La panocha de thalia

alguien fan de la saga de VHS me podria poner en contexto lo siguiente ?

2024.05.15 00:50 Ok-Monk4440 alguien fan de la saga de VHS me podria poner en contexto lo siguiente ?

Las primeras tres entregas de dicha saga se conectan con la recien nueva trilogia compuesta por 94 99 y 85 ? tengo esta duda porque lei por ahi que era un reboot o algo asi
submitted by Ok-Monk4440 to peliculas [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:50 ExternalSpinach1309 Tras dato de inflación, el BCRA volvió a bajar la tasa y la llevó al 40% anual

Tras dato de inflación, el BCRA volvió a bajar la tasa y la llevó al 40% anual submitted by ExternalSpinach1309 to noticiasargentinas [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:50 OkPolicy6663 Me fui al carajo

Hola! Soy Josue tengo 21 años y me fui al carajo con la universidad. Hago la carrera de ingeniería mecánica y actualmente tengo una de deuda de 350dolares con la institución. Trabajo a la noche en una gasolinera ya que de día estudio pero igual no me alcanza. Si con consigo que más de 300 personas me donen 1dolar ya estaría cubriendo gran parte. Cualquier ayuda me sirve. Gracias🙏
submitted by OkPolicy6663 to mexico [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:49 MostMention3038 Est-ce que ça vaut toujours le coup d'acheter en Allemagne ?

Bonjour, J'hésite à faire une recherche et acheter la bas pour trouver une voiture essence. En France, beaucoup trop de diesel et certains véhicules essence sont difficiles à trouver. Je suis intéressé par une Mégane 3 gt 2.0 tce ou quelque chose du même genre. J'ai regardé sur le boncoin et c'est peu répandu, dans ma région il y en a pas bizarrement. Les annonces sont toujours loin de chez moi, soit trop cher ou soit avec un historique douteux. Si je fais importer, il y a le malus écologique ? Comment faire pour éviter les véhicules accidentés et compteurs trafiqués ? Merci d'avance pour les réponses.
submitted by MostMention3038 to voiture [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:48 FLBoy19 New Statcast metrics give reason to be optimistic on Curtis Mead's future

