Does nolvadex increase testosteronel

Almost 2 years- No recovery?!

2024.05.14 06:11 YahYeeta Almost 2 years- No recovery?!

Right, good day everyone,
So long story short- have ran 3 steroid cycle. First was 2 years ago, last one ended 6 months ago. Not above a gram. No 19nors. Just test + DHTs. Longest cycle 16 weeks, using HCG @1500iu weekly each time.
Pre cycle bloods had me at around 400ng/dL/14-16nmol.
After first cycle (Test @ 350, tapered up 500mg) I pct'd to 800ng/dL (28nmol?). Used Nolvadex @ 40/20/20/20. Also Clomid @ 12.5/12.5/12.5/0.0
Bloods taken 6 weeks after stopping PCT- doubled my Test levels (increased muscle, better diet + sleep) which was awesome! Should have stopped here. Didn't.
After the second cycle, came back at 200ng/dL (7nmol) used same PCT protocol. I was training very hard so I expected this- I actually got way leaner and kept 90% of the strength- despite having this low level (was obviously in a calorie defecit) doing MMA + gym.
PCT'd 3 more times after this:
Nolva only. 20mg/4 weeks. 2 months break- still 7nmol. Still kept same bodyweight so maintenance calories (4.5k)
Clomid only. 25mg/4 weeks. 2 months break- still 7nmol.
Jumped back on Test for 4 months after this.
Then PCT'd again. Enclomiphene only. 12.5mg/4 weeks, followed by a 2 weeks break, then 10mg of Nolva for 4 weeks.
That was the last PCT i've done- still 7nmol following this.
I assumed I was underfuelling- so since then i've gained ~8kg+. My appetite is also insane right now- I never feel full.
Almost entirely fat. No strength increase.
My physique looks like shit, I feel like shit. Have gone so far backwards.
So, I took 3 whole weeks off training pretty much. Did 3 weight sessions, 45 mins each. Nothing else.
Stopped tracking food, but was consuming well over 5000+ calories of almost entirely meat, eggs, cheeses, saturated fats and oils. Yes I know it's hard to say 5000+ calories but remember i've tracked food for 2 years +, I know it was at LEAST 5000 calories.
My appetite is insane.
It's was quite an extreme diet, very high fat, high protein, low carb.
Just re-tested at 4.5nmol-100ng/dL after this rest and refeed and gaining 3kg+ alone during this period. Obviously all fat. No muscle, wasn't training.
I was overtraining and underfuelling for quite some time but i've gained significant weight over the past 4-5 months, but look and feel like shit.
Had abs, veins, strength for 2 years- no matter my test levels, but now it's caught up and it's all gone. Literally back to square 1.
I'm probably going to pin some test P @140mg per week (within the next week), as well as some Tirzepatide @ 2.5mg to shed the shit weight.
Does anyone have any other suggestions before I jump back on TRT+GLP?
Am I stuffed?
I kept between 8-10% bodyfat the whole time I was cycling on/off.
Did lots of MMA, lots of running, lots of weights. Was eating 4000+ calories the whole time, but lost/gained randomly. Usually weight was between 73-77kg.
I wasn't massive, but strong and lean the whole time. Got heaviest at 88kg on cycle (1st) and peaked at 80kg last cycle.
Lost a few KG during PCT down to 73-74kg- but now back into 81-82kg range.
Now i'm likely 20%+ bodyfat at lower strength and i'm suffering a lot.
What's the smart/logical next step to take here? I have got a script for TRT now. But i'm not sure what to do. I'm 23!
Cheers all
submitted by YahYeeta to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 08:24 shangkhang Drostanolone Propionate (Masteron)

Drostanolone Propionate (Masteron) is an androgenic steroid based on dihydrotestosterone originally developed to improve conditions derived by breast cancer. It is considered a medium or mild strength steroid. There are two variants: Drostanolone Propionate and Enanthate. The first is universally regarded at Masteron. It was introduced in the early 70s and it is available only in injectable form. Drostanolone Enanthate was never released as a pharmaceutical human grade product and is not as popular as the Propionate version.
What is Masteron used for in bodybuilding? The basic benefits of both Propionate and Enanthate are a lean and harder-looking physique, but only after it has been built with other steroids. Many bodybuilders consider it a sort of cosmetic sterod to add the final touch to an already toned body. Also, being regarded as a mild anabolic steroid, Masteron has various positive effects and less side effects. Masteron delivers solid muscle mass combined with strength and at the same time helps the loss of water, but it does not actually help losing body fat. In facts, this steroid is useful only if the athlete’s body fat is already less than 10%. Masteron also accelerates metabolism and helps increasing energy and endurance. Drostanolone Propionate has a half-life of 2,5 days while Drostanolone Enanthate has a half-life of 10 days. Masteron is commonly used in cutting and pre-contest cycles. It is often stacked with Winstrol, Testosterone and Trenbolone. Masteron is not the first choice when bulking, as its effects will be rather weak. Bodybuilders anyway use it for bulking together with other steroids to add the benefits of losing fat. Masteron is of little to no use for those who do not have a stringent fitness routine aimed at cutting. Also, those who have substantial fat in their body will not benefit much from the steroid. The steroid does facilitate the loss of water but it does not help the loss of fat from the body. There may not be any impact on the weight of a person. The reduced water retention has a nominal impact on body weight. The effect is more aesthetic. It is best to achieve a low body fat percentage, at the most twelve to fifteen, before taking Masteron.
What are Masteron side effects? Even though Masteron is considered a mild steroid, its usage has side effects that may, or may not, affect the user. The most common is hair loss, especially to people already balding. Acne is another possible effect of a prolonged usage. Tendency to aggression and excessive rage has been reported. However, all side effects cease to appear as son as the cycle is over.
Masteron cycle for beginners A common Masteron cycle for beginners would last 8 weeks, with 100 mg per week injected every other day.
Masteron cycle for intermediate users Drostanolone Propionate needs to be injectied once in two days or on alternate days, with dosages ranging between 200 and 350 mg per week, for a cycle of 8 weeks.
Masteron cycle for experienced users A common cycle of Masteron for experienced bodybuileers involves Testosterone Propionate. Cycle will be longer, between 8 and 10 weeks, with dosages of 500 to 700 mg per week, combined with Testosterone Propionate at 350 mg per week. The Enanthate form needs less injections (2 injections per week), with dosages ranging between 400 and 600 mg per week, on a standard cycle between 6 and 10 weeks.
Masteron Cycle PCT Contrary to popular belief, the PCT phase should never start immediately after finishing a Masteron cycle, as the compound has to leave the system before starting any form of therapy. Therefore, the PCT cycle should start 3-4 days after last administration of the Propionate and 14 days after last administration of the Enanthate. Commonly used products are Nolvadex, Clomid and HCG. A Nolvadex cycle following a mild Masteron cycle will last 4 weeks. For the first 2 weeks the dosage will be 20 mg/day, while for the second 2 weeks dosage will be 10 mg/day. A stronger PCT will also last 4 weeks. On the first week, dosage will be 30 mg/day, on the second it will be 20 mg/day, and for the last 2 weeks dosage will decrease to 10 mg/day. With Clomid, a typical cycle following a mild Masteron cycle will last 4 weeks. For the first 2 weeks the dosage will be 50 mg/day, while for the second 2 weeks dosage will be 25 mg/day. A stronger PCT will also last 4 weeks. On the first week, dosage will be 75 mg/day, on the second and third week it will be 50 mg/day, and for the last week dosage will decrease to 25 mg/day. HCG is only used after a heavy Masteron cycle, therefore mainly by experienced bodybuilders. The common strategy is to use a short cycle of HCG before starting a longer one with Clomid or Nolvadex. In a 3 weeks cycle, HCG dosage will be 2000 IU every 3 days on first week, 2500 IU on second week and 3000 IU on the last week. Alternatively, one can run an intensive 10 days cycle injecting 1000 IU/day from day 1 to 4, then 750 IU/day from day 5 to 7, and 500 IU/day for the last 3 days of the cycle.
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2024.03.29 23:04 saasandstuff Documenting my experience coming off Testosterone

I’m 34, male, coming off testosterone after 6 months. I wasn’t hypogonadal, I was just looking for an extra boost in performance in the gym, and if I could get some extra energy/focus/confidence that’s cool too but I didn’t really have any low t symptoms other than gym recovery wasn’t always optimal or consistent.
Where I live/workout, steroid use or even just running test is very common and a lot of people like myself, hop on for the added boost. Some stay on and just cruise for eternity even in their 20s with normal natty levels, others realize its not worth it and decide to come off, or want to come off but are nervous about what PCT will feel like so I figured I thought I’d document coming off to provide any advice, insight and receive any feedback as well.
Prior to running test:
198lbs, 14% bf 630 total, 14.4 free, 23 e2. Good energy and focus all around, confident, relaxed, solid lifts in the gym. Again this was more to get a little more boost out of what I already had.
The reason I’m coming off is I havent been able to control e2, prolactin has been a little high, hematocrit was starting to creep up, everyone I talked to kept recommending taking this or that to counter this symptom or that symptom, and I kept thinking to myself, this seems like a lot of work/chemicals to manage what my body already does really well naturally.
So here we are.
My last injection was March 18, I was injecting enanthate 2 pins weekly for a total of 120 mgs and 500 IU hcg weekly.
My trough numbers were 792 total, 16.2 free, 56.4 e2.
I was 217lbs ~18% bf on last injection although I think a lot of this was just water weight. I didn’t bloat too much in the face, but I had a water wheel barrel around my waist that has already gone down dramatically in the last two weeks and I haven’t really changed anything in my macros or training.
In the previous six months, strength and mass increased, I definitely felt more confident, I’m a pretty outspoken person but this made me feel a little more care free in expressing myself, and I seemed to have more energy all around.
Interestingly, I feel more focused and able to concentrate on work natty, my sex drive, erections are better natty too (I think this was e2/prolactin) I also did not, or at least do not remember dreaming very much at all while on test, and in the last two weeks I’ve been sleeping deeper and having vivid dreams again. I’ve also woke up with morning wood several times in the last week or so, something that rarely happened while on test.
PCT : my last injection was March 18, I’ve continued my 500IU HCG for the last two weeks while I wait for the Esthers to clear my system, I will take my last HCG dose tomorrow and begin 20mg nolvadex daily for the first two weeks and then 10mgs nolvadex for the following month after.
Wednesday, 9 days after last injection was the first time I felt any subtle changes where I was randomly getting anxiety which is not like me natty or otherwise. This lasted a couple of hours then subsided.
Today, Friday, 11 days after last injection was the first time I’ve experienced any sort of fatigue and loss of strength. I am TIRED today, and my performance in the gym was a struggle. I’m a former powerlifter, strength training has always been a part of my programming, it is very unusual to have the type of lackluster training I had this morning. Have you ever taken an edible and just had that couch lock feeling? Thats what today feels like. However, I’m in a good mood and able to concentrate fine.
Thats where I’ll leave this for now. I don’t think updating daily will make sense unless that is useful, I will probably just update with anything noteworthy to write about.
Tomorrow, Saturday I inject my last 250IU of hcg, then Monday I begin my daily 20mgs of nolvadex which begins my PCT.
Update 4/10
I'm now 24 days since my last injection, 10 days since I started running nolvadex. TBH I feel fine. 20mgs daily nolvadex. I havent experienced any additional anxiety or fatigue like I mentioned in my initial post. I haven't lost any significant strength, I've lost a bit of size but its all water and honestly just looks like I'm on a cut. Look bigger and just as lean as I was before going on trt. I've been sleeping extremely deep as well.
The only drawback atm is nolvadex is interfering morning erections which came back inbetween last injection and PCT and my libido is kind of shot atm. My gf knows I'm on pct atm and is chill about everything and honestly pop one cialis and I'm good to go.
Energy, mood, motivation, focus, all of it is fine. I think the hcg definitely helps, the fact that my natty levels were good and I never reached super human test levels (highest I was was 1600 while my body was still producing) so I haven't experienced the crash that would come with a true blast. If I took an injection I'm sure I would notice a boost in everything but this is very manageable and I feel fine throughout the day.
I'm going to get LH/FSH tested bc I'm curious if theyre even all the way shutdown. Anyways, I wish I had something more insightful but honestly I feel perfectly fine. I will likely reduce nolva to 10 mgs next week and then remain there for the last 4 weeks and that will complete my PCT.
Honestly, if you're on the fence, had normal levels prior to trt, or never reached super human levels of test, chances are you'll be fine.
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2024.02.10 23:30 harmless_grapes First cycle, could use some advice

