Horton lays an egg text

Go For Gold

2013.08.11 19:28 reduced-fat-milk Go For Gold

The original place to host and compete in challenges for GoForGold Bux. Check out our Discord: https://discord.gg/Cz2VKQP

2009.11.24 18:32 Correctmygrammar Food Porn

Simple, attractive, and visual. Nothing suggestive or inappropriate, this is a safe for work subreddit.

2015.04.11 11:11 Clackpot StupidFood : Food. Point. Laugh.

A place to lambast idiotic methods of serving food, or any other epicurean inanity worthy of ridicule.

2024.05.14 01:09 Boba_tea_thx Marked as delivered when they didn’t show up. What happens to the driver next?

The driver was close by, but didn’t actually arrive to my address. Zero cars were driving by my building as the driver texted me “hi” and “I’ve arrived”. I’ve had multiple deliveries in the past and no one has ever had an issue finding my address because it’s a simple. As soon as I click on the notification to open the message (maybe 5 seconds had passed), the page just showed that the food was delivered. I think the driver took my pizza and wings. I’m actually sick and just need to lay down, and I haven’t really eaten in 2 days.
Fortunately, I reported the issue immediately and got a 100% refund without messaging support. I also changed the tip to $0.00, and my original tip was 30%.
However, what happens to the driver? Do they just get away with it, or are they responsible for the original cost?
submitted by Boba_tea_thx to UberEATS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:56 Mojo884ever Beware of the "petty" exes.

I'm a few years out from my divorce. You can find the full story in my post history.
CliffNotes version - 2020, ex wife had an affair with a (also married) mutual coworker while I was quarantined with Covid.
My ex wife and I still share a joint bank account. I know this is dumb. It is literally the only thing linking us together. We don't talk, we don't text, I blocked her on Facebook. Literally 99.99% no contact.
The reason for this continued joint bank account is that she took out a loan for a car while we were still together, using our joint account. She now lives across the state, where there are no branches of the bank. So they deduct the loan payment from the bank account, then she sends me money to replace it.
It doesn't bother me. In the four years we've been divorced, she's never touched the account for any reason other than the automatic loan payment.
Last month she was two weeks late on repaying me. So I sent her a gif of Joey from Friends tapping Chandler on the shoulder. Just as a little 'reminder nudge.'
She texted back "Crap, I knew I forgot something. Can I pay you Friday?"
Then she said "Sorry, I've just been so scatterbrained this month."
.... And then she sent me a picture of a baby. I didn't even know she had been pregnant. Like I said, we've been essentially no-contact since the divorce. All of our conversations have been about that bill - either her sending payment, or me thanking her.
She knows that I want to be a dad... that I wantED (emphasis on the past tense) to start a family with her. I was dumbfounded by the audacity of it...
I stared at my phone for about five seconds before closing the app and moving on with my day.
I'm doing so much better these days. I'm not letting that storm cloud move back over my valley of peace.
I don't even know if she INTENDED to try and hurt me, or if it was just an innocent picture. I'm leaning toward the former. Point is, even when you get past whatever roadblock lays before you, beware of the petty exes.
submitted by Mojo884ever to survivinginfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:40 chocolateforbrekky Bobbly eggs

Bobbly eggs
I’m relatively new to having chickens and we currently have 5. When they first started laying, their eggs were smooth but lately they are kind of bobbly? Almost like calcium buildup. I’d be grateful for any insights on whether this is normal, or whether it means they are deficient (or overindulging) in something. The photo is an example egg that was laid today.
submitted by chocolateforbrekky to BackYardChickens [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:19 ThrowRA103818 How do I [19F] not make things weird after cuddling with my friend [21M]?

Recently my friend [21M] and I [19F] went to a mutual friend's graduation party and I ended up drinking a few too many shots. Wasn't fit to drive so my friend drove me to another close friend's apartment to sober up and chill.
The three of us talked till nearly 4AM, and eventually our close friend bid us goodnight and retired to his room. He let the both of us crash at his apartment since we were sleepy.
My friend and I laid on one couch and talked some more about pretty personal stuff like our past romantic relationships, family, even clearing up previous arguments we had in our own friendship (I used to hate his guts when we first met lol). We fell asleep like that too, facing each other side by side sharing a blanket with a plushie between us so we wouldn't be directly touching.
However I woke up around an hour later drowsy nearly falling off the edge of the couch, so I scooted closer in. I was so close to him that I guess he felt me shift and he wrapped his arm around me, patting my head and playing with the ends of my hair. I didn't mind it at all either. I actually found it super comforting and cuddled closer together.
We slept like that some more till I woke up again. We both had plans later that day so I kinda gently nudged him awake and asked if he wanted to leave, to which he mumbled and asked if he could sleep a little longer. I didn't have the heart to say no and so we cuddled until he eventually did have to wake up and drive me back to my car.
Later he texted me apologizing saying he should've asked before wrapping his arm around me, and I reassured him saying it was fine. That if I didn't like it I would've explicitly let him know.
After that I felt sort of bad because maybe I made him feel weird or uncomfortable about the whole thing. I don't even know what to think about it either. I do know that cuddling is typically reserved for romantic relationships, and that if either of us had a partner I wouldn't be okay with it.
I also noticed that with this friend he's super caring. Like sometimes when we sleepover as a whole group he'll check in on me a lot, especially when I drink or stay over to do homework into the late night. He's always looking after me, laying his blanket over me, pulling out my chair for me to sit, or sharing his food and drink. I've seen him be real generous with a lot of his friends though, so I can't tell if I'm being delusional reading too much into a guy who just happens to be very courteous. I'm also very physically affectionate with my friends too, guys and girls. I've never cuddled a dude though, usually I'm only this intimate with my girl friends.
Is it possible to maintain a platonic relationship after this? Should I be more mindful of how touchy I am with him in the future?
Thank you!
TLDR: Intimately cuddled with my guy friend and now I'm unsure if he likes me or if I crossed a platonic boundary of our relationship and made things weird.
submitted by ThrowRA103818 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:14 JelllyGarcia Daybell Trial: Testimony from the Idaho supervisors of FBI CAST & ISP Forensics Lab, + Ms. Beaty on prosecution team

Anyone watching this trial?

This is loosely related, but the Daybell case is turning out to be a great source for a preview of what’s to come.
I think there’s a decent chance the same ISP Lab Supervisor and/or FBI CAST Supervisor will be the ones to testify on this case, bc their departments are for state of Idaho & supervisors typically closely oversee processes for high-profile cases & are more equipped to testify.

FBI CAST / CSLI Supervisor - Day 22

(just ended about 45 mins ago at the time I’m posting this)
Note: he’s not shown on screen & is likely using an alias.
Hot take: my guess on why they don’t have the cooperation from the FBI CAST / CSLI team on Kohberger case seems likely to be that they misrepresented or cherry-picked info, which the FBI CAST team isn’t willing to limit their statements to in testimony, & are going back & forth about providing a report limited to that, rather than FBI just stonewalling their request for the data.
That’s ^ my wild guess, not evidenced directly, just a personal opinion on what I think is likely

ISP Lab Supervisor Ms. Dace - Day 20

I was pretty shocked at how much DNA they opted to preserve rather than consume. In this case, what could they possibly need to save it for that would be more important than THIS investigation & trial !!!? - no one wants to clone this dude & taxpayers prob aren’t hoping for a re-do - and especially given that they don’t have even one tiny HINT of Chad’s DNA on anything….!..?..!.? - Yikes - (no fault of Ms. Dace though; she just tests what she’s told to).
(For clarity: I think he obviously played a key role in the kid’s deaths & is guilty of at least conspiracy to commit murder, just now question the strength of the first degree murder charge, not his actual guilt)

Ms. Beaty - special prosecutor from the Kohberger case is on this trial too.

Anyone else watching this one?
— If not, honestly, I do not recommend. This trial is dominated by soft-spoken, slow-speakers lol.
Any other take-aways?
Or questions? (I watched more than most ppl prob have the patience for - it’s kind of like a long version of those old Clear Eyes commercials, but with lots of dead silence in between statements - so I’d be happy to answer if I can)
submitted by JelllyGarcia to MoscowMurders [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:05 just_a_person_1 New Users: Current State of TiddlyWiki is Troubling

Disclaimer: This is part Cry-For-Help, part New-User-Warning, and part Complaint. If you're the type of person who gets emotionally charged when others complain, you should probably ignore the ego and click the "Back" button.
I'm starting to feel a little worried about using TiddlyWiki to house my 'Personal Knowledge Database'. It is reminding me of software that used to have a good deal of support, but doesn't anymore? Examples:
  1. Whenever I check this reddit, there are 2 people 'online', and almost no one making posts.
  2. talk.tiddlywiki.org (TiddlyWiki Main Help Site?) appears to be just as dead.
  3. Googling issues returns results from 5-16 years ago.
    1. When I google "tiddlywiki how to insert comments" the first result is: https://groups.google.com/g/tiddlywiki/c/O0AvfwN6ByM, (which is from 2008!) and is just a bunch of people NOT answering that question. "How to insert comments" should be an extremely simple answer. Yes I know it is listed elsewhere - that's not the point.
  4. The Help Documentation on the Main Site (tiddlywiki.com) often completely lacks true example code, or has such incomplete code that it makes me think they made a "first pass" and then never actually went back to flesh it out. Documentation should always include various Use-Case examples to get people started. TiddlyWiki documentation basically just tells you the syntax, and the accepted parameters/options, and maybe 1 or 2 extremely basic examples that do not depict any real use-cases.
  5. To top it all off, the few guides/tutorials that seem to exist on various topics are written by people who assume you already know what you're doing. Either that, or they just aren't very good at giving packaged examples. Here is one issue I had to google, and the corresponding poor 'How To" guide that didn't help:
    1. Wrapping Images: https://talk.tiddlywiki.org/t/floating-images-howto/7393 - this 'tutorial' includes code, but assumes you already know what to do. It may not be completely obvious why this "How To" is terrible, but, if it were a cooking recipe, it would look like this:
Example of a BAD Tutorial
So you want to bake a cake? Here's how to make that happen:
  1. eggs and whisking are a part of the process.
  2. you can use different types of eggs
  3. have fun! ~Mario
That's not a tutorial. That is a person named Mario spending 5 minutes to throw out some code that will only help people who already know what they're doing. The ridiculous part is, I am familiar with programming (python, javascript, LUA, HTML, CSS) - but even with that advantage compared to a completely new user, I still don't magically know how to combine Mario's haphazard code blocks into TiddlyWiki's structure.
Tutorials SHOULD be written like recipes:
Intro: If you want to include one tiddler in the text body of another tiddler, follow the steps below:
A) Create a Tiddler note
B) Name it "My_Test_Note"
C) Copy and Paste the following text into it:
This is some example text. Paste me directly into the Tiddler you just created named "Test".
D) Save that Tiddler (Ctrl+Enter) or click Check Mark button.
E) Create another new Tiddler note
F) Name it "My_Output"
G) Copy and Paste the following code into it:
H) Save that Tiddler too.
Explanation: Notice how the text from My_Test_Note is 'transcluded' into the Tiddler named "My_Output". This is called "Transclusion".
Even the Grok TiddlyWiki suffers from the problem of having too many words and not enough copy-paste-able examples.
I'm going to try sticking with TiddlyWiki if I can, but I just thought it was useful for new users to be warned about what they're getting into here:
I believe TiddlyWiki has a huge amount of potential (for power-users who already know how to use it), but if you aren't familiar with programming, or don't want to google every single tiny issue and sift through post after post from 16 years ago, or read tutorials written by people who can't explain how to bake a cake, then it may not be right for you.
submitted by just_a_person_1 to TiddlyWiki5 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:05 Ok_Huckleberry3555 WIBTA for telling my mom to butt out and leave the decision of how many kids I have to my husband and me?

