Garmin para blacberry bold 2

Pegar um notebook com Linux para estudar programação?

2024.05.14 23:40 elfohenrique Pegar um notebook com Linux para estudar programação?

Seguinte, já tenho um PC potente para o que preciso (alguns jogos mais pesados e estudos). Porém, minha empresa está com uma campanha pros funcionários: eles vão definir um modelo de notebook na faixa de R$2.000 a R$2.500, e os funcionários que quiserem eles pagam metade do valor e a outra metade parcela em 10x (descontando direto na folha de pagamento), sendo então um desconto de 50% no valor do notebook.
Pensei em talvez pegar e utilizar apenas para estudos, e colocar linux nele (já que aparentemente dev de verdade usa linux).
Sinceramente, acredito que ter um ambiente específico para estudos, sem jogos instalados, talvez me ajude a ter mais foco.
Vocês acham que vale a pena?
submitted by elfohenrique to computadores [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:35 Sad-Transition4136 Amigos con derechos?

Hace unas semanas conocí a un chico (soy hombre) en mis corridas nocturnas, digamos que toda esa semana, platicábamos por teléfono solamente, la semana siguiente me invitó a su casa, el por su trabajo, esa semana tenía que ir en el turno de la noche, entonces yo me ofrecí a llevarlo de lunes a miércoles, el punto es que el lunes nos vimos, pasó lo que tenía que pasar, luego fuimos a un oxxo (tienda de conveniencia) y pues ambos agarramos algo, aunque se ofreció a pagar lo mío, yo le dije que no (esto será relevante más tarde) y ya después lo llevé a su trabajo, el martes de la misma manera, el miércoles, me invita a comer a su casa, llego directo a su cuarto porque tenía un trabajo pendiente, va al oxxo a comprar bebidas, me pregunta que es lo que quiero, cenamos y luego ya lo llevo a su trabajo, el jueves ya no fue a trabajar, solo estuvimos en su casa, ya algo noche fuimos por un elote, pero al momento de pagar pues no dijo nada, terminé pagando yo pero no sé, me molestó un poco el hecho que no haya dicho nada acerca del pago, pero no le di importancia porque anteriormente ya me había ofrecido a pagar el y pues me había invitado a cenar. Siguiendo con la historia, ese día me quedé a dormir con el, me bañé en su depa y ya me fui yo al trabajo, cabe aclarar que tanto jueves ni viernes salió de su depa. Entonces el viernes yo estaba bien casando porque toda esa semana pues dormí tarde, pero el insistía de ir a un parque para que se despejara y así, total, terminamos yendo, y nos regresamos, nos acostamos y posteriormente nos dormimos, el sábado tenía un curso en la mañana, lo cual pues como no había llegado a mi depa el día anterior, me levanté en la mañana y ya me fui a mi depa a bañarme y cambiarme, me fui al curso y me regresé a mi depa, lo cual me manda mensaje diciendo que que hacía que pidiera una pizza y me veía en mi depa, lo cual pues no me latió tanto y le dije que unos amigos me habían invitado a comer, total, saliendo de la "comida", me fui a su depa, estuvimos un rato y me tenía que ir porque tenía otro compromiso y ya casi al final me dice que le compre una nieve, que lo lleve a comprarla, lo cual pues tampoco sé mi hizo bien (creo que el tema también es porque pues al final de cuentas solo somos "amigos" y nada más), total, como pude me zafé y me fui, terminando mi evento, me pidió que si lo llevaba a un lugar que quedaba cerca de mi depa lo cual pues de nuevo, tampoco se me hizo bien jaja, no sé si aquí estoy mal o lo veo de una percepción como no quiero que me lastimen y por eso pongo un bloqueo o no sé, pero bueno, después de decirle que no, me dio lástima y le dije que si, que lo podía llevar, a lo cual me dijo que no, que le había pedido el favor a un amigo y listo, desde ahí me dejo de contestar los mensajes y toda la siguiente semana no hablamos.
Paso al siguiente viernes, una semana después le digo que si podemos hablar, y en resumidas cuentas, no quiso sentir que yo sentía que se aprovechaba de mi, por lo cual se alejó, y yo le dije que pues okay, podíamos seguir como estábamos pero pues con algunos límites a lo cual se negó, pero al final me invitó a salir a un bar al que iría, lo cual accedí, fuimos pero toda la noche estuvo como viendo a otros lados, digo era como una fiesta literal, pero pues yo iba por el y el no, total, sábado y domingo literal le sacaba las palabras a fuerzas, pero logré que saliéramos el domingo, pasé por el, fuimos a un parque, después a mi depa, y creo que el espera que lo mimen, por sus actitudes y todo eso, lo cual pues yo espero eso de un hombre jaja, no me consideraría o bueno, preferiría que yo fuera al que mimen, total, ese día volvimos a hablar y me dijo que para no lastimarnos, quede como amigos solamente, a lo cual accedí.
Siguiendo con la semana, hemos estado hablando pero, pues no es lo mismo, la verdad a veces siento que dice cosas que no tienen nada que ver, me recalca mucho el hecho de que solamente somos amigos, lo cual pues ya entendí, pero hubo algo que me saltó, fue el sábado, estábamos hablando de los planes que cada uno tenía ese día, le dije que pues estaba ocupado con un festejo, a lo cual el me dijo que el tenía 2 fiestas, y que lo iba a acompañar a una, y le dije "¿no me pones atención o que?", respondiendo al mensaje de que pues estaba ocupado, a lo que respondió "ah okay, está bien" y ya no le contesté hasta ayer, que hemos platicado igual meh....
La pregunta es, sigo intentando algo, o simplemente fluyo, o corto de tajo, qué me recomiendan hacer?
submitted by Sad-Transition4136 to ConsejosDePareja [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:34 mcgajose First watch help!

