Create bmx bike online


2008.05.10 08:59 Triathlon

A subreddit dedicated to the sport of triathlon, and all of its constituent components, quirks, and joys.

2024.05.14 19:45 wlady4000 Why us so had to save money and achieve financial freedom and how to overcome it

Saving money and achieving financial freedom can indeed be challenging due to various factors, but understanding these hurdles and implementing strategies to overcome them can pave the way towards financial success.
  1. Lack of Financial Literacy: Many people struggle with managing their finances simply because they lack the necessary knowledge about budgeting, investing, and saving. Without a solid understanding of financial principles, it's easy to fall into patterns of overspending and debt. Overcoming: Educate yourself about personal finance through books, online resources, or even financial literacy courses. Understanding basic concepts like budgeting, compound interest, and investment strategies can empower you to make informed decisions about your money.
  2. Living Beyond Means: In today's consumer-driven culture, there's often pressure to keep up with the latest trends and maintain a certain lifestyle, even if it means spending more than you earn. This mentality leads to excessive spending and makes it difficult to save. Overcoming: Practice living below your means by creating a budget that prioritizes saving and investing over unnecessary expenses. Differentiate between needs and wants, and be mindful of your spending habits. Focus on long-term financial goals rather than short-term gratification.
  3. High Cost of Living: Rising expenses such as housing, healthcare, and education can eat into your income, leaving little room for saving and investing. Overcoming: Explore ways to reduce your living expenses, such as downsizing to a smaller home, renegotiating bills, or finding cheaper alternatives for necessities. Consider relocating to areas with lower costs of living if feasible. Additionally, look for ways to increase your income through side hustles or advancing your career.
  4. Debt Burden: Debt, especially high-interest consumer debt like credit card balances, can significantly impede your ability to save and invest for the future. Paying off debt often takes precedence over saving, leading to a cycle of financial stress. Overcoming: Prioritize debt repayment by adopting strategies like the debt snowball or debt avalanche method. Cut discretionary spending and allocate the savings towards paying off debt faster. Consider consolidating high-interest debt or negotiating with creditors for lower interest rates.
  5. Lack of Discipline: Saving money requires discipline and self-control, which can be challenging in a world filled with temptations and instant gratification. Impulse purchases and lifestyle inflation can derail your savings goals. Overcoming: Develop good financial habits by automating your savings and investments, setting up separate accounts for different financial goals, and tracking your spending regularly. Create barriers to impulse spending, such as implementing a waiting period before making non-essential purchases. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who share similar financial goals.
  6. Unexpected Expenses and Emergencies: Financial setbacks like medical emergencies, car repairs, or job loss can derail your savings progress and force you to dip into your savings or accumulate debt. Overcoming: Build an emergency fund to cover 3-6 months' worth of living expenses, so you're prepared for unforeseen circumstances. Make regular contributions to this fund until you reach your target amount. Consider purchasing insurance policies like health insurance, car insurance, and disability insurance to mitigate the financial impact of unexpected events.
  7. Psychological Barriers: Deep-seated beliefs and emotions about money inherited from childhood or past experiences can influence your financial behavior. Fear of failure, scarcity mindset, or feelings of unworthiness can sabotage your efforts to save and invest. Overcoming: Practice mindfulness and self-awareness to identify and challenge limiting beliefs about money. Cultivate a positive money mindset by focusing on abundance rather than scarcity. Surround yourself with positive influences and seek support from a financial advisor or therapist if necessary.
By addressing these challenges with proactive strategies and a mindset geared towards long-term financial success, you can overcome obstacles to saving money and ultimately achieve financial freedom. Remember that it's a journey, and progress may come in small steps, but every step forward brings you closer to your goals.
submitted by wlady4000 to u/wlady4000 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:45 businessnewstv What's the best way to market a handmade pottery business online?

