Spetsnaz ballistic knife for salec

My past is making it impossible to live for me.

2024.05.12 22:06 Cat_Lost_In_Space My past is making it impossible to live for me.

Hello reddit. Just wanted to vent a little bit here. I am 33 old female and in the last few month I realized how my past is directly destroying my life. Also please mind english is not my first language but I will try my best.
Let me start from the begining.
Father - a polish guy who was abused mentally and physically by his father who still thinks that my grandpa methods are the best for raising children. Everything that my father said or done was stupid and my grandpa even told him to not pick his dream career (aviation in military) but to travell to Russia and learn about nuclear physics because goverment said there will be a nuclear reactor in Poland. Still there is not a single one in our country.
Mother - russian woman who already had a child with russian mafia member when she meet my father while he was a student. She saw an oportunity to leave her country with him so she basically manipulate him to love her. She also only thinks about herself and just want to use others to gain comfort and money.
Now me.
I have no idea where I was born. My father claims in Poland and he has a birth certificate to prove it. My mother says in Russia and she also have a birth certificate.
From the moment I was born noone trully cherished me besides my grandma (my fathers mother) and her father - my greatgranpa who fought in WW2. I have some reordings when people walk with me, carry me but only when I was just a baby. After that nothing. For most of the people I was this tainted little piece of nothing. Why tainted you ask? Because I was mixed. My mother was always saying that I was filthy because of my polish blood. Polish side of my family said it was because of my russian blood. I was a freak in everyones eyes. Something that did not deserve to be treaten well from certain age. My first memory I have is when I was crying in my crib and noone came untill finally my grandmother came back from work to hug me and feed me. I was not eating for several hours that day. My mother did not work and never breastfeed me. She was "busy" with my sister who was a pureblood and she was the only one who deserved her attentioned. Mind I was never changed aswell for several hours. My father worked low payed jobs at first because at that time with his russian dyploma he was an outcast. Later with my grandma help he was able to get into IT because he had some skills and she was able to convince her director to give him a chance and invest in his training. He never achieved anything my his own.
At this point I must admit I was abused mentally and physically by my father because my mother demanded. She also did. I was punched, beated, throwed, cursed, everything you can imagine. She even tried to kill me by throwing a knife that left a scar on my head that I can hide with my thin hair.
When I was 5 years old I attemted my first suicide. I was told by my mother that I am nothing and I do not deserve to live so I wanted to make her happy and just die. My plan was to jump off the balcony. We lived in a very tall building so I would die for sure. When my mother saw what I was doing she grabbed me by my hair and pulled me hard into the ground. She said nothing, she did not even look at me. My back was bruised after that. Later on she beat me just to make the bruising more painful. My grandmother asked what happend when she saw me but my father just said "she felt", nothing more. He did not even question my mother.
Later on my parents split because of my mothers infidelity. She never loved my father. She just wanted to escape her country and get more money. She realized she will get more from other people so she just left him and seek more attention elsewhere. This is the time when I felt the horror and terror for the first time. I was sure that my grandma would take me in but I was hugely mistaken. My fathers father had a brother who was a professor. His field was education - pedagogics. He did not wanted me to end up with my father. He called me a filthy bastard many times amd was saying that keeping me will be a disgrace. Also my mother promised him that she will be able to sell me in Russia for good amount of cash. He did everything to make my father look like a person who would not be able to raise a child. I was put in my mothers "care".
It was only for one year but let me summarise what happend: I was not able to go to school as a 7 yo which almost made me go to first class again (thank god I managed to learn fast later), me and my sister 3 years older were constantly left alone in house with no food and water. We ate cat food that my mother left plenty for our 3 cats. Me and my sister were exposed to "adult content" such as drugs, sexual assault, alcohol, gambling, prostitution and much more. We always tried to hide under our beds and I really do not remember if anything happend to us or not. My therapist said I have amnesia that might explain why I do remember those things happen but cannot put them on a timeline. Me and my sister also almost died when we were there. She because of meningitis and I because of kidney failure. We both managed to be cured.
After that one year my father convinced my mother to "sell" me to him. He would pay her more that only child support just to get me out of there. She was more than happy to agree.
In that time my father meet his now wife. My stepmother is 10 years younger than him and she feed me lies like "I will replace your mom, I will love you and cherish you". Me, a child, believed her back then.
When she was officially my fathers wife she went ballistic. My idiot of a father still contacted my mother and gave her even more money, helped her alot with everything and my stepmother wanted him to pay for this "treason" so she verbally abused me and let her whole family do the same. It did not worked coz my father could not care less.
I was with them for almost 5 years years. I was called a whore, prostitute, a bolshevik (who I had no idea who it was in that time). I was starved, forced to eat off the ground or put in a dark basement because my stepmothers younger brother saw it as hillarious. I was told I am nothing, that I do not deserve anything or that noone loves me because I am a bastard. I was a good student, I had really good grades and I won some awards while in school but I was always told that only thing I can do in life is to clean floors somewhere, nothing more. When my school pointed that I would be great at programming because it was natural for me my father said I am an idiot and I do not have a brain that can function and be able to do programming. Everything I was good at and praised in school was quickly turned into "they are saying it so you wont be sad that you are an idiot".
One day I was very hungry and I decided to eat some ham that was in the fridge. I was punished for that because that ham was for guests and I was a filthy trash and should not eat that.
You may ask if school ever noticed anything? They did, I even told them but my father came, said to them that I am a filthy liar and a bad child and they just dropped because he forced me to admit I was lying.
When I was there I was also writing a diary where I wrote how much I hate all of those people. My stepmother found it and read it loud in front of all those people which made the abuse grow even more.
Many times I cried to my grandma why she wont take me and she always said she cant until I was 12. From what I know at that age child can decide with which parent they want to stay and she did not wanted to risk me being taken to my mother again so she waited. She did try to protect me as much as she could but she could not be with me all the time at my fathers place. Thing went a bit better at the end of my stay because my grandma told my father she will kick him out of his flat (she was the owner) if he will not contain his wife and her family. My grandma was clueless for years what was happening to me because I was afraid she will hate me as my stepmother was convincing me.
When I ended up at my grandma place it was a bit better. My mental stability was non existing. I did not received any help because my patents basically had no desire to do anything involving me other than abuse so no papers were sign. My grandma also did not believed in mental health at that time.
I was a troubled teenager and young adult because of my mental health. I did not have any problems at school. I was a genius in a broken body as my friend said once. I smoked, drank alcohol and sometimes do weed but I was to afraid of beeing like those people at my mothers place that I never gave up to any addiction. I was used by other people when it comes to help or physical contact which I am still ashamed of but I survived.
I was told by my family that I will never achieve anything but I indeed achieved alot. I have my masters degree in mechatronics, I am a programmer and now... my life is going worse and worse.
My trauma kicked in lately in much more force. I was diagnosed in CPTSD which is Complex PTSD. I lately lost my job because my grandmother started to act like my father. I was working from home and she did everything in her power to make me lose it. She marched to every important meeting and just... humiliate me. She wanted me to be vulnerable again so she is doing everything so I will lose any stability. Woman who helped me made me hate her.
I tried to have a relationship with my stepmother and father but they claimed they did nothing wrong and that what I remember never happend. My grandmother instead of defending me and be on my said said she wants to not be involved. I decided to cut all contact with my father and his wife after that.
Now Im jobless as a programmer which is just pathetic. My boyfriend of 7 years is not supportive at all. He thinks that I should just get together and smile because other people have much worse. I am losing my mind over this... he is saying he understands I am in a bad place but in the end he will scream at me that I am always gloomy and that I cry alot. I am once again suicidal. I am really trying to survive but I just cant. At this point only my two cats are keeping me alive.
Sorry for this mess of a post but in the middle of writing I just started to cry and could not contain myself.
submitted by Cat_Lost_In_Space to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 19:22 Business-Fennel-3593 "team based shooter with real life military equipement"

My apologies for posting this, if there was a team based shooter game close to Overwatch with real life military equipement, what about featuring: -Rifle hero(meaning he/she uses assault and battle rifles. However, semi auto battle rifles may be included based on the Indian Army using the SIG712 G2 Patrol). -Precision rifle hero(meaning he/she uses sniper and designated marskman rifles). -Shotgun Hero -Submachine gun hero -Machine gun hero -Carbine hero -Pistol hero -Revolver hero(based on Russian military using RSh-12 revolver) -Drone launcher(based on Defendtex drone 40) -Spike launcher(based on Rafael Mini-Spike with kinetic missiles) -Crossbow Hero(based on Chinese, Serbian and Spain armies) -Railgun hero -Coilgun hero -Laser cannon hero -Ballistic knife hero -Axe Hero
In such game, all heroes should sprint, aim down sight, crouch an do melee attacks. (I wonder if prone would work although soldiers prône in real life. As real life soldiers don't slide, I don't know if such game should feature it).
submitted by Business-Fennel-3593 to Military [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 01:10 Business-Fennel-3593 Spetsnaz ballistic knife

Does the Spetsnaz still use the ballistic knife?
submitted by Business-Fennel-3593 to askmilitary [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 01:09 Business-Fennel-3593 Spetsnaz ballistic knife

Does the Spetsnaz still use the ballistic knife ?
submitted by Business-Fennel-3593 to Military [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 20:49 Schmutzie_ Forged in Fire

It's Forged in Fire reruns all Friday afternoon on DefyTV in Chicago. One hour at a time from noon until 2AM tomorrow. I've seen most if not all the episodes.
I like the forging part. Very zen. The testing part gets a little weird, like when Doug Marcaida starts stabbing ballistics dummies and the fake blood goes spraying everywhere, followed by Doug grinning from ear to ear and informing the blade smith that his recently forged trench knife "will keel." (It's weird how Doug's "it will kill" has evolved into "it will keel" by the way.) The sharpness test usually involves cutting sandbags, something covered in leather, pieces of wood, or running the knife sideways though a row of apples. And then the strength test where they try to break the blades these contestants just forged. They smash the blades into skulls, cow femurs, suits of armor, bricks, metal pipes, and anything else they can think of that shouldn't be hit with a knife, or machete, or hatchet, or whatever today's blade is.
That's the other thing I like. They tell these smiths what they're going to make, how they're going to forge it (gas or coal), how long it has to be, and what metal they have to use. Find the parts for your blade in that pile of motorcycle parts over there. You have 3 hours, starting...now!
I get a kick out of the judging. I like when they tell Rudy his blade didn't make the cut because it suffered catastrophic damage during the "cinder block chop." The fuck did you think would happen? I just spent 3 hours making a Ka-Bar out of a chunk of truck axle and you whack the thing on a fucking cinder block?
"Please, surrender your blade and leave the forge."
The hang-headed walk of the smith that gets bounced is fantastic, from a schadenfreude pov. These people are crushed. Talking about going home, kissing the wife, petting the dog, eating some dinner, and then going out to the garage forge to figure out where I went wrong with my life.
Just once I'd like to see one of these smiths refuse to "please surrender their blade, and leave the forge."
It won't chop cinder blocks, so I have to hand it to you and leave the forge? I don't think so Wil Willis. Come and take it.
submitted by Schmutzie_ to TheNewGeezers [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 03:22 Shearkin Nessie locations: Firing range as of S21

Nessie locations: Firing range as of S21
As it stands right now, there are:
Firing range Nessies:
  • 10 known Green Nessies
  • a balloon Nessie
  • a Gold Nessie
  • a Pink Nessie
  • a Teal Nessie
  • a Blue Nessie.
  • a Red Nessie
  • a Polkadot Nessie
  • a Giant Nessie
  • a Purple Nessie

*Click each spoiler to reveal the Nessie's in order! This can help serve you as a checklist!
  • Green Nessie 1 - Located by leaving spawn tunnel, and moving to the tunnel on the left of spawn tunnel.

  • Green Nessie 2 - Located in front of the right-most gunrack at the bottom of the hill from spawn.

  • Green Nessie 3 - Located at the top of the central tower, coming down from spawn.

  • Green Nessie 4 - Located under the stairway of the sectioned off courtyard behind the base-building of the central tower

  • Green Nessie 5 - Located off the left edge cliff, coming out of spawn. It is tucked away and accompanied by 5x Wattson Plushies.

  • Green Nessie 6 - Located at the highest rear-central cliff peak of the Firing Range

  • GreenNessie 7 - Located in the dropship on the helipad.

  • Green Nessie 8 - Located on a branch near the top of the tree closest to the blue crate adjacent of the helipad.

  • Green Nessie 9 - Located at the rear of the lone-target island in the back right of the firing range.

  • Green Nessie 10 - Located in the upper right corner of the Firing Range, on the triple-target ledge. Currently the only known OOB Nessie.

  • Balloon Nessie -
  • Method; collect all 10 green nessies place in a circle anywhere in firing range, and deploy a evac- tower in the center ,
  • location ; Nessie balloon will appear at the top of the evac-tower

  • Pink Nessie-
  • Method; This Nessie requires 100 dummy kills
  • location; Located at the top of the zipline strut on the rear-right of the central tower. .

  • Gold Nessie
  • Method; -Requires at least 5+ minutes on the range, visiting all available POIs, picking up a weapon, interacting with a death box, and using the Power Tower at least once. This does not have to be done in a specific order.
  • Location; Located directly behind the user when they spawn in the Firing Range. (middle tunnel) in the shadows along the wall

  • S17 Teal Nessie-
  • Method; Requires hitting an up-in-the-air headshot on a dummy with the throwing knife.
  • Location; Located in the Raven's Nest, directly above spawn.

  • S18 Blue Nessie-
  • Method: You need to hit a Bullseye on any target with each weapon in order of game release for titanfall 1 , 2 and Apex followed by hitting it with two legend weapons. There is an audio que after each game completion correctly before Nessie can be found.
  • TF1 - Longbow, Wing man, Chargerifle, P2020 . Re45, R99, R301, spitfire, G7 scout, Car SMG ,Hemlock, ,Eva 8, and Kraber
  • TF2- Mozambique, Mastiff, Alternator, Flatline , Devotion, L-star, Trippletake ,Volt
  • Apex- Sentinel, Peacekeeper, Prowler , 3030- repeater, Rampage, Nemesis, Havock, Bocek compound bow, And Throwing knife
  • Legends - Rampart - Shelia , Vantage -A-13 Sentry ( sniper )
  • Location: on the center riser by the gun racks, the blue Nessie will fall from the sky like a called in Titan .
  • S19 RED Nessie-
Method: Using Ballistic carry 3 weapons with the letter R.E.D Use them in three specific ways R= Jumping while finishing a mag E= killing an enemy from 80m away D = killing a dummy from atop of the drop ship with the last bulet to make nessie appear
  • >! Step No. 1: Equip Ballistic You will need Ballistic to carry the three guns necessary to find the Red Nessie!<
  • Step No. 2: Pick up three weapons beginning with the letters “R,” “E,” and “D”
  • Step No. 3: Using your “R” weapon, kill a dummy while airborne Jumping while shooting is the easiest way to complete this Red Nessie step.
  • Step No. 4: Use the EVA-8 to kill a dummy from 80 to 100 meters away Both 80 and 100 meters have been demonstrated to work for this step, so you can use a rough estimate of the distance by pinging the dummy and finding your distance.
  • Step No. 5: Use the final bullet in the Devotion to kill a dummy while standing on top of the dropship. You must kill the dummy with the final bullet in your clip to complete this step
Location: it will be on top of a red dummy head , on the lone target island at the back of the firing range

  • S20 Polkadot Nessie-
  • Method ; Using each female legend go to Quip wheel and either emote OR throw a holo-spray
  • Location; on the far left of the zip line platform above the charge tower

  • Giant Nessie -
  • method: >! Valkery as it is up and out of bounds ( going to test to see if Jump tower works)!<
  • location;>! left side of the map out of bounds above the water in the corner ( will try and get better instructions ) !<
  • S21 Purple Nessie -
  • Method ; collect all other Nessie in inventory ( gold backpack is needed ) and select Alter And Use her Ult .
  • location; Nessie will drop from the void where ever ult was placed

these are all the Nessie locations and how to find them so far.
if anything on this list can or should be changed Please inform and we will do our best to check the information and change it :)
will update this post when new information comes available

submitted by Shearkin to Nessiemains [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 23:20 Obsequium_Minaris Ballistic Coefficient - Chapter 10

First / Previous / Royal Road / Patreon (Read 12 Chapters Ahead)

