Selena gomez exposed body

Welcome to Selena Gomez

2014.12.07 22:02 Welcome to Selena Gomez

All things about Selena Gomez, an American singer, actress, producer, and businesswoman.

2011.08.11 04:11 SpikeX Mary Elizabeth Winstead

For fans of [Mary Elizabeth Winstead](!

2010.02.21 01:55 Olivia Wilde

For fans of [Olivia Wilde](!

2024.05.15 18:31 helm_news Disney Channel star Selena Gomez announces "Wizards Beyond Waverly Place" reboot, featuring Alex and Justin Russo in adult roles.

Disney Channel star Selena Gomez announces submitted by helm_news to HelmNews [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:28 pizzzaeater14 giraffe weevil neck, bee body (Oregon)

unfortunately i was not able to get a picture of this one, but it looked like a giraffe weevil head/neck and legs glued onto the body of a sweat bee. the body was black and yellow striped, likely as a form of mimicry, and the wings were exposed with no elytra whatsoever. the neck had a single joint about halfway up, and the head was too small to see any detail apart from the unremarkable, short-ish antennae. i saw it in a plant pot during early/mid afternoon, in a largely farmland area in the Willamette Valley of Oregon state.  
i haven't been able to find even a lead on an ID, so any potential information is helpful. never seen anything like it though, which is cool. hopefully textposts are allowed here lol
submitted by pizzzaeater14 to bugidentification [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:10 adulting4kids Wisdom of Solomon Deep Dive Study

As I mentioned in a post earlier today, I have decided to embark on the religious studies journey by preparing a special study guided series of self paced dynamic verse by verse incredibly high level of studies in secular and spiritual development of the world cultural and religious traditions that's going to include numerous types of sources texts from every single type of practice I can unearth thanks for the Good old Google and Bing research resources.
This started with the Gnostic texts and the Dead Sea Scrolls with the Gospel of Thomas and the Book of Enoch. It has been a few weeks and I have literally gotten so far ahead of myself that it seems like I am overdue and overwhelmed by such an amazing task. This is why I am not sure if I should really be posting it but if not here, I would not know where to ask for advice and feedback and guidance and editing and moral support and even research assistance and input from anyone whose willing to assist in any capacity.
There's nothing to do except process the questions and help with the commentary and limitations of this format and the hope that there might be at least ONE human being that's interested in similar things that's willing to help in whatever capacity they can....
I had plans of trying to make it easier for everyone by trying to finish at least one full text before posting others, but I don't think it's possible because I keep going from different ones back to these then to those then back to that regardless of the fact that I am confused and staring to get burned out before I get started....
So I have changed my mind about finishing up one to present for the group and will simply be posting some daily stuff for your input and feedback. I'm not trying to make you convert to any faith as these guides will cover every single type of practice eventually.
Today is Wisdom of Solomon day so I have to unpack my own stuff here and I have no real formal plans yet for how to present it all, that is based solely on the fact that I am also doing this for my own spiritual growth and development and so there's no formal plans for publication as a project yet....
Anyway this is a basic overview of how I have been working on my project and I love the fact that you still might be reading after that long winded meandering message!
Wisdom of Solomon Outline:
  1. Introduction (Chapters 1-6):
  1. Wisdom in History (Chapters 7-9):
  1. Wisdom and Idolatry (Chapters 10-11):
  1. Divine Wisdom vs. Human Wisdom (Chapters 12-15):
  1. God's Just Providence (Chapters 16-19):
  1. Wisdom as a Guide (Chapters 20-21):
  1. Call to Righteousness (Chapters 22-24):
Study Guide Questions
  1. Symbolism:
  1. Historical and Secular Context:
  1. Esoteric Wisdom:
  1. Theological Implications:
  1. Spiritual Development:
For exercises, activities, readings, and examples:
Chapter 1, Verse 1:
"Love righteousness, you rulers of the earth. Think of the Lord with goodness, and seek him with sincerity of heart."
  1. Symbolism:
  1. Historical and Secular Context:
  1. Esoteric Wisdom:
  1. Theological Implications:
  1. Spiritual Development:
Reflect on a historical or contemporary leader who exemplifies the principles outlined in this verse. Discuss how their commitment to righteousness and sincere seeking of higher principles impacted their leadership.
đŸ”«đŸ”«đŸ”«đŸ”«đŸ”«đŸ”«đŸ”«đŸ”«đŸ”«đŸ”«đŸ”«đŸ”«đŸ”« Chapter 1, Verse 2:
"For he will be found by those who do not put him to the test, and manifests himself to those who do not distrust him."
  1. Symbolism:
  1. Historical and Secular Context:
  1. Esoteric Wisdom:
  1. Theological Implications:
  1. Spiritual Development:
Explore historical or biblical narratives where individuals either demonstrated unwavering trust in the divine or faced challenges due to testing God. Discuss the outcomes and lessons learned from these narratives.
🌃🌃🌃🌃🌃🌃🌃🌃🌃🌃🌃🌃🌃🌃🌃 Chapter 1, Verse 3:
"For perverse thoughts separate people from God, and when his power is tested, it exposes the foolish."
  1. Symbolism:
  1. Historical and Secular Context:
  1. Esoteric Wisdom:
  1. Theological Implications:
  1. Spiritual Development:
Explore historical or literary examples where characters or individuals faced consequences due to perverse thoughts or the testing of authority. Discuss the broader moral lessons conveyed in these narratives. đŸȘ„đŸȘ„đŸȘ„đŸȘ„đŸȘ„đŸȘ„đŸȘ„đŸȘ„đŸȘ„đŸȘ„đŸȘ„đŸȘ„đŸȘ„đŸȘ„đŸȘ„đŸȘ„
Chapter 1, Verse 4:
"For wisdom will not enter a deceitful soul, nor dwell in a body enslaved to sin."
  1. Symbolism:
  1. Historical and Secular Context:
  1. Esoteric Wisdom:
  1. Theological Implications:
  1. Spiritual Development:
Analyze a historical or literary character who experienced a transformation from deceitful or sinful behavior to a more virtuous state. Discuss the role of wisdom in this transformation and the impact on the character's life.
Chapter 1, Verse 5: "For the holy spirit of discipline will flee deceit and will leave deceitful thoughts behind, and will be ashamed at the approach of unrighteousness."
  1. Symbolism:
  1. Historical and Secular Context:
  1. Esoteric Wisdom:
  1. Theological Implications:
  1. Spiritual Development:
Explore religious or philosophical texts that discuss the concept of divine discipline and its role in guiding individuals towards righteousness. Discuss the similarities or differences with the Wisdom of Solomon.
I will stop here since it's already overwhelming long and I have been working today up to the end of Chapter One just with Wisdom of Solomon.
I will post the Book of Enoch stuff later on which is already much more in depth with the commentary and study materials and I think that it's coming along nicely. This is just beginning so I figured it was a good skeleton to illustrate where I start off then I will give a much better clue đŸ—ïžđŸ—ïžđŸ—ïžđŸ—ïžđŸ—ïž to where it's headed later today when I can format the Enoch stuff for posting.
Thanks in advance for checking it out and please don't hesitate to repost in places that might help out in their own ways, even if it's to roast the hell out of me (no pun intended, if that's even a pun!)
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:09 Avidavidoo Bizzare Illness with no explanation

28yo Female 250lbs with allergies to ammoxicylin and bactrim. Currently taking lexapro and trazodone. Nexaplanon Implant. Nonsmoker.
A couple weeks ago I had a weird episode of my entire body being extremely itchy. My first ER visit I was itchy+hives, I got a steroid shot and a script for oral steroids. Went to the doctor 4 days later because my entire body was still so itchy. I got a second steroid shot and more oral steroids. No hives after the first steroid shot.
Doctors in the ER and at my usual clinic said it was an allergic reaction and I must be continually exposing myself to whatever is causing the reaction. At first I thought it was shrimp, because I ate shrimp the day before this all started. But this whole body itch lasted 9 days. It was hell!
Nothing helped, benadryl might have stopped it from getting worse but my whole body was still so itchy. I was keeping track of what I ate and there was no common denominator.
On the 9th day my doctor ordered labs to be done on my blood to see wtf was going on. My WBC value was 17. Doctor said this is extremely high even considering the steroids I was on.
Since then the itch disappeared, and after a blood draw yesterday my WBC value went back down to 8.
My doctor essentially has no idea what caused it. She said it couldve been "some sort of infection" either viral or bacterial.
Important information is that everyone in my house was sick with the cold presenting normal symptoms while my whole body was on fire. Like I couldve had the same virus but my body reacted differently to it. But I'm not a doctor I don't know shit.
Has anyone ever seen this happen in a patient? Does anyone have any theories as to what could have caused this?
submitted by Avidavidoo to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:06 DrDoritosMD [Stargate and GATE Inspired] Manifest Fantasy Chapter 16: Power Play (Part 1)

