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2011.08.05 03:44 TheRapAsshole MFDOOM

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2011.11.22 07:37 Fraktul Cyberpunk Music What we listen to

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2024.05.16 22:17 National-Abies-7654 US or Europe for MS? (EU Citizen)

I'm an EU citizen born and raised in Dubai. I completed my undergraduate in Business Administration with a 3.2 GPA.
I'm thinking of going abroad for my masters but I'm really confused whether I should go to somewhere in Europe (Switzerland or Netherlands) or go to the US.
Obviously, the pros are very obvious. With my EU passport, I would be able to work Visa free in Europe while the visa situation is a nightmare in the US. That being said, my preferred program of choice is MIS and Europe doesn't really have a good MIS program.
So hey, I'm happy to listen to suggestions.
submitted by National-Abies-7654 to GradSchool [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:17 Aria_beebee It will get better ❤️‍🩹

Ladies and gentlemen,
Good evening. I stand before you today to discuss a matter of profound importance: the rights of transgender individuals. This is a topic that speaks to the very heart of our values as a society—values of equality, dignity, and respect for all. Transgender people, like everyone else, deserve to live their lives free from discrimination, prejudice, and violence. Yet, despite significant progress, the struggle for trans rights remains an urgent and ongoing battle.
Transgender individuals face unique challenges that can make their lives incredibly difficult. From the moment they come out, they often encounter misunderstanding, hostility, and exclusion. These challenges are pervasive, affecting every aspect of life, including healthcare, employment, education, and legal recognition. According to a 2020 report by the National Center for Transgender Equality, nearly one in three trans people have experienced homelessness, and more than half have faced discrimination in healthcare. These statistics are not just numbers; they represent real people enduring real pain.
One of the most fundamental rights that must be defended is the right to self-identify. Every person should have the autonomy to define who they are and have their gender identity respected. This includes having access to appropriate documentation that reflects their true identity. Being forced to live with incorrect identification is not just an inconvenience; it can lead to serious harm, including discrimination and harassment.
In addition to legal recognition, transgender individuals deserve access to comprehensive and affirming healthcare. This means not only providing transition-related care but also ensuring that all healthcare services are delivered in a manner that respects their identity. Transgender people should not have to fear going to the doctor or worry about being mistreated by medical professionals. We must advocate for healthcare policies that are inclusive and respectful of the needs of trans individuals.
Education is another crucial area where change is needed. Schools should be safe spaces where all students, regardless of their gender identity, can learn and thrive. This involves implementing policies that protect trans students from bullying and harassment, as well as providing inclusive curricula that reflect diverse gender identities. Education is a powerful tool in dismantling prejudice, and by fostering understanding from a young age, we can build a more inclusive society for future generations.
Employment discrimination is another significant issue. Transgender individuals often face bias in hiring and promotion, leading to higher rates of unemployment and underemployment. It is imperative that we enforce and strengthen laws that prohibit discrimination based on gender identity in the workplace. Creating inclusive work environments where everyone can succeed is not just a matter of fairness; it is also beneficial for society as a whole.
Public awareness and advocacy are vital components of the fight for trans rights. We must all take responsibility for educating ourselves and others about the issues facing the transgender community. This means listening to trans voices, amplifying their stories, and standing in solidarity with them in their struggles. It also means challenging transphobia whenever and wherever we encounter it, whether in our personal lives, workplaces, or communities.
In conclusion, the fight for transgender rights is a fight for basic human dignity and equality. It is about recognizing and affirming the humanity of all people, regardless of their gender identity. As we move forward, let us commit ourselves to building a world where transgender individuals are not merely tolerated but are fully embraced and celebrated for who they are. By standing together, we can create a society that honors the rights of everyone and ensures that all people have the opportunity to live their lives authentically and freely.
Thank you.
submitted by Aria_beebee to trans [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:11 Inorai [Menagerie of Dreams] Ch. 18: Your Customer Service Sucks pt 1

