Barbara charles - midwife

Summer Babies

2017.08.24 20:24 tryingforadinosaur Summer Babies

For babies born in Summer 2017!

2016.01.14 22:18 vicccyy Aegis

A Civcraft Town in 3.0 Called Aegis

2024.02.09 14:05 beachaholic3 NSW Health Unofficial

This subreddit is unable to provide medical advice. Where you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 000. Patients, visitors, carers and job applicants in the NSW public health system alike are welcome to ask questions and engage in discussion. The content of this subreddit does not constitute the views of NSW Health or any of its entities. In addition, this subreddit and its moderators do not represent to be affiliated with, or endorsed by, NSW Health or any of its entities.

2024.05.15 06:50 simonthelongcat 41 weeks tomorrow, nervous about being induced.

So I’ve just seen my midwife and our little one is in no hurry to arrive despite being engaged for the last few weeks.
I have a scan tomorrow to make sure he’s still all ok, but unless he decides to make a move shortly I’m looking at being induced on Tuesday at the latest.
I know birth plans are just guides, but I’d really hoped to avoid an induction and hospital birth (my birthing centre only caters for “low risk” births) - I’m hoping there are some positive stories in this community about being induced if that wasn’t part of your plans? Or tips for relaxing/staying calm in hospital settings?
submitted by simonthelongcat to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:28 PolitelyPeeving I almost died, but my baby boy is finally here!

TW: blood loss, retained placenta
Well I got my home birth vbac, plus much more than I bargained for!
I'll begin by including that today is my actual due date so baby boy was right on time and I was full term. I'd had bouts of braxton hicks and prodromal labor off and on for the last few weeks, with one very convincing false alarm last week, resulting in me calling the midwife and her assistant over. She checked me out and I was sitting at 3cm, fully effaced but there were no other signs of progress.
In the days leading up to yesterday however, I had passed some noticeable mucus clots and was spotting a bit here and there. I tried not to think about it too much because I know you can lose the plug well before labor and I was just hoping at that point that it would be painfully obvious when I finally went to real labor.
So yesterday I couldn't catch any rest whatsoever. I wasn't sleeping great at night so I had taken to just napping as needed around the clock. But yesterday I couldn't nap for the life of me. I had this nagging anxiety that I really needed to rest so I ended up taking unisom around 5pm and making myself go to bed. I proceeded to wake up every other hour either hungry, thirsty or needing to pee. This is uncharacteristic for me because usually once I fall asleep, I'll stay asleep for at least a few hours. I was miserable.
I dozed off again and around 10:30, a contraction woke me up. It was a bit more intense than braxton hicks but it didn't have the same searing intensity as the worse contractions last week. So I got up and started pacing around to see if they would ease up. I rotated through a series of exercises meant to keep baby in a good position (a la Turning Babies) and they didn't seem to let up so I finally started timing them around 11. They were averaging less than 5 minutes apart and lasting about a minute.
This was starting to feel real. I called my husband who was working late and said he needed to get home asap because I was fairly certain things were really happening. I continued timing the contractions for a full hour and sure enough, they were staying steady so I called my midwife over. From here on out, my sense of time is super vague and warped. I really knew it was finally happening because I suddenly understood what they mean about not being able to walk or talk during a contraction, plus I felt like I was in this liminal space of being and nonbeing - like I was hyper aware of my body and the pain, but I was removed from it in order to cope.
By the time the midwives got to our home, my husband and best friend were there, I had already labored on the toilet, in the shower and on the couch in rounds. They took one look at me and knew it was real, and immediately took turns helping me and setting up the birth pool. I'm guessing I labored in the pool for about 5 hours, because it was ready around 2am and I stayed in there until after the rose. The pool really helped my labor progress and at one point, my midwife noticed that the sounds I was making were getting lower, more intense and drawn out.
She checked me again and sure enough, I was at a 6 and counting! She said, "Now might be a good time to call your moms, we might have a baby soon!" I think it was around that point that my water broke as well, as there was a good bit of mucus and bloody show floating around the pool. Our moms showed up shortly after, along with my teenage son, and I labored a while longer, taking turns holding our moms hands. They kinda started making me anxious so I got out and slowly moved through various labor techniques. Ultimately, I ended up sitting on the couch with my legs up on the midwife's legs, holding myself behind the knees with each push.
After about 12 hours of hard labor and no medication other than some motrin and ginger, he crowned with a beautiful head of curly dark hair! My sweet boy was born a couple pushes later and I immediately knew that I had torn. The ring of fire is a whole other ball game when you tear. The midwife tried to wait for the afterbirth to come away for about thirty minutes but each time I pushed I lost more blood. I started getting dizzy and losing color and we ended up at the hospital for 4 blood transfusions and to surgically remove the placenta.
I was too out of it to get the full run down if the placenta was actually fused to my uterine wall but they were able to get it out quickly in a 15 minute surgery. They were worried that it might be fused to my c section scar and if that was the case I would've ended for a partial hysterectomy. After the surgery I woke up cold and shaking profusely, begging for blankets and a warm compress for my boobs because they were so cold they were like hard as rocks. After they tried to warm me up I spiked a fever, plus losing so much blood had deflated my veins so they had stuck me all over trying to test my blood volume after the transfusions.
I was in surgery and recovery for a good while so the baby was with daddy and fam the whole time. They rode in the ambulance with me and when we got to the hospital we asked if they could give the baby donor milk. They said we'd have to admit him in order to do that and I was hesitant but they've been really respectful of our wishes. I said no vaccines, no bath, no circumcision, no formula and no taking him from us. We're just now letting them take him to the nursery so we can get some sleep. It was pretty hairy there for a while but we made it and he's perfect 🤗
Tl;Dr had an amazing physiological birth but tore severely and had a retained placenta. Ended up in the hospital for blood transfusions and surgery to remove the placenta.
submitted by PolitelyPeeving to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:19 BroodjeKaas11 Increased NT -> happy ending

