Walgreens adderall xr 30

I like being awake but hate not sleeping - sos

2024.05.14 10:17 harvestxmoon I like being awake but hate not sleeping - sos

I used to have a normal sleep schedule - in bed and asleep by 9 and awake at 6:30.
Now I’ve had career changes and moved to nyc and go to bed 1 am at the earliest, around 4 am at the latest, waking up around 9:30-10:30 every day.
When I get less than 7 hours I am miserable the next day, but I just love being awake at night. I feel so creative and free and love spending the time with myself. I love being alive and feel there’s so much to do and learn and so little time during the day lol.
I take adderall for my severe adhd, I can only stay up when I take it. When I am taking breaks I am usually exhausted and will fall asleep much earlier. I’m sure the meds are affecting my sleep schedule, but I need them to function during the day.
For the most part when I try to sleep I can sleep, even on days when I take the meds. But I just don’t want to, I somewhat force myself to stay up on my phone because I have so many thoughts and ideas and questions.
I don’t even really let myself get tired when I’m supposed to, because I’ll find something interesting and go down a rabbit hole or come up with some creative idea that I NEED to plan right in that moment (lol) until I literally need to force myself to go to bed.
I know I need to fix this because the lack of sleep is 100% hurting me, my days are so busy I just feel like night is the only time I get to unwind and relax and get to all the random thoughts I had to push away during the busy work day. It somewhat feels like I’m wasting time going to sleep (which I know isn’t true and I know all of the amazing benefits of healthy sleep - hence why I’m posting here lol)
I take magnesium and l theanine to try and force myself to be tired - they don’t really help unless I’m already exhausted that day.
I exercise 1-2 times a day so I know it’s not an exercise thing … any suggestions on how to make myself more disciplined are much appreciated :)
submitted by harvestxmoon to sleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:34 crd_52 Is it possible to suddenly experience side effects on Vyvanse at a higher dosage, even if you experienced none at other dosages along the way?

I've been taking Vyvanse since the beginning of the year. I started around the beginning of the year at 30/40 mg, and have been at 60 mg for at least a month now.
I switched off of Adderall, mostly because it just wasn't working. And at first it definitely gave me some heightened anxiety/side effects but they did wear off, so I'm used to being patient with side effects from ADHD meds.
The Vyvanse has been pretty smooth for the most part side effects wise from the get go. My clinician upped me to 70 mg, because we wanted to see if it'd be more effective. I started it two days ago (also right after missing a day on my 60 mg prescription by accident).
I've been hit pretty hard with side effects though, and it kinda surprised me. I'm mostly experiencing anxiety, suppressed appetite, and this sorta funky numb/depressive feeling. Can't quite describe it. It's been pretty uncomfortable, especially the numb/depressive/zombified feelings.
Is this normal? I've been surprised at the intensity given how smooth Vyvanse has been till this point. I'm gonna wait it out a week or so to see if it subsides, I generally am pretty sensitive to medication so I prefer to be patient. Always thought Vyvanse was the exception, but maybe at 70 mg its not.
I do plan on talking to my clinician but they are on vacation this week. But of course, if the side effects get very bad I'll make sure to get medical attention.
submitted by crd_52 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:37 sticky-tripp-420 Adderall, Strattera, Buspar, and Lexapro For ADHD And GAD

Hello all,
I have been diagnosed with ADHD since I was 19 years old (25 now) and am currently taking 15mg of adderall XR, 60mg of Strattera, 20mg of Buspar (as needed), and 10mg of Lexapro daily.
This combination is currently working pretty well for me as far as focus, sleep, anxiety, and excess rumination goes and I was curious if anyone has taken a similar combination of meds and what your experience has been?
submitted by sticky-tripp-420 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:36 gabor_ghoul Jornay PM Journey

Before requesting to try Jornay PM I tried to do a lot of research. Within this community I saw several people posting that they would share their journey for people trying to do the same research I was trying to do, but didn't see any that actually kept up with it.
I would like to do this & I think I can actually keep up on it because I'm heavily into researching things, so much so that I transitioned my career into a research role. I love learning, finding resolutions & sharing what I learn. If I can help others in the process, I'm even more into it.
We all know that medication effects different people in different ways. This will be an account of my experience. I plan to update this for at least 6 months & then I may return at a year if I'm up to it/remember.
Background: I have combined type ADHD, inattentive primary. I have also had delayed sleep phase syndrome for as long as I can remember, definitely longer than I have been diagnosed & before I knew what DSPS was.
With my DSPS I could be exhausted all day, with an extreme low mid-day, but my energy would shoot up at sundown no matter what. It is very difficult for me to wake up. I hate mornings. I tried all the things: No light, red light, white noise, brown noise, nature sounds, mindfulness, no electronics, reading before bed, hot Epsom salt baths, melatonin, Rx sleeping pills, etc. Nothing worked. Lay down at 9-11 pm, no sleep til 1-3 am.
I was on Adderall. I tried XR at first. Although it helped my ADHD symptoms, it exacerbated my sleep issues. I switched to IR thinking it may help. It did not. I lowered my dose thinking less effective treatment may be worth being able to sleep. It did nothing. I have spent a year & a half falling asleep from 4-7 am & having to start work at 8 am.
My hope is that Jornay PM will effectively address my ADHD symptoms as well as help me with my sleep disorder. I was started at the equivalent dose to the dose I was taking of Adderall: 20 mg Adderall; 40 mg Jornay PM. Even though my Adderall was too low my PCP didn't want to increase on the new Rx until we knew how it would effect me.
I have spent 1 week on 40 mg Jornay PM. It has had no effect on my symptoms. Today my PCP increased my dose to 80 mg. I will update.
Ps. The coupon on the Jornay PM website works as long as you choose a pharmacy that accepts it. I use Rite-Aid. The first dispense is free, $25 after with my insurance coverage. $75 without insurance coverage. Otherwise it is like $400-something.
submitted by gabor_ghoul to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:58 TruckComprehensive53 Thought I cured my stutter