What's the best way to market a handmade pottery business online?
The best way to market a handmade pottery business online is through a combination of social media marketing, content marketing, and SEO. Share behind-the-scenes content and showcase your creative process on platforms like Instagram and Pinterest. Create valuable content like blog posts and videos that highlight the uniqueness of your pottery. Use SEO to improve your website’s visibility. Engage with your audience through comments and messages. Don't wait! Get a website address now:
submitted by businessnewstv to u/businessnewstv [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:44 LadyKjell Dragons of Friggin Awful (A Cautionary Tale)

So I'd been hanging out with this artist and DM duo online for quite a while, after meeting Art Lady through her commissions, and I loved her and generally thought the husband was pretty cool most of the time... I joined DM's 5e game, where everyone played as dragons themed after different things, like love, roses, gold, etc, and we could all turn into 'almost' human forms. All seemed pretty cool early on. We even got custom abilities (though DM didn't seem to understand or want to allow my character simply being resistant to cold weather, meanwhile others got some *powerful* abilities)
Dragon forms were powerful, but dragons were hunted in this setting, so there was also an added danger to using them, despite the +10 to ability scores, double HP, breath weapons, multiple melee attacks, and custom abilities. It worked relatively well, honestly, though it certainly had issues, and DM couldn't make up his mind on certain details.
I played a dragon of sunlight and cleric of the Sun, going by the name Monday Bell in her human form; she hated being a dragon and did her best to hide her nature. I enjoyed creating her, and I loved some of the character interactions, but...
DM had some really questionable encounter designs and rulings. It would take forever to explain, but basically it felt like he thought "you can't do anything once X happens" and likely instant-kill musket shots were fun. Yeah... Anyway, I stayed for the characters.
DM was obsessed with PCs being as mechanically different as possible. He didn't allow people to have the same class (including a 1-level dip into Monk just for better AC as an unarmored person), AND... He didn't allow people to have the same... highest ability score. I kid you not. He went so far as to tell casters to base their spells off of different abilities than the rules say (he gave specific options for each class) so there's no twinsies... I really hated this, and I should have dropped out before I joined, when I saw that rule of his.
DM also said that Art Lady and her friend were uncomfortable with my character flirting with theirs... Monday hadn't flirted with anyone. She was vaguely affectionate, putting a hand on someone's arm sometimes, but that was it; that's not flirting. DM claimed I put Art Lady "into a position where she couldn't say no", because... Monday had asked her PC if they could share a hotel room (not a bed!) for a night, when Monday was scared by something earlier. Um... If Art Lady's PC said no, I would've asked the others; it's just that Monday didn't get along with them as well. They were kind of sus, actually.
Side note: I found the flirting accusation extra weird, because I had consensually flirted with Art Lady before (fiancé also saying he was fine with it); I'd think they'd know the difference between flirting and my character being friendly and compassionate. I was baffled.
Then the "saint" issue. For context: DM previously said "there are no gods in this setting, only saints." He defined saints, then said "Or you can worship a heavenly body, a magical place, or mythical creatures". Sounded cool. As a child, I was a closeted lesbian abused by a Christian cult, and I'm still processing some of that trauma, so I squirmed at the word saint, but I can worship the Sun? that sounds cool! I'll be a pretty dragon lady who gets power from the Sun. Awesome. A couple months into the game, DM reveals to me that ALL worship is saint worship; that I MUST worship them to be a cleric, and my Sun worship would in fact be worship of saints who embody aspects of the Sun... This completely invalidates my character concept. He then finally tells me that the campaign contains intentional Christian references. I'm very uncomfortable.
I'm not anti-Christian, but I am very uncomfortable interacting with Christian-specific themes in games. I wasn't the only one either; the paladin was supposed to be an "ocean" worshiper, and was pretty uncomfortable when I mentioned what DM said to me; she didn't want to play a character worshiping "saints" and was pretty uncomfortable with it. This person wasn't in the game for a few sessions, and DM said to her that she couldn't rejoin since it would be narratively awkward after too long, but gave us a different story; I had to get that from her directly. Her coming back didn't work, but replacing us was fine, apparently. Wow.
I did quit the game, but only after the "saint" conversation; DM said I wasn't allowed in his games anymore, but he was allowing me to stay on his Discord server, because "it would be evil" to kick me off. I then saw that DM and Art Lady had left my Discord server without even mentioning it... I then wrote up a long message to the 2 of them carefully explaining how DM had effectively banned me for having religious trauma and (politely) questioning his crazy rules, and that DM had anger issues, communication issues, and a track record of making me cry a few times before, and that I wasn't going to put up with it anymore. But I wished them both to become healthier, less codependent people.
DM then posted on his server that I "was not so friendly" and warned others about me trying to talk to them, as if I was going to do something harmful. This is absurd, as I had expressed not anger, but sadness and pain. I wished they could've been the people I thought they were before I joined that game, but they weren't; they were toxic, codependent crazy people, and DM was a hyper-controlling jerk with some bad anger issues. I'm a little scared for Art Lady, but also, does she want to be independent or functional? She seemed to like relying on DM for everything, which makes me sad; that's not a recipe for a healthy or happy life.
This experience has made me want to be a more lenient GM myself, and I just don't want to tell people no when I don't have to anymore and I want to be more careful about boundaries/triggers than that guy was, but I don't want to say yes to things that don't fit the game world. I'm trying to find the right balance, and oh, I am galvanized after that.
I hope this story encourages others to watch for these sort of issues in games they join.
submitted by LadyKjell to rpghorrorstories [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:44 DeepDreamerX Interested in ACCESS TO FREE NEWS?

