Unblock the internet


2020.08.18 22:44 asherkaul6 The_Internet_Said_So

Fans of the TISS podcast by members of XNG stand-up comics, Neville Shah, Varun Thakur, Aadar Malik, and Kautuk Srivastava, with various guests!!! Join the discord- https://discord.gg/UyDWVCpGUx

2011.06.30 22:17 MyNameIsPrance Best Of The Internet

Home for the best pics, gifs and videos on the internet! Share anything that will make us feel glad that the internet exists!

2008.09.09 07:02 The Internet's Tailgate

The home of college football on reddit.

2024.06.06 06:10 Hour-Bottle1634 FIN ACK Packet right after three-way handshake

I am trying to establish an MQTT connection from a site where internet connection is quite secure (many firewalls and blocked ports, etc). To establish this connection, we have unblocked the port 8883 and server host address for MQTT Broker (Azure Event Grid). However, we are noticing the connection is still failing, using Wireshark we got the packet as follows:
  1. Client Port -> 8883 (SYN)
  2. 8883 -> Client Port (SYN,ACK)
  3. Client Port -> 8883 (ACK)
  4. (After 2s) 8883 -> Client Port (FIN,ACK)
  5. Client Port -> 8883 (FIN,PSH,ACK)
  6. 8883 -> Client Port (RST,ACK)
Could anyone help diagnose or what I can do to check whether the connection is getting refused on the server side or if it is from the site's internet. I'm not very good at networking, but I know the bare minimum, any help would be appreciated.
submitted by Hour-Bottle1634 to networking [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 00:25 Feakarkenechaeucaski Understanding Adblockers: A long post to debunk the idea of MV3 or Google being able/intending to kill adblockers.

