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dream pop - music, news & discussion

2011.10.24 12:11 547 dream pop - music, news & discussion

The subreddit dedicated to the ethereal subgenre of alternative rock.


This sub is for all the Christmas/Holiday card requests and exchanges. You can request cards, post your card exchange or anything related to sending/making/receiving holiday cards!

2010.01.12 17:53 thenewreview /r/Metalcore - news, reviews, videos & discussion

Metalcore (or metallic hardcore) is a fusion music genre that combines elements of extreme metal and hardcore punk. As with other styles blending metal and hardcore, metalcore is noted for its use of breakdowns, slow, intense passages conducive to moshing. This is a place for news, reviews, videos and discussion of your favorite metalcore bands.

2024.05.14 00:22 Mideum1 The brother hood got me thinking. As a player is it possible to be a racist towards Ghouls, Synths and Super mutants?

With characters like Hancock, Nick Valentine,Danse,and Virgil as well as meeting plenty of cool ghouls, Synths and Super Mutants, I just wonder if the human mind will even allow it.
submitted by Mideum1 to Fallout [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:08 Prudent_Bat_8462 Emotionally/mentally checked out.

Just as the title above states. I’ll be honest. My relationship is toxic. I think it’s abusive. But idk if I can admit it to myself. There’s been a lot of issues. We were off and on until I ended up pregnant. I think I’ve been checked out for a while. Just because of the little things I’ve notice. Almost every remark he makes about me is a negative thing or making fun. He says I’m too sensitive. Maybe I am. Maybe I focus too much on the little things. When I was pregnant he didn’t do anything for Valentine’s Day. I got home maybe expecting a little something since I had gotten him some chocolates earlier because I had to work that day. But there was nothing. I’m ashamed of myself for even staying this long. For even being in this relationship from the start. But today, really hurt. My wrist is broken from a slip and fall and we have a 1 year old. He has had to take over basically ALL of the child care because my wrist is messed up. I have 2 more weeks in the cast. He decides now is the time to job search and get another job. He did a phone interview today, got the job and told me he started tomorrow at 10am. Disregarding the fact that my wrist is still broken and in a cast. I can’t change diapers at all. I asked him how is that going to work? He said he would pay and get a nanny but when I asked him who was he going hire, he said he didn’t know. I said i didn’t understand why they couldn’t wait until I at least got my cast off. Or why he even decided to job search. He didn’t consider me at all, I feel when making this decision. I just feel like at this point he doesn’t even love me. He tolerates me. Maybe I do the same thing to him. I just am afraid to end the relationship I guess. I got myself stuck in a position I’m not sure how to get out of.
submitted by Prudent_Bat_8462 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:03 aloeveraally My Partner Cheated. I Don't Know How to Cope.

