13,S24,S33), jjsteeples (S2,S4-S6,S8-S9,S13), Scyles (S2,S4,S7,S17,S20,S25,S28), Hendysaurus (S5-S8,S15-S17), Dreamfall (S6,S15-S18,S21,S33), ItsColinn (S7-S9,S12,S17,S21,S24), Turqified (S10-S11,S13-S14,S16,S22-S23), cnner (S11-S12,S14,S18,S22,S24-S25), lzmur (S11,S15-S17,S21-S22,S24), TOOOTH (S15-S20,S22), BruceTheNinja10 (S16-S17,S26-S27,S29,S32-S33), Dyoza (S18-S20,S25-S27,S33), CHAINGE (S24-S26,S30-S33)
6(14): drewxd (S1-S3,S15,S17,S19), BraydenB11 (S2-S5,S8,S12), maccwyatt (S2,S4-S6,S9,S29), IsoLights (S3-S5,S16,S19,S33), NotChewi (S6-S7,S9,S24,S31-S32), DanishDrill (S8-S9,S15-S16,S21-S22), NickPlaysGames15 (S10,S12-S14,S20-S21), Stornette (S10,S12,S19,S24,S27-S28), CoDrake (S12-S14,S17,S19-S20), TheRealHagrid (S13-S14,S26,S29-S30,S32), Batusko (S16,S22,S24,S27,S32-S33), Ginzburg (S19-S20,S24-S25,S27,S29), Captureee (S20-S21,S25,S27-S29), vynil (S21-S22,S24,S26,S30-S31)
5(27): AdonisGaming (S2-S3,S5-S6,S24), Permm (S2-S3,S15,S30,S33), mxcros (S3-S4,S9,S15-S16), TPolls (S3-S5,S8,S16), Strikeroonie (S4,S17-S18,S22,S24), marceloifhy (S5,S10-S11,S20-S21), imFatLoveMe (S6,S8-S9,S11,S22), dylxnd (S7-S9,S22,S31), ghostblurr (S7,S9,S17-S19), Kelawesome (S7,S9,S16,S24-S25), K0REDRAG0N (S8,S10,S19,S23,S27), Cheetah_16 (S10-S13,S17), DEV0Y (S10,S14-S15,S19,S24), InProper (S10-S11,S16-S17,S24), T1mT0m (S10,S13,S18,S25,S33), beaniepls (S14-S18), Normoh (S15,S26-S29), azoof (S16-S17,S26,S28-S29), Blendd (S16-S17,S19-S20,S26), Spongey (S16,S19,S27,S31,S33), nug17 (S18,S20-S22,S29), Hecticity (S19,S22,S24-S25,S31), TheShippFloats (S20-S22,S30,S33), dontbow (S21,S25,S27,S30,S32), Char1zo (S23-S25,S32-S33), nolanishot (S24,S27-S29,S31), GrassPiece (S27-S31)
4(40): Bofishkix (S1-S2,S4,S9), IZUR (S1,S22,S26-S27), Chesspiece (S2-S5), dylns (S2,S6-S7,S27), Kelldeo (S2,S15-S17), love_gem4164 (S2,S5-S7), TinchoPijaLarga (S4,S6-S7,S21), 5ize (S5,S11,S21,S32), DZYER (S5-S8), toggleuhc (S5-S8), flameorb (S6-S8,S10), m4ku (S6-S7,S22,S26), OCTAMAN (S6-S8,S10), _Pm (S7-S8,S15-S16), Centrah (S7,S9-S11), DragonGlory (S7-S10), jake_hoe (S7,S10-S12), Lunar_ (S7-S8,S15-S16), PapaNugey (S7-S9,S15), MannyDM (S8,S17-S19), ilylazaro (S9,S20-S21,S33), YouCheated (S9,S12-S13,S28), Jaceon02 (S10,S16,S18,S21), KELCOS (S10,S13-S14,S16), PitSolitayrh (S15-S17,S23), zewgle (S15,S20,S22,S30), rodfather (S16-S19), Cacedoupamso (S17,S19,S24,S30), Captinn (S17,S20-S21,S25), choiceband (S18,S25-S26,S28), PLENT (S19-S22), Jwillz (S20-S21,S24-S25), LLEANN (S20-S21,S28,S33), AshRiolu100985 (S21-S22,S24,S33), jacobcrafty (S21,S23-S24,S27), Geroot (S22,S24-S25,S27), naseemXBT (S24-S25,S27-S28), SPEEDYDIGS (S25-S27,S31), JEREMIUH (S26-S28,S31), sweatgod (S27-S28,S30,S33)
3(54): idklyn (S1,S15,S25), Mvte (S1,S20-S21), RAHILL (S2,S5-S6), Raying (S2-S3,S11), _Gag (S3,S5,S17), PolarTaco (S3,S7,S10), ZachConnor (S3,S7-S8), notrhain (S4,S6,S15), Merch (S5-S6,S15), B0WUH (S7-S8,S15), emi1iano (S7,S17-S18), Fragggg (S7,S15-S16), jemjosh (S7-S8,S16), ToontownOnline (S7-S8,S12), iLoveBoris (S8,S10-S11), WALRUS_TIME (S8,S10,S20), Cocunut233 (S9,S14,S17), Clemjo (S10,S12,S16), enablin (S11,S15-S16), ywack (S11,S14-S15), ceije (S12,S14,S17), _Fost_ (S14,S16,S24), Bobbytheturtle (S15,S17,S24), Goopling (S15-S17), ObeseProdigy (S15-S16,S19), 2Pacoh (S16,S19,S33), BackToAfrica (S16-S18), Broseph (S16,S18-S19), QueenxPetty (S16-S17,S21), UbiquityHD (S16-S17,S20), IMLpLay (S17,S19,S23), Loushus (S17,S19,S21), _pbo (S18,S20,S30), chrisrokay (S18-S19,S21), EivLs (S18,S28-S29), NotMyLights (S19-S21), Aybel (S20-S22), ethodog (S20,S23-S24), flameh (S20-S21,S33), Hrray (S20-S22), JayNonsense (S20-S22), jubatyson (S20-S22), nsi9 (S20-S21,S26), pm3crafte4 (S20,S23,S29), ShmeckleBoy (S20,S23,S30), TheSheepMasters (S20-S22), xPandaaz (S20,S22,S32), Gotelin (S21,S26-S27), lazys (S21-S22,S26), lukevvs (S21-S23), omchris (S21-S22,S24), retrys (S21-S22,S30), unixn (S21-S22,S27), lamzyk (S26,S30-S31)
2(86): chimah (S1,S4), Pahm (S1,S3), Cwrunch (S2,S11), Gleeming (S2,S4), Lnarz (S2-S3), repped (S2-S3), SergeantM (S2,S4), tastywill (S2,S4), YellowAuraa (S2,S4), Blarkslol (S3,S13), oceun (S3,S32), Switches (S3,S27), dummycute (S4-S5), Lynor (S4,S7), xHobo (S4,S14), xNGHT (S4,S6), ADinoPlayingMC (S5,S23), BreakfastBacon (S5-S6), Jeromesha (S5-S6), Beastaxel (S6,S9), heartparticles (S6-S7), mxrwzndood (S6,S31), pawnss (S6-S7), Shot3m (S6,S9), ERHDude (S7,S9), ImChilly (S7,S9), ANJELLOH (S8-S9), Caceduopamso (S8,S15), dhaq (S8-S9), Forrest235 (S8-S9), Nightshqdee (S8,S12), BottleSause (S9,S17), ninja3214 (S9,S15), violethearts (S9,S25), Greninja (S10,S25), NexfoR (S10,S18), Krxmble (S11,S16), urfake (S11,S28), Lative (S12,S14), BanMoon (S13-S14), BloodBlack (S14,S24), ReiBatsubami (S14,S16), SlicedOranges (S14,S16), 5ARx (S15-S16), 5HARPGOD (S15,S26), Deadlyboom (S18-S19), FrostBros (S19,S21), luvictoire (S19,S24), MaxCringe (S19,S21), whoshaze (S19,S21), Demomaker (S20,S26), Erdql (S20,S33), hashtagmat (S20,S26), Lach (S20-S21), Rameur (S20,S23), TitaniumDino25 (S20,S22), Iceisnice32 (S21-S22), JIMMY453 (S21,S23), lasdarling (S21-S22), RiseGR (S21,S24), Abyr (S22,S24), Fearx_ (S22-S23), K_U_N_A_L (S22,S29), OblivionTU (S22,S24), Qmos (S22-S23), Retrofied (S22,S27), VurkeTTV (S22,S24), Xifto (S22,S24), CommanderK22_ (S23,S33), Squegi (S23,S26), 5KYFALLS (S24,S26), alexnv (S24,S27), OhMatias (S24,S33), oMatty (S24,S32), Severuu (S24,S32), spxrkz_ (S24,S27), Codwhy (S25,S33), fyechris (S26-S27), Kahooter (S26-S27), MichaelPlayMC (S26,S30), vegis (S26,S28), Evxn063 (S27-S28), RqDix (S27-S28), Cahmn (S30,S33), johnnytheching (S31-S32), ScaryPumpkinFace (S31,S33)
1(178): AryaQT (S1), Fierys (S1), homiemansmans (S1), ItzIgglesPiggles (S1), pureinnocence (S1), Zcin (S1), BikBoy (S2), CTW (S2), FireBreathMan (S2), Fxther (S2), hueske (S2), iWrekt (S2), jigsaws (S2), N0CTURNAL (S2), xCynesta (S2), xPingWinMan (S2), Evzenitable (S3), Futan (S3), rawed (S4), slxps (S4), Dylxnnnn (S5), bmartxxx (S6), demisux (S6), harrydagawd (S6), LeMystiic (S6), Suzunexd (S6), zFate (S6), Harvyz (S7), Lmoj (S7), SariiTaaa (S7), TacoDab (S7), zrtt (S7), 14flyte (S8), Clegi (S8), DogInCar (S8), JroseFX (S8), mxrwxndood (S8), Wimbl (S8), yassifies_u (S8), cherryblawsom (S9), devuls (S9), Glockey_ (S9), PingBomb (S9), Ryanmoko (S9), GriddyTC (S10), InnerArtsTV (S10), Yist (S10), aarei (S11), CodeJoshua (S11), DeadlyFoxx (S11), JEDIMASTERKANYE (S11), Jewala (S11), RatherRare (S11), TinchoPijoLarga (S11), brghts (S12), Cindergaming698 (S12), Creadyy (S12), ItzHooded (S12), IvanDIGGA (S12), Smeshi (S12), StepBroImStuck1 (S12), Abstracct (S13), DEMUSS (S13), Dewces (S13), floodW (S13), ixHazexi (S13), Penley (S13), PoofessorP (S13), Tinydraco (S13), Zeko_Kun (S13), Daltun (S14), Vetmire (S14), Batsuko (S15), brocktober (S15), Johatsu (S15), Kartracer (S15), MarcoThePh0enix (S15), PR0MOTE (S15), PRICINCT (S15), realCUYT (S15), suedemax (S15), TheSlimeBrother (S15), AcidViper (S16), AhSh1t (S16), BushieHalf (S16), CrowJRC (S16), Drkrai (S16), dzupgu (S16), Fratrus (S16), Jkkl (S16), MarcoThePhe0nix (S16), NotSugar (S16), Nuclearsugar (S16), Psykl0ne (S16), rnaa (S16), Saltnobi (S16), SmoothCombos (S16), Toxischer (S16), Vernium (S16), xxezrabxxx (S16), Eindeutiger (S17), GreenFire26 (S17), iGotPlumbs (S17), Mafiat (S17), MXLAXIO (S17), Riolu100895 (S17), Zeegul (S17), 6irb (S18), Awticon (S18), bestlegitww (S18), claure (S18), JaeHasNoMaidens (S18), LowkeyLoke (S18), luksxixBRBDL (S18), TMNono (S18), toxiicbtw (S18), Zoos (S18), Cirex (S19), MostLikelySam (S19), 4runnermaster (S20), Arich (S20), Chqllenged (S20), DeadpoolUHC (S20), Doe (S20), MainAgate5 (S20), BEESTARG (S21), HyperOutHere (S21), M0KEY (S21), Nikanod (S21), Pemmyy (S21), smiinoo (S21), dray0 (S22), FroztiSnowman (S22), Hpark03 (S22), KennyTee (S22), Linkelf0rz (S22), Mapietrzak (S22), sr8611 (S22), Togglee_ (S22), Ezehh (S23), fxlzy (S23), jaranato (S23), Orbitxl (S23), peppermint (S23), SilabaTonica (S23), Zaiki (S23), KazyXD (S24), MCBR (S24), MephisDomen (S24), sleepingxd (S24), xROSEQ (S26), hdjr (S27), Thimburrr (S27), volcxnow (S27), Bov (S28), Cr3ad (S28), dwgn (S28), nikiforos (S28), Outname (S28), ploonyUwU (S28), salic (S28), Sk1wars (S28), Specularpotato (S28), Viatic_ (S28), Centrios (S29), Shm3e (S29), Smothering (S29), Blufferfish2009 (S31), FroztiSnow (S31), nsket (S31), shaundoman (S31), stupidsylvia (S31), Tunaisheree (S31), dooko (S32), RaiN_DyNasty (S32), O1OO (S33), smurpes (S33), xannydood (S33)


S1 (31): AryaQT, Bofishkix, brinkwhy, broccoliar, Cahnner, CallMeBqse, chimah, Dargxn, downkey, drewxd, Fierys, FLOWTIVES, homiemansmans, HUQTER, idklyn, ItzIgglesPiggles, IZUR, MangoPlayz, Mohala, Mvte, Pahm, pureinnocence, PwincessVanessa, ranmari, Senkhi, Shqkster, Sigtash, soakle, SpaceFenix, Stravilight, Zcin
S2 (49): AdonisGaming, ArcticSeagull, BikBoy, BraydenB11, Bulbexe, checog, Chesspiece, CTW, Cwrunch, dylns, Emplacement, FearThrows, FireBreathMan, Flcnt, Fxther, Gleeming, Gleoss, HeyItsJBug, hueske, iWrekt, jigsaws, jjsteeples, Kelldeo, kendawg_g, kirkfr, Krbreb, Lnarz, love_gem4164, loyaltea, LUCRODIUM, maccwyatt, N0CTURNAL, Permm, PizzqWithAQ, RAHILL, Raying, repped, risn, samdave, Scyles, SergeantM, spellygod, tastywill, TehBaconBrawlerZ, upraise, xCynesta, XERNE5, xPingWinMan, YellowAuraa
S3 (19): _Gag, Blarkslol, colbay, Dredex, DumbThiccNick, Evzenitable, Futan, hypcr, IdkKiller, IsoLights, mxcros, oceun, PolarTaco, skyzfy, StrengthDMN, Switches, TPolls, Vrehv, ZachConnor
S4 (17): adrmf, AvyleZ, benidk, CipherKai, dummycute, Greatwarrior_, Haydcn, Lynor, Lynxo, notrhain, rawed, slxps, Strikeroonie, TinchoPijaLarga, xHobo, xNGHT, Zoroh
S5 (26): 5ize, ADinoPlayingMC, AiroKun, BreakfastBacon, brinniex, Dcrpy, Deanuhc, Dizzying, DJoee, Dylxnnnn, DZYER, Hendysaurus, Jeromesha, L1GHT1NG, lapppp, marceloifhy, Merch, PotatoPlayer_, saltbag, toggleuhc, tonylmao, Valnius, willif, WoodFired, xMisha, Zeesue
S6 (30): _carn, alcxz, apa37, Beastaxel, bmartxxx, Cloversss, demisux, Dreamfall, DripGodDavid, flameorb, harkuaa, harrydagawd, heartparticles, imFatLoveMe, LeMystiic, m4ku, mxrwzndood, NotChewi, OCTAMAN, onstep, pawnss, RohanSmashBro, Shot3m, SSGSS4Goku, St0rmplayz, Suzunexd, ToeKun, void_hi, Zebobo10, zFate
S7 (28): _1mmortal_, _Pm, B0WUH, Centrah, Charrlottie, DragonGlory, dylxnd, emi1iano, ERHDude, FishManIsPotato, Fragggg, ghostblurr, Harvyz, ImChilly, ItsColinn, jake_hoe, jemjosh, Kaddyn, Kelawesome, Lmoj, Lunar_, PapaNugey, SariiTaaa, Slooshyy, TacoDab, ToontownOnline, Zopho_, zrtt
S8 (26): 14flyte, 5idekick, ANJELLOH, Bornyo, Caceduopamso, carterwarterbear, Clegi, Crayonix, dahii, DanishDrill, dhaq, DogInCar, DRI60, Forrest235, iLoveBoris, JroseFX, K0REDRAG0N, Luca_Kgaming, MannyDM, mxrwxndood, Nightshqdee, Ryfri, spittoon, WALRUS_TIME, Wimbl, yassifies_u
S9 (14): BottleSause, cherryblawsom, Cocunut233, devuls, Glockey_, HalfLechuga, ilylazaro, ninja3214, PingBomb, Ryanmoko, violethearts, xDiversity, xtiger34, YouCheated
S10 (19): Cheetah_16, Clemjo, DEV0Y, Greninja, GriddyTC, InnerArtsTV, InProper, Jaceon02, KELCOS, NexfoR, NickPlaysGames15, QuacksL, remyyyyyy, RollRealQuick, solnyy, Stornette, T1mT0m, Turqified, Yist
S11 (13): aarei, cnner, CodeJoshua, DeadlyFoxx, enablin, JEDIMASTERKANYE, Jewala, Krxmble, lzmur, RatherRare, TinchoPijoLarga, urfake, ywack
S12 (14): bayweafs, BENJADDD, brghts, ceije, Cindergaming698, CoDrake, Creadyy, derekast, ItzHooded, IvanDIGGA, Lative, Smeshi, StepBroImStuck1, winterf
S13 (11): Abstracct, BanMoon, DEMUSS, Dewces, floodW, ixHazexi, Penley, PoofessorP, TheRealHagrid, Tinydraco, Zeko_Kun
S14 (11): _Fost_, beaniepls, BloodBlack, Daltun, Glarza, MisaSama, ReiBatsubami, SlicedOranges, swishduck, Vetmire, zCent
S15 (23): 5ARx, 5HARPGOD, Batsuko, Bobbytheturtle, brocktober, GhostLikesCakes, GodlySteal, Goopling, Gott_aka_Leonard, Johatsu, Kartracer, LZNAR, MarcoThePh0enix, Normoh, ObeseProdigy, PitSolitayrh, PR0MOTE, PRICINCT, realCUYT, suedemax, TheSlimeBrother, TOOOTH, zewgle
S16 (30): 2Pacoh, AcidViper, AhSh1t, azoof, BackToAfrica, Batusko, Blendd, Broseph, BruceTheNinja10, BushieHalf, Colozi, CrowJRC, Drkrai, dzupgu, Fratrus, Jkkl, MarcoThePhe0nix, NotSugar, Nuclearsugar, Psykl0ne, QueenxPetty, rnaa, rodfather, Saltnobi, SmoothCombos, Spongey, Toxischer, UbiquityHD, Vernium, xxezrabxxx
S17 (15): Cacedoupamso, Captinn, Eindeutiger, GreenFire26, iGotPlumbs, IMLpLay, Kaismartypants, Loushus, LUKAD0NCIC, Mafiat, MXLAXIO, PupperKun, Riolu100895, Supersun_, Zeegul
S18 (18): 6irb, _pbo, Awticon, bestlegitww, choiceband, chrisrokay, claure, Deadlyboom, Dyoza, EivLs, JaeHasNoMaidens, LowkeyLoke, luksxixBRBDL, nug17, theTrapDoor, TMNono, toxiicbtw, Zoos
S19 (10): Cirex, FrostBros, Ginzburg, Hecticity, luvictoire, MaxCringe, MostLikelySam, NotMyLights, PLENT, whoshaze
S20 (28): 4runnermaster, Arich, Aybel, Captureee, Chqllenged, CurdledDrip, DeadpoolUHC, Demomaker, Doe, Erdql, ethodog, flameh, hashtagmat, Hrray, JayNonsense, jubatyson, Jwillz, Lach, LLEANN, MainAgate5, nsi9, pm3crafte4, Rameur, ShmeckleBoy, TheSheepMasters, TheShippFloats, TitaniumDino25, xPandaaz
S21 (22): AshRiolu100985, BEESTARG, dontbow, Gotelin, HyperOutHere, Iceisnice32, jacobcrafty, jasondoa, JIMMY453, lasdarling, lazys, lukevvs, M0KEY, Nikanod, omchris, Pemmyy, retrys, RiseGR, sgouche, smiinoo, unixn, vynil
S22 (17): Abyr, dray0, Fearx_, FroztiSnowman, Geroot, Hpark03, K_U_N_A_L, KennyTee, Linkelf0rz, Mapietrzak, OblivionTU, Qmos, Retrofied, sr8611, Togglee_, VurkeTTV, Xifto
S23 (11): Char1zo, CommanderK22_, Ezehh, fxlzy, jaranato, Orbitxl, peppermint, SilabaTonica, Squegi, strategy, Zaiki
S24 (15): 5KYFALLS, alexnv, BuildingBard300, CHAINGE, Fcrm, KazyXD, MCBR, MephisDomen, naseemXBT, nolanishot, OhMatias, oMatty, Severuu, sleepingxd, spxrkz_
S26 (7): fyechris, JEREMIUH, Kahooter, lamzyk, MichaelPlayMC, vegis, xROSEQ
S27 (7): Evxn063, GrassPiece, hdjr, RqDix, sweatgod, Thimburrr, volcxnow
S28 (10): Bov, Cr3ad, dwgn, nikiforos, Outname, ploonyUwU, salic, Sk1wars, Specularpotato, Viatic_
S29 (3): Centrios, Shm3e, Smothering
S30 (1): Cahmn
S31 (8): Blufferfish2009, FroztiSnow, johnnytheching, nsket, ScaryPumpkinFace, shaundoman, stupidsylvia, Tunaisheree
S32 (2): dooko, RaiN_DyNasty
S33 (3): O1OO, smurpes, xannydood
submitted by Brodator to ultrahardcore [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:17 Brodator Solace Kills (Part 1)

Solace Kills (Part 1)


