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2024.05.15 14:14 Thaddaus26 Some Holy Priest Rework Ideas

Holy priests are arguably one of the more boring healers in Warcraft to the point that people often refer to them as the ‘default’ healer. I’m sure there are more deep, underlying issues that Holy has but I wanted to try tackling them on a purely thematic level with some minor thoughts on a more gameplay-oriented level.
I aim to make more interesting spells that interact in a fun way that gives the holy spec a little more flavor than, “The default RPG healer”.
Quick preemptive self-defense though. This is all in good fun and purely theoretical. It’s always been interesting for me to speculate what a class or spec could be and rather than hoarding it all to myself, I thought it would be more interesting to see some other people's opinions and possibly inspire others to do the same. With that said...
Some of Holy’s biggest cooldowns are Divine Hymn and Hymn of Hope (Renamed to Symbol of Hope now). Singing to help your allies. You’ll notice other spells in the toolkit like shadow WORD pain and power WORD shield. Shadow has a spell called SILENCE for god’s sake. Basically, the implication is that priests are using their voices to channel their spells somehow. Why not...do more of that? Because I can’t lie, having several spells named “Heal” with different variations is killing me inside.
Plus, a bunch of the talent node names already lean into this! A few notable examples are:
Voice of Harmony
Healing Chorus
Gales of Song
Divine Word
Resonant Words
All the Holy Word Spells
Let’s make it so Holy is all about literally singing the Light’s praises. After all, if Shadow and Holy are canonically on two ends of the spectrum with Discipline being the proverbial middle ground, let’s really have Holy Priest’s be truly ‘Devout Feeling’ with their spell names. Double points if the spells end with a sung note or maybe a little arpeggio of a harp or something.
Let’s go through a few examples I’ve thought of and any non-obvious reasons behind each decision.
“Heal” -> “Holy Solo”
“Flash Heal” -> “Divine Etude” (An Etude is a short music piece)
“Prayer of Healing” -> “Holy Motet” (A motet is mainly a vocal musical composition, the name describes the movement of the different voices against one another)
“Circle of Healing” -> “Sacred Cantata” (A Cantata, (from Italian cantare, “to sing”), originally, a musical composition intended to be sung, as opposed to a sonata, a composition played instrumentally)
“Renew” -> “Grace Note” (An extra note added as an embellishment and not essential to the harmony or melody)
And now, I’ve saved my favorite for last. Its effect is decent but the name is so uninspired…
“Trail of Light”? More like... “Light Motif”!
A light Motif is a dominant recurring theme and what’s more dominant and recurring than spam healing?
The point is that there are so many possibilities with having the Holy priest being the spec that heals with singing, and unlike trying to shoehorn bards in as a new class, it makes some sense here.
Ok, so all this stuff so far is just replacing words for other words and I know what you’re thinking…
“This doesn’t do anything to fix the fact that Holy is still quite dull compared to other healers!”
You’re dead right. The Priest’s Discipline spec currently rewards thinking ahead of what the encounter you’re facing will bring while Holy just sits back and collects red solo cups after the party is over. Let’s change that.
My main problem is with its mastery. Don’t get me wrong, it’s very “Good” when you’re thinking about the throughput and the pure numbers but it’s also a very “set it and forget it” style of gameplay and reminds me of the Shaman’s sometimes similarly maligned mastery that dishes out healing depending on how much health is missing. There’s no thinking required and frankly, Shaman have a much more interesting toolkit to justify it.
I think we would all prefer it to be more interesting like how Paladins generate more healing based on how close they are to the action which allows them to get in close with their other melee abilities anyway and encourages them to help out with the DPS. Excellent design decision. Win win win.
So the first thing is to fix the mastery and the new system I am proposing is…
“Mastery: Chord Progression”
To start, your basic heal will apply an effect to a targeted party member. This effect will have a very long uptime which can stack called Holy Note. (I’m personally imagining a buff that has a golden crotchet note with a little wing instead of the tail). Now your first Holy Note merely exists on top of the target and does a small heal over time in a similar being to how the mastery currently works, increasing with how much mastery you have.
A second heal to the target will apply a second stack and increase the stacked effect. This will change the buff icon to be two crotchets, stacked on top of one another. This will, again, increase the heal over time effect.
A 3rd heal to the target will complete the stack and heal the target with an effect called “Holy Chord” that heals more depending upon your mastery stat. Instead of just spamming heals over and over again mindlessly to get that powerful Holy Word spell you want back in case you need it, you instead work up chords on friendly targets. Targets that don’t require constant spamming will have heal over time effects up near constantly whereas targets that are dying and in need of healing will receive direct heals instead!
The effect is largely the same but with a little more thought and interactivity involved. If a target has two Holy Notes ready but is only at, say, 70% health, you can wait and focus on other party members until they drop a little more, and then you complete the chord.
So that’s the base outline of the spec. The long uptime of the buff rewards not finishing off the chord until you actually need it and still makes it usable in PvP.
The best part about it is that if we don’t want to be rid of the cooldown reduction mechanic that Holy is currently working with, it can fit very neatly over the top without changing anything too fundamental. The Holy Words might need some very slight tweaking to work but I don’t see any immediate problems with this system.
Now, Holy needs some new cooldowns. Over the years, Holy has gone from having one of the most well-rounded toolkits to one that looks very limited in comparison. Shaman's can heal by sharing health percentages. Paladin’s have all their auras, Glimmers, and immunities. Evokers can fly and bombard people with healing, heal through stuns and other CC, and reverse recent damage taken. Monks are dashing around like no one's business and healing by punching them in the face. Let’s find some good stuff to give the Holy Priest.
Guardian Spirit stays right where it is. It’s extremely thematic to the spec identity by this point and I think it works well with the Holy Note system since you can leave a target with Guardian Spirit to die while you work on other targets with Holy Notes in the meantime.
Hymn of Hope (Not Symbol, change it back) can also stay because its raid and PvP utility is interesting and works collaboratively with other healers and DPS. A good singer should strengthen and work off those around them, right? It works thematically with this Bard theming we’ve got going on. Plus, having to drop it isn’t nearly as painful as having to quit Divine Hymn early. Speaking of which.
The first thing to change is Divine Hymn itself! Sure, on paper it feels very Holyish and it’s certainly quite powerful but ask any Holy Priest what its main flaw is and they won’t hesitate to tell you. You can’t move and nothing is stopping it from being interrupted from an interrupt, a knockback, a stun, or a pull, etc. There are so many instances I can think of where I wanted to press it so badly but I knew it would do more harm than good. Added that it’s often a dead button for me if I ever decide to try using Holy for PvP since in the rare event that I’m not being trained or chain CC’d, it’s so AOE-focused that it often isn’t strong enough to help anyone outside of a Battleground from behind a rock. It requires a PvP talent to make it more worthwhile which is very seldomly picked anyway.
I had a thought after playing Discipline for a while and having Ultimate Penitence available to me. It’s an incredibly fun spell that does a boatload of healing and/or damage while making you immune to CC effects and giving you a huge absorb shield to delay damage to yourself. It’s balanced by having a long cooldown that you can reduce but only by talenting into the following nodes in the tree.
I can’t be the only one who’s noticed that Divine Hymn is basically Ultimate Penitence but drastically weakened and less cool looking to boot.
My idea was to give it the same ‘un-crowd-controllable’ effect as Ultimate Penitence and make it do generally increased healing instead of a stacking effect to increase further healing afterward. The new ‘gimmick’ of it would either be that it would either expel enemies from within a certain radius once, like Anduin’s big bubble of light from the cinematic, or gently push enemies back from the priest as the center point. This would not completely negate adds or an enemy player’s walking speed having any forward momentum, but it would definitely aid in players trying to kite adds when they’re dying or from enemy players in PvP where that little extra distance would make the difference, and would also reward the priests choice in a central location. You could inadvertently push enemies INTO players, after all.
To top all of this off, I would prefer to have this ability further down in the tree to make it feel a bit more impactful of a choice rather than ‘almost’ mandatory’ where it is smack bang in the middle. A lot of spells in talent trees that are sat dead center in the tree feel like they're meant to be picked and I feel like Guardian Spirit should be where Divine Hymn is at the moment, not as close to the level 10 talents as it is currently. For example, Soul Swap for Affliction Warlocks, Invoke Yu’lon/Chi’ji for Mistweaver, Dancing Rune Weapon for Blood Death Knights, and Pillar of Frost for Frost Death Knights. I could go on but the list is pretty exhaustive.
Another thing I would like to change is very synonymous with Holy Priests but something that I think, overall, doesn’t see as much use as we’d like. Primarily because it relies on the priest dying.
Spirit of Redemption is a cool spell, the problem is that unless you take the capstone talent to make you revive afterward or you take the PVP talent to make it into a cooldown in PvP, you don’t really ‘want’ to trigger its activation requirements or have a reliable way of doing so in PvE when you want its effects. I do enjoy that now it allows you to resurrect an ally if you die so someone else can continue the fight but it’s more of a consolation prize or at worst, a reward for bad skill expression. It is also basically a required talent in Solo Shuffle as, if the priest dies, your teammates have 15 seconds to get a kill of their own to win the match or you take the PvP talent as a way more powerful cooldown.
What I would like to do is make the Spirit of Redemption a bigger cooldown spell but give it an obscenely long cooldown so you cannot feasibly use it more than once per fight. Like the Holy Word: Salvation spell without the possibility of cooldown reduction. Because you are losing it upon death, the gimmick here would be that it would last the full 15 seconds, you don’t use mana while casting and you can resurrect a party member instantly in that form(Outside of PvP). This would make the spell more central to the spec rather than as an add-on, free up a PvP talent choice node, and make the battle resurrection more readily available rather than having to wait for your death to use it.
Another such spell we could make SO much more interesting is Divine Star. The one people don’t like taking because who the hell doesn’t WANT to take Halo, right? Whether it’s effective in whatever format you’re playing in, it’s much more visually interesting and it just FEELS powerful, y’know?
Now to fix this, I’m going to do none of the work and instead do what Blizzard should have done by taking an idea from their own IP…Anduin’s Divine Star in Heroes of the Storm!
Yeah, I know they’ve stopped doing anything with HoTS but still…
In HoTS, it has had a bunch of effects over its tenure depending on the talents you take and most of them would make the spell more interesting in WoW. Maybe when it comes back to the priest, it could explode and heal party members or deal damage as Shadow near the priest since you’re already in close range due to the nature of the spell. Maybe it doesn’t even buff up the healing of the actual spell itself and instead interacts with your other heals by producing a stacking buff per enemy/ally you hit that increases the power of your next Flash Heal or Mind Blast?
We can also improve the lackluster mobility of the Holy Priest outside of always picking Angelic Feather by giving them the reverse Leap of Faith Glyph back as a choice node between the normal Leap of Faith.
The ability to jump to your allies was a worthwhile drawback to not being able to troll people as hard with the Leap of Faith ability when Glyphs were a thing and frankly, I miss it. I find that sometimes I’d rather be able to jump into the fray, especially as a class with an AoE fear effect, and the regular leap of faith doesn’t reward that playstyle as much. I remember back in Shadowlands that having Door of Shadows to jump in, disorient them with the covenant effect, and then Psychic Scream before running back out was actually really interesting and it’s one of the only things I miss from that expansion.
In terms of a new name instead of being a glyph, our new ability “Light Transposition“ will cause you to fly to your friend’s location just like old times. Stick it on a choice node with Leap of Faith and you have two differing playstyles almost immediately.
Now a major problem all healers have to contend with, especially to compete with the Meta of Discipline Priests and Holy Paladins, is providing some level of damage.
Not gonna lie, this is where I’m not sure about this idea since I already don’t ‘love’ the idea of healer’s DPSing and having to work around the base spells of the class now that they’ve been reintroduced has made this a little clunky so I’d love some other suggestions for this part. I’d prefer that healers offered utility that DPS do not have access to rather than extra damage but that seems to be the direction Blizzard is rolling in. Frankly, at the moment, Smite and Holy Fire interact with very little of the Holy toolkit outside of Chastise and Empyreal Blaze and we also have Shadow Word: Pain and Mind Blast. I fear that they will all just be tacked on to the toolbar with no thought and we’ll just have this myriad of spells to randomly fire off when we’re bored.
Personally, as a basic idea, I would consider removing Holy Fire as a button as, in the theme of removing bloat that War Within seems to be addressing, I think having Holy Fire as an add-on effect in the same way as the Monk’s Chi Wave is being remade would be ideal. It could function in the same way as Holy Note in that every three casts of smite would bring down a blast of Holy Fire which would give way to being justified in making Holy Fire feel a bit more impactful. Mind Blast could be used within this to ‘erupt’ the Holy Fire DoT, causing an effect I think I’d like to call “Discordant Notes” on account of mixing the void with the light which would either do additional damage or perhaps cause an extra effect like a slow or AoE damage around the target.
With this in mind, Empyreal Blaze could remain as a talent and cause Smite to proc Holy Fire two additional times when it next triggers its chord effect. Shadow Word: Pain would likely exist as just an extra DoT you can throw on as it is now or it could be applied through Mind Blast to clear up more bar space.
Anyway, those are just some thoughts I’ve had. I’m sure there are flaws in them and I’m looking forward to hearing them but I hope you found them fun to theorise around!
submitted by Thaddaus26 to wow [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:11 betsharks0 Halts Of Yesterday , and keep Rising ! Go understanding !

GME (GameStop Corp. Class A)
No. Halt Date Halt Time Symbol Exchange Reason NYSE Resume Time
1 2024-05-14 14:24:05 GME NYSE LULD pause 14:29:06
2 2024-05-14 14:13:33 GME NYSE LULD pause 14:18:33
3 2024-05-14 13:31:48 GME NYSE LULD pause 13:36:48
4 2024-05-14 13:22:04 GME NYSE LULD pause 13:27:07
5 2024-05-14 13:11:42 GME NYSE LULD pause 13:16:53
6 2024-05-14 13:03:56 GME NYSE LULD pause 13:10:02
7 2024-05-14 12:53:46 GME NYSE LULD pause 12:58:46
8 2024-05-14 12:46:04 GME NYSE LULD pause 12:51:04
9 2024-05-14 11:01:16 GME NYSE LULD pause 11:06:16
10 2024-05-14 10:21:24 GME NYSE LULD pause 10:26:24
11 2024-05-14 09:58:25 GME NYSE LULD pause 10:03:25
12 2024-05-14 09:52:05 GME NYSE LULD pause 09:57:21
13 2024-05-14 09:50:47 GME NYSE LULD pause 09:55:47
14 2024-05-14 09:36:05 GME NYSE LULD pause 09:41:16
15 2024-05-14 09:42:12 GME NYSE LULD pause 09:47:12
16 2024-05-14 09:31:49 GME NYSE LULD pause 09:36:54
17 2024-05-14 09:30:28 GME NYSE LULD pause 09:35:34

Market-Wide Circuit Breakers

Market-wide circuit breakers are important, automatic mechanisms invoked if markets experience extreme broad-based declines. They are designed to slow the effects of extreme price movement through coordinated trading halts across securities markets when severe price declines reach levels that may exhaust market liquidity.
Market-wide circuit breakers may result in a temporary trading halt, or under extreme circumstances, close the markets before the normal close of the trading session.

Limit Up-Limit Down

Limit Up-Limit Down (LULD) is a mechanism designed to mitigate extraordinary market volatility and extreme price movements in individual securities. LULD prevents trades in individual securities from occurring outside specific price bands that update continuously throughout the trading day.
The price bands for each security are set at a percentage level above and below a reference price (generally the average trade price over the immediately preceding five-minute period).

How LULD works

Primary Listing Exchanges that run electronic re-opening auctions have amended their automated auction trading rules to provide for harmonized procedures for extending the Trading Pause and a concurrent widening of their auction price collars every five minutes.Market-Wide Circuit Breakers
Market-wide circuit breakers are important, automatic mechanisms invoked if markets experience extreme broad-based declines. They are designed to slow the effects of extreme price movement through coordinated trading halts across securities markets when severe price declines reach levels that may exhaust market liquidity.
Market-wide circuit breakers may result in a temporary trading halt, or under extreme circumstances, close the markets before the normal close of the trading session.
GME (GameStop Corp. Class A)
submitted by betsharks0 to GME [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:00 PenguinGreat Ranking how attractive every Nikke I have is