"Kayla, Evie!" Pale called as she rushed back over to the caravan. Every movement caused waves of pain to radiate out from her shoulder as the knife shifted inside her, scraping across her bone. Pale grit her teeth as she ran, forcing herself to hold back from crying out in pain.
Her wound would need to be treated, but that would come after she confirmed the safety of her allies, and no sooner.
Pale sprinted through the caravan, her shotgun held in one hand and cradled underneath her arm. With her off-hand incapacitated, she'd only have the one shot in her long gun before being forced to discard it in favor of her sidearm, but if she ran into any more bandits, she'd be sure to make that one shot count.
All around her, wagons burned and people cried out in agony. Bodies, both bandit and elf, littered the ground, their lifeblood spilling out onto the grass and dirt below. Flames curled up into the night, spewing acrid black smoke across the plains and illuminating the carnage below. Pale couldn't help but glower as she passed by several elves who had been all but carved limb from limb.
She held little love for these people, but they had been her allies, and they hadn't deserved to die so horribly. The only solace was that the bandits appeared to have been slaughtered to the man; she hadn't seen any of them get away, at least, and there were enough of their dead scattered around to make her believe that none of them had survived their attack.
"Pale?! Pale!"
At the sound of Kayla's frantic voice, Pale whipped around, her eyes widening.
"Over here!" she called. "Are you hurt?"
Her question was met by the sound of two pairs of hurried footsteps rushing over to her Kayla and Evie came running up to her through the darkness, and for the first time, Pale allowed herself to relax, lowering her weapon before ultimately switching the safety on and gently laying it on the ground below. As she did so, the knife in her shoulder shifted once more, causing her to wince and let out a pained grunt before sinking to her knees, clutching at it.
"Pale!" Kayla shouted, rushing to her side along with Evie. "You're hurt! How bad is-"
"I'll be fine," Pale insisted through gritted teeth. "Just need to get this knife out of my shoulder…"
"What do you mean, just get it out?! We need to get you to a healer, and-"
"Relax," Evie urged. "I know enough healing magic to fix up something like this, no problem." She gave Pale a sideways glance. "You are right about one thing, though – that knife is going to have to come out before we can do anything about fixing the wound itself."
"Do it," Pale urged.
"You sure? It will hurt-"
"I'm sure. Get me fixed up."
Evie shrugged. "Don't say I didn't warn you."
Evie motioned for Kayla to fall in alongside her. Kayla swallowed nervously, her wolf ears drooping as the two of them closed in on Pale, who merely bunched up some of her undershirt and stuffed it in her mouth. Evie took hold of the hilt of the knife, then looked to Pale for confirmation; she nodded, and Evie yanked. Despite her best efforts, Pale still had to suppress a scream of agony as the blade was pulled from her shoulder.
Still, it was thankfully over in just a few seconds. Evie held up the knife, showing the crimson-slicked blade to Pale, before tossing it away. Naturally, the blood had started to pour out of her once the knife had been removed, but Evie was quick to clamp a hand over it, then look over to Pale once more.
"You'll feel some slight discomfort," she warned.
Pale nodded, but despite this indication, nothing could have prepared her for the sudden sensation of her flesh beginning to stitch itself together. She nearly jumped when she felt the blood flow begin to taper off, followed by the wound starting to clot and then close, all in a matter of seconds. By the end of it, the deep stab wound was gone, replaced with little more than a rough patch of scar tissue. Pale couldn't help but poke and prod at it a bit, bewildered as she was, but after just a few seconds of investigating it, she knew what the truth was.
Magic was clearly a very real thing in this world, but the true extent of it was still a mystery to her. One thing was for certain, however – it was very powerful, and she could not afford to underestimate it if she wanted this avatar to stay alive.
Pale looked over to Evie, then offered her a nod. "Thanks."
Evie waved her off. "Least I could do. Now, I'm gonna need you two to come with me and help me take care of the rest of the caravan."
"That wouldn't be a problem at all," Kayla insisted. "Right, Pale?"
Pale didn't hesitate to shake her head. "Lead the way," she said.

It took them the rest of the night to not only treat the remaining survivors of the attack, but also take inventory of all the losses the caravan had incurred. The true extent of the damage wasn't revealed until the sun had started to rise, but by then, there was no mistaking the kind of carnage the bandits had wrought.
Pale counted six burned-out wagons, their goods gone up in flames along with them. Thirteen elves had also fallen, out of a caravan of around forty. The thought made her brow furrow; she had no idea what Evie's accounting books looked like, but even despite that, Pale knew that these weren't the kinds of losses any traveling merchant could sustain. No operation survived losing that much material and manpower, at least not for very long.
And so, she wasn't surprised when Evie approached her and Kayla, later that morning, a crestfallen expression on her face.
"Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but we're turning the caravan around for now," she told them.
"You are?" Kayla asked. She bit her lip. "…Truthfully, I'm not surprised… I mean, after what those barbarians did… I don't think anyone would blame you for heading back."
"It's not just that," Pale cut in. "The monetary losses here must have been staggering. It's not the kind of thing that can just be recovered from." She looked over to Evie. "I take it you had a choice between seeing it through and turning things around?"
"No offense to you two, but it wasn't a hard choice," Evie answered. "Would've been a lot harder if I hadn't lost so many people, but now… now, we've got a lot of families to inform and bodies to bury. I'm sorry, but this is as far as we go, at least for now. We'll link up with you as soon as we're able, we owe you that much, but at the moment, this is where we part ways."
Pale pursed her lips. That was unfortunate, but she could at least understand where Evie was coming from.
"We'll figure something out," Pale assured her.
Evie nodded and went to turn and walk away, but at the last minute, Pale recalled something from the night before. She called out to Evie, getting her to stop and turn back; as she did so, Pale pulled the letter she'd taken from the barbarian, then offered it to her.
"Does this explain anything?"
Evie eyed the letter in disbelief. "Where'd you get this?"
"From the dead bandit leader. You want to know who did this and why, right? That might have your answers there."
Evie accepted the paper, then tore it open and began to read through it. It only took a few lines before her expression darkened and she lowered the page, gritting her teeth in anger.
"What is it?" Kayla asked.
"It's a letter of marque," Evie answered. "Someone put a kill order on our caravan."
"What? Why would they do that?"
"Does it say who it was?" Pale asked, leaning in.
Evie shook her head. "Nothing about who sent the order. It just says that my caravan is to be destroyed and everyone in it slaughtered or enslaved, as well as a price for doing so." Her expression darkened further. "Three-hundred gold… they were paying those people three hundred gold for the lives of forty people. Not even ten per person…"
"So, someone put a hit out on your caravan and everyone in it," Pale surmised. "Any idea who it might be, even if the letter doesn't indicate it?"
Evie shook her head. "No… I didn't think we had any enemies like this. This is the first indication I've ever seen that someone hates us." She let out a tired, irritated sigh. "Look, I'd like to discuss this further, but I need to be going. We've got a long ride back to Woodbriar ahead of us, not to mention plenty of letters home to send, and honestly, I'm in no mood to even be considering doing something about it. Just… if you two do find something, either let me know or just kill the bastard who signed that letter, and I'll see to it that you're both handsomely rewarded. Deal?"
"Deal," Pale said without a moment's hesitation. "Safe travels."
"Same to you. Hopefully we'll see each other again soon."
With that, Evie waved goodbye, and her and the rest of her caravan turned and began to move away from the two of them.
Pale and Kayla watched them steadily disappear over the horizon, and the instant they were gone, began moving in the opposite direction, farther north.

They walked for most of the day before finally deciding to retire for the night. There was little more than an empty field around them, but Pale didn't mind – given the fact that their previous incursions into areas with forests had led to ambushes, she was in no hurry to get out of the elements, especially not when the skies were clear.
It was beginning to get cold, however – frost had started to cover the ground as night had fallen, and Kayla was shivering slightly as she laid in her sleeping roll. Pale, for her part, simply grit her teeth and bore it, though she made a mental note to call down a drop pod with some heavier clothing for the two of them the moment morning came. She was tempted to do it at night, if only to make sleeping outside more bearable, but that was a bad idea – the drop pod coming down would be visible for miles, and this deep into enemy territory, the last thing she wanted was to plant a beacon pointing directly to her.
Pale's thoughts were interrupted by Kayla suddenly stirring slightly before falling still. Seeing it, Pale couldn't help but furrow a brow.
"I know you're awake."
For a moment, Kayla said nothing, but then let out a heavy sigh. "Yeah… sorry; I know I need to get my rest."
"Indeed," Pale cut in. "But something is bothering you. Care to elaborate?"
Kayla bit her lip. "It's just… that letter got me thinking… did the bandits who attacked my town have a similar order?"
Pale blinked, surprised. Truthfully, that thought had passed her mind already, but to hear it from Kayla was unexpected. Kayla was far from stupid, but she was young and inexperienced. For her to put the pieces together like that so quickly and by herself was interesting, to say the least.
"It's a possibility,' Pale said. "I wouldn't be surprised if it were completely true. Think about it – they bypassed several bigger towns to come straight for yours, and seemed uninterested in anything aside from killing, enslaving, and looting."
"So you agree?"
"I think it's a distinct possibility, but we'll need something more concrete before taking that and running with it. Ideally, we'll hear it from a high-ranking bandit themselves, when we manage to take one alive." Pale cast a glance up at the moon. "Get some rest, Kayla. You'll need it for tomorrow."
Kayla looked like she wanted to argue, but didn't, instead lying down and closing her eyes. She was out in a matter of minutes, though once again, Pale could tell from the twitches and whimpers in her sleep that she was still being plagued by nightmares.
Eventually, Pale turned away, instead focusing on the moon once more, her mind racing at the thought of the letter.

Special thanks to my good friend and co-writer, Ickbard for the help with writing this story.
submitted by Obsequium_Minaris to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 05:18 eddy_talon [WTS][BC] A bit more loads and loads of gear and accessories

Epic spring cleaning. PayPal, e-Transfer, or cash. Local in Metro Vancouver-area for meetup, can also ship. Currently not open to trades, sorry.

Gun parts and airsoft-specific accessories:

Gear and other accessories:

submitted by eddy_talon to airsoftmarketcanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 15:13 MagicMissile27 XXVIIth Praetorian Infantry, Part 11 (Westbridge). An Experiment in Unladylike Warfare.

Major Potts and Captain Blakely sat in the small meeting room they had chosen as they went through the records one last time. “Are you sure this is a good idea, Major?” Blakely asked her, and she shook her head. “No, I’m not. But it’s the best idea we’ve got and we ought to give it a try.” Before the last of the group had arrived, the two had finished reviewing the records of the 5 women before them…
(suggested music: https://youtu.be/nLHDofvU5gA?si=skxyZ2Y966uAb2Gs )
First up, 1st Lieutenant-select Idena Verona. Her record was, in a word, exemplary. Cool, logical, determined to the point of ruthlessness, deeply loyal, and an officer from a long line of military service - the daughter of an Imperial Navy captain. Verona was listed as an expert tactician and crack shot with a sniper rifle, but the only problem was that she had no actual combat experience outside the raids on Westbridge. A dark-haired woman with deep tan skin and dark eyes, she had arrived on time in a perfect inspection ready uniform, as expected.
Next was Sergeant Virginia Woolworth, a veteran soldier and former correctional officer who consistently shot “expert” or higher on every single rifle range training course. She was tough, no-nonsense, and physically strong, protective and reliable in the extreme, having been counted on to assist Potts before in the arrest of Commissar Gardner and his would-be attackers. She was at least a known quantity in the team’s favor.
Third was a woman whose past couldn’t be more opposite than Woolworth, Corporal Lucy Raycraft, a tattooed athletic blonde soldier and former gang member with a rap sheet longer than most troopers’ service records. Raycraft was an expert in melee combat, scouting, and stealth, and was generally considered to be extremely dangerous. She smiled wryly at the Major and Captain as she arrived - with her usual sense of dark humor, she would no doubt find it very funny to be working under Sergeant Woolworth, who had once been an overseer at her place of imprisonment.
Corporal Rachel Darling’s record was best left to speak in its own words. “Despite her mousy black hair and unassuming glasses-wearing appearance, Corporal Darling may be one of the most unstable and dangerous women in the regiment. A convicted arsonist who claims her sister’s ex-husband “had it coming” and that’s why she blew up his hab-block with a stolen melta bomb, she is, however, also an expert in explosives and heavy weapons of peerless skill.”
The final member of the team was Specialist Violette Wake-Stewart, a prim and proper-looking pretty redhead. Wake-Stewart was trained as a combat medic by service specialty, but she was also known to be an excellent amateur singer and actor (which ran in her family for three generations). The only problem was that she was also known to be a compulsive liar, which threatened to make her as problematic and distracting to her allies as she was to potential enemies.
Once the last of them arrived (Darling had been the last to show up), Major Potts signaled for the sentry to shut the door, which she did. “Thank you all for coming,” she said by way of introduction. “Some of you know each other, some of you don’t. But you’re all here for the same reason,” she continued. “The regiment needs to explore new methods of warfare to fight against new and existing enemies on this world. You five have been chosen as the first experiment, the first foray into a more…unconventional side of warfare by our doctrinal standards.” She looked to Blakely, who cleared her throat. “Put simply, we want you to learn how to fight as a team, but not fight like Praetorians.”
Raycraft looked to her left and right and grinned widely, clearly pleased by the prospect, while Verona nodded concisely. “Yes, ma’am,” she said obediently. “Our mission?” “Your mission is to form a functioning commando team out of the five of you, Lieutenant,” Potts said. “Once your team is ready we intend to deploy you into the mountains and surrounding terrain to hunt down the troublesome Auxilia officers and their T’au overlords.”
Woolworth coughed quietly. “Sergeant?” “Ma’am, how long do we have, respectfully?” she asked, looking sidelong at Raycraft and Darling. “As soon as you can,” Potts said with a slight sigh. “I need a functioning group of soldiers who can respond to what’s going on as soon as possible. This regiment cannot afford to be stagnant any longer.” She shifted her attention to Verona. “Idena, I’m promoting you to 1st Lieutenant, effective immediately – Yeoman division has already been informed, don’t worry – and making you commanding officer of Team ARTEMIS. Your first task will be to find gear suitable for your work. Supply division will comply with whatever you need, Lieutenant Leary has guaranteed that.” She scanned the team as a whole. “This isn’t a normal mission for any of us. But I’m confident you’re the right women for the job. If anyone can pull off this sort of unladylike warfare – stealth, tight tactics, knife work, sniping, and more - I think it’s you. We’ll be in touch with more orders soon. Good luck.”
As soon as the team had saluted and left, they gathered around outside to discuss their plan with their new commanding officer. “Right. Well, first things first, we need to get new kit,” Idena said, thinking through the tasks ahead. “What did you have in mind?” Woolworth asked her curiously. “I’m not sure,” she admitted as the group proceeded toward the supply warehouse. “Let’s see what they have first and go from there.” "Nice to just get what we need first and not have to swipe it later," Raycraft smirked at Woolworth. "Beats the old days, wouldn't you say, Sarge?" "I'm sure there won't be any 'swiping' of regimental resources required, Corporal," she shot back, but stopped at a sideways look from Idena. It took the better part of the rest of the day to find out what they would need and how they planned to set it up, and then another day to get all of the gear prepared – but after that, Team ARTEMIS gathered again outside their barracks dressed fully in new uniforms and armor, attracting curious glances from nearby soldiers.
The storekeepers had provided them with a stock of extra black and red jumpsuits in the same style that the tank crews wore, which Idena ordered the uniform maintenance and supply division to modify with extra fabric and stitching, as well as tailoring them better to fit each of the five soldiers. The storekeepers had also procured black ballistic vests of a more lightweight and mobile design than the usual heavy tan armor vests worn by infantry, as well as matching black helmets with visors – all of this together making the five Praetorians look very much not like their peers. “They do say black goes with everything,” Raycraft joked, sliding a knife into a sheath strapped to her arm. “I think it looks good,” Darling piped up as she fussed with the settings on a grenade launcher absent-mindedly. “I think so too,” Wake-Stewart agreed, smoothing her hair as she tried on the helmet and flicked the visor down, then back up again. “Well, hopefully it does more than just look good,” Idena commented matter-of-factly as she finished reassembling the lightweight sniper rifle she had procured. “Now the real work begins.”
(just a little bit of ground work on the black ops squad I'll be writing about. Enjoy as I create yet more characters, though these are definitely more misfits than the usual band of prim and perfect Praetorian girls.)
submitted by MagicMissile27 to war_for_Gryllus [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 01:29 Obsequium_Minaris Ballistic Coefficient - Chapter 9

First / Previous / Royal Road / Patreon (Read 12 Chapters Ahead)

