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A place for announcements, discussion and bug reports for the android app "Relay for reddit".

2015.03.31 13:14 DBrady A place for announcements, discussion and bug reports for the android app "Relay for reddit".

A place for announcements, discussion and bug reports for the third party Reddit app "Relay for reddit".

2018.12.26 04:38 RevDeschain The Critshow

A subreddit for The Critshow, an actual play podcast focusing on Powered by the Apocalypse games. This is a place for episode discussions, theories, ramblings, jokes, or any other show-related content you'd like to share. Please remember to spoiler-tag spoilery details; assume anyone here may have just started listening.

2019.10.10 23:07 Fuck the CCP!

This sub is dedicated to the exposure of the evil, tyrannical Chinese Communist Party, a threat to the entire free world.

2024.06.07 21:19 BrienneOfFuckinTarth Shill giving “free” GME analysis 🤡

Shill giving “free” GME analysis 🤡 submitted by BrienneOfFuckinTarth to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:18 Green-Recording7141 My best friend hates me for calling her boyfriend

“Using fake names” Julia, Kayla, my boyfriend John and I went to the bar one night. Julia decided to go try and get free drinks from 3 guys and we were all like ok just be safe. Well Kayla comes over to John and I saying she’s worried about Julia that these three guys are on something other than alcohol. So I went over and heard one talking about getting married the next day while Julia is obviously drunk and screaming about how they keep looking at her chest and shoving her chest in their faces. I then tried to get her attention so she’s come play pool with us again. She shoved me in the chest so I said “how would your boyfriend feel about this” and Julia said “well he’s secure unlike John” and then shoved me again. At this point I was pretty upset cause I was just trying to keep her safe and she decided to shove me and insult my boyfriend for no reason. I went back to Kayla and asked if I should call her boyfriend Mason. Kayla was like yea you should cause we were both worried about her and couldn’t get her away from these three guys surrounding her and she was obviously drunk. So I went to the bathroom and called Julia’s boyfriend telling him I was worried about her and couldn’t get her away from these guys he didn’t believe me and had Kayla come in and she told him the exact same thing. Then while still in the bathroom Julia walks in and I was like I’m talking to someone else and she goes “ I’m gonna go F with these guys at the bar again” I asked mason if he heard that and he said yes and hung up on me. I went back out and soon after Julia answered a call from mason and walked out of the bar and texted Julia to come out secretly so I wouldn’t notice. Then all three of them ignored me asking about how Julia was doing for 2 days. And long story short they turned the story around where I was the drunk one and intentionally tried to break Julia and mason up. And they whole heartedly believe Julia did nothing wrong and I’m the bad guy. They aren’t even mad at Kayla when she said the exact same thing I did. And I’m honestly just so hurt this is someone that I’ve had in my life for a while and we were supposedly best friends and it hurts so bad that instead of just saying hey I was drunk thanks for trying to look out for me I’ve been completely shut out and blamed for the whole thing
Update* Yesterday another one of her friends “Laura” (known her since she was 8) found out what happened and got Julia and me to go to a restaurant and then wanted us to talk things out after eating. Julia just threw back handed comments the whole time and then when we went outside I tried to tell my side of the story and she just looked at me with a smirk on her face then started saying I was screaming at her and Laura was like no she’s not what do you mean then Julia was like well me and mason broke up because of you (no they did not break up according to her story with them on it kissing) she just insulted me the whole saying I don’t want that thing in my life, she’s a lying dog, I’m gonna h!t you and that’s a promise etc etc and I ended up just walking away cause I said my peace about what happened and If she was gonna lie straight to our faces about her breaking up with mason etc etc and then threaten me I felt it wasn’t worth it and I didn’t need someone in my life like that anyway Julia and Laura ended up talking for another 30 minutes and Julia called mason and said the exact same thing about what happened at the bar that I said just super sugar coated and then Laura told Julia if she was gonna act like that then she didn’t wanna be around her anymore and left… I also have videos of all this.
submitted by Green-Recording7141 to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:17 Prestigious_Lie_9882 Most Valuable Discmania Discs in the Post-Innova Era

I've been playing with and collecting Discmania discs for a few years. I have a few nice Innova-made discs but the bulk of my collection is now from the post-Innova era. This includes the new Originals which are made in Sweden, along with the Latitude 64-produced Evolution line and the Active Line produced by Yikun in China. What are some of the more valuable discs (collectable / resale / etc.) from this era? I would assume some of the Lizotte and Eagle discs are in that camp. Seems like the Mind Benders MD1s are typically going for about $50 (USD). Anything else?
submitted by Prestigious_Lie_9882 to discmania [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:17 FornyHuttBucker69 Selling a bunch of drain gang merchandise for reasonable prices

I don't know if this post is allowed or not because I messaged the mods like a day ago and they didn't respond. But anyways I'm selling a bunch of my shit because I need money. You can see the pictures on my profile and message me for more if ur interested. Trading through the sub isn't allowed and I don't want to deal with shit apps like grailed or depop so if you are in NYC (manhattan specifically), I would be happy to meet up and sell you the clothes. I don't mind if you are a reseller and want to flip them, I just want to sell them. Willing to negotiate prices if you are buying multiple things. Also for my own sake I'll be interested in selling to people buying multiple items so I dont have to travel that much lol. Anyway here's the items:
Bladee Red Light T-Shirt (L) - Bought in 2021, barely worn, still great condition no defects (50$)
Bladee Exile T-Shirt (L) - Bought in 2021, barely worn, still great condition no defects (50$)
Bladee Exeter T-Shirt (L) - Bought in 2021, barely worn, still great condition no defects (40$)
Drain Gang Tour T-Shirt (L) - Bought in 2022 at show, lightly worn, great condition but some general wear, size large but fits a little tighter than the other Bladee shirts, somewhere between a medium and large (40$)
DJ Billybool T shirts (Gray and Purple, both size L) - Bought in 2023 on launch, maybe a little bit tighter than a normal large, barely worn, 10/10 condition pretty much (75$ each)
Back2Life Polo Shirt (XL) - Boguht in 2022 on launch, barely worn, no defects still great condition (no glitteprint peeling), fits more like a large than XL, still have sticker as well (100$)
Bladee Glue Vinyl - I'm a poser and dont have a record player so I got it just to keep in my room lol so still inside plastic wrap (I'll just throw this in for free if you want it has like no second hand value)
Ecco2k E Vinyl Rough Trade - Same as gluee, never played but the packaging I received it in had some creases (see photos), I removed the actual record and there doesnt seem to be any warps though. Still have sticker as well (75$)
Ecco2k E cd (2nd press) - Not much to say, still looks great nothing wrong with it (50$)
I also have a few more non-drain items I'm selling if interested, but you can look for yourself if you care. Also I know this account doesn't have much karma/post history in here but I had an old one with a lot more that got banned for whatever reason a year ago. I made posts about some soundcloud remixes I made that did fairly well ( just so you dont think im some random trying to scam. Anyways thanks
submitted by FornyHuttBucker69 to sadboys [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:15 skeletonriser I've finally completed my "Level in every zone on one character" challenge after a whole year!