Already posted this is shrooms but thought I would post here as well. This is very important: I DO NOT CONDONE THE USE OF SUBSTANCES this is for educational purposes only
A little backstory, I’m 19M and have stuttered all my life. I’m not a very self conscious person but stuttering is my kryptonite. When I say I stutter I don’t mean I trip up on words hear and there I mean nearly every word I say can take me anywhere from a second to 30 seconds if I’m really having a bad block. A good portion of my life revolves around my stuttering. It dictates anything from my major in college to even the food I eat. It makes me feel less than human and is stopping me from being the person I want to be, at least that’s what it feels like. Through the years I have naively taken substances when I was far too young to both experiment and suppress the anxieties caused/formed by my stutter. Some of the substances were prescribed like Xanax and adderall while others I took to recreationally like MDMA, MDA, shrooms, LSD, alcohol, weed and some other more niche compounds. Most of there were done at wayyy to young of an age and I wouldn’t doubt it some of these causes lasting side effects even the LSD and shrooms which are physically safe. I stopped taking those drugs besides weed and alcohol until this year. (Sorry for the long backstory started rambling)
Fast forward to now me and three of my friends went on a climbing road trip with the first destination on our trip being Zion. We planned to take a 1/8 of GT each besides for my one friend who was going to take 2.5 since it was his first time. We took them on an empty stomach and started walking to our pre planned spot. They start hitting and fast, I have a decent bit of experience taking shrooms and have taken up to 5g with a good bit of experience of taking around 1/8 but these hit me like a train. We settle down in our spot when my friend who’s first time it was doing shrooms takes off with no shoes on in Zion national park without saying a word. It took us a while to realize because prior to taking off he was chilling in a dead tree near by and thought he needed some alone time. Anyways the three of us that are left start getting worried and we don’t know what to do. My one friend starts looping, saying “where’s __” over and over again but unfortunately repeating his name doesn’t summon him. At this point we are stopping balls and have no clue what to do but wait and hope he returns. I tried to calm him down saying he will be fine but honestly I wasn’t sure but at the time we couldn’t come up with a plan to find him (we did go looking for him but we were looping so hard there was no chance). This caused a lot of subtle anxiety for the first part of our trip with my one friend ever minute or so saying “where’s __” still. Our lost friend eventually appears out of the brush looking like a 6” 3’ hobbit it was quite a sight. I was scaring thinking he was off having a horrible trip or got hurt but the first thing he says is I quote “I know everything” to which I laughed and though to myself I have had that thought before this kid is tripping balls. Anyways we were all very relived but he tried to leave again saying he was feeling better away from the group which I get we probably weren’t giving off the best vide at that point but we didn’t want to stress over losing his again so I decided to tag along. This is where the stuttering backstory comes in, sorry again for the long post I wasn’t expecting to give a full trip report but here we are.
I was sitting with him on a tree nearby when we started taking about what he had just experienced/ is experiencing. It was very broken English but he was saying how we are all one and exclaimed how beautiful the whole experience had been and started asking me question about my trip and past trips. We somehow got to the topic of anxiety and the cause of it. When I started thinking about it I started to have very basic but meaningful realizations about my anxiety surrounding my stutter. I started speaking to my friend and rarely stuttering and even when I did, I didn’t care one bit, the anxiety I usually feel in the back of my throat wasn’t there and I could speak for the first time in my life. The whole we are all one mind set along with the heavy ego dissolution made me not care about if I stuttered or not it was beautiful. I felt like I could talk to anyone and not have the weight of my stutter glooming over me. I realized they are just people and their judgment (if they even are judging because the assumption that they are judging me is egotistical in a way since I am assuming they care about me enough to judge) shouldn’t effect the way I carry out my life and stop me from being happy. I also thought I am the one causing this anxiety for myself and all of this worry is for nothing since why be shameful about something I can’t change. I would always try to tell myself these things in my day to day life but I never really felt it. When I was tripping I was able to feel these thought and look at them in a new perspective I have never been able to in the past. No amount of alcohol, Xanax, MDMA or any other drug for that matter could have shown me that. During the trip I though I had cured my stutting even telling me friend I think I won’t be stuttering any more after this. Unfortunately this wasn’t the case but now I know it’s possible to reach that point, I feel I should have done a better job integrating my trip but there is still time and I plan to work on it. Maybe I say fuck it and pull a Paul stamets instead ha no jk. Anyways that’s a long story long sorry it was so drawn out and all over the place this wasn’t even the full trip but some of the more important bits. Hope you got something out of this but it was more of a vent because as one would image verbally telling a story to someone feels impossible with a stutter so it feels good get it out somehow.
submitted by TruckComprehensive53 to Stutter [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:36 logie_pogie Would you recommend taking birth control?