Author’s Note:
If you enjoy the story so far, please consider upvoting and commenting! These go a long way in helping the story reach a larger audience. (Also, reddit removes all my formatting for some reason so if you want a fully formatted read, check out my story on RoyalRoad)
READ 2 WEEKS AHEAD: Season Finale Chapter 17 is now available for Tier 2 Manifest Fantasy Patrons and higher!
Three, two, one... execute.
Ron peeked around the corner, his M4E1 Carl Gustaf already loaded with standard HEAT rounds. The rest of Alpha Team stacked up behind him or behind Ryan, who was on the other side of the doorway. Through the opening, they could see a nightmarish tangle of webs and egg sacs, with the skittering shapes of Spiranids lurking in the shadows in the far corners of the room.
The Queen was positioned in the center of the room, completely exposed by a cluster of eggs. Henry watched as Ron leveled his Gustaf, taking aim at the Queen while they stayed along the wall to ensure Ron’s backblast was clear. It should have been an easy kill, but a flicker of movement caught Henry’s eye.
A blob of white flew across his vision, smacking into Ron just as he fired his weapon. The thick strands of webbing bypassed Kelmithus’ shielding and wrapped around him, sending him flying back a couple of meters. He landed on his back, his body and launcher completely stuck to the floor by the condensed silk.
Around the same time, the Gustaf’s projectile struck the Queen’s abdomen section. The resulting blast tore through its exoskeleton but was far from a fatal blow. The Queen shrieked, a sound far deeper than Henry expected.
“Fuck!” Ron shouted, struggling to break free from the webbing.
Henry exhaled. They were a man down, but helping him had to wait; the not-dead Queen and its minions took precedence. It would be great if he had another launcher in his own Holding Bag, but that was something he’d have to bring up to Chief Cole later. Henry tossed his grenades into the room, the pops mingling with the screeches of injured Spiranids. Ryan struck simultaneously, throwing his own collection into the mix. Like firecrackers, the explosives were violent but short-lived.
As the chaos subsided, Henry pushed in. Raising his shotgun, he tore through a Spiranid that pounced at him, its carcass smoldering from the white phosphorous. Beside him, Isaac, Ryan, and Dr. Anderson’s shots rang out, tearing through their own sectors of fire.
Almost immediately upon their entry, the Queen surged forward with terrifying speed. It reared its head back like it was about to vomit, mandibles covered in a sick, yellowish color. Henry recognized immediately what it was trying to do. “Acid, move!”
Henry dove away from his previous position, taking a shot at another Spiranid that had taken the opportunity to jump at him while its master was preparing to attack. He narrowly escaped the lethal spray as it jetted toward him. The acid splattered on the ground where they had stood not even a second before, sizzling fiercely as it corroded the thick webbing sprawled across the floor. He noticed as he ran that, rather curiously, the acid was simply puddling on the floor. There was no damage to the floor itself, but if it could tear apart high-quality monster silk just like that, he didn’t want to find out what it could do to an envirosuit.
Henry glanced back after blasting apart his third Spiranid. His teammates were fine – Ryan helping him keep the Queen’s attention, Sera already on her way to Ron, and the others taking care of the smaller Spiranids. He tried to get a quick headcount of how many Spiranids they’d already eliminated. Between their guns, Kelmithus’ magic, and the grenades, he estimated they had killed at least a dozen so far. Solid progress, but the fact that they weren’t able to take out the Queen with their first strike was an issue.
Henry rolled to his left as the Queen pounced on his previous position. It was fucking fast, like a Goliath birdeater but scaled up – and with nasty abilities that really shouldn’t belong on a creature like this. He recovered quickly and took aim, firing point-blank into its thorax. The white phosphorous pellets hissed as they burned into its exoskeleton, forcing it back.
Beside him, Ryan’s shotgun boomed. He struck the Queen’s legs, which seemed to be more fragile than the thick exoskeleton surrounding the head and thorax. The pellets bit into the chitin, likely striking a nerve as evidenced by the leg’s subsequent buckling and collapse. It was a lucky shot – one that he doubted they could repeat four or five more times.
“Sera, use my knife! Here, right here!” Ron called out.
Sera’s sword must’ve been too large to effectively cut through the webbing. They had to hurry up. He and Ryan had been dodging the Queen’s attacks, but mostly by a hair’s breadth. All it took was one lucky hit from the Queen to put them out of commission, possibly for good. “Sera, status on Ron?”
“One minute!” she responded.
Damn. That was one minute later than he’d hoped. Reacting instinctively, Henry noted the Queen raising one of its legs – a sure sign of it preparing for another attack. The Queen struck again, this time cleaving the air with the leg, aiming to corral him into a predictable escape route. As its leg swept through the air, Henry caught sight of the Queen rearing its head back in a grotesque mimicry of a snake about to strike – another acid attack.
Anticipating the monster’s strategy, Henry feinted to the right, a move he hoped would mislead it about his true intentions. As the Queen’s head followed his feint, Henry twisted sharply, scraping against the rough ground. With a powerful push from his legs, he launched backward just as the Queen unleashed its attack.
Acid spewed forth in a wide arc, splattering where he had just been. The corrosive globs almost instantly melted the webbing on the floor, collecting into pools. And there was the second issue. The longer this fight dragged on, the less room they’d have to maneuver.
Henry unloaded into the creature’s compound eyes before tossing a flashbang near its legs. The creature staggered backward, blinded in both its eyes and its sensory hairs. Henry used the precious few seconds he bought to reload his weapon and check up on his team. “Yen, sitrep?”
“Stragglers neutralized; we’re moving to you now.”
Automatic gunfire erupted as Isaac and Dr. Anderson joined the fight against the Queen, dumping their mags on the creature’s head. The 6.8mm seemed to penetrate well, but he could say the same if they fought an elephant; the Spiranid Queen was simply too large for the relatively small caliber rounds to have any effect besides pissing it off.
The Queen lunged again, its legs surrounding him from all sides. There was only one way out, and it was through the belly of the beast. Henry rushed forward, ducking under the Queen’s mandibles as he slid underneath its abdomen. He fired his shotgun as quickly as he could, unloading pellets into the beast’s underbelly. The white phosphorous scorched the softer flesh, drawing a shriek of pain from the massive creature.
As the Queen writhed under the relentless assault, Ryan and the others seized the moment to reload their weapons and reposition. They poured everything they had into the creature’s cephalothorax, bluish ichor oozing from the hundreds of new wounds that they opened up. Yet, it was like chipping away at a mountain – it simply wasn’t enough. The creature thrashed around violently in response; Henry knew it was only a matter of time before it landed a hit on someone.
And land a hit it did. With a terrifying swiftness, one of its massive legs slammed into Henry’s chest, launching him backward. The shield Kelmithus cast on him flickered as it absorbed the brunt of the impact. He crashed into an egg sac by the entrance – its membrane ruptured on impact, drenching him in a sticky, corrosive slime. The sac provided little cushion, and he hit the ground hard, the breath knocked out of him.
Pain flared across Henry’s chest where the Queen’s leg had struck him. Gasping for breath and battling the encroaching blackness in his vision, he instinctively checked his envirosuit. He started with the areas he could see, glancing down at his chest. It was visibly deformed, dented but not quite a gash.
Still intact, thank goodness. No breach, but another hit like that would be disastrous. He breathed a sigh of relief, his chest hurting like hell as he did so. He checked his sides and back. Parts of his suit were covered in slime from the egg sac. It didn’t seem as corrosive as the Queen’s acid, but it was still a hazard. Quickly, he swiped at it, removing as much as possible with his gloved hands to prevent further damage.
He forced himself up, grabbing his shotgun from the floor. The Queen was already barreling toward him, the damn monster not letting up. He didn’t have time to make a run for it; he needed to jump to one side or the other, and the timing needed to be perfect. Just as the Queen’s shadow engulfed him, the air turned icy cold, frost creeping up on his visor.
Ice formed from thin air, spearing up from the ground and piercing through the Queen’s legs. The spikes rooted the beast in place. Not one to waste an opportunity, Henry dashed away from the entrance, firing at the immobilized giant spider as he linked up with the others.
“Sera?” Henry asked again.
Sera’s voice came in strained. “Almost
” Then, with a triumphant shout, she announced the word Henry had been desperate to hear. “Done!”
“Owens!” Henry said, risking a glance back.
Ron had already grabbed his Gustaf and was in the process of loading another HEAT round. “On it!”
Henry grinned. It was a relief, to be sure. With Ron free and back in the fight, the odds had just tipped heavily in their favor. The Queen was tough, but it wasn’t invincible; they just needed an opening.
Given the damage the Queen sustained to its body, Henry couldn’t imagine it being in peak fighting condition. Even in its weakened state, though, it still had the capability to dodge Ron’s attack, and it seemed to be saving its web ability for that very inevitability.
“Take out the legs!” Henry ordered.
They combined their fire on the left legs, since Ryan managed to break one of them earlier. He heard a crack that might’ve been the chitin giving way or the leg snapping, but it was hard to tell. He was just about to chalk it up to the prevailing gunfire around them, but then he saw it: a brief stumble. The Queen recovered quickly, but it was clear to Henry that it wouldn’t be able to manage any more damage to its legs.
Then, he noticed a blur in his peripheral vision to his right, moving so fast his eyes could barely keep up. Shit, he was certain he kept track of the Queen’s movements. With the existing damage to his envirosuit, he’d be completely fucked. He braced himself for another impact, but it never came.
As he focused harder on the blur, he caught a glimpse of a flash of light that could only be one thing – Sera’s sword, And, just like a flash of lightning, she had already cleared the vicinity of the Queen. The Queen’s foreleg seemed to simply vanish, severed so cleanly that it took a moment for the beast to realize what had happened. When it did, it let out a screech of pain, its balance faltering as it tried to adapt to the sudden change.
While Henry focused on taking out another leg from the left side, Sera had already shifted to her next target. Their assault was brutal: white phosphorus pellets and hard-hitting 6.8mm on one side, ice magic and skilled swordsmanship on the other. And to think, they managed to inflict all this damage by the time Ron completed his reload.
“Clear the way!” Ron called out, his Gustaf aimed right at the Queen’s head.
Henry jumped back, watching as Kelmithus conjured another set of ice spikes to root the beast again, in case the five obliterated legs weren’t enough to keep it down. The Queen thrashed against the icy bonds, its remaining legs slashing through the air in a frenzied bid for freedom. It spat acid – a tactic that would’ve worked effectively on most other materials, but instead simply got diluted with the melting ice. Even as the acid reacted with the ice, the spikes held firm, anchoring the beast in place like steel cables.
Henry’s heart pounded in his ears. Come on, Owens, he urged silently. Take the shot.
As if on cue, Ron pulled the trigger. The Gustaf bucked in his hands as the HEAT round streaked towards its target. Henry barely had time to brace himself before the explosion hit, the shockwave slamming into him and nearly toppling him over. He staggered back, gazing into the settling dust.
When the smoke cleared, the Queen’s head was obliterated – replaced by a gory mess of shattered chitin and pulverized flesh. Blood sprayed from the gaping hole, covering the ground in a pale blue hue. The creature’s body convulsed, its remaining legs scrabbling weakly at their surroundings.
A surge of triumph washed over Henry, but it was fleeting. From the corner of his eye, he locked on to a glimpse of movement. One of the Queen’s legs continued to spasmodically jerk around and spray the ground with blue ichor. He raised his shotgun in a nonchalant motion and blasted the errant limb, watching as it shuddered and went still.
Sera stepped up, her sword barely catching the light as she jammed it into what was left of the Queen’s thorax. A sharp twist, and it was over. She then yanked the blade from the carcass, her grip shifting subtly along the hilt. As she flicked the sword, frost swiftly coated the ichor clinging to the metal. The frozen debris was flung off, hitting the ground and shattering like glass.
He glanced down at his Holding Bag. Damn, the fight took out most of his shells. Swapping out his shotgun for his M7, he turned to his team and took stock of their condition. It seemed everyone had mostly gone unscathed, only debris and dirt scarring their envirosuits. Well, except for himself and Ron. “Think we’re gonna have to start calling you pinata now,” Henry said, clapping his friend on the shoulder.
Ron scoffed. “Yeah? Says the runner-up,” he said, tapping the dent on Henry’s envirosuit. “Better ‘pinata’ than ‘roadkill’, though. But seriously, what’s next? Don’t even know where to start.”
The room was empty, save for the debris strewn about and the singular obelisk standing in the center of the room. He didn’t notice it earlier, but as he got closer, he realized that the obelisk emitted a faint light that barely escaped the canopy of webs. He looked it up and down before turning to the others. “Only one place to start. Let’s clear out the webs, see what’s hiding below.”
“Doc, Kel, clear out the eggs. Hayes, Sera, see if the Queen’s got anything useful. Everyone else focus on the webs,” Henry ordered.
Ron drew his knife and started slicing through the dense cobwebs. “Hey, what y’all think the Queen’s Tier is?”
Isaac paused to consider. “Eh, Tier 8, probably. Minotaur boss and Rillifane boss were both Tier 8, so I’d say the spider’s around the same level.”
“Well, the resilience of the specimen isn’t a definitive measure of the Tier,” Dr. Anderson pointed out. “It’s quite possible that we merely had the most suitable tools at hand in this particular encounter.”
“The scholar speaks truly,” Sera agreed. “There is nary a defining criterion; defense is but one of many that are considered by the Guild. Were it so simple, Kelmithus and I would have attained Tier 9 ere now.”
“So, what do you think the Queen is, then? Tier 7 maybe?” Ron asked.
Henry shook his head. Tier 7 didn’t seem accurate. Using his knife to scrape some of the webbing off his glove, he voiced, “Spiranids are weak in general, but are classified as Tier 5 or higher because of their traps, ambush tactics, numbers, and abilities. Archers can use Wind Snipe and mages can use wide-area spellcasting, but they can’t reliably penetrate the exoskeleton’s armor. If anything, this is probably on the lower end of Tier 9.”
“Tier 9, huh?” Isaac muttered.
Sera smiled as she stood back. She stuffed a frost-covered gland into her holding bag and paused from her work as she chimed in, “Hmm
 how keen. I expected nothing less from the first Tier 6 entrants in Eldralore’s history! It shows plain why the Guild did so swiftly raise you.”
“Hah,” Henry chuckled. It was an amusing thought, but
 “Say, ya think we can get to Tier 7 after this?”
Sera’s eyebrows shot up. “Tier 7? A mark of no slight merit. What have you achieved since attaining Tier 6?”
Henry reached to scratch his chin, then cursed softly as his glove thudded against his visor. “Well, we took down a Rillifane pack, a Sentinel Lindwyrm, and now this primal Spiranid Queen. That’s not too shabby, eh?”
“Firm victories,” Sera admitted, “but advancement weighs more than battle alone. The Guild also considers quest difficulty, knowledge gained therefrom, and impact – in other words, glory.”
“The Baranthurian Ruins,” Dr. Anderson blurted, taking the words out of Henry’s mouth. He turned to Kelmithus, who approached them after confirming that the eggs had been cleared out. “Surely, working with the Sanctum Arcanum must be quite the honour. The Guild holds their quests with high esteem, wouldn’t you say?”
Kelmithus nodded, burning a clump of disposed webs on the ground. “True as that may be, advancement oft hinges upon the cumulative experience of dozens of quests.”
“Well, ain’t no small feats for us lately,” Ryan remarked. “The quest to the Baranthurian ruins, what was it, Tier 8? Yeah, that was Tier 8. Sentinel Lindwyrm? Hell, Tier Nine. That there beast?” Ryan pointed his gun at the carcass of the Spiranid Queen. “Tier 9 as well.”
Ron interjected, “Plus we’ve been helping out along the way, like those villagers, and taking on quests others won’t touch. Honestly, the Hardale quest should be pretty weighty too, considering the Nobian shenanigans.”
Sera hummed, mulling over Alpha Team’s experiences. The fact that most of their quests at Tier 6 had essentially been Tier 7 quests or higher in difficulty was probably unheard of in the Guild. Not only that, but they’d been able to complete these difficult quests successfully. Hell, with flying colors, even. That had to count for something.
Henry looked over at Sera, stepping back as he allowed Kelmithus to dispose of the webs that he had cleared out. “So, whaddya think? Based on what we’ve done, you think we got a shot at Tier 7?”
Sera looked up at the ceiling as she weighed her response. “Ehh, you’ve a strong case. Alas, it’s Taldren’s call to make. His favor seems yours, though; I wager he’ll agree.”
Henry grinned. Moving up meant they could have access to more quests. Naturally, that also meant better rewards and in turn, access to some truly magical equipment. “Good to hear. Guess we’ll see to it once we get back to Eldralore. Now, we should probably –”
A soft glow of light gradually lit up the room, interrupting Henry mid-sentence. He squinted, readying his weapon. The light came from the walls and ceiling, illuminating the once-dark chamber. The obelisk, now free of webs, now hummed
 healthily? It wasn’t like he had a manual to tell him if this was a good or bad development, but judging from the facility’s reaction, it must’ve worked.
Henry glanced at his HUD. The temperature readings were rising, too. The icy chill from Kelmithus’ magic rapidly dissipated as the environmental controls kicked in. “Well, looks like we’ve done all we can here. Let’s head back to the containment cell room and see if we can find anything else of interest.”
– – –
Outskirts of GB-2, Grenden Forest
Carvus Alnect Virelius narrowed his gaze toward the brightening sky, his eyes cutting through the retreating mist that had long veiled the forest’s canopy. This unprecedented clarity above the ruins was strange. After centuries cloaked in an impenetrable fog, why did the skies clear now?
The Umber Vicearch’s mind worked like a whetstone, sharpening the fragments of reports from his scouts, cryptic as they were. The recent skirmish, occurring concurrently with the lifting fog, could not be mere happenstance. Regardless of the answer, the unexpected fold presented a welcome complexity to test his mettle.
He set his thoughts aside as the sound of footsteps approached.
“Leuarch Eldreyn reporting, milord,” one of his men said. “We’ve word from Serarch Trelian.”
Carvus gave him a nod to continue.
Eldreyn relayed the news. “The scouts espy traces of battle: a fallen Sentinel Lindwyrm and two carriages left abandoned near the cave’s entrance. The land bears scars from some form of magic, strewn with strange metal tubes and other objects unknown to us. Save for the Lindwyrm, no other bodies are to be found. What are your commands, milord?”
Carvus took a deep breath. No other bodies? Two carriages? That such a formidable creature was felled with no apparent casualties among their ranks suggested a small but extraordinarily capable force. Each member was no doubt Tier 7 at the least. The limited number of carriages implied a party not larger than ten. But
 what could the metal objects mean?
Powerful though they might be, could such a small group withstand his numbers? Carvus entertained the thought briefly. No, direct confrontation would be unwise. The site bore secrets too vital to squander on rash gambles. Better to maneuver them into a position where the only viable option would be to comply with his demands.
“Hold our position, Lornus,” Carvus commanded. While he preferred the safety of their hidden vantage in the forest, the intrigue of Trelian’s findings – the slain Lindwyrm – was too compelling to ignore. “The contents of Trelian’s report compel our own investigation. Lead us, that we might see for ourselves.”
“As you command, milord.”
It was a short walk to the clearing. As they reached the treeline, Carvus held up a hand, signaling his men to halt – they should go no further than the cover of the forest. The aftermath of the battle lay evident before them. The massive form of the Sentinel Lindwyrm sprawled near the far side of the clearing, its outline murky at a distance.
Carvus squinted, adjusting his position slightly for a better view. He felt his jaw drop, a lapse in composure that surprised even him. Yet, who could fault him? The beast lay nearly torn asunder, its massive body riddled with gaping, jagged wounds that no sword or arrow could inflict. Indeed, not even traditional siege weapons or combat spells could inflict such damage.
The destructive capability of fyric powder was well-known to him – he had seen its use in adamantite mines. The wounds on the Lindwyrm, however, spoke of a force of another Tier entirely. Where fyric powder might clear a path through a stubborn boulder, the agent used against the Sentinel Lindwyrm seemed capable of obliterating several boulders at once, perhaps even an entire cliffside.
Turning his attention from the ravaged beast, he scanned the battlefield. Among the chaos, his eyes caught the glint of metal – strange tubes scattered about, all some lighter shade of bronze. The craters were blackened and littered with debris: shards of metal mixed with wires. This was clearly no ordinary skirmish.
He moved closer to the tree line, cautiously examining the unfamiliar objects. The metal tubes bore no resemblance to any weapons known to Nobian forces. However, their presence here implied that somehow, these objects were related to the catastrophic wounds on the Lindwyrm.
Near the cave’s entrance, two metal carriages lay abandoned. Their exteriors were marred by dirt and marked with an array of dents that appeared to be from the Lindwyrm’s armored tail. The carriages, in style and make, aligned with reports of American machines observed by their Umbercari in distant Eldralore. Mounted atop each was a long cylinder. As foreign as they were, he could tell they were weapons – ones capable of unleashing formidable destruction.
Adventurers throughout the ages had ventured here, all repelled by the formidable Lindwyrm that long guarded these grounds. Had it been folly to devote their resources to the conquest of their neighbors, rather than to mastering and exploiting this site? Such questions surpassed his station, yet irrespective of the answers, the Emperor would surely take no pleasure in learning that he had allowed Americans to plunder the Gatebuilder’s secrets.
Carvus turned to Lornus. “Bid our scouts to investigate the cave.” As Leuarch Eldreyn departed to carry out the orders, he beckoned to one of his serarchs. “Bring me one of those metal tubes. I wish to examine it.”
He sat on a rock, watching the light bend around the man’s form until he vanished from sight. The serarch then adjusted the temperature around his body, matching it to that of the forest. Were it not for the subtle shifts in the man’s mana as he held the spells, Carvus would have surely lost track of him.
The serarch made his way forth, passing through the trees and into the clearing beyond. With haste, he seized upon one of the tubes that lay scattered about, and then, as quick as he had come, he turned and made his way back to the forest’s edge. When at last he returned, Carvus stood up and held out his hand.
The tube, lighter than its solidity might have portended, was chill to the touch and was marked by a patina that showed clear signs of bending. He tried to bend it with his fingers, but the metal resisted. Even when he used magic to strengthen himself, it yielded naught but scant impression. What could have possibly moved the metal?
Looking closely, he noticed that the metal wasn’t bronze, as he had first thought. Though bearing a hue akin to bronze, it was of a kind unfamiliar to him. The surface was engraved with American script – characters and sequences that held little meaning to him. Yet, to deem the letters ‘engraved’ would be to err; it was as if they were imprinted with a craftsmanship nary a smith could rival.
He turned it over in his hands, his eyes drawn to a circular groove near the base. Examining both ends, Carvus noted the open end was distorted as if a great force had expelled something from within – an insight into his previous question. The other end was sealed, marked by a small, precise indentation. He held it up, aligning it with a similarly sized hole in a nearby tree.
This was no common weapon. As a trebuchet releases its load, so too must this tube have hurled its own projectile. It gave him an idea. What if one were to use an adamantite tube with fyric powder, place a keen arrowhead atop, and ignite the mixture below? Would it rival a standard Wind Snipe combined with physical enhancement magic?
Carvus’ thoughts were interrupted by someone calling out to him. “Milord.”
“Hm?” He looked up, finding the face of Leuarch Franus. “What is it, Martano?”
He hesitated, as if second-guessing his words. “The
 The Lindwyrm
 The men grow restless, milord. They wish to claim the spoils of this battle – the Sentinel Lindwyrm’s materials are prized in many a lore. And these carriages, would it not profit us to salvage what we can? They may hold more secrets – or riches.”
He turned the leuarch’s words over in his mind as he would a well-worn coin. In truth, the idea held merit. Even the smallest measure of a Lindwyrm’s blood was a treasure beyond compare – to say nothing of the other materials, sought after by alchemists and smiths alike. That the Americans had forgone harvest was a curious thing indeed. Could it be that they were ignorant of the creature’s true worth? Or perhaps, had they found something more valuable?
And then there were the carriages, gleaming in the sun like ripe fruit waiting to be plucked. If they could but glean some understanding of how the Americans had so deftly slain a beast of the Lindwyrm’s standing, it would surely prove a boon to the Empire’s own martial pursuits. Perhaps, armed with such knowledge, they might at last gain the upper hand against the accursed Sonarans.
Carvus cast his gaze once more upon the clearing, then turned to face Martano. “Aye,” he said. “Let it be so.”
Yet, as he made to step forth, a low, droning sound beckoned his attention – a buzzing hum that seemed to come from everywhere and nowhere at once. The unfamiliar noise compelled him to halt. He raised his hand, stopping his men as he searched for the noise. He tilted his head skyward, squinting as he beheld a strange sight: a winged thing hanging in the air above the clearing, like an animal circling its prey. As the sunlight reflected off its surface, it became evident to him that this was no creature of flesh, but a machine – much like the metal carriages.
“Hold,” Carvus ordered. “We dare not venture forth.”
Martano stepped forward, doubt and confusion etched across his face. “But, milord, if we shroud ourselves in invisibility, surely they cannot see us.”
Carvus shook his head. “Nay; recall the umbercari we sent to infiltrate the Duke’s mansion. They, too, thought themselves hidden, yet were somehow discovered. We know not what sorcery that flying machine might possess, and we cannot risk exposing ourselves.”
Before Martano could respond or venture any further protest, the scouts returned, led by Serarch Trelian. The search bowed his head before providing his report, “Milord, the cave lies empty, and the Lindwyrm’s nest remains untouched. We discovered footprints leading to a great sealed door, which we believe to be the entrance to the ruins.”
Carvus nodded. The Americans had ventured forth and left the loot behind for a reason. He thought back to a fortress that the Empire once sacrificed to encircle the forces of the now-conquered Kingdom of Durenelle. “So be it. Let us abandon these lesser spoils. As our adversaries have forgone these spoils in pursuit of greater gains, so must we sacrifice Straltus.”
submitted by DrDoritosMD to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 18:03 knockingatthegate Call for subs: Folk horror from the Asian diaspora

Call for subs: Folk horror from the Asian diaspora
SILK & SINEW seeks to tease forth folk horror rooted in the experience of the Asian Diaspora. From lengths of muscle and vein, ground bones, endless ropes of sinew it is with our bodies folk horror is woven.
The history of Asian immigrants and their descendants in regions of the former colonial powers has often been obscured. Our presences and experiences, either go unrecognized, are deemed unimportant, or are regarded with derision. In still other cases, we are akin to an interesting collectable obtained during vacation, discovered, owned, and assigned a shelf for display. For many, immigration has been propelled by war, poverty, and political upheaval either directly produced or coalesced as a by-product of Western Colonialism.
Old sins, dark magic, twisted rituals, and beliefs seep forth again refusing to be ignored. The expansive continent of Asia contains myriads of such stories from impossibly ancient roots. But what does “the land” in folk horror mean for people of the Asian Diaspora? It is in the bodies of Asian immigrants and their descendants which the Folk Horror concept of land is carried, intertwined with flesh, an invisible thread of sorrow, fury, and longing, wordlessly weaving into the tapestry of our identities. If Folk Horror is about what is hidden within the land, for the Asian Diaspora, our bodies are the fertile soil of buried sorrow and sacrifice, for we carry it in our very DNA. A tapestry that connects us to the past, our ancestors, our present, and our future. Stories unique to our cultures and experiences as part of and intermixture of Western culture; the intersection of East and West, rooted both in the home left behind/of our ancestors and the home ahead, in our experiences of the present, our hopes of the future. A haunting at the intersection of the past rearing forth into the present (think Iris Shim’s film Umma) in sinister ways.
From the porcelain doll in imperial regalia, silent and shelved; the fetishization of Asian women’s bodies; the tragedy of a silk-moth forever pursuing the moon; a child who loses memory of their family upon taking a Westernized name; or the festering wartime shame passed from mother to daughter. What things could be dug up from our fleshy earth? What horrors to behold? What terrible beauty?
The anthology will be broken into segments bringing home the concept of “the body-as-land”: Soil Roots Bedrock Estuary Air. The editors indicate that stories should be rooted in the concept of Folk Horror derived from the body-as-land of the Asian Diaspora. What this means is up to each writer's interpretation but should stay true to the project description above. All stories should be horrospeculative fiction. The editor expresses a preference for moody, horrific beauty/ beautiful horrors, deep meaningful stories, poignant themes, exposing truths, and strong voice: "I love work that straddles the literary line."
Length: 3000-5000 words Pay: 5 cents/ word Opens June 1: Priority submission window for South Asian diaspora writers June 8-30: Submission window for ALL Asian diaspora writers (capped at 300 submissions)
ONLY when subs open (any work sent earlier will not be read) send work as an attachment to [](
Please include in the body of the email:
  1. Which segment you feel the story fits under (Soil/Roots/Bedrock/Estuary/Air)
  2. Your preferred pronouns
  3. A short (100 word) bio
submitted by knockingatthegate to IndiePublishing [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:24 adriancha En vivo modo carrera pes efootball 24 UEFA Champions League Real Madrid Barcelona Manchester city