I've finally completed my
Last year, I wanted to challenge myself, and make a character that leveled in EVERY zone you typically level in. On 6/22/23, I created a hunter named Louse, and began my journey, and today 6/7/24, I finished the last zone and hit level 70. I used Chromie Time to stay "in" each expansion while I did them, so that they were always scaled to my level. The image you see above is one half of the total document I used to keep track of the zones to quest in, as well as the dates I completed each zone.
You can find the other half of the document, as well as other screenshots of my journey here:
Now I'll answer some questions you may have.
Q: How did you manage to level in every zone, but reached level 70 in Dragonflight?
A: If you're looking at the picture above, the zones with the Starnext to them are the zones I leveled up in. I would speak to Behsten in Stormwind Keep to turn off my XP, and played almost all of this with XP turned off! It wasn't until I got to the Dragon Isles that I kept it off for good. As a Mechagnome, I started at level 10, and I started Dragonflight at level 60.
Q: Why do this in the first place?
A: I don't play on a roleplay server, but my characters history and story matters a lot to me. Often when I play, I try to quest in zones that have NPCs relevant to the current story. For instance, in Legion, I'd level my alts in Faralas, as the dragons that eventually become raid bosses in Emerald Nightmare are there, and it's important for me for my character to know who they are, to know them personally. As the game advanced, more NPCs are added, and reused at various times, and there's no conceivable way for my character to know them ALL in a single typical leveling experience. That's primarily why I did this. When I did the Draenor intro, I knew EVERYONE there. I had talked and helped them at one point or another in the game, and they all knew me. THAT's important to me. THAT's why I did this.
Q: Why a hunter?
A: I'm typically a healer main, and honestly it was a year ago, I have no idea why I picked a hunter. I think I was debating doing some PvP in the future? Or maybe I just love taming pets. I've never gotten KSM on a DPS before, so that might have something to do with it. Plus hunters are fun.
Q: What was your favorite and least favorite zone to do?
A: I'm a sucker for Highmountain, have been since I heard the datamined music. Guess I'm lucky the Hunter Order Hall is there! My least favorite zone to do was Uldum unfortunately. I normally really like the zone, but when I got there during this challenge, it just felt really boring to me, and eventually lead to me taking a long break. I'd consider it one of my favorite Cata zones too, which is unfortunate I had such a hard time completing it.
Q: Did you do all the quests in the game?
A: No. I only quested in the zones that are meant to level in, and can be tracked via the story progress tab. I didn't do any quests in Broken Shore, Timeless Isle, Nazjatar, or any zone like that. I also didn't do starting zones like Elwynn Forest, Dun Morogh, or the likes. These are zones whose completion cannot be tracked the same way they can in the zones I did do. If you look at the picture posted, some of the "zones" are purple. Those are questlines or zones I chose to do that aren't part of the standard leveling experience, but are questlines and zones that I felt was important for my Hunter to experience and be a part of. I wanted my Hunter to be the Huntmaster, the savior of Suramar, and a Veteran of the Fourth War. Within the perimeters of this challenge, I did not have to do them, but it was important for my character to know those people, and live through those storylines.
and maybe the most important question... why a Mechagnome?
A: I actually like Mechagnomes, and Mechagon was my favorite part of BFA. Sue me.
Overall, I'm really happy I did this! The world is full of fun and exciting quests, and for the most part, I got to experience them all. This whole thing took me over a year to do (with a pretty sizeable break when I reached Cata), and I had fun the whole time. If you have any other questions, please ask below!
submitted by skeletonriser to wow [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:14 heavenlykatie TIFU by my step-brother finding my leaked nudes

im freaking the fuck out right noww.. my step-brother was in the shower so i knocked on the door asking if i could grab my hair dryer and he said to come in. when i grabbed it under the sink i noticed his phone lit up with a text from his friend saying "Would it be weird if I asked to see her leaks?"
the second i read this i freaked out because my content just got leaked so i grabbed his phone along with my hair dryer and left the washroom, keep in mind he was still showering and didn't notice me take it. i barged into my room locked the door behind me then went searching through his phone (yes i know his passcode im his sister)
i scrolled up in the convo and read a text from my step-brother saying: "Brooo i just found my own sister's nudes💀"
i felt so embarrassed but i wanted to see what he found so i checked his gallery and literally all his most recent photos were of me... he had pretty much all my leaked content exposing both my holes
im friggin weirded out but i was soo irresponsible because i sent a lot of pics for free without even worrying about leaks.. ughh i dunno what to do it's gonna be different now between us knowing he seen me play with my clit and finish on camera
If anyone knows what i should do PLEASE reach out!! i need a distraction or something to get my mind off of this, just msgg my other site!
TL;DR: My step-brother found my leaked content and was talking about it with his friend, i looked through his gallery and saw everything... i feel like such a bad sister especially that he might snitch to my dad
submitted by heavenlykatie to tifu [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:14 xNerdyGingerx Let's cause chaos ✨

Im a 27 M who is looking to find more friends to game with on these games. Fornite (No build), XDefiant, Rainbow Six Siege(Still learning), and MW3. I can also always download any game to play together from ps plus! Im just looking to have fun and meet new people! If that interests you feel free to add me on Discord at xnerdygingerx or dm me for my ps name!
submitted by xNerdyGingerx to PSNFriends [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:14 twopunchboi 20 [M4F] Finland or online/anywhere - Looking for my nerdy girl

Hey to you reading this! I'd like to find someone to play games with or just hang in discord or something else. I guess I should tell you a little bit about myself, so you can decide if I'm worth your time. I'm a 20 year old finnish guy. What comes to looks I'm nothing special, 5'11 and neither fat or slim. I can send you a pic of meself if you want.
• I'm in military service right now so I don't have too much free time, but the amount that I have, I'd like to spend with you.
• I play a lot of videogames. My favorite game I have ever played is Witcher 3, but I play a lot of Rainbow Six Siege.
• I'm introverted and I guess a little shy 'til I get to know people
•I don't take myself seriously most of the time and like a good laugh.
•I like hiking but don't really like going alone.
•Also I collect Lego and like to build Gundam modelkits
•My music taste is pretty allover the place but my most listened genre is country.
•I love animals and have a cat.
•I've never really tried LDR so that would be something new which I'd be willing to try.
Come tell me about yourself or ask me for my discord or something else if you think that we would match. Hope to hear from you!
submitted by twopunchboi to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:13 Newdle32111 29M looking for long-term chats

I'm a 29M looking for someone that I can connect with and have a long-term chat.
I have 2 dogs, am a bit nerdy and love Sci-Fi and Fantasy books and movies. My two favorite series are Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. I also like to play video games in my free time.
I am a chemist for work, and I sometimes like to get a little flirty. Send me a DM if you wanna chat!
submitted by Newdle32111 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:13 Emeraldrhymes Good games for extended sessions that aren’t life swallowing?

I’ve got some significant chunks of free time coming up and I’m looking for some games to spend that time on, the kind of time commitment I’m looking for is akin to monster hunter or fromsoftware games, both of which I’ve already played extensively so am looking for a new experience. Really I just want something I could play for 12 hours straight and be engaged the whole time while also not playing like an mmo that expects you to put in weeks of your life.
Also if it matters I hate mmo/jrpg style grinding in games, monster hunter does it right by having you engage with the fun mechanics to grind.
submitted by Emeraldrhymes to gamingsuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:12 nullptroom miaocast Podcast Player is now in open beta: looking for feedback and beta testers for my first app

I'm happy to announce that my first app miaocast is now in open beta on Google Play. You can check it out here:
Some core features of the app:
I'm looking people to test the app, both for usability and stability of the app. If you have any feedback or feature requests, you can post it in this thread or DM me. Also reach out if you run into any issue setting up the app.
Beside the Play store listing, you can find more info about the app at and has more screenshots if you want to see more of the app before trying.
Thank you!
submitted by nullptroom to androidapps [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:12 Sweet-Count2557 Maldives Island Google Map

