Cerita hot ibu tiri

Sebuah harapan dibalik orang yang tidak berduit

2024.05.15 02:05 DanielAnakBudi Sebuah harapan dibalik orang yang tidak berduit

Di post ini, aku mau cerita bedasarkan kisah nyata dari sebagian besar orang yang pernah ngobrol sama aku (plus dengan pengalamanku pas bersama mereka) dan mungkin ini bisa menggerakkan hati atau kita makin positif sih. Ada 2 cerita yang bakalan aku bahas, dan kalian bisa pilih aja mau cerita mana yang mau kalian baca. And ofc, i make it short to save everyone's time.
The story has 2 perspective : Gojek, dan Tukang parkir (niatnya mau ada tambahan 1 lagi, yaitu cerita tentang guruku.. maybe next time i guess.)
Let's start with Gojek.
Gojek Kejadian ini terjadi pasca tahun 2021-an (kalo ga salah). Ceritanya, Sahabat jauh dari solo pulang ke sentul dan aku main sama beliau sambil ngobrol bareng kondisi-nya disana. Kami bercengkrama sampai dengan jam 8 malam, dan aku memutuskan untuk pulang (karena nyokap udah nyariin). Aku akhirnya dianterin pulang dengan mobil nyokap sahabatku yang kebetulan lagi satu jalan dari AEON. tapi, aku denger kabar kata-nya bokap-nya temen tiba-tiba sakit dan Nyokap-nya perlu beli obat. Aku nawarin untuk nemenin beli obat + nunjukin apotik terdekat, tapi akhirnya aku cukup minta diberhentiin aja di Lampu merah dekat CCM. Karena aku takut-nya mengganggu juga + takut pulang kemaleman. Cukup ucapan semoga cepat sembuh, dan akhirnya pergi ke kantor polisi perempatan CCM buat pesan Gojek.
Jujur, aku kaget ketika yang dateng ketika pesen Gojek yang dateng adalah perempuan. Aku ga permasalahin kamu kerja jadi apa... tapi dengan kondisi malem seperti ini dan beliau berani narik Gojek? oh my. That's a daring move and deserve my respect. Tapi pas aku mau naik, beliau bilang.. ini baru pertama kali dia ambil pesanan malem-malem dan kebetulan aga capek (kalo ga salah inget). Aku tawarin untuk ngendarain motornya (it was a scoopy. its has good handling but slow as snail speed. but it has good fuel economy. hehe, maaf terlalu mendiskripsikan motornya).
Kami ngobrol di jalan dong... tanya-tanya abis ngapain dan ini itu. Sampai aku nanya ke beliau "Ibu kenapa mau kerja jadi Go-Jek?". Beliau dengan lumayan santai-nya bilang something along like "Karena ada-nya ini pada saat ini, dan saya harus membiayain kedua anak saya". Aku sambil mengucapkan maaf nanya kepada beliau "Maaf bu, saya kalo boleh nanya.. Suami ibu apakah tidak kerja?". Beliau bilang "Suami saya kabur". That bring a chill on my spine... karena ini ngobrol secara langsung. Beliau bela-belain Nganter barang sampai malam, dan bahkan nyoba nge-gojek. it's somewhat shows how mother figure should always be. She wants nothing but her kids to become succeed and didnt end up like her.
And today 2024, i share her story to here... it shows that maybe even at the very rock bottom, you cannot see down but only up. and you need to keep on going whatever your situation is.
okay, Mari kita langsung aja cerita kedua.
Tukang Parkir Mixue Miksu (ga boleh nyebut merek meskipun keliatan dikit, atleast its for the sake of the funni)
Nah, ini sebenarnya kejadian yag masih baru-baru banget. Cerita-nya ini abis ngampus.. Karena lagi kepengen makan eskrim, pergilah aku ke Miksu deket Sate Tegal Laka-laka yang ada di cibinong. Kebetulan disitu ada tukang parkir (yang kebetulan sering ketemuan dan dia ramah).. ngobrol lah aku sama beliau. He give me many wise words dan saran sebelum beranjak ke dunia yang bener-bener dewasa. it was all fun and game.
But then, i ask him... "Tapi pak, dengan pemikiran dan wawasan yang luas. Kenapa bapak jadi tukang parkir?" He said ketika beliau di pelabuhan tanjung priuk, dulunya dia kerja sebagai pengangkut barang dan disukai sama bos-nya karena etos kerja-nya yang tinggi (Sambil nunjukin kertas kerja-nya, dan dokumen penting lainnya ketika kerja di pelabuhan tanjung priuk. I was surprised how did he trust me to the point to show me this). He got paid handsomely, dan dia kerja dari pagi ke pagi. Sampai ketika orang dalam plays along dan kompetisi yang ga sehat mulai masuk. Dia suka disenggol dan begitu sebagai-nya... dan bahkan sudah berfikir kalo sebagai pengangkut barang udah bukan passion dia lagi (karena terkadang dia mesti berantem pas ngangkut barang di jalan entah sama pungli, dll).
Dan dimasa dimana dia udah kepala 5 atau 6 ini (kalo ga salah). Dia hanya ingin meninggal dengan tenang aja. Dia bilang sama aku "Keinginan muda dan tau pasti berbeda. Semakin kamu tua, kamu semakin belajar kalo dalam hidup itu ga semuanya bisa kamu dapatkan. tapi kamu ga boleh nyerah, dan harus tekun".
He's respectable person... even as tukang parkir. Maybe some people doesnt have a choice and ended up like him. Bahkan orang berjasa kayak beliau aja di-injek". like damn..... Hope he's having a good day
That's the story for today folks. Have a good day !
edit : typo :b
submitted by DanielAnakBudi to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 23:03 JulianSkies Black River, White Tail - Ch.5-1 "Clash"


Chapter 5 - Clash and Retreat

The room was distressingly silent for how many people were present. At the head of the meeting table was Tiri, staring intently at the video being projected on the screen in the far side, to his left was a venlil and a takkan, to his right were two venlil.
The screen shows a video of the lobby of the Cloud Inn. It continues for about a minute, but the detail they had been looking for becomes apparent. “Hard to notice in the video, yes, but the metadata doesn’t lie. This was tampered” a human voice echoes, caller unseen as his view is obscured by the video.
To the left of the precinct chief was his second-in-command and the chief of the police. The takkan lowers his head in his paws, rubbing the bridge of his snout “I can see the clock looping, and the one who saw the stranger is never there… Why’d this have to happen right now?” he sighs and looks up “We’re not ready for this, at all”
“Nobody is” says the venlil at his side “But we’re going to have to be” Tiri’s second adds “I suppose we should get the place locked down and start looking for… Something?” he sighs
Tiri taps his claws in the desk “We’ll have to figure out what to look for. I’d say this isn’t exterminator work anymore, but for now we’re all together on this. Someone went in to threaten Kenim, and he seems to believe it’s real.”
The three turn to look at the venlil on the chief’s right. "We did have to deal with something… Somewhat like this before. Twice.” Aren starts “We’ll help, it’s what we’re here for, but it’d be good to have someone coming along”
With a few signs of agreement the five stand up and the takkan walks over to the other side of the table “Right, forgot to introduce myself earlier. Dorn. Since we don’t have anyone with the skillset, I’ll be sending my second-in-command, lieutenant Akathun. He might not know what to do but his nose should prove useful.” he offers an earflick.
“Any help is appreciated, what do you mean his nose?” Marik asks as they start making their way out of the room.
“Tulsek are a rare sight out of their world, but their nose is unmatched. I hear a rumour not even the arxur can track as well as they can”
The trip is short, right out of the meeting room Dorn waves over at someone before leading the pair to the armoury. There they meet someone- a biped that is just shorter than Aren, a dark tan color and seemingly furless with how sparse it is, a flat circular nose on their snout that twitches now and then “This is Akathun. Ak, those are Marik and Aren from the Blackriver precinct, you’ll be helping them out for now”
The tulsek twitches their long right ear forward in agreement “Fine by me. What’s the plan?”
“First step is going back to Cloud Inn and see if we can find something else.” Aren starts as Akathun reaches behind a counter to pick up what seems to be a baton “Since Kenim is still staying in there hopefully things haven’t been too disrupted yet.”
It wasn’t long until they were in the car “Hope the break room wasn’t too bad, by the way? You’ve been here for over a paw already”
The black venlil in the back seat sighs “Did the job.”
It doesn’t take much longer until they finally reach the Inn again, and soon they step out of the car. The entrance of the Cloud Inn, however, is unlike how it was the previous paw. It is empty, and more importantly, dark. Sharing a momentary look the three approach the front desk, barely illuminated from a beam of sunlight from outside.
“Nobody here…” Marik says before walking around the desk to check “I’m getting a bad feeling” he twists his ears at Aren as he scans around.
“Blood…” at the whisper, Marik turns to their tulsek reinforcement. His nose is twitching “Venlil, takkan… Oh kha-taul, it’s strong…”
In response, Aren produces a flashlight from a pocket and unholsters his tranq pistol, with a silent tap of his tail the three start to proceed towards the corridor, heading further inside with Akathun staying a step behind them. It doesn’t take long until the flashlight in Aren’s paw finally finds something. Past the corner was an open door and just barely visible in the beam of light- An orange stain.
Cautiously approaching it soon becomes obvious what the door is, the elevator. And the stain makes its source obvious as the flashlight follows its trail: Propped against the wall is a body, a single clear bullet wound in the head, orange long since stopped dripping. A second body is on the floor, two bullets in the chest. “Not again…” Marik mutters.
Carefully, the two venlil kneels down beside the bodies, inspecting them without touching for a while until Aren points his flashlight at… Something. He gently picks up what appears to be a small fragment of wood, the flashlight showing a scattering of wood chips badly misplaced inside a fully metallic elevator. They stare at them for a few seconds before suddenly light floods around them, causing them all to stand back up.
A few tense seconds pass until heavy footsteps can be heard, Aren and Marik step in front of Akathun, pistols raised, until they see what arrives. The heavy suit adorned in red that crosses the corner causes them to lower their weapons, the tierkel’s heavy breathing hitches and stops for a moment at the sight of the bodies “Y-you’re here…”
Her eyes are frantic, her breathing tense. “It-it took me a while to get the lights back on- I- I was locked in the room, we couldn’t get the phones-” she shakes her head, before pulling up a holopad “L-look, the cameras”.
The holopad is already showing a few screens with the output of cameras. The time markers on them show they’re all of the present, and all they show is the lifeless trail of corpses in the upper floor, all of it leading to an open door. There was no need to consider what would be behind that door, he had made sure to warn them what was going to happen last paw.
But among the screens there was one odd one, the only one showing a recording of the past instead of a stream of the present. In there, someone familiar is staring directly at the camera, a short and stubby snout with cuts and scars, lips spread to an aggressive display, his teeth including a pair of sharp incisors and long ears with rounded ends. A distressingly alien expression, in a body unfit for it. A threat.
In a matter of seconds the tulsek officer had backed away, frantically tapping away at his own device “How long ago was this?” Marik asks the manager.
“Not long- Less than a claw” she gets her holopad back from the officers.
A couple of steps behind them Akathun’s voice can be heard “Brother stay home. I don’t care about the job. If anyone asks, say it’s an order from the police!”
Meanwhile, the two venlil stare at each other. The first one to speak up is Marik “We need to find them, fast… But the cameras are already unreliable, and given no panic outside likely nobody saw them leave either”
“Anything out of place here should be a hint then…” Aren turns an ear over to the direction of the elevator. A couple of seconds later they stiffen “There was one thing” he holds out a small fragment of wood that he had collected.
He thinks for a few seconds in silence, his partner just staring at him, until he pulls out his lighter. The green flame gets brought closer to the wood fragment in his paw until it starts to smoulder and eventually ignites. After a second more staring Aren finishes his analysis “Aramek wood. It’s a nightsider, doesn’t grow here.” He clicks the lighter closed, blowing the light flame on his paw off “The elevator was metal, it didn’t get knocked loose in the fight. That guy was wearing construction gear, also a toolbox.”
“There were marks fitting the toolbox in the face of one of the bodies”
“Near where the wood shavings were, yes.”
Marik takes a deep breath “So they got knocked loose from the box? Is there a construction site that would use imported wood here?”
“No” finally done with his call, Akathun walks closer “They try to only use local stuff here… But there is an old wood mill spinwards, venture project, never went anywhere and it’s been abandoned for years”
They do not tarry in contemplation, quickly returning to their car with little more than a command for the manager of the Inn to not allow anyone to disturb the corpses. Once in the vehicle, Aren starts speeding as Marik hands his pistol over to Akathun “Here”
“What about you?” the tulsek officer worries as he checks the weapon. A tranquilliser pistol barely seems like a useful tool against something, someone, that caused that much bloodshed alone.
Once, the noise of something metallic opening “I got my hunting rifle” clack again the noise of the weapon closing.
The rest of the trip remains a silent affair, the car travels through roads until the asphalt becomes dirt. Trees far too young and evenly spaced to be natural hide the distant silhouette of a building, the car stops a good distance away as the three step out of the vehicle.
“Incoming.” Came a voice, announced over the subdermal radios. “Intelligence room’s been rigged.” He added. I peered through the window at the incoming vehicles, screeching to a stop. My ears instinctively swept back in that ‘negative’ expression. Hah, it seemed like that venlil was a better teacher than I initially thought her to be.
“Understood, overseer in place.” Another said as I massaged my wrist, instinctively grasping at the handle of the scythe knife affixed to my vest. Another hand went to feel my autogun, then my knife hand snuck down to reach for my mask, preparing myself to stick my gun out the window and open fire. I paused.
Death is an old friend. You don’t introduce someone you care about with a letter.
You do it face to face.
A thunderous crack. Our opponents were alerted.
I relinquished my grip on the mask and gun, moving back up to the knife. Quietly, I unsheathed it before bounding to my right, hopping out the window and into the brush, eyes locking on one particular victim. This person looked like they could fight. Perhaps this would be fun after all.
Aren and Akathun both ready their tranq pistols, behind them Marik keeps his rifle just slightly lowered as they move forward. The black-fleeced venlil keeps his ears alert, listening to any strange sound “What… There’s… Blood in here… And… Accelerant? Some vola-” the tulsek’s voice vanishes from Marik’s mind as something else calls his attention, a light rustle, and he begins to turn his face to look.
It takes but a moment, at the edge of his color band a distant shape moves, something vaguely resembling a person under a blanket, and a long object… But as his eye focuses on it the entire thing vanishes- Aside from the glint of metal. In the span of a breath he paws hurl him forward, left arm shoving Aren into the ground, right arm grabbing at Akathun’s as he dives to the ground.
He does not stop to consider the wet feeling on his back, he simply crawls as fast as he can to a nearby tree, the tulsek’s screams of pain in his ears. Pressing his back against the tree he finally turns around to look at the situation. Akathun lies on the ground, left arm missing completely, a scatter of indigo painting the teal foliage. A short distance away, Aren’s flat against the ground and hidden behind a rock. Before his partner can act Marik shouts “Don’t move! Bait!”
For a few seconds, there are no sounds in the wind… Marik lowers his body to the ground and gets down on all fours, slowly crawling through the underbrush between trees until he reaches the next one. Carefully, he peeks out his rifle’s tip through the foliage, looking through the scope… He sees nothing for a moment until a very recent memory strikes him- He tilts his head just slightly, to put the scope out of his color band. In shades of black and white he sees it, something vaguely person-shaped and what is quite obviously the barrel of a gun.
The barrel moves, so he moves faster. He lets off a snap shot, before quickly moving to scurry away, hoping to have hit the minuscule target in the distance. The tree he had been hiding behind erupts into splinters as whatever ammunition that demonic rifle was using tears into it like a tank shell. Sliding to a stop behind another tree he loads another cartridge- But another sound distracts him. A venlise bray and an alien growl, followed by the muted hisses of a pressure pistol.
His heartbeat spikes and his body moves on it’s own. He turns around, exposing his body and rapidly scanning ahead, he brings his rifle up and fires another snap shot where he guesses the opponent shooter is a mere moment before he sees the flash of his opponent’s weapon fire. He jumps backwards as he loads another charge, in time to avoid the splinters from his previous cover being eviscerated. He hits the ground and rolls, aiming now at a different position- Where he had heard the bellows before. In there are two people, and he doesn’t have time to see where his shot lands when he fires before he needs to run again.
“I’m letting him scream. Claw. Go.”
Thank you, Angel. I giggled lightly as the fighter approached the collateral, arm torn to pieces by my commander’s shot. Slowly, I rose from my crouched position, before brandishing my knife like an antlion does so its fangs, rushing my opponent with a wondrous, near fervent smile.
Aren looks out carefully from his cover behind the rock, one eye focused on the bleeding tulsek and another scanning for whatever might have caused that to begin with. When he sees a trace of green light appear he takes it as sign to act and dashes out of cover- His aim the fallen officer. But his situational awareness warns him of something, causing him to abort that plan and turn aside.
What he sees is exactly who they had come for- The same man from the recording, the same one he’d seen in the construction uniform, but this time his expression isn’t wrong, like how it was before. The bared teeth speak of true and terrifying glee and the long curved knife on their right hand speaks of ill intent. For the span of but a thought Aren considers drawing his pistol, but the man is approaching fast, too fast-
Something in the man’s movement shifts, his body’s center of gravity going lower for a moment- Letting his animal drive take control, Aren follows as it instructs and steps forward towards the man once, before lowering himself the same. The incoming leporid suddenly vaults forward, twisting midair to aim both feet forward, moving at tremendous velocity-
But Aren’s own natural drive guides him in a similar strike, with less forward momentum he jumps, twists and kicks- Feet and paw connect with enough force to send both combatants flying off of each other, the grinning unknown twisting in the air and landing on his feet while Aren barely recovers in time to land in a crouch. He remains crouched with a grimace as he finally draws his pistol, forfeiting precision he squeezes the trigger quickly as he tries to adjust his aim.
The stranger prefers to indulge in melee, however, and dashes towards him. He leaps left and right as he advances in bounds, dancing around Aren’s attempt to track his with his pistol until he finishes closing in the distance and swipes his leg at the weapon. Without trying to fight for it Aren rolls backwards as the gun goes flying, finally capable of jumping to his paws, just in time to block the incoming swing of a knife by stepping in closer and impacting his wrist against the stranger’s. His subsequent attempt of an upward swipe with the opposite paw frustrated by the stranger’s quick backstep.
The leporid stranger emits a chittery mumble “This one’s fun. Let’s make this a long one.” before leaping forward again. Aren tries to take a step back to keep distance but the stranger extends forward with a perfect match, stepping in close and bringing his knife in an upwards arc. Though there is but a drop of orange on the tip of the blade, the follow-through elbow under the chin sends Aren reeling backwards, his discombobulated state preventing him from noticing as the stranger spins in place to deliver a powerful kick to his chest all in a single fluid motion.
Stumbling backwards, Aren lashes his tail left and right to keep balance, avoiding a topple by the barest of measures. The two combatants stare at each other for a moment… Aren can feel the dizziness setting in, the pain in his breath- He lowers his stance as the stranger sprints forward again, ducking down under a high swipe of the knife he pushes his body forward, grabbing the stranger’s waist with his right arms.
Before he can do further, Aren feels an impact on his spine- Once, twice as he continues to push and when the third impact takes too long to arrive he quickly shoves his paw against the body of the aggressor, stopping his momentum and pushing upwards with his entire body, tilting the leporid in the air, over him and behind him. He turns around in time to see the other man land on the ground with a small wobble. The maniac shakes his head slightly, but undeterred he steps forward again.
Aren steps in again to meet the challenge, the low knife swipe is just a little slower than it was before giving him time to swat it at with his tail before extending his right claw forward towards the man’s abdomen. The move is easily countered by a simple grab, his arm is held in place as the opponent raises his knife again- Aren reaches up with his left and grabs at the hand holding the knife, awkward grip earning him a shallow cut between fingers. Using the leverage of their combined weight his enemy makes a small backwards motion, spinning them both in place- And a sudden thunderous noise interrupts the fight as dirt and splinters of stone shower them from below as something impacts the ground. A half-second later both combatants shove each other away as a trace of green light flies between them.