I still think Curtis Mead will be an everyday MLB player. I think there is a 3+ WAR player who can provide 120+ wRC+ at 2nd base and a shade below average defense one day there (or maybe who knows with more playing time he is a little stretched at 2nd he would jsut have to be very fluid which is doubtful but still being optimistic). Statcast recently rolled out a series of new hitter centric metrics with in conjuction with past performance and metrics still paints a promising picture for Mead's future. There are some clear issues but also issues that can be addressed and given how smart of a hitter and his willingness to take instruction can be improved upon. Especially considering we are talking about a player that had a 129 wRC+ with sub 20% SO rate, 12.9% BB rate and a .208 ISO as a 21 year old in AAA to go with a 123 wRC+ 17.3% SO rate, a 12.6% wapk rate and a .221 ISO in AAA as a 22 year old (on top of the great numbers he out up in AA and A ball which in each stop he was underaged for including the past 2 years in AAA). Disclaimer will take a while to read hope those who do enjoy!
First and foremost Mead's calling card has always been his quick bat speed and his ability to impact the ball. Sometimes contact quality won't shine through poor decisions and poor contact but with the new bat speed metric we can readily and easily see bat speed. Mead's is the best on the Rays of players with 50+ at bats. The best by quite a bit in fact. 90th percentile in at 75.1, the next closest Rays player is Randy at 72.8 which is 66 percentile in baseball. The rate he swings the bat at 75+ MPH is also rather high tied with Vladdy Jr. at 52.4% which is 93rd percentile of the 360 batters to log 50+ ABs this year. The power is there and the quality of swing is also there as his swing length of 7.4 isn't fantastic but is pretty standard with many of the best hitters in baseball having similar lengths of swing. He is able to generate great bat speed in a rather compact swing. For reference 2 players that have very similar to Meads bat speed and swing length is Ely De La Cruz (75 MPH and 7.3 feet) and Austin Riley (75 MPH and 7.5 feet). His swing is there, and his Max EV and Avg Evs have kind of shown that this year. His Max EV of 112.2 is 88th percentile only 2nd to Yandy on the Rays, and his 89.3 avg EV is 56 percentile, and his EV50 is roughly in that same ball park. His batted ball metrics show progression and his swing is there so what gone wrong. It's simple, pitch identification and being caught in between a bit.
To explain prospects struggling with pitch ID at the MLB level you first have to understand the state of pitching in AAA. There are little to no high quality pitchers in AAA. The last time hitting prospects see high quality stuff is truly AA. That's generally where the rubber hits the road for prospects, if underage prospects hit well and don't take a step back at AA they are future big leaguers. Not saying there isn't stuff in AAA as there is, just not to the quality of the MLB, just a FO doesn't want to waste the bullets a pitcher has in AAA when he can use them in the MLB. There is still a measure of postives to a guy staying in AAA and fine tuning pitch ID. However the true finesse components of pitching isn't developed until a pitcher is older. Such as commanding sliders in the zone or perfecting changeups and splitters or even locating fastballs up and in. This is why every rookie for the past couple of years has really struggled with SO rates when first called up. Gunnar Henderson struggled heavily with SO intially, by July he stabilized and in my opinion that dude is destined for 6+ WAR seasons going forward and if he ever shift back to 3rd will challenge to lead MLB in WAR every year. Anthony Volpe was similar and looks like a perennial 3-4+ WAR player. Those questioning why Junior Caminero isn't up in the MLB need to understand this, the Rays have so much pressure built up in Junior's development that they won't take chances with him floundering at the MLB level and would rather see him improve his pitch ID in AAA as its his biggest flaw before throwing him to the wolves in the MLB. Sure some physical freaks can defy a poor SO rate but it's never good to bet on the exception to the rule.
So what does this mean for Curtis Mead? Well a myriad of things based on his MILB and MLB performances. Curtis Mead's biggest issue so far has been by far his chase percentages, which has helped fuel a below average whiff%. He has 3 holes in his swing which are in extremely common locations. Middle high is the worse by far generating a 63% whiff percentage. This isn't uncommon at all, Mike Trout famously struggled with it, Josh Lowe is completely anemic at hitting high pitches but is ultra agressive with low pitches and takes high pitches understanding he can't consistently get on top of them, only swinging when necessary. Outside of that up and in and low and in are the only in the zone areas where you see a 30+ whiff% with Mead. MILB pitching could never take full advantage of these wholes but MLB fastballs can and will until he establishes and approach to handle these pitches.
The most clear area he can improve is by laying off pitches high middle/in and pitches that are running low and away. Those low and away pitches are generally sliders and curveball from righties, changeups from lefties, and fastballs from both. That would improve his chase percentage and whiff% lowering SOs, increasing walk rate, and reducing the amount of weak contact generated at these locations. These things were never viewed as a concern in the minors and are mental components of the game that will continue to grow with more at bats. His SO rates in the minors support this as he always ran above average SO rates and walk percentages in the minors as well as superb contact percentages (ran 80+% contact rates in the minors ), while also barreling balls at a 16.4% rate. An approach similar to Josh Lowe's would make since, be agressive with lower pitches and lay off pitches with in high whiff rate areas. I'm sure when he is recalled he will have a different approach then we previously saw.
In the end of the day watching his at bats Curtis Mead always seemed in between on what he wanted to do, unsure of what the right choice would be. His barrel rate being so low kinda shows it. He isn't getting to the contact he reguarly go to in the past and is hestitant to really go up there and swing which was the most natural and easy component of the game for him. Minor tweaks to his approach could be a boon for him while steadily improving with at bats and age. Mental development doesn't stagnat until the late 20s and physically development doesn't until 24-25 for most. The physical tools to hit are there he jsut has to get the mental components of it all to mesh with the physical.
Curtis Mead's mental approach to hitting has always been great and his willingness to take instruction has been evident as he is very open to change and tweaking his approach. There was visble proof of this last year with changes to approach and stance. In the end this is a guy that had superb contact rates, excellent zone control, and plus power in the minors running .200+ ISO's through the minors. Considering the amount of chances afforded to Johnathan Aranda and other prospects I know Curtis Mead is far from out of the Rays future plans, but with the release of bat speed and other new metrics by baseball-savant (bat speed isnt the end all but shows there is a fast bat that can generste plus contact) there is new reasons to be optimistic going forward. There has been evidence to statistically support the idea of reset in the minors improving the mental components of prospects who's struggle in the majors, hopefully when he is recalled both the physical and mental components line up and we see poative progression. It takes players time, Austin Riley didn't look like a future stud his first couple of years, Bobby Witt struggled to get to hard contact his first year, Christian Walker took forever to deliver on his bat speed, the list of players stagnating and fialing off of rip is long particularly when they come up in their early 20s. Might not be this year, but eventually it's going to click for him and I hope the Rays still have him when it does.
submitted by FLBoy19 to tampabayrays [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:48 Pirate300 Información útil para denunciar ante la CNV (Comisión Nacional de Valores)