So I’m diagnosed with ADHD, and like us all my adderall does not work before my period. I just started adderall 10mg XR twice a day, 3 months ago. It’s been amazing other than this time of the month. I’m currently in luteal, my period is like 3 days late and I’m suffering.
Before adderall I’ve always noticed extreme PMS symptoms, but I always wrote it off as being normal. But I would vent to my sister and my mom about it, they’d see me burst into tears over NOTHING and I’d be like “oh, I’m just PMS’ing.” And they’d go ”that’s not normal though…”
During luteal I:
-Cry over nothing. Literally. I’ll just ball up on the couch and feel like a baby. I’ll bawl my eyes out just because I feel like a baby for no reason lol.
-Have really bad RSD. Today I asked my boyfriend to hang out and he apologized and said he wanted to stay home after work. I was so unreasonably upset, and this happens every. Month. That’s one of my telltale signs that my period is arriving.
-Get reaaaally depressed. Today I just felt so down and apathetic. Nothing gives me joy this time of the month. Every single month when I PMS, I feel so apathetic and bored that I consider antidepressants because life feels so dark. Then by like mid-period/when my period ends, the heaviness and depression is gone and I enjoy things again.
-Sore boobs. Anytime I’m worried if my period is on its way, I jiggle my boobs and if they’re extremely sore, I know it’s on its way lol.
-Extreme hunger, and sometimes jait a strong craving for unhealthy comfort foods.
-ADHD is so much worse. Like I said, adderall barely does shit during this time. It’ll work a little bit but maybe only for like 2 hours. Once it wears off I forget if I ever even took it. The lack of focus is insane.
-Bloating. Oh god the bloating.
I also experience slightly irregular periods but nothing too crazy. My cycle is normally 25-27 days. But some months my period can be like 7 days early or late.
Anyway. That’s all to say, I suspect I may have pmdd. At the very least, I feel like my pms is not normal especially hearing my sister and friends experiences with pms. I feel like mine is more extreme…and I’m considering birth control again. I also loved the peace of mind being on birth control when it comes to pregnancy. Right now my bf and I use condoms + pullout (ALWAYS both, never one or the other), so I’d love to have the freedom to not use condoms anymore.
What are y’all’s experiences on the pill? I’ve tried a few different brands, all combo pills. One in particular, I think it was Junel fe, actually worked so well. But this was years ago, I don’t remember specifics but I remember being really happy this time of my life. But some combo pills were hell…
For those of you that take bc pills, what kinds work for you? Should I take a mini pill and avoid estrogen, or does estrogen help? I’m going to talk to a doctor soon but I’d like to just hear others experiences first-hand.
I’m also against trying an IUD because I’m a scaredy cat lol, so I’m really only open to pills at this time. Would just love to hear others experiences out of curiosity.
submitted by logie_pogie to PMDDxADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:28 warsage Analyzing the contents of mixed jump ring packs from The Ring Lord

Hey all, the Adderall hit suuuper hard today, so out of curiosity, I decided to sort and weigh the jump rings that came in my recent order from The Ring Lord. I analyzed two mixed-color bags of 18GA 3/16" ID, one of rubber, one of saw-cut bright aluminum. Here's the raw data.
Here's the interesting bits:
  • I used a scale with an accuracy of +-.001g.
  • I found an average weight of each type (rubber and aluminum) by adding 30 of them to the scale, recording the total weight, and dividing by 30.
  • I separated the rings by color, added each color to a single large "keyring" for organization, then weighed each color on the scale and subtracted the average weight of the "keyring."
  • For the four bags that I weighed in bulk, I set the scale's tare to the weight of an empty plastic bag, then weighed and recorded each bag.
The standout of everything is that The Ring Lord is putting significantly too few rings in each bag. Now, of course, I only checked six bags; maybe I got unlucky. Still, the fact that all six of them were nearly identical in their weight, yet quite significantly underweight, suggests that The Ring Lord was capable of dispensing very nearly the exact correct quantity of each ring, but did not do so.
In other words: it's not that TRL sucks at weighing; if they did, we'd see big variations in the weight of each bag, and we'd expect about half of them to be overweight. No, they're good at weighing, yet still included far too few. The most charitable excuse I can give them is that it might be a mistake rather than an intentional cheat.
In fact, I'd expected to see the opposite of what I did see; I thought TRL would put too many rings in each bag, not too few, to account for the inevitable few flawed rings or any minor inaccuracies on the scale.
I'll be submitting a complaint on their Quality Guarantee Submission Form. We'll see what they say!
Edit: typo
submitted by warsage to chainmailartisans [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:55 Professional_Bet2032 Does vyvanse have any long term effects on appetite?

Hi all, I'm 23/F and recently had to stop taking Vyvanse(I'm on Adderall XR now) due to a shortage in my area.
I heard that normally when people go off of a stimulant medication, that they have the urge to binge or eat a lot more. But I'm experiencing the opposite - my appetite still feels very low even off of vyvanse. I'm still having to force myself to eat and when I do, the amount I normally eat makes me gag and feel sick.
On vyvanse, appetite suppression was a bonus for me because I also have BED. The appetite suppression never subsided after a week of being unmedicated though, and now on Adderall I'm still experiencing a major loss of appetite.
I don't really see it as being that bad, but eating has suddenly become a lot harder than it used to be. I literally would rather just be hungry sometimes - because I'm still getting hunger pains. But I feel full after a few bites?
Is this a normal reaction? Did vyvanse permanently mess up my appetite?
submitted by Professional_Bet2032 to VyvanseADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:39 MageVicky there are two types of customers

the first one had me on the phone for 10 minutes, after calling the pharmacy at 9:02am. I figured out he wanted me to refill all his prescriptions within 30 seconds of starting that call, but he kept interrupting me and getting angry, because he had a whole story he needed to tell me. long story short, he wanted me to refill everything just to see if it would go through with insurance, but he didn't want to pick it up here, he wanted to pick it up in another state, and explained that he didn't want to call the other state himself because it was a long distance phone call and he didn't want to pay for that.
I'll let you think about that for a second.
trying to explain to this guy that he couldn't refill stuff here and pick it up in another state, that he needed to call the other walgreens, and that it didn't count as a long distance phone call took some time.
the second type of customer called me from a coffee shop in Israel, to refill her Ozempic and her friend would be picking it up on friday. she was great, I couldn't believe she was calling me from Israel. She called again a couple of hours later just to check in. It was about 2:30 here and about 10:30 in Israel, she was about to go to bed. I love her, I wish her the best. lol
I've also had a customer call me from Italy before, a couple of times, actually.
submitted by MageVicky to WalgreensRx [link] [comments]

