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2024.05.14 19:59 Inciter_of_vibe Cyberpunk 2077 Analog Movement with Wooting Keyboard Guide, Updated for Patch 2.12

Cyberpunk 2077 Analog Movement with Wooting Keyboard Guide, Updated for Patch 2.12
Hi all, this is a guide on setting up analog walking and driving for Cyberpunk 2077 with the analog capability in a Wooting Keyboard (or other analog-capable keyboard depending on if you can replicate the advanced key setup). As the Wooting Keyboard allows you to "spoof" controller inputs due to the analog nature of its magnetic switches, you can setup many games to allow you to moderate your speed based on how far down you press the key, rather than simply being binary like "walk" or "don't walk".
This guide serves as an update to the original written here, because the original was written 3 years ago and has outdated mappings/keybindings, and the author had since had their account deleted. Additionally, the original sets up the movement for walking and driving both on one joystick, instead of two, and this is an issue as explained below:

Why two joysticks?

It is much easier to setup the movement for walking and driving to only use the left joystick, but there is a downside. If you are driving a vehicle, and you accelerate (Right Trigger via the W key), and try to turn left or right at the same time (left joystick left / right via the A / D key), you will find that you will only be able to make very wide turns, despite pressing the A / D key to the maximum. This is because, due to the setup for walking, the W key not only activates Right Trigger as needed for vehicle acceleration, but also moves the left joystick up so that you can walk forward.
This means that you unintentionally move the left joystick up as you accelerate, which limits how much the left joystick is able to move left or right, as its range is confined to a circle.
The first pictures show the wheel and left joystick when you only press the W key (aka accelerate)
The second pictures show the wheel and left joystick when you press both the W and D key (aka accelerate + turn right)
The third pictures show the wheel and left joystick when you only press the D key (aka turn right)
The fix for this that I found, as the gamepad tester screenshots imply, is to set the steering control to the right joystick instead of the left joystick, and leave the left joystick solely for walking. This is done specifically by setting the "LeftX_Axis_Vehicle" mapping/keybind to use the "IK_Pad_RightAxisX" controller input instead of "IK_Pad_LeftAxisX".
This setup assumes that you will use the analog controls for walking and driving (+ a few minor things like extra photo-mode control) and regular keyboard input for everything else, preserving the use of the regular WASD keys.


First, in the main Wootility settings, enable the Xbox Controller:
Make a new profile dedicated to this game, then setup the following advanced keys in the "Advanced Keys" section:
Then make sure the settings are set like this in the "Gamepad Mapping" section:
You may change the curve in "Analog Curve" but I cannot recommend a specific curve to follow


This is for Steam, if you are on GOG or another platform you will need to figure these steps out on our own
Right click on the game in your steam library, hover over "Manage" and click on "Browse local files" to open the game's directory folder:
While you're here, also make sure steam input is enabled for Cyberpunk 2077, by instead clicking on "Properties..." and going to the following setting:
Once you're in the "Cyberpunk 2077" folder, open the "r6" folder, then open "config", then either replace the inputUserMappings.xml file with the one provided or open it with a text editor and make the changes listed below.
Here's the file with all of the edits implemented, rename the file to remove the ".Analog.txt" part before replacing it with the one in the game folder:
Otherwise, here are the changes you will need to make in the file. Beware, its a big list...
1. For:
2. For:
4. For:
5. For:
6. For:
7. For:
8. For:
9. For:
10. For:
11. For:
12. For:
13. For:
14. For:
15. For:
16. For:
17. For:
18. For:
19. For:
20. For:
And remove:
21. For:
22. For:
23. For:
24. For:
25. For:
26. For:
27. For:
28. For:
29. For:
30. For:
31. For:
32. For:
33. For:
34. For:
35. For:
36. For:
37. For:
38. For:
39. For:
40. For:
41. For:
42. For:
43. For:
44. For:
45. For:
Here is a backup of the original file if you messed up or wish to undo these changes (or you can delete the file from the game folder and verify integrity of game files thru steam):


That is all that is to it! While the original guide said to change the keybinds for walking / driving to something other than the WASD keys ingame, this seems to be unnecessary as the setup still works despite not changing them.
  1. WASD (aka left joystick) still moves the cursor in the game settings / inventory, I found that none of the mappings control it. Only an issue if for instance you liked to use A and D to navigate submenus, etc.
  2. The game will rapidly switch between displaying keyboard icons and controller icons on your HUD, as of course it is detecting both keyboard and controller inputs at the same time. Wish there was a fix for this but I have not found any
Note: This mappings setup may become invalid (like in the original guide) if an update changes everything again, but I bet that will not be the case since the game has probably already received most of the updates it was going to get
Thanks for reading, let me know of any suggestions or issues
submitted by Inciter_of_vibe to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:59 Uhmgoaway How do I grow my hair fast

How do I grow my hair fast
How do I grow my hair fast (and healthy)
For some context 2-3 years ago I used to bleech and dye my hair a lot but it’s all gone expect for a few highlight streaks. My hair is right above my chest so not long and also not short a weird in between. I really want to grow my hair to be below my chest by September or close to my chest. I feel like my hair is breaking off and I’ve been researching but I coudnt find anything specific to my hair type. Also I have recently got a keratin treatment a couple months ago, I can tell my hair is growing because my roots(around half an inch) is curly but it has been the same length for about 3 months. please help!!
submitted by Uhmgoaway to femalehairadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:57 acsqdotme 22m - seeking cool + clever friends

Hi all
I'm a 22m united statesian math student from the midwest. At some point, I realized that math is actually (secretly) a humanity, so my closest friends have been less engineer types and more artists, historians, college philosophers, and people with a lot of empathy.
Normally, I can just hang out with my film roommates or weird people at the library, but I've got flipped seasonal depression where the loneliest time for me is summer, so this is my annual post looking for online friends to chat with.
I'm looking for people that are cool (REQUIRED), academic (ish), and more than anything curious in seeing just how far their passions go. There's way more meaning in being brave with what you do than in being smart.

