Alsscan forum rapidshare

Is there something like the Megathread for uploaders?

2024.04.29 17:28 bubrascal Is there something like the Megathread for uploaders?

What the title says. recently some post blew up where someone asked how to share something specific, but I wonder if it is there a manual on how to share stuff. Back in the now old days, you shared things in a public forum or blog using megaupload or rapidshare, and if it was popular enough it would be uploaded on eMule, Ares and Kazaa, and if it was really popular, more tech-savvy pirates would seed it and make it discoverable in public trackers, and probably add it to indexes like the PB or KAT.
I honestly still do that like a grandpa, only that I changed blogs and forums for private facebook and telegram groups. I have searched tutorials, but I've never managed to create a torrent file successfully (it could be that like most people in this country, my internet is CGNATed). And save from knowing that I should use a VPN or that hosting files in countries like Singapore could be preferable (and I'm not even sure), I don't know how to get stuff up there where people can easily find it.
Edit note: typos
submitted by bubrascal to Piracy [link] [comments]

2024.03.16 07:39 Alexis0021a Old Windows Phone emulators

As a sequel to my project covering Windows Mobile, I decided to start a compilation/archive containing each version of Windows Phone emulator (and it's emulator images) made available by Microsoft themselves online. While I have Windows Phone 7.0 to 7.5 Tango, 8.0 to 8.1 Update 1, and 10 1703, I have some things missing.
For one, I couldn't seem to find these anywhere, including different search engines (I used Google, Bing, and Yandex):
** They are only available online as online installers, with an option to download the files instead. The website backend that these rely on were unfortunately down due to MS ending support 2020. I have a memory of the W10M ones still available in 2022, but it unfortunately also been affected. However, W10M 1607 to 1703 are still up.
I need your help with this. If you have something, please drop it on the comments or via Discord. Your help will be appreciated once I make a Quick Start Guide.
submitted by Alexis0021a to windowsphone [link] [comments]

2024.03.06 10:13 HealthPack_13 XL750 Shop Manual

Hi Everyone. Found these links in a forum after searching for a long time and thought I'd share them here as well. Scanned for viruses and all seems clean. Including all three in case one goes down by the time someone finds this post.
XL750 - 2023 Model. 95MB for each link. 459 pages.
Happy Riding & Maintaining.
Link 1 Link 2 Link 3
submitted by HealthPack_13 to Transalp [link] [comments]

2024.03.01 06:45 Johannesputin Please Help me find a Pumpkin Screensaver that is really important to me

Hello Friends,
could you please help me, when I was a 6 year old child back in 2008 a Guy uploaded a Pumpkin 3d Screensaver that I had on my dads old PC, 2 years later with the new PC i could never find the website again because I forgot the website. Now years later I found a Picture of the Screensaver and a Link to the Blog from the Creator where you could download the screensaver, only problem is that its a rapidshare download link, and rapidshare is down since 2015, could you friends, please please help me to find this screensaver somehow, this would mean so much to me since I had it during the best times of my life and now just the thought of having it back would mean so much to me ;).
The Link of the Blog of the Creator with the Screensaver Page
Some Guy on another Website has it as a profile picture, but its just a website for bikes and hes offline since 2022 so I dont think that he would be of interest but heres the link to that too.
submitted by Johannesputin to HelpMeFind [link] [comments]

2024.02.07 17:20 Front-Rhubarb7383 Need your opinion.

Need your opinion.
On a regional ufo forum we discussed footage from alleged alien abduction. Due to their terrible quality, those videos were mostly ignored, but I think you can see something intresting when you inspect them closely. Since some of you have experienced similar events, I want to ask you, if you recognize or saw something similar to these things:
  1. Small entity - you can see it about 6 seconds into the first part of video, it looks like gray, but is very small, with eyes covering most of it's head.
  1. Entity with long neck - 1 min 28 sec into the first video. You can see eyes, nose, ear and neck. It also appears to have visible pupils in the eyes.
  1. Entity that standing behind the lamp - the tallest of them, it appears to have somethinge on it's head that looks like additional pair of eyes or something (on one screenshot you can see that this thing is wider than on others, like it is open).
  1. Hand or part of some device - It's laying on the bed's edge. You can see that it is not just a video artifact but a real 3-dimensional thing being there. 19 seconds into the third part.
For orientation, approx. room layout.
I'm aware of what pareidolia is, but I think it is not responsible for things you can see on these videos (at least not for all of them), the reasons why I think so:
  1. You can track movement of those creatures + You can hear the sounds they make. e.g first part 0:50 to 1:00 on the left side of the screen you can see one entity passing some sort of device to the second entity on the other side of the bed. First part 3:21, something jumping off the bed making strange noise.
  2. You can see devices, that they are using and how abductee reacts to them. First part 4:07, this thing appears above the sleeping man, making him rapidly straightend his arm (the author himself calls this "spiraling thing").
  1. Light reflecting in the eyes, implying those things really being there, e.g Entity behind the lamp.
Ok, links to the videos for those intrested. But I warn you that those vids are very low quality and you need to watch them frame by frame, with some enhacing software to see something, but I think it is worth, because there is no much other choice in this genre. :)

submitted by Front-Rhubarb7383 to Experiencers [link] [comments]

2023.05.17 01:29 MartyMcshroom Old reggae music sharing website...what was the name.