  1. Is MV3 killing Adblockers like people say? while MV3 is more restricted than MV2, it will not kill adblockers.
  2. Is Google killing adblockers? no, there is Adblockplus, Adguard and uBlock MV3 complaint extensions in the store.
  3. Why do people say Google is killing adblockers then? It's based on not understanding how adblockers filters/rules work.
  4. Will I see Youtube ads because Google is going to workaround how adblockers work? Not exactly, Google can't do anything about it, the method used in MV3 is the same way ads are being blocked in MV2, which is by injecting a JavaScript snippets. The only way Google can do anything is if they completely change the way they deliver their ads, for example, embedding them just like Twitch does it.
  5. I heard adblockers can't update lists frequently like they do now because lists are included in the extensions and reviewing extensions take days, is that true? Yes, that's true, but recently google added a Skip review for eligible changes to extensions that will take care of that (you can read it on their 'developer chrome' blog), and Developers can publish SAFE STATIC RULES updates without needing to go through a review by the extension store. And Adblockers can normally update their lists and they will be available to users within minutes when extensions get updated (they will be a new version of the extension but without any change and only the lists). This only applies to extensions that use declarativeNetRequest API, and even google says in their blog they did this because "In Manifest V3, developers of content filtering extensions make heavy use of the Declarative Net Request API. These extensions rely on filter lists which can change often and need to be kept up to date for users. We already support dynamic rules and we are adding this option to make sure developers can continue to offer the same set of capabilities in MV3."
So how can these actions taken by Google, like improving MV3 DNR limits based on Adguard and Adblock Plus feedback, and this skip review for CONTENT FILTERING extensions, can translate to some people as Google is killing adblockers and Google this and Google that? It's not true.
This is not a post to defend MV3, but we have to accept it is the future in Chromium browsers. The purpose of this post is to explain how adblockers work and why MV3 while more restricted in what MV2 allowed extensions to do (Mv3 adds positive and negative things), there is still no problem for most adblocker rules to work, and that's what matters if Adblockers are working or not, even if they miss some other features they had, like an easy to use slider or a button.
This is also not to justify the creation of MV3, but MV3 wasn't made 'to limit adblockers', because it is the extension platform, so every extension will be affected. The theory of MV3 is to give Chromium browsers the power with native APIs to do the filtering and everything extensions do, they say it is for performance, battery and security reasons, but in terms of adblockers it doesn't matter if true or not.
Many arguments against Mv3 are also based on pure lack of logical and reason, like think about this, why would Google provide Declarative Net Request API, if they don't want extensions to do that? if they wanted to kill most of Adblocker effectiveness they would have done that, the browser can do it natively for developers so why provide an Extension API if the plan is to limit and kill adblockers? that's how some people's logic doesn't make any sense.
So this is more to let some people drop the fear and misinformation, with the concepts of Adblocking and the manifestv3 extension platform. It's okay to have some doubt and be uncertain about stuff, but making claims like "google is killing adblockers" or "Google will stop supporting adblockers" are just ridiculous.
And this is why:
First, Adblockers don't use 'magic' to do what they do, Adblockers fundamental idea is very simple in the way they do their job, this is because everything done by the Adblockers can be done by anyone using the same features to create websites and all, like Devtools, Block Network Requests, Modify or Add or remove CSS properties, attributes, classes, nodes, modify headers, modify CSP inject JavaScript snippets which would allow to have access to many APIs like remove or set cookies or local storage items, set functions or stop then from running, close windows, stop popups from opening... etc.
This means Adblockers can't be killed because if Google were to block Adblockers for doing simple tasks like that, most other extension would be blocked, for example: 7tv or Betterttv inject JS in Twitch so Twitch page replaces words by images. Dark Reader or midnight-lizard will modify the CSS to modify the way websites look. Something like Inssman or ModHeader will modify and add and remove the request and response headers, and make other advanced stuff that would work like what Adblockers do to do their job.
So for Google to block adblockers, they need to change completely the way web technologies are made, this is also because when you open devtools, a page is an open book, you can check anything a website does and modify it and even retain some changes after you reload the page when you use Sources -> overrides. So it is not possible for Google to do that.
If people think Google could block extensions based on name? Adblockers can just drop the use of "adblockers' in their name and move on. If people think Google could use the Static rules (in MV3 rules that come with the adblocker have to be reviewed by Chrome Extension Store), well, Youtube currently doesn't use any essential static rule for its adblocking, maybe for anti-track purposes but not really for the video ads, so even if Google were to block Adblockers based on other types of rules like Scriptlet injection, there will be an official list to load in the adblocker that will do the job. Adblockers are allowed to use custom rules, and since scriptlet injections rules are not counted towards any Dynamic rules limit in DNR, then you can add as many as you want, because the limits in DNR are for DNR not other types of rules that don't touch the API.
Yes, Adblockers support many type of rules to achieve anything they do, this is important because it seems for the way people comment or write their posts that they think Cosmetics are the same as a Network Request filter and they all obth are limited to DNR API, people should finally stop thinking thata rule can be treated the same as another, especially when we talk about DNR limits.
DNR API is ONLY about Network Request filtering, this is, anything that the browser connects to when loading a page, you can see all these connections in Devtools -> Network, and you can use the Network Request Filtering inside Devtools to achieve the same an adblocker would do (maybe better, since Devtools has access to anything, even extensions, while extensions can only see pages, no internal pages or other extensions.). These ones are the only rules that count towards the limits of declarativeNetRequest API which is replacing WebRequest API. Other rules, like cosmetics or scriptlet injections are not counted towards the limit, so basically, anything that looks like example^ or example$domain=test, example/ads/*$xhr,scriptare the only ones that have to do with DNR API, but if they are simple cosmetics example##.class or Scriptlet Injections example##+js(scriptlet), they are not going to use DNR.
This is very important to understand, because most people make Cosmetic filters either by using native CSS selectors or pseudo-classes or Procedurals (selectors made with JS), and something like Youtube and others use scriptlet injections to achieve the adblocking capabilities, not network request becasue the ads don't get delivered that way or because modifying the way ads are delivered will not get blocked easily by Youtube or any other provider.
So Google can't even do much about adblockers in Youtube, because they would have to change the way ads are delivered to achieve that, just like Twitch did, and even in Twitch there are still workarounds like a scriptlet that lowers the quality to 360p while the ads are running, or extensions to proxy the connection to countries were ads are not implemented. This is the only way they have been able to fight a little the way uBlock, Brave or Adguard implementation to block Youtube ads, by changing a little the JSON stuff, but in 8 months Youtube hasn't been able to do much.
Now, about Anti-adblock technologies, this is not new, any website have been using similar methods to try to scare people and annoy people to disable adblockers, some are more effective the ones, some are not avoidable by simple methods and you need to allow some connections, but basically browsers can't tell if you are using Adblocker or not, what developers do is they build a logic to assume you are using an adblocker. Youtube latest anti-adblocker trick, was to go to Easylist, see an element that is being HIDDEN by cosmetics, and tell the page "if this element has the CSS display: none !important; then display the anti-adblock notice" nothing that wasn't fixed in 3 seconds by filter mantainers, that's it, not anything big to combat adblockers, just what any other website has been using in years, but something like Youtube hasn't really done much to fight adblockers in months for the way scriptlets were made by Adguard and uBlock with tons of research behind them on how to effectively implement them.
So why are people still stuck in the idea that Google can do anything about adblockers? it is fime to stop. Yes, Manifestv3 brings changes some negative changes, but also some positive ones, also some limits and all that, but it's not going to kill adbockers, especially when Google keeps making the extension platform more powerful by adding more APIs, for example recently they added userScripts API, which seems to be amazing allowing extensions to inject JS code natively, easy, without sacrificing performance, and since the idea of Manifestv3 is letting the browser do all the job by native APIs, then the performance between MV3 extensions shouldn't be an issue anymore, now it will be about extensions offering or not specific features and how devs improve and expand the extensions without killing the browser or opening security issues or something.
BTW recently Google made some changes to improve DNR limits. - More Static Rules: Previously only 50 static rulesets could be added per extension and only 10 enabled simultaneously. they were increased to be 50 simultaneusly and 100 rulesets in total. - More Dynamic Rules: 5000 were the limit and it was increased to 30000, but this is only for DNR rules: block, allow, allowAllRequests or upgradeScheme, while other dynamic net request rules stay at 5000. This is the change that was made based on Adguard and Adblock Plus feedback, because between internal lists and custom lists the 5K was too low and hit easily. You could see other limits by finding MAX_NUMBER_OF_DYNAMIC_RULES in Chrome's documentation.
So the limites are not the end of the world either, even if you were going to add your own rules.
Adblockers have evolved, they are not simple network requests and then cosmetics to hide whatever leftovers display in the page, this has needed years of researching and implementations, but they are not going away, because there are already MV3 complaint extensions in Google Extension Store, some are more capable than others, some offer most of the MV2 counterpart rules parity, some need work but it doesn't mean the effectiveness of the adblocker is gone.
These are some of the rules adblockers relay on, of course some have more value than others.
But in Adblocking world, If a rule exists, it will only be valid if the Adblocker supports it, there is no magic here either, a rule is either supported or not, this is why lists have thousands of rules, manually updated by humans everyday and all adblockers I tested, and why it is important for adblockers to find a way to support most of the rules they previously supported, sometimes an adblocker might support a rule and not the other like injecting CSS code in any HTML element, so it's not a limitation of the platform and how developers didn't care to give that feature or not yet.
Of course, if you don't believe me, you and anyone can test these rules and see if their adblocker of choice is effective or not, or if the rules you need to achieve X or Y exist, their documentation should easily let you write your own rules, so anyone could easily write a rule and adapt it to each Adblocker's syntax and see if the adblocker has the support for those features or not. I have done this for years and have made lists, of course Adblockers are always adding new type of rules and evolving so it is hard to keep up, especially if a rule is not documented because it is experimetal and might or not be implemented in the end.
Anyway, these are the main types of adblocking rules so you can see the differences:
Network request: They will block anything you see in Devtools -> Network tab, the most basic one is example^ and they can use modifiers to filter them more and be more specific: document, domain/from, scrpt, 3p, image, xhr, css, popup, redirect, redirect-rule, to, other, media, all. The first part before the $ is the URL the browser sees, the modifiers after the $ are just ways to filter them to be more specific if necessary. So, it requires a bit of reading to know how to write rules but it is easy, especially cosmetics, but for example you can set up to block specific images in specific domains you use test.jpg$image,domain=example or a script when it is loaded as a third-party connection test$script,3p This is what blocks as an Adblocker, any other rule can block, but this is the main one in charge of that and modify or block network request.
Cosmetic: example##.test this are the ones with native CSS selectors and pseudo classes. All it does is whatever you 'select' by using CSS selectors and pseudo classes, will be added the property display: none !important, and that's it, they don't block, only hide whatever element is selected, which is always a misconception of people when they say "Adblocker X is not blocking ads" but it is a static image that just doesn't have a specific rule set up.
Scriptlet Injection: example##+js(scriptlet) these are one of the most important filters in recent years, increasing the importance because injecting JS is powerful, and allows to do too many different things. But for example you could use a scriptlet to stop visibilitychange and then videos won't detect you tabbed out and stop them, so it is a whole world on its own, it is the biggest type of rule, because it allows to do almost anything with a website by injecting JS and using APIs like any pages does, this is the future of adblocking and it's like a reverse-engeneering type of thing, so instead of you building a feature by using JS in a page by a web dev, the adblocker is going stop or remove or modify what was built with JS by using the same JS that is native to the browser, again, no different than what you can do in Devtools. I wonder if Mv3 complain extensions will allow us to use our own scriptlets eventually, userScripts API should be the new better official API way of doing it as far as I know, it only needs dev mode to be enabled and it should allow users to download or add their own JS code to inject in pages, but I am not an extension developer to know the exact details and the performance compared to what MV2 extensions do when injecting scriptlets, but I am positive about it especially when it is a API provided by the browser and all.
Redirection rules: example$redirect=resource or example$redirect-rule= or ABP would use something that has the syntax $rewrite=abp-resource:resource this basically will replace a network request and use a local modified resource, this means you can replace a JS file with a noop one. This is important becuase it's frequent to detect adblockers based on network requests not being delivered, so this will allow the page to think it got the file, but since it is useless, nothing trackers or ads will happen, so you can block the request and faking the deliver of the file.
Content Security Policy (CSP): example$csp=default-src;sandbox;script-src This is not used often but it is very powerful. It works for a whitelisting stuff from a page, so you will add what you want to whitelist depending what you want to do. There are similar ways to achieve that in some adblockers by using $to (at least both $CSP and $to are supported by Adguard in MV3).
Procedural cosmetics: example##.test:upward(:has-text(TEXT)) some use the :contains() instead of :has-text(). But these are just non-native selectors made by JS, they allow amazing things but are slower than native CSS selectors and pseudo classes, so make things easier depending on situation at the cost of performance.
Action operators: :style() example##.test:style(css property) (or in Adguard = example#$?#.test {css property}), :remove(), :remove-attr(), :remove-class(), pretty useful to modify the websites and remove elements instead of hiding them, when hiding is not enough, remove-attr and remove-cass are still available in the form is scriptlet injections, since you have to inject JS to achieve what they do, but using them with normal CSS selectors, looking like normal cosmetics gives more flexibility for the rules and how they are applied in a page, like if an element changes in the page.
There are also the Specific or Generic rules, Generic are the ones that will apply to every page, specific will apply to specific domain(s), and there are also the exceptions, so rules are not applied to specific domains or completely to override something that was added by a filter list, same as $badfilter and other rules that are used in filter lists but users rarely use.
Most of rules that were in MV2 have been implemented in MV3, and the more time that passes the more an adblocker will evolve one way or the other, which is exactly what adblockers have been doing for years.
But in the end, people can test all this and drop the idea of the Evil MV3, because there already 3 major adblocking extensions in the store that are MV3 complaint anyway, some have more features than others, some already support all the same supported rules that they had in Mv2, some will include advanced features eventually, so people should just wait and see, there is still time for Extension Store to hide Mv2 extensions, and for Browser to completely remove Mv2 support, so rushing to judge based on ignorance shouldn't be a thing anymore.
Extensions in the store:
Adblock Plus: This seems to be the only official mainstream MV3 adblocker at the moment, it replaced the MV2 version sometime ago.
It works fine, every previous rule that was reported in their documentation How-to-write-filters, it allows you to use your own Custom Adblock rules and lists, It also has a logger through devtools.
The only problem people will notice is that it is still the same freemium extension as before, maybe more aggressive now because you need a subscription to unblock some features/lists, but you don't need that because you use any list you want, and you can write your own filters, unless they add scriptlets or something restricted only to premium users, then there is no reason why you can't make them yourself.
Adguard: Adguard is a separated extension "MV3 Experimental", it offers more features than ABP, by features I mean, rules. The logger is only present if you build and sideload the extension though, no official support for that yet. It allows custom adblock rules and lists.
It seems to have the same issue as Adguard MV2, the performance of ExtendedCss (procedural) cosmetics is a little slower than what you woudl get in ABP (MV2 or MV3).
But it offers great features like being able to inject any CSS property you want by using #$?#.selector {style}, or you can use $csp to modify the CSP permissions in a page, and $to and many rules you can read in thier Github and the kb page How to create your own ad filters, and while it still doesn't support the great advanced list of rules the MV2 supports, it is closer and closer on each big release.
uBlock Origin Lite: This extension is also a separated extension from the MV2 conterpart, but it seems to offer good support for the rules.
There are one serious limitations though, no custom adblock rules or lists at the moment. But obviously it is not a limitation of MV3 when the other 2 extensions offer it.
It is really hard to test what exact features it supports or not compared to the MV2, for that single reason, no custom adblock rules.
But I made a reverse way of testing rules, a quick one because I didn't want to take hours doin it.
I opened the filter lists and searched for any random rule hltv.*##.leftCol > div [data-link-tracking-page="Widget"]:upward(.leftCol > div) that has :has() and :upward(). If the rule is not present in the domain, I would just create the HTML node structure and see if it works or not.
Well, they work, so it supports procedural cosmetic filters. The only problem I encountered that is not present in ABP or Adguard is that when I modified the rule, the rule has to be come invalid and show the element, for example an attribute, but when modifying the attribute the elements were still hidden with the display: none !important property, which is not what they have to do, like it's not watching the DOM correctly, but it is not an issue people will encounter, but more lika a behavior issue in how other adblockers work.
I also encountered some issues, where cosmetics are not being applied, if I go to cgpress you can see the right side has am ad leftover, but if you use devtools, you see that span[data-ez-ph-id] is in the list of cosmetics being applied, so it works but for some reason the other property being set by the page with display: block !important; is still being applied and not being overriden by what uBlock Lite is adding so you can remove the !important added by cgpress devs and the element will be hidden properly.
But this means it is not the adblocker not being able to do it, it is just it is not applying the cosmetic correctly in some cases, which is something the dev has to fix because ABP doens't have an issue for example.
uBlock Lite is also able to inject CSS with the action operator :style(), if you go to uBlockorg website, you shall see a message that says "uBlock is unrelated to the well-known uBlock Origin." in red, well, that's injected by the adblocker with the :style() action operator. So it supports most good rules, and while it is hard ot test without custom user rules, it's great and fast.
So... Will people still say Google can kill adblockers after reading this? probaly. Some people might think who am I to 'teach them anything' or don't care about what I wrote in this post and want to get stuck intheir ideas, but at least I am the kind of person who has found and reported bugs in how adblockers apply their rules, misbehaviors and limitations and workarounds and everything like that, this is because I meddle with adblockers enough to do all that. If someone needs a rule or a solution to a problem with a page, I am sure an Adblocker might be able to solve it. This is another thing about adblockers, they have evolved so much to do more than just adblocking or antitracking, you can use its features for so many thing, that you can completely change websites by modify their CSS, not just colors but position, size of the elements etc... I still hope some people learned something and how adblockers are easy to test and experiment with and even if MV3 Adblockers are still not feature parity with MV2, that doesn't mean they are going anywhere, or they can be killed by anyone like Google without changing the whole web.
Any questions about adblockers, I never have issues with that, any rule peopel need, I can help with that too. I know some people are weird on the internet, maybe too passionate to have a conversation, but I still hope someone learned anything from this post. I tried to cover everything I could to explain the details, so I hope I covered most of it so if people are interested they can go to each Adblocker documentation, see what feature they support and maybe learn how to write their own rules and how to fix their web by themselves if necessary.
Thank you very much for reading and have a good day.
submitted by Feakarkenechaeucaski to browsers [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 00:16 pwerry chiSSL - Create https reverse tunnel for local development

Our team at Unblocked just open-sourced `chiSSL` on GitHub. It's a new, lightweight version of chisel that allows you to expose any local server running on your development machine to the internet with a valid SSL certificate.