Some passions of mine:

math - I'm finally doing the trifecta of undergrad classes my old math-ish degree deprived me of: real analysis, number theory, and topology. Most of my thinking energy the past year has been applied to recursive functions, data structures, and border math/cs topics I'm so sick of at this point. I can't wait to be writing proof by contradictions again for homework. My favorite "sup" is definitely the great supremum.
reading - my summer list: Stella Maris (the McCarthy epic), Permanent Record (Snowden book), Wolf Hall (tudor-core), and Traitor to His Class (bio on the coolest Roosevelt). I mostly read classic literature and history + mythology books. I'm gifting Kafka on the Shore by Murakami to my English teacher friend as it left a real mark on me when I read it last year. Also with everything going on in Palestine and the nearby protests, Chomsky and Orwell essays are so clarifying.
linux/code - I know I dissed it above, but there's definitely a before/after FOSS in my life where you discover just how composable everything is with pipes and streams. I run unix with vim, emacs, dmenu and all the rest. I like programming in golang and lisp and wanna learn haskell. LaTeX equations are also very beautiful.
history - I visited Vienna a few weeks back and saw a cool Marshal Joseph Radetzky statue. It was interesting putting myself in the mind of those 1848 Viennese students and their revolution crushed by the state power of an eighty-year-old catholic Joe... Anyway, reading about the imperial krauts is neat. Knowing about the past makes travel, talking to geriatrics, and old coins way more fun, so I've always appreciated political, cultural, and religious history.

Littler things I like:

  • Rock N Roll (simon and garfunkel, fleet foxes, björk, radiohead, elliott smith, brian eno)
  • Singing beatles karaoke at open mics
  • Emailing random authors at 2 a.m.
  • Photography
  • Talking to goofy kids, old people with endangered idioms, foreigners in their own language, anyone not cowed into being boring
That's enough color about me. I wanna hear about you now!
My ideal penpal is someone that cares very deeply about ideas as well as people. If you wanna leave me swooning, send a bandcamp if you're a rockstar or a git repo if you're a hacker or anything cool you wanna show off in your domain.
Life can be a real swirl for me, but for the first time I'm starting to feel dizzy. Little chats and side-tangents of friendships are not what I need now. Please only message if there was something that really stuck with you.
If my hopes of finding inspiration and kindness from the world resonate with you, send me a PM.
cool bye now B-)
submitted by acsqdotme to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:57 Zestyclose-Piano-849 I miss each and every events and ocassions because I have huge insecurities that I can't get over.

It's as the title says. I miss occasions like wedding , freshers, farewells, birthday parties or anything in general that requires me to dress up, wear makeup, mingle with people and click pictures by saying that I have a migraine or I get bored easily.
But the truth is that I hate how I look and how I can't just make myself look pretty no matter what I wear or how I doll myself up. The end result will always be the same and I will always end up hating how I look or how my pictures come out. The hate is not the major reason why I avoid then though. It's the spiral, that I should have never wasted my time and energy on trying to make myself pretty since the end result will not change and the fact that I will never look pretty and my smile will never be something to look at, that I fall into. That spiral gives out a guilt that creeps up on me anytime I have attended any event in the past. I will come home, look at the photos and I will just end up hating myself enough to not look in the mirror for the next 2 to 3 days. This guilt and the feeling that I have wasted my time make me avoid the events each time. I have tried to ignore that guilt and self hatred but guess what I fail everytime. I always hate how my pictures come out no matter how hard I work and how much I learn posing. I wish I could express this guilt and hatred better but I can't. It's just a jumble of feelings inside me.
Now don't think that I am trying to cater to compliments here. Trust me I am not. I know how I look. I know that I have one of the ugliest smile and my body is wierd with stretch marks all over it. And no matter what I do I can't seem to loose weight. My pictures comes out ugly as hell no matter the lighting or the poses, enough to destroy the whole picture. I also probably lack confidence. I have come in terms with it for my daily life. I normally don't think about how I look in my daily outfits in my day to day life. For most of the part I just ignore the fact that I want to or am supposed look pretty or anything in my day to day life. This insecurity, that I have didn't start form any Instagram model or anything. It just got rooted inside me one day. And after that day I started hating how I looked at every event and how I just couldn't get my pictures look good. I don't know why my looks at only the events effect me this much and not in my day to day life. I don't compare myself to anyone normally except when I am getting ready for any event or ocassion to attend. But I think my frustration and hatred comes from the fact that even after using lots and lots of energy and time to get ready for any event I still manage to look below average with that ugly smile.
And I have been to therapists. They will just ask me to try and force myself to attend these events using various methods and honestly I hate that I have to force myself to attend them even though each and every cell in my body is screaming that I don't want to go. I have had several panic attacks by now regarding this and so now I just don't want to waste my energy and those feelings of hating myself (since they only appear when I am to any kind of events as I said earlier). Maybe I will have regrets in the future for missing some very special moments in my life and will have no moments of fun and social life in college to reminisce about. But right now in this space I am happy. Right now I don't regret not attending them since I know what will follow. Right now here I am at peace without the fear of people and panic attacks.
You know the world really likes to preach about how exterior beauty doesn't matter and it's what you have on the inside that matters but then won't hesitate to tell you ugly or compare you or give you suggestions on how to make yourself look pretty. Just saying.
Anyway the reason I am saying this is probably because I wanted to let this out. For past 5 years everyone around me has been trying to make me attend different events but obviously they have been unsuccessful. My parents by now have almost given up and I think my friends are suspicious. But yeah since I can't tell them about the actual reason I am typing it out here. Why? I don't know. Maybe by having it out here I am trying to placate my mind that I have told my friends and parents why don't attend these events. But in truth no one knows.
submitted by Zestyclose-Piano-849 to confessions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:55 acsqdotme 22m - seeking cool + clever friends