Verity is a free news site created by the Improve the News Foundation (ITN), an apolitical American non-profit. It aims to counter misuses of artificial intelligence that have resulted in a distorted online news environment, where alternative facts often overshadow scientific truths, and fractured narratives contribute to social discord. Verity’s aim is to empower people to discover the complete and nuanced truth behind every major news story. It does this by separating facts from narratives. This even includes “nerd narratives” from the Metaculus forecasting community. Verity is also a powerful news aggregator facilitating viewing news from multiple perspectives. It also has controversies that are tracking world leaders to detect how trust worthy their claims are. Super interesting if you are a journalist and need reliable facts, sources, and even narratives!
submitted by DeepDreamerX to Journalism [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:44 AlpheoTheCleric Where to share / sell homebrew campaigns?

Hello fellow DMs. Maybe this question was asked before, but a Quick search was not able to answer it, yet.
I am a german DM, DMing for about 14 years now, mostly 5e.
For the first years, we exclusively played in a homebrewed world of mine. But after getting my first full time job a few years ago, there was no time to prepare a new session every week. So I bought a few official campaign books and also a few semi-official / homebrew softcover adventures. Sometimes one shots, sometimes small campaigns (like Shadows of the Dusk Queen). I really liked the concept, one could easily implement them into a bigger campaign without much work. Do you like these more as printed or digital versions? I love to have something physically in my hand while playing.
That sparked my creativity again and I created some smaller campaigns myself. Mostly for 3-6 Sessions. I have a few of these now, two were playtested already and my players had a great time. I would like to get them out there, share them, get them printed and maybe sell them as softcover-magazines and PDFs for a few bucks, but I have no idea, how to do that.
Is there a market for these, a forum or an online shop? I honestly don't know where to look or with whom to get in touch, since I bought everything from amazon or eBay.
I also don't really know, what to expect in terms of copyright. I already commissioned a friend of mine for original artwork, so that should not be a problem. What about monster stat blocks? Can I simply copy these from the books and paste them in with my own design? All maps and battle maps were created with Incarnate, that I have a subscription for. Can I use them and still sell the book?
Could you please share your experiences and point me in the right direction here? I would really appretiate it. :) Thank you.
Tl,dr: I would like to share / sell some small campaigns but don't know, where to do so. Can you help me out?
submitted by AlpheoTheCleric to DungeonMasters [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:43 niceandcozy_ Help me create a bucketlist :>