Hello everyone, first want to express my gratitude to this forum which was such a beacon of hope and information during a turbulent few months of my pregnancy. Thank you to anyone who shared their experiences with high NT measurements and CVS! I want to share my experience as well to give another example of a happy ending after an abnormal NT result.
TL;DR NT of 4.0mm, after tons of testing (and sleepless nights) we got the all clear, baby boy was born healthy and perfect in mid April. He’s taking a nap next to me right now 🥰
For context, I’m a 30yo living in the US, first pregnancy, healthy overall and got pregnant naturally. I was hoping to have a home birth and as low-intervention prenatal care as possible (ha!)
August 13 - got a positive on a home pregnancy test. We were sooo happy and excited!
September 6 - first appointment with my midwife, saw baby’s heartbeat via ultrasound. After this, we started to tell close friends/family we were expecting.
September 29 - blood draw for cell-free DNA test
October 5 - received negative/low risk result on the cell-free DNA. Fetal fraction was 13% and the baby is a boy!
October 9 - appointment for my 12 week ultrasound. Baby was moving around a lot and the tech had a lot of trouble getting measurements. But eventually she got what she needed. I was sent home and while in the car driving home, I got a call from my midwife’s office. Baby’s NT measurement was 4.0mm and I was referred to MFM and genetic counseling. This was a huge shock. I pretty much cried the whole way home because I could only envision poor outcomes.
October 12 - first appointment with the genetic counselor. The three days between the ultrasound and this appointment felt like forever. The GC said with the NT of 4.0mm there was a 1 in 3 risk that the baby had a chromosomal or structural defect. The probabilities I was given were if something was wrong, 70% of the time it’s chromosomal/genetic, 20% of the time it’s heart issues, and 10% of the time it’s miscarriage/stillbirth. I never really registered that 1 in 3 means that there’s a 2 in 3 chance that everything is fine! Anyway, I was booked for a CVS to investigate the genetic piece further. My husband and I also did carrier testing per the recommendation of the GC. I was also advised to have an early anatomy ultrasound at 16 weeks and a fetal echo and 20 weeks.
This is when the looooong limbo period began. I didn’t want to think about my pregnancy at all because I was pretty convinced I wouldn’t end up having the baby. I took the ultrasound photos down off the fridge and put all the baby stuff we had bought in a box. I also stopped telling people our pregnancy news - I wasn’t going to get anyone else’s hopes up until we had certainty that the baby was healthy. I too a few days off work to cry. It was rough.
October 16 - CVS, transabdominal since my placenta was anterior. It was not fun but also not horrible. If I had to do it for a future pregnancy, I would do it again. I have a serious fear of needles so the GC recommended I bring headphones and listen to music during the procedure. That was awesome advice and I just turned the volume up and tuned out (and squeezed my husband’s hand) while the OB did her thing.
October 18 - got a call from the GC, normal karyotype 👍 this was not a huge surprise since I got the low-risk cfDNA result. But still reassuring.
October 24 - got carrier testing results back, we aren’t carriers for anything
November 7 - Early anatomy scan at 16 weeks. Everything looked normal! “Specifically, there were no cardiac defects or other anomalies associated with an increased NT. The nuchal fold was normal at 3.0 mm.” Unsure how the nuchal fold (which is not exactly the same thing as NT) was 3.0mm 🤷‍♀️ seems like it had shrunk? We never got a good answer on this.
November 22 - “Normal constitutional chromosomal SNP microarray results from chorionic villi” - this result came back about 5 weeks after the CVS. The waiting was pretty terrible to be honest.
November 28 - Fetal echo and 20-week anatomy scan. This appointment was at the children’s hospital with the OB from MFM plus a pediatric cardiologist. Baby’s heart looked perfect on the echo. Anatomy scan looked totally normal as well. Still waiting on the Noonan panel results but I felt like after this appointment (and nearly 3 months after the initial high NT results) I felt like I could see the light at the end of the tunnel.
December 5 - negative for Noonan 🎉
It seems the increased NT was just a random anomaly and I was released from MFM and continued my prenatal care with my midwife. Baby boy was born at 38+6, happy and healthy! He is the cutest thing ever and somehow made the chaotic 2nd trimester worth it.
Happy to answer any questions about my experience. If you find yourself in this position, I’m sending you a big hug and positive vibes ❤️
submitted by BroodjeKaas11 to NIPT [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:22 lorakinn Opinions on induction past 40 weeks

I went in for a checkup today, am 40+5, FTM, and we talked about being induced on Friday, when I will be 41+1. I have no other health concerns other than being "overdue" - ie my BP is fine, baby heartbeat is regular, haven't had GD or any pre-eclampsia concerns. I really like the midwife I have been seeing, she's very informative when I have questions and supportive of my thoughts/wishes/we just jive really well. So it felt like a joint decision today to schedule for Fri, but just curious what other people might have done.
I'm still hopeful that labor will spontaneously begin before Fri but I am ok with getting over this waiting period and meeting my lil nugget! Also, me and my husband have limited time off which really sucks, and every day we are waiting for spontaneous labor is one less day we get to have with our newborn. So I am a little disappointed my body isn't "cooperating" and also disappointed that I am not patient enough to just wait.
And yes, have tried Everything (tea, ball, etc) for natural means of starting labor.
submitted by lorakinn to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:22 Bexksy Slightly elevated resting, everything else looks normal. What to do?

Hi all - this is my second pregnancy. I’m 39. I’m about 23 weeks now and with both pregnancies I have had severe wake-up in middle of night insomnia (well into postpartum, in fact). I suspected that it might have been a nighttime blood sugar issue during my first pregnancy but was given the option to test myself and all seemed ok (allegedly, it’s kind of hard to remember the numbers now). This time around I am testing myself again and noticing that my resting the last few days since starting has been 98-112, which is slightly higher than desirable. However, whenever I test an hour after my meal I’m always without fail between 98-115. Now, I would consider that a slightly high resting which might be manageable with a bedtime snack (I’ll start trying that tonight). But my midwife is telling me that my post-meal numbers are too low, and that they should be between 120-130 an hour after starting a meal. This sounds… crazy to me? I eat a very clean, very healthy, very whole foods based diet. I’ve searched the internet high and low and everything is telling me that I have good post-meal numbers. I don’t want to flag myself and get removed from home birth care, but I have to admit that I’m a little annoyed at the assertion that these meal numbers are a problem if I can’t find evidence to the contrary. Can someone weigh in on this and tell me where I may be wrong or if I am correct? She’s out here telling me that my body thinks it’s starving. I eat plenty of everything (yes, meat too, I’m not a vegetarian), three meals a day plus 2-3 snacks and I couldn’t pack more in if I tried. What’s the deal here?
submitted by Bexksy to GestationalDiabetes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:25 teuchterK Braxton hicks - oblivious

Went for my 32w midwife appointment today. Did the usual, tested my urine and chatted about my birth plan. Went to lie on the bed to measure baby, check position and listen to heartbeat on the Doppler.
Turns out, I was having a braxton hicks at that very moment she was checking baby’s position - AND I HAD NO IDEA! 😂 She literally had to point it out to me and wait for it to stop.
If I’ve ever had a BH before then I haven’t noticed.
Although, since she pointed it out I think I noticed it on and off for an hour or so after. I think they’re done now?
Anyway, I just wanted to share. I think I preferred being completely oblivious! Anyone else as oblivious as me?
submitted by teuchterK to PregnancyUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:33 Nevertoldanyone1 Laid off the same week as first child is due: Trying to get a plan in place and keep my head in the game.

