Ring rash around lips of mouth


2018.03.07 11:17 Mr_Tohtle <3


2024.05.14 04:59 EquinoxCoins Is this real solid gold?

Is this real solid gold?
It’s marked 18k with small I assume diamond chips around the entire ring. It doesn’t stick to a magnet and has no signs of rust. From the pictures, do you think this is solid 18k white gold? Thanks!
submitted by EquinoxCoins to JewelryIdentification [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:56 cumpelstiltskin Need Advice on Amoxicillin

Hello, reddit doctors, I need your advice on what I should do
Background: 41 years old, physically fit male, first got sick late april (27-28th with severe flu like symptoms. Around May 4, I went to urgent care, got covid flu test done (all negative), had conjunctivitis in eyes (got antibiotic cream) and also did throat swab. Doctor at urgent care wouldnt give me oral antibiotics until throat culture came back. Next few days i was running low grade fever and I wanted antibiotics so I called telehealth and convinced a doctor to give me amoxicillin (500mg x 3 x 10 days). The throat culture ended up negative but i continued on the amoxicillin anyways as my symptoms drastically improved.
So i screwed up. On friday May 10th i was feeling much better so I decided to go out and have a few drinks. Later that night, the Aurora borealis was out, and i made a poor life decision. So I have adhd and for years I was taking adderall and dexedrine. I completely quit these drugs 2.5 years ago, but still had some left. So on friday night, I took some dexedrine, and having no tolerance anymore, I ended up on a weekend bender not sleeping, being high, not eating well, and just not taking care of myself. I kept using until sunday afternoon
Sunday night I started coughing a bit again. Fast forward to today (monday), i managed to sleep 6.5 hours, but I feel shitty and I keep bringing up bright yellow phlegm or sputum, my throat is kinda sore (probably from dry mouth), and now Im worried i might have ruined my amoxicillin treatment. Im obviously in withdrawal from my adhd meds and im tired, but I also i have a weird tingly metallic taste in my mouth.
I have two days left of amoxicillin, and im worried my infection will come back with a vengeance and be resistant to antibiotics once it is done. What should I do? Stop worrying, or should i get more antibiotics?
Sorry this ran a bit long.
submitted by cumpelstiltskin to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:56 sb512022 (tldr warning) I (20M) regret what i did to my gf (20F) how can i rebuild trust with her and show her i think differently and wont hurt her again?