1st FLOWTIVES (112): broccoliar (S1), Mohala (S1), Shqkster (S1), brinkwhy (S1), Mvte (S1), chimah (S1), Raying (S2), Chesspiece (S2), tastywill (S2), Cahnner (S2), Fxther (S2), downkey (S2), iWrekt (S2), Krbreb (S2), soakle (S3), PizzqWithAQ (S5), Cahnner (S5), Dylxnnnn (S5), jjsteeples (S5), ADinoPlayingMC (S5), Dcrpy (S5), Hendysaurus (S5), loyaltea (S5), DumbThiccNick (S5), Dizzying (S5), Merch (S5), AiroKun (S5), Vrehv (S7), pawnss (S7), heartparticles (S7), ranmari (S7), Dizzying (S7), _carn (S7), Deanuhc (S7), ToontownOnline (S7), FearThrows (S7), tonylmao (S7), benidk (S7), RohanSmashBro (S8), _Pm (S8), MannyDM (S8), Lunar_ (S8), flameorb (S8), Cloversss (S8), DumbThiccNick (S8), OCTAMAN (S8), _carn (S8), Krbreb (S8), PotatoPlayer_ (S8), Deanuhc (S8), ranmari (S8), Senkhi (S8), lapppp (S8), Zeesue (S9), Cocunut233 (S9), ArcticSeagull (S9), Charrlottie (S9), dylxnd (S9), St0rmplayz (S9), RohanSmashBro (S9), Dcrpy (S9), OCTAMAN (S10), iLoveBoris (S10), St0rmplayz (S10), ranmari (S13), TehBaconBrawlerZ (S14), PizzqWithAQ (S14), Dizzying (S14), Cocunut233 (S14), alcxz (S14), ToeKun (S14), _Fost_ (S14), NickPlaysGames15 (S14), AvyleZ (S14), xDiversity (S15), St0rmplayz (S15), Johatsu (S15), Colozi (S16), azoof (S16), Dizzying (S16), St0rmplayz (S16), Crayonix (S16), Hendysaurus (S17), PizzqWithAQ (S19), rodfather (S19), Broseph (S19), checog (S19), risn (S19), IMLpLay (S19), Cloversss (S19), Zoroh (S19), WALRUS_TIME (S20), Rameur (S20), xMisha (S20), Zoroh (S20), Dreamfall (S21), IdkKiller (S21), Crayonix (S21), AiroKun (S21), 5ize (S21)
2nd lapppp (104): void_hi (S7), ToontownOnline (S8), harkuaa (S8), kirkfr (S8), Emplacement (S8), apa37 (S8), PwincessVanessa (S8), ANJELLOH (S8), onstep (S8), Caceduopamso (S8), tonylmao (S8), Kaddyn (S10), XERNE5 (S11), skyzfy (S11), jake_hoe (S11), DripGodDavid (S11), benidk (S11), Emplacement (S11), Sigtash (S11), alcxz (S12), winterf (S12), Lative (S12), 5idekick (S12), PotatoPlayer_ (S12), bayweafs (S12), Krbreb (S13), Turqified (S13), MangoPlayz (S16), Fragggg (S16), Bulbexe (S17), kirkfr (S17), beaniepls (S17), Dredex (S17), Strikeroonie (S17), checog (S17), WoodFired (S18), DumbThiccNick (S19), Cacedoupamso (S19), luvictoire (S19), carterwarterbear (S19), Lach (S21), M0KEY (S21), soakle (S21), DJoee (S21), ArcticSeagull (S21), TheSheepMasters (S21), Stravilight (S21), Zopho_ (S21), kirkfr (S21), Haydcn (S21), lukevvs (S21), MisaSama (S21), unixn (S21), K_U_N_A_L (S22), Batusko (S22), Mapietrzak (S22), sgouche (S22), Supersun_ (S22), Retrofied (S22), derekast (S22), KennyTee (S22), lazys (S22), PLENT (S22), Vrehv (S23), sgouche (S23), St0rmplayz (S23), Haydcn (S23), brinkwhy (S23), DripGodDavid (S23), Cloversss (S23), FLOWTIVES (S23), downkey (S23), soakle (S23), ToeKun (S24), DEV0Y (S24), Colozi (S24), lapppp (S24), ranmari (S25), carterwarterbear (S25), willif (S25), AiroKun (S25), lapppp (S25), dontbow (S27), naseemXBT (S27), PotatoPlayer_ (S29), nug17 (S29), Kaismartypants (S29), remyyyyyy (S29), Glarza (S29), Stravilight (S29), Ginzburg (S29), CurdledDrip (S30), CHAINGE (S32), Kaismartypants (S32), derekast (S32), Batusko (S32), onstep (S32), Zoroh (S32), colbay (S32), xannydood (S33)
3rd Zoroh (101): Dredex (S4), Bulbexe (S4), maccwyatt (S6), jemjosh (S8), jjsteeples (S9), kirkfr (S9), carterwarterbear (S9), BottleSause (S9), Dargxn (S9), IdkKiller (S9), willif (S10), 5idekick (S10), Yist (S10), PotatoPlayer_ (S10), MangoPlayz (S10), Zeesue (S10), Flcnt (S10), remyyyyyy (S10), Crayonix (S10), Dredex (S10), brinniex (S10), Gleoss (S10), Greninja (S10), adrmf (S11), Slooshyy (S11), samdave (S11), apa37 (S12), DumbThiccNick (S12), Lynxo (S12), carterwarterbear (S12), RohanSmashBro (S12), Zebobo10 (S12), samdave (S12), samdave (S13), Stravilight (S13), MangoPlayz (S13), DEMUSS (S13), Dizzying (S13), _1mmortal_ (S13), RohanSmashBro (S13), BENJADDD (S13), AiroKun (S13), PoofessorP (S13), soakle (S13), willif (S13), Dewces (S13), brinkwhy (S13), downkey (S13), void_hi (S15), kendawg_g (S15), FLOWTIVES (S15), bayweafs (S15), ArcticSeagull (S15), Dcrpy (S16), DripGodDavid (S16), Krbreb (S16), IdkKiller (S16), harkuaa (S17), IMLpLay (S17), apa37 (S17), MisaSama (S17), Captinn (S17), Zoos (S18), DumbThiccNick (S18), AiroKun (S18), LZNAR (S18), Stravilight (S19), FrostBros (S19), DRI60 (S19), TOOOTH (S19), onstep (S19), skyzfy (S19), lapppp (S19), broccoliar (S21), Nikanod (S21), Captureee (S21), willif (S21), swishduck (S22), imFatLoveMe (S22), void_hi (S22), unixn (S22), checog (S22), Cloversss (S22), TOOOTH (S22), azoof (S26), lamzyk (S26), SPEEDYDIGS (S26), CurdledDrip (S26), ranmari (S26), RollRealQuick (S27), IdkKiller (S27), Geroot (S27), benidk (S27), sgouche (S28), Stravilight (S28), skyzfy (S28), L1GHT1NG (S28), HUQTER (S28), johnnytheching (S32), RaiN_DyNasty (S32)
4th adrmf (64): dummycute (S4), jjsteeples (S4), tastywill (S4), Flcnt (S4), Krbreb (S4), slxps (S4), maccwyatt (S4), PR0MOTE (S15), Sigtash (S15), FishManIsPotato (S15), notrhain (S15), QuacksL (S15), PizzqWithAQ (S15), broccoliar (S16), GhostLikesCakes (S16), Fratrus (S16), NotSugar (S16), enablin (S16), _carn (S16), FishManIsPotato (S16), LZNAR (S16), KELCOS (S16), Bulbexe (S19), Geroot (S22), benidk (S22), Iceisnice32 (S22), WoodFired (S22), dylxnd (S22), colbay (S22), Hecticity (S22), LUCRODIUM (S22), JayNonsense (S22), dray0 (S22), lasdarling (S22), Dizzying (S22), BENJADDD (S22), IZUR (S22), Dargxn (S23), lukevvs (S23), DumbThiccNick (S23), derekast (S24), TehBaconBrawlerZ (S24), hypcr (S24), Cloversss (S24), DripGodDavid (S24), MephisDomen (S24), Dredex (S24), Geroot (S25), dontbow (S25), Batusko (S27), Kaddyn (S27), broccoliar (S27), Charrlottie (S27), dahii (S27), FLOWTIVES (S28), DripGodDavid (S28), void_hi (S28), DJoee (S28), spittoon (S28), soakle (S28), Specularpotato (S28), nolanishot (S28), upraise (S28), sgouche (S29)
5th Gleoss (63): drewxd (S2), soakle (S2), upraise (S2), LUCRODIUM (S2), RAHILL (S6), Jeromesha (S6), skyzfy (S7), Slooshyy (S7), AvyleZ (S7), brinkwhy (S7), ZachConnor (S7), XERNE5 (S9), L1GHT1NG (S9), void_hi (S9), Flcnt (S9), ImChilly (S9), Cahnner (S9), PingBomb (S9), xtiger34 (S9), spittoon (S10), Cheetah_16 (S10), alcxz (S10), Deanuhc (S10), DragonGlory (S10), jake_hoe (S10), ToeKun (S10), FLOWTIVES (S10), T1mT0m (S10), Krbreb (S11), lapppp (S13), DripGodDavid (S13), solnyy (S13), Shqkster (S13), KELCOS (S13), Batusko (S16), Krxmble (S16), Lynxo (S18), SpaceFenix (S18), Strikeroonie (S18), IsoLights (S19), 2Pacoh (S19), Kaismartypants (S19), ghostblurr (S19), AiroKun (S19), swishduck (S19), Bornyo (S19), Senkhi (S19), LUCRODIUM (S19), zewgle (S20), Senkhi (S20), Ryfri (S23), Gleoss (S23), OhMatias (S24), checog (S24), Hecticity (S24), carterwarterbear (S24), CHAINGE (S24), cnner (S24), skyzfy (S24), onstep (S24), MangoPlayz (S25), BENJADDD (S26), Normoh (S29)
6th skyzfy (50): Switches (S3), FLOWTIVES (S13), 5ARx (S15), BENJADDD (S15), ywack (S15), upraise (S15), PRICINCT (S15), carterwarterbear (S15), IdkKiller (S15), IsoLights (S16), RohanSmashBro (S16), Supersun_ (S17), NexfoR (S18), PupperKun (S19), spellygod (S19), L1GHT1NG (S19), Scyles (S20), ShmeckleBoy (S20), TheShippFloats (S22), Xifto (S24), strategy (S24), Strikeroonie (S24), BruceTheNinja10 (S26), Stravilight (S26), DJoee (S26), volcxnow (S27), SSGSS4Goku (S27), Colozi (S27), dylns (S27), dahii (S28), winterf (S28), LUKAD0NCIC (S29), carterwarterbear (S29), bayweafs (S29), DripGodDavid (S29), Cloversss (S29), jasondoa (S29), zCent (S29), PupperKun (S29), vynil (S30), zewgle (S30), apa37 (S30), _carn (S30), lamzyk (S30), PupperKun (S30), Kaismartypants (S30), Dargxn (S31), dylxnd (S31), derekast (S31), onstep (S31)
7th carterwarterbear (44): Kaddyn (S9), PwincessVanessa (S9), devuls (S9), Cindergaming698 (S12), Deanuhc (S14), ceije (S14), BanMoon (S14), Zebobo10 (S14), Dargxn (S14), ArcticSeagull (S16), downkey (S16), kirkfr (S16), Kelldeo (S17), ArcticSeagull (S17), Bobbytheturtle (S17), claure (S18), PotatoPlayer_ (S19), HUQTER (S20), colbay (S20), Dizzying (S20), jacobcrafty (S21), AshRiolu100985 (S22), vynil (S22), dahii (S22), OblivionTU (S24), Captinn (S25), naseemXBT (S25), CHAINGE (S25), lazys (S26), winterf (S26), theTrapDoor (S26), GodlySteal (S26), brinkwhy (S26), nsi9 (S26), Cloversss (S27), sweatgod (S28), Cahmn (S30), Kaddyn (S31), NotChewi (S32), GodlySteal (S32), Crayonix (S32), ranmari (S32), carterwarterbear (S32), Crayonix (S33)
8th AiroKun (42): BraydenB11 (S5), Chesspiece (S5), tonylmao (S5), BreakfastBacon (S5), lapppp (S5), brinkwhy (S5), DJoee (S5), PizzqWithAQ (S7), m4ku (S7), upraise (S7), DripGodDavid (S7), OCTAMAN (S7), DragonGlory (S7), MangoPlayz (S7), MangoPlayz (S8), willif (S8), soakle (S10), InnerArtsTV (S10), broccoliar (S10), Bulbexe (S10), Zeesue (S12), BENJADDD (S12), YouCheated (S13), CoDrake (S13), Lynxo (S13), Crayonix (S13), skyzfy (S13), Goopling (S17), Cheetah_16 (S17), MangoPlayz (S17), Ryfri (S19), zCent (S19), QueenxPetty (S21), Valnius (S21), Kaismartypants (S21), Zoroh (S21), carterwarterbear (S21), harkuaa (S21), SAYNAR (S25), Kaismartypants (S25), Codwhy (S25), PotatoPlayer_ (S26)
9th spellygod (41): FLOWTIVES (S3), hypcr (S3), LeMystiic (S6), xNGHT (S6), PapaNugey (S7), mxcros (S9), drewxd (S15), hypcr (S15), enablin (S15), B0WUH (S15), _1mmortal_ (S16), Senkhi (S16), SmoothCombos (S16), ToeKun (S16), Toxischer (S16), Gott_aka_Leonard (S16), WoodFired (S16), xDiversity (S16), samdave (S16), lapppp (S18), LowkeyLoke (S18), cnner (S18), Kaismartypants (S20), PupperKun (S20), spittoon (S20), Gleoss (S20), carterwarterbear (S20), 4runnermaster (S20), Hrray (S21), MaxCringe (S21), brinkwhy (S21), lzmur (S21), Iceisnice32 (S21), WoodFired (S21), Lynxo (S21), LZNAR (S21), FLOWTIVES (S21), FLOWTIVES (S22), theTrapDoor (S22), lapppp (S22), T1mT0m (S33)
10th PizzqWithAQ (40): jjsteeples (S2), Scyles (S2), Kelldeo (S2), loyaltea (S2), kendawg_g (S2), hueske (S2), CallMeBqse (S2), jigsaws (S2), CTW (S2), TPolls (S5), Suzunexd (S6), Dreamfall (S6), kendawg_g (S6), BreakfastBacon (S6), Centrah (S7), StrengthDMN (S9), Emplacement (S9), KELCOS (S14), Dizzying (S15), Permm (S15), HeyItsJBug (S16), 2Pacoh (S16), carterwarterbear (S16), Lynxo (S16), skyzfy (S16), DJoee (S18), Haydcn (S18), XERNE5 (S18), choiceband (S28), Bov (S28), Zebobo10 (S28), SAYNAR (S28), LUCRODIUM (S28), Captureee (S28), spellygod (S29), azoof (S29), kendawg_g (S29), nolanishot (S29), _1mmortal_ (S29), Captureee (S29)
11th benidk (35): CallMeBqse (S4), BraydenB11 (S4), Vrehv (S4), DZYER (S5), onstep (S7), ImChilly (S7), zrtt (S7), xMisha (S7), Zeesue (S8), Zoroh (S8), Charrlottie (S8), _1mmortal_ (S9), solnyy (S12), Blendd (S17), MannyDM (S18), _pbo (S18), brinkwhy (S19), HalfLechuga (S22), lzmur (S22), Valnius (S23), xDiversity (S23), Supersun_ (S23), 5KYFALLS (S26), hdjr (S27), ToeKun (S27), Fcrm (S27), nikiforos (S28), dahii (S30), _1mmortal_ (S30), Haydcn (S30), ShmeckleBoy (S30), Permm (S30), Cloversss (S30), bayweafs (S33), Zeesue (S33)
12th samdave (34): kendawg_g (S3), CallMeBqse (S3), PotatoPlayer_ (S5), 5ize (S5), Senkhi (S5), Haydcn (S5), XERNE5 (S5), soakle (S7), Charrlottie (S7), PwincessVanessa (S7), Cahnner (S7), ghostblurr (S7), _1mmortal_ (S7), saltbag (S7), WoodFired (S7), HUQTER (S8), DumbThiccNick (S11), Turqified (S11), Lynxo (S11), CoDrake (S12), Crayonix (S12), Bornyo (S12), willif (S12), Goopling (S15), Fragggg (S15), L1GHT1NG (S15), jemjosh (S16), Drkrai (S16), Zoroh (S16), FLOWTIVES (S16), Kelldeo (S16), 5idekick (S17), Bornyo (S17), LUKAD0NCIC (S18)
13th LUCRODIUM (33): SergeantM (S2), colbay (S3), Sigtash (S3), Shqkster (S3), TPolls (S3), Lnarz (S3), XERNE5 (S3), MisaSama (S15), DanishDrill (S15), _Pm (S16), BackToAfrica (S16), LUCRODIUM (S18), xtiger34 (S19), hashtagmat (S20), brinkwhy (S20), Ginzburg (S20), Captureee (S20), marceloifhy (S21), Turqified (S23), upraise (S24), RiseGR (S24), 5HARPGOD (S26), void_hi (S27), Dyoza (S27), St0rmplayz (S28), Viatic_ (S28), adrmf (S28), TheRealHagrid (S32), BruceTheNinja10 (S32), jasondoa (S32), smurpes (S33), broccoliar (S33), jasondoa (S33)
14th Dargxn (31): PwincessVanessa (S1), soakle (S1), idklyn (S1), L1GHT1NG (S7), ANJELLOH (S9), downkey (S9), Bulbexe (S12), CoDrake (S14), ArcticSeagull (S14), downkey (S14), kirkfr (S14), MarcoThePh0enix (S15), brinniex (S16), iGotPlumbs (S17), BackToAfrica (S17), remyyyyyy (S17), xtiger34 (S17), 6irb (S18), JaeHasNoMaidens (S18), solnyy (S18), Zeesue (S18), Gleoss (S18), kirkfr (S18), benidk (S18), Glarza (S22), zCent (S22), upraise (S25), bayweafs (S25), PotatoPlayer_ (S31), swishduck (S33), Dyoza (S33)
15th xtiger34 (29): PapaNugey (S9), Zebobo10 (S9), NotChewi (S9), DumbThiccNick (S9), alcxz (S9), FLOWTIVES (S9), Charrlottie (S15), RohanSmashBro (S15), brinkwhy (S15), Gott_aka_Leonard (S15), saltbag (S15), Dizzying (S17), TOOOTH (S17), chrisrokay (S19), Hrray (S20), Squegi (S26), Gleoss (S26), _carn (S26), Zoroh (S26), carterwarterbear (S26), FishManIsPotato (S26), strategy (S30), lapppp (S30), sweatgod (S30), TheRealHagrid (S30), HeyItsJBug (S30), skyzfy (S30), theTrapDoor (S31), ScaryPumpkinFace (S31)
16th DJoee (28): saltbag (S5), Mohala (S5), Zeesue (S5), benidk (S6), _carn (S15), Normoh (S15), Jaceon02 (S16), QuacksL (S18), ethodog (S20), jasondoa (S21), DripGodDavid (S21), Scyles (S25), Dcrpy (S26), kendawg_g (S26), IZUR (S26), PupperKun (S26), SAYNAR (S26), Sk1wars (S28), L1GHT1NG (S29), Smothering (S29), Senkhi (S29), johnnytheching (S31), Stravilight (S31), CHAINGE (S31), FishManIsPotato (S33), FLOWTIVES (S33), RollRealQuick (S33), Permm (S33)
16th soakle (28): Stravilight (S1), Mohala (S4), InProper (S11), 5ize (S11), RatherRare (S11), PwincessVanessa (S11), Dargxn (S13), hypcr (S13), RollRealQuick (S18), St0rmplayz (S20), Jwillz (S21), LUKAD0NCIC (S23), fxlzy (S23), Ezehh (S23), Colozi (S23), onstep (S23), MisaSama (S23), xDiversity (S24), ToeKun (S25), hypcr (S25), sgouche (S25), SPEEDYDIGS (S25), winterf (S25), BruceTheNinja10 (S27), kirkfr (S28), naseemXBT (S28), spellygod (S31), Blufferfish2009 (S31)
18th checog (27): PizzqWithAQ (S9), Beastaxel (S9), tonylmao (S15), HUQTER (S15), Dargxn (S15), CallMeBqse (S15), 5HARPGOD (S15), hypcr (S16), Spongey (S16), Scyles (S17), FLOWTIVES (S17), Dreamfall (S17), Zeegul (S17), Vrehv (S17), Kaddyn (S17), brinkwhy (S17), WoodFired (S17), Dargxn (S17), DripGodDavid (S18), theTrapDoor (S18), PotatoPlayer_ (S18), RohanSmashBro (S18), hypcr (S18), MostLikelySam (S19), Stornette (S19), LUKAD0NCIC (S25), nolanishot (S27)
18th CipherKai (27): loyaltea (S4), Gleoss (S4), YellowAuraa (S4), brinniex (S6), Deanuhc (S6), void_hi (S6), Lynxo (S6), harrydagawd (S6), DumbThiccNick (S6), Lmoj (S7), ERHDude (S7), Zebobo10 (S7), dhaq (S9), SSGSS4Goku (S10), carterwarterbear (S10), onstep (S10), RollRealQuick (S10), AiroKun (S10), Turqified (S10), BENJADDD (S14), swishduck (S14), FearThrows (S14), Zopho_ (S24), Ryfri (S24), Ginzburg (S24), Kaismartypants (S24), zCent (S33)
18th Dizzying (27): xMisha (S5), Zoroh (S6), ArcticSeagull (S6), AdonisGaming (S6), DZYER (S6), NotChewi (S6), PwincessVanessa (S6), love_gem4164 (S6), FishManIsPotato (S7), love_gem4164 (S7), dzupgu (S16), Psykl0ne (S16), Arich (S20), DJoee (S20), TheSheepMasters (S20), checog (S20), bayweafs (S20), Stravilight (S20), jubatyson (S20), Colozi (S20), RollRealQuick (S20), saltbag (S21), TinchoPijaLarga (S21), RollRealQuick (S21), zCent (S21), lasdarling (S21), ilylazaro (S21)
18th PupperKun (27): ItsColinn (S17), xDiversity (S17), InProper (S17), samdave (S17), carterwarterbear (S17), Zoroh (S17), lapppp (S17), Luca_Kgaming (S20), DripGodDavid (S20), Fearx_ (S23), DJoee (S25), Krbreb (S25), violethearts (S25), Gott_aka_Leonard (S27), Kaismartypants (S27), zCent (S27), spittoon (S27), LUCRODIUM (S27), MisaSama (S28), brinkwhy (S28), Crayonix (S29), HalfLechuga (S29), RohanSmashBro (S29), bayweafs (S31), LUKAD0NCIC (S31), carterwarterbear (S31), strategy (S31)
22nd cnner (26): Deanuhc (S12), Creadyy (S12), Turqified (S14), L1GHT1NG (S14), DEV0Y (S14), SlicedOranges (S14), TheRealHagrid (S14), MisaSama (S14), solnyy (S14), carterwarterbear (S14), Bulbexe (S14), Awticon (S18), downkey (S18), adrmf (S18), toxiicbtw (S18), PizzqWithAQ (S18), luksxixBRBDL (S18), sleepingxd (S24), Severuu (S24), NotChewi (S24), Geroot (S24), Krbreb (S24), LUKAD0NCIC (S24), BENJADDD (S24), Dyoza (S25), T1mT0m (S25)
23rd _carn (24): OCTAMAN (S6), Dargxn (S8), Shqkster (S8), downkey (S11), Kaddyn (S11), _1mmortal_ (S12), Clemjo (S12), Cheetah_16 (S12), AvyleZ (S12), brinniex (S12), ToeKun (S12), suedemax (S15), Lynxo (S17), Cocunut233 (S17), Deadlyboom (S19), drewxd (S19), ranmari (S21), bayweafs (S21), onstep (S22), Evxn063 (S27), Ginzburg (S27), strategy (S29), HUQTER (S29), loyaltea (S29)
23rd LZNAR (24): GhostLikesCakes (S15), downkey (S15), risn (S16), Glarza (S16), winterf (S16), RollRealQuick (S16), Gleoss (S16), LUCRODIUM (S16), BackToAfrica (S18), zCent (S18), PwincessVanessa (S18), Bornyo (S20), Slooshyy (S20), NickPlaysGames15 (S20), TitaniumDino25 (S20), onstep (S21), Jaceon02 (S21), GodlySteal (S21), whoshaze (S21), DanishDrill (S21), TheShippFloats (S21), Dizzying (S21), Turqified (S22), skyzfy (S22)
23rd onstep (24): bmartxxx (S6), Kaddyn (S8), _1mmortal_ (S10), lapppp (S10), soakle (S18), Jaceon02 (S18), GhostLikesCakes (S19), PizzqWithAQ (S20), CurdledDrip (S20), jacobcrafty (S23), QuacksL (S24), RohanSmashBro (S24), alexnv (S24), CipherKai (S24), Kelawesome (S24), brinkwhy (S27), K0REDRAG0N (S27), HeyItsJBug (S27), stupidsylvia (S31), broccoliar (S31), downkey (S31), xtiger34 (S31), Char1zo (S32), LUKAD0NCIC (S32)
26th swishduck (22): nug17 (S18), EivLs (S18), Kaddyn (S19), broccoliar (S19), Dyoza (S19), winterf (S19), tonylmao (S19), TheSheepMasters (S22), SSGSS4Goku (S23), zCent (S23), Zaiki (S23), adrmf (S23), Gott_aka_Leonard (S23), ArcticSeagull (S24), bayweafs (S24), spxrkz_ (S27), Gotelin (S27), theTrapDoor (S27), Thimburrr (S27), SAYNAR (S27), willif (S33), DJoee (S33)
27th Captureee (21): TOOOTH (S20), DumbThiccNick (S25), Jwillz (S25), Char1zo (S25), PupperKun (S25), checog (S25), Greninja (S25), unixn (S27), JEREMIUH (S27), LLEANN (S28), Zopho_ (S28), Sigtash (S28), CurdledDrip (S28), Zoroh (S28), Shqkster (S29), Fcrm (S29), DJoee (S29), BruceTheNinja10 (S29), Colozi (S29), lapppp (S29), Gleoss (S29)
27th mxrwzndood (21): ToeKun (S6), Shot3m (S6), IdkKiller (S6), ranmari (S6), CipherKai (S6), Gleoss (S6), Valnius (S6), Dizzying (S6), AvyleZ (S6), DripGodDavid (S31), FroztiSnow (S31), willif (S31), Hecticity (S31), ranmari (S31), SAYNAR (S31), HeyItsJBug (S31), vynil (S31), JEREMIUH (S31), DJoee (S31), dahii (S31), lamzyk (S31)
27th tonylmao (21): adrmf (S5), TacoDab (S7), _Pm (S7), emi1iano (S7), Kelawesome (S7), Hendysaurus (S8), WoodFired (S8), DZYER (S8), Vrehv (S10), BushieHalf (S16), alcxz (S16), Zeesue (S16), Dreamfall (S16), ghostblurr (S18), colbay (S18), TOOOTH (S18), PupperKun (S18), xMisha (S18), rodfather (S18), Tunaisheree (S31), FearThrows (S32)
27th xMisha (21): WoodFired (S5), SSGSS4Goku (S6), risn (S6), HUQTER (S6), ItsColinn (S7), Shqkster (S9), Bofishkix (S9), SpaceFenix (S9), ItsColinn (S9), SSGSS4Goku (S11), skyzfy (S12), HalfLechuga (S12), downkey (S12), Shqkster (S14), risn (S17), Mafiat (S17), AvyleZ (S18), carterwarterbear (S18), skyzfy (S18), samdave (S18), MangoPlayz (S23)
31st brinkwhy (19): Pahm (S1), skyzfy (S3), _Gag (S3), Dredex (S3), HUQTER (S3), Zebobo10 (S13), St0rmplayz (S13), Haydcn (S16), GhostLikesCakes (S22), Slooshyy (S22), PupperKun (S22), KazyXD (S24), MisaSama (S24), LUKAD0NCIC (S26), onstep (S26), Crayonix (S26), Gleoss (S28), Kaddyn (S30), TheShippFloats (S30)
31st dahii (19): WALRUS_TIME (S8), QuacksL (S10), WALRUS_TIME (S10), skyzfy (S10), DEV0Y (S19), nsi9 (S21), Mvte (S21), colbay (S21), CurdledDrip (S24), soakle (S25), GodlySteal (S27), LUKAD0NCIC (S27), PotatoPlayer_ (S28), StrengthDMN (S31), Zeesue (S31), L1GHT1NG (S31), RollRealQuick (S31), PupperKun (S31), Cloversss (S33)
31st downkey (19): Cwrunch (S2), xPingWinMan (S2), XERNE5 (S2), DragonGlory (S8), Stornette (S10), L1GHT1NG (S12), apa37 (S13), kirkfr (S13), TehBaconBrawlerZ (S13), DripGodDavid (S14), lzmur (S15), Cloversss (S15), lzmur (S16), Slooshyy (S18), Pemmyy (S21), benidk (S23), hypcr (S23), shaundoman (S31), soakle (S31)
31st hypcr (19): TinchoPijoLarga (S11), Bornyo (S11), DeadlyFoxx (S11), Dredex (S11), urfake (S11), xDiversity (S11), JEDIMASTERKANYE (S11), xMisha (S11), Zoroh (S11), lapppp (S11), enablin (S11), Flcnt (S13), PotatoPlayer_ (S13), ToeKun (S15), ObeseProdigy (S15), Zoroh (S18), Dyoza (S18), urfake (S28), BENJADDD (S33)
31st sgouche (19): nug17 (S21), Valnius (S22), hypcr (S22), broccoliar (S22), strategy (S23), VurkeTTV (S24), Char1zo (S24), oMatty (S24), Bobbytheturtle (S24), FLOWTIVES (S25), Glarza (S25), skyzfy (S25), Slooshyy (S31), Zebobo10 (S31), zCent (S31), St0rmplayz (S31), dooko (S32), BENJADDD (S32), O1OO (S33)
36th DumbThiccNick (18): Futan (S3), MangoPlayz (S3), Mohala (S3), LUCRODIUM (S3), FLOWTIVES (S4), Scyles (S4), CipherKai (S4), TehBaconBrawlerZ (S4), Zoroh (S4), xHobo (S4), _Gag (S5), dummycute (S5), Lynxo (S5), Valnius (S5), apa37 (S6), Crayonix (S23), LUCRODIUM (S23), FearThrows (S23)
36th Strikeroonie (18): rawed (S4), upraise (S4), LUKAD0NCIC (S17), Stravilight (S17), azoof (S17), LZNAR (S17), CipherKai (S17), spellygod (S17), MannyDM (S17), ceije (S17), AiroKun (S17), Luca_Kgaming (S18), onstep (S18), chrisrokay (S18), _1mmortal_ (S22), Luca_Kgaming (S22), ItsColinn (S24), zCent (S24)
38th FishManIsPotato (17): Kaddyn (S7), 5idekick (S9), WoodFired (S11), QuacksL (S11), aarei (S11), DEV0Y (S15), StrengthDMN (S15), samdave (S15), BENJADDD (S16), Dargxn (S26), checog (S26), fyechris (S26), MichaelPlayMC (S26), MisaSama (S26), L1GHT1NG (S26), LUCRODIUM (S26), skyzfy (S26)
38th PotatoPlayer_ (17): brinniex (S8), brghts (S12), St0rmplayz (S12), Penley (S13), alcxz (S13), Dreamfall (S15), MisaSama (S18), BENJADDD (S19), Deanuhc (S21), JayNonsense (S21), DanishDrill (S22), ShmeckleBoy (S23), Qmos (S23), _carn (S32), zCent (S32), Erdql (S33), Glarza (S33)
38th Senkhi (17): IZUR (S1), mxcros (S4), StrengthDMN (S8), Zebobo10 (S8), IdkKiller (S8), downkey (S8), ToeKun (S9), violethearts (S9), WoodFired (S19), PLENT (S19), 5idekick (S19), MaxCringe (S19), Dcrpy (S20), Demomaker (S20), derekast (S23), AiroKun (S29), Slooshyy (S29)
41st Deanuhc (16): willif (S5), PwincessVanessa (S5), Lynor (S7), PolarTaco (S7), PapaNugey (S8), 5idekick (S8), benidk (S8), Crayonix (S8), Stravilight (S8), Bulbexe (S8), Stravilight (S10), Mohala (S12), Emplacement (S13), lapppp (S14), beaniepls (S14), Glarza (S14)
41st kirkfr (16): ArcticSeagull (S2), Gleoss (S2), DJoee (S6), L1GHT1NG (S6), FishManIsPotato (S12), BanMoon (S13), ReiBatsubami (S14), apa37 (S15), GodlySteal (S16), ranmari (S17), IdkKiller (S18), NotMyLights (S19), ToeKun (S19), lazys (S21), LUCRODIUM (S21), dontbow (S21)
43rd BENJADDD (15): Cheetah_16 (S13), PwincessVanessa (S13), Charrlottie (S13), ArcticSeagull (S13), PitSolitayrh (S15), lapppp (S15), willif (S15), swishduck (S15), kirkfr (S15), Captinn (S21), _carn (S21), brinkwhy (S22), winterf (S22), BuildingBard300 (S24), Kaismartypants (S33)
43rd LUKAD0NCIC (15): tonylmao (S20), Supersun_ (S20), vynil (S24), benidk (S24), 5KYFALLS (S24), Hecticity (S25), remyyyyyy (S25), dahii (S25), Stornette (S27), onstep (S29), tonylmao (S32), Flcnt (S33), LZNAR (S33), spellygod (S33), Gleoss (S33)
43rd Permm (15): HUQTER (S2), love_gem4164 (S2), risn (S2), Bofishkix (S2), Bulbexe (S2), FLOWTIVES (S2), StrengthDMN (S3), samdave (S3), Chesspiece (S3), LUCRODIUM (S15), risn (S15), beaniepls (S15), Supersun_ (S30), CipherKai (S33), Cahmn (S33)
43rd remyyyyyy (15): ranmari (S10), NickPlaysGames15 (S10), solnyy (S10), Charrlottie (S10), Lunar_ (S15), Saltnobi (S16), bayweafs (S17), winterf (S17), drewxd (S17), ghostblurr (S17), IdkKiller (S20), L1GHT1NG (S20), xPandaaz (S22), LUCRODIUM (S25), WoodFired (S27)
47th Greninja (14): HUQTER (S10), Jaceon02 (S10), flameorb (S10), XERNE5 (S10), dahii (S10), PwincessVanessa (S10), FearThrows (S10), Centrah (S10), brinkwhy (S10), InProper (S10), CipherKai (S10), BuildingBard300 (S25), HalfLechuga (S25), Kelawesome (S25)
47th RohanSmashBro (14): lapppp (S6), Krbreb (S12), ItzHooded (S12), Gleoss (S14), Vrehv (S16), harkuaa (S18), Dargxn (S18), HalfLechuga (S26), Normoh (S26), loyaltea (S27), GrassPiece (S29), K_U_N_A_L (S29), Luca_Kgaming (S29), Cloversss (S31)
47th upraise (14): xNGHT (S4), FearThrows (S6), demisux (S6), dylns (S7), B0WUH (S7), spittoon (S8), Ryanmoko (S9), Forrest235 (S9), Luca_Kgaming (S25), kendawg_g (S28), EivLs (S28), Fcrm (S28), Outname (S28), GrassPiece (S28)
47th willif (14): Smeshi (S12), RollRealQuick (S12), AiroKun (S12), YouCheated (S12), Nightshqdee (S12), cnner (S12), SSGSS4Goku (S12), checog (S12), Turqified (S16), rodfather (S17), HalfLechuga (S21), ArcticSeagull (S25), Fcrm (S32), harkuaa (S32)
47th winterf (14): Blarkslol (S13), NickPlaysGames15 (S13), xHobo (S14), Eindeutiger (S17), St0rmplayz (S17), Cacedoupamso (S17), GodlySteal (S17), Gott_aka_Leonard (S20), FishManIsPotato (S22), carterwarterbear (S22), jasondoa (S22), 5idekick (S28), WoodFired (S31), winterf (S31)
52nd CurdledDrip (13): InProper (S24), Kaismartypants (S28), PupperKun (S28), jasondoa (S28), carterwarterbear (S28), adrmf (S29), pm3crafte4 (S29), TheRealHagrid (S29), BuildingBard300 (S29), harkuaa (S31), lapppp (S31), RohanSmashBro (S31), Dizzying (S33)
52nd DripGodDavid (13): QuacksL (S13), Shqkster (S16), Deadlyboom (S18), GodlySteal (S19), xPandaaz (S20), samdave (S20), lapppp (S20), MisaSama (S20), Dyoza (S20), willif (S23), xtiger34 (S27), checog (S27), Valnius (S29)
52nd L1GHT1NG (13): Stravilight (S5), AdonisGaming (S5), DanishDrill (S9), Greatwarrior_ (S12), strategy (S26), Luca_Kgaming (S27), fyechris (S27), GhostLikesCakes (S28), benidk (S28), adrmf (S31), willif (S32), ilylazaro (S33), IsoLights (S33)
52nd spittoon (13): Chqllenged (S20), TheShippFloats (S20), Dredex (S20), Zopho_ (S20), benidk (S21), HUQTER (S21), adrmf (S25), DJoee (S27), SPEEDYDIGS (S27), L1GHT1NG (S27), skyzfy (S27), Glarza (S28), azoof (S28)
52nd WoodFired (13): DZYER (S7), Nightshqdee (S8), skyzfy (S14), TOOOTH (S16), Riolu100895 (S17), xMisha (S17), _carn (S17), xMisha (S19), Erdql (S20), NotMyLights (S20), theTrapDoor (S21), FLOWTIVES (S24), swishduck (S24)
57th Cahnner (12): MangoPlayz (S1), Fierys (S1), Dargxn (S1), FLOWTIVES (S1), Sigtash (S2), BikBoy (S2), kirkfr (S5), TinchoPijaLarga (S7), Mohala (S7), Kelawesome (S9), MangoPlayz (S9), checog (S9)
57th Zebobo10 (12): Shqkster (S6), Beastaxel (S6), alcxz (S7), WoodFired (S12), derekast (S12), _carn (S12), xMisha (S12), Jwillz (S20), marceloifhy (S20), PotatoPlayer_ (S20), theTrapDoor (S20), FLOWTIVES (S20)
59th 5idekick (11): B0WUH (S8), Shot3m (S9), Greatwarrior_ (S9), Gleoss (S12), SlicedOranges (S16), RohanSmashBro (S17), zCent (S17), Gott_aka_Leonard (S17), alcxz (S24), Senkhi (S24), Crayonix (S24)
59th 5ize (11): RAHILL (S5), imFatLoveMe (S11), Cwrunch (S11), Crayonix (S11), smiinoo (S21), remyyyyyy (S21), Loushus (S21), chrisrokay (S21), flameh (S21), AshRiolu100985 (S21), Severuu (S32)
59th Bulbexe (11): brinniex (S7), K0REDRAG0N (S8), L1GHT1NG (S8), Lynxo (S8), Mohala (S8), zCent (S14), ywack (S14), St0rmplayz (S14), Cloversss (S14), FLOWTIVES (S14), willif (S17)
59th Cirex (11): Loushus (S19), Blendd (S19), MannyDM (S19), Ginzburg (S19), soakle (S19), AvyleZ (S19), adrmf (S19), RollRealQuick (S19), CoDrake (S19), Colozi (S19), Gleoss (S19)
59th colbay (11): BraydenB11 (S3), TehBaconBrawlerZ (S3), mxcros (S3), Lynxo (S4), winterf (S18), ilylazaro (S20), nug17 (S20), brinkwhy (S25), RohanSmashBro (S25), spittoon (S25), oMatty (S32)
59th Dredex (11): risn (S3), Krbreb (S10), ToeKun (S17), Kaismartypants (S17), UbiquityHD (S20), HalfLechuga (S20), spxrkz_ (S24), _carn (S24), nolanishot (S24), soakle (S24), luvictoire (S24)
59th Glarza (11): ranmari (S14), ObeseProdigy (S16), onstep (S16), whoshaze (S19), remyyyyyy (S19), MangoPlayz (S19), Spongey (S19), kirkfr (S19), strategy (S25), carterwarterbear (S30), LLEANN (S33)
59th KELCOS (11): bayweafs (S13), winterf (S13), brinniex (S13), RollRealQuick (S13), TheRealHagrid (S13), FearThrows (S13), BruceTheNinja10 (S16), DJoee (S16), rodfather (S16), Hendysaurus (S16), lapppp (S16)
59th Krbreb (11): YellowAuraa (S2), kirkfr (S2), brinkwhy (S2), Lnarz (S2), MangoPlayz (S2), PizzqWithAQ (S2), SergeantM (S4), PwincessVanessa (S4), Lynxo (S10), benidk (S12), Luca_Kgaming (S16)
59th lamzyk (11): WoodFired (S26), vynil (S26), Glarza (S30), benidk (S30), harkuaa (S30), nsket (S31), GrassPiece (S31), nolanishot (S31), MisaSama (S31), Spongey (S31), skyzfy (S31)
59th MisaSama (11): Mvte (S20), DumbThiccNick (S21), Slooshyy (S23), xMisha (S23), Char1zo (S23), PupperKun (S23), jasondoa (S31), CHAINGE (S33), hypcr (S33), TheShippFloats (S33), FearThrows (S33)
70th AvyleZ (10): Emplacement (S4), Zebobo10 (S6), jjsteeples (S6), kirkfr (S6), m4ku (S6), loyaltea (S6), xMisha (S6), flameorb (S7), IdkKiller (S14), xMisha (S14)
70th Cloversss (10): dylns (S6), Crayonix (S14), Hendysaurus (S15), GodlySteal (S15), solnyy (S19), Luca_Kgaming (S23), GodlySteal (S23), BloodBlack (S24), bayweafs (S30), flameh (S33)
70th HUQTER (10): N0CTURNAL (S2), samdave (S2), Mohala (S6), Cloversss (S6), brinkwhy (S6), CoDrake (S20), hypcr (S28), theTrapDoor (S29), Supersun_ (S32), void_hi (S32)
70th retrys (10): vynil (S21), Senkhi (S21), NickPlaysGames15 (S21), solnyy (S22), lukevvs (S22), Abyr (S22), Qmos (S22), Gott_aka_Leonard (S22), cnner (S22), kirkfr (S22)
70th risn (10): PolarTaco (S3), Haydcn (S4), hypcr (S5), WoodFired (S6), Hendysaurus (S6), harkuaa (S6), Hendysaurus (S7), 5idekick (S15), Zopho_ (S17), alcxz (S19)
70th Spongey (10): ranmari (S16), DanishDrill (S16), Gott_aka_Leonard (S19), Retrofied (S27), SPEEDYDIGS (S31), _carn (S31), Crayonix (S31), Zoroh (S31), Char1zo (S33), 2Pacoh (S33)
76th Colozi (9): willif (S20), Lach (S20), Rameur (S23), jaranato (S23), CommanderK22_ (S23), jasondoa (S27), remyyyyyy (S27), Supersun_ (S27), Shm3e (S29)
76th DanishDrill (9): saltbag (S8), ItsColinn (S8), Ryfri (S8), skyzfy (S8), TOOOTH (S15), realCUYT (S15), benidk (S15), apa37 (S16), UbiquityHD (S16)
76th GrassPiece (9): JEREMIUH (S28), Normoh (S28), salic (S28), MichaelPlayMC (S30), theTrapDoor (S30), PotatoPlayer_ (S30), CHAINGE (S30), xtiger34 (S30), benidk (S31)
76th ItsColinn (9): harkuaa (S7), Greatwarrior_ (S8), DRI60 (S9), harkuaa (S9), CallMeBqse (S17), naseemXBT (S24), Flcnt (S24), brinkwhy (S24), sgouche (S24)
76th IZUR (9): Linkelf0rz (S22), ToeKun (S22), Zoroh (S22), Dargxn (S22), vegis (S26), DripGodDavid (S26), benidk (S26), AiroKun (S26), lapppp (S27)
76th Kelawesome (9): spellygod (S7), Valnius (S7), Fragggg (S7), lapppp (S7), AcidViper (S16), Blendd (S16), benidk (S16), ReiBatsubami (S16), LUCRODIUM (S24)
76th loyaltea (9): RAHILL (S2), maccwyatt (S5), AvyleZ (S5), Greatwarrior_ (S5), TinchoPijaLarga (S6), Greatwarrior_ (S6), Bulbexe (S9), DRI60 (S27), derekast (S29)
76th Stravilight (9): AiroKun (S7), Dcrpy (S8), dhaq (S8), Dcrpy (S12), pm3crafte4 (S20), ADinoPlayingMC (S23), TheRealHagrid (S26), ArcticSeagull (S28), Charrlottie (S28)
76th Vrehv (9): ranmari (S3), Greatwarrior_ (S4), spellygod (S4), XERNE5 (S4), IdkKiller (S4), HUQTER (S4), K0REDRAG0N (S10), KELCOS (S10), Gleoss (S17)
85th Bornyo (8): ceije (S12), Shqkster (S12), Cloversss (S12), lapppp (S12), swishduck (S16), BottleSause (S17), QueenxPetty (S17), Hecticity (S19)
85th chimah (8): Zcin (S1), ranmari (S1), ranmari (S4), TPolls (S4), IsoLights (S4), Sigtash (S4), brinkwhy (S4), benidk (S4)
85th Crayonix (8): TPolls (S8), xMisha (S10), Stravilight (S12), ItsColinn (S12), remyyyyyy (S18), swishduck (S18), Colozi (S18), tonylmao (S18)
85th dylns (8): maccwyatt (S2), soakle (S6), Vrehv (S6), heartparticles (S6), zFate (S6), Emplacement (S6), Merch (S6), onstep (S6)
85th FearThrows (8): DJoee (S7), Greatwarrior_ (S7), benidk (S10), remyyyyyy (S14), Cahnner (S14), bayweafs (S14), CipherKai (S14), Shqkster (S32)
85th iLoveBoris (8): ArcticSeagull (S10), ranmari (S11), CodeJoshua (S11), _1mmortal_ (S11), St0rmplayz (S11), soakle (S11), Jewala (S11), marceloifhy (S11)
85th kendawg_g (8): checog (S2), TehBaconBrawlerZ (S2), remyyyyyy (S26), Kahooter (S27), strategy (S27), sweatgod (S27), Shqkster (S27), swishduck (S27)
85th nolanishot (8): PotatoPlayer_ (S27), sgouche (S27), RqDix (S28), Centrios (S29), Fcrm (S31), Kaismartypants (S31), brinkwhy (S31), Dizzying (S31)
85th ranmari (8): Dcrpy (S21), HUQTER (S24), Zebobo10 (S26), HUQTER (S26), BuildingBard300 (S26), Kahooter (S26), Shqkster (S31), 5ize (S32)
85th solnyy (8): Clemjo (S10), ixHazexi (S13), DRI60 (S13), BloodBlack (S14), XERNE5 (S14), choiceband (S18), brinkwhy (S18), Haydcn (S19)
95th BruceTheNinja10 (7): willif (S16), choiceband (S26), Luca_Kgaming (S26), Dredex (S27), maccwyatt (S29), AshRiolu100985 (S33), Batusko (S33)
95th jasondoa (7): Colozi (S22), alcxz (S31), Luca_Kgaming (S32), BuildingBard300 (S32), HUQTER (S33), benidk (S33), lapppp (S33)
95th jubatyson (7): LZNAR (S20), winterf (S20), sgouche (S21), Zebobo10 (S22), Hpark03 (S22), VurkeTTV (S22), FroztiSnowman (S22)
95th Kaddyn (7): Harvyz (S7), XERNE5 (S17), Shqkster (S17), broccoliar (S30), ScaryPumpkinFace (S33), Codwhy (S33), OhMatias (S33)
95th Kelldeo (7): HeyItsJBug (S2), Bulbexe (S15), Goopling (S16), 5ARx (S16), zCent (S16), Kelawesome (S16), checog (S16)
95th Lynxo (7): flameorb (S6), _carn (S6), DRI60 (S10), ToontownOnline (S12), NickPlaysGames15 (S12), spellygod (S15), brinkwhy (S16)
95th maccwyatt (7): dylns (S2), Bofishkix (S4), soakle (S4), AvyleZ (S4), DumbThiccNick (S4), chimah (S4), HalfLechuga (S9)
95th marceloifhy (7): toggleuhc (S5), Emplacement (S5), apa37 (S11), ToeKun (S11), brinniex (S11), Captinn (S20), _1mmortal_ (S20)
95th Merch (7): Deanuhc (S5), Bulbexe (S5), IsoLights (S5), samdave (S5), Zoroh (S15), xtiger34 (S15), remyyyyyy (S15)
95th Mohala (7): drewxd (S1), brinkwhy (S3), HeyItsJBug (S3), IdkKiller (S3), brinniex (S5), CipherKai (S7), Clegi (S8)
95th Raying (7): oceun (S3), kendawg_g (S11), Centrah (S11), FishManIsPotato (S11), lzmur (S11), _carn (S11), hypcr (S11)
95th SAYNAR (7): theTrapDoor (S25), Supersun_ (S28), onstep (S28), BuildingBard300 (S33), PotatoPlayer_ (S33), Haydcn (S33), carterwarterbear (S33)
95th Scyles (7): PwincessVanessa (S2), Gleeming (S4), colbay (S4), Lynor (S4), Chesspiece (S4), kirkfr (S7), CoDrake (S17)
95th SpaceFenix (7): Evzenitable (S3), drewxd (S3), xDiversity (S9), spellygod (S9), ERHDude (S9), jjsteeples (S13), Deanuhc (S13)
95th St0rmplayz (7): Shqkster (S7), Sigtash (S8), brinkwhy (S9), imFatLoveMe (S9), 5idekick (S16), GodlySteal (S22), HalfLechuga (S31)
95th theTrapDoor (7): benidk (S20), GodlySteal (S20), Zopho_ (S22), colbay (S23), CHAINGE (S26), Fcrm (S26), RohanSmashBro (S30)
95th xDiversity (7): XERNE5 (S16), beaniepls (S16), Loushus (S17), lzmur (S17), theTrapDoor (S23), 5idekick (S24), FLOWTIVES (S26)
95th XERNE5 (7): Shqkster (S2), TinchoPijaLarga (S4), AiroKun (S9), adrmf (S9), MangoPlayz (S14), Zoroh (S14), Slooshyy (S17)
113th CHAINGE (6): MisaSama (S25), BuildingBard300 (S30), Shqkster (S30), ToeKun (S30), BuildingBard300 (S31), CurdledDrip (S31)
113th Fcrm (6): Blendd (S26), dwgn (S28), brinkwhy (S29), Ryfri (S29), checog (S29), _1mmortal_ (S33)
113th Ginzburg (6): DeadpoolUHC (S20), WoodFired (S20), Aybel (S20), benidk (S25), spellygod (S25), _carn (S29)
113th lzmur (6): brinkwhy (S11), TehBaconBrawlerZ (S11), Krxmble (S11), Luca_Kgaming (S17), broccoliar (S17), zewgle (S22)
113th nsi9 (6): Doe (S20), JEREMIUH (S26), St0rmplayz (S26), Demomaker (S26), xROSEQ (S26), RohanSmashBro (S26)
113th strategy (6): PupperKun (S24), dahii (S24), ranmari (S24), xtiger34 (S24), WoodFired (S24), sgouche (S30)
113th Turqified (6): samdave (S10), HalfLechuga (S10), GriddyTC (S10), DripGodDavid (S10), tonylmao (S10), downkey (S10)
113th zCent (6): PotatoPlayer_ (S21), spittoon (S21), remyyyyyy (S22), ethodog (S23), SAYNAR (S29), CurdledDrip (S29)
121st alcxz (5): upraise (S9), maccwyatt (S9), Vrehv (S12), Nuclearsugar (S16), AhSh1t (S16)
121st Batusko (5): AshRiolu100985 (S24), AdonisGaming (S24), upraise (S27), LUKAD0NCIC (S33), MisaSama (S33)
121st Blendd (5): PotatoPlayer_ (S16), SSGSS4Goku (S17), MainAgate5 (S20), remyyyyyy (S20), flameh (S20)
121st derekast (5): nug17 (S22), m4ku (S22), LZNAR (S22), FLOWTIVES (S29), sgouche (S32)
121st Dyoza (5): RohanSmashBro (S27), Captureee (S27), sgouche (S33), Shqkster (S33), Dargxn (S33)
121st enablin (5): RohanSmashBro (S11), iLoveBoris (S11), TheSlimeBrother (S15), Broseph (S16), remyyyyyy (S16)
121st FrostBros (5): spittoon (S19), dahii (S19), K0REDRAG0N (S19), adrmf (S21), skyzfy (S21)
121st GodlySteal (5): rnaa (S16), DripGodDavid (S19), PLENT (S20), skyzfy (S20), L1GHT1NG (S32)
121st harrydagawd (5): Stravilight (S6), skyzfy (S6), St0rmplayz (S6), MangoPlayz (S6), FLOWTIVES (S6)
121st Haydcn (5): risn (S5), HyperOutHere (S21), jubatyson (S21), zCent (S30), Spongey (S33)
121st IdkKiller (5): Bulbexe (S6), Glockey_ (S9), Crayonix (S15), IdkKiller (S19), Zopho_ (S32)
121st IsoLights (5): IdkKiller (S5), MangoPlayz (S5), L1GHT1NG (S5), xxezrabxxx (S16), Luca_Kgaming (S33)
121st LLEANN (5): Blendd (S20), LUKAD0NCIC (S20), onstep (S20), _carn (S28), Supersun_ (S33)
121st naseemXBT (5): MCBR (S24), Gleoss (S25), Crayonix (S27), Slooshyy (S27), Zoroh (S27)
121st rodfather (5): AiroKun (S16), Lunar_ (S16), CrowJRC (S16), bestlegitww (S18), _1mmortal_ (S18)
121st saltbag (5): spellygod (S5), jemjosh (S7), Cloversss (S7), toggleuhc (S7), Slooshyy (S19)
121st StrengthDMN (5): Normoh (S27), alexnv (S27), Spongey (S27), IZUR (S27), PupperKun (S27)
121st Supersun_ (5): L1GHT1NG (S22), St0rmplayz (S22), PotatoPlayer_ (S23), BuildingBard300 (S27), _pbo (S30)
121st YouCheated (5): IvanDIGGA (S12), ranmari (S12), CipherKai (S12), Dizzying (S12), ploonyUwU (S28)
121st zewgle (5): _Pm (S15), mxcros (S15), DJoee (S15), Kelldeo (S15), Cacedoupamso (S30)
121st Zopho_ (5): samdave (S7), Xifto (S22), PotatoPlayer_ (S32), soakle (S32), loyaltea (S32)
Rest in Part 2
submitted by Brodator to SeaPickled [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:16 Xciv Tips for others after 50 Hours of fun