I’m 22 years old, 5’8”, around 170 lbs. I have been an athlete for as long as I can remember, with 4-5 years of weight lifting experience. I’ve always been on the lighteskinnier side with decent definition and I’m looking to incorporate SARMs into my training to bulk up and build more muscle. Ideally, I’d like to run a cycle of RAD-140, while minimizing side effects and liver damage that is commonly seen with orally bioavailable anabolic compounds.
As this will be my first cycle, I’ve spent the last two months or so researching these compounds and the effects they have on the body. RAD-140 binds to and agonizes the androgen receptors, increasing the level of protein synthesis. This also causes a decrease in SHBG, releasing free testosterone into the body that cannot be taken up by androgen receptors, which are already saturated with RAD-140. Since the testosterone has nowhere to bind, it begins aromatizing into estrogen, shutting down the production of testosterone and causing suppression.
To mitigate this, it’s possible to take enclomiphene, which binds to and blocks the estrogen receptors without agonizing them, signaling to the brain that estrogen levels are low. The brain then signals to increase the production of LH and FSH, leading to a an increase in endogenous testosterone production.
My plan is to do an 8 week cycle of RAD-140 with three blood tests (pre-cycle, mid-cycle, post-cycle), each including:
Now for the cycle itself:
I have a few questions, mainly about other ancillaries and the plan around bloodwork.
  1. Enclomiphene may reduce IGF-1, which MK-677 can counteract. Should I add MK-677 to this cycle to maximize gains and minimize liver damage over time? Or is it safer to run RAD-140 only and both compounds for a second cycle if my desired results weren’t achieved?
  2. In case of gynecomastia, does tamoxifen (nolvadex) replace enclomiphene or should it be taken simultaneously ?
  3. Most blood tests that I have researched will give results within 14 days. I’m thinking of scheduling my mid-cycle blood work during week 5, so I will have results by week 7 at the latest. This should give me enough time to reevaluate enclomiphene dosages for PCT. Is this appropriate timing? Or should I do bloodwork later during the cycle, maybe around week 7, to understand the extend of liver damage? Is doing bloodwork 3x overkill?
  4. Should post-cycle bloods be done right after the cycle is over? Or is it better to continue PCT and get post-cycle bloods after PCT?
Again this will be my first cycle so I want to be informed and ready for any side effects before they show up. Any feedback is appreciated!
submitted by harmless_grapes to rad140 [link] [comments]

2024.01.23 10:12 shangkhang Boldenone Undecylenate (Equipoise)

Boldenone Undecylenate (Equipoise) is also known commercially as Equipoise or EQ This is a steroid for veterinarian use created by Ciba as an injectable form of Dianabol. Its initial use was for the horse and cattle industries. In general, Equipoise is an oil suspension injected into animals every 6 weeks. There are no legitimate version of this steroid approved by any government anywhere in the world for human use. All brands on the market are either from approved veterinarian labs or made in an underground laboratories. Even though it is a veterinarian steroid, it’s quite powerful and effective when used by humans.
What is Equipoise used for in bodybuilding? Bodybuilders use Equipoise to obtain quality lean mass and increase strength and muscular endurance. However, results are quite slow if compared with other products. They use it alone or stacked with other anabolic steroids. Recovery is also enhanced with the use of Equipoise, especially in case of joints pain. Also, Equipoise does not cause stress or damage to the liver and it is available only as an injectable. In a cutting cycle, Equipoise works very well to protect lean muscle mass. As it happens when cutting, calories are lean muscle tissue may disappear in order to sustain the energy the body needs. Using Equipoise while cutting will prevent this and will add some conditioning effects to the physique. Experienced steroid users use Boldenone at the end of their cutting cycle due to the possibility of estrogenic activity.
What are Boldenone side effects? Both male and female users accept this compound. The most common side effects is water retention, which can lead to an increase in blood pressure. Other known side effects are acne, hair loss (if the user is already predisposed to baldness), and body hair growth. However, while the possibility of side effects exists, they are not likely to show unless there is an excessive intake or the user has an existing condition of acne and hair loss. Women may also experience these side effects plus a deepening of the voice and an increase in facial hair. Equipoise does not put much strain on the cardiovascular system, so the cholesterol levels are likely to remain the same if the user is healthy. Like all steroids, Equipoise will impact negatively on the body’s natural testosterone production. Therefore, a Boldenone cycle will almost always include testosterone.
Equipoise cycle for beginners As Equipoise is a slow-working steroid, cycles are quite long. A classic Equipoise cycle for beginners would go for 14 weeks and use also Testosterone Enanthate as the base steroid. Dosage for both steroids will be 300-500 mg per week.
Equipoise cycle for intermediate users For intermediate users, the cycle is the same, lasting 14 weeks and combining Equipoise with Testosterone Enanthate. Dosage will be 500-700 mg per week for both steroids.
Equipoise cycle for experienced users A common cycle for experienced users lasts 14 weeks and increase the dosage of both steroids to 700-1000 mg per week.
Equipoise Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) Post Cycle Therapy or PCT is an essential process every athlete must go through after the cycle has ended. The objective f any PCT is to get the body back to its normal state so it can start naturally producing testosterone again. Equipoise PCT can start as early as 2-3 days after the last injection but this a personal choice. Obviously the longer the Equipoise-Testosterone cycle, the longer the PCT. Common Equipoise PCT last 4 weeks and begin 2-3 weeks after the cycle has ended. Any Equipoise PCT can be based on Clomid, Arimidex and/or Nolvadex. All these 3 products have some visible side effects, like headaches, nausea and stomach pains. Arimidex is the mildest. These side effects however vary from person to person. Regardless of which drug one wishes to use in an Equipoise PCT, it is good practice to start with a higher dose and reduce until the end of the cycle. Dosage is 0.5-1 mg a day.
Buy Equipoise
submitted by shangkhang to superbolic_express [link] [comments]

2024.01.23 07:26 Lord_Of_Meat69 List of TRT alternative compounds - need some clarity

Hey hey!
As a 25 year old male with low but not extremely low T (280-450) I was offered TRT but didn't want to shut down by HTPA and become infertile, so I did a bunch of research to find genuine, effect TRT alternatives and have learnt alot and experimented with some - so Im going to list them but also list the potential issues with them so that people with more knowledge can provide some clarity and even add to the list.
- Clomid/Enclomphiene - I have used Enclo and found it did wonders for my T and how I felt, definitely does boost Testosterone however there are potential eye side effects and I have read that long term use can really mess with your Estrogen which makes it not that attractive as a long term TRT replacement
- Nolvadex - Mostly used during PCT or to avoid Gyno during a cycle, seems more so for restarting supressed T than actually elevating it to a solid level.
- Kisspeptin-10 - A Peptide that boosts LH and thus increases testosterone. Seems really promising but also kind of new so unsure if there are issues or limitations with this that I am not aware of. Seems to be one of the most promising new ones as it also seems to not have any side effects.
- HCG - boosts Test by increasing LH production however seems to also supress your natural production of LH so when you stop using it you actually end up lower than your baseline
- HMG - Derived from the urine of menopausal women, kind of like HCG but boosts FSH and LH and doesn't seem to supress natural LH production however is quite new and doesn't have much research behind it + is hard to find. Looks promising
- Arimistane (AR inhibitors) - Not really sure how AR inhibitors work but seems to have something to do with lowering the Estrogen levels which frees up more testosterone. Doesnt seem like a good long term solution due to the importance of Estrogen.
I would love some clarity on the above compounds I've listed, including if its a good idea to pick 3-4 and cycle between them indefinitely as it gives one receptor a break and so on. Are there any others I missed? It seems like Enclo is the go to for most people but Im just not really sure how it would go long term. Kisspeptin 10 sounds really interesting
Any help would be massively appreciated!
submitted by Lord_Of_Meat69 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.01.14 09:00 shangkhang Frequently Asked Questions about Anabolic Steroids

Frequently Asked Questions About Steroids

How much weight can someone expect to gain during the first cycle? Provided dosing is sufficient, and this will vary from person to person, it is not uncommon to gain 10 Kg of muscle mass weight during a first cycle. Some of this may be water retention, although a solid gain of more than 10 Kg is possible.
Are the gains from steroid use temporary? Yes and no. Steroids can help you do two basic things with regard to muscle growth. First, they can allow you to reach your genetic limits for muscle growth faster. Second, providing you continue to train and eat properly and use an effective PCT program, you should be able to maintain your genetic limit indefinitely. So the early gains should not be temporary. Also, steroids can allow you to push beyond your genetic limits. It is important to understand that bodybuilders are unable to maintain extreme physical development long-term without the repeated administration of anabolic substances. The body will always revert back towards its normal metabolic limits once AAS usage is discontinued. So in this context some of the gains will not be permanent. Steroids do permanently alter the physiology of your muscles by adding more cellular nuclei. With higher nuclei content, each muscle cell can manage its volume more efficiently, which allows more rapid expansion. Even after a long period of complete abstinence from training and AAS the nuclei remain. This may provide a “muscle memory” effect, allowing you to reach your genetic limit (perhaps a slightly extended limit) faster than if you had never used AAS in the past. So in this regard, there are lasting benefits beyond the temporary increase in muscle size itself.
Can steroids make me look like a professional bodybuilder? If you have the underlying genetics to allow for this extreme muscle growth, this may be possible with a lot of hard work and dedication. Genetics are a big factor in determining the ultimate limits to your physique. Many people use steroids and look very big and impressive because of it, but very few users are able to make it to the stage of a professional bodybuilding show.
How dangerous is an isolated cycle of steroids? Anabolic/androgenic steroids are among the safest drugs available, at least in a short-term sense. Fatal overdose is not reasonably possible, and the negative health changes such as alterations in cholesterol, blood pressure, hematocrit, and blood clotting (among other things) are very unlikely to manifest in serious bodily harm or death after an isolated cycle. There are rare deaths from such things as stroke and liver cancer in short-term abusers, but such occurrences are statistically extremely rare in light of the millions of people that use these drugs.
How dangerous is long-term steroid use? The long-term use of steroids for non-medical reasons can be a unhealthy practice. It has been difficult, however, to quantify the exact risk. The main issue is the fact that AAS abuse leads to permanent side effects.
Can steroids be used to enhance an athletic career safely? The non-medical use of AAS by definition cannot be defined as a safe practice. However, it can be argued that anabolic/androgenic steroids can be used with high relative safety, even over a period of many years. The guidelines of steroid harm reduction are important to minimizing the negative health effects of these drugs. Provided an individual follows these guidelines and is careful with drug selection, dosages, and duration of intake, follows a diet low in saturated fats, cholesterol, sugar, and refined carbohydrates, actively trains with both resistance and cardiovascular exercise, and uses cholesterol support supplements such as fish oils and others during all cycles, it may be difficult in many cases to argue high tangible health risks. It takes a great deal of involvement and planning to use AAS in this manner, which is always advised.
What are the safest steroids for men? Testosterone, whatever the form, tends to be the safest steroid for men. When the dose remains within the moderately range, alterations in cardiovascular risks factors are noticed, but not extreme.
Which steroids will not cause hair loss? For those with a genetic predisposition to hair loss, all anabolic/androgenic steroids are capable of accelerating the process. Moderate doses of testosterone can be used with finasteride, a drug that reduces DHT conversion (and androgenic amplification) in the scalp. Still, those genetically prone to hair loss can have problems with any steroid.
What are the safest steroids for women? Women are generally most concerned with the virilizing (masculinizing) effects of anabolic/androgenic steroids. The least virilizing agents are not those with the highest relative anabolic to androgenic effect, such as nandrolone, oxandrolone, turinabol, and methenolone. Anabolic/Androgenic ratios, while a useful measure to scientists, have little to no carryover in terms of virilization potential in women. In fact, nandrolone is extremely virilizing in women. It is important to remember that all AAS are based on male sex hormones and so they can cause masculinizing effects in women.
Can I just do a oral only cycle? Sure. But should you? Probably not. Oral steroids are still going to suppress your natural Testosterone production very hard. You may find you don’t feel the best or symptoms of low testosterone. If you choose to do a oral-only cycle, you should prepare a proper PCT as well.
What about just a Prohormone or Designer Steroid cycle? Prohormones and Designer Steroids are going to suppress your natural Testosterone very hard. Prohormones & Designer Steroids are no better (or even worse in some cases) than using a traditional oral steroid. The supplemental PCT sold with these Prohormones/Designer Steroids is predominantly not very effective. A proper PCT should be based on Nolvadex/Clomid to be effective.
Injectables steroids changed color and looks weird. Why? Injectable gear can crash due to storing the product in colder than recommended temperatures, which may happen in air mail shipping or because the ratio of AAS to oil is out of balance (this can be either a manufacturer error or a personal error if home brewing). This does not damage the steroid. In order to correct the problem, simply run the vial under warm water until the products reverts back to its normal state. Clean with alcohol swab after drying off.
My injectables have particles floating in it. What top do? You can either dispose of the product or you can re-filter it by using a Whatman filter. While opinions will differ on this subject, the opinion of re-filtering is still available and a suitable solution in many cases, assuming the product is not badly polluted. In cases where it is apparent that the product is very poor quality and contains a large amount of foreign material, it would be wise to throw it away. This should not occur with reputable brands of UGL and will never occur with pharma-grade products.
I need to travel during my cycle. What do? A solution would be to switch over to Testosterone Undecanoate. With a half life of 20 days, it makes for an excellent and risk free choice.
I’m getting muscle pumps. What can I do? The first line of action should be: Taurine (3-10g pre-workout) Magnesium (200-500mg pre-workout, you may also add 200-500mg morning or afternoon depending on when you train) Potassium (200-300mg pre-workout, you may also add 200-500mg AM/PM depending on when you workout) Increase your water intake (1-2 gallons daily)
My injection spot is red/itchy/sore? Get some antibiotics if it is red, itchy, or hot. If it is simply sore and/or swollen it is probably going to be okay. If in doubt, get some antibiotics; a common thing to tell your doctor is that you injected B12.
Is it normal to bleed after injecting? Yes, it is common to occasionally nick a vein close to the surface of the injection site, which will cause blood to leak from the surface. The amount of blood which can seep from an injection site can be anywhere from a drop or two, to a very light stream which slowly flows down that body part. Even in the event a larger vein is hit when doing an injection, this type of bleeding is relatively easy to stop and will not pose any harm to the individual.
Is aspirating required when injecting? No, most AAS users do not aspirate when injecting.
Does injecting build up scar tissue? Yes, repeated intramuscular injections can cause the muscle to build up scar tissue. Generally there is no inflammation or inclusion in the tissue. In an effort to minimize scar tissue build up, users will rotate through many injection spots.
How to properly open an amp? Ampules can be aided in opening by scoring (some ampules come pre-scored). Scoring is a process in which in a fine line is ground away around the neck of the ampule. Scoring makes it much easier to snap the top of the ampule off without breaking the vial and spilling the oil. Normally, a scoring tool is used for this process, although sometimes knives or other objects can be used. An amp opener can be used, which is the fastest and the least time consuming methods. If you don’t have an amp opener, grasp the amp between thumb and forefinger of one hand. Move liquid from the neck to the body of the amp by tapping (thumping) the ampule sharply. Using gauze pad (or similar), grasp the stem (the part above the neck) with the other hand. Break it from you and discard safely. The so called tape-method can be employed, as well. The tape method involves taping the entire vial all the way up to the neck line. Several layers of tape should surround the vial, so that it is properly secured. The point of taping the vial is to prevent the contents of the amp from spilling, if it breakw somewhere other than the neckline. The other purpose is to reinforce the ampule, so that it is more likely to break at the neckline. One can combine both the tape method and the scoring, which is the best way to ensure that the oil contained in the ampule will not be spilled.
Can I re-use syringes? Absolutely not. You should never take a needle which has entered the body and re-insert it back into a steroid product, as this can result in bacteria build-up and cause potential future infections.
How fast should I inject? As a general rule, 30 seconds per ml.
Is it dangerous to inject small air bubbles?” No, a small amount of air will do no harm. Air bubbles injected into muscle tissue is of no concern. Even if the individual were to thread a vein and inject the entire contents of the syringe into the vein, the small air bubbles contained within it would be irrelevant. In reality, several cc of air would have to be injected directly into a vein all at once in order to cause cardiac arrest. Even injecting 2-3 cc’s of air directly into a muscle would be largely inconsequential. Of course, such an action is not recommended.
submitted by shangkhang to superbolic_express [link] [comments]