[Menagerie of Dreams] Ch. 18: Your Customer Service Sucks pt 1
Cover Art First Chapter Playlist Character sheets
The Story:
Keeping her store on Earth was supposed to keep her out of trouble, but when a human walks through her wards like they weren't there, Aloe finds herself with a mystery on her hands. Unfortunately for the human, her people love mysteries - and if she doesn't intervene, no one will. With old enemies sniffing around after her new charge, the clock is ticking to find their answers.
Hey, Miss Kanna.
Aloe showed me how to do this letterbox thing a little bit ago. Hopefully this gets to you. Otherwise, I mean, I guess you’ll never read this?
Rowen grimaced down at the page. Get to the point. Stop faffing about.
Anyway. We’ve been traveling, so I didn’t get a chance to write earlier. Thanks for all your help with the magic kit stuff, again. We still haven’t found an actual answer. We found out I can open the Heartgates, though. That seems pretty big. Just going to assume you know about all that stuff. Aloe doesn’t think it’ll be enough, but
He hesitated, pen hovering over the page. Was he just being naive? He didn’t doubt that Aloe was right, it just…seemed cruel. Surely the whole world couldn’t operate like that.
but I don’t know. It feels like it’d be pretty hard to wave something like that off? Are the Children of Ora or whatever really that single-minded about themselves?
We’re in Emerald Hills now, with that Lord Dilmat guy Aloe knows. If I can be honest a sec? I really don’t know how much I buy that he’ll help me. The lord guy seemed pretty disinterested once Aloe said he couldn’t keep me. Is staying here really a good idea? I do trust Aloe, but I don’t know. I don’t have that much time left. This feels like a gamble.
Not much time at all, now that they’d blown a few days traveling and getting set up. His all-too-short deadline was staring him down every time he closed his eyes. Could he really risk hanging around with some dude who visibly didn’t give even a single shit?
But what else could he do?
I guess it’s whatever, he wrote, shaking his head. I’m going to try and work the shop a little more. People here seem to speak English, but it’s not their go-to. It’s getting a little weird. They keep giving me looks. I need to find some sort of language textbook for Ereliit, but I’m a little worried. If there’s never been a human with magic before, you guys have probably never tried to teach a human before either. Right? So do I even have a chance in hell of learning? Would there even be anything in English?
He took a long, shaky breath. Just a worry. Do you have any ideas? I just don’t know what’s out there. But I’d like to try learning.
There. He’d talked about where they were, and he’d talked about Eswit, and he’d talked about his language battles. That just left…
His lips tightened. That just left the bit he really, really didn’t want to get into. But there was no getting around it.
I’m worried about Aloe. When we were heading into the Deeproads she started having this weird…attack. Glowy eyes, spouting nonsense, wouldn’t respond. She told me it’s because of her magic poisoning her, and she said it was a one-off thing from some kind of magic shock from coming back down here, but then it happened again last night.
She’s fine. I don’t mean to scare you or anything. She’s got that nightsbane stuff, and now that I know this is going to keep happening I can try and watch for it more. Or something like that. But she’s always a bit weird after she takes those potions. I just don’t really know what to do with all this. I just want someone else to know. Getting a little nervous.
Rowen took a shaky breath, closing his eyes for a moment. He hated tattling on her. If he was sick, the last thing he’d want was his friends spreading it around. But…someone needed to know. Someone that wasn’t him. What if last night happened again? What if she fell into another trance like at the aviary and he couldn’t wake her up?
No. Kanna needed to know.
The floor creaked overhead. “Rowen?” Aloe called. “Are you up?”
“I’m down here,” Rowen called back. Well. She was up early. The sky outside was still dark. He’d figured he had at least another half hour before she wandered out.
Quickly, he turned back to the paper laid out on the counter.
I’ve got to go. Aloe’s up and around, and I’ve got to get back to Emerald Hills for more testing. Lucky me. Fingers crossed they actually tell me something useful this time. It wouldn’t be down to luck. This time he’d make them listen. Thanks for listening, Kanna. Hopefully you actually get this.
He stood as the hallway above started to creak, hastily folding the letter up. She’d pointed everything out to him and run through a quick explanation. He just had to take this stamp, marked with a hastily-applied KANNA label, smack it onto the paper, and then put it in that wooden box. Close the lid, and-
Rowen jerked back as a flash of light erupted from beneath the so-recently-closed lid. Slowly he lifted the edge back up.
The box was empty.
“W-Well, that was easy,” Rowen said, grinning. Either the letter was on its way to Kanna, or he’d found a new handy-dandy trash can. All he could do was trust it was the former.
As he put the stamp back into the rack, though, his hand lingered on the wood.
He’d carried Aloe back to her room last night, was all. She’d been utterly passed out, and he wasn’t so frigid as to leave her out in the cold by herself. He’d felt weird about barging into her room unasked, yeah, but…well, he just hadn’t been able to come up with an alternative. She certainly wasn’t about to wake up.
Her bed had been rock-hard. He could remember it clearly, like someone had taken wooden planks and covered them in a few layers of comforter. He’d almost felt bad putting her down on it and walking away. Even the thought of it gave him a sore back.
As he’d turned, he’d caught a glimpse of a writing desk in her otherwise-barren room. There’d been a violin on it. And…a stamp, just like this. There hadn’t been a handy English label, so…he didn’t have a clue who it’d send a letter to. But there alongside it had been a pile of crumpled-up letters.
Someone Aloe wanted to write to, then—but couldn’t? But who? It would’ve been absurdly rude to pry further, so he’d just…walked away.
And now he found himself oddly curious.
The stairs creaked. Rowen glanced up, then gave a quick wave when he saw Aloe descending. “Morning. You’re up early.”
“Couldn’t sleep for shit,” Aloe mumbled. “Are you off?”
“Yeah.” Rowen grimaced. “Eswit wants me back bright and early. I’ve got to keep him happy for now.”
“Good kid.” Aloe gave him a quick smile, patting his shoulder as she passed. “Just stick with it. We’ll figure this out, I promise.”
He was sure she wanted them to figure this out. She might even believe that they’d do it. But belief in a thing didn’t make it reality. He needed to keep pushing. This was no time to sit back and take things easy. He smiled back, nodding, and stood. “I’m off, then.”
“Be safe,” Aloe murmured as he strode by.
He just kept walking, head held as high as he could, until he was out of the Dragon and alone again.
Aloe turned on her heel, giving the floor a long look. The sun was up and Rowen was off. The scholars would be able to help him. The question was, how fast? Would they be able to make a breakthrough soon?
She tried to keep her mind from scrolling through the calendar left to them. It wasn’t enough for them to solve Rowen’s mystery by the deadline—if they didn’t get back to Windscour in time to declare their progress to Envoy Jaian, she’d run a real risk of getting herself in trouble with the crown. She could defend herself, but…she didn’t want to give them any excuse to declare the deal null and void.
Which meant she really, really needed Eswit to get to work, fast.
Sighing, she straightened. A trilling whistle slipped from her lips. All around the Dragon, candles ignited, turning the morning glow into a comfortable brightness. The shutters on the front windows flew open, and through them, she saw the sign out front drop into place.
Well, they were open for business. Overhead, the sunbirds raised their heads, starting to trill amongst themselves.
“Don’t make yourselves trouble,” she said, giving the big guy at the group’s center a warning look and a pointed finger.
He only chirped at her, hopping to the side. She heard one of the eaves windows creak open, followed by the flapping of wings. Several of the others followed suit, vanishing into the outside world.
“Fine,” Aloe muttered, shaking her head. “Come back in time for dinner or you’re not getting any.” It didn’t worry her too much. Most of the dens had access to an exit if they wanted it, and all of them knew the signal for when she was packing up. There shouldn’t be too much danger toward them in a deeproads town like this.
She was just reaching her chair behind the counter when the door swung open again. “Forget something?” she said, turning back.
Her eyes widened at the sight of a woman striding through, short and sturdy with thick, curly red hair and a wide-brimmed hat whose colors had been bleached with too many hours in the sunlight. Pouches ringed the belt on her waist, hanging down almost to her knees.
“Pardon me,” the new woman said, her voice gruff. “Had a lad all but pounding down my door ‘bout some new shop in town.” She leaned her head back, fixing a look on Aloe from beneath the brim of her hat, and grinned. “Thinkin’ it’s ‘round the time I should see the place for myself.”
Just as she’d thought, then—this was Lanioch’s apothecary. Exactly the sort who might be interested in the goods she sold. Aloe smiled right back, bowing with careful, deliberate respect.
“Madam Healer, I believe I have exactly what you need,” she said. “Whatever that is.”
“We’ll see about that,” the apothecary said, turning toward the Dragon’s shelves with a brisk step.
Aloe’s grin only widened. She wasn’t put off by the woman’s air and attitude, no. She’d expected this. The bargaining was the best part—and out of everyone in the town, this was likely to be her primary customer.
The game had just begun.
It was early enough in the morning for there to still be dew on the grass when he crossed over into Emerald Hills, but the lab was already bustling. The secretary Aloe had talked to before perked up at the sight of him, beckoning him over. She didn’t try to speak to him, though. Maybe she was too busy. Maybe he was just the human and didn’t rate a little morning chitchat. Hell, maybe she didn’t even speak English.
He let her usher him into the same lab room he’d been in before. It was just like he remembered it—but this time, there’d been a huge magic circle like something out of Fullmetal Alchemist scrawled all over the floor. There were tiny detailed elements throughout it that looked like someone had painted in with a tiny, hair-thin brush. “Paint, hopefully,” he whispered, giving the thing a contemplative tap with his foot as the secretary walked across the room atop it. If he messed up all their hard work they just might kill him after all.
The circle didn’t budge. With one last shrug, Rowen steeled himself and followed after.
Note-Taker and Box-Holder were there, he saw with a grimace. Both lit up at the sight of him—but as they hurried toward him, he saw Note-Taker pull something from his pocket. A vial, filled with clear liquid.
“No,” Rowen said, taking a step back as the pair charged him. The rest of the researchers scattered around the lab looked up at the firmness in his voice, but he refused to let himself back down. “I’m not going to drug myself. It’s not necessary.”
“You must hold still,” Note-Taker said. “It will…” He scowled, chewing on his lips. “Difficult,” he said at last—and held the vial out again. “Take.”
“I’ll hold still,” Rowen said, shoving his hands resolutely in the pockets of his jeans. God, he felt out of place here dressed like a normal person when they were all wearing their fantasy getups. “I’m not taking it.”
Note-Taker grimaced. He glanced to Box-holder, who shrugged.
Rowen stiffened as the two started talking in Ereliit. “And you can’t keep everything secret from me this time,” he said. “You have to tell me what you’re figuring out about me. That was the deal.”
The two erelin men looked back to him, and now the disdain in Note-Taker’s expression was clear. “No time,” he said. “We will handle. Sit.”
“Yes, there damn well is time,” Rowen snapped. “Look, you’ve got two choices here. You can either tell me what you’re learning or I’m not going to cooperate. Okay?”
He watched Note-Taker’s nostrils flare. The man was positively glaring down the length of his nose at Rowen now. “You are not-”
“We had a deal,” Rowen said. “With your boss. D’you think that Lord Eswit guy is going to like it if you drive me and Aloe away?” He jerked his chin higher, matching the asshole glare for glare. “All I’m asking is for you to talk to me.”
Box-Holder muttered something under his breath, still in that stupid language of theirs. But before Rowen could launch into them again, Note-Taker let out a groan. “Agreed,” he said, sounding like he didn’t agree at all.
He’d at least said the word, though. And he did still need their help to get some answers. So Rowen just nodded, letting the two men guide him to the center of the magic circle, and steeled himself for what came next.
By the end of it, Rowen understood why Note-Taker had wanted to drug him.
He didn’t have a clue what they were doing. He’d tried to watch and pay attention, but there was only so much he could do. He was plunked down cross-legged at the very center of the whole arrangement, with Eswit’s mages around the outer ring with their wands and staves. Every time they raised their implements, the circle under his ass started to glow with a frankly-worrying intensity.
And then the deluge would begin. Fireballs. Lightning bolts. Whirlwinds that whipped around him and blew his hair all astray. Bits of free energy, and shrieking rips of pure noise, and gouts of water that drenched his sweatshirt. He tried to stay still through all of it, gripping the insides of his sweatshirt pocket and closing his eyes against the worst of the onslaught. He’d promised Note-Taker he could manage.
But Christ it was hard. Sweat drenched his undershirt, and however strong his resolve had been at the start, he was mortified to find he was starting to shake a little.
All of the fear vanished when, with one last crackle of energy, the latest barrage faded—and the mages all turned away from him. “Is that it?” Rowen whispered.
Note-Taker was in the back of the room, scrawling away madly on a clipboard. The other mages were starting to encircle him, Rowen saw. And they looked excited. Bingo.
Legs still quivering beneath him, Rowen stood, banging his fists into his thighs until the tingling went away. “What is it? What did you find?”
The scholar closest to him glanced over, but turned back to the others just as quickly. None of the rest even bothered to look.
Note-Taker was beaming, though, and Box-Holder’s eyes damn near sparkled. Rowen’s anger deepened. They’d found something.
“Hey,” he snapped, striding closer. “What’d you-”
Note-Taker raised a hand, gesturing dismissively in his direction. A pair of the scholars turned, moving to block his way, but Rowen had expected that. Darting to the side, he ducked between a pair of Orran women—and snatched the clipboard out of Note-Taker’s hands.
You’d think the guy had never been bullied in school. He was slow to react, hands closing around open air for a second before he lunged. “Fucking-”
“Oh, so you do know some actual words,” Rowen said. He kept backstepping, circling the room until the exit was square behind him. “Look. You told me you’d talk. That’s all I want here.”
Note-Taker’s face contorted with anger. “Give it-”
“No,” Rowen said, holding the clipboard up and away from the Orran’s reach. “Just tell me what you guys found out, and I’ll give it back.”
Otherwise,” Rowen said, taking another step backward, “I’m going to take this back to Aloe to see what it says. And I won’t be coming back tomorrow.”
He waited, counting the seconds. The scholars had all frozen somewhere in the middle of his escapade, glancing at each other with worried eyes.
This was all a risk. He knew that. He needed these guys as much as they needed him—but maybe a little reminder that he could just pick up and go if they refused to play ball would do the trick. So he waited, eyes glued to Note-Taker’s face and nerves twitching for the slightest sign of counterattack.
Finally, the man scowled, letting out an irritated grunt. “Testing passive resonance,” he said gruffly.
“And?” Rowen said. “What’d you find?”
“Response value of five,” Note-Taker said. He spat the words out, then thrust his hand toward Rowen. “Give.”
“What’s that mean?” Rowen said. “Passive resonance. What is that? And what’s it mean that-”
“Did not promise tutoring,” the man hissed. He jabbed his hand forward again. “Give.
“Okay,” Rowen said. “Fine.” He’d gotten the important bits. Passive resonance, and it spat back a five. Passive resonance, five. Passive resonance, five. As long as he could get that back to Aloe, she’d be able to translate.
He slapped the clipboard down into Note-Taker’s outstretched hand. “Here. That’s all I wanted. Are we done for the day?”
The pair of head researchers glared at him, lips tight, but turned almost immediately back to their own work. One by one heads around the room swiveled away from him.
Guess that was his answer. Rowen shook his head, grumbling a little to himself, but made for the door.
Time to figure out what all the fuss was about.
submitted by Inorai to redditserials [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:11 scumbag_teachers Programmed by Media: NPR Host Suggests Women's Freely Made Choices Are from the Patriarchy