Their caravan continued throughout the day. They passed by several different small towns, but as Evie explained, they weren't planning on stopping any time soon, especially since Kayla's father was at risk. And so they'd all kept riding along, only stopping in a small clearing just outside another town when night had fully fallen.
"That's enough for one day," Evie said, bringing her wagon to a stop. "You two need some bedrolls? I've got extra. I figure we can all cram into the back of the wagon if we're smart about it, that way we're not sleeping under the stars."
"You two rest up for now," Pale said. "I'll take the first watch."
"That's not necessary," Evie insisted. "We have caravan guards for that."
"Be that as it may, I would be much more at-ease if I was able to help them keep watch for a bit." Pale shifted a bit, unslinging her shotgun. "I will join you both in a few hours."
Slowly, Evie nodded. "Very well."
"Wake me when it's my turn," Kayla said.
Pale waved her off. "Not necessary, thanks to the guards; this is more for my own peace of mind than anything."
Kayla hesitated. "If you're sure…"
"I am positive. Get some sleep."
Kayla nodded, and as she laid down, Pale climbed out of the back of the wagon and stood just outside it, her weapon held at a patrol carry. She looked around, trying to get a read on her surroundings. They were back in a field again, with a thicket of trees nearby. A short ways away, she saw a small village populated with houses made of wood. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary with anything, but that didn't mean they were completely in the clear.
They were getting farther north, Pale knew. And the farther along they got, the more likely it was that they were going to run into more bandits. She wanted to be prepared for that, just in case.
Of course, that was the problem – if she wanted to keep her true nature a secret from Evie, then she wouldn't be able to use her drop pods. The thought made her scowl. She was being forced to deliberately handicap herself if she didn't want people to start asking questions. Evie and her group weren't bad people, at least as far as Pale could tell, but the last thing she needed was for word to get around about her.
Of course, that only mattered if things weren't escalating. If it came to preserving her avatar's life or revealing her secrets, Pale knew there was really no debate to be had. And in that case, the gloves would come off.
She was still a warship, after all, and if her internal diagnostics were correct, most of her weapons systems were still online. The majority of her armament was designed for ship-to-ship combat, but if push came to shove, it would be trivial to repurpose some of it for air-to-ground combat. The only problem there was collateral damage.
Pale let out a small huff. Coming planetside was an inevitability, given the state of her true form, but the longer she stayed here, the more complicated things seemed to be getting. Idly, she ran through her inventory, looking for something useful, only to find nothing but a few distress beacons. Given the sheer vastness of space and the fact that this solar system was completely unknown even to her, the odds of someone coming across the beacons were so small as to be almost non-existent, but that was no excuse for not trying.
And so, Pale snapped her fingers, and several distress beacons were ejected from the ship. They would be completely invisible to anyone not using her military's IFF codes, unless the Caatex had somehow managed to crack their codes in the time she'd been gone. But if that was the case, then the war was already lost, and all she'd be doing was speeding up the inevitable.
Pale leaned against the wagon, peering out into the forest, a scowl crossing her face. Her thoughts had been a mess ever since her earlier talk with Evie about family, and she wasn't sure why. Everything Evie had told her had gone against all the protocols that had been drilled into her mind since awakening on that operating table, and yet she couldn't help but dwell on her words nonetheless.
Humans had always been naturally curious, and apparently, that curiosity had spread to her, courtesy of the brain mapping. It was rare that she came across a problem that couldn't be solved immediately, but philosophical discussions like the one she'd had with Evie were a bit more complex than something like a mathematical equation, at least in terms of the steps needed to solve them. Still, in time, Pale was confident she'd find the answers she was looking for.
Pale's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by something out of the peripheral of her vision. Through the darkness, she was barely able to make out a figure approaching from the forest, breaking out from the trees and stealthily moving over to the caravan. Without missing a beat, Pale raised her shotgun and activated the weapon-mounted light attached to it. The light cut through the darkness like a knife through butter, illuminating a large man clad in furs and carrying a pair of miniature axes in his hands.
Pale didn't hesitate. She pulled the trigger; the man's head exploded in a shower of gore, and all hell broke loose.
From the forest, arrows and magic began to fly, impacting against the wagons. Pale ducked back behind Evie's wagon, thumbing a shell into her gun as she did so. All around her, arrows embedded themselves into the ground.
"Evie, Kayla!" she called. "We're under attack!"
From inside the wagon, she heard the two other girls scramble to their feet, then jump out of the back. Kayla was already conjuring lightning in her hands, while Evie had grabbed a longbow and quiver from somewhere and was busy nocking an arrow. They both ran over to her, crouching down alongside her.
"Do we know who they are?" Evie asked.
"Bandits," Pale reported."I was expecting we'd find more of them as we made it further north."
One of the nearby wagons suddenly went up in flames. Evie stared at it, a scowl creeping her face.
"We can discuss that later," she emphasized. "For now, come with me. We need to beat these guys back before the entire caravan is destroyed."
"You're right. Kayla, go with her." At Kayla's pointed glance, Pale added, "I'll be fine. Go!"
Kayla still seemed hesitant to leave her behind, but ultimately did as she was told, taking off after Evie as she ran towards the rest of the caravan. Pale, meanwhile, turned her attention towards the forest nearby, where spells were still being launched towards the caravan. Without a moment of pause, Pale ran for the forest, taking care to keep herself out of sight as she did so.
After a brief sprint, Pale reached the thicket of trees, dropping into a crouch as she moved towards the rays of light being fired at the caravan. She slung her shotgun, instead drawing her pistol in one hand and her knife in the other. Creeping along, she looked for one of the nearby mages, and eventually found one. He was midway through casting a spell when she pounced on him, driving her knife into the base of his skull and severing his brain stem. Immediately, the man fell like a puppet with its strings cut; Pale scrambled off him, flicking her knife to clean some of the gore off, then continued on her way.
The bandit mages, it turned out, were so heavily focused on the caravan that none of the others noticed her approaching them. She was able to take out two more in much the same way she killed the first. However, that was when the other bandits, having noticed they were no longer being provided with covering fire, decided to investigate.
Pale was midway through climbing off the last dead mage when two men wielding greatswords emerged from the trees ahead. She rounded on them, her .45 in hand, and began to fire. Hollow point rounds ripped through both men, and they jerked as the bullets struck flesh and bone, both of them eventually succumbing to a final headshot. Pale flicked the empty magazine out of her gun and replaced it with a fresh one, then holstered the weapon and shouldered her shotgun.
She was just in time, as two more bandits came sprinting after her. The first one was taken down by a spray of buckshot that tore his right leg off at the knee; he collapsed, screaming in agony as the second man advanced upon her, his sword raised high and glinting in the moonlight. Pale rolled to the side just as it was about to impact and split her in two, then began to pour shell after shell into her opponent, ending with a final shot to his chest that ripped his ribcage open and exposed his heart.
To her dismay, however, that red aura enveloped him, and he gave her a manic grin as he stomped towards her, hefting his sword. Pale's shotgun clicked empty, and she let it hang from its sling as she unholstered her pistol. Just before she could get a shot off, however, the bandit did something unexpected – he reached for a knife on his belt and threw it at her. Pale's eyes widened, but she had no time to avoid the throwing dagger before it embedded itself into her shoulder.
Pale bit her lip hard enough to draw blood, the sudden pain a new sensation to her. Her vision blurred; the knife was scraping against bone with every movement she made, she could feel it. Her left arm hung limply at her side, forcing her to retreat deeper into the forest. Behind her, she heard the bandit continue to advance, looking for her.
"I can smell your blood, little one," he said. "You can't hide forever."
Pale grimaced as the blood dripped down her arm and onto the ground below. He was certainly right about that – she couldn't hide forever. Running was also out of the question; she wasn't about to abandon Kayla and Evie.
She was going to have to fight.
Pale's gaze fell to her shotgun, still hanging from its sling with its action left open. Carefully, she dropped a single shell into its chamber, then rode the slide forward. The bandit heard the click of the weapon being loaded, then charged after her. She beat him to the punch, however, spinning out from around the tree with her .45 raised. The bandit closed in on her, his sword raised high, but she got there first – her .45 barked twelve times in the night before the slide locked to the rear, and each time, another chunk was torn out of the man's heart. He stumbled back with every shot, his eyes widening in disbelief. The greatsword came clattering to the ground, but he still wasn't dead – instead of lying down and accepting his fate, he ripped two daggers from his belt and charged her once more, a feral yell erupting from his throat.
Pale dropped her handgun, and with one hand, raised her shotgun, tucking the stock under her arm. She took careful aim, waiting for the right moment, and then fired. What was left of the bandit's heart exploded, and he immediately paused, his eyes widening for just a moment before glassing over. His body fell to the ground, lifeless, the knives he'd drawn embedding themselves blade-first in the ground beside him.
Pale slumped to the ground, breathing heavily. It only lasted for a moment before she shook off the pain and adrenaline, however. Hurriedly, she gathered her weapons and began to head back to the caravan, only to pause when she saw something sticking out of the bandit's pocket – a letter of some sort.
With nary a second thought, she grabbed the letter and stowed it in her backpack, then took off back towards Evie and Kayla.

Special thanks to my good friend and co-writer, Ickbard for the help with writing this story.
submitted by Obsequium_Minaris to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 13:30 Acceptable-Tea-6937 [PS4] H: Gear & Plans List, W: Junk/Leaders/XpMagazines/RareApparel/EncaveMods Offers.

WEAPONS: AA/E/15R Fixer, AA/E/15V Fixer, B/25/15V Fixer, TS/E/15R Fixer, B/E/90 Fixer, EXE/E/15R Fixer (2), JUG/25/25 Fixer, V/E/90 Fixer, TS/50/15R Fixer (2), TS/25/90 Fixer, B25/15R Fixer, B/E/250 Fixer, AA/HIT/15R Fixer, B/HIT/25 Fixer, JUG/50H/25 Fixer, Q/HIT/15R Fixer, V/25/AGI Fixer, V/25/50DR Fixer, TS/25/PER Fixer, Q/50H/PER Fixer, V/E/25 Railway, TS/25/15R Railway, EXE/E/25 Railway, EXE/25/25 Railway, TS/50/25 Railway, Q/50L/15R Railway, Q/50B/15V Railway, B/50/90 Railway, Q/50L/90 Railway, AA/25/Dur Railway, I/25/25 Railway, J/25/15R Railway, GOUE/25 Railway, F/50/25 Railway, Q/50/PER Railway, ARI/50/25 Railway, A/50/25 Railway, TS/E/50DR Handmade, EXE/25/25 Assault, TS/E/90 Assault, F/25/25 Plasma, B/E/90 Lever, JUG/E/25 Lever, Q/E/15R Pipe, AA/25/15V Minigun, B/E/50DR Minigun, V/25/AGI Gatlaser, AA/50/15R Lmg, B/HIT/250 50cal, V/STE/15B Chainsaw, JUG/40P/S Drill, V/SS/90 Deathclaw, AA/SS/15B Deathclaw.
ARMOR: Hellcat Power Armor Chassis (tradable), Father Winter Helmet (tradable), BOL/END/WWR Ultracite Left Leg, BOL/1STWWR Ultracite Left Leg, BOL/RAD/SENT T-60 Right Arm, UNY/RAD/SENT Combat Left Leg.
NEW PLANS (alphabetical order): Alien Head Lamp, Alien Table, Assault Rifle Wraith's Wrath Paint (4), Bloody Rug (5), Chainsaw Ghostly Grinder Paint, Chainsaw Skeptikill Paint (9), Cultist Adept Hood (5), Cultist Adept Robes (4), Cultist Enlightened Hood (6), Cultist Enlightened Robes (6), Cultist Eventide Hood (9), Cultist Incarnate Helmet (3), Cultist Neophyte Hood (3), Cultist Neophyte Robes (5), Dried Wildflower Bouquet (3), Enlightened Lantern (8), Executioner Mask (2), Fluttering Moths (6), Fuzzy Enlightened Plushie (3), Fuzzy Mothman Plushie (8), Ghoul Chair, Giant Red Dinosaur (2), Glowing Flatwoods Monster Lamp, Hazmat Suit - Teal, Herdsman’s Bell, Honeycomb Paper Blue Mothman (6), Honeycomb Paper Brown Mothman (6), Honeycomb Paper Ghost Lantern A (4), Honeycomb Paper Ghost Lantern B (2), Honeycomb Paper Green Mothman (9), Honeycomb Paper Holiday Tree A (2), Honeycomb Paper Holiday Tree B (3), Honeycomb Paper Icy Snowflake (6), Honeycomb Paper Jack-o'Lantern A (5), Honeycomb Paper Jack-o'Lantern B (3), Honeycomb Paper Jolly Target, Honeycomb Paper Mothman Globe (8), Honeycomb Paper Red Mothman (6), Honeycomb Paper Ribbon Bell, Honeycomb Paper Snowman (2), Honeycomb Paper Spider Lantern (6), Plastiform Gingerbread (5), Plastiform Nutcracker (4), Plastiform Santa, Punty Pig Plushie (2), Rad Skull Rider Helmet (3), Sacred Mothman Tome (7), Scorchbeast Queen Beer Stein (7), Star Light (3), Super Mutant Diagram (3), Taxidermy Mutant Hound.
OLDER PLANS (alphabetical order): Alien Blaster (2), Alien Blaster Cryo Mag (2), Alien Blaster Poison Mag (3), Alien Corpse Operating Bed (3), Alien Disintegrator (2), Alien Disintegrator Automatic Receiver, Alien Disintegrator Cryo Receiver (2), Alien Jack O’Lantern (3), Alien Stash Box (3), Alien Tube (5), Antique Globe of Mars (3), Asteroid (3), Bos Officer Uniform (4), Boss Soldier Uniform (2), Barbed Walking Cane (2), Barbed Wire Fences (2), Bear Arm, Bear Arm Heavy Mod (3), Bear Arm Puncturing Mod (2), Bed of Nails (2), Behemoth Boss Plushie (2), Blue Devil Curtain Door (3), Blue Devil Outfit (3), Blue Devil Pelt Hood (3), Blue Devil Statue (2), Blue Ridge Rug, Blue Ridge Scout Outfit, Bos Medallion, Bottle Bot (4), Bottle and Cappy Balloon Statue, Bottle and Cappy Hoop Jump Statue, Bottle and Cappy Painting Statue (5), Bottle and Cappy Walking Globle Statue (3), Bottle Plush, Brahmin Backpack (3), Brahmin Grill, Brahmin Plushie (2), Brahmin Skin Rug (2), Burning Sheepsquatch Club, Canopy Tent (2), Cappy & Bottle Cowboy Cutouts (2), Cappy Clapper (3), Cappy Smashed Super Sledge Pain (4), Cartography Table, Chally the Moo-Moo Backpack, Circus Bench (2), Circus Cage Trailer, Circus Cube (2), Circus Seesaw, Circus Stilts (3), Circus Walking Globe (5), Civil War Era Suit (2), Civil War Era Top Hat (2), Classic Jack O’Lantern (2), Condemned Notification Sign (2), Confederate Hat, Costume Witch Hat (2), Crowd Bench Seats, Cryogenic Bed (5), Cryptid Hunter Boonie Hat (3), Cryptid Mobile, Cuckoo Clock, Cultist Backpack (4), Cupid Cappy Sign (6), Deathclaw Gauntlet Extra Claw (2), Decoy Ducks, Deputy’s Hat (3), Electrified Assaultron Blade, Evil Jack O’Lantern (2), Electrified Sheepsquatch Club, Electrified Shepherd’s Crook, Electro Enforcer (2), Flamethrower Trap, Freezing Electro Enforcer, Full Pumpkin Rack (2), Getaway Wagon, Glass Covered Sheperd's Crook, Gorilla Chair, Grim Reaper Vault-Boy Cutout (4), Gulper Head (5), Gulper Rug (3), Half Empty Pumpkin Rack (2), Half Full Pumpkin Rack (3), Halloween Skull Mask, Happy Jack O’Lantern (3), Hula Hoop, Human Tube 1 (5), Human Tube 2 (5), Insurgent Hat, Insurgent Outfit (3), Kids Brahmin Clock (3), Large Ultracite Shard (4), Marine Armor Helmet, Marine Tactical Helmet, Marine Wetsuit (2), Meat Cleaver, Milkman Hat (3), Milkman Outfit (2), Mirelurk King tube, Mobster Jack O’Lantern (3), Molerat Wind Chime (2), Mounted Blue Devil Head, Mounted Ogua Head (2), Musket Stack Monument (6), Nuka Cola Bottle Kiosk (3), Nuka Girl Area Rug (5), Nuka Launcher Model (3), Nuka Launcher Posters (2), Nuka Launcher Snow Globe (2), Nuka-Cade Poster (4), Nuka-Cola Ad Barrier (3), Nuka-Cola Balloons, Nuka-Cola Clock (4), Nuka-Cola Crate Stalls (3), Nuka-Stool, Nuka-World Cowboy Hat (3), Ogua Curtain Door (2), Ogua Egg (3), Ogua Hunter Hood, Ogua Hunter Outfit (2), Ogua Plushie (2), Ogua Shell Backpack (3), Overcharged Electro Enforcer (2), Paddock Gate (3), Pepper Shaker, Pink Brahmin Plushie, Pioneer Scout Bowie knife Paint (3), Plasma Gun True Flamer Barrel, Plastic Fruit Bowl, Poisoned Electro Enforcer (2), Practice Jack O’Lantern, Princess Castle Pink Sleeping Bag (2), Protective Lining Raider Underarmor, Pumpkin Rack, Radioactive Barrel (3), Red Rocket Gas Pump Wall Light (3), Red Rocket Gas Station Lamp (5), Red Truck Ceiling Light (4), Replica Gronak’s Axe, Rust Eagle Banner (6), Safari Crocolossus Backpack, Safari Gorilla Backpack (2), Sheepsquatch Staff, Shielded Lining BoS Underarmor (5), Shielded Lining Marine Underarmor, Shielded Lining Raider Underarmor (2), Sitting Gorilla (5), Skeleton Costume (2), Skiing Outfit, Small Vault Girl Statue, Spear, Spicy Tenderizer Mod, Spiked Electro Enforcer, Spiked Shepherd’s Crook (3), Spin the Wheel Snow Globe, Standing Gorilla (4), Strongman’s Super Sledge Paint, Surprised Jack O’Lantern (3), Tattered Curtains (5), The Fixer (5), Titan Plushie (2), Tomb Stones, Treasure Hunter Outfit Hat, Truckbed Trailer with Junk (2), Tunnel of Love Poster (3), Tunnel of Love Snow Globe (6), Ultracite Emergency Protocols, Ultracite Overdrive Servos, Vault Boy Jack O’Lantern (3), Vault Door Jack O’Lantern (3), Vault-Tec Jack O’Lantern (3), Vintage Water Cooler, Wall Mounted Fan (5), Wild West, Show Posters (3), Wise Mothman Throne, Witch Costume (2).
RECIPES (alphabetical order): Caramel Mutfruit, Cranberry Moonshine, Cutting Fluid (3), Disease Cure (Savage Divide), Fasnacht Donut, Fasnacht Sausage, Formula P, Gulper Stuffed Foot (2), Healing Salve (Mire), Lead Champagne Bellini, Nuka-Cola Dark, Pickaxe Pilsner, Stimpak Diffuser (3), White Russian.
WANT: Adhesive, Aluminum, Asbestos, Ballistic fiber, Ceramic, Coal, Concrete, Copper, Cork, Crystal, Fiber optics, Flux: Cobalt/Fluro/Yellow/Violet/Crimson, Gold, Gears, Nuclear waste, Oil, Silver, Springs, Ultracite, Leader Bobbleheads, Backwoodsman 6, Rare Apparel, Enclave Forceful Stock Mods.
CAPS VALUE PER EACH (for reference): Adhesive 5, Aluminum 3, Asbestos 2, Ballistic fiber 7, Ceramic 2, Coal 1, Concrete 1, Copper 4, Cork 1, Circuit 3, Crystal 3, Fiber optics 7, Fiberglass 1, Flux: Cobalt/Fluro/Yellow/Violet/Crimson 100, Gold 4, Gears 4, Screws 3, Nuclear waste 1, Oil 5, Silver 4, Springs 5, Anticeptic 2,Ultracite 7, Leader 500, Backwoodsman6 500.
Shoot me an offer :)
submitted by Acceptable-Tea-6937 to Fallout76Marketplace [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 13:30 Acceptable-Tea-6937 H: Gear & Plans List, W: Junk/Leaders/XpMagazines/RareApparel/EncaveMods Offers.