Last week it was announced to the entire company that they ran out of money and will stop operations this week. It was a surprise to the majority of us but it turns out that the leadership made some poor decisions that left us exposed financially. Additionally, the company moved locations and offered me relocation just over a year ago, a lot of my professional network is 2000+ miles away. The big kick in the rear was the fact that they are giving us next to no severance (2 weeks).
At the same time, my wife (33) is 40 weeks pregnant with our first child. I (33) was the breadwinner and my wife left her job when she got was in the 3rd trimester. The plan was for her to stay home for 4-6 months at first and look into part time jobs after that. My salary was enough to cover our basis . For the birth, the we went the midwife route, but that wasn't covered under insurance and we paid cash for it not to long ago.
Right now, we will have 22k in savings if I include my last paycheck. Below are what I already budget on a regular basis.
So with things kept the same "as-is", its approx 4600/mo in expenses, or just shy of 5 months of expenses. I think I can trim my budget down to 4200/mo with just my food expense being scaled way back I can push it past the 5 month mark. I will qualify for unemployment, just unsure of how much yet, it looks like between 1700/2200mo if my research is correct. Until that is all in place though, I worry lol. I also know that we will have more expenses once the kid is born, but we do have a nice stash of diapers from family/friends. My overall plan is this:
I know that I am nowhere near "desperate", I have seen some posts here that easily qualify as way more precarious than the situation I find myself in. I cannot ignore the fact that this all goes belly up if for some reason we were to have a medical issue or unexpected expense. I cannot ignore the stress/anxiety I have after moving across the country, about to have a kid any day now and then to lose your income. I welcome any and all feedback/experiences/ideas.
submitted by Nevertoldanyone1 to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:12 yoquierochurros Pregnancy content recommendations? Podcasts, videos, shows etc.

Hi all,
Ive just started my Maternity Leave! I’m 33 weeks, but due to the nature of my work and minimising disruption to my clients and to avoid overworking, this was best for my situation. I’m looking for any content recommendations regarding pregnancy, labour and delivery and parenting. I love having stuff on in the background whilst I’m cleaning, shopping, nesting and so on!
Here is some of the content I have consumed and enjoyed so far, in case anybody was looking for any recommendations too! - Is it Normal Podcast - Midwife at Your Cervix podcast - The Baby Academy free live classes (I have done the hypnobirthing course, and have booked on to the breastfeeding and first 6 weeks courses over the next few weekends) - The Modern Midwife’s Guide to Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond book
YouTube Channels: - Mia Alexandria - Mama Dr Jones - The Doctors Bjorkman - Diana in the Pink - Bridget Teyler - Mama Nurse Tina
Feel free to share below any resources you feel are worth the watch/listen :)
submitted by yoquierochurros to PregnancyUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:52 Sufficient_Photo3266 Glob of mucus with tiny fleck of brown blood

Long story short - I’m just shy of 12 weeks, my last pregnancy ended in MMC at 8 weeks which I passed naturally around 11 weeks
This pregnancy I had spotting at 9 weeks which I went to EPU for and had a scan, everything looked good. I’ve had on and off brown discharge since then, usually (tmi) after blowing my nose or a bowel movement. So hoping that is just potentially coming from sensitive cervix. It’s never been a lot and not every day. I’ve also been having lots of discharge, sometimes looking yellowy
Last night I went to the loo and there was a massive piece of globby discharge that was all clumped together. Again tmi but just looked like snot, about the size of 50p. I’ve never had this before? Is this normal?
I have my first call with midwife tomorrow so will obviously be asking them and potentially pushing for a UTI/infection test. But it’s hard to keep calm following a loss. Wish it was straight forward 😖
I could go in EPU but I kind of just want to wait until my dating scan, thinking ignorance is bliss and also my husband is away until Thursday. Last time after I started spotting it was obvious within days I was miscarrying as I was passing tiny clots every time I went to the loo.
submitted by Sufficient_Photo3266 to CautiousBB [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:50 Latetothegame0216 DO SPERM DNA FRAG!

I need to write out my story, for myself. I know I'm going to be preaching to the choir here.
I've wanted kids all my life. Then 2020 happened and I questioned it for a year plus. Early 2021 we went to a midwife to do a pre-conception check up to help with the decision (if we couldn't have kids, why try? Decision made for me). I got a blood work up, hubs got an SA and everything looked great. Early 2022 we decided we'd start trying in July. We took some months off that year, and by March 2023 it had been 5/6 cycles (I nearing 36 at the time) so off to a different midwife I went. ("Early bird catches the sperm!" I overconfidently told her, feeling like I didn't reeeaaally need to be there.) She referred me to a fertility clinic. We met with them June of 2023, diagnosed unexplained infertility and did 2.5 IUIs (one got cancelled) between Aug-Oct. Nothing. We did discover I had a thin endometrium at 5mm naturally (I could have told anyone that.) He had had at least one more SA in that timeframe, still looking good. So, December we were pretty sure we wanted to do IVF in 2024, just had to get the monies in a row. May 2024 has been the month chosen for at least 2 months now.
Probably in THIS sub is where I first heard about DNA fragmentation...NOT the fertility doc...! I asked hubs to set that apt up in Feb or March of 2024. He dragged his feet til late April. We just got the results back. 39%. 39%!!! I'm so pissed off. If ANY of the doctor's I've seen (at least 6) had mentioned this in the last 3.5 YEARS, we may have been pregnant long ago. Or known to skip IUI (and the associated thousands out of pocket, time, emotions...I'm preaching to the choir...) and gone to IVF. I'm also a little pissed at hubby because he dragged his feet a bit in scheduling this apt, potentially messing up this May timeline. But, I won't tell him cuz it won't change the past.
I'm supposed to start BC around 5/20. He's got an INITIAL apt with an RU on 5/23. My baseline is supposed to be around 5/29 and shots starting 5/31. If this all gets pushed back, we can't do ER in July or August because I've planned my ENTIRE SUMMER around this start date, and nothing works until September. In August, one of our money offers expires - I'm hoping they'll extend it. This fuckers so much up. And, it just feels like time keeps on slipping. I'm very close to 37 now, and he's 43.
I'm hooooping our RE will just say we can do Zymot, TESE, or the hydro-something acid thing, and keep this same plan. IDK why she wouldn't...ER is second week of June so hopefully that'd be enough time to figure out anything else he can do on his end with the RU. He's been taking supplements for years. He's been avoiding alcohol since mid-Jan except one 10 day binger earlier this month that really pissed me off (he's in therapy.)
I ugly cried tonight. This is only my second cry about this whole thing in almost 2 years. Hubs was there for me and super sweet. That made me feel confident that if/when we try IVF he'll be there for me. I don't normally need or want to cry so he's really only seen me like that one other time I think, both baby related. I feel like I've done everything right in my life. I eat healthy, I don't drink alcohol, I volunteer, I'm a good therapist, I'm a kind person, I go out of my way to offer my time to my friends...I just wish someone would have told me about DNA frag years ago.
The silver lining is we figured this out BEFORE we started IVF and didn't waste a round. I hope my story helps someone save some time and emotions in the future <3
submitted by Latetothegame0216 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:41 Latetothegame0216 Wasted Time, Money, Emotions