I (32F) and my husband (41M) have two kids and are expecting our third pretty soon.
A little history, I was induced with my first two pregnancies because of low fluid with one and cholestasis with the other. We had an ectopic pregnancy with the third, which required emergency surgery and loss of a fetus and a fallopian tube. We always wanted a bigger family so we were thrilled to be able to get pregnant again and with a healthy baby.
My mom has been a nervous wreck since I got pregnant again, worried about me and the kids eventhough we are all healthy and well. We have 4bed 3bath home. We have talked about having a fourth baby but obviously understand circumstances can change at any time and I still need to get through delivering our third.
I work 2 days a week now and will stop working once our baby is born, my husband will continue to work and support us. We have looked at our finances and we will be okay to do it. I will be homeschooling the kids also which is why I won’t work outside of the home.
Here comes the argument last Friday. My mom made a comment about how great and spacious our house is and I said, “yeah, there’s room for more kids!” I was laughing as I said this. She got super stern and looked away from me but started talking about how selfish it is for people to have so many kids and it’s not fair to the kids that don’t ask to be brought into the world. I ignored her comments and tried to brush it off and forget about it but when I called her the next day she sounded upset so I asked if she was okay and she said no and just laid into me. To summarize, she told me it was selfish to consider a fourth child, it won’t be fair to my other kids because they won’t get the attention they need, we won’t get to do fancy trips like everyone else, they will have to share a room or at least two of them will, they will look at their friends and things they do and have an wonder why they can’t, etc. she also asked what if something happens to my husband or me and pointed out the fact that he’s older so he won’t have time or energy for us. (He is amazing btw and we share the chores and responsibilities pretty evenly and have agreed to continue this). Also I’m a nurse and could go back to work if I had to, not ideal but it’s an option of worst case scenario happened.
I tried to stop the conversation because I was sobbing (thank you pregnancy hormones) and frankly I didn’t think it was her business. She just kept laying it on me. I understand being concerned for my health, but I never asked for her opinion or input so it felt way out of line and went beyond concern for my health. I told her it don’t care for the fancy trips or that every kid has their own tablets, etc. if my kids are concerned that much with appearances than I’m doing something wrong. She also said if we have a fourth she will have to distance herself from us, not really sure why but I guess in an effort to dissuade us.
I want a happy, loud, lived in and loved home. My house growing up was so quiet, lonely and depressing. It was just my sister and I and she was 5 years older so we weren’t really close and we had our own bedrooms but I often felt left out and like an only child.
Anyway, the conversation ended with me saying I didn’t want to talk about it anymore and she said “ok, bye.” On Mother’s Day I texted her saying “Happy Mother’s Day, I love and appreciate you.” (We aren’t talking but I did mean it). She said “Thanks. Hope you had a good day too.” No Happy Mother’s Day in return. I’m extremely hurt and sad and don’t know how to begin a conversation with her at this point. I do know that I want to tell her to stay out of our business when it comes to the amount of kids we have, would this make me an asshole?
submitted by Ok_Huckleberry3555 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 00:00 Vivagabex I was sick, literally trying to take care of myself sober doing the best I could despite the rumors

And for the most part I'm still doing that. Although there were people that I lost along the way because they weren't willing to be a good enough friend to person that was sick even if I was the most toxic motherfucker in the world why didn't you just communicate. But nah you have to go to me it was a simple hey I don't like this Behavior and no one even bothered talking to me every single situation I got politely fuck off or don't ever fucking speak to me again or you're a threat to my fun happy life. Regardless not even thinking about what I had to go through what I put up with when they were sick it was years ago and they're perfect now and in a perfect world I would be doing fine and all I wanted to say was how could you hold someone to such a standard when they're battling cancer alone they're on like seven different types of medications they don't have a support system literally spiraling out needing a friend and maybe came across a little desperate but maybe someday someone in your family will get very sick and somehow you'll understand it wasn't selfishness.
And most of these situations I didn't even get to have my own word a lot we're done over text or messages left telling me things that I never got to even answer explain it was just you're a bad person I know that all of this has to be true except for the fact that you're obviously not sick blah blah blah they were never true friends and that fucking really hurts cuz I would have given my life for each and every one of them as I've always had a low self-esteem it's been very hard for me to make friends and I wish I could apologize and I have to each and every one of them. You know all you can do is apologize and move on I just wish they wouldn't have been so fucking brutal about it or maybe checked in and once they found out that it was all real and they weren't being good people they were just being judgmental and goes against everything they say they are and it wasn't a caring loving Act I was alone I was spiraling I didn't have a single person to talk to so when you come at me aggressively I mean what did you expect I was highly medicated fighting cancer regardless I have I ended up with nobody cuz nobody was willing and to just check up how you doing but my worth has been shown and attempted suicide two times this month I think it's going to come down to buy a firearm which is not a big deal I just made a ton of money and I don't care I'd rather it all burn I burn it all right now just for a hug and a conversation with any person. And to top it off people adding things on like oh he was a pervert he held me hostage just bizarre shit that comes back to me like yeah I held someone hostage that cut my ear in half broke my nose and I was holding them hostage what the fuck kind of shit I never got to even find out what I'm accused of until it comes around like a game of kindergarten and I am literally in a small town when it comes to people. If any of you had any type of empathy or emotion I mean I'm not going to keep someone for a long time but an apology or a checkup to see how you doing just thought I'd say hi sort of thing isn't going to kill someone I guess I don't know I guess they're not willing to take that chance and I will continue to try to leave this fucking place cuz this is bullshit all of it I'm tired I just want one person to talk to I swear to God I never thought I'd be this person and I'm not by Nature a introvert it was sort of forced on me when you're better written and you have a bunch of assholes that claim to be caring as friends and it's real cool I just know Karma will come around one day maybe their kid will get fucking some kind of a cancer but written then maybe they'll understand but it won't make a difference. Nothing really ever does right we're all the same fucking person as the universe experiencing itself blah blah blah my emotions don't matter I'm just a fucking c u c k that can't be fixed I go ahead and keep being nice to my small group of animals they like me. God I sound pathetic sooner I get a gun the better. And congratulations each and everyone of you for doing the bare minimum I mean shit if AOL hadn't gone out of business I'd probably own a house and a car and be making shit ton of money too or maybe if I hadn't got a job working for Washington Mutual Home Loans in 2008 when the fucking market for housing crashed or maybe working for a company that got bought out by another company called the gero and decided to lay everyone off but hey that's life then you get a bunch of brain tumors not cancerous but the one in your back is you get all these tumors removed you take all this medicine that you can't even function on and then when you're better what do you have to live for everyone's gone, all the money spent on the treatments all the family members that threw their hands up in the air and decided to just be better off not having you as a part of their family and you are a bastard child anyway so no longer invited to Christmas or any other event one of my aunts even just saw me cuz she wasn't a full hand so yeah all this stuff is really easy to get through totally okay I don't need a single person cuz I'm a rock I am an island and I will continue to live until I don't LOL mother fuck this world man people out there thinking I'm some fucking weird clown that likes to touch buttholes and stuff y'all are just some fucked up people in the head take a look in the mirror truly what have I ever done and go ahead go out on the dark web hack my fucking computer do whatever you can you ain't going to find shit I'm not a bad person I haven't heard anyone on purpose I haven't done shit I think the worst thing I did was took CDs from a place I work like 25 years ago and most of the time they were promos that they gave out to people so anyone that sits there and calls me some kind of a toxic monster that's unfixable they need to look in the mirror or maybe they fix themselves and they can't take the responsibility to understand that other people also grow and it's also possible that their life might not be as shiny and spectacular because they're circumstances and their health issues were a little bit different even if you thought I was a hypochondriac or whatever yeah my whole family everyone's in on it including the hospitals Jesus this world I'll be glad the center I'm out of it I can't even enjoy it it's not possible everything's tainted it's been destroyed by people that I've opened my heart to anyway.
they thought you were just Behaving Badly none of them giving you the benefit of the doubt and the local ones that know what's happening very quick to avoid any type of conversation because who wants to talk to someone that's sick and don't even try talking to me now blah blah blah have a great life
submitted by Vivagabex to u/Vivagabex [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:59 SilphScience Catching Wonders Event Megathread

Everything you need to know about the event, all in one place. A lot of these pieces will be verified by the Silph Research Group, so throughout the post we'll use the formatting:
Also note that (s) will be used for species whose shiny form is available, and (s?) for new shinies that we haven't seen yet.
This verification isn't meant to replace reports here, rather to provide an extra level of verification and depth to the event. Travelers are always welcome to join here and help out with data collection: https://discord.gg/WpAvRRsaRT
For a Full list of all available Eggs, Raids, and Field Research check out: https://www.reddit.com/TheSilphRoad/comments/13fwpg8/current_raid_quest_rocket_egg_pools/
Have fun and stay safe this week!
Event Date: Tuesday, May 14, 2024, 10am - Sunday, May 19, 2024, 8pm local time


Field Research

Just looking for event tasks.
Task Text Reward

Masterwork Research: Catching Wonders

Stage 1
Rewards: 2500XP, ??? encounter
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
submitted by SilphScience to TheSilphRoad [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:58 musical-amara Rip and Tear: A Decade of Doom

