R controoled vowels care

r/Spanish: Learn, teach or discuss the 2nd most spoken language by natives

2009.02.25 08:00 pallaviwensil r/Spanish: Learn, teach or discuss the 2nd most spoken language by natives

This is the biggest Reddit community dedicated to discussing, teaching, and learning Spanish. Answer or ask questions, share information, stories, and more on themes related to the 2nd most spoken language in the world by native speakers.

2008.08.27 07:36 The Latin Language

This is a community for discussions related to the Latin language.

2024.05.16 03:05 Dangerdoom911 Arias Agencies

I came across this Reddit post re: a horrible “alleged” sexual assault/ harassment case and did a little digging… From what I can see, one of these guys has decided to move from PA to the great state of Maine… Portland area no less. He goes by Mike Russin? Anyhow, here’s the Reddit post and details… be careful who you do business with, yall!
submitted by Dangerdoom911 to portlandme [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 03:00 Yasini4real Daily General Discussion

Welcome to the Daily General Discussion thread. Please read the disclaimer and rules before participating.
Consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read on this thread with known sources. Any trade information posted in this open thread may be highly misleading, and could be an attempt to manipulate new readers by known "pump and dump (PnD) groups" for their own profit. BEWARE of such practices and exercise utmost caution before acting on any trade tip mentioned here.
Please be careful about what information you share and the actions you take. Do not share the amounts of your portfolios (why not just share percentage?). Do not share your private keys or wallet seed. Use strong, non-SMS 2FA if possible. Beware of scammers and be smart. Do not invest more than you can afford to lose, and do not fall for pyramid schemes, promises of unrealistic returns (get-rich-quick schemes), and other common scams.
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submitted by Yasini4real to pancakeswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:59 Justme0812 Not much of a question just looking for someone to talk.

First of all, sorry if this comes off as pathetic or if this not the right place to post this kind of thing. I'm a 34yr old woman, and I've never been diagnosed first of all, but I've always felt there was something weird going on with me.
When I was younger I felt good or even normal about this "oddness", I was even praised??. Imagine a 5 yr old speaking like a grown up with very specific tastes and a large plethora of topics to talk about, but with time, and people criticizing me (my mom and family), or bullying about the way I talk, my tone of voice, the things I say, or just simply the way I cannot make feel myself comfortable in large social gatherings over the years has really made me a sad person, careful of how I put myself out there, constantly checking what things I say and how I say them to not come off as rude or obnoxious. (I've been told I say things without thinking that are embarrassing or just extremely harsh).
So...for a while now I've suspected I may have asperges, what I say previously is just the tip of the iceberg of things that make me have this suspicion. I've taken a few tests from autism and I'm currently looking for a diagnosis in my country (which ended up being harder than I expected). Anyways, just writing this down made me tear up. I decided I want to stop pretending I'm someone else, and I want to embrace the way I am to the fullest. So maybe... someone who's up for some chatting? It won't be much, I'd just like advice on how to navigate the world more comfortably, and I'd like to ask questions about things I've been dealing with my whole life.
That's all. Thanks a lot.
submitted by Justme0812 to aspergirls [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:53 CEOofprosperity A lesson in the law of choice lol

It happened just now JUST NOW lol if I could I'd make this an audio. Why doesn't reddit have audio? Cause tone is everything. Anyway, I knew from the start ranting about spectrum internet was gonna get me banned from r spectrum. Fuck I could just be sleeping, not even online to post and I've woken up to bans. You all know.
But like I said. Everything is a choice. Everything is doors. Just doors being opened and closed all the fucking time. Me and my brother are having a ball because it's like the trajectory of our lives has switched. He's become the schemer and conman and I've become everyone's fricking dad and voice of reason. And it's because we were both just so sick of life. I was sick of bad relationship after bad relationship and being bitter. He was sick of being a push over because of his disabilities. He's having a ball being a schemer and I gotta say I'm a lot happier. Now a mutual friend of ours said something unrelated as my finance is a lot younger than I am and she gets so pissed about some of the weird shit I do lol. It's all in good fun though. She's wonderful and she knows I love her more than anything. But younger girls have always liked me and most think I'm kinda psycho and so this mutual friend said one time to them "everybody loves daddy until Daddy gets mad" lol! So me and my brother are on the floor dying. And it relates to manifesting and the law of choice because I confronted those fucking spectrum mods and told them they're gonna admit they're sponsored or I'm doxxing them. I'm doing it anyway. They wanna cry about it, they're going too anyway. Go cry to the even more criminal admins to ban me harder so I can just make another account and threaten you harder. We can do this all God damn day but either way they're gonna admit they're doing something illegal and shady I'm gonna force them too. I'm not assuming reality, I'm not attracting the woo woo happy things my way, I'm making an active choice not to put up with that shit and nobody should. I pay too much God damn money for internet that doesn't fucking work, just to get banned from a subreddit because I said a bad thing about a company that doesn't give a fuck about me. Oh oh, but it's fine if reddit is like "I'm gonna eat the rich! They don't pay me enough!" Yeah, you're such a badass, gonna eat the rich when you can't even bitch about how their service sucks. Let me fucking do that. Let me go to work, and just NOT DO MY JOB for an hour a day and see how long I last. Unbelievable.
And I'm not some crazy guy whose just angry all the time. I could be. There's plenty of reasons to feel that way. But that's not the life I want so it's not the life I'm gonna choose. That's why I say law of choice. So I told our Skype group "daddy, life sucks! Can we pray together? Daddy, I didn't get the boy's number, what Neville Goddard video..."
"Hold on kids, dad's gotta whip out his belt..." lol and at that I wear a diamond buckle belt too it's fucking snazzy. Everyone was like "that's a woman's belt" I don't care. I own that shit lol
submitted by CEOofprosperity to NevilleGoddardCritics [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:50 TintedArchipelago47 How to be content with being alone forever?

