Job tasks teen care worker teens

Everyone in management taking turns going on parental leave or extended vacations. How to best navigate? And is this normal?

2024.05.16 05:10 lilytutttt Everyone in management taking turns going on parental leave or extended vacations. How to best navigate? And is this normal?

My company has a generous parental leave policy and most of the managers, AVPs, and VPs are younger millennials.
This is my first industry job where I feel like everyone couldn't care less about my development. During the few development meetings I've had with management, 90% of the conversations have been non work-related. I work remotely and I find my coworkers to be nice people and I find the work environment to be a breeze (I used to work with intense, type A ex-Big 4 folks), but I've spent more time talking to my coworkers about diapers than the work itself. And it's a little frightening.
We had an extremely busy year-end and now that it's over, all management are taking turns going on parental leave (6 months), extended vacations (1-3 months). I've been tasked to complete a project with an AVP who's traveling the world for 1.5 months but the project is due next month..and the project is much more related to her expertise than mine. And the VP who tasked me with this project is out of the country himself for a month.
Is this pretty standard in industry? In my last industry job, my upper management pretty much never took PTO. They worked longer hours than I did and never took extended leave.
Everyone else at my level (we're not managers) takes a few days off here and there, but never extended leave. There is a new grad who has been super gung-ho about never taking PTO and wants to get promoted, and it makes me feel a little uncomfortable at times because if he does get promoted next year, that'll make my 4 years of work experience prior to this job mostly a waste of time (2 years in public, 2 in industry). I've also not been giving this job my 100% because I'm finishing up the CPA (have one exam left).
submitted by lilytutttt to Accounting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:08 WiseCucumber3252 Should I settle my case?

About a year ago I injured my groin at work (hard manual labor job) and have been on workers comp ever since because I have no work capacity.
I was stuck in bed for the first month in the worst pain of my life. I later somewhat recovered and up until about a month ago I was almost back to 100% with minimal pain or issues.
About a month and a half ago I re-injured my groin injury by overworking myself at home and have been bed-ridden from the pain ever since.
I am currently pursuing a settlement with workers comp and will be having a hearing for it soon. I’m concerned though because what if I never fully recover and I am forced to baby my injury and just be careful for the rest of my life? Because if I settle, there’s no going back.
My lawyer basically told me that because I didn’t get documentation stating I have no work capacity to work anywhere else (like a desk job) that there is nothing they can do and I just have to accept the settlement.
I want to know if this re-injuring of my previous injury is the employers responsibility in some way? I’m not saying it’s their fault, I just don’t want to accept the settlement if I’m going to be crippled the rest of my life. What happens if I keep re-injuring it?
Should I just accept the settlement or try and get documentation from my doctor that says I can’t work at all and do something about it?
If you need any additional info just let me know.
submitted by WiseCucumber3252 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:06 KBtheArtGuy I honestly don’t know where life is going to take me because I’m fed up.

I have a lot to get off my chest so I'm just gonna start by saying this: In 2021, I lost my grandmother because of a unexpected heart attack. I've been living with my grandma since my childhood because my mom and dad were abusive. My grandma meant the world to me and was my #1 supporter. After she passed away, I chose to live with my aunt who is also my grandma's daughter and dad's sister. I thought things were going to change for the better but it turned out to be the ABSOLUTE worst. My whole family, including my aunt, started to mistreat me and talk down to me. I honestly think my aunt has NPD (narcissistic personality disorder) and the symptoms that I looked up shows it. For example, she's nice to everyone else but is very harsh when it comes to me. Another example is she says stuff to me like "I'm so proud of you", "I love you" or “You're my favorite person in the whole wide world" and then says harsh things such as "I'm sick of you doing that!" when she doesn't like when l'm doing. She also does stuff for attention. For example, when I'm in the living room watching TV, playing my game, or eating my food, she'll ask me stuff like "Why are you so quiet?", "Why does your face look like that?", "Why do you sound like that?". Mind you, l'm a 21 year old quiet guy who does his own thing, stay out of trouble, and doesn't have any friends. I'm basically a loner which I love. My aunt also treats me like a baby and doesn't respect my privacy. For example, she purposely walks on me while I'm naked and then says "Sorry!" with a ridiculous smile on her face. She sometimes watches me when I put my clothes on. One time, when I was using the bathroom, she knocked on the door and asked me a really strange question which was: "Do you have trouble peeing?". If I'm washing the dishes or making my plate for dinner, she'll find anything to criticize me about. She treats me as if I'm her husband or servant and it's extremely creepy to me. Moving on to 2022, my aunt's abusive boyfriend moved in and I got my first job at a fast food restaurant. I was 20 at that time. That year didn't turn out so well because I had to quit my job due to my coworkers bullying and mistreating me. Also, there were times when my aunt and her boyfriend would argue, fight, and become violent and I would wake up in the middle of the night because of it. Police sometimes got involved too. A few months later, I applied for a new job and got hired. In 2023, I became a different person. The job that hired me was a great fit for me. I worked as a cashier and most of my co-workers were very cool. I became a little tough and stronger, I finally accepted reality and I realized how the real world works. I’ve learned that my family doesn’t care and the only person I can depend on is me. If someone came at me the wrong way, I had no problem standing up for myself. Although I’m still living in my aunt’s house, I came up with some hobbies that I enjoy such as drawing, video games, basketball, etc. Here I am in 2024, I thought this year was going to be better than 2023 but it’s the opposite. At the beginning of the year, I had one goal which was: make a lot of money and get my own apartment. Because of that, I decided to work two jobs. I worked at my original job in the morning and my second job at night. However, this affected my health and made me emotionally numb so I decided to quit my second job. Now, I have low self esteem, no confidence, bad anxiety, and I’m afraid of saying the wrong thing when it comes to certain situations. People, in general, aren’t making it any better. Instead, they make me feel bad about myself every time. Sometimes, I try to cry myself to sleep after work and I can’t even do that. I want to join the gym but the problem is I can’t even save money. I still enjoy the hobbies that I love but not too much because I feel no emotion while doing it. The things I mostly do now is work, eat, and then sleep early to move on to the next day. People suck, family suck, and this whole world sucks. This world is filled with nothing but evil. I’m numb, bored, alone, and there’s nothing to do in this life. My grandma was the only good person in my life and I feel that if she was alive, life would’ve been so much better. I didn’t do anything wrong to deserve this and it makes me angry thinking about it. I’d rather be alone for the rest of my life.
submitted by KBtheArtGuy to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:04 Ornery-Analysis-2402 A Parental Guide to Teens Procrastination - HOW to recognize Procrastination in Teenagers #procrastination #teensprocrastination #recognizing procrastination in teens

A Parental Guide to Teens Procrastination - HOW to recognize Procrastination in Teenagers #procrastination #teensprocrastination #recognizing procrastination in teens
A Parental Guide to Teens Procrastination
Check out the eBook at
Order this eBook before 1 June 2024 and get the following Video Books for FREE: 1. How to Recognize Teens Procrastination ; 2. Why it Happens; 3. What One can do about it;
TAKE ACTION NOW!!! You can Read and Listen at the same time.

HOW to recognize Procrastination in Teenagers
**Recognizing Procrastination in Teenagers**
**1. Persistent Delay:**
* Chronic tendency to put off tasks or assignments until the last minute or beyond the deadline.
* Consistently neglecting responsibilities and prioritizing other activities.
**2. Avoidance Patterns:**
* Making excuses or finding ways to avoid starting or completing tasks.
* Using distraction techniques (e. g., social media, video games) to evade responsibilities.
**3. Disorganization and Incomplete Work:**
* Poor time management and difficulty prioritizing tasks.
* Incomplete or haphazardly completed assignments, often due to rushed efforts.
**4. Stress and Anxiety:**
* Feelings of overwhelm, stress, or anxiety when faced with tasks or responsibilities.
* Procrastination used as a coping mechanism to avoid these feelings.
**5.. Emotional Responses:**
* Negative emotions such as guilt, shame, or self-criticism associated with procrastination.
* Avoidance of tasks due to fear of failure or negative outcomes.
**6. Physical Symptoms:**
* Fatigue, headaches, or other physical complaints that may be related to stress and avoidance.
**7. Communication Patterns:**
* Difficulty verbalizing reasons for procrastination or avoiding discussion of it.
* Defensive or evasive responses to questions about delayed tasks.
**8. Social Isolation:**
* Withdrawal from social activities or isolation due to feelings of guilt or inadequacy related to procrastination.
**9. Avoidance of Academic or Work Settings:**
* Skipping classes, avoiding work shifts, or finding ways to minimize their responsibilities.
* May use excuses (e. g., illness, work conflict) to avoid obligations.
**10. Impact on Well-being:**
* Procrastination can damage academic performance, hinder career opportunities, and negatively impact self-esteem and overall well-being.

