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14.1 PBE Set 3.5 Compilation Guide

2024.01.11 04:06 xyatz 14.1 PBE Set 3.5 Compilation Guide

14.1 PBE Set 3.5 Compilation Guide
As the first old set revival, Set 3.5 will be released and ready to play on pbe TOMMORROW! This revival will last 2 full patches, more then enough time to see players shift back into some cool and interesting strategies. Consider this opportunity to experience a Jimothy Cool style adv OU revival, where newer set players come back to show off their tech in the “solved” older set. With so little time to prepare and a lot of competitive resources to look back on, I decided I would make this post to (re)introduce all of the “need to know” information for players who either don't remember or have never experienced the wonders of set 3 before you start your journey on pbe. I also personally believe that we as players should think competitively about this past set, since this is the testing grounds for the possibility of a future ranked ladder in future set revivals, and balance of this set might also have some weight on how riot approaches future set innovations.
Here is my set 3.5 lolchess to confirm I am a tft boomer who was reasonably active at the time. I finished diamond in set 3.5, but I have linked posts from set 3 challengers in the guide sections to do the teaching for me. I do not claim to have played at a competitive level during set 3.5.
set 3.5 original acc:
set 10 current acc:
This post is aimed to discuss a general overview of all the units, traits, and other unfamiliar aspects of set 3.5. This post has a lot of information in my own words, mostly in supplement to unit and trait descriptions easily found in the following link. If you wish to conduct your own research on the units or just want to start playing stuff without reading through all my fluff, feel free to skip to the COMPS section at the end to listen to the words of better players.


link to original set release:
note: set 3.5 did not exist alongside uncraftable emblems. Therefore there are no uncraftable chase traits. Riot may be creating or buffing chase traits in the revival
Astro(3): Reduces the mana of Astro champions by 30. This trait is similar to set 10 Emo without the on death mana.
Battlecast(2/4/6/8)(emblem: spat+rod): Every 10 separate instances of damage Battlecast units deal or take either heals flat health or deals flat damage (heal if under 50%hp, damage otherwise). This trait scales very well with direct damage items (ionic spark, statikk shiv, bramble vest, runaan’s hurricane) and burn (sunfire cape, red buff, morello) Many on hit interactions have been removed.
Celestial(2/4/6)(emblem: spat+cloak): Give all allies omnivamp.
Chrono(2/4/6/8): Give the whole team attack speed every few seconds. Similar to a set 10 Disco trait buff without the balls or healing.
Cybernetic(3/6): Cybernetic champions holding items gain bonus AD and HP. Seen in the set 10 cybernetic bulk augment
Dark Star(2/4/6/8)(emblem: spat+glove): When a Dark Star champion dies they give all other Dark Star champions bonus AD and AP. Bonuses similar to this trait have come up recently with the “on ally death” A.D.M.I.N. option, and the augment Gifts of the Fallen.
Mech Pilot(3): At the start of combat, Mech Pilot champions combine into a Mecha Garen with 3 of your Mech Pilot’s items, traits, and a chunk of their HP, AD, and AP. When the mech dies, the pilots jump out with a significantly reduced HP percentage.
Rebel(3/6/9)(emblem: spat+chain): Gain a % damage boost and a shield for every Rebel adjacent at the start of combat. This trait stacks. A fully surrounded Jinx will have 6 times the boost to both shield and damage.
Space pirate(2/4): Space Pirates a 50% chance to drop 1 gold on kill, and a 33% chance to drop a component on kill at 4 space pirates. This is the formal econ trait of set 3.
Star Guardian(3/6/9)(emblem spat+tear): When a Star Guardian casts, all other Star Guardians gain mana.
Blademaster(3/6/9)(emblem spat+sword): Every attack, Blademasters have a chance to trigger two additional attacks. This trait contains most of the melee carry champions of the set.
Blaster(2/4): Every 4th basic attacks from a Blaster hit multiple units. These units spread red buff and last whisper to multiple targets.
Brawler(2/4): Brawlers gain bonus HP. Unlike set 10 Bruiser, this HP is a flat amount, and will not scale as well with star level.
Demolitionist(2): Demolitionists abilities also stun for 1.5 seconds (once per champion per cast).
Infiltrator(2/4/6)(emblem spat+bow): Infiltrators jump to the backline and gain attack speed on combat start and on takedowns. The Assassins of the set.
Mana-Reaver(2): Mara-Reavers’ attacks increase the mana cost of their target’s abilities. Riot has almost completely removed mana reaving in modern tft.
Mystic(2/4): Mystic champions give your entire team Magic resist. Reprinted from set 2, appears in sets 4, 5, and 7.
Protector(2/4/6)(emblem spat+belt): When a protector casts, they gain a % max HP shield for 4 seconds(the shield doesn't stack). Reprinted in set 6
Sniper(2/4): Snipers deal increased damage based on how many hexes between themselves and their target. Seen modernly with the Sniper’s Focus Ornn item. Reprinted in set 6
Sorcerer(2/4/6): Sorcerers give AP to the entire team.
Vanguard(2/4/6): Vanguards gain bonus Armor.