Unfortunately, for reasons that are out of my control (so not weight, skincare, etc.) I’m not anyone’s type. It’s obvious from everything I’ve seen and experienced. I don’t want to be in a relationship with someone who’s just settling for me. Men just aren’t good partners to women who aren’t their type. Just look on relationship_advice, breakingmom and so on for a bunch of stories of women whose partners are terrible to them because they aren’t hot enough.
I know that the only things men genuinely care about in women are looks and age (don’t bother calling me a “misandrist”, I don’t care, and men themselves will freely admit this so I’m not wrong). Even if I do find the 0.0001% of men who prefers someone like me, I’ll inevitably stop being his preference at some point, since I won’t be in my 20s forever. Men genuinely prefer teenagers, so I already feel too old for them (again, I don’t care if you call me a misandrist, I’m not wrong here).
So I’m trying to come to terms with the fact that I’m not meant to have a partner and a loving, lifelong relationship is just not in the cards for me. However, it’s difficult to turn off my natural desire for romantic love.
I bought a dog, and he’s a good companion, but he obviously doesn’t fill my need for human interaction. What else can I do to live a fulfilling life alone?
submitted by TintedArchipelago47 to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:42 lixad3000 Looking for academic assistance? Contact me for help with essays, math (including statistics, calculus, algebra, and geometry), computer science (JavaScript, SQL, Python, C++, etc.), sociology, economics, psychology, philosophy, nursing, political science, chemistry, public health, biochemistry, and

Greetings students,
Need an assignment helper? Look no further. I specialize in writing assignments, theses, essays, dissertations, projects, empirical studies, questionnaires, data analysis, and research across a variety of subjects. I also offer assistance with complete courses in basic subjects.
My expertise spans business, accounting, finance, economics, statistics, international law, computer science, web development, database management, data analysis, machine learning, SPSS, Stata, R, R Studio, Gretel, various software applications, probability sampling, sociology, philosophy, history, management, HR management, marketing, psychology, child care, nursing, health care, physiology, nutrition and dietetics, as well as medical topics.
I'm happy to provide samples and guarantee high-quality, plagiarism-free work. Reach out to discuss your needs.
submitted by lixad3000 to HomeworkAider [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:39 lixad3000 [HIRE ME)Dm for help in Essays,Maths( statistics, Calculus, Algebra, geometry), Computer science, JavaScript, SQL, Python, C++, Sociology, Economics, psychology, philosophy, Nursing, Political science, Chemistry,public health, biochemistry. DISCORD;brandon_0379 WHATSAPP: +1(213)585-2613

Hello Students,
Are you searching for Assignment Helper? You are at the right place. I am a Professional Assignments ,Thesis , Essay, Dissertation, Projects, Emperical, Questionaire , Data Analysis, and Research writer. I am available for Complete courses of all the basic subjects as well.
I write on Business, Accounting, Finance, Economics, Statistics, International Law, Computer science, Web development, Data base, Data Analysis, Machine Learning, SPSS, Stata, R, R studio, Gretel , Softwares, Probability Sampling, Sociology, Philosophy, History, Management, HR Management, Marketing, Psychology, Child care, Nursing , Health Care, Physiology, Nutrition & dietitan and Medical topics.
I can send you samples as well. I assure you that I’ll provide you best quality and plagiarism free work. Just knock me and let’s discuss it
submitted by lixad3000 to homeworkhelpNY [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:28 ughnett666 the OG You perfume formula will not come back because the ingredient that was taken out (lilial) is BANNED in the EU

the OG You perfume formula will not come back because the ingredient that was taken out (lilial) is BANNED in the EU
this is the 1 beauty product that i will 4ever mourn but u guys need to understand that glossier can’t do anything about an ingredient that is banned for use in cosmetics/personal care products by the EU Commission
all glossier did was take the ingredient out, so i feel like they could be trying to reformulate the current formula all over again, unless they’re already working on it behind the scenes? idk there is a Manager, Fragrance Product Development and R&I job listing which says “The Fragrance Product Development Manager will be responsible for managing and executing the day-to-day product development process for the fragrance category. This includes the Balm Dotcom property, fine fragrance, as well as ancillaries of all kinds.” and mentions “2024 + 2025 fragrance category launches”
but it also comes down to if they are actually listening to community feedback or basing business decisions on sales reports, since You is one of the top selling fragrances at Sephora (where returns and negative reviews don’t impact that “title”), so who knows if they plan to revisit You or focus on developing new fragrances
submitted by ughnett666 to glossier [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:23 AffectionateOil5517 Are Lyme literate doctors legit?

Got me banned from lyme because discussion is frowned upon
Lyme literate doctors, especially the prominent ones, heavily rely on things that raise questions like extended antibiotic therapy and diagnosing people with little to no exposure to deer ticks.
Do these doctors actually think the medical system is holding them down and they are doing brave work helping the sick or are they intentionally mis-representing what they claim their expensive and dangerous therapies can do
I guess this also leans on their reliance on chemotherapeutics rather than confronting the psychosomatic effects of chronic Lyme, chronic fatigue, fibro, etc.
I don’t doubt people are presenting with complex pain/neurological sequela but I find it hard to understand that their tool box only consists of parental antibiotics and other drugs to treat infections unrelated to Lyme
Edit: i say this as a health care person living in Lyme belt of New England. I’ve luckily never had clinical Lyme, my son has. We take it seriously, frequent tick checks, post exposure doxy etc.
submitted by AffectionateOil5517 to lymedisease [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:21 winterheart1511 PSA: The Reddit Cares bot is currently being misused sitewide

Hey all,
There's been a sitewide uptick in false Reddit Cares Resources reports, to the point that admins have stepped in to investigate. Here's what they have to say about the problem:
We're hopeful this is a resolved issue instead of a current one, but we won't know for sure for a few more days. In the meantime, we encourage any users who have received false reports from the Reddit Cares system to use the link provided in those messages to report it as unwarranted.
We'd also suggest taking a look at our Safety and Privacy guide, where we recommend blocking the bot entirely:
Any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us via Modmail.
submitted by winterheart1511 to SupportforBetrayed [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:16 HandsofMilenko Is cultural appropriation and closed practices real? Can I work with an Aztec god?

I have done my research, and I feel really drawn to work with a particular god, that being Quetzalcoatl. I went to Pagan to ask around about information about him, only to be deleted in account of "cultural appropriation". Do spirits actually care about your race/background? Can I still work with him?
submitted by HandsofMilenko to DemonolatryPractices [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:13 4ngelix how do i know if i’m attractive

i know it is a matter of opinion but i think that there are people who are majority consider unattractive attractive or average and i hate to say this and feel like it’s a weird question but how do i know if people find me attractive? i’m a high school female who’s never had a bf and a guy hasn’t liked me since elementary school. i didn’t talk to boys at all till this year and i barely do now.. like BARELYYY.. i find that a lot of people on the internet find me attractive but i could easily assume they r just desperate or only see the selfies i post which ofc i choose flattering ones (for example me and my friend go on monkey chat during sleepovers which is like omegle but with more normal people and i get a lot of flirts or compliments but it’s usually from older guys who don’t know my age that i skip) (another example would be that me and my friend thought it was funny to download wizz and as soon as i set up my profile i started getting dm requests and a minute later i had over 30!?) but during school guys don’t seem to like me at all and i actually get joke asked out pretty often.. not super often but i’d say like 4 times since i started high school which is the most out of all my friends which makes me feel like i’m unattractive.. i did hear that babies staring at you means your pretty which often happens to me but i doubt it’s true and kids naturally like me and i babysit a lot and take care of all my cousins so i doubt that’s why. i don’t have a nice body and i have a basic style but wear flattering clothes most of the time so does anyone have any signs that people find me pretty or advice or could tell from what i’ve said? i’d definitely prefer brutally honest answers over the same ur beautiful don’t care what others think stuff.. sorry if i don’t make much sense 😅🥹
submitted by 4ngelix to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:07 BlackFridayNews Medicube Age-R Booster Pro 6-in-1 Total Care LED Therapy Device - $288.00

Medicube Age-R Booster Pro 6-in-1 Total Care LED Therapy Device - $288.00 submitted by BlackFridayNews to GottaDEAL [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:00 CryptoDaily- Daily Crypto Discussion - May 16, 2024 (GMT+0)

Welcome to the Daily Crypto Discussion thread. Please read the disclaimer and rules before participating.


