Any relief for vrischika rasi

Anonymous on Reddit • /r/anonymous

2008.05.01 02:26 Anonymous on Reddit • /r/anonymous

This subreddit is for Anonymous news and articles aggregation. It is not for the planning and execution of operations. Reddit's Content Policy is strictly enforced in this subreddit: Absolutely no illegal posts or requests. Absolutely no personal information, posted or linked. Absolutely no spam. This includes blogspam. Breaking a reddit-wide rule results in a non-negotiable permanent ban from this subreddit, and you may be reported to reddit admins at our discretion.

2008.06.12 16:27 Debt Management and Debt Help

This subreddit is a place to discuss debt-related issues, debt management, collections, and more.

2009.10.23 18:00 richie_ny Off My Chest A Safe Community for Support

A mutually supportive community where deeply emotional things you can't tell people you know can be told. Whether it's long-standing baggage, happy thoughts, or recent trauma, posting it here may provide some relief. We'll listen, and if you want, we'll talk. We aim to keep this a safe space.

2024.03.12 05:08 FeedingAHungryDuck Introduction / request for help (with a little ranting on the side lol)

Hi. I'm needing a little help and hoping you here might be willing. Apologies in advance, this is probably going to be a longer post.
First let me introduce myself as a recently (2019ish) self-liberated exmormon. My experiences in mormonism (born & rasied), together with my research into various kinds of domination structures—religions/cults (same difference really), governments, militaries, corporations, now so-called "troubled teen programs", etc—give me a frame of reference for some of the abuse you've endured, but I've never been put through a "troubled teen program". So while I do have a *little* of what might qualify as shared experience, for the most part my understanding is limited to a combination of intellectual understanding and compassion. So if I step on any toes in any way, please tell me, and please know it's unintentional.
Reason I'm here: My brother put his adopted son, my nephew, in Liahona a few years back (also 2019 I think). Even then, before I understood the depths these places plumb, I tried to talk him out of it, but he just became obstinate. Bordering on belligerent actually. Since I didn't understand how high the stakes really were, I left it. Just typing those three words grieves me now.
Not long after that (as I was going through the disillusionment wherein I left mormonism) I ended up cutting off this brother, so from that point forward I've heard very little about how my nephew is doing. And the info I do hear is 2nd-hand through my mom, whose memory makes getting a straight story difficult.
He got out of Liahona at some point, but somewhat unsurprisingly, he's worse off now than he was before. My brother kicked him out, he's been in and out of jail... Things aren't going well for him. My heart is just breaking for this kid. Not that he's never directed his anger at me. I understand the impulse to withdraw your hand when he keeps biting it. But the aloneness he must feel from all of this abandonment and abuse...

He's apparently going to be in jail for a stretch now. Something like a couple years. I've decided I'm going to get mom to get his address for me so I can start writing him. I've done a deep-dive over several years into reflective/empathic listening (mostly anything I could get my hands on from Marshall Rosenberg about his "Nonviolent Communication" principles... most highly recommended, btw... literally life-changing for me). I'm hopeful that I can bring him some emotional sustenance and relief just by connecting with him that way.
Where I need some help is any potential blind spots you can point out for me... things people say that you wish they wouldn't, or don't say that you wish they would.. common misconceptions.. things you really wish well-meaning people realized before they talked to you about it... stuff like that. Would you be willing to share anything that comes to mind along those lines? I don't want to accidentally do anything that would put him off wanting to talk about it.

SIDEBAR: For clarity, I dislike the term "troubled teen program" because it puts the onus on the kids when really it's more the parents who are "troubled" by the things the kids do (maybe we should call them "troubled parent programs"?). Most of the time, kids are put into these programs for resisting the dictates of controlling parents and other controlling "authority" figures. Effectively for asserting their autonomy. Which is a perfectly normal, healthy response to punishments and control, I might add. Then, once the teens are in the programs, the programs *create* the troubled-ness.

submitted by FeedingAHungryDuck to troubledteens [link] [comments]

2023.07.05 18:42 astroaron Abotinam under Qet influence in the Late Obsidian Era

A transcript of the opening presentation at the 18th Annual Symposium on Xanthean Cultural Anthropology by Dr. Rasi Benedir. Descriptions of the slides are in italics.
Ahem, yes, thank you to the Symposium for having me back. I hope us hotheaded archeologists don't cause as much of an uproar as we have in the past. (Laughter)
A slide bears the title of the presentation, the date, the speaker, and the event.
Today I wanted to talk about the work we're doing in the Abo region. As you may know, there are a couple dig sites in the mountains that have been finding some new pieces from ancient Abotinam settlements. Now, the initial publications are still in review, but I felt this was an exciting enough find that I couldn't bear to keep it under wraps.
A map of Northwestern Xanthea. A greenish blob covers the Abo peninsula, flanked by a light blue blob to the north and a bluish-grey blob to the east.
Pre-diasporan Aboti culture has always been a white whale for people in our field. While their infrastructure is well preserved, their lack of writing system and constant recycling of jewelry doesn't give us much insights into their rituals. Especially, when compared to the Qet-Savaq, their historical neighbours to the east, the Abotinam are almost frustratingly ephemeral. But it is also this proximity that gives us our best route to understanding the Abotinam. The early Qet city-states quickly expanded their influence into the Abo peninsula, utilizing the resources and building techniques to build their influence outward. Utilizing old Abotinam paths as guidelines, the Qet constructed roads across the peninsula to help facilitate the flow of goods and people back to the capitals. This is all known and good. But what is unknown is how this modified the daily life of the Aboti who were driven to close contact. Coming out of the famine just a few generations before, it's hard to imagine that there was no effect. And so that's the focus of our field work these days, trying to find signs from that transitory period post-famine.
An image of Dr. Benedir, wearing a patterned button-up and cargo shorts, smiling as he stands with several other researchers around an old cobblestone path. Parts of the road are covered in dirt, and many stones are scattered around. A wall of dirt, about waist-high, in the background indicates this road was previously buried.
This picture is from our most recent trip to Abo, where they've found a new Qet-Savaq road high in the mountains. This isn't on the Laveno as far as we can tell, but rather seems to be a spur path deeper into the mountains. Now, by the time we got out there, all the fun work had been done already- (Laughter) So we got to spend most of our time photographing and cataloging. And let's be honest, there wasn't much. Some discarded cloth scraps and horse bones were our big finds coming out week 1, and I'm sure you'll see a whole litany of papers published on those findings here in the coming months.
A small rock against a white background. The rock bears a large quantity of markings, some weathered, but still unmistakably intentional.
Now, when we got invited out to this dig site, we weren't expecting to find much. It's been well understood for quite some time that Aboti pictographs are essentially the same as those used by the Qet-Savaq prior to the invention of written language. This is confirmed by the wayfinding stones beloved by museums the world over, and more rigorously, the parchment scraps that have been preserved in towns like Nibalam. However, this stone contains some hints toward something deeper.
The same rock, but this time with yellow highlighting superimposed, drawing the pictographs into sharp relief.
Now, for this next part I owe my deepest gratitude to Dr. Kabe Tonori, a regular collaborator and perhaps the foremost expert on Qet-Savaq pictograms. Now most of you here I'm sure will recognize these glyphs here in the middle. And a couple of them make sense in isolation. Here we have a glyph for "parent", here one for "harvest", so on and so forth. But these ones.... up here, I hadn't seen before, and Dr. Tonori confirmed it.
White background, with three pictograms from the stone depicted in even, solid black strokes.
So this first pictogram, Dr. Tonori connected to that of the Radezut almost immediately. And indeed, many of you will see the similarity. But the modification here, at the bottom, seems to indicate a village, you can see, it kind of looks like a collection of houses. But this symbol is nothing at all like the Qet glyph for a city-state, and indeed we don't see that glyph show up anywhere in Abo. Instead, they almost all prefer to have a collection of houses to indicate a village.
As such, we can conclude that this must be a place glyph, for a location that has associated itself with the Qet-Savaq aristocracy. Now, I'll be honest, I was let down a bit. Here we were thinking we had found direct communication from a Radezut. But, I was hasty, because what we've actually found here is magical. And to avoid burying the lede any longer...
The entire message from the stone appears on the left side of the screen, all in those black strokes. To the right, a translation appears, reading "The elders of [Radezutville] send congratulations to the elders of [Village with lots of sunflowers] for the [untranslated untranslated] of elder [Sunrise behind Mountain]"
Now, we still haven't figured out those last two glyphs, as they don't have much context and don't expect to until we find out what village Elder "Sunrise Behind Mountain" lived in, and when. But this shows that Abo society had not only adopted Qet cultural markers in their dealings with the Qet-Savaq, but also internal interactions. And yet, at the same time these pictographs were already being adapted to the needs of the Abotinam, showing that there is still significant depth to pre-diaspora Aboti culture that we need to examine. And of course, we still don't know what made this initial village so special that it chose to name itself as the place of the Radezut. But hopefully these mysteries can tickle your brain over the course of this symposium. Because it really is wonderful that, no matter how deep we seem to dig, there is always more to find out.
submitted by astroaron to DawnPowers [link] [comments]

2022.02.16 17:02 ContributionOdd3990 Banished Hero: Episode 19 "Break point"

I made a break from writing and I forgot about the lore of my fanfic. It's like "I was writing the whole lore before but I'm too lazy to look after it so I'll make a new one"
That happens when you don't sleep for two days.
Anyway, enjoy!
"I've never thought that I will ever be in this hellish place," Laura said while she was up to the waist in the green, dirty water.
"I can see why people were fighting to NOT get this land" Keith was driving away the flies,
The Templar's army was now in the Drylands. They path was narrow and merely visible. It was like combination of Humakan and Border Forest: the trees was covering the sun, army was sick and ill, The dangerous monster lurking in the bushes and grennish water. It wasn't surprised that someone couldn't manage it.
"Bleh!" Eric threw up because of swamp smell,
"What's the matter, four-eyes?" Mike chuckled, "Never been in the city sewers?"
"Give him a break, furball" Red helped human to get up, "None of us was here and I'm sure that sewers are better than swamps"
"Shhh!" Flora shushed them, "Enemy's fort ahead"
They reached the Wolfgard's garnison, which was defending the closest bridge on the Red Tubunga.
"We can't siege it, every wolf in Drylands will be alerted" Keith said.
"So quick attack? Hmm..." Laura thought for a while, "Ok, let's do it. Human miners and foxes with ladders will be first, then-"
"I'm sorry to interupt but I have a better idea" Mike burst into the conversation,
"Like what? You'll do it solo?" Keith asked,
"No, with ten of my people"
"Laura- I mean your majesty, Mike's just joking. Let's go back to the plan"
"If you're so keen to help, so let's go" Laura said,
Mike nodded and went to the garnison. When the wolf guards recognised him they didn't attack him. Instead they were talking with him like the war wasn't going on. Two minutes later, the gate was open.
"Wh-what? How?" Keith was confused,
"We ask him later" she rasied her sword and jumped from the hideout, "CHAAAARGEEE!!!"
Before the wolves reacted, the Duke's people cut their throats and blocked the turnstile so they couldn't block it. While everyone was fighting in the middle of garnison, Mike rushed to the commander office and killed him. In the half hour, the fort belong to Laura.
The Duke of Wheat came to High Templar cleaning his dagger,
"The fort is yours. Think about it as a gift"
"That's a very generous gift. Don't worry, I'll award you with a medal and title"
"Giving medal to the traitor? Yeah, right" Keith shouted,
"Wh-what?" Laura was shocked, the fox was silent.
"I found the raports that are confirming his cooperation with Wolfgard. It was him who told me that your sister's here"
"Well, what do you have to say?" the Templar turned to Mike with death stare.
"*sigh* Yes, your pet's right. If I could help you escape the prison, wolves took me seriously. We started negotiating in Wreathwood. The deal was made in Border Forest. I should give you in chains here"
"But you didn't"
"Because in Tigaern and Humakan you got my respect. That's why I broke the deal"
"Nice words won't save you now" Keith wasn't moved by his speech,
"Oh c'mon! You aren't clean neither"
"Keith, what is he talking about?" vixen's voice was trembling.
"I-I don't know!"
"You serious? And I thought you were a man of honor"
"Your majesty, h-he's lying! I would never do anything wrong to you!"
"What about letters to Beatrice? I made my own investigation. You were telling everything to her. That's why she know we were in Humakan"
"Keith..." Laura was furious and confused, "Tell me it isn't true"
"I-I... I'm sorry" he lowered his head down,
"Sorry? SORRY?!" She was so furious that she could set the entire swamps on fire, "Nothing more?!"
Keith didn't answered, Mike did it for him,
"I betrayed you, that's true. But I'm not alone"
The vixen was full of anger. She knew she had to punish them but question was how much. She remembered every moment with these two, how they helped her, sometimes risking their life for her. Was it all only for gaining her trust?
"Bronze bull is what I should punish you. But..." She uses all her strenght to not let anyone to see her tears" I need you two more than ever before. That's the only reason why I forgive you"
The both of traitor sighed with relief. Keith finally said,
"Thank you, your majesty"
"I don't usually agree with Keith but this time I make an exception"
"Get out of my sight, now!" The red aura showed up around her. She was ready to killed them in any moment.
They nodded and left. Laura wanted to be alone. She went to the dead commander's office. He thrown the table out of the window and destroyed the chair. And then, she sat in the corner and started silently crying. Almost everyone who she trusted, betrayed her. First the family, now the closest companions. She wished to wake up from this nightmare.
"Hey, Laura! Are you the-" Flora entered to the room, "Oh"
Every soldier will say that Laura looks and behaves not like a ruler but a soldier in every way: she treats every soldier equal, knows the names of every officer, high and low-ranking, always with lifted head and poker face, and pride in her eyes. Flora saw her the curled vixen shaking and crying in dirty armor like the greenhorn who got a PTSD after first battle.
"Leave" her voice was shaking,
"Do you really want that?"
The tigress sat next to her.
"I saw your... argument with these idiots. I suspected Duke from the very begining but Keith? He was the most loyal in the whole army. But he was banished so-"
"It's not that" Laura was choking by her own tears,
"It's not beacuse they were colaborating with wolves. It's obvious that I have spies in my troops. I'm scared that... that"
"That someone else woh you trusted will backstabbed you?"
She nodded, "I-I want to believe them, that they're telling truth... I want to believe in you, Kat... I wanna believe that my sisters were manipulated... that they didn't want me dead..."
"Well, Keith's testimony about Julianna was backed by rest of the group"
Laura was trembling even more,
"Sorry! Forgot about what I said!"
"No... it's alright... at least I can save Beatrice and Elizabeth"
After few second of silence, Flora chuckled,
"I have some deja vu right now. Remember when we first met?"
the vixen wiped the tears from her face, "It was some time after my coronation. Many lords thought it was good moment to revolt and manipulate young and inexperienced me"
"Heh, the worst mistake in their life. I was terrified and couldn't even grab a sword. But then, you came and calmed me down, gave me the courage"
That made Laura crying, "Oh, irony... Thanks Flora"
"No problem" she stood up, "Get up. We have troops to lead"
The high Templar got up and took a few deep breaths. Only now she saw how much she trashed the place. In front of her was a report. It was about the 'demons' who were ambushing smaller posts. Wolgard's positions were changed. They left the most of their forts and concetrated in the biggest ones. The biggest one was Vulture Castle which was under Elizabeth's control
She left the room with a stoic face. No one knew she was crying.
"I'm coming for you, sis"
To be continued...
First Episode
Previous Episode
Next Episode
submitted by ContributionOdd3990 to Twokinds [link] [comments]

2021.05.04 17:14 wittywoe Fundaraiser for covid relief!! GET AN ARTWORK IN EXCHANGE FOR YOUR DONATION!!