so to clear things up before i say the story. i understand why this is all happening and i do regret it and i wish i could go back in time and just be a good person in general and treated her way better. every single day i live with this regret and it just pains me.
so me and her have been together for two years now and it really was all fun and romantic. it felt like we were meant for each other and it wasn't just lust. it was love. true deep love and i loved it so much. we fought a good amount but it was never relationship ending. we always overcame our disagreements and learned to apologize and recognize when one of us is wrong. but we had a big problem recently and it was very personal to her and i failed at being a decent human being and instead got mad and defensive and i let my emotion take over instead of understanding.
so one morning i woke up to a text from her saying she found two pictures of instagram girls in bikinis saved on my accounts folder from when i was in freshman year. she politely asked me to delete them. then i did tell her id delete them but i then proceeded to get upset as if this was a common thing to get mad at me about and i acted like it wasn't a big deal and i basically told her to get over it and that "it shouldn't be a whole day problem" without realizing how much those photos impacted her. i wasn't aware of those photos being there and instead of reassuring her and just being nice and deleted them i made a whole big deal about it and i regret it.
she's always told me she doesn't like the way she looks and that she accepted the fact that she looks "mid" and she isn't anyone's type of girl but she's told me before that i made her feel like she was my type and i made her feel pretty at times but that's all gone now. i really was into her and she's still so pretty to me and she kept getting prettier and prettier in every scenario i saw her.
i didn't even think in the moment on how it could affect her seeing those pictures saved on my account. she must have felt awful seeing that and it would make it seem like i had a type and i was attracted to those girls when in reality i didn't even know they existed and im not really attracted to women other than her. i know it sounds like bullshit but i just can't see women the same after being with her and she won't ever believe that. i understand now how she must've felt and how it must have shattered her self esteem and i couldn't even reassure her. and when we eventually talked about it like a day later, i STILL didn't understand how she felt and when i apologized i wrote the most wrong apology saying stuff like "i did nothing wrong" "get over it im sorry" literally no reassurance just anger and i hate myself for not realizing it in the moment. it wasn't until like a WEEK LATER that i realized how she felt and what i should've done.
our anniversary of two years was in like a week and after this bad apology and talk we basically took a break so she can have time to think. we still talked here and there but nothing romantically or about us. and we agreed that we'd try couples therapy one day so i set it all up and this is where i did the most stupidest awful decision ever.
i know it's frowned upon and stuff but my dad tried to raise me to be cold and not show emotion but in reality emotion is all i could show. i ended up being very needy and anxious and just needing her comfort at times.
the night before we were going to talk to the therapy lady. she was having a bad time and told me she didn't want to talk tonight or call. and without thinking i just started being needy and wanted her attention and kept texting her. then i did something so stupid and ruined what i loved the most. i don't know what my thought process was or how i thought it was a good idea but i got on a "second number app" that allows you to text from a whole different number and i texted HER number while she was feeling bad and in the text i acted like i was a coworker i had that was "looking for me" the coworker was a girl and of no importance to me but i used her name practically asking for "myself to catch up"
i wrote a paragraph for when i wanted to reveal myself and in it i tried to say that i did it because i wanted her to see that "i was always there" or that it always was just her and i and that she doesn't need to worry about anyone getting in between us because it was always her and i. that reason sounds like BS now i genuinely don't know what i was thinking. she says she knows that i did it just to make her jealous, but i don't feel like it was that way. i didn't mean to hurt her and i wish i saw how it could hurt her.
after coming clean about it like a few texts on there i sent the paragraph thinking we'd just laugh about it or something like the stupid delusional person i am. she didn't say anything in the first few seconds but i felt a sudden regret and i felt like i couldn't breathe because i suddenly realize how bad of a thing it was. i promised her i would lie to her and i tricked her with this. so i started panicking after sending it and saying stuff like "this was a bad thing wasn't it" and just panicking and apologizing so fast because i tricked her. i didn't even think about how she would be jealous about that coworker and i was stupid to not think that back then. she then didn't reply for a while and it sank in that i really did something so awful to her. so out of panic i got in my car and went to see a friend at 2 am because they worked night shift. and i talked to her about it and she agreed that it was stupid and i shouldn't have done it. i am so conflicted about this right now. i don't know if it was because i was needy or i just wanted her attention or im just plain stupid. i don't know now why i did it and i regret it deeply. she won't accept an apology thought because my reasoning doesn't make sense at all and i understand that now.
i felt sick to my stomach and later that night like an hour or so later she broke up with me. my whole world sank. i dented my car and went back to my friend to tell her and i just broke down for what i have done. and i've been paying for this with karma ever since this has happened. not even an hour later from this, i got fired from the job i was working at and i lost everything. i have this pain in my chest that hasn't gone away since that day and i've been having nonstop stomach problems and my relationship with my family is decreasing and they're resenting me and i even lost my dog i had for 7 years. so many things keep happening but i know it's because i have to pay and i understand that.
backstory on why this made such an impact: i grew up as a lie. i lied to my family i lied to my friends. i lied to be liked in school and i always tried to be something i am not. when i met her i tried to put these lies behind me and bury my past and what i was and i deleted alot of stuff and quit my porn addiction because i really wanted something with her. but she found out about my past one day and i lied to cover it up and these lies only came back and i ended up breaking her trust again and again to the point where she thought things that were never happening. i know im a liar and a bad person but i was never a cheater or unfaithful to her. i've always genuinely liked her and how she looked and i had everything i wanted. i didn't need to cheat or find other girls because i had one and she was all that i wanted. i even made it clear to here that the relationship wasn't about sex because if we ever stopped having it i'd still love her. but i couldn't be understanding and reassuring with her and i messed up so much and i made it seem like i was lying to her again even though i wasnt. and her last relationship was full of lies and she was manipulated and she regrets going back to him after the fact she knew how he was. and this is the scenario i am in right now. what we had was real love and it was beautiful but i messed it up and destroyed it badly. and she doesn't want to disappoint her past self by doing the same thing she did with her ex because she's afraid of getting hurt again. she can't trust me anymore. she doesn't believe that we could fix it again. she doesn't believe that i liked her and that i was attracted to her. she believes i was out there getting crushes and talking to other women and she believes i did it to make her jealous and that i have a type of girl i like and it's not her. she thinks i led her on this whole time but when i ask "then why am i still here" there's no answer because im not doing this out of pity or attachment. i truly loved her and how she looked. she doesn't believe attractions change and that people can change. she's so focused that we can't have what we had before because it's too different now. i just don't know what to do and im full of regret.
so sometime later i gave her her space and just rotted away in my room missing what i destroyed. one day something compelled me to go to the store and i saw her there. i went up to her and she wanted to talk so i agreed and we went to the park to talk. she tried to break up with me in person that day but couldn't and later that night she texted me that we'd break up in person rather than through text because we're adults. so some time later we kept seeing eachother a bit and talking. we even ended up going to the place i rented for our anniversary just out of a spontaneous decision because she felt a comfort in being around me even though it hurts her. that day we ended up doing a lot of stuff and being intimate with each other and acting like normal. the only words that came out while we were doing it were "i love you" from both of us and it was so passionate and real and it felt like what we had before. we acted normal after that and spent the night and watched movies and cuddled and just talked like nothing at all happened. we were smiling and cracking jokes and just having a good time. it was the same. i didn't want to take her home because i knew it would end though. and that it was all just a dream. and it did end. we decided to be on a break for now and we still talk and sometimes even have fun like we used to but nothing romantically yet. we even started making out the other day but then like a few days later she gets reminded of everything and doesn't talk to me again. and i get she's in her feeling and i understand what i did and that she deserves better but i want to be that better. i want to change for her and show her that i wont hurt her again. but she's afraid. she can't trust me anymore and she's afraid to try again because she loved me she genuinely loved me and she looks for me in the person i am now and she can't "find him" and she believes things will never be the same again and that it won't work but she can't leave because it's too painful. BUT i feel like it can be the same... all those moments we had they were like nothing happened. it's still there within us. our love is still there and i know it is but she's afraid of doing it again and disappointing her past self. like we've been calling and acting normal even though we keep thing the same thing and it keeps bothering us. i feel regret and pain and she feels the pain too because she loved me. i don't know what to do. i know the best for us is probably to just leave it and go our separate ways but i can't. i do love her still and i want to be better for her. for my family. a better person in general. i know i can be the better for her and i don't want to give up. and she doesn't want to give up because she loved me but she also doesn't want her emotions to get in the way of what she should do. i don't know. this is a just a big rant i don't know if its a good idea to post it or if anyone will read this far. i just miss her so much. i miss what we were. i miss how happy we were. this kind and good hearted girl loved me and has showed me so much. she was my first for a lot of things. and my first actual commitment to a relationship. she took my virginity aswell but those are not the reasons i want to stay with her. i want to stay because i love her. i really love her and it just begs the question "why did you do it?" and i don't know. it eats me up inside and i can't take it i DONT know and i wish i could take it all back. i want to start over. i want a time machine. i want her. she loved me and i destroyed what i loved the most. my life hasn't been the same since then and so many bad things keep happening to me but i know it's for a reason. how can i regain her trust? is that even possible? i dont know what to do. i know she needs time but will she ever see that i do want to change? that change is possible and i don't want to hurt her anymore? i regret it all. why couldn't i just be more understanding and reassuring and been good to her. how could i be so foolish. if i just kept my stupid thoughts quiet and kept my mouth shut we could've gone to therapy or something. i messed up really bad.
thank you for reading. i feel so lost
submitted by sb512022 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:56 Thin-Chain1142 Our Reaction to Nick RTFM’s Protest a Snapshot of The Most Timid Generation Ever

