Free stationary borders

Woke Rainbow Capitalism (nerds)

2011.04.14 21:10 errantventure Woke Rainbow Capitalism (nerds)

Trains, free trade, and open borders; trans rights and taco trucks on every corner. Please read the sidebar for more information.

2015.05.27 21:50 Coolingritu FMF Canada: Frugal Male Fashion Deals Exclusively in Canada

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2012.01.27 18:26 rwbmod Redditors without Borders

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2024.06.07 21:21 elpurpledonkey [USA-MA] [H] Nintendo Switch OLED, Nintendo Switch Accessories/Games, Valve Index (Full Kit), PS4 Games [W] Paypal G&S

I have some electronics I'm trying to sell for some cash before I leave for a road trip tomorrow night. I will be shipping out items this tomorrow afternoon and will then suspend the post because I will be away until 6/26. I know that it's a short window of time for availability, but still figured I would try.
All of the Nintendo and PS4 items I plan on shipping via USPS. The Valve Index I will ship via UPS. Prices include shipping and I'm open to offers.
I took pictures last night in a hurry, but will gladly provide more photos with an updated timestamp if requested.
Nintendo Items: (PICS)
The pre-installed screen protector and borders just past the display on the front shows minor wear, mainly due to the Switch dock.
Nintendo Switch Games: (PICS)
PS4 Games: (PICS)
Valve Index:
I've had this boxed up for a while, but tested it 2 days ago and it still functions well. Lenses are clear and the tracking works as expected.
Feel free to message me with any questions you might have.
submitted by elpurpledonkey to hardwareswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 21:13 elpurpledonkey [USA-MA] [H] Nintendo Switch OLED, Nintendo Switch Accessories/Games, Valve Index (Full Kit), PS4 Games [W] Paypal G&S

I have some electronics I'm trying to sell for some cash before I leave for a road trip tomorrow night. I will be shipping out items this tomorrow afternoon and will then suspend the post because I will be away until 6/26. I know that it's a short window of time for availability, but still figured I would try.
All of the Nintendo and PS4 items I plan on shipping via USPS. The Valve Index I will ship via UPS. Prices include shipping and I'm open to offers.
I took pictures last night in a hurry, but will gladly provide more photos with an updated timestamp if requested.
Nintendo Items: (PICS)
The pre-installed screen protector and borders just past the display on the front shows minor wear, mainly due to the Switch dock.
Nintendo Switch Games: (PICS)
PS4 Games: (PICS)
Valve Index:
I've had this boxed up for a while, but tested it 2 days ago and it still functions well. Lenses are clear and the tracking works as expected.
Feel free to message me with any questions you might have.
submitted by elpurpledonkey to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:16 Whiskyrookie66 Jamaica rum advice duty free

I’m going to Jamaica soon and flying out of the airport by Montego Bay to go home and this online rum offered at the duty free looks absolutely awful when searching on there website. Where are all the Appleton estate exclusive products or Hampden products? Someone posted pictures maybe a year ish ago showing they had some vintages from 1993 and 2002 from AE but it’s nowhere to be found online in any capacity. It looks like the best rum they offer is Zacapa XO and Appleton estate 15. I can get these where I’m from and for much cheaper. Any advice on bringing bottles home from the trip? I’m potentially going on a AE rum distillery tour and wanted to know if I can purchase a bottle from the distillery that may be a distillery exclusive and bring home or if I’ll have problems doing that at the border. And if I’m limited to duty free. Anyone have any recent experience on flying out of the airport near Montego Bay and can offer advice as to what decent rum is being sold there. Thanks
submitted by Whiskyrookie66 to rum [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:13 xxpegasxx Manifesto (read if you have time, leave constructive comments/critisism or say I did a good job)

One said: "Who are we and where have we come from?" And after decades of debating, we forgot to add one equally important question: "Where are we going?"
Since our independence from the Soviet Union, Georgia has become a dot on Western radars. By "Western," I primarily mean the USA, because the USA is the main ideological powerhouse of the so-called “global West.”
A former Soviet state in the Caucasus region with a troubled (and potentially more tense) relationship with Russia is an asset. Georgia became hard pro-West with Saakashvili in power (undoubtedly a hard pro-Western ruler, speculatively even a USA proxy). During this time, the USA didn’t take any vital steps to strengthen Georgia’s economy, sovereignty, and freedom. The USA gave $6 billion over 30 (!) years to Georgia (200 million a year), which is pocket change for them. In comparison, they gave $26 billion in just one payment to Israel to continue bombing Gaza civilians. It’s also important to mention that most of this money didn’t go to the government and people but to NGOs. But even if this money had been given to the government, it would hardly be anything to strengthen the economy. That’s just not how the economy works. No important infrastructural, defensive, or other partnership deals were made. Georgia went to Afghanistan) and Iraq to pledge their allegiance to the USA and even became the third largest contributor of troops. Georgia lost 38 soldiers in these missions, in wars we had nothing to do with. So having a couple of battalions in the Middle East for just $6 billion is a good deal for Uncle Sam.
The West didn’t even reconsider their relationship with Russia since their brutal invasion of Georgia in 2008. Our “friendly” nations held parades on Red Square, had new deals made, and their leaders ate burgers with Medvedev. As if August 2008 never happened.
There is a logical question: why?
Well, the answer is clear: because they didn’t have to. See, when you have “your bastard” in power of a certain country, propagandizing that all (economic, defensive, cultural) ties should be with the USA only, you don’t need any other investment in that country. In other words: why should we spoil our relationship with Russia if Georgia will be our guy anyway? And for many years that was true actually, there was no real alternative to the USA but now we have a different picture - there is a country, a promising country, a scary country.
Don’t consider this as an anti-Western rhetoric from me. Not in the slightest. Western values of freedom and liberty are most attractive and possibly the best. But being part of Western civilization is one thing, and real geopolitics is another. People often confuse them with each other. One might say: well, USA is our friend!
To that, I’ll answer:
There are no friends.
International politics, and mainly realism school of politics) (started by Machiavelli and now held by John Mearsheimer), is not a matter of family and friends. It’s a free-for-all battleground with no morals and no higher authority. Therefore, there are no relationships as we ordinary humans are used to: there is no friendship, love, or jealousy—there is only one thing: survival and everything that concerns that. There are no friends—only contemporary allies; there are no enemies—only contemporary adversaries. A state does everything in its power to survive, and if something threatens its security, it does everything in its power to eliminate it.
The USA is no friend of ours. No one is, no one was, and no one will ever be. You, the person reading this, will put your personal interests aside if your friend needs help. You’ll act altruistically and self-sacrificially because you love your friend, you have a personal relationship, and you’ve known that person for years. No state has ever done that and will ever do this (in the current system)
We are alone, always were alone, and always will be alone in pursuing our interests. Yes, we have allies and will have allies with whom we share our interests, but no more than that. It is our path to walk, and we should never, ever consider anything but the security and well-being of our people.
Considering what the actual hell is happening in the world right now.
Since the end of the Cold War (not 1991, but unofficially in the '80s when it was clear the Soviets lost), USA became the global hegemony. There was no other global power to threaten its dominance. USA reached its fourth phase , and as others before them (the British, Mongols, Romans, and so many more), it influenced every part of the known world. From the Middle East to South America, there was no country to challenge them, and even if one appeared (for one reason or another), the USA swiftly “dealt” with them. And as we unironically repeat the worn-out phrase “history repeats itself,” it indeed does. Like those before them, the USA is becoming a victim of its own system—in this instance, capitalism. In their golden era, capitalism pushed businesses to move their production lines to “cheap countries,” and the best of them was newly “half-decommunized,” poor and large China. Americans probably never would have thought that they were creating one who would challenge them in the future and possibly even end them. And so, for the first time in 50 years, we have a truly bipolar world. We have entered a new Cold War era.
In the blue corner, we have the reigning champion, devastator of the Middle East, Mr. Coup d'état himself—the mighty and powerful USA!
In the red corner, we have the title challenger from Asia, octopus of economies and surveillance, oppressor of Hong Kong and Taiwan, young and furious—PRC!
Bruce Buffer would have said this in some parallel world (though with the shit happening now, he might as well do it in this one).
We have a situation now where both sides rush to make “factions,” getting as many countries on their side as possible. It’s an unusual situation for the USA because, for many years, there was no alternative—you either were with the USA or were dead. To add fuel to the fire (in the White House), China’s foreign policy is much more attractive to third countries. Xi’s famous “One Belt, One Road” initiative is a clear example of that. On the other hand, the USA still has a lot (and I mean A LOT) of leverage left in other states. By forming BRICS, the global south challenged the USA and the most important and powerful weapon in their arsenal—the US dollar. China does everything slowly and methodically to dethrone the USA, and by the looks of it, everything plays into their hands.
Why does China do that?
When you grow to a certain size, you attract enemies of your size. The USA and China naturally became adversaries because when you grow big, your interests multiply, and so does the overlap between your interests and other big powers' interests. And as we said above, one only acts on behalf of their own interests.
China already has on their side: Russia, most of Central Asia, Azerbaijan, Iran, probably Turkey, a lot of African countries (predominantly in the sub-Saharan belt), Hungary, Brazil, India, South Africa, and a lot of countries that were traditionally allied with the West have hinted at jumping ship if they see the China option as winning and more beneficial (e.g., Saudi Arabia and, by extension, all Arab countries). It seems like a race to win Europe, and whoever gets Europe wins the race.
That’s where we come into play.
Unlike the US, whose soft power consists of installing regimes and propagandizing their ideology as the only way of achieving “American Dream™”, China acts differently. They build tight, mutually beneficial economic ties and economic deals only they can offer and that can’t be beaten. With that, they guarantee that certain third states will never misstep from their path—no one shoots a duck that lays golden eggs. So to have Europe, China needs strong, constant economic ties to Europeans. Meanwhile, the USA needs to isolate the EU as much as possible (*cough* Nord Stream 2). But it seems Europe is not keen on maintaining the status quo and also seeks ties with China, since their economy has been slowing down year by year, the workforce is declining, and migrants appear to be more of a problem than a solution. Europe needs more economic diversification (presumably with China), and for this, they will be willing to let go of multilateral peace guarantees between NATO countries.
NATO was beneficial to Europe for decades since they didn’t have to worry about defense and spend money on defense. First of all, when you are bordered by countries that are also NATO members, you have nothing to worry about, and secondly, the USA did all the heavy lifting. In return, the USA requested a unified foreign policy. “If I go to the Middle East, you shut up and go with me.” And it was mutually beneficial for a long time. But as Bob Dylan said, times they are a-changin.
After Russia engulfed Eastern Europe in fire, trade between the EU and China halted, and both of them started seeking new routes since Russia was unacceptable and unreliable for Europe and China was not keen on it either. So the "Middle Corridor" idea was revived, connecting China to the EU through four countries: Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, and Georgia/Turkey. This corridor not only priveded safe trading route but also the shortest one, shortening delivery time from 50 days to just 14. China building infrastructure in Georgia and in the aforementioned countries and also starting construction of a port in Anaklia even more solidified this theory. This route is essential for China, Europe, and most importantly (or as I said, the only one that matters) for Georgia. This route is not only a big economic gain but also a huge security and prosperity guarantee, since both the EU and China will be keen on maintaining peace in the region to not disrupt trade. This may come in different ways to Georgia.
(what I’ll describe below, of course, is the best way scenario, not the most likely one, but realistic nonetheless.)
From China, Georgia can get Abkhazia and Samachablo in one way or another. And no, as I said before, there are no friendships and gifts in geopolitics. This may happen not because China = good, China = kind,but because it just may be very beneficial to them also.. Since they most definitely will want security on their trade route, it’s in their own interests to have no separatist regions near major transport hubs (fortunately for us, the Anaklia port will be right beside the de facto border), and since China has major influence over Russia (especially after 2022), it won’t be hard for them to ask (demand/make a deal with) Russians to withdraw forces. Sounds unlikely ? well china already did this in Yemen (again, because it was in their interest ro have safe passage for their cargo on the Red Sea)
On the other hand, if this route goes through, the EU will most likely want to have more control over Georgia rather than having it act on its own. For that, they might give us EU membership. The other trend that also benefits Georgia in that matter is the gradual shift in power in the EU. As I stated multiple times, entities act only in their own interest. Therefore, EU enlargement happens only when it’s beneficial to the EU. One can be beneficial to the EU in two ways: politically and economically. With the right-sided shift in EU politics, political enlargement will become more and more frowned upon, and economic enlargement will become favored. This will accelerate 10x if China starts bringing some final assembly plants and factories to Georgia since it might as well be cheaper and more profitable for everyone.
But, there always is a “but.”
It can’t go this smoothly, can it? Of course, this project has enemies—quite big ones, actually.
First of all, it’s of course our old one—Russia. Our northern neighbors are losing touch in the Caucasus; they are even losing Armenia. Having a strong, sovereign Georgia right at the border won’t be their dream scenario. It’s also notable that if the “middle corridor” doesn’t go through, the second most likely option is to renew trading through Russia, meaning this project is costing them influence and revenue. But fortunately for us, Russia has become China’s lapdog—an aggressive, pit bull-like lapdog, but a lapdog nonetheless.
But even worse than that, our adversary is becoming (or has already become) the worst single country to have on your enemy list—the USA. This trade route is a big no-no for Uncle Sam, and they will do almost everything to disrupt this project. (Yes, including that.) A country that used psy-ops, bribery, and propaganda to stage coups in more than 60 countries will stop at nothing to halt this project. That is my biggest fear.
Ironically, the viral TikTok trend during the “Russian Law” demonstrations quoting, “Next time somebody tells you, ‘The government wouldn’t do that,’ oh yes, they would,” refers to the CIA pretending to be vampires to overtake the Philippines. No, sadly, I’m not kidding and yes they succeeded.
We must never let ourselves be dragged down by Russia, the USA, or any other country. Honestly, fuck Russia, fuck the USA, and fuck China if it benefits us.
We don’t owe anyone anything.
We must choose sides based on who offers us the most; that's who ends up having deals with us; that’s who ends up winning...
Who is a Georgian?
What does it mean to be Georgian?
Is it blood?
For me Georgian is someone who prioritizes Georgia’s interests above all others, even if it goes against their internal beliefs.
submitted by xxpegasxx to Sakartvelo [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:55 SystemSpark [USA] [H] Pixel Pals, FF7 Rebirth DE; Car Battler Joe, Haunting Grounds, Chrono Trigger Maps, Cubivore, Turbo, Project Justice, Xenogears, Power Stone 2, Faria, Izuna 2, amiibo, Switch/Wii/WiiU/PSP/PS1/PS2/PS3/PS4/PS5/DS/3DS/GBA/GB/NES/SNES/NGC/Genesis/Saturn Games, Controllers, Swag [W] Lists,Wants