2023.12.28 17:15 Connect-Flan-8644 Ostarine cut (my experience so far)

(23yrs old) Decided to run some ostarine for a cut to hang on to more gains while in a caloric deficit. Started at 223lbs and cut for about 3 weeks and then on week 4 threw in the ostarine and dropped my calories to 2500 daily. I’m currently on week 3 of the cut with the ostarine and have been cutting for 6 weeks total. Currently I am down to 211 lbs and have held on to almost all of my gains while in a caloric deficit. Really wanted to make this post to inform some people about what to expect from running this compound in a caloric deficit.
Week 1: 10mg ED (the last two days of week 1 I upped to 12.5mg to gradually ease into my next weeks dose)
Week 2: 15mg ED ( last two days of week 2 I upped to 17.5mg for the same reasons as before)
Week 3: have stayed at 17.5mg ED but am slowly working up to 20mg in order to find the sweet spot with this compound.
-nolvadex has been on hand since week 1 in case of negative sides but have not needed to use it yet.
Pros of this cycle so far:
Cons / sides experienced so far:
** have experienced higher blood pressure (132/87) and can feel it in my chest but I’m good about keeping myself calm and not exacerbating it. Ashwaghanda supplementation helps, but I’m keeping an eye on this as this side effect seems to be dose dependent. This is easily the most concerning side effect so far.
Conclusion after week 3:
This compound has honestly been great so far in terms of enhancing my cut, I think paired with Cardarine the cut would be even more enhanced, but I’m not a big fan of stacking compounds especially when it is my first experience with ostarine. While the compound is good I don’t think it’s worth taking in a bulking context as it’s not very powerful, but simply taken in a cutting context it can help you hold on to gains significantly. There have been some notable sides with the most serious one being increased BP so I have been monitoring this closely but overall it’s been a very comfortable and mild cycle. With this compound there is also potential liver toxicity and the potential for fucked up lipids but I have been using milk thistle ED to help and have been restricting specific things out of my diet such as whole eggs etc to keep lipids under control. In closing I feel great so far and plan to continue for about another 6 weeks depending on the severity of suppression towards the end of the cycle. Do your own research!!! This is simply my own experience so far and does not mean it will be the same for you.
submitted by Connect-Flan-8644 to Ostarine [link] [comments]

2023.10.12 23:22 GET_IT_UP_YE Almost ready to start my first Test Cycle. Thoughts/advice?

So a little about myself. 24M about 5’9ft. Currently weighing approx 85kg. I have been lifting weights for about 5 years now. I’ve put on a decent amount of weight. I used to weigh about 60kg, maybe slightly less. Noticed quick gains in the gym form increased calorie intake and the the natural testosterone boost you get when you first start lifting. Gains slowed down about a year and a half into lifting, been focusing on increasing calories over the last few years and keeping consistent in the gym. It has slowly gotten me far but thing have definitely slowed down in the last year or two. I’ve decided to look into increasing my testosterone levels for a short cycle and take it from there.
I have decided that Testosterone Cypionate is the ester I’d like to use. I plan on injecting 12 week cycle, 200mg a week (I will of course have my bloods taken but even if my doctor suggests a higher dose could be taken, I want to stick to around 200mg for now), split into 100mg every 3 days, so ultimately a little over 200mg per 7 days if I’m correct? Is this the best way to cycle 200mg per week? Afterwards I think Nolvadex is the PCT I would use. Taking 20mg orally every day for 4 weeks. Again, does that seem like a sensible cycle? Or could anyone recommend a better PCT?
submitted by GET_IT_UP_YE to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2023.03.15 19:41 Wooden-Shift-292 The Art of Bodybuilding: Crafting the Perfect Winstrol Steroid Cycle

The Art of Bodybuilding: Crafting the Perfect Winstrol Steroid Cycle

When it comes to building muscle and increasing strength, many bodybuilders turn to steroid cycles to help achieve their goals. While there are many different types of steroids available, Winstrol is a popular choice among athletes and bodybuilders. Winstrol is the brand name for the anabolic steroid Stanozolol and is often used during cutting cycles to help preserve lean muscle mass while promoting fat loss. In this article, we will discuss the best Winstrol steroid cycle for bodybuilding and the benefits of using this steroid.

What is Winstrol?

Winstrol is an anabolic steroid that was first developed in the 1950s by Winthrop Laboratories. It is a synthetic derivative of the male sex hormone testosterone and is classified as a Schedule III controlled substance in the United States. Winstrol is used by bodybuilders and athletes to increase muscle mass and strength, improve endurance, and promote fat loss.
Winstrol works by increasing the body's production of red blood cells, which can lead to improved oxygenation and nutrient delivery to muscles. This can result in increased endurance and performance during exercise. Additionally, Winstrol is believed to promote fat loss by increasing metabolism and reducing water retention.
Winstrol is available in both oral and injectable forms. The oral form is often preferred by bodybuilders because it is more convenient and does not require injections. However, the injectable form is believed to be more potent and may provide better results.

Benefits of using Winstrol

There are many benefits to using Winstrol as part of a bodybuilding cycle. These include:
Increased muscle mass: Winstrol is known for its ability to increase muscle mass and strength. It is often used during cutting cycles to help preserve lean muscle mass while promoting fat loss.
Improved endurance: Winstrol can help improve endurance and performance during exercise. This is because it increases the body's production of red blood cells, which can lead to improved oxygenation and nutrient delivery to muscles.
Fat loss: Winstrol is believed to promote fat loss by increasing metabolism and reducing water retention. This can help bodybuilders achieve a lean, shredded physique.
Enhanced vascularity: Winstrol can enhance vascularity, or the appearance of visible veins. This can help bodybuilders achieve a more ripped and muscular look.
Increased strength: Winstrol can help increase strength, making it easier to lift heavier weights and perform more challenging exercises.

Best Winstrol steroid cycle for bodybuilding

When it comes to using Winstrol for bodybuilding, there are several different cycles that can be effective. The best Winstrol steroid cycle for bodybuilding will depend on your goals, experience level, and other factors. However, here is a sample Winstrol cycle that is commonly used by bodybuilders:
Week 1-12: Testosterone Enanthate - 500mg/week
Week 1-6: Winstrol - 50mg/day
Week 7-12: Anavar - 50mg/day
Week 13-14: Nolvadex - 20mg/day
Week 15-16: Clomid - 50mg/day
This cycle includes the use of Testosterone Enanthate, which is a long-acting form of testosterone that can help support muscle growth and strength gains. It also includes the use of Winstrol and Anavar, two steroids that are commonly used during cutting cycles to promote fat loss while preserving lean muscle mass.
The cycle is followed by a two-week post-cycle therapy (PCT) period that includes the use of Nolvadex and Clomid. These drugs can help restore natural testosterone production and reduce the risk of side effects.
submitted by Wooden-Shift-292 to u/Wooden-Shift-292 [link] [comments]