Hello, I am in the market for my 1st Garmin watch, primarily for the tracking of fitness and sleep/recovery related metrics, which it would appear they all do. My 1st instinct was to jump in at the deep end with an Epix Pro gen 2 Sapphire, however after doing a bit of research I don't think I can justify the price point for the plethora of features that I will likely never use. I could probably get away with a forerunner 55, and given that it is my 1st Garmin this would probably be a good start point, but I'd rather something that would cover everything I would like to use it for. Looking at instinct 2 as an option as I believe it has golf capabilities, drawback looks only to be the black and white screen, which probably isn't too much of a deal breaker, although would prefer a nicer screen if my budget allows.
I play golf, padel, weight train and I'm looking to get out on my bike more. Ideally would like to keep it under £300. Any help would be much appreciated!
submitted by mcgajose to Garmin [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:33 Making_flowers [US-MD][H]SO MANY NEW HUGE ARRIVALS AND PRICE DROPS, PLEASE HELP I CAN’T STOP: Major Keys, Minor Keys, Iconic Covers and Silver Age, Golden Age, Horror, a bit of everything. $10 issue included free with purchase. [W] PayPal

Adding new books every week! Added an inventory list (newly arrived issues in bold at the top) then you can scroll further for more details on condition and key facts. I’m always open to bundle deals and reasonable offers.
I’ve also taken on a lot of random fillers as I fill inventory, so I’ll be including a random comic valued around $10 in each order. Just some examples of the issues I will randomly include in packages:
I’m selling off a portion of the collection to fund the next portion of the collection. Still looking for enablers! These prices include shipping (Gemini mailers whenever possible). I've tried to provide condition explanations, photos of everything (even the ones below $100) and detailed photos.
Please take a look. Up to 7 imgur albums at this point to cover it all: (Newly Listed Items)
Inventory (new items since last post at the top in bold, scroll below list for details on each):
Amazing Spider-Man #33 - 1966 - Classic story and iconic cover. You know it, I know it.: $190
This iconic book is in good to great shape, see the photos for the details. Solidly attached and great colors.
Amazing Spider-Man #98 - 1971 - Non-Code Approved Drug Issue, Green Goblin cover: $66
Great condition. Some minor wear and ticks on the spine, but overall a great, beautiful, solid book.
Amazing Spider-Man #121 -1973 - Death of Gwen Stacy: $200
The cover is worn, has some holes but despite that the staples are attached,colors are good, and everything is attached and complete. The inside looks good, too. See photos for details.
Amazing Spider-Man #361 Newsstand - 1992 - First appearance of Carnage - Slice at top, $38
Here's a tragedy. This otherwise beautiful high grade major key book has a clean scissor cut at the top through the whole book. Included photos and closeups.
Journey into Mystery #125 - 1966 - Iconic cover and last Journey into Mystery before Thor title change: $49
Very good condition, has a small chip out of the bottom left cover but other than some cover wear it’s just a solid book with great colors.
Early Man-Thing lot: Astonishing Tales #13, Adventure into Fear #11-13: $80 (willing to split this lot up)
Third cover appearance of Man-Thing in awesome condition. The Fear 11-13 are in good condition, but a little more worn than the Astonishing.
Flash #113 - 1960 - First appearance and origin of the Trickster: $75
This one looks good until you realize it has tape up the spine holding the loose staples on. Included pictures of the staples and tape. It is complete and has good colors otherwise, but still low grade because of the tape/staple issue.
Werewolf by Night #8 - 1973 - Has Mark Jewelers insert included: $26
Is in great shape and includes a Mark Jewelers insert making this regular issue a little more rare.
Werewolf by Night #18 - 1974 - $22
Worn condition but great colors. See photos.
House of Secrets #91 - 1971 - Iconic Neal Adams cover: $32
Book is in great condition. There is some minor chipping on a portion of the bottom edge of the cover but other than the wear on the cover it is a beautiful book.
Amazing Adventures #13, #16 & #17 - $42
Good to great condition on these Beast issues, including the Juggernaut vs Beast cover. Bundle with Amazing Adventures #11 (first furred Beast) and I'll give you a great deal.
Invaders #31 - 1978 - Frankenstein is a Nazi. Come on: $17
In awesome condition. Also did I mention Captain America fights Nazi Frankenstein?
Action Comics #263 - 1960 - Last appearance of Bizarro world. End of Bizarro world not told. Not good deal.: $33
Cover has pen on it and is worn but interiors are good, complete and attached and colors are great.
Giant Size Chillers #1 - 1975 - John Romita art: $20
Not the more valuable 1974 with Drac but this is in awesome condition and still some great classic horror.
Daredevil #184 Newsstand - 1982 - Iconic cover: $22
In fantastic condition. Newsstand variant that has been very well kept.
Astonishing Tales featuring Dr. Doom & Kazar #1 - 1970 - First issue in series: $15
In great condition. Great colors and quality. Doctor Doom.
Detective Comics #355 and 2 copies of #375 - $25
Some classic old Batman. Good but a cleaning is needed on 355, two copies of 375 one clean and great condition one worn in but complete and attached.
Green Lantern #59 - 1968 - First appearance of Guy Gardner: $125
Worn but complete. Attached at top staple, bottom staple detached.
Wolverine (1988) #1 - 1988 - Can’t have the 1982? Take this instead!: $65
Also in awesome condition. Very, very clean.
Amazing Spider-Man #29 - 1965 - SLAB CGC 4.5 - Second Scorpion: $140
Slabbed. See photos.
Amazing Spider-Man #40 - 1966 - Origin of the Green Goblin, Iconic Cover: $185
Looks great, clean, bright colors. Complete and solidly attached. See photos