If you would like to buy, please check my thread on /gamesale.
  Photos upon request.
Storage Solutions Condition
Thin Jewel Case for CD/DVD/Blu-Ray New. Clear front, black back
Standard Jewel Case for CD/DVD/Blu-Ray New. Clear front and back
Genesis/Famicom Retro Protection New, PET acid-free plastic cartridge protector
Super Famicom Cartridge Retro Protection New, PET acid-free plastic cartridge protector
SNES Cartridge Retro Protection New, PET acid-free plastic cartridge protector
NES Cartridge Retro Protection New, PET acid-free plastic cartridge protector
amiibo Condition
Tears of the Kingdom Link Loose
Ocarina of Time Link Loose
Majora's Mask Link Loose
Smash Bros. Link Loose
Skyward Sword Link Loose
Zelda & Loftwing Loose
Wind Waker Link Loose
Wind Waker Zelda Loose
Twilight Princess Link Loose
Wolf Link and Midna Loose
Callie Loose
Marie Loose
Inkling Boy [Neon Green] Loose
Inkling Girl [Neon Pink] Loose
Inkling Squid [Neon Purple] Loose
Splatoon 2 Pearl Loose
Splatoon 2 Marina Loose
Splatoon 3 Inkling [Yellow] Loose
Splatoon 3 Octoling [Blue] Loose
Splatoon 3 Small Fry Loose
Zelda Loftwing New In Box
Sanrio amiibo cards Sealed Pack
Mario Cereal Box Cereal Removed/Flattened
Isabelle Summer Outfit Open Box
Cyrus/K.K./Reese New In Box/Damaged box
Tom Nook New In Box
Mabel New In Box
Digital Codes Condition
Figures Condition
Chrono Trigger Chrono (Crono)/Robo/Eira (Ayla) Formation Arts Figure Loose figure, most limbs are detachable by design, no missing parts
Pit Figma Figure First Edition, Open Box, Contains everything but AR cards
Lillie (Pokemon) Nendoroid Sealed. US edition from the Pokemon Center
Pixel Pal Mega Man Sealed, damaged box
Pixel Pal SMB3 Mario Sealed
Pixel Pal SMB3 Luigi Sealed
Tracer Nendoroid (730) Sealed
Tracer (Blizzard Entertainment Cute But Deadly Series 2 Vinyl) Loose figure
Switch Condition
Adventure Acedamia Sealed
Atelier Ryza 3 Complete in Box
Azure Striker Gunvolt Striker Pack Sealed
Bendy and the Ink Machine Complete in Box
Ender Lilies Sealed, Japan Import
Labyrinth of Refrain Loose
Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Sealed
Monster Hunter Stories 2 Collector's Edition Sealed
The Mummy Demastered Complete in Box
River City Girls Complete in Box, US Copy, Best Buy Variant
Shadowverse Champion's Battle Loose
Shantae Sealed
Shantae Risky's Revenge Sealed
Shantae Collector's Edition Sealed
Shantae Risky's Revenge Collector's Edition Sealed
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cowabunga Collection Sealed
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap Complete in Box
Yu-Gi-Oh Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution Loose
Wii Condition
Batallion Wars 2 Game and Case
Castle of Shikigami III Complete in Box
Okami Game and Case
WiiU Games Condition
Batman Arkham City Armored Edition Sealed
Disney Infinity 2.0 Sealed
Nintendoland Complete in Box
Star Fox Guard Complete in Box
Turbo Super Stunt Squad Complete in Box, Art/Manual damage
DS Condition
Animal Crossing Wild World Game, Case, and inserts. No Manual
Chrono Trigger Loose
Dragon Quest IV Loose
Final Fantasy Fables Chocobo's Dungeon DS+ Complete in Box, Japanese Import
Izuna 2 The Unemployed Ninja Returns Loose
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded Complete in Box
Little Red Riding Hood's Zombie BBQ Cart and Case, no manual. Cartridge label is stained.
Super Scribblenauts Loose
3DS Condition
Kid Icarus Uprising (Japanese) Game, Manual, and Case (No Big Box)
Kid Icarus Uprising Complete in Box, Includes Big Box, Stand and AR cards
Senran Kagura Deep Crimson Double D Edition Sealed
GBA Condition
Car Battler Joe Loose. Label imperfections
Chocobo Land A Game of Dice Loose
Lady Sia Loose, EU import
Lady Sia Loose. Label imperfections
GB Condition
Alleyway Loose
Kid Dracula Loose
NES Condition
Adventure Island II Loose
Faria Game and Box. Box has some wear
Kid Icarus Game, Box, and Manual; Box shows wear; Protective case for box and manual included
Rainbow Islands Loose
Super Mario Bros & Duck Hunt Loose
SNES Condition
Chrono Trigger Loose, Bad Label Damage, damaged shell
Metal Marines Loose
Secret of Mana Loose
Super Punch-Out Loose
Super Scope 6 Loose
Wild Guns Loose, Bad Label Damage
Gamecube Condition
Cubivore Loose disc
Pikmin Player's Choice, Complete In Box
Star Fox Assault Loose disc
Resident Evil 0 Player's Choice, Case and Discs, no manual
Resident Evil Player's Choice, Complete In Box
Resident Evil Complete In Box
Resident Evil 4 Complete In Box, Disc 2 has label wrinkles
Super Mario Sunshine Game and case, no manual
Sega Genesis Condition
Jurrassic Park Loose cartridge, Sharpie on Label
Phantasy Star IV Loose cartridge, Label Damage
Quackshot Complete In Box
Rocket Knight Adventures Loose cartridge, Label Damage
Spider-Man Loose cartridge, Label Damage
Sega Saturn Condition
NiGHTS Into Dreams Complete in Box, Not for Resale Edition
Night Warriors Darkstalkers' Revenge Loose
Sega Dreamcast Condition
Project Justice Complete in Box, page 2 detached from manual.
Power Stone 2 Loose
PSP Condition
Daxter Loose, Greatest Hits, Not For Resale
Power Stone Collection Loose
Silent Hill Origins Game and Case
PS1 Condition
Castlevania Chronicles Complete in Box
Chocobo Racing Loose
Chocobo no Fushigi na Dungeon Complete in Box, Japanese Import
Chocobo's Dungeon 2 Complete in Box, Manual is badly water damaged
Dark Stalkers Loose slim case version
Dark Stalkers 3 Disc and Manual, no back art
Rival Schools Complete in Box
Silent Hill Loose disc, Greatest Hits
Valkyrie Profile Discs and Case, no manual
World of Dragon Warrior Torneko The Last Hope Loose
Xenogears Complete in Box
PS2 Condition
Avatar The Last Airbender Disc and Case
Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance Complete in Box; Greatest Hits
Bully Greatest Hits, game & artwork
Burnout 3 Takedown Complete, Water Damage on back cover art
Burnout Dominator Case and Disc, Disc has superficial scratches but still boots
Castlevania Curse of Darkness Loose, Disc has light scratching
Crash Bandicoot The Wrath of Cortex Greatest Hits, Used, Disc and Case
Dragon Ball Z Budokai Complete in Box
Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi Complete in Box; Greatest Hits
Final Fantasy X Greatest Hits, Used, Disc and Case
Final Fantasy X-2 Complete; Greatest Hits
Haunting Ground Complete in Box, Water Damage on art and manual
Killzone Complete in Box
Grand Theft Auto Vice City Disc, Case, Poster, No Manual
.Hack Quaratine Discs and Case, no manual
Marvel vs Capcom 2 Cracked Disc, won't boot for me. Comes with case, no manual
Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty Greatest Hits, Used, Disc and Case
Naruto Ultimate Ninja 2 Disc and Case
Need for Speed Underground Greatest Hits, Used, Disc and Case
Need for Speed Underground 2 Complete in Box
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2 Greatest Hits, Used, Disc and Case
Resident Evil Dead Aim Game and Case, No manual
Scarface Complete; Greatest Hits
Simpsons Road Rage Loose, Greatest Hits
Valkyrie Profile 2 Complete In Box, some wear on the artwork and manual
Tekken Tag Tournament Disc and Case, Greatest Hits, Full side Movie Gallery sticker on DVD face
PS3 Condition
Sports Champions Complete in Box
PS4 Condition
APEX Construct Sealed
Gravity Rush Remastered Loose
J-Stars Victory VS+ Loose
SteamWorld Dig 2 Sealed
PS5 Condition
Battlefield 2042 Complete in Box
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Deluxe Eiditon Sealed
XBOX One Condition
Watchdogs Sealed
Consoles Condition
Monster Hunter Rise Edition Switch New in Box (No game code)
Oculus Quest 1 Complete in Box
Playstation 2 w/FreeMcBoot Original PS2 "Fat" system. Won't read PS1 or blue PS2 discs. Laser could be ready to go bad, or just need re-alignment. Comes with a Yellow PS2 Memory Card that has FreeMcBoot on it. Free McBoot will allow you to to play games off of a hard drive if desired. No cords/controllers included.
Pokemon Scarlet/Violet Edition OLED Switch New In Box
SNES Jr. Includes Deck, RF Coax Cable, Third Party AC Adapter, and Third Party Controller. Small crack on the corner.
Splatoon 3 Edition OLED Switch New In Box
Controllers Condition
FortniteWildcat Joy-Con Set Comes from the Fortnite Edition Console, never used
Joy-Con Grip Bagged/Unused - Came with console
Oculus Quest 1/Rift S Left Controller Used but very good condition. Comes with silicon case
Oculus Quest 1/Rift S Right Controller Used but very good condition. Comes with silicon case
Platinum Gamecube Controller Third Party, no nintendo logo, wired, good condition
Joy-Con (Left/Gray) Good, no drift
Joy-Con (Right/Neon Red) Good, no drift, Factory refurbished
SNES Controller Third Party, no nintendo logo
SPIN Z WiiU Pro Controller Black, Near Mint
Misc. Condition
Chocobo White Mage Plush Good
Chocobo Mystery Dungeon Everybuddy Pin Thief costume
Chocobo's Dungeon Card Game Monsters Expansion Pack Sealed
Black MagicGate 8MB PS2 Memory Card Has Free McBoot loaded onto the card
Yellow Nyko MagicGate 8MB PS2 Memory Card Has Free McBoot loaded onto the card
The Art of Splatoon 2 Sealed
Mario Kart 8 Target Pre-Order Keychain Sealed. Cut in the film.
Nintendo Switch AC Adapter Gently used
Nintendo 64 Memory Jumper Pack OEM/Authentic Regular Pack, not to be confused with the expansion
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Pre-Order Coin Sealed
Breath of the Wild Sheikah Coin From BotW Special Edition, Good condition
Pokken Art Cel Pre-Order Bonus Sealed
Blastoise New 3DS Plates Plates are mint and unused
Nintendo 3DS Stand OEM, Came with Kid Icarus Uprising
Kid Icarus Uprising Players Guide (Imported from Japan, no AR cards) Shows a little wear
Kid Icarus AR Card Set (205/404) Contains 249/402 different North American (AKDE) cards, no duplicates. An itemized list can be provided upon request.
Kid Icarus AR - Pit Rally Cry Sealed Pack Sealed pack of cards that contains AKDE-403,014,086
Shantae Risky's Revenge 2 LP Soundtrack Vinyl Sealed
Super Mario Wonder Framed Art Print Comes from Best Buy, Sealed
Tears of the Kingdom Pin Set (The Legend of Zelda) From the TotK Collector's Edition. Mint
Tears of the Kingdom Art Book (The Legend of Zelda) From the TotK Collector's Edition. Mint
Tears of the Kingdom Poster (The Legend of Zelda) From the TotK Collector's Edition. Mint
Portal 2 Wheatley LED Flashlight Sealed
Cases/Boxes/Inserts Condition
Chrono Trigger Manual SNES, Slight Wear
Chrono Trigger Orange Border Map Slight Water Damage, 2 Pin holes in the folds, frame optional
Chrono Trigger Green Border Map Slight Water Damage
Disgaea 1 Rosen Queen Edition Everything but the game
Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi Greatest Hits Artwork
Shantae Slip Cover Limited Run Nintendo Switch 5 Game Slip cover with protector
Burnout Revenge PS2 case and manual
Doom Eternal Steelbook PS4 Sealed, no game
Dot Hack (.HACK) Infection PS2 case and manual
Dot Hack (.HACK) Mutation Empty Case only
Dot Hack (.HACK) Outbreak PS2 case and manual
Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi PS2 Greatest Hits Case Only, damaged clips but artwork is in good shape
The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Collector's Edition Includes everything but the game
Metroid Dread Special Edition Box only, damaged from shipping
God of War Chains of Olympus Case and Manual Only
Gran Turismo 3 A-spec PS2 case only, 'Not For Sale' version
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Nintendo Switch ConsoleBox Only Empty Box, good condition
Animal Crossing Nintendo Switch Console Box Only Empty Box, good condition
Pokemon Dialga & Palkia Switch Lite Box Only Empty Box, good condition
Rival Schools Front Artwork Just the front artwork
Fortnite Nintendo Switch Console Box Only Empty Box, good condition
The Witcher III Wild Hunt Empty Case, good condition
Tears of the Kingdom Steelbook (The Legend of Zelda) From the TotK Collector's Edition. Empty Case, Mint
Witch's Wish Box Empty Box, good condition
Freebies Condition
Playstation 2 IDE Connector Upgraded my HD Adapter to SATA, these are the old/leftover connectors.
Nintendo Switch Cart Caddy 3D Printed. Holds 16 carts. Can connect to an OEM dock.
Yoshi Mario Kart Keychain Good
Small Jotaro Kujo Figure 3D Printed. From Jojo's Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle-R
Large Jotaro Kujo Figure 3D Printed. From Jojo's Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle-R
2 Cartridge DS Travel Case 2 Cartridge DS Travel Case
4 Cartridge DS Travel Case 4 Cartridge DS Travel Case
Wonderswan Display Stand 3D Printed. Does not fit Wonderswan Crystal
Lavos Figure 3D printed in PLA Wood Filament. Not my model, found on thingiverse.
Wants Console
Kid Icarus Uprising AR Cards: AKDE-025 AKDE-039 (Will consider others) None
Asheron's Call Memorabilia PC
Game & Watch Devices (Excluding 35th Mario & Zelda editions) G&W
Trip World GB
Classic NES Series: Excitebike GBA
Classic NES Series: Dr. Mario GBA
Classic NES Series: Pac-Man GBA
Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble GBA
Pokemon Puzzle Challenge GBC
R.O.B. Accessories NES
Yo Noid NES
Pirates Of Dark Water SNES
Chrono Trigger Box/Inserts SNES
Marvel Super Heroes War of the Gems SNES
Ribbit King NGC
Mario Wonder Cards/Pins Pre-Order Bonuses None
Metal Gear Acid PSP
Racing Lagoon PS1
Parasite Eve 2 PS1
Red Ninja (Art/Manual) PS2
Night Warriors Darkstalkers Revenge (Case & Manual Only) Saturn
Wonderswan Games Wonderswan
DS Download Station 1-8,10,11,12,14,16,17,20 DS
Oni PS2
Sega Master System Games Master System
ROG Ally Extreme PC
submitted by SystemSpark to gameswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:55 SystemSpark [USA] [H] Pixel Pals, FF7 Rebirth DE; Car Battler Joe, Haunting Grounds, Chrono Trigger Maps, Cubivore, Turbo, Project Justice, Xenogears, Power Stone 2, Faria, Izuna 2, amiibo, Switch/Wii/WiiU/PSP/PS1/PS2/PS3/PS4/PS5/DS/3DS/GBA/GB/NES/SNES/NGC/Genesis/Saturn Games, Controllers, Swag [W] Paypal F&F

