Ferret armoured car

A forum for tanks and other AFVs

2011.06.17 22:26 zach9889 A forum for tanks and other AFVs

TankPorn is for all things Battle Tanks, Armored Fighting Vehicles, Armored Cars, Self-Propelled Guns and Support Vehicles affiliated. The past, the present, futuristic, historical, prototypes, all things inclusive.

2024.05.14 09:34 StormofSteelWargames 15mm Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps armoured cars ready to smash the Japanese aggressor! Finished last night and 3D printed from Sabotag3d

15mm Hong Kong Volunteer Defence Corps armoured cars ready to smash the Japanese aggressor! Finished last night and 3D printed from Sabotag3d submitted by StormofSteelWargames to wargaming [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:18 Pigrickton Goods stolen from car

Goods stolen from car
Hello all,
I recently parked my car at cherry park in newcastle on the 12th at 6pm for around 6hrs and during that window someone got into my car and stole a number of items.
This included a brown wallet with a wing pattern and orange sticker on the side which contained:
-drivers license
-nuig student id
-snap fitness card
-revolut card (has been frozen)
Along with this a grey under armour bag was taken which included:
-headphone case containing bose quietcomfort headphones + loop earplugs
-grey swiss army knife
-light grey under armor shoes with red soles
-dark grey marvel tshirt
-kappa black tracksuit pants
I've obviously already reported this to the gardai but if anybody happens to come across these items in some way or happened to witness this situation somehow or has some form of advice then do let me know as it would be very much appreciated. ive attached some images of the items as well, thank you
submitted by Pigrickton to galway [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:41 Thin_Wheel_7109 Any good bunker/survival map mods?

Been playing modded with low ish zombies as I’m fairly new and I’ve been playing with the bunker and tower series of map mods, and I’ve been living in bunker 25/33 for the past couple in game days, going out to find a car (Found a sick Russian Armoured Car from a mod) and some basic food supplies and ammo for the many weapons I’ve spawned with. Any other good bunker maps I could play? I like being holed up in a bunker and only going out once in a while rather than being out all the time.
submitted by Thin_Wheel_7109 to projectzomboid [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:02 DickBallsley Collection of my best awesome new stratagem ideas

So, I’ve been mentioning some ideas for future stratagems here and there, and thought to bring them all together into one post. Just thought you guys might like them, so here they are:
“Car” - it drops a regular, yellow car, the same way we order mechs. You can use it to drive around and it comes with a spare tire and cool windshield wipers. The gas is limited, so the team resupply gets replaced with gas cans. It can get stuck in snow, sand and hard terrain in general, but you can call an Eagle to tow it.
“Orbital Peepee Strike” - it is pretty much a railcannon strike but it shoots you instead of the enemies. It hits three times, in case you survive by wearing armour with that “50% chance not to die” perk. If you somehow still manage to survive three strikes, the game deletes itself from your drive and you have to install it again.
“Eagle 5000000kg bomb” - works the same way as a 500 but it’s bigger. The input is so long that it takes up an entire screen. It’s a high skill-high reward stratagem. When it drops, the explosion destroys the entire planet and it disappears until the galactic war is reset. You also win the game and have to sit through the credits (they’re unskippable but you can increase the scrolling speed).
“Scientist” - it drops a scientist npc in a hellpod. You interact with him to start a small escort quest. He runs faster than you jog, but slower than you sprint. He also has dialogue sometimes but usually not.
“Flag of Liberty” - it’s a support weapon. You can’t fight with it but you can wave it. Every time you do, it randomises the game language for everyone in the lobby. You also can never unequip it, if you die you spawn with it.
“Scuba Steve Diving Gear” - The name explains it all. It allows you to swim around in a pond, and dive underwater to search for treasure. Once you put it on, you will not be able to breathe while on land. Pretty much the same mechanic as swimming right now, where you drown after a bit, but reversed. To accommodate this new mechanic, every map in the game will be reworked to feature rivers and lakes as an alternative way to reach different parts of the map, and every objective will have an underwater section you can do instead. There will be sharks and electric eels, but your weapon will now be a harpoon gun. Also, scuba divers will evacuate by a submarine.
submitted by DickBallsley to LowSodiumHellDivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:36 Bombniks_ What are armoured cars for?

I'm sure this has probably been asked here before, but what are armoured cars good for if for anything? I've never really even tried to use them but I always end up having them due to the AI producing them and getting them on capitulation, so I'm wondering if they have any use or if they're worth anything and are not just worse tanks/better cavalry (which is what I'm guessing they'd be used for?).
Also appreciated if someone shares if there is some strategy or build where they end up actually being viable.
submitted by Bombniks_ to hoi4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:27 fatherandyriley Ideas for the spaceship/troop carrier transformers

So Astrotrain and Skylynx serve as each other's counterpart. Both are triple changers. They have a cybertronian spaceship that can transport around 5 bots/cons. Astrotrain transforms into an armoured train and Skylynx into a fire train (I figured it fits quite well with each side's themes). In their robot mode (which is the same size as their other two modes) the locomotive forms the main body and the train cars form the limbs.
Omega Supreme and Tidal Wave are triple changers that are similar in size. They both turn into navy ships (as for what type e.g. an aircraft carrier or a battleship please suggest in the comments) that can serve as mobile headquarters and spaceships that are slower than Astrotrain and Skylynx but larger and can transport more passengers. Again, their robot mode is the same size as their other two modes.
Please let me know what you think of this idea.
submitted by fatherandyriley to transformers [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 09:17 CutThrooYou AITA for "abandoning" my wife of 26 years?

Now, the reason I'm using the word "abandon" is because that's the word she keeps accusing me of.
It all started roughly 10 years ago. I was very close to getting forced out of the military for failure to progress, it's when you don't get promoted within a certain time period, & I could tell that it kind of freaked her our, but I made points & was able to retire, 21 years!!! Well, it's like something clicked in her because after that she couldn't control her spending. She maxed out several credit cards & when that well dried up, she started stealing. She got herself trespassed from multiple department stores. We were living paychecks to paychecks, but we were nowhere near broke. Our mortgage & bills were paid & there was food always in the fridge, but this wasn't enough for her. Then there were the animals. Pets of all kinds 7 dogs, 10 chickens, hedgehogs, ferrets, even a cat. I'M ALERGIC TO CATS!!! I told her to please stop & she promised every time that it was the last time only to break my heart & lie in my face over & over again. She stopped wanting to spend time with me. I'm an early morning/late night person. I usually get up around 630/700am & go to bed about 100/200am. Well, she'd get up about 100 pm & go to bed about 900/1000pm Next cane the arguments. It's like she would get upset over anything & everything. On my days off, I'd love to read or watch YouTube (Charlotte Dobre) & she told me that I should be doing something, that seeing me just sit there would piss her off. There's so much more, but i don't have the space to put it all out. I had my retirement, and my VA & I was working again, but that wasn't enough for her.
Well, one day, she "found" another dog. I told her to take it to the pound & she wouldn't. I couldn't take it anymore. I told her I was done begging just to be lied to all the time.
It's been over a year since we separated & I'm still paying the mortgage & all the bills, both cars & all the animals' stuff. I don't mind, but she still keeps saying that I abandon her. I just want to make sure that her & our son (18) have a roof over their heads. Maybe I am the A-hole. There are 2 sides to every story, but I tried. 🤷‍♂️😞
Edit: Yes, she's in therapy, but it seems to be making it worse somehow. I was in therapy for over a year & my therapy was amazing she was the one who pointed out a lot of this to me & convinced me that getting a divorce was the best option.
Heck, we even went to couples therapy a few times at her request, but once she saw that the therapist wasn't taking her side, she didn't want to do it anymore.
submitted by CutThrooYou to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 07:13 DweebInFlames Buffing marked rooms again is nice, but I think it should have been focused on lesser hit locked rooms. Here's why:

Like always, I am going to use Interchange and Reserve as my main examples, because they're what I play the most, but this also applies for locations in other maps like the non-marked rooms in Dorms and weather station on Shoreline.
For the past 5 or so years, the locations people have gone to to loot haven't changed. Yes, they've gotten worse over time, but the best places on maps have stayed roughly the same: all marked rooms, KIBA, ULTRA Medical, the usual LEDX/keycard rooms in Resort, all safe room keys. People go for these over and over and over.
So, how do we make other locations more appealing? I think at the bare minimum, all shithouse rooms (eg. utility rooms on Interchange, Dorms keys) need a massive buff to chance of loose loot behind it, even if it's loose loot that people will probably pass over. If I'm dumb enough to take a Oli utility key into raid, I should at least be finding fuel or motors behind it pretty damn often. Or fuck, even if I take one of those awful car keys, I should at least find some food every time I go for it. Locked rooms shouldn't all be equal, but they should at least be better than what's around them.
And then, to double down, some of the places that should be more appealing but aren't need additional spawns added into these rooms. I've written about this before, so to summarise the old stuff:
In addition, I think some good additions would be:
One last thing, I think the random 'loose' containers like the weapon safes deserve a buff of some sort. Add new civilian weapons into the pool and make spawns on them much more frequent. When was the last time you saw a DVL on one? I literally never have despite having checked them hundreds of times.
submitted by DweebInFlames to EscapefromTarkov [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 04:14 TaoistToastr Toyota cannon

Toyota cannon submitted by TaoistToastr to Crossout [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:18 Aethelredditor Staghound armoured cars in service with New Zealand's Divisional Cavalry. Italy, 31 May 1944.

Staghound armoured cars in service with New Zealand's Divisional Cavalry. Italy, 31 May 1944. submitted by Aethelredditor to TankPorn [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 23:26 hycronh WIPED TODAY 05/12 - HAVOC ZERO - DEER ISLE🌿PVE PVP ZONES ☠️ - PC - US - Friendly - Chill - Quests - Balanced Grind - HARD ZOMBIES

Third Person PVE ⛺ / 1st Person PVP Zones ☠️ / Friendly, Social, Balanced Gameplay / No Raid / DayZ Dog / Helis & Boats
Map: Deer Isle
Name: Havoc Zero DeerIsle PVE 1PP PVP Zones Helis Boats +
US Central Hosted/EU Playable - 120ms Ping for Western Europe, perfectly good ping for everyone! :) Hosted on a beefy, dedicated machine colocated at a datacenter with 10Gbps networking.
Havoc Zero - Deer Isle is a new and already populated server, offering a PVE experience, with PVP zones for those wanting to choose when they risk it all. Chill out with us, meet some new people, explore the amazing Deer Isle map full of adventures and mysteries, build a base and grind through our cars, helis and now boats! We have custom trader locations, do our best to use stable mods, and look after the community.
Current population is mostly US and around 25 people at any given time. Really nice folks looking to grind out gear and vehicles, and do a bit of PVP when they feel like it :)
* Quests - Interwoven stories and unique rewards
* Harder Zombies - They will chase, seek and bash doors down to get you. Be extra careful!
* Progressive Loot Chests - Find and grind chests to find the best loot!
* Friendly players, really great helpful community and admins
* Balanced grind, a lot of loot-only necessary items - Enjoy success at any play rate and style!
* Advanced Clan System - Build your group, promote, control base permissions, shared bank
* Cars - custom and carefully selected, themed appropriately to the apocalypse. No silly supercars.
* DayZ Dog - Have a loyal companion alongside your travels, or to help with hunting.
* Boats and Helis - Explore Deer Isle's vast disconnected lands and mysteries in various ways
* Mighty's Military Gear - Armoured vests and helmets
* Tactical Flava - Variety of guns with attachment systems, more gear
* SCWS Weapons Pack - High quality, high calibre, rare and fun.
* MuchStuffPack and BaseBuildingPlus to expand on base, item and storage
* No drugs on our servers - Make money by looting gear, finding collectables, and hunting dangerous animals
* Beekeeping, Hunting, Collectables, Gun Running - Varied money making methods.
* More Stamina - No unlimited stamina silliness, but still much more than vanilla.
* Varied Zombies, mostly vanilla, military zombies are tougher!
* Custom Trader Locations
* Incredibly helpful, mature and chill community.
Join us on discord - Come hang out, or check out some more information!
submitted by hycronh to DayZServers [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 21:17 rangernumberx Respect Phineas Mason, the Tinkerer (Marvel Comics, 616)

Some low level criminals want to buy some equipment just to make their next job easier. Others want to become a full on supervillain and have the ideas for their suit, but lack the ability to create it themselves. And some established supervillains just want an upgrade to help with their constant battles against the heroes of the world. All of them make their way to an unassuming fix-it shop in New York to employ the genius of the Terrible Tinkerer, who either for cash upfront or a cut of their profits will make whatever they wish. While Phineas Mason may often work in the background, that doesn't stop him from sometimes having to face superheroes himself, with Spider-Man being his most frequent adversary.



Notable Supervillain Clients

Suits - Upgrading
Suits - Creating


Other Mechs / Mech Suits





Other Wearables




Other Business Offerings

Business Attitude


submitted by rangernumberx to respectthreads [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 18:23 Slep1k Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (How would you rate this game?)