Thank you for creating this group, and having so many helpful tips at the top.
I need to write out my story, for myself. I know I'm going to be preaching to the choir here.
I've wanted kids all my life. Then 2020 happened and I questioned it for a year plus. Early 2021 we went to a midwife to do a pre-conception check up to help with the decision (if we couldn't have kids, why try? Decision made for me). I got a blood work up, hubs got an SA and everything looked great. Early 2022 we decided we'd start trying in July. We took some months off that year, and by March 2023 it had been 5/6 cycles (I was 35 at the time) so off to a different midwife I went. ("Early bird catches the sperm!" I overconfidently told her, feeling like I didn't reeeaaally need to be there.) She referred me to a fertility clinic. We met with them June of 2023, diagnosed unexplained infertility and did 2.5 IUIs (one got cancelled) between Aug-Oct. Nothing. He had had at least one more SA in that timeframe, still looking good. So, December we were pretty sure we wanted to do IVF in 2024, just had to get the monies in a row. May 2024 has been the month chosen for at least 2 months now.
Probably in the IVF sub is where I first heard about DNA fragmentation (NOT the fertility doc). I asked hubs to set that apt up in Feb or March of 2024. He dragged his feet til late April. We just got the results back. 39%. 39%!!! I'm so pissed off. If ANY of the doctor's I've seen (at least 6) had mentioned this in the last 3.5 YEARS, we may have been pregnant long ago. Or known to skip IUI (and the associated thousands out of pocket, time, emotions...I'm preaching to the choir...) and gone to IVF. I'm also a little pissed at hubby because he dragged his feet, potentially messing up this May timeline. But, I won't tell him cuz it won't change the past.
I'm supposed to start BC around 5/20. He's got an INITIAL apt with an RU on 5/23. My baseline is supposed to be around 5/29 and shots starting 5/31. If this all gets pushed back, we can't do ER in July or August because I've planned my ENTIRE SUMMER around this start date, and nothing works until September. In August, one of our money offers expires - I'm hoping they'll extend it. This fuckers so much up. And, it just feels like time keeps on slipping. I'm very close to 37 now, and he's 43.
I'm hooooping our RE will just say we can do Zymot, TESE, or the hydro-something acid thing, and keep this same plan. IDK why she wouldn't...ER is second week of June so hopefully that'd be enough time to figure out anything else he can do on his end with the RU. He's been taking supplements for years. He's been avoiding alcohol since mid-Jan except one 10 day binger earlier this month that really pissed me off (he's in therapy.)
I feel like I've done everything right in my life. I eat healthy, I don't drink alcohol, I volunteer, I'm a good therapist, I'm a kind person, I go out of my way to offer my time to my friends...I just wish someone would have told me about DNA frag years ago.
I'm glad this group exists for the future. And, I'm REALLY glad we tested it before we started IVF - silver lining.
submitted by Latetothegame0216 to dnafragmentation [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:20 ayeseeam Pronounced “Kirsten”

Pronounced “Kirsten”
Found in an article about a (admittedly, awesome!) midwife in Ireland. She admits that her name is rather awkward and that she was flatterend yet surprised that a lady named her baby after her.
submitted by ayeseeam to tragedeigh [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:07 Background_System_97 37w + 4d and just told baby is 4th percentile

I got sent for an ultrasound at my last appointment at 36 weeks because I was measuring 33cm. I was 34cm the week before, but baby definitely had dropped so that didn’t seem concerning. Doctor I saw only saw me once before at 9 weeks and asked if I’ve been small the whole pregnancy which I have been. I’m petite, 5’5” with long torso, have eally strong abs and this is my first baby. Everything so far has been normal. Today the ultrasound came back and said baby boy is only in the 4th percentile. The midwife I just saw is going to speak with the doctor later today because she thinks everything looks normal as a whole and my fundal height today was 36cm.
Of course they are talking about induction which I’m super bummed about. Has anyone been told baby is really low percentile at this point but they turned out to be normal weight?
Update: had an nst today and it went great! Baby was moving around plenty and his heart rate was responding exactly as they would want. I’ll have another ultrasound on Thursday and appointment Friday and expect to be monitored more often from this point - but so far I’m encouraged he is healthy and still better off in the belly for a bit longer.
submitted by Background_System_97 to BabyBumps [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:03 MustGetOut Mother Bus Deep Dive: Part 3