Consider all information posted here with several liberal heaps of salt, and always cross check any information you may read on this thread with known sources. Any trade information posted in this open thread may be highly misleading, and could be an attempt to manipulate new readers by known "pump and dump (PnD) groups" for their own profit. BEWARE of such practices and exercise utmost caution before acting on any trade tip mentioned here.
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submitted by CryptoDaily- to CryptoCurrency [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:55 TheGoldenLeaper Enravel Overview

Enravel (Seattle)
Date of Incorporation: 9/14/2009
Governing Persons: Rony Abovitz (Governor); Scott Henry (Governor); Anastasia Lang; Richard Taylor; Jennifer Fitzpatrick; Joseph Tsai https://www.sos.wa.gov/corps/business.aspx?ubi=602954597
Enravel, which presented at the April Innovation Showcase, followed up the presentations with an update and product demo. The company, led by UW mechanical engineer Brian Schowengerdt [former UW & Microvision employee], has developed a laser-based “pico projector” that could be built into mobile electronics like cell phones, digital cameras, and even eye glasses. The 1 mm x 9 mm projector —about the size of a grain of rice—uses “scanning fiber” technology to then scan an image from the device, and project an enlarged image back onto a larger surface, like a wall. The company, which has put most of its resources into developing the projection technology so far, plans to now turn its focus to streamlining the light source modulator to improve image quality.
Linden Rhoads [at the time Vice Provost-IP, Commercialization, Innovation at the University of Washington] introduced this startup by pulling out her iPhone and iPad (yes, one of those) and talking about the devices’ display capabilities. “These are great, these are fun, but they’re going to be so much more fun when there are projectors available for them,” she said. “That day is very, very close at hand.”
Enravel is led by UW mechanical engineer Brian Schowengerdt, an expert in alternative displays, user interfaces, and human visual perception. He co-founded the company in 2009 to commercialize a laser-based “pico projector.” The idea, he says, is to “take a display of iPad size and compress it into the size of an iPhone.” More specifically, to shrink a projector to “the size of a grain of rice” and use it to project on-screen images, video, games, websites, e-mail—you name it—onto any larger surface.
The core technology is a “scanning fiber” projector that uses fiber optics and a vibrating element to scan an image and blow it up, for example, to a size of 17 inches across from just five inches away. A matchbook-size assembly of laser diodes (off the shelf) provides the light source to project the image. You could imagine such a projector might be crammed into a smartphone and used anytime you want a bigger display to interact with, for reading text or watching a video, say.
Enravel has five employees, and its technology was built over the past few years using $8 million in funding for a related endoscopic imaging project (led by Eric Seibel) and $100,000 in grants. The company expects to finish its portable prototype by next month, and to have a standalone product by the end of next year.
Thanks to for mentioning Enravel
Jump to Q3 2019
UW Researcher Spotlight: Eric Seibel, Mechanical Engineering Written by CoMotion Staff / September 27, 2019
Eric Seibel: "Scanning Fiber Endoscope: This is an ultrathin and flexible scanning fiber endoscope (SFE) for the early detection and treatment of cancers within the body. The goal is to advance minimally invasive medical imaging by using ultrathin flexible endoscopes that allow access to regions of the body that were previously inaccessible to permit less invasive treatment of cancers before they have spread from their place of origin. It was licensed to startup VerAvanti for medical endoscopes and Magic Leap for AR displays as well as a few other related licenses."
August 26, 2019 - Veravanti announces a new subsidiary and the opening of a nanofabrication facility
"The opening of the Avanti Nanofabrication facility enables VerAvanti to manufacture its patented Scanning Fiber Endoscope (SFE), a new, extremely small imaging modality designed to access small arteries to illuminate stroke and cardiovascular risks."
Some information on Veravanti in relation to Enravel:
Research: Large field-of-view short-wave infrared metalens for scanning fiber endoscopy Mirror 1 Mirror 2
Near-Infrared Imaging of Artificial Enamel Caries Lesions with a Scanning Fiber Endoscope
Other Scanning Fiber Endoscope Projects
Endoscope Surveilence
SFE For Dental Care
SFE For Bladder Surveillance
The scanning fiber endoscope is an ultrathin and flexible endoscope for the early detection and treatment of cancers within the body. The SFE can be used as a surveillance device with the goal of improving our chances of survival from cancer.
A scanning fiber endoscope is a technology that uses a flexible, small (< 6Fr) peripheral or coronary catheter to provide wide-field, high-quality, full-color, laser-based video imaging. These differences distinguish SFE applications from current imaging approaches such as IVUS and Intracoronary OCT. Applications for the device (which was pending FDA review and approval as of 2017[needs update]), are expected to include medical diagnosis and support in determining interventional treatments such as surgery or biopsy. Providing both full-color images and a wide-field, real-time surgical view into the inner depths of arteries, enables physicians to circumnavigate hard to reach internal tissues to assess for potential disease.
REDMOND, WA (August 26, 2019) – VerAvanti, a developer of a new class of scientifically-advanced solutions to help physicians find answers to treat strokes and heart attacks that often strike without warning, today announced that its new subsidiary, Avanti, has opened a Nanofabrication facility in Bothell, Washington. The facility includes a 9,300 S.F. ISO 9001 cleanroom, the second largest in Washington State.
The first-of-its-kind facility on the Eastside will support high-volume component production of wafers and chips with nanoscale features. Because of the inconceivably tiny parts made from unconventional materials, these components aren’t practical, economical or even possible to fabricate at commercial foundries. The lab capabilities include photolithography, wet and dry etch, atomic layer deposition, Sputtering, Deep Reactive Ion Etching, scanning electron microscopy, Multiphysics simulation, design, and proprietary piezoelectric fabrication. The Avanti Nanofabrication will provide services to VerAvanti and the other businesses seeking these specialized services.
VerAvanti Founder and CEO, Gerald McMorrow explained why VerAvanti launched its new nanofabrication subsidiary. McMorrow stated, “The opening of the Avanti Nanofabrication facility enables VerAvanti to manufacture its patented Scanning Fiber Endoscope (SFE), a new, extremely small imaging modality designed to access small arteries to illuminate stroke and cardiovascular risks.” With the price point advantages this subsidiary enables, VerAvanti is positioning for a highly competitive market launch of its innovative SFE device.
About VerAvanti
Founded in 2013, privately-held VerAvanti is using advanced science and automation to commercialize the world’s first Scanning Fiber Endoscope (SFE)), to help physicians close treatment gaps and proactively identify interventions for the 200,000 individuals (U.S.) who suffer ischemic strokes due to an unknown cause1. Protected by more than 30 patents licensed by VerAvanti, the SFE is a micro-imaging catheter equipped with an extreme depth of focus camera that provides physicians a previously unseen surgical view into hidden intravascular anatomy, enabling more proactive diagnosis and treatment of individuals at-risk for stroke and cardiovascular events. Visit VerAvanti to learn more and review scientific papers and SFE images.
About Avanti Nanofabrication
Avanti Nanofabrication, a subsidiary of VerAvanti, is a nanofabrication facility located in Bothell, WA. The facility includes a 9,300 S.F. ISO 9001 cleanroom, the second largest in Washington State. Lab capabilities include photolithography, wet and dry etch, atomic layer deposition, Sputtering, Deep Reactive Ion Etching, scanning electron microscopy, Multiphysics simulation, design, and proprietary piezoelectric fabrication.
submitted by TheGoldenLeaper to enravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:52 Lazy_Insect_2974 Stuck between two issues Nationwide Home insurance and Car Warranty dispute with Maxcare/Subaru

