Descriptive paragraph on taste


2012.05.24 23:46 gildedlink FoodHacks

Food hacks is a place to share quick and simple tips on making food that has more flavor, more nutritional value, or both!

2011.01.21 21:31 phyzome Codes & ciphers

Hiding data, cracking codes, finding hidden messages. We welcome posts that aren't as suitable for /crypto, such as basic cipher-cracking challenges and discussions of simple data hiding.

2008.12.19 12:10 Tea

Tea! This subreddit is for discussion of beverages made from soaking camellia sinensis leaves (or twigs) in water, and, to a lesser extent, herbal infusions, yerba mate, and other tisanes.

2024.05.15 17:11 PassAcrobatic1475 The strangest pre-waking dream I had: The Journal of Emilidis

Sometimes in the morning, I wake up to the sound of the alarm, close it and then drift back to sleep, and then wake up again by the successive alarms that I've set. Right in these periods was where I can recall those dreams most clearly. Usually, those details contain only a static first-person view, like being tied down in front of a screen. In particular, this one is a rare exception where I remembered moving and acting in that dream. I remember reading from an unmarked old tome, its pages yellowed, the page I remembered was a simple list, the contents of which are blurred but one in particular was clear: it was labelled "Day Lantern" and following that is a very brief (barely a paragraph) description of how it was made and the philosophy behind the process, one that seems to be more of a "recipe book" by Emilidis himself rather than something "official" compilated and penned. It was quite vague, and I only remembered fragments but it does make the metaphor of the world as a lion, and the process of making the DL as a "circling pack of hyenas", and of "striking while the lion sleeps, draw no blood but take only a patch of fur, go no further". It seems that my dream self had concluded something very interesting: Emilidis had independently discovered and mastered the Anagogis, and used it extensively within his Contrivances, and for whatever reason he kept this fact secret. I also remember a section describing the designing process of the Barricades, and this was very long, with an implication that Emilidis seemed to have an understanding of relativity, and might have made the Barricades an ideal flatness, a 2D space if you will, in the phrase "Make of the [full emptiness] a house that is [inside-facing-out], that the guest and his rights will find no root on either side of the door. Make the whole of the house the door so it cannot be opened."
submitted by PassAcrobatic1475 to bakker [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:17 Murky_waterLLC The Greatest Congame in the History of the Universe (Part 1.5)

[First] [Prev]
Dialog Key:
[Translated]: Dates, Units of Measurement, or other Grammatical terms will be retrofitted to be legible for readers while still staying true to their definition
{Exposition}: Immediate context regarding events, People, Entities, or other key points that allow for understanding amongst different cultures.
...This is the point when we realized we had been tricked, or “conned” as the Humans would say. Locked into a deal we couldn’t get out of. Most of the “clients” were stunned, they didn’t do anything because what can you do against a conglomerate that not only has more money than you but has legal grounds over you? Fight back, maybe? Some thought that was a good idea. In some colonies, organized revolts were set up and conducted, thinking to outplay the Humans at their own game.
However, when dealing with Humans, there’s a lot to remember, and these rebels seemingly forgot that this is the species that produces the galaxy’s newest military tech, the same species that has 73 out of the top 100 military schools in the galaxy, the same species that had enough cunning to outsmart us of our independence in the first place.
So naturally when these revolutionaries attempted to capitulate the standing corporate liaisons, they were all arrested by the far more experienced local law enforcement division which comprised a recently established Human mercenary enclave, keep that in mind because it comes back later. The revolting worlds were completely seized by these Human Megacorporations, and they got an early taste of what was to come for the rest of us.
Anyways, while some of these colonies resisted, most just tried to endure. After all, the contract would end in a few [years] and the Megacorps would all leave. Well, when the contracts had finally ended, the colonists faced a problem. What we’ve seen up until now is the problems that you face when you don’t read what’s in the fine print, I never addressed what happens when you don’t read what’s not there. Here’s what I mean: The corporations stuck to their word, or at least the wording of the contract, and successfully established planetary infrastructure, they built highways, dams, power plants, rail lines, satellite arrays, and so on. However, the Humans utilized yet another power of the fine print, and that was the contract’s omission of finer details.
Let’s take an example in Clause 4, Paragraph 2, Section 3:
“[...] the provider must fully construct sufficient global infrastructure on the relevant celestial body, at minimum fulfilling the needs of highway cargo access, rail networks, interplanetary and interstellar logistics channels, planetary cellular networking designed for civilian use, and proper plumbing and electrical systems as the terms are defined in a legally recognized pan-galactic dictionary. [...]”
Now, this was clever, because all the Humans had to do was build “a track or set of tracks made of synthetic rails along which passenger and/or freight trains run” or “an electronic communications network that connects computer networks and organizational computer facilities around the world”. The contract never further specified the requirements of these rail lines outside of their functionality, purposefully omitting the truth and leaving it up to interpretation for the very few who did read these contracts.
So while these train engines were capable of transporting [Hundreds of tons] of material at high speeds, they were only designed to be operated by specifically designed conductor drones, making it nearly impossible to operate these devices any way else. It was the same story for every other vehicle the Humans placed around. And, touching back to the initial agreement, These Megacorporations would take their employees and directly owned equipment off-world to serve some other purpose. These, as it turns out, included the very drones that were needed to pilot the vehicles that served as the lifeblood of each planet’s infrastructure.
Not only those logistics drones, but every last extraction drone, farming robot, construction probe, and angler droid was taken. The Humans simply asked us to refer to our contracts once more and deal with the consequences. However, we were becoming desperate, they forced us to change our professions and moved us [miles] away from the countryside. Logistics and transportation lines were set to rapidly break down, millions would starve if we didn’t get our infrastructure back online.
At first, many thought we could reverse-engineer human tech to suit our needs, creating our own designs and all. But those that had backgrounds in Robotics and technical engineering were conveniently taken off-world with their families, promised a new life with higher paying jobs. We should have seen this as off. There were prodigies on our planets, doctors, physicists, and those who could make more of a difference in the galaxy than just building or designing automatons. But that’s not why they were taken off the world, They were taken off the world to cripple us, while in exchange we got the unskilled working class, made to labor in factories, not designing infrastructure. Many even questioned whether or not the Roboticists were employed, instead perhaps being taken to some corporate blacksite to be shot. Knowing the cold-hearted nature of these conglomerates, many found this story to be believable.
submitted by Murky_waterLLC to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:55 BeeSubstantial8647 I just finished reading the Alpha 0.6.2 Rules. And I have some questions I hope someone here can answer me.