WEAPONS: AA/E/15R Fixer, AA/E/15V Fixer, B/25/15V Fixer, TS/E/15R Fixer, B/E/90 Fixer, EXE/E/15R Fixer (2), JUG/25/25 Fixer, V/E/90 Fixer, TS/50/15R Fixer (2), TS/25/90 Fixer, B25/15R Fixer, B/E/250 Fixer, AA/HIT/15R Fixer, B/HIT/25 Fixer, JUG/50H/25 Fixer, Q/HIT/15R Fixer, V/25/AGI Fixer, V/25/50DR Fixer, TS/25/PER Fixer, Q/50H/PER Fixer, V/E/25 Railway, TS/25/15R Railway, EXE/E/25 Railway, EXE/25/25 Railway, TS/50/25 Railway, Q/50L/15R Railway, Q/50B/15V Railway, B/50/90 Railway, Q/50L/90 Railway, AA/25/Dur Railway, I/25/25 Railway, J/25/15R Railway, GOUE/25 Railway, F/50/25 Railway, Q/50/PER Railway, ARI/50/25 Railway, A/50/25 Railway, TS/E/50DR Handmade, EXE/25/25 Assault, TS/E/90 Assault, F/25/25 Plasma, B/E/90 Lever, JUG/E/25 Lever, Q/E/15R Pipe, AA/25/15V Minigun, B/E/50DR Minigun, V/25/AGI Gatlaser, AA/50/15R Lmg, B/HIT/250 50cal, V/STE/15B Chainsaw, JUG/40P/S Drill, V/SS/90 Deathclaw, AA/SS/15B Deathclaw.
ARMOR: Hellcat Power Armor Chassis (tradable), Father Winter Helmet (tradable), BOL/END/WWR Ultracite Left Leg, BOL/1STWWR Ultracite Left Leg, BOL/RAD/SENT T-60 Right Arm, UNY/RAD/SENT Combat Left Leg.
NEW PLANS (alphabetical order): Alien Head Lamp, Alien Table (2), Assault Rifle Wraith's Wrath Paint (4), Bloody Rug (5), Chainsaw Ghostly Grinder Paint, Chainsaw Skeptikill Paint (9), Cultist Adept Hood (5), Cultist Adept Robes (4), Cultist Enlightened Hood (7), Cultist Enlightened Robes (6), Cultist Eventide Hood (9), Cultist Incarnate Helmet (3), Cultist Neophyte Hood (3), Cultist Neophyte Robes (5), Dried Wildflower Bouquet (3), Enlightened Lantern (8), Executioner Mask (2), Fluttering Moths (6), Fuzzy Enlightened Plushie (3), Fuzzy Mothman Plushie (8), Ghoul Chair, Giant Red Dinosaur (2), Glowing Flatwoods Monster Lamp, Hazmat Suit - Teal (3), Herdsman’s Bell, Honeycomb Paper Blue Mothman (7), Honeycomb Paper Brown Mothman (6), Honeycomb Paper Ghost Lantern A (4), Honeycomb Paper Ghost Lantern B (2), Honeycomb Paper Green Mothman (9), Honeycomb Paper Holiday Tree A (2), Honeycomb Paper Holiday Tree B (3), Honeycomb Paper Icy Snowflake (6), Honeycomb Paper Jack-o'Lantern A (5), Honeycomb Paper Jack-o'Lantern B (3), Honeycomb Paper Jolly Target, Honeycomb Paper Mothman Globe (8), Honeycomb Paper Red Mothman (6), Honeycomb Paper Ribbon Bell, Honeycomb Paper Snowman (2), Honeycomb Paper Spider Lantern (6), Plastiform Gingerbread (5), Plastiform Nutcracker (4), Plastiform Santa, Punty Pig Plushie (2), Rad Skull Rider Helmet (3), Sacred Mothman Tome (8), Scorchbeast Queen Beer Stein (7), Star Light (3), Super Mutant Diagram (3), Taxidermy Mutant Hound.
OLDER PLANS (alphabetical order): Alien Blaster (2), Alien Blaster Cryo Mag (2), Alien Blaster Poison Mag (3), Alien Corpse Operating Bed (3), Alien Disintegrator (2), Alien Disintegrator Automatic Receiver (2), Alien Disintegrator Cryo Receiver (2), Alien Jack O’Lantern (3), Alien Stash Box (3), Alien Tube (5), Antique Globe of Mars (3), Asteroid (3), Bos Officer Uniform (4), Boss Soldier Uniform (2), Barbed Walking Cane (2), Barbed Wire Fences (2), Bear Arm, Bear Arm Heavy Mod (3), Bear Arm Puncturing Mod (2), Bed of Nails (2), Behemoth Boss Plushie (2), Blue Devil Curtain Door (3), Blue Devil Outfit (3), Blue Devil Pelt Hood (3), Blue Devil Statue (2), Blue Ridge Rug, Blue Ridge Scout Outfit, Bos Medallion, Bottle Bot (4), Bottle and Cappy Balloon Statue, Bottle and Cappy Hoop Jump Statue, Bottle and Cappy Painting Statue (5), Bottle and Cappy Walking Globle Statue (3), Bottle Plush, Brahmin Backpack (3), Brahmin Grill, Brahmin Plushie (2), Brahmin Skin Rug (2), Burning Sheepsquatch Club, Canopy Tent (2), Cappy & Bottle Cowboy Cutouts (2), Cappy Clapper (3), Cappy Smashed Super Sledge Pain (4), Cartography Table, Chally the Moo-Moo Backpack, Circus Bench (2), Circus Cage Trailer, Circus Cube (2), Circus Seesaw, Circus Stilts (3), Circus Walking Globe (5), Civil War Era Suit (2), Civil War Era Top Hat (2), Classic Jack O’Lantern (2), Condemned Notification Sign (2), Confederate Hat, Costume Witch Hat (2), Crowd Bench Seats, Cryogenic Bed (5), Cryptid Hunter Boonie Hat (3), Cryptid Mobile, Cuckoo Clock, Cultist Backpack (4), Cupid Cappy Sign (6), Deathclaw Gauntlet Extra Claw (2), Decoy Ducks, Deputy’s Hat (3), Electrified Assaultron Blade, Evil Jack O’Lantern (2), Electrified Sheepsquatch Club, Electrified Shepherd’s Crook, Electro Enforcer (2), Flamethrower Trap, Freezing Electro Enforcer (2), Full Pumpkin Rack (2), Getaway Wagon, Glass Covered Sheperd's Crook, Gorilla Chair, Grim Reaper Vault-Boy Cutout (4), Gulper Head (5), Gulper Rug (3), Half Empty Pumpkin Rack (2), Half Full Pumpkin Rack (3), Halloween Skull Mask, Happy Jack O’Lantern (3), Hula Hoop, Human Tube 1 (5), Human Tube 2 (5), Insurgent Hat, Insurgent Outfit (3), Kids Brahmin Clock (3), Large Ultracite Shard (4), Marine Armor Helmet, Marine Tactical Helmet, Marine Wetsuit (2), Meat Cleaver, Milkman Hat (3), Milkman Outfit (2), Mirelurk King tube, Mobster Jack O’Lantern (3), Molerat Wind Chime (2), Mounted Blue Devil Head (2), Mounted Ogua Head (2), Musket Stack Monument (6), Nuka Cola Bottle Kiosk (3), Nuka Girl Area Rug (5), Nuka Launcher Model (3), Nuka Launcher Posters (2), Nuka Launcher Snow Globe (2), Nuka-Cade Poster (4), Nuka-Cola Ad Barrier (3), Nuka-Cola Balloons, Nuka-Cola Clock (4), Nuka-Cola Crate Stalls (3), Nuka-Stool, Nuka-World Cowboy Hat (3), Ogua Curtain Door (3), Ogua Egg (3), Ogua Hunter Hood, Ogua Hunter Outfit (2), Ogua Plushie (2), Ogua Shell Backpack (3), Overcharged Electro Enforcer (4), Paddock Gate (3), Pepper Shaker, Pink Brahmin Plushie, Pioneer Scout Bowie knife Paint (3), Plasma Gun True Flamer Barrel, Plastic Fruit Bowl, Poisoned Electro Enforcer (2), Practice Jack O’Lantern, Princess Castle Pink Sleeping Bag (2), Protective Lining Raider Underarmor, Pumpkin Rack, Radioactive Barrel (3), Red Rocket Gas Pump Wall Light (3), Red Rocket Gas Station Lamp (5), Red Truck Ceiling Light (4), Replica Gronak’s Axe, Rust Eagle Banner (6), Safari Crocolossus Backpack, Safari Gorilla Backpack (2), Sheepsquatch Staff, Shielded Lining BoS Underarmor (5), Shielded Lining Marine Underarmor, Shielded Lining Raider Underarmor (2), Sitting Gorilla (5), Skeleton Costume (2), Skiing Outfit, Small Vault Girl Statue, Spear, Spicy Tenderizer Mod, Spiked Electro Enforcer, Spiked Shepherd’s Crook (3), Spin the Wheel Snow Globe, Standing Gorilla (4), Strongman’s Super Sledge Paint, Surprised Jack O’Lantern (3), Tattered Curtains (5), The Fixer (5), Titan Plushie (2), Tomb Stones, Treasure Hunter Outfit Hat, Truckbed Trailer with Junk (2), Tunnel of Love Poster (3), Tunnel of Love Snow Globe (6), Ultracite Emergency Protocols, Ultracite Overdrive Servos, Vault Boy Jack O’Lantern (3), Vault Door Jack O’Lantern (3), Vault-Tec Jack O’Lantern (3), Vintage Water Cooler, Wall Mounted Fan (5), Wild West, Show Posters (3), Wise Mothman Throne, Witch Costume (2).
RECIPES (alphabetical order): Caramel Mutfruit, Cranberry Moonshine, Cutting Fluid (3), Disease Cure (Savage Divide), Fasnacht Donut, Fasnacht Sausage, Formula P, Gulper Stuffed Foot (2), Healing Salve (Mire), Lead Champagne Bellini, Nuka-Cola Dark, Pickaxe Pilsner, Stimpak Diffuser (3), White Russian.
WANT: Adhesive, Aluminum, Asbestos, Ballistic fiber, Ceramic, Coal, Concrete, Copper, Cork, Crystal, Fiber optics, Flux: Cobalt/Fluro/Yellow/Violet/Crimson, Gold, Gears, Nuclear waste, Oil, Silver, Springs, Ultracite, Leader Bobbleheads, Backwoodsman 6, Rare Apparel, Enclave Forceful Stock Mods.
CAPS VALUE PER EACH (for reference): Adhesive 5, Aluminum 3, Asbestos 2, Ballistic fiber 7, Ceramic 2, Coal 1, Concrete 1, Copper 4, Cork 1, Circuits 3, Crystal 3, Fiber optics 7, Fiberglass 1, Flux: Cobalt/Fluro/Yellow/Violet/Crimson 100, Gold 4, Gears 4, Screws 3, Nuclear waste 1, Oil 5, Silver 4, Springs 5, Anticeptic 2,Ultracite 7, Leader 500, Backwoodsman6 500.
Shoot me an offer :)
submitted by Acceptable-Tea-6937 to Market76 [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 23:23 Stev0fromDev0 [FNV] Constant inconsistent crashing, no idea what to do!