So here I am stuck in the middle of two annoying situations that are dumping loads of stress on to me. I recently (by recently within the last 9 months) bought a car from Car Max and paid a pretty penny for a used car with low miles (around 6k miles and 1 owner). I'm loving the car and driving it as my daily, about 7-8 months go by and I've now put on about 9k miles and have taken it to a Subaru Dealership to have oil changed and look over the car. All appears well and in working order. I then begin noticing an issue with idle and cold starts where the engine seems to be struggling and shaking more than usual and then the dash lit up like a christmas tree. Take it to the Subaru dealer to run code and its VVT solenoid or cam shaft sprocket. They also find some debris in the oil. Change the oil and parts and its still having issues and is said to need a new engine per Master Tech at Subaru. MaxCare says they won't cover anything while there is still a manufacturer warranty in place. Subaru believes there may have been an issue or modified by the previous owner and when something started to arise they parted it back to stock and sold it. Now I'm stuck with the issue and dealing with Subaru and MaxCare (which doesn't seem to care to the max). subaru WRX
Second stress inducing issue is dealing with my Home Insurance, made a claim with Nationwide about storm damage to my roof causing water damage to the interior of my house. I had 3 independent contractors come out and inspect my roof as well as the interior damage to the room/attic. All three took photos and reported that there was storm damage from winds and an active leak due to said damage. So I file a claim with Nationwide and they send out an independent inspector to assess the damages for the claim. SeekNow is sent out and he comes into the house to photograph the interior damage and then go up on the roof to finish up the inspection. The inspector for SeekNow finishes and then leaves without saying a word. I wait a week and call Nationwide again to follow up as I have heard nothing from Nationwide or from SeekNow. I am told via phone call with my claims adjustor that the SeekNow inspector found no damage to my roof and no signs of storm damage. I was shocked and a bit peeved if I must be honest. I've had 3 different contractors inspect beforehand and all saw damage and shared with me photos of said damage to my home. So how could this inspector from SeekNow be so blind.
Sorry for the dump but I am in need of some advice. I'm a single income adult attempting to navigate these waters but I do not have the resources to pay for an engine to a new car with only 16k total miles nor do I have the money to pay for a new roof and the drywall/painting repair for the house. Nationwide does not seem to be on your side despite the jingle and CarMax/MaxCare does not seem to want to own up to not fully inspecting cars they purchase before off loading it onto the new customer.
submitted by Lazy_Insect_2974 to Insurance [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:49 toskaqe Assassins Creed Shadows release reactions thread

We're getting multiple posts about this topic and I was hoping someone would do a higher effort write up on it. Since one does not seem forthcoming, I'll combine the posts we are getting, and also link back to threads from a few months ago that already discussed it extensively. That way we aren't splitting up the discussion and repeating the same comments too much.
Old threads:
Asian male protagonist erasure (7 months ago, 100+ comments)
Racist New Assassins Creed Red Game (6 months ago, 100+ comments)
New threads:
New assassins creed leaked protagonists. posted by Bl00dyH3ll
https://postimg.cc/gallery/VJqyzNf Seems to confirm the rumor of: Black man, Asian woman protagonist.
New Assassin’s Creed game announced. Black man and Asian woman team up to kill Asian men posted by PS5Wolverine
Kindly tell Ubisoft your thoughts: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Nszrx939ZVA&t=1s&pp=ygUHdWJpc29mdA%3D%3D
New Assassins creed posted by 1Karmalizer1
Anyone else disappointed that they chose a non-asian as the lead in a game centered around fuedal japan?
Nah, this ain't it (link to trailer) posted by tglg808
Asian men’s opinions on Assassins Creed Shadows featuring a black protagonist? posted by Nubian_Cavalry
I’ve noticed a lot of white people upset about this, moreso for their hatred and disrespect of black people than any care for Asian representation.
I’ve noticed those types view Japan as this untainted, anti-woke ethnostate and get more upset over anything they perceive as “Woke” in it than the Japanese themselves. They love anime, but hate actual Asians, unless it’s an Asian woman of course.. they love her but hate her at the same time. 🤷🏿‍♂️
I’d like your opinions on this. How do asian men, particularly Japanese and Japanese American men, feel about Yasuke being the protagonist of the new AC game in place of a Japanese man.
submitted by toskaqe to aznidentity [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:39 billsponsor S.4041 CARE for Student Mental Health Act. Sponsored by John Cornyn (R) of Texas. Sponsorship party breakdown: R-2, D-2, I-1. Introduced in Senate on Mar 21, 2024.