In the 1970’s, (not an ancient date), people all over this country protested the Vietnam war, and they didn’t do it peacefully always, but nobody had any problem crossing that line.
Sure, but you can’t compare protesting a war to protesting a video game. That’s not what I’m doing here. I am shining a light on what has been really obvious for a long time now- this young generation is going to be known as the ones who were impacted extremely negatively by society’s “frowning upon anything that isn’t PG-13,” “frowning on anything that draws attention” attitudes. They’ve been told you need to know your role and shut your mouth. And we no longer allow the most vanilla curse words on YouTube, music has become as soft and boring as it’s ever been; hip-hop still owns music like it did 25 years ago. But that era’s hiphop was largely centered around “gangsta rap,” one of the realest movements ever which held nothing back in the lyrics. While today, to even act like you’re gonna use a racial term- even if used by that minority itself, is a complete nonstarter anywhere.
And so here we are in 2024 and we have somebody with a little courage. And I know all the arguments against what he proposed- the small content creator issue. The should’ve done it in private issue. The “it’s not gonna work” argument. To which I say to all of that- bullshit. Bull. Fucking. Shit. Soon or later you’re gonna have to learn to stand up for what’s right, no matter what the cost. And here’s the thing there isn’t a single person anywhere that thinks that this game even resembles the game of football, or soccer in the States. Forget about all of the idiotic pack odds things they’ve happened. There isn’t a person playing this game that does not realize it sucks and want better. Nobody.
Someone finally spoke up to do something that our parents and grandparents would have done without even thinking twice. Instead of being lauded and thanked, I watched a half a dozen videos last night disparaging Nick for what he did. To those folks and their followers: Grow a sack of balls.
It’s up to everyone in this community and in this generation to decide what kind of generation we’re going to be known as in the future. Right now, we are on pace to become the generation that was OK with the most money hungry, greediest companies assaulting us up the ass. And we seem to be OK with that.
submitted by Thin-Chain1142 to EAFC [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:54 Alternative-Ride-296 Rash?

I’ve had these random scratch like rashes on my upper lip for the last couple of weeks on & off. Has anyone dealt with this? No clue what it is! It’s driving me crazy . It’s not cold sores.
submitted by Alternative-Ride-296 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:54 xiaojvnlvr what do i do about my lip piercing?