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Legendary Eleven $4.49 $14.99 70% off Lowest price $2.99 on 2022-9-27
Lord Of The Rings: Adventure Card Game (the) $11.69 $25.99 55% off Lowest price $9.09 on 2024-2-27
Lords Of The Fallen $44.99 $89.99 50% off New Lowest
Lost Ember $13.59 $33.99 60% off Lowest price $8.49 on 2022-9-27
Lost In Random $3.99 $39.99 90% off Matches low
Lovers In A Dangerous Spacetime $7.49 $14.99 50% off Lowest price $4.94 on 2020-9-8
Lumini $2.55 $12.79 80% off Matches low
Machinarium $5.19 $25.99 80% off Lowest price $3.89 on 2023-8-15
Madden Nfl 24 $17.99 $89.99 80% off Matches low
Mafia Ii: Definitive Edition $13.19 $39.99 67% off Lowest price $5.99 on 2023-2-28
Manhunt $11.99 $19.99 40% off Matches low
Marvel's Midnight Suns Enhanced Edition $22.49 $89.99 75% off Matches low
Marvel's Midnight Suns Legendary Edition $29.99 $119.99 75% off Matches low
Mass Effect Legendary Edition $11.99 $79.99 85% off Lowest price $7.99 on 2023-12-14
Metro 2033 Redux $2.99 $19.99 85% off Matches low
Metro Exodus $5.55 $37 85% off Matches low
Metro Last Light Redux $2.99 $19.99 85% off Matches low
Mineko's Night Market $18.19 $25.99 30% off New Lowest
Momonga Pinball Adventures $1.19 $5.99 80% off Matches low
Monster Boy And The Cursed Kingdom $12.49 $49.99 75% off Matches low
Monster Energy Supercross $2.69 $26.99 90% off Matches low
Moonlighter: Complete Edition $4.64 $30.99 85% off Matches low
Moonscars $18.89 $26.99 30% off Lowest price $16.19 on 2023-4-25
Mordheim: City Of The Damned $3.99 $39.99 90% off New Lowest
Motogp™17 $1.99 $19.99 90% off Matches low
Mount & Blade: Warband $4.99 $19.99 75% off Matches low
Munchkin $11.19 $31.99 65% off Matches low
Naruto To Boruto: Shinobi Striker $6.74 $26.99 75% off New Lowest
Need For Speed $3.89 $25.99 85% off Lowest price $2.59 on 2024-3-19
Need For Speed Payback $3.89 $25.99 85% off Lowest price $2.59 on 2023-11-16
Need For Speed Rivals $3.99 $19.99 80% off Lowest price $1.99 on 2024-3-19
Need For Speed™ Heat $13.49 $89.99 85% off Lowest price $4.49 on 2023-12-11
Need For Speed™ Heat $11.99 $79.99 85% off Lowest price $3.99 on 2023-12-11
Neurovoider $2.79 $13.99 80% off Matches low
Newt One $3.83 $12.79 70% off Lowest price $2.55 on 2023-7-11
Nfs Unbound $13.49 $89.99 85% off Lowest price $8.99 on 2024-3-19
Nfs Unbound Palace Edition $24.99 $99.99 75% off Lowest price $9.99 on 2023-12-5
Nhl 24 $26.99 $89.99 70% off Lowest price $22.5 on 2024-3-22
Nine Parchments $4.99 $19.99 75% off Matches low
Oceanhorn - Monster Of Uncharted Seas $3.74 $14.99 75% off Matches low
Octodad: Dadliest Catch $3.99 $15.99 75% off Matches low
Old Man's Journey $6.39 $12.79 50% off Lowest price $3.19 on 2020-5-19
Olliolli World $13.19 $39.99 67% off Matches low
Outer Worlds $19.99 $39.99 50% off Matches low
Overcooked! 2 $6.24 $24.99 75% off Matches low
Overcooked! All You Can Eat $18.19 $45.49 60% off Matches low
Overruled! $2.99 $14.99 80% off Lowest price $1.49 on 2023-4-21
Pang Adventures $1.99 $9.99 80% off Matches low
Pankapu $2.39 $11.99 80% off Lowest price $1.79 on 2023-12-1
Path Of Motus $3.79 $18.99 80% off Lowest price $1.89 on 2023-5-2
Penarium $1.99 $9.99 80% off Lowest price $1.49 on 2023-4-21
Penny's Big Breakaway $25.99 $39.99 35% off Matches low
Planet Of Lana $16.24 $24.99 35% off Matches low
Plants Vs. Zombies Garden Warfare $4.99 $19.99 75% off Lowest price $2.99 on 2024-3-19
Pool Nation Fx $3.83 $12.79 70% off Lowest price $2.96 on 2019-7-9
Prince Of Persia The Lost Crown $41.99 $69.99 40% off Matches low
Project Wingman $15.99 $31.99 50% off Matches low
Pure Chess Grandmaster Edition $4.37 $12.49 65% off Lowest price $3.74 on 2023-8-15
Pure Pool $3.49 $9.99 65% off Matches low
Pvz Garden Warfare 2 $6.49 $25.99 75% off Lowest price $3.89 on 2023-12-14
Quantic Pinball $0.99 $4.99 80% off Matches low
Quest Hunter $11.69 $38.99 70% off Matches low
Raging Justice $7.49 $14.99 50% off Lowest price $2.24 on 2023-4-21
Red Dead Redemption 2 $26.39 $79.99 67% off Matches low
Return To Monkey Island $19.19 $31.99 40% off Matches low
Riptide Gp: Renegade $6.39 $12.79 50% off Lowest price $3.83 on 2023-7-4
Risk Of Rain 1 + 2 Bundle $9.99 $39.99 75% off Matches low
Risk Of Rain 2 $8.74 $34.99 75% off Matches low
Rogue Legacy $1.49 $14.99 90% off Matches low
Rogue Legacy 2 $19.19 $31.99 40% off Matches low
Rollerdrome $13.19 $39.99 67% off Matches low
Roundguard $10.39 $25.99 60% off Lowest price $9.09 on 2023-11-21
Ruiner $5.19 $25.99 80% off Lowest price $2.59 on 2023-8-29
Saints Row Iv: Re-elected $2.99 $19.99 85% off Matches low
Scourgebringer $6.59 $21.99 70% off New Lowest
Screencheat $2.99 $14.99 80% off Matches low
Shadow Warrior 3: Definitive Edition $12.99 $51.99 75% off New Lowest
Shalnor Legends: Sacred Lands $2.55 $12.79 80% off Lowest price $1.27 on 2020-4-21
Shape, World, Seaven Studio, Plug In Digital, Hollow Three, Exploration, Relax, Stuart Maxwell, Unique, Indie, 4k, Ultra Hd, Sotw $3.79 $18.99 80% off Matches low
Skate 3 $3.99 $19.99 80% off Lowest price $1.24 on 2022-3-29
Slay The Spire $11.19 $31.99 65% off New Lowest
Snooker 19 $16.09 $45.99 65% off Matches low
Snooker 19 Gold Edition $18.89 $53.99 65% off Matches low
Sojourn $6.99 $27.99 75% off Matches low
Somerville $12.99 $32.49 60% off Matches low
Spacelines From The Far Out $5.69 $18.99 70% off New Lowest
Splasher $2.99 $14.99 80% off Matches low
Sprint Car Racing $19.49 $25.99 25% off Lowest price $18.19 on 2021-6-22
Star Wars Battlefront Ii $8.09 $26.99 70% off Lowest price $2.69 on 2024-3-19
Star Wars Battlefront Ii Celebration Edition $15.59 $51.99 70% off Lowest price $5.19 on 2024-3-19
Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order $13.74 $54.99 75% off Lowest price $5.49 on 2023-2-28
Star Wars Jedi Survivor $40.49 $89.99 55% off Lowest price $31.5 on 2024-3-22
Star Wars Squadrons $10.99 $54.99 80% off Lowest price $2.74 on 2023-11-16
Starcrossed $4.47 $12.79 65% off Lowest price $2.55 on 2023-3-7
Steamworld Build $27.99 $39.99 30% off New Lowest
Steamworlddig $4.99 $9.99 50% off Lowest price $1.99 on 2022-9-6
Streets Of Rage 4 $14.39 $31.99 55% off New Lowest
Subnautica $13.19 $39.99 67% off Matches low
Super Space Serpent Se $3.19 $12.79 75% off Matches low
Super Tennis Blast $9.49 $18.99 50% off Lowest price $4.74 on 2022-12-6
Supraland $12.99 $25.99 50% off New Lowest
Supraland Six Inches Under $18.89 $26.99 30% off New Lowest
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge $19.42 $28.99 33% off New Lowest
Temtem $23.99 $59.99 60% off New Lowest
The Artful Escape $12.99 $25.99 50% off Matches low
The Escapists & The Escapists: The Walking Dead $6.49 $25.99 75% off Lowest price $5.19 on 2020-6-23
The Escapists 2 - Game Of The Year Edition $8.49 $33.99 75% off Matches low
The First Tree $2.55 $12.79 80% off Matches low
The Forgotten City $17.54 $38.99 55% off New Lowest
The Last Door - Complete Edition $3.79 $18.99 80% off New Lowest
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition $20.99 $69.99 70% off Lowest price $13.99 on 2022-4-7
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales $4.39 $21.99 80% off Matches low
Tin Hearts $15.59 $25.99 40% off New Lowest
Tinykin $12.79 $31.99 60% off Matches low
Titan Quest $7.49 $29.99 75% off Matches low
Titanfall™ 2 $6.49 $25.99 75% off Lowest price $2.59 on 2024-3-19
Titanfall® 2: Ultimate Edition $7.99 $39.99 80% off Lowest price $3.99 on 2021-5-11
Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Breakpoint $15.99 $79.99 80% off Lowest price $7.99 on 2023-4-6
Tools Up! $5.19 $25.99 80% off Matches low
Totally Accurate Battle Simulator $18.19 $25.99 30% off Matches low
Tracks - The Train Set Game $15.59 $25.99 40% off Lowest price $8.57 on 2021-12-7
Trail Makers $15.59 $38.99 60% off Lowest price $11.69 on 2023-5-2
Transcripted $1.59 $7.99 80% off Matches low
Tricky Towers $5.99 $14.99 60% off Lowest price $4.94 on 2024-1-16
Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince $9.99 $39.99 75% off Lowest price $5.99 on 2022-12-15
Trine: Ultimate Collection $14.99 $59.99 75% off Lowest price $8.99 on 2022-12-15
Truberbrook $3.89 $38.99 90% off Matches low
Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion $4.74 $18.99 75% off New Lowest
Turnip Boy Robs A Bank $14.24 $18.99 25% off New Lowest
Ty The Tasmanian Tiger Hd $19.99 $39.99 50% off Lowest price $13.99 on 2023-12-19
Ty The Tasmanian Tiger™ 2: Bush Rescue™ Hd $19.99 $39.99 50% off Lowest price $13.99 on 2023-11-21
Tyd Wag Vir Niemand $1.27 $12.79 90% off Matches low
Ultimate Chicken Horse $9.49 $18.99 50% off Lowest price $6.74 on 2020-12-17
Unpacking $12.99 $25.99 50% off Matches low
Unravel Yarny Bundle $9.99 $39.99 75% off Lowest price $7.99 on 2022-3-1
Unruly Heroes $8.74 $24.99 65% off Lowest price $7.49 on 2024-1-23
Unsighted $10.39 $25.99 60% off New Lowest
Valentino Rossi The Game $1.99 $19.99 90% off Matches low
Void Bastards $11.99 $39.99 70% off Matches low
Void Bastards: Deluxe Bundle $13.19 $43.99 70% off Matches low
Wandersong $6.49 $25.99 75% off Matches low
Wasteland 3 $10.39 $51.99 80% off Matches low
Watch Dogs: Legion - Ultimate Edition $31.99 $159.99 80% off Matches low
Wild Hearts Karakuri Edition $40.24 $114.99 65% off Lowest price $11.49 on 2023-12-5
Wild Hearts Standard Edition $31.49 $89.99 65% off New Lowest
Witcher 3: Wild Hunt $16.79 $55.99 70% off Lowest price $11.19 on 2022-6-10
Witcher, Witcher2, The Witcher 2 $3.99 $19.99 80% off Matches low
Wizard Of Legend $4.79 $15.99 70% off Matches low
Woodle Tree 2: Deluxe+ $1.69 $16.99 90% off Matches low
World War Z $19.49 $38.99 50% off Lowest price $9.74 on 2020-12-15
Worms Battlegrounds + Worms W.m.d $11.24 $44.99 75% off Lowest price $8.99 on 2022-9-20
Worms W.m.d $5.99 $29.99 80% off Matches low
Xcom® 2 Collection $13.39 $133.99 90% off Lowest price $6.69 on 2022-3-8
Xenon Racer $3.79 $18.99 80% off Matches low
Xenon Valkyrie+ $0.99 $9.99 90% off Matches low
Yooka-laylee $4.99 $49.99 90% off Matches low
Zombie Pinball $0.99 $4.99 80% off Matches low
*History is a beta feature, only goes back as far as I've been tracking this item, and may not be 100% accurate
submitted by lbabinz to VideoGameDealsCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:39 Thumpblog Anything with 🧨 still has a 25% off- Thanks in advance‼️ Golf+, Pavlov Shack, Headspace, BoneLab, Saint and Sinners, Blade and Sorcery, Beat Saber, Synth Riders, Warplanes, Smash Drums, Tennis, Red Matter 2, Les Mills, Kung Fu, Virtual Desktop, and Many More (Receive $30 for device)