“No fun!” I chided in my somewhat fluent Venilese, beginning to hop from side to side as the other appeared to gaze at me with a strange mix of horror and attempted stoicism. “A gun? It’s like ordering takeout, no soul in it, is there?” I added.
I then rushed him, knife brandishing once again as he went to counter. Thrusting my knife with obvious intention, he managed to take the bait. As I made impact, elbow pressed to his neck, the knife was stopped by a grab to my wrist. Within the second, I adjusted my hold, spinning my wrist to hook the blade against the tendons that controlled the last few digits.
Tug. A delicious yelp of pain. His grip on my wrist failed as I followed up by grabbing the side of his head with the arm that pinned him, using the shock from the injury to pull him under my arm in a hold, exposing his throat.
Maybe not yet. Instead of going for the throat and ending this quickly, I wished to continue the fight. So, I simply let him go, allowing him to fall to the ground as I hopped backwards, weaving my body as another shot embedded itself into whatever might’ve been behind me.
“Claw?! What was that?!” A voice shouted over the subdermal communications. I snorted as I watched my opponent get up. I then got into a stance, making sure he saw me bob my head from side to side, ears loosely swaying along. Making sure he knew I enjoyed this.
“My first good fight in months, Angel. Don’t ruin this for me.” I said with a tad bit of a serious tone as the venlil’s eyes drifted to something they must’ve dropped during the fight. I rushed him again as he went for it.
The venlil was smarter this time, instead grabbing my forearm, pulling it in while raising a knee to my abdomen. I went with his movements, pulling myself out of its way as I spun around him, using that momentum to strike a punch into the hough of his steadying leg, sending him down. From there, he went to blindly elbow me, which I refused with a strike of my knife hand’s forearm, sending it away with a crack as I pivoted to his side, grabbing his head and sending a knee straight into his face.
The brutal impact sent him flying back as my ears picked out the subtle click of a trigger being compressed, dodging yet another glowing projectile.
The venlil grabbed at the dirt as he got up again, blood flowing from the corners of the mouth. Wow, tenacious, this one was. I smirked, as this time, he approached me. I welcomed it with a stance before immediately getting to work.
A hook to my face with his half-functioning hand. I denied it with a block with my knife hand, using my other arm to wrap about the back of his neck and pull him in for a knee to the gut. Once he was stunned, I pulled away slightly and sent my knife forward with unparalleled speed. The venlil had good reflexes, jerking his shoulder back and denying me of his artery. Must’ve seen my previous work.
However, it was hardly fast enough. The hooked end of the knife dug into his chest, dragging upwards fiercely before sending a deep slash into his chin. I followed it up with a downward slash to the shoulder, hitting its mark and digging right into the muscle, dragging downwards into the chest. Horizontal slash, along the chest. Another slash, right below it. The venlil then went for another hook with the other arm, which I caught.
For a microsecond, he must’ve caught the manic glint in my eye as I threw my knife hand up. That face contorted into horror as I followed with a set of lightning fast, zig-zagged slashes to the wrist, inner elbow and armpit.
Then, I slid my grip on his wrist away, which soon balled itself for a crushing hook to his face, smoothly followed by an elbow to the gut. I made a decent space with that strike, which I utilised by kicking him away with a jumping two-legged slam.
He was sent skidding across the ground. I rolled back and steadied myself on a crouch as another shot found its way to me, grazing my ear as I recovered from the unsteadiness that’d come from such a kick. Feeling the blood trickle down and the pain dancing through my nerves, I willfully ignored it as I approached the venlil.
“You’re good.” I complimented, crouching.
Wordlessly, the venlil then unpinned some kind of grenade, which soon erupted into a blast of gas. It was a gas that stung the eyes, stung the nose and had me cough and retch for a bit as he appeared to pick himself back up.
A shot rang out, from much closer this time. Shit. He must’ve been using his gun. I sheathed my knife, turning around and retreating as the shots followed after me, one of them finding its mark in my shoulder, throwing it forward for a moment.
As I ran towards the safety of the dark industrial building, a gleeful smile found its way to my face. What a good fighter!
Someday, I’ll have to come back for him.
See if this experience taught him anything.
To be both the hunter and the hunted, there is a certain exhilaration to this. Blood pumping loudly through his ears, he realises that maybe, in the right conditions, he might even enjoy the experience. But not with everything that is on the line right now, not when real blood is on the line, not when his herd is in danger- There is no place for enjoyment in this situation.
Forcing his small claws in the bark of the tree, Marik carefully makes his way up before quietly balancing himself on top a branch- He will be gone in a second. He brings up his rifle, takes in a breath and aims- For a second he scans ahead, the monochromatic ghost had moved from the foliage where he was to behind a rock to the left. He swings his rifle sideways and moment the front aligns with his target he presses the trigger, the silent acceleration barely felt, and leaps off of the branch. The shower of splinters behind him declaring how dangerous every perch becomes.
His right knee complains badly as he lands hard but he continues for two more steps before diving into a bush again and crawling a little further. He stops and sweeps his his rifle to the side again, an intake of breath and a blur of black, white and color is all that his eyes process but instinct drives his aim- A low-heat shot flies through the air impacting a tree behind Aren and the stranger as a small crater opens behind the stranger from his own opponent’s strike- Clack open the rifle, dirty charge, sweep right- He rolls to the side and adjusts his aim again, firing through the shower of dirt that the tank-killer round causes by his side.
He rolls back and into his paws as he begins loading another charge, he sprints for just a short while before slowing down greatly, he ends behind a tree and is rewarded with the opposing shot landing a few paces ahead of him, he turns around the tree and makes a guess of where he’d find his foe- The ghost sniper’s monochrome silhouette has the vague form of a monstrous rifle aimed elsewhere and he knows where it is, he has to fire too quick to land an accurate shot and has to hope the verdant trace of supersonic plasma distracts their aim at the very least.
He quickly dives out of the way as he sees the opponent start to move again, and stays in place for one, two, three heartbeats before continuing to crawl forward. Holding his breath he listens to the clashing and grunting of the melee combatants for a while until he finally finds cover behind a rock barely as tall as he is when laying down. He focuses his aim at Aren and the stranger fighting, closely locked in a mortally intimate embrace, he pulls his aim up but a noise tickles at his right ear- He forfeits absolute focus on his quarry and perceives to his side a dread glint of another scope- A gamble, whose trigger is faster? He squeezes the trigger as fast as he can tumbles backwards.
The rock shatters into small fragments, and Marik has the chance to witness the leporid warrior simply take the dirty plasma shot through their ear with no reaction. But his herd is still in danger, he can’t care about it right now. “Guess I know what the other side of the scope feels like now…”
He pulls out the charge at the top of his bandolier, highest temperature dirty plasma charge, and chambers it. He throws himself on the ground again and claws his way through the underbrush and peeks through the leaves again- But he cannot see the monochrome ghost… He frantically searches for a few seconds- Had his opponent finally realised that whatever mystery tool he was using had the opposite effect on him? He continues to scan carefully, but with his color band instead… And he sees it.
A glint, a single spark of light. In a flash of movement he steadies his rifle, brings it up and fires.
Through the air sails two deadly tools- A heavy, pointed piercer propelled by enough explosive force to punch through the armored veil of a war machine, built in heavy metal and machined to perfection. A spiralling cloud of shredding metal dust embedded in plasma hot enough to metal through, all propelled at hypersonic speeds. Their user’s aim equally perfect, their users’ target each other’s own tools of destructions.
The collide midair, the anti-tank round’s careful machining ablated to pieces, the dirty plasma’s containment field disrupted, the bullet’s course deviated by thermal energy and the plasma bolt’s shredder dispersed through kinetic energy. For a moment only the elongated trail of green plasma and red-hot metal a sign of the weapons’ discharge.
It all plays out in the span of a single breath, and the impact hits. The weakened bullet’s course deviated just slightly, from the scope sight to a few millimetres to the side it impacts the accelerator rails of Marik’s hunting rifle, the metal absorbing most of the energy and bending inwards, a great deal of the remaining energy absorbed by the polished wood of the stock which shatters into splinters sent flying up the side of the gunner’s face, the last few joules dispersed through his shoulder into bruising pain.
Falling backwards Marik quickly scrambles for cover again and look at Aren- He sees him drop down an object and the other combatant runs away. If they are retreating then- He finally takes a risk and starts running ahead, not towards his companion but the still agonizing Akathun on the ground, who’d been left to witness the duel as he bleeds out “Aren, get back!”.
But Aren does not respond “I lost my rifle, they got a shooter!” he howls as he drags the downed officer back into cover. But the only response he gets from his partner is movement- But not the direction he expected it.
Whoever their shooter was, their aim was true. The rounds had hit each other. I ejected the spent round from my longrifle as I peered at the suppressor. The plasma - or whatever the fuck the other had shot - had torn through the suppressor and barrel, rendering my prized rifle inert. I decided to withdraw from my position.
“Claw, Recluse. Status?” I called into the subdermal communications as I backtracked into the mill, cloak draped over my back as I carried my rifle along with me.
“Entering the shuttle. The documents we weren’t able to scan in time are all here.” Claw said with a slight pause. “Ern is here too.” I gave a nod, only to reassure myself as I darted through the corridors, sunlight creating small pockets of yellow in the omnipresent shadow which served as my cover.
“Central command’s been cleared out. Tossed a white flame in there, nothing left. I’ll keep them off your tracks.” Recluse spoke with steely resolve as I made my way up some stairs, hearing the thundering of the man’s heavy weaponry as it shook and rumbled the very foundations of the building.
“Get to the shuttle if you can.” I said, coming out on an elevated section of land, where an out-of-place spacefaring craft had been sitting. It was draped in foliage and dirt, seeming almost like a part of the old mill as I bounded in, dropping my gear. Claw greeted me in the pilot’s seat as I did so, Ern positioned further to the side in one of the passenger’s seats.
“I cannot. See you soon.” Recluse responded. I gave a frustrated punch to the solid interior wall of the shuttle, cursing lightly under my breath.
“Claw, start the ship. Cloak it. We’re leaving.” I grumbled. With nary a word, not even a light snort, the operative prepared the launching sequence, door shutting and cutting off the golden rays that poured into the ship.
Oops, apparently the chapter we wrote is just THAT BIG and just one post won't be enough~ Turns out writing with someone else is just that fun.
submitted by JulianSkies to NatureofPredators [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 11:48 JohnSPeterson Chile

