What does percocet cost

You did it, but at what cost and does it matter?

2017.12.02 15:41 Zykium You did it, but at what cost and does it matter?

A Pyrrhic victory (/ˈpɪrɪk/ ( listen) PIRR-ik) is a victory that inflicts such a devastating toll on the victor that it is tantamount to defeat. Someone who wins a Pyrrhic victory has been victorious in some way, though the heavy toll negates a true sense of achievement or profit.

2023.03.23 08:10 guinessandcoffee AussieFrugal

A subreddit for Australia specific frugal tips!

2012.08.17 09:48 Flammy Clash with Haaland

Welcome to the subreddit dedicated to the mobile strategy game Clash of Clans!

2024.03.24 08:13 RpoliticsRfascist My 30 years with Marilyn Manson

TLDR: how I discovered Marilyn Manson and transformed my life in the process…
I saw Marilyn Manson live for the first time on May 15th, 1994 at the Tower Theater in Upper Darby, PA. They were one of the opening acts on NIN’s inaugural Downward Spiral tour (along with Fem 2 Fem). This show was a birthday gift from my friend Paul as I just turned 19 the week before and had recently returned home after completing basic training and AIT for the US Army at Ft. McClellan in Alabama. I enlisted on delayed entry the first week of my senior year of high school in 1992 when I was 17. I desperately needed to escape my abusive home. I wanted to run away for a long fucking time but never had the courage. So I jumped at the opportunity when the local recruiters knocked on my door that summer. I left for boot camp three weeks after graduation in June of 93 and had no idea how far I’d actually end up running.
I learned a fundamental truth about my existence shortly after I turned 13: The guy I grew up calling my dad wasn’t actually my father. He was my step dad, just some guy who married my single mother and adopted me in the process. I grew up in a “devout” Christian family lead by a strong Irish patriarch in my grandfather. He was a true bible thumper in every sense - boastful, self-righteous, and a disciple of Reagan. I knew from a young age that sex before marriage was not acceptable. It was preached often. So I started to ask my grandmother questions about how could it be possible that my parents were married for only 11 years and yet I’m 13? After that she forced my mom to reveal the deep family secret - that I’m a bastard. I was born out of wedlock to a young woman, the oldest of eight. This was a bit of an embarrassment for my grandparents. So they forced my mom to move into an old school Irish laundry in Towson, MD to give birth to me, then give me up for adoption. They also made her pay for every penny of the related costs. My grandparents visited the day after I was born. Apparently after seeing me for the first time my grandfather had a change of heart and allowed my mother to keep me, even though she was still single. My mom was 22 at the time. I was not allowed to know the identity of my biological father. Those questions were abruptly pushed aside, which fucked me up mentally. Especially because the only dad I knew use to beat me on a regular basis for the most minor of things like rolling my eyes, or not having a proper tone of voice, or “not playing the game right” - whatever the fuck that meant 🤷‍♂️. All I could think was, “who is this asshole beating me, why does my mom allow it, and why doesn’t my real father save me”. I definitely had some issues as a teen, to say the least. I was broken and suicidal from a young age. It’s no wonder that my eventual discovery of Manson felt like a complete and utter soul shift. It was a true revelation . My eyes were opened to the true possibility of life. I had no idea who I was but I didn’t have to be what everyone else thought I should be.
I had no idea who Manson was that first show in 94 and didn’t really care till they took the stage that night. I barely knew who NIN was at the time. My boy Paul had musical tastes that were far more advanced than mine back in the day. I was still mostly a fan of bands like Poison, Warrant, and Skid Row when I returned home from boot camp. I did listen to Metallica and Megadeth a bit, but not too deeply. So he wanted to expose me to another world musically since we were talking about forming a band together with our friend Bryan. Paul was a bassist, Bryan a vocalist and guitarist, and I was a poet with no direction and no musical ability. So they asked if I’d consider learning how to play the drums. Makes sense, right 😂🤷‍♂️?
We missed the first band, Fem 2 Fem, because what’s a show unless you get stoned first? I stood and watched as my friends got high under the 69th street Septa train trestle. The station located there is the local transportation hub for the greater Philly area and the Tower theater stood on the adjacent corner. I didn’t join in the session because I was still a drug virgin. I never tried anything outside of a some beer until later that summer in 94. I just got out of boot camp and was now serving as a reservist and still toeing the line. We rolled into the theater just as Manson was taking stage and I was the only sober person in my group. We had general admission floor seats and were able to get right up front since very few people were there to see them. It’s been 30 years, but I honestly don’t remember any more than 20-30 people who took an active interest in their performance that night. It was a good month before Portrait of an American Family was released on Nothing Records. Nobody knew who Manson was yet, but fuck was I blown away. I never witnessed anything like that before. Nails was great that night, but I left feeling transformed by their supporting act. I knew from that moment on that I didn’t belong in the military. I had only joined out of a false sense of patriotism fueled by all the childhood trauma I experienced. I finally knew in my heart that I needed to pursue writing and music. I’d do what I had to do to serve the US while I was enlisted, but I knew longer felt beholden to family ideals that literally rejected me as a human being. Writing poetry was something I had done since an early age. It was the only therapy I had as kid through all the abuse. Shit was different back then. No one seemed to give a fuck about the mental wellbeing of kids, but the pen and paper never judged me. It only accepted me.
I didn’t hear anything about Manson again after that first show (the first of 15 till this point in 2024) and soon forgot about them, until that Christmas. I was out shopping for my family in K-Mart (remember those stores?) when I came across a CD copy of Portrait in the music section. I recognized their name instantly and snatched up the album. I was newly exploring weed and acid by that point (my downfall was swift and without remorse when I finally decided to give in to a life that wasn’t straight). So I took the CD to my boy Paul’s house to get stoned and have a listen. He rolled and sparked a joint then put in Portrait. I was hooked from the first mutterings of Family Trip. Manson’s spoken word take in musical form on that part of Willy Wonka, one of my favorite childhood movies, only further confirmed what I saw as my life calling: that I had a right to an identity and to find out who my actual father was. I wanted to use music and poetry to not only explore all the pain I felt, but also to hopefully become wildly successful and force find my bio-dad. I was naive as a young man. I actually believed that success would lead to the discovery of my greatest secret. I was horribly wrong.
Manson has gone onto be among my greatest artistic influences. His music and art has grabbed hold of me like no other. My love for him also horrified my hypocritical Christian family. Especially early on. They saw a clear departure in my personality after finding what he had to offer. The discovery of his music also marks one of the darkest periods of my life because I did fall into a years long haze of weed, acid, X, shrooms, salvia, DMT, and for a short while an occasional Percocet. I still smoke weed today. I probably always will, but that’s pretty much it (outside a shroom micro dose every now and again too 🙄). However, it also lead to an intensely creative period of life in my early 20’s where I did create music and write like a fucking demon. I tried the drums for a little while but gave them up because the more I listened to Manson the more I wanted to be a vocalist, which happened. I was in 2 bands as the lead singer and lyricist (my voice sucked). Nothing ever happened with either of those bands, but they in turn lead me to a point where I eventually, independently wrote, recorded, and produced my own solo concept album with the help of a Grammy award winning producer from south Philly, all based around my poetry. The album we made was started 1997 and took till 2000 to complete. After it was done I packed my bags and moved to L.A. to pursue my dream of a record deal. I made the move possible by enrolling in the LARW (the Los Angeles Recording workshop) as a student of audio engineering and production. The school provided housing and contacts via networking, which did lead to a few missed opportunities. I was even offered a publishing deal to sell the album to BMG publishing, which I turned down because my dumb, young, ignorant ass still believed I could make my shit voice work. I simply did not want to give up the idea of being a front man.
In retrospect I was kind of stupid to turn that publishing deal down. I never ended up doing anything with the album I made. I basically have lived a blue collar life for the past 30 years working as a chef while I write on the side. I did go onto get a traditional college education at Temple University in my mid twenties. I earned a BA in Mass Comm and American studies by the time I turned 31. I also had become a father for the second time by the time I received my BA in 2006. I now have 3 daughters and I’m divorced. My kids will be 21, 18, and 12 this summer. All 3 of my kids were at my Master’s of Fine Arts graduation ceremony in 2022 when I earned a masters in poetry.
This journey never would’ve happened without Manson or that first show back in May 1994.
And I also eventually found out who my bio dad is on my own with no help from my family. He’s a dick and not worth the time, ironically. 🤷‍♂️🤘
submitted by RpoliticsRfascist to marilyn_manson [link] [comments]

2024.03.13 08:55 Potatomanz3 FUSION ACADEMY

I went to a chain 6-12 school called fusion academy. Fusion prided itself as being the worlds "most personalized school." I was there because i had to leave a different school in the middle of the year, and fusion seemed like the best "fit" for me. While i was sat in the office with my fusions head of school and my parents, i was interrogated about why i left my prior school, with the HOS making hasty assumptions like "did you kill anyone?" "I know you overdosed". Nether-less, i ignored these immediate red flags and pursued my education at fusion academy. Not even a day into my time at fusion, a bad crime happened to a middle schooler by the hands of a 18 year old high schooler. Fusion tried very very hard to bury this, even suspending me for bringing it up in conversation once. I quickly learned that fusion was a combination of an untrained special education school combined with an expulsion school combined with a TT institute. The teachers constantly changed after being attacked by highly autistic individuals, threatened with guns by others, and sexually harassed by the head of school. I went through 4 math teachers in 2 months. Fusion costs an exponential amount, offers no form of financial aid and tries to intimidate families into enrolling their children by insisting that fusion is the only school that will take your child because of their disability, past, lack of grades, etc. I was attacked several times on campus and the teachers had no idea what to do, then when i defended myself by screaming for help, I was the one who was villanized for antagonizing a neurodiverse person. I was randomly searched countless times, and each time i was "caught" with a medication I need to survive. The HOS made jokes like "is this Percocet" "oh you know i cant let you keep this oxycontin in your bag". Fusion has damaged me, made me fear most other people and develop extreme social anxiety.
Has anyone else gone through what fusion academy does?

*i know compared to other horrific TTI stories mine is not that bad, but I still feel I have to share my experiences.
submitted by Potatomanz3 to troubledteens [link] [comments]

2024.02.22 12:08 Human_Building_7773 I need advise I want to end it all I'm sorry for the long post

I might end it tonight
I just helped my mom and her boyfriend with 340 dollars so they can go get special contacts for them and she won't pay me back and her boyfriend is threatening me and came out and started shoving me and she just started hitting me telling me to shut up and I told her that I need it back because it's from my taxes and I live in a town of a 100 people and there is no work here. I need it to move I just lost everything I had an apartment bed, tv, couches everything because of a medical problems 7 months ago and this is my last chance to get on my feet and they treat me like I did something wrong and told me to fuck off how can your own mom do this to her son. Now I have no chance and getting back on my feet and I really might just do something I've been wanting to do for years. I'm done she's been with him for 10 years and he's told us kids he don't care about us he's never helped us or shown he does he's walked out naked in front of us multiple times and did it in front of my younger brother when he was just 17, her last boyfriend was a alcoholic and we watched her get thrown down stairs threw a table and almost choked to death he fucking molested my little brother and sister. I told her her all this shit and she doesn't care. Idk what to do she has started being physically abusive to me months ago and tonight everytime I would talk she would hit me and tell me to shut up her and her boyfriend Philip threw rocks at me I just want to die I just stay alone and don't talk to anyone I've never been a person to talk bad on people and I live with my grandparents with 2 other cousins and they tell them all this bullshit ones on meth and the other is on Percocet and they make me out like this really bad guy to take the pressure off them and I get yelled at all the time and treated like shit compared to them and I just want to die I can't handle it anymore this is the third time I've lost everything and I gave my mom 3 different sets of couches before one set that cost me 4 grand. I lost my house at the age of 18 cause my brother was getting out of a youth program and my mom and noone would even try to help figure something out even though I just had 4 operations done a week before cause a botched operation gave me a staff infection and about killed me it was a quarter inch from my heart and I couldn't drive so rode a skateboard around everyday to find an apartment cause no family would even try. All I've done is help her and my family and I get treated like I'm just a piece of shit. I brought my sister in to my apartment when I got on my feet after I lost my house and fed her she was horrible she would not listen to me ignored any rules I had she would bring a new guy to my place about every 3 days she was terrible I was working 90 hours a week not 2 weeks a week to just make it so I could pay for her school and our food and rent. But now she has a house with a basement In it and I've begged her to help me so I could get out of this spot with all this famly treating me like this and she's now doing the same thing and told me no multiple times but my brother who was in prison for assault and many other charges she went and picked him up after he got out and let him I feel so alone and that I have nothing to live for now my only chance I had to get out of this just got fucked idk what to do I'd be way better off if I just ended it
submitted by Human_Building_7773 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.02.22 12:06 Human_Building_7773 I want to end it tonight

I might end it tonight
I just helped my mom and her boyfriend with 340 dollars so they can go get special contacts for them and she won't pay me back and her boyfriend is threatening me and came out and started shoving me and she just started hitting me telling me to shut up and I told her that I need it back because it's from my taxes and I live in a town of a 100 people and there is no work here. I need it to move I just lost everything I had an apartment bed, tv, couches everything because of a medical problems 7 months ago and this is my last chance to get on my feet and they treat me like I did something wrong and told me to fuck off how can your own mom do this to her son. Now I have no chance and getting back on my feet and I really might just do something I've been wanting to do for years. I'm done she's been with him for 10 years and he's told us kids he don't care about us he's never helped us or shown he does he's walked out naked in front of us multiple times and did it in front of my younger brother when he was just 17, her last boyfriend was a alcoholic and we watched her get thrown down stairs threw a table and almost choked to death he fucking molested my little brother and sister. I told her her all this shit and she doesn't care. Idk what to do she has started being physically abusive to me months ago and tonight everytime I would talk she would hit me and tell me to shut up her and her boyfriend Philip threw rocks at me I just want to die I just stay alone and don't talk to anyone I've never been a person to talk bad on people and I live with my grandparents with 2 other cousins and they tell them all this bullshit ones on meth and the other is on Percocet and they make me out like this really bad guy to take the pressure off them and I get yelled at all the time and treated like shit compared to them and I just want to die I can't handle it anymore this is the third time I've lost everything and I gave my mom 3 different sets of couches before one set that cost me 4 grand. I lost my house at the age of 18 cause my brother was getting out of a youth program and my mom and noone would even try to help figure something out even though I just had 4 operations done a week before cause a botched operation gave me a staff infection and about killed me it was a quarter inch from my heart and I couldn't drive so rode a skateboard around everyday to find an apartment cause no family would even try. All I've done is help her and my family and I get treated like I'm just a piece of shit. I brought my sister in to my apartment when I got on my feet after I lost my house and fed her she was horrible she would not listen to me ignored any rules I had she would bring a new guy to my place about every 3 days she was terrible I was working 90 hours a week not 2 weeks a week to just make it so I could pay for her school and our food and rent. But now she has a house with a basement In it and I've begged her to help me so I could get out of this spot with all this famly treating me like this and she's now doing the same thing and told me no multiple times but my brother who was in prison for assault and many other charges she went and picked him up after he got out and let him I feel so alone and that I have nothing to live for now my only chance I had to get out of this just got fucked idk what to do I'd be way better off if I just ended it
submitted by Human_Building_7773 to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.02.22 12:04 Human_Building_7773 I want to end it

I might end it tonight
I just helped my mom and her boyfriend with 340 dollars so they can go get special contacts for them and she won't pay me back and her boyfriend is threatening me and came out and started shoving me and she just started hitting me telling me to shut up and I told her that I need it back because it's from my taxes and I live in a town of a 100 people and there is no work here. I need it to move I just lost everything I had an apartment bed, tv, couches everything because of a medical problems 7 months ago and this is my last chance to get on my feet and they treat me like I did something wrong and told me to fuck off how can your own mom do this to her son. Now I have no chance and getting back on my feet and I really might just do something I've been wanting to do for years. I'm done she's been with him for 10 years and he's told us kids he don't care about us he's never helped us or shown he does he's walked out naked in front of us multiple times and did it in front of my younger brother when he was just 17, her last boyfriend was a alcoholic and we watched her get thrown down stairs threw a table and almost choked to death he fucking molested my little brother and sister. I told her her all this shit and she doesn't care. Idk what to do she has started being physically abusive to me months ago and tonight everytime I would talk she would hit me and tell me to shut up her and her boyfriend Philip threw rocks at me I just want to die I just stay alone and don't talk to anyone I've never been a person to talk bad on people and I live with my grandparents with 2 other cousins and they tell them all this bullshit ones on meth and the other is on Percocet and they make me out like this really bad guy to take the pressure off them and I get yelled at all the time and treated like shit compared to them and I just want to die I can't handle it anymore this is the third time I've lost everything and I gave my mom 3 different sets of couches before one set that cost me 4 grand. I lost my house at the age of 18 cause my brother was getting out of a youth program and my mom and noone would even try to help figure something out even though I just had 4 operations done a week before cause a botched operation gave me a staff infection and about killed me it was a quarter inch from my heart and I couldn't drive so rode a skateboard around everyday to find an apartment cause no family would even try. All I've done is help her and my family and I get treated like I'm just a piece of shit. I brought my sister in to my apartment when I got on my feet after I lost my house and fed her she was horrible she would not listen to me ignored any rules I had she would bring a new guy to my place about every 3 days she was terrible I was working 90 hours a week not 2 weeks a week to just make it so I could pay for her school and our food and rent. But now she has a house with a basement In it and I've begged her to help me so I could get out of this spot with all this famly treating me like this and she's now doing the same thing and told me no multiple times but my brother who was in prison for assault and many other charges she went and picked him up after he got out and let him I feel so alone and that I have nothing to live for now my only chance I had to get out of this just got fucked idk what to do I'd be way better off if I just ended it
submitted by Human_Building_7773 to MMFB [link] [comments]

2024.02.22 11:21 Human_Building_7773 I might end it tonight

I just helped my mom and her boyfriend with 340 dollars so they can go get special contacts for them and she won't pay me back and her boyfriend is threatening me and came out and started shoving me and she just started hitting me telling me to shut up and I told her that I need it back because it's from my taxes and I live in a town of a 100 people and there is no work here. I need it to move I just lost everything I had an apartment bed, tv, couches everything because of a medical problems 7 months ago and this is my last chance to get on my feet and they treat me like I did something wrong and told me to fuck off how can your own mom do this to her son. Now I have no chance and getting back on my feet and I really might just do something I've been wanting to do for years. I'm done she's been with him for 10 years and he's told us kids he don't care about us he's never helped us or shown he does he's walked out naked in front of us multiple times and did it in front of my younger brother when he was just 17, her last boyfriend was a alcoholic and we watched her get thrown down stairs threw a table and almost choked to death he fucking molested my little brother and sister. I told her her all this shit and she doesn't care. Idk what to do she has started being physically abusive to me months ago and tonight everytime I would talk she would hit me and tell me to shut up her and her boyfriend Philip threw rocks at me I just want to die I just stay alone and don't talk to anyone I've never been a person to talk bad on people and I live with my grandparents with 2 other cousins and they tell them all this bullshit ones on meth and the other is on Percocet and they make me out like this really bad guy to take the pressure off them and I get yelled at all the time and treated like shit compared to them and I just want to die I can't handle it anymore this is the third time I've lost everything and I gave my mom 3 different sets of couches before one set that cost me 4 grand. I lost my house at the age of 18 cause my brother was getting out of a youth program and my mom and noone would even try to help figure something out even though I just had 4 operations done a week before cause a botched operation gave me a staff infection and about killed me it was a quarter inch from my heart and I couldn't drive so rode a skateboard around everyday to find an apartment cause no family would even try. All I've done is help her and my family and I get treated like I'm just a piece of shit. I brought my sister in to my apartment when I got on my feet after I lost my house and fed her she was horrible she would not listen to me ignored any rules I had she would bring a new guy to my place about every 3 days she was terrible I was working 90 hours a week not 2 weeks a week to just make it so I could pay for her school and our food and rent. But now she has a house with a basement In it and I've begged her to help me so I could get out of this spot with all this famly treating me like this and she's now doing the same thing and told me no multiple times but my brother who was in prison for assault and many other charges she went and picked him up after he got out and let him I feel so alone and that I have nothing to live for now my only chance I had to get out of this just got fucked idk what to do I'd be way better off if I just ended it
submitted by Human_Building_7773 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.02.22 11:18 Human_Building_7773 I can't do this anymore

