Cinderella monologue

He’s Not PowerPuff Pantalone, Part 2: Justice for Baizhu?

2024.05.05 01:13 bai-rouran He’s Not PowerPuff Pantalone, Part 2: Justice for Baizhu?

He’s Not PowerPuff Pantalone, Part 2: Justice for Baizhu?
Part 2 to the Foil Theory is here! (Here’s Part 1 for context.) Today, we’re discussing how it relates to the Commedia dell’Arte, Gnosticism, Greek mythology, historical figures, and the greater plot of Genshin Impact. Fair warning: This is long, and I can’t finish this analysis without addressing other major in-game lore, pop-culture references, and real-world history. Stop reading now if you're concerned with possible spoilers.
“Haven’t You Beaten This Topic to Death Already?!”
The first post only served as groundwork for lore & theories. The symbol attributed to Pantalone on the Harbinger’s Wheel is likely the Globus Cruciger, or the “orb and cross.”
It’s a Christian symbol intended to represent God’s dominion over the world. The orb and cross are sometimes seen alongside the Barmas: a Russian collacrown featuring 7 medallions.
*There’s a misconception these represent “heresy.” That was how they were treated by another videogame developer, not real-world history. Pantalone is wearing the Globus Cruciger as a ring.
Now can we properly discuss Pants. Let's start with Pappus:
The Attelan stock character Pappus may have played a forerunner, or Harbinger, to Pantalone. Given the way formal theatre literature framed this, I chose to investigate Pappus first.
The name Pappus likely originated from the Greek ‘Pappos,’ meaning “grandfather” or “old man.” He was typically portrayed as a fool who was easily tricked by his wife or daughter. He may have been based on Pappus of Alexandria: a Greek mathematician who wrote 8 volumes of mathematical texts featuring Euclidian geometric principles and other subjects (called “Synagoge.”)
What’s Euclidian Geometry? “Euclidean geometry is a mathematical system attributed to ancient Greek mathematician Euclid, which he described in his texts on geometry, “Elements.” Pappus’ own work on projective planes was partly influenced by “Elements.” ‘Elements’ refers to geometric mathematical principles.
The Pappus Configuration is a configuration of nine points and nine lines in the Euclidean plane, with three points per line and three lines through each point.
That’s cool, but… I’m here for the gorgeous banker? Okay, okay. As I researched Pappus, it became evident that some works and terminology associated with him and Euclid may have been repurposed along with Gnostic premises for Genshin Impact’s plot. I’m operating on the assumption Hoyoverse read some of the same formal sources I did, so it feels criminal to omit these details. Moving on…

Commedia dell’Arte Pantalone
He’s consistent in his behaviomannerisms, and his role in the plot. He’s typically an affluent Venetian merchant whose greatest fear is financial loss, and encompasses everything his (proposed) primary inspiration isn’t.
Pantalone is rich, greedy, lecherous, pompous, and prone to mismanaging business and personal affairs. He’s often partnered with Il Dottore in some capacity, sometimes married to La Signora, and often the father of one of the Innamorati. When he plays the father of one of the Innamorati alongside Dottore, they work together to keep the Lovers separated at all costs.
Some players discounted the Commedia dell’Arte influence on the Fatui Harbinger’s lore because it was comedic. However, “our” Pantalone is somewhat consistent with his Commedia dell’Arte image, and there are several Lazzos/background history that seem to have been foreshadowed already. Here’s an amazing example featuring Pulcinella:
-Lazzo of the Inside (Potential Pulcinella Spoilers)
To create the illusion of ferociousness, Pulcinella (hidden behind a door from the Captain) fakes the voices of servants being beaten by him. That’s the entire punchline of this Lazzo.
-Lazzo of Greeting (Potential Pulcinella Spoilers)
“Pulcinella greets the Captain or another character with what seems like great respect. He says, "You are the son of Jove, the new moon, and twice the last name of Alexander!" Then, Pulcinella explains, "The son of Jove refers to Bacchus, who is depicted as a goat. The new moon is represented by horns, and the last name of Alexander is Magno. When repeated twice, it becomes magno-magno. So, the entire greeting means: 'Eat it up, eat it up, you horned goat [cuckold].'"
In Genshin Impact, Tartaglia speaks of Pulcinella as a concerned-grandpa-type looking out for his family, while Wanderer is convinced that Pulcinella’s real message to Tartaglia is something to the effect of “your family’s lives are in my hands.” These Lazzo tells us who’s more likely to be correct. Pulcinella being made out to be as malicious as he’s implied may be an illusion, and he may not share the loyalty/regard to the organization that other members do in spite of his cooperative front. Wanderer’s take on his behavior speaks only to affirming personal biases. (Keep in mind that Wanderer assumes the worst of everyone, and that About voicelines alone don’t necessarily speak to the full truth; only the character’s perception of the truth.)

Lazzo of Pantalone’s Story

“Pantalone begins to tell ridiculous and impossible stories about adventures he has supposedly had with well-known figures from medieval/ancient history.”
The punchline is that he talks about this at great lengths, and nobody believes him. I questioned how Hoyoverse may have used this Lazzo, and came at it from several angles that all felt equally ridiculous. It got messier when I factored in the possibilities behind other popular theories I’ve read. He’s King Deshret, he’s a Vishap-person, he’s Nibelung, he’s Changsheng’s evil segment, he’s Rouran, he’s Ouroboros incarnate, he’s the one who founded the Wangshang Funeral Parlor, he’s Baizhu moonlighting as a Harbinger, he’s a priest who ventured into the Abyss, he’s an Abyss Mage/Lector, he’s the Heart of Naberius, he’s a soldier who fell into the Chasm, he’s Caribert, he’s immortal Clothar Alberich, etc.
In the end, I chose to interpret this as “Pantalone is ancient, and has likely played more than one historical role in Genshin Impact.” Why?
1: Saint Pantaleon/Panteleimon, Christian healer & martyr in Greek-speaking Roman City of Nicomedia:
St. Pantaleon (meaning ‘all things like a lion,) better known as St. Pantaleimon (the all-compassionate) is commonly suggested to have inspired Commedia Pantalone, making Commedia Pantalone a traditional foil to his real-world counterpart. Born and raised with a Pagan education during Diocletian’s persecution of Christians, Pantaleon gravitated to medicine. One day, he happened upon a child who’d been killed by a viper. Saving the child was beyond his power as a mortal physician, and Pagan gods wouldn’t come through. As a test of faith, he prayed to God. The child was revived, & the viper was killed. He’s renamed Pantaleimon, usually upon converting to Christianity.
He went on to treat everyone without charge (including restoring a blind man’s sight to convert his father,) and treated prisoners freely too, many of whom were Christians. Jealous doctors who’d lost patients to Pantaleimon’s goodwill responded by reporting him to Emperor Maximian for healing Christians. Emperor Maximian ordered Pantaleimon to sacrifice to Pagan gods, but he refused and proposed a test of faith. A sick person for whom there was no hope would be brought before them, and each would pray to God/Pagan Gods to see who came through.They brought in a paralyzed man. Pagan Gods didn’t respond. Pantaleimon un-paralyzed the man using the power of God. Now playing “Big Mad,” Maximian responded by killing the unparalyzed guy, and sentencing Pantaleimon to torture. However, the power of God protected Pantaleimon from a ton of your usual Roman violence (boiling, stabbing, etc) so Maximian ordered his execution.
At the site of his execution, God called down to him. The soldier's swords softened upon their attempts to execute him. He forgave the soldiers ordered to kill him, they repented, he told them to off him anyway to protect them, and he was beheaded. However, his body refused to decay.
St. Pantaleimon is the best evidence Pantalone plays a foil to Genshin Impact’s Baizhu, and the best evidence of a potential Alberich/Khaenri’ah allegory.
Baizhu is currently following a path similar to Pantaleimon’s. Though he extorted Pantalone indirectly over the Everlasting Incense (which is extremely funny for reasons I’ll explain later) he’s also known to treat people for free when they can’t afford his help. He’s the pharmacist from Liyue we work with to cure Anna’s illness and blindness, and he used his research on Qiqi to save Jialiang from death. He’s currently in pursuit of immortality, which Pantaleimon appeared to achieve in the end, and was ultimately ‘killed’ for.
The narrative similarities to Clothar’s pleas to the Statue of the Seven in saving Caribert are too flagrant to ignore. The Archons don’t answer, but the “Sinner” did, and imbued Caribert with the Loom of Fate (said to be of Primordial Creation) saving Caribert. This story may imply that the “Sinner” is some aspect of the Primordial One.
2: Pantaleon/Pantaleimon Sudzhaksky:
I could only find Bulgarian Orthodox and Russian Orthodox sources mentioning this variation of St. Pantaleimon’s background, and some are conflicting on whether or not healing was involved. He was born into extreme poverty, sent to work in an old shoe shop and doing other odd jobs from a young age to survive. A terrible plague swept across his homeland, and he was left wandering alone, surrounded by endless death. He sought understanding/help, and ended up in a monastery on Mount Athos (an important Greek center of Eastern Orthodox Monostacism.) He inquired persistently as to the nature of life and death, and became fixated on partaking in Holy Communion, believing it to bestow eternal life. He would eventually be expelled for partaking in excess, and went on to become a religious leader whose followers lived in poverty. He believed communion to be their salvation; everlasting connection to God. He was persecuted by the Greek patriarch, and arrested under orders of the Bishop of Adrianople. However, he and his followers would go on to unite with the Catholic Church. He was later venerated in Bulgaria and Russia as Saint Pantaleimon, suggesting multiple “St. Pantaleimon” inspirations. 1 article claims he founded a religion known as Pantaleymonovsty: I can't find anything else to expand on this. I also had to translate sources, so hopefully I haven’t missed important details, but I can’t promise so.
His story is similar to Baizhu’s with the loss of his parents during a plague, but more closely resembles Pantalone’s, given his implied experience with destitution, and rhetoric dictated by religion & leadership. This St. Pantaleimon lends more credence to the Foil theory, as well as several Liyue and religion-oriented theories, which leads me to…
3. Holy Prophet Mani, the Zoroastrian Martyr:
I generally avoid using Wikipedia summaries, but when formal sources back them up and I can’t find a better way to summarize info, they’re helpful.
“Mani was an Iranian prophet and the founder of Manichaeism, a religion most prevalent in late antiquity. The exact meaning of the name is a question still unsolved. It may have derived from Babylonian-Aramaic Mânâ [luminescence].” Mandaeans used the term mânâ rabba, which means "Enlightened Lord/King". Ancient Greek interpretations were skeuos (σκεῦος, vessel, instrument) and homilia (ὁμιλία, intercourse, company, communion, instruction.)
Here’s where the Foil theory gets interesting:
Baizhu’s birthday is April 25th. This is also the date commemorating Mani’s birth.
A prophet who blended Gnosticism with Buddhist and Zoroastrian elements, Mani was arrested and martyred by Persian authorities, not unlike St. Pantaleimon. Meanwhile, our Pantalone is looking… An awful lot like a conglomeration of a different Saint Pantaleimon, and Commedia Pantalone.
4. King Pantaleon/Panteleimon:
King Pantaleon was a Greek King and successor to Demetrius I Anicetus the ‘Unconquered,’ who is thought by some to have been his brother. His copper-alloy coins may be suggestive of early Bactrian trade with China. His role is consistent with the ‘ruling with the authority of God’ sentiment behind the Globus Cruciger, and involves production of personalized currency.
5: Rouran Khaganate & ‘Zhongli’ + ‘Xiao’:
Modernization/assimilation (Alatus = Xiao, Deus Auri = Zhongli, Abrax = Aberaku, etc) is a common theme Pantalone may have followed as an ancient entity. Considering this and his connection to Baizhu lends credence to the Rouran coin-replacement-as-warfare theory discussed in the first post. Furthermore, one of the last recorded Rouran was named Furen. If the theory has merit, there’s some interesting misinformation that Hoyo may have been inspired by to explain the similarities to Pantalone’s pose in Winter Night’s Lazzo, and the Harbinger’s cloaks. One historian/linguistic expert claimed linguistic origins revealed ‘Rouran’ may not have been a name, but an ancient term for anyone who defected from their nation/allegiance to serve a charismatic warlord. I say ‘misinformation’ because this was disproven by another historian. (The Rouran Khaganate overall is very misunderstood.) I've included it because I don’t see many formal articles correcting it. It’s possible writers never encountered the correction.
6. Emperor Wang Mang:
Again, because of Baizhu’s connection to Pantalone, we need to consult both Russian and Chinese history for analysis. To that end, recall Zhiyi, Pantalone’s cunning subordinate and the antagonist of Yelan’s Story Quest?
小钱币,值一 , or Xiǎo qiánbì, zhí yī, meaning ‘Small Coin, Worth One’ were introduced as the lowest denomination of a new currency system under Emperor Wang Mang’s rule of China. Wang Mang was considered China’s first Socialist. Zhiyi’s name in Yelan’s Story Quest may be a reference to this, a homonym essentially calling him low value – or as Uncle Tian puts it the EN translation, a “pawn.”
\Please note that there are multiple ways this was translated in different historical sources; if you attempt to use basic translating apps to investigate, you’re probably going to get nonsense-sounding results.*
Emperor Wang Mang was a Confucian ascetic who rose to power through his good standing. Wang Mang secured his position as Regent to the Emperor Ping by arranging a marriage between the Emperor and his own daughter. Later, it’s said that Wang Mang’s son conspired with the Emperor’s Uncles to end his regency. They were all put to death on Wang Mang’s orders for the ‘conspiracy.’ Emperor Ping would later die by unknown causes; whether it was natural, or a matter of poisoning is debated by historians. Wang Mang replaced him. He was known for his efforts to reform society through use of forward-thinking foreign policy, the imposition of taxes on slave owners, and currency replacement, though these efforts didn’t go over well. His intentions in all of this are uncertain; was he sincerely trying to help his people, or did he merely see these methods as a means of securing wealth and control? Whether he was ultimately a tyrant or a benevolent ruler is debated depending on the source.
More conflicting intentions and wealth inequality. He's easily likened to the contradictory impressions of Pantalone behaving like Commedia Pantalone (who also leveraged his child to benefit economically/politically) while wearing symbols related to the ‘all-compassionate’ Pantaleimon, like the Heart of Gold motif. That said, Emperor Wang Mang didn’t use currency replacement as a form of intercontinental warfare or defect to other countries, and other nuances to his background directly contradict Pantalone’s, which is why I concluded the Rouran Khaganate to be the other aspect to the monetary warfare/reform inspiration.
7. Commedia Pantalone
‘Our’ Pantalone and his associates encompass the extravagant and cruel nature depicted in his Commedia role so far. His subordinates are terrified of him, and they tend to operate in very underhanded ways: espionage, sabotage, monopolization of resources, even turning on one another when things get rough to come out on top.
A prime example of the company he keeps? The Rusty Rudder in Fontaine. It’s full of Pantalone’s sketchy associates, including a debt collector who hints at an imminent meeting and forcefully bribes us. You can find a correspondence between criminals in codewords, threatening to make unsuitable business partners wear “cement shoes”; in other words, threatening to tie them up, attach a weight to them, and drown them in the ocean. You can also find a bill referencing the suspicious transaction of 3 mysterious items we accidentally helped Pantalone complete with Landa when we first entered Liyue, as well as an article clipping referencing the fall of the criminal organization “Club Pantaloni di Novela” to the Spina di Rosula, further referencing the tendency of Commedia Pantalone’s plans to fail.
Arlecchino’s voiceline regarding him suggests he’s subtly temperamental; not as controlled as he believes himself to be, which tracks with Commedia Pantalone and Luoxia’s description of Rouran.
Furthermore, he purchased the pelt of an extinct legendary beast to offer as a gift to the Tsaritsa. Yelan stole it and repurposed it as a mantle as payback for Pantalone having stolen one of her Fascinating Bracelets. Both items were ancient (Yelan mentions the technology behind the bracelet is ancient,) but Pantalone seemed to have intimate knowledge to target them as he did, further implying “our” Pantalone possesses “old” knowledge related to Liyue. Traditional theatre instructions of Pantalone, Tartaglia, Dottore, and sometimes Capitano refer to them as “old men.”
8. Pappus:
The Attelan Farce refers to the Roman improvised masked comedies the Commedia dell’Arte was said to be inspired by. There’s a great deal of emphasis on Pappus’ age in the Attelan stock, with his name being the only one derived from Oscan; an extinct Italian language. (Capitano and Pulcinella are also thought to draw direct inspiration from other Attelan characters, though the details are debated.) Pappus’ foolishness is also emphasized like Commedia Pantalone’s, and real-world Pappus’ contributions to Euclidian Geometry as a skilled mathematician contrast against this starkly.
Genshin Pantalone is Baizhu’s Foil Commedia Pantalone is St. Pantaleimon’s Foil Commedia Pantalone is Commedia Il Dottore’s Comic Foil Attelan Stock Pappus is Commedia Pantalone’s Harbinger Attelan Stock Pappus is Pappus of Alexandria’s Foil
9. Enkanomiya Quests, The Legend of Zelda, Domain Murals, & Pantalone’s Design:
The ascending eyelet pattern on Pantalone’s shirt resembles the same eyelet pattern present in Domain murals, Seals, the Spiral Abyss dooportal, and certain sea entities
Be warned that by addressing this, I might be spoiling serious plot points.
“The Pale Princess & the 6 Pygmies” Lisa gives us the first volume at the very beginning of the game, and we haven’t seen another since. Why? Because it holds weighty implications about the creation of the world and how the plot will progress. Some believed this story exclusively referenced Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, and I agreed… Until I researched Pantalone, Enkanomiya, and a ton of Greek history. Then I spent a drunken evening saltily pulling it all apart again, with focus on the Night Mother. Why? Snow White, Beauty and the Beast, and Cinderella all took influence from older Greek or Roman mythology. (One example is the story of Chione, or ‘Snow.’ )
An Enkanomiyan Questline titled “Erebos’ Secret” had us endure 3 trials in the corners of Enkanomiya with the help of Eboshi. Finishing this questline dropped major lore. Many assumed ‘Erebos’ & ‘Eboshi’ were references to the assimilation of Enkanomiyans into Narukami culture.
However, the symbol representing the Questline and other World Quests tells a different story, as does the Greek history behind the name Erebos. It just so happens to resemble the brooch Pantalone is wearing, which leads us to:
The Odal Rune’s inversion suggests he doesn’t possess the “natural” right to rule the world, which is how Phanes is regarded. Its positioning could be likened to the positioning of Ganondorf’s fragment of the Triforce, and Ganondorf believes himself to be a rightful King.
Yes, I’m likening Pantalone to the Ganondorf in Twilight Princess, representing the Demiurge. If you’ve never played the Zelda series, it revolves around the power of the Triforce, and the incarnations of Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf fighting the same battles of good and evil in different periods/worlds. Ganondorf is a Sorcerer King born with the innate right to rule the Gerudo. Ganon covets Hyrule Kingdom for the light and peace it holds (very unlike the dry, harsh Gerudo Desert) and attacks Hyrule. He’s caught and imprisoned in the Arbiter’s Grounds, sentenced to be executed by the 6 Sages.
However, by some “divine prank,” the Sages are unable to execute him. As it turns out, he possesses the Triforce of Power – equated to the power of the Demiurge, as Din’s Power was said to have “shaped” the world from existing elements in Ocarina of Time.
Sounding anything like Pantaleimon’s execution? The difference is that Ganon is just innately evil; I don’t believe Pantalone is innately evil, otherwise there wouldn’t be repeated hints towards his being in conflict with his emotions.
Moving on, if you research Erebos in the context of Gnosticism (also spelled as Erebus) you’ll learn that he’s Nyx’s counterpart in Primordial Creation. Nyx is a Greek Primordial Goddess born in the darkness alongside the equivalent of God. She has many names across different cultures, and is often likened to Gaea.
One of her titles, “Gogyen Sowhuti,” translates to “Grandmother Spider” in Native American cultures; particularly Hopi, Cherokee, and Navajo beliefs. The Grandmother Spider perpetually weaves and destroys the universe as she spins her web. However, Genshin Impact draws primary influence from Gnostic belief systems.
Per Brittanica, “The Orphic Rhapsodies made her the daughter and successor of Phanes, a creator god; she continued to advise her own successors (Uranus, her son by Phanes; Cronus, youngest son of Uranus; and Zeus) by means of her oracular gifts. Aristotle, in Metaphysics**, Book XII, asserted that some “theologians” derive all things from night. This idea fits the theogony of Aristophanes’** Birds**. Throughout antiquity Nyx caught the imagination of poets and artists, but she was seldom worshipped.**”
Together, they created more primordial entities to found the universe, but Nyx went forgotten. For the “Supernatural” fans inevitably going OH MY GOD right now… Yes, you could liken them to Chuck and Amara. The ending to "Supernatural" was also informed by Greek mythology and some Gnostic principles; Fortuna herself grew to believe in Sam and Dean’s self-determined heroism.
Furthermore, in the Book of Genesis, it’s said that in the beginning of creation, God separated the Darkness from the rest of creation to protect it.
“The Separation of Light from Darkness is, from the perspective of the Genesis chronology, the first of nine central panels that run along the center of Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel ceiling and which depict scenes from the Book of Genesis. And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.”
The cruel ‘Night Mother’ is framed as Phanes’ counterpart, and Phanes rose from the Abyss. So yes, this lends credence to the theory that Phanes/Celestia aren’t necessarily purely antagonistic in how they handle Abyssal influence.
Erebos is also “Aether’s” father. I’m referring to the Greek Aether. Pantalone in the Commedia dell’Arte is typically the Father of one of the Innamorati. Before you go “but the Travelers aren’t the Innamorati,” hear me out.
The Innamorati virtually never don masks in the original Commedia dell’Arte, and Genshin Impact went out of its way to make us wear a mask in Mondstadt. This drew players away from the assumption that the Twins represented the Lovers. I felt like it was a misdirection. So I also investigated the Innamorati, and their influence on later storytelling. Many popular stories are thought to have directly spun off of the dynamic between the Lovers.
The key takeaway about the Innamorati's influence ultimately wasn’t that they were literal lovers, but that their pursuit of one another drove the greater plot. A popular example would be Naruto and Sasuke's relationship in Naruto/Shippuden.
The Twins absolutely can be the Innamorati in modern storytelling, which means ‘Pantalone’ has the capacity to act as a ‘Father.’
It’s not a coincidence that the brooch Pantalone is wearing just so happens to feature the same upside-down Odal rune in the same position as the ‘power’ segment of the Triforce when you consider the implications of the Globus Cruciger in godliness and authority to rule, and Genshin’s admission to having taken significant influence from Breath of the Wild. What could this make Pants, given his fixation with the natural rights of humanity? Daddy. The Father. The ‘androgynous’ Phanes – or I should say, a part of Phanes. Which leads us to…

Cosmic Dualism, Baizhu, the Nag Hammadi, Manichaeism, and Phanes

Cosmic dualism relates to Gnostic principles of forces in opposition, similar (but not the same) to concepts like Yin-Yang. Depending on the belief system, it can regard the opposition of the material world and 'evil' God, framed against the immaterial and 'true' God. This is among the reasons why Baizhu is contrasted against Pantalone, and why they both feature black-and-white rhetoric and motifs.
'Cycles' regarding time and history are constants in-game. I suspect Phanes/his Shades ended up subject to Teyvat's ‘cycle.’ I have no idea how/when. So why would I draw this conclusion?
When I was doing my Pantalone/Baizhu analysis, I kept challenging my own take because they share so much in common besides their looks. Baizhu delayed naming Bubu Pharmacy to just start treating patients, and then named Bubu Pharmacy using anti-Gods wordplay. Pantalone complained about naming the Credit Coupons as he hatched the “removing Zhongli’s authority and replacing Mora” plan, and then gave them a similarly symbolic name.
"In Liyue, a form of divination is often used to predict fortune and peril or ask the gods for guidance. The people of Liyue call their particular art Zhanbu. "A name and a message... Then let us send the message that no matter the fortunes of this shop, or the diseases afflicting our patients..." Baizhu picked up the prescription note and faced the rising sun framed through the door. "...Or our fates, we don't need to ask the gods or use divination any longer." In the language of Liyue, "Zhanbu" is divination, but "bu" can also be the word for a refusal or negation. Thus, he chose a name that enshrined his beliefs. The rays of sunlight were shining through the door and the thin paper in his hand, with the words written by his hand clear and confident— Bubu Pharmacy, Baizhu."
So here was my reasoning: -What would you call 2 people who share the same ‘essence’ without being the same person? -What if they share the same soul? That’s a popular concept in many cultures, especially regarding Twins

There are distinct references to this concept in the Nag Hammadi, as well as references from Mani’s belief system.

The Nag Hammadi, an ancient and badly damaged Gnostic text, is full of references to worlds where souls go to be purified. It discusses models and copies of souls being transferred from one “path” to the next. (These obscure passages may also relate to Visions, but that part’s just supposition.)
-“[Souls] are located according to the power they have in themselves, [...] lower are produced by the copies. Those who receive a model of their souls are still in the world. They came into being after the departure of the aeons, one by one, and they are removed one by one from the copy of Exile to the Exile that really exists, from the copy of Repentance to the Repentance that really exists, [and from the] copy of Autogenes to [the Autogenes] that really exists. The remainder [...] the souls [...] exist in a [...] all [...] of aeons [...]
-( …) “He said, "[Zost]rianos, listen about these [...] for the first [...] origins are three because they have appeared in a single origin [of] the Barbelo aeon, not like some origins and powers, nor like (one) from an origin and power. It is to every origin that they have appeared; they have strengthened every power; and they appeared from that which is far better than themselves. These (three) are Existence, Blessedness and Life.”
Meanwhile, Mani taught how the soul of a righteous individual returns to Paradise upon dying, but "the soul of the person who persisted in things of the flesh – fornication, procreation, possessions, cultivation, harvesting, eating of meat, drinking of wine – is condemned to rebirth in a succession of bodies."
“According to biographies preserved by ibn al-Nadim and the Persian polymath al-Biruni, Mani received a revelation as a youth from a spirit, whom he would later call his "Twin" (Imperial Aramaic: תאומא tɑʔwmɑ, from which is also derived the Greek name of Thomas the Apostle, Didymus; the "twin"), Syzygos (Koinē Greek: σύζυγος "spouse, partner", in the Cologne Mani-Codex), "Double," "Protective Angel," or "Divine Self." This spirit taught him wisdom that he then developed into a religion. It was his "Twin" who brought Mani to self-realization. Mani claimed to be the Paraclete of the Truth promised by Jesus in the New Testament."
Paraclete is a Christian biblical term occurring five times in the Johannine texts of the New Testament. In Christian works, the word typically refers to the Holy Spirit, translated as 'advocate', 'counsellor' or 'helper'.”
The ‘Old men’ from the commedia are usually Pantalone, Dottore, and Tartaglia – all of whom have at least 1 additional ‘version’ of themselves canonically confirmed in Genshin Impact. Dottore is almost obsessive about preserving ‘perspectives.’
We find notes on a play “Ajax” was part of as the 2nd strongest member of his alliance from hundreds of years ago, while “our” Ajax exists presently. Dottore has his whole obsession with preserving “perspectives” while taking offense to being called “young.” Baizhu therefor fits as Pantalone’s 'other self,' explaining the implied age gap; Pantalone lived into another cycle while his ‘model’ was incarnated yet again.
In other words, Baizhu isn't Pantalone in disguise: they have unique life experiences and conflicting perspectives while sharing base likenesses because they’re the same ‘essence’ on divergent paths, not unlike the Travelers. Whether or not they’ve met and influenced one another has yet to be seen.

