Xy coordinate worksheets

Official Explanation to Bluebook Test 6: Math Module 1, Question #22

2024.05.13 22:41 FantasticVictory837 Official Explanation to Bluebook Test 6: Math Module 1, Question #22

Official Explanation to Bluebook Test 6: Math Module 1, Question #22 submitted by FantasticVictory837 to u/FantasticVictory837 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:34 FantasticVictory837 Official Explanation to Bluebook Test 6: Math Module 1, Question #12

Official Explanation to Bluebook Test 6: Math Module 1, Question #12 submitted by FantasticVictory837 to u/FantasticVictory837 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 02:57 FantasticVictory837 Official Explanation to Bluebook Test 5: Math Module 2 Easy, Question #17

Official Explanation to Bluebook Test 5: Math Module 2 Easy, Question #17 submitted by FantasticVictory837 to u/FantasticVictory837 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 02:15 FantasticVictory837 Official Explanation to Bluebook Test 5: Math Module 2 Hard, Question #10

Official Explanation to Bluebook Test 5: Math Module 2 Hard, Question #10 submitted by FantasticVictory837 to u/FantasticVictory837 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 02:10 FantasticVictory837 Official Explanation to Bluebook Test 5: Math Module 2 Hard, Question #2

Official Explanation to Bluebook Test 5: Math Module 2 Hard, Question #2 submitted by FantasticVictory837 to u/FantasticVictory837 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:46 FantasticVictory837 Official Explanation to Bluebook Test 5: Math Module 1, Question #20

Official Explanation to Bluebook Test 5: Math Module 1, Question #20 submitted by FantasticVictory837 to u/FantasticVictory837 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:45 FantasticVictory837 Official Explanation to Bluebook Test 5: Math Module 1, Question #18

Official Explanation to Bluebook Test 5: Math Module 1, Question #18 submitted by FantasticVictory837 to u/FantasticVictory837 [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 14:47 Mediocre-Storage-732 Unity adding unwanted shadow attenuation to transparent surface shader

Unity adding unwanted shadow attenuation to transparent surface shader
I'm currently working on a transparent surface shader, that should render shadows based on provided textures. These are the provided textures:
The first two textures are shadows of a scene before the sphere has been inserted, and the last two are the scene after the sphere has been inserted
I want to add the first two textures together(let's call the combined texture for prev), and the last two textures together(let's call the combined texture for after). With the texture combined, I first added 0.01 to both textures(to avoid division by 0), then multiplied both textures by newLa(which is_La/9). Lastly, I divide the two textures with each other. This should result in a texture containing only the shadows of the inserted sphere, where the shadow colour is determined by the _La value. The idea is further described in these papers:
But the shadows' colour is not determined by the _La value, but instead, unity adds colour to the shadows themselves or so I assume. This I don't understand why because I don't use any of the functions in the AutoLight.cginc file and I don't obtain the light colour of the scene.
Any help in making the shadow take colour from the _La variable is much welcome
This is the code I'm running
  1. Shader "Custom/ShadowReceiver"
  2. {
  3. Properties
  4. {
  5. _La("Ambient light from hemisphere", Vector) = (0, 0, 0, 0)
  6. _ShadowMask ("Sun texture", 2D) = "white" {}
  7. _AmbientMask ("Ambient texture", 2D) = "white" {}
  8. _AllHemiShadowMask ("After ambient texture", 2D) = "white" {}
  9. _AllSunShadowMask ("After ambient texture", 2D) = "white" {}
  10. }
  11. SubShader
  12. {
  13. Tags { "Queue" = "Geometry" }
  14. Pass
  15. {
  16. Cull Back
  17. ZTest LEqual
  18. ZWrite Off
  19. Blend dstColor Zero
  21. #pragma vertex vert
  22. #pragma fragment frag
  23. #include "UnityCG.cginc"
  24. uniform vector _La;
  25. sampler2D _ShadowMask;
  26. float4 _ShadowMask_ST;
  27. sampler2D _AllSunShadowMask;
  28. float4 _AllSunShadowMask_ST;
  29. sampler2D _AmbientMask;
  30. sampler2D _AllHemiShadowMask;
  31. float4 _AmbientMask_ST;
  32. float4 _AllHemiShadowMask_ST;
  33. struct v2f
  34. {
  35. float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
  36. float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
  37. float4 wPos: TEXCOORD1;
  38. float4 viewPos: TEXCOORD2;
  39. };
  40. v2f vert(appdata_base v)
  41. {
  42. v2f o;
  43. o.pos = UnityObjectToClipPos (v.vertex);
  44. o.wPos = mul(unity_ObjectToWorld, v.vertex);
  45. o.viewPos = ComputeScreenPos(o.pos);
  46. o.uv = v.texcoord;
  47. return o;
  48. }
  49. fixed4 frag(v2f input) : COLOR
  50. {
  51. float2 textureCoordinateAll = input.viewPos.xy / input.viewPos.w;
  52. textureCoordinateAll = TRANSFORM_TEX(textureCoordinateAll, _AllSunShadowMask);
  53. fixed4 afterSun = tex2D(_AllSunShadowMask,textureCoordinateAll);
  54. float2 textureCoordinate = input.viewPos.xy / input.viewPos.w;
  55. textureCoordinate = TRANSFORM_TEX(textureCoordinate, _ShadowMask);
  56. fixed4 prevSun = tex2D(_ShadowMask, textureCoordinate);
  57. float2 textureCoordinateHemi = input.viewPos.xy / input.viewPos.w;
  58. float2 textureCoordinateHemiAll = input.viewPos.xy / input.viewPos.w;
  59. textureCoordinateHemi = TRANSFORM_TEX(textureCoordinateHemi, _AmbientMask);
  60. textureCoordinateHemiAll = TRANSFORM_TEX(textureCoordinateHemiAll, _AllHemiShadowMask);
  61. float4 prevHemi = tex2D(_AmbientMask, textureCoordinateHemi);
  62. float4 afterHemi = tex2D(_AllHemiShadowMask, textureCoordinateHemiAll);
  63. fixed4 after = (afterSun + afterHemi) - 1;
  64. fixed4 prev = prevHemi + prevSun - 1;
  65. fixed4 newLa = _La/9;
  66. return ((after+0.01) * newLa)/((prev+0.01) * newLa);
  67. }
  68. ENDCG
  69. }
  70. }
  71. FallBack "Vertex"
  72. }
submitted by Mediocre-Storage-732 to Unity3D [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 03:04 FantasticVictory837 Bluebook Test 6: Math Module 2 Hard, Question #10