Dejo esto a disposición por si le llega a servir a alguien. Recientemente tuve que denunciar a un bróker, Eco Valores, por el manejo descarado que tuvieron conmigo como cliente.
En medio de toda la bronca cuesta tener la info a mano y es facil frustrarse para dejarlo ahí y se termina comiendo uno la injusticia.
Correo para contactarse con gente que te asesore sobre el tema: [](
Segundo correo (no lo usé, pero entre que me derivaban del numero que llamé, me lo dieron): [](
Hablando al 011-4329-4600 (no me acuerdo de donde lo saqué) los atienden Lunes a Viernes de 9:45 a 17:15, ahí pueden marcar los siguientes números para ser atendidos como inversores:
NRO Interno 1: 43294668
NRO Interno 2: 43294825
Sitio para hacer la denuncia directamente: Denunciante puede ser anónimo, tengan a mano datos de la persona/entidad que van a denunciar (nombre, CUIT, dirección, etc. No es necesario poner todos los datos, pero yo llenaría todos los posibles.)
Número público en la página: 0800-333-2683, de lunes a viernes de 13 a 17 hs.
Es toda info más o menos accesible, pero el temita del número de los internos les puede salvar algo de tiempo. Ojalá no necesiten nada de esto!
submitted by Pirate300 to merval [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:48 RealityImpossible224 Estoy en busca de una calculadora fx991- lawc o ex. Dónde y qué precio se encuentra?

Ya estoy a mitad de 2 ciclo, y se vienen las matemáticas pesadas, ya tengo referencias de esas dos calculadoras, pero no sé dónde encontrar o comprar y el precio en la que se encuentran. Cabe recalcar que la ex, parece estar descontinuado y escaso. Sería de mucha ayuda si me pudieran decir dónde encontrar y en qué precio esta De preferencia que sea en mi Perú. :v
submitted by RealityImpossible224 to calculators [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:48 Wild_Property6301 Aide sur les congés payés

Bonjour à tous, C'est mon 1er poste et je souhaiterais avoir des informations sur la légalité d'une condition que mon employeur m'impose pour accepter ma demande de congé payé.
J'ai fait une demande de congé et les RHs me réponde qu'il n'accepterons m'a demande que si un projet en particulier sera fini avant le début du congé et avec validation de mes supérieurs. Je précise que je suis en convention Syntec et qu'il n'y à aucune circonstance exceptionnelle dans l'entreprise pendant cette période et cette tâche qui m'est assigné ne comporte aucun caractère urgent. Personnellement j'y vois plus un moyen de me mettre la pression qu'une vraie raison de leurs part.
Ont-ils le droit d'agir ainsi ? Ais-je moyen de me défendre en cas de refus ?
Merci d'avance !
submitted by Wild_Property6301 to conseiljuridique [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:47 ThemesChamp Caroline Roux : Coup de théâtre dans sa carrière