Let me preface this by saying I do not mod fallout New Vegas at all. Completely out of my element here. I followed Viva New Vegas and Mojave Express Guide as well as the Mojave Express Texture Guide (I understand they're no longer supported but given they were last updated 2 months ago I figured they would be relatively up to date). Added a couple extra content mods for myself but that was all. I get crashes all the time- sometimes when loading into an area, sometimes when opening the pip boy, sometimes even when just walking out and about. There's absolutely no consistency with the crashes. Sometimes they happen, other times they don't. I'd post a crash log, but they are equally as inconsistent as well, and most of the time give differing logs. If it would be helpful to post one, I'd be more than happy to.
MOD LIST (load order has been added as well below):
# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer. -FNVLODGen Output +OneTweak but Really Updated -OneTweak for FNV +VNV Pre-Generated LOD +VNV - LOD Patches +LODIFY FNV Wall_SoGB Editon +LODIFY - Level of detail improvement for your Fallout (TTW And NV Lods) +Different LOD mods little tweaks and additions +Parallax series -- Rocks variety +Wasted LOD - Cliffs of Mojave +More LODs Additions and fixes +TCM's LOD Overhaul +FNV LOD Supplementation - Optional Overpasses +FNV LOD Supplementation +LOD additions and improvements +Much Needed LOD fixed rocks color +Much Needed LOD +Trees LOD Billboards Vanilla +FNVLODGen Resources +LOD Fixes and Improvements - NVSE -LOD_separator +Desert Natural Weathers - NV - TTW +PipBoy 3000 Remastered -- FIXED +PipBoy 3000 Remastered -MIMIC_WEATHER_REPLACER -MIMICTWO -Simple Fog Remover +MEG - NVR PRESET -fuckingidiotpreseyt +Neutral Weathers - DNW for NVR - NV - TTW +NewVegasReloaded +B42 Optics - Real Time Reflections Patch +Real Time Reflections - NVSE +Elegant Lockpick Retexture +Minimal Atmospheric Loadscreens -Simple Main Menu HD +Fallout Show - New Vegas Title Replacer +Nut Water Overhaul +ETJ Realistic Enhanced Blood Textures +Better Fire Barrels - ESPless +EXE - Effect teXtures Enhanced -METG - FX & Extra Retextures_separator +Securitrons On Alert +securitronHD +Eyes of Torment - Ghost People Retexture +Decaying Ferals +ghouls +FeralGhoulsHD +TheFriedTurkey's Bighorners +The Molerat Extravaganza - Molerat Retexture +aMidianBorn NV Superb Mutants -METG - Creature Retextures_separator +WJS's Super Sledge Ported +The True Blade of the East +The True Blade of the West +Hatchet Remade +Shovel and Friend +Fire Axe replacer +Kitchen Knife Re-Texture +Combat and Chance's knife Retexture +Cleaver and Chopper Retexture +Bowie knife retexture +Throwing melee weapon retexture -METG - Melee Weapon Retextures_separator +Physically Based Plasma Rifles +Laser Rifle Rebirth +Laser Pistol 3rd Person Latch animation fix +WAP F4NV Laser Pistol and Pew-Pew +WAP Laser RCW +WAP F4NV Recharger Weaponry +WAP 12.7 SMG Rebirth +WAP - A Light Shining In Darkness Remastered +WAP - F4NV .44 Magnum +WAP Single Shotgun +WAP Lever Action Shotgun +WAP Bozar and LMG +WAP Gauss Rifle Texture Edit +WAP Year One and Bonus +ETJ Miniguns +Grenade Machineguns Reborn - Weapon Overhaul +Holorifle Redux - FO4 HQ Replacer +Grenade Launcher Redux - FO4 HQ Replacer +Type II's Replacer Project +VWR - Vanilla Weapons Redone - Explosives +DKS and Friends +Nail Gun Retexture +Flare Gun Retexture +Euclid's C-Finder Retexture +Weapon Enhancement Pack +IHWT - Improved Heavy Weapons Textures +Weapon Retexture from EVE -METG - Gun Weapon Retextures_separator +Physically Based Rangers +AVCCA - Animated Visor for Classic Combat Armor +Classic Brotherhood Combat Armor +Classic Fallout 2 combat armor Mark 2 (remastered) +Classic Combat Armor Replacer Redux +Classic Fallout 2 Metal armor Mk II +Classic Fallout Metal Armor +PM's HD Legion Overhaul +PM's HD Ranger Outfits +Assorted NCR Armor Retexture +Dandadern's Welding Helmet Retexture - 2k +Dandadern's Wastehound Helmet Retexture - 2k +Heaviin's Desperado Cowboyhat Retextured +Improved Desperado Hat +Veronika Outfit Retexture +Adamowicz Vault Suits +Atompunk Leather Armor - HD Retexture +Clothes HD - Doctors +Clothes HD - Powder Gangers +Clothes HD - Great Khans +Clothes HD - Prewar +Clothes HD - Gamblers +Clothes HD - Kings +Clothes HD - Wasteland +Clothes HD - Workers +Wasteland Clothing HD V1-3 FULL PACK -METG - Clothing & Armour Retextures_separator +F4NV Billboards +FNV-TTW Graffiti Redone +Vanilla Graffiti Redone +Fabulous New Vegas +HQ Freeside Shop Signs +Signs HD - Honest Hearts +HD Signs Overhaul - Part 3 +HD Signs Overhaul - Part 2 +Street Signs HD Overhaul +Nut's Street Litter Redone -METG - Signs And Decals Retextures_separator +Dead Money Graffiti Redone +Great Khans Graffiti Redone +Physically Based Beverages +Physically Based Chems -Physically Based Kitchenware +Stealthly Stealth-Boy rextexture +HD Currencies +Magazines of Unparalleled Aesthetic Quality +PM's HD Ammo Boxes +PM's Med-Textures - HD Chems and Venoms +Playing Cards HD Retexture - Plus Casino Tables +6IXES Clutter Texture Pack NV Edition +Blackwolf24s HD Clutter pack -METG - Clutter Retextures_separator +Physically Based Collection 2 -Physically Based Collection +Physically Based Wood Crates -Physically Based Terminals +F4NV Auto Doc +Pool Table and items - Redone +Resplendent Rugs - carpets retextured +Improved Rugs - HD +Through the Looking-Glass +Mccarran Escalator Glass +McCarran main terminal transparent glass +Inviting Vaults - A vault retexture -METG - Interior Object Retextures_separator -Physically Based Parkware -Motorcycles Remastered -Quality Carts +Terrific Traffic Cones +High Quality Picket Fences +NillaPlus Howitz Started--Howitz Going 4K (Nellis artillery) +NillaPlus Crate Expectations 4K (large metal shipping containers) +Textures Over Time +NCR Flag Retex 1.1 +Fractal Crystals +Rectified Water Towers +Sunset Sarsaparilla HQ Meshes Enhanced -Mormon Fort Gate Redux +Dinky the Deluxe Dinosaur - Definitive Dinky Retexture +Roads Redone (Road Retexture) +Architecture Retexture Pack (4k - 2k) +bsp_textures -METG - Architecture & Exterior Object Retextures_separator +New Vegas Palm Trees Enhanced +Wasted Pines +Micro Clutter +Vurt's Improved Plants +Simply Upscaled Grass +Mojave Flora Project +Remastered Quarries +Higher Poly Rocks +Irradiant Muck +Sandy Dunes +Nut Vegas - Landscapes +NMCs_Texture_Pack_For_New_Vegas +Base Object Swapper -METG - Landscape & Environment_separator +Pipboy Glove remover +ENB AO Fix 1.02 +MEG - Navmesh Compatibility Patch +MEG - TWEAKS +MEG - Patches +Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v4 PATCHES +NV Compatibility Skeleton -MEG - Patches & Tweaks_separator +ATMOS Ambience Overhaul +Interior Exterior Sounds Framework +ADS - Backpack - Jump Sound Effects MONO +Aim Down Sights - Backpack - Jump Impact sound Effects +JSRS Sound Mod 2.0 +Project Reality Footsteps +Immersive Pickup Sounds Patched +Platinum Radio - A New Radio for New Vegas +F4NV - Main Menu Music Replacer +A Music Addition Project - Revised +High-Quality Classic Music +Some UI Sounds (SUS) -MEG - Audio_separator +FPS Weapon Lowering +Hit - Locomotion +Hit - Drugs +B42 Inspect - aka Animated Ammo and Weapon Condition Checking +SYNC - Remade kNVSE Animation Set - Classic AK-112 - The Adytum Rifle +Combined melee animation pack +Hit's Anims - Some More Animation Fixes +Hit's Anims - Animation Fixes -Hit's Anims - Season 3 -Hit's Anims - Season 2 -Hit's Anims - Season 1 +New Vegas Animation Overhaul Guns +Vanilla Animations Weapon Scale Fix +Hit - B42 Inject Animation Pack - Season 1 +B42 Inject - Animated Item Use - ESPless +B42 Loot - Animated Physical Item Pickup - ESPless +Hit - B42 Interact Skinning +Hit - B42 Interact Animation Pack +a Smoke before the Storm - No More Workbench +a Smoke before the Storm +B42 Interact - Animated Items and Interactions Framework - ESPless +Modern Stagger animations +JAM or Just Sprint animation replacers +Diagonal movement -Hit - Service Rifle Anim Set Redux -Hit - Anti-Materiel Rifle Anim Set -Hit - .45 Auto Pistol Anim Set Redux -Hit - Assault Rifle Anim Set Redux -MEG - Animations_separator +Configurable Pip-Boy Light Color +B42 Dropmag Another Millenia Patch +B42 Dropmag NV Patches +B42 Dropmag and One in the chamber +Subtler Bullet Trails - Retexture +Bullet Trails +Kyu's Ballistics - Fixed +IMPACT - Compatibility Edition (JIP LN) (DLC - TTW - All Mods) +IMPACT +Radiation Visuals +Sneak Vignette - ESPless +Just Bullet Time DoF - ESPless +Just Loot Menu DoF - ESPless +Weapon DOF and Blur Effects -MEG - Visuals_separator +Light Up and Smoke Those Cigarettes (and Cigars and Cigarillos) +Anton Chigurh's Suppressed Shotgun - No Country for Old Men +NVRA - AutoMag +Another Millenia Gun Add-on +A World of (Less) Pain - A Lore Friendly AWOP Revision +NV Interiors Remastered +The N.V. Interiors Project +New Vegas Landscape Overhaul Re-Remastered +Hit - Millenia Animations - Part 2 +Another Millenia +Canvas Backpacks - FNV - TTW +CIBS - Customizable Integrated Backpack System +KARPSOL - Kabyidon Armor Replacement Plugin for Spice of Life +Spice of Life Vanilla Bodies Patched +Distributed Necklaces and Chains (JIP LN NVSE) (JohnnyGuitar) (DLC and TTW) +NVRA - VSS and VAL +AEK-972C +Acies Apachii Sky Hair -MEG - Content_separator +Character Expansions Revised - Viva New Vegas Patches +Character Expansions Revised +RAD - Radiation (is) Actually Dangerous - Overhaul +Hit - Power Armor Pip-Boy Anim +Alternate Holographic Panel - No PipBoy in Power Armor +No PipBoy in Power Armor +Webb's Titans of The New West Patch Emporium +Power Armor Visual Enhancement (PAVE) +Titans of The New West +Armed to the Teeth - Redux +B42 FireMode - Selective Fire and First Shot Precision - ESPless -MEG - Overhauls_separator +Auto Activate Invisible Doors +No More Explosions Blindness +Supplemental Ammo Crafting +Simple Night Vision +Bullet Time Improved - a JAM addon -B42 True Leaning - Contextual - ESPless +B42 Melee Bash +Retrievable Throwables Reforged -MEG - Gameplay_separator +ySI - Colorful Icons Fix +Colorful Inventory Ycons +ySI - Pick Up Prompts +ySI - Sorting Ycons +yUI - User Ynterface -Shiloh DS - Clean Pipboy Screen +Clean Pip-Boy 2022 +Simplified FO4 HUD +B42 Notify - Corner Messages Overhaul - ESPless +Pop-Up Message Icons +Consistent Pip-Boy Icons v4 +MAPMO - Main and Pause Menus Overhaul -MEG - User Interface_separator +Hair Patcher Two +Sound Extender +Weapon Based Hands Clip Distance +HIPControl - Weapon Idle Position Adjuster - ESPless +AnhNVSE +SUP NVSE -MEG - Utilities_separator +Mojave Nights +DYNAVISION 3 - Total Visual Enhancement +Desert Natural Realism - Redux +Climate Control - 3D Rain +Climate Control - Rain +3D Rain +Interior Rain +Cloud Upgrade NVSE +High Resolution Bloom NVSE +Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks - EVEM Patch +Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks (Interior Lighting for FNV and TTW) +A Little More Lamplight +More Consistent Vanilla Rock Textures (Less Green Clifftops) +Wasted Rocks Normals +Landscape Texture Improvements +Improved LOD Noise Texture +High Resolution Water Fog - Water Aliasing Fix +B42 Optics NV Patches +B42 Optics - ESPless +B42 Weapon Inertia +Smooth True Iron Sights Camera +Iron Sights Aligned +FNV Clean Animations +Anniversary Anim Pack +Viewmodel Shading Fix - NVSE +Muzzle Flash Light Fix - NVSE +Mostly Fixed FaceGen Tints (NV or TTW) -Visuals_separator +Geonox Wasteland Outfits +Full_Leather_Jacket +Wasteland Specialist Outfit for Fallout new vegas +Mechanix Gloves -Mercenary Outfit +LexFONV Clothing I for TYPE3 -100 Outfits ReColor with Field Jackets +Clint Eastwood -Man With No Name- Pack +Gloves Galore +All we need is some gloves +Courier Head Bandage +Sunglasses Collection NV +Better Brotherhood +The Living Desert - Travelers Patrols Consequences Increased Population and more +Essential DLC Enhancements Merged - JSUE Patch +Essential DLC Enhancements Merged +FPGE - EVEM Patch +Functional Post Game Ending +Misc Content Restoration - UW (VNV) Patch +Misc Content Restoration - YUP Patch +Misc Content Restoration +Uncut Wasteland (VNV) - EVEM Patch +Uncut Wasteland (VNV) - Vigor Patch +Uncut Wasteland -Content_separator -Harder Barter Faster Stronger +Traps Tweaks - Traps Use Other Skills +EVEM - Vigor Patch +EVEM - Crafting Consistency Fix Patch +EVEM - YUP Patch +Essential Vanilla Enhancements Merged +Varmint Rifle 22LR +Simple Vigor Config +smim - vigor patch +Vigor - A Vanilla JSawyer Fork -Overhauls_separator +Bad Touch NVSE - Minimalist Preset +Bad Touch NVSE +Auto-Save Manager +Faster Sleep-Wait +Cookable Grenades +Better Caravan +Delay DLC Redux +Follower Tweaks +Immersive Recoil 2.0 +Just Sprint Plus - Expansion for JAM and JVS +Clean Just Assorted Mods (JAM) +JLM Grab Tweak +JAM - VNV Configuration +JAM - Just Assorted Mods -Gameplay_separator +No Exit to Main Menu +Sleep Wait Hardcore Needs +Show Water Source H2O - ESPless +JIP Improved Recipe Menu ESPless +Faster Main Menu +Menu Search +High Resolution Screens +High Res Local Maps +Clean Companion Wheel 256x256 Edition +Clean Vanilla Hud +VUIPlus - Dialog Background Add-on +Vanilla UI Plus (New Vegas) +MCM BugFix 2 +The Mod Configuration Menu -User Interface_separator +Impostors and LOD Flicker Fix +Swimming Creatures Fix - ESPless +Strip Lights Region Fix +ExRB - Extended Roombounds +Crafting Consistency Fix +Depth of Field Fix - NVSE +External Emittance Fix - NVSE +Fallout Alpha Rendering Tweaks - NVSE +Aqua Performa - Strip Performance Fix +MoonlightNVSE +ActorCause Save Bloat Fix +Elijah Missing Distortion Fix +Misc Audio Tweaks and Fixes +Climate Control NVSE +Pip-Boy Shading Fix NVSE +Improved Lighting Shaders +Items Transformed - Enhanced Meshes (ITEM) +Meshes and Collision - Totally Enhanced Nifs (MAC-TEN) +PipBoyOn Node Fixes +skinned mesh improvement mod +New Vegas Mesh Improvement Mod - NVMIM +ISControl Enabler and Ironsights adjuster (now ESPless) +VATS Lag Fix +Viewmodel Shake Fix - NVSE +Combat Lag Fix (NVSE) +lStewieAl's Engine Optimizations +Stewie Tweaks Essentials INI +lStewieAl's Tweaks and Engine Fixes +Improved AI (Navmesh Overhaul Mod) +Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus +Yukichigai Unofficial Patch - YUP -Bug Fixes_separator +NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash +KEYWORDS +UIO - User Interface Organizer +ShowOff INI +ShowOff xNVSE Plugin +Basic Console Autocomplete +Console Paste Support +Improved Console (NVSE) +kNVSE Animation Plugin +FNV Mod Limit Fix +Yvile's Crash Logger +NVTF - Texture Modding Preset -NVTF - Viva Default Preset +NVTF - New Vegas Tick Fix +JohnnyGuitar NVSE - All Tweaks Preset +JohnnyGuitar NVSE +JIP LN Settings INI +JIP LN NVSE Plugin +Fixed ESMs -Utilities_separator -Viva New Vegas 29.4.2024_separator *DLC: CaravanPack *DLC: ClassicPack *DLC: DeadMoney *DLC: GunRunnersArsenal *DLC: HonestHearts *DLC: LonesomeRoad *DLC: MercenaryPack *DLC: OldWorldBlues *DLC: TribalPack 
# This file was automatically generated by Mod Organizer. FalloutNV.esm DeadMoney.esm HonestHearts.esm OldWorldBlues.esm LonesomeRoad.esm GunRunnersArsenal.esm ClassicPack.esm MercenaryPack.esm TribalPack.esm CaravanPack.esm YUP - Base Game + All DLC.esm NavmeshOverhaul.esm Landscape Texture Improvements.esm Landscape Texture Improvements - YUP Patch.esm fixy crap ue.esp Bad Touch.esm Vanilla Enhancements.esm Uncut Wasteland.esm Functional Post Game Ending.esm Functional Post Game Ending - YUP Patch.esm Functional Post Game Ending - Uncut Wasteland Patch (VNV).esp TLD_Travelers.esm NVInteriors_Core.esm NVInteriors_ComboEdition.esm Uncut Wasteland - NVInteriors Remastered Patch.esm New Vegas Landscape Overhaul.esm Landscape Texture Improvements - NVLORR Patch.esm A World of Pain Revised.esm Landscape Texture Improvements - AWOLP Patch.esm CIBS-Customizable-Integrated-Backpack-System.esm Main And Pause Menus Overhaul.esm Better Brotherhood.esm Character Expansions Revised.esm mil.esp SSTMojaveFlora - BOS & LOD.esm DYNAVISION 3.esm mil_Add-On.esp Securitrons On Alert.esm MEG - Navmesh Compatibility Patch.esm Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus.esp SSTRemasteredQuarries.esp YUP - NPC Fixes (Base Game + All DLC).esp NVMIM.esp Crafting Consistency Fix.esp ExRB.esp Impostors and LOD Flicker Fix.esp The Mod Configuration Menu.esp Vanilla UI Plus.esp JustAssortedMods.esp Just Sprint Plus - JAM.esp JBTImproved.esp Diagonal movement.esp ImmersiveRecoil.esp Follower Tweaks.esp RAD.esp RAD-Fixed-NVYUP.esp DelayDLCRedux.esp Vigor.esp Vigor - SMIM Patch.esp Varmint Rifle 22LR.esp ArmedToTheTeethNV-Redux.esp Supplemental Ammo Crafting.esp Distributed Necklaces and Chains.esp 1nivVSLArmors.esp Titans of The New West.esp PAVE_NV.esp Power Armor Holo Panel.esp JSRS.esp PAHP_Edits.esp TacticalADSPlusFX.esp Immersive Pickup Sounds FNV Patched.esp Project Reality Footsteps.esp NV Music Addition.esp EVEM - YUP Patch.esp Platinum Radio.esp EVEM - Crafting Consistency Fix Patch.esp EVEM - Vigor Patch.esp EVEM - Another Millenia Patch.esp EVEM - Supplemental Ammo Crafting.esp Better Brotherhood - YUP Patch.esp Better Brotherhood - FPGE Patch.esp Trap Tweaks.esp Uncut Wasteland - YUP Patch.esp Uncut Wasteland (VNV) - Vigor Patch.esp Uncut Wasteland (VNV) - EVEM Patch.esp Misc Content Restoration.esp Misc Content Restoration - YUP Patch.esp Misc Content Restoration - UW (VNV) Patch.esp FPGE - EVEM Patch.esp FPGE - New Vegas Landscape Overhaul Re-Remastered Patch.esp DLC Enhancements.esp Essential DLC Enhancements Merged - JSUE Patch.esp FNV FaceGen Fix.esp Character Expansions Revised - Extras.esp CER - Merged Patch.esp rockbiter_AnimationSounds.esp MCMetalArmor.esp Classic Combat Armor Replacer Redux FNV.esp Fallout 2 combat armor MK2 (remastered) replacer.esp zMCArmorCombatBOS_Vanilla.esp HelmetArmorRebalanceJIP.esp GrenadeRifleReplacer.esp IMPACT.esp Kyu_Ballistics_NV.esp dD - R.B.E.T Main NV.esp WeaponBlurEffects.esp B42Inertia.esp B42Dropmag.esp B42Retrievables.esp B42Bash.esp BulletTrails.esp Little More Lamplight.esp Strip Lights Region Fix.esp Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks.esp Atmospheric Lighting Tweaks - EVEM Patch.esp DNWeathers.esp Interior Rain.esp CC - Rain.esp CC - 3D Rain.esp Acies Apachii Hair.esp AEK971C.esp AK112.esp ATMOS Ambient Overhaul Intense.esp ATMOS Ambient Overhaul.esp Automag.esp B42Inspect.esp Chigurh_Suppressed_Shotgun.esp clintsfistfulrevolver.esp FPS Weapon Lowering.esp Geonox_Wasteland_outfits.esp Glove_be_gone.esp GlovesGalore.esp GlovesGalore_DeadMoney.esp HairPatcher.esp hitdaciggy.esp HitDrugs.esp ilbuonorevolver.esp Interior Exterior Sounds Framework.esp LexFONVclothingI.esp LexFONVclothingIPonchos.esp LightUpAndSmokeThoseCigarettes_edisleado.esp manwithnoname.esp Mechanix Gloves.esp Mojave Nights.esp NeutralWeathers.esp NVRA - ASVAL VSS.esp QwibHeadBandage.esp RadiationVisuals.esp Realism Redux.esp SimpleNightVision.esp Sunglasses Shipment.esp TGL.esp Viva New Vegas - LOD.esp Wasteland_Spe_Outfit.esp 
Please, experienced mod-goers, let me know what's wrong. I need to fix my game! I can't live like this!
submitted by Stev0fromDev0 to FalloutMods [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 04:47 Flipout6 A fairly comprehensive guide to melee/unarmed.