In the annals of gaming history, few titles command the reverence and adoration as the legendary Doom franchise. Born from the minds of John Romero, John Carmack, Adrian Carmack, and Tom Hall, Doom would go on to lay the foundations for just about every modern video game that exists. It was a true tour de force, a success story few could scarce ever imagine.
Released in 1993, Doom was an immediate smash hit, thanks in no small part to its shareware format, which allowed users to experience the first few levels of Knee Deep In the Dead, and then order the full game via the phone number included. Players could then share the floppy disk with their friends, and so on, and so on. It was a truly revolutionary system, and within a single year, Doom had sold over 2 million copies.
The history of the Doom franchise is one of innovation, ultra violence, and controversy (1999's Columbine High School Massacre), and that reputation is one that continued with 2016's DOOM. DOOM was officially revealed at Quakecon 2014, ten years after Doom 3. Players had long resigned to Doom being considered a dead franchise. A reboot had been in the works for a number of years prior, but never got released, having been quietly cancelled by id in 2010. The future was bleak, but the 30 second long teaser ignited a spark that had been burning dimmer every passing year.
Then came E3 2015.
The hype was unreal. The trailer had everything that fans could possibly want. Gore, intense violence, insane run n gun gameplay, a rip-roaring soundtrack and the MFING CHAINSAW. But fans had been let down before. Would it really hold up its promises?
Yes. Yes, it would.
PART I: Presentation
When DOOM burst onto the scene in 2016, it did so with a visual and auditory spectacle that left players awestruck. From the moment the game boots up, players are made aware that this is not your average shooter. You are greeted with a deep, commanding voice. "Rip and tear, until it is DONE."
Immediately, players are greeted with a scene of carnage and the Doom Slayer chained to a table, which, of course, he instantly breaks free from. A zombie attempts to relieve the Slayer of his life but is beaten to the punch with a prompt skull smashing. After putting the other zombies to rest, he interacts with the panel in the corner, is greeted by one Dr. Samuel Hayden, who attempts to justify the outbreak, and decides he would rather kill shit than listen to excuses and destroys the monitor.
That is the introduction to this game. It never wastes the player's time. We aren't here to listen to long droning monologues or watch MGS style cutscenes. id Software knew their audience, and knew what that audience wanted, and they deliver in spades. This introduction sets the tone for the entire experience: relentless action, unapologetic violence, and a protagonist who is as unstoppable as he is uncompromising. The Doom Slayer's disdain for exposition and his single-minded focus on annihilating demons resonate with players who crave a pure, unadulterated gaming experience.
By eschewing lengthy cutscenes and exposition-heavy dialogue in favor of fast-paced gameplay and visceral action, id Software delivers a game that respects the player's time and delivers exactly what they came for: non-stop demon-slaying action. In an era where many games are criticized for padding their runtime with unnecessary filler, DOOM stands out as a shining example of how to create a focused and engaging experience that keeps players coming back for more.
Rather than bombarding players with lengthy exposition or intrusive cutscenes, DOOM opts for a more environmental storytelling approach. Throughout the game, players can discover audio logs, read text-based terminals, and observe environmental details that provide context and background to the events unfolding around them.
The story of DOOM revolves around the Doom Slayer's mission to stop a demonic invasion unleashed by the Union Aerospace Corporation (UAC) on their Martian facility. As players progress through the game, they uncover details about the UAC's experiments with Hell energy, the origins of the demonic invasion, and the Doom Slayer's own mysterious past.
While the story may not be front and center in DOOM, it nonetheless adds depth and richness to the game world, enhancing the overall experience for players who choose to engage with it. And for those who prefer to focus solely on the action, the story remains secondary, allowing them to enjoy the game on their own terms.
That's all well and good, but what about the actual gameplay? Simply put, it is exhilarating. From the moment you are given control of the Slayer, players are thrust into a frenzy of blood and violence, and it never lets up. At its core, DOOM is a first-person shooter that harkens back to the genre's roots while injecting it with a healthy dose of modern flair. The gameplay is fast-paced, frenetic, and utterly unapologetic in its brutality. You're not just a player – you're the Doom Slayer, a force of nature hell-bent on eradicating every last demon in your path.
Central to the gameplay experience is the game's combat loop, which revolves around a delicate balance of aggression and strategy. In DOOM, there's no hiding behind cover or waiting for your health to regenerate – you're constantly on the move, strafing, dodging, and leaping across the battlefield as you unleash a torrent of bullets, rockets, and plasma upon your enemies.
Weapons include the iconic shotgun, heavy assault rifle, plasma rifle, rocket launcher, and the devastating BFG 9000, among others. Each weapon offers different firing modes, such as single shot, burst fire, and continuous beam, providing players with tactical options in combat. A key aspect of combat is the Glory Kill system, which allows players to perform brutal finishing moves on staggered enemies. Glory Kills not only provide health and ammo but also contribute to the flow of combat by encouraging aggressive play. It is incredibly satisfying to watch the Slayer rip an imp in half or stomp their head into the pavement, and doing so rewards you with a large return of health.
The Chainsaw mechanic is another integral part of combat, allowing players to instantly kill most enemies and gain a large amount of ammo in return. However, Chainsaw fuel is limited and must be managed carefully. Like Glory Kills, watching the chainsaw tear demons apart is incredibly satisfying. Certain demons require more fuel but provide the player with more ammo in return. Balancing which demons you chainsaw and which ones you choose to Glory Kill is an important part of combat.
Exploration is key to progression and is rewarding to those players who choose to do. Hidden throughout the levels of the game are Argent Cells, Praetor Tokens, and Rune Trials. Each of these provide upgrades to your health/shield/ammo, suit, and passive abilities respectively. Also hidden throughout the game are levers that lead you to classic levels from Doom 1 and Doom 2, which then unlock the full level of its respective game, playable from the main menu. You can also find toy models of the Doom Slayer, which unlock various character models to view. On some of these models, the Doom Slayer will perform a unique action when picking it up, such as fist bumping the classic Doomguy. It's a nice and cute little touch added by the developers that does a little to add character to the Slayer, who is a silent protagonist.
id Software masterfully blends modern game design with a deep reverence for the classics, paying homage to the series' storied history while introducing new elements that propel the franchise forward. Central to this approach is the game's character design, which strikes a delicate balance between nostalgia and innovation. At its core is the iconic protagonist, the Doom Slayer, whose design pays homage to the original Doom Marine while incorporating modern updates that make him feel both familiar and fresh. With his battle-worn armor, imposing stature, and silent demeanor, the Doom Slayer is the embodiment of raw power and unrelenting rage.
The game's roster of enemies is a veritable who's who of classic Doom foes, reimagined for the modern era. From the lowly possessed soldiers to the hulking Cyberdemon, each enemy is lovingly crafted to capture the essence of its 1990s counterpart while introducing new mechanics and behaviors that keep players on their toes. Whether you're facing off against the agile Revenants, the relentless Hell Knights, or the grotesque Cacodemons, every encounter is a nostalgic trip down memory lane, punctuated by the satisfying sound of demon flesh being torn asunder.
But the main story is not where it ends. DOOM has an arcade mode, where players can run through the levels again, this time trying for high scores and medals while collecting 1 Ups. It's important to move fast and have accurate aim; the more kills you chain together, the bigger your score is. Getting hit reduces your score. At the end of the level, your score is tallied against others on a leaderboard. It's a great way to incentivize players to keep playing, in order to get a better and better score.
There is also multiplayer, where players compete in various game modes such as classic deathmatch, warpath and free for all. Players can become demons by collecting runes on the battlefield and this gives them a distinct advantage; demons are larger, stronger and more resilient. Players are bizarrely restricted to only two weapons and a loadout in multiplayer, which blew my mind. Loadouts. In a DOOM game. The demons are also massively unbalanced and if one team manages to get a particularly powerful demon such as a baron of hell, then it's a guaranteed win. All in all, the multiplayer just isn't great. You are better off replaying the story or arcade mode, or even SnapMap.
SnapMap is id Software's proprietary level editor, and it puts every other editor on the market to shame. SnapMap is an incredible, intuitive, easy to learn system allowing players to create their own multiplayer, co-op and single player maps. There is an extensive tutorial system that teaches users the basics, and goes up in depth, covering how to use AI triggers, switches, combinations, object layering, actions, recalls, audio cues, etc. Never have I ever seen such an in-depth interface on a console game before. While it is only surface level in the grand scheme of things, SnapMap is a great introduction to teaching users how game development works, and I urge everyone to try it out at least once.
Part II: The Music
In DOOM, the music isn't just a background accompaniment – it's a driving force that propels players forward, electrifying every moment of the gameplay experience. Composed by the incredibly talented Mick Gordon, the soundtrack of DOOM is a relentless onslaught of metal and electronica that perfectly complements the game's fast-paced action and visceral combat. From the moment you boot up the game, you're greeted by the iconic strains of the main theme, a haunting melody that sets the tone for the epic journey that lies ahead. As you traverse the game's environments, the music shifts seamlessly between atmospheric ambience and pulse-pounding metal.
But it's not just the composition of the music that makes it so memorable – it's also the way it's integrated into the gameplay itself. Mick Gordon's dynamic scoring system ensures that the music evolves in real-time based on the player's actions, ramping up in intensity during combat encounters and dialing back during quieter moments of exploration. This creates a sense of momentum and flow that enhances the overall pacing of the game
One of the standout features of the soundtrack is its use of unconventional instrumentation and sound design. Mick Gordon's signature sound combines distorted guitars, pounding drums, and industrial noise to create a sonic palette that is as brutal and unforgiving as the game itself. From the deep, guttural growls of the synth bass to the ear-shredding shrieks of the guitar solos, every element of the music is designed to evoke a sense of chaos and destruction, mirroring the relentless carnage unfolding onscreen.
Of course, no discussion of the music in DOOM would be complete without mentioning the iconic tracks that have become synonymous with the game. From the adrenaline-fueled "Rip & Tear" to the bone-crushing "BFG Division," each track is a masterpiece of composition and production, perfectly capturing the essence of the DOOM experience and elevating it to new heights. Mick Gordon's composition for the DOOM soundtrack is a tour de force in heavy metal and industrial electronica, meticulously crafted to evoke the essence of the game's frenetic gameplay.
The backbone of the soundtrack is the distorted guitar, which provides the driving force behind many of the tracks. Gordon's use of extended-range guitars and custom-tuned instruments gives the music its signature low-end punch, while his aggressive playing style adds a raw, visceral energy to the sound. In addition to guitars, Gordon incorporates a wide range of electronic and synthetic elements into his compositions, including synthesizers, drum machines, and sampled sounds. These elements are used to create atmospheric textures, rhythmic patterns, and dynamic effects.
One of the most innovative aspects of Gordon's sound design is his use of audio manipulation techniques, such as granular synthesis and spectral processing. These techniques allow him to deconstruct and manipulate audio in real-time, creating complex textures and effects.
Perhaps the most revolutionary aspect of Mick Gordon's composition for DOOM is his dynamic scoring system, which adjusts the music in real-time based on the player's actions. This system, known as "MIDI-controlled dynamic music," allows the music to seamlessly transition between different layers and variations depending on the intensity of the gameplay. Gordon achieves this dynamic effect by dividing each track into multiple stems or layers, each representing a different element of the music (e.g., drums, guitars, synths). These stems are then triggered and mixed in real-time using MIDI data generated by the game engine, allowing the music to adapt and evolve dynamically as the player progresses through the game.
Part III: Building a Legacy
All too often in this industry, legacy franchises are either left in the dust to be forgotten, or brought back to a limp fanfare, only to be thrust back into the shadows of the past. This happens for a myriad of reasons, and I believe the biggest one is that they don't respect their legacy, and they don't respect the players who engage with them.
At its core, DOOM is a game that understands what players want: fast-paced action, engaging gameplay, and a sense of empowerment. By focusing on these core principles, id Software created an experience that resonated with players old and new, capturing the spirit of the original games while pushing the series forward. Central to this approach is the game's unwavering commitment to respecting the player. From its minimalist storytelling and streamlined level design to its intuitive controls and dynamic difficulty system, DOOM prioritizes the player's experience above all else, ensuring that every moment of the game is engaging, immersive, and satisfying.
One of the most notable ways that DOOM respects the player is through its approach to difficulty. Rather than imposing artificial barriers or punishing players for their mistakes, the game encourages experimentation and mastery through its responsive gameplay mechanics and adaptive enemy AI. Players are given the freedom to approach encounters in their own way, whether it's through brute force, cunning strategy, or a combination of both.
Another key aspect of DOOM's player-centric design is its emphasis on accessibility. From its difficulty settings and intuitive user interface to its robust accessibility features, such as colorblind modes and customizable controls, the game ensures that players of all skill levels and abilities can enjoy the experience without feeling excluded or overwhelmed.
But perhaps the most important way that DOOM respects the player is through its commitment to fun. At its core, DOOM is a game that prioritizes the player's enjoyment above all else, delivering a seamless and exhilarating experience that keeps players coming back for more. Whether you're blasting demons with a shotgun, exploring hidden secrets, or rocking out to Mick Gordon's pulse-pounding soundtrack, DOOM is a game that never stops prioritizing YOU.
DOOM's legacy is one of respect – respect for the player, respect for the franchise, and respect for the medium of video games as a whole. By prioritizing fun, accessibility, and player agency, id Software created an experience that not only honors the legacy of the original games but also sets a new standard for what a modern first-person shooter can be. And for that, we owe them a debt of gratitude.
submitted by musical-amara to Doom [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:31 throwRA-stowRA [38F] in unequal relationship with [41M] considering an affair with [37M]. What should I do?