Hi guys,
I've tried managing this pain on my own, but I decided to turn here for any advice/comments.
I found out my boyfriend (27M) cheated on me (22F) about two months ago. There were two incidents. The first occurred the week of Valentine's Day. From what he has told me, the girl approached him and confessed her crush for him, made a move on him that he initially accepted but quickly stopped. To my knowledge, they only kissed. I don't know how much of that is true. The second incident was right before I found out about both incidents. We were fighting and he went out with his friends to a bar where he, allegedly, allowed some handsy action and that is all. And, I'm talking chest and over the pants, nothing too explicit. Once again, this is all alleged. These are things that he admitted to me after I told him that I knew something was going on. That being said, I don't know if he diluted the truth to soften the blow, or if that really is the whole truth. Both of these incidents seem very miniscule in comparison to other events detailed on here by other users, but they are still two incidents of cheating in my opinion.
He didn't have much of an explanation. He made it seem like the first offense was just him enjoying the attention that he took too far? Not an excuse in the slightest, because he still kissed her. He still cheated and he knows that. I have a harder time accepting this incident as it happened the week of Valentine's Day. I play the week back in my head, knowing that the night that we went out to dinner to celebrate our love, he was kissing another girl less than 24 hours prior. The second offense, I can understand a little more, because both him and I were under the impression that a break up between us was soon to happen. Obviously, it did not, so now we both need to deal with the consequences of his actions. It's not an excuse at all on his part, once again, but I can at least see his faults where they lie and understand how mentally messed up he was in that moment with everything happening. Would I have done the same to him? Absolutely not, but I understand that men cope differently than women, I suppose.
I love this man. I've never loved anyone harder, but finding out about these incidents have introduced a new coldness to myself that I've never seen before. We've talked a lot about it, we've cried a lot about it. He tells me that even in our happiest moments, he can't help but think about it sometimes and think about how he doesn't deserve me, that he doesn't deserve to be there in that happy moment with me. I think about it too often, too. I think about what our lives were like before he did something like that. It hurts both of us for different reasons, but it hurts nonetheless.
He tells me he's changed, but there's always that lingering fear that he won't. The lingering fear that I'll spend the rest of my life regretting not leaving when I could have. My biggest fear is starting a family with this man, marrying him, just for him to do it again to a higher degree. We've talked about starting a family together; how many kids we want and what we would name them and how we would announce the pregnancies to our families. We've talked about where we want to get married. This man has cried over how much he loves me and how he can't bare the thought of losing me. I guess that's why these incidents hurt so much; I never saw them coming. I never thought he'd be the one to hurt me.
I guess my question is: have you seen cheaters change? These are such small offenses in comparison to most people, but it still hurts. The betrayal and distrust is still there, and just because it didn't happen in a larger sense doesn't mean that it can't. I want to trust him. I want to believe that he's changed and that nothing even remotely close to what happened will happen again. But, then I hear the saying "once a cheater, always a cheater" and I find myself in complete and utter fear.
submitted by aloeveraally to survivinginfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:57 ORGCHKSAND Several months out now...still struggling to move past her.

Guys I don't even know if she ACTUALLY cheated. I'm sure you all read the story before...considering I posted it several times, guess I'm just struggling.
She started a new job sometime last fall, by Christmas time, she told me about this coworker that "I'm attracted to, but I don't like being attracted to"
We had a conversation about it, I came away from it feeling alright, but she said some weird things. She said she wanted to give him rides to and from work, because his car didn't run or something. She also said that she didn't wanna be with him because he had a non verbal autistic son, she didn't think she could be a good mother...nothing about her already being my girlfriend, hell no.
I thought the coworker shit would have died there, but no. About a week later she starts begging me to fly my ass out there (she lived 3 states away) #1 so I could be back with her, but #2 so she could take me to the restaurant she worked at, so I could pick a fight with him, the coworker. What the fuck? Why? That guy, I guarantee, doesn't even know I exist. I would just look like an asshole customer. Seems like there was something more goin on than just a silly workplace crush, but I digress. I didn't have money at the time. Was just getting over having C19 for the first time, and that wiped me out for the week at work. I didn't have money and it seemed absolutely retarded to do.
A few days later, we get into another fight, the next night she tells me that the coworker had invited her out for tacos...I don't exactly remember what I said, but we broke up. That was January 15th. I haven't heard anything from her since. The only things I would know is from her reddit account. I don't stalk and pry. I do know that two days before Valentines, I went on Instagram... The only thing she hadn't blocked me on because I forgot what my user name even was. I looked her up and she was already in a bar with the guy I wasn't supposed to worry about. Made me physically ill.
That's my story. That's been a while ago now and I'm constantly replaying the conversations and fights in my head...constantly wondering if I essentially drove her to do it. I wasn't the nicest person of all time, but I believe I was doing better. But really, why does it all fall on me? Why would I always be the one that fucked up? Not even "cheating" related. If there was a fight, it was always me that was the one fucking up. Never her...hell no. Why? Why was I always made to feel like it was my fault?
The loss of her not being in my life has been immense. I miss all the good times and memories. After what I think happened, I wouldn't ever take her back. I just wish things hadn't happened the way they did.
submitted by ORGCHKSAND to Infidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:49 Overdose_XO My '90 Days in Teyvat' Travel Logbook