submitted by Ornery-Analysis-2402 to u/Ornery-Analysis-2402 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:03 Individual_Review942 Struggling to find a job as a virtual assistant without direct experience

I've been struggling so much to find work recently. As someone living in the Philippines, becoming a virtual assistant seemed like the perfect remote opportunity for me. But it's been one rejection after another because I'm missing that all important "experience".
Don't get me wrong, I have skills that I know would serve me well I'm excellent with admin tasks on programs like Office, and have enjoyed moderating online communities in the past. I learn new systems quickly and take pride in doing accurate work.
But without having held the official "VA" title before, no one seems willing to give me a proper chance. It's gotten me quite down lately. All I want is an opportunity to prove myself and get my foot in the door, even if it means starting with an unpaid trial. But every job posting has dozens of applicants who have the experience they're looking for.
Has anyone out there ever taken a chance on training someone new without direct experience in the role? Or know of any companies that may be more open-minded? I'm a dedicated worker and know I could excel if given the opportunity. It feels like I'm stuck in this impossible catch-22 of needing experience to get experience.
Any advice or referrals would mean so much. I'm really hoping someone can point me in the right direction. This ongoing rejection has been tough on my spirits, but I'm keeping hopeful that the right opportunity may come along if I can just find the right connection.
submitted by Individual_Review942 to u/Individual_Review942 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:03 PlatformRelative6469 Me F (20) and my boyfriend M (19) having major issues. I feel drained and there is resentment building up overtime.

So just recently I had to leave my job. I was a cleaner for a company who never valued me and I felt like I was back at high school. I was getting bullied all the time, she put me on schedule for 12 hour shifts on top of that I had college classes after work. I was normally working 8am to 7pm and I couldn't find any work and my boss was talking to me one day and basically body shamed me and called me a terrible worker. I got so fed up I quit without notice. I couldn't stand going home crying everyday from being exhausted and drained from so much negativity. I thankfully had some money from my birthday and then money I saved but it was only enough for one month. I normally help my mom with 800 a month, and my phone 90$ a month, my car 441$ a month and then just gas and groceries. so I'm trying to find something on the side to do like maybe DoorDash or anything just to get money coming until I find another one. I made pretty good money but it wasn't enough. And then I ask my man if he could help me with my car insurance and he says yeah I got my own priority's so no. I always help him with gas money, I give him money for food I'm always giving him money. I literally was being a sugar mommy to him when I did have a job. He never had money. He always spent his paychecks and never had enough for gas until his next paycheck and it was a cycle over and over. And when he quit his job I helped him with everything and told him to not worry. But now when I'm in this situation he's not there. He told me he hast to pay for school, insurance, phone bill, and gas. He spent have insurance for his car and he hasn't for 3 months and hasn't made that a priority unless I need something. He hasn't been in school. He has a fine he hast to pay bo he got dropped from his classes, another thing he hasn't been worried about at all. And then he already payed his phone bill this month so l was confused. His last paycheck he went to the mall and bought a new Xbox controlle chain, a watch, and then went and got his hair done fu 150. let me remind u l'm upset bc I help this man out like I'm his mother. If I didn't help him out so much I wouldn't care what he does with his money. But the fact that I struggled and made him #1 priority when he needed it on top of what I had to do and now he's treating me like this when I need help is making me not want to be with him. but he told me it's my fault I quiet and I did this to myself and I could have worked there until I found another job and it's not his problem. Pleas someone give me there honest opinion on how you would feel if this was you or what I should do going forward. And let me tell u he just payed his moms car bill for her right before my b day so he couldn't get me anything for my birthday. But that's a whole other story. I'm just frustrated and need some guidance. I would like to hear other people's thoughts on this because I'm starting to feel defeated
submitted by PlatformRelative6469 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:02 SameOldSong8992 What PD are these traits consistent with? (

My younger brother has lied about many things since he was a little kid. As a child, he would Tell people he just met that he broke his spine and was in a cast for 9 months from having to Jump off of a roof during a house fire. Never did anything even 1% like that happen.
As a pre-teen he would tell people that he caught a game winning home run at the World Series. He’d never even been to an MLB game. When he was a teenager, he would tell people that he was moving to Ireland or that he knew specific celebrities - he didn’t even have a passport. In his 20s he lied to everyone about his jobs and relationships. He was married for 3 years and none of us knew it. Now in his 30s he is back to name-dropping celebrities he doesn’t know and says things like “I can’t really Say much more, if people knew about the information I know, they would be after me” or makes up medical ailments that don’t make sense (chronically bleeding spleen, chronic liver lacerations without injury/cause, muscle poisoning, spinal dislocations - nothing factual)
Some other traits: everything is secretive. He will insinuate to everyone that he is military or government intelligence. He changed universities about 7-8x before completing his degree, always siting some conflict or unintelligent professor for ruining his education. He has also moved several times, changed his appearance, started introducing himself by a different name, changes his phone number often and won’t typically call or text during certain times because it’s “not secure”. He also believes our parents should be paying everything in his life, despite their elderly age because his perception is they are extremely wealthy. They are not. They are middle class and elderly, which means they are just comfortable enough to pay their bills, live and have some extra but he seems to think they can afford private jets and yachts if they wanted.
He keeps secrets, even minor, from everyone but our mother. She said she is not at liberty to discuss his private matters and is ‘protecting his right to privacy’ by playing along. He and I do talk, but because we live far away from each other, it’s not often and because my line isn’t always “secure”. If one of us makes him mad, he will stop talking to then ‘offended’ for 6 months or more.
To meet my brother wouldn’t really guess much of the above about him! He’s super kind, helpful, generous, laughs a lot and loves all of us (his family). He does work a low-salaried job, but not in medical or government/law enforcement but entry level and not what most would consider a career.
My parents have always refused to confront him about being a pathological liar. They always say his lies aren’t hurting anyone, so who cares. I think that’s such a weird statement!
What is this PD consistent with?
submitted by SameOldSong8992 to personalitydisorders [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:02 Okokokokok176 AITAH for quitting my job of two years because I suspect my boss is a pedo.