TLDR - Partner doesn't help with childcare & house, won't admit or talk about issues. Don't want to cheat but also considering it.
Background on my current relationship: Been in a relationship for over 15 years and have 1 child.
Since we had our child we've grown apart. When she was born he started sleeping in a different room, and although we're back in the same bed we don't have the same intimacy.
Our child is at school now and since she was born I have done 100% of bedtimes & night time waking, illness, play dates/parties, appointments, child care drop offs & pick ups. I do 98% of everything else childcare related and house titivation.
We both work full time but he works longer hours and always prioritises work over family. This means I'm left looking after our little girl most morning, evenings and weekends.
Before I was pregnant I had a really high sex drive but since I gave birth my sex drive is non-existent. I thought it would return after I gave up breastfeeding but that's been over a year and I'm still not interested. I occasionally agree to sex to try and rekindle what we've lost but also because I feel obliged.
I resent him and sometimes I'm not even sure I love him any more. I'm finding it really difficult to be interested in what he says and I'm easily irritated by things he's says or does.
I'm sick of hoping he'll change, cross at all the moments he's missing in his child's life and happier when it's just me and my baby girl.
We also have different parenting styles and have often disagreed but he's never there to begin with!
He will never talk to me about any of these issues & if I try to talk to him, he gets angry or stressed and will leave the room/house so I've given up. If he's not ready to step up or even acknowledge the issues, I want to ask him if he even wants to be a parent and give him an out. I just wish he'd acknowledge there is an issue and we can talk about it, even if that means working it out or ending it.
Only his opinion matters and he often dictates how things will be - from where toys can be, to being unable to help at night because him being fresh for work is more important. If he's still awake and our daughter wants something he will wake me up to deal with it. I can be exhausted from a whole day of childcare and he never thinks to come home from work early to give me break but he always manages it if he's got the gym or a social event.
If I show any other emotion but happy he blocks me out and won't talk to me about issues. He always turns things round and never discusses the real issue but blows up about small things. I sometimes think I'm treading on egg shells and feel like he's being an emotional blackmailer
I haven't been out in the evening since she was born because we can't afford a baby sitter very often and I'm embarrassed if he's in the house. The few times I'vr tried to go out he's called me to say she's woken up and when I get home she's alone crying and he's doing something like watching TV.
I honestly think he hates being a parent and uses work as an excuse. I also don't think he's even aware there's even a problem. He's such a selfish narcissist that he thinks a cuddle and a platitude will cut it when I need consistent regular help.
We also never go anything together because I'm either working or doing child & house care and he's either working or focusing on himself. He never offers to give me my own time and in the past 2 years has maybe only had his child on his own for less than half a day in total.
I don't want our little girl to grow up without a dad but I also feel like if we break up he shouldn't have any right to her. How can he look after her on his own when he's never put her to bed, doesn't even know what she likes to eat, has never picked her up from school on his own, or is never there to play with her?
A new guy started at work and he is very attractive. Initially it was innocent and I'd just lust after him from a distance. Then I noticed when he smiled at me his whole face would light up, and he'd look for excuses to be near me. If I was away from work he'd always ask where I was.
We started having lunch together, and then he asked for my number with the pretence of making lunch plans in advance. I knew I was in trouble when he'd text me before I got back to my desk but soon we were texting regularly and he's asked me to have an affair.
I already know the texting is bad and I'm in emotional affair territory and know I shouldn't take it any further but here I am; one minute thinking no, I don't want to destroy my family, and the next actively considering it. Him even asking has made me seriously assess my relationship and realise I'm not happy with the status quo.
I don't see how to get my current relationship to improve and I'm genuinely considering being a cheat. Help!
submitted by throwRA-stowRA to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:23 SaurianEra Saurian Era's Return of the Utahraptor Event - Semi-Realism RP

Hi from the team at Saurian Era! We are a semi-realistic roleplay focused Path of Titans server. Interested in joining a server with deep lore focused on storytelling, nesting, family trees, territories, and in-depth dinosaur profiles? Check out our latest event, date TBD when the Utahraptor mod is added back (we're super excited). At the end of this post you'll find an invite to our Discord server.

Return of the Utahraptor

This current arc follows the last remains of the Suncrest Pack. Devastated by sickness that ravaged their home in the Savanna Grassland, their leader, Arrowroot, lead the last of his kin to a new home, where the remnants of the group would lay their final nests—four nests. Each female took time to love and care, trying to showcase some symbol of admiration to their babies, knowing completely that they would never live to see if the eggs would even hatch.
But life finds a way.
Each nest has a different theme to it, and mother. Check the end of the message to get information about how to enroll in the nest you want to be a part of.
Flower Ring
A nest surrounded by flowers, laid delicately by a silver and black female Utahraptor by the name of Minnow Shimmer. A sweet temperament, her former mate was a red and white male called Sun Bleed, who was protective over his mate until his last breath, keeping her body safe from scavengers until the sickness took him as well.
Current number of viable eggs: 4
Claws of Blood
Despite its dark name, this nest was made by a fiery red female named Sunchaser, youngest granddaughter of Arrowroot. She had an affinity for blood stones, believing them to be beautiful, as they resembled her feather colors. She, along with her mate Ash Wind, a gray male, carried stones from the nearby area, and laid them around the nest. They hoped the offspring would see them, and at least remember the color that resembled their mother.
Current number of viable eggs: 3
Moon Drop
She joined their pack shortly before the illness took it. Pure white in color, Stardust was rumored by members to be the reason the sickness came. But she remained pleasant, patient, and quiet. She formed a close friendship with Arrowroot in her time there. While no one knows who the father of her children are, she placed her nest between two trees, with a perfect view of the sky. She left the eggs with nothing but the ability to see the night sky.
Current number of viable eggs: 3
Royal Blood
Arrowroot was a handsome male in his time. Fiery colors with dark marks and white blazes, he carried the unique coloring of the Suncrest Ancestors with him. His mate, a brown female he stole from a rival pack when he was younger was simply called Mouse, a little thing. They grew together, raised many families together, but this would be their final that they would sadly not be able to continue this tradition with. They may not ever know what they were meant to be—the next generation of leaders for the Suncrest pack. Mouse stayed with her nest until her last breath, where Arrowroot carried her body off, and was never seen again himself.
Current number of viable eggs: 4
What path will you choose? Will this little pack remember their heritage—of what they use to be? Will a new alpha step up to reform the great Suncrest Pack? Or will they disperse, creating their own packs? What would happen, with all of these packs forming in the heart of an unfamiliar home? Who will come out the reigning champion of the forest?

Hopefully I've piqued your interest by now. Join our Discord by clicking this incredibly convenient link and take a look around. We look forward to seeing you! :)
submitted by SaurianEra to pathoftitans [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:23 idkbsna Sleep Apnea or Diabetes? Severe brain fog episodes

Hello! 21M college student living in Virginia. I had an episode back in November ‘23 where I felt severe brain fog, couldn’t focus on anything, and just had to lay in bed all day. It almost felt like I had gotten a concussion, although I hadn’t hit my head on anything.
After this episode, I starting feeling like this about 1-2 weeks out of every month. It was getting in the way of normal life — I couldn’t go to class, couldn’t hang out with friends, because it felt like I was literally a vegetable.
Flash forward to now, I started keeping a food log to try and pinpoint any diet issues. I realized in April that I was barely eating any sugar in my diet. I starting drinking apple juice with breakfast and feel much better throughout the day. But, even sometimes when I do eat sugar, I notice my sleep is severely disturbed and I wake up several times throughout the night.
I feel think there is something medically wrong with me that I should get diagnosed with soon so I can combat this “brain fog / concussion” feeling. The fact that eating sugar helps me feel better makes me think I have some sort of heart or blood issue — but then again, the fact that my sleep gets so interrupted and I always wake up feeling like poop makes me think I have sleep issues.
I went to a doctor last month and they ran blood tests, said my magnesium, glucose, etc all came back normal. Doctor referred me to a sleep study and I had Blackstone Medical Services spam calling me and texting me 4 times an hour — made me feel totally uncomfortable and not wanting to do the sleep study. I have an appointment scheduled back home in the summer to hopefully get referred to a good a leep study.
I exercise 3-4 times a week, eat semi-healthy, and have a fairly regular sleep schedule. Have any doctors seen this or does anyone have similar experiences? I just want to stop worrying about this brain fog episodes ruining my ability to focus and work
submitted by idkbsna to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:18 Pinchaser71 Forever tomato cages (for larger gardens)

Forever tomato cages (for larger gardens)
For as long as I’ve been gardening I’ve had tomato cages like these that I made. Every year I get countless people asking me where I got them. Well… I technically didn’t GET them anywhere, I made them. I only made them once before and they lasted for decades.
Unfortunately, we moved a few times over the years and that aren’t exactly something you’re going to throw in a moving truck with your furniture. Plus they’d take up a lot of room in a truck. Needless to say they were left behind. I wouldn’t be surprised to find them still there.
Moving forward to now, 15 years later I’m finally in an appropriate home to start over with what will likely be my finally batch I’ll ever need. I’m including a how to with photos if you’d like to make these for yourself. I figured since so many people ask me locally, maybe you all in this subreddit may appreciate it.
What you need: “Concrete reinforcement mesh” rolls, bolt cutters, needle nose pliers, several heavy bricks (pavers, cinder blocks) or other heavy objects, gloves and safety glasses.
Photo 1. Here is a roll of “Concrete reinforcement mesh” purchased from the local hardware store as shown. It’s basically a roll of rusty steel wire. This is a 50’ roll which will make exactly 10 cages. It comes in 50,100,150 and 200 foot rolls. 200’ rolls will require 2 people to move it, this stuff is HEAVY! Pro tip: if you’re throwing this in a van/SUV be sure to bring a crappy blanket to lay down inside, unless you want rust on your interior.
Photo 2: Roll out the mess on a flat surface and hold it down with the bricks. Otherwise it will roll back up on you.
Photo 3: Count 10 square holes from the end lengthwise. Approximately 5’.
Photo 4: using the bolt cutters (or good strong wire cutters), start cutting each wire across as shown. Make sure to cut each wire equal length all the way down trying to get as close to flush as you can.
Note: Keep a couple pavers handy until you get to the last few wires to cut. Place one on the side that your cutting off and one on the roll side. The wire will want to roll up and you don’t want to get cut, scratched or poked when it springs back! Obviously the tighter it’s round the more it’s going to want to unroll and spring up. Just please use caution as right now you have freshly cut sharp ends of rusty springy wire that will mess you up! If not, I hope your Tetanus shot is up to date!
Photo 5: This is what it should look like when you’re finished with your cuts. You should now have a 5’ x 5’ square of the wire mess with 3 flat sides and 1 with cut wires.
Photo 6: using your needle nose pliers, bend the end of the wires you just cut to form hooks. Try to get them all uniform in size so your length stays consistent, you’ll see why in photo 8 & 9.
Photo 7: using the bolt cutters, start cutting one of the flat sides off as shown, similar to what you just did cutting it to length.
Photo 8: This is what the side should look like when you’ve finished cutting off the flat side. You should now have a 5’x5’ square piece of wire mesh with two flat sides, one side with hooks and one side with straight cut wires.
Photo 9: Now evenly roll the side with the hooks to the opposite end and place a couple of the hooks on the end. It will form a circle. When a couple are secured now you can stand it on the end you cut off in photo 7. With it standing, secure the remaining loose hooks around the end wire as shown. If you didn’t make your hooks uniform length as stated then you’ll be having issues on this step. If they are too short or uneven they won’t reach or make your cage not round.
Photo 10: using needle nose, squeeze the hooks closed all the way down so the wire can’t slip out. It takes a bit of force to close them. When they are closed, this is what they should look like.
Photo 11: Once all the hooks are closed you notice the cage is rather egg shaped. Lay it on its side with the hooks on the bottom and simply pressed down like you’re going to flatten it. All you’re trying to do is make it round instead of egg shaped.
Photo 12: once its round you can safely stand it back up standing on the cut off end.
Photo 13: Take it to your garden and place it where you’d like
Photo 14: Once it’s where you want it, simply step on the bottom wire and the cut wires will easily sink into the ground holding it in place.
Photo 15: TADA! You now have a 5’ high about 18” diameter tomato cage. It will last you virtually a lifetime. They don’t blow over from wind once you stick them in the ground. They certainly don’t bend easy like this expensive cheaply made flimsy funnel shaped ones you can buy. The 6”x6” holes give you very easy access to pick your tomatoes and to pluck weeds from around your plants. My tomato plants always loved these cages and grew up tall and strong from many years.
Storage of the cages is the one downfall. You could of course keep them in place in the garden all winter if you choose. Otherwise you can stack them with them laying on their side. Obviously since the ends are rusty steel spikes, you may want to stack them with that end butt up to a fence out something where nobody will be walking behind the stack getting shanked.
The alternative is instead of cutting these with the hooks like I do, you could instead cut them flush and hold them together using zip ties. In the fall you could just cut them off and stack the 5’x5’ squares of flat mesh. It’s up to you but not my preferred method as zip tires like to break and get brittle from the weather.
Anyway, hopefully you guys like these tomato cages. I also hope my instructions are clear. It’s easy to think they are when you’re there who knows what you are doing, more difficult when you not. If you have any questions please ask. Also, if you like these and make them, let me know!
Two last things... Avoid bending the wires you are using as spikes sticking in the ground. Bending them too many times will break them off! On the upside, if you break them off you can always cut another row off the bottom and you’re good as new. You’ll just lose 6” in height.
Second, you can make these cages for other plants like peppers, eggplants or whatever too. You’d likely make them narrower half the height. For tomatoes, these are the perfect size for spacing the plants out and height wise.
submitted by Pinchaser71 to gardening [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:18 Weathers_Writing I had really bad stomach cramps as a child. They recently started up again.