Heyyy @all, since a friend asked me how far I got in Genshin after playing for a while now, I wondered too. So I looked up some stats, took a few screenshots and now I'm curious how other (new) players progress, what are your biggest milestones yet, best loot-drops, craziest pulls, stories in general, or if you have some personal tips maybe?
As for me, I started playing Free 2 Play on 13.02.24 and here are some stats:
I'm still planning on getting the first char I wanted to pull for after playing her story quest - Raiden. And as the second one - Zhongli. As for Starter-Pokemon I'm planning on getting Alhaitham next. Others I want to pull for: Navia, Wriothesley, Ganyu, Furina, Nahida And then, in my dreams where I still have primogems left: Ayaka, Yelan, Itto, Xiao, Shenhe, Eula and Klee.
My personal biggest Milestones: - got all the crystalflies including the coralfly💙 - finished all available Quests - Map Exploration Rate of 100% - Only missing 4 + 1 Hydroculi and the extra Electroculi - Made it to Abyss 12-3 - Earned 6 Gold-Medals in Vibro-Crystal Application😎 ( the difficulty was not even comparable to all the other events I took part in😅) - Saved the "unplayable" account of a friend on WR 8 with 24 artifacts in total and struggling with lvl 70 enemies in only 3 days, obtained 40 wishes and got her Arlecchino as a 'overnight suprise' next time she logged in🤭
Next one: - Finally beating Abyss for the first time
And my biggest Fails: - although logged in 7 of 7 days, I did not claim Day 6 and through that missed out on 5 Intertwined Fates...💀 - because the season ended and max weekly xp were reached, I bought a season-pass rank up for 150 primogems to get a wish worth 160. Only to being able to claim a seasonal challenge ten minutes later which bypassed the weekly xp limit and got me the rank up anyways...🤦🏻‍♂️ - allowed a player in chat to join my teapot and got infected with his excitement and happines over getting accepted and finally finding someone so close before reset, so I then quickly entered it myself because I wanted to know what he was so crazy about - without realizing I just kicked him before he could even send a request...😂
Sooo, that was my journey so far, how are you all doing? Ah btw, in case someone still has not redeemed these yet, here are some free codes I posted last week: 🍀
submitted by Overdose_XO to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:44 sexy_sadie_69 this pic from an anti valentine’s day house party back in 2019 or so (i’m the one carrying a case of PBR like a purse)

this pic from an anti valentine’s day house party back in 2019 or so (i’m the one carrying a case of PBR like a purse) submitted by sexy_sadie_69 to AccidentalRenaissance [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:41 Used_Physics_8835 I think my friend might me more toxic than her ex

