Smith and wesson 50 cal magnum shoulder holster

[FNV] Accidently summoned WAP Satan.

2024.05.13 21:24 KingEdwards8 [FNV] Accidently summoned WAP Satan.

[FNV] Accidently summoned WAP Satan. submitted by KingEdwards8 to FalloutMods [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:13 Crazyirishmedic My favorite light duty carry

My favorite light duty carry
Smith & Wesson 638 .38spl loaded with federal Hydra-Shok deep.
I typically pocket carry it, trying out the Tuff pocket roo holster that carries an extra reload. Surprised with the retention since most budget holsters can't hold the gun upside down. That's one of many reasons I normaly avoided budget holsters but I got this one free and was surprisingly happy with it.
Not for sale
submitted by Crazyirishmedic to Revolvers [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:08 Secret_Squirrel82 Help getting kcal intake up

I started my weight loss journey a year ago and have gone from 276 down to 219 since then. The problem is my maintenance caloric intake is built around the deficit I’ve been eating since forever. When I was retail job poor I didn’t I typically only consumed 1100-1800 cal. Even on now on my diet, on average I only eat around 1100-1500 calorie. So in order to cut I have to drop to 900-1200 and increase my workout regime to basically net negative energy consumed.
Any recommendations on how to get this back up to normal. (I’d like to be one of those people eating 2500 cal for maintenance or even better 4000 for bulking haha.
The diet so far: (For 1lb a week loss) I work an office/remote job so I’m sedentary most of the day. I’ve been jumping on the elliptical with resistance between 12-15 (older machine at home is 16-20) at least 20 minutes a day. Free weight/machine workout is 30-50 minutes (machines are on the higher end because I can do more reps with machine assistance-injured my shoulder in high school).
(For 2lb+ a week( currently on a mini cut after an anniversary vacation - 1 week in) 40-60 minutes cardio 40-60 free weights. The goal is muscle retention not build so I keep the sets/reps on the higher side (3-4/10-20) doing partials so the weight isn’t as heavy (but hitting hypertrophy) as if I was doing a 3/5-8 Full ROM.
Any diet recommendations would be great as I don’t see being able to maintain 1100 cal long term to get to my goal or 1400-1500 plus all the working out to maintain my goal weight (165lb)
Current diet plan is:
1-1.5 g/kg (flex depending on workout day. Doing 1.5 on 1 bulk day a week for chest, shoulders arm a. There’s a new study that show going above 1.5 doesn’t do much.) priorities on leaner meats. Low fat content 10-15g net carbs (high fiber greens, daily avocado- I don’t go over 40 carbs daily) 50-60g fat (trying to burn through existing fat to get that BF down as much as possible before switching back to a standard weight loss plan).
Cardio/lift calories for the past week typically hit 800-1200kcal burned. I don’t really want to be one of those people that has to spend 3hours in a gym to see results long term.
Should I try adding more carbs and just increase the workout to match the carb intake? Trying to hit 25% BF by end of mid July/early August before work trip to Chicago where I’ll probably end up on a 3 day refeed carbfest 🤣
submitted by Secret_Squirrel82 to beginnerfitness [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:21 TechWorker111 FIGHT RTO - Email the Governor’s Cabinet, the Legislature, and Other State Leaders

Email template for the Governor’s Cabinet and the Legislature below.
Yes, it is long, but it captures a lot of our frustrations.
This subreddit has over 38,000 people. If even 1,000 people emailed all of these folks from Governor’s Cabinet, the Legislature, and Other State Leaders, they will definitely take notice.
There are areas in this email template for you to customize, so please read through it.
I highly recommend Hotmail or Yahoomail. If you use Gmail, you may need to click “Tab” multiple times when entering in so many emails.
You may also wish to send a copy to your own manager, section chief, branch chief, Dept. Director, etc.
  1. USE BCC (not in the “To” or “CC” section.
  3. OPTICS MATTER. Do not make us look bad in any way.
[](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](; [](
Dear California State Leaders,
I write to you today as a voter, taxpayer, constituent, and as a State of California employee. My ________years of dedicated work serves Californians every day because my role focuses on supporting _________.
I want to share my personal story and provide some facts and data about the Governor’s new June 17 RTO (Return to Office) arbitrary mandate. This mandate will cost taxpayers more during this budget deficit crisis and it is a poorly thought-out, one-size-fits-all, chaotic approach. According to the survey data from 110 State Departments, telework was a huge success for recruitment, productivity, morale, collaboration, and decreasing office space. This chaotic, mandatory, arbitrary RTO simply creates a long list of unnecessary problems. For all of the reasons outlined in this email, I strongly support Assemblyman Josh Hoover’s audit request.
My message is simple: Encourage the Governor to rescind the June 17 arbitrary RTO mandate. The decision for the frequency that employees should all meet in-person and collaborate should rest with those closest and most familiar with the work: individual Unit Managers. These managers know the true collaboration, mentorship, and operational needs of their individual teams. Individual Unit Managers should be allowed to make decisions on accordingly to carry out the Department’s goals and mission. This is the bottoms-up approach that balances the needs of both the employer and employees. The Governor’s mandate and top-down approach fails to acknowledge the many financial and environmental repercussions to not only its own employees, but also to the State of California.
I want to share my personal story as a working class, public servant. With high inflation, I simply cannot afford to shoulder the cost of commuting, which averages $8,466 annually.. According to this 2023 LAO (Legislative Analyst Office) report, for most employees, our State provided wages have consistently been lower than the inflation rate, year-after-year, since 1999, constantly eroding our purchasing power. Other employees have it worse, such as scientists who have had their salaries be frozen for 4 years since 2020 as CalHR has refused to budge on reaching a contract. Purchasing power is a key metric since a $50,000 salary in 2024 buys far less than in 1999. This 2023 UC Berkeley Labor Center report confirmed that “State workers struggle to make ends meet throughout California.” Even the 2023 California State Auditor reports “that hiring and retaining qualified IT staff is the greatest challenge that they [State Departments] currently face.”
If the State is unwilling to provide market wages that keep up with inflation, the state can recruit and retain employees by improving working conditions, such as telework. Being allowed to telework 5 days a week has helped stretch my limited dollars, especially in this inflationary period. This arbitrary RTO mandate is effectively yet another pay cut for me that I simply cannot afford.
Personally, having the opportunity to telework 5 days a week has dramatically improved my quality of life by:
Tell them why the RTO issue is important to you, your family member and your community.
  1. I have saved ____ hours on my roundtrip commute per week. This has allowed me to reinvest that time toward _____. [helping my kids with their homework, taking care of elderly relatives ]
  2. I have saved $___ on commuting costs, which has helped me better afford ___ for me and my family. This has been especially helpful because high inflation has negatively affected me by _____.
  3. By teleworking, I am reducing my environmental impact and contribution to climate change, which is _____
  4. I have a physical disability and telework is more accommodating than using public transportation, etc. (Feel free to expand on it)
  5. I do not live in an area with access to efficient public transportation, so teleworking helps by _____
  6. For childcare during before and after work hours, it would cost me ________.
The State will incur many financial and environmental costs:
  1. If even 33%, or 73,086 out of the 221,474 State employees use the monthly maximum IRS public transportation benefit,) that would cost the State $276.3 million every single year.
  2. State Departments already spend $600 million per year on rent. Many State Departments also simply do not have enough office space for all of their employees currently. There is nowhere near enough quiet conference room space for employees to hold confidential meetings with stakeholders. Will these departments sign new leases for office space?
  3. State Departments will be forced to buy many millions of dollars worth of additional office equipment for employees to effectively carry out their jobs including additional webcams, headsets, keyboards, standard office supplies, etc.
  4. Pursuant to the reasonable accommodation process for employees with verified medical needs, State Departments will need to purchase other expensive equipment, including but not limited to specialized chairs and stand up desks.
    1. It is important to note that many employees have already invested their own money into equipping their own home office that best meets their needs. It is not simply not possible to ask an employee to bring in their own large equipment from home to the office and back, so the State Departments would incur these additional purchases.
  5. State Departments will be spending much more in maintenance costs for elevators, bathroom repairs, printer repairs, electricity, water, gas, and other utilities.
  6. State telework has also eliminated nearly 400,000 metric tons of carbon emissions. Mandating RTO will needlessly cause more carbon emissions, which directly runs counter to the Governor’s own words for his trip to the Vatican: “global temperatures [are] hurtling towards alarming new heights, the stakes could not be higher. There is no greater authority than moral authority — and the Pope’s leadership on the climate crisis inspires us all to push further and faster.”
The arbitrary mandatory RTO causes chaos among State Departments:
Across various departments, it’s common knowledge that a sizable number of executive-level leaders do not reside near Sacramento and instead live in other regions in California, such as the Bay Area and Southern California.
  1. The next logical question is, will the state offer these executive-level leaders special exemptions and privileges not available to rank and file staff and risk the hypocrisy that undermines the Governor’s stated policy for more “collaboration?” This creates another “rules for thee, but not for me” situation.
  2. Or will the State risk losing these executive-level leaders en masse across numerous departments, undermining policy and program implementation?
  3. For Departments considering exempting those who live over 50 miles away, it also destroys employee morale. For example, a 20 year veteran staff member with technical expertise may be forced to commute and come into the office twice a week to train a newer employee over Microsoft Teams or Zoom simply because they live in Los Angeles. This naturally breeds frustration and resentment.
  4. For exempted employees who live over 50 miles away, some Departments are creating policies that their 5 day remote status only applies to their currently held position, so these employees are “forever stuck” and cannot promote upward, even if they have the expertise the Department needs.
  5. The State is starting to open itself up to lawsuits as some Departments are already denying reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities.
  6. Being able to recruit employees from areas other than Sacramento helps ensure Departments get perspectives from different counties all across the State. People from rural, suburban, and urban areas all have different experiences and to best serve ALL Californians, we need a geographically diverse workforce.
  7. As previously stated, many Departments already do not have the office space or needed equipment for all of their employees. With RTO, new equipment will be needed and purchasing equipment notoriously takes a long time. These factors, combined with many departments trying to implement a hoteling system, will ultimately result in a extremely chaotic return-to-the-office and tank productivity. Many Departments have held Q&A sessions and time and time again, HR offices have been unable to answer basic questions about RTO logistics.
Some state employees have discussed that this is their number one quality-of-life issue and may galvanize them to start engaging with media contacts and spread the hypocrisy on social media. Their goal is to highlight the glaring mismatch and hypocrisy between CA’s proud public policies and the actual reality of choices being made by this Administration. Quite frankly, I fear that this may hurt the Governor and other State Leaders in the future. By unilaterally imposing an arbitrary RTO mandate across the board, the Administration is actively choosing to make working class public servant’s lives worse off, so I understand my colleague’s sentiments.
As MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow recently stated to her own bosses, “Hearing legitimate criticism, responding to it and correcting course. Not digging in, not blaming others. Take a minute, acknowledge that maybe it wasn’t the right call. It is a sign of strength, not weakness, to acknowledge when you are wrong.”
To reiterate, my request is simple: Encourage the Governor to rescind the arbitrary, mandatory, one-size-fits-all, chaotic RTO mandate. Allow individual Unit Managers the flexibility to enact telework policies that best meet their team’s needs to effectively carry out the Department’s mission. They are the ones closest to the work and the ones most knowledgable about what the team needs to succeed.
I respectfully request a response within ten business days.
Respectfully yours,
submitted by TechWorker111 to CAStateWorkers [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 07:07 Keeper_of_the_H [WTS/WTT] Send-It Sunday: HK VP 70 Mags, G19Gen3 Magwells (Agency & Magpul), Med Pouches, Knives, Video Games, Movies

Hey all, back with some Send-it Sunday goodness:
And, that's all I've got! All prices include shipping, like they should. You must speak up in the comments to call dibs! Once you do, we can switch to PM, and go from there. Thanks for looking!
submitted by Keeper_of_the_H to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 15:44 BringbackHKP7 [WTS] Faxon 16 .300blk fluted barrel, $165, VG6 Gamma .300BLK $70, AR upper $50, Odinworks 02 15.5 inch hand guards $115 each, various other items, holsters, gifts.

No, I don't give a shit you're the 7th most popular FFL in middle of nowhere Florida. No, I don't care how much you throw a boomer piss baby fit in my chats. I will not accept Venmo. You will be blocked and reported.
Breaking down some project ARs to fund other things. All parts used as is.
Highlights: VG6 GAMMA for .300BLK $70 Barely used, maybe around 100 rounds.
Mission First Tactical stock $40.
Faxon .300BLK fluted 16 inch barrel, with Wojak adjustable gas block and tube. $165 No muzzle device. Maybe around 100 rounds total.
AR populated upper receiver, forget which manufacturer. $50.
Odinworks 02 15.5 hand guards, hardware included, $115/ each.
Safariland Glock 43 duty holster, no light $30 Top right in pic.
AR Stoner handguard $15. Pic 2.
Citation book, slightly used. $15 open to offers. Unused undershirt duty belt suspenders, $20. Shirt keeper, $2? obo or free with another purchased item.
DiamondHead plastic, flip up night sights $40, random no name single double stack mag holder $5, M Loc rail piece $20.
Browning 2XL shirt, not worn just sat in a box. $15 or free with purchase over $75 before shipping.
Misc Send it Sunday stuff
Large Tact Squad patrol coat with liner $45. Pic 2.
Two pair brake pads fits Jeep Grand Cherokee2012, $40 flexible.
Thermostat housing, Jeep Grand Cherokee 2012 $15 flexible.
GIFTs, I ask buyer please cover shipping.
Unknown holster, bottom right of pic.
Random badge backeclip, random ASP cuff holder.
20 Gauge magnetic stencil.
Please be patient for replies. I will be out running errands today and will be away from my desktop. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Willing to accept in trade/looking to buy:
submitted by BringbackHKP7 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 08:48 Lazy_Soup9180 Full tang clip point under $75?