Hi all
I'm a 22m united statesian math student from the midwest. At some point, I realized that math is actually (secretly) a humanity, so my closest friends have been less engineer types and more artists, historians, college philosophers, and people with a lot of empathy.
Normally, I can just hang out with my film roommates or weird people at the library, but I've got flipped seasonal depression where the loneliest time for me is summer, so this is my annual post looking for online friends to chat with.
I'm looking for people that are cool (REQUIRED), academic (ish), and more than anything curious in seeing just how far their passions go. There's way more meaning in being brave with what you do than in being smart.

Some passions of mine:

math - I'm finally doing the trifecta of undergrad classes my old math-ish degree deprived me of: real analysis, number theory, and topology. Most of my thinking energy the past year has been applied to recursive functions, data structures, and border math/cs topics I'm so sick of at this point. I can't wait to be writing proof by contradictions again for homework. My favorite "sup" is definitely the great supremum.
reading - my summer list: Stella Maris (the McCarthy epic), Permanent Record (Snowden book), Wolf Hall (tudor-core), and Traitor to His Class (bio on the coolest Roosevelt). I mostly read classic literature and history + mythology books. I'm gifting Kafka on the Shore by Murakami to my English teacher friend as it left a real mark on me when I read it last year. Also with everything going on in Palestine and the nearby protests, Chomsky and Orwell essays are so clarifying.
linux/code - I know I dissed it above, but there's definitely a before/after FOSS in my life where you discover just how composable everything is with pipes and streams. I run unix with vim, emacs, dmenu and all the rest. I like programming in golang and lisp and wanna learn haskell. LaTeX equations are also very beautiful.
history - I visited Vienna a few weeks back and saw a cool Marshal Joseph Radetzky statue. It was interesting putting myself in the mind of those 1848 Viennese students and their revolution crushed by the state power of an eighty-year-old catholic Joe... Anyway, reading about the imperial krauts is neat. Knowing about the past makes travel, talking to geriatrics, and old coins way more fun, so I've always appreciated political, cultural, and religious history.

Littler things I like:

  • Rock N Roll (simon and garfunkel, fleet foxes, björk, radiohead, elliott smith, brian eno)
  • Singing beatles karaoke at open mics
  • Emailing random authors at 2 a.m.
  • Photography
  • Talking to goofy kids, old people with endangered idioms, foreigners in their own language, anyone not cowed into being boring
That's enough color about me. I wanna hear about you now!
My ideal penpal is someone that cares very deeply about ideas as well as people. If you wanna leave me swooning, send a bandcamp if you're a rockstar or a git repo if you're a hacker or anything cool you wanna show off in your domain.
Life can be a real swirl for me, but for the first time I'm starting to feel dizzy. Little chats and side-tangents of friendships are not what I need now. Please only message if there was something that really stuck with you.
If my hopes of finding inspiration and kindness from the world resonate with you, send me a PM.
cool bye now B-)
submitted by acsqdotme to penpals [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:54 NekoJustice Roll20 Battle Report 3: Battle For The Big Drill!