You can read more about it on our blog https://getunblocked.com/blog/chissl or explore the project on GitHub Repo https://github.com/NextChapterSoftware/chissl
Forked from: https://github.com/jpillora/chisel
submitted by pwerry to selfhosted [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:44 Professional_Try8588 AITAH for cutting off and blocking my mom’s number after moving out?

hi, i’m not sure if this post will get anywhere but i really need help right now and everyone else i have contacted has been utterly useless. i (17f) have moved out of my moms (37f) abusive household and now i’m confused as to what i’m supposed to do.
i left last saturday in a rush because we had gotten into a disagreement and she started throwing things out and at me. the disagreement occurred when her boyfriend (36m) started complaining that the bathroom was dirty (i had on a wig at the time and i was shedding a lot) so she had come into my room and told me to clean it. i had asked for her to give me 15 minutes to get up because i had just woken up and i had to go to work so i would be in the bathroom soon anyway. she started yelling and calling me disrespectful then once she saw that i asked again for 15 minutes she started throwing things. first she grabbed my lamp and smashed against the wall the held it on my face and threatened to hit me. when i hadn’t flinched she started grabbing my belongings and throwing them down the steps.
her boyfriend asked her what she was doing and then told her he was leaving and didn’t want her to come with him anymore (they were apparently going to a wedding) he didn’t try to stop her he just left. she walked out of the room continuing to yell and then came back and started grabbing things, when she had grabbed and unplugged the blow drying from underneath my desk, she came back over to me started screaming and then threw the dryer at my head. she had missed by a couple of inches and the dryer shattered against the wall. after this she left my room again and yelled at me to get out of her house.
i texted a friend of mine and asked him (18m) to come get me. when he picked me up i ran out of the house and we left quickly. once we got far enough away i called my pop pop (65m) to come get me. since then i’ve been saying with him and and this really shouldn’t be a problem seeing as he is my legal guardian but of course my mother sees this as a problem and to be petty she has cut off the internet to my phone so therefore, i can’t do anything when i step out of my house and get disconnected from the wifi. since then she texted me saying my phone bill is 50 dollars (no one else on her line pays this much btw) and that i owe her this if i want my phone back on.
here are the messages:
her: Your phone bill is $50 monthly. I don’t take care of ppl who wanna call the cops and be disrespectful to their mother. (i never called the cops on her, i has told her that if she continued to throw things at me i would.)
me: i was disrespectful says the person who threw things at me
her : That’s why you don’t have to worry about talking to me anymore. Enjoy your life I hope it works out for you.
after this message i had blocked her. i went to t-mobiles website (our internet provider) and found out the only amount of money due was 15 dollars. i paid that and my phone is still cut off. i have blocked her number and haven’t spoken to her since. i have called everyone i could, our phone company, the non-emergency line, and the criminal offense office, they’re all saying they cannot do anything. she eventually figured out she has been blocked and has continuously called me off of her boyfriends number and yelling at me to unblock her or she’ll turn my phone off completely.
since i’ve been with my pop pop everyone i know has been telling me that i should call her and apologize just to get back in good graces but i really don’t want to since i feel like i haven’t done anything wrong. so i’m here asking reddit, what am i supposed to do?
submitted by Professional_Try8588 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 19:16 Traditional_Focus215 My girlfriend 21F choose someone else over me 23M, What should i do?

Hello guys, so i am a bit confused about what s happening with me and my situation. So i met this girl online, we quiet had an online relationship but we live same country, but we had on/off breakups, she always comes back to me, and honestly i want it her back too, and viceversa. There was one point where we had a conflict and i started to question at her and beind mad, and then she started to be indifferent and then let her 1 day without talking and she blocked me everywhere for 3 weeks and i knew she will be back because she blocked because she was angry or want it some attention, until she contacts me out of the blue to help her how to delete a discord server, which it was something that she could look up on the internet, initially i knew she was testing the waters, helped her anyway and ended the convo. 4 days after she randomly send a picture with her at the pub (she said she was drunk) initially i thought she misses me because she was texting me out of the blue and i knew she wanted to start talking again, on the same day she invited me to watch a movie togheter (online) on discord platform, and i agreed with it, i told myself cuz i missed her too but i quiet want it her to own me a bit, but i told myself she texted me twice and i knew it was embarrassing for her so i agreed with, eventually i invited her for the first time to hang out after 6 months, (she did ask me before, but i declined because i was angry at that time as we had a conflict. So she immediately said yes, and we met, and she liked me and we kissed, and had a good time even if i saw once that she got a text from a guy, but didn’t t bother at that time, later that night she asked me to take things slowly as she didn’t want anymore breakups. Next day we spoke about the future, she was texting me consistently i mean she always responded to me quick, she looked interested to me. Later that night someone texted me that she is been talking to someone else also (the guy that texted her) and i wondered why did she unblock me if she has someone new already, so i asked her if she really wants me and she said yes, we had a plan to meet up again also, i mean we were togheter basically. And then i approached her asking if she is talking to that guy, and what s happening. She said yes she is talking to him for 2 weeks but she explained to me like it s not a big deal. Then i asked her to block him if she wants me, because i aint going to be an option, but she didn t choose at that same time as she was going to work, but it was an simple answer which she didn t give it, until she came back after work. She told me that feelings came back after we met real life, and i made her crazy, but that guy changed her totally. (that s what she says, didn’t t see so) Later that day i asked her again what is her decision, at that point i knew she won t choose me because it took her long, but i want it to hear it. She told me that she likes him, and she knew she wouldn’t choose me but she was thinking. and she said that at start she contacted me because she want it to be friends, and then she asked me to be friend, good friends, because i m a such a smart and a wonderful person. And she doesn’t want to be with 2 men, but she didn t tell me about him at the start, and i don t know why she unblocked me, she said she was missing me anyway. She said she didn’t wanna go that far with me, as she just want it friendship and she contacted me because she want it help with the discord server and second time she was drunk. She took away everything basically. And that hurt me honestly and i was confused, and of course i declined the friendship offer and she told me that she won t block me this time as it was immature and if i wanna text her anytime for help or something i should do so.
Of course i blocked her as i find it disgusting.
In a way i know she doesn’t deserve it, but i d really know why did she do that to me, i mean if she liked that guys so be it, but why unblock and miss me and then throw me over.
Honestly i want her back but not as serious relationship. Only for sex, but in the same time we didn t have a long term relationship or history to say that we had a relationship to be in that way. But still it hurts, and the thing is i know that guy, and he s talking with a lot of girls. Which it makes me disgusted to who choosed me over.
submitted by Traditional_Focus215 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 06:20 six6ots Fetal reduction of 6 fetuses