Bluebook Test 6: Math Module 2 Hard, Question #10 submitted by FantasticVictory837 to u/FantasticVictory837 [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 01:06 FantasticVictory837 Bluebook Test 5: Math Module 2 Hard, Question #20

Bluebook Test 5: Math Module 2 Hard, Question #20 submitted by FantasticVictory837 to u/FantasticVictory837 [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 03:51 vkhomas Can someone elaborate this solution?

Can someone elaborate this solution?
I used sudokuwiki to solve and it returned me this, to use x-wing to remove 6 at G2. My question is why not remove the 2 at G2 instead? Thanks
submitted by vkhomas to sudoku [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 01:20 dan_blather As an urban planner, every time I hear "and ESRI" ...

submitted by dan_blather to barrescue [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 16:18 NoImprovement4668 What can cause this weird parallax mapping? this is my shader code, am i doing something wrong? it happens even with low parallax scale

submitted by NoImprovement4668 to opengl [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 15:21 doctorgecko Respect Aggron (Pokemon Anime)

Aron/Lairon/Aggron/Mega Aggron

Aggron is the Iron Armor Pokemon, and is a Pokemon introduced in the 3rd generation of the franchise. Members of the Aggron are known for digging into the ground to eat iron, which they use to help build their extremely tough armor. Members of the line have made several appearances throughout the run of the anime.
Index: Feats are marked by what series they occur in


Notable Aron Trainers: Steven Stone
Type: Rock/Steel
Weaknesses: Water, Fighting, Ground
Resistances: Rock, Bug, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, Fairy, Normal, Flying
Imunities: Poison
(Bolded types are types it is extremely weak/resistant to)
The first stage of the line. Beyond wild appearances, the only notable Aron in the anime is one that accompany's Steven Stone while he's looking for rare stones.


Notable Lairon Trainers: Savannah, Paul
Type: Rock/Steel
The middle stage of the line. Outside of some wild appearances, Lairon appeared as part of the team of coordinator Savannah, and in a short appearance under Ash's rival Paul.
Ranged Moves


Notable Aggron Trainers: Steven Stone, Brendan, Johnny, Paul, Alva
  • There's also one owned by the Team Rocket organization loaned to Jessie and James for an episode
Type: Rock/Steel
The final evolution of the line, Aggron has made multiple appearances, often as a powerful foe Ash and friends have to overcome. It has been owned by multiple antagonists, Ash's rival Paul ,and even Hoenn champion Steven.
Ranged Attacks

Mega Aggron

Notable Mega Aggron Trainers: Alva, Gozu
Type: Steel
Weaknesses: Fire, Fighting, Ground
Resistances: Normal, Flying, Bug, Grass, Rock, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, Steel, Fairy
Immunities: Poison
Through the use of a keystone and corresponding mega stone, Aggron can mega evolve into Mega Aggron.SM This transformation is temporary, only lasting until the end of the battle or until Aggron is defeated.
Ranged Attacks


Ash's Pokemon
Other Pokemon
submitted by doctorgecko to respectthreads [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 21:31 66696669666 mcu Unable to connect even though is flashed with Klipper on Ender 3 V2