Hello everyone do I have a story for you. Desclaimer the names are made up for the story. And its quite long so sorry.
So I (f) have a friend Mary (f), who I met in 11th grade. I already kind of knew of her because my sister used to go to extracurriculars with her ( I also went to the same place but in a different class, I was also well known there for being smart lol I'm not really). Anyway at the start of the school year me and Mary became friends and she started to open up about her past, she told me that she was bullied in her old school , made an unalive attempt and dated a very toxic guy. (Ik these are very concerning things, she went to therapy for a while and is much better now). Now, this man child Darren dated Mary before we officially met for about 3-4 months, she told me all sorts of bad things about him. For example: his parents found him wasted in a random ally, he was toxic and would assault her, he cheated on her multiple times, EVEN WENT ON A OVERNIGHT TRIP WITH SAID HOMEWRECKER!!! Overall he is a sh*tty guy. Anyway I thought that this was behind her and she started to take a liking to a "sigma" dude in our class (this guy defined himself like that) although I don't like the guy it was better than Darren. Anyway sigma guy didn't work out so guess what she did... SHE GOT BACK WITH HER EX!!!!!!!!! The worst part is that she came to me crying 2 weeks later that he didn't change. To my disgust from then on they were on and off for the hole year while they were also hooking up with other people.
Fast forward to our last year of highschool and she finds new friends (I still exist there) and meets Caleb literally one of the only ok, civil and normal male figures in our grade. Anyway they start liking each other and end up making out at Calebs birthday party after a lot of drinking.(I was not there I recommend no underage drinking) From then Caleb confessed his feelings to her to than get heartbroken by her. MARY F*KING LIKED HIM AT THE TIME SO WHY THE F*CK SHE REGECT HIM!!!
Then I find out that she did the devils tango with Darren and lost her v card with him (I'm fumming).
From here on out Darren starts doing a lot of creepy sh*t so I'm just gonna list it:
basically he was stalking her.
Now on to Mary, while all this things were happening she made out with random dudes and stuff and had the audacity to do it in front of poor Caleb and basically a lot of shitty things that will break a man's heart.
fast forward one last time to a weekend I went clubbing for the first time, he was there, Darren I mean, and I stupidly thought that Mary was going to be responsible to than have my hopes crushed when I found out that she was making out with him.
so basically I feel dumb for supporting my friend throughout these mentally excruciating (for me) 2 years and telling her time and time again to RUN and get gaslit into thinking that she did. ex: one time she sent me a screenshot of their texts to see a big paragraf of saying that they will keep hurting each other if they were still together I was so proud of her until like 2 days later where she pulled a uno reverse card.
Anyway thanks for letting me vent my anger, and advice to everyone DO NOT BE LIKE MARY OR DARREN AND DO NOT ASSOCIATE ROMANTICLLY WITH PEOPLE LIKE THEM!!!
Lots of love and have a good day night or whatever <3
submitted by Used_Physics_8835 to redflagsTA [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:32 Pumpiyumpyyumpkin When you’re in a committed relationship, you deserve to feel like a priority. However, if your SO treats you more like an option, then it may be time to reconsider your own priorities.

This is what exactly happened why I found the courage to break up with my ex bf. I don't know if he was talking with other girls, but he was online in Snapchat sending snaps and posting stories BUT takes hours to reply to my messages and sometimes takes a day to even hear from him. We weren't friends there btw cause he didn't add me eventhough he knew I have an account.
It's not that I was asking him to make me his number 1 priority, nothing like that. I understand I am not his world but just a part of it. I just wished I was at the least made one of his priorities. He tells me after his family, I'm next in line which I understand for he is an only child. BUT I notice that his friends would always come first before me. He would only spend time with me right after he spends time with his friends. We have plans, but I would have to wait for hours because his friend called and needed his help (nothing urgent just about games lol). I always felt like I only get whatever is left from him. I felt like I was a box that he'll open only when he feels like it or he remembers to do so. I didn't feel included in his world. I felt convenient. Forgets my birthday and Valentine's day. No special days for me even on those occassions. At first it hurts, but I chose to forgive because I wasn't into material stuff but I wanted efforts though. I chose to forgive because he's my first love. But then again he chose to go on a vacation with his friends and cancelled on our planned vacation on the last minute, I knew I had to call it quits. Any self-respecting woman wouldn't allow that. I am looking for a life partner and a future father of my children. I can't imagine a family life wherein my husband would constantly choose his friends over me and cancel on the last minute on his own family to have fun with his friends. If that's the case, he should have remained single. Why bother me and start a relationship with me? Then find excuses that he is so busy and got a lot in his mind that he can't pick up the phone to reply or call, but is online 24/7. Some "boys" really just want the girlfriend experience. All the love, positive energy, affection, and care. But is not "man" enough to truly invest and love a "good woman". I have to say, " too bad, you could have been the only man I'd ever love in my life." But yeah not every one is lucky to get the right love they deserve on first try. Up until now, I still love you so much. NC helped me forgive and give grace to the pain I felt during our relationship. All what's left is love now and it's hard because you can never unlove someone your truly love. At the back of my mind, I wish you work on yourself and try to learn to love me better. But it's up to you, not me. I had to let you go. First love is hard to move on to, I guess.
submitted by Pumpiyumpyyumpkin to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

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2024.05.13 23:15 pumpkinmedic Charles Xavier vs Funny Valentine(MARVEL vs JoJo Bizarre Adventure Steel Ball Run)"Blinded Ambition". I just made the tn to test out a new editing system,so enjoy ig

