What causes rashes at the hairline

Just Rolled Into the Shop

2012.03.30 00:22 xG33Kx Just Rolled Into the Shop

For those absolutely stupid things that you see people bring, roll, or toss into your place of business and the people that bring them in.

2022.01.26 06:49 RIOP3L A victory for one is a victory for all

Join WorkReform! Fight for a good quality of life for everyone who sells their labor!

2012.04.07 06:34 lethalweapon100 Everything offroad!

Welcome to /Dirtbikes! If you ride on two wheels off-road, then this is the sub for you! Please read the rules before participating. Ride on! Official Discord: discord.gg/mscomm

2024.06.07 19:30 HospitalFragrant7305 Itchy Hands (Non Skin Related)

My hands feel extremely itchy for some reason. It doesn't seem to be skin related (as in.. My skin isn't dry, no color difference from the usual, no rash, etc..) It almost seems like it might be nerve related. I simply can't stop scratching my fingers. It's on both hands, and it's on both of my index and middle fingers, and in between them. It almost feels like a mosquito bit me in both fingers, and between them, on both hands.. But when I look at my fingers, there's no sign of any mosquito bite, or anything whatsoever. What could this possibly be?
*Flair is skin and nails, cause it seemed to fit best. But I dont believe it's an external issue (as in, outside the skin outside the body. It seems to be internal somehow..
submitted by HospitalFragrant7305 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:47 Impressive-Ad7184 why am i constantly so jealous of other people

like when I see people, especially when they’re talking about shit from their lives, it just reminds me of how ugly and alone i am. I wish I had that persons skin, instead of eczema rashes all over my face that causes it to sometimes bleed randomly for no fucking reason; I wish I had friends like that person does,I.e. friends at all; I wish I had someone that cares about me like that person does, and didn’t think of killing myself every fucking day; I wish I could be happy about anything; I wish I didn’t spend every birthday alone without even a fucking cake; at this point it’s almost comical, seeing all the things life can offer while not being able to experience any of it and that makes me so jealous. but instead I’m useless and unwanted , and if I disappeared, no one would care, no one would notice. I already basically don’t exist, I just consume food and and do nothing, what a fucking waste of resources
submitted by Impressive-Ad7184 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 07:27 AdditionalPrice555 What am I dealing with here?

What am I dealing with here?
Hello! I'm 21F and have been experiencing some odd bodily symptoms lately. I apologize if this is extremely lengthy, but I want to be as specific as possible so you could help me best. I'm also seeking several specialists to figure this out.
To preface; my only known "allergy" would be viral urticaria, I've had it my whole life & the severity of it depended on the severity of the virus and was helped by benedryl. No allergies to medications, no surgeries. Diagnosed anxiety 2018 after years of stomach trouble as a child; it was never resolved and I don't take any medication for anxiety, though I do speak to a professional. I've been a daily marijuana & nicotine smoker for 4-5 years so I do deal with low appetites and occasional bouts of vomitting, but I chalk it up to my bad habits. I've never suddenly lost an enormous amount of weight unless I was physically active. My physical activity has also declined over the years (2020: >6hrs exercise per week/ 2024: ~2hrs exercise per week). I was on birth control for 2 years (Junel Fe then NuvaRing) and I stopped December 2022. My mother has Raynaud syndrome & my father has eczema & high cholesterol. I was also exposed to ticks 1.5 weeks before this happened (4 on my clothes, none attached). I'm open to answering any more questions.
Prior to the first "flare up", I began to partake in hot yoga and went to a few classes back to back (Monday night, Wednesday night , Thursday morn.), showering right after in warm/cool water. Thursday morning, May 9th, I applied biofreeze after the shower on my upper back and shoulders right out of the shower and immediately started burning to the point of tears (I read the warnings and directions to make sure I wouldn't react, but I could've missed something). I jumped back in the shower and tried to wash as much as I could off, but still felt the burning for at least 20 minutes afterwards. The pain went away and I went about my day as usual; it was a little red & a little painful but gone by end of day.
Friday night, May 10th, I got home from work & put on a pair of pajamas (I had just switched new detergents, this was a fresh load) & 10 minutes later I'm burning itching all over my upper body (excluding neck/head). I ripped off the clothes & the more I itched, the more it burned. I didnt have a visible rash that night, but the next day my body was covered in what looked like a drug reaction. It wasn't necessarily hives, but they were itchy & red, over my arms & my legs. It started to affect my joints & it felt as if my arms and legs were swollen & I had thick gloves and socks on. There were moments of periodic tingling as well in my hands and feet.
The symptoms started to heavily subside on Monday, May 13th, but they slightly persisted & it was all sporadic, but bilateral. I saw a rheumatologist the 21st (I'm extremely lucky that my dad works in rheumatology). I got a full blood panel done as well as many tests for certain antibodies for certain diseases involving my symptoms. My blood came back normal, except for 1 positive band of Lyme (58 KD IGg) but they said everything is good. Xrays of my hands, lumbar & sacroiliac joints came back perfect. They're going to send me back to get bilateral foot xrays, and if symptoms persist longer, an MRI of my hands.
Come to Wednesday, May 29th, I was out in the sun 12:00 - 4:00 PM, applied sunscreen once (one I have used before, and I know I shouldve applied at least twice more). I got a little sunburnt on my shouldearms/back legs, and started to notice the "rash" coming back mid-day. May 31st, it started where the sunburn was (only on my upper body, very faint on my legs) and migrated to the inner sides of my arms within the last week. I also feel swollen in my hands and forearms. I feel like I'm developing a head cold, but my viral hives usually come when I'm getting better and they usually start from my stomach, so I don't believe that's the cause. It seems to come and go, become more prominent if I'm pressing weight onto my arms. It can go away completely and come back in minutes when I dont even realize. Sometimes I feel like I'm burning up (I don't have an accurate thermometer yet).
I honestly cannot tell if the spots are on my legs, but my body has been quite itchy, and as the days progress the itchiness gets worse. I can't tell if benedryl helps because I only take it at night. It's not debilitating, I can still perform my daily living activities, but it's quite bothersome, very unappealing to look at, and I'm feeling much more tired recently. I've never experienced anything remotely like this.
I'm interested to know if anyone recommends I see a certain specialist for my symptoms, or what could be causing them. Any input that you could provide for me would be amazing, I really appreciate you taking the time to read through this & I understand that a proper diagnosis is going to take patience.
submitted by AdditionalPrice555 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 05:47 Appropriate-Use-8505 It actually feels like it over for me this time

28 m, I have had one girlfriend for like 7 months when I was 22, two one night stands, the most recent being two years ago, and have been on one first date in my lifetime, the rest of the time I have been celibate
I’ve honestly been so lonely lately I don’t know what to do. I have a good amount of friends but at this point like all of them are in committed relationships, and tagging along with them frequently is a tad depressing. I also think people who have known me for a long time probably think I’m weird for not having relationships. The worst part of all of this is I have like no hope left (unlike prior crises in my 20s). I’ve honestly never felt such a “wish I wasn’t alive” feeling as I’ve experienced the past few months.
FYI I don’t have any negative feelings towards women, just hate feeling unlovable given my appearance and disposition.
submitted by Appropriate-Use-8505 to redscarepod [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 23:13 astevens0687 Has anyone had results from diet and supplements alone or did you still have to take methimazole?

I was diagnosed in March but have had symptoms since last August (they were that backed up, I had no choice but to wait and be on beta blockers). Just a disclaimer, I’m not saying what I’m currently doing is advisable, it’s just the truth. Please do not lecture me because I’m already aware of the risks and consequences.
I tried methimazole in early March, and everything was okay until I hit week 7. It was like overnight I gained 7 pounds. I lost about 23 pounds from the graves but I’m still 233lbs standing at 5’9. I’m still not close to a healthier weight. The weight loss helped with some of the symptoms. I basically panicked and stopped taking it until I can figure out what I can handle dealing with.
I was only on 5mg once a day, so it was already a very low dose. I have always had issues mentally when it comes to weight, and in truth I can’t convince myself that the meds and weight gain are better than the symptoms and issues that come with them. I don’t have anything in my life that I’d rather be fat and alive for, that’s the best way I can put it. Being in the dating scene makes this no easier. Before this I couldn’t get a pound to budge. I had my thyroid looked at years ago and they said it was normal, but it was on the very low spectrum of normal. I’m not sure if I was having issues prior to this causing the lack of weight loss.
I’ve been doing research on various supplements: fish oil, selenium, magnesium glycinate, probiotics, and vitamin D. I do not currently take any supplements at all, just my prescriptions/other meds like allergy pills. I’ve also been looking into gluten free and anti inflammatory diets.
I did gluten free many years ago and experienced a lot more regular bowel movements and I looked like I lost 10 pounds from the lack of bloating. I didn’t stick with it because I find it to be one of the hardest diets to adhere to and not the cheapest either. I’ve never really cut out dairy but I use lactose free milk and butter whenever I can. I don’t eat a ton of cheese, and I like Greek yogurt. I do better with dairy lower in lactose as a whole. I’ve never had a good gut, I can ping pong between diarrhea and bad constipation but more often the former so I end up taking Imodium often.
Has anyone had success with just these changes? The 5mg brought me down from 373 to 309 on my T3 and from 2.0 to 1.8 on my T4, so not significant results. As far as I’m concerned I’m not even considering RAI or TT, I’d have to be in a seriously bad position to consider it at all. I have to figure this out because the heat intolerance is the worst, I’m getting tremors more often, and my eyes have been getting a very dry feeling lately. I may add that I was getting these raised red rashes on my eyelids while taking the meds, and the endo refuses to associate the 2 even though it only happens when I take it.
Thanks for any input, I appreciate it.
submitted by astevens0687 to gravesdisease [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 23:10 throwawayyyy3273 First ever perioral dermatitis flare up and recent skin nightmare has sent my BDD into a spiral. How do I even cope?