I just got a SKR 3 V3 and am trying to get it working with my Ender 3 V2. I flashed the provided bin file from the github and also compiled my own with no luck. When I run ls /dev/serial/by-id I get usb-Klipper_stm32g0b1xx_4F0011000F50415833323520-if00 which I added to the mcu section on my printer.cfg but I keep getting the message:
mcu 'mcu': Unable to connect Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the "FIRMWARE_RESTART" command to reset the firmware, reload the config, and restart the host software. Error configuring printer 
Here is my printer.cfg
# This file contains common pin mappings for the BIGTREETECH SKR mini # E3 v3.0. To use this config, the firmware should be compiled for the # STM32G0B1 with a "8KiB bootloader" and USB communication/USART. # The "make flash" command does not work on the SKR mini E3. Instead, # after running "make", copy the generated "out/klipper.bin" file to a # file named "firmware.bin" on an SD card and then restart the SKR # mini E3 with that SD card. # See docs/Config_Reference.md for a description of parameters. [stepper_x] step_pin: PB13 dir_pin: !PB12 enable_pin: !PB14 microsteps: 16 rotation_distance: 40 endstop_pin: ^PC0 position_endstop: 0 position_max: 235 homing_speed: 50 [tmc2209 stepper_x] uart_pin: PC11 tx_pin: PC10 uart_address: 0 run_current: 0.580 hold_current: 0.500 stealthchop_threshold: 999999 [stepper_y] step_pin: PB10 dir_pin: !PB2 enable_pin: !PB11 microsteps: 16 rotation_distance: 40 endstop_pin: ^PC1 position_endstop: 0 position_max: 235 homing_speed: 50 [tmc2209 stepper_y] uart_pin: PC11 tx_pin: PC10 uart_address: 2 run_current: 0.580 hold_current: 0.500 stealthchop_threshold: 999999 [stepper_z] step_pin: PB0 dir_pin: PC5 enable_pin: !PB1 microsteps: 16 rotation_distance: 8 # endstop_pin: ^PC2 # position_endstop: 0.0 endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop position_max: 250 position_min: -2 [tmc2209 stepper_z] uart_pin: PC11 tx_pin: PC10 uart_address: 1 run_current: 0.580 hold_current: 0.500 stealthchop_threshold: 999999 [extruder] step_pin: PB3 dir_pin: !PB4 enable_pin: !PD1 microsteps: 16 rotation_distance: 33.500 nozzle_diameter: 0.400 filament_diameter: 1.750 heater_pin: PC8 sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F sensor_pin: PA0 control: pid pid_Kp: 21.527 pid_Ki: 1.063 pid_Kd: 108.982 min_temp: 0 max_temp: 250 [tmc2209 extruder] uart_pin: PC11 tx_pin: PC10 uart_address: 3 run_current: 0.650 hold_current: 0.500 stealthchop_threshold: 999999 [heater_bed] heater_pin: PC9 sensor_type: ATC Semitec 104GT-2 sensor_pin: PC4 control: pid pid_Kp: 54.027 pid_Ki: 0.770 pid_Kd: 948.182 min_temp: 0 max_temp: 130 [heater_fan controller_fan] pin: PB15 heater: heater_bed heater_temp: 45.0 [heater_fan nozzle_cooling_fan] pin: PC7 [fan] pin: PC6 [mcu] serial: usb-Klipper_stm32g0b1xx_4F0011000F50415833323520-if00 # serial: /dev/ttyAMA0 # restart_method: command [printer] kinematics: cartesian max_velocity: 300 max_accel: 3000 max_z_velocity: 5 max_z_accel: 100 [board_pins] aliases: # EXP1 header EXP1_1=PB5, EXP1_3=PA9, EXP1_5=PA10, EXP1_7=PB8, EXP1_9=, EXP1_2=PA15, EXP1_4=, EXP1_6=PB9, EXP1_8=PD6, EXP1_10=<5V> ###################################################################### # BigTreeTech TFT TouchScreen emulated 12864 mode ###################################################################### [display] lcd_type: emulated_st7920 spi_software_miso_pin: PD8 # status led, Virtual MISO spi_software_mosi_pin: PD6 spi_software_sclk_pin: PB9 en_pin: PB8 encoder_pins: ^PA10, ^PA9 click_pin: ^!PA15 [output_pin beeper] pin: PB5 [bltouch] sensor_pin: ^PC14 control_pin: PA1 x_offset: -40 y_offset: -10 z_offset: 3.0 #speed: [safe_z_home] home_xy_position: 115,115 # Change coordinates to the center of your print bed speed: 50 z_hop: 10 # Move up 10mm z_hop_speed: 5 [bed_mesh] speed: 120 horizontal_move_z: 5 mesh_min: 10, 10 mesh_max: 190, 220 probe_count: 5,5 
submitted by 66696669666 to BIGTREETECH [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 20:49 Maleficent-Coyote945 Roast my Investment banking, private equity and/or investment analyst resume, burn me alive

make me want to find a job in another industry
submitted by Maleficent-Coyote945 to FinancialCareers [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 03:01 mrpgf360 Steel plate cleaning after additive manufacturing