Receive $30 when setting up a new Meta Quest device with this link: [https://www.meta.com/referrals/link/xTx50)
Receive a 25% discount when buying these games with the link below:
🧨GOLF+: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/izuokMi/2412327085529357/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨HEADSPACE XR: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/24496870869957102/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=3&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨PAVLOV SHACK: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/2443267419018232/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨BONELAB: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/4215734068529064/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨BEAT SABER: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/2448060205267927/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨BLADE & SORCERY-NOMAD: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/2031826350263349/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨THE WALKING DEAD-SAINT & SINNERS: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/2897337400373711/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨ASGARD WRATH (PC VR): [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/1180401875303371/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨ASGARD WRATH 2: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/2603836099654226/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨COOK-OUT: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/2004774962957063/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨CRAZY KUNG FU: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/3846153838783795/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨DYSCHRONIA: Chronos Alternate: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/5040861172638649/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨ELEVEN TABLE TENNIS: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/1995434190525828/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨FIRST PERSON TENNIS: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/6119989094742166/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
GHOSTS OF TABOR: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/7614022262006379/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨I EXPECT YOU TO DIE: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/1987283631365460/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
RED MATTER 2: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/3682089508520212/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨RICHIE'S PLANK EXPERIENCE: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/1642239225880682/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨SMASH DRUMS: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/3630025217090808/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨SWARM: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/2236053486488156/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨SYNTH RIDERS: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/2436558143118760/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨TENNIS ESPORTS: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/4872542182873415/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨VERMILLION VR - Paint by Numbers: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/4900967296622279/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨VIRTUAL DESKTOP: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/2017050365004772/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨WALKABOUT MINI GOLF: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/2462678267173943/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨WARPLANES: WW1 Fighters: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/3922378427824210/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
Click the link for discounts on new games 30 plus games : [https://tx50.bio.link/)
submitted by Thumpblog to OculusReferral [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:38 Thumpblog Anything with 🧨 still has a 25% off- Thanks in advance‼️ Golf+, Pavlov Shack, Headspace, BoneLab, Saint and Sinners, Blade and Sorcery, Beat Saber, Synth Riders, Warplanes, Smash Drums, Tennis, Red Matter 2, Les Mills, Kung Fu, Virtual Desktop, and Many More (Receive $30 for device)