i email this to the fund but it is probably lost in translation
if you have a contact WITHIN the fund please share it
this is a personal connection if this is a fund of action
this is N O T idle talk
anecdotes from my expedition yes
and nothing nobody already knows yes
but i am not talking into the air
as long as i am alive nothing is holier to me than pristine hiking conditions in southern Chile on the same level as my native Scandinavian basin where i am now
perfect silence. except now Saturday morning when the motor cross crew is out
but most of all NO GOD DAMNED FENCES that litter Chile
and realistically
yes i worked at a pr firm in school that happened to emply prime minister Göran Persson
yes i am a big deal currently incognito to preserve my energy
just the eternal question of mobilising change that every body knows is necessary but has no personal benefit and goes against self preservation
we insomniacs usually say never forget Aaron Schwartz
i also add never forget Goodall even if i always forget it it was Jane or Joanne
and with the two sigma attention span post length limit most of this email is cut off anyway
Reddit: we are a profit corporation we ignore ANYTHING outside two sigma. corporate orders. engineer have no say. no whistle blower allowed
i don't have two sigma attention span five sigma all the eay
and just a final note if someone lives around lake pape Latvia what is that blowing noise all day and night sound like mister rogers trying to play the tuba. this thing is really hard to play

my contained anger explodes after two weeks back

i am back in Europe in lake pape Latvia and reminded about your care about EVERY part of this planet i think
i am walking around the globe and walked around Chile last summer
they have managed to eradicate everything bigger than a rabbit from the entire sub continent outside the unreachable wilderness
my anger is just. i can not contain it
all purchased land has been destroyed by negligence
my Swedish nature can not be further from their nature
i saw with my own eyes over river quilecho latitude 41 a female puma with two kids take a sheep in broad day light because there are NO WILD ANIMALS bigger than a rabbit
and a road kill rabbit down the road the next day. they drive motorised vehicles all of them but can not be able to get anything together from it
you know as well as me that parental supervision is A and O. my old predecessor at Uppsala Linnaeus and the Swedish crew have been instrumental and i am looking for scape goats to explain why we can bot do anything

bla blabla

all purchased land from 40 to 55 degrees latitude has been destroyed
do i need to say that again
can you tell me how much land mass in the southern hemisphere fits that description and how much it matters for summer life
i prefer light in my life that means the south in the summer when the summer is there
the bog can freeze over with out me . i only miss lake skating until the sun sets three in the after noon . the rest is just dark misery

retired warrior activist public relations professional

i am in semi retirement because i was burned out after i was simultaneously in three major security counsils, arms control, government assistance, meaning we essentially do everything and finally environmental management urgent famine control

need ideas

i am just wondering what your ideas are
i am encouraged to see two young elks here feeding on their favourite spring meal in the bog. on of them humourously stepped right in to a water hole while i was watching
two cranes behind them were alerted to my presence but the elks are almost tame
i see that you have tried to find representative breeds of extinct grazers. cows and horses. for some reason you mentioned nothing about that woekbin the signs around lake pape. you only omitted scientific nomenclature entirely for those two
someone used the word uroxe in Sweden or aur oxen. although we usually say that the domesticated auroch or taurus generically is no more. although the horns look similar to fossil remains. and much genetic work remains to be done. we are still a leader at that in Uppsala even if some staff have moved to the more modern equipment in Jena for paleo genetics

personal blithering since i never fall asleep without trancs. too worried. i am an exaggerated ape

best wishes
i am usually awake at dark nights like tonight and i guess this had to come out
just because I am in semi retirement doesn't mean full retire ment. i can still help with strategic work
it is daunting
i stepped out of my hostel before my connecting flight back. electric vehicles specifically electric kick bikes that i used in Stockholm for at least ten years are illegal on my street. only one small rich suburb has legalised them
i talked with the operator lime and the university and they just shrug. we don't want a bullet in the head...
that's just life in Russia or Chile. open your mouth and enjoy the rest of your life in a cage like Mikhail khodorokovsky
send me a personal message with a brief story about your life
it is well known that i usually score in the upper ten million in general aptitude tests and some people are intimidated by that
my uncle scored in the top ten billion in weight lifting for fifty years. it's just nature more than nurture
the idea that they can not understand anything i say anyway or that i am above the problems of brain dead apes. absolutely wrong i live on this planet too i am not above anything even if i struggle with personally teaching students like bill gates does and i can not with a straight face explain that i am installing sit down toilet chairs in Nigeria. i am not antropo centric or euro centric like gates the third
i flew over the equator with a window seat near the source of the Amazon and i am well aware they are not begging for toilet seats in that endless featureless forest that remains. for them far away from the struggling farmers at the out skirts. i am talking about pre farming substinence.
just a paranthesis since I am often compared to bill gates that mirrored my life in the 1960s compared to mine in 1990s when to some suprise i was unbeatable in academic thinking just like my uncle had been unbeaten in lifting weights since he was born ten years ahead of gates the third. both of them are anthropo centric because only i prefer to live in nature day and night. although I am like all apes uncomfortable alone in the dark
so far nothing tonight despite being on the pig trail above the lake. on an abandoned bridge. trails are abundant but i had to struggle some last evening to track north. don't remind me of Chile in this respect neither two legged or four legged creatures would ever step up a trail anywhere. caminar? poco. no one walks. it's just a prime example of the hardy Weinberg law and mean regression to minimal effort. i am an outlier today but would not have been even hundred years ago when my grand father toiled in the forest without engines to assist
incidentally my amplified senses are tortured by the sputtering noise of those things which has steered me away from them. i am even relieved to not have the roaring wind and ocean drain through the night as last night over the south east Baltic sea or lake really the Baltic Scandinavian basin.
especially combustion engines are absolutely intolerable for my system anything moving faster than twenty km per hour or five meters per second is pure madness
i am just adding personal anecdotes to my message because it's the only chance anyone inside the fund is going to relate to me which is difficult but not impossible
don't be afraid to message me an audio recording is what I prefer
and we can do business
The southern hemisphere is really where I can add something because I might visit again if I get tired of new Zealand which has a terrestrial eco system including large plant eaters
Or Tasmania which is nearly to hot for a tent expedition on two wheels
I will attempt south Africa near the beach but I have to trek inland to obtain food away from the beach and the heat might be too much to me. The Canarian desert I am all too tired of despite excellent or the best wave protected snorkeling waters in the developed world. I would add Cyprus to that list if it could be considered developed. I walked across the buffer zone with my pack and was put in jail in the confusion. I have asked UN for a service pass and they don't get it. I am WALKING there is bound to be confusion. They apologised profusely but was unable to find a legal loop hole to avoid shuttering my expedition in the mess of walking across the labyrinth of military borders ...
I will probably not have much to say about the south African environment ever because it is impossible for me to explore it freely because of my migraine heat and stress related. Ten degrees Celsius is my comfort zone. About five now and even that relieves my head ache mightily
I was up to two grams of ibu and para two or even three grams each at 40 degrees summer latitude. A gigantic obstacle. Although the aquatic ecosystem around the Corcovado bay of chiloe west coast was just as impressive as when my predecessor and master Darwin visit around my age on a similar long expedition lasting several months in Chile in 1840s
One speeding boat around families of dolphin and sea lions had my blood boiling but luckily no one was harmed. No human. Which would be illegal people remind me. But not running a speed boat when a seal family is feeding.... Luckily I was not able to act on MY instinct in this case. Which would be to toss the driver in the water and tell him to try to avoid his boat when I run I straight at him at high speed
I had to avoid the highest latitudes in Chile because their complete lack of. Or lack of HELP to industrialise . The villages are too far apart for my old knees and can not support my expedition
I struggled with my migraine even in chiloe in march. Too hot
Whether I return or not I will forever wonder what can be done about it
I feel that wild life management has succeeded in Europe because not a single soul says yay or nay. Whatever is proposed is accepted. Set free ten cows near the lake. Sound like a disaster since they are DOMESTICATED animals there are no wild aurochs except in your imagination but still you got through with it
Lots of horse droppings on the west side of the lake as well as wolf and some other. But notably horse detritus
I applaud this effort in any case even if the signs could be more comprehensive of scientific interest even if not much bigger
Most of them were just nonsense or vacuous not really saying anything. Although you got some ideas by. I have really nothing to complain about in his case except the obvious. WILD horses and cows with conspicuously missing scientific name. Wild pig Sus scrofa. Wild horse... Wait what!?
How you got away with that I don't know but now I have learned there are real disasters of neglect on this planet
Where I might visit which is if anywhere outside Europe
Still working on the Swedish humans in forest is LEGAL period. Mentality. It's still gray zone .
Anyway. I might visit terra del fuego or chiloe again and I am wondering what kind of obstacle beside th obvious
No se
No se nada
No understand ingles
What obstacle did you encounter. Real obstacle. In Chile. Is it just completely impossible to get a mandate even if you arrange ever thing from resources inside the fund. Do everything yourself
I have struggled my whole life to get a mandate to finally buy Kaliningrad that was mistakenly given to Russia in all the commotion in 45. I just encountered a brick wall of angry russian despite telling them every time that the previous Alaska purchase went of without a hitch and I could arrange everything with my own means in a way. Do everything myself including dotting the t and i
This might be outside your goals but I frequent walk around the Scandinavian basin and it's more than I can stomach to see that imbecile russian sign and the refusal of anyone to invite me because of my activist status and have to park ever thing or transport around it
My only ONLY interest in the northern hemisphere is to return könings berg to United Europe
Now I am completely incognito to preserve energy but I will return to it
Unfortunately I am just as power less as watching the Hitler election or Jesus lynched by imbecile apes. My blood is boiling but I am power less alone.
I need your help
Hitler was just as talkative as me but he struggled with one plus one or basic arithmetic.
I hope you can tell the difference I am maybe the fiercest intellect alive today on this planet
And maybe even others I wondered when I could finally see alpha cen Taurus clearly in the southern sky below Vela. Haha
I am just typing until I fall asleep
I usually correspond with audio speech recording and leave the typing to the diligent legal staff you got that can dot the t
submitted by JohnSPeterson to WWF [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 07:32 Advanced_Emu_8510 Please help me find this sauce!!

Please help me find this sauce!!
Hi all!! This might be a bit of an ask, but after my favourite asian grocer in the Central Markets closed down I can’t find my favourite sambel asli hot sauce anywhere, specifically the cap ibu jari kind in the red and white bottle. Does anyone know of any places in adelaide that stock this? Thank you so much!!
submitted by Advanced_Emu_8510 to Adelaide [link] [comments]

2024.04.26 19:28 kitten1932 Just did my third LPDP interview, gimana sih cara LPDP assign pewawancara ke peserta?

Hi all, ini post pertamaku di reddit since I never had any inclinations to write any. In this case however, aku bener-bener merasa frustasi dan sedih. Aku merasa butuh pov dari orang lain mengenai what has happened during my interview process di LPDP (ku sudah cerita ke orang-orang terdekat, so reddit is not my only place to vent). Didn't find any relevant subreddit, jadi maaf kalau misalnya kurang tepat ya postingannya :(
Hari ini adalah seleksi substansi LPDP ketiga yang sudah kujalanin. Tahun lalu aku daftar 2 kali, dua-duanya gagal di seleksi substansi juga. Pengalaman ku di previous rounds was okay, tiap gagal aku bisa derive sekiranya kenapa sih aku gagal dan try to improve so that I can hopefully succeed di next attempt. Ga pernah juga punya masalah dengan interviewernya. Tapi hari ini aku kedapetan interviewer yang sangat "wah".
Saat pertama kali perkenalan, karena namaku itu sama dengan salah satu penyanyi barat (lets's call her Cecille), interviewer ini (let's call him A) bercanda dan bertanya "wah, kok Cecille ga nyanyi?". Aku balas "Hahah, kalo saya Cecille yang penyanyi itu saya gabakal ada disini pak". His reply was "Iya bisa bedain kok, Cecille mah gemuk kamu engga kok".
Okay, mungkin si bapak A ini memang typical ignorant boomer yang suka becancain fisik wanita. It was a small (albeit tetep unsolicited) comment. I ignored it. Btw disini interviewernya ada 3 ya guys:
  1. Bapak A
  2. Ibu B
  3. Ibu C
Mulailah interviewnya. Awalnya masih aman, Ibu B yang sepertinya psikolog nanya-nanya soal psychological things. It was amicable and respectful. Ketika gantian ke Ibu C, mulai ditanyakan apasih yang mau kucapai di S2 ini, kenapa milih negara yang mau kutuju, dan lain sebagainya. Aku membahas banyak hal dan memang kedapetan pembahasan seperti kenapa aku ga milih S2 di Indo dan apa masalah yang mau ku solve di Indo ini. Disini aku banyak bandingin apa aja yang masih kurang di Indo dibandingin LN. Aku mengingat bahwa hal-hal yang ku bahas itu mostly dari apa yang sudah ku riset, dan dari Ibu C pun juga ga menyangkal data-data yang kubawa. Out of nowhere Ibu C bertanya:
"Oke, kalau gitu misalnya nanti kamu sudah disekolahkan ke LN menggunakan pajak negara yang kamu bodoh-bodohi ini, kamu baka abdcdef...?"
It wasn't the exact wording ya, tapi kira-kira mirip seperti itu. Aku pun kaget karena sepertinya aku memberikan impresi merendahkan Indo dari statement-statement sebelumnya. Aku tidak merasa sudah mengatakan hal yang out of line, tapi aku mikir kalau intensi kita itu mungkin belum tentu dianggap orang dengan tepat. Jadi sebelum menjawab pertanyaan sebenarnya, aku mencoba untuk minta maaf.
Aku: "Oh, bu sebelumnya minta maaf ya kalau saya ngasih impresi seperti membodoh-bodohi Indonesia, saya-" (ini langsung dipotong, dan memang dalam interview bersama Ibu C ini beliau cukup sering memotong pembicaraanku)
Ibu C: "Oh gapapa gapapa. Kan kamu punya asumsi, saya tidak menyalahkan asumsi kamu. Lanjut langsung jawab aja pertanyaannya."
I feel weird. Somewhere during the interview, perkataanku di misinterpret and I can't pinpoint perkataan mana yang menghasilkan impresi itu. Tapi yasudah, aku lanjutkan interviewnya. Akhirnya giliran si Pak A yang menginterview saya.
Guys, it wasn't an interview. The guy literally went batshit crazy. Dia nguliahin aku dan in any given time dia ingin bertanya, dia lakuin itu untuk mojokin aku.
Basically dia punya asumsi bahwa aku ini some arrogant S1 graduate yang gatau apa-apa dan aku nantangin senior-senior yang ada di bidang yang mau kutempuh di S2 (which is him, apparently). Some notable quotes:
"Kamu ini kan istilahnya baru punya gelar S1, tapi seakan-akan lebih tau dari senior-senior di bidangmu yang udah bertahun-tahun di bidangnya"
"Kamu pakai kata 'doang', itu offensive loh" => this is the only tangible indication of where I went wrong, whether whatever data I stated previously was incorrect or not I would never know.
"Kamu manggil saya dan ibu B dan C pakai kata 'kak' itu ga oke loh. Ya mungkin karena kamu kerja di tempat semacam (insert a startup name here)"
Iya, dia marah karena aku sering slip up manggil 'kak' dan dia cukup merendahkan hal itu karena dia melihat itu culture dari startup. But ffs, di startup we don't even use 'kak', we directly use names.
Selain itu dia berusaha menchallenge studi yang mau kulakukan, tapi dia bener-bener gamau dengerin apapun yang kujawab. Dia seperti sudah punya definisi sendiri dan gamau sama sekali untuk menerima apapun yang aku coba jelaskan, ketika aku berusaha untuk menjelaskan dengan elaborate (because it is a complex subject dan a straightforward answer is not gonna cut it), dia bakal motong pembicaraanku, mengulang pertanyaannya secara memaksa dan menyerang hal-hal kecil yang bisa dia serang (nitpicky). From this convo (if it can be called a convo at all), pak A ini ga melihat apa yang mau aku pelajari itu sesuatu yang real tapi dia juga ga mencoba untuk mendengar apa yang mau kusampaikan. Dia lagi-lagi kembali ke gagasan bahwa aku ini sok tau dan ga seharusnya aku merendahkan (dan memakai kata 'doang') in the first place. Semua point yang dia bawa ke argumen ini sebenernya bisa kusanggah dan ingin sekali rasanya aku menjelaskan pov ku, but he really didn't give a damn.
Bahkan I tried apologizing 2 times untuk own up to my possible mistakes. I don't want to offend anyone, dan aku ingin bisa kembali untuk membicarakan yang seharusnya dibicarakan di seleksi substansi pada umumnya. Tapi semuanya tidak didengar karena langsung dipotong.
Aku nahan nangis sepanjang sisa interview itu, karena aku ga dikasih kesempatan untuk present my case, kenapa aku mau kuliah S2 dan apa yang membuat aku bisa mencapai goal yang ingin kulakukan setelah lulus S2. He didn't even ask about the universities I want to go to (padahal aku udah dapet LoA di salah satu uni bagus di UK). Mind you, ini question ter-basic sepanjang sejarah seleksi substansi LPDP yang memang harusnya dibahas. Dan semua ini terjadi karena pak A benar-benar ga professional dalam mengatur emosinya sebagai pewawancara. Honestly kalau memang benar aku membuat kesalahan during the interview, I would own up to it. Tapi mau membuat kesalahan seperti apapun, ga seharusnya pak A malah merendahkan aku, memojokkan aku dan memotong pembicaraanku di setiap saat dia rasa aku ga menjawab sesuai ekspektasinya. Interview dengan pak A itu bahkan 80-90% dia yang berbicara, bukan aku sebagai peserta yang diberikan waktu untuk bercerita.
Pada akhirnya, interview selesai dan aku diberikan waktu untuk mengatakan closing statement. Disitu aku berterima kasih dan juga mengharapkan mereka untuk sukses, walaupun pak A hanya menjawab "Kok jadi kamu yang pengen kita sukses, harusnya kita yang doain kesuksesanmu. Kita mah disini diem-diem aja hahaha".
Segera setalah aku leave Zoom meetingnya, aku melepas tangis selama kurang lebih 2 jam :')
Aku ini orangnya sangat berhati-hati dalam bicara dan dari semua good feedback yang orang kantorku sering kasih, strong point ku selalu ada di bagian komunikasi (especially since I work as a software engineer). Aku juga sangat nyaman melakukan interview, I consider it as my forte during any selection process. Aku ga nyangka journeyku selama 1,5 tahun kebelakang dalam persiapan S2 ku akan berakhir karena aku give a wrong impression during the interview. So much time and money wasted.
It makes me wonder, sebenarnya gimana sih pihak LPDP memilih seorang interviewer? Identitas interviewer disamarkan sehingga aku juga gabisa nebak-nebak apa sih profesi si pak A ini. I guess they do it on purpose supaya gaada kasus sakit hati seperti diriku yang berujung fatal ya haha.
Anyway, aku sayangnya gabisa ngasih banyak detail mengenai banyak hal karena mau maintain anonymity jadi pasti gabisa determine apa yang went wrong gitu. Aku pun masih gatau aku terdengar seperti apa pas interview sehingga bisa memancing respon seprti itu dari pak A. All that I have done itu cuma ngisi survey setelah interviewnya, disitu aku complain mengenai treatmentku dalam interview kali ini. Tapi entahlah, kayaknya gaakan ada tanggapan apapun dari pihak LPDP.
Yang udah baca sampai sejauh ini, terima kasih yaa. Semoga kalian sehat-sehat terus dan terhindar dari orang-orang seperti pak A (dan mungkin dari orang arogan seperti diriku lol).
submitted by kitten1932 to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 13:09 Gunwing Pingin ketemu kakak beda ibu, but should I bother?