Ranking how attractive every Nikke I have is
I'm very much expecting to be roasted for my great taste. Do your worst.
I've been playing for nearly six months. Many of the characters I've really come to really enjoy. So, I wanted to go through each Nikke I have pulled and discuss how attractive they are.
Attraction has two big components for me, how physical attractive they are and how attractive their personality is. I will refer to these as "beauty" and "personality"
I will rank both on a 1-10 scale and combine for a total score. Note that I will only be reviewing Nikkes that I have pulled. Hard for me to review characters I don't know very well.
Tier list for summary:
Let's start with the top tier "Spend the rest of my life with". These are the best of the best and most attractive girls with scores 18.5 and up.
Beauty - 10/10
Personality - 10/10
Total score - 20/20
Starting with best girl Rapi. The only girl I give a perfect score to in both categories. She's the poster girl for the game for a reason. Just so beautiful and adorable. Just a great design and outfit. Love her cute cap especially.
In terms of personality, she also knocks it out of the park. I have a big weakness for characters that appear cold on the outside but are actually just softies. Rapi pulls this off perfectly. I also really enjoy characters that are really disciplined and loyal to what they believe in. I also really enjoy the "straight man" role she plays with Anis and Neon's antics.
Beauty - 10/10
Personality - 9.5/10
Total score - 19.5/20
Maybe it's the tight white pants, maybe it's the midriff, maybe it's the fact that she looks like a hot teacher I had when I was 14 but I think Marciana has one of the most attractive appearances of any Nikke. She has a great demenor and I will always have a love for dark haired girls.
Her personality is also fantastic. I love her stern and cold appearance on first viewing. Much like Rapi, I just love a girl who is tough on the outside but a big softy on the inside. She was extremely adorable in her bond story and I loved seeing that other side of her you may not expect.
Beauty - 10/10
Personality - 9/10
Total score - 19/20
There is no more attractive combo than black hair + red eyes. This combo will kill me every time I see it. Now I liked D before, but once she got her new SSR she rocketed up my beauty rankings. She is the most attractive looking girl in all of Nikke without a doubt. Her black dress is to die for. Plus she reminds me a bit of Yor Forger which is always a good thing.
As you can probably tell from above, I really love girls who seem really cold and rigid. I feel D may not show her soft side as much as Marciana or Rapi but the odd time it does come it is absolutely adorable. I also really appreciate her strong discipline and wanting to get her job done and do it correctly. Not to mention a girl who can kill me is always a plus.
Beauty - 10/10
Personality - 8.5/10
Total score - 18.5/20
Maxwell marks the last Nikke in my ranking to receive a 10 for beauty, and she absolutely deserves it. Every part of Maxwell is just amazing to look at. Her toned abs are the highlight for me as I really love an athletic girl, as well as having my ideal chest size. She's free to examine me as much as she wants. Not to mention her design is also extremely adorable and I love the little cap she has on.
Her personality also does quite well for me. I really enjoy the straight man role she has with her quirky teammates. A valuable role to have as it is needed to keep them in check and to not go overboard.
Beauty - 9.5/10
Personality - 9/10
Total score - 18.5/20
Ah the bunny girls, of course Blanc's beauty will be high! Blanc is absolutely adorable! The white skin, hair, and suit mixing with those beautiful yellow eyes is truly breathtaking. The adorable collar and tie she has is amazing as well. My favourite part of her whole design has to be the little fang she has. It just destroys me.
I really love how outgoing, extraverted, and friendly she is. This side of her does really well playing off Noir and giving them a fun dynamic in how opposite they are in many way. Someone just very enjoyable that I would love to see on my screen at any time.
That concludes our top tier and my top 5. Next we will go to the still great but "Near perfection". This includes scores of 17-18.
Beauty - 9/10
Personality - 9/10
Total score - 18/20
Privaty is super adorable. She has my favourite blush out of any girl in the game. Also love her adorable twintails, sexy yellow eyes, and her larger than sometimes expected chest. Her maid SSR is fantastic and really helps show off her adorableness and her assets.
I adore tsunderes and Privaty does it perfectly. She would be so fun to tease as you would always get a great reaction. Like stated previously, I really love a girl who seems rigid at first but actually really cares.
Beauty - 8.5/10
Personality - 9/10
Total score - 17.5/20
Diesel is really pretty and quite beautiful. Her conductor outfit is very cute and fits her very well. Her smile is always a joy to see and should always be protected.
I adore how sweet she is. Someone who you just want to see keep smiling and never frown. I really enjoy her because she is just a joy to be around. Even in her sader moments, it is still great to see her be able to move on and keep a smile.
Beauty - 8.5/10
Personality - 8.5/10
Total score - 17/20
Crown is very elegant and beautiful. I love the dignified aura her design holds. Her outfit is great too, as it really does well in both showing her curves but still giving her a regal and professional feel.
I think Crown is hilarious with how she can often mess up basic words and concepts. Otherwise, I really love how disciplined she is and how dedicated she is to being a leader.
Beauty - 9.5/10
Personality - 7.5/10
Total score - 17/20
Rosanna has a fantastic design. Split white/black hair is great and man those eyes are killer. Her outfit is also fantastic. The mafia boss style is cool and sexy, and she has great midriff and cleavage that are very alluring. Don't even get me started on those thigh high boots.
Her personality is also good, even if not as great as who I have mentioned before. I love how forward she is with what she wants. Just straight up telling the commander she wants to hook up in her bond story was awesome. I also love how protective she can really get. Again I really love a girl who can kill me.
Beauty - 8/10
Personality - 9/10
Total score - 17/20
Exia is such a cutie. The oversized shirt is adorable and oddly quite sexy. The messy hair, dazed look in her eyes, and exposed thighs are also really good.
I'd love to waste the rest of my life playing video games with Exia. Just waste away from responsibilities and society by just playing games. This is the ideal scenario in my mind.
Beauty - 8/10
Personality - 9/10
Total score - 17/20
Isabel has a killer body and a very kissable face. I really love her beautiful long purple hair and how it blends with her beautiful eyes and outfit so well.
Yanderes are always fantastic. Isabel can lock me in her house and throw away the key for all I care. She just needs some love and to have a stable happy family in her life (I mean I don't know how stable of a life you could have with Isabel but at least we have similar life goals).
Those are the 6 in my second tier. Next we have the "Beautiful" tier for those scoring between 15-16.5.
Beauty - 8.5/10
Personality - 8/10
Total score - 16.5/20
I'm not normally into the whole nun thing and I'm also not typically into blondes but Rapunzel is so gorgeous that I overlook that. She has a very lovely smile and a very alluring outfit that shows her great proportions very nicely.
Her normally holy design and behaviour being taken over by her dirty thoughts is always funny too see. She reminds me a bit of Darkness from Konosuba in that way. With the impure thoughts just constantly invading her mind.
Beauty - 8/10
Personality - 8/10
Total score - 16/20
Mihara really activated something in me that I didn't know I had. Her outfit is quite lewd but also very attractive. The black goes really well with her lovely black hair. You can really tell she mean business.
Masochism is great, right? I definitely like giving pain rather than receiving so this works for me. Not to mention that I really like her voice. Goes right through my ears and into my brain.
Beauty - 7.5/10
Personality - 7.5/10
Total score - 15/20
The 2nd best of the bunnies, she is good but not nearly as good as Blanc. She has quite the attractive appearance but I feel her chest is a bit too large for what I normally like in a girl. Otherwise the black bunny suit is really great.
Personality also isn't as good as blank. I don't tend to enjoy someone who is overly shy and reserved. I do appreciate how kind and caring she is and how she is trying to improve.
Beauty - 7.5/10
Personality - 7.5/10
Total score - 15/20
Yuhla's design overall is very good but it is her sharp teeth that appeal to me most. Something about them is just very attractive and suits her quite well. Not to mention her outfit gives her great midriff and even shows off some cool scarring.
I really appreciate hard workers and while she doesn't have the most friendly personality, she still wins me over with how spicy she got in her bond story.
That ends this tier of characters. Next we start to fall off a bit with the "Almost good" tier. This tier has scores from 13.5-14.5.
Beauty - 7/10
Personality - 7.5/10
Total score - 14.5/20
On paper Helm's design should by a 10/10 for me. The outfit, the hair, the thick thighs all really appeals to me. Just something about her feels a bit... off? Maybe it is her posture and how she is a bit hunched over that makes it look odd to me. Still overall I like her design but I just feel it is not as good as it should be.
I really appreciate how disciplined she is. Anytime a girl has strong discipline and loyalty she will really appeal to me. Other than that she is a little bit boring. I remember her bond story being a bit meh.
Beauty - 8/10
Personality - 6.5/10
Total score - 14.5/20
Naga has a great design. Schoolgirl outfit is very cute and the unbuttoned top and short teasing skirt are very alluring. I really like her hairstyle with one of her eyes being covered by her hair.
Naga's personality doesn't quite hit for me. I like how she tends to act more on the mature side but in reality I just found her to be really really boring most of the time. A few times she was good but it wasn't often enough for me to give a higher score.
Beauty - 7.5/10
Personality - 6.5/10
Total score - 14/20
Noise is another girl with a very attractive design. It is really good all around and I can see how people would really like her, but for me it is good rather than great. I'm not a big fan of the blonde she has in her hair. If her hair was all dark I think it would look better.
Her personality is very bland. On paper I like the idea of a one hit wonder trying to get another hit but Noise just doesn't have the personality to get me invested. No an awful one but not great either.
Beauty - 8.5/10
Personality - 5/10
Total score - 13.5/20
Mast has a great design. Very sexy and very cute. Reminds me a bit of Marine from Hololive. The twintails are super cute and the fang is fantastic.
For personality, I haven't done her bond story yet so I don't know it too well. Her ranking may change when I play it. For now I think a 5 is fair as from what I have seen, she seems average.
This ends the first half of tiers. Now we start getting into those I don't like. Next is the "Average at best. Bad at worst". Scores will be 11-13.
Beauty - 7/10
Personality - 6/10
Total score - 13/20
Quiry is very cute and I really like her outfit. One major drawback of her is that I am not a huge fan of pink hair. Otherwise the design is pretty solid all around.
I don't know too much about her as I haven't done her bond story but I do like her quirk of having poor eyesight. Cute and endearing but I just don't know her well enough.
Beauty - 7/10
Personality - 6/10
Total score - 13/20
Soda has two very big reasons to like her design. The thing holding her design back for me is that her head just looks empty. Like just a blank face with no other thoughts behind it. Normally I like a smile but she looks less dumb without one.
Her personality is a bit annoying. I like a bit of clumsiness but hers just is way too much. Really brings down her score for me. Otherwise she seems cute and kind.
Beauty - 7.5/10
Personality - 4.5/10
Total score - 12/20
If there was an award for most forgettable SSR, I would give it to Julia. I completely keep forgetting she exists even tho I do really like her design. It is very beautiful and elegant. I really like the violin as well.
Maybe because I haven't done her bond story but what I have seen just seems really boring to me. As I learn more about her, she may go up but for now I can only give a 4.5.
Beauty - 5.5/10
Personality - 6/10
Total score - 11.5/20
Yuni's design doesn't hit super hard for me. A bit too small in stature for my personal preference but she is quite cute. Plus again not huge on pink hair in general.
I don't like receiving pain (at least not physical) so that relly does turn me away from her a bit. Otherwise she is cute enough but not my cup of tea.
Beauty - 6/10
Personality - 5.5/10
Total score - 11.5/20
Now I know some won't be happy with this one. Anis is very ok but is 100% overrated. She is quite cute but she really doesn't live up to the hype that some people give her. I do like her hat a lot tho.
For personality she can be annoying at times. She can be funny but for the most part I think a lot of her jokes fall flat.
This ends the average tier. Now we can get into girl I don't like in the "Why do people like them?" tier. This has scores between 5-10.
Beauty - 5/10
Personality - 5/10
Total score - 10/20
I know Brid has 2 big reasons that people like her, but for me they are a bit too big and I don't really like anything else she has going for her. Not huge on the hair even tho I am normally a big fan of white hair.
Personality is a bit boring. I like how she is a hard worker but she really puts me to sleep.
Beauty - 5/10
Personality - 5/10
Total score - 10/20
Very meh design. Not a fan of the hair, or the army gear. If she wore the sunglasses rather than having them on her forehead, it would improve my opinion.
Personality is just plain boring. I appreciate discipline but I would rather watch paint dry. I have heard she give something at the end of her bond story tho... but not enough to redeem her.
Beauty - 4/10
Personality - 4.5/10
Total score - 8.5/20
Way too much pink on her. The pink jumpsuit I could live with but the pink hair just makes it a bit too much for me. With a different hair colour or different outfit colour she may appeal more to me.
I thought she was cute at first but got really annoying quickly. Her voice also just begged the heck out of me and made me want to put the game down.
Beauty - 4/10
Personality - 4/10
Total score - 8/20
I don't really like her design. Schoolgirl is normally really good but hers just isn't appealing. Not a fan of the haircut and the look on her face has always bugged me a bit.
She is very annoying. Like really she just gets on all my nerves. Not even sure why but she just really grates on me.
Beauty - 4/10
Personality - 3.5/10
Total score - 7.5/20
Neon is easily the worst Counters member. I wish it had been someone else. Exia I think would have been a good choice. Her design really doesn't do much for me. I usually like hats but hers I always thought looked really bad on her. Needs a change of outfit and to actually face the camera.
Her personality is very annoying as well. Feels like she is so one note for someone who is a main character. Just talking about firepower and not a ton else. Just in the game way too much.
Beauty - 3.5/10
Personality - 4/10
Total score - 7.5/20
Honestly I think she is kind of ugly. The big smile makes her looks super dumb and a bit like a bimbo. That's just what I get from her design. Don't find her attractive at all.
Her personality also seems really annoying and was making me roll my eyes when she's on screen.
That is the end of this tier. I know I have made some enemies for these placements. The next tier is the "Pass" tier. I'm not going to go through each girl here as they are all ones I just don't have an interest in. Most because the design just looks too young for me and I don't want to talk about their attraction level. There are some however who I really like the characters of. For example, Liter is great and I'd love to complain about the youth with her. Soline is also special to me as she was the first Nikke I pulled.
The final tier is the "Extremely attractive but I hate them as characters so I wouldn't go close to them". These are the worst offenders of all. Characters who have the design but just awful personality.
Beauty - 9/10
Personality - -5/10
Total score - 4/20
Sin is insanely hot. A top 10 design in the game IMO. The yogo pants are wild and I really think the mask looks good on her.
Here is the problem. I HATE manipulative women. Nothing is more aggravating and a bigger turn away than someone manipulative. Taking advantage of someone's kindness like that is just cruel and evil (and not evil in the sexy way). I just can't like someone like that.
Beauty - 9.5/10
Personality - -7/10
Total score - 2.5/20
Viper is even a worse case. She was the reason I started playing the game in the first place. My disappointment when she turned out to be manipulative and cruel just upset me greatly. A great design wasted on garbage.
Beauty - 8.5/10
Personality - -8/10
Total score - 0.5/20
I hate Crow. She has a great design that is attractive but I really hate her. I don't want to explain further because of spoiler reasons but she is everything I hate in a character and personality.
This concludes all the Nikke girls I have and how attractive I find them. So, how's my taste?
submitted by PenguinGreat to NikkeMobile [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:53 elewson Liver Function Tests: Keeping Your Liver Healthy

Hello everyone!
Today, we’re diving into an important topic - liver function tests. These tests help check how well your liver is working. Your liver is a vital organ that processes everything you eat and drink, filters toxins from your blood, and helps with digestion. Let's break down what liver function tests are, what they measure, and how you can keep your liver in top shape.

What is the Liver?

The liver is a large organ located in the upper right side of your abdomen. It performs many critical functions, including detoxifying chemicals, metabolizing drugs, and producing proteins important for blood clotting and other functions.

Key Liver Function Tests:

1. ALT (Alanine Aminotransferase)

2. AST (Aspartate Aminotransferase)

3. ALP (Alkaline Phosphatase)

4. Bilirubin

5. Albumin and Total Protein

Why These Tests Matter:

Tips for Keeping Your Liver Healthy:

  1. Eat a Balanced Diet: Focus on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Avoid excessive sugar and processed foods.
  2. Maintain a Healthy Weight: Obesity can lead to fatty liver disease, so aim for a healthy weight through diet and exercise.
  3. Limit Alcohol: Excessive alcohol consumption can cause liver damage. Stick to moderate drinking guidelines or avoid alcohol altogether.
  4. Avoid Toxins: Limit exposure to harmful chemicals and toxins. Use protective gear when handling chemicals and avoid smoking.
  5. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to help your liver function properly.
  6. Exercise Regularly: Physical activity helps maintain a healthy weight and supports liver health.
  7. Get Vaccinated: Vaccinations for hepatitis A and B can prevent infections that cause liver damage.
  8. Regular Check-Ups: Regular health check-ups and liver function tests can catch problems early and keep your liver healthy.

When to Get Tested:


Understanding liver function tests is key to maintaining liver health. Regular testing and a healthy lifestyle can help prevent liver problems and ensure your liver is functioning properly. If you have any questions or personal experiences with liver health, share them in the comments. Your insights can help others who might be facing similar issues.
Stay healthy and informed!
submitted by elewson to BloodTesting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:41 kksingh11 Party's Task: Stalin