Putting it down for now while waiting patiently for the game to be finished!
Big list of tips after roughly 3 playthroughs:
  1. Make sure you have enough Oxen for all the work in your village. Work with Ox includes: construction, sawmill, and plowing fields if you perk into it. Prioritize that 2nd Ox so you can simultaneously make planks and build buildings. If you're poor and stuck with one Oxen, either pause your Sawmill or pause construction if you want to prioritize doing one or the other. If you go heavy into farming I recommend 4 oxen.
  2. Burgages with sizeable vegetable gardens solve your food problems. My first playthrough was plagued with chronic food shortages, until I figured out the power of vegetable Burgages. But do remember that the larger your vegetable plot, the less that family works their assigned job. So make sure they're working low priority jobs, like mining, rather than critical full time jobs, like Trading.
  3. I start each village with four 0.5 Morgen vegetable gardens with double families, which covers your basic food needs. You can force two families per Burgage plot by clicking the minus icon to have larger plots. Use farming fields to measure 0.5 Morgen with precision.
  4. Roads are free, use roads to force Burgage plots into the exact shapes and sizes you want.
  5. You can use farm fields (free to put down and delete) to shuffle Hunting zones around. Keep shuffling that deer around different patches of forest until they're where you want them.
  6. Trade is king. Even if you do not spec into it, one of the first jobs among your first 10 families should be a trader. Sell literally anything you don't immediately need that can generate some town wealth. I prefer berries and hides. This initial town wealth is invaluable because it can buy Burgage extensions, which keeps your food income self-sufficient. One of the biggest pitfalls is an expanding population without an equally expanding source of food.
  7. Farming is for 3 things: (1) Ale for Level 3 Burgages // (2) Linen for Gambesons and Clothing variety // (3) Wheat for Bread for food variety and food security for large populations. So counterintuitively, do not build farms until late game. It is only for late game when you're pushing your village to Tier 3. Also because of this, I recommend building your largest town (300+ population) in a zone with good farming fertility.
  8. If you have a ton of resources but some households are still not being supplied (I have 10 months worth of firewood but a house is not getting firewood???), it's because your Market is not being stocked. To stock more to the Market you need to build more Stockpiles and Granaries. People assigned to these will open market stalls and transport goods to them, which will then supply your town.
  9. Houses get stocked with resources in a priority system based on distance to the market. Close to market get stocked first, so try to plan your town where your Tier 3 houses are hugging closest to your market as they have the greatest demands for resource variety.
  10. Distance to the Church and Wells DO matter, at least from what I've observed. Villagers physically travel to wells and the church (correct me if I'm wrong and it's just cosmetic), so make sure to build multiple wells, and have the church centrally located.
  11. Build a Manor ASAP. Your Retinue are your standing army and using them against bandits does not interrupt your economy. You want your Retinue ASAP. They are also powerful fighters.
  1. The Baron gets Influence from killing bandits, and he uses this influence to claim provinces and contest your provinces. If the Baron runs out of provinces to claim and contests your home province before you manage to build a large enough army, it's GAME OVER. So it is of vital importance to beat the Baron to bandit camps and monopolize the glory and loot from the camps for yourself.
  2. As soon as bandit camps appear, you want to beeline over there and beat the Baron to killing these camps. You can manage this with the starting 20 Spear Militia by building 2 units of Spears, splitting this 20 into 10 and 10. Always choose to send the spoils of the looted camp to your Personal Wealth.
  3. Use this to purchase temporary Mercenaries to clear future camps (it's a net gain in Personal Wealth if you fire the mercenaries so you only pay them for one 30 day period, and more importantly, you deny the Baron Influence and keep your Militias alive). You can rely on mercenaries this way until you have your Retinue up and running.
  4. Having more units is better. Six units, 10 men each, is more tactically valuable than having two units, 30 men each. The reason is if you surround an enemy unit from multiple sides, they get the Surrounded debuff, which reduces Efficiency by -40%. So if you surround a unit from 3 sides they get a whopping -80%, making them basically useless in combat. So if it's 30 vs. 30 units of equal quality, you can whoop them by splitting up into three groups of 10.
  5. Spears are good for tanking. Swords are all-rounders. Polearms are good for offense but are made of paper. Retinue are good at fighting but baaaad at running around (they lose stamina faster). My personal preference is to hold the center line with Retinue, and work the flanks with Spears and Polearms.
  6. As soon as you unlock a 2nd province and you have enough Personal Wealth to do so, start building your 2nd village. Beeline it to that 2nd Manor, which instantly spawns 5 men of Retinue for free. Remember, having two units of Retinue, 5 men each, is stronger than having one Retinue of 10, because of flanking debuffs. Three Retinues is the magic number that will see you through the whole game, but more is always merrier.
  7. The hardest battle in the game has you facing 7 enemy units, one of which is a 36-soldier Retinue unit. This is why I recommend having 3 Retinue of your own along with your 6 Militia. Due to a bug you might be limited to 5 Militia, in which case just colonize one more village and bring 4 Retinues for an easy victory!
  8. Use stances to maximize situations. If you're in a 1v1 against a stronger unit (Spear Militia vs. enemy Retinue), use the defensive stance. If you've surrounded an enemy on three sides use offensive stance.
  9. Do not sprint all over the map unless you absolutely need to get somewhere fast. You want to save stamina for combat. At the start of combat, assuming your units start at full stamina, turn on sprint for all your units. Tactically getting somewhere a little faster and getting those juicy surrounds is worth more than getting to a position late but with full stamina. You can toggle sprint with the R key.
submitted by Xciv to ManorLords [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:16 Brodator Solace Kills (Part 2)