I guess its probably pretty cheap for a full tang clip point knife but id like one for under 75 dollars ( preferably 50 or under but 75 is as high as ill go ) i really want a kabar or a kabar style knife but they arent full tang. I was thinking on forgetting full tang and was gonan get a smith and wesson cksur2 since my dad has one and its pretty good but i decided id keep looking for full tang. Is it worth it to look for something full tang or will the cksur2 be fine? ill be using it for camping, hunting and in general just for being outdoors.
submitted by Lazy_Soup9180 to knives [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 07:44 SerFreke Generic ASOIAF Fancfic Questions

So First off:
Giant Blood(Few indeed can contest your might. For 100 CP you are head and shoulders larger than a normal member of your species, suffering no loss in dexterity or agility and practically brimming with strength and vitality.)
The Seven’s Favor[Warrior](There have been others in the past who have been said to have the Warrior’s favor, but none quite like you. You have the body, look and skills that make you come across as a god of war made flesh on the battlefield, a titan bestriding the earth among lesser mortals.
Should you wish, you may take on an immense stature like the Mountain’s, gaining incredible strength and vitality while losing none of your speed and suffering none of Clegane’s complications. Alternatively, if you prefer to remain a more normal size, your speed, reflexes, and accuracy will more than make up the difference as they quicken to heights that a hero of the age could only barely contest against.
Regardless, your skills make you a match for Arthur Dayne, Jaime Lannister and Barristan Selmy… at the same time. Within moments of picking up a weapon you can wield it as an extension of your arm, and such is your endurance that others would die a dozen deaths before you even begin to tire.)
The Seed is Strong(Very strong. You have the blood of kings and heroes in you now, and it runs true in all forms. You have any and all powers ever possessed by any of your ancestors, even the ones that were not supposed to be inheritable.
In addition, you are, in general, quite possibly the most perfect, the strongest specimen of your kind that exists in the world. As a human you become a Post-Olympian, a magnificent specimen of a person with strength, beauty, flexibility and all other attributes pushed as high as can be.
In future jumps too, if and when you become some other species, race or whatnot, you always emerge as equal to the absolute greatest of the kind that has ever been seen, if not greater still.)
Númenórean[600 version](You are descended, perhaps distantly, perhaps less so, from the very greatest kindred of Men. If you wish to share in their mien, you may find yourself pale of skin, dark of hair, grey of eye, and possessed of a striking, regal countenance - or maybe you only want some of those characteristics?
For 200 CP, the blood of Númenor flows through you as it did the Dúnedain in the latter days of the Third Age - diminished, but yet strong. You have a particular knack for battle, smith-craft, and sailing, but regardless of what arts you pursue you’ll find yourself sharp of mind and strong of limb, on the taller side for your kindred. You can expect to live perhaps twice the age of lesser Men, and illness or disease will seldom touch you.
For 600 CP, however, your blood has all the richness of Númenor’s royal line, like Ar-Pharazon himself; a span of five centuries is allotted you, seven feet or more in height as a human, strength and speed and vitality even beyond the bounds of your frame, an expansive and incisive intellect, and a charisma that transcends mere force of presence.
You are a ruler born: command comes naturally to you, strategy, tactics, economics, logistics, and statecraft unfolding in your mind at the least of prompting. Your ability to orate is something out of legend, and the loyalty you inspire is such that your men would follow you into Mordor or the Seven Hells without question.)
Captain Planetos(Good becomes great, but fortunately for you, your Benefactor will interfere to stop bad becoming worse. You’ve been dosed with the archetypal Super-Soldier Serum, sometimes known as the Erskine Formula, pushing all of your physical and mental capacities to the very limit of biological capability. You can bicep curl a helicopter, outsprint a car, withstand a parachuteless paradrop with nary a broken bone, and do all of it full-out for hours before you even begin to tire - even then, a mere couple of hours’ sleep a night is enough to fully refresh you. Your senses, reactions, dexterity, and mental faculties are all similarly heightened.
Comes complete with a veteran’s experience and steady nerves, a head for strategy and tactics, and a real talent for leadership. You’ve got to live up to the legacy, after all.)
A Green Hand(Ah, there has been one like you before in this world. You are Garth Greenhand reborn, in all his power and majesty. Tall, broad-shouldered and majestic, you are the very image of a king. But it’s upon looking deeper that your truth is unveiled.
Life pours from you, unabated and unchecked. Yours is a power ancient and eternal, such that farms and fields blossom in your wake, old people find strength returned to their limbs and disease and death fade like dew in the sun.
You are like the Old God who inspired so many stories. From healing any and all injury to bringing the recently dead back to life, you can do it all. No disease can resist your touch, and miracles occur every day around you.
You can see into the minds and souls of those you touch, and even judge them as is your right as a living god. You can pour vitality into people to turn back their age, or use those same flames to burn them to ash.)
All Together Equals HOW FREAKING BIG AM I?!
Secondly I used This:
Double-Or Nothing(Once per Jump, pick a single option from that jump that costs CP. All values of said option double. Benefits, duration, negative effects, rolls, number of choices, even its cost. For example, a perk that made you Kryptonian for 1000 CP would grant twice the strength/durability/speed/senses but also twice the vulnerabilities and cost 2000 CP. An item that gave you a magic sword for 400 CP would now give two magic swords, each twice as large, and with magic twice as strong, but cost 800 CP. A Drawback that gave you a powerful enemy for 600 CP would give two enemies with each enemy having twice the powers and abilities, but also grant 1200 CP. A companion option for 100 CP with the companion getting 400 CP to spend would give you two identical companions with 800 CP to spend but cost 200 CP. A starting location choice for 50 CP would put you in two different locations at once, but cost 100 CP and not actually give you any ability to survive being in two places at once.)
On this
Scion of the Gods(Well, you’re a bit lost. You’re a demigod, by default the child of a Greek or Roman god, but you can pick any real-world deity or any divinity from a past Jump. I suppose you could even choose one of the locals if you like! As demigods go you’re top tier; you have access to all your divine parent’s domains, and not weak access either. A son of Poseidon could cause a big enough earthquake to set off a volcano, a daughter of Pluto could raise an entire Legion of undead soldiers, a child of Amaterasu could immolate a city in sunfire…)
To pick both the Drowned God and Mother Rhoyne together:
Also Have This
(Garin’s Gift -
The blood of the Rhoynar flows strong in you, and you have awakened to the gift of the old Water Mages of their ancient kingdom, long destroyed after centuries of conflicts with Valyria.
Just like any great Rhoynish maegi, you can call upon the water to drown your enemies on dry land, bring life to barren desert, heal wounds, cure or inflict curses and disease, and perhaps other, more mysterious powers. Should your mastery grow great enough, you may even unleash such a plague as the incurable Greyscale - which, as it happens, you are quite immune to, being a favoured child of Mother Rhoyne.
If you also happen to be a Mage, this makes you every bit the master of these arts as Garin the Great ever was. You can commune with Mother Rhoyne herself at will, but even without doing so you far outstrip any ordinary master of water in every aspect. The powers of curse and ruin available to you, especially, are something to behold - a manifestation of Mother Rhoyne’s wrath and sorrow for her people.)
And I am a Mage
So my questions for this second bit are, just how good am I at controlling water? And uh, what would the followers of these gods think of me? What kind of Religious nonsense do you think would spawn from this? Doubly so if the Priests of the Religions involved were just like "Yup That's there kid"?
submitted by SerFreke to JumpChain [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 04:50 Codename-SiGiL Mobile Task Force Epsilon Bravo VII - The Omniversal Concordat 5-4-23 - Chapters 3 & 4