So about 20 years ago there was this reggae forum where people shared direct download links on site like rapidshare and mega upload. Does anyone remember the name?
submitted by MartyMcshroom to reggae [link] [comments]

2023.04.28 17:06 ThatDumbBear Przeróbka/Machinima GTA San Andreas z lat 2007-2009?

EDIT 3: Mam nadzieję że ostatni edit, ale jestem w trakcie reupload'u odcinków na YT! Nie mogłem użyć nowego konta więc użyłem jedno z moich starych - zapraszam na Just Jazzy Archive! Jeszcze raz bardzo dziękuję tym którzy pomogli!
EDIT 2: Wow to było szybkie, admin forum posiadał wszystkie odcinki i udostępnił je na swoim Dropbox'ie! Wszystko poszło tak szybko, aż trudno mi w sumie uwierzyć. Niedługo zapytam czy w ramach dodatkowej archiwizacji mogłbym zrobić reupload ich na YouTube na jakimś nowym kanale, czy może wrzucić to naprzykład na
EDIT: Wielkie dzięki dla u/maryjazawszedziewica za znalezienie prawdziwej nazwy serii (Just Jazzy) i kanału który posiada kila części serii! Jednak poszukiwanie jeszcze się nie skończyło - To nie są ostatnie oryginalne upload'y, pochodzą one ze starej fanowskiej strony GTATHEGAME, a wyszukanie serii w Google prowadzi do strony dedykowanej Just Jazzy, która równie posiada listę wszystkich odcinków w sekcji download! Problem jest taki, że są to linki do Google Videos i Rapidshare, obie strony są martwe i każdy link nie działa. Ale jest jakiś sukces, znamy imiona twórców serii - Maysta i Jant. Stworzyłem nowy post na forum pytający, czy ktoś coś wie, ruch wydaje mi się tam dość mały, ale warto spróbować.
A tak swoją drogą, znalazłem troll'owy odcinek! Był to prima aprilisowy odcinek 4, prawdziwy jest zupełnie inny.
Znalazłem również tą pokrewną serię - Strange Story, w tym przypadku ten film i nawet jego sequel zachowały się w całości na YouTube.
Oryginalna treść posta:
Witam! Jeszcze jak byłem łebkiem w podstawówce bardzo dużo siedziałem w przeróbkach GTA San Andreas i jedna taka bardzo mocno zapisała mi się w pamięć, mimo że na jej temat nie mogę na chwilę obecną znaleźć nic. Poniżej w punktach przekażę co wiem:
- Seria była niema, dialog postaci był wyświetlany jako tekst u dołu
- Nie jestem tego 100% pewny, ale seria nazywała się coś w stylu "Just Jizzy", czy coś w tym stylu. Wszystkie odcinki na początku miały ekran tytułowy (nazwa serii w białym tekście na czarnym tle) i zawsze grała ta sama muzyka, do tego dnie nie pamiętam żebym słyszał ją gdziekolwiek indziej
- Seria była promowana na różnych fanowskich stronach GTA, a samą serię pamiętam że widziałem jeszcze na Google Videos, bądź też filmiki na
- Głównymi postaciami były 2 poniższe ped'y:
- Jeden z odcinków zaczął się rozmową głównych bohaterów w samochodzie pod fast-food'em w Las Venturas (niedaleko od stadionu obok pustyni), po czym cofając wjechali tyłem samochodu w bok radiowozu
- W serii jednym z running gag'ów była grupa kaskaderska której główni bohaterowie byli fanami, ich ped'y to byli wieśniacy i jeździli na quad'ach. Pamiętam, że w jednym odcinku główni bohaterowie mieli okazję zobaczyć jeden z ich występów na żywo, chyba się rozbili i zginęli
- Jechali samochodem z jakiegoś moda, który dostali od swojego szefa, chcieli dostać sportowy samochód, ale dostali stary Trabanto-podobny pojazd który stał obok, miał on na szybie przedniej u góry logo Cartoon Network??? Możliwe że ty była tylko kratka wyścigowa czarno biała
- Piesi, samochody na drodze itd. zostały wyłączone, tylko bohaterowie serii byli widoczni, przez co wszystko wydawało się jakieś puste
- Istniał troll'owy odcinek, w którym jedna z postaci (bodajże z drugiego screen'a) leżała na sofie w domu w bezruchu, coś w stylu "ugryzł go wąż i teraz musimy mu poświęcić kilka minut ciszy aby go uhonorować", gag na końcu to pozostała postać wchodzi do sceny i pyta gdzie coś jest, z tego ten co leży odpowiedział mu
- Pamiętam, że twórca tej serii lub ktoś z nim powiązany tworzył inną serię horrorowo/thrillerową, o kosmitach chyba, nazywała się chyba "Strange..." coś tam coś tam, pamiętam że ta seria też była promowana na różnych stronach fanowskich
- Seria jak na swoje czasy była dość wysokiej jakości
- brak hud'a, chyba w dalszych odcinkach był nawet free-cam, paski kinowe u góry i dołu
Jest szansa, że może jest to angielska seria która została przetłumaczona na polski, ale nie jestem tego zupełnie pewny. Istnieje możliwość, że niektóre rzeczy przekręciłem, ale było to laaaata temu.
Ktoś coś może wie, kojarzy?
submitted by ThatDumbBear to PolishLostMedia [link] [comments]