I’m doing pretty unwell mentally at the moment and feel I’ve regressed with my BDD the worst I have in years. It started a month and a half ago when I was dealing with a lot of stress and had an allergic reaction to something (still unknown) and my previously mostly clear skin that was actually looking the best it had in a long time developed an itchy red rash which, throughout the course of a single day, escalated into a cluster of 8 cyst-like blisters along my jawline and cheek. I’ve never had any breakout anywhere near as severe as this one. As someone who has always been pretty sensitive about my skin, this devastated me and it took me about a month of rigorous skincare to heal the lesions and the scarring these blisters left behind. Still dealing with some slight hyperpigmentation. At its worst, I spent a week completely isolated in my apartment.
At first, I thought this was a weird hormonal breakout or something, despite never having problems in that area of my face until recently. I saw a dermatologist who looked at my blisters and suggested I do a second course of Accutane (I did a course for mild but extremely stubborn acne when I was 17 and am currently 24). I thought I was well on my way to solving my skin woes.
During the month long waiting period for Accutane (I’m FTM transgender, so I had to do iPledge, which also was a major blow to my self esteem and dysphoria), I suddenly developed a pretty bad case of perioral dermatitis for the first time in my entire life. I still have no clue what caused it—I think stress from college finals, lack of sleep, caffeine abuse, and starting a stressful relationship with someone who worked night shifts/attempting to adapt to their schedule triggered it. Nonetheless, it was pretty gnarly and only escalated throughout the course of the week and a half it took me to identify what it was and make an appointment with a dermatologist. I was prescribed doxycycline and told I’d have to wait to finish my 3-4 month course before I could be considered a candidate for Accutane again as the two medications have severe interactions. When I was told this condition is typically chronic and often results in relapses after the first breakout, which would require this very same treatment, I cried for days.
I have never in my life seen my face look anything like it did at the worst of the flare up, and even though it sounds dramatic, it was honestly traumatizing for me. I had dozens of red, itchy papules in a quarter-sized cluster by my smile lines on the right side of my nose. I had redness, itching and a few smaller papules on the other side of my nose, and about 6-7 large red papules on my chin. All of this quite literally cropped up within the span of three days starting with two small papules in the most affected area. Thankfully, I was able to get an appointment with a dermatologist fairly quickly and was prescribed the doxycycline as well as two topicals. It’s been 3 weeks and my perioral dermatitis looks significantly better; in fact, it’s barely noticeable at this point, just some residual redness with a few small papules that come and go within 24-48 hours. Nonetheless, it’s been very emotionally taxing to see my skin behave in such an unpredictable way, and it’s impacted my mental health massively—especially as I’m not sure what triggered it or how to avoid future flare ups. I’m terrified to go off the antibiotics as I’ve heard horror stories about rebounds.
Ever since the flare up, I’ve been taking hundreds of photos of my skin a day, analyzing it from every angle. I’ve been terrified the perioral dermatitis is going to spread or will come back. Every time I see a pimple on another part of my face, I completely break down, convinced I’m going to have to relive the past few weeks. I’ve been obsessing over the potential of getting fungal acne as it’s a side effect of doxycycline and I’ve been dealing with some (albeit very mild) spots along my hairline and forehead and now cheeks, in places I’ve never had any kind of acne before, likely as a result of yeast overgrowth. I’ve been dealing with increasingly sensitive skin, also as a result of this brutal medication, and now am experiencing weird symptoms like face flushing and red discoloration after washing my face or touching it. I’m so itchy all the time, which makes it even more difficult to forget about, even for a moment. It has been an absolute nightmare to see my skin change so drastically as it has the past few months, and I just keep waiting for the other shoe to drop and for my skin to do whatever next big crazy thing it’s now suddenly prone to, for still completely unknown reasons. I’ve also started developing mild rashes that come and go beneath my facial hair, and I burn easily in the sun even with SPF 50 slathered all over.
I’ve been so depressed. My OCD and BDD are at levels they haven’t been at in years. I only leave my apartment to go to work and see my current situationship since unfortunately casual sex is the only thing that can temporarily make me feel desirable right now. I was feeling the most confident I had been in YEARS prior to all of this crazy skin stuff. Was seeing multiple different people, casually dating and sleeping around, receiving tons of validation for my appearance. Feeling like a version of myself I didn’t realize I even could be, and now I’m haunted by this insane skin condition I never in a million years thought I’d develop.
On many days, when my BDD was/is the worst, I consider suicide. I can’t handle the anxiety. Sometimes I don’t want to go to sleep out of fear of what my face will look like in the morning. I’ve had the most panic attacks I’ve dealt with in years since this started. None of my anxiety medication is helping and no one seems to understand. “It’s just a little rash!” but it’s not on their face, it’s on mine, and it makes me want to die. The rash spreads and worsens when you attempt to conceal it with anything, so I’ve had to deal with this extremely publicly. While it’s mostly gone now, I find myself holding the rest of my skin to insanely high standards, so as to make up for the fact that I’ve been suffering from this crazy rash that makes me feel worthless. I’m hoping that my skin calms down while I finish this course of medication and am counting down to the day in 3 months that I can potentially start my second course of Accutane to hopefully prevent this absolute nightmare from ever recurring. Until then, I’m stuck in anxiety limbo, and it’s torture.
This is all too much for me to handle, I’m hanging on by a thread. I want my life back, and if this is my new life now, I don’t want it. I’d honestly rather die than deal with all of this again.
submitted by throwawayyyy3273 to BodyDysmorphia [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 22:46 Unstoppable218 Why did you take Finasteride in the first place…?

Why did you take Finasteride in the first place…?
Why did you take Finasteride in the first place? Your hair’s fine.
I’ve always thought this has got to be one of the most ridiculous and irrelevant questions to ask.
Number 1: Hair loss doesn’t always begin at the hairline. Androgenic Alopecia can also start around the crown or various other spots on the head via diffused thinning. My hairline was fine, but as you can see in the pictures below, my hair loss was becoming more prevalent around my crown.
Number 2: If you really believe these patients shouldn’t have taken Finasteride in the first place, then a better question would be, “Why were you prescribed Finasteride?” Finasteride is not an over-the-counter medication as we know. You have to go through a medical professional to get it. If they prescribe it to you, it absolutely reinforces the notion that the patient must be experiencing hair loss (if that’s what they’re seeking it out for). If they’re not, then why would they be given it…
Number 3: The question is a complete deflection from the topic at hand. Regardless of why these people took Finasteride, it isn’t relevant to the fact that they’re now dealing with persistent and life-altering symptoms.
For me, I began noticing my crown just felt thinner about a year and a half before starting the medication. It started with me washing the top of my head in the shower and noticing that my crown just felt less dense than the other areas of my head. Then, I began noticing much more hair around the sink, in the shower, and in my bed. I had started taking pictures of my scalp and was definitely seeing it actually was less dense, but I tried to ignore it. Like most others, I was in denial. Hair loss doesn’t run in my immediate family, and I wanted to assume that it was just a phase. I was 26 years old. I was fit, healthy, and had a great life. There was no way I could be experiencing hair loss this young. Fast forward to July 2020. I noticed while in the bathroom one day at a friend’s house that the harsh lighting overhead was allowing me to see straight into my scalp at the crown. In a bit of a panic, I immediately made a quick account with Hims on my phone and filled out the questionnaire. After taking a few pictures of my scalp and hair line, I submitted the results in a matter of minutes. Within days, I received a notice from the “doctor” through the Hims website that I would be prescribed Finasteride and Minoxidil. Within 1-2 weeks after this, the medication was delivered to my doorstep and I had it in my hands.
I contemplated on taking Finasteride for six months. I watched the best hair loss channels on the topic, reviewed the medical literature, and came to the conclusion that IF I experienced any of the symptoms (sexual dysfunction, depression, anxiety, etc.), then I could just stop the medication and these symptoms would subside. Of course, I had heard some of the whispers of Post Finasteride Syndrome, which was the notion that any symptoms you experienced while taking the drug would continue indefinitely after cessation. None of the literature seemed to support this, though. The phrase “nocebo effect” was thrown around in every comment I read. I was convinced that the mind can and would induce incredible symptoms in the body that had nothing to do with the medication if you focused hard enough on them. If I ended up taking it, I decided that my best course of action was to forget about it and just continue with my life. I was too busy to be worried about this “PFS” thing anyway. I was an avid weight lifter and dancer. I was dating a beautiful woman, had a great paying job, an active social life, hobbies, a real estate business, aspirations to pursue my master’s degree, and a myriad of other things to keep myself busy. Why would I worry about this apparent syndrome that wasn’t even backed by any extensive medical research? Besides, I looked at all the celebrities taking Finasteride – Donald Trump, Justin Bieber, Pete Davidsion. Rob Lowe, Ashton Kutcher and others. They looked great! The doctor that prescribed me this medication would never put me in harms way. Doctors have to uphold the Hippocratic Oath and would never give me something that would threaten my health and well being… especially a cosmetic drug.
After approximately six months of deliberation, I finally decided on January 19th, 2021 that I would finally try the medication at a low dose of 1mg 3X a week. It was minimal and seemed like it would be just enough to help me since my hair loss hadn’t become that aggressive yet. Doctors and influencers always emphasize the importance of starting Finasteride early at the first signs of hair loss. I seemed like the ideal candidate. In my mind, I asked myself what I had to lose. I reviewed all the potential ways my life would change if I lost my hair. What would my girlfriend think? How would I feel about myself? How would it affect my career? What about the shame? If I didn’t do this now, how much worse would my hair loss get? Hair loss in itself will cause depression, I told myself. Besides, the vast majority of people said their biggest regret was just not starting it sooner. I’d be an idiot to not at least try this drug. I played every mental gymnastic in the book to convince myself that hair loss would be far worse than any potential symptom I could experience. After taking my first pill, I even took a sigh of relief knowing that I was being proactive and that this minor hair loss issue was now under MY control. It was time to move on and carry on with my life without thinking about this again…
submitted by Unstoppable218 to Finasteride_Syndrome [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 22:15 nabitai feeling super discouraged :((