J. V. Stalin
The Party's Tasks Report Delivered at an Enlarged Meeting of the Krasnaya Presnya District Committee of the R.C.P.(B.) With Group Organisers, Members of the Debating Society and of the Bureau of the Party Units December 2, 1923 Source : Works, Vol. 5, 1921 - 1923 Publisher : Foreign Languages Publishing House, Moscow, 1954 Transcription/Markup : Salil Sen for MIA, 2008 Public Domain : Marxists Internet Archive (2008). You may freely copy, distribute, display and perform this work; as well as make derivative and commercial works. Please credit "Marxists Internet Archive" as your source.
Comrades, first of all I must say that I am delivering a report here in my personal capacity and not in the name of the Central Committee of the Party. If the meeting is willing to hear such a report, I am at your service. (Voices : "Yes.") This does not mean that I disagree with the Central Committee in any way on this question; not at all. I am speaking here in my personal capacity only because the commission of the Central Committee for drafting measures to improve the internal situation in the Party 1 is to present its findings to the Central Committee in a day or two; these findings have not yet been presented, and therefore I have as yet no formal right to speak in the name of the Central Committee, although I am sure that what I am about to say to you will, in the main, express the Central Committee's position on these questions.
Discussion — A Sign of the Party's Strength The first question I would like to raise here is that of the significance of the discussion that is now taking place in the press and in the Party units. What does this discussion show? What does it indicate? Is it a storm that has burst into the calm life of the Party? Is this discussion a sign of the Party's disintegration, its decay, as some say, or of its degeneration, as others say?
I think, comrades, that it is neither one nor the other: there is neither degeneration nor disintegration. The fact of the matter is that the Party has grown more mature during the past period; it has adequately rid itself of useless ballast; it has become more proletarian. You know that two years ago we had not less than 700,000 members; you know that several thousand members have dropped out, or have been kicked out, of the Party. Further, the Party membership has improved, its quality has risen in this period as a result of the improvement in the conditions of the working class due to the revival of industry, as a result of the return of the old skilled workers from the countryside, and as a result of the new wave of cultural development that is spreading among the industrial workers.
In short, owing to all these circumstances, the Party has grown more mature, its quality has risen, its needs have grown, it has become more exacting, it wants to know more than it has known up to now, and it wants to decide more than it has up to now.
The discussion which has opened is not a sign of the Party's weakness, still less is it a sign of its disintegration or degeneration; it is a sign of strength, a sign of firmness, a sign of the improvement in the quality of the Party's membership, a sign of its increased activity.
Causes of the Discussion The second question that confronts us is: what has caused the question of internal Party policy to become so acute precisely in the present period, in the autumn of this year? How is this to be explained? What were the causes? I think, comrades, that there were two causes.
The first cause was the wave of discontent and strikes over wages that swept through certain districts of the republic in August of this year. The fact of the matter is that this strike wave exposed the defects in our organisations; it revealed the isolation of our organisations— both Party and trade-union—from the events taking place in the factories. And in connection with this strike wave the existence was discovered within our Party of several secret organisations of an essentially anti-communist nature, which strove to disintegrate the Party. All these defects revealed by the strike wave were exposed to the Party so glaringly, and with such a sobering effect, that it felt the necessity for internal Party changes.
The second cause of the acuteness of the question of internal Party policy precisely at the present moment was the wholesale release of Party comrades to go on vacation. It is natural, of course, for comrades to go on vacation, but this assumed such a mass character, that Party activity became considerably weaker precisely at the time when the discontent arose in the factories, and that greatly helped to expose the accumulated defects just at this period, in the autumn of this year.
Defects in Internal Party Life I have mentioned defects in our Party life that were exposed in the autumn of this year, and which brought up the question of improving internal Party life. What are these defects in internal Party life? Is it that the Party line was wrong, as some comrades think; or that, although the Party's line was correct, in practice it departed from the right road, was distorted because of certain subjective and objective conditions?
I think that the chief defect in our internal Party life is that, although the Party's line, as expressed in the decisions of our congresses, is correct, in the localities (not everywhere, of course, but in certain districts) it was put into practice in an incorrect way. While the proletarian-democratic line of our Party was correct, the way it was put into practice in the localities resulted in cases of bureaucratic distortion of this line.
That is the chief defect. The existence of contradictions between the basic Party line as laid down by the Congresses (Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth), and the way our organisations put this line into practice in the locali-ties—that is the foundation of all the defects in internal Party life.
The Party line says that the major questions of our Party activities, except, of course, those that brook no delay, or those that are military or diplomatic secrets, must without fail be discussed at Party meetings. That is what the Party line says. But in Party practice in the localities, not everywhere, of course, it was considered that there is really no great need for a number of questions concerning internal Party practice to be discussed at Party meetings since the Central Committee and the other leading organisations will decide these questions.
The Party line says that our Party officials must without fail be elected unless there are insuperable obstacles to this, such as absence of the necessary Party standing, and so forth. You know that, according to the Party rules, secretaries of Gubernia Committees must have a pre-October Party standing, secretaries of Uyezd Committees must have at least three years', and units secretaries a year's, Party standing. In Party practice, however, it was often considered that since a certain Party standing was needed, no real elections were needed.
The Party line says that the Party membership must be kept informed about the work of the economic organisations, the factories and trusts, for, naturally, our Party units are morally responsible to the non-Party masses for the defects in the factories. Nevertheless, in Party practice it was considered that since there is a Central Committee which issues directives to the economic organisations, and since these economic organisations are bound by those directives, the latter will be carried out without control from below by the mass of the Party membership.
The Party line says that responsible workers in different branches of work, whether Party, economic, trade-union, or military workers, notwithstanding their specialisation in their own particular work, are interconnected, constitute inseparable parts of one whole, for they are all working in the common cause of the proletariat, which cannot be torn into parts. In Party practice, however, it was considered that since there is specialisation, division of labour according to properly Party activity and economic, military, etc., activity, the Party officials are not responsible for those working in the economic sphere, the latter are not responsible for the Party officials, and, in general, that the weakening and even loss of connection between them are inevitable.
Such, comrades, are, in general, the contradictions between the Party line, as registered in a number of decisions of our Congresses, from the Tenth to the Twelfth, and Party practice.
I am far from blaming the local organisations for this distortion of the Party line, for, when you come to examine it, this is not so much the fault as the misfortune of our local organisations. The nature of this misfortune, and how things could have taken this turn, I shall tell you later on, but I wanted to register this fact in order to reveal this contradiction to you and then try to propose measures for improvement.
I am also far from considering our Central Committee to be blameless. It, too, has sinned, as has every institution and organisation; it, too, shares part of the blame and part of the misfortune: blame, at least, for not, whatever the reason, exposing these defects in time, and for not taking measures to eliminate them.
But that is not the point now. The point now is to ascertain the causes of the defects I have just spoken about. Indeed, how did these defects arise, and how can they be removed?
The Causes of the Defects The first cause is that our Party organisations have not yet rid themselves, or have still not altogether rid themselves, of certain survivals of the war period, a period that has passed, but has left in the minds of our responsible workers vestiges of the military regime in the Party. I think that these survivals find expression in the view that our Party is not an independently acting organism, not an independently acting, militant organisation of the proletariat, but something in the nature of a system of institutions, something in the nature of a complex of institutions in which there are officials of lower rank and officials of higher rank. That, comrades, is a profoundly mistaken view that has nothing in common with Marxism; that view is a survival that we have inherited from the war period, when we militarised the Party, when the question of the independent activity of the mass of the Party membership had necessarily to be shifted into the background and military orders were of decisive importance. I do not remember that this view was ever definitely expressed; nevertheless, it, or elements of it, still influences our work. Comrades, we must combat such views with all our might, for they are a very real danger and create favourable conditions for the distortion in practice of the essentially correct line of our Party.
The second cause is that our state apparatus, which is bureaucratic to a considerable degree, exerts a certain amount of pressure on the Party and the Party workers. In 1917, when we were forging ahead, towards October, we imagined that we would have a Commune, a free association of working people, that we would put an end to bureaucracy in government institutions, and that it would be possible, if not in the immediate period, then within two or three short periods, to transform the state into a free association of working people. Practice has shown, however, that this is still an ideal which is a long way off, that to rid the state of the elements of bureaucracy, to transform Soviet society into a free association of working people, the people must have a high level of culture, peace conditions must be fully guaranteed all around us so as to remove the necessity of maintaining a large standing army, which entails heavy expenditure and cumbersome administrative departments, the very existence of which leaves its impress upon all the other state institutions. Our state apparatus is bureaucratic to a considerable degree, and it will remain so for a long time to come. Our Party comrades work in this apparatus, and the situation—I might say the atmosphere—in this bureaucratic apparatus is such that it helps to bureaucratise our Party workers and our Party organisations.
The third cause of the defects, comrades, is that some of our units are not sufficiently active, they are backward, and in some cases, particularly in the border regions, they are even wholly illiterate. In these districts, the units display little activity and are politically and culturally backward. That circumstance, too, undoubtedly creates a favourable soil for the distortion of the Party line.
The fourth cause is the absence of a sufficient number of trained Party comrades in the localities. Recently, in the Central Committee, I heard the report of a representative of one of the Ukrainian organisations. The reporter was a very capable comrade who shows great promise. He said that of 130 units, 80 have secretaries who were appointed by the Gubernia Committee. In answer to the remark that this organisation was acting wrongly in this respect, the comrade pleaded that there were no literate people in the units, that they consisted of new members, that the units themselves ask for secretaries to be sent them, and so forth. I may grant that half of what this comrade said was an overstatement, that the matter is not only that there are no trained people in the units, but also that the Gubernia Committee was over-zealous and followed the old tradition. But even if the Gubernia Committee was correct only to the extent of fifty per cent, is it not obvious that if there are such units in the Ukraine, how many more like them must there be in the border regions, where the organisations are young, where there are fewer Party cadres and less literacy than in the Ukraine? That is also one of the factors that create favourable conditions for the distortion in practice of the essentially correct Party line.
Lastly, the fifth cause—insufficient information. We sent out too little information, and this applies primarily to the Central Committee, possibly because it is overburdened with work. We receive too little information from the localities. This must cease. This is also a serious cause of the defects that have accumulated within the Party.
How should the Defects in Internal Party Life be Removed ? What measures must be adopted to remove these defects?
The first thing is tirelessly, by every means, to combat the survivals and habits of the war period in our Party, to combat the erroneous view that our Party is a system of institutions, and not a militant organisation of the proletariat, which is intellectually vigorous, acts independently, lives a full life, is destroying the old and creating the new.
Secondly, the activity of the mass of the Party membership must be increased; all questions of interest to the membership in so far as they can be openly discussed must be submitted to it for open discussion, and the possibility ensured of free criticism of all proposals made by the different Party bodies. Only in this way will it be possible to convert Party discipline into really conscious, really iron discipline; only in this way will it be possible to increase the political, economic and cultural experience of the mass of Party members; only in this way will it be possible to create the conditions necessary to enable the Party membership, step by step, to promote new active workers, new leaders, from its ranks.
Thirdly, the principle of election must be applied in practice to all Party bodies and official posts, if there are no insuperable obstacles to this such as lack of the necessary Party standing, and so forth. We must eliminate the practice of ignoring the will of the majority of the organisations in promoting comrades to responsible
Party posts, and we must see to it that the principle of election is actually applied.
Fourthly, there must exist under the Central Committee and the Gubernia and Regional Committees permanently functioning conferences of responsible workers in all fields of work—economic, Party, trade-union and military; these conferences must be held regularly and discuss any question they consider it necessary to discuss; the interconnection between the workers in all fields must not be broken; all these workers must feel that they are all members of a single Party family, working in a common cause, the cause of the proletariat, which is indivisible; the Central Committee and the local organisations must create an environment that will enable the Party to acquire and test the experience of our responsible workers in all spheres of work.
Fifthly, our Party units in the factories must be drawn into dealing with the various questions relating to the course of affairs in the respective enterprises and trusts. Things must be so arranged that the units are kept informed about the work of the administrations of our enterprises and trusts and are able to exert an influence on this work. You, as representatives of units, are aware how great is the moral responsibility of our factory units to the non-Party masses for the course of affairs in the factories. For the unit to be able to lead and win the following of the non-Party masses in the factory, for it to be able to bear responsibility for the course of affairs in the factory—and it certainly has a moral responsibility to the non-Party masses for defects in the work of the factory—the unit must be kept informed about these affairs, it must be possible for it to influence them in one way or another. Therefore, the units must be drawn into the discussion of economic questions relating to their factories, and economic conferences of representatives of the factory units in a given trust must be called from time to time to discuss questions relating to the affairs of the trust. This is one of the surest ways both of enlarging the economic experience of the Party membership and of organising control from below.
Sixthly, the quality of the membership of our Party units must be improved. Zinoviev has already said in an article of his that here and there the quality of the membership of our Party units is below that of the surrounding non-Party masses.
That statement, of course, must not be generalised and applied to all the units. It would be more exact to say the following for example: our Party units would be on a much higher cultural level than they are now, and would have much greater authority among non-Party people, if we had not denuded these units, if we had not taken from them people we needed for economic, administrative, trade-union and all sorts of other work. If our working-class comrades, the cadres we have taken from the units during the past six years, were to return to their units, does it need proof that those units would stand head and shoulders above all the non-Party workers, even the most advanced? Precisely because the Party has no other cadres with which to improve the state apparatus, precisely because the Party will be obliged to continue using that source, our units will remain on a somewhat unsatisfactory cultural level unless we take urgent measures to improve the quality of their membership. First of all, Party educational work in the units must be increased to the utmost; furthermore, we must get rid of the excessive formalism our local organisations sometimes display in accepting working-class comrades into the Party. I think that we must not allow ourselves to be bound by formalism; the Party can, and must, create easier conditions for the acceptance of new members from the ranks of the working class. That has already begun in the local organisations. The Party must take this matter in hand and launch an organised campaign for creating easier access to the Party for new members from workers at the bench.
Seventhly, work must be intensified among the non-Party workers. This is another means of improving the internal Party situation, of increasing the activity of the Party membership. I must say that our organisations are still paying little attention to the task of drawing non-Party workers into our Soviets. Take, for example, the elections to the Moscow Soviet that are being held now. I consider that one of the big defects in these elections is that too few non-Party people are being elected. It is said that there exists a decision of the organisation to the effect that at least a certain number, a certain percentage, etc., of non-Party people are to be elected; but I see that, in fact, a far smaller number is being elected. It is said that the masses are eager to elect only Communists. I have my doubts about that, comrades. I think that unless we show a certain degree of confidence in the non-Party people they may answer by becoming very distrustful of our organisations. This confidence in the non-Party people is absolutely necessary, comrades. Communists must be induced to withdraw their candidatures.
Speeches must not be delivered urging the election only of Communists; non-Party people must be encouraged, they must be drawn into the work of administering the state. We shall gain by this and in return receive the reciprocal confidence of the non-Party people in our organisations. The elections in Moscow are an example of the degree to which our organisations are beginning to isolate themselves within their Party shell instead of enlarging their field of activity and, step by step, rallying the non-Party people around themselves.
Eighthly, work among the peasants must be intensified. I do not know why our village units, which in some places are wilting, are losing their members and are not trusted much by the peasants (this must be admitted)—I do not know why, for instance, two practical tasks cannot be set these units: firstly, to interpret and popularise the Soviet laws which affect peasant life; secondly, to agitate for and disseminate elementary agronomic knowledge, if only the knowledge that it is necessary to plough the fields in proper time, to sift seed, etc. Do you know, comrades, that if every peasant were to decide to devote a little labour to the sifting of seed, it would be possible without land improvement, and without introducing new machines, to obtain an increase in crop yield amounting to about ten poods per dessiatin? And what does an increase in crop yield of ten poods per dessiatin mean? It means an increase in the gross crop of a thousand million poods per annum. And all this could be achieved without great effort. Why should not our village units take up this matter? Is it less important than talking about Curzon's policy? The peasants would then realise that the Communists have stopped engaging in empty talk and have got down to real business; and then our village units would win the boundless confidence of the peasants.
There is no need for me to stress how necessary it is, for improving and reviving Party life, to intensify Party and political educational work among the youth, the source of new cadres, in the Red Army, among women delegates, and among non-Party people in general.
Nor will I dwell upon the importance of increasing the interchange of information, about which I have already spoken, of increasing the supply of information from the top downwards and from below upwards.
Such, comrades, are the measures for improvement, the course towards internal Party democracy which the Central Committee set as far back as September of this year, and which must be put into practice by all Party organisations from top to bottom.
I would now like to deal with two extremes, two obsessions, on the question of workers' democracy that were to be noted in some of the discussion articles in Pravda.
The first extreme concerns the election principle. It manifests itself in some comrades wanting to have elections "throughout." Since we stand for the election principle, let us go the whole hog in electing! Party standing? What do we want that for? Elect whomever you please. That is a mistaken view, comrades. The Party will not accept it. Of course, we are not now at war; we are in a period of peaceful development. But we are now living under the NEP. Do not forget that, comrades. The Party began the purge not during, but after the war. Why? Because, during the war, fear of defeat drew the Party together into one whole, and some of the disruptive elements in the Party were compelled to keep to the general line of the Party, which was faced with the question of life or death. Now these bonds have fallen away, for we are not now at war; now we have the NEP, we have permitted a revival of capitalism, and the bourgeoisie is reviving. True, all this helps to purge the Party, to strengthen it; but on the other hand, we are being enveloped in a new atmosphere by the nascent and growing bourgeoisie, which is not very strong yet, but which has already succeeded in beating some of our co-operatives and trading organisations in internal trade. It was precisely after the introduction of the NEP that the Party began the purge and reduced its membership by half; it was precisely after the introduction of the NEP that the Party decided that, in order to protect our organisations from the contagion of the NEP, it was necessary, for example, to hinder the influx of non-proletarian elements into the Party, that it was necessary that Party officials should have a definite Party standing, and so forth. Was the Party right in taking these precautionary measures, which restricted "expanded" democracy? I think it was. That is why I think that we must have democracy, we must have the election principle, but the restrictive measures that were adopted by the Eleventh and Twelfth Congresses, at least the chief ones, must still remain in force.
The second extreme concerns the question of the limits of the discussion. This extreme manifests itself in some comrades demanding unlimited discussion; they think that the discussion of problems is the be all and end all of Party work and forget about the other aspect of Party work, namely, action, which calls for the implementation of the Party's decisions. At all events, this was the impression I gained from the short article by Radzin, who tried to substantiate the principle of unlimited discussion by a reference to Trotsky, who is alleged to have said that "the Party is a voluntary association of like-minded people." I searched for that sentence in Trotsky's works, but could not find it. Trotsky could scarcely have uttered it as a finished formula for the definition of the Party; and if he did utter it, he could scarcely have stopped there. The Party is not only an association of like-minded people; it is also an association of like-acting people, it is a militant association of like-acting people who are fighting on a common ideological basis (programme, tactics). I think that the reference to Trotsky is out of place, for I know Trotsky as one of the members of the Central Committee who most of all stress the active side of Party work. I think, therefore, that Radzin himself must bear responsibility for this definition. But what does this definition lead to? One of two possibilities: either that the Party will degenerate into a sect, into a philosophical school, for only in such narrow organisations is complete like-minded-ness possible; or that it will become a permanent debating society, eternally discussing and eternally arguing, until the point is reached where factions form and the Party is split. Our Party cannot accept either of these possibilities. This is why I think that the discussion of problems is needed, a discussion is needed, but limits must be set to such discussion in order to safeguard the Party, to safeguard this fighting unit of the proletariat, against degenerating into a debating society.
In concluding my report, I must warn you, comrades, against these two extremes. I think that if we reject both these extremes and honestly and resolutely steer the course towards internal Party democracy that the Central Committee set already in September of this year, we shall certainly achieve an improvement in our Party work. (Applause.)
Pravda, No. 277, December 6, 1923
Notes 1. This refers to the commission set up in conformity with the decision of the Political Bureau and of the Plenum of the Central Committee of the R.C.P.(B.) which took place on September 23-25, 1923.
Collected Works Index Volume 5 Index Works by Decade J. V. Stalin Archive Marxists Internet Archive
submitted by kksingh11 to SocialisGlobe [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:27 eldomtom2 What do you think of the Swift Centre's prediction that coal consumption in China and India will be much higher than predicted by organisations like the IEA?

This article, predicting much greater coal consumption by China and India than the IEA, Yakov & Partners, and Sinopec, was posted to this subreddit before, but there was little discussion of the actual arguments made by the "superforecasters", probably because they were hidden away in the graphs showing the predictions. Here they are (each forecaster gave six predictions in total, covering China and India's coal consumption in 2026, 2030, and 2035) - do you think they are good arguments?
From forecaster predicting 4,963 Mt of coal consumption in China in 2026
The main two questions dominating this forecast for me are general predictions of peak coal and the relationship between coal consumption and economic growth (coupled with forecasts of Chinese growth over the next years). First, China’s ‘Dual Carbon’ goals set out by Xi Jinping in 2020 outline peak carbon emissions by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060. Of course, coal is not the only contributor to Chinese carbon emissions, and this goal might be unrealistic given the growth of coal consumption since 2020. SINOPEC on the other hand puts the predicted date of peak coal at around 2025 (https://daxtromn-power.com/blogs/news/sinopec-forecasts-peak-in-china's-coal-consumption-around-2025). This prediction is somewhat more optimistic than that of some recent academic research using optimized grey model that predicts that “coal consumption in China and India will continue to rise over the next five years” (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0360544221030358), though this builds on 2020 data and as such may be consistent with the former. This rough peak date of mid-to-late 2020s is also supported by academic work using system dynamics analysis putting the predicted time at 2027 (https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fenvs.2022.974763/full). Second, there has been quite some discussion in the academic literature on the relationship between economic growth and coal consumption in China. One strand of work looks at intensity effects (investigating how changes in coal consumption may result from changes in coal intensity, i.e., the amount of coal units used per economics output). This paper (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301479721019745?casa_token=JBy-zAuscS4AAAAA:2XeKft1HtziolUxdhzkDz0nr8B0ecjJvdCALy-G2IpXJmlZ1J1zfKv7kuIdGWy3KIIKoE3Rv2cA#bib55) finds a positive effect, suggesting that improvements in efficiency and secondary industries can reduce overall coal intensity. However, economic growth remains the main driver of this, even though the relationship between economic growth and coal consumption has weakened (though proper decoupling has not happened). This result has also been found by other papers (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301421522000374?casa_token=ur4I9csWPxMAAAAA:XvDnZS6_X4l6EF3B_cUEFbj37kZI-yj05pZekJnnRrpOpaQ8oJir3EQyqQXWLHavl3USIpYsMtE). Overall, these results point to a consistent relationship between economic growth and coal consumption, though this relationship is expected to weaken as the Chinese economy advances technologically. Putting these together as a baseline with respect to our forecasting questions, I agree with the rough picture that peak coal before 2026 is very unlikely (10% at best). I also think that the academic results with respect to the weak(ening) relationship between economic growth and coal consumption are likely to hold. However, I do anticipate Chinese growth to slow down substantially over the next years, with there already being quite substantial heterogeneity as to their current growth rate, reported to be over 5%, though unlikely to actually be that. Additionally, while renewable energy is unlikely to replace coal consumption any time soon, their status in the Chinese economy is likely to have substantial effects from around 2030 onwards (both in terms of price pressures in the context of solar but also with respect to the country’s image and the subsequent subsidies afforded to the renewable sector and away from coal as citizen’s concerns for clean air are likely to become more relevant as the rest of the economy advances). For 2026, I anticipate a slowing but consistent growth to about 4950 Mt, with a substantially heavier right tail.
From forecaster predicting 5,020 Mt of coal consumption in China in 2026
IEA's consistent under forecast factor of 2.8%, as mentioned by my fellow forecaster, would yield a corrected forecast of 4,927 MT for 2026. The slow down in the Chinese economy, particularly in the housing market, should lead to a slow-down in demand. This is likely to be offset by an increase in military production and a post-Covid peak return to normalcy of movement within China. Paradoxically the move towards EVs will diminish gas consumption at the cost of electric energy demand, partially driven by coal. China plans to increase their coal plant capacity by ~1/3. Why would they do this is if they do not expect a significant increase in demand? The current average age of coal plants in China is 13 years. They already have this sunk cost, with nearly 3 decades of life remaining in the existing capacity. Anything short of massive calamitous events that force a political recalculation, are unlikely to see a short term decrease in coal consumption. Green energy capacity is increasing, but not at a rate to cover the additional demand for energy, especially in a warming world. https://globalenergymonitor.org/projects/global-coal-plant-trackedashboard/
From forecaster predicting 5,022 Mt of coal consumption in China in 2026
In forecasting it's actually a good thing if you can find a person or institution that is consistently wrong. Fivethirtyeight had this insight with certain pollsters, finding that if they adjusted for partisan biases, the pollsters became a lot more reliable.The China 2026 coal forecast is therefore fairly straightforward, since I found that the past forecasting errors on the part of IEA offer a remarkable consistency of about 2.8 percentage points per year. My guess is this is basically the optimism bias that one finds in forecasting, often by people who admittedly have good intentions. Using that method a floor would then be 4,927 Mt for 2026, assuming no errors for IEA's 2023 estimate. Assuming that error does apply for 2023 (which would have been a winning strategy in past years) gets me to 5,022 for a 2026 median, which is higher than the IEA's 4,535 Mt. Then I have the right tail be longer than the left, given the experience of the past couple years. So overall the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for these years should come to around 2.6%. This makes intuitive sense, since the long-term CAGR through 2017 was 2.7%, with an acceleration to 4.0% for the 2017-22 period.
According to globalenergymonitor.org, China has maintained a pace of issuing permits for 2 new coal power plants per week. Some of this is simply an offsetting of decommissioned old plants of course--according to the coal plant tracker dashboard, 2023 is looking like 136 GW in new construction for China but 120 GW of retirements. With China's energy consumption growing by 6% in 2023 according to IEA though, coal will remain part of the mix for the time being.
On the steel side of the ledger (this being the other major use of coal, to heat the metal), China's steel industry has been in the doldrums for a few years now, with only a slight increase in production in 2023. There are no expectations by the steel industry of higher profits or more stimulus coming (source). So because of all that, I don't expect much increase in coal consumption from that sector.
Finally, it's notable that ten years ago the forecasts for the peak were for around 2020, including by the Chinese government (see pages 3 and 45 here) At the moment Sinopec forecasts peak coal consumption for China to come in 2025. I would probably go more for the latter part of this decade given the momentums, but I think the key point is that the clean energy takeover in China has indeed been pushed back 5 to 10 years.
From forecaster predicting 5,038 Mt of coal consumption in China in 2026
As another forecaster points out, China has been on a bit of a coal burning spree recently: the pre-2017 CAGR was 2.7%, but it accelerated to 4.0% for the 2017-22 period. This was partly due to power shortages that some provinces of China experienced, particularly in 2021 and 2022. Meanwhile, poor rainfall in recent years combined with a decline in Chinese dam projects since 2015 meant that hydropower was unable to pick up the slack; as a percentage of electricity production, hydro actually fell from around 19% in 2014 to less than 16% in 2022, and utilisation was close to historic lows. Rainfall picked up in the summer of 2023, however, and this may stay high in 2024, which is one reason we might expect coal consumption not to increase too sharply and why the IEA might even be right that coal consumption will have peaked in 2023.
How did China increase its coal power generation? According to Global Energy Monitor’s Global Coal Plant Tracker, they revived previously cancelled and shelved projects and approved brand new ones. In 2023, it added almost 50,000 MW and retired less than 4,000 MW.
But just as renewable electricity capacity is not the same as renewable electricity generation (it makes up over 50% of China’s capacity but only about 26% of its generation), additional coal capacity doesn’t necessarily mean that it will be drawn on, as Hannah Ritchie points out. Indeed, coal consumption and coal-based electricity generation did fall around 2014 despite much more coal power capacity having been added than retired in the years preceding this. If the increase in renewable generation can outpace the increase in power demand for the first time, this could happen again.
That said, if Ritchie is right about coal plants being uneconomical (China is offering coal producers capacity payments to keep their plants online even when they’re not being used), this is arguably a sign that China is serious about utilising them at the expense of solar and wind (which have their own economic problems, absent good storage capabilities). Since power plant approvals are now decentralised, provincial leaders may judge that it’s better for the economy as a whole to avoid blackouts of a few hours even if coal plants become stranded assets. Most of the countries (Switzerland, France, Sweden, Iceland) that have managed to create a low-carbon or zero-carbon electricity system rely heavily on some mix of n***, hydro and geothermal, and China is only planning on producing 10% of its electricity from n*** by 2035.
Also, the IEA has been too optimistic in the past as a colleague notes, and I’d give more credence to the analyses cited by my colleagues suggesting that coal consumption will peak later this decade (although some these analyses seem to think coal consumption will ‘peak’ at a figure lower than the 2022 and 2023 figures, which is a bit confusing). Finally, a conflict between China and Taiwan could cause demand to stagnate or fall, as could a lacklustre economy (which will also impact steel production). On the other hand, it could cause China to ramp up coal production.
Overall, I don’t think coal consumption in 2026 will be as high as some forecasters are predicting (based on an extrapolation of recent trends), because hydropower may regress toward mean utilisation levels after falling close to historical lows during the drought in 2021 and 2022, while additional solar and wind capacity (even with low utilisation rates) may finally start to shoulder a significant part of the extra demand. However, I don’t think it will be as low as the IEA is projecting because solar and wind still have limitations (as discussed by others), n****** and hydropower probably aren’t sufficient for coal to peak in 2023, and the IEA has historically underestimated coal consumption. A peak in the latter half of the decade appears more plausible, especially as this is what China itself is signalling will happen.
continued in comments
submitted by eldomtom2 to energy [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:08 caindiasolution Subjects in CA Inter New Course Sep 2024 & Jan 2025