I just finished reading the Rules in the Alpha-PDF in preparation to a oneshot I'll run this weekend. Very exited about that. :D
There are some thing in there that I am confused about, so I was hoping someone here could help me gett rid of that confusion.
Initially I was planning on asking my questions at the next Livestream, but it became way too many questions to a point where it would simply be to much to ask in a Livestream.
On to my questions:
1. Sunder armor: Only the additional Damage ignores the PDR or all the Damage from this technique?
2. Tumble and dive: Would that mean you avoid the Attack but at the same time you trigger another attack (opportunityattack that is) from the same enemy.
3. Combining Magical Effects: Contested spellcheck to determine which spelleffect prevails over the target. The spellcaster who already has the effect on the creature does not have to spend any additional MP...but could they if they wanted?
4. Delayed initiative: Wouldn't delaying your turn permanently destroy the back and forth feeling of combat, because now there's a potential that every player delays their turn to the last player in the initiativ order. Then we would end up with the "Enemy-Block" and the "Player-Block".
5. Minor actions: Is it considered 1 Minor action to perform up to 2 of the actions listed in the "Minor actions"-section. If so, would that mean that if I spend 1AP to perfom another "Minor Action", I could do 2 of the listed Actions again?
6. Opportunity Attacks: Which Creatures would have access to the OpportunityAttack-Reaction? Is there also a Martial Monster and a Caster Monster like with the PC classes?
7. Protection Maneuver: If the damage bypasses any Damage Reduction, does that include damage Resistances too? Or in other words, would tha damage effectively be "True Damage"?
8. Leveling Up (HP-increase): Do I add my might-score to m health everytime i gain a levelup (for example: i have a might score of 3. would that mean my health increases by 4 (1 level increase + 3 might) at levelup? Also if i increase my might score by 1 at levelup do i increase my helth retroactivly (like in DnD)
9. Help-Action: Can you help with an Attack-Check by using a Trade-Check? For example using the Theatre-Trade to distract an enemy from an incoming Attack? Or is something like that a Bard exclusive thing?
10. Falling Attack: If I have a an Agility-Score of 3 and I fall 3 Spaces on a Creature would ... A.) ...I still take shared falling damage with the Target as written in the Falling attack paragraph? B.) ...noone take any damage because there is no falling damage to share to beginn with due to little falling height? C.) ...the target and I share the falling damage but I wouldn't take my share because my Agility is equal to the falling distance? Futhermore, if I would take damage from the fall (because its higher than my Agility-Score for example) could I still make an Acrobatics check to reduce the damage?
11. Minor Ilusion and Silent Image: Is it intentional that Silent Image can add Smells as enhancements but Minor illusion doesn't, even though Smell is mentioned in both descriptions?
12. Lightning Blade: is the Duration of 1 Round until you Hit a target with the imbued Weapon or does the Duration also include the Effect itself, meaning can the effected Enemy not move without geting damaged until after 1 round after casting the spell?
13. Gust: Where is the Point of origin for this spell? It seems if you push a Creature, you can choose the origin of the Spell, whereas when you push an object it says "pushed [...] away from you", hinting on you being the point of origin.
14. Light (Blinding Light Enhancement): If the Spell has a range of touch and every Target in a 2 space radius is blinded on a failed Save, wouldn't that also mean the caster themself could get blinded? Or is "target" something that the caster can declare before, meaning they could exclude themself and allies from the effect!
15. Druidcraft (Nature's Wonder Enhancement): What does "TBD (Alpha update)" mean?
16. Find Familiar: a.) What does "DDT" in the Statblock mean? b.) Does the caster themself really gain Doomed when the Familiar dies or is that a Typo?
17. Sword Weapon-Maneuver: Does Gaining a Help-die just mean I can roll an additional d8 (or d6/d4) on my Attack-Check?
18. ManaPoint Progression: Do I gain 3 more Manapoints each Level? Because if so, why not just write +3 in the Manapoint-column instead of 3, 6, 9 and so on.
19. Warlord (Inspiring Presence): If I divide the HP among any chosen Creature within 5 Spaces and I take DC20s "Always Round Up"-Rule in to acount...wouldn't that mean that at Level 1 I could restore 2 or more HP with just 1 SP spent. Because 1 divided by 2 = 0,5 -> rounded up makes 1HP and 1HP.
20. Wizard (Mana Limit Break): "You can use this Feature once per Long Rest, but you regain the ability to use it when you roll Initiative." Does that mean I can do this once per Combat and also once per day out of combat?
Sorry for all those Questions! I am very excited to try this System, and I just want to make sure i understand everything correctly.
submitted by BeeSubstantial8647 to DC20 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:39 xfallenangelx95 [28/F] Seeking emotional support and highly empathetic people.I would love to find someone who doesn't judge others or make fun of them.It's very Important to have someone to rely on :) I'm here for conversations with emotionally mature people who don't have friends and need someone to talk to 🍀🌸

(Only Europe, Please) - short note - If you're not into reading or receiving long messages,don't read any further + Please If you don't want to read everything because of my post being too long for you & instead of reading It all - ..skip some parts - find another person to talk to.Let's respect each other and our free time. All people criticizing/making fun of me & other people - will be blocked.Pretty much as people questioning my post and giving me unsolicited advice.I'm not here for any conflicts and I know I can't please everyone - I know I never will.. However It's me who should feel comfortable in my new potential friendship & obviously someone who wants to be my friend - not the whole world.. which is why I don't need any advice from people who don't even want to be a part of my life. The amount of rude people on Reddit always criticizing others and making fun of them is unbelievably high but let me tell you something - NEVER let anyone make choices for you and criticize you only because you're different! Always fight for your dreams and never let anyone make you think you're worthless! It's your life and you're the one deciding what's best for you - If you want to judge me despite not even wanting to talk to me or give me advice better block me! I'm an adult woman and I make all decisions on my own.I'm not trying to "fit in" and be like everyone else - just to get more attention.Accept me for who I am or let go - is my motto.

Hello guys! 🙂 (read everything before you decide to send me a message) Please send me a message ONLY If you're in the same situation and If your expectations are the same as mine.I want to find like minded people from Europe (Why Europe? Read my post to find out) I'm looking for something permanent (remember - you can feel lonely even If you're surrounded by others - If there's no emotional bond) I'm fed up of meeting people who never make time for me & only text me once or twice a week to ask me "what are you up to?" Out of boredom.I don't want to meet people asking others a million of questions like "what's your favorite movie?" Just to give them one word answer and ask them another question "and music? Your favorite song?" I'm looking for something "deeper" & different 🙂

What kind of friend would I like to find? Someone to talk to on a daily basis - Someone who needs It & wants It just as much as me
What are my expectations? I would like to meet someone in a similar situation – why? Because I honestly feel like only a person with the same expectations and a similar outlook on life would get along with me & because I feel more comfortable talking to people like me..Friendless people who need a strong bond - people without friends and partners.. Don't get me wrong…Most people deserve to be happy and It's good to have friends but people who have friends or families in real life are usually more focused on them (which is completely understandable) & have less time for others + I simply don't want to be replaced by anyone..I kind of envy people who can call others , true friends given I don't have an emotional bond with any of my acquaintances. Please send me a message only If you're not In a relationship and don't have friends for the same reasons I've already mentioned before

Whenever I hear that others have friends I simply get sad because (believe it or not) If I had to choose between 20 people to talk to (acquaintances) and one special person - I'd choose that one special person without any hesitation .

I also want to talk to others every day because..I want to see someone’s effort & be someone's first choice - not another person to have random conversations with..some people ask me "Why do you want to talk to people from Europe?" Well..Because I would like to see someone I'd get along with - In the far future - face to face :) + I don't want to wait any longer than 6 hours to receive a message - waiting 6 hours to receive a message is more than enough

I'm by no means criticizing people who don't want to talk to others often / People who really are super busy & People who want to find someone to have unimportant conversations with - I'm aware that not everyone has the same expectations which is why everything you're reading now - is here for a reason :) All I'm suggesting is - I don't want anything temporary and I don't want to be the one always giving more than receiving.Listen people - I used to ignore being..ignored by others..always being just an option to talk to during tough times or moments of boredom.I was too young to realize that I was never important enough for most people that were a part of my life. I don't know who needs to hear this but..No one is too busy to make time for you! People make excuses to avoid others because they prioritize everything and (maybe) everyone..over them. It's true that most people are busy - but It takes only a few seconds to start a conversation (If you're into short messages) and a few minutes (1-10/15) to type a long message . Don't let anyone lie to you.

Truth is that most people either don't like you enough to make time for you or just simply - feel no need to talk to others often but are they too busy? No..You don't need to send me a message just to ask me and tell me "Do you really want to talk every day? I like long messages but I can't promise to contact you often" If you really are unsure please don't send me a message.I don't need more acquaintances aka people to talk to - occasionally.
I'm not trying to sound rude but conversations once or twice a week wouldn't be enough for me and I don't need them... Let me tell you one thing – A true friend would never just give up on you for no reason :) It’s always possible to find someone to have a random conversation with – someone willing to send you one message once or twice a week..but..It’s almost impossible to find people willing to make more time for you.

I’m not asking a busy person to make time for me by changing some plans! Absolutely not! I’m here to find someone who wants to talk daily (throughout the day or maybe even night) of one’s own will.Someone looking for the same kind of connection.Strong friendships are based on mutual support. One of the best things you can do for a friend in need, is just to be there for them when they want to talk.I often see posts from people who always say how friendless they are because they don't feel loved or appreciated by their "friends" remember! A true friend - someone who truly likes you or someone who wants to get to know you - will always find time for you.

