Client dinner invitation

For People with Avoidant Personality Disorder.

2012.11.14 03:17 dpm106 For People with Avoidant Personality Disorder.

Place for people to discuss Avoidant Personality Disorder. Discussion can be about personal stories, treatment ideas, support for yourself or others, and ideas with how to deal with your own problems dealing with AvPD (not to be confused with Avoidant Attachment!)

2013.06.18 18:40 Forkhammer Authors Anonymous


2016.09.28 15:53 Suestwo Beta testing for Rotmg

Beta testing for Rotmg

2024.05.14 22:20 henlo189 Met a guy 30M through a mutual 26F, can’t tell if he’s interested or just not looking to commit?

Met this french guy over the weekend at a private event with mutual friends and we hit it off. He got me a drink and my number.
Asked me on a date the next day and we met up for drinks, dinner and even made it to his place after where he played some guitar for me. He’s super sweet and we get along quite well. We only made out with clothes off and didn’t really make it all the way.
I ended up sleeping over and we woke up to some coffee and hugging. He asked me when my flight was and I left pretty early.
He did mention a few times we should see each other when I’m back but I’m gone for a wisdom teeth removal and it’s looking like a two week trip out of town.
A week later, he texted me on the day of my surgery wishing me good luck! We’ve talked a bit for a few days after and then left me on read haha.
I basically double texted him once I got back to town, and he invited me to an event he was hosting. Went to go say hello and we briefly spoke. He texted me after saying he really appreciated that I came out. We’ve been talking ever since, and it’s been a few days. I wouldn’t consider our second date this invited party but he hasn’t asked for another date since. Should he be making the move for that actually second date where we are one on one?
Maybe he’s not really interested in that anymore?
submitted by henlo189 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:17 justtuna AITA for saying to my SiL her nephews one year bday party doesn’t matter?

So I’m turning 31 this Friday and scheduled two weeks ago a fishing tournament for all my friends including my brother. We both work incredibly demanding jobs and don’t get much time off. Our friend group also doesn’t get to see each other very often as we all work and some travel for work a lot.
My brother is not close with his in laws. They are racist, religious fanatics and just awful people especially to their daughter my brothers wife. Anyway he told her about the fishing trip and she said he had to go with her to her parents home town to celebrate her sisters kids first birthday.
My brother told me when I was having dinner with them this week. I told her that the kid won’t remember my brother not being there and I did already invite to this trip where as she only mentioned the birthday on Saturday. I told her that I’d rather have my brother there with me as both him and her get to do what they want. She wants to go to a birthday and so does my brother.
She called me an asshole at the table for downplaying her family. I simply responded that she has stated she hates her own family so why does she care? She got up and left. I left soon after and called my brother on Monday. He is going with his wife even though he said he’d rather go with me and our friends.
I understand he is married and they share family and whatnot but AITA here?
submitted by justtuna to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:13 CoNFuzionator8 Family Drama

So I've gotten a girlfriend recently, and introduced her to my family. I did this on a wednesday, a day my family has family dinners weekly. Since then, my girlfriend has been invited, and came, to each of these dinners. There is an issue, however. Her and close family friend of mine who also comes to these dinners went to school together and knew eachother. Now when my girlfriend realized this she was excited because she thought they were friends. But, my family friend never really saw their relationship that way, apparently they just had one class that they never really talked to eachother outside of.
Now this, on it's own, is no problem. It gets difficult though, because my girlfriend, thinking they were friends, got really hurt when the family friend was a little closed off around her. My girlfriend took this as being cold and mean, and my family friend kind of picked up on that and just started ignoring her all together.
This has made things very tense at dinners. I have had to constantly comfort my girlfriend, and everyone is a little on edge all day.
Tomorrow, being a Wednesday and all, we planned on having a discussion (my girlfriend, family friend, my dad and I) to work this out. Initially, I was excited. I thought "cool we're going to work everything out in a civil manner and it's gonna be great. But then I talked with my family friend today. She said that she was going to talk about how she didn't appreciate how my girlfriend was talking about her, which is fair. But she also talked about how she wasn't going to apologize for anything. Now that worries me, because my girlfriend picks up and runs with little things like that, and I'm worried.
Anyways, I just wanted some advice on how I should be a buffer between them. I want to keep having these family dinners with both of them there, and I want these dinners to stop being tense, but I'm not so sure that can happen.
submitted by CoNFuzionator8 to helpme [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:09 ihavenoidea6668 People still don't seem to understand loneliness [rand]

Whenever people talk about loneliness, they usually mention "there is a difference between being alone and being lonely. You can have a group of people around you, yet you still can feel lonely."
I am really glad they understand this difference, but they seem to ignore it like 5 seconds later.
I keep seeing advice like: "Just go outside, meet new people, go to a gym, have a small-talk with a shop assistant, talk to your neighbour, invite your aunts and uncles to a family dinner and yady yady yady ya..."
In my opinion this advice is pretty bad and shallow. And what is even worse I've seen it here on lonely.
"Just go outside" is almost the same type of advice like saying to a depressed person "just stop being depressed and be happy instead."
There is like 0 % chance I have anything in common with a shop-assistant, my neighbours or uncles.
It's about a feeling of connection. It's a feeling that I share my values, hobbies and interests with someone. With someone who wants to build a meaningful relationship with me.
All of this screams that people still - somehow - don't understand what is loneliness about.
submitted by ihavenoidea6668 to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:08 ThrowRa_Stark07 UPDATE - My (20F) aunt (48F) said I can only go live with my grandad if I come clean to him about my sexuality and relationship, do I tell him or do I stay with her? How would I tell him?