S.4041 CARE for Student Mental Health Act. Sponsored by John Cornyn (R) of Texas. Sponsorship party breakdown: R-2, D-2, I-1. Introduced in Senate on Mar 21, 2024. submitted by billsponsor to u/billsponsor [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:27 sh_throwaway_ am i really being unreasonable in this situation?

i am a minor. the last year has been hell for me. i’m dealing with 3+ new diagnosis’s and dealing with my conditions worsening. i am in constant pain and feel sick the majority of the time and my body is no longer listening to me and doing what it should. it’s taken a toll on my mental health. i understand it must be hard for my parents as well. my (adult) brother is planning on going on vacation in a few months (near the end of the year i think). my mum wants to go with him. she and him have been on vacation together before in the last few years because i haven’t wanted to go (due to mental or physical health) and neither has my dad (his health isn’t great either as he had cancer a few years ago and still has some side effects from the treatment). i’ve been fine with my mum going before but this year i just can’t handle it. i need her here for emotional support (my dad isn’t good at that. my mums not much better but still) and i feel safer having another adult in the house because my dads health isn’t 100% and mine is very unpredictable. i’ve also been having episodes of not being able to breathe recently (i believe because of my POTS) and those have been really scary and i don’t feel safe being home alone and my dad would have to go out sometimes at least for the groceries.
my mum says that she needs a break. me and her have had some problems recently as she hasn’t been being a great parent and she knows that. she always promises to try harder and to change but she never does. she thinks she needs these 3 weeks in another continent to refresh and be a better parent. when she and my brother first brought it up, i told her it was a bad idea. i told her that maybe r she could go if my health is better by then but if it isn’t then i’ll need her with me. she agreed at the time but now she’s decided that she’s going unless im dying. i need her with me. an week away in the same country would be another story, that could be fine, but not almost a month on the other side of the world. i can’t deal with that. she says she can’t deal with this anymore and needs a break. but when do i ever get a break? i know she would take me to have a break if i could but with my health i can’t. but it just seems so unfair that she gets to go on an expensive vacation for 3 weeks and get a break from parenting and i have to deal with the consequences of that. i have to spend those weeks without her being able to take care of me. i rely on my parents, particularly my mum a lot because of my disabilities. and i am still a minor, it’s not like im an adult.
we got into a big argument about it and she ended up crying. i feel bad but also i just don’t think that she should get to take a 3 week break away from her sick kid.
i want to know if i am being unreasonable here? i understand she is stressed and overwhelmed and all but so am i and she’s my parent, it’s her job to take care of me.
submitted by sh_throwaway_ to ChronicIllness [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:25 Obsequium_Minaris The Vampire's Apprentice - Chapter 11

First / Previous / Royal Road / Patreon (Read 12 Chapters Ahead)