feeling super discouraged :((
I havent worn my hair up recently, and I can’t tell if my hairline has gotten worse or if I’ve just forgotten how bad it is :(
It looks like AGA but I’ve had cyclical hair loss for 7 years- every year I loose loads and then get a load of slow regrowth (2nd pic) without any medical intervention, no one knows why. The fact that it somewhat grows back and has consistently for 7 years made my derm (now discharged lol) rule out AGA and instead go with both localised and diffuse AA as I also have patchy hair loss (3rd pic is my most recent)
I had everything tested recently- nutritional deficiencies, food intolerances incl gluten, thyroid and kidney, bone density, literally everything and it all came back totally normal :( I want to start oral minox this winter so I can hide the dread shed with a hat, but i’m scared that I’ll go through the dread shed and it won’t grow back :( It’s also kind of hard to get oral minox in the uk.
i’m just finding it really mentally tough at the moment. one thing people with AGA don’t get is the mental load is so much lighter when you know what the issue with your body is, even if you don’t necessarily have a cure. it would be great if anyone with AA can lean in on how you cope with knowing you have this autoimmune disease, but can’t ever uncover what the cause is or how to treat it. it might seem dramatic, but something I really worry about is whether having AA is going to predetermine me having another really serious autoimmune later in life :((((((
submitted by nabitai to FemaleHairLoss [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 19:15 emerald1001 Looking for new laptop

I own the Samsung Galaxy Book Pro 360 (the first edition) and had health with it for 2 years and I'm sick and tired of it! I'm too hesitant to buy any of the new versions of the Book Pro because of my terrible experience with my current one. I purchased the 360 so I can take notes with it on tablet mode, and ever since I started using the laptop back in 2020, it's just been terrible. I repurchased it in December of 2021 during my senior year of high school, and I didn't use it until the summer of 2022 after I graduated so I could use it for college. After 1 month of using it, I had a hairline crack on my screen (even though I never remembered dropping it) I tried to ask Samsung for a warranty and they said it was my fault. (then I checked on the subreddit and the screen cracking was a common issue). But whatever I put a screen protector on it and call it a day. My biggest issue was the fan noise! From day one the fan noise has been ridiculously loud for such a then device. It's high-pitched and annoying and when you are in a quiet setting, it can be very loud and high-pitched when I have like a couple of tabs open! It also overheats like crazy to the point it s very hot to the touch. I know some people say to use quiet or silent mode but it makes the laptop extremely hot, and what is the point of using the laptop in a reduced performance mode, so the fan isn't blaring every 5 seconds? The battery life is also trash and terrible it lives on the charger cause without it it can only last 3-4 hours, maybe 5 at best. I don't know what to do now, I want to try to fix it but it will cost money, so I'm interested in just trying to sell it for a normal laptop, and then purchase an iPad separately because 2 in 1 laptops are a joke. I don't know if anyone has had this negative of an experience with these laptops, but I am looking for a way out. If anyone, what laptops are better than this? If I want to sell it, I'm looking for anything under $1,500 because I bought this laptop on a black Friday sale in 2021 for $999. I know this negative post probably doesn't belong here but I'm just trying to deal with it cause I don't this laptop will last the way I want it too. Also, additionally, the build quality of it is trash. The bottom part sometimes pops off and I would have to push it back in.
submitted by emerald1001 to laptops [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 16:04 ContrastsOfForm Exciting and unexpected results from Omnilux

I bought the Omnilux facial red light mask in January 2024. I use it about 3-5 days per week for about 20 minutes at a time (2 cycles). The mask reaches my hairline around my face.
So the other day I was getting my hair colored and the guy asks me after working on my hair for a bit, if I have been recovering from an illness. I was like — what??? He said it looks like I was coming back from an illness BECAUSE MY HAIRLINE HAD SO MUCH NEW GROWTH!!!
And like a criminal who has been caught I confessed all of the possible ailments that I could have but none of them caused severe hair loss.
All of the growth was around my hairline where the mask overlapped.
Later I was like — duh — it’s the red light therapy!! I have definitely noticed a lot more new hair growth now that I am paying attention.
Side note that because of this my partner got a cap for red light therapy for hair and I have seen his hairline start to come back —- it’s much easier to notice on him because his hair is so short.
submitted by ContrastsOfForm to redlighttherapy [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 15:51 Theonlyusernamefound My reputation is completely fucked. I need advice on how to fix this.

So around 2 years ago, I started to become popular but then came my huge downfall. We moved to a new place and my new barbers were all trash. I tried to grow out my hair to get a long haircut but my teachers always insulted me (which damaged my reputation a lot) and forced me to cut my hair every single fucking time. After all this, I learnt how to perfect do the UwU so literally everyone started calling me feminine. Last year, I befriended a lot of females just cause every guy had a shitty egoistic personality so everyone thought I was def a femboy. I also used to be kinda popular for my fluffy hair and decent looks but due to the water quality being absolutely dogshit at my new place, my hairline receded, my forehead got bigger, my hair became flat, broken, thin and is much less dense than it used to be. These days people don't even approach me. All they do is ostracize me from their friend groups and joke abt me. What's seemingly odd is that 2 years ago I used to be 5'3 but still simped for by females but now I'm 5'7 and people don't even look at me.
I started hitting the gym around 4 weeks ago, often mew since last year and even do proper skincare (tho the irregularities of my skin don't get better) but my reputation does not heal. This proves that personality matters over looks.
Anyways I'm really really desperate to fix my dignity so any advice or help or advice will be immensely appreciated
submitted by Theonlyusernamefound to AdviceForTeens [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 15:50 Theonlyusernamefound My reputation is completely fucked. I need advice on how to fix this.

So around 2 years ago, I started to become popular but then came my huge downfall. We moved to a new place and my new barbers were all trash. I tried to grow out my hair to get a long haircut but my teachers always insulted me (which damaged my reputation a lot) and forced me to cut my hair every single fucking time. After all this, I learnt how to perfect do the UwU so literally everyone started calling me feminine. Last year, I befriended a lot of females just cause every guy had a shitty egoistic personality so everyone thought I was def a femboy. I also used to be kinda popular for my fluffy hair and decent looks but due to the water quality being absolutely dogshit at my new place, my hairline receded, my forehead got bigger, my hair became flat, broken, thin and is much less dense than it used to be. These days people don't even approach me. All they do is ostracize me from their friend groups and joke abt me. What's seemingly odd is that 2 years ago I used to be 5'3 but still simped for by females but now I'm 5'7 and people don't even look at me.
I want to be seen as more masculine. I started hitting the gym around 4 weeks ago, often mew since last year and even do proper skincare (tho the irregularities of my skin don't get better) but my reputation does not heal. This proves that personality matters over looks.
Anyways I'm really really desperate to fix my dignity so any advice or help or advice will be immensely appreciated
submitted by Theonlyusernamefound to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 15:45 Theonlyusernamefound My reputation is completely fucked. I need advice on how to fix this.

So around 2 years ago, I started to become popular but then came my huge downfall. We moved to a new place and my new barbers were all trash. I tried to grow out my hair to get a long haircut but my teachers always insulted me (which damaged my reputation a lot) and forced me to cut my hair every single fucking time. After all this, I learnt how to perfect do the UwU so literally everyone started calling me feminine. Last year, I befriended a lot of females just cause every guy had a shitty egoistic personality so everyone thought I was def a femboy. I also used to be kinda popular for my fluffy hair and decent looks but due to the water quality being absolutely dogshit at my new place, my hairline receded, my forehead got bigger, my hair became flat, broken, thin and is much less dense than it used to be. These days people don't even approach me. All they do is ostracize me from their friend groups and joke abt me. What's seemingly odd is that 2 years ago I used to be 5'3 but still simped for by females but now I'm 5'7 and people don't even look at me.
I started hitting the gym around 4 weeks ago, often mew since last year and even do proper skincare (tho the irregularities of my skin don't get better) but my reputation does not heal. This proves that personality matters over looks.
Anyways I'm really really desperate to fix my dignity so any advice or help or advice will be immensely appreciated
submitted by Theonlyusernamefound to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 15:27 baltimore-aureole Could this idea be worth Billions? As big as AI or Tesla?