Solace Kills (Part 2)


Rest in Part 1
142nd _Pm (4): dylxnd (S7), ToeKun (S7), Dargxn (S7), Vernium (S16)
142nd apa37 (4): Cahnner (S6), Caceduopamso (S15), _1mmortal_ (S17), L1GHT1NG (S17)
142nd beaniepls (4): QuacksL (S14), _Fost_ (S16), Zeesue (S17), benidk (S17)
142nd Dcrpy (4): ghostblurr (S9), Haydcn (S9), tonylmao (S9), Senkhi (S9)
142nd drewxd (4): Bofishkix (S1), SpaceFenix (S3), soakle (S17), _Gag (S17)
142nd Flcnt (4): loyaltea (S9), Centrah (S9), skyzfy (S9), Dreamfall (S33)
142nd HalfLechuga (4): Greatwarrior_ (S10), brinniex (S15), MisaSama (S29), Charrlottie (S29)
142nd Hendysaurus (4): HUQTER (S5), Jeromesha (S5), upraise (S6), saltbag (S6)
142nd ilylazaro (4): xtiger34 (S20), soakle (S20), RiseGR (S21), BENJADDD (S21)
142nd JEREMIUH (4): Switches (S27), Scyles (S28), kendawg_g (S31), sgouche (S31)
142nd m4ku (4): alcxz (S6), downkey (S22), SpaceFenix (S26), Supersun_ (S26)
142nd NotChewi (4): DripGodDavid (S6), spellygod (S6), DragonGlory (S9), HalfLechuga (S24)
142nd oceun (4): Blarkslol (S3), dontbow (S32), PupperKun (S32), HUQTER (S32)
142nd Shqkster (4): downkey (S1), CallMeBqse (S1), Ryfri (S14), xPandaaz (S32)
142nd TOOOTH (4): GreenFire26 (S17), ToeKun (S18), T1mT0m (S18), Aybel (S22)
142nd TPolls (4): Permm (S3), Vrehv (S3), Raying (S3), Cahnner (S4)
142nd unixn (4): ItsColinn (S21), Cahnner (S21), Slooshyy (S21), FrostBros (S21)
142nd ZachConnor (4): Bulbexe (S7), XERNE5 (S7), St0rmplayz (S7), Stravilight (S7)
160th 5HARPGOD (3): PapaNugey (S15), Merch (S15), LZNAR (S15)
160th ArcticSeagull (3): YouCheated (S9), DRI60 (S14), RqDix (S27)
160th BloodBlack (3): Lative (S14), benidk (S14), WoodFired (S14)
160th CoDrake (3): Abstracct (S13), theTrapDoor (S19), benidk (S19)
160th DragonGlory (3): ZachConnor (S8), carterwarterbear (S8), Vrehv (S9)
160th Emplacement (3): notrhain (S6), Slooshyy (S8), jjsteeples (S8)
160th ethodog (3): Fcrm (S24), DJoee (S24), _Fost_ (S24)
160th Fierys (3): AryaQT (S1), Senkhi (S1), homiemansmans (S1)
160th fyechris (3): 5idekick (S27), soakle (S27), GrassPiece (S27)
160th ghostblurr (3): BruceTheNinja10 (S17), MXLAXIO (S17), HeyItsJBug (S19)
160th ImChilly (3): risn (S7), ArcticSeagull (S7), xMisha (S9)
160th iWrekt (3): FireBreathMan (S2), spellygod (S2), xCynesta (S2)
160th jacobcrafty (3): Squegi (S23), Senkhi (S23), _carn (S27)
160th Kahooter (3): Kaismartypants (S26), hashtagmat (S26), FLOWTIVES (S27)
160th lukevvs (3): PLENT (S21), PotatoPlayer_ (S22), SilabaTonica (S23)
160th luksxixBRBDL (3): emi1iano (S18), L1GHT1NG (S18), Dreamfall (S18)
160th MephisDomen (3): Bornyo (S24), ethodog (S24), Stornette (S24)
160th Nightshqdee (3): void_hi (S8), ArcticSeagull (S8), JroseFX (S8)
160th notrhain (3): Shqkster (S15), ninja3214 (S15), skyzfy (S15)
160th PingBomb (3): TehBaconBrawlerZ (S9), Crayonix (S9), benidk (S9)
160th PLENT (3): Hrray (S22), TitaniumDino25 (S22), Gleoss (S22)
160th RollRealQuick (3): Dargxn (S12), Kaddyn (S33), CommanderK22_ (S33)
160th Stornette (3): StrengthDMN (S10), Abyr (S24), Batusko (S24)
160th sweatgod (3): DripGodDavid (S27), DJoee (S30), CipherKai (S30)
160th TheShippFloats (3): dahii (S21), retrys (S21), xtiger34 (S33)
160th toggleuhc (3): love_gem4164 (S5), Sigtash (S5), benidk (S5)
160th Valnius (3): RohanSmashBro (S6), pawnss (S6), toggleuhc (S6)
160th violethearts (3): willif (S9), CipherKai (S9), Dargxn (S25)
160th void_hi (3): StrengthDMN (S7), FishManIsPotato (S9), DripGodDavid (S15)
160th xROSEQ (3): Dyoza (S26), xDiversity (S26), Gotelin (S26)
160th Zeko_Kun (3): Ryfri (S13), derekast (S13), benidk (S13)
191st _1mmortal_ (2): willif (S7), Lunar_ (S7)
191st alexnv (2): colbay (S27), jacobcrafty (S27)
191st B0WUH (2): Zeesue (S15), Kartracer (S15)
191st Bobbytheturtle (2): SSGSS4Goku (S15), Batsuko (S15)
191st BraydenB11 (2): Strikeroonie (S4), upraise (S5)
191st Captinn (2): LUCRODIUM (S17), UbiquityHD (S17)
191st Cheetah_16 (2): marceloifhy (S10), BraydenB11 (S12)
191st Chesspiece (2): ZachConnor (S3), risn (S4)
191st Clegi (2): DRI60 (S8), dahii (S8)
191st Cr3ad (2): YouCheated (S28), broccoliar (S28)
191st Creadyy (2): brinkwhy (S12), IdkKiller (S12)
191st Cwrunch (2): cnner (S11), AiroKun (S11)
191st devuls (2): DripGodDavid (S9), lapppp (S9)
191st Dewces (2): floodW (S13), SpaceFenix (S13)
191st dhaq (2): yassifies_u (S8), Forrest235 (S8)
191st dontbow (2): samdave (S21), carterwarterbear (S27)
191st Dreamfall (2): PitSolitayrh (S17), skyzfy (S17)
191st Drkrai (2): saltbag (S16), MarcoThePhe0nix (S16)
191st DZYER (2): iLoveBoris (S8), BraydenB11 (S8)
191st ERHDude (2): RohanSmashBro (S7), brinniex (S9)
191st Ezehh (2): pm3crafte4 (S23), BENJADDD (S23)
191st Fragggg (2): InProper (S16), tonylmao (S16)
191st FroztiSnowman (2): Strikeroonie (S22), RollRealQuick (S22)
191st fxlzy (2): Orbitxl (S23), carterwarterbear (S23)
191st GhostLikesCakes (2): TMNono (S18), saltbag (S19)
191st Greatwarrior_ (2): Greatwarrior_ (S11), ArcticSeagull (S12)
191st harkuaa (2): Haydcn (S6), theTrapDoor (S32)
191st HeyItsJBug (2): Flcnt (S2), St0rmplayz (S27)
191st homiemansmans (2): HUQTER (S1), ItzIgglesPiggles (S1)
191st IMLpLay (2): Mohala (S19), _carn (S19)
191st jjsteeples (2): HeyItsJBug (S4), imFatLoveMe (S8)
191st KennyTee (2): Shqkster (S22), sr8611 (S22)
191st MannyDM (2): mxrwxndood (S8), Lynxo (S19)
191st mxrwxndood (2): Wimbl (S8), upraise (S8)
191st NickPlaysGames15 (2): HalfLechuga (S14), winterf (S14)
191st Normoh (2): idklyn (S15), ArcticSeagull (S27)
191st NotSugar (2): Clemjo (S16), Bornyo (S16)
191st Pemmyy (2): LUKAD0NCIC (S21), downkey (S21)
191st PolarTaco (2): TehBaconBrawlerZ (S7), kendawg_g (S7)
191st QuacksL (2): NexfoR (S10), ywack (S11)
191st RaiN_DyNasty (2): SAYNAR (S32), IdkKiller (S32)
191st Rameur (2): Crayonix (S20), Zoroh (S23)
191st RiseGR (2): St0rmplayz (S21), hypcr (S21)
191st Sigtash (2): FearThrows (S4), Stornette (S28)
191st slxps (2): notrhain (S4), Senkhi (S4)
191st SPEEDYDIGS (2): IdkKiller (S26), HUQTER (S27)
191st spxrkz_ (2): lzmur (S24), DumbThiccNick (S24)
191st SSGSS4Goku (2): Charrlottie (S12), kirkfr (S12)
191st TehBaconBrawlerZ (2): T1mT0m (S13), Vetmire (S14)
191st TheSheepMasters (2): TehBaconBrawlerZ (S21), Gotelin (S21)
191st vynil (2): LUCRODIUM (S31), loyaltea (S31)
191st xannydood (2): GhostLikesCakes (S33), PupperKun (S33)
191st Zeesue (2): SpaceFenix (S15), NotChewi (S31)
191st zFate (2): PizzqWithAQ (S6), imFatLoveMe (S6)
245th 5KYFALLS (1): jacobcrafty (S24)
245th _Fost_ (1): willif (S14)
245th _Gag (1): Bulbexe (S3)
245th Abyr (1): Togglee_ (S22)
245th Aybel (1): broccoliar (S20)
245th BackToAfrica (1): Dargxn (S16)
245th Bov (1): HalfLechuga (S28)
245th brghts (1): jake_hoe (S12)
245th broccoliar (1): broccoliar (S12)
245th Broseph (1): ObeseProdigy (S19)
245th Centrah (1): jake_hoe (S7)
245th cherryblawsom (1): ninja3214 (S9)
245th chrisrokay (1): Broseph (S18)
245th Clemjo (1): DEV0Y (S10)
245th Cocunut233 (1): brinkwhy (S14)
245th CrowJRC (1): PitSolitayrh (S16)
245th Daltun (1): RollRealQuick (S14)
245th Deadlyboom (1): beaniepls (S18)
245th DEV0Y (1): Bulbexe (S24)
245th Erdql (1): theTrapDoor (S33)
245th Fearx_ (1): _carn (S22)
245th flameh (1): Lynxo (S20)
245th flameorb (1): Bornyo (S8)
245th floodW (1): Tinydraco (S13)
245th Gott_aka_Leonard (1): Gleoss (S15)
245th Hecticity (1): tonylmao (S31)
245th Hpark03 (1): omchris (S22)
245th idklyn (1): SpaceFenix (S1)
245th Jaceon02 (1): L1GHT1NG (S16)
245th Jewala (1): Zeesue (S11)
245th Jwillz (1): Cacedoupamso (S24)
245th Kaismartypants (1): m4ku (S26)
245th Kartracer (1): zCent (S15)
245th KazyXD (1): Jwillz (S24)
245th Lach (1): Zebobo10 (S20)
245th Lnarz (1): IsoLights (S3)
245th Loushus (1): bayweafs (S19)
245th Lunar_ (1): Zopho_ (S8)
245th MarcoThePhe0nix (1): CallMeBqse (S16)
245th MaxCringe (1): LLEANN (S21)
245th Mvte (1): pureinnocence (S1)
245th mxcros (1): cherryblawsom (S9)
245th Nikanod (1): NotMyLights (S21)
245th nsket (1): Valnius (S31)
245th ObeseProdigy (1): Dredex (S16)
245th OhMatias (1): Fcrm (S33)
245th omchris (1): OblivionTU (S22)
245th Pahm (1): AdonisGaming (S3)
245th pm3crafte4 (1): nsi9 (S20)
245th PRICINCT (1): HalfLechuga (S15)
245th Psykl0ne (1): QueenxPetty (S16)
245th PwincessVanessa (1): GhostLikesCakes (S18)
245th RAHILL (1): BraydenB11 (S2)
245th RatherRare (1): Gleoss (S11)
245th Ryfri (1): Slooshyy (S24)
245th Shm3e (1): alcxz (S29)
245th Shot3m (1): willif (S6)
245th sleepingxd (1): GhostLikesCakes (S24)
245th Specularpotato (1): Cr3ad (S28)
245th sr8611 (1): Fearx_ (S22)
245th Switches (1): spellygod (S3)
245th T1mT0m (1): IdkKiller (S13)
245th TheRealHagrid (1): Dcrpy (S13)
245th TheSlimeBrother (1): DRI60 (S15)
245th ToeKun (1): Luca_Kgaming (S19)
245th ToontownOnline (1): alcxz (S8)
245th UbiquityHD (1): Shqkster (S20)
245th xPandaaz (1): HalfLechuga (S32)
245th yassifies_u (1): XERNE5 (S8)
245th Yist (1): Ryfri (S10)
245th zrtt (1): Scyles (S7)