En vivo modo carrera pes efootball 24 UEFA Champions League Real Madrid Barcelona Manchester city
En vivo modo carrera pes efootball 24 UEFA Champions League Real Madrid Barcelona Manchester citymadyline24zpScarlett SalazarCĂ©sar Arturo RamosMi Madre me Hecho de Casa hace 2 Años por su Novio Historias de Reddit #reddit margiela! Watchtimetony pedrozaopelouroporque me duele el cuello4batzmarc marquez caida jerezisla de perrosgreen bookNATANAEL CANO BZRP Music Sessions#59 gabito Ballesteros boss Corridos Tumbados Bizarrap pesoplumaÂĄBAYERN LE DA LA VUELTA! Kane, de PENAL Arsenal 1-2 Bayern UEFA Champions League 2023/24 - 4tosinterstellarIndia vs England San Francisco 49ers Colorado Capital market Patriots vs Dolphins Christopher Walken Tyreek Hill Simone Biles Ybor City Washington Commanders Eagles Manchester United Brandon Allen PSG AC Milan Patrick Mahomes Pittsburgh Steelers Gwen Gwiz Gatita Yan Waifumia Kissa Sins Hidori Rose Tru Kait Candy Love Solomia Maievska Kiko Baka Aria Lee Kaylen Ward Mia Melano Dani Daniels Alex Mucci Holly Brougham Sonja Morgan LittleAngelph Sara Jay Ava Addams Rachel Cook Leolulu Eliza Rose Watson Sydney Cole Amanda Trivizas Rae Lil Black Paige Spiranac Neringa Kriziute Sommer Ray Lady Fyre Tanya Bahtina Alice Redlips Anne WĂŒnsche horny Michelle Rabbit Sydney Sweeney Fran Ramme Bella Rayee Avery Cristy Skylar Mae Jade Teen Lindsey Love Kira Noir Solazola Jameliz Blake Blossom Macy Meadows Belle Delphine Alinity Amouranth Abella Danger Sophia Leone Chloe Lamb Elle Brooke me1adinha Valentina Nappi Jewelz Blu April Hills Reislin Its Nicki Babe Miss Alexa Pearl Kalinka Fox Catarina Paolino Angela White Cardi B erotic Corinna Kopf Nyla Lueeth Okaylaa Olivia Culpo OMGcosplay oxdessyxo Paige VanZant Passionite PeachJars Peachtot Peyzki Photoshoot Photoshoots Pia Bunny Pink Sparkles Piper Blush Playboy Pnkysparkles Pokimane Pokket Polish PAWG Popular Categories Porn Star Positive Smash Pussy Riot p_dandy Qimmah Russo QTsnack Quqco Rachel Cook Rai Blue Realskybri Rebecca Ellie Reya Sunshine Rihanna Riley Riley Reid Risi Simms RLrunescapeGF Sabrina Danielle Sabrina Leamon Sabrina Nichole Sabrina Vaz Sam Paige Sandra Popa Sanne Vloet Sara Ames Sara Jay Sara Jean Underwood Sasha Foxxx Savannah Montano Sayvi Scarlett Nior Secretary G Selena Gomez Selti Seltin Sweet Sendnudesx Serareann Sexy Pictures Sex Tapes Shagmag Shanaya Abigail shanrozay1 Shaylie Mount Shoe0nhead Shunli amouranth leaked britney spears nude kkvsh sextape japanese adult video first time anal videos free ass this will make you cum big dick bitch full naked sex best porn squirting pussy girls sucking teen xxx hd leaks corinna kopf addison rae para adultos nice women cumming family LegendaryLea Lele Pons Lena The Plug Lety Does Stuff Lexi Hart Lexi2legit Lia Marie Johnson Lilbabysasha Lilchiipmunk Lilmochidoll lilsummerhoe Liquidpyro Lisa ASMR Livstixs Lizzy Wurst Liz Katz Lucifersexdoll Luxury Girl Mackenzie Jones mackzjoness Madison Beer Main Categories Maitland Ward Makoshake Malu Trevejo Mangomay Maria Bella Mari Grace matildem Mati Marroni Mayana Katherine Megan Guthrie Megan McCarthy Megan Rain Megan Samperi meggyeggo Megnutt02 Meg Turney Mekkk Melina Goransson MeowVicka Meowycake Meryl Sama Mia Khalifa Mia Malkova Micaela Schafer Michelle Rabbit Mikaela Pascal Mikaela Testa Miley Cyrus MissBuscemi MissSykeology MissyPwns Miss Alice Miss Bo MizzyCyn Molly Eskam Momokun Momotama Monica Corgan Moon Maison Morgan Vera Morgpie Moriah Mills MsFiiire Mspuiyi mutanastasia Nadia Jay Nadya Tolokonnikova Nagisake Naked Bakers Nala Ray Narduchita Natalie Gibson Natalie Roush Neiva Mara Neonpuddles Nicki Minaj Nicole Lawson Nicolle Off Grid Nikki Eliot Nipple Slips Noel Leon Novaruu Nylalueeth

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Summers Lena Paul Jessica Nigri Avery Cristy Hidori Rose Julia Tica Yanet Garcia Nicole Aniston Sydney Cole Sofia Gomez Its Nicki Babe Sonja Morgan Karely Ruiz Mackzjones Pokimane Pamibaby Fran Ramme Neringa Kriziute Jade Teen Blake Blossom sexy Adriana Chechik Bella Thorne Gatita Yan Seltin Kate Kuray Tommie Jo Lauren Alexis Frances Bentley Coconut Kitty Catarina Paolino hot Lady Fyre Tru Kait Emily Willis Lexi Lore Disharmonica Janice Griffith erotic Malu Trevejo Eliza Rose Watson Nata Lee Gia Derze Jessie Rogers Paige Spiranac Magui Ansuz Lulu Chu Sweetie Fox Kaylen Ward Elsa Jean Jameliz Alana Rose Sophie Turner Kendra Lust Amouranth Kira Noir Ivy Lebelle Rocksy Light Michelle Rabbit Kalinka Fox Alex Mucci Riley Reid Princess Helayna Sophia Leone Anne WĂŒnsche Lana Rhoades horny Alina Lopez Sonya Blaze Valentina Nappi Cherie Deville Alexa Pearl Emily Rinaudo Iris Adamsone Amanda Trivizas JasminX Alinity Mandy Muse lewd Layla Lollipop Luxury Girl Waifumia Erotic Medusa Gabbie Carter Ava Addams Gina Valentina Lamar Chairez Alice Redlips Levi Coralynn maplemistyx Mia Malkova Cory Chase Nala Fitness Hana Bunny Makoshake Niamh Velvet Leticia Shirayuki Miss Alexa Pearl Bella Rayee Emmy Corinne Kourtney Love Corinna Kopf Goddess Angelina Rachel Cook April Hills therealbrittfit Dani Daniels Alexandra Daddario Erica Mena LittleAngelph DickForLily Maru Karv Mini Diva Mackenzie Jones Daisy Keech Candy Love Elly Clutch Solazola Indigo White Morgpie Jewelz Blu nsfw Amirah Dyme Helly Valentine Mohamed Salah New York Giants Maguire Liverpool F.C. Atlanta Falcons Pep Guardiola Bristol Airport Mario Balotelli Mine reclamation Chandler Bing Aston Villa F.C. Adam Hohnson FC Twente Time Richard Dunne New Orleans Saints Taiwo Awoniyi AFC Ajax Luis Diaz Everton F.C. Manchester United F.C. Shami Erling Haaland Luton Town F.C. Pumpkin Luis DĂ­az Jets - 3 Sunday Eintracht Frankfurt David Moyes Heritage Classic Real Betis BalompiĂ© Friends Daylight savings Mats Hummels Pickleball Geoff Shreeves Philadelphia Eagles Dallas Cowboys Trade union Liverpool vs Nottm Forest West Ham vs Everton Paris

Saint-Germain F.C. Aston Villa vs Luton Town Morgan Gibbs-White Tennessee Titans Saturday Night Live Green Bay Packers New England Patriots Quebec Dell Premier League Ybor Romelu Lukaku Christopher Walken New York Jets Nottingham Forest F.C. TIM Inter Milan Juventus Onana PSV Pittsburgh Steelers Matthew Perry Ice hockey Trevejo Megnut Amouranth HannahOwO Corinna Kopf Megnutt Bhad Bhabie Katie Sigmond Alinity Lauren Alexis Vicky Stark Sky Bri Bella Thorne Hot4Lexi Katiana Kay Christina Khalil Mackenzie Jones victoryaxo mati marroni megnut corinnakopf sarii sariixo matildem belledelphine Juanitabelle astridwett snackychan blahgigi eslababy lenatheplug chlobattercake pami jailyneojeda fwtina shalt emilina Blahgigi pami kkvsh lenatheplug Corinnakopf lexi2legit hot4lexi amouranth matimarroni sariixo elsababy sahlt bgk.24 bgk24 jaadenkyrelle kendrakarter fwtina tina_042 emilina astridwett nickiibaby victoryaxo juanita belle emma magnolia neiva mara lilianahearts utahjaz natalie roush jezzixo hot4lexi lexi2legit brittanya razavi victoryaxo veronica perasso annabelladoe lily kawaii tru kait lena the plug violet myers futureexwife nickiitheboss rubi rose mikaela fuente bratzmon kaybooz wetkitty veronica perasso sendnudesx violet summers bambi doe autumn falls stella brooks vietbunny kazumisquirts skybri kristen hancher bellamay queendreaaaa angela white violet myers mia monroe octokuro autumnren eva menta jaaden kyrelle izzy green maria gjieli aubree rene taste of heave Missbo Daniella Chavez Liliana Hearts Candy Love Nicole Aniston Kissa Sins Elsa Jean Malu Trevejo Leolulu Kate Kuray April Hills Adriana Chechik Princess Helayna Goddess Angelina Ivy Lebelle Maru Karv Solazola LittleAngelph Belle Delphine Eliza Rose Watson baby caroline Alexis Texas Melissa Debling Sydney Sweeney Lauren Alexis Hana Bunny Emmy Corinne Nata Lee horny Eva Elfie Iris Adamsone Ariana Gray Tru Kait Sophie Turner therealbrittfit Sky Bri Ava Addams Pia Mia JasminX Amouranth Its Nicki Babe Cardi B Kira Noir Neringa Kriziute Gatita Yan Claudia Rivier DanyanCat

Erica Mena Jade Teen Alinity Alexia Rae Bryce Adams Serenity Cox Nala Fitness Sweetie Fox Tessa Fowler DickForLily Violet Myers Jessie Rogers Lady Fyre Gina Valentina Lulu Chu Mia Melona Anny Walker Eliza Ibarra Blac Chyna Frances Bentley Magui Ansuz maplemistyx Naomi Soraya Corinna Kopf Elena Kamperi Michelle Rabbit Seltin Skylar Mae Alina Lopez Mandy Muse Ploy Tiger Elly Clutch Valentina Nappi Makoshake Riley Reid Lana Rhoades Pamibaby Sonja Morgan Rachel Cook Mary Nabokova Helly Valentine Elle Brooke Alina Becker Utah Jazz Miss Alexa Pearl Coconut Kitty Mackzjones Cory Chase Macy Meadows Kiko Baka Avery Cristy Lexi Lore Tanya Bahtina Catarina Paolino Alexis Fawx Gwen Gwiz Emily Willis Mini Diva catkitty21 Shaiden Rogue Mila Sobolov Hidori Rose Cherie Deville Rae Lil Black Rocksy Light Mia Malkova Melody Marks Cece Rose Mia Melano Alana Rose Waifumia Alexa Pearl Lindsey Love Sydney Cole Alex Mucci Lisa Ann Canela Skin Morgpie Amanda Trivizas Reislin Skylar Vox Levi Coralynn Alice Redlips Leticia Shirayuki Skylar Blue Erotic Medusa Danika Mori Karely

Ruiz Lamar Chairez Dani Daniels Tommie Jo me1adinha Kaylen Ward lewd Sonya Blaze Lily Lou Yanet Garcia IrisGW Love Lilah Kendra Lust Violet Summers Abella Danger Jessica Nigri Kourtney Love Gabbie Carter Bella Rayee Alexis Lust Bella Thorne Sommer Ray Megan Rain Jameliz Paige Spiranac nsfw sexy Blake Blossom Liya Silver Julia Tica Jem Wolfie Sophia Leone Pokimane Angela White Niamh Velvet Valkcy Emily Rinaudo Amirah Dyme Bella Rayee Noturhoneybb Indigo White Layla Lollipop Solomia Maievska Janice Griffith Chloe Lamb Karlee Grey Gia Derze Anne WĂŒnsche Kalinka Fox Daisy Keech Disharmonica Savannah Bond Holly Brougham Mia Khalifa Lena Paul Lauren Burch Alexandra Daddario hot Mary Burke Fran Ramme Mackenzie Jones Luxury Girl erotic Leah Gotti Mikaylah Lily Shaw Sara Jay Aria Lee Jewelz Blu Emma Hix Sofia Gomez TIM Heritage Classic Everton F.C. Nottingham Forest F.C. Premier League AFC Ajax Chandler Bing Geoff Shreeves Luis DĂ­az Bristol Airport New England Patriots Shami Ybor Real Betis BalompiĂ© Taiwo Awoniyi Aston Villa vs Luton


Town Eintracht Frankfurt Green Bay Packers Manchester United F.C. New Orleans Saints Mats Hummels Daylight savings Friends Dallas Cowboys Aston Villa F.C. Onana Time Trade union Philadelphia Eagles Pickleball Atlanta Falcons Mohamed Salah Saturday Night Live Paris Saint-Germain F.C. Dell Matthew Perry PSV Morgan Gibbs-White Pumpkin Pep Guardiola Romelu Lukaku Liverpool F.C. Ice hockey New York Giants West Ham vs Everton New York Jets Inter Milan Adam Hohnson Luton Town F.C. Juventus Tennessee Titans Maguire Luis Diaz Pittsburgh Steelers David Moyes Sunday Erling Haaland Christopher Walken Mario Balotelli Quebec FC Twente Jets - 3 Liverpool vs Nottm Forest Mine reclamation Richard Dunne Bella Rayee Noturhoneybb Violet Myers Mary Nabokova Alexia Rae April Hills Pokimane Catarina Paolino Julia Tica Leticia Shirayuki Alexa Pearl Kaylen Ward Amanda Trivizas Amirah Dyme Mini Diva Mary Burke Cory Chase Princess Helayna Makoshake Luxury Girl Maru Karv LittleAngelph Kourtney Love Kate Kuray Eliza Rose Watson Gwen Gwiz Frances Bentley

Love Lilah Alexis Fawx Miss Alexa Pearl Valkcy Anne WĂŒnsche Naomi Soraya Abella Danger Janice Griffith Kissa Sins Lauren Alexis therealbrittfit erotic Holly Brougham Seltin Disharmonica Leolulu Belle Delphine Coconut Kitty Elly Clutch Nala Fitness Mia Malkova Emma Hix Pia Mia Candy Love Malu Trevejo hot Gia Derze Solazola IrisGW Macy Meadows Skylar Mae Shaiden Rogue Alana Rose Nicole Aniston Sophia Leone Lexi Lore Claudia Rivier Kalinka Fox Amouranth Sommer Ray Valentina Nappi Lindsey Love Ava Addams Rae Lil Black lewd Jessica Nigri Sara Jay Layla Lollipop Its Nicki Babe DanyanCat Erotic Medusa Mackzjones Jewelz Blu JasminX Sonja Morgan Adriana Chechik Jem Wolfie Lamar Chairez Mandy Muse Alexis Lust Savannah Bond Elena Kamperi Emmy Corinne Mila Sobolov Aria Lee horny Alex Mucci Sonya Blaze Jessie Rogers me1adinha Niamh Velvet Chloe Lamb baby caroline Nata Lee Mikaylah Fran Ramme Magui Ansuz Angela White Alexandra Daddario Anny Walker Dani Daniels Riley Reid Utah Jazz Tru Kait Sydney Sweeney Lauren Burch sexy Lana Rhoades Solomia

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submitted by adriancha to YoutubePromotionn [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:17 One_Cartographer9178 Rape by older brother for 7 years

So I was raped by my older brother who is 3 years older than me and he would rape me every Sunday and 2 weeks per months when ours parents wouldn’t be there there’s was a lot of manipulation among the single act of rape there’s was other thing like physical abuse , blackmail , would manipulate me to expose photos of me to his friends ,he would force me to smoke , drink alcohol , do sexual thing without the act itself , would force me to clean the whole mess he would make after raping me , would force me to do a lot of more things that I can’t really remember but like kissing, touching me , forcing to touch him , etc there’s one time when he was going to make me pregnant literally by him fault but hopefully this time I was more grown up and managed narrowly to avoid the thing To be clear It was when I was 8 that everyhting start and finish when I was 15 the thing is dĂ©piste the absolutely HELL he has make me lived , he has ruined my childhood entirely , my life cause now I have CPTSD , depression and beside Bpd and now my life is hell because of that but I remember one time he has gone trough my phone and the morning when I wake up I found a note of him saying how sorry he was for everyhting that he was just a kid wanting to know his body and that he want the best for me and everything But the thing is despit everything I have a great relathionship with him now we laugh so much and everyhting just like regular sister and brother but I don’t really understand how I can have empathy , compassion and just be normal with him after everything he has done he has literally ruin my life I had to quit school and everyhting so it’s been so tough but I don’t understand how can I manage to be normal with him is it normal ? I just need explanation
submitted by One_Cartographer9178 to rapecounseling [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:13 abjinternational Selena Gomez reflects on newfound 'freedom' following revealing bipolar diagnosis in TODAY interview

Selena Gomez reflects on newfound 'freedom' following revealing bipolar diagnosis in TODAY interview submitted by abjinternational to newslive [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 17:07 gnassar Puppy breathing staggered - potential intestinal blockage?