Hey guys! My friends and I have started this campaign to rasie money for COVID relief and would love if you guys could donate or share. We would love to reach as many people as we can. You can donate to any your choice. We're only asking you to send a screenshot of your donation to []( and what kind of illustration you'd like and we'll reward you for your goodwill. Here is the link to the instagram page: It has works of various artists and you can ask any of them to make an artwork for you or get an pre-existing piece as well.
submitted by wittywoe to Fundraisers [link] [comments]

2021.05.04 17:10 wittywoe Fundraiser for covid relief

Hey guys! My friends and I have started this campaign to rasie money for COVID relief and would love if you guys could donate or share. We would love to reach as many people as we can. You can donate to any foundation your choice. We're only asking you to send a screenshot of your donation to []( and what kind of illustration you'd like and we'll reward you with an artwork for your goodwill. Here is the link to the instagram page: It has works of various artists and you can ask any of them to make an artwork for you or get an pre-existing piece as well.
submitted by wittywoe to lingling40hrs [link] [comments]

2020.12.08 22:22 psychotrader00 Here is a Market Recap for today Tues, December 8, 2020. Please enjoy!

PsychoMarket Recap - Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Stocks turned positive Tuesday, with the S&P 500 and Dow Jones shaking yesterday’s losses and the Nasdaq recording a new intraday recor. Market participants continue to weigh rising coronavirus cases in the United States and optimism surrounding a vaccine and additional fiscal stimulus.
In Washington, lawmakers continue to negotiate in order to agree on measures to fund the government and provide another virus relief package. Lawmakers are poised to vote tomorrow Wednesday on a resolution to push back the deadline to fund the government from this Friday to next week in order to avoid a government shutdown, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said. We’ll closely monitor developments in this matter.
In an effort to support the economy, a bipartisan group of Senators unveiled a new stimulus proposal worth $908 billion, a sum greater than the ceiling Senate Leader Mitch McConnel (Rep.) set but below the Democrat’s original $2 billion proposal. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Dem.) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (Dem.) have indicated they support the proposal and Senator Bill Cassidy (Rep.) told Fox News he is confident the President and Senator McConnell will support the bill. We’ll have to wait and see how it plays out but we do not expect the passage of any stimulus at least until Biden’s administration takes over.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top infectious disease expert in the United States, says the full impact of Thanksgiving gatherings hasn’t been seen yet. He said, “The blip from Thanksgiving isn't even here yet. So we’re getting those staggering numbers of new cases and hospitalizati0ns before we even feel the full brunt of the Thanksgiving holiday”. The US is averaging nearly 200,000 infections and 2,237 deaths in the last seven numbers, the deadliest week in the pandemic since late April, according to Johns Hopkins University. There are well over 100,000 patients hospitalized with coronavirus. Yesterday, the US recorded around 202,000 new daily infections, 101,487 patients hospitalized, and 1,522 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins Univerisity.
Despite rising cases, the market is reacting positively to the prospects for widespread vaccine distribution next year and the possibility of additional fiscal stimulus in the US. Margaret Keenan, a 90-year-old woman from the United Kingdom, became the first person in the world to receive the PfizeBioNTech vaccine outside of the clinical trial. While expectations for growth in 2021 remain high, we expect volatility in the market in the short-term, given the surge in coronavirus cases and the reimposition of restrictions across the nation. California recently placed more than 85% of its residents under stay-at-home order after ICU capacity fell below 15%.
Looking ahead, market participants will continue to eagerly follow developments on the coronavirus vaccine. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is expected to convene its outside scientific advisory board on Thursday to discuss Pfizer’s (PFE) emergency use authorization request for its vaccine. The advisors could vote as soon as that day whether to recommend that the FDA green-light the inoculation and allow the first phase of roll-outs to states. Moderna (MRNA) has also filed an emergency use authorization with the FDA. The FDA is expected to make an announcement about Moderna’s vaccine sometime this week as well.
"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." - Walt Disney
submitted by psychotrader00 to RedditTickers [link] [comments]

2020.12.08 22:21 psychotrader00 Here is a Market Recap for today Tues, December 8, 2020. Please enjoy!

PsychoMarket Recap - Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Stocks turned positive Tuesday, with the S&P 500 and Dow Jones shaking yesterday’s losses and the Nasdaq recording a new intraday recor. Market participants continue to weigh rising coronavirus cases in the United States and optimism surrounding a vaccine and additional fiscal stimulus.
In Washington, lawmakers continue to negotiate in order to agree on measures to fund the government and provide another virus relief package. Lawmakers are poised to vote tomorrow Wednesday on a resolution to push back the deadline to fund the government from this Friday to next week in order to avoid a government shutdown, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said. We’ll closely monitor developments in this matter.
In an effort to support the economy, a bipartisan group of Senators unveiled a new stimulus proposal worth $908 billion, a sum greater than the ceiling Senate Leader Mitch McConnel (Rep.) set but below the Democrat’s original $2 billion proposal. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (Dem.) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (Dem.) have indicated they support the proposal and Senator Bill Cassidy (Rep.) told Fox News he is confident the President and Senator McConnell will support the bill. We’ll have to wait and see how it plays out but we do not expect the passage of any stimulus at least until Biden’s administration takes over.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top infectious disease expert in the United States, says the full impact of Thanksgiving gatherings hasn’t been seen yet. He said, “The blip from Thanksgiving isn't even here yet. So we’re getting those staggering numbers of new cases and hospitalizati0ns before we even feel the full brunt of the Thanksgiving holiday”. The US is averaging nearly 200,000 infections and 2,237 deaths in the last seven numbers, the deadliest week in the pandemic since late April, according to Johns Hopkins University. There are well over 100,000 patients hospitalized with coronavirus. Yesterday, the US recorded around 202,000 new daily infections, 101,487 patients hospitalized, and 1,522 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins Univerisity.
Despite rising cases, the market is reacting positively to the prospects for widespread vaccine distribution next year and the possibility of additional fiscal stimulus in the US. Margaret Keenan, a 90-year-old woman from the United Kingdom, became the first person in the world to receive the PfizeBioNTech vaccine outside of the clinical trial. While expectations for growth in 2021 remain high, we expect volatility in the market in the short-term, given the surge in coronavirus cases and the reimposition of restrictions across the nation. California recently placed more than 85% of its residents under stay-at-home order after ICU capacity fell below 15%.
Looking ahead, market participants will continue to eagerly follow developments on the coronavirus vaccine. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is expected to convene its outside scientific advisory board on Thursday to discuss Pfizer’s (PFE) emergency use authorization request for its vaccine. The advisors could vote as soon as that day whether to recommend that the FDA green-light the inoculation and allow the first phase of roll-outs to states. Moderna (MRNA) has also filed an emergency use authorization with the FDA. The FDA is expected to make an announcement about Moderna’s vaccine sometime this week as well.
"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." - Walt Disney
submitted by psychotrader00 to StockMarket [link] [comments]

2020.09.14 18:28 plague692 the circle: alpha

There was nothing, I simply woke up with a wicked headache in some forest. It smelled of burning flesh but it didn’t seem like any animal meat that I knew of. I grew up in a household of butchers and hunters so I knew what every type of meat smelled like and this smelled like any of them. I decided to not investigate the smell and instead started wandering around. The only things around were makeshift campsites with tents that looked as if they were made of old animal skins, I didn’t see any wild animals as I wandered, all I saw were bones and bugs.
The air was silent except for the birds and wind in the trees, it was quite eerie if I was being honest. It was getting to sunset so I set myself up in a tree, I didn’t see any predators but better safe than sorry. I wanted a tall tree so I couldn’t be attacked so I started searching for one, all the ones around were too short and anything could jump up and get me. When I started searching a came through some thick brush, when I got out of it I saw something awful. There was a bonfire full of bodies, or at least it was a bonfire, it seemed like it was out a couple of hours before I got there. That must have been what the smell was, I’ve never smelled burnt human flesh before so the scent wouldn’t be familiar.
Fortunately, the tallest tree was right across from the bonfire. Without thinking I dashed through the makeshift fire pit, I tripped the bodies weren’t one-hundred percent burnt so I got blood all over me, I fought the urge to vomit but I figured that that would only bring extra things to me so I held it, god was that hard to do. I climbed to the top of the tree, I didn’t notice how dense the forest was until this point. Holy crap I couldn’t see the ground except for the clearing where the fire was but I made sure I was facing the other way, but I hoped to every god that the ground couldn’t see me. I used my belt it fascin myself the trunk of the tree, it was a thick belt so it would take a knife to cut it.
As the day turned to night I fell asleep, until the sound of barking woke me up. There weren’t wolves or coyotes, the barks were way too high pitched, they sounded like a dogs bark, yet somehow I didn’t feel better knowing it wasn’t a wild animal. It was morning but it wasn’t fully light out yet. The barking seemed as if was coming from the bottom of the tree, I hoped they didn’t smell and were jumping at the trunk, something tells me I didn’t want their owner to know something was up the tree. I’ve never more been happy that I was rasied in the woods if I wasn’t I don’t think I would’ve survived this long.
Then the smell hit me again, this time I knew what it was. I leaned over the side of the tree and looked at the clearing and sure enough, there were a few more bodies and a raging fire in the pit. Just as I thought, dogs, malinois, a couple of them, four or five of them, the owner was sitting on a log beside the flames. The fire shielded his face mostly but I could tell a few things. He was male, he was tall (it was far away but even from that distance I could tell), he was fit (not buff but he was quite lean), and he was caucasian. At least if I got out of here I could give the police a description.
What was confusing was that the bodies didn’t look like they were attacked by any animal, they had some holes on them but no hunks flesh were missing and I figured the holes came from the fire. Though I’m not a forensic scientist so I’m not a reliable source on that and the bodies were burned so I couldn’t tell if I tried. The dogs couldn’t smell me over the fire and they were fighting over a cow or horse bone (i didn’t really know but it was big) and he couldn’t see me so I was safe. When it became midday he put the fire out and left, I figured I could come down so I did. I did some more searching and found some interesting things.
There was a small fake town a mile or two away from the tree that I found while searching the forest. The town was made of shipping containers and it seemed that a lot of violence took place here. There was blood all over the grass and all inside the containers. In one of the buildings there seemed to be what looked like an armory. Unfoutuneitly for me it was locked up tight and I’d need a concrete saw to get through the locks.
Inside there were swords, axes, scythes, if I could get in there I’d be a one-woman army. There was an even taller tree by the town so I climbed it and strapped in. seeing what I saw I didn’t want to stay on the ground during the night. I couldn’t sleep this night, the realization of what the fire meant hit me like a truck, I assume this forest is fenced in, that’s why there aren’t any animals around, so I was stuck here with a murderer that has five dogs that I couldn’t outrun with an hour head start, fuck. As I sat alone with my thoughts I heard screams from below, the shock brought me out of my daze and I turned so fast I almost got whiplash.
I saw several other people run through the town and rush into the buildings. Then the dogs, they went straight for the containers where the people were, it seemed as if the dogs weren’t used for attacking but only for searching, it was a slight relief knowing I didn’t need to outrun them. But then the owner came threw the town, I could finally get a really good look at him. He was wearing a white face mask, nothing about it seemed weird except for the various blood splats on the mask, other than that he was wearing a grey hoodie with a black winter vest over it and a black beanie. He had the sleeves rolled up and it seemed like he had lots of tattoos.
As he entered the town the first thing he did was rip all the people out of their hiding places one by one. It was stupid of them to hide in different places but I digress, after pulling them out he did something to immobilized them, mostly breaking legs. This didn’t affect me, being this high up nothing much was visible and I couldn’t hear much. I remember that one person fought through their broken bones and stood up. they rushed the man but he sidestepped them and they fell, the man stepped on the persons back and grabbed their shoulders and bent them back so far that there was an audible snap, I think he broke the person’s spine because they never moved after that.
The man walked to the armory, opened it, and took out some sort of sickle sword hybrid, it was like a normal sword but with a sickle-blade on the end. He used it to slit the peoples’ throats. He brought out a wagon and carried them away like a body collecter. Thankfully he either forgot to close the armory door or he thought he killed everyone and just left it open. After he left I lowered myself down and checked the building out, all the weapons except for one or two, all of them would be too big for me to use, the only thing I could grab was a combat knife.
I figured he’d be back so I ran back into the woods though it was in the darkest part of the night so finding anything would be difficult, I heard a distant yell, it sounded like the man was sending the dogs to search around the forest. As I ran around trying to avoid things that would allow the dogs to find me I came across an injured person. they had a broken leg I assumed he had gone through what the others in the town did. when he saw me they had yelled at me to “kill me, please kill me”. I figured he couldn’t escape in his condition and he shouldn’t have to go in the way the others did, so with care, and the most well I’ve ever summed up… I slit his throat.
I don’t regret doing it, I would have done it a thousand times over again, but I just... it sticks with me. The screams it seemed like attracted some attention. One of the dogs popped by and saw me, and immediately ran up. Before it could start barking I grabbed it and stabbed it, I stabbed it a lot, I last count, having spent the last two days in hell finally being able to express my anger on something making up that hell felt amazing. I couldn’t wallow on anything I just did so I started running.
Figuring that the dogs came from near the center of the area, (most likely that’s where the man’s cabin is if he has one). So I ran opposite to where the dogs came from. It felt like hours, while I ran the sun came up and it became late morning. I never noticed it before, most likely due to adrenaline and tunnel vision, I never heard the siren go off every morning and evening. This may be some sort of call off time.
I thought that if it was then the man would notice that one of his dogs didn’t show up and he might go searching. I kept running and running until I hit a fence, not literally but until I saw the fence. There was a small gate a couple of hundred yards away so I continued running. Then I tripped, nothing terrible happened but it hurt and it gave a few seconds for my adrenaline to wear off and I started to feel everything. In the few seconds, it took for me to stand the feeling of pain knocked me back down.
Until determination broke through and I managed to get to the gate. Once I opened the gate and got outside it was as if the air was better, this place, this man, leaving it felt like a drug high which gave me the strength to run even more down the road that the gate leads to. I managed to make it the open road. Since I was covered in blood and dirt I was picked up very quickly. I passed out on my way to the hospital and woke up in my room. I learned I had been out for days and while I was out the police went up that road and found the property, it was during dusk so the hunt was on so they caught him in the act and took him into custody, I was so happy I almost cried from joy… until I found the note on my desk.
The note read “dear ms. Casady Benna, I wish you congratulations on the defeat of our alpha hound. we simply wish to inform you of our game, a player most know they are playing, after all. Signed twitch, with regards of the circle”. After that, I did start to cry. Just not from joy anymore.
submitted by plague692 to Plague_692 [link] [comments]