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (How would you rate this game?)
This is my experience with the story mode. Keep in mind that it differs from person to person and you shouldn’t compare yours with that of the others. ⬇️
💟 (Phenomenal) ✅ (Very Good) ✴️ (Good) ⛔️ (Bad)
Storytelling - Finally a main character that speaks. - The cell phone addition is cool. - There’s a reference from Driver games about Dick Tanner, made me laugh again! - The story is very good with each mission having its own storyline. But the ending? What in the hell happened? One minute you’re face to face, the other everyone is standing in different rooms. Not to mention the lack of an explanation as to why Lance betrayed you or where was Sonny..
Characters - Awesome development of each one. - Tommy from a gangster to a boss, Lance from a nobody to his right hand man, Ken which was dumb enough to stay by Tommy’s side. - Then there’re side missions with detailed characters.
Setting - Incredible Vice City vibe. - The 2 islands were perfectly balanced and the small islands had their own setting with the film studio and the Vercetti’s mansion. - The colorful vibe was in synch with the music, which made the experience unique!
Pacing - Each mission or side mission leads to a final conclusion and a phone call to congratulate and salute Tommy for a good job. - The game didn’t stretch out too long and had a balanced storyline.
Controls - Good controls in cars, awful when shooting and looking around. - I went with the setup 4 and had a very enjoyable driving experience. - The camera controls for shooting are too sensitive and the lack of a 3D camera is just a plain disaster.
Mechanics - The vibration function has improved lots from GTA III. Now you have different feedbacks even when there’s thunder. - There’re different missions with planes, helicopters or motorcycles. Love each addition.
Exploration - You can drive around the whole map and discover new things and locations each time. The game is incredible on this point. - Collectibles are present as well, although I didn’t bother. - For a map as small as this, they implemented each location perfectly.
Missions/Events - Amazing variety, awful execution. - The diversity and storyline behind each mission is incredible, that can’t be said about their gameplay. - Each time you have to replay the mission all over again because you literary don’t know what to do or get killed in seconds. I replayed some missions for 5/10 times before I figured them out.
Surround Sound - The game says stereo, but I can assure you it’s surround sound. - So many sounds in the world while you listen to the music and everything links together.
Sound Effects - The new police sirens, explosions, fires, gunfire, people screaming and so on are perfectly balanced.
Voice Acting - Phenomenal job. - Each character had his own accent. - Tommy was great, other characters had their own dialogues spoken with an incredible performance.
Music - Some of the best songs I’ve listened in a videogame. - The music is just magical!
Fidelity - Incredible for 2002. - Honestly, this game was way ahead of its time.
Performance - Crazy good. - Minimal frame drops and mostly a stable FPS.
Textures - Everything is so detailed. - Starting from cars, buildings, water, sky and everything around them. - Absolutely cracked!
Effects - Fires, rain, thunder, reflections, smoke and so on. - They made such a big leap from GTA III in just one year.
Flow - Bad. - Most of the time you’re a sponge for enemy bullets. - You can’t aim properly and what’s even worse, you’re limited by the awful camera.
Cops - Stupid, aggressive beyond comprehension, spawning like cockroaches, ramming you head on, following you till death and disappearing when a mission is over. - Absolutely awful, no sense at all.
Enemy Variety - The same type of enemies in different uniforms. - No armoured guys other than the swat, and even those were killed easily. - The final mission had them spawning like crazy and to be honest, I used the cheat code for the armor, the level of stupidity the developers had is beyond imaginable.
Weapon Variety - Even better than GTA III. - The minigun is too OP, but lacks an aiming function. - Some new weapons variations as well.
Flow - Great driving around. - You usually bump into something or an NPC bumps into you on purpose, it’s unavoidable. - Other than that, the AI is too dumb.
Opponents - Very bad. - Be it a normal chase, a race or just NPCs on roads. - Each aspect of the AI in this game is awful.
Racing - Good for the feel, terrible for the opponents. - They ram you on each occasion and are so dumb that you have to avoid them on each corner. - NPCs get in your way on purpose and it’s just a mess.
Cars - Cardboard yet again. - The addition of motorcycles is very good. - The problem is that each car is made of plastic. - A minor bump will break your window, a head on collision will nearly destroy your car and it will bounce off like a lego, and the most idiotic design are the gunfights. If they shoot your car, it stands a 2 second chance)
Roads - Love driving around the city and seeing different beaten paths.
Atmosphere - One of the best in the series. - The whole Vice City vibe could be felt from minute one.
Surroundings - Incredible. - Each part of the city is unique. Be it a building, the gold club or skyscrapers.
Landscapes - Extremely beautiful with the sunsets and sunrises.
World Destruction - Overall good. The usual car explosions and their detailed destruction. - Some buildings during missions explode, and afterwards they remain destroyed with a different look.
submitted by Slep1k to GTA [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 16:32 RepetitiveTorpedoUse Landship “Beluga”

Landship “Beluga”
I’ll add more pictures later.
“Beluga” is one of Hyperborea’s landships put into production to battle the Lunatics. Is it overkill for that purpose? Yeah, maybe. Is overkill fun?
The ship’s crew features 3 ducks and the “Narwhal” cannons are loaded from a fridge.
The fridge was manufactured a bit wrong and can only freeze.
submitted by RepetitiveTorpedoUse to Crossout [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 09:19 thousandsmillions I find many people playing USSR don't know how to make good use of its vast resource,i often seen USSR being defeated by germany,thats why I wanna share my opinoion of playing so with u guys

I usually do these following stuff
1.build anti tank lv2 like crazy(u should be producing more than 40 of them by d5)
2.research lv2 armour car and spam them with 4 tank factory(more than 25 by d8)
3.research lv2 tank destroyers and spam them(more than 15 by d7)
  1. spam sp rocket artillery with 3 lv 3 secret lab(try spam as most as u can ,this can be game changing
  2. last but not least spam around 10 rocket fighters before d8
submitted by thousandsmillions to CallOfWar [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 17:00 minion2024 Small & fast

Small & fast submitted by minion2024 to Crossout [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 13:56 nulll_ DEADCOAST Book 1: "HEAT and the Grizzly Reds" - Intro / Chapter 1 - 15-20 Min Read -- Dystopian Future -- Science Fiction.

NOTE FROM AUTHOR: Hello Hello! I am a first-time writer embarking on my first dumpster fire; input is most welcome. I'm not the best self-editor, so get your hiking boots on. It's rough out there. Whenever I read it, I find or create more errors (:
OPTIONAL READS: For the Retro Computer or Programming Enthusiast OR if you are open to other formats of story telling. I tried to combine my love for programming as an UNDERSTANDABLE way to tell a story through a Visual Experience in the Command Line Interface;
A Stand-Alone VISUAL ASCII 'Programming Terminal' Story Prologue. Follow through(Screen Shots of my Command Line Interface) the UNE-EYE Observational Satellite Terminal as Kable extracts Classified Data about his Beloved Military Unit, THE HUMMINGBIRDS, a flying exoskeleton unit. This includes the origin story of a Technology Tree in Book 1.