I just listened to NPR's It's Been A Minute, and the host's discussion on women choosing traditional roles was incredibly biased. She cherry-picked an easy target, dismissing the "tradwife" lifestyle as "cosplay" and suggesting that these choices are simply perpetuating the patriarchy.
Here’s a breakdown of the issues with her commentary:
Cherry-Picking and Broader Implications: The host targeted the "tradwife" phenomenon, a small subset of women who choose traditional roles, as a means to criticize any woman who doesn't conform to her version of feminism. By attacking this specific group, she indirectly dismissed all women who freely choose similar lifestyles, implying their choices are invalid or misguided.
Straw Man Fallacy: By portraying "tradwives" as outdated or regressive, she created a straw man argument. This misrepresentation makes it easier to attack and dismiss their choices without addressing the valid reasons many women might choose traditional roles.
False Dichotomy: The host implied that women have to choose between embracing modern feminist ideals or being labeled as perpetuating the patriarchy. This false dichotomy ignores the reality that women can make diverse choices based on personal beliefs and circumstances. Dismissive Language: Referring to the tradwife lifestyle as "cosplay" diminishes its legitimacy and undermines the genuine fulfillment some women find in these roles. It’s a tactic to delegitimize and mock those who don’t conform to a specific worldview.
Ignoring Positive Aspects: The host failed to acknowledge any positive outcomes of choosing traditional roles, such as strong family bonds and personal satisfaction. Instead, she focused solely on negative stereotypes.
Underlying Bias: The entire segment seemed programmed to suggest that any choice outside of modern feminist ideals is not truly a free choice but rather one imposed by the patriarchy. This narrative is both patronizing and dismissive of women's autonomy.
This kind of commentary reflects a broader societal issue where non-conforming choices, especially those aligned with traditional values, are unfairly judged and dismissed. It’s crucial to respect and support all women’s choices, whether they align with modern feminist ideals or not.
TL;DR: NPR host attacks women who choose traditional roles, implying their choices are invalid unless they align with feminist ideals. This perspective awards women only if they follow feminist guidelines and blames men and the patriarchy for any deviation from these ideals.
submitted by scumbag_teachers to MensRights [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:06 helloimclever 33 M looking to make friends over 30

Hello all- I'm looking for someone to talk to and hopefully develop some friendship with. A little about me:
Currently reading: Anathem by Neal Stephenson
Currently watching: Fallout, The Gentleman
Currently listening: The White Pandas
Most recent movie: Toy Story 3 (I have kids)
Time zone: Eastern Daylight
Employment: on disability
Current academic interests: learning Latin, ancient civilizations, psychology (more focused on consciousness and early human development)
If you think we will get along, feel free to send a message.
submitted by helloimclever to MakeFriendsOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:05 helloimclever 33 M looking to make new friends here

Hello all- I'm looking for someone to talk to and hopefully develop some friendship with. A little about me:
Currently reading: Anathem by Neal Stephenson
Currently watching: Fallout, The Gentleman
Currently listening: The White Pandas
Most recent movie: Toy Story 3 (I have kids)
Time zone: Eastern Daylight
Employment: on disability
Current academic interests: learning Latin, ancient civilizations, psychology (more focused on consciousness and early human development)
If you think we will get along, feel free to send a message. I'd prefer people closer in age, but beggars can't be choosers and all that.
submitted by helloimclever to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 22:04 Practical-Apple-3357 AITAH FOR DROPPING A FRIEND?

this happened two weeks ago,so i,16f met another girl also 16 back in 2023,and we’ve been close since.We met through a mutual friend and we both ended up not friends with the girl who introduced us,and we became closer.
this girl has a lot of problems and i am a very empathetic person.Shes an addict to alcohol and weed,and she dabbles in other stuff,i only vape compared to this so there’s a huge difference.
She also owns her own small buisness where she creates custom name stuff.Shes obsessed with a boy from a year ago who doesn’t like her anymore.Overall her life’s kinda messed up,and i feel so much love for her.
Problem is,she’s stopped asking me to meet up except when she needs me for something,and she calls me at all hours of night crying about something or other.Shes made me a couple of custom cups and stuff over the 8 months we’ve known eachother for free (she offered,for practise) and we had an argument and she posted in a story “People only want u when they’re getting something off u” i knew it was about me immediately and blocked her and haven’t spoke to her since.I know it’s a little hasty but all this stuff she does just builds up and i couldn’t take it.Her parents let her do all this and i’m a pretty good kid in comparison to her,it’s not fair she doesn’t listen to my problems and leaves me on delivred until she needs me to talk her through meltdown?? but now i feel as if without me she’ll suffer and as much as im so mad at her i have this urge to call her every night and make sure she’s okay,what do i do?
submitted by Practical-Apple-3357 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:59 serbZ1LLA Passed at 100! Couple different learning steps that may help some