Maldives Island Google Map
Maldives Island Google Map We've all heard about the amazing wonders of the Maldives, that dreamy destination with its crystal-clear waters and pristine beaches.And now, there's a tool that allows us to navigate this paradise with ease - the Maldives Island Google Map. But it's not just any ordinary map; it's a virtual guide that unveils the secrets of this enchanting archipelago.From hidden lagoons to bustling towns, this map holds the key to unlocking the treasures of the Maldives.So, if you're ready to embark on a journey of discovery, join us as we explore the wonders that await on the Maldives Island Google Map.Key TakeawaysThe Maldives is a chain of coral islands and atolls in the Indian Ocean, known for its stunning beaches and rich marine life.Google Maps can be used to explore the Maldives, locate different islands and atolls, and even experience virtual street view of local neighborhoods and attractions.Pros of using Google Maps for the Maldives include its user-friendly interface, satellite view for stunning visuals, and real-time traffic information.However, there are also limitations such as the need for an internet connection, limited street view coverage, and potential inaccuracies in directions.Overview of the Maldives IslandLet's take a closer look at the beautiful Maldives Island chain and discover its captivating charm and natural wonders.The Maldives is a chain of coral islands and atolls in the Indian Ocean, consisting of 1190 coral islands grouped into about 26 atolls. With its clear, green waters and stunning views, the Maldives is a paradise for nature lovers and adventure seekers.One of the main attractions of the Maldives is its rich marine life. The Indian Ocean surrounding the islands is teeming with a diverse range of marine species. Snorkeling and diving enthusiasts will be delighted to explore the vibrant coral reefs and encounter colorful fish, sea turtles, and even dolphins. The Maldives is home to over 2000 species of fish, making it a perfect destination for underwater exploration.The Maldives is also known for its stunning beaches and crystal-clear waters. The white sandy beaches stretch for miles, providing the perfect backdrop for relaxation and sunbathing. The warm tropical climate and gentle sea breeze create an idyllic setting for a beach vacation.In addition to its natural beauty, the Maldives offers a unique cultural experience. The local population of about 300,000 inhabitants adds to the charm of the islands. The Maldivian people are friendly and welcoming, and visitors have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the local culture through traditional music, dance, and cuisine.How to Access Google Maps for the Maldives IslandAfter exploring the captivating charm and natural wonders of the Maldives Island chain, it's time to discover how to access Google Maps for this stunning destination. Google Maps provides a convenient and user-friendly way to navigate the Maldives Islands, whether you're seeking the best spots for underwater photography, trying to find your way around the local neighborhoods, or planning to attend cultural festivals and events.To access Google Maps for the Maldives, simply open the Google Maps website or app. Once you're there, type 'Maldives' in the search bar to locate the country on the map. From there, you can zoom in and explore the different islands, atolls, and cities that make up the Maldives.One of the most fascinating features of Google Maps is the satellite view. By using this feature, you can see the stunning natural beauty of the Maldives Islands from above. The unique arrangement of the islands and the crystal-clear turquoise waters are truly a sight to behold.Another useful tool on Google Maps is the street view function. This allows you to virtually explore the local neighborhoods, resorts, and attractions on the islands. Whether you're looking for the best place to stay or want to get a sense of the local atmosphere, street view can provide valuable insights.In addition to navigation, Google Maps also offers real-time traffic information and directions. This can be particularly helpful when exploring the Maldives Islands and trying to find the best local transportation options.So, whether you're planning an underwater photography expedition, looking to immerse yourself in the local culture at festivals and events, or simply want to navigate the islands with ease, Google Maps is an invaluable tool for your Maldives adventure. Start exploring and let Google Maps be your guide to this paradise on Earth.ProsConsUser-friendly interfaceRequires internet connectionSatellite view for stunning visualsLimited street view coverageReal-time traffic informationPossible inaccuracies in directionsExploring the Main Attractions on the Maldives IslandAs we explore the main attractions on the Maldives Island, we're greeted with a breathtaking display of natural beauty and a myriad of exciting activities to indulge in. One of the main attractions that draw visitors to this paradise is its stunning beaches. The Maldives boasts picture-perfect stretches of white sand, fringed by crystal-clear turquoise waters. The beaches here are simply unparalleled, providing the perfect setting for relaxation and tranquility.But the beauty of the Maldives doesn't stop at its shores. The underwater world surrounding the islands is equally captivating. With its vibrant coral reefs and diverse marine life, the Maldives offers some of the best snorkeling and diving opportunities in the world. Exploring the underwater world is like entering a whole new realm, where colorful fish dance among the coral gardens and graceful manta rays glide effortlessly through the water. It truly is a sight to behold.Aside from the stunning beaches and the underwater world, the Maldives also offers a range of other main attractions to explore. Luxury resorts dot the islands, offering world-class amenities and the ultimate in relaxation. Indulge in spa treatments, savor delectable Indian cuisine, or simply lounge by the infinity pool, soaking up the sun and the breathtaking views.As we venture further into the Maldives Island, we discover hidden gems such as local markets, where we can immerse ourselves in the vibrant culture and pick up unique souvenirs. We can also embark on island-hopping adventures, visiting different atolls and experiencing the distinct charm and beauty of each.Navigating the Beaches and Lagoons on the Maldives IslandNavigating the beaches and lagoons on the Maldives Island is like embarking on a captivating journey through a chain of coral islands and atolls in the Indian Ocean. The Maldives' 26 atolls and 1190 coral islands are spread across a vast area, offering diverse beach and lagoon experiences. Here are some ways to explore these stunning landscapes:Beach Activities: The Maldives is a paradise for beach lovers. With its crystal-clear, turquoise waters and soft, white sands, you can enjoy a range of activities such as sunbathing, beach volleyball, and building sandcastles. Take a leisurely stroll along the shoreline and soak in the breathtaking views.Coral Reefs: Explore the vibrant coral reefs that surround the Maldives Islands. Go snorkeling or diving to discover an underwater world teeming with colorful fish, turtles, and other marine life. The coral reefs offer a unique opportunity to witness the beauty and diversity of the ocean firsthand.Boat Tours: Since most transportation in the Maldives is done by boat, taking a boat tour is a must-do activity. Hop on a traditional dhoni or a speedboat and cruise along the coastline, hopping from one island to another. Enjoy the cool ocean breeze and marvel at the picturesque scenery as you navigate the beaches and lagoons.Spotting Marine Life: The Maldives is renowned for its rich marine biodiversity. Keep an eye out for dolphins, manta rays, and even whale sharks. Embark on a dolphin-watching excursion or join a guided tour to witness these majestic creatures in their natural habitat.Exploring the beaches and lagoons on the Maldives Island is a truly unforgettable experience. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the coral islands, indulge in beach activities, and embark on boat tours to discover the wonders of this tropical paradise.Discovering the Underwater World of the Maldives IslandEmbarking on a journey beneath the surface, we venture into the captivating underwater world of the Maldives Island. With its 1,190 coral islands grouped into 26 atolls, the Maldives offers a diverse array of underwater landscapes waiting to be explored. The country's capital city, Male, serves as a convenient hub for underwater excursions, with its map showcasing the intricate layout of atolls, cities, and towns, aiding in planning our underwater adventures.As we delve into the turquoise waters of the Maldives, we're greeted by an abundance of marine biodiversity. The stunning coral reefs that surround the islands provide a habitat for a wide variety of fish, turtles, and other marine creatures. Snorkeling adventures here are truly unforgettable, as we immerse ourselves in a world teeming with vibrant colors and fascinating underwater life.For those looking to capture the beauty of the underwater world, the Maldives also offers excellent opportunities for underwater photography. As we explore the coral gardens and swim alongside schools of fish, we can use these underwater photography tips to capture stunning shots: make sure to use a waterproof camera or housing, get close to your subjects to capture their details, and take advantage of natural light for vibrant and clear images.In the Maldives, the underwater world is a treasure trove waiting to be discovered. With its breathtaking marine biodiversity and opportunities for snorkeling adventures and underwater photography, it's a paradise for those seeking to explore the mysteries beneath the surface. So, grab your snorkel gear and dive into the enchanting waters of the Maldives Island.Finding the Best Resorts and Accommodations on the Maldives IslandWhen it comes to finding the best resorts and accommodations on the Maldives Island, there are a few top-rated options that stand out. These resorts offer luxurious over-water villas with stunning ocean views and direct access to the water.If you're on a budget, don't worry, as there are also some great budget accommodations available that still provide a comfortable and enjoyable stay.Top-Rated Maldives ResortsTo find the best resorts and accommodations on the Maldives Island, we can explore the top-rated options that offer luxurious experiences and breathtaking views. Here are the top-rated Maldives resorts:Luxury accommodations: The Maldives is renowned for its opulent resorts that offer world-class amenities and services. From private pools to personal butlers, these resorts provide a truly indulgent experience.Beachfront villas: Imagine waking up to the sound of waves crashing on the shore and stepping out onto your own private beach. Many of the top-rated resorts in the Maldives offer beachfront villas, allowing guests to enjoy direct access to the pristine white sands and turquoise waters.All-inclusive packages: For a hassle-free vacation, consider opting for an all-inclusive package. These packages often include meals, drinks, activities, and even spa treatments, ensuring that guests can relax and enjoy their stay without worrying about additional expenses.Breathtaking views: Whether it's a panoramic view of the Indian Ocean or a stunning sunset over the horizon, the top-rated resorts in the Maldives offer unforgettable vistas. Guests can indulge in the natural beauty of the islands from the comfort of their own luxurious accommodations.Best Budget AccommodationsAs we delve into the search for the best budget accommodations on the Maldives Island, let's uncover the hidden gems that offer affordable stays amidst the breathtaking coral islands and atolls of the Indian Ocean.The Maldives may be known for its luxury resorts, but there are also budget accommodations that provide a unique and cost-effective experience. Some of these accommodations are located on man-made islands specifically designed for tourism, offering a range of island activities such as swimming, snorkeling, and spotting marine life.However, it's important to consider the cultural experiences that come with staying in budget accommodations. Islamic cultural rules, such as restrictions on alcohol and attire, may impact the experience.Nonetheless, budget accommodations in the Maldives offer a fantastic opportunity to explore the natural beauty of the islands without breaking the bank.Exploring Local Cuisine and Dining Options on the Maldives IslandLocal cuisine on the Maldives Island offers a tantalizing fusion of Indian, Sri Lankan, and Arabian flavors, reflecting a rich culinary heritage that's sure to delight food enthusiasts. From mouthwatering Maldivian delicacies to popular seafood dishes, exploring the local cuisine provides an authentic dining experience.Here are some highlights:Maldivian Delicacies: Immerse yourself in the local culture by trying traditional Maldivian dishes. Garudhiya, a fragrant fish soup made with fresh tuna, is a must-try. The flavors of the fish, combined with aromatic spices, create a comforting and flavorful broth. Another delicacy is mas huni, a refreshing tuna and coconut salad. This dish combines flaked tuna, grated coconut, onions, chili, and lime juice, resulting in a delicious and satisfying meal.Popular Seafood Dishes: Being surrounded by the Indian Ocean, it's no surprise that seafood plays a significant role in Maldivian cuisine. Indulge in mouthwatering grilled fish, prawns, and lobster, expertly prepared by local chefs. The seafood is often seasoned with a blend of spices, giving it a unique and flavorful taste.Authentic Dining Experience: To truly experience the local cuisine, venture beyond the resorts and hotels and visit local cafes and family-run restaurants. Here, you can savor traditional Maldivian meals cooked with love and passion, providing an authentic dining experience. Interacting with the locals and witnessing their culinary traditions adds an extra layer of authenticity to your dining experience.International Dining Options: If you prefer a wider variety of culinary options, upscale resorts and hotels on the Maldives Island offer a range of international dining options. From Asian fusion to Mediterranean cuisine, you can explore different flavors and satisfy your taste buds.Whether you choose to indulge in Maldivian delicacies or explore international cuisines, the diverse dining options on the Maldives Island are sure to satisfy every palate. So, go ahead and embark on a culinary adventure that will leave you craving for more.Shopping and Souvenir Hunting on the Maldives IslandShopping on the Maldives Island is a delightful experience, offering a wide variety of handcrafted treasures and unique souvenirs waiting to be discovered. The island is home to vibrant local markets where visitors can immerse themselves in the rich culture and find authentic items that reflect the Maldivian heritage.Exploring these markets allows travelers to appreciate the traditional crafts that have been passed down through generations. One can find intricately designed wooden carvings, showcasing the skill and artistry of local artisans. These carvings often depict marine life, such as dolphins, turtles, and coral reefs, capturing the essence of the Maldives' natural beauty.For those looking to bring home a piece of Maldivian fashion, colorful sarongs are a popular choice. These garments, known as 'feyli,' are made from lightweight fabrics and feature vibrant patterns inspired by the island's flora and fauna. They're perfect for lounging on the beach or adding a touch of tropical flair to any wardrobe.Handwoven baskets made from locally sourced materials are also sought-after souvenirs. These baskets come in various sizes and shapes, making them versatile and practical for everyday use. They're a testament to the island's commitment to sustainable craftsmanship.A visit to the local markets wouldn't be complete without exploring the exquisite jewelry made from seashells and coral. These pieces are intricately designed, showcasing the natural beauty of the ocean. From necklaces and earrings to bracelets and rings, each jewelry item tells a unique story and serves as a reminder of the Maldives' breathtaking underwater world.Shopping for souvenirs in the Maldives Island isn't just about acquiring material possessions; it's an opportunity to support local craftsmanship and take home a piece of the island's soul. These authentic souvenirs serve as cherished keepsakes, reminding