I work for an additive manufacturing company and cut off the parts and face the steel plates. I am somewhat self taught on TM 1 Haas Cnc with 2 inch face mill. I wrote this code with Fushion 360. Including a loop program that I modified to pickup the new code I did. It’s a 16X7 inch steel. I have a bunch to face for the next print. I just find the high point and use a caliber to measure how many levels. Any pointers would be appreciated. % 000760 (new long plate clean) (Using high feed G1 F500. instead of G0.) (T1 D=2. CR=0. - ZMIN=0. - face mill) N10 G90 G17 N15 G20 N20 G53 G0 Z0.
(Face1) N25 T1 M6 N30 S356 M3 N35 G17 G90 N40 G58 N45 M8 N50 G1 X4.7803 Y-8.0733 F500. N55 G0 G43 Z3.1457 H1 N60 G0 Z1.1772 N65 G1 Z0.2 F13.123 N70 G18 G3 X4.5803 Z0. I-0.2 K0. F39.37 N75 G1 X3.5394 N80 X-3.5787 N85 G17 G2 Y-6.6575 I0. J0.7079 N90 G1 X3.5394 N95 G3 Y-5.2418 I0. J0.7079 N100 G1 X-3.5787 N105 G2 Y-3.8261 I0. J0.7079 N110 G1 X3.5394 N115 G3 Y-2.4104 I0. J0.7079 N120 G1 X-3.5787 N125 G2 Y-0.9947 I0. J0.7079 N130 G1 X3.5394 N135 G3 Y0.421 I0. J0.7079 N140 G1 X-3.5787 N145 G2 Y1.8367 I0. J0.7079 N150 G1 X3.5394 N155 G3 Y3.2525 I0. J0.7079 N160 G1 X-3.5787 N165 G2 Y4.6682 I0. J0.7079 N170 G1 X3.5394 N175 G3 Y6.0839 I0. J0.7079 N180 G1 X-3.5787 N185 G2 Y7.4996 I0. J0.7079 N190 G1 X3.5394 N195 G18 G2 X3.7394 Z0.2 I0. K0.2 N200 G0 Z3.1457
N205 M5 N210 M9 N215 G53 G0 Z0. N220 X0. N225 G53 G0 Y0. N230 M30
Loop program
% O00998
(BPclear) (T1 D=2. CR=0. - ZMIN=-0.005 - face mill)
N10 G90 G94 G17 (G90/absolute coordinates G94/Feed p min G17 specifies xy plane selection for circular milling) N15 G20 (specifies imperial units) N25 G53 G0 Z0.0 N30 T9 M6 (specify tool) N35 S356 M3 (S specifies speed M3 starts spindle) N40 G58 N45 M8 (Coolant on) N50 G0 X0.0 Y0.0 (G0 used to specify travel moves) N55 G43 Z0.0 H9 (Tool length compensation)
M98 000760 L18 (call sub prog no 6667 - loop XXX times)
N2515 G53 G0 Z0.0 N2525 G53 G0 Y0.0 N2505 M5 (Stop Spindle) N2510 M9 (Coolant Off)
M30 %
submitted by mrpgf360 to CNC [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 18:41 Bumblebee-Main Weird shenanigans with InputEventMouseMotion

as visible on the video, i'm trying to move the player's arm using InputEventMouseMotion for the rotation, problem is, it has trouble setting itself back to Vector2.ZERO no matter how many times i'm trying to reset it myself in the same method, or multiple methods. let me show you what i mean:
whenever i stop aiming, it always accumulates the movements i've done so far and puts it into negatives when i start aiming again. could have made the video a bit more comprehensible by only enabling the crosshair whenever i was aiming but you see a sudden jump on the opposite direction after i aim again. here's the code i'm trying to use:
var aiming:bool = false var aim_speed:float = 0.01 var mouse_offset = Vector2.ZERO var max_rotation_degrees = 20.0 func aim(): mouse_offset = Vector2.ZERO aiming = true func reset_aim(): mouse_offset = Vector2.ZERO aiming = false func _input(event): if event is InputEventMouseMotion: if aiming: mouse_offset += event.relative func _physics_process(delta): if aiming: mouse_offset = Vector2.ZERO print(mouse_offset) var rotation_x = -mouse_offset.y * aim_speed var rotation_y = -mouse_offset.x * aim_speed $root.rotation.y += rotation_y $root.rotation.x += rotation_x mouse_offset = Vector2.ZERO else: $root.rotation = lerp($root.rotation,Vector3.ZERO,0.2) mouse_offset = Vector2.ZERO
for good measure, here's the log:
mouse offset at aim press: (0, 0) (0, 0) (0, 0) (-21.17647, 0) (-64.94118, 0) (-117.1765, -4.235294) (-156.7059, -5.647059) (-170.8235, -5.647059) (-172.2353, -5.647059) mouse offset at aim release: (-172.2353, -5.647059) mouse offset at aim press: (0, 0) (0, 0) (173.6471, 5.647059) (173.6471, 5.647059) (173.6471, 5.647059) (173.6471, 5.647059) (173.6471, 5.647059) mouse offset at aim release: (173.6471, 5.647059)
the plain coordinates are called in _physics_process(), the mouse offset XY is coming from the aim() and reset_aim(). i have zero idea how to make this return correct values at this point and i'm more than sure it's a simple solution, but i'm just not seeing it
submitted by Bumblebee-Main to godot [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 12:01 PlaceAppropriate6336 Need Tkinter custom Graph Plotting module

I wan‘t to build a similar game to graphwar, but with a Bot that plays for me. For that I need a way to plot a graph in a tkinter widget so that I can:
-Enter a mathematical function and have it plotted
-Have a custom background (I want a grid, and xy axis with numbers and marks e.g. 10,20,30…)
-Beeing able to add objects into the graph that should act as Checkpoints(instead of soldiers)or as obstacles to manoeuvre around.
The most frequent module I find when searching “graph plotting in tk” is Matplotlib, but the only graphs I saw were windows with xy and coordinates with a simple graph. I saw that there are Style sheets for matplotlib but they don’t fit my requirements.
Does anybody have a clue on which module I could try or if even should use tkinter?
(Level: Beginner Python programmer Time: about 3 months of time given)
submitted by PlaceAppropriate6336 to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 06:21 veenell i have the opportunity to teach drawing classes later this year but i don't know if i should. it seems like it could get extremely complicated.