Passed the exam today. Got 5 years of security engineering experience and studied for about 2 months. 2 hours on weekdays and 4-5 on weekends.
What did I do differently? I used Anki and made my own flashcards. Lots of my doctor friends told me they used it to memorize and retain info as they studied for the MCAT, and it 100% works. I think it was the most beneficial thing I did. When I got boson questions wrong, I would make a flashcard and add it to a deck for the specific domain. It is free, asides the iOS app which I did buy so I can study on phone. If you have a hard time remembering mnemonics and random terms, this is the way for timed repetition and retainment of lots of facts. this video is 2 years old but gives a bit of info on adaptive testing style. My biggest takeaway was that you really really really need to spend a lot of time on first 10 questions of the exam, as those can have a big impact on your exam experience. I spent a good amount of time on those first 10 questions and made sure to read them at least 3 times.
The bottom line is that you need to spend time studying the material and doing practice questions.
submitted by serbZ1LLA to cissp [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:54 OKCONDUCTOR [16M] Looking for short/long-term people to talk to.

Sup, I'm Jesse. I'm highly into listening/writing music, playing free video games cause I'm frugal asf, philosophizing, and wasting my time talking to strangers at night.
Want to talk about what's bothering you? Want to get a good music rec? Want free pet pics? Want a voice call (be prepared for bad English)? I've got it all.
submitted by OKCONDUCTOR to TeensMeetTeens [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:52 Odd-Drive Family Matters sucks too

Like it's better than I expected from Drake, it's got a good beat and a couple bars are funny. “Kendrick just opened his mouth, someone go hand him a Grammy right now”, the short jokes "back against the curb”. But as a complete song, still sucks.
"I gotta go bad. I gotta go bad" “I really wanted to keep this PG" This is the lamest shit I've ever heard. Nickelodeon ass rapper.
Then he spends most of the song talking about other people. You're not tough for beefing with Pharrell and The Weekend. You got bars for Miley Cryus next? It's weak shit too. “Hey Pharrell, I bought your chains. Hey Weekend, how come I'm always hearing your music at the gay bars?” Maybe Drake's going to try the Kevin Spacey defense.
Even his Kendrick stuff is all over the place. Kendrick wants to be white? Kendrick Lamar? But he also doesn't want to be seen with anyone that isn't blacker than him? “Why don't you post more pictures of your kid" would be a weird line even without the pedo shit hanging over him, but also Kendrick's kid is on the cover of the last album. Then later he calls his son light skinned? What the fuck are you even on about? Baby Keem wrote all your best stuff? As an eight yearold? Drake needs to keep that “you're so mature for age" to the dms. "Get on pop records and rap for the whites”. That would hit if it was coming from literally anyone other than fucking Drake. Also rhyming white with whites, really breaking that pen out. He goes in hard on the Dave Free stuff, which he's already walked back. And the domestic violence allegations don't really stick when every other line is such thin bullshit. I'm not saying every bar has to draw blood, but Drake's batting average is lower than Jordan's here.
“Shake that ass for Free Well not that kind of free, I'm talking about my n– Dave” -Hey, Drake, they're not slow
Then, and this me just not being a Drake fan, but his delivery is so flat. He's swallowing half these jokes. His shit is sleepy. I space out listening to it. Euphoria is a really dense song, but it's all engaging and memorable because of how Kendrick twists his voice around
“You might pop ass with em" "What is it? The braids?” “Let me see you pusha T" "Some shit just cringeworthy, it don't even have to be deep I guess” “Givin him tools to walk through life, like day to day- know nothin bout dat” “I be at New Ho King eatin fried rice with a dip sauce and a blammy, crodie Tell me you're cheesin, fam” “OoOoooO"
Drake is so monotone. He's like when you see an actor rapping on a TV show and you're like, that's pretty good for Anne Hathaway. Not gonna buy the album though. The only line he plays with at all is Dave Freeeeee, and I'm guessing he wishes he didn't do that.
And specifically as a response to Euphoria? Euphoria changes up so much, builds momentum through the song, such an elegant piece of work. Family Matters tries to follow by changing the beat up, but it's janky. It feels like three mediocre songs stitched together, and the second one is a skip. I feel like people are grading on a curve because his next one was the biggest self own in music history, but this shit stinks too.
submitted by Odd-Drive to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:49 TallSupermarket3090 Argentinian Rock, with great guitar solo, more than 1300 followers in social nets, and blasting in 3 radios. Have you listened to it? Feel free to express your opinions and questions!

Argentinian Rock, with great guitar solo, more than 1300 followers in social nets, and blasting in 3 radios. Have you listened to it? Feel free to express your opinions and questions! submitted by TallSupermarket3090 to SmallUnderratedArtist [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:47 downtownnhv New Haven Night Market TOMORROW! (Friday, May 17th)

Hi everyone! The next New Haven Night Market is here! Join us TOMORROW, Friday, May 17th from 5-10PM in the 9th Square neighborhood for a big ol' Night Market with 100 street vendors, tons of participating businesses, art, music, and a generally good time:
Some Night Market highlights include:
- Flash tattoos on-site in Pitkin Plaza with Showoff Ink Artistry
- Queer Artist Pop-Up Market inside the new New Haven Pride Center
- Night Market poster & tote bag merchandise available created by 3 local artists (see website for merch tab; pickup at Night Market blue Welcome Tent; most of proceeds go to artist who created each poster)
- DIY Button-Making Station with NHFPL's makerspace, Ives Squared
- A glowing surprise by the Us (check the Market Map)
- Jazz listening party & art gallery at The Institute Library, upstairs
The Night Market is... family-friendly, (leashed) pet-friendly and an inclusive space for all. FREE to enter. Food, drink and retail items available for purchase. Must be 21+ with ID to purchase and consume alcohol. No BYOB permitted.
We hope to see you there!
submitted by downtownnhv to newhaven [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:37 obsessedobtuse 19M - introverted and dorky guy, looking to make long term friends!

Hello beautiful people of this sub! I don't think I'm particularly good at introductions and the like, so l' do us all a favour and get straight to the point.
I'm a 19 year old guy, from North America (Mexico, if it matters), somewhat chubby and very tall (according to all accounts), who has always struggled with sociability and everything requiring interaction with others, however, l've decided to start breaking out of this shell, and I decided to give posting in here a try! Who knows? I might just find exactly what I'm looking for.
About me, in case the flair wasn't clear enough, 1 am somewhat of a heavy gamer! My favourite types of games include open world exploration ones (think like Minecraft), and JRPG's (such as Persona and Shin Megami Tensei). I use all three main gaming platforms (PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch), so if we can arrange a session and play together that could be lovely!
I'm also a big fan of music, I spend most of my free time listening to it and I even own a vinyl collection, which I have posted on my instagram for a while now! We can talk about that for literal hours and I can't possibly get bored, recommend me your favourite songs or artists! I can even give you some recommendations myself.
Other smaller hobbies l've got also include movies (I've got a letterboxd), and reading, which in turn has made me somewhat of a writer, l've given writing a try a few times before and like to think I'm well spoken and educated, though that is something I can't award myself on purely ethical grounds. Seems a bit self-aggrandising in my opinion.
I've also got my fair share of baggage in the form of stories of various experiences and tragedies in my life (most revolving around men, funnily enough) so we can also wallow in each other's pain if that's something you're looking to do! I can talk about anything, anytime, just as long as we're both in the same wavelength, it'll be all smooth sailing.
If I sounded like something you'd like to bother with, don't hesitate to hit me up! And we don't even have to chat extensively through here, l've got Discord, Snapchat, Instagram, or of the enough trust is there, we can even text! I leave it up to you, one thing about me is that I am insanely adaptable, and will always try to make sure you are comfortable and feeling good when we talk.
Well, with this long ass post over, see ya soon! :)
submitted by obsessedobtuse to gayfriendfinder [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:32 perfectfootwearguide How to Choose the Best Running Shoes for You: A Complete Guide

Choosing the best running shoes involves:
Stick to reputable brands, balance your budget, and replace shoes every 300-500 miles. Always listen to your body for signs of discomfort. This guide helps you find the perfect pair to enhance performance and prevent injuries.