Charles Xavier vs Funny Valentine(MARVEL vs JoJo Bizarre Adventure Steel Ball Run) submitted by pumpkinmedic to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]


Day Pro Dancer Quote
1 Karina Smirnoff "Is there any reason why your head looks like a pigeon?"
2 Valentin Chmerkovskiy "Bro, you're one big wrong already."
3 Witney Carson "What do you need, a snack?"
4 Anna Trebunskaya "Some people say I'm a tough teacher. And I am."
5 Brandon Armstrong "I was born in '94..."
6 Cheryl Burke "So the name of the song is 'Call Me Irresponsible', remind you of anybody? I think it's perfect for you!"
7 Edyta Śliwińska "I'm wearing so much clothes that I got tangled in it!"
8 Artem Chigvintsev "Fine! I watched 'Fifty Shades of Grey'!"
9 Corky Ballas "Now we're doing the Mambo which originated in the '40s!"...
10 Chelsie Hightower "South America speaks Spanish?"
11 Derek Hough "I'm rough, I'm tough, I'm Derek Hough."
12 Charlotte Jørgensen "Get your heel up on your back foot, or I'll kill you."
13 Allison Holker "Team Rallison!!!"
14 Julianne Hough "I felt like you just had to phone it in so you could get back with Meryl."
15 Alec Mazo "Josie is deceptively unfit."
16 Alan Bersten "It's a little shaky in here!"
17 Jenna Johnson "ADAM! WE GOTTA QUICKSTEP!!!"
18 Ashly DelGrosso-Costa "It needs to be equal teamwork, and I can't play a tug-of-war anymore."
19 Gleb Savchenko "You look like a dancer when you're not moving."
20 Kym Johnson-Herjavec "I should never have made us try that stupid lift..."
21 Maksim Chmerkovskiy "With all due respect, this is my show, I help make it what it is."
22 Lacey Schwimmer "STEVE!!! How am I supposed to be in love with you if you keep farting all the time?!?!"
23 Mark Ballas “And you said habede habeduh de de. Daba da dip bah da be. That’s what you said when I asked you."
24 Lindsay Arnold "That salsa will get ya-every time!"
25 Louis Van Amstel "I was jealous of Mark on Season 5, but I got the girl now!"
26 Koko Iwasaki "You're a real Jersey party boy, and I need you to be a suave English gentleman for Bond Night."
27 Keo Motsepe "If Len gives a 10, I'm gonna run down and kiss him!"
28 Peta Murgatroyd Her scream after finding out that she and Tommy Chong had made the semi-finals.
29 Pasha Pashkov "You don't know who I am, but I've been praying I get you!"
30 Sasha Farber "If you wanna dance, you know it would be my honour. My main worrybis your health."
31 Jonathan Roberts "Let's take a commercial break."
32 Daniella Karagach "YEAH! OH SHIT!!!"
33 Dmitry Chaplin "I feel like I'm cheating on Jewel with another partner."
34 Sharna Burgess "I got to do the Backstreet Boys' move next to a Backstreet Boy, and I think it's kinda awesome!"
35 Tristan MacManus
36 Britt Stewart
37 Rylee Arnold
38 Tony Dovolani
39 Emma Slater


A huge thank you to the lovely u/invader_holly who suggested the idea, and that I run this game here! 💕
How does it work?
Each day, I'll reshare this board. With each day is a new pro. Similarly to past games I've done like Dances of the Seasons, The Dancing with the Stars Alphabet, Favourite Dances Per Style, and The Pros' Most Memorable Dances, for every day, you can all comment a response. This time, the response would be a quote from the respective pro for that day! As with previous games, the comment with the most upvotes wins. At the end, I'll put together a video compilation together!
Yesterday's round was won by u/Alarming-Butterfly90 's suggestion!


submitted by IndigoWolf4711 to dancingwiththestars [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:52 Ok_Tea_3431 Codependency is all I know.

