Ad lib worksheets

Cognitive Behavorial Therapy: Thinking ourselves better

2013.09.28 21:30 yellowyn Cognitive Behavorial Therapy: Thinking ourselves better

A subreddit focused on the practice of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a form of psychotherapy that emphasizes the important role of thinking. CBT starts with the assumption that changing maladaptive thinking leads to change in behavior and emotions. The treatment focuses on changing an individual's thoughts (cognitive patterns) in order to change his or her behavior and emotional state.

2014.01.07 20:02 Conjuring the Apocalypse

An in depth discussion of the Kali Yuga. Are the impending system wide failures due to immense error, calculated strategy or both? Is the apocalypse simply a cultural death wish by most groups and individuals? Critical theory, neo-materialism, science and religion - Academocculture.

2009.04.15 11:47 hennell Liberal Democrats

Welcome to the unofficial Liberal Democrat subreddit. This is a subreddit for the UK Liberal Democrats Party. Please feel free to discuss all topics related to the Lib Dems. Please read the rules before you post. Feel free to visit us on our discord at:

2024.05.14 21:10 Signal-Length-1607 Unexplainable error: attribute 'attrTag' missing in kanshi.nix

Hi everyone, fairly new to Nix. I've installed Nix about two months ago and everything worked fine. At least until 8th of May, that's from when my latest system build is. Recently I've wanted to install some package, added it to my configuration.nix and run sudo nixos-rebuild switch (aliased to update) and got this error
error: … while calling the 'head' builtin at /nix/store/1xclxik35hm5agkgp9a0wh6465an2j98-nixos-23.11/nixos/lib/attrsets.nix:922:11: 921 pred here (elemAt values 1) (head values) then 922 head values ^ 923 else … while evaluating the attribute 'value' at /nix/store/1xclxik35hm5agkgp9a0wh6465an2j98-nixos-23.11/nixos/lib/modules.nix:807:9: 806 in warnDeprecation opt // 807 { value = builtins.addErrorContext "while evaluating the option `${showOption loc}':" value; ^ 808 inherit (res.defsFinal') highestPrio; (stack trace truncated; use '--show-trace' to show the full trace) error: attribute 'attrTag' missing at /nix/store/0b11p5g24mgl5qfg34khvjs3fh91vdx4-source/modules/services/kanshi.nix:9:19: 8 9 directivesTag = types.attrTag { ^ 10 profile = mkOption { 
So firstly, of course, I tried reverting back to old configuration, which I new was built about a week ago and run update and... it failed with the same error. I've even tried switching to older builds, like month old and running build but it still fails with this error.
I've done some troubleshooting steps:
  1. I've tried removing imports from my configuration.nix, the problem stopped after removing home-manager.nix
  2. I've tried removing imports in home-manager.nix, but that didn't change anything, since my home-manager.nix itself is very simple this helped me narrow it down just to the home-manager.nix itself, it's not any of it's imports.

{ config, pkgs, ... }: let home-manager = builtins.fetchTarball ""; in { imports = [ (import "${home-manager}/nixos") ]; users.users.cyril.isNormalUser = true; home-manager.useUserPackages = true; home-manager.users.cyril = { pkgs, ... }: { # Don't touch this home.stateVersion = "23.11"; # Disable warning about version mismatch between stable nixpkgs and master home-manager home.enableNixpkgsReleaseCheck = false; # Import other configs imports = [ ./home/i3.nix ./home/polybar.nix ./home/fonts.nix ./home/kitty.nix ./home/zsh.nix ./home/git.nix ./home/neovim.nix ./home/rofi.nix ]; }; } 
So now, what's the problem here ? The system could be built but now can't, the problem seems to be in file that is very basic and worked. Also the missing attribute is in kanshi.nix, I don't have slightest clue what even is kanshi. (I am not installing it anywhere, it's not referenced in my entire config folder.)
Could anyone here figure out what happened and what is going on here ? I've been trying to fix it for like 5 days now and can't figure it out. Any help would be appreciated
submitted by Signal-Length-1607 to NixOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:48 Legitimate-Lock-6594 Instagram ads for “therapy worksheets”

I’m a sucker for a pretty handout and a good Instagram ad. I recently purchased one that swore it had over “500 worksheets” to use with my clients. There were probably a total of 450 that were usable. Maybe 25 were duplicates and the other 25 were horribly misspelled. And then…of those 450 maybe 200 looked like they were just scanned copies of a book? It wasn’t a lot of money, like $25 but…yikes.
Have you all found any good bundles for mindfulness, generally depression, anxiety, cbt, act, dbt, explaining trauma?
Or any other horror stories of thinking you found the jackpot of resources and then been sorely disappointed?
submitted by Legitimate-Lock-6594 to socialwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:26 tempmailgenerator Automating Email Operations in Excel with VBA

Unlocking Email Automation in Excel VBA

Excel's versatility extends beyond data analysis and reporting, delving into the realm of automation that simplifies tedious tasks, such as email communications directly from your worksheets. The integration of Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) within Excel allows users to create custom functions, enabling the automation of creating and sending emails without leaving the comfort of their spreadsheet environment. This capability is particularly beneficial for professionals who rely on timely communication and data distribution, ensuring that reports, notifications, and updates are dispatched directly from their workbooks with minimal manual intervention.
However, navigating the VBA landscape to automate email operations can present challenges, particularly in ensuring the new mail item is prominently displayed in front of the worksheet and is sent after the contact is selected. Addressing this issue not only enhances the user experience by making email management more efficient within Excel but also leverages the full potential of Excel's automation capabilities. By streamlining these processes, users can focus more on their core tasks, knowing that their communication needs are handled efficiently and effectively.
Command Description
CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Creates an instance of Outlook Application, allowing VBA to control Outlook.
.CreateItem(0) Creates a new email item.
.Display Displays the email item to the user in Outlook.
.To, .CC, .BCC Specifies the recipient(s) of the email in the To, CC, and BCC fields.
.Subject Defines the subject of the email.
.Body Sets the body content of the email.
.Send Sends the email item.

Expanding Email Automation with Excel VBA

Delving deeper into the integration of Excel VBA for email automation unveils a powerful toolset at the disposal of users aiming to streamline their communication workflows directly from their spreadsheets. This capability is not just about sending basic emails; it's about creating a highly personalized and dynamic communication channel. Through VBA, Excel can interact with Outlook to manipulate various aspects of email creation, from adding attachments to customizing the email body with data directly sourced from the spreadsheet. This level of automation can significantly enhance productivity, especially for those dealing with customer inquiries, periodic reports, or regular updates that require personalization based on spreadsheet data.
Moreover, the automation process extends to handling responses. By automating email operations, users can set up rules within Outlook to sort incoming emails based on specific criteria, such as sender, subject, or keywords. This can be particularly useful for managing feedback or responses to the emails sent through Excel VBA. Such automation ensures that the workflow is not just one-way but creates a loop of communication that is both efficient and manageable. Implementing these advanced features requires a good understanding of both Excel VBA and Outlook's capabilities, highlighting the importance of integrating these powerful tools to maximize efficiency and effectiveness in professional communication.

Automating Outlook Emails from Excel VBA

VBA in Excel
 Dim outlookApp As Object Dim mailItem As Object Set outlookApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application") Set mailItem = outlookApp.CreateItem(0) With mailItem .Display .To = "" .CC = "" .BCC = "" .Subject = "Subject of the Email" .Body = "Body of the email" ' Add attachments and other email item properties here End With End Sub 

Enhancing Communication through Excel VBA

Integrating email automation within Excel using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) significantly boosts the efficiency of communication processes, particularly in professional settings where time is of the essence. This integration allows for seamless creation, customization, and sending of emails directly from Excel, leveraging data within spreadsheets to personalize messages. The automation goes beyond mere convenience, enabling users to send bulk emails tailored to each recipient, schedule emails for future delivery, and even trigger emails based on specific events or conditions met within the spreadsheet. Such capabilities are invaluable for marketing campaigns, customer service follow-ups, and internal communication within organizations, ensuring that the right messages reach the right people at the right time.
Furthermore, Excel VBA's email automation can be enhanced with advanced features such as dynamic attachment inclusion, where files relevant to the spreadsheet's data or analysis are automatically attached to the outgoing emails. Users can also implement error handling to manage issues that may arise during the email sending process, such as invalid email addresses or network problems, ensuring that all communications are delivered successfully. With these advanced functionalities, Excel VBA becomes not just a tool for data management but a comprehensive solution for managing professional communications, reducing manual effort, and increasing the reliability and effectiveness of email interactions.

FAQs on Email Automation with Excel VBA

  1. Question: Can Excel VBA send emails without Outlook?
  2. Answer: Typically, Excel VBA uses Outlook for email automation, but it's possible to send emails via other email clients or SMTP servers with additional scripting and configuration.
  3. Question: How do I attach files to an automated email in Excel VBA?
  4. Answer: Use the .Attachments.Add method within your VBA script to attach files to your email. You can specify the file path directly in the code.
  5. Question: Can I automate emails based on cell values in Excel?
  6. Answer: Yes, by using VBA scripts, you can trigger email sending based on specific cell values or changes in the data within your spreadsheet.
  7. Question: How do I ensure my automated emails are not marked as spam?
  8. Answer: Ensure your emails have a clear subject line, avoid excessive links or attachments, and send emails through recognized email servers. Personalization can also help reduce the risk of being marked as spam.
  9. Question: Is it possible to send HTML formatted emails with Excel VBA?
  10. Answer: Yes, you can set the .HTMLBody property of the MailItem object to send emails in HTML format, allowing for rich text formatting, images, and links.
  11. Question: Can automated emails include dynamic data from Excel?
  12. Answer: Absolutely. You can dynamically insert data from your Excel sheets into the email's body or subject line, customizing each message based on the spreadsheet's contents.
  13. Question: How do I schedule emails to be sent at a later time using Excel VBA?
  14. Answer: Direct scheduling within VBA is complex; however, you can create the email and then use Outlook's Delay Delivery feature to specify a sending time.
  15. Question: Can I send emails to multiple recipients using Excel VBA?
  16. Answer: Yes, you can list multiple email addresses in the .To, .CC, or .BCC properties, separated by semicolons, to send emails to multiple recipients.
  17. Question: How do I handle errors during the email sending process in VBA?
  18. Answer: Implement error handling routines in your VBA script to catch and respond to errors, such as using Try...Catch blocks or checking for specific error codes.
  19. Question: Is it necessary to have programming knowledge to automate emails with Excel VBA?
  20. Answer: Basic programming knowledge is helpful for customizing and troubleshooting your VBA scripts, but many resources and templates are available to help beginners.

Mastering Excel VBA for Efficient Email Management

Excel VBA's email automation presents a transformative approach to managing communications, allowing users to leverage the powerful features of Excel to streamline their email-related tasks. By integrating VBA scripts, professionals can automate the sending of personalized emails, manage attachments, and even handle incoming responses, all within the familiar environment of Excel. This not only saves valuable time but also reduces the risk of errors associated with manual email handling. Furthermore, the ability to customize email content based on spreadsheet data ensures that communications are relevant and timely. As we continue to seek efficiencies in our professional workflows, the role of Excel VBA in automating and enhancing email communications cannot be overstated. It represents a significant step forward in how we manage data-driven communication, providing a robust toolset for professionals looking to optimize their email workflows and enhance their productivity.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:47 CMDR_WHITESNAKE Module was compiled with an incompatible version of Kotlin. The binary version of its metadata is 1.9.0, expected version is 1.6.0.