Understanding Your Foot Type

Know Your Arch

First things first, understand your foot arch type. There are three main types:

Pronation Patterns

Pronation refers to how your foot rolls inward upon landing. Knowing your pronation type helps you choose shoes that offer the right support.

Consider Your Running Terrain

Where you run plays a big role in choosing your shoes.

Road Running

If you run primarily on pavements, look for:

Trail Running

For off-road running, consider:

Track Running

If you hit the track:

Comfort and Fit

Size Matters

Your running shoes should fit snugly but not too tight. Ensure enough room in the toe box, about a thumb's width from your longest toe to the shoe's end.

Try Them On

Always try on shoes later in the day when your feet are more swollen. Wear the socks you intend to run in to get the best fit.

Break-In Period

Remember, running shoes don't usually require a break-in period. If they feel uncomfortable initially, they are likely not the right shoes for you.

Support and Cushioning

Cushioning Levels

Choose the cushioning based on your comfort and running style:

Support Features

Depending on your pronation type, you might need additional support:

Brand and Budget

Reputable Brands

Stick to well-known brands like Nike, Adidas, Asics, Brooks, and New Balance. These brands often offer a range of shoes tailored to different needs and offer reliable quality.

Budget Considerations

Investing in a good pair of running shoes is crucial. Prices typically range from $50 to $200. While higher-end shoes offer advanced technology, mid-range shoes can also provide excellent support and durability.

Additional Tips

Replace Regularly

Running shoes typically last 300 to 500 miles. Tracking your mileage can help you know when it's time for a new pair.

Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to any discomfort or pain during or after running. It might be a sign that your shoes are not the right fit.

Final Thought

Choosing the best running shoes involves:
Following these guidelines, you can find a pair that enhances your performance and keeps you comfortable and injury-free. Happy running!
Choosing the best running shoes involves:
Stick to reputable brands, balance your budget, and replace shoes every 300-500 miles. Always listen to your body for signs of discomfort. This guide helps you find the perfect pair to enhance performance and prevent injuries.

Understanding Your Foot Type

Know Your Arch

First things first, understand your foot arch type. There are three main types:

Pronation Patterns

Pronation refers to how your foot rolls inward upon landing. Knowing your pronation type helps you choose shoes that offer the right support.

Consider Your Running Terrain

Where you run plays a big role in choosing your shoes.

Road Running

If you run primarily on pavements, look for:

Trail Running

For off-road running, consider:

Track Running

If you hit the track:

Comfort and Fit

Size Matters

Your running shoes should fit snugly but not too tight. Ensure enough room in the toe box, about a thumb's width from your longest toe to the shoe's end.

Try Them On

Always try on shoes later in the day when your feet are more swollen. Wear the socks you intend to run in to get the best fit.

Break-In Period

Remember, running shoes don't usually require a break-in period. If they feel uncomfortable initially, they are likely not the right shoes for you.

Support and Cushioning

Cushioning Levels

Choose the cushioning based on your comfort and running style:

Support Features

Depending on your pronation type, you might need additional support:

Brand and Budget

Reputable Brands

Stick to well-known brands like Nike, Adidas, Asics, Brooks, and New Balance. These brands often offer a range of shoes tailored to different needs and offer reliable quality.

Budget Considerations

Investing in a good pair of running shoes is crucial. Prices typically range from $50 to $200. While higher-end shoes offer advanced technology, mid-range shoes can also provide excellent support and durability.

Additional Tips

Replace Regularly

Running shoes typically last 300 to 500 miles. Tracking your mileage can help you know when it's time for a new pair.

Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to any discomfort or pain during or after running. It might be a sign that your shoes are not the right fit.

Final Thought

Choosing the best running shoes involves:
Following these guidelines, you can find a pair that enhances your performance and keeps you comfortable and injury-free. Happy running!
submitted by perfectfootwearguide to u/perfectfootwearguide [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:29 Only-Outside-653 A Story I've worked on in my Head for Years