Could this idea be worth Billions? As big as AI or Tesla?
Photo above - shoplifting mob runs back to their car after a heist. The end is in sight though - store clerks are now wearing body cams.
I've never had the nerve to try shoplifting. Not that I worry about the moral aspects. Corporations and chain stores are destroying planet earth, and should be nuked into oblivion (sarcasm alert). Seriously though, I worry about getting caught. I can't run very fast, or carry very much. But the flash-mob-shoplifting thing in Los Angeles has given this crime “wiings”. 50 people show up – sometimes wearing masks – and ransack the store in 30 seconds. They might deliver a beat down to the clerk nearest the door, just on principle. High end clothing, Jewlery, Liquor, Steaks . . . you name it. All that is apparently about to come to an end, however. Chains like TJ Maxx are cracking down (see link at bottom).
Who the heck shoplifts at TJ Maxx anyway though? It's just a bunch of cheap made in China polyester crap. But I digress. Let's focus on how we – the rest of us – can leverage TJ Maxx's innovation - and make big bucks, too.
Maxx has equipped their employees with police-style body cams, in “select locations”. Meaning any place the cops don't respond for 30 minutes or more. Locations where residents have too much free time on their hands. Bingo . . . now it doesn't matter HOW LONG it takes a squad car to arrive. 30 minutes? 3 days? No problem. We have the body came footage right here. 3 cash register clerks wore cameras. All sort of angles. Want to compare these against your database of mug shots?
Well, the police are out of excuses now. Instead of simply mumbling “we'll look into it. And get back to you if we catch a break”, someone might have to do actual investigative work. And possibly arrest a local resident who some politician regards as a loyal constituent who can be counted on to vote. This is going to cause some angst, no?
So whats the next step, and how do we make money from this? I say . . . BODY CAMS FOR EVERYONE! Think of all the situations that you, personally, would feel safer with one. Preparing to board the NYC Ssbway, as some madman starts pushing people onto the tracks. At a nightspot, where some guy is trying to slip roofies into your drink. While you're getting stopped by some traffic cop, simply for DWB. It will b the word of your body cam against his. His is probably off, anyway, if he's in Cleveland, Chicago, or Los Angeles.
Personal body cams won't just solve crimes - they will prevent them. Especially if the cams are small and unobtrusive. Sort of like concealed carry guns. Once a community reaches a tipping point – say 15% of the population wearing personal cams - perps will be deterred from even trying to pull anything. Officials recently solved a rash of car break ins (my mom's neighborhood) by comparing the Ring doorbell footage of a half dozen homes, and watched the (juvenile) offenders eventually get into a stolen car operated by their adult “handler”. Arrests were made.
The same thing is going to happen with personal body cams. If there's a street crime, or assault, or shots fired, the public will have LOTS of footage, from different angles. These image will have to be livestreamed to the cloud. Otherwise the bad guys rip them off your shirt as they assault you. If the data is streamed to the cloud, the closer the perp gets, the more likely a positive the ID.
Even if you, personally, don't think you need a body cam, would you send your kids to the neighborhood public school without one? Especially if they're in the 5th grade a bunch of classmates were held back so often they should be in the 8th grade. Even if the school has a policy of NOT kicking out habitual offenders, you can still take juvenile offenders to court with your body cam footage.
Which companies are best positioned to make billions from the coming mania for body cams? Probably not the ones charging $2,000 for 1990's era tech worn by police. Because those government contracts were awarded to insiders, and there's no incentive to innovate or reduce prices. If I'm going to invest, I'm thinking companies like Apple and Samsung will be the winners here. They already make great tiny cams (for their phones) and are experts at having reliable data connections.
Wouldn't YOU spend $50 a month to give your tween daughter a personal body cam, and keep her from becoming the victim of a horrible crime?
I'm just sayin' . ..
~Retail company in California using body-worn cameras to deter shoplifters KTLA~
submitted by baltimore-aureole to economy [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 08:30 hydra1280 Gulathnia (I got it directly from my doc so be mindful) Also, had to downsize so if you like it then search for Gulathnia 2)