I'm not interested in small talk/short messages - I love long and meaningful conversations. It's so easy to find someone who loves abbreviations and questions like "How are you?" How was your day? Or what are you interested in? But so hard/almost impossible to find a person who knows how to keep a conversation going & show others some effort.Building and maintaining friendships takes time and effort.Never allow pursuits or possessions to become bigger priorities than your relations with other people.Close friendships are so important to us because they are so difficult to form + Having friends can help you feel as if you belong to something that brings purpose and connection to your life
• I do NOT respond to any „Hey,hmu” or „u want to talk?” type of messages (super short messages or messages full of abbreviations – I literally can’t stand abbreviations and acronyms in text messages) ALL messages full of abbreviations will immediately be ignored.I also don't like it when people ignore everything I say in private messages just to focus on a random question or? When they start talking only about themselves and don't ever ask me anything. I love conversations with people referring to everything I say...I want everything I say and do - to be reciprocated
• No NSFW profiles (checking mental health subreddits NOT included as I'm a huge empath and always try to understand others) - Please! I'm not looking for anyone to flirt with and I'm not looking for a partner either. I always check people's profiles (even comment history) - To avoid guys, trying to get inappropriate pictures from adult women or? flirt with them + I don't want to see you with no clothes on so If you're on Reddit only because you want others to see what's underneath your clothes - I'm not for you! I just simply don't want to see any s e x related activity on your profile If you want to talk to me.
• If both of us (you and I) are from the same country (I live in a non-English speaking country) - I want to communicate with you in our first language! No - Not because I don't understand English - because as you see - I do. Why then? English is simply overrated and people don't appreciate other languages as much as they should. So.. If we're from the same country and you want to talk only in English (which is quite common on reddit) - Talk to someone else. I just don't want to talk to a person from the same country as mine - in a foreign language as It's just something I don't understand even If all you want is to improve your language skills
• Please only adult people 18-36 (age range) It doesn't matter to me If you're younger or older than me (as long as you're not underage) So.. don't worry! I just want to have discussions with emotionally mature people :)
• I don’t respond to messages I don’t find interesting even If they're long - If after receiving and reading your message I don't feel comfortable or think "I wouldn't get along with him/her" I simply do not respond (what I’m suggesting is that I don’t always respond to someone’s first or second message because..sometimes you just know If you’d get along with someone or not- I’d never ignore anyone after days or weeks of daily conversations though) just because I don’t want to do anything forcefully & because I don’t want to lead anyone on. I read all messages but I definitely don't respond to all of them! I want to make it clear because I don't want to be accused of not responding and not reading people's messages! - Some people don't message me back as well and even If It's a bit disappointing I'm ok with that! - as long as there's no emotional bond - Not responding to someone's first or second message Is completely OK! If people think they wouldn't get along with a stranger - is there a reason to start a conversation? I don't think so. I can't stand being ignored after days or weeks of daily conversations and seeing people changing priorities over time.. but that's something different - something I don't want to go through ever again for real. If I'm really interested in someone's message it's impossible to hear from me "I'm too busy" because I know myself and If I had no time for others - I wouldn't be here. I don't want to pretend someone I'm not and always try to find some cheap excuses to avoid others. (unlike most people who don't want to talk to others)
• Don’t ask me “Can you tell me something about yourself?” If you really want to get to know me - you can ask me questions :) I'm an open book.
• It would be better If you guys were into emojis - like me - to describe your emotions In text messages. Two emojis - 🙂 and 🙁 are completely enough! I just don't like emotionless conversations.I also don't like it when people say "yeah" or yea"as it sounds dismissively. First impression Is everything to me! I want to see your kindness even in a text message - Emojis are very helpful to express your emotions.I don't want to meet people who say "crying Is a weakness" - It's OK to cry even If you're a guy!
• I want to talk on reddit first (just to make sure If I'd get along with you) before moving to Discord or some other app
• I would rather talk to a homebody - not another person who always has something to do as people who are very busy don't even have time for daily conversations
• If you're another person interested only in "childish conversations" such as "HEYOOO! I'M BORED! Ya like Pizza or cheese? xDDDD 🤣" I'm begging you! Don't send me a message.I'm not a child anymore and such messages don't make me smile or laugh.I'm looking for someone interested In serious discussions - not another person just seeking some entertainment out of boredom . Conversations with sarcastic undertones (even when It comes to some emojis such as 🤣😂) are not for me. Your typing style matters to me! Why? when It comes to online conversations with someone new - It's not always possible to know If someone Is laughing at you.. or with you. Let me tell you something else! Jokes about cancer, disabilities and death are UNACCEPTABLE to me. If you find joy In someone else's misfortune you are not a person I want to know.
• Time response matters to me a lot! I would never ask anyone to be online all day long and I'm NOT asking any of you for any instant messaging as I'm someone who would rather wait an hour or two to receive a proper response instead of some short and pointless messages but I'm interested only in daily conversations and I don't want to wait any longer than 6 hours to get a message from you.I don't need unbelievably long messages either! Messages as long as the second paragraph of my post - are completely enough. If you like longer messages? you can send me a longer message, but If you want to send me one word or one sentence as a response to my post - don't expect a reaction from me. I don't want to come across as rude - I just don't want to waste your time
• I'm strongly AGAINST picking on people you don't even want to chat with - and making fun of them! I can't stand people who criticize others publicly or make fun of them! (only because they disagree with someone they don't even know) There's no place In my life for someone using Reddit, to hurt other people
• I'm not into foul language and I definitely don't want to talk to people who swear a lot...
• I want to meet assertive people who know what they want and always stand up for their friends
• I want to meet someone willing to call me In the future, someone spontaneously sending me pictures of animals or food, et cetera. I want more than just text conversations.. 🌻
Why can’t you see any of my hobbies listed down below? Because what really matters to me is..who you are (If you’re honest, talkative ,understanding, caring and trustworthy – for example) just simply – It matters to me what you’re like! not what you like.Don’t get me wrong – you can tell me what your hobbies are but from my point of view - people's hobbies are important - If you want to find a gaming buddy or If you want to meet someone to hang out with in real life and..go bowling for example.What most people seem to care about are other people's passions – I don’t. I get along with other people despite having completely different hobbies but I absolutely don’t get along with people way different than me (different expectations and outlook on life – way different sense of humor or personality traits – It’s just an example) It doesn't make ANY DIFFERENCE to me If you're a gamer or? Someone interested in photography! It doesn't make any difference - > as long as you're talkative and kind and If you also want to find someone willing to stay in your life..for good - But If you're into small talk and all you want is to...type and receive super short messages or If you're here only because you're bored and don't know what to do + If you're a very sarcastic person - I'm definitely not for you! I don't get along with overly sarcastic people turning everything into a joke. Friendships should be natural – not forced. I wouldn't get along with people who laugh at everything.. In my opinion most people are way too sarcastic.. It's quite sad... Sarcasm can also be another form of passive-aggressive behavior.

People who want to be to friends should feel comfortable and have something in common. No - not necessarily a similar taste in music or movies but something else..Most friendships don't fizzle out because of people not having the same hobbies but..because they just simply have different expectations when It comes to something important.I'm not here out of boredom and trust me - I'm not here to meet as many people as possible.I choose quality over quantity.I highly value myself and my time & Sometimes one person but a person who makes you feel comfortable and understood - is more than enough :) We ALL can choose what kind of people we’d like to talk to and maybe even become really good friends with and I? I don’t want anyone to be disappointed.We all have some expectations after all.I know that people don't have to talk as often as possible in order to become friends but I'm interested only in daily conversations. If you really need someone to talk to due to loneliness and If you have time to talk to me daily (throughout the day and maybe even night) I always make time for others.I'm literally always available.I could even stay up all night long only to talk to someone important to me. I’m ready to commit but only If there’s some chemistry between me and someone else.I don’t do anything forcefully.

If you want to talk to me tell me your story - tell me why you're here, what kind of friend would you like to meet :) Et cetera.Such messages are way more interesting to me than...someone's long list of hobbies. I know! It's unusual on reddit but I don't make friends based on hobbies..I want to meet someone with the same mindset as mine to finally feel understood and get close to someone new. You can share your problems with me - I absolutely don't mind "complaining" as I've been through a lot in my life.What do people usually tell you when you tell them that something's wrong? "Don't complain" or "Life's not over yet - one day you'll be happy" or "There are worse situations than yours" and..obviously "Find a therapist" Life's not a fairytale and sometimes things don't go as planned.Emotions shouldn't be bottled up.I'm sick of people always telling others "everything's gonna be ok" move on " & more..Trust me people - not everyone wants to hear "Just believe in yourself and everything's gonna be ok" Some people take it as reassurance - but others? They would rather hear something different 🙁Imagine being told that things will be okay, only for them to get worse..Do you guys know why telling someone "everything's gonna be ok" Is wrong? Because you can't see the future.