This is a story I've come up with my head for years It predates most things talked about so I've had to figure a way for it to fit in. This story was created basically to find a good way to blend Dbs with Naruto. There is a bit of a "timeline thing" but that will be explained and basically thrown away fairly early on. Also it starts a little overpowered but only due to the bigger things I started building up too. Also This is my first time "writing this down" and I'm not exactly a world class story teller so in ways this is more of a character.His name is Hachiman
This takes place in the Hidden Leaf Village but the current time is during Just before the 4th Great Ninja War. In this world The Kaguya clan has not yet gone extinct. A Prodigy child is born of the Kaguya Clan. A Rere Genetic Awakening has happened within the child's body Opening access to the Ötsutsuki genes within him of which being born with Byakugan and multiple charkra nature's are amongst a couple. His Ötsutsuki ability has the ability to manipulate time to a second difference Small but extremely reliable. Due to being such a a Prodigy at a young age as well as fascination with different Justu, as well as Frankly not being able to Beat or Captured he was Drafted into the Anbu. He shows hardly any emotion and Know's full well he can do what he wants to an extent but has no want for this as he Would rather just live peacefully and whatever brings him and everyone closer to peace he will due solemnly. He grows up with Hardly anybody but 1 girl named Kiriko (Kiri for short) In the middle of a mission The Hidden Stone attacks the Leaf! Hachiman hurry's back to the village quickly! Quickly he fends off quite an amount of Hidden Stone. A Shriek is heard in the distance! He rushes to Help! There he finds Kiriko with blood trickling the the hands of the enemy. Blind Rage awakens within Hachiman His Time related Kekkei genkai Erupts! White Surrounds the entire area it seems as if the world Is collapsed within it. When he comes to he awakes in a Forrest, "Where is the hidden leaf?" He thinks. Realizing his eyes have awakened Sharingan! Shinobi running through the Forrest stop him "Who are you they ask" As Hachiman looks up they meet eyes with the Sharingan. Immediately they attack! Hachiman defeats then. As he begins to walk around he notices the world and the chakra of the world itself is different? Eventually he stumbled into a camp and realizes this is an Original Uchiha Camp. He begins to ask questions blending in with the fact he has Sharingan they questioned nothing. He begins to put the pieces together His Kekkei genkai awakened and Swalllowed Him in time, He himself has Time traveled to before the Villages had begun. Thinking back in history eventually he works under the Uchiha but with minimal Killing as to protect time from being distorted and making an impact that never happened. As time continues he meets Madara Uchiha and studies him from the shadows Observing and Copying his every move. Hachiman learns his Sharingan's ability is able to Save and copy other Sharingan Formation (allowing Amaterasu, etc) Later he again Stay's in the shadows and does the same with the Tobirama. As time moves on he realizes he does not age anymore. He begins to not fully understand his situation but make the better of it instead. In the shadows he studies and copies all of the Legends from Naruto. Eventually Rinnegan awakens and Before the final Ninja war he abandons this dimension. "It is not my home anymore" he believes. He watches as Naruto and Sasuke beat Kaguya and Learns of the Ten tails. Trying to further his power he discovers a Ten tails abandoned in a random dimension. He decided to become a Ten Tailed Jinchūriki. Later Sasuke while traveling through his Rinnegan meets Hachiman. Hachiman explains everything. Sasuke already having his first run in with Otsutsuki explains everything that has been happening home. Hachiman has no interest as he feels a greater threat is coming. He tells Sasuke to leave him and he will stay out of all Trouble and wishes to be left alone.
Dragon Ball Super side of things
The Grand Priest has learned of a Universe Remnant that has survived Xeno's destruction. Immediately he sends a New Angel named Jin is sent to Investigate. Feeling a threat Incoming Hachiman meets Jin. Jin begins to explain why he was sent but Hachiman dosen't try to listen as he believes this might be an Otsutsuki threat. He fights to the Fullest ability! (Ten Tails Jinchūriki Awakening, Pure White Susanoo armor coated to his body, Lighting Style armor (similar to what The 3rd Raikage used), Sword of Nunoboko, as well as Multiple upon Multiple Shadow Clones) It is during this fight he awakes what he calls (Divine eyes) which allows him to use Divine Jutsu (which is basically just any Jutsu turned up to an 11) He is losing almost overwhelming however he is able to his a surprise Planetary Devastation. This surprises Jin to which he states that Hachiman is coming with him. Reluctantly Hachiman agrees. They leave to meet with The Grand Priest which has an Idea for the young Hachiman. During the 1st meeting with Universe 6 as well as Universe 7 Hachiman is brought to View and see if he can contend with such fighters. A sparing match is to be had the winner gains access to 1 wish from the Super Dragon Balls! The Fight begins! Hachiman Vs Vegeta!! To all Viewers the Fight ends Astonishingly Quick as Vegeta dosen't move everyone including Vegeta Unaware he is Locked in Genjustu. While The Fight unannounced to Vegeta is Over, Vegeta believes the fight is currently happening. Hachiman used Genjustu to obtain all Knowledge Vegeta has about everything. Quickly Hachiman learns of what sayians are as well as The circumstances as well as the Different sets of Dragon balls. Vegeta's body is set in the stands Senzu beans don't work as Vegeta's body is fine. The Fight with Goku Begins!! Using the Knowledge Hachiman now has He understands how to Fight A sayians better. While maintaining a "Mind Fight" with Vegeta Hachiman begins to Truly battle Goku. Using as many cheap trucks as he can to contend with a sayians of Goku's Caliber Eventually the fight ends with A Planetary Devastation Sealing Justsu. Goku can't escape. Announced as the winner Hachiman gains his wish! However with the knowledge gained from Vegeta he chooses to Use the Namekian Dragon Balls instead as a Win He makes his 3 wishes 1) He wishes to become a Half Blooded Sayians while maintaining all abilities he had Before 2) He wishes to unlock what his Bloodline Calls Tensigan 3) He does not care what this wish is and Gives it away Shortly after the The TOP is announced. Jin has been assigned to watch over Hachiman to keep eyes within his universe and Him. Hachiman decides he will be entering the TOP alone as he as already stated he will not intervene within what is happening with his universe The training with his New Found Divine Eyes mixed with the Blood of a Sayian has led him to become Overwhelmingly Powerful as well as unlock Ssj2 The TOP begins!! Immediately knowing the difference in power as well as being cunning Hachiman Buries himself within the Ground Funneling and Learning how to manipulate Kachi Katchin steel, as well as basically being a Clone summoning Factory that fight above ground. For the most part Hachiman keeps quiet until near the end. In a Fatal attempt he does try to fight Jiren thinking Genjustu might solve the problem IT does Not. Jiren let's it happen at first Letting Hachiman Speak to him. Later he breaks free however and Finds the real body of Hachiman. Seeing No way to win in a Sayian Anger fuled Rage he uses a Justu never been done before DIVINE STYLE: DIVINE REAPER DEATH SEAL Everything fades to black and seemingly Hachiman Disappears. In pure black A voice Speaks "My Slumber has been interrupted by whom" A Divine Reaper God appears before Hachiman Otsutsuki Honestly in Fear for the 1st time Hachiman has no words However The reaper Feels his energy and reads his based off this. "You ask for my power for such a weak Creature..... Pathetic" he states Hachiman responds " It was a sudden Idea I had no idea what would become of it Who are you?" " I am the What happens to God's and angels who have fallen, I am the manifestation of the Natural order Of things" Taking an Intrest in Hachiman The Reaper proposes an Offer "I have not been summoned in millennia as well as God's have not fallen in such time, I would like you to become my new Reaper You will gain access to my abilities as well as my Power" "& In Return?" Hachiman responds "I exist in all of time Past, Present, & Future you will be of use to me there will be interference from me in anything you do, so long as every now and then you fuel me with energy" Hachiman agrees Appearing back in the same spot as if Time stopped again Hachiman awakens with Black Energy pouring from his body He rushes Jiren Quickly however His body cannot take the duress and Gives out Hachiman is Eliminated The TOP proceeds regularly. When the Universes are Brought back Hachiman appears in the dimension he was Watching over back home in Universe 13 Jin arrives afterwards to Explain that the Grand Priest would like his presence. Hachiman goes with Jin to meet. The Grand Priest is alone with no Guards as well as no King Xeno He explains that he is unhappy with the way the Universes are being run. Tired of presiding over a Child with the Supreme power. He asks if That was the God Reapers energy he Felt within Hachiman. To which Hachiman says Yes. "Can you access it? Use it and your own will?" The Priest asks Hachiman responds No but it's still within him he could learn to harness it but why? Grand Priest has a plan to extract Xeno's energy and Give it to him to run this the Multiverse Correctly as a God should he also explains that when King Xeno destroyed the Multiverse is seems at that exact moment is when Hachiman's outburst happened and The moment destroyed Single handedly restarted his Universe through time. To help train Hachiman with his New Found power as well as the Fact Universe 13 has no current God of Destruction Hachiman is assigned as well as Given God of Destruction Power After a 4 years have passed Hachiman has traveled not only throughtout his universe but because his universe is still so Young there isn't much to Destroy or Watch he travels throught the other Universes. Every planet he has been too throught the Multiverse he places the Flying Rajin Seal A Coup has begun Grand Priest helps set the stage Hachiman's reaper energy has manifested through talking to the Reaper as well as practice. The Reaper energy as well as Reaper Saiyan Form has the ability to completely absorb Energy of all Kinds and Manifest it as Their Own. He uses Rope Kunai Energy weapons to predominantly absorb others energy. King Xeno is Stabbed at the same time as The Grand Priest the channel the energy from one blade to another. As the Energy is being drained Hachiman begins to see inside the Grand Priests Mind seeing that the Grand Priest plans to eradicate all of the Multiverse for Good Hachiman stops! The power is drained from Xeno but the Grand Priest has 75% of the power while Hachiman has the remaining 25%. Hachiman Escapes Labeled a Traitor Hachiman is Hunted by everyone the Grand Priest can get his hands on. Traveling from world to world Hiding Honing all of his abilities to One day fight The Grand Priest and Finally decide what should be done with The power of Xeno.
If you read all That I Love you Frfr please Put input I'm sorry its sor Poorly written and put together but I've never done something like this in writing purely in my head. I hope someone reads this one day!
submitted by Only-Outside-653 to NarutoFanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:26 No_Grapefruit7950 Burnout Recovery Advice