I'll preface this by saying that I'm both a Dart and Flutter noob, and I'm struggling with something that I can't wrap my head around and could use some advice.
I am making an app where there's a background task that executes every hour to pull data from an api and do something with it. Depending on what data comes back this may trigger a notification to be sent to the users device.
I have added workmanager: ^0.5.2 to my pubspec.yaml file and that all works fine - the hourly task will run, even in the background. Then I started looking into notifications, and found that I needed to use: flutter_local_notifications: 17.1.2. This however seems to require android SDK 34, so I followed this guide to ensure that it would compile to version 34 :
but now I have a problem. When I build I get:
/my_app_name/build/workmanage.transforms/a25d58011f82ea922c69d6ef8d8765e2/transformed/out/jars/classes.jar!/META-INF/workmanager_release.kotlin_module: Module was compiled with an incompatible version of Kotlin. The binary version of its metadata is 1.8.0, expected version is 1.6.0
All the googling I do suggests that I just change the version of Kotlin to 1.6.0 and everything will be peachy, but if I do that I get this error:
BUILD FAILED in 12s Running Gradle task 'assembleRelease'... 12.8s ┌─ Flutter Fix ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ [!] Your project requires a newer version of the Kotlin Gradle plugin. │ │ Find the latest version on, then update C:\Users\a_a_w\OneDrive\Desktop\flutterprojects\my_new_app\android\build.gradle: │ │ ext.kotlin_version = '' │ └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ Gradle task assembleRelease failed with exit code 1 
I feel I'm missing something obvious here about how I'm supposed to set things up? Am I just trying to use two incompatible things here?
android > build.gradle
buildscript { ext.kotlin_version = '1.8.0' repositories { google() mavenCentral() } dependencies { classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version" classpath '' } } allprojects { repositories { google() mavenCentral() } } rootProject.buildDir = '../build' subprojects { project.buildDir = "${rootProject.buildDir}/${}" } subprojects { project.evaluationDependsOn(':app') } tasks.register("clean", Delete) { delete rootProject.buildDir } 
android > app > build.gradle
plugins { id "" id "kotlin-android" id "dev.flutter.flutter-gradle-plugin" } def localProperties = new Properties() def localPropertiesFile = rootProject.file('') if (localPropertiesFile.exists()) { localPropertiesFile.withReader('UTF-8') { reader -> localProperties.load(reader) } } def flutterVersionCode = localProperties.getProperty('flutter.versionCode') if (flutterVersionCode == null) { flutterVersionCode = '1' } def flutterVersionName = localProperties.getProperty('flutter.versionName') if (flutterVersionName == null) { flutterVersionName = '1.0' } android { namespace "com.example.my_new_app" compileSdkVersion 34 ndkVersion flutter.ndkVersion compileOptions { coreLibraryDesugaringEnabled true sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8 } kotlinOptions { jvmTarget = '1.8' } sourceSets { += 'src/main/kotlin' } defaultConfig { // TODO: Specify your own unique Application ID ( applicationId "com.example.my_new_app" // You can update the following values to match your application needs. // For more information, see: minSdkVersion flutter.minSdkVersion targetSdkVersion flutter.targetSdkVersion versionCode flutterVersionCode.toInteger() versionName flutterVersionName multiDexEnabled true } buildTypes { release { // TODO: Add your own signing config for the release build. // Signing with the debug keys for now, so `flutter run --release` works. signingConfig signingConfigs.debug } } } flutter { source '../..' } dependencies { coreLibraryDesugaring '' } 
name: my_new_app description: a shiny new app publish_to: 'none' # Remove this line if you wish to publish to version: 0.0.1+1 environment: sdk: ^3.1.1 dependencies: flutter: sdk: flutter provider: ^6.0.0 http: ^0.13.3 workmanager: ^0.5.2 dev_dependencies: flutter_test: sdk: flutter flutter_lints: ^2.0.0 flutter: uses-material-design: true 
submitted by CMDR_WHITESNAKE to flutterhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:22 Traditional-Ad8019 If this song would drop ik it wouldnt sound as good as the snippet for it yb whenever he previews a song he just be adding ad-libs and freestyles throughout the song just like plank road the snippet way harder than the song

If this song would drop ik it wouldnt sound as good as the snippet for it yb whenever he previews a song he just be adding ad-libs and freestyles throughout the song just like plank road the snippet way harder than the song submitted by Traditional-Ad8019 to NBAYoungboy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:14 SherryHall722 [Get] Alex Comerma – Instagram Freedom Accelerator Program 2.0 Download

[Get] Alex Comerma – Instagram Freedom Accelerator Program 2.0 Download

Learn How To Transform Your Instagram Account, Into a High Performing Business

(Finally, an all-in-one coaching program that just works!)

How I Went From Studying 24/7 To A Full-Time Entrepreneur.

“You can become whoever you want to become. No matter where you are at right now in life”
I went from failing +4 businesses, being at my lowest and studying all day to take over in the IG Business niche, growing to +200k followers and generating 5figures/mo.
⁣The best thing it’s that I’m a normal 18-year-old from Barcelona, Spain willing to change his life.⁣⁣⁣ I have always been against the 9-5 lifestyle and had a strong desire to live life on my own terms.⁣⁣
When I was in high-school I realized that building a following online and monetizing it could make me travel the world financed by my phone. Then I didn’t hesitate to build my own following.⁣⁣

Make a full-time income online without expensive advertising

You’ll learn how to leverage digital assets and build your own biz on IGin 90 days without spending money on ads using a 4-Step Instagram Growth Engine.
I didn’t buy followers, use bots, or hire a ‘growth service’ to do it for me. I used my own strategy that puts my content in front of the right people, at the right time, which entices them to follow, visit my website and purchase my products.
And now, I’m handing over mystep-by-step strategyto you, so you can use Instagram to build your business and grow your income, too!

Meet Coach Alex

Owner of 6figureideas and multiple Pages on IG.
Managed to build a 5-figure business in less than 4 months of hard-work & growing to +200k network on the most popular social media in the world.
Trust me, I know how overwhelming social media can be. But after deciding to start my business, I took the strategies I’d learned from client work and 6-7 figure earners mentors, and applied them to my own business.
I can’t wait to be your coach and teach you all the IG Secrets that allowed me to dropout from school and live my dream life.


TheFLEXIBILITYto control your own hours?
The CONFIDENCEto build a thriving business from scratch?
TheFREEDOM to choose how you want to live your life — now and for your future?


The new and improved, all-in-one coaching program on growing a profitable Instagram Business in 2021 and beyond.
The only program you will need to make a full-time income from Instagram, 100% organic.
This program was built to hold nothing back. To take you from ZERO TO HERO.
Laying The Foundation Of A 6-figure Business
Build a strong marketing foundation while growing an audience of targeted and devoted followers who actually care about what you post and sell. A to Z Action Plan.

Become The #1 Authority In Your Niche

Position yourself as an expert, so that you start effortlessly converting your followers into actual paying customers while no longer have to stress about making money.

$5k-$10k In 30 Days Roadmap

Go through the proven system build to acquire clients organically (no paid ads) and get your business to multiple 4-figures a month within 90 days!
What Exactly Will You Learn From This Program?
Get immediately download Alex Comerma – Instagram Freedom Accelerator Program 2.0


Module 0: Orientation and Mindset (24h)
  • Introduction: Fundamentals + Roadmaps(12:37)
  • Orientation [START HERE FIRST](13:26)
  • Join the weekly Mentorship sessions
  • Mindset Shifts Needed To Become A 6-Figure Entrepreneur(10:45)
  • Time Management Strategies To 10X Your Income(5:41)
  • Successful vs Unsuccessful Students(4:39)
  • Establishing Your Why (Worksheet)(3:47)
  • Setting Up Calendly –
  • Do You Want A FREE 1on1 Call?(0:57)
WEEK 1: Laying Your Foundation
  • Niche Page Business Model Explained(2:18)
  • The Instagram Brand Engine (IBE)(5:30)
  • CRITICAL: Niche Identification – How To Find Your Niche(7:34)
  • 1-Week ROI System(6:44)
  • Find Your TMS (Worksheet)(6:08)
  • DFY IG Bio + Username(9:24)
  • Setting Up Your IG Business Brand(7:53)
  • Content Creation Guidelines(11:22)
  • Apply For 2k Growth Package!(2:14)
  • Dedicated Page Reviews
  • Learn How To Transform Your Instagram Account, Into a High Performing Business
(Finally, an all-in-one coaching program that just works!)

How I Went From Studying 24/7 To A Full-Time Entrepreneur.

“You can become whoever you want to become. No matter where you are at right now in life”
I went from failing +4 businesses, being at my lowest and studying all day to take over in the IG Business niche, growing to +200k followers and generating 5figures/mo.
⁣The best thing it’s that I’m a normal 18-year-old from Barcelona, Spain willing to change his life.⁣⁣⁣ I have always been against the 9-5 lifestyle and had a strong desire to live life on my own terms.⁣⁣
When I was in high-school I realized that building a following online and monetizing it could make me travel the world financed by my phone. Then I didn’t hesitate to build my own following.⁣⁣

Make a full-time income online without expensive advertising

You’ll learn how to leverage digital assets and build your own biz on IGin 90 days without spending money on ads using a 4-Step Instagram Growth Engine.
I didn’t buy followers, use bots, or hire a ‘growth service’ to do it for me. I used my own strategy that puts my content in front of the right people, at the right time, which entices them to follow, visit my website and purchase my products.
And now, I’m handing over mystep-by-step strategyto you, so you can use Instagram to build your business and grow your income, too!

Meet Coach Alex

Owner of 6figureideas and multiple Pages on IG.
Managed to build a 5-figure business in less than 4 months of hard-work & growing to +200k network on the most popular social media in the world.
Trust me, I know how overwhelming social media can be. But after deciding to start my business, I took the strategies I’d learned from client work and 6-7 figure earners mentors, and applied them to my own business.
I can’t wait to be your coach and teach you all the IG Secrets that allowed me to dropout from school and live my dream life.


TheFLEXIBILITYto control your own hours?
The CONFIDENCEto build a thriving business from scratch?
TheFREEDOM to choose how you want to live your life — now and for your future?


The new and improved, all-in-one coaching program on growing a profitable Instagram Business in 2021 and beyond.
The only program you will need to make a full-time income from Instagram, 100% organic.
This program was built to hold nothing back. To take you from ZERO TO HERO.
Laying The Foundation Of A 6-figure Business
Build a strong marketing foundation while growing an audience of targeted and devoted followers who actually care about what you post and sell. A to Z Action Plan.

Become The #1 Authority In Your Niche

Position yourself as an expert, so that you start effortlessly converting your followers into actual paying customers while no longer have to stress about making money.

$5k-$10k In 30 Days Roadmap

Go through the proven system build to acquire clients organically (no paid ads) and get your business to multiple 4-figures a month within 90 days!
What Exactly Will You Learn From This Program?
Get immediately download Alex Comerma – Instagram Freedom Accelerator Program 2.0

submitted by SherryHall722 to u/SherryHall722 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:53 mrdanmarks auth package wants my form data to be defined?

im using next js and next auth for user management. i have a custom API that I want to hit for authentication, so I'm using the next auth credentials provider and supplying a custom authorize method. personally id rather authenticate outside of the next auth package and just pass my user object to the authorize method, but all the example show the authorize being used to capture the form data and process the request. i was able to get this working on my local machine, but when I push to vercel, its telling me in like 7 different ways that my incoming object is not assignable or are incompatible. do i need to define my form data? the example from nextjs doesn't have any shape in the incoming parameter Next JS Course - Adding Authentication
I tried setting a define around credentials but it complained about that as well.
i think either my incoming formdata needs to match the auth packages defined incoming parameters or i need to better define my incoming parameters to match something its expecting?? or maybe it doesn't like the data my response is using, the access tokenand refresh token?
please see authorize(credentials) line
auth.ts - next auth config
import NextAuth from 'next-auth'; import { authConfig } from './auth.config'; import Credentials from 'next-auth/providers/credentials'; import { jwtDecode } from 'jwt-decode'; import axios from './app/lib/axios'; const api_endpoint = process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_TKDR_API; // // import { Creds } from '@/app/lib/definitions'; export const { handlers, auth, signIn, signOut } = NextAuth({ ...authConfig, providers: [ Credentials({ async authorize(credentials) { try { console.log('credentials', credentials); const { email, password } = credentials; console.log('sending data', { email, password }); // const res = await fetch(`${api_endpoint}/auth/entry/`, { // method: 'POST', // headers: { // 'Content-Type': 'application/json', // // 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', // }, // body: JSON.stringify({ // mode: 'signin', // email: email, // password: password, // }), // }); const res = await`${api_endpoint}/auth/entry/`, { mode: 'signin', email: email, password: password, }); // console.log(res); if (res.status === 200) { // const jsonres = await res.json(); // console.log(jsonres); const user = jwtDecode(; console.log('user', user); return { ...user, accessToken:, refreshToken:, }; } return null; } catch (error) { console.log('auth error', error); return null; // Handle authentication error // throw new Error('Authentication failed again ', error); } }, }), ], }); 
original attempt to define incoming creds
export type Creds = { email: string; password: string; callbackUrl: string; }; 
error lines from vercel
[17:46:48.581] ./auth.ts:13:13 [17:46:48.581] Type error: Type '(credentials: Partial>) => Promise<{ accessToken: any; refreshToken: any; iss?: string undefined; sub?: string undefined; aud?: string string[] undefined; exp?: number undefined; nbf?: number undefined; iat?: number undefined; jti?: string undefined; } null>' is not assignable to type '(credentials: Partial>, request: Request) => Awaitable'. [17:46:48.582] Type 'Promise<{ accessToken: any; refreshToken: any; iss?: string undefined; sub?: string undefined; aud?: string string[] undefined; exp?: number undefined; nbf?: number undefined; iat?: number undefined; jti?: string undefined; } null>' is not assignable to type 'Awaitable'. [17:46:48.583] Type 'Promise<{ accessToken: any; refreshToken: any; iss?: string undefined; sub?: string undefined; aud?: string string[] undefined; exp?: number undefined; nbf?: number undefined; iat?: number undefined; jti?: string undefined; } null>' is not assignable to type 'PromiseLike'. [17:46:48.583] Types of property 'then' are incompatible. [17:46:48.583] Type '(onfulfilled?: ((value: { ...; } null) => TR...' is not assignable to type '(onfulfilled?: ((value: User null) => TResult1 PromiseLike) null undefined, onrejected?: ((reason: any) => TResult2 PromiseLike<...>) null undefined) => PromiseLike<...>'. [17:46:48.584] Types of parameters 'onfulfilled' and 'onfulfilled' are incompatible. [17:46:48.584] Types of parameters 'value' and 'value' are incompatible. [17:46:48.584] Type '{ accessToken: any; refreshToken: any; iss?: string undefined; sub?: string undefined; aud?: string string[] undefined; exp?: number undefined; nbf?: number undefined; iat?: number undefined; jti?: string undefined; } null' is not assignable to type 'User null'. [17:46:48.584] Type '{ accessToken: any; refreshToken: any; iss?: string undefined; sub?: string undefined; aud?: string string[] undefined; exp?: number undefined; nbf?: number undefined; iat?: number undefined; jti?: string undefined; }' has no properties in common with type 'User'. [17:46:48.584] [17:46:48.584] [0m [90m 11 [39m providers[33m:[39m [[0m [17:46:48.584] [0m [90m 12 [39m [33mCredentials[39m({[0m [17:46:48.584] [0m[31m[1m>[22m[39m[90m 13 [39m [36masync[39m authorize(credentials) {[0m [17:46:48.584] [0m [90m [39m [31m[1m^[22m[39m[0m [17:46:48.584] [0m [90m 14 [39m [36mtry[39m {[0m [17:46:48.584] [0m [90m 15 [39m console[33m.[39mlog([32m'credentials'[39m[33m,[39m credentials)[33m;[39m[0m [17:46:48.585] [0m [90m 16 [39m [36mconst[39m { email[33m,[39m password } [33m=[39m credentials[33m;[39m[0m [17:46:48.669] Error: Command "npm run build" exited with 1 
submitted by mrdanmarks to typescript [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:34 traumfisch Something New