Mother Bus Deep Dive: Part 3
Recap: In Part 1 I looked at how the family began their wild journey with the American Family Road Trip social media accounts in 2018. With Part 2, I looked at the family's decisions through the pandemic, purchasing land and a Tiny House, only to eventually sell it all and go back RVing full time. They had a few weird months towards the end of 2021 where the family camped together in one tent (without the RV as backup) followed by an attempted move to Mexico that did not pan out.
I then found a little detour down the rabbit hole – in Part 2.5 I looked at Father Bus's twitter account and how his views also shaped the family lifestyle.
Instagram > Parenting
Through out 2022 we see the family start several social media adventures that have now since been abandoned - including blogs, a website, a health specific Instagram, and a separate Facebook. The only active account that still stands today is their Instagram, and it is in 2022 where we start seeing daily posts.
In April, Mother Bus had her seventh child, Aquila, at an AirBnB in their home town of Lubbock, TX. Baby Aquila is the sixth son to Britney and JD, joining siblings Gunner (11), Kinsey (9), Schofield (7), Audie (5), Swift (4), and Uriah (2). He is also the second AirBnB baby for the family.
Britney was not reckless with this birth by ensuring the help of a midwife, “Every delivery is different, and each time I have to stay focused on the Lord’s plan. He knows when and how this will all happen, all I can do is choose to trust him. I’m thankful for a body able to deliver a baby, a healthy and low risk pregnancy, and a husband who is more than supportive as he takes on the role of doula and deliverer. We started this together 10 months ago, and it’s almost time to finish it. My midwife is ready for my call, and we have everything set at the Airbnb. I can’t wait for another Bradley Method Delivery!”
FatherBus obsessed with having sons
The baby’s neck is shown many times to be unsupported, which is sadly a common theme for these parents. Mother Bus is more consumed with the herself & the camera than her newborn:
I pray for all her children's necks
Four days after giving birth the family is at the Texas Home School Coalition convention to host a talk on their homeschooling approach. Because who cares about the woman’s body needing time to heal? There is content to be made!
There are many posts discussing how their homeschooling, or “roadschooling”, system is superior to all others since. MotherBus even mentions in September 2022 “I’m putting together a homeschool… ROADSCHOOL guide for families right now!” yet we never see anything from her regarding this again.
The problem I have with this schooling method is up until this point the family has rarely seen much of the United States - maybe having visited ten or less states. And it isn’t like the family is moving to different parts of the country long enough to really experience the culture - if anything, when they start traveling more as 2022 rolls through the Summer and Fall they stay long enough to experience a few historical places (usually ones with free entry) and stay at RV parks. American history is so diverse I doubt these two are capable of teaching these children a tenth of what they should be learning. Most of their children aren’t even old enough to fully absorb and understand why a place may be historically important.
Their traveling school idea only really serves one, maybe two, subjects a student should be learning in school. What about the sciences or arts? We never see the family go to an art museum or do any sort of science. Travelling would allow the children to learn about all different plant species or animals that may only be native to one part of the county, but that’s never a point for Mother Bus.
Since I was not homeschooled myself I cannot comment on the schedule the children follow but I really doubt schooling for maybe 2 hours a day for 3-4 days/week is the best practice:
Did a child write this in hopes of getting out of class?
As I mentioned the family does travel more in the Fall - visiting New York, Pennsylvania and New Jersey but once the weather starts getting cold the family once again heads back to Texas.
Mother Bus’s posts get pretty thirsty as the year goes on, making some pretty cringe posts. There are a few times she tries for giveaways, reminding me of JillPMs $10 gift certificates:
As anyone who has seen their Instagram, her favorite topic of all is her ability to produce children. I'd say about 85% of her videos are her eye-fucking the camera, saying something about motherhood, and then having her kids show their faces. It gives off the same vibe of when a kid comes up to you to show off their new toys. This is problematic for so many reasons mainly the exploitation of her children, but I also I doubt the kids enjoy this forced dancing even though it's probably one of the few moments in the day Mother Bus pays them any attention.
She also has quite a fixation on gender roles, especially for the boys:
Masculinity is dying
Boys in jeopardy
What about your daughter? Is she not capable of learning about this wire? She is twice the age as some of her brothers
As 2023 begins the family stays in Texas, traveling to Kentucky and eventually Florida. The family seems to be following Father Bus around as he is working on his new invention, “JD has started a new business, and it doesn’t matter how many times we go down this road together it’s a struggle. Being married to an entrepreneur means high highs, and low lows, especially in the beginning stages of something. Will the new endeavor be a success or will we have lost everything we invest? I never know.”
To help JD travel for work they buy a motorcycle, because why get your children more than three Christmas presents when you can spend your money on a toy for yourself? (If she makes her money off of her Instagram, which is all about her kids, don’t the kids deserve some of that money?) Anyways, this motorcycle leads to an event in April 2023 where we see how truly obsessed Mother Bus is with her husband.
When JD heads to Kentucky for a work trip and leaves Mother Bus alone in Florida for too long with seven children she decides to drive 11 hours in a bus she never really drove before. The biggest issue has to be the lack of safety for any of her children who are all traveling in this death trap with her - she even has one of them filming her driving so we can have this glorious content.
And that’s the last we see of the motorcycle.
Sadly in June there’s another documented incident of poor parenting. The family was contacted by multiple followers to tell them one of their children, Swift (4), was making odd faces in one of their forced family videos. “I immediately had multiple optometrists message me including one from Brazil, and telling me to get him checked out. And they were right, this guy needs glasses!” What does it tell you about a parent that cannot detect a difference in their child but the people watching videos of them on Instagram can?
Through the Summer of 2023 we see the family traveling more, they visit the states surrounding the Great Lakes, and then down to Virginia, Maryland, and D.C.. JD announces his “invention” SatSaver which is basically a fancy notepad to write down your Bitcoin passwords in. It costs $24.95 + shipping.
In September no one is surprised when Mother Bus announces she is pregnant again. A month later there is another announcement, which is a little surprising - the family is headed to Brazil.
Brazil or Bus(t)
On October 12 the family announced their “move” to Brazil, “We are parking the bus, and flying. The next few months abroad we will be traveling between Airbnbs and monthly rentals. That will change our travel style a bit, and our daily life a tad. As American tourists we are continuing to homeschool in the morning but plan to add a language tutor to the mix. We are looking forward to exploring an area longer, and sharing the local Brazilian culture with you” (I put “move” in quotes here because that’s the term MotherBus uses even though it's basically an extended vacation.)
JD & Britney show off their great planning skills when they drive over 10 hours to New Orleans in order to get their passports in time. She acts like this is totally normal, “Did you know you can get a passport the same day if you apply in person? We have done it now 4 times for different trips, the New Orleans office is our favorite location!”
The family plans on becoming fluent in Portuguese, “We absolutely plan to immerse ourselves in Portuguese, and hope to become fluent. The value of adding a foreign language to our children’s skill set can nothing but benefit their future.” We have a wonderful screenshot posted in this subreddit of her using ‘Hola’ instead of ‘Ola’ in one of her first Brazil posts, she’s since corrected it but she really showed up how serious she is taking this.
November 25th, when the family finally sets off for Brazil it's not the easiest – they miss their connecting flight, lose one of their kid’s bags and a Nintendo Switch. Then upon arriving at their AirBnB MotherBus immediately has issues with where they are staying. The staircase has wide gaps between them so her children are obviously going to hurt themselves. And it's not like this was a thing she could have easily seen in pictures of their AirBnB rental. As a result of this and although they mention “monthly rentals” planned the family pops around from one AirBnB to another their whole stay. She’s reckless with location sharing the whole time too - such a great thing for when MotherBus and FatherBus ditch the kids for their date nights.
Where are your children?1?!
Not even two weeks in and the family has to buy a van since their rental car is too small, “We moved AirBnb’s today but our rental car is so small it barely fits us let alone our luggage. Looks like buying a new car is a big priority for this Brazil adventure.” At this time Bitcoin was growing rapidly at around $45,000 compared to the majority of 2023 when Bitcoin was between $25,000-$30,000. This could have influenced their decision but we also know they are terrible planners, so there are probably a few factors at play.
The family travels around southern Brazil, celebrating Christmas in Florianópolis. The children receive their usual three gifts, MotherBus mentions they will all get a water bottle this year - oh joy! On New Years day 2024 we are reminded again why these people are not cut out for traveling, especially not internationally. The family planned to drive through Argentina and Paraguay to take a shorter route to their next AirBnB however they did not look into driving their large cavan/bus across country lines. MotherBus has a complete meltdown, thankfully documented and posted by a fellow snarker (Link). After this post several people apparently reached out to her and told her she could have simply offered the border patrol a bribe to get through to Argentina. She’s upset she didn’t know this to begin with, but thankfully the family plans to stay within Brazil for their journey.
In January 2024 we hear Father Bus is planning on ditching the family flying back to Texas for one week of work. With how she reacted to his absence back in the states where she drove the bus 500+ miles to see him, it wasn’t very long until one of them caved and agreed the family will all be returning home with Father Bus in January. Don't worry though because the family is planning on returning, “Quickly answering a few things… the kids will all continue their Portuguese lessons (and so will JD and I), we do plan to return after baby is born (date unknown), our northern road trip includes visiting São Paulo, Rio, Brasília, and the beaches of norther Brazil…. A few of the kids are asking to see the Amazon, but I’m not so sure about that.”
Reckless Parenting and Baby #8
The family is expecting baby number 8 in April 2024, the oldest is now a teenager and the second oldest (only girl) is a pre-teen. This is quite a concern for most people because of how the family packs the children in the back of the bus like a can of sardines. As the kids get older they really deserve personal space, and the parents' weird views on sleeping schedules and date nights ensure these kids are trapped in the back of the bus by the time the sun is down. (Once the newest baby comes along there are seven kids, ages 13-2, sharing 6 small beds.)
Sleep schedules
Date nights
The birth plan that Mother Bus shared initially was for another AirBnB birth, but without any midwife or doula, JD was to be in charge of everything. “We have everything set at the Airbnb, and plan to head over when this thing takes off. I can’t wait for another Bradley Method Delivery!”
As her due date pasts, she shares some wonderful wisdom on the female body:
On April 20, Mother Bus posts the story of the arrival their new baby, “Tuesday, after midnight, I woke up, grabbed my phone and went to scroll when I felt it. The first contraction and within minutes I knew it was the real deal. 31 minutes later JD and I delivered our 7th son in our home. A bus birth. Welcoming Boone Lott to the world at 12:49am April 16, 2024. He is doing so well, and weighed 10lbs 5oz! We actually weighed him on the bread scale AND the regular scale to make sure he weighed that much.”
Having a baby without any medical assistance is reckless. Having a baby in your bathtub in an RV while your seven children sleep in a closet is beyond reckless. There are many people in the surrounding area, within earshot no less. There is no way for them to get rid of the medical waste in a proper manner. Since the AirBnB was never seen and MotherBus's record of lying, it has to make you wonder if a Bus Birth was always the plan.
She is super neglectful of this child, bringing him to the beach within a week of being alive. People can clearly spot he is sun burnt. She also leaves him on a sheep skin rug (her current product she's trying to to shill). This is not only dangerous in a bus with 9 other people running around but also the germs!
After much online speculation regarding the baby’s health Mother Bus posted on May 9, “*And for those of you interested, Boone was checked at the hospital and was given a clean bill of health.”
Thank you!
Thank you all for reading any of these deep dives, I really appreciate it and the discussions you’ve had. I have always loved reading different deep dives here on reddit so I figured why not take a swing at it. I totally underestimated how much content there was to go through, and I hope I did my best 🙂
submitted by MustGetOut to FundieSnarkUncensored [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:45 ToEmpathyAndBeyond Wife’s numbers are scary high