TLDR: looking for advice for 'deep recovery' from autistic burnout, venting/rambling a bit about my situation
Sorry for the long post, my life hasn't been great the last few years and I'm hoping that if I describe it in detail then someone might have some advice for where to go next, or be able to tell me if I'm missing something obvious. I've bolded the bits where I'm asking for advice.
I (24F) am not officially diagnosed with aspergers or anything autism related, but am recovering from what I suspect is autistic burnout. I had symptoms of moderate to severe CFS last summeautumn but am slowly recovering from it without any major crashes. When I read the description of autistic burnout I identified with it completely. The loss of skills and extremely reduced tolerance to stimulus on top of the fatigue is something I have really struggled to describe or explain to people (not helped by the loss of skills i.e. barely being able to put a sentence together to speak to someone). I've read Strong Female Character and Aspergirls, and am currently reading Unmasking Autism. I haven't completely self-diagnosed yet, but I am researching it and think it's a strong possibility. The first half of Aspergirls describes my childhood pretty well. I was often called a 'Highly Sensitive Person' and Unmasking Autism states that the creator of this term has said that the people she was talking about have since been diagnosed with ASD. Even if I am not Autistic, I often find Autistic people more relatable and easier to understand that non-Autistic people and find their advice for rest, sensory issues etc helpful to me. I am not looking for a diagnosis or diagnostic advice.
I currently feel like I'm starting my life over again, and I'd really appreciate advice on how to build a sustainable life when I have a lower tolerance for stimulus and find communicating more tiring than many people.
Context/life story: I'm from the UK. I have a degree in maths, was feeling burnt out and was going to take a gap year before doing a masters, but the pandemic happened and I moved back into my childhood bedroom. I couldn't face being stuck there again with no 'escape plan' so one afternoon I (impusively) signed up for a masters at a not so great uni and didn't do well academically. At the time I was considering a PhD and going into pure maths research. I don't have the grades to get funding for this. By the end of the masters my boyfriend had broken up with me and I'd lost touch with all my friends. The only person I 'spoke' to was my mother and even she'd say this was pretty one sided. In my dissertation presentation on zoom, I read a pre-written script and answered 'I don't know' to all the questions because I hadn't spoken to anyone in months and couldn't hold a conversation with the cashier in the supermarket about the weather let alone one with an academic about advanced maths. I scraped a pass.
After this was over (October 2021), I really felt like I needed a break. I decided I was going to have 2022 'off'. I was going to rest, get a job that didn't use my brain, move to a city so I wasn't so isolated (I live in Wales) and recover and rebuild before figuring out what I wanted to do next. I couldn't figure out how to move to a city without getting a professional job. I asked some family for advice but they didn't know either. I didn't know how to get any job near the town where I live. It's very cliquey, I don't know anyone who's got a job through a formal application process, it's always through a family or friend connection, and I'd lost touch with everyone by this point, my mother doesn't have any contacts and the rest of my family lives in another country. I get filtered out of formal applications because I'm overqualified and bad at lying. Spring 2022 I got sick of it and applied for about 5 software dev jobs. I got one basically without being interviewed. In hindsight that was the first red flag.
I moved to a city 5 hours away. I won't go into the details of the job but it wasn't great. I discovered they had a vrey high turnover for a small company. The new hires previous to me had lasted weeks, one only lasted days, before going on stress leave. I did 10 months. I signed a rental agreement for a year and was too exhausted to search for another job to pay for it. It was full time in the office because I was a junior. I had one friend who lived 3 hours away and every time we met up it was me driving to them, and my sibling needed a lot of help with uni and job stuff so I drove the 5 hours back home most other weekends. I did too much, but I didn't know how to not do too much. Within a few months of each other, my dog died, my grandad died and it was the 10 year anniversary of my dads death. I never had a bad performance review and I quit due to 'personal reasons'. The final straw for me was when I noticed in the office I was physically shaking from exhaustion when I reached for my mouse or keyboard. I think I must have been running on adrenaline or something because it was 2 months before I properly crashed. In this time I moved my stuff back to my childhood bedroom, and that is where I am now. July last year was when I crashed and thought I had CFS etc.
I would say I'm mostly recovered from the physical fatigue. I walk 10k+ steps a day and this helps me mentally. I know I should do more restorative yoga, I see this more like stretchy meditation than exercise and it also helps mentally. I used to enjoy powerlifting and I've tried a few times recently but I think I need to take that super slowly because I get carried away and it wipes me out for a few days after. Skills-wise, I am able to read books again, albeit books I've read before or childrens books. I sometimes have 'high energy' days when I'll read more non-fiction and try to plan my recovery. I am not up for doing technical computer stuff. Things I used to know still go completely over my head. Sensory-wise, I struggle having the big light on for more than 10-15 minutes at a time. I try to reduce screen time. I barely watch tv. I've deleted most social media so I only check instagram once or twice a week on my laptop, and I go on reddit or youtube if I'm looking for something in particular. I try not to listen to too much music otherwise the brain fog gets worse, but that's hard becuase it's one of the few things I feel connects me with the outside world at the moment. When family come round and there are group conversations, I cannot follow anything that's going on and it may as well be white noise. I haven't been in a public space for a while, so I don't know how I am with the background noise. I've reconnected with school friends and am going out for dinner soon, so I'll find out then. I will also find out how I hold up in conversation.
In the next few weeks I plan on looking for part time work. Any advice on suitable jobs would be welcome. I also start a compassion focused therapy group next week, after going to the doctors about this in october of last year *sigh*. I plan on working part time and living at home while figuring out what I want from a career and how to build a life. I wish I could just move to London but it's so expensive.
I see pure maths as closer to the arts than the sciences, and also enjoy fiction books (esp fantasy) and music. I played classical piano and violin/viola as a child to a reasonably high standard. I have no interest in computers really, it was just a job thats related to my degree and that I was good at. As a child I wanted to be a writer or a musician, but as a teen I prioritised moving out of my hometown and told myself that was something I didn't need to study and could work on in my free time. I had a 'maths brain' so it was easy enough to coast this path while I was grieving. I have learnt that the first things I let slide when I am stressed or busy, are the things I am interested in. Then it's chores, then my physical health. I have no idea when to stop or when to say no people. Not because I want them to like me, simply because saying no doesn't occur to me until after I've done it. I also don't notice when I am stressed or doing too much. I have gotten better at that the last few months.
In future, I think I need to prioritise my interests more than I have. I think I tried to 'fix' the stress from the things I 'had' to do with exercise and being very physically healthy. I think the solution is to prioritise working on my interests and passions. The thing I've found most helpful is keeping a diary. I started this last July. I'm now writing music and learning how to produce using Ableton. It's going very slowly but it's going. I've found creating things is better for me mentally than consuming them, even if I'm doing that using a screen. I am interested in the links between maths and music (group theory, geometry, topology etc), and plan to read more about this when I'm able. It would be a dream come true if I could somehow work self-employed doing this one day. I can't imagine working full time in an office again. It exhausts me too much to be able to do anything in my free time. I don't know how demanding it would be to work remotely full-time. I'm lucky I can live with family and work part-time for the forseeable future. There is no rush. I am 24.
Any advice on building a career your interested in, moving to a new city, managing stress and having healthy relationships would be very welcome. Or anything else you think it would be useful to hear.
submitted by No_Grapefruit7950 to aspergers [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:23 fjolo123 Is TWDU TTRPG good?

TL:DR Is TWDU RPG good. If so how? if not, why?
Well? How is it? Has anyone actually run games with it? I've scoured through posts that all either fizzle into nothingness or are dated way back in the Kickstarter days.
I want to know if anyone has actually played it a few sessions and what they can say about it?
I've listened to reviews and seen 1 video of a recorded play session, but I just can't immerse myself in recorded sessions. I'd rather just get the main juice here.
How is it? How does it play? Does it satisfy the need to roleplay a zombie apocalypse with a slight niche toward the series? Does it simultaneously provide freedom to do anything; as for instance homebrewing a campaign that instead takes place in Spain or whatever?
I am extremely interested in getting the game but I am not sure I want to be overly disappointed.
Some background is that I have only ever played DND 5e as far as TTRPG's go, and I've been the DM for now around 50 pretty successful sessions. I've little experience with free league, the Mutant Year Zero system nor its successors. Many reviews pointed out flaws in the system or gripes that I couldn't exactly relate to. That's why I am wondering if (by overlooking that) I might actually find this system to be pretty good.
submitted by fjolo123 to TTRPG [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:18 naaaaaaw Mystery speakers