Chapter III - Is that baklava, or are you just happy to see me? San Francisco, California - Market & Castro - June 1st, 2008
Number 5: "So there I was, at a Fetus/GWAR concert and I'm right at the barricade at the very front between sets, and there's this super HOT fucking bouncer chick, right? And she's staring right at me, and I look right at Oderus, and he looks right at me, and we both stare at this fine ass bouncer working crowd security at the front. Then, just out of nowhere, she lifts her shirt and whips her tits out and points at her mouth, and they aim the blood canon right at her and absolutely blast her with purple monster blood all over her in the face and tits. And me and Oderus look at her, then each other, and then just shrug, and man. It was fucking awesome..."
Command: "When was the last time you went to a GWAR concert, Five?"
Number 5: "It was at least back in 03'... Hold up. We've got Cookie monsters gathering in Jane Warner Plaza... You seeing this Seven?"
Number 7/Overwatch: "Copy that, five. They just hopped out of the MUNI, and looks like they're getting hot for boy pussy... Fucking dickholes..."
Command: "Okay ladies, don't get your panties in a twist. We need this to go down quietly. Do you have eyes on the package?"
Number 6: "Packages everywhere. Literally, but not the one we're looking for..."
Number 8: "Be advised, we've got Hajis and Skinnies popping out of the Muni station. Looks like they're here for more than just tail. Do you see this Command?"
Command: "Roger that, Eight. Keep it tight and don't let them out of your sight. Five, I want a danger close tail on those fuckwads, and find out if they're here for the package."
Number 5: "Copy, Command. I'll drop a line to the West Side Story boys, and see if they can keep a visual. Just a sec... Crutchie, do you read?"
Crutchie: "Oooh, is that who I think it is? Five, Darling. You never called me back after last time... And I thought we had sooo much in common."
Number 5: "Well that was before you made out with and keestered our asset, and made him pop positive for molly on a piss test, Crutchie..."
Crutchie: *Twirls a lock of hair* Whatever, Five. And he was soooo hot to trot too. Tsssssss."
Number 6: "Doesn't Crutchie always try to bone all of our assets?"
Crutchie: "Only if they're hot enough, Six..."
Number 8: "By the way Crutchie, really digging the whole hipsteClark Kent get up you've got going for you. Does it normally get you tagged by boner, or is that how you always dress when courting an investment banker?"
Crutchie: "Only when they're getting right off of work and hitting the club scene, Eight. Okay, I've got visual on the Skinnies. I'll have Leather Daddy run the tail from here, and we'll have Gilette and Stabby watch from their perch."
Number 6: "Tell Gilette I said Hi. Is she still dating that fucking twat from Jersey? Last time we had an engagement, she almost blew the whole damned OP over a tray of creme brulee..."
Crutchie: "Yeah, well bitch had a sweet tooth... Never get between a woman and what she's craving during a pregnancy..."
Number 7/Overwatch: "We've got a problem. Looks like the Skinnies are heading over to the deli for some falafel, and they've got company. Looks like the Greek mobsters from Kearny Street we saw last week..."
Command: "Keep it cool, ladies. The last thing we need is for one of you to get made if these fuckers start exchanging bullets. Hopefully they keep their dildos in their holsters..."
Crutchie: "Speaking of dildos, when's the last time you had some poon, Five? It's been what, over a year since you had that hot goth chick you were making out with at my mom's apartment? Or are you into dudes now?"
Number 5: "I don't get attached, Crutchie. I'm here for a good time, not a long time. Remember?"
Crutchie: "Okay, if you say so, but you still didn't answer my question, darling..."
Stabby: "Daddy, do you have visual? Pop a twenty in the deli and order some baklava. Find out if these fuckers are here for the package."
Leather Daddy: "If you say so, sweetie. And ooooh, good call. The baklava is to die for. You've absolutely gotta try some sometime..."
Stabby: "Be advised, Six. We've got the Sesame Street convention hopping out of the MUNI station. Looks like the perverts you warned us about on the APB."
Number 6: "Got visual, and yep. Those are the same perps."
Crutchie: "I don't want to be a party pooper, ladies, but I've got an investment banker to impress... Think you can party with Stabby and Gilette for now?"
Number 5: "Damn it, Crutchie... and by impress you mean..."
Crutchie: "Always sweetheart."
*The four suspects start heading over to the Palestinian Deli*
Number 6: "We've got a problem, looks like the Cookie Monsters already know the Greek Malacca fuckwads... Command, you seeing this?"
Command: "Affirmative, Six. Standby for further instructions. Daddy, how's the baklava looking?"
Leather Daddy: "Oooh, sweet as can be. You like shwarma, sweetie?"
Command: "Not really, Daddy. Kebabs are my thing, and usually salmon if they have it, and have decent enough tatsiki sauce."
Number 7/Overwatch: "One of the skinnies isn't looking so hot. You see the heat on him? He's burning up..."
Crutchie: "And by burning up, I'm going to assume you mean in a less than sexy way?"
Stabby: "Confirmed on the thermal, Seven. He's got a temp of over 107 .
*The Somalian youth in the leather jacket keels over to his hands and knees and starts coughing up blood*
Number 6: "Well, that's not a good sign... You seeing this command?"
Command: "Affirmative, Six. Keep a distance in case he's got ebola or some shit. Daddy? Be advised, the skinny in front of the deli is coughing up blood. Keep a good gap and follow the others when they move.
Leather Daddy: "Yes, Mommy. I thought you'd never ask."
Stabby: "Looks like the Hajis are heading across the street to the bodega next to the bakery/ice cream shop. Standby, Daddy. This could get complicated. Let's see what these fuckers are about.
Leather Daddy: "Oooh, what a co-inky-dink. My girls are getting ready for Rocky tonight. They're at Starbucks right now. Should I give them a ringy-dingy?
Gilette: "Copy that, Daddy. The more the merrier."
Number 6: "Looks like the Skinnies are on the move, and they don't seem to give a fuck about their buddies well being, they're just dragging him along..."
Number 7/Overwatch: "Yep, looks like they're heading into the plaza in front of Twin Peaks right now. Those Malacca fucks are still milling about with the Sesame Street parade."
Number 5: "Copy that. Let's keep the logistics for this shit under wraps. Dykie, Stabby, Daddy? We'll do a split push. You have your girls at Starbucks watch the Hajis, and we'll keep an eye on the Plaza. If anymore Cookie Monsters pop up out of the Muni, I'm going to get fucking heartburn."
July 2nd, 2008 - 2148 Hours San Francisco, California - Market & Castro - June 1st, 2008
*The four Muhajadeen gatherered in front of the bodega, while the elder with the flowing beard and trucker cap walked in the front door. Sueliman lit a cigarette while Mohammed and Ismael looked at Mehmed sideways*
*Simultaneously, Dave and Richard sat in Jane Warner Plaza, reading magazines and eating sandwiches they bought moments earlier from next door to Twin Peaks.*
Sgt. Dave: "You ever get the feeling we're in the wrong line of work? I mean, with all the shit going on in the world today, we could be overseas making a difference, and instead we're walking a beat to protect a bunch of entitled liberals and hipsters..."
Pvt. Richard: "You're barking up the wrong tree with that one, Sarge. I already did my tour, and it was a steaming pile of dog shit. War is still not over. Not by a long shot. I'll take walking a beat with this crowd any time, compared to getting keestered in some Iraqi shithole mosque's basement, any day of the fucking week."
Number 5: "Be on the lookout, we've got two cops sitting in the plaza and they are completely fucking clueless to the Sesame Street brigade gathering around them."
Stabby: "Copy that, Five. They're beat cops, and they're usuals in this neck of the woods. They're not involved in policing this kind of shit..."
Leather Daddy: "Ooooh girls, looks like we got some boys from the Bin Laden fan club gathering in front of the bodega, and I think they're there to buy more than just bongs and zig zags..."
Number 6: "Copy that, Daddy. Looks like the Skinnies are walking past the Cafe and are heading down Market. The Greeks are still hanging out in front of the deli..."
Gilette: "Looks like Rip Van Wrinkle from the Muhajedeen is going to be in there for a while. Standby. Yo, Daddy. Can you get a stoner or hardcore pothead to drop in there and see what the fuck is going on inside?
Leather Daddy: "Passing Squat and Gobble right now, tailing the pirates. I'll see what I can do... Heeeeeey, Javier?"
Javier: "God damn it, dude. I told you not to call me this early. I'm not holding and the dispensary doesn't restock until Tuesday..."
Leather Daddy: "Well, see. If you could help a brother out, I've got this group from the Bin Laden fan club at the bodega bong shop around the corner from the flag, and I really need someone to drop by and give a looksie. Could you be a dear and do me a favor, just this once?"
Javier: "Yeah, yeah, Daddy-o. I'll have one of the Punk rockers from up the street drop by and get a pair of ears in there. It could be a minute though..."
Leather Daddy: "Ahoy! The sooner the better sweetie. We're running a tight ship."
Javier: "Got someone walking up the block on a parallel route right now. Should be there in a minute twenty."
Leather Daddy: "Fantastic! I'll definitely owe you one, Javi."
Javier: "Any time, Daddy-O."
*Just then, a Ford Explorer pulled up at the intersection of Market and Castro, with 20" rims and neon lights on the under carriage. "Mac Dre" was dumping out of the woofers*
Stabby: "And look who it is..."
Gilette: "Sauce boss is early today, eh?"
Stabby: "Probably about to hit the Cafe for the usual customers. If they run into the Sesame Street convention in the plaza, we could be looking at a shootout in the making..."
Number 6: "Be advised, Greeks are looking heated."
Number 5: "Don't tell me those malacca fuckwads are thinking what I think they're thinking..."
Command: "Five, Six, Seven, Eight! Do NOT engage! I repeat! Do NOT engage!"
Gilette: "Oh, Motherfucker-"
*The Greeks in front of the Palestinian deli eyeballed the Ford Explorer and reached into their coats as it rounded the corner on Castro. That's when Intratec Tec DC-9s with extended barrels and 30 round mags popped out of the windows, and it began to rain 9mm x 19mm shell casings and ball parabellum rounds.* _.-=-._.-=-._.-=-._.-=-._.-=-._.-=-._.-=-._.-=-._.-=-._.-=-._.-=-._.-=-.
Chapter 4 - We need more cone charges... Hayward, California - July 6th 2008 - 0324 Hours Mobile Task Force - Epsilon Bravo VII (The Renegades)
EB7-5: "Well that was a shitshow the other night..."
EB7-6: "Yeah, tell me about it, Five. And we got reassigned to the Scooby Squad and the Mystery Machine? Literally, how in the fuck does that happen?"
EB7-8: "Well, those coke dealers weren't playing around when those Greek kid fuckers reached for their jammies..."
EB7-7/Overwatch: "No shit. It was curtains the minute they dug in. Damned shamed about the package though, we almost had that fucker."
EB7-6: "Hey Five, you know if those cops made it? The ones in the plaza?"
EB7-5: "They were wearing standard issue kevlar. The few strays the sergeant caught to the torso tagged him in the vest, but one got him in the shoulder. The Private got one in the pelvis, so he's in ICU still. We don't know if he'll pull through."
EB7-8: "They were a game changer though, through and through. Lucky for the Sergeant, that Private was a Seal."
EB7-5: "Well, that made all the difference in that world." she said, making a wide covering arc with her extended barrel AA-12 as she knelt and held up a balled fist to Six and Eight, a 30 round drum of 12-gauge Thamauturgically enhanced cobalt slugs hung from beneath her weapon, and two more drums were in her pack, just like the rest of her 3 person fire team whom also had similar loadouts of AA-12s, each one with a secondary loadout of short barrel SCAR-Light bullpups and several 30 round magazines in their Boron-Ceramic armor's LBVs. Seven had standard issue .50 Cal tungsten carbide SLAP rounds enhanced with neutronic singularity dispersement tips at the ready, and an FN-FS2000 with lithium plasma phase differential bullets.
EB7-Command: "Good evening, Ladies..."
EB7-6: "Holy fuck, is that Gator?"
EB7-Command: "The one and only, Six."
EB7-5: "Congrats on the promotion, Captain. Glad to have you join us..."
EB7-Command: "Thanks, Five. I'd hate to be the bearer of bad news, but switch to your visors. You've got some tangoes up ahead and I don't think they're here for tea."
EB7-5: "Roger that. Gear up girls, this is what we signed up for. Switching to multispectral..."
Professor Chaos: "Wait for me to run point up ahead, and you three cover me. I need to see what these things are up to..."
EB7-5: "Copy that, Skippy. Just don't get your damned arms ripped off, got it?"
Professor Chaos: "Roger that, Five. I'm Oscar Mike, with Charlie..." he said, as he closed his eyes and began walking, doing his best to concentrate, craning his head from right to left. Taking a bandana out of his pouch, he tied it around his eyes so he wouldn't have any distractions...
Professor Chaos: "Be advised, I'm reading some temporal-spatial anomalies about half a click ahead."
EB7-Command: 'You can fucking see that shit, Skippy?"
Professor Chaos: "Five, now would be a damned good time to deploy a mobile Scranton Beam Projector..."
EB7-5: "Copy that, Skippy. Tripod deploying the directed energy stabilization field in ten seconds." Ten seconds later, there was a brief temporal distortion, and the spatial fabric of the facility wavered and shimmered momentarily.
EB7-5: "Temporal-Spatial stabilization synchronized, Skippy. You're clear to proceed."
EB7-6: "Didn't Nazis used to use this place as a secret base after the war?"
EB7-Command: "Correct, Six. Those fuckers were hiding under everyone's noses for decades until OSI flushed them out in the 70's. Place has been In-OP and direlect for decades, but the Serpents Legion teamed up with what was left of the Ahnernerbe Inner Circle back in the Satanic Panic of the 80's and 90's. They've been using the place on and off since then..."
EB7-Gunny: "Lance and I will keep watch here on the surface and give you a heads up if anyone decides to drop by. As of now though, not a soul knows were here, and Higher made sure to keep it dark on signals. We're the only one's that will be in or out... Professor, don't get shanked by a fucking sorcerer now, or worse get Shanghai'ed by the damned cult. Motherfuckers will be sad if your ass gets eaten by a God damned monster, Skippy..."
Lance Corporal Todd slung the M32A1 over his torso as he slid the extra clips of .308 into the LBV on his Boron/Ceramic armor. Taking his bullpup SCAR Heavy with suppressor and Multispec scope, he gave a brief once over of his gear. Corpsman Bill did the same, as did Gunny Wilson. Each one had similar rotary grenade launchers with high explosive armor piercing 40mm grenades, and extra ordinance and munitions in their packs, including cone charges, claymores, and various utility grenades like flashbangs and thermite. Taking one last look at each other, they switched on their quantum camouflage, and their forms shimmered and disappeared to visible light spectrum. Switching to back scatter X-Ray/Multispec, they nodded to each other and made off to secure the entrances at the perimeter.
EB7-Bill: "Did you make sure to wash with hunter's soap and scent free baking soda deodorant, guys?"
EB7-Wilson: "Copy that, Corpsman. I can't even smell myself."
EB7-Todd: "Yeah, it's weird. It's like 99 degrees right now and I'm not even sweating, let alone smelling myself. At least it's not like Mississippi..."
Just then a pair of headlights could be seen rolling down towards the warehouses. The sound of Reggaton could be heard on subwoofer.
EB7-Bill: "Well boys, it looks like we've got company, and I don' think they're here for the same reason we are. Let's just hope its a drug deal or an arms sale, and let them go on their way."
An electrical company van's headlights could be seen coming from the opposite direction, and it was being followed by a repair truck with a bucket lift.
EB7-Wilson: "I Get the creeping suspicion that these cats aren't here to check the meter."
EB7-Todd: "Command, be advised. We've got activity here on the surface. Looks like gangster shit, but we've also got some utility workers on their way to the street parallel to us. What do you want us to do for now?"
EB7-Command: "I'm less worried about the gangsters, and more concerned about the utility workers. Keep an eye on them. Especially if they start snooping around.
EB7-Bill: "Copy that, Command. We'll be on the lookout."
The Escalade bumping the reggaton pulled off to a side road a few streets over, and the Utility van and bucket truck pulled the same way. More headlights could be seen as two vehicles came from the same direction as the gangsters. One was a Dodge grand caravan, and the other was a Ford F-350 XL.
EB7-Wilson: "Oh shit, this can't be good. Command, you seeing this?" It was then that the microwave uplink to the aerial surveillance drone scrambled and cut out.
EB7-Command: "Well fuck me running, boys, but looks like the drone's feed just ate shit, and the timing of theses utility workers and gangsters is a little too convenient. Stay in the shadows. It looks like they're here for us and the girls..."
Three men in body armor with kitted out Ak-47s and NV goggles hopped out of the Escalade. Five more hopped out of the minivan, equally geared up. Two hopped out of the truck, and went around back for large metal cases and dragged them to the ground, as well as three C-Bags. A man in a white suit with a white cabana hat stepped out of the Utility Van, and lit a cigar.
Mercenary Captain: "Buenos Tardes, Patron. Es tiempo." The man in the white, gave him one stern look and simply said, "¿Si? Bien."
The Captain pointed his AK-47 at the ground as he slapped the side of the truck twice and yelled to the men, "Vamanos puez! Andele!" The nine men gathered around, and each one dropped to one knee, and lowered their heads. Taking a puff of his cigar and pinching it between his fingers, the man in white outstretched his arms and stepped forward.
Man In White: "Welcome, Children of the Night! The Serpent is with us. I do hope you are all ready to do the Lord's work..."
It was at this point that the power went out for the entire grid to the whole city. All the lights and ground communications went dark in that very moment.
Man In White: "Viya con dios, Mijos."
They all rose to their feet and immediately began unloading the crates of rocket launchers and light machine guns, and ammo boxes.
EB7-Wilson: "Yeah. Guess they're not here to check the meter fellas. These aren't Mexican mafia at all... They're something else..."
EB7-Command: "Hopefully they don't see you yet..."
It was then that the Man in White walked 90 º perpendicular to physical 4th dimensional reality and winked out of existence. His men did a double take and stood there flabbergasted for at least a minute looking around until the Captain said, "Get back to work!"
EB7-Wilson: "You fucking see that shit, Gator?"
EB7-Command: "Yeeeeeah. That's NOT a good sign. Ladies, this is probably not a good time, but we've got our hands full up here. Stick to securing the objective with Professor Chaos. We've got a mess about to happen and will do our best to hold them off while we can."
EB7-5: "Yeah, we got a Temporal-Spatial distortion spike right before you told us. Well stick with Skippy. Seven, you're up here with us. All of us will stick in a five man team from here on out. Going radio dark, Command. We don't know if our COMS encryption's been burned yet.
EB7-Command: "Good call, Five. We'll head down there as soon as we get this handled. Good luck." Wilson, Todd, and Bill, held their positions and aimed their weapons at the entourage of mercenaries.
EB7-Wilson: "Don't do a thing unless they fire at us. It's better we aren't seen and don't have to engage unless we have no other options."
The Man in White's voice echoed in Wilson's head.
Man In White: "I appreciate you demonstrating a professional courtesy of sparing my men, Gunnery Sergeant Dennis Nathaniel Wilson, and honestly you and your fireteam could have killed them all rather quickly if you were motivated enough. However, I cannot guarantee the girls success of securing the relic. You will find that its guardians can be rather- persistent. Now tell me more about the SCIP friend of yours...Professor Chaos."
EB7-Wilson: "I remember your from Peshwar. You were with the general from ISI in '03." *His eyes widened* "You're-" Wilson's eyes rolled back into his head and he began twitching as he entered a fugue state and convulsed and foamed at the mouth. He fell to the ground unconscious shortly thereafter. He plopped like a ragdoll with an invisible *thud*. It was then that the Man in White began probing his memories...
EB7-Command: "Wilson! Damn it Gunny, Wake UP!"
_ To Be Continued...
submitted by Codename-SiGiL to u/Codename-SiGiL [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 04:48 Codename-SiGiL Mobile Task Force Epsilon Bravo VII - The Omniversal Concordat 5-4-23