Prices are subjective, negotiable, and do not include shipping.   If you would like to trade, check out my thread on /gameswap.   Also accepting Cashapp and Venmo.   One Freebie per order.   Photos upon request.
Storage Solutions Price Condition
Thin Jewel Case for CD/DVD/Blu-Ray 1/per New. Clear front, black back
Standard Jewel Case for CD/DVD/Blu-Ray 1/per New. Clear front and back
Genesis/Famicom Retro Protection 1/per New, PET acid-free plastic cartridge protector
Super Famicom Cartridge Retro Protection 1/per New, PET acid-free plastic cartridge protector
SNES Cartridge Retro Protection 1/per New, PET acid-free plastic cartridge protector
NES Cartridge Retro Protection 1/per New, PET acid-free plastic cartridge protector
amiibo Price Condition
Tears of the Kingdom Link 25 Loose
Ocarina of Time Link 25 Loose
Majora's Mask Link 30 Loose
Smash Bros. Link 20 Loose
Skyward Sword Link 20 Loose
Zelda & Loftwing 15 Loose
Wind Waker Link 20 Loose
Wind Waker Zelda 20 Loose
Twilight Princess Link 50 Loose
Wolf Link and Midna 25 Loose
Callie 20 Loose
Marie 20 Loose
Inkling Boy [Neon Green] 15 Loose
Inkling Girl [Neon Pink] 25 Loose
Inkling Squid [Neon Purple] 17 Loose
Splatoon 2 Pearl 20 Loose
Splatoon 2 Marina 20 Loose
Splatoon 3 Inkling [Yellow] 22 Loose
Splatoon 3 Octoling [Blue] 20 Loose
Splatoon 3 Small Fry 20 Loose
Zelda Loftwing 30 New In Box
Sanrio amiibo cards 12 Sealed Pack
Mario Cereal Box 15 Cereal Removed/Flattened
Isabelle Summer Outfit 40 Open Box
Cyrus/K.K./Reese 18 New In Box/Damaged box
Tom Nook 12 New In Box
Mabel 9 New In Box
Digital Codes Price Condition
Figures Price Condition
Chrono Trigger Chrono (Crono)/Robo/Eira (Ayla) Formation Arts Figure 100 Loose figure, most limbs are detachable by design, no missing parts
Pit Figma Figure 90 First Edition, Open Box, Contains everything but AR cards
Lillie (Pokemon) Nendoroid 300 Sealed. US edition from the Pokemon Center
Pixel Pal Mega Man 30 Sealed, damaged box
Pixel Pal SMB3 Mario 30 Sealed
Pixel Pal SMB3 Luigi 30 Sealed
Tracer Nendoroid (730) 30 Sealed
Tracer (Blizzard Entertainment Cute But Deadly Series 2 Vinyl) 8 Loose figure
Switch Price Condition
Adventure Acedamia 30 Sealed
Atelier Ryza 3 90 Complete in Box
Azure Striker Gunvolt Striker Pack 40 Sealed
Bendy and the Ink Machine 30 Complete in Box
Ender Lilies 55 Sealed, Japan Import
Labyrinth of Refrain 65 Loose
Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom 60 Sealed
Monster Hunter Stories 2 Collector's Edition 160 Sealed
The Mummy Demastered 55 Complete in Box
River City Girls 120 Complete in Box, US Copy, Best Buy Variant
Shadowverse Champion's Battle 15 Loose
Shantae 50 Sealed
Shantae Risky's Revenge 50 Sealed
Shantae Collector's Edition 150 Sealed
Shantae Risky's Revenge Collector's Edition 150 Sealed
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cowabunga Collection 30 Sealed
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap 40 Complete in Box
Yu-Gi-Oh Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution 18 Loose
Wii Price Condition
Batallion Wars 2 11 Game and Case
Castle of Shikigami III 75 Complete in Box
Okami 10 Game and Case
WiiU Games Price Condition
Batman Arkham City Armored Edition 40 Sealed
Disney Infinity 2.0 15 Sealed
Nintendoland 10 Complete in Box
Star Fox Guard 10 Complete in Box
Turbo Super Stunt Squad 200 Complete in Box, Art/Manual damage
DS Price Condition
Animal Crossing Wild World 35 Game, Case, and inserts. No Manual
Chrono Trigger 80 Loose
Dragon Quest IV 70 Loose
Final Fantasy Fables Chocobo's Dungeon DS+ 25 Complete in Box, Japanese Import
Izuna 2 The Unemployed Ninja Returns 70 Loose
Kingdom Hearts Re:coded 25 Complete in Box
Little Red Riding Hood's Zombie BBQ 120 Cart and Case, no manual. Cartridge label is stained.
Super Scribblenauts 5 Loose
3DS Price Condition
Kid Icarus Uprising (Japanese) 40 Game, Manual, and Case (No Big Box)
Kid Icarus Uprising 120 Complete in Box, Includes Big Box, Stand and AR cards
Senran Kagura Deep Crimson Double D Edition 75 Sealed
GBA Price Condition
Car Battler Joe 180 Loose. Label imperfections
Chocobo Land A Game of Dice 15 Loose
Lady Sia 30 Loose, EU import
Lady Sia 50 Loose. Label imperfections
GB Price Condition
Alleyway 5 Loose
Kid Dracula 240 Loose
NES Price Condition
Adventure Island II 25 Loose
Faria 200 Game and Box. Box has some wear
Kid Icarus 180 Game, Box, and Manual; Box shows wear; Protective case for box and manual included
Rainbow Islands 35 Loose
Super Mario Bros & Duck Hunt 10 Loose
SNES Price Condition
Chrono Trigger 190 Loose, Bad Label Damage, damaged shell
Metal Marines 90 Loose
Secret of Mana 55 Loose
Super Punch-Out 25 Loose
Super Scope 6 22 Loose
Wild Guns 270 Loose, Bad Label Damage
Gamecube Price Condition
Cubivore 350 Loose disc
Pikmin 50 Player's Choice, Complete In Box
Star Fox Assault 30 Loose disc
Resident Evil 0 15 Player's Choice, Case and Discs, no manual
Resident Evil 25 Player's Choice, Complete In Box
Resident Evil 27 Complete In Box
Resident Evil 4 30 Complete In Box, Disc 2 has label wrinkles
Super Mario Sunshine 40 Game and case, no manual
Sega Genesis Price Condition
Jurrassic Park 10 Loose cartridge, Sharpie on Label
Phantasy Star IV 70 Loose cartridge, Label Damage
Quackshot 40 Complete In Box
Rocket Knight Adventures 37 Loose cartridge, Label Damage
Spider-Man 12 Loose cartridge, Label Damage
Sega Saturn Price Condition
NiGHTS Into Dreams 40 Complete in Box, Not for Resale Edition
Night Warriors Darkstalkers' Revenge 50 Loose
Sega Dreamcast Price Condition
Project Justice 225 Complete in Box, page 2 detached from manual.
Power Stone 2 90 Loose
PSP Price Condition
Daxter 10 Loose, Greatest Hits, Not For Resale
Power Stone Collection 30 Loose
Silent Hill Origins 50 Game and Case
PS1 Price Condition
Castlevania Chronicles 165 Complete in Box
Chocobo Racing 55 Loose
Chocobo no Fushigi na Dungeon 20 Complete in Box, Japanese Import
Chocobo's Dungeon 2 70 Complete in Box, Manual is badly water damaged
Dark Stalkers 70 Loose slim case version
Dark Stalkers 3 50 Disc and Manual, no back art
Rival Schools 130 Complete in Box
Silent Hill 105 Loose disc, Greatest Hits
Valkyrie Profile 325 Discs and Case, no manual
World of Dragon Warrior Torneko The Last Hope 90 Loose
Xenogears 150 Complete in Box
PS2 Price Condition
Avatar The Last Airbender 10 Disc and Case
Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance 17 Complete in Box; Greatest Hits
Bully 15 Greatest Hits, game & artwork
Burnout 3 Takedown 11 Complete, Water Damage on back cover art
Burnout Dominator 9 Case and Disc, Disc has superficial scratches but still boots
Castlevania Curse of Darkness 60 Loose, Disc has light scratching
Crash Bandicoot The Wrath of Cortex 10 Greatest Hits, Used, Disc and Case
Dragon Ball Z Budokai 11 Complete in Box
Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 15 Complete in Box; Greatest Hits
Final Fantasy X 6 Greatest Hits, Used, Disc and Case
Final Fantasy X-2 6 Complete; Greatest Hits
Haunting Ground 300 Complete in Box, Water Damage on art and manual
Killzone 15 Complete in Box
Grand Theft Auto Vice City 10 Disc, Case, Poster, No Manual
.Hack Quaratine 300 Discs and Case, no manual
Marvel vs Capcom 2 60 Cracked Disc, won't boot for me. Comes with case, no manual
Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty 10 Greatest Hits, Used, Disc and Case
Naruto Ultimate Ninja 2 10 Disc and Case
Need for Speed Underground 10 Greatest Hits, Used, Disc and Case
Need for Speed Underground 2 24 Complete in Box
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2 10 Greatest Hits, Used, Disc and Case
Resident Evil Dead Aim 50 Game and Case, No manual
Scarface 40 Complete; Greatest Hits
Simpsons Road Rage 15 Loose, Greatest Hits
Valkyrie Profile 2 40 Complete In Box, some wear on the artwork and manual
Tekken Tag Tournament 10 Disc and Case, Greatest Hits, Full side Movie Gallery sticker on DVD face
PS3 Price Condition
Sports Champions 10 Complete in Box
PS4 Price Condition
APEX Construct 15 Sealed
Gravity Rush Remastered 60 Loose
J-Stars Victory VS+ 30 Loose
SteamWorld Dig 2 20 Sealed
PS5 Price Condition
Battlefield 2042 20 Complete in Box
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Deluxe Eiditon 150 Sealed
XBOX One Price Condition
Watchdogs 15 Sealed
Consoles Price Condition
Monster Hunter Rise Edition Switch 420 New in Box (No game code)
Oculus Quest 1 180 Complete in Box
Playstation 2 w/FreeMcBoot 80 Original PS2 "Fat" system. Won't read PS1 or blue PS2 discs. Laser could be ready to go bad, or just need re-alignment. Comes with a Yellow PS2 Memory Card that has FreeMcBoot on it. Free McBoot will allow you to to play games off of a hard drive if desired. No cords/controllers included.
Pokemon Scarlet/Violet Edition OLED Switch 400 New In Box
SNES Jr. 120 Includes Deck, RF Coax Cable, Third Party AC Adapter, and Third Party Controller. Small crack on the corner.
Splatoon 3 Edition OLED Switch 400 New In Box
Controllers Price Condition
FortniteWildcat Joy-Con Set 120 Comes from the Fortnite Edition Console, never used
Joy-Con Grip 8 Bagged/Unused - Came with console
Oculus Quest 1/Rift S Left Controller 115 Used but very good condition. Comes with silicon case
Oculus Quest 1/Rift S Right Controller 115 Used but very good condition. Comes with silicon case
Platinum Gamecube Controller 20 Third Party, no nintendo logo, wired, good condition
Joy-Con (Left/Gray) 35 Good, no drift
Joy-Con (Right/Neon Red) 35 Good, no drift, Factory refurbished
SNES Controller 10 Third Party, no nintendo logo
SPIN Z WiiU Pro Controller 25 Black, Near Mint
Misc. Price Condition
Chocobo White Mage Plush 20 Good
Chocobo Mystery Dungeon Everybuddy Pin 5 Thief costume
Chocobo's Dungeon Card Game Monsters Expansion Pack 25 Sealed
Black MagicGate 8MB PS2 Memory Card 20 Has Free McBoot loaded onto the card
Yellow Nyko MagicGate 8MB PS2 Memory Card 20 Has Free McBoot loaded onto the card
The Art of Splatoon 2 300 Sealed
Mario Kart 8 Target Pre-Order Keychain 10 Sealed. Cut in the film.
Nintendo Switch AC Adapter 20 Gently used
Nintendo 64 Memory Jumper Pack 20 OEM/Authentic Regular Pack, not to be confused with the expansion
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Pre-Order Coin 15 Sealed
Breath of the Wild Sheikah Coin 25 From BotW Special Edition, Good condition
Pokken Art Cel Pre-Order Bonus 7 Sealed
Blastoise New 3DS Plates 200 Plates are mint and unused
Nintendo 3DS Stand 30 OEM, Came with Kid Icarus Uprising
Kid Icarus Uprising Players Guide (Imported from Japan, no AR cards) 30 Shows a little wear
Kid Icarus AR Card Set (205/404) 600 Contains 249/402 different North American (AKDE) cards, no duplicates. An itemized list can be provided upon request.
Kid Icarus AR - Pit Rally Cry Sealed Pack 20 Sealed pack of cards that contains AKDE-403,014,086
Shantae Risky's Revenge 2 LP Soundtrack Vinyl 55 Sealed
Super Mario Wonder Framed Art Print 25 Comes from Best Buy, Sealed
Tears of the Kingdom Pin Set (The Legend of Zelda) 20 From the TotK Collector's Edition. Mint
Tears of the Kingdom Art Book (The Legend of Zelda) 65 From the TotK Collector's Edition. Mint
Tears of the Kingdom Poster (The Legend of Zelda) 20 From the TotK Collector's Edition. Mint
Portal 2 Wheatley LED Flashlight 120 Sealed
Cases/Boxes/Inserts Price Condition
Chrono Trigger Manual 100 SNES, Slight Wear
Chrono Trigger Orange Border Map 80 Slight Water Damage, 2 Pin holes in the folds, frame optional
Chrono Trigger Green Border Map 80 Slight Water Damage
Disgaea 1 Rosen Queen Edition 150 Everything but the game
Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 5 Greatest Hits Artwork
Shantae Slip Cover 100 Limited Run Nintendo Switch 5 Game Slip cover with protector
Burnout Revenge 5 PS2 case and manual
Doom Eternal Steelbook 15 PS4 Sealed, no game
Dot Hack (.HACK) Infection 20 PS2 case and manual
Dot Hack (.HACK) Mutation 20 Empty Case only
Dot Hack (.HACK) Outbreak 30 PS2 case and manual
Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 10 PS2 Greatest Hits Case Only, damaged clips but artwork is in good shape
The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Collector's Edition 100 Includes everything but the game
Metroid Dread Special Edition 5 Box only, damaged from shipping
God of War Chains of Olympus 15 Case and Manual Only
Gran Turismo 3 A-spec 5 PS2 case only, 'Not For Sale' version
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Nintendo Switch ConsoleBox Only 90 Empty Box, good condition
Animal Crossing Nintendo Switch Console Box Only 20 Empty Box, good condition
Pokemon Dialga & Palkia Switch Lite Box Only 30 Empty Box, good condition
Rival Schools Front Artwork 25 Just the front artwork
Fortnite Nintendo Switch Console Box Only 20 Empty Box, good condition
The Witcher III Wild Hunt 20 Empty Case, good condition
Tears of the Kingdom Steelbook (The Legend of Zelda) 30 From the TotK Collector's Edition. Empty Case, Mint
Witch's Wish Box 50 Empty Box, good condition
Freebies Price Condition
Playstation 2 IDE Connector Free with purchase Upgraded my HD Adapter to SATA, these are the old/leftover connectors.
Nintendo Switch Cart Caddy Free with purchase 3D Printed. Holds 16 carts. Can connect to an OEM dock.
Yoshi Mario Kart Keychain Free with purchase Good
Small Jotaro Kujo Figure Free with purchase 3D Printed. From Jojo's Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle-R
Large Jotaro Kujo Figure Free with purchase 3D Printed. From Jojo's Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle-R
2 Cartridge DS Travel Case Free with purchase 2 Cartridge DS Travel Case
4 Cartridge DS Travel Case Free with purchase 4 Cartridge DS Travel Case
Wonderswan Display Stand Free with purchase 3D Printed. Does not fit Wonderswan Crystal
Lavos Figure Free with purchase 3D printed in PLA Wood Filament. Not my model, found on thingiverse.
submitted by SystemSpark to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:41 Beneficial-Air5386 Recently diagnosed as bipolar. Stay at home dad when mom works. With a 4 year old.