Amazing Spider-Man #64- 1968 - Romita Spider-Man vs. Vulture Cover: $90
Great condition. Bright awesome colors.
Amazing Spider-Man #72 - 1969 - Shocker cover: $35
Is a bit worn and the centerfold is detached (see photos). But it is complete and still has good colors on the interior.
X-Men #221 - 1987 - First Appearance of Mister Sinister: $75
Awesome condition. Just a couple of minor spine ticks. Other than that, beautiful. See photos.
X-Men #4 - 1992 - First Appearance of Omega Red: $20
Awesome condition. Not even any spine ticks. See photos
Daredevil #157 (Newsstand) - 1979: $15
Awesome condition. No spine ticks, creases, color breaks or bends.
Daredevil #164 (Newsstand) - 1980 - Iconic Cover: $55
In awesome condition. Great colors on cover despite all the white. No spine ticks, creases, color breaks or bends.
Plastic Man #1 (#19 free with purchase) - 1966 - First appearance of Plastic Man (son of original): $41
Hole in cover, worn, needs a cleaning. But come on, it’s Plastic Man!
Detective Comics #259 - 1958 - First Appearance of Calendar Man: $175
Worn but expected for its age. Solid staples and fully attached. Great colors.
Batman Annual #14 - 1990 - Iconic Neal Adams Two-Face Cover, Origin of Two-Face: $15
Amazing condition, almost unused. See photos.
Detective Comics #324 (1964) and Batman #410 (1987) - $32
324 in good condition but could use a clean and press. Batman 410 is in awesome condition, but considering the prices of these I figured I’d just throw them together.
Amazing Adventures #11 - 1972 - First furry beast: $100
In awesome condition. Minor, tiny blemish (possibly a tape pull?) on the bottom of the A on cover. See photo, but very tiny blemish.
Incredible Hulk #105 - 1968 - First appearance of Missing Link, iconic cover: $45
In really good condition, with minor wear to the cover and some breaking on it. White interiors, solidly attached, great colors.
Incredible Hulk #179 - 1974: $15
In great condition.
Incredible Hulk #250 (Newsstand) - 1980 - Iconic Hulk vs. Silver Surfer cover: $38
Awesome condition. See photos.
Tales of Suspense #94 - 1967 - First appearance of M.O.D.O.K.: $50
In good condition, with a little edge wear and marks on the cover in places. Other than that it has bright clean pages and good colors.
Captain America #110 - 1969 - Rick Jones dons Bucky Costume, first appearance of Madame Hydra: $60
Iconic Jim Steranko cover and art. In OK condition, a bit worn, could definitely use a cleaning. See photos.
Flash #129 - 1962 - First team-up of golden age Flash and silver age Flash; first appearance of golden age Green Lantern and JSA in silver age: $95
Good condition! Very solid, great colors, complete and attached.
Flash #147 - 1964 - Second appearance of Professor Zoom: $95
Good condition! Very solid, great colors, complete and attached.
Aquaman #11 - 1963 - First appearance of Mera: $95
Worn condition but solid, complete and attached.
Mystery in Space #68 - 1961 - 10c Comic Goodness: $25
Cover is detached, but hey, it’s a 10c comic. Otherwise good colors and pages.
Strange Adventures #138 - 1962: $18
Good condition, good colors.
Golden and Silver Age Lot of 12- $85
Came into a lot of worn golden and silver books I know little about. Would like to offload them all together, so take a look at the album. Includes Little Lulu, Cheyenne Kid, the Flintstones, Tarzan, some other Gold Key and Dell stuff and an Adventures book from 1945. Did some research to get prices, take a look.
Tower of Shadows Annual #1 - 1971 - Romita cover and Neal Adams art: $25
Great condition. Good colors, solid book.
Dead of Night #1 - 1973 - Romita art: $35
Really great condition, with a minor color rub or stain or something (can’t tell what) to a spot on the bottom of the front cover and top of the back. Fantastic colors, white pages.
Tomb of Dracula #27 and #63 - $23
Non-key issues in great condition, just throwing together to move.
Sub-Mariner #15 and #31 - Silver Age Namor bundle: $22
Great colors and interiors. Fading on spine cover on #15, #31 in great condition, see photos.
Marvel Feature #1 - 1971 - Origin & First Defenders: $49
Has tape pull on cover, subscription crease color break (see photos)
Fantastic Four #150 - 1974 - Wedding of Crystal and Quicksilver: $25
In awesome condition. No spine ticks, creases, color breaks or bends.
Tales to Astonish #58 - 1964 - Silver age Giant Man: $19
Worn condition but complete and attached. See photos.
Marvel Team-Up Annual #2 - 1978 - Spider-Man & The Hulk team-up: $30
In awesome condition. No spine ticks, creases, color breaks or bends.
Spider-Man vs. Wolverine #1 - 1987 - Death of First Hobgoblin: $19
Awesome condition. Pressable non-color breaking crease on back cover. See photos
submitted by Making_flowers to comicswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:33 Fit-Programmer3735 Voz do consumidor - Inquéritos pagos com Vouchers Pingo Doce e Fnac

Voz do consumidor - Inquéritos pagos com Vouchers Pingo Doce e Fnac
As vezes que experimentei sites de inquéritos tive má experiência. Muito tempo perdido em perguntas de pré-seleção para no fim ser rejeitado, e quando aprovado, eram inquéritos muito extensos para ganhar uns cêntimos.
Há um ano registei-me na Voz do Consumidor. Só recebi uns 7 inquéritos e só tive oportunidade de responder a 2.
Por 2 inquéritos recebi um vale de 5 euros no Pingo Doce.
Pagam em média 2.5€ por inquérito, aqueles que fiz demoraram uns 12/13 minutos, acho razoável.
É uma forma fácil de ganhar uns trocos pontualmente.
Os ganhos só podem ser levantados em vales do Pingo Doce ou Fnac, assim não precisam de ser declarados fiscalmente.
O montante mínimo para levantamento é baixo: 5€, por isso bastam 2 inquéritos para fazer um levantamento.
Se alguém se quiser inscrever pode usar o meu código de amigo:
Link sem ref:
Prova de pagamento:
submitted by Fit-Programmer3735 to BeermoneyTuga [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:31 The_Chess_Pest (x-post) How common was infilitration as a part of Medieval sieges?