I just helped my mom and her boyfriend with 340 dollars so they can go get special contacts for them and she won't pay me back and her boyfriend is threatening me and came out and started shoving me and she just started hitting me telling me to shut up and I told her that I need it back because it's from my taxes and I live in a town of a 100 people and there is no work here. I need it to move I just lost everything I had an apartment bed, tv, couches everything because of a medical problems 7 months ago and this is my last chance to get on my feet and they treat me like I did something wrong and told me to fuck off how can your own mom do this to her son. Now I have no chance and getting back on my feet and I really might just do something I've been wanting to do for years. I'm done she's been with him for 10 years and he's told us kids he don't care about us he's never helped us or shown he does he's walked out naked in front of us multiple times and did it in front of my younger brother when he was just 17, her last boyfriend was a alcoholic and we watched her get thrown down stairs threw a table and almost choked to death he fucking molested my little brother and sister. I told her her all this shit and she doesn't care. Idk what to do she has started being physically abusive to me months ago and tonight everytime I would talk she would hit me and tell me to shut up her and her boyfriend Philip threw rocks at me I just want to die I just stay alone and don't talk to anyone I've never been a person to talk bad on people and I live with my grandparents with 2 other cousins and they tell them all this bullshit ones on meth and the other is on Percocet and they make me out like this really bad guy to take the pressure off them and I get yelled at all the time and treated like shit compared to them and I just want to die I can't handle it anymore this is the third time I've lost everything and I gave my mom 3 different sets of couches before one set that cost me 4 grand. I lost my house at the age of 18 cause my brother was getting out of a youth program and my mom and noone would even try to help figure something out even though I just had 4 operations done a week before cause a botched operation gave me a staff infection and about killed me it was a quarter inch from my heart and I couldn't drive so rode a skateboard around everyday to find an apartment cause no family would even try. All I've done is help her and my family and I get treated like I'm just a piece of shit. I brought my sister in to my apartment when I got on my feet after I lost my house and fed her she was horrible she would not listen to me ignored any rules I had she would bring a new guy to my place about every 3 days she was terrible I was working 90 hours a week not 2 weeks a week to just make it so I could pay for her school and our food and rent. But now she has a house with a basement In it and I've begged her to help me so I could get out of this spot with all this famly treating me like this and she's now doing the same thing and told me no multiple times but my brother who was in prison for assault and many other charges she went and picked him up after he got out and let him I feel so alone and that I have nothing to live for now my only chance I had to get out of this just got fucked idk what to do I'd be way better off if I just ended it
submitted by Human_Building_7773 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.02.11 00:53 ftmsurgerythrowaway my hysterectomy journal, post-op edition

Insurance Woes
Small note, this just goes over some issues I had with getting my insurance to cover the procedure. It's probably a tedious read, so feel free to skip over, unless you're curious about the hoops I had to jump though, and want to hear about how stressful it got. :') Otherwise, just scroll on down to the more interesting parts.

As it turns out my insurance denied my pcp’s letter, but accepted the letter from my long-term therapist. Apparently they haven’t begun following the updated 8th edition wpath standards, and so they denied the prior authorization. I was notified by the insurance coordinator that they would need me to get them a second letter from a mental health specialist by the second of January, otherwise we’d have to reschedule the surgery date.
I definitely felt like I’d dropped the ball here, and should have prepared better, but hind-sight is always 20/20. Of course, I’m used to being thrown for a loop at this point, so I scrambled to make some appointments seeking a secondary letter of recommendation.
I got myself set up with three different therapists who were in-network with my insurance, and could speak with me before the deadline I was given. My insurance covers tele-health appointments, so each of the them came at no cost, which was a relief.
I received the first letter on the 29th, after looking it over and approving it, which I then forwarded to my insurance coordinator through my-chart, as well as faxing it over myself. The next morning, carol let me know that the letter will work to file the appeal.
During my second appointment I received a second letter for both this procedure, as well as for top surgery in the future, as I happened to mention I have an upcoming consultation with a top surgeon in May. I don’t believe my insurance requires two letters for top surgery, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to have another letter in the arsenal. I promptly sent the second letter over to carol that night.
The following morning, on the 31st, I woke up to a message from carol giving me the okay for surgery on the 8th. You have no idea how relieved I was to see this, haha. I was doing nothing but filling out intake forms for 3 days straight at this point.
Although it felt a bit overkill at this point, I went ahead with that last appointment and got a third recommendation letter. I received it on the 2nd and sent it over to carol, just as I did with the others.
I admit, it almost felt like I was pestering her, but as they say, you really have to advocate strongly for yourself in these situations. Nevertheless, I had done all I could, so from this point forward, I just relaxed and continued making my preparations for the recovery after the 8th. Worst case-scenario, it still happens, but slightly later than anticipated.
The 6th of January, 2 days Pre-op
Hey there, currently writing this while writhing in mild amounts of pain, after beginning the bowel-prep earlier this evening. I was told to take 2 tablets of bisacodyl/Dulcolax with a glass of water, which I took 4 hours ago. I’ve been drinking as much water as I can to stay hydrated, and so far have just had moderate amounts of nausea during the first three and a half hours, with mildly painful cramping.
I’m hoping it doesn’t get much worse than this, but I know it’s probably only just begun, haha. :’)
But if anyone else has similar bowel prep protocol to mine (which actually seems to be a relatively light bowel-prep, compared to what some other surgeons require), I’m here to tell you it won’t necessarily be an absolute shit-show, (literally and figuratively), and have you in toilet purgatory all night.
Just try not to eat too heavily, and stay very, VERY, very hydrated. I think the amount of electrolyte-heavy drinks and water I’ve been drinking this week has helped a lot.
The 7th of January, 1 day Pre-op
Woke up early, showered, had a light breakfast of graham crackers, with chocolate almondmilk, and at 11:20 am, I was finally given my surgery time, set for 7:30 am, and my arrival time, at 5:30 am. I was also instructed to drink a 20 oz Gatorade/electrolyte heavy drink 3 hours prior to surgery, at 4:30 am.
Took 2 more Dulcolax tablets around 2 pm, then finished my bowel prep with a fleet enema at 4 pm. And of course, it was all clear liquids past 11 am today.
January 8th, Peri-Op
Last night I went to sleep around 11pm, to get a few hours in before making my final preparations. To be safe I set three alarms, but woke up just 30 minutes before they could start going off.
It’s really the strangest thing, because I never sleep that early, and I never typically feel tired around 11. It’s like my body subconsciously knew about the hysto. Maybe it has to do with all the laxatives and bowel prep, or maybe the last-minute scrambling that tired me out, but it really was unusual.
Anyways, when it hit 2 am, I got up, brushed my teeth, had my last shower with some antibacterial soap, and changed straight into my hospital fit.
post-op pic, https://gyazo.com/fe1e49de9fa9e0bae6f6fb8982ae16ee
pre-op pic: https://gyazo.com/b25df7c287e11692340beb875d0e3784
I arrived to the hospital at 5:30 am, and was taken back to the pre-op room about 25 minutes after checking in. I was weighed, and they asked for a urine sample.
Then I went back to the pre-op room and was told to strip, and change into their hospital gown, including the infamous yellow grippy socks. I put my clothing into my personal belongings bag, but I was allowed to keep my phone and headset on me until right before the procedure.
more pics for context: https://gyazo.com/0497f339bad62d584862ea1a8270d512 , https://gyazo.com/71e1cf1e36a27f5b390fd77e13645005 , https://gyazo.com/ca36e61be9a9c092829e7578ad20f3a3,
A nurse also came in to take a blood sample to verify my blood type again, then put compression stockings on my legs to prevent blood clotting. She then ran a course of antibiotics through my iv.
Shortly after, a second nurse came in, gave me a nausea patch behind my ear, and gave me some pain meds to get ahead of post-op pain. She gave me 3 tylenols, 2 celebrex, and 3 gabapentins. She also shaved my abdomen.
A small bit later, one of the anesthesiologists came to introduce himself, and briefly go over my medical history. I signed the consent for general anesthesia, and then they let my dad come in to see me for a while.
Finally, my surgeon/gynecologist came to briefly speak with me, and I inquired about the partial vaginectomy, since she said she would be willing to do one, because this is in a sense, my stage 0 towards bottom surgery/genital reconstruction. She said she would absolutely be willing to do the partial. I also asked if she would be burning the walls together, or excising and suturing, and she answered that she would be doing both.
She essentially said that the partial v-ectomy is sort of just like bringing the vaginal cuff down a bit lower, which is exactly what I was thinking. Ultimately a partial v-ectomy will only affect the upper vaginal canal, but should make future recovery from bottom surgery a bit quicker, as they will be working where she left off to complete the v-ectomy.
In any case, after asking my questions, and confirming everything that will be removed, I signed the consent form. She left, and a different nurse came in to wheel my bed to the operating room. He offered anti-anxiety meds, but I declined simply due to not feeling very anxious.
When we got to the operating room I was stopped right beside the operating table, and was told to move myself over onto it, and lay down. They put a mask over my nose/mouth, and told me I would start to feel tired soon, and that I would feel a little bit a of burning sensation through my iv. All I can remember is feeling very warm, and the next thing I knew, I was waking up to my room again. I had the on-q pain system hooked up to me, and I was wearing some disposable briefs which had a pad inside of them. I had nothing more than very, very light spotting though. They had also already put the abdominal binder on me.
I was also completely freezing when I awoke, so they kept wrapping me in warm blankets. The nurses were exceptionally attentive, and caring. Everyone here was lovely, and I could tell I was in really good hands here. After going from feeling like a human popsicle, to finally warming up, I asked how long I’d been out, and how long I’d been in pacu. The surgery took about 1 1/2 – 2 hours, and I had only been coming to for the last 20 minutes.
The nurse was also periodically asking about my pain levels, and if they got too high, I just notified him, and he administered small doses of fentanyl when needed. He was also sitting just outside of the room the whole time, which reassured me. But to be clear, I was never in any severe pain afterwards. It reached a 4 to a 5 at its worst. I would actually go as far as to say it just felt like soreness after a good workout.
Honestly the whole experience was incredible, haha. Everyone around me showed such huge amounts of compassion, empathy and genuine care. Which meant the world to me, this having been my first surgery, and first time going under general.
They asked if it was okay to bring my dad back to see me, and I said that it was, so I chatted with him for a while, while sipping on water. This was around the first time I felt like I might need to pee, so I asked if I could try to, and my nurse allowed me to make my first walk to the bathroom. I wasn’t able to get anything out, though. But when I got back to my room, he said it’s likely because my bladder was completely empty from the catheterization.
Really wanting to leave the same day, I just continuously drank the water I was offered. I was also given a couple of snack packs of pretzels, and one pack of cheez-its, which I mostly nibbled on. I couldn’t swallow it very easily due to the extreme mouth/throat dryness. Let me tell you, I had never experienced such trouble trying to swallow/eat before. It took much longer than normal, but I did manage to finish them on the ride home.
But as I was saying, I kept asking for refills of water until the urge came again, but for real this time. At long last, I was able to successfully void, as well as on a third bathroom trip which I took a little later. You might be wondering if it was painful to pee due to the catheterization, but I woke up with no catheter. Yes, there was some mild burning the first couple of times, but it was nothing unbearable by any means. More uncomfortable than painful.
celebratory bathroom mirror pic: https://gyazo.com/9d4f79acb643ce47b15e3d6acc04d9e0
After having successfully voided twice, I had just a very small wait until my discharge, after which I headed home. Nodding off during most of the ride, I didn’t even think to use the pillow I brought to place between me, and the seatbelt. Looking back, I don’t think I needed it anyways. Honestly the lack of pain was so noticeable, I wouldn’t have thought I went through a major procedure, if I didn’t have the incisions and pictures of my removed organs to prove it.
Pre-op Checklist
I’m going to include here a list of the things I gathered before going in for surgery, and will give an update on what I found the most useful at 1 week or so, post-op.
Nevertheless, here is the list:

That brings us here, day one post-op. I’ve been staggering my pain meds in the order of ibuprofen with one Tylenol 500, then gabapentin 100mg 3-4 hours later, and so far have only taken half a Percocet, and plan on taking the other half tonight, although I definitely don’t think I need it. But, I’m still going to treat my lack of pain with a grain of salt, and will try to stay on top of my pain, at least for the first few days.
Oh, and I haven’t needed to change the dispersion rate of my on-q pain pump. It’s been sitting at 4ml/hr since I was back in pacu.
So essentially, I'm still pain-free, but following post-op instructions as much as I can. Incisions are looking lovely, and oh man does the abdominal binder they sent me home with make a ginormous difference. I couldn’t recommend it enough. I feel like I could wear this forever, haha, it makes everything so much more comfortable when sitting up, or when going on small walks throughout the day. If you’re also going in for a hysto soon, please make a note to ask for an abdominal binder, if you don’t awake with it on (in my case, I had it wrapped around me from the moment I woke up).
Another thing I noticed, is that I seemingly have extremely little to no gas pain? I’ve been using a heating pad over my shoulders to combat light discomfort though. In any case, that’s how things are going for now. I will make another update at 1 week post-op.
Until next time, friends, and I hope this has been a helpful read to anyone who comes across it. : )
Truly waking up in hospital after the surgery, was one of the happiest, and most relieving moments in my life. I’m still riding that high even now. I have never cried from happiness before, but I did right after waking up. A life-changing experience, and I can tell you, it was one of best decisions I made, to not put this surgery off for any reason.
have some free post-op pics, they will include the abdominal binder, and how it looks to have the pain pump attached;
immediately back home pics: https://gyazo.com/bb442a6642a2251eeb490fb97766e890 , https://gyazo.com/3bc46de34c908a232db86eb8e5cf7e83 , https://gyazo.com/43fba08f9f8dc1d8d5ebb265549aa3ca
on-q pump and abdominal binder pics: https://gyazo.com/a6b89eb43fb9dc698e570d878be0200a , https://gyazo.com/ed39245387b60ca9f5b5f5488fc2f960 , https://gyazo.com/961af5d660afb489e0612d1aad187426 , https://gyazo.com/63570ad240ab28724bd188bbd0c77ca9
incision/surgery site pics: https://gyazo.com/40e543dfcc7cbd30cecb7777a657956e , https://gyazo.com/e53c4ecf98793b72aa3bacc3d40003b4 , https://gyazo.com/f96506383ee2f6f23d9fc188ddfceba3 , https://gyazo.com/775a6b323c8fa247e82b496744eb1a65
Link to my first post: https://www.reddit.com/FTMMen/comments/1an8w58/my_hysterectomy_journal_and_general_hysto_updates/
and that's about it, will hopefully be updating you guys at one week post-op :) until next time, https://gyazo.com/4efaa222a5d3fa15eeb9df5bf9c42cea
submitted by ftmsurgerythrowaway to FTMMen [link] [comments]