2021.11.10 22:24 JP1021 WebMD Kava Article Discussion

Hello kava lovers!
I took quite a bit of time today to dig into this. It's been a long running issue that when you type in "Kava" in google you get some dubious results on the first page. I'm taking it upon myself to list those here, and refute them where they have issues.
Search Results for "Kava" on google in incognito window.
Result 1: Webmd
  1. Overview
  1. No issues with point one.
  1. And my issues start here. “Cases of liver damage and even some deaths have been traced to kava use” is a hotly contested conclusion, and rather inflammatory when such paltry evidence exists to support it. The paragraph then goes on to state “However, most countries have allowed kava to return to the market since that time.” My issue here is; why are we not seeing these cases of liver failures and injury in countries where it’s freely available today, if it’s as liver toxic as it was said to be?
  1. “But there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.” Hilariously they give quite good scientific evidence to support these uses directly in their references. Kava and kava extracts have been proven in double blind placebo controlled studies to reduce anxiety scores, and increase sleep duration/quality.
  2. How does it work?
  1. No issues with this. This has been demonstrated repeatedly in research.
  2. Possibly Effective for
  1. Strangely, they just got finished saying there is no good scientific information on which to support these theories. Extra note: WS-1490 is an extract that has been embroiled in controversy. The extract is contested on the grounds that it was changed several times throughout the research periods from an ethanolic extract to an acetonic extract with no indication. You can see this by noting how the kavalactone percentage changes arbitrarily from 30% to 70%.
  2. Possibly Ineffective for
  1. They conveniently don’t mark their sources in the article, but this one comes from Dr. Sarris in Australia in 2020. This research concluded that kava was more suitable for the reduction in stress and tension related to ‘situational’ anxiety, than it was for direct treatment of G.A.D.
  2. Insufficient Evidence for
  1. It can reduce anxiety, but the actual physical withdrawal is not treated by any action of the kavalactones themselves. It’s likely that the steady tapering of the BZP drug was what allowed these participants to cease their use with less acute withdrawal. Kava definitely helps, but it has different actions at the GABA-A receptor that are not similar to that of benzodiazepine drugs. Benzos target the BZP allosteric site on the GABA-A receptor where they exert their effect. Kava and flumazenil (a very potent anti-benzo or BZP antagonist) were administered at the same time in studies, and the effect of kava was not blocked.
  1. I would say this “insufficient evidence” is actually an order of magnitude more studied and documented than the “liver damage” at the very beginning of this article. I’ve added additional citations below this papers citations, and I stopped citing at 12 research studies that show anti-cancer effects.
  1. The World Health organization monograph (2002) describes insomnia as a state supported by clinical data. This is generally accepted, however there were participants in studies on kava that dropped out due to insomnia complaints. While kava is overall a good fit for sleep issues, it likely won’t present that way to 100% of the people who drink it. We actually do see people complain about not being able to get to sleep after a strong kava. I say this to agree with the above paragraph where it states the research is inconsistent. It helps me with sleep, but that doesn’t mean it will be the same for everyone.
  1. While maybe insufficient, there is good evidence to support this. Two individual studies found improvement in mood, reduction in depression, and reduction in anxiety in perimenopausal individuals.
  1. This is an odd one to say has insufficient evidence. A number of researchers including Münte, Sarris, Cropley, and Aporosa have found kava reduces symptoms associated with mentally stressful tasks.
  1. This is in line with reality. We only see glimpses into kava’s ability to modulate glutamate. Kavain was shown to inhibit veratridine-activated sodium channels. It’s possible that kava may help reduce seizures, but as said, there is insufficient evidence to say it precisely.
  1. This I don’t agree with, and it’s a strange one to be saying there’s insufficient evidence for. Kava has marked antinociceptive (pain relieving) and muscle-relaxing properties. A good number of independent research studies have confirmed this.
  1. I’m not really sure what to say here. I suppose it’s quite accurate to say that there is insufficient evidence for kava causing superhero-like powers to emerge.
  2. Side Effects
  1. This is good, and goes pretty far based on the double blind placebo controlled studies. The one issue I have is the 6 month limit. There really isn’t any indication that taking kava beyond this time frame causes issues, it’s just when they cut the time limit of the study. Empirical evidence suggests kava, when consumed as a beverage, is safe indefinitely as shown by the South Pacific people who drink kava on a daily basis and have for generations. In regards to driving, I fully agree. If you’re consuming anything that makes you question your abilities with driving, call an ubelyft.The risk is simply not worth it.
  1. That’s pretty honest, however the phrase “The use of kava for as little as 1-3 months has resulted in the need for liver transplants and even death in some people” really understates “some people”. The number of individuals allegedly harmed by kava is limited to less than 10. There has been no intrinsic (unable to be separated) toxicity seen in kava or any kava extracts, however idiosyncratic reactions of the immunologic type have occurred. This is extremely rare. I can’t say that enough. We’re talking on the scale of winning the lottery, being hit by lightning, and finding Jimmy Hoffa all at the same instant. If we turn our attention to things such as green tea extracts or acetaminophen we see intrinsic, predictable toxicity to the liver. This does not exist with kava.
  2. Special Precautions and Warnings
  1. They’re speaking about kavalactones, and they’re not “dangerous chemicals” however we don't fully understand the function of GABAergic substances on the developing brain. Kavalactones are known as lipophilic, meaning they tend to combine or dissolve in fats. This means they could likely also pass on through breastfeeding. There is no data confirming this suspicion, however with no experience available, kava is not recommended for use by pregnant or breast-feeding women. It’s much better to err on the side of caution. In regards to kava affecting the uterus, I’m afraid there is absolutely nothing confirming this. It’s an old myth from Fiji that kava stimulates the uterus, this doesn’t happen, and shouldn’t be listed as a precaution. Histopathology was performed on rats at 2.0g/kg of kavalactones and found no-effect level on the uterus. (2012. “Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Studies of Kava Kava Extract (CAS No. 9000-38-8) in F344/N Rats and B6C3F1 Mice (gavage Studies).” National Toxicology Program 571 (1): 1–186.
  1. Well this sounds familiar. This will be the 3rd time this website has decided it was pertinent to warn us of liver damage. What they’ll throw at you sometimes is the instance of GGT elevation in metabolism tests seen in kava users in the late 80s and early 90s in Australia's Northern Territory. This is NOT indicative of liver damage. It indicates liver adaptation and is seen in kava drinkers that consume about a pound of dried kava per week. AST and ALT increases are not seen. I would even go as far to say here that kava is not even detrimental to those with liver problems. Kava is not intrinsically toxic to the liver in any way.
  1. This one is interesting. You have research on one side saying kava has no or very little activity at dopamine, then you have other research indicating that some kavalactones drop dopamine levels considerably. The one kavalactone in question here is Yangonin. Yangonin has shown in research to lower dopamine to below detectable levels. I personally believe that this is happening evidenced by the extrapyramidal movements seen in kava drinkers that went way overboard. They end up looking like they have parkinsons. If you are on medication such as levodopa that is specifically meant to increase free dopamine levels in the brain, kava can counteract this effect and cause the resurgence of parkinson's symptoms. So yes, I agree with this statement. If you have parkinsons it’s best to skip the kava.
  1. This is not talked about very much but should be taken into close consideration when approaching a surgery. Kava has many properties that haven’t been studied all that intensively. Kava has shown to have some mild antithrombotic actions. This means it may be able to prevent, to a degree, blood clotting. Give yourself at least a week if not two before any surgery to let your system flush out. Kava has also been shown to increase the sedation of anesthetic drugs. You’ll want to observe this just to be on the safe side.
  2. Major Interactions
  1. Agreed
  1. Agreed as well. Sedation seems to be the pharmacodynamic interaction here.
  2. Moderate Interactions
  1. I believe this to be correct. Levodopa is a medication meant to increase the levels of dopamine in the brain. Yangonin can decrease dopamine levels in the brain and counteract this medication.
  1. This is also correct. CYP1A2 is the pathway of metabolization for caffeine. Kava causes inhibitory actions at this pathway and as such causes caffeine to appear in serum levels for much longer than without kava in the system. The individual effect of this combination may differ from person to person. CYP1A2 activity has a range of 40% between individuals. As such it’s quite difficult to make predictions of which drugs will do what when this pathway is inhibited.
  1. Correct as well; however, issues at this cytochrome with drugs that use this pathway are not heavily researched in regards to kava. They generally encompass the sedative effects and their increase when in combination with the drugs above. Caution should still be taken when combining these drugs with kava as it will likely make them stay in your system for considerably longer periods of time. DMY seems to be the most potent inhibitory kavalactone in this regard.
  1. This inhibition was seen strongest with methysticin, the number 6 on chemotypes. The effect seen with methysticin was low, with only 1% of the strength of their positive control (Sulfaphenazole). I truly believe this would not have a strong impact on drugs that also use this pathway being kava/kavalactones have such a low affinity for it.
  1. This is incorrect. Kava has no inhibition property at this cytochrome even at absurdly high concentrations, and as such this is wrong.
  1. Again methysticin is the only kavalactone shown to interact with this cytochrome and it does it quite weakly. I wouldn’t suspect any immediate issues with drugs that use this pathway combined with kava.
  1. This effect, if present, will be very light. Kava has shown very slight inhibitory properties at CYP3A4 with methysticin being the most potent inhibitor. Methysticin has shown to be about 1% the inhibitory properties of their positive control, Ketoconazole. I would not expect major interactions with pharmaceuticals along this pathway with kava.
  1. A single dose of 800mg kavain gave a serum concentration level of 40ng/ml or .1um. This plasma level is unlikely to cause any significant inhibition of P-gp in vivo. Also, 800mg of kavain is quite unlikely to be consumed at once in a typical kava consuming session. The likelihood of inhibition here is very low. Results obtained in vitro vs in vivo were contradictory.
  1. It should be obvious to limit the intake of liver toxic compounds, however some of them are rather ubiquitous. Acetaminophen, also known as APAP, Panadol, Paracetamol, and Tylenol is a potent hepatotoxic drug due to its metabolites. Kava likely does not interact with these drugs other than APAP. There is research leaning to indicate that the combination of APAP and kava should be avoided on the issue of glutathione degradation. IF kava does indeed reduce glutathione levels, mixing it with APAP would increase its toxicity.
  2. Dosing
  3. Paragraph 1 “By Mouth: For anxiety: 50-100 mg of a specific kava extract (WS 1490, Dr. Willmar Schwabe Pharmaceuticals), taken three times daily for up to 25 weeks, has been used. Also, 400 mg of another specific kava extract (LI 150, Lichtwer Pharma) taken daily for 8 weeks has been used. Five kava tablets each containing 50 mg of kavalactones have been taken in three divided doses daily for one week. One to two kava extract tablets has been taken twice daily for 6 weeks. Calcium supplements plus 100-200 mg of kava taken daily for 3 months have also been used.”
  4. This really doesn’t tell us anything to go by for our own personal dosing. In truth, there is no recommended dosage for powdered kava. These dosage recommendations come from several studies as well as the German Commission E. I take it that these numbers indicate the minimum amount of kavalactones it requires to see any effect without seeing intoxication. Seeing that many of us aim for intoxication these numbers are simply meaningless.
Citations Removed for length. See kavaforums post for full citations.
Kavaforums Discussion Thread:
submitted by JP1021 to Kava [link] [comments]

2021.09.19 00:10 J-Bone1234 Possible Nolvadex PCT interaction with SSRI Escitalopram (Lexapro) - advice appreciated!

I have started a Rad140 6 week cycle today at 10mg per day. This is my first cycle … ever!
The PCT that I have to hand is Nolvadex and I was intending on running this at 20mg per day for 4 weeks after the Rad140 cycle.
I’m on Escitalopram (Lexapro) 10mg per day, and have been on this medication for some time. This is an antidepressant & is part of the SSRI family.
I have read that SSRI’s can react adversely, and potentially dangerously with Nolvadex, although Escitalopram is reported to be a ‘weak inhibitor’ compared with other SSRI’s.
However, I have also read via (which seems to be a reputable source) the following:
“Using escitalopram together with tamoxifen can increase the risk of an irregular heart rhythm that may be serious and potentially life-threatening, although it is a relatively rare side effect. You may be more susceptible if you have a heart condition called congenital long QT syndrome, other cardiac diseases, conduction abnormalities, or electrolyte disturbances (for example, magnesium or potassium loss due to severe or prolonged diarrhea or vomiting).”
Question - does anyone have experience of running Nolvadex as a PCT whilst on Escitalopram? If so, how did it go?
submitted by J-Bone1234 to rad140 [link] [comments]