2023.04.16 06:05 JAznarov Comunidad Kapital Sin (KPS) para los gamers nostálgicos! :)

Comunidad Kapital Sin (KPS) para los gamers nostálgicos! :)
Buenas gente, cómo andamos?
En esta ocasión les quería compartir la web oficial del grupo Kapital Sin, y traer un poco de nostalgia para los gamers de la vieja escuela.
Les traigo un poquito de historia:
Para los gamers del 2000', seguramente recordaran que en ese tiempo no era muy común utilizar portales como Steam para conseguir los juegos que queríamos vicear, y en lugar de eso, acostumbrábamos a buscar juegos "Rip" o "Repack" realizados por algunos grupos conocidos de la escena.
Para quien no los conoce, Kapital Sin es un grupo español que surgió en 1996, liderado por el usuario "Fl0ppy" (fundador del grupo y creo que uno de los pocos miembros originales que aún continúan en actividad) y dicho grupo es conocido por realizar increíbles compresiones y ripeados de juegos para PC.
Recuerdo que las primeras releases de KPS las solía encontrar en una antigua web llamada "GameFenix", donde eran ofrecidas en descarga vía emule. Luego del cierre de GameFenix, algunos de sus miembros fundaron la "Comunidad KPS" en Taringa! (Marc y gdpablo eran 2 ellos) y compartían releases del grupo a través de descarga Directa vía Mediafire, Megaupload y Rapidshare. Una vez que Taringa! cambió el formato de la web y prohibió el uso de la misma para compartir contenido descargable (creo que fue con fines de evitar la piratería), la comunidad desapareció varios años de Internet (se había perdido el rastro del grupo y se rumoreaba que seguía vigente en algunos foros rusos y españoles) hasta 2014-2015 aproximadamente, donde apareció nuevamente en una web que se llamó "libertyforum", para luego de unos años, abrir su propio foro que es el que se encuentra vigente a día de hoy.
El foro consta de varias secciones o subforos:
- LANZAMIENTOS KAPITAL SIN: Donde suben las releases clásicas y nuevas del grupo.
- PETICIONES RELEASES NUEVAS Y RESUBIDAS JUEGOS CAÍDOS: Donde los usuarios solicitan resubir algún juego ya trabajado por el grupo, o bien, la creación de alguna release nueva.
- TUTORÍA: donde te enseñan el trabajo que ellos hacen (un subforo muy interesante para los interesados en realizar este trabajo)
- OTRAS: también hay algunos subforos de Ocio, series/peliculas, juegos full, hardware, software, entre otros.
Sin más que decir y si les genera interés, los invito a echarle una ojeada a la web.
Abrazo y buen domingo! ;)
submitted by JAznarov to Argaming [link] [comments]

2022.09.04 16:54 thisiscoryd ILPT Request: looking to find a place for new music downloads

I’m just recently starting to dj and I’d like to update my offline music collection. In the 2010s I would use forums with rapidshare links. I’m wondering what’s the modern equivalent. Any help is appreciated!
submitted by thisiscoryd to IllegalLifeProTips [link] [comments]

2022.04.24 08:46 DistributionFew1409 Lost in context of (Internet-)culture

Hey, so Lost ran from 2005 to 2010. A very interesting time. For example two little businesses established themselves, you might know by the name of Facebook and YouTube. Yes YouTube came in 2005 and was established by 2010 and Facebook started in 2004, here in germany they became market leader in 2008. Also this platform right here was founded in 2005. The Iphone came in 2007, 9GAG came in 2008, and so on, and so on. The whole culture of being together globally for TV entertainment purposes was new. I remember how I spent hours in the LOST forum, and listening to multiple LOST podcasts. Thats how I got into Podcasts and although I was a little active in the internet before, LOST, its content, and its community took it to another level. I woke up in the middle of the night to enter the rapidshare link into my firefox browser. Watched the episode. Went to sleep. Woke up. And was looking forward how the discussion went so far. What clues did I miss? Am I the only one who loves Boone now? I dont know exactly how I shall put it. LOST and the technical and cultural things that happened at that time, they were quite a match, and both pushed each other.
submitted by DistributionFew1409 to lost [link] [comments]