Alain kicked in the door to the gun store, and they all flooded in. There was nobody there, as expected, so that gave them free reign to take whatever they needed. Alain immediately stocked up on ammo for his revolver and shotgun, slotting cartridges into the spaces on his bandoleer and belt. All the other men did the same, and a few of them grabbed an extra gun as well.
"Everyone good?" Alain called. They all answered back in the affirmative, and he motioned for them to follow after him as he sprinted back outside.
The remaining undead had taken notice of them now, and were closing in once more. Their group opened fire as Sable and Az rushed forwards.
"Watch your fire!" Alain warned as rounds passed dangerously close to the two of them.
"What the hell are they doing?!" Rusty called.
"They're clearing a path for us!" Alain shouted back. "Come on, we need to-"
A pair of sickening gurgles from behind him caught his attention. Immediately, Alain turned around, and saw the two sheriff's deputies standing there, their hands thrust through the backs and out the chests of Jack and Redd. Rusty raised his rifle to try and engage, but he didn't get a chance to fire before one of the deputies drew his own revolver and put a round between his eyes. Alain could only watch in shock as he fell backwards, dead.
The two deputies pulled their arms out of their unfortunate victims, then shook them to get some of the blood off as they advanced on Alain and Felix. Both men took a step back as they shouldered their long guns.
"Deputies Timms and Brayton," Felix surmised, looking at each man in turn. "You know, I almost didn't want to believe it when Alain first told me you were involved with all of this. The sheriff put you up to it?"
Timms ran a hand through his beard, uncaring of how the blood and gore from his victim left a trail of slick red through it. "He told us what we stood to gain if we helped him. After learning about that, how could we refuse?"
"And what would that be?" Alain growled.
Brayton grinned, showing off yellow teeth as he twirled his revolver almost absentmindedly. "What do you think would coerce someone to sacrifice other people?"
"I don't know."
"Ah, well… it doesn't matter; you'll all be dead soon, anyway."
"So confident of that, are you?"
"I'm confident enough, we'll say." Brayton turned to Timms. "You take the bartender, I'll handle the drifter."
Timms nodded, and then before Alain knew what was happening, Brayton had rushed towards him. He just barely managed to avoid the incoming arm thrust, the deputy's fingers brushing against his shirt, tearing through the fabric with ease. Alain fell back, discharging his shotgun as he went; the load of buckshot struck Brayton in the chest, opening it enough to expose his blackened heart, and he stumbled back, but recovered quickly.
Brayton let out a low growl, then drew his revolver and began firing off shots. Alain was forced to dive for cover behind a nearby building to avoid the incoming shots. Just as he reached concealment, however, a series of moans from nearby caught his attention. He turned and found several undead moving towards him. Without missing a beat, Alain fired off the remaining shell in his shotgun, taking one out, and then held it in one hand as he drew his revolver and killed the other two with a series of well-placed shots.
Alain wasted no time in reloading his guns once the trio of undead had hit the ground. He broke his shotgun open and ripped the spent shells out, then shoved two fresh ones in and closed the weapon. Before he could cock the hammers back, however, the building behind him erupted in a shower of splinters, and Brayton came marching through.
"I must say, you're not making this easy," Brayton told him.
"I thought you would've learned that by now," Alain replied as he cocked the hammers back on his shotgun. "After all, I did plenty of damage to you two back in the jailhouse earlier."
"A shame it didn't last."
"This will."
Alain shouldered his weapon and fired both barrels in the same motion. To his dismay, Brayton was able to duck back into the destroyed building at the last minute, avoiding most of the buckshot; a few pellets lodged in his throat and face, but it wasn't nearly enough to kill him for good.
It did succeed in getting under his skin, though. Brayton stepped out of the building, a scowl etched across his face. Without missing a beat, he advanced on Alain's position, drawing his revolver and firing it as he went. Several shots rang out, and Alain felt a sudden, searing pain in his left shoulder; he turned and saw a bloody patch on his shirt that was growing more intense with every passing second. He only stared for a second though, then turned and began to run, desperate to put some distance between himself and Brayton.
"There's no point in hiding," Brayton answered as Alain ducked back into Felix's bar, stepping over a small mountain of undead corpses in the process. "I'll find you eventually."
Alain sat down behind the bar, then tore open his shirt to get a better look at the wound. Brayton's round had apparently nicked his artery; it wasn't spurting blood, but it was bleeding heavily. Alain didn't waste any time, instead tearing his cartridge belt off his waist and cinching it tight just above the wound as a makeshift tourniquet. He then forced himself back onto his feet, and with shaking hands, reloaded his shotgun as he looked around.
The undead horde seemed to have been thinned out substantially in this part of town. That led him to believe that Az and Sable had instead moved on to another part of town, most likely closer to the mines, and were working on clearing a path for the rest of them. That meant they'd be of no help to him anytime soon – they were almost certainly too busy fighting the undead to realize him and Felix needed help.
So the two of them were on their own. Alain grimaced as the thought crossed his mind.
He needed to take care of Brayton and Timms, and fast.
Alain vaulted over the bar, wincing when he felt the movement disturb the bullet in his shoulder slightly.
"Not doing anything like that again any time soon…" he muttered as he propped himself up against a wall next to the opening where the door had once stood, then peered out into town.
From here, he couldn't see either of the deputies, but he could still hear sporadic gunfire throughout town, along with the moans of the living corpses that were still walking around. Cautiously, Alain stepped out from behind cover, his shotgun already readied against his good shoulder. He looked around once more, trying to see where either of the deputies or Felix had ended up.
The click of a revolver's hammer being thumbed back struck his ears, and Alain hit the dirt just in time for the bullet to scrape across the top of his head, taking a few of his hairs with it.
There was little time to dwell on that, however, as another round came from out of the darkness soon after that one. Alain rolled to avoid it, and just barely managed to get out of the way in time for it to embed itself into the ground next to him. Dirt, pebbles, and bits of spall impacted against his back, but once again, he managed to avoid serious injury. A vein pulsed in his forehead, and Alain forced himself to stand up before firing off two shotgun blasts towards where he thought the shots came from. He was rewarded with the sound of buckshot impacting against flesh, and knew he'd hit his target.
Before Brayton could have time to recover, Alain slung his shotgun and drew his revolver, then advanced upon his position. Sure enough, Brayton was busy pulling himself up off the ground; Alain emptied his revolver's cylinder into the deputy's head. Blood, bone, and bits of brain arced through the air, staining the ground and the nearby wall with a macabre mixture of crimson, white, and gray. By the end of it, the deputy's head had been sheared almost in half, with the remnants of his brain exposed to the outside world.
Alain stood there, wisps of smoke curling up from the end of his revolver's barrel. That should have been it for Brayton – no mortal would have been able to survive something like that.
Unfortunately, Brayton was no mere mortal. He let out a shuddering breath, then began to lurch forward. His movements were sluggish and slow, and there was a dull expression of pain on his face, but he was still alive. Alain paused at the sight of it, his eyes wide with surprise.
"Oh, you've gotta be fucking kidding me."
That was all he managed to get out before Brayton raised his revolver once again. Alain dove for cover; the bullet scraped across his lower back, just a few inches away from his spine. He scrambled to his feet, and only once he was back up did he realize that in the confusion, he'd dropped his revolver.
Alain went to reload his shotgun, but found that he was once again out of shells. He let out a muffled curse, then looked around for something he could use. Sable had told him that there were three ways to kill wights – removing the head, destroying the brain, and…
Alain's gaze landed on a nearby lantern hanging from an abandoned shop, swinging precariously from a rope. Even from here, he could see oil sloshing around inside it. A manic grin crossed his face, and he immediately made a mad dash for it. He got lucky – the deputy was caught in the middle of a reload, and was unable to shoot him. Alain ripped the lantern off the building, then hurled it at Brayton; it shattered on impact, coating him with oil. Once that was done, Alain reached into his pocket and retrieved a match.
"Mom always said those cigarettes couldn't be good for me," he said to himself as he struck the match against the building, lighting it. He turned toward the deputy, still coated in oil, and his eyes narrowed.
"I wonder what she'd say if she could see this."
He flicked the lit match towards Brayton, watching as it soared through the air. The flame made impact with the oil-slick deputy, and he caught alight immediately. An inhuman screech erupted from Brayton's throat, loud enough that Alain winced and had to cover both his ears. Brayton fell to the ground, his revolver dropping against the dirt and discharging harmlessly into the air as he rolled to try and put out the fire, but it was no use. In a matter of seconds, his movements stopped completely, his body reduced to little more than a charred corpse.
That wasn't enough for Alain. He sprinted over to where his Colt had fallen, retrieved it, and emptied the cylinder into what was left of Brayton's head, just for good measure. The body didn't even twitch as the rounds made impact, and by the end of it, his head had been reduced to little more than a jawbone still attached to the neck. Alain stood there for a moment, panting from exertion, before letting his arm fall.
Footsteps took him by surprise, and he rounded on them, only to relax when he saw that it was Felix, and he was apparently completely unharmed. The two exchanged a glance, and Felix's eyes widened.
"Shit…" he breathed. "What happened to you? You're covered in blood."
"I killed Brayton."
"Yes, I can see that. But did you have to put yourself through a meat grinder to do it?"
"Is Timms dead?" Alain asked.
"Yeah, he's done."
"How'd it happen?"
"I shot him in the head a bunch with my rifle. Why didn't you just do that to Brayton?"
Alain just scowled. Before he could reply, there were more footsteps – they both looked over and saw Sable and Az approaching. Both of them seemed a lot worse for wear, sporting more grievous injuries than they had before. Still, as Sable approached, her eyes widened when she saw Alain lying there.
"What happened to him?" she asked.
"Got shot," he grunted. "Hey, you needed blood, right?"
"Well, yes, but-"
Alain didn't wait to hear anything else, instead loosening his tourniquet. The blood began to flow once more, and he motioned towards his shoulder.
"Help yourself for a bit."
Sable went red in the face, but her shame didn't stop her. She immediately moved over to him, then latched onto the wound on his shoulder and began to drink. Alain winced when he felt her teeth lock into him and her tongue begin to lap up his blood, but he didn't stop her.
"I'm gonna be sick…" Felix said, bringing a hand up to cover his mouth as he watched the display in front of him.
Thankfully, Sable pulled herself away shortly after latching onto him. Alain turned towards her, and was surprised to see that many of her wounds were healed, though not all of them. Before he could inquire further about that, Sable began tearing strips off her gore-soaked dress, taking care to search for the few clean parts only, then wrapped his wound with them.
"You need a doctor," she declared. "But for now, that'll have to do. You can sit this one out if-"
"Stop," Alain managed to get out. "I'm not missing this. Help me up."
"I said, help me up."
Sable hesitated, but ultimately obliged, pulling him to his feet. Alain stumbled a bit, lightheaded from pain and blood loss, but managed to maintain his footing. He slung his shotgun and reloaded his revolver, then turned back to the rest of them.
"Alright," he said. "To the mines."