I 17f have been working at a company for over 2 years. Recently I have been really busy and I have a lot of stuff going on in my life. From high school graduation to injuries to sickness, you name it, it happened this past month. Some context: I am on antidepressants that make my immune system a little bit weaker than normal so I’m more prone to sicknesses and the only reason I stay on it is because it works like a charm my grandmother who is my legal guardian has been extremely busy for the past year because we adopted two little girls, her step-grandchildren. one of whom had gotten sexually assaulted. So she’s busy with court and therapy and everything for them. I lived with my grandmother and grandfather since I was 2 months old, all the way up until June of last year. this has been extremely hard on me as I have nowhere to direct my anger. I don’t wanna sound like a stuck up little brat, but I’ve always been an only child. This happened out of nowhere, and we was also told that they would only be there for five months max, it’s been over two years. I cannot direct my anger at those little girls because I’m not that kind of person and it is NOT their fault that they got sexually assaulted, I also cannot direct my anger at my grandmother or grandfather bc They were just trying to do a good thing and help these girls. However, I no longer get to go out on Saturday girls dates with my grandmother and my my grandfather never gets to take me fishing anymore. They are old and they will not be here much longer, I would love to spend my time with them, but I can’t because they are so busy. They didn’t even come to my senior prom Pictures.. i’ve been struggling on where to put my anger. Which has left me tremendously depressed and always angry and anxious. So excuse me if I don’t wanna work my shift a day. because I have no motivation. I literally feel like I lost my family. They were like my mother and father and it’s almost like they are just gone. Out of nowhere. As I mentioned, I’m also a senior in high school so I’m dealing with things from class night,senior sunrise, class night practice, graduation practice, baccalaureate, graduation, prom, and my birthday is May 27 but we are doing me a combined graduation party and birthday party on the 25th. I’m a busy girl these days. My grandmother as I mentioned is always busy so I don’t direct my anger towards her at all and I don’t want to sound like I’m being mean but I told her in December 2023 that my Therapy Place had appointments for me, one of which was my one year therapy assessment, my one year medicine assessment, and a nursing assessment, all of my Therapy Place would not let me schedule as I’m not 18 yet. I don’t know if she simply just forgot or just didn’t care, however I have slowly been running out of medicine and I am now taking 25 mg of a medicine that I’m supposed to be taking 150 mg of. This is the same medicine that causes me to be sick occasionally. it really happens whenever I take one and then forget to take one the next day so this drastic change of 150mg to 25mg in the span of 2 months has not been ideal. It’s making me sick and angry and sad and crazy. All of this has also been causing a lot of issues in my relationship with my boyfriend 18m. We’re arguing all the time and it’s not helping anything. So I have a lot going on. And yes, I have been calling out a lot, however, everything with graduation I told my ex boss about a MONTH ago. This is not new information. Out of NOWHERE he scheduled me to work around 40 hours (my normal hours are about 15-20 a week as I’m working on school and applying to colleges and focused on graduation ) However, today he feels the need to call me and explain to me in passive aggressive words how I am making his and everyone else’s life harder and saying a few other things which all equaled up to “your a big inconvenience for everyone” This alone really hurt as my boss and I always got along ok. He knew what I was going through but assumed I was a liar despite me being a manager for 2 years now and still felt the need to call me and tell me how much of a problem I am. I was honestly going to let this slide and work my last shift and then tell him not to put me on the schedule anymore. But this is when I called my best friend for advice! Then she proceeds to tell me, my boss and another female coworker were stalking my social media accounts to see if I was really hurt. ( I had an ankle injury caused by tripping over my dress walking out of prom.) And I’m not going to lie to you. I really really really hurt my ankle. I was wearing a boot. I have been cooped up in the house for about a week and a half and I was sick and tired of it. My sister and her boyfriend and my boyfriend were all over and we decided we want to go to topgolf. I figured I had rested enough and I was really eager to get out of the house. I got all dressed up and was wearing my boot as we went into Topgolf! Only to find out that we had to be 21 or older to go past the certain time. We tried to get our older siblings to come, but they were busy! I had gotten all dressed up for the first time in a while and I wanted to take some Instagram pictures. That way it didn’t feel like I got dressed up for nothing. I took my boot off and slipped a regular shoe on as I didn’t want to wear a big ass boot in my instagram photos. The girls that get it get it! In all of these pictures, I either have my hurt foot up off of the ground or I am holding it up equal to my knee. Because as I said it really hurt. So I posted my pictures and all was fine. I also made a few tick-tock‘s. Well apparently both of these actions were illegal. As my boss and his suck up of a coworker felt the need to stalk my social media to see if I was lying I guess. You can check the images yourself on instagram at @molleigh_1 After I found this out, I texted my boss as follows:
Ok, I was gonna let the whole “ passive aggressively calling me an inconvenience” thing slide, however i just don’t understand why you and Alana feel the need to search up my social media accounts and see what I’m doing but if you must know my instagram pictures were taken while my boot was off because I didn’t want to wear a big boot in my pictures. My boot was still in the car. If you look closely in the pictures you can see that I am leaning my weight on my good foot and have my bad foot either up in the air or I am not fully stepping on it. I also didn’t know it was illegal to post videos of myself on tiktok when I’m sick, that’s New info to me. I also just talked to my best friend who did not know about my foot injury, just told her about it. You can come ask my entire family if you’d like. They have seen me walking around the house in a boot. It’s not fair to assume I’m a liar as you weren’t there. You can’t tell if I’m in pain from a picture or video. it’s weird that you guys are looking up my accounts. That’s honestly creepy. Now that my parents and I know this creepy, unsettling information I will not be working that last shift, (I’m not allowed) you all can go stalk other people! If you feel the need to reply or have anything to say, you can contact (My dads number) Have the day you deserve, and goodbye.
Here’s the reasoning behind why he’s a pedo: - 40 yr old man who only hires teen girls. -Would always show up 5 mins after my shift started claiming he had work to do but then would sit in the office with me just to try and chat. - anytime he would arrive I would simply move my things out of the office and set out by the serving area to which he would say “ I didn’t kick you out you can come sit back here with me” - gave me sexual looks more than one time. - places security cameras in odd places such as facing the backs of his workers so he can look at their asses I’m guessing ( it’s not just one camera it’s all of them) - there’s been claims of him sexually assaulting his workers in the past (just found this out) -multiple workers have quit because they felt uncomfortable around him.
Am I the a hole? Did I do the right thing? Am I just being dramatic and overcomplicating this? Help!
submitted by Okokokokok176 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 05:00 pinkflowerprincessx Anyone else didn't really get to have or do / watch some things as a child for whatever reasons, but do it now as an adult??

For me, as a child I didn't always get to watch just any movie I wanted, it'd just be whatever is on TV or dvd. I didn't get to watch all of those Disney princess movies (I have one or two memories but that's it,) I was always very girly so I would have loved to of experienced it all I did get to watch girly TV shows though.
Into my teen years I started to connect more to myself or something - or maybe I just stopped caring about things being labelled as "for young children" (yes I think that's what happened) and became very interested in them all again. I was always into princesses though tbh, I'd watch them on TV like the non animated ones, but say at 12 or so I think I became embarrassed to be interested in them and saw it as childish I know this behaviour is normal for children who get a bit older lol as I've seen others talk about this (for instance age 11 being embarrassed if you have a princess party but then as an adult you throw one for yourself lol I saw someone say that and that's me too)
I always liked princess films and watched the non animated ones, but say the animated/cartoon ones I guess after like 11 or 12 I started to see them as just for children - even though I was one - and I lost interest due to it.
I never got to watch all of these as a child, just whatever would be on live TV, it'd sometimes have princess films but non animated. I did not rly get to watch Disney princesses etc.
Into my mid to late teen years I started wanting to watch princess movies again (well I didn't exactly start, I always liked them and it was one of my movie tastes anything girly)
I watched a cartoon that was special to me as a child and still is for nostalgic reasons and loved it, it had a princess too -I think that all got me more into wanting to watch more cartoon princess movies but I think before that I wanted to too.
lately I've been wanting to watch all disney princess movies because child me missed out sadly. It's like i feel the lack lol and want to make up for it?
Another thing is as a child I wanted one of those princess beds but never got one, and I always loved pink etc but didn't always get to have many things, in my teen years and now (turned 19) i was still obsessed with pink and have a very girly style, I still want a princess bed (bed with curtains) and I plan to get it when I can!
I'm wondering does anyone else have a similar story??!!!!
There is alot I didn't get to do as a child or in my life, and I want to do it now when I can and I won't let my age stop me ever ♥
I think with the cartoon princess movies for a long time I wasn't interested or In cartoons in general until the past few years because before that my brain just was so set on them being for kids only and I stopped being interested. . I was feeling down about not growing up watching Disney princesses, but maybe it's due to my age, as when I was younger those old Disney movies were not "new or trending".... So now I want to experience it all 🤗 I sometimes felt down about not having it as a child, but I realised it may just be because of my age (2005)
Sometimes now that I'm older it's like I feel the lack of, for instance I never got to dress up as a princess as a child which I would have loved! And if I did I don't remember.
(but maybe after age 7 or 8 I could have been embarrassed or saw it as too childish but I think in my upbringing I was treated as older than what I rly was sometimes) now?
I'd love to dress up as a princess lol, i do remember at 14 or 15 I wanted to dress up as a "dead princess fairy (wanted to be a fairy and princess at the same time lmao) for Halloween, because it was Halloween, I saw it as okay to dress up as a princess - I would have enjoyed it but didn't end up maybe due to money reasons and plans just not working out...?
Now I would love to dress up as a princess and last year did for Halloween, I feel like it could be partly due to how I didn't get to as a child.... But also because I'm still a girly girl. I do sometimes think I'm doing it for child me too though too and that's okay ♥
Maybe I did get to experience some of these things when I was very young like before the age of 6 and just don't remember, I think in my old fashioned upbringing we were maybe treated as older than what we were.
So, I'm wondering does anyone else relate or have this story? I see other girls and my age talking about childhood movies and I never got to watch them :/ I feel bad for younger me as she would have LOVED them. I only got to watch a few for instance the barbie movies I have no memory of watching them, only at around 8 or 9 because someone got me a dvd with 3 barbie movies. I didn't get to watch the older barbie movies or much.
I know it's all no big deal but sometimes I feel bad and feel the lack so now i want to experience it all now :)
Anyone else??
submitted by pinkflowerprincessx to movies [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:58 pinkflowerprincessx Anyone else didn't really get to have or do / watch some things as a child for whatever reasons, but do it now as an adult??