2021.08.01 20:56 Doc_Zebra CAESIUM Modification for Civ IV BtS

Do you remember the great cumulative Mod by Caesium from the german Civilization Fanforum?
Do you maybe still got the installation-file somewhere on your harddrive or any backups?
If so, please let me know, as I am looking for it (and the downloadlink in the German forum leads to rapidshare, which is dead, as we all know)
submitted by Doc_Zebra to CivIV [link] [comments]

2021.07.30 21:50 Doc_Zebra CAESIUM Modification for Civ IV BtS

Do you remember the great cumulative Mor by Caesium from the german Civilization Fanforum?
Do you maybe still got the installation-file somewhere on your harddrive or any backups?
If so, please let me know, as I am looking for it (and the downloadlink in the German forum leads to rapidshare, which is dead, as we all know)
submitted by Doc_Zebra to Civilizations [link] [comments]

2021.06.12 00:06 vteead R/Piracy. Has an offsite 'fallback' for emergency use or in response to reddit closing the sub.

The Rules And Sidebar of Piracy
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No spam, trading/selling, requesting accounts/invites, or blatant self-promotion posts.
Do not request for specific pirated content or link to it. Do not mention specific media names asking for help in finding them. General queries allowed. Read expanded rules.
Redundant questions that have been previously answered will be removed. Search on google: dl linux iso
Do not message moderators for help with your issues. Either message the mod team if relevant, or make a post on the sub as normal.
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submitted by vteead to TheRulesOfSubReddits [link] [comments]

2021.05.02 12:54 8miki About Disable Hunger Bar and Tweak Runing Mod for Beta 1.8.1

The Rapidshare is down, so I can't download this mod with link in the post. Even with Wayback Machine. How can I get this mod?
P.S. Sorry for any errors, my english isn't so good.
submitted by 8miki to GoldenAgeMinecraft [link] [comments]

2018.10.19 22:48 Loumier What's the safest way to ensure a pirated content won't be lost forever?

Me and some friends used to run a pirate content forum in our country, that was by 2008/2009. As most of the pirate content at this time, most of our content was stored at RapidShare and Megaupload. After the PIPA/SOPA and the Megaupload shutdown most of our content was lost. Also we had some content that was very hard to find in any other site.

I thought the easy answer is torrent. But even torrent can be lost if torrent indexers are down and it hasn't seeders.
submitted by Loumier to Piracy [link] [comments]

2017.09.04 05:20 reluttr Need Cheatsync Database backups for GTA VCS and LCS CheatDevice.

I'm wanting to use this with Adreniline. Cheat Device had soooo many awesome options for the two early GTA games for the PSP.
But given the games have been out for over a decade... well... I haven't had much luck finding a backup of the Cheatsync database.
A user by the name of "Upaluppa" on a gta forum had created archives of every single cheat ever listed on cheatsync. But he made the mistake of uploading them to rapidshare... which closed shop in 2009.
So Im wondering if anyone happens to have those archives. :D
submitted by reluttr to vitahacks [link] [comments]

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submitted by smithillicarta to zajozor [link] [comments]

2017.05.27 11:50 kkruglov wallpapers?

hey, for last couple years i was digging into what artists Microsoft hired for zune originals art, ads and so on, and lately i found out, on i can see what site was and it seems like there were tons of walls available for download (zune/desktop), but web-archive didn't cache them because they weren't hosted on this site.
i found one rapidshare link on some zune forum, but obviously it's dead.
so, if someone for some reason have something from saved somewhere, it would be really cool.
submitted by kkruglov to Zune [link] [comments]

2017.04.29 12:22 i336_ "found that ... memcpy was the culprit, most memory players use memcpy, and this is one of the reasons why memory play sounds worse ie digital sounding. Fortunately there is an optimized version of memcpy ... [which] removes the hard edge [...]." (From a 2013 forum thread)