Special thanks to my good friend and co-writer, Ickbard for the help with writing this story.
submitted by Obsequium_Minaris to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:15 lost_library_book (New update) I’m married to a woman who acts like a teenage girl [The Ballad of Bret Hart]

Originally chronicled here.
I am not the OOP. OOP is u/Lost_Beginning_2824
This was originally posted in TrueOffMyChest
2 updates
(recovered via pushpull)
Original post - February 6th, 2024
1st Update - February 28th, 2024
2nd Update - March 8th, 2024
Trigger warning: mention of domestic violence situation
I’m married to a woman who acts like a teenage girl – February 6th, 2024
My wife behaves like a teenage girl and I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
This is just a rant. Curious to know how many full grown adults behave the way my wife does. I’d say out of all of the adult women I know, like friends, relatives, wives of my friends, none of them behave this way unless they keep it a closely guarded secret.
Editing right here to add that my wife is in her 30s, for context.
My wife is always obsessed with somebody, a man or sometimes multiple men at one time. Usually there is one or two main focuses at a time. When I talk obsessed I mean obsessed like a teenage girl or maybe even preteen girl would be. I’ve seen pictures of her bedroom when she was that age and they were literally wallpapers in posters of her favorite guys. That’s totally normal for a 13 year old girl. She still behaves that way as a woman in her 30s. Granted, our bedroom walls aren’t wallpapered in posters but they probably would be if I allowed it.
Her obsessions have ranged from rock stars, actors, non-entertainment industry public figures. It’s like one day she hasn’t even heard of the guy in question and the next day she’s super fan #1 and knows just about everything there is to know about him. She will read and watch everything there is to watch about the man. She will bring him up in every conversation. She will adopt parts of him into her own personality. She will suggest things that make it clear to me that she wants me to adopt characteristics of these men as part of my appearance or personality. She will openly admit to me that she’s masturbated over the guy multiple times in one day.
When she finds a new man to obsess over, she puts the others in her little stable of men who she always has a place for in her heart and in her fantasies, so they never really go away. The new man just takes center stage and becomes the main focus of almost her entire life.
So the current obsession is so strange to me. Never saw this one coming, but leave it to her to always find somebody new to fall in love with. The intensity that she has during these periods - it’s honestly like she falls in love with these men.
I’m laughing so hard just typing this all. Her current obsession is Bret Hart, former pro wrestler. This woman had never watched wrestling before in her life. Always thought that stuff was below her. And now she’s obsessed with this former pro-wrestler. She watched one show about him, for reasons I’m not aware of, and I could tell almost instantly where it was headed. I thought “here we go…” So now the Bret Hart obsession is in full swing. Has she already dropped close to $1000 in vintage Bret Hart shirts on eBay? Of course. Bought all the stickers and magnets and all sorts of other stupid crap she can find? Yep. Does she send me Bret Hart YouTube clips all.day.long when she’s supposed to be working? Yes she does.
So, I better get to work brushing up on my Bret Hart knowledge and tag lines. This is the key to getting laid when it comes to her. I’m used to this by now. It’s just not something that I can easily explain to anyone I know.
I mean, there’s are things I’m a fan of, but she is next level. I can’t think of anyone I know who is her age and acts like this. She was voted most likely to grow up and become a groupie when she was in high school, so this is absolutely nothing new for her. Sigh.
Many are lighthearted in the comments
I mean he's the best there is, was and ever will be so that one makes sense at least .
You don’t think I’m hearing that 10 times a day now?
I better start planning that trip to Calgary.
Limerence is mentioned
Yeah my bouts of limerence have been with people I’ve dated but reading that made me realize that I was very much being obsessive and it was totally all consuming. Glad it’s over honestly. Those feelings are exhausting.
Very interesting to hear you say the feelings are exhausting. It’s like a full time job for my wife, so I could see that. She told me she’s at work with her door closed pretending to be working, but she’s really watching Bret Hart videos on YouTube. She can’t even focus on her job.
OOP reveals more of the life he’s signed up for in the comments
You've pretended to act like other men for 20 years?!
Damn dude, I hope you're finding ways to accept it and cope. That sounds rough, having to be someone else to have sex... stay strong king
Nah, I just learn their catchphrases or gain some deep fan knowledge that’ll impress her or maybe perfect a vocal impersonation of them that I can drop at the opportune time. The vocal impersonations work the best as far as making her like me and being like “ok, wanna have sex now?”
But what do you guys actually share *together*? That's not related to the obsession of the season? (I'm not going to even bother asking if she's tried to learn about any of your hobbies/interests).
NGL, this is all pretty grim to me, my man....and I'm someone who loves having a partner who is passionate about things and nerds out.
I fear that you've spent so long with her infatuations steamrolling over your own interests and preferences that you have convinced yourself that getting attention-by-proxy as your main source of validation from your SPOUSE is a healthy way to live.
If I told you that I was big into anime and Japanese RPGs and the only way I get interested in doing it with my actual wife is if she adopts the catch phrases /personality characteristics of my latest "waifu", would you feel some concern for my wife's mental health?
I'm also wondering about this spending....
She’s pretty dismissive of my interests and hobbies. I’ve told her I’d like her to try to pretend to show a little more interest sometimes. I make an effort to show real interest in her stuff and she does not do the same. I’m very into music and I do geek out over guitars and gear and things like that and she couldn’t tell you anything about any of the guitars I own other than “he has a blue one, he has a red one. “ We do love some of the same bands. Of course she wants to fuck the band members and I just want to talk about the chord progression on my favorite guitar tracks, but it’s close enough. We like a lot of the same movies and that sort of thing. We have the same sense of humor and can keep each other laughing for ages. We have a lot of the same views on life and on the world in general.
I don’t know, we just get each other I guess.
I would be concerned about the waifu thing, but I guess in my case she always likes guys who I think are pretty cool anyway. She has good taste, at least. If she has to be obsessing over some other guy constantly at least she does it over guys I can respect on some level.
Regarding the spending, I spend way more than she does. Only difference is it’s not usually fan merch I’m buying. But she tolerate my spending when it comes to stuff like guitar gear. She rolls her eyes and reprimands me but she tolerates it and just knows I won’t stop. I’m the same when it comes to her fan stuff. I get it, she wants the vintage 1993 Bret Hart shirt that costs hundreds…not a modern shirt that just anyone could go online and buy for $25 right now. She wants the cool, rare stuff. I’m the same with my guitars so I guess it’s like we understand each other in some way. I think it’s weird to become a fan of somebody and 2 days later drop thousands on them though. At least my money pit is consistent.