Hey dad's, kind of struggling a bit here with my recent diagnosis and all the free time being a stay at home dad entails. I do work but I'm a ride share worker so my schedule is extremely flexible. Also stopped smoking pot because it was making my anxiety worse. I have heard having a lot of free time is bad for people with BP or border line personality disorder. It can it make me anxious having a bunch of freetime. My boy starts pre k in the fall but that seems so far away right now. I'm looking for advice from BP dad's or borderline personality dad's how they manage their freetime. I've never been good at making schedules. Thanks in advance.
submitted by Beneficial-Air5386 to daddit [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:38 MrTheWaffleKing Grasper - The First Flying Building [Card Idea]

Grasper - The First Flying Building [Card Idea]
The Grasper is an eldritch creature of legends- kidnapping villagers in the dark of night. It has a bulbous chamber stomach for digesting its prey.
Image by maryfromnowhere of an overlord from starcraft

Legendary Perk:

The Grasper is a stationary flying building unit costing 4 elixir. When grounded enemies pass underneath, the Grasper picks them up and stores them inside of its membrane pouch (maximum 1 unit). In a similar fashion to a Goblin Cage, these units are no longer accessible until the building is destroyed. While trapped, the units inside are slowly digested for percentage damage, taking 100% health over the course of 15 seconds (30 second total lifetime). When digested, sub-units (like Golemites) are not created.
To put this in perspective, if a beatdown push takes a moment over 15 seconds to reach the bridge while this building is active, or contains a ranged unit to hit this building, the Grasper's lifetime will be reduced below the point in which it can fully digest the approaching tank.
Being the first of its kind, there are some interactions which are never before seen. Earthquake, while normally countering buildings, would be unable to hit this in the air. Additionally, troops like Royale Giant or potentially Balloon have to decide whether or not they can hit air.


Poison: Placed in front of the Grasper's action area, you're defended from smaller ground troops baiting out this building so it can focus on it's primary targets: tanks.
Void: Some beatdown decks may choose to ignore the Grasper entirely with the expectation that the supporting ranged troops will kill it without meaningful health loss on the tank. Void can clear out many main damage dealers like musketeer or wizard.
Valkyrie: Clean up the supporting or bait troops while holding their attention away from the Grasper.


Golem (or main frontline tanks): Percentage damage is equally capable of killing all units regardless of health. This means a Golem with absolute max health will still die in the same amount of time as a skeleton. Just make sure you keep it alive for that time.
Goblin Giant: I solo this unit out specifically because of his common pairings- sparky or double prince are incapable of hitting air units. The Grasper will require the attacker to spend extra elixir to free their tank, or the support threat(s) can be addressed as they are without a frontline.
Hog Rider: Mostly sent down alone or with a miniature support troop, he wont have much luck passing this equal elixir trade.

Countered by:

Skeletons (cheap ground units): All it takes is 1 elixir at the bridge to fill up the Grasper's pouch. Make sure to keep a spell like poison or log on hand to clear out the smaller ground troops
Musketeer (ranged units): As they never pass beneath this building, they are completely immune to its effects. It must be defended or places on top of enemies to counteract this weakness.
Minions (air units): This building targets ground only, it will need some help against air enemies if it's placed right at the bridge.
submitted by MrTheWaffleKing to ClashRoyale [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:37 goldenstate5 [Kentucky Kingdom/Holiday World] trip report

[Kentucky Kingdom/Holiday World] trip report
Just did my annual new regional park trip, and this time it was a midwestern double dose.
First was Kentucky Kingdom on a day that was threatening rain which resulted in very low crowds. The haphazard nature of the park was readily apparent, with manicured areas adjacent to abandoned plots, fenced off temporary looking rides across from slick installations. Landscaping in particular was uneven and unkempt, and the only sign of the new Herschend ownership being the nicest building in the park: the Cinnamon Bread building.
I’m sure fans of the park are also aware of its bizarre layout, requiring guests to traverse over bridges and street crosswalks, and mosey over the cutely themed but completely desaturated water park. Yet thankfully I was able to find my five coasters, which all opened right on the clock at 11.
Lightning Run: shocking that this remains the only installation of this specific model. It’s speedy, compact and has insane airtime. It’s easily the best coaster in the park and totally unassuming.
Storm Chaser: I’ve been on about six RMCs by this point, and while this is probably my least favorite, it still offers a great, enjoyable ride filled with the usual whiplash and airtime that the manufacturer in known for. The most unique element still remains the inverting drop, and thank god for that bc it would be mostly unmemorable otherwise.
Kentucky Flyer: a wonderful Gravity Group installation, just reride after reride it was an absolute joy. I’m not a huge fan of the bulky timberliner restraints but once I got past that I was amazed I preferred this over Storm Chaser. It also was my favorite overall.
Thunder Run: another rough CCI Hurler clone. Yawn.
Roller Skater: feel like I’ve never ridden this coaster that was straight up a Roller Skater. Neat!
I was done with the park in about 3 hours, and that’s with multiple rides on LR, SC and KF. I took a break in their 5D cinema which was mostly just a motion sim as all of the 4D effects were as broken as the paint peeling on the facade. Herschend rly needs to refresh this park in a huge way bc it looks dismal. Even the ACE display is fading fast.
That afternoon I drove to charming Jasper to stay the night, and did the drive to Holiday World the next morning. First off I’m a huge secular Christmas fan and adored everything in this silly little town of Santa Claus. Secondly, I was amused that Santa Claus sits directly on the CDT border, making me do a double take as my car switched between the time zones twice in a matter of minutes. This also caught ppl at the park the next day off-guard, and I imagine this happens a lot.
Anyways, Holiday World is right up there with Knott’s as one of the best regional parks in the country that I’ve been to. Even despite free parking and soda (more on that in a minute), it is immaculate compared to my previous KK day. The landscaping is on point, the themeing while not amazing (only Thanksgiving wow’s me) was consistent and adorable, and everything was freshly painted. Thanksgiving was readily apparent as the newest land with fresher facilities, while many of Halloween’s facilities unfortunately contained many daddy long legs which while harmless, I still don’t like bugs hanging over me while I use the bathroom. That basically ends my complaints with Holiday World tho.
As a new diabetic, the numerous Pepsi Oasis stands were a joy as I was able to walk up to any soda machine and get a fresh cup of ice water immediately. I get why parks don’t offer free soda but free ice water especially at coaster heavy parks absolutely should be mandatory and it’s shocking this isn’t everywhere. I felt uneven at Kentucky kingdom trying to at least sip from the fountains, but with my ice water boosts not dipping into my wallet I felt amazing all day. And hey, I got to taste a tiny bit of Big Red without paying for it so there’s a bonus.
Ok onto the coasters:
Good Gravy!: was a little shocked that the group that ran in front of me didn’t veer off to the right for Good Gravy but instead zoomed straight to Thunderbird. They were teens, and teens are naturally attracted to the big bad steel coaster that inverts. I got the first ride of the day, a surprise private ride as the operators refuse to wait as I zoomed thru with a quickly filling station. The queue is the real main attraction here but the ride is smooth, quirky and enjoyable. The Howler is too kiddy and the other coasters much too intense so this is just what this park needed.
The Voyage: what hasn’t been said about this brute, this absolute motherfucker of a coaster. I remember the Beast being a shocker in that last massive helix, but the Voyage takes it to another level. Yes, this has the trim brakes in the middle during the day (you Holiwood Nights thoosies are insane), but even still I don’t think I’ve quite ridden one that just oozes the personality of the lack of a better term, a total dom. Everytime you think it’s over or shows mercy, it spits in your face and tells you to sit down and shut up. When we hit the brake run my heart was pounding and my hands hurt from gripping. There are moments from all over the wooden coaster rainbow in here, waiting to shock and dazzle you from retracked smoothness to airtime to rattling to ear-splitting loud tunnels. I did it three times and with every reride I wondered why the hell I went for seconds and thirds, but god you can’t pass the experience up.
Thunderbird: Good Gravy has taken out a bit of the oddness of this coaster’s inclusion bc it feels like an outlier. A solid B&M wing with a lovely launch and nice intense elements, only hampered by its placement at a complete dead end of the park. I really enjoyed the barn theme, and it looks great on the park’s skyline but I elected not to ride again.
The Legend: another monster, although shows mercy compared to the Voyage with a shorter layout. Still, it screams thru those woods with a killer first drop and demands your attention.
The Raven: the original, kind of like the kid brother to Legend and Voyage despite being the granddaddy. The turn around lake Rudolph is wonderful and although it needs some retracking here and there, you can tell where they were eventually heading. Just a wonderful ride.
Anyways, I heavily enjoyed their cute and well themed flat ride package, like the horse themed bumper cars, Halloween swings, a flume that starts in a dark spooky tunnel and of course their adorable dark ride Gobbler Getaway. (never quite made it to that top Master Turkey Caller category!) Ops were lightning quick and every coaster ran at two train operation even if the line, like at The Raven, was non-existent. The water park looked every nice from a distance and I noticed the park could use a gondola ride from Thanksgiving to Christmas, if not for transportation but just to see the sights instead of briefly on The Voyage.
I’d always been curious to Holiday World’s grip on thoosie culture despite a low coaster lineup and now that is crystal clear: the trio of white knuckle woodies and stellar operations make a mighty combo.
Anyways, that’s my TR as I head off back to Vegas!
submitted by goldenstate5 to rollercoasters [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:22 Juzabro Forge of Darkness Chapter 17 Summary