While this is still fresh in my mind, I would like to share my story - to help myself and any others that may find themselves in a similar situation as me. It's also so that I have a record of this experience.
(Using a new account on the off chance that any of my friends find this.)
My husband (31 years old) and I (30 years old) started to try for a baby around the middle of last year. We had known from the start that it would not be super easy for us to get pregnant as I have PCOS and his sperm quality is not great. We tried naturally until the end of last year when we started seeing a reproductive assistance specialist, who recommended we try IUI first before deciding if IVF is necessary.
The first two cycles were unsuccessful, despite two mature follicles in the second cycle. Both cycles lasted a bit more than a month.
After the second cycle, I did a hysterosalpingogram (fallopian tube scan), which involved conducting a procedure whereby the radiologist would inject a special dye into your uterus that would pass through your fallopian tubes while they took scans to determine how fast the dye is passing through your fallopian tubes. We found that my left fallopian tube was partially blocked.
For the third cycle, the specialist used a different set of medicine to encourage egg production. By my count, this phase itself lasted a month (i.e., significantly longer than the previous two cycles). As more eggs were producing in my left ovary, the specialist wanted to see if more eggs would produce in my right ovary before inducing ovulation. At the end, there were five mature follicles - 3 on the left and 2 on the right.
It should be noted that during this time, the specialist had told us that it is possible that the hysterosalpingogram may have temporarily unblocked my left fallopian tube so the mature follicles in my left ovary may not be completely useless. So maybe it was the specialist's lack of foresight that led to this entire situation.
Anyway, so with five mature follicles, we proceeded with IUI and went through the waiting game of two weeks post-IUI.
The weekend before I was meant to do a pregnancy test, I started developing OHSS symptoms - severe bloating and nausea which resulted in vomiting. Due to a number of reasons, despite these symptoms, I did not see the specialist until the next Tuesday - four days after I realised that my symptoms were worsening. Those four days were spent at home, throwing up every meal and stuck mostly in bed.
On that Tuesday that I saw the specialist, I did a urine pregnancy test which showed a very thick, very red test line. Unfortunately our joy was shortlived as that same day, I was hospitalised for OHSS. I was in the hospital for 13 days.
Whilst in the hospital, I had to do fluid tapping and my legs were so swollen that they were unrecognisable to me. For some reason the hospital would not take my HCG levels for the longest time so I was in a state of limbo with regard to the pregnancy. On day 6, I was finally told that my HCG levels were at ~3,500 and a transvaginal ultrasound was done which showed two gestational sacs. No additional ultrasounds were done by the hospital.
On day 10 of my hospitalisation (which would be week 5 + 2 days), I was temporarily released to see the specialist where both transvaginal and abdominal ultrasounds were done. This showed us four gestational sacs but no heartbeats yet. That day was the first time the specialist mentioned the possibility of needing to do fetal reduction if more than two heartbeats develop.
After I was released from hospital, we went for further checkups with the specialist which basically showed:
• Week 6 + 2 days - six gestational sacs, three heartbeats • Week 7 + 2 days - six gestational sacs, six heartbeats • Week 8 + 2 days - 10 gestational sacs, eight heartbeats
Between week 7 and week 8, we knew we had to do fetal reduction to reduce to twins. The risk to me and the babies was too high. I cannot carry eight babies to term. Both my husband and I knew that.
Due to the high numbers of heartbeats, the specialist recommended that we do fetal reduction asap - between weeks 8 to 10. If we wait until week 10-12 (at which point some of the heartbeats might stop developing and we may have an idea of whether any of them have genetic abnormalities), we run the risk of the tissues of the dead fetuses causing an infection, increasing the risk of miscarriage of the remaining twins.
So we scheduled the procedure for week 8 + 5 days. That was yesterday.
I don't think I was prepared at all for the procedure despite how much I scoured the Internet and Reddit for similar stories - simply because there were none that I could find. I couldn't find any stories of people reducing from eight heartbeats to two at week 8-10. This is also one of the reasons why I decided to share.
The procedure itself took an hour and a half. It was not painless despite local anesthesia, maybe because it wore off as the procedure went on - I'm not sure. Due to the positions of the sacs, the specialist had to inject from two different locations. He reduced three fetuses for each injection. For each injection, by the time he was working on the third fetus, I would start feeling pain that felt like really bad period cramps. The last fetus was especially bad because it felt like he had to dig deeper.
Emotionally, it was the hardest experience I had ever went through in my life. My husband was in the treatment room with me and held my hand the whole time. Although I kept my eyes shut and although I kept my emotions under control at first, I could hear my husband starting to cry when the first few fetuses were reduced. At some point between reducing fetus 2 and 3, the nurses had to adjust my bed higher which jolted me out of my "frozen" state. I almost opened my eyes at that point but my husband warned me, "Don't look," and the waterworks broke which did not stop until the end of the procedure.
Between the two injections, I looked briefly and saw which I think is one of the remaining twins with a heartbeat so strong that I could see it on the screen. I couldn't look any longer and just kept my eyes closed the rest of the way. I can only say that I am glad my husband was there and comforted me.
Although part way through the procedure, it seemed that only five fetuses needed to be reduced, at the end, six were reduced. The procedure ended successfully.
Afterwards, my husband told me that I wouldn't have been able to bear it if I had looked. Seeing the procedure made him feel remourse and guilt. He described it as the needle invading each embryo's space, and because the specialist had to "hook" the needle onto each embryo, it looked like they were running away from the needle. He hadn't expected himself to be so emotional. Prior to the procedure, I had told him to keep watch to make sure everything is done correctly and because I felt that we shouldn't ignore what's happening - but hearing him cry made me realise the emotional strain that the situation was having on him, which weighed me down too. At the end of the day, I can only appreciate him staying strong for me.
The good news is, at our most recent ultrasound scan, which was yesterday night around six hours after the procedure, our twins were still shown going strong.
According to the specialist, there is a higher risk of miscarriage due to the procedure for two weeks, so it is now a waiting game for us. At this stage, we know that whatever happens is out of our control. But from all the ultrasounds we have done, the twins have always looked strong to me. I believe in them.
As my husband and I don't plan to share this story with any of our friends, nor do we want to go into details with our family, this post is really the only way for me to really reflect on what has happened. I also hope that, given our situation seems to be on the rarer side, this post gives insight to anyone that is going through the same thing.
Stay strong, everyone. ❤️
submitted by six6ots to tfmr_support [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 17:22 logodisgne Discover the Best VPN: Namecheap's FastVPN

Discover the Best VPN: Namecheap's FastVPN

Experience the best VPN with Namecheap's FastVPN. Enjoy fast, secure, and affordable internet freedom with unlimited bandwidth, 24/7 support, and a 30-day money-back guarantee. Protect your privacy, unblock restricted sites, and browse anonymously. Try FastVPN today!

submitted by logodisgne to u/logodisgne [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 16:37 Officialdrazel Edge & Chrome blocks downloaded executables

I'm loosing the last of my hair trying to figure out what is making Microsoft Edge & Google Chrome from blocking .exe files after they are downloaded.
"Organization blocked this file because it didn't meet a security policy" Microsoft Edge
"Blocked by your organisation" Google Chrome
Have anyone seen this issue before and know what's causing it? If so I would be very grateful if you share.
Scope: This only affects Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge with .exe files. Regardless if they are digitally signed or not and only on my local account on this Windows 11 machine. Firefox or other browsers are not blocked by org
Context: I use my personal computer when testing business solutions, example Intune, Defender for Endpoint etc. This device have Entra ID registered to an organisation before that uses intune
Screenshots Please see detailed blocked/error messages: https://imgur.com/a/8XnsJE6
What i've tried and learned:
submitted by Officialdrazel to sysadmin [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 09:19 Glass-Jaguar8828 6 Ways to Make Spotify Unblocked for School or Anywhere

6 Ways to Make Spotify Unblocked for School or Anywhere
Spotify is available in lots of places around the world, but sometimes you might get blocked when you are at your school or job, or the government blocks it. If you're a student and find that Spotify is blocked, it's essential to explore solutions or find other ways to listen to music. Here's this article that will take you cover.

Part 1. Why is Spotify Blocked in School?

Schools block Spotify and similar music apps to maintain smooth internet, minimize distractions, control online content, ensure network safety, and avoid legal issues.

Part 2. How to Fix Spotify Blocked in School?

If your school's internet is stopping you from using Spotify, don't worry, here are some ways you can still listen to music:
You can try accessing the Spotify web player instead of downloading the app. This allows you to listen to music without the need to install anything on the computer. Since it goes through a web browser, it might bypass some restrictions that the school has placed on downloading programs. Plus, you don't need administrator privileges to use the web player, making it the most convenient option for listening to Spotify music at school.
If your school blocks Spotify on its network, you can try using alternative internet connections to bypass this restriction:
  1. Use your smartphone's data plan to unblock Spotify. Simply turn off Wi-Fi on your device and switch to mobile data. This allows you to listen to music using Spotify's mobile app without relying on the school's Wi-Fi network.
  2. Connect to Personal Hotspot. If your smartphone supports it, you can enable a personal hotspot and connect your computer or other devices to it. This creates a separate internet connection using your phone's data, allowing you to access Spotify as you normally would.
Read More
submitted by Glass-Jaguar8828 to musictips [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 18:53 Useful-Schedule-2619 Zelle Payment Failed Reasons and How to Fix It?