As one of many lower realms to the immortal realm, Gulathnia suffered a horrific fate in which its already mediocre cultivation population began to lack dao energy, even in the air, such power was thinned immeasurably. Eventually, cultivators disappeared almost entirely and resigned themselves to places that were of extreme abundance once upon a time and are now slightly better environments for culitvation. While this was happening, the world took martial arts as its centre stage, the martial artists are like cultivators and will refine their techniques to bring better harmony with their body and mind. Though they won’t become immortal, if they keep persevering, they can attain body reformation and will be able to purify the impurities they have gained throughout their life. Everybody reformation becomes harder since the things that were perfected or purged will not be needed to be removed again. After the first body reformation, the next ones become about strengthening the body, then the mind and so on. This attainment is considerably harder than cultivation since it’s steeped in the lack of dao energy and the inner refinement of the person, instead of the uplifting of one's mortal existence to a heavenly stage. But this pays off and often results in a stronger fighter than a cultivator in the equivalent stage of martial arts, even allowing martial artists to ascend to the heaven realm.
With the removal of cultivator tools and society, different ethnicities began to take the common stage due to not being able to resist the elements. The worst part is that the world was heavily reliant on dao energy to keep up nature and mystic aspects, leaving only very few and very large forests or reefs.
  1. Most people died of hunger or from the elements and had to devolve into small tribes or go to where the dao energy was still plentiful enough. This place became a nation called Gigwan and was the equivalent to ancient China, allowing for the Murim to form. Famous families would rise like the Tang Clan, Beggar Sect, Mount Hua Sect, Imperial Family, Buddha Sect, Wudang Sect, Demonic Sect, Ocean God Clan, Sound Sect, Assassins Hall, Dragon Blood Family and many others. Famous individuals also came about like the Knuckle King, Spear Saint, Sword Saint, Dual Bladed Demon, Golden Emperor, Shadow Executioner, the Great Beast Tamer, Pickaxe Of Doom, Poison Dragon, and others. Like the wielders and groups, many infamous and revered weapons also circulated the Murim. Weapons like the Blood Sword, Diamond Daggers, Lightning Spear, Steel Mountain Great Sword, Flood Spraying Bottle and the Shadow Axe were simply some of the weapons that circulated the Murim. Yet despite the knowledge and fame of the weapons, people or organisations, they all seemed to form under 3 banners, the Orthodox Faction, the Unorthodox Faction and the Demonic Sect. The Orthodox Faction only had people who were seen as above board or standard within the Murim like sword wielders. The Unorthodox Faction contained groups and forces that were not traditional like axe wielders, potion users, beast tamers and others. The Demonic Sect was their own faction and group with others only being allowed to work under them or for limited operations. Together the 3 factions helped the Murim in a vice with other martial artists having to choose a faction or remain as a random, since those who attained martial might would become threatened by the three as a threat or demon.
Yet, no matter what they did, even the martial artists couldn’t sustain themselves in such a world that could only drain its dao energy over time. Eventually, the dao energy dissipated so much that even the martial world could not stay and people were left to be able to only become cultivators or martial arts at the early tiers with much effort and a lot of resources.
  1. Though the world was mostly deserts, wastelands and other horrors of decay and death energy. The Western Continent, Philidel, mostly survived since they already specialised in selling crops to the mortals around the world. Though they were in a similar state to Gigwan, they were off dao wise but were better infrastructure wise. This did not stop their research into power with even their more miniscule dao energy playing to their strength. By infusing dao energy into their crops, the long history of farming played to their strengths and allowed them to create something similar to pill refinement and even better in certain aspects. Working alongside their desperation, the countries and people on the Philidel continent developed an explosive martial arts technique that absorbed the abundant dao energy from the crops and the lesser energy in the air. Once collected, they used the explosions in their core to forcibly expand all filter the cultivation roots and veins. This allowed them to create aura and magic, with magicians using their staffs to recoup their energy and without it they would not be able to use magic. With these powers in mind, the Philidel continent developed several cultures and swords, mainly taking on ideals of chivalry and knightly cultures.
  2. With the world in disarray, the tribes that survived had to find new creative solutions or needed to make tough decisions and scrape by. Enormous cities were made empty and had been stripped down, so people could go to their towns and villages underground and eat the fish and moss they were farming. Geniuses devised various different methods of witchcraft from sacrifices that forcefully pulled out inner dao energy to create rain or other miracles to the use of death energy to make an undead army to spirit and soul shamans to rune crafting. Though most of the world became places for conquest, other places outside of Gigwan and Philidel were also able to become prominent, like the Fizzle Kingdom which created massive homunculus beasts.
But this isn’t where the desperate story of the people in their world ended, for though Gigwan had lost its mystic splendour and shine, a dao energyless world had surfaced. Like Earth, science became a staple while the majority of the planet raised stories and legends of mortal feats. Born from the prestigious history of their cultivator ancestors, the martial artists and cultivators still found ways to shine alongside a third type of legend, mortals. While martial artists used similar techniques to cultivate themselves like cultivators, mortals are not simply ordinary people and do not focus on dao energy or substitute energies. Mortals take the essence of their existence and push it even further, like making a swordsman reach the strength of an aura knight. Whether this be assassinations, leadership roles, cavalry, taming or other feats, these special Mortal Legends have become their own classification of heroes and villains. Since improving is hard for them in their respective category, they are more akin to superheroes and will not have any growths in powers but will still reach heights akin to Immortals, Gold Core cultivators and so on.
Regardless of all of the mortals, martial artists and cultivators, the world progressed. Reaching a modern era with motor combustion, planes, race cars, tourist groups, office workers and so forth. The world was slightly more advanced than Earth since the moon had already had a colony started with cultivators and even a sect adapting to the moon’s special energies. Without cultivation or dao energy, the moon and Gulathnia became reachable to one another, allowing cultivators and martial artists to enter and strengthen their passages. But, ultimately, the most significant show of improvement for Gulathnia is how it didn’t simply stick with its systems or create new techniques to cultivate. With such cultivation resource scarcities, the general public had long received information about cultivation and martial arts techniques. The impressive part is that they didn’t simply destroy themselves to learn things that would take them multiple lifetimes without resources. Instead, humanity would spend time on and off, whether as discussions or research endeavours, to advance the beginning stages of cultivation, since their people could barely get halfway to becoming an immortal. Now, though there are still people who can’t cultivate, either because they are part of the extremely small minority who don’t have cultivation roots or because their aptitude and talent are so abysmal. 97.3% of the population around the world has at least reached the Dao Energy Establishment Stage. Along with this advancement in cultivation, martial arts also continue to progress by establishing sects around the world and advancing martial arts by becoming more effective in their usage of dao energy. The two of these groups continue to stand side by side, advancing to new frontiers so that they can prosper to even greater heights and share public versions which are also being advanced even more rapidly. Knight houses have also grown around the world and become like slightly less overseen police precincts in mediaeval times as they patrol the streets and refine their skills in the knight temples. Like martial arts, the other more obscure crafts are also prevalent like the magicians and shamans who offer a magical alternative. To deal with mystical energy deficits, they either use the unusual ones like martial artists and cultivators or they create crystals and vats that store their magical energy needs. This has allowed the creation of magic towers which are really just giant storage facilities where magicians and shamans can conduct their research and experimentation.
Though people have a focus on cultivation and martial arts are usually in sects since it is necessary to have a group of people training in the same technique to rouse the dao in such a dao energy-lacking world. Martial arts are also studied around the world as much or even more than cultivation. Either by supplementing with demonic energy from the demon realm or death energy from funerals, graveyards and such, many people have found ways to make up for the lack of dao energy. Even those who stick with dao energy can become powerhouses in the world and be comparable to Gluf’fisten, arousing the personification of power through spirits on hallowed grounds. Such things aren’t even considering the factions and sects that still remain from the Murim days:
The Tang clan still maintain their martial arts training and will try to obtain people with specific martial arts bodies like how cultivators look out for people with specific cultivation bodies. For the Tang clan, they look out for 2 types of bodies, the martial arts poison immunity body and the cultivator poison body. When such members are found, they are recruited into the sect and will be attempted to be integrated into the family bloodline, either by using their sperm for IVF in a married couple of the main line or by playing matchmaker. Though the odds of finding them are vast, the selective breeding and connections all over the world allow them to have 1 from every 10 generations, either from the poison immunity hall or the poison body hall. This does not mean they will not be on the prowl and also secretly donate such sperm and eggs to the city they control along with simply relocating people with poison-related physiques to the city. Either naturally or scientifically, the family acts as shepherds and mayors of the city and has created both a poison-loving culture and a high percentage of such people. Coincidentally, Fallgrave, the city the Tang clan controls, has also developed unique cuisines which involve poisons since they are usually immune in one way or another. Gourmets and foodies travel to Fallgrave in waves to try the unique foods of the city and will either buy antidotes or build up immunity beforehand.
Often, Buddha sect members will end up leaving the sect after a number of years and training and will take up a married life or join the workforce or do other things in society while maintaining their virtues and wearing their orange cloaks and scarf-like clothing, either on top of normal clothes or on its own.
Though the major and ancient forces exist within the world, they do not have their own sovereignty and are instead regarded as forces to listen to and be cautious of, like the Demonic Sect who controls the local mountain range. Various nations in Gulathnia include:
As it currently stands, the Fizzle Kingdom has 3770 large homunculi, 27000 lesser homunculi, 300 high-quality homunculi made from the bodies of powerful and legendary figures and 10 top-tier homunculi. The top 10 homunculi are made as 1 of a kind and cause the kingdom strife to make even a single one of them, from blackouts to food shortages to the spreading of diseases and beyond.
In the modern era, Stevontasia remains a steampunk nation with all sorts of contraptions that utilise steam power. But the most marvelous part of their society is the utilisation of their automatons as soldiers and workers, allowing for more people to live middle or upper-class lives with an incredibly small poor percentage. The Stevonians also enjoy some of the best prosthetic organs and limbs that only have the downside of being somewhat heavy. Although people are happy with the way their lives are technologically, the Stevonians still have their technology exported as Gulathnia’s equivalent to alternative medicine (not used for healing) or as pieces for study. The only notable problems for their society is the enormous water and smoke that fills the air. They deal with the water costs using well maintained and extremely efficient aquaducts and canals while they deal with the smoke in the air using large vent towers that collect the smoke and pumps it away from the country. The pumping is used for energy as well by deploying wind turbines where the thick air is pushed, since they can tolerate alternative energy methods as long as it involves steam power.
The Stevonians are also very conscientious about keeping the world green and their people updated with old timey designs put on modern tech which often ends up being more advanced since they like to stick to old sizes, allowing them to put in more. Though they aren’t going to stop their ways of steam power, they understand its effects on the global climate and know that they need to be part of the solution and are researching ways to remove the smoke in a cost-effective manner. The Stevonians are also working with other nations on green initiatives and trying to include more groups and powers in the struggle for the planet that cannot heal itself like other cultivation worlds. This combined with the love for old-styled modern tech has turned out a large number of mechanics for and outside of Stevontasia. This has only benefitted their nation because the high number of engineers and mechanics has allowed them to improve their steam tech and get authorisation for absolutely gigantic projects like the steam accordion/pipe organ. It uses rain and floods as water in its pit and is the size of the Opera House in Australia. Other projects include the goliath which has similar strength to a top-tier homunculus by the Fizzle Kingdom. The only reason they aren’t produced on a larger scale is because they are extremely costly resource-wise and has only allowed the nation to make 3 of the goliaths with 27 supporting gundams. But out of the mechs, goliaths, hyper pressurised rifles and other creations of this gifted people, the most fearsome thing is the police androids which look like if a humanised cleaning robot became an old-timey cop, got yoked and constantly kept a smoking pipe on him. Though it is only at the capacity of a soldier coming up against a gorilla, for law breakers and other such types of people, the cop bots are things of nightmares. With electricity moving around the outside of their body, bright red eyes, smoking coming out of the pipe and the cops gripping onto smooth tower walls, they come, literally, crashing down on enemies. One can only imagine the fear coursing through a thief or drug dealer who has his roof crashed through while his chemists are working.
Oomerocomerica, besides being the land of freedom and the right to bear arms, is home to the largest number of “superheroes” who are in actuality mortal legends. Though fairly autonomous and beloved by the people, the mortal heroes are still beholden to the law and will have other superheroes and the government take them down if they do anything illegal.
As one would imagine, just because they are refugees doesn’t mean that there won’t be crime. Although borders are tight and creatures from Beast Country do not like humans near the continent, there are still exports and goods through the black market. This is only possible because Beast Country isn’t a unified territory under a powerful existence and is instead a conglomerate of packs, groups and even kingdoms. The factions are not the most friendly to one another but they do not try to separate or cause too much strife. Instead, a council has been constructed for the various states and special locations like the Tranquility Garden which is a paradise for creatures who couldn’t defend themselves and were a massive prize, like the rainbow infused butterfly or rock elemental with its high value magic core. In total, there are 13 seats on the council that oversee the continent and 7 more seats for various positions like head general or finance minister. But even the possession of such creatures could not warrant entire nations to wish to assault their doors until the Beast Country began taking in weapons of war that had gained sentience like homunculi from Fizzle. This started a conflict between Fizzle Kingdom and Beast Country which quickly escalated as mercenaries offered their services for free, nations hopped on the train for free resources and people signed up as mercs for the war. If not for the fore warning, Beast Country wouldn’t have been able to prepare border defences in the form of a wall, armed with cannons, around the continent. Even though the wall did not completely stop the invaders, it certainly helped a lot and allowed the continent to only lose a state, half of which they recovered after the war, the other half crumbled and fell to the ground.
Though they aren’t filled with the latest tech and most sophisticated researchers, Gigwan remains a leading power and a driving force for advancements. Although their research and initiatives are usually geared towards cultivation and martial arts, despite them not being the strongest nation, thanks to Oomerocomerica.
The entrances of the dukedom include a passage between 2 steep mountains, a river ending inside the dukedom and a part of airspace that doesn’t have constant storms of mineral ice. Though the storm that is constantly staying around the region has given them air defences, the main and primal form of defence has and always is the steep mountains surrounding the dukedom. With these natural defences and phenomenon, only the 3 entrances are needed to be defended. The defences are not to be worried about though, since the entry points are secured and filled with high and thick concrete walls, anit-air defences and armed guards guarding the borders.
Though people almost always have a wood, fire, water, earth, air or lightning element affinity, something that cultivators don’t usually need to care about since it doesn’t help them cultivate and they can simply use a range of techniques. For more rare elements like moon dao energy, it can at the very least offer insight or enlightenment to cultivators, already making it a treasure. The fact that the moon dao energy is so unique and otherworldly that it can greatly help cultivation progress only enhances its value, by several folds if specifics are involved. It is for this reason that the moon of Gulathnia is heavily invested in with the most modern techn and why there is significant amounts of infrastructure for mining already put in. The most astonishing part is the launcher track which takes the harvested moon pieces and shoots it out of a conveyor belt to the planet’s many launch bays. There often needs to be security details in the sky to prevent theft but the reward for reselling or using moon pieces is astronomical. Entire temples or training grounds are built out of moon rocks to enhance a person’s cultivation progress. Most buildings on the moon are either built with, in or from converted pieces of moon rock, making citizens on the moon extremely exotic in their powers. It is for this reason that the Moon Dancers, the group the moon is named after, exists. The Moon Dancers are like if a swat team, power rangers and ballerinas mixed together. They guard the planet from criminals and invaders, giving them a great reputation and several statues built in their honor. If people want to work in law enforcement on the moon, they will have at least minimal training as a Moon Dancer, allowing them to dash and dance across the buildings, thanks to the low gravity.
submitted by hydra1280 to worldbuilding [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 04:20 throwawayata79 "You're too young to be making those sounds when you get up"...