us of the beauty and cultural significance of the Maldives.Uncovering the Cultural and Historical Sites on the Maldives IslandNestled among the crystal-clear waters of the Indian Ocean, the Maldives Island is a treasure trove of cultural and historical sites waiting to be uncovered. From ancient monuments to vibrant festivals, here are some of the highlights that showcase the rich cultural heritage of this island paradise:Cultural Preservation: The Maldives takes great pride in preserving its cultural traditions. Explore the local villages to witness traditional craftsmanship, such as intricate woodcarvings and exquisite lacquerwork. Visit the National Museum in Malé to delve into the country's history and discover artifacts that date back centuries.Historical Monuments: The Maldives is home to a number of historical monuments that offer a glimpse into its past. One such landmark is the Hukuru Miskiy, also known as the Old Friday Mosque, which is adorned with beautiful coral stone carvings. Another must-visit is the Malé Friday Mosque, an architectural marvel with its intricate coral patterns and ornate minaret.Traditional Festivals: Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of the Maldives by attending traditional festivals. The most prominent celebration is Eid al-Fitr, marking the end of Ramadan. Witness the joyous festivities, which include feasts, music, dance, and traditional performances. Don't miss out on the Bodu Beru, a lively drumming performance that's a hallmark of Maldivian culture.Island Excursions: While the Maldives is known for its stunning beaches and luxury resorts, the islands also offer a chance to explore the local way of life. Take a trip to a local island and experience the warmth and hospitality of the Maldivian people. Engage in activities like cooking classes, fishing trips, and cultural tours to gain a deeper understanding of the island's heritage.Uncovering the cultural and historical sites on the Maldives Island is a journey that will leave you enriched and inspired. Embark on this exploration and let the Maldives weave its captivating tales of the past.Planning a Dreamy Honeymoon on the Maldives IslandIf you're dreaming of a romantic and unforgettable honeymoon, the Maldives Island offers the perfect destination to create cherished memories that will last a lifetime. With its 1190 coral islands grouped into about 26 atolls, the Maldives provides diverse landscapes and experiences for couples seeking a dreamy getaway.When it comes to honeymoon accommodations, the Maldives boasts an array of luxury resorts and water villas that allow you to immerse yourself in the island's natural beauty. Imagine waking up to stunning views of clear green waters and experiencing the rich marine biodiversity right at your doorstep.To make your honeymoon even more special, the Maldives offers a range of romantic activities. From private beach dinners under the starlit sky to couples' spa treatments that will relax and rejuvenate you, there are plenty of options to ignite the spark of romance. Snorkeling and diving enthusiasts will be delighted by the opportunity to explore the Devata Coral Reef, known for its vibrant colors and abundant marine life.To make planning your dreamy honeymoon a breeze, many resorts in the Maldives offer honeymoon packages. These packages often include special perks such as candlelit dinners, couples' massages, and even sunset cruises. Whether you prefer a secluded and intimate experience or a more adventurous and active honeymoon, the Maldives has something for every couple.In addition to its breathtaking beauty and romantic offerings, the Maldives also provides a chance to immerse yourself in the local lifestyle. With most transportation done by boat, you'll have the opportunity to explore different islands and experience the authentic, non-touristy side of the Maldives.Tips for a Relaxing Spa and Wellness Experience on the Maldives IslandWhen it comes to finding the best spa treatments and serene wellness retreats on the Maldives Island, we've got you covered.From traditional Maldivian treatments to outdoor spa sessions with breathtaking ocean views, there are plenty of options to ensure a truly relaxing experience.Don't forget to take advantage of unique activities like underwater spa treatments or beachside massages for an extra dose of tranquility.Best Spa TreatmentsImmerse yourself in the ultimate relaxation and rejuvenation on the Maldives Island with the best spa treatments that will leave you feeling refreshed and revitalized. Here are some popular wellness activities and the benefits of holistic therapies to elevate your spa experience:Traditional Maldivian Massage: Experience a deeply relaxing treatment using coconut oil, known for its nourishing properties. This massage technique will help relieve tension and promote a sense of calm.Rejuvenating Seaweed Body Wrap: After a day of exploring the beautiful islands, indulge in a detoxifying and nourishing seaweed body wrap. This treatment will leave your skin feeling hydrated and revitalized.Luxurious Overwater Bungalow Spa: Treat yourself to a luxurious spa experience in an overwater bungalow, where you can enjoy stunning views and the soothing sounds of the ocean. Let the tranquil surroundings enhance your relaxation.Maldivian Sand Massage: Exfoliate and revitalize your skin with a Maldivian sand massage. This unique treatment promotes relaxation while leaving your skin smooth and radiant.Try these incredible spa treatments on the Maldives Island for a truly relaxing and rejuvenating experience.Serene Wellness RetreatsAre you looking for a truly relaxing and rejuvenating spa and wellness experience on the Maldives Island? Look no further than the serene wellness retreats scattered across the stunning coral islands and atolls of the Indian Ocean.These retreats offer a peaceful and tranquil environment, perfect for unwinding and finding inner peace. Immerse yourself in a range of spa treatments, from soothing massages to rejuvenating facials.Indulge in yoga retreats, where you can stretch and strengthen your body while surrounded by the beauty of nature. Practice meditation to calm your mind and find inner balance.These retreats also offer holistic healing practices, allowing you to connect with your mind, body, and spirit.Experience the ultimate relaxation and wellness getaway in the Maldives.Trying Exciting Water Sports and Activities on the Maldives IslandGet ready for an unforgettable adventure as we dive into the exhilarating world of water sports and activities on the beautiful Maldives Island. With its crystal-clear waters and stunning coral reefs, the Maldives offers a plethora of options for those seeking adrenaline pumping water sports and unforgettable experiences.Here are four exciting activities to try on the Maldives Island:Snorkeling Adventures: Immerse yourself in the vibrant underwater world of the Maldives through snorkeling. Swim alongside colorful fish, explore mesmerizing coral reefs, and witness the diverse marine life that calls these waters home. The Maldives offers numerous snorkeling spots where you can discover the beauty and tranquility of the underwater realm.Adrenaline Pumping Water Sports: If you crave excitement and thrill, the Maldives has you covered. Try your hand at jet skiing, where you can zoom across the clear blue waters, feeling the rush of the wind against your face. Or, take on the challenge of paddleboarding, parasailing, or kayaking, and experience the thrill of maneuvering through the picturesque island scenery.Romantic Sunset Cruises: For a more relaxed and romantic experience, embark on a sunset cruise. Sail into the golden hues of the setting sun, while sipping on a refreshing drink and enjoying the breathtaking views. Watch as the sky transforms into a canvas of vivid colors, creating a magical moment that will stay with you forever.Dolphin Watching and Fishing Trips: The Maldives is home to an abundance of marine life, including playful dolphins. Join a dolphin watching excursion and witness these majestic creatures in their natural habitat, leaping and gliding through the waves. Alternatively, go on a fishing trip and try your luck at catching some of the local fish, adding a thrilling element to your island adventure.Whether you're seeking adrenaline or romance, the Maldives offers an array of water sports and activities to suit every preference. Dive into the clear waters and create memories that will last a lifetime.Exploring the Local Wildlife and Nature Reserves on the Maldives IslandWhat hidden treasures of wildlife and nature can be discovered on the Maldives Island? The Maldives Islands aren't only known for their stunning beaches and crystal-clear waters but also for their rich biodiversity and commitment to wildlife conservation. With several nature reserves and a strong focus on eco-tourism, exploring the local wildlife on the Maldives Island is an experience like no other.One of the must-visit places for nature enthusiasts is the Baa Atoll Biosphere Reserve. This UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve is home to an incredible array of marine life, including manta rays, whale sharks, and vibrant coral reefs. Snorkeling or diving in these waters allows you to witness the beauty of the underwater world while contributing to its preservation.For those interested in birdwatching, the Maldives is a paradise. The islands are a vital stopover point for many migratory birds, offering a unique opportunity to observe rare species up close. The Hulhumale Wetland, located near the capital city of Male, is a popular spot for birdwatching, with over 70 bird species calling it home.To learn more about the local flora and fauna, a visit to the Maldives Wildlife Rescue Center is a must. This center focuses on rehabilitating and releasing injured or orphaned wildlife, such as sea turtles and birds. Visitors can participate in educational programs and gain a deeper understanding of the importance of wildlife conservation.Eco-tourism is a key focus on the Maldives Island, with many resorts implementing sustainable practices and offering guided nature walks and wildlife safaris. These activities allow visitors to explore the islands' unique ecosystems while minimizing their impact on the environment.Taking a Virtual Tour of the Maldives Island's Private Islands and RetreatsEmbark on a captivating virtual journey through the private islands and retreats of the Maldives, where breathtaking natural beauty and luxurious architecture await. With the advancement of technology, accessing virtual tours of these exclusive destinations has become easier than ever before. Let's dive in and explore the wonders that await you in the Maldives:Experience luxury resorts: Through virtual tours, you can step into the world of opulence and indulgence that the Maldives is known for. Immerse yourself in the stunning architecture of the private island resorts, where houses seem to float on the crystal-clear waters. Marvel at the elegant villas, complete with private pools, outdoor showers, and panoramic views of the Indian Ocean.Explore the vibrant marine life: The Maldives is renowned for its vibrant coral reefs and diverse marine life. Take a virtual dive and witness the wonders of the underwater world. Swim alongside colorful fish, graceful manta rays, and even spot a majestic whale shark. These virtual tours provide an up-close encounter with the incredible marine biodiversity that surrounds the Maldives.Understand local customs: As you explore the virtual tours, you'll also gain insights into the rich cultural experiences offered by the Maldives' resorts. Learn about the Islamic customs and traditions that are an integral part of the Maldivian way of life. Discover the influence of these customs on the resorts' offerings, from traditional Maldivian cuisine to unique activities and experiences.Plan your future visit: While virtual tours provide a glimpse into the wonders of the Maldives, they also serve as a guide for planning your future visit. Take note of the resorts and retreats that capture your interest and start envisioning your dream vacation in paradise.Through accessing virtual tours, you can now indulge in the luxury, natural beauty, and local customs of the Maldives from the comfort of your own home. Start your virtual journey today and get ready to be enchanted by the wonders of this tropical paradise.Capturing Insta-Worthy Moments on the Maldives IslandAs we explore the enchanting Maldives Island, we're captivated by the countless opportunities to capture insta-worthy moments amidst its stunning natural beauty and unique experiences. From the moment we arrived, we knew that this tropical paradise was a photographer's dream.The Maldives Island offers a plethora of picturesque settings that are perfect for capturing sunset photography. Imagine standing on the soft white sand, feeling the gentle breeze on your skin, as the sky transforms into a vibrant canvas of oranges, pinks, and purples. It's a sight that will leave you in awe and your followers longing to be there with you.But the beauty of the Maldives doesn't end with its mesmerizing sunsets. Underwater photography is another must-do activity here. The crystal-clear, green waters provide the perfect backdrop for capturing vibrant coral reefs, tropical fish, and even majestic manta rays and whale sharks. Whether you're a professional photographer or just a hobbyist, the underwater world of the Maldives will leave you breathless and your camera roll full of stunning shots.In addition to its natural beauty, the Maldives Island is also known for its vibrant local festivals and events. Throughout the year, the island comes alive with celebrations of Maldivian culture, music, and dance. From the Bodu Beru festival, where locals showcase their traditional drumming skills, to the Eid al-Fitr celebrations marking the end of Ramadan, there's always something happening that's worth capturing and sharing with the world.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhich Country Is Maldives Located In?Maldives is located in South Asia, in the Indian Ocean. It's a stunning country consisting of 1190 coral islands grouped into about 26 atolls.We, as travelers, are captivated by its natural beauty and isolation. The Maldives offers a unique living experience, with its beautiful coral reefs and luxury resorts.The official language spoken is Dhivehi (Mahl), and the capital city is Male. Maldives truly is a paradise on Earth.Where Is Maldives in Google Earth?When exploring the stunning beaches of Maldives, we were amazed by the crystal-clear waters and powdery white sand.Snorkeling and diving allowed us to uncover the underwater wonders of Maldives, with vibrant coral reefs teeming with colorful fish and other marine life.And let's not forget about the luxury resorts in Maldives, where we indulged in world-class amenities, breathtaking views, and impeccable service.It's no wonder that Maldives is a dream destination for travelers seeking a tropical paradise.Where Is the Maldives Close To?The Maldives is close to India and Sri Lanka, making it an ideal destination for travelers looking to explore the Indian Ocean. With its stunning coral reefs, luxury resorts, and abundant marine life, the Maldives offers popular tourist attractions like swimming, snorkeling, and spotting unique sea creatures.The best time to visit is during the dry season from November to April, when the weather is sunny and the waters are calm, perfect for enjoying activities and water sports.How Many Islands Are in the Maldives?There are approximately 1,190 islands in the Maldives, making it a paradise for anyone seeking a tropical getaway.These islands offer a diverse range of tourist attractions, from stunning coral reefs to luxurious resorts.In addition to the natural beauty, the Maldives is also rich in local culture, with a 100% Islamic population.Underwater activities like swimming and snorkeling are a must-do here, as the marine life is abundant and breathtaking.ConclusionAs we explore the stunning Maldives Island on Google Maps, we're reminded of the extraordinary beauty that exists in the world.The captivating beaches, vibrant coral reefs, and diverse wildlife create a paradise that's truly awe-inspiring.Whether you're a local or a tourist, this interactive map allows you to immerse yourself in the wonders of the Maldives and discover its hidden treasures.So, grab your virtual snorkel and get ready for a journey of exploration and wonder on the Maldives Island.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:10 Voidsleets [Various] Honestly, I got the dlc for Horzion and had 56 pennies left for some cheap plats.