Hi everyone. I wound up typing out this guide for another thread in here somewhere asking about a good build for melee/unarmed, and it wound up being so freaking long that I figured I could make a whole post out of it and it would be helpful to, potentially, several others.
This will be pretty long, but also comprehensive. Hope you don't mind. I'll attach a TL;DR.
TLDR: 7 STR, 5 PER, 9 END, 1 CHA, 6 INT, 7 AGI, 5 LCK. Skilled, second trait of your choice. Tag unarmed, melee, survival, later get repair, sneak and survival to 90 or more. Get Super Slam, Piercing Strike, Jury Rigging, Better Criticals, Finesse, Purifier, Slayer. The Vikki & Vance has spiked knuckles in a safe you can repair to 100% using the brass knuckles in the Highway Patrol Station early game. Lategame, use Ballistic Fist and Protonic Inversal Axe in VATS, melee weapon of your choice outside of it.
Recommend a bugfix mod to fix things like Ninja not applying properly and automatic weapons like the chainsaw not ignoring armor as they should.
Full breakdown to follow.
An ideal melee build has high melee, unarmed, sneak, survival, science and repair, and you'll need at least 6 strength, 6 perception, 7 agility and 6 luck (including implants) by level 26.
Why? Because these get you Super Slam, Slayer and Better Criticals. Through skills, you'll also want Silent Running, Ninja, Piercing Strike, and (obviously) Jury Rigging. Other perks you'll want to pick up are Finesse and Purifier. These are all your bare essentials. You'll do high damage, pierce armour, ragdoll foes so they stop damaging you, attack quickly, sneak up on enemies quickly and do lots of bonus damage when you do, since melee/unarmed sneak attacks do quintuple damage instead of double. Would recommend a patch to make Ninja function.
You'll be powerful because of a high attack rate with armour-piercing, high-damage weapons with a high per-hit chance to knock enemies down and critically hit. But you'll also want healing, hence recommending survival: in addition to letting food give strong healing and giving you access to perks like Old World Gourmet (if you're playing Legionary or some other "clean" character, imagine you're not drinking alcohol, you're disinfecting wounds with it) or Them's Good Eatin' to find healing items absolutely everywhere, it lets you make weapon poisons.
Bleak Venom adds 150 damage to a melee strike over 10 seconds, while Tremble dramatically reduces a human/ghoul enemy's damage output by reducing their weapon skills by 50. If you don't mind being restricted to level 30, Logan's Loophole doubles the duration of all consumables, not just chems, and eliminates the addiction chance.
Both light and heavy armour offer advantages enough that there are valid reasons to pick them. Heavy armor is, of course, very protective, and in a build that can potentially take a lot of damage very quickly, that can mean the difference between life and death. But it also slows you down and diminishes your ability to sneak, both of which reduce the time you spent up close, actually effectively fighting your enemy. It's a good choice if you want to "play it safe," sacrificing offensive power and speed for survivability.
Light armour is the glass-cannon route - it can be decently protective, but it really shines in the realm of offence. Light Touch boosts your critical chance by +5% (and reduces your enemies' by 25%,) and Tunnel Runner and Travel Light let you quickly get into range of enemies whether in stealth or out of it. Some light armour like Joshua Graham's Armour or Ulysses' Duster also boost your critical chance, which is a huge DPS increase for a melee/unarmed build due to how many critical hits it can dish out in a short period of time, and how strong those criticals are. But it's definitely *not* a play-it-safe approach - light armour means dying quickly on higher difficulties unless you have the skill (or raw toughness, or healing items) to compensate. Higher risk, much higher reward.
Where the real magic happens, though, is in VATS, and that makes it a very good idea to get Math Wrath and Nerves of Steel, if you can afford them. Every melee weapon has a VATS-only special attack with special properties, and unarmed weapons all have the same special attacks for the same AP cost no matter what weapon you use.
Because VATS with melee/unarmed is so powerful, perks affecting it are excellent choices. Math Wrath and Nerves of Steel come to mind, as does Grim Reaper's Sprint and Action Boy/Girl. Atomic! Can be excellent, but the penalties from radiation poisoning subtract from your stats and weapon skills, which can make you suddenly much slower with something like a ballistic fist.
Unarmed weapons get "Uppercut" for +15% damage, "Cross" for +10% damage and 2.5x limb damage, and "Stomp" on knocked-down targets, which does +100% damage. Remember that all melee attacks in VATS do double damage in themselves, so an Uppercut actually hits for 230% the damage of a regular attack, and a Stomp hits for 400%. All of these cost 20AP no matter what weapon you use - a ballistic fist strikes as fast as brass knuckles. As such, using Super Slam and Ranger Takedown to ragdoll enemies and then using Stomp attacks with a powerful, slow unarmed weapon like the Ballistic Fist is incredibly powerful.
Melee is more complicated. Some special attacks are almost useless while others are hideously powerful, and some melee weapons are far better in or out of VATS than the alternative. The "back slash" attack (knives, machetes) is usually weak, for example, but the "grand slam" used by baseball bats and nail boards doubles your damage (just like the stomp, this equals 400% damage, since VATS does double by default,) and the Katana's special does *250%.* These also, as far as I know, work for stealth kills - you should be able to sneak up on someone with a katana, enter VATS, and do the special attack to get that +250% damage on top of your existing sneak attack damage. If I'm right, outdamaging the Fat Man isn't just *doable,* it's *easy.*
The most powerful melee/unarmed weapon in the early game *if you're playing normally* is the pair of spiked knuckles you can find in a safe in the Vikki & Vance (must be stolen,) which you can repair with the perfect-condition brass knuckles in the Nevada Highway Patrol station. These will last you vast swathes of the game. If you don't mind a little venturing outside where the game intends for you to be able to go, you can get Chance's Knife from his grave north of Goodsprings, up a hill south of the Tribal Village. You have to dodge Cazadores and Giant Radscorpions to get to it.
Otherwise, unarmed weapons experience a drought early on - you're best off sticking to melee until you find those knuckles. Once you hit Vegas, your horizons broaden, with the sewers having a fire axe and the Humble Cudgel and various merchants becoming available.
The mountains around Jacobstown are notable for having two absurdly powerful weapons in caves within them: Oh, Baby! the unique super sledge can be found in Charleston Cave (beside a dead Nightkin) as part of the quest to investigate the nightstalkers there, and Pushy the unique displacer glove can be found in the Ruby Hill mine on the body of a dead Jackal.
The weapons with ridiculously powerful special attacks include: the baseball bat, nail board, katana, Old Glory. Proton Axe, Protonic Inversal Axe, and the X-42 Antenna. I've slain fire geckos with the GRA baseball bat, and the protonic inversal axe can theoretically oneshot anything in the game besides the X-42 Giant Roboscorpion with a sneak special attack.
Knock-Knock gets an honorary mention for giving you the most damage per action point spent of any weapon in the game, giving you the most bang for your buck if you spend a whole action bar.
Chainsaws, Thermic Lances, Rippers and the Industrial Hand hold a special spot because they attack many times a second and as such can score critical hits at an astronomical rate, but do little damage immediately. The wiki claims that a 20% critical chance will double the damage listed on the card, where 100% critical chance would theoretically result in seven times the damage listed. VATS attacks with them also do a lot of damage, equivalent to the DAM value times two, just like regular melee weapons.
There are various ways to both increase the number of healing items you find, and increase the power of those healing items. High survival and medicine are the obvious choices. Any build will want 55 survival for Them's Good Eatin', letting you find stimpak-tier healing on almost any organic corpse. Old World Gourmet is good for turning alcohol into healing items, but you risk addiction. These two combined let you be swimming in healing items everywhere in the game from beginning to end, from Goodsprings to Dead Money to Hoover Dam.
But there are less conventional ways to do it: perks that increase the duration of "chems" increase the duration of any consumable with a timed effect, such as food. This makes Chemist (Science 70) and Logan's Loophole (which also makes you immune to addiction) incredibly powerful, as they let something like Sunset Sarsaparilla restore 100+ hitpoints apiece over time.
Rad Child deserves a special mention, healing you +2 hitpoints per second for every 200 rads you have, up to +8/sec at 800+ rads. You can go up to 600 rads without losing strength, but at all levels, you're losing points in Unarmed because of the endurance loss. This can make you not meet the requirements for something like the ballistic fist and attack much slower, but it may be worth it for the healing, especially in heavy armour. It also synergizes well with Atomic!, which boosts your AP regeneration the more irradiated you are.
Repeating the above, essentials: Super Slam, Piercing Strike, Slayer, Jury Rigging, Purifier, Better Criticals, Finesse. IF USING LIGHT ARMOR: Light Touch, Silent Running, Tunnel Runner.
But there are perks you can get from high science, survival and medicine skills that you'll find handy as well. Not just for healing as detailed above, but for damage. Survival, for example, gives you Entomologist for +50% damage versus insects (cazadores,) and Robotics Expert from Science gives you +25% damage versus robots. Living Anatomy gives you +5% damage versus living targets. These combine to give you high damage bonuses to all of the game's strongest enemies (cazadores, deathclaws, robo-scorpions.)
A high science also lets you improve your VATS performance via Math Wrath. This stacks well with the Beautiful Beatdown perk (kill 42 enemies with unarmed, then do 20,000 damage with unarmed weapons) and Slayer for many VATS unarmed attacks (stomps, stomps, stomps!)
submitted by Flipout6 to fnv [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 00:24 lAmMediocre [MILD SPOILERS] First proper run down the drain, and a whole lotta fun had!

After a run lasting roughly 32 days, my character has finally succumbed to the cataclysm. How you may ask? None other then the trials and tribulations faced on a first proper lab raid. I was on a long voyage to the refuge center, almost 5 cities away, so I loaded up a Police van with goodies that I had been stockpiling in my evac shelter, and set off.
Very, very quickly, my police van had struggled to keep up with the onslaught of undead, so I needed to swap out cars, fast. I drove past the first city, major damages taken to the vehicle, and had stopped at the first POI i saw, a Golf Course! There was a vehicle that would accompany the next part of my journey, the most important part. I swapped my battery with this, this time, only taking loot that would actually be useful, giving me much more room for stuff, and set off in my brand new Sedan!
And then I immediately crashed it denting the hood...
But that's fine! It happens!
I continued my journey and stumbled across a FEMA camp, and after a quick inspection, decided i WANTED what they had. I drove to a nearby evac shelter, stopped the car, and set out on foot with a makeshift knife spear I had quickly cobbled together.
Once I arrived, it was as simple as using the fence to my advantage, as all I needed to do was stab the occasional Zed that stumbled towards me through the fence. I did have occasional outside troubles, arising from a nearby anthill, but nothing I couldn't handle. Then I bit off a bit more then i can chew, as i somehow managed to attract every single Zed inside that camp. I quickly retreated back to the evac shelter, and climbed up a downspout seeing as i was being pursued quite...effectively. I stood up there, on the gutter for some time watching more and more pile up on the edge of the building, and decided it was time for some action. With my spear, I stabbed down from the roof, into the skulls of the Soldier Zombies clambering for a piece of my flesh. A few close calls with Caustic ones later nearly costing my life, and i was free from the dead, over 50 laid dead around the evac shelter after a whole night of resting, fighting, and repeating.
The spoils were immense. At this stage, my armor had consisted of nothing other then some riot gear I had taken from the undead some time ago when I was still based at my starting evac shelter. But here? Here was when i took up some proper gear.
A Heavy Ballistic Vest with its associated attachment points connected, extending its protection to my limbs. Brand new ballistic plates added to bolster my defense, a MOLLE webbing belt for extra storage, a Helmet, and some gloves, and my very first proper firearm, a MK18 CQBR Rifle along with some extra magazines for my newly acquired magazine pouch, and a fair amount of ammo looted from the rest of the bodies.
The FEMA camp itself had some spoils as well, most notably a M240 Machine Gun with a unreasonably high amount of ammo just sitting there. I loaded up my Sedan, and set off once again.
Deciding to not wreck my sedan through a city horde again, i decided to take a longer route around through some rural roads where I found a pickup truck! I swapped batteries yet again, and made way with my new vehicle, bolstering significantly better storage capacity.
I made a quick pitstop at an airport, refueled, took off and found something that i had only ever heard murmured about from time to time. A lab. Curiosity sunk its fangs into me, and i pulled my truck beside the accursed building. I entered through the front and found out quickly I'd need an ID to access it, but luckily for me, i had passed a coupe shaped ID along the road just moments ago!
With a careful...swiping of my ID card, I opened the "hidden" door on the back of the building and stood on the elevator, in a mix of excitement and fear. I entered, Rifle on a sling, spare knife in my vest, and a tonfa in my hand.
I was immediately greeted by a scientist...not living of course, and quickly dispatched them. I proceeded through the building, finding nothing out of the ordinary until I saw another locked door, with reinforced glass on either side. I couldn't make out much of the interior, but I saw some....creatures. Krecks were clawing at the glass, and in the back flew a strange mass of flesh...a Flying Polyp. The glass protected me so i decided i would explore the rest of the building and return to this strange room later.
I took some time clearing out the rest of the rooms, finding some small dormitories and various cabinets filled to the brim with various chemicals, as well as strange samples of genetic material from various creatures. I decided to return back to the hall with the beasts, thinking they'd still be locked behind the door, however i was sorely mistaken.
I'm unsure how it got there, but upon returning to that hall, I found it clouded in a thick, hazy gas. My curiosity getting the better of me, i decided to don my gas mask, and wade through the fog only to be pushed to the ground by a foul beast, a Nuckalavee. Panicked, and in a daze, i quickly dropped my tonfa, opting to wield my rifle in which, with a quick flip of a switch, set the thing to full auto as I let the ballistics echo through the halls. Half a mag down, and the beast was slain, dissipating back into the hell where it came, but not without leaving me terribly wounded. I staggered into a nearby storage room, threw my gun to the floor and quickly dealt with my bleeding wounds. After tending to them, and popping a good amount of tramadol, I spent the next 6 hours waiting, hearing the noises outside go from the gasps of the undead, to a strange tittering of metal clanking on the ground. I quickly decided I had waited enough. I had no more rations or water in my vest, and dehydration was starting to set in.
I grabbed my gun from the floor, reloaded and exited into the hall where i had learned that the area where the Krecks were hadn't even been destroyed. The centaur came from elsewhere it seemed. I passed by one of the windows, where a gaze pierced my mental. A quick look yielded the answer of what had done so. I ran down the hall, past the window, not wanting to bear witness to the creature where I had found out that the Polyp from before had found a way out, and was now floating in the hall. In desperation, I raised my rifle, and unloaded a solid 15 rounds into the beast until it had too returned to the void. I stumbled through the hallway, and finally made it back to the elevator, where i had chosen to rest for the night, and try again in the morning.
Wounds healed, armor checked, and guns reloaded, I headed down into the laboratory one more time. I spent some time getting off the elevator, gun in hand, as i slowly pied a corner, only to suddenly be grabbed from the darkness as a myriad of tentacles bit at my flesh, gnawing deep only to feast upon my blood. The gun fell to the floor, and I struggled to retrieve my knife from my vest, only for that too to fall. Hypovolemic shock was setting in as I tried to grab my rifle again, to no avail. I escaped from the grasp for a mere moment, stumbling into a table where I had soon after collapsed, my face pale as my heart stopped beating.
832 creatures had fell to my hands, but my own life was added to that list as well as I was truly, and utterly, unprepared.
TL;DR: Had a good run, found a lab, thought i could raid it, i could not. Star Vampires are scary. Had lots of fun :)
submitted by lAmMediocre to cataclysmdda [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 19:07 Le_Grim In the Shadow of Empire, Part 1-3