Subjects in CA Inter New Course Sep 2024 & Jan 2025

Group 1 CA Inter

Advanced Accounting: This gives a comprehensive knowledge of accounting principles, standards, and their applications in business scenarios.
  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Accounting Standards
  • Chapter 2: Framework for Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements
  • Chapter 3: Applicability of Accounting Standards
  • Chapter 4: Presentation & Disclosures-Based Accounting Standards
  • Chapter 5: Assets-Based Accounting Standards
  • Chapter 6: Liabilities Based Accounting Standards
  • Chapter 7: Accounting Standards Based on Items Impacting Financial Statement
  • Chapter 8: Revenue-Based Accounting Standards
  • Chapter 9: Other Accounting Standards
  • Chapter 10: Accounting Standards for Consolidated Financial Statement
  • Chapter 11: Financial Statements of Companies
  • Chapter 12: Buyback of Securities
  • Chapter 13: Amalgamation of Companies
  • Chapter 14: Accounting for Reconstruction of Companies
  • Chapter 15: Accounting for Branches including Foreign Branches
Corporate and other laws: It deals with the various procedures and laws related to organisational issues. Taxation laws, intellectual property, IT laws, contract laws.
  • Chapter 1: Preliminary
  • Chapter 2: Incorporation of Company and Matters Incidental Thereto
  • Chapter 3: Prospectus and Allotment of Securities
  • Chapter 4: Share Capital and Debentures
  • Chapter 5: Acceptance of Deposits by Companies
  • Chapter 6: Registration of Charges
  • Chapter 7: Management & Administration
  • Chapter 8: Declaration and Payment of Dividend
  • Chapter 9: Accounts of Companies
  • Chapter 10: Audit and Auditors
  • Chapter 11: Companies Incorporated Outside India
  • Chapter 12: The Limited Liability Partnership Act, 2008
  • Chapter 1: The General Clauses Act, 1897
  • Chapter 2: Interpretation of Statutes
  • Chapter 3: The Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999
Taxation: CA Inter Taxation is a significant part of the CA Intermediate level study material. Its primary objective is to help students grasp all the provisions and laws related to taxation.
Section A: Income-tax Law
  • Chapter 1: Basic Concepts
  • Chapter 2: Residence and Scope of Total Income
  • Chapter 3: Heads of Income
  • Chapter 4: Income of Other Persons included in Assessee’s Total Income
  • Chapter 5: Aggregation of Income, Set-Off and Carry Forward of Losses
  • Chapter 6: Deductions from Gross Total Income
  • Chapter 7: Advance Tax, Tax Deduction at Source and Tax Collection at Source
  • Chapter 8: Provisions for filing Return of Income and Self Assessment
  • Chapter 9: Income Tax Liability – Computation and Optimisation
Section B: Goods and Services Tax
  • Chapter 1: GST in India – An Introduction
  • Chapter 2: Supply under GST
  • Chapter 3: Charge of GST
  • Chapter 4: Place of Supply
  • Chapter 5: Exemptions from GST
  • Chapter 6: Time of Supply
  • Chapter 7: Value of Supply
  • Chapter 8: Input Tax Credit
  • Chapter 9: Registration
  • Chapter 10: Tax Invoice; Credit and Debit Notes
  • Chapter 11: Accounts and Records
  • Chapter 12: E-Way Bill
  • Chapter 13: Payment of Tax
  • Chapter 14: Tax Deduction at Source and Collection of Tax at Source
  • Chapter 15: Returns

Group 2 CA Inter

Cost and Management Accounting: Cost and Management Accounting is a type of accounting that works to assess an organization's total cost of production by looking at both variable and fixed costs during each step of production.
  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Cost and Management Accounting
  • Chapter 2: Material Cost
  • Chapter 3: Employee Cost and Direct Expenses
  • Chapter 4: Overheads – Absorption Costing Method
  • Chapter 5: Activity Based Costing
  • Chapter 6: Cost Sheet
  • Chapter 7: Cost Accounting Systems
  • Chapter 8: Unit & Batch Costing
  • Chapter 9: Job Costing
  • Chapter 10: Process & Operation Costing
  • Chapter 11: Joint Products and By Products
  • Chapter 12: Service Costing
  • Chapter 13: Standard Costing
  • Chapter 14: Marginal Costing
  • Chapter 15: Budgets and Budgetary Control
Auditing and Ethics: The knowledge gained from subjects like Accounting and Corporate and Other Laws helps in the understanding of Auditing. This is a very important subject, the knowledge of which helps students to become a better professional.
  • Chapter 1: Nature, Objective and Scope of Audit
  • Chapter 2: Audit Strategy, Audit Planning and Audit Programme
  • Chapter 3: Risk Assessment and Internal Control
  • Chapter 4: Audit Evidence
  • Chapter 5: Audit of Items of Financial Statements
  • Chapter 6: Audit Documentation
  • Chapter 7: Completion and Review
  • Chapter 8: Audit Report
  • Chapter 9: Special Features of Audit of Different Type of Entities
  • Chapter 10: Audit of Banks
  • Chapter 11: Ethics and Terms of Audit Engagements
Financial and Strategic Management: Financial Management is a subject that deals with the management of financial resources within an organization. Strategic Management focuses on the formulation and implementation of strategies to achieve the objectives of an organization.
Section A: Financial Management
  • Chapter 1: Scope and Objectives of Financial Management
  • Chapter 2: Types of Financing
  • Chapter 3: Financial Analysis and Planning – Ratio Analysis
  • Chapter 4: Cost of Capital
  • Chapter 5: Financing Decisions – Capital Structure
  • Chapter 6: Financing Decisions – Leverages
  • Chapter 7: Investment Decisions
  • Chapter 8: Dividend Decision
  • Chapter 9: Management of Working Capital
Section B: Strategic Management
  • Chapter 1: Introduction to Strategic Management
  • Chapter 2: Strategic Analysis: External Environment
  • Chapter 3: Strategic Analysis: Internal Environment
  • Chapter 4: Strategic Choices
  • Chapter 5: Strategy Implementation and Evaluation
submitted by caindiasolution to cacompass [link] [comments]

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submitted by TightAsF_ck to beermoneyuk [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:56 oliva841 Maximizing Efficiency: How to Calculate Your Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) for Optimal Profits

In the fast-paced world of online retail, every decision you make directly impacts your financial results.Efficient inventory management is a key factor in your success. Ordering excessive stock can tie up valuable capital and lead to unnecessary storage costs, while ordering insufficiently can result in stockouts and lost sales. This is where the concept of Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) becomes indispensable. EOQ is a potent tool that enables you to determine the optimal order quantity for your products, thereby minimizing costs and maximizing profits. Mastering the calculation of your EOQ can revolutionize your inventory management, guarantee product availability, and elevate your business efficiency to its peak. Let's delve into the essential steps of calculating your ideal EOQ, essential for a flourishing e-commerce journey!
What Is Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)?
Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) is a vital concept that can save you from the challenging balancing act of managing inventory for your e-commerce business. Picture this: you're flourishing in the online market, but the constant struggle of maintaining the right inventory levels weighs on you. Ordering excessive stock leads to capital being tied up and storage costs piling up. On the other hand, if you order too little, frustrating stockouts become inevitable, resulting in lost sales.
But fear not! The solution lies in the magnificent concept of Economic Order Quantity (EOQ), developed by the brilliant mind of Ford W. Harris in 1913. EOQ serves as a powerful tool that empowers you to determine the perfect order quantity for your products. By minimizing total inventory costs, EOQ ensures that you always have an adequate stock level to meet customer demands, all while avoiding unnecessary expenses.
Here's the key: EOQ considers three crucial cost factors:
1- Holding Costs: These costs are associated with storing inventory, including warehouse space, insurance, and the potential for product spoilage or obsolescence.
2- Ordering costs include the expenses related to placing an order, such as processing fees, shipping costs, and staff time.
3- Shortage Costs: These costs arise when stock runs out, leading to lost sales, dissatisfied customers, and potential backorders.
Calculating Your EOQ: A Step-by-Step Guide
Now that we comprehend the significance of EOQ, let's explore the procedure of determining it:
1- "Collect the necessary data:"
D: Annual Demand for your product (units per year)
C: Ordering Cost per order (includes processing fees, shipping, etc.)
H: Holding Cost per unit per year (includes storage costs, insurance, etc.)
2- Apply the EOQ Formula:
The formula for EOQ is:
EOQ = √(2 * D * C / H)
Ready to optimize your inventory management and boost profitability? Learn how to calculate your Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) today and take your business to the next level!
To Sum of:
By understanding how to calculate your EOQ and implementing this strategy, you can gain control of your inventory management. This results in decreased costs, enhanced efficiency, and ultimately, greater profitability for your e-commerce business. Efficient inventory management is a crucial element for success in the competitive world of online sales. Therefore, harness the power of EOQ to work for you and witness your business thrive!
submitted by oliva841 to u/oliva841 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:44 coredao_org_ What is Bitcoin Hash Power?

A term you may have come across is “hash power,” which refers to the total number of hashes produced by miners in a network like Bitcoin as they mine blocks.
But there may nevertheless be lingering questions about what hash power is, why it matters, and what it ultimately means for different blockchain projects. These are the topics we’ll be addressing today.

Understanding Hash Power 💪

First, let’s begin with a broad overview of what hash power is and how we measure it.
Definition of Hash Power 📚
The ‘hash rate’ is a number representing the computational power exerted by a proof-of-work (PoW) cryptocurrency network (such as Bitcoin), a mining pool, or an individual miner. It plays an important role in setting the mining difficulty for a blockchain and serves as an indicator of the network's security level, both of which are covered in more detail below.
A hash is an alphanumeric code produced when some piece of data – whether an individual letter or all of Wikipedia – is passed into a hashing function. The most famous such function is probably the SHA156 hashing function deployed in Bitcoin.
The computers within a PoW network produce many hashes per second as they compete to be the first to mine a valid block, and each of these is counted. The overall hash rate measures the number of these hashes happening in aggregate.
Units of Hash Power 📐
As we said, hash rate quantifies the number of hashing attempts the computers in a blockchain network makes per second when trying to mine a block. In general, the size of the network typically correlates with a higher hash rate, as bigger networks mean more computers producing hashes.
Hash rate is almost always expressed in terms of hashes per second, with several specific measures being used to indicate the scale of mining operations:
These metrics help illustrate the range of mining power, from individual units to expansive network operations, and they give you a sense of where the trend lines are pointing.

The Implications of Hash Power 💂

Now that we’ve broadly answered the question “What is Bitcoin hash power,” let’s discuss a few of its implications for security and economics.
First, there’s a fairly clear connection between the hash rate of a network like Bitcoin and its overall security. Take the case of a “51% attack,” for example, which occurs when a single entity controls more than half of Bitcoin’s hash power. Once they’ve achieved this control, they can sensor transactions or even change recent blocks.
Obviously, the more hash power commanded by the network, the harder it is to gain 51% of that hash power. If there were only a dozen small Bitcoin miners, it would be relatively trivial to execute a 51% attack; with multiple exahashes per second, the task becomes much more difficult.
The Bitcoin network dynamically adjusts to accommodate greater amounts of hash power. As more miners enter the competition to mine a block, it becomes harder to do, and as they leave, it becomes easier. This way, there’s always a new block every 10 minutes, on average.
Hash power also affects mining profitability. The more hash power there is available, the harder each miner has to work in order to beat all the others. As hash power grows, then, it becomes more and more costly to mine blocks. This is part of what has driven the trend toward bigger mining pools. This dynamic interacts in complex ways with the regular Bitcoin halving, but we’ll leave that for future essays. Be sure to subscribe to this subreddit for all our updates.

Hash Power and Core Chain 🟧

Core Chain is the most Bitcoin-aligned layer 1, and this stems in part from the fact that Satoshi Plus consensus is tied directly to the hash power of Bitcoin miners.
As we’ve covered elsewhere, Core Chain offers miners the option of delegating their hash power to Core Validators through Delegated Proof of Work. When they do this, they embed specific data into the coinbase transaction of the new Bitcoin block specifying which Core validator they are delegating to and where they would like their CORE rewards to be directed.
After a miner delegates their Proof of Work to Core, the network assesses the total delegated Proof of Work for each validator by tallying the number of blocks attributed to them by Bitcoin miners. This plays a crucial role in the selection process for validators on the Core network; miners are rewarded for this work when their validators successfully mine a block and pass along some of their CORE tokens to their delegating miners.


The significance of hash power in underwriting the integrity and security of the Bitcoin network cannot be overstated. Hash power is a part of how transactions are validated and blocks are mined reliably; the more of it there is, the harder it is for any malicious actors to alter the distributed ledger or censor the activity of others.
And, on Core Chain, hash power is delegated as part of Satoshi Plus consensus. This not only binds Core and Bitcoin together, it also means that the security of Core is propped up by the might of Bitcoin’s mining network.
We hope you’ve found this thought-provoking and informative! Be sure to subscribe for future updates, or check out Core Chain’s documentation, YouTube channel, or Core Academy if you want to dive deeper!
submitted by coredao_org_ to coredao_org_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:32 CastAMillion [AU Time][Monday][Online][5e][Homebrew][LGBTQIA+ Friendly] The new frontiers of exploration are calling you! Will you answer them?

First some info
Hey all, first to clarify a few things. This is an advertisement for 4 players needed for a long-term, homebrew campaign starting at level 6. If you are looking for a purely RAW dnd setting with RAW mechanics and gameplay, this likely isn't something for you. And that's okay. This campaign will be taking place weekly on Monday evenings, AUSTRALIA TIME. If you apply for this campaign, I am going to assume that you will be able to consistently make this schedule. Please familiarise yourself with this as if you are in the USA, it will be early hrs of the morning for you most likely (approximately 2-3am start for those on the East Coast).
I am an experienced GM and I expect a certain commitment from my players. This being a mutual understanding that the more passion we put into the games, the more fun and fulfilment that we will get from them. As a DM, my style is a roleplay and exploration focused game. With the potential for long stretches of combat sessions when narratively appropriate. I run a number of homebrew rules that I believe fit my style of game better. This campaign is in a unique position of exploration over all else. You will need to build characters who have a sense of self as well as a desire to explore. While it is NOT essential or required, taking notes is encouraged given I do like the old lore dump from time to time.
Lastly for the info. Please do not feel intimidated if you are a new player to dnd, wanting your first game. Maybe you are someone who has played Baldur's Gate III and want a shot at the TTRPG version. All are welcome. Please do not apply though if you are under the age of 18, nothing personal, however its not the vibe or themes I'm going for. This campaign will use Discord and Roll20. I'm happy to teach roll20 use, its fairly straight forward to those who haven't used it.
Campaign Premise
Now that stuff is out of the way! Lets have a chat about the kind of story you will be signing your Monday's away to for the indefinite future.
For longer than even Elvish recorded history, around the equator of the world, have been a set of impassable leylines. For millennia, ships, airships and any who attempt the treacherous crossing of this equatorial barrier into the South has never been heard from again. All forms of divination and teleportation magic has proved futile at providing witness to the other side of the great divider. Until 5 years ago. 5 years prior to the event of the campaign, the 3 largest nations to the North developed a device called "The Arcane Anomaly Pacifier," (TAAP). Which is a ring of three large towers that every 6 months, can stabilise the leylines in a small enough area over the ocean to provide safe passage for a fleet of ships. The first of these crossings was named "The Exodus."
Since then, 9 other crossings have been made into the new lands. You, the party find yourselves on the 10th crossing. Leaving from whatever life you had before, into new prospects of employment. Were you running? Hiding maybe? Or even someone down on their luck in search of new horizons! You have accepted the job of Expedition Security for an eccentric Gnomish scientist named "Odana Gerrul." She believes that there is more to this southern wasteland than meets the eye.
Rumours of an artifact with the power to control the flow of magic run rampant within the new colonies as ruins of who came before are starting to be uncovered. Will your party be the ones to unlock the secrets of the new world? Or will the mystery swallow you up whole?
How to apply
Thankyou newfound friend for sifting through my word vomit. Now if you feel like this game may still be for you, here's how you can go about letting me know! Please fill out the following google form as accurately as you can. (Extra consideration will be put into those applicants who go into a bit more detail) I'll contact you further if I believe that you would be a good fit for the group. Any questions, please comment below.
I look forward to hearing from you.
submitted by CastAMillion to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:19 tempmailgenerator Implementing Email Domain Restrictions with jQuery Validate

Enhancing Form Validation Techniques

In the digital age, ensuring the integrity and quality of user data is paramount for web developers and businesses alike. One common challenge faced in this endeavor is filtering out free email service providers, such as Gmail or Hotmail, from form submissions. This task is particularly relevant when aiming to collect professional or business-oriented email addresses, which can significantly impact the quality of interactions and data collected. jQuery Validate, a popular JavaScript library, offers a robust solution for this, enabling developers to enforce custom validation rules easily and efficiently.
Integrating email domain restrictions into web forms using jQuery Validate not only elevates the data quality but also tailors the user experience to suit business needs. This technique can be crucial for B2B platforms, exclusive membership sites, or any scenario where the type of email address submitted matters. Through a combination of jQuery Validate's flexible rule definition and the developer's strategic implementation, it's possible to significantly enhance form validation processes, making them more aligned with specific operational requirements and user management strategies.
Command/Function Description
$.validator.addMethod Adds a custom validation method to the jQuery Validate plugin.
$.validator.methods.email Extends the default email validation to include domain-specific checks.
element Represents the form element being validated.
params Contains parameters or additional data used in custom validation methods.
validator An instance of the jQuery Validate validator, providing access to other form elements and validation methods.

Expanding Form Validation Capabilities

Implementing custom email domain restrictions in form validations is a strategic approach to ensure that the data collected through web forms is of high quality and relevance to the business's needs. This process is especially critical for platforms that rely on establishing professional connections or conducting B2B transactions, where the validity and professionalism of an email address can significantly impact communication effectiveness and business opportunities. The jQuery Validate plugin provides a flexible and powerful foundation for implementing these restrictions, allowing developers to create custom validation methods that can precisely match the website's requirements. By leveraging the plugin's ability to extend its default validation rules, developers can enforce restrictions on email domains, ensuring that users register or submit information using their business or professional email addresses, thereby enhancing the quality of the data collected.
The technique of restricting free email service providers through custom validation rules not only improves data accuracy but also helps in minimizing spam and fraudulent submissions. It is a proactive measure against common issues faced by online platforms, contributing to a more secure and trustworthy online environment. Moreover, this approach allows for the customization of error messages, providing users with clear and helpful feedback on why their submission was not accepted and what steps they can take to correct it. This level of detail in form validation enriches the user experience, making it more intuitive and user-friendly. As businesses continue to evolve in the digital landscape, the ability to finely tune the data collection process through tools like jQuery Validate becomes increasingly valuable, enabling more precise targeting, better customer segmentation, and improved communication strategies.

Custom Email Domain Validation with jQuery Validate

JavaScript in Web Development
$.validator.addMethod("customEmail", function(value, element) { return this.optional(element) /^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$/.test(value) && !/(@gmail\.com@yahoo\.com@hotmail\.com)$/.test(value); }, "Please enter your business email address."); $(document).ready(function() { $("#myForm").validate({ rules: { email: { required: true, customEmail: true } } }); }); 

Advanced Strategies in Email Validation

Within the realm of web development, the significance of validating email addresses extends beyond mere syntax checks. This practice is pivotal in enhancing the security and integrity of user data, particularly in applications requiring authenticated user interactions. By implementing domain-specific email validations, developers can effectively mitigate risks associated with accepting emails from free providers, which are often exploited for spam or fraudulent activities. The jQuery Validate plugin facilitates this through its customizable framework, enabling the creation of validation rules that align with the specific needs of a business or application. This level of customization not only bolsters the security measures but also refines the user onboarding process by ensuring that only professional or verified email addresses are accepted.
This approach to email validation plays a crucial role in curating a professional user base, especially for platforms targeting B2B interactions or services requiring a higher degree of credibility. By restricting free email service providers, a business can significantly reduce the likelihood of engaging with low-effort or non-serious inquiries, thus optimizing resource allocation towards more promising prospects. Furthermore, this strategy aids in establishing a more controlled and qualitative communication channel with users, fostering trust and reliability in the digital ecosystem. The strategic application of such validation techniques underscores the evolving landscape of web development, where data quality and user trust are paramount.

FAQs on Email Domain Validation

  1. Question: Why is email domain validation important?
  2. Answer: Email domain validation is crucial for enhancing the quality of user data, preventing spam, and ensuring that users provide a professional or verified email address, which is particularly important for B2B platforms and secure transactions.
  3. Question: Can jQuery Validate restrict specific email domains?
  4. Answer: Yes, jQuery Validate can be customized to restrict specific email domains by adding custom validation methods, allowing for the exclusion of free or unwanted email service providers.
  5. Question: How does custom email validation improve user experience?
  6. Answer: Custom email validation improves user experience by providing clear, specific feedback on submission errors, guiding users to provide acceptable email addresses, and ensuring a smoother, more intuitive form submission process.
  7. Question: Are there any limitations to custom email domain validation?
  8. Answer: While highly effective, custom email domain validation may inadvertently exclude legitimate users with no access to professional email addresses, potentially limiting the user base.
  9. Question: How can I implement custom email domain validation with jQuery Validate?
  10. Answer: Implement custom email domain validation by using the $.validator.addMethod function to create a new validation method that checks the email address against a list of allowed or disallowed domains.

Final Thoughts on Advanced Email Validation Techniques

In conclusion, the strategic implementation of email domain validation using the jQuery Validate plugin emerges as a pivotal measure for enhancing data quality and security across web platforms. This method not only serves to refine the caliber of user engagements by filtering out free email service providers but also plays a crucial role in safeguarding against spam and unauthorized submissions. The flexibility of jQuery Validate enables developers to construct bespoke validation rules, offering a tailored approach to meet the unique requirements of each application. As digital landscapes evolve, the importance of maintaining high standards of user data integrity cannot be overstated. Through careful application of such validation techniques, developers can significantly contribute to a more trustworthy and professional online ecosystem, ultimately benefiting both businesses and users alike. The adoption of custom email validation practices is therefore not just a technical requirement but a strategic asset for any platform aiming to enhance user experience and operational security.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:11 mfafl Pakiusap, know your mental health terms.