2021.04.29 02:46 TwoBitDoctor What are the main uses of Tamoxifen for PCT

There is always the good and the bad in everything that is natural or synthetically man-made including drug medication such as Tamoxifen. These attributes can be accentuated or abated by how people especially bodybuilders use these drug medications. In this article we shall have a look at how the drug medication Tamoxifen is used and how its use can be abused by those using them especially bodybuilders.
Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) and its uses
Briefly, Nolvadex can be regarded as an anti-estrogen or as a pro-drug.
This steroid type drug acts in a similar way an estrogen receptor antagonist with the ability of totally preventing estrogen activities on tumors which the hormone causes.
In doing so, the drug is of great benefit to bodybuilders but it doesn’t end there.
Benefits and disadvantages to bodybuilders
Tamoxifen also adds another great benefit to bodybuilders by its ability to boost testosterone levels that the body produces by stimulating LH production.
For these reasons, the drug is therefore the ideal choice for Post Cycle Therapy (PCT). But there’s a snag in the chain.
It’s true that the drug has great benefits in building up estrogen in the body, however it can also have adverse effects on other progesterone related steroids.
Because of this finding, it has been recommended to bodybuilders that they refrain from using Tamoxifen when they are taking steroids Trenbolone or Deca.
Breast cancer treatment
The process by which Tamoxifen prevents the growth of cancerous tumors appears simple enough.
The inhibitor binds itself to estrogen receptors and prevents estrogen from allowing cancer cells to survive and multiply, therefore impeding cancer growth in both men and women.
Tamoxifen is also used as a treatment for breast cancer in women suffering from ductal carcinoma and are potentially capable of developing breast cancer.
In the meantime, Nolvadex is currently undergoing study for possible treatment of other different forms of breast cancer. The name Nolvades is also called Tamoxifen or Tamoxifen Citrate.
The one and only primary role of Nolvadex (Tamoxifen)
The whole focus of Nolvadex is the total blockage of estrogen receptors so that tumor or cancerous growth is starved of its sustenance source in the form of incoming estrogen.
It is therefore the undivided target of Nolvadex to block estrogen receptors in the body to detain them and make them unavailable as food for cancer.
The brain detects the dearth of estrogen
By blocking estrogen from the hypothalamus part of the brain, the brain automatically senses the lack of the sex hormone.
The result of the brain’s awareness is a dramatic surge of the Gonadotropins (LH and FSH) which increases the formation of the estrogen sex hormones.
Nolvadex has also been known to increase the formation of testosterone, which indicates that all the anabolic and androgenic effects that take place are due to the effects of Nolvadex.
The ideal time for bodybuilders to include Nolvadex in their cycle is at the washout stage when they are going off an anabolic steroid.
Normally, anabolic steroids suppress the production of testosterone in the body while Nolvadex can boost its production.
For this reason, Nolvadex can be added during the washout stage of the cycle.
Nolvadex or Arimitex?
For most bodybuilders who reach the washout stage of their cycle and make ready to dump their anabolic steroids, they will opt to take Nolvadex after coming off their steroid.
The reason is simple in that at the end of the cycle during which steroids had a free reign, not much testosterone is left floating around and by taking Novaldex, a return to normalcy in the testosterone population should be the expected result.
The selection of which one to take is purely a PCT contest based on personal preference but in reality, the effects of both drugs are similar.
Nevertheless, since the focus of Nolvadex is for the total blockage of estrogen receptors, many bodybuilders consider this as the best reason for taking it so as to avoid the specters of gynecomastia and water retention.
Strictly speaking, Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) is not the strongest chemical that can be put to use in a cycle, however it’s probably the safest for the simple reason that it reduces estrogen in your body but also keeps some of it floating in your body to enable muscle growth even at the end of a cycle.
The benefits of Tamoxifen (Nolvadex)
While it can be said that estrogen plays an important role in the proper functioning of the immune system, it’s also true that the application of tamoxifen can enhance a fatty profile.
There are many bodybuilders who use Tamoxifen for the health benefits it provides. Nevertheless, if you are aiming to prepare your physical form to achieve a win during a context you must think and act differently.
You should focus of using something that’ll eliminate most, if not all, of the estrogen out of your body and Nolvadex is the ideal choice if you want to remain healthy and you can change over to some other drug say, Letrozole for the remaining weeks of your cycle to achieve your goal.
Ending thoughts on Tamoxifen for PCT
Despite the fact that Tamoxifen is regarded by many bodybuilders as an essential drug treatment, it does have potential downsides in connection with its use as already pointed out.
For one thing, the use of Tamoxifen can be particularly important especially in its use during cycles of aromatizing compounds, its overuse can cause a variety of problems.
In order to avoid these problems a better more sensible strategy for AAS and pro-hormone users would be to employ an aromatase inhibitor that would greatly lower estrogen levels.
This way Tamoxifen’s role as a SERM would become less important and other sides of PCT can be addressed which are commonly overlooked.
Bottom line
The main reason why drug medication Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) is very popular with bodybuilders is its total focus on a single and important mission which is the total prevention of estrogen receptors from attaching themselves to growing cancerous tumor cells and helping them to survive and multiply over time. This gives confidence to bodybuilders in using steroids to attain their goals of boosted ego, muscle mass and athletic performance.

I took this from thought it was worth a share.
submitted by TwoBitDoctor to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2020.12.17 22:43 Jolly_Original_951 Low T and Brain Fog

Does Low T ( 300 ng/dL - 26 years old ) cause brain fog - difficult concentrating ??
I ve been prescribed Nolvadex . Would increased T because of the drug reduce brain fog
If anyone has personal experience ,I would be thankful .
Thank you
submitted by Jolly_Original_951 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2020.01.14 14:54 forumche Become expert 3

What is Liquid Clomiphene
lomifene citrate (clomid, clostylbegite, etc.) is an antiestrogen whose binding effect affects the hypothalamus and the glands. The drug causes the pituitary gland to release the hormones needed to stimulate ovulation (release of the egg from the ovary), thereby increasing the chances of the woman becoming pregnant. Clomiphene has also been used to increase sperm count in male patients suffering from oligospermia (inadequate sperm count for oocyte fertilization). Initially, clomiphene was approved by the FDA in the United States in 1967. In addition to the use of the drug in medicine to treat various types of infertility disorders and child conception problems in women, clomidine is a very popular tool in power sports and sports. used in PCT .. We can say that this is one of the main medicines needed for the course. Used to start ARC (hypothalamus-pituitary-testis connection). Unlike tamoxifen, clomid is a "new generation" drug. However, due to its selectivity, clomiphene citrate, which is an estrogen antagonist for some tissues, may prove to be a true estrogen for others. But fortunately, this feature is not observed with the use of the drug in men. Citrate clomiphene has no pronounced progestational, androgenic or anti-androgenic effects and does not appear to affect the pituitary thyroid and adrenal glands. Although there are no signs of a "tolerable effect", some patients have spontaneous ovulatory menstruation after clomid treatment.

What is Liquid Tamoxifen
Nolvadex is the trade name of the drug tamoxifen citrate, which is a non-steroidal substance that has a strong anti-estrogenic effect! By binding to estrogen receptors, nolvadex blocks estrogen, thus achieving the anti-estrogen effect! Because estrogen is responsible for many forms of breast cancer, the ability of tamoxifen to block its action in cancer cells is a proven treatment! Although nolvadex is effective in combating estrogen, it is by no means the strongest in this regard! Today we have preparations such as Arimidex, fema (letrozole), Aromazin, which remarkably prevent the formation of estrogen! Nolvadex is softer in action, used for a wide range of problems, and is therefore a more commonly used medicine!
What is Liquid Exemestane
Exemestane Alvogen belongs to a group of medicines known as aromatase inhibitors. These drugs influence the action of an enzyme called aromatase, which is required for the production of female sex hormones - estrogens, especially in post-menopausal women. Lowering estrogen levels in the body is a way to treat hormone-dependent breast cancer.
submitted by forumche to u/forumche [link] [comments]

2018.11.26 02:12 HGHClaire Clomid: Frequently Asked Questions

Question: What is Clomid?
Answer: Clomid is a synthetic estrogen and is generally prescribed by doctors
to trigger ovulation in females.

Question: Why Should Bodybuilders use Clomid?
Answer: Almost all anabolic androgenic steroids will cause an inhibition of
the bodies own testosterone production. When he comes off the steroids he has
no natural test production and no more steroids. The body is left in a state
of catabolism (catabolic hormones are high and anabolic hormones are low) and
as a result much of the muscle tissue that was gained on the cycle is now going
to be lost. Clomid stimulates the hypophysis to release more gonadotropin so
that a faster and higher release of follicle stimulating hormone aud luteinizing
hormone occurs. This results in an increase of the body’s own testosterone production.

Question: Does Clomid also work as an anti estrogen?
Answer: Clomid is a synthetic estrogen, however it does also work as an anti-estrogen.
How does it work? Because it is a weak synthetic estrogen, it will bind to the
estrogen receptor (ER) and not cause any problems. At the same time the increase
in estrogen from steroids are blocked from attaching to the ER.

Question: How effective is Clomid as an anti-estrogen?
Answer: It is very weak and should not be relied upon if you are going to be
using steroids that aromatise at any rapid rate, or if you are pre disposed
to gyno. arimidex, Proviron and Nolvadex will all make better choices for this

Question: Some say Clomid during a cycle is a waste, is this true?
Answer: Lets first examine what happens when someone is using anabaolic androgenic
steroids. When the level of androgens in the body get too high, the androgen
receptor becomes more highly activated, and the hypothalamus stops sending a
signal to the pituitary. In short the signal tells our body to stop producing
testosterone. During a cycle the body has higher levels than normal of androgens
and as long as this level is high enough Clomid will not help to keep natural
test production up. It will be almost all but completely shut off. The only
purpose of Clomid during a cycle is as an anti-estrogen.

Question: When do I start Clomid? Some say 2 weeks others 3.
Answer: When you start using your Clomid all depends on what steroids you were
using during your cycle. Different steroids have different half lifes and you
should adjust your Clomid intake accordingly. As we have seen above, if we take
Clomid when the androgen levels in our body is still high it will be a waste.
We need to wait for androgen levels to fall before implementing our Clomid therapy.
However if we take it too late we could possibly lose gains. Look at the list
below to determine when you should start Clomid therapy. By selecting from the
list all the steroids you used in your cycle and which ever one has the latest
starting point then go with that. For example if I cycled dbol, sustanon and
winstrol I would use sustanon as it remains active in the body for the longest
period of time.
Anadrol/Anapolan: 8 – 12 hours after last administration
Deca: 3 weeks after last injection and Clomid for 4 weeks
Dianabol: 4 – 8 hours after last administration
Equipoise: 3 weeks after last injection
Fina: 3 days after last injection
Primobolan depot: 10 – 14 days after last injection
Sustanon: 3 weeks after last injection
Testosterone Cypionate: 2 weeks after last injection
Testosterone Enanthate: 2 weeks after last injection
Testosterone Propionate: 3 days after last injection
Winstrol: 8 – 12 hours after last administration

Question: What is the most effective way for Clomid therapy.
Answer: Clomid has a long half life and as such there is no need to split up
doses throughout the day. I read some where that it was 5 days (any feedback
on this). Now if we used sustanon and we start using Clomid 3 weeks after our
last injection we anticipate that androgen levels are low enough to start sending
the correct signals. If androgen levels are still a little high then the normal
50mgs/day of Clomid for 1 week is not going to be effective. We need to start
at a high enough amount that will work or help even if androgen levels are still
a little high. 300mgs on day 1. I know I said don’t split it up due to
its long half life but try and split this up 2 tabs 3 times a day. After we
have finished this first day we seek to use 100mgs for 10 days and then followed
by 50mgs for 10 days.