When initiating a transaction, encountering a “Zelle payment failed” notification can be frustrating and confusing. This article explains why these Zelle payment failures occur, exploring the common reasons behind unsuccessful transactions and providing practical solutions to resolve them. From understanding the technical requirements to ensuring compliance with security measures, we will guide you through the steps to minimize the chances of a payment failure and provide a smoother Zelle experience.
Top Zelle Payment Failed Reasons and How to Fix It?
Using Zelle for Business
Zelle has gained popularity as a platform for peer-to-peer payments, providing users with a convenient method to send and receive money directly from their bank accounts. However, like any payment service, there are occasions where a Zelle payment might not process successfully. Here are some reasons why this could happen:
  1. Incorrect Contact Information:
Incorrect contact information is a common reason for digital payments, including those made via Zelle, to fail. Even a single erroneous digit or character in the recipient’s contact details can cause a transaction to fail. If your Zelle payment doesn’t go through, you must verify that you have the correct information for the recipient.
Zelle identifies users by either an email address or a phone number, which acts like a username or contact point within their app. When someone sends you money, they use your registered email or phone number. Since Zelle accounts are linked to one email address or phone number at a time, using incorrect details will result in a failed transaction. Always double-check this information with your recipient before initiating a transfer. Similarly, if someone is sending money to you, ensure they have your correct details.
You can verify or update your contact details directly in the Zelle app or through the Zelle section of your banking app. You can toggle between your email address and phone number and add new contact information if necessary.
One effective way to ensure accuracy is to use Zelle’s payment request feature. By sending a payment request, the recipient can prompt the sender to authorize payment using the correct details, reducing the likelihood of entering incorrect information manually.
  1. Insufficient Balance:
The transaction will not go through if funds are insufficient in your bank account to cover a Zelle payment. You will receive an automated error message explaining why the payment failed.
The solution to this issue is simple. You need to deposit more money into your bank account linked to Zelle to ensure adequate funds are available for the transaction. Once you have topped up your account, you can attempt the payment again.
  1. Technical Issues:
Like any technology-driven service, Zelle payments can be disrupted by various technical issues, such as:
Server Issues:
Many users occasionally experience difficulties connecting to Zelle’s servers. This is relatively common since the Zelle app relies on the company’s internal servers to facilitate communication between networked banks. If there is downtime on Zelle’s servers, the only option is to wait until Zelle resolves the issue.
While server downtime at Zelle usually resolves within a few hours, recognizing the significant impact such disruptions can have on users and their operations, it’s helpful to keep the Zelle customer support number handy, which is available 24/7 for any assistance during these periods.
Remember that just as server issues with Zelle can prevent successful transactions, downtime on your bank’s servers can also hinder your ability to transfer funds through Zelle. Unfortunately, like with Zelle server issues, the only solution is waiting until your bank’s servers are operational. However, you can contact your bank directly for an update on the extent of the issue and an estimated time for their services to be restored. Typically, such downtimes are resolved within an hour or two.
Poor Internet Connection:
If your Zelle payment fails, the first thing to check should be the quality of your internet connection. Zelle requires a connection through its servers and those of your financial institution to process transactions. If your connection is unstable or slow, it might hinder the app’s ability to complete the transaction. To address this, try connecting to a more reliable network. Ideally, connecting your device to a WiFi network and staying close to the router can improve your connection stability and speed, enhancing the transaction process with Zelle.
Zelle App Bugs:
If you’re facing payment failures and suspect issues with the Zelle app, there are several steps you can take to resolve these glitches. First, try simply closing and reopening the app, as this can often clear up minor glitches. If the issue persists, consider rebooting your device, which can help resolve deeper system issues affecting the app’s performance.
Additionally, make sure your Zelle app is up to date. Updates typically include fixes for known bugs and app stability improvements. These straightforward actions can help get your Zelle app running smoothly again.
  1. Account Status ‘Suspended’ or ‘Closed’
Dispute A Zelle Payment
Your bank account needs to be active and open to send and receive funds through Zelle. An account in any other status may encounter difficulties when transacting through Zelle.
If your Zelle transfers are consistently failing, the first step is to check the status of your account. Ensure that your account is active, in good standing without any negative balances, and free from any legal holds. If all these conditions are met and you still face issues, the problem may lie with the person you are trying to transfer funds to.
Advise the other party to check the status of their account activation as well. Sometimes, issues arise because individuals link their Zelle to a checking account. In this situation, the recipient must restore their account to receive payments. Typically, this involves contacting Zelle support directly to resolve the issue. If they registered their Zelle through their bank’s app, they should also contact their bank to have the account unblocked. Once Zelle or the bank reinstates their account, attempt the payment again. It should process successfully this time.
  1. You are a ‘High-Risk’ Merchant
Zelle restricts the use of its services for certain types of businesses, typically those classified as high-risk. A high-risk merchant is often a business seen as having a greater likelihood of financial losses or chargebacks, which could be due to the nature of their products or services, their industry, or their track record with credit card transactions. Merchant service providers view these businesses as riskier, leading to potentially higher fees or more stringent restrictions on their credit card processing capabilities.
If you are found to be using Zelle for activities related to any prohibited industry, even if your business operations are legitimate, Zelle may suspend, freeze, or terminate your account. This is a common policy across many digital payment platforms and wallets, including PayPal, Venmo, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Cash App, which all avoid facilitating transactions for high-risk businesses.
However, there are still viable options for high-risk merchants. Merchant services providers specialize in offering safe and flexible payment processing solutions tailored to high-risk businesses. These providers accommodate various payment methods, catering to the preferences of different customers, and typically do not freeze client accounts due to their capability to handle the demands of high-risk industries.
  1. You’ve Reached Transaction Limit
The transfer limits for Zelle vary depending on the bank and can range from $500 to $2,500 daily, with weekly limits varying from $1,000 to $5,000. Zelle limits the daily and weekly transfers and the amount per transaction over a month. When setting up your Zelle business account, it’s crucial to confirm these transaction limits with your financial institution to ensure smooth payment processes and to avoid any failed transactions.
Zelle will decline the transaction if you attempt to make a payment that exceeds these limits. In such cases, you must wait until the next limit period begins to make further transfers. For example, if you reach your daily limit of $500, you must wait until the following day to initiate any additional transfers.
What if the Payment is Deducted But the Transaction is ‘Failed’?
What if the Payment is Deducted But the Transaction is ‘Failed’?
If your Zelle payment failed but money taken, the funds have been debited from your account, checking the payment status is important. If the status shows as “pending,” it could mean that the recipient hasn’t yet signed up with Zelle. They should receive a notification with instructions on enrolling, and once they do, the funds will be transferred to their account.
Suppose the funds have been taken from your account, and the transaction failed for reasons other than enrollment issues. According to your bank’s policies, your account will automatically be credited within 3-5 working days since Zelle acts merely as an intermediary. It’s advisable to inform both your bank and Zelle’s customer support about the issue and wait for at least five working days from the transaction date. Check your bank statement after this period to confirm the reversal.
Dealing with Zelle payment failures can be frustrating, especially when you have time-sensitive transactions. However, understanding the reasons behind these failures is the first step toward resolving them effectively. Whether the cause is incorrect contact information, insufficient funds, technical issues, account status, merchant classification, or transaction limits, practical solutions are available to help fix the problem.
Users can mitigate the risk of failed transactions by verifying recipient details, ensuring adequate funds, addressing technical glitches, checking account status, exploring alternative payment solutions for high-risk merchants, and staying within transaction limits.
In addition, it’s recommended to communicate promptly with both the receiver and Zelle’s customer support in case of any issues, to speed up problem resolution and ensure a hassle-free payment experience. By being diligent and aware of these possible drawbacks, users can make use of Zelle’s payment platform for seamless and efficient online transactions.
What should I do if my Zelle payment fails but the funds have been deducted from my account?
If the payment is pending, it may be because the recipient isn’t enrolled with Zelle. Contact your bank or Zelle’s customer support for resolution.
How can I prevent Zelle payment failures?
Ensure stable internet connectivity, verify recipient information, and check your account balance against transaction limits to prevent failures.
What are Zelle’s transaction limits?
Zelle’s limits vary by bank, ranging from $1,000 to $5,000 weekly and monthly limits from $4,000 to $20,000. Check with your bank for specific limits.
How long does it take to receive money with Zelle?
Zelle transactions typically occur within minutes for enrolled users, but timing may vary based on the recipient’s bank processing speed.
submitted by Useful-Schedule-2619 to u/Useful-Schedule-2619 [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 18:05 AdExciting2466 incompatible drivers for old device

I recently got a device that was intended for use on win 2000/XP/Vista, I sourced the drivers on internet and successfully installed them through device manager (not via an executable), and the device is working properly. However I had to turn off core isolation to install them, and cannot turn it back on because the drivers aren't compatible.
I have a lenovo thinkpad L14 gen1, running on win11.
The device is an Easycap, an usb video capture from composite/svideo. I also have the installation CD but my pc doesn't have a cd reader, I could buy an external one if it resolves my problem.
There are no available drivers when I try to update them from device manager. I "unblocked" the driver files from their properties menus, rebooting but they are still incompatible.
Is it safe to run windows while core isolation is turned off ? And is there a way to bypass driver incompatibility ?
edited to add more info
submitted by AdExciting2466 to WindowsHelp [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 11:14 RancherosIndustries Did I miss something? Is Mike gonna get hurt again?

Did I miss something? Is Mike gonna get hurt again? submitted by RancherosIndustries to RedLetterMedia [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 10:36 iogamesfun Baseball Unblocked At The School 2025

Baseball Unblocked brings the excitement of America's favorite pastime to your browser. Developed by sports enthusiasts, this game offers a fun and accessible way to experience the thrill of baseball.
In Baseball Unblocked, players step up to the plate and take on the role of a batter. Using precise timing and skillful aim, they must hit incoming pitches from the opposing team's pitcher. Whether it's a fastball, curveball, or slider, each pitch presents a new challenge to overcome.
One of the highlights of Baseball Unblocked is its unblocked status, allowing players to enjoy the game from anywhere with an internet connection. Whether you're at school, work, or home, you can immerse yourself in the excitement of baseball whenever you like.
With its simple controls and addictive gameplay, Baseball Unblocked is suitable for players of all ages and skill levels. So grab your bat, step up to the plate, and see if you have what it takes to hit a home run in Baseball Unblocked!
submitted by iogamesfun to iogamesunblocked [link] [comments]

2024.06.03 06:51 IndianaLoud Toxicity

Tried to go to a vendor for rare plans, ended up seeing cranked prices and meating a even more cranked person, he just so happened to be standing near when i spoke my mind in gamechat other buddy perusing things agreed with what i said while the other lead me on an expedition of getting upset that i wouldn't be paying prices and started to degrade me because i wouldnt and dared so mention it in his presence. Within the span of 2 days, his main getting com banned and a fake facebook threat, 2 alt accounts pretending to be different people from facebook which be gave himself out being both of them by going looney bin and spamming things like 777 all night until i had to mute notifications, he wanted me to block him but i wasnt that worried figured hed blow off like any other man child on the internet. He had blocked me in the middle of this whole shebang and i thought it was over just for him to unblock me and follow me in game with a friend who he got to harass me too. All over pixel prices and me not paying them and him saying i was "crying" ober them, sorry my opinion of 2 sentences struck a nerve buddy. I wanted others thoughts on this because i dont go around trolling or anything and im met with this behaviour when i wasnt even talking to buddy. He direct messaged me first and turned it sideways when i said "anything will sell if people are desperate enough, i personally wont be buying, have a good day". Berating me that im a "broke boy" and im "entitled" and my parents shoulda told me no? Because of an opinion when i wasnt even talking to him 💀 lmk your thoughts sorry if it seems like a rant, just figured id get others opinions because it hit me so sideways from an xbox community memeber and from a fallout 76 community memeber because when i first joined 76 i met some of the nicest people.
submitted by IndianaLoud to Fallout76FanGroups [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 20:03 Lazy_Equipment9484 I think my father get scamed? Life savings down the drain?