Posting here because I need help/advice. I 28f have been with my bf 27m for 5 years now. My bf has difficulty holding down jobs. He was always looking for something better which was fine. However last year he quit his job and took on drinking and taking edibles daily. It’s embarrassing to admit but I stayed thru it all. He used insta cart and doordash to make his monthly bills but it’s not enough. I’ll pitch I here and there to help with his car payment. I’ll break down in bullet points bc i don’t know how else to tell my story.
Holidays: For Christmas I bought his family gifts and had him say it was from both of us. I knew they were getting us gifts and I didn’t want to get something without giving them something?? None of my family knows how bad it is. I’m really close to them and I just brush things off. I lied and told them he finally found a job but he hasn’t. I didn’t get a Christmas gift. But I gave him money. He took me to a steak house for my birthday. Paid for it. Then asked I pay back for my meal bc he miscalculated and needed the money. He did buy me flowers for Valentine’s Day. I bought us an expensive dinner for his bday. I will admit I like a certain type of lifestyle even if I can’t afford it so I may overspend on things.
Addiction: Recently he lost his wallet which meant no Id which meant he couldn’t go to the dispensary or buy alcohol. He ended up finding his wallet but I offered to hold onto his id. It was going well but one day I left an expired id with him so he could buy a beer. I left and came back 24hrs later and he was drunk at 5pm. He gets overly emotional and depressed when he’s drunk and I don’t know what to do other than comfort him. Before I would say I was going to storm off or leave him and that would send him into a deeper spiral so now I nod and try to appease him.
Credit card debt: I’ve been swiping my card for food and drinks for both of us. He uses my car for DoorDash which means I pay for the gas. Before he quit his job (he had been unemployed for 3 months before his most recent job) he really wanted and oled tv and asked I put it on my card and he would pay me back. He made payments for the three months that he was employed then stopped. He ended up selling the tv it was $1,100 he kept the money to pay his bills and buy weed. I finished paying off the card myself. I’m in such a hole borrowing money in hopes I can cover my ass until the next paycheck. I got a part time job im starting soon which should help me a lot. I make a decent wage.
Financially irresponsible: we went on a trip to the casino (he was still employed at this time) I booked the hotel on my credit card. He ended up winning $5,000!!! The first night there. Want to guess what he did next??? He took copious amounts of edibles and blew $3,000 of it on more gambling. He won another $1,000 and also blew that. With the remainder he bought a pc AND I had to beg him to pay me for his half of the hotel room. He did pay for dinners and lunch while we stayed there.
Promises: he says he’ll pay me back. I’ve helped him make his car payments. I help him with food. He says things are going to change. He paints this really pretty picture that I so badly want to be true. But it’s MAY 2024. He quit his job June 2023. He promised me Christmas he promised me my birthday gifts. All which fell flat. And now I just feel like a fool. He says once he starts working he’ll pay me back.
I’ve been helping him apply to place none call him back. He also can’t pass a drug test currently.
Relationship: aside from the money I think we’re okay? We trust each other we love each other. When we’re together we’re always laughing and having a good time. We get along. On weekends we take turns on who gets to pick the movie. He’ll watch twilight and mean girls with me.
The only thing is when he is in withdrawal or hungover he becomes easily agitated and needs space to calm down. The worst he’s done is raise his voice and so do I. Normally he just needs to walk it off or blow off the steam and things get better. He’ll hyper fixate on something I did and call me out on it. I’ll apologize but he won’t let off of it when he gets like that there is nothing I can say to change things. In my mind if I did something wrong I get it I’m sorry but there’s nothing I can do to change it? But if he lies or does something he brushes it off and gets upset with me for being upset at his lying?! He’s a terrible texter and never answers his phone. If I needed immediate help I’d be out of luck. But I always have to be there for him. Let’s say he’s having a bad day he needs me there and wants me there. I have to drop everything and if I don’t he feels bad and guilt trips me.
submitted by Ok_Tea_3431 to Codependency [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:50 Exact-Tangerine8683 Looking for advice