2024.02.11 00:34 ftmsurgerythrowaway my hysterectomy journal, post-op edition

Insurance Woes
Small note, this just goes over some issues I had with getting my insurance to cover the procedure. It's probably a tedious read, so feel free to skip over, unless you're curious about the hoops I had to jump though, and want to hear about how stressful it got. :') Otherwise, just scroll on down to the more interesting parts.
As it turns out my insurance denied my pcp’s letter, but accepted the letter from my long-term therapist. Apparently they haven’t begun following the updated 8th edition wpath standards, and so they denied the prior authorization. I was notified by the insurance coordinator that they would need me to get them a second letter from a mental health specialist by the second of January, otherwise we’d have to reschedule the surgery date.
I definitely felt like I’d dropped the ball here, and should have prepared better, but hind-sight is always 20/20. Of course, I’m used to being thrown for a loop at this point, so I scrambled to make some appointments seeking a secondary letter of recommendation.
I got myself set up with three different therapists who were in-network with my insurance, and could speak with me before the deadline I was given. My insurance covers tele-health appointments, so each of the them came at no cost, which was a relief.
I received the first letter on the 29th, after looking it over and approving it, which I then forwarded to my insurance coordinator through my-chart, as well as faxing it over myself. The next morning, carol let me know that the letter will work to file the appeal.
During my second appointment I received a second letter for both this procedure, as well as for top surgery in the future, as I happened to mention I have an upcoming consultation with a top surgeon in May. I don’t believe my insurance requires two letters for top surgery, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to have another letter in the arsenal. I promptly sent the second letter over to carol that night.
The following morning, on the 31st, I woke up to a message from carol giving me the okay for surgery on the 8th. You have no idea how relieved I was to see this, haha. I was doing nothing but filling out intake forms for 3 days straight at this point.
Although it felt a bit overkill at this point, I went ahead with that last appointment and got a third recommendation letter. I received it on the 2nd and sent it over to carol, just as I did with the others.
I admit, it almost felt like I was pestering her, but as they say, you really have to advocate strongly for yourself in these situations. Nevertheless, I had done all I could, so from this point forward, I just relaxed and continued making my preparations for the recovery after the 8th. Worst case-scenario, it still happens, but slightly later than anticipated.
The 6th of January, 2 days Pre-op
Hey there, currently writing this while writhing in mild amounts of pain, after beginning the bowel-prep earlier this evening. I was told to take 2 tablets of bisacodyl/Dulcolax with a glass of water, which I took 4 hours ago. I’ve been drinking as much water as I can to stay hydrated, and so far have just had moderate amounts of nausea during the first three and a half hours, with mildly painful cramping.
I’m hoping it doesn’t get much worse than this, but I know it’s probably only just begun, haha. :’)
But if anyone else has similar bowel prep protocol to mine (which actually seems to be a relatively light bowel-prep, compared to what some other surgeons require), I’m here to tell you it won’t necessarily be an absolute shit-show, (literally and figuratively), and have you in toilet purgatory all night.
Just try not to eat too heavily, and stay very, VERY, very hydrated. I think the amount of electrolyte-heavy drinks and water I’ve been drinking this week has helped a lot.
The 7th of January, 1 day Pre-op
Woke up early, showered, had a light breakfast of graham crackers, with chocolate almondmilk, and at 11:20 am, I was finally given my surgery time, set for 7:30 am, and my arrival time, at 5:30 am. I was also instructed to drink a 20 oz Gatorade/electrolyte heavy drink 3 hours prior to surgery, at 4:30 am.
Took 2 more Dulcolax tablets around 2 pm, then finished my bowel prep with a fleet enema at 4 pm. And of course, it was all clear liquids past 11 am today.
January 8th, Peri-Op
Last night I went to sleep around 11pm, to get a few hours in before making my final preparations. To be safe I set three alarms, but woke up just 30 minutes before they could start going off.
It’s really the strangest thing, because I never sleep that early, and I never typically feel tired around 11. It’s like my body subconsciously knew about the hysto. Maybe it has to do with all the laxatives and bowel prep, or maybe the last-minute scrambling that tired me out, but it really was unusual.
Anyways, when it hit 2 am, I got up, brushed my teeth, had my last shower with some antibacterial soap, and changed straight into my hospital fit.
post-op pic, https://gyazo.com/fe1e49de9fa9e0bae6f6fb8982ae16ee
pre-op pic: https://gyazo.com/b25df7c287e11692340beb875d0e3784
I arrived to the hospital at 5:30 am, and was taken back to the pre-op room about 25 minutes after checking in. I was weighed, and they asked for a urine sample.
Then I went back to the pre-op room and was told to strip, and change into their hospital gown, including the infamous yellow grippy socks. I put my clothing into my personal belongings bag, but I was allowed to keep my phone and headset on me until right before the procedure.
more pics for context: https://gyazo.com/0497f339bad62d584862ea1a8270d512, https://gyazo.com/71e1cf1e36a27f5b390fd77e13645005, https://gyazo.com/ca36e61be9a9c092829e7578ad20f3a3,
A nurse also came in to take a blood sample to verify my blood type again, then put compression stockings on my legs to prevent blood clotting. She then ran a course of antibiotics through my iv.
Shortly after, a second nurse came in, gave me a nausea patch behind my ear, and gave me some pain meds to get ahead of post-op pain. She gave me 3 tylenols, 2 celebrex, and 3 gabapentins. She also shaved my abdomen.
A small bit later, one of the anesthesiologists came to introduce himself, and briefly go over my medical history. I signed the consent for general anesthesia, and then they let my dad come in to see me for a while.
Finally, my surgeon/gynecologist came to briefly speak with me, and I inquired about the partial vaginectomy, since she said she would be willing to do one, because this is in a sense, my stage 0 towards bottom surgery/genital reconstruction. She said she would absolutely be willing to do the partial. I also asked if she would be burning the walls together, or excising and suturing, and she answered that she would be doing both.
She essentially said that the partial v-ectomy is sort of just like bringing the vaginal cuff down a bit lower, which is exactly what I was thinking. Ultimately a partial v-ectomy will only affect the upper vaginal canal, but should make future recovery from bottom surgery a bit quicker, as they will be working where she left off to complete the v-ectomy.
In any case, after asking my questions, and confirming everything that will be removed, I signed the consent form. She left, and a different nurse came in to wheel my bed to the operating room. He offered anti-anxiety meds, but I declined simply due to not feeling very anxious.
When we got to the operating room I was stopped right beside the operating table, and was told to move myself over onto it, and lay down. They put a mask over my nose/mouth, and told me I would start to feel tired soon, and that I would feel a little bit a of burning sensation through my iv. All I can remember is feeling very warm, and the next thing I knew, I was waking up to my room again. I had the on-q pain system hooked up to me, and I was wearing some disposable briefs which had a pad inside of them. I had nothing more than very, very light spotting though. They had also already put the abdominal binder on me.
I was also completely freezing when I awoke, so they kept wrapping me in warm blankets. The nurses were exceptionally attentive, and caring. Everyone here was lovely, and I could tell I was in really good hands here. After going from feeling like a human popsicle, to finally warming up, I asked how long I’d been out, and how long I’d been in pacu. The surgery took about 1 1/2 – 2 hours, and I had only been coming to for the last 20 minutes.
The nurse was also periodically asking about my pain levels, and if they got too high, I just notified him, and he administered small doses of fentanyl when needed. He was also sitting just outside of the room the whole time, which reassured me. But to be clear, I was never in any severe pain afterwards. It reached a 4 to a 5 at its worst. I would actually go as far as to say it just felt like soreness after a good workout.
Honestly the whole experience was incredible, haha. Everyone around me showed such huge amounts of compassion, empathy and genuine care. Which meant the world to me, this having been my first surgery, and first time going under general.
They asked if it was okay to bring my dad back to see me, and I said that it was, so I chatted with him for a while, while sipping on water. This was around the first time I felt like I might need to pee, so I asked if I could try to, and my nurse allowed me to make my first walk to the bathroom. I wasn’t able to get anything out, though. But when I got back to my room, he said it’s likely because my bladder was completely empty from the catheterization.
Really wanting to leave the same day, I just continuously drank the water I was offered. I was also given a couple of snack packs of pretzels, and one pack of cheez-its, which I mostly nibbled on. I couldn’t swallow it very easily due to the extreme mouth/throat dryness. Let me tell you, I had never experienced such trouble trying to swallow/eat before. It took much longer than normal, but I did manage to finish them on the ride home.
But as I was saying, I kept asking for refills of water until the urge came again, but for real this time. At long last, I was able to successfully void, as well as on a third bathroom trip which I took a little later. You might be wondering if it was painful to pee due to the catheterization, but I woke up with no catheter. Yes, there was some mild burning the first couple of times, but it was nothing unbearable by any means. More uncomfortable than painful.
celebratory bathroom mirror pic: https://gyazo.com/9d4f79acb643ce47b15e3d6acc04d9e0
After having successfully voided twice, I had just a very small wait until my discharge, after which I headed home. Nodding off during most of the ride, I didn’t even think to use the pillow I brought to place between me, and the seatbelt. Looking back, I don’t think I needed it anyways. Honestly the lack of pain was so noticeable, I wouldn’t have thought I went through a major procedure, if I didn’t have the incisions and pictures of my removed organs to prove it.
Pre-op Checklist
I’m going to include here a list of the things I gathered before going in for surgery, and will give an update on what I found the most useful at 1 week or so, post-op.
Nevertheless, here is the list:
That brings us here, day one post-op. I’ve been staggering my pain meds in the order of ibuprofen with one Tylenol 500, then gabapentin 100mg 3-4 hours later, and so far have only taken half a Percocet, and plan on taking the other half tonight, although I definitely don’t think I need it. But, I’m still going to treat my lack of pain with a grain of salt, and will try to stay on top of my pain, at least for the first few days.
Oh, and I haven’t needed to change the dispersion rate of my on-q pain pump. It’s been sitting at 4ml/hr since I was back in pacu.
So essentially, I'm still pain-free, but following post-op instructions as much as I can. Incisions are looking lovely, and oh man does the abdominal binder they sent me home with make a ginormous difference. I couldn’t recommend it enough. I feel like I could wear this forever, haha, it makes everything so much more comfortable when sitting up, or when going on small walks throughout the day. If you’re also going in for a hysto soon, please make a note to ask for an abdominal binder, if you don’t awake with it on (in my case, I had it wrapped around me from the moment I woke up).
Another thing I noticed, is that I seemingly have extremely little to no gas pain? I’ve been using a heating pad over my shoulders to combat light discomfort though. In any case, that’s how things are going for now. I will make another update at 1 week post-op.
Until next time, friends, and I hope this has been a helpful read to anyone who comes across it. : )
Truly waking up in hospital after the surgery, was one of the happiest, and most relieving moments in my life. I’m still riding that high even now. I have never cried from happiness before, but I did right after waking up. A life-changing experience, and I can tell you, it was one of best decisions I made, to not put this surgery off for any reason.
have some free post-op pics, they will include the abdominal binder, and how it looks to have the pain pump attached;
immediately back home pics: https://gyazo.com/bb442a6642a2251eeb490fb97766e890, https://gyazo.com/3bc46de34c908a232db86eb8e5cf7e83, https://gyazo.com/43fba08f9f8dc1d8d5ebb265549aa3ca
on-q pump and abdominal binder pics: https://gyazo.com/a6b89eb43fb9dc698e570d878be0200a, https://gyazo.com/ed39245387b60ca9f5b5f5488fc2f960, https://gyazo.com/961af5d660afb489e0612d1aad187426, https://gyazo.com/63570ad240ab28724bd188bbd0c77ca9
incision/surgery site pics: https://gyazo.com/40e543dfcc7cbd30cecb7777a657956e, https://gyazo.com/e53c4ecf98793b72aa3bacc3d40003b4, https://gyazo.com/f96506383ee2f6f23d9fc188ddfceba3, https://gyazo.com/775a6b323c8fa247e82b496744eb1a65
Link to my first post: https://www.reddit.com/FTMHysto/comments/1an8komy_hysterectomy_journal_and_general_hysto/
and that's about it, will hopefully be updating you guys at one week post-op :)
until next time, https://gyazo.com/4efaa222a5d3fa15eeb9df5bf9c42cea
submitted by ftmsurgerythrowaway to FTMHysto [link] [comments]

2024.02.10 22:42 ftmsurgerythrowaway my hysterectomy journal, the sequel edition

Insurance Woes
Small note, this just goes over some issues I had with getting my insurance to cover the procedure. It's probably a tedious read, so feel free to skip over, unless you're curious about the hoops I had to jump though, and want to hear about how stressful it got. :') Otherwise, just scroll on down to the more interesting parts.
As it turns out my insurance denied my pcp’s letter, but accepted the letter from my long-term therapist. Apparently they haven’t begun following the updated 8th edition wpath standards, and so they denied the prior authorization. I was notified by the insurance coordinator that they would need me to get them a second letter from a mental health specialist by the second of January, otherwise we’d have to reschedule the surgery date.
I definitely felt like I’d dropped the ball here, and should have prepared better, but hind-sight is always 20/20. Of course, I’m used to being thrown for a loop at this point, so I scrambled to make some appointments seeking a secondary letter of recommendation.
I got myself set up with three different therapists who were in-network with my insurance, and could speak with me before the deadline I was given. My insurance covers tele-health appointments, so each of the them came at no cost, which was a relief.
I received the first letter on the 29th, after looking it over and approving it, which I then forwarded to my insurance coordinator through my-chart, as well as faxing it over myself. The next morning, carol let me know that the letter will work to file the appeal.
During my second appointment I received a second letter for both this procedure, as well as for top surgery in the future, as I happened to mention I have an upcoming consultation with a top surgeon in May. I don’t believe my insurance requires two letters for top surgery, but I figured it couldn’t hurt to have another letter in the arsenal. I promptly sent the second letter over to carol that night.
The following morning, on the 31st, I woke up to a message from carol giving me the okay for surgery on the 8th. You have no idea how relieved I was to see this, haha. I was doing nothing but filling out intake forms for 3 days straight at this point.
Although it felt a bit overkill at this point, I went ahead with that last appointment and got a third recommendation letter. I received it on the 2nd and sent it over to carol, just as I did with the others.
I admit, it almost felt like I was pestering her, but as they say, you really have to advocate strongly for yourself in these situations. Nevertheless, I had done all I could, so from this point forward, I just relaxed and continued making my preparations for the recovery after the 8th. Worst case-scenario, it still happens, but slightly later than anticipated.
The 6th of January, 2 days Pre-op
Hey there, currently writing this while writhing in mild amounts of pain, after beginning the bowel-prep earlier this evening. I was told to take 2 tablets of bisacodyl/Dulcolax with a glass of water, which I took 4 hours ago. I’ve been drinking as much water as I can to stay hydrated, and so far have just had moderate amounts of nausea during the first three and a half hours, with mildly painful cramping.
I’m hoping it doesn’t get much worse than this, but I know it’s probably only just begun, haha. :’)
But if anyone else has similar bowel prep protocol to mine (which actually seems to be a relatively light bowel-prep, compared to what some other surgeons require), I’m here to tell you it won’t necessarily be an absolute shit-show, (literally and figuratively), and have you in toilet purgatory all night.
Just try not to eat too heavily, and stay very, VERY, very hydrated. I think the amount of electrolyte-heavy drinks and water I’ve been drinking this week has helped a lot.
The 7th of January, 1 day Pre-op
Woke up early, showered, had a light breakfast of graham crackers, with chocolate almondmilk, and at 11:20 am, I was finally given my surgery time, set for 7:30 am, and my arrival time, at 5:30 am. I was also instructed to drink a 20 oz Gatorade/electrolyte heavy drink 3 hours prior to surgery, at 4:30 am.
Took 2 more Dulcolax tablets around 2 pm, then finished my bowel prep with a fleet enema at 4 pm. And of course, it was all clear liquids past 11 am today.
January 8th, Peri-Op
Last night I went to sleep around 11pm, to get a few hours in before making my final preparations. To be safe I set three alarms, but woke up just 30 minutes before they could start going off.
It’s really the strangest thing, because I never sleep that early, and I never typically feel tired around 11. It’s like my body subconsciously knew about the hysto. Maybe it has to do with all the laxatives and bowel prep, or maybe the last-minute scrambling that tired me out, but it really was unusual.
Anyways, when it hit 2 am, I got up, brushed my teeth, had my last shower with some antibacterial soap, and changed straight into my hospital fit.
post-op pic, https://gyazo.com/fe1e49de9fa9e0bae6f6fb8982ae16ee
pre-op pic: https://gyazo.com/b25df7c287e11692340beb875d0e3784
I arrived to the hospital at 5:30 am, and was taken back to the pre-op room about 25 minutes after checking in. I was weighed, and they asked for a urine sample.
Then I went back to the pre-op room and was told to strip, and change into their hospital gown, including the infamous yellow grippy socks. I put my clothing into my personal belongings bag, but I was allowed to keep my phone and headset on me until right before the procedure.
more pics for context: https://gyazo.com/0497f339bad62d584862ea1a8270d512, https://gyazo.com/71e1cf1e36a27f5b390fd77e13645005, https://gyazo.com/ca36e61be9a9c092829e7578ad20f3a3,
A nurse also came in to take a blood sample to verify my blood type again, then put compression stockings on my legs to prevent blood clotting. She then ran a course of antibiotics through my iv.
Shortly after, a second nurse came in, gave me a nausea patch behind my ear, and gave me some pain meds to get ahead of post-op pain. She gave me 3 tylenols, 2 celebrex, and 3 gabapentins. She also shaved my abdomen.
A small bit later, one of the anesthesiologists came to introduce himself, and briefly go over my medical history. I signed the consent for general anesthesia, and then they let my dad come in to see me for a while.
Finally, my surgeon/gynecologist came to briefly speak with me, and I inquired about the partial vaginectomy, since she said she would be willing to do one, because this is in a sense, my stage 0 towards bottom surgery/genital reconstruction. She said she would absolutely be willing to do the partial. I also asked if she would be burning the walls together, or excising and suturing, and she answered that she would be doing both.
She essentially said that the partial v-ectomy is sort of just like bringing the vaginal cuff down a bit lower, which is exactly what I was thinking. Ultimately a partial v-ectomy will only affect the upper vaginal canal, but should make future recovery from bottom surgery a bit quicker, as they will be working where she left off to complete the v-ectomy.
In any case, after asking my questions, and confirming everything that will be removed, I signed the consent form. She left, and a different nurse came in to wheel my bed to the operating room. He offered anti-anxiety meds, but I declined simply due to not feeling very anxious.
When we got to the operating room I was stopped right beside the operating table, and was told to move myself over onto it, and lay down. They put a mask over my nose/mouth, and told me I would start to feel tired soon, and that I would feel a little bit a of burning sensation through my iv. All I can remember is feeling very warm, and the next thing I knew, I was waking up to my room again. I had the on-q pain system hooked up to me, and I was wearing some disposable briefs which had a pad inside of them. I had nothing more than very, very light spotting though. They had also already put the abdominal binder on me.
I was also completely freezing when I awoke, so they kept wrapping me in warm blankets. The nurses were exceptionally attentive, and caring. Everyone here was lovely, and I could tell I was in really good hands here. After going from feeling like a human popsicle, to finally warming up, I asked how long I’d been out, and how long I’d been in pacu. The surgery took about 1 1/2 – 2 hours, and I had only been coming to for the last 20 minutes.
The nurse was also periodically asking about my pain levels, and if they got too high, I just notified him, and he administered small doses of fentanyl when needed. He was also sitting just outside of the room the whole time, which reassured me. But to be clear, I was never in any severe pain afterwards. It reached a 4 to a 5 at its worst. I would actually go as far as to say it just felt like soreness after a good workout.
Honestly the whole experience was incredible, haha. Everyone around me showed such huge amounts of compassion, empathy and genuine care. Which meant the world to me, this having been my first surgery, and first time going under general.
They asked if it was okay to bring my dad back to see me, and I said that it was, so I chatted with him for a while, while sipping on water. This was around the first time I felt like I might need to pee, so I asked if I could try to, and my nurse allowed me to make my first walk to the bathroom. I wasn’t able to get anything out, though. But when I got back to my room, he said it’s likely because my bladder was completely empty from the catheterization.
Really wanting to leave the same day, I just continuously drank the water I was offered. I was also given a couple of snack packs of pretzels, and one pack of cheez-its, which I mostly nibbled on. I couldn’t swallow it very easily due to the extreme mouth/throat dryness. Let me tell you, I had never experienced such trouble trying to swallow/eat before. It took much longer than normal, but I did manage to finish them on the ride home.
But as I was saying, I kept asking for refills of water until the urge came again, but for real this time. At long last, I was able to successfully void, as well as on a third bathroom trip which I took a little later. You might be wondering if it was painful to pee due to the catheterization, but I woke up with no catheter. Yes, there was some mild burning the first couple of times, but it was nothing unbearable by any means. More uncomfortable than painful.
celebratory bathroom mirror pic: https://gyazo.com/9d4f79acb643ce47b15e3d6acc04d9e0
After having successfully voided twice, I had just a very small wait until my discharge, after which I headed home. Nodding off during most of the ride, I didn’t even think to use the pillow I brought to place between me, and the seatbelt. Looking back, I don’t think I needed it anyways. Honestly the lack of pain was so noticeable, I wouldn’t have thought I went through a major procedure, if I didn’t have the incisions and pictures of my removed organs to prove it.
Pre-op Checklist
I’m going to include here a list of the things I gathered before going in for surgery, and will give an update on what I found the most useful at 1 week or so, post-op.
Nevertheless, here is the list:
That brings us here, day one post-op. I’ve been staggering my pain meds in the order of ibuprofen with one Tylenol 500, then gabapentin 100mg 3-4 hours later, and so far have only taken half a Percocet, and plan on taking the other half tonight, although I definitely don’t think I need it. But, I’m still going to treat my lack of pain with a grain of salt, and will try to stay on top of my pain, at least for the first few days.
Oh, and I haven’t needed to change the dispersion rate of my on-q pain pump. It’s been sitting at 4ml/hr since I was back in pacu.
So essentially, I'm still pain-free, but following post-op instructions as much as I can. Incisions are looking lovely, and oh man does the abdominal binder they sent me home with make a ginormous difference. I couldn’t recommend it enough. I feel like I could wear this forever, haha, it makes everything so much more comfortable when sitting up, or when going on small walks throughout the day. If you’re also going in for a hysto soon, please make a note to ask for an abdominal binder, if you don’t awake with it on (in my case, I had it wrapped around me from the moment I woke up).
Another thing I noticed, is that I seemingly have extremely little to no gas pain? I’ve been using a heating pad over my shoulders to combat light discomfort though. In any case, that’s how things are going for now. I will make another update at 1 week post-op.
Until next time, friends, and I hope this has been a helpful read to anyone who comes across it. : )
Truly waking up in hospital after the surgery, was one of the happiest, and most relieving moments in my life. I’m still riding that high even now. I have never cried from happiness before, but I did right after waking up. A life-changing experience, and I can tell you, it was one of best decisions I made, to not put this surgery off for any reason.
have some free post-op pics, they will include the abdominal binder, and how it looks to have the pain pump attached;
immediately back home pics: https://gyazo.com/bb442a6642a2251eeb490fb97766e890, https://gyazo.com/3bc46de34c908a232db86eb8e5cf7e83, https://gyazo.com/43fba08f9f8dc1d8d5ebb265549aa3ca
on-q pump and abdominal binder pics: https://gyazo.com/a6b89eb43fb9dc698e570d878be0200a, https://gyazo.com/ed39245387b60ca9f5b5f5488fc2f960, https://gyazo.com/961af5d660afb489e0612d1aad187426, https://gyazo.com/63570ad240ab28724bd188bbd0c77ca9
incision/surgery site pics: https://gyazo.com/40e543dfcc7cbd30cecb7777a657956e, https://gyazo.com/e53c4ecf98793b72aa3bacc3d40003b4, https://gyazo.com/f96506383ee2f6f23d9fc188ddfceba3, https://gyazo.com/775a6b323c8fa247e82b496744eb1a65
Link to my first post: https://www.reddit.com/hysterectomy/comments/1an7uat/my_hysterectomy_journal_and_general_hysto_updates/
and that's about it, will hopefully be updating you guys at one week post-op :)
until next time, https://gyazo.com/4efaa222a5d3fa15eeb9df5bf9c42cea
submitted by ftmsurgerythrowaway to hysterectomy [link] [comments]

2024.01.20 09:13 sandpaper_skies Reflections on the unstoppable urge to give into soc-dem tendencies when faced with hardships