"Deadcoast Book 1: Heat and the Grizzly Reds" transports readers to a 2063 Earth, a world on the brink, where the scarcity of fresh water has led to previously unseen geopolitical tensions. Amidst this backdrop, the nation-backed militant group DAGGR has emerged as a formidable force, leveraging advanced technology to assert control over Canada’s abundant water resources. At the heart of their arsenal is 'slugTech,' a technology pioneered by James Broadshaw, intended for ecological restoration but repurposed for militaristic dominance.
The story unfolds with the chilling invasion of Vancouver, marking a turning point as DAGGR makes its ambitions clear, culminating in the assassination of the Canadian Prime Minister. This act of aggression leaves the country reeling, exposing vulnerabilities and igniting a global reaction.
The UNE-EYE satellite is central to the international response, a significant narrative element representing the world's most advanced orbital tracking system. Once decommissioned in favour of privacy, the Dutch reactivated the satellite as a strategic move to monitor DAGGR's movements and coordinate a unified international effort against the aggressors. This revival of UNE-EYE symbolizes a crucial turning point, highlighting the global stakes and the interconnectedness of nations in the face of a common enemy.
As Canada grapples with its plight, the DAMU (Deserted American Military Units) rise in solidarity, breaching borders to fight alongside their Canadian counterparts. This act of defiance is mirrored by international forces, including the Netherlands and Ukraine, each bringing their unique strengths to the coalition, underscored by the strategic oversight provided by the UNE-EYE satellite.
Amidst the geopolitical chaos, a man who had all but given up, a boxer on the ropes, emerges from Vancouver's Gastown. Known as HEAT, this leader of the Grizzly Reds becomes a symbol of resistance and hope. HEAT's story, and that of the Grizzly Reds, is one of resilience, rallying not only Canadians but also global citizens to stand against DAGGR's tyranny.
" Deadcoast Book 1: Heat and the Grizzly Reds" is a compelling narrative of survival, alliance, and resistance. It deftly weaves together elements of advanced technology, international politics, and the indomitable human spirit. The inclusion of the UNE-EYE satellite serves as a testament to the complexities of modern warfare and the critical role of global surveillance and coordination in maintaining security and freedom. But something else stirs amongst it. The UNE still shrouds its use, albeit assuring it is for record-keeping purposes- there is no way to be sure. Join HEAT and the Grizzly Reds as they navigate the challenges of Time, War, Science and liberating their fellow man in Vancouver. THE GRIZZLIES NEED YOU, in this action-packed, emotional saga, speaks to the resilience and camaraderie inherent in the human condition.
CHAPTER 1 - The Blood Spattered Maples
The early morning sun cast a serene glow over Vancouver, its golden rays gently coaxing the city from its slumber. The harbour lay still, bathed in a tranquil blend of crimson and amber, defiantly calm as if aware of the day's latent potential for tumult. The awakening streets, pulsating with the vibrant beat of daily enterprise, transformed into bustling arteries of life.
Amidst this urban renaissance, Ryan stood by his apartment window, one eye still tinged a fading shade of deep lavender from last night's ordeals. He absorbed the duality of the world outside – a peaceful façade masking an undercurrent of chaos, much like his own existence. The apartment, a silent guardian of his life's chapters, was awash with tangible memories; some stood proudly like trophies, and others lingered like indelible scars.
"Eugh, need to sort out this money mess," Ryan muttered, his voice a gravelly mix of resolve and weariness. He gingerly touched the bruise beneath his eye, a stark reminder of the previous night's fight. He wasn't just a boxer but a living, breathing paradox. His undefeated record of 12-0 was more than a tally of victories; it was a map of a life spent dancing in and out of shadows. At 17, he was a beacon of hope for Canadian Olympic Futures. Now, at 33, he was a spotlight in his subconscious, illuminating the relentless passage of time and a road riddled with 'what ifs.' Eleven of those wins were echoes from a past steeped in the sweat and blood of the ring before life's currents swept him into the city's gritty underbelly. There, he became an enforcer, not out of choice but a necessity, bound by ties, not of blood but of unbreakable bonds forged in adversity. Stepping back into the ring at 33, Ryan wasn't chasing glory; he was hunting redemption, a chance to rewrite a narrative that had veered off course.
Today's boxing was far from what he once knew; it had transformed into a digital spectacle, a charade he refused to partake in. The sport now paraded fighters adorned with loud chains and face tattoos, pretending to live a life of crime they don't. Vile symbols of fame he doesn't wish for. Ryan had always skirted the fringes of the spotlight, respecting the sport but despising what it had become - a glorified masquerade that he believed led the youth astray. He stared out at the awakening city, contemplating his place in this ever-changing world, just as the first notes of a familiar yet unwelcome voice crackled from the vintage radio on his shelf.
"Ah, jimmy2piece," he scoffed, the name leaving a bitter taste. The vintage radio crackled on, announcing the dazzling exploits of the heavyweight boxing champion, an embodiment of everything Ryan detested about the sport's current state. Ryan's hand lingered over the old radio, a relic amidst the bountiful thrift and trinket that abundantly filled his apartment. The announcer's voice, overly flamboyant in its praise of 'jimmy2piece,' clashed with the morning's tranquillity, grating against Ryan's every nerve. With a flick brimming with contempt, he silenced the intrusive chatter. The ensuing silence was a stark reminder of his path's divergence from the once-noble art of boxing to a life mired in moral ambiguity.
"Enough of this nonsense," he muttered, the disdain in his voice mirroring the snarl on his lips as he spun the dial back to silence.
Ryan was a man of contemplation; opening his balcony door, he let the morning breeze mingle with the memories that haunted him daily. These reflections were a tormenting ritual, no matter the joys and love surrounding him. His only respite was constant movement – hobbies, work, art – anything to fend off the sharp claws of the past that threatened to shred the remnants of his self-respect. He had lost ten years to choices and actions that replayed in his mind relentlessly every single day.
"This 'jimmy2shoes' or whatever...pal throws pillows, a poser pretending he's about that gang life; I can see it in his eyes, he's not a killer," he grumbled, gazing out at the awakening city. This day promised a respite from his underground fights – at least for a while. His recent backstreet brawls, a far cry from the glory of the boxing ring, were what paid the bills now. "At least I've bought myself three more months..."
Leaning on the railing of his miniature balcony, Ryan cradled a cup of steaming coffee, his gaze drifting over the streets below. At this moment, the chaos of his life seemed distant, replaced by a transient calm. Despite his bruised, rough presentation, a certain peace enveloped him, a rare stillness that belied the storm of his existence. His thoughts meandered through the serene hum of the city and the gentle brush of the ocean breeze. The skyscape, with clouds dancing to the ocean's rhythm, offered a brief escape from his turbulent past.
Memories of Robin, his mentor and friend, floated into his consciousness. Robin's untimely death in Dubai was a wound that never healed. The sacrifices he had made to keep Robin safe, only to be absent on the fateful trip that claimed his friend's life, weighed heavily on him. "Why did it have to be you, Robin?" he whispered to the horizon, the question, a haunting torment upon his daily routines.
Ryan was a thinker; as he slid over his ashtray from the stool, he sparked up A morning 'dart' (cigarette), as he called them. His past began to creep into his head, as it did every morning. With each inhalation of addiction-soothing nicotine, his blazing thoughts followed as his brain began to become fully active from his sleep. It was a raven on his shoulder tormenting him, pecking at him ever haunting his consciousness. No matter the love he may have found or the happiness, friends, or family surrounding him. The time to reflect was always grim and consistently unbearable. If he stood still, the Ravel's claws sunk more profoundly; the only reprieve was constant distractions. It's why he kept so busy, creative, and active. Ryan constantly kept moving with hobbies, work, or art. Pushing off the switchblade thoughts ready to cut into his subconscious and bleed out whatever self-respect he had left that day. He threw away ten years of his life, and he relives them every. Single. Day.
"Damn man, what's the point of it all?" Ryan's voice was barely a whisper, lost in the morning breeze. His gaze lingered on the horizon, eyes clouded with confusion and pain. "Robin's gone, and here I am, a ship adrift; up shits creek without a paddle. What good can I do? What purpose do I serve? My skillset? My knowledge? Ive wasted my life, nothing is applicable." The questions hung in the air, unanswered. Ryan's life had indeed been a storm of violence and turmoil, from the gritty days working alongside Robin, watching his back to his hard-fought victories in the boxing ring. He had dreamt of leaving the world of fights behind, yet fate seemed to have woven a different path for him, one that he couldn't escape...
The distant sound of boat horns broke his train of thought. These weren't the usual rhythmic calls that echoed along Vancouver's shores; they carried a sense of urgency, growing louder and more frantic by the second. Ryan leaned forward, squinting into the morning light. The sight that greeted him was anything but ordinary. Dark, ominous and foreboding shapes were cutting through the waters toward the Seawall – military-grade ships that seemed like phantoms against the sun's bright backdrop.
"What the...?" Ryan murmured, a wry smile touching his lips as he recalled a line from a 1930s radio show. "Ah yes, the 'Anti-Frackers' upping their game, bravo!" He often found solace in humour, a shield against the world's harsh realities. Ryan was an unbreakable anvil to the world, always struck to sharpen others' steel. But what about his iron resolve? He bore the burdens so others didn't have to, a silent guardian shouldering the world's weight in stoic silence. Yet beneath that armour of stoicism beat the heart of a man grappling with his vulnerabilities, a man with a core as soft as it was intense.