the thing i would be teaching is how to draw on an etch a sketch which is something not a lot of people do, and even fewer of them care to teach people how to do it in any detail. this is something i did for a couple years many years ago and got pretty good at it. i recently got in contact with someone local who also has been doing it for a while and we met up last sunday and i showed her as much as i could during the 2 hours we met up until she needed to leave and do the other things she needed to do. i showed her my technique for measuring and marking proportions from a source image and the tools i use (a pigma micron marker and a geometry compass nowadays), finding easily identifiable points of reference in a source image in the borders of shapes where you intend to create lines as what i call "hard nodes", and creating your own points of reference around shapes where there aren't any, which i call "soft nodes". measuring and marking is plotted on an XY grid, not like grid paper where there are blocks, but things are measured from one side and plotted, and then measured out from the other side on the line that the original dot was placed on to mark the final coordinate of it. i also showed her my process for creating shading which is something she struggles with so much that she just doesn't shade unless the shaded area is a flat homogenous tone of linear hatching. she expressed that this inability to shade makes a lot of her drawings, especially portraits, look very flat. i also showed her some resources that can help her simplify parts of the process like for example using posterization to compress the dynamic range into something similar to cel shading so you can more easily identify blocks of value to shade.
there's a lot of terms and concepts here that probably don't make a lot of sense unless you know a lot about etch a sketch and detailed pure lineographic drawing already. she seemed very eager to meet up and learn and when we did i tried my best to explain what i could. she could just be busy in the mean time or has been trying to get through what i taught her, or she might not have found any of it valuable and doesn't want to waste any more time with me, but i said if she wanted to meet up again i could give her a real time demonstration of shading so i can explain to her in real time the decisions i'm making for how and what to shade and how i'm interpreting shading in the source to translate it into shading in the drawing. almost all of what we got through was me explaining concepts and giving some practical demonstrations to explain what it meant and what the practical application of it is but there wasn't time for me to actually really draw anything. she hasn't contacted me again about that and i don't know if she ever will. i expressed to her how i felt like i was doing a bad job at being a teacher but was trying my best and she was reassuring me that i was doing fine and she was learning a lot of valuable things but the fact that i haven't heard back from her or got any feedback after we parted ways had left me feeling discouraged about my ability to effectively teach anyone about this.
something important to consider also is that even though she's also gotten pretty good at etch a sketch, she said that she has pretty much no art experience or education and no normal drawing experience really. i was trying to explain shapes and value for the shading thing and it seemed to be a lot of stuff she hadn't really heard about before and i felt like i was working extra hard explaining something and asking if she knows what i mean and then i go a layer deeper into a fundamental it relies on and she says she's never heard of that so i go down another level further into fundamentals and she hasn't heard of that. people taking a class from me are probably going to be like this, i think most are not going to have a lot or any art concept education. i guess i could teach them how to start with something like really basic line art like a simple cartoon character design they want to copy, like pikachu just as an example. that could maybe be the basis for the beginner class, choose a gen 1 pokemon just for consistency and simplicity and the goal is to draw the line art of that, and then for advanced concepts get more into realism and layered shading and value blocks. that might be doable if i keep things very limited in scope and only teach the bare minimum of what someone would need to leave the class with just enough information that i can get through that and they have enough to be able to start making things on their own.
something i really worry about is that even though i like explaining things to people and teaching people how to do something, with art stuff like this i have a hard time actually doing it myself unless i'm really into it and wanting to do it, so it's not something it's easy for me to just turn on and do whenever i need to. another issue is that for a group of people i would need a bit of a setup to demonstrate. i would need a tv or a projector and a recording of myself drawing and talk about it, or a camera pointing down at what i'm doing and a projector showing it to everyone. if it ends up being a small enough group then people can just gather around me at a table and watch directly but an etch a sketch screen isn't huge but i don't know how many people it would be, like 5 or 10 or 20. there are a lot of complications to this that could balloon the scale of a class up to being several hours long when the people organizing it only set it up for like an hour. the biggest immediate hurdle to someone getting into it and this really is square 1, is just getting a hand of the muscle memory of controlling the knobs. people might spend the entire thing just fiddling around with that because it really does take a while to get the hang of that.
anyone who has put together and taught a drawing class and has some advice for me on how to teach people how to draw, i would appreciate any advice you have for me on how to do this because just thinking about how i might handle this has me pulling my hair out with how complicated it all is, and how much there is to cover if i'm trying to be comprehensive. if i'm trying to stick to the bare basics just to make it realistic and manageable, even that feels like a lot. something that especially bothers me to think about is if i do a bad job and people are dissatisfied or even if they think it was ok, they leave without anything they can do anything with for their education on the subject. then i wasted their time and money and didn't give them what they paid for. i would feel guilty about that.
submitted by veenell to ArtistLounge [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 03:23 Chance_Cat_3922 can someone explain this question please? it's from the CB released questions

submitted by Chance_Cat_3922 to Sat [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 22:33 Black_Hazard_YABEI a