i got reddit just for this so.. it’s a bit of a long one but i got my lip pierced about 6-7 months ago. it was healing really well and fast and i wasn’t about to pay money to change my stud to a ring so i did it myself last week. i think it reacted badly (though i don’t have any metal sensitivities im aware of, nothing like this has happened to my ears or nose) and it was swelling and bruising badly. the ring wasn’t big enough to accommodate it even after a few days of me waiting for it to go down, so i just took it out until i could pick up a new one after work today (it was too sore to put my stud back in so i figured it would be okay for a day.) anyway i didn’t pick up a new ring but it wasn’t sore or bleeding or bruised anymore today so i was gonna put my stud back in but i think it healed a little TOO fast because now it feels too thick to push through myself or maybe the ring changed the direction of the hole during the week? anyway i don’t wanna risk making it worse but what should i do? do i wait for it to heal more and get it redone or get it redone now? would they even do that😭 or should i tough it out and push it back through like i normally can with my lips or nose.. please help i miss my lip ring it looked so cool
submitted by xiaojvnlvr to PiercingAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:54 Thin-Chain1142 The Community Reaction to Nick RTFM’s Boycott Shows Weakness and Timidity of This Generation

In the 1970’s, (not an ancient date), people all over this country protested the Vietnam war, and they didn’t do it peacefully always, but nobody had any problem crossing that line.
Sure, but you can’t compare protesting a war to protesting a video game. That’s not what I’m doing here. I am shining a light on what has been really obvious for a long time now- this young generation is going to be known as the ones who were impacted extremely negatively by society’s “frowning upon anything that isn’t PG-13,” “frowning on anything that draws attention” attitudes. They’ve been told you need to know your role and shut your mouth. And we no longer allow the most vanilla curse words on YouTube, music has become as soft and boring as it’s ever been; hip-hop still owns music like it did 25 years ago. But that era’s hiphop was largely centered around “gangsta rap,” one of the realest movements ever which held nothing back in the lyrics. While today, to even act like you’re gonna use a racial term- even if used by that minority itself, is a complete nonstarter anywhere.
And so here we are in 2024 and we have somebody with a little courage. And I know all the arguments against what he proposed- the small content creator issue. The should’ve done it in private issue. The “it’s not gonna work” argument. To which I say to all of that- bullshit. Bull. Fucking. Shit. Soon or later you’re gonna have to learn to stand up for what’s right, no matter what the cost. And here’s the thing there isn’t a single person anywhere that thinks that this game even resembles the game of football, or soccer in the States. Forget about all of the idiotic pack odds things they’ve happened. There isn’t a person playing this game that does not realize it sucks and want better. Nobody.
Someone finally spoke up to do something that our parents and grandparents would have done without even thinking twice. Instead of being lauded and thanked, I watched a half a dozen videos last night disparaging Nick for what he did. To those folks and their followers: Grow a sack of balls.
It’s up to everyone in this community and in this generation to decide what kind of generation we’re going to be known as in the future. Right now, we are on pace to become the generation that was OK with the most money hungry, greediest companies assaulting us up the ass. And we seem to be OK with that.
submitted by Thin-Chain1142 to fut [link] [comments]



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submitted by shaneka69 to mytarotreadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:53 EquinoxCoins More beach gold!!!!

More beach gold!!!!
It must have been my lucky day today. I got to the beach. Turned on my equinox. Dug one pull tab and then this ring in the dry sand within the first 3 min of arriving. Wow!!!! What do you guys think? Is this real solid gold? It’s marked 18k. Doesn’t stick to a magnet. Has small I assume diamond chips around the entire ring. It rings up a very solid 42/43 on my equinox 900. Every stainless steel ring I have found has been a low tone (like somewhere around 10 on the equinox 900). Do you guys think it’s the real deal??
This was a case of blind luck this time. I’ve never made such a good find so shortly after arriving! 🍀 happy hunting to all!
submitted by EquinoxCoins to metaldetecting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:51 Wooden_Particular143 Sentra speaker issue

I recently purchased a 2024 Nissan Sentra and immediately after I bought a system for it. I tried to get the good s*** from the beginning so I got an audio control 7ci, JL audio c2-650 components for the doors, c2-690 coxaxials in back, a kicker 360.4 for the fronts, and a fosgate 500.1 prime on a 12" comp r sub. Should be a decent setup but when I install the doors, immediately they sound like trash, can't handle any base at all, I went over everything 3 times. I also sound deadened the does and added the foam baffles, and some generic speaker ring adapters because no one has the exact fit. At this point I figured a bad day from the factory. If I cross it over at like 200hz, it doesn't distort but changes the output around. I then borrowed a set of kicker 6 and 1/2 in coaxials that I had in a truck that sounded very good in the truck on the radio even, and swap them in. Same problem. And I had no hpf on them in my truck. So is it something to do with the Nissan door or if. Has anyone else run into this problem and how did you fix it
submitted by Wooden_Particular143 to CarAV [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:51 Arushi20 Criticize my 12 day Ireland itinerary- July 2024