You can't guarantee others that one day they'll finally be happy + when It comes to social interactions - We're responsible only for ourselves - not others & as you guys know people let us down quite often (sometimes even when there's no reason) so instead of telling people how they should move on, forget everything and be happy or asking them to find a therapist - be there for them! Always be willing to listen to them If you really like them or want to get to know them & don't suggest everyone in a tough situation to find a therapist because even the best therapist won't ever replace a true friend + It's quite normal to be disappointed If people always do something to hurt you. Sharing your hardships with other people in a very similar situation or exactly the same one - is VERY helpful If the other person understands you & wants to start all over by just letting it all out! Feeling emotional support instead of always hearing some "positive quotes" or someone saying "Stop complaining let's talk about something else - Is very important! "Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on. I appreciate sensitive people who always try to understand others. If after hearing a sad story all you want to say is "forget the past and move on" you're not for me. It's important to be a good listener and provide emotional support to others

Please - If you're a completely different person than the described type of person I'm looking for (If you love abbreviations,If you don't need a stable friendship, If you're sarcastic and quiet) or If you simply disagree with my post - don't force yourself to send me a message.I want my new potential friendship to be natural which is why I want you to contact me only If your needs are the same - I don't want you to pretend someone you're not - only to please me - Pretending to be someone you're not - is the worst.I want to finally be happy again & find someone "always" wanting to talk - sending me random pictures throughout the day - food pictures or pictures of some animals. What is the most important to me? I want to find people who value online friendships as much as they would value real life ones as there's another human being on the other side

No comments please.Only Private messages and chat requests 🌺
I know It's possible to meet people with exactly the same expectations as mine but It's just not easy because most people are Interested In temporary and entertaining conversations. People like me are just "different" I really want to finally find someone who loves emojis as much as I do.. someone who loves sweet, warm and serious discussions at the same time. Emojis really do - change conversations 😊
submitted by xfallenangelx95 to friendship [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:28 xfallenangelx95 [28/F] Seeking emotional support and highly empathetic people.I would love to find someone who doesn't judge others or make fun of them.It's very Important to have someone to rely on :) I'm here for conversations with emotionally mature people who don't have friends and need someone to talk to 🍀🌸

(Only Europe, Please) - short note - If you're not into reading or receiving long messages,don't read any further + Please If you don't want to read everything because of my post being too long for you & instead of reading It all - ..skip some parts - find another person to talk to.Let's respect each other and our free time. All people criticizing/making fun of me & other people - will be blocked.Pretty much as people questioning my post and giving me unsolicited advice.I'm not here for any conflicts and I know I can't please everyone - I know I never will.. However It's me who should feel comfortable in my new potential friendship & obviously someone who wants to be my friend - not the whole world.. which is why I don't need any advice from people who don't even want to be a part of my life. The amount of rude people on Reddit always criticizing others and making fun of them is unbelievably high but let me tell you something - NEVER let anyone make choices for you and criticize you only because you're different! Always fight for your dreams and never let anyone make you think you're worthless! It's your life and you're the one deciding what's best for you - If you want to judge me despite not even wanting to talk to me or give me advice better block me! I'm an adult woman and I make all decisions on my own.I'm not trying to "fit in" and be like everyone else - just to get more attention.Accept me for who I am or let go - is my motto.

Hello guys! 🙂 (read everything before you decide to send me a message) Please send me a message ONLY If you're in the same situation and If your expectations are the same as mine.I want to find like minded people from Europe (Why Europe? Read my post to find out) I'm looking for something permanent (remember - you can feel lonely even If you're surrounded by others - If there's no emotional bond) I'm fed up of meeting people who never make time for me & only text me once or twice a week to ask me "what are you up to?" Out of boredom.I don't want to meet people asking others a million of questions like "what's your favorite movie?" Just to give them one word answer and ask them another question "and music? Your favorite song?" I'm looking for something "deeper" & different 🙂

What kind of friend would I like to find? Someone to talk to on a daily basis - Someone who needs It & wants It just as much as me
What are my expectations? I would like to meet someone in a similar situation – why? Because I honestly feel like only a person with the same expectations and a similar outlook on life would get along with me & because I feel more comfortable talking to people like me..Friendless people who need a strong bond - people without friends and partners.. Don't get me wrong…Most people deserve to be happy and It's good to have friends but people who have friends or families in real life are usually more focused on them (which is completely understandable) & have less time for others + I simply don't want to be replaced by anyone..I kind of envy people who can call others , true friends given I don't have an emotional bond with any of my acquaintances. Please send me a message only If you're not In a relationship and don't have friends for the same reasons I've already mentioned before

Whenever I hear that others have friends I simply get sad because (believe it or not) If I had to choose between 20 people to talk to (acquaintances) and one special person - I'd choose that one special person without any hesitation .

I also want to talk to others every day because..I want to see someone’s effort & be someone's first choice - not another person to have random conversations with..some people ask me "Why do you want to talk to people from Europe?" Well..Because I would like to see someone I'd get along with - In the far future - face to face :) + I don't want to wait any longer than 6 hours to receive a message - waiting 6 hours to receive a message is more than enough

I'm by no means criticizing people who don't want to talk to others often / People who really are super busy & People who want to find someone to have unimportant conversations with - I'm aware that not everyone has the same expectations which is why everything you're reading now - is here for a reason :) All I'm suggesting is - I don't want anything temporary and I don't want to be the one always giving more than receiving.Listen people - I used to ignore being..ignored by others..always being just an option to talk to during tough times or moments of boredom.I was too young to realize that I was never important enough for most people that were a part of my life. I don't know who needs to hear this but..No one is too busy to make time for you! People make excuses to avoid others because they prioritize everything and (maybe) everyone..over them. It's true that most people are busy - but It takes only a few seconds to start a conversation (If you're into short messages) and a few minutes (1-10/15) to type a long message . Don't let anyone lie to you.

Truth is that most people either don't like you enough to make time for you or just simply - feel no need to talk to others often but are they too busy? No..You don't need to send me a message just to ask me and tell me "Do you really want to talk every day? I like long messages but I can't promise to contact you often" If you really are unsure please don't send me a message.I don't need more acquaintances aka people to talk to - occasionally.
I'm not trying to sound rude but conversations once or twice a week wouldn't be enough for me and I don't need them... Let me tell you one thing – A true friend would never just give up on you for no reason :) It’s always possible to find someone to have a random conversation with – someone willing to send you one message once or twice a week..but..It’s almost impossible to find people willing to make more time for you.

I’m not asking a busy person to make time for me by changing some plans! Absolutely not! I’m here to find someone who wants to talk daily (throughout the day or maybe even night) of one’s own will.Someone looking for the same kind of connection.Strong friendships are based on mutual support. One of the best things you can do for a friend in need, is just to be there for them when they want to talk.I often see posts from people who always say how friendless they are because they don't feel loved or appreciated by their "friends" remember! A true friend - someone who truly likes you or someone who wants to get to know you - will always find time for you.