Roughly 3 weeks ago, I was sold down the river by my health insurance company. I'm poor, a low-income laborer in an area locally renowned for having hardly any public transport. Fortunately for me, Barrack Hussein Obama created Obamacare, which has enabled me to pay for private health insurance. My job, which consists of manual labor, doesn't offer benefits, on top of being a Portuguese racket ridden with nepotism and corruption. Sometimes I longingly stare at bottles of ibuprofen and waft between wanting to vote for Bernie since he can still win, and wanting to down the bottle.
I consider myself fairly principled. I read an economics book, thought the author was funny, consequently adhering to his ideology with little deviation. I strongly consider only a handful of those principles - yet when I am faced with any variety of trouble, they begin to bend. Sometimes it's rage incurred by plotting managers who only see me as a statistic, or not being able to afford my 3 Delta 8 carts for the week. Sometimes, like last month, it's I'm struck by a car while riding my bike, spraining my rotator cuff, resulting in me having to frantically decline an ambulance called on my behalf so I can save money by Ubering to the emergency room.
The health insurance company betrayed me and offered what I consider to be a raw deal. Typically, when I think of a subsidized healthcare plan, I imagine that many things will be free, but some won't be, as a result of the republican urge for carnage. I figured that an emergency room copay on such a plan wouldn't be the cost of a PlayStation 5. But it was.
I've lost weeks of wages, I owe the hospital $300 (the X-Rays, which utilize cosmic rays, were free), and I was given a strong Percocet for the pain. Not only does my area not have public transportation, but it doesn't have a hospital, meaning I was treated in a very rich area. Once discharged, I wandered around this area while experiencing an opioid for the first time. This was horrible, the creeping envy of people who can afford to be happy took over and I just felt depressed. I visited a cigar lounge and chain smoked until my boyfriend picked me up, buying some jewelry from the clerk. I wanted to visit a decent mexican restaurant, not just a chain, but the residents of the area think immigrants are the devil incarnate.
Long story short I am only capable of being whatever this sub wants me to be ideologically, and sometimes I feel like Bernie should have won. It's scary and I hate it. Don't even get me started on when I have a good day at work, or if I've taken an adderall, then I start thinking Ron Paul should have won. I've got no clue what to do, please let me know if you feel a similar way.
submitted by sandpaper_skies to neoliberal [link] [comments]

2023.10.07 20:45 bdelta173 Desperate need of advice

Hi all, I'm a 29 y/o disabled veteran that was medically retired back in 2019. I suffer from multiple chronic conditions. Two that I will mention, are Epilepsy and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. I suppose i should mention PTSD as well because when that flares up my so does to because of how everything happened. I've had 11 surgeries, broken right ankle twice, dislocated shoulder with torn labrum, left hip labrum torn twice and broke off a piece of my Femoral head about the size of the tip of my pinky, ruptured diaphragm and herniated my stomach into my Thoracic Cavity, and multiple head injuries w/ concussions blacked out twice.
After getting out of the Army it took me forever to find a good pain management clinic. The VA told me directly to my face that they would not treat my pain (so they can be drawn and quartered for all I care). I finally found a decent clinic after about a year of searching. The conditions I have all effect my pain levels on top of the injuries I have sustained. But my epilepsy and Ehlers Danlos effects everything the most. Whenever I have a seizure my baseline nerve pain skyrockets and the myoclonic jerks hurt throughout my whole body. The Ehlers Danlos makes recovering difficult from surgeries, especially if I have seizures during that time period as I am prone to dislocations. I've dislocated my shoulders and hips many times, hyperextended joints, you name it.
Right now my docs have me on the following -Baclofen 10mg 3x daily -Diclofenac 50mg 2x daily -Gralise 600mg 3x daily -Klonopin 1mg 3x daily -Oxymorphone ER 20mg 3x daily -Depakote ER 500MG 1X daily -trigger point injections every 2-3 weeks
I also do stretching routines, ice/heat therapy, and massages when I can. However, the last 3-4 months have become substantially worse. I've pleaded with my doctors every visit about doing something more and they just won't do anything. Their favorite line is "we're under close watch from the CDD/DEA, and you're 29 years old, you're awfully young to be on this amount of medication. Just hang in there, you're doing great..." To which I counter "You're right, I'm 29 years old, I'm homebound, practically bed ridden, and a 29 year old should not be bed ridden because I'm in so much pain. My back is bothering me so bad I'm starting to look like Joe Biden when I walk. The CDC Guidelines which is all they are, GUIDELINES, say if you provide legitimate reasons/medical documentation that doses can be adjusted accordingly. I then say, you're all scared to lose your licenses, yet in a 9-0 ruling in XIULU RUAN v. UNITED STATES, the Supreme Court ruled that the Government, mainly the DEA, has to prove beyond reasonable doubt that doctors are intentionally misprescribing or overprescribing controlled medications. That ruling has given doctors who had there licenes taken away back to them because of the overreach of the DEA (Which is a law enforcement agency not a law making agency made up of unelected authoritarian bureaucrats). There is enough medical documentation in my case, that is updated all the time, that would give you justifiable cause to increase the medications. These conditions I have are not going away, I'm going to have them until I die. Therefore Addiction and Dependency should not be a concern unless I start misusing the medication or taking it other than prescribed."
And for those that say try the VA again for help, that is a big fat hell no. I recently spoke to a nurse at the VA Hospital in my area, and there is a vet who has pancreatic cancer and they will only give him 10/325 Percocet 3x daily.... And he's stage 3.....She told me to not even bother. Which I already knew but this is just another fine example of how Vets continue to get left behind. If it were up to me, I'd completely dismantle the VA Healthcare System, and use those freed up funds to either A)Put those funds directly into disabled Vets disability checks. B)Make it so disabled Vets that seek care at civilian healthcare facilities receive actual affordable health care. None of this "Affordable Care Act" shit, legitimate reasonable costs proportional to that veterans disability status. C)Have an insurance carrier that specifically provides care for disabled Vets and depending on their disability rating, their payment into the system will be proportional to their disability rating but will still receive the same appropriate care as those of different disability ratings....
Regardless, I'm fucking miserable and I need more pain relief and these doctors will not help me further than they already have. I know of, and have met people with MME's higher than mine who do not have nearly half the amount of shit wrong with them as I do, or have actually served their country. And just to state for the record, I don't like playing the military service card, but for fucks sake I've stepped forward for this country, asking for a little bit of pain relief is not asking for a whole lot....
I know medical advice is against the rules, but what have the individuals in this group done to achieve better pain relief for themselves? Because I am dead inside and would like to have a life again.
I practically have no life at the moment. I went from deploying, working out 2-3 times a day, jumping out planes, to being a homebound cripple in pain just doing basic things around the house. Additionally, I am a red head, and have been told by multiple doctors redheads pain is more difficult to control and they are more difficult to sedate. That's not myth that's scientific fact and genetics. I'm a very practical individual, I do not expect to live a long live, at least give me enough pain relief so I can function with some fucking dignity.
submitted by bdelta173 to PainManagement [link] [comments]

2023.09.01 00:15 jhplano Thanks for nothing Costco Pharmacy

I’m as big a a fan as anyone with Costco, now- except their pharmacy. Got the evil eye and nasty retort from the head pharmacist when I asked if they had Percocet on hand, just a nasty response. I didn’t ask to become a chronic pain patient. I need for that, she doesn’t know anything about me, I could be a board member’s nephew or related to someone in the C suite. That does it, all scripts will be moved away from $COST, a darn shame. Contrast this with my local grocery store, complete opposite, friendly, helpful, emphatic. I might just write a letter to the CEO and manager of pharmacies in the States. The Percocet shortage has hit my area now, north Texas. Just what I need and all y’all friends here need, attitude on top of chronic pain, I know this is nothing new. By the way, for me there’s a world of difference between OxyContin and Oxycodone, I always take Oxytocin but with the recent shortage, I filled a scrip recently with Oxycodone, which hardly does a thing for me, I understand this can and does happen. Good luck my friends.
submitted by jhplano to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2023.08.13 21:33 FelicitySmoak_ On This Day In Michael Jackson HIStory - August 13th

On This Day In Michael Jackson HIStory - August 13th
1967 - Having toured the “chitlin’ circuit” of strip bars and nightclubs around the mid-west, the Jackson 5's legend began to take hold on the east coast when the group won the Amateur Night Showdown at Harlem’s famous Apollo theater on August 13, 1967.
The Apollo’s amateur night audience was known to performers as the toughest audience around. Many performers had been discovered here and it was an important night for the young group. After their set, The Jackson 5 won first prize and brought the house down.

Gladys Knight had seen their show at the Apollo that evening and told Motown founder and owner Berry Gordy that he had to check the group out. However, Gordy would not meet The Jackson 5 until July 1968 when Bobby Taylor (a member of the group The Vancouvers), brought the boys to Hitsville in Detroit for an audition.
1971 - The Jackson 5 perform at the Municipal Auditorium in Kansas City, Missouri.
1972 - The Jackson 5 perform at the Civic Center (now Charleston Coliseum & Convention Center) in Charleston, South Carolina.
1981 - On their Triumph tour, the Jacksons perform at the Civic Arena (closed- 2010) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
1988 - Michael performs on stage with Sammy Davis Jr. at the Salle des Étoiles Sporting Club in Monte-Carlo, Monaco

1992 - The maxi single for "Jam" was released.


1992 - On his Dangerous World Tour, Michael performs at the Weserberglandstadion in Hamelin, Germany to an audience of 25,000 fans
1993 - During another meeting in Rothman’s office, Pellicano proposes a counter offer : a $350,000 screenwriting deal but Evan Chandler rejects it… Rothman makes a counter-demand: a deal for three screenplays or nothing but Pellicano refuses it.

1993 - Michael calls in sick and does not show up on the set of “Is This Scary”.
1999 - MJJ Productions has confirmed that Michael will give a press conference on August 29th, to announce his millennium concerts. The exact location and time of the conference will be announced soon.
2001 - From August 13th-21st Michael shoots the 13-minute short film for "You Rock My World" in Los Angeles. It is directed by Paul Hunter and features Chris Tucker and a special appearance by Marlon Brando. After Robert DeNiro turned Michael down, Michael turned to Marlon Brando, who was a longtime close friend

2003 - Some pictures taken from Dr. Farschian (a doctor who healed Michael Jackson after spider bite) were avaiable on the doctor’s website. The pictures speak for themselves and show how severe is the Vitiligo was on Michael’s body