Hi everyone!
After every birthday, I like to create a bucketlist with ten things to complete within the year. I turned 22 recently and I'm struggling to find items to put on my list. So far, I have getting my nails done (I've never done that before lol), going to a drag show, ordering wine at a restaurant, adopting my own cat, and going to brunch after clubbing.
I try to go for things you NEED to do in your twenties. You know, the clichés, the exciting stuff! The only things I see online are either super boring (like learning how to do your taxes...) or wayy out of my budget (like taking a solo trip in Thailand).
So what would you put on the list? It can be anything! What did you do in your twenties that you think everyone should do? Or, what do you want to do in your twenties?
Thanks in advance! :D
submitted by niceandcozy_ to TheGirlSurvivalGuide [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:42 Thandereye Stuck in queue after Crash....

It is so annyoing..
Updated , created character, went online, played for 5 minutes and boom, game freezes ....
So restarting the game and now i am in fucking queue for almost 10 minutes...
This game is so annoying...
submitted by Thandereye to diablo4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:42 ImmSorryy What the hell is up with ranked?

Seriously, I know I absolutely suck at the game before people say “skill issue” , so I’m trying to learn. I don’t leave when I lose I finish it out. My record is literally 20-56 online at the moment so I’m very far down in the ranked, but I keep being given super high level advanced opponents, how the hell is that even fair? I thought the point was to be given people of a similar skill level. My previous match was just against a guy who was literally level 99 and my record sucks yet the game thought it was fair to match us against each other.
I’m struggling enough as it is with lag, my internet is usually around 100mbps yet every game I end up with about 2-300 ping and it anytime I throw something it either takes a second or I land by absolute luck. It’s like whenever I throw there’s a delay and some of the inputs don’t register yet my opponent is able to land as many combos as they want like a UFC 2 created character.
Also what is up with the damage? I won a previous fight by knockout in round 2 but it took my 44 significant strikes and 8 knockdowns before I even achieved it. And I only landed 1 stun/wobble. So that means my shots were so damaging they fell straight down, but it took 8 damn times before it said okay that’s enough.
This game really sucks, and I’m trying my best but I don’t see how it’s fair when a bad player like me keeps getting paired up with people 60+ levels higher than me who know every single broken mechanic to spam to their advantage. This is supposed to be ranked.
submitted by ImmSorryy to EASportsUFC [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:41 NoIndication7284 I made chatgpt for shopping for vintage football jerseys [class project]

I made chatgpt for shopping for vintage football jerseys [class project]
Hi guys! My friend and I were frustrated when we were shopping online for retro/vintage football jerseys
so for our climate tech class we created an AI fashion assistant called Encore for our class that links the best second-hand and cheaper alternatives for any clothing item 🍃
If you are interested in trying it out -
type what you're looking for, chat with it, and it searches through hundreds of resale/secondhand sites (like Grailed, Thredup, Vinted, Depop, etc.)
Our project aims to lessen the fashion industry's carbon footprint, which accounts for 3-8% of global CO2 emission. Thanks!
submitted by NoIndication7284 to PremierLeague [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:39 schemical26 [FOR HIRE] Virtual Assistant and Video Editor

TL;DR I'm looking for a job, and I'm not hiring
Hello! I am a freelance virtual assistant from the Philippines that specializes on non-voice admin assistant task and basic video editing offering my services. I'll be willing to encode your documents, do web research, convert your documents, and edit your videos while you're busy doing your primary tasks.
I'm also open to any repetitive computer related tasks/s, but preferably non-voice.
CV provided upon request.
Video Editing Portfolio:
Prior experiences:
Open for: Full Time, Part Time, and One-time Project
Rate: $10/hour
Preferred Mode of Payment: Paypal
submitted by schemical26 to IWantOutJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:39 schemical26 [FOR HIRE] Virtual Assistant and Video Editor