Sergei: Phone rings - Takes a bite of his club sandwich and checks the screen, and rolls his eyes.
Andrei: Looks at him with a grin "It's her isn't it?"
Sergei: Finishes chewing and takes a sip of Mountain Dew, then answering the call "I thought you were in Boston today.
Natalia: "What, to get a Samuel Adams and a fucking potato? Get real! This is serious. I'm on a layover in Baltimore until 2, and then it's over to JFK. Did you get those pics I sent you, baby?"
Sergei: Furrows his brows to Andrei who saw the pics
Andrei: Smiles
Sergei: "Yeah, I got them alright. And I've got to say, that was fucking nice. How much were those? That shit was fucking golden!"
Natalia: "Well, you know, baby. It doesn't come cheap but Haji was able to pull some strings with Customs and talked to his uncle at the consulate. One thing led to another, and he got your dad exactly what he wanted for Christmas. Even got you and Dre an extra box for the party.
Sergei: Grinning now "It was fucking perfect. You're a doll for that one, sweetie. Dre loves them to, Right Dre?"
Andrei: "They're God damned tits compared to that cheap Honduran crap." Lighting a Cuban cigar with a wooden match
Natalia: "Well, enjoy. Look, I've got to get moving. I gotta pick up something to eat before I catch my next flight."
Ralphie: Walks into the kitchen with his Xbox headset on "Fuck you! Yeah? So's your mom! What? I'm straighter than the pole your mom dances on, you fairy!"
Sergei: "Damn it, Ralphie! Manners." Whispers "Your stepmom is on the phone."
Ralphie: "Shit." Yells "Hi, Nat!"
Natalia: On speakerphone "Hiiiii Ralphie! Did you get the thing I sent you?"
Ralphie: "Yes, Nat. It's fucking rad!"
Sergei: "Ralphie! Language!"
Andrei: Takes a puff and chuckles "He's going to be a rockstar in no time. That's an original Fender Stratocaster!"
Sergei: "Yeah, my Jimi Hendrix over here…." Picks up a magazine and fans the smoke away as he walks into the living room for a more private conversation and tosses the January copy of Fortune 500 onto the couch "Natalia, look. I know we haven't got a chance to see each other, but I miss you, so God-Damned-Much…" slides open the patio door and steps out onto the balcony "It got me to thinking, you know. It's been what two weeks since we," Pauses and smiles, beaming "went to that crab restaurant and you were wearing that dress, and we went back to your place and-"
Natalia: "Yes, Serj, I remember…" She said with a giggle "and that cute waitress with the rack was hitting on you in front of me the whole time. She's lucky she was so hot, or I wouldn't have tipped her so well…"
Sergei: "Well, you know. If you were that into her we could have had her over to your place too, for a little minage et toi"
Natalia: "Slow your roll there, cowboy! I don't like pussy that much. Speaking of which, that bitch Shiniqua at the office did her nails again."
Sergei: *Frowns* "Doesn't she spend like $300 on her God damned nails every fucking week?"
Natalia: "Well she can afford it." Sighs "Bitch is fine as fuck and she knows it too. That's why she's so stuck up."
Sergei: "Doesn't she have that hot sister, what's her name?"
Natalia: "Oh! Right. The one you fucked before we got together. How in the Hell do you not remember her name?"
Sergei: "Oh, come on Nat, it was just a one night stand, and I was drunk, and she was persuasive…"
Natalia: "Serj, and hoe with titties is persuasive enough to get you in the God damned sack. Seriously, stop thinking with your fucking dick for once."
Sergei: "Look, I'm sorry babe. It's about business. Her uncle works the State Department, right?"
Natalia: sighs annoyed "Yeah, he's like a secretary or liason to the adjuctant or something like that. Why?"
Sergei: "I need you to see if her sister, what's her name with the nails?"
Natalia: "Shiniqua…"
Sergei: "See if Shiniqua can get me the goods on his boss. I hear the guy is really connected with mineral extraction firms, and I need to find out about that oil rig off of the coast of Juneau, Alaska."
Natalia: "Seriously, what the Hell is so important about some nosebleed rig off the coast of Juneau for crying out loud?" Loudspeaker blares in the distance "Look honey, I've got to catch my next flight. Can we do this later?"
Sergei: "Okay, but the next trime you speak to her, I need you to ask her if she can schedule a meet and greet with her uncle at the next banquet at the yacht club. I'll buy him and his wife a damned table. Seriously, though. We need to get him on board before the Governor's ball."
Natalia: "OKay, okay. I'll do it. You'll be lucky if that stuck up assed hoe goes for it though. She'll want something in return, and it'll be about more than just her expensive ass nails."
Sergei: "Okay, whatever she needs, we'll pull the strings to get it done. I love you babe. Have fun in New York…"
Natalia: "Yeah. And don't go getting shithoused at the bar with Andrei and end up plowing some floozie while I'm gone either. I'll cut your fuckin' balls off, you know…"
Sergei: Sighs while pinching his nose "I know. Love you."
Natalia: "Love you too sweetie. I'll call you when I get to my hotel room."
Sergei: "Okay baby. I can't wait for you to come home next week…"
Natalia: "More like your dong can't wait for this ass next week!"
Sergei: Laughs
Natalia: "Yeah. That's what I thought. Byeeeee!" Hangs up
Sergei: Leans against the railing on the balcony and takes a deep breath of the cold and crisp night air, before heading back in.
Andrei: "Good talk?" Putting out the cigar by cutting the end off with a cigar cutter and putting the cherry into an ashtray
Sergei: "She said she'll talk to her coworker about getting Brett to sit down for a meet and greet."
Andrei: "It's important, Sergei. His boss works for the Foundation. You won't find a record of his involvement anywhere in State Department files."
Sergei: "Seriously?"
Andrei: Chuckles "They don't friggin exist! Remember?"
Sergei: "Right…"
Andrei: "If we can get a sit down with him, he can get us connected to what's under Juneau. Once we've got access to that, we can step up the next phase of our operations."
Sergei: "And What the Hell is so important about fucking Juneau of all places anyways? I thought it was just a stupid oil rig."
Andrei: "That's not all it is Sergei… It's what's under the sea floor. The "Thingy" they uncovered when they were drilling."
Sergei: knits his brow "What in the Hell is the "Thingy"?"
Andrei: Tucks the stogie into a glass cigar case "That depends." whispers "Do you believe in aliens?"
Sergei: "I think you've had too much to drink, Uncle."
Andrei: "I kid you not."
Sergei: "Get out of here. No way!"
Andrei: "It's just rumor for now, but if it's a match for what the Old Gaurd found in Enurmino back in '25…"
Sergei: "You mean…"
Andrei: "Da."
Sergei: "So the legends are true then?"
Andrei: "No fucking joke."
Sergei: "Like," looks around then lowers his voice to a whisper "like Lizard people?"
Andrei: Looking around, puts his finger to his lips and nods
Sergei: mouths the words "Holy shit!"
Andrei: "Yeah that's what I'm saying. God Damned dinosaurs! Very rare. One of a kind."
Chapter I - Todd is a brave man... Baltimore, Maryland - February, 2nd 2008
Lance Corporal Todd and Professor Chaos milled about in front of the kielbasa stand munching down some dogs with kraut, and washing it back with lemonade.
LCpl Todd: "Maaaan. A Milkor only holds 6 grenades at a time, that's like over 300+ cultists armed with HK MP5s, M4s, AK-47s, .50 Cal damn nests in the lobby, and fucking Scar heavys for the buildings security forces, not counting RPG-7s with thermobaric to take out vehicles and personnel and shit, and God damned stingers on the rooftops to take out fucking choppers in my immediate fucking AO. How in the fuck am I supposed cum dumpster that many shitheads by myself when the shit goes down? This isn't even a standard M32A1 for fucks sake! What South African shithole did they get this piece of junk from? Literally, Bill's Discount Firearms Emporium? Do I clusterfuck their shit into a quadruple cross and let them know they're ripping each other off now? Could cause a Mexican standoff and resultant shootout. That would be convenient, or do they fuck and fill my holes with bukkake and sacrifice me first? This is fucking clown shoes man. Fucking clown shoes... Fucking cults, man."
That plaza was relatively clear of cult operative activity which was focused on the front lobby of the building across the street and a block away.
Lieutentant Dan "Gator" watched the cams feed from the van.
Lt. Gator: "Look shitbreath, you gotta keep your balls on the prize. The SCIP is the prize. Nuts to butt and keep that fucker in front of you and use him like a God damned meat shield. If he gets popped we're fucked, so don't let that shit happen or Skippy Peanut Butter Company hits us with a O5 containment clusterfuck of crunchy dildos, and the last thing we need is Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto's cyborg service from fucking Styx singing "Come Sail Away" and Shanghai our asses on the Highway to the the God Damned Danger Zone. You know what they do to cornholes there for the fuckups? "
LCpl Todd, muttering under his breath, swiveled back toward the dogs cart, as a suspicious group of college aged/military aged males strolled by, being very chalant and looking around. Professor Chaos took point and fiddle fucked his blackberry absentmindedly while looking out of his perhipherals.
Lt. Gator: "Are you listening Top Gun? Fucking Use peanut boy Downtown Charlie Brown as a God damned salami sandwich and keep those fucking cookie monsters the fuck away from the Winnebago. Also, do NOT let anything happen to him and keep him in proximity. Got it? Also, where the fuck is Gunny? He should've been back with the Dominos to throw pepperoni at this motherfucker 5 minutes ago..."
LCpl Todd: "Just gotta ask, Maverick...err. Gator. Why in the living fuck do we keep using Sesame Street lingo?"
Lt. Gator: "Because the sick motherfuckers plow kids and post it to the deep web on a God damned website called motherfucking Sesame Street. Weren't you at the brief?"
LCpl Todd: "I Was, but I had to take a shit for like 5 minutes, so I guess I missed that part..."
Lt. Gator: "God damn it, Lance. Eat some motherfucking peanut butter crackers from the vending machine next time. It'll make you fucking constipated so you don't have to blow ass during God damned brief."
Gunny Wilson: "Boy, the fuck is wrong with yo' ass? Keep that Cookie Monster Lord summoning muthafucka the fuck away from my camper! The last thing I need is for Charlie Brown's cock holster to barf up a God damned queef spell with some Wizard shit on it during my mothafucking engagement, and end up pissing off Skippy and Jif management enough to pop us with God damned orbital bombardment. Ask that piece of cultist pedophile bait if this is where he saw himself being at the age of twenty six."
Professor Chaos: "Just another day, living the fucking dream, Sir. Seriously though, This is fucked up."
Gunny Wilson: "I swear, if Otis Spunkmeyer goes kamikaze with the Sesame Street Brigade, the God Damned Cookie Monster and Oscar the Grouch murder hobo legion lurking in the shadows of every storefront will start to go apeshit-. Mothafucka, are you listening, Gator? Tell Terminal Lance to get his ass in gear and keep those motherfuckers away from my ride! Put salami sandwich at the front on his exfil and this shit better go fucking swimmingly. If that motherfucker cum guzzles some motherfucking lead monster sperm on my watch, Corpsman will not be able to patch his bitch ass up in time, and it will be Hell on Earth when the shit stain bukkake brigade gets their way. Here's your motherfucking pizza, you fairy asswipe. Don't touch my Dr. Pepper..." He said taking a fat slice and gobbling down most of it in one breath.
Corpsman Bill: "Damn, Gunny. That was sexy! Here's your fucking bones for the pie, that's two Dubs and some coins, aaaand what in the flying fuck is Yui Hirasawa doing crossing my God Damned Street again? That's the third time in the past twenty minutes. Seriously, what the fuck is that shit? That better be a motherfucking Gibson Les Paul Sunburst in that God Damned Guitar case on her back and not a fucking cache of P-90s. Scoping that fucking loli, and she's got Azunyan-Chan with the God damned violin case, wait, correction, that's a fucking cello case, and they're lugging that shit to what I can only assume isn't Mugi's grandma's house. Looks like they've been pulling music and concert cases out of that minivan in front of the plaza, and parked it directly across the street from Shitbag Central. "
Corpsman Bill: "I swear to fucking Jesus, if Mugi shows up next with a motherfucking canvas wrapped tube slung over her shoulder, I'm going to assume it's a stinger launcher and not a fucking digeridoo. They didn't use a digeridoo in motherfucking Fua Fua Time, and if that's not a trio on their way to motherfucking Juliaird, and they're going all renegade Natalie Portman in Leon the Professional, I'm going to have a bad fucking time."
*Pulls the Multispec scope up to 10x*
"Checking that shit out, and it looks like Hokago Tea Time over there is up to no good. What the fuck Gator? Look at the backscatter X-ray on this shit. They're kitted out and ready to do the fucking dirty. What lolicon motherfucker called Pizza Hut to hire the three 20-30 somethings for a Lolita hit squad on our dry run?! This is bullshit. Are those bitches Triple Canopy or what? Hoes better not be motherfucking Speznas either. What in the fuck, Mugi's mean muggin the Bago. She's looking right at me. Did we get made? God Damn it. Who the fuck are they? Are they Langley?
*'Mugi' discretely flips him off where only he can see it*
Corpsman Bill: "Motherfucker... That fucking does it!"
Gunny Wilson: "Oh yeah. They're here to party, Bill."
Chapter II - Light Music Club Isn't fucking Around Baltimore, Maryland - February, 2nd 2008
After flipping off Corpsman Bill, Eight flung her hair back, she ties it in a ponytail, and turns to walk back across the street.
Number 8: "Can you hear me fuck boy? That's cute with the K-on bit, you fucking lolicon scumbag motherfucker. Yo Six, you hear this fuckwad?"
Number 6: "Yep, dumb motherfucker forgot about the CrossCom uplink with Cent. You're on a hot mic with local AO dickbreath, the rest of your team is solid."
Corpsman Bill: "Awe fuck me running", Bill muttered.
Number 8: "You ready to do this shit, or are you just going to be oogling us through your pervert scope with your dick in your hand, cough, Fag."
Lt. Gator: "Now, now, ladies. Please contain your orgasms and homicidal ideations. We're all on the same team here."
Number 6: "Eat a dick, Lieutenant"
Number 5: "Six, knock it off. Let's play nice with fuckboy brigade and get this fucking show on the road. Culty asswipes are crawling all over the fucking place here. Read?"
Number 6: "Copy that, 5."
Number 5: "Good. And for the record, Corpsman, your knowledge of K-On is fucking uncanny. Do you wear school girl dresses in your mom's basement?"
Corpsman Bill: "God damn it, I don't have to take this shit…."
Number 5: "Whatever weeb. Anyways, here's a SITREP. Something pissed off that cult leader dickhead Otis Spunkmeyer aka Russel, and all of those Oscar the Grouch motherfuckers are looking out for someone big to show up. Looks like they're expecting VIPs. You know what that means?"
Lt. Gator: "What's that, Five?"
Number 5: "It means, Lieutenant, that the fucking cookie monster fuckwad brigade is going to be distracted for the next 13 minutes, and those child sacrificing cultist dickbreaths will be looking to brown nose to make that fucker Russel happy. Seven, you see anything pretty from your nest?"
Number 7/Overwatch: "Negative, Five. Looks like the Sesame Street convention is waiting around with their dicks in their hands for the moment."
Number 5: "Copy that. Look, Gator. You see that corner office on the 17th floor? That's where shit weasel extraordinaire is supposed to have the meet with whoever is showing up. We can't get a good read on audio because the motherfucker has white noise on the windows. Some culty garbage metal band we never fucking heard of. Laser mics aren't going to do shit for now. We need to find a way to get ears inside that room, and three quote unquote 'high school girls' aren't about to get fucking railed by fucking nasty walking into that fucking heathen's nest. Got any bright ideas?"
Lt. Gator: "Can you have someone from cent do a brush pass with a listening device?"
Number 5: "Got motherfuckers from cookie monster brigade already looking out for that shit. We had an informant within their perimeter security already, but he got popped in the fucking tart two hours ago. Apparently he wasn't properly indoctrinated in Serpent protocol, and got interrogated by a proselytizer. That's when he slipped up. Now that fucker Russel is keeping an eye out for interlopers and apostates. This shit is going to get a lot more difficult to get someone on the inside."
Lt. Gator: "Please tell me you've got a solution, Five…"
Number 6: "We could cause a power surge and overload that floors breakers, and kill the noise, but that would just piss that fucker off and they would hold the meet in a different room. We need that fucking window so we can pop a visual from the spider drones we have set up on the surrounding buildings."
Gunny Wilson: "What I wouldn't do for some noise cancel right now."
Number 7/Overwatch: "Yeah, no shit. We didn't deploy until about 45 minutes ago and we're late to the punch bowl. We've got 12 mins until mystery VIPs drop by, so we've got to get this shit figured out fast."
Lt. Gator: "Copy that five, we'll work on a solution, give us a minute"
LCpl Todd: "How about we send Charlie Brown aka Professor Chaos in there, Gator?"
Lt. Gator: "Negative, Lance. If those fuckers ID him it's fucking curtains. Gunny, got any bright ideas?"
Gunny Wilson: "Wait for the VIPs to show and tag one of their entourage with a listening device from across the street."
Number 5: "Can you pull that off, Gunny?"
Gunny Wilson: "No can do, Five. Will have to get danger close, and those Oscars and Cookie monsters will be swarming the VIPs on the lookout the minute they roll up."
LCpl Todd: "Well, why not tag one of the VIPs with a sticky? Overwatch, you got darts or what?"
Number 7/Overwatch: "If I don't get him on something thick, he'll feel it tag him as soon as it hits him. If they become wise, this shit cavity becomes a hornet's nest."
Lt. Gator: "What do you think, Five?"
Number 5: "It's the best option I've heard so far, so fuck it. Yeah."
Lt. Gator: "Okay, so tag one of the VIPs the minute they step out of the motorcade. If we're lucky, the greaseball fuckwad is wearing a fur coat."
Number 7/Overwatch: "Copy that. And speaking of greaseballs, there they come now. ETA 25 seconds. Looks like they're hauling ass."
Number 5: "Yeah, guessing Otis Spunkmeyer's got these motherfuckers on a tight schedule. Time it right, we only got one shot at this..."
Number 7/Overwatch: "Yeah, on it. Looks like it's the towncar... Ready for joy"
*The three vehicle motorcade pulled to a stop in front of the steps to dirtbag haven. Four armed guards hopped out of the lead and rear vehicle each, and the driver hopped out of the VIP middle vehicle and opened the door.*
Number 7/Overwatch: "Aaaaand holy motherfucking shit. Look who the fuck is popping out..."
Lt. Gator: "Oh fuck. That's Senator Calvin McCoulough. Standby..."
Gunny Wilson: "He's the Executive Director of the Weyland-Yutani fuckwad brigade, right?"
Number 7/Overwatch: "Take the fucking shot or not?"
Number 5: "Fuck that. Tag his ass!"
*There was a muffled click as the dart tagged the senator on his shoulder pad, just as his driver closed his passenger side door behind him. The dart was no bigger than a tailor's pin*
Number 7/Overwatch: "Bug's on his jacket"
Lt. Gator: "Audio confirmed. Let's see what this fucker does..."
*The senator's cell phone trilled and he pulled it out of his pocket. He stared at the screen momentarily and answered*
Senator McCoulough: "Yeah? No. Not a good time Brett, I'm about to be in a meeting with someone very important. Yes. I know, they usually do. Yeah, I know. I'll have to call you back. Yeah. Bye." He then hung up the phone and slid it back into his pocket.
Number 5: "Overwatch, you get audio too?"
Number 7/Overwatch: "Confirmed, Five. Looks like dickbreath was talking to 'Brett' so and so. We'll have Cent dig in and find out who the fuck that is..."
Gunny Wilson: "And there they go."
*Four of the armed guards followed Senator McCoulough from behind, while four led the way.*
Number 6: "You know who his goons might be working for, Lieutenant?"
Lt. Gator: "They don't look like secret service or PMC, let alone your typical Guidos. Look what they're wearing. Those are wool overcoats and tweed jackets. You see that fuckwad in the front, doesn't he look familiar?"
Number 5: "I saw that same motherfucker inside of Royal's Bank in the executive lounge... What the fuck is going on?"
Command: "Five Actual. This is command."
Number 5: "Go ahead command."
Command: "Stand down."
Number 5: "What the fuck do you mean, stand down?"
Command: "Do it. That's a fucking order."
*Five mouthed the words "Fuck" without uttering a sound*
Gunny Wilson: "What the fuck, command?"
Command: "That's above your fucking paygrade, Gunnery Sergeant. Scrub the God damned OP. NOW!"
Gunny Wilson: "What the-"
*Gator held his hand up to Gunny and they exchanged glances*
Command: "What the fuck is the hold up. Scrub the fucking mission and abort, or I'll put all of your asses in Leavenworth."
Lt. Gator: "Copy that, command. Standing down. You all heard him. Party's over."
Gator and gunny exchanged glances, and Lance stared at 5. The fire in her eyes could melt steel. The audio recording was still live from Senator McCoulough's bug as they made their way to the elevators. Shortly after the doors closed, the signal cut off. Using hand signals, 5 threw up two fingers to 7 in her nest. 7 Nodded. Gator and Gunny saw this on cams and said nothing. When the elevator doors to the 17th floor opens, the audio signal from the bug cut back on...
Command: "I don't think I've made myself abundantly clear. Abort the fucking mission. Lieutenant. 5. That means kill the coms too."
Everyone shook their heads and muttered strings of epithets. Lance yanked out his ear bud and 5 crossed her arms, looking across the street at 6. 6 threw her hands up. Gator then threw his headset on the counter in the van. "FUCK!". 7 Spit out the Grizzly wintergreen tucked in her lip, and muttered, "Shit on a fucking biscuit..."
submitted by Codename-SiGiL to u/Codename-SiGiL [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 04:39 Potential-Strike6474 New IFT Minimums