link to original set release:
note: Riot has confirmed changes to 3 star 5 costs, and may have implemented some balancing changes to other units as well.
1 cost:
  • Caitlyn: Has a high mana cost ability with a log cast to deal large amounts of single target damage to whoever stands between her and the furthest enemy. Reprinted in set 6.
  • Fiora: Cast and become immune to damage for a second, then stun her target. A set 1 legacy, reprinted in set 3 and set 4.
  • Graves: Cast used to target the highest attack speed enemy within range and “Blind” them, causing their basic attacks to miss for a few seconds. Reprinted withset 9.5 Graves, which substitutes the Blind effect for Chill.
  • Illaoi: Cast to hit targets in a line and steal some of their Armor and MR. Similar to set 7 Illaoi but a bit weaker.
  • Jarvan 4: Cast to temporarily give an attack speed buff to nearby allies. The community likes to meme about Jarvan being the most broken 1 cost of all time, but in reality he got nerfed into a manageable state by the end of the set. Reprinted in set 6.
  • Leona: Cast to reduce all incoming damage by a flat amount. Her cast basically makes her a better version of set 10 Tahm Kench, but has downtime where she is vulnerable. Reprinted in set 5.
  • Malphite: Gains a shield at the start of the fight. Set 7 reprinted him with the new ability to cast to regain the shield.
  • Nocturne: Cast for a single target stun with damage over time. . Reprinted in set 6.5.
  • Poppy: Cast to fire her buckler at the furthest enemy, dealing damage and giving Poppy a delayed shield. Scaled both damage and shield with AP in set 3, but was reprinted in sets 5, 6, and 8 to scale damage with Armor instead.
  • Twisted Fate: Cast to throw 3 cards in a line dealing damage. Reprinted in sets 4 and 6. Use set 6 resources on how to maximize the amount of units hit by Twisted Fate.
  • Xayah: Cast to gain attack speed for a few seconds.
  • Ziggs: Low mana cost cast throws a bomb that deals damage to 1 unit. Set 3’s 1 cost blue buff holder.
  • Zoe: Cast to stun and damage the unit with the highest current health. More recently reprinted as set 7 Heimerdinger.
2 cost:
  • Ahri: cast to fire an orb in a line doing magic damage on the way out and true damage on the way back. Reprinted from set 1.
  • Annie: Cast to deal magic damage and gain a shield. Reprinted in sets 4 and 8. This unit is a tank, not a damage caster.
  • Blitzcrank: Grab the farthest unit from him immediately at the start of the fight, followed by a stun into knock up combo. Reprinted from set 1, but also appears as a unit in set 6 and as the Ornn item Rocket Propelled Fist(sets 4.5-8). Set 6 has some good positioning guides around his targeting.
  • Darius: Cast to deal a lot of single target magic damage, cast again if it kills, double damage to units under 50% HP. Similar concepts have been printed recently with set 8 Veigo and set 9 Darius.
  • Kogmaw: Cast to gain a short burst of attack speed, range, and % max HP on hit damage. Reprinted in set 6 after a lot of significant item updates with regards to on hit damage.
  • Lucian: Cast to dash to “safety” and fires two shots, one with AD and one with AP. reprinted in set 6 doing only AP shots. Be aware that Riot has significantly improved dash AI since set 3.
  • Mordekaiser: Cast to gain a shield, deal AOE damage over time while the shield is up. Very similar in gameplay to set 10 Mordekaiser.
  • Nautilus: Cast to stun and damage his target, adjacent enemies also take half damage and half stun duration.
  • Rakan: Cast to dash to the farthest target in range to knock up and damage the target and adjacent enemies. Casting scales with range and has unit targeting comparable to set 9.0 Yasuo. Had similar targeting in set 4.5, but with an entirely different ability.
  • Shen: Cast to temporarily dodge all basic attacks and gain magic resist. Reprint from set 1 and also appeared in set 7.
  • Xin Zhao: Cast to quickly attack 3 times, with the third attack dealing magic damage and stunning.
  • Yasuo: Cast to dash to and attack the farthest unit in range multiple times, knocking them up for a second. Similar targeting to Rakan and even more similarities with set 9.0 Yasuo. Check set 9.0 for positioning tips around Yasuo’s furthest unit in range targeting.
  • Zed: every 3 attacks deal bonus damage and steal some of the target’s ad. Reprinted in set 4. I would recommend the set 4 Zed guides as he didn't have time to shine in 3.5.
3 cost:
  • Ashe: Cast to fire an arrow at the furthest enemy, stuns and damages the first unit hit. The stun also increases with distance from Ashe. Reprinted from set 1 and appears in set 5.
  • Bard: Gains extra mana on attack. Casts to give a meep that sells for 1exp.
  • Cassiopeia: Extremely low mana. Casts to deal an extended damage over time, cutting shields and targeting unaffected units.
  • Ezreal: fires a blast at a random enemy dealing damage and increasing their mana cost.