Kill/Death Ratio (KDR)

1st brocktober - NaN (0/0)
2nd mxrwzndood - Inf (21/0)
2nd Cirex - Inf (11/0)
4th Greninja - 7.00 (14/2)
5th Zoroh - 5.32 (101/19)
6th retrys - 5.00 (10/2)
6th harrydagawd - 5.00 (5/1)
8th FLOWTIVES - 4.67 (112/24)
9th adrmf - 4.57 (64/14)
10th cnner - 4.33 (26/6)
11th Captureee - 4.20 (21/5)
12th lapppp - 4.16 (104/25)
13th chimah - 4.00 (8/2)
14th Permm - 3.75 (15/4)
15th lamzyk - 3.67 (11/3)
16th PizzqWithAQ - 3.64 (40/11)
17th Strikeroonie - 3.60 (18/5)
18th jubatyson - 3.50 (7/2)
18th Raying - 3.50 (7/2)
20th Gleoss - 3.15 (63/20)
21st LZNAR - 3.00 (24/8)
21st Fierys - 3.00 (3/1)
21st iWrekt - 3.00 (3/1)
21st luksxixBRBDL - 3.00 (3/1)
21st MephisDomen - 3.00 (3/1)
21st PingBomb - 3.00 (3/1)
21st xROSEQ - 3.00 (3/1)
21st Zeko_Kun - 3.00 (3/1)
29th xtiger34 - 2.90 (29/10)
30th 5ize - 2.75 (11/4)
30th KELCOS - 2.75 (11/4)
32nd spellygod - 2.73 (41/15)
33rd iLoveBoris - 2.67 (8/3)
34th AiroKun - 2.62 (42/16)
35th FrostBros - 2.50 (5/2)
36th CipherKai - 2.45 (27/11)
37th Merch - 2.33 (7/3)
38th samdave - 2.27 (34/15)
39th GrassPiece - 2.25 (9/4)
39th IZUR - 2.25 (9/4)
41st swishduck - 2.20 (22/10)
42nd LUCRODIUM - 2.06 (33/16)
43rd skyzfy - 2.00 (50/25)
43rd Spongey - 2.00 (10/5)
43rd dylns - 2.00 (8/4)
43rd nsi9 - 2.00 (6/3)
43rd oceun - 2.00 (4/2)
43rd Clegi - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd Cr3ad - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd Creadyy - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd devuls - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd Dewces - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd Drkrai - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd Ezehh - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd FroztiSnowman - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd fxlzy - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd homiemansmans - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd KennyTee - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd mxrwxndood - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd NotSugar - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd Pemmyy - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd RaiN_DyNasty - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd slxps - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd xannydood - 2.00 (2/1)
43rd zFate - 2.00 (2/1)
66th checog - 1.93 (27/14)
66th Dizzying - 1.93 (27/14)
68th carterwarterbear - 1.83 (44/24)
69th PupperKun - 1.80 (27/15)
69th Kelawesome - 1.80 (9/5)
71st Deanuhc - 1.78 (16/9)
72nd tonylmao - 1.75 (21/12)
72nd Kelldeo - 1.75 (7/4)
72nd marceloifhy - 1.75 (7/4)
75th FishManIsPotato - 1.70 (17/10)
76th enablin - 1.67 (5/3)
76th LLEANN - 1.67 (5/3)
76th zewgle - 1.67 (5/3)
79th DJoee - 1.65 (28/17)
80th Dargxn - 1.63 (31/19)
81st CurdledDrip - 1.62 (13/8)
81st spittoon - 1.62 (13/8)
83rd xMisha - 1.62 (21/13)
84th nolanishot - 1.60 (8/5)
85th dahii - 1.58 (19/12)
85th sgouche - 1.58 (19/12)
87th Cahnner - 1.50 (12/8)
87th DanishDrill - 1.50 (9/6)
87th 5HARPGOD - 1.50 (3/2)
87th BloodBlack - 1.50 (3/2)
87th fyechris - 1.50 (3/2)
87th ImChilly - 1.50 (3/2)
87th Kahooter - 1.50 (3/2)
87th Nightshqdee - 1.50 (3/2)
87th violethearts - 1.50 (3/2)
96th Senkhi - 1.42 (17/12)
97th soakle - 1.33 (28/21)
97th onstep - 1.33 (24/18)
97th unixn - 1.33 (4/3)
97th ZachConnor - 1.33 (4/3)
101st DumbThiccNick - 1.29 (18/14)
101st ItsColinn - 1.29 (9/7)
103rd hypcr - 1.27 (19/15)
104th _carn - 1.26 (24/19)
105th benidk - 1.25 (35/28)
105th AvyleZ - 1.25 (10/8)
105th naseemXBT - 1.25 (5/4)
105th rodfather - 1.25 (5/4)
105th YouCheated - 1.25 (5/4)
110th colbay - 1.22 (11/9)
110th Dredex - 1.22 (11/9)
110th Glarza - 1.22 (11/9)
113th Ginzburg - 1.20 (6/5)
114th downkey - 1.19 (19/16)
115th upraise - 1.17 (14/12)
115th BruceTheNinja10 - 1.17 (7/6)
115th maccwyatt - 1.17 (7/6)
118th BENJADDD - 1.15 (15/13)
118th LUKAD0NCIC - 1.15 (15/13)
120th Krbreb - 1.10 (11/10)
121st winterf - 1.08 (14/13)
122nd remyyyyyy - 1.07 (15/14)
123rd Zebobo10 - 1.00 (12/12)
123rd Colozi - 1.00 (9/9)
123rd loyaltea - 1.00 (9/9)
123rd Bornyo - 1.00 (8/8)
123rd solnyy - 1.00 (8/8)
123rd SAYNAR - 1.00 (7/7)
123rd Scyles - 1.00 (7/7)
123rd Blendd - 1.00 (5/5)
123rd _Pm - 1.00 (4/4)
123rd ilylazaro - 1.00 (4/4)
123rd JEREMIUH - 1.00 (4/4)
123rd m4ku - 1.00 (4/4)
123rd ethodog - 1.00 (3/3)
123rd lukevvs - 1.00 (3/3)
123rd notrhain - 1.00 (3/3)
123rd alexnv - 1.00 (2/2)
123rd Bobbytheturtle - 1.00 (2/2)
123rd Cwrunch - 1.00 (2/2)
123rd dhaq - 1.00 (2/2)
123rd ERHDude - 1.00 (2/2)
123rd Rameur - 1.00 (2/2)
123rd RiseGR - 1.00 (2/2)
123rd spxrkz_ - 1.00 (2/2)
123rd Bov - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd brghts - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd cherryblawsom - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd CrowJRC - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd Daltun - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd floodW - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd Hpark03 - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd Jewala - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd Kartracer - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd KazyXD - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd MarcoThePhe0nix - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd Nikanod - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd nsket - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd PRICINCT - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd Psykl0ne - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd RatherRare - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd Shm3e - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd sleepingxd - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd Specularpotato - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd sr8611 - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd TheSlimeBrother - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd yassifies_u - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd Yist - 1.00 (1/1)
123rd zrtt - 1.00 (1/1)
170th kirkfr - 0.94 (16/17)
171st 5idekick - 0.92 (11/12)
172nd risn - 0.91 (10/11)
173rd Vrehv - 0.90 (9/10)
174th SpaceFenix - 0.88 (7/8)
174th xDiversity - 0.88 (7/8)
176th CHAINGE - 0.86 (6/7)
176th lzmur - 0.86 (6/7)
176th Turqified - 0.86 (6/7)
179th PotatoPlayer_ - 0.85 (17/20)
180th Batusko - 0.83 (5/6)
180th IsoLights - 0.83 (5/6)
182nd FearThrows - 0.80 (8/10)
182nd beaniepls - 0.80 (4/5)
182nd TPolls - 0.80 (4/5)
185th jasondoa - 0.78 (7/9)
185th Mohala - 0.78 (7/9)
187th Fcrm - 0.75 (6/8)
187th strategy - 0.75 (6/8)
187th DragonGlory - 0.75 (3/4)
187th jacobcrafty - 0.75 (3/4)
187th PLENT - 0.75 (3/4)
187th sweatgod - 0.75 (3/4)
187th toggleuhc - 0.75 (3/4)
194th RohanSmashBro - 0.74 (14/19)
194th willif - 0.74 (14/19)
196th Bulbexe - 0.73 (11/15)
197th kendawg_g - 0.73 (8/11)
198th WoodFired - 0.72 (13/18)
199th Dyoza - 0.71 (5/7)
199th StrengthDMN - 0.71 (5/7)
201st MisaSama - 0.69 (11/16)
202nd Cloversss - 0.67 (10/15)
202nd drewxd - 0.67 (4/6)
202nd NotChewi - 0.67 (4/6)
202nd B0WUH - 0.67 (2/3)
202nd Fragggg - 0.67 (2/3)
202nd IMLpLay - 0.67 (2/3)
202nd PolarTaco - 0.67 (2/3)
202nd TheSheepMasters - 0.67 (2/3)
210th DripGodDavid - 0.65 (13/20)
211th Kaddyn - 0.64 (7/11)
212th brinkwhy - 0.63 (19/30)
213th derekast - 0.62 (5/8)
213th saltbag - 0.62 (5/8)
213th Zopho_ - 0.62 (5/8)
216th L1GHT1NG - 0.62 (13/21)
217th ghostblurr - 0.60 (3/5)
217th TheShippFloats - 0.60 (3/5)
219th Flcnt - 0.57 (4/7)
219th Hendysaurus - 0.57 (4/7)
219th TOOOTH - 0.57 (4/7)
222nd XERNE5 - 0.54 (7/13)
223rd HUQTER - 0.53 (10/19)
224th Stravilight - 0.50 (9/18)
224th Lynxo - 0.50 (7/14)
224th theTrapDoor - 0.50 (7/14)
224th Supersun_ - 0.50 (5/10)
224th CoDrake - 0.50 (3/6)
224th Stornette - 0.50 (3/6)
224th Captinn - 0.50 (2/4)
224th Chesspiece - 0.50 (2/4)
224th DZYER - 0.50 (2/4)
224th MannyDM - 0.50 (2/4)
224th SPEEDYDIGS - 0.50 (2/4)
224th 5KYFALLS - 0.50 (1/2)
224th Abyr - 0.50 (1/2)
224th Deadlyboom - 0.50 (1/2)
224th Erdql - 0.50 (1/2)
224th Fearx_ - 0.50 (1/2)
224th Lach - 0.50 (1/2)
224th Lnarz - 0.50 (1/2)
224th MaxCringe - 0.50 (1/2)
224th OhMatias - 0.50 (1/2)
224th Pahm - 0.50 (1/2)
224th Shot3m - 0.50 (1/2)
224th Switches - 0.50 (1/2)
247th apa37 - 0.44 (4/9)
247th Dcrpy - 0.44 (4/9)
249th Crayonix - 0.42 (8/19)
250th GodlySteal - 0.42 (5/12)
250th Haydcn - 0.42 (5/12)
252nd ranmari - 0.40 (8/20)
252nd Cheetah_16 - 0.40 (2/5)
252nd dontbow - 0.40 (2/5)
252nd Normoh - 0.40 (2/5)
256th alcxz - 0.38 (5/13)
257th zCent - 0.38 (6/16)
257th Emplacement - 0.38 (3/8)
257th Valnius - 0.38 (3/8)
260th St0rmplayz - 0.35 (7/20)
261st void_hi - 0.33 (3/9)
261st BraydenB11 - 0.33 (2/6)
261st NickPlaysGames15 - 0.33 (2/6)
261st vynil - 0.33 (2/6)
261st _Fost_ - 0.33 (1/3)
261st _Gag - 0.33 (1/3)
261st Aybel - 0.33 (1/3)
261st BackToAfrica - 0.33 (1/3)
261st Broseph - 0.33 (1/3)
261st chrisrokay - 0.33 (1/3)
261st Clemjo - 0.33 (1/3)
261st Cocunut233 - 0.33 (1/3)
261st flameh - 0.33 (1/3)
261st idklyn - 0.33 (1/3)
261st Loushus - 0.33 (1/3)
261st Mvte - 0.33 (1/3)
261st ObeseProdigy - 0.33 (1/3)
261st omchris - 0.33 (1/3)
261st pm3crafte4 - 0.33 (1/3)
261st RAHILL - 0.33 (1/3)
261st ToontownOnline - 0.33 (1/3)
261st UbiquityHD - 0.33 (1/3)
261st xPandaaz - 0.33 (1/3)
284th Dreamfall - 0.29 (2/7)
284th jjsteeples - 0.29 (2/7)
286th IdkKiller - 0.28 (5/18)
287th GhostLikesCakes - 0.25 (2/8)
287th HeyItsJBug - 0.25 (2/8)
287th QuacksL - 0.25 (2/8)
287th SSGSS4Goku - 0.25 (2/8)
287th Centrah - 0.25 (1/4)
287th flameorb - 0.25 (1/4)
287th Jaceon02 - 0.25 (1/4)
287th Jwillz - 0.25 (1/4)
287th Lunar_ - 0.25 (1/4)
296th HalfLechuga - 0.24 (4/17)
297th RollRealQuick - 0.23 (3/13)
298th Greatwarrior_ - 0.22 (2/9)
299th harkuaa - 0.20 (2/10)
299th Sigtash - 0.20 (2/10)
299th TehBaconBrawlerZ - 0.20 (2/10)
299th DEV0Y - 0.20 (1/5)
299th Hecticity - 0.20 (1/5)
299th mxcros - 0.20 (1/5)
299th T1mT0m - 0.20 (1/5)
306th Shqkster - 0.17 (4/23)
307th ArcticSeagull - 0.17 (3/18)
307th Zeesue - 0.17 (2/12)
307th TheRealHagrid - 0.17 (1/6)
310th _1mmortal_ - 0.14 (2/14)
311th Gott_aka_Leonard - 0.12 (1/8)
311th Ryfri - 0.12 (1/8)
313th PwincessVanessa - 0.08 (1/12)
314th broccoliar - 0.07 (1/14)
314th Kaismartypants - 0.07 (1/14)
316th ToeKun - 0.06 (1/18)
317th 14flyte - 0.00 (0/1)
317th 4runnermaster - 0.00 (0/1)
317th 6irb - 0.00 (0/1)
317th aarei - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Abstracct - 0.00 (0/1)
317th AcidViper - 0.00 (0/1)
317th AhSh1t - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Arich - 0.00 (0/1)
317th AryaQT - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Awticon - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Batsuko - 0.00 (0/1)
317th BEESTARG - 0.00 (0/1)
317th bestlegitww - 0.00 (0/1)
317th BikBoy - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Blufferfish2009 - 0.00 (0/1)
317th bmartxxx - 0.00 (0/1)
317th BushieHalf - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Centrios - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Chqllenged - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Cindergaming698 - 0.00 (0/1)
317th claure - 0.00 (0/1)
317th CodeJoshua - 0.00 (0/1)
317th CTW - 0.00 (0/1)
317th DeadlyFoxx - 0.00 (0/1)
317th DeadpoolUHC - 0.00 (0/1)
317th demisux - 0.00 (0/1)
317th DEMUSS - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Doe - 0.00 (0/1)
317th DogInCar - 0.00 (0/1)
317th dooko - 0.00 (0/1)
317th dray0 - 0.00 (0/1)
317th dwgn - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Dylxnnnn - 0.00 (0/1)
317th dzupgu - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Eindeutiger - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Evzenitable - 0.00 (0/1)
317th FireBreathMan - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Fratrus - 0.00 (0/1)
317th FroztiSnow - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Futan - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Fxther - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Glockey_ - 0.00 (0/1)
317th GreenFire26 - 0.00 (0/1)
317th GriddyTC - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Harvyz - 0.00 (0/1)
317th hdjr - 0.00 (0/1)
317th hueske - 0.00 (0/1)
317th HyperOutHere - 0.00 (0/1)
317th iGotPlumbs - 0.00 (0/1)
317th InnerArtsTV - 0.00 (0/1)
317th ItzHooded - 0.00 (0/1)
317th ItzIgglesPiggles - 0.00 (0/1)
317th IvanDIGGA - 0.00 (0/1)
317th ixHazexi - 0.00 (0/1)
317th JaeHasNoMaidens - 0.00 (0/1)
317th jaranato - 0.00 (0/1)
317th JEDIMASTERKANYE - 0.00 (0/1)
317th jigsaws - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Jkkl - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Johatsu - 0.00 (0/1)
317th JroseFX - 0.00 (0/1)
317th LeMystiic - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Linkelf0rz - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Lmoj - 0.00 (0/1)
317th LowkeyLoke - 0.00 (0/1)
317th M0KEY - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Mafiat - 0.00 (0/1)
317th MainAgate5 - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Mapietrzak - 0.00 (0/1)
317th MarcoThePh0enix - 0.00 (0/1)
317th MCBR - 0.00 (0/1)
317th MostLikelySam - 0.00 (0/1)
317th MXLAXIO - 0.00 (0/1)
317th N0CTURNAL - 0.00 (0/1)
317th nikiforos - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Nuclearsugar - 0.00 (0/1)
317th O1OO - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Orbitxl - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Outname - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Penley - 0.00 (0/1)
317th peppermint - 0.00 (0/1)
317th ploonyUwU - 0.00 (0/1)
317th PoofessorP - 0.00 (0/1)
317th PR0MOTE - 0.00 (0/1)
317th pureinnocence - 0.00 (0/1)
317th rawed - 0.00 (0/1)
317th realCUYT - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Riolu100895 - 0.00 (0/1)
317th rnaa - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Ryanmoko - 0.00 (0/1)
317th salic - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Saltnobi - 0.00 (0/1)
317th SariiTaaa - 0.00 (0/1)
317th shaundoman - 0.00 (0/1)
317th SilabaTonica - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Sk1wars - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Smeshi - 0.00 (0/1)
317th smiinoo - 0.00 (0/1)
317th SmoothCombos - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Smothering - 0.00 (0/1)
317th smurpes - 0.00 (0/1)
317th StepBroImStuck1 - 0.00 (0/1)
317th stupidsylvia - 0.00 (0/1)
317th suedemax - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Suzunexd - 0.00 (0/1)
317th TacoDab - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Thimburrr - 0.00 (0/1)
317th TinchoPijoLarga - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Tinydraco - 0.00 (0/1)
317th TMNono - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Togglee_ - 0.00 (0/1)
317th toxiicbtw - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Toxischer - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Tunaisheree - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Vernium - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Vetmire - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Viatic_ - 0.00 (0/1)
317th volcxnow - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Wimbl - 0.00 (0/1)
317th xCynesta - 0.00 (0/1)
317th xPingWinMan - 0.00 (0/1)
317th xxezrabxxx - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Zaiki - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Zcin - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Zeegul - 0.00 (0/1)
317th Zoos - 0.00 (0/1)
317th 5ARx - 0.00 (0/2)
317th _pbo - 0.00 (0/2)
317th ADinoPlayingMC - 0.00 (0/2)
317th ANJELLOH - 0.00 (0/2)
317th BanMoon - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Beastaxel - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Blarkslol - 0.00 (0/2)
317th BottleSause - 0.00 (0/2)
317th BreakfastBacon - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Caceduopamso - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Cahmn - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Codwhy - 0.00 (0/2)
317th CommanderK22_ - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Demomaker - 0.00 (0/2)
317th dummycute - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Evxn063 - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Forrest235 - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Gleeming - 0.00 (0/2)
317th hashtagmat - 0.00 (0/2)
317th heartparticles - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Iceisnice32 - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Jeromesha - 0.00 (0/2)
317th JIMMY453 - 0.00 (0/2)
317th johnnytheching - 0.00 (0/2)
317th K_U_N_A_L - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Krxmble - 0.00 (0/2)
317th lasdarling - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Lative - 0.00 (0/2)
317th luvictoire - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Lynor - 0.00 (0/2)
317th MichaelPlayMC - 0.00 (0/2)
317th NexfoR - 0.00 (0/2)
317th ninja3214 - 0.00 (0/2)
317th OblivionTU - 0.00 (0/2)
317th oMatty - 0.00 (0/2)
317th pawnss - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Qmos - 0.00 (0/2)
317th ReiBatsubami - 0.00 (0/2)
317th repped - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Retrofied - 0.00 (0/2)
317th RqDix - 0.00 (0/2)
317th ScaryPumpkinFace - 0.00 (0/2)
317th SergeantM - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Severuu - 0.00 (0/2)
317th SlicedOranges - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Squegi - 0.00 (0/2)
317th tastywill - 0.00 (0/2)
317th TitaniumDino25 - 0.00 (0/2)
317th urfake - 0.00 (0/2)
317th vegis - 0.00 (0/2)
317th VurkeTTV - 0.00 (0/2)
317th whoshaze - 0.00 (0/2)
317th xHobo - 0.00 (0/2)
317th Xifto - 0.00 (0/2)
317th xNGHT - 0.00 (0/2)
317th YellowAuraa - 0.00 (0/2)
317th 2Pacoh - 0.00 (0/3)
317th ceije - 0.00 (0/3)
317th EivLs - 0.00 (0/3)
317th emi1iano - 0.00 (0/3)
317th Goopling - 0.00 (0/3)
317th Gotelin - 0.00 (0/3)
317th Hrray - 0.00 (0/3)
317th JayNonsense - 0.00 (0/3)
317th jemjosh - 0.00 (0/3)
317th lazys - 0.00 (0/3)
317th NotMyLights - 0.00 (0/3)
317th QueenxPetty - 0.00 (0/3)
317th ShmeckleBoy - 0.00 (0/3)
317th WALRUS_TIME - 0.00 (0/3)
317th ywack - 0.00 (0/3)
317th AshRiolu100985 - 0.00 (0/4)
317th Bofishkix - 0.00 (0/4)
317th Cacedoupamso - 0.00 (0/4)
317th choiceband - 0.00 (0/4)
317th Geroot - 0.00 (0/4)
317th jake_hoe - 0.00 (0/4)
317th love_gem4164 - 0.00 (0/4)
317th OCTAMAN - 0.00 (0/4)
317th PapaNugey - 0.00 (0/4)
317th PitSolitayrh - 0.00 (0/4)
317th TinchoPijaLarga - 0.00 (0/4)
317th AdonisGaming - 0.00 (0/5)
317th azoof - 0.00 (0/5)
317th Char1zo - 0.00 (0/5)
317th dylxnd - 0.00 (0/5)
317th imFatLoveMe - 0.00 (0/5)
317th InProper - 0.00 (0/5)
317th K0REDRAG0N - 0.00 (0/5)
317th nug17 - 0.00 (0/5)
317th CallMeBqse - 0.00 (0/7)
317th DRI60 - 0.00 (0/8)
317th BuildingBard300 - 0.00 (0/9)
317th Charrlottie - 0.00 (0/10)
317th brinniex - 0.00 (0/11)
317th bayweafs - 0.00 (0/15)
317th Luca_Kgaming - 0.00 (0/15)
317th MangoPlayz - 0.00 (0/16)
317th Slooshyy - 0.00 (0/17)
submitted by Brodator to SeaPickled [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:04 Zestyclose_Sort8374 Was I wrong for not visiting my mom more when she was in the hospital?