Just like that- The world as we knew it, changed forever.
The morning's peace shattered abruptly as sirens wailed into life, slicing through the air with a sense of impending doom. The tranquil dawn was now a backdrop to a nightmare unfolding in real time. Ryan's eyes, mirroring the turbulent hues of a stormy sea, narrowed in primal alertness. These were not friendly vessels coming to grace the city's harbour; they were harbingers of chaos, their arrival a silent scream in the gardens of Vancouver's tranquility. As the city around him carried on, blissfully unaware of the looming threat, Ryan's mind shifted into high gear, honed by years of confrontation, conflict and reading other peoples intentions. He understood the unspoken language of death, the subtle shift in the air that preluded catastrophe. The serene calm that had greeted the day now seemed like the deceptive stillness before a devastating storm.
Ryan's coffee ejected out his mouth, a clean mist dispersed, dancing in the ocean winds.
His eyes widened in shock. "That... No, that's not right. That honeycomb structure on the bow – that's rumoured military tech, not something you'd find on a civilian vessel. That's definitely not one of our decommissioned ships; Canada has always had a modest military budget- It's not the U.S. either; they've moved on to those massive city carriers," he muttered, recalling the recent unveiling of the U.S.'s latest naval behemoth designed to be a self-sustaining war ecosystem.
"These are destroyers...carriers...and what in the world are those landing crafts?" His voice trailed off as a wave of realization washed over him. A heavy breath escaped his lips, his heartbeat thundering in unison with a growing sense of dread. This kind of military might, sleek and menacing, was straight out of the pages of a dystopian novel. Ryan's pulse quickened, adrenaline coursing through his veins, mingling with an unsettling fear. Vancouver, with its serene beauty and peaceful reputation, was the last place one would expect a military invasion. Yet, as he stood there, the city around him persevered in blissful ignorance. Laughter and the sounds of daily life echoed up to his balcony, starkly juxtaposed against the darkening horizon of his thoughts.
Something sinister was unfolding, and he felt an urgent need to act. "Ah, damn it!" he exclaimed, frustration boiling over as he hurled his mug to the ground, where it shattered into razer sharp ceramic shards—a glimpse of futures past.
The walls of Ryan's apartment, once a gallery of memories from a life half-lived, now felt like they were closing in on him. The space that had been his refuge, adorned with mementos of a tumultuous past, suddenly felt like a prison. He felt trapped, not by physical barriers, but by the weight of the unfolding crisis. Who could he call? Who would believe him about an impending military assault? Was there even time?
Each option seemed as hopeless as the next, leaving him feeling powerless. His fists, which had once brought him victory in the ring, now seemed futile in the face of this immense and unknown threat.
A thunderous crash tore through the city's fabric, piercing the veil of laughter and routine. Giggles changed to Shrieks, the buzzing of cars in the city turned screeching of panicked tires. It was a boom resonating with such force that it seemed to shake the very resolve of the most robust steel, a sound that demands attention and captivates a person, a sound of death; it rattles you to the bone. This explosion marked a pivotal moment that would forever alter the course of Vancouver's history and, indeed, the world's.
The resounding echo of the first explosion heralded a declaration of war on all that was ordinary. In Ryan, the shockwave ignited a transformation. Despair morphed into an unyielding determination, a fire kindled deep within. His skin prickled, each hair standing on end as if his nerves were braille, spelling out the moment's urgency.
"Are they firing at us?" Ryan's voice was a mix of disbelief and rising panic. The thought seemed almost too surreal to entertain. He hesitated momentarily, grappling with the reality of the situation. The explosion's roar, so fierce it shook the foundations of his apartment, jolted him back to the present. Racing back to his balcony, what he saw confirmed his darkest fears.
The ships in the harbour were no longer silent, ominous spectators; they had unleashed their fury, sending plumes of smoke and debris skyward. Vancouver's skyline, once a proud testament to peace and progress, now served as a harrowing backdrop to an unfolding apocalypse. Below, the streets descended into chaos. People scattered in a frantic attempt to escape, their screams piercing the air, a chorus of dawning terror.
Ryan's heart pounded against his chest, each beat a call to action. He was no hero, never the 'good guy' in his story, but he did value life above all. Standing there, witnessing his city being torn apart, he knew he couldn't remain a passive observer. Indecision and shock gave way to resolve.
"MOTHA FU-" he cursed, his words lost in the burst of an explosion, spotted at the last second.
The world around him had erupted into a maelstrom of fire and fury.
An air burst shell detonated with ferocious intensity a mere 50 meters from Ryan's sanctuary. The explosion ripped through the building, an unforgiving hatred that jolted reality itself. The blast wave, a monstrous force of destruction, assaulted his apartment, shattering the windows with an ease that mocked Vancouver's fragility. Glass shards, transformed into lethal projectiles, hurtled through the air with a hunter's precision, each piece seeking its target. Instinctively, Ryan lunged for cover, his only protection a vintage oak promotional board, a relic of a bygone era. This wooden guardian, decorated with the iconic image of Stan Lee, stood as a stoic defender, a symbol of comic heroism now repurposed to shield flesh and blood from the brutal onslaught.
A low hum erupts from the depths of his being as the fireball swirled around him. "Breathe... I can't... don't fall asleep... don't...sleep..." he whispered, fighting the encroaching darkness. His cobalt eyes, glazing over open, fighting to the last light, flickered between consciousness and oblivion. The distant, muffled voices of mentors past echoed in his mind, a fading chorus in the theatre of his memories. Ryan looked to his left, cast one last lingering look at the Vancouver sky, a canvas of blue that seemed so distant now. As his vision began to narrow, a tunnel drawing him away from the light, Ryan felt the grip of darkness pulling him under heavy, yet weightless. Once so vivid and alive, the world around him was fading into shadows.
Amid shrapnel-induced unconsciousness, Ryan's mind catapulted him back to a pivotal moment from his youth – the Ontario Canadian Olympic Trials.
The stadium's noise swirled around him, but it was an entirely different world within the ring. There, it was just Ryan and his opponent, every move a testament to the sacrifices he and Robin(Ryan's longtime mentor both inside, and outside the ring) had made together.
Ryan's style in the ring was unique, a blend of calculated ferocity in speed and agility. He adopted the elusive, angular movements that Robin had honed while serving alongside the hardened Ukrainians on the frontlines of Kyiv. This style was compelling and unpredictable, frustrating his opponents with swift and efficient strikes. Ryan's ability to slip away from counters, almost serpentine in its execution, left them grasping at straws.
Point fighting for the Olympics was a system that worked well with Ryan's style but not necessarily with his mindset. Ryan was a fighter at heart, and sometimes, when pushed, the disciplined techniques would give way to a rawer form of combat. Robin, who always believed in Ryan's potential, saw this as his greatest fault and biggest asset to "push past." In his gruff but encouraging voice, Robin would often spew "The stink in that mind, You've got a head on you that'd make an onion cry," highlighting Ryan's occasionally impulsive nature, and inability to control his emotions when it mattered. This characteristic made Ryan fearless in the ring but also sloppy, open, and vulnerable. It often led him into trouble outside of the solace in prizefighting.
In these trials, Ryan's physical attributes – his slender frame, broad shoulders, wide back and a peculiarly long wingspan that gave him an imposing presence in his weight class – it made him stand out. His frame synchronized with his style, creating a truly unique spectacle of genetic gifts, hard work, and skill.
These memories blended nostalgia and pain as they flickered through Ryan's mind. They were reminders of a path once trodden, a journey shaped by the influence of a mentor and the determination of a fighter's spirit.
As the Olympic Trials set to begin, Robin looked to Ryan to instill confidence for his upcoming bouts, but Ryan was in his element. It was fight day, the fun day, the day to show off all of the hard work. Ryan had confidence, and his style in the ring displayed it in full. He moved with an angular rhythm that was both art and battle – slipping, landing a quick stiff counter cross, then gracefully stepping out of reach inches from returning fire. He made it look fun and easy, as if playing with his prey before fangs clench throat, delivering the killing bite. Looking closer, you can only see fire and determination in his bright eyes. He found purpose in the beautiful science of boxing. His strategy was that of a technical boxer, The Counterpuncher; 1. To bait his opponent into committing, then counter, fight long, fight smart. 2. Beat em' up, Frustrate em', then start slinging the heat in the uppercuts and lead hooks.
The bell rang and the fight was officially underway. Ryan controlled the ring with his long frame. Each exchange was rapid yet controlled, a dance of precise strikes and evasive maneuvers. The world's complexities faded in these moments, leaving only Ryan and the pure essence of the sport he loved. He felt invincible, a force of nature within the confines of the ring. To Ryan, the fight was more than a competition; it was a performance, an exhilarating escape from the mundane. It was true Purpose.
The intensity of the round reached a frustrating outburst by his opponent, who grabbed Ryan by the back of his head– 'SPLIT' called by the referee, his hand placed between them. A judge calls for a correction, catching the referee's attention only for a split second. In this second, Ryan's Opponent saw an opportunity. Lifting his head to move away, Ryan locks eyes with his Opponent, sporting a grin and delivering a sly headbutt as a parting gift. It's against the rules, but part of the game's harsh reality if gone unnoticed. Expelling energy and detesting it was a waste of fuel. It was a jolting reminder of "at all times"(protect yourself), a stark contrast to the discipline and respect Ryan upheld, starting his boxing journey in Thailand under "Muay Thai" rules, ideology of the worrior spirit and discipline. There was a sense of Honor in Lumpinee Stadium.