All Roads Lead to Phanes, proposed to be the Primordial One

Here's where it becomes crack-theory territory. Please be kind in your response to these suppositions, because I spent weeks researching academic sources from JSTOR, and my fingers hurt.
I’m not claiming any of this is a guarantee of how Hoyo will treat this dynamic, but I’m struggling to form other conclusions:
Pantalone’s represented by the Globus Cruciger, a Christian symbol representing God’s dominion over the world. There's a ton of symbolism in the stories inspiring Baizhu and Pantalone’s rhetoric regarding religion, martyrdom, healing, economics, and inequality, suggesting they’re connected by far more than their designs. Baizhu and Pantalone’s rhetoric regard humanity’s plights.
...But Pantalone has an inhuman appearance; pointed ears somewhat similar to Neuvillette’s, and eyes hidden, presumably because they reveal something very distinct about him.
I’ve double-checked Baizhu’s model, and his right ear appears normal; the left is concealed by his hair. As for his eyes, we’ve repeatedly confirmed they were altered as a consequence of his contract with Changsheng; both the shape of his pupils and the color of the iris were swapped with Changsheng. So Baizhu’s natural eyes were violet-red and human; Pantalone’s may also be red, but inhuman
-If I stretch, perhaps Vishap-people were a thing during the Roman-inspired empires, they eventually grew to identify with humanity, and our Pantalone may have been reborn as the human-vishap blend Enjou discussed with us in Enkanomiya to repent for what Phanes did to the Sovereigns. Vishap-people are mostly indistinguishable from humans, but with altered pupils. Enjou wasn’t the most reliable narrator, but this Version mentioned the "Traitorous Dragonheirs” in Remuria’s history, Petrichor is based on Italy, Pappus’ name in the Atellan stock implies he’s ancient Italian, Pantalone's rhetoric closely fits Pantaleimon Sudzhaksky's, and Repentance is mentioned repeatedly in the Nag Hammadi.
-The alternate STRETCH is that we shouldn’t interpret the “Christian" reference literally in Pantalone's case, and he’s following the path Enjou implied by joining the Harbingers. Enjou suggested Vishaps evolved in Enkanomiya to infiltrate/sabotage human ranks. He could be Nibelung, King of Dragons himself - or someone who believes in Nibelung’s authority as the King (Pulcinella allegedly has lore-based connections to Nibelung, and he and Pantalone are cooperating on Project Stuzha.) Collection of the Gnoses would reveal the ‘true’ God, and the Sovereigns power was stolen by the Primordial One.
So, would their unity reveal Nibelung or Phanes? It’s unclear how that sentiment’s going to be defined in Genshin Impact. One possibility is that Pantalone is Nibelung’s equivalent, and Baizhu is Phanes’ equivalent. But it gets more tedious when you read Vera’s Melancholy, which implies eyeball-eating-aliens-in-interdimensional-worlds vibes. One of the main characters was Ike, a black-haired boy with glasses + tendency to monologue, and they were from ‘Delphi,’ a real place in Greece.
Teyvat's natural order is draconic. Ouroboros is a persistent theme in-game. It informs Beidou’s design/lore, and it’s also described as a natural ‘phenomenon’ discovered by Enkanomiyans, used to create the Serpent’s Heart. Ouroboros can be depicted as a snake or dragon consuming itself: as a representation of eternal creation and destruction.
You could argue Nibelung, the King of Dragons, would be the “true” God per the Orphic Gnostic belief systems. Ophites (a derogatory term from the Greek Ophis, ‘serpent,' coined by Hippolytus) venerated the Serpent in the Bible because it was seen to have enlightened humanity.
Regardless of how the details are panned out, they are most likely God/Shades in some respect, and they’ve been subjected to the cyclical-incarnational nature of Teyvat. So now for residual thoughts:
On the Baizhu/Pantalone end, there’s potential foreshadowing in Baizhu’s Story Details. Genshin explains that he's in conflict with Hu Tao, but that they and Zhongli all play a part in life and death, as it’s where their empathy/concerns overlap completely.
Zhongli is popularly proposed as one of the Shades. I might agree now. If we contemplate the “Pantalone founded the Wangshang Funeral Parlor” theory I've seen floating around, he’d be double-foiled against Baizhu with Hu Tao as an allegory, and again connected to Zhongli.
I haven’t researched Capitano in depth yet, but some players allege he may have played more than one role in Genshin’s history, too. Similarly, there are some narrative consistencies to suggest that Dottore is connected to Shiruyeh, the Lord of Pestilence; if this pattern is accurate, then Shiruyeh could be a wronged past “self” of Dottore’s. Dottore seems more than intelligent enough to have noticed these patterns himself, given all of “Zandik’s” research across Sumeru. Accordingly, he may be creating segments as a way to ensure he never forgets the truth while he resists the cycle.
Ei & the Raiden Shogun may foreshadow what the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles is: a puppet acting on orders independent of its leader, because its leadeShades have been absent and/or ignorant to their own identities. This may be why Celestia is decaying, and why Baizhu/Pantalone would be related while suffering the very consequences of the cycle of incarnation.

The Takeaway?

Pantalone and Baizhu are a HUGE DEAL in Genshin Impact’s greater plot, the Foil theory is absolutely spot-on, and some popular theories as to Pantalone’s identity are probably simultaneously true for one reason or another. We can’t rule out many theories from this info, as some of it is conflicting. That’s why I came to the conclusion that they were inspired by numerous historical figures, with 'Godliness' being the main consistency.
As before, thanks for reading, share your thoughts, and have a day!
submitted by bai-rouran to Genshin_Lore [link] [comments]

2024.03.23 22:18 SanderSo47 Directors at the Box Office: Spike Lee

Directors at the Box Office: Spike Lee
Here's a new edition of "Directors at the Box Office", which seeks to explore the directors' trajectory at the box office and analyze their hits and bombs. I already talked about a few, and as I promised, it's Spike Lee's turn.
Lee enrolled in Morehouse College, a historically black college in Atlanta, where he made his first student film, Last Hustle in Brooklyn. He did graduate work at New York University's Tisch School of the Arts, where he earned a Master of Fine Arts in film and television. He continued making some student films, with the help of his classmates Ang Lee and Ernest Dickerson.
From a box office perspective, how reliable was he to deliver a box office hit?
That's the point of this post. To analyze his career.

She's Gotta Have It (1986)

"A seriously sexy comedy."
His directorial debut. The film stars Tracy Camilla Johns, Tommy Redmond Hicks, John Canada Terrell and Lee himself. The plot concerns a young woman who is seeing three men, and the feelings this arrangement provokes.
Lee originally wanted to make a film focused on a bike messenger, but lack of funding shelved it. So he decided to make something within a very limited budget. Despite facing challenges, Lee managed to redirect an $18,000 grant from the New York State Council on the Arts, as well as more grants from other institutions. Lee adopted a cost-effective approach, working with minimal locations, and no elaborate costumes or sets, to complete the film without the prolonged effort of raising substantial funds for a larger production.
After getting a distributor, Lee had to make the sure the film could be as profitable as possible. And it succeeded; on a $175,000 budget, it earned $7 million domestically. It also received great reviews, and Lee quickly rose to prominence, especially as he achieved this on a very low budget.
  • Budget: $175,000.
  • Domestic gross: $7,137,502.
  • Worldwide gross: $7,137,502.

School Daze (1988)

"Dog or die."
His second joint. It stars Lee, Laurence Fishburne, Giancarlo Esposito, and Tisha Campbell. Based partly on Lee's experiences as a student at Morehouse College in the Atlanta University Center during the 1970s, it is a story about undergraduates in a fraternity and sorority clashing with some of their classmates at a historically black college during homecoming week.
While Lee enjoyed great reviews for his first joint, that wasn't the case here. It received mixed reviews, and critics were polarized over Lee's handling of its subject matters. Although, now that Columbia was distributing, the film was a box office success.
  • Budget: $6,100,000.
  • Domestic gross: $14,545,844.
  • Worldwide gross: $14,545,844.

Do the Right Thing (1989)

"It's the hottest day of the summer. You can do nothing, you can do something, or you can..."
His third joint. It stars Lee, Danny Aiello, Ossie Davis, Ruby Dee, Richard Edson, Giancarlo Esposito, Bill Nunn, John Turturro, Samuel L. Jackson, Martin Lawrence and Rosie Perez. The story explores a Brooklyn neighborhood's simmering racial tension between its African-American residents and the Italian-American owners of a local pizzeria, culminating in tragedy and violence on a hot summer's day.
Lee conceived the film as he discussed the 1986 incident at Howard Beach, Queens with Robert De Niro. The original script ended with a stronger reconciliation between Mookie and Sal than Lee used in the film. In this version, Sal's comments to Mookie are similar to Da Mayor's earlier comments in the film and hint at some common ground and perhaps Sal's understanding of why Mookie tried to destroy his restaurant. Lee has not explicitly explained why he changed the ending but his contemporaneous notes compiled in the film's companion book indicate Lisa Jones expressed Sal's reaction as "too nice" as originally written.
When it premiered, it was clear that a masterpiece has arrived. It was hailed by critics as one of the best films, not just from the year, but ever made. It was also a box office success, continuing Lee's streak. Lee received his first Oscar nom for Best Original Screenplay, and Aiello was nominated for Best Supporting Actor, although they didn't win. Many also expressed disappointment at the Academy for not nominating it for Best Picture. But if Lee wasn't known in Hollywood, he now was.
  • Budget: $6,200,000.
  • Domestic gross: $27,545,445.
  • Worldwide gross: $37,295,445.

Mo' Better Blues (1990)

His fourth joint. It stars Lee, Denzel Washington, and Wesley Snipes, and Spike Lee. It follows a period in the life of fictional jazz trumpeter Bleek Gilliam as a series of bad decisions result in his jeopardizing both his relationships and his playing career. The film focuses on themes of friendship, loyalty, honesty, cause-and-effect, and ultimately salvation.
It received favorable reviews, although many felt it didn't live up to the standards of Lee. At the box office, his streak ran out and Lee had his first bomb.
  • Budget: $10,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $16,153,593.
  • Worldwide gross: $16,153,593.

Jungle Fever (1991)

His fifth joint. It stars Lee, Wesley Snipes, Annabella Sciorra, Ossie Davis, Ruby Dee, Samuel L. Jackson, Lonette McKee, John Turturro, Frank Vincent, Tim Robbins, Brad Dourif, Giancarlo Esposito, Debi Mazar, Michael Imperioli, Anthony Quinn, Halle Berry and Queen Latifah, and explores the beginning and end of an extramarital interracial relationship against the urban backdrop of the streets of New York City in the early 1990s.
A few months after the murder of Yusuf K. Hawkins on 1989, Lee began conceptualizing the film, jotting down ideas and eventually organizing them into scenes on index cards. Subsequently, he commenced writing dialogue with specific actors in mind, envisioning Wesley Snipes, Ossie Davis, and John Turturro for the roles of "Flipper Purify," "The Good Reverend Doctor Purify," and "Paulie Carbone," respectively. Lee initially filmed a prologue addressing racial issues, but at the encouragement of distributor Universal Pictures, he decided to remove the "offending" scene.
The film received great reviews, and Samuel L. Jackson was commended for his performance, with many considering his breakout role. Lee also recovered from his previous bomb, and the film became his highest grossing film.
  • Budget: $14,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $32,482,682.
  • Worldwide gross: $43,882,682.

Malcolm X (1992)

His sixth joint. It stars Denzel Washington, Angela Bassett, Albert Hall, Al Freeman Jr., and Delroy Lindo. It focuses on the life of African-American activist Malcolm X.
Since 1967, Marvin Worth has tried to make a film based on Malcolm X. Worth had met Malcolm X, then called "Detroit Red," as a teenager selling drugs in New York City. However, the project was stuck in development hell as there were still unsolved stuff over his life, and it saw the involvement and eventual departure of stars like Richard Pryor and Eddie Murphy. The production was considered controversial long before filming began. The crux of the controversy was Malcolm X's denunciation of whites before he undertook his hajj. He was, arguably, not well regarded among white citizens by and large; however, he had risen to become a hero in the African-American community and a symbol of blacks' struggles, particularly during the presidencies of Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush.
Once WB got involved, they hired Norman Jewison as the director. Jewison in turn got Denzel Washington to play the lead role. But some people complained that a black director should helm a Malcolm X biopic. One of those who complained was Lee; since college, he had considered a film adaptation of The Autobiography of Malcolm X to be a dream project. Jewison left the project, though he noted he gave up the movie not because of the protest, but because he could not reconcile Malcolm's private and public lives. Lee was eventually hired, and he re-wrote the script to accommodate his vision. It was the first non-documentary, and the first American film, to be given permission to film in Mecca (or within the Haram Sharif). It also featured a cameo appearance by Nelson Mandela, before he became President of South Africa.
The film received critical acclaim, particularly for Washington's performance. It was also a box office success; it hit $73 million worldwide, despite its 202-minute runtime. Washington received an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor, losing to Al Pacino in Scent of a Woman, a decision which Lee criticized, saying "I'm not the only one who thinks Denzel was robbed on that one."
  • Budget: $35,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $48,169,910.
  • Worldwide gross: $73,102,910.

Crooklyn (1994)

"A new look at the old neighborhood."
His seventh joint. It stars Alfre Woodard, Delroy Lindo, Zelda Harris and Lee. Taking place in the Bedford–Stuyvesant neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York, during the summer of 1973, the film primarily centers on a young girl named Troy Carmichael, and her family. Troy learns life lessons through her rowdy brothers Clinton, Wendell, Nate, and Joseph; her loving but strict mother Carolyn, and her naive, struggling father Woody.
While it received positive reviews, it wasn't a box office success. It didn't surpass its production budget.
  • Budget: $14,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $13,642,861.
  • Worldwide gross: $13,642,861.

Clockers (1995)

"When there's murder on the streets, everyone is a suspect."
His eighth joint. Based on the novel by Richard Price, it stars Harvey Keitel, John Turturro, Delroy Lindo, and Mekhi Phifer. Set in New York City, Clockers tells the story of Strike, a street-level drug dealer who becomes entangled in a murder investigation.
The film originally entered production with Martin Scorsese attached to direct; he had previously collaborated with Price on The Color of Money. Scorsese eventually dropped out of production to focus on his passion project Casino, at which point Lee stepped in to direct and rewrite the script, Scorsese remained a co-producer alongside Lee.
It received generally positive reviews, but it fared very poorly at the box office.
  • Budget: $25,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $13,071,518.
  • Worldwide gross: $13,071,518.

Girl 6 (1996)

"Six is for sex."
His ninth joint. The film stars Theresa Randle, Isaiah Washington, and Lee, and follows the life of an aspiring actress in New York as she is upset by the treatment of women in the movie industry during one of her screen tests with Quentin Tarantino.
The film was one of the worst received films in Lee's career, and it made just $4 million, becoming his lowest grossing film.
  • Budget: $12,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $4,939,939.
  • Worldwide gross: $4,939,939.

Get on the Bus (1996)

"On October 16, 1996, the one year anniversary of the Million Man March, Spike Lee invites you to lift your head, raise your voice, and..."
His tenth joint. It stars Richard Belzer, De'aundre Bonds, Andre Braugher, Thomas Jefferson Byrd, Gabriel Casseus, Albert Hall, Hill Harper, Harry Lennix, Bernie Mac, Wendell Pierce, Roger Guenveur Smith, Isaiah Washington, Steve White, Ossie Davis, and Charles S. Dutton. It follows a group of African-American men who are taking a cross-country bus trip in order to participate in the Million Man March.
The film was well received, and it barely recouped its production budget.
  • Budget: $2,400,000.
  • Domestic gross: $5,754,249.
  • Worldwide gross: $5,754,249.

He Got Game (1998)

"The Father. The Son. And the Holy Game."
His 11th joint. It stars Denzel Washington, Ray Allen and Milla Jovovich. The film revolves around Jake Shuttlesworth, father of the top-ranked basketball prospect in the country, Jesus Shuttlesworth. Jake, in prison for killing his wife, is released on parole for a week by the state's governor to persuade his son to play for the governor's alma mater in exchange for a reduced prison sentence.
Despite good reviews and Denzel's presence, it wasn't a box office success.
  • Budget: $25,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $21,567,853.
  • Worldwide gross: $21,567,853.

Summer of Sam (1999)

"The summer of '77 was a killer."
His 12th joint. It stars John Leguizamo, Adrien Brody, Mira Sorvino, Jennifer Esposito, and Anthony LaPaglia. It follows the 1977 David Berkowitz (Son of Sam) serial murders and their effect on a group of fictional residents of an Italian-American neighborhood in The Bronx in the late 1970s. The killer, David Berkowitz, his murders and the investigation are shown in the film, but the focus is on two young men from the neighborhood: Vinny, whose marriage is faltering due to his cheating, and Ritchie, Vinny's childhood friend who has embraced punk fashion and music.
The film polarized critics and audiences with its story and content. It continued Lee's poor box office streak, not even hitting $20 million.
  • Budget: $22,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $19,288,130.
  • Worldwide gross: $19,288,130.

Bamboozled (2000)

His 13th joint. It stars Damon Wayans, Jada Pinkett Smith, Savion Glover, Tommy Davidson, and Michael Rapaport. It follows a modern televised minstrel show featuring black actors donning blackface makeup and the resulting violent fallout from the show's success.
The film polarized critics, who deemed it too heavy-handed in its satire. It was also a huge flop, making just $2 million at the box office. In subsequent years, however, the film has earned a cult following.
  • Budget: $10,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $2,274,979.
  • Worldwide gross: $2,463,650.

25th Hour (2002)

"Can you change your whole life in a day?"
His 14th joint. Based on the novel by David Benioff, it stars Edward Norton, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Barry Pepper, Rosario Dawson, Anna Paquin, and Brian Cox. It tells the story of a man's last 24 hours of freedom as he prepares to go to prison for seven years for dealing drugs.
Months before the book was published, Tobey Maguire found a manuscript and was interested in playing the lead. However, his commitment to Spider-Man prevented it from happening and he only served as a producer. Lee was interested in the long monologue that Benioff called the "fuck monologue" whereby Monty ranted against the five boroughs of New York; Benioff had considered leaving it out as he thought it might not be dramatic, and Lee persuaded Benioff to keep it in. The film was in the "planning stages" at the time of the September 11 attacks, and so Lee "decided not to ignore the tragedy but to integrate it into his story".
The film was well received, especially for its portrayal of post-9/11 New York. It was also a box office success, helping Lee recover from his previous stumbles.
  • Budget: $5,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $13,084,595.
  • Worldwide gross: $23,932,055.

She Hate Me (2004)

"A new film about one heterosexual male and 18 lesbians."
His 15th joint. It stars Anthony Mackie, Kerry Washington, Ellen Barkin, Monica Bellucci, Brian Dennehy, Woody Harrelson, Bai Ling, and John Turturro. The film touches on a variety of themes such as corporate greed, race, sexuality, and politics.
The film received Lee's worst reviews by far. A huge point was the film's inconsistent tone, feeling that it couldn't decide if it wants to be a commentary on corporate greed or a sex farce. The film also generated controversy for its depiction of lesbian women and for portraying them as wanting to have sex with a man for procreative purposes. It was also a huge bomb at the box office, becoming his lowest grossing title.
  • Budget: $9,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $366,037.
  • Worldwide gross: $1,526,951.

Inside Man (2006)

"It looked like the perfect bank robbery. But you can't judge a crime by its cover."
His 16th joint. The film stars Denzel Washington, Clive Owen, Jodie Foster, Christopher Plummer, Willem Dafoe, and Chiwetel Ejiofor. It centers on an elaborate bank heist-turned-hostage situation on Wall Street.
The script was written by Russell Gewirtz, a former lawyer who conceived the idea while vacationing in several countries. A first time-screenwriter, Gewirtz studied a number of screenplays, and spent five years developing the premise. When Universal bought it, Ron Howard signed to direct but had to step out to prioritize Cinderella Man. Lee agreed to direct, feeling comparisons to Dog Day Afternoon. Per Lee's wishes, Marcia Jean Kurtz and Lionel Pina were additionally cast to reprise their roles from Dog Day Afternoon in Easter egg cameo appearances.
The film opened with $28 million, marking the best debut for both Lee and Denzel. Worldwide, the film closed with a pretty great $186 million, easily becoming Lee's highest grossing film and his first to pass the $100 million milestone. The film also received acclaim, and Lee was praised for eschewing his usual style and delivering a straightforward thriller.
  • Budget: $45,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $88,513,495.
  • Worldwide gross: $186,003,591.

Miracle at St. Anna (2008)

"World War II has its heroes and its miracles."
His 17th joint. Based on James McBride's novel, it stars Derek Luke, Michael Ealy, Laz Alonso, Omar Benson Miller, Pierfrancesco Favino and Valentina Cervi, John Turturro, Joseph Gordon Levitt, John Leguizamo, D.B. Sweeney and Kerry Washington. Set primarily in Italy during the Italian Civil War in World War II, the film tells the story of four Buffalo Soldiers of the 92nd Infantry Division who seek refuge in a small Tuscan village, where they form a bond with the residents. The story is presented as a flashback, as one survivor, Hector Negron, reflects upon his experiences in a frame story set in 1980s New York.
The film drew negative reactions, and made just $9 million worldwide.
  • Budget: $45,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $7,919,117.
  • Worldwide gross: $9,333,654.

Red Hook Summer (2012)

His 18th joint. It stars Clarke Peters, Nate Parker, Thomas Jefferson Byrd, Toni Lysaith, and Jules Brown, and follows a well-to-do Atlanta teen who documents a summer spent in the Brooklyn housing projects with his devout grandfather.
The film was unfavorably received, particularly for its twist ending. It didn't even make $1 million, becoming Lee's lowest grossing film ever.
  • Budget: N/A.
  • Domestic gross: $338,803.
  • Worldwide gross: $338,803.

Oldboy (2013)

"Ask not why you were imprisoned. Ask why you were set free."
His first film. A remake of the South Korean film by Park Chan-wook, it stars Josh Brolin, Elizabeth Olsen, and Sharlto Copley. It follows a man named Joe who searches for his captors after being mysteriously imprisoned for twenty years.
An American remake of Oldboy was in development for years. It saw the involvement of directors like Justin Lin and Steven Spielberg, and Will Smith attached to star. Spielberg's idea was not remaking the film, instead adapting the Old Boy manga itself, which is considerably different from the original film. Lee was later hired. His version was 140 minutes long, but the producers heavily re-edited the film to 105 minutes (re-edits by producers also included the "one-shot hammer" scene).
The film received negative reactions. Both critics and audiences agreed that the film was simply unnecessary and it did not improve over the original in any way. It was also a huge box office bomb, making just $5 million. Lee and Josh Brolin were unhappy with the final version. Lee even removed his trademark "A Spike Lee Joint" credit for a more impersonal "A Spike Lee Film" during the editing process. Brolin has also said that he prefers Lee's version of the film, though it is not clear if this cut will ever be released.
  • Budget: $30,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $2,193,658.
  • Worldwide gross: $5,186,767.

Da Sweet Blood of Jesus (2014)

His 20th joint. It stars Zaraah Abrahams, Stephen Tyrone Williams, Rami Malek, and Elvis Nolasco, and follows a wealthy anthropologist who is stabbed by an ancient African dagger and turned into a vampire.
As the film was released on VOD, there are no box office numbers. It received negative reviews.

Chi-Raq (2015)

"No peace, no piece."
His 21st joint. It stars Nick Cannon, Wesley Snipes, Teyonah Parris, Jennifer Hudson, Angela Bassett, John Cusack, and Samuel L. Jackson. Set in Chicago, the film focuses on the gang violence prevalent in neighborhoods on the city's south side, particularly the Englewood neighborhood.
It was the first original film to be distributed by Amazon Studios, and it made $2 million on its limited run. After a run of poorly received films, it received his best reviews in years.
  • Budget: $15,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $2,653,032.
  • Worldwide gross: $2,719,699.

Pass Over (2018)

"We gotta get off da block."
His 22nd joint. It stars Jon Michael Hill, Julian Parker, Ryan Hallahan and Blake DeLong. It is a performance of the play of the same name by Antoinette Nwandu, directed for the stage by Danya Taymor and filmed by Lee.
As the film was released on Amazon, there are no box office numbers. It received positive reviews.

BlacKkKlansman (2018)

"Infiltrate hate."
His 23rd joint. Based on the memoir by Ron Stallworth, it stars John David Washington as Stallworth, Adam Driver, Laura Harrier, and Topher Grace. Set in the 1970s in Colorado Springs, Colorado, the plot follows the first African-American detective in the city's police department as he sets out to infiltrate and expose the local Ku Klux Klan chapter.
The film was a much needed box office success for Lee. It grossed a pretty good $93 million worldwide, becoming his second highest grossing film ever. It also received acclaim, with many calling it Lee's best film in years. It received six nominations at the 91st Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Supporting Actor for Driver; and won for Best Adapted Screenplay, making it Lee's Academy Award.
  • Budget: $15,000,000.
  • Domestic gross: $49,275,340.
  • Worldwide gross: $93,413,709.

Da 5 Bloods (2020)

His 24th joint. It stars Delroy Lindo, Jonathan Majors, Clarke Peters, Johnny Trí Nguyễn, Norm Lewis, Isiah Whitlock Jr., Mélanie Thierry, Paul Walter Hauser, Jasper Pääkkönen, Jean Reno, and Chadwick Boseman. The film's plot follows a group of four aging Vietnam War veterans who return to the country in search of the remains of their fallen squad leader, as well as the treasure they buried while serving there.
As the film was released on Netflix, there are no box office numbers. It received acclaim from critics.

The Future

He is currently filming High and Low, an American remake of Akira Kurosawa's film. It stars Denzel Washington, Ilfenesh Hadera and Jeffrey Wright.


No. Movie Year Studio Domestic Total Overseas Total Worldwide Total Budget
1 Inside Man 2006 Universal $88,513,495 $97,490,096 $186,003,591 $45M
2 BlacKkKlansman 2018 Focus Features $49,275,340 $44,138,369 $93,413,709 $15M
3 Malcolm X 1992 Warner Bros. $48,169,910 $24,933,000 $73,102,910 $35M
4 Jungle Fever 1991 Universal $32,482,682 $11,400,000 $43,882,682 $14M
5 Do the Right Thing 1989 Universal $27,545,445 $9,750,000 $37,295,445 $6.2M
6 25th Hour 2002 Disney $13,084,595 $10,847,460 $23,932,055 $5M
7 He Got Game 1998 Disney $21,567,853 $0 $21,567,853 $25M
8 Summer of Sam 1999 Disney $19,288,130 $0 $19,288,130 $22M
9 Mo' Better Blues 1990 Universal $16,153,593 $0 $16,153,593 $10M
10 School Daze 1988 Columbia $14,545,844 $0 $14,545,844 $6.1M
11 Crooklyn 1994 Universal $13,642,861 $0 $13,642,861 $14M
12 Clockers 1995 Universal $13,071,518 $0 $13,071,518 $25M
13 Miracle at. St. Anna 2008 Disney $7,919,117 $1,414,537 $9,333,654 $45M
14 She's Gotta Have It 1986 Island Pictures $7,137,502 $0 $7,137,502 $175K
15 Get on the Bus 1996 Sony $5,754,249 $0 $5,754,249 $2.4M
16 Oldboy 2013 FilmDistrict $2,193,658 $2,993,109 $5,186,767 $30M
17 Girl 6 1996 20th Century Fox $4,939,939 $0 $4,939,939 $12M
18 Chi-Raq 2015 Amazon Studios $2,653,032 $66,667 $2,719,699 $15M
19 Bamboozled 2000 New Line Cinema $2,274,979 $188,671 $2,463,650 $10M
20 She Hate Me 2004 Sony Pictures Classics $366,037 $1,160,914 $1,526,951 $9M
21 Red Hook Summer 2012 Variance Films $338,803 $0 $338,803 N/A
He made 24 joints, but only 21 have reported box office grosses. Across those 21 joints, she has made $595,301,405 worldwide. That's $28,347,685 per joint.