Arc 1
Chapter 34 Computer and Real Life: After few months of Chapter 32 (where Bonnie had defeated Brock in Gym), Ash, Serena, Clemont and Bonnie are perparing their journey to go to Kalos (Ash and Bonnie want to go to Kalos for next Kalos Tourament, while Serena was going for Kalos Queen and Clemont had to take care of his Gym). However, they've saw bunch of people and their electric type pokemon suffers from the epileptic seizures, and then there's bunch of Porygon appears out of nowhere! Ash, Serena, Clemont and Bonnie attempt to fight against those Porygon, but those Porygon imminently flees!
Gary Oak then told Ash that those Porygon are responsible for the massive epileptic seizures, and those Porygon appears in real world because of some mysterious portal, they must sent back those Porygons to the server from some mysterious portal before more damage occurs.
Ash, Serena, Clemont, Bonnie and Gary was able to find the mysterious portal. Ash was about to jump inside, but Gary and Clemont warned Ash that the portal inside is the dimesion that will be harmful for living being. Clemont then created the new invention that converts Ash, Misty and Brocck into the data so that they can went inside the system safety.
After the trio went inside the portal, he had found the source of the Porygon and wants to ask them why they do such thing like that in real world, the Porygon didn't respond and attempt to flees outside the portal. Ash begin to fight against those Porygon, but those Porygon only dodge from Ash's pokemon's attack, which makes Ash even more confused! Meanwhile, Ash and Lucario had felt something was resonance with their aura.
When Ash and Lucario was using their aura power, Ash finally understand that those Porygon dosen't want to hurt people, but only wants to see what outside world looks like, but the humans and pokemon fears them and even attacks them. In real world, Brock and Misty arrives and told Gary, Serena, Clemont and Bonnie that the Porygon isn't the one who caused those epileptic seizures, but the one who attacked those Porygons.
After that, Ash and his friends reconciliation with Porygons, with Gary Oak was planned to create the new rule that restrict electric moves against Porygons in battle. Clemont and Chesnaught then reprogrammed those Porygon so that they won't cause those flashing even when being hitted by those electric type Pokemon, which allows those Porygon appears in real world. Ash, Serena, Clemont and Bonnie then bid farewell with Misty, Brock and Gary as the XY Gang was going back to Kalos.
At the same time, some mysterious people had appears in the shadow and yapping: The time had finally come....my good boy....
Kalos Arc: (Chapter 35-37)
Chapter 35: Good old fist: Upon they back to Kalos, the first thing that Ash did is to find someone to fight. Ash vs Korrina and Bea (Ash's Lucario vs Korrina's Mega Lucario and Bea's Gmax Machamp).
Meanwhile, Goh appears and was excited at Ash's battle....
After Ash finished the battle, Ash introduce Goh and Serena to each other....
Chapter 36: Good old fist:
Meanwhile, Gary Oak had detected that some Yveltal went mysterious disappearance.......
​Chapter 36 Dedenne came out of room!: Thanks to Squishy, Bonnie had easily obtained her 4th kalos gym badge: Plant Badge! While Bonnie was about to battle her older brother for Voltage Badge, Dedenne had left Bonnie because of Bonnie seems to favour Squishy too much, which makes Bonnie breaks down and sincerely wished Dedenne to return. Meanwhile, Dedenne was being captured by some pokemon hunter!
Ash, Serena, Clemont and Bonnie had managed to find the Dedenne, and they was horrified to see that Dedenne was trapped inside the giant mecha. Ash, Serena and Clemont attempt to fight against that giant mecha (Ash's Pikachu and dunscape, Serena's Sylveon and Clemont's Diggersby vs that giant mecha) but that giant mecha is way too powerful for those Pokemon to handle.
Bonnie wants to use Squishy to help them, but Squishy was way too tired! Bonnie then use Tyranitar instead to fight against that giant mecha, but was soon being quickly defeated by that giant mecha. Bonnie then attempt to approach the giant mecha in order to save Dedenne and promise that they'll travel together forever as well as all of her pokemons. Witness Bonnie's was still remember the promise with Dedenne, Dedenne resonate with Bonnie's will which not only allowing Dedenne to break free from the giant mecha, but also unlocked the new form for Dedenne: Bonnie-Dedenne. With the help of Bonnie-Dedenne's Interference ability, Ash's Pikachu, Ash's Dunscape, Serena's Sylveon, Clemont's Diggersby and Bonnie's Tyranitar was eventally able to destroy that giant mecha. That pokemon hunter was trying to flee, but end up being arrested by Officer Jenny. At the end of this chapter, Bonnie apogoize to Dedenne for unintentally favouring squishy too much. Greninja had claimed that all Bond warriors had finally found.
Meanwhile, Gary Oak had found some suspect who appears to responsible for Yveltal's disappearance, only end up being shocked when it was revealed who that guy is.....
Gary Oak: "No way....you can't be........ wait stop here!"
Chapter 37 The new Kalos Queen, sparks!: The Master Class Tourament Final had finally resumed! Serena VS Aria Rematch! Serena had finally become Kalos Queen.
While the crowd (except Chloe, who was sitting near Dawn and Serena) was celebrating Serena's become Kalos Queen, Gary Oak arrived in Kalos and warned Ash, Serena and Dawn about Yveltal disappearance. Gary Oak was Suspect if Goh is the one who did that, but Ash, Serena was quickly refuted him.
Gary: "You're so naive like always Ash, had you heard something called "betrayal"-"
Ash: "That's not funny Gary! Goh isn't that kind of person who would do this!"
Meanwhile, Chloe runs away from them, Serena and Dawn chase Chloe.
Goh: "Chloe where are you going?"
Chloe: "Ehh...nothing else...."
Second Serious Story Arc in the fanfic
Goh Arc (Chapter 38- )
Chapter 38 what does it mean to be pokemon trainer?: Few days after Chapter 37, Ash continue to bring Goh to catch Pokemon. However, upon seeing how Goh catch pokemon, Ash desperately try to persuade Goh that how Pokemon supposed to be treated.
At the same time, Serena and Dawn was trying to unravel Chloe's heart, it was turns out that Chloe hates Goh because Goh never bothered to actually care for her and only focused on catching mew.
When Goh learns that he has been unintentionally enslave the pokemon against his will, he begin to devastated, he realized that his dream of catching all pokemon and mew not only unrealistic, but also makes him looks as bad as those pokemon hunter
Goh: "No way...everything that I done.......are making those Pokemon suffer.....for the sake of my selfish dream?!"
Ash: "That's not true! Listen to me-"
At the same time, the strange voice appears from Goh
"May your dream comes true....isn't you wants to catch all pokemon and mew? Now it's your great chance to do so!"
With a feral scream, a large, pitch-black aura enveloped Goh's body, turning Goh into some very insidiousness appearance, much out of Ash's horrified.
Ash: "Goh...you...."
Goh: "The Goh that you know is dead. My name is Psychaos.....and I'll going to take away everything from you so that I can achieve my dream....! HAHAHAHA" Finished speaking, Psychaos flies away.