Saya punya kakak beda ibu, dari dulu penasaran tapi saat saya tanya ke keluarga mereka punya kesan buruk terhadap dia, teman bapak waktu cerita juga kurang suka, pas lebaran tak pernah muncul, baru2 ini jg kabarnya lebaran ketemu bapak langsung bahas warisan dengan beliau, yg sempat membuat beliau marah besar, entahlah ini semua kedengaran buruk tapi saya sendiri penasaran. Saya 20 tahun seumur hidup blum pernah ketemu
submitted by Gunwing to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.04.14 03:43 kazaltakom Sudah saatnya rupiah memiliki pecahan Rp200.000 dan/atau Rp500.000?

Setelah melansir berita bahwa negara Suriname mengeluarkan pecahan baru 200 dan 500 karena nilai mata uangnya yang merosot beberapa tahun ke belakang dan transaksi menggunakan uang tunai menjadi lebih susah, saya langsung teringat beberapa cerita yang berkenaan dengan menangani uang dalam jumlah yang banyak:
  1. Baru saja kemarin saya menarik duit banyak untuk keperluan belanja-belanja menjelang lebaran, dan ketika uang itu keluar dari ATM, saya memegang "segepok" uang dan langsung berpikiran "andai saja ada pecahan Rp200.000 atau bahkan Rp500.000, tidak bakalan sebanyak ini"
  2. Saya mengantre di belakang seorang ibu-ibu di restoran dan ketika hendak membayar nominalnya, ibu tersebut mengeluarkan 14 atau 15 lembaran uang berwarna biru dan mulai menghitungnya, namun di tengah perhitungannya, ibu tersebut salah hitung dan harus memulainya dari awal lagi. Setelah diberikan ke kasir, kasirnya pun harus menghitungnya lagi secara manual dan menambah waktu transaksi.
Memang kedua cerita di atas terkesan sepele, dan sejujurnya dengan pecahan-pecahan yang sudah ada sudah dapat menopang kebutuhan transaksi masyarakat Indonesia, namun ketika saya teliti dengan mata uang negara lain dengan pendpatan yang serupa ternyata pecahan terbesar rupiah sangat kecil sebagai pecahan terbesar.

Negara PDB per Kapita nominal (2023) Pecahan Terbesar (Kurs 14-04-2024)
Indonesia $ 5.109 $6,20
Jordan $ 4.851 $70,54
Namibia $ 4.786 $10,66
Samoa $ 4.638 $36,56
Tanjung Verde $ 4.503 $48,39
Vietnam $ 4.316 $19,97
Maroko $ 3.980 $19,96
Filipina $ 3.859 $17,86
Bolivia $ 3.858 $28,93
Dan dengan negara tetangga ASEAN (kecuali singapura dan brunei):

Negara PDB per Kapita nominal (2023) Pecahan Terbesar (Kurs 14-04-2024)
Malaysia $ 13.034 $20,96 (100 MYR)
Thailand $ 7.298 $27,28 (1000 THB)
Indonesia $ 5.108 $6,20 (100.000 IDR)
Vietnam $ 4.316 $19,97 (500.000 VND)
Filipina $ 3.859 $17,86 (1000 PHP)
Papua Nugini $ 3.518 $26,14 (100 PGK)
Laos $ 1.879 $4,72 (100.000 LAK)
Kamboja $ 1.826 $12,40 (50.000 KHR)
Myanmar $ 1.381 $9,55 (20.000 MMK)
Bahkan di ASEAN sendiri, nilai Rp100.000 lebih kecil dibandingkan setiap pecahan mata uang kecuali Laos, dan itupun laos mempunayi PDB per kapita kira-kira 3x lebih kecil dibandingkan Indonesia. Jika melihat tren, maka seharusnya Indonesia memiliki pecahan dengan nilai di antara $20-25. Vietnam saja mempunyai pecahan 500.000 VND. Apabila pecahan Rp200.000 dan Rp500.000 dikeluarkan akan bernilai $12,42 dan $31,02.
Memang seiring dengan berkembangnya zaman, penggunaan transaksi nontunai akan semakin meningkat, tetapi patut diingat kira-kira 84% orang Indonesia masih menggunakan uang tunai menurut survei visa, dan uang tunai tidak akan dapat digantikan sepenuhnya dengan uang digital.
Jadi, bagaimana menurut komodos sekalian?
submitted by kazaltakom to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.04.11 21:21 GONAMELESSutah Ohhhhhhhhjh something came inn....

Ohhhhhhhhjh something came inn....
Oooooooookkhhhhhh fancy day yes good mail call.....
submitted by GONAMELESSutah to Steelbooks [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 20:48 admkukuh A little rant for weak ass like me

Halo komodos, gw dari dulu pernah kepikiran kek buat cerita dikit gt disini, gw 20 (M), tapi takut kalo cerita gada hasil apa apa. Gw sangat memandang diri gw rendah dibanding semua org bahkan adek sendiri. Gw ada masalah personal dengan diri gw dan gw ngerasa gw hipokrit karena gw bisa treat others fine or even better but not myself. I see myself as a tool, just give me a bit of maintenance (a bit of attention or being included), and i'll do everything to you.
A little background, gw dibesarin dengan didik kasar sama bokap and it works, tapi entah kenapa belakangan ini gw merasa kalau yg diucapkan oleh ortu gw itu kadang ada yg personal ada yg emotional dump, dan kadang gw merasa sakit hati kalo di ucapin yang memang tidak seharusnya diucapin gt. Bokap gw sih yang biasanya gitu, cuma gw gapapa lah ga mempermasalahkannya, mungkin beliau lagi capek or somewhat lagi ada masalah. Gw ama bokap ga terlalu deket as a result (gw takut sampe skrg ama beliau, tapi masih bisa kalo sekedar komunikasi but not heart to heart, just man to man). Gw dipaksa terus buat ngomong ama bokap kek ngomong apa aja, yang dimana gw gabisa karena gw emg ada luka batin dari kecil buat selalu nerima rant nya dia unconditionally or even get a bit of physical abuse, which im fine cause what could i do. Selalu aja bokap itu ngomongin tentang hubungan emosional but at the same time beliau ngomong kalo anak itu yang ngerti orang tua, bukan sebaliknya. Bokap gw emang egonya besar kalo udah ranah personal, jadi anggep aja ngerawat gw itu out of responsibility, but there is almost no love carried, which is different compared to my sister. Gw gapernah dengki sama siapa siapa di rumah walau udah di perlakukan se kocak itu, soalnya gw emang dikasi tau sama nyokap kandung gw sebelum meninggal buat tetep jadi orang baik, jangan besar egonya, sama tetep inget sama semua kebaikan orang. Gw sendiri emg tipikalnya yang pasrah dan ngalah terus karena yaaa dari kecil emg disuruh ngalah terus mau aku bener ato salah wkwkw. Itulah kenapa gw merasa kalo gw ini gada valuenya samsek, dipandang rendah, dan gapernah dianggap "ingin jadi dewasa", karena bokap gw selalu ngomongin itu ke gw apalagi kalo beliau ada rasa jengkel gatau kenapa tb tb gw targetnya, ya intinya gw jadi target kalo mau di kasarin apa aja bentuknya, dan ntar abis biasa lagi gada maafan gt kek yodah langsung aja ngomong ke gw kek gada perasaan bersalah wkwkw.
Jadi, ceritanya adalah dari akhir januari (2 hari terakhir januari) rumah tangga bokap gw mulai kacau, bener bener yg pertama kali bikin gw ketakutan buat kerumah, singkat cerita nyokap tiri mulai kek orang kesetanan, dan gw yang jadi target marahannya selain ke bokap gw, entah deh gw ada salah apa sama beliau tapi gw gapernah yang namanya ngerugiin orang dari segi apapun, yah mungkin nyokap tiri lagi cape ato gimana tapi ini berlangsuung sampe skrg boi wkwkw, gw disini juga posisi sahabat gw keknya nge cut off gw gatau kenapa (dari 20 jan), dan gw bener bener merasa messed up yang baru yang sama sekali belom pernah gw rasain, kek beneran jatuh yang sukar banget bangkitnya, dan gw sempet ngerasa kalo ini bom waktu sampe gw kelar kuliah terus dpet kerjaan baru di kick gw dari rumah wkwk. Inti dari permasalahan di keluarga gw itu sebenernya gw gatau karena nyokap tiri gw emang gajelas marah" nya, tapi dari apa yg gw dapat karena itu semua rant isinya repetitif semua, itu karena adanya ketidakadilan dalam keluarga gw.... which is actually nonexistent because my father did alot for our family??? Nah terus ini ada yg lucu lagi, kan nyokap tiri gw marah marah lagi gatau lah kenapa, tiba tiba nyuruh bokap gw (bokap gw 20 taun lebih tua btw, so age gap nya gede wkwk) buat kumpulin sekeluarga di meja makan, gw lgsg telp adek kandung gw yg lagi nugas di luar kali ini darurat besar, nah akhirnya sampe rumah, taunya pas sampe rumah dikasi tau kalo gw ama adek gw tuh anak adopsi, tapi pas ngucapinnya ke gw, gw itu anak pungut diambil dari jembatan, terus ngaata ngatain lah nyokap asli gw mandul ato gmn, dan gw kaget lah kek kok bisa ngomong kek gt wkwk, ya gw sih emang dari 6 taun pernah mikir gw ini anak pungut ato bukan ya soalnya gw kek di treat beda sama adek gw cuma yodahlah bomat (iya gw belajar buat bomat dari kecil krn gapernah dibanggakan samsek wkwkw). Nah disitu gw kabur dari rumah sehari aja ketemuan ama temen gw yg kebetulan emang lucu keluarganya, ya saran yg gw dapet abis 4 jam curhat nonstop cuma suruh bodoamat, itu dosa mereka bukan dosa gw, gw gatau ya ges soalnya gw emang baru baru ini kembali beribadah, ya alasan awalnya karena permasalahan di keluarga + di cut off ama sahabat gw. Intinya atmosfir di rumah suram, gw di kos temen gw yg ala kadarnya bisa tidur pulas dibanding di rumah bokap yang beda jauh kondisinya sama kos kos an, yaa di rumah gw bisa tidur tp ga istirahat gt deh wkwkw.
Kalau tentang sahabat gw (21 F), gw udah sahabatan ama dia selama 5 tahun lamanya dari sma, yah baru tahun kemarin si kami jadi deket lagi karena gw curhat tentang kuliah gw yg kacau balau nilainya krn keberatan kuliah waktu itu, dan sempet suicidal, tapi abis semua percakapan panjang itu dia setuju untuk bantu gw dan yap nilai gw selama kuliah bener bener melejit, gw bener bener bisa ber ekspresi se bebas itu, bener bener ga takut sama yang namanya orang asing, dan yaaaa bisa jadi makhluk sosial yg fungsional wkwk. Kita deket, gw confess ke dia, tapi gw ga nembak dia, karena gw dari awal gada intensi buat dapetin dia, ya confess kan ga selalu tentang suka ato cinta gt kan ya wkwk, gw confess aja ke dia sebetapa nyaman dan bahagianya gw berada disampingnya etc., yang dimana awalnya dia yg confess kalo dia menggantungkan kebahagian dia di gw, and the story goes on untill december last year dimana dia mulai capek ama kerjaan dia di organisasi and yeah she decided to be bitter towards everyone, dan dia ilfeel sama gw as a result, tapi gw ga masalahin sih, pas ketemu dia abis event apa gt, gw tanyain kenapa, ada apa, dll in simple terms, dia takut ama gw, tapi gtw kenapa, tepat di ujuung desember dia cerita kalo dia bersalah banyak ama gw karena ya katanya gw menganggap ini kek hal yang wajar, memberi dia waktu dan ruang yang cukup besar menurut dia, dan rela jadi punching bag dia dengan cara di diemin selama hampir 2 bulan wkwkw. Gw ga ngerasa kek itu beban sih awalnya, soalnya ya bro kita udah besar santai aja kali. Memasuki januari kita nongki kan, disitu gw nangis di dia karena gw capek ama kondisi rumah gw waktu itu. Yah diperjalanan pulang dia ngomong kalo gw orangnya tulus, gw yang gapernah nganggep gw sendiri orang baik, tulus, ato apalah itu, kaget lah, intinya ya gw makasih banyak sama sahabat gw satu ini karena bener bener bisa bantu gw nge revive diri gw yang sengaja gw tinggal. Namun semenjak dirinya magang, di minggu terakhir dia magang gw curhat lah ke doi soal masalah dirumah, ga semuanya sih tapi intinya gt, dan dia minta maaf karena gada buat gw kan, gw gapapa karena emang fokusin magang aja biar hasilnya bagus, dan beberapa hari setelahnya gw curhat lagi, but idk i think this time she's mad or something like that to me, she never replied to my text ever from last month. And no, i dont bother her like in the way i need her to help me, i just told her that my day went this and that and yeah, something you could either reply or not and no effect would grow on it. Gw merasa kek gw salah apa yak yang bikin dia pengen cut off gw, soalnya terkahir kali dia silent treatment ke gw, gw merasa salah, taunya dia yg maaf karena bukan gw yg salah gt, yah you guys got the glimpse lah. Gw merasa kek ini downfall of our friendship, and i feel like i ruined everything again for the idk howmany times. To be honest gw ngerasa kalo gw tersakiti sama ekspektasi gw, bukan karena dianya. Yaaa sejak kemaren februari pertengahan dia gapernah ngabarin, sok cerita, ato apalah, well idk if it's because of me or something, but i do hope that she would return one day, with a whole new story.
Nah, gw sekarang itu merasa capek ama semua, pengen curhat dan didengerin, yang dimana biasanya sahabat gw ada buat gw curhat dan sebaliknya. Gw bener bener ngerasa sendiri, walau gw udah doa tiap abis sholat, well intinya gw kesepian dan gw rasanya itu pengeeen banget cerita dan disambung dengan ceritanya lawan bicara, yaa saling cerewet dengan interest masing masing gt lah like how i used to do with my buddy, but now am all alone like idk man, it just feels alone.
Gw gapernah punya kesempatan untuk ngeluh sebesarnya dan diterima, marah sebesarnya dan diterima, serta berbeda pendapat dan diterima. Gw selama idup selalu dibebani sama perasaan bersalah, kurang dan tidak pede, cuma pas gw bersama sahabat gw dimanapun, gw ngerasa gw bisa jadi diri gw sepenuh potensial gw (contoh kecil nilai 2 semester kemarin meningkat pesat sampe gw heran). Gapernah gw mandang gw itu apalah walau beberapa temen gw muji gw karena hard skill ama soft skill gw, yang dimana gw gapernah mandang itu kek sesuatu yang pantas untuk di puji wkwk.
Gitu doang sih ges a little rant of me and my life, if you guys have any suggestion for me or any advice, im all ears. Maaf ya kalo cerita gw ga jelas ato gimana, you could ask for details :D
submitted by admkukuh to indonesia [link] [comments]