Hello my english is solo self lern from web so sorry for grama/miss spelling. Im also complete noob in terms of my knowledge of cryto just have some overral understanding and what i was able to educate myself from those past 2days.
TLDR on the bottom.
So my father was searching for some investing opportunitis and come across pulse investments ( the site looks scammy can't find information about it on the internet and those key word looks way to good to be true) Make account and then get some personal assistant(scamer) loaded the account with around 7k$ and get acces to trading platform they use. The asistant basically trade for him, just tell him what to do he follow and they bring the account to i think 11-13k$ i think it took like 1-1.5month(i dont think any of this is real and its a scam from the begining). Then the real opportunity arrives arbitrage trading you know you can't lose on it... but its good only with bigger account... So they start that and they imiddietly get good resoults and he get convinced to load the account with more, those oportunity dont come often so he did with i think around 9k$(also i think he took loan for this...) they make the account to almost 70k$(more then he ever has, he was raising me and my sister alone from very early) and then he wanted to withdraw to pay the loan and get the initial investment back so he will be left only with the "profit" for futher investments.
The asistent say to him there will be big tax to pay(19%) but theres a way to avoid it with cryptocurrency. Basicaly when you trade on legitime trading platform you need to pay 19% from wining im my country, but any crypto currency is not yet regulated so its free from tax atm. So instead geting the money directly to his bank account from this scam trading platform he get convinced to make Metamask wallet and he will get pay with cryptocurrency and then they can convert this to fiat currency avoiding tax. And he may have some overall idea what crypto are but he didint educate himself enought. So they sent him those ~70k$ in tokens that they tell him is Tether USDT his accoun addres 0xb67D725052638cB88F5D5333160C6cc6BC659A30. He did receive 69546 tokens that are named USDT but they looks to me like they are personal tokens that are just named this way and have 0$ market value, token addres 0x56f19562f2f25b4f9bd61f2e8319528c2a3ea6bb
After receiving those tokens he did get email from MetaMask support (whih its not posible from my research MetaMask never ask of your email unles you contact theirs via chat and want to submit ticket, i checked this making my own metamask account and chating with assistent from MetaMask on their site and confirmed this to be true) that hiss account is blocked due to receiving bigger than the average amount of money and they need to check from what resource he get it they afraid of money landry, gambling, human trafik etc... and this need veryfication and he need to veryficate his MetaMask account to. ( And again from my research MetaMask is decentralized platform on web3 that will never ask for veryfication?) But he ofcourse can unblock hiss account if he send 2.33ETH on his own account confirming he has acces to this kind of money on regular basic, but he has only 3days to do so or the account is blocked to futher veryfication. He did tell the whole story to hiss assistant from that scam trading platform he tell him that it might happen and if they dont send that 2.33ETH that account might be blocked for long time and they might pay tax if MetaMask send info to authoritis. So he take a loan around 9-10k$ for that 2.33ETH to unblock MetaMask(ofc it never ben blocked but he didint thought of even trying if he can send those tokens somewhere, or he did try but diding know you need some eth on your account to pay gas fee for transfering tokens) and his assistant help him send the money but they were sending from fiat currency to ETH so they overshot and send 2**.**3519 ETH insted of 2.33 u can se it on eth scan transaction from 05.29 10:07 and this eth was transfered 8min later to unknow addres that token he received is either malicious contract or his PC must be compromised i guess ? I did check the contract on revoke and his adress dont have any aprovals confirmed but i also read that malicious contract need approfal forr all other curreny but not for eth is that true?
Then he get another email saying that he send to much of eth and theyirs bot didint detect it and they cant unblock it manually only the bot can do that but he will need to send another 2.33ETH but id need to be exactly that ( like you even can transfer exact number when you converting from fiat and transfering from 1platfor to another i think thats not posible right? theres to many variables to do that) He did get also another email from "fca"(Financial Conduct Authority) that his account is under veryfication and he need to send more informations including of his id photos for his account to go from normal account to licensed account and ofc he didint check the email adres and send all the info and id photos on the whim...
Btw i might mention that my dad did invest his money for like 15/20years but he was doing it on normal legitime platforms just normal stock platforms, never ask for money to invest anythink never take a loan to invest in anythink, and from what i know he was on small + around the same as inflation so it was better than the money layin on the bank account. So i thought he knows his way around the internet and trading market and will not get scamed but it sems he break all the rules in the book.
And thats when i get a calll from my dad that he need to borrow 9k$ he did say he win some money but his account was blocked because they send all the money in one go instead of small amounts, then he did try to unblock it by sending money but they send to much and he need to send another 2.33ETH. From the first time he tell he need to send money to unblock somethink i was worried because theres not even 1legitime firm that would do that, no one would simply use it. I jump into my car and go to him to se whats up with all of it he showed my that site and his metamask wallet and those emails. First thoughts the site promise things that way to good to be true for free. In email they say he need send minium of 2.33 not exactly thats another think, but i didint belife those emails from the start but was trying to explain to my father that it makes no sense and theres always a way to do somethink manually in financial sector not only with bots. Also the tokens he received on MetaMask wallet has no evaluation to $ that sems weird to me but dad say thats because the wallet is blocked. I did try to convert those tokens to anythink else or send them somewhere to se if that accound is actually blocked but didink know at that time you need some eth to cover gas cost. Did also check that he indid received that 2.35eth he send but his wallet showed no eth that also sems weird to me, even if account is blocked that eth should be on the wallet in the balance thats what i thought.
I did remember that you can check wallets in crypto so i did sit down and educate myself for some time and check his wallet adrres on ethscan and follow on that token adress he received and on the site that adres has poor reputation and is checked with spam and phising with big fucking red alert and from that on i started slowly realized what is hapening. Asked father to not send any money futher its all looking fucking sketchy as fuck. Did also checked that 2.35eth he send he didi receive it but it was send to some other adres like 7-8min after receiving it. I beg father to dont do anythink futher and go home and educate myself whats going on. What i figure out : I think that pulse-investment is a scam from the start and its all fiction he get scam from the begining there was no trading at all just some fake program imitating it. MetaMask don;t have your email adres so logically they can't send any to you, and theres only 1person know that dad received tokens at what day and at what time and thats his assistent so its phising email from that site. That token he received is some kind of personal token with 0value that is just named USDT(dad thought is Tether USDT) idk if its malicious token or not ? MetaMask is decentralized on web3 and will not ask you to verificate your wallet so his wallet indid is not blocked he just dont have eth for gas so it just sems he can't use it. I did send him some eth oh his wallet to prove him his wallet is not blocked and he send my some of his token and send himself on his KuCoin adres to, and it all go thru so i was right his wallet is not blocked and this is some fake token just with the same name. U can se this on ethscan its all those 1/2/2token transfers.
Idk what to do i think he slowly starts to realize what the fuck happened but still is disbelif(like sayin his email is integrated with chrome so thats how MetaMask know his adres...). Also i think im the only person knowin of this should i tell his wife and my sister i think they should know. But he did cover for me when i was teenager(self harm) and now it fills like i will betray him, but this will effect not only him but his wife to.
Also i think that money is all gone and theres almost 0% chances to recover it thru any legal actions, at least thats what i read its almost imposible especially that cryptocurrency.
Our actions should probably be report to police, he should block his all documents and make new one. Should close his other trading platform he send his info and where he have other accounts to speed up the verification proces thats what he was told in that fca email, can they make some mess in there? What else we should do.
TLDR Father looks up investments oportunitis finds pulse investments they "make" money fast on fake platform. Want to withdraw been told he can avoid tax with cryto, make MetaMask wallet been sent fake USDT token, then receive email hiss account is blocked send 2.33eth now to unblock it he did that, but it was not exact number. Then ask me to borrow and i get very suspicius form the start.
His Walet Adres 0xb67D725052638cB88F5D5333160C6cc6BC659A30 Token Adres 0x56f19562f2f25b4f9bd61f2e8319528c2a3ea6bb
I think he still don't belife he get scamed idk what to do
submitted by Lazy_Equipment9484 to CryptoScams [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 15:20 OhDeershoot My take on Drakdragon82 (personal stuff )

Met him quite a time ago on rp group we chatted toghether did some erp and other role play stuff wich seemed fine at first then we even came up with rpg server on discord all nice and dandy but he began to show weird behavior and started to act out of his usual self when i asked him whats up and if he needs to talk about things he began to say that things we do in the rpg arent his tyoe of thing(for curious folk its a dark age diselpunk distopia with takes on race misogyny and so on lots of crazy stuff in short way of describing it) I was suprised since it was his world he made and i was more of a participant in it rather then narrator We began to talk less and less then it happend he began to call me and my ways of living saying lightly crappy and if i argued back about it he woukd get defensive acting as if its fine in his way of doing things then i got blocked by him on both platforms few weeks after he spoke to me saying he is a difrent perwon now and does not support anything in the rpg world and that he will not continue it in any way and to delete it all i was rather hurt since i liked the work and effort i put intro it and was suprised he used such words as "not suporting or beliving in it" since it was just a rpg for fun and narrative was supposed to be grim and we both knew how the world works and didynt put anything irl related intro it . Welp he mostly called me a degenerate and that i am ruining my life doing what i do and so on wich i took in to my mind knowing my habits and my way of life isynt the healthiest i must say but im ok with it and do my best to fix it up when possible (so far so good i got a job and im doing well and trying to exercise to stay in good weight ) Aaaaand then i get blocked again becouse i said "well you dont wanna do the rpg sure can we just talk like buddies and be friends?" He is 18 or so he told me and im 20 Another few weeks go by and i get to be called child molestor and someone who takes advanteg of pepole wich i was shocked to hear then we began to argue and then i was the one blocking him on discord the he comes to me on reddit to ask why would i do it since being blocked is the worst thing since its hurtfull and dosent lwt you speak your mind out.
"Ok but when you did it i felt the same way so you shoukd taste your own medicine"
Then i unblocked him since he said he just wants to talk just to be once again called multiple bad names and be blocked again and now we are in present time sine i was worried about him i kept him unblocked just in case he showed up in chst and began to talk about clousure i wasynt sure wtf he meant and let him contact me wich was the worst decision of my life it ended up with him pouring tons of shit over me as he said how he changed himself and wants me to join him and to let him help me and so and so i listened then told him to stop comenting my wqy of living like it and that i do some of the things i do to help pepole who are depressed or suicidal and cheer them up with some role playing or rpg or some dungeons and dragons so they can forget about real life and rest their mind for a bit in the end i askwd him about 4 times to quit talking about my life since the way he said it is harmfull to me he didynt listen i snapped send few f words to him and said to leave me be and that i will use the rpg world we made
( i kept it saved on dc he left the server and since kept saying to delete whatever he said and did in it or to keep it private ) As i please and will find other pepole to play in it since he no longer wants to since its still a nicely made narrative world and was lots of fun to me and i dont want to abandon good memories i have from it and my work i put intro it just becouse he says so now im sick of it and just wantes to finnaly close this chapter of my life show others who he is tell my story and live my life so i just made another reddit account contacted him one last time and wrote this post
For anyone who fell intro similar situation i have one tip - Do not get attached to pepole easily even if they relate to you in few ways and say good things in the internet becouse they can flip at any second and it will do alot of emotional harm to you its safe to just expect the pepole to either leave you ghost you or block you sure pepole have arguments and get mad but if they trwat you badly from the start its better to cut them out of your social media and live your life or talk to your trusted friends about it your never alone out there in the world and you will find lots more friends for sure just try to be kind to others and others will return the kindness
submitted by OhDeershoot to u/OhDeershoot [link] [comments]

2024.06.02 10:41 Lazy_Equipment9484 I think my father get scamed? Life savings down the drain?