Content Warning:Mentions of Child Abuse & Gore
They called me a colic baby, meaning I was a seemingly healthy baby that was distressed for an unknown reason. The fits of crying mostly dissipated by six months, but they'd crop up every now and then into toddler-hood. When I became capable of babbling a few words, I would summarize my pain in a few words: belly hurt. Belly HURT!
My parents didn't have much money, but they took me to the doctor for a checkup anyway. After running a physical exam and blood test, they determined that I was merely an excessively gassy little girl and should probably eat a more gut-friendly diet. They also prescribed some medicine which would eliminate the gas and relieve my pain.
It was from that moment on that my parents gave me the nickname "Gas Girl" (which I despised). The name stuck for several years, and anytime I'd get a little stomach ache my mom or dad would say, "uh, oh. It's not Gas Girl returning, is it?" I'd glare at them with my arms folded and pout, saying, "I'm not Gas Girl. I'm Wonder Girl!" My parents would share a look, then burst out laughing. Just as I was about to shout a retort, my dad would open up his arms and bend down in that familiar pose which signaled liftoff, and all my childish rage detached like a racing sticker as I leaped into my dad's arms and he flew me around the living room shouting "Who is it? It's Wonder-girl! Here to save the day from Gas Girl!"
Anyway, just as the nickname wore off, the pain returned. I was about 7 or 8 when I had my first big episode. I was in second grade, and the class was cutting out shapes. The pain came on so suddenly I remember lurching back and falling out of my seat. The next few hours were a blur of adults: my teacher, the nurses, the principal, my parents. I remember how cold and alone I felt despite being surrounded by grown ups, and my stomach hurt so much I was crying pretty much nonstop.
My dad bought a bunch of OTC medicine to try and settle what he thought was a really bad gas episode. My mom laid at the side of my bed and did bicycles in the air with me. Hours passed in pain as my adolescent imagination conjured up images of an evil little elf blowing thousands of bubbles in my belly. I consciously pictured myself popping them, but every time I did, more were blown. My dad scheduled a doctor's appointment for the next morning, and my mom stayed at my side until I was able to fall asleep sometime late in the night.
I dreamed vividly a horrific nightmare. I was strapped to a black, metal box. A surgeon donning blue scrubs with white gloves and a mask entered the space in my peripheral vision. The air was cold but crisp, as if every bit of dust had been scrubbed out of existence. I could feel my breathing, my heartbeat, even my skin. The doctor stepped forward and I could see the distortion of a smirk in the folds of his mask. I expected him to say something, to tell me what he wanted, but instead he lifted my shirt so my belly was exposed. "It's cold", I said in a mumbly voice. He lifted his hand in the air, and I saw behind it off in the back of the room was what looked like the glass wall of an aquarium. I was confused for a second, but only a second. The surgeon plunged his hand into my stomach like a spear, splitting through the flesh as if it were the skin of a ripe fruit. The previously silent man began to cackle like a maniacal villain as I nearly passed out from the pain. I felt his fingers swimming through my guts like parasitic worms. My body shook as cold sweat and blood began to ooze from my pores. I wanted to scream but I couldn't make a sound. I could only lay there, paralyzed, as the evil doctor explored my insides.
Somehow I lost consciousness in the dream, but when I woke up, the memory came flooding back, and I screamed with all the force of a thunderstorm. My parents skipped the appointment and rushed me to immediate care, but by the time we arrived, the pain was gone. I explained my dream to the doctor, but he said it was normal to dream up reasons for the pain. They recommended a CT scan to screen out the possibility of an ulcer or internal bleeding. Despite my parents' scarce savings, they agreed to run the test. However, something deeply entrenched in my mind thought of the dream with the surgeon and I protested. "I don't want a test!" I screamed. "But, honey, how are we going to know what's wrong?" replied my mom. "Nothing's wrong now. I don't want a test."
Looking back now on my persistence, it should have been obvious that there was something wrong with me, but my parents, who were thinking of their finances, allowed themselves to acquiesce to my demands. The pain would continue into and throughout my teenage years, and the one benefit that I can credit to it was that it taught me how to endure pain and hide it well before puberty started. Compared to my childhood cramps, period cramps were around a B+. Very bad, but not end of the world bad. However, they'd stick around more reliably, and eventually the two began to combine until I could no longer discern between them. Occasionally I would have a nightmare and wake up with a pain that was a little higher in my stomach, almost approaching my chest, but it would always disappear by breakfast time, and the chaos of a teenage girl's life would once again reassert itself in the form of an outfit that didn't look quite right or the memory of every word of a conversation with a guy I liked or how my teacher was out to get me. Basically, I had become normal.
And then two weeks after I turned 16, my dad passed away from heart failure. Apparently the stress from a paycheck-to-paycheck life in sales added onto a bad diet and a penchant for alcohol was a recipe for disaster. He was only 49. I was crushed.
The weeks and months following his funeral were filled with teenage anger and resentment. I directed most of it at my mom, who I held accountable for not being strong enough to step up and help with the bills. One day, when I was searching the drug cabinet for some painkillers to deal with some bad cramping, I noticed a new prescription for a drug with a really long name. I looked it up. It was an antidepressant. From that moment on I stopped giving my mom shit, but I grew a bit distant from her. I started spending a lot more time with my friends. I became reckless, adopting a drinking habit and unsafe sex practices. I smoked a bit but I didn't really like it. I guess I was just trying to find a way to move on, as naive as it was.
Fast forward to my present situation, and I'm a college student. A junior to be exact. I ended up scrounging up enough money from working two restaurant jobs to see a therapist on my own dime, and managed to make peace with my mom before leaving. We both talked out all of our trauma and cried together, and from that moment on, I haven't had a drink. About six months ago I got on the pill. I was starting to see one guy consistently and I wanted to be safe, but also I wanted to know what it felt like to not have stomach cramps anymore. It was freeing. I remembered my dad lifting me up into the air as a child, and I figured it kinda felt like that. I still cry thinking about him, although I don't let anyone see.
Anyway, about a week ago I started having really bad pain again, but this time it was in my chest. I would wake up in my apartment (I share a 3-bedroom with some friends from the college) with heart palpitations. My heart felt like a snake had wrapped around it and was trying to choke it out. The pressure would give way to a burst of fast ba-dum's, then settle, then start again. I remembered my dad's prognosis and started to get really scared, so I scheduled an appointment with the on-campus doctor for the next day through the online health platform.
They told me that chest pain is no joke and scheduled to have me scanned at a nearby hospital. This was four days ago. My boyfriend, Kevin, drove me there even though I said I'd be fine going alone. I think I already knew our relationship wasn't going to work out long term, so I was kind of checked out. I felt bad about it though because Kev is actually a really good person, but our personalities just don't match. He's very introverted and doesn't like to go out, whereas I thrive in group settings. Anyway, he drove me and I ended up getting an X-ray. The doc came in to share the results and I was immediately put off by the dubious expression on his face.
"What do you mean the images are blurry?" I asked.
"Well, it's just… that. They're blurry. It's very unusual for this to happen unless you have a pacemaker or some other device implanted. Do you know if you have something like that?"
"No, never," I said with a quaver in my voice. For some reason I thought back on my childhood dream with the surgeon and felt the urge to vomit.
"Well, let's run a CT scan and see if we can make anything out." He soothed.
Normally the CT and MRI dock was booked for a week out but the doctor happened to have an open space for me that same morning, so I waited about an hour and then got in the big tube machine that took pictures of my chest and abdomen. He said he should have the results by Thursday. That was Yesterday.
I was driving onto campus for my 9AM class when I got the call.
"Hello, this is Dr. **** calling for Josie **** ." (names redacted for privacy reasons)
"Oh, yes, this is Josie," I said and fit the phone between my shoulder and ear as I tried to find a comfortable posture."
"Yes, hello," the male doctor said in grave way which made me feel like this wasn't going to be a short call. "I wanted to see if you were available to come in today for some more tests."
"More tests?" I asked. "What about the first ones?" Images of blocked heart valves and cancer presented themselves on my mental screen.
"Yes, well, I wanted to discuss the results with you in person. There was a bit of a … well, an inconsistency, and I didn't want to upset you—"
"Upset me!?" I blurted, my free hand flying out over the steering wheel, swerving my car toward the curb. I corrected, then lowered my voice, "sorry, I don't mean to be …" be, what? This is completely absurd. "Could you at least give me some indication of what's wrong with me? I'm just kind of panicking here."
The doctor was quiet for a moment, then returned. "Sorry, Josie, I didn't mean to spook you. Both the X-ray scan and CT scan are picking up interference which is unusual. It's possible it's just a flaw on our end, so that's why we wanted you to come back in—to do an MRI and really verify what the issue is. This one would be free of charge and we'd get you results same-day as we feel bad about the issues with the machinery. Do you think that would be possible?"
I took a deep breath. I still felt uneasy, but at least now there was some kind of explanation I could lean on. "Okay, yeah, I can come in. I have class until 9:50AM, but I can drive over after and be there around 10:15, 10:20-ish. Would that work?"
"That would work great. We'll see you then."
I spent the whole of my communications class thinking about what could be wrong with me, doodling my ideas down on a notebook. Heart disease. Cancer. Some kind of peptic ulcer. Maybe it was the pill? The drinking? Was this some kind of cosmic retribution? I didn't know.
An hour later I was back at the hospital. I expected to be ushered into the MRI prep room, but instead I found myself in one of the normal patient rooms, sitting upright on a bed. The nurse did the preliminary height and weight measurements and medical history. I asked about the MRI, but all she said was that the doctor will discuss that with me. Before she left, she handed me an assessment to fill out. It seemed to be a list of questions about the medical history of my family, specifically about our mental health. Does your family have a history of Schizophrenia? Have there been any instances of domestic abuse? Did you have vivid nightmares as a child? Etc. I marked the boxes, then set the clipboard down.
At last I heard the fated knock on the door, and my doctor came in holding an Ipad. The door was only open for maybe a couple seconds, but I could see multiple nurses and technicians peeking their heads in my direction, as if they were trying to catch a glimpse of me. That can't be good.
"Hello, Josie," the doctor said and clicked on the little TV screen. He didn't even look at me. I could see dried sweat along his hairline.
"What's happening? I thought I was going to get an MRI…"
"Well, actually we aren't sure if that's the best course of action." the doctor said as he clicked the screen and pulled up a series of images.
"Can you look at me, please?" I snapped.
The doctor raised his head and tilted it in my direction. His mouth was agape, his eyes wide as if only realizing I was here at that moment. "I'm sorry, Josie." He took a deep breath, preparing some kind of canned presentation, then let it out and said, "It's just easier if I show you." He pulled up the first global image from what I presume was my CT scan. It was a front-shot. I could see my organs as little geometric shapes and—
"Wait, what is that?" I asked, pointing at the screen.
"That—is the problem."
I spent the next minute just staring at it. Somehow, in between all of the organs, there was some kind of cylindrical mass—I thought it was my spine at first but quickly realized it was too wide and there weren't any vertebrae—and at the head of the mass was, very clearly, a hand.
"What the fuck is that" I said in a tone that was at once forceful and pointed.
"It appears," the doctor started, looking away again. "It appears that there is a mechanical hand in your chest cavity. It's attached to a piece of a forearm that begins at your stomach, here," he pointed, "and continues up until, well, it appears to be holding your heart."
Ten seconds passed in silence. Then I was hit with the equivalent of the laughing gas they give you at the Dentist's office. All the blood in my body surged to my forehead and I felt light as the very thin hospital air. "Hahaha!!! You expect me to believe that? What kind of fucking clown-show hospital is this? Am I at the circus?' I stood up and started toward the door. The doctor body blocked me.
"Please, Josie, that isn't it."
"Oh?" I said sarcastically. "Please, do tell."
"Could you have—oh, okay, okay,, let me explain."
I stood there with my arms folded, unrelenting.
"When we first had you do the X-ray there was a big blur. It was clear that something was blocking us from seeing the image. The CT scan was able to take some actual pictures of it. I know it seems, well, unusual—"
"Wait, what the hell is that?" I asked, gesturing toward the clipboard.
"What?" The doctor looked disoriented.
"Those questions. Are you trying to insinuate that my mom and dad implanted some kind of mechanical hand in my body?"
"No," the doctor raised his hands. "We were just trying to gather some more information… Josie," the doctor said as I once again headed for the door handle. "Please, there's more. From the blood test we conducted it seems that you're pregnant."
I was so done. "I'm on the pill, asshole." I sneered and swung the door open, ignoring the sets of eyes trained on me as I scurried to the end of the hall, ran outside, and climbed into my car. I expected to see a bunch of people in white coats running after me, but there was no one. I started the car as tears began to stream from my eyes. Fuck them, I thought and sped out of the parking lot.
I couldn't return to my apartment. I ended up driving for hours, working my way back to my hometown. I spent a long time thinking about all the things I had experienced growing up. The stomach pain, slowly working its way up to my chest. The vivid dream of the surgeon feeling around my guts. Was it really that crazy to think my body was trying to tell me something? Why had I decided against having a CT scan all those years ago? Why now? I didn't—couldn't believe what was happening to me. But was that just because I didn't want to believe it?
And then there was the pregnancy. I was definitely on the pill. I knew it wasn't Kev's, or at least I was pretty sure it wasn't. We haven't been having sex for a little over a month now. But did that mean that something else didn't impregnate me? My paranoia was at its peak. I considered the possibility that maybe it was me that was Schizophrenic. None of this made any sense. I wanted my dad. I missed him. I considered going to see my mom, but despite making up with her, I still didn't feel close enough to her to own up to everything. I wanted to be alone—needed to be alone.
I ended up getting a Motel about 10 minutes away from my house. It was around 1AM when I finally opened the door to my room and laid down on the bed. After hours of thinking, a single thought occurred to me like a kind of defense mechanism: if I really am pregnant, I'm not keeping the baby. I want it out.
Just as I was drifting off to sleep, I heard the notification sound go off on my phone, which was odd since I was sure I had set it to vibrate. I turned and grabbed it, unplugging it from its charging dock. I had received a text message from an unknown, 5-digit number: 66669. This is what it said.
66669: If you terminate my baby, I will crush your heart.
I haven't been able to sleep since. It's now 6AM and I've drafted this as a cry for help. Please, let me know what you think I should do. I'm too "in it" to see the details clearly. I feel alone and scared and paranoid. Someone or something is watching me. Maybe it has been my whole life.
submitted by Weathers_Writing to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:13 Gwen2000Lett First egg sac