Hey all!
Today's battle report is a 1000pt. Simple Battle, featuring a terrain piece that is pretty unique! Once again, my opponent is the dastardly daisucce. Per his request, the center of the map is dominated by a massive boring drill. The center control point is in the middle of it, with two arms (in green) that rotate 90 degrees clockwise after each Round. The center point is on elevated High Ground indestructible terrain; the arms are not invulnerable, however. Surrounding this is a massive black hole made by the drill; any units that fall in are considered destroyed by the massive bore.
Principality of Zeon
I used a refined version of the strategy I employed in my first Roll20 Game; headed up by my Gouf Flight Type Ace and an Ace Gaw, both of which had Grand Strategist/Strategic Captain. Using the Captain's Order to increase movement speed, Dynamic Entrance, and a ton of Focus Actions, my goal is to break through the enemy lines as fast as possible to swarm daisucce 's higher priority units and secure the victory. To support this, I have a flight of Dopp Fighters, who can use elevated terrain easily due to their flight speed, trying to ping in chip damage and force activations with their relatively long range Aircraft Missiles.
Earth Federation Forces
daisucce and I brainstormed a strategy before this that might be to his liking. He has a particular affinity for Gundam Unit 4's Mega Bazooka Launcher, and wanted an army that could field two of them while having fodder take the heat. Using some input, this is what he came up with. He's going to use Pilot Traits with heavy Momentum generation, then further fuel his Momentum with a swarm of cannon fodder, using Rallying Leader to generate fuel for his death rays.
Round 1
I launch all of my units, except the Gouf Flight Type from the Gaw Carrier; the Carrier and Gouf give a pair of Focus Actions to my Doms and Zakus, then declare the Captain's Order to Take The Fight To Them!, increasing Movement Speed by +5" and Melee Block +1 for all my units. Seizing initiative, my Gouf Flight Ace zooms to the center control point, nearly knocks out a GM with its High Ground TA, then moves back to capture the point. It vainly returns fire. I move a Dopp in and fire off missiles; I'm trying to force daisucce to not immediately fire off his G04 Launchers, while also not giving him Momentum from killing his stuff. He responds by killing the Dopp, I move in and knock out the GM Early that killed it with a Zaku II TL Missile Pod attack with two Focus Actions.
He moves a GM Early onto the boring drill arm to attack my Gouf, but Awe Inspiring Arrival, a Shield, and Guard prevent any hits from connecting. My Doms move in, their enhanced speed letting them easily tear apart the offending GM with High Ground by popping their Focus Actions and laying into it with Machine Guns. Meanwhile, the G04's move onto the building they're behind, gain High Ground (equal level with the Gouf Flight Type) and try and fail to shoot it with Beam Rifles thanks to Unyielding.
Soon after, the Fly Mantas and Dopps engage, Ace Combat music obviously blaring in the background. My Dopps have a Movement Speed advantage thanks to the Captain's Order, with some also using the nearby terrain to gain TA and thus some free hits. The remainder of the Round involves some position jockeying, and my Gaw moving into position to provide close support, its movement speed doubled thanks to Full Throttle and the Captain's Order!
Round 2
Both players have started this Round with 10 Momentum due to how the last one went. Tension is in the air, and the Drill Arms move 90 degrees.
daisucce wins the die roll, and proceeds to dump bombs on my Dom. Rude! Being within its Sensors Range, the 10 Attack, 100 Damage Small Bombing Run is actually pretty good from a 10 Point Unit. My Dom moves back slightly, lights up the Fly Manta with a Machine Gun, then Melees a different one to death.
This is where things go wrong.
Using Tear Through The Ranks, daisucce has his Commander G04 activate, fire off the Mega Bazooka Launcher with High Ground TA against one group of my forces, fire off again and hit my Gaw and, then fire off a Beam Rifle at my Gouf Flight Type.. I lose all of my Zakus, most of my Dopps, and 1/3rd of my Gaw's HP. Amazingly, the drill arm survived all of this, and my Commander didn't take any hits (but had to use Unyielding.) He responds by bum-rushing the other, using High Speed Attack TA to try to kick the other G04 off the platform so it would lose LoS from activating its own death beam. This doesn't go so well, so I move my Gouf between the two, hoping that keeping them locked in Engagement Range with an Unyielding Commander would lock him down well enough. I manage to survive two bouts of Melee Clash with his G04 using Tear Through The Ranks, but he gains 4 Momentum from his Pilot Traits! Despite my best efforts, I lose one of my Doms to more Bombing Runs and High Ground Beam Spray Rifle Hits just inside of Target Lock... the situation has become completely hopeless, with a huge Momentum disparity, so I concede the game at the end of Round 2.
I'll be the first to say it; I played this completely wrong. My forces should have been more spread out, probably into three groups, and I should have placed down terrain more favorable for stacking up behind. If I could play this one again, I'd have tried using a different formation. This team is great, but I think it might have been a bad matchup; if I used Skilled Pilots, I could have tried to ignore his meatshield walls and focused on the Gundams.
Oh well! You learn more from losing than winning. daisucce has come a long way!
submitted by NekoJustice to MechaStellar [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:54 Just-Her_Intentions AITA For avoiding my husband's SIL