Chapter 17
Location: On the way back to Kurald Galain
POV: Feren
Ville asks if Raskan ever spoke of family. Rint says he only ever talked about House Dracons and he does not want to return there just to deliver a headless corpse. Galak disagrees. Rint says he wasn't a Bordersword, 'I have a newborn child and would see it.’ They had already diverged from the route they took to the Azathanai lands. If they wanted to return to House Dracons they would have to add time to their journey. Rint says they can build a cairn in the hills ahead. They can observe all the rituals and if necessary send word to House Dracons the location. Ville says that would be an insult and how can they not hold to courtesy. Rint says he is past courtesy and if they want, they can return the body, but he's returning home. Galak asks Feren her opinion. She says the witch took his soul, it matters not where they leave the rest. Mother Dark will never receive his soul. Ville insists the rituals are for the living. Feren says she sees no salve in empty gestures.
Feren hates the open sky and endless grassland now. She knew when they made camp and a fire that she would think of Olar Ethil and hear her screams and feel shame. She felt like she lost the strong woman she was and now felt only weakness. She had not said goodbye to Arathan and that had also shamed her. Ville spoke up and agreed to the cairn. He was also homesick. Feren knew that chasms were forming between them and soon they wouldn't be able to cross them. She tells Ville and Galak thanks and that her and her brother are broken. Ville is shocked at her words and Galak thanks Feren for them. At this Rint begins weeping.
They stop to make camp and Feren helps her brother dismount and then holds him. He tells her he hates him. She asks who?. He tells her 'Draconus for what he's done to us. For this cursed journey!' She says that's all behind them now and they return home. Rint responds, ‘It’s not enough, Feren. He will return. He will take his place at Mother Dark’s side. This user of children, this abuser of love. Evil is at its boldest when it walks an unerring path.’ He says he will argue against the neutrality of the Borderswords. He says ask Raskan what he thinks of his lord. Feren questions this. Rint says their neutrality is being abused by Draconus. He argues that neutrality makes them cowards. He asks for her support. He says she is visible proof of Draconus's abuse. ‘Take his coin and surrender your body – that is how Draconus sees it!'. She says no. She was the one that wanted to get pregnant. He asks why he drove her away then. She says to protect Arathan from her. She says, when Draconus separated them, he saved them both. She knows Rint wants to strike out and hurt him, but she says her wars are over. She says she just wants her brother back. To this he crumples and covers his face with his hands. Ville tells them to stop and they will vote on it when they get back. Galak says they have a long way to go and when they return he will go to Ivis and tell him where Raskan's body is.
POV: Rint
Rint is still enraged. When he imagines the face of his wife and newborn he sees strangers. He didn't regret hurting Olar Ethil, but when he thought about it, he knew he had set fire to himself as well. He knew nothing but violence now and was therefore a stranger to everyone. He knew Urusander could bring peace to the realm, but he doubted the only casualties would be the guilty. His thoughts rail against Draconus and the stupidity of all people. He laments the loss of game, but also understands the lust to hunt it down to the last. He thinks. 'Give me war, then. I have walked from complex truth to simple lie, and I cannot go back.' Galak tells them that dinner is ready. Feren doesn't move. Ville announces that they have company.
Five Jheleck approach. Rint tells Ville to sheath his sword, they are at peace. Ville counters that they are four borderswords alone on the plain. Rint says if they wanted to kill us, they would have rushed in. The Jheleck semble. Rint recalls that an individual Jheleck is more formidable than a Forulkan. They approach and drop a antelope carcass on the ground and say 'Meat for your fire'. Some posturing later, Rint asks if they will join them. The leader introduces himself as Rusk, blood kin to Sagral of the Derrog Clan and says yes they will join. Rint introduces them all and then Rusk asks if they can use Feren tonight. Rint says no. Rusk says what will you offer in return for the meat then. Rint says, ‘Something in return, Rusk, at some other time. If that is not acceptable, then take back your gift and with it the word itself, for gift it is not.’ Rusk says fine and to just tell the borderswords of his generosity.
He tells them of the hostages the Jhelarkan gave. He says if harm comes to them, they will kill every Tiste. Rint tells him no harm will come to them. Rusk talks to him about the Tiste killing all the animals in Jheleck lands. They will all go hungry. 'What you own you must nurture. But you Tiste do not understand that. All that you own you use, until it is used up, and then you cast your vision past your borders, and scheme to take again, this time from others.’ Rusk tells Rint that he saw a large bordersword hunting party recently and also other armies close by. He says the Tiste civil war is underway. Tiste killing Tiste pleases him. They leave the fire saying the company is bitter. The borderswords wonder if he was lying about the armies, but they agree to ride hard tomorrow.
Location: Riven Keep (Borderswords)
POV: Risp
Riven Keep would be difficult to assault if they knew the assault was coming, but Risp and the Legion were using deceit to accomplish their goal. Her Sergeant tells her that it doesn't sit well with some of them. Risp thinks again that she will have to kill him and his old guard. She argues that a commander must take advantage of surprise or miscalculation of the enemy. The Sergeant asks what enemy. That these people are unaware that they are anyone's enemy. He asks if that is the miscalculation she is relying on. She says one of them. The sergeant tells her that the fighting force is not in the keep right now. They could neutralize the borderswords by just occupying the town and holding their families. She says that would require a force to be left behind. He says they are neutral and what they do now will make them rethink their neutrality. He tells her he doesn't understand. She says, he doesn't need to, he just needs to follow orders. She was also uneasy about what they were doing. If the plan had fallen apart at some other place, this would be considered a war crime.
The sergeant asks if they will be moving on House Dracons next. They had camped close to it and the Houseblades had sent out a force. Esthala had sent one rider to tell them they had no ill will towards Draconus's lands. She says no. They only wanted to leave a column trail back to his estate. Risp looks over and sees House Dracons banners being raised in the Legion vanguard. The sergeant finally understands now. The command to begin is given and Risp thinks this will be her first battle. She will spill blood for the first time.
POV: Krissen
Krissen had traveled to far lands and collected stories and songs from Jhelarkan, Jaghut, and Thel Akai. She searched for the truths in these stories. She understood the first age now. At least the broad strokes. The Azathanai walked the worlds as mortals, but were in fact gods. They created. They destroyed. They had plans driven by curiosity which often waned leaving their creations to their own fates. 'They displayed perverse impulses; they viewed one another with indifference or suspicion, yet upon meeting often displayed extraordinary empathy. They held to unwritten laws on sanctity, territorial interests and liberty, and they played with power as would a child a toy.' She wasn't sure, but thinks that one created the Jaghut, then another responded with the Tiste. The Forulkan, Thel Akai, and maybe even Dog-Runners were all created by the will of an Azathanai. Created like game pieces that no one knew the rules too. Finally after a long time the Azathanai began to feel the effects of their manipulations. The Jaghut had created the Jhelarkan elaborating on the Azathanai gift of Soletaken. Among the Dog-Runners there were now Bonecasters who could challenge the Azathanai. Gods were rising from the created peoples and the Azathanai could not control them. Their collective grip was weakening. Krissen saw before them now the beginning of a new age, one in which all the created peoples could define their own rules.'
Hearing something like thunder, she looks out the window and sees hundreds of riders converging on the town below. Then she saw the beginning of the slaughter. She wasn't good at putting her thoughts on paper and she feared her discoveries would be lost as the first soldiers came up to the gate of the keep. She thought about the new age upon them and about her discoveries.
POV: Risp
Risp was all instinct now. A boy had darted out from an alley and without thinking she had impaled him with her lance. She looked at the boy with horror. She had to release the lance. Ahead of her she saw a pregnant woman and two children run down an alley. Risp drew her longsword and rode after them. As she approached the woman yelled at her children to run. She turned and leapt into the path of Risp's horse. Her horse collapsed and Risp rolled away. She saw her sergeant ride past her and cut down the two children. Risp gets up and sees the handle of a knife sticking out of her horse's chest. She shouts at the woman that she killed her horse. The woman spat at Risp and Risp hacked at the woman with her sword repeatedly.
Risp's sergeant looked like he was about to shout something, but then a figure jumped on him from the rooftop and dragged him from the saddle. Blood sprayed. The figure glares at Risp. She looks to be about 16. She pulls a long-bladed knife out of the ribcage of the sergeant and advances on Risp. Risp backs away. The girl calls her a murderer and tells her not to run away. Another soldier comes up behind Risp and tells her he will take care of the pup. He was one of the sergeant's friends and told the girl that he would make this hurt for Darav. The girl laughs and tells him to come at her. He charges. Somehow she gets on his shield, weighs it down, and then stabs him in the neck. The point came out the other side. She laughed at him as he fell. She advanced on Risp once again. Risp threw her sword at her and ran. She grabbed the dead man's horse and tried to keep it between her and the girl. She thought she would have a few moments, but the girl jumped off the wall and onto the horses back. She slashed Risp's arm. Risp looks down and sees her hand is gone. She's confused. She pleads with the girl. She says, 'Don't'. The girl says, ‘Don’t? Don’t what? I’m a Bordersword. You attacked us. What is it you don’t want me to do?’ Risp says she was following orders. The girl says, ‘Draconus just kicked the wrong nest,’ Risp tries to bargain and says she'll explain everything if she doesn't kill her. She'll tell her commander who they are. The girl says right now she's in command. Risp says, 'I'll explain--', but before she can finish the girl stabs her in the neck.
POV: Silann
A soldier tells Captain Silann that he thinks this woman fell down the stairs. Silann says she is the renowned scholar Krissen. The soldier shrugs and says life is full of accidents. He says they need to fire the keep and leave. Silann asks if there was anything at the top of the keep. The soldier says no. They meet up with his wife and she tells him 7 soldiers died. They can't find the girl. He says it's good there's a witness. He was delighted by Risp's death. She was the one calling for his execution and she had been the one to bring back the head that Gripp had mutilated. He was terrified of Gripp. He tells the soldier he wants to see Risp's body to 'pay my respects'.
POV: Sagander
Sagander is in the company of Captain Hallyd Bahann who he did not like. He was awed by Captain Tathe Lorat who chose to share Bahann's bed. She was breathtakingly beautiful. She had had a daughter with her now dead husband and had offered her daughter's body to Sagander. He is shocked by this. He had given them intel on the secret ways into the monastery which had helped them slaughter the monks. They had taken heavy casualties, but not nearly as bad as they would have without Sagander. Tathe Lorat wanted to reward him. Bahann suggests that maybe he prefers boys. Sagander denies this. He asks if any surrendered. Tathe asks why he would care about Deniers. He doesn't. Tathe asks if he doesn't find her daughter attractive. He said she rivals her mother. Ominously Tathe responds, ‘I am well aware of that.’ Bahann is tired of this and says make a decision. He says she's not a child and that they do not allow their soldiers to take children to bed. Sagander accepts their gift.
He makes his way to his tent where she waits. He is disgusted by the soldiers who he equates to bullies. He longs for a civilization where they can get rid of them. He has shame. a hundred or more lives were taken tonight and it was because of him. His thoughts of vengeance settle him though and give him resolve. He enters his tent and cannot make eye contact with Tathe's daughter. He asks for forgiveness. She says what for. He tells her he is old and since he lost his leg he is able to do nothing. She asks why he would accept her as his reward then. He tells her that her mother sees her as a rival and would use her and break her. She must get free of her. She says her mother cannot break her and she will win because she is young and her mother is old. He says some of the men must be cruel, but she tells him none would dare and that she must simply out-wait her mother. He says, ‘If you ever need my help, Sheltatha Lore, I am yours.’ She says be careful what you promise and asks if he would like to spend the night in her arms.
POV: Narad
Narad remembers the words said to him on that day, '‘This one to finish her! She’s a beauty, Waft, and she’s all yours!’ with every step he takes. He tells himself that she was beyond hurt at that point and that he was trying to shield her from the laughs and jeers of the soldiers. He told himself that he never felt part of the killing and that he didn't imagine himself belonging to this company. He doesn't understand how he could have joined with them. He remembers being a boy and knowing the simplicity of good and evil. He was good, but now he looked back and only saw blood. They were moving North and would finally rendezvous with Captain Scara Bandaris soon. Narad thought about the steps necessary to do what they had done. They had dehumanized their enemies. Once that was done it was easy to violate their bodies. He told himself he wasn't like the other people here. He is filled with regret. They are not. Redemption should not be an option for them. He wants to make it all right again. He knows there was someone that loved her and that he now hunted Narad. But he would never find him. He considers this a favor for the man as killing Narad will offer him no release or peace. 'Instead, and this I vow, I will find something right to fight for, and set my life into the path of every murderer, every rapist, until I am finally cut down.' He cringes and knows that he was the face of war, the rapist and every promise he makes is a lie.
Location: On the way back to Riven Keep
POV: Rint
The borderswords have just finished building a cairn for Raskan. Rint says some harsh words in remembrance and Galak urges him to use softer words. Rint says he's under stone and feels the weight of that, if you want to speak then go ahead. Galak says he was a child of Mother Dark. Rint says his soul was abandoned to a foreign fate. Galak continues, 'He served his lord--' Rint cuts in again, ‘To be made a plaything for his lord’s old lover.’ Galak protests. Rint relents and says he will say some soft words. He doesn't. It's more anger and regret. He leaves to mount his horse. His sister tells him, ‘Regret, brother, is gristle you can chew for ever. Spit it out.’ He says okay and tells her he looks forward to seeing her as a mother again. Galak tells him that all he does is cut these days. Rint says, ‘No, all I do is bleed.’
They now ride the last leg of their journey home. Ville asks, if that's smoke. They all quickened their paces. Rint thought about how his life would be new now. He would look at his wife with greater appreciation and he would look at his child as precious. I have sworn vengeance against Draconus. But I will join my sister and put away my sword. I, too, am done with this.' He vowed to change so his wife wouldn't fear his anger anymore. Ville shouts that there are riders on their left. Rint says it must be the hunting party. He realizes that the keep and the village were unguarded. He thinks about the last argument he had with his wife that had pushed him to take the contract with Draconus. He had run again. Ville shouted, '‘Traj! What has happened?’ Traj responded, ‘Lahanis found us – she escaped the slaughter – the villagers, Ville – they’re all dead!’ Ville asks who attacked us suggesting the legion. Traj says Lahanis saw Draconus's banners. They ride there. The borderswords are at war. Rint is in shock. He can't remember his wife's face and he can't find his house. He vows to never speak of his family again and ride to war.
submitted by Juzabro to Malazan [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:40 Vorlice Modern Anarchy [Anarchy] {1.20.4} {Java}

🔥Welcome to Modern Anarchy🔥 - A Dedicated Community of Anarchy Enthusiasts!
🌐 Server IP:
👾Anarchy at Its Finest with a Dedicated Community:
• Hack like a pro, build empires, survive the chaos.
• No bans ever - only mutes for hate speech, hard slurs, or chat spam.
️🕹️ Forge Your Path in a Pure Vanilla World:
• Experience the true essence of Minecraft with no vanilla altering plugins or meddling admins.
• Reach your potential in this survival wasteland with no resets ever.
🌍 World Exploration Extravaganza:
• Discover a vast 3x3 million block world border.
• Respawn within 500 blocks of 0 0, allowing you to redefine your survival journey.
• Explore and exploit the nether roof.
🔒No Teleports, No Shortcuts: Authentic Vanilla Anarchy
• Hard Difficulty, No Compromises: Test your survival skills in the toughest conditions.
• Uncover the mysteries below spawn - good luck!
💬 Shape the Future with Direct Input: Join our Discord and engage with the community.
• Server owner, Vorlice, is available for technical queries.
️• Launched in July 2023, always synced with the latest version (1.20.4).
• Powered by robust hardware in New York for a lag-free experience.
💎 Support the Chaos:
Vote or donate to color your name in chat and stand out in the vibrant community.
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submitted by Vorlice to MinecraftAnarchy [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:40 Vorlice Modern Anarchy [Anarchy] {1.20.4} {Java}

🔥Welcome to Modern Anarchy🔥 - A Dedicated Community of Anarchy Enthusiasts!
🌐 Server IP:
👾Anarchy at Its Finest with a Dedicated Community:
• Hack like a pro, build empires, survive the chaos.
• No bans ever - only mutes for hate speech, hard slurs, or chat spam.
️🕹️ Forge Your Path in a Pure Vanilla World:
• Experience the true essence of Minecraft with no vanilla altering plugins or meddling admins.
• Reach your potential in this survival wasteland with no resets ever.
🌍 World Exploration Extravaganza:
• Discover a vast 3x3 million block world border.
• Respawn within 500 blocks of 0 0, allowing you to redefine your survival journey.
• Explore and exploit the nether roof.
🔒No Teleports, No Shortcuts: Authentic Vanilla Anarchy
• Hard Difficulty, No Compromises: Test your survival skills in the toughest conditions.
• Uncover the mysteries below spawn - good luck!
💬 Shape the Future with Direct Input: Join our Discord and engage with the community.
• Server owner, Vorlice, is available for technical queries.
️• Launched in July 2023, always synced with the latest version (1.20.4).
• Powered by robust hardware in New York for a lag-free experience.
💎 Support the Chaos:
Vote or donate to color your name in chat and stand out in the vibrant community.
🌐 Server IP:
submitted by Vorlice to MinecraftServerShare [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:39 Vorlice Modern Anarchy [Anarchy] {1.20.4} {Java}

🔥Welcome to Modern Anarchy🔥 - A Dedicated Community of Anarchy Enthusiasts!
🌐 Server IP:
👾Anarchy at Its Finest with a Dedicated Community:
• Hack like a pro, build empires, survive the chaos.
• No bans ever - only mutes for hate speech, hard slurs, or chat spam.
️🕹️ Forge Your Path in a Pure Vanilla World:
• Experience the true essence of Minecraft with no vanilla altering plugins or meddling admins.
• Reach your potential in this survival wasteland with no resets ever.
🌍 World Exploration Extravaganza:
• Discover a vast 3x3 million block world border.
• Respawn within 500 blocks of 0 0, allowing you to redefine your survival journey.
• Explore and exploit the nether roof.
🔒No Teleports, No Shortcuts: Authentic Vanilla Anarchy
• Hard Difficulty, No Compromises: Test your survival skills in the toughest conditions.
• Uncover the mysteries below spawn - good luck!
💬 Shape the Future with Direct Input: Join our Discord and engage with the community.
• Server owner, Vorlice, is available for technical queries.
️• Launched in July 2023, always synced with the latest version (1.20.4).
• Powered by robust hardware in New York for a lag-free experience.
💎 Support the Chaos:
Vote or donate to color your name in chat and stand out in the vibrant community.
🌐 Server IP:
submitted by Vorlice to MinecraftJavaServers [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:39 Vorlice Modern Anarchy [Anarchy] {1.20.4} {Java}

🔥Welcome to Modern Anarchy🔥 - A Dedicated Community of Anarchy Enthusiasts!
🌐 Server IP:
👾Anarchy at Its Finest with a Dedicated Community:
• Hack like a pro, build empires, survive the chaos.
• No bans ever - only mutes for hate speech, hard slurs, or chat spam.
️🕹️ Forge Your Path in a Pure Vanilla World:
• Experience the true essence of Minecraft with no vanilla altering plugins or meddling admins.
• Reach your potential in this survival wasteland with no resets ever.
🌍 World Exploration Extravaganza:
• Discover a vast 3x3 million block world border.
• Respawn within 500 blocks of 0 0, allowing you to redefine your survival journey.
• Explore and exploit the nether roof.
🔒No Teleports, No Shortcuts: Authentic Vanilla Anarchy
• Hard Difficulty, No Compromises: Test your survival skills in the toughest conditions.
• Uncover the mysteries below spawn - good luck!
💬 Shape the Future with Direct Input: Join our Discord and engage with the community.
• Server owner, Vorlice, is available for technical queries.
️• Launched in July 2023, always synced with the latest version (1.20.4).
• Powered by robust hardware in New York for a lag-free experience.
💎 Support the Chaos:
Vote or donate to color your name in chat and stand out in the vibrant community.
🌐 Server IP:
submitted by Vorlice to McServerAdverts [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:39 Vorlice Modern Anarchy [Anarchy] {1.20.4} {Java}

🔥Welcome to Modern Anarchy🔥 - A Dedicated Community of Anarchy Enthusiasts!
🌐 Server IP:
👾Anarchy at Its Finest with a Dedicated Community:
• Hack like a pro, build empires, survive the chaos.
• No bans ever - only mutes for hate speech, hard slurs, or chat spam.
️🕹️ Forge Your Path in a Pure Vanilla World:
• Experience the true essence of Minecraft with no vanilla altering plugins or meddling admins.
• Reach your potential in this survival wasteland with no resets ever.
🌍 World Exploration Extravaganza:
• Discover a vast 3x3 million block world border.
• Respawn within 500 blocks of 0 0, allowing you to redefine your survival journey.
• Explore and exploit the nether roof.
🔒No Teleports, No Shortcuts: Authentic Vanilla Anarchy
• Hard Difficulty, No Compromises: Test your survival skills in the toughest conditions.
• Uncover the mysteries below spawn - good luck!
💬 Shape the Future with Direct Input: Join our Discord and engage with the community.
• Server owner, Vorlice, is available for technical queries.
️• Launched in July 2023, always synced with the latest version (1.20.4).
• Powered by robust hardware in New York for a lag-free experience.
💎 Support the Chaos:
Vote or donate to color your name in chat and stand out in the vibrant community.
🌐 Server IP:
submitted by Vorlice to MinecraftServer [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:39 Vorlice Modern Anarchy [Anarchy] {1.20.4} {Java}