I've posted this last year and some things happened which made me quite proud and I'd like to share how things went. So recap and then update:
So... When I was little, I lived with my mom and stepdad, things were great and we were very happy. Then my mom passed when I was 7y, so I moved with my father and stepmom, things were complicated. Currently, I have no contact with him (he's not a good man nor a good dad), and I live with my aunt (since 2018) and her husband (he came along in 2019).
Me and my aunt had an amazing relationship, she was my favourite aunt and all that. However, things started to go wrong when I started living with her, I made the mistake of answering that yes, I wanted to be treated like her daughter along with her 2 sons (one my age and the other 3 years younger). I had a desperate "need" for a mothefather. She became a kind of "maunt" (mother+aunt), and her husband a "stepdad"... Oh how do I regret this
Well, she has a favourite son, the oldest. He's lazy, arrogant, disrespectful, a typical golden boy who got spoiled his whole life and now he doesn't give a damn about anything other than himself.
For being the other woman in the house, she constantly pushes house chores to me, instead of the boys (subconsciously, i believe), pretty much only asks me about things, where her sons are, if the dogs were fed, if the boys cleaned well whatever room they were supposed to, stuff like that, and she's also constantly very, very rude to me (at the point of her husband arguing with her about it). And I got this whole syndrome of everything being my responsibility and anxiety when it comes to her, which became extremely exhausting over the years.
I came out to her about my bissexuality about 4 years ago, i thought she would take it well. She didn't. She masks her disapproval, but she clearly doesn't like it. I was really let down, I genuinely thought she would be supportive and everything we expect, but she first got confused, then annoyed and has said some very hurtful thing over the years. Currently I have a gf (she's 22 years old), we've been dating for over a year. They don't like each other very much, my gf doesn't like her because of all the things she does to me. And my aunt doesn't care about my gf at all because... well, she a girl.
Ok, that's the context. Now here's what happened.
My aunt send some kind of agressive messages over something silly, and that caused my anxiety on fire for the gazillionth time, only that time I had enough. I called my other aunt (by consideration, she's married to my grandad) and asked for help (she knows everything that goes on), if i could move in with them, she said yes. I then replied my aunt with a text saying i had enough and would move in with my grandad. She got upset and said (among other things) that "i had her blessing to leave, even though i didn't ask for it". She called my grandma (we are very close), and my grandma sent me some awful audios of how disappointed she was, how I made my aunt sad, of what would people think, that i used to be such a sweet girl and now this, of how loving is a choice and i chose not to love my aunt, stuff like that. Aunt and her husband went to dinner with my grandad that night without my presence, and told them we had an amazing relationship, that she didn't knew what happened, that my problem was I couldn't take a "no" for an answer, etc.
Two days later, we sat down to talk, she told me to start, I said all I wanted. She then started saying how that kind of thing should not have been adressed through text (which I agree, but I had to text or I'd freak out), that she was harder on me than the boys because (in another words) the world was rough and she loved me the most.
And then her husband also spoke about how he understands both sides and blablabla, and said that i could go to my grandad, but that they felt like i should understand that i would only go because THEY allowed, if they didn't wanted, i would not go, no matter what my grandparents or aunt (grandad's wife) said. He basically wanted to state their power position.
(Since my mother's death, my whole family on her side feel responsible for me, so i see all of them in the same way. None of them are my mom and dad, they are in the same "level" to me and have the same "right"... Him saying that made me burn inside, like they're entitled to me, I don't belong to them or anyone. They're my aunt and "uncle", that's about it, they think they have something on me that they... Don't)
And then my aunt said that I could go, as long as I told my grandad about my sexuality and girlfriend. Now... He's kind of old fashioned and i'm scared he'll reject me... We have an amazing relationship, I have lunch with them every wednesday, and I'm the closest grandkid he has (the others aren't so invested). So I don't know if I tell him the truth and manage to leave (depending on his reaction) or if I don't risk it and stay in the toxic enviroment i'm in.
UPDATE - 14/05/2024
Hello! So, things got much worse before they got better. Let's give them names so the story telling will be easier, let's call my girlfriend Bea, my aunt Leah, her husband James and my "aunt" (my grandad's wife) Rachel.
I basically swallowed my anger because I couldn't bring mysef to speak to my grandad about my sexuality, my grandparents are the most important people in my life as they've always been there for me and I was terrified to be disliked by him. That was until december.
Early december I was leaving for work and before I left, I tried to "notify" my aunt that Bea would be spending Christmas and New Years with me and my siblings (note: my siblings had been looking forward to her being there, specially my brother and my SIL (Luke and Lyla), they made it a question that she'd go. I have 3 paternal siblings, so there's NO relation between them and my aunt Leah. We'd be staying in a city 3 hours away from mine at my brother and SIL's house, every year we do this). She immediately said "you know I don't like this", I said "yes", she then said "good morning" and I left for college.
The next morning, I was eating before going to work and Leah started talking about it and we started a conversation that developed into a fight. She said things like how dare I "notify" her, how that's not how things work and that it would not happen because THEY (she and James) don't feel confortable with this, how THEY think Luke wouldn't like this because "no one likes to have people over for a week" (he and Lyla were super pumped for Bea to go), how THEY don't know my girlfriend enough (come on, we had been dating for over a year already), how THEY wouldn't like me going with her to a stranger's house (in complete disregard to my point of view, it's my freaking brother, whom they met a couple times btw, not a stranger. But to them, the only meaninful point of view was theirs). She had even called my brother to basically "check my story", like?? She also said that we we're only teenagers (seriously, 22 and 20) , and I said "no, she isn't and neither am I!", she said she didn't say Bea was, I then said "and neither am I", she said I was, because I didn't act like and adult, then I got mad and talked about how I do literally everything around the house, always walk the dogs even when I get home tired at 10PM, even though they got there at 7PM, I help with groceries purchase, pay the water bill, clean the house, do the chores her boys lack to do, and when I'm not home, I'm either at work or college, but when she disagrees about something, she just puts me back in the "teenager box". And in the end, she said that my raising was not like this, this made me laugh in anger inside, she's been with me for 5 years, I'm 20 lol.
So that was it, I left for work and got a text from her, apologizing for being rough, saying that she loved me and wanted it to work, that they wanted to talk to me when I got home. I replied saying the same.
Later that day when we were all home, we gathered in the living room, I was literally against the wall and it intimidated me deeply. James started saying how much they loved me and wanted to see me happy, as they want that for all their children (aunt Leah has 2 boys, my cousins, and James has 3 girls). I then talked and expressed how I was feeling, then Leah started talking and basically said in a nicer tone the same things she said earlier, plus how they want me to be happy and want things to work for me, but they think it's too soon, they believe it's not the right time, they they, and therefore, despite being against what they want, I could take Bea, but only in ONE of the two holidays, which I could choose. I was in a bit of a shock (you see, me and Bea had bought the bus tickets a while earlier), had no support, against the wall, I was feeling purely defeated and tired, I only said "Christmas then...", she then said we would sleep in separate rooms and would not go on the 22th after work because "she had already allowed an extra night by allowing her to stay there until the 25th". I stayed in silence, they asked if there was anything I'd like to add, I said no. It wasn't a conversation, in no moment did they actually listened and considered me, they had their minds set way before we sat to talk. I went to my room and rolled all night in pure anxiety. This was thursday
Friday I was a wreck and went to Bea's house to check on her (she was sick that week) and to talk to her about what happened. She noticed something was off, I told her, she got mad and sad, we cried, etc. I went home feeling awful, my anxiety had been 100% all day long and I was in a really bad place and feeling deeply frustrated.
Saturday I woke up worse and decided that I had enough and was not having that anymore. I went outside and called grandad, talked about how I wasn't feeling well and asked what did he think about me leaving home, he said that their doors were always open and that I could just tell my aunt that "I was going to live with my grandad and that was it". I reframed the question asking what he though about me leaving to live alone, he then got worried and said that he didn't think that was necessary, that I had them and didn't need to do that. He then asked me to come over and talk to him and aunt Rachel. I accepted and told aunt Leah I'd sleep at grandad's.
I got there and ate a bit because I didn't want them extra worried, although I felt like throwing up at every bite. Everyone went to sleep and so did I. I woke up a bit later feeling worst, that's when I started to throw up, there was barely anything in my stomach and all I could do was throw up.
The next morning I was better and had already told aunt Rachel about what had happened, she found it absurd how things went (she had met Bea a while back and they clicked very well) and was upset about the things aunt Leah said. I decided to talk to grandad, I couldn't disappear with the subject again, specially now that he was worried sick about me.
So... I sat on the couch and told him what was happening, explained everything, told him that I'm like his stepson's MIL (she's married to a woman. It was the easiest way I found to introduce the topic), told him everything. He asked what I wanted him to do about it, I said that I just wanted him to still love me the same and remain normal with me, that I am still the same person and have always been this way, he just didn't knew about it, but that it changes nothing about me. Aunt Rachel then joined us and asked what he was thinking about it (she knows everything and is amazing to me), he said he wasn't pleased, but that it was my life and he had no say in it and that I should do what's right for me, said that if I wasn't gonna change, then neither would he. But basically, he got much more worried about my mental health than my sexuality, he said that the doors were still open and always would be for me, that he thought I needed a home and thinks they can offer me that. Aunt Rachel said that they wouldn't be obsessive after me, demanding to know every step I take and bossing everything like Leah did, that I have my graduation, I work, make my own money, am responsible, have my own life and am not a child, I'm a 20 year old adult and they would treat me as such.
So that was it. I went back "home" muchhh more confident and waited until nightfall because everyone was having a good time and I didn't want to spoil that. I realized aunt Leah and James were awake and went to talk to them, and that, my friends, is when hell went loose.
I started by saying I talked to my grandad about Bea and my sexuality, Leah asked how it went and I said it was great. Then I said they could talk to him (since they wanted to "decide" with him about my going), she said ok and asked when I wanted to go, I said that it could be in the same week since I was on vacation from college, she frowned, stood firmly and said "you know this won't change our decision about the holidays, right?" then it went boom, I said I didn't agree with them and that it wasn't right for them to dictate about such things. Told them their values and beliefs don't have to be mine, Leah asked "WHY NOT?", then I replied "because I have my own!".
Told them they were controlling and that made their kids lie to them, that since they liked to compare raisings (they criticized Bea's mom's raising because she gives her kids freedom to live their lives and fully trusts), then fine, I went on to say how Bea and her mom have an amazing relationship, full of love and trust, how Bea turned up great, works hard, just made it to psicology at university, helps immensely at home, and so has her sister. As for theirs? They raised their kids poorly, they are overbearing and that makes their kids not trusting them and lying a lot because of this necessity of them to control everything. I stated that the raising they gave their children was not my own, that I had multiple raisings and that no, they didn't "raise" me, I'm 20 and they've been with me for 5 years. Said that was clear, just look at the difference between me and her boys (I won't delve into this bit because it's not relevant, but the difference is nitid).
They said I couldn't take a no for an answer and that was my dad's fault, I said they didn't know what they were talking about, I know how it actually went whilst they made a story in their heads and believe it's the truth, since I knew how my dad used to tell my family one thing and do another.
They (again) said they wouldn't treat me like an adult because I did nothing to behave like one, I said that they didn't treat me as I deserved and they would always put me in the "teenager box" whenever I acted differently to what they thought was right (but I was adult enough to lend James almost 1k without Leah's knoledge lol).
She obviously tried to blame Bea, saying she was putting things in my head and that the last conversation was fine and now I was throwing a fit, I said that I said nothing else then because I felt cornered and realized it wasn't a conversation, it was them simulating one only to tell me what they were going to all along.
I told them they didn't know Bea because they didn't want to and I wasn't confortable bringing her as it was an enviroment unwelcoming to her, she then asked if i would go another year like this until I "felt confortable", I said yes, if that's what it took, that I didn't really need to introduce anyone if I didn't felt comfortable to it.
She once demanded to go meet Bea, after throwing a fit at my BIRTHDAY because Bea planned a day for me and my MIL wanted to make me lunch and they weren't invited, it was super uncomfortable. My aunt described this day as uncomfortable, in this argument I said "and about that day you guys met Bea and her mom? It was uncomfortable? OF COURSE it was, I TOLD you it would be! I told you that was barging in and no one wanted it!". Which Leah said that no, that wasn't the uncomfortable part, the uncomfortable was how Bea was "daring her, being all over me and kissing me in front of her, that she had to be respected!".... Lol, the being "all over me" was me shaking from the anxiety and Bea holding me to keep me in my feet, the "kissing" was ONE greeting kiss. And Bea did nothing "daring" towards Leah, believe me, if she had, aunt Leah would definitely know lol.
At the end, they asked if I was taking Bea, I said, yes, Leah said no, since she called my brother and told him how "things would go down" (amazes me everytime I remember this, she wanted to dictate how the holidays would go IN SOMEONE ELSE'S HOUSE). Lol, my brother was just texting me saying how Bea could go spend the whole holiday and we'd just say she left after Christmas. So it wasn't a very good argument on Leah's end. I said it was my business and I was sorry, but it was MY brother, MY family, MY relationship, MY life, and it wasn't up for them to dictate on it, they shouldn't feel comfortable or uncomfortable since it had NOTHING to do with them, and that my family who mattered in this were not only comfortable but very excited for Bea's presence.
I told them I knew I wasn't wrong since grandad and aunt Rachel agreed with me, so they could go ahead and talk to them if they wanted to. They ended up showing me their tumb and I left for my room.
Aunt Leah left to grandad's house in like, 5 minutes, cried to him and all. She got back, went in my room and in an ironic tone, said "sorry, I know I'm not your mother, stay with your raisings, I'm just glad and relieved my father wasn't as ok as you thought (her saying this seriously hurt me), he accepted for reasons ans beliefs he has, so go ahead and pack your bags this week, you're free to go. Sorry for the flaws, I was trying to get it right, be careful when you take that sticker off, don't ruin the painting." aaand she left.
The next day, grandad came and we took 90% of my stuff and I started officially living with him and aunt Rachel. Christmas was a bit awkward (my maternal family does this early Christmas so everyone's free on the 24th), but I was glooming feeling like the weight of the world had left my shoulders.
So... I went with Bea to spend the holidays with my family, my siblings, my SIL's parents and even my 1 year old nephew absolutely adored Bea, they now ask about her even before asking about me lol. My paternal grandmother loved her and was amazing, told my aunt (her daughter) that Bea was adorable and loving. It was amazing and I cannot imagine 2023 Christmas and New Year without Bea with us, she added sooo much.
Recently we've been to Luke's and Lyla's at Easter and made Easter eggs together, watched movies, went out, went to a family gathering where Bea, my uncles, cousins and grandmother (who was really happy to see her since Bea couldn't go to her birthday because she had to work) all got along really well.
We see each other frequently, living with grandad and aunt Rachel has been amazing, I'm finally gaining weight! MANY people have noticed it and it quite frankly scared me a bit, I had no idea it was so evident. But yeah, I'm doing great!
Grandad isn't ready to deal with this, so we don't talk about it. He doesn't like it and doesn't really understands, but he's doesn't meddle. Grandma (maternal) texted these days wanting to meet Bea (finally!), since she found out through aunt Rachel that me and Bea are still together and going strong for 1 year and a half already. I think she took it seriously now.
Anyway, it was hell, lol. But things turned out alright! Thank you for the people who commented in my first post, it was nice reading the comments and taking the options into consideration!
submitted by ThrowRa_Stark07 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:08 throwra_Davidjealous My boyfriend wants me to admit I regret leaving him for another man when I don’t. He’s acting jealous and insecure?