I posted this on AskHistorians, but figured this was a good place for it too, given that I am asking about historical military methods. Do let me know if this is off-topic though.
I am mainly interested in Medieval Europe, but anything regarding the rest of the world is fine. By infiltration, I mean sneaking in (or bribing someone already inside), and undermining the defenses from the inside (of the fortress or fortified city). An example scenario would be sneaking in a few men through deliveries of supplies, having them hide in the city with some food and water to sustain themselves, and once the besieging army is close, they would kill the gate keepers and open/destroy the gate. Another example would involve infilitration and then siezing the liege (or their family) and holding them hostage until they order the opening of the gates.
I haven't seen that much mention of infiltration in texts about sieges. Of course, there is the famous Trojan horse example. Then there's the perhaps more dubious account of the siege of Luna in 860, in which some Vikings pretended to be Christians wanting to bury their dying chieftain inside the city. According to the account, this worked, and the siege began from the inside. Apparently, they eventually reached the city walls and let in the greater besieging force.
As far as I can tell, this Wikipedia article on siegeing only mention infiltration in a single sentence:
"This [sieging] is typically coupled with attempts to reduce the fortifications by means of siege engines, artillery bombardment, mining (also known as sapping), or the use of deception or treachery to bypass defenses." (bold by me)
It appears infiltration wasn't that common. I can think of some reasons why it wouldn't be common, but also reasons why it would.
Why it should have been common:
  1. Infilitration is inexpensive in resources and time compared to other methods of besiegement.
  2. Infilitration sometimes does not require special knowledge, skills and tools, but other methods of besiegement almost always does. As such, infilitration is method someone without all that much could attempt.
If one is trying to infiltrate a city/fortress whilst acting as someone with no bad intentions, one must be able to act, know enough about the role one is acting as, and if infilitrating a foreign city/fortress, one would often have to be (or act as) a native of the region, which could also be rare ability/trait for members of the besieging force. So, 2. is not universally true, but I would think more often true than other methods of besiegement.
Why it should not have been common:
  1. Infilitration is scary and dangerous; not everyone would want that job.
  2. Infilitrating men could be taken captive and tortured for information hurting the besieging force.
  3. The city/fortress could know about the besiegeing force's proximity, and thus be alert, checking all supplies and people that go through the gate; or perhaps, they let nothing and no-one in and take from storages instead.
  4. The internal security could be so good that infilitrators wouldn't be effective anyways, unless they were so numerous that getting all of them in would be harder than just normal besiegement.
  5. Maybe infilitration wasn't as glorious/gracious/pious as other methods of besiegement to many of the Medieval cultures/religions?
So, my question is this:
How (un)common was infilitration as a siege method, and why was it that (un)common?
submitted by The_Chess_Pest to MilitaryHistory [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:30 Sharp_Net_6836 Primeira guitarra

Pretendo comprar minha primeira guitarra daqui a uns 2 ou 3 meses. Por enquanto estou pesquisando modelos e preços. Sou canhoto e não tenho tantas opções de modelo disponíveis para comprar. Recentemente vi uma Ibanez rg370dxl usada e gostei mas não sei se seria uma boa primeira guitarra por conta da ponte flutuante. Também vi uma Ibanez RGA42FM nova, essa possui ponte fixa, porém ela me parece inferior à RG370dxl e também é mais cara. Também gostei de uma vintage afd v100 porém o fato de ser uma guitarra que lembra um determinado guitarrista (slash) me incomoda, pois não quero que olhem para a guitarra e falem que é a guitarra do slash. (Eu gosto de guns and roses e do slash, o que me incomoda é ter uma guitarra que lembra outro guitarrista, tipo aquelas jem jr que qualquer um que olha a guitarra vai lembrar do steve vai na hora). O que acham, a RG370 é uma boa guitarra para começar? A ponte flutuante vai atrapalhar muito?
submitted by Sharp_Net_6836 to guitarras [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:28 Intelligent-Oven-753 Gostaria de ajuda

Sou falso magro, 57kg, 169cm. Sou muito ruim para engordar, até me esforço mas é bem difícil. Eu só quero vestir uma camiseta M sem ficar afogado dentro dela. Voltei a focar no treino e fazer uma dieta de hipertrofia (eu não sou iniciante, já estou nessa há muito tempo, mas não tenho mts resultados haha). Voltei a tomar hipercalórico (5 scoops) e creatina (1 scoop) no pré-treino. No pós-treino, estou fazendo uma vitamina com 2 bananas + aveia + mel + 2 colheres de pasta de amendoim + 2 scoops de extrato de soja e umas 2 colheres de leite (quando tem). Durante o dia como batata doce e outras refeições q n vou aprofundar aqui. Devo focar em carboidratos? Esses dois shakes que eu citei anteriormente ajudam a ganhar peso? Tenho receio de estar achando o suficiente e não ver resultados. Gostaria de qualquer dica que vocês tiverem... seja de alimentos ou outra coisa. Ah! e eu não entendo de cutting, bulking, etc...
submitted by Intelligent-Oven-753 to Maromba [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:26 Civil-Wrangler-6997 Question about House Construction