I’m just wondering if anyone can share their opinion about this situation that happened during Covid and tell me if I was the AH. My parents routinely bring it up and it just seems like it’s time to let it go, but I’m wondering if I really did something very horrible. For background my mom was physically abusive to me and I ‘escaped’ from her insanity about 6 months ago.
I got engaged in Spring 2020, and that summer (so early Covid days) I was a state employee and was asked to work at a Covid test site which soon became a vaccine site. This was 1.5 hours from my house and the hours were 6am-6pm so I was out of my house from 430am-730pm. It was at least 5 days/week, sometimes more. I was so exhausted that I started to lose my vision in 1 eye, that went away as soon as I stopped working those hours. My husband and I also had a small farm, multiple rental properties, there was just a lot going on.
My mom was making my wedding planning an absolute nightmare, she would call me and scream at me bringing up things from before I was even born (issues with my biological dad), sit my husband and I down for hours long discussions about why our wedding planning was selfish, etc. The issue for her was that we wanted a small wedding with only our families (25ish people) and my sister was having a huge $100k+ wedding that fall and we were planning on our small wedding being around that time as well, because I was told I have fertility issues and may not be able to become pregnant so we wanted to move things along quickly. I don’t even know why I entertained her opinions and these conversations but I was just terrified of upsetting her because she would unleash this rage that left me emotionally decimated for days or weeks at a time (I’m in therapy now and feel a lot better). Since our wedding was small we didn’t need any money for it from her and needed very little input from my parents, but I did let them invite some of their friends after enough arguing (it was super awkward and I hated it) and tried to entertain these conversations because they’re my parents.
July 2020 my mom went in for a routine surgery and I guess because she’s in absolutely terrible shape due to never exercising and eating junk food every day plus whatever error the doctor may have made, it turned into a near-death experience and she had to be in the hospital for 2ish weeks and after she went home she had to go back for another week. Lots of tests, infections, resulting in her being discharged ‘healthy’ and she went back to her normal life.
This was the height of my work at the Covid site and I was partly in charge of managing the site. The hospital she was it was an hour away from my house, the opposite direction as the test site. I got coverage and visited my mom a 2 or 3 times the first week she was in the hospital. This was during the heat of the screaming episodes she had at me so I felt really uncomfortable but pretended to be a good daughter and brought her everything I could, like self care packages, sat with her, did her hair, she’d text me when I was a few minutes from the hospital asking me to pick her up some smoothies or sandwiches from a place in the next town over and I’d just do it. When she went home I brought her healthy ready to eat groceries and homemade food that rotted in their refrigerator, while they asked for more. My stepdad was fully available this whole time and I cooked and brought him food too.
My mom would complain that I wasn’t involving her in my wedding plans enough while in the hospital. That was something I didn’t want to discuss with her bc of how stressful the conversations were, I tried to tell her we can talk about it later, but she got really upset and so I gave in and updated her on the progress. Immediately it turned into a fight and she screamed and cried at me. My stepdad called me and absolutely eviscerated me for ‘doing this’ to my mom. I was in shock and didn’t visit her for about a week after that.
A few months after her hospital situation, the calls started coming where she’d cry on the phone about how I never visited her at the hospital, I abandoned her, I’m horrible and selfish, etc. She got her medical records and read through them to try and make a lawsuit which never happened and apparently the only thing she saw in the records was that I was never visiting.
Yes, I could have visited more. But how much more? I wonder what was actually expected of me? I have a life, I was going into a panic freeze mode when I thought of her and completely shut down when I saw her. I was trying my best to balance everything. But now this situation is brought up and I don’t know what to think about it. Now my grandma is in the hospital and it’s turning into the same situation and I don’t know what to do or think.
submitted by Zestyclose_Sort8374 to family [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:04 ioana_radu @HatomProtocol beyond limits: boosting APY, minting stability, and Soul Protocol's genesis

@HatomProtocol beyond limits: boosting APY, minting stability, and Soul Protocol's genesis
The last few months have been incredibly active; we've been pushing boundaries, building, experimenting, fine-tuning, and deploying robust and secure products to create a unique DeFi ecosystem without limits. However, our journey is far from over, and it's time to provide you with a global update on our progress.

HatomProtocol beyond limits: boosting APY, minting stability, and Soul Protocol's genesis
Our mission on #MultiversX began with kickstarting DeFi and increasing on-chain DeFi TVL. Now, we aim to address the final piece of the puzzle that is still causing issues for both #MultiversX and #Hatom. The lack of stablecoin liquidity hinders our growth.

The absence of an EGLD-backed stablecoin forces users to forgo exposure to their $EGLD whenever they need liquidity, creating selling pressure on $EGLD. This is what we aim to tackle with this protocol update, which will primarily focus on two of the most impactful products in the Hatom Ecosystem: Hatom USD ($USH) and Booster V2.

Without further ado, let’s delve into these two modules in more detail:

Booster V2

While Booster V2 was initially designed to introduce additional features and improvements, we have further refined the model to enhance its utility.

Let’s break down the new features and implementations:

• Global Position Tracking: Optimizes boosting by monitoring a unified global position rather than individual positions, enhancing efficiency.

• Rebalance at Protocol Level: Reduces gas fees for claiming rewards by integrating rebalances directly at the protocol level.

• Multiple Deposit Options: Enables the deposit of HTM LPs and Metastaking tokens into the Booster Module, which will track only the $HTM token's weight.

• Simplified LP/Metastaking Creation: Allows for direct creation of LP/Metastaking positions within the Booster Module itself, eliminating the need to use the xExchangeApp dashboard.

• Reward Structure Adjustment: Shifts all rewards from $USDC to $EGLD, with claims exclusively in $HTM to boost demand and buying pressure for the $HTM token.

One new key improvement in the upcoming version of the Booster that has been added is the elimination of the $HTM cap in the HTM Booster to achieve optimal boosting.

Currently, users must deposit an equivalent of 10% of their collateral value in $HTM tokens within the booster to attain the maximum Boosted APY on their positions. With the launch of Booster V2, this cap will be removed, allowing users to increase their APY in proportion to the amount of $HTM they stake.

With the new implementation of Booster V2, rewards will be split into two batches.

In the first batch, users can achieve a certain APY by staking a specific ratio of HTM compared to the collateral they have supplied.

In the second batch, this cap will be removed, allowing users to increase their APY in proportion to the amount of $HTM they stake. The more $HTM tokens you stake beyond the threshold set in the first batch, the higher the APY you can achieve. However, this metric still depends on the value of your collateral and the total amount of $HTM staked by other liquidity providers.

For example: (Please note that all the metrics provided are hypothetical and are intended solely to illustrate the concept.)

• In the current Booster implementation, there is a maximum APY (let's consider that the $EGLD Booster APY is 6%) that users can achieve by staking 10% of the value of their collateral in $HTM. Staking additional $HTM beyond this does not increase returns, and the rewards from users who do not reach the optimal boost level within the booster are recycled.

• In the new implementation, we have opted for a dual-batch mechanism. The first batch is implemented to guarantee a threshold, maintaining the same rules as the old implementation. For instance, if users stake 5% of the value of their collateral in $HTM, they could achieve an optimal APY of 2%.

The remaining rewards will be distributed in a second batch with no cap, allowing users to potentially generate a higher APY than the 6% achievable in the previous implementation. This model allows them to earn rewards from users who didn't fully boost their position or to out-earn other users by staking more $HTM.

To put it simply, the first batch ensures that a threshold ratio of $HTM staked to collateral is met and maintained in the protocol. The second batch is where the majority of the rewards will be distributed and where strong competition will take place.

Hatom has invented the concept of the Booster, setting itself apart from other liquidity protocols by placing the $HTM token at the heart of its ecosystem, thereby creating an entire financial economy around it. It's crucial for us to refine this model and iterate on it to maximize its impact while ensuring the best possible user experience.

Hatom has already distributed millions of dollars in incentives, demonstrating the effectiveness of this model in attracting liquidity and sustaining a healthy ecosystem. As we move toward a sustainable state of incentivization, it is essential to ensure that the final implementation of the Booster is robust before integrating the governance module and allowing token holders to manage its parameters.

The process and user interface will be very intuitive and easy to use. Users will have access to a gauge that allows them to estimate the APY they can achieve by staking more $HTM tokens, simply by adjusting it.

Hatom USD (USH)

From the start, we recognized the liquidity issue with stablecoins in the #MultiversX ecosystem. With under $30 million in stable liquidity, the growth of DeFi products is restricted. The ecosystem needs a native stablecoin that not only offers a hedge against volatility but also provides a straightforward way for users to earn passive yield.

The low stable liquidity primarily affected the Hatom Lending Protocol, where high demand and positive market sentiment led users to leverage their positions for long strategies on chosen assets. Consequently, the utilization rates of both $USDC and $USDT exceeded optimal levels despite the constant increase in their respective TVL, driving interest rates to mid to high double digits during certain periods.

Let’s discuss the innovative design and progress on $USH:


Different from $USDC and $USDT that must be brought into the ecosystem through the bridge, $USH will be minted natively through multiple methods, also called facilitators. These facilitators will ensure that users are able to access $USH in a simple and efficient manner.

At launch, $USH will have two facilitators available:

  1. Lending Protocol

Users will be able to mint $USH directly within the Hatom Lending Protocol, an experience similar to taking loans. However, it’s important to note that 'minting' $USH is different from 'borrowing' it. As a result, the rates for minting $USH through the Lending Protocol are fixed and not influenced by utilization rates, unlike when borrowing assets like $USDC or $USDT.

These rates vary based on the discount factor of the collateral used; more liquid and stable assets yield better rates than less liquid ones. Note that $USH cannot be minted through the Lending Protocol using $EGLD or $sEGLD; instead, these assets must be used via a separate facilitator, known as Isolated Pools.

  1. Isolated Pools

The Isolated Pools represent a crucial component of the USH Ecosystem, offering significant revenue potential through its innovative mechanism. Users can deposit $EGLD or $sEGLD to mint $USH under specific conditions:

Minting USH with EGLD:

Users can deposit $EGLD at a 0% Supply APY to mint USH with no minting fees. The deposited $EGLD is staked in Liquid Staking to obtain $sEGLD, which is then deposited in the Lending Protocol to earn a base supply APY.

Minting USH with sEGLD:

Similarly, users can deposit $sEGLD into the Isolated Pools to mint $USH without a minting fee. When using $sEGLD, the users’ exposure shifts entirely to EGLD, as all rewards from sEGLD are retained by the protocol to boost the Staking Module yield.

The Isolated Pools provide a key advantage by allowing users to mint USH with no fee while maintaining exposure to potential price increases in EGLD. This setup enables users to leverage the stability of USH without the concern of interest rates that could lead to position liquidation.

Moreover, this module is poised to become the top revenue generator within the protocol. Assets deposited in the Isolated Pools generate income through Liquid Staking and the Lending Protocol. In the future, we can explore the possibility of using a portion for Leverage Liquid Staking strategies when conditions are favorable, further optimizing the returns.

USH Staking Module

Establishing robust facilitators to enable the safe and reliable minting of USH was crucial; however, we also recognize that building a powerful stablecoin requires strong utility and significant benefits.

While users will benefit from fixed or even zero minting fees, along with numerous integrations within the #MultiversX ecosystem, our goal is to ensure a robust mechanism for users to generate high yields on their stablecoins.

Through the Staking Module, users can deposit $USH or USH LP tokens, such as USH/USDC, USH/USDT, USH/EGLD, and USH/HTM, to generate yield on their positions. We have designed the source of this yield to be as organic as possible, using the revenue generated by all the USH facilitators.

Consider this example based only on the revenue from the Isolated Pools:

Suppose $100M worth of EGLD and sEGLD are deposited in the Isolated Pools. Since it's an over-collateralized minting, let's assume $50M worth of USH will be minted to maintain a safe health factor. This collateral is minting at 0% interest and will generate a 7% APY through Liquid Staking and the Lending Protocol, equivalent to about $7 million annually or ~$580,000 monthly in rewards for USH stakers.

Since the protocol earns rewards on $100 million but distributes them to just $50 million worth of USH, the APY for USH stakers effectively doubles, reaching 14%. With $EGLD's inherent volatility, any price increase in $EGLD further boosts the APY, motivating additional USH buying/minting and thus increasing liquidity for USH.

To integrate HTM within the USH ecosystem effectively, we are excited to announce that all rewards in the Staking Module will be distributed in HTM tokens. The revenue generated from users minting USH through the Lending Protocol and Isolated Pools will be used to purchase HTM tokens from the open market and distribute them to stakers.

USH will be the highest revenue-generating product on the #MultiversX Blockchain, with all that income redirected to the HTM token.

This strategy will create millions of dollars in additional buying pressure on HTM, significantly boosting demand for the token without direct community involvement. The buyouts will happen on a daily basis and will constitute the largest buyback module of an ESDT to date.

Please note that a portion of the rewards generated by the USH facilitators will be allocated to incentivize the Lending Protocol Markets, alongside other sources of revenue. This ensures that the protocol is driven by its utility and remains fully sustainable. This approach is designed to eliminate our reliance on the treasury for offering protocol incentives, promoting a more self-sustaining ecosystem.

Booster V2 x USH Staking Module

We went a step further in developing a strong utility for $HTM in the USH Staking Module; given the real success that Booster V1 had at launch, we have decided to offer a similar implementation for users in the USH Staking Module.

We are pleased to announce that Booster V2 will now play a significant role not only in the Lending Protocol but also in the USH Staking Module.

Here are a few of the benefits of the Booster V2 in the USH Staking Module:

• Yield Optimization: Earn rewards for your USH LP & farm tokens in addition to the USH Staking Module yields.

• Booster V2 Implementation: Users can access a base APY when staking USH in the Booster, with additional rewards earned when staking HTM tokens. Staking caps will be removed, allowing users to stake any amount they choose, with yields increasing proportionally to the amount of HTM staked.

This implementation allows users to boost the APY on their USH-staked positions within the USH Staking Module by allocating a specific amount of HTM to the Booster Module, mirroring the design of the HTM Booster in the Lending Protocol.

Peg Mechanisms

The peg mechanism is the most important feature of a stablecoin, therefore we spent countless hours researching and adjusting our mechanisms:

Soft Peg Mechanism:

In the Lending Protocol, USH will consistently be valued at $1, regardless of its market price elsewhere. For instance, if USH is trading at $0.99 on a decentralized exchange like ash_swap, users can purchase USH at this lower rate and use it to repay loans valued at $1 within the protocol, thereby profiting from the difference.

Hard Peg Mechanism:

Through the Hard Peg Mechanism, if USH trades at a certain percentage below $1, Redemption Mode is activated. In this mode, anyone can seize users' collateral up to a specified "Borrow Limit Used" for the account. The process starts with the least solvent accounts and continues to the most solvent until the peg is restored. Unlike liquidation, redemption does not incur any penalty for users.

This update aims to provide an overall view of the entire design without overwhelming you with technical jargon. More detailed definitions and explanations of the concepts will be available in our updated documentation on USH.

Development Status

We are pleased to announce that the peer code review of all USH modules has now been completed, and both the audits and front-end integration will commence this week. We recognize the importance of these next steps and acknowledge the complexities and potential challenges they may entail. Moving forward, our focus will be on ensuring that the audits are conducted to the highest standards of accuracy and security.

USH is a complex protocol that aims to once again elevate the status quo of DeFi within the #MultiversX ecosystem by solving real problems and enhancing user experience like never before. As we make progress on both the front-end integration and audits, we will be able to estimate an exact release date. However, as specified in Protocol Update #7, we are still targeting a launch timeframe of late Q2 to early Q3.

Go-To-Market Strategy

First, it's important to emphasize that Booster V2 and USH will be released simultaneously. We are developing a robust Go-To-Market Strategy for the launch of USH, focusing on the design's impact on the HTM token. Initially, a Private Mainnet for USH will be launched, operating exclusively with our network of partners and co-led with the MultiversX Foundation.

This Private Mainnet will operate for one month, using EGLD and sEGLD deposited by partners to generate our initial revenue. This revenue will be accumulated and used to buy back HTM tokens from the open market and distribute them as rewards. We anticipate a TVL in the seven-figure range during this phase, generating over $1.5 million in rewards for the first distribution.

At the moment we announce the public launch of USH, all rewards generated in the first month will be immediately used to buy back HTM tokens and transferred to the USH Staking Module to kickstart the protocol and to establish the bootstrapping APY for staked USH.

This strategy will create significant buying pressure on HTM, positively impacting the token’s market value. We are mindful of potential slippage impacts and will limit this aggressive buyback strategy to bootstrapping.

Right after the launch, these continuous buyouts will occur on a daily basis, creating sustainable growth for HTM.

Regarding the USH Airdrop, all participants will receive their allocations shortly after USH is publicly launched on the Mainnet and stabilized. Until then, users maintaining a 200% Booster Percentage in the HTM Booster during the daily random snapshot will share the daily allocation based on their liquidity weight.


The Accumulator was initially designed to allow users to claim rewards in either USDC or HTM, offering a 5% bonus for choosing HTM. However, with the new change of distributing rewards exclusively in HTM, the Accumulator will serve a better purpose.

As an alternative, we are exploring an "Affiliate Program." This initiative will enable users to introduce others to the Hatom Ecosystem and earn a percentage of the rewards their referrals generate.

For instance, if someone refers users who earn a total of $100,000 a month in rewards, the referrer would be entitled to claim $5,000 without affecting the earnings of the referred users.

While this is still in the brainstorming phase, we believe this could attract many new users to the ecosystem. We will provide more details about its implementation in future updates.


As we near the launch of 0xSoulProtocol, we're excited to provide a brief update. Future updates will be shared via Soul’s official channels.

The development of the 0xSoulProtocol has been a year-long journey marked by intense effort across all fronts, culminating in significant progress. We're thrilled to announce the official release of the website and documentation on Friday, May 24th. Concurrently, we will launch Soul’s official communication channels to foster direct engagement with the community.

This milestone signifies the genesis of the 0xSoulProtocol. We're eager to demonstrate its potential to become a leading DeFi project, thanks to its innovative design and business model.

Soul will serve as key infrastructure for all lending protocols, aiming to create a more cohesive and synergistic lending environment, unifying billions in liquidity across the entire space.

The feedback from our network of partners has been overwhelmingly positive, underscoring the protocol's potential and the quality of our work. We're optimistic about a successful journey as we continue development and move toward future stages in the protocol's lifespan.

We're excited for the months ahead, poised for growth given the rapid pace of our progress. We will continue to push for innovation, ready to transform the entire ecosystem. Your support is invaluable, and we want to thank you for being a pivotal part of this journey!

Source: Twitter @HatomProtocol
submitted by ioana_radu to MultiversXOfficial [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:02 OkRefrigerator7507 C4C PLEASE READ BEFORE TO AVOID PROBLEMS

I have 3 existing farm click, 5 hattrick, 15 shein puppy clicks, 10 shein money tree clicks, 5 spin to win click and shein fg. (I DO NOT HAVE MAGIC CLICKS)
🐠167752431 ( 1 EXISTING & 3 NEW NEEDED)
🐠150478693 ( 4 EXISTING & 5 NEW NEEDED)
Before doing my code please ask if i have eligible clicks for your game. When I confirm please search my code and drop your username & code.
submitted by OkRefrigerator7507 to TemuCodesUSA [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:59 crimsontape This week's grocery review - Sales for May 16th to May 22nd - Lots of BBQ items and excellent corn deals! But, cucumber pricing is down quite a bit. Nice spread of sales on tomatoes. LOTS of blueberry and strawberry deals around! Some good mango and cherry sales, too. Fewer sales on fresh chicken an

(As always, flyers are out Wednesdays, most store sales for the new flyer start on Thursdays)
Farm Boy
Farmers Pick (can be a little late on their flyer) (
Food Basics
Freshco (price matcher)
Giant Tiger (*note the VIP prices; sales begin today) (price matcher)
Green Fresh Supermarket (Vanier) (check
IGA (price matcher)
Maxi (price matcher)
No Frills (price matcher)
Produce Depot (usually a little late on the flyer)
Real Canadian Superstore (price matcher)
Super C
T&T Supermarket
Costco (Note that these are the online/shipped prices - reduce each item by $3 for in-store pricing)
Jean Coutu (new sales start Fridays)
Shoppers Drug Mart (new sales start Fridays)
Some additional references!
submitted by crimsontape to ottawa [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:59 Vondrr If you'd like to roleplay as residents of a town inspired by the events that happened in Point Pleasant and Hellier, I have some good news for you!