Hello my english is solo self lern from web so sorry for grama/miss spelling. Im also complete noob in terms of my knowledge of cryto just have some overral understanding and what i was able to educate myself from those past 2days.
TLDR on the bottom.
So my father was searching for some investing opportunitis and come across pulse investments ( the site looks scammy can't find information about it on the internet and those key word looks way to good to be true) Make account and then get some personal assistant(scamer) loaded the account with around 7k$ and get acces to trading platform they use. The asistant basically trade for him, just tell him what to do he follow and they bring the account to i think 11-13k$ i think it took like 1-1.5month(i dont think any of this is real and its a scam from the begining). Then the real opportunity arrives arbitrage trading you know you can't lose on it... but its good only with bigger account... So they start that and they imiddietly get good resoults and he get convinced to load the account with more, those oportunity dont come often so he did with i think around 9k$(also i think he took loan for this...) they make the account to almost 70k$(more then he ever has, he was raising me and my sister alone from very early) and then he wanted to withdraw to pay the loan and get the initial investment back so he will be left only with the "profit" for futher investments.
The asistent say to him there will be big tax to pay(19%) but theres a way to avoid it with cryptocurrency. Basicaly when you trade on legitime trading platform you need to pay 19% from wining im my country, but any crypto currency is not yet regulated so its free from tax atm. So instead geting the money directly to his bank account from this scam trading platform he get convinced to make Metamask wallet and he will get pay with cryptocurrency and then they can convert this to fiat currency avoiding tax. And he may have some overall idea what crypto are but he didint educate himself enought. So they sent him those ~70k$ in tokens that they tell him is Tether USDT his accoun addres 0xb67D725052638cB88F5D5333160C6cc6BC659A30. He did receive 69546 tokens that are named USDT but they looks to me like they are personal tokens that are just named this way and have 0$ market value, token addres 0x56f19562f2f25b4f9bd61f2e8319528c2a3ea6bb
After receiving those tokens he did get email from MetaMask support (whih its not posible from my research MetaMask never ask of your email unles you contact theirs via chat and want to submit ticket, i checked this making my own metamask account and chating with assistent from MetaMask on their site and confirmed this to be true) that hiss account is blocked due to receiving bigger than the average amount of money and they need to check from what resource he get it they afraid of money landry, gambling, human trafik etc... and this need veryfication and he need to veryficate his MetaMask account to. ( And again from my research MetaMask is decentralized platform on web3 that will never ask for veryfication?) But he ofcourse can unblock hiss account if he send 2.33ETH on his own account confirming he has acces to this kind of money on regular basic, but he has only 3days to do so or the account is blocked to futher veryfication. He did tell the whole story to hiss assistant from that scam trading platform he tell him that it might happen and if they dont send that 2.33ETH that account might be blocked for long time and they might pay tax if MetaMask send info to authoritis. So he take a loan around 9-10k$ for that 2.33ETH to unblock MetaMask(ofc it never ben blocked but he didint thought of even trying if he can send those tokens somewhere, or he did try but diding know you need some eth on your account to pay gas fee for transfering tokens) and his assistant help him send the money but they were sending from fiat currency to ETH so they overshot and send 2**.**3519 ETH insted of 2.33 u can se it on eth scan transaction from 05.29 10:07 and this eth was transfered 8min later to unknow addres that token he received is either malicious contract or his PC must be compromised i guess ? I did check the contract on revoke and his adress dont have any aprovals confirmed but i also read that malicious contract need approfal forr all other curreny but not for eth is that true?
Then he get another email saying that he send to much of eth and theyirs bot didint detect it and they cant unblock it manually only the bot can do that but he will need to send another 2.33ETH but id need to be exactly that ( like you even can transfer exact number when you converting from fiat and transfering from 1platfor to another i think thats not posible right? theres to many variables to do that) He did get also another email from "fca"(Financial Conduct Authority) that his account is under veryfication and he need to send more informations including of his id photos for his account to go from normal account to licensed account and ofc he didint check the email adres and send all the info and id photos on the whim...
Btw i might mention that my dad did invest his money for like 15/20years but he was doing it on normal legitime platforms just normal stock platforms, never ask for money to invest anythink never take a loan to invest in anythink, and from what i know he was on small + around the same as inflation so it was better than the money layin on the bank account. So i thought he knows his way around the internet and trading market and will not get scamed but it sems he break all the rules in the book.
And thats when i get a calll from my dad that he need to borrow 9k$ he did say he win some money but his account was blocked because they send all the money in one go instead of small amounts, then he did try to unblock it by sending money but they send to much and he need to send another 2.33ETH. From the first time he tell he need to send money to unblock somethink i was worried because theres not even 1legitime firm that would do that, no one would simply use it. I jump into my car and go to him to se whats up with all of it he showed my that site and his metamask wallet and those emails. First thoughts the site promise things that way to good to be true for free. In email they say he need send minium of 2.33 not exactly thats another think, but i didint belife those emails from the start but was trying to explain to my father that it makes no sense and theres always a way to do somethink manually in financial sector not only with bots. Also the tokens he received on MetaMask wallet has no evaluation to $ that sems weird to me but dad say thats because the wallet is blocked. I did try to convert those tokens to anythink else or send them somewhere to se if that accound is actually blocked but didink know at that time you need some eth to cover gas cost. Did also check that he indid received that 2.35eth he send but his wallet showed no eth that also sems weird to me, even if account is blocked that eth should be on the wallet in the balance thats what i thought.
I did remember that you can check wallets in crypto so i did sit down and educate myself for some time and check his wallet adrres on ethscan and follow on that token adress he received and on the site that adres has poor reputation and is checked with spam and phising with big fucking red alert and from that on i started slowly realized what is hapening. Asked father to not send any money futher its all looking fucking sketchy as fuck. Did also checked that 2.35eth he send he didi receive it but it was send to some other adres like 7-8min after receiving it. I beg father to dont do anythink futher and go home and educate myself whats going on. What i figure out : I think that pulse-investment is a scam from the start and its all fiction he get scam from the begining there was no trading at all just some fake program imitating it. MetaMask don;t have your email adres so logically they can't send any to you, and theres only 1person know that dad received tokens at what day and at what time and thats his assistent so its phising email from that site. That token he received is some kind of personal token with 0value that is just named USDT(dad thought is Tether USDT) idk if its malicious token or not ? MetaMask is decentralized on web3 and will not ask you to verificate your wallet so his wallet indid is not blocked he just dont have eth for gas so it just sems he can't use it. I did send him some eth oh his wallet to prove him his wallet is not blocked and he send my some of his token and send himself on his KuCoin adres to, and it all go thru so i was right his wallet is not blocked and this is some fake token just with the same name. U can se this on ethscan its all those 1/2/2token transfers.
Idk what to do i think he slowly starts to realize what the fuck happened but still is disbelif(like sayin his email is integrated with chrome so thats how MetaMask know his adres...). Also i think im the only person knowin of this should i tell his wife and my sister i think they should know. But he did cover for me when i was teenager(self harm) and now it fills like i will betray him, but this will effect not only him but his wife to.
Also i think that money is all gone and theres almost 0% chances to recover it thru any legal actions, at least thats what i read its almost imposible especially that cryptocurrency.
Our actions should probably be report to police, he should block his all documents and make new one. Should close his other trading platform he send his info and where he have other accounts to speed up the verification proces thats what he was told in that fca email, can they make some mess in there? What else we should do.
TLDR Father looks up investments oportunitis finds pulse investments they "make" money fast on fake platform. Want to withdraw been told he can avoid tax with cryto, make MetaMask wallet been sent fake USDT token, then receive email hiss account is blocked send 2.33eth now to unblock it he did that, but it was not exact number. Then ask me to borrow and i get very suspicius form the start.
His Walet Adres 0xb67D725052638cB88F5D5333160C6cc6BC659A30 Token Adres 0x56f19562f2f25b4f9bd61f2e8319528c2a3ea6bb
I think he still don't belife he get scamed idk what to do
submitted by Lazy_Equipment9484 to Metamask [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 20:25 Anxious-Training7816 This is Nerdy, and I want to make something CRYSTAL clear.