I (28F) have known my partner, David (29M) for 5 years now, which includes an 8-month period in which we were broken up and I was in a serious relationship with another man, Luke (30M).
Before I met Luke, my relationship with David was suffering from a ton of very textbook communication issues. I won’t go into too much detail, but here’s an example. Whenever I tried to do something nice for him, he would guilt me for trying to make him feel bad because he would not do nice things for me (he was depressed at the time so that’s why it made sense to him). Or rather than talk about our feelings in a healthy manner (I-statements), we would blame each other. It was messy and resentment grew in our relationship. I used to cry a lot.
This was exactly the time I met Luke, who is a relative of my stepmother through her late husband before she married my dad. My stepmom was renting out a portion of my dad’s and hers marital home to Luke and one night she invited me to dinner with all of them. Luke instantly drew me in. He was a child’s psychologist and since I also work with small children, we had so much in common. We had an amazing conversation that evening and I learnt he had a great insight into people. I could not put my finger on it instantly, but it felt so refreshing meeting someone like him. When I shared that I met Luke with my then boyfriend David, he accused me of cheating on him and acted extremely possessive about me which angered me because I didn’t do anything wrong.
Having Luke around was more frequent now since I am close to my stepmother. Maybe because my relationship with David was getting so bad, I projected a lot of my fantasy on Luke, unconsciously. I never meant to get emotionally close with him, and as soon as I realised I was developing feelings for another man, I ended my relationship with David. That very week, Luke asked me out and our relationship blossomed. At the time, it felt like destiny, like we were meant to be and we moved too fast. It was a whirlwind romance. He was incredible and after 5 months of dating, we moved in together. However, he does not want kids of his own and I realised we were incompatible ultimately and we broke up amicably. I should admit that despite our incompatibility, there was a lot of genuine love in our relationship and he is going to be one of the “great loves” I have experienced in my life.
A lot of you might also feel differently about this, but we cannot control our feelings, only our actions. And as soon as I realised I was falling for Luke, I did right by my then partner, David, and ended things with him. I NEVER wanted to lead him on, NOR am I the cheating type. I ended things when I realised my feelings. I never cheated on David and our couple’s therapist agrees with this
I remained single for a whole year, and David reached out. He was doing better mentally now and we went for couple’s therapy as well and are in a good place now when it comes to communicating maturely. However, he cannot seem to navigate his insecurity of how I “left him for Luke”, and he wants me to say that I regret being with Luke. As hard as it is on David, I do not regret meeting Luke. David and I were bad for each other back then and we were different people. I see that the way life lead us apart, and now together, we have grown so much. Yes, it’s true, that while being with David, I fell in love with Luke, and I do not believe in the concept of “love of my life”. David also feels insecure because I never moved in with him, but I moved in with Luke. However that’s an unfair comparison because no 2 relationships are equal.
I am committed to making my relationship with David work and I know a lot of you will want to know this, but I absolutely have no feelings for Luke now. He is a different chapter of my story and is in the past.
TLDR: I was in a rocky relationship with David due to communication issues, which led to meeting Luke and eventually leaving David for him. Despite our differences, Luke and I had a whirlwind romance but ultimately realized we were incompatible. Now, David struggles with insecurity and wants me to regret leaving him for Luke, but I don't. I ended things with David as soon as I realized my feelings for Luke, and while it was tough, it was the right decision for me. I'm committed to making things work with David now, but I won't deny my truth or regret meeting someone who was once a significant part of my life.
submitted by throwra_Davidjealous to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:06 Hannibal1sme STB de refuser d’inviter ma tante à mon mariage ?