Okay, so this is going to be a long one. I (31F) have been married to my husband (32M) for 13 years, going on 14 years. We married young. I was 17, and he was 19. (Yes, I know that's crazy young) My husband, i will call him (" hubs " in this post) has 2 brothers. I will refer to his brothers as ( "John" and "zack"). Hubs is the oldest of the three boys. Zack is the second oldest brother (26 M), and John is the youngest brother (24M).
For years, I have had issues with zack. He has continually bullied me in the past. I used to have a lazy eye (I've had surgery to correct it), and he would make fun of it. Asking me which eye i was looking at him with. I have 3 kids, and before I started working again, he made a recommendation to me while having him as a guest at my home.. the recommendation was that I get up and give my chair to my husband so he can sit and relax because he "actually works." As a teen ( he was 17ish), he shoulder checked me (HARD) into a brick wall while I was pregnant with my second daughter. When I was pregnant with my oldest, I lived with my in-laws for a while, and he would make up lies about me to "get his way" with his parents. Stupid lies. Like I was hogging the TV remote, or I was being "mean" to him. Because he is their child and they did not know me well, of course they believed him. Since then, it's been non-stop little things. And jokes that are very distasteful and inappropriate. (No im not a karen these jokes were concerning sex or race and he would say them around my young children) (they are no longer allowed around zack without me or hubs present due to this issue) These things continued to happen up till about 3 or 4 years ago.
My husband's family has regular family gatherings. For every holiday, and in-between the holidays birthdays. For YEARS, I have continued to go despite me being uncomfortable. I respect Hubs mom and grandmother a lot. I also have a good relationship with them. So, to keep the peace, I just dealt with it. That is until my 30th birthday. I then decided that I wouldn't sacrifice my peace on every holiday ect to make someone else happy. So I told my husband's mom that I would only be attending 1 or 2 a year because I no longer wanted to be put in uncomfortable situations.
Zack found out about this. I'm assuming his parents told him. He called and apologized to me. Altho I do forgive him. I don't trust him. So I still don't go much. (Also, zack has been a lot better)
Rewind a bit..
Now to the SIL Zack got married a few years ago. We will call his now wife "jan" (24F). Jan is 3 months older than the youngest brother John. Despite my distaste for zack, I have tried to keep the peace with Hubs' family. I didn't want to be the cause of family issues. So when I found out about Jan, I had her and zack over. The first time I met Jan, she "scoffed" at me. I joke around with hubs a lot. I call him "baby daddy." We were standing in my kitchen, and I said, "Hey baby, Daddy, can you hand me my drink?" she looks over and scoffs and rolls her eyes at me. Again.. this is our first meeting and we are in MY house. As time passes, she does this quite often. A few years ago, I got breast augmentation, and I was honest about it. I didn't hide it. After three kids and breastfeeding, I wanted to love my body again, and I felt I needed to normalize things like this. (Also, I didn't get them huge.. not that it would matter if I did but for context in 5'4 145 lbs my bottom half is "thicker" so dr said larger implants would "even me out" i got DD's and they do look Portionate) Well I was passing zack and Jan at hubs grandmother's house I over heard them laughing about it. (I don't remember their exact words) Then after that I found out from other family members that she was going around talking bad about me and my augmentation behind my back.
After that happened my children went to my mother in laws house. ( zack and Jan moved next door to them), and Jan went to MIL house with her four-wheeler. Then Jan and FIL let my (at the time 11 year old) son get on without an adult with no prior experience and without our knowledge and with no gear. He drove it around the property. I found out about this, and hubs spoke to his parents and let them know that we are not comfortable with that. I called Jan and politely told her that we don't like him on things like that by himself. (My hubs best friend died on something similar when he was 15) and asked that the next time she would call to ask, and maybe we could at least get protective gear for it. She snapped at me and wouldn't let me finish my statement, and with an attitude said "okay I get it, you're the parent," and hung up.
Following this there was also a family wedding that she was very rude at. John got married to a lovely and sweet girl. I will call her lisa. Mine and jans kids were both hin johns and lisas' wedding. So we were in the room with lisa and the bridesmaids. Jan was so rude that the bridesmaids in the wedding noticed. However, Im really close to John and really do see him as my brother. So I kept my mouth shut and held it together because I didn't want to start anything on his wedding day.
Fast forward to now
We recently had a family get-together. I don't go often, as i stated above. But I haven't seen the family in a while (and I am really close to them) so I decided to go. Zack was working, so he wasn't there, but Jan and her two kids were. Lisa and I talked for a while (we are close and get along great!) then I talked to the rest of the family a bit. Jan walked past me and said hi, so to keep things cordial, I smiled andnsaid hi. But that's all I said to her while I was there. When I left, I hugged everyone goodbye (not jan).
A while later, I got a phone call from another family member saying that zack called them ranting about how jan told him i was mean to her. How I didn't hug her goodbye and accusing me of trying to "steal lisa." (Like you can steal a human being 🤦🏻‍♀️) Then zack told this family member that if I continue, he is going to go back to his "old ways."
I'm taken aback by this. I do not want a relationship with zack or Jan because I don't think they are good people. They have both been constant drama and just distasteful. Zack had gotten better, but now this... and still... Why would I want a relationship with them. Or go out of my way to physically hug someone who is hateful to me? Also, i don't even go to most of the family gatherings. How am I trying to steal the other sister in law? Lisa and I hung out outside of the family because we bonded. I even spoke at their wedding. This was already known information. Why would it be weird that I talk to her? I get that jan may feel left out, but in my opinion, you can't make your bed out of rocks and then be upset that it's not comfortable... why should i once again have to make myself uncomfortable to please her? Or them? Jan claims that she just wants a relationship with me (she didn't tell me this. She told another family member), but i think she just likes playing games. Because if she did, she wouldn't treat me the way she continues to. I think she wants to be a victim 🤷🏻‍♀️ Most of the other family members understand my POV. But some think I should "give her a chance," but i do not understand the logic of jan and zack. And i do not have a desire to have any form of a relationship with them. AITA For not wanting to involve myself with her and her husband? What do I do? If I don't go to any family functions, I'm letting them control me. So I'm definitely not doing that, but what other options are there?
Also, NOTE- My husband hates zack and Jan. He is on my side with this. Also, sorry for any typos. I wanted a biased opinion on this, and I'm about to have to leave for work, so I typed fast 😅
submitted by Just-Her_Intentions to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:53 LoansPayDayOnline Payday Loans for Bad Credit

Payday Loans for Bad Credit
Emergency loans are payday loans you use to pay for urgent, unexpected expenses such as medical care or home repairs. These loans are usually funded fast, and lenders can approve consumers with bad credit scores (typically between 550 and 629). Compare payday loans and other ways to get cash if you urgently need funds and have bad credit.
All the lenders in our collection serve borrowers in a hurry (to cover an emergency auto repair, say, or an unexpected medical expense), and who have poor credit. We've included credit unions in the mix, because they are often the most consumer friendly, and you'll also find lenders with the most relaxed credit requirements (if not the most affordable rates).
Payday Loans for bad credit are the same as the Payday Loans you can apply for in person. You can get the same amount of money and receive it via direct deposit just as quickly, making online Payday Loans for bad credit a solid loan option.

Best Emergency Loans for Bad Credit: Compare Options for May 2024

Payday Loans for Bad Credit

Did you know you may be able to get a Payday Loan with bad credit? In fact, Payday Loans are a viable option for people with all types of credit histories. Unlike most financial solutions, Payday Loans don’t solely rely on your credit score and consider other factors like your income and employment.

Payday Loans also have other benefits. You typically get the loan funds fast and can use the money for whatever you need.