Hello there,
There is some backstory to this that I couldn't figure out how to include in the title, please bear with me:
About 4 days ago we realized Watson was breathing very rapidly at rest. We live in a very cold place, it had just started warming up, and his coat is the longest it's ever been, so we assumed that he was just too hot (23-26 Celsius in some rooms of the house) and booked an appointment with the groomer to get him a trim.
He was still eating and drinking normally, urinating normally, gums were pink, I think he might have been having less bowel movements but I'm unsure because we brought him over to my girlfriend's parents for the better part of the two days after noticing this (and he roams their large backyard with their two dogs), so he might have had many or 0 bowel movements over there, I also felt his stomach and it felt normal. His behavior this whole time was mostly normal (maybe a little bit subdued, but I assumed it was because he was tired from hanging out with his uncles so much). For the sake of the timeline, this is all that happened the first 2 of 4 days (day 4 being today).
Yesterday around 5am he woke us up because he was trying to throw up. He heaved a few times, and nothing ended up coming up other than white foam. He seemed to recover quickly from this, and we went back to bed. I told my girlfriend that if he was still exhibiting any weird symptoms in the morning I would take him to the vet.
Woke up later that morning, and he seemed back to normal. His breathing had slowed down to a normal rate, he ate his breakfast, I took him on a walk in the morning and he was behaving totally normal. He also passed a "good" stool (firm, solid normal color) on our walk. We got home and I went to pick up old his stools from our yard (routine after a walk) when I noticed an unusual one (that had to have been within the last 24h, exactly when I'm not sure as we let him out often while we are getting ready for work/bed/otherwise unable to watch him).
The stool I found had a bunch of tape coiled up inside of it, which I remembered had been a loose strand of tape that was sitting on my desk that he must have pulled off and eaten (uncoiled, the kind of tape where you have to peel the bottom off to expose the sticky side). We hadn't had an issue with him eating things that aren't food in a long time so I let my guard down.
It all started making sense, I thought that he must have been in pain/discomfort from eating the tape which explained the heavy breathing for the couple of days until he passed it in his stool. Since he was mostly back to normal I thought nothing of it.
Starting last night and continuing to this morning I noticed that his breathing, although much slower and normal rate-wise, has changed to be a much deeper, staggered breathing. I don't know how to describe this other than staggered, maybe staged? He will inhale about 60% of the breath initially, then 30% more, then the last 10%. His mouth is closed while he's doing this (sleeping/resting the times that I have noticed it). Google has been woefully unhelpful in looking this up (probably because I have no idea what the kind of breathing is actually called)).
At this point I'm concerned that there is still some tape stuck in his guts somewhere. The piece that he ate was quite long, and I didn't extract/unravel it from inside his stool to see how much of it had come out there, but nor could I find any remnants of un-eaten tape anywhere. Is this kind of seemingly labored breathing characteristic of a blockage, and should I be concerned?
I'm hesitant to go to the vet right away because
A. I've taken Watson there probably 10 times for minor issues, every time I have they do the exact same checks that I mentioned above (feel his stomach, check gums, behaviour, eating and bowel regularity) and then send us off almost with an air of like "you guys need to relax he will be fine"
B. With the above in mind, it isn't exactly cheap
Reasons I think he does not have a blockage: -His most recent stool was a good one -His eating habits are the same -His behavior is normal
Reasons I think he might still have a blockage: -His breathing?? Not sure if this is indicative of anything because as I mentioned, google no help this -The timeline of his dry-heaving in the morning doesn't add up for me. I don't know for sure, but I'm pretty positive that the stool with the tape in it happened the night before the dry-heaving, so why would he dry-heave if the blockage had already been excreted. He has not tried to throw up, or anything similar since. -He has always coughed more than your average dog (he loves eating quickly and then chasing that down with big gulps of water), but he has been coughing a bit "deeper" this last day or so? This could be me worrying, but thought I would mention
Looking for advice on what to do, and if these symptoms are indicative of anything or if I'm just being my normal hypochondriac self :/
Thank you for your time.
submitted by gnassar to AskVet [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:50 shitty-web What age should a child have access to the internet?

I saw a post the other day that said something along the lines of; "You are not giving your child access to the world, you are giving the world access to your child." Along with it was an image of a little bastard scrolling on a smart phone. Even though the post or the words didn't really resonate with me, it did incept the idea into my consistently firing brain of mine. When should humans, as a society, collectively introduce the internet to our offspring? And at what age is considered responsible enough for the crazy shit they are about to have access to??
Before any of you decide to start commenting or putting your two cents into this issue, let me give you the run down of how it's going so far.
I was with a girl for almost two years and she had a small child. She would let her child watch cartoons on her iPhone while she did some chores around the house. I watched this small little baby, barely two years old with his little finger, skip a YouTube video in order to get back to his cartoons. That fucked me up. This kid couldn't form a sentence but could recognize that something was delaying his interaction with a show, on a screen and how to actionably use your body to make your show come back on. This to me, is too far.
I completely understand as parents, especially a single one, you have to constantly find creative ways to keep your child entertained. You can't always engage with your child and any parent needs some relief. It's so much more convenient to hand over the iPad or Galaxy phone and let them go to town. It keeps them engaged for hours, they seem to be having fun and you can move on with your day.
I am an all around digital marketing professional. I understand how just about everything works when it comes to anything online. Would I personally intentionally give a small child a smart device to play around on? FUCK NO! It's already a FACT that most games and apps aimed at children are just straight dopamine creating factories to get a child addicted to the interaction so that EVENTUALLY they will ask the parent or guardian if they can spend REAL MONEY on this in order to elevate their online experience! I'm talking only mobile games and apps, not console games, those are basically harmless.
Or the twelve year old girls that get an Instagram account and strive to be an influencer because they think it's job security for the future?? Yes, that really happens! A child can easily get on to any social media account without anyone knowing or lying about their age to get access, all because they have had a smart device since they were little and know how to use it efficiently. I look at smart devices as ADULT devices. I've never looked at smart phones as any kind of child entertaining device. The blue light that radiates off the screen alone is extremely harmful to developing eyes.
I don't want to stray away from my point too much. Giving any small human a smart device at a young age exposes them to so much information, plenty of ad targeting and algorithms to keep them engaged which may shift their personality permanently. Along side with mental illnesses that arises from long term interaction with social media apps and bullying online.
I know we will never be able to completely shield children from the harsh realities of the world. There are too many access points to unlimited amounts of information. Hell, I was looking at rotten dot com when I was like, twelve. Kids will always find a way to get what they want, especially if they want it bad enough. A desktop computer and a laptop are more different than a smart phone. At least then you have some control over what a child can do and restrict some stuff online. With a smart phone or devices, I feel that even if you try to restrict access to it and certain apps, it doesn't work. I've tried putting a device on child mode, the child freaks the fuck out because they no longer can just download apps at will! It's too handy and too convenient. It's too easy to conceal and hide, yet, it is the most powerful thing that humans have ever had just sitting in their pockets.
You can drink when you are 21, you can legally drive at 16, enlist in the army at 18 so at what age or time in life, do you think a human being, is capable of responsibly and morally able to handle the complete and complex access to the world and all of it's fuckery? In hopes, to drown out the illnesses and disfunctions that have surfaced over the past twenty years of early and long term smart phone users? Because this shit right here, in the present, is not working out anymore.
submitted by shitty-web to u/shitty-web [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:38 Imagen-Breaker GT9 Rewrite Part 14.4 - Older Scenes