  • Jayce: Cast to deal damage in an AOE. Both a tank and an AP damage dealer.
  • Karma: Cast to give an ally a shield and attack speed while the shield lasts. Will always cast on the ally closest to her at the start of combat if it is still alive.
  • Master Yi: Cast to gain temporary max HP per second healing, movement speed, and on hit true damage.
  • Neeko: Cast to deal magic damage and stun adjacent enemies after a delay. Similar to set 7.0 Neeko and set 10 Ekko.
  • Rumble: Cast to flamethrower nearby enemies for a few seconds dealing damage and wounding them.
  • Shaco: Cast to teleport behind and automatically crit his target with extra damage. Teleport toggles unit aggression like set 10 KDA Akali. Similar gameplay pattern to set 10 Yone.
  • Syndra: Cast to fire 3 orbs to deal damage to the highest current health enemy. Previously casted orbs are also recast. Ramps up first by casting 3 orbs, then 6, 9, 12, 15, and so on for subsequent casts.
  • Vayne: Cast to enter a temporary mode where she dashes to “safety” and deals bonus damage every third attack. The dash toggles unit aggression like set 10 KDA Akali. Remember that dashing AI has been improved drastically since set 3. Similar to set 8 Kaisa.
  • Vi: Cast to dash to and stun the furthest enemy, dealing a smaller portion of the stun and damage to units hit along the way. Reprinted from set 1.
4 cost:
  • Fizz: Cast to deliver a large AOE damage and stun after a delay.
  • Gnar: Cast once to stun and knockback a large area of enemies, then become permanently gain HP and AD. Reprinted from set 1. Similar transformation jump to set 10 Gnar, but with a huge AOE knockback stun on his first transformation.
  • Irelia: Cast to dash to the other side of her target, dealing damage. If her ability kills a target she recasts at the enemy with the highest current mana. Reprinted in set 6.
  • Jhin: Has a fixed attack speed and converts bonus attack speed to AD unfavorably. Every 4th shot deals a large amount more damage. Reprinted in set 4.
  • Jinx: After 1 takedown, gain attack speed. After 2 takedowns gain a small AOE magic damage on hit. Synergizes best with blitzcrank for a free takedown at the start of the fight.
  • Riven: Low mana. Cast to dash, gain a shield, and do magic damage to units adjacent to her. Every 3rd cast does much more damage.
  • Soraka: Cast to heal your entire team a flat amount. Very similar to Janna in set 6.0 who has additional CC in exchange for mana generation.
  • Teemo: Very low mana cost after Astro buff. Cast to throw 3 traps to the nearest enemy. Traps pop after a delay or when stepped on, dealing a spall AOE of damage each. Almost reprinted with set 5 Teemo. His traps also slow and knock down units.
  • Viktor: Casts in a line between the two farthest away enemies, dealing max HP then additional Flat magic damage after a delay to units in the path. Position bait units to skew his cast line to unoccupied spaces.
  • Wukong: Cast to spin and move around for a few seconds, knocking up and dealing damage the first time he passes near each unit.
5 cost:
  • Aurelion Sol: Cast to launch a few fighters that hit random enemies, dealing magic damage and draining mana, with subsequent casts adding additional fighters if they have already made their way back to Aurelion. His trait “Starship” causes him to bounce around the board like a windows idle screen animation while gaining mana per second instead of basic attacking.
  • Ekko: Cast to stun the whole board(including allies), hit every enemy with a magic damage empowered attack, then reduce enemy attack speed for a short duration.
  • Gangplank: Cast to deal huge damage in a massive AOE centered around his target after a delay. His Mercenary trait will provide upgrades in the shop similar to the set 9 Heimerdinger turret upgrades, but you can only have one of each.
  • Janna: Cast to fire tornados which knock up enemies while buffing the attack speed of allies. Her Paragon trait turns all of your auto attack damage into magic damage (and Star Guardians attacks into true damage). Her buffs function to a similar effect as set 10 attack speed Sona.
  • Lulu: Cast to polymorph multiple enemies, preventing them from casting or attacking and increasing the damage they take from other sources. Set 10 Lulu has a similar looking ability on her 3rd cast.
  • Thresh: Cast to pull in a unit from your bench. His cast also gives himself and his pulled unit bonus mana to cast faster. similar to set 9 Bandle City Ryze
  • Urgot: Cast to slowly pull in and quickly damage the farthest enemy until they die. His mana cost is lowered after each kill.
  • Xerath: Cast to transform for a few seconds, turning basic attacks into small meteors that deal magic damage and a small AOE stun if they kill. These meteors hit on tempo with Xerath’s current attack speed, and should proc effects like rageblade and stattik shiv on each meteor cast.