We have actually created a subreddit just for that - OakPeak
The goal of the subreddit is to seem like a normal town in Washington at first sight, but lurking through it, you will very quickly realize that something isn't as it seems. There are mysterious grey saucers flying above Oak Mountain, bizarre radio transmissions broadcasting coded messages, and the FBI agents aren't... behaving normally.
We have a monthly newspaper, we run scripted and non-scripted storylines, ARGs, and we are preparing our very own podcast.
Point Pleasant (and the Mothman mystery in general) and Hellier aren't the only town that sparked the idea for this subreddit. We are also drawing heavily from (fictional) towns like Twin Peaks, Gravity Falls, Hawkins, Brights Falls, and even Stars Hollow.
If you like this idea, please come join us!
submitted by Vondrr to HighStrangeness [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:57 hayema7 June Swap Preview (better late than never!)

May ROTMs have landed and a few of us are waiting on some mystery bundles. The records I've seen on the most tables are Little Richard with it's slick jacket and Earl Sweatshirt. Clint Black, Alice Coltrane, and Don Blackman are all spinning around as well.
A reminder for ROTMs: Moving forward, newly released ROTMs are going to be exclusive to memberships and swaps for 3 months. For example, our May ROTMs will not be available in store until August. With this in mind, anything within 3 months of release is a "good deal." Other titles can be used with store discount codes, so you may be able to get them cheaper in the store. We're getting our first release of ROTMs with way, with January titles hitting the store.
Bonus records are now gone, but referral codes can get you discounts on multi-month memberships if you're interested in joining. Don't forget to check the referral thread to grab a code or reach out to some individuals if you're considering a 3 ($20 off), 6 ($40 off), or 12 month ($80 off) plan. It's a win-win for everyone.
This month's preview focuses on the June Swap Preview. Remember that not all swaps are "good deals." Some titles cost less than the price of your subscription. Prices for store titles will be included, while past ROTMs range from $37 for some 1LPs to $41 for other 1 and 2LPs and $49 for other 2LPs for members. You can also click "Learn More" and see the member price in your swap preview. With the new titles in swaps, we're seeing values a lot closer to your monthly prices.
All value is based on the new add-on price ($36). If you previously bought a 3, 6, or 12-month subscription, you're at that price on your main track until that subscription ends (I think this is the last month for this). Swapping for credit will get you that old price, which is something to keep in mind at this point. Know your price and know your value. Your price may vary, depending on what subscription level you're at, so be aware of how much you're paying each month before swapping. In no way is this a judgment on the music, but I'm just trying to make sure members don't pay subscription prices for a record that is significantly cheaper in the store.
Titles are broken down into 4 categories (New/will go quickly, solid recent options that are good value, questionable value, and do not swap) themed for September ROTMs with examples from the current swap preview. There are still some great deals to be had, even if we aren't seeing the crazy anthology value.
As always, feel free to post questions about specific titles you may be interested in. The community is very knowledgeable about pressing details and sound. I'm sure a lot of members would be willing to share their reviews of the pressing quality, even if it's in a category that you may not agree with:
Isaac Hayes - Swap Moses: Let Swap Moses part the seas and guide you to the promised land. These titles are the best of the month. Be on to grab them ASAP! They could be a repress of past ROTMs that have been long gone or store titles that aren't around anymore. They're some of the community's favorites. Waitlisted titles under $36 are a gamble. Some stock could've been pulled back. Get them while you can!
Essentials: N/A
Classics: Nina Simone (waitlisted)
RHH: Wu Tang (waitlisted)
Country: N/A
Rock: Little Richard (was locked down from adding toward the end of last month. I'd lock this one in if you want it because I don't forsee it lasting past this month outside of TBT)
Dolly: New Harvest
Store Titles: The Story of Memphis Rap ($269), Yuji Toriyama ($35 but waitlisted), Sampha Unnumbered ($37 but waitlisted), Tony Rice ($35 but waitlisted), The Story of The Comedy Store ($199), Ted Lucas ($27 but waitlisted), ATCQ - Love Movement ($80)
Harry Nilsson - A Little Touch of Swaps in the Night: You won't have to be on quite as fast as other titles, but a touch of these swaps will make for a great month. We're starting to see them selling out a little faster, so if you're interested in something, it's probably a good idea to grab them in swaps. You may have had your eye on and now have some reviews to base your decision on. I don't expect a rush for these titles, but keep an eye on them as the swap window goes on and they may move to low stock. These are recent ROTMs (Past 6 Months Listed), recent represses you may have missed, or in-stock store titles listed for more than the price of your subscription or an add-on track that may be on your wishlist. I also added some that have been popular with VMP subscribers. These are pretty safe bets for the value of your subscription and our frequent swappers.
Essentials: Alice Coltrane (swap exclusive), Harry Nilsson (swap exclusive), Willie Nelson P&S (swap exclusive until July), Fleetwood Mac (now in store), Labelle (now in store), Herbie Hancock, Ray Charles, Ray Barretto, Santigold, Bone Thugs, Stevie Nicks
Classics: Don Blackman (swap exclusive), Oliver Nelson (swap exclusive) Gary Bartz (now in store), La Lupe (now in store), Hector Lavoe, The MarKeys/Booker T, David Porter, Hound Dog, Wynton Marsalis, McCoy Tyner, Thelonious Monk
RHH: Earl Sweatshirt - Doris (swap exclusive), O.C (now in store), Boogie Down Productions (now in store), Masta Killa, Lupe Fiasco, Run DMC, Aesop Rock, Atmosphere, Q-Tip, Goldlink
Country: Clint Black (swap exclusive), Alan Jackson (swap exclusive) Rodney Crowell (swap exclusive until July), Billy Joe Shaver (now in store), Guy Clark (now in store), Wille Nelson (& Family), John Prine, Bobbie Gentry, Waylon Jennings
Rock: Little Richard (swap exclusive), Stevie Ray Vaughn (swap exclusive), Heart (swap exclusive until July), The Replacements (swap exclusive until June)
Store Titles: Chromeo ($45) La the Darkman ($42), Usher - My Way ($53), Kronos Quartet ($40), Willie Nelson - I Don't... ($39), Kiefer ($42), Oneohtrix Point Never (Again $45), Sarah Evans ($39), JOHN ($40), Alicia Keys (Girl on Fire $43), Euphoria S1 ($42), Busta Rhyme ($40), First Choice ($40), Rexx Life Raj ($40), Wayne Shorter Live ($46), Moses Sumney (L@B $40), Alan Braufman ($58), Euphoria S2 ($42), T-Pain ($41), Saba - FGT ($46), Altopalo ($44), Fly Anakin ($41), Black Milk ($40), Mariah Carey - Butterfly ($48), Atmosphere ($43), Joe Bataan ($40)
Charlie Worsham - Swapperband: Like a rubberband, going for these titles is a stretch. You don't save any money (or very little), so be sure to think it through. Have you had your eye on this title for a while or are you just considering them due to the fact that they're in swaps? These titles are close to the price of an add-on track, so don't dive in without considering if you REALLY want them. Think twice about these titles and ask yourself "Would I buy this if it wasn't in swaps because I'm not saving money?" These are often labeled "Swap exclusives" and store titles around $36. It may be a tough decision to swap for these.
Store Titles: Jules ($35), John Glacier Surf Gang ($35), Honky Tonk Angels ($35), OFFAIR: Dr. No's Lost Beach ($35)
Big Pun - Swapital Punishment: Don't punish yourself (or your wallet) by going after these titles. These are titles that I'd encourage you to look elsewhere to purchase, wait for a sale, or buy for less on discogs. This is my personal Do Not Swap list. As an alternative swap for credit and buy in the store, go to Discogs to look for the same pressing at less than the price of your subscription (most applicable for past ROTMs), or wait for a sale. Take your time to find a deal, as these aren't going anywhere. Most of these titles have been around for a long time, and this is VMPs way of getting rid of extra stock while making a few extra bucks. This includes in-stock store titles under $35 and older ROTMs which have been around for years.
Essentials: Aaliyah, Torres, Lapsley, The Books, Kevin Morby, Silvertones, Townes Van Zandt, Experience Unlimited, Sleater Kinny, Jim Sullivan, Dirty Projectors, Beverly Glenn Copeland, Grizzly Bear, Caroline Rose (all showing for less than an add on track in US on Discogs)
Classics: Sarah Webster Fabio, Leon Ware, Frederick Knight, Isaac Hayes, Abbey Lincoln, Teddy Pendergrass, Charles Musselwhite, Sylvester (all showing for less than an add on track in US on Discogs)
RHH: Open Mike Eagle, Queen Latifah, Da Brat, Lord Finesse, Big Boi, Future, Nappy Roots, Eyedea & Abilities, Young MC, E-40, UGK, Gang Starr, J Dilla (all showing for less than an add on track in US on Discogs)
Country: Reba McIntyre, Sam Hunt, Loretta Lynn, Brad Paisley (all showing for less than an add on track in US on Discogs)
Store Titles: Blvck Svm and Pilotkid ($28), Babsy Konate ($25)
submitted by hayema7 to VinylMePlease [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:56 Vondrr If you'd like to roleplay as residents of a town inspired by the events of that happened in Point Pleasant, I have some good news for you!

We have actually created a subreddit just for that - OakPeak
The goal of the subreddit is to seem like a normal town in Washington at first sight, but lurking through it, you will very quickly realize that something isn't as it seems. There are mysterious grey saucers flying above Oak Mountain, bizarre radio transmissions broadcasting coded messages, and the FBI agents aren't... behaving normally.
We have a monthly newspaper, we run scripted and non-scripted storylines, ARGs, and we are preparing our very own podcast.
Point Pleasant (and the Mothman mystery in general) isn't the only town that sparked the idea for this subreddit. We are also drawing heavily from (fictional) towns like Twin Peaks, Gravity Falls, Hawkins, Brights Falls, and even Stars Hollow.
If you like this idea, please come join us!
submitted by Vondrr to Mothman [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:52 Visible_Season8074 "A Quiet Place Part 2" disappointed me.

I know some people say that the first movie is already dumb and that it makes no sense, but I liked it. Yes, if you think hard enough you find several flaws, but the concept is original and interesting, I think it worked. But then you try to do something bigger in the sequel and the flaws become more apparent.
Some stuff I had a problem with:
I don't know, really didn't enjoy this one. What do you guys think?
submitted by Visible_Season8074 to flicks [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:50 Sudden-Catch2526 I 21F am wondering if I should text my 22M bf’s ex about a DM he sent her on IG last summer?

My boyfriend and I have been dating for a little over a year now. We met in October of 2022 and were talking until we made it official in April of 2023. We met at our university in my hometown. Last summer we were LD for 3 months as he went back to his hometown or the summer. We he came back to campus in august of 2023 for the fall semester one day I was using his phone and I saw a message he sent to a girl from his HS. I know who this girl is because when we first started dating we had the ex conversation and he told me that he’s never had a real gf before (I’m his first gf) but that he was friends with a girl in HS (we’ll call her Rose) and that they messed around a bit and almost had sex a few times but never did. This girl is the closest thing he has to an ex. I saw that he texted her at the end of May. He texted her at 2:53am on a Wednesday saying “hey stranger” and she said “whats up wyd texting at 3am?” He said “what’s wrong with that I was just trying to see what you’ve been up to” she said “I’ve been good you?” And he said “I’ve been alright just haven’t heard from you in a minute” she said “what’s up though” and he said “nothing I was just trying to catch up since I’m back in town”she said “catch up how?” She said “I figured😭 catch up how” and he said “what are you doing next week?” She said “what day next week?” And he said “idk like Wednesday” and she said “what’s happening?” And he said “nothing we could just hang out” and she said “if I don’t work I’m down” then he said “oh you still work at Walmart” and she said “nah” he said “oh word where you work at now” and she said “in my business” & he said “see you play too much” and she said “don’t worry ab all that” he said “ I’m not trying to be in your business I was just curious“ then She said “next what I be doing” he said “you’re acting like I’m a fan or something I’m just making conversation” and she said “I meant what have you been doing” and he said “shit I’ve been at school nothing different really” then she said, “so how are you mentally physically emotionally” and he said “ mentally pretty much the same as always and physically, you’re the judge of that and emotionally im the same as always” and she said “what do you mean im the judge of it? He said “do I look good or not thats the physical” and she said “ I didn’t mean it like that but that’s good also” then he replied with “😂😂😂” and then he said “how have you been physically emotionally mentally” and she said “like shit but I’ll be ok I’m gonna sleep though I’m tired” and he replied the next day saying “wdym like shit what happened” and she said “I don’t rlly want to talk ab it” he said “you sure” and she said “yes” then he replies a day later and says “alright best to you then” and she said “you too” This conversation happened over the course of 5 days (the response times were long). When I read this part of the conversation I thought it was weird that he was messaging her to hangout since we were in a full on relationship at this point and from what he had told me they weren’t really friends anymore and didn’t really talk aside from happy birthday texts. I knew this was true because their messages from before his “hey stranger” text to her on may 24th were very seldom and were just her texting him “hey stranger” like back in 2022 randomly and her sending him happy birthday for his birthday in November 2022 and him saying happy birthday back to her in April of 2023. So when I was reading the conversation up until this point I thought it was kind of weird that he messaged asking to hangout bc it seemed random and the fact that he texted her at 3am seemed like the stereotypical booty call time to text to me which made me kind of wonder if he was messaging her to try to hook up. I also thought it was weird how he tried to subtly ask her how she thought he looked physically when she asked him how he’s doing mentally physically and emotionally, almost as if he was trying to make it about physical appearance. I also didn’t like how when she asked him how he’s been doing he said “nothing different really” as if he didn’t just get into a whole relationship with me 2 months before this text conversation with her took place. It made me feel weird that he didn’t use that as an opportunity to say he has a gf now. But nothing up until this point in the conversation was overtly flirty or weird. But then I kept reading and saw that a week later on June 2nd he replied to her story of a selfie she posted and said “damn” and she said “what” and he said “you know what” and she said “I don’t” and he said “you’re looking good that’s what” and she said “thanks😂” then on June 3rd he replies to a selfie she posted on her story again and says “ I know I already said this but damn girl” and she never responded back. At this point I was like wtf bc it seems like he was obviously trying to flirt with her because he literally slid up on her selfies (I saw the posts bc she put them on her IG highlight from the days he replied to her story) saying damn. Those messages are what ultimately made me ask him why he messaged her and if he was trying to meet up with her while he was back in his hometown to fuck because him replying to her stories seemed like flirting to me. He told me that the reason he messaged her at 3am in the first place is because him and his friend (who also went to their HS and lives in his hometown) were on the game late into the night and were talking about getting together as a friend group and going downtown and riding scooters. He said they were talking about inviting rose since she was a part of their friend group so while he was in a PlayStation party with his friend he messaged her. I asked him if he was hitting her up to try to meet up and hook up with her while he was in his hometown and he said he had no he was honestly just messaging her because of what him and his friend were talking about and that when he asked her to hangout he was referring to the group hangout. He said when he slid up on her story he was just joking around with her the way they used to joke around and that Rose knows he’s not flirting with her since that’s always how they used to joke around. He admitted that since he’s in a relationship now he shouldn’t have been joking around with her in the same way he used to when he was single and said he’s sorry for that but insists that he was not trying to flirt with her or meet up with her one on one and had no intention of trying to have sex with her. I asked him why he didn’t say he has a gf when she asked how he’s been and he said he just wasn’t thinking about it and that he should’ve brought it up and apologized for that as well. I asked him many times on several different occasions from when he got back to our university in August until probably around December if he was just having a horny moment late at night when he texted her and to just be honest with me and I would understand. He insisted that he was not trying to be flirty with her and wasn’t texting her to try to meet up and fuck. He holds to same story every time I ask him about it. Now several months have gone by and there has been absolutely no communication between the two of them. He unfollowed her when this happened and removed her as a follower. However this incident has still stayed in my mind because deep down I feel like he was reaching out because he was trying to flirt and was trying to cheat. I feel like if he really was messaging her to hangout as a group with his friend and their other friends from HS he would’ve mentioned that in the texts. He said she knew that he was referring to hanging out as a whole group but I don’t understand how she’d know that if he didn’t bring it up specifically. But at the same time I don’t understand why he’d still lie to me about it at this point. Other than this one incident my boyfriend has always been loyal and says he’d never cheat. I believe him as he’s never given me any other signs that he would cheat. But I can’t help but feel like he’s not being honest with me about what his true intentions were in messaging Rose last summer. I was thinking of sending Rose a dm on IG asking her what her opinion was on why he was messaging her and what she thought his intentions were for texting her but I’m not sure if this is a good idea. Idk how she would react or if I should message her and ask this at all. I also was thinking of asking her to send him a dm flirting with him and asking him to meet up to test his loyalty and have her send me the screenshots of what he says. Do you think my boyfriend is telling the truth and I should just move forward since this was almost a year ago or do you think he’s lying to me about what his true intentions were in texting Rose and should I message her asking her what she thought he was doing by texting her?
submitted by Sudden-Catch2526 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:37 Friendly-Airline2426 Regarding the proposed comment-to-vote reward system - An opposing argument

As a long time contributor, member, and an investor in the Donut ecosystem, I believe I have the right to express my opinion, regarding the proposed comment2vote program. Please note that it is not my intention to manipulate the public opinion, nor to incentive brigading parties against the concept. This is just a (very much necessary) con-argument, as it seems everyone's just jumping on board without considering all the variables.
I believe we are focusing on the wrong thing.
The new program aims to fight manipulation. Let me say that nothing will change in that regard, as there will always be upvote manipulation. This will still happen, could be on a smaller scale, or not.
Commands such as !tip [X] are still being abused, even though it's on a much smaller scale, with alt accounts engaging in tipping manipulation for the receivers' bonus. Sometimes "evidence" is presented to the moderation team, and allegedly nothing happens. What guarantees the governance that it will be any different with comment-to-vote?
Additionally, I firmly believe this will limit the sub to insiders (as in EthTrader active members; also approved users), at least in terms of tokenized rewards. Only insiders will know about this program, thus limiting outsider users who do not know how the system works.
Plus, the fact that only approved users would be able to upvote, kind of puts away new users or not so active users who casually enjoy to participate in EthTrader.
There is another thing the governance needs to keep in mind. The people who actually upvote in this sub are not the participants, it's the outsiders. When certain keywords are used in threads, the algorithm picks the post up and recommends it to external users. These are the ones who often genuinely engage and upvote. And we'd be penalizing OPs, by not including their upvotes in the distribution score.
I believe every project, individual, or company should focus on finding solutions. But such solutions must not be made "in a hurry".
The comment-to-vote is a rushed mechanism. I have a feeling this is something that is now being actively worked on in a rush, even though it has been under discussion for quite some time. Such a big change for the sub, and its way of functioning, should be, must be, carefully worked on, and in due time. It should not be something that must happen right away, because of external attacks.
I believe this new program will clog comment sections... again! We recently managed to tackle down the tip spamming, by removing incentives to send tips.
Lately, as you can see, comment sections are a lot more cleaner and not full of tips with ridiculous amounts, as little as under 1 single Donut. By implementing this, we would get right back to where we started.
On a not so engaging topic, I guarantee we will see comment sections full of: "[Top comment] !upvote / !uv / !up / !tip -> [Reply] Thank you bronut!".
Outside users, and even EthTrader contributors, found the tip spamming frustrating, because it degraded comment sections. Myself included.
This will happen again, if the program goes live.
One of the pro-arguments is that this will increase visibility, by taking away the financial incentive to downvote. Once more, I disagree.
Downvotes will exist any way, they always did, and always will. This is how Reddit operates. We do not know who downvotes. So even though we remove the financial incentive to downvote, people will do it either way.
No matter if it's EthTrader users or outsiders, the visibility would not be increased. I would say that visibility would be higher, if we had more GENUINE users, and actually expand the content and topic of discussion, not restricting it to a single thing, like we just did.
Look at CryptoCurrency's example. They have been dealing with upvote manipulation on a far larger scale than ethtrader, and it was a lot worse in comments. High quality comments would sit at -2 score. This isn't something that happens in ethtrader.
They always had downvotes, and yet the average mid-quality thread used to have hundreds of upvotes. ethtrader's high quality threads can barely get past 10.
The main suspects are the manipulators who have a financial reason to do the downvoting. I would argue that if the moderation team concentrated some of their efforts to tackle down these users, (PERMA) banning them from the subreddit, the mass downvoting would drastically decrease. Some users understand what I'm talking about here. EthTrader does not have more than 100 genuine, active users. You can bet on that.
Then there's the privacy aspect of the subject. Voting SHOULD BE anonymous. That's how Reddit works.
Even though I'm in favor of a transparent voting mechanism, which would allow us to see who is upvoting who, we are removing a small layer of privacy from users.
Whether it's upvoting or downvoting, (non-malicious) users have the right to keep their votes to themselves. I understand this may sound controversial, believe me I do. But in the event of having a public voting system, there are absolutely no guarantees that manipulators would be taken down.
Plus, what evidence would we have that we don't already have? Our regular users can already identify activity patterns and anomalies in the data.
Another question to address is, if two different users constantly upvote each other, assuming they're both known within the DAO and are obviously two different people who sympathize with each other, would this be manipulation? Manipulation, in this case, would be subject to the moderators' / governance's interpretation.
From a contributor's point of view, I will say this is just extra work. What I mean is people are already super stingy with their upvotes, and the (current) process is as simple as tapping a button.
Adding an extra layer of effort, such as having to type a command, will reduce the changes of OPs getting upvotes. And since the average number of upvotes per thread is already low enough, this would decrease drastically, making it not worth it to spend time creating threads (assuming they're not link submissions).
Most people would not be upvoting, which brings me to the next topic.
As a meme artist, memes are my strong point in this subreddit. It is what I post the most, and it is what earned me my fair share of DONUT-CONTRIB throughout the years as a contributor.
Implementing this system would hurt people like me the most. People who spend hours in a day on photoshop creating a meme, only to me subject to a penalized flair.
I can confirm you that my memes already earn me between 10 to 50 Donuts, rarely more than 50. Under the new system, along with the drastic reduction of upvotes due to the command requirement, I / we would earn a lot less.
Remember, Comedy flairs have a 0.10 multiplier, and according to the (new) Pay2Post fee, we need 25 upvotes to break even. I am willing to bet that we would definitely not be getting 25 upvotes under this new program. I would argue that the highest quality "Hot" thread would get probably a max of 10.
So where does that leave us meme creators? We rely on external interactions to succeed. Most of the upvotes on memes are given by outside users, users that would be out of EthTrader's system, under this new program. Not only that, but this would also drastically decrease earnings for all genuine, active contributors, and would probably make them leave.
This is getting perhaps a bit too long, I'm sorry but there's no short way of sharing this.
I believe this is just a detour in our path, or taking the long road as one would say. Cheaters will stop at nothing, some of them have been farming RCPs for YEARS, possibly relying on it in terms of income. Nothing will stop them and they will always find a way to circumvent any new rule or program.
So this would only really add an extra layer of difficulty for outsiders or new users to participate, whilst benefiting those with "groups of friends".
I want to flush out manipulators as much as the next guy, but this is not the way to do it. This would drastically reduce contributors' earnings, the subreddit's accessibility, and wouldn't be user-friendly at all.
This wouldn't be required if moderation took a more proactive approach towards trying to detect, monitor and PERMABAN manipulators, as these are the ones who have more incentive to downvote, more than any other user. By getting straight to the root of the problem, the mass-downvoting would be largely reduced. Not completely stopped, as it is a natural, organic part of Reddit and they will always exist, but reduced nevertheless.
So what am I trying to achieve with this thread? What do I want?
One simple thing: Time.
I would like to ask the governance for time, before rushing into implementing this new mechanism. We recently passed proposals to reduce spam, and have some on the way to reduce the incentive to cheat as well. Proposals such as a cap of 3 threads per day, per user, removing the tipping bonus for senders. On the way we have the reduction for the Daily's comment rewards, and finally a comment cap per day, per user.
I believe THIS is the way to address foul play, proposal by proposal. Not through some major change that alters the entire way of operating.
I would like to ask the governance for 3 to 6 months, to evaluate how the distribution scores perform, how the ratios fluctuate with these new proposals, before doing this. I am confident that with these new proposals, the general status of the sub will improve, and organic, active users will earn more.
submitted by Friendly-Airline2426 to ethtrader [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:35 XxSunFlower_88xX Gone far too soon