2020.05.17 09:25 plague692 the circle: alpha

There was nothing, I simply woke up with a wicked headache in some forest. It smelled of burning flesh but it didn’t seem like any animal meat that I knew of. I grew up in a household of butchers and hunters so I knew what every type of meat smelled like and this smelled like any of them. I decided to not investigate the smell and instead started wandering around. The only things around were makeshift campsites with tents that looked as if they were made of old animal skins, I didn’t see any wild animals as I wandered, all I saw were bones and bugs.
The air was silent except for the birds and wind in the trees, it was quite eerie if I was being honest. It was getting to sunset so I set myself up in a tree, I didn’t see any predators but better safe than sorry. I wanted a tall tree so I couldn’t be attacked so I started searching for one, all the ones around were too short and anything could jump up and get me. When I started searching a came through some thick brush, when I got out of it I saw something awful. There was a bonfire full of bodies, or at least it was a bonfire, it seemed like it was out a couple of hours before I got there. That must have been what the smell was, I’ve never smelled burnt human flesh before so the scent wouldn’ t be familiar.
Fortunately, the tallest tree was right across from the bonfire. Without thinking I dashed through the makeshift fire pit, I tripped the bodies weren’t one-hundred percent burnt so I got blood all over me, I fought the urge to vomit but I figured that that would only bring extra things to me so I held it, god was that hard to do. I climbed to the top of the tree, I didn’t notice how dense the forest was until this point. Holy crap I couldn’t see the ground except for the clearing where the fire was but I made sure I was facing the other way, but I hoped to every god that the ground couldn’t see me. I used my belt it fascin myself the trunk of the tree, it was a thick belt so it would take a knife to cut it.
As the day turned to night I fell asleep, until the sound of barking woke me up. There weren’t wolves or coyotes, the barks were way too high pitched, they sounded like a dogs bark, yet somehow I didn’t feel better knowing it wasn’t a wild animal. It was morning but it wasn’t fully light out yet. The barking seemed as if was coming from the bottom of the tree, I hoped they didn’t smell and were jumping at the trunk, something tells me I didn’t want their owner to know something was up the tree. I’ve never more been happy that I was rasied in the woods if I wasn’t I don’t think I would’ve survived this long.
Then the smell hit me again, this time I knew what it was. I leaned over the side of the tree and looked at the clearing and sure enough, there were a few more bodies and a raging fire in the pit. Just as I thought, dogs, malinois, a couple of them, four or five of them, the owner was sitting on a log beside the flames. The fire shielded his face mostly but I could tell a few things. He was male, he was tall (it was far away but even from that distance I could tell), he was fit (not buff but he was quite lean), and he was caucasian. At least if I got out of here I could give the police a description.
What was confusing was that the bodies didn’t look like they were attacked by any animal, they had some holes on them but no hunks flesh were missing and I figured the holes came from the fire. Though I’m not a forensic scientist so I’m not a reliable source on that and the bodies were burned so I couldn’t tell if I tried. The dogs couldn’t smell me over the fire and they were fighting over a cow or horse bone (i didn’t really know but it was big) and he couldn’t see me so I was safe. When it became midday he put the fire out and left, I figured I could come down so I did. I did some more searching and found some interesting things.
There was a small fake town a mile or two away from the tree that I found while searching the forest. The town was made of shipping containers and it seemed that a lot of violence took place here. There was blood all over the grass and all inside the containers. In one of the buildings there seemed to be what looked like an armory. Unfoutuneitly for me it was locked up tight and I’d need a concrete saw to get through the locks.
Inside there were swords, axes, scythes, if I could get in there I’d be a one-woman army. There was an even taller tree by the town so I climbed it and strapped in. seeing what I saw I didn’t want to stay on the ground during the night. I couldn’t sleep this night, the realization of what the fire meant hit me like a truck, I assume this forest is fenced in, that’s why there aren’t any animals around, so I was stuck here with a murderer that has five dogs that I couldn’t outrun with an hour head start, fuck. As I sat alone with my thoughts I heard screams from below, the shock brought me out of my daze and I turned so fast I almost got whiplash.
I saw several other people run through the town and rush into the buildings. Then the dogs, they went straight for the containers where the people were, it seemed as if the dogs weren’t used for attacking but only for searching, it was a slight relief knowing I didn’t need to outrun them. But then the owner came threw the town, I could finally get a really good look at him. He was wearing a white face mask, nothing about it seemed weird except for the various blood splats on the mask, other than that he was wearing a grey hoodie with a black winter vest over it and a black beanie. He had the sleeves rolled up and it seemed like he had lots of tattoos.
As he entered the town the first thing he did was rip all the people out of their hiding places one by one. It was stupid of them to hide in different places but I digress, after pulling them out he did something to immobilized them, mostly breaking legs. This didn’t affect me, being this high up nothing much was visible and I couldn’t hear much. I remember that one person fought through their broken bones and stood up. they rushed the man but he sidestepped them and they fell, the man stepped on the persons back and grabbed their shoulders and bent them back so far that there was an audible snap, I think he broke the person’s spine because they never moved after that.
The man walked to the armory, opened it, and took out some sort of sickle sword hybrid, it was like a normal sword but with a sickle-blade on the end. He used it to slit the peoples’ throats. He brought out a wagon and carried them away like a body collecter. Thankfully he either forgot to close the armory door or he thought he killed everyone and just left it open. After he left I lowered myself down and checked the building out, all the weapons except for one or two, all of them would be too big for me to use, the only thing I could grab was a combat knife.
I figured he’d be back so I ran back into the woods though it was in the darkest part of the night so finding anything would be difficult, I heard a distant yell, it sounded like the man was sending the dogs to search around the forest. As I ran around trying to avoid things that would allow the dogs to find me I came across an injured person. they had a broken leg I assumed he had gone through what the others in the town did. when he saw me they had yelled at me to “kill me, please kill me”. I figured he couldn’t escape in his condition and he shouldn’t have to go in the way the others did, so with care, and the most well I’ve ever summed up… I slit his throat.
I don’t regret doing it, I would have done it a thousand times over again, but I just... it sticks with me. The screams it seemed like attracted some attention. One of the dogs popped by and saw me, and immediately ran up. Before it could start barking I grabbed it and stabbed it, I stabbed it a lot, I last count, having spent the last two days in hell finally being able to express my anger on something making up that hell felt amazing. I couldn’t wallow on anything I just did so I started running.
Figuring that the dogs came from near the center of the area, (most likely that’s where the man’s cabin is if he has one). So I ran opposite to where the dogs came from. It felt like hours, while I ran the sun came up and it became late morning. I never noticed it before, most likely due to adrenaline and tunnel vision, I never heard the siren go off every morning and evening. This may be some sort of call off time.
I thought that if it was then the man would notice that one of his dogs didn’t show up and he might go searching. I kept running and running until I hit a fence, not literally but until I saw the fence. There was a small gate a couple of hundred yards away so I continued running. Then I tripped, nothing terrible happened but it hurt and it gave a few seconds for my adrenaline to wear off and I started to feel everything. In the few seconds it took for me to stand the feeling of pain knocked me back down.
Until determination broke through and I managed to get to the gate. Once I opened the gate and got outside it was as if the air was better, this place, this man, leaving it felt like a drug high which gave me the strength to run even more down the road that the gate leads to. I managed to make it the open road. Since I was covered in blood and dirt I was picked up very quickly. I passed out on my way to the hospital and woke up in my room. I learned I had been out for days and while I was out the police went up that road and found the property, it was during dusk so the hunt was on so they caught him in the act and took him into custody, I was so happy I almost cried from joy… until I found the note on my desk.
The note read “dear ms. Casady Benna, I wish you congratulations on the defeat of our alpha hound. we simply wish to inform you of our game, a player most know they are playing, after all. Signed twitch, with regards of the circle”. After that I did start to cry. Just not from joy anymore.
The End
links to previous parts:
submitted by plague692 to MrCreepyPasta [link] [comments]

2020.05.17 09:24 plague692 the circle: alpha

There was nothing, I simply woke up with a wicked headache in some forest. It smelled of burning flesh but it didn’t seem like any animal meat that I knew of. I grew up in a household of butchers and hunters so I knew what every type of meat smelled like and this smelled like any of them. I decided to not investigate the smell and instead started wandering around. The only things around were makeshift campsites with tents that looked as if they were made of old animal skins, I didn’t see any wild animals as I wandered, all I saw were bones and bugs.
The air was silent except for the birds and wind in the trees, it was quite eerie if I was being honest. It was getting to sunset so I set myself up in a tree, I didn’t see any predators but better safe than sorry. I wanted a tall tree so I couldn’t be attacked so I started searching for one, all the ones around were too short and anything could jump up and get me. When I started searching a came through some thick brush, when I got out of it I saw something awful. There was a bonfire full of bodies, or at least it was a bonfire, it seemed like it was out a couple of hours before I got there. That must have been what the smell was, I’ve never smelled burnt human flesh before so the scent wouldn’ t be familiar.
Fortunately, the tallest tree was right across from the bonfire. Without thinking I dashed through the makeshift fire pit, I tripped the bodies weren’t one-hundred percent burnt so I got blood all over me, I fought the urge to vomit but I figured that that would only bring extra things to me so I held it, god was that hard to do. I climbed to the top of the tree, I didn’t notice how dense the forest was until this point. Holy crap I couldn’t see the ground except for the clearing where the fire was but I made sure I was facing the other way, but I hoped to every god that the ground couldn’t see me. I used my belt it fascin myself the trunk of the tree, it was a thick belt so it would take a knife to cut it.
As the day turned to night I fell asleep, until the sound of barking woke me up. There weren’t wolves or coyotes, the barks were way too high pitched, they sounded like a dogs bark, yet somehow I didn’t feel better knowing it wasn’t a wild animal. It was morning but it wasn’t fully light out yet. The barking seemed as if was coming from the bottom of the tree, I hoped they didn’t smell and were jumping at the trunk, something tells me I didn’t want their owner to know something was up the tree. I’ve never more been happy that I was rasied in the woods if I wasn’t I don’t think I would’ve survived this long.
Then the smell hit me again, this time I knew what it was. I leaned over the side of the tree and looked at the clearing and sure enough, there were a few more bodies and a raging fire in the pit. Just as I thought, dogs, malinois, a couple of them, four or five of them, the owner was sitting on a log beside the flames. The fire shielded his face mostly but I could tell a few things. He was male, he was tall (it was far away but even from that distance I could tell), he was fit (not buff but he was quite lean), and he was caucasian. At least if I got out of here I could give the police a description.
What was confusing was that the bodies didn’t look like they were attacked by any animal, they had some holes on them but no hunks flesh were missing and I figured the holes came from the fire. Though I’m not a forensic scientist so I’m not a reliable source on that and the bodies were burned so I couldn’t tell if I tried. The dogs couldn’t smell me over the fire and they were fighting over a cow or horse bone (i didn’t really know but it was big) and he couldn’t see me so I was safe. When it became midday he put the fire out and left, I figured I could come down so I did. I did some more searching and found some interesting things.
There was a small fake town a mile or two away from the tree that I found while searching the forest. The town was made of shipping containers and it seemed that a lot of violence took place here. There was blood all over the grass and all inside the containers. In one of the buildings there seemed to be what looked like an armory. Unfoutuneitly for me it was locked up tight and I’d need a concrete saw to get through the locks.
Inside there were swords, axes, scythes, if I could get in there I’d be a one-woman army. There was an even taller tree by the town so I climbed it and strapped in. seeing what I saw I didn’t want to stay on the ground during the night. I couldn’t sleep this night, the realization of what the fire meant hit me like a truck, I assume this forest is fenced in, that’s why there aren’t any animals around, so I was stuck here with a murderer that has five dogs that I couldn’t outrun with an hour head start, fuck. As I sat alone with my thoughts I heard screams from below, the shock brought me out of my daze and I turned so fast I almost got whiplash.
I saw several other people run through the town and rush into the buildings. Then the dogs, they went straight for the containers where the people were, it seemed as if the dogs weren’t used for attacking but only for searching, it was a slight relief knowing I didn’t need to outrun them. But then the owner came threw the town, I could finally get a really good look at him. He was wearing a white face mask, nothing about it seemed weird except for the various blood splats on the mask, other than that he was wearing a grey hoodie with a black winter vest over it and a black beanie. He had the sleeves rolled up and it seemed like he had lots of tattoos.
As he entered the town the first thing he did was rip all the people out of their hiding places one by one. It was stupid of them to hide in different places but I digress, after pulling them out he did something to immobilized them, mostly breaking legs. This didn’t affect me, being this high up nothing much was visible and I couldn’t hear much. I remember that one person fought through their broken bones and stood up. they rushed the man but he sidestepped them and they fell, the man stepped on the persons back and grabbed their shoulders and bent them back so far that there was an audible snap, I think he broke the person’s spine because they never moved after that.
The man walked to the armory, opened it, and took out some sort of sickle sword hybrid, it was like a normal sword but with a sickle-blade on the end. He used it to slit the peoples’ throats. He brought out a wagon and carried them away like a body collecter. Thankfully he either forgot to close the armory door or he thought he killed everyone and just left it open. After he left I lowered myself down and checked the building out, all the weapons except for one or two, all of them would be too big for me to use, the only thing I could grab was a combat knife.
I figured he’d be back so I ran back into the woods though it was in the darkest part of the night so finding anything would be difficult, I heard a distant yell, it sounded like the man was sending the dogs to search around the forest. As I ran around trying to avoid things that would allow the dogs to find me I came across an injured person. they had a broken leg I assumed he had gone through what the others in the town did. when he saw me they had yelled at me to “kill me, please kill me”. I figured he couldn’t escape in his condition and he shouldn’t have to go in the way the others did, so with care, and the most well I’ve ever summed up… I slit his throat.
I don’t regret doing it, I would have done it a thousand times over again, but I just... it sticks with me. The screams it seemed like attracted some attention. One of the dogs popped by and saw me, and immediately ran up. Before it could start barking I grabbed it and stabbed it, I stabbed it a lot, I last count, having spent the last two days in hell finally being able to express my anger on something making up that hell felt amazing. I couldn’t wallow on anything I just did so I started running.
Figuring that the dogs came from near the center of the area, (most likely that’s where the man’s cabin is if he has one). So I ran opposite to where the dogs came from. It felt like hours, while I ran the sun came up and it became late morning. I never noticed it before, most likely due to adrenaline and tunnel vision, I never heard the siren go off every morning and evening. This may be some sort of call off time.
I thought that if it was then the man would notice that one of his dogs didn’t show up and he might go searching. I kept running and running until I hit a fence, not literally but until I saw the fence. There was a small gate a couple of hundred yards away so I continued running. Then I tripped, nothing terrible happened but it hurt and it gave a few seconds for my adrenaline to wear off and I started to feel everything. In the few seconds it took for me to stand the feeling of pain knocked me back down.
Until determination broke through and I managed to get to the gate. Once I opened the gate and got outside it was as if the air was better, this place, this man, leaving it felt like a drug high which gave me the strength to run even more down the road that the gate leads to. I managed to make it the open road. Since I was covered in blood and dirt I was picked up very quickly. I passed out on my way to the hospital and woke up in my room. I learned I had been out for days and while I was out the police went up that road and found the property, it was during dusk so the hunt was on so they caught him in the act and took him into custody, I was so happy I almost cried from joy… until I found the note on my desk.
The note read “dear ms. Casady Benna, I wish you congratulations on the defeat of our alpha hound. we simply wish to inform you of our game, a player most know they are playing, after all. Signed twitch, with regards of the circle”. After that I did start to cry. Just not from joy anymore.
The End
Links to previous parts:
submitted by plague692 to mrcreeps [link] [comments]