First egg sac
Sorry for the awful quality, I purchased her from a local pet store as an adult with no prior history provided. She hasn't molted with me but she did lay an egg sac probably 4-5 days ago. I don't know how to tell if they are fertilized and I really don't want spider babies any help would be apprecited
submitted by Gwen2000Lett to jumpingspiders [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:57 Agreeable-Muffin-778 My sibling is psychologically abusing my parents and I don’t know how to help them.

I believe My (30F) younger sibling (27) is psychologically abusing our parents (67m and 52F). Younger sibling lives with them, but does not contribute to the home in any way. YS will regularly throw tantrums like a child, yelling/screaming, breaking things, accuse them of being unsupportive, etc over small things such as being asked to take out the garbage on time or clean up after themselves. YS has a job, but only works 1-2 days a week and does not use any of this money to financially contribute. They spend what money they have on weed and spend their days smoking, sleeping and playing video games. YS regularly steals money and other items from my parents despite the fact they provide food and utilities as well as a rent free home. All around they’re a deadbeat and an ass.
Here is where things really cross into abuse territory… we have an older sibling who had major behavioral issues and was kicked out of the house at 18. After being on his own for a few years, he came back and started working on bettering his life when he was struck by a drunk driver and is now living with serious mental and physical impairment. This was over 10 years ago, but becuase of this experience, my parents (mom especially) are unwilling to ever put one of their kids out again or really address behavioral concerns. YS knows this and has been manipulating that fact ever since. YS talks to my parents like they are stupid, they starts arguments and throw full on tantrums over nothing and will regularly threaten suicide to get his way. This also happens every time someone else is getting attention. For example, yesterday was Mother’s Day and he made a big deal of crying and screaming becuase my kids were being too loud and my dad was watching tv. Mom told YS that if they don’t like the activity on the house, they need to find their own place. YS then disappeared for hours without responding to anyone’s texts or calls only to return in the middle of the night. They left a dr. Summary on the counter for my parents to find in the morning stating they were contemplating suicide. This is really just scratching the surface of the shit YS does to people and it would take all day to lay it all out there.
I have tried to explain to my parents that this is abuse and they need to find a way out of this situation, but becuase of past trauma, they feel very limited on what to do. They are even considering paying part of YS monthly rent somewhere just to get them out of their house. How do I help my parents?
submitted by Agreeable-Muffin-778 to family [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:43 ImpossibleFact519 AITA for dumping my gf after she drunkenly called me a pussy for being abused by my mom?

Im sorry for making this post longer than it needs to be.
I (22M) and my gf (24F) have been together for 3 years.
As context I was viciously abused by my mother for the majority of my childhood. I was the result of an affair and her husband divorced her because of me. My bio dad was gangbanger and went to jail when I was 6. The momemt he went to jail my mom started taking her frustrations about her failed marriage and miserable living situation out on me. I was an afterthought and a punching while my older sister was her "true baby." If my sister got bad grades, it was okay. If I got bad grades I was beaten until I started having seizures. If I started crying my mom would lock me outside. We lived in Chicago and sometimes she would lock me outside during the middle of winter. I tried telling people about the abuse but I was always framed as a liar and in our community my mom had a prestine image, so in their eyes she could do no wrong.
In my mothers words i was " a sorry ass bitch that no mother would want."
If it wasnt for my sister I would probably be dead by now. She would sneak her jackets out of the house when my mom locked me out, snuck food into our room when my mom refused to let me eat and would bring me icepacks and let me cry in her arms after my mom was done beating me. I am and will forever be grateful for her. To this day I consider her to be my actual mother.
A few months after I turned 18, I ran away to Indiana. Besides keeping in contact with my sister and a few friends, to everyone else I just disappeared from the face of the earth. It was tough. I had a few distant relatives there and they would let me occasionally crash on their couch but for the most part, I was homeless. Eventually I did land a job at a grocery store and with a bit of financial help from my sister, I was able to rent a small apartment.
I met my now ex gf while working at that grocery store. I was about to turn 19 and she was 20. After working a few shifts together we eventually started casually seing each other which eventually grew into a full on relationship.
I never really opened up her about after my last gf left me after I drunkenly opened up to her. I just lied enough to explain my constant nightmares, occasional seizures and why I would cringe hearing a latina womans accent. I just wanted to forget that part of my life.
Two years into dating each other we moved in together. I eventually got a better job working at a call center.
Around the same time me and my sister started loosing contact. Besides occasionally checking up on each other and wishing each other happy birthday, we didn't text each other. Last I heard from her, she had a new bf.
All that changed recently. My sister randomly texted me saying she wanted to come visit me in Indy. At this point I havent seen her in 3 and a half years so I obviously said yes.
I told my gf that my sister and her bf were coming to crash at our place for a few days. This was their first time meeting each other so I was kinda nervous.
She arrived at our place while my gf was home and I was at work. I spent the next few days catching up and me scoping out her bf(I have always been a bit protective of her. Even tried beating up the boys she brought over when I was 10 lol.)
I did see a weird change in my gf around the same time. It felt like she was walking on egg shells around me. I did bring it up to her but she would just tell that it was nothing and I was imagining things.
The day after my gf and her bf left, me my gf and a few of our friends went out clubbing. I remeber her friends giving me a werid look throughout the night. I didn't drink much but my gf was nearly blackout drunk. I decided to call it a night and get an uber home since my gf could barely stand anymore.
I literally had to drag her out of the club. While everyone was waiting outside for their uber to arrive my gf started throwing a fit about leaving so soon (it was 2am.) She started calling me a pussy and some shit about how I was just probably insecure about some guys hitting on her or something like that. Neither do I remember seeing any guys hitting on her nor do I really give a shit since I trusted her enough to simply reject them. I knew she was drunk and kept my cool until she said something on the lines of "No wonder your mom used to beat you." Everyone just fell silent and stared at her. She then clearly told me "dont worry. You sister told me everything you fucking pussy." At this point her friends tried to shut her up and started pleading with her to „do it at home“ whatever that’s supposed to mean.
I was beyond fuming. I just took out my phone and followed the car icon on the uber app. I wanted to stop myself from doing something that I might regret later. She kept on going on about how im a pussy for letting a woman overpower me or something. After that I just blocked out whatever other bs came out of her mouth.
The uber ride home was silent. I didn't even respond to the small talk the driver tried to start with me. All I could think about was what my gf said earlier. I didn't even notice her starting to sob next to me. When we walked into the apartment she started full on crying and begged me for forgiveness. She said wasn’t thinking straight and she didn't mean what she said etc. I just told her to shut the fuck up and to go to bed I tried sleeping on the couch. I coudnt.
I decided to end things with her a few hours later. She was completely passed out on our bed so I just started packing my things and loaded whatever I could into my car.
Im currently staying at a friends place and shes been trying to reach me nonstop.
Im not mad at my sister for telling my gf since she didn't mean any harm and probably just wanted to tell her what I went through. Im purely mad at my gf.
Thats not something you say to someone you love.
My ex was always insistent on me opening up to her more and her reaction to hearing what I went through just pisses me off. Seriously why do some women want their SO to open up about their emotions/past if they know they’re only going to shame them for it?
A part of me believes that she meant what she said but the other part of me believes that she was just drunk and I was overreacting and should give her a chance to explain herself but Idk.
Her friends have also been texting me that im an AH for leaving even though I knew she was drunk and that my gf has been trying to apologise to me.
Am I going too far?
Should I give her a second chance?
Am I actually the asshole here?
Im overwhelmed by everything happening and just need some advice.
A part of me doesn't want to start over again. Ive done that enough in my life.
She is the second girl ive dated that has had a negative reaction to the things I went through so I believe I should take a bit off the blame here as well and should have told my sister to keep her mouth shut regarding my past.
This will probably be the last time I let anyone else hear my story.
submitted by ImpossibleFact519 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:30 shione-shirakami Predicting Yandere Simulator great twist : Ayano and Megami