Part 14.3

Heracles VS Lernaean Hydra

Author Note: I was thinking about it and I really wish that GT9 used more draconic symbolism throughout the story when (or if) I revisit Team Crowley VS Rosencreutz I'll have symbolism of Aleister (TheBeast666), Aiwass (Codename: DRAGON) and Coronzon (The Dragon of the Abyss) all have symbology of them being Dragons preying on a God/Hero like CRC and the reversed conflict of Chaos VS Order you see in mythology, I also wanted to achieve something similar with Kakine Teitoku as he can represent the Fallen Angel and the Seraphim but for now I'll try adding draconian symbolism into Gunha VS CRC.
True Expert Christian Rosencreutz, with his golden rosy cross sword, clashed relentlessly against the indomitable force of the Strongest Gemstone, Sogiita Gunha. With each clash of their powers, the air crackled and compressed, and the pavement trembled beneath.
CRC, observed Sogiita with a mixture of intrigue and disdain. "You fight like the legendary Heracles," he remarked, his voice carrying over the din of battle. "But know this, I am the Lernaean Hydra, and no matter how many heads you sever, I shall always rise again!" Rosencreutz roared to slice the #7’s midsection.
Sogiita, his entire body wreathed in unknowable energy, met CRC's blade unyielding. "Bring it on, old man!" he retorted, his voice brimming with confidence. "I'll knock you down as many times as it takes! I won't stop till you come to your senses and remember your roots, like the roses you love so much, Rosencreutz!!"
Their clash intensified, that old man’s higher dimensional sword colliding with the raw power of that boy’s fists and kicks as they pushed each other to their limits with each sword swing, punch, kick and flash.
Sogiita unleashed a barrage of punches, each strike carrying the force of a meteor, while that silver young man countered: he wielded his sword in his right hand and released impacts followed by white light that was enough to previously take down all of The Bridge Builders Cabal.
As the battle raged on, the very fabric of reality seemed to warp and shift around them, bearing witness to the titanic struggle between two unparalleled forces.
The founder of Rosicrucianism who intimidated reality itself to obey his will and that Gemstone with an unstable personal reality that could change on a whim.
The atmosphere crackled with electrifying distortion.
Sogiita's fists tore through the air with the ferocity of meteors, their velocity enhanced by his ability to adapt and accelerate, surpassing even CRC's speed. As each blow was released, the friction with the surrounding air molecules ignited a scorching heat, intensifying the impact.
The rapid movement of molecules generated an escalating thermal energy, causing the air to seethe with increasing temperature. It was akin to a tempest of incandescent projectiles hurtling towards CRC, their speed surpassing the limits of human perception.
It was like a storm of brilliant fiery arrows was fired at Rosencreutz.
These blazing arrows of force were reminiscent of the elusive strikes employed by the Rose & Cross Leader, ignoring distance with deceptive agility.
With each thunderous punch, that bandana boy sought to overpower his adversary through sheer kinetic force, his unwavering resolve palpable in every motion.
But that wasn't enough for this superhuman.
CRC, wielding his cross sword with precision and skill, deflected each and every one Sogiita's flaming arrows with calculated strikes of his own. Each impact unleashed a burst of blinding white light, sending shockwaves rippling through the chaotic city.
"You think brute strength alone will defeat me?" the silver man taunted, his voice cutting through the chaos of battle. "You may be strong, but strength without strategy is nothing but raw power wasted."
Sogiita grinned, his confidence unshaken. "Strategies for cowards who can't handle a real fight," he retorted, his voice ringing with defiance. "I'll K.O. you with my fists and guts alone!!!!"
Rosencreutz's eyes narrowed as he parried another of Sogiita's punches. "Your arrogance will be your downfall," he warned, his tone tinged with certainty. "I may not match your overall speed, but I have something you lack: intellect and precision.”
Christian Rosencreutz then plunged his cross sword into the ground.
"This is what harmed Kamijou Touma," he declared, grinning and unleashing a torrent of lethal invisible attacks from his outstretched palms.
However, the #7 countered with a relentless barrage of flaming arrows from the thermal aftershock of his punches.
Each strike akin to a particle accelerator in its intensity and speed. That Gemstone was the particles being fired on the right and that True Expert was the particles fired on the left.
As the attacks clashed, the battlefield became a spectacle of raw power and precision.
“Roar!” CRC held his open palm to his mouth and blew gently on the tip of the middle finger.
That was all it took for a blaze easily outdoing a flamethrower to rush out. And this was not just any fire. It fed on the power of a ley line and stole vitality from space itself. This overwhelming mass of light and heat was wielded for no other purpose than to take lives. Anyone who tried to survive it using simple composite armor or special fibers would dry up and burn away in less than a second.
But that wouldn't kill another superhuman would it?
Of course not.
“Aaaaarghhhh!!!!” screamed the #7.
Some assaults bypassed the fray entirely, slipping through the chaos like elusive particles in a collider.
A smokescreen.
Those brilliant fireworks from hell weren't meant to take Sogiita’s life. They were meant to disrupt the Gemstone's senses and sight so he couldn't counter all of that old man’s deadly attacks.
Invisible strikes found their mark on that Gemstone, and the searing arrows of the arrows scorched Rosencreutz.
CRC was wounded but he rejected to make any whimpers. Instead with a sudden burst of velocity, the young silver man picked up his cross sword from the ground and launched a flurry of strikes, cutting at the #7’s body with pinpoint accuracy.
His arms, his head, his face, his stomach, his legs, his midsection, his back.
Each blow landed with devastating force, causing Sogiita to stagger back under the onslaught.
If that bandana boy hadn't had his defenses and general stats raised by the #5 he’d be cut to pieces.
The #7 fell on his back.
"There's a fire," Sogiita declared, his voice ringing out amidst the chaos of battle.
With each attempt to break his spirit, Sogiita's resolve only grew stronger, fueling the flames of his determination. "Every time someone tries to make me give up, it's like wind feeding my flames, making them burn even brighter just like my punches," he explained, his words carrying the weight of his unwavering determination.
He refused to stay down.
With a roar of defiance, Sogiita surged forward once more, his movements blurring with speed as he disappeared from view. In the blink of an eye, he reappeared behind Christian Rosencreutz, catching the magician off guard.
"Hey, old man," Sogiita taunted, his voice filled with confidence as he seized Rosencreutz from behind.
Christian Rosencreutz's eyes widened in surprise as he realized he had been outmaneuvered.
As Sogiita Gunha faced off against Christian Rosencreutz in their airborne duel, he felt the flames of determination burning within him, driving him forward with unstoppable force.
Before he could react, the boy lifted him effortlessly and slammed him onto the pavement below with a resounding thud.
"I'm not just a kick-boxer!!" Sogiita sang.
As the impact reverberated through the air, the young silver man let out a pained cry. The force of the collision compressed the surrounding air, heating it up until it crackled with energy. Christian Rosencreutz's head struck the ground with a velocity equivalent to mach 20, igniting his body in flames upon impact.
This move is called a suplex.
Struggling to regain his bearings, Rosencreutz muttered in a daze, "The House of the Holy Spirit...the seven walls..."
"You said it yourself, didn't you?" the gutsy boy retorted, cocky. "My power and my guts can break through your impenetrable walls. And I can spread those same guts to the world around me."
With a grimace, Christian Rosencreutz acknowledged the truth of the boy's words. "Your uncontrolled AIM field grants you the ability to imbue non-organic objects with the properties of your virus," he observed, his voice tinged with begrudging admiration. "Allowing them to bypass even the defenses of the seven-walled tomb.”
"A virus? Don't be so gutless, CRC," the #7 retorted, his voice filled with defiance. "This battleground ruled by wills is a two-way road between you and me."
Christian Rosencreutz raised an eyebrow at the boy's words. "Hey Gemstone, you could've killed me if I weren't a superhuman with an idealized body that accomplished The Great Work and crossed the Ungrund, what then short-stack?" he questioned while fitting an insult against his height.
Even without the seven-walled tomb or sheets of diamonds Rosencreutz was cartoonishly durable.
"Sorry, old man," Sogiita replied, his tone tinged with annoyance. "I might've gotten carried away, but I know it'll take more than that to kill you. No matter how many heads you regrow, like Hydra, I will not give up until I've completed all my labors."
"Mhm, so you do know your mythology," CRC remarked, a hint of amusement in his voice. "The Lernaean Hydra, or simply Hydra, is a serpentine lake monster in Greek and Roman mythology. Its lair was the lake of Lerna in the Argolid, known as an entrance to the Underworld. In the canonical myth, the monster is slain by Heracles as part of his Twelve Labors."
"Yeah, I know," Sogiita replied confidently. "I studied the tales of great gutsy heroes in school.”
"So, short-stack," Christian Rosencreutz began, his voice carrying a hint of scholarly interest. “Have you ever considered the parallels between our battle and ancient Near Eastern religions?”
Sogiita listened intently. "Are you saying you see yourself as a god of war or a hunter?" he inquired.
CRC chuckled softly. "In a sense, indeed. We are both assuming roles in this grand theater, are we not? I, the Hydra, and you, Heracles."
He continued, "Consider the Second Labor of Heracles. Eurystheus, the king of Tiryns, sent Heracles to slay the Hydra, which Hera had raised specifically to defeat him. Heracles approached the swamp near Lake Lerna, where the Hydra dwelled. To protect himself from the poisonous fumes, he covered his mouth and nose with a cloth and shot flaming arrows into the Hydra's lair, causing it to emerge and terrorize the surrounding villages."
CRC paused, drawing a comparison. “In our own clash, the flaming arrows that Heracles hurled at the Hydra find their echo in your lightning-fast fists, generating shockwaves that ignite the air with their speed and force. It's as though each strike of yours is akin to shooting a flaming arrow, much like Heracles did.”
“Huh? Are you suggesting we're caught in a time loop? That some enigmatic group, like the Bridge Builders Cabal, manipulated events to resurrect you, pitting us against each other in a timeless struggle? I've never met them, and I'm certainly no child of Zeus. Are you implying that our battle will be distorted into a Greek legend by a meddling time traveler?!” frantically asked the boy.
“No, no, you simpleton. This world contains synchronicities. In Sumerian, Babylonian, and Assyrian mythology, the war and hunting god Ninurta was celebrated for his deeds. The Angim credited him with slaying eleven monsters during an expedition to the mountains, including a seven-headed serpent, possibly identical to the Mushmahhu, and Bashmu, whose constellation was later associated with the Hydra by the Greeks. In Babylonian contexts, the Hydra's constellation is also linked to Marduk's dragon, the Mushhushshu.”
.” That shounen boy was dumbfounded.
"Hhm, I suppose calling it a time loop isn't technically wrong," Christian Rosencreutz began, his tone measured. "I'll break it down from history class and reconstruct it through the lens of the occult. Historic recurrence, young Gemstone, is the phenomenon of events echoing throughout time. Whether it's the rise and fall of empires or the repetitive cycles within a single society, it's all part of this grand plan that was decided when Adam ate the forbidden fruit."
The #7 with his guard up but curious listened: "So, history just keeps repeating itself? Just a series of coincidences?"
Christian Rosencreutz shook his head sagely. "There is no such thing as coincidences. Take, for instance, the Doctrine of Eternal Recurrence, pondered upon by thinkers like Heinrich Heine and Friedrich Nietzsche. While it's said that 'history repeats itself,' it's not quite that simple. Rather, these recurrences stem from identifiable circumstances and chains of causality."
He continued, his voice carrying the weight of centuries of philosophical debate. "Consider the phenomenon of multiple independent discoveries in science or the reproducible findings in natural and social sciences. These recurrences, whether in the form of rigorous experimentation or comparative research, are vital to our understanding of the world."
Christian Rosencreutz paused, allowing the weight of his words to sink in. "G.W. Trompf, in his seminal work, The Idea of Historical Recurrence in Western Thought, illustrates the recurring patterns of political thought and behavior since ancient times. Through these patterns, history offers us invaluable lessons, often leading to a sense of resonance or déjà vu."
Their words reverberated like a challenge to destiny itself, a testament to their unyielding determination in the face of adversity.
That Gemstone didn't surrender his characteristic fervor. "History echoing through time, huh? It's like the universe itself is stuck on repeat, and we're just caught in the cycle. But you know what? If history's gonna keep looping, then let's break the pattern! Let's smash through those chains of causality and forge our own path. Who cares about dĂ©jĂ  vu? We'll create something entirely new, something that'll shake the very foundations of this world and we’ll do it with guts!!!" He defied that silver monster.
But Rosencreutz wasn't finished. He pulled out his Crystal World Map.
The supposedly old man listened intently to that boy's impassioned response, his expression inscrutable behind his clairvoyant card. After a moment of contemplation, he spoke.
“Gemstone, you speak of breaking free from the chains of repetition, of forging a new destiny against the backdrop of eternal return. It is a noble aspiration, indeed. However, consider this: eternal return is not merely a philosophical concept or a whimsical notion of fate. It is the very fabric of existence, woven into the nature of time itself.” He pressed his finger on the Miniature Garden and a 3D holographic projection flew out—
“In ancient times, the Stoics grappled with the idea, seeing in it both a sense of cosmic order and a challenge to individual agency. Augustine and others recoiled from its implications, fearing it as a negation of free will and salvation. And yet, Nietzsche, in his brilliance, dared to confront the concept anew, exploring its depths in the crucible of human consciousness.”
Didn't Aleister Crowley say that he had to shatter every single phase in order to eliminate the concept of fate?
“I will shatter every last phase and put an end to all mysticism. It can be helped and we need not restrain our tears and bite our lip when faced with tragedy. I will bring back the pure world in which everyone can feel anger like normal and question it all like normal!!”
And didn't Coronzon appear to break down all the phases including the Pure World?
Partial destruction would be meaningless. If anything remains and an eternal distortion is born from that, then it will all happen again. I will eliminate the ten spheres, the twenty-two pathways, and the hidden eleventh symbol. Collisions between phases? Sparks and spray? You cannot save anyone if you only treat those symptoms. All of the fundamental clogs must be removed. All so we can pass the baton to whoever comes next.”
“Sparks and Sprays
” Rosencreutz muttered.
“Eh?” The #7 didn't quite hear him.
"Beside time stands fate, cruelty's steadfast herald. In the silent chambers of the soul, whispers the most profound wisdom. Humanity, in its folly, neglected to exalt life's splendor, its radiance, its grandeur. Truly, it is a rare gift to comprehend the forces that shape our existence.” That magician spoke in despair.
“From the moment man ate the fruit of knowledge, he guaranteed your species’ failure... Entrusting his future to the whims of fate, man clutches to a flickering hope. Yet, within the Miniature Garden lies the key to all revelation. Beyond the well-trodden path lies the ultimate terminus. It matters not who you are; Death is the sole certainty awaiting all.” he finished with scorn.
Shokuhou Misaki was currently linked to Sogiita Gunha so was overhearing the entire conversation.
“Are you okay, Leader?” asked Kamijou back at the hospital.
” she responded.
“Really?” Mikoto breathed a white sigh. “It wasn’t the shock of seeing their school destroyed. Nor was it the fear of having those rioters attack. 
They’re afraid of their own power. And after learning how exactly to use that power to survive, they’re not sure they can just switch it off and return to their normal lives. So their gears have ground to a halt.” Tokiwadai Middle School was a prestigious esper development school.
The young ladies registered there were Level 3 at the lowest and Level 5 at the highest.
Almost all of the students had a power that surpassed that of a blade or handgun if used properly, but something had become twisted.
“A lot of them weren’t really sure why they were training their powers.”
Shokuhou breathed a white breath, wrapped her own arms around herself, and rubbed her thighs together.
Why are you studying?
How many people could give a proper answer to that question? Because my parents told me to, because my teachers taught me to, because that’s how the world works. Those would be most people’s answers. Even the students with a clear vision of their future would only have something vague like “for the entrance exams” or “for my future”.
Only a small handful would have specific puzzle pieces in mind, such as “I need to learn how to use this equation so I can build a rocket”.
The young ladies of Tokiwadai Middle School were the same.
What if the very gears that humans have
their actions, reactions, inactions were all the result of some transcendental entity hovering above.
Like God or The Devil watching over humanity’s reality sphere and ordering around his system like everyone was a pre-programmed NPC that had specific events occur to them to get them to develop in the way that they did and determined their genetic bloodline that composed their psyche?
Is there truly a free will?
It was said that in order for you to break out of the system of society that the working class was stuck in you had to climb to the top where the corrupt elites resided.
Imagine Breaker negated sparks, Aleister Crowley could see through the veil thanks to Holy Guardian Angel Aiwass, Great Demon Coronzon could always see the cogs.
Christian Rosencreutz could view the entire world through his Miniature Garden.
The rest of humanity was at the mercy of their own destinies.
A Guardian Angel wouldn't arrive to save a parent’s child from fate every single time.
"Okay, nice poetry, can we get back to fighting already?" asked the #7 impatiently.
"Seems I got carried away," the old man conceded with a nod. "The synchronicities of this world, akin to the astral configurations in astrology, serve as an example of synchronicity, according to Jung. It describes circumstances that appear meaningfully related yet lack a causal connection, much like the parallel relationship between celestial and terrestrial phenomena. Synchronicity experiences entail subjective encounters where coincidences between events in one's mind and the external world may lack a clear causal link but still harbor an unknown connection.”
"Ah," Sogiita chimed in, recalling his philosophy class discussions. "We talked about synchronicity back then. Jung thought it was a good thing for the mind, but said it could get dicey in psychosis. He cooked up this theory as a kind of mental link between those meaningful coincidences, calling it a noncausal principle. This term came about in the late 1920s, and then he teamed up with physicist Wolfgang Pauli to dive deeper. Their work, The Interpretation of Nature and the Psyche, dropped in 1952. They were big on this idea that these connections, even the ones that don't seem to have a cause, could still teach us a lot about how our minds and the world work."
“Mhm, you know more than you lead on, Gemstone.” pondered CRC.
“Oh this? My teachers say I'm not good at remembering speeches hahaha
” The #7 looked slightly nervous. “You know, analytical psychologists really push for folks to get what these experiences mean to boost their awareness instead of just feeding into superstitions. But funny thing is, when clients spill about their synchronicity experiences, they often feel like no one's really hearing them out, or getting where they're coming from. And hey, having a bunch of these meaningful coincidences flying around can sometimes ring the schizo bell. Delusions aren't healthy.”
Where was this conversation going?
"Delusion! Hah! That's a good one coming from you," CRC fired back.
"The real delusion is thinking humanity isn't worth a damn," Sogiita shot back, pulling out some info from Johansen and Osman. "Some scientists think coincidences are just random flukes, but counselors and psychoanalysts reckon there's more to it, like some deep-down stuff needing to come out.”
"Delusion! Hah! That's a good one coming from you," CRC fired back.
"The real delusion is thinking humanity isn't worth a darn," Sogiita shot back, pulling out some info from Johansen and Osman. "Some scientists think coincidences are just random flukes, but counselors and psychoanalysts reckon there's more to it, like some deep-down stuff needing to come out. Unconscious material to be expressed."
Rosencreutz interjected, his expression reflecting a mix of confusion and concern. "Aleister Crowley's actions have left a lasting scar on this world and this city," he began, his voice weighted with solemnity. “The vacuum-like dichotomy between magic and science created by the use of that colossal psychotronic weapon, has damaged this world's memory irreparably.”
Psychotronic weapon?
The Archetype Controller?
He paused, his gaze piercing as he continued, "Jung's exploration of synchronicity as evidence of the paranormal paved the way for further inquiry, notably by Koestler and the subsequent embrace of these ideas by the New Age movement.”
Sogiita shrugged, "Some folks say synchronicity is impossible to test or prove, so it gets labeled as pseudoscience. Jung even acknowledged that these synchronicity events are basically just coincidences, statistically speaking. But hey, who's to say what's really going on without some solid scientific studies, right?"
"Dubious as his experiments may have been," CRC interrupted, "Jung believed in a connection between synchronicity and the paranormal, drawing parallels to the uncertainty principle and works by parapsychologist Joseph B. Rhine.” CRC posed a thought-provoking question, "How are we to recognize acausal combinations of events, since it is obviously impossible to examine all chance happenings for their causality? The answer lies in the fact that acausal events are most readily expected where a causal connection appears inconceivable upon closer reflection. It's impossible, with our current resources, to explain ESP or meaningful coincidences as mere phenomena of energy. This challenges the very notion of cause and effect, as these events occur simultaneously rather than in a linear cause-and-effect manner. Hence, I have coined the term 'synchronicity' to describe this phenomenon, placing it on equal footing with causality as a principle of explanation."
Getting closer to that Gemstone, CRC emphasized, "Esper abilities cannot be fully understood with science alone. They defy traditional cause-and-effect explanations, instead representing a convergence of factors that create a quantum phenomenon affecting both the micro and macro. Why were there the naturally gifted and the naturally ungifted?”
Why did some students get praised for their abilities while others needed to work harder?
Others among them would have worked every hour of their free time and not progressed anywhere in this city’s leveling curriculum.
Why did this city present such an unfair and unpredictable status quo of potential?
Why did hard work barely matter in a city of empirical evidence to record any possible progress?
Sogiita Gunha wasn't a normal Level 5 but he wasn't always this powerful. He went through the curriculum same as everyone but if the outside conditions for his Gemstone ability to manifest didn't form in the exact way that it did, in such an acausal form then would he even be here to challenge Christian Rosencreutz right now?
Everything just happened to fall right into place.
All those puzzle pieces that would lead to this moment here and now.
Was it all just talent? God picking a fool as his champion?
The #7 leaned back, absorbing CRC's words with a thoughtful expression. "So, what you're saying is, there's this whole other layer to reality that we can't quite wrap our heads around," he summarized, nodding slowly. "I mean, it's like trying to catch smoke with your bare hands—slippery and elusive."
He chuckled, shaking his head slightly. "Historic recurrence, synchronicities, all these things—they're like pieces of a puzzle scattered across this substantial reality. And sometimes, they just... click into place, right? It's like the universe has its own plan, and we're just along for the ride."
That bandana wearing boy's gaze drifted, lost in thought. "You know, CRC, it's funny," he remarked, a wry smile playing on his lips. "Here we are, with all our powers and potential, but at the end of the day, we're still grappling with the same questions as everyone else. Talent, destiny, divine intervention—maybe they're all just different sides of the same coin."
He shrugged, the weight of the philosophical musings settling over the broken city. "Who knows? Maybe God does have a sense of humor, after all.” that boy chuckled.
There was a deep silence between them.
Rosencreutz’ response was swift and resolute, his tone filled with certainty. "All this ‘universe has a plan’ banter is just a distraction from the inevitable," he declared, his eyes narrowing. "We can debate the nature of us being all-powerful yet struggling with mortal issues until the sun burns out, but it won't change the fact that our fate was sealed upon the knowledge Adam learned."
“To think so many trivialities have developed while this old man wasn’t watching. Heh heh. Then I should assume the thread of fate has again begun to weave its strange connections between myself and some unknown human.”
He rose forward, his movements purposeful. "It's time to put an end to this dance of platitudes," CRC continued, his voice cold and unwavering. "We'll settle this the only way that somewhat matters—through objective action in this grand play."
“Silence, preserved doll. Illusionists are meant to remain silent. That is all we magicians are: wielders of substanceless illusions. Opening your mouth serves only to break the illusion.”
With a flicker of resolve in his eyes, he locked gazes with the #7. "I am Hydra, Gemstone," he said, his voice carrying a hint of challenge. "Our battle ends now.” CRC opened both his palms and began shooting at their surroundings, the buildings, the pavement, the apartments, the rubble.
It probably wasn't random as it seemed to create a pattern.
“Huh are you getting senile old man?” asked the young Gemstone.
“What fun. I never imagined someone would bother diligently polishing their skills this far while knowing it is all essentially an illusion. Didn’t you ever feel silly going to the effort?”
Rosencreutz dropped to all fours, his rosy cross sword gripped tightly in his right hand.
He moved—
“Arrgh!” Sogiita yelled amidst the relentless and precise and precise strikes from that golden cross. “Old man?” he asked.
That magician didn't say anything.
That silver man’s movements became more beastly.
Something new was beginning to manifest.
With each strike of his higher dimensional blade that old man’s blows seemed infused with an otherworldly energy.
The wounds inflicted by his weapon burned with a venomous intensity, sending searing pain coursing through Sogiita's body.
That boy grimaced as the poison from that silver man’s strikes surged through his being, each wound feeling like it was ablaze with venomous fire.
"Damn... That burns
like a killer hornet’s sting," he muttered through clenched teeth, his voice strained with effort. Gritting, he fought to maintain his focus, despite the agony threatening to overwhelm him.
Was this another application of The Four Stages? Citrinitas? No, there was nothing yellow here, it was more like a dirty purple.
But it wasn't just the physical damage that posed a threat.
As the Rosy Cross leader leaped on all fours his movements took on an almost erratic quality, he was bouncing from one building to another with an animalistic agility.
With each jump, a shockwave rippled through the air, carrying with it a palpable sense of dread.
Something was spreading.
The air around them seemed to thicken with a toxic miasma. The #7 struggled to breathe, the noxious fumes clouding his senses.
Like a chaotic monster’s venomous poison breath.
The once-clear air now felt thick and suffocating.
Gasping for breath, the bandana boy struggled to maintain his focus amidst the swirling chaos.
His vision blurred, his movements sluggish as he fought against the oppressive atmosphere.
Blinded that heroic boy could only fire a flame arrow without his sight.
His fists striking out with all the strength he could muster. Igniting in that poisonous compressed air.
It seemed to be flammable like a dragon’s breath.
At the hospital, Shokuhou's voice carried a mix of surprise and relief. “He caused real damage.” she exclaimed.
Kamijou turned his attention to her, intrigued. “What happened?”
“It's hard to see clearly, but it looks like the #7 managed to rip off CRC's left arm,” she explained. “Though, I'd say it was more of a lucky shot. I can read he acted on pure instinct.”
Kamijou nodded, a hint of melancholy in his tone. “Yeah... the psychic link and all.”
Had the #7 Level 5 given up on the old man?
Back on the battlefield, Sogiita cursed under his breath. “Dammit... Sorry, old man,” he muttered. “I was aiming to hit your whole body to maximize the surface area, maybe break a few bones as a casualty. We can probably get your arm reattached at the hospital. Heaven Canceller has enough guts to even fix me.”
It was clear—he hadn't given up.
It was an accidental strike of his arm.
“As each ghastly head was severed from its serpentine form, dreadfully, two more writhed forth from the abyss.” a cryptic voice amidst the chaos spoke.
Wasn't it said that the Hydra’s lair was the lake of Lerna in the Argolid.
Lerna was reputed to be an entrance to the Underworld.
The abyss.
The Ungrund.
There is no limit to the depth of the Alcyonian Lake, and I know of nobody who by any contrivance has been able to reach the bottom of it since not even Nero, who had ropes made several stades long and fastened them together, tying lead to them, and omitting nothing that might help his experiment, was able to discover any limit to its depth. This, too, I heard. The water of the lake is, to all appearance, calm and quiet but, although it is such to look at, every swimmer who ventures to cross it is dragged down, sucked into the depths, and swept away.
The keeper of the gate to the Underworld that lay in the waters of Lerna was the Hydra.
The serpentine Lake Monster.