Something New
I don't know what to do with this, so I'll just ad lib:
Two things happened to me on Saturday. I finally learned to apply a certain technique to reset my vagus nerve and access what's called the ventral vagal state. This is a huge deal for me since I have been dealing with a hypersensitive nervous system all my life. (Highly recommended btw, especially for any HSPs out there)
On the same day, I started exploring Udio. The vagus nerve technique thingy was the top thing on my mind, so I half accidentally made a song about it... just to have some lyrics...
And now, the song suddenly has a lot of personal meaning for me. Things like validation, affirmation... That was unexpected. It seems to open up a completely new approach and function of music generation, almost like a magick practice. As in, I suddenly feel like feeding it all my wishes and thoughts and aspirations 😄
Maybe I'm being ridiculous, I'm still processing it, but I also like this song musically a lot, so I thought I'd share it here.
Weird times!
submitted by traumfisch to udiomusic [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:03 SnapCannon "Euphoria" ad-libs

Is it just me or is that Soulo doing the "shoo" ad lib?
submitted by SnapCannon to AbSoul [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 14:03 Thammut Necromundicon - Gang Builder - Hangers on and stash added.

I have added a few things to the workbook, so it is possibly more useful for an actual short campaign now.
Hangers-On have been added, with four slots per fighter. So you can go crazy with the pets and the brutes and hangers on. More slots can be added if needed. Hired guns have not been added as of yet.
A stash sheet has been added. And an "unrestricted" worksheet trading choice. For when a gang captures a fighter and gets some of their exclusive weaponry, or for a Gang of Outlanders who cannot use the trading post and have to rely on stealing from their dead enemies. This Unrestricted option can break things, like with other builders, it allows a ganger to take weapons that they shouldn't have etc.
Next jobs over the coming months are to make a quick reference roster, that fills itself out as you build your gang. And to add missing units like hired guns. As ever I will be error checking all of this slowly, so if anyone wants to help out by building some gangs on this and possibly finding errors, please come on over to the Discord.
submitted by Thammut to necromunda [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:14 jumbojammy Publish custom page on the fly

Hi 👋
I’ve working on a university project to develop a ReactJS based web app with vite, tailwind css, spring boot, Postgres .
I’m trying to understand how to allow professors to create a webpage on the fly when they login - like it will open a unique url (unpublished) and will allow adding questions, options, upload file and publish the page.
Idea is then to publish the page (and have a unique url) that will be shared with a student or a group of students through email.
I can’t think of approach and tools required to achieve this.
  1. How to save the page in database ? How will it save the page with css and all html tags. Does it require saving a static file in db and needs to render when url hit from browser.
  2. How to create custom link on the fly?
  3. Which libs should I be using to achieve this?
  4. Storage is not a concern since unique page will be alive for 30days only.
  5. How to store the state of answers etc?
Please advice!
submitted by jumbojammy to reactjs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:15 Air-raid-UP3 Branch idea

Left, mid and right wing politics.
Then with an added bonus of every 4 weeks holding an election choosing which has the dominance and the effects that they have, such as:
Based on UK politics Labour (left) increased production from labour branches (fishing, mining etc) but less from banks.
Lib Dems (mid) 10% increase across the board
Conservatives (right) Increased production from banks but reduced labour.
submitted by Air-raid-UP3 to CellToSingularity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:51 mtufekyapan Marketing Guide For Shopify

Marketing is one of the most crucial operation for a Shopify store. There are lot’s of tactics Marketing is one of the most crucial operation for a Shopify store. There are lot’s of tactics to grow quickly and none of them not working. Well, if you looking for a way to create solid marketing plan, then this guide is for you. In this guide you’ll learn

Definition of Marketing

American Marketing Association defines marketing as activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. Source
What do you see here?
  1. Marketing is not about activities, it contains activities, set of institutions and process.
  2. Function of marketing is not generating sales. It’s creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging offerings that has value.
  3. In this post we’ll focus on Shopify stores marketing. However in the big picture marketing has not limited with companies. Marketing can be done within organization or society.
Let’s summarize what marketing definition for a Shopify store. Marketing will create, communicate, deliver and exchange offers that have value for customers. As you can see main subject in here is customers. Because of this, I’ll put customers as the center of this guide. Everything we’ll do has to something with them.

Market Research, Competitor Analysis and Defining Your Target Market

This is a practical guide for marketing so I want to continue with a hypothetical Shopify stores for each steps.
Let’s say we have a Shopify store that has some high-end, organic baby clothes targeting new parents.

Market Research

How can we do the market research?
Let’s say you have a new Shopify store that has less than 500 order per month. You can hire expensive agencies, expensive experts to research the market, create market reports for you, etc. Even if you do that, I highly suspicious if it helps you.
However you can talk with your new-parent friends. Ask them about how do they decide to buy baby clothes? What they are looking for before completing their purchases? Do they get any expert opinion before making buying decision? How do they search online and what they want to see? Is there any great YouTube channels about this.
Don’t have any friends? Checkout your friends not a new-parents but parents and ask similar questions to them. If you also don’t have them, try to make new born friends. I know how hard it is but let’s be honest here. If you don’t know anybody in your target audience, how do you manage to get know them? All of the successful stores I saw they have direct relationship with their target audience.
When you make your research with real people, then you can extend your project to online. Try to search as they do. What do you find? Deep in dive and take your notes.

Competitor Analysis

When you done this market research, you’ll also see there are some other brands. This is a huge subject but let’s call these brands as competitor for now.
Now it’s time to analyze them.
  1. Checkout their branding strategy.
  2. What are their value propositions?
  3. What is hot about them? Return guarantee, free shipping etc.
  4. What is not hot about them? Poor product or store design, low UX on the website, etc.
  5. What people think about them? Google reviews, Trust pilot reviews, product reviews on the store.
  6. Are there any partnership or influencer program they’re running?
  7. What is their Google/YouTube campaign strategy? Check it here.
  8. What is their Facebook/Instagram campaign strategy? Check it here.
Create a spreadsheet with all of this information. We’ll use this when working on positioning and marketing strategy.

Define Your Target Market

What do you say about our target market? Can all of new parents be our target market?
Nope, it can’t. You need to deep dive into your market and find a sub-segment, a niche that will need your products much better than anybody else and afford it easily.
This is what I called ideal customer profile (ICP). Check out what is ideal customer profile and how to create your ideal customer profile posts to learn more about the concept.
For our hypothetical store, ICP can be something like this;
Pain Points
Buying Behaviors
After creating ICP, it’s important to spend some time on empathy map. Don’t forget to check it, too.
Now we know our baby clothes Shopify store market, customer’s buying process and our ideal customer profile.

Brand Identity and How to Create Your Branding

I’ll follow the American Marketing Association (AMA) in here too.
First look at brand definition. AMA defines brand as “any distinctive feature like a name, term, design, or symbol that identifies goods or services”.
Branding is for creating and managing your brand’s identity. It involves your mission, values, culture and public image.
I’m not an expert on brand, but I know how branding can be effective for your conversions and performance. Here are some checklist for you.
  1. Design consistency is the key. Your visual identity should be consistent across social media, Shopify store, emails, product detail pages, etc.
  2. Copy consistency is the key. Your communication style should be consistent across social media, Shopify store, emails, product detail pages, etc.
  3. Experience consistency is the key. Let’s say your brand looks like a high-end brand and when a new visitor visit your store first they see is an annoying popup saying want to get 10% OFF. This is simply how to destroy your brand.
  4. Craft a story and stick to it. What makes you create this brand? Faces behind the brand. This is a huge leverage for creating trust and building bonds.

Go-to-Market Strategy and Defining Your Marketing Strategy

So far we identified our target market and ideal customer profile. Check out competitors and creates the branding for our store.
Now it’s time to work on go-to-market strategy and crafting our marketing strategy.

Go-to-Market Strategy

Let’s say you recently launched your Shopify store or add a new line of products.
You need a plan to introduce your store or new products to the market. This is what we called go-to-market(GTM) strategy.
Main goal of the GTM is letting people know that there is a new brand or product line. It’s similar to launch marketing. Key message here is there is a new products/brand launched and it offer the best for you. Give it a try, you’ll love it.
All of your messages and communication should be parallel to this process.
Our focus is convincing people to try our products/brand. So I always offer a special campaign just for the launch to give people to a reason to try your products/brand.
For our hypothetical Shopify store we can run a special campaign for launch like;

Marketing Strategy

This is your plan of actions to sell or advertise your products. Now we can talk about selling part of the marketing.
Let’s say you have GREAT advertising creatives and a huge budget and just spending it. Don’t wait to crack the code and having lot’s of sales.
Your marketing strategy should be follow sales funnel. If you don’t have a high-converting sales funnel, you can’t expect people to buy from you. Check out How to Build High Converting Sales Funnel For Shopify post.
AIDA Sales Funnel Framework
Now we can continue with our hypothetical store example. We’re selling high-end, organic baby clothes on our store. We crafted our ICP, empathy map, work on branding and created our story.

Example Marketing Strategy

First step we’ll work on attention step. Our focus is getting attention of our target market attention.
We can create a educative e-book like “7 Harmful Chemicals Commonly Used in Baby Clothes and How to Avoid Them” and run some campaigns targeted new parents on social network (Facebook, Instagram or YouTube)
This ads will land on a landing page that gives brief information about why we should pay attention to chemicals in baby clothes for our little ones and make a promise like “I spend my last 5 years about researching chemicals on baby clothes and prepare this book for you and your little one”. Also there can be a quick video about our story explaining our expertise in this field and why we’re building this brand.
We can ask for their email address to share the book with them. When they enter their email address, we’ll send them this ebook.
After first email with the ebook, we can send a few more emails with easy to digest information about chemicals.
This will create an expertise image on our target customers and start to create a bond with them. Not a bad start, right?
At the same time we can use this content on our social media, right? Quick videos, infographics and posts about the chemicals in the baby clothes.
After getting a few thousands subscribers we can organize a webinar to answer questions. This will also a great content for re-used social media content and creating trust and expert image.
Then we can share a time-limited promotion with this people for a bundle. Like we’re running a campaign and these 5 chemical free baby clothes bundles 10% discounted until next week!
We can send emails about it and use this campaign for remarketing for only people who show interest in our e-book and webinar.
This is a very brief template of marketing plan.
Now let’s take a look at more common one.
It’s time for you. Which one do you want to choose? All of the experts recommending this without even asking who are your customers. Can you believe it?
Don’t forget that marketing strategy is not a hope. It’s a well documented plan of actions designed for turning strangers into customers.