Bonjour à tous !
Mon (H25) mariage est prévu pour l’année et j’ai annoncé à ma mère mon intention de ne pas inviter ma tante et son mari à mon mariage.
La raison est la suivante. Je vais essayer de resumer la situation. Je travaille pour le mari de ma tante depuis bientôt 2 ans et si au début tout se passait très bien, ce n’est plus le cas. J’ai subi de sa part un harcèlement quotidien pendant plusieurs mois. Il était agressif avec moi ou m’ignorait complètement pendant plusieurs jours. C’est aller jusqu’au point où il me dénigrait auprès de nos clients, de mes collègues et surtout du reste de ma famille. Ma propre tante à elle-même participé en rédigeant une lettre de plusieurs pages ne racontant que des mensonges à mon sujet pour soi-disant ouvrir les yeux de ma mère (je précise que je peux prouver que se sont des mensonges et qu’à part ma tante et ma grand-mère, j’ai le soutient de tous mes proches / collègues). Bref, tout cela ne sert qu’à vous dresser le contexte.
J’ai donc décidé ne pas inviter ma tante et son mari à mon mariage. C’est censé être un jour spécial pour ma fiancée et moi, et j’ai vraiment du mal avec l’idée que des gens qui m’ont fait tant de mal soient là. Lorsque je l’ai annoncé à ma mère, elle s’est immédiatement inquiétée de la réaction de ma grand-mère. Pour le contexte, ma grand-mère a toujours été très dure avec ma mère, qui en a beaucoup souffert jusqu’à aujourd’hui. Tout ce qu’elle fait n’est jamais assez bien et elle saute sur la moindre occasion de lui faire des reproches (bien évidemment ma tante, de son coté, est parfaite aux yeux de ma grand-mère).
Voilà donc ma question, STB de ne pas vouloir inviter ma tante et mon oncle à mon mariage même si cela va contrarier ma grand-mère et que ma mère va se prendre des réflexions de sa part ?
submitted by Hannibal1sme to suisjeletroudeballe [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:53 ExtremeJolly7019 AITA for not wanting to move my dad’s big 60s party to accomodate my brother for wanting to attend his gf’s cousin’s wedding

Some context, we have had this day agreed for a good few months and the party is now in 5months time. Both my brother and I agreed that as he didn’t have his 50th birthday party this was going to be a special one where we cover all the expenses equally between the two for all invited (our family is not super close so this was supposed to be extra special for dad).
We haven’t sent the invites out yet, but agreed it needs to be on a weekend so that people can come more easily and enjoy the dinneparty and I’m flying back home for this long weekend especially for it.
My brother’s now messaged to say that his gf’s cousin just moved her wedding to that exact date so would like us to move dad’s party on another date, so that they can attend both.
I was outraged that he would even suggest this seeing as this is our dad and this should be a priority not some random woman’s wedding. I even suggested that he goes to dad’s party and the gf can attend the wedding by herself. My brother did not want to accept that, called me unreasonable for not wating to move it. Suffice it to say that we had a massive row, in which he also accused me of emotionally manipulating him (beecase I told him that dad has never wanted or asked anything of us, and I cannot believe he would put his gf’s cousin’s wedding (a person that was a stranger to him a year ago) above our dad. To which he said bc he’s paying for half of the party he should be able to move it.
I have now told him I’ll cover all expenses for the party myself and he can enjoy the wedding of this person.
submitted by ExtremeJolly7019 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:35 Xenomorph_kills I want to make a relationship serious after only dating for two weeks.

I (27M) met this girl through the dating apps. But when I matched with her I realized we were Facebook friends since we had alot of mutual friends in college but we never spoke to each other. It felt like that made us hit it off a lot easier since we had similar background and could talk about our similar lives a lot easier. Things have moved pretty quickly in these past two weeks since our first date.
Our First date went super well. Even held hands and kissed by the end of it. Next two dates were casual dinners and a chance to meet her cats. Next one was a spontaneous invite out to a club and even got to meet a friend of hers. And on two of these dates we have ended up sleeping together.
I am really into this person but everytime I try and look at all of this from a distance I feel like it’s all in my head and I’m just falling over someone super fast. And I’m also certain she is using hinge still since I noticed her main pic updated a few days ago. Two weeks is like nothing. And I don’t know if we even know each other truly but all I do know is that I wanna keep knowing this person and I could really see myself being serious with them. I am the type of person to get into something serious and just give it a try. If it doesn’t end up well in a few months then fine but I like giving 100% to someone.
We have a lazy/lounging date coming up.
Is this too soon? Should I ask anyways? How should I?
submitted by Xenomorph_kills to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:21 Responsible-Fig-1623 AITA For Making My Husband Christmas Eve Dinner because I didn’t Like my MIL’s Christmas Menu