?” The #7 muttered.
That magician chuckled ominously. "Indeed, young Heracles," he intoned, his voice echoing with a bizarre resonance. “The Lernaean Hydra's curse is upon you now.” as he said that he ripped off a bit of his arm that was cuterarised and it began bleeding.
Anna Sprengel’s blood was said to create unknown miracles when spilled.
Christian Rosencreutz’ blood was so virulent that even its scent was deadly.
As Sogiita Gunha glanced at his severed arm lying on the ground, a creeping sense of horror enveloped him. "All fate is a curse and that curse," he murmured, his words barely audible over the din of battle, "extends even to my severed limb.”
Christian Rosencreutz’ left arm grew back.
Two new arms grew in its place.
The arm was fully functioning with no defects.
Although one of the arms appeared somewhat scaly and lanky like a serpent.
It had human anatomy but something was abnormal here.
He almost looked like a spider as he emerged from the poisonous fog as he remained on all fours.
“So short-stack. Are you ready to complete your final labor: Crossing the abyss!!!” He challenged that boy with his cross sword facing him.
"Boss, what's up? You look kinda stuck," Kamijou asked, his tone concerned.
Two students were sitting together in the waiting room at a hospital.
"—abyss, Hydra, curse, synchronicities, Historic recurrence." she replied, her words carrying a weight of unease.
"Huh? What? Can you give me the lowdown?" Kamijou prodded, his urgency evident.
"Can't quite wrap my head around it. But what I can tell you is that after CRC started talking about these esoteric concepts, he leveled up his power ability, managed to seriously hurt the #7 despite me cranking up all his stats for the win condition," the honey-blonde girl explained, frustration creeping into her voice.
"Can you beam all that stuff into my head, like a memory download? You're a psychological esper, right? My right hand won't mess with it, and we've done the telepathy thing before," Kamijou suggested.
"Memory download's not quite it, but I can send you a recording," she clarified.
"Got it," Kamijou muttered as he absorbed the info.
"You got any ideas to help the #7’s situation ability, Kamijou-san? We're kinda desperate here," she asked.
"I wish Index was still here, dammit.” he lamented, “But you know about magic, right?" he queried.
"Yeah, people converting their delusions into reality right?," she admitted.
"Well, magic's not just about delusions; it can be tied up to the whole world. Not sure if it's relevant, but based on Idol Theory, Rosencreutz might be pulling in 'energy’ from the Greek 'phase’ of Heracles for an edge," Kamijou theorized.
"Like a chessboard flip?" Shokuhou Misaki inquired, her brow furrowed with concern.
"No, more like... imagine you're playing checkers with a buddy, and you're totally crushing it because you're a checkers pro. Then suddenly, your buddy switches it up and challenges you to an arm wrestling match, and you lose because, well, arm wrestling isn't your forte," Kamijou Touma explained, trying to paint a vivid picture.
"So, by taking on the role of the Hydra from Greek myth, he's essentially forcing the #7 into the role of Heracles? But didn't Heracles defeat the Hydra?" Shokuhou sought clarification.
"Yeah, but..." Kamijou recalled the tale from the movies he'd seen. "Lichas gave Heracles a shirt soaked in the Hydra's poisonous blood from his arrows, which ends up killing him by tearing his flesh down to the bone," he elaborated.
"It was actually Nessus seeking vengeance and tricking Deianira into giving it to Heracles as a gift, delivered by Lichas without disclosing the tunic's lethal bloodstained secret from the Lernaean Hydra, but you're right," Shokuhou corrected gently. "So, Rosencreutz is harnessing the power of that legend to slowly poison the #7?"
"Not literal. I mean the poison is real but his slashes do significant harm now so it's more like shifting the paradigm in his favor
shifting his position.” The spiky-haired boy wasn't in the mood to explain Phases, “Earlier, he mentioned Sogiita spreading his 'virus' throughout the world. A virus isn't a poison in the traditional sense, but the Rosicrucians originally sought to create a universal cure for all illnesses. Now, CRC is spreading a literal poison, positioning himself as the ultimate predator and his opponents as prey rather than his savior role, the paradigm has been shifted." Kamijou concluded, his voice tinged with gravity.
“So he’s changed the environment to get the win condition? The #7’s durability doesn't matter in the face of the world being forced to go about a certain way because of Rosencreutz stage play?” The girl asked.
if things keep going this way
Sogiita will
.” The spiky haired boy swore. “I can't let someone else die after all that's happened but I feel like if I go out there I really will kill him
” he muttered that last bit while clenching his right fist that began shaking uncontrollably.
The girl’s eyes seemed confused. “What did you say?” The honey blonde middle schooler asked.
“Nothing, just mumbling to myself.” he spat out.
That boy and girl could never come to the right conclusion on their own without the aid of former Magic God Othinus by their side.
“Did you think I had challenged you with no hope of succeeding, you cesspool? The magic born on earth is bound by the directions based on the earth’s magnetic field and by the density and composition of the air which is determined by air pressure which is in turn influenced by gravity. That is inevitable when you are focused on the cardinal directions of north, south, east, and west or on the basic elements of fire, water, wind, and earth. But what you will find upon leaving the atmosphere is an unknown. Coronzon, are you sure there will be no malfunction in the magic giving you control of Avatar Lola? And before, my power was bound by the puny speck named earth which failed to become a black hole or even a sun, but once we enter outer space, just how far do you think that power will be released? I do not mind at all that I will lose the support of Academy City.”
Well the boy was half right.
“Let us test it out, you cuspidor. On one side, we have you using the planet and bound to an avatar. On the other, we have me exposed and freed from the planet. Now, who will be the star of this show?”
Christian Rosencreutz did not shoot at his surroundings for no reason.
The battlefield transformed into Rosencreutz's canvas, resembling the legendary battleground of Lerna where Heracles once clashed with the Hydra.
He didn't unleash his powers randomly; every action was deliberate.
In the magical side of Idol Theory, mimicking an object, event, or person allowed one to tap into a fraction of its power.
And that even applied to locations that essentially worked as stage plays.
Idol Theory was so absolute that even the basic cross held a portion of the son of God’s power.
As Above, So Below.
As Below, So Above.
Macro to micro.
Micro to macro.
And the macrocosm and the microcosm are always linked.
submitted by Imagen-Breaker to Toaru [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:18 DivineSperm MDP : Scourge of the Islands

MDP(Most Demonic Perverts).
They will repeat “Join us” until you go insane. What throws these deranged psychopaths into a frenzy is when their evil venomous words do not bother, reach or harm the person
Each and every night, MDP conducts an air raid of High Altitude Pseudo Satellites, swarming the atmosphere, hijacking actual satellites to spy for their human trafficking and prostitution organization.
Each MDP facility contains a male homosexual drill instructor training prostitutes on how to capture people, how to trick people into signing a contract.
Do not let these extremist radical terrorists force you into suicide or anything, hold out! The more that are resilient, the quicker this will be resolved.
Once these radical terrorist biohackers successfully causes an individual to commit suicide or die in anyway, they burst from the persons dead body, giggling and laughing as they kill humans for fun and infects another person as if they were a horrific virus.
They bulge and twitch the persons eye lids as a sign of their technology’s existence within the person. If you notice any of these signs in either you or your family, you and/or them have been hijacked by biohackers.
This is an outbreak of radical terrorists in high platform airships and drones, illegally eavesdropping and trafficking humans into sex prostitution utilizing electromagnets, radio waves, and radiation
They can force a person to cough with sonic weaponry, imitating illnesses on a wide scale for control and as well, to assimilate identities illegally.
Don’t believe me! Research it!
STDs are being used to keep a person stuck within their prostitution rings.
MDP is an entire organization of drug addicts with advanced technology trafficking humans. They are all the same, against the people, not one of these demon-lovers are on the people’s side.
Cesspool homosexual orgies with drugs and STDs are systematically given to new cult members to keep them stuck in one place.
Whatever you do, do NOT care about them. They will try to use your empathy to have you kill yourselves.
Don’t panic! The hostiles are on Debilitating/Sedative drugs. Stop your bitching and fight your way through it until the threat is resolved. Keep relaxed. Let your friends, family, and kids know! Awareness destroys their recon
It’s NOT the “Illuminati”.
Keep Calm/Be Confident and Live.
Study magnets/Electromagnets.
You are not missing out on anything if someone or a group is pressing on you. Go do you! Do not let anyone influence you!
Their command centers are hidden within some call centers (Do not be paranoid!). It is urgent that you stay on the surface if you work around them. Do not let them systematically control or allure you into signing a contract to an unknown authority to make love with their merchandise in plain sight as spies or to be involved in illegal reconnaissance operations.
As long as you do not sign a contract for, and I quote, “everything you always wanted!” You will be fine.
YOU ARE NOT INVITED! Do not submit to any of their offers! They can alter words in the mind with their weaponized drones.
Stop Feeding This World Wide Threat!
Stop Surrendering because it’s too much to deal with! They are on high class drugs nearly 24/7 everyday!
Reclaim your identity or have it taken away by a criminal organization!
Non-lethal weapons modified to be lethal weapons!
Their captive women/children are their front line against men! They WILL try to force you to kneel to the their dictator, Solih, the shapeshifting hybrid. You will then be susceptible and subjected to heavier sonic attacks as well as abuses.
Do Not Quit! Do NOT Surrender!
Observe them for one year if you do not believe me. Take notes, keep quiet and carry on with your own personal life in the meanwhile. You will take notice of their patterns.
MDP terrorists are pretending to be schools as part of their scripts! They murder doctors and healers of any kind if they do not submit to being trafficked into human/sex trafficking facilities/homes!
They are not Authority of any kind, unless you surrender and you sign their contract and accept them as your handlers.
Stall them out! Do not move!
I can’t believe I am stating this. What is written below is not intended to be satire or a joke. This has actually contributed to their narcissism, their abuses, and mass murders
Stop masturbating to these terrorists! They are raping and abusing you and your fellow citizens, HEAVILY! Your fellow Maldivians are being raped over sonar hearing that only YOU can hear, and you masturbate to the Maldivians moaning, being raped??
You do NOT need to sign a contract to the MDP using sonar hearing to be allowed to marry, be intimate, or are subjected and forced to “marry” their trained terrorists.
They are paid liars and spies that trains prostitutes how to screw their targets exactly the way their targets want. This is done to have the target “test” the human traffickers prostitutes before they sign to keep them. Instead, you are selling yourself into human/sex/drug trafficking rings
Do not accept their “lust” they do have spies in person that are drug abuse/humans traffickers. They will bribe with sex and “free housing” then make you sign your life away, with you under the impression that you are going to some brothel or “sex club”. You will be susceptible to extreme abuses revolving around rape, drugs, and traumatic physical and mental abuses. Sound Proof Your Homes!
They use prostitution to allure their new victims! DO NOT BELIEVE THEM!
The MDP consists of homosexual elitists, human traffickers, terrorists, Eavesdroppers/Spies utilizing sonic weapons/sonar hearing weapons to euthanize/Traffic and enslave the general public. DO NOT GO!
They will go to war with federal officials/agents to keep their bodies enslaved!
Their cults authority are primarily shapeshifting Reptillian-Jinn-Human hybrids that are seeking “World Domination utilizing Sonic weapons” in an attempt to force the innocent and the vulnerable into surrendering themselves to human/sex/drug trafficking ring.
They are not the police!
Spies are very obvious to point out!
They are illegally eavesdropping families to extract their young. Their groups primarily consists of autistic and the mentally ill, that abuses a series of class A drugs to traffick and create new slaves.
Do NOT sign the contract! It’s ridiculous! They have two contracts, one for you to surrender, and the other for you to contract yourself into surrendering voluntarily. They also wordplay aggressively.
( I am disclosing the depths of their criminal business for abusing sonar hearing technology to assimilate identities, killing ruthlessly while induced under highly potent drugs, mass kidnappings, weapons, and prostitution/pedophilia. You will be stripped of all privileges and rights to these lifelong detention facilities!)
The threat progresses like humans, but the hostiles are progressing entirely against your person.
They are trying to steal your entire identity, do not sign the contract! Otherwise you will never make choices in your own lives again!
They look like everyday people, but do not be paranoid. Be aware of your surroundings and leave a way out for yourself if you are ever caught in a potentially dangerous situation. But do NOT be paranoid, delusional, or psychotic about it as not only would you be more susceptible to any abuses, your vulnerabilities may force you to make the wrong decisions. Man/woman up if you want to keep your own free self.
Do not give into extreme paranoia!
Most Demonic Perverts human trafficking networks has expanded. Be weary of unknown terrorists/individuals giving victims rides to parties, “mansions”, or a trip to the ghetto islands for drugs
They are not the police! They are not aliens!
They will use love to manipulate you.
Think of online scams or common pop up scams you would receive on your daily Internet commute. Same thing except, they want you to traffick yourself into a entrapment facility. Using various sexual exploitation tactics, infinite gaslighting strategies to force negative emotion to their targets and threats a long with actions of inhumane abuse cycles in hopes of subduing their targets
If you accept any bribes and sign the contract offered, you will be paying taxes to a criminal organization/network, times the current state and/or government taxes you already currently pay for, along with any other extra expenses that will occur if you sign the contract.
Ex: Government Taxes + Criminal Organizations Taxes = Taxes x2 or more since you will not be in control of your currency any longer.
If you do not see actual law enforcement individuals in front of your physical self, DO NOT GET ON THE GROUND! They are NOT any authority to the people outside of their trafficking homes!
Drug abuse/Addictions attracts these hostiles. They WILL psychologically trick you into subduing yourself.
Do not be fooled by their fake friendly appearances and smiles. You will be robbed!
Pay attention to your aiground horns! But do not panic!
They are NOT the government or federal agents. They are spies from criminal organizations worldwide!
If you do not believe me, then what I am speaking of may not not make any sense to you now. (Do your own research, don’t take only my word for it) But a great number of those who reads my news update will understand that we are dealing with outlaws that are mainly responsible for the random disappearances of children.
Be aware of homes with “No trespassing” signs, unusually high activity and surveillance cameras in ghetto islands.
They are not the MNDF/MPS/NASA/God/You/yourself/or anybody else you know. Even though some has defected and joined this horrific network full of criminals and pathological murderers, pretending to be friendly or family.
Global Human Trafficking Evolution
They want to ultimately farm your kids and sell them into prostitution!
Human traffickers will start a ground war to capture their victims and to keep spying on them with aircrafts.
Cyber ventriloquism/Sonar Hearing, common tactics.
This has been worsening since 2008.
The criminal agents will immediately disinform and satire this disclosure or any as if nothing was wrong or happening right now.
Educate yourselves to save yourselves! This is NOT a test from any governments within the security fields (MNDF, MPS or any other) though these organizations may or may not be involved, credible evidence is needed to prove that these organizations are apart of the worlds most inhumane experiments utilizing electromagnets and radiation to subdue any man or woman.
Disinformation campaigns are set up and used by the villainous organization to keep the public from knowing about their “spying” on various individuals around the world and from raising awareness on their secret experiment using electromagnets and a machine that rewrites the brain in a flash.
The threat mimics medical conditions to stay hidden. Very heavy human/sex trafficking organization and operations getting worse everyday.
This is NOT a special or a unique opportunity for anyone, do not fall for this! You will be chipped, trapped, and abused inhumanly like a wild animal.
They also possess disinformation campaign divisions made solely for the purposes of covering their trafficking and tracks.
The technologically driven human traffickers will preemptively meditate on murdering you if you do not reclaim your identity!
Do NOT surrender yourself to MDP! Traffickers are seeking your signature to lock you away inside a facility.
Do NOT play hero or games with extremists. They are studying every word, step, and actions you make. With the goal to either capture, subdue, or mind break an individual into harming theirselves and/or other’s.
The traffickers wagers that they can defect millions into trafficking the victims into their criminal networks/organization and facilities around the globe, the organization calls it “hiding bodies” utilizing the individuals past as their entire method to cause the person as much psychological harm as inhumanly possible.
Powerful electromagnetic radiation is beamed into the victims skull to send and receive data, bypassing the skull to access the brain as if it was a computer hard drive. The program is only to torture and ruin lives. If not forewarned about it, lives will be abducted, or killed secretly.
Traffickers can completely invade and compromise a person and force the victim into either surrendering theirselves to their abusers and never be seen again, or the victim is left with nothing, outstripped from jobs through 24/7 focus groups to psych a person out of a job and attempt to have their victims deconstruct theirselves and others around.
This is an everyday 24/7 torture system designed to traffick, kill, torture, and molest an individual.The traffickers breed with their brothers, sisters and other blood related individuals for experimental and pedophila is a major part of their cult, DO NOT BE FOOLED!
PEDOPHILIA, TORTURE, NECROPHILIA, RAPE! These are four pillars of the Most Demonic Perverts.
Silent/Covert inbreds are waging war against innocents
All out war with mankind on one side and Most Demonic Perverts on the other.
Hostiles are taking hostages secretly through aggression and various fear tactics. MDP terrorists can cut breathing with their weapons.
Love your spouses and who you are and they may spare you by moving on to someone else.
Protect yourselves with neodymium magnets!! Protect your brain with magnets! Hover the magnets over your head.
(This is NOT fake news, we have been compromised, completely and utterly compromised!)
DO NOT GO!!! There is nothing there that will benefit you!
MDP preys on any vulnerabilities that a human possess. Stay strong to those that are affected, investigations are becoming more widespread
They entrap individuals for experimental purposes in a room with 1 bathroom and 40+ prostitutes and drug addicts, and other mentally ill criminals who enjoys their jobs in systematically destroying human lives in the most inhuman and extreme ways.
They are lead by drag queen homosexuals with a goal to create slaves by converting them into homosexuals, making it easier to control individuals.
They also have these systematic gay orgies where they abuse a plethora of drugs (crack, meth, cocaine, scopolamine, etc) before severely abusing and raping a singular victim inhumanly. The victims were once a targeted individual before they gave up and accepted becoming a sacrifice for MDP.
If you are a new victim of these crimes, do as much research as possible and disclose, disclose, disclose. DO NOT MOVE TO VOICES THAT ARE NOT AROUND YOU!
Schizophrenia is NOT the reason due to the lack of evidence, proving that schizophrenia does not exist. Do not keep silent for this horrendous criminal network! They are all traffickers and they kill in the most inhumane way and call it their “fun”.
TLDR: MDP is a nefarious organization of drugged up lunatics. The are traffickers and are replicating theirselves to be your spouse, military officials, or any government identity to force and fool any person into trafficking theirselves into a criminal network through endless gaslighting through megaphone like devices that targets one individual at a time and projects their voices bypassing their targets auditory cortex. Once the drone targets a person, they stay on that person 24/7 everyday. If you are instructed to move to Winnipeg Canada or anywhere for bribes, sexual favors, money, and/or free housing through any means of transportation, Do Not Go! You are a victim of a class action crime that has gone out of hand. Do NOT give these criminals anymore power by giving yourself up to them. You did not win anything and being targeted by these drones means that they chose you to either traffick or to be murdered covertly using drones with electromagnetic weapons attachments and technology which allows sonic hearing that the MDP criminal organization network uses to communicate directly to one another without needing to use a phone. Captured victims are forced into unpaid labor and forced prostitution. The targeted victim will be missing and stored away within one of their run down homes/facilities, unable to escape or leave. The handlers forces their new members into various ritualistic initiations cycles within their cultist group kneel, to sniff up drugs.
Once captured, they immediately commence their routines of total control and exploitation of the fully captured person. The victims are broken down to less than nothing due to repeated rape and abuse sequences. Felons within the MDP organization are to either traffick or murder a victim because their data brokers does not want to exposed and has paid a great sum of currency to illegally purchase the personal records of their targets and to send a weaponized drone to the illegally purchased individual, equipped with biohacking weapons to break down their targets into trafficking themselves, committing suicide or murdering others. They run criminal schools/organizations that breeds more human traffickers and prostitutes into the public. They Will Say Anything to Force You to move!
“We need you!” “We love you, Move!” “We want to lust your body.”
They work on every emotion within their targets brain and force the individual either into a blind rage or to try to confuse the person with their own emotions through a series of gaslighting and abuse, into moving their targets to them (I can not stress this enough, do not let them force you into trafficking yourself.
The felons also pretend to be some type of close friend to their victims in order to keep control over them. They are fully trained and prepared personally to place severe torture on one individual (they pair up and gang up on one individual at a time and “jumps” said victim. They act like grade school kids, but that’s due to the heavy influence of their handlers, crack and cocaine that has degenerated them. They also are heavily involved in the drug/prostitution ring where everyone gets raped and are all under heavy mind control from a cocktail of different drugs including cocaine.
The felons has their victims set up as empty puppets who are under complete control. The victims now turned felons/rapists/addicts are raised specifically to absorb abuse, while abusing drugs to remain numb during their operations, scopolamine, crack and cocaine to remain numb to any words from their victims.
They train individuals this way so they can deal more damage than receive it during their illegal operations. They are completely separate from reality and are all under one criminal control.
They are aware of people resisting and they promise to do everything to try to force their targets into submitting to their handlers. Warning! These Malicious Drone Operators WILL Say ANYTHING to force a person to move!
The terrorists all have their handlers speaking directly into their ears during their operations to murder or capture the innocent, giving them orders on their scripts made to place torture and destroy random individuals, innocent or not.
They tend to target the innocents more since these felons find it more satisfying to rape, brainwash, and intoxicate the innocent heavily until the innocent is completely empty. As soon as as they’re successful, they turn the captured individuals into drug addicts, whores, and forced laborers, working for gift cards and sexual/party favors.
They will always refuse to leave their targets unless the person gives in and moves to them. Or if the victim gathers any evidence leading to the arrest and shutdown of MDP
To the many different individuals that takes the time to read this, I am taking the time and energy out of my life to warn everyone about a massive data breach that has occurred and that is endangering many lives, including my own at this very point in time.
This type of data breach is the very worst of its kind. Before, the biggest threat was internet crimes, malware, and viruses that may have affected your assets if you were to click the wrong link. Now your actual physical being is at risk by MDP data brokers who are currently funding these criminal networks and are providing illegally purchased records of random individuals around the world.
Now, the MDP criminals today have gone above and beyond the internet and are sending drones with biohacking technologies attachments to random individuals. These weapon attachments magnetizes to specific muscles within the human anatomy of the hijackers choosing. This allows the hijacker to manipulate small muscle tissues within the human body such as rotating an individuals eyes at the hijackers will to keep their victims sleep deprived. They focus on the genitals primarily to exploit the human desire to make love with another individual through the manipulation of their genitals such methods, human traffickers and terrorist organizations are now utilizing these magnetic weapons attached to drones to lock a persons own body up for ransom which could be assets, or force you to sell your body into slavery.
They offer the remote of the victims body, to the victims they use to manipulate certain muscles and veins in the body in exchange for the capture of the victims body.
MDP human traffickers have evolved from footwork to airborne to stay covert. Hiding behind custom biohacking drones ordered online and through various other biohacking black market trades.
“Voices in the head” has been declassified and debunked as electronic biohacking through electromagnets, radiation, drones and neurophones funded and powered by criminal Fusion Centers, MDP who fund radical extremists and terrorists around the world. This was thought out to be a medical condition that is often confused with schizophrenia or another mental illness. But I challenged the theory and discovered that the public has been heavily misinformed.
If a person never had a history with voices in their head that were not of their own voices, and they have proof of their attackers transmitting these frequencies, how could it be a medical condition if the person has evidence of the voices being transmitted directly to his/her skull? So, not only the voices are there, they are also instructing people to either murder, rape, or traffick themselves to one of the many fusion centers, human/sex trafficking homes within undisclosed locations, “ghettos”, and divisions that could be in any closed off homes, (homes with unusually active activities) so they could focus and convert their captives through a series of abuse and ritualistic routines 24/7 everyday.
They force the individual to impregnate one of their paid prostitutes that are doppelgĂ€ngers to their targets. They do this to raise another human into being another drug addict/trafficker, born and raised into the criminal network so it’ll appear more natural to kill, traffick and brainwash victims.
The MDP pretend to be on the victims side, but they really are not. They all have an illegal drill instructor that only teaches the trafficked “warloot” abuse, rape, and how to torture.
submitted by DivineSperm to maldives [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:01 OrderNew5126 fragrance lab or haven and co.