Wife’s numbers are scary high
Tl;dr: My wife (38F) was diagnosed last week with BG 458 and A1c 13.7, started metformin 500mg extended release 2x/day, got a CGM, no finger sticks, numbers are 200-400 but mostly stayed in 250-350 range over past 40 hours. Looking for support, and wondering if anyone else was diagnosed with numbers this high, how long did it take to get them controlled?
My (39F) wife (38F) was diagnosed last week after a routine PCP visit with labs (first PCP visit in many years, but she had a gynecologist/nurse midwife visit in January and we saw a reproductive endocrinologist in March). Next morning the doctor sent this message. In hindsight I think her approach (incremental change, avoid info overload) is smart and probably works well for MOST people. But my wife and I freaked out, started Googling and asking our med pro friends, and immediately made a same-day appt. I left work 3 hours early and we arrived at the dr office 45 mins before the appt (unheard of for us 😂).
To the dr’s credit, she got us back to see her right away, quickly shifted gears to share lots of info and options, and took time to listen and answer our questions. She prescribed a CGM (Libre 2) which my wife got on Saturday. (Wife is terrified of needles and doesn’t want to do any finger sticks. I had to apply the CGM for her.) Over the past 40 hours, her numbers have ranged from 200 to 400+. She’s taken 8 doses of metformin 500mg extended release (2x day since Thursday night), and I know it can take 4-5 days to really see effects. I also know that her numbers have likely been this high for months and months, but I’m so worried about long-term damage. 😞
My wife is taking this super seriously and has already overhauled her diet (no added sugar, low carbs, extra protein and healthy fats), and started exercising more. We’ve both dieted before and know the drill. Emotionally she’s devastated by the diagnosis, especially because we were planning to TTC next month, and that’s likely delayed now. She’s motivated to get this controlled ASAP so that having a baby is still an option. And, I know this is a marathon and not a sprint, and I’m worried about burnout. She has a long history of (likely but undiagnosed) PCOS, obesity, binge eating, and avoidance of preventive medical care. (Ironically her weight is currently almost in a healthy range, thanks to 2 years of previously-unexplained weight loss, which no one besides me questioned - if you’re fat, weight loss is always the priority. 😑) I’m doing this with her, both to be supportive and because I’m concerned about my own IR (weight gain in the past year, fasting insulin was 17.5 in March despite having good FG and A1c, and last year my A1c was 5.7 so barely pre-D).
I know this is long, so I appreciate anyone who read this far. It’s been very overwhelming the last few days, and I feel like I need a “T2D spouse support group” already. I’m really hoping we can get her numbers down in the next few weeks and without having to add insulin.
submitted by ToEmpathyAndBeyond to diabetes_t2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:10 ResponsibleBus3986 Rhesus negative