Hello, guys!
Sa mga nagpagawa na ng bahay dito. May I know magkano yung labor cost na umabot? We're planning kase to build a house. We have the complete floor plan na. 100 sqm floor area lang, 2 storey. Nagpa-quote kami para sa construction labor cost ng bahay namin and they’re asking for 2.5M. Yung total project cost kasama na lahat ng labor daw is 6.6M. I'm just checking if this sounds right or kung may mga insights kayo about sa cost ng construction ng bahay.
Salamat in advance sa mga sasagot :)
submitted by Civil-Wrangler-6997 to phinvest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:26 Kazuha_21 Worst Freedive experience Evolve Diving PH, Batangas

I've been to more than 5 places in Batangas for freediving, but this place is the worst that I have to create a post about it.
As an anxious person I am booking my adventures and gala ahead of time, like 2 weeks before nag bayad na ako ng downpayment sa kanila, Since 2 groups kami and iba iba yung kukunin na package ng mga kasama ko I created a very detailed list for them and also called them kasi nalilito yung kausap ko sa page nila. After ng call okay na and na clarify na yung booking namin.
1 DAY BEFORE the event, biglang nabigay daw nila ung isang house na binook namin kasi nalito daw sya. Sent him the screenshot of our conversation na sobrang clear ng usap namin. Then ayun okay na daw nagawan na ng paraan sa iba nalang daw pag stastayin ung mga tao na nilagay nila sa house.
Nag message ulit kinabukasan, di na daw talaga pwede kasi may senior daw dun sa isang group na nilagay nila dun sa house na dapat samin, di daw kasi kakayanin ng seniors umakyat dun sa alternative kubo rooms. Parang kami pa may kasalanan sa pagiging super irresonsible nila. They offered discount of 2k sa accomodation pero sobrang di worth it kasi ang laki ng difference ng accomodation, wala pang sariling banyo ung mga kubo.
We arrived at saturday night kala ko dun na mag tatapos kalbaryo namin. Mawawalan daw ng kuryente kinabukasan 6am to 6pm. So almost 3hrs lang tulog namin kasi late na kami naka settle around 3am and nagising kami ng 6am kasi pinagpapawisan na kami. Alam kong di nila kasalanan kung mawawalan ba ng kuryente pero responsibility nila na I warn kami ahead of time and dapat meron man lang silang generator or something to make the guests comfortable man lang.
Sabi ko pa "Imagine kung nawalan pa ng tubig eh no, sobrang swerte naman natin" Nawalan rin ng tubig that day kasi nag rerely ata yung water system nila sa electricity.
And guess what, wala man lang silang poso or backup na drum ng tubig para sa guest if ever mangyari to. Umuwi kaming lahat ng walang ligo, sobrang lagkit, nainitan.
They gave us 300 discount each dahil sa nangyari, at that point sobrang manhid na ako di ko na kaya magalit sa kanila kasi sobrang trahedya ng nangyari.
Eto bonus pa, clear naman na sinabi ko sa kanila na ang pakay naman dun is yung SCHOOL OF JACKS, yung na nga yung sole reason kung bat namin pinili tong resort na to kasi tapat lang nila yun. The day na pumunta kami may mga maritime na nagtratraining sa area kung san tumatambay yung jacks, and bawal pumunta don. Triny nila pakiusapan pero di sila pinayagan.
Sana man lang na warn nila kami about dun, responsibility rin nila naman na alamin ung mga ganong bagay kasi inassure na nila guests nila. Sana nakapag cancel pa kami diba kung sinabi nila na di rin naman namin makikita yung jacks.
Be careful when booking your dive at this place, sobrang irresponsible, walang social awareness yung may ari, sobrang bastos na ng ginawa niya sa amin, tas kung kausapin kami kala mo wala siyang atraso, kala nya mga bata lang kami na madaling mabilog. Sobrang inhospitable ng lugar na to grabe, di lang sa diving pero sa buong experience ko sa pagbobook ng hotel eto talaga WORST.
Be careful when booking to this place.
submitted by Kazuha_21 to FreediversPH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:21 yeet_lord_40000 Layout issue with a card I've mde for list view data display?