So this is my first time posting and I think I’m just looking more for a way to write about how I am feeling and get some of these emotions out. I’m not sure how all this works so here we go.
Back in January I started dating this guy ( Let’s call him JW ) anyways things were honestly amazing from the start. I felt like I had found my better half and someone that made me feel complete. He always made me smile and treated me like a Queen. Which honestly was a nice change of pace because I was previously married and my ex-husband was less than kind.
So things moved pretty quick, fast than I anticipated. We even started talking about a future and marriage which I fully realized that we were in the Honeymoon phase. That honestly that kind of when things started to unravel. JW made a comment about us being in the “honeymoon phase “ and I swear it seems like right after that things started to come undone.
So flash forward to a couple weeks later and I happen to come across a bottle of medicine and being Dr. Google over here I searched it up and it came up being for Herpes. So I took a breath and went to him and asked him to explain what is was/ why he had it.
He told me that he had a “scare” 2 years ago with an ex and his doctor put him on it proactively. He said when it came back negative he stopped talking it and he had just forgotten to throw away the bottle. Based on the age of the Rx in my (love sick head) it made sense at the moment.
Flash forward about 2 weeks and we’re at the weekend after Valentines Day 2024. In my mind he did it really well. He was out of town on work ( and no there was 0% chance being out of town was cheating - just FYI )
So he sent me flowers and called and texted he made me feel so loved. No man had ever made me feel so special. Anyways once he got back in town he came over to my house. I had spent literally the whole day making a surprise dinner us . After dinner we exchanged gifts and it was all really sweet.
I could tell something was weighing on his mind and I asked what was up? He said we needed to talk. And I instantly started to worry. I sat beside him and he told me he loved me very much but that he had lied to me. I was like Say What? and he went on to explain that he was ashamed but that when I originally asked if he had Herpes he was embarrassed and didn’t want to say. I was definitely in shock.
A lot of emotions happened from there, I was definitely upset he lied but I also understood where he was coming from. It’s not like you walk up and shake there hand and then be like OHHHH BTW I have Herpes. So I get the nerves, what I was upset about was him lying about it. My ex-husband was a narcissist compulsive liar and that was definitely not something I was going to put up with again.
So where I messed things up got our relationship and looking back now I know that If I ever had the chance to go back and fix things the first thing I would do is NOT Do the following. So after JW told me about the medical condition I was upset, my mind was going at a million miles an hour. He asked that until we figured things out, let’s keep our business, our business.
Well my parents happen to live next door to me and my mom had been calling me wanting to see the necklace that JW got me for Valentine’s Day. So I stepped away and went to show my mom. She could see that I was upset about something and I BLABBED pretty much everything. I did exactly what he asked me not to do. But honestly I was hurt and I really wasn’t thinking about His feelings in that moment. I was reacting.
Looking back now I have definitely learned there is some stuff you keep your business, at least until you figure it out.
So by me telling my mom about his condition she got this mental image of Him that he was somehow a bad person, I believe it was mostly about the lie and him lying in NO Way Ok, he had plenty of opportunities to fess up. Before we ever got intimate in any manner shape or form I asked him are you sure you don’t have anything (std/sti’s) and every time he always said No.
So now that I gave you the introduction to things…
JW and I ended up breaking up, but it wasn’t because we didn’t love each other. I loved his man like Crazy and I was willing to look past the medical condition. In my mind and heart I felt like he was my person . Anyways the reason that we ultimately broke up was my mother. As much as I love here she drives me b@sh1t crazy at times. (We are also a lot alike so we tend to butt heads ) my mom basically gave me an ultimatum that it was her or Him and I couldn’t have both. And seeing as how I’ve always had a close relationship with my parents and I do live next door I ended up caving after almost a week of hard core fighting with my mom and I just couldn’t take it anymore. I broke up with JW.
That was so painful and sickening and I didn’t want to do it but I felt like if I didn’t I would lose my relationship with my mother and possibly even my father, it was too much stress.
Flash forward about a month and I haven’t spoken with JW but I get a message from his mom on FB asking me some questions about him. It was kind of strange but I went with it. I got this ominous feeling like something bad was going on. I asked what happened and she said he had passed away. ****WHAT?!?!?!?!????******
I was just thinking about him last night, I hadn’t stopped thinking about him and or loving him . I was just literally stuck between a rock and a hard(headed mother) . I still snuggle under the blanket every night that smells like him.
So the night before I found out he had passed I actually thought about reaching out. I thought maybe if I give things a little time my mom will cool down. I really wanted everything to play out perfectly. But at the point it was already far too late, he was gone.
JW was only in his late 20s and died from a massive heart attack, it still isn’t real. My heart is so broken and I don’t know what to do or how to deal with all of this.
How do you get over something like this?
I know there are a bunch of different facets to things here but this is what I’ve been living the past couple months.
submitted by XxSunFlower_88xX to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:31 Zestyclose_Sort8374 AITA for not visiting my mom more when she was in the hospital?

I’m just wondering if anyone can share their opinion about this situation that happened during Covid and tell me if I was the AH. My parents routinely bring it up and it just seems like it’s time to let it go, but I’m wondering if I really did something very horrible. For background my mom was physically abusive to me and I ‘escaped’ from her insanity about 6 months ago.
I got engaged in Spring 2020, and that summer (so early Covid days) I was a state employee and was asked to work at a Covid test site which soon became a vaccine site. This was 1.5 hours from my house and the hours were 6am-6pm so I was out of my house from 430am-730pm. It was at least 5 days/week, sometimes more. I was so exhausted that I started to lose my vision in 1 eye, that went away as soon as I stopped working those hours. My husband and I also had a small farm, multiple rental properties, there was just a lot going on.
My mom was making my wedding planning an absolute nightmare, she would call me and scream at me bringing up things from before I was even born (issues with my biological dad), sit my husband and I down for hours long discussions about why our wedding planning was selfish, etc. The issue for her was that we wanted a small wedding with only our families (25ish people) and my sister was having a huge $100k+ wedding that fall and we were planning on our small wedding being around that time as well, because I was told I have fertility issues and may not be able to become pregnant so we wanted to move things along quickly. I don’t even know why I entertained her opinions and these conversations but I was just terrified of upsetting her because she would unleash this rage that left me emotionally decimated for days or weeks at a time (I’m in therapy now and feel a lot better). Since our wedding was small we didn’t need any money for it from her and needed very little input from my parents, but I did let them invite some of their friends after enough arguing (it was super awkward and I hated it) and tried to entertain these conversations because they’re my parents.
July 2020 my mom went in for a routine surgery and I guess because she’s in absolutely terrible shape due to never exercising and eating junk food every day plus whatever error the doctor may have made, it turned into a near-death experience and she had to be in the hospital for 2ish weeks and after she went home she had to go back for another week. Lots of tests, infections, resulting in her being discharged ‘healthy’ and she went back to her normal life.
This was the height of my work at the Covid site and I was partly in charge of managing the site. The hospital she was it was an hour away from my house, the opposite direction as the test site. I got coverage and visited my mom a 2 or 3 times the first week she was in the hospital. This was during the heat of the screaming episodes she had at me so I felt really uncomfortable but pretended to be a good daughter and brought her everything I could, like self care packages, sat with her, did her hair, she’d text me when I was a few minutes from the hospital asking me to pick her up some smoothies or sandwiches from a place in the next town over and I’d just do it. When she went home I brought her healthy ready to eat groceries and homemade food that rotted in their refrigerator, while they asked for more. My stepdad was fully available this whole time and I cooked and brought him food too.
My mom would complain that I wasn’t involving her in my wedding plans enough while in the hospital. That was something I didn’t want to discuss with her bc of how stressful the conversations were, I tried to tell her we can talk about it later, but she got really upset and so I gave in and updated her on the progress. Immediately it turned into a fight and she screamed and cried at me. My stepdad called me and absolutely eviscerated me for ‘doing this’ to my mom. I was in shock and didn’t visit her for about a week after that.
A few months after her hospital situation, the calls started coming where she’d cry on the phone about how I never visited her at the hospital, I abandoned her, I’m horrible and selfish, etc. She got her medical records and read through them to try and make a lawsuit which never happened and apparently the only thing she saw in the records was that I was never visiting.
Yes, I could have visited more. But how much more? I wonder what was actually expected of me? I have a life, I was going into a panic freeze mode when I thought of her and completely shut down when I saw her. I was trying my best to balance everything. But now this situation is brought up and I don’t know what to think about it. Now my grandma is in the hospital and it’s turning into the same situation and I don’t know what to do or think.
submitted by Zestyclose_Sort8374 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:15 Ok_Heart_7154 35[F4M] Anywhere looking for chat buddies from across the globe

I am a simple lady that cherishes the simple pleasures in life like:
submitted by Ok_Heart_7154 to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:11 Mysterious-Lab-5241 Parking chargebfor parking on a pavement

I have received a parking ticket for parking on a pavement. The pavement in question is about 8-10ft wide and always has 1-2 cars parked on it.
I have an insignia which has been parked there on and off for the last 6 months with no issues . I parked my modified bmw there yesterday and today I have a parking ticket. I have seen the parking enforcer around town many times and never received a ticket before. Is there any basis to fight the ticket, what is the actual law around it? This is outside of London and I have only found legislation that states it's illegal to be parked on or partially a pavement in London?
The ticket also states that it is a code 1 - parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours. That doesn't seem to fit parking on a pavement but unsure if that makes a difference.
Thanks in advance for any advice
submitted by Mysterious-Lab-5241 to LegalAdviceUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:04 OrlonDogger A Witch at Midnight - Chapter 13

[First] [Previous] [Next]
Minutes feel like entire hours while I wait for GalaxyTaco to return, and my anxiety is just mounting up like crazy! So instead of becoming a victim of my own fear, I decide to take a moment to explore the forum and see what I can find that's interesting!

The Sleeper section is by far the most active, with people commenting on their daily lives, talking about media, food and experiences in general. It’s so casual it almost makes me feel nostalgic for the good ol’ days!

I am… surprised. Mages watch anime too? I guess that makes sense, as magic is usually viewed as an intellectual endeavor, and it is not rare for intellectuals to have this sorta hobby.

They even have an old timer section, for old timers like you.

What? Old timer!? I am 21!

Alright then, youngster. What anime is popular right now?

Chlorine is pretty popular!

That’s one of the Big Three and won’t stop being popular for a while, not to mention it’s all filler these days, that’s cheating.

Alright then, big baby. How about Soul Devourer?

That ended three years ago.

What!? No it didn’t!

What about Ouran??

Five years ago.



Lucky Channel?!



Oh that one’s pretty new actually. That one was last year.

Alright then smart guy, what is airing right now then!?

Destiny/Zero, Girls and Tanks, Kitty Tale Black, Moon Brothers…

What in the hell are any of those!?

If you don’t know, I know even less! Idiot!

I guess I am a bit of an old fashioned weeb.

We are getting distracted. Remember what we are here for.

Right! The Translation section! It’s rather unused, compared to the Sleeper side of it all. There are a few active translation topics but all of them seem to be focused on actual, current languages. Sure, there are a few in old Helenian and Latin but the others are surprisingly modern. Thereare some in Wohlian that immediately get my attention, but they seem like finished works.

Mostly directed by that ‘souseiseki’ bitch.

Don’t waste time thinking of her. Focus on what you can learn from the books themselves!

That is a good point. Once they are fully translated, the material is left available for anyone to take it! So I immediately go for the ones in Wohlian and Dobrand.

There are only five texts available, biographies all of them… except for what looks like a flier.

‘El Arte del Contrahechizo’ it read in Hesperian, ‘The Art of Counterspell’ in Dobrand. It apparently was an advertisement for a short lived ‘Combat Spell Course’ in Hesperia? Closed by the ‘Brotherhood’ for ‘breaking the sanctity of the secret’. Maybe this ‘Brotherhood’ is somewhat related to the cloaks.

Nevertheless, there is something in the flier that interests me: a Symbol!
Rune 6
I immediately start looking for it in the book… and what I find was overwhelming. This has to be the single most used symbol I’ve seen so far! It is in a lot of combined words, almost never on its own… but after keeping my eyes narrowed for a while, I find it.


As in “Hoh” or as in “Yo”? Bah, I guess I’ll find that out later, when I can actually start experimenting on my own.

Ah, damn it that’s right! I do need to go investigate the library! It’s huge too…

Hmm… What if I made a trip out of it?

The library closes at 12 for students, but if you stay inside you can spend the night working there! I could spend all night surrounded by books, coffee and the sandwiches some people sell there…

That could mess with your sleeping schedule a bit…

Not to mention how useless the whole endeavor can be. What if you don’t find the damn golden symbol, huh?

Won’t know if I try. This will be my last night staying up, I promise!

Hmmmn… well, if you are sure about it.


Feeling energy surging through my body again, I immediately get up again and look for clothes, fishing for some cash and then trotting out of my room… only to be stopped by that Saints damned door again.

I swear, every time I see it’s worse. It becomes more and more ominous with each attempt to pass through it. I really, really have been going out too much these days, huh…?

“...I better talk with GalaxyTaco first, then I can go to the library.”


“I can’t talk to them without the TER anyways.”

Walking back to the computer, I internally beg for GalaxyTaco to not have appeared on my contact list yet… but alas, fate is always working against me. There he is, right there. Well, at least I can solve this quickly and still get out in time… Maybe.

xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx has begun messaging GalaxyTaco to your rescue!
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: H-Hey!

I immediately cringe at myself for that written hesitation. Damn it, keep the emotions inside! Why must I be like this!?

xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: This is Tav, you know, from the forum? n.ñ
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: oh hey dude! nice, I was wondering who the hell was this lol
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: ok, now we can talk proper.
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: so… you just found the link somewhere, didn’t you?
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: unless I’m totally wrong and you were just referred by some cold mf

Alright. This is it… where do I go from here? I can’t exactly lie my way out of this without knowing much of the magical world. But that doesn’t mean I have to say all of the truth, right?

xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: …yeah u.u
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: I haven’t been Awake for a long time to be honest, and I found this link on a book I read at the local library.
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: ahhhh shit.
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: ok, that’s trouble
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: do you have a teacher?
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: No u.u
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: ok, you’re a bastard
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: not to imply anything about your family dude, that’s just how we call mages without teachers.
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Ok that’s kinda mean xD
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: tell me about it.
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: anyways, shit, uh…
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: ok, do you know what an Elysium is?

I don’t. But can I just admit that? I mean… maybe I can tell him I know where to look for it?

What are you, stupid!? He’s assuming you know jack shit! This is your chance to squeeze all the information! MILK IT!

A-Ah! Right!

xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: No idea. I hope you don’t mean the other world? O.o
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: nope.
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: an Elysium is a safeground in a city, a place where mages can go and practice legally.
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: shit, I hope you haven’t been doing magic around people right???
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: No no! O.o I swear!
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: ok good.
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: that’d get you in trouble with the Brotherhood in no time.
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: The Brotherhood? o.o
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: The Brotherood of Black Pages.
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Ominous… are they like, magic police? .-.
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: sorta
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: you wanna avoid them as much as you can, them black cloaks.
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: I mean, you won’t be able to avoid them if you wanna get your license but, beyond that, avoid them.

Ok, that’s confirmation of a few suspicions. The Elysium is a place, I need to find that place, and the black cloaks/brotherhood were bad news, probably super strict or something like that. I am a ‘Bastard Mage’, still not very happy about the name, and I should look for instruction before I blow myself up!

xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Can’t you teach me things? ;w; the meaning of these runes and stuff?
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: sorry dude, I don’t have a teacher’s license
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: but tell you what. I’ll get you something that will help you for sure!
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: I just gotta talk to a few friends.
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Oh okay! Good! n.n thank you so much for this, Gal
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: hah, it’s no problem
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Imma be outside of the TER for a while so, don’t talk to me about magics until I return, okay?
GalaxyTaco to your rescue!: arite, thanks for the heads up! gives me time to talk to Aoi and Mort
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: Ok I assume those are your friends!
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx: I’ll be seeing you later!
xXxCallMeBigCookiexXx has disconnected.


No more excuses. I close my computer, take a deep breath and walk to my door. I try my best to ignore the shaking of my hand as I grab the knob and open up. The air in the hallways outside was cold, making me go back in, pick up my long coat and then right out I went again!

The descent in the elevator had never felt this slow…I am excited and nervous at the same time.

This will be fun!

This will be a disaster. You’ll stay up for nothing, you hear me? Nothing.

Taking a deep breath, I walk out of the elevator as it arrives at the first floor and wave at the night guard, stepping right out and checking my phone.

It’s already a quarter past eleven. I have time… but I may need to call a taxi.

Cities are completely different at night. I have never been an active resident of Party City or anything, but I have been in the streets at the high hours of night, at least back in my old town. I assumed stuff would be quiet here too in Saüle, but turns out I was completely wrong. There were people stumbling around the streets, ladies of the night smiling and parading themselves in some of the corners, a few college students clubbing and singing…

Only now I remember we are technically on vacation. Of course everyone is partying!

Drat, does that mean the library will be closed!?

Too late to ask the cab to take you back home. No, you'll just have to freeze for a few hours.

The taxi leaves me in front of the University’s main entrance. After paying and waving the guy away, I let out a deep sigh of relief when I see that the lights of the place are still on.

So either they leave the lights on all vacation or they are still open despite it all.

I try to jog along the dirt trail, straight for the library! But I quickly realize my body is simply not made for running. I still try to keep the pace, panting and gasping for air. Passing right by the Pharmaceutical Sciences building and the Biology building, feeling lucky that no one can see me fighting for my life like this.

The campus is gigantic, with many different buildings focused on the different sciences and disciplines taught at the University. The Library stands in the middle of it all, a perfectly square, five story building comfortably constructed on a plateau and looking over the entire campus. As cool and impressive as that is, it also meant a long climb a massive set of stairs…

“Saints damn it all…”

It’s a miserable jog, but eventually, I make it to the gates before the Librarian closes. An ancient lady of dark skin and thin white hair, eternally dressed in a black, long dress.

“Hmph. Right on time, night owl.” She says with a mix of annoyance and playfulness in her tone, turning her back on me as soon as she closed the door. “Do not run like that inside.”

Still recovering my breath, I just nod and walk towards the machines that scan your credentials. I fish my wallet out of my pockets, scan my old card, and then walk straight in, looking around the main hall with a tired smile. Ah yes… I've always felt more at ease in libraries and the like, especially when there are no crowds of people around. Right now I could see only a few furtive shadows sliding around, and no sandwich sellers at all! With some luck, the librarian will try to gain a few extra Empires by selling stuff, but that will have to wait.
Right now, we are back on the hunt for the Golden Symbol! I need to focus all of my strength on finding it this time, because if they really want it to be both private and easy to find, it has to be here.
submitted by OrlonDogger to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:01 OkRefrigerator7507 C4C -PLEASE READ BEFORE COMMENTING

I have 3 existing farm click, 5 hattrick, 15 shein puppy clicks, 10 shein money tree clicks, 5 spin to win click and shein fg. (I DO NOT HAVE MAGIC CLICKS)
🐠167752431 ( 1 EXISTING & 3 NEW NEEDED)
🐠150478693 ( 4 EXISTING & 5 NEW NEEDED)
Before doing my code please ask if i have eligible clicks for your game. When I confirm please search my code and drop your username & code.
submitted by OkRefrigerator7507 to TemuTradesUSA [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:57 dark-swizzy [FOR SALE] mostly Hiphop & r&b (Conway, JPEG, Kanye, etc.)

2 Chainz- So Help Me God! M/M $15
21 Savage- Issa Album VG $60
2Pac- All Eyez On Me (‘21 reissue) NM $55
2Pac- The Best Of 2Pac - Part 1: Thug NM $20
Alchemist- French Blend NM $65
Baby Keem- The Melodic Blue M/M $30
Conway- From A King To God (Numbered, Black) NM/M $85
Conway- Pain Provided Profit ( Glow in the dark Obi, Numbered) M/M $30
Conway- Reject On Steroids M/M ( unsure of pressing color) $55
Nicholas Craven- Conway Remixes 1 V2 M/M ( Numbered) $45
Czarface- Czarmageddon! M/M $30
Danger Mouse- Cheat Codes (red) NM $35
DMX- Exodus M/M $15
Drake- Views NM $30
El Camino- Walking On Water M/M $25
Giveon- When It’s All Said And Done… Take Time NM $24
Jay-Z- Magna Carta… Holy Grail NM ( Flexi Disc Still inserted) $65
JPEGMAFIA- Living Single (white) M/M $25
JPEGMAFIA- Scaring The Hoes (Twitter Cover) M/M $40
Kanye- Jesus Walks (‘04 single) VG+ $10
Kanye-Kon The Louis Vuitton Don M/M $35
Kanye- The College Dropout NM $25
Madlib- Low Budget High Fi Music M/M $25
Mavi- Laughing So Hard, It Hurts M/M ( OBI Splatter numbered) $100
Metro Boomin- Heroes & Villians M/M ( Comic Cover) $60
Mick Jenkins- The Water[s] M/M $25
Migos- Culture III M/M $15
Nav- Bad Habits M/M $15
Pop Smoke- Faith M/M $10
Pop Smoke- Shoot for The Stars Aim For The Moon NM $25
Quavo- Quavo Huncho M/M $20
Red Veil- Learn to Swim NM(Purple Marble) $50
Thundercat- It is What It is M/M $30
Trippie Redd- Pegasus NM $25
Tyler Childers- Purgatory NM (Orange) $25
YG- Stay Dangerous M/M $20
Any questions or offers just shoot me a message. Shipping is +$8 and will ship in protective Vinyl mailers.
submitted by dark-swizzy to VinylCollectors [link] [comments]