Mystery speakers
Recently picked these up for free as my college was getting rid of them and they looked in OK shape. Could anybody tell me anything about these or what I'd need to use them as monitors/general listening speakers with my desktop pc? Both speakers have dents in the center parts of the cones (please correct me on the terminology) but I don't know how this will effect the sound or if I need to replace the speaker parts themselves (again please correct my terminology).
submitted by naaaaaaw to audiophile [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:10 MEG4NTRON Utapri in 2024: Things to Get Hyped About

Hey all,
Since it seems not everyone is super up to date on what's going on in the series right now, I thought I'd make a quick post to bring everyone up to speed!
UtanoPrince-samaLIVE EMOTION A new mobile rhythm game is being released on June 12th! This new entry to the series will feature all our favorite idols from STARISH, QUARTET NIGHT, and HEAVENS!
Find more information on their Twitter account here:
QUARTET NIGHT SOLO BEST ALBUMS The senpai are finally getting their moment to shine with Solo Best Albums! These will be compilations of all their solo songs so far plus two new unreleased tracks from each idol!
Release dates are: Reiji Kotobuki - June 5 Ranmaru Kurosaki - July 3 Ai Mikaze - August 7 Camus - September 4
Find more information about the albums on the official website:
WEB RADIOS: SHINING RADIO STAY TUNED and UTAPRI FM {Find the Music} SHINING RADIO STAY TUNED is a bi-weekly radio hosted by our Shining Agency idols (in character!) A few months ago they were accepting fan submitted questions and comment for segments. It's a really fun way to see what our idols have been working on lately and what they've been up to in their daily lives.
UTAPRI FM {Find the Music} is a weekly seiyuu radio show hosted by Terashi Terashima (Otoya's VA). Every week he is hosting other seiyuu from the franchise as guests. They are still accepting questions and comments if you would like to participate here:
Both of these radio shows can be listened to for free the week of their release. Please note that these radios are Japanese language only.
STARISH LIVE STAR TREASURE -MOONSHINE- Upcoming seiyuu live featuring the voice actors from STARISH performing their songs from STARISH TOURS! This is part two of a two concert series. The first installment, STAR TREASURE -SUNSHINE-, took place in Sendai, while this one will be in a larger arena in Yokohama on August 24th and 25th. STAR TREASURE -SUNSHINE-'s BluRay is available for purchase now!
More information about the live here:


There's a ton more going on but these are some of the main things to look forward to right now. I'm happy to talk more about any of them or discuss things that don't currently have release dates but we know are in the works (such as QUARTET NIGHT's movie and the visual novel Dolce Vita).
Alternatively, you can join our discord where we have a lot more active discussion about current happenings!
submitted by MEG4NTRON to utapri [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 21:06 Remarkable_Carry_881 loneliness

Hello reddit. This is my first post here. It is written through a translator because I am too lazy to remember my English. And I hope no one reads this because it's fcked up, thoughts go fck knows where, and it's all in English. And those who will read: Press F
I've been feeling so lonely for the last 2 years that I've stopped hoping for any kind of relationship with girl. There is no person nearby who could listen to you and support you, instead of saying, "you're a man, stop whining." I'm tired, very tired.
I think I've watched all the melodramas, comedies, dramas, romantic films. Almost everything I do in my life, I do alone: I watch movies, play, study and work, I recently started watching streams on Twitch to feel less lonely, but it no longer works.
Sometimes I walk down the street (wearing headphones with music or a podcast, of course) and wonder, "what if I'd been hit by a car?" Or while at home, looking at the knives: "what if...?". And so on, you know.
Ha, I remember. In the summer, the movie Barbie and Oppenheimer was shown in cinemas, I called absolutely everyone I could during 2 weeks, offered different dates and times. And what do you think? I went to both films alone. Or I had tickets for 2 performances at the theater for free, and I could choose any day during the year. Can you guess? I went alone to both performances on the same day.
No one will ever write/call me just like that, fuck, no one even calls or writes about the case. At most, these are phone scammers, and then they quickly hang up the phone.
And more recently, my parents decided that I should move to another country without knowing the local language, and most likely never return home. I studied, worked, I liked my profession, I had plans for the future. And to be honest, I did it with pleasure, considering that I am still a lazy and irresponsible person. But they decided otherwise for me. And I had friends I saw sometimes, and they were like a little breath of fresh air for me, but, I lost that too.
I fcked up this loneliness, I had to at least write it all down, I couldn't keep it to myself anymore. I'm swinging from one emotion to another in a matter of minutes. And for some reason I can't cry, although the desire is huge.
update: I haven't told you a lot, I'm stupidly lazy.
upd2: I decided to add it. I am an ethnic Korean, I have lived in Moscow almost all my life, and now I have moved to South Korea
submitted by Remarkable_Carry_881 to lonely [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:54 Crafter235 A Clockwork Orange Video Game Adaptation

Currently, I have watched the movie and completed the book. From seeing both source materials, I've thought about the idea of making a video game adaptation of A Clockwork Orange, instead of just another movie.
For an idea: instead of the typical GTA concept, I would have it be more like a beat-em-up game like Scott Pilgrim or the Hobo flash games. With the synthesized music, I would also make it pixelized 16-bit to fit the theme. With the arcadey feel to it and the retro style, it helps narratively to show us the depravity in Alex's mind. To him, it's all some funny game, no big deal. However, with cartoony sound effects and acradey music, victims will scream and moan in actual pain, begging for mercy, showing that they're truly suffering, and how disassociated with reality Alex is, with upbeat feelings but horrifying sound effects. Milk-Plus would serve as power-ups, which each type having their own specialty for each night. From combat, once you defeat an opponent, you have two options: You can just kill them, or give them the "ol in-out". The second option more brutal (if you know what it is), but you gain more experience points.
When not fighting, there are other minigames, such as:
In addition, there is exploration and walking around the city. With worldbuilding, it's in advertisements, billboards, newspapers, and dialogue between NPCs.
The gameplay will follow like the book; traditional beat-em-up in the first act, other minigames in prison with some combat in the 2nd act, and hiding and stealth in the 3rd act. While there can be some influence from the movie, it will be much more closer to the book. With being more with the book, there will be things like selling stuff to Will the English (a dealer mentioned only in the book), the option to bribe alilibis in case the droogs are arrested, or we would see Alex and Co. wearing outfits described from the book (though the Kubrick film outfits could be like a dlc).
Of course, being a separate adaptation in the video game medium, there would be some changes and differences. For example:
For endings, there can be two of them. The first ending is like the movie, where Alex just goes back to his old self. The second ending is more like the book. You're given more availability to partake in combat with new droogs, and unlock new upgrades, but it eventually gets dull and repetitive, and like in the book, Alex decides to call it quits and grow up. Perhaps it doesn't need to be a seperate ending, but more like the ending and epilogue of RDR2.
Aside from the obvious controversy of such a game (whether it be the violence and/or politics), what are your thoughts? What would you also include?
submitted by Crafter235 to StanleyKubrick [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 20:54 fjolo123 So any extensive review on TWDU ttrpg from someone that has played it?

TL:DR Is The Walking Dead Universe RPG good. If so how? if not, why?
Well? How is it? Has anyone actually run games with it? I've scoured through posts that all either fizzle into nothingness or are dated way back in the Kickstarter days.
I want to know if anyone has actually played it a few sessions and what they can say about it?
I've listened to reviews and seen 1 video of a recorded play session, but I just can't immerse myself in recorded sessions. I'd rather just get the main juice here.
How is it? How does it play? Does it satisfy the need to roleplay a zombie apocalypse with a slight niche toward the series? Does it simultaneously provide freedom to do anything; as for instance homebrewing a campaign that instead takes place in Spain or whatever?
I am extremely interested in getting the game but I am not sure I want to be overly disappointed.
Some background is that I have only ever played DND 5e as far as TTRPG's go, and I've been the DM for now around 50 pretty successful sessions. I've little experience with free league, the Mutant Year Zero system nor its successors. Many reviews pointed out flaws in the system or gripes that I couldn't exactly relate to. That's why I am wondering if (by overlooking that) I might actually find this system to be pretty good.
submitted by fjolo123 to rpg [link] [comments]