Hello. For some reason I have an issue with some of my code. I have a card that I made to display data but no matter what I cannot get rid of a small offset on the top of the parent container. I've tried expanded, cosntraints, intrinsic height, and no changes to the result. It seems like there's just a block or something I am missing in the code but for the life of me can't find. I wanted to get some exterrnal opinions and see if any other eyes could catch something I missed or suggest a change. I will post the code and then a link to see how the issue appears in the UI.
Link to see UI:
body: Padding( padding:, child: StreamBuilder( stream:, builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot snapshot) { if (snapshot.hasData && != null) { List events =!.docs; return ListView.builder( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(0), shrinkWrap: true, itemCount: events.length, itemBuilder: (context, index) { Map eventData = events[index].data() as Map; //STREAM BUILDER CODE BLOCK return Container( padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(0, 0, 1, 0), height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height * 0.5, width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width, margin: const EdgeInsets.all(15.0), decoration: BoxDecoration( border: Border.all(color:, borderRadius: const BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(20.0)), color: const Color.fromARGB(255, 70, 69, 69), ), child: ListTile( contentPadding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(0, 0, 0, 8), title: Row( mainAxisAlignment:, crossAxisAlignment:, children: [ Container( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(0), decoration: BoxDecoration( border: Border.all(color:, borderRadius: const BorderRadius.only( topLeft: Radius.circular(20.0), bottomLeft: Radius.circular(20.0), ), color: const Color.fromARGB(255, 252, 252, 252), ), width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width * 0.2, height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height * 0.9, child: Column( children: [ SizedBox( height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height * 0.005, ), Text( DateFormat('MMM').format( (eventData['Event_date'] as Timestamp) .toDate()), // Example: 'FRI' style: const TextStyle( fontSize: 30, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, ), ), const RotatedBox( quarterTurns: -4, child: Text( '-', style: TextStyle( fontSize: 30, ), ), ), RotatedBox( quarterTurns: -4, child: Text( DateFormat('dd').format( (eventData['Event_date'] as Timestamp) .toDate()), style: const TextStyle( fontSize: 30, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, ), ), ), const RotatedBox( quarterTurns: -4, child: Text( '-', style: TextStyle( fontSize: 30, ), ), ), RotatedBox( quarterTurns: -4, child: Text( DateFormat('yyyy').format( (eventData['Event_date'] as Timestamp) .toDate()), style: const TextStyle( fontSize: 30, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, ), ), ), const RotatedBox( quarterTurns: -4, child: Text( '-', style: TextStyle( fontSize: 30, ), ), ), const RotatedBox( quarterTurns: -4, child: Text( 'VAR', style: TextStyle( fontSize: 30, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold, ), ), ), const RotatedBox( quarterTurns: -4, child: Text( '-', style: TextStyle( fontSize: 30, ), ), ), RotatedBox( quarterTurns: -4, child: Icon( Icons.emoji_events, size: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width * 0.1, ), ), ], ), ), Flexible( child: Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.start, children: [ LayoutBuilder( builder: (context, constraints) { return Container( padding: const EdgeInsets.all(0), decoration: const BoxDecoration( borderRadius: BorderRadius.only( topRight: Radius.circular(20.0), ), ), height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height * 0.2, width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width * 1.0, child: FlutterMap( // ignore: prefer_const_constructors options: MapOptions( initialCenter: // ignore: prefer_const_constructors LatLng(51.509364, -0.128928), initialZoom: 11.2, ), children: [ TileLayer( urlTemplate: '{z}/{x}/{y}.png', userAgentPackageName: '', ), ], ), ); }, ), SizedBox( height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height * 0.005, ), Row( children: [ const Icon( Icons.check_circle, color:, ), SizedBox( width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width * 0.005, ), const Text( '1', style: TextStyle( fontSize: 20, color: Colors.white, ), ), SizedBox( height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height * 0.005, ), const Icon( Icons.cancel, color:, ), SizedBox( height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height * 0.005, ), const Text( '0', style: TextStyle( fontSize: 20, color: Colors.white, ), ), ], ), SizedBox( height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height * 0.005, ), Row( children: [ const Icon(, color: Colors.white, ), SizedBox( height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height * 0.005, ), Text( '${eventData['Event_location']}', // Example: 'mira mesa high school' style: const TextStyle( fontSize: 20, color: Colors.white, ), ), ], ), SizedBox( height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height * 0.005, ), Row( children: [ const Icon( Icons.departure_board, color: Colors.white, ), SizedBox( height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height * 0.005, ), Text( DateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd @ HH:mm').format( (eventData['Event_date'] as Timestamp) .toDate()), // Convert timestamp to DateTime style: const TextStyle( fontSize: 20, color: Colors.white, ), ), ], ), SizedBox( height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height * 0.005, ), Row( children: [ const Icon( Icons.event_busy, color: Colors.white, ), SizedBox( height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height * 0.005, ), Text( DateFormat('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm').format( (eventData['Event_end'] as Timestamp) .toDate()), // Convert style: const TextStyle( fontSize: 20, color: Colors.white, ), ), ], ), SizedBox( height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height * 0.005, ), Row( children: [ const Icon(, color: Colors.white, ), SizedBox( height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height * 0.05, ), const Text( 'Uniform', style: TextStyle( fontSize: 20, color: Colors.white, ), ), ], ), SizedBox( height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height * 0.005, ), Row( children: [ const Icon( Icons.text_snippet, color: Colors.white, ), SizedBox( height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height * 0.05, ), Text( '${eventData['Coach_notes']}', style: const TextStyle( fontSize: 20, color: Colors.white, ), ), ], ), ], ), ), ], ), )); }, ); } else { return const Center( child: CircularProgressIndicator(), // Placeholder while data is being fetched ); } }, ), ), 
submitted by yeet_lord_40000 to flutterhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:21 MarianoRegadio Recomendaciones para comprar DESDE el exterior y enviar a Argentina?

Buenas tardes gente! Que tal? Escribo este post porque estoy analizando la idea de comprar cosas desde el exterior y traerlas a Argentina vía courier. He escuchado y leído muy buenas reviews sobre BringIt Import.
Básicamente tengo 2 opciones. Comprar yo el producto directamente desde Amazon, Ebay, etc.. y enviarlo con dirección al Warehouse del courier. La otra opción es pagar directamente al courier, sumando honorarios, etc. para que ellos compren directamente y se encarguen de todo.
Explico todo esto porque me surge la siguiente duda: Al momento de pagahacer transferencia, que app/banco/billetera virtual recomiendan para transferir por fuera de Argentina y evitarme el impuesto pais? Solo conozco Paypal y he escuchado sobre Utoppia. Algunas otras apps que conozcan para saltear ese impuesto inmundo? Espero sus respuestas, muchas gracias!
submitted by MarianoRegadio to AskArgentina [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:13 venones MemCard PRO 2 Novo firmware upload automativo de saves para nuvem com google drive!

MemCard PRO 2 Novo firmware upload automativo de saves para nuvem com google drive! submitted by venones to PlaystationBrasilPSX [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:13 venones MemCard PRO 2 Novo firmware upload automativo de saves para nuvem com google drive!