Hello all,
My partner and I are visiting Ireland for the first time this summer. We are in our 30s, fairly fit and love nature a bit more than cities. Please review our Ireland itinerary. Open to suggestions on how to make the best out of this trip. We are not including Northern Ireland in this trip due to visa limitations.
Excited to visit. Thank you for reviewing this.
Day 1-
Land at Dublin around 11 am
Check In & freshen up
Visit Guinness storehouse
St. Patrick’s Cathedral
Visit some pubs
Stay in Dublin
Day 2-
Trinity College/Book of kells
Kilmainham Gaol
Temple Bar and other pubs
Stay in Dublin
Day 3-
Drive from Dublin to Connemara National Park
Hike the diamond hill loop
Kylemore abbey + Ballynahinch + The Inagh Valley
Drive to Galway
Stay in Galway
Day 4-
Take ferry to Aran Islands and spend full day there
Spend time in Galway city in the evening
Stay in Galway
Day 5-
Galway city
Stay in Galway
Day 6-
Drive to Killarney
Do Cliffs of Moher, The Burren and Bunratty Castle
Stay in Killarney
Day 7-
Day trip to Dingle
Stay in Killarney
Day 8-
Ring of Kerry & Skellig Michael
Stay in Killarney
Day 9-
Drive to Killarney National Park
Gap of Dunloe
Ross Castle
Torc waterfall
Muckross house/abbey
Stay in Killarney
Day 10-
We got this as a free day, we were suppose to meet some friends but they are moving so
Open to add things here
Day 11-
Drive back to Dublin
On the way visit-
Rock of Cashel
Cahir Castle
Blarney Stone
Stay in Dublin
Day 12-
National museum of archeology
Grafton street and shop around
Open to add more things
Stay in Dublin
Day 13-
Fly home
submitted by Arushi20 to irishtourism [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:49 Salt-Remote4531 Fav beauty sellers?

I recently joined whatnot app and I’ve purchased a ton of luxury and high end beauty items from anywhere between 40% to 70% off retail. I’m looking for some seller recommendations. I generally look for sellers with $1 starts or very low starts and sudden death only. Currently my favs to shop are Britt0091, makeupnmore and xofashionbar…in that order.
Britt0091 is very transparent and her show has a good vibe. She also has lot of just released products. I remember getting some Dior and hourglass products within two weeks of them launching at almost 50% off retail. She’s shade inclusive so as a woman with deep complexion I really appreciate that.
Makeupnmore’s shows moves very fast and I love that. She takes requests and runs the products requested. Sellers usually take requests but don’t run them. Her show is very organized. She runs the products in categories and runs categories more than once. I like it that way because it allows me to leave and pop back in when the catergory I’m interested in rolls around. There’s not a lot of cross talking so she’ll run a bunch of products in the short time she’s on. She doesn’t do raids after which I find a bit weird.
Xofashionbar has a great variety of products. Maybe not as much as the previous sellers but I also enjoy shopping her shows. She ships next day so I typically receive my products in two-three days. I love shopping her shows for lip products. She also carries items I don’t see the previous sellers with. Only drawback is she’ll start complexion products like concealers and foundations at 50% off retail which I don’t like. I prefer the low starts.
submitted by Salt-Remote4531 to whatnotapp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:49 Double_Coast_9669 I Just Want To Be By Myself Again

I just want to vent to the void.. and possibly get some advice. Never posted my personal business online before but Im just slowly giving up..
I have a 5 year old son with Down Syndrome. I love him cause he's my son but hate to say I hate him cause of his delay which is of no fault of his own. He's smart in his own way but so stubborn.
He won't eat anything that requires chewing and only eats stage 2 baby food mixed with some baby oatmeal despite having a mouthful of teeth. He won't drink any water, juice and only a few swallow of milk. Oh but sweets, there's no problem like any other kid, I suppose.
He's constantly hitting either me or his dad and even sometimes his grandmother (my mom). There's no therapy that'll get him to stop..we've been told that he'll stop on his own. But he'll hit you in the face, the chest, back.. and will even try to trip you cause he spends most of his time on the floor because he's not walking fully on his own either.. despite many hours of walking around the house with him. Can't teach a child to stop hitting by hitting (spanking) them.
He's stubborn bout getting his hair brushed, his teeth brushed too. He starts spasing out and tries to hit in the face whenever you try to brush either one.
His dad (my husband though not legally) is trying his best, I suppose. He gave me the entire Mother's Day off without having to take care of him but one day out of many feels like it's never enough. I don't wanna complain but I'm just so tired. And I always get.."what could you possibly be tired from?" Cause honestly I don't do too much of anything..just my soul is tired of pretending to want to be a mom. And I can't discuss this with my husband cause it's our fault and responsibility for bringing a child into this world.
And now.. guess what? I'm 3 months pregnant with another baby. It was a talk for when our son would be 5-7 to have another sibling only cause this world is cruel and he would need someone else to help him when we're gone. But the only thing on my mind is to hope and pray that this baby comes out better. That this one won't have a disability. I know it's messed up to hope and wish for a new baby to hopefully make things better but I'm scared I'll be stuck with another one that's disabled.
I regret having a child. I miss days of freedom. I miss not being a mom every day. I want to tell my husband to just leave and take the kids and just leave me alone and I'll sign whatever papers I can to just be away from it all. I wanna be by myself again with no worries. Everyday I wish for a red button to push to be able to start over because I'd do SO many things differently.
I'm just so tired mentally and emotionally.. I don't wanna be angry anymore.
I just wish to be alone again..
submitted by Double_Coast_9669 to regretfulparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:48 Few-Gate6684 friend zoned by an enfj need help