For me, as a child I didn't always get to watch just any movie I wanted, it'd just be whatever is on TV or dvd. I didn't get to watch all of those Disney princess movies (I have one or two memories but that's it,) I was always very girly so I would have loved to of experienced it all I did get to watch girly TV shows though.
Into my teen years I started to connect more to myself or something - or maybe I just stopped caring about things being labelled as "for young children" (yes I think that's what happened) and became very interested in them all again. I was always into princesses though tbh, I'd watch them on TV like the non animated ones, but say at 12 or so I think I became embarrassed to be interested in them and saw it as childish I know this behaviour is normal for children who get a bit older lol as I've seen others talk about this (for instance age 11 being embarrassed if you have a princess party but then as an adult you throw one for yourself lol I saw someone say that and that's me too)
I always liked princess films and watched the non animated ones, but say the animated/cartoon ones I guess after like 11 or 12 I started to see them as just for children - even though I was one - and I lost interest due to it.
I never got to watch all of these as a child, just whatever would be on live TV, it'd sometimes have princess films but non animated. I did not rly get to watch Disney princesses etc.
Into my mid to late teen years I started wanting to watch princess movies again (well I didn't exactly start, I always liked them and it was one of my movie tastes anything girly)
I watched a cartoon that was special to me as a child and still is for nostalgic reasons and loved it, it had a princess too -I think that all got me more into wanting to watch more cartoon princess movies but I think before that I wanted to too.
lately I've been wanting to watch all disney princess movies because child me missed out sadly. It's like i feel the lack lol and want to make up for it?
Another thing is as a child I wanted one of those princess beds but never got one, and I always loved pink etc but didn't always get to have many things, in my teen years and now (turned 19) i was still obsessed with pink and have a very girly style, I still want a princess bed (bed with curtains) and I plan to get it when I can!
I'm wondering does anyone else have a similar story??!!!!
There is alot I didn't get to do as a child or in my life, and I want to do it now when I can and I won't let my age stop me ever ♥
I think with the cartoon princess movies for a long time I wasn't interested or In cartoons in general until the past few years because before that my brain just was so set on them being for kids only and I stopped being interested. . I was feeling down about not growing up watching Disney princesses, but maybe it's due to my age, as when I was younger those old Disney movies were not "new or trending".... So now I want to experience it all 🤗 I sometimes felt down about not having it as a child, but I realised it may just be because of my age (2005)
Sometimes now that I'm older it's like I feel the lack of, for instance I never got to dress up as a princess as a child which I would have loved! And if I did I don't remember.
(but maybe after age 7 or 8 I could have been embarrassed or saw it as too childish but I think in my upbringing I was treated as older than what I rly was sometimes) now?
I'd love to dress up as a princess lol, i do remember at 14 or 15 I wanted to dress up as a "dead princess fairy (wanted to be a fairy and princess at the same time lmao) for Halloween, because it was Halloween, I saw it as okay to dress up as a princess - I would have enjoyed it but didn't end up maybe due to money reasons and plans just not working out...?
Now I would love to dress up as a princess and last year did for Halloween, I feel like it could be partly due to how I didn't get to as a child.... But also because I'm still a girly girl. I do sometimes think I'm doing it for child me too though too and that's okay ♥
Maybe I did get to experience some of these things when I was very young like before the age of 6 and just don't remember, I think in my old fashioned upbringing we were maybe treated as older than what we were.
So, I'm wondering does anyone else relate or have this story? I see other girls and my age talking about childhood movies and I never got to watch them :/ I feel bad for younger me as she would have LOVED them. I only got to watch a few for instance the barbie movies I have no memory of watching them, only at around 8 or 9 because someone got me a dvd with 3 barbie movies. I didn't get to watch the older barbie movies or much.
I know it's all no big deal but sometimes I feel bad and feel the lack so now i want to experience it all now :)
Anyone else??
submitted by pinkflowerprincessx to women [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:52 Naive-Education1820 Step Family of Leeches

This is a long one. My dad remarried 7 or so years ago now when I was 19 and in college. It moved very fast. My step mother has very little money and two sons, one is one year older than me and the other is one year younger. So, we were all in college when they got married.
My step mom is fine. She’s a nice lady to me. She annoys me because she talks way too much and makes every convo about herself. She doesn’t get social cues and made my brothers wedding about her. That’s beside the point. My issue is she emotionally manipulates my frugal father into bank rolling her adult children.
My father has never been easy, especially about money. He was a tough but overall great parent to me and my brother. He is generally not happy. Never really has been. High stress job. He was happy when they started dating, then it moved fast. The last 4 or so years, every time I’m there, they’re fighting. She always cries. She emotionally manipulates him to get her way, EVERY TIME. I don’t think either of them thought this through and she is not compatible with him at all. He is very controlling about the money he’s made and spends very little. He’s honestly controlling about most things. So, to “have some say” she got a job at $75k per year. He makes 8x that. She wants to have say in the investments and my dad has admitted to me that he doesn’t want her input because her $ doesn’t even cover the mortgage. He is also in finance and she’s in the arts… not the sharpest tool in the shed either.
My dad has been financially anxious my entire life, even with his high salary. I had a very blessed life but was still somehow stressed about $. I went to private school, did expensive extra curriculars, travelled a bunch. I was in this “society” but we told I was poor… Weird dynamic with my mom because she was a spender. He was very very tough love which made me who I am. He was a loving father, truly. We have a good relationship.
Ok anyway why im posting and very enraged. When we were in college, I found out my dad started helping to pay for my step brothers private college. Mind you, we barely know this kid and $ has been a “stress” my whole life. Also, kids father has a good job too. Then, we all graduate. I was told my ENTIRE life “you’re not getting bank rolled after college. I paid, you’re out.” So naturally, my brother and I worked our asses off to secure high paying jobs and not rely on our father. Also, dad wouldn’t help us with our careers because he wanted us to have the satisfaction of earning everything ourselves. The step brother LIVES in my dad’s home (step mom pays nothing) for FIVE YEARS after college and inherits a BMW my father bought for my step mother (against my dad’s wishes). My dad got him interviews and his current job. This has been a source of major annoyance for me and my brother. Would’ve been nice to save that money for 5 years after college (honestly, we didn’t want to live w her) but it was never an option for us and we knew that. We also shared a used ford escape that was always breaking down in our teen years. We had to pay for every fix! My dad’s explanation is “you and your brother are different because you’re extremely well adjusted and I raised you that way.” My dad has also expressed so much frustration with this kid but just gives in to step mom.
Fast forward to today. I get the invite for the other step brothers wedding. Guess who is hosting the welcome party? Not my step mother and her ex husband but the [my last name] family. Ex husband is paying for wedding after party. For my brothers wedding, my dad penny pinched every inch of the welcome party. I don’t expect a lavish wedding myself. This kid is getting married beach front. Welcome party has to be at least $50k.
My absolute biggest concern is when my father dies,she will get the majority. Then, when she dies, her sons will not only have had their college paid, their car paid and their lives post college bank rolled but they will inherit my father’s $ as well. I wouldn’t care if I didn’t get a dime, I’ll be fine financially, only if they didn’t either. They’re leeches.
It’s just ridiculous. They got married when these children were adults. They didn’t have a childhood of financial fights and tough love. I know my dad doesn’t want to do this. He’s expressed annoyance about this. It makes me majorly resentful of my step family.
submitted by Naive-Education1820 to stepkids [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:45 camem_bear What You Waiting For? By Gwen Stefani

I remember the first lyrics of the song (after the beat drops) saying
Like a cat in heat stuck in a moving car,
Scary conversation shut my eyes can’t find the brake
What if they say that you’re a cutter?
Naturally I’m worried if I do it alone
Who really cares if it’s your life you never know it could be great
And i distinctly remember it being cut out of the original music video on MTV and some live performances I would watch her on (was/am a big fan). Listening to it back recently, I thought it sounded like “clutter” instead, then just googled the lyrics and now it says that it is “what if they say that you’re a climber,” so I’m just wondering if anyone else remembers this the way I do. That first verse actually (in its “original” form per my memory) helped me a lot with depression in my teens
submitted by camem_bear to MandelaEffect [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:44 MachineGoBrrrrr (RANT) Started new remote job but being asked to go in