🔥Welcome to Modern Anarchy🔥 - A Dedicated Community of Anarchy Enthusiasts!
🌐 Server IP:
👾Anarchy at Its Finest with a Dedicated Community:
• Hack like a pro, build empires, survive the chaos.
• No bans ever - only mutes for hate speech, hard slurs, or chat spam.
️🕹️ Forge Your Path in a Pure Vanilla World:
• Experience the true essence of Minecraft with no vanilla altering plugins or meddling admins.
• Reach your potential in this survival wasteland with no resets ever.
🌍 World Exploration Extravaganza:
• Discover a vast 3x3 million block world border.
• Respawn within 500 blocks of 0 0, allowing you to redefine your survival journey.
• Explore and exploit the nether roof.
🔒No Teleports, No Shortcuts: Authentic Vanilla Anarchy
• Hard Difficulty, No Compromises: Test your survival skills in the toughest conditions.
• Uncover the mysteries below spawn - good luck!
💬 Shape the Future with Direct Input: Join our Discord and engage with the community.
• Server owner, Vorlice, is available for technical queries.
️• Launched in July 2023, always synced with the latest version (1.20.4).
• Powered by robust hardware in New York for a lag-free experience.
💎 Support the Chaos:
Vote or donate to color your name in chat and stand out in the vibrant community.
🌐 Server IP:
submitted by Vorlice to MinecraftServerFinder [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:39 Vorlice Modern Anarchy [Anarchy] {1.20.4} {Java}

🔥Welcome to Modern Anarchy🔥 - A Dedicated Community of Anarchy Enthusiasts!
🌐 Server IP:
👾Anarchy at Its Finest with a Dedicated Community:
• Hack like a pro, build empires, survive the chaos.
• No bans ever - only mutes for hate speech, hard slurs, or chat spam.
️🕹️ Forge Your Path in a Pure Vanilla World:
• Experience the true essence of Minecraft with no vanilla altering plugins or meddling admins.
• Reach your potential in this survival wasteland with no resets ever.
🌍 World Exploration Extravaganza:
• Discover a vast 3x3 million block world border.
• Respawn within 500 blocks of 0 0, allowing you to redefine your survival journey.
• Explore and exploit the nether roof.
🔒No Teleports, No Shortcuts: Authentic Vanilla Anarchy
• Hard Difficulty, No Compromises: Test your survival skills in the toughest conditions.
• Uncover the mysteries below spawn - good luck!
💬 Shape the Future with Direct Input: Join our Discord and engage with the community.
• Server owner, Vorlice, is available for technical queries.
️• Launched in July 2023, always synced with the latest version (1.20.4).
• Powered by robust hardware in New York for a lag-free experience.
💎 Support the Chaos:
Vote or donate to color your name in chat and stand out in the vibrant community.
🌐 Server IP:
submitted by Vorlice to MCVanillaServers [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:26 SelectionOptimal7348 Level Up Your Crypto Game: Win Big with Our Bitcoin Payment Button App!

Level Up Your Crypto Game: Win Big with Our Bitcoin Payment Button App!
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submitted by SelectionOptimal7348 to BitcoinQR [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:25 Xylke [USA-NC] [H] "Refurbished" Pokemon Yellow, PS2 Games, Dungeon Siege II & Battle Realms (PC), OEM GBA SP batteries, Empty Pokemon TCG Tins, PayPal/Venmo [W] PayPal F&F/Venmo, Broken Nintendo Handhelds, OEM N/3DSXL Battery

If you'd like more pics of anything, just let me know! Prices only include shipping to CONUS, though I am willing to figure up shipping for AK/HI. No international shipping at this time, sorry. Willing to hear offers on multiple items, only accepting PayPal F&F/Venmo, only paying F&F/Venmo to users with decent rep. If you have no/very little rep I will pay with G&S. Thanks in advance for your understanding!
I also have a trade/swap thread you can look through over here in case that's something you're interested in.
I am looking to purchase broken and/or non-working Nintendo handheld consoles from GameBoy to Switch and everything in between. Potentially also interested in broken home consoles, mostly N64 and Gamecube, but I'm open to seeing what you've got!
If you've got any non-working GB/A games, feel free to offer those up as well! Especially interested in Pokemon games, but I'm open to checking out anything from the GBC and GBA.
I am also looking to purchase an OEM battery for the 3DS XL or New 3DS XL system (battery model SPR-003). The battery must be for those consoles, not for the New 3DS or the 2DS systems. Preferably looking for someone who snagged one off of the Nintendo website before they were sold out, but I will also consider a battery pulled from a console so long as it is working.



Empty Pokemon TCG Tins
Bundle both tins - $16 shipped

Free w/ Any Sale (or $5 shipped each, add $2 for each additional item)
submitted by Xylke to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:25 Xylke [USA-NC] [H] MH: Rise Pro Controller, PS2 Games, Nintendo games [W] Pokemon Stuff, Broken Nintendo Handhelds, My List, offers/lists

Everything has been tested and works properly except where noted! Additional pics/timestamps available on request. Forgive me if I'm slow to respond, I'll do my best to get back to any comments in a timely manner. The person with lower rep sends first. Willing to add/accept PayPal to fill in any gaps in value, especially for my higher priority wants.



Nintendo 3/DS





Free w/ Any Trade


Higher Priority Lower Priority
Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness (CIB or box w/ all inserts only) Pokemon Let's Go Eevee (w/ box)
Pokemon SoulSilver CIB or Big Box only (great condition, few signs of damage) Bayonetta 2 for Switch (sealed)
Pokewalker stuff: two foam slips for Pokewalkers, will consider Pokewalkers in good condition (lower priority than the foam slips) Pokemon Stadium 2 Box w/ Inserts (any condition, little to no tears preferred)
Pokemon Black or White edition DSi console (loose or CIB) Cases/boxes/inserts/games to complete my loose items listed
JFC Brand Grip for PS Vita 1000 (new/used) PS2 game offers (Current specific wants: Bully, Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, Kingdom Hearts, Fullmetal Alchemist: Curse of the Crimson Elixir)
"New" 3DS OEM Faceplates (preference for Pokemon but feel free to offer me any) BoxyPixel Unhinged Shell (Black or Purple preferred, open to offers on other colors)
GameBoy Micro OEM Faceplates (any except 20th Anniversary) Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Switch Pro Controller (w/ box)
GameBoy Micro OEM Charger Special Edition 2DS Consoles (slate model)
OEM PS2 Compatible Component cables (NOT composite cables) Phat NDS (screens must be in great shape, very few/no scatches, no dead pixels)
Waterfield City Slicker Case for "New" 3DS Pokemon GB/A with dead batteries
Pokemon Crystal (any condition) Pokemon Merch (plushies, pins, etc, just show me what you got)
Broken/Non-working handhelds (GB, GBC, GBA, PSP, etc), Nintendo consoles (old to new), non-working GBC/GBA cartridges (namely Pokemon, Zelda, etc) Black Joy Con wrist strap (only need one)

submitted by Xylke to gameswap [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 18:11 saumikn Why St. Louis should not build the Green Line

Why St. Louis should not build the Green Line
Note: This post was copy-pasted from my blog, but I’ve put the full text (minus images) here so it’s easier to engage with. I wrote this so it's more general about light rail, but this post was directly inspired by the St. Louis North-South Metrolink (i.e. Green Line), since I think it's a really bad use case for light rail and I want to advocate against its construction. Most of the examples I reference in the article come from St. Louis, when possible.
If you're not interested in the general bus/light rail debate and only care about the relevancy to St. Louis, I essentially want our city to create something like this 100 mile BRT network instead, which will cost about half the price of the 5.6 mile Green Line and be exponentially more useful to all St. Louis residents.


Light rail (or LRT) is a type of transit which uses street-running, at-grade trains to transport passengers. It’s been seeing a growing surge of interest in American cities over the last few decades, and politicians across the country are proposing light rail as a solution to their cities’ transit challenges. The reason is that light rail is seen as a technology which can improve a city’s transportation network at a fraction of the cost of heavy rail (i.e. subways or elevated rail).
However, I strongly feel that we should not be pursuing the construction of new light rail (and the related mode of streetcars) systems in America. The simple reason for this is cost - new light rail lines cost anywhere between $100 million to $200 million per mile to construct. As an example, the proposed 5.6 mile St. Louis Green Line) is projected to cost $1.1 billion.
This high price tag isn’t inherently a bad thing. There have been many expensive projects over history which were well worth the cost. The problem with light rail specifically is that we get almost no value back from its construction. For transit riders, there are almost no benefits to a light rail line over a simple bus line, and in a lot of respects, light rail is even worse for riders. And for cities as a whole, light rail does lead to some improvements and increased development, but at a scale which is very out of line with its high cost.
Instead of light rail or streetcars, I propose that transit agencies invest heavily in a different mode of transit - “Light BRT”. If you haven’t heard of this term before, it’s because I invented it for the purposes of this article, as there is no single widespread term which characterizes this mode. I’m personally hoping that the phrase Light BRT catches on, as it’s a very convenient nomenclature to describe these existing transit lines and in a way which is easily distinguishable from the more traditional Gold-Standard or Heavy BRT.
So what is Light BRT? Essentially, Light BRT is a type of city bus which includes many infrastructure upgrades to increase the speed and reliability of the bus line. While not every light BRT line has all of these features, in general, light BRT lines are characterized by the following:
  • Wider stop spacing: Light BRT buses have stops every 1/4 to 1/2 miles, rather than the 1/8 to 1/4 mile stop spacing of regular city buses. This reduces the amount of time the bus spends at stops.
  • High frequency: Light BRT lines come frequently, ideally at least every 10 minutes. This reduces passenger waiting time.
  • Signal priority: Light BRT buses have technology which integrates with city traffic lights. This reduces the amount of time the bus is waiting at a red light.
  • Off-board fare collection: Instead of the bus operator collecting fares for each passenger, passengers pay at the station itself, and fares are validated using a proof-of-payment system. This reduces the amount of time the bus spends at stops.
  • Bus lanes: Light BRT may operate either entirely or partially in dedicated transit lanes. This increases bus travel speeds while in motion.
  • Larger buses: Light BRT takes advantage of larger buses with many doors, such as articulated or bi-articulated buses. This increases the capacity of the system and reduces the amount of time the bus spends at stops.
Each of these improvements leads to a much nicer transit experience for passengers, directly leading to faster trips and higher ridership. For example, in Minneapolis, the D Line launched in late 2022, where they implemented most of the above features on the existing #5 local bus. The D Line was a huge success, well beyond anyone’s expectations. In the first month alone, ridership on the D Line increased 50% when compared with the previous city bus. And by the end of the first year, ridership had nearly doubled! As of early 2024, the D Line has a ridership of over 13,000 daily riders, a number which is actually higher than many light rail systems, and this number is projected to hit 23,000 riders by 2030.
And the best part? This line was incredibly cheap. The 18 mile D Line cost about $75 million in total to construct, for an average cost of about $4 million per mile. Compared to light rail, which can cost $200 million per mile, light BRT is a steal. Or in other words, for the same cost it would take to build a 5 mile LRT line, we could build over 200 miles of light BRT, leading to a much better transit network for an entire city.
As a side note, I want to contrast Light BRT with the more traditional form of BRT (which I’ll denote as “Heavy BRT”) which features very prominently in the transit systems of many international cities like Istanbul, Jakarta, and Bogota. Heavy BRT is also growing in popularity in the US in cities like Albuquerque, Richmond, and Cleveland. It is characterized by a dedicated concrete guideway which separates the bus from car traffic, and often features center running operations. There is a wide range of intensity of BRT operations (hence the need for the BRT Standard rubric). But in general, heavy BRT can cost anywhere between $8 million to $50 million per mile to construct, with the lower end of this spectrum mostly resembling light BRT.
In the rest of this post, I hope to make a convincing argument on why we should stop building new light rail and streetcar lines, and instead transition to prioritizing light BRT. First, I will give a brief overview on the various forms of transit so that we have a common set of definitions to work off of. Next, I will provide an objective set of differences between light rail and light BRT, going over the benefits and drawbacks of each mode for both transit riders and non-riders. Finally, I will give my personal opinions on each of these differences, and why I believe that we should not pursue light rail in America.
In many of the examples and discussions, I will specifically reference the example of the proposed St. Louis Green Line LRT, since it’s one I’m more familiar with and I think it’s an example of an egregiously bad light rail line. But my comments are generally applicable to any new light rail or streetcar line in the US.

Overview of Transit Modes

In this section, I’ll give a brief overview of the various types of transit modes which are built with rail and buses.

Types of Rail

  • Heavy Rail: This is the highest capacity and most expensive transit mode, consisting of long train sets operating in an entirely grade-separated right-of-way. Examples include the New York Subway or the Chicago L.
  • Light Rail: This is a lower capacity mode and less expensive than heavy rail. LRT systems are mostly not grade-separated, but run alongside street corridors, usually operating in a dedicated lane outside mixed traffic. Examples of light rail are the Minneapolis Light Rail or the San Diego Trolley.
  • Heavy+Light Rail: As a side note, there are many LRT systems which are very close to heavy rail but are still considered light rail. In these systems, where the vast majority of the system is grade-separated and operates like heavy rail, but there are still a few at-grade crossings. Examples of this are the Seattle Link or the St. Louis MetroLink.
  • Streetcars: In America, the distinction between LRT and streetcars is very fuzzy, but in general, streetcars usually refer to at-grade trains which run in mixed traffic, and are essentially treated like a city bus on rails instead of tires. Examples of streetcars include the Portland Streetcar or the Kansas City Streetcar.

Types of Buses

  • "Heavy" BRT: Heavy BRT aims to replicate heavy or light rail with buses as much as possible, with dedicated concrete guideways separated from mixed traffic and rail-like stations. Examples of heavy BRT include the Albuquerque ART or the Cleveland HealthLine.
  • "Light" BRT: Light BRT can be thought of as an upgraded city bus, with features like transit signal priority, optimized stop spacing, and off-board fare collection. Examples of light BRT include the Minneapolis aBRT, the New York SBS, or the Seattle RapidRide.
  • City Buses: This is the standard mode bus which operates in every major city, operating in mixed traffic without any extra features to improve transit operations. It’s possible for buses to use special propulsion technology like electric engines with batteries, or elevated wires (i.e. trolleybuses).

Light Rail vs Light BRT

Next, I will go over the differences between light rail and light BRT. Because there are a lot of differences, I’m going to organize my thoughts into two sections. First, I will discuss the difference between modes in terms of the experiences that actual riders on the system will encounter. Second, I will discuss the difference between modes for everybody else - how it affects non-riders, government officials, citizens, etc. In both of these sections, I’ll describe what makes LRT better than light BRT, and vice versa, and I will do my best to make these sections as objective as possible.
Before I begin, I would like to acknowledge that many of these thoughts come from my reading on transit modes and systems around the country. In particular, Jarrett Walker’s post on Rail-Bus Differences was a very useful starting point for this post. Also, I'd like to acknowledge the discussions I’ve had with other transit enthusiasts for pointing out things I've missed (shout-out St. Louis Urbanists!)