which is more long lasting? na try ko na haven co. they're mid to be honest. idk if i should stick to haven co or should i switch. naglalast naman for 4 hrs yung perfume nila, pero ang hinahanap ko kasi is yung trail. yung naiiwan bakas mo pag umalis ka. i get a ton of compliment sa ch good girl and ag cloud. kaso habang tumatagal nalalaman kong hindi sya swak sa body chem ko kasi umaalat sya pag mainit at hindi ko bet amoy nya pag pawis. kapag matatamis naman like meow and selena nahihilo ako, pero feeling ko hindi gusto ng body ko yung vanilla and powdery kasi bumabaho, di ko pa natatry floral and citrus pero personally citrus hater ako, kapag nakakaamoy ako citrus na pabango na suot ng iba, automatic ick huhu
submitted by OrderNew5126 to u/OrderNew5126 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:38 LifeLegallySingle What's the BEST BREAK-UP SONG of all time?

Here's what Google thinks. What's your personal favorite and why?

  1. “Someone Like You” by Adele'
  2. I Will Always Love You” by Whitney Houston
  3. “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together” by Taylor Swift
  4. “Lose You to Love Me” by Selena Gomez “
  5. Don’t Speak” by No Doubt1 “Irreplaceable” by BeyoncĂ©
  6. “Since U Been Gone” by Kelly Clarkson
  7. “Thank U, Next” by Ariana Grande
  8. “You Oughta Know” by Alanis Morissette
  9. “Ex-Factor” by Lauryn Hill
submitted by LifeLegallySingle to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:53 lonelycrowinthemoss Cats Keep Me Up All Night

Hello, I just adopted two male kittens who are 10 months old. They are neutered, have all their medical needs taken care of. I clean their litter boxes daily. They have food and clean water daily. I adopted them two weeks ago.
Ever since the first night I have brought them home, they wake me up 3-5 times in the night demanding that I pet them and give them affection. If I don't pet them, they start to nip at whatever part of my skin is exposed from under my blankets. If I try to ignore the nipping by rolling over and hiding my body under the blankets, they just start scratching and digging to try to get under the blankets with me until I give in. And of course lots of meowing is also involved in this entire process.
I understand that they are young and have lots of energy to burn. I have tried playing with them in the evening before bedtime to tire them out. For HOURS. It doesn't help or change their nighttime behavior. These are not my first cats, but this is the first time I've encountered this behavior.
I just need some assurance. Is this gonna go away eventually once they get a little older, or is this just my life now?? Im completely exhausted from them waking me up so much, and the more exhausted I am, the less energy I have to play with them as much as they need, and I am frustrated with this cycle. Is there anyway to make it stop?? Advice is needed
submitted by lonelycrowinthemoss to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:44 WhatzReddit13 Selena Gomez Announces Official Title for New 'Wizards of Waverly Place' Series as First Look Is Unveiled

Selena Gomez Announces Official Title for New 'Wizards of Waverly Place' Series as First Look Is Unveiled submitted by WhatzReddit13 to DisneyNewsfeed [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:41 mylastactoflove I hate hookup culture

where I live, hooking up for a while before becoming official partners is basically mandatory. as a teenager it usually means making out, but as I grow older the meaning switches to sex and sexual favors more and more.
I hate it. I don't want a man I barely know to touch me. I don't want to risk a STD or a pregnancy over a guy I barely know or a literal stranger. I hate that no guy is willing to take you on multiple dates and get to know you better and actually develop a relationship. I hate when guys expose to me what they see me as: a mean for sexual gratification. they won't commit unless I demand or if the circumstances are favorable, they're only in it to get some. no guy is willing to wait for sex or interested in getting to know you better first. at most, some try to feel out if you're not a [insert misogynistic stereotype of women's behavior] before they make you into their new booty call. I don't wanna sound like a tradwife or anything but what a crazy fucking idea that this is empowering. I can't see how easing the path of trashy men into using our bodies is positive for us.
submitted by mylastactoflove to ForeverAloneWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:22 pp314159 ChatGPT can talk with all my Python notebooks

I'm working on an open-source framework for converting Python notebooks into web applications, it is called Mercury. Recently, I have added an option to execute notebooks with REST API. You can pass paramters in POST request body to the notebook, execute all cells and return JSON as response. I'm also running a SaaS service, Mercury Cloud where you can deploy notebooks with one-click with unique website domain.

What My Project Does

It makes Python notebooks extermely easy to integrate with custom ChatGPT, so GPT can execute Python notebooks and get response. It is 3-steps process:
  1. Create Python notebook, with Mercury widgets to accept parameters and return JSON response.
  2. Deploy notebook online - it can be done in 1 minute with Mercury Cloud
  3. Configure ChatGPT Actions - it is quick, because Mercury automatically generates OpenAPI schema based on your notebooks.
You can read more in article how ChatGPT is talking with all my Python notebooks.

Target Audience

This solution is perfect for people: - that would like to quickly create custom API for ChatGPT with Python, - that don't want to manage server by themself.


I think that building API with Python notebooks is alternative for full REST API development with Django, Flask or FastAPI, if you quickly need few endpoints that will expose your Python code.


I have created example notebooks that are used by ChatGPT:
submitted by pp314159 to Python [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:17 not_neccesarily An Eternity Ago, I Fell Through a Wall and into The Limbo

I'm walking through a bustling underground train station. I push and shove my way through all the other commuters onto the platform. As I look around, there seems to be endless rows of platforms in both directions, stretching well into a dense fog. Further ahead, neat lines of railway tracks extend out from the fog and through the platforms. I instinctually look up at the info screen
Next train in ### minutes
I furrow my brow, squint to try and focus on the numbers but they're heavily pixelated and illegible. I look around at the other commuters, who stream onto the platform completely unaware of the anomaly. Most people are on their phone, or wearing headphones while some are talking to each other. No one seems to notice the malfunction with the screen.
That's when the absurdity of the situation clicks for me. Endless platforms, a wall of fog, unreadable numbers and people that don't care. It's all a dream. I bring my hand up to my face and pinch my nose, trying to breathe through it. An old reality check I remembered from back when I was trying to learn to lucid dream.
My heart rate jumped when I realised, that I couldn't breathe through my nose. Before I could even process this, another problem presented itself. I didn't know why I was here. I didn't know where I was going and I definitely did not know how I even got here. It seems as if reality ceased to exist right before I walked onto this platform. Just like it typically feels in a dream, you spawn in out of nowhere and don't really know what happened prior - except this wasn't a dream.
I knew I was sure of it because deep inside my bones I felt this anxious urgent message. I need to catch this train. It was a primal feeling.
At this point, my head is spinning and I need to sit down somewhere. I choose a silver bench with a middle aged woman sitting on it. She shuffles further to the left as I sit down next to her clutching my head and racking my brain to try and figure out what it is happening. This is what amnesia feels like, I thought to my self as I gnawed at scraps of messy muddled memories. Each image that came into my mind was just a fragment - A school, a library, sickeningly white walls. It hit me that I didn't even know my name. I was starting to hyperventilate but then my body kicked into autopilot. I started to take deep breaths, focusing on my diaphragm and calming myself down. It felt like I was trained to do this. I started to focus on the current situation.
Where was my ticket? Instinctually, I knew I had to have gotten one on my entry to the train station. I reached into my pockets and pulled out a scrap of paper. Scrawled in very familiar cursive:
*In case of memory loss, read the journal in your backpack*
Strange message but I didn't have any choice then to at least give the instructions a try. I removed my backpack and rummaged through it for the journal. I wouldn't really call it a backpack - more a tattered and frayed bundle of cloth that was reminiscent of a backpack. I finally found a series of small thick journals, bundled in cloth with their leather covers on the verge of disintegration. The pages still seemed in good condition though. Each cover was sequentially labelled which I'm guessing corresponded to the chronological order of the writings within.
The lady next to me was weirdly getting agitated. She kept stealing glances, her body shaking and eyes burning with a fierce rage. I slowly got up from the bench and began to step backwards. My backpack bumped into a pillar. The dull thud it made seemed to cause a drastic change to everyone around me though. They all snapped their heads, locking eyes on me and staring through my very soul. I felt exposed.
The rumble of an arriving train stole away their attention and within a split second everyone was ignoring me again, going back to their usual activities. It seriously felt like I had just imagined it and it was becoming more and more clear that I was having some sort of mental breakdown. Nevertheless, as the train slowed to a stop on the platform, I walked into it and found a seat. The train seemed to be old and new at the same time. Typical blue seats with abstract dirty patterns complete with a modern sleek interior of gentle curves clashing with a boxy dull metallic exterior and doors that looked like they belonged on a rusty submarine.
I opened the first of the journals and began to read. I soon realised that the handwriting was mine and within the next few moments I was attacked by a barrage of memories that had remained repressed and buried in the back of my mind.
My name is Jacob and I have been stuck here in this place called *The Limbo* for an eternity. When I say 'eternity', I don't mean it lightly. Back when I used to keep track I counted over 500 years through my wristwatch that never seemed to run out of battery. Now I know counting is meaningless. There have been periods like this where my mind falls into a deep trance and I lose my whole identity as I mindlessly wander in this place much like the entities that inhabit it. Occasional periods of lucidity breach this trance and then I find myself lost and confused. It's why I keep the journals with me. I think its some sort of psychological survival mechanism that human brains develop when faced with the infinite vastness of The Limbo.
Speaking of The Limbo, I've come to learn a few things about its nature through my stay here. Some of its been through people that I've come across (Yes others are also stuck here) and some has been through my own experiences. Perhaps the most important is the question of where I get my food and water. The answer is weird. I have never felt hungry or thirsty. The sensation of having cool water slide down my throat remains a memory so distant that it feels like the snippet of a childhood dream.
I guess the next natural topic about this place would be time. Through various experiences of mine (that you'll get to read about) and discussions with others, the leading theory of mine is that The Limbo exists outside of time itself. While I myself have fallen here sometime during 2001, I've met many others from various years like the 80s, 90s and even one recent fellow from 2043.
Most people in The Limbo eventually fall into a trance, withering away until they become one of the entities or become mere tools for them. It's probably naive but I keep going through this place with only two hopes. The first is to somehow get out of here at the right time point and see my son, who I never got to see. The second is to come out of this place and die so that I no longer have to live out the empty agony of eternity (I'll explain how you can't age or die in The Limbo later). Perhaps my hopes will dwindle as the centuries pile and I will become just like those who I look upon in pity now.
I am writing this consolidated diary of my experiences for several reasons. I'd like someone to know of my unending journey in this place. To be aware of the capacity of the human spirit to keep going in the worst of situations. I have never had a long term friend in The Limbo, but know that I consider you the reader a dear friend even if I never get to meet you because you will know my story. I'm also sharing this in hopes that there is more awareness of The Limbo. Perhaps the military and scientists can actually figure out what it is. Perhaps all of us can be brought home. Or maybe this can serve as a survival guide to those who may be unfortunate enough to fall through.
There are small holes in The Limbo. Most of them are barely large enough for a pinkie finger to fit in let alone a person, but sometimes I've come across one large enough for this journal to go through. I'm not sure what time or place these holes lead to, so the safe passage of this book into a person capable of reading it has about the same chances as me ever leaving this place.
The train I'm on supposedly leads to the edge of The Limbo, where the holes are large enough for humans to fit through. It's really more of a legend amongst the poor souls that are trapped here and I've followed trails and clues for a long time to even find this train.
There are only two ways this goes. Both outcomes would lead to you reading this book in your hands. I'll either find my way out of this hell or give up hope and slip this journal through a Hole. You will find my fate at the end.
I should stop rambling now though. It would be best to start at the very beginning.
I was rushing out of work in pure ecstasy. My wife had gone into labor while I was at work and been rushed to hospital. I needed to get there fast. People were glancing over at me over their cubicles in confusion as I packed up my work bag and rushed out to the elevators. I couldn't stop thinking about seeing my first son as the elevator made its way down. The elevator doors finally opened and I rushed out.
The ground entrance of the building I worked at, particularly near the lobby, is an intersection of various hallways. I was already walking to close to the wall when someone came rushing around the corner and bumped me right into the wall. I was only able to hear half their apology when I fell *through* the wall like it was just a holographic projection. In hindsight, I find it oddly funny how easy it is for a life to get ruined. Just when you think you've got it all, when everything is going smoothly, a small incident like that is enough to take it all away.
I found myself in a room that resembled a classroom. It looked as if someone who had never stepped inside a classroom was asked to imagine the space. Desks were arranged in messy uneven rows with the chairs facing various directions. The board at the front of the room was a seamless patchy mixture of both chalk and modern whiteboard and mounted way too low on the wall, nearly hugging the floor. A large teachers desk sat in the front of the room. The walls were filled with posters of absolute gibberish along with diagrams and pictures that seemed like they showed something tangible but no matter how close you looked you could never identify anything in the picture.
The initial confusion was replaced by an immense panic. My heart was drumming against my chest as I searched the room for a doorway to exit it. My mind was trying to rationalise the situation. I was trying to convince myself that this was just some old part of the building and I had fallen into a hallway instead of the wall.
I ran through the doorway at the far end of the room and found myself in a large hallway that seemed to extend forever in both directions. The walls were a muted grey and the floors were that typical dirty linoleum. Soon I would find out that the regularly spaced doorways on either side of the hall led to other nonsensical classrooms.
I ran down the hallway screaming for help in pure panic, which was a terrible mistake in hindsight. I stopped running down the hallway when I suddenly heard the distinct scratch of chalk against board. In this large empty space, the sound echoed and boomed. Since I was still refusing to buy in to the reality of the situation, my hopes were momentarily increased by the supposed presence of another person here.
I slowly walked over to the doorway that the sounds were coming from. My stomach filled with an uneasy dread. This deep primal instinct within me urged me to hold back. I peeked carefully in the classroom and saw a woman with their back turned to me drawing something on the chalkboard.
It took me a few moments to notice that it was a very realistic portrait of my face.
She was drawing lines across my throat, her long dark hair swaying as she drew in the details. The drawing was completed with a terrible slash across the throat, blood gurgling out. I was frozen in place, transfixed on the hauntingly beautiful realism of the picture.
She began to turn around slowly while humming a high pitched tune. To this day I can't describe the face I saw. It is still etched into my mind. A face full of so much hatred, so much anger that I don't think its possible for a human to make that face. It expressed an emotion beyond human understanding. No artist in the world could ever render the expression on the paper. No words could describe the pure fear that coursed through my veins as she stared at me and began to approach.
I turned around to run, only to realise that a bunch of school children had gathered around me. They were headless, the bleeding stumps dripping thick blood onto the floor in a rhythmic patter. Somehow they were laughing.
I shoved through the group and ran down the hallway. I wasn't sure where I was going. My whole world had shattered and now I was completely aimless in some nonsense dimension with horrors beyond imagination that wanted me dead.
The extract above is from this journal I found at the foot of a large tree on a hiking trail. It's a miracle that I spotted its faded leather cover given that it was almost buried under rotting leaves. I really don't know what to make of what I'm reading, so I'll be slowly transcribing bits of it in separate posts over the next few days.
I know this subreddit is good for this sort of stuff. I'd love if someone else could share anything they know about The Limbo. This whole journal feels like some sort of prank, but the words and memories within feel way too real.
I can't help but feel a connection to this story. My mum doesn't speak much of my Dad, who I know left before I was born. No one ever found out where he went.
I was born in 2001
submitted by not_neccesarily to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:06 DallasDressers Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez submitted by DallasDressers to TreasureChestCelebs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:00 PenguinGreat Ranking how attractive every Nikke I have is