FTM 9 +3 days. I’ve just found out that I have A negative blood and there is a chance the baby will be a different blood type which means I could lose the baby. The midwife said this isn’t a problem if this is my first pregnancy and as long as mine and the baby’s blood don’t mix but I have no idea how this can happen. Also I have been pregnant before which did not progress past 8 weeks. She is aware of this but I am really worried that my body is going to reject the baby. They have recommended that I get an injection at my next appointment which prevents this but this isn’t until the 20th June.
I feel like I am carrying a ticking time bomb - I am just looking for anyone else who has experienced this and wondering whether I am being overly concerned.
submitted by ResponsibleBus3986 to PregnancyUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 10:56 jacintaraptor Birth after cerclage (tw: scary)

First of all i want to thank all of you wonderful people that have shared your stories on this subreddit! Even just reading abour your experiences really helped me so much through this pregnancy.
I had a previous loss at 19 weeks 6 days in March of 2023 that was thought to be due to an incompetent cervix causing PPROM.
Today, I gave birth to my beautiful son at 38 weeks 6 days. I wanted to share my experience with a cervical cerclage in the hope that someone googling one day might feel less alone, like how this su reddit has made me feel countless times!
I had a preventative cervical cerclage placed by an obstetrician who specialised in antenatal cervixs (seems to be an equivalent to MFM in our health care system?) at 14 weeks gestation. Before the cerclage my cervix was around 2.3cm. After the cerclage my cervix held at ariund 3cm. Great!! I wasn't on progesterone or bed rest, and was recommended pelvic rest which I stuck with for this pregnancy.
At 36 weeks I went to my local hospital for removal. The process was pretty easy. The ward OB removed my stitch in a delivery room with a little gas to take the edge off. Took about 15 minutes totaly plus 3 hours of waiting around.
At midnight last night, i went into early labour. My contractions were consistently 50 seconds long and 40 seconds apart and they were PAINFUL. I was so sure that I must have been progressing really quickly before of just how much pain I was in. After 3 hours of consistent STONG contractions, my midwife checked my cervix. It hurt when she did this and it hurt more to hear that after all that, I was a maximum of 1cm dialated. My midwife left because there was nothing she could do until I was more dialated.
I ended up sleeping between each contraction, managing the pain as best I could with a TENS machine and yelled so loud through the peaks of my contractions that I was almost embarrassed about how poorly I was able to withstand the pain.
I woke up fully at 6am and had a a feeling I can only describe as desparately needing to poo. I sat on the toilet and pushed, it was like my body was doing all of it and I was just there for the ride. Between pushes I had enough time to catch my breath and I had a feel around - the top of a head! I asked my husband to call out midwife and then I leaned into him to support my pushes. Four pushes later, and my husband was catching our son as I leaned back, still sitting on the toilet. I ripped my shirt up and my husband placed our baby on my tummy. 10 minutes later, our midwife arrived.
We moved to the bed and I delivered the placenta, much more painfully than I expected from stories of other mothers. When my midwife checked for tearing, she immediately looked concerned and called in a second opinion. They said it wasnt something either has seen before and I was taken by ambulance to our nearest hospital.
They assessed my condition with a spinal anaestesia and found half of my cerclage in place, holding on the posterior of my cervix that had torn away. This tear is how I delivered my son and placenta with no medicinal pain relief. The reconstruction of my cervix took nearly 2 hours, plus stitching up a seocnd-degree tear to my perineum and some tearing to my labial walls around my urethra.
This evening, I'm fine but in a little pain, but my son is perfect and healthy which is what really matters to me right now. I dont know what the moral of this story is, but maybe ask for an ultrasound to confirm your cerclage removal?
submitted by jacintaraptor to ShortCervixSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 10:28 MeatTurbulent8839 Booking in appointment

I’ve just booked in for my first appointment with a midwife, I’ll be 9+2 weeks by then. It was arranged through my GP. It’s just a phone call which surprised me - I heard they take your blood pressure, do a urine sample etc. Obviously they’re not going to be able to do that, so when does this happen? Also when can I book in my 12 week scan? Am I able to do this in advance or do you have to wait until your booking in appointment?
FTM so forgive my ignorance 😆
submitted by MeatTurbulent8839 to PregnancyUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 08:23 sinomaltanews A

Sarah Muscat - Studenta tal-Qwiebel fl-1 sena, Dipartiment tal-Qwiebel, Fakultà tax-Xjenzi tas-Saħħa, Università ta’ Malta).
✨Il-Vjaġġ Tiegħi bħala Studenta tal-Qwiebel fl-Ewwel Sena ✨
Il-vjaġġ tiegħi kien beda kollu meta poġġiet il-Qwiebel bħala l-ewwel preferenza tiegħi meta applika għall-Università ta’ Malta. Kieku kellek tistaqsuni, “Kemm kont kunfidenti li tkun aċċettat fil-kors?”, kont nwieġeb bil-frażi, “Ejja nittamaw biss”. Ir-raġuni hija li numru limitat ta' studenti huma aċċettati. Min kien jaf li jien inkun wieħed minnhom.
Matul dawn l-aħħar xhur, ksibt passjoni ġdida. Passjoni li ppermettiet sens ta’ nar u devozzjoni lejn il-professjoni. Jmur lil hinn mill-akkademiċi, huwa li jifforma pont ta’ fiduċja bejn il-klijenti u l-familji tagħhom, biex jipprovdilhom l-aħjar kura possibbli. Kieku xi ħadd kien jistaqsini, “Xi ksibt s’issa mill-Qwiebel?”, jien inwieġeb billi ngħid “Stajt ngħaqqad l-imħabba tiegħi għat-tqala u t-twelid mal-entużjażmu tiegħi biex ngħin lil ħaddieħor grazzi għal dan il-kors”. Għalhekk, kieku kelli nistaqsi, “X’jagħmel lil qabla ‘qabla’?, jien ngħid, “Mhux it-titlu ta’ ‘qabla’ li tagħmel qabla, imma hija l-imħabba vera u d-devozzjoni li hi/hu turi lejn ix-xogħol tagħhom kuljum, kemm ġewwa kif ukoll barra mill-ambjent tal-kura tas-saħħa”. 🤱🏻👨🏻‍🍼
L-apprezzament dejjiemi tiegħi jmur lejn il-familja tiegħi, speċjalment ommi u missieri li ilhom jappoġġjawni f’kull pass tat-triq, u fl-aħħar iżda żgur mhux l-inqas, it-tuturi u sħabi tal-klassi, li għamlu impatt kbir fuq din it-triq ġdida ta’ tagħlim. B’hekk, nixtieq inħeġġeġ lin-nies biex jingħaqdu f’dan il-vjaġġ ta’ trasformazzjoni billi japplikaw għall-kors ta’ Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Midwifery fl-Università ta’ Malta. 🎓📚
#midwiferystudent #passjoni #qwiebel #tqala #childbirth #midwife
submitted by sinomaltanews to SinoMaltaNews [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 07:40 Yssah29 Seeking objective midwife opinion before asking mine