Question: Do I need to use Clomid for 3 weeks?
Answer: Why don’t you want too? It is very cheap, very effective and can
mean the difference between maintaining gains and losing them.

submitted by HGHClaire to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2018.05.26 00:30 Ehti_Vitruvian BRAND NEW HCG + Clomid Protocol (Particularly for men with low SHBG)

Hey Guys I just wanted to share the treatment protocol that has worked for me. I was diagnosed with secondary hypogonadism with additional low SHBG (between 4-8) a couple of years ago.
I tried 125mg Test Cyp 1x a week (+ Arimidex) for around 4 months which didn't relieve symptoms due to the low SHBG. I then tried EOD and the ED injections of 15mg Test Propionate which were a improvement over the longer chain Esther however still did not sufficiently relieve symptoms. This protocol was also very inconvenient.
I realised due to my SHBG being so low, exogenous testosterone (apart from maybe test suspension) was never going to work. I needed to stimulate my body own natural production to relieve the issue. With some experimentation I discovered the following protocol that works for me and should hopefully work for you:
HCG EOD over 14 days. (shots of 1000iu, 1000iu, 750iu, 750iu, 500iu, 500iu, 500iu)
After the final shot start Nolvadex 20mg ED for 3 Weeks to increase LH as the body natural LH production has been surpressed due to HCG being a LH analogue.
Alongside the Nolvadex, start Clomid 12.5mg Monday, Wednesday and Friday for a period of 4-6 months. (Nova is stopped after 3 weeks). Then repeat this cycle starting with the HCG again.
You don't want to be using medium/high dosages of HCG too often due to the risk of Leydig cell desensitization. This is why ideally over a 12 month period you should repeat the above protocol only 2-3 times. So for example in that 12 month you will ideally do the 2 week HCG kickstart 2 times and the 3 week Nolva run twice with 48 weeks of the year running of low dose 12.5mg M,W,F Clomid.
If you can get legitimate Enclomiphene Citrate, this is preferable to Clomid however there does not seem to be a good option on the market yet. Keeping the Clomid dose at 12.5mg 3x a week is to negate the estrogenic sides of the zuclomiphene isomer.
This protocol will likely only work on men with secondary hypogonadism however that is the majority of low testosterone sufferers anyway. Read my guide on TRT for more info:
submitted by Ehti_Vitruvian to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2017.01.06 02:31 isos266 Results after 4 weeks HCG + 4 weeks Nolvadex (HPTA Restart)

September 08 2016: was experiencing these symptoms slowly increasing the past year: Lack of energy (fatigue), mood changes, brain fog, decreased sex drive, low motivation, sore longer after workouts + decrease strength, some depression.
Ordered my own simple bloodwork:
September 19 2016: Went to doc and told him my symptoms and ordered more bloodwork: (CBC+CMP) Doctor said that I am "normal" and no reason to worry despite terrible numbers all around. Fuck that.
October 2016: Went to see a urologist that had some knowledge with TRT and hormones. Doc checked my previous results and I recommended to restart my HPTA, to which he agreed. 4 weeks of HCG and then 4 Weeks of Nolvdex, protocol described below.
November 1 2016: *Start HCG dosage 270IU EOD, Arimidex .25mg 2X week This protocol will be used for 4 weeks before moving on to Nolvadex. November 28 2016 blood work(only HCG + Arimidex):
I felt absolutely better throughout these 4 weeks. Symptoms were melting away and meaningless. Every aspect of my life I felt improvement in and I told myself that I could never go back to the quality of life I've been feeling the past year. Everything was just easy for me now, and I didn't realize how hard everything was prior. I crashed my E2 in the beginning of the protocol and backed off the arimidex which is why my E2 is a little high (although this is not a sensitive E2 test).
December 1st 2016: Start Nolvdex 20mg EOD + .25mg Arimidex 2x week. *By december 12th I was starting to feel worse off, and some of my symptoms were starting to appear again. I definitely did not feel as good as I did on HCG, but I trucked through the roller coaster. I thought my testosterone tanked, but I was wrong:
December 28 2016 blood work (just nolvadex and arimidex):
*I feel like absolute garbage despite pretty ok results after the Nolvadex protocol. At the moment of this post my symptoms are coming back and I feel even more depressive at this stage than before. Could this be from Nolvadex side effects?
Overall I am pretty happy with the results as I know that my testicles are fine from the HCG protocol and my body responded pretty well to Nolvadex. My SHBG is still very high and my free test did not respond well to the Nolvadex. It just sucks that I feel like shit right now. Next post will be in 4-6 weeks when I get more bloodwork to see if my HPTA could stand up on its own.
I do have to discuss the most recent results with my doc, does anything stand out?
submitted by isos266 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2016.11.24 03:47 justsallygirl The science of transition: a mini primer on hormone receptors, binding affinities, medication differences, and... lots of fun!

I get a lot of questions about hormones. There's always room for more education. Let's see how simple I can make it... bear with me here... questions definitely welcome... I'll eventually post some of this over to my website but it's going here for the time being. This stuff is important! Learn it, love it <3
Let's cover the following abbreviations and terms first.
  • T = testosterone (we know this one!)
  • DHT = dihydrotestosterone (exceptionally strong)
  • E1 = estrone (a weak estrogen)
  • E2 = estradiol (a potent estrogen)
  • E3 = estriol (the metabolite estrogen, commonly a waste byproduct)
  • AR = androgen receptor
  • PR = progesterone receptor
  • ER = estrogen receptor
  • MR = mineralocorticoid receptor
  • GR = glucocorticoid receptor
  • AA = anti-androgen
  • AE = anti-estrogen
  • AI = aromatase inhibitor, medication that prevents the aromatase process from converting Free T -> E2.
  • 5a-R = 5-alpha reductase, the enzyme that converts T -> DHT. Fin/Duta are 5a-R blockers.
  • OMP = Oral Micronized Progesterone
  • SHBG = Sex Hormone Binding Globulism (a steroid allocation/reservation system that removes a percentage of the total hormone available, thus resulting in the Free Amount of the hormone in question. The relative binding affinity of various sex steroids for SHBG is DHT > T > androstenediol > E2 > E1. DHEA is weakly bound to SHBG as well, but DHEA-S is not.
  • CBG = Corticosteroid Binding Globulin, aka transcortin, the SHBG-like binding protein that reserves progesterone, cortisol, and other corticosteroids.
  • HPG-axis = Hypothalamus Pituitary Gonadal (testes) axis. A system of endocrine glands responsible for making your primary and secondary sex hormones, among other important functions.
  • HPT-axis = Hypothalamus Pituitary Thyroidal axis. Same as above but involves the thyroid - which determines metabolism and many other functions.
  • HPA-axis = Hypothalamus Pituitary Adrenal axis. The system that creates your sex hormones once you have no gonads... post-orchi/srs/hysto.
  • Exogenous = external to the body, hormones you take in pill or injection or other means.
  • Endogenous = internal to the body, hormones produced by the various endocrine glands.
Regarding Suppression
Exogenous E2 suppresses endogenous T to a degree (and vice versa), but you have to have very low Free T to have that HPG-axis feedback loop acceptably reduce T production.
  • When the body has an excessive amount of either T or E it will increase SHBG to reserve a high percentage of those hormones, thus reducing the bioavailable amount of both T and E (and other hormones that SHBG as an affinity for).
  • Similarly if you are trying to suppress endogenous E2 via T injections then it is critical to understand the mechanism of action of Testosterone metabolization and the potential for conversion to not only DHT but to E2 as well - which can counteract all of those sweet sweet gainz... hence why AI is important when running T.
Androgen Receptor Activation
ARs are found in all kinds of tissues, are not limited to activation by Free T and DHT... there are various hormones that attach to the AR based on their affinity value and circulating ratios. eg: Progesterone can attach to ARs and affect androgenic cellular change... Though it's not going to be the same effect as T or DHT attaching to the AR, there will be androgenic sides. T and DHT derived compounds that some FTM patients take have exceptionally interesting behaviors for the AR and ER... that data are covered in my endo doc and online in various areas. OMG androgens are amazing!
  • Here is a fact of a healthy transition: We all need some amount of active androgenic and estrogenic and progestogenic activity in our cells or we will suffer a lot of unfortunate medical consequences that are outside of the scope of this writing, so keep that in mind. It is not healthy to operate for an extended period of time on a CAB = Complete Androgen Blockade, as is a common course of treatment for advanced prostate cancer - for example. ARs need to be activated to a degree and that can be from T, DHT, P, or one of the many synthetic T or DHT derivatives which are medically prescribed for specific purposes and have low androgenic side effect profiles but allow for positive cellular anabolism expression, such as: nandrolone, oxymetholone, oxandrolone, etc.
  • In post-op MTF/FTM life this issue of ARs and hormone affinities can be problematic because we're told we don't need T or E2 blockers anymore - and that's fine for some people - but when I take bioidentical P (or a synthetic progestin on occasion) - I always take an AR blocker (bicalutamide) because I only want the P to attach to the PR... never the AR. This is my stuff though... don't blindly follow my example, as it's just an example. Maybe you enjoy the AR activation... who knows until you try it and figure it out, right? If you're post-op FTM and still injecting high amounts of T (or derivatives) you may still need an AI... or do you want gyno?
  • In pre/non-op life one can take P, and due to the affinity that P has to the AR there will be a percentage attachment and this will signal HPG-axis feedback to reduce endogenous T production. P will find a way to both the PR and AR if given the right circumstances (as in not CAB).
  • If you're taking T for your primary hormone, remember that it can convert to E2 and that might have negative side effects for your transition. Always consult with your endocrinologist about having an aromatase inhibitor for this purpose as needed to maintain your Free T and E2 levels. See the blocker section below for more discussion.
Progesterone affinity: the PR, the AR
A lot of the negative experiences that MTF patients have with OMP comes from it being subject to first-pass liver metabolism and being converted into various neurosteroids, which can be good or bad depending on too many factors go into full scope here. Or they feel negative sides because the P goes and attaches to the AR and can impact aggression or moodiness or depression or etc etc... it's complicated. That's one reason why doctors can't say "yes, progesterone is good for you!" or the opposite - because our bodies are all different and we're on different doses and we don't have the same amount of distribution of various receptors.
  • The first pass metabolism can be avoided by using an injectable progesterone or synthetic progestin... of which there are very many options with varying degrees of affinities for the various receptors. See the following tables for relevant affinities of progestin medications: (that's from page 32 of this pdf:
  • For FTM patients the PR can be problematic as well, especially if you are pre/non-op because the ovaries are still making progesterone and it's out there doing its thing. Very uncommonly discussed, even in bodybuilding communities, are PR blockers. These include medications from the class SPRM (Selective Progesterone Receptor Modulator). Highly recommend looking at the wikipedia entry here for more info:
What are you blocking?
So... if you're blocking ARs, it's important to understand that AAs are not all created equal. Some AAs, and its dose dependent as well, will not only attach to ARs and nullify androgenic effects of circulating androgens (hence the blocking) but they will also affect the HPG-axis by saying "we don't need $x amount of T anymore bc this % of the ARs are occupied so we're all good, shut down part of the Gonad/Testes factory (G in HPG-axis).
  • Some blockers like bicalutamide will only block the AR and they have no HPG-axis mechanism to reduce endogenous production of T - in fact it can sometimes increase production of T but since those ARs are being blocked then where does the excess T go... it goes either to DHT, E2, or to waste - You cannot predict the behavior but you can control it by taking a 5a-R blocker and monitoring E2 to see if it rises from the aromatase process. Or just don't take bical and take something else (spiro, cypro, etc)... or get bottom surgery and be done with the G from the HPG.
  • If you're blocking E2 for FTM transitions then the same applies for medications like Arimidex, Nolvadex, Clomid. The concepts are similar, the medications are different. If you're injecting T or other androgens and you are not blocking ERs then you absolutely will get extra estrogen from the aromatase process - this is an enzymatic process that takes excess Free T and converts it to E2. If you do not also block the 5a-R enzyme then you can have excess Free T get converted to DHT and maybe suffer baldness... again it's complicated, so please educate yourself if you do not know what these terms mean.
We're unique snowflakes - give your endocrine system a hug.
Because life is complex and beautiful and confusing... hormones have varying affinities for all of the receptors. Things aren't as simple as they appear. Sure you can just take whatever the doctor gives you but then who's responsible when your transition doesn't go as well as it could? Be safe with your medication. Get regular blood tests. Never stop learning. Never trust your doctors explicitly, always ask questions, always get your blood work results in hand and know your body. If it feels wrong, go see the doctor. If your doctor sucks, get a new one. No excuses. This is your life, your body, your choice.
I'm happy to answer questions and provide medical resources for your review. I am not a doctor, but I know a LOT about the topic and I only go off of valid medical references for my content. You can read more about endo/fitness/hormones/etc at my site:
/end lesson
  • Eve
submitted by justsallygirl to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2016.06.05 13:17 solero85 2 Weeks after 1st Nebido Shot. 850 ng/dl - e2 60. feeling tired as FUK!!!