I’m not a regular Reddit user so I hope I’m doing this right. I have wanted to tell Charlotte this story for so long. A little background first. My MIL is my husband’s stepmother. His real mother “disappeared “ when he was 5 years old and has never been found. Everyone knows that his dad murdered her, even the police but there’s never been enough evidence to convict him. He married my MIL, who he was dating at the time of my husband’s mom’s disappearance. They had a child then later divorced. I’ve gotten along with my MIL, her daughter and husband since we met and they ushered me into the family with open arms.
So one Christmas a few years ago, they wanted to have brunch for Christmas. My husband and I both wanted a traditional Christmas meal. So I asked her politely if we could just go over there the next day to do a present exchange. She said absolutely not. I said ok, that’s fine, we’ll be there.
I have trouble with depression. I have been on medication since my early 20s. I have 2 stepdaughters from my husband’s first marriage. They were 12 and 14 when we met. That year was particularly hard for me because they were grown up and had jobs. So no more Christmas vacation with them to play with all the fun presents they got. No making Christmas goodies and gingerbread houses with. No one to trim the trim with. No one to watch Christmas movies with, etc.
So I really wasn’t feeling the Christmas spirit that year to begin with. I thought I had come up with the perfect solution for the food situation that would make everyone happy. I made a full spread Christmas dinner at the last minute on Christmas Eve at my own house for me and my husband. I posted a pic of the food to Facebook and wished everyone a Merry Christmas, which I do every year.
When I got to my SIL house the next day, I thought everything was fine. Then my MIL got there. Everything was not fine. She said she saw my Facebook post. “That was a final F U to me wasn’t it?”, she asked. I said,”Absolutely not! I would never do that. (Hubby) wanted Christmas dinner. I made him Christmas dinner. It had nothing to do with you. And I always post Merry Christmas to Facebook with pics of dinner. “. “Oh, ok”, she said.
Later, someone was walking around with a video camera and I said something about not wanting to be on video, quietly to my husband but my MIL overheard. She had a camera for still pics and said, “Oh, I won’t post them on Facebook “. I said, “Oh, I don’t care about that.”
The rest of the day went fine. I don’t remember when I posted it but sometime during those 2 days I posted “Worst Christmas Ever”. I didn’t elaborate and I was thinking about not having kids to celebrate Christmas with anymore when I wrote that. It had absolutely nothing to do with my MIL family or what had happened with the Christmas meal situation.
On the way home I was looking at Facebook when I see a reply from my MIL sister who I have never met. Apparently, my MIL had told her about the whole thing and she decided to chew me out on my Facebook for being ungrateful and telling me how much her family loved me. So I replied that I didn’t say anything about them. Then my SIL chimed in with the fact that I didn’t invite my stepdaughters to my house for Christmas Eve dinner. #1She couldn’t have known that unless she asked them. #2 They don’t eat that kind of food. At Christmas they eat rolls and deviled eggs without the filling. One of them eats ham, the other one gets her own chicken. They don’t eat what I cook.
The next day I see pics of the festivities on Facebook without me and my husband so I said, “Where are me and (hubby)?” “You said you didn’t want to be in any pictures. “. “No, I didn’t. I said video. “. At this, my SIL makes a text chat group with me, my husband, her and her mom. She lays out everything as she thinks it’s unfolded over the past few days. (Side note: Because of losing his mom at 5 years old and hearing it happen outside his bedroom window, he has learning disabilities which has made him functionally illiterate. There’s no way he’s gonna read a long text thread and his sister knows that!). So, then I explain my side, including what was just a misunderstanding about the pictures. Then my MIL says to me, who DID NOT start this crap, BTW, “Too much drama mamma. “. So I said, “You wanna talk about drama?! You’re the reason my husband’s real mom is dead. “. She refuses to speak to me. I even apologized. She’s such a coward that she won’t even talk to her “son”. My husband said to me because I was upset that I had ruined his relationship with his “mom”“When we got married, we became one. If they stab you in the back, they stab me in the back. “.
This woman hates his ex-wife because she cheated on him. She even believes that one of his daughters isn’t his. (She is. ) But one Thanksgiving, I was uninvited to dinner at their hours because she was going to be there. My husband was though. He didn’t go.
submitted by Responsible-Fig-1623 to CharlotteDobreFans [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:04 Iamdrasnia Joni Mitchell show tonight?

I was invited to this "show"?...I disdain surprises!
Where is it at roughly so I can take my friends mom to dinner?
submitted by Iamdrasnia to Sacramento [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:59 EchoOfNovember AITAH for getting my ex's ex arrested?

My(f35) ex (m37) has two daughters ( lets call them Lily and Mia) with two different women (Cara- Liliy's mom and Maya- Mia's mom). Liliy turned 18 this weekend and Mia is 16.
My ex and I are still friends, we split after 6 years, there was no drama, no fighting no abuse, we had another one of "what is next for us" talks, and he added he thought that my "I don't want kids" stance was just a phase I would have got out "by certain age". He wants more kids. I don't want kids. I have/had a good relationship with both of his daughters. Maya and I had a friendly relationship while I was with him. She asked for my number and asked to meet me before she was okay with me meeting her daughter - Mia. I had no issues with this; in fact, I instantly respected her for it. Cara, on the other hand, was always hostile.
I'm financially well off. Earning significantly more than him, we had a joint account that was mostly funded by me (98% of the funds in it came from me). I was okay with him spending that money on his family and daughters. The only rule I had was that I didn't want it to be used for lavish gifts to his ex. He was okay with this. But during one of the family gatherings, Cara asked if she could borrow some cash from him; he said yes and to take what he had in his wallet. She took a card to our joint account and went on a spending spree. I was pissed. But I was furious when he didn't make her pay it back. She is the mother of his child, and what do I expect him to do, blah blah.
Last summer, while we were still together, I promised Lilily we/ I would take her to Taylor Swit's concert in Paris and a proper shopping trip for her 18th, we extended invitation to Mia as well and her mom agreed. So I bought 4 concert tickets ( for the girls, ex and me) and booked a hotel. Fast forward to winter and we had our split.
Last month, I asked him what he wanted to do. I couldn't transfer my ticket to his new girl (or anyone), but I was willing to give it up and told him to go with the girls. I would even pay for plane tickets. He admitted he had forgotten all about it and that he had already booked all his allowance of annual leave, so he couln't take them. He asked if I would find it awkward to go on the trip with girls instead. As mentioned, I have a good relationship with his girls and have said okay if their moms agree. Mia's mom - Maya, said no problem, but Liliy's mom- Cara, insisted that the only way "I was taking her daughter out of the country was if she was going." I offered not to go and have Cara take them. She wouldn't be able to get into a concert venue, but the hotel was paid for, and I would still pay for plane tickets. But Maya said she wasn't letting Mia anywhere with Cara. Here, in order to make a minor over the border, you need a form signed by both parents. Not wanting to punish girls for something that was out of their control, we agreed I would take the girls and Cara would join us. As I also promised a shopping trip to Liliy, her dad set up a spending limit, and I asked Maya to allow me to buy something for Mia as well so she wouldn't feel excluded; reluctantly, she agreed and also set a limit.
Of to Paris we went, we arrived the day before the concert and were due to go back in the evening on the day after the concert. From the moment we landed Cara complained about everything. When we got to the hotel she demanded separate rooms ( I have originally booked a two-bedroom suite), and thought Mia and I could take one room and Liliy and her another ( she knew this before we left). She proceeded to yell and make a scene until the receptionist said they had another smaller suite available. I ended up taking that one for myself and Mia.
Next day after breakfast we went shopping. Lily said she would prefer one or two higher-quality pieces of clothing rather than brands she could get at home. So we went to Galeries Lafayette. About two hours in I got a call from a client that there was an issue that needed immediate attention. I gave Lily my card, reminded her of the limit her father set, and told Mia that we could go somewhere else afterward if she didn't find anything she liked that would honor the limit her mom set. Both girls said they understood; Cara gave me a side-eye. So I sat at a nearby bench dealing with my client's issue while they shopped. Not sure how much time has passed when Lily came crying, saying her mom made her give her my card and was buying things for herself. I went to a till, and indeed, Cara was paying with my card for things that were clearly for her. She didn't even have the decency to look guilty when she saw me marching towards her; she even smirked. So, in a fit of rage, I said to a cashier that she was paying with a stolen card, my card. Cara tried to insist I gave her the card, but I stood my ground, security was called, I continued to insist she stole it. Eventually, they called the police. Since it was my name on the card and the cashier confirmed Cara was one that used the card, and I continued to insist she stole it they arrested her. We had to go with them to give a statement. Few hours later when we left the station, I sat down the girls and explained we would go back in the morning to get Cara, but that right now she needed to learn there were consequences.
Neither of the girls was in the mood to go back to shopping, so we went to the hotel and got ready for the concert. By the time we reached the concert venue, both girls were in good moods again. In case you are wondering, we had a blast.
The next morning, I returned to the police station and retracted my statement, saying it was a misunderstanding. I gave the card to one of the girls, and she gave it to her mom. Two fines ( both myself and Cara got fined) and a few snide remarks from the officer later Cara was free. She refused to speak with me for the rest of the trip. Fine by me. I don't even mind the fine I got, it was worth it.
Girls and I went for one more round of shopping before it was time to catch the plane.
When we got back, chaos erupted. His family is now divided, some saying I was petty and b**ch for what I did, and other side clapping, saying it was well deserved.
My ex stopped by my work this morning and said that what I did to Cara was bullying. And I was an a**hole for dangling my money in front of her, that I should have left it be, and he would have paid me back if I told him.
I don't think I was. Was I petty, maybe, probably, but I don't think I was A**hole, she literally tried to steal.
submitted by EchoOfNovember to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:49 analretardation6969 I (25f) is worried for my best friend (25f) What would you do?