Since I was 9-10yrs of age, I've had incredible pain in my joints. Sitting down to listen to our teacher read us books in class and having everyone around me jump up afterwards, and have me cringe and groan trying to move, caused a lot of difficulties growing up.
I'm 38 now. My 80+yr old neighbor came by the other day when I was sitting cross legged on my deck building a planter and I hobbled up, visibly grimacing at the pain in my hips and knees. He, obviously, asked if I was okay. I didn't have an answer, I just laughed it off and told him I was 'the youngest old person he'd ever met'.
My world is pain. I have had pain and inflammation in every joint since a child. I actually welcome getting to the age where people don't scoff at my joint pain.
I've realized, recently, that what I thought was a weird insect bite and rash, as a child, might have actually been a tick bite. (Medically neglectful parents, etc)
I was tested for tick born bacteria in 2015 and carried several strains in both categories of bacteria.
Could that have been what caused the inflammation in my joints since childhood? Or could I have some allergy that I'm not aware of and am continually exposed to? Aspartame causes extreme joint inflammation and swelling, could there be something else?
I'm realizing, watching my child grow, he's 11yrs old and wonderful:) that my childhood and physical symptoms weren't normal. Where in the world do I even begin?!
submitted by throwawayata79 to medicalmysteries [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 03:48 HubertTheHopopotamus Should I Still Be Their Friend?

I recently stopped speaking to my best friend of almost 4 years.
We became very close over the last 4 years and did a lot together. We are same gender (male).
About a month or two ago, he joked around with me one morning, sending me gifs and memes like he usually did. Then, when I sent a meme/gif, he told me he wasn't in the mood and was thinking about eliminating people from his life that were not there for him at that moment to be his support, heavily implying myself. I apologized and told him I was trying my best but was also dealing with the recent death of my child and trying to support my wife who has been struggling to cope with that as well. He apologized but then went on to say that he was mad I still wasn't there and how I should put him first above my family (he cut contact with his family when they did nothing wrong) and then proceeded to gaslight me, which was something he was always pointing out from other people.
He also:
-wasted a WHOLE evening of mine as I had to cancel dinner plans with my wife as his partner and himself needed helping moving from one apartment to the next. I was only supposed to help move couches but then was expected to pack everything because him and his partner had NOTHING packed. I also worked until 3pm that day, went straight to his house, did not leave until midnight, and then had to work at 7am. The only reason I left at midnight was because my wife finally told me to come home and showed up to get me.
-demanded I pay for a surge protector power bar that I "wrecked" during the packing/move as I accidentally put a bottle of water in the box that had a lid that was not fastened tight (cost me $130 and I got paid nothing for helping him move).
-tried getting me to cause drama with his partner when they broke up with him and found a new beau just so he could film them flipping out and humiliate them.
-flipped out at me for not removing a piece of furniture that I wanted from his apartment, after forgetting it was there due to a disability I have. He then told me he was throwing it out. This happened the same day he gaslit me and I stopped speaking to him
-constantly made his ex-partner's life Hell all because they left him. He: Gave their dog to the local shelter after being paid to watch it. Called his ex's workplace to report them bashing the workplace on social media. Basically forced his ex to call the Board of Labour because he wasn't happy with how they didn't allow certain things in their line of work after being told by his ex that they didn't want to lose their Jon and cause a scene. His ex was terminated and made a laughing stock
He is moving out of the country within the next few months as he hates the government. He made the rash decision to move to a country where an ex-friend of his is currently residing. This ex-friend cut contact with him as they felt pressured by him to always be there as well.
I could go on but he put me in a lot of uncomfortable situations, especially around that one ex. I get people need support from their friends and I tried my best to be that to him but, when he brought up how he wanted to be first before my wife, that is just not right.
I did not respond to that last message he sent. I just simply blocked him on my phone, Snapchat, WhatsApp, etc.
Is it wrong of me to feel the way I do? Are my actions justified?
submitted by HubertTheHopopotamus to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 03:06 peachiisaur My dog is covered in rashes and scabs

My dog is covered in rashes and scabs
(second slide for a picture) We've been the vet a few times now and they have no answers for what may be causing this, and it keeps getting worse. in the past We've tried diet changes, bed changes, shampoo, everything. but nothing has been changed in the past 3 or so months, yet last month it has gotten horrible. I manage to keep it down a bit with some topical medicine, but the rashes have spread from just the belly to head to toe. and the scabs seem to come from ones my dog can reach via scratching or earing at.
-this photo was also taken a few weeks ago, so imagine a lot more redness, scabs, and rashes.
any advice would be helpful!
submitted by peachiisaur to DogAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 03:05 Daviddv1202 I finally finished watching the Evangelion anime franchise for the first time

I finally finished watching the Neon Genesis Evangelion series, and I must say, I can see why it's such a beloved classic for many, even to this day. Though I wouldn't place it among my top 30 favorite anime, despite watching many episodes and movies from the series, there were still some elements I enjoyed. This series originally caught my attention when I was browsing TV Tropes and came across the nightmare fuel page for my favorite horror anime, Higurashi: When They Cry. The first sentence mentioned that it rivaled Evangelion in terms of psychological terror and mindf**kery. For this reason alone, I knew I had to eventually watch the series. It took a long time, but I finally managed to sit down and watch all 26 episodes and five movies of Neon Genesis Evangelion. I've decided to talk about each entry individually before giving my overall thoughts on the series.
Neon Genesis Evangelion:
The original and the one that started it all (if the manga came first, I didn't know, so don't witchhunt me). It had a really cool concept. The idea of using angels as the overarching threat to humanity, similar to the titans in Attack on Titan, was interesting, as there was a lot of mystery surrounding their motivations and origins (I missed this info, so I still don't know). We follow this timid boy named Shinji Ikari, who is brought in to pilot an EVA, large biomechanical beings that children pilot to help fight against the angels. If you lose control of them, you lose your humanity. Shinji goes through inner conflict about whether he wants to pilot his EVA Unit 01 or not. He's also very lonely, but everyone is either distant from him, or he shuts them out himself. He meets other pilots such as the aloof kuudere, Rei Ayanami, and the brash and harsh tsundere, Asuka Langley. Shinji is forced to learn to work together with them. There's Misato, who is easily one of the most likable characters, acting as a parental figure for Shinji, even though she's inexperienced and has her own baggage to deal with. Shinji also has a very strained relationship with his father, Gendo Ikari, the leader of NERV, the organization Shinji arrives at, and he hopes to reconnect with him, even if it's in vain.
While I can see Asuka's influence on more modern tsunderes, I just couldn't find myself liking her. She was WAY too hostile, and even when we get to her dark and tragic backstory, it still becomes difficult to fully justify her attitude. Rei was much more likable, given how mysterious she was. I was even hoping that Shinji would pair off with Rei instead of Asuka... until it is revealed that Rei is a clone of Shinji's mother. So that ain't ever happening. The rest of the cast is also fine. One thing I do like about the original series is the action, which is really good and still holds up today. Some scenes really make you feel the weight of these giants, making you feel small. The opening theme song is an absolute banger. Definitely in my top ten anime OPs. I also really loved Shinji and Kaworu's relationship, even low-key shipping them together. It made the ultimate reveal all the more shocking and heartbreaking.
Now, as for the sole reason I began watching this series: the psychological horror aspect. I will say this: by the second half, when it goes full Lovecraft mode, it DOES start entering nightmare fuel territory. There are a lot of frightening shots, and even the angels themselves are really terrifying. It was indeed really cool to see most of what I came for.
However, now we get to the negatives. This may anger some hardcore fans, but I found the pacing of the series to be off most of the time. I often found myself forcing my way through the episodes, and the final episodes... I felt like I had wasted my time. They felt so underwhelming and inconclusive that I felt like I was watching a cliffhanger. But that's where the movie, The End of Evangelion, comes in. Shinji is also very hard to like. I know he's meant to be a deconstruction, but still, I hate when it feels like a chore to follow a character, especially the protagonist, if he/she is not likable.
Overall, it's not terrible. It took a while to get through it all, but I eventually completed it before moving on to the movies. Is it perfect? No. Did it deliver what I came for? Kinda, yeah. I still feel glad I saw it. I didn't feel like I wasted my time, as I was still overall invested in the story.
Neon Genesis Evangelion Movie - The End of Evangelion:
The movie definitely had a much better ending than the TV series. It picks up two episodes or so before the final episodes of the show, giving us a more action-packed and nightmarish climax instead. SEELE, the mysterious organization possibly pulling most of the strings, unleashes an invasion on NERV. Then begins the dreaded Instrumentality Project, a mysterious motive for Gendo. It turns out to be an apocalyptic event that will merge everyone into a single consciousness.
They definitely go all out with the nightmare fuel and more... disturbing scenes in this one. For disturbing, I'm talking about the uncomfortable moment with Shinji and Asuka in the hospital. Then there's that weird kiss scene between Misato and Shinji... just why?
Now, similar to the series, while the ending IS better, it still doesn't feel very conclusive. The ending left me with more questions than answers.
You Are (Not) Alone:
Now begins the first movie in the Rebuild series, a reboot/remake/sequel of the original. This might divide even more people, but I think I enjoyed the Rebuild movies more than the original series. For one, the pacing was a lot better. Even Shinji gets a huge character upgrade, and everyone is just a lot more likable. The story also has a much clearer plot, not to mention amazing animation. The downside is that I was watching the dubbed version by Netflix, so I tried hard not to cringe most of the time I heard Misato and Shinji's voices. Sadly, I couldn't find the original dub until Thrice Upon a Time, so I was stuck with the terrible dub for three movies until the last film.
Asuka's crush on Shinji is a lot less subtle this time, and Shinji's relationship with Rei feels a lot more engaging. The action scenes look really cool, though comparing them to the original feels a little unfair due to the different styles and atmospheres. The movies, at least until the later films, feel a bit more lighthearted compared to the original series, but they eventually return to their more despair-inducing roots.
The only issues are, of course, the dub and that it's mostly the same story as the original, just with better animation and a few different scenes. A new character named Mari is introduced. She's fine but feels somewhat random. I don't hate her but feel she came out of nowhere.
You Can (Not) Advance:
I definitely enjoyed this one more. There's more focus on Shinji and Asuka's relationship, as well as Shinji and Rei's. Seeing Rei's attempt at bringing Shinji and Gendo closer together was really wholesome, but alas, the angels had other plans. It also answered a few questions I had. The ocean is red, but I assumed it was just red for atmospheric effect, for the style. No, that ocean is BLOOD.
The ending of this movie is where things really kick off. By the time we reach the ending, it goes in a completely different direction from the original series. Up until this point, it was more or less the same story with a few changes here and there. But from this point on, it's uncharted territory, and I was excited for it.
You Can (Not) Redo:
After Shinji accidentally caused the apocalypse, we fast forward 16 years into the future, and now everyone hates and distrusts Shinji. They see him as an enemy. Even Misato has turned her back on him and sees him as the enemy. This was very hard to sit through. Kaworu returns and once again develops a strong bond with Shinji. Gendo is back as well, but there's something off about him. From this point on, Shinji's dad pretty much takes over as the main villain, which I thought was interesting, especially given Shinji's significant conflict with Gendo.
This movie was really tough to sit through. While the softer and wholesome moments between Shinji and Kaworu were nice, seeing everyone else turn against Shinji was hard. Even Rei isn't acting like herself. Ultimately, Shinji does something rash once again, but this time with less catastrophic consequences.
It's decent, but still a bit stiff in places.
Thrice Upon a Time:
Now we reach the final movie in the Evangelion anime franchise (now with the original voice cast!), and it has a WAY better conclusion than the TV show and End of Evangelion movie gave us. For one, the ending feels a LOT more conclusive and finally gives us insight into Shinji's dad's motivations: why he was so neglectful of Shinji but nice to Rei, and why he was so obsessed with going through with the Instrumentality Project. I think making Shinji's dad the final antagonist was a smart choice, given he's who Shinji had the most conflict with in this series.
The nightmare fuel stuff comes back with a bang, with a semi-realistic model that just doesn't belong, making it somewhat more disturbing. There are also a lot of cool action scenes.
Rei, the version we follow now, also gets a huge amount of character development here which... well, I'll get to it now. But Shinji gets the best of his character development. After being depressed for most of the beginning of the film, he eventually begins to mature and gain confidence before he's finally able to face his father. This is where we get genuine, heartwarming closure between Shinji and Gendo. The ending still feels wild, but at least now I get the sense the story is finally over.
Now for the negatives: the first thing I want to say is that Rei's new character development felt wasted when she got... wasted like that. Also, I don't hate Mari, but the biggest WTF moment is in the ending, which, although it has a satisfying conclusion, ends with Shinji implied to be in a romantic relationship with Mari, someone with whom he had NO romantic chemistry. Shinji had more romantic chemistry with even Kaworu than Mari. There's also a bit of inconsistency with the characters. In the previous film, everyone treated Shinji like the enemy, but here, everyone besides the pink-haired chick acts like Shinji was not to blame and like they never hated him to begin with.
Still, it's not a bad film. I still much prefer this ending over the one we got from the original.
Overall, I can see why this franchise is so loved. It was certainly a journey and I did find it somewhat entertaining, but I wouldn't exactly rank it among my top 30 favorite anime of all time. However, I can definitely feel its influence on a lot of the modern anime we have today. It's a solid watch with a really engaging and terrifying concept.
Final Score: 7/10
submitted by Daviddv1202 to evangelion [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 03:05 Fox-Leading Terrified but Willing