Just something I've been thinking about a bit.

Regret and lack of preparation: I quit A&S. I regret it. : Pararescue (
Real wake-up call: Wake Up Call - You're Probably Not Ready : Pararescue (
Tips from a cool dude: Advice from a washout : Pararescue (

There are so many variables to the PJ Pipeline that you would want to be prepared as much as humanly possible, with this being one of the hardest trainings on the planet I want to be prepared, hence why I am creating new goals for me to reach by the time I ship out in September. Combining new standards from what I have seen on Reddit and what I've seen on YouTube from SOFCoach on YouTube, I am setting a more realistic "Minimum". I also hate to be cynical, but it seems guys are being sent out to fail ( Went to a development session once) , a YouTuber also mentions and talks about this in this video:
I can only hope I am wrong, though.

But going straight to the new minimums you want to reach

Strength Training

The most fun 400 meter farmer carry with 50 lbs each hand. ( For me personally, I have my own farmer carry workouts, these fucked me up at the gym today lol 🤣🤣🤣🔨🔨)

Personal things I do that help
Running at least 20 miles per week, someone here once said " No one ever failed on the runs " and yeah fair enough, but you still want a good running base, mediocrity is not rewarded.

Note 1: A YouTube channel you should really be watching:
Note 2: Yes, I did pull most of the info from that one Reddit post but I found it really helpful.

Work: Welp, I have a lot of work to do now, and I will treat those new numbers like the new minimums.
"Effective performance is preceded by painstaking preparation." — Brian Tracy

submitted by Potential-Strike6474 to Pararescue [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 04:47 ohCaptainMyCaptain27 Suggestions for a Thin leather holster for 1 o’clock , personal experience is preferred.

I have been carrying for over 10 years and still have not found the perfect rig for one specific purpose.
I am looking for a very simple, very thin leather holster with a belt clip to carry at 1 o’clock to the right of my belt buckle inside my first Jean belt loop. And I am looking for it to ride low as in trigger guard below the waistline.
I have tried everything from tier 1 to Vedder light tuck to that weird kangaroo holster system with a leg harness strap thingy to the Galco king tuck, and everything in between and what I always go back to doing, is simply taking my Smith & Wesson shield and shoving it down my waist with the grip sticking out in the 1 o’clock position. I am a slender guy about 5’10”, 168 pounds and every single holster I have purchased (well over 10 different rigs) print like crazy.
I have tried belt slide holsters with the thumb break. I have tried outside the waistband. I have tried inside the waistband. I have tried Kydex. I have tried ankle rigs, and even an AC undercover compression shirt with the holster pouch under my left armpit.
I dress like a cowboy in other words, snug jeans, T-shirt, cowboy boots.
I am not looking for a bag or fanny pack or sling bag or any other tactical bag, and I am looking to carry on my body.
The problem is if it prints and it’s uncomfortable, I simply will not wear a gun which defeats the entire purpose of concealed carry.
This is a very purpose driven holster. It is not my every day holster.
I am fully aware that most concealed carry people will tell you to buy your clothes large, but the problem is I don’t wear all the time so this doesn’t suit me. I’m aware that everybody advocates for retention. That’s not what I’m looking for. I am simply looking for basically a leather sock that conceals the trigger guard that I can tuck my pistol into to go to and from the store or gas station or when I’m, running a quick errand and simply having it more secure than just being tucked into my jeans.
I have Fairly high-quality leather rigs with a thumb break and all that for when I’m carrying all day or in the field.
Cost is not an issue.
Alright folks, what have you got?
submitted by ohCaptainMyCaptain27 to CCW [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 22:35 SuperiorArty [H] Warhammer 40K, Marvel Legends, Star Wars Black Series, Lightning Collection White Ninja Ranger, GI Joe 3.75 lot and Classified Ninja 2-Pack [W] PayPal

Hello, I had a various figures I'm looking to sell various figures I had that have been sitting around and would prefer someone else to enjoy rather than gather dust. Prices do not include shipping unless stated otherwise, and will consider OBO on most figures. If the figures have any issues or accessories, I will note them. if a figure is not listed, then it is not available anymore
Warhammer 40K lot: $135
Includes 9x Space Marines Primaris Reivers (Box is opened and damaged and missing one of the 10 marines, but otherwise has everything else and is unused), 5x Adeptus Mechanicus Pteraxii (Box is opened and damaged, but is CiB and unused), and 1x Seraphon Slann Starmaster (NiB but a bit dented). Looking to sell altogether for $135, but may consider splitting. Can take more images if requested
Black Series:
Remnant Stormtroopers (lot of 6): $140
George Lucas Stormtroopers (Lot of 3, Nib but one card has damage): $50 together
Phase 1 Clone Trooper: $20
212 Battalion Clone Trooper: $30
Umbra Operative Arc Troopers (3x, Nib): $30 each
Obi Wan (Padawan): $35
Triple Zero (NiB): sold
Teebo (Nib): sold
Cal Kestis (Nib): sold
Darth Vader (Infinity, Nib): $20
Mandalorian (Maldo Kreis, Nib): $20
Mara Jade 3.75 (NiB-ish. This was from the same owner as Bossk but they didnt seem to reglue it, so the plastic is off the card but the figure itself is still new.) $20
Imperial Gunner (4x): selling together as a lot for anyone looking to army build with them, $45 together
Marvel Legends
Man-Thing: $80
Spider-Man Marvel Legends:
VHS Symbiote Spider-Man vs Carnage 2-pack (Nib): $60
Gameverse Insomniac Spider-Man (Spider-Man 2 version) (NiB): $50
Venom Punisher (Marvel Unlimited subscription bonus): $65
Punisher combo (Netflix Punisher from Man Thing wave and Retro Punisher, both complete): $70 together
Scarlet Spider (Sp//dr wave, NiB): $70
Retro Hammerhead (Nib): $15
Retro Spider-Armor (NiB, but each card has some residue or wear to the card/plastic): $15 each
The Jackal: $25
Other Marvel Legends:
Wolverine (Bonecrusherwave, NiB): $20
Retro War Machine (NiB): $20
Jane Foster Thor (Gladiator Hulk wave): $20
Bullseye (Man-Thing Wave, only includes Knife throwing hand): $20
Retro VHS Jean Grey (NiB): $25
VHS Morph: Sold
Hand Ninja (Stilt man wave, NiB): $15
War Machine (Iron Man 2, missing shoulder missles and a few hands): $20
Jocasta (Joe Fixit Wave, Nib): $15
Nova (Groot Wave): $15
Drax (Groot Wave, missing one knife): $15
Iron Man (Groot Wave) $10
[Misc] Power Rangers Lightning Collection White Ninja Ranger NiB: $sold
G.I. Joe Classified Amazon Exclusive Blue Ninja 2-Pack (NiB-ish but box was damaged during initial shipment): $30
3.75 G.I. Joe Lot (About 17)
I had a lot of about 17 GI Joe 3.75in figures, mostly from the early 2000s. I dont have much interest in GI Joe stuff and ended up with them, so I am hoping maybe they might be interest for someone here. I am only looking to sell as a lot, but am open to offers on the price as I dont have much need for these guys. Most are in overall good shape, but I will note which figures have notable issues and none have their weapons.
[Lot of Joes:](
TARGAT (Weak knees)
Nunchuck (Missing left hand and had his toes chewed off by wildlife probably)
Cobra Commander
Snake Eyes
Heavy Duty
Moray (missing mask pipes)
For everything, I am asking $70 obo
submitted by SuperiorArty to toyexchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 20:39 Cinderfox19 New "P-113 Verdict" sidearm might be the worst weapon in the Warbond (testing vs bugs)

Many in the community have noticed the weapons in the new Warbond "Polar Patrol" seem very underpowered and sadly it appears the P-113 Verdict is no different.
I was really hoping for a new reliable sidearm, since I've been stuck with the Uzi this whole time, so when Polar Patrol dropped I beelined straight for the Verdict, but despite having a pretty fast Rate of Fire and seemingly being inspired by the Desert Eagle, it feels so bad to use.
Not just because it's weak, but the actual gun-feel Many weapons in this game have a real kick to them, chunky sound effects and are just damn fun to use, but this feels almost gentle.
I ran some testing vs bugs so you can see what I mean (all tests were on Helldive):
Total Magazines: 8
Starting Mags: 4
Mags refilled by Resupply: 4
Rounds per mag: 10
Reload speed: 1.5s
Reload speed when empty: 2.1s
VS Smallest Bugs
1 shot, regardless of placement.
Body: 3 shots
Abdomen: 2 shots
Head: 1 shot
You can pretty consistently kill them with 2 shots in the heat of the moment because you’re likely to hit their head or abdomen at least once.
Warriors (basic enemy bug)
Head: 2 shots (but it’s still alive)
Body: 4 shots
You know that thing where you blow a bug’s head off, but it’s still alive and goes into overdrive? This gun made me realise that’s damage based, rather than random chance, because the Verdict blows the heads of Warriors with 2 shots near every single time, but it doesn't kill them and puts you at risk.
Nursing Bile Spewers (the weaker orange ones):
Head: 5 shots
Body: too many
Brood Commanders (red ones that summon 3 warriors out of the ground)
Head/Body: 9 shots
The Verdict is pretty ok at blowing off their legs in 2-3 shots, but that doesn't kill them. In order to kill them it takes 9 shots, but just like the Warriors, 9 shots only blows their heads off, requiring an additional shot (a full mag) to put them down for good.
Hive Guard
Body: 9 shots
Carapace: Immune
Shriekers (Flying bugs)
Head: 2 shots
Body: 5 shots
You can potentially 1-shot them, but it requires either a direct headshot or a shot landing right where their wing connects to their body.
Stalkers (invisible ones)
Head: 3 shots
Body: 25 shots (2.5 mags)
These guys are the most inconsistent of all, because you can technically kill them pretty quick with 3 direct headshots (and I think 2 to the head + 3 to the body does it too) but good luck landing those shots with the way they move and go invisible.
The P-113 cannot penetrate the armor carapace of the Green Bile Spewers, Hive Guard, Chargers or Bile Titans.
This Sidearm is even worse to use than it appears on-paper, thanks to the fact that Warriors and Brood Commanders always require an extra shot (or you risk taking damage), it demands high accuracy, while still being pretty weak against many targets, it has very poor crowd control with no stagger, only 10 rounds per mag and no sight options beyond the default iron sights + laser pointer.
The reload time is deceptively long too, especially if you're empty, because the slide of the gun locks open and it adds an extra animation where your character has to push the slide release to flick it back into place. So while the Senator rewards you for using every round with a faster reload, the Verdict punishes you instead.
Also...why does this thing have no Armor Piercing? I'm not a gun-nut, so feel free to laugh at me, but the Desert Eagle is a gas-operated pistol that can use .50 cal bullets, which are a step up from the .44 magnum and on-par with what stronger revolvers like the Smith & Wesson 500 use.
The Senator is seemingly based on a .44 or a Smith 500 and it should absolutely have more damage than the Verdict, but why can't both have at least medium Armor Penetration?
IMO at the bare minimum, this gun needs to be able to 1-shot hunters and it's damage should be slightly increased so it properly puts down Warriors in 2 shots and Brood Commanders in 9, instead of decapitating them; but realistically I'd say this gun needs a total rework of it's DPS.
Anyway, I apologise if this seemed like more of a rant; has anyone else used this gun yet? Am I going crazy or does it feel just as underpowered as the rest?
submitted by Cinderfox19 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 19:31 enielsen43 Smith and Wesson SD9 VE

Hello fellow 2A warriors! I currently have a CZ P07 as my “concealed”. I say that lightly as it’s a full sized firearm, and not the best firearm to carry in terms of concealment and size. I have been browsing lately for a new weapon to carry, and have stumbled upon the Smith and Wesson SD9 VE. I wanted to see if anybody here had any experience with them and can give me an honest pros and cons about this particular firearm. With that, if I do go through with the firearm and purchase it, any 12 o’clock carry holster recommendations would be greatly appreciated! Cheers
submitted by enielsen43 to concealedcarry [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 12:32 Ranveerns Holster help for M&P 2.0 COMPACT .45 ACP

Hello everyone , writing from India here . After a wait of years they are launching the smith & Wesson brand here in India 🤞.
I have booked a M&P 2.0 COMPACT .45ACP , I should have it soon as they are waiting for their final approvals from the government to start their pistol sale .
I have been looking for some good holsters online in the US but can’t find many options other than Vedder and a few others. Most holster brands stock 9 mm compact but if you guys have any experience with .45 compact M&P 2.0 any suggestions would be appreciated.
Mostly IWB 3 to 5 o clock
Thank you
submitted by Ranveerns to SmithAndWesson [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 05:18 eddy_talon [WTS][BC] A bit more loads and loads of gear and accessories

Epic spring cleaning. PayPal, e-Transfer, or cash. Local in Metro Vancouver-area for meetup, can also ship. Currently not open to trades, sorry.