This is Nerdy, and I want to make something CRYSTAL clear.
I will NOT send anyone videos or photos. I will not send random strangers “evidence.” I am taking the appropriate actions behind closed doors that don’t involve some rando trying to bully and threaten me into sending videos and photos that will put me in legal jeopardy. Your thinly veiled attempt at trying to get information from me to get myself in trouble when all of the information you could ever need is on this subreddit is painfully obvious.
submitted by Anxious-Training7816 to adorable_SNARK [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 16:09 Ok-Accountant8637 Why Your Zelle Payment Failed

Zelle began as a popular payment platform to make quick transfers to friends and family; in the wake of P2P success, Zelle business accounts have become equally useful for instant, no-free transfers between customers, businesses, and vendors. However, many users have reported that their Zelle payment failed at some point since they started using the service.
If this happens to you, there’s no need to panic. Zelle payments may fail for many reasons, and easy fixes are usually available. In this guide, we’ll look at possible reasons your Zelle payment failed and how to rectify each situation. We’ll also shed light on possible repercussions of payment failures and offer guidance on recovering funds when they disappear despite a transaction failure.
Top 6 Reasons Why Your Zelle Payment Failed & How to Fix It
A red X above the front and back of a pink credit card after a Zelle payment failed.
Failed payments are frustrating, especially when action from the recipient is dependent on the receipt of your payment, as can be the case with P2P (Peer-to-Peer) payments. For instance, suppliers often won’t release stock until they receive a payment from you, and some contractors won’t start work until they receive a deposit. This can present a setback in stock availability or delay projects.
In some cases, securing a property, booking travel, or securing a seat at a conference is subject to receipt of a payment. If your payment fails, you may risk losing out to someone else who snatched the last available spot.
The first step to fixing a failed Zelle payment is understanding why your (or your customer’s) payment didn’t go through. Here are six of the most common reasons for failed Zelle payments—and what to do if they happen to you.
  1. Technical Problems and Glitches
As with any tech-driven solution, glitches and other technical issues can cause Zelle payments to fail. These issues might include server downtime, Zelle app bugs, or device or internet connection problems.
Server Downtime
The Zelle app depends on internal company servers to maintain communication between network banks. If Zelle servers are experiencing downtime, there’s usually nothing you can do except wait until Zelle resolves the issue on their side. You can check websites like DownDetector to see if there are any known outages.
Server downtime generally doesn’t last too long, as Zelle understands the impact these issues can have on its clients and reputation. Zelle thus aims to minimize server problems and sort out issues ASAP.
Application Bugs
If you’re using the Zelle app on your mobile device and experiencing payment failures due to a buggy application, try updating the Zelle app. On an Android device, open the Google Play Store, search for “Zelle,” and tap on it to open the app page. If updates are available for download, you’ll see an option to do so.
On an iOS device, launch the App Store. Tap on your profile picture, scroll down to “Available Updates,” and look for Zelle. Tap the “Update” button if available.
Device or Internet Issues
Sometimes, payment failures result from issues with your device or internet connection. Ensure your device has a stable internet connection, and try restarting it to troubleshoot any temporary glitches. Additionally, clearing your browser cache and cookies can sometimes resolve issues if you are accessing your bank profile in a web browser.
  1. Closed or Suspended Recipient Bank Account
The reason your Zelle payment failed could also be due to a problem on the recipient’s end. Zelle will decline your payment if the recipient’s account has been blocked.
In this case, the recipient must restore their account to receive payments from anyone. They will usually need to contact Zelle support directly to address the issue. If they enrolled through their bank’s app, they may also need to contact their banking institution to get the account unblocked.
Once Zelle (or the bank) reinstates their account, try making the payment again. It should be successful this time round.
  1. Incorrect Recipient Contact Information
Even if it’s just one incorrect digit or character, wrong recipient contact information arises as a frequent cause of digital payment failure. If your Zelle failed payment, check with the recipient to ensure you have the correct details.
Sending someone a payment request from Zelle is an easy way to ensure that the paying party uses the correct information. By issuing a payment request from the recipient’s side, the sender has to respond by authorizing the payment—instead of entering their details from scratch.
Zelle will decline the payment if you send a payment to an email address or mobile number that does not exist. However, if you send a payment to an incorrect mobile number or email address registered with Zelle, you will send money to the wrong person. As part of the user policy, Zelle will not reverse or refund payment once you have authorized it.
Always confirm that you have accurate recipient details. After successfully making the first payment, save the recipient in your profile to have the correct information for future payments.
New Recipients
If you are sending a payment to a new recipient, such as a supplier who recently signed up for Zelle, verify they are enrolled with the service beforehand. With US Bank, for instance, a purple “Z” will appear below the recipient’s name if they are registered with Zelle. This way, you’ll know you have the correct details.
A person holding their card next to an oversized phone, realizing their Zelle failed payment.
If the recipient is not registered with Zelle, they will get a notice after you pay. The notice will provide instructions on how to register and access the funds. They will need to do so with the mobile number or email address you sent the money to; if they don’t register within 14 days, Zelle will return the funds to you.
  1. Insufficient Funds
If you try to pay with insufficient funds in your linked bank account, the payment won’t go through. You will receive an automated error message; the notification will usually explain the reason for payment failure.
In this case, the fix is pretty straightforward. You must transfer more money into your Zelle-linked bank account to ensure enough funds are available. Once you have done so, try again.
  1. You Have a High-Risk Business
Zelle prohibits using its services for certain business types, often classified as high-risk businesses. This includes the sale of firearms and related products, pharmaceuticals, sexually oriented materials, gambling, cryptocurrency, and pyramid schemes, among others.
Zelle will suspend, freeze, or terminate your account if you are suspected of using the service for any prohibited industry activities—even if your business is legitimate. Most digital payment platforms and wallets, including Venmo, PayPal, Cash App, Apple Pay, and Google Pay, prohibit high-risk business transactions; however, all is not lost.
A merchant services provider can help find safe and convenient payment processing solutions for even the most high-risk merchants. They offer multiple payment methods, allowing your customers to pay in a way that suits them, and they won’t freeze client accounts since they’re equipped to deal with high-risk industries.
  1. You’ve Reached Your Daily, Weekly, or Monthly Transfer Limit
Every bank in Zelle’s network sets limits on the maximum amount of funds you can transfer. Limits vary by bank and can apply to daily, weekly, and monthly transactions. When registering your Zelle business account, it’s important to confirm transaction limits with your financial institution—and plan payments accordingly to avoid payment failures.
Zelle will decline the transactions if you try to make any payments over the transfer limit. In this case, you’ll have to wait until a new limit period starts. For instance, if your daily limit is $500 and you have already reached this amount, you’ll have to wait until the next day to complete any further transfers.
What to Do if Your Zelle Payment Failed But the Money’s Gone
If your Zelle payment failed but money was taken from your account, check the payment status. If the payment is “pending,” it means the recipient has not yet enrolled with Zelle. They will, however, receive a notification with instructions. As soon as they complete their registration, they will receive the funds.
On the other hand, if the payment status says “completed” but the recipient did not receive the money, contact your bank or Zelle ASAP. They can investigate the issue and determine the reason for failure if it is not automatically returned.
Before contacting your bank, ensure that you have used the correct sender details and have not exceeded your payment limits. Zelle payments are irreversible and cannot be canceled or refunded if you make an error. Furthermore, Zelle does not offer purchase protection.
Given these caveats, Zelle may not be the best payment method for transactions in which you’re not entirely sure of the receiver’s safety or legitimacy. Consider using a credit card instead when purchasing supplies or services from new vendors—this way, you will at least have some purchase protection.
Payment Methods for Success Beyond Zelle
Whether it’s a frustrated customer, delayed arrival of stock, or overdue wages, failed payments can cause many complications and have numerous knock-on effects. Although Zelle offers free and fast transactions, its limitations can make it less than suitable as the primary payment method for a growing business. Its lack of versatility and business integrations makes it time-consuming for business owners to manage their finances and offers little payment flexibility or security.
submitted by Ok-Accountant8637 to u/Ok-Accountant8637 [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 06:54 chasing_excellence [Meshnet] Can ping friends' PCs and access minecraft servers but my devices are inaccessible

Meshnet Configuration:

Firewall and Security Settings:

Port Forwarding and NAT:

Device Discovery:

Troubleshooting Steps:

Can someone from NordVPN please help with this? The support functionality in the app does not work. Thanks!
submitted by chasing_excellence to nordvpn [link] [comments]

2024.05.30 05:33 UsefulLeaf18 Just paid off my phone

I just paid off my iPhone 14 Pro Max today and I want to switch my internet for something more affordable I have AT&T Unlimited Starter® SL plan and I also have spectrum WiFi should I get spectrum mobile or mint mobile because they use AT&T towers
Also I need to unblock the iphone and it looks like I’ll be able to do it in 24-48 hours from now
I’m paying 72 dollars for my internet it almost the same as my WiFi
submitted by UsefulLeaf18 to NoContract [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 10:55 NaniFarRoad [Vent] The chaos I predicted has come to pass

Mum (80, Parkinson's disease) decided to emigrate to my sister's country in December last year. I warned sister to get a POA asap, and sort her banking out. I also asked mum to transfer money to sis for the transition in person, from her bank (they're outside the IBAN system), but she wanted to stay in control. Sis is too tired/stressed all the time, while I see restaurant visit after restaurant visit every week, and all sorts of purchases that have nothing to do with mum (I still have access to mum's internet banking). None of my business, but at this rate mum only has money for another 5 years.
This month, there is a dodgy transaction on her card, and mum gets a warning email from her bank (I confront sis, my husband suggests it's one of the grandchildren who tried to buy a game on grandma's card). "Absolutely not! My children are saints!". I tell her to double check, as the bank will block mum's card that they've all been living off these months. "It was my youngest, please fix it". Next day, the bank has blocked mums card.
Now, we've been trying for a week to get her bank to unblock the card. Of course, they try to contact mum directly, but she has CANCELLED her phone contract (no one told her to do this). The bank says they can do nothing - permanent POAs dont exist in that country, you have to draft one for every issue. Now I'm getting desperate calls from my sister, mum's in hospital with a UTI and they can't pay the medical bills. We've tried to get some of mum's old friends in the banks country to help (she's alienated most). They suggest I should transfer some of my savings to my sister, while this gets sorted.
I mean, I TOLD everybody this could happen - I even spoke to the bank, with mum, wheb I was there and they said "you can just call and get it sorted". Where the heck do you go from here?!
Edit: The bank says they need to reinstate mum's mobile phone number, so she can receive 2FA. Sister keeps calling to say I'm supposed to fix this (I went on their website, and it says the account holder needs to make the call). Sister won't call, she says she has no job and no money to make long-distance calls and that I MUST help. "Why can't they just activate the card?! They called by video chat and spoke/saw mum yesterday - why do they have to activate the card?!" My family are so entitled, they would be the first to scream red murder if scammed. Sigh.
submitted by NaniFarRoad to AgingParents [link] [comments]