The Verdict

Very inconsistent.
Lee has been one of the most important filmmakers of the past decades, even if the quality of his joints have varied. And that inconsistency is shown at the box office; very few of his joints have been hits. Only one (Inside Man) was popular overseas. But as you can see, he's not struggling in finding funding. And some films, despite being less than great, still have some interesting ideas. It speaks volumes how he refers to his works as "joints"... except for the lame Oldboy remake.
Hope you liked this edition. You can find this and more in the wiki for this section.
The next director will be Baz Luhrmann. Very few films, but he's a very recognizable talent.
I asked you to choose who else should be in the run and the comment with the most upvotes would be chosen. Well, we'll later talk about... Todd Phillips. The journey from sex comedies to Joker is crazy.
This is the schedule for the following four:
Week Director Reasoning
March 25-31 Baz Luhrmann 30 years, only 6 films.
April 1-7 Terrence Malick What's the deal with The Way of the Wind?
April 8-14 Guillermo del Toro So... no At the Mountains of Madness?
April 15-21 Todd Phillips Who's laughing now?
Who should be next after Phillips? That's up to you. But there's a catch this week.
I'm gonna suggest four names and of these names, you should choose. The director with the most votes will receive a post after Phillips. Here are the four choices:
  • John Carpenter. Known for making films that may not have been appreciated at the time, but grew into a cult following.
  • Renny Harlin. The most successful director with the most flops?
  • Tony Scott. Ridley's brother, known for launching Tom Cruise's career into superstardom and for his collaborations with Denzel Washington.
  • Paul Verhoeven. An influential part of the 80s and 90s known for his satire.
No other names will be allowed for this week. We'll return to our normal schedule next week.
submitted by SanderSo47 to boxoffice [link] [comments]

2024.03.08 07:21 pigcl 日向敏文 Toshifumi Hinata - Tokyo Cinderella Story (Full Album) (1994)

日向敏文 Toshifumi Hinata - Tokyo Cinderella Story (Full Album) (1994)
This beautiful orchestra ensemble is composed by the magnificent Toshifumi Hinata for the 1994 J-drama 妹よ( Tokyo Cinderella Story). I normally don't even like orchestra , somehow this OST moves me so so much. As the first track starts playing, I recall the ccharacter Yukiko's monologue, and just let the warmth to build up in my heart and bring tears to my eyes.
submitted by pigcl to soundtracks [link] [comments]

2024.01.10 01:32 Far-Wrangler-9061 Help for Cinderella

Hello! I’m not a party princess but I am auditioning for Cinderella in a play called game of tiaras. It’s a parody of game of thrones but with Disney princess. From watching party princess, they are very expressive especially with face and sometimes arms. How would you recommend a monologue?
submitted by Far-Wrangler-9061 to PartyPrincess [link] [comments]

2023.09.20 20:09 cactusclause Adding Novelty to Mundane Routine Tasks

I just went grocery shopping at a store I hadn't been to before and because this store was new to me I swear it elevated my enjoyment of the experience by about 20%.
On my way home it got me thinking...we are always told to "create routines" but that seems so antithetical to my (our?) biggest motivator: novelty. And you know what? There's nothing wrong with craving novelty. This doesn't make us broken. I think it makes us interesting and creative and able to find fun and magic within the mundanity of everyday life and we should embrace that.
And yet, we still have to do a bunch of boring shit. So I quickly thought of some ways to make a couple of boring things less boring. Here's the list:
Grocery shopping
Filling up gas tank
Brushing your teeth
Taking a Shower
Working Out
Please feel free to share some more ways to add novelty to boring tasks!! I love you all and your unique POVs and I want to hear about them! :)
submitted by cactusclause to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2023.09.03 03:34 AnxietyNightShade Into the Woods: Audition Help

Into the Woods: Audition Help
Salutations! So, I have an audition for Into the Woods coming up, and I don't know whether to use On the Steps of the Palace or I Know Things Now for an audition song. As for my monologue, I'm not sure whether to use the Witch or Cinderella. (The parts I'm hoping for are either Little Red of Cinderella.)
submitted by AnxietyNightShade to musicals [link] [comments]

2023.08.09 03:51 DCAUBeyond Smile Precure thoughts and ratings(38-finale)

"Hustling Nao! The Pretty Cures Become Kids~!?"-5/5- They really need to stop yeeting Majorina's objects off into space where they crash land on Earth. It was funny hearing Candy say "Goo Goo Kuru". Majorina looks at us while saying "I can't find it da wasa",Wolfrun actually looked cute(no homo). It was funny seeing the villains and heroes playing. It seems the Akanbes wouldn't hurt a child,as instead of throwing brutal punches,it just flicks them off like ants,overall it was a fun episode.
"What has happened!? Miyuki's nonsensical Cinderella"-5/5- The 3 generals as the ugly stepsisters and evil stepmother💀💀. It was funny seeing them ruin all of Cinder Miyuki's hard work. Majorina again breaks the 4th wall by looking at us and saying "I didn't even have to do anything da wasa". As expected, Yayoi got caught easily. Imagine having a fairy godmother like that💀. I love how someone says when Reika catches Yayoi "Stop the shipping already". It was funny how the Akanbe was just wasting time rather than fighting. I realized that part of the OST when the sweets rain down on the Akanbe sounds like the second ending in Suite Precure.
"Hot-blooded! Akane's search of treasure life!!"-4/5- I love how we get a mention of Brian. Does the show take place in the 90s or in 2012? I'm pretty sure at the time this show aired Whatsapp was invented,along with emails and smartphones. Who still writes letters in 2012? I Anyway,Wolfrun's blood red eyes were unsettling. I love how Akane went Super Saiyan after Wolfrun destroyed the gift her friends made.
"Me, a comic artist!? Yayoi's illustrated future dreams!!"-4/5- Yayoi's narration is an exact reference to Sailor Moon,both mentioned that they're crybabies. Anyway, I wonder what is going to happen to Wolfrun and Akaoni now that they both failed to kill the Cures they selected…. I love how we get a shout-out to Dragon Ball Z as when Cure Peace powers up,she has the same pose as Goku when he powers up.
"Protect it! Nao's precious bonds with family!!"-4/5- This episode was well executed. The drama went to over 9000 with Cure March thinking her siblings were killed by Majorina. It's probably the darkest I've seen this franchise get………. I don't know if it'll get darker later down
"Reika's Path! I will go abroad for studies!!"-5/5- Picture perfect episode(in my opinion), nothing much to say
"A smile's secret! Miyuki and the real Ultra Happy!!"-4/5- I had actually fallen asleep for the first part of this episode💀, but woke up to see Wolfrun becoming more unstable and unhinged. Now I wonder what'll happen to him…….
"The beginning of the end! Pretty Cure vs 3 Generals"-4/5- The shocking news the generals received reminds me of Magical Girl Site where the girls get powerful weapons but each time they use it,it takes off their lifespan. Candy being the Miracle Jewel was unexpected, although many episodes earlier Joker said something seemed "special" about Candy, so he had indirectly hinted at it. Akaoni finally decides to use his big-for-nothing baton as a weapon. I love that Cure Beauty didn't forget about her sword like how Karen Minazuki/Cure Aqua did in Yes5!PC after her famous horseback duel. Majorina using a fakeout Candy and causing March and Beauty to take the brunt of the attack was smart. So are Cures mostly invulnerable? I mean they can take huge amounts of damage that'd kill anyone or result in loss of body members,especially March and Beauty blocking the blade of Majorina's sword and they aren't being scratched one bit. So the 3 generals were fairies all along? I thought it was just coincidence that they had verbal tics(except Wolfrun). So Pierrot is said to be more powerful, is he probably Solar System level now,as last time he was planetary.
"The worst ending!? Bad End Pretty Cure"-5/5- So this is the second time cures fight evil expies of themselves,the first being in the Yes!PC5 movie(correct me if I am wrong). The way how Bad End Peace was acting after falling on Cure Peace reminded me of the first ending of Smile Precure where after she falls on Cure March, she repeatedly bows quickly as if saying "sorry" multiple times. Anyway, the bad end Cures fights in different dimensions was similar to the ones from the Yes!PC5 movie,but unlike some of them,these dark cures didn't do a Heel-face turn(Heel-face turn means when a villain quits being evil for any reason and usually becomes an ally of the heroes). So Joker just get molten into black ink… and it's disturbing that he's happy with it….
"The advent of the strongest Pierrot! Persevering power and the light of hope!!"-4/5- We get another callback to Yes5 when Cure Sunny and Cure March combine their main attacks to create the "Fire Shoot.",a signature move of Rin Natsuki/Cure Rouge's attack. After going all out,the monsters just regenerate like that. It was funny seeing Pierrot get kicked away while monologuing and then he gets beaten up by the Cures,but then he becomes a black hole……….
"To a future sparkling with light! Deliver it! The Highest Smile!!"-4/5- It was a great episode and all,but where have I seen this ending before……..
This series is fine,it doesn't have bad episodes but some episodes were plain boring and uninteresting,although somewhat entertaining. I also love the Sailor Moon references littered through the show,such as some of the girls personalities being similar to the Sailor Senshis or being expies of them. But I'm genuinely and honestly surprised that Smile Precure received more positive feedback and ratings than Suite Precure,even though imo Suite Precure is better. People only hate on Suite Precure just because it's not Heartcatch Pretty Cure 2.0. The transformation music and OST from Suite Precure sound better. The ones in Smile sound a bit generic, no disrespect to Smile Precure fans. I forgot to say my favorite cures in order are
Akane Hino/Cure Sunny
Nao Midorikawa/Cure March
Reika Aoki/Cure Beauty
Miyuki Hoshizora/Cure Happy
Yayoi Kise/Cure Peace
I will be watching the All-stars movies starting tomorrow up to the one that introduced the Cures from Smile Pretty Cure before I move on to Doki Doki Pretty Cure. I heard there's a character in Doki Doki Pretty Cure who's hated by the Fandom as much as Pollun,LunLun and Milk/Milky Rose are hated by majority of the Fandom, but I'll be the judge of that...
So my PERSONAL rating of each individual season:
Suite Precure
Fresh Precure
Splash Star(stop hating on it just because Saki and Mai look like and act like Nagisa and Honoka,that's a poor reason to hate it)
Heartcatch Pretty Cure
Smile Pretty Cure
Yes Precure 5(original)
Futari wa Precure (original)
Futari wa Precure Max Heart
submitted by DCAUBeyond to precure [link] [comments]

2023.06.26 22:28 AustralianChrono Chronologica's Drag Race All Stars: Episode 1- Hello, All Stars!

Chronologica's Drag Race All Stars: Episode 1- Hello, All Stars!
Omari adjusts a frame.
Jerry hits a table with a hammer.
Kaneq places down a mat.
Mary-Lynn sits on the table and smiles.
Is the room ready?
Bring in the ALL STARS.
The Werkroom is covered in gold, painted with a new finish and pictures of the winner’s circle.
Mother Destiny Dandridge enters the stage in a long tulle gown in black, flowing down with layer upon layer shining in jewels and gemstones, with a long flowing wig that floats down to her backside, as she smiles, entering the werkroom. “I’m black and better than ever.”
Mother Destiny Dandridge: “Hello world, it’s a blessed day, because I get to see you all again.” Destiny smiles. “I am Mother Destiny Dandridge, your 3rd placer from Season 2.” Destiny has a huge grin. “I didn’t expect to make it as far as I did on Season 2. I had a slow start, but when I got there, I made it far. I won the music groups, the makeover, and the final challenge of the season- and I showed the world I can be a pretty funny lady!”
“Oh, how blessed! I am the first.” Destiny clasps her hands.
Mother Destiny Dandridge: “On Season 2, I was lucky to come in with grace, love and enjoyment. And that was fantastic! But I didn’t get to fight for that crown at the end. This time, I want it. I want to prove myself, and how this competition has changed my damn life.”
“Well, who shall be our next All Star? Destiny looks at the doorway.
In a long green beaded gown that hugs her body tight, a mink coat dyed yellow covered in glitter, and a gorgeous updo in brown covered in gold flakes, Vitória Benedita holds onto her sash with the word ‘Ms Continental 2011’ in gold. “Let me re-introduce myself. I’m your title holder.”
“Yes Continental Legend!” Destiny snaps her fingers.
Vitória Benedita: “Hello world, I’m back.” Vitória smiles. “I am your third placer, Ms Brazillia 2005, Ms Shade- they crowned me that post season online on facebook- and your Ms Continental 2011, Vitória Benedita.” Vitória points to her sash in her confessional.
“Hello, Miss Continental Plus 2005.” Vitória grins, hugging Destiny.
Vitória Benedita: “I’m pleased to be back. Since my season, my power has only grown- I’ve taken titles, I’ve toured the world, but one thing WASN’T in my grasp last time around- the crown. So, I’m here to pick that up. With all of the poise and grace a Benedita is known for.” She cheekily winks.
“God, that was so darn long ago…” Destiny smiles. “Isn’t it great to be back?”
“Oh, it’s fantastic, darling…” Vitória smirks. “I’m ready for the battle.”
“Whilst my original season was a fierce one… I have a feeling that it will even be more intense this time around.” Destiny says.
“Oh, it’s the hunger. We’ve both seen a pageant queen with a vengeance and rage for a win.” Vitória chuckles.
“Like me before prison.” Destiny cackles.
Vitória Benedita: “Destiny is old school pageant, like myself. I respect her, unlike some of the other trash in the drag race circle. And despite the smile- she’s a competitive threat.”
“Oh, honey, your drag is still a crime.” Vitória pats down her glitter with a wicked grin.
“NASTY!” Destiny whips out a fan and chuckles.
Wearing a sleek and shimmering silver full-body sci-fi body armor tightly fitted to her form, Royal Virtue wields a sleek arm cannon and strikes a well-trained pose, as fog suddenly swirling from the entrance all around her, with a dramatic arachnid crown of silver spikes. “Before is behind us. The future starts right now.”
“Oh, yes.” Destiny smiles.
Royal Virtue: “Oh, it’s an absolute bloody blessing being here, isn’t it?” Royal chuckles. “It’s been 3 years, and this Royal creature has gone intergalactic. I am your Runner-Up of Season 2- and your All Stars winner.” Royal winks. “I had a journey of a lifetime in my Season. I had high highs- winning 3 challenges, including a roast- going from great to goofy, and embracing a wide berth of drag beyond what I thought I was capable of. Since then, well, I’ve only gotten better.” Royal smirks.
“My dear.” Destiny hugs Royal, as Royal smiles at Vitória.
“There’s some fabulous Queens here, aren’t there?” Vitória purses her lips. “All three of us, threats.”
“Until Jemma Nye walks in.” Royal laughs.
“There was that drama between you two, wasn’t there?” Vitória raises an eyebrow.
“Oh, it’s not worth it…” Destiny looks at Royal.
Mother Destiny Dandridge: “Royal has had some reasonable issues with Jemma, since the filming of the reunion. I know she’s received a great deal of hate. However, she hasn’t confronted her directly- instead, she simmers. The attitude hasn’t made her the most friendly of the cast- she tends to stick to interacting with Kaneq and her haus, which- we love and appreciate, however… she may find herself in unfriendly territory.”
“I’m just frustrated, still.” Royal says. “But, that drama isn’t meant to be dealt with here.”
Royal Virtue: “My reputation was tarnished because a white man decided to use language that meant me, a dark skinned, non-cisgender person was targeted by a white-favoring fanbase. That is a reasonable frustration.”
“Agreed…” Destiny smiles. “It’s-”
Wearing a mermaid slit gown, split open with green jewels in it’s center, a purple top half covered in fringe and a gorgeous long flowing red wig, that has tiny little barnacles covered and stoned in glitter and others shining material, Jemma Nye enters with a huge smile upon her face. “It’s time for my happy ending!”
The screen slows down, and Royal looks at Jemma with fire in her eyes.
Royal Virtue: “Jemma Nye…”
“Jemma Nye.” Royal says, her voice tinged with rage.
“Royal, AHHH!” Jemma cheers, running over to hug Royal.
Jemma Nye: “My name is Jemma Nye, and I am a STAR.” Jemma points to the screen. “Like literally.” Jemma laughs. “I am your Season 2 Queen, and this time, I WANNA WIN A BALL!” Jemma yells. “I just am so sad I missed that challenge.” Jemma laughs.
“I’m not hugging you.” Royal responds. “Not in the mood.”
Destiny and Vitória both look at each other.
“Too many spikes, I get it.” Jemma turns. “How are we all going?! Ahh!”
“Speak to her later.” Destiny whispers to Royal. “Don’t engage in hate.”
Vitória raises an eyebrow, as Royal looks frustrated.
Jemma Nye: “Like, Season 2, I was that girl trying to prove herself. And it was a lot. I finished the Season and got SWINE FLU. In that moment, I realized- oh my god, the world has betrayed me- because I’ve betrayed myself. And then there was the reunion, and then I’ve been touring the world, showing myself, and just… looking beautiful.” Jemma smiles.
“How are you, Jemma?” Destiny grins.
Mother Destiny Dandridge: “Jemma is a gorgeous actress. Like all my season 2 babies, i’ve seen her grow- even if it’s always in Jemma’s world.”
“God, these mirrors make me look pretty.” Jemma turns. “Sorry, we all… look pretty.”
Royal rolls her eyes.
Royal Virtue: “That stupid girl and her spray tan. If she was standing next to some of my cousin’s she’d make them look pale. Everything is so fake about her!” Royal spits. “I know she’s faking that posh accent too.”
“Charmed.” Jemma says poshly.
“The girls are looking gorgeous.” Vitória grins.
“I’m just like, surprised, yet not surprised to be here.” Jemma grins. “I knew I was an all star, but this is cute.”
“Mhm.” Royal responds.
Covered in a feathered coat, Tanvi Lioness struts in with a stomp, stomp, stomp before throwing off her coat to reveal a painted Lion print dress- looking as if she has been clawed apart, with the dress tattered, claw marks and blood seeping from her face but with a determined face as she eyes the others. “This time, I’m clawing you ALL on my way to the top.”
Tanvi Lioness: “I am Tanvi Lioness, and girls, gays, and anyone in between- are you ready for this hilarious legend?” Tanvi smirks. “I am your Season 3 Runner-Up, and the only person in Drag Race HERSTORY to never lip sync for their life.” Tanvi smiles.
“Gosh, are you okay?” Jemma jokes, looking at Tanvi.
“I’ve fought worse monsters for years in hollywood.” Tanvi smirks. “It’s great to see some Pageant Legends.” Tanvi looks at Vitória and Destiny. “And legends in general.”
“You’ve won a few titles, right?” Royal says, avoiding Jemma’s gaze.
“Miss Windy City, two years in a row, hosted Miss Milkytit, Miss Pageant World, Miss Excellence USA, BIPOC Goddess USA, and a guest appearance on the real Miss World stage.” Tanvi chuckles.
Vitória Benedita: “Tanvi is… allegedly, a pageant queen. I’m not a fan of her reputation and whilst I value myself being determined and certainly a cutthroat competitor, proudly so- I’m never going to cut up someone’s wig… or that’s just what I heard.” Vitória adjusts her sash. “I don’t know, I’m just the winner of the highest drag pageant in the world, what would I think?” Vitoria smirks.
“How charming.” Destiny smiles.
“I’ve heard those competitions were all interesting ones.” Vitória adds. “Lots of injuries.”
“Gosh, literally.” Tanvi laughs. “Sometimes I fear I accidentally curse the other girls!”
“I am a Candomblé practitioner, darling. I wouldn’t throw the word ‘Curse’ around willy-nilly.” Vitória smiles.
“Oh, you know, just playing.” Tanvi giggles.
“Sure you are.” Vitória smiles.
“Now, let’s see what’s next.” Tanvi takes out an icepick humorously and adjusts her teeth to stop the awkwardness.
Tanvi Lioness: “I am going to play fierce. I didn’t win Season 3, but I’ve been HUNGRY since.” Tanvi smirks. “I’m starving.”
Wearing a painters smock covered in colors, with huge red hair that looks straight out of a yellow magic school bus, Crayola Boxx enters the werkroom with her massive set of rainbow boots, a notepad in her hands and a big pair of glasses in red. “I’ve been taught a few lessons, and now I’m here to school all of YOU.”
“Oh, werk bitch.” Tanvi grins.
Craoyla Boxx: “Wow! I didn’t expect to be back here so soon, but it feels fantastic.” Crayola grins. “I am Crayola Boxx, your New Zealand Queen representing Season FOUR. God, that was a journey.”
“What a treat this look is.” Royal smiles.
“So…” Vitória eyes Crayola. “Much.”
Crayola Boxx: “When filming finished, I was crushed. I didn’t feel like I showed enough of myself- I got bogged down and stressed, but then I watched the season and realized the best parts of me were there, I just didn’t embrace it. I’ve taken a break from teaching to teach the art of drag. I have plans to start a new family, the house of Boxx and even if I don’t have any kids yet, I’ve thought that this is the time to show I’m a runner not a walker. The race never stopped, I’ve just hit a new direction.”
“Heya!” Crayola grins.
“I didn’t expect to see you so soon.” Royal looks at Crayola.
“I feel like I had the skills to make it- my biggest issue was me.” Crayola smiles. “So I thought ‘Why not?’”
“I think that’s a fun approach.” Tanvi nods. “If you know you’re a star, you show it.”
“I think I have a star somewhere…” Crayola adjusts herself, pulling out a star.
Tanvi laughs.
Crayola Boxx: “I’m here to show I can do comedy, I can make cool looks and I can give a show.” Crayola grins. “Because I didn’t quite get to do it like I wanted to last time around.”
“When you’re a star, you don’t need little stars.” Vitória quips.
Jemma clicks her fingers, and Royal glares, not engaging.
“But it does add to the look, right?” Crayola laughs.
“It does.” Destiny grins.
Wearing nothing but a skimpy bejeweled bikini and a sheer overlay dress, Tasia D. Kash struts into the werkroom with a beaming smile on her face. She is followed by a trail of white ostrich feathers, matching the feathery headpiece and brunette wig reaching her ass. She winks at the camera. “A showgirl spares no expense!”
“YES!” Tanvi cheers.
“Pretty girl.” Jemma smiles.
Tasia D. Kash: “Oh I am so happy to be here.” Tasia smiles. “I am the Showgirl Supreme, Tasia D. Kash and I am back, baby!” Tasia cheers. “My name is Tasia- now both in drag and legally, and I am now the REAL BODY of drag!” Tasia has a huge grin. “I had a journey in Season 3. I found myself and went so much further than I expected. Since then, I’ve moved to Vegas with my sister, Lucy, I’ve upped my drag, done some work…” Tasia grins. “And leveled up those looks, and I feel like a star. And now, I get to show it.”
“I’m so happy to see you!” Tanvi yells, hugging Tasia.
Tanvi Lioness: “I love Tasia. Girl is a THREAT, especially now. But also an ally.”
“Gosh, we’re all so pretty.” Tasia smiles. “Oh, the pretty ladies..” Tasia looks at Vitória and Destiny.
Mother Destiny Dandridge: “Me, Tasia and Vitória are three strong trans women who… all placed third in their season.” Destiny laughs. “We’ve done a tour together, Hashtag ‘Third Place Divas’.”
Tasia D. Kash: “I made the group chat.” Tasia winks.
“I’m loving this showgirl look…” Vitória smiles.
“I learned from some of the best.” Tasia grins.
Royal looks around awkwardly, her eyes darting left and right.
Tasia D. Kash: “I love all my drag family, but Destiny and Vitória are amongst the favorites. Though I tell Vitória- girl, we don’t need the shady comments all the time!” Tasia laughs.
“Is Lucy hidden in there somewhere or is she still in Alaska with her twin?” Crayola jokes.
“Lucy has been sewing for DAYS for some of these garments.” Tasia chuckles.
“Oh, she’s got help.” Vitória grins.
“Resources, it’s 2013, I needed to show a new Tasia!” Tasia yells dramatically.
Wearing a gorgeous, flowy jet black wig that goes to her back, a tight black mini-skirt & corset top combo that oozes Marias’ finest in red and gold, a pair of platform boots with the words ‘Marias’ spray painted in gold throughout and bangles, jewels and a lovely golden earring set, La Marias walks in chewing gum. “Besos! Mwah! Mwah!” Marias yells, blowing a golden gum as it bursts, and she winks.
“Trouble is here!” Tasia laughs.
“Oh, it’s just Chihuahua City’s finest, duh.” Marias responds.
La Marias: “The Star, the Queen, Chihuahua’s finest.” La Marias chuckles. “Allegedly.” Marias says in quotations. “That's what they say, I don’t know.” Marias smiles. “I am La Marias, and APPARENTLY… I am the most controversial drag race Queen… ever?”
“You look gorgeous, babe.” Jemma adds.
“I’ve leveled up.” La Marias winks. “Money gets you access to better malls, I guess.” Marias jokes, making a few of the girls laugh.
“Clearly.” Royal adds.
Royal Virtue: “I didn’t expect to see Marias here. She’s not what I would traditionally think of as an All Star as she is kinda… ugly. But she does look… good.” Royal says bluntly.
La Marias: “To some, I am the devil. Others, I am truthful, honest. But really, I’m just Latina.” La Marias laughs.
“You had a rough exit.” Crayola says to La Marias. “Do you feel good being here?”
“I've gotten so much love since my season, and I’ve realized- I can really do this.” Marias nods.
“As someone who also had a rougher ending, I feel you.” Crayola grins, nodding.
La Marias: “Ósea, let me give you the real tea mis amores, I came into Season 3 so… young and so new to everything. But if there’s something I had, it was the nerve to keep going and keep fighting against that titan-filled cast, bitch, and that will to fight doesn’t disappear easily. So I have only gotten better and more experienced in the little time I had between Season 3 and now, and I want to show the FULL La Marias experience that Mexico has gotten to see all over the country now.” Marias smiles.
Wearing a ringmasters look, with a pair of black leather pants, a whip, a huge top hat and a deep red corset, with a gorgeous flowing top, a pair of heels and gorgeous blood red hair, Brittany Big Top enters the werkroom. “The Circus is back, and this time, she’s on Top!”
Vitória raises an eyebrow.
Brittany Big Top: “Hi!” Brittany smiles. “Woah, this is a bit strange this place has gotten a huge upgrade since my season.” Brittany has a huge smile, fanning herself. “But you know, it’s also good. I am Brittany Big Top, fourth placed Queen from the first season. And.. wow, now that was a season for me.”
“You look fantastic.” Crayola waves.
“Oh my gosh, so many people!” Brittany blows kisses. “Hello, hello…”
“Brittany.” Vitória eyes Brittany.
Brittany Big Top: “I got real nasty during Season 1. The stress, the pressure, in the attempt to get that money broke me. I regret the way I came off during that late half of the season for quite some time now. It’s not a very good representation of who I am as a person and as an entertainer. Since then I have tried to make amends with everyone in the cast who I may have affected or hurt… but I know Vitória isn’t the type to make up and forget and she has ignored all of my attempts of apologizing even when we are at the same clubs in Canada. My plan and drive this season is to showcase who I really am— A talented artist, an incredible entertainer and a good person.”
“Vitória!” Brittany smiles. “I expected you to be here.”
“I would deeply love to say the feeling was mutual indeed.” Vitória makes a face, awkwardly hugging her with an untrusting face.
Vitória Benedita: “I really don’t trust her. She’s promoted her brand of ‘I'm a different person, I love the people’ … and I have my doubts, I really do. I know a lot was probably going on with her personally that caused her to act like the freakish child she was during our time there… but a person who cracks like that under pressure… I don’t think I can entirely trust. Especially now that she is so… How do I say this… freakishly passive.”
“Oooo, they’ve got us drama girls.” La Marias laughs, hugging Brittany.
“Drama?” Brittany says playfully.
“I can’t imagine being dramatic.” Jemma winks.
“Mija, we saw the reunion.” La Marias says.
“I don’t even remember that!” Jemma laughs.
“I do.” Royal responds.
Jemma giggles. “Years ago.”
Royal Virtue: “I came here focused on a crown, but my one exception is this- whilst Jemma exists in this competition, she won’t in my world. I will be lovely, quaint and nice to everyone.. Bar her.”
Royal continues to make a stank face at the entire group.
“Honestly, I really do want to show myself here.” Brittany looks at the group, her hand on her heat. “Genuinely.”
Vitória Benedita: “Now, I know I am known as a bitch, but let us be honest. Does anyone believe this? It reads as… forced.”
Crayola Boxx: “I think Brittany is sweet. I trust she’s turned over a new leaf.” Crayola smiles.
“That’s lovely.” Crayola smiles.
Brittany grins in response.
A stomp, stomp, stomp is heard, as Radke Raydon struts out with a studded bodysuit that covers her entire body, head to toe, a leather jacket with a facekini look that has a strong set of makeup underneath it, and a mohawk made of what looks like piercing, tied to the bright green mohawk as she eyes the group. “Are you ready for a fucking show?!”
“Ooooooooooooooh…” Crayola looks at the Radke.
Radke Raydon: “Hey.” Radke smiles. “I am Radke Raydon, and I am the Rockstar of Season 1 of Drag Race. Though, when I was last on this camera, I was more of a twerp.” Radke chuckles. “Since my season, I have been part of the drag scene, in some capacity- but I am a artist- a musician of a band that taken off, and that’s where I’ve shined- I’ve toured the world, I’ve meet thousands of fans, and now I want to come back, be here and give a fucking show- and show the drag world what I am made of.”
“I’m surprised you’re here, Mr. Raydon.” Vitória raises an eyebrow.
“You’re not just drag famous, you’re like real world famous.” Tanvi responds.
“I love the scene where I do what I do, but I also feel like this story was unfinished, you know?” Radke grins.
Radke Raydon: “I know I’m a fucking alt-cunt. I know that my drag is more powerful, more widely seen now than ever. So I wanna showcase that.”
“I feel the same.” Tasia smiles.
“It’s an opportunity.” Brittany nods, agreeing.
Radke Raydon: “Brittany Big Top. Bitch scares me.” Radke laughs. “But fuck it, lets compete.”
“Oh, damn right.” Radke smiles. “Now, like…” Radke reaches into their jacket, pulling out shot glasses. “I watched Season 4 recently.”
Tasia D. Kash: “When he said that it honestly really confused me because… Isn't that the most recent season? Like it just aired. Why did he say he recently watched it???” Tasia asks, genuinely confused. “Like we all watched it recently…”
“Yasmin gave me this idea, but I’m going to do it the Radke way…” Radke puts the shot glasses on a table. “Shots?!”
“Oh hell yes.” Tasia cackles.
Tasia D. Kash: “I got over it once he said shots though.” Tasia says before bursting out laughing.
“I don’t think but thank you.” Royal nods.
Tasia, Tanvi, Destiny, Radke, Vitória, Brittany, Crayola & Marias all smash drinks, cheer and take a shot.
“Oh, I love fireball.” Marias grins. “It’s flam-”
Suddenly, Toyotomi Hideyoshi spins into the werkroom, wearing a shining white suit covered in flowy fabric, with long black hair that goes under his back, with his eyes fixed on the werkroom, and stark, demonic looking eye makeup. “I’m awake now, I SWEAR!”
La Marias laughs. “Sálvame Virgenita.” Marias exhales.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi: “Oh gosh.” Hideyoshi exhales. “If I am honest, I’m nervous, but Yuu looked me in the eyes and said- fight for this. And I will.” Hideyoshi bows, before winking. “Hey gorgeous people, I am Toyotomi Hideyoshi, your…” Hideyoshi begins to whisper. “10th placer on Season 4.” Hideyoshi exhales. “Season 4 didn’t represent me at my best. I saw a side of me that was unfocused, stressed- and really, I don’t know if I should’ve been there so quickly after my own saga. I view this as my second chance. I know what I am capable of. But I want to show the world it.”
“Hideyoshi!” Tasia cheers, running over before she looks at Marias.
“We can talk.” Marias looks at Hideyoshi. “Later.”
“Finally something we can agree on, I have some things to say.” Hideyoshi whispers, before hugging Tasia. “Gosh, you’re so pretty. And Tanvi! Crayola!”
La Marias rolls her eyes a little.
The others all grin.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi: “I feel a lot closer, really to the Season 3 cast, bar Marias, as Season 4… kinda shook me up. Crayola is one of the few I really do get along with.”
“I’m really glad to see you here.” Crayola looks at Hideyoshi. “A second shot.”
“Exactly.” Hideyoshi exhales.
La Marias: “I didn’t realize this season would be some stars, all of a sudden.” La Marias laughs. “You know, I am not the girl to stress about spilt milk. I’m not apologizing, but I don’t need the hate this time around.”
“Happy to be representing the kings…” Hideyoshi smiles.
“We’ve just had our first King winner, which is lovely.” Crayola nods. “I’m proud to be a part of this season.”
“The winner’s circle is a diverse one, and I aim to add to it.” Hideyoshi winks.
“Great approach, baby.” Destiny grins.
The racers continue chatting, and the screen fast forwards 20 minutes.
“I guess this is it.” Royal nods.
“Wild.” Radke says. “Like-”
Suddenly Aguacate struts in completely nude, dressed in only a stunning, bedazzled apron and matching chef’s hat. She holds a huge tray of avocados, each actually made out of glitter, diamonds and gemstones, as she throws one into the mouth, biting into it as the other stunned racers look at her. “Eat me. Swallow me. I’m delicious!”
“Damn.” Destiny chuckles.
“Are you ready, ALL STARS?!” Aguacate pulls out a megaphone out of who knows where, as everyone looks confused.
Aguacate: “SUPERSTAR!” Aguacate yells. “That’s what I am. Chronologica saw Season 4- saw this gorgeous Mexican beauty dominate the word by force and thought- ‘I want one of that’.” Aguacate chuckles. “I am Aguacate, and I’m back for the crown.”
“You know, you two had something to prove…” Tanvi raises an eyebrow. “But she’s back early.”
“Oh, I KNOW!” Aguacate laughs.
Aguacate: “Many say, ‘Oh, I am so much better, I’ve grown- I DIDN’T NEED GROWTH. I know exactly who I am and what I am capable of. I just had a Drag King who was a solid performer. I look around and see none of the same threats.” Aguacate laughs. “But honestly, I do know I have what it takes. And I’m here to win the crown.”
“Mi Amor.” Marias grins, hugging Aguacate.
Aguacate: “I love Marias though, she’ll be top 2 with me.” Aguacate nods.
“So this must be it.” Tasia clasps her hands. “Oh, it’s so exciting…”
You’ve got drag mail!
Aguacate yelps.
Show us your talent.
“Ooooh…” Tasia grins.
It’s Drag Time!
All Stars! Welcome to the competition. You 12 have been chosen as you all have something to PROVE. None of you took the crown the first time around, but I believe you all have the potential to be the first inductee into the hall of fame.
The winner of this Season will win a fierce crown and scepter from Moxie Maniac Jewels, the title of All Star Hall of Famer…
And $100,000!
Vitória Benedita: “My original season, we won $25,000. Now, I have the potential of winning four times that amount.” Vitória smirks. “I guess it was worth a loss. Sorry, my dear Mary-Lynn, I know you’re FUMING!”
But that’s not all.
Everyone looks confused.
This season, I will not be eliminating anyone.
Aguacate: “WHAT?!”
Instead… you will be eliminating EACH OTHER!
The racers gasp.
Each week, there will be 2 racers declared the winners of the week’s challenge. They will then lip sync for their LEGACY, where one will win $10,000, the title of the Top Racer of the week, and… the power to chop one of the bottom racers.
Mother Destiny Dandridge: “Suddenly, the competition has changed. This is not the same game, oh not at all…”
To start off, we’re doing a TALENT show, baby! This week, each of you will compete in the Drag Talent Extravaganza, showing off a skill on the live drag race stage. This is your opportunity to perform and showcase a whole new elevation of drag SUPERSTAR!
Brittany Big Top: “I just missed out on the talent show last time around, but I’m here now, ready and EXCITED.”
Good luck, racers… and do not fuck it up!
The racers start to de-drag and prepare.
“So…” Jemma smiles. “This is a game changer, like…”
“We’re eliminating each other.” Destiny exhales. “Wow.”
“It’s certainly a change.” La Marias says. “But it is what must be done.”
“Agreed.” Tanvi adds. “I mean, this time I do plan to be lip syncing…”
“Do you mean to win the lip syncs?” Vitória smirks.
“...Of course.” Tanvi splutters.
Vitória nods.
“Does anyone have an idea of how they’ll approach this?” Aguacate raises an eyebrow.
Aguacate: “For me, I am going to chop ALL the threats. But I’m not an IDIOT. I have to form an alliance with like minded people. I’ve watched survivor. At least initially, before I stab them in the back!”
“It’s simple to me.” Tasia smiles. “Fairness is the way.”
“100%.” Destiny nods.
“I will look at consistency, history and performance capability. I will look at track records if I am in the top and determine what the fair choice is- and save them.” Tasia nods.
Tasia D. Kash: “A game like this, you win through being the right person. I do believe that.”
“Fairness is a part of my brand, baby.” Destiny grins. “I am going to follow that idea.”
“I agree.” Brittany smiles. “We pick the right choice.”
“I want to beat the best of the best.” Royal adds. “Point blank. If someone has won multiple times, someone has been in the bottom multiple- well, that’s clear.”
“Yes, I agree!” Crayola smiles.
Royal Virtue: “...Except Jemma. She’s CLEARLY my target. There’s no way she’d win anyways but if I get the opportunity, she'll be ousted.”
“It’s a nuanced topic, you know?” Radke says. “Because man, there’s so many elements to fairness.”
“Totally!” Hideyoshi nods. “It’s in the eye of the beholder.”
“Like, are we thinking fair considering our past seasons? Because fuck, some of you have an advantage…” Radke eyes the group.
“No, not at all.” Tasia shakes her head. “For me, it’s a case-by-case basis.”
“A case-by-case basis of fairness.” Radke nods. “Kinda confusing, to be honest.”
Aguacate smirks, as Tasia shrugs.
“To me, I am following my heart.” Jemma smiles. “I think that’s important.”
Jemma Nye: “I think of this journey as my path to my happy ending. Cinderella followed her heart, and I’m doing the same.”
“I’m going to chop you all.” La Marias laughs. “I mean, for me, it’s when you get into the situation, you will feel it.”
“But you know, not like- chop unfairly.” Tasia adds.
“What is unfair, babe?” La Marias laughs. “If you’re in the bottom…”
“Well, look at Genesis.” Vitória responds.
Vitória Benedita: “I don’t agree with my sister. I will be making decisions- how I feel.”
“Exactly.” La Marias nods.
“...We should work together.” Aguacate walks over to La Marias station and whispers.
“That may be a good idea.” Marias raises an eyebrow.
“For now, I’ve got your back, you’ve got mine. I think we scan, we review and track. But the cult of Latin icons formed today.” Aguacate chuckles.
“What are y’all laughing about?” Tanvi eyes Aguacate.
“My favorite telenovela, Me Llamo Chini, La Tetona.” Aguacate smirks.
“It’s so good.” La Marias smiles. “Two warring houses, drama, sex, death and blood.”
“I haven’t heard of that one!” Tasia says.
“It’s niche.” Aguacate winks. “Only airs in Mexico, too extreme for the Estadounidenses.”
Aguacate: “I am a Queen on a MISSION, and nothing will stop me!”
Chronologica goes to visit the racers.
Hello, Mr Hideyoshi!
“Chronologica!” Hideyoshi smiles. “I want to say thank you.”
Thank you?
“I was invited here and I feel lucky. I do know I was the second choice…”
Originally we asked Nobuna, yes. But when she declined, you were our immediate next choice. I think you had more to show, and I am happy you’re here.
Hideyoshi smiles.
What are you doing for this week’s talent show?
“There was so much I didn’t get to showcase on my season, but one of those things I felt strongest on was talking about my history with the Circus.”
The Circus?
“I used to perform and travel as an acrobatic performer, and this week I’m showcasing that ability.”
I love that! Now, has this been well planned?
Hideyoshi chuckles. “Reflecting has taught me both a balance of my own superpower, which is my resilience- and the ability to put a solid concept together. I feel prepared for this.”
Well, I cannot wait to see it.
Hideyoshi smiles.