My best friend has continually dated since she was in middle school, there hasn’t been a time since then that she hasn’t been with it at least talking to a guy. This isn’t coming from a place of judgement, but more so to give some backstory. I think everyone is wired differently, some people value being in a relationship and put that on top and others may not even be inclined to be in one at all. But her last relationship was rocky, it lasted almost four years and she told me when I helped her move out of their place when they broke up- “I want you to hold me accountable, I need to be alone for a while and think that I want to try being happy single”. After a few weeks she started snapping guys that we went to school with or mutual friends with a flirty undertone. I think that’s healthy for one because all these men are single and she deserves to have a little attention and two because she gets attached so easily maybe it could be “exposure” therapy in a way because these men weren’t dating her or hanging out with her at this time so I figured it was a great way for her to talk to guys without getting attached. That was until Brett, she snapped him for about a week. They made plans and he never followed through, she told me she had already started to develop feelings for him.
I also get attached easily. And I’m a different side of the coin, I haven’t been in a relationship for 5 years because my last one was exhausting and mentally debilitating. The last date I went on I fell really hard fast, because I was desperate for love and it was so unhealthy, I recognized my toxic actions and took a huge step back from dating. I know that I’m scared to be with anyone. I’m communicating this because I really do my best to be open, understanding and empathic to her plight. The last thing I want to do is shame her, or make her feel unheard.
This leads me to Josh, Josh and I have known each other for years. My best friend, Josh and I have ran in the same circles since highschool. I would consider him a good acquaintance and friend, the kind of friend that you b.s with at parties or mutual hangouts but aren’t necessarily close.
Josh asked me a couple years ago to go out for drinks, a date was hinted at. At this point I had been seeing someone for a couple months, it wasn’t necessarily inclusive yet but I didn’t feel right going and honestly I thought it was a great way out of denying the date because I honestly did not feel the same way toward Josh. I wasn’t surprised because I knew he had liked me in the past, but i conveyed my situation to him, appreciated his friendship but I had to decline the invitation. He took it like a champ and it wasn’t an issue. I know that you are the company that you keep, although Josh is a “friend” and we have great banter, I keep him at arms length for multiple reasons. One being he is misogynistic, I know that it’s not exactly high moral ground but as long as he’s not being an absolute pig, I excuse it because we’re not very close. And the handful of times he has said stuff about women that makes me uncomfortable enough to call him out, I do.
I had told my best friend about this when it happened and she almost seemed jealous, but it wasn’t a “oh someone asked you out, that’s cool” kind of jealousy. She had been unhappy in her relationship at this time for a while so I genuinely believe it was more so an envy to do with not being able to have the freedom to go on a date or talk to other men in that aspect.
About 4 months ago I got a text from her saying “so Josh asked me out for drinks”. My stomach dropped a bit, her being an anxious attachment type and him having so much toxic masculinity. I was immediately worried about how this will play out. But for context, I have not said anything inherently bad about him around her or the relationship that they have so far because however it plays out I don’t want him to to think I’m the bad guy and put seeds in her head or hypothetically isolate her from me.
He hasn’t put a label on their relationship the past 4 months, she’s been persistent in communicating that she wants one. The past 3 months she’s been staying at his place almost every night. She tells me this is the best she’s ever been treated. But I think that’s only the lover girl in her talking because I think he’s been manipulating her to an extent.
She told me that he’s been picking at her appearance, she has peach fuzz above her lip (as we ALL do!) and at dinner the other night she said he kept bringing up laser hair surgery and when she got defensive, he picked up on it and she told him why. He brushed it off and kind of doubled down.
There’s been more than a handful of things like that, but this next one is 90% of the reason that I’m making this post.
Last weekend they were laying in bed after sex and he was holding her, he said verbatim “I’m not as sexually attracted to you as I wish I was”.
What the hell??
She immediately pushed off of him and started crying. They went to a concert later, and the rest of the night he kept calling her pretty but she just didn’t want to hear it.
Now she’s been really insecure about herself since then, I think he was negging her. I went on here to look for advice, because we have so many mutual friends I’m cautious about what I say because of the principle of it. I don’t want her to think that I’m judging her. I just hate how he’s treating her in this entire thing. A chauvinistic pig.
P.s. I approached the comment about holding her accountable multiple times in the beginning but at a certain point I felt that she was adult and has to come to these decisions by herself. I’m still going to be there for her and tell her my honest opinion when she asks, but I realize I need to do it in the right way or it may do more harm than good.
P.s.s I wrote this on my work break so I’m sorry for any story confusion
submitted by analretardation6969 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:43 Tortured_Poets19 STICKERS, DICE BOOSTING, FULL PARTNERSHIP CARRY ‼️

Hey there 👋!
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submitted by Tortured_Poets19 to MonopolyGoCommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:32 MysteriousDialogue New friend (32F) that I (31F) met through my bf (33M) is a ball of anxiety and can be overwhelming. She went 0 to 100 at my boyfriend and is coming across a little needy. Am I just being too hard on her?