2020.05.17 09:23 plague692 the circle: alpha

There was nothing, I simply woke up with a wicked headache in some forest. It smelled of burning flesh but it didn’t seem like any animal meat that I knew of. I grew up in a household of butchers and hunters so I knew what every type of meat smelled like and this smelled like any of them. I decided to not investigate the smell and instead started wandering around. The only things around were makeshift campsites with tents that looked as if they were made of old animal skins, I didn’t see any wild animals as I wandered, all I saw were bones and bugs.
The air was silent except for the birds and wind in the trees, it was quite eerie if I was being honest. It was getting to sunset so I set myself up in a tree, I didn’t see any predators but better safe than sorry. I wanted a tall tree so I couldn’t be attacked so I started searching for one, all the ones around were too short and anything could jump up and get me. When I started searching a came through some thick brush, when I got out of it I saw something awful. There was a bonfire full of bodies, or at least it was a bonfire, it seemed like it was out a couple of hours before I got there. That must have been what the smell was, I’ve never smelled burnt human flesh before so the scent wouldn’ t be familiar.
Fortunately, the tallest tree was right across from the bonfire. Without thinking I dashed through the makeshift fire pit, I tripped the bodies weren’t one-hundred percent burnt so I got blood all over me, I fought the urge to vomit but I figured that that would only bring extra things to me so I held it, god was that hard to do. I climbed to the top of the tree, I didn’t notice how dense the forest was until this point. Holy crap I couldn’t see the ground except for the clearing where the fire was but I made sure I was facing the other way, but I hoped to every god that the ground couldn’t see me. I used my belt it fascin myself the trunk of the tree, it was a thick belt so it would take a knife to cut it.
As the day turned to night I fell asleep, until the sound of barking woke me up. There weren’t wolves or coyotes, the barks were way too high pitched, they sounded like a dogs bark, yet somehow I didn’t feel better knowing it wasn’t a wild animal. It was morning but it wasn’t fully light out yet. The barking seemed as if was coming from the bottom of the tree, I hoped they didn’t smell and were jumping at the trunk, something tells me I didn’t want their owner to know something was up the tree. I’ve never more been happy that I was rasied in the woods if I wasn’t I don’t think I would’ve survived this long.
Then the smell hit me again, this time I knew what it was. I leaned over the side of the tree and looked at the clearing and sure enough, there were a few more bodies and a raging fire in the pit. Just as I thought, dogs, malinois, a couple of them, four or five of them, the owner was sitting on a log beside the flames. The fire shielded his face mostly but I could tell a few things. He was male, he was tall (it was far away but even from that distance I could tell), he was fit (not buff but he was quite lean), and he was caucasian. At least if I got out of here I could give the police a description.
What was confusing was that the bodies didn’t look like they were attacked by any animal, they had some holes on them but no hunks flesh were missing and I figured the holes came from the fire. Though I’m not a forensic scientist so I’m not a reliable source on that and the bodies were burned so I couldn’t tell if I tried. The dogs couldn’t smell me over the fire and they were fighting over a cow or horse bone (i didn’t really know but it was big) and he couldn’t see me so I was safe. When it became midday he put the fire out and left, I figured I could come down so I did. I did some more searching and found some interesting things.
There was a small fake town a mile or two away from the tree that I found while searching the forest. The town was made of shipping containers and it seemed that a lot of violence took place here. There was blood all over the grass and all inside the containers. In one of the buildings there seemed to be what looked like an armory. Unfoutuneitly for me it was locked up tight and I’d need a concrete saw to get through the locks.
Inside there were swords, axes, scythes, if I could get in there I’d be a one-woman army. There was an even taller tree by the town so I climbed it and strapped in. seeing what I saw I didn’t want to stay on the ground during the night. I couldn’t sleep this night, the realization of what the fire meant hit me like a truck, I assume this forest is fenced in, that’s why there aren’t any animals around, so I was stuck here with a murderer that has five dogs that I couldn’t outrun with an hour head start, fuck. As I sat alone with my thoughts I heard screams from below, the shock brought me out of my daze and I turned so fast I almost got whiplash.
I saw several other people run through the town and rush into the buildings. Then the dogs, they went straight for the containers where the people were, it seemed as if the dogs weren’t used for attacking but only for searching, it was a slight relief knowing I didn’t need to outrun them. But then the owner came threw the town, I could finally get a really good look at him. He was wearing a white face mask, nothing about it seemed weird except for the various blood splats on the mask, other than that he was wearing a grey hoodie with a black winter vest over it and a black beanie. He had the sleeves rolled up and it seemed like he had lots of tattoos.
As he entered the town the first thing he did was rip all the people out of their hiding places one by one. It was stupid of them to hide in different places but I digress, after pulling them out he did something to immobilized them, mostly breaking legs. This didn’t affect me, being this high up nothing much was visible and I couldn’t hear much. I remember that one person fought through their broken bones and stood up. they rushed the man but he sidestepped them and they fell, the man stepped on the persons back and grabbed their shoulders and bent them back so far that there was an audible snap, I think he broke the person’s spine because they never moved after that.
The man walked to the armory, opened it, and took out some sort of sickle sword hybrid, it was like a normal sword but with a sickle-blade on the end. He used it to slit the peoples’ throats. He brought out a wagon and carried them away like a body collecter. Thankfully he either forgot to close the armory door or he thought he killed everyone and just left it open. After he left I lowered myself down and checked the building out, all the weapons except for one or two, all of them would be too big for me to use, the only thing I could grab was a combat knife.
I figured he’d be back so I ran back into the woods though it was in the darkest part of the night so finding anything would be difficult, I heard a distant yell, it sounded like the man was sending the dogs to search around the forest. As I ran around trying to avoid things that would allow the dogs to find me I came across an injured person. they had a broken leg I assumed he had gone through what the others in the town did. when he saw me they had yelled at me to “kill me, please kill me”. I figured he couldn’t escape in his condition and he shouldn’t have to go in the way the others did, so with care, and the most well I’ve ever summed up… I slit his throat.
I don’t regret doing it, I would have done it a thousand times over again, but I just... it sticks with me. The screams it seemed like attracted some attention. One of the dogs popped by and saw me, and immediately ran up. Before it could start barking I grabbed it and stabbed it, I stabbed it a lot, I last count, having spent the last two days in hell finally being able to express my anger on something making up that hell felt amazing. I couldn’t wallow on anything I just did so I started running.
Figuring that the dogs came from near the center of the area, (most likely that’s where the man’s cabin is if he has one). So I ran opposite to where the dogs came from. It felt like hours, while I ran the sun came up and it became late morning. I never noticed it before, most likely due to adrenaline and tunnel vision, I never heard the siren go off every morning and evening. This may be some sort of call off time.
I thought that if it was then the man would notice that one of his dogs didn’t show up and he might go searching. I kept running and running until I hit a fence, not literally but until I saw the fence. There was a small gate a couple of hundred yards away so I continued running. Then I tripped, nothing terrible happened but it hurt and it gave a few seconds for my adrenaline to wear off and I started to feel everything. In the few seconds it took for me to stand the feeling of pain knocked me back down.
Until determination broke through and I managed to get to the gate. Once I opened the gate and got outside it was as if the air was better, this place, this man, leaving it felt like a drug high which gave me the strength to run even more down the road that the gate leads to. I managed to make it the open road. Since I was covered in blood and dirt I was picked up very quickly. I passed out on my way to the hospital and woke up in my room. I learned I had been out for days and while I was out the police went up that road and found the property, it was during dusk so the hunt was on so they caught him in the act and took him into custody, I was so happy I almost cried from joy… until I found the note on my desk.
The note read “dear ms. Casady Benna, I wish you congratulations on the defeat of our alpha hound. we simply wish to inform you of our game, a player most know they are playing, after all. Signed twitch, with regards of the circle”. After that I did start to cry. Just not from joy anymore.
The End
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2020.05.17 09:22 plague692 the circle: alpha

There was nothing, I simply woke up with a wicked headache in some forest. It smelled of burning flesh but it didn’t seem like any animal meat that I knew of. I grew up in a household of butchers and hunters so I knew what every type of meat smelled like and this smelled like any of them. I decided to not investigate the smell and instead started wandering around. The only things around were makeshift campsites with tents that looked as if they were made of old animal skins, I didn’t see any wild animals as I wandered, all I saw were bones and bugs.
The air was silent except for the birds and wind in the trees, it was quite eerie if I was being honest. It was getting to sunset so I set myself up in a tree, I didn’t see any predators but better safe than sorry. I wanted a tall tree so I couldn’t be attacked so I started searching for one, all the ones around were too short and anything could jump up and get me. When I started searching a came through some thick brush, when I got out of it I saw something awful. There was a bonfire full of bodies, or at least it was a bonfire, it seemed like it was out a couple of hours before I got there. That must have been what the smell was, I’ve never smelled burnt human flesh before so the scent wouldn’ t be familiar.
Fortunately, the tallest tree was right across from the bonfire. Without thinking I dashed through the makeshift fire pit, I tripped the bodies weren’t one-hundred percent burnt so I got blood all over me, I fought the urge to vomit but I figured that that would only bring extra things to me so I held it, god was that hard to do. I climbed to the top of the tree, I didn’t notice how dense the forest was until this point. Holy crap I couldn’t see the ground except for the clearing where the fire was but I made sure I was facing the other way, but I hoped to every god that the ground couldn’t see me. I used my belt it fascin myself the trunk of the tree, it was a thick belt so it would take a knife to cut it.
As the day turned to night I fell asleep, until the sound of barking woke me up. There weren’t wolves or coyotes, the barks were way too high pitched, they sounded like a dogs bark, yet somehow I didn’t feel better knowing it wasn’t a wild animal. It was morning but it wasn’t fully light out yet. The barking seemed as if was coming from the bottom of the tree, I hoped they didn’t smell and were jumping at the trunk, something tells me I didn’t want their owner to know something was up the tree. I’ve never more been happy that I was rasied in the woods if I wasn’t I don’t think I would’ve survived this long.
Then the smell hit me again, this time I knew what it was. I leaned over the side of the tree and looked at the clearing and sure enough, there were a few more bodies and a raging fire in the pit. Just as I thought, dogs, malinois, a couple of them, four or five of them, the owner was sitting on a log beside the flames. The fire shielded his face mostly but I could tell a few things. He was male, he was tall (it was far away but even from that distance I could tell), he was fit (not buff but he was quite lean), and he was caucasian. At least if I got out of here I could give the police a description.
What was confusing was that the bodies didn’t look like they were attacked by any animal, they had some holes on them but no hunks flesh were missing and I figured the holes came from the fire. Though I’m not a forensic scientist so I’m not a reliable source on that and the bodies were burned so I couldn’t tell if I tried. The dogs couldn’t smell me over the fire and they were fighting over a cow or horse bone (i didn’t really know but it was big) and he couldn’t see me so I was safe. When it became midday he put the fire out and left, I figured I could come down so I did. I did some more searching and found some interesting things.
There was a small fake town a mile or two away from the tree that I found while searching the forest. The town was made of shipping containers and it seemed that a lot of violence took place here. There was blood all over the grass and all inside the containers. In one of the buildings there seemed to be what looked like an armory. Unfoutuneitly for me it was locked up tight and I’d need a concrete saw to get through the locks.
Inside there were swords, axes, scythes, if I could get in there I’d be a one-woman army. There was an even taller tree by the town so I climbed it and strapped in. seeing what I saw I didn’t want to stay on the ground during the night. I couldn’t sleep this night, the realization of what the fire meant hit me like a truck, I assume this forest is fenced in, that’s why there aren’t any animals around, so I was stuck here with a murderer that has five dogs that I couldn’t outrun with an hour head start, fuck. As I sat alone with my thoughts I heard screams from below, the shock brought me out of my daze and I turned so fast I almost got whiplash.
I saw several other people run through the town and rush into the buildings. Then the dogs, they went straight for the containers where the people were, it seemed as if the dogs weren’t used for attacking but only for searching, it was a slight relief knowing I didn’t need to outrun them. But then the owner came threw the town, I could finally get a really good look at him. He was wearing a white face mask, nothing about it seemed weird except for the various blood splats on the mask, other than that he was wearing a grey hoodie with a black winter vest over it and a black beanie. He had the sleeves rolled up and it seemed like he had lots of tattoos.
As he entered the town the first thing he did was rip all the people out of their hiding places one by one. It was stupid of them to hide in different places but I digress, after pulling them out he did something to immobilized them, mostly breaking legs. This didn’t affect me, being this high up nothing much was visible and I couldn’t hear much. I remember that one person fought through their broken bones and stood up. they rushed the man but he sidestepped them and they fell, the man stepped on the persons back and grabbed their shoulders and bent them back so far that there was an audible snap, I think he broke the person’s spine because they never moved after that.
The man walked to the armory, opened it, and took out some sort of sickle sword hybrid, it was like a normal sword but with a sickle-blade on the end. He used it to slit the peoples’ throats. He brought out a wagon and carried them away like a body collecter. Thankfully he either forgot to close the armory door or he thought he killed everyone and just left it open. After he left I lowered myself down and checked the building out, all the weapons except for one or two, all of them would be too big for me to use, the only thing I could grab was a combat knife.
I figured he’d be back so I ran back into the woods though it was in the darkest part of the night so finding anything would be difficult, I heard a distant yell, it sounded like the man was sending the dogs to search around the forest. As I ran around trying to avoid things that would allow the dogs to find me I came across an injured person. they had a broken leg I assumed he had gone through what the others in the town did. when he saw me they had yelled at me to “kill me, please kill me”. I figured he couldn’t escape in his condition and he shouldn’t have to go in the way the others did, so with care, and the most well I’ve ever summed up… I slit his throat.
I don’t regret doing it, I would have done it a thousand times over again, but I just... it sticks with me. The screams it seemed like attracted some attention. One of the dogs popped by and saw me, and immediately ran up. Before it could start barking I grabbed it and stabbed it, I stabbed it a lot, I last count, having spent the last two days in hell finally being able to express my anger on something making up that hell felt amazing. I couldn’t wallow on anything I just did so I started running.
Figuring that the dogs came from near the center of the area, (most likely that’s where the man’s cabin is if he has one). So I ran opposite to where the dogs came from. It felt like hours, while I ran the sun came up and it became late morning. I never noticed it before, most likely due to adrenaline and tunnel vision, I never heard the siren go off every morning and evening. This may be some sort of call off time.
I thought that if it was then the man would notice that one of his dogs didn’t show up and he might go searching. I kept running and running until I hit a fence, not literally but until I saw the fence. There was a small gate a couple of hundred yards away so I continued running. Then I tripped, nothing terrible happened but it hurt and it gave a few seconds for my adrenaline to wear off and I started to feel everything. In the few seconds it took for me to stand the feeling of pain knocked me back down.
Until determination broke through and I managed to get to the gate. Once I opened the gate and got outside it was as if the air was better, this place, this man, leaving it felt like a drug high which gave me the strength to run even more down the road that the gate leads to. I managed to make it the open road. Since I was covered in blood and dirt I was picked up very quickly. I passed out on my way to the hospital and woke up in my room. I learned I had been out for days and while I was out the police went up that road and found the property, it was during dusk so the hunt was on so they caught him in the act and took him into custody, I was so happy I almost cried from joy… until I found the note on my desk.
The note read “dear ms. Casady Benna, I wish you congratulations on the defeat of our alpha hound. we simply wish to inform you of our game, a player most know they are playing, after all. Signed twitch, with regards of the circle”. After that, I did start to cry. Just not from joy anymore.