Differences for Transit Riders

How Light Rail is better than Light BRT

  • Overall Capacity: This is the biggest, most-cited reason why light rail is better than light BRT. Most common LRT vehicles have a carrying capacity of 200 to 300 passengers per car and can be connected in sets of two or three cars. Assuming a maximum of 2 minute frequency, this gives us a potential capacity of 27k passengers per hour per direction (PPHPD). On the other hand, the largest bi-articulated buses can carry 300 passengers at most. With no ability to combine buses together, this means a maximum capacity of 9k PPHPD.
  • Bike/Wheelchair Capacity: On a related note, LRT can carry not only more passengers, but more large mobility aids like bikes, wheelchairs, or strollers. A single bus can only really hold 3 bikes on the front racks, while the interiors of LRT can be arranged to accommodate more bikes. The extra space on LRT also allows for more space for wheelchairs, strollers, scooters, and other types of mobility devices, or even just large items in general like suitcases or furniture.
  • Ride Smoothness: Because LRT is on metal rails, it is more smooth while accelerating, decelerating, and driving. This can be mitigated for buses by ensuring the street is well-paved and using bulb stations so that buses don't have to switch lanes every other block, but some intrinsic difference remains.

How Light Rail is equal to Light BRT

  • Speed: Overall, the speed of buses and trains on city streets are approximately the same. I've seen some claims that buses are slightly faster at accelerating/decelerating, but most of the speed differences are due to the infrastructure supporting the transit, not the vehicles themselves. If both modes have dedicated lanes, signal priority, equal stop spacing, and off-board fare collection, they will both be roughly the same speed.
  • System Legibility: For new riders who have never taken transit, learning how to take the train is generally easier to learn how to take the bus. However, with enough effort, transit operators can make buses just as legible. Well-designed maps can highlight BRT routes, and bright, continuous, red-painted lanes make it equally easy to understand the direction of a bus and a physical rail line.

How Light Rail is worse than Light BRT

  • Operating Costs: The data shows that LRT generally has higher operating costs than buses. According to analysis by Christopher MacKechnie in 2020, in America, buses have an hourly operating cost of $122, while LRT has an hourly operating cost of costs $233 per hour. What this means for riders is that transit operators can afford to run more buses than trains under a fixed operating budget. As an example, if an agency is planning to run an LRT with 15 minute frequency, they could afford to run a bus with 8 minute frequency for the same cost, providing a much more useful service.
  • Dealing with Obstacles: Because LRT is on rails, there is essentially no way for it to maneuver around obstacles or go in places where there is no rail. This is most obviously a problem if there is an accident or the rails are blocked by e.g. a parked car. But even more importantly, this is a long-term issue that can prevent full service. For example, the 2022 St. Louis floods damaged the light rail signal box at one station, causing all trains to be plagued with single-tracking and slow speeds for nearly two years! If this were a BRT, the bus could just pick an alternate road to go around without harming operations.
  • Fewer Transfers: Because LRT is limited to rails, it makes it much more difficult to extend a route once it’s created. This forces passengers from outside to the immediate vicinity of the rails to transfer from a bus. For example, in St. Louis, we currently have the #4 and #11 buses which go from the edge of the city to downtown. But when the Green Line is built, these passengers will mostly likely be forced to get off the bus and transfer to the new LRT, and then transfer again to get to downtown. On the other hand, in an open BRT system, buses can easily be extended to continue past the end of the line, reducing transfers for customers.
  • Ease of Expansion: On a related note, the high costs of construction can make it difficult to ever expand an LRT system in the future. In St. Louis, there have been plans floating to extend the Green Line north, to cover the rest of the #4 bus route. But just this week, a new report suggested that this extension might not be politically feasible. And there is essentially no discussion at all about a potential southern expansion to cover the rest of the #11’s route. On the other hand, light BRT coverage is much easier to expand, since the base road network already exists.

Differences for non-Transit Riders

How Light Rail is better than Light BRT

  • Energy Efficiency: Trains are more energy efficient than buses, because of the gains of efficiency by using rails. This difference is reduced to some degree if you consider the energy usage of a three-car light rail vs a single bus, but overall, trains are more efficient on a per-passenger basis. Unfortunately, I can’t actually find hard numbers on how much energy exactly is being saved.
  • Maintenance: Trains require less maintenance than buses, and an electric train car will last longer than an electric bus. Additionally, trains cause less damage to roads, so you don’t have to maintain the steel rails as often as you do with the concrete pavement.
  • Development: An investment of hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars into LRT signifies a huge commitment that a government has towards improving that corridor. As a result, new train lines tend to lead to more private development surrounding the stations than new bus lines. However, the magnitude of this effect is quite unclear. For instance, a report from the St. Louis Fed concluded, “The general consensus from the academic literature and the findings presented in this report is that light rail is not a catalyst for economic development, but rather light rail can help guide economic development.”
  • Rail Bias: Possibly as a result of the above intrinsic differences mentioned, because of differences in actual implementation, or some unknown psychological difference, people tend to prefer trains over an equally useful bus. This leads to both higher ridership, and more prestige for a region (e.g. “We’re not a real city until we have a few train lines”)

How Light Rail is worse than Light BRT

  • Construction Cost: This is the biggest reason that Light BRT is better than Light Rail. In America, Light Rail tends to cost $100M-200M per mile to construct (e.g. the proposed St. Louis Green Line will cost $196M per mile for the 5.6 mile route). On the other hand, Light BRT costs maybe $5M per mile (e.g. the recently built Minneapolis D Line cost $75M for an 18 mile route).


Finally, I will conclude this article with some of my opinions on the facts described above, going over each of the major differences between Light Rail and Light BRT.

Why LRT is not better than Light BRT

The biggest factor in favor of LRT, capacity, is not a relevant distinction for essentially any new project, as light BRT has enough capacity to operate most LRT routes. For example, the proposed Green Line LRT in St. Louis has a projected daily ridership of 5k. A hypothetical light BRT could carry nearly 9k passengers every hour, well above the needed capacity. I actually couldn’t find a single example of a light rail system in the entire United States which needs the capacity of light rail and couldn’t get by with buses. If somebody has a counterexample in the comments, I’d love to see it.
One thing to note is that the ongoing driver shortage might change this math. For example, one could imagine a corridor where an LRT with 15-minute frequency has enough capacity but a bus with 15-minute frequency doesn’t. My two comments about this is that (1) If the driver shortage is such a big deal that it’s limiting frequency, that should definitely be the priority for where to spend money, and (2) If you’re only running 15-minute headways, then this is not exactly a corridor that needs significant transit investment in the first place.
Another note is that buses generally have enough capacity for day to day operations, but occasional large events like sports games or concerts might overrun this capacity. I would suggest in these cases to run special express buses on these days to transport passengers, rather than overbuilding rail capacity for most of the year.
I ride my bike and take it onto transit often, so I understand the appeal of bringing your bike on board to a light rail. But in reality, if our goal is to help urban cyclists, we would be much better off actually building protected bike lanes for a fraction of the cost of light rail. Alternatively, if St. Louis had an effective bus network, I wouldn’t even need to take my bike onto trains; I could just use the bus system to make connections!
Every other factor for transit riders actually favors light BRT over light rail. The smoothness of trains is nice, and makes it easier to read or work or relax while on it. But if I had to decide between a smooth LRT with 15-minute frequency and a less smooth light BRT with 8-minute frequency, I would definitely prefer the light BRT. And then when you consider that LRT usually leads to additional transfers for riders (usually to buses anyways), this only makes light BRT more attractive.
In terms of non-transit factors, I agree that rail leads to more development than buses. But if development is really our goal, we have much more effective and targeted methods for actually inducing development. For example, we could subsidize private development through upzoning and tax abatements or even take the money to build public development directly.
The factor of permanence is easily overcome - you could simply take the $200 million per mile which would have been used to construct the LRT and put it in a trust which can legally only be spent on transit operations in this corridor. The consideration of maintenance and efficiency also goes away based on LRT cost, as the interest alone from saved construction costs could be used to pay for maintenance and green energy technology many times over.

What should we do instead of Light Rail?

I’ve spent this entire post talking about reasons we shouldn’t build light rail. So what should we do instead? The short answer: it depends entirely on your priorities and why you even want to build light rail in the first place. If you’re going to spend $1.1 billion on a light rail line (as St. Louis has proposed to do), here are some things you could do with it instead:
Transit: If your priority is to help transit riders, you would be much better off by building Light BRT instead, for 1/40th of the cost. (i.e. for every mile of LRT you build, you could afford to build 40 miles of Light BRT). The above image is an quick example of what a potential 100 mile Light BRT system could look like in St. Louis. It would cost $400 million to build, instead of the $1 billion, 5 mile Green Line. You could then take the remaining $600 million to place in a trust fund for guaranteeing high frequency service along all these routes for years to come.
If you consider federal matching as part of your calculation, it’s roughly the case that the FTA will cover 80% of the cost of new light rail projects, and 50% of the cost of bus projects. For St. Louis specifically, both the 5.6 mile Green Line and my proposed 100 mile light BRT network would both cost $200 million in local funding, with the federal government picking up the rest of the costs. I would definitely argue that the 100 mile BRT network provides a much higher value for $200 million than the 5 mile train line.
Long-Term Savings: If your goal is to reduce long term costs on street maintenance with LRT, you could instead take the $1 billion and put it in a fund to gain interest. The $40M you would get every year would be enough to quintuple current city street maintenance (we currently spend about $9M every year across the entire city).
Environmental Impact: I don’t have any numbers to back this up, but I imagine that the difference in emissions between an electric LRV and electric bus is not that high to begin with. On the other hand, you could just take the $1 billion and give a free 3kW solar system to every single household in the city, which would save many orders of magnitude more emissions.
Development: If your priority is to spur development, you should just take the $1 billion and use it to directly incentivize new construction. This could be done with tax abatements, paid-for without hurting school budgets. A very back-of-the-napkin estimate is that if $10 million is enough to cover this abatement, then $1.1 billion would be enough to pay for almost $16 billion in new development projects, 32,000 new housing units and 165,000 sqft of commercial space. For some context, in the last 10 years (2014-2023), St. Louis gained only gained 7,034 new housing units total. I haven’t seen any direct numbers as to how much development is expected from the Green Line, but I would expect this amount is far less than $16 billion, considering the state of the literature on LRT development referenced above. As a specific example, the Wellston station in St. Louis has been open for more than 20 years and still borders a huge undeveloped plot of grass.
Bus Network Externalities: Some may object to my previous two recommendations of using the money to build solar panels and create tax abatements, rather than building transit, since funding sources are often not transferable like this, and rail funding might only be usable for transit projects. In these cases, I would still suggest building a large 100 mile light BRT transit network instead of a 5 mile light rail line. While I don’t have numbers to support this, I would strongly expect that this 100 mile network would lead to more emission reductions and more economic development than the 5 mile LRT line.


In my opinion, when you consider all of the differences, there is really no reason why we should be building Light Rail or Streetcars anywhere in America. For transit riders, light BRT provides an arguably more useful service than LRT, at a fraction of the cost. For non transit-riders, LRT does have some positive effects, but in an incredibly cost-inefficient manner.
I’m sure this post has some very controversial opinions. If you disagree with me, and think I’m missing some broader point about LRT, feel free to let me know in the comments. I’m especially interested in actual case studies where the capacity of LRT was necessary over light BRT, or where LRT demonstrably led to increased development.
submitted by saumikn to StLouis [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 17:57 Solupotsongana Sunny Smiles Daycare (pt. 1)