So I recently applied for a remote job for a company that specializes is industrial machinery. The job was supposed to be remote and I would just dispatch from home since I would've had a company truck and all the tooling and instrumentation needed with me. Now that I started and have left an extremely positive impression on them I come to find out that while I'm not on a dispatch to a jobsite I won't get paid unless I take a 2 hour flight to work at a repair facility for 8 hr days every week. Originally it was supposed to be paid 40hrs and job dispatches were just extra. Even showed them the math on why its cheaper to have me at home than to bring me way tf here for 5 8hr days.
This is very different than what I was told. This was told to me today from someone way above my manager. Ive tried clarifying this with HR and i couldnt get an awser until 2 weeks after my start date. A week away from home for just 40hrs until the next dispatch is just shitty. I've been doing tasks that I could be doing at home...
Now I really understand how remote workers feel like when they get bamboozled, the trades aren't safe either 😞
submitted by MachineGoBrrrrr to remotework [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:43 Naive-Education1820 I’m a step daughter. Rant on step family leeching.

This is a long one. My dad remarried 7 or so years ago now when I was 19 and in college. It moved very fast. My step mother has very little money and two sons, one is one year older than me and the other is one year younger. So, we were all in college when they got married.
My step mom is fine. She’s a nice lady to me. She annoys me because she talks way too much and makes every convo about herself. She doesn’t get social cues and made my brothers wedding about her. That’s beside the point. My issue is she emotionally manipulates my frugal father into bank rolling her adult children.
My father has never been easy, especially about money. He was a tough but overall great parent to me and my brother. He is generally not happy. Never really has been. High stress job. He was happy when they started dating, then it moved fast. The last 4 or so years, every time I’m there, they’re fighting. She always cries. She emotionally manipulates him to get her way, EVERY TIME. I don’t think either of them thought this through and she is not compatible with him at all. He is very controlling about the money he’s made and spends very little. He’s honestly controlling about most things. So, to “have some say” she got a job at $75k per year. He makes 8x that. She wants to have say in the investments and my dad has admitted to me that he doesn’t want her input because her $ doesn’t even cover the mortgage. He is also in finance and she’s in the arts… not the sharpest tool in the shed either.
My dad has been financially anxious my entire life, even with his high salary. I had a very blessed life but was still somehow stressed about $. I went to private school, did expensive extra curriculars, travelled a bunch. I was in this “society” but we told I was poor… Weird dynamic with my mom because she was a spender. He was very very tough love which made me who I am. He was a loving father, truly. We have a good relationship.
Ok anyway why im posting and very enraged. When we were in college, I found out my dad started helping to pay for my step brothers private college. Mind you, we barely know this kid and $ has been a “stress” my whole life. Also, kids father has a good job too. Then, we all graduate. I was told my ENTIRE life “you’re not getting bank rolled after college. I paid, you’re out.” So naturally, my brother and I worked our asses off to secure high paying jobs and not rely on our father. Also, dad wouldn’t help us with our careers because he wanted us to have the satisfaction of earning everything ourselves. The step brother LIVES in my dad’s home (step mom pays nothing) for FIVE YEARS after college and inherits a BMW my father bought for my step mother (against my dad’s wishes). My dad got him interviews and his current job. This has been a source of major annoyance for me and my brother. Would’ve been nice to save that money for 5 years after college (honestly, we didn’t want to live w her) but it was never an option for us and we knew that. We also shared a used ford escape that was always breaking down in our teen years. We had to pay for every fix! My dad’s explanation is “you and your brother are different because you’re extremely well adjusted and I raised you that way.” My dad has also expressed so much frustration with this kid but just gives in to step mom.
Fast forward to today. I get the invite for the other step brothers wedding. Guess who is hosting the welcome party? Not my step mother and her ex husband but the [my last name] family. Ex husband is paying for wedding after party. For my brothers wedding, my dad penny pinched every inch of the welcome party. I don’t expect a lavish wedding myself. This kid is getting married beach front. Welcome party has to be at least $50k.
My absolute biggest concern is when my father dies,she will get the majority. Then, when she dies, her sons will not only have had their college paid, their car paid and their lives post college bank rolled but they will inherit my father’s $ as well. I wouldn’t care if I didn’t get a dime, I’ll be fine financially, only if they didn’t either. They’re leeches.
It’s just ridiculous. They got married when these children were adults. They didn’t have a childhood of financial fights and tough love. I know my dad doesn’t want to do this. He’s expressed annoyance about this. It makes me majorly resentful of my step family.
AITA for feeling this way?
submitted by Naive-Education1820 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:41 Sweet-Count2557 Aqua Tots Swim School of Horsham