The outcome of these unsavoury tactics here is an advantage for the opponent. Ryan's inner pools erupt, his mind swirled with raging white waters, crashing and colliding against each other, two oceans with opposite currents meeting in his consciousness. His once technical thoughts, muscle memory mixed with fight iq burst with flames, erupting and incinerating all strategy in his path. His eyes widened, open like he'd found his primal genetic ancestry hidden deep within. The slaughter and the war of history. The bloodshed of 1000 lifetimes. He felt it all. Manic in thought. Ryan wanted to take his glove off and rip his cheeks open from the inside out--
BREAK - Ryan snaps back into it, erupting in stoic, silent, primal rage.
░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ ░ ░░░ ░░░ ░░ ░ ▒ ▒▒▒▒ ▒ ▒▒▒▒ ▒ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ ▓ ▓▓ ▓▓▓▓ ▓ ▓▓▓ ▓ ▓▓▓ █ ███ ██ █ ████ █ ███████ █ ████ █ ████ ██ ██ █ █████████████████████████████████████ 
The fight escalated, Ryan's disciplined technique unravelled under the seething tide of his rage. The finesse and agility that once defined his footwork gave way to a heavier, more aggressive stance. His feet, usually light and swift under his commanding frame, now felt anchored to the floor, each step driven more by fury than finesse. This transformation in style played perilously into his opponent's advantage. Ryan, usually a master of stick-and-move tactics, found himself engaging in close-quarter brawls, trading his advantage for a risky gamble. His in-and-out maneuvers, once a blur of grace, turned into brutish, in-the-pocket exchanges. This was a terrain where his more muscular and compact opponent had the upper hand. A raw, primal contest of power replaced the tactical dance that Ryan excelled at. Ryan's precise strikes became wild swings, his movements predictable to his seasoned adversary. Seizing the moment, the opponent unleashed a devastating barrage of inside hooks with their compact frame. A vicious right hook, lands clean in the exchange, thrown with the grace of a milkbag, the power hooks brute force, cut through Ryan's defences. The blow landed with a bone-jarring impact, sending a shockwave through Ryan's frame. His world spun as he stumbled, his once dominant presence in the ring now faltering under the weight of his unchecked emotions.
The ground rushed up to meet him as he crashed onto the canvas, the taste of iron and the sting of defeat mingling in his mouth. The crowd's roar faded into a distant echo, a stark reminder of how quickly the tides of battle could turn. Robin's voice sliced through the ringing from the corner, resonating with a force that commanded attention.
His words were more than just a call to action; they were a lifeline thrown into the stormy seas of Ryan's mind. Each syllable was drenched in the raw, unfiltered wisdom that only a life spent in the cauldron of combat could forge. Robin's tone was a volatile cocktail of fury and concern, the urgency palpable in his voice. His palms crashed against the ring mat; each hit thunderous punctuation to his fiery sermon.
"You've got the talent, kid, but it's as good as ash if you keep burning it to the ground. I'M HERE FOR YOU, IM RIGHT HERE. SNAP OUT OF IT AND BOX THIS PLASTIC PATTY! MOVE GOD DAMNIT, GET UP!"
On the canvas, Ryan lay dazed, the echo of Robin's voice ringing in his ears. It was more than a mere pep talk; it was a wake-up call that struck a chord deep within him. Amidst the haze of the crowd murmurs and the pulsating pain that coursed through his body, clarity began to emerge. Lying there, Ryan grasped the essence of Robin's message –
"coward? letting it win? Playing my ego are ya Robin...hes right though. Im throwing this shit away."
This moment, sprawled on the canvas under the glaring lights and the crowd's gaze, became a crucible of transformation. The raw emotion and the hard-hitting truth in Robin's words ignited a spark in Ryan. It was time to rise, shake off the shadows of rage, and embrace a fighter's true spirit like he had learned in Thailand – not just with fists but with heart and mind in unison.
Staggered yet stirred by the dual impact of the physical hit and Robin's piercing words, A padded fist crushed into the rings canvas, followed by a kneee and the eruption of the crowd. Ryan was back, and he began to pull himself up from the canvas. His resolve, momentarily dimmed, now reignited with a fierce, clear, calculated intensity. Memories of the gruelling hours spent in the gym flooded back to him – the relentless sparring sessions, the time spent in Thailand, the sweat and toil, and the invaluable lessons etched into his being under Robin's stern tutelage.
With a renewed spirit, Ryan stepped back into the battle, his movements now embodying controlled power and a fluidity to his step. He recalled his time fighting beside the backdrop of the "Sarama" a traditional Thai music played when in combat. The times of learning to move, fight with the music, to flow, to be fluid, to be concise. Ryan finally put it all together in the heat of battle. He had merged his inherent ferocity with the disciplined technique that Robin relentlessly drilled into him, and the mindfull practises of the years he spent under Burklerk Pinsinchai in the jungles of Chiang Mai. His style was now fully displayed, raw and visceral yet refined by countless hours of practice in mind, body and spirit.
The final rounds bell clang to a start in a clinic of skill and sheer willpower. Ryan, driven by a blend of desperation and unwavering determination, unleashed a barrage of calculated and explosive strikes. Each punch and maneuver was a nod to the efficient, no-nonsense Ukrainian style that Robin had imparted to him. Ryan moved rhythmically across the mat, steps measured and precise, executing short, angular movements and deft outside counterpunches. He had returned to his element – the dance of combat, where he felt most alive, a symphony of movement where every step and punch was a testament to his life's journey and experiences as a human being first, and as a fighter second.
In this wake-up call, Ryan reinvigorated and reminded himself of his love for the sport, the exhilarating blend of art and athleticism. He was not just fighting to win; he was celebrating boxing, combat, honouring the path he had walked with Robin, and reclaiming what it meant to be a true fighter through Burklurk Pinsinchai's Teachings.
The round pressed on, and Ryan executed his maneuvers with a surgeon's precision. First;
-- The counterpuncher; a display in timing and accuracy, delivered with the full force of training and innate skill. --
  1. He deftly slipped his opponent's cross, a move as fluid as it was swift.
  2. He angled off, creating a space wide enough for his next move.
  3. With an almost predatory precision, Ryan unleashed a powerful right cross, targeting his opponent's cheek from the angle he had just created. But Ryan wasn't done yet.
  4. He slipped out again, evading any potential counter from his disoriented opponent. The rhythm, he danced in and out with his precise timing, perfected down to inches and angles.
  5. In a final, decisive movement of the exchange, Ryan slipped in. He timed his step with a long cross that came off-beat, catching his opponent utterly off-guard. The punch landed with a satisfying impact, culminating in a perfectly executed combination. As he watched his opponent stagger, Ryan couldn't help but think, 'cya sleepy boi,' a silent acknowledgment of his dominance in this singular exchange.
This sequence was a statement. Ryan was not only back in the fight but also commanding it.
Ryan's opponent stands, admirable, but futile, driven by sheer will but hampered by sluggish movements, the man rose to his feet, it was clear the fight was reaching its zenith.
The opponent, gathering his remaining strength for a final stand, launched a jab, a last-ditch effort relying more on brute force than finesse. But this was a fatal mistake in Ryan's world – playing right into what Ryan was best at. Counters.
Ryan read the move with the clarity of a seasoned fighter. As the jab came, he effortlessly slipped to the right, evading the punch with a short angular step that spoke of his ring intelligence. Instantly, he countered with the same sharp cross from his right hand, followed by a devastating hook that cut through the air with lethal intent in his left. Grasping at straws, reeling from the counter, Ryans opponent threw a desperate, looping last stand punch, Ryan dipped down and left, rolling the punch with an elegance that made it seem almost effortless. He was Hunting for the Kill Shot. Seizing the moment, Ryan unleashed a ferocious left uppercut, the force of the blow lifting his opponent's chin skyward. He followed up with a right overhand, but just before impact, he halted the punch. There was no need for it; his opponent was already collapsing, the "Lights were on, but no one was Home". The fight was effectively over, Ryan's last combination is the final note, a crescendo that echoed through the ring.
As his opponent hit the canvas, the crowd erupted. Ryan stood in the center of the ring, his chest heaving, every fibre of his being alight with the thrill of victory. This wasn't just a win; it was a performance, a display of skill, heart, and the indomitable spirit of a fighter who had walked through fire and flames to the otherside and emerge victorious.
The final bell Rings with not a single chair in the arena warm; a thunderous clap erupts from the crowd. It was more than just applause; it was an acknowledgment of a battle fiercely fought by both men. In that moment ringside, in a triumphant victory, Ryan and Robin shared a look that spoke volumes, a connection far beyond the usual bounds of mentor and protégé. Their bond, tempered in the crucible of hardship and struggle, was now sealed in the glory of this defining triumph.
Standing amidst the cheers and the adrenaline-fueled euphoria, Ryan found himself momentarily lost in the tide of memories. It was a poignant reminder of the journey that had brought him here, a path marked by triumphs and losses. Robin's teachings transcended the confines of boxing; they were life lessons imprinted deep onto him. Ryan began to slowly step out of the ring; the weight of these reflections settled upon him. The victory was sweet, but it carried the weight of all sacrificed to achieve it. Robin's presence was felt strongly, a guiding force that continued to shape his path, illuminating the way forward even in the most challenging times.
submitted by nulll_ to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 10:37 KhostfaceGillah Here's a list of my essential ground vehicles in my first garage + some tips and tricks.