MemCard PRO 2 Novo firmware upload automativo de saves para nuvem com google drive! submitted by venones to HardLevel [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:10 AdorableMammoth6740 Title ideas for the Bat-Family Saga

  1. The Brave and The Bold
  2. Under The Red Hood
  3. Battle for the Cowl
  4. Batman Incorporated
submitted by AdorableMammoth6740 to DCU_ [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:00 NaTrave [Match Thread] Copa Sul-Americana: Racing-URU x Nacional-PAR

[Pré-Jogo] Racing-URU x Nacional-PAR

Gols Racing-URU: N/D Gols Nacional-PAR: N/D
Copa Sul-Americana - Fase de grupos Estádio: Centenario Data: 14 de Maio de 2024, 19:00 Transmissão: N/D Link para Live Match Thread
Racing-URU (3-4-3) Nacional-PAR (4-3-3)
Odriozola, Gastón Bueno, Magallanes, Lucas Monzón, Erik de los Santos, Lucas Rodríguez, Varela, Martín Ferreira, Urretaviscaya, Nandín, Verón Antony Silva, Juan Luis Alfaro, Claudio Núñez, Ojeda, Rivas, Juan Fernando Alfaro, Santacruz, Blas Cáceres, Gustavo Caballero, Bailone, Diego Duarte
Suplentes: Suplentes:
Bacchia, Agustín Pereira, Quiñónez, Thiago Espinosa, Emiliano Méndez, Airala, Santiago Mederos, Gorocito, Rivero, Alaniz, Severo, Alexander Hernández Galarza, Blasi, Fabricio Romero, Benegas, Orzusa, Jhosías Campss, Velazco, Marcelo González, Vargas, Alan Gómez, Gaona Lugo, Arévalo
Técnico: Eduardo Espinel Técnico: Víctor Bernay
Arbitragem: Gery Vargas (Árbitro Principal), José Antelo (Assistente 1), Juan Montaño (Assistente 2), Adriana Farfan (Quarto Árbitro)


submitted by NaTrave to futebol [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:00 NaTrave [Match Thread] Taça Conmebol Libertadores: LDU x Junior Barranquilla

[Pré-Jogo] LDU x Junior Barranquilla

Gols LDU: N/D Gols Junior Barranquilla: N/D
Taça Conmebol Libertadores - Fase de grupos Estádio: Casa Blanca Data: 14 de Maio de 2024, 19:00 Transmissão: N/D Link para Live Match Thread
LDU (4-4-2) Junior Barranquilla (4-5-1)
Alexander Domínguez, Quintero, Facundo Rodríguez, Richard Mina, Quiñónez, Angulo, Piovi, Alzugaray, Estupiñán, Alex Arce, Estrada Santiago Mele, Walmer Pacheco, Jermein Peña, Emanuel Olivera, Gabriel Fuentes, Didier Moreno, Víctor Cantillo, Chará, Enamorado, Marco Pérez, Bacca
Suplentes: Suplentes:
Minda, Daykol Romero, Ricardo Adé, Zanini, Bryan Ramírez, Villamíl, Espinoza, Hurtado, Alvarado, Parrales, Charcopa Jefersson Martínez, Mena, Ceballos, Edwin Herrera, Berrío, Jhon Vélez, Homer Martínez, Carlos Cantillo, Luis González, Hinojosa, Steven Rodríguez, Castrillón
Técnico: Josep Alcácer Técnico: Arturo Reyes
Arbitragem: Esteban Ostojich (Árbitro Principal), Nicolás Tarán (Assistente 1), Agustín Berisso (Assistente 2), José Javier Burgos (Quarto Árbitro)


submitted by NaTrave to futebol [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:00 NaTrave [Match Thread] Taça Conmebol Libertadores: Peñarol x Atlético-MG

[Pré-Jogo] Peñarol x Atlético-MG

Gols Peñarol: N/D Gols Atlético-MG: N/D
Taça Conmebol Libertadores - Fase de grupos Estádio: Campeón del Siglo Data: 14 de Maio de 2024, 19:00 Transmissão: ESPN, STAR+, bet365 Link para Live Match Thread
Peñarol (4-5-1) Atlético-MG (4-4-2)
Aguerre, Milans, Léo Coelho, Guzmán Rodríguez, Maxi Olivera, Damián García, Gastón Ramírez, Leo Fernández, Darías, Sequeira, Maxi Silvera Everson, Saravia, Bruno Fuchs, Jemerson, Guilherme Arana, Battaglia, Otávio, Alan Franco, Zaracho, Hulk, Paulinho
Suplentes: Suplentes:
Randall Rodríguez, Byron Castillo, Herrera, Diego Sosa, Lucas Hernández, Cristóforo, Ignacio Sosa, Franco González, Matheus Babi, Neris, Ángel González, Acosta Matheus Mendes, Mariano, Igor Rabello, Rômulo, Gustavo Scarpa, Igor Gomes, Pedrinho, Palacios, Vargas, Alan Kardec, Cadu, Alisson
Técnico: Diego Aguirre Técnico: Gabriel Milito
Arbitragem: Wilmar Roldán (Árbitro Principal), Alexander Guzmán (Assistente 1), Jhon Gallego (Assistente 2), Carlos Betancur (Quarto Árbitro)


submitted by NaTrave to futebol [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:00 NaTrave [Match Thread] Campeonato Brasileiro Série B: Vila Nova x Novorizontino