I've been lurking for a while, reading posts. I'm still on the fence, so I thought I would write this out and get input. I'm looking for a tummy tuck, muscle repair, breast reduction/lift, and potentially lipo.
I am looking at Southern Surgical Arts in TN, with Dr. Chad Deal. I live about 45 min from Atlanta, so a three-five hour drive on way depending on their office in Chattanooga, TN or Calhoun, GA.
Reasons I am scared: 1. I've had several minor laparoscopic surgeries, none major. This would be my first major surgery. My belly button has been gone through 4 times, and I can feel the scar tissue around it. Will this be an issue?
  1. I'm allergic to most antibiotics except three, Cipro, Levaquin and Azithromycin, all of which cause severe side effects, so infection is a concern. Has anyone else had this experience? How was it handled?
  2. I'm allergic to pain medication. They either cause a rash or I am so sensitive to them, a regular single dose puts me to sleep for 3 days. Worried about handling pain. I did my first birth induced and with no epidural, just Dilaudid. Is it similar?
  3. My potential surgeon is a three hour drive one way. What does the post op visits actually look like? How bad is riding in a car after surgery?
  4. I hate tight clothing, mostly due to all the loose skin, so I've been wearing loose clothing for years. I have trouble even wearing a regular bra. Can spanx be done as compression? I'm afraid a faja would cause a panic attack.
  5. I'm allergic to the dermal glue. My last laparoscopic surgery caused blistering and itching and took three times as long to heal and required medication.
  6. Does the tummy tuck muscle repair actually fix stress incontinence? That's one of my issues after pregnancy and I really want that to be fixed by this surgery to make it worth it.
  7. Has anyone had any sort of vaginal rejuvenation done as part of their mommy makeover? Lots of tearing and scars from giving birth twice and stitches, and wondering if it helps actually "rejuvenate" things.
  8. What questions did you ask and take to your doctors office? What concerns did you bring? What am I missing and haven't thought of?
Thank you guys so much for any of your input...it is incredibly appreciated.
submitted by Fox-Leading to tummytucksurgery [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 03:05 Daviddv1202 I finally finished watching the Evangelion anime franchise for the first time