Some mental health terms are being used lightly and I'll say my point early on:
Don't fucking use my disorder or anyone else's for that matter to make your vocabulary more "colorful". You might use it to add "spice" or make yourself look interesting but the problem is when you fucks actually come across someone who is dealing with that problem in real life, y'all act dumb as shit and treat it like it's a choice to have a disorder. It's really not.
And also, don't self diagnose. Because a lot of you don't even know what makes up a disorder, it is not just sadness or being a control freak. There is always more to a disorder than what is known about it on a surface level.
Now, FOR YOUR REFERENCE. You can search terms on Google but there are just the loose definitions of the following disorders:
Depression - persistent feeling of sadness, emptiness, numbness, basically a lack of a will to live that lasts more than 2 WEEKS. The opposite of depression is not happiness, it is vitality.
OCD - "long-lasting disorder in which a person experiences uncontrollable and recurring thoughts (obsessions), engages in repetitive behaviors (compulsions), or both."
OCD is not wanting to be clean, it is more extreme. You're just a neat freak is you hate off angle things. You might have OCD if you have repetitive behaviors fueled by irrational thoughts. Like tapping your waistband 5-12 times because you think it will help you ace an audition ("I'm Glad My Mom Died" reference) Trauma - a deeply jarring, depressing, disturbing experience.
NOT EVERYTHING IS TRAUMA FOR FUCK'S SAKE. You watching a scary movie isn't traumatizing. It might be trauma if it unconsciously/consciously affects everything about you as a result. How you make choices, how you live your everyday life. I fucking hated the SAW movies but I don't live in fear of the possibility of getting kidnapped and strapped to a torture device. Therefore it was not traumatizing.
BPD/Bipolar - it's not just fucking mood swings, EVERYONE HAS MOOD SWINGS. The difference between your mood swings vs someone with BPD, is that BPD is absolute fucking chaos where a person is constantly switching between mania and depression.
submitted by mfafl to OffMyChestPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:07 getfiio WSJ article about a crackdown looming for bigger investors

After reading the article, it looks like another misleading headline designed to generate buzz by the sales team at the WSJ.
But I still want to be cautious in my strategy and mitigate any risks.
Curious what do others think of the article?
The article needs a subscription, so I pasted the text below.
Wall Street went on a home-buying spree. Now, more lawmakers want to stop it from ever happening again.
Democrats in the U.S. Senate and House have sponsored legislation that would force large owners of single-family homes to sell houses to family buyers. A Republican’s bill in the Ohio state legislature aims to drive out institutional owners through heavy taxation.
Lawmakers in Nebraska, California, New York, Minnesota and North Carolina are among those proposing similar laws.
While homeowner associations for years have sought to stop investors from buying and renting out houses in their neighborhoods, the legislative proposals represent a new effort by elected officials to regulate Wall Street’s appetite for single-family homes.
These lawmakers say that investors that have scooped up hundreds of thousands of houses to rent out are contributing to the dearth of homes for sale and driving up home prices. They argue that investor buying has made it harder for first-time buyers to compete with Wall Street-backed investment firms and their all-cash offers.
Wall Street went on a home-buying spree. Now, more lawmakers want to stop it from ever happening again.
Democrats in the U.S. Senate and House have sponsored legislation that would force large owners of single-family homes to sell houses to family buyers. A Republican’s bill in the Ohio state legislature aims to drive out institutional owners through heavy taxation.
Lawmakers in Nebraska, California, New York, Minnesota and North Carolina are among those proposing similar laws.
While homeowner associations for years have sought to stop investors from buying and renting out houses in their neighborhoods, the legislative proposals represent a new effort by elected officials to regulate Wall Street’s appetite for single-family homes.
These lawmakers say that investors that have scooped up hundreds of thousands of houses to rent out are contributing to the dearth of homes for sale and driving up home prices. They argue that investor buying has made it harder for first-time buyers to compete with Wall Street-backed investment firms and their all-cash offers.
Share of single-family homes purchased by investors, by portfolio sizeSource: John Burns Research and ConsultingNote: Quarterly data measures the trailing 12 months. iBuyers are a type of house flipper.2016'17'18'19'20'21'22'23'2402.55.07.510.012.515.017.520.022.525.027.5%iBuyers1,000+ home companies100-99910-991-91-9 1Q 2017 18%
Investors of all sizes spent billions of dollars buying homes during the pandemic. At the 2022 peak, they bought more than one in every four single-family homes sold, though more recently their activity has slowed as interest rates rose and supply became tighter. Two of the largest home-buying firms, Invitation Homes and AMH, are publicly traded companies, while a number of other companies, backed by private equity, hold portfolios of tens of thousands of homes nationwide.
Companies that buy single-family homes say their businesses provide renters the opportunity to live in desirable neighborhoods where they otherwise couldn’t afford to buy.
With home prices and rents near record highs around the U.S., legislators and officials at all levels of government have become more active on housing issues. States have passed new measures to fund more affordable housing, to allow builders to bypass local zoning laws and to make the eviction process more favorable to tenants.
Most calls to block large companies from snapping up homes come from liberals, but some conservatives also show an inclination to crack down.
This “corporate large-scale buying of residential homes seems to be distorting the market and making it harder for the average Texan to purchase a home,” Republican Gov. Greg Abbott wrote on X last month. “This must be added to the legislative agenda to protect Texas families.”
Close to equal numbers of voting-age Republicans and Democrats said they would support a measure to block Wall Street firms from buying homes, according to a new study funded by the University of California, Santa Barbara, and the Manhattan Institute, a conservative think tank. The study gauged opinion from 5,000 renters and homeowners in urban and suburban ZIP Codes.
Proposals to curb investors might be popular with voters, but so far they haven’t gained much traction in legislatures. None of the bills in Congress or in any of the state houses has reached a floor vote.
Advocates for the single-family rental industry, such as the National Rental Home Council, oppose such legislation and blame rising prices on an undersupply of new-construction homes. They also point to the relatively low number of homes owned by institutional investors, defined as those companies with portfolios of 1,000 homes or more. Some research estimates these companies own 3% to 5% of American rental homes.
In some American cities, institutional investors hold a much larger share of homes than they hold nationally. In Atlanta, nearly 11% of all rental homes in the five-county area are now owned by three real-estate companies, a recent study by researchers at Georgia State University found. A 2022 analysis by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development said 21% of Atlanta rental homes were owned by some large institution.
Rep. Nikema Williams (D., Ga.), from the Atlanta area, in December co-sponsored the End Hedge Fund Control of American Homes Act in the U.S. House. The act “won’t solve all of the problems, but it will definitely make an impact,” she said in an interview.
Critics of regulation note that many of the largest investors have bought very few or no homes in the past year. “The great trade is done,” said John Burns, founder of the eponymous housing research and consulting firm. “So what are you trying to stop?”
Smaller investors that own between 10 and 99 homes have stepped up their share of home buying this year, Burns said. Some of the proposed legislation would also target these smaller investors.
The bills in the House and Senate would cap rental-home ownership at no more than 50 homes for many companies, requiring them to sell off any more they already own. A bill in Minnesota, meanwhile, would limit ownership to 20 homes.
Bills to block landlords in the Ohio and Nebraska state legislatures were written in response to a small number of investors buying up hundreds of homes in a handful of Cincinnati and Omaha neighborhoods.
Louis Blessing III, a Republican representing suburbs of Cincinnati in the Ohio Senate, introduced a bill to tax large landlords so heavily that they would likely feel compelled to sell their properties. Blessing said he is concerned about real-estate companies developing monopoly power in some neighborhoods, while putting starter homes further out of reach for home buyers.
“It’s an antitrust in spirit bill,” he said.
submitted by getfiio to realestateinvesting [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 12:00 The_Way358 Essential Teachings: A Biblical Model of Ethics


In this post, we'll be discussing something called "Virtue Ethics." This is a normative theory of ethics that's most associated with Aristotle, though has in recent times experienced a resurgence of sorts from modern philosophers, some of whom have tweaked and modified it, and in doing so have created different branches on this tree of moral theory. We will be comparing these different flavors of Virtue Ethics to that of the New Testament's, pointing out where they're similar, as well as highlighting where the NT differs (and is actually superior) from the heathens' views.
I want to preface all this with a verse and a warning:
"Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ."-Colossians 2:8
The entire Bible, over and over again, warns against syncretism. It's a running theme throughout to condemn the practice, with this verse being one of the more explicit ones to do so.
Mapping the ideas of Pagans (and especially Greek philosophers) onto the Scriptures has always resulted in people severely misinterpreting the Bible, as looking at the Word of God through a Hellenistic lens is and always has been extremely innapropiate to the author's original intent.
Whenever Greek philosophy or ideas are referenced, they're always portrayed in a bad light or otherwise used to make a point. Examples of the latter could be found in the apostle Paul's writings, as he was a fully educated Roman citizen of his day, and so he made use of known Hellenestic philosophy and literature (that he would have been familiar with) by redefining their terms and ideas in a way that would be consistent with the theology of his own religion. The apostle Peter did the same within his own epistles whenever he mentioned "Tartarus," the abyss/prison for certain disobedient angels that rebelled against God, despite the fact that the word has its roots in Greek mythology and not Hebrew religion (though, the belief that there were a group of spiritual beings that rebelled against the highest authority in the heavens was one technically shared between the two ancient cultures; even if the parties involved were vastly different, as well as the contexts of the rebellion itself).
The affect Hellenstic philosophy has had on the way people think (even subconsciously) can still be felt to this day, and can be seen in the confusion modern "Christianity" has brought on through its adoption of Gnostic teachings such as Dualism or the inherently fatalistic views that many unknowingly hold due to the error of Classical Theism.
While yes, I will be commending the heathen (unbeliever) whenever they are right with their ideas as pertaining to this subject, I will also show where they are wrong.
Let's begin.

"What Is Virtue Ethics?"

First, we need to define some terms and point out the differences between this view and others within the larger debate of normative ethics.
There are three major approaches in normative ethics, those being: Consequentalism, Deontology, and Virtue Ethics. The following are definitions of the terms:
Consequentialism – a class of normative, teleological ethical theories that holds that the consequences of one's conduct are the ultimate basis for judgement about the rightness or wrongness of that conduct.
Deontology – theories where an action is considered morally good because of some characteristic of the action itself, not because the product of the action is good. Deontological ethics holds that at least some acts are morally obligatory regardless of their consequences for human welfare.
Virtue Ethics – theories that emphasize the role of character and virtue in moral philosophy rather than either doing one’s duty or acting in order to bring about good consequences. The virtue ethicist would argue that actions themselves, while important, aren't as important as the character behind them. To the virtue ethicist, consequences are also important, but they would say that good consequences ultimately flow from a virtuous character who has made virtuous decisions. Theories of virtue ethics do not aim primarily to identify universal principles that can be applied in any moral situation, instead teaching that the best decisions can vary based on context, and that there are only some actions that would be universally evil, only because those actions could never flow from a virtuous character in the first place (e.g., rape).
Aristotle's idea of ethics is in an important respect different from most people's, especially today. Heirs as we are to Kant’s idea of duty – there is a right thing that one ought to do, as rational beings who respect other persons – and to Mill’s idea of utility – the right thing to do is that which produces the greatest good for the greatest number – most of us see ethics as concerned with actions. "The function of ethics is to help me see what I ought to do in a given situation," the modern says. Aristotle’s approach was different. His ethic is not so much concerned about helping us to see what we ought to do, as about what sort of person we ought to be.
Aristotle was concerned with character, and with the things that go to make up good and bad character; virtues and vices. His sort of ethic does not look at our action to see if it fulfils our duty, or produces a certain outcome, such as the greatest good of the greatest number, and therefore merits approval. Instead, it looks at us; at the character behind the actions, to see whether we merit approval.
Comparing Virtue Ethics with philosophies such as Deontology and Consequentialism, we are able to divide ethical theories into two kinds; act-centered theories and agent-centered theories. Kant’s (Deontological) and Mill’s (Utilitarian) approaches are act-centered, because they concern themselves with our actions, whilst Aristotle’s is agent-centered because it concerns itself with the character of a person, which in his view was ourselves and our own dispositions that prompt our actions.
Both approaches have ardent present-day advocates, and so both are alive and well. Virtue Ethicists are dissatisfied with the answers ‘modern’ act-centered philosophy offers, and look for a more flexible, person-centered approach that takes more account of the subtle varieties of human motivation. Those in this camp see ethics as being about people – moral agents – rather than merely about actions. Of course, your actions matter. But, for Aristotle and his present day advocates alike, they matter as expressions of the kind of person you are. They indicate such qualities as kindness, fairness, compassion, and so on, and it is these qualities and their corresponding vices that it is the business of ethics to approve or disapprove.
All this seems simple and uncontroversial; there are two ways of looking at an action to evaluate it morally. You can take the action in isolation and judge it, or take the agent and judge him or her.
Virtue ethicists argue that act-centered ethics are narrow and bloodless. What is needed is a richer moral vocabulary than just ‘right and wrong’. There are subtle but important differences between actions that are good because they are kind and those that are good because they are generous, and those that are good because they are just. Likewise, there are subtle but important differences between actions that are bad because they are selfish and those that are bad because they are cruel and those that are bad because they are unfair. These, and many other, distinctions are lost when we talk simply about doing one’s duty, or promoting utility. Questions of motive and of character are lost, in these asceptic terms. Modern moral philosophy won’t do: it is cold, technical and insensitive to the many kinds and degrees of value expressed in human actions. Ethics is more than just thought experiments and hypotheticals about what would be the right course of action to take in any given situation we might conjure up from the comfort of our armchair. Ethics is about doing, and about context and character.

The Different Kinds of "Virtue Ethics"

Virtue Ethics has has been developed in two main directions: Eudaimonism, and agent-based theories.
Eudaimonism (Aristotle's view) bases virtues in human flourishing, where flourishing is equated with performing one’s distinctive function well. In the case of humans, Aristotle argued that our distinctive function is reasoning, and so the life “worth living” is one which we reason well. He also believed that only free men in the upper classes of society (i.e., the aristocrats) could excel in virtue and eschew vice, being that such men had greater access to the means in accomplishing this task as they had the wealth and resources to better perform their distinctive function of 'reasoning,' and thus "live well." For the Eudaimonian, inner dispositions are what one ought to focus on in order to cultivate virtuous traits, and thus a virtuous character.
In contrast, an agent-based theory emphasizes that virtues are determined by common-sense intuitions that we as observers judge to be admirable traits in other people. There are a variety of human traits that we find admirable, such as benevolence, kindness, compassion, etc., and we can identify these by looking at the people we admire, our moral exemplars. Agent-based theories also state that the motivations and intentions behind an action are ultimately what determine whether or not said action is actually virtuous. Whereas Eudaimonism understands the moral life in terms of inner dispositions or proclivities to act in certain ways (whether righteous or wicked, just or unjust, kind or cruel, etc.), agent-based theories are more radical in that their evaluation of actions is dependent on ethical judgments about the inner life of the agents who perform those actions, that is, what the motivations and intents are of a person.
[Note: While both Eudaimonism and agent-based theories are both agent-centered, Eudaimonism is not to be confused with an agent-based theory. Both branches concern themselves more with agents rather than acts themselves, but Eudamonism focuses on the self to improve whereas the agent-based theory focuses on others to improve.]

Common Critcisims Toward Secular Forms of Virtue Ethics

Firstly, Eudaimonism provides a self-centered conception of ethics because "human flourishing" (here defined as simply fulfilling our base function as humans, which is "reason" according to this view) is seen as an end in itself and does not sufficiently consider the extent to which our actions affect other people. Morality requires us to consider others for their own sake and not because they may benefit us. There seems to be something wrong with aiming to behave compassionately, kindly, and honestly merely because this will make oneself happier or "reason well."
Secondly, both Eudaimonism and agent-based theories also don't provide guidance on how we should act, as there are no clear principles for guiding action other than “act as a virtuous person would act given the situation.” Who is a virtuous person? Who is the first or universal exemplar?
Lastly, the ability to cultivate the right virtues will be affected by a number of different factors beyond a person’s control due to education, society, friends and family. If moral character is so reliant on luck, what role does this leave for appropriate praise and blame of the person? For the Eudaimonian, one ought to be born into a status of privilege if they wish to excel in being virtuous. For the proponent of an agent-based theory, one ought to be born into a society or family with good role models and preferably be raised by such, else they have no moral exemplars to emulate.