[Various] Honestly, I got the dlc for Horzion and had 56 pennies left for some cheap plats.
Well, honestly I wanted to take my credit to zero after buying burning shores and wanted some mind numbing games before I started with the big platinums again.
Spectorwood - Honestly it felt like a pixel lesbian death cult. A single play is 2-3 minutes with loading times and it nets you all but 1 trophy. On the second play it takes 30 seconds to die and get the last trophy and the platinum.
Learning game x2 - I thought this is / was a cool concept, the premise of the games are it has you learning Japanese text and giving the right answer. The "I want the platinum" part of the brain decided that with the lives it's easier to spam the d pad with answers and then reset when out of chances, both games took 2-4 minutes.
Dodge these balls - Mind numbing dodging games, solely there for a interactive platinum, but it is one of those games you'll either get it in 5 minutes or be like me and struggle with getting to level 10. There's a 48% completion rate on psn profiles so it seems you either are in the head space to get it or not.
Marsi's adventures - 15 levels of simple but a little tricky 2d jump puzzles. I quite enjoyed this one.
And yes I am ready to be judged, lay into me for going for "turn your brain off for a hour" platinums.
submitted by Voidsleets to Trophies [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:09 Traditional_Cell_248 Role Player Bargains: Trendon Watford

A lot of the focus is one who the 3rd option will be coming into next season. Personally, I don't find this discussion as interesting with all of the balls in the air, but more importantly, I truly believe any 3rd option would end up being undeniable upgrade over Tobi. I'm more interested with who the next Oubre could be this offseason, the cheap signing that can turn into a value contributor. One of the players I have grown to like the more and more I watch is Trendon Watford.
Player Profile
Watford's physical profile is where the intrigue begins for me. He is 6'8" with a 7'2" wingspan at 240 pounds. Position is where the intrigue continues. I'd describe him as an energy big with a handle. But not sure that does it justice. According to play-by-play data, he has played about 50/50 of his time in his career at PF and C. What's interesting is that there was 1 game against the Knicks at the end of the season wit Schroeder out that Watford started at point guard. Still only 23 years old too.
Statistical Profile
I'll start with what will be the biggest gripe of Watford: 3 Point Volume. Despite being a 40% 3 point shooter last 2 years, he has low volume. This year he averaged only 2.9 3PA per 36. It is up from about 2 per 36 last season but I'm not going to make the case he is going to turn into a high volume shooter all of a sudden, though they're encouraging signs.
Just focusing on box score stats, there is intrigue in just about everything else. Per 36 he averages 8 rpg, 3.6 assist per game and 1.8 stocks per game. Digging in further, his shot distribution and %s are even interesting. Nearly 40% of his shot attempts come in "floater" range (3-10 feet), where he is a career 51% from this part of the floor. This is absolutely elite. For reference Luka also shoots 51% in this range Also shoots 70% at the rim. Only 43% of his 2P FGs were assisted, so hes generating most of these looks on his own which is even more impressive.
The tracking data is what most intrigues me from his statistical profile. One of the stats I've been looking at a lot more is player eFG% based on how many dribbles come before their shot attempt. For most players outside high usage star level players, eFG% drops off a cliff for shots that come after more than 1 dribble. For context on the Sixes, Joel and Maxey still maintain an eFG% around or above 50% for shots that come after 1 dribble. As you can imagine, Tobias Harris's eFG% goes into the gutter when ever he starts taking more than 1 dribble (mid-40% eFG%). Similar with basically all other Sixers players too.
What's insane is that Watford's eFG% increases when he takes more than 1 dribble - he shoots in the high 50% eFG%. Almost 60% of his FGA come after more than 1 dribble. As I'll lay out, the eye test backs this up. He is always pushing in transition. Even in halfcourt, he is able to keep his dribble alive. He is pretty shifty for being 240 pounds with the ball in his hands, he overpowers smaller defenders and can beat bigs off the dribble
Probably Watford's best ability is initiating and finishing in the fast break. The dude just starts going once he gets the rebound and has the footwork and touch to finish off the glass.
Pushing the pace leads to an easy assist in transition
This is my favorite part of his game. He is a big that has ability to run pick and roll as a ball handler. He rejects the screen, recognizes the help and hits Bridges for the open 3.
Runs PnR again, hits the open cutter from top of the key
Self Creation
Watford is deliberate with the ball, willing to attack mismatches without wasting dribbles (unlike a special someone we became too familiar with)
Takes OG off the dribble, beating him to the rim.
My inkling was he had to be a bad defender as a "tweener" type but I didn't necessarily find that to be the case in a few games I watched. His agility helps him navigate screens. He doesn't get burned by White below, he "funnels" White towards the help - something that works well with Joel in drop coverage.
Stays with Brunson on the mismatch, is able to contest at the top of Brunsons fade away.
Doesn't leave his feet on the Hart pump fake, stays with him step by step and smothers him on the fade away.
Fit in Philly
While I don't think Waford truly solves 1 glaring issue of the team, I think his diverse skillset gives Nurse a player he can truly mold as Watford continues to develop. I think the low hanging fruit for Watford is giving an option as a small ball 5 that can push the pace in transition, giving a contrast to Joel's play style that compliments Maxey's speed. Having a center that can initiate the break off rebounds can lead to outlet passes and trail 3s for Maxey + whoever the 3rd option is when Joels sits. I also don't think he is truly "small" given his weight and wingspan. But I also think he has small qualities that will mesh well with Joel. I think he would be a pretty good entry passer for Joel for one, he has never played with an offensively skilled big to date in his career, he makes quick decisions and has nice touch on his passes. He also grabs 2 offensive boards per 36 as well. His touch and explosiveness around the rim gives him great cutting potential playing off of Joel. He is capable of hitting open 3s, if he develops into a medium-volume 3 point shooter I think he has strong starting potential in the NBA given that all of his other skills are fairly polished for a big man in the league.
Salary wise, he has only made minimums being an undrafted free agent. I think something along the lines of a 1 + 1 around $5M/year would be fair to him, he'd have the opportunity to outperform that pretty easily and would quadruple his career earnings. He was buried in the rotation due to the Nets incompetence and lack of direction; they had Mikal, Cam Johnson, DFS, Claxton and their rookie draft picks (Wilson and Sharpe). I think he has skills that will be amplified playing with all star teammates and be a swiss army knife bench piece. I admittedly am a sucker for wings and bigs with handles, I think its an underrated skill that ends up separating players that develop into higher end offensive players. I think he has interesting enough tools that can help him turn into a solid 7th-8th man.
submitted by Traditional_Cell_248 to sixers [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:09 JerkFrollo [Other/ICON][Online][Saturday, 1pm EST] Playtest ICON, a high fantasy game of tactical, team-based combat in a campaign about chivalry