Chapter 39 The shocking Truth!: Ash, Serena and Gary had opened the phone call about the Goh fallen into the darkness thingy
Gary Oak: "What it feels like to having your naive bite you, Ashy-boy?"
Ash: "I'm sorry ....I don't know that Goh is really our enemies..."
Serena: "It's not your fault....Nobody could've guess that such sweet kid like him would ever do such thing like this.... But I still believe that there must be reason why he end up like this! "
​Ash: "Serena...."
Chloe had no idea why Ash's friend was still defending Goh, Chloe said Goh is like that since day one
Dawn: "Your Goh had just went to go astray, but don't worry! I'm pretty sure that he'll eventually changes, I'm pretty sure that Ash would said the same thing"
After the discussion, Ash, Serena, Gary, Dawn and Chloe decided to split themselves and found Goh separately before Psychaos causing more damage
Psychaos: "So you finally came to give your pokemon to me then...hahahahaha...!"
Ash: "Goh..... I'll going to save you before it's too late to regret!"
Chapter 40 Friendship that shines like Diamond!: Chloe is the first person who found Psychaos. Chloe was attempt to convience Psychaos to back to her side, but Psychaos quickly defeats her. Psychaos was about to attack Chloe directly, but was stopped by Serena.
At the same time, Ash was trying to explain what happened to Goh to Dawn, Dawn was so shocked because she didn't know that Goh would ever do such things. Ash wants Dawn to help him but Dawn have no clue, the only thing that she can thing of, is to do something that brings him back his memories.
Dawn: "Now I got an idea: What about we coordinate again?"
Ash: "But the thing is, we haven't do this for a long while....."
Dawn: "Don't worry! Who knows if it works if we haven't tried yet?"
Serena was having upper hand against Psychaos until Psychaos then used his pokeball to steal her Pancham! While Psychaos was about to steal her Sylveon as well, Ash arrived and saved pippup. Now, Ash and Dawn had team up against Psychaos. Thanks to the compatibility with each other, they was able to destroy that pokeball and frees Pachirisu from brainwashing, Psychaos was being defeated and managed to briefly snap Goh back in scene...
Serena: "Ash and Dawn works like a great team even though they haven't been team up for many years......something that even me and May had struggled to......"
Goh: "Save...me.....Chloe......Dawn....Ash....everyone..I don't want to........hurt someone.......I'm sorry....Chloe.....I was way too focus on pokemon......please forgive me!..."
Witness how Goh was helplessly pleading them to save him, Chloe realized that Goh might be indeed Insensitive, but Goh is not the wicked being like she imagined! Chloe's resentment towards Goh had slowly replaced with sympathetic
Ash: "Don't worry Goh, I'm going to save you-"
While Ash was about to use Aura to free Goh, Psychaos took over Goh once again and flees.
When Pikachu asked if Ash should marry Dawn instead of Serena, Dawn resopnse: "Ehhh no way....I lacks of any concept outside friendship.....I'm actually oblivious to love just like Ash did! "
Chapter 41 Bonnie VS Clemont! Sibling battle and promise!: Gary Oak had blocked Psychao's way, and asking Psychaos to surronder and hand over all of his pokemon. Psychaos response with releasing Yveltal and let that Yveltal to flees
Psychaos: "Yes, I'm the one who captured that Yveltal. And so what? Have fun with witness the Yveltal from destroying the world! hahaha!"
Gary want to catch up that Yveltal, but Psychaos released the Regieleki and Suicune VS Gary Oak
At the same time, Clemont was developing the Coating that prevent Psychaos from brainwash their pokemon.Meanwhile, he saw the Yvetal appears in lumiose city and causing destruction! Clemont, Bonnie and her squishy decided to fight against Yvetal (who just defeated Diantha and Alain) , but even with Squishy's help, they eventally lose to Yvetal due to Bonnie lacks of experience. Yvetal was about to petrifacte Clemont and Bonnie, but Ash, Serena and Dawn arrives and helps Clemont and Bonnie to buy some time.
Ash: "Clemont, you bring Bonnie to somewhere else safe, hurry!"
back to Lumiose Gym, Clemont had found that Bonnie was too rely on Squishy's power. Thus in order to defeat Yvetal, Bonnie will need to improve her skill (by learning how to fight without squishy's help).
Clemont VS Bonnie. Without Squishy, Bonnie was struggle against Clemont. And even the Bonnie-Dedenne was not able to land any single hit to any Clemont's pokemon. But after several attempt, Bonnie was finally able to defeat Clemont without Squishy's help.
Gary was able to destroy the pokeball that brainwash Yvetal, but Yvetal was still in rampage.
Outside the gym, Ash, Serena and Dawn was about to lose to Yvetal, but Clemont and Bonnie arrived and saved them. With the help of the sibiling's improved synchronization and Bonnie's newfound skills, Squishy was finally able to drive Yvetal away!