Hello enfp female here, I think I developed a crush for a enfj male
When I met him he was seeing a girl and I did not even saw him in a romantic way, we became friends, the fling he had with the girl stopped, and the more the months past the more attracted I start to feel towards him, we spent multiple weekend together with friend and we have often have activity we do together during the week, I don’t have a problem holding a conversation with him even for hours and he makes me laugh and I make him laugh, the slight problem is the insecurity I have with my self. Long story short, I had a bad experience with a guy growing up that left me traumatize and scared of intimacy , so even with a first kiss with someone I might start panicking and have a full panic attack, despite the fact that I am conventionally pretty I have many insecurity and a problem with the skin of my body (wich no one would tell when I’m dress) and we are literally (for the life we live) surrounded by model type girls.
Anyway, I know male enfj tend to have many female friends and I knew I was probably in the friend zone, last weekend after we spent every night of the week doing something together (with other friends) we ended up being the only two left at this club, he was really drunk, being super touchy and at some point I was hugging in order to not let him falling down, and he started kissing my neck and sucking my cheek as if he were to kiss me and I kind of freeze because of my problems and as soon as he was close to my mouth I Just told him, “not like this”. He turned around and ask me if I could keep a secret and he told me he was going to a concert with this girl we both know (she is oh so beautiful and nice and educate, and sporty but elegant at the same time, and she feels like the sun) I asked him what was the secret and he told me, he knew he probably shouldn’t go, since she was not THE one really.
He was so drunk he kept the cycle of asking me “can you keep a secret” and telling me the same thing about the girl all night” I menage to get him out of the club and let him sleep in my spare bedroom. At around noon I left the house, he slept in.
I went to his place at around 19:30 after he had just left mine, because he had my keys and he said he never blackouts drunk and wanted to know what happened, I told him everything, except the sucking on my neck and cheek, and we spent the rest of the night opening up, at around 01:00 am he let me understood it was late, and I started to try to find a taxi on the app, he took his guitar out and started to play music on it, the apps for the taxi kept on not accepting calls, and I became to be visibly frustrated, he told me there was no rush, but I was mortified, at the fourth time I was rejected by the taxi app he said I could spend the night at his place, but he did not have anything comfortable for me, I said no, because I was feeling like I was imposing my presence (it is though the third time he offers me to sleep at his place), in the end I found a taxi and went home, we are still in contact, but he is going with this girl at this concert, and while we were talking the second night he said, “I’m not saying I like her, but I’m intrigued”, and he read their text conversation to me, wich was static and nothing like ours, while we where talking we also touch the argument of some boy I talked to during the winter and he asked me if I kept in touch with him, we also talked about many other things, also we laughed about the fact that for a while I thought I had a crush for his bf, he was surprise to know I had met him just a week before I met him, nothing came from that, because his friend just saw me as a friend and we laughed about the situation, he also told me a story about a girl he thought was crushing on the friend many years ago and he ended up kissing her instead. When I went home I found some flowers at my place, As I said he had slept in the guest bed and made a mess and try to make everything nice while staying there all afternoon while I was out. (BTW it’s not a big deal for me receiving flower, I loved them and every guy I know knows it)
Now I have so many details to share if you have questions, but the main one is, how much am I in the friend zone? And how do I get out of it with an enfj?
submitted by Few-Gate6684 to enfj [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:47 Zer0-Sanity This is a really strange anxiety symptom I have. Does anyone else experience this?

When I am eating, I sometimes get anxiety. I talked to my psychiatrist and we came to the conclusion due to my sugar going up, can mimic anxiety. That’s not the weird part though.
Whenever I am eating, (occasionally) I get this weird feeling that hits me out of nowhere, where I all of a sudden fear of choking because my mouth feels almost…numb. I feel like the entirely of my mouth isn’t attached to my brain and I can’t control it. I hurry and swish water around and spit it out, because I feel like I’ve lost feeling in my mouth, and I freak out about the smallest crumble in my mouth and worry about not getting it out. It’s literally as if I can’t feel it, yet I know it’s in there and need it out.
It’s really weird. Please tell me im not alone lol.
submitted by Zer0-Sanity to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:44 zindipidy Remember this Microsoft promo video?

Hi! ....this is super random, but it's driving me crazy that I can't find this old Microsoft video anywhere...... It was from around 2010 (+/- a few years) and it was one of those future vision featuring multiple products... But it was super cute, followed this dude riding a bike after work on his way to a house party, and there were MS features all along the way, like the calendar invite, maps, messenger, maybe windows phone, etc... he makes a stop for drinks (or food?) ...and finally makes it to the party where there's a band playing... Does this ring any bells??? I' m probably the only person on the planet who remembers this silly commercial, but it had a catchy song and I loved it... If you have any tips for how I can find it I'd love to know...or if you at least remember it too... Let me know I'm not crazy. I worked for a Microsoft partner, and I don't think it was a general public commercial, maybe partner focused or even an internal promo?
submitted by zindipidy to microsoft [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:42 Existing-Hippo-5429 A Frasier line saves the day.