The VTOL coursed through the night, rumbling through the starlit sky towards the marker zone. The soldiers within were jovial, the mission absurd, and laughing where they could. And as the gunship darted over the Australian wilderness towards the small town where the UFO was last spotted.
Sara had been waiting for this. It was inevitable afterall, since the Kansas Incident.
Around 3 hours ago, a number of the satellites the UNECIA had stationed over Australia refitted to watch for electrical signals matching those seen in the last abduction. The nearest UNECIA base was scrambled immediately. The soldiers aboard were among specially selected UN Peacekeepers, but thus far the reality of the situation hadn’t truly set in. However, it was about too.
At the moment, Fusa was directly managing comms, and while not physically present in the Command Room, Sara knew Arko and Rozad were watching. She also knew damn well the UN Security Council was watching as well. Sara took a strong drink of her coffee, secretly spiked with Applejack in her quarters. She was already running the multitude of potential scenarios in her head. The smaller aliens, named ‘Grunts’ for the time being were what she expected. But the larger one, called a ‘Champion’ internally by the UNECIA was likely to present as well. Maybe not the exact same one, but Sara expected one to be present. She had been reviewing the Kansas Incident for nearly a month now, and the whole affair struck her as a number of foot soldiers being commanded by a handler. Of course, there was always the possibility of a kind of alien they had not yet seen, using new weapons, but there was only so much she could do to plan around that.
Since then though, Sara had been restless. The one thing that never sat right with her was how easy this whole thing felt. Security was already pissed with her for putting their communications under triple coding and veiling their internal comms under Balkanes Romanes, but Sara wanted to be damn sure it was esoteric as she had access too.
“Carcossa, this is Monsoon, we are approaching for landing. Permission to drop Strike Team when ready?”
Fusa looked at Sara expectedly, awaiting orders. Sara nodded.
“Affirmative. Strike Team Claymore, this is Command. You are clear to drop as soon as Monsoon gives the green light. We’re going for a hot drop, can’t have you linger. Remain in the area for Evac.”
“Affirmative. Monsoon moving into position for the Drop. Strike Team, you are clear to drop on green.”
Sara watched through each 6 of the helmet cams of the team as they stood and readied. She took in a breath, as she readied herself. It took two to tango, and she dreaded what her partner was bringing to the floor.
Tralyr watched from his command throne as he watched the Entangled Cameras of the Johka and Officer Filyahr collected the Ehke subjects. This was the first covert insurgency since Aesma’s fuck up. And his linguists were still working to uncover the tangle of communications that had since emerged across the planet. They had to have known at this point, Tralyr reckoned. It was simply a matter on how they would react.
“Commander, collection successful. We are planning to load up the Ehke and then leave. I got a bad feeling Commander. The air feels weird.”
“Affirmative Filyahr. Have the Johka do clean up. Keep a pair with you and send the rest to take care of any leftover mess.”
“Yes sir. We-”
Filyahr ceased to speak abruptly, as Tralyr leaned forward in his throne. His Hashtari did not cut off like this for no reason. He quickly cycled through cameras, only to catch a glimpse of a Johka’s head being split open by a metal slug going through it’s head.
“Officer Filyahr, your sentries are being attacked. Shield Pattern, you have permission to open fire.”
“Yes sir. For Ralakai!”
Tralyr quickly cycled back to the final shots of the Johka’s cameras before the remains of cranium painted the back wall of the Ehke housing block. It was brief, but for a moment, they saw their attacker. Wearing their planet’s high end combat armor, the Ehke that shot them was wielding a ballistic rifle. Their apparel was standard camo for their military units, save the stupid looking helmets the same color as their oceans. Tralyr quickly went back to his comms.
“Officer, these Ehke are not locals. These are soldiers. Weapons hot!”
“What the fuck is this thing…”
Ambrosia looked at the alien as it slumped forward on the ground, a viscous blue fluid draining out of its head where Sergeant Kronkowski had shot it. The closest thing she could compare it to was a Jerboa, but this thing was the size of her childhood bull terrier. Private Vasquez pushed it to the side with its boot, as the weapon it was holding smoldered on the ground next to it.
“Strike Team, this is Carcossa. Keep moving. Your objective is rescuing the civilians. Permission to advance, you have permission to fire on any Grunt or Champion contacts.”
“You heard CO,” Kronkowski said back to them, as he raised his rifle back up, nodding forward to the hot spot. “Keep moving.”
Ambrosia nodded, and fell back in with their squad.
This whole situation felt absurd, and yet, there was that thing they just passed by now dead on the ground. This was actually happening. The gun it had wasn’t anything Ambrosia had seen, and yet… it existed. It would have fired it at Bergan had Logan not shot it. But more than anything, she was happy a gun could kill it. She felt her hand gripping her FN FAL tighter. She was now terrified. Were they really under an alien invasion? If not, then what the hell was that thing? She soon however had her thoughts interrupted, when her comms lit up again.
“Your area is getting hot. Everyone move into cover now!”
Ambrosia snapped to attention, she instinctively darted towards a nearby alley. She looked to her squad, as she suddenly smelled an utter reek of ozone. She turned, as she watched as Sergeant Kronkowski was staggering back at the head.
He couldn’t respond, as his face swiftly turned to char and ash. Scorched meat and melting hair radiated from the Sergeant, as he fell back to the ground, his hands curled towards his face, rasping out a scream as he clawed at the peeling meat on his head in pain. It was an ambush, one her immediate superior paid for with his life. She pressed against the wall so it could block line of sight from the shot, as the sounds of gunfire and whatever the hell their weapons were began roaring through the air.
She could barely make sense of the orders. She heard some to fire on an alien moving through an area, and she would do so. Sometimes she was ordered to move cover. What was only a couple minutes felt like hours. One of the aliens even tried leaping onto her, but thank god she had a combat knife. They bled like a rat, and their eyes were way too beady as it bulged in it’s helmet as it died. After the firefight began to quiet down, she hid behind a convenience store, sneaking a view of the street through a reflection in an ice machine.
She wanted to say she counted 12 or so of those Grunts now lying dead through the street. Bergan was laying slumped against a wall with their entire chest now resembling a brisket, her eyes all too bright as she laid in an alley. Last she saw Vasquez a Grunt was tearing open his neck before she shot it. She heard an explosion and a human scream, which she thought was Jiminiez, when last she saw him he was fumbling with a grenade. And Murnau was lying slumped in the broken window, still cooking as ozone smoldered off his body.
“Private Zervaz, report!”
Ambrosia panted, as she pressed her comm unit, eyes still dead set on watching for any signs of combatants in the reflection.
“Private Zervaz, reporting.”
“Private, this is Commander Sadoul, now listen closely. You’re the last member of the Strike Team. There were 27 Grunts in the area, however, there is a Champion unaccounted for,” Ambrosia gave a heavy exhale as she heard the number. Was it really that many? The whole engagement had been a blur. But as soon as she thought of that, her breath caught in her throat, as she saw in the reflection the other thing the Commander had mentioned, “I need you to pay attention and listen. That Champion is actively looking for you. It took a direct hit from a grenade, and while it’s still standing, it doffed its body armor. It has an exoskeleton like a giant bug. Your rounds don’t breach the bone-”
“Quiet! You’ll expose your position! Get something you can swing that’s big, sharp, metal, and as heavy as you can manage. And then, wait for when it’s back is turned, and strike it as close as you can to where its abdominal muscles would be.”
Ambrosia’s eyes shot around wildly. She moved her gun to her back, and darted as fast as she could to the back of the store. She looked about, and found a fire axe. She panted, as she drove her elbow into the glass, and then quickly grabbed it.”
“This is insane. This is insane. I…”
Ambrosia panted as she caught a glance of a chitin clad thing approaching the entry point to the gas station. She caught her breath, as she watched as it looked around. She waited near the door frame, eyes trained on the reflection. She clutched the axe close, as she muffled her panicked breaths as much as she could. And then, for a single moment, their eyes met. And in a split second, one of its arms shot up and fired into the reflection.
This shot wasn’t plasma, but rather a laser. Ambrosia couldn’t have reacted to it. As by the time she saw it, the beam had split, one of them splitting into her helmet, striking the face plate, melting the glass and splitting the beam if only for a moment. By a miracle none of the rays hit her eye. However, the entire right side of her face was now ignited by the fury of the sun.
Ambrosia tilted back and howled in sheer pain as she quickly scrambled the melting helmet off of her head. The room was now ablaze, as the lasers set fire to most of it. She fell to her feet in shock, wheezing. She gripped the axe tighter, as her comm unit began to buzz.
“There is a fire spreading through the gas station. March or die Private.”
Ambrosia gripped her axe, as adrenaline began to course through her veins again. Her body ached. Her face was in agony. But the building was now on fire, the immediate exit ablaze from split laser fire. Flight was impossible.
It was time to fight.
Filyahr moved forward, lowering his laser pistol. They waited, as they heard the Ehke scream.
“Commander. 5 contacts have been confirmed dead. Confirming the last one now. All the Fohka have died. My body armor was destroyed by an Ehke Fragmentation device, however their projectile weapons cannot pierce our mighty bones.”
“Don’t get arrogant Officer. Whoever is commanding these Ehke is crafty. We outnumbered them nearly 5 to 1, with advanced weaponry. And yet here you are, the last of your forces. Confirm the Ehke combatant is dead. Now.”
Filyahr moved forward, raising their left arms as they approached, their hardlight shield igniting as they approached. This place smelled of fossil fuels, and they knew it wouldn’t be long until the fire reached wherever it was being stored. The blast would be huge, and now they would have to deal with the possibility that the fireball would alert more Ehke. This whole situation had been cocked. They grumbled as they came forward, stepping in front of the room.
As they peaked in, a metal wedge swung hard towards them. It slammed right into the projector of their shield, and with a crack it exploded on their arm. Filyahr reeled back, screeching, as their lower left arm had been rendered to a red mist below the elbow. Filyahr tried launching themselves backwards, raising their gun to shoot the Ehke right between the eyes. But they swung again with a mad zeal, the now chipped wedge slamming into their hand. Right through the fingers, the wedge split open bone and muscle, as their laser rifle cracked with a heavy hiss. It exploded with far more ferocity than their shield had. That infernal metal wedge the Ehke was wielding was sent out of their hands, as both of them went flying across the room in opposite directions. It smashed through a stand of preserved foods, while Filyahr went careening into metal box full of ice.
“Argh! Ralakai damn you!”
Filyahr pulled himself from the box, the cold washing over causing a horrible chill in his blood. As he staggered forward, he looked at the Ehke, who was already pulling themselves up. They had ditched their helmet, as an entire side of their face was still sizzling from the laser strike. One of their arms was now clearly shattered, as it hung limp next to their side. But it’s eyes…
Filyahr blinked, as it couldn’t help but be stunned by the Ehke’s tenacity. It was nearly as strong, fast, and nimble as a Hashtari, but yet they lacked a Hashtari’s fangs. They lacked their claws, their tusks. It staggered forward, it’s soft pink flesh still burning. It was fragile, and yet it still looked at Filyahr with all the malice of a territorial herbivore. But it’s eyes…
It’s eyes…
In a moment, Filyahr understood why this species was the one that conquered their world. And it was already growing from its fight with the Fohka. Filyahr laughed in glee, as he realized what this war would become.
“Commander, I know why the Saklas want these creatures!” Filyahr laughed into his comms, as he began to walk towards the Ehke. It grabbed a metal club from behind a counter, as it moved the blunt rod onto its shoulder, as it barked something at it in its language, “They have the Gift! The Ehke are worthy foes! I grant this one the rite of the Final Dance!”
Filyahr charged, ignoring his Commander. They raised their two good arms in a battle hiss, as the Ehke spun, darting out of the way. Filyahr arced a claw towards its head, as claw connected with shoulder. Filyahr however felt the club slam into his jaw, as his chin shattered. Both staggered, but the Ehke used its hand being free to its advantage, as it slammed its club into his abdominal structure. It cracked, as Filyahr coughed up blood in shock. He tried to attack with an open hand, but the Ehke delivered a well placed boot into his knee. He lost his balance, as he hit the ground hard, as he wheezed, starting to get dizzy from the blood loss from his two mangled limbs, and his now shattered lungs. He wheezed a laugh, as his lungs began to fill with blood from the strike to his abdominals.
“Well fought Ehke…”
Filyahr smiled as he wheezed, as the steel club slammed into his skull, splitting it open just like his jaw had been.
[[Part 1: https://www.reddit.com/HFY/comments/1ccdqg8/in_the_shadow_of_empire_part_11/ ]]
[[Previous: https://www.reddit.com/HFY/comments/1cd01q5/in_the_shadow_of_empire_part_12/ ]]
[[Next: (Coming Soon)]]
submitted by Le_Grim to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 21:03 Expensive-Thing-2507 Epic skillz

Epic skillz
For some reason, missing shots with the ballistic knife doesn't affect accuracy
submitted by Expensive-Thing-2507 to CallOfDutyMobile [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 18:06 harinedzumi_art Ballistic armor of the Middle Empire.

Ballistic armor of the Middle Empire.
Following the ideology of the Imperial Cult, the Middle Empire is waging constant wars. Therefore, the creation of new weapons is one of the primary tasks of the Imperial industry. But the Empire is not the only one concerned about this.
According to the Imperial Report Ministry, over the past 100 years, more than 60% of the Pacification Army's casualties have been due to shrapnel and fragmentation wounds. In this regard, in the end of 30th century aTwbW, the Imperial Ballistics Ministry received a decree from the Unity Council to create brand new armor for professional soldiers and commanders. Prior to that, the Armor Ministry received the same decree, but did not achieve significant results in this and was called upon to help the Ballistics Ministry.
Since metal research did not help, Imperial scientists began to look for new materials. The first results were encouraging: a composite of 2 different types of fabric and special glue was created, which slowed down the speed of the incoming shrapnel/fragment three times. This is how the first imperial ballistic armor appeared, which did not yet fully protect, but at least facilitated injuries.
After the first success, the Ballistics Ministry received more money and continued its work. Gradually, types of algae fabrics were discovered, with proper weaving and processing, stopping most of the shrapnel/fragments from the intended explosion distances. Their refinement made it possible to create a ballistic armor that protected frogs from shrapnel, shell's fragments and round bullets of low-power rifles.
However, there was one problem: about 80% of the algae needed for the production of ballistic panels and armor grew on the territory of the Swampland, the historical enemy of the Middle Empire. It was not possible to establish the cultivation of algae on the territory of the Empire for climatic reasons, and all Imperial analogues made of oiled leather and glued fabric were inferior to import algae materials.
At first, the Empire tried to establish an illegal trade in algae through a long-existing black market in the south of the Swampland. Despite the successful import, this quickly led to the disclosure of new developments. The Swampland stopped the illegal export of the algae due to need of its own production of ballistic armor. Not wanting to lose an important army resource, the Middle Empire began to develop a military plan to solve this issue. As a result, it was decided to capture part of the western Great Swamp Wu-Fuwen for subsequent algae cultivation there. This was one of the main formal reasons for the beginning of the 3rd war between the Middle Empire and the Swampland.
Categories of the ballistic armor.
There are many types of imperial ballistic armor, but they all belong to one of 5 categories:
1. Fabric and leather ballistic armor. 
The oldest, simplest and most common, it's made from materials always available to the Empire. It consists of two types of composite: special glued fabric and oiled multi-layer leather. Depending on the thickness, the armor protects against small fragments and shrapnel at medium range. The armor does not protect almost from bullets and large fragments, and is penetrated by shrapnel at short distances. Almost does not protect against melee weapons. With mass production, it costs almost nothing. It is usually used for ballistic gaiters, caps, gloves and other types of soldier's equipment [bags, belts, ammunition panels, windings, etc]
2. Algae and fabric ballistic armor. 
Panels made of thick glued algae are used instead of leather [however, leather is also often used as a lining oand outer layer] Protects against most shrapnel and shell's/bomb's fragments at most explosion distances. Reliably protects from bullets [standard 3-layer panel does not break through with round bullets of the Swamp Army's chu-ganga and Imperial Army's fa-bokao rifles from 5 steps] Does not protect against bullets of rifled firearms used by Swamp Army and Pacification Army [it breaks through at almost all shooting distances] Partially protects against melee weapons [approximately 1400 out of 3000 blows with a standart Pacification Army's assault knife pierced the 3-layer panel] Armor's production is expensive. The panels are used only for special assault armor: ballistic vests, helmets, shoulder pads, knee pads, collars, hinged protection of the hind paws and groin. This armor is used only by Trench Brigades, Rapid Response Infantry and Fire Divisions, and not used in combined arms units. But all soldiers and commanders can buy individual armor panels with their own money [1 panel covering about a third of the belly costs 2 liang in silver, which is almost equal to the month salary of a private soldier of Pacification Army]
3. Ballistic armor integrated into the old types of the metal armor. 
Ballistic panels (of any type) are simple sewn to the armor (outside or inside or both). This allows soldiers and commanders to continue to effectively use partially obsolete types of armor [over the past 50 years only, the Empire has produced more than 300k of different lamellar armor] For example, all the armor of the God-Emperor's Filial Army is ballistic, although outwardly it looks like classic imperial mountain-scaled armor. In addition to the Filial Army, similar armor is used by the commanders and military officials of the Empire. All guard units also use such armor. The armor reliably protects both from shrapnel and bullets, and from melee weapons. Armor's clear advantage is the ability to add thinner ballistic panels with just a slight decrease in protective properties. Unfortunately, such armor is generally heavy and requires great strength and endurance to be constantly worn [most users are descendants of Lan-waa, He-ma, and other physically strong mixed-blooded frogs] Due to this, re-equipment of all units of the Pacification Army to this type of armor is not possible [tests have shown that the combat capability of Ei-si-chan soldiers when wearing armor is significantly reduced, and they receive even more wounds]
4. New metal composite ballistic armor. 
Armor created using both metal and ballistic materials. Technically it's the most advanced development of the imperial industry. When creating, new technologies and steel alloys are used. The most common armor in this category is assault helmets and cuirasses. Shoulder pads, knee pads, groin protection and various hinged panels are also produced. This armor partially protects even from special bullets of powerful rifles. Only assault helmets of this type are officially produced. All other projects have been curtailed due to the huge cost of production [most of composite armor enters the Army illegally]
5. Custom ballistic armor. 
In fact, the same armor, but produced by private companies illegally. In the absence of the need for standardization, different armorers produce their own types of armor in small batches and send them to the black market. From there, the armor enters the Pacification Army bypassing any decrees [most buyers are military officials who personally supply their units] The armor is on average superior to the standart types, as buyers always require shooting/explosive tests of batch before the purchase. The Unity Council is aware of the illegal turnover of ballistic armor but turns a blind eye to it, as it increases the combat capability of units without using the military budget.
submitted by harinedzumi_art to theSmall_World [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 11:08 Ism_Alm Still getting expert tools in the south despite using Grok's Stashes Overhaul