At the same time, Gary was finally able to defeat Psychaos's Regieleki and Suicune, but Psychaos then brings the brainwashed Goh's Grookey and feed it with keystone, Gmax ring, Z ring, tera orb, Blue Orb and Red Orb, turning it into the giant monke-like eldritch abomination while stealing all Gary Oak's Pokemon!
Psychaos: "Don't think it's over yet, now I'll show you my ultimate creation: Grookiller!
Chapter 42: Come back, my friend!:
Ash, Serena, Clemont, Bonnie and Dawn was heading towards Psychaos, but was blocked by the Grookiller! Ash and Serena went to find Psychaos while the rest went to fight against Grookiller! Ash and Serena vs Psychaos; Clemont, Bonnie and Dawn vs Grookiller! Ash and Serena vs Psychaos (with stolen Gary Oak's Pokemon). Thanks to stolen Gary Oak's Pokemon, Psychaos was able to gains upper hand against Ash and Serena, but Ash and Serena was eventally able to outmatch the Psychaos and wins!
At the same time, Clemont, Bonnie and Dawn was struggled against Grookiller, but the arrival of Sawyer, diantha and Alain allows them to defeat Grookiller.
This time Ash was quick enough to use Aura power to free Goh from Psychaos! This time, Ash was finally able to free Goh from Psychaos, but Psychaos spirit possessed Ash instead, much out of Serena's horrified.
Ash: "Run....Serena.....while I still have consciousness......"
Ash released all of his pokemon and dragged Serena away, Serena was collapse as she watching her loved one was slowly become the most terriflying thing in the world, while the rest also watching such thing in horror. Diantha orders everyone to retreat
Psychaos: "hahahaha.....I finally obtained the ultimate body of Aura Guardian, as well as the world champion.....now I can able to use the power of aura to create the ultimate pokeball to catch Arceus! Hahahaha!"
Back to Lumiose Gym, everyone were devastated by the news about Ash being posessed by inner darkness (especially Serena) , they can't accept the fact that their best friend is now become the greatest enemies. To make things worse, Psychaos!Ash had brainwashed Ash's Greninja and his Lucario and become Psychao's slave!
Chapter 43: The Ultimate Bond! Greninja -A/S-!
Serena was repeatedly suffer from the same nightmare where she witness the Psychaos!Ash killing everyone within her sight. At the same time, Clemont, Bonnie, Dawn and Gary Oak was not believe that they would have chance to win Ash in that case, but Serena told them not to give up.
Serena: "But we shouldn't give up like this! "
Dawn: "I want to speak the same thing. The problem is.... it's not about we give up or not, it's the fact that we have no match to Ash-"
Clemont: "Dawn is right.... My system had shows that the chance of freeing Ash is..... 0.00004%....and we have 98% chance of getting ourselves killed for nothing! "
Serena: "Which means that we still have 0.00004% chance to save him right? Who knows if we haven't try yet?"
Clemont: "But Serena that's too dangerous-"
Dawn: "Maybe Serena was right. Clemont had shows that we still had chance to free him. If Ash is here, he would said the same thing"
Serena: "And yes....I'm also afraid to be killed by Ash, like everyone else..... We're far from fearless and straightforward as Ash did. But who would do that if I don't?"
Serena attempt to go outside to save Ash, but everyone stopped her and decided to free Ash instead
At the same time, Goh had just woke up. He believed that he is now beyond redemption and commit suicide, but was stopped by Chloe.
Chloe: "If you commit suicide, you won't able to do anything to stop that inner darkness from hurting your friends, is that all what you want?"
​Psychaos!Ash had defeated Dawn, Clemont, Bonnie and Gary. While ​Psychaos!Ash was about to kill all of them, Serena arrives and decided to begin the battle against ​Psychaos!Ash. Despite Serena was being curb stomped by ​Psychaos!Ash's sheer power, Serena was eventually able to free Ash from ​Psychaos's control. Psychao was so angry about that and attempted to kill those little couple, which Ash-Greninja and Serena-Delphox blocked. But then a glowing version of Ash-Greninja had been revealed itself as the dust cleared (which is called Greninja -A/S-), the fusion of Ash-Greninja and Serena-Delphox which powered by the strong bond between Ash and Serena.
With Psychaos being overpowered by fusion Greninja, Psychaos attempt to brainwash all Goh's pokemon once again, but was stopped by Goh as Goh had already released all of his pokemon. As the result, Psychaos was finally being taken down by the fusion Greninja once and for all!
After the defeat of Psychaos, Goh and Chloe had finally reconciliate with each other, with Goh promise that he'll follow Chloe to learn how to treat Pokemon.
Ash: "Serena, I feels a little bit tried, can I sleep with you tonight?"
Serena: "Eh...eh...eh...ehhhh?!?!"
That mysterious person: Damn you Ash Ketchum.....even Goh's inner darkness and Giovanni are useless then......
submitted by Black_Hazard_YABEI to u/Black_Hazard_YABEI [link] [comments]