From the depths of the asylum... may I present... (drumroll)
continue to optimise and get improvements in sound, one thing I have found is that as the loop is optimal the reliance on low latency is reduced, in fact sounds much worse at low values, so can now use a period of 0.5s
found that best vs2010 optimisation settings were for speed.
playing wav files from a ramdisk gave best sound
then moved on to memory play, initially SQ was worse.
found that a function called memcpy was the culprit, most memory players use memcpy and this is one of the reasons why memory play sounds worse ie digital sounding. Fortunately there is an optimised version of memcpy from, using this version removes the hard edge produced by memcpy. the other thing I did was to close the file after reading into the buffer.
also most players use malloc to get memory while new is the c++ method and sounds better.
updated exe below, sounds fantastic I use it all the time now, doesn't have the processed sound of JPlay and is the best player I have heard on my system.
optimised loop below.
(code elided)
Many kudos to this person for a very good find:
Screenshot (including code snippet):
(NB. I fiddled with the page in the devtools so the code was monospaced in the screenshot. The forum this is from doesn't actually do that.)
As I said in the imgur image description (for the three people who will actually read said description),
Kind of sad. But I don't look at these people with contempt, and it's important to - hearing IS incredibly subjective!!
TL;DR: observe, contemplate, and be nice. :P

So. This forum thread (from 2013) is still alive in its native habitat!!! you get to browse around!! - but...
...the site seems mildly slow (whyyy am I not surprised), so I've provided both archive links as well as the live versions.
I would suggest starting with the archive links to lessen suspicious-looking and potentially site-killing surges of traffic to this specific thread in particular. ¯\(ツ)
For those of you who noticed the Blogspot link at the bottom of the thread (or in the screenshot), I'm genuinely curious as to what your opinions are of the software being made available. I fear it's probably a great deal of mislead but well-meaning snake oil - but that's why I'm asking.
Also - is an assembly-optimized version of memcpy that is actually genuinely good. Considering this gave me pause for a small second after it made me think of something.
Some time ago, when I ran a specific screensaver-type thing (Xtacy) in a specific mode (swarm, IIRC) on a specific computer (an 800MHz AMD Duron box) with a specific GPU (Matrox G450) and then held my head at a very specific angle and distance from the system unit, I could hear ringing in my ears. A friend was able to verify this oddness, and wondered whether the code happened to perfectly hit a resonant clock frequency of part of the hardware. I later heard another reasonable justification: the code was pushing the GPU to its limits and the power MOSFETs were whining.
Another slightly more recent anecdote: I've noticed if I have a specific hacky speaker amp turned up too high, the Wi-Fi dongle hanging off of said speakers (so I can keep track of what the status LED is doing) induces interesting-sounding soft bursts of static. I wonder whether using a high-level language would generate noise on the system bus... or (more likely) whether these people worked on embedded or ultra-low-resource hardware at some point and using anything else except assembly introduced jitter and germinated the idea that tinkering with code in this way would affect the sound. It's certainly possible.
I won't discount that these people may actually have broken hardware and be actually hearing things. But they're distributing their code to other people, who aren't then calling them out, soooooooo....
NB. I got the idea to add the year onto the post title from Hacker News.
submitted by i336_ to programminghorror [link] [comments]

2014.10.12 18:46 ardmax1 Why choose usenet over DDL?

I've been using DDL for years now (rapidshare, uplaoded, netload) and recently found out how you can automate downloads with usenet, but after quick trial using UsenetBucket + OZnzb I find the amount of content rather low. I can easily find many good releases (WiKi, PublicHD, CHD, FraMeSToR...) uploaded by many people on warez forums but on OZnzb there is a lot of low quality releases and a lot of good ones are broken. Also I can get netload for a year for $19 and uploaded for 3 months for $10 where average on usenet providers is around $15/month. DCMA is also not a huge problem if you find someone who knows how to upload. Scrambled archive name + password + safelinking and links will be online very long, and I'm reading posts about a lot of take downs on usenet.
Am I missing something? Why would I want to switch?
Would using private indexers like dognzb give more/better results?
Also how do you handle subtitles for automated downloads where every episode can be a different release?
Excuse me if this post sounds nooby but I rather ask and know!
submitted by ardmax1 to usenet [link] [comments]

2014.07.24 23:32 SROTDroid December 31st, 2012. /r/TheEternalWar. 17 times longer than the 100 years war, so far.

Submitted by GreyCastle


12,284 soldiers for 6 months
I wish I had been able to cover this subreddit when the war first broke across Reddit, fortunately, I have nothing to worry about - the war is eternal - it won’t be going anywhere any time soon.
Well, if you are unfamiliar with the Eternal War I suggest you check out the thread that started it all.
TL;DR: Lycerius plays the PC game Civilizations II intermittently for over 10 years since the game was released. This is farther than anyone has ever gone before. He didn’t play to win and this led to a stalemate between the now three super powers of the world: Celtania, New Vikingland, and America.
(TL;DR: Man + Civ. II + 10 years = Awesome)
The whole concept just seemed to jump and grab my attention. I love the idea of playing video games unlike how they were intended and just freestyling and having fun with it. I mean when I played Skyrim I never beat that game, but I would waste hours trying to shoot hawks out of the sky. It was a simple life, but it was my life. Anyway, the Eternal War is really an excellent and creative idea that I’m so thankful Lycerius was kind enough to share with the Reddit community.
On top of being a standalone achievement in unique gameplay, the subreddit’s community really adds a lot to the game: Artwork, sagas, mini series, new challenges, and personal achievements are all shared on the subreddit to bring even more life to the game.
Finally, I leave you with the download link, so that you may begin your own adventure in the fight of the future.
I was able to interview two mods of the subreddit. Unfortunately, I was unable to contact the game’s creator.