ICON: Return of the Paladins
In Arden Eld, a world of swords and sorcery, sin rouses from its ancient slumber. Arkenruins, dungeons that corrupt the land, bubble from the earth, threatening to swallow the peaceful, pastoral Green Age in its maw, consuming the world in a Churning Age of renewed apocalypse.
Standing against that are you, the Icons: those burdened with great power. Yet even your power is not enough to thwart the coming blight alone; you must unearth and muster a light older and stronger than the coming darkness. If evil will not stay in its grave, neither shall good. Knights must not remain errant; the world needs ennobling to withstand ignoble invasion. Will you make way for the return of the Paladins?
Slots Available: 1 (and a half; there's a lesser, sidekick roll for those who want something much simpler)
System Used: ICON 1.5, a high fantasy game that's one half freeform narrative play and one half intense, tactical combat.
Style: Text, voice, and video.
Session Duration: About 4 hours
Schedule: 1PM EST on Saturdays, weekly. If you're interested but the time doesn't work, feel free to PM what times do and maybe the group could change.
Requirements: Discord and a Forge account to access my Foundry server; and a camera.
Premise: The flower of chivalry is starting to bloom in the World of Arden Eld. There are rumors on the wind that a new kingdom has formed, desperate for any whose souls answer to the call of knighthood. Eager to join and bear the truth of this for yourself, you will help this kingdom survive the coming darkness, into a nobler age.
Note: You'd be entering into an ongoing campaign, and to make a balanced party, the next PC would have to be a tank class.
More info here:
Interested? Send me a PM with the special word, and we'll do a short interview.
submitted by JerkFrollo to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:09 OPAnimeProtagonist (FOR SALE) Toothless Nendoroid