Tanvi Lioness!
“Chronologica!” Tanvi smiles.
Now, you had a near flawless track record last time around. Do you plan on repeating that?
“I sure do, with a crown, this time around.” Tanvi winks.
What is your talent show?
“To show I am, I have stepped it up, I’m keeping with my comedic roots- in a burlesque comedic number!”
Interesting. Now, performance challenges were the one space you faltered- slightly, on your season. Do you feel like this is a good idea?
“I do.” Tanvi nods. “I am confident in my abilities, and I know I am talented. This performance has won pageant competitions, darling.”
Vitória looks over and makes a face.
Vitória Benedita: “I don’t repeat acts, but if you want to, well…” Vitória shrugs.
Good luck, Tanvi.
“No luck needed!” Tanvi winks.

Radke Raydon, welcome to the competition.
“Pleased to be here.” Radke smiles.
Now, you have forged your own path, why did you take up this chance to return… to more so the drag world?
“For me, like it’s unfinished business.” Radke says. “I know what I do, and I do it well. But the opportunity to showcase myself in this light is fucking fun.”
I love that. What is your talent show performance?
“I will be rocking out in a live scream show. Singing, roaring my way through and doing it in a punk way.” Radke smiles.
We’ve never seen a drag punk performance. Do you feel like you can do it without your band, who you’re normally surrounded by?
“Fuck yeah.” Radke smiles. “For me, it’s about my soul. I know I am not like the others here, and I think that’s an advantage.”
Radke Raydon: “My drag isn’t traditional. I am proud of that.”
I look forward to your take.
Radke grins.

Tasia D. Kash!
“Chronologica, ahh!” Tasia beams.
You’re excited.
“Damn right!”
Chronologica chuckles.
Now, tell me. How are you showcasing your skills in the talent show?
“I LOVE a talent show. I love a performance, a diva moment, and I’ve upped my game. I’m not just a stripper ho anymore, I’m a showgirl now, you know? So I want to show that with a ribbon twirling show.”
“But the body, the sex, the heat is part of that.” Tasia grins. “I’m giving you Vegas best.”
You seem a lot more confident this time around.
“I know what I am capable of. I want to show it, cement it.” Tasia smiles.
Good. Well, good luck… and I look forward to seeing it.
Tasia D. Kash: “Last season, I started out as this unconfident drag queen. I’m coming into this season swinging.”
The racers chat as they get ready for the main stage.
“Now, racers.” Aguacate puts on a top hat.
“Is that a top hat?” Radke raises an eyebrow.
“I’m conducting this train of knowledge.” Aguacate says, pulling out a microphone.
“Perra…” La Marias laughs.
“Okay, the train is going.” Aguacate says. “Let’s begin.”
“Your face isn’t even painted!” Destiny yells.
“I’m doing a makeup tutorial with Rachelle.” Aguacate smiles. “And I will be fixing that mushy mug.”
“It was DEFINITELY mushy on the season, that’s for sure.” Hideyoshi giggles.
“At least I made it to finale.” Aguacate responds.
Hideyoshi gasps, as the two giggle.
“What are you doing, Mr Coma?” Aguacate takes out a microphone and points it to Hideyoshi.
“I-” Hideyoshi giggles. “I’m doing a circus themed acrobatic performance.”
“Circus?” Brittany responds.
“I was part of a traveling troupe.” Hideyoshi smiles. “I’m really excited to showcase my skills.”
“Oh, great.” Brittany smiles awkwardly.
“Oh, you’re also doing it, aren’t you Brittany?” Aguacate smirks.
“I’m doing a carnival performance, yeah.” Brittany says. “But circus, carnival… it’s so diverse.”
“I wouldn’t want to be doing that, though.” Aguacate laughs. “It means one will certainly be better.”
“Top 2!” Hideyoshi winks, looking at Brittany who grins. “We can both be at the top!”
“Well, I wish you both good luck.” Aguacate winks, turning to Marias. “My sister, what are you doing?”
“Besos! Mwah! Mwah!” Marias smiles. “An original track and monologue, It’s going to be a cute callback.”
“Oh… THAT monologue.” Tanvi looks over.
Hideyoshi looks over.
“Now…How do you feel about this, Hideyoshi?” Aguacate says wickedly.
“If you survive this week Marias, we can talk, but I’m focused on showing myself.” Hideyoshi winks.
“Oh myyyyyyyyyyyyy.” Aguacate giggles.
La Marias chuckles.
La Marias: “Oh, sure, boy.” Marias grins.
“Trust the duchess, or whatever Magnolia says, I will.” Marias smiles.
Hideyoshi nods.
“I am doing a fabulous paint show.” Crayola smiles. “A, B, C-hronologica.” Crayola grins. “Painting and art is what I love, and I want to showcase that.”
“...How quick can you paint in a talent show?” Aguacate asks.
“How quick can you paint your busted face?” Crayola responds. The others burst out into laughter.
Aguacate: “Whoops, hit a nerve! But she only is clever once a season so I have to clap for her.” Aguacate golf claps very slowly.
“Very.” Aguacate winks.
“I-” Royal starts, as Jemma raises her hand. “Microphone?”
Aguacate grins, handing it over.
Royal Virtue: “I guess I am not talking.” Royal rolls her eyes.
“I am doing a lip sync track and dance performance.” Jemma smiles. “The Two Sides’- because I’m a Gemini.”
“Oh god, another bitch talking about her star sign.” Aguacate looks into the camera, before pursing her lips. “Didn’t you bomb a lip sync challenge?”
“I also performed my ass off, darling.” Jemma smiles.
Jemma Nye: “I can show me, in my fabulous glory.” Jemma shimmies. “It’s exciting.”
“Mhm.” Aguacate turns to Royal. “Royal, what do you think? What are you doing?”
Royal Virtue: “Shady cunt.
“I’m doing what I do best. Vogue, Ballroom.” Royal adds. “Period.”
“Not one to chat, mkay!” Aguacate laughs.
Royal Virtue: “Why focus on this dramatics when I can be fixed on the talent show? I feel myself getting heated, so I decide- don’t engage with the group.”
Aguacate: “She does realize this is a game of alliances, right?”
“RADKE!” Aguacate throws the microphone as Radke catches it.
“Good catch.” Agucate winks.
“I’m a good throw.” Radke smiles. “I’m also doing what I do best.”
“Place 6th?” Aguacate says. “Do horrible in the competition?”
“Fuck off.” Radke smiles. “A wild rock show. Singing live, performing, doing a screamo performance.”
“Oooooh…” Aguacate says.
“Genuine question, my sister.” Vitória looks over.
“Oh dear.” Tasia whispers to Destiny.
“You said you have not been in the drag scene- since your season. Do you feel like you are delivering a… drag performance, with this talent?” Vitória looks over.
Vitória Benedita: “Screaming isn’t giving DRAG… Some would say it's a … solid… rockstar performance you’d do at a trashy alt scene club, but to me… it’s not a DRAG talent showcase. It’s screaming loudly to a mic and yelling out words. That’s how I see it, and I can’t help but to get the feeling that, again, Radke is just playing in what I do best, DRAG.” Vitória ponders.
The room is silent.
“Fuck yeah I do.” Radke says. “I feel like- I know, my drag isn’t the typical type.” Radke says. “But I have forged my own brand, and whilst it’s not the traditional type, I think that’s an advantage, not a disadvantage.”
“It’s not just about the traditional. I have seen great alternative DRAG performances before. I mean, for myself, I have studied the art of drag for years. My talent show is core to that- my Brazilian Heritage, and my art of female impersonation. The body, the presentation- I know my sisters, Tasia and Destiny are the same… correct, girls?” Vitória looks over.
“I am showcasing what I can do, and my own heart.” Tasia smiles. “For me, I know I portray that old school drag, showgirl.”
“Drag can be so many damn things.” Destiny responds. “To me, my drag is black. It’s women. This is why I am giving a tribute- singing live, reflecting the women who have inspired this. We are all equal, and all portraying things.”
“You always love to deliver things nicely.” Vitória chuckles.
Aguacate and La Marias giggle.
Aguacate: “I love an old school bitch. Emphasis on old.” Aguacate cackles.
“All I’m saying is, is it drag? You can be a semi-famous ‘rockstar’ who sells 10 albums and have that as a performance. But is it DRAG?” Vitória chuckles. “I do feel like I am repeating past statements.”
“Well, real talk, what’s singing? Like, is that drag?” Radke says. “Just singing a tribute to black women…”
Destiny looks surprised.
Mother Destiny Dandridge: “Oh, THAT sounded pointed.”
“Baby, this is a topic of nuance, but let’s be clear- this is a drag performance.” Destiny smiles. “My drag is because of the women who formed it. I’m performing in an inspiration to those vocal styles- and showcasing a damn wide berth of vocals. I’ve been doing this for my whole damn life.”
“As have I with singing.” Radke responds. “No shade, just-”
“Darling, if you feel stressed by a simple question…” Vitória purses her lips. “Well…”
“I do drag.” Radke responds. “And I look forward to showing it.”
“We all do. So, let’s not disrespect anyone, because I won’t tolerate it.” Mother smiles.
Mother Destiny Dandridge: “Last time around, I sat with love. I plan to keep it. But if you don’t play appropriately… Well, I have the power. And this mother isn’t afraid to punish bad behavior.”
Radke nods.
“I love you.” Vitória smiles.
“Well, this is going to be so much fun.” Aguacate laughs.
Radke Raydon: “I’m ready to show my drag. Is the world ready for it?”
“Meow.” Tanvi cackles while making a claw at Tasia.
“...Random, but okay.” Vitória responds.
Talent Shows:
  • Aguacate: ‘Let’s Fix That Mushy Mug!’: Comedic Makeup Tutorial
  • Brittany Big Top: ‘Centre of the Ring’: Carnival Trick Show
  • Crayola Boxx: ‘A, B, C-hronologica’: Speed Painting of Chronologica
  • Jemma Nye: ‘The Two Sides’: Lip Sync and Dance Extravaganza
  • La Marias: ‘Besos! (Mwah! Mwah!): Original Track and Monologue
  • Mother Destiny Dandridge: ‘The Divas’: Black Historical Diva Singing Tribute Act
  • Radke Raydon: ‘Scream If You Wanna Go Faster’: Wild Rock Show and Screamo Performance
  • Royal Virtue: ‘Category Is…. Intergalactic!’: OTA Bizarre Ballroom Performance
  • Tanvi Lioness: ‘The Bite’: Comedic Burlesque
  • Tasia D. Kash: ‘Silken Sexpot’: Vegas Themed Ribbon Twirling Show
  • Toyotomi Hideyoshi: ‘The Circus King’: Aerial Acrobatic Act
  • Vitória Benedita: ‘Benedita’s Encore’: Samba Dance Routines
submitted by AustralianChrono to RPDRfantasyseason [link] [comments]

2023.06.26 22:28 AustralianChrono Chronologica's Drag Race All Stars: Episode 1- Hello, All Stars!