Let’s dive deeper into Payday Loan options for people with bad or poor credit, what you can expect if you pursue one, and how to apply for a Payday Loan online.
What is a Payday Loan for bad credit?
A Payday Loan is designed to provide you with extra cash to hold you over until your next payday. This could make a Payday Loan for bad credit a good option for covering an emergency expense, like a car repair or medical bill, or simply paying for everyday essentials when money is tight.
How do Payday Loans for bad credit work?
When you take out a Payday Loan, the amount you borrow is typically based on a portion of your expected paycheck – usually a couple hundred dollars or less. You then use the money for what you need and repay the loan in full on your next payday, which is usually within two to four weeks.
Many payday lenders have less strict credit score requirements than banks and credit unions, so they rely on factors like your income and employment history when making their approval decision. This means you may still get approved for a Payday Loan without having good credit.
  • Easy application - Payday Loans often come with easy applications that borrowers can complete online or in-store. In fact, you may be able to apply in just a few minutes from the comfort of home.
  • Quick approval - Once you apply for a Payday Loan, you should receive an instant or quick approval decision. Funding times vary by lender.
  • Good credit not needed - Bad credit, good credit, or no credit history at all; it doesn’t matter when you apply for a Payday Loan. Instead, payday lenders consider your ability to repay the loan on your next payday, which means looking at your anticipated income and employment history. This means you may still get approved even if you have bad credit.

Pay your bills on time

Even one late payment can ding your credit. Focus on paying all your bills on time, including your mortgage, utilities, auto loans, and credit cards.
If you struggle to remember your payment dates, enroll in automatic payments or set calendar reminders on your phone so you don’t forget and miss a payment.

How to Choose the Best Emergency Loan

When choosing an emergency loan for bad credit, some factors to consider include how much the loan will cost, the repayment terms you can get (which will determine your monthly payment), and how quickly you can apply and get funded.
  • How much the emergency loan will cost: The cost of an emergency loan is made up of the interest rate you’re charged and the fees you’ll pay to get the loan. A loan’s annual percentage rate (APR) represents the sum of these two costs as an annual percentage of the amount borrowed. You should always consider lenders offering the lowest APR.
  • What repayment terms you can get on the loan: Before choosing a lender, ensure it offers a repayment timeline that fits your budget. Shorter repayment terms will result in larger payments since you’ll pay off the loan more quickly. This means you’ll also end up paying less interest over time. Look for a lender that offers the shortest repayment term you can comfortably afford.
  • How quickly you can apply and get funded: It’s also important to evaluate how easy it is to apply for the loan and how quickly you’ll get funded. These two factors are often related since lenders that offer an easy online application process may also offer fast funding. Many of the best lenders offer approval in minutes and funding in as few as one to three business days (sometimes even the same day).

Payday Loans for Bad Credit

submitted by LoansPayDayOnline to LoansPaydayOnline [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:53 kappakingtut2 What do you know about fiber? Any basic tips or advice?

So I've had IBSD for literally as long as I can remember. I don't feel like putting in the effort to type out my entire medical history here but I'll lay out some of the more important bits.
I've had the colonoscopy and the breath tests and blood tests and pretty much all the tests except for endoscopy.
I've tried variations of the elimination diet multiple times. I cut out meat over a decade ago. Cut out dairy about 7 years ago. I'm vegan. And as of the last few months I've been avoiding nightshades the best I can. And for a good long while now, not sure how long But less than a year, I've been avoiding leafy greens. Let us and spinach and arugula and such.
I still haven't figured out exactly what my triggers are. Feels like everything's a trigger.
But recently I had a good day. And then a couple days after that another good one. And the only thing I can think of I did differently was that I took a chance and I tried lettuce again.
So it's got to be the fiber in the lettuce right? Or is there some other ingredient in it that would help? Or is it purely coincidental? I've always thought I had a bad reaction to leafy greens before. But I'm realizing now that I've always had it with other things before. Maybe I've had a bad reaction after a salad and it blamed the lettuce, but really the culprit was the tomatoes? Or like having a sandwich or burger, I'd get lettuce and tomato together. Maybe I was blaming the wrong food for the problem.
I'm going to slowly and cautiously keep adding more leafy greens back into my diet. I just wanted to know am I wrong? Am I on the right track? Is there other ways to get fiber besides lettuce? Cuz I know there's different types of fiber. I've tried the psyllium husk powder supplement to some small degree of success. Anything else?
submitted by kappakingtut2 to ibs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:53 Wolf97__ Guessing shows up before the answers are given

   Indovina il personaggio STEAM  

Indovina il personaggio STEAM

Rispondi alle seguenti domande per indovinare il personaggio STEAM.
if ($pre1900 == "yes") { if ($italian == "yes") { if ($scientist == "yes") { if ($nobel == "yes") { $character = "Galileo Galilei"; } else { $character = "Leonardo da Vinci"; } } else { $character = "Michelangelo"; } } else { if ($scientist == "yes") { if ($nobel == "yes") { $character = "Isaac Newton"; } else { $character = "Benjamin Franklin"; } } else { $character = "George Washington"; } } } else { if ($italian == "yes") { if ($scientist == "yes") { if ($nobel == "yes") { $character = "Enrico Fermi"; } else { $character = "Alessandro Volta"; } } else { $character = "Guglielmo Marconi"; } } else { if ($scientist == "yes") { if ($nobel == "yes") { $character = "Albert Einstein"; } else { $character = "Alexander Graham Bell"; } } else { $character = "Thomas Edison"; } } } // Visualizza il personaggio STEAM indovinato. if (submit == "Indovina") { echo "Il personaggio STEAM che hai indovinato è $character."; } } ?>   
Sorry for the dumb question (and for the foreign language). I've been making for a small project to train myself on html. It's a type of who game, but with historical characters, mostly scientists. The questions are yes/no, but that is not the problem. The problem is that it immediately shows "Il personaggio STEAM che hai indovinato è $character." before actually sending the answers. I tried fixing it with a condition and using an if, but it doesn't work. What is the problem and how should I fix it?
submitted by Wolf97__ to HTML [link] [comments]


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submitted by shaneka69 to mytarotreadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:52 Lycid Any active professionals using AI tools effectively yet?