2013 - Jackson VS AEG Trial Day 68
Katherine Jackson is present in court
Court started this morning with 40 minutes of arguments on William Ackerman's testimony. Ackerman is a defense witness testifying about Michael's finances. Plaintiffs wanted some of his testimony stricken. Plaintiff's attorneys Kevin Boyle and Brian Panish argued that testimony about Jackson's debts is prejudicial and should be stricken. AEG's lawyers Marvin Putnam and Jessica Stebbins Bina countered it was important to this case and how much Michael could have given to his family. "The case law is clear , you can't give what you don't have", Putnam told the judge. Ackerman's opinion is that Michael was in a precarious financial condition due to debts, including a large loan on his share of Sony-ATV catalog. Panish kept asking AEG Live's lawyers to provide a case that allowed them to present evidence about Michael's debts. Stebbins Bina eventually cited one case. That prompted the judge to ask plaintiffs for a case citation if they could find one later. For the time being, Judge Yvette Palazuelos overruled the plaintiff's objections and declined to strike Ackerman's testimony from yesterday
Ackerman and Panish have also been in some tense exchanges, so the judge admonished Ackerman to not argue with Panish. Ackerman has also had to be told by the judge to answer questions with a 'yes' or 'no' several times. She told him to listen to her instructions
William Ackerman Testimony
Jackson cross
Ackerman is back on the stand for cross examination. Brian Panish, attorney for the Jacksons, is doing the questioning
One of the first questions Ackerman was asked was about Michael's life expectancy - the judge blocked the question yesterday. Panish complained that Ackerman had testified about Katherine Jackson's life expectancy, so the judge relented. Ackerman said based on a table used in wrongful death case, Michael's presumed life expectancy was 29 years. Panish asked what was the life expectancy for a 50 year old male based on the table he used to calculate Katherine Jackson's life expectancy.
Ackerman: "According to this table a male of 50 years old would be 29.6 years"
There was a lot of back-and-forth about how much money Ackerman projected Jackson could have given Mrs. Jackson & his kids if he'd lived. His big-ticket number from yesterday was more than $21 million over the next 15 years, but Ackerman said it could have been less. Asked by Panish whether he could say how much Jackson would have given, Ackerman said that was for the jury to decide
Ackerman: "I can't speculate what he'd give for support. I do know he was in a very precarious financial situation at the time he died. He could've been bankrupt within 6 months as far as I know"
Panish asked if after bankruptcy Michael wouldn't have debt left.
Ackerman: "He would not be able to provide support for his mother and children then"
Ackerman said Michael received $6.2 million in advance from AEG. Panish said Michael received $23 million in 6 months in 2009.
Panish: "You can't tell us what support he would be able to provide, right, sir?"
Ackerman: "I think that's for the jury to decide"
Panish: "Did you know Michael gave Mrs. Jackson a $500,000 RV?"
Ackerman: "Yes, it was in my analysis"
Ackerman said there was no record of Michael's amount of donations over the years. Ackerman testifies he saw on documents that he was going to donate the proceeds of the Dangerous tour to charity.
Panish: "Did you see he donated over $60 million to charity?"
"Objection, sustained"
Panish asked at one point whether Ackerman knew of anyone who donated more to charity than Jackson. Bill Gates, the consultant replied. The lawyer then asked Ackerman whether he was familiar with Jackson being in the Guinness Book of World Records for his charitable giving. Ackerman wasn't familiar with that distinction. Panish moved on to other topics.
Panish: "Do you agree Michael was a very generous person?'
Ackerman: 'I absolutely agree with that'
Panish asked if he thought Michael would give the kids everything he thought important. Ackerman responded that Michael wanted his children to be humble
Panish asked about the billings by Ackerman's firm. He said it was reasonable to expect the firm had billed $900k or more at this point. The bill for Ackerman's firm is about $900,000 currently. Panish wrote on a board what other damages expert for AEG charged.
Bill from damages experts for AEG:
  • Briggs - $700,000
  • Ackerman - $900,000
  • Total - $1.6 million
Ackerman doesn't recall being qualified as an expert witness for plaintiffs in a wrongful death case. Panish asked what percentage of his work is in wrongful death cases. "Very small percentage", Ackerman responded. The lawyer asked about Ackerman's experience in wrongful death cases. He'd only worked on "a handful", he said, but never testified in one
Ackerman said he reviewed a lot of trial testimony, but even more depositions in this case
Panish asked Ackerman for amount he used for the chart before he applied the 18% discount rate to bring the final number to present value. Ackerman looked at docs in his binders, said he doesn't have original numbers with him. He said the calculations need to be done in software. Panish showed Ackerman Formuzis analysis and the calculation for personal consumption and professional fees. Formuzis used 7% discount rate. Panish asked if Ackerman used the same rate. "It's an improper rate why would I do that", Ackerman responded
Michael had a $320 million debt against the Sony/ATV catalogue. Ackerman said the highest interest rate was 16.85%. Panish asked Ackerman if he read IRS valued of Sony/ATV catalogue at $700 million. "It would not change my conclusion, no sir", Ackerman explained. Panish said Briggs testified independent appraisal valued at Sony/ATV catalogue at $700 million: $300MM on top of $400MM Michael had in debt. "I'm having a really hard time using that number", Ackerman said.Panish questioned Ackerman on the value of Jackson's share of the Sony-ATV music catalog and an IRS appraisal of its worth at $700 million. Ackerman said he thought there was "strong testimony that conflicts with" the $700 million figure and he had a hard time believing it. At around this point, Ackerman mentioned an estate accounting, which was prohibited by the judge. She struck his answer
Panish: "AEG knew Michael's financial condition when they entered into an agreement with him, didn't they, sir?"
Ackerman: "I don't know that"
Panish asked if Ackerman read Randy Phillips' deposition where he said they were aware of Michael's finances. Panish also asked whether AEG Live knew about Jackson's financial condition. Ackerman said he didn't know and the lawyer pointed to testimony by Randy Phillips that said the company was aware of Michael's debt and knew he needed to work to avert "financial disaster". Panish showed Ackerman numerous passages from depositions. Ackerman read them very deliberately.
Ackerman: "I'm not here for a memory test"
He said that after Panish questioned his recollection of testimony he had read earlier.
Ackerman said MIJAC catalogue was same amount of the debts on it. He said the value is about $ 75 million. "There was no equity in that asset in June 2009", Ackerman said he read in the documents. Ackerman said he did not put a value on the assets Michael had. "Liability exceeded any amount of value of the assets", Ackerman testified
Panish asked if Ackerman read Tom Barrack's testimony that he met with Michael several times to straighten his financial situation. Ackerman said there was some mention of it but doesn't remember the details of the meeting. Panish showed Ackerman several bills from his firm where they researched Colony Capital and Michael's deal.
Ackerman: "Colony Capital came in when Neverland was about to be foreclosed and lent Michael $23 million with a very interest high rate, by the way"
Panish: "But didn't you testify yesterday the loan had no interest?"
Ackerman explained it was high interest loan but he didn't have to pay it
Panish: "He never liquidated his assets, did he sir?"
Ackerman: "He never did"
Panish said Michael didn't want to liquidate his assets, instead he wanted to go back on tour
Ackerman said Michael Jackson signed the contract with AEG to go back on tour. Panish asked about Jackson's contract with AEG Live, and the consultant said he didn't remember who signed it. After a few moments, Ackerman said he believed Michael Jackson signed the agreement. He said he focused "on numbers, not process"
Panish asked where Ackerman researched Colony Capital and Michael's deal. "There's a really interesting tool called the internet, there are a lot of things you can find there", Ackerman responded. Panish asked if Michael decided to go on tour after meeting with Tom Barrack. Ackerman said it appeared that way.
Panish: "Did you do any discount rate of 7, 10 or 15%?"
Ackerman: "No, I did not. I used 18%"
Panish: "Have you prepared calculation of personal consumption for Michael per year?"
Ackerman: "I actually calculated something this morning"
Ackerman said the bars on the graph he showed yesterday include personal consumption. Panish asked if he came up with numbers after speaking with his attorneys yesterday. "Today is typically after yesterday", Ackerman responded. Judge struck the answer
Panish: "Do you know if AEG submitted a $300,000 in expense that had been accrued for the the services of Dr. Murray?"
Ackerman: "I have a vague recollection of seeing this number"
Panish showed documents to Ackerman to refresh his recollection
Panish asked a few questions about the This Is It expenses that Tohme Tohme signed for before the lunch break.
Panish asked if Ackerman knows that Erk did not include the interest rate in his calculations of consumption. He said yes. Ackerman said had Erk included interest, the red bar would go much higher, since most of the expenses are interest
Panish: "Did Mr. Briggs give a number for loss of future earnings for Michael?"
Ackerman said he recalls Briggs saying projections were speculative.
Panish: "Did Mr. Briggs give an opinion on the amount Michael would lose in future earnings?"
Ackerman: "I don't recall"
Panish asked if Briggs said the amount for future earning for Michael would be zero. Ackerman said he doesn't remember Briggs putting a number. "My fundamental understanding is his (Briggs) testimony is that Mr. Erk's calculations were speculative", Ackerman said.
"The reality is that Mr. Jackson could lose money", Ackerman said, pointing that Michael had debts that could offset anything he earned.
Panish: "Did Mr. Briggs put no figure for loss of income for Michael's life?"
Ackerman: "That's correct"
Panish: "And in your opinion is that the children lost $21.5 million in future support?"
Ackerman said that was correct, if you were to believe Michael would continue to give the same support as previous years. "It could be zero support too", Ackerman opined, "He was in a pretty bad financial situation" Panish asked if support could've been zero. "I guess in that situation yes, it could have been zero", Ackerman responded.
Panish: "For $1.6 million, it's your and Briggs' opinion, that Michael's loss of future earning could be zero?"
Ackerman: "That's a possibility"
After the break, Panish didn't immediately ask about the tour expenses budget again. Instead, he asked about Ackerman's projections. Panish asked Ackerman whether his opinion was, based on Jackson's poor financial state, he might not have been able to give his mother and three children any support if he had lived. Ackerman said it was a possibility. Panish made the remark that between Ackerman and Eric Briggs' $1.6 million in fees, they had opinions that Jackson could have left nothing to his mother, children if he had lived. With Ackerman's acknowledgement that was a possibility, Panish sat down
AEG redirect
AEG Live defense attorney Sabrina Strong took over, and asked Ackerman about Jackson's annual spending. He said it averaged about $35 million a year, but fluctuated from $23 on the low end to almost $45 million on the high end. Strong asked whether in 2009, it appeared Jackson had the resources to keep spending like that. The consultant said no. "He dug himself a very deep hole", Ackerman said of Jackson's debts by the time he died. Strong asked Ackerman about a couple deposition pages, at which point the consultant read the testimony into the record. Ackerman was supposed to read the passages to himself, not aloud to the jury. "That's not the way it's supposed to be done", so the judge ended up taking the deposition away from him. 'After you read it, you give it to me", Judge Palazuelos said. "I guess we're going to have to do it the old-fashioned way"
Sabrina Strong did re-direct. She asked the witness if there a difference between consumption and spending. He said no. "I believe I shared multiple data points of how much Mr. Jackson spent in the last 8 years of his life", Ackerman said. Strong showed exhibit with chart Ackerman made regarding Michael's expenses. Ackerman said the bars show what Michael actually spent.
Strong: "Does that include business and personal spending?"
Ackerman said yes, that the bars included interest, business, personal, all that came out of Michael's checkbook, since he was responsible for all. "He dug himself a very deep hole", Ackerman explained, "He was tapped out". Ackerman said there was very strong language in Michael Kane's deposition that Michael was tapped out. "Mr. Barrack was in the frame of mind that Michael didn't have enough income to support his spending and lifestyle", Ackerman testified.
Strong: "Were there other outstanding debts for Mr. Jackson at the time Tohme was holding the $5 million for Michael?"
Ackerman: "Huge"
Ackerman listed Michael's debts:
  • Sony/ATV
  • Neverland
  • Condo
  • Hayvenhurst
Ackerman said on top of that there were creditors debts in the amount of $100 million. "There were just no shortage of people he had to pay", Ackerman explained, "As the debt continued to grow, the interest continued to grow"
Ackerman: "There is a significant issue of doubt whether he (MJ) would be able to continue to provide support. He couldn't get an increase in his $50,000 credit card limit.That's how bad it was"
Ackerman said that Michael's income was from Sony/ATV and MIJAC catalogues. "You lose the asset, you lose the income", Ackerman opined. Strong asked about Jackson's loan on the Sony-ATV catalog. Ackerman said the creditors were extremely well protected. Sony had guaranteed to repay the loan if Jackson defaulted, Ackerman said. "It was one of the most secure pieces of debt I've ever seen" Strong asked about IRS' valuation of Sony catalogue. Ackerman said Briggs' opinion was that that asset was not that valuable. Ackerman said Briggs did valuation of Sony/ATV catalogue for tax return purposed on behalf of Michael's Estate. Ackerman said the Sony/ATV catalogue debt interest was 7%. This was the majority of the debt Michael had. Ackerman explained the Sony/ATV loan was very unique in many ways. He said it was collateralized by the catalogue itself. He also said there was a bankruptcy remote trust attached to the catalogue, if asset were to be sold the proceeds would first go to repay debt. On top of that, Ackerman said Sony guaranteed they would pay $300 million in case everything else failed. "It was the most secured loan I've ever seen", Ackerman said, "It caused the interest rate to go way down"
Strong asked about the bill Panish said AEG submitted to Michael's Estate that included $300,000 for the cost of Dr. Murray's services. Ackerman read the footnote: "the contract is not signed by Michael and such a signature was a condition precedent to any payment obligation"
Strong then asked whether a $35k a month mortgage - like the one on Hayvenhurst was necessary to live. No, Ackerman said. Strong's questions were meant to rebut questions by Panish about whether Michael had provided his mother the necessities of life, such as housing. The judge stopped Strong from asking her line of questions on this topic, and her questioning concluded soon after that. Regarding necessities to live, Strong asked Ackerman if a mortgage of $35,000 a month is necessary to live. He answered no.
Strong: "Do you believe $111,000 a year in repairs and maintenance necessary to live?"
"Objection, lack of foundation"
Judge sustained
Ackerman said Prince drives a Ford truck. He calculated his car to be a BMW. The expert explained his oversight only benefited the plaintiffs, since he calculated more money for support. Ackerman said Michael would have to have enough income to service all the debts, personnel, creditors and to support the plaintiffs. "I think he'D have significant difficulty in continuing to provide the support", Ackerman opined
Jackson recross
Panish, in re-direct, asked if Barrack testified that, with Colony Capital help, Michael could overcome his debts and he could become a success?
Ackerman: "I don't recall that"
After reviewing Barrack's deposition, Ackerman said "Yes, I think they all thought and hoped the tour would be successful"
Panish took over, and showed Ackerman the budget attached to the document that Michael's manager Tohme signed in 2009. One version that the jury's seen and Ackerman testified about had a footnote on it that $300k set aside for Murray wouldn't be paid because the contract was contingent on Jackson signing it. But the version presented to Tohme on June 28 lacked that footnote.
Panish: "Did you read anything about Michael's relationship with his mother and children?"
Ackerman: "My recollection is it was very loving"
Panish: "Did you read anywhere that Michael denied his mother or children anything?"
Ackerman: "I don't recall that"
Panish asked if Ackerman is here to help the plaintiffs. He said he's here to try to be fair. Ackerman said he came up with a very generous support numbers should the jury decide to award anything. Ackerman said at the end of Michael's life, he had close to $30 million a year in interest, his total overall expenses was in the $30-45 million range.
Panish: "Did you do a calculation for the loss of their father, loss of care, comfort, society, affection?"
Ackerman: "I don't think I'm qualified to calculate that"
Ackerman was excused. Judge broke for afternoon break.
(Outside the presence of the jury, there was a discussion with the attorneys whether plaintiffs have formally rested their case. Panish to tell the judge in the morning. She wants to tell the jury and put it in the record. Defendants have filed a motion for non-suit already. Judge said she won't rule on it right away)
Dr Gordon Hiroshi Sasaki video deposition
Dr. Sasaki graduated from Pomona College in 1964, degree in Bachelor of Arts. He went to Yale University for his medical school, graduated in 1968. Dr. Sasaki served in Vietnam and wore several hats as doctor, including anesthesia and plastic surgery on days off. The doctor talked about his experience, going to medical school at Yale, then going to Vietnam to serve as a doctor
Sasaki performed a few medical procedures on Jackson in the 1990's, including surgery on his scalp to try to repair damage from burns. Jackson's scalp had been burned in 1984 while filming a Pepsi commercial. Sasaki's testimony was taped on 2/7/13. Sasaki performed two scalp surgeries after being introduced to Jackson by Dr. Steven Hoefflin. He also worked with Dr. Klein.
Q: Did you ever provide medical treatment to MJ?
A: Yes, I did
Dr. Sasaki said he did two surgeries on Michael's scalp and 3 on the upper lip for contouring. March 16, 1993 was the first surgery Dr. Sasaki performed on Michael It was to reduce scar on the scalp, the bald spot. Second surgery was on October 31, 1997 for scar revision to reduce the width of the reduced scar on the scal
Dr. Sasaki: "The medical care, which included post operation and pain management, were taken out of my hands willingly"
Dr. Sasaki said the care was placed into two other doctors that Mr. Jackson thought would be the best. Dr. Sasaki said the other two doctors were Steven Hoefflin and Arnold Klein. At some point Dr. Metzger as well, he said.
Dr. Sasaki on how he met MJ: "I received a phone call from Dr. Steven Hoefflin, a plastic surgeon"
Dr. Sasaki said he was asked to assist him in providing different alternatives to take care of the bald spot on his scalp. The consultation with Michael and Dr. Hoefflin was set up, Dr. Sasazi said. Dr. Hoefflin is a well known plastic surgeon in Los Angeles. The surgery in 1993 lasted about half an hour. Dr. Sasazi explained he put a metal on a side of the defect and a metal on the other side. He then put stitches going from one side of the metal to the other, crank it to put the sides together. Dr. Sasaki said the method results in about 30% more skin from stretching. He then put ballon in the scalp to stretch further to cover scar. Dr. Hoefflin was his first assistant in the surgery. Dr. Sasaki said he knew generically that in 1988 Michael had a burn in his scalp. He said he understands the burn happened during a Pepsi commercial and it had healed, but Michael wanted to reduce the scar. The scar was in the middle part of the scalp, Dr. Sasaki said
Sasaki was invited twice to Neverland Ranch after the procedures, once with his family when Jackson wasn't there. The second Neverland trip was a house call to check on his wound after a medical procedure.
Dr. Sasaki: "He was kind enough to invite myself and my family to Neverland. We went up there, he was not there, but he was not supposed to be there. The staff served us lunch and showed us around"
Dr. Sasaki said he visited Neverland Ranch twice, once with his family and once at Michael's request
Dr. Sasaki: "I think he just wanted to have me look at his wound, which was healing quite well. More than talking about him, we talked about the Bible"
He said he was there for medical purposes, though, The visits may have been 5 years apart
Sasaki recalled that he was told that Jackson had a low pain tolerance, and that Hoefflin would take care of managing it. The doctor said that was unusual, since he usually saw patients throughout their recovery process. He said sometimes docs want to keep control of their celebrity patients, but noted he was just speculating that's what was happening with Michael. Dr. Sasaki prepared a summary of all the treatments of Michael on 2/7/13. He wrote Dr. Hoefflin told him Michael had a low threshold to pain. Dr. Hoefflin strongly suggested he managed the pain medications since he knew the patient better. Dr. Sasaki said that with celebrities, when he doesn't get to see patients frequently, he prefers not to treat them.
Q: Did you provide any post operation pain care?
A: None
Q: Was that unusual?
A: It's highly unusual
Dr. Sasaki said if he doesn't see the patient regularly he prefers not to give pain medication. He said he never talked to Michael about the pain treatment.
Dr. Sasaki: "I think when you're dealing with high profile clients, some doctors prefer to keep it under control"
Dr. Sasaki said he did the surgery but didn't see the patient until 2-3 months later, which is highly unusual
Q: Did you prescribe any medication to Michael?
A: No
Dr. Sasaki said normally a patient who undergoes that kind of surgery has pain lasting for 6 weeks
In July 1993, Sasaki said he spoke to Klein, who suggested that he prescribe Jackson Percocet to deal with his pain. Sasaki's notes indicated that he suggested Jackson see a pain management specialist. The doctor said he grew uncomfortable prescribing Percocet after Jackson requested the medicine 3 times between July-Aug. 1993. Each time Sasaki said he gave the singer 45 pills but he was concerned about the frequency of the requests. Sasaki said Klein told him that he would take care of Jackson's pain needs. On 8/15/93, the doctor saw Jackson again. This time, Sasaki said he gave Jackson Demerol because the singer complained of serious pain. The doctor said it was the only time he ever gave anyone Demerol because the drug can start to alter a patient's lifestyle. Sasaki said at the time, Dr. Klein told him that he was concerned about Jackson's performance on a world tour. The last time Sasaki treated Jackson was in 1998 and he never saw him again after that.
Dr. Sasaki testified from his record that on 6/30/93 he had the first post-op follow up at the Dr. Klein's office. He said Michael was experiencing pain due to his work and rehearsals. He had to wear a hairpiece to camouflage the scar. Dr. Sasaki said he told Debbie Rowe that the area should be exposed to air as much as possible to heal. On 7/3/93, Dr. Sasaki prescribed Percocet for Michael. It was the first time he prescribed pain medication to him. Dr. Sasaki said he spoke with Dr. Klein and that Klein suggested Percocet. On 7/20/93, there was another request for Percocet, due to strenuous rehearsals, prescribed with the knowledge of Dr. Klein. On 8/10/93, Dr Sasaki received a phone call from Dr. Klein that MJ was experiencing extreme pain. Doctor said pain was normal 4-6 weeks after surgery due to the nerves growing back Dr. Sasaki suggested to Dr. Klein that Michael be seen by a pain management specialist. "I was concerned about pain patterns and his use of Percocet", Dr. Sasaki testified.
Q: Was he taking too much?
A: Yes
Q: Where you the only person prescribing Percocet to Michael?
A: I don't know
Dr. Sasaki said he prescribed 45 tablets of Percocet each time. Dr. Sasaki told Dr. Klein and Michael that he would no longer prescribe Percocet to him since he was asking for too much. Percocet prescription, 45 tablets each time, were prescribed on: July 3, July 20 and Aug 10, 1993.
Q: Was that very frequent?
A: Frequent
On 8/15/93, Dr. Sasaki said he saw patient, with Debbie Rowe. He was complaining of pain in the scar area, area had healed completely. Dr. Sasaki said he injected site with pain reliever, gave Demerol 100 mg, suggested Michael see pain specialist. 8/15/93: Dr. Sasaki prescribed Demerol to Michael under Omar Arnold. This was the first and last time Dr. Sasaki gave Demerol to Michael, he said. Dr. Sasaki explained Demerol is for acute pain, not chronic pain, following major surgery.
Q: About how often do you prescribe Demerol?
A: None. Because I don't do that kind of surgery that requires that kind of pain medication
Dr. Sasaki said Michael was the only patient he injected with Demerol
He testified he is not familiar with Michael's announcement in 1993 about being dependent on prescription medication. "I'm totally ignorant regarding that", Dr. Sasaki said
May 1998 was last time Dr. Sasaki saw and spoke with Michael. He knew doctors Hoefflin, Klein and Metzger treated him back then. That ended the video deposition
Court transcript- William Ackerman
Court transcript - Dr Gordon Sasaki
submitted by FelicitySmoak_ to MichaelJackson [link] [comments]

2023.07.03 09:31 speedmankelly What do you do when NSAIDs don’t work for pain relief but you can’t give a patient any more opioids (even in the ED)? 60mg IM toradol knocked my pain down from a 10 to a 9 and nobody can help me control my pain because of the DEA

M20 124lbs 5’6 non smoker
Update 5: the last ER gave me one percocet, one tylenol, and a shot of toradol and sent me on my way. Now I’m at the same ER I saw the PA at except my favorite doctor is here and actually treating me. We tried external lidocaine shots, then 2 percocets and a Valium, then one more Valium, then lidocaine internal, and now we’re tried a 2mg shot of dilaudid along with my regular dose of baclofen and gabapentin. This last one is the pain nuke so it should work after trying every other option. But he got me in with a very good neurologist that I should be able to see today or tomorrow, referred me to an ENT to check everything else out that way, gave me a three day supply of 7.5mg percocets to go home with (apparently I’m not flagged by the DEA and everyone just lied cause they didn’t want to give me narcotics). He also gave me a three day supply of Ativan because my usual pharmacy is out of stock and my psychiatrist is on vacation, so they couldn’t transfer it without her approval and she comes back Monday so it should get me through until then. All around ER visit that was worth it. I have enough pain meds to get me through until I see my doctor and am seeing the right people for more opinions on my condition.
Update 4: the PA I saw said go to a different hospital that may be able to give me the nerve block. Sadly they said they couldn’t so that’s not an option, but they gave me 2 percocets at 4:15am (so 30 minutes ago as I’m typing this) for the time being. I’m waiting until 7am for the doctors to get here to discuss a prescription for the week until Friday when I see my pcp who can continue pain management until I can get in with a pain management specialist. Also gonna ask my pcp for a referral to a more local pain clinic that’s not an hour away so hopefully I can get to one of those sooner. I’m also gonna call a different and more local neurologist that the best ER doctor I had highly recommended for a second opinion. He does pain management too so that also may be a good option for that, and he may be able to do the nerve block. Things seem to be going in the right direction. Hoping the percocet works soon, thankfully if it fails I’m still here for a while so they can evaluate and reassess what they can do for pain.
Update 3: and the pain is starting to come back on the left side now…. so I’m gonna call them now and see what the next step is
Update 2: went to the ER again, saw the same PA I had last night and this time she suggested mixed lidocaine shots. At 7pm she gave me the maximum dose on each side in the back of my mouth and so far its cut the left side’s pain by about 40% and the right side by about 20%. So not great but it’s something. It still hurts a lot though so I’m probably going to call them back and ask what else can be done, I can’t have more of the lidocaine cause it could be lethal and it’s not exactly a long-term solution either. Gonna see what they can do.
Update: Neurologist just diagnosed trigeminal neuralgia.
Tylenol, Advil, naproxen, toradol, none of it works. I have a fractured maxilla and I’ve been having severe nerve pain in my face since I got my wisdom teeth out on June 1st. The surgery went horribly wrong and my insurance is suing them for the costs of all the specialists and ER visits. I have been to the ER probably 6 times now with two hospital admissions for pain management. All of this is well documented and I’ve saved every bit of paperwork I’ve received.
I started 300mg 3/day gabapentin and 25mg 1/day amitriptyline almost two weeks ago, and a few days ago started 5mg 3/day baclofen (switched from cyclobenzaprine). I’ve slowly increased the dose of the gaba to 600mg 3/day since the ER doc 5 days ago told me I should be upping the dose by now. He gave me 600mg there so I adjusted according to that and today took 600mg three times for the first time.
I’ve been on percocet for the better part of a month. I only have taken it once or twice a day, the pain gets really bad at night so I usually take one then but if it’s bad during the day it might be two total. Lately 5mg hasn’t been cutting it which indicates I’ve built a tolerance, and the hospital I’ve been going to seems to have thought so too as 5 days ago they gave me 7.5mg of oxycodone and 10 more percocets that I made last until today when I went back to the ER.
Today they gave me 60mg of toradol, which they informed me was not the usual at all and only for “life or death cases”, which I just interpreted as rarely when they can’t give opiates. I understand they didn’t want to give a prescription which is reasonable as this is a chronic issue that should be handled by a regular physician (even though I couldn’t get in with my PCP until the end of this week which I booked two weeks ago). But they could have at least given me something there right? Is the DEA really that strict that you can’t even give pain medication as a single dose in-house if it’s a chronic problem that brings you to the ER often?
I mean 3 hours later and I’m still in horrific pain, I don’t think any ER is going to give me adequate treatment anymore so I’ve taken 900mg gabapentin and 1mg Ativan to self medicate. I’m down to maybe a 7.5/10 pain after that and hoping it’ll help me sleep sometime soon, though the pain is keeping me up still. I’m just tired of feeling like I’m being tasered and stabbed at the same time on both sides of my face.
I have a zoom consult with a neurologist tomorrow who can hopefully give me something, but he’s affiliated with the same hospital (the second one I was admitted to) that gave me nothing effective and let me writhe and scream in pain for two days straight while loading me up on toradol that didn’t work. The doctor on my case also drug tested me twice for no reason as I had just come directly from the first hospital with all the paperwork in hand, and she still refused narcotics after clean results. It was super traumatic and I have memory loss from that stay because the pain was so bad. They also did not give me the gabapentin that the first hospital gave me which just delayed treatment even more. And they were supposed to be the experts that the first hospital recommended. All they did was torture me and say it could be muscle or nerve related or both, same as the first one said. I just wasn’t treated appropriately so I don’t have a lot of hope that someone affiliated with that hospital will treat me much better.
So what am I supposed to do? Is the ER going to turn me away from now on? Do I just suffer now? I’m so stressed and upset now which is not helping with the pain. Is there really nobody who is willing to help me? Are everyone’s hands really legally tied so that they can’t provide adequate pain relief? I really don’t want to believe this is the state of our medical care
submitted by speedmankelly to AskDocs [link] [comments]