2024.04.07 21:13 Alarmed-Barracuda125 cerita kampung

ongeng cerita rakyat yang pertama adalah cerita Malin Kundang. Cerita bercerita tentang seorang anak yang bernama Malin Kundang. Malin Hidup bersama ibunya di sebuah desa pesisir pantai Sumatera Barat.
Setelah beranjak dewasa, malin merantau ke kota dengan tujuan agar mendapatkan kehidupan yang lebih baik. Setelah beberapa tahun, Malin Kundang kini sudah sukses dan hidup berkecukupan di kota, bahkan dia sudah menikah dengan putri dari seorang bangsawan.
Setelah menikah, istri Malin Kundang yang sedang hamil menginginkan untuk berlibur ke pantai. Karena sangat mencintai istrinya, Malin Kundang dan istrinya pergi berlibur ke pantai dan ternyata pantai tersebut adalah desa dimana ibu Malin Kundang tinggal.
Setibanya di pantai, ibu Malin Kundang yang sudah bertahun-tahun tidak bertemu anaknya, dan melihat dari kejauhan bahwa Malin Kundang datang, langsung menghampiri dan memeluknya.
Pada saat tersebut, Malin Kundang merasa malu dan tidak mau mengakui ibunya yang berasal dari desa. Sempat terjadi perdebatan antara mereka, ibu Malin Kundang pun kemudian merasa sedih sekaligus marah anaknya kini tidak mengakui dirinya sebagai ibunya.
Ibu Malin Kundang kemudian berdoa dan mengutuk Malin Kundang menjadi batu. Sembari menyesali perbuatannya yang sudah terlambat, dengan posisi bersujud Malin Kundang kini ternyata sudah berubah menjadi batu.
Melalui dongeng cerita rakyat Malin Kundang ini, anak-anak akan belajar agar tidak durhaka kepada orang tua mereka. hasil, Dayang Sumbi menggunakan syal ajaibnya untuk membuat cahaya dari timur sehingga seolah-olah fajar telah tiba. Sangkuriang merasa gagal untuk memenuhi syarat pernikahan dari Dayang Sumbi.
Sangkuriang yang merasa kesal dan gagal memenuhi persyaratan pernikahan dari Dayang Sumbi kemudian menendang perahu tersebut hingga terbalik dan perahu tersebut berubah menjadi gunung yang kini dikenal Gunung Tangkuban Perahu.
Sangkuriang tetap memaksa Dayang Sumbi untuk menikah, hal ini membuat Dayang Sumbi berusaha kabur dari Sangkuriang. Agar selamat dari kejaran Sangkuriang, Dayang Sumbi meminta bantuan kepada tuhan untuk membantunya.
Permintaan tersebut kemudian terkabul dan Dayang Sumbi berubah menjadi bunga Jaksi dan Sangkurian gagal menemukannya.

4. Dongeng Cerita Rakyat Roro Jonggrang

hasil, Dayang Sumbi menggunakan syal ajaibnya untuk membuat cahaya dari timur sehingga seolah-olah fajar telah tiba. Sangkuriang merasa gagal untuk memenuhi syarat pernikahan dari Dayang Sumbi.
Sangkuriang yang merasa kesal dan gagal memenuhi persyaratan pernikahan dari Dayang Sumbi kemudian menendang perahu tersebut hingga terbalik dan perahu tersebut berubah menjadi gunung yang kini dikenal Gunung Tangkuban Perahu.
Sangkuriang tetap memaksa Dayang Sumbi untuk menikah, hal ini membuat Dayang Sumbi berusaha kabur dari Sangkuriang. Agar selamat dari kejaran Sangkuriang, Dayang Sumbi meminta bantuan kepada tuhan untuk membantunya.
Permintaan tersebut kemudian terkabul dan Dayang Sumbi berubah menjadi bunga Jaksi dan Sangkurian gagal menemukannya.

4. Dongeng Cerita Rakyat Roro Jonggrang

submitted by Alarmed-Barracuda125 to u/Alarmed-Barracuda125 [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 20:24 Crafty-Group-6605 malin kundang

Dongeng cerita rakyat yang pertama adalah cerita Malin Kundang. Cerita bercerita tentang seorang anak yang bernama Malin Kundang. Malin Hidup bersama ibunya di sebuah desa pesisir pantai Sumatera Barat.
Setelah beranjak dewasa, malin merantau ke kota dengan tujuan agar mendapatkan kehidupan yang lebih baik. Setelah beberapa tahun, Malin Kundang kini sudah sukses dan hidup berkecukupan di kota, bahkan dia sudah menikah dengan putri dari seorang bangsawan.
Setelah menikah, istri Malin Kundang yang sedang hamil menginginkan untuk berlibur ke pantai. Karena sangat mencintai istrinya, Malin Kundang dan istrinya pergi berlibur ke pantai dan ternyata pantai tersebut adalah desa dimana ibu Malin Kundang tinggal.
Setibanya di pantai, ibu Malin Kundang yang sudah bertahun-tahun tidak bertemu anaknya, dan melihat dari kejauhan bahwa Malin Kundang datang, langsung menghampiri dan memeluknya.
Pada saat tersebut, Malin Kundang merasa malu dan tidak mau mengakui ibunya yang berasal dari desa. Sempat terjadi perdebatan antara mereka, ibu Malin Kundang pun kemudian merasa sedih sekaligus marah anaknya kini tidak mengakui dirinya sebagai ibunya.
Ibu Malin Kundang kemudian berdoa dan mengutuk Malin Kundang menjadi batu. Sembari menyesali perbuatannya yang sudah terlambat, dengan posisi bersujud Malin Kundang kini ternyata sudah berubah menjadi batu.
Melalui dongeng cerita rakyat Malin Kundang ini, anak-anak akan belajar agar tidak durhaka kepada orang tua mereka.
submitted by Crafty-Group-6605 to u/Crafty-Group-6605 [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 19:17 Electrical-Site-703 sangkuriang

Dongeng cerita rakyat berikutnya dari Yumin kali ini adalah kisah tentang Sangkuriang. Kisah ini bermula dimana pada masa lalu sepasang dewa dan dewi melakukan kesalahan yang sangat besar hingga diusir dari kahyangan. Ketika dibuang dan turun ke bumi, dewa berubah menjadi seekor anjing bernama Tumang, sementara sang dewi berubah menjadi babi hutan bernama Celeng Wayungyang.
Suatu ketika seorang raja pergi berburu di hutan bersama kelompoknya, namun pada akhirnya raja ini terpisah dari kelompoknya. Sang raja kemudian buang air kecil, tanpa sengaja, air kencing sang raja ini diminum oleh Celeng Wayungyang.
Air kencing sang raja ini ternyata mengandung sedikit sperma sehingga dalam waktu singkat, Celeng Wayungyang langsung hamil dan melahirkan seorang putri.
Putri ini kemudian ditemukan oleh sang raja tanpa mengetahui bahwa putri ini adalah anak kandung dari sang raja.
Bayi perempuan ini kemudian diberi nama Dayang Sumbi. Ketika sudah dewasa, Dayang Sumbi tumbuh menjadi wanita yang sangat cantik. Ada banyak pria yang ingin menikahinya namun Dayang Sumbi tidak menginginkan hal tersebut.
Suatu ketika Dayang Sumbi yang sedang menenun kehilangan gulungan benang miliknya. Dayang Sumbi merasa sangat sedih dan berjanji bahwa yang menemukan gulungan benang tersebut akan diberikan hadiah.
Jika yang menemukan gulungan benang tersebut adalah seorang perempuan, maka Dayang Sumbi akan memperlakukannya seperti saudaranya sendiri, dan jika yang menemukan gulungan benang tersebut adalah seorang laki-laki, maka Dayang Sumbi akan menjadikannya suami.
Setelah beberapa saat, ternyata yang menemukan gulungan benang tersebut adalah seekor anjing yang bernama Tumang. Meskipun seekor anjing, Dayang Sumbi merasa harus tetap memenuhi janjinya.
Sang raja yang kesal dengan apa yang akan dilakukan oleh Dayang Sumbi, kemudian mengusir dan membuang Dayang Sumbi ke sebuah pondok sederhana di dalam hutan.
Setelah menikah, Dayang Sumbi dibuat bingung karena setiap bulan purnama, anjing tersebut berubah menjadi pria tampan, dari pernikahan mereka ini, lahirlah seorang anak laki-laki yang kemudian diberi nama Sangkuriang.
Beberapa tahun berlalu, suatu ketika saat Sangkuriang pergi berburu dia mencoba membunuh seekor babi hutan yang ternyata adalah Celeng Wayungyang, nenek dari Sangkuriang.
Tuman mencoba menghentikan perbuatan Sangkuriang tersebut. Merasa kesal dan tidak mendapatkan apapun, Sangkurian kemudian membunuh Tumang dan mengambil hatinya untuk dibawa pulang.
Ketika waktu makan malam tiba, Dayang Sumbi sudah menjadi hati yang dibawa Sangkuriang sebagai bahan makanan. Ketika Dayang Sumbi mencoba memanggil Tumang untuk dibagikan makanan, Tumang tak kunjung datang.
Merasa bersalah dan sedih, Sangkuriang lalu menjelaskan bahwa hati yang dibawa olehnya adalah hati Tumang. Merasa sedih dan marah, Dayang Sumbi lalu memukul Sangkuriang hingga meninggalkan bekas luka di kepalanya.
Karena berpikir bahwa ibunya membencinya, Sangkurian kabur dari rumah. Setelah beberapa saat, Dayang Sumbi menyesal telah melakukan hal tersebut dan berdoa kepada dewa agar menyatukan kembali dirinya dengan Sangkuriang, anaknya.
Ketika Sangkuriang keluar rumah, Sangkuriang ternyata telah lupa ingatan dan bahkan tidak mengetahui bahwa dia memiliki seorang ibu bernama Dayang Sumbi.
Sangkuriang kini telah tumbuh dewasa, suatu ketika, Sangkuriang bertemu dengan seorang wanita cantik di hutan dan ternyata itu adalah Dayang Sumbi, namun karena hilang ingatan, Sangkuriang tidak mengetahui bahwa wanita tersebut adalah ibunya.
Karena tertarik dan jatuh cinta, Sangkuriang kemudian melamar wanita tersebut. Karena sudah bertahun-tahun tidak bertemu, Dayang Sumbi pada awalnya tidak mengetahui bahwa yang melamarnya adalah anaknya, Sangkuriang.
Namun sehari sebelum pernikahan, Dayang Sumbi mendapati bekas luka yang sama pada kepala pria yang akan dinikahinya dengan bekas luka Sangkurian.
Mengetahui hal tersebut, Dayang Sumbi mencoba menggagalkan pernikahan tersebut dengan menjelaskan kepada Sangkuriang, namun Sangkuriang tidak mau mendengar penjelasan dari Dayang Sumbi.
Dayang Sumbi kemudian memberikan syarat yang tidak mungkin bisa dilakukan Sangkuriang untuk pernikahan tersebut. Syarat tersebut adalah Sangkuriang harus membuatkan sebuah danau dengan perahu yang akan digunakan nantinya dalam waktu satu malam.
Sangkuriang kemudian menyanggupi hal tersebut. Dengan dibantu oleh makhluk gaib, Sangkuriang hampir berhasil menyelesaikan permintaan Dayang Sumbi.
Sadar Sangkuriang akan berhasil, Dayang Sumbi menggunakan syal ajaibnya untuk membuat cahaya dari timur sehingga seolah-olah fajar telah tiba. Sangkuriang merasa gagal untuk memenuhi syarat pernikahan dari Dayang Sumbi.
Sangkuriang yang merasa kesal dan gagal memenuhi persyaratan pernikahan dari Dayang Sumbi kemudian menendang perahu tersebut hingga terbalik dan perahu tersebut berubah menjadi gunung yang kini dikenal Gunung Tangkuban Perahu.
Sangkuriang tetap memaksa Dayang Sumbi untuk menikah, hal ini membuat Dayang Sumbi berusaha kabur dari Sangkuriang. Agar selamat dari kejaran Sangkuriang, Dayang Sumbi meminta bantuan kepada tuhan untuk membantunya.
Permintaan tersebut kemudian terkabul dan Dayang Sumbi berubah menjadi bunga Jaksi dan Sangkurian gagal menemukannya.
submitted by Electrical-Site-703 to u/Electrical-Site-703 [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 19:15 Electrical-Site-703 dongeng