The New Testament's Virtue Ethic

The New Testament authors didn’t sit down and do a self-consciously philosophical exercise, for this was not what they were concerned with. They were concerned with giving practical instruction to disciples of the faith, and merely trying to express the ethical implications of their spiritual experience. That being said, we know the apostle Paul was familiar with the writings of Aristotle. We can actually identify places where Paul displays knowledge of Aristotle and incorporates some of the philosopher's ideas into his own epistles. Before we do this, however, it's important we refute common misnomers about what the Bible teaches concerning ethics in general.
You probably have heard many attack the ethics of the New Testament as being primitive and simplistic. "God dictates universal commands to follow: 'do not lie,' do 'not divorce,' 'do not insult.' And the only motivating factor is escaping hellfire and obtaining the reward of eternal pleasure." But in reality, this is a gross misrepresentation of the ethics laid out in the NT. I will argue the NT advocates for a form of virtue ethics, instead of claiming the NT contains a form of deontic ethics, as it is so often assumed.
Elizabeth Anscombe was one of the most influential virtue ethicists of the 20th century. Her work helped to revive virtue ethics in the modern era, however she also criticized the ethics of the Bible for promoting a form of ethics different than what Aristotle promoted:
"...between aristotle and us came Christianity, with its law conception of ethics. For Christianity derived its ethical notions from the Torah. (One might be inclined to think that a law conception of ethics could arise only among people who accepted an allegedly divine positive law..." (Modern Moral Philosophy, vol. 33, no. 124, 1-19)
We've already dealt with the issue of the Torah in another post. The Torah is not laying down moral laws, but describing justice in the form of ancient Near Eastern wisdom literature. But does the New Testament teach a deontic form of ethics? Anscombe might appear justified in her claim, as some "Christian" theologians have explicitly taught the ethics of the NT is deontic.
However, other theologians have argued the ethics of the NT is best characterized as a form of virtue ethics. In a study of the NT, we'll support this notion. As noted earlier, one of the central features of this approach to ethics is that the aim of ethics should be on living a virtuous life. Other forms of ethics focus on directing actions when confronted with a moral dilemma, but for virtue ethics every action is a moral or immoral action because all of our actions contribute or do not contribute to living a virtuous life. In other words, for a virtue ethicist, everything we do will contribute to living a fulfilled life. Now, the NT promotes a similar idea with a slight modification. The NT changes the distinctictive function and purpose for man in Eudaimonism from "reasoning" to loving God and others instead, and thus "living well" is changed from self-centered 'flourshing' (as defined by Aristotle) to glorifying God instead. The apostles taught everything we do contributes to living a life that glorifies God:
"Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God."-1 Corinthians 10:31
"And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him."-Colossians 3:17
So we see the same idea in Paul, that everything we do can be seen as a moral or immoral action. Everything we do should be seen as contributing to living a life that glorifies god or not. As a believer, the aim is not just doing good actions to avoid punishments, but to see everything we do as glorifying God. On secular virtue ethics, all our actions are either advancing a good life or not: nourishing your body contributes to living a good life. In a Biblical context: taking the time to properly dress contributes to living a good life, and not giving into the sin of sloth. So all our actions can be moral actions in this context, and so likewise for Paul and Jesus, all we do can contribute to living a life that glorifies God.
Since God made our bodies to thrive and enjoy life, we should nourish our bodies so we can thrive as God intended for our bodies to do, thus ultimately glorifying Him. Since we were created to experience and feel enjoyment, laughing and enjoying things throughout life glorifies God as well since we're experiencing emotions that God created to be experienced. Everything we do should be to glorify God, and often all that is is living our lives in the way that they were intended to be lived. Biblical ethics is very much more than merely performing right actions, but living a virtuous life that brings glory to God.
As Jesus said:
"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind."-Matthew 22:37b
It is also important to focus on what it means to love, which is an important aspect of what it means to be a believer. Paul makes the radical claim that to love is the entirety of the law of God:
"For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."-Galatians 5:14
Jesus also taught that to love God and love others were the two greatest commandments (Mark 12:28-31, Matt. 22:34-40). He also extends the commandment to love beyond one's brethren, and to love our enemies (Matt. 5:44). Loving those around us is central to what it means to be a believer (John 13:34; 15:12-17, Rom. 12:10; 13:8, 1 Cor. 13:1-8; 16:14, 2 Cor. 8:8, Eph. 4:2; 5:2, Phili. 1:9, Heb. 10:24, Jam. 2:8, 1 Pet. 1:22, 1 John 2:10; 3:23).
One might suggest this is no different than the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do to you," or a Kantian rule: "I ought never to act except in such a way that I could also will that my maxim should become a universal law." In other words, "to live well is to perform good deeds or actions and nothing more." But an important point about loving someone is it cannot be done through actions alone. For example, one could buy a gift for their spouse to cheer them up. However, one could perform this action merely because they value performing right actions without any love for the person. One could donate to charity because it is the right thing to do, and not because she cares for the people who would benefit. In such scenarios, they can be seen as idolizing moral laws, not necessarily caring about helping others.
But to love someone requires more than merely performing right actions. You cannot love someone and not care about who they are as a person and where they are heading in life. To love is to will the good of the other. Jesus chastised the Pharisees of his day for only performing right actions, but not loving their brethren in their hearts. His criticism follows Matthew chapter 22, where Jesus says the greatest commandments are to love. The implication is the Pharisees perform proper actions, but have the wrong motivations for doing so. James Keenan puts it like this:
"Essential to understanding this command is that we love our neighbors not as objects of our devotion, but rather as subjects; that is, as persons. Thus, we cannot love others only because God wants us to do so, since then we would love them as means or as objects and not as persons. We can only love one another as subjects, just as God loves us." (Jesus and Virtue Ethics: Building Bridges Between New Testament Studies and Moral Theology, pg. 86)
A critic may bring up that verses of the NT are still phrased as commands, and therefore the structure implies duties were the central aspect of Christian ethics. But the importance of duties is not foreign to Virtue Ethics. Instead of being central to the ethical framework, duties flow from a virtuous character. Virtues are active and have certain demands for which a person must fulfill in their active behavior.
According to Aristotle, knowledge of the virtues gives us practical wisdom in how to properly act. Duties flow from the understanding of the demands of virtues. To put it another way, for virtues to manifest in persons, they have certain demands that must be fulfilled. For the believer, the command of love flows from being virtuous and aligning oneself with the character of God. Commitment to the character of Christ, who perfectly carried out the will of the Father, allows us to perform right and proper actions.
The NT also contains lists of virtues the believer ought to emulate, the most famous of these is in Galatians chapter 5:
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law." (vss. 22-23)
Now, the connection with Aristotle cannot be more pronounced. The Greek phrase "against such there is no law" is almost identical to what we find in Aristotle's politics (3.13.1284a). It seems clear Paul is teaching a similar ethical framework to what Aristotle advocated for. Paul is teaching that the believing community ought to be persons who display key virtues, and that their conduct would not need to be regulated by a law. Instead, their character should be the standard others can measure themselves by. Romans chapter 2 is also a place we see references to Aristotle, where Paul notes that when Gentiles do what the law requires, they are "a law unto themselves" (vss. 14-15). In other words, they do not need to be told to act a certain way. They have the proper virtuous character that directs their actions, to do the good the law requires. Paul is advocating in Galatians that believers should think in a similar way.
So in Galatians 5, we have affinity with the teachings of Aristotle, and in other lists of virtues throughout the NT we see a similar idea, which is that Christians were meant to display virtues primarily (Rom. 5:3-5, 1 Cor. 13:1-8, Col. 3:12-17, 1 Tim. 3:2-3; 4:7-8, Jam. 3:17-18, 2 Pet. 1:5-8). From that, good deeds will properly manifest in our actions.
Anscombe made a great point on what the focus of ethics should be:
"It would be a great improvement if, instead of 'morally wrong', one always named a genus such as 'untruthful', 'unchaste', 'unjust'. We should no longer ask whether doing something was 'wrong', passing directly from some description of an action to this notion; we should ask whether, e.g., it was unjust; and the answer would sometimes be clear at once." (Modern Moral Philosophy, vol. 33, no. 124, 1-19)
Interestingly enough, Paul lays out a similar idea in explaining Christian ethics:
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you."-Philippians 4:8-9
In other words, the central aspect on living a Christian life was on what is virtuous, not on what is lawfully right or wrong. Right actions flow from whatever is honorable, true, and pure. Correlating with this is how Paul responds to the Corinthians who claimed that "all was lawful." Paul reminded them the emphasis is not on what is lawful, but on what is good for building a virtuous character:
"All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not."-1 Corinthians 10:23
One's main focus ought to be on what is good, not on laws that dictate behavior.
One of the key aspects of Virtue Ethics is the idea we ought to learn from virtuous teachers and imitate them. A virtuous character is obtained by imitating what a virtuous person does. This parallels a key aspect of Christian ethics. Imitating Christ was (and still is) crucial to living a virtuous life:
"For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps:"-1 Peter 2:21
Paul says in Romans 8:29 that Christians were predestined "to be conformed to the image of his Son." Jesus often taught his followers to do as he does (Matt. 16:24, Mark 8:34, Luke 6:40; 9:23, John 13:15, 34). Paul says in 1st Corinthians 11: Be ye followers [i.e., imitators] of me, even as I also am of Christ" (vs. 1). Hebrews 13:7 says to imitate the faith of the patriarchs. 1st Thessalonians 2:14 says to imitate each other. And jesus taught to imitate the good Samaritan from his parable (Luke 10:37). Imitating virtuous teachers was key for Christian ethics.
Aristotle tended to compare acquiring virtues with that of learning a practical skill, like playing an instrument or learning how to become a builder. Such practical skills are best picked up when trained by a master of that particular skill, because a teacher can always provide more insight through lessons they learn from experience. For example, an expert salesman can provide examples from his experience of what works with specific customers that a sales textbook could never provide. Many professions today require on-the-job training or experience before even hiring an applicant. The reason is: experience is key to learning a profession. Merely acquiring knowledge from a textbook or an instruction manual is often insufficient to master a skill, so why would mastering the skill of virtue be any different?
In the NT, a believer is to see the world through the eyes of Christ and to love as he loved. One cannot learn how to be a virtuous person without knowing what that life would look like. A key component of Christian theology is that the Messiah perfectly represented the Father and His will on earth, to show us how to properly live as God intended for man. This central tenet of the NT aligns well with agent-based theories of Virtue Ethics, and modifies it so that the person of Jesus Christ is the universal exemplar that one is meant to emulate. We are called to imitate him through our actions, thoughts, and desires, and to conform ourselves to the way he lived. As Paul said:
"I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me."-Galatians 2:20
If learning from Christ is key, we should briefly take a look at the Sermon on the Mount, which is said to be one of Jesus' most important series of teachings. Daniel Harrington notes:
"The sermon begins with nine 'beatitudes' (see 5:3–12) in which Jesus declares as 'happy' or 'blessed' those who practice certain virtues, and promises them an eternal reward and the fullness of God's kingdom." (Jesus and Virtue Ethics: Building Bridges Between New Testament Studies and Moral Theology, pg. 62)
Jesus laid out what a life for those that follow him look like in detail. One ought to be merciful, pure in heart, a peacemaker, thirst for righteousness, etcetera (Matt. 5:2-10). The Sermon does not merely include what right actions are, but includes sections on proper desires. Not only is it wrong to murder, but it is wrong to desire to murder or wish ill on someone (Matt. 5:22). Avoiding adultery is good, but one also should not covet after another man's woman in their heart (Matt. 5:28). In other words, merely avoiding immoral actions is not enough. One must also not desire vices. A believer is called to desire what is good.
The Sermon is not necessarily laying down universal moral commands. For example, Matthew 5:9 says, "Blessed are the peacemakers," but this doesn't imply absolute Pacifism, as it would contradict passages in the Old Testament where it explicitly says there is a time for war (Ecc. 3:8). The point of the Sermon is to teach what a virtuous life ought to look like. A follower of Christ ought to use reason to know what is proper to do in various circumstances. For example, in Matthew chapter 6, Jesus offers guidance on how one ought to pray by presenting the Lord's prayer (vss. 9-15). This is a model of how to pray. It's not a command for followers to always pray in this exact way.
In reality, the Sermon on the Mount mixes in exhortations, parables, hyperbole, declarations, commands, etc. It is best understood as displaying what a virtuous life ought to look like. It's not a law code. Building on this, it's important to understand a proper action is context sensitive. Under Virtue Ethics, one should not necessarily apply a universal maxim to every situation. Sometimes the proper action will depend on what is at stake, who is involved, what is the background, etc. Aristotle advocated against the idea there were fixed universal laws that dictate actions, and instead he argued the right action would depend on the circumstances one finds themselves in. Although the ethics of the NT may be a bit more strict, it still places an emphasis on being sensitive to the context of situations.
In 1st Corinthians chapter 8, Paul lays out instructions on how to deal with meat that has been sacrificed to Pagan idols. Instead of stating an absolute prohibition against meat sacrificed to idols, Paul instructed Christians to use reason to come to the proper ethical decision based on context. In other words, the right action is not determined only by a law. Instead, the Christian had to make the proper decision based on the context: if eating caused another to stumble, then you ought to abstain; if not, then there's no harm done. The value of the action depends on the context.
A Deontologist might reply that there's still a universal law given here: that one should always abstain if it's going to cause another to stumble. This objection can be addressed by asking: how are we to know if eating the meat will cause another believer to stumble? To answer such a question, one must be sensitive to the context, which in this case would be knowledge of the fellow believer and your relation to him. It is the context that determines the right action, not a universal law. Moreover, Paul states that the primary goal for the believer should be to love (1 Cor. 13). The first consideration is once again not the rightness of action, but having love for one another. From this, knowledge of the proper action will follow.
Paul often explains that living a proper life as a believer will take work and practice. He reminded Timothy to attend readings, practice what these things mean, and keep a close watch on himself (1 Tim. 4:13-14). Elsewhere, he directs that all believers must work on their faith (Phili. 2:12). Beyond this, he also noted that not all Christians would have the same gifts, and to accept that this was normal (1 Cor. 12). For some, certain things may be a hindrance, whereas for others it is acceptable (Rom. 14:2-4). What matters is that we love and build one another up (1 Thess. 5:11). Right actions flow from love and knowledge of virtue. Rules are not the primary motives that dictate our actions; rules are secondary in this regard.
An interesting case can be studied with regards to divorce in the Gospels. Jesus preaches against divorce (Mark 10:7-9) and it is often interpreted to mean "divorce is always wrong, regardless of circumstances." However, it should be noted the prohibition on divorce is not a universal law. The context can affect whether or not a divorce is permissible. Jesus says that one can divorce over sexual immorality. Paul also has a situation where divorce is permissible, namely if one spouse is an unbeliever and wishes to leave (1 Cor. 7:15). The implication one can derive is divorce is not ideal, but there are circumstances where it may be the proper action to take. Given the other features of Christian Virtue Ethics we already covered, the proper action to take will depend on the circumstances and what the virtuous agent thinks is the most loving thing to do. A universal prohibition on divorce is not a Christian ethic. Instead, one ought to discern the proper action from circumstances. However, it's clear in most cases divorce would not be the virtuous thing to do.
Building on this, it's important to note that within NT ethics, certain acts are always wrong. For example, idolatry and sexual immorality are always wrong (1 Cor. 10:14, Col. 3:15, 1 Pet. 4:13). There are no possible scenarios where it would be okay to rape, because such an act would never flow from a virtuous character. But this concept is not foreign to theories of Virtue Ethics. Aristotle noted that for some actions, no qualifications could make them virtuous. Actions such as rape or murder are always wrong, because they would never flow from a virtuous character. So it's not as if a Virtue Ethicist cannot claim that some actions are always wrong. They simply are qualified as being unable to flow from virtue, whereas actions like lying or waging war could be considered virtuous for the right reason.
Now, despite Christian Virtue Ethics having many similarities with Eudaimonism (Aristotelian ethics), there are also numerous differences beyond what we've already noted. One of the deficiencies of how Aristotle lays out his ethical theory is that it is essentially an all-boys club. Aristotle writes mainly to aristocratic men, excluding women and slaves. In his view, women were inferior to men and slaves lacked the necessary rational faculty. But the Christians rejected this mentality, as the teachings of Christ and the apostles were available to all (Matt. 28:19). Paul said, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus" (Gal. 3:28). Peter wrote that all Christians were part of the priesthood of Christ (1 Pet. 2:5). Jesus had women followers (Luke 8:2-3), and they were entrusted with delivering revelation (Mark 15:40–16:8). What we find throughout the NT is a radical change to how women were viewed in the ancient world. Paul is also likely building on Aristotle's household structure and refining it. David deSilva says the household codes of the NT are "...following the pairs laid out as early as Aristotle to such a degree as to suggest that these were standard topics in ethical instruction" (Honor, Patronage, Kinship & Purity, pg. 231). But Paul adds an important preface: submitting to one another out of reverence for Christ (Eph. 5:20-21). DeSilva says:
"...husbands, we cannot then ignore the distinctively Christian addition they bring to this arrangement; husbands are to be subject to their wives as well." (Honor, Patronage, Kinship & Purity, pg. 233)
Thus Paul doesn't break down the traditional perspective on the structure of the family, but he does add the idea that we all must submit to each other in reverence, love, unity, and cooperation because all are equal before God. There is no explicit mention in the NT calling for the abolishment of slavery, but it should be noted that Paul taught that slaves should be seen as equals. In the letter to Philemon, Paul is clear that his slave is no longer "as a servant, but above a servant, a brother beloved" (vs. 16). Thus, within Christian ethics class distinctions were supposed to evaporate. All were brothers and sisters of one family.
An important aspect of Christian ethics is that it wasn't a standalone ethical theory. It's embedded in the larger Christian worldview. The ethical framework is dependent on Christian doctrines. For Aristotle, his ethical theory is for men who were raised well. This is why these specific men desire to be virtuous and perform right actions. As for why the believer does good and desires to be virtuous, it's not because one was raised well, but because they have been activated by the power of God's Spirit (John 3:6, 1 Cor. 12:13). For believers, the reason as to why we desire to be good and virtuous is because the Spirit of God has regenerated us. He loves us so we can love others (1 John 4:19). One is meant to look to the life of Christ and what he has done by dying on the cross, to know that we are loved and forgiven. This in turn is meant to activate a good life, having seen what we have gained and been forgiven of. He calls and activates us to do similar to those around us. This is a more open system for people of all groups and classes. One only has to call upon the name of the Lord to be included. It does not require a specific gender or to be raised a certain way.
The goal of Aristotelian ethics is to achieve 'eudaimonia.' However, within the Bible the goal is as the Westminster Shorter Catechism puts it: "Man's chief end is to glorify God, and enjoy Him forever." Since the central aspect of Biblical Eschatology is that humans will continue on forever in resurrected bodies, the aim of ethics is more than living a good life presently. Living a good life now is important, but it was only one aspect in the Christian worldview. Humans are meant to live beyond this life, so the aim is also about building virtuous souls that will continue on. The importance of this is more crucial than it may seem at first. Paul said that we must all appear before judgment, so that "every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad" (2 Cor. 15:10).
Being a virtuous person requires integrity, because one will still have to answer to God after death. If one can commit an evil act and no one finds out, then from the outside perspective he or she may still appear virtuous. Culturally speaking, the ancient world was very different from our own. All wrongdoings centered around public honor and shame. One did good to receive public honor, and one did not do what was bad to receive public shame. Right and wrong were connected to one's public honor and shame in the ancient Greco-Roman world. Thus good and evil were public ideas, not personal ideas. Ethical demands were grounded in the community in one's public appearance
The Biblical idea of an omniscient God who cared about our ethical status laid a foundation for integrity and personal guilt to emerge. Now one ought to do good because he is beholden to God, not just the community. Believers are to remain focused on God's approval and on the actions that lead them, regardless of the world's response. This lays down fertile ground for integrity to emerge. So the Biblical worldview has another important element built in that encourages ethical behavior, regardless of the honor it brings. One ought to do good because of a commitment to God not, because it might bring honor to one's name publicly.

Implications for Preterists

Paul believed that the Second Coming would happen in his generation, and prescribed certain things in the NT on the basis of that belief. An example of an exhortation that would no longer apppy to us today would be 1st Corinthians 7:24-29, where Paul argues that the times him and his fellow Christians were in called for celibacy, being that the Lord was fast approaching. It wasn't a sin if you did get married, of course; it was just harder to serve the Lord in this context if you had a family to worry about. Thus, Paul encouraged being single.
So, we need to be careful when reading the NT and determining what prohibitions or exhortations are still applicable to us today. Context is key.
submitted by The_Way358 to u/The_Way358 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:46 ParkingBee1509 My list is below. Only unreleased

  1. SOMMA, YUMA - All 4 U
  2. Key Notez - Your Love Ain't The Same ( Maz Remix )
  3. Amy Winehouse Back To Black ( DSF Edit )
  4. Donna Summer - I Feel Love ( VXSION Edit )
  5. Collé - Kupata feat Nes Mburu
  6. Mwaki - Zerb ft. Sofia Nzau ( &Friends Remix )
  7. Time - PACHANGA BOYS ( Roy Rosenfeld Private Mix )
  8. Moojo, Demayä feat. Arkadyan - Desperado (Besh Remix)
  9. who is he - bill withers (victhor remix)
  11. Francis Mercier, Frigid Armadillo, Luedji Luna - Uiara
  12. Nico De Andrea - My Everything (Bohemian Extended Remix)
  13. Yamil - Amonunde
  14. Yamil - Cotonú
  15. Yamil - Nimbe
  16. Marten Lou - Better Days
  17. Camelphat - What a Day (Marten Lou Remix)
  18. Luchii - Vertebrea (SOMMA Remix)
  19. Folamour, Amadou & Mariam - Voyage (Antdot remix)
  20. Guapo & Peaty - 6pm In Casablanca
  21. Juan Yarin - Sun WLimiter
  22. KURA - Sentir Saudade (GUAPO & Antdot Remix)
  23. Peaty, Soldera - Niafunke
  24. Ajna & Jamiie ft Nomvula - ID DEMO NEW
  25. Alok - Yawanawa Sina Vaishu (Maz Remix)
  26. QUENTRO & Tuna - Soro Soke
  27. Raffa Guido - Preguntas
  28. PEATY - Ouda
  29. Peaty - KILOSA
  30. Chouja - Nyu Bi Woni
  31. Ah Ya Alby (Ajna & Samm Edit)
  32. Rockin Moroccan - All that she wants
  33. Raffa Guido - Famax (Jerak Remix)
  34. Cloonee Wade - Mi Amor (VXSION Remix)
  35. DOT (BR), Rachel Reis - Eu Vou Pra Bahia (DSF Remix)
  36. The Weeknd - Save Your Tears (DSF Edit)
  37. Marasi - Sweet Dreams
  39. Joris_Voorn,_Matthew_Dear_Homeland_&ME_Remix_Jinadu_Vocal_Edit
  40. Maz,_Bakka_BR,_Berimbouse_A_Hora_é_Agora_Ft_Rafa_Unreleased
  41. Raffa Guido - Yo ma Love (Original mix)
  42. Depeche Mode - Enjoy The Silence (DSF Edit)
  43. Liva K - True Story
  45. Candi Stanton - Hallelujah Anyway (Larse 2024 Edit)
  47. Cesaralina [Darmon Edit] ( Montrouge Remix )
  48. Naomi Sharon - Definition Of Love ( Alex Kósh Remix )
  49. Cheb Khaled - Abdel Kader (Mont Rouge Remix).wav
  50. Maz, APACHE, Maxi Meraki (feat. Tabia) - Nothing On Me (&ME Edit).mp3
  51. Harry Styles - Sign Of The Time (DSF Remix).wav
  52. Janet Jackson – Together Again (Rampa Edit)
  53. Lemon Glow - Beach House (Marten Lou Remix).wav
  54. Frank Ocean – Lost (Beswerda Remix).mp3
  55. Moojo, AWEN – Giant [Master].wav
  56. Adassiya - Sa Ansa (Alex Twin Remix)
  57. Anastacia - Left Outside Alone (DSF Edit)
  58. Dennis Ferrer - Hey Hey (Da Capo Dub)
  59. Caiiro, Moojo – Here We Are V1 Master.wav
  60. Bob Marley - Is This Love (DSF's Believe In U Edit).flac
  61. Reamonn - Supergirl (DSF Edit).mp3
  62. Chris IDH - Sunray
  63. Da Capo Ft. Toshi - New Sun (Original Mix)
  64. Uncle Waffles - Tanzania (Rampa Remix)
  65. Drake - A Keeper (Moojo Remix)
  66. Marten Lou - Radiohead 40
  67. Rihanna - Stay (Moojo Remix)
  68. Omah Lay & Naomi Sharon - Push ( BLK Remix )
  69. Sanba Yo Pran Pale (&ME Remix)
  70. Samm (BE) & Ajna (BE) - Move V2
  71. Brandy - Almost Doesn’t Count (&ME Edit)
  72. Da Africa Deep - Humans (&ME Edit)
  73. Mano, Ajna - Bottom
  74. Samm & Ajna - A Frenchie Thing
  75. Ajna (BE) - Astro
  76. Alex Wann, Soubeiran, Nes Mburu - N’Gele
  77. Bun Xapa - La Mezcla
  78. Keinemusik - Muye (Enoo Napa Remix)
  79. MoBlack, Santiago Garcia ft. Yung Wylin - Good Energy
  80. Moojo - Swing My Way
  81. Samm & Reyou - Mama Hoekanda
  82. Ilanga - Masšh (&Me Edit)
  83. Masšh___Adam_Port_feat_Ninae_All_I_Got_Original_Mix
  84. Rui Da Silva - Touch Me (Peace Control Remix)
  85. Franc Fala - MoBlack, Benja, Franc Fala - Yamore (FF Master)
  86. Downstream - MakeÌ_z, Life on Planets (Lazare Remix)
  87. Billie Eilish - Everything I Wanted (Marten Lou Remix)
  88. Cher - Believe (Super Flu Remix)
  89. Drake - Get it Together (VXSION Remix)
  90. Feid - Classy 101 (Maz, VXSION Edit)
  91. Antdot & Maz - Corpo e Canção
  92. Maz - Ndaciii
  93. Maz (BR) & Antdot - Run (Original Mix)
  94. Samm (BE) - Troy
  95. Innerbloom - RÜFÜS DU SOL (Dennis Louvra Remix)
  96. Samm & Maxi Meraki - Everybody Get Up
  97. VXSION, Peace Control - Back To Life
  99. Toto - Africa (Rampa Remix)mp3
  100. Unkle - Only You (&ME Remix).mp3
  101. Chris IDH – 7Nation.wav
  102. Naomi Sharon - Another Life (DSF Remix).wav
  103. Abra - Feel (&ME Remix).wav
  104. Pablo Fierro – Kababo (Unreleased Edit).wav
  105. Future & Tems - Wait 4 U (Mont Rouge Remix).wav
  106. France Gall – Ella, Elle L’a (Rampa Edit).wav
submitted by ParkingBee1509 to AfroHouseUnreleased [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:41 DylanBaster Tierlist of fighters before they died/ascended