Aqua Tots Swim School of Horsham
Aqua Tots Swim School of Horsham Welcome to Aqua-Tots Swim School of Horsham, where we provide a safe and supportive environment for swimmers of all ages.At Aqua-Tots, we believe in the power of water and the importance of learning how to swim. Our dedicated instructors are committed to helping individuals become confident swimmers through our comprehensive programs.From beginners to advanced swimmers, we have a program that suits your needs.So, come and join us as we dive into the world of aquatic adventures and discover the joy of swimming.Key TakeawaysAqua-Tots Swim School of Horsham has state-of-the-art facilities designed for a safe and enjoyable swimming experience.They offer comprehensive swimming lesson programs for all ages, focusing on water safety and developing strong swimming skills.The school has implemented comprehensive safety measures and guidelines, including certified instructors, small class sizes, and surveillance cameras.The experienced and dedicated instructors prioritize water safety, tailor their teaching approach, and create a positive and supportive learning environment.Location and FacilitiesAt Aqua-Tots Swim School of Horsham, our location boasts state-of-the-art facilities that provide a safe and enjoyable environment for swimmers of all ages. We understand the importance of having top-notch facilities to ensure a positive swimming experience. Our aquatots horsham facility is equipped with modern amenities and designed with the comfort and safety of our swimmers in mind.When you step into our Aqua Tots Swim School in Horsham, you'll be greeted with a spacious and clean lobby. Our friendly staff will be there to assist you and answer any questions you may have. We believe in creating a welcoming atmosphere where everyone feels at ease.Our pool area is where the magic happens. The pool is heated to a comfortable temperature, providing a pleasant swimming experience for all. Whether you're a beginner learning the basics or an experienced swimmer honing your skills, our pool is the perfect place to do it. Our experienced instructors will guide you every step of the way, ensuring your safety and helping you reach your swimming goals.Safety is our top priority, which is why our pool area is equipped with the latest technology and safety measures. We've certified lifeguards on duty at all times, keeping a watchful eye on the swimmers. Additionally, we've well-maintained changing rooms and showers for your convenience.At Aqua-Tots Swim School of Horsham, we strive to create an environment where swimmers of all ages can learn, grow, and have fun. Our state-of-the-art facilities, experienced instructors, and commitment to safety make us the premier choice for aqua tots horsham. Come and experience the joy of swimming with us!Swimming Lesson ProgramsWhen it comes to our swimming lesson programs, we're dedicated to providing a comprehensive and engaging experience for swimmers of all ages at Aqua-Tots Swim School of Horsham. Our programs are designed to cater to the needs and abilities of each individual, ensuring that everyone can learn and progress at their own pace.For our youngest swimmers, we offer parent and child classes that focus on water safety and basic swimming skills. These classes create a fun and comfortable environment for infants and toddlers to become comfortable in the water while also introducing them to foundational swimming techniques.As children grow older and gain more independence, our preschool and school-age programs build on their existing skills and help them develop strong swimming strokes and techniques. Our experienced instructors work closely with each student, providing personalized instruction and guidance to ensure their progress and success.We also offer programs for teens and adults, recognizing that it's never too late to learn how to swim or improve one's swimming abilities. Whether you're a beginner looking to overcome a fear of the water or an experienced swimmer aiming to refine your technique, our instructors are here to help you achieve your goals.At Aqua-Tots Swim School of Horsham, our swimming lesson programs go beyond simply teaching swimming skills. We strive to create a positive and supportive environment where swimmers can build confidence, develop a love for the water, and have fun while learning. So whether you're a parent looking for your child's first swimming lessons or an adult wanting to improve your skills, we've a program that's right for you.Safety Measures and GuidelinesTo ensure the safety of all our swimmers, Aqua-Tots Swim School of Horsham has implemented a range of comprehensive safety measures and guidelines. Our top priority is to create a safe and secure environment where swimmers can learn and grow.Here are three safety measures and guidelines that we strictly enforce:Highly trained and experienced instructors: Our instructors undergo rigorous training and certification to ensure they're equipped with the necessary skills to teach swimming lessons effectively. They're trained in first aid and CPR, and have extensive knowledge of water safety techniques. With their expertise, they're able to guide and supervise swimmers, ensuring their safety at all times.Small class sizes: We believe in providing personalized attention to each swimmer, which is why our class sizes are kept small. By limiting the number of participants in each class, our instructors can closely monitor each swimmer's progress and address any safety concerns promptly. This allows for a safer and more controlled learning environment.Constant supervision and surveillance: Our facility is equipped with multiple lifeguards who are trained to keep a constant watch over the pool area. They're responsible for maintaining a safe environment and responding quickly to any emergencies. Additionally, we've surveillance cameras installed throughout the facility to further enhance the safety of our swimmers.Meet the InstructorsWith our commitment to safety in mind, let's now meet the experienced and dedicated instructors at Aqua-Tots Swim School of Horsham. Our team of instructors is passionate about teaching swimming and ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all our students. Each instructor at Aqua-Tots Swim School of Horsham is certified in CPR and first aid, and they undergo extensive training to teach swimming skills to swimmers of all ages and abilities.Our instructors have years of experience in teaching swimming and are skilled in creating a positive and supportive environment for learning. They understand that every swimmer is unique and may have different needs and goals. Our instructors take the time to get to know each student and tailor their teaching approach accordingly.At Aqua-Tots Swim School of Horsham, we believe in building strong relationships with our students and their families. Our instructors are friendly, approachable, and always willing to answer any questions or address any concerns. They strive to create a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere where everyone feels comfortable and supported.In addition to their expertise in teaching swimming, our instructors also have a deep understanding of water safety. They're well-versed in teaching essential water safety skills and educating students on how to stay safe in and around the water. Our instructors are committed to instilling confidence and a love for swimming in every student while prioritizing their safety at all times.When you enroll your child in swimming lessons at Aqua-Tots Swim School of Horsham, you can trust that they'll be in capable hands. Our instructors are dedicated professionals who are passionate about helping children become confident and skilled swimmers. We're proud to have such a talented and caring team of instructors at Aqua-Tots Swim School of Horsham.Testimonials and Success StoriesHave you ever wondered what parents and students have to say about their experience at Aqua-Tots Swim School of Horsham? Well, wonder no more! We've gathered some testimonials and success stories from our satisfied customers that showcase the positive impact our swim school has had on their lives.Here are three examples:'My child was always afraid of the water, but after enrolling them in Aqua-Tots Swim School, they've become confident and skilled swimmers. The instructors are patient and supportive, creating a safe and fun environment for learning. I'm thrilled with the progress my child has made and would highly recommend Aqua-Tots to any parent looking to teach their child how to swim.' - Sarah, parent'As an adult, I always wanted to learn how to swim but was too nervous to try. Aqua-Tots Swim School provided me with the opportunity to conquer my fear and learn a valuable life skill. The instructors were knowledgeable and encouraging, guiding me through each step of the process. Now, I feel confident and comfortable in the water, thanks to Aqua-Tots!' - John, adult student'Aqua-Tots Swim School exceeded my expectations in every way. Not only did my child learn how to swim, but they also developed a love for being in the water. The instructors truly care about each student's progress and tailor the lessons to their individual needs. I'm grateful for the positive experience my child had at Aqua-Tots and would highly recommend it to anyone seeking high-quality swimming lessons.' - Emily, parentThese testimonials and success stories are just a glimpse of the positive impact Aqua-Tots Swim School of Horsham has had on our students and their families. We take pride in providing a safe and nurturing environment for learning how to swim, and we're thrilled to see our students thrive in the water.Join us at Aqua-Tots and experience the joy of swimming!Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Is the Cost of Swimming Lessons at Aqua-Tots Swim School of Horsham?The cost of swimming lessons at Aqua Tots Swim School of Horsham varies depending on the type of lesson and duration. We offer a range of options to meet the needs of all ages and skill levels.Our experienced instructors provide a safe and fun environment for learning.Please contact us directly or visit our website for more information on pricing and to find the best lesson option for you or your child.Are There Any Discounts or Promotions Available for Swimming Lessons?Yes, there are discounts and promotions available for swimming lessons. Our goal is to make swimming accessible to everyone, so we offer various discounts throughout the year.Whether it's a special promotion for new customers or a discount for multiple family members, we strive to ensure that everyone can enjoy the benefits of swimming at an affordable price.Stay tuned to our website or contact us directly for more information on our current discounts and promotions.How Long Is Each Swimming Lesson Session?Each swimming lesson session at Aqua Tots Swim School lasts for 30 minutes.Our experienced instructors provide a safe and fun environment suitable for all ages.Whether you're a beginner or looking to improve your skills, our lessons are designed to meet your needs.Join us and dive into the wonderful world of swimming!What Is the Cancellation Policy for Swimming Lessons at Aqua-Tots Swim School of Horsham?The cancellation policy for swimming lessons at Aqua-Tots Swim School of Horsham is quite lenient. We understand that things come up and plans change, so we allow cancellations up to 24 hours before the scheduled lesson. This gives you plenty of time to make any necessary adjustments without incurring any fees.We value your time and want to ensure that you have the flexibility to enjoy your swimming lessons without any unnecessary stress.Are There Any Specific Requirements or Prerequisites for Enrolling in Swimming Lessons at Aqua-Tots Swim School of Horsham?There aren't any specific requirements or prerequisites for enrolling in swimming lessons at Aqua-Tots Swim School of Horsham. Our swim school is suitable for all ages and our experienced instructors create a safe and fun environment for learning.We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to learn how to swim, regardless of their skill level or previous experience. So whether you're a beginner or looking to improve your swimming skills, we welcome you to join our swim school.ConclusionIn conclusion, Aqua-Tots Swim School of Horsham offers a safe and fun environment for all ages to learn how to swim. Our state-of-the-art facility and highly trained instructors ensure personalized attention and guidance for each student. With a focus on safety and nurturing, we create an atmosphere where students can develop their skills at their own pace.Did you know that according to the CDC, drowning is the leading cause of injury death for children aged 1-4? At Aqua-Tots, we're committed to equipping children with essential swimming skills to prevent such tragedies. Join us and discover the joy of swimming today.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:41 Mysterious-Skirt7530 Teen help

Hi y’all! My husband and I have 3 kids, all AuHD, and we are having trouble getting our son, 14, to do a lot of normal daily duties.
At his bio moms he doesn’t have a lot of rules or oversight at all. So when he comes to our house we have to stay on him to do things like brush his teeth, take showers, put on clean clothes, and take initiative for basic tasks like looking in the cabinet for dishes and utensils instead of constantly asking me to get them. Just human duties. Which I get most teen boys, tbh teens in general, have issues with hygiene and chores, but he is getting older and one day will have to take care of himself. He has to learn these things.
Well back at the beginning of spring his bio mom got injured and started noticing bad habits because she was literally forced to stay home. She started enforcing rules and actually monitoring him and things really started turning around, but now she’s back at work full time so all of that is out of the window again.
Does anyone have any tips on how to get our teen to actually take initiative for himself? We’ve tried visual schedules, Alexa reminders and he just ignored them or acts like they aren’t there. He really wants to move to Europe when he is a adult which is awesome and we fully support, but it’s not clicking that he has some major maturing to do before then.
And to be clear we don’t move dishes, utensils, toothbrushes, clothes, or anything around at all. They’ve been in the same spots since we moved into our home a few years ago. We understand the need for consistency with our kids and the confusion they experience when they don’t have it.
submitted by Mysterious-Skirt7530 to Autism_Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:36 JustMe39908 Asked to fix issues related to an improper write-up