Dongeng cerita rakyat yang pertama adalah cerita Malin Kundang. Cerita bercerita tentang seorang anak yang bernama Malin Kundang. Malin Hidup bersama ibunya di sebuah desa pesisir pantai Sumatera Barat.
Setelah beranjak dewasa, malin merantau ke kota dengan tujuan agar mendapatkan kehidupan yang lebih baik. Setelah beberapa tahun, Malin Kundang kini sudah sukses dan hidup berkecukupan di kota, bahkan dia sudah menikah dengan putri dari seorang bangsawan.
Setelah menikah, istri Malin Kundang yang sedang hamil menginginkan untuk berlibur ke pantai. Karena sangat mencintai istrinya, Malin Kundang dan istrinya pergi berlibur ke pantai dan ternyata pantai tersebut adalah desa dimana ibu Malin Kundang tinggal.
Setibanya di pantai, ibu Malin Kundang yang sudah bertahun-tahun tidak bertemu anaknya, dan melihat dari kejauhan bahwa Malin Kundang datang, langsung menghampiri dan memeluknya.
Pada saat tersebut, Malin Kundang merasa malu dan tidak mau mengakui ibunya yang berasal dari desa. Sempat terjadi perdebatan antara mereka, ibu Malin Kundang pun kemudian merasa sedih sekaligus marah anaknya kini tidak mengakui dirinya sebagai ibunya.
Ibu Malin Kundang kemudian berdoa dan mengutuk Malin Kundang menjadi batu. Sembari menyesali perbuatannya yang sudah terlambat, dengan posisi bersujud Malin Kundang kini ternyata sudah berubah menjadi batu.
Melalui dongeng cerita rakyat Malin Kundang ini, anak-anak akan belajar agar tidak durhaka kepada orang tua mereka.
submitted by Electrical-Site-703 to u/Electrical-Site-703 [link] [comments]

2024.04.02 15:23 Efficient_Durian_773 ibu

luahan tentang ibu
11/10/2020. Tarikh ibu aku meninggal. Aku masih ingat waktu tu, pagi hari ahad, kelas pertama untuk haritu, kelas seni. Waktu tengah kelas, tiba-tiba salah seorang batchmate aku ketuk pintu pintu kelas dan cakap warden nak jumpa aku. Hanya allah sahaja yang tahu perasaan berdebar aku kerana malam sebelum ini, aku dapat mesej dari kakak aku "doakanibu, ibu masuk hospital dan tak sedar lagi". Aku pelik, ibu aku tak pernah sakit, Ibu aku orang yang paling sihat.tapi waktu tu aku tepus semua perasaan, sebab aku duduk di asrama, 3 jam dari rumah. Perjalanan nak pergi jumpa wardenwaktu tu aku rasa macam perjalanan yang paling lama. Sampai saja di depan pejabat, warden perempuan terus peluk bahu aku. Waktu tu aku dah taknak dengar apa apa pun warden cakap. Aku rasa nak pekakkan telinga. "Harap awak bersabar......"Aku dengar je tiga perkataan tu, aku harap dunia ni berhenti berputar.Aku dah tak dengar ayat seterusnya. Tapi aku tak boleh menangis,aku taknak menangis. Sorang warden perempuan teman aku naik asrama kemas baju. Otw, ke asrama dan sampai bilik memang aku tak menangis langsung, tapi aku termenung. Aku termenunng fikir betul ke? Betul ke aku tak mimpi ni? Sampai je kat bilik, aku kemas barang and lastly baru aku bukak almari nak ambil barang lain, waktu tu ada gambar ibu aku dukung aku waktu kecil aku lekat di pintu almari bahagian dalam. Waktu tu baru aku menangis.
Aku hanya ada 15% bateri phone dan tak ada duit cukup waktu tu nak beli tiket balik. Tapi aku bendahari kelas, aku diam-diampakai duit kelas untuk beli tiket balik. Phone aku pakai 'super saving' mode nak jimat bateri, untuk call ayah aku. OTw balik aku menangis 3 jam. 3 jam aku menangis tanpa henti. Sampai je depan rumah, ra,ai sangat tengah tunggu aku, semua tunggu aku jw sebab aku lama nak sampai. Masih dalam baju sekolah, aku menangis, aku mandikan ibu dan aku oergi kuburkan ibu. Balik rumah, aku makan ikan masak lemak, abah suapkan, masih dalam baju sekolah. 2 minggu aku cuti, tapi 2 minggu juga hari hari aku bangun pagi terus pergi check bilik ibu aku. Aku masih lagi dalam fasa denial. Aku tak boleh terima kenyataan yang ibu aku dah tak ada. Aku pergi bilik dia dengan harapan dia masih tidur atas katil dia.Bila aku naik sekolah, aku senyum dan buat macam tak ada apa-apa jadi. Aku bergurau dengan kawan-kawan aku macam biasa.Tapi dalam masa ni, aku marah, aku marah sangat dekat Allah. Aku marah sebab Allah ambilibu aku. Kenapa Allah ambil ibu aku.Aku merajuk dengan Allah. Solat aku sengaja tinggal. Kalau solat pun aku rasa terpaksa.Aku rasa Allah tu tak adil waktu tu. Tak adil sangat. Tapi siapa lah aku nak menidakkan takdir.
Beberapa minggu lepas tu, aku baru dapat tahu ibu aku meninggal disebabkan sihir. Bukan sakit sendiri, tapi sakit buatan orang.Aku berdendam sangat dengan siapa yang buat tu sampai sekarang. Aku rasa nyawa ibu aku diambil secara paksa. Aku harap siapa yang sihir ibu aku tu, allah tak terima taubat dia. Astagfirullah. Beberapa malam sebelum tu aku ada mimpi, mimpi ada benda ditanam dalam pasupokok bunga mak aku. Aku bagitahu kakak aku, dan betul sebab mimpi tu mungkin mimpi petanda.Waktu ayah aku berubat sebab tempias sihir, ustaz tu ada cakap sihir tu ditanam dalam salah satu pasu pokok ibu aku.
Aku benci siapa yang percaya sihir. Aku benci penyihir. Aku benci siapa yang syirik. Aku harap siapa yang buat sihir tak kisahlah kepada sesiapa pun, atas tujuan apa apa pun, aku harap kau dapat neraka paling dalam. Aku kenal tahu siapa yang sihir ibu aku. Mak tiri aku. Tak layak digelar seorang mak. Perangai serupa iblis. Ambil nyawa ibu aku guna bantuan iblis. Aku memang takkan maafkan perempuan sundal tu. Dia sihir ibu aku sebab nakkan ayah aku. Nak kikis harta ayah aku. Bila ibu aku dah tak ada, tak ada juga halangan dia nak mengikis. Jikalau suatu hari nanti dia nazak dan melutut minta maaf pun, aku takkan maafkan iblis bertopengkan perempuan sundal macam tu.
Aku rasa banyak juga orang yang kehilangan insan tersayang angkara sihir.
submitted by Efficient_Durian_773 to malaysians [link] [comments]

2024.03.31 21:58 thebazookaman Visited the brand new lucky tiki in West Hollywood

Visited the brand new lucky tiki in West Hollywood
No ones in the first few photos cause we were the first to walk in , had the Elvis in Hawaii and Mai tai, both I thought were decent, this place just opened literally 3 days ago too
submitted by thebazookaman to Tiki [link] [comments]

2024.03.22 12:15 Melosiar The "games"

Cerita ini Daripada abang jiran Saya Yang pindah Ke **** Di kedah,Panggil abang jiran Saya ni,hafilul, hafilul ada computer window second hand Yang power,Dia Dulu gamer,Dia Selalu upload Kat YouTube,tapi,Saya Tak Tahu kalau Dia famous Ke Tidak,Satu Hari,Dia download game betajuk the games,Masa abang Saya download,Mak Dia Panggil,make Dia Kata "hafilul,Mai Makan,mak Masak Ayam Masak kicap" Pada Pukul 12:12,Game Itu Sudah download Dan hafilul Pergi Ke computer Dan Duduk main,Saat hafilul bermain game,game Itu menanyakan kalau Dia Ingin pilih kakanya Atau ibunya,hafilul memilih Ibu,Tiba-Tiba kakaknya menjerit,Saat hafilul Masuk Bilik kakaknya,Hafilul Melihat kakaknya terangkat tercekik diatas langit,hafilul menolong kakaknya Tetapi Tidak boleh Kerana kakanya semakin tinggi Di langit,mak Bapak hafilul Datang Ke Bilik kakaknya Dan menolong kaknya,Dan innalilahi,kakaknya menningal,keeseokan harinya, kakaknya Di Kubur Di Tempat Di sekitar sekangor,Selepas kakaknya dikubur,hafilul Masih ada jiwa Tidak Tahu,Jadi Dia main Lagi game Itu Lagi Sekali,Game Itu menanyakan "Kalau Kamu tersesat Di Hutan,Selepas Itu kamu jumpa harimau Dan singa,Kamu Ingin BUNUH Mereka menggunakan Apa?,Gunting?,Pistol? Atau Pisau?'',Hafilul menjawab pisau,Tiba-Tiba,mak Dan bapanya mengambil pisau Dan BUNUH diri,hafilul Melihat hak Itu Dan hafilul menangis,hafilul call Nenek Dia Dan Nenek Dia tenangkan hafilul Dan Tidur Dengan hafilul,keeseokan harinya,Ibu Dan ayahnya dikuburkan bersebelahan Dengan Kakak hafilul, hafilul pula Sudah pindah Ke **** Di kedah bersama neneknya.
submitted by Melosiar to scarystroiestoread [link] [comments]

2024.03.22 09:15 KharAznable Cheap deck under $30 part 51

note: Unchained price has gone down pretty significantly but their important cards (the link-2 and the searcher) are still expensive so this is a list to salvage the previous list after sharvara limit. Nothing too out of the ordinary, we put in D/D/D Deviser package here as another layer of disruption and darius as non targeting removal.
Melffy Stun
note: An annoying version of melffy. Melffy does not do much on their main phase and swarm on end phase. This is no secret. This deck is built on that fact. We force our opp into not doing much on MP too using (surprise) summon breaker.
So here is the plan. we set metaverse (or trap track to metaverse) on end phase we special as many mellfy as we can. On opp turn we flip metaverse on their 2nd summon (not on 2nd monster mind you) so they technically have no more summon. If they force to summon the 3rd monster, summon breaker will activate and make it end phase. Summon breaker alone is not gonna cut it since your opp can summon 2 monsters then summon knightmare phoenix/tornado dragon to response summon breaker eff and make the eff resolve without effect (it still MP) or summon spam on MP2. This is where our melffy card do their things. Sumon breaker only counts turn player, so we can summon spam on opponents turn with ease. Find a way to remove 1 opp monster so they can't remove summon breaker with ED monsters. We do this by summoning kalantosa or merry melffy on opp turn.
Behemoth is our way to keep pressuring our opp after we establish summon breaker.
note: This is a basic earthbound deck. They, or this deck specifically, are go 2nd deck with some easy way to get several medium-large monster fast. Ultra poly is our harmonic synchro fusion at home. We play 1 HSF to at least Here is some simple combo with them.
- Combo 1: starts with ground keeper and stone sweeper.
Discard stone sweeper, search line walker, normal line walker, search prison, activate prison, normal ground keeper, ground keeper eff summon stone sweeper from deck/gy. Alternatively you can normal ground keeper special line walker, search prison, activate prison special stone sweeper.
Synchro summon geo gryphon using stone sweeper and ground keeper, gryphon eff special stone sweeper, synchro summon geo gremlin.
This set up will let us have disruption using geo gremlin. And we can special ground keeper using gryphon quick-eff, thus summon line walker thus search harmonic synchro fusion to help us OTK
- Combo 2: starts with ground keeper, stone sweeper,
same thing as above until we get all 3 earthbound prisoner monster. Activate ultra poly, fusion summon geo kraken using ground keeper and stone sweeper. Activate ultra poly gy eff to special ground keeper and stone sweeper. Synchro summon muddy mudragon. After that you can go either synchro summon hot red dragon archfiend abyss or use muddy mudragon eff to fusion summon grapha.
- combo 3: starts with ground keeper and garbage lord (or other lv5 DARK extender like kaiser vorse raider).
normal ground keeper, special line walker, search HSF. Special garbage lord. Synchro summon muddy mudragon. Activate HSF sending line walker and muddy mudragon special abyss and grapha.
Flame swordman
note: A basic flame swordman deck. Fighting flame swordman is kinda pricy but we can still play 1 copy since it is very searchable and a 1 card combo for the deck. The deck itself is more of a midrange deck with a bit of recursion and OTK potentials. Here is 1 the card combo
Normal fighting flame swordman, search flame swordrealm, flame swordrealm eff send fighting flame swordman and special summon flame swordman (the fusion). Fighting flame swordman gy eff, send salamandra. Salamandra eff search salamandra fusion. Equip flame swordman with salamandra fusion. Salamandra fusion eff send flame swordman to gy and special summon ultimate flame swordman. Activate salamandra gy eff, equip it to ultimate flame swordman.
Flame swordrealm is one of the important card in the deck and fortunately, cheap enough so we can play it at 3. We can do roughly the combo above with 2 cards, flame swordrealm and discarding salamandra.
King dempsey is something you can skip. It is just something nice to have occasionally in this deck.
Plant Jackpot
note: this is very nor linear glass cannon deck, not quite plant-link stuff, but it is the discount version of it. It is difficult to explain since we have quite a bit of branching move with different but equally mediocre. So what's the plan? To put it simply we summon dancepione and see whether we hit jackpot or not. We have several ways to get to dancepione those are:
- predaplant engine (normal scorpio, special cobra, search ready fusion). This line enable us to get 3 plant bodies for free.
- normal evil thorn, tribute it special 2 more and inflict damage to our opp. This line make our LP higher, thus opening play line for laurel if we had it on our hand.
- normal rikka petal, search rikka princess, special princess. This line of play is the least preferred since we want to search mudan off petal to open rikka play line by searching konkon.
- normal aromalilith rosalina, special laurel. This line benefited us to protect dancepione using laurel gy eff. But if our opp has ash, it should be used on rosalina instead.
- all those starters (scorpio, thorn, petal) can be summoned from deck by lonefire blossom
In case our main normal summon is disrupted we only have several options to get a plant on the field such as lily borea, rikka princess, and in some case primula and ready fusion.
after we summon dancepione, all bets are off. We excavate 3 and summon any plant monster excavated. There are reason we played a lot of those monsters that semi-competing for normal summon. It is to enable our extended play. Like for example we use lonefire to evil thorn as our opening play. Go into dancepione and excavate cobra, and petal. This alone open up 2 play line we can execute, predaplant line and rikka line. Even though cobra and petal cannot be used as link material to aromalilith rosemary, cobra/dunn/princess can. So we still able to go to link-3 rosemary and extends our play from there.
After we summon link-3 rosemary, we search blend or laurel if you already have blend. Activate blend, place humid winds, then fusion summon magnolia to protect against board nuke
note: Memento is a deck I'm still struggling what to do. What they do? big beatstick and removal.....in a roundabout manner. The payoff of the deck is tecuhlita a monster with 5K atk and can attack multiple monsters in single battle phase......with no other protection. How we do that? This is the gist:
try yo get the level 5, tatsunootoshigo, on the field, we do this by opening it and special it, or use bone party to get it on the field. Use its eff to destroy itself and send ghattic, mace, and goblin to the gy. This will trigger ghattic eff to special itself, then add back goblin.
normal goblin, use its eff to destroy ghattic and send techulita and horned dragon or dark blade to gy. Link summon almiraj using goblin. Now your gy should have like 6 memento monsters (goblin, tatsunootoshigo, horned dragon,ghattic , mace, techulita). Special summon techulita from gy by shuffling other memento to deck. Tribute almiraj to ensure techulita can attack all opponent monsters.
The rest of the deck will be utilities or try to help milling and gy set up for techulita since the main combo has a lot of choke point to be desired.
The field spell is pretty decent since we can set back our s/t in gy, all of which are pretty decent.
submitted by KharAznable to u/KharAznable [link] [comments]

2024.03.19 02:01 ZachTheLitchKing [SerSun] Serial Sunday: Notorious!