TL;DR I'm looking for a job, and I'm not hiring
Hello! I am a freelance virtual assistant from the Philippines that specializes on non-voice admin assistant task and basic video editing offering my services. I'll be willing to encode your documents, do web research, convert your documents, and edit your videos while you're busy doing your primary tasks.
I'm also open to any repetitive computer related tasks/s, but preferably non-voice.
CV provided upon request.
Video Editing Portfolio:
Prior experiences:
Open for: Full Time, Part Time, and One-time Project
Rate: $10/hour
Preferred Mode of Payment: Paypal
submitted by schemical26 to WFHJobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:39 schemical26 [FOR HIRE] Virtual Assistant and Video Editor

TL;DR I'm looking for a job, and I'm not hiring
Hello! I am a freelance virtual assistant from the Philippines that specializes on non-voice admin assistant task and basic video editing offering my services. I'll be willing to encode your documents, do web research, convert your documents, and edit your videos while you're busy doing your primary tasks.
I'm also open to any repetitive computer related tasks/s, but preferably non-voice.
CV provided upon request.
Video Editing Portfolio:
Prior experiences:
Open for: Full Time, Part Time, and One-time Project
Rate: $10/hour
Preferred Mode of Payment: Paypal
submitted by schemical26 to freelance_forhire [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:39 schemical26 [FOR HIRE] Virtual Assistant and Video Editor

TL;DR I'm looking for a job, and I'm not hiring
Hello! I am a freelance virtual assistant from the Philippines that specializes on non-voice admin assistant task and basic video editing offering my services. I'll be willing to encode your documents, do web research, convert your documents, and edit your videos while you're busy doing your primary tasks.
I'm also open to any repetitive computer related tasks/s, but preferably non-voice.
CV provided upon request.
Video Editing Portfolio:
Prior experiences:
Open for: Full Time, Part Time, and One-time Project
Rate: $10/hour
Preferred Mode of Payment: Paypal
submitted by schemical26 to RemoteWorkSource [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:39 schemical26 [FOR HIRE] Virtual Assistant and Video Editor

TL;DR I'm looking for a job, and I'm not hiring
Hello! I am a freelance virtual assistant from the Philippines that specializes on non-voice admin assistant task and basic video editing offering my services. I'll be willing to encode your documents, do web research, convert your documents, and edit your videos while you're busy doing your primary tasks.
I'm also open to any repetitive computer related tasks/s, but preferably non-voice.
CV provided upon request.
Video Editing Portfolio:
Prior experiences:
Open for: Full Time, Part Time, and One-time Project
Rate: $10/hour
Preferred Mode of Payment: Paypal
submitted by schemical26 to forhire2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:39 schemical26 [FOR HIRE] Virtual Assistant and Video Editor

TL;DR I'm looking for a job, and I'm not hiring
Hello! I am a freelance virtual assistant from the Philippines that specializes on non-voice admin assistant task and basic video editing offering my services. I'll be willing to encode your documents, do web research, convert your documents, and edit your videos while you're busy doing your primary tasks.
I'm also open to any repetitive computer related tasks/s, but preferably non-voice.
CV provided upon request.
Video Editing Portfolio:
Prior experiences:
Open for: Full Time, Part Time, and One-time Project
Rate: $10/hour
Preferred Mode of Payment: Paypal
submitted by schemical26 to jobbit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:38 schemical26 [FOR HIRE] Virtual Assistant and Video Editor

TL;DR I'm looking for a job, and I'm not hiring
Hello! I am a freelance virtual assistant from the Philippines that specializes on non-voice admin assistant task and basic video editing offering my services. I'll be willing to encode your documents, do web research, convert your documents, and edit your videos while you're busy doing your primary tasks.
I'm also open to any repetitive computer related tasks/s, but preferably non-voice.
CV provided upon request.
Video Editing Portfolio:
Prior experiences:
Open for: Full Time, Part Time, and One-time Project
Rate: $10/hour
Preferred Mode of Payment: Paypal
submitted by schemical26 to B2BForHire [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:38 schemical26 [FOR HIRE] Virtual Assistant and Video Editor