Gun parts and airsoft-specific accessories:

Gear and other accessories:

submitted by eddy_talon to airsoftmarketcanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 00:13 Hannibal_1383 [WTS] Velocity Systems PC2, 5.11 Tactec Vest, Blue Alpha Gear “1.75 Battle Belt, HSGI Tacos, Safariland Pouches, Arisaka Side Scout Mount, Glock Gen 4 OEM Trigger w/ Ghost 3.5, Surefire ST07, UB Picatinny Bi-pod, Sig 365xl Grip, Glock Camo Hat, S&W Trucker Hat, BCM Rail Covers and more.

Have some more stuff kicking around that I am looking to sell. Thanks for looking you savages.
  1. Velocity Systems PC2 (APC/LEPC) Plate Carrier BLK; new $200
  2. 5.11 Tactical Tactec Trainer Weight Vest MCB; used, low salt has no damage or tears $75 SOLD
  3. Blue Alpha Gear “1.75 Molle Battle Belt BLK w/ inner belt size 34 (fits 32-36); used-like new in very good condition, was an extra setup intended to run more slick for hot weather comps and only used it maybe 4 times $120 SOLD
  4. 2) HSGI Single Rifle Taco MCB; like new sat on extra belt $38/each
  5. (3) HSGI Single Pistol Taco MCB; like new sat on extra belt $28/each
  6. Surefire ST07; new never installed $42
  7. Safariland 762 Swivel Radio Holder (part# 762-7-13) BLK STX Tactical; new $42
  8. Safariland 135 Baton Holder (part# 135-F26-411-2) BLK STX Plain; new $32
  9. Arisaka Side Scout Mount picatinny; used has witness marks comes with screws $42
  10. Unknown Brand picatinny bipod 6.5”-8.25”; used ; used some scuffs functions as intended $22
  11. Glock Gen 4 OEM TriggeHousing w/ Ghost 3.5 connector; used ~250 rounds $32
  12. Sig P365 XL OEM grip module, no manual safety has some wear from holster $22
ADD ON ONLY stuff:
  1. Glock Woodland Camo Snapback Hat; new $13.50
  2. Smith & Wesson Tricker Hat; new $13.50
  3. Crimson Trace CTS-1000 picatinny riser mount low; new $8.50
  4. Monstrum low profile picatinny riser mount; new $6.50
  5. ERGO Grips mossberg 500/590 & shockwave 12/20 gauge shotgun adaptar; new $6.50
  6. (2) BCM Keymod Rail Panel Packs; new $8.50
  7. Unknown Brand Picatinny Mount; new $5.50
  8. Tyrant Gen 4/Gem 5 Glock Extended Mag Release; new 10.50
  9. Unknown Brand Custom Graffic EPC $5.50
Dibs rules apply, comment then shoot me a PM (no chats).
Prices include shipping unless stated otherwise.
Ships next business day via USPS, anywhere in the CONUS.
submitted by Hannibal_1383 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 00:12 VolcanicOctosquid20 The O.K. Corral Gunfight: What Tombstone Gets Wrong.

This is a list of every historical detail portrayed incorrectly by the movie Tombstone in their portrayal of the gunfight at the O.K. Corral. This is being done to educate people on what the actual showdown may have looked like. The list will not include film-wide historical errors, nor inconsistencies in the plot. They are only what is in the film's gunfight scene. They are separated by two categories. The first are the objective inaccuracies: what cannot be argued, due to reliable testimony or the coroner's report. The second are the less reliable inaccuracies: we don't know exactly what happened, but it most likely wasn't what was shown.
[The movie scene]
First, the objective errors.
  1. The Earps were not walking all together in a straight line. It was two-by-two, with Virgil and Wyatt in the front, and Doc and Morgan in the back.
  2. Doc Holliday should have been wearing a gray coat and hat, as opposed to black.
  3. The cowboys' wardrobe does not match the history. Frank and Tom McLaury were wearing buckskin pants, which was noted in the coroner's report. Tom McLaury’s wardrobe was recorded in the coroner’s report as a blue shirt, black vest, and a hat with a silver rimband. All of which were absent. Furthermore, the day was blustery and cold, so all of the cowboys should have been wearing dusters or some other coat.
  4. For some reason, the Earps round the corner of Fly’s Boarding House twice.
  5. At some point, one of the Earps said to Doc Holliday "Let them have it", to which Doc responded "Alright". They never did this in the film.
  6. Johnny Behan met them much earlier, when they rounded the street corner.
  7. Behan is shown ducking into Fly’s Photography Studio. That building was actually behind the vacant lot. The correct building should have been Fly’s Boarding House, which actually bordered the lot and was the true building Behan went into. Though, the exterior of the building matches the boarding house better than the small studio.
  8. The vacant lot should be about a third the size of the movie lot. There was no fence separating the lot from the O.K. Corral. As well, all the stable accouterments in the movie lot were not there, leaving the vacant lot exactly that: vacant.
  9. Fly's Boarding House is depicted accurately, but the building on the other side of the lot was a house owned by William Harwood. Whatever that building was in the movie, it didn't represent the way the small pre-manufactured cottage really looked.
  10. A couple of witnesses took refuge and watched the gunfight from Addie Bourland’s dress shop across the street, including Addie Bourland herself. But in the film, the building across the street is under construction.
  11. Tom McLaury is correctly shown with a horse, but Frank should have one as well.
  12. The bearded cowboy wearing blue is credited as Johnny Barnes, which is confirmed later. The real Barnes had nothing to do with the gunfight, and it causes the exclusion of Billy Claiborne, who was actually there.
  13. The Earps are seen walking forward up until the cowboys go for their guns. In reality, the Earps had stopped in their positions once they got to the lot.
  14. Doc Holliday did not advance on the cowboys on his own. He stayed out on the street with the shotgun. Likewise, he did not remove his duster once he had the shotgun out, or anytime during the gunfight.
  15. Virgil’s exact words were “Hold! I don’t mean that!” before the first shots, possibly (and probably) in an attempt to stop his brothers and Doc.
  16. The Earps are seen firing at Frank midway through the fight, who is still in the middle of the lot halfway through the battle, until he collapses again. By this point in the gunfight, Frank almost certainly was up and trying to get out of the vacant lot. He was seen leading his horse towards Fremont Street, where he would eventually die.
  17. Tom McLaury, after he was shot by Doc Holliday, ran to the end of the block until collapsing against a telegraph pole on the street corner. He is never seen running away in the film.
  18. The shot that hits Virgil hits him in the wrong leg.
  19. The angle of Morgan's wound is considerably off. The shot ripped across both of his shoulder blades, meaning that the shooter was to Morgan’s side. Billy in the film shoots Morgan from the front.
  20. Billy Clanton is shot far too many times. In reality, he was only hit twice in the final volley.
  21. Once Billy was gunned down in the film, he was basically down for the count. The truth can be stranger than fiction, as Billy really hit the wall of the Harwood House, landed in a sitting position, and just kept shooting until he ran out of ammo. He did not lose consciousness and die until well after the gunfight was over.
  22. The whole bit with Ike stealing a gun and shooting out the window? Yeah, none of that happened.
  23. Doc is seen wielding two revolvers in the film. He only brought one to the actual gunfight. He may have had a Derringer on him, but he never used it in the fight if he did.
  24. The confrontation between Frank and Doc should have been in the middle of the street, with the two of them much further away from each other. As well, Frank grazed Doc in the hip, causing him to exclaim, “I’m shot through!”. It isn’t shown in the film.
  25. Frank is seen bearing a wound to his shoulder in the film. In actuality, he only suffered two throughout the gunfight. He took Wyatt’s shot to the gut, and Morgan’s shot to the head.
  26. Speaking of that head wound, Morgan is seen shooting Frank in the forehead. The coroner found the wound below the right ear and passing through his head. However, as accurately portrayed, Frank died instantly.
  27. After Frank McLaury's death, Doc Holliday said "That sonofabitch has shot me, and I mean to kill him.", speaking of Frank. He does not do this in the film.
And now, things get muddy.
  1. No one really knows what the cowboys were doing in the vacant lot when the Earps arrived. Some believe they were waiting to ambush Doc Holliday, who lived in Fly's Boarding House. Others claim that they were simply trying to get out of town. Still others say the group couldn't decide what to do. Whatever their actions, they were not just dawdling in the lot. They were talking and/or preparing when the Earps came.
  2. According to the Earps, the cowboys were not all spread out in the lot, but were instead against the wall of the Harwood house. When the confrontation started, it was then that they moved away from the house.
  3. Also, Barnes/Claiborne are shown exiting as soon as the Earps arrive. Claiborne in actuality may have stayed up until the shooting started, but no one knows for sure. According to Johnny Behan, he grabbed Claibourne as he went into the boarding house, but again, we’re not sure what happened.
  4. This also causes the other cowboy who leaves early, which we can assume to be Wesley Fuller, to leave once the guns come out. In reality, Fuller was seen by the Earps, but left first.
  5. While nobody can entirely agree on where each Earp brother stood, it is agreed that Morgan should have been in Virgil’s place, on the west side of the group. Wyatt should have been close to or up against the boarding house for reasons we’ll get to in a little bit, and Doc should have been out on the street in the back of the group.
  6. The phrase Virgil utters to try and disarm the cowboys is accurate to Wyatt’s testimony, but the general consensus is that he said: “Throw up your hands. I want your guns.” , which corresponds to his own testimony.
  7. The cause of the gunfight was not Doc Holliday winking, but was actually Holliday cocking the shotgun. It was this that made the cowboys reach for their weapons.
  8. It is unclear if there was a moment where everyone hovered over their guns, but if there was, it didn’t take that long.
  9. Almost everyone’s gun is correct, but in the movie, Wyatt pulls out a long Colt called a Buntline Special. It is unknown if Wyatt ever really owned this gun, much less used it in the confrontation. In addition, he said he put the gun in his coat pocket, which would have been much harder to do with a longer weapon. He probably used a wood-handled Smith and Wesson 1869, the same model that Virgil had.
  10. The tradition of revolvers was to leave the hammer on an empty chamber in case the gun jostled, causing it to go off. Therefore, most of the participants should have only fired five shots out of their six-shooters, unless they threw an extra bullet in for the occasion. (My bets would be on Frank McLaury to do that.)
  11. The most reliable testimony from the gunfight, that of the Earp brothers, said that Wyatt and Billy fired the first two shots. This was corroborated by others, but we can't be sure.
  12. According to Wyatt's testimony, the film correctly shows Wyatt firing first and hitting Frank in the gut, but his and Billy Clanton’s shots were simultaneous. It took a moment for everyone else to start shooting.
  13. Wyatt testified that only four shots were fired before Ike Clanton ran to him. In those shots, Frank and Billy should each have been hit once, and no more.
  14. Morgan Earp is seen hitting Billy in the first volley, which would be correct. However, it most likely was the shot to Billy’s wrist, which would not have knocked him to the ground.
  15. The reason that Wyatt is placed next to the boarding house is because, according to his testimony, when he grappled with Ike Clanton, he threw him around the corner of the building. He also did this before saying “This fight has commenced. Go to fighting or get away.” Wyatt spoke those words while his revolver was in Ike’s face.
  16. Tom McLaury is shown with a revolver, like most adaptations of this event. However, the general consensus is that Tom was unarmed. He had checked his pistol into a hotel beforehand, as was custom, and no gun was found on his body. Most of the testimony that says Tom was armed was from the Earp brothers. However, due to the smoke, the chaotic movements, and the fact that Billy and Frank were shooting around him, it is inferred that a bullet from Frank or Billy was mistakenly believed to be from Tom.
  17. This changes the manner of his death. He is seen in the film firing his pistol until Doc scares his horse away with a shotgun blast, then using the remaining ammo to kill Tom. In reality, Tom was seen frantically trying to get a Winchester rifle out of the scabbard on the saddle when the horse either bucked or was nicked by a bullet. This caused Tom to be left open for Doc to blast him with both barrels.
  18. Billy Clanton is shown dying in a volley from Wyatt and Doc. No one knows if such a volley really happened or if the shots that killed him were isolated. However, Doc probably only contributed one or two shots, and Virgil was likely the other man to kill Billy.
Adennum: The history behind the second category's notes are less firm, but still more viable than what the film portrays. What is written above is informed by the sources. Many people have drawn different conclusions about what happened that day on October 26th, 1881, all from the same information. I recommend you read/watch up and do the same.
Sources/Further Reading
Websites (coroner's report included)
submitted by VolcanicOctosquid20 to history [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 23:08 GlockHorseCumDealer Happy WGW. Smith and Wesson 66-8, Combat Magnum. The truly perfect do-it-all handgun in modern times.