Anything with 🧨 still has a 25% off- Thanks in advance‼️ Golf+, Pavlov Shack, Headspace, BoneLab, Saint and Sinners, Blade and Sorcery, Beat Saber, Synth Riders, Warplanes, Smash Drums, Tennis, Red Matter 2, Les Mills, Kung Fu, Virtual Desktop, and Many More (Receive $30 for device)
Receive $30 when setting up a new Meta Quest device with this link: [https://www.meta.com/referrals/link/xTx50)
Receive a 25% discount when buying these games with the link below:
🧨GOLF+: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/izuokMi/2412327085529357/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨HEADSPACE XR: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/24496870869957102/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=3&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨PAVLOV SHACK: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/2443267419018232/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨BONELAB: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/4215734068529064/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨BEAT SABER: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/2448060205267927/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨BLADE & SORCERY-NOMAD: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/2031826350263349/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨THE WALKING DEAD-SAINT & SINNERS: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/2897337400373711/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨ASGARD WRATH (PC VR): [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/1180401875303371/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨ASGARD WRATH 2: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/2603836099654226/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨COOK-OUT: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/2004774962957063/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨CRAZY KUNG FU: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/3846153838783795/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨DYSCHRONIA: Chronos Alternate: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/5040861172638649/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨ELEVEN TABLE TENNIS: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/1995434190525828/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨FIRST PERSON TENNIS: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/6119989094742166/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
GHOSTS OF TABOR: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/7614022262006379/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨I EXPECT YOU TO DIE: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/1987283631365460/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
RED MATTER 2: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/3682089508520212/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨RICHIE'S PLANK EXPERIENCE: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/1642239225880682/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨SMASH DRUMS: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/3630025217090808/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨SWARM: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/2236053486488156/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨SYNTH RIDERS: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/2436558143118760/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
🧨TENNIS ESPORTS: [https://www.oculus.com/appreferrals/xTx50/4872542182873415/?utm_source=oculus&utm_location=2&utm_parent=frl&utm_medium=app_referral)
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2024.05.14 00:53 burnerback9 Should I consider adoption?