Ranking how attractive every Nikke I have is
I'm very much expecting to be roasted for my great taste. Do your worst.
I've been playing for nearly six months. Many of the characters I've really come to really enjoy. So, I wanted to go through each Nikke I have pulled and discuss how attractive they are.
Attraction has two big components for me, how physical attractive they are and how attractive their personality is. I will refer to these as "beauty" and "personality"
I will rank both on a 1-10 scale and combine for a total score. Note that I will only be reviewing Nikkes that I have pulled. Hard for me to review characters I don't know very well.
Tier list for summary:
Let's start with the top tier "Spend the rest of my life with". These are the best of the best and most attractive girls with scores 18.5 and up.
Beauty - 10/10
Personality - 10/10
Total score - 20/20
Starting with best girl Rapi. The only girl I give a perfect score to in both categories. She's the poster girl for the game for a reason. Just so beautiful and adorable. Just a great design and outfit. Love her cute cap especially.
In terms of personality, she also knocks it out of the park. I have a big weakness for characters that appear cold on the outside but are actually just softies. Rapi pulls this off perfectly. I also really enjoy characters that are really disciplined and loyal to what they believe in. I also really enjoy the "straight man" role she plays with Anis and Neon's antics.
Beauty - 10/10
Personality - 9.5/10
Total score - 19.5/20
Maybe it's the tight white pants, maybe it's the midriff, maybe it's the fact that she looks like a hot teacher I had when I was 14 but I think Marciana has one of the most attractive appearances of any Nikke. She has a great demenor and I will always have a love for dark haired girls.
Her personality is also fantastic. I love her stern and cold appearance on first viewing. Much like Rapi, I just love a girl who is tough on the outside but a big softy on the inside. She was extremely adorable in her bond story and I loved seeing that other side of her you may not expect.
Beauty - 10/10
Personality - 9/10
Total score - 19/20
There is no more attractive combo than black hair + red eyes. This combo will kill me every time I see it. Now I liked D before, but once she got her new SSR she rocketed up my beauty rankings. She is the most attractive looking girl in all of Nikke without a doubt. Her black dress is to die for. Plus she reminds me a bit of Yor Forger which is always a good thing.
As you can probably tell from above, I really love girls who seem really cold and rigid. I feel D may not show her soft side as much as Marciana or Rapi but the odd time it does come it is absolutely adorable. I also really appreciate her strong discipline and wanting to get her job done and do it correctly. Not to mention a girl who can kill me is always a plus.
Beauty - 10/10
Personality - 8.5/10
Total score - 18.5/20
Maxwell marks the last Nikke in my ranking to receive a 10 for beauty, and she absolutely deserves it. Every part of Maxwell is just amazing to look at. Her toned abs are the highlight for me as I really love an athletic girl, as well as having my ideal chest size. She's free to examine me as much as she wants. Not to mention her design is also extremely adorable and I love the little cap she has on.
Her personality also does quite well for me. I really enjoy the straight man role she has with her quirky teammates. A valuable role to have as it is needed to keep them in check and to not go overboard.
Beauty - 9.5/10
Personality - 9/10
Total score - 18.5/20
Ah the bunny girls, of course Blanc's beauty will be high! Blanc is absolutely adorable! The white skin, hair, and suit mixing with those beautiful yellow eyes is truly breathtaking. The adorable collar and tie she has is amazing as well. My favourite part of her whole design has to be the little fang she has. It just destroys me.
I really love how outgoing, extraverted, and friendly she is. This side of her does really well playing off Noir and giving them a fun dynamic in how opposite they are in many way. Someone just very enjoyable that I would love to see on my screen at any time.
That concludes our top tier and my top 5. Next we will go to the still great but "Near perfection". This includes scores of 17-18.
Beauty - 9/10
Personality - 9/10
Total score - 18/20
Privaty is super adorable. She has my favourite blush out of any girl in the game. Also love her adorable twintails, sexy yellow eyes, and her larger than sometimes expected chest. Her maid SSR is fantastic and really helps show off her adorableness and her assets.
I adore tsunderes and Privaty does it perfectly. She would be so fun to tease as you would always get a great reaction. Like stated previously, I really love a girl who seems rigid at first but actually really cares.
Beauty - 8.5/10
Personality - 9/10
Total score - 17.5/20
Diesel is really pretty and quite beautiful. Her conductor outfit is very cute and fits her very well. Her smile is always a joy to see and should always be protected.
I adore how sweet she is. Someone who you just want to see keep smiling and never frown. I really enjoy her because she is just a joy to be around. Even in her sader moments, it is still great to see her be able to move on and keep a smile.
Beauty - 8.5/10
Personality - 8.5/10
Total score - 17/20
Crown is very elegant and beautiful. I love the dignified aura her design holds. Her outfit is great too, as it really does well in both showing her curves but still giving her a regal and professional feel.
I think Crown is hilarious with how she can often mess up basic words and concepts. Otherwise, I really love how disciplined she is and how dedicated she is to being a leader.
Beauty - 9.5/10
Personality - 7.5/10
Total score - 17/20
Rosanna has a fantastic design. Split white/black hair is great and man those eyes are killer. Her outfit is also fantastic. The mafia boss style is cool and sexy, and she has great midriff and cleavage that are very alluring. Don't even get me started on those thigh high boots.
Her personality is also good, even if not as great as who I have mentioned before. I love how forward she is with what she wants. Just straight up telling the commander she wants to hook up in her bond story was awesome. I also love how protective she can really get. Again I really love a girl who can kill me.
Beauty - 8/10
Personality - 9/10
Total score - 17/20
Exia is such a cutie. The oversized shirt is adorable and oddly quite sexy. The messy hair, dazed look in her eyes, and exposed thighs are also really good.
I'd love to waste the rest of my life playing video games with Exia. Just waste away from responsibilities and society by just playing games. This is the ideal scenario in my mind.
Beauty - 8/10
Personality - 9/10
Total score - 17/20
Isabel has a killer body and a very kissable face. I really love her beautiful long purple hair and how it blends with her beautiful eyes and outfit so well.
Yanderes are always fantastic. Isabel can lock me in her house and throw away the key for all I care. She just needs some love and to have a stable happy family in her life (I mean I don't know how stable of a life you could have with Isabel but at least we have similar life goals).
Those are the 6 in my second tier. Next we have the "Beautiful" tier for those scoring between 15-16.5.
Beauty - 8.5/10
Personality - 8/10
Total score - 16.5/20
I'm not normally into the whole nun thing and I'm also not typically into blondes but Rapunzel is so gorgeous that I overlook that. She has a very lovely smile and a very alluring outfit that shows her great proportions very nicely.
Her normally holy design and behaviour being taken over by her dirty thoughts is always funny too see. She reminds me a bit of Darkness from Konosuba in that way. With the impure thoughts just constantly invading her mind.
Beauty - 8/10
Personality - 8/10
Total score - 16/20
Mihara really activated something in me that I didn't know I had. Her outfit is quite lewd but also very attractive. The black goes really well with her lovely black hair. You can really tell she mean business.
Masochism is great, right? I definitely like giving pain rather than receiving so this works for me. Not to mention that I really like her voice. Goes right through my ears and into my brain.
Beauty - 7.5/10
Personality - 7.5/10
Total score - 15/20
The 2nd best of the bunnies, she is good but not nearly as good as Blanc. She has quite the attractive appearance but I feel her chest is a bit too large for what I normally like in a girl. Otherwise the black bunny suit is really great.
Personality also isn't as good as blank. I don't tend to enjoy someone who is overly shy and reserved. I do appreciate how kind and caring she is and how she is trying to improve.
Beauty - 7.5/10
Personality - 7.5/10
Total score - 15/20
Yuhla's design overall is very good but it is her sharp teeth that appeal to me most. Something about them is just very attractive and suits her quite well. Not to mention her outfit gives her great midriff and even shows off some cool scarring.
I really appreciate hard workers and while she doesn't have the most friendly personality, she still wins me over with how spicy she got in her bond story.
That ends this tier of characters. Next we start to fall off a bit with the "Almost good" tier. This tier has scores from 13.5-14.5.
Beauty - 7/10
Personality - 7.5/10
Total score - 14.5/20
On paper Helm's design should by a 10/10 for me. The outfit, the hair, the thick thighs all really appeals to me. Just something about her feels a bit... off? Maybe it is her posture and how she is a bit hunched over that makes it look odd to me. Still overall I like her design but I just feel it is not as good as it should be.
I really appreciate how disciplined she is. Anytime a girl has strong discipline and loyalty she will really appeal to me. Other than that she is a little bit boring. I remember her bond story being a bit meh.
Beauty - 8/10
Personality - 6.5/10
Total score - 14.5/20
Naga has a great design. Schoolgirl outfit is very cute and the unbuttoned top and short teasing skirt are very alluring. I really like her hairstyle with one of her eyes being covered by her hair.
Naga's personality doesn't quite hit for me. I like how she tends to act more on the mature side but in reality I just found her to be really really boring most of the time. A few times she was good but it wasn't often enough for me to give a higher score.
Beauty - 7.5/10
Personality - 6.5/10
Total score - 14/20
Noise is another girl with a very attractive design. It is really good all around and I can see how people would really like her, but for me it is good rather than great. I'm not a big fan of the blonde she has in her hair. If her hair was all dark I think it would look better.
Her personality is very bland. On paper I like the idea of a one hit wonder trying to get another hit but Noise just doesn't have the personality to get me invested. No an awful one but not great either.
Beauty - 8.5/10
Personality - 5/10
Total score - 13.5/20
Mast has a great design. Very sexy and very cute. Reminds me a bit of Marine from Hololive. The twintails are super cute and the fang is fantastic.
For personality, I haven't done her bond story yet so I don't know it too well. Her ranking may change when I play it. For now I think a 5 is fair as from what I have seen, she seems average.
This ends the first half of tiers. Now we start getting into those I don't like. Next is the "Average at best. Bad at worst". Scores will be 11-13.
Beauty - 7/10
Personality - 6/10
Total score - 13/20
Quiry is very cute and I really like her outfit. One major drawback of her is that I am not a huge fan of pink hair. Otherwise the design is pretty solid all around.
I don't know too much about her as I haven't done her bond story but I do like her quirk of having poor eyesight. Cute and endearing but I just don't know her well enough.
Beauty - 7/10
Personality - 6/10
Total score - 13/20
Soda has two very big reasons to like her design. The thing holding her design back for me is that her head just looks empty. Like just a blank face with no other thoughts behind it. Normally I like a smile but she looks less dumb without one.
Her personality is a bit annoying. I like a bit of clumsiness but hers just is way too much. Really brings down her score for me. Otherwise she seems cute and kind.
Beauty - 7.5/10
Personality - 4.5/10
Total score - 12/20
If there was an award for most forgettable SSR, I would give it to Julia. I completely keep forgetting she exists even tho I do really like her design. It is very beautiful and elegant. I really like the violin as well.
Maybe because I haven't done her bond story but what I have seen just seems really boring to me. As I learn more about her, she may go up but for now I can only give a 4.5.
Beauty - 5.5/10
Personality - 6/10
Total score - 11.5/20
Yuni's design doesn't hit super hard for me. A bit too small in stature for my personal preference but she is quite cute. Plus again not huge on pink hair in general.
I don't like receiving pain (at least not physical) so that relly does turn me away from her a bit. Otherwise she is cute enough but not my cup of tea.
Beauty - 6/10
Personality - 5.5/10
Total score - 11.5/20
Now I know some won't be happy with this one. Anis is very ok but is 100% overrated. She is quite cute but she really doesn't live up to the hype that some people give her. I do like her hat a lot tho.
For personality she can be annoying at times. She can be funny but for the most part I think a lot of her jokes fall flat.
This ends the average tier. Now we can get into girl I don't like in the "Why do people like them?" tier. This has scores between 5-10.
Beauty - 5/10
Personality - 5/10
Total score - 10/20
I know Brid has 2 big reasons that people like her, but for me they are a bit too big and I don't really like anything else she has going for her. Not huge on the hair even tho I am normally a big fan of white hair.
Personality is a bit boring. I like how she is a hard worker but she really puts me to sleep.
Beauty - 5/10
Personality - 5/10
Total score - 10/20
Very meh design. Not a fan of the hair, or the army gear. If she wore the sunglasses rather than having them on her forehead, it would improve my opinion.
Personality is just plain boring. I appreciate discipline but I would rather watch paint dry. I have heard she give something at the end of her bond story tho... but not enough to redeem her.
Beauty - 4/10
Personality - 4.5/10
Total score - 8.5/20
Way too much pink on her. The pink jumpsuit I could live with but the pink hair just makes it a bit too much for me. With a different hair colour or different outfit colour she may appeal more to me.
I thought she was cute at first but got really annoying quickly. Her voice also just begged the heck out of me and made me want to put the game down.
Beauty - 4/10
Personality - 4/10
Total score - 8/20
I don't really like her design. Schoolgirl is normally really good but hers just isn't appealing. Not a fan of the haircut and the look on her face has always bugged me a bit.
She is very annoying. Like really she just gets on all my nerves. Not even sure why but she just really grates on me.
Beauty - 4/10
Personality - 3.5/10
Total score - 7.5/20
Neon is easily the worst Counters member. I wish it had been someone else. Exia I think would have been a good choice. Her design really doesn't do much for me. I usually like hats but hers I always thought looked really bad on her. Needs a change of outfit and to actually face the camera.
Her personality is very annoying as well. Feels like she is so one note for someone who is a main character. Just talking about firepower and not a ton else. Just in the game way too much.
Beauty - 3.5/10
Personality - 4/10
Total score - 7.5/20
Honestly I think she is kind of ugly. The big smile makes her looks super dumb and a bit like a bimbo. That's just what I get from her design. Don't find her attractive at all.
Her personality also seems really annoying and was making me roll my eyes when she's on screen.
That is the end of this tier. I know I have made some enemies for these placements. The next tier is the "Pass" tier. I'm not going to go through each girl here as they are all ones I just don't have an interest in. Most because the design just looks too young for me and I don't want to talk about their attraction level. There are some however who I really like the characters of. For example, Liter is great and I'd love to complain about the youth with her. Soline is also special to me as she was the first Nikke I pulled.
The final tier is the "Extremely attractive but I hate them as characters so I wouldn't go close to them". These are the worst offenders of all. Characters who have the design but just awful personality.
Beauty - 9/10
Personality - -5/10
Total score - 4/20
Sin is insanely hot. A top 10 design in the game IMO. The yogo pants are wild and I really think the mask looks good on her.
Here is the problem. I HATE manipulative women. Nothing is more aggravating and a bigger turn away than someone manipulative. Taking advantage of someone's kindness like that is just cruel and evil (and not evil in the sexy way). I just can't like someone like that.
Beauty - 9.5/10
Personality - -7/10
Total score - 2.5/20
Viper is even a worse case. She was the reason I started playing the game in the first place. My disappointment when she turned out to be manipulative and cruel just upset me greatly. A great design wasted on garbage.
Beauty - 8.5/10
Personality - -8/10
Total score - 0.5/20
I hate Crow. She has a great design that is attractive but I really hate her. I don't want to explain further because of spoiler reasons but she is everything I hate in a character and personality.
This concludes all the Nikke girls I have and how attractive I find them. So, how's my taste?
submitted by PenguinGreat to NikkeMobile [link] [comments]