Inbound and Outbound Marketing Channels

Inside the marketing strategy, channels plays a vital role. There are lot’s of ways to group channels. I’ll use most basic one.
Inbound Marketing Channels: With the inbound marketing your customers will find you and start the interaction. Most common channel for inbound marketing is organic search engine optimization.
After creating high quality content, when customers search something online, they can see your articles and first interaction happens.
Outbound Marketing Channels: With the outbound marketing you reach out to customers. Facebook/Instagram/YouTube ads, influencer marketing, display ads, podcast ads can be count in this category.
As you can imagine inbound marketing channels takes lot’s of efforts and time however over the time you’ll have organic marketing channel and it brings you customer without needing any budget.
Outbound marketing channels generally works with advertisement models and you need budgets to run these channels.
Most of time I recommend to start with outbound marketing channels and then invest inbound marketing channels overtime. Don’t forget to check Mastering Paid Ads For Shopify post.
Succesful marketing plans should be supported by high converting growth and conversion plans. Don’t forget to check Growth Guide For Shopify and Conversion Optimization Guide For Shopify too.
to grow quickly and none of them not working. Well, if you looking for a way to create solid marketing plan, then this guide is for you. In this guide you’ll learn

Definition of Marketing

American Marketing Association defines marketing as activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. Source
What do you see here?
  1. Marketing is not about activities, it contains activities, set of institutions and process.
  2. Function of marketing is not generating sales. It’s creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging offerings that has value.
  3. In this post we’ll focus on Shopify stores marketing. However in the big picture marketing has not limited with companies. Marketing can be done within organization or society.
Let’s summarize what marketing definition for a Shopify store. Marketing will create, communicate, deliver and exchange offers that have value for customers. As you can see main subject in here is customers. Because of this, I’ll put customers as the center of this guide. Everything we’ll do has to something with them.

Market Research, Competitor Analysis and Defining Your Target Market

This is a practical guide for marketing so I want to continue with a hypothetical Shopify stores for each steps.
Let’s say we have a Shopify store that has some high-end, organic baby clothes targeting new parents.

Market Research

How can we do the market research?
Let’s say you have a new Shopify store that has less than 500 order per month. You can hire expensive agencies, expensive experts to research the market, create market reports for you, etc. Even if you do that, I highly suspicious if it helps you.
However you can talk with your new-parent friends. Ask them about how do they decide to buy baby clothes? What they are looking for before completing their purchases? Do they get any expert opinion before making buying decision? How do they search online and what they want to see? Is there any great YouTube channels about this.
Don’t have any friends? Checkout your friends not a new-parents but parents and ask similar questions to them. If you also don’t have them, try to make new born friends. I know how hard it is but let’s be honest here. If you don’t know anybody in your target audience, how do you manage to get know them? All of the successful stores I saw they have direct relationship with their target audience.
When you make your research with real people, then you can extend your project to online. Try to search as they do. What do you find? Deep in dive and take your notes.

Competitor Analysis

When you done this market research, you’ll also see there are some other brands. This is a huge subject but let’s call these brands as competitor for now.
Now it’s time to analyze them.
  1. Checkout their branding strategy.
  2. What are their value propositions?
  3. What is hot about them? Return guarantee, free shipping etc.
  4. What is not hot about them? Poor product or store design, low UX on the website, etc.
  5. What people think about them? Google reviews, Trust pilot reviews, product reviews on the store.
  6. Are there any partnership or influencer program they’re running?
  7. What is their Google/YouTube campaign strategy? Check it here.
  8. What is their Facebook/Instagram campaign strategy? Check it here.
Create a spreadsheet with all of this information. We’ll use this when working on positioning and marketing strategy.

Define Your Target Market

What do you say about our target market? Can all of new parents be our target market?
Nope, it can’t. You need to deep dive into your market and find a sub-segment, a niche that will need your products much better than anybody else and afford it easily.
This is what I called ideal customer profile (ICP). Check out what is ideal customer profile and how to create your ideal customer profile posts to learn more about the concept.
For our hypothetical store, ICP can be something like this;
Pain Points
Buying Behaviors
After creating ICP, it’s important to spend some time on empathy map. Don’t forget to check it, too.
Now we know our baby clothes Shopify store market, customer’s buying process and our ideal customer profile.

Brand Identity and How to Create Your Branding

I’ll follow the American Marketing Association (AMA) in here too.
First look at brand definition. AMA defines brand as “any distinctive feature like a name, term, design, or symbol that identifies goods or services”.
Branding is for creating and managing your brand’s identity. It involves your mission, values, culture and public image.
I’m not an expert on brand, but I know how branding can be effective for your conversions and performance. Here are some checklist for you.
  1. Design consistency is the key. Your visual identity should be consistent across social media, Shopify store, emails, product detail pages, etc.
  2. Copy consistency is the key. Your communication style should be consistent across social media, Shopify store, emails, product detail pages, etc.
  3. Experience consistency is the key. Let’s say your brand looks like a high-end brand and when a new visitor visit your store first they see is an annoying popup saying want to get 10% OFF. This is simply how to destroy your brand.
  4. Craft a story and stick to it. What makes you create this brand? Faces behind the brand. This is a huge leverage for creating trust and building bonds.

Go-to-Market Strategy and Defining Your Marketing Strategy

So far we identified our target market and ideal customer profile. Check out competitors and creates the branding for our store.
Now it’s time to work on go-to-market strategy and crafting our marketing strategy.

Go-to-Market Strategy

Let’s say you recently launched your Shopify store or add a new line of products.
You need a plan to introduce your store or new products to the market. This is what we called go-to-market(GTM) strategy.
Main goal of the GTM is letting people know that there is a new brand or product line. It’s similar to launch marketing. Key message here is there is a new products/brand launched and it offer the best for you. Give it a try, you’ll love it.
All of your messages and communication should be parallel to this process.
Our focus is convincing people to try our products/brand. So I always offer a special campaign just for the launch to give people to a reason to try your products/brand.
For our hypothetical Shopify store we can run a special campaign for launch like;

Marketing Strategy

This is your plan of actions to sell or advertise your products. Now we can talk about selling part of the marketing.
Let’s say you have GREAT advertising creatives and a huge budget and just spending it. Don’t wait to crack the code and having lot’s of sales.
Your marketing strategy should be follow sales funnel. If you don’t have a high-converting sales funnel, you can’t expect people to buy from you. Check out How to Build High Converting Sales Funnel For Shopify post.
This article first published at MarketingLib.
Don't forget to check Growth Suite on Shopify App Store.
submitted by mtufekyapan to GrowthSuite [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:29 blazblu82 Having an odd issue with my mods...

I can't seem to figure this one out. I have all the unleashed mods for all races and classes loaded. At one point, they were working. And now they aren't. Also, I've added Sorc and Lock subclasses, but I've lost Archfey and Storm Sorc. Doesn't seem to matter the order, I cannot get what I've lost back. I have CommLib at the very top followed by ModFixer and ImprovUI/Assets. The very last mod is Compat Framework. Everything else shouldn't matter for load order unless it's an add-on mod to another mod.
Any ideas here? I've spent all day getting this setup and I know I'm over looking something. One last detail, I'm modding in Linux, Fedora 40 more specifically running the Lampray mod manager). I have tried selecting various mod types and sometimes the mods simply won't load. Lampray doesn't have enough details to outright know how specifically to setup each mod. It's mostly trial and error.
submitted by blazblu82 to BG3mods [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:57 alkuzad I am publishing my Audio Password Generator

I added to Github. It is quite raw and requires Go and optionally LibLame (or Docker) but I am pretty certain at least some of you guys here knows what these are :) It was mainly an exercise for me in Go as I am trying to learn a new programming language, but anyway, if someone will want to use it instead of going through the manual process, there you go
submitted by alkuzad to nosurf [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:03 rostyslav_nabok What is the best free lib for Date range picker?

I am writing a complex commercial project. Somewhat similar to Airbnb. As we all understand, this cannot be done without a range picker. Adding availability logic, tooltips on the hover for each day, changing the color of the day depending on the price and much more. Now react-date-range is used, but I feel that soon there will be so many functions that lib will not be able to handle it. Also, this library is no longer supported. Paid options with MUI are also not suitable for the customer. Please advise what can I do? I'm thinking of forking this library and improving it to suit my needs
submitted by rostyslav_nabok to reactjs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:27 Interesting_Mark7962 Can't start my server anymore, plz help