1. What would you like to say to those that have never heard of “The Eternal War” before?

trendykenny I'd say that it's one of the best examples of something springing from the collective mind of the reddit community. It's really amazing how many people subscribed to the subreddit in the first few hours after it was created.
spacemanspiff30 I think it is something that they should check out and get some background on. I remember being on one day at work when it was slow, and catching the first glimmers of it. How far it spread around the internet world was pretty cool to see in real time. By the time lunch rolled around, there were tons of stories about it circulating. All based on what would normally be a random post. For those who are in the dark about it, or who haven't checked in on it in awhile, I think they should. It's a fascinating case study in game mechanics and how people have a way of playing games in ways the designers never intended.

2. What stance do you take in the war: America, New Vikingland, or Celtania? And why?

trendykenny Being Irish, I have a soft spot for the Celts!
spacemanspiff30 I like the Vikings, but they are all very interesting. Though I too have some Irish blood. Comes from living in a border town I guess.

3. Have you ever finished the war making it unternal?

trendykenny Shockingly, I never got Civ II working on my Mac so I could never try! There's a mod for Civ 5 for the eternal war that I'm playing but have yet to beat.
spacemanspiff30 I have not, but I also don't think I am a great player, though I do find the Civilization games very fun. I have seen numerous examples of others doing it though, and many have posted their solutions. The great thing is that many are unique, which is what I personally love about the Civilization games.

4. I was really intrigued by the whole concept, what about it most captured your attention and made you fall in love with the idea?

trendykenny Honestly, when the idea was first suggested that the save game be made available, I just loved the idea of 100s of people attempting to end a thousand year and everyone sharing their experience. I never expected the art and fanfic side of things!
spacemanspiff30 I think that the idea of continuing to play a game for a decade, transferring files from one computer to the next, keeping up with the game where it left off, caring enough about your investment in the game to go back to it. Then there is the aspect of getting into a stalemate with AI controlled enemies that have exploited their abilities to the best desired outcome. All of this goes to show that this is a game that gives players a challenge, and is still viable a decade later.

5. Greatest moment of gameplay you have experienced?

spacemanspiff30 My favorite moment would probably be when someone discovered The Sioux. Just a tiny little outpost far from the fighting, yet managed to survive throughout the entire ordeal. 6.I haven't been able to play the game much at all because of work issues, but that doesn't mean that I won't live vicariously through others.

6. Do you still continue to start up the game and play after all this time?

spacemanspiff30 I have, and I would have to say that Civ IV is probably my favorite of the series. Civ 5 took an interesting gamble by changing up the play style so much. I don't think it's a bad thing, but it is quite different. My biggest problem with it was the amount of RAM it eats up to play.

7. Have you kept up with the Civalization game series? Which is your favorite?

trendykenny I have Civ 4 and Civ 5. Civ 5 became my favourite of the two after the gods and kings DLC.

8. Is there anything else you would like to add, say to your subscribers, or promote?

trendykenny It would be nice to see more stories of people actually having finished the war and how they went about it (my favourite was a guy who won it with the Sioux Nation!), but I'm juts glad I was a small part of this corner of reddit history.
spacemanspiff30 I too wish more people would play in this world. For awhile, we had people posting interesting art, as well as other things tangentially related to Lycerius' worldwide news story. I was even involved in a group that was trying to get a web series made over at I would still like to see something come of this because I feel it has potential to tell numerous stories from personal, political, and social perspectives.
Now to introduce myself: Hello, all! I'm GreyCastle, recently interned intern of Subreddit of The Day. Occasional karma whore and storyteller. I moderate /ShaggyDogStories and /OverlyManlyStories. I've been on Reddit for a few years, but I've only had this account for about 3 months. I can't quite think of much else to say as far as Reddit goes. I do not wish to describe my real life self, not yet at least, because I like the anonymity and ability to delve into the persona of anybody.
submitted by SROTDroid to SROTD_Archives [link] [comments]

2014.07.04 06:19 DuplexBeGreat Highlights of Blaze Black 2, especially with regards to TPP