Chronologica's Drag Race All Stars: Episode 1- Hello, All Stars!
Omari adjusts a frame.
Jerry hits a table with a hammer.
Kaneq places down a mat.
Mary-Lynn sits on the table and smiles.
Is the room ready?
Bring in the ALL STARS.
The Werkroom is covered in gold, painted with a new finish and pictures of the winner’s circle.
Mother Destiny Dandridge enters the stage in a long tulle gown in black, flowing down with layer upon layer shining in jewels and gemstones, with a long flowing wig that floats down to her backside, as she smiles, entering the werkroom. “I’m black and better than ever.”
Mother Destiny Dandridge: “Hello world, it’s a blessed day, because I get to see you all again.” Destiny smiles. “I am Mother Destiny Dandridge, your 3rd placer from Season 2.” Destiny has a huge grin. “I didn’t expect to make it as far as I did on Season 2. I had a slow start, but when I got there, I made it far. I won the music groups, the makeover, and the final challenge of the season- and I showed the world I can be a pretty funny lady!”
“Oh, how blessed! I am the first.” Destiny clasps her hands.
Mother Destiny Dandridge: “On Season 2, I was lucky to come in with grace, love and enjoyment. And that was fantastic! But I didn’t get to fight for that crown at the end. This time, I want it. I want to prove myself, and how this competition has changed my damn life.”
“Well, who shall be our next All Star? Destiny looks at the doorway.
In a long green beaded gown that hugs her body tight, a mink coat dyed yellow covered in glitter, and a gorgeous updo in brown covered in gold flakes, Vitória Benedita holds onto her sash with the word ‘Ms Continental 2011’ in gold. “Let me re-introduce myself. I’m your title holder.”
“Yes Continental Legend!” Destiny snaps her fingers.
Vitória Benedita: “Hello world, I’m back.” Vitória smiles. “I am your third placer, Ms Brazillia 2005, Ms Shade- they crowned me that post season online on facebook- and your Ms Continental 2011, Vitória Benedita.” Vitória points to her sash in her confessional.
“Hello, Miss Continental Plus 2005.” Vitória grins, hugging Destiny.
Vitória Benedita: “I’m pleased to be back. Since my season, my power has only grown- I’ve taken titles, I’ve toured the world, but one thing WASN’T in my grasp last time around- the crown. So, I’m here to pick that up. With all of the poise and grace a Benedita is known for.” She cheekily winks.
“God, that was so darn long ago…” Destiny smiles. “Isn’t it great to be back?”
“Oh, it’s fantastic, darling…” Vitória smirks. “I’m ready for the battle.”
“Whilst my original season was a fierce one… I have a feeling that it will even be more intense this time around.” Destiny says.
“Oh, it’s the hunger. We’ve both seen a pageant queen with a vengeance and rage for a win.” Vitória chuckles.
“Like me before prison.” Destiny cackles.
Vitória Benedita: “Destiny is old school pageant, like myself. I respect her, unlike some of the other trash in the drag race circle. And despite the smile- she’s a competitive threat.”
“Oh, honey, your drag is still a crime.” Vitória pats down her glitter with a wicked grin.
“NASTY!” Destiny whips out a fan and chuckles.
Wearing a sleek and shimmering silver full-body sci-fi body armor tightly fitted to her form, Royal Virtue wields a sleek arm cannon and strikes a well-trained pose, as fog suddenly swirling from the entrance all around her, with a dramatic arachnid crown of silver spikes. “Before is behind us. The future starts right now.”
“Oh, yes.” Destiny smiles.
Royal Virtue: “Oh, it’s an absolute bloody blessing being here, isn’t it?” Royal chuckles. “It’s been 3 years, and this Royal creature has gone intergalactic. I am your Runner-Up of Season 2- and your All Stars winner.” Royal winks. “I had a journey of a lifetime in my Season. I had high highs- winning 3 challenges, including a roast- going from great to goofy, and embracing a wide berth of drag beyond what I thought I was capable of. Since then, well, I’ve only gotten better.” Royal smirks.
“My dear.” Destiny hugs Royal, as Royal smiles at Vitória.
“There’s some fabulous Queens here, aren’t there?” Vitória purses her lips. “All three of us, threats.”
“Until Jemma Nye walks in.” Royal laughs.
“There was that drama between you two, wasn’t there?” Vitória raises an eyebrow.
“Oh, it’s not worth it…” Destiny looks at Royal.
Mother Destiny Dandridge: “Royal has had some reasonable issues with Jemma, since the filming of the reunion. I know she’s received a great deal of hate. However, she hasn’t confronted her directly- instead, she simmers. The attitude hasn’t made her the most friendly of the cast- she tends to stick to interacting with Kaneq and her haus, which- we love and appreciate, however… she may find herself in unfriendly territory.”
“I’m just frustrated, still.” Royal says. “But, that drama isn’t meant to be dealt with here.”
Royal Virtue: “My reputation was tarnished because a white man decided to use language that meant me, a dark skinned, non-cisgender person was targeted by a white-favoring fanbase. That is a reasonable frustration.”
“Agreed…” Destiny smiles. “It’s-”
Wearing a mermaid slit gown, split open with green jewels in it’s center, a purple top half covered in fringe and a gorgeous long flowing red wig, that has tiny little barnacles covered and stoned in glitter and others shining material, Jemma Nye enters with a huge smile upon her face. “It’s time for my happy ending!”
The screen slows down, and Royal looks at Jemma with fire in her eyes.
Royal Virtue: “Jemma Nye…”
“Jemma Nye.” Royal says, her voice tinged with rage.
“Royal, AHHH!” Jemma cheers, running over to hug Royal.
Jemma Nye: “My name is Jemma Nye, and I am a STAR.” Jemma points to the screen. “Like literally.” Jemma laughs. “I am your Season 2 Queen, and this time, I WANNA WIN A BALL!” Jemma yells. “I just am so sad I missed that challenge.” Jemma laughs.
“I’m not hugging you.” Royal responds. “Not in the mood.”
Destiny and Vitória both look at each other.
“Too many spikes, I get it.” Jemma turns. “How are we all going?! Ahh!”
“Speak to her later.” Destiny whispers to Royal. “Don’t engage in hate.”
Vitória raises an eyebrow, as Royal looks frustrated.
Jemma Nye: “Like, Season 2, I was that girl trying to prove herself. And it was a lot. I finished the Season and got SWINE FLU. In that moment, I realized- oh my god, the world has betrayed me- because I’ve betrayed myself. And then there was the reunion, and then I’ve been touring the world, showing myself, and just… looking beautiful.” Jemma smiles.
“How are you, Jemma?” Destiny grins.
Mother Destiny Dandridge: “Jemma is a gorgeous actress. Like all my season 2 babies, i’ve seen her grow- even if it’s always in Jemma’s world.”
“God, these mirrors make me look pretty.” Jemma turns. “Sorry, we all… look pretty.”
Royal rolls her eyes.
Royal Virtue: “That stupid girl and her spray tan. If she was standing next to some of my cousin’s she’d make them look pale. Everything is so fake about her!” Royal spits. “I know she’s faking that posh accent too.”
“Charmed.” Jemma says poshly.
“The girls are looking gorgeous.” Vitória grins.
“I’m just like, surprised, yet not surprised to be here.” Jemma grins. “I knew I was an all star, but this is cute.”
“Mhm.” Royal responds.
Covered in a feathered coat, Tanvi Lioness struts in with a stomp, stomp, stomp before throwing off her coat to reveal a painted Lion print dress- looking as if she has been clawed apart, with the dress tattered, claw marks and blood seeping from her face but with a determined face as she eyes the others. “This time, I’m clawing you ALL on my way to the top.”
Tanvi Lioness: “I am Tanvi Lioness, and girls, gays, and anyone in between- are you ready for this hilarious legend?” Tanvi smirks. “I am your Season 3 Runner-Up, and the only person in Drag Race HERSTORY to never lip sync for their life.” Tanvi smiles.
“Gosh, are you okay?” Jemma jokes, looking at Tanvi.
“I’ve fought worse monsters for years in hollywood.” Tanvi smirks. “It’s great to see some Pageant Legends.” Tanvi looks at Vitória and Destiny. “And legends in general.”
“You’ve won a few titles, right?” Royal says, avoiding Jemma’s gaze.
“Miss Windy City, two years in a row, hosted Miss Milkytit, Miss Pageant World, Miss Excellence USA, BIPOC Goddess USA, and a guest appearance on the real Miss World stage.” Tanvi chuckles.
Vitória Benedita: “Tanvi is… allegedly, a pageant queen. I’m not a fan of her reputation and whilst I value myself being determined and certainly a cutthroat competitor, proudly so- I’m never going to cut up someone’s wig… or that’s just what I heard.” Vitória adjusts her sash. “I don’t know, I’m just the winner of the highest drag pageant in the world, what would I think?” Vitoria smirks.
“How charming.” Destiny smiles.
“I’ve heard those competitions were all interesting ones.” Vitória adds. “Lots of injuries.”
“Gosh, literally.” Tanvi laughs. “Sometimes I fear I accidentally curse the other girls!”
“I am a Candomblé practitioner, darling. I wouldn’t throw the word ‘Curse’ around willy-nilly.” Vitória smiles.
“Oh, you know, just playing.” Tanvi giggles.
“Sure you are.” Vitória smiles.
“Now, let’s see what’s next.” Tanvi takes out an icepick humorously and adjusts her teeth to stop the awkwardness.
Tanvi Lioness: “I am going to play fierce. I didn’t win Season 3, but I’ve been HUNGRY since.” Tanvi smirks. “I’m starving.”
Wearing a painters smock covered in colors, with huge red hair that looks straight out of a yellow magic school bus, Crayola Boxx enters the werkroom with her massive set of rainbow boots, a notepad in her hands and a big pair of glasses in red. “I’ve been taught a few lessons, and now I’m here to school all of YOU.”
“Oh, werk bitch.” Tanvi grins.
Craoyla Boxx: “Wow! I didn’t expect to be back here so soon, but it feels fantastic.” Crayola grins. “I am Crayola Boxx, your New Zealand Queen representing Season FOUR. God, that was a journey.”
“What a treat this look is.” Royal smiles.
“So…” Vitória eyes Crayola. “Much.”
Crayola Boxx: “When filming finished, I was crushed. I didn’t feel like I showed enough of myself- I got bogged down and stressed, but then I watched the season and realized the best parts of me were there, I just didn’t embrace it. I’ve taken a break from teaching to teach the art of drag. I have plans to start a new family, the house of Boxx and even if I don’t have any kids yet, I’ve thought that this is the time to show I’m a runner not a walker. The race never stopped, I’ve just hit a new direction.”
“Heya!” Crayola grins.
“I didn’t expect to see you so soon.” Royal looks at Crayola.
“I feel like I had the skills to make it- my biggest issue was me.” Crayola smiles. “So I thought ‘Why not?’”
“I think that’s a fun approach.” Tanvi nods. “If you know you’re a star, you show it.”
“I think I have a star somewhere…” Crayola adjusts herself, pulling out a star.
Tanvi laughs.
Crayola Boxx: “I’m here to show I can do comedy, I can make cool looks and I can give a show.” Crayola grins. “Because I didn’t quite get to do it like I wanted to last time around.”
“When you’re a star, you don’t need little stars.” Vitória quips.
Jemma clicks her fingers, and Royal glares, not engaging.
“But it does add to the look, right?” Crayola laughs.
“It does.” Destiny grins.
Wearing nothing but a skimpy bejeweled bikini and a sheer overlay dress, Tasia D. Kash struts into the werkroom with a beaming smile on her face. She is followed by a trail of white ostrich feathers, matching the feathery headpiece and brunette wig reaching her ass. She winks at the camera. “A showgirl spares no expense!”
“YES!” Tanvi cheers.
“Pretty girl.” Jemma smiles.
Tasia D. Kash: “Oh I am so happy to be here.” Tasia smiles. “I am the Showgirl Supreme, Tasia D. Kash and I am back, baby!” Tasia cheers. “My name is Tasia- now both in drag and legally, and I am now the REAL BODY of drag!” Tasia has a huge grin. “I had a journey in Season 3. I found myself and went so much further than I expected. Since then, I’ve moved to Vegas with my sister, Lucy, I’ve upped my drag, done some work…” Tasia grins. “And leveled up those looks, and I feel like a star. And now, I get to show it.”
“I’m so happy to see you!” Tanvi yells, hugging Tasia.
Tanvi Lioness: “I love Tasia. Girl is a THREAT, especially now. But also an ally.”
“Gosh, we’re all so pretty.” Tasia smiles. “Oh, the pretty ladies..” Tasia looks at Vitória and Destiny.
Mother Destiny Dandridge: “Me, Tasia and Vitória are three strong trans women who… all placed third in their season.” Destiny laughs. “We’ve done a tour together, Hashtag ‘Third Place Divas’.”
Tasia D. Kash: “I made the group chat.” Tasia winks.
“I’m loving this showgirl look…” Vitória smiles.
“I learned from some of the best.” Tasia grins.
Royal looks around awkwardly, her eyes darting left and right.
Tasia D. Kash: “I love all my drag family, but Destiny and Vitória are amongst the favorites. Though I tell Vitória- girl, we don’t need the shady comments all the time!” Tasia laughs.
“Is Lucy hidden in there somewhere or is she still in Alaska with her twin?” Crayola jokes.
“Lucy has been sewing for DAYS for some of these garments.” Tasia chuckles.
“Oh, she’s got help.” Vitória grins.
“Resources, it’s 2013, I needed to show a new Tasia!” Tasia yells dramatically.
Wearing a gorgeous, flowy jet black wig that goes to her back, a tight black mini-skirt & corset top combo that oozes Marias’ finest in red and gold, a pair of platform boots with the words ‘Marias’ spray painted in gold throughout and bangles, jewels and a lovely golden earring set, La Marias walks in chewing gum. “Besos! Mwah! Mwah!” Marias yells, blowing a golden gum as it bursts, and she winks.
“Trouble is here!” Tasia laughs.
“Oh, it’s just Chihuahua City’s finest, duh.” Marias responds.
La Marias: “The Star, the Queen, Chihuahua’s finest.” La Marias chuckles. “Allegedly.” Marias says in quotations. “That's what they say, I don’t know.” Marias smiles. “I am La Marias, and APPARENTLY… I am the most controversial drag race Queen… ever?”
“You look gorgeous, babe.” Jemma adds.
“I’ve leveled up.” La Marias winks. “Money gets you access to better malls, I guess.” Marias jokes, making a few of the girls laugh.
“Clearly.” Royal adds.
Royal Virtue: “I didn’t expect to see Marias here. She’s not what I would traditionally think of as an All Star as she is kinda… ugly. But she does look… good.” Royal says bluntly.
La Marias: “To some, I am the devil. Others, I am truthful, honest. But really, I’m just Latina.” La Marias laughs.
“You had a rough exit.” Crayola says to La Marias. “Do you feel good being here?”
“I've gotten so much love since my season, and I’ve realized- I can really do this.” Marias nods.
“As someone who also had a rougher ending, I feel you.” Crayola grins, nodding.
La Marias: “Ósea, let me give you the real tea mis amores, I came into Season 3 so… young and so new to everything. But if there’s something I had, it was the nerve to keep going and keep fighting against that titan-filled cast, bitch, and that will to fight doesn’t disappear easily. So I have only gotten better and more experienced in the little time I had between Season 3 and now, and I want to show the FULL La Marias experience that Mexico has gotten to see all over the country now.” Marias smiles.
Wearing a ringmasters look, with a pair of black leather pants, a whip, a huge top hat and a deep red corset, with a gorgeous flowing top, a pair of heels and gorgeous blood red hair, Brittany Big Top enters the werkroom. “The Circus is back, and this time, she’s on Top!”
Vitória raises an eyebrow.
Brittany Big Top: “Hi!” Brittany smiles. “Woah, this is a bit strange this place has gotten a huge upgrade since my season.” Brittany has a huge smile, fanning herself. “But you know, it’s also good. I am Brittany Big Top, fourth placed Queen from the first season. And.. wow, now that was a season for me.”
“You look fantastic.” Crayola waves.
“Oh my gosh, so many people!” Brittany blows kisses. “Hello, hello…”
“Brittany.” Vitória eyes Brittany.
Brittany Big Top: “I got real nasty during Season 1. The stress, the pressure, in the attempt to get that money broke me. I regret the way I came off during that late half of the season for quite some time now. It’s not a very good representation of who I am as a person and as an entertainer. Since then I have tried to make amends with everyone in the cast who I may have affected or hurt… but I know Vitória isn’t the type to make up and forget and she has ignored all of my attempts of apologizing even when we are at the same clubs in Canada. My plan and drive this season is to showcase who I really am— A talented artist, an incredible entertainer and a good person.”
“Vitória!” Brittany smiles. “I expected you to be here.”
“I would deeply love to say the feeling was mutual indeed.” Vitória makes a face, awkwardly hugging her with an untrusting face.
Vitória Benedita: “I really don’t trust her. She’s promoted her brand of ‘I'm a different person, I love the people’ … and I have my doubts, I really do. I know a lot was probably going on with her personally that caused her to act like the freakish child she was during our time there… but a person who cracks like that under pressure… I don’t think I can entirely trust. Especially now that she is so… How do I say this… freakishly passive.”
“Oooo, they’ve got us drama girls.” La Marias laughs, hugging Brittany.
“Drama?” Brittany says playfully.
“I can’t imagine being dramatic.” Jemma winks.
“Mija, we saw the reunion.” La Marias says.
“I don’t even remember that!” Jemma laughs.
“I do.” Royal responds.
Jemma giggles. “Years ago.”
Royal Virtue: “I came here focused on a crown, but my one exception is this- whilst Jemma exists in this competition, she won’t in my world. I will be lovely, quaint and nice to everyone.. Bar her.”
Royal continues to make a stank face at the entire group.
“Honestly, I really do want to show myself here.” Brittany looks at the group, her hand on her heat. “Genuinely.”
Vitória Benedita: “Now, I know I am known as a bitch, but let us be honest. Does anyone believe this? It reads as… forced.”
Crayola Boxx: “I think Brittany is sweet. I trust she’s turned over a new leaf.” Crayola smiles.
“That’s lovely.” Crayola smiles.
Brittany grins in response.
A stomp, stomp, stomp is heard, as Radke Raydon struts out with a studded bodysuit that covers her entire body, head to toe, a leather jacket with a facekini look that has a strong set of makeup underneath it, and a mohawk made of what looks like piercing, tied to the bright green mohawk as she eyes the group. “Are you ready for a fucking show?!”
“Ooooooooooooooh…” Crayola looks at the Radke.
Radke Raydon: “Hey.” Radke smiles. “I am Radke Raydon, and I am the Rockstar of Season 1 of Drag Race. Though, when I was last on this camera, I was more of a twerp.” Radke chuckles. “Since my season, I have been part of the drag scene, in some capacity- but I am a artist- a musician of a band that taken off, and that’s where I’ve shined- I’ve toured the world, I’ve meet thousands of fans, and now I want to come back, be here and give a fucking show- and show the drag world what I am made of.”
“I’m surprised you’re here, Mr. Raydon.” Vitória raises an eyebrow.
“You’re not just drag famous, you’re like real world famous.” Tanvi responds.
“I love the scene where I do what I do, but I also feel like this story was unfinished, you know?” Radke grins.
Radke Raydon: “I know I’m a fucking alt-cunt. I know that my drag is more powerful, more widely seen now than ever. So I wanna showcase that.”
“I feel the same.” Tasia smiles.
“It’s an opportunity.” Brittany nods, agreeing.
Radke Raydon: “Brittany Big Top. Bitch scares me.” Radke laughs. “But fuck it, lets compete.”
“Oh, damn right.” Radke smiles. “Now, like…” Radke reaches into their jacket, pulling out shot glasses. “I watched Season 4 recently.”
Tasia D. Kash: “When he said that it honestly really confused me because… Isn't that the most recent season? Like it just aired. Why did he say he recently watched it???” Tasia asks, genuinely confused. “Like we all watched it recently…”
“Yasmin gave me this idea, but I’m going to do it the Radke way…” Radke puts the shot glasses on a table. “Shots?!”
“Oh hell yes.” Tasia cackles.
Tasia D. Kash: “I got over it once he said shots though.” Tasia says before bursting out laughing.
“I don’t think but thank you.” Royal nods.
Tasia, Tanvi, Destiny, Radke, Vitória, Brittany, Crayola & Marias all smash drinks, cheer and take a shot.
“Oh, I love fireball.” Marias grins. “It’s flam-”
Suddenly, Toyotomi Hideyoshi spins into the werkroom, wearing a shining white suit covered in flowy fabric, with long black hair that goes under his back, with his eyes fixed on the werkroom, and stark, demonic looking eye makeup. “I’m awake now, I SWEAR!”
La Marias laughs. “Sálvame Virgenita.” Marias exhales.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi: “Oh gosh.” Hideyoshi exhales. “If I am honest, I’m nervous, but Yuu looked me in the eyes and said- fight for this. And I will.” Hideyoshi bows, before winking. “Hey gorgeous people, I am Toyotomi Hideyoshi, your…” Hideyoshi begins to whisper. “10th placer on Season 4.” Hideyoshi exhales. “Season 4 didn’t represent me at my best. I saw a side of me that was unfocused, stressed- and really, I don’t know if I should’ve been there so quickly after my own saga. I view this as my second chance. I know what I am capable of. But I want to show the world it.”
“Hideyoshi!” Tasia cheers, running over before she looks at Marias.
“We can talk.” Marias looks at Hideyoshi. “Later.”
“Finally something we can agree on, I have some things to say.” Hideyoshi whispers, before hugging Tasia. “Gosh, you’re so pretty. And Tanvi! Crayola!”
La Marias rolls her eyes a little.
The others all grin.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi: “I feel a lot closer, really to the Season 3 cast, bar Marias, as Season 4… kinda shook me up. Crayola is one of the few I really do get along with.”
“I’m really glad to see you here.” Crayola looks at Hideyoshi. “A second shot.”
“Exactly.” Hideyoshi exhales.
La Marias: “I didn’t realize this season would be some stars, all of a sudden.” La Marias laughs. “You know, I am not the girl to stress about spilt milk. I’m not apologizing, but I don’t need the hate this time around.”
“Happy to be representing the kings…” Hideyoshi smiles.
“We’ve just had our first King winner, which is lovely.” Crayola nods. “I’m proud to be a part of this season.”
“The winner’s circle is a diverse one, and I aim to add to it.” Hideyoshi winks.
“Great approach, baby.” Destiny grins.
The racers continue chatting, and the screen fast forwards 20 minutes.
“I guess this is it.” Royal nods.
“Wild.” Radke says. “Like-”
Suddenly Aguacate struts in completely nude, dressed in only a stunning, bedazzled apron and matching chef’s hat. She holds a huge tray of avocados, each actually made out of glitter, diamonds and gemstones, as she throws one into the mouth, biting into it as the other stunned racers look at her. “Eat me. Swallow me. I’m delicious!”
“Damn.” Destiny chuckles.
“Are you ready, ALL STARS?!” Aguacate pulls out a megaphone out of who knows where, as everyone looks confused.
Aguacate: “SUPERSTAR!” Aguacate yells. “That’s what I am. Chronologica saw Season 4- saw this gorgeous Mexican beauty dominate the word by force and thought- ‘I want one of that’.” Aguacate chuckles. “I am Aguacate, and I’m back for the crown.”
“You know, you two had something to prove…” Tanvi raises an eyebrow. “But she’s back early.”
“Oh, I KNOW!” Aguacate laughs.
Aguacate: “Many say, ‘Oh, I am so much better, I’ve grown- I DIDN’T NEED GROWTH. I know exactly who I am and what I am capable of. I just had a Drag King who was a solid performer. I look around and see none of the same threats.” Aguacate laughs. “But honestly, I do know I have what it takes. And I’m here to win the crown.”
“Mi Amor.” Marias grins, hugging Aguacate.
Aguacate: “I love Marias though, she’ll be top 2 with me.” Aguacate nods.
“So this must be it.” Tasia clasps her hands. “Oh, it’s so exciting…”
You’ve got drag mail!
Aguacate yelps.
Show us your talent.
“Ooooh…” Tasia grins.
It’s Drag Time!
All Stars! Welcome to the competition. You 12 have been chosen as you all have something to PROVE. None of you took the crown the first time around, but I believe you all have the potential to be the first inductee into the hall of fame.
The winner of this Season will win a fierce crown and scepter from Moxie Maniac Jewels, the title of All Star Hall of Famer…
And $100,000!
Vitória Benedita: “My original season, we won $25,000. Now, I have the potential of winning four times that amount.” Vitória smirks. “I guess it was worth a loss. Sorry, my dear Mary-Lynn, I know you’re FUMING!”
But that’s not all.
Everyone looks confused.
This season, I will not be eliminating anyone.
Aguacate: “WHAT?!”
Instead… you will be eliminating EACH OTHER!
The racers gasp.
Each week, there will be 2 racers declared the winners of the week’s challenge. They will then lip sync for their LEGACY, where one will win $10,000, the title of the Top Racer of the week, and… the power to chop one of the bottom racers.
Mother Destiny Dandridge: “Suddenly, the competition has changed. This is not the same game, oh not at all…”
To start off, we’re doing a TALENT show, baby! This week, each of you will compete in the Drag Talent Extravaganza, showing off a skill on the live drag race stage. This is your opportunity to perform and showcase a whole new elevation of drag SUPERSTAR!
Brittany Big Top: “I just missed out on the talent show last time around, but I’m here now, ready and EXCITED.”
Good luck, racers… and do not fuck it up!
The racers start to de-drag and prepare.
“So…” Jemma smiles. “This is a game changer, like…”
“We’re eliminating each other.” Destiny exhales. “Wow.”
“It’s certainly a change.” La Marias says. “But it is what must be done.”
“Agreed.” Tanvi adds. “I mean, this time I do plan to be lip syncing…”
“Do you mean to win the lip syncs?” Vitória smirks.
“...Of course.” Tanvi splutters.
Vitória nods.
“Does anyone have an idea of how they’ll approach this?” Aguacate raises an eyebrow.
Aguacate: “For me, I am going to chop ALL the threats. But I’m not an IDIOT. I have to form an alliance with like minded people. I’ve watched survivor. At least initially, before I stab them in the back!”
“It’s simple to me.” Tasia smiles. “Fairness is the way.”
“100%.” Destiny nods.
“I will look at consistency, history and performance capability. I will look at track records if I am in the top and determine what the fair choice is- and save them.” Tasia nods.
Tasia D. Kash: “A game like this, you win through being the right person. I do believe that.”
“Fairness is a part of my brand, baby.” Destiny grins. “I am going to follow that idea.”
“I agree.” Brittany smiles. “We pick the right choice.”
“I want to beat the best of the best.” Royal adds. “Point blank. If someone has won multiple times, someone has been in the bottom multiple- well, that’s clear.”
“Yes, I agree!” Crayola smiles.
Royal Virtue: “...Except Jemma. She’s CLEARLY my target. There’s no way she’d win anyways but if I get the opportunity, she'll be ousted.”
“It’s a nuanced topic, you know?” Radke says. “Because man, there’s so many elements to fairness.”
“Totally!” Hideyoshi nods. “It’s in the eye of the beholder.”
“Like, are we thinking fair considering our past seasons? Because fuck, some of you have an advantage…” Radke eyes the group.
“No, not at all.” Tasia shakes her head. “For me, it’s a case-by-case basis.”
“A case-by-case basis of fairness.” Radke nods. “Kinda confusing, to be honest.”
Aguacate smirks, as Tasia shrugs.
“To me, I am following my heart.” Jemma smiles. “I think that’s important.”
Jemma Nye: “I think of this journey as my path to my happy ending. Cinderella followed her heart, and I’m doing the same.”
“I’m going to chop you all.” La Marias laughs. “I mean, for me, it’s when you get into the situation, you will feel it.”
“But you know, not like- chop unfairly.” Tasia adds.
“What is unfair, babe?” La Marias laughs. “If you’re in the bottom…”
“Well, look at Genesis.” Vitória responds.
Vitória Benedita: “I don’t agree with my sister. I will be making decisions- how I feel.”
“Exactly.” La Marias nods.
“...We should work together.” Aguacate walks over to La Marias station and whispers.
“That may be a good idea.” Marias raises an eyebrow.
“For now, I’ve got your back, you’ve got mine. I think we scan, we review and track. But the cult of Latin icons formed today.” Aguacate chuckles.
“What are y’all laughing about?” Tanvi eyes Aguacate.
“My favorite telenovela, Me Llamo Chini, La Tetona.” Aguacate smirks.
“It’s so good.” La Marias smiles. “Two warring houses, drama, sex, death and blood.”
“I haven’t heard of that one!” Tasia says.
“It’s niche.” Aguacate winks. “Only airs in Mexico, too extreme for the Estadounidenses.”
Aguacate: “I am a Queen on a MISSION, and nothing will stop me!”
Chronologica goes to visit the racers.
Hello, Mr Hideyoshi!
“Chronologica!” Hideyoshi smiles. “I want to say thank you.”
Thank you?
“I was invited here and I feel lucky. I do know I was the second choice…”
Originally we asked Nobuna, yes. But when she declined, you were our immediate next choice. I think you had more to show, and I am happy you’re here.
Hideyoshi smiles.
What are you doing for this week’s talent show?
“There was so much I didn’t get to showcase on my season, but one of those things I felt strongest on was talking about my history with the Circus.”
The Circus?
“I used to perform and travel as an acrobatic performer, and this week I’m showcasing that ability.”
I love that! Now, has this been well planned?
Hideyoshi chuckles. “Reflecting has taught me both a balance of my own superpower, which is my resilience- and the ability to put a solid concept together. I feel prepared for this.”
Well, I cannot wait to see it.
Hideyoshi smiles.

Tanvi Lioness!
“Chronologica!” Tanvi smiles.
Now, you had a near flawless track record last time around. Do you plan on repeating that?
“I sure do, with a crown, this time around.” Tanvi winks.
What is your talent show?
“To show I am, I have stepped it up, I’m keeping with my comedic roots- in a burlesque comedic number!”
Interesting. Now, performance challenges were the one space you faltered- slightly, on your season. Do you feel like this is a good idea?
“I do.” Tanvi nods. “I am confident in my abilities, and I know I am talented. This performance has won pageant competitions, darling.”
Vitória looks over and makes a face.
Vitória Benedita: “I don’t repeat acts, but if you want to, well…” Vitória shrugs.
Good luck, Tanvi.
“No luck needed!” Tanvi winks.

Radke Raydon, welcome to the competition.
“Pleased to be here.” Radke smiles.
Now, you have forged your own path, why did you take up this chance to return… to more so the drag world?
“For me, like it’s unfinished business.” Radke says. “I know what I do, and I do it well. But the opportunity to showcase myself in this light is fucking fun.”
I love that. What is your talent show performance?
“I will be rocking out in a live scream show. Singing, roaring my way through and doing it in a punk way.” Radke smiles.
We’ve never seen a drag punk performance. Do you feel like you can do it without your band, who you’re normally surrounded by?
“Fuck yeah.” Radke smiles. “For me, it’s about my soul. I know I am not like the others here, and I think that’s an advantage.”
Radke Raydon: “My drag isn’t traditional. I am proud of that.”
I look forward to your take.
Radke grins.

Tasia D. Kash!
“Chronologica, ahh!” Tasia beams.
You’re excited.
“Damn right!”
Chronologica chuckles.
Now, tell me. How are you showcasing your skills in the talent show?
“I LOVE a talent show. I love a performance, a diva moment, and I’ve upped my game. I’m not just a stripper ho anymore, I’m a showgirl now, you know? So I want to show that with a ribbon twirling show.”
“But the body, the sex, the heat is part of that.” Tasia grins. “I’m giving you Vegas best.”
You seem a lot more confident this time around.
“I know what I am capable of. I want to show it, cement it.” Tasia smiles.
Good. Well, good luck… and I look forward to seeing it.
Tasia D. Kash: “Last season, I started out as this unconfident drag queen. I’m coming into this season swinging.”
The racers chat as they get ready for the main stage.
“Now, racers.” Aguacate puts on a top hat.
“Is that a top hat?” Radke raises an eyebrow.
“I’m conducting this train of knowledge.” Aguacate says, pulling out a microphone.
“Perra…” La Marias laughs.
“Okay, the train is going.” Aguacate says. “Let’s begin.”
“Your face isn’t even painted!” Destiny yells.
“I’m doing a makeup tutorial with Rachelle.” Aguacate smiles. “And I will be fixing that mushy mug.”
“It was DEFINITELY mushy on the season, that’s for sure.” Hideyoshi giggles.
“At least I made it to finale.” Aguacate responds.
Hideyoshi gasps, as the two giggle.
“What are you doing, Mr Coma?” Aguacate takes out a microphone and points it to Hideyoshi.
“I-” Hideyoshi giggles. “I’m doing a circus themed acrobatic performance.”
“Circus?” Brittany responds.
“I was part of a traveling troupe.” Hideyoshi smiles. “I’m really excited to showcase my skills.”
“Oh, great.” Brittany smiles awkwardly.
“Oh, you’re also doing it, aren’t you Brittany?” Aguacate smirks.
“I’m doing a carnival performance, yeah.” Brittany says. “But circus, carnival… it’s so diverse.”
“I wouldn’t want to be doing that, though.” Aguacate laughs. “It means one will certainly be better.”
“Top 2!” Hideyoshi winks, looking at Brittany who grins. “We can both be at the top!”
“Well, I wish you both good luck.” Aguacate winks, turning to Marias. “My sister, what are you doing?”
“Besos! Mwah! Mwah!” Marias smiles. “An original track and monologue, It’s going to be a cute callback.”
“Oh… THAT monologue.” Tanvi looks over.
Hideyoshi looks over.
“Now…How do you feel about this, Hideyoshi?” Aguacate says wickedly.
“If you survive this week Marias, we can talk, but I’m focused on showing myself.” Hideyoshi winks.
“Oh myyyyyyyyyyyyy.” Aguacate giggles.
La Marias chuckles.
La Marias: “Oh, sure, boy.” Marias grins.
“Trust the duchess, or whatever Magnolia says, I will.” Marias smiles.
Hideyoshi nods.
“I am doing a fabulous paint show.” Crayola smiles. “A, B, C-hronologica.” Crayola grins. “Painting and art is what I love, and I want to showcase that.”
“...How quick can you paint in a talent show?” Aguacate asks.
“How quick can you paint your busted face?” Crayola responds. The others burst out into laughter.
Aguacate: “Whoops, hit a nerve! But she only is clever once a season so I have to clap for her.” Aguacate golf claps very slowly.
“Very.” Aguacate winks.
“I-” Royal starts, as Jemma raises her hand. “Microphone?”
Aguacate grins, handing it over.
Royal Virtue: “I guess I am not talking.” Royal rolls her eyes.
“I am doing a lip sync track and dance performance.” Jemma smiles. “The Two Sides’- because I’m a Gemini.”
“Oh god, another bitch talking about her star sign.” Aguacate looks into the camera, before pursing her lips. “Didn’t you bomb a lip sync challenge?”
“I also performed my ass off, darling.” Jemma smiles.
Jemma Nye: “I can show me, in my fabulous glory.” Jemma shimmies. “It’s exciting.”
“Mhm.” Aguacate turns to Royal. “Royal, what do you think? What are you doing?”
Royal Virtue: “Shady cunt.
“I’m doing what I do best. Vogue, Ballroom.” Royal adds. “Period.”
“Not one to chat, mkay!” Aguacate laughs.
Royal Virtue: “Why focus on this dramatics when I can be fixed on the talent show? I feel myself getting heated, so I decide- don’t engage with the group.”
Aguacate: “She does realize this is a game of alliances, right?”
“RADKE!” Aguacate throws the microphone as Radke catches it.
“Good catch.” Agucate winks.
“I’m a good throw.” Radke smiles. “I’m also doing what I do best.”
“Place 6th?” Aguacate says. “Do horrible in the competition?”
“Fuck off.” Radke smiles. “A wild rock show. Singing live, performing, doing a screamo performance.”
“Oooooh…” Aguacate says.
“Genuine question, my sister.” Vitória looks over.
“Oh dear.” Tasia whispers to Destiny.
“You said you have not been in the drag scene- since your season. Do you feel like you are delivering a… drag performance, with this talent?” Vitória looks over.
Vitória Benedita: “Screaming isn’t giving DRAG… Some would say it's a … solid… rockstar performance you’d do at a trashy alt scene club, but to me… it’s not a DRAG talent showcase. It’s screaming loudly to a mic and yelling out words. That’s how I see it, and I can’t help but to get the feeling that, again, Radke is just playing in what I do best, DRAG.” Vitória ponders.
The room is silent.
“Fuck yeah I do.” Radke says. “I feel like- I know, my drag isn’t the typical type.” Radke says. “But I have forged my own brand, and whilst it’s not the traditional type, I think that’s an advantage, not a disadvantage.”
“It’s not just about the traditional. I have seen great alternative DRAG performances before. I mean, for myself, I have studied the art of drag for years. My talent show is core to that- my Brazilian Heritage, and my art of female impersonation. The body, the presentation- I know my sisters, Tasia and Destiny are the same… correct, girls?” Vitória looks over.
“I am showcasing what I can do, and my own heart.” Tasia smiles. “For me, I know I portray that old school drag, showgirl.”
“Drag can be so many damn things.” Destiny responds. “To me, my drag is black. It’s women. This is why I am giving a tribute- singing live, reflecting the women who have inspired this. We are all equal, and all portraying things.”
“You always love to deliver things nicely.” Vitória chuckles.
Aguacate and La Marias giggle.
Aguacate: “I love an old school bitch. Emphasis on old.” Aguacate cackles.
“All I’m saying is, is it drag? You can be a semi-famous ‘rockstar’ who sells 10 albums and have that as a performance. But is it DRAG?” Vitória chuckles. “I do feel like I am repeating past statements.”
“Well, real talk, what’s singing? Like, is that drag?” Radke says. “Just singing a tribute to black women…”
Destiny looks surprised.
Mother Destiny Dandridge: “Oh, THAT sounded pointed.”
“Baby, this is a topic of nuance, but let’s be clear- this is a drag performance.” Destiny smiles. “My drag is because of the women who formed it. I’m performing in an inspiration to those vocal styles- and showcasing a damn wide berth of vocals. I’ve been doing this for my whole damn life.”
“As have I with singing.” Radke responds. “No shade, just-”
“Darling, if you feel stressed by a simple question…” Vitória purses her lips. “Well…”
“I do drag.” Radke responds. “And I look forward to showing it.”
“We all do. So, let’s not disrespect anyone, because I won’t tolerate it.” Mother smiles.
Mother Destiny Dandridge: “Last time around, I sat with love. I plan to keep it. But if you don’t play appropriately… Well, I have the power. And this mother isn’t afraid to punish bad behavior.”
Radke nods.
“I love you.” Vitória smiles.
“Well, this is going to be so much fun.” Aguacate laughs.
Radke Raydon: “I’m ready to show my drag. Is the world ready for it?”
“Meow.” Tanvi cackles while making a claw at Tasia.
“...Random, but okay.” Vitória responds.
Talent Shows:
  • Aguacate: ‘Let’s Fix That Mushy Mug!’: Comedic Makeup Tutorial
  • Brittany Big Top: ‘Centre of the Ring’: Carnival Trick Show
  • Crayola Boxx: ‘A, B, C-hronologica’: Speed Painting of Chronologica
  • Jemma Nye: ‘The Two Sides’: Lip Sync and Dance Extravaganza
  • La Marias: ‘Besos! (Mwah! Mwah!): Original Track and Monologue
  • Mother Destiny Dandridge: ‘The Divas’: Black Historical Diva Singing Tribute Act
  • Radke Raydon: ‘Scream If You Wanna Go Faster’: Wild Rock Show and Screamo Performance
  • Royal Virtue: ‘Category Is…. Intergalactic!’: OTA Bizarre Ballroom Performance
  • Tanvi Lioness: ‘The Bite’: Comedic Burlesque
  • Tasia D. Kash: ‘Silken Sexpot’: Vegas Themed Ribbon Twirling Show
  • Toyotomi Hideyoshi: ‘The Circus King’: Aerial Acrobatic Act
  • Vitória Benedita: ‘Benedita’s Encore’: Samba Dance Routines
submitted by AustralianChrono to ChronologicasDragRace [link] [comments]

2023.06.02 21:00 Key-Win7744 Your thoughts on "Sleeping Beauty" (1959)
Walt Disney was excited about Sleeping Beauty. He envisioned it as his masterpiece. It took almost a decade to produce, and the process cost six million dollars, making it the most expensive Disney animated film yet. It had to struggle through numerous production delays and changes in creative direction, and, when all was said and done, it was a box office failure. But there are a lot of great movies in this world that started out that way and went on to become absolute legends, and Sleeping Beauty is one of them.
Point by Point
In Conclusion
There's no doubt that Sleeping Beauty is the best film in the line yet, and I wouldn't be surprised if it holds on to that spot at least until we reach the Disney Renaissance of the 1990s. It's so good that it'll doubtless take something like The Little Mermaid or Beauty and the Beast to topple it from its throne. This truly was Walt's masterpiece.
Current Ranking
  1. Sleeping Beauty
  2. Lady and the Tramp
  3. Pinocchio
  4. Bambi
  5. Cinderella
  6. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
  7. Alice in Wonderland
  8. Peter Pan
  9. Dumbo
  10. The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad
  11. Fantasia
  12. Melody Time
  13. Fun and Fancy Free
  14. The Three Caballeros
  15. Make Mine Music
  16. Saludos Amigos
submitted by Key-Win7744 to DisneyPlus [link] [comments]