TLDR: boyfriend’s ex coworker and her boyfriend have been hanging out with my boyfriend and I. My boyfriend has gotten much closer to her boyfriend. I’m very hestitant of her because she has some self absorbed characteristics and over talks for hours. I feel like she hasn’t tried to get to know me at all. But she has extreme anxiety and insecurities. She got annoyed with my boyfriend because he didn’t invite her while he was out with other friends and she was home alone because her boyfriend is away. She kind of got me involved in that situation. We have set plans with her but the dramatics really turned me off. My boyfriend thinks we should go because he wants to continue being on great terms with her boyfriend. I’ve had bad experiences with previous draining and toxic friendships and want to be careful with who I hang with. I’m questioning if I’m being too hard on her and quick to rule her out.
Boyfriend met this girl at his last job and they became good work friends. They bonded quickly because her and I come from the same country. She confided in him in her dating life and says that he helped her through some things she was going through. I was well aware of this work friendship and know that it’s been just strictly platonic all around. I was actually really excited about potentially meeting a new friend. I’ve outgrown and have gotten rid of my old longtime toxic circle due to me not being a heavy partier anymore and just having 0 patience for passive aggressiveness and mean girl behavior. I just really wish to create a new circle of women that are supportive, working on themselves, and accepting. The very few women I’ve befriended like that all moved. It’s very hard to meet local women like that.
After he left that job, we got to hang out with her and her new boyfriend. It’s been really fun double dates and we’ve even hung out in larger group settings. My boyfriend has actually gotten very close to her boyfriend and they talk a lot more than he talks to her.
However, I feel like I can’t really get close to her because I feel like she doesn’t make an effort to actually get to know me. Her boyfriend has made way more of an effort than she has. Also just a few red flags which I’m not sure if I’m overthinking and maybe just not giving her a fair chance: talks A LOT. And never ever compliments me or other women. One time she insisted on her and her bf crashing a quality time date that my boyfriend and I had planned, even though he told her that we were doing one on one time together. When I hung out with her and another friend, she talked about herself for 3 hours straight of the lunch. The other friend told us how she recently got laid off and was very worried because she wasn’t getting hired at interviews, I didn’t like that this girl began to talk about how perfect her new job that she just got an offer for is. Proceeded to talk about this new job, her relationship insecurities, and herself forever. I gathered from what she talked about is that she actually might be extremely anxious and an overthinker from said anxiety. I kind of just excused that and wanted to give her another chance one on one. We went to dinner together but she talked a lot about herself. She was really anxious about her relationship and spoke mostly about that. I felt like although I did get to share more about myself this time, I felt so drained after this hang out. I just took her over talking as the fact that she’s probably very lonely because all of her close friends live in other states and countries is all.
Fast forward to now, her boyfriend has been away on a business trip and she messaged my boyfriend to try to make plans with us both. Unfortunately we couldn’t those dates and we just set something up for another date. She then sees on Instagram that my boyfriend was out with his friends on a GUYS night. He reposted a picture with his buddies…she kind of freaked out on him because he didn’t invite her knowing that she’s been so lonely lately and got upset because she feels like he prefers her boyfriend over her. He told her that it would be really weird if he invited her to a guy’s night given that I wasn’t even invited to that and I wouldn’t be there. She continuously texted hin and he just kept ignoring her messages. She then messages me after I got off the phone with him after he told me what happened. The vibe was so weird at first, it’s like she was trying to tell me that she was very successful and celebrating about her new job alone? Idk if this was a way to get me to feel bad that I hadn’t taken anymore initiative to hang out with her myself. And the she asked me if I would get mad if she hung out with my boyfriend at a group setting to which I said no not in a group setting but a guys night would be different because none of the wives or girlfriends in that group get invited. So yeah, I’d be annoyed if she got invited to that over me. I feel like she didn’t really get it though, she anxiously texted me how she feels like my boyfriend chose her boyfriend over her and she feels like if they were to break up she’d lose her friends. I get it, she’s got her own issues going on and stuff. But man, this just left a bad taste in my mouth because it reminded me of an old self absorbed and controlling friend that I had. I also felt like she came across kind of entitled to my boyfriends time and friendship if that makes any sense.
My boyfriend ended up hashing things out with her and thinks we should still continue with our old plans with her because he really wants to keep his friendship with her boyfriend. My boyfriend also works in mental health so he’s very understanding that she’s just got issues and is just anxious. I’m just so turned off by everything the more I look back and I’ve just been questioning more and more if this is even someone I should want to keep around. I just don’t get it, I personally would never hassle a male friend that is in a committed relationship to hang out with me whether I’m single or not. I’m also questioning that I could just being way too hard of her due to my own past experiences with controlling and toxic friends.
submitted by MysteriousDialogue to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:26 Sweet-Count2557 Jass Kitchen Miami Restaurant in Miami,FL,United States

Jass Kitchen Miami Restaurant in Miami,FL,United States
Jass Kitchen Miami Restaurant in Miami,FL,United States
Jass Kitchen Miami: A Culinary Delight in the Heart of Miami, FL, United States
Price Level:
Jass Kitchen Miami: A Culinary Delight in the Heart of MiamiWelcome to Jass Kitchen Miami, a hidden gem nestled in the vibrant city of Miami. As a travel blogger, I have had the pleasure of exploring various restaurants around the world, and Jass Kitchen Miami truly stands out. This restaurant offers a unique dining experience that combines exquisite flavors, impeccable service, and a cozy ambiance.At Jass Kitchen Miami, you can indulge in a wide array of mouthwatering dishes that cater to all taste buds. From delectable seafood delicacies to succulent steaks, their menu is a culinary delight. Each dish is carefully crafted using fresh, locally sourced ingredients, ensuring a burst of flavors with every bite.Not only does Jass Kitchen Miami excel in its culinary offerings, but it also boasts a warm and inviting atmosphere. The restaurant's stylish decor and comfortable seating create the perfect setting for a memorable dining experience. Whether you're looking for a romantic dinner for two or a gathering with friends, Jass Kitchen Miami is the ideal choice.As a travel blogger, I highly recommend visiting Jass Kitchen Miami during your stay in Miami. The combination of exceptional food, welcoming ambiance, and attentive service will leave you with a lasting impression. Don't miss out on this culinary gem in the heart of Miami.
Cuisines of Jass Kitchen Miami in Miami,FL,United States
If you're a fan of Mediterranean, Turkish, or Greek cuisine, then Jass Kitchen in Miami is the place for you. This restaurant offers a delightful array of dishes that will transport your taste buds to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. From savory kebabs and falafel to fresh salads and hummus, Jass Kitchen has something to satisfy every craving. Whether you're in the mood for a hearty gyro or a light and refreshing Greek salad, the flavors and aromas of these cuisines will leave you wanting more. So, if you're looking to embark on a culinary journey through the Mediterranean, Turkish, and Greek flavors, make sure to visit Jass Kitchen in Miami.
Features of Jass Kitchen Miami in Miami,FL,United States
Item 1Item 2Item 3
Menu of Jass Kitchen Miami in Miami,FL,United States
Location of Jass Kitchen Miami in Miami,FL,United States
Contact of Jass Kitchen Miami in Miami,FL,United States
+1 305-927-4325
190 NE 46th St, Miami, FL 33137-3424
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:26 Jezio She's 30F an awesome friend. How do I 30M gently let her down romantically?