⭐️$50, FREE u.s shipping
⭐️Brand new, never been opened
I can’t do holds, sorry 😣
submitted by OPAnimeProtagonist to Nendoroid [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:08 Chemist-with_Beard 30 [M4F] Germany/Europe(/Anywhere) - Hello. I've waited here for you. Everlong.

Tooonight ... Sorry, I will stop now 😅
My name is Julian, I am 30 and from Germany, as should be obvious from the title. I'm on here searching a relationship. One that hopefully lasts forever, if that is possible. I will try to not add anything too unnecessary in here.
Now on to me: - 1,78m/5'10. 100kg/220lbs. Brown hair, beard, blue eyes, glasses. See me here. - Shy, introverted, nerdy, kind (most of the time), a bit to honest from time to time. - Strange kind of humor ranging from dark to juvenile. Love memes. - Childfree and not interested in getting children. - Don't drink or do drugs - No experience with relationships and NSFW things but loyal and monogamous. - Gamer (mostly single player), avid reader (mostly thrillers and fantasy), like anime/manga (although it gets less). - Go to the gym, own a bass (and play it bad), can drive a motorbike (but don't own one right now). - Listen mostly to alternative rock and grunge. Watch wrestling, football and american football. - Creativ once a decade. Did not die from my own cooking (but made spicy goulash instead of chili). - Currently getting my master's degree in chemistry. My PhD after that. - Most importantly: Like and want CATS!!!
Now to who I am ideally searching for: - Preferences for indian or arabian women (with nice accents). Every other ethnicity is also welcome to sweep me off my feet. - Slim to lightly overweight/chubby. Height doesn't matter to me. - Not older than 33. - Religion or diet also don't matter as long as you don't try to convert me to either. - Drug free. Alcohol is ok as long as it is not too much or a problem. - Extroverted or a good conversationalist. At least not someone that ghosts but is honest. - Shared interests are nice but not a must have. - Not too clingy. This should be a partnership not a dependency. - Childfree and doesn't want kids. Maybe even sterile. - In or around Germany/Europe. Anywhere is ok if relocation is in the plans. - Most importantly: Likes and wants CATS!!!
Thank you for reading until here. If you think that could be you and you want to get to know me better, send me a message. We can also switch to other apps to voice chat if you want to. I would appreciate it to get a picture of you soon so we can see if we are both attracted to each other. Good luck to everyone and goodbye.
submitted by Chemist-with_Beard to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:08 Chemist-with_Beard 30[M4F] #Karlsruhe, Germany, Europe, (Anywhere) - Hello. I've waited here for you. Everlong.