Here's a list of my essential ground vehicles in my first garage + some tips and tricks.
Pic unrelated.
Top garage (Eclipse Tower 31) on the mechanic list is the one all the essential vehicles, Half-Track, Deluxo, Toreador, Virtue, OG Oppressor, Khanjali, Oppressor MK2, Arena Scarab, Arena ZR380, Armoured Kuruma.
I have my vehicles in a particular order of availability, I'll list them from top to bottom.
Half-Track, it's good against any griefer because of its durability and bulletproof windows. (Angry griefers tend to message me telling me it's Godmode but nah they just don't know that simple trick of having regular windows and not the armour plates).
Deluxo. It's a good Oppressor killer due to its missile tracking. The spinning counter attack is hilarious when the griefers think you're dead.
Virtue. Put the anti-missile lock on so no one can lock on. It has great speed and good armour. It's great against any player trying to lock onto you. It's also good for Executive Search as players tend to trying to lock onto you.
Oppressor. Once you master it, it's actually useful against griefers and has zero cool down if you own multiple. Remember to jump off if you get attacked by either.. Deluxo, Scramjet, Vigilante, Toreador, Stromberg, Ruiner 2000 as their missile trackings are 90% gonna hit you. If shit by anything else just simply lean back and those missiles will miss. Remember to keep touching the ground to have enough boost to help you out.
Armoured Kuruma. Simply for the protection against multiple NPCs during certain missions, very helpful for the Career mode.
Arena Scarab. Some griefers don't know that this can take them out of Godmode so I use that instead of the Khanjali or APC. Just simply start Headhunter or Fully Loaded, I prefer Fully Loaded as some griefers don't know that also works, then run them over and park on them, they respawn and be out of Godmode, I tend to put a bounty on them beforehand so they can't go passive.
Khanjali. Since it's gIitched in there griefers don't expect it to be in there so when I'm in my apartment and they're outside, the last thing they're gonna expect is a mf tank. But it's good against any ground player, just remember to hop out in time once they call in a vehicle with missiles.
Arena ZR380. Good against killing griefers in passive mode. Simply jump out of the vehicle as you drive to them.
Oppressor MK2. Good for going from A-B and landing on rooftops etc. Oppressor vs Oppressor is literally stupid now, just simply turn left or right to dodge missiles lol.
Toreador. Good against any weaponised vehicles, no map icon and unlimited missiles. Sometimes I drive in reverse to make it look like I'm in a standard car to lure in the griefers then hit em with the missiles.
I tend to put my vehicles in the order of availability, just simply press up on the list to get the bottom of the list etc. I have no bicycles in this garage so I have the ease of getting to a specific vehicle in time.
Of course there's plenty other vehicles that have some use like any Imani Tech RC Cars, Champion, Buffalo STX etc.
The Nightshark as it can tank all of the Oppressor missiles and they won't be able to blow you up, it's better to have no window plates so you can throw sticky bombs too, but it is better to be in Free Aim than Aim Assisted for obvious reasons.
Below I'll add in other essential items:
The AA Trailer with the Dual Flak Cannon. It is best used as it only takes a few hits to blow up certain vehicles. Do this with a friend, have them go into passive so you don't accidentally blow them up or you can get them to go into an Insurgent to shoot flares incase anyone tries to shoot missiles at you.
Thermal scope/Quad Lense Thermal Helmet. Since the game is so broken you can see through buildings whilst using these, players show up as orange squares at a distance and you can snipe them and kill them. If you're at a far distance where they're just out of sight shoot a couple missiles as their location and you'll see the orange square briefly, shoot them and you'll be able to kill them blocks away.
Scuba Gear outfit. Simply because of the unlimited oxygen downside is.. If you're already in the water, you can't swith outfits, so the Rebreather is good for this, you can have a maximum of 20 and they do last a while.
Explosive rounds for the Pump Shotgun. Usually a one shot, 2 if they're using BST, players tend to ragdoll once you get the first shot in making them go into panic mode. Full Metal Jacket rounds. I have this on my LMG as it has a bigger clip but it's also good against people with armoured vehicles like the Nightshark. Armour rounds. I use the Carbine Rifle. Good against players using bulletproof helmets as they're usually a 2 shot in the head.
So remember.. FMJ for vehicles, armour for players, explosive for everything lol.
Heres a few tips and tricks:
The flare fun is the only gun that can shoot directly up (have to be in 3rd person).
Chaff is better to use than Flares for counter measurements, remember to press it before they shoot because then they can't lock on.
If falling down a hill and you own an RC Car, simply call that, drive to the road, start a job, back out and you'll spawn on the road.
If your bicycle gets destroyed, no need to call Mors Mutual just simply request vehicle again.
If you can't get up a steep hill, hold the left trigger to aim and simply walk up (if it's too steep, it's not possible).
If you've killed someone and they've teleported to the facility, simply go into an RC Car or Tank, once they orb you, they don't get the kill and they've lost their money and can't orb you for another 45 mins.
You can throw sticky bombs by pressing the left arrow when aiming a gun.
In the settings go to Camera and if you turn on First Person Vehicle Hood, you can actually throw sticky bombs higher than you would normally.
If a player has a Half-Track with standard windows and no armour plates, you CAN'T use any bullets to kill them (even with MK2 ammo) unless by either the left or right window. The best way to counter them on foot is by using the Atomizer or simply call out a Toreador if at a good enough distance.
If a griefer is killing players with their Kostaka and it's parked next to a Yacht with its air defence on, simply call in a Sparrow from your sub and at a distance you can lock onto the sub without the air defence hitting you. It's best to go off radar as they will try to kill you.
Some people job teleport so they won't die from a player. They have a job set up or heist on their phone they can simply accept the jobs and teleport to the building.
If you see a player start Execute Search and they kill themselves in that area. Don't bother go looking for them. They're holding their spawn so won't be on the map. They basically kill themselves then go to the PlayStation Store in the pause menu.
How to stay AFK. If you go into any CEO office, don't accept anything just stay on that menu and you'll never get kicked. Go to the Orbital Cannon and stay in that menu. Go to LS Car Meet and hold down L2. (I prefer this as you get your rep up and get $ for every row you gain).
Quick spawn. Before you kill yourself or die switch to a character (Franklin, Michael, Trevor) press cancel and you'll instantly respawn.
Flares deter missiles, so if someone is shooting at you, shoot some flares and it'll counter it.
If you hold R1 when on a MK2 Oppressor you can go faster.
If you ride up a building and lean back you can fly the Oppressor MK2 upside down, the controls are inverted and if you press R1 it will boost you up into the sky at a quick pace. It takes some practice to master it.
If you go into your Acid Lab and simply exit, you'll have no ragdoll. (you can still fall off of bikes though).
If you own a Seabreaze and land it upside down in the Ocean, it'll get destroyed. If a player decides to orb you, you won't die.
If a player is in their Terrorbyte, you can get your Atomizer out, shoot the side of it (preferably near the top) and as it's on its side, it will despawn and kick the player out and they'll spawn close by.
This is a long long list of things but.. Maybe this will help players who had no clue about this stuff but after 10 years of playing you tend to learn a few things.
That's all I can think of for now, I may edit this again if I can think of others.
submitted by KhostfaceGillah to gtaonline [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 04:42 IchiroSkywalker [OC] LaceratinTridoug