I was given an official write-up 6 months ago. The problem with the write-up is that the actions I was written up for occurred before I was in my current job. The actions were specifically related to my current job. I provided evidence (including the documents signed by others) and "inconvenient" facts like the dates of the agreements and the date of my transfer. Asshole Leadership didn't care. They needed a scapegoat. I was convenient. They slapped me on the wrist. Honestly, questioning my actions was more painful.
I am now being asked by leadership to help "fix" the problem. Basically, it would take me less than two days to complete the task whereas it would take leadership more than two weeks. The person fixing the problem is different from the assholes who gave me the write-up. My sources tell me that this person thought writing me up was absurd and incorrect.
One part of me wants to say screw you. Another, more logical part of me thinks I should just do it because it would reflect positively on me and if the Leadership asshole group ever tried to bring the issue up again, I am insulated because I was asked to help solve the problem. To be clear, I am just to provide the documentation to be reviewed and signed by others. But, I also was screwed before.
Leaving is not a near term option. There is a big bonus to stay for 18 months. They know I have a retaliation case if they try to get rid of me. My last performance review was not completed, so HR would have a fit for not following process. The one before that was excellent. The one before that is again missing. All others are excellent. They can't show a performance pattern (a big issue to our HR folks -- a few years ago another employee, who rightfully should have been fired, won a lawsuit against the company because of poor documentation of poor performance), So, getting rid of me would be difficult as long as I am not stupid.
So, should I help?
submitted by JustMe39908 to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:33 ThrowRA373636 Girl who started after me, has gotten 2 promotions and I’ve only got a 10% raise increase. Am I ungrateful?

I’ve been at my job for a year and 4 months. I got a raise of 10% yesterday, which I’m assuming a lot of others did as well after their year performance review.
A girl that started 6 months after me, has gotten 2 promotions. 1 a couple months after she started and another being yesterday when I got my raise. She’s been bragging about it and it’s starting to get under my skin as I work so much harder than her!
On top of this, I’m constantly busy and always working to the point where I probably am too good at my job because I’m a hard worker and like being a high performer at my job. I did get a $250 award a month before but I feel like a deserve more than just THAT.
While I’m swamped at work, she’s constantly coming up to me and talking and saying how she wants to go home and she’s “bored”. I’m starting to gain resentment to my manager and my coworker because of this.
Others that have been in my job before don’t stay in my position for as long as I have and have been promoted. One coworker mentioned to me that I’m “too good” at my job and that’s the problem…. I do very much agree as I care too much about my job and I excel at it more than the others that have been in my position.
Am I being ungrateful or am I being taken advantage of? I do understand that a 10% increase is pay is good but I feel like I deserve more. Has anyone been in my position before at work? Looking for advice.
submitted by ThrowRA373636 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:31 CaptPippi Be green vs support minimum wage workers?

I’m on a business trip and I just checked into an IHG property. While checking in I was offered to become an IFG member reward member. Since I travel for work of course I said sure. I am then handed a placard (pic) and told if I’m concerned about the environment I should place the placard on my door- to opt out of housekeeping. By doing so I will receive an additional 500 points towards my rewards card.
I feel like I’m in a no win- I support the environment and get extra points that benefit me alone or I opt for having my room tended to and support these minimum wage workers by leaving a tip for the shit job with which they are tasked.
submitted by CaptPippi to hotels [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:30 Stay_At_Homies Is there a type of doctor that can go over all your issues/ medications?

I’m in my mid- 30s but I’ve had some serious medical issues since my late teens. My primary care doctor refers me to different specialists, then every one I see seems to just add a new medication after doing tests and no one ever tries to help me try to resolve anything, get off medications, etc. At this point I’m taking 11 medications daily and I swear most of the issues I currently have are caused by taking all of them. My primary care doesn’t seem to have the ability to help me figure it all out and I don’t even know if there’s a type of doctor that exists that can just sit down with me and go over everything I’m taking and help me get rid of at least some of them. Is there something like that? Should my primary be able to do this or is that too specialized?
submitted by Stay_At_Homies to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:23 Ok_Web_1877 Review: Dorky Girl GETS REVENGE On Hot Guy, What Happens Is Shocking