I'm not interested in small talk/short messages - I love long and meaningful conversations. It's so easy to find someone who loves abbreviations and questions like "How are you?" How was your day? Or what are you interested in? But so hard/almost impossible to find a person who knows how to keep a conversation going & show others some effort.Building and maintaining friendships takes time and effort.Never allow pursuits or possessions to become bigger priorities than your relations with other people.Close friendships are so important to us because they are so difficult to form + Having friends can help you feel as if you belong to something that brings purpose and connection to your life
• I do NOT respond to any „Hey,hmu” or „u want to talk?” type of messages (super short messages or messages full of abbreviations – I literally can’t stand abbreviations and acronyms in text messages) ALL messages full of abbreviations will immediately be ignored.I also don't like it when people ignore everything I say in private messages just to focus on a random question or? When they start talking only about themselves and don't ever ask me anything. I love conversations with people referring to everything I say...I want everything I say and do - to be reciprocated
• No NSFW profiles (checking mental health subreddits NOT included as I'm a huge empath and always try to understand others) - Please! I'm not looking for anyone to flirt with and I'm not looking for a partner either. I always check people's profiles (even comment history) - To avoid guys, trying to get inappropriate pictures from adult women or? flirt with them + I don't want to see you with no clothes on so If you're on Reddit only because you want others to see what's underneath your clothes - I'm not for you! I just simply don't want to see any s e x related activity on your profile If you want to talk to me.
• If both of us (you and I) are from the same country (I live in a non-English speaking country) - I want to communicate with you in our first language! No - Not because I don't understand English - because as you see - I do. Why then? English is simply overrated and people don't appreciate other languages as much as they should. So.. If we're from the same country and you want to talk only in English (which is quite common on reddit) - Talk to someone else. I just don't want to talk to a person from the same country as mine - in a foreign language as It's just something I don't understand even If all you want is to improve your language skills
• Please only adult people 18-36 (age range) It doesn't matter to me If you're younger or older than me (as long as you're not underage) So.. don't worry! I just want to have discussions with emotionally mature people :)
• I don’t respond to messages I don’t find interesting even If they're long - If after receiving and reading your message I don't feel comfortable or think "I wouldn't get along with him/her" I simply do not respond (what I’m suggesting is that I don’t always respond to someone’s first or second message because..sometimes you just know If you’d get along with someone or not- I’d never ignore anyone after days or weeks of daily conversations though) just because I don’t want to do anything forcefully & because I don’t want to lead anyone on. I read all messages but I definitely don't respond to all of them! I want to make it clear because I don't want to be accused of not responding and not reading people's messages! - Some people don't message me back as well and even If It's a bit disappointing I'm ok with that! - as long as there's no emotional bond - Not responding to someone's first or second message Is completely OK! If people think they wouldn't get along with a stranger - is there a reason to start a conversation? I don't think so. I can't stand being ignored after days or weeks of daily conversations and seeing people changing priorities over time.. but that's something different - something I don't want to go through ever again for real. If I'm really interested in someone's message it's impossible to hear from me "I'm too busy" because I know myself and If I had no time for others - I wouldn't be here. I don't want to pretend someone I'm not and always try to find some cheap excuses to avoid others. (unlike most people who don't want to talk to others)
• Don’t ask me “Can you tell me something about yourself?” If you really want to get to know me - you can ask me questions :) I'm an open book.
• It would be better If you guys were into emojis - like me - to describe your emotions In text messages. Two emojis - 🙂 and 🙁 are completely enough! I just don't like emotionless conversations.I also don't like it when people say "yeah" or yea"as it sounds dismissively. First impression Is everything to me! I want to see your kindness even in a text message - Emojis are very helpful to express your emotions.I don't want to meet people who say "crying Is a weakness" - It's OK to cry even If you're a guy!
• I want to talk on reddit first (just to make sure If I'd get along with you) before moving to Discord or some other app
• I would rather talk to a homebody - not another person who always has something to do as people who are very busy don't even have time for daily conversations
• If you're another person interested only in "childish conversations" such as "HEYOOO! I'M BORED! Ya like Pizza or cheese? xDDDD 🤣" I'm begging you! Don't send me a message.I'm not a child anymore and such messages don't make me smile or laugh.I'm looking for someone interested In serious discussions - not another person just seeking some entertainment out of boredom . Conversations with sarcastic undertones (even when It comes to some emojis such as 🤣😂) are not for me. Your typing style matters to me! Why? when It comes to online conversations with someone new - It's not always possible to know If someone Is laughing at you.. or with you. Let me tell you something else! Jokes about cancer, disabilities and death are UNACCEPTABLE to me. If you find joy In someone else's misfortune you are not a person I want to know.
• Time response matters to me a lot! I would never ask anyone to be online all day long and I'm NOT asking any of you for any instant messaging as I'm someone who would rather wait an hour or two to receive a proper response instead of some short and pointless messages but I'm interested only in daily conversations and I don't want to wait any longer than 6 hours to get a message from you.I don't need unbelievably long messages either! Messages as long as the second paragraph of my post - are completely enough. If you like longer messages? you can send me a longer message, but If you want to send me one word or one sentence as a response to my post - don't expect a reaction from me. I don't want to come across as rude - I just don't want to waste your time
• I'm strongly AGAINST picking on people you don't even want to chat with - and making fun of them! I can't stand people who criticize others publicly or make fun of them! (only because they disagree with someone they don't even know) There's no place In my life for someone using Reddit, to hurt other people
• I'm not into foul language and I definitely don't want to talk to people who swear a lot...
• I want to meet assertive people who know what they want and always stand up for their friends
• I want to meet someone willing to call me In the future, someone spontaneously sending me pictures of animals or food, et cetera. I want more than just text conversations.. 🌻
Why can’t you see any of my hobbies listed down below? Because what really matters to me is..who you are (If you’re honest, talkative ,understanding, caring and trustworthy – for example) just simply – It matters to me what you’re like! not what you like.Don’t get me wrong – you can tell me what your hobbies are but from my point of view - people's hobbies are important - If you want to find a gaming buddy or If you want to meet someone to hang out with in real life and..go bowling for example.What most people seem to care about are other people's passions – I don’t. I get along with other people despite having completely different hobbies but I absolutely don’t get along with people way different than me (different expectations and outlook on life – way different sense of humor or personality traits – It’s just an example) It doesn't make ANY DIFFERENCE to me If you're a gamer or? Someone interested in photography! It doesn't make any difference - > as long as you're talkative and kind and If you also want to find someone willing to stay in your life..for good - But If you're into small talk and all you want is to...type and receive super short messages or If you're here only because you're bored and don't know what to do + If you're a very sarcastic person - I'm definitely not for you! I don't get along with overly sarcastic people turning everything into a joke. Friendships should be natural – not forced. I wouldn't get along with people who laugh at everything.. In my opinion most people are way too sarcastic.. It's quite sad... Sarcasm can also be another form of passive-aggressive behavior.

People who want to be to friends should feel comfortable and have something in common. No - not necessarily a similar taste in music or movies but something else..Most friendships don't fizzle out because of people not having the same hobbies but..because they just simply have different expectations when It comes to something important.I'm not here out of boredom and trust me - I'm not here to meet as many people as possible.I choose quality over quantity.I highly value myself and my time & Sometimes one person but a person who makes you feel comfortable and understood - is more than enough :) We ALL can choose what kind of people we’d like to talk to and maybe even become really good friends with and I? I don’t want anyone to be disappointed.We all have some expectations after all.I know that people don't have to talk as often as possible in order to become friends but I'm interested only in daily conversations. If you really need someone to talk to due to loneliness and If you have time to talk to me daily (throughout the day and maybe even night) I always make time for others.I'm literally always available.I could even stay up all night long only to talk to someone important to me. I’m ready to commit but only If there’s some chemistry between me and someone else.I don’t do anything forcefully.

If you want to talk to me tell me your story - tell me why you're here, what kind of friend would you like to meet :) Et cetera.Such messages are way more interesting to me than...someone's long list of hobbies. I know! It's unusual on reddit but I don't make friends based on hobbies..I want to meet someone with the same mindset as mine to finally feel understood and get close to someone new. You can share your problems with me - I absolutely don't mind "complaining" as I've been through a lot in my life.What do people usually tell you when you tell them that something's wrong? "Don't complain" or "Life's not over yet - one day you'll be happy" or "There are worse situations than yours" and..obviously "Find a therapist" Life's not a fairytale and sometimes things don't go as planned.Emotions shouldn't be bottled up.I'm sick of people always telling others "everything's gonna be ok" move on " & more..Trust me people - not everyone wants to hear "Just believe in yourself and everything's gonna be ok" Some people take it as reassurance - but others? They would rather hear something different 🙁Imagine being told that things will be okay, only for them to get worse..Do you guys know why telling someone "everything's gonna be ok" Is wrong? Because you can't see the future.

You can't guarantee others that one day they'll finally be happy + when It comes to social interactions - We're responsible only for ourselves - not others & as you guys know people let us down quite often (sometimes even when there's no reason) so instead of telling people how they should move on, forget everything and be happy or asking them to find a therapist - be there for them! Always be willing to listen to them If you really like them or want to get to know them & don't suggest everyone in a tough situation to find a therapist because even the best therapist won't ever replace a true friend + It's quite normal to be disappointed If people always do something to hurt you. Sharing your hardships with other people in a very similar situation or exactly the same one - is VERY helpful If the other person understands you & wants to start all over by just letting it all out! Feeling emotional support instead of always hearing some "positive quotes" or someone saying "Stop complaining let's talk about something else - Is very important! "Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on. I appreciate sensitive people who always try to understand others. If after hearing a sad story all you want to say is "forget the past and move on" you're not for me. It's important to be a good listener and provide emotional support to others

Please - If you're a completely different person than the described type of person I'm looking for (If you love abbreviations,If you don't need a stable friendship, If you're sarcastic and quiet) or If you simply disagree with my post - don't force yourself to send me a message.I want my new potential friendship to be natural which is why I want you to contact me only If your needs are the same - I don't want you to pretend someone you're not - only to please me - Pretending to be someone you're not - is the worst.I want to finally be happy again & find someone "always" wanting to talk - sending me random pictures throughout the day - food pictures or pictures of some animals. What is the most important to me? I want to find people who value online friendships as much as they would value real life ones as there's another human being on the other side

No comments please.Only Private messages and chat requests 🌺
I know It's possible to meet people with exactly the same expectations as mine but It's just not easy because most people are Interested In temporary and entertaining conversations. People like me are just "different" I really want to finally find someone who loves emojis as much as I do.. someone who loves sweet, warm and serious discussions at the same time. Emojis really do - change conversations 😊
submitted by xfallenangelx95 to InternetFriends [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:14 MatchAppropriate1281 Do you think I am trans ?