I just wanted to ask: Is there any good reason that my midwife would decide to cut my baby's cord after just one minute?
Background: I was 40 weeks and was diagnosed with preeclampsia and was recommended to induce. Went in Friday and gave birth Sunday. I was on pitocin the whole time except for an overnight break. Also on magnesium so baby was kinda drugged, it took me a long time to push her out and she was according to my husband purple not moving, not crying. But her apgar at 1 minute was 8. And then they cut the cord and then at 5 minutes it was a 6 so she had to be sent to the NICU and we did not get more than a few minutes of skin to skin.
If she was an 8, there should not have been a good reason to cut off her blood supply especially if she was having a hard time breathing - hello, lets cut off 1/3 of her blood supply that will carry more oxygen for her to live. Any resuscitating measures they have could have been done while the cord was on I think.
So the only reason I could think of was so they can get my baby’s cord blood and sell it off at a good price. I am very very upset about this and my husband has been too angry to talk about it and now we are expecting another baby. I know, we should not have until we have processed the first one but here we are.
Now tell my my midwife was not an evil witch and was actually saving my babies life by cutting her cord early. She was not all bad actually. She helped me avoid a csection at least. And the baby and I are alive and healthy. It's just that well, I'm not going to say anymore until I get some good replies. Thanks.
edit: Idk why my post was removed in the other subreddit, I read the rules and I do not think that my post was harmful. I posted to get clarity from an objective source before taking it up with the midwife herself. I dont even think my husband wants me to talk to the midwife about it, he is just so mad everytime the topic comes up like I am the bad guy for wanting to know why my baby's cord was cut after 1 minute and I should just be happy that we are alive?
submitted by Yssah29 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 00:51 cat_lady_451 31 weeks - fluid leak

Yesterday I noticed some spotting and was told to go into the hospital to get checked. I also mentioned my undies felt damp which then prompted another test to see if amniotic fluid was present. This came back positive and now all the dramatics of leaking fluid early are starting to happen.
The doctor said it was a faint positive and another midwife said it could have been affected by the blood also present in my vagina. I’m just wondering if anyone has had experience with false positive fluid tests? Or any experience navigating the checks that come with leaking fluid but no labor starting?
submitted by cat_lady_451 to pregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 20:10 seau_de_beurre A comprehensive guide to pregnancy acronyms

Since many of us are new to this world, in this post we're going to try to collect all the various pregnancy-related acronyms for easy reference.
If we are missing any, please add them in the comments below.


FTM, STM, TTM - first/second/third time mom
TTC - trying to conceive
TFA, TTCA - trying for another, trying to conceive another
EDD - estimated due date
DPO - days past ovulation
CD - cycle day
LMP - last menstrual period
GA - gestational age (usually in weeks+days)
BC - birth control
BFP, BFN - big fat/fuckin' positive/negative
VFL - very fine line (often styled "vvvvfl" or similar)
HPT - home pregnancy test
FMU, SMU - first/second morning urine
OB, OBGYN - pregnancy doctor
CNM, CPM - certified nurse midwife, certified professional midwife
GP, PCP - general practitioner, primary care physician
MFM - maternal-fetal medicine (high-risk pregnancy doctor)

Infertility and Loss

RE, REI - reproductive endocrinologist (fertility doctor)
RI - reproductive immunologist (fertility doctor)
PAL - pregnant/pregnancy after loss
IVF - in-vitro fertilization
IUI - intrauterine insemination
FET - frozen embryo transfer
ICSI - intracytoplasmic sperm injection
DPT, DP5DT - days past embryo transfer, days past 5-day embryo transfer
PIO - progesterone in oil (injection)
RPL - recurrent pregnancy loss
CP - chemical pregnancy
MC - miscarriage
MMC - missed miscarriage
TFMR - termination for medical reasons
IUFD - intrauterine fetal demise
D&C, D&E - dilation and curettage, dilation and evacuation


SCH -subchorionic hematoma
RLP - round ligament pain
Pre-e - preeclampsia
GHT - gestational hypertension
GDM, GD, DM - gestational diabetes
HG - hyperemesis gravidarum
GTT, GCT - glucose tolerance/challenge test
PUPPPs - pruritic urticarial papules and plaques
Beta, Beta HCG - quantitative blood test of pregnancy hormone HCG
PROM, PPROM - premature rupture of membranes
IUGR, FGR - intrauterine/fetal growth restriction
LGA, SGA - large/small for gestational age
NIPT - non-invasive prenatal testing
NT scan - nuchal translucency scan
NST - non-stress test
BPP - biophysical profile
CS - cesarean section
VBAC - vaginal birth after cesarean
TOL, TOLAC - trial of labor after cesarean


PP - postpartum
BF - breastfeeding
FF - formula feeding
PPD - postpartum depression
PPA - postpartum anxiety
PPOCD - postpartum OCD
PPP - postpartum psychosis
PPMAD - postpartum mood and anxiety disorder
LC - lactation consultant
IBCLC - international board-certified lactation consultant


🌈 - loss, pregnancy after loss
💙 - male baby
💖 (and variants) - female baby
💚 - baby of unknown sex/gender
👼 - angel baby (loss, stillbirth, infant/child death)
🏳️‍🌈 - lgbtq
submitted by seau_de_beurre to December2024Bumps [link] [comments]