Hi, can anyone help me get my server back up and running.
I had it running last night and now when I was going to play I saw that it had crashed. I'm not very good at reading server crash logs :c
I will leave the crash log below:
---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // This doesn't make any sense!
Time: 2024-05-13 23:46:41 Description: Exception in server tick loop
net.minecraftforge.fml.config.ConfigFileTypeHandler$ConfigLoadingException: Failed loading config file lost_aether_content-server.toml of type SERVER for modid lost_aether_content at net.minecraftforge.fml.config.ConfigFileTypeHandler.lambda$reader$1( ~[fmlcore-1.20.1-47.2.20.jar%23908!/:?] {} at net.minecraftforge.fml.config.ConfigTracker.openConfig( ~[fmlcore-1.20.1-47.2.20.jar%23908!/:?] {} at net.minecraftforge.fml.config.ConfigTracker.lambda$loadConfigs$1( ~[fmlcore-1.20.1-47.2.20.jar%23908!/:?] {} at java.lang.Iterable.forEach( ~[?:?] {re:mixin} at java.util.Collections$SynchronizedCollection.forEach( ~[?:?] {} at net.minecraftforge.fml.config.ConfigTracker.loadConfigs( ~[fmlcore-1.20.1-47.2.20.jar%23908!/:?] {} at net.minecraftforge.server.ServerLifecycleHooks.handleServerAboutToStart( ~[forge-1.20.1-47.2.20-universal.jar%23912!/:?] {re:mixin,re:classloading,pl:mixin:APP:lithostitched.forge.mixins.json:common.ServerLifecycleHooksMixin,pl:mixin:APP:croptopia.mixins.json:ServerLifecycleHookAccessor,pl:mixin:A} at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.m_7038_( ~[server-1.20.1-20230612.114412-srg.jar%23907!/:?] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:computing_frames,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:mixin:APP:lithostitched.mixins.json:server.DedicatedServerMixin,pl:mixin:APP:mixins/common/nochatreports.mixins.json:server.MixinDedicatedServer,pl:mixin:APP:tombstone.mixins.json:DedicatedServerMixin,pl:mixin:A} at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.m_130011_( ~[server-1.20.1-20230612.114412-srg.jar%23907!/:?] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:computing_frames,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:mixin:APP:kubejs-common.mixins.json:MinecraftServerMixin,pl:mixin:APP:kubejs-common.mixins.json:inject_resources.MinecraftServerMixin,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-common.mixins.json:perf.dedicated_reload_executor.MinecraftServerMixin,pl:mixin:APP:ae2.mixins.json:spatial.MinecraftServerMixin,pl:mixin:APP:citadel.mixins.json:MinecraftServerMixin,pl:mixin:APP:balm.mixins.json:MinecraftServerMixin,pl:mixin:APP:dankstorage.mixins.json:MinecraftServerAccess,pl:mixin:A} at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.m_206580_( ~[server-1.20.1-20230612.114412-srg.jar%23907!/:?] {re:mixin,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:computing_frames,pl:accesstransformer:B,re:classloading,pl:accesstransformer:B,pl:mixin:APP:kubejs-common.mixins.json:MinecraftServerMixin,pl:mixin:APP:kubejs-common.mixins.json:inject_resources.MinecraftServerMixin,pl:mixin:APP:modernfix-common.mixins.json:perf.dedicated_reload_executor.MinecraftServerMixin,pl:mixin:APP:ae2.mixins.json:spatial.MinecraftServerMixin,pl:mixin:APP:citadel.mixins.json:MinecraftServerMixin,pl:mixin:APP:balm.mixins.json:MinecraftServerMixin,pl:mixin:APP:dankstorage.mixins.json:MinecraftServerAccess,pl:mixin:A} at ~[?:?] {re:mixin} Caused by: Not enough data available at ~[core-3.6.4.jar%2358!/:?] {} at ~[core-3.6.4.jar%2358!/:?] {} at ~[core-3.6.4.jar%2358!/:?] {} at ~[core-3.6.4.jar%2358!/:?] {} at com.electronwill.nightconfig.toml.TableParser.parseKey( ~[toml-3.6.4.jar%2359!/:?] {} at com.electronwill.nightconfig.toml.TableParser.parseDottedKey( ~[toml-3.6.4.jar%2359!/:?] {} at com.electronwill.nightconfig.toml.TableParser.parseNormal( ~[toml-3.6.4.jar%2359!/:?] {} at com.electronwill.nightconfig.toml.TomlParser.parse( ~[toml-3.6.4.jar%2359!/:?] {} at com.electronwill.nightconfig.toml.TomlParser.parse( ~[toml-3.6.4.jar%2359!/:?] {} at ~[core-3.6.4.jar%2358!/:?] {} at ~[core-3.6.4.jar%2358!/:?] {} at ~[core-3.6.4.jar%2358!/:?] {} at com.electronwill.nightconfig.core.file.WriteSyncFileConfig.load( ~[core-3.6.4.jar%2358!/:?] {} at com.electronwill.nightconfig.core.file.AutosaveCommentedFileConfig.load( ~[core-3.6.4.jar%2358!/:?] {} at net.minecraftforge.fml.config.ConfigFileTypeHandler.lambda$reader$1( ~[fmlcore-1.20.1-47.2.20.jar%23908!/:?] {} ... 10 more
A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- System Details -- Details: Minecraft Version: 1.20.1 Minecraft Version ID: 1.20.1 Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0 Java Version: 17.0.10, Oracle Corporation Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode, sharing), Oracle Corporation Memory: 4734454720 bytes (4515 MiB) / 8589934592 bytes (8192 MiB) up to 17179869184 bytes (16384 MiB) CPUs: 20 Processor Vendor: GenuineIntel Processor Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-14600KF Identifier: Intel64 Family 6 Model 183 Stepping 1 Microarchitecture: unknown Frequency (GHz): 3.49 Number of physical packages: 1 Number of physical CPUs: 14 Number of logical CPUs: 20 Graphics card #0 name: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Graphics card #0 vendor: NVIDIA (0x10de) Graphics card #0 VRAM (MB): 4095.00 Graphics card #0 deviceId: 0x2786 Graphics card #0 versionInfo: DriverVersion= Memory slot #0 capacity (MB): 16384.00 Memory slot #0 clockSpeed (GHz): 4.80 Memory slot #0 type: Unknown Memory slot #1 capacity (MB): 16384.00 Memory slot #1 clockSpeed (GHz): 4.80 Memory slot #1 type: Unknown Virtual memory max (MB): 57510.62 Virtual memory used (MB): 34086.33 Swap memory total (MB): 24894.45 Swap memory used (MB): 102.54 JVM Flags: 20 total; -Xms8G -Xmx16G -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+ParallelRefProcEnabled -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=200 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch -XX:G1NewSizePercent=30 -XX:G1MaxNewSizePercent=40 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=8M -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:G1HeapWastePercent=5 -XX:G1MixedGCCountTarget=4 -XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent=15 -XX:G1MixedGCLiveThresholdPercent=90 -XX:G1RSetUpdatingPauseTimePercent=5 -XX:SurvivorRatio=32 -XX:+PerfDisableSharedMem -XX:MaxTenuringThreshold=1 Server Running: true Player Count: 0 / 20; [] Data Packs: vanilla, mod:betterdungeons, mod:simplemagnets, mod:integratedterminals, mod:laserio (incompatible), mod:modernfix (incompatible), mod:evilcraft, mod:useitemonblockevent (incompatible), mod:yungsapi, mod:gateways (incompatible), mod:jumbofurnace (incompatible), mod:wstweaks (incompatible), mod:shrink (incompatible), mod:universalgrid (incompatible), mod:darkutils (incompatible), mod:apotheosis (incompatible), mod:clickadv (incompatible), mod:ldlib (incompatible), mod:create_new_age, mod:betterfortresses, mod:paraglider (incompatible), mod:cloth_config (incompatible), mod:durabilitytooltip (incompatible), mod:structure_gel, mod:industrialforegoing (incompatible), mod:handcrafted (incompatible), mod:repurposed_structures, mod:structurecompass, mod:botania, mod:spark (incompatible), mod:corail_woodcutter, mod:advgenerators, mod:yungsextras, mod:attributeslib (incompatible), mod:tombstone, mod:extrastorage, mod:cumulus_menus, mod:naturesaura (incompatible), mod:constructionwand, mod:mcwroofs, mod:littlelogistics (incompatible), mod:cfm, mod:chimes, mod:flib, mod:betterendisland, mod:nitrogen_internals, mod:potionblender (incompatible), mod:l2library (incompatible), mod:fastleafdecay, mod:sfm (incompatible), mod:despawntimers (incompatible), mod:mcwlights, mod:betterjungletemples, mod:smartbrainlib (incompatible), mod:rechiseled (incompatible), mod:attributefix (incompatible), mod:caelus (incompatible), mod:epherolib (incompatible), mod:botanypots (incompatible), mod:farmingforblockheads, mod:rechiseledcreate, mod:additional_lights, mod:fusion, mod:extradisks, mod:edivadlib, mod:mythicbotany, mod:integratedcrafting, mod:dungeons_arise, mod:logprot (incompatible), mod:terrablender, mod:biomesoplenty (incompatible), mod:cleanswing (incompatible), mod:corgilib, mod:sushigocrafting (incompatible), mod:domum_ornamentum, mod:flywheel, mod:bhc (incompatible), mod:justenoughprofessions, mod:securitycraft, mod:almostunified (incompatible), mod:structurize, mod:fastfurnace (incompatible), mod:lootr, mod:occultism, mod:allthetweaks (incompatible), mod:extremesoundmuffler, mod:cosmeticarmorreworked, mod:morered (incompatible), mod:ad_astra (incompatible), mod:rsrequestify (incompatible), mod:alchemylib (incompatible), mod:advancedperipherals (incompatible), mod:tinyredstone, mod:towntalk (incompatible), mod:betteroceanmonuments, mod:sophisticatedcore (incompatible), mod:glassential (incompatible), mod:prism (incompatible), mod:placebo (incompatible), mod:bookshelf, mod:sophisticatedbackpacks (incompatible), mod:littlecontraptions (incompatible), mod:uteamcore, mod:mcwdoors, mod:utilitarian, mod:macawsroofsbop, mod:absentbydesign, mod:konkrete (incompatible), mod:rsinfinitybooster (incompatible), mod:refinedstorage, mod:chipped (incompatible), mod:mcwbridges, mod:rebornstorage (incompatible), mod:tempad (incompatible), mod:hostilenetworks (incompatible), mod:endertanks, mod:jearchaeology, mod:fuelgoeshere, mod:simplylight (incompatible), mod:industrialforegoingsouls (incompatible), mod:memorysettings (incompatible), mod:blockui, mod:tiab (incompatible), mod:villagertools (incompatible), mod:mysticalcustomization, mod:lostcities, mod:elevatorid, mod:runelic, mod:twilightdelight (incompatible), mod:inventoryprofilesnext (incompatible), mod:aiimprovements, mod:moreoverlays (incompatible), mod:cupboard (incompatible), mod:voidscape (incompatible), mod:undergarden, mod:caupona, mod:betteradvancements (incompatible), mod:platforms, mod:dyenamics (incompatible), mod:thermal_extra (incompatible), mod:mcwpaintings, mod:clumps (incompatible), mod:artifacts, mod:toastcontrol (incompatible), mod:mininggadgets (incompatible), mod:mysticalagriculture, mod:craftingtweaks, mod:libipn (incompatible), mod:endermanoverhaul (incompatible), mod:eccentrictome, mod:mysterious_mountain_lib (incompatible), mod:enderio, mod:easy_villagers, mod:reliquary (incompatible), mod:pigpen (incompatible), mod:fastbench (incompatible), mod:fluxnetworks (incompatible), mod:buildinggadgets2 (incompatible), mod:minecolonies, mod:pylons, mod:ferritecore (incompatible), mod:functionalstorage, mod:modularrouters (incompatible), mod:notrample, mod:justzoom (incompatible), mod:charmofundying (incompatible), mod:valhelsia_core (incompatible), mod:create_enchantment_industry (incompatible), mod:flickerfix, mod:productivetrees, mod:createaddition (incompatible), mod:dynamiclightsreforged (incompatible), mod:supermartijn642configlib (incompatible), mod:quarryplus, mod:playeranimator (incompatible), mod:irons_spellbooks, mod:botarium (incompatible), mod:mcwwindows, mod:create_jetpack (incompatible), mod:ironjetpacks, mod:everythingcopper, mod:powah (incompatible), mod:cabletiers, mod:rangedpumps, mod:macawsbridgesbop, mod:balm, mod:jeresources, mod:shetiphiancore, mod:mysticalagradditions, mod:ctov, mod:athena, mod:stylecolonies (incompatible), mod:novillagerdm, mod:alltheores (incompatible), mod:glodium (incompatible), mod:ae2insertexportcard, mod:torchmaster, mod:botanytrees (incompatible), mod:ironfurnaces, mod:mcwtrpdoors, mod:supermartijn642corelib, mod:resourcefulconfig (incompatible), mod:ad_astra_giselle_addon (incompatible), mod:curios (incompatible), mod:searchables (incompatible), mod:measurements, mod:framedblocks, mod:angelring, mod:sparsestructuresreforged (incompatible), mod:mcwfurnitures, mod:flightlib (incompatible), mod:jadeaddons (incompatible), mod:infiniverse (incompatible), mod:bettermineshafts, mod:sliceanddice (incompatible), mod:darkpaintings (incompatible), mod:crafting_on_a_stick (incompatible), mod:elytraslot (incompatible), mod:harvestwithease, mod:multipiston, mod:lithostitched, mod:bdlib, mod:travelersbackpack, mod:naturescompass, mod:jumpboat, mod:libx, mod:utilitix, mod:jei, mod:mekanism, mod:gravitationalmodulatingunittweaks (incompatible), mod:mekanismgenerators, mod:pneumaticcraft (incompatible), mod:packingtape (incompatible), mod:forge, mod:cofh_core, mod:thermal, mod:thermal_integration, mod:redstone_arsenal, mod:thermal_cultivation, mod:appleskin (incompatible), mod:thermal_innovation, mod:silentgear, mod:thermal_foundation, mod:thermal_locomotion, mod:thermal_dynamics, mod:mcwpaths, mod:alchemistry (incompatible), mod:zerocore (incompatible), mod:mousetweaks, mod:immersiveengineering (incompatible), mod:usefulrailroads, mod:createoreexcavation (incompatible), mod:nochatreports (incompatible), mod:allthemodium (incompatible), mod:spectrelib (incompatible), mod:kotlinforforge (incompatible), mod:pipez, mod:integrateddynamics, mod:itemcollectors (incompatible), mod:croptopia (incompatible), mod:serverconfigupdater (incompatible), mod:polymorph (incompatible), mod:zeta (incompatible), mod:entityculling, mod:railcraft, mod:oceansdelight (incompatible), mod:connectedglass, mod:hyperbox (incompatible), mod:aquaculture, mod:cristellib (incompatible), mod:totw_modded, mod:cyclopscore, mod:blue_skies (incompatible), mod:betterwitchhuts, mod:netherportalfix, mod:aiotbotania, mod:geckolib, mod:creeperoverhaul, mod:ars_nouveau (incompatible), mod:ars_elemental (incompatible), mod:eidolon (incompatible), mod:aether, mod:lost_aether_content, mod:morejs (incompatible), mod:naturalist (incompatible), mod:connectivity (incompatible), mod:cookingforblockheads, mod:controlling (incompatible), mod:dankstorage (incompatible), mod:citadel (incompatible), mod:cataclysm (incompatible), mod:mixinextras (incompatible), mod:potionsmaster (incompatible), mod:twigs (incompatible), mod:create_dragon_lib (incompatible), mod:generatorgalore, mod:railways (incompatible), mod:twilightforest, mod:mob_grinding_utils (incompatible), mod:farmersdelight, mod:corn_delight (incompatible), mod:ends_delight, mod:entangled, mod:commoncapabilities, mod:crashutilities (incompatible), mod:getittogetherdrops, mod:endersdelight, mod:noflyzone, mod:mcwfences, mod:mcwfencesbop, mod:wirelesschargers (incompatible), mod:patchouli (incompatible), mod:ars_ocultas (incompatible), mod:thermal_expansion, mod:integratedtunnels, mod:gunpowderlib, mod:exchangers, mod:ftbultimine (incompatible), mod:betterstrongholds, mod:resourcefullib (incompatible), mod:mekanismtools, mod:deeperdarker, mod:architectury (incompatible), mod:bambooeverything (incompatible), mod:findme (incompatible), mod:observable (incompatible), mod:ftblibrary (incompatible), mod:ftbteams (incompatible), mod:ftbranks, mod:ftbessentials (incompatible), mod:ftbchunks (incompatible), mod:computercraft, mod:energymeter, mod:sgjourney (incompatible), mod:bigreactors (incompatible), mod:productivebees, mod:trashcans (incompatible), mod:inventoryessentials, mod:t_and_t (incompatible), mod:voidtotem (incompatible), mod:rhino (incompatible), mod:kubejs (incompatible), mod:gtceu, mod:cucumber, mod:matc, mod:trashslot, mod:jmi (incompatible), mod:blueflame (incompatible), mod:sophisticatedstorage (incompatible), mod:allthewizardgear, mod:additionallanterns (incompatible), mod:itemfilters (incompatible), mod:ftbquests (incompatible), mod:ftbxmodcompat (incompatible), mod:productivelib, mod:ensorcellation, mod:create, mod:ars_creo (incompatible), mod:delightful (incompatible), mod:ponderjs (incompatible), mod:waystones, mod:structory, mod:fastsuite (incompatible), mod:journeymap (incompatible), mod:comforts (incompatible), mod:dimstorage, mod:myserveriscompatible, mod:dungeoncrawl, mod:charginggadgets (incompatible), mod:mcjtylib, mod:rftoolsbase, mod:rftoolspower, mod:rftoolsbuilder, mod:deepresonance, mod:xnet, mod:xnetgases (incompatible), mod:rftoolsstorage, mod:rftoolscontrol, mod:betterdeserttemples, mod:mahoutsukai, mod:terralith, mod:bloodmagic (incompatible), mod:rftoolsutility, mod:moonlight (incompatible), mod:configuration, mod:toolbelt (incompatible), mod:titanium (incompatible), mod:silentlib, mod:mixinsquared (incompatible), mod:jade (incompatible), mod:ae2 (incompatible), mod:aeinfinitybooster (incompatible), mod:ae2wtlib (incompatible), mod:expatternprovider (incompatible), mod:ae2things (incompatible), mod:polyeng (incompatible), mod:arseng, mod:appflux (incompatible), mod:merequester (incompatible), mod:forbidden_arcanus (incompatible), mod:theurgy, mod:nethersdelight, mod:quark (incompatible), mod:supplementaries, mod:allthecompressed, mod:chemlib (incompatible), mod:enderchests, mod:jei_mekanism_multiblocks (incompatible), mod:appbot (incompatible), mod:modonomicon, mod:rsinsertexportupgrade, mod:solcarrot (incompatible), mod:moredragoneggs (incompatible), mod:refinedstorageaddons, mod:refinedpolymorph, mod:appmek (incompatible), mod:ae2additions (incompatible), mod:megacells (incompatible), mod:packetfixer (incompatible), mod:expandability (incompatible), Supplementaries Generated Pack, T&T Waystone Patch Pack (incompatible), builtin/aether_accessories, gtceu:dynamic_data, libxdata/mythicbotany:curios, voidscape_aether_compat (incompatible) Enabled Feature Flags: minecraft:vanilla World Generation: Stable Is Modded: Definitely; Server brand changed to 'forge' Type: Dedicated Server (map_server.txt) ModLauncher: 10.0.9+10.0.9+main.dcd20f30 ModLauncher launch target: forgeserver ModLauncher naming: srg ModLauncher services: mixin-0.8.5.jar mixin PLUGINSERVICE eventbus-6.0.5.jar eventbus PLUGINSERVICE fmlloader-1.20.1-47.2.20.jar slf4jfixer PLUGINSERVICE fmlloader-1.20.1-47.2.20.jar object_holder_definalize PLUGINSERVICE fmlloader-1.20.1-47.2.20.jar runtime_enum_extender PLUGINSERVICE fmlloader-1.20.1-47.2.20.jar capability_token_subclass PLUGINSERVICE accesstransformers-8.0.4.jar accesstransformer PLUGINSERVICE fmlloader-1.20.1-47.2.20.jar runtimedistcleaner PLUGINSERVICE modlauncher-10.0.9.jar jcplugin TRANSFORMATIONSERVICE modlauncher-10.0.9.jar mixin TRANSFORMATIONSERVICE modlauncher-10.0.9.jar fml TRANSFORMATIONSERVICE FML Language Providers: minecraft@1.0 javafml@null kotlinforforge@4.10.0 lowcodefml@null kotori_scala@3.3.1-build-0 Mod List:
submitted by Interesting_Mark7962 to allthemods [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:24 Grouchy_Carpenter489 Oracle Fusion Cloud ERP: It is time to forget about standard Excel sheets and take an enhanced data upload tool