Happy WGW. Smith and Wesson 66-8, Combat Magnum. The truly perfect do-it-all handgun in modern times. submitted by GlockHorseCumDealer to Revolvers [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 20:24 aguilar64 [WTS] SIG Magazines 15 Rounds, Icarus Grip, 1911 Grips, SW Model 41 Grips

Time Stamp.
160.00 5 Fairly new 15 Rounds SIG P365XL Magazines, $160.00 Shipped, base pad has been glued to conform State Compliant rules, the glue can be removed.
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$75.00 RoCo Master Grip for 1911 pistols $75.00 Shipped
Click on the timestamp link to see all the items
PayPal Good and Services
submitted by aguilar64 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 18:32 hallach_halil Undrafted free agents from 2024 who could make an early impact:

Undrafted free agents from 2024 who could make an early impact:
The 2024 NFL Draft has come and gone, as we wrap up our extensive coverage of this stage of the league calendar. Before we sort of transition over into the final stages of discussing how teams have built up their rosters, discussing how the new additions fit in across my divisional draft and roster review series starting next week, I wanted to show some love to a few players who didn’t actually hear their names called over the course of the weekend in Detroit.
Just last year, I called out Bears quarterback Tyson Bagent, who ended up starting four games, Vikings linebacker Ivan Pace Jr., who was a borderline Pro Bowl performer, and Buccaneers defensive back Christian Izien, who was their quasi-starter in the slot. So there’s always still talent to be found once the draft is wrapped up and while opportunity has to be taken into account here, in the right situation there are UDFAs that could play significant roles as early as this season, even if it’s not in a starting capacity necessarily.
Here are some names, who I believe are capable of contributing and are in a situation where they could get a chance to do so:

RB DeShaun Fenwick, Oregon State – New England Patriots

This was actually one of the first players I wrote about during this pre-draft process, when I outlined him as one of the biggest standouts from the 2024 college all-star events, having watched him consistency showing up in positive ways during East-West Shrine Bowl practices. Funnily enough, I talked a lot about what Fenwick did during one-on-ones as a receiver in that piece, considering he only hauled in 30 passes across 50 career games between South Carolina and Oregon State. You saw him detach from guys down the field on corner and streak routes, but really what stood out was his attention to detail in that regard, altering tempo, throwing in rocker-steps and freezing the feet of guys covering him. Along with that, he has clearly worked on his technique as a pass-protector, erasing the space to blitzer and striking them with a tight punch. As a runner, he plays up to his size at 6’1”, 220 pounds as a battering ram RB2 for the Beavers paired up with what could be a top-ten back in next year’s class in Damien Martinez. However, while the ran a lot inside and outside zone there, I also really like Fenwick’s projection into more of a gap-scheme oriented approach, thanks to how well he can press creases vertically, make subtle adjustments to get to the opposite edge after blockers after forcing guys on the second level to commit and get skinny through tight creases despite his size.
So as I consider what this Patriots offense could look like under their new leadership, I think this is a back that could fit very well. Coming over from Cleveland, I expect offensive coordinator Alex Van Pelt to re-commit to a more downhill-oriented approach, considering the pieces they have on the O-line outside of maybe former first-round pick left guard Cole Strange, when they seemingly wanted to dabble more in the wide zone meta we saw across the NFL. While they did bring in Antonio Gibson as more of a receiving option and someone who can provide some big-play potential, I think he’s someone you want to take mental processing off the table as more of a one-cut-and-go zone runner. Yet, Rhamondre Stevenson for as an even slightly bigger back then Fenwick, has some pretty sweet feet to navigate around points of pressure and pace himself as he sets up pulling linemen. As a fifth-year player, I think the former Oregon State RB can operate in a similar mold, even though I don’t like him as much when he gets out to the perimeter and utilizes blockers in space, while lacking that extra gear to pull away from the pursuit. However, he can take some of the load off the starter with his willingness to drop his pads and have a cumulative effect on the defense taking those kinds of blows. Paired with that, for a rookie he can also be useful taking on pass-pro reps and only dropped two of 32 catchable targets in his career with consistent overhand technique. Neither JaMychal Hasty nor Ke’Shawn Vaugh have really established themselves as committee options and Kevin Harris, who the Pats drafted two years ago with a similar profile, has only been active in nine games and touched the ball 37 times.

WR Isaiah Williams, Illinois – Detroit Lions

Someone I didn’t bring up as a player who emerged from the college all-star circuit but had a solid Shrine Bowl week himself, was Isaiah Williams. Formerly recruited as a four-star dual-threat quarterback, he made the transition to catching passes three years ago and while Illinois put the ball in his hands to hit his fellow receivers a few times during stretch, he put up just under 1100 yards and five touchdowns on 94 touches this past season, earning himself first-team All-Big Ten accolades. However, the reason not him but teammate Casey Washington actually got drafted is that Williams that he’s on the smaller end at 5’9”, 180 pounds and ran a 4.63 at the combine. To me, unless you look at the former as a pure special teamer, the NFL clearly took the wrong guy here. Wiliams is highly elusive off the line with subtle shifts or more violent sticks to gain positioning on the release, putting the defender in trail technique off the snap pretty much and then he plays so much faster than hos 40-time would indicate, to where you see him rapidly get on top of guys with that burst in slot fades. He can accelerate through his cuts, packs some effective swipe-moves to create separation against tighter coverage at the break-point and consistently was friendly to his quarterback. His drop rate is a little higher (7.0%) than you’d like to see and his contested-catch rate (35.3%) lower, but he shows no hesitation of extending for the ball in traffic and you love what he provides after the catch. He already has that lower center of gravity to be efficient with his transitions and make more dramatic moves in the open field, but he also shows the balance to pull through wraps, forcing 51 missed tackles across 164 combined catches over the last two seasons.
So I look at this Lions depth chart, they just locked up Amon-Ra St. Brown as their “power slot extraordinaire”, they hope former first-round pick Jameson Williams can build on some of the flashes late last season as a field-stretcher and Kalif Raymond is back for a fourth season in Detroit as someone who’s averaged 560 yards per year with them and has been their designated punt returner. However, beyond that, you’re looking at Donovan Peoples-Jones, who they traded a sixth-round pick to Cleveland for, but only averaged just over six offensive snaps outside of a meaningless week 18 game. I kind of liked Antoine Green as a seventh-round pick for them last year, who was this vertical ball-winner for North Carolina, because they didn’t really have that skill-set outside of maybe Marvin Jones Jr. – who’s now off the roster – but the then-rookie only caught one pass for two yards. The only other receiver currently on the roster anybody would even recognize by name is former Saint Tre’Quan Smith, who was bouncing between practice squads and was only active for one game last year. So there’s a pretty good chance Isaiah Williams makes it through final cuts as this team’s WR5 at least. He provides the YAC skills that this team is somewhat lacking and can be an extension of this run game, just like he was for the Fighting Illini, being a fly sweep threats, running backside bubbles or just creating microwave offense on screens.

WR Marcus Rosemy-Jacksaint, Georgia – Washington Commanders

Sticking with the wide receiver position, we’re looking at quite a different profile to Isaiah Williams with this 6’1”, 205-pound Georgia wideout. Rosemy-Jacksaint was four-star recruit in 2020, who struggled to work his way onto the field for a deep Bulldogs receiving corp, with just 11 catches over his first two years. He became a bigger part of the rotation in 2022 (29-337-two touchdowns), but really established himself as a senior, turning 34 grabs into 535 yards and four TDs. I first became aware of this player during Senior Bowl practices, but I actually didn’t love what I saw there. In a setting that favors shifty separators, who can take advantage of the extended space provided to them during one-on-ones, his routes became somewhat predictable with no deceptive speed and footwork alternations. That’s not saying I didn’t also see him come out of his front-loaded staggered stance without any wasted movement and didn’t like how he was able to violently stick his foot in the ground for sharp transitions as a bigger body-type, along with catching the first touchdown on gameday through contact. Going to the tape, I thought he was very disciplined with his route-stems, snapped off curls well and I really appreciated his play-strength, battling for positioning, defeating leverage of defenders and nudging them off at the top of routes. You combine that with big, natural hands (zero drops on 98 targets over the past two seasons), large catch-radius with those 33-inch arms and competitiveness with the ball in air, hauling in seven of 11 contested targets last year.
However, what really made me buy in with Rosemy-Jacksaint and what I think the Commander coaching staff will fall in love with is what he provides as a blocker. Works up to off-corners under good control and is able to latch his hands inside their frame at a high rate. You can deploy him in closer splits, cracking back on safeties, getting a tight grip on the point-man of bunches or even pinning edge defenders inside on plays out to the perimeter. And you see this guy’s hands stay attached until the echo of the whistle a lot of times to take defenders for a ride. Is there anybody this profile reminds you of, thinking about what new GM Adam Peters had in San Francisco? – Jauan Jennings is who came to mind for me. Just like the Niner’s dirty-work receiver and chain-mover, the question with the former Bulldog is the long speed, backed up by running an abysmal 4.81 at Georgia’s pro day. I’m not aware of any off-field concerns, which led to Jennings going undrafted, who I believe offered more after the catch. Washington’s offense will have a much more spread-out look than San Francisco of course with the combination of OC Kliff Kingsbury and second overall pick Jayden Daniels, but to complement a smaller receiving corp that will likely rely on the guy they selected 100th overall in Luke McCaffrey – who I believe is still learning the intricacies of the position – I think as a big slot and role player to help get the run game off the ground, I think Rosemy-Jacksaint has a good chance to make the roster. Assuming they’re looking at different options for the return game, this guy offers more on offense than Dax Milne.

TE Dallin Holker, Colorado State – New Orleans Saints

One of the more surprising players from this list who ultimately didn’t get picked as part of a fairly underwhelming tight-end class is Dallin Holker. There were only 12 guys who got selected altogether, but I had him just inside my personal top-ten. That was more of a reflection of the quality of the group overall, as I only saw five TEs inside my top-100 while everybody else had some clear warts. For Holker, he wasn’t asked to line up next to the tackle or would create displacement in the run game, while as a receiver he would tip off defenders by drifting during his route stems, he ran a 4.78 at 241 pounds at the combine and he’s not the most natural at contorting his body for off-target grabs. With that being said, there is plenty of good with the second-team All-American, who just put up career-highs across the board in catches (64), yards (767) and touchdowns (six). I thought his actual game speed was a lot better than what he was timed up, watching him gain a step on guys up the seams or racking up yards after the catch when hauling in passes on the run. Holker can also drop his hips and create space for himself and generally navigates well around ancillary zone defenders to find openings. He tracks the deep ball well over either shoulder, not losing focus with someone on his hip, and generally does a good job taking advantage of his large frame to shield the ball and absorb contact, as well as being flexible enough to pluck passes below his knees. As a blocker, you’re best served to utilize him on the move, whether that’s sifting across the formation, inserting against linebackers or covering up bodies in space when you try to get the ball out towards the sideline.
One of the keys to Holker not at least getting a call late on day three is that he didn’t leave the greatest impression during Shrine Bowl week, with a couple of semi-drops with contact and not approaching the ball optimally. However, I didn’t notice that as a general issue for him and as he acclimates to a higher level of competition, I think he has a place on an NFL roster as someone who can earn opportunities by being a reliable target who will fight for extra yardage, and he even lined up some at fullback during team sessions of those aforementioned practices. As I consider how he might fit in with the Saints specifically, I’m looking at a fantasy sleeper from a year ago in Juwan Johnson who didn’t match his prior production in a more prominent role, Foster Moreau as someone who they limited to an underneath option in terms of the pass game and whatever you want to define Taysom Hill as. Whether the latter is on the roster or not, with Klint Kubiak now taking over play-calling duties I’m expecting a fair share of multi-TE sets and could see Holker earn a role as an H-back on early downs and someone with alignment versatility in defined dropback settings.

IOL Drake Nugent, Michigan – San Francisco 49ers

Moving on to the offensive line now, I saw a path where teams would pass on Drake Nugent compared to see more impressive physical profiles on day three, but I was still shocked to see him go undrafted entirely. Depending on what you count some of these tackle/guard flex options as, there were between 25 and 30 interior O-linemen selected overall. For me, Nugent was IOL18, even though I acknowledge that he may be considered a center only at 6’1”, right around 300 pounds with pretty small hands. After barely seeing the field his first two years in college, he started all 39 games between Stanford and Michigan over the past three years, earning first-team All-Big Ten accolades and helping pave the way for a national championship as the replacement for another highly-regarded transfer at the pivot in Olu Oluwatimi. Nugent definitely lacks some size and length, to where you don’t see him just overwhelming nose-tackles at the point of attack or stun interior rushers with his punch. However, he wins as a run-blocker with great technique and naturally built-in leverage, being able to execute down- and back-blocks as part of the Wolverines’ gap schemes where they pulled their guards a lot, but he’s also very capable of getting his hips around to reach-block first-level defenders or secure moving targets climbing off combos. As a pass-protector, he operates with good flexion at his hips, knees and ankles in order to protect a firm interior of the pocket despite only being around 300 pounds. He consistently fits his hands underneath the chest of rushers, showcases impressive reactionary quicks to mirror active movers and is able to guide crossing linebackers or loopers off track at a high rate.
Considering what Kyle Shanahan and company value in terms of the offensive line – particularly at the center position – I think Nugent fits those qualifications very well. While the rest of the measurements aren’t as intriguing, he put up borderline elite agility numbers at the combine and you see that short-area quickness on tape as well. Michigan didn’t run a whole lot of outside zone, because the guys around the pivot were much more power-based and they’d mash people inside, creating extra gaps with their guards being used as pullers. However, I think Nugent can absolutely get to the play-side shoulder of shades and 2i-technique, wall off bodies on the second level and then has the lateral movement skills to slide in front of blitzers with how much 5-0 protections San Francisco runs, because they want to get five eligibles out in the pattern. Outside of their starter Jake Brendel, the only guy under contract who has really snapped the ball in the NFL is Jon Feliciano, who they brought in third-round pick Dominick Puni (Kansas) to compete for the starting gig at right guard for most likely. So I’m not sure if the Michigan standout makes the active roster week one, but if Brendel misses any time and Feliciano wins that position battle, he may end up starting at center or at least be your primary backup. And I can see a world where Puni starts a few contests at right tackle as well (after he played on the blindside for the Jayhawks), which would open up further opportunities.

IOL Kinglsey Eguakun, Florida – Detroit Lions

You’ll see a couple of other teams make the list with two potential impact UDFAs, but Detroit is the only one with multiple guys on one side of the ball, as I could see both wide receiver Isaiah Williams and Florida’s starting center over the last three years make the cut. What probably hurt him in this process is the fact that he was lost a month into the 2023 season with an ankle injury and he also didn’t work out at the combine due to tight hamstrings. However, we did see him perform at the Senior Bowl and I thought he had a really nice week. What stands out right away as we compare him to Michigan’s Drake Nugent for example is that he may not even be a full ten pounds heavier, but Eguakun presents a much denser build. Thanks to that, combined with throwing out a nice snatch-trap move a couple of times, his ability to anchor against power-rushers and put people on the ground when they get off balance, made him a very effective pass-protector. On 145 pass-blocking snaps last season, he was only charged with one sack and five additional pressures. In the run game, he has some impressive reps on tape executing different assignment on zone concepts, whether he’s latching and sustaining against D-linemen deep into the play-clock, overtaking/folding underneath on combos or shove scraping linebackers past the target. And for what that more squatty build might suggest, he’s pretty effective with getting to further extended landmarks and secure bodies in space.
With that being said, I did have a few other names ahead of Eguakun in my IOL rankings and he certainly has his flaws. Whether that’s not always bending at his knees and bringing his feet along as a run-blocker, his hands generally sliding to high in both facets and needing to gear up the level of activity in his hand-usage to battle interior pass-rushers. Combining those issues, he was penalized an insane 31(!) times across 1029 total snaps these last three years combined. Nevertheless, not only do I believe those issues are fixable down the road with the right coaching, but I also look at a pretty clear path to earn the backup center job and provide value as someone who can probably jump in at guard as well. Right now, with Graham Glasgow expected to jump in at left guard for Jonah Jackson, who just left in free agency, the only other O-linemen on this roster currently are Colby Sorsdal, who they selected in the fifth round as a developmental tackle out of William & Mary last year, the guy they surprised us with in the fourth round of this draft out of the University of British Columbia, who is also looked at as a guy who isn’t NFL-ready but has intriguing athletic tools, and former Boston College guard Christian Mahogany, who went a good 100 picks later than I expected late in the sixth round due to some medical concerns. None of those have experience at the pivot and otherwise there’s no other drafted player on this roster. Depending on if Detroit signs another free agent on the tertiary market, I see a good chance for Eguakun to make it through cuts.