Most of you are probably already aware of this theory. It has been around for years. The great twist of Yandere Simulator will be the reveal that Megami and Ayano are sisters.
This had been a widly accepted theory since the release of Megami's first design, back when she still had black hair. Her design at the time was extremely similar to Kill la Kill character, Satsuki Kiryun. For those who are unaware, Satsuki is the main antagonist of the anime, and the president of the student council the protagonist attends. The plot twist of the anime is that she is the protagonist's sister.
Considering Alex knows about Kill la Kill, as proven by several easter eggs, it's likely he decided to use the same plot twist for Yandere Simulator. Megami's design was changed to not give it away immediatly, but of course, Alex couldn't keep his damn mouth shut, so there are many, MANY details that confirm this theory. I said details ? I should have said pages.
However, I feel like a lot of people are glossing over many details about this theory, and have many misconceptions about it. Notably, about how Megami and Ayano are related. So I decided to give my own theory, including all the... uh... subtle evidences we get in the game.
Crazy Grandpa master plan
No need to beat around the Saikou family's bush (or should I say tree, wink wink), you probably know about the Saikou Grandpa eugenics tendencies. His goal is to create the perfect human being, and he plans on using that by acheving the perfect combination of genetics.
So you might not know about this, but there are two major theories about the development of an individual. It's nature against nurture. Is an individual as he is because he was born this way, or because he grew to be this way. Is a person a blank slate at birth, or is their individuality already present from birth. This plays into determinism, I won't go into more details for a Yandere Simulator dumb theory, but you can look it up if you're interested.
So, to go back to Crazy Grandpa, he was probably on the side of nature at first. He only reproduced after he found the perfect wife, as he didn't want his gene pool to be "tainted", going as far as to DNA her on random shit. How did he DNA test her in the 60s is anyone's guess but let's move on.
The result were two children, Ichiko and Ichirou. Ichiko was raised rather normally, and ended up leaving the Saikou family as she didn't want to become the CEO. Crazy Grandpa saw it as the failure of his belief in nature, and decided to switch to nurture with Ichiro.
So Ichirou was raised with high expectations, to the point he acted like a robot, but Crazy Grandpa was very proud about what he had become.
Saishou carefully designed a very specific upbringing for Ichirou in order to encourage the development of specific personality traits and interests, and discourage the development of any attribute that he considered to be 'unnecessary'.
The boy spoke formally at all times, never expressed emotion, and rarely changed his facial expression. The Saikou family's attendants often wondered if the boy was still capable of independent thought, or if he was simply an empty shell that had been trained to carry out his father's will." Beside that, nothing else is known about his personality.
Familiar, isn't it ? We also learn that this is Saisho's conception of an "ideal person".
It is mentionned Grandpa was the one to chose Ichirou's wife, with the same criteria as he chose his own wife. Again, a perfect wife, because he didn't want his son to waste all the work he had put to this point to have a perfect bloodline. To this point, grandpa got the living proof that nurture works, but he still can't let go of his belief nature plays a part in it.
If only there was a way to run an experiment that could give an answer to this question...
The theory
The sisters theory is that Megami and Ayano are sisters, but there are usually divergences on how they are related. Keep in mind that I will be using the old timeline from 1980s mode as a template. It's already inaccurate as Yandere Simulator isn't set in 2022 anymore, but in 2026. But I don't care, the events probably play the same way.
Megami and Ayano are revealed in this timeline to have been born in the same year. You'll notice that the timeline mentions the birth of "Ryoba's daughter", and the birth of "Ichirou's daughter". Keep in mind that Jokichi isn't mentioned as Ayano's father.
And that's where we come to the main misconception in this theory.
Who are Megami's parents ?
Ichirou is obviously Megami's father. However, many have theorized that Ryoba is Megami's biological mother. This theory goes both way, either Megami and Ayano are twins separated from birth, or Saikou kept an egg from Ryoba and inseminated the Wife. This would make her Ayano's maternal half-sister.
I don't suscribe to this theory. Well, first of all, considering the timeline, Crazy Grandpa was the one behind the deal we'll mention later with Ryoba. I don't think he would have wasted his time finding a wife with perfect genes for his son if he had planned for her to only be an incubator.
Also, another reason, Megami's little antenae. It's a part of her design that she gets from her mother. The Wife is also mentioned to have given birth to two children, Megami and Kencho, which wasn't a necessary precision. Alex would have probably found a way to circumvent this if she hasn't really have birth to Megami.
So no, sorry, Megami probably isn't a yandere.
So... if Ayano and Megami aren't related throught Ryoba... how are they sisters ?
Through Ichirou. Simply enough.
Yeah, as great of a dad Jokichi is, he is probably not Ayano's biological father. Ayano is a copy paste of Ryoba, so he doesn't share anything in common with Ayano design-wise, that could indicate he is indeed her father. We don't even know that much about him as an adult. The Characters page doesn't mention him being Ayano's father, he is only described as the student he was back in the 80s.
However, Ichirou is described as extremely similar personality wise to Ayano. While Ayano is probably emotionless due to the Aishi curse, she is way more stoic than Ryoba in her own mode. But that's still a weak evidence, this is way I will back this up with the timeline.
We know that Ryoba has given birth to a daughter very late compared to her own mother and grandmother. These reasons are said to be plot related and big spoilers. Again, Ayano's father isn't mentioned as a parent, only Ryoba.
I recently went through my text document that lists all character ages and birthdates and changed a few things. Aishi women now give birth at 18. Ryoba, however, gave birth at 31, for plot-related reasons that will be revealed in the true ending (or perhaps in the basement tapes).
So, this is my own theory on what happened.
Just shut up and tell us what happened already
In the timeline, it is mentioned Ryoba's mother kept her Senpai in her basement. In 1984, when Ryoba was still a child, Saikou Corp renovated all the houses in Buraza Town for free, including Ryoba's house. Why was this even mentioned ? Because it was the first meeting between the Saikou and Aishi families.
Crazy Grandpa found out about the weird shit happening in the Aishi's basement. He learns about the Aishi curse. He decides to keep an eye on the Aishi's daughter at Akademi. Everything Ryoba did to get her Senpai convinces him the Aishi gene is the perfect gene to create an emotionless heir.
Kocho is extremely reluctant to let Ryoba return to the school, stand on a stage, and hand her a diploma but was told by Saisho Saikou to let it go.
He orders his men to abduct Jokichi as an hostage, so she would agree to have a meeting. That's when they made a deal, that Ryoba would be the mother of the future Saikou heir. But not only is Ichiro not old enough, he wants to find the perfect wife for him. She can marry her Senpai and have well paying jobs in the meantime.
Ten years after that, Ryoba has a meeting with Saikou and his son. And according to Kencho, she is apparently a regular.
She walked straight through the waiting room and directly into Mr. Saikou's office, without even speaking a single word to the secretary.
How long had that woman been coming here? How often? What business did she have here?
Kencho asks the secretary details, and we are told :
The secretary was silent for a few moments, and then gave me some generic platitude about how "the details of Mr. Saikou's appointments must be kept strictly confidential."
So either Saisho fired the previous secretary, or this meeting must be extremely confidential. Because that secretary was a huge gossip when it came to Ichiro and Saisho's falling off.
We get the confirmation it is a big deal as all the employees act the same at the mention of Ryoba.
When they saw how distraught I was, they were eager to help, but...
...When I asked them about that woman who just walked by, they... their attitudes changed in a heartbeat.
They slowly turned away from me and returned to their work in silence.
They ignored me, as if I wasn't even there! I haven't been treated like that since I was a schoolboy!
It was as if that woman was a taboo subject that no-one was allowed to speak of...or that...
He asks about her several times but Crazy Grandpa shuts him down. Kencho mentions Ichiro was there for all the meetings, but he has only heard him speak a handful of times. However, we also know that Ryoba and Ichiro have spoken with each other.
2004, Ichiro is in his mid-twenties. He gets married to the Wife. That's when his two daughters are born : Megami is born to the Wife, as the official heir to Saikou. Ayano is born to Ryoba, away from the Saikou family, as the bearer of the Aishi curse.
How exactly what Ayano born ? It is unlikely Ryoba would have cheated on Jokichi, which is why many have theorized on an insemination. Considering Saikou is a tech company, it's not out of reach.
He had two children, in accordance with his father's wishes; 'One as a backup in case the first child fails you.'
Yes, this might refer to Kencho. But this might also refer to Ayano. After all, Saisho did have twin daughters, before having a spare...
One was raised to be emotionless. One was born emotionless. It was the old debate, nurture against nature. Which one would produce the perfect heir to the eyes of the Saikou ?
Crazy grandpa retires in 2019, right before Megami and Ayano enter Akademi, and Ichiro becomes CEO.
Ichiro wants to select the perfect heir. And for that, he decides he will select the one who will come out on top, between Megami and Ayano. He seals a deal with Kencho about Ayano.
There is...one tape...that I'm already prepared to part ways with... The tape I made after Mr. Saikou's recent, ah...demands. It's far, far too risky for a recording like that to exist... That one...must be destroyed...immediately.
We know this deal is about Ayano. When Kencho kills Ayano as he feels threatened, he says "Mr. Saikou, the deal is off".
Ryoba and Jokichi both work for Saikou. We know from the headmaster that Ryoba and Ichiro have frequent meetings. She is able to walk in his office regularly. Why ? To discuss their daughter.
When Ryoba announces they are going to America, and Jokichi worries about their job, she says she gave a call to their boss and "he was very understanding". I used to interpret this as their boss being scared of Ryoba. But if their boss is Ichirou, there might be a reason he was so understanding. If Jokichi and Ryoba were to get away from Buraza Town, they wouldn't get in the way of his plans.
After Ayano disposes of Osana, we get a cutscene where he is on the phone with Ichiro. He seems very pleased with the unfolding events, and tells Kencho these deaths are "necessary casualties" for the "progress of science". Normal CEO activity, nothing wrong here.
But Megami also learns about this, as she is aware of the presence of a dangerous individual. Either Ichiro told her, or she might have discovered it by herself. Ichiro keeps her away from school for several weeks. She attends school through Zoom.
In very early builds of the game, you could find a laptop in the school. You would get to see Megami as a shadowy figure, back when she still had black hair. And here's her monologue :
I know who you are. I know WHAT you are. My father won't allow me to attend school while you are... "active". He has a reason for tolerating your presence at this school. I don't. You are a vulgar creature that is only allowed to exist because you serve a purpose. If it was my decision, then every last one of you would be exterminated.
And here's the end of Megami's description.
Megami clearly has some very important information that would cause her to go to such extreme lengths...but what does she know? Does Saikou Corp have anything to do with it? And, more importantly, does Senpai have anything to do with it?
So yeah, that's it for me folks, I'm putting the tin foil hat away and going back to my regular activities. If you have any counterpoint or anything to add, please tell it in the comments.
submitted by shione-shirakami to Osana [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:13 Winter-Fill3471 AITA for talking to someone when i miss someone else