Today I am reviewing what I believe to be the most disappointing Dhar Mann video of all time. It had potential, I was invested... then Dhar Mann just completely fumbled it. Expect me to get more scathing and frustrated as this review goes on.
This is also a weird twilight zone moment because Azeem, who famously salvages bad Dhar Mann videos, is one of the main contributors to what made this video awful (His character I mean, not Azeem himself).
Our story begins in the school theatre. Auditions are happening, and our titular dorky girl, Julie (Cecily Dowd), nails it. She does so well, in fact, that the heads of the drama club close up all remaining auditions for that role. That's pretty fucking mean if you ask me. Next up is our titular hot guy, Chase, a jock who hates being a jock. His audition sucks, and the coaches tell him that he's not getting the role.
What the fuck is going on here? Cutting off an audition early is one thing, but outright telling somebody they're not getting the part??? This is like the inverse problem with the tryouts for Bookside's Football team I covered last week. Between this and dismissing all people who haven't auditioned for Julie's role yet, this is super unprofessional.
Disheartened, Chase goes to the back of the theatre to sit with his unnamed narc friends (Azeem Vecchio and Nathan Ing. Knowing that it's these two good actors in this role makes this video just...). We learn that Chase knows he sucks, but he needs to get a role, otherwise his dad will make him play baseball again. We get a namedrop of Chase's bitch of a girlfriend, who blew him off to go shopping. Julie comes by and gives her condolences to Chase. Once she walks away, the narc friends make fun of her, and Chase gets a call from Bitch bitching about shopping or some bullshit. She verbally abuses him and also insists that he sticks to baseball.
Wow, a sympathetic protagonist! This is rare in Dhar Mann. Chase is a good guy, but he's manipulated by an abusive dad and a controlling girlfriend. It doesn't help that his friends suck too.
We cut to lunchtime at school the next day, and typical Dhar Mann plot contrivances occur. The male lead (the role Chase tried out for) turned down the part because he got cast on Broadway... you didn't have to go that far for an excuse Dhar Mann lmao. Oh but the contrivance gets even worse, because apparently the directors are giving Julie full power over who the male lead will be... Excuse me?
Why are the directors letting some random student decide this? This is especially contrived considering we saw how unprofessional and absolutist they were earlier... what the fuck. Anyway, narc friends pressure Chase into doing yet another bad thing: manipulating Julie into casting him by pretending to be romantically interested. This is made even worse by the fact that Julie has had a crush on Chase since they were little. That's fucked up, narc friends. They at least made Chase sympathetic enough to understand why he went along with this.
I have to give it to Chase here, because he doesn't outright ask Julie for the role or even pressure her to give it to him. He approaches her asking to help him get better. He's sincere in his compliments to her about how great her singing and acting is. He gets her number, and they arrange to hangout and practice together. So far, Chase isn't in the wrong yet.
We cut to the next day, in the theatre, where Chase is auditioning by reading a scene with Julie. Once again, I have to give a Dhar Mann video credit on something. It's annoying how his videos always repeat the message of the video word for word, but here, the message is stated in a fictional play that these are reciting. That's a bit more clever if you ask me, and MUCH more tolerable. Nevertheless, the directors are not impressed with Chase. They ask to speak with Julie in private... why? They've already been so mean to Chase right to his face, why hold back now lmao. In any case, the directors really don't like Chase, and Julie, at least for a moment, begrudgingly resolves to tell him he's not getting the part.
Julie tries to let Chase down lightly, and this is where Chase finally enters "in the wrong" territory. In a last ditch effort to keep his shot at landing this role, he lies to Julie by telling her that he likes her. Leaning on somebody who likes you to improve at something? Sure. Having them help you audition with their endorsement? Fine. Lying to them to manipulate them into nepotism? That's wrong and messed up. He even lies to Julie and tells her that him and Bitch broke up. Unfortunately, Julie falls for all of this, and overrides the director's decision.
We cut to Chase hanging out with Bitch at some salon. She never shuts the fuck up until Chase mentions Julie in passing. Chase... buddy... you fuck up here... He tells Bitch about his master plan to manipulate Julie. Why do characters in Dhar Mann snitch on themselves so fucking much?!
Julie and Chase are reading lines that mimic their situation a little too closely. That in itself is fine, I just reaaaally hope that they don't break the 4th wall (and insult our intelligence) by acknowledging this. Chase and Julie start genuinely bonding and it's actually an immersive romance for once. They find out they have so much in common and we see a spark form. Even having watched this before, I genuinely forgot about Chase's plan. For the first time, ever, Chase is realizing that Bitch doesn't even remotely care about him the same way that Julie does.
For once, I actually enjoy a montage. The music actually fits, and we see a lot of cute romantic moments. It's so heartwarming, in a way that Dhar Mann videos fail to tug at my heartstrings. Like I said, I was sooooo invested in this video and it had so much potential.
We cut to the day of the show, and Chase's narc friends... oh, right, these clowns still exist... they sneak backstage and support Chase... sort of. They don't congratulate him on a job well done, they congratulate him on manipulating Julie and talk mad shit about her... like why don't you guys just fuck off and get a life already? They leave, and Julie walks, with a massive glowup! Literally every other Dhar Mann character glowup sucks except for this one. Not only are 99% of the now "hot" people at the very median of the bell-curve, but even IF they actually were that attractive, NOBODY reacts irl with the hyperbolic drooling that Dhar Mann characters do. This glow up works because they don't put Julie on a pedestal, nobody ogles her, and nobody suddenly acts really nice to her. It's a much more realistic, Chase tells her she's beautiful, and that's it.
Chase and Julie absolutely knock it out of the park on stage, and the crowd goes wild! This is the only time I recall getting shivers from a video in a Dhar Mann video. The chemistry is so real, for one and one time only in Dhar Mann! Backstage again, Chase and Julie share a romantic moment, but they're still in intermission, so Julie leaves momentarily.
We are at 17 minutes of this 22 minute video. It was good for 17 minutes. These last 5 minutes are all completely fucking downhill... Dhar Mann absolutely FUMBLED this video in the remaining time!!!!
I genuinely stopped writing and watching for a minute to brace myself for how enraged I am going to get from this point out...
Narc friends sneak back stage again and... how does this keep happening?! And sure they tell him he's awesome and all, which is new, but other than that, they give the EXACT FUCKING SAME exposition that they did before the play started. Even in the context of this story, why? Why do this again? Oh, and they don't just loudly announce Chase's plan quietly among themseleves, they fucking declare this shit so loud that the entire world can hear. Including Julie...
Julie is obviously devastated, but what's even worse is that the narc friends just fucking skedaddle. Some fucking friends, right? They seriously left Chase alone to endure Julie's wrath. Even IF they don't know that Chase developed genuine feelings for Julie, isn't it still in their best interest to help Chase so he doesn't have to play baseball again?! At the very very very very least, the friends should say something like "dont blame Chase! He's a good guy, this was all our idea and we put him up to it!" but no. They just take off. No retribution. No consequences. Nothing. Chase gets the entirety of the rage and the blame.
The whole "I was using you at first but grew to actually like you" trope is something common in Dhar Mann. Dhar has made complete assholes get off scot-free and have a happy ending. Here you have a genuine guy who made a mistake and knows it, and he gets the absolute worst of it.
Oh, it gets even worse though... because in another extreme coincidence, this is THE ONE AND ONLY TIME that Bitch decides to care about Chase's life, and show up backstage (HOW ARE SO MANY AUDIENCE MEMBERS GOING BACK DURING INTERMISSION???) to give PDA right in front of Julie. Bitch literally says right in front of Julie "Why is she crying? Did she find out you were just pretending to like her?" Like holy fuck this is overkill! You don't need to narc on Chase this goddamn much!
Despite everything I just said post the 17 minute mark... This video had one more chance for redemption. Dhar Mann could have, and came soooooo close to redeeming this mess... I have to brace myself once again.
In the second half of the show, Julie's tone is much more scathing, while Chase's is completely timid. Usually I hate when, in fiction, people resolve their conflicts on stage by "being themselves", but here... it works. Chase breaks character and gives a sincere, honest apology and plea for forgiveness. I know I've used this phrase a lot, but it is such a heartfelt moment. If any character in Dhar Mann ever deserved forgiveness and a second chance for being genuinely repentant, it is Chase. Hell, even the entire damn audience is rooting for Chase and wants Julie to forgive and embrace him!
20 minute mark. 2 minutes remain, and we just had another peak moment after a valley, so surely this video can't fuck it up... right?
Julie runs off stage and the director calls an impromptu intermission. But then we cut to the next day at school... What? No! You can't just not tell us what happened the rest of the night and what became of the show!
Chase goes up to Julie at her locker with a gift of their favorite food. Chase tells Julie that he broke up with Madison, much to Julie's indifference. Chase is wearing a "so you see..." backpack by the way... Dhar Mann was INTENT on ruining this video holy shit.
Julie tells Chase that she talked to the director and they have decided to recast Chase's rol- HUH?! What??? What the fuck do you mean recast his role?? They JUST HAD the show!!! What do you mean for the rest of the run? That's not how school plays work. And no, there's no bullshit about it just going on a few more days of this weekend, because Julie specifically says that she can't bring herself to dance with Chase EVERY weekend!
I started banging my head into my desk once Julie said "Did you not learn anything from the show? Like my character says: The truth doesn't cost you-" AHHHH fuck off. The one and only time you had a somewhat clever way of veiling the message of the video, you had to fuck it up Dhar Mann by having her just outright point to the intended message... Julie takes the food and walks away. The end.
...yes... that's actually how they decided to end this. What the fucking fuck? This is so incredibly anticlimactic and absolutely nothing is resolved. Chase is still under the abuse of his dad, his narc friends are off scot free, and Julie is still crushed. Dhar Mann has redeemed absolutely irredeemable scumbags and given happy endings to sociopaths, but Chase of all characters ends up with an EVEN SHITTIER life than how the video started?! This is even worse with the next suggested video being Anna from "Nerds Get Revenge on Cool Teens", an absolute fucking cunt of character who gets off scot-free and suffers no penalties for the shitty things she does INCLUDING USING SOMEBODY ROMANTICALLY, which she neither regrets nor suffers repercussions for. Just get the fuck out of my face already. Fuck this video, fuck the suggested video, and fuck Dhar Mann for ruining one of the only potentially good videos he ever made.
Sorry for how heated I got in this review. I can assure you that no other video even comes close to disappointing me on this level. It just... you know what, nevermind, I've said everything I need to say.
See you all next week for another review! Leave any recommendations below!
submitted by Ok_Web_1877 to dharmann [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 04:19 TheEncryption [M4A/F] Long-Term Cyberpunk Fantasy Roleplay 18+

[M4A/F] Long-Term Cyberpunk Fantasy Roleplay
What's up, chooms? (Epic reference)
My name is Outcast/Necromes. Before we start off, let me just say a bit about me. I am a 22 year old male with 10+ years of writing experience within literate to novella writing style. I do a lot. I'm in a lot of fandoms and a lot of genres so I'm very flexible with things and setting but I am here more importantly to pitch a Cyberpunk Fantasy roleplay. Now what I mean by that is D&D + Cyberpunk. Shadowrun, that one kickass episode of Teen Titans Go for example. (The Night Begins To Shine will forever be in our heads and you cannot tell me otherwise.)
For about half a year I've been wanting to get into Shadowrun, which is a very niche TTRPG but I haven't the friends nor the book (yet), and I am itching to use one of my ocs I made for it.
Disclaimer: We don't need to do Shadowrun. If you know nothing about it I totally get it, we can just context the roleplay as simply Fantasy but Cyberpunk dystopia future. Cities, corporations, mercenaries and criminals biting back against the big corpos. Cyberpunk 2077 with elf ears or D&D with tons of neon.
I currently have two really eager ocs I would like to use, let me tell you about them.
I have two, maybe three more ideas and until I recieve the Shadowrun 6e book I'll likely be making more with the proper systems.
When it comes to plot we can do anything. I for one imagine a few of these:
(Note: The setting doesn't matter too much.)
Jaksen "Reload" Kovachs
Levi "Ghostrider" Remo
Note: I am looking for a long-term relaxed and chill roleplay experience. I have immense ADHD and Autism and get burnt out very quickly and I'd rather take my time to create the best RP response I can muster up than be forced or egged on post after post with no energy. As long as you are okay with varying response window times and are okay with the quality in the end and also have time to chill and talk about OCs on the offtime or on the side then that is perfect.
I apologize for my lack of planning. Planning and gushing is honestly half the fun and I've been desperate. If you're down for any of this, give me a private message. I primarily use Discord. I hope I've peaked your interest!
submitted by TheEncryption to roleplaying [link] [comments]