EDGE Gabriel Murphy, UCLA – Minnesota Vikings

Nobody hit a bigger homerun on the undrafted free agent market last year than the Vikings. I heard the concerns around linebacker Ivan Pace Jr. coming out of Cincinnati and thought he’d go later than where I valued him, considering he was my 90th overall prospect, but when he landed with defensive coordinator Brian Flores in Minnesota, I immediately thought he’d be an impact starter, and he ended up playing at a fringe Pro Bowl level. This time around, they brought in a player I considered a fourth-round prospect but had some similar concerns based on length. His 30.5-inch arms place him in the sixth-percentile, although the rest of his measurables and athletic testing all basically were in the upper third for the position. Now, that does create some issues when he’s in those close combats against offensive tackles in both facets and you didn’t really see him be asked to stack-and-shed on the edge in the run game, as he was more so allowed to “make plays”. However, there are flashes of him even lining up at three-technique and anchoring against down-block, plus he just has a knack for swiping away the hands of offensive linemen and disrupting the backfield. What you really bring him in for however is that he can probably contribute early on already as a pass-rusher. He effectively sets up cross-chops and beats guys laterally with almost “euro-step”-like footwork. Murphy shows a great feel for the weight-distribution of blockers and has the versatility to move along the front, creating issues on the interior with his quickness. Playing along a loaded D-line at UCLA last season certainly helped, but he racked up 62 QB pressures across 355 pass-rush snaps last season.
Looking at Minnesota’s EDGE situation, they basically swapped out long-time veteran Danielle Hunter for a younger version in Jonathan Greenard coming off a career-year at the end of his rookie deal in Houston. Unlike many suspected them having to trade away both their first-round picks for a quarterback in the top-five, they were able to move up to 17th overall to pair quarterback J.J. McCarthy with what many regarded as EDGE1 in Alabama’s Dallas Turner. And they did sign former Dolphin Andrew Van Ginkel to a back-loaded two-year, 20-million-dollar contract, in part due to DC Brian Flores’ familiarity with him. However, while Jihad Ward is currently listed as an outside linebacker, at 290 pounds you’re not really going to ask him to drop into coverage, which they do a lot in a system that either brings six or only three, being very extreme-oriented. Other than that, it’s down to Pat Jones, who just played a career-high in snaps but more out of necessity and he didn’t grade out particularly well, and a developmental guy in Andre Carter who they picked up as a UDFA from Army last year and primarily was used on special teams. As I consider who can give you the most production on passing downs right now, Murphy at the very least comes in fifth in that pecking order. So I think he could be used as a spinner over the center and be valued due to his sudden hands to quickly win those one-on-ones Flores generates.

IDL Fabien Lovett, Florida State – Kansas City Chiefs

While they’ve made more investments recently, the Chiefs have a history of finding quality contributors on the defensive line late in the draft and as part of the UDFA market. They signed an edge rusher that I think could give them some snaps as part of the rotation with his urgent, violent style of play in Charlotte’s Eyabi Okie-Anoma. Yet, I want to focus on the big bear they added in the middle from Florida State. Lovett was tied for tenth in my interior D-line rankings and I thought his skill-set was worthy of investing an early day three pick in him. In terms of owning his space and sliding off blocks in run defense, he was up there with anybody outside of Texas’ massive T’Vondre Sweat as a guy playing between the guard. What I always said about him was that he had an innate feel for where pressure was being applied from and how to counter it, as he dealt with double-teams. Yet, his ability to lock out against soloes and then how slippery he is at disengaging and eating up the ball-carrier is equally impressive. Now, he doesn’t offer a whole lot of pop out of his stance and short-area twitchiness to be a legit part of a third-down package in the NFL, but he does have some dominant snaps of putting guards or centers on skates when left one-on-one and his level of activity with his hands is commendable for a guy at 6’4”, nearly 320 pounds.
As a sixth-year senior who some people may look like as a two-down player, it’s understandable that the league may value other guys above him, but there’s no way he should’ve gone undrafted entirely. Considering how Kansas City has treated their defensive front, these types of players like Derrick Nnadi, Mike Pennel and others have been valuable contributors. Especially this past season, we saw them run the second-highest rate of base defense and generally they go fairly depth into their depth chart with that position group, to keep guys healthy and give them quality snaps. So while those names I mentioned are still under contract, I think there’s definitely a path to playing time for Lovett since they value those early-phase run stoppers. This guy can occupy bodies to allow their linebackers to run freely, as they just some speed with the departure of Willie Gay Jr., but when they mug someone like Leo Chenal up and create even numbers up front, his ability to work off blockers and create quick stops allows them to get to longer downs and be aggressive in their pressure-packages. Yet, when they run more stop-drop coverages, Lovett can stay on the field and contribute as a pocket-pusher or someone who frees up lanes by pulling multiple bodies with him. I think he makes that roster or at the very least is one of the first call-ups from the practice squad, and he stands out as people watch the All-22 in DecembeJanuary.

LB Easton Gibbs, Wyoming – Seattle Seahawks

Moving on to the second level of the defense, there wasn’t as obvious a choice at linebacker as last year, but there still a few guys I could see making rosters, at least if they are significant contributors on special teams. One of those names become keen of was the last in line of some quality Wyoming LBs in Easton Gibbs. I first laid my eyes on him during Shrine Bowl week, especially in terms one-on-one reps vs. the running backs in coverage. He displayed quick feet to redirect with opponents and kept them in front of him, to where even if he did surrender catches, he would’ve been right there to set the tackle for minimal yardage. He was asked to move over the slot quite a bit during team drills, where he showed the ability to read the eyes of the quarterback as a quasi-overhang, yet he’d toggle back to targets in his vicinity and his play of the week came at the goal-line, undercutting a slant route, where he would’ve been off to the races for a pick-six. On tape, his closing burst as a delayed blitzer or taking off as a spy popped a few tomes, as well as the force to plow through running backs in protection. At 6’1”, 230 pounds, Gibbs presents a pretty dense build, with a wide chest, strong arms and a powerful lower half. He excels at creating leverage and stepping past the hips of linemen in order to circle around for the tackle when the ball is going his way, yet his lateral mobility to track (wide) zone concepts from the backside is equally strong.
Now, Gibbs can be overly concerned with beating blockers to the spot and loses vision on the ball at times, where he runs himself out of the picture. His transitions as a zone-defender and in open field tackling situations can be a little heavy-legged, leading to a missed-tackle rate of 11.6% across three seasons as a starter. So I thought he projected best as a SAM in a defense that utilizes his edge-setting skills and ability to cover tight-ends. That role doesn’t necessarily exist in Mike Macdonald’s system, but I think if paired with more of a rangy player on the second level, he can be a useful piece. That’s where the pairing with former Dolphin Jerome Baker makes a lot of sense, who can be the one that drops out of mugged-up looks and match up with guys out of the backfield as Gibbs is used as a pressure player. As I look at what else they have on the roster, there’s really only Tyrel Dodson in terms of guys with legit NFL experience, who logged two third of his career starts last season (10). Otherwise, they only have 23 total defensive snaps to show for at off-ball backer. Seattle did draft Tyrice Knight out of UTEP in the fourth round, who is a fun player in terms of the violence he plays with, but it also leads to him running himself out of trouble quite regularly at this point. I think there’s an outside chance Gibbs actually wins that second starting gig at inside linebacker and unless they love what one of those other guys provides on teams, he’s at least LB4 for this group.

CB Josh Wallace, Michigan – Los Angeles Rams

This was an insanely deep corner class and it would surprise a lot of people probably to hear there was actual one more selected (36 total) than at wide receiver, which was the topic of discussion alongside the quarterback all draft season. However, there were still a couple left who didn’t end up hearing their names called, who I expect to battle for roster spots. Josh Wallace is one of those, as someone who spent the first four years of his collegiate career at UMass before transferring to Michigan for his final season of eligibility, where he didn’t intercept any passes but did start 11 of 15 contests, with four PBUs, one fumble forced and two recovered. He’s more so average-sized at 5’11”, 185 pounds, but he plays above that weight-class, where he can bother receivers at the line. When he’s playing straight-up press-technique, Wallace does well to deny receivers to get to the edges of his frame, when he’s allowed to shade inside, he can ride guys into the sideline and then he can stop his momentum pretty well. As a zone defender, he showcases impressive recognition for route combinations, is forceful with his hands to funnel targets towards the safety to his side and generally his awareness for down-and-distance and game situations is excellent. On the negative side, he lacks great twitch at the break-point to erase that window of separation receivers are able to create on him, flipping with vertical releases a step early raises concerns around Wallace’s long speed – backed up by running in the high 4.6s at his pro day – and he’s not really a play-maker with the ball in the air, only intercepting three of 32 total passes defensed in his career.
Having said that, he did have an impressive Shrine Bowl week, stacking over top of routes, forcing guys to widen their stem, without allowing guys to detach on him, at one point coming up with an awesome interception in the end-zone during red-zone one-on-ones, walling off his man, getting his eyes back on the quarterback and diving for the ball. And the big case for him is the physical presence he provides out on the perimeter. This guy steps downhill vs. the run with a purpose and is looking to be the one initiating contact with blockers, then aims low as a tackler and significantly cut down his miss rate this past season against top competition, only missing two of 42 attempts. So while we don’t fully know what the structure of the Rams D will look like under new coordinator Chris Shula, taking over the principles and largely personnel of the previous iteration under Raheem Morris, there’s a pretty clear differentiation between the bigger, more hands-on boundary corners like Tre’Davious White and Derion Kendrick, and the quicker field-side options such as Darious Williams and Cobie Durant. White and Williams coming in as free agents, with Williams having familiarity with L.A. already, are slated to start week one, but I think Wallace could battle Kendrick – who had similar speed concerns, which were even more prevalent on tape – for the backup role on the short side of the field, where he’s asked to disrupt receivers early but doesn’t necessarily stick with them all the way across the field, while having help over the top or inside.

CB Chigozie Anusiem, Colorado State – Washington Commanders

The other top-30 corner for me who didn’t end up getting selected is someone else I saw early on at Shrine Bowl week but didn’t get to study fully until late in the process. For reference, there were eight guys at that position who got drafted – a couple as early as the fourth round – who I had ranked below Anusiem. Unlike Josh Wallace, I really don’t understand why he ended up not getting taken, since he has even better size at 6’1”, 200 pounds and ran a 4.39 at the Colorado State pro day. A former three-star safety recruit for Cal back in 2018, it took this guy a little bit to find his footing and it took until the final two of his six seasons in college for him to become a fixture in the lineup, once he had transferred to the Rams, where he logged a pick and 12 PBUs across 23 total games. Anusiem operates with good balance and his eyes locked in on the belt of his man from soft-press alignment. He shows the football IQ for what routes to anticipate based on splits and formations, slightly adjusting his technique, and then has 32-and-¼-inch arms to impede to progress of the guy across from him as he commits to the release. He has the wheels to run with just about anybody, his closing burst once receivers try to separate on secondary routes is excellent and then his length allows him to bat down targets others would settle for the tackle on. On 228 snaps in man-coverage over the past two years combined, Anusiem allowed just 12 of 36 targets his way (33.3%) to be completed for 157 yards and one touchdown, while actively forcing nine incompletions. In reality, he might be at his best however playing top-down in quarters and closing on stuff in the flats, where he looks comfortable peaking back at the quarterback, mid-pointing routes and passing along or falling off for targets in his vicinity.
He can definitely get a little too aggressive with wanting to dictate the route development and gets turned the wrong way, leading to some wasted movement – which you saw during Shrine Bowl week against more skilled route-runners – he’s quick to get into that three-quarter turn in deep zone assignments and lose vision of the wideout at times and when he’s attacking downhill against the run, he’s more so just catching ball-carrier, allowing them to drive through him for additional yardage due to his high center of gravity. However, it’s not like he’s missing tackles (just 5.2% of his attempts last season, compared to 6.3% for his entire career) and he’s generally a strong edge-setter, where he’s sliding inside of receivers to create early stops when the ball bounces his way or he punches off receivers with those long limbs, not shying away from sticking his nose in the fan against bigger bodies out on the perimeter. That’s why I thought someone would bet on his traits, teaching him how to hone in his aggressiveness in man-coverage, since he’s pretty reliable against the run from day one. And looking at what new Commanders head coach values from that position, it aligns with a lot that he brings to the table in terms of dictating terms to receivers with a high rate of man-coverage. That’s why they brought in Michael Davis from the Chargers to pair with Benjamin St. Juste, while drafting Mike Sainristil to start in the nickel for the them, but I’m a lot more concerned about last year’s first-rounder Emmanuel Forbes, who was over-drafted based on speed and having a nose for coming up with interceptions. This new front-office isn’t as invested in him to succeed and I could see Anusiem end up as their primary backup on the outside, since he’s a good 20 pounds heavier and fits more with their mantra.

SAF Millard “Nook” Bradford, TCU – New Orleans Saints

Finally, I want to discuss one safety here. This is a class that receive a whole lot of publicity, but taking my top-100 big board and the guys I listed as “the next 30 names”, I had 11 names up there and depending on how you want to define a couple of them who ultimately got picked, there were are 20 selected total.

The rest of the analysis can be found here!


One more UDFA to keep track of for each team:

Arizona Cardinals – Xavier Weaver, WR, Colorado
Atlanta Falcons – Austin Stogner, TE, Oklahoma
Baltimore Ravens – Beau Brade, SAF, Maryland
Buffalo Bills – Frank Gore Jr., RB, Southern Miss
Carolina Panthers – Jalen Coker, WR, Holy Cross
Chicago Bears – Keith Randolph Jr., IDL, Illinois
Cincinnati Bengals – Aaron Casey, LB, Indiana
Cleveland Browns – Javion Cohen, IOL, Miami
Dallas Cowboys – Brevyn Spann-Ford, TE, Minnesota
Denver Broncos – Thomas Yassmin, TE, Utah
Detroit Lions – Steele Chambers, LB, Ohio State
Green Bay Packers – Donovan Jennings, OT/IOL, USF
Houston Texans – Jadon OR Jaxon Janke, WR, South Dakota State
Indianapolis Colts – Kedon Slovis, QB, USC
Jacksonville Jaguars – Josh Proctor, SAF, Ohio State
Kansas City Chiefs – Eyabi Okie-Anoma, EDGE, Charlotte
Las Vegas Raiders – Lideatrick “Tulu” Griffin, WR, Mississippi State
Los Angeles Chargers – Zach Heins, TE, South Dakota State
Los Angeles Rams – Kenny Logan Jr., SAF, Kansas
Miami Dolphins – Storm Duck, CB, Louisville
Minnesota Vikings – Dallas Gant, LB, Toledo
New England Patriots – Charles Turner III, IOL, LSU
New Orleans Saints – Sincere Haynesworth, IOL, Tulane
New York Giants – Alex Johnson, CB, UCLA
New York Jets – Leonard Taylor III, IDL, Miami
Philadelphia Eagles – Gabe Hall, IDL, Baylor
Pittsburgh Steelers – Dajuan Edwards, RB, Georgia
San Francisco 49ers – Evan Anderson, IDL, FAU
Seattle Seahawks – Garrett Greenfield, OT, South Dakota State
Tampa Bay Buccaneers – Kalen DeLoach, LB, FSU
Tennessee Titans – Dillon Johnson, RB, Washington
Washington Commanders – Tyler Owens, SAF, Texas Tech .
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