The End
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submitted by plague692 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2020.01.20 06:36 theeblackestblue a post i wrote for my blog(touched)

If you read any of my other posts... you might see ive been going through some things. Hearing voices, depression, anxiety, most recently (though i have not wrote about it but i will, pmdd)and TBI. I.was baptized in 2015 and honestly it felt like it was on a whim.. but i was not seeing the desired results from all the cyrstals , candles, "manifesting" and the like of other satanic crap i used to do. i was rasied with jesus but also the worldly understanding of this. As a child i would read the bible all night until i fell asleep, i feel i would talked to God constantly, but when teens hit i got drawn into the world of magic thinking it was some sort of "good". i wanted to help people and do "good" it seemed only natural. year later after years of addiction and almost lossing ny life i still didnt see that witchcraft was the big problem. i was craving that sense of sanity i had growimg up. plus my grandmother was the person to introduce me to jesus when i was young and when i went back to michigan that introduction was what fueled me to rememeber that God is(was) goodness. More recently dealing with the consequence of a life full of both bad choices and uncontrollable outside cirumstance, The goodness of God has been the only thing at has kept me from certain death. I have tried to kill myslef, been through some abuse, had some serious mental health issues and his mercy has kept me through it all... and trust me it has not been easy. More recently i have been seeing a pyschologist and even through it has its moments of being helpful, it still leaves much to be desired. I have been using prayer amd therapy in combination but the moment i take prayer out of the situation it becomes lack luster. God is the true healer in my life. My current situations with PMDD, has been a horrifying battle the past two years if i am guessing right about the time. but the past 6months have been maybe the worse of them all, loss of friends, having a hard time comepleting school work, work work, feeling suicidal, depressed, axious and a whole host of negative things. Alot of which mimic The TBI symptoms equally if not worse. After about a year of therapy i have been talking,praying and hoping for some relief. i was standing on the platform waiting on the train... the voices are screaming and im sad and angry... and i was just tired of being this way... in my heart i screamed that ENOUGH WAS ENOUGH. And i tell you what i felt a light come on, a cool fire if you will in my chest and it became visible to me a chruch in the distance, a giant cross. God had heard my screams, i was so filled with joy for the first time in months. i felt light and happy. Im so greatful he come to my rescue, i had seeked every remedy i could and tried to deal with things throughout these years but none of them has brought me true JOY like the love of Christ!! i had started working out dealing with rejection, and i beileve God has been sending me angels to help me feel more seen and understood, i had a few really great days after this, feel like im underattack with sadness and darkness some times and even if i cant be happy every day within Jesus gave me hope on that platform that day. i just wanted to share this. If you have made it to the end May God touch your heart the way he touched mine. I still have stuff to work out but im starting to realize im not alone. and thats a great feeling. thats it for now #jesus
submitted by theeblackestblue to ChristianTestimony [link] [comments]

2018.06.21 08:26 WolfeofBaskervilles [Fiction] The Angel Caves Part 2/2

The dread, accentuated as I witnessed my other three friends desperately trying their handles in the assumption I was working on unlocking the car, ate at me like some advanced cancer, inducing nauseous stupor and faintness. I leaned against the window, retching involuntarily occasionally as I felt sweat drench my brow, and listened to the excited hyperventilation of the other three. It took someone else's voice to break me from my fugue state. "Reese!" It was Bennett. "What are you doing? Open the fucking doors!" I stood back up, and turned my head behind us, looking to see if anything was chasing. There wasn't, of course, but everyone seemed sufficiently spooked, still including myself. Even though the only noise there was now was the same, soft whistling and rustling of the brush as a cool sea breeze blew through, I still felt it. "I..." I stuttered, unable to fully compose myself. "You what?" Bennett demanded. "I dropped the keys..." I moaned, resting my forehead against the driver's window. "Reese!" Natalie cried, her eyes glazed over. "Why the fuck would you even lock the doors to begin with?!?" Bennett barked. "Worried that a fucking squirrel would break in?!? We haven't seen another human being for miles!" "I'm fucking sorry!" I bellowed, tearing myself away from the door and glaring at them. "He wouldn't have been able to start the car even if we could get it, Bennett." Emily calmly spoke, her voice even and cool. I think that was one of the first moments I really began to fall for her. "Still...fuck!" Bennett exclaimed, pounding his fist on my hood in frustration. "How do we get out of here, now?" " would be a really long walk back." Natalie nervously spoke, pulling out her cell phone presumably to check for reception. "And it's already past three. Aren't there mountain lions out here?" "Yes. There are." Bennett glowered at me as he answered her question. "And it would take a good few hours to go all the way back down the road on foot, considering how fucking speedily we shot up here in Reese's car." "Bennett." Emily lowered her brow at him. "Blaming Reese for a simple accident won't help us get out of here any faster. We're not going to leave the car, and we're not going to walk back because we have to go back and find where the keys were dropped." I smiled at her, glad someone had my back. Though I technically had sole utilization of the SUV, my parents still paid for mechanic visits and insurance at the time. If I left it up there and had to get it towed over something so stupid, they would have been furious. "But...I don't wanna go back there." Natalie moaned, looking worriedly back into the field, and scanning it for any odd movement. "Yeah, that shit was terrifying. I fucking hate to say it, but something was not right about that." Bennett grunted, also peering back into the distant treeline and gazebo. "But I want to think it was just a kid hiding in the grass, and his parents were somewhere in the trees back there, hiking." "I mean, we all heard it, right? It's not just my high, right?" Natalie asked. She barely even gave a thought to Bennett's potential explanation, it appeared. I nodded at her. "No. We all heard it. I'm not even high, and I heard it." "Fuuuck..." She groaned, sinking down to the road as she leaned against the vehicle. "Look, we have to do it now, while the sun's still out. That's only last a few hours, and there's no way we can stay out here past dark. "If we do, I'm bashing in the fucking window, and unlocking it from the inside. I'll pay for the repairs my damn self, but there's no way we're spending the night out here. Not after that shit." Bennett lamented. "And then how would you start the car?" Emily inquired. I was positively impressed with how calm and collected she was acting in the simply impossible situation. "I'll just look up how to hotwire, no big shit." Bennett held up his smartphone. "There's no service up here." Natalie sighed hopelessly. Bennett cocked an eyebrow, and lit up his phone screen. When he saw it, the reaction was immediate. "Fuck!" He exclaimed. "I have none, as well. Bloody hell." Emily looked down to her phone. I checked my own, and was unsurprised to find there was a circled slash in place of where my service bars should have been. "I'll just walk down the hill a ways, and wait until I get a bar." Bennett suggested. "That won't work, either." Natalie groaned. "My service went out even before we turned onto the fucking dirt road." "Shit." He grunted, putting his hands on his hips. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm backtracking. We're gonna find those keys." Emily definitively stated. "What happens if we can't find them? What if it gets dark?" Natalie worriedly asked. "I have flashlights for when we were supposed to go inside the cave." I spoke up, grateful I had stored the four small LEDs in a zip-up pocket, and not left them in the car with everything else. "Besides...if all else fails, the compass I have on my keychain glows in the dark." "It probably won't come to that." Emily replied, looking to me with a slight smile. "All we have to do is follow the grass that we flattened on the way there and back. Easy peasy." "Yeah. I guess you're right." Bennett sighed, looking down the slight path we had left behind. "It shouldn't be a needle in a haystack. Just a pair of keys in a haystack." "Not even that." I spoke, trying to stay positive. "Come on, now." "Well, we better get looking." Bennett turned to face our path, and started walking. Emily and I followed, only to be interrupted by a cry from behind us. "Wait! I can't go back there, guys...please! My anxiety's driving me insane!" Natalie looked after us, and I realized only now that she was still hyperventilating. She had never stopped even after we reached the car and spoke. She was likely having a terrible panic attack. I'd seen her get them before. There was no way she was lying just to avoid going back. Bennett looked back to us, and pursed his lips, sighing. "Sorry, guys. I need to calm her down, or else it's only going to get worse. We'll be with you in a few minutes, okay?" "Go, man. Help her out." I nodded sticking out a fist. He smiled shortly, and bumped it. Bennett was always like that. He would explode in fury like dynamite, but also like dynamite, he always cleared up his anger incredibly fast. "Yeah, go help her. We have this, right Reese?" Emily smiled to me confidently, something I found difficulty in not returning. We searched the entire path, not seeing the black anamoly anywhere in our first sweep. We treaded all the way back to the gazebo, though I was reluctant to do this. From her body language, I could tell Emily was nervous, too. Bennett took much longer than few minutes to calm Natalie down. It had been over an hour of fruitless searching before the two had even tried to get up. Even then, it appeared Natalie needed much goading to move from the road and into the field. The four of us searched high and low, from the gazebo to under the car, yet to no purchase. Tyler smashed down the grass surrounding our scant trail, widening our ability to view any sudden changes of color from the ubiquitous gold. I helped him wtih the other side, though I didn't find a single thing besides grass. Not even a rock, or a spider. We kept on, the high wearing away from my friends as they worked, and the light began to lower. I remember this had only been the early summer, so the days had not grown too long yet. Despite thirst and hunger, we kept at it for for three hours past Emily and I's initial search. I retraced my steps to the letter, searching a berth of five feet in either direction with my friends. By the time the sun was setting, we had carved out a ten-foot path of flattened grass, leading the roughly two football fields from the car to the 90's Graveyard. At the mark of seven-thirty, when the sun had fully set behind the higher end of the mountain behind us, where the caves were, Bennett exclaimed, and heaved the shirt he had wrapped around his head to the ground in anger. "This is fucking CRAZY!!!" He screamed into the open, actually causing some roosting seagulls in the distant oaks to go flying. "Where is it?!?" "We searched everywhere!" Natalie cried, sitting down in the center of the enormous trail we had made, and burying her head in her knees. "We should have just walked down the mountain. I'm so thirsty and tired..." "She's not wrong. It would have taken way less time than this bullshit." Bennett growled, and approached me. "You're POSITIVE you didn't leave them in the car, or in another pocket? I would be fucking pissed if you did, but at least I wouldn't feel like I was losing my goddamn head." "I already checked every pocket like a dozen times." I sighed. "And I'm completely certain I didn't leave them in the car. I'm positive of that. I have a very clear mental image of putting them in my pocket." "Shit." He hissed, and looked back towards the graveyard. "I can't believe the sun's going down already. This is actually the worst-case scenario." I could tell he wasn't upset with me. He was just furious with the situation. Even Natalie, who was still freaking out, had told me how stupid it was we hadn't found the keys already, and how there was no way they could have been anywhere besides our path. "On the bright side, it will probably be easier to find them, once the light gets lower." Emily commented, not sounding too upset. Though I was a nervous wreck at the thought of locking my friends out of the car, possibly needing a tow truck if worse came to worse, and most of all, having to spend a night in the creepy place, I maintained a facade of calmness. I didn't want to disappoint Emily, after all. She had held onto her composure since the start of the entire fiasco. "She's right." I said. "We'll probably see them as soon as it gets a little darker. Then, we'll be out of this nightmare." "Yeah, I suppose." Bennett sighed, sitting down next to Natalie, and rubbing her back as she rocked back and forth on the ground. So, we sat and waited. We waited until the light of the sun was no longer a glowing orange, and had faded into a pale blue, a blue that seemed to be getting darker with every second that passed. Soon, we couldn't even make out anything beyond a silhouette of where the once clearly defined 90's Graveyard stood. The grass shifted from a rich gold to a bluish-white, still blowing gently in the sea breeze. In the far distance, we heard the roaring of the cars on PCH, a low and constant droning that had remained as persistent as the marine wind. Now that the sun had gone down, additionally, the wind chill was becoming more noticeable. Natalie, Bennett, and I were all beginning to shiver somewhat, although Emily was more comfortable in her pants it appeared. We sat back at the car, and waited until this late state of twilight came. I had already doled out the flashlights, and I fiddled with my own nervously. "We'll find them, Reese. Don't fret." Emily smiled at me, whispering so Bennett and Natalie wouldn't hear. "I know." I forced a smile back, scarcely able to make out the finer details in her face with such low light. "Alright. Let's get out there. We'll stick together, because I'm not letting some creepy little ghost shit or whatever scare anyone to death tonight." Bennett announced, standing up and beginning to walk into the rather foreboding-looking field. "Please don't even say that." Natalie hugged him closely from behind, clearly out of her wits. Emily and I followed in our own pair, following the flattened grass two-by-two. No one had actually activated their torches yet, although the darkness was fast-waxing, and it would become a necessity in scant minutes. "See anything?" Bennett asked in a surprisingly low voice, almost as though he were trying to remain stealthy. From what, I don't know. I don't want to know what he thought we should be hiding from. Even today, the memories of my own rampant imagination's dark fantasies at the time were almost too much to handle. Even if we heard a single noise that didn't belong, I felt we would all dart back just as fast as we had before, and Bennett would deliver on his promise of smashing in a window. Even if we couldn't flee, at the very least we could huddle together and spend a sleepless night in the car under beach towels. The situation was immesely tense and fragile, and all of us knew it. We trudged through the path, back and forth, and eventually, we had no choice but to turn on the lights, and start scanning the area. My phone had read eight-thirty when I had last checked, and the sun was long-dead at this point. I can't recall exactly who it was. I think it was Natalie, but someone had exclaimed in a voice that sounded both excited, and fear-filled. A glow had been spotted. A was elated at the news, and turned to face where Natalie (I assume) was pointing. I can scarcely even remember anything past this point, so bear with me. Tyler was pointing his flashlight in the direction as well, and promptly lowered it when Emily and I arrived to see where the glow came from. I distinctly remember my face falling and my stomach overturning when I realized why Natalie's voice was so shaky. We were roughly halfway down the path we had made, and all looked in the direction of the 90's Graveyard. Past it, actually. There, very faintly in the oak treeline. There, we saw it. A very faint, greenish glow, suspended above the ground in the dark forest of trees. It appeared only slightly inside the oaks, but this did little to assuage the facts. The facts that not one of us had even passed the 90's Graveyard, and even thought of venturing into the trees, even when it had been light out. We all stood in abject silence and nervousness, all looking in the distant direction, roughly three football fields from where we stood. Bennett, as I expected, was the one to speak up first. "Are you fucking kidding me...?" "This is some really scary...horrible...bad shit..." Natalie whimpered, hardly able to sound coherent. I couldn't blame her. It was, in fact, a terrifying idea of how they had gotten there. And in the dark, ideas like that were only scarier. Even Emily, who had been stoic and calm the entire time, had wide eyes, her arms visibly coated with gooseflesh as I could tell from the periphery of the flashlights. Bennett pointed his light towards the trees, but he had no hope of illuminating the foliage from such a distance. "How in God's name did that happen?" I croaked, voice barely above a whisper. "This place is fucking evil, that's how." Bennett grunted, sounding both frustrated and nervous. Though he certainly displayed less fear than any of the other three of us. "So we'll go grab them, as a group, and fucking book it back to the car. Then we drive straight back to the hotel, and forget this shit ever happened, okay?" Natalie