Caroline Roux : Coup de théâtre dans sa carrière
Ce lundi 13 mai 2024, Caroline Roux animait une nouvelle édition de l’émission « C dans l’air » sur France 5. Le sujet principal de cette journée était l’inquiétante situation à Kharkiv et la question épineuse : « L’Ukraine est-elle au bord de l’effondrement ? » En parallèle, un événement majeur secouait la scène politique russe : le limogeage de Sergueï Choïgou, qui avait dirigé le ministère de la Défense russe pendant douze ans, par Vladimir Poutine lors d’un remaniement inattendu. Pour le remplacer à ce poste crucial, Poutine a nommé un économiste dépourvu d’expérience militaire : Andreï Belooussov. Auparavant Premier vice-président du gouvernement russe et conseiller économique de Poutine, Belooussov se retrouve désormais à la tête d’un ministère stratégique au milieu de tensions internationales croissantes.
submitted by ThemesChamp to u/ThemesChamp [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:46 bot_neen Se manifiestan contra la propaganda de Hamas

Se manifiestan contra la propaganda de Hamas submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:46 bot_neen “Fabricantes de ovnis” Jerónimo Best nos cuenta todo sobre la nueva serie de humor y ciencia ficción

“Fabricantes de ovnis” Jerónimo Best nos cuenta todo sobre la nueva serie de humor y ciencia ficción submitted by bot_neen to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:46 Marzelo ¿Qué tan seguro es la caja de ahorro?

En mi trabajo ofrecen la prestación de la caja de ahorro y ofrece rendimientos de hasta 15.50% en ahorro a un año. Ahorita tengo todos mis ahorros ahí (porque nadie mas me ofrece ese rendimiento), pero me entró la duda. ¿Si es segura la caja de ahorro o corro algún riesgo de perder el dinero? La caja la administra Odessa.
submitted by Marzelo to MexicoFinanciero [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:46 Used_Ship_9229 Me imagino la felicidad de los 50.000 habitantes de Rio Tercero y Zulema Yoma con este reconocimiento a semejante procer.

Me imagino la felicidad de los 50.000 habitantes de Rio Tercero y Zulema Yoma con este reconocimiento a semejante procer. submitted by Used_Ship_9229 to BuenosAires [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:45 nezvko Tiendas locales de Electrónicos?

Me llama la atención la electrónica y me gustaría aprender y experimentar. Alguien aquí sabe de tiendas en Puerto Rico donde pueda conseguir materiales para este tipo de proyectos? solo sé de Radio Shack, pero cerraron hace años
Sé que tengo la opción de comprar online pero me gustaría saber de alternativas locales en caso de necesitar algo al momento
submitted by nezvko to PuertoRico [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:45 Vast_Wish3835 Hasta donde llegue la unapec

Hasta donde llegue la unapec
Me llama mucho la atención este caso ya que me paso en un instituto americano donde yo daba Inglés donde unos estudiantes le hicieron un piquete al profesor por eso que el cuenta.
Que opinan de esa imposición que quieren hacer en algunos lugares que si no acatas te llaman cualquier cosa con fobia al final o si no racista?
submitted by Vast_Wish3835 to Dominicanos [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:45 bot_olini ¿Te has preocupado por la forma o tamaño de tus senos? Mira esto shorts

¿Te has preocupado por la forma o tamaño de tus senos? Mira esto shorts submitted by bot_olini to Mexico_Videos [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:44 esmeraldaadaa Spanish speakers-BPD

Hey everyone,
I've noticed a lack of Spanish-speaking communities on Reddit for those with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) or Trastorno Límite de la Personalidad (TLP). That's why I'm excited to introduce you to MiVidaTLP , a new subreddit dedicated to Spanish speakers dealing with BPD or TLP.
Join us for a supportive space where you can share, seek advice, and connect with others who understand you in your native language
submitted by esmeraldaadaa to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:44 Kngofthenrth13 Duda con hipoteca tasa fija