Tierlist of fighters before they died/ascended
I have only read up to round 7 and anything beyond that I'm basing off of what I have read from posts/comments. So bear with me, I might NOT be cooking.
  1. Adam - Now I think this is a tierlist I think everyone would agree that Adam takes first place. The Adam who fought Zeus is the same Adam in his backstory, ability and stats have little to no change.
  2. Lu Bu - backstory and side story pretty much shows that he is beyond supernatural. Stats are the same, except he can't constantly do his strongest attacks like Sky Eater because manmade weapons shatter at his might.
  3. Leonidas - from what I've gathered, he's a trained and battle-hardened warrior with supernatural strength. I don't know if it's propaganda but I heard he can effortlessly carry giant stone pillars? His feats sounds like Lu Bu, just not to the same level.
  4. Qin Shi Huang - his best feat shown was defeating that demon lord thing which puts him at supernatural level. He is also a proficient martial artist.
  5. Jack - backstory did not offer much in feats, but side story shows that he can face against supernatural criminals. Combine that with his intellect and weapon knowledge and he seems much more impressive compared to when he fought in his round. In fact, he has the highest tier placement rise.
  6. Hercules - as a human just before ascending, he tanked a hit from a god, then proceeded to drink the Ambrosia and endure the side effects. This kind of endurance alone puts him this high. While not really trained, he does know how to fight and hunt.
  7. Sasaki - He definitely still has his scanning ability as well as skill in swordmanship, but what holds him back is he did not have the experience from fighting Musashi countless times after he died which was what made him so strong in his round. His sword also isn't as optimal as his volund which with a swordsman of Sasaki's caliber is an unapparent but significant difference. It was also implied that just before he died was not his peak
  8. Okita - proficient with the art of the sword and killing. It was shown in previous stories that he is a very skilled swordsman who can fight against other skilled fighters. Honestly, he seems interchangeable with Sasaki, but I placed him lower for now because a backstory might give him more feats.
  9. Buddha - There wasn't much feats from him since he was mostly peaceful in his backstory, but he was shown to have proper swordsmanship training since he is royalty. And while he is mostly peaceful, he does fight if he deems necessary. What's funny is that his best strength feat that I remember is lifting a big coffin into the river lol
  10. Raiden - Greatest Sumo Wrestler of all time does make it seem like he is a strong human. I feel like I'm underestimating his feats when he was alive but the best measurable feat I remember was him moving a boulder out of the road. His forbidden moves wasn't shown in his backstory so I don't know how powerful they are at that point. He also limits his true strength because he has no volund. I don't think he has even fatally injured someone. He has god strength with human limitations to put it simply.
  11. Tesla - From what I know, his best feat is his immense knowledge, but that's about it. He has no fighting experience, has technological limitations, and most likely has the stats of an average human. I think it's safe to assume as someone who hadn't read his round yet, that he was hard carried by his volund. I might be wrong but this is only from what little I've read.
submitted by DylanBaster to ShuumatsuNoValkyrie [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:36 Not-explaining eFootball wishlist to Konami v2.2 (38 wishes)

eFootball wishlist to Konami v2.2 (38 wishes)
eFootball gameplay seem to be going in a bad direction for the past months. To much AI defending/assistance/game balancing, game adding input lag, interceptions, poor passing, fouls not called for, hot potato football not rewarding any type of skillful play. The gameplay feels like its on rails, freedom is gone, players don't respond to your inputs and chances are created by either teams AI players mistakes or incredibly stupid runs. It's just not fun to play anymore. Neither online or vs AI.
eFootball could be fantastic if Konami would listen to ideas, criticism and improve. Here is my wishlist. Feedback based on me and the kids playing on PS4, PS5 and mobile. Offline and online.
  1. Reduce the heavy AI assistance / game-balancing / handholding / Auto defending / Dynamic Difficulty / momentum / whatchamacallit (scr...). I understand its for getting new players staying in the game, having a chance getting coins in the events and winning games. And perhaps make games more non-predictable "anything can happen, maybe". With the current AI handholding level its "anything will happen, constantly". So many chances are created by either teams AI players making mistakes or just making incredibly stupid runs, its like a badly scripted B-movie. The amount of goalpost hits and missed open goals is just silly currently, this goes on until the last few minutes of each match. Please reduce it, or even remove it from Co-op and other game modes where skill should be rewarded. I'd rather get smashed 15-0 and learn from a good player. Than having to play another game with: added input lag and your players turn, react with 0,5 sec delay / 1 team loses every header / 4 shots in goalpost / own goals / missed open goals from 2-3m consequently, instead you have to run the ball into goal!!! / hide n seek players with pass receiver running away from the ball positioning behind defender / every ball intercepted / misdirected passes / every pass straight to other team / passes goes through "invisible" player / player freezing or even running wrong direction vs your stick / opponent attacking with high punt or lofted pass but your defender running past the ball towards opposition goal / ball glued to opposite player in the box / every attempt clearing the ball goes short distance straight to other team, even goalie high punt / all stunning shots 3m over the goal before 85min + all the other crap that's in there. This gameplay on rails is so unrewarding. If I manage to do something skillfull the AI assistance just kills the opportunity with any means. When the AI assistance takes a break, I get an easy goal with no effort from a random through pass + tap in. Many times I can't tell if I am playing well or the game has decided I should win/loose, it kills the joy for me and it's just boring. If Konami could tone down all the weird punishments I'd be very grateful.
  2. Passing and interceptions. Currently worst ever IMO. Game just decides your pass from a player in balance is 90-180 degrees of straight to opponent. Even on Beginner AI and no matter PA1, 2 or 3😂 And the constant interceptions. No flow in the game. Please work on this Konami.
  3. Remove the artificial input-lag. Stop punishing one side with artificial input lag which make the gameplay feel heavy, unresponsive and your players turn & react with 0,5sec delay. This is not from server lag as it's there in AI matches and local Trial matches as well, just switch controller between team 1 & 2 and feel the difference. Sometimes it activates in 2nd half, sometimes from beginning of game, usually when you are doing well. I assume its part of the game balancing mechanics. For me this is one of the worst things in the current game, when it kicks in your players don't respond to inputs in time and gameplay just feels awful.
  4. Fix the player freezing. Example: after losing a header to last defender suddenly your attacker just freezes. What's going on here? Have Konami added to much AI handholding and broken the game? 😂😂😂
  5. Reward different playstyles like build up play. Currently most games seem to be high press, interception ping-pong, quick pass and no dribbles. Hot potato football. Holding the ball has become very difficult. Before the AI assistance and auto defending went berzerk, you could actually keep the ball for a second and do something creative. Without 3-5 guys surrounding your player with no options. Now the gameplay is boring with the lack of variety.
  6. Create a game mode free from AI assistance & artificial input lag. Just pure skill. It could be beta, division free or whatever just let us play without the heavy AI handholding. And maybe eFootball will be esports ready 😉. To be honest if another football game is released without momentum/game-balancing /added input-lag and with gameplay based on pure skill. I think eFootball will lose a lot of players.
  7. Add Dream team into Trial match. We have 2 kids who love the card collecting and building their team. But playing online is of no interest to them, and won't be in many years. They want to play local PvP or co-op but with their own Dream team. By now we are very tired of playing the same local play Trial match Argentina Vs PSG. The kids have almost stopped playing eFootball, since they cant play against each other with their own team. In addition this would be a great way to test out new players, builds and game mechanics together with a friend. Much more fun than training mode. This mode is what my family is missing most from this game. And if it would be a "pure" mode without any momentum/game-balancing things would be fantastic. Just pure skill, best player wins.
  8. Please add Dream team to Trial match local co-op Vs AI. Would be so much fun to test your Dream Team against the AI together with the kids or a friend on the couch beside you. Would love this mode if it would become available.
  9. Add local co-op in Events. Would be great if me and the kids could take on the events together. At least add it to the AI events. Then we would actually play them and not just sim them.
  10. Myleague local co-op. Add both local and online co-op into Myleague please. A reason to play it and win the league together with the kids 😀
  11. Make My League worth playing. 100.000GP for completing 38 matches and winning the league is very poor IMO. Add some skill trainers and raise the GP perhaps?
  12. Add all Goal Scorers and Assisters to Half Time and Full Time game stats. So we can quickly get the overview of who performed well in both teams. That information would be highly appreciated.
  13. Contract renewal is way too expensive. Considering many players have paid plenty in real money to get the favourite players, and you only get to keep your player for 1 year. We are paying for this digital football Pokémon and we can't even use it as long as we would like. There should be more ways to get contract renewals, the periods should be longer, 3/6/9/12months and the price should be lower. Currently it's just irritating and another killing the fun factor.
  14. Make each playstyle worth using. And reward playing different type of formations. Instead of everyone using META 4 defenders and no wingers/LMF/RMF.
  15. Better & more expensive Point shop players. Can we please have some decent players? I'd gladly spend 50000-100000 pink points for a player if his stats are good. IMO there hasn't been an interesting player since Ferrer & Pires. Currently I don't see any use for points except contact renewal.
  16. Remove the GP cost for player reset. Having to wait for 2-3 months and then stressing for a few free weeks to retrain and test new builds doesn't make sense. GP is too valuable for me, I use it for Legacy Transfer and Contract renewal, and the few occasional GP buys for Events or hidden gems. I enjoy training players and trying out new builds, if free it would keep me logging in even when there is nothing else to do in the game.
  17. Reduce the cost for Legacy transfer. Getting your wanted skills and then transferring to your favourite player is one of the game aspects I really like. But 257,000 GP for one transfer is a lot and takes away much of the fun in Legacy transfer. You get 1 Mbappe for less than 2 Legacy transfer. I am always low on GP these days, and I think 100,000-150,000 GP would be reasonable for Legacy transfer for 1 skill.
  18. Legacy transfer of skills to POTW cards. If we could add 1-2 skills to the POTW the cards would be more interesting and I'd spend more coins spinning. We would get more varied and unpredictable squads instead of everybody using the same players. Most players know the good cards, what to expect from opponents cards and how to counter. Lets say you add some strong passing or shooting skills to a player usually weak in that aspect. The unpredicability would be awesome!
  19. Replace/delete added skills. Building players would be much more fun if I could replace a trained skill with another one using legacy transfer. Or just be able to delete an added skill. Perhaps my playstyle changes and I want Neymar to have Through passing instead of the previously added Long-range shooting.
  20. GP an option for pack spins. But it shouldn't be easy. Hard grind should be rewarded as it gives a reason to play the game. I am thinking 7,5M GP you get 75 spins in a 150 pack. That takes perhaps 6 months to grind. And perhaps the remaining 75 spins is coins only. Lower thresholds like 10 spins för 1M GP would be great but I understand its not gonna happen, as it would hurt the coin sales.
  21. Remove the 500 player cap or reduce cost of adding player slots. If you are grinding skill trainers with 0GP players and training players the 500 fills up quite easily. Or reduce the 500.000GP for an extra 50 players to maybe 100.000GP. This 500 player limit is very annoying and seems unnecessary.
  22. Add skill trainers and position trainers to each match pass. Would make the Match Pass way more interesting and I would spend coins.
  23. Make it worthwhile playing League / divisions. Currently I don't see much reason to play it. A few skill trainers and low GP reward can't motivate me spending the time.
  24. Find a way to prevent players from forfeiting games, at least events and co-op. Maybe if you are down a few goals sometimes add a random bonus like score with player X to receive 1 skill trainer, 10000 GP or something. Just to motivate players completing the match. Or create a non forfeit streak, like 10, 20 or 30 games without forfeit and you get an free extra POTW spin. (Part of this idea is from efootball universe originally)
  25. 1st celebration should also be skippable. It's just time consuming in online games. Not adding any value to except maybe noobs who scored their first goal ever.
  26. An option to make Sub tactic clearly visible in Game plan if activated. I played to many games now without knowing I had sub-tactic activated 😂
  27. Matchmaking. This was good for a while after the matchmaking update, but not anymore. There must be something seriously wrong here. When playing in Division 9 to 7, we constantly get division 1-2 opponents in the events. Had top 120 and top 200 in a row even. 750M downloads and nobody else playing. Really?
  28. The daily penalty needs an upgrade. Suggestion: More fun If I could choose player from my Dream Team. And add random Epic goalies to spice it up 😉
  29. Add statistics of headers, penalties and free kicks scored on each player card. This would add value and make it more interesting building squads. Konami you have the data, use it!
  30. More variety in Events. BBVA, Turkish, Brazilian Italian, English, Japan league. Over and over and over... Cmon Konami create something different so we can rotate our squads more. Suggestion: An event where only max 4 star players are allowed? Or higher GP rewards the weaker squad you use? (idea is partly from Rockchok)
  31. More Beat the Clock type of events. Both me and the kids enjoyed this one. Create something similar for skill moves. Example: Perform 5 Double touch + 5 Marseille turn across pitch with fixed dummies or defending players. Or a sequence where you have to perform skill move x and y before scoring.
  32. Objectives with extra bonuses. Add weekly objectives or similar. Score a hat-trick, win on penalties or score 5 times using skill move. And get some type of rewards, GP, Skill trainers, Position trainers, avatars, whatever just variety and something to play for.
  33. Co-op events. So much potential but the gameplay on rails, AI assistance and the constant random AI punishments kills the fun for me. You feel almost instantly if the AI assistance is on your side or against you. Either everything goes your way and it's too easy or Epics can't make a simple pass, the input lag kicks in and your player is even dragged out of position so the other team can score. Every game feels pre-decided with almost every touch being a mistake or fumble by the team who is supposed to concede a goal. Or its 1 goal back and forth with short sequences where the conceeding team can't touch the ball. In my experience the AI assistance is at its worst in the Co-op games. Quite easy to spot as players regularly just drop the controller. And game continues to auto defend like prime AC Milan, the non-active player is forcefielded holding the ball, every ball in the box is magically sucked to defenders feet and passes and clearings going 90-180 degrees off straight to opponent. Recent example which has happened in several co-op games: Goalie makes several stupid run outs to a perfect 4 man defending line, leaving the net wide open. Changing goalie doesn't help. Same thing with 2nd goalie until opponent gets his 2 goals. Sorry but when my player, gameplay and result is controlled by AI instead of me and my teammate I lose interest.
  34. Add 2nd local player to co-op events. Why can't 2 players join the co-op events together from one Playstation? Me and the kids would play co-op events a lot if this was possbile.
  35. Booster player forms. Wirtz card and several other are never on A-form. Whats the point of creating a booster card then? (credit: PES Pepe)
  36. Communication. Info on gameplay changes in each update would be appreciated. Like before. (credit: PES Pepe)
  37. Heavy first touch or fumble receiving the ball. +90 Ball control player cant receive a pass without starting to fumble or needing several seconds to gain control, then losing the ball, again and again and again. Does stats even matter when game balancing just decides anyway?
  38. Don't launch Crossplay with mobile. I suspect the recent braindead heavy assisted gameplay is needed for upcoming crossplay console & mobile update. This might be what we are getting. Gameplay on rails, autodefend, no skill, unrewarding, boring. I hope I am wrong and the previous fun gameplay on console is not gone forever 😢.
  39. Master League? Promised some years ago. I guess it does not generate enough coin sales?
  40. Edit mode. Create a custom crest and kits for our dream team.
  41. AI games are boring and inconsistent. Even on easier difficulties the game balancing makes you miss so many chances in 1st half, open goals whatever. Then in 2nd its just walk the ball into box and quick shot goal. But if you decide to pass the ball in the box then it's magnet to defender, why not reward passing in the box? The inconsistency in the AI is just bad. And the coding just seems lazy. I watch our 11 year old play and do all the right things, but the game just kills all her self-created chances. On harder difficulties even if I read the play and position perfectly to intercept a pass, the pass goes straight through my defender. And adding to that the constant interceptions and not being able to hold ball more than 0.3sec. To my understanding the AI was better before without having to cheat, instead it was actually playing smarter. How hard is it to develop AI gameplay which is both fun, rewarding and teaching how to play better?
Some of these are cosmetics and should be quite easy to implement, whereas others like new type of events takes more effort. Dream team in Trial mode and adding already existing local Co-op to more events/game modes shouldn't be that difficult. Gameplay affecting changes are likely hard and need to be tested so it doesn't affect game in a negative way.
I guess Konami calculates profits are better by pushing all players to online play. But at the same time they are neglecting the player group which prefers offline, and are willing to buy coins to get their favourite players cards. Hopefully Konami will reconsider and add a proper Master League and more offline couch co-op and PvP modes with Dream Team.
All in all it should result in a more enjoyable experience for both ballers, casuals, squad-builders, card-collectors and those who just want local couch co-op or PvP with their Dream team. More people having fun and spending time in the game usually results in praise, recommendations and growing user count = more coins spent. Konami keeps earning and customer base is happy. Everyone wins.
/ Cheers and thanks for reading
submitted by Not-explaining to eFootball [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:17 DisastrousPeanut816 Aversion to the past?