She's an awesome friend. How do I let her down romantically?
I'm currently seeing someone romantically, but lately we've been quite distant, more like no strings attached fwbs. We get out adult fix and go our separate way for days.
When I'm alone, I like to hike and rock climb, but this is dangerous. Recently, a girl slid in my dms asking me out to dinner, but I let her know I was currently in a relationship (not really, just didn't find myself attracted to her off the bat).
A month goes by and I post myself rock climbing alone, and coincidentally she's a solo climber too. What's the harm for a climbing buddy? If I fell at least someone would know. We met up, had an amazing day, then went our way. My gf/fwb hates the outdoors so it's always been me alone until now.
We've had a few of these adventures since, and I noticed her doing things like touching my arm, walking really close to me, constantly smiling at me, sending me cute emojis, good morning every day, still inviting me to dinner (paid). You'd think she was my wife and soul mate. I appreciate how she cares about me - my car broke down and she gave me rides to work for a week no questions asked since we work nearby and my fwb is a half hour in the opposite direction.
But I'm not physically attracted to her, like at all :( she mentioned she was bullied badly and I really want to be careful with how I dial this back. It's puzzling because she's aware of the other woman, but feels like she's trying to steal me?
Everything about us lines up like the perfect couple but it's not what I want with her - just platonic adventure buddies. no other woman has treated me like this to "just be friends".
submitted by Jezio to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:23 Jezio She's an awesome friend. How do I let her down romantically?

I'm currently seeing someone romantically, but lately we've been quite distant, more like no strings attached fwbs. We get out adult fix and go our separate way for days.
When I'm alone, I like to hike and rock climb, but this is dangerous. Recently, a girl slid in my dms asking me out to dinner, but I let her know I was currently in a relationship (not really, just didn't find myself attracted to her off the bat).
A month goes by and I post myself rock climbing alone, and coincidentally she's a solo climber too. What's the harm for a climbing buddy? If I fell at least someone would know. We met up, had an amazing day, then went our way. My gf/fwb hates the outdoors so it's always been me alone until now.
We've had a few of these adventures since, and I noticed her doing things like touching my arm, walking really close to me, constantly smiling at me, sending me cute emojis, good morning every day, still inviting me to dinner (paid). You'd think she was my wife and soul mate. I appreciate how she cares about me - my car broke down and she gave me rides to work for a week no questions asked since we work nearby and my fwb is a half hour in the opposite direction.
But I'm not physically attracted to her, like at all :( she mentioned she was bullied badly and I really want to be careful with how I dial this back. It's puzzling because she's aware of the other woman, but feels like she's trying to steal me?
Everything about us lines up like the perfect couple but it's not what I want with her - just platonic adventure buddies. no other woman has treated me like this to "just be friends".
submitted by Jezio to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:14 Sun6231 He came to visit me (in another country)

So I met this guy on a trip to Paris two weeks ago, and this weekend he came to visit me in Amsterdam (where I live). He booked a hotel and stayed two days, we went for dinner and brunch and visited some museums. No sex yet of course. After the weekend he invited me back to Paris for another date this or next week…
So while I was enjoying all of this, I started wondering if this man is just looking for a summer fling or if he could actually see this distance thing having a future.
Normally, so early on, I wouldn’t initiate that kind of talk, but I did anyway yesterday on the phone. If I’ll be visiting him abroad I want to have some sort of idea of what to expect.
He basically freaked out. Said it was very early to talk about serious things. I argued that him coming to visit me is a seemingly serious step, and inviting me right back is as well. There are women everywhere, he didn’t need to come to Amsterdam to date one (I wouldn’t have).
So now the whole thing has cooled down and I don’t know what to think. I wasn’t trying to define the relationship or asking him to be my boyfriend god forbid, I was just asking him what his thoughts were, also to possibly clarify that I don’t have sex outside of a serious relationship.
What do you guys think?
submitted by Sun6231 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:03 Defiant-Ad-3525 Hennur Haven: Embrace Modern Living in Stylish Apartments

Hennur Haven: Embrace Modern Living in Stylish Apartments
Discover the epitome of contemporary living along Hennur Main Road, where a world of comfort and convenience awaits in our exquisite apartments. Welcome to Hennur Haven, where every detail is designed to elevate your lifestyle and create a sanctuary you'll be proud to call home.
Step into our thoughtfully crafted apartments and immerse yourself in a symphony of modern design and functionality. From the moment you enter, you're greeted by spacious interiors, flooded with natural light, and adorned with elegant finishes, creating an ambiance of understated luxury.
Entertain guests or unwind after a long day in the expansive living area, where ample space and stylish furnishings provide the perfect backdrop for relaxation and socializing. Whether you're hosting a dinner party or enjoying a quiet night in, your Hennur Main Road apartment offers the ideal setting for every occasion.
Indulge your culinary passions in the gourmet kitchen, equipped with top-of-the-line appliances, sleek countertops, and ample storage space. From whipping up quick weekday meals to exploring new recipes, your kitchen is sure to inspire creativity and delight your senses.
Retreat to the comfort of your master bedroom, where tranquility reigns supreme. Serene color palettes, plush carpets, and oversized windows create a peaceful oasis, inviting you to unwind and recharge for the day ahead.
But the allure of Hennur Main Road extends far beyond your apartment walls. Step outside and discover a vibrant community brimming with amenities and attractions. From lush green spaces and recreational facilities to shopping centers and dining destinations, everything you need is just moments away.
With easy access to major transportation routes, educational institutions, healthcare facilities, and entertainment options, our Hennur Main Road apartments offer the perfect blend of convenience and connectivity. Whether you're a young professional, growing family, or empty nester looking to downsize, there's something for everyone in this dynamic neighborhood.
Experience the height of modern living at Hennur Haven and embrace a lifestyle defined by comfort, convenience, and style. Welcome home to Hennur Main Road, where your dreams of contemporary living become a reality.
submitted by Defiant-Ad-3525 to u/Defiant-Ad-3525 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:49 Total_Part3284 is this relationship ruined or can we fix it? F36 M37

I felt like My husband ( 37) ruined my ( 35 female) Mother's Day and the relationship. We have been together for a few years. Mother's Day was yesterday. On Saturday night he agreed to play basketball on Mother's Day without talking to me first. he agreed to play ball on Sunday and I am upset because the whole day was not about me. I had to stay home with a sick child for 2 hours whole he enjoyed himself playing ball. I talked to him and he said it's for his mental health......I feel like it should have been all about me on Mother's Day. !! When I asked him, he said he does not feel sorry he left and he had dinner planned and that should have been good enough to spend time together. I am literally on the ground of asking for a divorce. WTF!
Timeline: Saturday he agreed with the boys that he would play ball
Saturday he tells me...I don't agree because our son is sick and I would like to feel appreciated and the day be all about me. He invited me to the game, but the last time I was invited to watch him play was years ago and I felt like he said it just so I could calm down.
He said he would take our child and just keep him in the stroller.
Sunday: he get flowers and a card and then leaves a few hours later for the game. We had not talked or spend anytime together that morning. I was pissed and yelled and said what I said above The day should be about me"
He says taking 2 hours out of the day should not even matter....and He doesn't feel sorry he left or left me at me with a sick child.
Today I am ready to loose it and call things off. I just cant. To me it feels like a slap in the face and that I am not a priority. I need help!
submitted by Total_Part3284 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:47 Project__BlackOut [A3] [US] [Recruiting] 1-151 Coyote Company ABN Looking for some cool people Veteran Owned

I Hope this message finds you well!
Hey thanks for taking the time to check out Coyote Company!
A little bit about us, we are very early on in the company and are looking for players who are willing to invest in a good community. I first had the idea to start my own unit when I was on a combat deployment and I wanted to start an Arma unit where people can thrive and have a good time but also get the feel for what it could be like.
What we Offer
Looking to do main operations Saturday Evenings EST
Fun-operations Sundays
Trainings and role trainings throughout the week
Subject to change if need be
Thank you for taking an interest in Coyote!
I hope to see you there! All are invited as long as you bring a good attitude and a are willing to have some fun!

submitted by Project__BlackOut to FindAUnit [link] [comments]