Set 3 was unfortunately(or fortunately) a set without the wonders of augments. However this set revival will feature augments, so get ready to see some crazy stuff that set 3 has never seen before


We now have access to very powerful Ornn and radiant items. none of the set 3 units have played with them before.
For item changes: Guardian angel became edge of night, zekes became steraks, zzrot became nashors, swordbreaker (the disarm on hit item) became stoneplate, locket became crownguard, frozen heart became vow, zephyr became evenshroud, kewkcone became adaptive, trap claw became guardbreaker, shroud became steadfast, ludens became archangels, and rfc indirectly has been replaced by sunfire. Some units will miss the old items, many will welcome the new items.
The remaining items haven’t changed too much, but TLDR: Giant slayer is no longer the best item in the game, dcap sorcs no longer gives Riven 400 ap.

Leveling and Shop

In response to new additions such as chosen/headliners, augments, and more refined econ management, the leveling and shop odds have changed. The current version has changed to where it is more difficult to find higher cost champions, but other systematic changes have reduced the power of 3 star lower cost champions. Try to keep set 10 econ and leveling in mind while playing, as these are the systems the revival will take place using.

General Resources

Warning: the following guides are from set 3.5. The game was played differently then, players were worse, and the systems were different. Be cautious for dangerous econ and leveling misinformation.
General positioning guide by Excoundrel
Scouting guide by keima
Wrainbrash meta complist
MetaTFT complist
K3Soju complist
JinxedJK win condition video
MetaTFT complist
MetaTFT complist
K3Soju complist
Wrainbrash meta complist
Wrainbrash meta complist
K3Soju Complist
JinxedJK protector flex


note: removed sorcer dcap comps due to interaction changes.
Warning: the following guides are from set 3.5. The game was played differently then, players were worse, and the systems were different. Be cautious for dangerous econ and leveling misinformation.
Shredder 2.0 (xayah 1 cost rr)
Carry: xayah
JinxedJK guide

Space jam (2 cost darius rr)
Carry: darius

Battle cast (2 cost kogmaw rr)
Carry: kogmaw
thatsPRIMAL guide

Super smash bros (2-3 cost yasuo/master yi rr)
Carry: master yi
Mismatched Socks guide

Cybernetic (3 cost vayne rr)
Carry: vayne, irelia
thatsPRIMAL guide
Dracaryx guide

Mech infiltrators (2-3 cost shaco,zed rr + mech rr)
Carry: mech, shaco

Mech sorcs (mech rr with 4 cost viktor ap backline)
Carry: viktor
thatsPRIMAL guide
Atornyo guide

Star guardians(3 cost syndra neeko rr)
Carry: syndra, ahri
thatsPRIMAL guide
Mismatched Socks Ahri positioning guide

Vanguard mystic(3 cost cassiopeia rr) - very similar to current ahri sentinels
Carry: Cassiopeia
thatsPRIMAL guide