swallowed, beginning to sob. Emily was motionless, like a statue. I nodded, and uttered a weak reply. "Okay." "No...I'm sorry, I...can't." Natalie cried softly. "I just can't go over there, guys. I'm so sorry." "Natalie..." Bennett started. "Bennett. I can't do it!" She exclaimed defiantly. "You couldn't pay me with any amount of money to get me over there." "Really? Even a car ride home, a hot shower, room service for dinner, and a gallon of water each?" He smiled to her, confident. "I..." She sputtered. "We'll all be right next to each other, like he said." Emily looked to her friend, eyes determined. "We're not gonna let whatever in the bloody hell this is stop us from getting home." "'s so obvious." Natalie choked. "It's...trying to LURE us in..." "And do what?" Bennett chuckled. "Laugh at us again?" "Don't say that!" Natalie moaned fearfully. "Sorry." He murmured, and looked to Emily and I. "You guys ready to get the fuck out of here?" I nodded, inspired by his fearlessness. "Yeah. Let's just do it already." "I agree." Emily tersely responded. "Okay. Eveyone follow me, single file. I promise no one's going to get hurt from this stupid bullshit. No one's ever been hurt by a..." He trailed off, unable to finish his sentence. Bennett was an ardent skeptic before that day. Hard-headed as he was, finishing such a sentence would have been embarrassing. "Let's just go." He started ahead, and we followed closely. Natalie was at the back, squeezing Emily's hand as the two girls walked behind me, and me behind Bennett. We passed the graveyard, and trudged into more tall grass, reaching up to our waists. The wind had died down, and were it not for the distant droning of cars in the far distance, out on PCH, the silence would have been unbearable. But we kept on, staying close, and crunching through the grass as we came closer and closer to the glow, hanging somewhere in the trees. At roughly one football field's worth away from the treeline, Bennett rasied a fist up, as though he were leading his squad of marines, signaling us to cease. "What?" Natalie hissed, clearly terrified. Bennett turned his light to the grass to our right, and illuminated a large patch of it in particular. Instinctively, we all turned our lights there as well. The patch of grass was gently moving. Only that patch. There was no wind. Natalie squeaked, covering her mouth as tears began to roll down her cheeks. "It's just an animal. I was worried it was fucking puma." Bennett edified us, and started on again. Only about ten steps past the rustling brush however, there was a noise. And we froze when we heard it. Another giggle. Quiet, subtle, and almost imperceptible. But undoubtedly what it was. The short laughter of a small child, disappearing after only two seconds of the gentle chortle. "FUCK YOU!!!" Bennett screamed in the direction of the laughter, shining his light on the nothing that was there. Natalie now began liberally crying, trying to muffle her noise as best as she could. I looked back, matching Emily's gaze. Her eyes were wide, and filled with horror. I'm positive mine were, too. "Guys, come on. It's FUCKING nothing. Let's book this shit." Bennett carried on, resolved to end the nightmare. He picked up the pace to a light jog, and we all followed closely, not daring to fall behind. He turned his head back at where the noise had come from, and bared his teeth, clearly infuriated. But I could tell he was feeling something else. The sheer desperation and shaking anger in his tone. He was afraid, too. "You hear that, you little shit?!? You're NOTHING!!!" He called back, hatefully taunting whatever had made the noise, only to be met with more silence. We were getting very close to the trees, and consequently, the glowing. Fifty yards. Forty. Thirty. Twenty. Ten. We continued until Bennett charged past the first trees, making a beeline for the glow, which due to our proximity and lighting, most definitely came from my keys. They hung from a branch, not actually very high. Only about five feet high. Bennett wasted no time in snagging them, and turning around, looking to the three of us with wide, wild eyes. "Okay, guys. Just stay close and fucking RUN. We're almost out of this." He ordered, the glints of our lights in his eyes making him look even more feral. But it was a good feral. It was clear, he was angry and tired. Even if it was obvious he was afraid, too. Having him there on that horrible night made things so much better than they would have been. He was acting the most human of us, I believe, in those moments. A boisterous, crude, and powerful human. But that's in retrospect. At the time, Natalie was crying uncontrollably, clearly terrified. Emily gasped when another giggle emanated from deep within the trees, behind Bennett. He whirled around, shining his light past the many trunks, unable to illuminate any tangible thing that could have possibly echoed that laugh out. Just the dark, foreboding tree trunks, continuing into what seemed like forever. I felt about ready to piss my pants at this point. Another laugh, clearly belonging to a child, came from our left, sounding alarmingly close. Bennett didn't look for it this time. Nor did I when I heard a laugh directly in my right ear, making me jump nearly out of my shoes. "RUN!!!" He exclaimed, bolting back from the trees and into the field once more, tearing through the grass at a speed I had never seen him run. I charged after him, just barely tailing his form. I heard Natalie screaming from behind me. God help me, I was too afraid to look back. Emily's nimble, silent footsteps matched mine from directly behind, her light bobbing wildly up and down over Bennett, and he began to make ground over us. Her breaths were labored, and shaking, and she seemed to be sticking to me more than anything. Natalie's cries and screams still came from behind, but they weren't fading. We weren't outrunning her. That's all I needed to know to feel justified in not looking back. She was just at the rear, a position I would have been too afraid to be in myself. We ran well away from the oaks, but there was far more ground to cover before we reached the car. The grass ran up, brushing upon our legs, scratching and biting like they were coated in teeth. Though in these few seconds, there had been no more giggles, and we held our speed, not daring to look back for fear of what we might have seen. I saw the dark shadows of the 90's Graveyard far ahead, now only visible thanks to the periphery of our wildly shaking beams of light. Tyler was a figure in the distance, well ahead of us by at least a hundred yards. It was only when we passed the gazebo, I heard the loud yelp, and consequent thud behind me. Despite myself, I found the fortitude to turn around, and see exactly what had happened, whether it had been Natalie or Emily who had been stopped. It was, indeed, Emily. She appeared to have tripped, and nearly faceplanted into the grass. She moaned in pain, trying to get her bearings. I noticed when she put pressure on a wrist, attempting to get back up, she quickly faltered, and cried in pain. Natalie had bolted past, probably not even thinking anything besides what Bennett had implored of us. To run. I shined my flashlight down, and didn't even try to rationalize the situation to myself as I reached down, and pulled her up by her good arm. She fumbled for her light with her bad hand, but she was unable to grasp it, moaning in pain as her fingers attempted to flex over it. "Leave it!" I rasped, voice hoarse with exertion and terror. "S-Something...grabbed me..." She cried, no longer trying to hide her fear. "You just tripped! Come on!" I pulled her forward, and we continued through the grass, Emily limping to match my speed as best as she could. Though I did not relent in my own speed, I made sure to keep ahold of her, and not let her fall behind. There came another laugh, somewhere back near the gazebo. I refused to look, and kept my eyes trained on the distant white lights of Natalie and Bennett ahead. They both appeared to have nearly approached my SUV. I felt a sudden surge of that similar dread I had felt earlier, and nearly became crippled by just how potent it felt. Nausea overwhelmed me, and faintness felt imminent. It seemed Emily felt it, too, because I practically began dragging her through the field. Though we had approached the large, flattened road we had made earlier, I kept my eyes to our left and right, trying to make out in anything was trying to flank us. I only did this because there came more laughs and rustles from both sides, hidden in the grass. The laughs were swelling in numbers, now ambiently coming from both sides, and rising in volume. No longer were they subtle, gentle nuances in the silence of the hallowed grounds. Now, they were sounding more high-pitched, less friendly, if there had ever been such an intention. As they carried on, they repeated themselves like broken records, starting the same rises in giggling before cutting themselves off and promptly repeating, at even high decibel levels. Some of them even began to sound like banshee wails, piercing our ears, and sounding like they were coming from every side. Behind, left, right, and even directly in front of us, even though we saw there was clearly nothing. You ever heard the cries of a mountain lion? That horrible, high-pitched shriek that sounds like the cries of a hellspawn, even from miles away? That was what surrounded us in those moments. At long last, Emily and I reached the car, and both realized that Bennett had already started the car, and revved the engine, spinning it around so the front faced the exit, and not the caves. He had pushed the passenger door open, and was beckoning us inside hurriedly. Natalie appeared to be in the back, huddled up and sobbing uncontrollably. I didn't care how tight of a squeeze it was. I threw myself into the front passenger seat, and pulled Emily in after me. She quickly pulled her legs in with a wince of pain, crying out as her feet bumped against my own legs. I yanked the door closed, and snapped my frantic expression to Bennett, well-illuminated since one of them had turned on the interior lamp above. Absent-mindedly, perhaps out of rote rememberance, I turned off my light, and yelled at him. "GO, GO, GO!" Bennett wasted no time, and tried shifting the vehicle into drive again. Tried. The transmission appeared jammed, and he shoved furiously at it, causing a fear to surface he would break it. "WHAT THE FUCK!!!" He shouted in lividness, trying to pull it the opposite direction, yet to only yield the same result. Emily was looking out the passenger window, perhaps in morbid curiosity as she sat atop me, still hyperventialting. Her eyes were squinting, like she was trying to make something out. I felt my body go numb when I saw them widen, and turned my own head to see what had caused her fear. It was the 90's Graveyard. At least, right next to it. Where she had fallen, and left the cheap LED flashlight behind, the two of us watched in terror as the distant, white circle of light rose up from the grass, and pointed at us. It was far away, and the darkness behind it seemed impregnable. It was impossible to tell what had picked it up. "Bennett?" I stuttered, looking to him quickly, and then back to the light. "What?!?" He barked, turning off the ignition, and refiring the engine. "Bennett?!?" Emily shrieked, terrified when she saw what happened next. The light was moving towards us. This was no elaborate prank, I realized. Even in the moment, I quickly surmised how impossible this would all be. But it wasn't a dream, either. I only gasped in a matching horror when I saw just how fast the light was moving. It wasn't bobbing up and down, as though a fellow human being was sprinting with it. No, it sped across the grass with an unmoving resolve, as though the circle of white shot along the world's fastest invisible conveyor belt, heading straight towards us. It had been only about three seconds since it had risen up, but it already looked halfway towards us, and it was not relenting. Bennett, finally able to shift the gear into 'drive', shortly looked up to see why we were so afraid, and I saw his expression falter into one of fear. "Holy shit!" He exclaimed, flooring the gas and now speeding out of the parking spot without flaw. As he peeled out, and quickly left the light behind, Emily and I were both frightened to see that it shot onto the road, where we had just been, and turned towards us, still moving at its prodigious speed. "Faster...FASTER!!!" I exclaimed, looking behind us. "Shit." Bennett grunted, peering into the rearview and accelerating even more, practically drifting around a bend, and gunning the SUV out of the turn. Once we passed the turn, however, the light did not shine again, and continue chasing us. As we drove down the road as fast as we could without being able to make proper turns, and I kept my eyes glued to the rear window, Bennett sighed a breath of relief. Emily, still hyperventialting, groaned softly in pain, and held her wrist, feeling for how badly it had been injured. She kicked her foot a few times, and winced again in discomfort. "Are you okay?" I asked, voice barely above a whisper. "I think the hand might be sprained. My ankle's definitely twisted." She murmured, stifling her pain by clenching her teeth. She turned back to face me, her face very close to mine, now. "Thanks, Reese. Really." I nodded solemnly. "No one should have had to stay back there, even for a second longer." "Nat? You okay?" Bennett looked in the rearview. "Y-Yeah..." She sputtered, wiping her tears away. "Is Ems okay?" He asked me. "I just said what happened." She rolled her eyes in reply. "We should stop by a hospital on the way back." I muttered. "Good plan." Bennett replied in an equally low, jaded tone. "Are we seriously not gonna talk about what happened back there?!?" Natalie suddenly raised her voice, shrill and scared. "It...was a joke...a prank..." Bennett meekly murmured, clearly not sure of himself. "Someone probably wired up speakers, and uh..." He trailed off. "Really? So someone snagged Reese's keys while he wasn't looking, and planted them in the bloody woods without any of us seeing?" Emily demanded. "And what about the flashlight?!?" "Oh, god, that was real..." Natalie whimpered. She sounded nauseous. "Everyone just calm down...I'm sure there was an explanation for it. Nat, maybe your dealer gave us some bad shit, and we just imagined-" "Imagined the laughs all at the exact same time? And Reese wasn't even high!" Emily interrupted. "FUCK! I don't know!" Bennett exclaimed, angered by the situation. "The stories...they were real." I somberly whispered. "You'll freak Nat out, Reese. Stop." Bennett snapped. "That would explain why no one went up there for all this time...the earth must have gone sour, or something..." I mused dourly. "Yeah. I guess you were right all along about the vines." Emily murmured, not sounding happy she had to agree with the imposing implications. No one spoke beyond Emily's final statement for the rest of the car ride back into town. We stopped by the hospital, and got Emily's foot and wrist splinted. We had to tell the nurses she had gotten the injuries 'hiking'. Even given our shock-induced state, we had faculties enough to manage not to sound insane, and instead give rational explanations. We arrived at the hotel just past midnight, all exhausted and still silent. None of us had anything to say. We were all so consumed by what had just happened, reviewing the all-too-clear memories over and over again as we tacitly made our way back to our rooms. Bennett ushered Natalie inside theirs, and looked to Emily and I before entering himself. He gave a short nod, and said nothing as he followed his girlfriend inside. Emily and I stood in the quiet, well-lit hall in silence, only the humming of the vending machine at the end of the carpeted corridor keeping a minor ambience. I remember sighing, and starting for my room, but Emily took my hand with her good one, and looked to me with imploring eyes. "Stay with me, Reese." She softly pleaded. I nodded quickly reluctant to spend the night alone myself. I followed her inside. And that was the first night we shared the same bed. I remember there was scarce sleep, waking up when I thought I heard the muffled laughter of children outside our door. I felt Emily stir a lot as well, cast over with the harrowing events that still replayed like clockwork in our heads. After the rest of that vacation, a piece of it stayed with all of us. Emily and I always become nervous when we pass by elementary schools or daycare centers. Tyler and Natalie remained close, even today. I suppose trauma does that to people. When Bennett and I drank, sometimes he brought up that day, telling me nothing he had seen in the corps matched the sheer strangeness and dread that had been instilled that day. He told me, in his enebriated state, that ghosts had to exist. Because what we saw on that day was simply unnatural. Although he would never admit this to anyone sober. I don't know why I decided to tell this. I suppose it feels better, getting it out there, even if it does force me to live through the repressed memories again. I don't think anything out there, near the Angel Caves, could have actually hurt us. In retrospect, the things that happened felt vaguely mischievous. Like the way a child would play a game. My keys hanging no higher than a child could reach. The flashlight that Emily had dropped barely raising above the level of the grass...the pieces add up. And the laughter, of course. The most brazen and most terrifying part of it all. It's getting late, and Emily is calling me to bed. But take heed from this story, if you can. Learn from our mistakes. If there's a place where people can easily go, and yet it always remains deserted, that's never a good sign. Especially when it comes to urban exploration. Bring friends, and be prepared for the worst. Also, another thing. The crux of this moral, if you will. If you're ever traveling a canyon road in Malibu running parallel to PCH, separated from it by a mountain, and you see an unmarked dirt road leading upwards...avoid it. I know there are a lot of different paths that it forks into up there, and only one leads to the Angel Caves, but I won't say which. I would genuinely hate myself if someone read this, and decided to pursue a farce into that haunted place. Just...remember. Some stones are better left unturned. Especially headstones.
submitted by WolfeofBaskervilles to DrCreepensVault [link] [comments]