2023.04.25 20:18 Key-Win7744 Disney Retrospective #16: Sleeping Beauty

Disney Retrospective #16: Sleeping Beauty
Walt Disney was excited about Sleeping Beauty. He envisioned it as his masterpiece. It took almost a decade to produce, and the process cost six million dollars, making it the most expensive Disney animated film yet. It had to struggle through numerous production delays and changes in creative direction, and, when all was said and done, it was a box office failure. But there are a lot of great movies in this world that started out that way and went on to become absolute legends, and Sleeping Beauty is one of them.
Point by Point
  • Naturally, the first aspect of Sleeping Beauty that really hits is the visuals. With a tapestry-like art style inspired by pre-Renaissance European art, the distinctive look of Sleeping Beauty is the most refined and most detailed yet, with even the backgrounds appearing unique and intricate. I've said before that Sleeping Beauty is the Beauty and the Beast of its day, it looks that damn good.
  • Sleeping Beauty is also a standout in the audio department. Most of the film's music is actually adapted from the Tchaikovsky ballet The Sleeping Beauty, rather than being wholly original. It wasn't easy to do (George Bruns, the film's composer, spent three years on the project), but it ended up being a tremendously rewarding creative choice.
  • The film is striking from the very start, with the bright and colorful introduction set to 'Hail to the Princess Aurora'. It really succeeds in capturing that medieval flavor. Then we meet Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather, the three good fairies who will prove central to the plot.
  • There can be no question that Maleficent is one of the greatest villains in the Disney canon. Some villains are buffoonish, like Captain Hook. Some are nasty but petty, like Cruella de Vil. Some are pure evil, but tempered with humor, like Hades. And some others - like Scar and Frollo - are sinister and threatening, but pathetic at their core. Maleficent, however, towers above these. She is fearsome and intimidating, regal and commanding, seemingly without weakness of any kind, and evil purely for its own sake.
  • Watching the fairies try to prepare for Aurora's sixteenth birthday party - making a dress and a cake, both of which turn out to be abortions - without the aid of magic is always good for a laugh, and it's just as entertaining watching them use their magic once they've finally given up. The former sequence is pure comedy, and the latter sequence provides the thrilling whimsy the audience has come to expect from a Disney movie.
  • Watching Aurora strolling through the forest and singing to her animal friends is bound to invite comparison to Snow White and Cinderella, but I think the sequence stands well on its own, and isn't overly derivative. Plus, 'Once Upon a Dream' is easily one of the best Disney songs of its era.
  • The 'Skumps' scene, with Stefan and Hubert toasting the imminent marriage of their children, is another good comedic bit. The revelry turns abruptly to an argument, then back to revelry just as quickly. One gets the impression this happens a lot between these two old friends.
  • Of course, Aurora isn't dealing well with the sudden revelation that she's a princess by birth and betrothed to a prince, so the fairies make the fatal mistake of leaving her alone in the tower for a few moments. This is the part where Sleeping Beauty turns momentarily into a horror movie. Maleficent appears in the shadows of the room like a malign spirit. Without a word, she puts Aurora forcibly into a trance and lures her dreamily from the room, into a dark and desolate part of the castle that appears to have been sealed off and forgotten ages ago. The eerie, ominous music that plays over this sequence makes the proceedings that much more sinister. (Ever tried walking to the bathroom in the middle of the night with this theme playing in your head? I have.)
  • King Stefan ordered all spinning wheels destroyed years ago, so Maleficent simply conjures one out of thin air. And with the trance that Aurora is in, she doesn't even have the choice. Maleficent might as well be holding her by the wrist and thrusting her finger onto the spindle herself, it's that forceful. It really drives home the point that there was no avoiding this outcome. It was always going to happen.
  • In an ethereal sequence set to the lilting song 'Sleeping Beauty', the good fairies put the entire kingdom to sleep until a solution to Aurora's predicament can be found. When they realize that Prince Phillip can break the curse, they have to go rescue him from Maleficent's lair on the Forbidden Mountain. Maleficent's domain is Gothic and foreboding; grim, twisted, and hellish, with extremely atmospheric music to match.
  • Maleficent's triumphal monologue to the imprisoned Phillip really makes clear her utter contempt and loathing for everything pure and good. In a recounting of the situation that's dripping with sarcasm, she taunts Phillip with her plan to keep him imprisoned for decades, only to set him free as an old man to finally awaken Aurora, who will still be just a child; to show that "true love conquers all!" I don't think that any other Disney villain has been characterized as well as Maleficent is in this single moment.
  • Phillip and the fairies' escape from the Forbidden Mountain is an exciting and invigorating sequence, with Phillip fighting back the hordes of devils with his enchanted sword and shield, and the fairies using their powers to turn falling boulders into harmless bubbles and arrows into flowers. And Merryweather finally turning that squawking raven into stone is a triumphant moment in itself.
  • They barely manage to escape, but Maleficent is determined that this story won't have a happy ending. She causes a thick forest of thorns to grow up all around Stefan's castle. When Phillip manages to get through even that, she flies to the scene herself. "Now you deal with me, oh prince, and all the powers of hell!" she cries, as she transforms into an immense, fire-breathing dragon.
  • The duel between Phillip and the dragon is the climactic battle between good and evil; between love and hatred. With the forest of thorns burning all around, Phillip has no choice but to seek the high ground atop a cliff, from where he hurls his enchanted sword into the dragon's breast. For a movie that boasted no real action to speak of up until ten minutes ago, Sleeping Beauty delivers on excitement.
  • After the spectacular fight, everything clears up. The thorns disappear, the sun rises. Phillip kisses Aurora, and everybody wakes up. Aurora and Phillip come down from the tower, happy, not speaking a word, and go out on a dance to 'Once Upon a Dream', with Aurora's gown changing from pink to blue and back again.
In Conclusion
There's no doubt that Sleeping Beauty is the best film in the line yet, and I wouldn't be surprised if it holds on to that spot at least until we reach the Disney Renaissance of the 1990s. It's so good that it'll doubtless take something like The Little Mermaid or Beauty and the Beast to topple it from its throne. This truly was Walt's masterpiece.
Current Ranking
  1. Sleeping Beauty
  2. Lady and the Tramp
  3. Pinocchio
  4. Bambi
  5. Cinderella
  6. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
  7. Alice in Wonderland
  8. Peter Pan
  9. Dumbo
  10. The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad
  11. Fantasia
  12. Melody Time
  13. Fun and Fancy Free
  14. The Three Caballeros
  15. Make Mine Music
  16. Saludos Amigos
submitted by Key-Win7744 to moviecritic [link] [comments]

2023.04.01 00:56 dragon_morgan I completed a bingo card with all indie/self published titles!

I completed a bingo card with all indie/self published titles!

bingo card in all its glory
For Bingo this year I thought it would be fun to complete a card using only self- or indie-published books. By definition of indie published I mostly mean anything that uses KDP or Ingram Spark or similar as their main distributor, but if someone from a very small trad press managed to sneak through my filter consider this covering my bum and saying I picked things that were indie “enough” :)
So then, without further ado, the mini reviews!
A Book from Fantasy’s Top LGBTQIA List
Substitution, but within the spirit of the thing: School Setting (2020)
The Enchanter by Tobias Begley
Hard Mode: N/A
Came up against a challenge on the very first square because the only indie published book on the somewhat limited list was Arcane Ascension, which I’d already read, and didn’t really want to use my one reread on that. So I started looking around for other LGBTQ books to use as my substitution and ended up picking up Enchanter, which turned out to be… a lot like Arcane Ascension, actually. Evander is a socially awkward young gay man who is off to magic school to become an enchanter. What he lacks in raw magical ability he makes up for in determination and cleverness, and he spends much of the book pushing the magic system to its absolute limit, all while meanwhile navigating a budding first romance with the handsome nobleman he met on the train. Meanwhile someone is letting eldritch horrors into the school grounds, and it’s up to Evander and his new boyfriend to figure out the mystery and avoid taking the blame themselves. I enjoyed this book quite a lot, though it leans heavily into a lot of the tropes of both the magic school and progression fantasy genres. I’d say if you enjoyed Arcane Ascension and Mother of Learning, you will probably definitely enjoy this one too.
Weird Ecology
Iron Truth by S.A. Tholin
Hard Mode: yes
Over a century ago, Joy Somerset entered cryogenic sleep and boarded a colony ship, expecting to awaken on an idyllic new world. Instead she wakes up on Cato, a dusty hellscape inhabited only by giant spiders, hostile locals, and red lichen that is probably definitely up to no good. Rigid and religiously devout military commander Cassimir from the theocratic Primaterre Protectorate seems like her ticket back to civilization, but neither of them will go anywhere until they can unravel Cato’s mysteries. This book won the first ever SPSFC contest and I can see why, because even though it was a somewhat long book, it kept me turning pages all the way through. Part space opera, part cosmic horror, I felt like I was racing to the end just to figure out what was going on. If I had any complaints it was that the romance felt a little bit forced — here is a hot girl, here is a hot guy, they are designated to end up together because the plot says so. In such a long book there ought to have been plenty of breathing room for their romance to grow organically but I never really felt like I got that, it was just hawtness at first sight and that was that. Still highly recommend to anyone who likes space opera.
Two or More Authors
NACL: Eye of the Storm by Allegra Pescatore and E. Sands
Hard Mode: no
Their planet seems like a perfect paradise, with one glaring flaw: the gods, when they created the world, forgot to include salt, an ingredient necessary for human life. In order to hastily cover up their mistake, they concentrated a world’s worth of salt in a giant pillar in the middle of the ocean, intending for it to distribute over time. But humans being humans, they unfortunately invented capitalism first, and now a corrupt corporation rigidly controls the salt pillar. Thanks to a meddlesome precog who might or might not himself be a god, a ragtag crew comes together, formed of an ex corporate slave, a grumpy doctor, a pair of pirates who smuggle salt to those in need, and a woman with dangerous magical powers who’d honestly rather just be left alone. Together, they hatch a plan to take down the corporation once and for all. They have to learn to trust each other first, though, and that is easier said than done. Well all right. If you know me you know I’m a sucker for a story about a ragtag crew that has to come together to defeat the big bad. This was a great story and it really delivered in that respect. My main complaint was that there are a lot of POV characters and many of them sort of blend together in the beginning. They all have their own reasons for being angry at the corporation but when you have multiple characters whose *main* personality trait is “GRR I HATE THE COMPANY” they kind of run together for the first act until they start to distinguish themselves. My nickname for this book while I was reading it was “Salty Bitches” for a reason. For real, though, I really did enjoy this one, and if you want a nice escapist fantasy about sticking it to the corporate man, this is the book for you.
Historical SFF
Scales and Sensibility by Stephanie Burgis
Hard Mode: no, sigh, all I had to do was find something not set in one of two countries, and guess where this one is set
When Elinor’s parents died and left her and her sisters penniless, she has no choice but to move in with her obnoxious relatives and, Cinderella-like, work as a servant for her terrible cousin. She plans to abide this with determined British stoicness until she can finally leave and become a governess or something, but if there is one thing she cannot abide, it is dragon abuse. So she finds herself running from home with a stolen dragon and only a few coins to her name, and is nearly run off the road by a handsome gentleman off to court her very same horrible cousin. And that’s when the real shenanigans begin. This book was a delight from start to finish. It is one of the finalists for this year’s SPFBO which I think is incredibly well-deserved. It shares a lot in common with its fellow finalist Miss Percy’s Pocket Guide, making 2022 evidently a big year for downtrodden British ladies hiding dragons from their terrible relatives. I recommend this one to anyone who likes cozy fantasy, regency era, and fantasy of manners.
Set in Space
The Last Gifts of the Universe by Rory August
Hard Mode: I can’t honestly remember if the kids are from Earth or not but I’m going to go with yes, so no on the hard mode
When humans finally invented faster-than-light travel, they expected to be welcomed or mistrusted by a greater galactic community. What they found instead were hundreds of abandoned planets, remnants of a civilization wiped clean by some unknown catastrophe. Archaeologists are desperate to find out what went wrong, as are the corrupt corporations who control humanity, because what happened to one civilization could happen to ours, as well. The Last Gifts of the Universe stars Scout, a small-time independent archaeologist, and her younger brother, as they race to find precious recordings of the lost civilization before their corporate rivals can. Despite being set in the backdrop of a mystery that spans centuries and light years and potentially multiple-world-ending stakes, this story is really more about the more immediate human (and sentient-non-human) relationships of the characters. It is a story about Scout’s relationship with their brother, their complicated memories with their parents, and their growing frenemyship with the corporate soldier who wants the same things they do. It is also about Biryeena, the alien politician who lived centuries ago, leaving her recorded memories for future archaeologists to find. I enjoyed this book very much, but I think I might have enjoyed it a lot more if we were not presented with such galaxy-spanning stakes only to be told that those stakes were not the point. They could have just been ordinary space archaeologists without trying to solve Space Plague. I also wasn’t sure how I felt about the ancient alien civilization as it is presented. Making them very human-seeming made them more relatable to the reader, but I found it strained suspension of disbelief, just a little, that they would so closely follow a somewhat idealized version of modern Western civilization, in which the alien narrator goes to a four-year college, struggles to find a job upon graduation, gets married, and eventually runs for office in a vaguely democratic society. Still, I recommend this one to fans of Becky Chambers and anyone who wants a more intimate character-focused space opera.
Battle Mage by Peter Flannery
Hard Mode: yes
Falco Dante longs to be a dragon rider and fight the demon hordes, but unfortunately, he is shunned by his community for being a sick weakling, and worse yet, being the son of a traitor who turned against the town. But when a dragon summoning goes horribly wrong and the townsfolk are forced to flee, he learns he has the rare potential to become a battle mage, and may be the one to repair the bond between humans and dragons and defeat the demons once and for all. Of course as many of you know I love a good training montage story, as well as “battle school” types of settings. And dragon riders. I love those two. So even going in I knew this book was going to be a good time. It is long, incredibly long, but I actually admire Flannery for keeping the story contained to one book, because it could have easily been a 10 book series full of doorstoppers if he wanted to stretch things out. I did think the pacing dragged a little bit in places, the blow-by-blow battle scenes were too frequent and drawn-out for my personal tastes, and the part where they’re fleeing the town in the beginning seemed to take forever when it really didn’t need to. If you’re a fan of a lot of the classic fantasy tropes, however, this is not one to miss.
Where Blood Runs Gold by A.C. Cross
Hard Mode: no
Errol Thorpe is your typical old west sheriff who refuses to take shit from anyone. He has his own strong moral compass, but will not hesitate to bust heads at the slightest provocation. This of course becomes both a strength and a complication when he finds himself in custody of a young woman he needs to keep safe, while also unraveling the mystery of the creepy magic dust that’s making people go crazy. This book is incredibly tightly plotted and had me eagerly turning pages all the way through. I think what I liked the most about it was the general voice to the writing, I really felt like I was getting into Sheriff Errol Thorpe’s head. If you’re a fan of gritty types of westerns like HBO’s Deadwood I think you’ll really enjoy Where Blood Runs Gold.
Book Club OR Readalong Book
The Wolf and the She-Bear by Morgan Stang (RAB December 2022)
Hard Mode: yes :)
“Retired” mercenary Samantha Redwyne just wants a quiet peaceful life in the middle of nowhere. But when a man from her past begs her help transporting some Probably Definitely Stolen Cargo, she reluctantly agrees. Naturally, trouble follows quickly at their heels. This book was both very fast paced and also novella length so it made for a very quick read. I kind of almost wish it had been a little bit longer, though, because I would have liked to get to know the characters a bit more, given them room to breathe. I feel like we never really get to know who Samantha is as a person, and so when big reveals are made about her past, they don’t quite pack the emotional punch they’re probably meant to. There are also two male POV characters, ostensibly on opposite sides, who badly run together to me as both of their chief personality traits are “murder everyone in sight.” I did enjoy one of the minor POV characters, a would-be housewife who has turned to banditry to support her family, because it was kind of intriguing how much she tells herself she’s better than those OTHER bandits when she really, really isn’t. Ultimately this book was either just a little too short or a little too grimdark for my tastes, but it was intriguing enough I can definitely see myself reading something else of Stang’s along the way.
Cool Weapon
Year of the Sword books 1-3 by Dakota Krout
Hard Mode: yes, the sword’s name is Sarge
okay I’m being a LITTLE bit cheaty here because what I actually read for bingo was Dokeshi March, book 3 in the series, but I feel like it makes more sense to do the mini-review of book 1, Lord January, so bear with me. This series. THIS SERIES. I’m not even really sure where to start. Many centuries ago, due to a conflict, the world was split into twelve districts, one for each month of the year. Each district has one defining trait that makes it stand out from the others. In District January, they grow all the food, and everyone is very much into eating as much as possible. The fatter you are, the more status you are perceived to have in January. February is the polar opposite, where everyone drinks wheatgrass smoothies and is obsessed with fitness. In March, everyone is into gambling, and so it goes. Our hero, Grant Leap, is ostracized from his native January District for only being a little bit fat and also being born on leap day which is a big no-no in Calendar Culture. All that changes, however, when he finds a magic talking sword, Sarge, who agrees to train him to become powerful, at a cost. If he doesn’t defeat all the calendar lords by the end of the year, his life is forfeit. If you think this premise sounds ridiculous, well, yes it is. It is 100% exactly as ridiculous as it sounds. And yet I could not for the life of me put it down. What can I say. I love training montages. This is a LitRPG-style progression fantasy with visible stat screens and leveling up, and I think it’s a fun, albeit ludicrous, addition to the genre. Unfortunately the series seems to be on hiatus currently while the author works on other projects, but I’ll definitely be continuing when it picks back up again.
Revolutions and Rebellions
Blade’s Edge by Virginia McClain
Hard Mode: Sort of? The action is more human-focused, but they’d not get far without the rebellion
Centuries ago, Fantasy Not Quite Japan was a brutal monarchy, ruled by a violent and corrupt mage queen. After she was defeated, the pendulum swung the other way, and now women and girls are brutally subjugated, especially those who can use magic — when magic-using girls are admitted to exist at all. Mishi and Taka were best friends in their orphanage home, each dreading the day they would be separated to be sold into either servitude or a loveless and abusive marriage. As it happens, they are both taken away on the same day, though to neither of those things. When Taka’s secret magical abilities are revealed, she is shipped off to a brutal school where women with some small magical gift are taught to be healers and midwives, but not without going through a ton of abuse first. Mishi fares better, being adopted into a warrior family who works against the patriarchal government and trains women to fight in secret. Years later, the two friends meet again when Taka flees from her evil magic school and instead joins the rebellion. I quite enjoyed this book, the way the two girls’ stories diverge and then weave back together. The pacing is tight and intriguing and there was never any point where I felt bored, and yet we are also given the space to really get to know and care about the characters. I look forward to reading more from this author.
Name in the Title
India Bones and the Ship of the Dead by Set Sytes
Hard Mode: yes
India Bones lives in a quiet portside town dreaming of a life of adventure like his famous pirate father who disappeared many years ago. His opportunity arrives when a ghost ship makes port and the ghosts and skeletons dance on the shore, and India sneaks off to join them. While he quickly finds that a ghost ship is no place for a living boy, this soon opens the door to discoveries about his past and new adventures ahead. This was a fun adventure romp, a bit disjointed as India is yanked from one misadventure to the next, but entertaining all the way through. The only slightly confusing thing about it was I was never quite sure what age group it was meant for. India himself is quite young and for a lot of the book it reads very much like a middle-grade novel, but it also has things like pre-teens getting drunk, presented uncritically. Still this made for a good pirate adventure and I plan to continue this series eventually.
Author Uses Initials
Heavy by J.J. Thorn
Hard Mode: I’m certain I have no idea
Everyone in the kingdom dreams of being granted an affinity when they turn 16 and going off to magic school. Terrence realizes that chances are he’ll never get any affinity at all, so he’s surprised and rather alarmed when he’s given a rare and unusual one: the ability to see and manipulate weight. Rarity is all well and good, but will it help him become a dungeon-crawler like he hopes? Heavy is another magic school LitRPG progression fantasy with stats and level-ups. I seemed to be big on those this Bingo. This is another book where I’m not really sure how to write a review for it. It’s definitely rough in places; the author seems to have some interesting ideas about how punctuation works, and the truth is not a whole lot HAPPENS in this book. There are hints of some sinister goings-on in the greater dungeon-delving community, but for the most part Terrence just goes to school, stands up to bullies, makes friends, and tries to figure out how to use his unusual weight powers. But you know what, despite all that, I really enjoyed this book. It was cosy and enjoyable and made me want to go to magic school, and I look forward to reading more in this series.
Published in 2022
The Blood of Crows by Alex C. Pierce
Hard Mode: yes
Ren thought his days of violence and bloodshed were over when someone finally bought out his indentured servitude as a state-sanctioned thief in a brutal army unit. Unfortunately, he was wrong. When one last thieving job goes terribly wrong and his friend and mentor goes missing, Ren finds himself framed for the murders of several prominent noblewomen. Now he has to solve the mystery and clear his name before it’s too late. This was a fun book with a fast-paced plot and a lit of twisty turns that I didn’t see coming, plus a protagonist who has a strong voice and is entertaining to read about. I liked the fact that the main character doesn’t have any magic powers in a world where everyone else does. There are some other series that do that, like Codex Alera, but it’s still rare enough to be refreshing. However it does this one thing that’s fairly common in this particular “snarky guy gets in trouble” subgenre where he simply cannot catch a break, ever, and I have to wonder how he has not collapsed from exhaustion already, not to mention how he manages to survive so many beatings. Still, a fun book and a good debut, highly recommend.
Urban Fantasy
Oath Broken by Jarryd Smith
Hard Mode: Alas, no
Once a famed monster hunter, Kaleb just wants to leave that life behind and live a normal life. But when dragged against his will to his friend’s wedding, and discovering there’s definitely something suspicious about the bridal party, he is forcefully dragged back into a life he wanted little to do with. This was an enjoyable, quick read, although I wish there were just a bit more character development as some things feel rushed and I had to scramble to remember who was who. I think this series definitely shows potential, though, and I look forward to seeing where it goes.
Set in Africa
The Windweaver’s Storm by Antoine Bandele
Hard Mode: yes
This is the second book in the TJ Young and the Orishas series. The first one, The Gatekeeper’s Staff, takes place in the United States and therefore doesn’t qualify for the Africa bingo square, but this one takes place in Nigeria and therefore does. After getting up to all kinds of heroics at summer camp last year, TJ Young has at last been offered a place at the prestigious Ifa Academy. Unfortunately, he has a lot of challenges ahead of him as his power still behaves erratically, and he made a promise to a god that he might not be able to keep. I really enjoyed this follow-up to the first book, especially the depiction of the magic school. Hogwarts has absolutely nothing on how cool Ifa Academy is. I somehow ended up reading a lot of magic school stories this year and this one was by far my favorite. The main characters’ teenage drama, while exhausting in the way that teenage drama often is, was also nonetheless well-realized and fun to read about. My only slight complaint was that I felt the ending was a little rushed, and I wanted a better explanation of certain occurrences near the end. But if you’re interested in something similar to Harry Potter or Percy Jackson with a majority-POC cast, this is the book for you.
Non-Human Protagonist
The Skin by J.E. Hannaford
Hard Mode: She does spend most of the book in human form so I’d say not really
When unscrupulous humans steal her sister’s skin, a young selkie sacrifices her own freedom so that her sister can go free. She is forced to work for the humans she despises, at least until she can win her way to freedom and get her sister’s skin back. This was a really unique book in that it combines ancient Celtic mythology with a post-apocalyptic setting, something I’d never really seen before. Also, it has selkies, who are among some of the coolest mythical creatures. But I like seals so I might be a bit biased. The story starts out with three separate timelines that then join together in the second act, and I thought that part of the storytelling was cleverly done. Selkie’s journey is a powerful one, because she starts out very angry and unwilling to trust anyone but eventually makes deep friendships as the story continues. If I were to have any nitpicks I’d say that things come together almost a little too cleanly at the end, and characters I was certain were sus turn out to be squeaky clean, but that’s hardly a massive flaw. I recommend this one to anyone who likes seals, boats, mythology, shapeshifters, or post-apocalyptic settings.
Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey
Duckett and Dyer: Dicks for Hire by G.M. Nair
Hard Mode: I’m not sure, probably not, there is some time travel
Michael Duckett is starting to get annoyed with his best friend and roommate Stephanie Dyer, who refuses to take life seriously. Whether it’s trying to get out of his dead end job or trying to find a girlfriend, it seems like she’s always ruining his plans with her antics. When they start getting contacted about an ad in the paper selling them as a pair of private detectives, he thinks it must be another prank. What he gets instead is a zany jaunt across the multiverse that will strain and perhaps save their friendship. This book was delightful overall, and I enjoyed it from beginning to end. It never at any point takes itself too seriously so if you want a Super Serious Time Travel Book this probably isn’t the one for you. But it nevertheless has a lot of heart and I grew quite attached to both main characters by the end. I did think some of the multiverse destinations were just a little too zany as to strain my willing suspension of disbelief, however, such as the world with the giant hamburger monsters. Still, this book was great fun.
Five SFF Short Stories
The Alchemy of Sorrow by Various
Hard Mode: Yes
I find it hard to review short story collections because there are so many of them and each is going to have their own strengths and weaknesses. However this is one of the best short story collections I’ve read in awhile. There was not a single story in it that I found dragged at any point; I enjoyed all of them immensely and found a lot of new authors whose work I will definitely be checking out. The theme of the anthology is dealing with grief so just by definition a lot of these stories will rip your heart out and stomp on it, but there is also an undercurrent of hope throughout. 5/5, highly recommend.
Features Mental Health
The Heretic’s Guide to Homecoming by Sienna Tristen
Hard Mode: Yes
This book. OH BOY THIS BOOK. I had actually hoped to read the second book in the duology for this square but I didn’t quite finish in time, but thankfully I reread book 1 to refresh my memory going in, so I’m going to use that as my one allowed reread. Consider this a mini-review for both books, however, with the caveat that I am still working on reading the ending. Ronoah Genoveffa Ellizzi-Denna Pilanovani suffers from a lot of anxiety and self doubt. After failing as both a priest and a scholar, Ronoah finds himself lost in a foreign coffee shop, unsure what to do or how to face the future. Enter Reilin, a mysterious stranger who offers to take him to the beautiful and sacred Pilgrim State — as long as he follows a specific set of rules. Ronoah’s journey takes him half way across the world, where he encounters vibrant cultures, wonderful friends, and mysterious ancient ruins, while almost in passing discovering the lost secrets of the fallen Shalledrim empire. But if you’re looking for action and adventure around every corner, this is probably not the book for you. Ronoah’s journey is internal far more than it is external, all about figuring out who he is and what is important to him and how, at last, to have faith in himself. I fully admit that Ronoah is not the protagonist for everyone, as his internal monologue and negative self talk can be A LOT, especially in the first book. But this series is one of the most beautiful pieces of character work I’ve read in a long time, all told via beautiful, poetic prose that almost seems to sing from the page. I’d say fans of Robin Hobb will also enjoy this series.
Self-Published or Indie Publisher
Dreams of Dust by Lily Anne Crow
Hard Mode: Yes
Technically all of these books would count for this square but I will go with this one because as of typing this it only has two Goodreads reviews, one of which is mine, which is a crying shame because this book deserves better, but also means it handily counts for hard mode. Pampered city kid Thaniel Swift has studied long and hard to be a wayfinder, creating maps with his beautiful magic atlas. He’s beyond thrilled to get to go on his first expedition, only to find out he still has a lot to learn when they get sucked into a missing person investigation and find themselves pit against an undead queen who is willing to destroy the world to end her grief. This book has all the things I enjoy most in a fantasy story: secret ancient ruins, a colorful cast of characters who are suspicious of each other at first but eventually come together like family, and scary evil bad guys who commit their atrocities out of misplaced love. The world building is absolutely top notch, with a setting that feels lived in. I really wish more people would read this series so I could gush about it more.
Award Finalist, But Not Won
Shadow of a Dead God by Patrick Samphire
Hard Mode: Yes
Shadow of a Dead God was a SPFBO finalist a few years ago. It features Mennik Thorne, a down on his luck mage who gave up a life of privilege to try and make it on his own. This goes about as well as you might expect, when a routine probably-not-legal job for his oldest and best friend blows up in his face and he winds up with half the city out to get him. This book shares a lot of similarities with the Blood of Crows, reviewed above — snarky guy has a routine job go terribly wrong, gets roped into a conspiracy, and survives far more beatings than is healthy. But if I were to assign comp titles to this book I’d say it’s like the Dresden Files meets Locke Lamora. Mennik is a delightful character overall and I enjoyed being in his sarcastic head.
BIPOC Author
Guns of Penance by Mari Kurisato
Hard Mode: Yes, Mari is Nakawē Ojibwe indigenous
One of the really nice things about Bingo is that it seems like every year there’s a book I might not have necessarily picked up on my own but end up thoroughly enjoying. This book isn’t in my usual wheelhouse — ultra-violent post-apocalyptic settings are usually too edgy for me — but I’d purchased the book awhile back in order to support the author, and since I had it on my kindle anyway and it qualified for hard mode, I decided to give it a go. Wow! For a book about people murdering each other in a post-nuclear wasteland, this book was actually a ton of fun. There are four main female POV characters, whose stories weave in and out of each other: a computer scientist on the run after a major discovery, her rich heiress ex girlfriend, a drug addicted gangster looking to make a clean start, and a retired mercenary who is getting too old for this nonsense. Since all of these women are in somewhat violent roles I was worried they would start to blur together but each has a very distinct voice and was thoroughly enjoyable to read about. Highly recommended if you’re after a more diverse and female-led version of Mad Max.
Sidetracked by S.K. Kelley
Hard mode: yes
I received this book as part of an indie author Secret Santa exchange last December. Studious and socially awkward, Jayde wonders how she’s going to survive her first summer vacation in college alone without her more extroverted best friend and roommate. Her summer takes a surprising turn when she meets an attractive stranger named Ice, who turns out to be, of all things, a cat shapeshifter. She is then dragged into a complicated world of hidden supernatural happenings and soon realizes she might be well in over her head. This book starts off seeming like a fairly boilerplate supernatural romance in the vein of Twilight — awkward every-woman falls in love with super hot supernatural dude. However it becomes increasingly clear as the story goes on that this is not that kind of story. Watching the story turn from paranormal romance to paranormal thriller was really fascinating and I found myself staying up late reading just to find out what was going on. This story is incredibly slow-burn, and I worry that some potential readers might give up too soon. But I absolutely can’t wait to continue this series.
No Ifs, Ands, or Buts
No Land for Heroes by Cal Black
Hard Mode: Yes
I had to scan the list of forbidden words like six times to confirm it fits but I’m pretty sure it does. Anyway, this was an enjoyable weird western. Elven Deputy Berry is willing to do anything, even bend the law she is ostensibly sworn to protect, in order to keep her small town and her chosen family safe. But when a train robbery gone wrong pulls her back into a past she’d rather forget, she must face her demons once and for all. For the most part I really enjoyed this story throughout. There were a couple aspects that I was ehhhh on; for instance, in this setting elves take the place of Native Americans, leading me to wonder why there are no actual Native Americans (there are white and Black humans in this setting, so why not Indigenous?). I also would have liked more fantasy in my fantasy — despite there being elves and dragons and Legally Distinct Tieflings, those things almost feel like window dressing on what could have otherwise been perfectly excellent historical fiction. But No Land for Heroes nevertheless had excellent characters and an excellent plot and I can’t wait to see what the author comes up with next.
Family Matters
Awakening the Gods by Kristin Gleeson
Hard Mode: …it’s complicated
Saoirse’s life has gone downhill since she graduated from university. Unable to hold down a series of dead end jobs, the only times she truly feels alive is when she is playing music at her favorite pub in Dublin. Everything is turned on its head when her father mysteriously passes away, and a woman claiming to be her grandmother offers to let her stay with her in rural Cork. There, she meets a hot blacksmith, and comes to learn that her entire life might have been constructed on lies and that she is, in fact, the reincarnation of the goddess Brigid. Unfortunately, Balor, the ancient enemy of the Irish gods, is also back in the picture, and ready to cause trouble. My favorite aspect of this book was the way it really made the setting come to life. I felt like I was there in Ireland with the characters. The romance was also well done, though I found myself getting frustrated as certain characters get angry at each other for reasons that seem irrational to the reader and aren’t explained. Still, this is a great book for anyone who likes Irish mythology, urban fantasy, and romance.
submitted by dragon_morgan to Fantasy [link] [comments]