I think we both feel like we’re the only person who will semi understand and tolerate all of this stuff from each other
Not included here, but in several comments, OOP definitely brings up his wife’s looks as a positive in the relationship and he finds her antics at times amusing or even attractive.
1st Update - February 28th, 2024
I recently wrote about my wife suddenly discovering former pro-wrestler Bret “The Hitman” Hart one day after never even knowing of his existence, experienced love at first site, and is now even deeper than love with him then she was a month ago.
Tonight, I experienced a good hour of her sobbing, literal sobs, after watching the Bret Hart A&E biography. “I just love him so much. I love him with all my heart. I don’t want any more bad things to happen to him. Also, I’m very jealous he’s not my husband.”
She also went from not wanting any kids to suddenly wanting a baby so she can name it Bret (a girl or a boy, doesn’t matter…they will be named Bret). And she almost had me convinced, but I blame that on the heat of the moment.
She’s bought all sorts of clothes just like his. My wife now dresses like Bret Hart in and outside of the ring.
The past few days she’s been acting really annoyed with me. Finally I’m like “Wtf am I doing wrong?” I bought you Bret Hart stuff for your birthday! I call you Mrs. Bret Hart now, even though you’re my wife. I even sent you flowers at work from Bret. I mean that was supposed to get me points because she knew they were from me and I was playing into her obsession which she’s now apparently shared with everyone she works with. They’ve bought her a giant Bret Hart wall decal for her office.
Ok, so I did forget our anniversary which was very recently. Totally forgot it. Then again, so did she. She was too busy masturbating over Bret Hart to remember our wedding anniversary. I mean bad husband points for me obviously but all the birthday gifts had to have made up for it. I mean, I even ordered a Bret Hart birthday banner and got her a Bret Hart themed birthday cake as if she were a 7 year old boy in the year 1994.
So why is she acting so annoyed lately? Why does she act like she hates me and can’t stand to even be in the same room as me? She finally admits…I’m not Bret Hart. None of her obsession have ever been this bad. She’s seriously threatening me with divorce now because I’m not Bret Hart! She “just wants a guy like that.” She had to go walk the dog today and cry over it, how much she hates me and wishes she was married to Bret Hart. Oh fuck me you want a guy like your dad because that’s what Bret Hart is like…exactly like her dad, the same look, the same hair, the same damn age.
I told her I think she should get checked out for autism or some other sort of disorder. Her obsessions have never been this bad. She should make an appointment now because the waitlist is long. She just laughed. There’s nothing wrong with her. She just has different taste in men now, according to her.
Some comments
Therapist here - she needs to see a psychiatrist. This is mental illness to the extreme. Either she goes, or you leave. This is ultimatum territory. And, stop giving into her obsession. It makes it worse.
Man, when she threatens divorce, take it. Jump at the chance.
Hell, sit, be a good boy and offer your fucking paw if that’s what it takes to get treated to an exit strategy. Don’t worry about dignity, sounds like you gave that up a long time ago.
She’s even looked up the divorce process for where we live and says we can be amicable about everything. She assures me she’s not looking to take any thing that is rightfully mine. She just wants a clean break.
I’m surprised he even lasted this long. Calling her “Ms. Bret Hart” …..I can’t even fathom.
Excuse me, it’s MRS Bret Hart, not Ms.
NEW UPDATE - March 8th, 2024
Hi, you might remember me as the guy whose wife was obsessed with JFK (35th President of the United States), then experienced a world wind romance with former WWF pro-wrestler Bret Hart (the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be), but now she’s met a new man. I thought the Bret Hart obsession was the worst one yet. Never has she threatened divorce or told me she hated me because I wasn’t the object of her desire. Luckily, that was a relatively quick love affair for her. 3-4 months is a short run for her and one of her men. But I should be careful what I wish for.
This new one is the first time I’ve felt that I should maybe, just possibly, feel legitimately scared. Her newly developing obsession is Patrick Bateman. Yep, the character from American Psycho. Specifically, the movie version played by Christian Bale.
It’s not like she’s just met the guy. She’s seen the movie before but it doesn’t appear that they hit it off initially. Now, she’s suddenly started making constant reference to him. Bret is gone and now it’s just Patrick Bateman and maniacal laughter and purchasing all of the items in his skin care routine. I’d like to see her do 1000 crunches though. That’ll be the day.
She has always admitted to living the 80s preppy/yuppie look. She loves assholes. Assholes are a weakness for her. Psychopaths? Hmm…that’s a new one, unless you count the time she was in love with the Menendez Brothers years ago. God, the pastel Ralph Lauren sweaters she used to try to make me wear. Pastels are just not my shades.
Now, there was a time many years ago where I did have to hide all the knives in our home. I was legitimately scared that she was going to murder me. I forget what she was upset about now. I am, after all, her type - an asshole. I did something that bothered her and she ran for the knives. I had to hide them and then lock myself in a bedroom because she was literally chasing me. That was before she decided that she’d be the female Patrick Bateman. Granted, she says “only mean in the looks and snob department-nothing else.”
She’s trying to determine what the female equivalent to a Patrick Bateman hairstyle would be right now. I’m just worried about the bank account with this obsession. The amount she’ll spend on business cards alone.
Your wife is severely mentally ill, and needs help quickly.
Is there no chance of persuading her to get help?
If not, what preparations have you made to leave her?
I’m a strange way, I think these obsessions are what keep her sane.
Her getting help is funny though. It’s not going to happen. Sure I’ve tried to persuade her to see a therapist but she just won’t.
I probably shouldn’t be laughing as hard as I am right now. This is truly bizarre. Does she narrate her morning routine in the mirror each day now?
But in all seriousness, she’s chased you with a knife? Thats far more concerning than any of the obsessions with these men, and yes I did read the post about the wrestler. I thought it was just very quirky behavior before, but she seems truly unhinged now.
It was years ago. Like 10+ years ago. I’m much stronger than her so it’s not hard to hold her down if need be.
submitted by lost_library_book to BORUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:14 iNick20 Samsung Care+ CS sucks. How can I get this fixed?

My biggest gripe here is that when I brought my Galaxy Fold 5 back in October, it was showing the Care+ as $7.70. I never been charged $7.70! Always $11, or now the new price of $13 I think? I have contacted them multiple times through out since I got the phone and they claim they'd fix it etc... Its a issue on their end.
Well today, I got an updated on my previous reddit thread about this from another user. Which made me call them again, because I sorta got fed up and was wasting my time for nothing. Now according to the site it shows $11 instead of $7.70, and the rep I spoke to called me a liar and said its been showing $11 since day 1. Stop lying to me Sir, It shows $11 and it has been since the day you brought it.
Which really up set me because they're basically claiming I'm lying, and it claims it's shown $11 since the day I brought it. Which is untrue as you can see based on my other older thread lol. Am I screwed? Reddit thread
submitted by iNick20 to GalaxyFold [link] [comments]