2017.04.13 13:01 Bweakfaz The Story of Ice Wizard... its a bit long:)

Edit: Lumberjack Lore just got released Lumberjack Lore
Hey guys, recently I have been thinking about some suitable backstories for some Clash Royale card. And one of the most interesting card is the Ice Wizard SC gave very little information about this troop and I only know that ot originated somewhere in Forzen Peak. So I asked myself this question: What gives him the power to create ice? What made him the polar opposite of the ordinary fire casting wizar So this idea came to my mind and I decided to make a lore out of it.
Its a bit long so treat it like reading a book.
Keep in mind that all of this lore are purely hypothetical and unofficial. If there is an official lore out there and I am ignorant enough to not know about, please do inform me, really interested to know. Anyways, without further ado, let me get into the storytelling of how the ice wizard became an ice wizard...
He trudged through the snow, seemingly unaffected by the storm. White flakes of snow billowed everywhere and the surroundings where a hazy white due to the amount of snow swirling around. The sun, blotched out by this heavy snowstorm, was still high in the sky, indicating noon, and some of the sunlight had manage to find its way to the ground despite the storm. Yet visibility was close to zero.
The man shouldered a rucksack that seemed to weigh him down, with a jar containing a red liquid jutting out from the top of the rucksack. If one were to block out the howling and screeching the infernal storm produced, one would be able to hear what appears to be angry screaming and awful shouting noises emmiting from the jar and if one were to empty out the rucksack, would also find a few hundreds of jar filled with the similar liquid. The contents of the jar are meticulously harvested from a pool found in the middle of a factory a few thousand miles to the west of this snow storm and if he were to known what the contents in the jar were capable of, he would not have shouldered the rucksack as hard as he did.
He had a hood, pulled up to cover the top half of his face so that only his mouth was showing and he wore a fur jacket completed with a boots made of fur.
However it was evident they did little to stop the cold as the man's lips and skin were tinged blue from the raw and frigid wind that keeps pelting his face with snowflakes.
Yet he walked on, ignoring the freezing cold.
He had no name, for he was an Outcast. A wizard, devoid of what made wizards wizards, magic.
Since he was a child, his wizard parents had waited expectantly for his magic powers, constantly coaxing him to try to click his fingers to form a tiny flame. Yet 23 years has passed, and they were still waiting.
Your magic powers will arrive soon, they said, trying to cheer him up. You are a late bloomer, they continued, seeing that their words did little effort to raise his spirits.
He watched, seething with anger and envy, at kids who were merely a few years old running around, lobbing small balls of fire at one another, joyous and having fun, and oblivious to the 23 year old man who stared jealously at them a few metres away.
The Elders had decided that he do menial tasks such as making deliveries and cleaning the floor instead of going to the University of the Magically Talented, a instituite all to-be wizards have to attend before going onto the battle arena or to stay in the Factory to create and bottle up spells.
He had little and close to no knowledge about spells due to that and had no idea what those strange liquids in the jars he has been delivering were. Therefore, he had a shock of his life as he, under the influence of curiosity, dipped his finger into a bottle containing a reddish orange substance and immdeiately felt a burning sensation seeping into him while poisonous fumes emerged from his pores.
He was sick for that whole month.
Yet he continued to do his job, not complaining, resolved to show to the elders that he is not incompetent and is capable of doing this menial and trivial tasks.
Despite his lack of magical powers, he had made some powerful magical friends. Billy, one of his closest one, was featured in Clash Times magazine as the strongest wizard alive. His fire wielding abilities have constantly instill a sense of awe and respect in others and so it was a pleasant surprise when Billy approached him one day to befriend him although the Outcast suspect that it was done so out of sympathy more than anything else.
Wizards were known only to be able to produce fire and nothing else. This was common knowledge to everyone, yet there was a unique race akin to the wizards that displayed magical powers in another form. Witches, they called them. Necromancers were their official names but no one likes words more than 3 syllabus so Witches it was.
The Outcast befriended one of them in one of his deliveries. Her birth name was Ulzu'ther Veil'Suomuo Djeupol V'zar, but to her friends, it is just Ulzu.
She is a bit of odditiy as well, for she had always ranted about making a spell that will cause graves to appear from the ground while skeletons emerge from the graves.
"Impossible!" The Elders would say after a fit of laughter when she mentioned her idea. "There is no spell that can make living beings appear from the gorund!" they would exclaim.
"Ah, but skeletons aren't living are they?" she would say, with the hint of a smile on her lips, to which the Elders would glare at her.
The Outcast smiled at that. It was precisely her audacity that had made him friends with her as no one usually befriends a Outcast, or talk back to the Elders. He had taken interest in her idea, delivering spells she requested to her and helping her make it.
But his friends weren't with him now. For he was all alone in the big white whiteness of the Frozen Mountains, on his way to make a delivery in the peak of the mountains.
The red liquid was called a Rage Spell, capable of driving a man insane with unreasonable and unrational anger and it so happens a man in the peak of the mountain had viewed it as some sort of beveRage(Man, I am funny, the Outcast chuckled to himself) and developed an addiction to it.
So he walked on, heading on to the general direction of the area where the customer stays and prayed to the Kings that he will reach there on time.
While he lumbered on, he wished that he was at home, enjoying the warmth his cozy little house provided and not in the horrid snowstorm where he had to endure with the horrid cold and----
"BOOM!" a deafening and resounding explosion echoed through the mountains, causing the Outcast to stop and look to the direction where the explosion had sounded.
"C'MERE, IMMA GET YOU, YOU USELESS PIECE OF LO----" a maniacal shout, devoid of any sanity followed shortly before being cut short again by another loud explousion.
"An avalanche? And whose that?" the Outcast muttered to himself. He shook his head clear of the snow and peered into the storm. But he could see nothing, only hearing loud explosions and laughters filled with maniacal glee.
The mountains were fraud with dangers, but the dangers the Outcast had in mind were definitely not what was happening at that moment.
Another explosion, this time to his right and the Outcast immediately swivelled to the right.
Just in time to see a ridiculously large piece of wood barelling towards him.
Oh. He thought dumbly. He was going to say lo---g.
And then he broke into a sprint, running as fast as he can, tossing the rucksack to the side and did not look back at all.
The log made loud explosion noises as it ploughed on, and was moving unnaturally fast for a piece of log, as though driven by something.
Death by log, the Outcast thought dryly, what a way to go.
As he ran on and on, he realized that the ground was getting steeper and steeper but he took no notice of that, only intent on putting as much distance as possible from the log that seemed to want to crush him.
He took a look behind him and realized two things simultaneously.
1.The log was no longer chasing him 2.His feet was no longer on the ground and he is plummeting into the air
"AHHHH!" the Outcast screamed, his stomach dropping and his heart pounding.
"Not like this not like this not...."
He felt himself sinking into the ice cold water and he was about breath a sigh of relief when it register to him that he is in water.
And he can't swim.
He scrambled desperately towards the surface. He kicked and flapped, trying to swim up. But the freezing water seemed to be extremely heavy, weighing him down.
And so he sank, and lost consciousness when he reached the bottom.
The ancient spirit felt a presence above it and it looked up.
This being invoked its curiousity, for it had a tiny spark of magic in him, indicating that it a wizard, yet this spark was so tiny it barely registered in its mind.
It probed the Outcast's mind and accessed its memories, looking into his past.
A small spark of emotion came to the being as it sifted through the Outcast's memories.
Was it sympathy?
It grunted, and decided to spare this human's life, sending him back up into the surface.
But before it broke through the surface, the spirit decided to gave it a little parting gift.
"You know we can just give up," the man said, fidling with the crown on top of his head and making sure it was at the centre.
"Hey, stop being mean to him, this was his most dangerous job by far, " Billy protested as he looked into the distance, but only saw white everywhere he turned.
"He probably got lost in the snowstorm last week," Ulzu said as one the skeletons she sent to search for the Outcast came back, reporting that it found nothing.
"Tsk, why are we even looking for the Outcast? Its his own fault for being weak," the man said.
He was known as King Greg the 3rd, and while he appears to dislike the Outcast, throughout the years, he had taken a liking to this pleasant and humble fellow, and on the surface, he insults the Outcast but deep down, respected this likeable man.
He was a King, which means he can own troops and employ them into his army which all Kings will then bring to a tournament called the Clash Royale. These armies then stand off against one another, commanded by the King and with the objective to topple the towers which the opponent King sat on top of.
He had employed Billy and Ulzu into his amry for the Royale Matches and while he was not allowed to employ the Outcast due to him having no power whatsoever, he had taken him under his care and showed concern for him.
"Now, now, weren't you the one who started the search for him?" Ulzu asked in an admonishing tone.
King Greg sneered and looked in the other direction.
The sneer was quickly erased from his face when he saw a glow in the distant.
"Hey I think there is a Match going on there," he exclaimed, pointing at the glow.
"And so?" Billy asked.
"If I was him, I would seek shelter from the storm by going there am I right?" the King replied.
And with a click of his fingers, the trio teleported into the stadium.
The raucous and noisy cheering were part and parcel of each match. The audience screamed , cheered at every move the Kings made.
Confetti showered across the arena yet the troops did not falter and seemed unaffected by the noise and confetti, concentrating on their fights and looked determined to being down the opponent.
Giants rumbled across the arena, determined to smash the opponent tower into smithereens and goblins darted and weave through units, agile and deadly.
"Hey, is that him?" Ulzu excalimed, rasing her voice so that it can be heard over the noise.
She pointed towards the bench behind the Red King's tower and lo and behold, sodden and looking miserable, sat the man they were looking for.
"That's him alright," King Greg said quietly, "But what is he doing in that side bench?" That very side bench was a bench reserved for troops that were under the King's rule, which means that the Red King has officially employed the Outcast into his army.
"He is under MY care!" King Greg explouded out loudly, causing several of the audience to look behind and shush him.
The match was coming quickly to an end, with the Red King being the clear winner of this match.
He played around with his opponent, rocketing at thin air and zapping his own troops , all the while knowing that he already took one of his opponent's Princess tower while the Opponennt had not even touched his tower, before grinning and showing thumbs up at his opponent when the timer came to an end.
When the match ended, King Greg immediately materialised before the Red King.
"Hey, my fellow King partner, would it be possible for you to return me my friend over here?" he said pointing at the Outcast who widened his eyes in surprise and happiness at the sight of his rescuer.
The Red King glanced at the Outcast, then quickly flashed a evil grin at Greg.
"I see, are we negotiating a deal here? Well I can give him to you.... for a price of a 1000 gems,"
Gems were a valued currency in this world, capable of getting you almost everything you want, yet most Kings only have a few 100 gems and 1000 gems were unreasonable and an outrageous amount of gems.
"Fat chance, buddy," Greg spat immediately, glaring at the Red King with distaste.
"Too bad then," the Red King said curtly , standing up from his throne at the Crown Tower and gesturing for his troops to leave the arena.
The Outcast looked at Greg with dismay and anxiety. Tears were forming in his eyes at the thought that he will be spending his whole life with this clearly despicable Red King before his eyes.
"I will challenge you to a battle!"Greg growled.
The Red King stopped, and glanced back at him
"And why shall I accept?"
"If I were to win, I shall get my boy here back, but if you were to win..." Greg paused, and pondered on something to seal the deal.
"You shall get 50 trophies."
"Your majesty, no, its not worth it!" the Outcast cried out immediately.
Trophies, or crowns are one of the only things gems will not get you. It is obtained from winning Royale battles and are viewed as the most valuable resource in the Universe due to it being capable of making you ascend up the ranks of Kings, and if you are good, become the Champion Kings. The treasure chests and rewards you get will improve the higher rank you are, therefore making Trophies an invaluable resource.
The Red King grinned before saying, "And what a coincidence, I need 50 more trophies to go on to the next arena! But I have a condition,"
"What is it?" Greg asked through clenched teeth.
"Since you want him so much, you can have your Outcast back, but you will have to use him in you battle deck!"
And with a flourish of his hands he resetted the Arena and the Outcast, looking dumbfounded and bewildered was sent to the battle deck bench.
"Damn that bastard! He did not even wait for me to agree!" Greg cursed ferevently, stomping his feet in rage.
Greg's troops looked ,confused, at their surroundings and questions were soon being asked.
"Silence! The battle has already begun, prepare yourselves!" Greg thundered, gritting his teeth.
"I'm so sorry..." the Outcast begun but was ignored by Greg who was intent on winning this battle.
Spells whizzed past the air and Giants were burnt to crisps and all the while, the Outcast sat on the bench he never would envision himself sitting upon, scared for his life yet excited at his acchievement.
I did it.
He was finally able to sit at the Battle Deck bench, the bench reserved for the 8 elites going on to battle, something he thought never possible for an Outcast.
I finally freaking did it, I am so----
Whatever he was feeling will remain a mystery for now as he found his thought interupted when he was sent onto the Arena.
"GOSH DARN IT I MISCLICKED-----" Greg's vehement cussing was audible throughout the Arena and the Red King did not hesistate to laugh with malicious glee.
The Outcast suddenly didn't feel so accomplished.
In fact he felt sick.
Greg took a deep breath and calmed down. He looked at the Outcast and shouted,
But the Outcast didn't want to be just a distraction , he want to be more, to be in the frontlines to contribute, to help his team mates, to destroy his enemies......
Yet he knew it was a fanciful thought and he will never be able to do so.
"Or will you?" a voice at the back of his head whispered.
He shook his head, orders are orders and he will try to prove himself by being a good distraction. He dodged and weaved the flying arrows and narrowly avoided a huge swing from a P.E.K.K.A's sword.
So far so good. He was doing well at being a distraction. Yet he knew his lifespan in in this arena would be short and he will soon find himself respawned on the bench.
As though to confirm that thought, a huge fireball came arcing towards him, and he close his eyes and rasied his hands in an futile attempt to block himself from the fireball.
"Futile you say?" the little voice at the back of head said, chuckling and the Outcast, startled, thought, "Who are you?" "Your ticket to success," it replied with a chuckle.
At the moment, the Outcast knew, he could accomplish everything, he could make Greg proud, he could show the world he isn't powerless, he could help Greg win the match, he could.....
And with the thought, the Outcast reached deep into the magical reserves in him and was surprised to find it overflowing with magic, a strange cold magic, and he pulled it out, directed it to his hand....
And the whole arena turned to ice.
Not even the fireball was spared, and every single inch of the snowy arena turned into solid, cold ice. The Red King's troop stood still and encased in a small layer of ice.
The Red King's jaw drop, and he who had been laughing evily throughout the whole match now stopped to look at the Outcast.
Greg noticed that the Outcast hands were light blue, along with his hair and when he turned around , grinning, to face him, he realized so was his eyes.
"How's that for a distraction?" the Outcast asked, smiling.
Greg gulped and grin feebly in return. This man he thought was powerless.... Had such enormous and game breaking power with him the whole time.
Billy stared from to him, speechless and surprised, at this man, whom he befriended out of pity had suddenly performed a magic unknown to wizardkind and shook his head in wonder.
Ulzu smiled, seemingly unaffected smiled and nodded encouragingly at him.
Greg's troop were so enchanted by this sudden change of events that they stood, agaped, staring at the Outcast.
No not the Outcast.
The Ice Wizard.
And so the Ice Wizard was born.
The match finished within seconds as there was simply no one to stop them. The Red King scrowled and muttered about "legendaries" and walked away, shaking his head.
Greg, now recovering from his surprise and extremely pleased with how things had turned up now walked towards the Ice Wizard.

"I forsee a great future ahead of us,"

There had been interviews, countless of tests run on him. But people still haven't found out what caused him to have these powers.
He had followed King Greg and led to many of his victories, encountered many interesting people and had traversed across many arenas.
But there was one question in his mind. The log the had caused him to fall into the river as well as the maniacal screaming has been his nightmares for many years and for years to come. He wanted to see what had caused this seemingly supernatural Log and just who was hunting it.....
Well, maybe we shall never find out.
Yes, its long, and probably bad but if you like it do tell me and vote on what card you want me to feature next
submitted by Bweakfaz to ClashRoyale [link] [comments]

2014.09.28 15:52 Jamiehere Current Doge Sponsorships, Charities & Successes! [Week 22]