[Pré-Jogo] Vila Nova x Novorizontino

Gols Vila Nova: N/D Gols Novorizontino: N/D
Campeonato Brasileiro Série B - Fase única Estádio: OBA Data: 14 de Maio de 2024, 19:00 Transmissão: Premiere, TV Brasil, Canal GOAT Link para Live Match Thread
Vila Nova (4-5-1) Novorizontino (3-4-3)
Dênis Júnior, Elias, Jemmes, Anderson Conceição, Eric, Ralf, Cristiano, Geovane, Igor Henrique, Alesson, Juan Christian Jordi, Luisão, Rafael Donato, Renato, Raul Prata, Willian Farias, Marlon, Danilo Barcelos, Paulo Vitor, Waguininho, Neto Pessoa
Suplentes: Suplentes:
Halls, Rhuan, Vitor Graziani, João Vitor, Bruno Matias, Luciano Naninho, João Lucas, Emerson Urso, Henrique Almeida, Estevão, Apodi, Igor Torres Airton, Dantas, Gabriel Correia, Reverson, Rodolfo, Lucca, Léo Tocantins, Eduardo, Fabrício Daniel
Técnico: Márcio Fernandes Técnico: Eduardo Baptista
Arbitragem: Felipe Fernandes de Lima (Árbitro Principal), Felipe Alan Costa de Oliveira (Assistente 1), Leonardo Henrique Pereira (Assistente 2), Eduardo Tomaz de Aquino Valadão (Quarto Árbitro)


submitted by NaTrave to futebol [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:00 AutoModerator Atividades de HISTÓRIA do 1° 2° 3° 4° e 5° ano Fundamental - BNCC 2024

Atividades de HISTÓRIA do 1° 2° 3° 4° e 5° ano Fundamental - BNCC 2024
Tenha acesso a atividades completas de história, 100% atualizadas e editáveis em word, com todos os códigos da BNCC, paras o 1° ano, 2° ano, 3° ano, 4° ano e 5° ano do Fundamental 2. São Atividades prontas de história, alinhadas com a BNCC 2024. Baixe atividades de altíssima qualidade, 100% editável no word. E o melhor! São adaptáveis às diferentes realidades escolares.

✅Para Baixar, Atividades de HISTÓRIA do 1° ao 5° ano 2024, acesse:
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Atividades de HISTÓRIA do 1° 2° 3° 4° e 5° ano Fundamental - BNCC 2024
Professor, baixe Atividades de HISTÓRIA do 1° ao 5° ano, fundamental ll de acordo com a BNCC 2024. Além de Atividades prontas para o 1 ao 5 ano, você também recebe Atividades de HISTÓRIA 1° ano, Atividades de HISTÓRIA 2° ano, Atividades de HISTÓRIA 3° ano, Atividades de HISTÓRIA 4° ano e Atividades de HISTÓRIA 5° ano. E ainda Avaliações e planejamentos prontos de HISTÓRIA para o 1 ao 5 ano. São Materiais editáveis no word e seguem à risca a BNCC 2024
submitted by AutoModerator to planodeaula [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 23:00 NaTrave [Match Thread] Campeonato Brasileiro Série B: Avaí x CRB

[Pré-Jogo] Avaí x CRB

Gols Avaí: N/D Gols CRB: N/D
Campeonato Brasileiro Série B - Fase única Estádio: Ressacada Data: 14 de Maio de 2024, 19:00 Transmissão: SporTV, Premiere Link para Live Match Thread
Avaí (4-2-3-1) CRB (4-3-3)
César, Marcos Vinícius, Gustavo Vilar, Alan Costa, Mário Sérgio, Judson, Willian Maranhão, Pedro Castro, Giovanni, Garcez, William Pottker Matheus Albino, Matheus Ribeiro, Saimon, Fábio Alemão, Willian Formiga, Falcão, Rômulo, Gegê, Labandeira, João Neto, Léo Pereira
Suplentes: Suplentes:
Igor Bohn, Otávio, Thales Oleques, Roberto, Tiago, Ronaldo Henrique, Zé Ricardo, João Paulo, Jean Lucas, Ademilson, Pedrinho, Gabriel Poveda Vitor Caetano, Hereda, Gustavo Henrique, Darlisson, Jorge, João Pedro, Lucas Kallyel, Raí, Bruno Dentinho, Mike, Anselmo Ramon
Técnico: Gilmar Dal Pozzo Técnico: Daniel Paulista
Arbitragem: Yuri Elino Ferreira da Cruz (Árbitro Principal), Thiago Henrique Neto Correa Farinha (Assistente 1), Schumacher Marques Gomes (Assistente 2), Edson da Silva (Quarto Árbitro)


submitted by NaTrave to futebol [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:58 ckzama5k Mina mais velha e com filhos

Eu 19H ela 31M, eu namorei essa moça e a gente namorou por 2 a 3 semanas no maximo, e eu cortei os laços esses dias pq n dava.
Eu mandava mensagem resoondia no outro dia, e quando chamava para sair dar uma volta ou só para ver a pessoa, toda hr tinha um problema, além tbm que, ouvi de pessoas dizendo q ela n dizia q a gente tava namorando e além de que ela dizia q só namorava e moraria junto se fosse para o cara sustentar ela e os 3 filhos, ai eu tinha mandado uma msg, ela n disse nada o dia todo no cell, eu n respondi e nem fui ver tbm, no celular na hora do almoço um tanto de status dizendo, "posso falhar como mulher mas n como mãe" "meus filhos são tudo" coisas do tipo, mas n mandou uma msg, eu n respondi e nem disse nada tbm, pq né? Pra que? Eu sei do meu valor, e ela tbm n tava querendo nada pelo jeito, e a gente ja tinha saindo e tbm fizemos sexo algumas vezes, nessas 3 semanas por ai, na sinceridade, até queria ter algo mais serio, isso quem decidiria era o tempo.
Só para pontuar, n queria q ela desse mais atenção para mim do que para os filhos dela, mas somente cuidado padrão, de falar antes ou durante o dia com uma brecha de tempo, dizendo, olha, hj estou com eles, n vou mexer muito no celular, etc, coisa do tipo pelo menos, mas eu me senti só um passa tempo tlg? Tipo ta entediada no trampo me manda msg, n tem nada para fazer em casa manda msg, sabe?
submitted by ckzama5k to desabafos [link] [comments]