Oracle Fusion Cloud ERP: It is time to forget about standard Excel sheets and take an enhanced data upload tool
A Time to Forget About Ordinary Excel Sheets and Take an Enhanced Data Upload Tool
Thousands of users worldwide of Oracle Fusion ERP use ADFdi and FBDI for data loading or data management generally. Excel has some great features that help to streamline data analysis. There is no argument that Excel is a highly functional tool for organizational data management.
Ordinary Microsoft Excel spreadsheets have many limitations regarding data loading to Oracle Fusion Cloud. Excel is great for simple ad hoc calculations, but it needs connectivity features to automate and document its contents, making its use prone to error.
Manually keying in data in Oracle Cloud from Excel worksheets or copy-pasting is a slow, time-consuming process that is bound to reduce employee productivity. Accuracy is also compromised, and inaccurate data can cost an organization millions in revenue. Excel needs more automation, so if you handle large volumes of data, there may be a better tool for you. Furthermore, data security is not assured since Excel does not have encryption features.
The standard Oracle tools (ADFdi and FBDI) are rigid in nature; the user cannot move columns around or even easily paste data from another sheet to ADFdi or FBDI. The error reporting and resolution cycle is too cumbersome and needs specialized technical knowledge.
Why do people still use Excel sheets for data management?
It’s cheaper
For a team that doesn't care about automation, why bother spending on something more costly if they can get away with something that stores data tables? Considering its limitations, is it worth it in the long-run cost?
Excel is easy to use. It is one of the basic Microsoft Office tools that most people learn to use in basic computer interactions. Because they are already familiar with it, most people find Excel easy to use and often prefer to do so than learn new about new tools.
Limited knowledge of what’s available
Some people are just stuck in their routines. They need help staying current on the newest software available on the market. If the leadership of a team or members does not take the initiative to look around and find out what the market has to offer, they will be stuck with Excel and its attendant costs when others are enjoying the benefits of more advanced tools.
Poor experience with some project management software
Choosing a data loading tool to suit your data loading needs is a task that should be taken seriously. Many data-loading teams that used Excel have been turned off by their previous experience with data-loading tools. Some tools are cumbersome and difficult to use, others are code intensive and not suitable for most end users, and some may need more features you are looking for. The poor experience is a result of poor customization.
Suppose you had a tool that allowed you to use the easy-to-use and familiar Excel worksheet while providing you with advanced specialized features for loading data into the cloud. Wouldn’t that be great?
How to make Excel work with advanced tools
Working with Excel in data loading does not have to be a slow and cumbersome process that does not ensure the accuracy or security of your data. You can harness the power of Excel and still enjoy using advanced data-loading tools. More4Apps and Simplified Loader are Excel-based data-loading to consider.
More4Apps is an Excel-based data-loading tool that allows businesses to integrate familiar Excel spreadsheets with Oracle EBS and Oracle Fusion. Its tools work within the familiar interface of Microsoft Excel, leveraging the many features of Excel to facilitate data loading.
Training is optional since Excel is the main interface, and end-users are familiar with it. Unlike ordinary Excel spreadsheets, which are limited in scalability, More4Apps empowers data owners to carry out mass data uploads and updates.
A plugin must be installed on a PC before you can use More4Apps. The IT Helpdesk needs to be involved in installing the plugin, so only specific PCs can be used.
More4Apps sends and receives data from the server hosted by More4Apps. Considering data security, allowing data transfers to a third-party server without ensuring the details are transferred is risky. Robust testing is required with every release of More4Apps update to ensure your data is transferred to a safe place. The IT Security department needs to get involved in verifying the third-party server and plugin.
Simplified Loader
~Simplified Loader~ is an Excel-based tool designed explicitly for uploading or downloading data to and from Oracle Fusion Cloud. The Simplified Loader template is easy to use. It includes a toolbar that contains operations specific to the template. The output of any operation is displayed in the Excel template's Load Status and Error Message fields.
Simplified Loader Excel files upload or download data from Oracle Fusion Cloud. Simplified Loader’s Excel templates are used either for mass data loads, for example, data migration, or everyday data loading activities in Oracle Cloud.
Simplified Loader ensures your data’s security by routing data from the Excel template directly to Oracle Cloud without a third-party server. The Simplified Loader template doesn’t need plugin installation and runs using Macros, similar to how other Oracle Cloud tools interact with Oracle.
Which template should you choose?
User convenience - Both More4Apps and Simplified Loader provide features that enhance user experience. Most UX features are similar in both products. Since they use Microsoft Excel, additional training is rarely necessary. More4Apps provides a form to input data that is not in the tabular format. Whereas the Simplified Loader provides a single unified sheet to enter data, the same sheet is used to invoke the list of values.
Both tools allow you to insert custom columns, hide or delete columns you don't need, and insert formulas you may need for data analysis. You can also analyze or validate data before uploading it.
Data Security - Oracle Fusion only allows interaction through APIs. Both More4Apps and Simplified Loader use APIs to interact with Oracle, so the security protocols are the same in both toolsets. More4Apps uses an external system to manage licenses. From the IT point of view, in a highly data-sensitive environment, the IT has to open additional ports to interact with the More4Apps servers to validate licenses.
In terms of data security, both toolsets have the same features.
License Management - This topic is considerably different in More4Apps and Simplified Loader. More4Apps restricts the number of times an administrator can update users licensed to use the Simplified Loader template, whereas, in Simplified Loader, the Administrator has full control over maintaining the users licensed to use the Simplified Loader templates.
Support—Both organizations offer excellent support to users who log defects using the support system. Simplified Loader has a vast library of short videos demonstrating product features and functionalities. More4Apps has recently adopted the approach of video tutorials.
Plugin installation - This is a key difference between the two templates. The More4Apps template requires an additional plugin installed on the user's machine. The user will always see an additional toolbar in Excel when working on any Excel document. The user always has to use the PC where the plugin is installed. In comparison, the Simplified Loader Excel doesn’t need any plugin installation on the user’s machine. When the user opens the Simplified Loader file, the Simplified Loader toolbar appears. Users won’t see the additional toolbar when they open any other Excel file.
Using Excel parallelly: When using either toolset, Excel cannot be used for any other purposes. The user has to wait until the data is loaded to Oracle.
Pricing: Both toolsets offer per-user licensing. More4Apps offers licenses per user by module, whereas Simplified Loader offers licenses per user by Template. License management at the template level gives the administrator higher control to assign the right user to the right template, resulting in purchasing the right number of licenses per user. The More4Apps licenses are considerably higher (more than 5x) than the Simplified Loader licenses.
Using ordinary Excel spreadsheets for data loading may not be very effective. Excel may have shortcomings, but you can use it efficiently with advanced data-loading tools to get the best of both applications. Both More4Apps and Simplified Loader provide similar features for loading data in Oracle. Both are advanced data-loading tools that make your experience more pleasant and effective. Simplified Loader is more handy as it does not need plugin installation, and the user doesn’t need any involvement from IT to install the plug-in.
submitted by Grouchy_Carpenter489 to u/Grouchy_Carpenter489 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:08 LowOnLifenMeds Ronald

I’m not sure if it’s just me but Ronnie’s part especially in the beginning really gives scar influence vibes. From the maniacal laughter and aaargh ad libs, the switches from screaming styles, the “FUCK!” Idk maybe I’m just too hopeful. But I think it’s so cool to see Scar have influence in these bigger artists like FIR.
submitted by LowOnLifenMeds to scarlxrd [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:04 Idenwen DHT11 problems, readings extremely off

I need some suggestions where to continue. I googled and tried everything I found but to no avail.
One is salt drying at the moment, left them in the room to acclimate for 20 hours after getting them out of their anti-static packages, they get the correct voltage of 5V. Suggested baking at high temperatures isn't possible because everything available is either too hot or not hot enough.
The sensor states that I am at around 10-12% humidity at 1.4-1.8 °C - realistic is around something 80-90% and around 25-29 °C
It's a module and has the resistor already onboard, but tried with an external one too.
Followed the hardware setup from here
I use the Adafruit DHT lib, installed over the library manager.
Relevant code:
//Sensor #include "DHT.h" #define SENSOR_PIN 2 #define DHTTYPE DHT11 // DHT 11 DHT dht = DHT(SENSOR_PIN, DHTTYPE); float hum; float temp; .... if (tick > SENSOR_INTERVAL + lastSensorTime) { // every 15 seconds lastSensorTime = tick; hum = dht.readHumidity(); temp = dht.readTemperature(); } 
Output is serial and on a SH1106 OLED display, and ofc the same.
I bought the sensors in a package of 5 modules, and all have the same weird readings.
EDIT: NO idea where that image is coming from, only added a link to the site to the text?!?!
submitted by Idenwen to arduino [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:00 hiroshiokami Plex not recognizing one movie!