Tooonight ... Sorry, I will stop now 😅
My name is Julian, I am 30 and from Germany, as should be obvious from the title. I'm on here searching a relationship. One that hopefully lasts forever, if that is possible. I will try to not add anything too unnecessary in here.
Now on to me: - 1,78m/5'10. 100kg/220lbs. Brown hair, beard, blue eyes, glasses. See me here. - Shy, introverted, nerdy, kind (most of the time), a bit to honest from time to time. - Strange kind of humor ranging from dark to juvenile. Love memes. - Childfree and not interested in getting children. - Don't drink or do drugs - No experience with relationships and NSFW things but loyal and monogamous. - Gamer (mostly single player), avid reader (mostly thrillers and fantasy), like anime/manga (although it gets less). - Go to the gym, own a bass (and play it bad), can drive a motorbike (but don't own one right now). - Listen mostly to alternative rock and grunge. Watch wrestling, football and american football. - Creativ once a decade. Did not die from my own cooking (but made spicy goulash instead of chili). - Currently getting my master's degree in chemistry. My PhD after that. - Most importantly: Like and want CATS!!!
Now to who I am ideally searching for: - Preferences for indian or arabian women (with nice accents). Every other ethnicity is also welcome to sweep me off my feet. - Slim to lightly overweight/chubby. Height doesn't matter to me. - Not older than 33. - Religion or diet also don't matter as long as you don't try to convert me to either. - Drug free. Alcohol is ok as long as it is not too much or a problem. - Extroverted or a good conversationalist. At least not someone that ghosts but is honest. - Shared interests are nice but not a must have. - Not too clingy. This should be a partnership not a dependency. - Childfree and doesn't want kids. Maybe even sterile. - In or around Germany/Europe. Anywhere is ok if relocation is in the plans. - Most importantly: Likes and wants CATS!!!
Thank you for reading until here. If you think that could be you and you want to get to know me better, send me a message. We can also switch to other apps to voice chat if you want to. I would appreciate it to get a picture of you soon so we can see if we are both attracted to each other. Good luck to everyone and goodbye.
submitted by Chemist-with_Beard to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:07 ZealousZergling Azeroth is a lonely place, why don't you join me?

I feel like my experience in WoW is way too straight, and would like to switch that up a little. I spend so much time there, but most of it I am just by myself. It would be nice to have the occasional company that also understands if I talk about the game. Or to get dragged into things to do.
For the matter I play on the English EU Servers living within the same timezone. I mostly play Alliance, and enjoy the new Pandaria Timewalking a lot! If any of that seems fun to you, feel free to write me.
As to who I am? If I'm not playing WoW, I'm probably at the Gym or out in Nature, I like to cook, bake, read, write, and listening to music nobody seems to enjoy but me. People usually call me a menace, intimidating, or eccentric/weird. If any of that is any good to you, let's exchange BattleTags and see if we get along.
submitted by ZealousZergling to LesbianGamers [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:04 ethangyt MOASS vs. Transformed Gamestop Market Cap (It Might Not Be What You Think)

Let's get one thing straight first:
The ENTIRE stock market is mostly fake. Fundamentals have gone out the window since 2008 and QE. It's all based on BIG CAPITAL manipulating sentiment. That's why if you have any friends working at, oh let's say Morgan Stanley or Goldman or JPM, the vast majority of them will admit: you can't outwit big capital, thus the safest play for your money is in ETFs (ones that mirror large index funds like the S&P). Trust me (bro), those bankers invest that way themselves believing in the historical average returns of the S&P.
That said, Gamestop is in a unique situation. Fundamentals actually look solid if you view it from this vantage point:
They are keeping but "leaning out" the legacy business, yet due to the events in 2021, they got something they didn't have before: massive name and brand exposure worldwide. You know how much it costs in marketing fees to get the same impact? A metric fuck ton. Just Google Forbes most valuable brands to get an idea (Walmart's brand is worth $30b, Netflix $26b, etc).
They are now diluting but raising their cash balance astronomically to roughly 4-5Billion. Imagine the possibilities with the Gamestop brand AND that much cash.
So RK is absolutely right - you're basically either betting on management having a blockbuster of a plan yet to be unveiled using that cash, thus transforming the business, OR you think they are morons here to fuck shareholders. Depending on your stance, you're either on the long or short side.
If Gamestop can operate with an innovative, startup mentality WHILE sitting on such a huge amount of cash (whereas normally startups have to run around licking the nuts of VCs and PEs to support their massive cash burn)... I mean, just let your imagination run wild with what kind of transformation they can come up with...
...and how much that newly transformed business would be worth.
RC is thinking LONG term. A transformed Gamestop could viably reach a market cap level on par or even surpassing MOASS, the difference is it would be a sustainable business that isn't a forseeable pump and dump (let's be real, if it were MOASS that would be exactly the outcome). Besides, haven't we learned from 2021? Fuckers on the street are detestable but they have fucking power. They can resort to all sorts of unimaginable, unethical shit to prevent you from realizing that profit (halt halt halt, no buy button, taking brokerages offline, banning certain tickers from trading due to "extreme volatility", reversing trades hi BRK/A, the possibilities are endless).
But they can't fuck with a legitimately transformed business that gets a valuation multiplier like a successful startup.
So, which side are you willing to bet on?
submitted by ethangyt to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:03 Hell_Shoot IMO Prof. X shouldn't be nerfed. Here's why...

A lot of discussion has been going around about Prof. X and a possible nerf because he's so dominant in ProBall. While that is undeniably true, I wouldn't want to see Prof. X get nerfed and subsequently killed as a card. Nerfs usually destroy archetypes, removes available strategies and play lines, making the community frustrated by removing the fun and agency of the players. This is a proven philosophy of game design that everyone should take into consideration. Furthermore, a Prof. X nerf would only make Hela much stronger.
My suggestion would be to instead buff other cards and release cards that can nullify Prof. X hard location lock. This has been done to Thanos with the Space Stone rework. Therefore, here are some suggestions to counter this disliked ability so present in the meta.

High Evo

High Evo suggestion
In this buffed suggestion of High Evo, when played you can play your cards into any location. While this might seem too strong, High Evo at 4-2 with an Ongoing ability allows for some counter play with Red Guardian, Rogue, Enchantress and Lady Deathstrike.
Why not 4-1? Well, because I believe High Evo paired with Ravonna would be too strong, allowing for play lines of Turn 2 Ravonna, Turn 3 High Evo, Turn 4 Prof. X into High Evo lane and the opponent would be able to contest the lane anyone and nullify High Evo, even if you removed the Ongoing ability on that turn 4.
This is still a possibility with Turn 3 Storm and Turn 4 High Evo into Storm lane. This can however allow for some counter play scenarios with cards that allow you to move into the location such as Nightcrawler, Jeff, Vision. It would also allow Nocturne to move into the flooded location and swap it with something else, using Quake to change the flooded location position on the board. I believe this would finally give High Evo a reason to be played onto the board and help to counter Prof. X, or using any card that can change the location such as Magik, Scarlet Witch, Reality Stone, another Storm. Am I missing any scenario?


Colossus suggestion
Yes, Colossus. This small buff would finally make this series cards playable at high CL.

New cards suggestions

I was also thinking about possible new cards and their abilities. I couldn't come up with much but here is where I ask for your suggestions, so feel free to theory craft new abilities that would fit well into the game and would counter Prof. X hard location lock.
The one ability I came up with is "Jump to any location that can no longer be played into (if in play)"


If you've read all of this, you might be wondering, "What about our favorite baby land shark?". Well, I feel like Jeff is still strong, even if some cards adopt a portion of his ability. My reasoning for that is that he can still be moved after being played.
Please let me know what you think about these suggestions and your thoughts on Jeff situation due to the changes suggested. Also feel free to tell me I'm wrong and Prof. X should be nerfed ahahah
submitted by Hell_Shoot to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:02 CharlesTheGreat8 What do y'all think of my survivor build?

What do y'all think of my survivor build?
Hi, I have been playing killer for 2~ years and have only recently started playing survivor (less than a week ago). I wanted to know if this build is good or not, and what I should swap out. Owned survivors: all free survivors as well as Rebecca and Kate. Prestiged survivors: Rebecca and Feng. Shrine perks: pharmacy & prove thyself.
submitted by CharlesTheGreat8 to deadbydaylight [link] [comments]