2023.03.27 07:35 AfutureV [FINAL POLL] Which are your 5 favourite songs of each Love Live! Project? - Weekly Poll #250

Welcome to the Final Weekly Poll! A weekly post with a simple question. This time, for the first and last time, there will be 4 different links.
Question: Which are your 5 favourite songs of Love Live! School Idol Project?
Answer Here:
Rank Name Votes %
1. Snow halation 54 54%
2. Bokutachi wa Hitotsu no Hikari 26 26%
3. START:DASH!! 22 22%
4. Angelic Angel 20 20%
5. Aishiteru Banzai! 18 18%
6. SUNNY DAY SONG 17 17%
7. Bokura wa Ima no Naka de 15 15%
8. A song for You! You? You!! 14 14%
8. Yume no Tobira 14 14%
10. soldier game 12 12%
10. Wonderful Rush 12 12%
12. Garasu no Hanazono 11 11%
13. PSYCHIC FIRE 10 10%
14. Shunjou Romantic 9 9%
15. Bokura no LIVE Kimi to no LIFE 8 8%
15. Donna Toki mo Zutto 8 8%
17. Cutie Panther 7 7%
17. Dancing stars on me! 7 7%
17. Kitto Seishun ga Kikoeru 7 7%
17. Natsuiro Egao de 1,2,Jump! 7 7%
17. Otohime Heart de Love Kyuuden 7 7%
22. Fuyu ga Kureta Yokan 6 6%
22. Hello, Hoshi o Kazoete 6 6%
22. Korekara 6 6%
22. MOMENT RING 6 6%
22. No brand girls 6 6%
22. Susume→Tomorrow 6 6%
30. ?←HEARTBEAT 5 5%
30. KiRa-KiRa Sensation! 5 5%
30. Love wing bell 5 5%
30. Mogyutto "love" de Sekkin Chuu! 5 5%
30. NO EXIT ORION 5 5%
35. Arifureta Kanashimi no Hate 4 4%
35. Beat in Angel 4 4%
35. Binetsu Kara Mystery 4 4%
35. Daring!! 4 4%
35. Datte Datte Aa Mujou 4 4%
35. Kaguya no Shiro de Odoritai 4 4%
35. Love marginal 4 4%
35. Natte Shimatta! 4 4%
35. Sore wa Bokutachi no Kiseki 4 4%
35. Watashitachi wa Mirai no Hana 4 4%
45. Mermaid festa vol.1 3 3%
45. Mou Hitori Ja Nai yo 3 3%
45. Music S.T.A.R.T!! 3 3%
45. Nawatobi 3 3%
45. Sakkaku CROSSROADS 3 3%
45. Sayounara e Sayonara! 3 3%
45. Shangri-La Shower 3 3%
45. Silent tonight 3 3%
45. Someday of my life 3 3%
45. Soshite Saigo no Page ni wa 3 3%
45. Spicaterrible 3 3%
45. Takaramonozu 3 3%
57. after school NAVIGATORS 2 2%
57. Future style 2 2%
57. Happy maker! 2 2%
57. Mermaid festa vol.2 ~Passionate~ 2 2%
57. Private Wars 2 2%
57. Pure girls project 2 2%
57. Ruteshi Kisuki Shiteru 2 2%
57. Shiranai Love*Oshiete Love 2 2%
57. Shocking Party 2 2%
57. Storm in Lover 2 2%
57. Zurui yo Magnetic today 2 2%
68. A-NO-NE-GA-N-BA-RE! 1 1%
68. Aki no Anata no Sora Tooku 1 1%
68. Arashi no Naka no Koi dakara 1 1%
68. baby maybe Koi no Button 1 1%
68. Blueberry♥Train 1 1%
68. HEART to HEART! 1 1%
68. Kodoku na Heaven 1 1%
68. Kokuhaku Biyori, desu! 1 1%
68. Korekara no Someday 1 1%
68. Listen to my heart!! 1 1%
68. Love Novels 1 1%
68. Mahoutsukai Hajimemashita! 1 1%
68. Moshimo Kara Kitto 1 1%
68. Natsu, Owaranai de. 1 1%
68. Nightingale Love Song 1 1%
68. Niko puri♥Joshi dou 1 1%
68. Oh,Love&Peace! 1 1%
68. Paradise Live 1 1%
68. SENTIMENTAL StepS 1 1%
68. Suki desu ga Suki desu ka? 1 1%
68. sweet&sweet holiday 1 1%
68. WILD STARS 1 1%
68. Yuujou No Change 1 1%
All other options got 0 votes – 100 total votes. 
Question: Which are your 5 favourite songs of Love Live! Sunshine!!?
Answer Here:
Rank Name Votes %
1. Aozora Jumping Heart 21 21.43%
1. HAPPY PARTY TRAIN 21 21.43%
4. Yuuki wa doko ni? Kimi no Mune ni! 17 17.35%
5. Believe again 15 15.31%
5. MY Mai☆TONIGHT 15 15.31%
7. Deep Sea Cocoon 13 13.27%
8. Deep Resonance 12 12.24%
8. KU-RU-KU-RU Cruller! 12 12.24%
10. Kiseki Hikaru 11 11.22%
11. Mijuku DREAMER 10 10.2%
11. Mitaiken HORIZON 10 10.2%
11. Yume Kataru yori Yume Utaou 10 10.2%
14. Mirai no Bokura wa Shitteru yo 9 9.18%
14. Omoi yo Hitotsu ni Nare 9 9.18%
16. Brightest Melody 8 8.16%
16. GALAXY HidE and SeeK 8 8.16%
16. MIRAI TICKET 8 8.16%
19. Kowareyasuki 7 7.14%
20. Aqours Pirates Desire 6 6.12%
20. Daydream Warrior 6 6.12%
20. MIRACLE WAVE 6 6.12%
20. New Romantic Sailors 6 6.12%
20. SKY JOURNEY 6 6.12%
26. Cotton Candy Ei-Ei-Oh! 5 5.1%
26. DROPOUT!? 5 5.1%
26. Guilty Night, Guilty Kiss! 5 5.1%
26. JIMO-AI Dash! 5 5.1%
26. Jump up HIGH!! 5 5.1%
26. Kimi no Kokoro wa Kagayaiteru kai? 5 5.1%
26. Koi ni Naritai AQUARIUM 5 5.1%
26. Mattete Ai no Uta 5 5.1%
26. New winding road 5 5.1%
26. Next SPARKLING!! 5 5.1%
26. Perfect SEKAI 5 5.1%
26. Thank you, FRIENDS!! 5 5.1%
26. Thrilling・One Way 5 5.1%
39. Awaken the power 4 4.08%
39. Bokura no Hashittekita Michi wa… 4 4.08%
39. DREAMY COLOR 4 4.08%
39. Hop? Stop? Nonstop! 4 4.08%
39. KA-GA-YA-KI-RA-RI-RA 4 4.08%
39. Love Spiral Tower 4 4.08%
39. Misty Frosty Love 4 4.08%
39. Seinaru Hi no Inori 4 4.08%
39. Shooting Star Warrior 4 4.08%
39. Sora mo Kokoro mo Hareru kara 4 4.08%
49. After The Rain 3 3.06%
49. Akogare Ranraran 3 3.06%
49. Aqours☆HEROES 3 3.06%
49. CYaZALEA☆Kiss☆Dadandaan 3 3.06%
49. Dance with Minotaurus 3 3.06%
49. Fantastic Departure! 3 3.06%
49. KOKORO Magic "A to Z" 3 3.06%
49. LONELY TUNING 3 3.06%
49. Meimei Tantei Yohane 3 3.06%
49. Minamo ni Piano 3 3.06%
49. Paradise Chime 3 3.06%
49. SELF CONTROL!! 3 3.06%
49. Step! ZERO to ONE 3 3.06%
49. Strawberry Trapper 3 3.06%
63. BANZAI! digital trippers 2 2.04%
63. CRASH MIND 2 2.04%
63. Dazzling White Town 2 2.04%
63. Future flight 2 2.04%
63. G Senjou no Cinderella 2 2.04%
63. Guilty Eyes Fever 2 2.04%
63. i-n-g, I TRY!! 2 2.04%
63. in this unstable world 2 2.04%
63. Kimeta yo Hand in Hand 2 2.04%
63. Kokoro no Hane yo Kimi e Tondeke! 2 2.04%
63. Motto ne! 2 2.04%
63. MOTTO-ZUTTO be with you 2 2.04%
63. Nando Datte Yakusoku! 2 2.04%
63. Natsu no Owari no Amaoto ga 2 2.04%
63. No.10 2 2.04%
63. Over The Next Rainbow 2 2.04%
63. Pianoforte Monologue 2 2.04%
63. RED GEM WINK 2 2.04%
63. Tousou Meisou Mobius Loop 2 2.04%
63. Yume de Yozora o Terashitai 2 2.04%
83. "MY LIST" to you! 1 1.02%
83. Beginner's Sailing 1 1.02%
83. Bouken Type A, B, C‼ 1 1.02%
83. Braveheart Coaster 1 1.02%
83. Dragon Riders 1 1.02%
83. Hajimari Road 1 1.02%
83. Hop・Step・Waai! 1 1.02%
83. Jingle Bells ga Tomaranai 1 1.02%
83. Kaigandoori de Matteru yo 1 1.02%
83. Kimi no Hitomi o Meguru Bouken 1 1.02%
83. Manatsu wa Dare no Mono? 1 1.02%
83. Nameless Love Song 1 1.02%
83. Namida ga Yuki ni Naru Mae ni 1 1.02%
83. Namida× 1 1.02%
83. Namioto Refrain 1 1.02%
83. One More Sunshine Story 1 1.02%
83. Oyasuminasan! 1 1.02%
83. RUN KAKERU RUN 1 1.02%
83. Sentimental Lemonade 1 1.02%
83. Shadow gate to love 1 1.02%
83. Shoujo Ijou no Koi ga Shitai 1 1.02%
83. smile smile ship Start! 1 1.02%
83. Sotsugyou desu ne 1 1.02%
83. Sunshine Pikkapika Ondo 1 1.02%
83. Taiyou o Oikakero! 1 1.02%
83. Todokanai Hoshi da to Shitemo 1 1.02%
83. TSUBOMI SEASON 1 1.02%
83. WHITE FIRST LOVE 1 1.02%
83. Yaa! Kouunryuusui!? 1 1.02%
83. Yozora wa Nandemo Shitteru no? 1 1.02%
83. Yume + Mirai = Mugendai 1 1.02%
All other options got 0 votes – 98 total votes. 
Question: Which are your 5 favourite songs of Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club?
Answer Here:
Rank Name Votes %
1. CHASE! 30 34.88%
2. Eutopia 24 27.91%
3. NEO SKY, NEO MAP! 22 25.58%
4. Colorful Dreams! Colorful Smiles! 15 17.44%
5. Aion no Uta 13 15.12%
5. Ryouran! Victory Road 13 15.12%
7. Muteki-kyuu*Believer 11 12.79%
7. TOKIMEKI Runners 11 12.79%
9. EMOTION 10 11.63%
10. MELODY 9 10.47%
10. Mirai Harmony 9 10.47%
10. Solitude Rain 9 10.47%
13. Ketsui no Hikari 8 9.3%
13. Nijiiro Passions! 8 9.3%
13. stars we chase 8 9.3%
16. Aoi Canaria 7 8.14%
16. Beautiful Moonlight 7 8.14%
16. Eieisa 7 8.14%
16. VIVID WORLD 7 8.14%
16. Yume ga Bokura no Taiyou sa 7 8.14%
21. ENJOY IT! 6 6.98%
21. Love U my friends 6 6.98%
21. Queendom 6 6.98%
21. Yume ga Koko Kara Hajimaru yo 6 6.98%
21. Zensoku Dreamer 6 6.98%
26. Diabolic mulier 5 5.81%
26. Eternal Light 5 5.81%
26. Future Parade 5 5.81%
26. L! L! L! (Love the Life We Live) 5 5.81%
26. MONSTER GIRLS 5 5.81%
26. Tsunagaru Connect 5 5.81%
32. Analog Heart 4 4.65%
32. Bubble Over! 4 4.65%
32. Butterfly 4 4.65%
32. Concentrate! 4 4.65%
32. DIVE! 4 4.65%
32. Eien no Isshun 4 4.65%
32. Evergreen 4 4.65%
32. Look at me now 4 4.65%
32. Maze Town 4 4.65%
32. Meccha Going!! 4 4.65%
32. Miracle STAY TUNE! 4 4.65%
32. Saika -saika- 4 4.65%
32. Silent Blaze 4 4.65%
32. Ye Mingzhu 4 4.65%
46. Audrey 3 3.49%
46. Blue! 3 3.49%
46. Break The System 3 3.49%
46. Doki Pipo ☆ Emotion 3 3.49%
46. First Love Again 3 3.49%
46. Infinity! Our wings!! 3 3.49%
46. Sing & Smile!! 3 3.49%
46. Wachu Gonna Do 3 3.49%
54. Anata no Risou no Heroine 2 2.33%
54. Dancing in the Light 2 2.33%
54. Dream with You 2 2.33%
54. Fashionista 2 2.33%
54. Happy Nyan! Days 2 2.33%
54. Itsu datte for you! 2 2.33%
54. Just Believe!!! 2 2.33%
54. Märchen Star 2 2.33%
54. My Own Fairy-Tale 2 2.33%
54. OUR P13CES!!! 2 2.33%
54. Starlight 2 2.33%
54. Sweet Eyes 2 2.33%
54. Tanoshii no Tensai 2 2.33%
54. TO BE YOURSELF 2 2.33%
54. Toy Doll 2 2.33%
54. Twilight 2 2.33%
70. Awakening Promise 1 1.16%
70. Diamond 1 1.16%
70. Fire Bird 1 1.16%
70. Folklore ~Kanki no Uta~ 1 1.16%
70. Hurray Hurray 1 1.16%
70. Kakushiaji! 1 1.16%
70. La Bella Patria 1 1.16%
70. Love Triangle 1 1.16%
70. Margaret 1 1.16%
70. Nemureru Mori ni Ikitai na 1 1.16%
70. Not Sad 1 1.16%
70. Poker face & Onegai! Fairy 1 1.16%
70. Poppin' Up! 1 1.16%
70. Romance no Naka de 1 1.16%
70. Say Good-Bye Namida 1 1.16%
70. THE SECRET NiGHT 1 1.16%
70. Twinkle Town 1 1.16%
70. Vroom Vroom 1 1.16%
70. Wish 1 1.16%
70. Yada! 1 1.16%
70. Yagate Hitotsu no Monogatari 1 1.16%
70. Yume e no Ippo 1 1.16%
70. Yuu & Ai 1 1.16%
All other options got 0 votes – 86 total votes. 
Question: Which are your 5 favourite songs of Love Live! Superstar!!?
Answer Here:
Rank Name Votes %
1. Nonfiction!! 30 37.5%
2. Starlight Prologue 23 28.75%
3. Watashi no Symphony 22 27.5%
4. Tiny Stars 22 27.5%
4. Mirai wa Kaze no You ni 22 27.5%
6. Vitamin SUMMER! 16 20%
6. Mirai Yohou Hallelujah! 16 20%
6. Hajimari wa Kimi no Sora 16 20%
9. POP TALKING 15 18.75%
10. Wish Song 11 13.75%
10. Sing! Shine! Smile! 11 13.75%
12. Butterfly Wing 10 12.5%
12. Dancing Heart La-Pa-Pa-Pa! 10 12.5%
12. START!! True dreams 10 12.5%
12. Welcome to Bokura no Sekai 10 12.5%
16. Edelstein 9 11.25%
16. Chance Day, Chance Way! 9 11.25%
18. Oikakeru Yume no Saki de 8 10%
18. Matataki no Saki e 8 10%
20. Day1 7 8.75%
20. Tokonatsu☆Sunshine 7 8.75%
22. Yuuki no Kakera 6 7.5%
23. Oh! Ready Steady Positive 5 6.25%
23. HOT PASSION!! 5 6.25%
23. Mirai no Oto ga Kikoeru 5 6.25%
23. Aozora o Matteru 5 6.25%
23. Bye Bye Shichaeba!? 5 6.25%
23. Glass Ball Rejection 5 6.25%
23. Tu Tu Tu! 5 6.25%
23. WE WILL!! 5 6.25%
31. Shooting Voice!! 4 5%
32. Akane Kokoro 3 3.75%
32. Stella! 3 3.75%
32. Dream Rainbow 3 3.75%
32. Second Sparkle 3 3.75%
36. Memories 2 2.5%
36. Primary 2 2.5%
36. Mizuiro no Sunday 2 2.5%
36. Prime Adventure 2 2.5%
36. Kono Machi de Ima Kimi to 2 2.5%
36. Star Sengen 2 2.5%
36. Binetsu no Waltz 2 2.5%
36. What a Wonderful Dream!! 2 2.5%
36. 1.2.3! 2 2.5%
36. Flyer's High 2 2.5%
36. Go!! Restart 2 2.5%
36. TO BE CONTINUED 2 2.5%
36. Kakeru Merry-Go-Round 2 2.5%
36. Hoshizora Monologue 2 2.5%
36. Hoshikuzu Cruising 2 2.5%
36. Heroine's☆Runway 2 2.5%
52. Utopia Magic 1 1.25%
52. Reverb 1 1.25%
52. Till Sunrise 1 1.25%
52. Endless Circuit 1 1.25%
52. Yuragu wa 1 1.25%
52. Starry Prayer 1 1.25%
52. Anniversary 1 1.25%
52. Kokoro Kirarara 1 1.25%
52. Message 1 1.25%
52. Dreamer Coaster 1 1.25%
52. Dears 1 1.25%
52. Dakara Bokura wa Narasunda! 1 1.25%
52. Blooming Dance! Dance! 1 1.25%
52. Namae Yobiau You ni 1 1.25%
All other options got 0 votes – 80 total votes. 
* LIVE with a smile! has been omitted as it is the only Cross-Project song to date. Link! Like! Love Live! and Love Live! School Idol Musical were omitted for lack of songs.
These posts are meant to encourage discussion so feel free to explain your answer in the comments.
Thank you for the past Four and a half plus years.
Last week's poll: Who is your favourite of the current 9 Liella! members?
All previous polls
Take the Love Live! Series Quiz
WP二百五十 Shiny!
submitted by AfutureV to LoveLive [link] [comments]

2023.03.17 22:09 0_----__----_0 Hi Denver, here is my big list of things to do this weekend (March 17-19th)

Happy St. Patrick's day! Imbibe safely if you plan to celebrate.

All Weekend

FRIDAY & SATURDAY - Big Gigantic w/ Colorado Symphony @ Boettcher Concert Hall @ 7:30PM In this unique & intimate setting, Big Gigantic will be playing a wide variety of their original music with the help of the orchestra and a number of special guest vocalists.
FRIDAY & SUNDAY- 2023 NCAA Men's Basketball Championship @ Ball Arena
FRIDAY & SATURDAY - Heather McMahan @ Paramount Theatre @ 8PM
SATURDAY & SUNDAY - 'Genital Cypher: Not Your Mama’s Vagina Monologues' @ Buntport Theater @ 7PM A showcase highlighting the experience of minoritized bodies and genitalia.
All weekend - Monty Franklin Stand Up @ Comedy Works Downtown
All weekend - Bobby Collins Stand Up @ Comedy Works South
All weekend - Fiddler on the Roof @ Buell Theatre The classic Tony Award winning play is back with a brand new production by an award winning team of directors and producers.
All weekend - Cinderella Ballet @ Ellie Caulkins Opera House The beloved rags-to-riches tale makes its grand return to delight children—and the young at heart—of all ages.
All weekend - Toni Stone @ Aurora Fox Center Follow the inspiring and life-affirming story of baseball legend Toni Stone.
Ongoing - 'Near East to Far West' Exhibition @ DAM In this exhibition, visitors are encouraged to compare the visual and historical aspects of French Orientalism and artworks of the American West and reflect on the impact of these representations into the present.
Ongoing - Contemporary Indigenous Photography Exhibition @ DAM 'Speaking with Light: Contemporary Indigenous Photography' is one of the first major museum surveys to explore the practices of Indigenous photographers working over the past three decades.
Ongoing - 'Breakthroughs: A Celebration of RedLine 15' Exhibition @ MCA Denver This exhibition celebrates the Redline Contemporary Art Center and its 15-year long legacy of supporting local artists and creatives. The exhibition reflects the current creative practice of artists living in Colorado.
Ongoing - 'Spookadelia' Immersive Show @ Spectra Art Space 'Spookadelia: The Wakening' is an all-ages narrative-driven psychedelic immersive art, theatrical, and highly interactive experience.


2023 Denver St. Patrick's Day Bar Crawl @ 4PM
Photography Portfolio Walk @ Ellie Caulkins Opera House @ 5:30PM Join Colorado Photographic Arts Center for a photography portfolio walk in conjunction with Month of Photography.
Heart to Gold @ Marquis Theater @ 7PM
Trivecta @ Ogden Theatre @ 9PM
The Magician @ Meow Wolf @ 9PM
EBK Young JOC @ The Roxy Theatre @ 6PM
Southern Avenue @ Bluebird Theater @ 8PM
Weyes Blood @ Gothic Theatre @ 8PM
Taylor Swift Night @ Summit @ 8PM


Sidepiece @ Mission Ballroom @ 9PM
Kimbra @ Gothic Theatre @ 8PM
Ha$h @ Marquis Theater @ 7PM
Our Last Night @ Summit @ 6:30PM
Underoath @ Ogden Theatre @ 7PM
The Fungineers @ Meow Wolf @ 9PM
Scum & Smallz One @ The Roxy Theatre @ 6PM
Unwritten Law @ Bluebird Theater @ 8PM


Art Crawl @ Clyfford Still Museum @ 10:30AM Experience art through a different perspective and meet other families as a museum educator leads you in a crawl through the galleries.
Orions Belte w/ Alex Siegel @ Marquis Theater @ 7PM
Skillet & Theory of a Deadman @ Mission Ballroom @ 7PM
Cradle of Filth + DevilDriver @ Summit @ 6PM
Jake Wesley Rogers @ Meow Wolf @ 7PM
David Cross @ Gothic Theatre @ 8PM
submitted by 0_----__----_0 to Denver [link] [comments]

2023.03.11 02:12 Cydonian___FT14X Back in January 2022, I made a massive post where I ranked & reviewed the first 10 anime series that I ever watched in full. I have now seen 10 more series, and I’d be delighted to talk to anyone here about ANY of these shows. Let’s discuss some anime! (part one)


If you’re wondering why it took me so damn long to watch only 10 more shows… There are a couple reasons for that. Chief among them being the fact that I wasn't JUST watching anime for all that time. I still watch a lot more “western animation” than I do anime, and I’ve even started branching out into live action series as of late which usually have a pretty hard time piquing my interest. I am a lover of animation above all else after all. Amazing animation can come from absolutely anywhere. Both America & Japan have created some genuinely life changing animated stories for me. People who ignore either side are SERIOUSLY missing out.
There is another big reason why it took me so many months to finally get this post out, but I think it’d make more sense to go over all of that in the conclusion. For now, let's get into the actual content of the post.
I will first be going over my thoughts on each of these shows individually, in the order that I watched them. Then at the end of the post, I will provide some final thoughts & rank every single one of them. And please remember the following: The biggest reason why I’m making this post at all is so that I can talk about all of these shows with as many of you as possible. So please, if you want to share your thoughts on any of these shows, and/or give me your opinions on MY opinions, I implore you to do so in the comments below. I’m all ears. And for the record, I don’t expect anyone to read every single one of these reviews. Just look around for the shows you care about.
This is part ⅓ by the way. My reviews all together ended up being far longer than reddit would allow in one post, so I will instead be releasing this in the form of 3 separate post. I initially wanted to post all 3 parts at the same time in order to have it all available at once, but the mods wouldn’t allow that, so instead, I'll be releasing Part One right now, and the next 2 parts in the following days. I HATE that I have to put it out this way, but it seems to be my best option unfortunately.
Also, here’s the link to my original “First 10” post from last year: It’s comments have long since been disabled, but I did go back to it recently & update a bunch of my thoughts there in preparation for this new post. If anyone is still interested in talking about those shows, I will GLADLY discuss them right here. That post includes my views on One Punch Man, Erased, Violet Evergarden, Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day, Little Witch Academia, The Promised Neverland, Sound! Euphonium, Orange, K-On, & Demon Slayer.
But now, let’s finally start talking about some anime!

Usagi Drop:

This anime is one of THEE most wholesome pieces of media that I have ever experienced. Above all else, this series was just so amazingly delightful & adorable.
The first 5 or so episodes were definitely my favourites of the bunch. There were just SO MANY moments throughout those early episodes that had me smiling uncontrollably. I was so overwhelmingly emotional during certain parts of these episodes that I almost cried of sheer happiness. Tears of joy are a very very rare thing for me, but this show came INCREDIBLY close to drawing them.
It’s not like the show takes a nosedive in quality after episode 5, it’s just that the show becomes slightly more somber in tone after that point. It may not be as infectiously happy as it once was, but it still remains very interesting & engaging. Those occasional scenes of Rin reminiscing about or mourning for her Grandpa were always really good. Very subtle in their emotional maturity.
The episode where Daikichi’s cousin stays over for a while was also quite interesting. It had some super compelling discussions of divorce, married life, parenthood, and it all felt very mature & adult. Not in the edgy sort of way that people so commonly associate with “mature & adult”, but in the REAL way. Such well written dialogue in that episode. Kouki & his mother Yukari were also very welcome additions to the cast. Rin & Kouki had a super cute dynamic, and Yukari & Daikichi had an even CUTER dynamic. I totally ship them.
This anime honestly has far more side characters than I have ample time to talk about, but I legitimately liked every single one of them. All of these characters, even the ones with barely any screen time, added something to the show. None of them were annoying, and they all felt important to some degree.
One more side character that I’d like to specifically highlight though is Rin’s very interesting absentee mother. She’s a rather complicated & tragic character that you can very easily feel both sympathy & resentment for, but one of my biggest problems with the show is that her whole storyline felt kinda unresolved. I don’t feel like we got any real closure for her. Continuing along that train of thought for a moment, the whole show felt kind of unresolved & like it ended super abruptly. The last episode here was just a series of very typical Usagi Drop events with a decent little monologue about parenthood at the end for some added emotional weight, and then boom… it was all over… and it felt sorta incomplete.
I guess I just feel like there’s a lot more that they could have done with these characters in order to make the overall story feel more well rounded. But then again, given what I have since learned about the Manga’s ending… maybe it’s for the best that they didn’t go any further with it. Leaving this version of the story as something unambiguously sweet, instead of letting it become something genuinely fucked up & awful.
Back to positives though, the 2 MAIN characters of this show are both lovely. Daikichi’s journey of learning how to become a good parent was so wonderful to watch unfold, and Rin is pretty easily the most adorable character in any of the anime that I’ve seen so far. Beating out the likes of Taylor Bartlett and even ALL of the Keions. Seeing her learn things in school & learn about life while also trying to process the unique situation she exists in was extremely compelling to watch while still always remaining pleasant. Loved both characters
One final thing I’d like to mention is the stellar animation on display here. The character designs were all super appealing, the movement always felt very fluid, and I loved the kinda watercolour aesthetic of it all. Really beautiful stuff.
All in all, Usagi Drop was a pretty good show. It executes everything that it sets out to do extremely well; being more than capable of pulling off both excellent comedic moments & sobering emotional moments. This show had the potential to be something truly amazing if it had gone further with it’s story (in a direction away from the manga), but as is, it’s still really nice. I’m glad I watched it.