Kinda losing my mind over here trying to figure out what i have going on.
I have one movie "The Upside (2019)" that no matter what i do plex just doesn't want to recognize and import. I've tried .avi's, .mp4's, .mkv's... The files play fine locally on my computer, but when they get placed in the Library Folder on my Ubuntu file share, plex scans the folder and doesn't seem to pick it up. I've tried resetting the permissions on the folder and file recursively, I've tried deleting the folder and files and starting from scratch...
Looking at the log files, i get the following:
Line 32593: May 13, 2024 09:16:47.031 [126499199433528] VERBOSE - Adding subdirectory for scanner: "/media/GFZMDVault/GFZPlex/Movies/The Upside (2019)"
Line 32917: May 13, 2024 09:16:47.350 [126499199433528] DEBUG - Scanner: Processing directory /media/GFZMDVault/GFZPlex/Movies/The Upside (2019) (parent: yes)
Line 32918: May 13, 2024 09:16:47.350 [126499199433528] VERBOSE - * Noting that 'The Upside (2019)' was updated at 2024-05-12 17:43:26
Line 32919: May 13, 2024 09:16:47.350 [126499199433528] VERBOSE - * Taking directory 'The Upside (2019)' (819) out of the map (933 left)
Line 32920: May 13, 2024 09:16:47.350 [126499199433528] VERBOSE - Adding file for scanner: "/media/GFZMDVault/GFZPlex/Movies/The Upside (2019)/The Upside (2019) Bluray-480p.avi"
Line 32921: May 13, 2024 09:16:47.351 [126499199433528] DEBUG - File '/media/GFZMDVault/GFZPlex/Movies/The Upside (2019)/The Upside (2019) WEBDL-1080p.mkv' didn't exist, can't skip.
Line 32923: May 13, 2024 09:16:47.351 [126498755689272] DEBUG - [JobRunner] Job running: FFMPEG_EXTERNAL_LIBS='/valib/plexmediaserveLibrary/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ ServeCodecs/ad47460-4673-linux-x86_64/' X_PLEX_TOKEN=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx "/uslib/plexmediaservePlex Media Scanner" --match --type 1 --log-file-suffix " Matcher" --files "/media/GFZMDVault/GFZPlex/Movies/The Upside (2019)/The Upside (2019) Bluray-480p.avi"
Line 34324: May 13, 2024 09:16:47.566 [126498755689272] DEBUG - Looking for path match for [/media/GFZMDVault/GFZPlex/Movies/The Upside (2019)/The Upside (2019) Bluray-480p.avi]
Line 34330: May 13, 2024 09:16:47.567 [126498755689272] DEBUG - Looking for path match for [/media/GFZMDVault/GFZPlex/Movies/The Upside (2019)/The Upside (2019) Bluray-480p.avi]
Line 38723: May 13, 2024 09:16:48.249 [126499199433528] VERBOSE - Softly removing media item 15652 part 42543: /media/GFZMDVault/GFZPlex/Movies/The Upside (2019)/The Upside (2019) WEBDL-1080p.mkv
Line 38727: May 13, 2024 09:16:48.252 [126499199433528] VERBOSE - Softly removing media item 42538 part 42539: /MDVault/GFZPlex/Movies/The Upside (2019)/The Upside (2019) Bluray-1080p.mp4
Line 38729: May 13, 2024 09:16:48.254 [126499199433528] VERBOSE - Softly removing media item 42540 part 42541: /MDVault/GFZPlex/Movies/The Upside (2019)/The Upside (2019) Bluray-1080p.mkv
Line 38731: May 13, 2024 09:16:48.257 [126499199433528] VERBOSE - Softly removing media item 42541 part 42542: /MDVault/GFZPlex/Movies/The Upside (2019)/The Upside (2019) Remux-1080p.mkv
I know the "didn't exist, can't skip" usually results in a permissions issue - which is why i went back and reset everything, restarted, reset, restarted... tried changing permissions, restarted, deleted file tried again, deleted folder and file tried again... tried different types of files, etc.
Other files being imported work fine, this seems to be the only one that is having issues.
Should I be looking somewhere else? Am i missing something? Really not sure where to look from here.

submitted by hiroshiokami to PleX [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:43 ranc1 Broken Looking-Glass Self is Social anxiety

What is Looking-Glass Self? This is concept in sociology, discovered in 1902 by Cooley - and his theory states that we form our own identity based on what we think other people think who we are. In fact, the whole sociology is based on social anxiety- the very same social anxiety that psychiatry (CBT and DSM) are pathologizing and trying to cure and destroy and present as mental illness.
Without social anxiety, without ability to worry what other people think about us - we would lose social skills, empathy and civilization norms - such as not eating others.
"If it weren't for the nervous people in the world, we'd all still be eating each other." The Misfits (1961)
When people consume chicken - they eat the flesh of animals because there is no ability to connect with the slaughtered animals as conscious beings who are able to think and perceive us. So when we destroy social anxiety- our ability to worry what other people think - we will become psychopaths, sociopaths and narcissists. This also provide us with important information of self expression and holding toxic people accountable - by stating the facts and truth. Toxic people learn to suppress social anxiety - and this gives them ability to be cruel. And the only way to probe their delusions is to speak the truth to them. And that is why toxic people mock and go into hysteria mode - because their suppressed conscience and morality and ethics are eating them from inside.
Dolphins are not caught with smiles but cruelly with hooks, Michele. One day you will learn to be cruel. Caravaggio (1986)
Sociology is based on social anxiety - that we form our own identity based on society. We need other people to provide us information who we are and how to express ourselves. The language is the very first thing that society gives us to define who we are - by using the very words that society is using.
Theories of the Self
William James (1890): A person has "as many social selves as there are individuals who recognize him and carry and image of him in their minds"
Charles Cooley (1902): Views of self reflect the standpoints of significant others in our lives ("looking-glass self")
George Herbert Mead (1934): We imagine the perspectives of others and incorporate these into our self views - and that this occurs continuously as we interact with others on an ongoing, moment to moment basis.

Having a distorted looking glass (incorrectly imagining others’ opinions of us) can cause bad feelings, or a negative self-image.
What happens when we are around toxic people - is that our identity is deformed as well. CBT claims, along with DSM, that our worry what other people think - is personality disorder, called Borderline:
Reality testing is ability to perceive reality properly. Without too much deviation from facts. Borderline refer to you if want to know anything about reality. “Do you think so too?” Narcissist will tell you "am I not genius". YT Richard Grannon & Prof. Sam Vaknin about Fantasy
Borderline personality disorder is a mental health condition that affects the way people feel about themselves and others, making it hard to function in everyday life. It includes a pattern of unstable, intense relationships, as well as impulsiveness and an unhealthy way of seeing themselves. (Mayo Clinic)
The truth is - if we are around toxic people, their criticism will affect our self worth. Their constant nagging, constant nitpicking, constant error finding and constant drama about anything that moves - will have an effect on our sense of stability and security in the world. This is not disorder. This is simply how society works. In order to heal our mental health issues - we need to repair connections with other people - which may include minimizing exposure to toxic people or cutting toxic people completely off from our lives.
We will never feel secure, confident, worthy - if there are toxic people around us who are criticizing us and others all the time.
Improving our relationships is improving our mental health. William Glasser
Interpersonal strife with those close to us leads to rifts and resentments that produce symptoms of mental illness; these problems are, in fact, the logical consequence of troubled relationships. Glasser emphasizes that lasting psychological problems are usually caused by problems in our personal relationships (rather than signifying a biochemical abnormality in the brain), and distress can be remedied through repairing these relationships without recourse to psych drugs. DK psychology book, WILLIAM GLASSER
Being able to feel safe with other people is probably the single most important aspect of mental health; safe connections are fundamental to meaningful and satisfying lives. Dr. Bessel van der Kolk
In another words: feel safe with other people = mental health
The single most important issue for traumatized people is to find a sense of safety in their own bodies. 🟦 Bessel A. van der Kolk
Toxic people cause social anxiety. That is why social anxiety is called social+anxiety. There is social element that is causing the anxiety. There is social factor contributing to anxiety. It is not called self-anxiety. We did not catch social anxiety by walking randomly in the street when it was rainy, so we caught a common cold. It is not like we felt bored in our lives so we invented neuroticism to keep us active and occupied. Social anxiety must start in childhood with ACE and ACoA where we learned from early on - that life is dangerous, that people are not safe, that we must worry to be hyper-vigilant and that we are unworthy if we make any kind of mistakes. We learned that our flaws, imperfections and mistakes are our core personality - abnormal and inept.
Society attacks early, when the individual is helpless. B. F. Skinner
This is how we end up with Broken Looking Glass Self. Distorted Looking Glass Self. We end up with operant conditioning - to worry what other people think in such way that we attempt to think for the other person ahead of time, so that they do not get mad of us - and then attempt, we try hard not to make other people mad. And how we execute this operant conditioning - depends on our background, people around us and punishments to which we were exposed as kids. Most socially anxious learn to keep quiet. To shut up. To self censor. And to self blame. If the other person is angry or hysterical - we will feel responsible for their mood swings and we will try hard to fix their emotions and their problems. Soon - we spread this fixing on other people, who are not angry - and we create fake social mask that is always pleasant and nice and helpful to anyone, especially if they are angry and rude and intrusive. We learned to interpret their anger as our fault and our abnormality. Looking glass self is broken - because it does not reflect any more - now we imagine how to please other people without using looking glass (mirror) - as all people use it.
Other people are there as information post. They broadcast who they are, many of them mask their true Self and present fake version of themselves, their social mask. Our brain will naturally form opinion about us through the words and opinions and non-verbal gestures from other people, strangers or our acquaintances. This part is totally normal. This is not disorder. This is not illness. The disorder starts when we try hard to fix other people's conclusions about us by making ourselves small and by changing our routine so that we soothe the other person. Instead of CBT techniques - all that we need to do here is to allow other people to think whatever they choose to think about us. Simply allow other people to hate us and leave it at that.
We really have to work very hard at changing our programming because we don't understand we're upset because someone else has a perception of us that we're uncomfortable with. And we challenge this person's perception of us. We're upset that people think this about us. Something amazing happens when you begin to accept that other people are allowed to have their own faulty perception of you. 🟥 Lisa A. Romano Breakthrough Life coach Inc.
For the next step, sociology will also help us. CBT and DSM, psychiatry is telling us concrete steps which we must take - and morally and ethically speaking - this is illegal. When someone orders us what we must do - this is called manipulation and coercive control. This way anyone who is psychopathic and narcissistic can climb, grab and push their way to powerful position of ordering others what to do - and then evil people can easily manipulate and control the masses. This is what happens with psychiatry. Psychology on the other hand explains concepts - psychology does not order us what to do in life and how to react. That is why Humanistic psychology is healthy.
It is the client who knows what hurts, what directions to go, what problems are crucial, what experiences have been deeply buried. Carl Rogers
In the same manner as Humanistic Psychology and IFS Model - sociology also has the similar term that allows clients freedom in own choices - which is called Thomas theorem.
The Thomas theorem is a theory of sociology which was formulated in 1928 by William Isaac Thomas and Dorothy Swaine Thomas: If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences. In other words, the interpretation of a situation causes the action. This interpretation is not objective. (wiki)
If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences. - formulated in 1928 by William Isaac Thomas and Dorothy Swaine Thomas
This means - that no other person can objectively tell us what is the best way to go in life. We need our inner GPS, our intuition, our common sense, other people as well - to form our reality and our construct of the future where we are headed. With CBT and DSM - we do not have this freedom. With CBT and DSM - we are pathologized instead - and all our focus is spent on fixing our symptoms - we are literally self consuming ourselves with CBT.
In real life- real life situations will not allow us to form rigid mindset. Any other person, any other situation in life - good or bad - is always unique and different. Sometimes it is great that we shut up and that we self censor ourselves - especially if we are tired and we don't want to harm other people with our nagging and complaints that will go off as soon as we get to sleep and rest. On the other hand - many situations in life that are triggering our social anxiety require from us to self express, that we talk out our truth - no matter how much manipulative people attempt to shut us up with mocking and shaming.
So when we allow other people to form toxic conclusions about us - we need to know that we can rely on our brain, on our intuition to tell us how to react and what to do and how to behave. We have this mechanism inside us. We do not need to pathologize ourselves with CBT. CBT will tell us that we must be assertive in order to handle toxic people. This is horrible advice because:
"If you have been the scapegoat in a narcissistic family system, the concept of setting a boundary is laughable. You would be telling them exactly how to hurt you, and they would happily oblige. Also, trying to set a boundary in a calm and tactful way would be met by resistance in the form of mocking and ridicule, attempting to bait the scapegoat into anger, which would prove you are the problem." YT kingbee9778
"I feel gaslighted by the therapy mantras of “ you have to teach people how to treat you “ ,(setting boundaries). No you don’t and no you can’t. First of all, it’s not my job to teach an adult how to behave like one and quite frankly, it’s a trap and a drain hole. Secondly, I DON’T CONTROL OTHER PEOPLE. They will do what they want, especially if they have the tiniest ounce of power over you." YT gertrudewest4535
When we follow CBT - we will repeat the broken Looking Glass Self when we exposure ourselves to social situations - and social anxiety will not go away - because we will continually process the same ways reality and other people in a manner that is toxic to us - through seeking approval from other people, through self flagellation, through harsh inner critic and internalized toxic shame.
To fix broken Looking-Glass Self means fixing social anxiety: when we are afraid of what other people think about us. With CBT we self pathologize our normal reaction to worry what other people think about us. This is not disorder, it is totally normal to have awareness that other people are thinking about us.
Many social anxiety coaches will use "Spotlight effect" as proof that other people do not worry about us:
"The spotlight effect is the psychological phenomenon by which people tend to believe they are being noticed more than they really are."
In toxic contact - toxic people - those same ones who trigger our social anxiety - do notice anything about us. In normal population - other people will think about us and we will define each other - through the process called The Michelangelo phenomenon - where we chisel each other into better version, where we change our toxic habits that hurt us as much as they hurt other people. In unhealthy, toxic social dynamics there will be the opposite: Golem Effect and Crab mentality. Where there is competition and where other person is perceived as threat and someone to pull down.
A lot of content on mental health in mainstream media does not cover the unique corner that survivors of narcissistic abuse live in. Not one mention of being in any kind of toxic relationship. “Avoid your triggers” is not easy in narcissistic relationships. When the discomfort is living in your house or down the street or in the next office. It was not even rumination, but reality. And the constant exposure means you don't get a break. 🟥 DoctorRamani
I'm not setting boundary with these people. “Don't do this with me”. “Don't say this with me”. It's all internal. Because if you try to set a boundary with someone who's narcissistic or antagonistic – it's never going to work. And I think it's unsafe guidance to give.
With this dangerous person no. But what are you willing to tolerate. How can you protect yourself emotionally. What access can you remove. Move these people from VIP section.
🟥 Dr. Ramani - Terri Cole
With broken Looking-Glass Self - we end up being trapped in toxic people's minds. Similar to horror movie / book The Cell from 2000. Even when we develop Who cares attitude, and when we consciously try to block and build walls away from toxic people, when we try hard to push down and suppress toxic people - we are still trapped in their reality of what they potentially might think about us. This is why CBT is not working - because CBT tries hard to convince us to use suppression as method to block social anxiety. And we cannot block other people - we need other people for our identity and our self worth - where there is healthy interaction called Interdependence. Toxic people behave in codependent way - they see other people as competition and this creates codependency. They need other people like vampires need blood - to exploit someone's attention, someone's focus, money, time and or resources of any kind. It is like give me, give me, give me - and provide nothing in return. With social anxiety we end up giving others without observing if the other person is emotionally invested in us at all. It ends up and one side interaction, exploitation really. Social anxiety means suppress anger as well. We learned to push our anger away - and this attracts toxic people who count on our silence and understanding and toxic empathy - knowing that they can cross boundaries of social interaction in their favor and we won't make any kind of protest. Then our own only protection - is avoidance. Therefore - social anxiety is natural defense mechanism against dangerous criminally insane psychopaths who are abusing their power position against ourselves.
In our teen years we experiences bully experience - after years of exposure to ACoA and ACE (constant criticism and constant drama at home) - so we generalized the belief that we cannot trust other people - and we learned that we process reality through broken Looking Glass Self - where we appease other people with our decisions - by being afraid what other people may think badly of us - since we were pressed and pushed into equating social rejection and our self worth as if they are one of the same. And psychiatry - instead of explaining us that it is totally normal to worry what other people think - CBT explains us that this is abnormality. This faulty explanation from medical industry is adding more trauma and more toxic shame and it gives our inner critic free reign to self abuse us - because we believe we are abnormal and ill if we worry what other people thin about us. In reality - all people worry about others. Even psychopaths worry what other people will think, along with narcissists - because they know that they need to form fake social mask of charm in order to seduce new victims into their agenda of exploiting and manipulating others.
Looking-Glass Self tells us - that we simply allow toxic people to form bad opinion about us in their heads - and that we absolutely do nothing to change this image that toxic people freely choose to believe about us in their heads.
You're no longer going to play the game of what can I do differently to get them to behave differently – because the answer is to that is nothing. That's radical acceptance. It takes long time. And it's not just accepting their behavior is not going to change, it's also the way it affects you is also not going to change. Just because you radically accept doesn't mean that somebody screaming at you is going to hurt any less- it does,it hurts a lot 🟥 Dr. Ramani - Terri Cole
Other people will hurt us. They will say mean and untrue things about us. They will attack us - this has nothing to do with who we are. Their choice to harm and hurt other person - is abnormality in their brain. Normal healthy sane people do not attack others. Normal healthy sane people have ability to emotionally regulate themselves. Person who does not have this ability - is sick and mentally ill. And this has nothing to do with us. We are not the ones who can cure them by changing our behavior.
Lundy Bancroft: "Abuse is NOT caused by bad relationship dynamics. You can't manage your partner's abusiveness by changing your behaviour. But he wants you to think you can."
The pain that we feel when toxic people attack us, verbally or physically - is normal pain, we need this pain as the instruction for us what to do with severely damaged people around us.
If you are not feeling pain, anger and sadness while you are taking in psychological abuse or something similar – you are going to end up in those situations over and over again –because you are not logging information that your body telling 🟥Heidi Priebe
People say it bothers me when they say these things. I say, because they say bothersome things. I don't want you to lose that part of you. That part is good index what is okay, what's not. From that point – excavation. A person pulling their true self out of their relationships. If you grew up with narcissistic parent, it was a true self that never even got to develop. It's how much your identity got co-opted. What do I like, what do I stand for. 🟥 Dr. Ramani - Terri Cole
The core of narcissistic person is very fragile. That's why they lose it when you critique them. Or give them feedback. Or don't read their mind. Or don't do exactly what they want. And that's why they use all kinds of tactics like manipulation, gaslighting, invalidation, dismissiveness, competitiveness, betrayal. Some of them are tactics, some are unemphatic behavior. And it gives them the upper hand in relationship. Control, power gives them supply. 🟥 Dr. Ramani - Cole
With social anxiety - we do not need psychiatry. Socially anxious need sociology. It is after all social issue. Social anxiety is anxiety that is connected to society - the name itself reveals this crucial aspect: society, social, societal. Psychiatry will only leave us lacking and with belief that something is horribly wrong with us, when we are around toxic people:
DSM doesn't explain anything. So many therapies and particularly CBT and others are just so focused on extinguishing symptoms which were once strategies of survival. And it doesn't make sense that you want to extinguish – we want eventually to move away from these symptoms and these strategies but I certainly don't want to pathologize them or look at them as somehow defective because they have saved our lives. 🟥 Transforming Trauma Episode 21 IFS & NARM
When we stop self pathologizing our social anxiety - we will unburden ourselves with toxic idea that feeling pain is abnormal and sick. And it will give us energy to start looking what is causing this pain - instead of focusing ourselves on chasing the symptoms. Without the stigma and labels - we will have much more resources at our disposal to handle difficult people in life who are causing our social anxiety in the first place.
With social anxiety - we need to learn about the Cooley's concept Looking-Glass Self and other terms from sociology. Instead of pathologizing our social reactions - we simply need information to confirm us that we are not abnormal and inept as CBT paints the socially anxious. We need information to learn what our rights are.
Five themes of microaggression against people with mental illnesses
1. Invalidation
When other people dismiss their illness or symptoms through minimizing their experience, symptomizing their normal experiences, and patronizing
2. Assumption of inferiority
When other people assume that people with mental illness have lower intelligence, are incompetent, and that they do not have control
3. Fear of mental illness
When other people fear them because they believe that they may be dangerous or unpredictable
4. Shaming of mental illness
When other people tell them that they shouldn't let others know about their mental illness
5. Second class citizen attitudes
When other people treat them as if they don't have the same rights as the dominant group of society.
Mental Health Forum, 2016