So I started a gallon batch of mead the week of Valentine’s Day. I used about 4.5 pounds of honey and one packet of EC-1118 champagne yeast. I noticed the bubbles stopped about a month and a half ago roughly, but I figured I’d let it sit for a while and just wait until I bottled it. Well it didn’t get any clearer and stayed cloudy so I said fuck it and bottled it and thought maybe it’d sort itself out and well I was wrong. I thought about adding another half-packet of yeast to see if maybe not all the honey has been converted into mead but I wanted to consult here before doing so as this is only my second batch and I’m still new to homebrewing. Any advice is welcome!
submitted by Exact-Tangerine8683 to mead [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:48 This_Relative621 Offering: French Seeking: Spanish

Hey, my name is Valentin (20). I'm looking for someone to improve my Spanish with (mainly speaking skill) and I'd love to help you with French! I study translation at uni which means I could help with some advanced French grammar, I love languages, traveling, music, learning about different cultures and their history and having nice conversations :)
I'm also trying to revive what's left of my Dutch classes in high school and to learn Portuguese by myself!
Feel free to text me!
submitted by This_Relative621 to language_exchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:43 suedney Post Match Thread: Fiorentina 2-1 Monza Italian Serie A

FT: Fiorentina 2-1 Monza

Venue: Artemio Franchi
Auto-refreshing reddit comments link
Pietro Terracciano, Nikola Milenkovic, Lucas Martínez Quarta, Fabiano Parisi (Cristiano Biraghi), Michael Kayode (Davide Faraoni), Antonín Barák, Rolando Mandragora, Arthur (Alfred Duncan), M'Bala Nzola (Christian Kouamé), Gaetano Castrovilli (Lucas Beltran), Nicolás González.
Subs: Oliver Christensen, Dodô , Tomasso Martinelli, Luca Ranieri, Gino Infantino, Maxime López, Giacomo Bonaventura, Pietro Comuzzo.
Michele Di Gregorio, Pablo Marí (Danilo D'Ambrosio), Armando Izzo, Georgios Kyriakopoulos (Luca Caldirola), Samuele Birindelli (Pedro Pereira), Warren Bondo, Matteo Pessina, Alessio Zerbin, Andrea Colpani (Valentin Carboni), Dany Mota (Jean-Daniel Akpa Akpro), Milan Djuric.
Subs: Andrea Ferraris, Samuele Vignato, Roberto Gagliardini, Gianluca Caprari, Stefano Gori, Lorenzo Colombo, Alessandro Sorrentino, Giulio Donati.
9' Goal! Fiorentina 0, Monza 1. Milan Djuric (Monza) header from very close range to the bottom left corner. Assisted by Dany Mota with a cross.
32' Goal! Fiorentina 1, Monza 1. Nicolás González (Fiorentina) header from very close range to the bottom right corner. Assisted by Antonín Barák with a cross.
41' Fabiano Parisi (Fiorentina) is shown the yellow card.
45' Substitution, Monza. Luca Caldirola replaces Giorgos Kyriakopoulos.
61' Substitution, Fiorentina. Christian Kouamé replaces M'Bala Nzola.
64' Substitution, Monza. Pedro Pereira replaces Samuele Birindelli.
64' Substitution, Monza. Jean-Daniel Akpa Akpro replaces Dany Mota.
69' Warren Bondo (Monza) is shown the yellow card for a bad foul.
73' Substitution, Monza. Danilo D'Ambrosio replaces Pablo Marí because of an injury.
74' Substitution, Fiorentina. Lucas Beltrán replaces Gaetano Castrovilli.
78' Goal! Fiorentina 2, Monza 1. Arthur (Fiorentina) right footed shot from outside the box to the bottom left corner. Assisted by Antonín Barák.
80' Substitution, Fiorentina. Alfred Duncan replaces Arthur.
80' Substitution, Fiorentina. Davide Faraoni replaces Michael Kayode.
80' Substitution, Fiorentina. Cristiano Biraghi replaces Fabiano Parisi.
82' Substitution, Monza. Valentín Carboni replaces Andrea Colpani.
Don't see a thread for a match you're watching? Click here to learn how to request a match thread from this bot.
submitted by suedney to soccer [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:42 Independent_Poem_622 [US-OH] [H] Plant core, gold pride core, goblin rider core, 3x ulti skill drain, 2x ulti Econ, ots Jaden banner, sleeves, ots backpack, dbz gem playmat [W] PayPal, list