Blaster brawler(4 cost ad, flexible, very easy)
Carry: jinx
The Great Lakes guide
TexSummers guide

Rebels (4 cost ad, inflexible, easy)
Carry: jinx
thatsPRIMAL guide

Darkstar (4 cost ad, flexible, hard) - the most flexible and difficult set 3 comp to pilot iirc, playing well transitions perfectly into full 5 cost comps
Carry: xerath, jhin, shaco
Guubums guide

Astro snipers (4 cost ad/ap, medium difficulty) transitions fluidly from most bard early games
Carry: jhin, teemo
The Great Lakes guide
thatsPRIMAL guide
Maskoffman guide
JLEE7X2 mobile gaming guide

Peeba comp (5 cost soup)
Carry: xerath, neeko
Mr Johnny Cash (jokerwind) video guide (endorsed by lolpeeba himself in the comments)

For fun comps that I don't expect to be good in the current system of tft.
Riven sorcs by thatsPRIMAL
Bbq rumble visual bug/itemization tech
Edit: fixed the correct name of a source
submitted by xyatz to CompetitiveTFT [link] [comments]

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Here on this blog, you will learn how to become a porn star in India, an adult model in india, and also how to date a girl through the couple dating website. pornography jobs are quality for providing friendly modeling and porn service, couple dating made 600+ happy faces by giving them what they favored. Swinger dating and adult modeling is an excellent opportunity for career-making and moreover, adult modeling job is open, and the best service provider nowadays.
When you join in porn job in india, you'll be happy in your lifestyle, and you may hook up with ladies of numerous a while, and you could have the opportunity to go to new locations through the porn star job website.

Why does everyone seek to join porn jobs in india?

Now porn jobs give the best model and best platform in all towns of India. you could check in as a model in a few steps. be a part of an adult male modeling job part-time, assemble relationships with ladies, revel in our offerings, and earn limitless earnings.

Service of a modeling job

Porn industry jobs are well-trained for any type of fantasy-related play. They can become a plumber, doctors, police officer, or a bad teacher. They all are good at kissing licking and rimming. Porn job apply are properly sufficiently capable of providing a lot of opportunities. The webcam modeling job also is precise at rubdown you could ask for a massage after that.

Benefits of joining a porn job in india

  • you will profit without limit by joining the indian porn industry.
  • As a person of high society, you will be happy in your life.
  • You will connect with hot and sexy models of different ages.
  • You will get a chance to visit new places through an adult modeling jobs.

Hookup with hot ladies on couple dating website

Swingers in India can show an extraordinary way to safely fulfill their sexual desires in ways they haven't before. The free swingers is remarkably joyful for ladies.
  1. the couple dating website is mainly liked by people for the following reasons.
  2. Security and Pathways to Dating a Girl or a Boy.
  3. A nice social job and gaining self-worth.
  4. Physical pleasure and plans for high sexual emotions.

The registration process for a Porno star job

If you want to join a porn job then click on porn star hiring, then you may go through the below factors.
  • go to the porn job join websites,
  • Fill out your profile by means of giving some identity evidence.
  • submit the best photograph of yours.
  • Get membership in any bundle deal.
In you can get contracts for porn movies & shows from reputed porn commercial enterprise corporations outside of India. All A Rated television show contracts are from well-known OTT platforms like- Alt balaji, Ullu, Brazzers, Naughty America, Bangbros, blacked, and a few others.
In case you need to know about pornography jobs, adult modeling jobs, massage parlor jobs, or strip club jobs then Adult job websites are most effective for you.

Customer Services in Porn Star job

porn stars job never shares their consumer information with anyone, absolutely everyone's profile is verified and secured, and you'll get a 24*7 client care carrier service, in adult modeling jobs you'll get a dedicated model.

Salary in Porn job

interact with excessive Profile porn job apply to be a part of a higher terrific time. Welcome to the lovable worldwide porn job, proper here you could get the most good-looking and tempting model job that is waiting for hundreds to be bodily with you. You will get porn job salary 40k to 50 k and you can increase your salary provide extraordinary modeling work.
  • How to join adult modeling jobs?
  • Register on the trusted website adult modeling job.
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submitted by Sneha0055 to u/Sneha0055 [link] [comments]

2023.05.20 19:11 IOnlyFoundIt Subreddits without moderators - 2023-05-20

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2023.04.07 12:52 ThiccSpongebob Chat shit, get banged

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