Dogecoin_PR for further information
Vote Josh Wise Again!
Vote now for Josh Wise and help name him the 2014 Sprint NMPA Most Popular Driver!
100% of funds raised will be used for medicine and drinking water; This relief effort is supervised by cryptosforacause in India; Fundraiser will end this Friday 12th, at midnight PDT; About Ð750k still needed - Let's Make This Happen!
Raise Money for Mental Health
After the passing of a community member who battles depression, the community is trying to pitch money to donate to a mental health cause
Doge For Dogs
The BC SPCA is a non-profit organization funded primarily by public donations in helping animals. While they've hit their original target, they are constantly looking for donations!
CryptoCurrency4Housing is about helping families keep their homes or stay in their apartments…and focus on their child’s care and recovery. It’s about giving families peace of mind from their bills. It has completed other projects such as Doge 4 Housing.
For a lot of different Doge funded Charities.
Successfully Completed
Doge 4 Nascar
The Shibes at /Dogecoin managed to raise $55,000 -- or 100,541,093.89 Doge coins to sponsor Nascar racer Josh Wise, who managed to place 20th out of 40 in the race.
Vote For Josh Wise
Shibes voted around the clock for Josh Wise to race the Dogecar one more time in the Nascar Sprint All Star!
Buy T-Shirts to Sponsor Josh Wise for another Nascar Race!
Over 5,000 T shirts were sold to support Josh Wise for his Third Doge sponsored race!
Jamaican Bobsled team to the Olympics
Much like the Disney classic "Cool Runnings" the Jamaican Bobsled managed to raise $25,000 worth of Doge coins so that they could visit the Olympics!
Indian Olympics
4 Million Doge coins were raises in order to send an Indian Skier to the Olympics!
Doge Movie
3,500,000 Doge coins was raised for the crew who filmed NYC Dogeparty so that can continue to shoot about crypto currencies.
Doge 4 Kids
$30,000 in Doge was donated in order to provide guide dogs for disabled children.
Doge 4 Water
40,000,000 Doge was donated to provide water for people in Kenya! Two wells were created!
Water 4 Africa
Doge was donated to provide clean and safe water for an African Village.
Doge 4 Housing
Our goal was to raise 11 million Dogecoin to provide rental and mortgage grants to at least 5 Minnesota families with critically ill or seriously injured children in the hospital, or at home recovering from a lengthy hospital stay. In barely 24 hours we ACHIEVED OUR GOAL!
Bahay Kubo
Doge was pledged to build a NipaHut or BahayKubo for street children that sleep on the sidewalks of the Philippines.
California Bus Crash
Over 11 million Doge coins were donated to help those victims and family members of the bus crash in Arcata.
Nascar Tent
The community got together to help create a successful tent at the Talladega, Josh Wise race.
Shibes for Haiyan
Over 2 million Doge coins were raised to help aid those affected by the Typhoon Haiyan in the southwest Philippines
Sick Homeless TurkShibe
I am the "Sick Homeless TurkShibe" thanks for letting people know how much this community helped me, i am grateful to all of them.
Doge 4 Saving Net Neutrality
The Doge community pledged to protect the freedom that the internet currently provides.
Doge 4 Mud
2,500,000+ Doge was raised to help support those affected in the landslide that struck Darrington, WA on March 22nd.
Doge 4 Teachers
Over $1,000 of Doge was pledged to a successful underpaid teacher.
Vote for Doge to be put on a popular Crypto Coin exchange
Doge got voted to be place on a popular exchange, beating some of the other major crypto currencies*
Education Fund for the Bahay Kubo kids
The winnings from Josh Wise's race helped contribute to Bahay Kubo, which is a /dogecoin funded home for homeless children in the Philippines. This community has done a lot for these children, but there is so much more that can be done. By chipping in just a few dogecoins we can help these children stay fed and enroll them in school. Food, shelter, basic education, most of us take these things for granted. Imagine the impact you can have on these children's lives. Every dogecoin helps. If you can donate, please tip cathyketh and the dogecoin will go directly to the kids. Thank you all so much.
Operation Fire and Forget
2,633,725 Doge was pledged to support the Doge mining rate for an 13MH/s GAW miner. All Doge mined will go towards the Doge developers.
McShibe Burger
Shibes voted nonstop on the official McDonalds website, to get a chance to have a McShibe burger sold for a week across the whole of the UK.
Super Doge V8
Over 6 million Doge was raised for the Super Doge V8. Media coverage before, during and after the event will be similar to that experienced with the Josh Wise #98 NASCAR entry. Supercar races have more TV exposure, with televised practice, qualifying and three races over the weekend, comprising the 500km total distance.
Shibes Helped Denis win the Diecast NASCAR fan contest
So as you all know, Denis, or unicorn_butt_sex, is the one who created the whole Josh Wise sponsorship. So Lionel Racing, the NASCAR diecast company, made a contest on Facebook so that people can register, and take a picture with their dad to win a $500 gift card for diecasts.
Doge for a free school in Cambodia
3 Million Doge was rasied for CESHEO, an organisation with three free schools in Cambodia, it provides a free education to more than 750 Cambodian children who otherwise would not get an education.
Microlending with Doge
Shibes voted for the Proposal - Use cryptocurrency for organised sustainable microlending. Cryptocurrency is at a stage when it transcends commodity status. It finished 3rd and advances to the next stage.
Doge for Dogechain
Shibes raised 10,000,000 Doge for the blockchain fund.
*10,000,000 Doge was Raised for Doge4eSports, which gives highschoolers to opportunity to compete with each other for Doge!
Shibes casted over 10,000 votes to help a fellow "shibe" win a Maxim contest
I am trying to keep this updated as much as possible. If you have a suggestion, try be specific in the comments below as it saves me a lot of time. Any help and/or appreciation is... well, appreciated.
This will be updated weekly in a new post, as certain requirements are reached (total amount of donations reached) or voting process is over, etc.
submitted by Jamiehere to dogecoin [link] [comments]

2014.09.18 16:40 Jamiehere Current Doge Sponsorships, Charities & Successes! [Week 20]

Dogecoin_PR for further information
Vote Josh Wise Again!
Vote now for Josh Wise and help name him the 2014 Sprint NMPA Most Popular Driver!
100% of funds raised will be used for medicine and drinking water; This relief effort is supervised by cryptosforacause in India; Fundraiser will end this Friday 12th, at midnight PDT; About Ð750k still needed - Let's Make This Happen!
Raise Money for Mental Health
After the passing of a community member who battles depression, the community is trying to pitch money to donate to a mental health cause
The Ride for Refuge is a charity fundraiser that helps to raise funds for multiple charities to provide services such as shelter, food, relocation, education and more to refugees who have fled their country. People who come to a country with refuge status are vulnerable and were exploited, and far to often they arrive with nothing. No one to help them, no where to go. They are alone.
Doge For Dogs
The BC SPCA is a non-profit organization funded primarily by public donations in helping animals. While they've hit their original target, they are constantly looking for donations!
CryptoCurrency4Housing is about helping families keep their homes or stay in their apartments…and focus on their child’s care and recovery. It’s about giving families peace of mind from their bills. It has completed other projects such as Doge 4 Housing.
For a lot of different Doge funded Charities.
Successfully Completed
Doge 4 Nascar
The Shibes at /Dogecoin managed to raise $55,000 -- or 100,541,093.89 Doge coins to sponsor Nascar racer Josh Wise, who managed to place 20th out of 40 in the race.
Vote For Josh Wise
Shibes voted around the clock for Josh Wise to race the Dogecar one more time in the Nascar Sprint All Star!
Buy T-Shirts to Sponsor Josh Wise for another Nascar Race!
Over 5,000 T shirts were sold to support Josh Wise for his Third Doge sponsored race!
Jamaican Bobsled team to the Olympics
Much like the Disney classic "Cool Runnings" the Jamaican Bobsled managed to raise $25,000 worth of Doge coins so that they could visit the Olympics!
Indian Olympics
4 Million Doge coins were raises in order to send an Indian Skier to the Olympics!
Doge Movie
3,500,000 Doge coins was raised for the crew who filmed NYC Dogeparty so that can continue to shoot about crypto currencies.
Doge 4 Kids
$30,000 in Doge was donated in order to provide guide dogs for disabled children.
Doge 4 Water
40,000,000 Doge was donated to provide water for people in Kenya! Two wells were created!
Water 4 Africa
Doge was donated to provide clean and safe water for an African Village.
Doge 4 Housing
Our goal was to raise 11 million Dogecoin to provide rental and mortgage grants to at least 5 Minnesota families with critically ill or seriously injured children in the hospital, or at home recovering from a lengthy hospital stay. In barely 24 hours we ACHIEVED OUR GOAL!
Bahay Kubo
Doge was pledged to build a NipaHut or BahayKubo for street children that sleep on the sidewalks of the Philippines.
California Bus Crash
Over 11 million Doge coins were donated to help those victims and family members of the bus crash in Arcata.
Nascar Tent
The community got together to help create a successful tent at the Talladega, Josh Wise race.
Shibes for Haiyan
Over 2 million Doge coins were raised to help aid those affected by the Typhoon Haiyan in the southwest Philippines
Sick Homeless TurkShibe
I am the "Sick Homeless TurkShibe" thanks for letting people know how much this community helped me, i am grateful to all of them.
Doge 4 Saving Net Neutrality
The Doge community pledged to protect the freedom that the internet currently provides.
Doge 4 Mud
2,500,000+ Doge was raised to help support those affected in the landslide that struck Darrington, WA on March 22nd.
Doge 4 Teachers
Over $1,000 of Doge was pledged to a successful underpaid teacher.
Vote for Doge to be put on a popular Crypto Coin exchange
Doge got voted to be place on a popular exchange, beating some of the other major crypto currencies*
Education Fund for the Bahay Kubo kids
The winnings from Josh Wise's race helped contribute to Bahay Kubo, which is a /dogecoin funded home for homeless children in the Philippines. This community has done a lot for these children, but there is so much more that can be done. By chipping in just a few dogecoins we can help these children stay fed and enroll them in school. Food, shelter, basic education, most of us take these things for granted. Imagine the impact you can have on these children's lives. Every dogecoin helps. If you can donate, please tip cathyketh and the dogecoin will go directly to the kids. Thank you all so much.
Operation Fire and Forget
2,633,725 Doge was pledged to support the Doge mining rate for an 13MH/s GAW miner. All Doge mined will go towards the Doge developers.
McShibe Burger
Shibes voted nonstop on the official McDonalds website, to get a chance to have a McShibe burger sold for a week across the whole of the UK.
Super Doge V8
Over 6 million Doge was raised for the Super Doge V8. Media coverage before, during and after the event will be similar to that experienced with the Josh Wise #98 NASCAR entry. Supercar races have more TV exposure, with televised practice, qualifying and three races over the weekend, comprising the 500km total distance.
Shibes Helped Denis win the Diecast NASCAR fan contest
So as you all know, Denis, or unicorn_butt_sex, is the one who created the whole Josh Wise sponsorship. So Lionel Racing, the NASCAR diecast company, made a contest on Facebook so that people can register, and take a picture with their dad to win a $500 gift card for diecasts.
Doge for a free school in Cambodia
3 Million Doge was rasied for CESHEO, an organisation with three free schools in Cambodia, it provides a free education to more than 750 Cambodian children who otherwise would not get an education.
Microlending with Doge
Shibes voted for the Proposal - Use cryptocurrency for organised sustainable microlending. Cryptocurrency is at a stage when it transcends commodity status. It finished 3rd and advances to the next stage.
Doge for Dogechain
Shibes raised 10,000,000 Doge for the blockchain fund.
*10,000,000 Doge was Raised for Doge4eSports, which gives highschoolers to opportunity to compete with each other for Doge!
I am trying to keep this updated as much as possible. If you have a suggestion, try be specific in the comments below as it saves me a lot of time. Any help and/or appreciation is... well, appreciated.
This will be updated weekly in a new post, as certain requirements are reached (total amount of donations reached) or voting process is over, etc.
submitted by Jamiehere to dogecoin [link] [comments]

2014.09.11 15:50 Jamiehere Current Doge Sponsorships, Charities & Successes! [Week 19]

Dogecoin_PR for further information
Vote Josh Wise Again!
Vote now for Josh Wise and help name him the 2014 Sprint NMPA Most Popular Driver!
100% of funds raised will be used for medicine and drinking water; This relief effort is supervised by cryptosforacause in India; Fundraiser will end this Friday 12th, at midnight PDT; About Ð750k still needed - Let's Make This Happen!
Doge For Dogs
The BC SPCA is a non-profit organization funded primarily by public donations in helping animals. While they've hit their original target, they are constantly looking for donations!
CryptoCurrency4Housing is about helping families keep their homes or stay in their apartments…and focus on their child’s care and recovery. It’s about giving families peace of mind from their bills. It has completed other projects such as Doge 4 Housing.
For a lot of different Doge funded Charities.
Successfully Completed
Doge 4 Nascar
The Shibes at /Dogecoin managed to raise $55,000 -- or 100,541,093.89 Doge coins to sponsor Nascar racer Josh Wise, who managed to place 20th out of 40 in the race.
Vote For Josh Wise
Shibes voted around the clock for Josh Wise to race the Dogecar one more time in the Nascar Sprint All Star!
Buy T-Shirts to Sponsor Josh Wise for another Nascar Race!
Over 5,000 T shirts were sold to support Josh Wise for his Third Doge sponsored race!
Jamaican Bobsled team to the Olympics
Much like the Disney classic "Cool Runnings" the Jamaican Bobsled managed to raise $25,000 worth of Doge coins so that they could visit the Olympics!
Indian Olympics
4 Million Doge coins were raises in order to send an Indian Skier to the Olympics!
Doge Movie
3,500,000 Doge coins was raised for the crew who filmed NYC Dogeparty so that can continue to shoot about crypto currencies.
Doge 4 Kids
$30,000 in Doge was donated in order to provide guide dogs for disabled children.
Doge 4 Water
40,000,000 Doge was donated to provide water for people in Kenya! Two wells were created!
Water 4 Africa
Doge was donated to provide clean and safe water for an African Village.
Doge 4 Housing
Our goal was to raise 11 million Dogecoin to provide rental and mortgage grants to at least 5 Minnesota families with critically ill or seriously injured children in the hospital, or at home recovering from a lengthy hospital stay. In barely 24 hours we ACHIEVED OUR GOAL!
Bahay Kubo
Doge was pledged to build a NipaHut or BahayKubo for street children that sleep on the sidewalks of the Philippines.
California Bus Crash
Over 11 million Doge coins were donated to help those victims and family members of the bus crash in Arcata.
Nascar Tent
The community got together to help create a successful tent at the Talladega, Josh Wise race.
Shibes for Haiyan
Over 2 million Doge coins were raised to help aid those affected by the Typhoon Haiyan in the southwest Philippines
Sick Homeless TurkShibe
I am the "Sick Homeless TurkShibe" thanks for letting people know how much this community helped me, i am grateful to all of them.
Doge 4 Saving Net Neutrality
The Doge community pledged to protect the freedom that the internet currently provides.
Doge 4 Mud
2,500,000+ Doge was raised to help support those affected in the landslide that struck Darrington, WA on March 22nd.
Doge 4 Teachers
Over $1,000 of Doge was pledged to a successful underpaid teacher.
Vote for Doge to be put on a popular Crypto Coin exchange
Doge got voted to be place on a popular exchange, beating some of the other major crypto currencies*
Education Fund for the Bahay Kubo kids
The winnings from Josh Wise's race helped contribute to Bahay Kubo, which is a /dogecoin funded home for homeless children in the Philippines. This community has done a lot for these children, but there is so much more that can be done. By chipping in just a few dogecoins we can help these children stay fed and enroll them in school. Food, shelter, basic education, most of us take these things for granted. Imagine the impact you can have on these children's lives. Every dogecoin helps. If you can donate, please tip cathyketh and the dogecoin will go directly to the kids. Thank you all so much.
Operation Fire and Forget
2,633,725 Doge was pledged to support the Doge mining rate for an 13MH/s GAW miner. All Doge mined will go towards the Doge developers.
McShibe Burger
Shibes voted nonstop on the official McDonalds website, to get a chance to have a McShibe burger sold for a week across the whole of the UK.
Super Doge V8
Over 6 million Doge was raised for the Super Doge V8. Media coverage before, during and after the event will be similar to that experienced with the Josh Wise #98 NASCAR entry. Supercar races have more TV exposure, with televised practice, qualifying and three races over the weekend, comprising the 500km total distance.
Shibes Helped Denis win the Diecast NASCAR fan contest
So as you all know, Denis, or unicorn_butt_sex, is the one who created the whole Josh Wise sponsorship. So Lionel Racing, the NASCAR diecast company, made a contest on Facebook so that people can register, and take a picture with their dad to win a $500 gift card for diecasts.
Doge for a free school in Cambodia
3 Million Doge was rasied for CESHEO, an organisation with three free schools in Cambodia, it provides a free education to more than 750 Cambodian children who otherwise would not get an education.
Microlending with Doge
Shibes voted for the Proposal - Use cryptocurrency for organised sustainable microlending. Cryptocurrency is at a stage when it transcends commodity status. It finished 3rd and advances to the next stage.
Doge for Dogechain
Shibes raised 10,000,000 Doge for the blockchain fund.
*10,000,000 Doge was Raised for Doge4eSports, which gives highschoolers to opportunity to compete with each other for Doge!
I am trying to keep this updated as much as possible. If you have a suggestion, try be specific in the comments below as it saves me a lot of time. Any help and/or appreciation is... well, appreciated.
This will be updated weekly in a new post, as certain requirements are reached (total amount of donations reached) or voting process is over, etc.
submitted by Jamiehere to dogecoin [link] [comments]