Hey guys
I'm 5 months pregnant and due in September. I'm a 23 YO girl who just got out of homelessness. I am in credit card debt, my score falls more and more each day, and I suffer from a range of mental illnesses (Depression, bipolar -doctors suspect, still need tests ran to confirm -ADHD, OCD, and anxiety)
I just got back into school, and I'm getting used to "being a student" again. Surprisingly, I'm doing very well - I actually graduated with the top of my class back in high school, so academics are something that have always come easy to me. As far as employment, I work an extremely part time job as of now and barely get any hours in. Before I went back to school, I was a notorious job hopper, mostly due to personal life reasons but a few reasons being job performance and anger out bursts + rage quitting at work.
before discovering how dysfunctional and incapable of fitting into society I was - it has always been a dream of mine to be a mom. I feel like I come from a very broken and estranged family, so being able to find/create a family of my own has always been the goal.
I have calmed down and started working on myself a few months before discovering I was pregnant. I plan on getting on medication as soon as my son arrives and I am actively looking for CBT therapists to hopefully help me become functional again. My patience has gotten better and my anger issues are also improving.
When I was a homeless dancer, I was on drugs (coke, alcohol, adderall, and made some wreckless and impulsive decisions, especially concerning my sexual safety). I slept with 4 guys, but all wore condoms except 2. I would have to request a paternity test from both of them to confirm who the father is, but the guy I really suspect is a long time FWB I had long before becoming homeless. I slept with him to get coke.
That should tell you enough about the mental aptitude of me and the father. He's actually in a good place financially and could help out with co-parenting but he's made it clear he doesn't want to be a father and even told me to go get an abortion even though I'm 5 months in.
I don't want to be associated with either of those two guys after my son is born.
I can't even afford my OBGYN visits - I have to figure out how to meet the deductible for my insurance company or I have to call an adoption agency and find a family who's willing to cover my labor and OBGYN appointments. I also heard horror stories of new borns being taken from their birth mother immediately after labor and I already know myself and know I wouldn't handle a situation like that. I would like to have AT LEAST 30 minutes of holding my baby or spending a few days in the hospital with him before he's taken from me.
I've convinced myself that if I were to put my son up for adoption, he would come back in my life but that is no guarantee. I'm convinced my financial situation will improve though, and I do think my mental health will be a lot better within the next 5 years but those are no guarantee either. With or without my child, I want to improve my life and I can feel myself never going back to what I was before. My plans are to get a job working assistant admin by next year since I'll have my associates, pay my credit card debt off, and by the time I graduate with my bachelor's, I hope I can land a better paying admin job.
I already know once my son is here, and if I have to give him up for adoption, I'll live everyday with a bitter and broken heart. I was already kind of detached and cold and felt so spiteful and bitter about the world before he came, when I have to give him up, I know I'll be hurt yet again by the world, but at the same time I would love with soooo much relief knowing he's in the hands of a loving two parent home with all the resources he needs. And if something happens with the adoption/foster care system, I pray I'll be in a better financial situation by then and let him come back home.
submitted by burnerback9 to birthparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:16 penny_proud107 GPP and Calpro testing kits

Hi! Curious where you guys take your requisitions to pick up GPP (c diff etc) testing kit and Calprotectin kits for stool at home tests? Last time I just picked my calpro one up at a labcorp in walgreens, but this time they sent me a req to take “anywhere” to get the kits , I can’t get a hold of labcorp or quest diagnostics on the phone to check with them before I drive (roughly 30 min to either) there and play guessing games.
Thanks !!!
submitted by penny_proud107 to UlcerativeColitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:11 krusty-krab-pizza1 iPhone Configuration Guide w/ Checklist

A month or so ago I busted my phone, and it was a huge pain in the ass. Aside from some lost data which was minor, the biggest PIA was resetting MFA, getting in touch with my US banks, and any other services that were tied to my phone. The experience also made me take a step back and realize I am pretty lax with security, and if someone had gotten hold of my phone and somehow god-forbid gotten the passcode, then I'd be fucked. They could do so much damage with unlimited access to my email + MFA SMS, even in just a few hours.
As a result, I kind of went down the ADHD rabbit hole hyper-fixating on how best to "optimize" my iPhone and iCloud configuration for two things:
  1. If it breaks, the transition to a new device will be relatively painless. I won't have to spend several days stressing and trying to find the right international customer support number for a myriad of institutions and services to get into my accounts.
  2. If it gets stolen and compromised, then there will be enough barriers such that the I'll have enough time to lock down the device and/or my accounts remotely before the thief can get key data or move funds.
So I put together this guide and checklist that I thought I'd share with others. I am a programmer but by no means a security guru, and so if any IT, DevOps, or SecOps folks want to chime-in with suggestions or improvements, please do.