Radio Bam #106
Bam Margera – Brandon Dicamillo – Carlos (ramp builder) – Jess Margera - FireBall Jim (FireBall Ministry) – Neil Fallon (Clutch) - Shit goose – Chuck Treece (Pro Skateboarder and session musician )
- Dico announces that Bam is officially married! He lists off all the awesome things about he wedding he enjoyed.
- There’s a ‘gap of death’ that Carlos build into the ramp. Bam, Carlos, and Tony hawk were able to do the gap.
-Bam begins to pressure Novak to do the same gap as well since he was also a professional skateboarder too
- Novak is noticably hesitant and would rather have hisboardinstead, but Bam gives him his board and pushes him to the top of the ramp.
- What’s the worse that could happen? Bam asks, “Free pain pills from the doctor!” answered Novak.
- Novak drops in and goes up the ramp but falls short of the gap, which resulted in him breaking both of his ankles A DAY BEFORE THE WEDDING! Brandon Novak breaks both feet (Video here!)
- Missy has a sister with down syndrome, Bam and Missy figured if Novak is paired with her for the wedding party that he would behave himself.
- But after breaking both ankles and being bound to a wheelchair, Missy made the call that it would be bizarre if a woman with down syndrome pushed and man in a wheelchair down the aisle during the wedding.
- As alast minute decision, they switched her out for Natalie, aka, “Stingy Titty Cock Block” instead, to walk out with Novak.
- But now Bam is annoyed Novak, becuase now Novak, a drug addict, has a prescription to Percocet, so he can pop pills without people getting mad at him.
- According to Bam he took all 20 Percocet within 40 hours. “...and he didn’t share them with anybody!”.
- MTV themselves mentioned to Bam that because Novak broke his ankles, the ratings are going to be through the roof!
- The guys decide to buy some bumper stickers for Novak’s wheelchair. They saved the dirty/inappropriate ones for after the wedding.
- Bam announces that he has been drunk since the wedding. So about 3 days in a row of pure drinks and Adderall (maybe coke?) “Hair of the dog”
- Bam has a friend named Gary from Westchester who also plays reggae, Bam jokingly calls him '3-chord Gary’ when he’s not around assuming he wouldn’t like being called that. (the joke being reggae only plays 3 chords).
- After telling April that she will be introducing ‘3-chord Gary’ at the wedding, she ended up announcing him as 3-chord Gary in front of the whole fucking wedding.
- Bam calls out April from doing such a thing, even though she wouldn’t have any idea, and was going off of Bams own words, not hers.
- So out of embarrassment, instead of paying Gary $1500 for playing the wedding, he paid him $2000 and blames it all on Ape.
- Bam was soo fed the fuck up from people interrupting him during the wedding for photos and autographs that he had security standing by him to block everyone.
- Dico was one of those people trying to get to Bam though, Dico doesn’t like to shit in certain places. So, he borrowed Bams room key so he can blow his bathroom apart in peace.
- Bam asks him to describe his shit for the listeners. He describes it as a Reverence style painting that smeared all the way down from the 21st floor, where Bams room was.
- The Sounds was one of the bands that played Bams wedding. Bam tells the story of how he got caught by his Ex-Girlfriend Jenn Rivell making out with the lead singer Maja Ivarsson.
- Bam and Carlos tell the story of how Bam wrote his vows on a piece of burnt wood and destroyed Missy’s mountain bike all in the same day. Jim from the band Fireball Ministry read these vows for the wedding.
- Bam explains why Oliver Peck (Kat Von D's current husband) only wears red shoes. (Spoiler: it’s because of too much acid!)
- Bam is also allegedly married to Andy McCoy and his wife as well as Missy RothStein.
- Bam explains what happened on the morning of the wedding, when Iggy Pop (wearing nothing but a bathrobe) kicks open Bam's hotel room and smashes an acoustic guitar on the wall as a wakeup call.
- Jess admits that Iggy Pop may have likely fallen off the 'sober' wagon at Bams wedding.
-Bam explains the reason why is likely because he told Iggy that he only likes music involving Drug addicts and alcoholics.
- Bam gives praise to Jess Margera, Neil, and Fireball Jim for their new band Company Band.
- They recorded an album in a short amount of time as well. Bam is curious how Neil writes his music.
- Bam reminds everyone that he’s had a million dollars in lawsuits in he past year, as a result of 9 separate lawsuits as of this show.
-Bam wins most of them but only after spending loads of money to defend himself. So it doesn’t always feel like a victory. (Vito needs some of that help too).
- Dico asks Sirius if they can do new bumpers for the show. He’s tired of hearing Rakes voice between commercial breaks for the past 2 years.
- Bams first skate part had that Clutch song in it, so understandably Bams pretty stoked that they’re playing in his house currently.
- Bam thought there wasn’t any fights or drama for his wedding, until he woke up the next morning…
- Vito fought uncle Kevin, Kerry Getz fought Maldonado, Dave England fought some light fixtures in the hotel.
- Dave England has an unhinged split personality when he’s on drugs and alcohol. His name is Darf (Video here!)
-Dave England, Darf, ended up costing MTV $4 million dollars after a Jackass appearance at the Hollywood Highschool.
- Bam drunkenly rants about Sue-Happy parents again.
- Bams favorite part of the wedding, was walking out with Missy as newlyweds to the song ‘Right here in your arms’ by H.I.M.
- Dico's favorite part was again, being able to shit in Bams room in peace, as well as watching Mike Watt play bass.
- Lenden, Black Aquaman, tends to laugh at everything and is easily amused. One of Iggy pops songs has the word ATM in it. Which to Lendon means Ass To Mouth. He was heard laughing loudly during the performance of his song.
- Bam begins asking Iggy Pop how he maintains his skinny body being 60 years old, he says it’s from doing “Slow karate Chinese-ass shit”
-Bam then confronts Iggy Pop about being seen by someone coming into the hotel around 4 in the morning looking suspicious.
-Iggy does not answer Bams question and laughs it off.
- “That’s either Drugs or a Whore!” Bam thinks.
- Bam then calls out ShitGoose for being a fat fuck now, instead of being skinny like he was during 'The Sarament' Documentary.
- Bam drunkenly tell us about his Jakes Bar stories again involving a man with one arm and $.50 draft beers. “You’re fucking bombed off 16 beers and you look down and you only paid $8!”
- Dico almost fights ‘Redacted Name’ because he came up to Dico’s girlfriend and said “For a good fuck, why don’t you give me a call!” (This is likely Tim Glomb if I had to guess)
- Dico has already looked up his address and plans to slowly ruin his life.
- Dico ‘Macey’ intros from the commercial break, “Fireball Jim is soo good at marrying people that peoples computers get fixed!”
- Fireball Jim is casually friends with ‘Frodo' Elijah Wood. Bam wants to know how the fuck does that happen.
- Bam was bummed that Jared Leto doesn’t drink anymore, he wanted to have more fun with him at he wedding.
- Jared Leto VS Elijah Wood?!
- "If you dont like someones music/work, dont look/watch it!" words from Bam. "For example, Dave Matthews Band, he sells many many records, Fuck his ass!"
- Macey aka Dico wraps up the show like a Christmas present yo!
submitted by TheRadPonseti to RadioBamXM [link] [comments]

2023.04.05 09:57 denelian1 When doctors don't listen...

So, for various medical reasons,I have... Idiosyncratic reactions to certain drug combinations. Every single one is listed in my chart, and most doctors who aren't my doctor just ignore them. Which is often a bare step below torture, mind.
And then this happened...(and it seems SOMETHING was added to my chart so that my meds interactions would be taken seriously.)
I'm two days post op, and had actually spent the prior 8 hours fighting with my nurse who is REFUSING to give me my pain meds, because "he doesn't want me addicted". (The dose was exactly what I take at home, and I was pretty angry)
So the Dr on call comes in after my 4th call, and listens to both me and the nurse. Yes, it's oxycodone, but again, it's my normal dose.
The Dr offers the "compromise" of Percocet (same dose of oxy, added Tylenol)
I immediately say no, that's a VERY bad med for me. We spend 15ish minutes talking past each other, with him trying to 'reassure'me that it has my correct dose, and me trying to get him to understand my weird reaction to Percocet. Which, the reaction is to oxy+Tylenol, whether as Percocet or taken individual, it DOES NOT MATTER.
I WILL vomit. Give me phenergrin, give me zofran,I WILL VOMIT.
Dr rolled his eyes and promised me 8mg zofran by IV before the Percocet.
Then stayed by me, trying to get me to switch to them permanently (that's not even my DECISION, that's my pain management Dr, but whatever)
They give me the zofran, then have me take the Percocet (it's a pill)
Five minutes later, I lean over and throw up on this Dr's $300 shoes (I know that's their cost, because it's literally the first thing he says, "not the shoes they cost me $300!". I'm not saying I aimed, but that I was trying to avoid making a mess for the orderly, okay?)
And yeah, I absolutely had to throw up twice more (while he watched, to make sure I wasn't inducing) before this jackass let me have my normal AND ACTUALLY PRESCRIBED meds.
And yes, I filed a complaint (they never go anywhere) but what I treasure is his reaction the third time in an hour that I threw up on his shoes.
submitted by denelian1 to pettyrevenge [link] [comments]

2023.03.01 21:52 GTRacer1972 Just some tips for what worked for me so far in case anyone else reads this.

1) Coming HERE. This sub is the best place you're going to find advice and shared stories on what works for everyone, and what doesn't, and from there you can try some things and avoid others.
2) Time. This is a process, and even if you're going for implants at a later stage, you still have to get through this hump. Assuming the dentist did a decent job, eventually, it will get better. For some people it's a few days, for others it's a few weeks.
3) Sleep. The boy does most of it's healing while you're asleep, and while you're asleep you will be far less-aware of any pain. If you need help getting to sleep, there are teas like chamomile, liquids like ZZQuil, and even Youtube video of things like ASMR, Binaural music, or soft rain, etc might help.
4) Antibiotics and pain medicine. If it was prescribed take it on schedule. Set an alarm so you don't forget. If it's OTC pain meds you can play around and see what combos work best like Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen, or Naproxen and Aspirin, etc. I'd check a drug interaction checker online first to see if any combos are potentially bad, and I'd pick low doses if I were doing that, like 200mg of each. For my stomach's sake I tried not to take anything except once every eight hours, but on occasion I would take a half dose 4 hours later. If you get something really strong like Percocets I have different advice for that: take them at the very beginning, and then stop. Save them. I got prescribed 5mg. One isn't enough. Two wipes out the pain almost 100%, but you don't know if it's going to get worse which is why I suggest only using it the first day or two and saving the rest in case it gets worse. Of twelve, I still have eight. To be perfectly honest day three I was in tears and should have taken more for the pain, but I was worried it might get worse and I wouldn't have any, so I didn't. I'm glad. It has NOT gotten worse, I'm just saying I'm glad I planned ahead like that.
5) Salt water rinses. They taste gross. Like going swimming at the beach an forgetting to close your mouth when a wave hits you,. Yuck. Do it. Multiple times a day. I'm still doing them. Use warm water. Not hot, not cold. Do NOT swish. Lightly shake your hade to move it around. And don't spit it out, just let it fall out.
6) If you still have teeth like the nine I do on the bottom: BRUSH! Multiple times! You don't want to do this again with those teeth, right? If those teeth are good still, or maybe need minor work like mine do with a few cavities, protect them at all costs.
7) Medicated mouth wash: if they gave it to you, use it. If they didn't, ask if you can get it. Or ask which ones OTC are safe to use and do that, too.
8) Something like Anbesol or Orajel can help your gums. Do yourself a favor when you use it: apply it to the affected areas and rinse your mouth before you touch your tongue to it so you don't get numb tongue. Benzodent is another one you can use to numb the area for the immediate.
9) Ice packs/heating pads. Use whichever feels better, or both.
10) Sleeping position: keep your head elevated. Sleep in a chair, sofa sitting up, recliner, or even on the bed propped up as high as you can comfortably get your head. Multiple times I fell asleep face down and woke up in much worse shape and with a lot more swelling. With your head down the blood goes to those areas. You want it to go the other way.
11) Soft foods. Right off the bat it's going to be really hard to eat solid foods, so do yourself a favor and eat soft stuff. Oatmeal, yogurt, things like green pea soup, etc. I'm not one of the lucky one where the immediate denture is working out that great for so my limited experience eating with it was mac and cheese, which wasn't terrible.
12) Drinks: For me, icy cold drinks worked wonders. And I think the cold helps reduce the swelling. So I made a lot of smoothies (about to make another). Hot drinks/soups etc is a no-go for me, personally. Warm is fine, hot hurts for some reason. No straws, you do not wan to be sucking liquid it, it will create negative pressure.
13) Spicy food: just don't. I LOVE hot food. By hot I mean I cook with Reaper peppers. I'm not even going to try right now because while in theory the capsaicin could help with the pain, I somehow doubt it since it will inflame the area. Hold off on spicy food till you're 100% healed.
14) Alcohol. Up to you, but I haven't touched it. I really, really, really, want to, but I know how it affects those areas, and I just don't see it helping. It's going to open those areas and make them more exposed. Sure, temporarily it'll feel great, but when that wears off, OUCH.
15) Smoking/vaping. I quit smoking four years ago, but to be honest, if I hadn't I would've lit up in the parking lot. We all know the risks with that, it's going to make it worse, but it is what it is. I vape. It probably hasn't helped. Even if I vaped the zero nicotine stuff I have it wouldn't help. That being said with vapes at least you have a lesser of two evils option: do not draw on something like a vape pen. If it has a button, fire it that way, or use a mod, none of which are draw-activated to my knowledge. Any kind of negative pressure from this or anything else will make it much worse.
16) Distract yourself. Whatever you can do to distract yourself will help. If it's reading, do that. TV, movies, music, gaming, hell, if you can exercise comfortably-enough go do that. Or take a walk, or ride a bike: anything that works: do it.
17) Pressure points. This is a trick a physical therapist taught me, it's not permanent, will only offer a few minutes of relief, but it'll be worth it: find the pressure point wherever you're having pain, lightly press on it and hold it for as long as you can, then release. You should feel a few minutes of relief. It works on things like knots on your back or anywhere else, too.
18) Have faith that it will get better. It will.
submitted by GTRacer1972 to dentures [link] [comments]

2023.02.28 23:35 InfernoAA The Year of the Rebook Part Four: Evolution, Halloween Havoc, Survivor Series

SmackDown! 1000 (October 16th 2018)
Coming out of No Mercy, SmackDown! celebrates its 1000th episode with a number of notable segments. An Evolution reunion sees Randy Orton snidely comment about how he’s the only one left steering their ship after all these years, the rest hitting the hay or thinking they’re too big for WWE now, but Batista smirks back a reminder that unlike Ric Flair and Triple H, he’s not yet officially retired, and with a winning record over the Viper, Orton should watch his tongue. Randy looks taken aback by the comment, but ultimately laughs it off as the 4 old chums continue getting chummy.
In light of Kurt Angle’s return to form at No Mercy, he runs it back against old SmackDown Six rival Rey Mysterio with GM Edge as referee, paying tribute to the other 3 that couldn’t join them here, delivering a fast-paced banger like SummerSlam all those years ago. Rey puts up a good fight, but Kurt picks up another key win on his road to re-establishing himself!
Joining in on the festivities is John Cena, who puts out an Open Challenge in a fashion very similar to his own debut on SmackDown!, which is answered by Sami Zayn like 3 years ago for the US Title! With Kevin Owens in his corner, Zayn looks to prove he has that ruthless aggression, continuing to channel his NXT fire to give John one hell of a battle, even coming closer than he did against Bryan, but he still doesn’t have enough to leave victorious, an Attitude Adjustment extending his losing streak.
And in the main event is the hotly anticipated rematch between Samoa Joe and Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship, running it back from their Great Balls of Fire match last year, the Conqueror targeting the Destroyer given Samoa was responsible for Brock’s elimination in their WrestleMania match earlier in the year. It’s another destructive war between two beasts, but this time Joe prevails, putting Brock out with the Coquina Clutch!

Madison Square Garden (New York City, New York)
October 21st 2018
Skillet’s own Jen Ledger puts forth an empowering track in her first-ever single which sets the tone for tonight, the Women’s Revolution “Not Dead Yet”!

Shayna Baszler, Jessamyn Duke, Marina Shafir vs Michelle McCool & Divas of Doom
Whilst Ronda’s stuck it out on the main roster to great success, her other 3 fellow Horsewomen, Shayna Baszler, Jessamyn Duke, and Marina Shafir, have been cleaning up shop down in NXT, a one-sided run from the Queen of Spades as NXT Women’s Champion most recently coming to an end at Kairi Sane’s hands. With Duke & Shafir and the Divas of Doom both being eliminated in the Semi Finals of the Women’s Tag Team Championship Tournament, and Baszler looking for a match on Evolution’s card, they put a hit out on Natalya & Beth Phoenix, wanting to grow their names at the Divas Era icons’ expense! As the hungry jackals circle them though, the inaugural Divas Champion, Michelle McCool, makes the save, levelling the playing field to set a fiery Six-Woman Tag to open the historic PPV!
In a clash of new vs old, McCool and co. are afforded the opportunity to properly showcase their talents, using veteran instincts to crack down on the greener Duke and Shafir, though they make up for it using their lethal MMA techniques, Baszler’s squad bringing them down with a Kirifuda Clutch to Natalya!
Shayna Baszler, Jessamyn Duke, Marina Shafir def. Michelle McCool & Divas of Doom (10:13)

Mildred Burke Memorial Battle Royale
Celebrating the legacy of one of women’s wrestling’s oldest icons and WWE Hall of Famer Mildred Burke, a battle royale is created in her honour, the winner granted a shot at any women’s championship of their choosing. With familiar faces like Molly Holly, Ivory, Kaitlyn, and more returning, it’s a true blast from the past as generations collide. Naomi and Melina get some unique survival spots together, whilst the Riott Squad notably size up to Victoria, Ruby looking into a mirror of sorts, but it’s NXT’s Candice LeRae that wins by last eliminating Mickie James, properly honouring Burke’s legacy of standing up to the men of wrestling, LeRae having made quite the career out of doing the same.
Candice LeRae last eliminates Mickie James (13:20)

NXT Women’s Championship: Kairi Sane (c) vs Io Shirai
With LeRae potentially next in line for her own brand’s title, it’s important to determine who exactly she might face, Kairi Sane personally requesting to defend her strap against ex-STARDOM rival Io Shirai, who just recently signed with the promotion after being eliminated in the Mae Young Classic’s Semi Finals by Tegan Nox, now catapulted directly into a massive shot against last year’s winner! Running back their old Joshi classics, familiarity breeds a beautiful exhibition of evenly-matched wrestling, Sane at points left questioning whether she made the right decision picking one of the best women’s wrestlers in the world as her first defence. But gifted the opportunity to immediately cement her reign, Kairi pushes through, evading an Asai Moonsault from the Genius of the Sky to nail an InSane Elbow to the back, before rolling Shirai over to land another to the chest, beating the woman who’s had her number over the years!
Kairi Sane (c) def. Io Shirai to retain the NXT Women’s Championship (18:34)

The IIconics vs The Bella Twins
Upon being ousted in the opening round of the Tag Title tournament, The IIconics throw a hissy fit, calling it unfair they had to face legends in the Divas of Doom off the bat, given no time to prepare seeing as Beth was slated as a mystery partner. Left without a match at Evolution, Peyton Royce and Billie Kay call out any team in the back to fight them, the Aussies wanting to prove there’s no better pairing than the two of them (when given a notice). Their jaws drop to the floor when The Bella Twins answer their call, stating Twin Magic always prevails, Royce and Kay lacking the blood bond Nikki and Brie share.
When provided the platform to prove that though, Peyton and Billie surprise the Bellas with their chemistry, the best friends smoothly stringing together a series of underhanded tactics to keep themselves ahead of the curve, whilst masterminding the art of taunting by dressing up as the Bellas! Confusion runs rife as the referee loses track of who’s who, legal and illegal tags blending into each other, but it’s a Sick Knee from Sydney that ends things on a win for Peyton & Billie!
The IIconics def. The Bella Twins (11:23)