Am I trans ?
I'm a 20-year-old AMAB (I don't give myself a gender because honestly, I don't even know if I'm really a "man").
I've been asking myself this question for about 1 week and I don't know why, it tortures my mind to have and get an answer.
The question popped into my head like that, one day, when I had just woken up. I read articles about it, started asking around. And all this has greatly interested me.
I'm asking myself this question because I think I may have hit on one of the problems I have in my life, but as I have other specificities, I wonder if it's not just me trying to find a justification for my feelings.
To explain: I have ADHD (diagnosed very young), I have anxiety disorders and I'm also depressed, with a huge lack of self-confidence, so I naturally tend to think that maybe that's why I'm asking myself the question rather than myself, because I see it as a "solution" to "assuming my personality"?
So to find out if this is indeed gender dysphoria or just a sign of my low self-esteem (or maybe the two are related).
The "for" signs:
-I've always been different since I was little. Probably related to my neurodivergence, but that needs to be stressed.
-I'm not particularly attached to my gender. I've always seen myself as more of an entity or a person than a gender. It's borderline if I don't pay attention to the fact that I have a male body.
-I had a lot more girl friends than boy friends when I was young, and I liked them a lot. We used to play a lot together.
-Interest in romance at a young age or stereotypically "feminine" traits such as empathy, kindness, etc. I've always been more valued than my gender. I've always been more valued by my girl friends than my boy friends, who used to make fun of me because I was bad at sports or because I was "weird" (well, that could be attributed to neurodivergence).
-My family used to make fun of me because I wasn't "masculine" enough and I wasn't the male cliché.
-I appreciate "feminine" aesthetics much more than masculine ones. I love to see beautiful women's clothing and how it's made.
-I don't see love the same way my friends do. I have no sexual desire (I'm asexual) and I still see it as a kind of intense spiritual connection.
-When I see heterosexual romances, it disgusts me because they're usually ultra-stereotyped and clichéd. Queer romances excite me much more. And especially lesbian romances.
-I'll say it again: I love the "feminine" aesthetic: fushia colors, pink everywhere, etc. I like to dress in different clothes. I like to dress eccentrically.
-I take the button test (I'd change sex if I could).
-I'm indifferent to my body. It's just "fat" to me (depersonalization).
-Lately, since I've been asking myself this question, I've been dropping a lot of unintentional undertones related to transidentity.
-I play a "hyper-masculine" character who is a caricature of man in his most "primitive" instincts when no one is home to mock those same instincts. I feel like I'm forcing myself to be masculine. I also feel like I also mock myself for being a "insecure man" and a "man" basically.
-I'm a bit ashamed to admit this one, but I'm hypersensitive to being seen as feminine (probably because I've been put down about it since childhood). But it's at a stage where it's ridiculous (I've refused to see films because they were too "girly"... only to see them on the sly when no one sees me). I feel like I'm constantly repressing myself. I fear people thinking I’m not my gender (I was raised in an conservative house) and hating myself, but at the same time, I hate myself for not being able to just be proud of what I like and what I am. I think it’s because I just learned to hate what I am when if I accepted it, I wouldn’t be so triggered of being called "girly".
-I've had a conflict in my head between an "empathetic" version and a "hypermasculine over the top" version for about 4 years.
-Remember when I used to talk about a special romantic bond? I've always had this kind of bond with female fictional characters who have all these qualities, and I envy them for it. Especially the one about the samaritans.
-I feel that being a man will make me unhappy in the future because it will impose things on me that I don't want.
-being trans doesn’t really afraid me, it’s more the consequence and social repercussions that makes me anxious.
Now, the arguments against:
-I'm indifferent to my body, It doesn’t feel weird to have a penis even if I find it not really esthetic, I don't mind being seen as a man, even if since I had that thought about being maybe a trans, I've been embarrassed by being associated with the one. But before that, I didn't care.
-I have interests that are also stereotypically male (history/video games/philosophy/political science/computers/etc.).
-I've never wondered about that recently. I don't have gender dysphoria. It's just that I feel like I'm repressing my feminine side.
-I'm afraid of being a woman. People are ALL going to judge me, and I'll get imposter syndrome. But normally, you're supposed to be proud to express yourself as such.
-I have stereotypically masculine traits. Not a lot, but there are some: competition, wanting to be disciplined and so on.
-I like to make vulgar jokes or behave like a male cliché (I'm also putting this here because it can also be a "against" sign).
-I enjoy interacting with my male friends. I like to play into their sarcasm.
-Maybe it's just a sign of low self-esteem.
-I've only asked myself this question recently.
-I haven't felt any body dysfunction and my body seems to like testosterone.
-I behave too much like a "man" for my taste.
I apologize if this sounds a bit misogynistic or misandrist or cliché, but I wanted to be as authentic as possible in my description.
Thank you in advance for your response. I look forward to reading your opinions on it.
submitted by MatchAppropriate1281 to asktransgender [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:13 MatchAppropriate1281 Am I trans ?

I'm a 20-year-old AMAB (I don't give myself a gender because honestly, I don't even know if I'm really a "man").
I've been asking myself this question for about 1 week and I don't know why, it tortures my mind to have and get an answer.
The question popped into my head like that, one day, when I had just woken up. I read articles about it, started asking around. And all this has greatly interested me.
I'm asking myself this question because I think I may have hit on one of the problems I have in my life, but as I have other specificities, I wonder if it's not just me trying to find a justification for my feelings.
To explain: I have ADHD (diagnosed very young), I have anxiety disorders and I'm also depressed, with a huge lack of self-confidence, so I naturally tend to think that maybe that's why I'm asking myself the question rather than myself, because I see it as a "solution" to "assuming my personality"?
So to find out if this is indeed gender dysphoria or just a sign of my low self-esteem (or maybe the two are related).
The "for" signs:
-I've always been different since I was little. Probably related to my neurodivergence, but that needs to be stressed.
-I'm not particularly attached to my gender. I've always seen myself as more of an entity or a person than a gender. It's borderline if I don't pay attention to the fact that I have a male body.
-I had a lot more girl friends than boy friends when I was young, and I liked them a lot. We used to play a lot together.
-Interest in romance at a young age or stereotypically "feminine" traits such as empathy, kindness, etc. I've always been more valued than my gender. I've always been more valued by my girl friends than my boy friends, who used to make fun of me because I was bad at sports or because I was "weird" (well, that could be attributed to neurodivergence).
-My family used to make fun of me because I wasn't "masculine" enough and I wasn't the male cliché.
-I appreciate "feminine" aesthetics much more than masculine ones. I love to see beautiful women's clothing and how it's made.
-I don't see love the same way my friends do. I have no sexual desire (I'm asexual) and I still see it as a kind of intense spiritual connection.
-When I see heterosexual romances, it disgusts me because they're usually ultra-stereotyped and clichéd. Queer romances excite me much more. And especially lesbian romances.
-I'll say it again: I love the "feminine" aesthetic: fushia colors, pink everywhere, etc. I like to dress in different clothes. I like to dress eccentrically.
-I take the button test (I'd change sex if I could).
-I'm indifferent to my body. It's just "fat" to me (depersonalization).
-Lately, since I've been asking myself this question, I've been dropping a lot of unintentional undertones related to transidentity.
-I play a "hyper-masculine" character who is a caricature of man in his most "primitive" instincts when no one is home to mock those same instincts. I feel like I'm forcing myself to be masculine. I also feel like I also mock myself for being a "insecure man" and a "man" basically.
-I'm a bit ashamed to admit this one, but I'm hypersensitive to being seen as feminine (probably because I've been put down about it since childhood). But it's at a stage where it's ridiculous (I've refused to see films because they were too "girly"... only to see them on the sly when no one sees me). I feel like I'm constantly repressing myself. I fear people thinking I’m not my gender (I was raised in an conservative house) and hating myself, but at the same time, I hate myself for not being able to just be proud of what I like and what I am. I think it’s because I just learned to hate what I am when if I accepted it, I wouldn’t be so triggered of being called "girly".
-I've had a conflict in my head between an "empathetic" version and a "hypermasculine over the top" version for about 4 years.
-Remember when I used to talk about a special romantic bond? I've always had this kind of bond with female fictional characters who have all these qualities, and I envy them for it. Especially the one about the samaritans.
-I feel that being a man will make me unhappy in the future because it will impose things on me that I don't want.
-being trans doesn’t really afraid me, it’s more the consequence and social repercussions that makes me anxious.
Now, the arguments against:
-I'm indifferent to my body, It doesn’t feel weird to have a penis even if I find it not really esthetic, I don't mind being seen as a man, even if since I had that thought about being maybe a trans, I've been embarrassed by being associated with the one. But before that, I didn't care.
-I have interests that are also stereotypically male (history/video games/philosophy/political science/computers/etc.).
-I've never wondered about that recently. I don't have gender dysphoria. It's just that I feel like I'm repressing my feminine side.
-I'm afraid of being a woman. People are ALL going to judge me, and I'll get imposter syndrome. But normally, you're supposed to be proud to express yourself as such.
-I have stereotypically masculine traits. Not a lot, but there are some: competition, wanting to be disciplined and so on.
-I like to make vulgar jokes or behave like a male cliché (I'm also putting this here because it can also be a "against" sign).
-I enjoy interacting with my male friends. I like to play into their sarcasm.
-Maybe it's just a sign of low self-esteem.
-I've only asked myself this question recently.
-I haven't felt any body dysfunction and my body seems to like testosterone.
-I behave too much like a "man" for my taste.
I apologize if this sounds a bit misogynistic or misandrist or cliché, but I wanted to be as authentic as possible in my description.
Thank you in advance for your response. I look forward to reading your opinions on it.
submitted by MatchAppropriate1281 to MtF [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:07 adulting4kids Holidays Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan: Exploring Cultural Celebrations Across Holidays
Objective: Students will gain an understanding of various cultural celebrations, exploring the unique traditions, symbols, and practices associated with Hanukkah, Diwali, Kwanzaa, Las Posadas, Winter Solstice, Chinese New Year, Boxing Day, Ganna, Oshogatsu, and Global Celebrations. They will appreciate the cultural significance and diversity of these holidays while finding creative ways to express their own cultural heritage through writing and creative activities.
Day 1: Introduction and Research (1 hour)
  1. Opening Activity: Holiday Icebreaker (15 minutes)
    • Start with a brief discussion about students' favorite holiday traditions.
    • Share a few diverse traditions from different cultures to pique interest.
  2. Introduction to Holidays (15 minutes)
    • Provide an overview of the ten holidays, briefly explaining their cultural and religious significance.
    • Discuss the importance of cultural diversity and understanding in today's global society.
  3. Research Activity (30 minutes)
    • Assign each student a holiday to research. Provide resources (books, articles, websites) for them to explore.
    • Instruct them to focus on key elements such as symbols, traditions, rituals, and historical background.
  4. Group Discussion (15 minutes)
    • Students share their findings in small groups, discussing the uniqueness of each holiday and what aspects resonate with them.
Day 2: Creative Expression and Writing (1 hour)
  1. Reflection and Discussion (15 minutes)
    • Begin with a brief reflection on the previous day's research.
    • Discuss what aspects of the holidays students found most intriguing or surprising.
  2. Creative Writing Exercise (30 minutes)
    • Encourage students to choose one holiday and write a short story or poem inspired by its traditions.
    • Emphasize the use of descriptive language to capture the cultural richness and significance.
  3. Sharing and Peer Review (15 minutes)
    • Students share their creative writing pieces with a partner or small group.
    • Encourage constructive feedback, focusing on how well the cultural aspects are conveyed.
  4. Expressing Personal Culture (15 minutes)
    • Discuss the importance of expressing one's own cultural heritage.
    • Assign a short homework task: Write about a personal cultural tradition or celebration that is meaningful to them.
Day 3: Presentations and Reflection (1 hour)
  1. Individual Presentations (30 minutes)
    • Students present their personal cultural writing assignments to the class.
    • Encourage the use of visuals, artifacts, or personal stories to enhance presentations.
  2. Group Activity: Cultural Exchange (20 minutes)
    • Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a holiday different from the one they researched.
    • Instruct them to discuss similarities, differences, and potential cross-cultural influences.
  3. Reflection and Closing (10 minutes)
    • Lead a class discussion on the broader themes of cultural appreciation and understanding.
    • Encourage students to reflect on what they've learned and how they can apply this understanding in their lives.
Assessment: - Research participation and group discussions (Day 1) - Creative writing piece (Day 2) - Presentation and cultural exchange activity (Day 3)
Homework: - Reflect on the cultural exchange activity and write a short paragraph about one interesting aspect learned from another group's holiday.
Additional Notes: - Encourage students to use a variety of resources for research, including books, articles, and interviews with individuals who celebrate these holidays. - Foster an open and respectful environment for discussing cultural differences and similarities. - Emphasize the importance of empathy and understanding when exploring diverse traditions.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:48 PunnyHeals Misrepresentation of house price data by