Me (18M) talked to this guy lets call him J (20M) in April for three weeks and we had such an amazing connection that I couldn't help but fall for him. I have never felt this way about anyone in my entire life I mean the connection was just something that was unexplainable. He made me smile in a way no one has ever made me smile I saw a future with him in the tiny frame I had him in my life. When me and J started talking we found out that he texted me two years ago and we didn't even know, So on our first date we made jokes about that and how we could've happened earlier. The first date was something I can only explain as something cinematic everything was perfect he took me to the beach and we talked for six hours on end about our lives, our families, and what we wanted in life. On the two hour drive back we listened to music while I laid on his shoulder and evidently we figured out that we had the same music taste which was one of the many things we had in common. The drive back was as good as the beach because in all honesty the place did not matter as long as I was with him I was happy. So we continued talking and getting to know each other for a week as we planned our second date. The second date was amazing it lasted roughly five to six hours as well and we planned on watching a movie but ended up laying in the back of his cars stargazing and just talking for hours. That night he told me that he couldn't picture me leaving because he was growing attached, when he spoke those words my smile went from ear to ear as I said "the feeling was mutual I was just to scared to admit it". He looked at me for a minute and said the exact words I needed to hear "You don't ever have to hide from me you can tell me anything" and I let my guard down. Everything was great for the next couple days we talked everyday and the messages never seemed to end. Four days later something seemed off he wouldn't respond with the same emotion that he would previously the goodnight messages went from "goodnight sleep well can't wait to talk to you tomorrow" to "goodnight i'm tired" The conversations went from deep explanations about his day to "My day was good wbu?". I tried to not think about it to much he is busy he's moving out and he has finals piling up I'll just leave him be. To avoid thinking about him constantly I would go out with friends and party and rarely be sober. A couple days after he told me saw his ex and he felt regret and anger and so many other emotions which through me through a loop because why do you care about your ex that heavily. I asked him if he was over his ex on the first date and reassured me multiple times that he was but looking back now that was the biggest lie. Later that day he posted something on social media basically confirming my suspicions he was not over his ex far from that he wants them back and so I asked him directly why did he post that video. He finally told me that he isn't over his ex and he doesn't want to lead me on anymore because i'm such a "great guy" who "deserves better". I told him I wish him the best and hopefully we can work out in the future and maybe this time don't have to wait another two years. He agreed and we went our separate ways. Three days later my ex lets call him C (18M) from earlier this year contacts me saying he misses what we had and wants to try again. I think about how good he treated me the last time we dated so I stupidly agree. We've been talking for three weeks now and I texted J a couple days ago because J wanted to know how I was doing, we talked for a little bit and he said he isn't ready for a relationship but his post just make it seem like he wants his ex back. C is giving me everything I want and is obsessed with me tells me he loves me everyday but I can't help to think about J from time to time. Me and C had a talk last night and I told him that I felt no spark between us anyone but maybe that is because I am comfortable with him and I do not need a spark for our relationship. C asked me do I still think about J and I told him sometimes and C's face seemed so hurt and filled with dread and it has me thinking should i even be with C anymore. I care about C so much I truly do but I don't feel for him the same way I felt for J, With J it was something so passionate and the Spark was amazing and with C it is comfortable and safe. Making matters worse as I am typing this I am on the phone with C. I don't know if I'm leading C on. Should I end it or should I continue talking to C even though a tiny part of me is waiting for J. AITA for this whole situation I'm very confused and any input will be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Winter-Fill3471 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:07 fjgsjsfjsfjsgnsh So glad to find a community of support

Mind if I share my story? Trigger warning.
DD was 2 years ago almost. WH and I had been together 11 years. He was working a 2nd job which had an app that included everyone's contact info. AP texted him in the middle of the night about 6 months prior (all it said was "is this ___? If so i have to tell you something"). He was open and honest about this message and we both went through the app to match up the number and figure out who it was. It became a running joke between us "your other gf" or "the girls at work have crushes on you". Our relationship was (in my eyes) fine, we hardly ever fought or argued. But finances were a struggle and I have always struggled with house work. If we argued it was because laundry was piling up or dishes needed to be cleaned (he was working 2 jobs, and i was also working full time and caring for the kids most of the time).
About 2 months after that 3am text message he started to become very distant. He even brought up separating after the holidays which was a shock to me, but we worked through it. After the new year he started calling out of his day job a lot.... which was not like him at all. I was starting to worry about his mental health and him having an affair was not even on my radar. Months went by and things were okay....I think. Honestly I subconsciously blocked out so much from those 6 months that I can't even think back to the signs I might have missed. One afternoon he was doing a side job, which I misunderstood what was being done so I kinda started an argument when he got home. I grabbed his phone and said "let's take a look and see who you've been cheating on me with" .... why did I say that? Was it my intuition? 🫠 before I could look he came clean and told me what had happened. I asked him if he was serious and he said yes. So I got physical with him. Not my proudest moment but it was truly just blind rage. I tried to find out where she lived so I could go do the same to her but he wouldn't tell me. In the moment I felt like he was protecting her, but looking back he was protecting me from myself. Turns out him calling out of work was because of his mental health. He said he had so much shame he would lay in bed and cry on those days. (We have cameras so I know he wasn't coming and going)
So I left the house. I called my friend and went to her house for a bit to calm down. My kids saw a lot of what happened (the physical stuff was behind closed doors). I felt so much shame that they witnessed that. About 2 hours later I went back home because my kids needed to go to bed. I figured things were done and there was no coming back, so I messaged an old friend on fb. In the moment I was just so hurt and confused and not thinking clearly, I just wanted to hurt him back tbh. I never had intentions of betraying him back; leaving him and having someone ready? Yeah maybe. He found out pretty quick about that message. I immediately shut it down and blocked the guy. The next day my WH called out of work, I think in hopes that I would also so we could talk. I had no desire and I actually enjoy my job and it kept my mind occupied so I didn't take any time off. I was walking out the door and with tears in his eyes (he's not a crier) he begged me not to leave him and that he had so much regret.
He was willing to do absolutely anything to keep me. We have kids, we've built a life together and aside from all that, the cost of living just isn't made for a single person right now. So I had to stay. I had no choice at all at the time. He had to stay at the job through the summer because of childcare. He told them he would not be working the same schedule as her. She also apparently went through paychecks to find out his address (though she never came to my house), so she lost her manager position over that. After 3 long miserable months he quit the job and I felt like we could finally start healing.
He made promises to me that he'd do better and be better. He promised to start helping around the house so I wasn't so overwhelmed all the time. I started therapy that summer as well and was able to start on anti-anxiety medication and ADHD medication. Both have helped tremendously, in turn helping my relationship. He never blamed me for what happened and took full accountability. When all of this happened, all I wanted was for us to come out the other end even more in love than we were before. He's been consistent with his behavior and gives me the reassurance when I need it. When we find ourselves getting snippy we step back and reevaluate.
When the 1 year of DD came up I was dreading it and how I'd feel. Someone suggested doing something fun so I could have that memory instead of the memory of our fight. So I got a cat last year. I've never had a cat so in tune with emotions either, he is right up in my face purring whenever I am upset.
Now we are 2 years out and I'm starting to feel like I can trust him again. I think there will always be that thought but if chose to stay I have also chosen to take the risk that it can happen again. He reminds me often how much he loves me and that he'll never do anything to hurt me again. I still have hard days but things do get better. For me, one thing I didn't want to know was the details. I know the general idea of what they did physically, but beyond that, I don't want to know. I can't unknow those things once I learn them. I never saw the messages or the pictures, I'm so thankful I never got curious enough. Although he says if I did, he thinks I'd still have been willing to work things out. Anyway thanks if you read this far. I'm so glad to have found this sub, it's so comforting to know there are other couples out there who have reconciled successfully. I'm so sorry that we all have this in common.
TL;DR - my DD story followed by my reconciliation story. Keep pushing, things do get easier. 🩵
submitted by fjgsjsfjsfjsgnsh to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:06 Winter-Fill3471 AITA for talking to someone when i miss someone else

Me (18M) talked to this guy lets call him J (20M) in April for three weeks and we had such an amazing connection that I couldn't help but fall for him. I have never felt this way about anyone in my entire life I mean the connection was just something that was unexplainable. He made me smile in a way no one has ever made me smile I saw a future with him in the tiny frame I had him in my life. When me and J started talking we found out that he texted me two years ago and we didn't even know, So on our first date we made jokes about that and how we could've happened earlier. The first date was something I can only explain as something cinematic everything was perfect he took me to the beach and we talked for six hours on end about our lives, our families, and what we wanted in life. On the two hour drive back we listened to music while I laid on his shoulder and evidently we figured out that we had the same music taste which was one of the many things we had in common. The drive back was as good as the beach because in all honesty the place did not matter as long as I was with him I was happy. So we continued talking and getting to know each other for a week as we planned our second date. The second date was amazing it lasted roughly five to six hours as well and we planned on watching a movie but ended up laying in the back of his cars stargazing and just talking for hours. That night he told me that he couldn't picture me leaving because he was growing attached, when he spoke those words my smile went from ear to ear as I said "the feeling was mutual I was just to scared to admit it". He looked at me for a minute and said the exact words I needed to hear "You don't ever have to hide from me you can tell me anything" and I let my guard down. Everything was great for the next couple days we talked everyday and the messages never seemed to end. Four days later something seemed off he wouldn't respond with the same emotion that he would previously the goodnight messages went from "goodnight sleep well can't wait to talk to you tomorrow" to "goodnight i'm tired" The conversations went from deep explanations about his day to "My day was good wbu?". I tried to not think about it to much he is busy he's moving out and he has finals piling up I'll just leave him be. To avoid thinking about him constantly I would go out with friends and party and rarely be sober. A couple days after he told me saw his ex and he felt regret and anger and so many other emotions which through me through a loop because why do you care about your ex that heavily. I asked him if he was over his ex on the first date and reassured me multiple times that he was but looking back now that was the biggest lie. Later that day he posted something on social media basically confirming my suspicions he was not over his ex far from that he wants them back and so I asked him directly why did he post that video. He finally told me that he isn't over his ex and he doesn't want to lead me on anymore because i'm such a "great guy" who "deserves better". I told him I wish him the best and hopefully we can work out in the future and maybe this time don't have to wait another two years. He agreed and we went our separate ways. Three days later my ex lets call him C (18M) from earlier this year contacts me saying he misses what we had and wants to try again. I think about how good he treated me the last time we dated so I stupidly agree. We've been talking for three weeks now and I texted J a couple days ago because J wanted to know how I was doing, we talked for a little bit and he said he isn't ready for a relationship but his post just make it seem like he wants his ex back. C is giving me everything I want and is obsessed with me tells me he loves me everyday but I can't help to think about J from time to time. Me and C had a talk last night and I told him that I felt no spark between us anyone but maybe that is because I am comfortable with him and I do not need a spark for our relationship. C asked me do I still think about J and I told him sometimes and C's face seemed so hurt and filled with dread and it has me thinking should i even be with C anymore. I care about C so much I truly do but I don't feel for him the same way I felt for J, With J it was something so passionate and the Spark was amazing and with C it is comfortable and safe. Making matters worse as I am typing this I am on the phone with C. I don't know if I'm leading C on. Should I end it or should I continue talking to C even though a tiny part of me is waiting for J. AITA for this whole situation I'm very confused and any input will be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Winter-Fill3471 to u/Winter-Fill3471 [link] [comments]