Hi stalkers, like the title says, despite using Grok's Stashes Overhaul, I'm still getting expert tools in the south, in areas where they shouldn't even spawn, which kinda breaks my early game as I want my progression to be slower. It's the only aspect of this addon that doesn't work. The abundance of repair kits etc. is there, just map tiering I think that's not working well for me for some reason. I tried different load orders without much success (plus it's hard to test whether it's working or not since there's a lot of RNG when it comes to stashes). I was thinking maybe one of the addons is interfering. Here's my load order if it helps :

"0001","+","00 DLTX DATA"
"0002","+","01 DLTX Shader DATA"
"0018","+","(Parts Fix Version)"
"0019","+","Trader Overhaul (Main Folder)"
"0020","+","Trader Overhaul (HARD)"
"0023","+","GCRO - Direct repair price increase"
"0024","+","GCRO - Mechanics buy repair kits at half price"
"0025","+","GCRO - Toolkits usable as workbench by 1917 and Michiko"
"0026","+","GCRO - Traders sell random condition items"
"0027","+","Trader Recipes Double prices"
"0030","+","PAW - Personal Adjustable Waypoint"
"0037","+","NPC loot claim no sorting plus"
"0048","+","Groks Body Health System Redux"
"0049","+","Groks Body Health System Redux Patch"
"0053","+","DAR Dosimeter Enhanced"
"0056","+","Campfire Regens for Grok`s Body System"
"0069","+","[demonized] Ledge Climbing Mantling"
"0073","+","Gunslinger Grenade"
"0074","-","Tweaks & Fixes_separator"
"0080","+","Nitpicker's Modpack"
"0084","+","Starting Loadout"
"0092","+","Warfare ALife Overhaul"
"0098","+","Grok's Balanced Overhaul Of Ballistics System (GBOOBS) 1.7.1"
"0099","+","Grok's Stash Overhaul v2.2.0"
"0100","+","Grok's Stash Overhaul v2.2.0 patch"
"0114","+","New Zone NPC's can't see through foliage 1.8.1 DLTX"
"0118","+","Tougher Important NPCs and Companions"
"0119","+","Devices of Anomaly Redone"
"0120","+","Reworked RF Receiver v1.4"
"0143","+","Main + OPO + WPO Patch"
"0151","+","Dynamic Icon Indicators"
"0163","+","Dots and reticles extravaganza - Kuez - Reinstall for different options"
"0164","+","Aydin's Grass Tweaks 4.0"
"0165","+","Fixed Vanilla Models and Textures"

submitted by Ism_Alm to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:34 Weekly_Log_8896 Ballistic Knife platinum not unlocking?

Ballistic Knife platinum not unlocking?
I have platinum for everything else (except spear but this issue has been going on for months), but for whatever reason my Ballistic Knife is stuck at gold. Anyone see anything out of place? Or is it just a bug?
submitted by Weekly_Log_8896 to CallOfDutyMobile [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:07 MarkedMatt Sidorovich - Scammer or Respected Trader?

Many people say that he's a scammer. Today I'll be uncovering whetever that accusation is true or not.
I did some research, and in Clear Sky Sidorovich actually pays for artifacts more than other traders. Even Sakharov buys artifacts for lower price.
Proof: https://snipboard.io/OQzK4f.jpg (Sakharov's price) https://snipboard.io/dMHPYU.jpg (Sid's price)
Sidorovich isn't the most moral person, however, he's most respected trader (more about it later tho). He doesn't cares about well being of others nor will he do something for free:
"Got a job for you, Marked One... I want you to find a stalker called Nimble, he was carrying some very important information. He disappeared somewhere near the bridge. Find him, dead or alive - I don't care, I need the flash drive with the info. Visit Wolf from the local camp, and ask him. He certainly knows where that guy can be."
Additional proof: https://snipboard.io/GRy6Sg.jpg
"So, Marked One, I saved you and I'm not going to pretend I did it to win favors upstairs. You do some jobs for me, and we're even."
"Well, for one thing, it does exist. And given that, we definitely ought to clear a path to it. A single clan should have enough muscle to get it done. But if all the clans joined forces, we might even be able to get through the Scorcher. The way things are now, each faction knows something, but they'll die before they share it with one another. Each faction is holding on to their secret. Add to that an imbecile as bad as our Mitay and you've got real dead heat. Sidorovich is the only one collecting intelligence, piece by piece. Hard-headed as they come, heh. But then again, it's Sidorovich: don't expect something for nothing." - Duty Barman Kolobok answering Scar's "And what do you think about the Wish Granter?" question
Additional proof: https://snipboard.io/uzR2i6.jpg
But despite all the accusations, no one actually complains about his prices. Even more: Jupiter Stalkers say that Sidorovich's tools aren't expensive:
"To be honest, the last place I saw decent tools was in Sidorovich's bunker at the Cordon. Sure, you have to pay for them, but they're new and not all that expensive either." - Random stalker NPC answering Degtyarev's "Where can I find tools around here?" question
Additional proof: https://snipboard.io/UhX24p.jpg
Sidorovich paying well is also something that's implied in dialogues. For example Father Valerian said the following:
"The Cordon really is the Zone's front entrance. We stalkers come here a lot. It's a nice place to relax, stock up on ammo and get an honest coin for your loot from Sidorovich. And if you need a partner, the Cordon's got a number of rookies who'll go through hell and high water for an old-timer. To them we're like living legends."
Additional proof: https://snipboard.io/pAhxtn.jpg
Moreover, Valerian seemed upset about possibility of not being able to have business with Sidorovich:
"Yeah, I guess we got a little carried away... Can't figure out what to do now. We're holding the commander hostage, which is a kind of guarantee that the army's not going to bomb our asses back to the Stone Age with their choppers. We can't kill him, but we can't let him go either... The sly son of a bitch knows that we need him alive, and he's not caving in a damn inch. Trouble is, he's the only one who knows where the loot is hidden. If we don't deliver that loot to Sidorovich, he won't do business with us ever again. If we could only make this army bastard play by our rules, it would be a whole different ball game, believe me."
Additional proof: https://snipboard.io/qUeMxn.jpg
His reputation and connections
"That's a strange question coming from you. It ain't your first day in the Zone, but you're asking me about Sidorovich? Hell, everyone knows Sidorovich! He's the most respected trader in the whole Zone! If he can't fulfill your shopping needs, nobody can." - Wolf in Clear Sky
Additional proof: https://snipboard.io/T3GFyY.jpg
"Thanks for returning the case, merc. Now I can settle up with my client. The reason I've survived in the Zone as long as I have is that I always keep my word. You screw a client in this place and you're pretty likely to find a knife in your back real soon. Anyway, that's enough about me... About your stalker - he was here. His name is Fang, and he was looking for tube amplifiers and some other electronic crap... I'm not an expert in that sort of thing. I sold him the amp, but I didn't have the other stuff he was after, so I told him to visit the diggers at the Garbage. Recently, some stalkers at the Garbage have dug up old buried equipment from after the accident at the Chernobyl NPP, and now the place is filled with all kinds of ancient components. Look for him there. And remember, if you want to trade - I'm your man."
Additional proof: https://snipboard.io/piHsac.jpg
He also maintains his reputation and doesn't like others ruining it:
"Imagine this: there's some weirdo running around here who introduces himself as my sales representative, uses my reputation, and then tries to hand off second-rate stuff! Broken barrels, the armor that's falling apart, expired canned goods. I've already had to deal with a few unhappy clients. Bottom line, I need a man to have a little chat with that "sales representative", whatever it takes." - Description of "Kill the sales representative" sidequest
Additional proof: https://snipboard.io/dbVS5Z.jpg
"I'm having a confrontation with this one trader. Well, if he doesn't want to cooperate, the hell with him! But I won't let anyone start filthy rumors. In short, he needs to be wasted so the others don't get out of hand. Let them all know who's the boss here." - Description of "Kill the trader stalker" sidequest
Additional proof: https://snipboard.io/nysjQe.jpg
"The few soldiers there have been ordered to shoot on sight, so you'd better walk around it and try not to show your ass. If you piss them off, they may call for the Spetsnaz from the further cordon. Those guys can brew up such shit that I won't have any customers for a month... I know the commander a little: he likes to take a swig as much as the next man. I'm surviving on here thanks to him."
Additional proof: https://snipboard.io/fQN8Ez.jpg
"They guard and protect, what else? No one really knows whether they're guarding the Zone or protecting the rest of the world from it. Sometimes they send whole expeditions here to look for something... But I'll tell you something: they don't respect the Zone and the Zone doesn't like them either, that's why they return home in body bags very often. What else is there? Well, they look down at everyone and act like gods or something. They have no respect for stalker rules and won't ever help you even if you're dying right in front of them. They'll gladly shoot you themselves tho', and they don't get reprimanded for that... I've got a few contacts among them...you know, people always need vodka and...umm, magazines, right? Don't annoy them - they'll whack you for nothing."
Additional proof: https://snipboard.io/CJ6r7O.jpg
Other than the military, Sid has contacts with all kinds of clients outside the Zone:
"A long, long time. I was one of the first in the Zone. Back then we didn't have radiation detectors or suits, so your life expectancy in this place was real short. That's why I've never been past the Garbage. That sort of thing isn't for me. I've got the brains for a different sort of business: I'm like engine grease, without me the engine falters and that means people start fighting. But when I'm around everyone's happy. Even though the Zone is full of wonders, the demand for these wonders is even bigger - be it from governments, special services, private agencies or fat cat collectors. I'm their link to this place: I facilitate trade between the Zone and the outside world. I know all the right people and I can solve just about any issue without leaving this room. That pretty much sums me up."
Additional proof: https://snipboard.io/uAwJ63.jpg
Sidorovich's impact on other traders
Nimble in Call of Pripyat heavily implies that his stuff is going through Sid's routes:
"Right now is a bad time... the military are making things hot at the Cordon. Someone attacked their outpost the other day, which made them even more difficult to deal with." - Nimble when Degtyarev buys all assault rifles from him and asks for another one
Additional proof: https://snipboard.io/sxi7pR.jpg
Shilov directly states that he buys his stuff from Sidorovich:
"I'm a trader, although I haven't been one for long. As you can see we only just got here. Father Valerian said that you can be who you want to be, and I decided that I'm a trader there and then. And why not? I've got the skills and have known Sidorovich well enough to do as he does. Heck, I was renting out comic books for cash to students back at grade-school. Eh, those were the good days. Anyway, I'm kind of a natural businessman, you know? So here I am, getting my head around a new profession, so to speak. Right now I buy my stock from Sidorovich, so the prices ain't great, but I do have things that might interest you - some of the loot our boys brought back from the raids."
Additional proof: https://snipboard.io/XBPwNh.jpg
And lastly, clients outside the Zone wait in line, while stalkers from all over the Zone are willing to sell their stuff to Sid. For example, in Clear Sky, "Zaporozhets car at mine entrance" stash, that is located in the Red Forest says the following:
"I stashed my loot under the seat of that Zaporozhets car next to the mine entrance. I'll pick it up again before I go see Sidorovich."
"Why am I here? Well, I like the weather and the scenery is just beautiful. Ha-ha! The truth is, I'm too old to wander the Zone as a stalker. Plus I'm hardly the kind to survive an encounter with a controller. It's calm around here, that's the main reason. People who need me will find me no matter where I am. If someone's got a serious order or they need some quality goods, they come to me and only me. And sometimes they even wait in line, too. Why? Because if I can't get loot through the Cordon, nobody can."
Additional proof: https://snipboard.io/OeYl8w.jpg

submitted by MarkedMatt to stalker [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 09:50 kudzunc "FROM" is finally on the IMFDB site.

"FROM" is now on the IMFDB . That's the Internet Movies Firearm Data Base, like the IMDB most everyone knows but specializes in listing the firearms and other weapons that are used in entertainment. Be it by the Series, Films, by the actor's name, Characters, Manufacture makes & models, Video Games and Anime. With images of them with how you can tell which make and model, which can let us determine the vintage for when they came into town, or at least a "not before that year of production" date. Like what gun the Civil War Solider had mattered as Firearm technology was changing during the USA's Civil war, as were production changes to speed up those orders. That was a "Enfield Pattern 1853" by the way.
The main link https://www.imfdb.org/wiki/From
So far Season 1 is almost done(always room for improvement) https://www.imfdb.org/wiki/From_-_Season_1
Season 2's page is there but is needing help with screen caps and starting the page.
Which you have Jesus Boyd's actor's Harold Perrineau history on https://www.imfdb.org/wiki/Harold_Perrineau Crap just noticed "From" needs added.
Also interesting to note
Abby used a "M9"(Beretta 92 variant) in 9mm 15 shot magazine
Boyd uses a "Glock 17" in 9mm 17 shot magazine
For what we know, this is the Magazine count, not a Magazine +1 in the chamber in counts. Revolver is based on a full cylinder. Although could be minus 1 as older revolvers were carried with an empty chamber, so if dropped, the hammer wouldn't hit a cartridge's primer causing the gun to fire. A safety feature /issue not present on many modern revolvers.
Kenny uses a 1911 .45 cal 7-8 shot (no way tell without the magazine ejected) 7 shot older standard but gun has been in production for over 100 years.
Victor has a S&W Revolver "Model 15" in .38 special with a 6 round capacity
Throw in the shotgun(s) being passed around and you have a limited number, and worse ammo is not a replaceable expendable. With gunshots only doing temporary Kinetic Energy damage for slowing the FROMMONSTERS down briefly, not giving ballistics wound trauma to the FROMMONTSERS's bodies. Yet a knife can cut through their skin, just like how Kevlar works. Just realized that now about the autopsy scene of Smiley.
So basically, you have the guns are mainly to help keep the new people in line for them to see the scary looking and sounding people are actually the good ones and the nice smiling friendly ones are the dangerous ones. That first night can be rough with a hard pass/fail with little wiggle room test.
Which I've pointed out in the past on threads how every gun is a unique supply issue due to they only come with the ammo that was with them. Which means they may be running out ( Remember "Ice Piercer"? anyone) and how each caliber becomes it own supply headache and a finite source for number of shots. That there is no training ammo, if you fire a shot there better be a lot animal meat to justify its usage. Hence they're trapping animals instead of hunting them.
Notice when Donna shot the Bus Tire in Season 2, it was a bigger issue than most people watching realized. As they might be out of 12 gauge shotgun rounds now or down to the last few. As box of 0-000(pronounced as 'Aught' to Double/Triple "Aught") Buck Shot , or slugs, may come with only 5 shells to a box, if they had Rabbit/Dove & Quail/Bat (Australia you're weird)/Clay Pigeons sized shot shell loads , then they may have had 25 shells in a full box.
Handguns are often 50 rounds a box but may be limited to what they had in their magazine and any spare carried mags.
Rifle (hunting) sized cartridges come in 20 count boxes. Unless in .22lr (.22 short, .22 rifle and/or .22 Long Rifle, it's been a journey over the centuries...) and then that can vary from 20/50 a box to weird numbers of hundreds and change in the milk carton style boxes. All of that assumes they had full box and not partially used boxes.
Also reloading spent ammo cartridges casings is not possible, due to the need parts like primers. Even if they went to car graveyard and melted down old wheel weights and even made the correct down to hundredths of inch lead bullet molds some how. Still not going to work. The crude "Black Powder" you can make is way different than modern "Smokeless Powder". Which none of the weapons were Flintlocks or older Matchlocks (see "Air Vietnam" scene within the rainy jungle with Matchlocks & Flintlocks...) , so that leaves 2 big issues, the Powder and the worst/bigger issue of the primer itself .
If you have time and good at the Wikipedia stuff, season 2 could use screen caps and the page built out.
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