This is the start of my 10th day out, after 5 years in ODRC. My situation right now is better than a lot of guys who just got out. My dad's still here and he lent me money to get a PC and phone. When I got locked up I was selling things online, and he also managed to get into the place I had and saved my clothing and the things I sell. The basement in this place was full of totes of merchandise, all I need to do is sort it all out and start selling. But I haven't been able to.
It's great that he saved that stuff. It's a job without needing to deal with all the stigma of applying to work for a company right after release. I have like 30 shirts now and maybe a 15 pair of pants and shorts and boxers and all of that. I'm lucky as hell for it and I know that. But it's like I can't deal with it. The stuff is all tossed together and will take days to sort. It's rocks. Some natural rough, some tumbled, some facetable rough. The labels I had on them are gone, so there are several I noticed that I don't even remember what they are. He also saved 6 of the Husky steel rack shelving units I had them on, which is enough to hold about half of them.
I got the racks all put together with no problem. They've been in basements and dirty garages for years and were covered in mouse poop and caked on shit, but cleaning them and getting them put together was easy. I felt motivated to do it. But then I started to mess with the actual rocks and just ended up tossing containers onto shelves mostly blindly to get them off the floor. I've tried to go down and sort them 3 times now, but within 5 minutes I have to walk away and that's it for the day.
I was just starting my own business right before I got locked up. I was 9 months in and working pretty much constantly, working with those rocks pretty much was my entire life right before my arrest. It's like I have some very strong aversion to it now. When I try to work with them or even think about sorting them it's like a huge surge of stress and maybe terror but it also feels kind of like emptiness... like being locked up might have been constant terror on some level but I kept it pushed down so now that's just sort of what feels like emptiness now.
Does that make sense to anyone? I don't want people here to think I'm being lazy and avoiding working and I want to bring money in to help out so much, but it's like something's broken or disconnected inside about it and I just can't handle jumping right back into what I was doing right before getting locked up yet. Has anyone else gone through that? How long did it take to deal with?
In the 9 days I've been out I have met with my PO (finally, two days ago) and got approved for food assistance and bought groceries (yesterday). The week before that my mom was in the hospital and the day after she went in my dad woke me up yelling for help because he threw his back out and had to go to the bathroom. When I went into his bedroom there were a dozen piles of bloody puppy shit from his dog. My dad's back was so bad it took me 30 minutes to get him from the bed into a kitchen chair I brought up and put right beside it. He couldn't make it to the bathroom so I brought him an empty coffee container to piss in. He hurt bad enough to do it and was probably embarrassed by it, but to me that was pretty normal. Everyone has a piss jug, right?
Then I cleaned up all the puppy shit and scrubbed the rug and hand washed his sheets since it was on them. Didn't have a license to go to the laundromat so I had to wait 2 days until he felt better enough to drive me so I could get all the laundry washed. During all that my mom was in a hospital only like 6 blocks from my dad's place. They're separated but I walked up to visit with my mom and make sure she was alright twice a day, and cooked and did dishes for my dad since he couldn't those days. And I've only managed to sleep 5 hours maybe 3 times, the rest of it it's waking up after an hour or two and unable to get back to bed. And there's no shower here, just a tub. I've only managed to get in once. Idk what's with it. Maybe just the difference in how exposed and vulnerable you'd be in a tub vs a nice safe little shower where someone can only come from one place. I know no one's going to come in, but... fuck. I don't know.
Yesterday was supposed to be my first big day sorting the rocks and getting ready to take pictures and post online, but I went down to do it and it immediately felt wrong and within a few minutes I just sort of broke. Like it's hard to look at them and think about them. For 5 years I was broke in prison and thinking about them stressed me out because I couldn't do anything about them and no one on the outside knew anything about them to sell some and get me some money. Thinking about them was just a ton of stress, so I made myself not think about them at all. I avoided the thought to avoid the stress. Now I'm out and I can actually finally do something about them and turn them into money... but even though I want to do that I still can't think about them. That seems crazy.
Now it's 5am and I've been up since 3. I actually slept from 8pm-3am. It's the most sleep I've gotten. I know I really need to go down to the basement and get some work done today so I can start bringing in money, but I'm afraid I'll go down there and just sort of stun up inside again.
Just needed to get that out.
submitted by DisastrousPeanut816 to Prison [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:00 John_Swift1 Workplace

One of the “softer” sections in my opinion. Relates more to mindsets and ways of thinking. No real definitions to study, it really just emphasizes the importance of diversity, inclusion and ethics. A good understanding of labor laws will help this section click better. Outsourcing: The transfer of some work to organizations outside the employer’s payroll. The vendor may be across the street or across the country.
Off-shoring: The transfer of some work to sources outside the United States. On-shoring (home-shoring): The relocation of business processes or production to a lower-cost location inside the same country as the business. Near-shoring: Contracting part of the business processes or production to an external company located in a country that is relatively close. For the United States, that could mean Mexico or Canada.
Organizational Approach to International Business
Ethnocentric: Headquarters maintains tight control over international operations Polycentric: Each international operation is treated as a distinct national entity Regio-centric: Operations are managed regionally Geocentric: Organization is viewed as a single international business rather than a collection of individual headquarters-country and international operations
Unfair Labor Practice (ULP):
The NLRA, or Wagner Act, prohibits employers from engaging in ULPs The LMRA, or Taft-Hartley Act, prohibits unions from engaging in ULPs
Collective Bargaining patterns:
Pattern/Parallel bargaining: Union negotiates agreements similar to those existing in the industry or region. Referred to as whipsawing Coalition/Multiple employer bargaining: Multiple employers, negotiating with one union Coordinated Bargaining: One employer, negotiating with multiple unions
Weingarten Rights: A union employee has the right to have another employee present during certain investigatory interviews
The person attending must be affiliated with the union that represents the employee, not an attorney or relative.
Types of Contract Negotiations:
Positional negotiation People are locked in positions Parties lose sight of underlying problems Emphasis on winning Principled negotiation Separates people from problem Focus on interests, not positions Invent options for mutual gain Insist on objective criteria
Collective Bargaining Subjects:
Mandatory Subjects: Subjects that directly impact — wages, hours or working conditions. These are subjects over which the parties must bargain if a proposal is made by either party. This does not mean that the parties have to reach agreement on such proposals, but rather that they have to engage in the process of bargaining in good faith over the subject. Overtime Seniority Vacation/holidays Illegal subjects (unlawful by statute): Subjects that cannot be legally bargained over by either party. They are subjects that would violate the law and cannot be entered legally into a collective bargaining agreement even if both parties agree to do so. Closed shops (a place of work where membership in a union is a condition for being hired and for continued employment) Discriminatory hiring Permissive subjects (voluntary): Subjects not directly related to the work. The list can be infinitely long. The parties may agree to bargain over these but are not required to by law and can refuse to discuss them without fear of an unfair labor practice charge. It would also be a violation to strike over a permissive subject. Benefits for retired union members Settlement for ULPs Neutrality agreements
Formal Grievance Procedure:
Immediate supervisor Intermediate supervisor Higher-level management Third party #shrm
submitted by John_Swift1 to HumanResourcesExam [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:53 AdQueasy4367 Boosting Your Dropshipping Business: Strategies for Success

The dropshipping business model, where entrepreneurs sell products without holding inventory, has revolutionized e-commerce. Despite its potential, competition is fierce. To stay ahead, you need strategies that enhance efficiency and drive growth. Here are some essential tips to make your dropshipping business more effective.

1. Choose the Right Suppliers

The foundation of a successful dropshipping business lies in your suppliers. Reliable suppliers ensure product quality, timely delivery, and effective communication. Research extensively and consider using supplier directories like AliExpress, Oberlo, or SaleHoo. Look for suppliers with positive reviews, transparent policies, and a track record of reliability. Regularly review their performance and maintain open communication channels. Also you can use arabesco-sideral.pt program, to make your business more efficiency and beat competitors in your niche.

2. Optimize Your Website for Conversions

Your website is your storefront. Ensure it's user-friendly, visually appealing, and optimized for conversions. Use high-quality images and detailed product descriptions. Implement a clean and intuitive navigation structure. Utilize SEO strategies to improve your search engine rankings, making it easier for potential customers to find you. Tools like Google Analytics can help you track user behavior and identify areas for improvement.

3. Leverage Social Media Marketing

Social media platforms are powerful tools for reaching and engaging your target audience. Develop a strong social media presence on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. Share engaging content, including product promotions, customer testimonials, and behind-the-scenes looks at your business. Use targeted advertising to reach potential customers based on their interests and behaviors. Engage with your audience through comments, messages, and interactive posts to build a loyal community.

4. Utilize Email Marketing

Email marketing is a cost-effective way to nurture relationships with your customers. Build an email list by offering incentives like discounts or exclusive content. Send regular newsletters featuring new products, special offers, and valuable content related to your niche. Personalize your emails to make them more relevant to your subscribers. Automated email campaigns can help you recover abandoned carts, welcome new subscribers, and re-engage inactive customers.

5. Offer Exceptional Customer Service

Outstanding customer service can set you apart from your competitors. Provide multiple channels for customer support, such as email, live chat, and social media. Respond promptly and professionally to inquiries and resolve issues quickly. Use tools like Zendesk or Freshdesk to manage customer interactions efficiently. Positive customer experiences lead to repeat business and word-of-mouth referrals.

6. Monitor and Analyze Your Performance

Regularly track key performance indicators (KPIs) to understand your business’s health and identify areas for improvement. Monitor metrics like website traffic, conversion rates, average order value, and customer acquisition costs. Use analytics tools to gain insights into customer behavior and sales trends. Data-driven decisions can help you optimize your marketing strategies and improve your overall business performance.

7. Streamline Order Fulfillment

Efficient order fulfillment is crucial for customer satisfaction. Automate as much of the process as possible to reduce errors and save time. Use inventory management software to keep track of stock levels and avoid overselling. Ensure your suppliers are reliable and capable of handling increased order volumes during peak times. Clear communication with suppliers can help prevent delays and ensure timely deliveries.

8. Expand Your Product Range Wisely

Diversifying your product range can attract more customers and increase sales. However, be strategic about the products you add. Conduct market research to identify trends and customer preferences. Focus on products that complement your existing offerings and appeal to your target audience. Avoid spreading yourself too thin by maintaining a manageable inventory that doesn’t compromise quality or customer satisfaction.

9. Invest in Branding

Strong branding helps you stand out in a crowded market. Develop a unique brand identity that reflects your business’s values and resonates with your target audience. Consistent branding across your website, social media, and marketing materials builds trust and recognition. Invest in professional logo design, engaging content, and quality packaging to enhance your brand image.

10. Stay Informed and Adapt

The e-commerce landscape is constantly evolving. Stay informed about industry trends, new technologies, and changes in consumer behavior. Join industry forums, attend webinars, and read relevant blogs and publications. Be ready to adapt your strategies to meet changing market conditions and customer expectations.
In conclusion, making your dropshipping business more effective involves a combination of strategic planning, continuous optimization, and excellent customer service. By focusing on these key areas, you can enhance your competitiveness, drive growth, and achieve long-term success in the dynamic world of e-commerce.
The dropshipping business model, where entrepreneurs sell products without holding inventory, has revolutionized e-commerce. Despite its potential, competition is fierce. To stay ahead, you need strategies that enhance efficiency and drive growth. Here are some essential tips to make your dropshipping business more effective.

1. Choose the Right Suppliers

The foundation of a successful dropshipping business lies in your suppliers. Reliable suppliers ensure product quality, timely delivery, and effective communication. Research extensively and consider using supplier directories like AliExpress, Oberlo, or SaleHoo. Look for suppliers with positive reviews, transparent policies, and a track record of reliability. Regularly review their performance and maintain open communication channels.

2. Optimize Your Website for Conversions

Your website is your storefront. Ensure it's user-friendly, visually appealing, and optimized for conversions. Use high-quality images and detailed product descriptions. Implement a clean and intuitive navigation structure. Utilize SEO strategies to improve your search engine rankings, making it easier for potential customers to find you. Tools like Google Analytics can help you track user behavior and identify areas for improvement.

3. Leverage Social Media Marketing

Social media platforms are powerful tools for reaching and engaging your target audience. Develop a strong social media presence on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. Share engaging content, including product promotions, customer testimonials, and behind-the-scenes looks at your business. Use targeted advertising to reach potential customers based on their interests and behaviors. Engage with your audience through comments, messages, and interactive posts to build a loyal community.

4. Utilize Email Marketing

Email marketing is a cost-effective way to nurture relationships with your customers. Build an email list by offering incentives like discounts or exclusive content. Send regular newsletters featuring new products, special offers, and valuable content related to your niche. Personalize your emails to make them more relevant to your subscribers. Automated email campaigns can help you recover abandoned carts, welcome new subscribers, and re-engage inactive customers.

5. Offer Exceptional Customer Service

Outstanding customer service can set you apart from your competitors. Provide multiple channels for customer support, such as email, live chat, and social media. Respond promptly and professionally to inquiries and resolve issues quickly. Use tools like Zendesk or Freshdesk to manage customer interactions efficiently. Positive customer experiences lead to repeat business and word-of-mouth referrals.

6. Monitor and Analyze Your Performance

Regularly track key performance indicators (KPIs) to understand your business’s health and identify areas for improvement. Monitor metrics like website traffic, conversion rates, average order value, and customer acquisition costs. Use analytics tools to gain insights into customer behavior and sales trends. Data-driven decisions can help you optimize your marketing strategies and improve your overall business performance.

7. Streamline Order Fulfillment

Efficient order fulfillment is crucial for customer satisfaction. Automate as much of the process as possible to reduce errors and save time. Use inventory management software to keep track of stock levels and avoid overselling. Ensure your suppliers are reliable and capable of handling increased order volumes during peak times. Clear communication with suppliers can help prevent delays and ensure timely deliveries.

8. Expand Your Product Range Wisely

Diversifying your product range can attract more customers and increase sales. However, be strategic about the products you add. Conduct market research to identify trends and customer preferences. Focus on products that complement your existing offerings and appeal to your target audience. Avoid spreading yourself too thin by maintaining a manageable inventory that doesn’t compromise quality or customer satisfaction.

9. Invest in Branding

Strong branding helps you stand out in a crowded market. Develop a unique brand identity that reflects your business’s values and resonates with your target audience. Consistent branding across your website, social media, and marketing materials builds trust and recognition. Invest in professional logo design, engaging content, and quality packaging to enhance your brand image.

10. Stay Informed and Adapt

The e-commerce landscape is constantly evolving. Stay informed about industry trends, new technologies, and changes in consumer behavior. Join industry forums, attend webinars, and read relevant blogs and publications. Be ready to adapt your strategies to meet changing market conditions and customer expectations.
In conclusion, making your dropshipping business more effective involves a combination of strategic planning, continuous optimization, and excellent customer service. By focusing on these key areas, you can enhance your competitiveness, drive growth, and achieve long-term success in the dynamic world of e-commerce.
submitted by AdQueasy4367 to business_charm [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:49 Glassweaver Guide to fixing NordicTrack equipment with dead screens.

For starters, this should be applicable to anyone who has the misfortune of owning anything by NordicTrack that has the ifit app installed. Ultimately, these are all powered by slightly different variants of the same android control board. So similar even, that if you crack open any of them, the boards have the same shape, mount points and locations of all the primary components and connectors. They all have the same design flaw.
All that being said, I've fixed a bike and two treadmill boards so far by re-flowing them. The problem wasn't the screen. It wasn't an issue of the board not getting power, etc. The issue was cold solder joints.
One of them had to be reflowed twice, but...again, I've got a pretty good track record going, and am now convinced that these are just cheaply made "not even half as good as an Amazon Fire" tablets with cold solder joints. If you don't know what a cold solder joint is, it's simply areas on the board where the board was not heated enough during production, resulting in poor joints that crack and fail overtime. It would be kind of like if all the important nerves in your nervous system just started breaking. You'd stop working too. Fortunately, there's usually ways to fix this on circuit boards.
If you have a multi-meter, you can poke the 12v power header into the tablet to confirm that it's getting 11 to 13v power. If it is (and assuming it's also getting 2 amps then), you're probably looking at cold solder joints. If you don't have a multi-meter, but you're mechanically inclined, you can pick one up for under $10 USD. Takes about 10 minutes to learn how to use on on Youtube. If you want to test if it's a screen issue....well, short of visible, physical damage, screens *and* the touch overlays don't just die at the same time. So even if the screen was totally failed, the touch overlay should still let you poke around if you know exactly where to click to make *something* happen. (You could also hook the screen up to a laptop if you have a large format screen with a 30 pin connector, but that seems overkill when, overwhelmingly, it's likely cold solder joints on the PCB in the tablet)
Also, it's worth nothing that cold solder joints don't always result in being dead in the water right away. While I would try *everything* else from a software perspective first to fix instability issues, constant crashing and reboots, completely frozen screens, inability to fully boot, or error messages preventing boot can all be related to this, too. For my own treadmill, it started with freezing after a couple workouts, and quickly (over a day) progressed to a boot loop where it never would fully load. For kicks, I let it torture itself and when I came back the next day, it was completely dead.
Anyway, fixing this is pretty much the same as what everyone used to do to XBOX 360's that had the red ring of death...cook the PCB until the solider melts again, but also try not to cook it so far that the components on the board literally burn and become unusable again.
Also, it's worth noting that if you're lucky enough to still be under warranty, you should pursue that first. And don't discredit looking at what credit card you bought your machine with, if you're the original owner. Some credit cards double warranties, so that 2 year warranty on the tablet could very well be turned into a four year warranty by your credit card company. This is actually a surprisingly common, but not well known, benefit of major cards.
To get started, unplug the unit from the wall. The last thing you need is to end up electrocuting yourself or blowing something out on your machine because power was still being applied to it.
Ok, so onto the actual repair.....to do this, you'll need to unplug the four cables going into the back of the tablet. On some machines, like my 9.5s, you might have to take a back cover off the whole unit to actually reach the back of the tablet, and its connectors. Once that's taken care of, you'll need to take out the (likely) 3 screws on each side that hold the tablet mount into the upper assembly that the tablet itself is mounted in. From here, the tablet should be freely removable from the unit.
Now you need to undo the screws in the back of the tablet to separate it from the touchscreen front. Warning: There are delicate ribbon cables going from the screen in front, to the board in the tablet. Damage one of them, and you may as well just buy a new tablet for the few hundred bucks NordicTrack will shake you down for.
Once you've exposed the board, you should be able to pull out the wire connectors and flip the pressure fit levers on the ribbon cable connectors for the tablet to remove the camera and touchscreen ribbon cables. Note that the wifi antenna is also relatively delicate, and should be pulled as upward as possible. You also need to be careful when reinstalling it, or you can crush the connector, and then....either you're good at incredibly small soldering by hand, or again, you're buying a new tablet with half the power and build quality of the cheapest Amazon Fire at quadruple the price.
Next, remove the screws securing the board to the inside of the tablet, and you should be able to freely remove it with ease. Now comes the Really delicate part.


Ideally, you would be doing this in a precision controlled re-flow oven with a profile that walks the board through exact temperature changes....but you can get 90% of the way there, and have pretty excellent chances of fixing your board, nontheless. You just need an oven and a thermometer you can read from inside the oven.
Before prepping the board to go in the oven, remove the large metal RF shield covering the back of the board. Not the one that's postage stamps sized, but the one that's about the much larger one, about the size of two human thumbs. You can discard this - it's an RF shield and honestly it does nothing but trap heat that really shouldn't be trapped, in my opinion.
Using the "toaster oven method" to reflow a PCB, you will want to make a few loose (not very compacted) foil balls. Set them on a plate in a way where you can press the board into them, connectors side facing up. You should have the board be as level as possible - re-flowing a board at an angle can make the chips fall out of alignment, and then you pretty much have a dead, now-un-repairable board.
Once the board is level, put a thermometer you can read on the plate with the board and pop it in the oven. Set the oven to bake at 230C (About 445F) and once the oven has actually reached this temperature, count off two minutes. That is how long you want to let the board bake before you remove it. You don't have to be exact with this, but don't leave it in for only a minute and don't forget about it and come back after it's been cooking for 5 or 10 minutes. Try to be within a few seconds of that 2 minute mark. And the temperature gauge on the plate is so you can know that it really is within a few degrees of 230F. The temp gauge on stoves often lies, and if the board is below 220 it won't really re-flow, and above 240 you run the risk of cooking it to death.
Anyway, the final, and arguably most delicate part, is removing the board. You want to be as gentle as possible. No bumps, no jerky motions, and setting it down with great care once it's out of the oven. Also, set it down *away* from the oven so that the board can cool off faster. Don't put it in the fridge or anything, but let it sit undisturbed for about 15 minutes before trying to do anything with it. After that amount of time, it should be cool enough to touch. Once all of this is done, screw the board back into the tablet shell, but ONLY put the screws in along the two sides that have connectors coming out of them. This means you should have three of the four corners screwed down, and one or two additional screws along those two sides. Leave the fourth corner undone since it gives the board some wiggle room without constant straining & flexing. (The best option would be making silicone bushings to mount the tablet board to, much like portable had drives have, but that's just me trying to get as much life out of my tablet & treadmill as I can).
Now, reattach all the connectors. My preferred order for ease is: Camera cable, microphone cable, touch screen cable, wifi antenna, display cable (the largest flat ribbon cable in there). Then close up the two halves of the tablet, pop a couple screws in the corners, and reattach the four external cables to the tablet. Don't bother screwing it all back in yet because we're just testing to make sure it works at this point. You should be able to lay the tablet down, plug the machine in, and have the tablet power up. It should respond to touch and work just like it used to. If it works again, congrats! Now unplug it once more and finish reinstalling the tablet, plastic pieces, and screws.
If it didn't work, there's no harm in trying to reflow the board again. In fact, if the issue happens again later on, you can just try reflowing the board once more. That said, there's only so many times you can re-melt the solder holding everything together before the board will just plain out be toast. Usually it's somewhere around 3 or 4 times, but you could be unlucky and have 0 or 1, or be incredibly lucky and get away with it a dozen times over many more years of life from your machine, if you even need to.
All that being said, if anyone needs help with this, just reply here. I'm not on Reddit often anymore, but I'll try to get back to you within a week, and I'm much more responsive once we've started on a conversation.
Again, to date, I've fixed three NordicTrack devices doing this, and many MANY other PCBs in similar fashion. What's alarming to me here is that the units I've fixed all have usage times of under 100 hours for the machines. Honestly, I'm amazed this hasn't come up yet and that NordicTrack hasn't been litigated into free replacements like Apple and Microsoft have from similar mass failures out of warranty due to poor build quality. (Xbox 360, iPhone battery & back glass issues, etc...) I'm even more amazed that they'll sell the tablet for most models, but *not* the PCB....though, I guess that just goes to show that whatever lowest-bidder factory cranked these out for them, NordicTrack as a company has never even seen component level parts like that - just finished tablets, so it's not even something they *can* offer their ~~hostages~~ customers.
OH! And final word of advice! Put your units on a smart outlet that turns off after whatever the max time you use your equipment would be! Not only will it prolong the equipment life, but it actually makes it easier to use! For example, instead of waiting for the treadmill to wake up, I just say "Alexa, turn on the treadmill" and by the time I'm at it, it's happily waiting for me to click my name and go. And then if I forget to turn it off, the smart plug is programmed to shut it down after 2 hours anyway, so it won't be sitting there idly chewing away at the new life ~~breathed~~ baked into it.
If you want to make sure the temp if your oven is hot enough, but not going to fry something, try taking an old remote that you know works but that you don't care about. Disassemble it, reflow it, and make sure it still works when you put it all back together again. Now do it again and see if, once it reached temp in the oven, you can scrape parts off the board with relative ease. This will destroy the remote, but it's a good way to get comfortable with baking boards.
Anyway, that's about all. I wish I'd though to record videos of this process, but I hope this guide is enough to get most people back in business. And if you've already been through swapping the whole tablet and have a dead one you'd like to donate to seeing if my theory continues to hold true, I'd be happy to pay shipping to get it from you, or have you pay shipping if you want me to just take a crack at fixing it and sending it back to you.
If you're already skilled in these areas, it should take about 20 minutes to do, excluding actual bake and cooling time. If you're totally new at this but you can follow instructions with care and precision, you can probably have it done in under 2 hours. And hey - short of burning or electrocuting yourself (again, unplug before working on the equipment!) ....if you already have a dead board, the only thing you really have to lose by trying this is some of your time. =)
submitted by Glassweaver to nordictrack [link] [comments]