Yesterday I was convinced by a friend to attend a Japanese heavy metal band's show at a local venue. I am in my 40s and I'm more of a jazz fan now, but I had just received some worrisome news and I thought maybe a distraction was in order. The crowd was surprisingly restrained, until three people broke into what they called moshing but was mostly just closing their eyes and swinging their fists around like they were trying to fight a swarm of bees. One of them immediately spun around and punched me in the mouth.
I took the day off of work today to ice my swollen lip. Throughout the day whenever I think to myself "I was punched in the face by a man..." I chuckle and smile (inside).
submitted by Existing-Hippo-5429 to Frasier [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:42 stormyfuck bridgerstoned 2.1

Dearest gentle readers, did you miss me? it’s time for season 2! I’m gonna try to do all 8 episodes before s3 drops
Episode 1
okay good night! thanks for reading
submitted by stormyfuck to BridgertonNetflix [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:40 hayitsness Repasting my MSI Katana GF66-11UG with PTM9750 and UPSIREN U6 Pro

Hello everyone!
I just wanted to leave this post for anyone interested in repasting their MSI Laptops in the same series or with the same chassis.
TLDR: About a minimally 16c decrease in temperatures during gaming on the CPU and about 20c decrease on the GPU. Replaced both thermal paste and thermal pads.
I’m an amateur when it comes to PC/Laptop modding so my testing methodology is very basic and included Cinebench, in-game performance and speed fan only.
I was having problems with temps regularly hitting 96c during gaming. I play both newer and older games such as Elden Ring and Final Fantasy XIV.
Often, at least once a day, the temps will hit a point where the laptop cranks the fans to maximum as if I turned on the Turbo Mode setting. This would persist until I shut down the game and waited a minute or so, it would not shut off unless this was done.
When the device was new this was not a problem. Now if it were just me in the house this would not be a problem, but my wife often complains about the loud fan noises.
I have repasted in the past with Arctic MX-4 or MX-6 and that would fix the problem for a short amount of time. I used too little, just right and too much amounts of thermal paste to see what would alleviate the situation.
Finally, after watching many videos both on Snark’s Domain, Linus Tech Tips and a myriad of different videos I decided to try Honeywell PTM9750 and Upsiren UP6 Pro.
The PTM9750 was purchased from LTT Store, however there are legit sellers on Aliexpress.
The Upsiren UP6 Pro was purchased from Aliexpress.
I won’t go over the PTM9750 installation as you can find that information on YouTube easily.
However the Upsiren UP6 Pro was applied by generally making 1cm balls and placing them in areas where the original thermal pads were. I made sure to replace them both on the motherboard side and the heatsink side.
Side note: by this point the thermal pads were easy to peel and felt thin. This was probably the main reason for my temps.
Results: Pre-paste In-game: CPU 96c, GPU 86c Cinebench Multicore: CPU 87c, GPU 45c - 7871 pts Cinebench Singlecore: CPU 96c, GPU 41c - 1422 pts
Post-paste In-game: CPU 80c, GPU 67c Cinebench Multicore: CPU 74c, GPU 52c - 8021 pts Cinebench Singlecore: CPU 85c, GPU 44c - 1501 pts
As you can see, I have had tremendous results overall.
Potential Problems: TPM7950 - My application had a few cracks/rips in the padding. I patched it up using spare pieces that were excess. However, upon reading up, this is not the correct way to apply PTM and may lead to poor contact. However, I believe I counteracted this by ensuring I screwed in the area around the CPU/GPU die instead of the fans first. In addition, as the PTM9750 melts, solidifies, melts and solidifies, this should work out over time.
Upsiren U6 PRO - My application was generally 1cm balls for each of the chips that previously had thermal pads on it. Upon screwing down the heatsink, excess thermal putty flowed from the sides. I believe if I allowed the excess to remain it would negatively transfer heat from the chip to both the heatsink AND any other component it may touch as excess (including the motherboard). As a result, I use the included scraper to remove excess and put it back into the container as best as I could.
submitted by hayitsness to GamingLaptops [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:38 hayitsness Repasting my MSI Katana GF66-11UG with PTM9750 and UPSIREN U6 Pro