 I never thought I would find myself needing to recount the events that transpired during my childhood. 
When the idea of typing this came about, I didn’t think I would even be able to find the words to describe them. However, maybe due to recent contact with the government, the memories I had long buried in the dusty recesses of my memory have dug themselves up and crawled back into the light of my mind’s eye in vivid detail. Now that I am free to speak, and now that I have summoned the courage to, my message to you, especially the parents among you is this, do not leave your children at Sunny Smiles Daycare.
I was about 4 when my parents divorced. It was a long, arduous process, full of broken promises and uncomfortable truths. My mother had left a year prior, off to Vegas to be with her lover who would fly over on weekends and destroy my parent’s of holy matrimony. It took quite a toll on my father. He was never very present in the going on of my life, and while he tried, an awkwardness had formed between us, a chasm that made it difficult to do much of anything. It was ever present, both of us trying to cope with the tender void left in the wake of my mother.
We tried to fill it with each other, but our relationship wasn’t strong enough to bear the weight of my mom’s departure. Adding on to this was that most of the day he was gone, working to keep the roof we had over our heads. He hired a slew of nannies to fill the empty days his job made, but I always complained about them. I felt like a stranger in my own life, with people I didn’t know making themselves at home in the house that felt foreign to me now. I really just wanted my mom and dad back, for them to come together, forgive each other in a heartfelt bout of passion, and make time for me in their lives again. But as a child, I quickly learned to stifle my hopes and stopped believing in such silly fairy tales.
My father felt guilty about the whole thing, I could see it in his eyes. Even back then I knew the look of someone trying their best and failing. It was the look my mother gave me every time she came home late on a Saturday night, a crestfallen look of disappointment in not me or my father, but herself. She had promised me that everything would be okay, that the fighting wasn’t anything but grown-up talk. “A family,” she said, “always stays together”. But soon, all I got was promises that didn’t lead anywhere. The two of them made so many promises that if they were worth anything, I’d have been the richest kid in the world.
But all I got was a trip to a daycare, a way for my father to remedy this guilt, to distance himself from the reminder of all the promises he had failed to keep.
According to his searches from the time, he stumbled upon Sunny Smiles Daycare in his search, seeing it was new, very close by. It had only been open for a month and had nothing but five star reviews, with no justification as to the rating under any of the comments. When looking at their website, it is described as a “government owned amenity here to serve families in need. We are expanding everyday, and with the help of certain patrons we have expanded to the national level”. According to the FBI, whom which I have spoken to at length about my experiences, no federal or state funds from any agency were allocated to construct a national daycare system. However, there is documentation from congressional records of a meeting of the Committee of Education and the Workforce passing an anonymous bill into Congress to be voted on. When interviewed, none of the members of the committee recalled voting on such a bill, and no record of whether the bill was ratified or not was found.
One night, my father called for me from the ground floor. I cautiously maneuvered down the long, spiral stairs, gripping tightly onto the railing so as not to tumble down the treacherous staircase, my fear of heights taking hold even at such a young age. As I rounded the stairs, I saw my father standing in the living room, hands on his hips, tapping his foot rapidly. He had come home in a gray suit, tailored to his filled out build, with neat, dark hair combed over to hide his large, reflective forehead. As I completed my descent, my father turned to me, a smile so wide that the strain was practically audible on his face. I didn’t think much of it then, if anything I was happy that my father finally showed me something other than his inner struggles.
“Hey buddy, guess what we are gonna do tomorrow?” he said, his smile practically bursting out of his face.
“What?” I asked, his excited expression acting as a pathogen of enthusiasm.
“Tomorrow, you're going to go to a new place. It’s called Sunny Smiles Daycare. It’s a place where you can make tons of new friends. Isn’t that exciting?” he led me on in the way that parents do. I was confused.
“Sunny Smiles Daycare,” I repeated hollowly, spitting the words out due to their funny taste in my mouth.
“Will you come with me?” I asked tentatively, bracing for disappointment.
“No buddy, they don’t let grown-ups like me in. It’s just for you kids. But hey, I bet you're gonna have so much fun that you’ll forget all about me. I bet you won’t even want to leave,” he promised, trying to redirect the impact of his answer. I had heard the same speech often. Every time he laid down some shiny new thing at my feet, hoping to placate me with sacrifices like I was some bloodthirsty deity, he tried to convince me that this time, the hole bored into my heart would finally be filled with this cheap, flashy toy. And for the most part, I went along with it, both to find salvation in something frivolous and to ease my father’s own guilty demons. And this was no different. In as excited a voice I could muster I replied “I can’t wait!” The smile he wore shrunk a bit, but in turn, it looked much less plastic, and more real, a warmth returning to his features.
“I’m glad little man. You hungry?” I nodded vigorously.
“Great, what do ya want?”
“Dino nuggets,” my favorite.
My father nodded, before rushing off to the kitchen in order to prepare a gourmet serving of dino nuggets. I followed, clumsily running to catch up to him, desperate for the warmth of his smile once more.
“How your day go?” I asked rather clumsily. I had learned the basic abcs and enough words to speak, but the construction of sentences was something I had struggled with. I rarely talked at all and didn’t get many chances to do so.
“It was great, bud! I talked to a lady at the daycare we are gonna go to tomorrow, and she said they have over 50 kids there! They’ve got coloring books and dollies and even a playground inside! They’ve got books and paint an-” I started to tune out. He was still trying to sell me on the whole daycare thing. That was all he talked about the rest of the night, describing every detail of the place to me. Looking back, even then, I felt a deep sense of restlessness each time he mentioned the name of the place. The feeling only grew more exacerbated the longer the night went on, chasing away sweet thoughts of sleep. Some of it was nerves, going from 1 stranger a day to 50 was certainly a big leap. But part of it was something I can’t explain in any other way than a premonition, a warning from a natural instinct that laid long dormant in me came screaming to the surface. I did not sleep well that night. The morning of, my father woke me up early, saying that he needed to get to work, but would drop me off at the daycare on the way. I obliged, changing out of my Lightning McQueen onesie into tiny jeans and a brown and white striped shirt with a large smiling monkey face on the front. Monkeys were my favorite animal, mainly because they liked bananas just as much as I did. I did my daily duties of brushing my teeth, and messing around with my hair until I was happy with the ratty mess I had made. I once again fearfully journeyed down the stairs. My dad was tapping his foot at the bottom of the stairs, annoyance instead of excitement being the cause.
“Come on bud, we gotta get going or I’m gonna be late,”. he says, as if his meaningless deadline would incentivize me to overcome my fear and move faster.
I reach the bottom step, where my dad promptly scoops me up in his arms, and with his briefcase and a backpack in hand, we speed out of the house. We fly down the stairs leading down from the large wooden porch, my father gripping onto the black metal railing so as not to slip on the cliff-like stairs. He snaked through the cobblestone pathway that led from our stairs to the driveway. Both were in rough condition. Crabgrass riddled the grooves in the path, and the asphalt had long, outstretched cracks that had formed due to the roots of a nearby sycamore tree undermining the pavement. The lawn was an unkempt jungle of overgrown grass, weeds, dandelions, and mushrooms. Dad used to mow it once a week in the summer, but the habit had fallen off in the past year.
Dad threw open the back door of the red minivan, and quickly strapped me into the ragged, stained car seat. He clumsily struggled with the seatbelt, his inexperience with morning procedures on full display. He finally resigned himself, tying the belt straps together into a tight knot that compressed harshly on my chest. I remember my breathing being shallow during the majority of the ride. With me secured, he threw the backpack over next to me, closed the door, and got in the front seat.
“Dad, I don’t go,” I said. “I don’t like,”
“Why buddy? We haven’t even gotten there yet,” Dad asked, his voice rising in pitch, as he started the ignition.
“I don’t like,” I repeated, louder and firmer this time.
“Why don’t you just give it a few days, just two or three days, and if you truly hate it, then we’ll find a different place okay sweetie?” He asked, forcing his voice to smooth out, as we turned out of our bumpy driveway and started off. There wasn’t much I could do after that. He did not respond well to temper tantrums, and I knew that it would not end well for either of us if I started yelling. He was too jumpy, and didn’t have the long fuse constructed over many long nights of staying awake with your kid.
Once, I dropped a glass of orange juice. The glass shattered in a loud crackle, like thunder mixed with pop rocks, and they scattered away from the initial blast, in fear of the storm that was barreling down the stairs.
“What happened?!” my father yelled as he stomped through the house. I realize now that his shouting was out of concern more than anger, but as a child, it’s hard to tell the difference when someone is screaming at you. I looked up at him, fat watery tears streaming down my face as I bawled loudly, practically shouting myself.
My dad grabbed a handful of paper towels, and started roughly padding my fuzzy blue shirt.
“Are you hurt?” he yelled again, voice wavering. This only made my cries louder, bordering on hysterical now as I continued to blubber.
My dad grunted in strained frustration. He combed his hair frantically, eyes darting around wildly, completely overwhelmed by the scene before him. Unable to take my wailing any longer he leaned down, grabbed me by the arm, and shook me violently.
“Are you hurt!” He screamed, shocking me into silence.
I stood stunned. My dad quickly removed his hands from me, purple bruises welding up along my arms like bad tattoos.
“I’m sorry bud, I thought you were hurt and you wouldn’t answer me and I… I’m sorry. I’m sorry,”. It was all he could say. I made sure not to scream or cry around him from then on.
We drove for about 10 minutes, before a large, pastel building of soft blues, yellows, and greens came into view. I knew about 5 minutes before it came into view where it was, my face retracting further into the car seat, as if bracing for a bomb to fall.
It was a massive building. The front looked normal enough, a box almost entirely made of windows aside from the wiry wooden frame separating them, and the large fluorescent red door surrounded by a black wooden outline. This was partially obscured by large red brick pillars that held up a concrete awning. Behind that, stood a massive dome, like an igloo made out of yellow snow. Sun patterns covered the dome-like orange polka dots.
The building unnerved me. Something about it wasn’t quite right, like my father’s own strained smile. It looked like it was trying too hard, trying to look like what all parents wanted to see when they dropped their kids off.
“See?” My father said from the front seat, fake excitement dripping from his voice.
“It looks so fun!” he said. He was fishing for an enthusiastic response, but all I could muster was quiet indifference.
We turned into the lot, navigating through the crowded rows of cars, parked haphazardly. Every spot was filled. A long line of cars slowly advanced next to the concrete curve, advancing toward the dropping-off points. Other cars, though, stopped where they were, and removed their kid from the car seat. Some didn’t even have them in car seats, and simply stopped while the kids got out themselves. The kids looked scared, sad, and hurt, the latter of which I could identify with. It was the look I often felt myself giving when I was being forgotten or I was alone. The former two, I would soon come to know quite well.
As soon as the door closed, the car would speed out from the line and out of the lot. Even strangers were kids who walked from the parking lot. These kids all had filth-splotched faces, torn-up rags for clothes, thin hair, and hollow eyes. They walked slowly, without regard for the honking cars and disapproving looks from parents who had almost hit them. They didn’t even look up as they filed into the daycare. My dad chimed in.
“Oh poor kids. How can a parent watch their child go out into the world like that? Is no one feeding them?” He muttered under his breath in an angry tone. He hated seeing the cries of those who were suffering go unanswered, especially children. It was why he became a doctor.
The cars slowly moved, dropping their kids off one by one, some making more of a ceremony of it than others. Stifled tears, verklempt looks, and the all too familiar fake smiles were all congregated at the entrance to the daycare. Guardian to said entrance stood two women, garbed in an all-white dress, apron, and gloves with silver hair and peculiar white hats. It looked like one of those paper hats kids made, but it was made of cloth and like her, stood at stiff attention and bore an opaque smiling face. They were surrounded by a flock of frantic parents, each desperately commanding their attention with little facts about their special angle. Allergies, snack preferences, and in the case of some, medication were all conveyed with deathly urgency. Dad stopped the car, turning to me and smiling. Not an insincere one, but one of sympathy and comfort.
“It’s gonna be okay sweetie. I know this has all been so much for you, so thank you for being so brave with me,” he promised. I smiled back in turn, meaning it this time.
He then exited the car, came around to the backseat, and untied me from the car seat. He grabbed the backpack and carried me over to the cement awning that shaded the walkway.
He carried me over to the two ladies, past the line of fellow downtrodden children, and dropped me a few feet away from the crowd of squawking parents.
“Hold on just a second now sweetie, I’ll be right back,” he said. I stood awkwardly, trying as much as I possibly could to fold into myself as the limp bodies of my peers stumbled past me, all light-looking to have long left their eyes. One was different though. A young girl in a pink and red polka-dotted dress with an accompanying bow in her soft ginger hair to match. She was holding a small, beaten-up brown patchwork teddy bear with its left eye missing. The back of it was torn open, stuffing flopping out of it. Around her neck was a collar of raspy, raw skin, like some wild animal had tried to tear out her jugular with its claws. She had pretty green eyes which continued to glance at me as she passed. Right before she went through the red door, she hesitated, turned around, and quickly waddled over to me. She placed her face incredibly close to me, and I recoiled out of shock. I could still make out her whispers though, “When they ask, don’t tell,”.She quickly turned away, glancing back at me with worried eyes. I looked after her, confused and more scared than before. As my eyes wandered, I looked up to one of the women answering parental questions, and she continued to do so. However, her eyes were transfixed to the polka-dot girl, and once she entered the daycare, they shifted to me. It was what I could only describe as a friendly stare, or at least, one that appeared to be. She looked like she was sizing me up. I held her gaze for only a second, and wished I hadn’t even done that. I commanded my eyes to look anywhere, anywhere but the woman’s shriveled, pit-like eyes that begged for my attention. My eyes traced out the outline of the red door, slowly taking in each groove and scratch that thick coats of paint weren’t able to cover. As I looked above the red gate, I was greeted with words scrawled at the top in shaky black letters. I didn’t know what I said then, but looking back I do now. They read “Welcome to Home”.
“Calvin, come here!” my dad said, snapping me out of my awkward stare. I shuffled over to my dad, reaching out and clinging to his arm. Both of the silver-haired women turned to look at me, moving through the crowd of parents with polite “excuse me’s” and “let us pass for a moment’s”, all while not taking their eyes off of me. They strode over to my dad, one addressing my dad and the other bending down to my level, still staring at me. She bent perfectly straight at the hips, but went down no further, her face mere millimeters from mine. I shrunk closer to my father, who was seemingly too preoccupied talking about my peanut allergy to notice the creepy woman staring at his kid.
“What is your name?” She asked. I pressed even further away from her due to her voice, which scratched at my ears like sandpaper. I remembered what the polka-dot girl said, and did everything in my power to not give her an answer, instead tugging on Dad’s pant leg, pleading for his attention.
“What is your name?” She probed again, this time her voice only a supple whisper. I almost couldn’t stop myself as my name rushed up my throat like hot vomit I needed to choke back. It was like she had reached her hand into my brain and was massaging it, hoping to coax out an answer. I knew she knew already, she had heard my dad call it only a few moments ago. But she wanted me to say it, to hear the word escape my lips. I was afraid to speak at all because if I did, I knew my name would come out. I didn’t even know what would happen, but the visceral fear I had of what might happen kept my lips sewn shut.
I tugged more and more desperately on my father’s leg, but he didn’t even look at me. He was still talking to the silver woman about who knows what. Who knows what he was telling her?
“What is your name?” the lady asked again, this time grabbing my hand and squeezing it. I tried to yank my hand away, but her grip was vice-like. She clamped down hard, I was sure a bruise would form. Looking back now, she likely knew that out of what she could do then, that would hurt the most. My eyes darted around, my brain overwhelmed by a gut-wrenching fear that poured into me from the woman’s touch. It was so cold I couldn’t feel my arm anymore, and the numbing sensation was spreading quickly. I looked for anyone, any adult who could see what was happening and put a stop to it, but everyone seemed to be conveniently occupied with something else. Time seemed to slow down and warp, leaving just me and the woman in our pocket of isolation. Voices faded out into warped chirping. I couldn’t tell you what they were saying, but with every passing moment, they got louder and louder. Numbing fear spread all throughout my body, reaching up and crawling into my mouth and swelling my tongue, pushing back the scream that was clawing its way up my throat. My eyes began to go numb, and the tears that welled up froze over my eyes blocking my vision. They were being squeezed like oranges being juiced. My arms and legs froze and turned weak, brittle enough that a gust of wind would shatter them. Slowly, I could sense my heartbeat getting slower and slower.
“You ready buddy?” My father’s coarse hand tapped my shoulder, and the glass bubble of nightmares that surrounded me and that woman shattered. Time came roaring back and all the pressure inflicted on my feeble body vanished, and the woman hastily stood up. Tears sprung free from their icy barrier as I turned to my father and looked up.
“Hey, woah, buddy what’s wrong? What’s going on?” he bent down to me, clumsily wiping away my tears. All I could do was shake my head vigorously, lips still quivering. I tried to speak but I knew the woman was still staring at me. I could feel her gaze honed in on the back of my head like a laser. As long as her eyes were fixed on me, I didn’t dare speak. Even now, I feel dizzy, my name on the tip of my tongue.
“We see this type of display daily. Children and caretakers alike are so rarely prepared to be separate. It’s an emotional moment, but we have found that adversity only ends in growth and prosperity for the pair” one of the women says, a sugary sweetness now oozing from her demeanor.
“Don’t worry buddy, your guardian will be back, and while he is attending to his duties, you will have the honor of being a part of our family,” the other silver-haired woman says, turning to me with a toothy grin. Most of her words were too big for me to understand. Though, I doubt I would need to hear her speak to understand. The stares they would give us were all we needed to know what they were saying, and yet they still put us through the torture of their scratchy speech.
“We are extremely excited to meet you!” the pair said in unison.
“You sure you're okay, bud?” Dad asked again, still not convinced. With both of them looking at me now, there was no way I was saying anything. I sent a pleading look to my dad, hoping that my covert correspondence wouldn’t go unnoticed. But apparently, my own father didn’t know me well enough to see how shaken I really was. He gave me a final look of sorry, before he bent down, gave me a tight hug, stood up, and handed me the backpack. Then he began to depart
“Listen buddy I’ll see you tonight. I put all your favorite stuff in that bag okay? I love you so much.” His voice wavered a bit, coughing a bit to try and regain composure. He looked at me, torn, between what he wanted to believe and what he could see. All I could do was stand there and watch my father throw his only son to the wolves. He walked back to the car, buckled in, and gave me a final look of a wide smile with conflicting, tear-soaked eyes, before exiting the line of cars and driving off.
An overwhelming wave of dread washed over me as I watched my lifeline drift away. Questions raced through my head, “When would he come back? Would he forget to come? How long can I not say my name for?”
I could feel them loom over me, like unwanted shadows creeping through the night.
“Come, it is time for you to enter,” the lady said, the sweetness now draining from her voice and face. A reproachful look now adorned her face. She stiffly pointed to the door, likely knowing that the meaning of her words was lost on me. I turned and made my way into the line of children still marching towards the gateway, dragging my feet. The gate itself seemed to pull me closer like death reaching its hand out from a coffin. The two ladies returned to their posts beside the door, dutifully tending to the needs of apprehensive parents. They made a last call, saying “All parents must deposit their offspring to the daycare. Activities are about to begin”.
submitted by Solupotsongana to creepcast [link] [comments]