In a bit of a lull in client work today so doing some research on business development stuff.
I've been drawn to exploring how useful AI tools could be for us but it's really hard to get a sense for how actually useful these tools are. It doesn't help that all of them want me to fork over big bucks before I really understand how to use them properly and can judge how useful they truly are.
Online, all the discussions are focused on the tech industry rather than architecture, it's been hard to find any real opinions on this stuff for our field. So, I hope to start a conversation among architects who've actually used these tools and any use they've found out of them.
I've been looking at tools like mnml and veras for making the process of getting good looking renders quicker but it seems hard to truly dial in something client presentable. Veras seems more appealing due to a dedicated client that gives you the ability to precisely adjust specific geometry, but mnml seems like it might generate better results (though on my trial run I struggled to get the output I wanted).
There's also bimlogic copilot which piqued my interest as a revit plugin to help automate revit tasks. But I don't see anyone talking about this and the website has hardly any information, so hard to judge if it's truly worth it. Their examples show the doing things like bulk-duplicating views, which I can already do easily without needing to type out a command to do it for me.
What kinds of tools have you used? Have you found them effective? Have you found a way to get them to work for you so that they've been able to speed up your processes?
submitted by Lycid to architecture [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:51 ifykyk10 Camera not charging

I've recently gotten a Kodak easyshare m550 and it takes cool pics.
The problem is that the cable it came with doesn't charge the battery. IT shows as connected and charging but not matter how much time I leave it there it won't charge a bit.
Are these cameras chargeable with the pc usb port or a regular phone adapter? Do I need to get a specialized charger for it?
It has a kodak klic-7006, 3,7V battery and a usb type U-8 cable.
submitted by ifykyk10 to Cameras [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:51 Lycid Anyone using AI tools effectively yet?

In a bit of a lull in client work today so doing some research on business development stuff.
I've been drawn to exploring how useful AI tools could be for us but it's really hard to get a sense for how actually useful these tools are. It doesn't help that all of them want me to fork over big bucks before I really understand how to use them properly and can judge how useful they truly are.
Online, all the discussions are focused on the tech industry rather than architecture, it's been hard to find any real opinions on this stuff for our field. So, I hope to start a conversation among architects who've actually used these tools and any use they've found out of them.
I've been looking at tools like mnml and veras for making the process of getting good looking renders quicker but it seems hard to truly dial in something client presentable. Veras seems more appealing due to a dedicated client that gives you the ability to precisely adjust specific geometry, but mnml seems like it might generate better results (though on my trial run I struggled to get the output I wanted).
There's also bimlogic copilot which piqued my interest as a revit plugin to help automate revit tasks. But I don't see anyone talking about this and the website has hardly any information, so hard to judge if it's truly worth it. Their examples show the doing things like bulk-duplicating views, which I can already do easily without needing to type out a command to do it for me.
What kinds of tools have you used? Have you found them effective? Have you found a way to get them to work for you so that they've been able to speed up your processes?
submitted by Lycid to Architects [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:51 Hailz225 Need some kind words and advice

I had 4 months sober last year and gave it away in November. I haven’t been able to stop since then. I used to be a drink on the weekends type of person and would go overboard every time because I don’t know how to stop. This time around, I’m drinking on some week nights and the weekend.
The problem is, I want to stop but I also don’t want to stop. I hate the fact that I shouldn’t be drinking. I wish I could just have a drink or two every other week and be fine but I can’t. I know I was able to get sober for 4 months but it feels so different this time around. I don’t know what to do anymore. I’m mostly surrounded by boyfriend’s family members who love to drink. I know it’s not an excuse, but it certainly makes things harder. I’m at a loss.
submitted by Hailz225 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:50 Icy-Pollution5227 problems with barking?

My English bulldog is a rescue, and I got him about 4 years ago. When I first got him, he never ever barked, which was great for me living in a college apartment. I moved for one year with a friend who also had a dog, which almost ‘taught’ him how to bark. He started barking sporadically, but usually just to be playful. In the past year, since moving to an apartment by myself, he has started barking like it is his job. He wakes me up every single morning barking, and barks at any noise at all (sometimes even when there are no noises). He’s a big dog, so the barks are LOUD. I have tried to find the root of the problem but it doesn’t seem like he is barking at anything in particular. I have tried a bark collar, with a vibrate setting rather than a shock setting, to try to distract him once he starts barking. It almost never works. I am a college student and don’t have the money for the expensive auto trainers. He is barking while I’m typing this. I’m going insane. Any advice? Has anyone else had this issue?
submitted by Icy-Pollution5227 to englishbulldog [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:49 MGM-LMT Please help, drip watering system diagram -purchase info?

I've had a garden in the high desert climate for many years but I've always just used black mulch as a weed suppressant and soaker hoses. I'm NOT irrigation minded and haven't been able to figure out how to do household hose hookup to pvc to drip line or tape. At least not for a budget amount.
THE CURRRENT BAD: I'm sick of the black plastic mess and even more, the water waste normal soakers seem to inevitably produce with their tears, punctures, leaking at connection etc. I also haven't had success splicing normal hoses! They ALWAYS leak a lot and I've tried every type of splicer available 🤷🏼‍♀️? We also have GOATHEADS everywhere ugh! They poke holes in the soakers hoses VERY easily. Our soil is sandy and clay.. so erotion happens with leakage forming rivers and weeds!
The garden is down a hill and past my driveway. So I have an HD hose going from the house to a female threaded PVC pipe, that drops down the hill underground & goes under the driveway. (Was here when I bought the house!) Then there's about an 8 ft distance to get to the garden. I usually run a (overly long!) HD hose to a 4 connect splitter outfitted with the 4 -50 ft soaker hoses snaking around the rows.. ( We have HIGH pressure)
But I'd love to know how to do PVC. Maybe I'm over complicating it idk lol. I tried to match up parts and make a hose to pvc to drip system last year but it was SO overwhelming. BTW I have Adhd lol. 😆💚🌎
So so grateful for any help!
submitted by MGM-LMT to Permaculture [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:49 Agreeable_Ability_94 Hi guys, I have an assignment to do with Hospitality Investigation. My topic is Molecular gastronomy and I have some questions about it that I want to ask you for primary data.