Hello everyone!
I just wanted to leave this post for anyone interested in repasting their MSI Laptops in the same series or with the same chassis.
TLDR: About a minimally 16c decrease in temperatures during gaming on the CPU and about 20c decrease on the GPU. Replaced both thermal paste and thermal pads.
I’m an amateur when it comes to PC/Laptop modding so my testing methodology is very basic and included Cinebench, in-game performance and speed fan only.
I was having problems with temps regularly hitting 96c during gaming. I play both newer and older games such as Elden Ring and Final Fantasy XIV.
Often, at least once a day, the temps will hit a point where the laptop cranks the fans to maximum as if I turned on the Turbo Mode setting. This would persist until I shut down the game and waited a minute or so, it would not shut off unless this was done.
When the device was new this was not a problem. Now if it were just me in the house this would not be a problem, but my wife often complains about the loud fan noises.
I have repasted in the past with Arctic MX-4 or MX-6 and that would fix the problem for a short amount of time. I used too little, just right and too much amounts of thermal paste to see what would alleviate the situation.
Finally, after watching many videos both on Snark’s Domain, Linus Tech Tips and a myriad of different videos I decided to try Honeywell PTM9750 and Upsiren UP6 Pro.
The PTM9750 was purchased from LTT Store, however there are legit sellers on Aliexpress.
The Upsiren UP6 Pro was purchased from Aliexpress.
I won’t go over the PTM9750 installation as you can find that information on YouTube easily.
However the Upsiren UP6 Pro was applied by generally making 1cm balls and placing them in areas where the original thermal pads were. I made sure to replace them both on the motherboard side and the heatsink side.
Side note: by this point the thermal pads were easy to peel and felt thin. This was probably the main reason for my temps.
Results: Pre-paste In-game: CPU 96c, GPU 86c Cinebench Multicore: CPU 87c, GPU 45c - 7871 pts Cinebench Singlecore: CPU 96c, GPU 41c - 1422 pts
Post-paste In-game: CPU 80c, GPU 67c Cinebench Multicore: CPU 74c, GPU 52c - 8021 pts Cinebench Singlecore: CPU 85c, GPU 44c - 1501 pts
As you can see, I have had tremendous results overall.
Potential Problems: TPM7950 - My application had a few cracks/rips in the padding. I patched it up using spare pieces that were excess. However, upon reading up, this is not the correct way to apply PTM and may lead to poor contact. However, I believe I counteracted this by ensuring I screwed in the area around the CPU/GPU die instead of the fans first. In addition, as the PTM9750 melts, solidifies, melts and solidifies, this should work out over time.
Upsiren U6 PRO - My application was generally 1cm balls for each of the chips that previously had thermal pads on it. Upon screwing down the heatsink, excess thermal putty flowed from the sides. I believe if I allowed the excess to remain it would negatively transfer heat from the chip to both the heatsink AND any other component it may touch as excess (including the motherboard). As a result, I use the included scraper to remove excess and put it back into the container as best as I could.
submitted by hayitsness to MSILaptops [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:38 tryambakamurva Thumb suckers from childhood who corrected with jaw surgery as adults?

Where are my fellow late term thumb suckers?!
I’m looking for your experiences with jaw surgery, palate expanders, or any other treatments that were successful by your standards. What prompted you to seek treatment as an adult?
Did you have double jaw surgery or…single jaw surgery? I don’t know the terminology. What was the result?
My story: I sucked my thumb until I was 11, never had a palate expander but had braces. I was sternly told I needed the expander and would regret not having it later on in life ⏰ aaaah.
I have: speech difficulties, major confidence issues, some trouble breathing but not to the point that it’s producing anything beyond mild sleep apnea, spill water while drinking and curse at myself for it, am a messy eater, jut my lower so it meets the upper teeth, I think I have a recessed chin, and last but not least kissing has always been awkward because my upper teeth are regal bitches standing in the way; protruding away a comfortable exchange.
I’m desperately trying to solve the problem for many reasons: my TMJ is worse than ever in my 30’s—I’m constantly moving my lower jaw around and it cracks/pops. I cover my mouth in public oftentimes when I’m sitting down and it takes a lot of effort to not do this. I usually want to decline going to lunches or dinners. Smiling and speech feel unnatural because of the lower jaw meets upper teeth move I do.
Ultimately I finally developed the courage to acknowledge these symptoms I’ve denied, and how debilitating they’ve been in having physical comfort and social success.
I can’t wait to solve this problem once and for all, and can’t wait to hear your stories.
submitted by tryambakamurva to jawsurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:38 prettylittlebirds4 Lip piercing

Hello Reddit,
I spontaneously decided to get a lip piercing (labret on side lip) this weekend. I did not want to start with a stud like most people do and wanted a ring instantly. I know the risks after 30+ piercings and am now realizing I fucked up.
2 days in, since my lip ring is extra big for swelling it sits completely to the side inner corner of my lip and my fear has come true, the hole is curving to that side. I am fine if the hole is healed to the side as long as it’s flushed against my face but I’m worried the skin is starting to protrude on the outside, and I have a big piece of skin on the inside of my lip.
Is this normal for a lip piercing healing? I’m nervous my skin will form a curved noticeable piercing bump to the side (like my ears have)? Or is it just the swelling?
Is there anything I can do to save myself from a scar? I almost want to take it out, but I’m afraid of a bigger scar since it is 2 days fresh or try to switch it to a stud but I would have to do it myself since I am hours away from my/any piercer.
submitted by prettylittlebirds4 to piercing [link] [comments]