Paige vs Lita
Despite having the full package of being accomplished, given royal treatment, and having her own posse, Paige’s chase for another Women’s Championship has been largely unsuccessful, SummerSlam about as close as she’s gotten in the past year. Patience running out, Paige unleashes a tirade about how she’s the one that kickstarted this revolution for the Women’s Division, people like the Horsewomen, Trish Stratus and Lita being credited for the Anti-Diva’s efforts to get them more noticed.
As the disrespect continues to mount in ensuing weeks, Absolution trashing on the legacies of the women that’ve come before them, Lita decides to put a stop to it, confronting Paige mid-rant one week to level her with a slap and shut her up! It feels great in the moment, though it earns her undesired enemies, an embarrassed Paige becoming hellbent on humiliating the Extreme Diva. Tensions leading to a match, Paige gives her washed-up foe a beating, seeming to confirm her words that Lita can’t hold a candle to her, but as cockiness takes over, so does Lita, turning Paige’s overconfidence against her, taking Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville out with a Litasault to the outside, before a Twist of Fate puts Paige down for 3!
Lita def. Paige (13:49)

Women’s Tag Team Championship Finals: Charlotte Flair & Becky Lynch vs Sasha Banks & Bayley
Once a united front against MMA’s Horsewomen, the loss at WrestleMania takes it’s toll on WWE’s Horsewomen in different ways, fracturing them into two separate groups. On one side is Charlotte and Becky, sticking to their morals as they’ve gotten directly in the fight with Rousey, doing their best to try stop her invasion before it spirals out of control. And on the other side is Banks and Bayley, refusing to assume responsibility for the monster they helped create in Ronda, doing what’s most convenient for themselves inside and outside the ring.
When they find themselves in the Finals of the tournament to crown the inaugural Women’s Tag Team Champions however, the time to unleash all the disdain they’ve kept under their skins rises to the surface, the four women letting their actions do the talking for them, holding nothing back as they determine who the better side is between them. Fan-favourite Becky has her own motivations, her fellow Irishwoman Velvet McIntyre one half of the first WWF Women’s Tag Champions, MSG heavily behind her as fans continue to clamour for Becky to get the spotlight her other 3 peers already have, Flair at WrestleMania 32, Bayley at WrestleMania 33, and Sasha at WrestleMania 34, though her story continues to be one of heartbreak, the BackstabbeBayley-to-Belly driving the air out of Lynch’s lungs, Banks & Bayley leading the latest revolution of women’s wrestling in WWE!
Sasha Banks & Bayley def. Charlotte Flair & Becky Lynch to become the inaugural Women’s Tag Team Champions (17:34)

Alexa Bliss vs Trish Stratus
Since losing her RAW Women’s Championship to Asuka, things haven’t been the same for Alexa Bliss, the Goddess spiralling down the card, instead giving way to her contemporaries as they trample over her at her lowest. Racking up key losses, the crowd almost feel sympathy for Alexa and her fall from grace, ditching the mean girl shtick and earnestly trying to recapture her old spark. Noticing Bliss’s efforts and talents, Trish Stratus offers to mentor her spiritual successor, Alexa humbly accepting, citing how she’s looked up to Trish her entire career, proceeding to be coached by her idol in ensuing weeks, which sees her game improve, slowly finding her mojo again. When it comes to the final test however, Trish wanting to face Bliss to test how much she’s improved since they started, extending a hand to Alexa… SHE’S SPIKED WITH A DDT!
Instantly switching up her attitude, Bliss chews Trish out, calling her a fool for ever believing Bliss needed her help, Stratus and the entire world falling for her devilry, simply using it as a tactic to lure the Canadian into facing her, wanting the pleasure of beating the figure everyone places atop their WWE Women’s Rushmore. She continues running Stratus down as undeserving of praise, claiming she would’ve had triple the success Trish had in her heyday had Alexa been around that era, as whilst Trish is just looks, Bliss has that and actual talent. Set off by Bliss’s disrespect and wasting of her time, a fired up Stratus walks into NYC to give Alexa the ultimate lesson in humility, trying to capture a win like her career rival Lita. Unfortunately for her, Alexa’s too damn good, the Twisted Bliss giving Alexa the rejuvenation she’s been after in a torch-passing moment!
Alexa Bliss def. Trish Stratus (15:03)

SmackDown Women’s Championship: Ronda Rousey (c) vs Meiko Satomura
Ronda’s claims of being the Baddest Woman on the Planet ring true when she completes the colour set of running through WWE’s staple Four Horsewomen, winning another prestigious Women’s Championship in a whole new sport. Having made majority of SmackDown’s roster bend to her will already, Rousey demands fresh competition that can truly test what she’s made of, and it results in the grandest challenger of them all, Mae Young Classic Semi Finalist Meiko Satomura appearing on the titantron to accept Ronda’s open invitation!
One of the greatest Joshi wrestlers ever, the Final Boss gives Rousey the humbling of a lifetime like she’s Naomichi Marufuji fighting Kazuchika Okada in the 2016 G1, a true Ace stretching the supposed next best thing beyond their comfort, Ronda’s ego taking a massive beating here. Both women with judo backgrounds, they find themselves on equal footing when Rousey tries to beat Meiko the same way she’s taken down her other foes, Satomura rendering her strategy useless, even nearly submitting Ronda with an Armbar of her own which Ronda has to make the ropes to break! Beating the absolute tar out of each other, Rousey very narrowly topples the Living Legend with a Piper’s Pit into a Modified Juji-Gatame, leaving New York a whole new competitor!
Ronda Rousey (c) def. Meiko Satomura to retain the SmackDown Women’s Championship (18:07)

Mae Young Classic Finals: Toni Storm vs Tegan Nox
When an ACL injury took Tegan Nox out the running for the inaugural Mae Young Classic before her campaign could even begin, tireless months of rehab and sacrifice brought her back to the goal she’s chased for the past year, finally getting her chance to partake in the sequel to the initial massively successful tournament. Pouring blood, sweat and tears into the canvas, she manages to bag her spot in the Finals off an upset over Io Shirai, whilst on the other end, rising prodigy Toni Storm knocks off Meiko Satomura to claim her spot at the finish line.
Both coming up through the UK indies scene, even facing off a number of times along the way, Storm carved out the much grander legacy, winning titles across STARDOM, PROGRESS and wXw, compared to Tegan’s WCPW success, placing her as the favourite to take the trophy home. Though when placed in underdog situations like these, Nox shines her brightest, sticking it to the detractors as she delivers a highly competitive battle against the woman she knows all too well. An aggravated ACL injury’s teased in the late stages, though Tegan continues to push on, not giving up now after coming so far, countering a Storm Zero with a Vulture Culture Destroyer, followed by a Shiniest Wizard to win the tournament, Nox’s dreams coming true!
Tegan Nox def. Toni Storm to win the 2018 Mae Young Classic (15:46)

RAW Women’s Championship: Asuka (c) vs Ember Moon [30-Minute Iron Woman]
As promised to herself, Ember Moon doesn’t make excuses about the manner which she lost to Asuka at Unforgiven, rather heading right back out to demand another match with the Empress of Tomorrow if she’s sure she doesn’t fear the War Goddess. Asuka tries to deny her, saying after 3 losses it’s clear Moon was never ready for Asuka, but when Ember personally beats old indies foe Mickie James to earn another shot, there’s no escaping for the RAW Women’s Champion, destiny closing in on her. Wrestling her main roster debut exactly 364 days ago, the 1110th day of Asuka’s undefeated streak is by far her toughest, made a 30-Minute Iron Woman match by management to give both women ample time and opportunities to determine a clear victory in their saga!
The first third sees them both fight for the vaunted first fall to put themselves ahead of the other in the running, yet they’re too evenly matched for either to break the stalemate, knowing one another like the back of their hands at this point. Though Ember’s prepared for the underhanded tactics Asuka’s resorted to against her previously, she’s caught off guard when Asuka blatantly disqualifies herself in full view of the referee by nailing Moon with a steel chair, going ham on Ember with it to hand the War Goddess the first fall! It’s not long after that Asuka easily ties it up one apiece with the Asuka Lock, maintaining control of the match as it reaches deep waters, the Empress deciding to stall out the time whilst preventing Ember from mounting a comeback, no sudden death overtimes handed out here. But when all hope seems lost, Moon digs deep and starts rallying back, catching Asuka by surprise with an Eclipse that launches her out the ring!
Ember almost gets it done on a countout, though she sticks to her code, rolling Asuka back inside to beat her the proper way, only to eat a Buzzsaw Kick right away and collapse into the Asuka Lock! Quickly fading in the hold, the result seems to be a forgone conclusion… BUT EMBER FIGHTS BACK, BREAKING FREE OF THE HOLD! Ducking another Buzzsaw to nail Asuka with one of her own, Moon nails another ECLIPSE! ONE! TWO! THREE! EMBER JUST PINNED ASUKA! SHE’S THE FIRST TO PIN THE EMPRESS IN OVER 3 YEARS! The crowd’s whipped into a frenzy as Moon stands 2-1 over the champion, who desperately fights back in the match’s closing minutes, doing all she can to tie it back up and retain… BUT THE TIME EXPIRES! THE STREAK IS OVER! EMBER CONQUERS HER WHITE WHALE! Tickertape, flowers, and the likes, the entire women’s roster, past and present, comes out to congratulate Ember, ending the show with Moon standing atop the division!
Ember Moon def. Asuka (c) to win the RAW Women’s Championship (30:00)

Halloween Havoc (RAW)
United Center (Chicago, Illinois)
October 28th 2018
With Spooky Season in full effect, there’s no better way to ring in the ghoulish final days than a “Dance Macabre” from Ghost’s new Prequelle album!

AJ Styles vs Mustafa Ali
The Phenomenal One tried his damndest but he just couldn’t topple the King, Finn Balor putting him 6 feet under. Left without direction, an aimless AJ Styles chomps at the bit for competition, challenging the locker room each week to be made famous at his hands, trashing each person that steps up using his unparalleled wrestling ability. Receiving challenges from both RAW and 205 Live, the most notable of them all is Mustafa Ali, who gives AJ his toughest fight yet, only to succumb to the Styles Clash, though earning AJ’s and the wider locker room’s attention. Seeing potential in Ali, Styles extends him an invite to The Club, looking for new blood to train up, but when Mustafa refuses, AJ sicks Gallows & Anderson on him, telling Ali to have more respect for his veterans by listening to them. Fighting on behalf of his honour, Mustafa challenges AJ to a rematch at Halloween Havoc, set in Ali’s hometown of Chicago, a cocky Styles accepting, having already beaten Ali once.
Wrapping up his saga with Buddy Murphy earlier in the week on 205 Live’s 100th episode, putting over the Juggernaut, Mustafa kicks off the PPV in the hottest fashion possible in a bout reminiscent of Rey Misterio Jr. vs Eddie Guerrero from this very event 21 years ago, Ali wearing Rey’s Phantom gear, and Styles in Eddie esque black and gold tights. The story revolves around AJ’s reliance on his size and strength, whilst Ali pulls off insane counters at every twist and turn to keep Styles guessing. Though still hurting from Tuesday, a flash hurricanrana pin counters an Avalanche Styles Clash attempt, MUSTAFA SCORING THE UPSET!
Mustafa Ali def. AJ Styles (13:51)

Women’s Tag Team Championship: Bayley & Sasha Banks (c) vs The IIconics
Crowned the inaugural Tag Champions, Bayley & Banks are on top of the world, though they instantly receive a call out from the RAW team they didn’t face in the original tournament bracket, The IIconics wanting a piece of the champions after vanquishing The Bellas at Evolution. Challenge accepted, the champions make their first defence only one week into their reign, as their challengers act like the best team in the world, brimming with confidence given their latest win. Royce & Kay put up a worthy fight to test Bayley & Banks’s cohesion, though they’re unable to match them, the BackstabbeBayley-to-Belly gaining another victim.
Bayley & Sasha Banks (c) def. The IIconics to retain the Women’s Tag Team Championship (11:18)

Cruiserweight Championship: PAC (c) vs Finn Balor
Though the United States Championship was ripped from his mantle, PAC doesn’t pay the loss too much mind, more focused on the fact he’s ruling over the Cruiserweight Division again, only bringing a different edge to the title, wanting to elevate it to the level of the Universal Championship now, building up its prestige with important defences on RAW. This catches the eyes of Finn Balor, who may not have another Universal Title shot lined up for himself, but recognises the Cruiserweight Title as the next best thing, treating it with the same respect PAC gives it, having once tried to do the same with NJPW’s IWGP Junior Heavyweight Championship.
Reflecting on the legacies of some of the greatest Juniors to ever exist, from Jushin Thunder Liger to Rey Mysterio to even himself, Balor wants to add another title from the weight class to his resume. With Finn beating him each time they’ve fought since coming to WWE, PAC’s eager to avenge his KOTR and NXT losses to Balor, delivering a bout reminiscent of the junior classics that’ve taken the likes of NJPW, NOAH, and Dragon Gate by storm over the years. Balor goes for the Coup de Grace, but he rolls his ankle on the landing as PAC evades, allowing the Bastard to cinch in the Rings of Saturn to force Finn unconscious!
PAC (c) def. Finn Balor to retain the Cruiserweight Championship (18:13)

Randy Orton vs Braun Strowman
Ominously carried out by The Wyatt Family after his loss to Bray Wyatt, Braun Strowman’s snapped out his trance of demolishing anything that moves, rather having his targets more focused again as he gives into Bray’s offer of fully reuniting the family, Wyatt subsequently setting Strowman after the man he never truly got revenge over, Braun targeting Randy Orton! And it’s right up the Viper’s alley with his recent shift towards wrecking younger stars, Strowman another of the new generation who Randy holds a grudge against, never truly getting to kill off the Monster Among Men after his last opportunity was taken from him back in 2015 due to injury during his siding with The Shield against The Wyatts. Preying on Braun, Randy attempts to add him to his long list of Wyatt-related casualties, dissecting the big man with malintent, an RKO through the announcer’s table almost netting him the win, though he gets another coming when a second RKO is caught, Strowman demolishing him with a Running Powerslam to win!
Braun Strowman def. Randy Orton (11:25)

RAW Tag Team Championship: The Revival (c) vs The Usos [Barbed Wire Steel Cage]
The long-awaited rematch between The Revival and The Usos coming 5 months after the first, it more than meets expectations as Dash Wilder and Scott Dawson levelled their series with the twins. A much more chaotic match that night, no rules to string them in place, when the two teams yearn for a tiebreaker, the complete opposite environment is suggested, rather being confined inside a Barbed Wire Steel Cage! No escaping to settle this one, only pinfalls and submissions earning victory, the violence is upped tenfold when the two teams agree to put an end to their rivalry this way, one more classic set to ensue. Blending their experiences from the past two bouts whilst incorporating a new edge with the steel enclosure surrounding them from all angles, they make full use of the cage to put the hurt on each other, a malevolent war for the gold culminating in a Double Uce from the heights putting down the champions, Jimmy & Jey winning the titles!
The Usos def. The Revival (c) to win the RAW Tag Team Championship (22:39)

United States Championship: Bobby Lashley (c) vs Apollo Crews
Bobby Lashley’s been a one-man wrecking crew since returning to WWE, even a loss to Brock Lesnar not fazing the Dominator, taking the United States Championship the very next PPV. Ready to embark on a lengthy reign, he defends it in a couple squashes to start with on RAW, though it leaves him unsatisfied, wanting to flatten someone worthy of challenging him. And after his tightly contested challenge for the strap 3 months prior against the previous champion, Apollo Crews tries his luck at the strap again, this time in a whole other style of fight, Bobby and Apollo focusing on their respective power games. Crews tries his best Rocky Balboa, but Lashley acts as his Apollo Creed, knocking him down after another close attempt by the One Man Nation.
Bobby Lashley (c) def. Apollo Crews to retain the United States Championship (12:01)

The Broken-ish Hardyz vs The Wyatt Family
The path to healing comes with acceptance, and after the mental and emotional turmoil Jeff Hardy’s undergone in the past months, he seems to get some sense talked into him by his older brother after their Willow’s Way match, Matt telling Willow he’s sick and requires treatment. However, it’s not one he’s able to deliver himself, the Lake of Reincarnation failing to sap him of his ailment. Rather, there’s only one man he knows that’s capable of doing so, but it’ll be a tough bargain. Willow puts his trust in his brother as Matt goes knocking on the door of… Bray Wyatt. Arriving at the Wyatt Compound, he pleads with Bray at the gate for his help, though Wyatt refuses to see him, questioning what he owes Hardy after their battles earlier in the year.
Matt doesn’t give up though, continuing to pester Bray, stating that he’s been keeping an eye on the rebuilding Wyatt’s been doing lately with his family, Matt merely wishing the same for himself, wanting his brother back properly. The sentiment touches the Eater of Worlds given how crucial it was to him to restore his cult, though he doesn’t outright give Matt what he wants, telling him if The Hardyz can beat Luke Harper & Erick Rowan, he’ll consider it. And so, Willow follows Matt’s leads as he takes it to the swampy duo, the size mismatch letting the Wyatts take the upper hand, but the legendary Hardy duo are able to pull through, a Twist of Fate/Swanton Bomb combo to Rowan giving them the win!
The Broken-ish Hardyz def. The Wyatt Family (11:14)

RAW Women’s Championship: Ember Moon (c) vs Alexa Bliss
Two of the biggest wins at Evolution belonged to Ember Moon and Alexa Bliss, the former ending Asuka’s streak to win RAW’s top title, the latter beating Hall of Famer Trish Stratus to assert herself over the past generation. It’s only natural that the Goddess steps up to be the War Goddess’s first challenger, wanting back the title she once held with pride now that she no longer has to go through Asuka for it, a much closer match in size and ability between herself and Moon. Not forgetting to try mentally psyche out Ember heading into their match, bringing back her cruel edge that’s been long missed, Alexa’s bark happens to be marginally worse than her bite, giving Moon a fantastic first test, though being Eclipsed all the same!
Ember Moon (c) def. Alexa Bliss to retain the RAW Women’s Championship (13:25)

Universal Championship: Dean Ambrose (c) vs Seth Rollins vs Roman Reigns [TLC]
At long last, Dean’s torn everything away from both his Shield brothers, sitting atop RAW as its kingpin. And with Cesaro and Kassius Ohno by his side, he’s unstoppable. Though for the eagle-eyed viewers, as fruitful as the past months have been for the trio, Ambrose’s obsessions with Rollins and Reigns have resulted in him glossing over some very key subtle interactions with his lads. At times treating them more like his task force than equals, pushing them around to do his bidding, and also talking them out of desired singles title opportunities, directing their focus purely on the reason he brought them all together, they growing disgruntled, Cesaro already once making it clear how he feels about such people back at WrestleMania with Sheamus.
Still, they keep their opinions to themselves as Dean’s next ‘task’ presents itself, Rollins enacting his rematch clause for Ambrose’s title, only to be shockingly cut in half by a Spear from Reigns! At one point defending Seth from Dean, Roman’s new demeanour has led him to turning his back on Seth too, taking no more risks in trust when it comes to the men he once conquered the world beside, Roman’s contempt stemming from Seth’s lack of support for the Big Dog when he and his family were under attack by Dean, declaring that Rollins isn’t a true brother to him if he wouldn’t stick his neck out for family like he did for him. But the Architect calls him a hypocrite, reminding him how Dean came after Seth in the first place with Reigns nowhere to be seen, the Universal Championship meaning more to him than backing Rollins up.
An opportunity to knock both Seth and Roman’s heads together simultaneously and officially bury The Shield forever, Ambrose takes it by the horns, demanding both men at Halloween Havoc! But only if he gets to choose the stipulation… Wanting to leave them with scars that’ll last them a lifetime, he wants a TLC MATCH, returning to the very stipulation they all made their debut together under! Come the PPV, it’s all out carnage as the rivalry that’s dominated RAW throughout 2018 reaches its finale, every shred of hatred each man’s amassed for the others over the past 6 years letting itself be known. When Seth finds himself fingertips from the title, Cesaro and Ohno snatch him off to deliver a KRS-One through a ladder at Dean’s request, before holding the main ladder steady as Ambrose makes the climb…
But as he reaches the top, about to unhook his title, he feels the ladder wobble beneath him. Looking down, he finds Cesaro and Ohno PUSHING THE LADDER OVER, SENDING DEAN CRASHING THROUGH A STACK OF TABLES! A stunned silence overcomes Chicago as the Kings of Wrestling walk out on Ambrose, leaving Roman to emerge from the wreckage and unhook the title to end his Universal Title chase, ending the show standing tall with The Usos, all 3 draped in gold!
Roman Reigns def. Dean Ambrose (c) and Seth Rollins to win the Universal Championship (30:12)

Survivor Series
Staples Center (Los Angeles, California)
November 18th 2018
The path to summitting “The Mountain” is one of survival of the fittest at its finest, Three Days Grace’s new Outsider album setting the mood for the night!