Misrepresentation of house price data by
  1. claims the average sale price of a house in Fredericton, NB is $288,300. My own calculations point to the average being approximately $543,878.
  2. most likely calculates it average house price using the average for houses and vacant land. My average for houses and land was $288,540, only a $240 difference, making this the most likely explanation.
  3. Realtor misrepresents graphs and averages through market capture, pay gating, and could be violating the Competition Act.
I have been looking to buy a house for the past several years in the Fredericton area and have been checking the online listings regularly through since it is the most common real estate listing website used in New Brunswick. What I liked about was its ability to provide the average sell price for a house every month with graphs that showed the average sell price for a house in Fredericton for the past 12 months and 10 years. Looking for a house for an several years, I felt that I had a good idea of the market conditions and price ranges. My anecdotal evidence was that the average house price was much higher than’s estimate of 288,300. I wondered if my anecdotal evidence could be supported by data.
The objective of this report is to collect list price data from all available listings within the Fredericton area. Once collected, I can take the average price and see if it matches the average price shown by
**Average/Median Methodology**
When you use, you can filter results by the property type. There are six property type categories: Residential (single family home), condo/strata, vacant land, recreational, multi-family, and agriculture. For each of these property types, the asking price and address were copied into an Excel file. The data was collected on May 10, 2024, and included all listings within Fredericton; duplicate listings were removed.
Once all data was collected, the average and median for each property type was calculated (Table 1). I compared my calculated average to the average to determine if my anecdotal evidence of thinking the average house price was higher than what said was justified.
There were 107 listings for residential houses (referred simply as “house” in this report), 245 listings for vacant land, 5 listings for recreational, 7 listings for multi-family, 2 listings for agriculture, and 10 listings for condos (Figure 1).
The average listing price was $543,878 for houses, $177,026 for land, $227,080 for recreation, $826,100 for multi-family, $829,450 for agriculture, and $317,410 for condos. The median listing price was $474,900 for houses, $64,900 for land, $229,900 for recreation, $799,000 for multi-family, $829,450 for agriculture, and $289,900 for condos (Table 1).
** MLS System Average House Price Claim**
When you search for “houses for sale in Fredericton, NB”, you will see the top search results show This is not uncommon since and its Multiple Listing Service (MLS) have the highest number of listings of any other online real estate listing service for the Fredericton, NB, area. Having most real estate listings concentrated on one system can provide users with a general idea of greater market conditions beyond individual listings, such as averages and trends for cities. provides this data in the form of “Market Price (CAD)” price trends for the past 12 months, and price trends for the past 10 years (Figure 2). These figures are prominently displayed at the end of the first page of the Fredericton real estate listings (URL:
This leads us to the first claim by the MLS system claim and our initial objective of this report.
Claim: The average market price in Fredericton sits at $288,300 as of May, 2024.
Analysis: When a user views these figures, it is a safe assumption that when a price is displayed, the user is inclined to believe that “Market Price (CAD)” is the average house price in Fredericton. This is further reinforced if the user reads the description above the figures which states:
“Use our home price trends to better gauge local market conditions and plan your next move. The graphs below show benchmark or average prices of homes sold in the area. Data generated by MLS® Systems and the MLS® Home Price Index (HPI) — Canada’s most advanced tool to gauge local home price levels and trends.”
This small paragraph specifically states, “The graphs below show benchmark or average prices of homes sold in the area.” Based off the graphs and their statement, we can safely interpret that is explicitly saying that the average home price in Fredericton, NB, currently sits at $288,300; leaving no room for interpretation on how the data can be viewed. The reason I wanted to be explicitly clear on this thought process is that if you look back at the results section of this paper (Table 1) and see that the calculated average of all house listings was $543,878, it represents an 88.65% difference. A couple assumptions that could explain this difference are:
  1. The listings used in the analysis are only a snapshot in time and could not represent an accurate or precise representation of the monthly price average.
  2. Houses that were listed below the average could be selling more quickly, giving us a skewed data set that is not representative of all listings that have been posted.
  3. gives the average sell price for houses in Fredericton and not the average listing price. There could be a large discrepancy between sell price and list price, resulting in my calculated average being inflated.
The three assumptions made above introduce bias into my conclusions, but given the magnitude of those differences, it could be reasonable to assume there might be an alternative reason causing these discrepancies.
Since there is such a large discrepancy in my calculated average and the average from, I expanded my analysis to other categories. I combined my residential house data set with the other five property types to see if it would alter our initial average and how close it would come to the calculated average (Table 2). claims the average house price in Fredericton was $288,300, which seems to be closest to my calculated average for the combination of house and land listings. With the addition of these combinations, it suggests that calculates average housing price using houses and land listings. MLS’s claim of the average house price in Fredericton, NB being $288,300 is a misrepresentation of the true market value and conditions. If a company were to calculate averages of an entire real estate market within an area, why would they only include house and land and not the other 4 categories?
**Misleading Representations by**
The conclusions made from my analysis were made with plenty of explanations and assumptions. Given that the MLS system is a pay gated system, and their patented house price index algorithms are private, I feel it is reasonable to assume that my data is closer to true market prices. This leads us to the next question, if my data isn’t correct, why are the figures, calculations, and methodology misleading users on market conditions? The average user is not going to spend a significant amount of time manually collecting data and putting it into Excel to double check The company is the largest multiple listing system used in New Brunswick and holding that status comes with some form of implicit trust that the public holds for information it publishes. In this section, I will lay out sections and guidelines from the Competition Act and why I believe that is violating the Act.
**Competition Act**
For the below, I will be using the most updated version of the Competition Act R.S.C., 1985, c. C-34, last amended on December 15, 2023 ( and the “Application of the Competition Act to Representations on the Internet” published by Competition Bureau Canada (\_2010/ic/Iu54-1-2009-eng.pdf)
*Section 2.2, Paragraph 4 of the Application of the Competition Act to Representations on the Internet*
“Businesses should not assume that consumers read an entire Web site, just as they do not read every word on a printed page. Accordingly, information required to be communicated to consumers to ensure that a representation does not create a false or misleading impression should be presented in such a fashion as to make it noticeable and likely to be read.”
Explanation: Section 2.2 applies to the average house price and accompanying figures (Figure 2). shows the average house price in text and graph form but does not disclose that these are house and land price average if my calculations are accurate.
*Section 4.1, Paragraph 1 of the Application of the Competition Act to Representations on the Internet*
“If qualifying information is necessary to prevent a representation from being false or misleading when read on its own, businesses should present that information clearly and conspicuously. Businesses frequently use disclaimers, often signalled by an asterisk, to qualify the general impression of their principal representation when promoting their products or services. As mentioned earlier, the general impression conveyed by the representation, as well as its literal meaning, are taken into account in determining whether a representation is false or misleading.”
Explanation: Section 4.1 applies to house price indices and other methodologies. A disclaimer in this case would be located within the same small paragraph above the figures. Instead, they use their own house price index to obfuscate their methodologies (Figure 2). Another option they give is below the graphs as “Ask a realtor for more detailed information” which creates an additional barrier to the users right under the Competition Act. Specifically, the “to qualify the general impression of their principal representation when promoting their products or services.” The “ask a realtor” hyperlink brings you to an additional page where you can find their realtors in your area. This is incentivizing the user to use their services over others to access more information. has a majority market share in New Brunswick which further reinforces their monopolistic practices over real estate that hurts consumers.
*Section 4.1.3, Paragraph 1 of the Application of the Competition Act to Representations on the Internet*
“Businesses may effectively draw attention to a disclaimer so that it is more likely to be read by using attention-grabbing tools to display the disclaimer. In doing so, businesses must be careful not to design attention-grabbing tools in other parts of the advertisement in such a way that they distract the consumer’s attention away from the disclaimer, making it unlikely that the consumer will notice the disclaimer or recognize its importance.”
Explanation: Section 4.1.3 is further evidence of obfuscation and misrepresentation of their graphical aids and calculations. Similar to section 2.2 in the Application of the Competition Act to Representations on the Internet, placed those figures at the bottom of the first page of listings to draw the user’s attention to their interpretation of data.
*Section 52 (1) of the Competition Act: False or misleading representations*
“No person shall, for the purpose of promoting, directly or indirectly, the supply or use of a product or for the purpose of promoting, directly or indirectly, any business interest, by any means whatever, knowingly or recklessly make a representation to the public that is false or misleading in a material respect.”
Explanation: Section 52 (1) is the main argument for this report. I believe that knowingly or recklessly misrepresented the average house price in Fredericton using deceptive graphical aids and created a home price index to further obfuscate the methodology.
I am not a lawyer, so I could be misinterpreting the sections of the Competition Act. I believe has reached the threshold of violating the Competition Act since Section 52.1.1 states:
“For greater certainty, in establishing that subsection (1) was contravened, it is not necessary to prove that (a) any person was deceived or misled; (b) any member of the public to whom the representation was made was within Canada; or (c) the representation was made in a place to which the public had access.”
This amendment to the Competition Act removed the threshold of proving that an individual or the public were deceived or misled. I believe that has violated all three elements of section 52.1.1 ensuring that they have met the threshold of violating section 52.1 of the Competition Act.
I have given numerous caveats to my analysis, so it is possible I have come to the wrong conclusions given the lack of transparency in methodology and limited time frame. One thing I can conclude with certainty, is that is misrepresenting market conditions through their figures displaying average house prices, pay gates to information, and methodology disclosures guised as a patented as a housing price index. I believe that should make it clear to the user how their housing price index is calculated. and the MLS system has succeeded in market capture and fights to keep this information pay gated to only people that benefit from these misleading claims. Regardless of their reasons, these monopolistic practices only benefit anyone under their system through the restriction of information to shape the way the public perceives the market conditions, a clear violation of the Competition Act and a disservice to the public.
There was a lot more I wanted to cover like if Statistics Canada (u/StatCanada) sourced their data from the MLS system and the broader implications of sourcing data that could be misrepresentation. Again, I could be wrong and would welcome any additional relevant information.
submitted by PunnyHeals to newbrunswickcanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:47 PunnyHeals Misrepresentation of house price data by