Please I will be very thankful for any response no matter what is your experience with molecular gastronomy. Thank you in advance☺️.
1. Definition of Molecular Gastronomy: - Can you provide your understanding of the concept of molecular gastronomy? - How would you describe the role of science in molecular gastronomy?
2. Influence of Cooking Methods on Flavor Release and Perception: - In your experience, how do different cooking methods impact flavor release and perception in molecular gastronomy dishes? - Could you share an example of a cooking method that particularly enhances flavor perception?
3. Evaluation of Current States in Restaurant Operation: - What are some current trends or challenges you observe in the operation of restaurants that specialize in molecular gastronomy? - How do you see technology influencing the operation and customer experience in these restaurants?
4. Identification of Types of Molecular Gastronomy: - Can you differentiate between various types or approaches to molecular gastronomy? - Are there any emerging trends or subfields within molecular gastronomy that you find particularly interesting?
Additional Questions: - How do you see molecular gastronomy evolving in the future? - What are some common misconceptions people have about molecular gastronomy? - How important is experimentation and innovation in molecular gastronomy?
Thank you for your time and valuable insights. Your expertise will significantly contribute to our research on this fascinating culinary field.
submitted by Agreeable_Ability_94 to Chefit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:48 hanah1078 Desktop Google Chrome Telling Me About a Virus!?

So I'm making a post because no one else seems to have had this issue.
Windows 11 PC, no new downloads other than a Minecraft modpack that my buddies and I play.
I just opened my computer and opened Chrome, when suddenly the window (not open to anything, still the google search opening page) began talking and said, "This tab is paused because we have detected a trojan virus on your computer" or something of that sort. Just a generic TTS female voice. Windows Defender didn't see anything on a scan, but that's... the whole point of a trojan virus, right? Anyway, just wanted to see if anyone has ever encountered this before, or if they have any information from Google about that type of warning. Thanks!
EDIT: I'm doing scans and other security things, so my question isn't about how to check for malware! It's just to see if anyone else knows of or has heard of this type lf warning
submitted by hanah1078 to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:48 Une_metalhead Help I wanna ask his number but I’m scared :’)

so im in high school and I find a guy really handsome, he have light blond hair, blue eyes, he's tall and he have a small scar on his cheek. so we often make eyes contact with each other but it doesn't last more than 4 seconds, he seem a but quiet tho, but I never talked to people first because I was always kind of nervous about being rejected or being made fun of but I never seen a guy being more my type than him actually.
we really don't know each other we never talked. But like I really want to ask for his number but l'm so nervous I don't know how to do because he's always with a guy (quite shy looking ) and I can only do it when we luckily eat at the same time :)) I don't even know if he have a girlfriend or if he could find me pretty 💀🙏
submitted by Une_metalhead to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:48 midnightmeatloaf Need help understanding behavior in this subreddit please

Need help understanding behavior in this subreddit please
Yesterday I saw a post in which a user indicated a plan to game the system by signing up to be a recurrent guardian sponsor, and then cancel the subscription in order to save a few dollars, but still receive benefits of being a sponsor.
I commented that I didn't think this was ethical behavior. And I stand by that... The Finch devs work INCREDIBLY HARD for us. They come up with new themes and implement them every month. The free version of this app has no ads! They literally GIFT users the paid version, valued at $49.99 if users can't afford it. Of all the apps to try to hack the price tag on, y'all picked this one? Like if you want to steal from Walmart, that's one thing. But don't steal from the small independent mom and pop shop that actually pays its employees a fair wage.
I don't understand why so many of you condoned the behavior of trying to exploit the devs to receive guardianship without paying the price they asked for. Guardianship is optional, and meant to be altruistic. I am a guardian, and I could only afford the Ally tier, but it is what it is. I would never even think to sign up for a renewed subscription at a lower price, with the intention of cancelling it to still reap the benefits but at a lower price. How anyone could do that for this app in particular is beyond me. I'm not angry, I'm just profoundly confused...
Honestly, I don't care about the 22 downvotes; I could care less about my imaginary Reddit points. But I do care that no less than 22 of you thought to publicly voice your opinion on my comment discouraging a user from trying to exploit the devs in order to achieve guardian status.... I'm really concerned that so many people are publicly expressing condoning financial exploitation of the Finch devs to achieve guardian status. It doesn't make sense to me. I don't think anyone with this type of character should be a guardian, but clearly I am missing something because I am in the minority and a lot of you thought I was in the wrong. I just don't get it.
Soooooo... If any of the 22 of you who voiced your opinions on my comment want to help me understand what I'm missing, I would greatly appreciate it. Or am I truly in the minority in thinking this behavior isn't okay?
submitted by midnightmeatloaf to finch [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:48 Friendly_Pilot_4160 24 M, new here finding new friends to chat with

Hey there M 24, 6'1 medical professional lonely af lol. Trying this community and this app for the first time. I don't know how many words are needed to type here so I'm just posting shit randomly I will be there by you and your team at the end of the day of the day.
submitted by Friendly_Pilot_4160 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]