Team RAW (Seth Rollins, Finn Balor, Randy Orton, Mustafa Ali, Rusev) vs Team SmackDown! (Daniel Bryan, Shinsuke Nakamura, Hideo Itami, Andrade “Cien” Almas, The Miz) [Survivor Series]
As per the annual Brand Warfare festivities, the first of 5 RAW vs SmackDown! matches this year is announced to be the Men’s 5v5, only this time there’s real stakes to it, those winning brand matches receiving better odds at drawing a later number in the Royal Rumble, but more specifically for this match, any survivors receiving a shot at their brand’s World Title, motivating all 10 men involved to put their best feet forward! A series of qualifiers determining the respective line-ups, as usual it’s an exciting blitz between the sides, participants falling like dominos as the match progresses. In the end, only Finn Balor from RAW and Daniel Bryan from SmackDown! remain in a rematch from the King of the Ring Finals, this time seeing Bryan knock the King off with a Knee Plus to bring it home for the Blue Brand!
Team SmackDown def. Team RAW (25:32)

Cruiserweight Championship: PAC (c) (RAW) vs Rey Mysterio (SmackDown!)
Balor was just one of many targets for the Bastard to scalp and hang on his wall, PAC thirsty to kill more legendary junior heavyweights as he continues to reinforce his Cruiserweight Championship’s image. When Mysterio fails to qualify for Team SmackDown! thanks to Andrade’s interference, it’s the Jordie who stops Rey from going after his rival in a vengeful quest, instead directing his attention to himself during an invasion from RAW on SmackDown!, attacking Rey with the Rings of Saturn! Wanting to add Mysterio to his list of defences, he stays on the Master of the 619 until Rey takes the challenge, resulting in arguably the title’s most important defence yet, the luchador giving PAC no cakewalk, embarking on a WCW-style cruiserweight bout, PAC and Rey tearing the entire house down! A Black Arrow is able to tie up the score for the night, the two brands sitting 1-1!
PAC (c) def. Rey Mysterio to retain the Cruiserweight Championship (14:28)

Dean Ambrose vs Kings of Wrestling
At Halloween Havoc, Dean Ambrose’s worst nightmare came true again, being stabbed in the back by his supposed partners, Cesaro and Ohno kicking him to the curb to cost him his title. KOW at one point being a full-fledged stable on the indies, Cesaro and Ohno truly hoped to rebuild that regime once more, but Ambrose’s selfishness lost him that, just like with all his other relationships that’ve soured. Done letting him push them around, they instead want him downed at their feet again, challenging him for Survivor Series!
Though Dean doesn’t appear in the lead-up to the PPV, only delivering haunting warnings from the titantron whilst he works off injuries sustained from his fall, he promises to maim the two when he returns. And he looks deadlier than ever, all sorts of scars tattooing his body, proceeding to beat the tar out of his ex-partners for their betrayal, though adrenaline soon leaves him, a nasty 2-on-1 mugging ensuing from KOW. Dean does his best to stay alive, though he’s no match for both men, who emphatically put him down with a KRS-One! Not done just yet, a Pilmaniser with the chair around Dean’s neck from Cesaro and Ohno puts him out possibly for good!
Kings of Wrestling def. Dean Ambrose (12:59)

Bobby Lashley (RAW) vs Drew McIntyre (SmackDown!)
Continuing with brand warfare, Bobby Lashley and Drew McIntyre having proven to be juggernauts on their respective brands, crushing any unfortunate soul that tempts their hand, holding on strong to their titles. With history dating back to TNA between them, Lashley taking McIntyre’s World Championship from him there, Drew’s been wanting a chance to return the favour ever since by joining the very short list (Brock Lesnar) of people that’ve beaten Lashley since his return 7 months ago. Two of the more protected competitors going, when McIntyre ultimately calls out Bobby, that all goes out the window, one of them sure to go down as they defend their respective brands. It’s every bit as enjoyable as a hoss fight should be, Drew’s babyface fire providing the perfect foil for Lashley’s dominant heel, a pair of Spears taking McIntyre down in the end!
Bobby Lashley def. Drew McIntyre (13:02)

AJ Styles (RAW) vs Kurt Angle (SmackDown!)
Since WrestleMania, Kurt Angle’s had the pleasure of facing some of the best wrestlers in the world, both against familiar foes and newer faces, his most recent run of matches witnessing him remind everyone why he’s one of the greatest of all time, mowing down competitors like his old Percocet popping self. But being stuck on one brand has it’s downsides, missing out on a number of matches featuring RAW’s talents, one of those being against one of his biggest TNA rivals, AJ Styles. Refusing to let his comeback tour run out without them meeting again, the Wrestling Machine makes a trip over to the Red Brand to call out The Phenomenal One, pointing to Survivor Series as the perfect platform for one last battle between them.
Practically handed a ticket to rain on Kurt’s parade just as he’s picking up steam again, the winning record laying in AJ’s favour, he doesn’t hesitate in meeting Angle there, resulting in another barnburner between two of the absolute best to ever do it, constant counters and big moves punctuating their battle. As Styles goes for the Phenomenal Forearm, Kurt snatches him out the air into the Ankle Lock, securing the tap-out!
Kurt Angle def. AJ Styles (15:54)

Sami Zayn vs Brock Lesnar
Despite doing everything the right way, Sami Zayn’s continued to flounder in his attempts to return to the winning bracket, losing marquee matches to Daniel Bryan and John Cena. Meanwhile, Kevin Owens has been killing it as Mr. Money in the Bank, ramping up the teases on taking the title from Samoa Joe, though focusing on his priority of ensuring his best friend finds his mojo again. When Zayn asks Kevin which one man he needs to face to prove he has what it takes, Owens half-jokingly throws out Brock Lesnar’s name, the Conqueror arguably the guy who a win over will forever cement the winner, and also someone that still lingers on Kevin’s mind after how the Universal Championship he cared so much for was taken hostage by Brock, barely defending it.
But to Kevin’s surprise, Zayn takes it to heart, eager to get revenge on KO’s behalf as he goes knocking on Paul Heyman’s door, requesting a match with Brock. Owens almost stops him at first, though curious to see where it’ll go, fuelled by his own vendetta against Lesnar, he lets Sami do his thing. Though Heyman just laughs it up, not taking Sami’s request seriously. But when Zayn continues to pester him, an amused Lesnar surprisingly shows his face, pushing Heyman to the side to directly meet Sami himself, declaring if he’ll get a handsome Big 4 PPV payday, he’s happy to fulfil Sami’s dreams.
And so, loveable underdog Sami fights Lesnar with Owens watching from ringside, and it’s ugly, Brock absolutely mauling Zayn, though dragging out his beatdown, knowing more minutes equals more money. Eyes glazed over, Sami continues to eat German after German, collapsing when Brock gets him up for an F5. Brock laughs it up as Owens considers throwing in the towel, but right as Brock lets his guard down… ZAYN FIRES BACK! Exploding to life with a sudden flurry, he makes Brock fight for his life, reaggravating the diverticulitis by shoving him gut first into the edge of the announcer’s table to counter an F5, before nailing the wounded Beast with everything he’s got, even nabbing a near-fall off a Helluva Kick! As he goes for one more though, the F5 finally catches him, Brock beating Zayn, though in the starmaking performance of Sami’s career! Disappointed, but living to tell the tale of surviving Lesnar, Zayn’s helped to the back by Owens.
Brock Lesnar def. Sami Zayn (15:36)

The Bloodline (RAW) vs Samoan SWAT Team (SmackDown)
RAW and SmackDown tied two apiece, it all boils down to the head honchos of their respective brands, Universal and RAW Tag Team Champions The Bloodline squaring off against WWE and SmackDown Tag Team Champions Samoan SWAT Team! A simple war for supremacy, the rich history between Roman Reigns and Samoa Joe reaches its next chapter, Roman evolving more into a Tribal Chief adjacent character, whilst Joe’s just a mean wrecking machine, a scorching Six-Man Tag seeing The Bloodline continue their climb, topping Joe and co. to let RAW win 3-2!
The Bloodline def. Samoan SWAT Team (18:09)

Willow the Wisp vs Bray Wyatt [Buried Alive]
When The Hardyz beat Harper and Rowan, Wyatt keeps his word, informing Matt in confidence he must bury Jeff’s Willow persona alive. A painful route but one that’ll do the trick, Matt reluctantly agrees to the terms, though doesn’t clue Willow in on the fate that awaits him, instead telling him he must beat Bray to be healed, knowing it’ll be the only way he accepts the fight. Agreeing to fight with their respective families barred from helping them, the two supernatural entities meet at Survivor Series with only one goal in mind – survive the other. A macabre brawl sees Bray struggle to beat a motivated Willow, who sets up the Swanton Bomb… BUT MATT WHACKS HIM FROM BEHIND WITH A SHOVEL, ASSISTING BRAY! Willow falls directly into the open grave, allowing Wyatt to shovel dirt onto him with Matt, putting an end to Willow!
Bray Wyatt def. Willow the Wisp (14:22)
submitted by InfernoAA to FantasyBookingElite [link] [comments]

2023.01.28 01:12 Professional_Year_29 Day 1 INBDE

Hey yall. Just had my first day of INBDE. It was sort of okay, not too difficult or too easy. Here are some tips and RQs. I flagged around 79 questions and I'm feeling a little anxious about my 2nd day. Will let yall know 👍🏽
• Like 2-3 questions about how to communicate with patients who don't speak English • Ethics • Little to no pharma • Little patho • Mostly patient management • Endo diagnoses • Antibiotic proph • Tip: draw dental chart in front of u to refer to during case questions
‐-------------------------------------‐---------------------------- RQs: (✅️ Marks the answers I've chosen)
  1. Premolar has fracture lingual cusp. What's the first thing u do? Check restorability✅️
  2. Tooth responds to cold test w prolonged pain. What's the most accurate test to determine pulpal diagnosis? EPT or thermal test✅️
  3. Patient wanted implants, What's a contraindication? (NOT her medical history✅️ hypertensive)
  4. Patient on albuterol and montelukast, there's white plaque on soft palate that can be whiped off, What's the diagnosis? Candidiasis✅️ OR chemical burn?
  5. Most common clinical failure of fiber reinforced post? Root fracture✅️ or loss of retention
  6. What's the most important factor for cast metal post and core? (Canal diameter, post diameter, amount of sound tooth structure✅️)
  7. Why is the screw hole covered before cementing a crown (for implants)? To avoid cement covering the screw✅️
  8. Patient stays their vision is blurry, and slurs their speech (CVA✅️)
  9. Stage of hypertension
  10. HbA1c for poorly controlled diabetic (8-8.5✅️)
  11. Ideal therapeutic INR (1-1.5✅️)
  12. Picture of a yellow spot (raised painless nodule) on the attached gingiva under mand left lateral incisor (nothing on periapical). Normal mucosa and bone✅️
  13. Patient has history of IV drug abuse and is on naloxone. What medication should u not give when the patient is indicated for IV sedation? (Fentanyl✅️, dexamethazone, benzodiazepine)
  14. Odontomas
  15. Apthous ulcers treated by steroids
  16. Patient has enlargement in knees, has submandibular and ant. And post. Cervical enlargement (tender)??? Bechet's✅️??
  17. Patient had stroke at 7 years, removed spleen? Sickle cell anemia✅️??
  18. Elastin inserts in articulating disc
  19. Facebow registers all except (place of joint, midline, vertical position✅️, horizontal position)
  20. Lots of cases for burning mouth
  21. A few EBD questions
  22. Function of ligaments in TMJ (Passive restraints✅️, prevent condyle from moving upwards)
  23. Which has worst prognosis? Lateral luxation✅️ or intrusion.
  24. Picture of prescription that says (Dispense: 40 tablets, Sig: penicillin 500 mg po every 6 hours until gone And Monti [...]mg po every 8 hours prn dental pain) What do u tell the patient according to the prescription? "Take all tablets until they finish to ensure full recovery"✅️ Or "take until symptoms disappear. If symptoms reappear then take them again."
  25. Drug abusers will do all of the following to get drugs from dentist except (come after hours, come in person to office, fail to come to followups✅️)
  26. Patient demands u give him oxycodone (percocet) for alleged severe pain and won't leave until u do. What do u do? (Call law enforcement, prescribed amoxycillin 500 mg, give percocet)
  27. U suspect the dental assistant abuses substance. U confront them and they confirm it. What's the appropriate next step? (Dismiss the assistant immediately if the law allows it, pay for the assistants treatment)
  28. Patient reports substernal pain, dentist gives nitroglycerin but the pain does go away. What's the next step? (Activate EMS, administrate aspirin, administrate o2, monitor vitals✅️)
  29. The levels of infection control (administrative, engineering, personal etc)
  30. Something about masks used in dentistry having either 75% or >95% filtration
  31. Patient reports pain in jaw and left arm. He's feeling? (Psychosomatic pain, referred pain✅️)
  32. Informed consent for the guardian of a pediatric patient should include (all except cost✅️)
Felt easier than day 1. Little more pharma but still largely focused on patient management. Flagged around 16 questions in total for the whole day.
  1. Determine dental age of a patient through panoramic
  2. Which marginal ridges does Tooth 5 occlude against in maximal intercuspation? (Mesial marginal ridge of 27)
  3. picture of skin tags : each of the following are differential diagnoses except for (nevus, melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma ✅️)
  4. picture of skin tags : which treatment is necessary? (No treatment ✅️)
  5. Pt. Has atrial fibrillation and mitral valve prolapse, which Antibiotic is suitable for prophylaxis (no Antibiotic prophy needed ✅️)
  6. Pt. Is on diuretics (antihypertensive treatment), after extraction he complains that he feels dizzy, the first step is to (place patient supine ✅️ or trendelenburg)
  7. Picture of Max first molar with occlusal amalgam, patient complains of severe pain upon chewing. Tooth responds normally to pulp test but is sensitive to Percussion. All of the following tests can help with diagnosis except (Transillumination, pocket probing, electric pulp test✅️)
  8. Follow the Q above, what treatment is suitable? (Relieve occlusion✅️, replace restoration)
  9. Dentist refuses to present trx plan to patient because she can't afford it. Which ethical violation is this (Autonomy ✅️)
  10. Treatment of extensive caries on primary molars? (SDF, stainless steel crown ✅️)
  11. Treatment of molaincisor pattern pditis for a patient with mild local factors (prophy and chlorhexidine ✅️, s&r, s&r + antibiotics, full mouth debrediment)
  12. The organism responsible for the previous question is (aggregobacter actinomycetemcomitans)
  13. Nitroglycerin helps alleviate chest pain (angina) because of (inhibition of cAMP, formation of nitric oxide✅️)
  14. Picture of white plaque on attached gingiva, patients chief complaint "my gums are peeling". All of the following are questions relevant to reach a diagnosis except: "How long did you have this?" "Have you had this before?" "Do you chew tobacco?" "Have you had trauma before?" ✅️
  15. Maximum carpols of lidocaine 2% with 1:100,000 epinephrine that can be administered to a 5 y/o weighing 39 Ibs (I chose 4 idk)
  16. Patient with active MRONJ (taking IV zoledronate) wants implants in lower left area (edentulous after lower 2nd premolar, lower left area has large area of resorted bone) treatment is (fixed prosthesis, implants, observe and monitor✅️)
  17. A periapical radiograph of upper right first molar with radiolucensy over the root + large restoration. Patient is complaining from sensitivity to cold. The reason behind the chief complaint is most likely (external root resorption✅️, iatrogenic, caries)
submitted by Professional_Year_29 to INBDE [link] [comments]

2022.10.21 20:13 ---fae--- Gynefix IUD (Frameless copper) + IUD Insertion Tips + Personal Experience

Hi everyone!
I just had the Gynefix mini inserted yesterday by the wonderful Dr. Ellen Wiebe at Willow Women's Clinic here in Vancouver, BC. She was part of trial in Canada for Gynefix, so she's one of the handful of doctors around here that can do it.
In this post I'm going to explain how I got the IUD from Europe, some tips for preparing to get it inserted, and generally gush about finding birth control method I like! I'll also be mentioning abortion in this post so if that's not what your here for then now is a good time to scroll past.
A few notes on Gynexfix:
How I got the IUD from Europe:
IUD Insertion
How not to do it:
Getting IUD's in fucking hurts. It hurts for me and all of my pals who've gotten them in. A bit of backstory, I've have two Paragaurds in the past. The first one was after a surgical abortion I had at 17, so I wasn't lucid for the experience; I kept that IUD in for about a year before I got it taken out due to some discomfort (and some weird new age ideas about "pure, magical womb spaces" instilled in me by a dude.. that's a story for another time though!) The next was a few years later and the doctor said it won't hurt, you can drive yourself home etc. I was totally sober and I don't even remember taking advil. When she inserted a needle with the freezing agent into my cervix I broke out in a cold sweat, got super nauseous, and basically felt like a trapped wild animal looking for an escape. The doctor went on to palpate (feel around) inside the walls of my uterus; pushing on them which made me cramp like crazy. Even thinking about it makes me want to hurl. I was way to lucid for that... Shudder. I got it taken out after a month because I could always feel it in there, and it made me really cautious with how I moved my body. I really like being active and "rough and tumble" so that trepidation combined with the annoyance of feeling it just didn't work for me.

How to do it better!
This time I went in ready to advocate for myself, ask questions, and get what I need to feel good.
After effects
Random tips

In conclusion...
Don't let anyone tell you getting an IUD in isn't a big deal if it feels like a big deal to you. There's no reason to be brave and take the pain if you don't want to. Getting it in is a hassle enough, take the measures that will make it as comfortable as possible. There is a horrible history of how women are treated in the medical system, including women's clinics. No ones going to look out for you better that you will. Take the meds, take the help. This is a stress on your body, it's time out of your life, and it's scary too because IUD's don't always work out. Birth control in general is hard in many ways. If you have a partner who is benefitting from you getting this procedure, tell them about all this so they know what's really happening for you and hopefully show up for you during it all.
Good luck out there!
submitted by ---fae--- to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2022.07.25 19:27 khemistrygirl123 When Does Rehab Make Sense?

Hi all - I had someone at a meeting recently ask why I hadn't gone to rehab if I keep resetting my sobriety date...so I didn't know where else to ask these questions. At what point does rehab make sense? I feel like it would be pointless for me, but maybe they have a point? I'm on day 12 again, I've been in meetings since April and maybe consumed the equivalent in 3 alcoholic drinks in the 3-4 months, which isn't anything that would require a detox. Prior to that, I went through 4 days of being very ill, sweating, etc, on my own because I was too embarrassed to contact a doctor and I was concerned I would have my records flagged for also abusing Percocet if they ran lab tests on me (although I mostly feel like I just have an alcohol problem, it was in the mix). I feel pretty much healthy now, aside from some lingering "I've stopped drinking, maybe I should throw myself off a building" vague suicide notions that I don't intend to follow through with. That I keep having slips is 100% psychological, not physical withdrawals. I feel like going to rehab would just be very costly and I'd end up doing basically what I'm already doing: going to meetings nearly every day etc. Sure, it might remove stress, but how will that help me long-term? Does anyone have experience with coming to AA first and then deciding to go to rehab? It seems backward?
I do feel like the folks that transition from rehab have all these instructions and tools I'm missing. Like they just know how to stay sober and all of it. And all I keep hearing is "get a sponsor, work the steps" over and over... and I am doing both, but I also feel like it's days before I just give up and start drinking again. Does that seem like a rehab-level thing? Or should I just wait as long as I can before snapping and drinking and just keep going to meetings without doing something drastic like rehab? I don't feel like I'm in any kind of medical advice/danger, it's more about what might be effective for me to stay sober if anyone has gone through this?
submitted by khemistrygirl123 to alcoholicsanonymous [link] [comments]