Original Prompt

Chapter 18
Cass woke up late in the afternoon with a stuffy nose and crusted eyes. Her head ached with a small hangover. She splashed her face in the tub of water to clear most of her discomfort and took a long, deep breath. Last night...her feelings...they were nugatory. To be kept nameless.
She was setting out for Chol in a few hours and needed to be ready. Still wearing her robes from the night before, arm still covered in fresh wrappings left her little else to do in her tent, so she stepped out into the baking hot afternoon.
The camp was bustling with activity. Soldiers were training, practicing, and performing various other duties, making Cass wonder whether she'd only dreamt telling them the war was over.
"General!" Cit called and waved. He was across the campground with Glaukos by the stables. She crossed the grounds, shedding her thoughts of the night before. She had to keep her mind focused on the task at hand. Adopting her commander's demeanor, she gave Cit a nod when she was closer and he continued, "Quartermaster finished prepping everything on that list."
"I'm still not sure twenty barrels is enough." Glaukos was standing by a stack of water barrels, watching some of Cass's soldiers load them into wagons.
"It's more than enough to get you all to Nihimlaq." Cit handed him the supply list. "You'll need to refill there though. And again at Chavuka along the way. Can't be loading you with half a hundred barrels, you'll weigh the camels down and take twice as long."
He leaned in close to Cass. "I sent Asher, Ibu, and Pasi ahead of you this morning. Should get to Keygoraph a day or two before you and scope it out."
"Or they'll just enjoy being home like they should." Cass gave Cit a pat on the back and joined Glaukos in examining the supplies. The barrels of water were the largest and arguably most important part but there were also enough provisions for a dozen people as well as desert tents, changes of clothes, and a couple of medicine bags.
What caught her attention most, though, was a seven-foot-tall weapon leaning against the stack of barrels. Four-foot handle ending in a three-foot blade as wide as her hand, the swordspear was an intimidating and rather unwieldy weapon for those who didn't have the strength to handle it. Cass grabbed it two handspans down from the cross guard and lifted its comforting weight.
"Scouts came back with it this morning," Cit explained. "Had to pull it out of the hull of a merchant ship at the docks. Might be a new record for you, general."
I hope it was Fariba's ship, Cass thought gleefully. It felt much more comfortable having it on her person again.
"Don't look now," Glaukos tapped Cass on the back, "but Anatu's here."
A cluster of white cloaks - luminescent in the afternoon sun - were approaching through the camp. They were surrounded by the darker browns and blacks of padded leather armor of her soldiers escorting them. Glaukos walked out ahead of Cass and Cit, giving the incoming group a wave and bowing his head respectfully to Anatu who, in turn, gave Glaukos a nod and walked with them over to the supplies. Presumably expecting negligence on Cass's part.
Not that she cared; her attention was focused on the rest of the group. She knew Anatu and Kebb well enough already, but the rest were strangers.
Two of them were obviously from Shen. One was small, swarthy woman with a longsword at her waist and brightly colored bracelets and armlets. The other a tall, broad, round man with a beard as thick and curly as Glaukos's hair. He had green, blue, and purple ribbons braided into it and perhaps the biggest smile Cass had ever seen.
There was a girl from Chol who looked a little too young for such a journey, a boy wearing a Harenae helm - not standard Disciple apparel - who looked even younger, and someone very pretty from Sammos with long, brown, and curly hair down to their shoulders.
Two others walked right up to Cass, pulling their white hoods down. Their hairstyles were mirrors of each other; short cuts on one side, longer on the other and angled back towards the ears in Desheret fashion. Twins, though no longer identical as time and life experiences had left their marks. The woman on the right's nose had been broken at least once and she had a scar on her jaw, the combination of which made her face distinctive and very attractive.
"I am Nuu," the unscarred yet still severe-looking one patted their chest and bowed their head. "And this is my sister, Nuut." Cass returned the bow, noticing that the scarred sibling was also missing a leg from the knee down, replaced by a brass pegleg.
"I see you've seen some action." Cass felt a swelling of respect for the woman.
"Yes." Nuut narrowed her eyes at Cass. "Finest Harenae craftsmanship. I owe you thanks for it."
"Me?" Cass looked up just in time to catch a gob of spit in her face. It splattered over one eye and she quickly reached up to wipe it off.
"No!" Anatu shouted from behind as Nuut threw her cloak open. Two long daggers appeared in her hands and she thrust them both forward at Cass's chest.
The blades pierced her robes, met skin, and stopped. Failing to pierce her, Nuut only succeeded in pushing herself away as Cass had never lost a contest of strength.
The scarred warrior withdrew her knives, looked dismayed that there was no sign of blood on them, and then slashed at her target's throat.
Cass caught the blade in her right hand and pulled it out of Nuut's grip. She dropped the knife, blinking rapidly as she wiped the spit from her eye. Frankly, that was more annoying than the fruitless attempt at being stabbed.
"Now, what was that for?"
submitted by ZachTheLitchKing to TomesOfTheLitchKing [link] [comments]

2024.03.17 12:37 habitbuddy Jual rumah warisan untuk re-investasi bisnis & financial product

Saya di sini mau berbagi cerita sekaligus bertanya ke yang berpengalaman atau punya pengetahuan di sini. Sudah setahun ini ayah saya meninggal menyusul ibu yang sudah lebih dulu karena sakit. Warisan harta & utang sudah diterima saya dan kakak-adik sebagai ahli waris, utang sudah diselesaikan bersama dan harta sudah dibagi sesuai kesepakatan.
Saya kebagian rumah tinggal, namun sayangnya tidak ditinggali karena ada pekerjaan di luar kota. Sejak kuliah, saya udah terbiasa untuk investasi di saham, reksadana, dan deposito bank digital. Jadi saat ini lebih tertarik jika rumahnya dijual aja lalu diputar di instrumen keuangan dan investasi bisnis. Anggap saja nilai rumahnya sesuai NJOP Rp703.976.000
Berikut ini ada beberapa opsi yang sempat terlintas dan saya pelajari:
  1. Renovasi rumah untuk disewakan dengan estimasi nilai sewa 20jutaan per tahun. Cons: harus keluar biaya perawatan setiap selesai sewa, atau ada kemungkinan sulit tersewa)
  2. Jual rumah seharga NJOP kemudian diputar di instrumen investasi. (Misal di SBR020-T5 6.4% per tahun selama 5 tahun = 45jt/tahun)
  3. Jual rumah seharga NJOP kemudian diputar di investasi bisnis yang udah mature dengan proyeksi ROI sekitar 20% per tahun = 140jt/tahun. Cons: Bisnis termasuk investasi High risk
  4. Jaminkan rumah untuk KPR Refinance / KUR dan digunakan untuk investasi bisnis seperti poin 3. Cons = Harus bayar cicilan per bulan & resiko gagal bayar jika bisnis sedang lesu
Berdasarkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman, kelihatan ya kalau saya lebih cocok untuk menjalankan poin 2. Karena hasil dari investasi bisa digunakan untuk biaya sewa rumah di luar kota tempat saya kerja dan sisanya bisa dipakai untuk hidup / reinvestasi. Tentunya gaji bulanan tetap akan digunakan untuk kebutuhan hidup & investasi juga.
Tapi mungkin ada yang punya pengalaman serupa dan mau berbagi cerita dari perspektfi lain monggo yaa.
submitted by habitbuddy to finansial [link] [comments]

2024.03.13 00:16 naenaethepainawayy69 Incredibly painful eye for three days so far

21F, my symptoms are: very sore right eye from morning of 11th March - now, much more painful today than any of the other days (almost unbearable pain before taking ibuprofen), eye is getting redder, more puffy, pain is mainly acute but surrounding part of face hurts (below eye), light yellow eye gunk is increasing, yesterday when I could still lift up my eyelid I saw that I have 4 small whitehead styes, two on my top eyelash line outer corner, one on my top inner corner eyelash line and a bigger one underneath my eyelid, I’ve never had a stye before.
I have been using a hot compress regularly, doctor prescribed me chloramphenicol drops which I have used yesterday and one this morning, I’ve taken 3 sets of ibuprofen a day for past three days to help w the pain - none of this is helping so far aside from the ibu
it is getting worse each day, I’m worried I have a really bad infection which could spread to other parts of my body? I get really bad migraines so have a high pain tolerance but this is just insane levels of pain I cannot focus on anything
Is this normal for someone who has 4 styes suddenly? Do I need to go the the emergency room or just schedule another appointment with my GP or nothing? Any help is appreciated, thank you so much.
submitted by naenaethepainawayy69 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.03.06 20:09 KeptCurrent Best of Park City March 6 - 13


Best Of Park City This WeekMarch 6 - 13

FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM @ kept_current_parkcity


Red, White & Snow March 7 - 9 Red, White & Snow Event in Park City: The premier wine, culinary, and ski event, Red, White & Snow is back for a weekend-long celebration, benefiting the National Ability Center. For 20 years, this event has united top chefs and winemakers, showcasing exquisite culinary delights and fine wines. It's more than just a gastronomic and oenophilic experience; it's a community of food and wine enthusiasts dedicated to changing lives and promoting inclusive outdoor recreation for all.
Many of the wine dinners are sold out, but you can still join the slopeside splendor of Wine on the Mountain at the St. Regis. A perfect mix of skiing, sipping, and savoring awaits, with a vintage ski vibe and a costume contest that'll add flair to your après-ski. Taste the vintners' best in an unforgettable alpine setting.GET TICKETS

Dos Olas Specials
I am always looking for food that is delicious but doesn't break the bank - which you know, is hard to find.
The cantina bar at Dos Olas keeps the winter warm with favorites like $4 street tacos on Taco Tuesdays and $12 nachos on Nacho Normal Wednesdays. You can catch all the big games on numerous big screens, indoors or out, while exploring the state's largest selections of tequila & mezcal.

Northern France vs. Southern France: Fox School of Wine Friday, March 8, from 6:30 PM - 7:45 PM There are 8 spots left as of this writing, so jump on it!
Wine Tasting Duel with Professor Olivier Perronet at Fox School of Wine: While there's no declared winner, you'll explore each region's distinct characteristics and flavors. This event features five approachable, under-$40 hidden gem wines, complete with stories, history, and food pairing ideas. Test your palate with the Blind Tasting Challenge. Discover your favorite in this fun-filled, educational wine journey.
Enhance your wine tasting experience with delicious Charcuterie Platters, available for purchase from our friends at Park City Dessert. Must be ordered at least 1 day in advance.
New Location: They are now located at the Treasure Mountain Inn - Crescent Room.

Après at the Goldener Hirsch Daily 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM
If you are looking for a spot to après, Goldener Hirsch invites locals to swing on by to toast the day's adventures. Steps from the lifts, this Austrian-inspired chalet offers epicurean delights by the fire on a snug patio. Enjoy a bubbly champagne, indulge in signature fondue, savor the gourmet Goldener hot chocolate, or bite into a housemade Bavarian pretzel amidst festive vibes. No reservations required.

Yurt Dinners @ Solider Hollow March & April
Venture into the starlit forest of Soldier Hollow for a unique evening snowshoe adventure, leading to a cozy yurt. Awaiting guests is a private, fine dining experience, featuring a four-course meal by an intimate fire. Savor the winter season with s’mores by the fire or cherish warmth inside the yurt with loved ones.
Drinks with 64 Reykjavik Distillery @ Sundance Resort Friday, March 8, from 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Spotlighting 64 REYKJAVIC DISTILLERY, Owl Bar hosts Joe Spiegal, Brennivin's importer from Iceland. Savor an evening of unique craft cocktails and conversations with the distiller. The distillery's secrets, rumored to be from an elf named Benedikt, include natural infusions and sustainable, locally sourced ingredients, adding a mystical depth to their flavors. Skál to the mysterious elf lore! Entry is complimentary, unfortunately, the drinks are not - it's Utah!

Fire & Ice @ McHenry Beach March 9-10, from 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Nestled mid-mountain by Silver Lake Lodge, Moët Hennessy, will build a 15-foot ice bar, and feature exclusive drinks from Whispering Angel, Belvedere Vodka, and Woodinville Bourbon. Get instagram ready with an 8-foot-tall rosé bottle ice sculpture, indulge in top culinary delights, and warm up by wood-burning fire. With live DJ music, cornhole, brand giveaways, and comfy seating, it's set to be a memorable affair. Open only to guests 21 and up.

March Green Drinks w/Recycle Utah @ fulFILLed Tuesday, March 12, from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Besides the cocktails and appetizers, this event is all about plastic! Hear insights from Kimberly Flores of fulFILLed, on tackling microplastics with easy swaps, and dive into discussions with Mike Luers, from Snyderville Basin Water Reclamation District on microplastics, nanoplastics, and microrubber. Busing or carpooling is encouraged. If you don't know about this store, check it out. It's got some cool stuff and doing good things to help keep Park City sustainable. COST: FREE


BMW IBU World Cup Biathlon @ Soldier Hollow March 8 - 10
Witness top global athletes in world cup action. It's been five years since Soldier Hollow last hosted a World Cup biathlon competition so don't miss this! Free Admission.