TL;DR I'm looking for a job, and I'm not hiring
Hello! I am a freelance virtual assistant from the Philippines that specializes on non-voice admin assistant task and basic video editing offering my services. I'll be willing to encode your documents, do web research, convert your documents, and edit your videos while you're busy doing your primary tasks.
I'm also open to any repetitive computer related tasks/s, but preferably non-voice.
CV provided upon request.
Video Editing Portfolio:
Prior experiences:
Open for: Full Time, Part Time, and One-time Project
Rate: $10/hour
Preferred Mode of Payment: Paypal
submitted by schemical26 to bitJob [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:38 schemical26 [FOR HIRE] Virtual Assistant and Video Editor

TL;DR I'm looking for a job, and I'm not hiring
Hello! I am a freelance virtual assistant from the Philippines that specializes on non-voice admin assistant task and basic video editing offering my services. I'll be willing to encode your documents, do web research, convert your documents, and edit your videos while you're busy doing your primary tasks.
I'm also open to any repetitive computer related tasks/s, but preferably non-voice.
CV provided upon request.
Video Editing Portfolio:
Prior experiences:
Open for: Full Time, Part Time, and One-time Project
Rate: $10/hour
Preferred Mode of Payment: Paypal
submitted by schemical26 to remoteworking [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:38 schemical26 [FOR HIRE] Virtual Assistant and Video Editor

TL;DR I'm looking for a job, and I'm not hiring
Hello! I am a freelance virtual assistant from the Philippines that specializes on non-voice admin assistant task and basic video editing offering my services. I'll be willing to encode your documents, do web research, convert your documents, and edit your videos while you're busy doing your primary tasks.
I'm also open to any repetitive computer related tasks/s, but preferably non-voice.
CV provided upon request.
Video Editing Portfolio:
Prior experiences:
Open for: Full Time, Part Time, and One-time Project
Rate: $10/hour
Preferred Mode of Payment: Paypal
submitted by schemical26 to remoteworks [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:38 schemical26 [FOR HIRE] Virtual Assistant and Video Editor

TL;DR I'm looking for a job, and I'm not hiring
Hello! I am a freelance virtual assistant from the Philippines that specializes on non-voice admin assistant task and basic video editing offering my services. I'll be willing to encode your documents, do web research, convert your documents, and edit your videos while you're busy doing your primary tasks.
I'm also open to any repetitive computer related tasks/s, but preferably non-voice.
CV provided upon request.
Video Editing Portfolio:
Prior experiences:
Open for: Full Time, Part Time, and One-time Project
Rate: $10/hour
Preferred Mode of Payment: Paypal
submitted by schemical26 to jobpostings [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:38 schemical26 [FOR HIRE] Virtual Assistant and Video Editor

TL;DR I'm looking for a job, and I'm not hiring
Hello! I am a freelance virtual assistant that specializes on non-voice admin assistant task and basic video editing offering my services. I'll be willing to encode your documents, do web research, convert your documents, and edit your videos while you're busy doing your primary tasks.
I'm also open to any repetitive computer related tasks/s, but preferably non-voice.
CV provided upon request.
Video Editing Portfolio:
Prior experiences:
Open for: Full Time, Part Time, and One-time Project
Rate: $5/hour
Preferred Mode of Payment: Paypal/Maya
submitted by schemical26 to onlineservicesPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:38 schemical26 [FOR HIRE] Virtual Assistant and Video Editor

TL;DR I'm looking for a job, and I'm not hiring
Hello! I am a freelance virtual assistant that specializes on non-voice admin assistant task and basic video editing offering my services. I'll be willing to encode your documents, do web research, convert your documents, and edit your videos while you're busy doing your primary tasks.
I'm also open to any repetitive computer related tasks/s, but preferably non-voice.
CV provided upon request.
Video Editing Portfolio:
Prior experiences:
Open for: Full Time, Part Time, and One-time Project
Rate: $5/hour
Preferred Mode of Payment: Paypal/Maya
submitted by schemical26 to JobsPhilippines [link] [comments]