Hey guys,
Before TRT I was always tired and I thought this will now go away.
But now I'm also tired as fuk all the time. My e2 is at 60 (7-42 range) and my TT at 850 ng/dl.
Could HIGH estradiol be responsible for feeling sluggish? I know the "heat waves" i feel, come from too high e2. I just wonder if 60 is "high" enough to give you such bad sides, or If i would really feel such a dramatic change when i would be around 25 - e2?
My Doc gave me Nolvadex because he does not want to give me Aromasin. Because I seem to be a non responder to Arimidex (didnt work even at high doses, my e2 back then on another therapy (clomid) went up from 37 to 117. I never felt "good" on clomid. Just my T and e2 increased...
submitted by solero85 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2012.03.20 08:59 tabledresser [Table] IAmA: I use steroids. AMA

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Date: 2012-03-19
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Questions Answers
Hi - I'm a 35 year old survivor of testicular cancer, and I use Androgel every day in order to maintain a testosterone balance that's normal for me. It's really difficult for me to get it legally, as it's classified as a controlled substance in New York City. That's because people like you abuse it so readily. When I run out, I can't get more easily. I have to get my doctor to write a prescription and manually deliver it to the pharmacy. If it's a holiday weekend, I have to go without for several days. If I don't put the stuff on daily, I get lethargic, depressed, gain weight, feel like I'm wrapped in a wet blanket. I'm not allowed to have extra at home to pad for emergencies - like when we evacuated before a hurricane. If I'm out of town, it's really difficult to get a pharmacist in a new area to fill the prescription. I'm 6'2", 240, fairly muscular. But not like, gay bartender muscular. Whenever I go in to get a refill, a new pharmacist looks at me and thinks "sure you need this, pal." My insurance company tries to deny me for this. And when my doctor adjusts my dosage, my insurance blocks the sale until the doctor and pharmacist and insurance rep have a conference call about it. So here's my question: are you aware on any level that people like you make life a lot harder for people like me who actually need these drugs? Is this something that you never considered before, or have you thought about this carefully, and decided that your sweet biceps or whatever are more important than my day-to-day health? My father is also on TRT, like you, legally. He uses a compound pharmacy with no problems whatsoever, I'd recommend that for your shortage problem, your doc can even fax the Rx. It is the government keeping steroids at that level of illegality, write your congressman. I would also suggest that you watch a documentary called "Bigger, Faster, Stronger", it will clear up your blame game. C'mon guy, do recreational pot-users make it harder for patients to use pot for their glaucoma? Nah, it's just gov't ignorance.
Does your dad know that you use the stuff? Yes, he does. He doesn't love the idea, but he understands that they are not as dangerous as made out to be and just wants me to be responsible. Why do you ask?
One of the steroid users in the film you cite "Bigger, Faster, Stronger" ends up dying young. I'm pretty sure steroids have also been a problem/contributing factor for a lot of pro wrestlers who have used them and died young. Dependent? One only becomes dependent on supplemental testosterone if they shut-down their own endocrine system from abuse. My testosterone levels (I get tested quarterly) are what a normal man my age should be at because of responsible use.
Eh, keep in mind that chronic steroid abuse can lead to enlargement of the heart. This can and has culminated in infarcs and death. Some of the oral compounds are toxic enough to cause liver failure as well. I agree with you, they can lead to an enlarged heart, yet usually, there are other factors at play like an already large heart, steroid/drug abuse, etc which is well enough reason to not use steroids at all.
They are the most helpful, kindest, educated people in the building. Good luck and i wish you all the best in becoming what you feel is perfection. Maybe one day ill get to mine! Thanks Brother. We're all working towards perfection, different strokes.
What is your reasoning for using steroids? Personal Vanity? Fitness Competition? Sports? Vanity mostly, I like looking muscular, I like being fit.
would you be willing to post before/after photos? As I do this for vanity, I have to control myself and not become a narcissist. I hate people that take pictures of themselves bc I think it's super shallow and narcissistic. One of my big rules is not taking pictures of myself even for personal record. I know this seems to discredit me, but I don't really care, just wanted to help inform some fellow redditors.
What profession are you in that allows you copious amounts of time to devote to the gym? Also, mind sharing what your degrees are in? I'm a 9-5er. I'm a young, single guy with no kids. I have two hours per day to spend in the gym.
I like my personality as does my *gf.* I'm a young, *single guy with no kids.* Oops, yeah, I just meant not married. Single, like you would see on a w-2.
Do you think you would have been able to reach the same goals for your body without the use of steroids? Also can you just give me some general tips? I'm about 5'8" and 165lbs. I currently go to the gym a few days a week. I have been doing various exercises for my chest/back/arms etc. My arms/chest have been getting pretty toned but I just can't get rid of the flab around my belly and sides. I'm not trying to get big at all, I just want to tone down and lose the fat. Should I just minimize the weights and crank up the cardio? What exercises do you recommend and any meal plan ideas? A 6-pack is carved with a spoon and a fork, brother. Eat clean, fresh foods, slow carbs, and get at least 1g of protein per # of body weight. 5-6 meals a day. If you want to bulk, eat 300 calories above what your body needs. If you wanna cut, eat -300 cal.
If you want to get shredded, but maintain muscle, dont exceed 30 mins a day of cardio and keep it to 3-4 times a week. has some good articles on diet, but don't get too deep in that site, lotta bro science.
Nut shrinkage? I've never had nut shrinkage.
Nut shrinkage comes from your body's response to excess testosterone in the body. Your body recognizes that there's enough in the bloodstream, so it stops production, shrinking your testicles (they come back when your cycle ends, usually 10-12 weeks).
However, there's a super safe drug called HCG (women use it for fertility and sometimes dieting) that you can take while on the steroids that keep your nuts producing, so they will stay their regular size. I use HCG on every cycle and I haven't had any noticeable shrinkage ever.
Quick question: if I used an AI and HCG would it naturally boost my testosterone levels? Yes and no. If your body is already producing at its max, then it wouldn't likely do much, just increase a little. If your body is not producing enough T, it will likely help you a lot. Many times an AI by itself is enough to being you back to a good baseline.
Haha, if you took a pregnancy test, you would read positive! I tried it once, but accidentally peed on my ipod shuffle.
Do you use only hcg or do you add nolvadex also? i'd like to pm you with some questions eventually.. I use Arimidex on cycle, nolva in case of gyno, and hcg on cycle and right before PCT of clomid and nolva.
Cool, thanks. Ever read the book "Muscle: Confessions of an Unlikely Bodybuilder"? By Sam Fussell...I think you'd like it. Heard of it, havent read it. I'll put it on my list. Thanks for the rec.
Would I see any repercussions from just using an AI on its own for 8-10 weeks (sans steroid use)? Likely not, assuming you didn't exceed 2mg per week. The only risk you run is pushing your estrogen too low and feeling like a non-sexual, depressing sack of shit.
What's most likely is that nothing will happen and you'll have wasted your money. If you think your T is low, go to your doctor and say that, he can run a blood test for you.
Out of curiosity what is AI? >some steroids are converted into estrogen by your nuts. Males need a small amount of estrogen in their bodies for normal function, our bodies don't create estrogen, it just converts it from testosterone. So, when you put large amounts of testosterone into your body, it ultimately converts a large amount into estrogen (too much). This can cause emotional problems, gynecomastia (bitch tits), and other problems. A user will take an AI Aromatase Inhibitor during a cycle to stop conversion into estrogen and maintain normal levels. Some people don't need it, but it's usually a good idea. I use it every time. Arimidex, aromasin, or letrozole are the common choices.
Where do you by them? How do most people get them? How fast can you put muscle on using them? I'm by them in the bathroom.
Illegally, mostly the way you would buy any other illicit substance, know people.
It's not really about fast, it's about quality. But, to answer your question, some steroids work as fast as 4 weeks. An agressive steroid cycle can put as much as 20 pounds of muscle on you in 8 weeks, but you risk health doing that. A proper cycle does 10-15 solid punds in 2 months, some of which is water.
There was no need for that in your answer to no.1. They clearly just made a spelling mistake. Where do you really buy them? Subtext for my facetious reply: I can't tell you.
But, most people buy steroids the same way they buy other illicit substances, they 'know someone'. Also, some people get them through international pharmacies.
Well it is an AMA not AMAA, but I've found this really interesting so thanks for replying. Good point, I will make the change.
What are the side effects you are having? Are you using prescription or off-the-street steroids? Do you recommend what you do to everyone? The only negative side effects I've ever had was a little oilier skin and a touch of acne. I use acne body wash and facewash, so that takes care of that. When I cycle off the steroids (cycles usually are 8-12 weeks), I feel a little lethargic and tired, but I'm back to normal in a week or two. Side effects are dependent on which steroids you use, dosage, and if you're prone to things like acne, balding etc. If you are responsible and do your research, you can avoid most side effects.
Most Steroids are made in underground labs either here or overseas. It's important to have a good source, after all, you're putting this shit in your body.
I do not recommend what I do to everyone, especially those under 24 years old. There are ways to responsibly use steroids. It takes years of training, a perfect diet, and intense research before steroids can be effective. It's not an instant muscle drug, you must work for everything you do.
Regarding #3: you say you don't recommend it to those under 24... you're 25. How long have you been using it? And why not for anyone under 24? I've been using steroids for three years. I jumped the gun a bit. from ages 12-23, your body is chock-full of steroids and you can get steroidal results w/o the drug. Also, if you take steroids when still developing, you risk ruining your endocrine system for life. You would be on 'steroids' until you die, just to feel normal. That's steroid abuse and irresponsible and it's very real.
May I, for the sake of health of anyone reading this thread, point out that my bullshit-meter detects an awful lot of broscience? As mentioned in other threads, there is very little hard data on steroid use bc it is considered such a dangerous drug and few studies are done. I do my best to keep up with the science and trends behind steroid use and best practices. If you find anything to be inaccurate, please point it out, I'm excited to learn more and happy this can be a two-way street. I am offering what I have learned over the years in research on the web, medical journals, from anti-aging clinics as well as from my doctor and personal experience.
Thanks for this IAMA. I think 30 years from now society will look back on steroids and realize how great they can be with proper usage. I dont think steroids will ever be accepted. Figuratively speaking, the gov't doesn't want citizens stronger than cops. But I do agree that the danger of steroids is blown enormously out of proportion.
I've never used them but I'm open to it. What are the best resources to learn enough to use them responsibly? Feel free to pm if you don't want that info out there. There are plenty of good resources out there, just google. You will be reading a lot of forums. protip: don't believe everything you read, lotta bro science out there, try to reference any scientific studies if possible. Do at least 6 hard months of research before committing to anything. Also, I do not advocate the use of steroids.
Cops are some of the bigger abusers of steroids out there. Yes and Yes. Especially Swat, notorious steroid users.
It's kind of interesting the difference in attitudes between hormonal supplementation for women vs. men. Steroid use for women is MUCH different, I know very little about it.
So...your expertise and understanding of the human endocrine system comes from researching internet forums? Did you make sure to cross reference wikipedia? :) Haha, fair enough, even I think that sounds sketcho. Regardless, there is actually very little solid data on steroid use, so most of it is anecdotal and what I've discussed with my doc and other users. The majority has been medical journals and forums.
Out of curiosity, what are your degrees in? I have a degree in nutrition and my MBA.
I was thinking more along the lines of estrogen, HRT, and birth control rather than anabolic usage for women. Oh, yeah. It's a totally different world. I'm glad it's happening though. Without much information on anabolic use available, we can take some data from those studies.
Are you using aromatase-blockers as well? Aromatase Inhibitors are VERY important in some steroid cycles.
Do you know why, or was that not covered in your nutrition program? Haha, the reason is that some steroids are converted into estrogen by your nuts. Males need a small amount of estrogen in their bodies for normal function, our bodies don't create estrogen, it just converts it from test. So, when you put large amounts of testosterone into your body, it ultimately converts a large amount into estrogen (too much). This can cause emotional problems, gynecomastia (bitch tits), and other problems. A user will take an AI Aromatase Inhibitor during a cycle to stop conversion into estrogen and maintain normal levels. Some people don't need it, but it's usually a good idea. I use it every time. Arimidex, aromasin, or letrozole are the common choices.
A++ I appreciate you making me back this one up. I think it's one of the most important pieces of cycle knowledge and it's relatively new to the scene.
You gotta know your shit if you're going to be a responsible drug user, whether that be tylenol or something more illicit. Now, go learn the biochemical pathway of steroid metabolism. That is something I should study up on. Thanks.
Why not just use creatine and protein? They are safer, cheaper (I assume) and more readily accessible. Plus they don't do the damage to your body steroids do. I use both. Yes they are very effective. For my goals, it wasn't enough. Steroids can be used safely, doing no long-term damage. It's a complex process, but it can be done with doctor supervision.
Don't you feel like you're getting artificial results? That seems hardly worth working towards since it's not real, earned progress. Steroids are not 'instant-muscle' drugs. You can take steroids all you want, but without a perfect diet, strict workout regimen, you will see no results. They do amplify my gains, but if you saw how hard I work in the kitchen and the gym to put on the small amount of muscle I do, you would change your mind.