(Taken directly from main website)
→ Pokémon Blaze Black 2 & Pokémon Volt White 2 are essentially the sequels to my Black & White hacks known as Blaze Black and Volt White. The usual rules with my hacks apply; the main feature is that all 649 Pokémon are available for capture somewhere in the game, and the trainers have all had their rosters changed in order to maintain a much harder challenge than the original game, as well as having an increased variety of opponents to fight. There's also a large amount of alternative features these hacks offer, which range from differences to the Pokémon themselves to the presence of a couple new TMs. If I'm not mistaken, these are also the first Black 2 and White 2 hacks on offer.
→ Additionally, the two versions only differ in terms of their aesthetic differences, such as the appearance of Opelucid City, the title screen, etcetera. So basically, just pick whichever colour takes your fancy!
Specific Features → The wild Pokémon have been edited in each and every area of the game. Most areas now contain at least 8 Pokémon species, and in most cases, more! You'll be able to attain a complete PokéDex within the limits of the game itself, and the majority of Pokémon are available no later than the seventh badge, meaning you can form basically any team you want! There's a couple legendaries that you can't get until after the Elite Four, but aside from that...
The rosters of almost all of the trainers in the game have been edited. The exception to this at present are the Dome trainers (wait what? Oh wait, he means Sports Domes... damn...), as they aren't really necessary and there's no proper trainer editing tool available for B2W2 yet. This has also raised the level curve of the game, meaning you can expect to beat the first round of the Elite Four somewhere in the 70s levelwise. Most notably Gym Leaders, your rival and the Elite Four have all been made significantly tougher. Gym Leaders will also have differing Pokémon amounts depending on the mode you play; Normal Mode will have them with anywhere from 3 to 5 Pokémon, whereas Challenge Mode will pit you against a full team of six. The Elite Four and Champion also hold some surprises in Challenge Mode...
→ There's been a large number of edits to Pokémon. These can include the level up moves they learn, the abilities they get, their compatibility with Move Tutors and TMs, and even their base stats. There's a document included that will tell you all you need to know (link is here ). This also makes Dream World abilities significantly easier to obtain. However, if this particular point doesn't appeal to you, the Vanilla version of the hack cuts it out.
→ Some attacks have also been edited, for example the Pledge moves having 100 base power or Cut now being a Grass-type move (this means coverage!). This is also removed from the Vanilla version of the hack.
→ There's also been some changes to evolutions. The majority of these involve editing the trade evolutions; in most cases you will now simply be able to 'Use' the item like an evolution stone - for example, using a Magmarizer on a Magmar to evolve it - to do what you would normally need to trade for. For those who evolve by trade but don't need an item, a new item called the Covenant Ore has been introduced and is available in several places through the game; it works like an evolutionary stone, so you're still able to evolve them at any time. Leafeon and Glaceon are now obtainable through new items known as the Woodland Ore and Frozen Ore, to get around their areas being postgame. Shelmet and Karrablast instead follow a Mantyke routine where the other needs to be in the party for them to evolve. Finally, some of the Unovian Pokémon such as Scraggy, Mienfoo and Larvesta have had reductions to their evolution levels to make them more usable in comparison to the older species.
→ Items that you receive and find lying in the field have been changed considerably - this is generally done in order to bring almost all TMs available before the Elite Four are defeated. Notable changes include much earlier Flamethrower and Thunderbolt TMs, and even an Earthquake TM as early as the fifth gym! Doesn't quite beat Platinum, but it's close to. You'll also be able to find a lot of evolution items on the map somewhere, such as the Reaper Cloth, Up-Grade and Protector. (looks like we didn't need the cheat code Kappa)
→ A couple of the Poké Marts around the region have had some edits. Examples include the ability to buy Luxury Balls in Virbank City, Heart Scales and shards in Driftveil City, and any sort of evolution item you want in the Route 9 department store. (cue another "False Prohpet" episode...)
→ There have been some text edits; a couple of these are sprinkled references, but for the most part it's to made the item changes make sense with the dialogue. In addition, Juniper's speech at the beginning has been changed; this is the tip-off that you've got the hack working correctly.
→ One-time encounter Pokémon such as Cobalion, Virizion, Volcarona, Braviary etc. have had their levels raised in order to fit with the new level curve. In addition, there's also a much bigger variety of one-time encounters, mostly dealing with legendaries. Ever thought you couldn't find Articuno in front of Twist Mountain, or Kyogre within the Abyssal Ruins? Well, now you can! You'll be able to unlock a fraction of these around the eighth gym badge, then the rest sometime after the Pokémon League. Are you up to catching them all? (holy fucking shit)
→ Some of the trades within the game have also been edited, and given much better IVs. Players will now be able to trade for a Togepi, a Gengar and an Exeggutor before the Elite Four is dealt with. Note that any trades with Yancy and Curtis are not changed.