A Place Further Than The Universe:

WOW. This show was so much better than I was expecting it to be. Not only is this one of my new favourite anime, it’s one of my new favourite TV shows PERIOD. It’s so damn amazing. Where do I even begin?
I think I’ll start by talking about something I initially considered to be a problem, but that I now consider to be one of the show’s greatest strengths: It’s pacing & structure. By the time I had reached the show’s half-way point, I was starting to feel kinda ripped off by the fact that they weren’t in Antarctica. Even though I was really enjoying the show so far, it felt like I wasn't really getting what was promised
As the anime came to a close however, their time spent on the continent in those last 5 episodes felt absolutely pitch perfect. I now have a great sense of appreciation for how detailed all the build up in this show was. They go SUPER deep into the logistics of what it would actually take for 4 random high schoolers to legally get to Antarctica. Them finally finally arriving on the continent in episode 9 only felt so good BECAUSE of all the meticulous build up & the hard work that it took for them to get there. I realize that now.
And they also spend the exact right amount of time in Antarctica once they're there. After their arrival in episode 9, the remaining four episodes are all dedicated to completing the arcs of each of the main 4. One episode each. Yuzuki. Hinata. Shirase. Kimari. I’ll get into what those arcs actually are later on.
Another thing that’s basically perfect about this show is all of it’s production values. The character designs & general visual style were both great, the visual comedy was always on point, and the backgrounds are potentially the best I’ve ever seen in an anime. Like Violet Evergarden level shit. The music here was also pretty excellent. The OP & ED were both wonderful, the score was consistently beautiful, and they wrote so many stellarly emotional songs to underscore these episode climaxes. The fact that this stuff isn't available to stream is probably a war crime.
What caught me most off guard about this anime was how insanely effective all the emotional moments were. I really didn’t expect there to be so many, but they only got more & more powerful as the show went along.
Kimari’s conflicted farewell to Megu was a real heavy hitter, and Shirase defying Hinata by demanding they all fly together was quite beautiful as well, but the scene that stands out as far more darkly emotional than the rest is the one where a certain character utters the words “It’s beautiful. It’s so very beautiful”. Hearing those words in such an unfathomably tragic context absolutely shook me to my core & made me more than a little teary eyed.
The 2 most significant emotional moments for me would have to be the climaxes of both episodes 11 & 12. The other 3 girls all together standing up to Hinata’s shallow old friends in EP11 was without question THEE most emotionally resonant “power of friendship” moment that I have ever seen in anything. That part got some definite tears of joy outta me, but it was nothing compared to “The Email Scene” in EP12. This scene made me absolutely SOB. I seriously haven’t cried this hard at a work of fiction since The Violet Evergarden Movie, and Violet is my favourite anime of all time so that is saying A LOT. An absolutely spectacular moment for Shirase’s character.
Let’s get into some of the specific characters now, starting with Kimari. I guess she’s technically my least favourite of the main 4, but I obviously still like her a lot. She felt a little too generic for my tastes earlier on, but she very much came into her own as the anime went on. She probably has the least impactful character arc out of anyone in the main 4, but she works wonderfully as the glue that holds everyone together, and she has her fair share of really funny moments as well. She wanted to do something significant with her youth, and she achieved that goal. I love that for her, but I simply didn’t find her plotline to be nearly as compelling as the arcs of the other 3. Still a very good character though. (i rewatched this show recently, and my opinions on her character specifically have changed immensely. i’ll get into that at the end)
Yuzuki was a pretty great character as well. I really enjoyed seeing her come out of her more reserved & pessimistic shell to become someone who’s a lot more engaged & energetic. Her arc was pretty simple all things considered, but it was still extremely satisfying to watch unfold. Witnessing this sheltered rich kid learn the meaning of true friendship with the help of those around her was just so damn wholesome & emotionally fulfilling.
Hinata proved to be a far more interesting character than she initially lets on. Her central trait of not wanting to inconvenience people under any circumstances was really compelling stuff. Hating the feeling of people being considerate of you is an incredibly unique internal conflict that I don't think I’ve ever seen explored before. At least not with such focus. Specifically her & Shirase coming to understand each other better was really great to see, and like I said before, that confrontation with her old friends was an utterly perfect scene.
And then you have Shirase who is without a doubt the heart & soul of this show. I love basically everything about her. The dichotomy of how reserved she usually is compared to how insanely fired up she's capable of getting was always very entertaining to watch. The way she comes to appreciate her new friends more & more as the show goes along was really sweet, her immense determination in getting to Antarctica was incredibly infectious, and her overall arc of eventually coming to accept her mother’s death was heartbreakingly perfect. Let me reiterate that “The Email Scene” is one of the best things I've ever seen in animation. This show has a truly amazing central cast.
There were some really good side characters here as well. Kanae & Yumiko were both very consistently funny, Gin had an incredibly interesting dynamic with Shirase given their shared history surrounding Takako, and as I alluded to before, Megu was an very unexpectedly compelling character. At first, I kinda thought she was just gonna be a “Nodoka from K-On” type character. A generically smart, down to earth, & reliable character who creates a balanced dynamic with their comparatively air-headed best friend. But her SEVERE reaction to Kimari showing a new sense of determination & independence flipped that dynamic completely on it’s head. In reality, Megu is an incredibly insecure & even petty girl who evidently relied on Kimari WAY more than Kimari ever relied on her. It all makes for a really neat trope subversion, and having the show’s final scene be about the change that Kimari spurred in her, and showing her decision to take a journey of her own The Arctic North was such a PERFECT ending.
So overall, A Place Further Than The Universe was absolutely stellar. I loved basically everything about it, and I can’t think of a single significant problem worth mentioning. Part of me really wants to give it a 10/10, but I’ll need to wait & see how well it sticks with me in order to make a judgement like that.
Also, this may be a weird thing to bring up in the midst of the review, but I’m having a really hard time figuring out exactly where I should place this in my anime rankings. Violet Evergarden & Erased are still the Top 2 and I don’t expect that to change any time soon, but I’ve been debating for a while now whether or not I should put this show above my current 3rd place, K-On. Universe is easily the “better” show, but I think K-On might mean more to me personally. At least in the sense that it would make for a much better comfort watch, as well as the fact that K-On is over 3 times as long as Universe, so I feel far more connected to it’s characters through sheer exposure.
Also also, there’s the fact that K-On taps into my love of music far more potently than Universe does. I absolutely love animation, but when it comes to my favourite things in all of existence, it still can’t top how much I love the artistic medium that is Music. And obviously, K-On is far more musically driven than Universe. So yeah… I’ve been going back & forth on this for well over a week now, and yet, I still can’t decide. But I guess you’ll all see the verdict at the end of this post.
My second viewing of this show was a legitimately life affirming experience. My first viewing was also incredibly emotionally moving, but that’s only because it’s an extremely well done show. None of that emotion came from anything “personal” that I found relatable within it. The anime was just really good at being a tear jerker. But a number of things relating to my personal mind set & current stage in life have changed significantly since my first viewing of this show. Things that I completely forgot this anime touches on powerfully. Themes that REALLY struck me upon hearing them again with a new perspective during what I thought was just gonna be a fun rewatch. I never would have expected to see myself so vividly in an anime that previously had NONE of that kind of affect on me.
In those intermediate months between both viewings, I came to the realization that part of me really hates the place I live. This has absolutely nothing to do with the place itself. It’s an objectively beautiful place with a view that some would kill for, and I’ve always been very well provided for & comfortable here. The problem is in the simple fact that I've been here for literally my entire life, and if I don’t get away from it at some point, I’m never going to feel like my life is moving forward. If I’m here for too long, it’s going to become suffocating. It already is to some degree if I’m being perfectly honest.
Months later, I am newly confronted with the character of Tamaki Mari. A girl who came to some realizations that were very similar to many of mine. Proclaiming in EP2 that the change of scenery makes her feel as if her stagnant life is finally in motion. Her youth in motion. Hearing what were basically my very own thoughts being thrown back at me by this fictional character who was actually to DO something about that stagnation we both share gave me what I can only describe as a “motivational existential crisis”.
Immense regret at the fact that I went so long without doing anything to help throw my stagnant life into motion, but hope in the fact that this will actually soon be changing. I’m going overseas for college this upcoming April. It was a decision I made months before this rewatch, but my 2nd experience with “A Place Further Than The Universe” has made it abundantly clear to me that this trip isn’t just a cool thing I’m doing, it’s something I desperately need. This trip isn’t just getting part of my education in an unconventional place, it’s a wake up call.
So… needless to say that I’ve completely gotten over my K-On conflict from a few months ago. Not only would I easily put this show above K-On, I’d even put it above Erased now after how much that 2nd viewing affected me. A new show in the silver metal position. I sincerely doubt that anything will ever top Violet Evergarden in my books, but A Place Further Than The Universe is the closest that any other anime has come thus far. What a masterpiece.

Komi Can’t Communicate:

(FYI: most of this review is just about S1A because that’s all that was out when I first wrote this, but I did add in some S1B at the end).
This was a bit of an odd show for me in all honesty. I definitely have overall positive feelings on it, but there were also certain elements here that I really really hated. But let’s get into some positives first of all.
I quite enjoy this show’s very laid back & micro-episodic structure. Most episodes here don’t have a definitive arc within them. They’re all just a collection of “missions” that tell relatively separate short-stories most of the time. It gives the show a lot of variety & keeps it from ever being boring. If you’re finding one of the missions to be kinda boring, chances are that the next one will probably get you engaged again.
Even though this show does have some very distracting flaws that I will get into later, the one thing that always made this show 100% worth watching is the fact that Komi herself is a truly wonderful character. A big reason as to why I enjoy her so much is my ever present fixation on mute or mostly mute characters. If a character doesn’t talk, it’s pretty much impossible to make them annoying. So even when Komi is in the midst of a boring scenario and/or surrounded by annoying characters, her timid charm & our desire to see her reactions to everything always give scenes with her something to latch onto. A tether to genuine quality in this show’s occasional shitty-ness.
Her inherent unobtrusiveness was far from the only reason I loved her so much though. The internal & external struggles that she constantly faces in trying to communicate with others was always very compelling to watch. While CERTAINLY not to the same level of inconvenient intensity, I too suffer with ever present social anxiety, and thus, I found quite a lot of relatability in Komi’s character. She’s such an enjoyable central character.
If I were to sum up most of my problems with this anime in the form of one quick phrase, it would come down to the fact that it’s just “a bit much” at times. A lot of the super “in-your-face” jokes don’t really work, some of the hyper-tropey side characters are absolutely obnoxious, and the ravenous obsession that the entire student body has with Komi is a bit that became unfunny & hard to take seriously almost immediately.
The show’s humour is a pretty mixed bag overall. The comedy directly involving Komi’s social anxiety was always pretty great, and there were numerous other hilarious moments derived from other characters… but unfortunately, there’s a rather large amount of cringe here as well. To get into the specifics of what is & isn’t funny in this series, I’ll need to start breaking down this show’s absolutely massive supporting cast. So let’s do that.
Tadano is definitely a character that exists. Despite technically being the show’s protagonist, he seriously has nothing going for him. This dude genuinely doesn’t have a character beyond his enjoyable dynamics with Komi & Najimi. I can’t say he’s a bad character. There’s nothing actively annoying about him. He just… exists I guess?
I LOVE Najimi though. They embody pretty much EVERYTHING that I could ever wish to be. Personable, funny, optimistic, genderless, kind of a gremlin but in a way that’s endearing. The whole package. They help complete/balance out the show’s main trio perfectly. Mute, Charisma, & Cardboard makes for a surprisingly fun central dynamic here. Najimi would definitely be my 2nd favourite character in the show. Just after Komi.
Yamai was an interesting case. Being a textbook yandere, I found her character & mere presence in the narrative to be kinda off putting at first. Especially when she kidnapped & literally almost killed Tadano, and was then so easily forgiven for her EXTREMELY illegal actions. In spite of the flimsy introduction, her antics actually became much funnier as the show(‘s first half) went along. Her proposal shouted from the rooftop was especially hilarious. She was pretty fun overall.
I vehemently Agari though. Her consistent idiocy is extremely annoying, and her constant desperation is truly disturbing. She seemed fine enough during her initial introduction, but it only gets worse from there. Incomprehensibly worse. Every single one of the most horrifically terrible jokes in the show are centred around her massive chest or insistence on being a dog. Such a horrible character. Why the hell did they think she was a good idea?
Nakanaka was quite enjoyable though. I really appreciate when an unabashedly nerdy character is simply portrayed as misunderstood instead of a total loser, and the fact that she connects with Komi so easily due to Komi having never had enough social brain rot to judge her weirdness was so damn wholesome. Very excited to see more of her in later episodes.
Onemine only showed up in the last few episodes (of S1A), but I already absolutely love her. Having such a down to earth character like this in the midst of everyone else’s insanity is such a refreshing thing to see. She’s just so fundamentally likeable. I also really love her infrequent companion, Kadae. I read somewhere that the original manga often depicts Onemine holding Kadae’s hand in order to keep her from randomly disappearing as she tends to do. That is so powerfully wholesome that I’m starting to realize I kinda ship them. Regardless of their actual relationship status, what they have is adorable, and I can’t wait to see more of it.
Komi’s entire family was another big highlight in the side cast. The dynamic of having 3 basically mute people + 1 non-stop chatterbox was pretty amazing, but I especially loved any interactions between Komi’s & her Dad. Those scenes were always unbelievably wholesome. There are more side characters that I didn’t talk about simply due to how forgettable they are, but this anime still has a mostly very solid set of characters. There are bad ones, but the good very much outweighs the bad.
Another thing that I kinda hated about this anime was it’s frequent inability to let almost ANY of it’s tender moments just… be as they are. Specifically in regards to the romantic tension between Komi & Tadano.
Maybe I’ve just spoiled myself with too much genuine emotional maturity in my earliest anime selections, but it really pissed me off whenever Tadano & Komi would have a cute and/or lightly romantic scene together… and then Tadano would literally just scream at the perceived awkwardness of the situation.
That always sucked. It’s not funny. It’s just incredibly annoying & uninteresting. I don’t even hold this against Tadano’s character. I hold it against the writers who seem afraid to actually delve into the emotions of their characters. I’m not saying Tadano shouldn’t be flustered in these situations, that is COMPLETELY natural. It’s just the super exaggerated nature of his reactions that really bug me.
And there’s one more thing that I need to rant about before I wrap up my thoughts on this anime. Other than EP1 which (due to that amazing chalk-board scene) is easily the best episode here, I consider this show’s best & worst episode to be one in the same… EP7
The first half was a full on pool episode, and it was… an experience. I’ve been very specific about avoiding anything pervy in my anime journey so far. That shit really irks me, but this episode completely blindsided me with it because I had absolutely no way of seeing it coming. There I was… suffering through gratuitous fan-service & several unfunny innuendos at the hands of a show that had previously earned my trust. All whilst wondering why the HELL I’m even watching this show when it’s making me so incredibly uncomfortable. Even the occasionally decent character work at that location couldn’t save it from being an insufferable viewing experience.
But then for some unfathomable reason, the second half of EP7 contains some of THEE most wholesome things that I have ever seen in animation. Komi bonding with her Dad over shaved ice, Komi trying to cheer up some random baby because she accidentally startled it, and then on the way home stopping to play at a playground. Seeing this highschooler take genuine delight in the simple joys of a children’s playground is one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen. I simply could not stop smiling from ear to ear throughout all of these wonderful sequences.
So my question is… how in the absolute HELL did they manage to fit so much DEGENERATE & so much WHOLESOME into the same fucking episode? Like bruh, the annoying male side characters were literally just grading random women’s bodies not even 10 minutes ago! Why am I now legitimately almost crying at the sheer heart melting adorableness of this fathedaughter relationship? The dichotomy here is truly beyond incomprehensible.
But I digress. Komi Can’t Communicate was a pretty good show overall. It has some definite problems, but I was still genuinely enjoying myself at least 80% of the time.
Yamai is extremely annoying & insufferable now. Her whole attitude towards Komi has distinctly shifted “Marry Me” to “Fuck Me” in the 2nd half here. She used to be funny, but now she just makes me uncomfortable. I really hope they tone her down for future episodes because I still believe that she has comedic potential.
I’m also not super into Najimi anymore. I loved them SO MUCH early on, but their characterization has become extremely repetitive in this 2nd half, and it really feels like the writers have no idea what they want to do with them. They’ve become kind of annoying honestly, which is really sad to say given how much I once enjoyed them. They desperately need to add some depth to this character moving forward because the core appeal just isn;’t working anymore.
Also EP23 was bizarrely terrible. The vignettes that they chose to show here were beyond confusing to me. They were very unfunny, they didn’t feel even remotely relevant, and the animation was of shockingly poor quality most of the time. It all felt like nothing more than awkwardly rushed filler. Like they were running low on budget or something & didn’t want to skimp on the finale so they instead skimped on the penultimate episode. Also this new OP song kinda sucks. A pathetic replacement for the energetically insane masterpiece that was “Cinderella” from S1A.
The new ED is genuinely amazing though. Not only are these pixel art visuals insanely cool, I am absolutely in love with the song here, “Koshaberibiyori”. “Hikare Inochi” from S1A outro was really nice too, but this song is on another level entirely. It was one of my most played songs of 2022. Loved that shit. I also loved a lot of the new characters in this 2nd half. The sheer juxtaposition between Katai’s super intimidating stature & his extremely timid internal dialogue was super funny, and he has some very enjoyable dynamics with both Komi & Tadano.
I can’t remember his real name at the moment, but I also loved “The Narcissist''. A character like this should be unbearably annoying, but it only works here because his self-importance never negatively affects the other characters. He’s just so completely enraptured with his own perceived greatness, and it’s so delightfully pathetic. That friend of his who’s constantly contradicting him with blatant 4th wall breaks also helped make the character far more enjoyable
Other than Komi who is obviously the most well rounded character in the show, Onemine has now 100% cemented herself as Best Girl. I absolutely loved learning about her family in the Valentines episode. Can’t wait to see more of her.
Episode 21 was genuinely spectacular. Kato & Sasaki were both excellent additions to the cast, and seeing Komi build such a strong bond with them in such a short amount of time was so damn wholesome & really well written. It was so satisfying to see Komi form new friendships without ANY help from Tadano or Naijimi, and having these friends be the catalyst for Komi to finally realize that she’s crushing on Tadano was SO adorable
What I loved most about the 2nd half of this season is the fact that they completely fixed what was previously my single biggest issue with the show. *They’re actually giving the emotional/tender moments room to breathe now!* Komi & Tadano have several cute scenes here that AREN’T immediately undercut by a comedic over-reaction, and I am so damn grateful for that. Episode 19 was especially notable in that regard. The specific way in which they actually got Komi to TALK AT LENGTH was brilliantly staged, and hearing even more stories from her hyper-isolated past was genuinely heartbreaking.
It all makes for a truly great scene & a wonderful moment in this relationship. I’m obviously quite eager for their dynamic to develop into something more than just friends, but I still really like where they ended things off this season. On the whole, I still really like this anime. A few things definitely need work, but the show is working in all of the most important ways now.

Star Wars: Visions:

Funny story about this show actually. Visions was technically the 8th anime that I ever watched to completion. It definitely should have been included in my original post, but because I saw the show as a STAR WARS project above all else, it never even crossed my mind to include it in the anime post even though that is exactly what it was
For those who may be confused by me including a Star Wars show here, let me give some quick context. “Star Wars: Visions” is an anime anthology series. Even though it was in fact commissioned, overseen, & distributed by Disney, the creative process of each individual episode was done entirely by Japanese creators. 7 different anime studios that would ultimately produce nine 12-25 minute short stories set within the Star Wars universe. Shorts that had the freedom to be as wildly creative as they want, due to them not existing as “official canon”. Visions is the anime industry be let loose onto one of the most expansive fictional universes in all of fiction, and the results are pretty damn cool
Due to all 9 episodes of the anime existing as disconnected stories with no significant through-line other than “Being Star Wars”, I’m just gonna talk about each of them individually before giving some brief overall thoughts at the end.
The Duel: This was a really great way to introduce the show to everyone. It’s light on plot or meaningful characters to latch onto, but it looks AMAZING. It employs this super unique, hyper-stylized 3D look that evidently takes FAR more inspiration from the live action epics of Akira Kurosawa than it does any piece of Japanese animation. And the titular “duel” here is just so damn cool. The umbrella-saber is absolutely absurd, but also so absurdly cool. Very fun episode.
Tatooine Rhapsody: This is pretty easily the most widely disliked episode here, and even though I can see why to a certain degree, I really don’t think it’s all that bad. The concept of an Order 66 survivor becoming not a rebel, not a hermit, but in fact the front-man of a rock band that’s shooting for galaxy wide fame is really cool in my opinion. It is a little unengaging & generic in places, but it still delivers an ultimately satisfying story with a dope song at the end. It’s a very unique Star Wars story.
The Twins: The action in this episode is absolutely mind blowing & so beautifully ridiculous. There are no laws of physics in this story. Not even basic practicality matters here. Everything in this episode is dictated by “The Rule of Cool”, and it is glorious. Leading to the single most bombastically flashy lightsaber duel in the entire Star Wars saga. The characters & story don’t particularly matter in this one either, but they really don’t need to. This short exists to be a stunning visual spectacle & it pulls that off flawlessly.
The Village Bride: This one was genuinely quite beautiful. Not only were the animation & score both drop-dead-gorgeous, but the creators actually managed to weave a decently emotionally compelling story in the short amount of time that they had. I really loved the world of this episode. The culture & feel of this new planet is incredibly well fleshed out in a way that feels both very anime & perfectly Star Wars. I was also very compelled by this mysterious Jedi survivor simply named “F”. I’d LOVE to see more about her in the future. A novel or something would be dope.
The Ninth Jedi: EASILY the best episode here, and it’s not even close. Everything about this one had me completely sold. The concept, the action, the characters, the pacing, that amazing plot twist, & the exploration of a never before seen time period in Star Wars. It’s all amazing. I would kill to see this episode expanded into a full series. The director of this episode actually said that he designed it as if it were a pilot, so I pray to God that he gets to expand upon it one day. I am 110% certain that it would make for a spectacular show.
T0-B1: This one is basically just “Star Wars Pinocchio”, and it’s perfectly fine. The duel in the climax is really cool, and the electronic score here is actually amazing, but other than those 2 elements, there’s nothing particularly noteworthy here. It’s OK. Moving on.
The Elder: Definitely the safest episode of the bunch. Discount Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan receive a distress signal & then fight some creepy old sith dude. The Elder has a cool design, these Jedi are decent enough characters, and the duel at the end is pretty dope. It’s not a favourite, but it’s still decent.
Lop & Ochô: This is another episode that had me completely sold, but not in the exact same way as The Ninth Jedi. That episode felt like the fully realized pilot for an entire season of television, but this episode feels more like half a season’s worth of story that’s been crammed into 20 minutes. And even though that does make the pacing & progression here feel a little odd, it all still works as an amazing proof of concept. I love the ideas & characters that they’ve established here, and it’d be so cool to see all of it expanded into an entire anime.
Akakiri: I didn’t really like this one honestly. It has a very unique visual style & all, but I just just wasn’t engaged by the story or characters, and the presentation alone wasn't enough to carry the episode. It’s very clearly trying to mirror the fall of Anakin Skywalker, and similarly to how it was portrayed in the prequels, it’s not terribly convincing. I feel very “whatever” on this one. A slightly disappointing way to close out the collection.
Overall Thoughts: Even though the quality of these episodes is mixed, and despite the fact that it will not be placing very high in my overall rankings, I still absolutely adore Visions on a fundamental level. Letting a bunch of talented creative groups do whatever the hell they want with Star Wars is such an amazing idea, and I hope this project never stops. I should also mention that after this post, I will not be including Visions in any of my future anime rankings. This is because it’s not exactly going to be an “anime” for very much longer. Volume Two is coming out this May, and all 9 episodes are going to be coming from animation studios all over the world this time around. Ireland, India, Spain, & many others.
The show has gone global, and while I am absolutely delighted to see Star Wars be taken on by an even broader selection of cultural viewpoints, it’s gone beyond anime now. I have absolutely no issue with anyone else having different definitions than me, but for the sake of simplicity, I’ve always just considered “anime” to be any work of animation that originates in Japan. That definition no longer defines Visions in it’s entirety, so it shall be omitted from future lists. It’s a worldwide anthology now, and I LOVE THAT.

That’s the end of Part One!

Parts 2 & 3 will contain my takes on A Lull In The Sea, Ranking Of Kings, Dr. Stone, Spy X Family, Carole & Tuesday, Hyouka, as well as my final thoughts & overall rankings. I do hope you will come back for the next post if any of those anime interest you, I would be gald to talk about them with absolutely anyone, but even if you don't, I thank you dearly for reading this far!
Part Two:
submitted by Cydonian___FT14X to anime [link] [comments]

2023.03.08 00:37 Hoody_Weather GIANT LIST OF PSP GAMES I HAVE DOWNLOADED (BitTorrent) PART 5

submitted by Hoody_Weather to TheVitaLounge [link] [comments]

2023.01.21 18:21 Hatarakumaou Just finished Mary Skelter 1+2, some questions.

Woooo boy, what a journey. I initially didn't think I would like the game given that I hate mazes in video games but I ended up really liking the story and characters even if I didn't exactly enjoy the main gameplay loop. I do have some question though.
And btw, if any of my question is answered in Finale, please go ahead and give me the spoilers. Considering that Finale's PC port is still TBD, I'm not gonna get to play it anytime soon. Honestly I might just watch the cutscenes on Youtube, I'm super forgetful and chances are by the time Finale is on PC, I will remember nothing about the story.
1/ What's up with the cast being fairy tale characters ? Like, I get that they're born from pregnant humans who turned Marchen but why fairy tales ? Why would an alien plant care about some human bedtime stories ? (it took me way too long to realize the bedtime story characters fighting nightmares analogy) Heck, why did it created them in the first place, the novel made it clear that Jail didn't want the cores destroyed, hence the Nightmares but it went ahead and created beings whose purpose is to destroy the cores ?
2/ What's the deal with Michiru ? Can anyone Tldr her origin for me cuz the game's explanation flew over my head.
3/ On that note, who tf was the blue bird ? I though it was Snark but that doesn't seem to be the case. What's the "Morning Dew and Fruit of the World Tree" that he kept bringing Michiru ?
4/ Why does Rapunzel wants to make babies ? All the other Blood Libidos made sense in one way or another (Jack wanting to climb the beanstalk, Alice wanting to host tea parties, Snow White's fear of mirrors, ect...) but I'm wasn't aware that Rapunzel involved baby making.
5/ Why is Jack so special ? Why does his blood heals blood skelter and why is he the only Blood Youth ? Why didn't we see Aladin or Sinbad or Pinocchio ? Why can he understand the Jail's wails ?
6/ What even is Blood Skelter and why does Blood Maidens enter it when too much Marchen blood is absorbed ?
7/ What's the deal with the guard dude ? The game made a big deal about him torturing Marchens then he was never brought up again.
8/ Why was Chiaki murdered in Otsu's timeline ? Cinderella's clone specifically murdered him and only him. Did Snark ordered them since Chiaki was investigating Dawn ?
9/ Why does Snark act different in game and in novel ? In the novel we get several internal monologue of him expressing genuine love for the maidens but the game version seem to straight up don't give af.
10/ What are Nightmares ? Why is Snark one but not Haru despite being from the same planet ? Why can some of them act as Snark cohorts ?
submitted by Hatarakumaou to compileheart [link] [comments]

2023.01.05 21:16 Feeling_Ad3539 Song Choices for Auditions?

Hi! So I'm auditioning in a couple of weeks for a production of into the woods - I've been debating between auditioning for cinderella or for the baker's wife but I think I'm leaning towards cinderella :)
they've asked us to sing one from the show, so I'd be singing On the Steps of the Palace, and one of our choosing. I don't have many ideas right now, but maybe In My Dreams from Anastasia? Does anyone have any other recommendations?
(I'd also not say no to ideas for a baker's wife audition song, I'm giving myself until the end of the week to decide for sure which I want to do in the audition XD )

Edit: I've also just signed up to audition for Little Women so if anybody has suggestions for songs/monologues to audition for Jo I'd really appreciate them!
submitted by Feeling_Ad3539 to MusicalTheatre [link] [comments]

2022.12.28 21:46 upsidedownoatmilk Audition Monologue for Into the Woods

First post
I'm (19F) looking for a monologue about 1 minute in length for a college audition of the Into the Woods. This is my first audition at my college and I'm not really looking for anything specific for any specific character which is why I'm kind of struggling. It's supposed to be contemporary comedic and I'm sort of going for Cinderella or either of the step-sisterss since they're smaller roles and I haven't been in a show since 2019. I just need a push in the right direction because I haven't really found anything that I've liked.
submitted by upsidedownoatmilk to MusicalTheatre [link] [comments]

2022.12.16 04:36 Kyleighk2004 LOOKING FOR MONOLOGUE

The musical is for my high schools production of Cinderella. I am trying to find a comedic monologue for a part of Cinderellas step sisters but I can’t use a monologue from the musical/play ect. It’s my sr year and I really need help finding a monologue
submitted by Kyleighk2004 to AuditionSuggestions [link] [comments]

2022.12.16 04:35 Kyleighk2004 Looking for a monologue for the role of one of Cinderellas step sisters

The musical is for my high schools production of Cinderella. I am trying to find a comedic monologue for a part of Cinderellas step sisters but I can’t use a monologue from the musical/play ect. It’s my senior year and I really need help finding a monologue!
submitted by Kyleighk2004 to AuditionSuggestions [link] [comments]

2022.11.13 00:27 yodeling_izzy audition song recs??

hiii! i’m auditioning for a community theater production of into the woods witching the next few months. i’ll be auditioning for the witch, bakers wife, and cinderella.
does anybody have any audition song recommendations (monologue recommendations are welcome too🙂)? i’ve heard that if you’re auditioning for sondheim, to sing sondheim. but i’m not familiar with any of his other works.
and for reference, my vocal range is D3-D6 pls help🙂🙂
submitted by yodeling_izzy to MusicalTheater [link] [comments]