Dual Sim Setup

I have been rocking an iPhone 12 for the past few years, and it's served me very well. I know the newer iPhones (14 and up) no longer offer physical SIM card support, but carriers in most developing countries are behind the curve. Even if they offer eSIM support, it's been my experience that it's a major headache to get setup, there is a lack of customer support in English, and they may even require a local ID to register the eSIM. It's way easier to just head to a shop and pay $5 for a SIM card, load some funds onto it, and then you're good to go.
The eSIM has been very helpful for maintaining a US phone number for which I can receive SMS texts from my banks and other financial services as well as continue to use iMessage with all my US contacts since hardly anybody is on Whatsapp.
Most, if not all, carriers in the US support eSIMs now, and so you should try to find a carrier that offers an international pay-as-you-go plan. Verizon offers two international plans - one is a "Travel Pass" where it's a flat fee of $10/day anywhere outside the US or Canada (even for just one text message). The other is "pay for what you use" which has a rate per text, minute, and mb. For my US plan, I only care about receiving SMS texts from my banks and the occasional phone call to a service that doesn't have an international, toll-free number. Data will always be cheaper outside the US, so I disable cellular data switching for my US line.
The last time I was in the US was for the holidays and I bought 2 used iPhone 12's for about $200 each. They have some scuffs, but they're perfectly serviceable. In LATAM, it also doesn't attract nearly as much unwanted attention in the street as an iPhone 14 or 15.
I brought these with me as extra devices. When my phone busted last month, thankfully I had a backup in iCloud and everything was loaded in a few minutes as normal. This was before I was using the eSIM, but if I had the eSIM I could just go to Verizon support online via chat and they could help me switch the line to the new device easily.

Basic Configurations

Creating Backups

Password Policy


Set up MFA with everything. Add multiple options if possible. My preferred MFA options are as follows:
  1. One-time code that renews every 30 seconds. This is device agnostic and can be stored in 1Password. You could also use Microsoft Authenticator, Google Authenticator, Authy or similar, but there's just more overhead to now recover those accounts if your device becomes inaccessible.
  2. One-time code to recovery email.
  3. One-time code via SMS to my US phone number. On the pay-as-you-go Verizon plan, I only pay 5 cents per text message received. It's worth it to keep one consistent number.
  4. List of recovery codes (stored in 1Password as an attached txt file for the given account)
  5. Use another app for verification (Google does this a lot).

Lockdown your iCloud security

In the event your phone is stolen, the idea is you could run back to any of your devices or even use a friend's device to log into iCloud on the web, go to Find My, and then in a single button click you can lock and wipe the stolen device. If the thief turned off the device or disabled wifi/cellular, then as soon as it comes back online it will be wiped.

Final Clean-Up

Extra tips

These aren't really iPhone tips but general tips. They are probably obvious to you if you aren't as scatterbrained as me, but I figured that I'd drop them here in case they help someone.
submitted by krusty-krab-pizza1 to digitalnomad [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:02 mefirstdime Which of these looks better? Will only ever be taking one scoop

Which of these looks better? Will only ever be taking one scoop submitted by mefirstdime to Preworkoutsupplements [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:01 kikuofan666 Could Adderall be causing my fevers?

Hi all,
I've been taking 20mg of Adderall XR for ADHD 6 days a week since October 2021. For quite a while now (over 8 months) I've been getting sporadic low-grade fevers (anywhere from 99.5 to 101 degrees farenheit) at least three times a week, usually within the same time interval each day (I take my meds at 8AM, notice fevers anywhere from 2-6 PM ish?). My psychiatrist denies that Adderall could be causing this, but I've noticed that the fevers really only occur on days that I take my meds. It's possible that this is correlation and not causation, since I'm less stressed/sleep a little more on my day off, but I'm pretty worried, especially since the fevers come with brain fog and general malaise that makes it hard to do work. Has anyone else experienced this?
Any help is appreciated.
submitted by kikuofan666 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:59 kikuofan666 Could Adderall be causing my fevers?

Hi all,
I've been taking 20mg of Adderall XR for ADHD 6 days a week since October 2021. For quite a while now (over 8 months) I've been getting sporadic low-grade fevers (anywhere from 99.5 to 101 degrees farenheit) at least three times a week, usually within the same time interval each day (I take my meds at 8AM, notice fevers anywhere from 2-6 PM ish?). My psychiatrist denies that Adderall could be causing this, but I've noticed that the fevers really only occur on days that I take my meds. It's possible that this is correlation and not causation, since I'm less stressed/sleep a little more on my day off, but I'm pretty worried, especially since the fevers come with brain fog and general malaise that makes it hard to do work. Has anyone else experienced this?
Any help is appreciated.
submitted by kikuofan666 to ADHD [link] [comments]

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You are not recommended to try spells to bring a lover back if you are going through the following: You know that your relationship with your ex is toxic and the best painful option to take in this is to move on. It is not a good choice to be in a relationship that is un-natural, one that is built on witchcraft. The love spark as to be their at all times.
Even the most powerful love spell may not fulfill the things that are required for a real relationship to be in place. Love should be natural and if your partner looses interest in you, its better that you let them follow the heart. If one door closes, expect another open infront of you.
Therefore witchcraft or love spells should not be the ultimate solution to mending a broken heart in a relationship, one has to make love exist naturally by doing the right things to your partner, the things that will recapture the inner feelings of love and affection as you did in the start of the relationship.
Only if and when all has been tried and failed to work that one should order for my love spells that actually work, and indeed this will be the last nail in the coffin to fix your troubled relationship permanently.
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submitted by taitaigarvin to blackmagicspelling [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:11 lil_monsterra Has anyone increased their dosage before/during period?

I increase my SSRI dosage during PMS (Psych allows this). i currently do 10mg adderall XR which so far has been working, and I am approaching the time of the month, and I noticed I am losing focus much faster.
Has anyone increased ADHD meds during or before their period? Has it worked or nah?
I just started 3 weeks ago for adderall and I don’t want to increase my dosage yet, just wondering what others experienced.
Sorry my grammar sucks bc I’m on mobile lol
submitted by lil_monsterra to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:10 Goontoon98 High copay for insurance, what to do?

I switched from Adderall XR to Vyvanse hoping it won’t have the same side effects, or at least not the same degree.
My insurance has the copay for Vyvanse $375! It’s also been tough getting the generic since the shortage is still going on and pharmacies in my area can’t get it.
I’m hoping that switching to an online pharmacy might help, I have my fingers crossed.
What should I do?
submitted by Goontoon98 to ADHD [link] [comments]