Diagnosis is not an excuse to be selective about their rights. Autistic not weird
Healing the Broken Looking-Glass Self means learning about the mentality - which we never had chance to learn in our developmental years. Other children learned this concept via keeping connections with other people. We - started to avoid people. Even when we were around other people - we pulled our investment emotionally with other people - and this way we never learned that other people are safe. We developed the stump growth - that is being stuck in age 12, when we started to avoid people. Similar to the plant that cannot grow roots in small basin or tree/plant that is stumped in growing due to some kind of obstacle to grow upright. Our growth was shaped from the perspective of not trusting other people - because they harmed us. Other people learned to develop certain amount of trust. They learned to filter out the bad people. And they learned that they are safe to express themselves - without being punished for it. This is why their social anxiety is in normal threshold. They will experience stress and then behave in anti-social manner, they will express their anger without problems - because they were never pushed into forming their self worth through worry what their tormentors might think about them. So it is not like social anxiety is abnormality or sickness - it is simply that non-socially anxious people were lucky enough to grow in healthy ambient, and that is their secret. They were not stronger. They were not more competent. They were not better or superior to the socially anxious. They simply had privilege and entitlement that helped them over-pass developmental years without fearing other people. Their mechanisms how to handle triggers - are mostly unhealthy (lacking empathy) - but their Looking glass self was not broken. With interaction with other people, with other children, they learned naturally to allow difficult people to hate them. Instead of worry - that is found in social anxiety - they simply turned their focus onto other people. With social anxiety - we do not have other people, we have no one to turn to, since we learned that other people are painful and traumatic. We never learned that hanging around with other people is enjoyable experience - and if someone is rude, toxic and abnormal - that we are allowed to focus and place our attention to better, healthier people around us.
In shame culture ambient - we will learn that other people criticism is reflection of our worth - and that is Broken Looking-Glass Self. That we cannot feel good about ourselves until other person reflects positive words about us to us:
Young American explained why she left Croatia:
"In Croatia people constantly express intrusive opinion about matters which are none of their business. The most irritating things were rude people."
Young American explained why she escaped from Croatia:
"Often I heard Croats intruding why am I eating something, or commenting about what I wore. There is no such thing in America, we allow people to be what they want to be. People here are strange as if I am inside toxic relationship."
Don't look to the approval of others for your mental stability. 🟦 Karl Lagerfeld
We will heal social anxiety trauma with healing our choice to stay stuck around toxic people. We can cut toxic people - even when we are unable to leave them physically - by severing the trauma bonding in our mind - that is broken Looking-Glass Self.
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. Eleanor Roosevelt
Yes, toxic people are pathological liars, They spread gossip. They create drama and hysteria. Toxic people do not have word toxic stuck on their forehead. Toxic people will not behave toxically in front of others - because they depend to look good in the eyes of other people - so they also have Looking-Glass Self no matter how much they said that they do not care what other people think about them. Therefore - social anxiety is clear indication that we are around toxic people. Toxic people do not allow us to express ourselves - and they use various methods of coercive control to manipulate their targets. The first step is to sever this trauma bonding - by allowing them to hate us.
That we basically stop impressing others.
Don't try to impress others. ✝️ Bible, Philippians 2-3
Cooley said our sense of Self comes from how we think other people see us. “I am not what I think I am. I am not what you think I am; I am what I think you think I am.” Other people's reflections of us and how we think about those images they have of us help create our sense of Self. Grades from teachers can reflect back to us an image of ourselves that we then internalize and becomes our self-perception. They effect self-image. 🟥 The Looking glass self
We imagine we are seen by others. And that imagination forms our identity. Our identity is being shaped by others. Others is agent which influences who we are in society. You begin to believe that and you begin to see as your identity, what other people think of you. Intelligent, high self esteem, outgoing – you believe what people say about you, it becomes your identity. Our identity is formed through the way we imagine people see us.
🟥 Looking-glass Self
That imagination comes from interaction with these people. In the process of interaction they tell you this is what we think about you. And then you go off believe in that. You don't control what people think about you. Front Stage Behavior: Familiarity breeds content-With front stage they behave nicely. It's in subconsciousness of individuals that they have to behave a certain way in public. At interview- they smile, but is this who they are?
🟥 Looking-glass Self
It is often said that American Beauty is a film about identity. Each character seems to go through a very personal identity crisis. But I would argue that this crisis are not personal at all. They are products of wider social forces. We may define ourselves based on prevailing attitudes towards sexuality, beauty and material success. Sense of self strongly influences by social world.
🟥 American Beauty Film Analysis: The Sociology of Identity
Ricky shows Jane that he likes her as she is. Eventually this leads her abandoning the idea of surgery and gain enough confidence and self-esteem to tell Angela what she really thinks of her. Freed from idea that everyone looks down on he because of her physical appearance, Jane's sense of self is no longer defined how she looks, how she looks to others.
🟥 American Beauty Film Analysis: The Sociology of Identity
An individual realize its self by reflecting others' perceptions about him. They use social interactions as a mirror. A Person grows and develop due to interpersonal interactions of the Society. When one interacts socially, one completely considers how one looks in the eyes of others. Negative response leads to depression and anxiety.
🟥 Looking Glass Self Theory
Looking Glass Self where you see yourself the way you think others see you. You can't see the way others truly see you. So you're seeing yourself they way you think others think they see you. You can see how much is lost in the translation. You're much more beautiful than you think. You attract so much more than you know. There's more going on with you than you care to acknowledge. Beauty is not about what you see. It's about what you reflect. 🟥 Looking Glass Self
Mirror in front of you, and you are looking at yourself in the mirror, the way it is – is mirror in reality. As Masha labels you, tells you, comments on you, provides you all kinds of feedback, your self continues to develop. The way society perceives you and gives feedback about you. It is considered important to yourself and you have that impression that is how I should be. Their significance or importance makes you proud.
🟥 Looking Glass Self
There is something you have never understood, Joe. These people at the top, they are the same as anybody else. But you had it inside of you to be so much bigger than any of them. You just had to be yourself. That was all. With me you were yourself. Only with me. Room at the Top (1958)
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