Plants- 124
Gold pride- 22.50
Goblins- 20
Skill drain- $45 for the set
Econs- $45 for the pair
Banner, sleeves, mat, bag-
Sleeves- $20 per
Mat- $250 obo
Ots bag (used some pin holes)- $100 obo
Banner- $220 obo
Hello! Looking to move some goods! Buyer pays fees! Over $35 is free tracking otherwise tracking is $4
3x druiswurm
2x magnamut
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2x secret blmv super poly
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1x thrust ultra
submitted by Independent_Poem_622 to YGOMarketplace [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:42 Mickey-rose- AITA for not paying attention to one of my partners on Valentine’s Day.

So I know it’s may but this argument between me (24 NB) and my (34M) long distance boyfriend and so I thought I’d come here for some advice. So about a week before Valentine’s Day my boyfriend came down to visit for a weekend and we went do dinner we gave each other our valentines gifts and we had really good sex. Not to be that guy but I thought my bases were covered. So now flash forward to the actual holiday in question boyfriend knew that I had big plans for my fiancé(25F) since this was the first Valentine’s Day we were engaged. I made us reservations at a fancy restaurant, bought us corresponding outfits, and went and got a tattoo of a candy heart that says “mine” in the middle as her actual gift. I spent most of the day on the phone with my boyfriend like I normally do but I was distracted during the afternoon since I was getting ready for my night with my fiancé. He told me “besides telling happy Valentine’s Day earlier, you haven’t really done anything to make today feel special”. Now on one hand I can kinda understand where he’s coming from since this was also our first Valentine’s Day together but on the other hand with the fact that we have only been dating since October and I was spending my time focusing on my fiancé who’ve I’ve been with for years. We don’t have a hierarchy but I feel like it should’ve been a given that I would be celebrating with my nesting partner. But I don’t know, I obviously don’t want him to feel forgotten about but I also feel like he’s overstepping.
submitted by Mickey-rose- to polyamory [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:41 Serious-Concern-6703

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submitted by Serious-Concern-6703 to TemuNewUsersASAp [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:39 I_am_Tade St. Valentine's customs

Hey lads! In my culture there isn't a St. Valentine's tradition. Yes, it has become a commercial holiday and capitailsm has forced it down everyone's throats every year trying to sell unnecessary shit to us all, but what I mean is that the festivity isn't ingrained in our zeitgeist, and there are no "St. Valentine's traditions" one would expect, besides arguably wearing red to symbolise you are in love?
I have learnt thanks to media from the US as well as anime that there are specific customs in those countries, particularly among young people. From what I understand, creating and exchanging cards is common in schools in the US, while preparing and gifting chocolate is common in schools in Japan. I have been thinking about this topic, and cringed at how uncomfortable I'd be in this situation. What would I do if I received a gift from a person I obviously feel no attraction towards? Would I feel pressured to prepare and gift stuff too? How do peer pressure and social dynamics work in these instances? Do adults have expectations when it comes to the behaviour of kids?
I don't know anything about what adults do for St. Valentine's however (albeit I can imagine what allo couples might do, of course), in the sense that I have never heard of "adult St. Valentine's traditions" in the same vein as the two ones mentioned previously. I guess what I'm trying to ask is: is there any St. Valentine's tradition in your culture? Are there different expectations for kids and adults? If so, what's your experience as an asexual? Feel free to share!
submitted by I_am_Tade to aaaaaaacccccccce [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:33 YamCrazy7189 Is anyone else on Ps5 not getting the quest after unlikely valentine?

submitted by YamCrazy7189 to fo4 [link] [comments]

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2024.05.13 22:32 Repulsive-Resort-245 Ribbon flower bouquet

Ribbon flower bouquet
Hey guys my best friend been doing these beautiful bouquets for a year now. She does them for any type of occasion. Here's her business account and some of her work! Go give her some love and support 🫶🏻
-she can also ship just ask her about
submitted by Repulsive-Resort-245 to Knoxville [link] [comments]