→ New events have been added into the game. Apart from the aforementioned overworlds, there's also Gym Leader rematches outside the PWT, the ability to challenge Hoenn Leaders at various points in the game, Harlequins who will give out starters and even the ability to battle with Hilbert and Hilda (DAT ASS, AND ALSO WE NEED TO BATTLE GYMC'S TEAM)! You'll also be given the keys for Easy Mode and Challenge Mode almost right at the beginning of the game!
→ The Pokémon that appear within the Hidden Grottos around Unova have also been changed. This is a primary way to get the starter Pokémon that you don't receive, but also has a large assortment of other Pokémon. If you play the Vanilla version, this'll be important in order to keep your Pokémon on par! Most Pokémon with useful DW abilities will be present somewhere.
→ There's also been some TM replacements. Say good-bye to Sky Drop, Quash and Struggle Bug, for they've now been replaced by Hurricane, Sucker Punch and Bug Buzz respectively.
→ All of these changes are well documented in PDF guides that come with the download. If you want to know what's been added or changed, simply consult them!
Screenshots → There are plenty of screenshots on offer if you want to take a look! Simply open the spoiler.
Credits → Kaphotics: I cannot stress how helpful Kaph has been in the creation of this hack; he's been great as both an advisor and a researcher into the workings of scripts in the game. He also taught me a little about RAM editing, which made testing some things that much easier. His LUA scripting abilities were also great for figuring out file numbers and co-ordinates! Truly a saviour. → likeicareusewe/kidisnice87: Another very helpful contributor to the hack, he along with one other person worked as my helpers for BETA testing. Thanks to him, a lot of the bugs that would have otherwise gone unnoticed were ironed out before release. A huge thank you! → Lazerith: My other beta tester, who is also a Pokémon hacker himself (Pokémon Origin Platinum is his work). Again, thank you. → pichu2001: The scripting knowledge he posted over at Project Pokémon's forums was exactly what I needed to start messing around with scripts. It's thanks to him and Kaph that I was able to get things like the legends working correctly. → Pokegirl4ever: The Genesect overworld sprite used in the game is her work. → knivez69: The logos at the top were made by him.
They're the main people who helped with this one, but my thanks goes out to any supporters and the people who've helped me out and suggested ideas along the way!
Bugs and Errors → Keys unlocking will not be saved if you don't save your game before getting them. There's no way to fix this entirely, yet. → The King's Rock will not currently work on Slowpoke, so Slowking is impossible to obtain short of catching it in the Wild directly (sorry SlowpokeIsAGamer). Poliwhirl, however, is fine. If you're desperate, insert this into a/0/1/9 using NitroExplorer. → The Pokémon breeders aren't currently set with teams to help you EV your Pokémon. This isn't a bug per se, it's just an idea I meant to do that totally slipped my mind. Having it in the buglist should remind me to fix it, though!
Version Updates Spoiler
→ The newer AP patch by RetroGameFan is now being used, so those of you using DSTWO should hopefully get past the PWT fine. → There have been a couple small changes to some of the trainer rosters. → Elekid and Magby now have a chance to hold an Electirizer and Magmarizer respectively. Croagunk, Electrike and Tyrogue and their evolution lines have been given new level up sets. → There have been a couple extra edits to stats, most notably Plusle, Minun and Emboar. → A note has been added to save when the game starts. I can't actually fix the keys not being given to you without a save file, as that's a restriction with the engine. I think. → Errors with the wild data have been fixed. The document and game should now correlate. → Some of the flag numbers have been swapped around, which will hopefully fix the legendary bug, but unfortunately that's not a guarantee. → Scyther will now work correctly with the Metal Coat. Mienfoo's evolution level has also been fixed, and Pawniard has had its evolution level lowered. → Nishino now actually has his trainer sprite. → Eevee, Bagon and Dusknoir have had their abilities fixed. → Some erroneous text has been corrected. → Darmanitan-Z's level up movepool has been corrected. → You now actually do get Chimchar in Autumn from the Harlequin. → Budew's Special Defense has been corrected. → An error with the Covenant Ore location in the documents has been corrected. → You will now get the Bicycle no matter where you talk to the gate guard from.
Download Links → Patches & Documentation - Rapidshare, V1.1. → Patches & Documentation - Sendspace, V1.1. → Patches & Documentation - Mediafire, V1.1. → Documentation - Rapidshare, V1.1.
→ There are patches for both the Complete and Vanilla versions available in the download. The Vanilla version cuts out the changes to Pokémon such as stats, level up moves, abilities etcetera and the edits to the power and type of some Attacks. However, using the Vanilla version does not prevent compatibility with the three new TMs in the game.
NOTE: You are able to use your 1.00 save file with 1.1. However, it will cause most of the new events (so all of the legendaries, the Veteran in Giant Chasm etc.) to appear immediately due to the changed flag numbers. You can always just ignore them (including Zapdos, who has a gap behind it), though a New Game will be required for everything to appear correct. This includes even if you've caught the legendaries before!
submitted by DuplexBeGreat to twitchplayspokemon [link] [comments]