Wasatch Citizens Series @ White Pine Farm Saturday, March 9, 10:00 AM
Skate right up into the WCS series, Utah's top racing event for citizens! Races kick off with the youngest competitors leading, followed by the Open and Age Group Masters. The courses and venues may shift with the snow and logistics. This is a non-fluro event. REGISTER

Women's Ski & Ride Weekend @ Park City Mountain March 8 - 10
Get ready for a weekend of empowering ski and ride clinics for all skill levels, including, backcountry avalanche safety, beginners confidence skills, terrain park freestyle, aprés events, and more!
Clinics are for participants 18+ and require a $25 donation benefiting EDGE Outdoors. Ensure clinic times don't overlap when signing up. Participants must have a pass/lift ticket and bring their own gear.

The Art of Dancing: Learn to Social Dance / Learn to Ballroom Dance March 5 - April 30
Social Dance Series: From West Coast Swing to Hustle: Inspired by "Dancing with the Stars"? Want to shine on the dance floor at any social event? Join this dance series and learn how to move confidently with any partner. Whether it's weddings, parties, clubs, or concerts, this curriculum covers West Coast Swing, Hustle, Nightclub 2-Step, and more contemporary styles. No partner or experience needed. Enjoy discounts when registering with a friend. Get ready to transform your dance skills and meet new people in a fun, welcoming environment. COST: $150-$180
Tuesdays: 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Social Dance Tuesdays: 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM Ballroom DanceREGISTER

Town Series @ Utah Olympic Park Friday, March 8, check in 5:00 PM / Race 6:00 PM
Join the Town Series at UOP, featuring downhill and SkiMo races with separate timings. Open to all, recommended for intermediate level and up. COED teams required for awards. Training opportunities available.REGISTER
Nordica Connect Tour @ Deer Valley Friday, March 8, from 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM Carve out a day for skiing and camaraderie with the Nordica women's team. Begin with coffee and a swag bag, move on to group skiing in pre-assigned groups, and experience ski swaps to test the latest Nordica skis. Savor a slopeside lunch, an afternoon ski session, and cap off with a vibrant après party including snacks, music, and a raffle. REGISTER


Family Art Saturday: Biocrust Sculpture @ Utah Museum of Contemporary Art Saturday, March 9, between 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Biocrust, (a.k.a.biological soil crust) is a vital ecosystem in arid areas. Drawing from Jorge Rojas & Dr. Sasha Reed's "The Biocrust Project," this free event invites families to craft biocrust sculptures with clay and tissue paper. Drop in anytime between 1-4 pm, for creative fun for all ages.

Family Mindful Yoga with Randi Jo @ The Shop Saturday, March 9, from 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Randi Jo’s Yoga & Mindfulness for Kids classes foster exploration of body, heart, and mind. Children develop patience, imagination, focus, flexibility, balance, and strength. Through exercises and breath work, they learn to adapt their energy levels and adopt important life skills. No need to register, just show up!

SheJumps Get the Girls Out! @ Alta Saturday, March 9, from 8:30 AM - 4:45 PM
Celebrate International Women's Day with SheJumps' Get the Girls Out! This nationwide initiative welcomes all identifying female individuals to explore the outdoors, foster adventure and celebrate achievement in overcoming barriers. Whether a seasoned explorer or a newbie, this event promises community, inspiration, and lasting bonds.
The cost is free, but a lift ticket is still necessary. Thanks to a partnership with Alta Ski Area, the first 20 registrants can secure discounted lift tickets at $135. Remember, this offer is first-come, first-served at the event morning with registration proof.

Wasatch Back Student Art Exhibition Opening @ Kimball Art Center Friday, March 8 from 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Marvel at the works of students from K-12 across Summit and Wasatch counties, all exploring the theme of change. Enjoy art activities, art kits for the first 100 guests, a collaborative mural, and crafting 3D cameras from cardboard.
This 2024 exhibition, alongside "Under Construction" featuring Lewis Baltz’s Park City portfolio and Rodrigo Valenzuela’s work, prompts students to reflect on change in our communities and the natural world. It's a unique opportunity to view imaginative and thoughtful art from young local talents.

Dang Shades Presents Roller Derby @ Woodward Saturday, March 9, from 12:00 PM -2:00 PM
Get ready for a unique snowboarding event designed for fun and creativity across all ages and abilities. Inspired by Chris Beresford's vision of snowboarding as a freestyle art form, this gathering focuses on community and innovation, with runs taking place on rollers. Prepare for a day filled with snowboarding, community bonding, and plenty of giveaways from Dang. Experience snowboarding with a new twist at the Roller Derby – no roller skates needed, just your board and a sense of adventure!
Aliens Abducted My Parents, And Now I Feel Kinda Left Out @ Park City Film Saturday, March 9 @ 4:00 PM
Itsy Levan is devastated by her parents’ decision to leave the city and buy a fixer-upper in the middle of nowhere. Her life seems over until she meets her space-obsessed neighbor Calvin Kipler, who believes that his parents were abducted by aliens 10 years ago on the night Jesper’s comet was seen. Itsy sees this as her chance to get into a New York City journalism program by writing an exposé on Calvin, but she ends up discovering much more than what’s on the other end of the comet’s tail.
2023 Sundance Film Festival premiere. Part of the Family Film Fest Series with Park City Library. Admission and popcorn are free!
Go to KEPT CURRENT MUSIC for show times, tickets, and future concerts.
3/6 moe. @ Egyptian Theatre
3/6 Boogarins x Levitation Room @ The Stateroom
3/6 Jeff Dunham Still Not Canceled @ Maverik Center
3/6 DJ Juggy @ Downstairs
3/6 Christine Baird & Morgen Call Duo @ The Spur
3/7 Bruce Music @ Corner Store Pub & Grill
3/7 Matthew Bashaw @ Silver Star Cafe
3/7 moe. @ Egyptian Theatre
3/7 DJ Dolph @ Downstairs
3/7 Adri Vee & Dueling Pianos @ The Spur
3/8 Whitney Laurent @ Canyons Village
3/8 Megan Blue @ Snowbasin
3/8 Angie Petty (solo) @ Après Pendry
3/8 Take Five Jazz Trio @ Silver Star Cafe
3/8 Mister Sister @ Dejoria Center - State Road Tavern
3/8 Young Dubliners @ The Depot
3/8 Dancing with The Stars Live @ The Eccles Theatre -Delta Hall - (SLC)
3/8 Ryan Beatty @ The Complex
3/8 moe. @ Egyptian Theatre
3/8 Mija @ The Cabin
3/8 Pompe n’Honey @ Sundance
3/8 Margo Cilker @ The Stateroom
3/8 Beat Sessions w/ Scooter & Lavelle @ Downstairs
3/8 TJ Gurn & High Octane @ The Spur
3/9 Encore @ Eccles Theater - Delta Hall (SLC)
3/9 DJ Bently @ Canyons Village
3/9 Cory Mon @ Snowbasin
3/9 Ryan Innes @ Après Pendy
3/9 Red Rock Hot Club @ Silver Star Cafe
3/9 Clash of the Classics @ The Depot
3/9 Body Traffic @ Park City Institute
3/9 moe. @ Egyptian Theatre
3/9 Triggers n’ Slips @ Sundance
3/9 LANY @ Delta Center
3/9 Albert Cummings @ The Stateroom
3/9 The Swinging Lights @ The Notch
3/9 DJ Hurricane @ The Cabin
3/9 Treaty Oak Revival @ The Complex
3/9 DJ Scooter @ Downstairs
3/9 Scott Foster & Steven Bosco Band @ The Spur
3/10 Nate Robinson Solo @ Sundance
3/10 Che Zuro @ Snowbasin
3/10 Mister Sister Trio @ Après Pendry
3/10 moe. @ Egyptian Theatre
3/10 Steven Bosco & Dueling Pianos @ The Spur
3/10 DJ Dirty Dave @ Downstairs
3/11 Ari Abdul & Isabel Larosa @ The Complex
3/11 Mia x Ally @ The Stateroom
3/11 Jon O & Daniel Torriente @ The Spur
3/11 Grouplove @ The Depot
3/12 Twin Temple @ The Depot
3/12 Alro Parks @ The Complex
3/12 Matt Frey & Brennan Hansen Duo @ The Spur
3/12 G.Love & Special Sauce @ The Stateroom
3/13 Rick Montgomery @ The Depot
3/13 Torniall with Dharius @ The Complex
3/13 Steven Bosco & R&R’s Dueling Guitars
3/13 DJ Juggy @ Downstairs

Puppy Snuggle Lounge @ The Pendry Saturday, March 9, from 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Puppy Hangout at The Pendry with Nuzzles & Co. - Hey, who can resist puppy snuggles? Drop by The Pendry where they're teaming up with Nuzzles & Co. for a session with some adorable rescue pups. It's a win-win: you get a dose of puppy love and the little guys get to socialize. Thinking about adopting? You might just meet your new best friend! After hanging out with the pups, why not grab a s'more and head over to Aprés Pendry for a cocktail and some live tunes? Sounds like the perfect way to kick off your evening!

Dancing With The Stars Live @ Eccles Theatre (SLC) Friday, March 8, @ 3:30 PM & 8:00 PM
The latest tour will showcase beloved professional dancers from the hit TV series, dazzling audiences with new routines and iconic TV showstoppers. Experience the thrill, athleticism, and artistry of the show's ballroom live with performances by stars like Brandon Armstrong, Rylee Arnold, and more. Don't miss Season 32's fan favorite, Harry Jowsey, lighting up Eccles Theater. Tickets are close to selling out so get to it!

Luminar & Fujifilm Photo Walk in Deer Creek Reservoir Saturday, March 9, from 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
Join the Luminar & Fujifilm North America Photo Walk, a collaboration with local photographer, Benjamin Theurer. This free event is part of nearly 50 across the U.S. this March. Embrace photography with other enthusiasts, explore our hidden gems, and gain insights from Skylum and Fujifilm experts. Connect, learn, and see your world through a new lens with this unique mini-adventure. Don't miss out on this celebration of photography and community spirit.
Nina Tichava: “Unfurl” @ Gallery MAR Friday, March 8, from 6:00 PM - 9:00 PMDelve into Nina Tichava's latest solo exhibition, "Unfurl," featuring fresh works from New Mexico. Witness her vibrant compositions unravel, revealing layers of color and form. Experience the essence of growth and discovery in her art, a testament to the beauty of letting go. Enjoy live music and refreshments.RESERVE
Painting Workshop @ Coalville Library Thursday, March 7, @ 6:00 PMIn a relaxed and enjoyable setting, local artist Amber Louder leads a beginner-friendly watercolor class using Let's Make Art tutorials. Geared towards teens and adults, art supplies are provided. RSVP @ 435-336-3070.
Kirtan Maha Shivaratri Celebration @ The Shop Friday, March 8, from 7:00 PM 11:00 PM
Join the community for a soul-stirring journey into the heart of devotion as Maha Shivaratri is celebrated with a special Kirtan event. This auspicious occasion honors Shiva, embodying supreme consciousness and compassion. It symbolizes the union of Shiva and Shakti, the cosmic dance of creation and destruction, and the awakening of inner consciousness. COST: $40 no registration required.
The Power of Friendships with NPR Legal Affairs Correspondent Nina Totenberg Wednesday, March 6, @ 2:00 PM VIA ZOOMJoin Nina Totenberg for a chat about her book "Dinners With Ruth," a heartwarming memoir of her 50-year friendship with Ruth Bader Ginsburg. This intimate event promises insights into their inspiring journey, celebrating the power of female friendships in shaping careers and lives. REGISTER
Park City Institute: Bodytraffic Thursday, March 9, @ 7:30 PM
BODYTRAFFIC, born in the creative hub of Los Angeles, ignites global audiences with its love for dance. Founded in 2007 by Tina Finkelman Berkett, it champions contemporary dance, educates, and sparks change. Embracing diverse voices, it commissions renowned choreographers like Kyle Abraham, fostering vibrant, innovative performances worldwide.
The Wright Brothers and Their Flying Machines lecture given by Dorian DeMaio Wednesday, March 13, from 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Join Dorian DeMaio for a lecture titled "The Wright Brothers and Their Flying Machines". Delve into the complex story of the Wright Brothers' innovative journey to achieve manned flight, dispelling common misconceptions and highlighting their pioneering spirit.
2079 Sidewinder Drive

Oscar Party @ Park City Film Saturday, March 9, from 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
You can strut the red carpet, indulge in drinks and bites from Done to Your Taste, partake in Oscar trivia with prizes, and bid in a silent auction. Tickets: $50 / $40 for PC Film members, includes entry to the 7PM Documentary Shorts screening.
Documentary Shorts Screening (140 min) – Rated PG/PG-13
2024 Oscar Nominated Shorts @ Park City Film Friday, March 8 -10, Fri/Sat at 7:00 PM / Sun at 6:00 PM
For the 19th year running, Shorts HD and Magnolia Pictures present the Oscar-Nominated Short Films. Featuring Animated, Live Action, and Documentary categories, it's your chance to predict the winners and get ahead in your Oscar pool! Join audiences worldwide for this perennial hit and experience this year's top shorts.
This Is Where I Learned Not To Sleep@ Park City Film Thursday, March 7, @ 7:00 PM
The documentary follows decorated Nashville cop Mark Wynn on a quest for justice and healing. Wrestling with his own violent past, Wynn works to reform decades of domestic violence mishandling within law enforcement. Through personal reflection and police training sessions, he confronts systemic failures and challenges men to stand up against violence.
submitted by KeptCurrent to ParkCity [link] [comments]

2024.02.29 00:27 Real_Situation2697 Please help to check my answer if correct for sentences

I am learning BM and below is the fill in the blank. Please help me to check my answer if it is correct.
It is Orang + Orang + Masa sentence structure
1.1) Datuk Tan (Ketua Kampung) pada tahun lepas.
1.2) Encik Razak juruwang (setiap pagi).
1.3) (Ali pemandu Dart) pada petang ini.
1.4) (Siti penjual buah-buahan) semalam.

It is Orang + Sifat/Adjektif + Perbuatan sentence structure
2.1) Pak Cik Wang (suka) menanam sayur.
2.2) (Ibu saya) tekun (membersih rumah).
2.3) (Adik saya) rajin (membaca buku)
2.4) (Cikgu Lee ikhlas) mengajar murid-murid.

3.1) Haris (suka) menolong datuknya.
3.2) (Howard selalu) menderma.
3.3) (Budak itu) gemar (makan kari ayam).
3.4) (Keluarga saya sering) membantu jiranya.

It is Orang + Tempat + Tujuan
4.1) Wee Jin (ke bilik tidur untuk tidur).
4.2) (Ibu saya) ke dapur (untuk memasak makan malam).
4.3) (Adik dan bapa saya ke kedai cuci kereta) untuk mencuci kereta.
4.4) Ganesan (ke halaman rumah) untuk menolong ayah.

It is Orang + Perbuatan + Tempat
5.1) Suraya (membuang sampah ke bilik sampah).
5.2) (Saya) menunggu rakan (di luar kelas).
5.3) (Kami membaca buku cerita) di perpustakaan.
5.4) (Cikgu Rosnah) mengajar rakan (di dalam kelas).

Thank you for your assistance.

submitted by Real_Situation2697 to bahasamelayu [link] [comments]