[OC] LaceratinTridoug
My first time assembling a melee exclusive build.
While I was trying to get my epic melee trial done, The NA server shot through 450+ ping and EU is in a constant packet loss state for me who's physically in Australia, therefore I have to connect to RU server for a time, and I have to say, that's the toughest training session I've ever encountered.
The active melee build has a skill floor higher than I expected.
Now available on Exhibition as "LaceratinTridoug". There's only 1 Tormentor module on the build, make your contact count.
submitted by IchiroSkywalker to Crossout [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 14:58 SpaceMarineMarco New American 12.0 ATGM carrier

New American 12.0 ATGM carrier submitted by SpaceMarineMarco to warthundermemes [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 11:59 Chickenloverman69 Tips for realistic mode?

i wanted to try realistic mode with tanks for the first time and every single time I play, my T-28 gets demolished, sometimes a weird armoured car with nothing but a machine gun pounds me from halfway across the map, sometimes measuring distance takes too long and I get destroyed before I can even damage them and other times I just get obliterated before I can even get a kill by the enemy simply being faster then my T-28 tank, does anyone have any tips for solving my skill issue?
submitted by Chickenloverman69 to Warthunder [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 09:40 NegativeMaximum2059 My partner, M38, wants me F35, to be around someone that traumatized me. How do I navigate this?

I know this is very long. I will post a TLDR at the bottom.
Just to preface things, my partner and I have been together for 8 years. We aren't married yet.
Three years ago, we opened a small business together. His family helped us renovate, and eventually his younger brother (28m), lets call him Mark, started working with us.
At first it seemed fine. We all had our disputes, but we worked through most of them. Mark did help us a lot in the beginning. A few months in, however, the problems started cropping up. Mark would bring his friends over to the business, get drunk, and leave a huge mess for us to clean up in the morning. We tried talking to Mark, but the issue continued. Mark also began complaining to me about my partner's behaviour, and vice versa. He slowly planted a seed in my mind that my partner didn't care about either of us. When I finally broke down crying in the office, Mark came down and sat on the sofa, wiping away my tears and lying down on the sofa. He patted his chest, beckoning me to lie down with him. I refused. (Side note- This was all while he was still mentally intact, and on his medication.)
Mark has bi-polar disorder, and he stopped taking his medication roughly 8cmonths after joining the business. We found out that he was secretly dating an employee, and he kicked her out of his condo after stealing her shoes and phone. She walked barefoot, in the snow, to our business and waited outside in freezing weather until a staff member showed up to open for the day. She told us he stopped taking he meds and was becoming abusive. The downhill spiral began rapidly. He was kicked out of our business and told not to return, in order to protect our employee.
We found out that Mark had been regularly calling the staff, having hours long conversations with them solely to badmouth myself and my partner, even before he went off his medication. It just got worse as he became more manic.
Then he began his reign of terror on us. He sent threatening messages, accused us of money laundering, stalked us, threatened to shoot us, made false police reports under other family member's names, and continued terrorizing and verbally abusing his former girlfriend.
One day, he came to our business unannounced and physically assaulted my partner, in front of 50 of our guests. My partner needed stitches in his mouth and treatment for a concussion. When I defended my partner by placing myself between him and Mark, Mark stole my phone as I was trying to dial 911, grabbed my wrists and threatened to hit me. I was screaming at him, telling him to leave. He screamed back at me "I'm not afraid to hit a woman too". The only reason I wasn't also assaulted is because our male guests stopped him and forced him to leave. He destroyed my phone outside the business.
The next few months were hell. I was terrified that he would come back to hurt us again. He knew where we lived and worked. He continued to terrorize us by driving by the business and sending threats via text or email. I was constantly aware of my surroundings, always checking the parking garage at home or work before exiting the car, watching every person that walked down the street with a hood on. My blood pressure spiked to the point that I needed to go to the hospital. My health drastically declined, both physically and mentally. I couldn't sleep properly.
Mark was eventually arrested hours away at a hotel. An online forum user had reported Mark for making threats to kill him. When Mark was arrested, he was found to have a full set of bulletproof body armour. He was forcibly hospitalized and began taking medication again. A week and a half later, he was released. No charges were ever filed.
It has been almost two years since these events. I haven't spoken to Mark, and I don't want to. My partner and his parents are on good terms with Mark, and he has been living with his parents since his hospitalization.
Now, my in-laws want the family to reconcile. They want me to restore a relationship with Mark, even if it's superficial. The mere thought of this gives me anxiety. I'm terrified that he might hurt us again. I know he still holds grudges against me, and he has never apologized to me for any of the aforementioned events. The family, including my partner, expects me to be around him for family dinners, vacations, etc.
I understand my in-law's craving for family stability, especially as they are getting older. I try to be as open as possible to most other requests, including having a child (which is a whole other story.. I wasn't even sure if I wanted a child, and I can't physically carry one due to health issues). I am trying to make them happy, but I can't ignore my own health. I already had a diagnosis of PTSD and GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) before this all started, and they were made much worse by these events.
How on earth do I navigate this situation? I feel like I don't really have a choice. I'm slowly being pressured into accepting their decision, and I feel like I'm not being heard. I have tried to explain to my partner and MIL that I'm not comfortable around Mark, and I might never be. My instinct is to protect myself at all costs, which is enhanced by plenty of prior trauma (including sexual abuse by family members on my side). I don't hold a grudge against Mark, but I don't feel safe around him. There were a lot of issues with Mark even before he stopped taking his medication, and I can't trust him.
How can I make myself feel safe around Mark? How can I make my partner and his family happy, while maintaining my own health?
TLDR- My partner's brother stopped taking his bi-polar medication and went manic. He assaulted and terrorized us for 6+ months. Now my partner and in-laws want family unity and expect me to reconcile with him. I want to make them happy, but I don't feel safe around him.
submitted by NegativeMaximum2059 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]