Hola, pues tengobuna duda con mi hipoteca ya que la tasa era fija los primeros años. Pero en el desglose del pago viene el monto de abono al principal. Es acá donde surge mi duda ya que yo hago los pagos puntuales pero observo que el abono al capital varía con una diferencia grande mes a mes, por ejemplo en Enero $96, en febrero $40, en Marzo $80, etc, etc. Fuí al banco u me dijeron que "era normal por que los intereses se calculan por día ..🫣.", sinceramente no compré esa respuesta. Espero alguno me pueda guiar o decirme donde puedo hacer la consulta ya que en el banco sentí que me tramaron.
submitted by Kngofthenrth13 to EsLey [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:44 Master-of-Ceremony Streak 2: Indicios y síntomas (parte 2)

Volví a la realidad al oír un retumbo que iba in crescendo por lo alto. Un dardo plateado surcó el cielo con alas de acero y, en cuestión de segundos, desapareció. Esperé un rato para ver si un hermano llegaba de las montañas del oeste, pero nunca apareció.
Se veía los F15s a menudo por estas partes, aunque menos hoy en día dado el estado dilapidado de la militaría últimamente. Aún así, no pude negarme una risita infantil al haber visto el avión planear sobre mi cabeza.
Dejando atrás los pensamientos sobre el avión y las víboras que se escondían en la large hierba, me puse a encararme con la montaña. Las Cairngorms, colinas muy redondeadas que, a diferencia de las montañas a las cuales el océano Atlántico alcanzaba, casi se fundían en una sola entidad, ya me resultaban familiares.
Eso es todo por hoy, ¡gracias como siempre!
submitted by Master-of-Ceremony to WriteStreakES [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:44 pieldelcuello Streak 57: La mejor obra de Miguel Ángel

Miguel Ángel fue un artista italiano muy famoso, sobre todo por sus escultores como el David y La Piedad. Recientemente aprendí que aunque fue una de sus primeras esculturas, él consideró La Piedad ser la mejor obra de toda su vida. Por eso, esta es la única escultura que tiene su nombre esculpido en ella, y desde entonces no había marcado su nombre en ningúna otra.
submitted by pieldelcuello to WriteStreakES [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:43 Crazy-Profession4399 ¿Es seguro ir al partido entre América y Guadalajara?

Soy brasileño y estaré en la Ciudad de México este sábado 18 de mayo. Como soy un gran aficionado al fútbol me gustaría ver el partido entre América y Guadalajara en el Estadio Azteca. Sin embargo, me preocupa la seguridad, ya que no conozco la historia entre los hinchadas ni el estadio. Por eso me gustaría pedirles consejos de seguridad y algunas precauciones que debo tomar para poder ver el partido tranquilamente. ¡Gracias!
submitted by Crazy-Profession4399 to LigaMX [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:43 Kitchen-Respond6697 Alguém me responde pfv

Meu namorado trabalha em uma empresa de solda que faz trabalho terceirizados, ele foi contratado pra trabalhar das 7:00 as 17:30, agora ele esta fazendo um serviço em outra empresa, tendo que acordar 4:40 pra pegar o ônibus da empresa e la so bate o ponto 7 horas entao ele nem recebe por isso. Sai de la 19hrs e chega aqui somente 20:30. Ele está recebendo hora extra so por 1:30h que seria das 17:30 as 19hrs. E o ônibus busca ele aqui perto de casa, mas devolve bem longe e ele tem que vir de apé. Queria saber se isso ta certo ou ele pode exigir alguma mudança? Sabendo que no contrato quando ele entrou na empresa está escrito que trabalharia das 7 as 17h. Esse trabalho nessa outra empresa vai durar 15 dias
submitted by Kitchen-Respond6697 to ConselhosLegais [link] [comments]