Do you think your steroids use is a result of you not being satisfied with your normal results as a weightlifter? Does that line up with OCD or other psychologically distorting issues? Yes, I have had image problems since youth and this is directly correlated. However, I'm incredibly healthy according to my doctor and I'm relatively happy with how I look, so I'd like to think I beat the image-issue somewhat.
No OCD, ADHD yes. I dont see any correlation, yet.
I think that involving steroids would have something to do with your self-image, the people I know that do steroids also report compulsive behaviour such as OCD, hence why I added that bit. How about relationships? Are you ADHD to the point where no one can keep up with you? My ADHD isn't too bad. I was prescribed adderall, but I hated how boring I became. I like my personality as does my gf. It's tough to get work done sometimes, but I man-up and deal with it.
Could you post some proof please? As said before, I wont indict myself. Steroids are a big no no to the gov't, and I would prefer to keep my freedom, I'm sure you get that. It's ok if you don't believe me, I don't have any motive for doing this other than to share my experiences.
You said you get minimal side effects. What are the effects you get? My side effects have included: Oily skin, mild acne (can be cleared up with acne soap), super boners, sleeplessness, and fatigue.
My only question is would you recommend steroids to someone you care about? A close friend or something of that sort. Yes, but I would make sure that they are of age, do their research, and know what they're getting into. The risk is large, no matter how you slice it.
I feel like this applies to so many drugs but people are just ignorant, even "hard" drugs are fine in moderation, but I'll leave that talk for /drugs. Yes, it's easiest to believe what you have been fed.
Could you point out a few specific resources where one could do some research and learn about responsible use? Most of the things I've seen are rather generic and the standard answer seems to be "Google it". Where could one learn about cycles? Types of steroids? Dosages? >So as steroids are schedule 1 and 2 drugs, the gov't doesn't really allow too many studies to be done. That means that there is very little data out there that is backed scientifically (according to all the doctors I have talked to about bro science vs non). Anecdotal experiences and a few studies is really all the knowledge we have on the matter. There are a few articles in medical journals with good info, but it's limited. has some limited info, but I really like for it's higher quality of information and strong advocacy against ill-founded broscience. I have found that their forums have some very expert users that have seen it all. Before you go digging through forums, find steroid profiles and read up on their history, google should be fine for that or you can use or Once you get to the forums in your research, look at cycle logs and read up on best practices in the stickies area.
What do you think about this article? Http:// There are some good messages here. "you never enjoy it when you're in it, because you don't see yourself for how you really are." Very true. Yes, any body modification is a slippery slope, one just must have self-control and self-respect to do it properly. That's the difference between a fit, toned girl (or guy mensrights) and an anorexic.
How does one even acquire steroids if they dont have any connections what so ever? not that i want to use I'm just curious Make friends with the meat heads at the gym, they know.
I have been interested in using steroids. I kinda went through various weight loss and gains. Starting 7 years ago I went from 180>145>160/170>225 and am currently at about 205-208. I am 5'10" and I don't consider myself extremely overweight, I have a minor build under my fat (I use to lift weights, was never cut like an athlete but had some minor tone) but I'm still unhappy with my weight/look. I wouldn't mind being built or skinny, I just want this fat gone and have limited time to work out due to a full time job and school. Would you recommend steroids to someone in my position to help lose fat quickly? I had heard there was a type of steroid that doesn't bulk you up as much, and mostly just burns fat quicker, is there something like that? Absolutely not. You should have a strict workout regimen and perfect diet along with being close to your genetic maximum capabilities before trying gear. First and foremost, get your diet in check. I know you hate hearing that, but steroids actually cannot burn fat, no matter what anyone says, that is proven. There ARE steroids that work in tandem very effectively with a cutting diet and workout routine, but they dont burn fat, they just keep muscle on you while to cut. If you want to turn to drugs for fat burning, ECA stacks are common. Ephedrine, caffeine, and aspirin. I dont like it bc it makes me feel shitty, but it works for some. If you're really out of control, talk to a weight loss clinic, there are a few options for medications that help with appetite e.g. adderall.
My main thought behind it would be increasing muscle and metabolism to increase fat burn. So do you think if I met the requirements on a diet and workout routine that I would lose fat? Or would it just add muscle initially and start adding muscle behind my fat first? I'm sure in the long run it would, but if I decided to start using I think it would only be one cycle. I could probably fit in a regular workout and diet, but my issue is motivation. I use to spend about 2 hours at the gym 5 days a week when I recently hit about 180, dropped to about 175 but had lowered my BMI and overall inches so I knew that though only 5lbs were lost, I was gaining muscle. This was through dieting and a routine that my trainer put me on, but after a while it became too much to spend almost 2 hours at the gym and trying to balance a personal life. So I guess my next question would be, what type of results do you think I would see if I could get into a 1 hour or so 5-6 days a week routine using steroids for about a month? Hey man, please for the sake of your health and sanity, pump the brakes for a second.
Steroids would just add muscle behind your fat, not help you get rid of the fat, even if it did ultimately raise your resting metabolic rate, you'd have to eat more to keep the muscle, therefore making it all worthless.
READ THIS CAREFULLY: Steroids are not for motivation. One needs to be motivated to get any benefit from steroids. Also, you cannot make any worthwhile gains from a month-long steroid cycle.
A minimum cycle is 8 weeks and that's if you're using short ester test and you'd have to stick yourself every other day. It sounds like you need to get other parts of your life in order before you even consider these types of drugs. If you can't get motivated to keep a regular diet or gym routine for longer than one year, then you're in no way ready for steroids. Not to mention that steroids are not really the right tool for what you're trying to do. It sounds like you are strong underneath your fat and you just want to lose your fat. Steroids do not promote fat loss at all. 1 cup of coffee per day burns more fat than steroids can.
If you get into the gym 5 days a week with a solid routine and fix your diet, you can lose up to 4 pounds of fat per week. You could also put on 5 pounds of muscle in no time. But look man, I get it, when you take a workout drug or supplement, you feel obligated to get in the gym, I get that! So get yourself some protein, some creatine, and a stimulant rich pre-workout supplement like Jack3d or NOxplode, clean up your diet, hit the gym with cardio 3 times a week and you'll melt, I promise. Tell you what, I'll make you a deal. If you can prove to me that you've dropped 15 pounds in the next 2 months, I will personally help you with research and designing a theoretical cycle for the future. k?
How much have your lifts gone up since starting to use steroids? Is is appreciable faster than without steroids? Depending on which steroids you're using, your strength goes way up while you're on cycle (8-12 weeks usually). Your muscles are holding more nitrogen and you all have the willpower and energy to lift more. When you cycle off (stop taking them), your lift maxes go down, but you're definitely stronger than before the cycle.
Are you black or are you just that guy from LOST? Why do you call everyone brother? I'm southern, so I guess, that guy from Lost is the closest to the truth.
are you a priest? Truth be told, I wish reddit was a little more brotherly. There's a fraternal existence here that goes unacknowledged by most here because of fear. I like the gym because everyone is there routing each other on, not hating. But then again, this is the internet.
How long have you been taking steroids? I'm more interested in the diet side because that's what i struggle with most in weightlifting. I'm trying to get stronger for sports but being in college i don't really follow a meal plan except for what's in the college cafeteria. I am interested in starting to cook for myself though. What does your diet look like? or is there any place(website) to find diets for a budget? 2 years on and off. I keep paleo as much as possible with the exception of dairy. Other diet tips in this comment.
This AMA reminded me of this video...Link to So what DO you bench? Haha, I miss Farley. I don't usually max-out, but off-cycle (not using steroids), I would guess about 315.
You don't rep max? How do you base the weights you use for your sets? Don't you base it off your rep max? I actually thought your bench would be much higher. At my peak, my best was around 315 at 180lbs. As mentioned, I dont max often, so I can't deliver my current max. I max about every quarter, just to have points of reference as you mention.
The reason my max is not ungodly is that my goals are not strength, I'm not a football player, nor am I a power lifter. I just want to look and feel good. Putting up that kind of weight CAN damage joints, ligaments, etc, and I don't need high weight maxes for affirmation. Look at olympic power lifters, they're big, but not muscled out like a bodybuilder.
Sure, If I wanted to get my max to 500#, I could, but then what?
Good point. At 240, I'm sure you could do a lot more if that was your goal. Do you find using dumbbells helps with getting cut more so than a straight bar? Dumbells should be part of every routine. It helps build your stabilizing muscles and keeps you symmetrically strong, helping you avoid injury.
How would you know if you were more aggressive? People who have little experience with mood swings often do not recognize they are having mood swings. If you have any self-awareness, you'll know. But you're right in that people who have little experience with mood swings often do not recognize them. It is up to that person to make sure they are extra careful if they decide to use. I had little experience with mood swings when I started and was very paranoid, but I dont change that much. I become more confident, thats all. People around you usually let you know if you're being a dick.
>Steroids just make me more confident in myself, not angry. Most of my fellow users say that steroids just make you more of yourself. If you're an asshole inherently, you'll just be more of an asshole when you take steroids. Unfortunately, the percentage of steroids users that are assholes is higher than gen pop.
What steroids are you using and what are their benefits? I wont disclose what steroids I use, but I will say that Testosterone is the base of most steroid cycles, or should be. I avoid most oral steroids bc they reek havoc on your liver. Each steroid has a different effect and will be used with different goals in mind (getting big, or just ripped, etc). Google can give you more info.
Any reason why you won't disclose what steroids you are using? No, just trying not to indict myself. In the past, I have used Testosterone, anavar, primobolan, trenbolan and anadrol.
My biggest fear of roids is that it enhances balding. Since most men start to have some form of hair recession starting in their 30s, this freaks me out. Do you mind the chance? Ah yes, one of my biggest worries too. Balding runs in my family and I was concerned about losing some hair. I try to avoid steroids that are DHT derivatives like masteron, those are the ones that will be the riskiest. DHT is the cause of balding. Some steroids like Testosterone convert to DHT and can take your hair too. I haven't had any balding yet, but that doesn't mean it's not possible. I keep propecia (DHT blocker for balding) on-hand in case, but so far, I haven't had any problems. It's just a risk thats all part of the steroid choice.
Do you ever feel you're cheating your way to the top? Steroids aren't miracle drugs. One must still work VERY hard to put on muscle and stay ripped, so no, I don't feel like I'm cheating. Also, I reached my genetic maximum before I started steroids, so the results I'm getting now is all bonus. It's like not using cheat codes until after you've beaten the game.
What's the point in using them anyway, it's not like everyone else doesn't know? No, no one knows, they just think I love working out. I've always been pretty big, so it's never been questioned.
Good points. and im sure that someone would have to be deep into the addiction and do them for years for the negative effects to happen. do you or have you used creatine? The risk still exists, if you overdose on certain steroids, you could hypothetically flip out in your first week of steroids. Once again, abuse vs responsible use.
I do use creatine, I like it, monohydrate only. I cycle that too.
Gday, was there any particular source that you got all your information? I am finding that there is alot on the net to sift through. Kind of hard sometimes to tell whats legit and whats not. I sifted through the net for about a year, talked to doctors, both endocrinologists and 'anti-aging' docs, talked to my father who is on TRT, read the few studies that are out there, etc. A really good place for solid information is The stickies on the boards are pretty accurate.
What kind of gains have you seen? I started fat at about 300 pounds worked my way down to 200, then back up to 240 ish adding mass and a touch of fat. Tripling strength.
Do you keep much of the mass or stregth when you are off cycle? I keep 80% of my mass on most cycles. Water loss is most of that 20% but I take on a lot of water naturally. I don't keep as much of the strength, but that's to be expected. It also depends on which steroids you run, with how much mass/strength you keep.
Did it effect your dick? No effect on the dick, just the drive. I got hornier on cycle, less horny coming off cycle, normal two weeks after cycle ended.
Reading seems to be the best thing to do. Did you push your body as far as you could naturally before you went the route of steroids? Yes, I did. There's no need to be on steroids otherwise. Your body is ready to make muscle, but growth slows once you reach a certain point. That takes years though.
You say you hold multiple degrees and have a high IQ, but in your username you spell vegans wrong? Yeah, I was rushing and totally spelled it wrong. Thanks for the heads-up.
So basically should I take it if I wanna bulk fast? Also upvoted, thanks for answer. I dont advocate taking steroids. I just advocate responsible use if you decide to do so. You need to have a lot of things in place before taking steroids. You dont want to take them just bc you want to bulk fast. If fast is even your vocabulary, then you need to bulk naturally for a while before using gear. I only use steroids bc I reached close to my genetic peak and couldn't get bigger naturally. I didnt use them to bulk fast, I use them to bulk.
Last updated: 2012-03-24 02:46 UTC
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