I finally finished watching the Neon Genesis Evangelion series, and I must say, I can see why it's such a beloved classic for many, even to this day. Though I wouldn't place it among my top 30 favorite anime, despite watching many episodes and movies from the series, there were still some elements I enjoyed. This series originally caught my attention when I was browsing TV Tropes and came across the nightmare fuel page for my favorite horror anime, Higurashi: When They Cry. The first sentence mentioned that it rivaled Evangelion in terms of psychological terror and mindf**kery. For this reason alone, I knew I had to eventually watch the series. It took a long time, but I finally managed to sit down and watch all 26 episodes and five movies of Neon Genesis Evangelion. I've decided to talk about each entry individually before giving my overall thoughts on the series.
Neon Genesis Evangelion:
The original and the one that started it all (if the manga came first, I didn't know, so don't witchhunt me). It had a really cool concept. The idea of using angels as the overarching threat to humanity, similar to the titans in Attack on Titan, was interesting, as there was a lot of mystery surrounding their motivations and origins (I missed this info, so I still don't know). We follow this timid boy named Shinji Ikari, who is brought in to pilot an EVA, large biomechanical beings that children pilot to help fight against the angels. If you lose control of them, you lose your humanity. Shinji goes through inner conflict about whether he wants to pilot his EVA Unit 01 or not. He's also very lonely, but everyone is either distant from him, or he shuts them out himself. He meets other pilots such as the aloof kuudere, Rei Ayanami, and the brash and harsh tsundere, Asuka Langley. Shinji is forced to learn to work together with them. There's Misato, who is easily one of the most likable characters, acting as a parental figure for Shinji, even though she's inexperienced and has her own baggage to deal with. Shinji also has a very strained relationship with his father, Gendo Ikari, the leader of NERV, the organization Shinji arrives at, and he hopes to reconnect with him, even if it's in vain.
While I can see Asuka's influence on more modern tsunderes, I just couldn't find myself liking her. She was WAY too hostile, and even when we get to her dark and tragic backstory, it still becomes difficult to fully justify her attitude. Rei was much more likable, given how mysterious she was. I was even hoping that Shinji would pair off with Rei instead of Asuka... until it is revealed that Rei is a clone of Shinji's mother. So that ain't ever happening. The rest of the cast is also fine. One thing I do like about the original series is the action, which is really good and still holds up today. Some scenes really make you feel the weight of these giants, making you feel small. The opening theme song is an absolute banger. Definitely in my top ten anime OPs. I also really loved Shinji and Kaworu's relationship, even low-key shipping them together. It made the ultimate reveal all the more shocking and heartbreaking.
Now, as for the sole reason I began watching this series: the psychological horror aspect. I will say this: by the second half, when it goes full Lovecraft mode, it DOES start entering nightmare fuel territory. There are a lot of frightening shots, and even the angels themselves are really terrifying. It was indeed really cool to see most of what I came for.
However, now we get to the negatives. This may anger some hardcore fans, but I found the pacing of the series to be off most of the time. I often found myself forcing my way through the episodes, and the final episodes... I felt like I had wasted my time. They felt so underwhelming and inconclusive that I felt like I was watching a cliffhanger. But that's where the movie, The End of Evangelion, comes in. Shinji is also very hard to like. I know he's meant to be a deconstruction, but still, I hate when it feels like a chore to follow a character, especially the protagonist, if he/she is not likable.
Overall, it's not terrible. It took a while to get through it all, but I eventually completed it before moving on to the movies. Is it perfect? No. Did it deliver what I came for? Kinda, yeah. I still feel glad I saw it. I didn't feel like I wasted my time, as I was still overall invested in the story.
Neon Genesis Evangelion Movie - The End of Evangelion:
The movie definitely had a much better ending than the TV series. It picks up two episodes or so before the final episodes of the show, giving us a more action-packed and nightmarish climax instead. SEELE, the mysterious organization possibly pulling most of the strings, unleashes an invasion on NERV. Then begins the dreaded Instrumentality Project, a mysterious motive for Gendo. It turns out to be an apocalyptic event that will merge everyone into a single consciousness.
They definitely go all out with the nightmare fuel and more... disturbing scenes in this one. For disturbing, I'm talking about the uncomfortable moment with Shinji and Asuka in the hospital. Then there's that weird kiss scene between Misato and Shinji... just why?
Now, similar to the series, while the ending IS better, it still doesn't feel very conclusive. The ending left me with more questions than answers.
You Are (Not) Alone:
Now begins the first movie in the Rebuild series, a reboot/remake/sequel of the original. This might divide even more people, but I think I enjoyed the Rebuild movies more than the original series. For one, the pacing was a lot better. Even Shinji gets a huge character upgrade, and everyone is just a lot more likable. The story also has a much clearer plot, not to mention amazing animation. The downside is that I was watching the dubbed version by Netflix, so I tried hard not to cringe most of the time I heard Misato and Shinji's voices. Sadly, I couldn't find the original dub until Thrice Upon a Time, so I was stuck with the terrible dub for three movies until the last film.
Asuka's crush on Shinji is a lot less subtle this time, and Shinji's relationship with Rei feels a lot more engaging. The action scenes look really cool, though comparing them to the original feels a little unfair due to the different styles and atmospheres. The movies, at least until the later films, feel a bit more lighthearted compared to the original series, but they eventually return to their more despair-inducing roots.
The only issues are, of course, the dub and that it's mostly the same story as the original, just with better animation and a few different scenes. A new character named Mari is introduced. She's fine but feels somewhat random. I don't hate her but feel she came out of nowhere.
You Can (Not) Advance:
I definitely enjoyed this one more. There's more focus on Shinji and Asuka's relationship, as well as Shinji and Rei's. Seeing Rei's attempt at bringing Shinji and Gendo closer together was really wholesome, but alas, the angels had other plans. It also answered a few questions I had. The ocean is red, but I assumed it was just red for atmospheric effect, for the style. No, that ocean is BLOOD.
The ending of this movie is where things really kick off. By the time we reach the ending, it goes in a completely different direction from the original series. Up until this point, it was more or less the same story with a few changes here and there. But from this point on, it's uncharted territory, and I was excited for it.
You Can (Not) Redo:
After Shinji accidentally caused the apocalypse, we fast forward 16 years into the future, and now everyone hates and distrusts Shinji. They see him as an enemy. Even Misato has turned her back on him and sees him as the enemy. This was very hard to sit through. Kaworu returns and once again develops a strong bond with Shinji. Gendo is back as well, but there's something off about him. From this point on, Shinji's dad pretty much takes over as the main villain, which I thought was interesting, especially given Shinji's significant conflict with Gendo.
This movie was really tough to sit through. While the softer and wholesome moments between Shinji and Kaworu were nice, seeing everyone else turn against Shinji was hard. Even Rei isn't acting like herself. Ultimately, Shinji does something rash once again, but this time with less catastrophic consequences.
It's decent, but still a bit stiff in places.
Thrice Upon a Time:
Now we reach the final movie in the Evangelion anime franchise (now with the original voice cast!), and it has a WAY better conclusion than the TV show and End of Evangelion movie gave us. For one, the ending feels a LOT more conclusive and finally gives us insight into Shinji's dad's motivations: why he was so neglectful of Shinji but nice to Rei, and why he was so obsessed with going through with the Instrumentality Project. I think making Shinji's dad the final antagonist was a smart choice, given he's who Shinji had the most conflict with in this series.
The nightmare fuel stuff comes back with a bang, with a semi-realistic model that just doesn't belong, making it somewhat more disturbing. There are also a lot of cool action scenes.
Rei, the version we follow now, also gets a huge amount of character development here which... well, I'll get to it now. But Shinji gets the best of his character development. After being depressed for most of the beginning of the film, he eventually begins to mature and gain confidence before he's finally able to face his father. This is where we get genuine, heartwarming closure between Shinji and Gendo. The ending still feels wild, but at least now I get the sense the story is finally over.
Now for the negatives: the first thing I want to say is that Rei's new character development felt wasted when she got... wasted like that. Also, I don't hate Mari, but the biggest WTF moment is in the ending, which, although it has a satisfying conclusion, ends with Shinji implied to be in a romantic relationship with Mari, someone with whom he had NO romantic chemistry. Shinji had more romantic chemistry with even Kaworu than Mari. There's also a bit of inconsistency with the characters. In the previous film, everyone treated Shinji like the enemy, but here, everyone besides the pink-haired chick acts like Shinji was not to blame and like they never hated him to begin with.
Still, it's not a bad film. I still much prefer this ending over the one we got from the original.
Overall, I can see why this franchise is so loved. It was certainly a journey and I did find it somewhat entertaining, but I wouldn't exactly rank it among my top 30 favorite anime of all time. However, I can definitely feel its influence on a lot of the modern anime we have today. It's a solid watch with a really engaging and terrifying concept.
Final Score: 7/10
submitted by Daviddv1202 to NeonGenesisEvangelion [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 03:04 full_of_monachopsis Going through laser beard hair removal as a binary trans man

TLDR: As a 19-year-old binary trans man on the autism spectrum who's been medically transitioning since I was 17, I don't feel comfortable with a beard because of sensory issues, and I've undergone two laser beard hair removal sessions so far to permanently stunt its growth. I don't regret or doubt my decision to start hormone replacement therapy; I simply recognize that facial hair isn't for me.
When I began my medical transition at 17, I had a very clear mental list of the changes I wanted and needed most to alleviate my gender dysphoria. Before testosterone, my face was traditionally feminine, with round cheeks, a soft jawline, a heart-shaped hairline, almond eyes, heavy lower lips, thin eyebrows, and a relatively thin nose. I also used to wear my straight, sometimes frizzy hair short, so all these features were on full display, making my gender dysphoria even worse.
I always thought the only time I would feel masculine enough was when I finally had a beard to hide under, as I doubted testosterone alone could transform my face from traditionally feminine to masculine. And I was right; it didn't, at least not in the way I had hoped at 17.
Emotionally, the beginning of my transition was challenging. Though I had known I was a man (boy at the time) since I was 10 or 11, finding the words to express it took time. When I finally spoke up, I faced a lot of questioning from my family and medical team, which, though expected, was draining. I found myself trying to be as masculine as possible, not only because it was I needed to alleviate my severe gender dysphoria at the time but also to be taken seriously and start my medical transition quickly.
Today, two years on hormones and almost two years post-top surgery, my quality of life has vastly improved. My body, face, and voice are more traditionally masculine, and I've been cis-passing since approximately one year on testosterone. I don't have straight passing a lot of the time but I'm completely okay with that since I'm gay anyways, and proud to be.
My style has completely changed since I was 17 years old and I've never felt more like myself. Although I still tend to wear more traditionally masculine silhouettes, I love adding color to my outfits, wearing clothes from the feminine section of stores, and simply having fun with patterns, textures, and overall self-expression. I've also realized that I'm in complete peace with the fact that my face will most likely never be 100% traditionally masculine. I've found peace in the phrase "feminine in a masculine way" and being called both "pretty" and "handsome" by my partner.
My period of self-acceptance was also the time my beard started coming in. I was neutral, leaning towards okay with it at first, since it was mostly just dark peach fuzz and could easily get rid of it. I even considered one day letting it grow since I've always been curious as to how I would look with a beard. I thought I had escaped the prickly facial hair gene, but I was quickly proven wrong. Thick, black, and prickly hair began protruding from my chin, jawline, and worst of all, neck. I realized that even after shaving, it was impossible to get rid of it completely like I once could. The area where I removed the facial hair would be gray, the smoothness would only last a couple of hours, and no matter the routine or shaving method I used, I would have rashes and spots all over the area, exacerbating my sensory issues.
I realized I could only shave once a week if I wanted to avoid at least the rashes and spots, and it turned into a routine of feeling horrible in my skin all week until it was finally Friday (the day I chose to shave). Friday turned into the only day a week I truly felt comfortable, happy, and confident in my skin, and even then, it would only last a couple of hours before I felt the hairs prickling beneath my skin again. I got diagnosed with autism when I was 15 and have experienced sensory issues before, but the feeling of having sensory issues that I couldn't escape from, especially on my face, was horrible. I imagined having this feeling covering more than just my neck, chin, and jawline, and it brought tears to my eyes. The curiosity I had once felt about what I would look like with a beard was simply not worth it anymore. It took me a long time to accept that I was simply not cut out for facial hair, and I was able to make my final decision based on one question I asked myself.
Who are you keeping it for?
I was keeping it for a version of myself that no longer existed, and I was keeping it for the expectations of what it means to be a man (or a trans man that consciously made the decision to start HRT). When a person makes the decision to begin HRT, they must be open and prepared to everything it entails. With that said, at this point in my transition, I don't feel like someone who's regretting a side of HRT or doubting if it was the right choice for them. I truly just feel like a man who realized facial hair isn't for him, because that's what I am.
I'm open to questions and happy to answer them. Thank you for reading!
submitted by full_of_monachopsis to FTMMen [link] [comments]