Misrepresentation of house price data by
  1. claims the average sale price of a house in Fredericton, NB is $288,300. My own calculations point to the average being approximately $543,878.
  2. most likely calculates it average house price using the average for houses and vacant land. My average for houses and land was $288,540, only a $240 difference, making this the most likely explanation.
  3. Realtor misrepresents graphs and averages through market capture, pay gating, and could be violating the Competition Act.
I have been looking to buy a house for the past several years in the Fredericton area and have been checking the online listings regularly through since it is the most common real estate listing website used in New Brunswick. What I liked about was its ability to provide the average sell price for a house every month with graphs that showed the average sell price for a house in Fredericton for the past 12 months and 10 years. Looking for a house for an several years, I felt that I had a good idea of the market conditions and price ranges. My anecdotal evidence was that the average house price was much higher than’s estimate of 288,300. I wondered if my anecdotal evidence could be supported by data.
The objective of this report is to collect list price data from all available listings within the Fredericton area. Once collected, I can take the average price and see if it matches the average price shown by
**Average/Median Methodology**
When you use, you can filter results by the property type. There are six property type categories: Residential (single family home), condo/strata, vacant land, recreational, multi-family, and agriculture. For each of these property types, the asking price and address were copied into an Excel file. The data was collected on May 10, 2024, and included all listings within Fredericton; duplicate listings were removed.
Once all data was collected, the average and median for each property type was calculated (Table 1). I compared my calculated average to the average to determine if my anecdotal evidence of thinking the average house price was higher than what said was justified.
There were 107 listings for residential houses (referred simply as “house” in this report), 245 listings for vacant land, 5 listings for recreational, 7 listings for multi-family, 2 listings for agriculture, and 10 listings for condos (Figure 1).
The average listing price was $543,878 for houses, $177,026 for land, $227,080 for recreation, $826,100 for multi-family, $829,450 for agriculture, and $317,410 for condos. The median listing price was $474,900 for houses, $64,900 for land, $229,900 for recreation, $799,000 for multi-family, $829,450 for agriculture, and $289,900 for condos (Table 1).
** MLS System Average House Price Claim**
When you search for “houses for sale in Fredericton, NB”, you will see the top search results show This is not uncommon since and its Multiple Listing Service (MLS) have the highest number of listings of any other online real estate listing service for the Fredericton, NB, area. Having most real estate listings concentrated on one system can provide users with a general idea of greater market conditions beyond individual listings, such as averages and trends for cities. provides this data in the form of “Market Price (CAD)” price trends for the past 12 months, and price trends for the past 10 years (Figure 2). These figures are prominently displayed at the end of the first page of the Fredericton real estate listings (URL:
This leads us to the first claim by the MLS system claim and our initial objective of this report.
Claim: The average market price in Fredericton sits at $288,300 as of May, 2024.
Analysis: When a user views these figures, it is a safe assumption that when a price is displayed, the user is inclined to believe that “Market Price (CAD)” is the average house price in Fredericton. This is further reinforced if the user reads the description above the figures which states:
“Use our home price trends to better gauge local market conditions and plan your next move. The graphs below show benchmark or average prices of homes sold in the area. Data generated by MLS® Systems and the MLS® Home Price Index (HPI) — Canada’s most advanced tool to gauge local home price levels and trends.”
This small paragraph specifically states, “The graphs below show benchmark or average prices of homes sold in the area.” Based off the graphs and their statement, we can safely interpret that is explicitly saying that the average home price in Fredericton, NB, currently sits at $288,300; leaving no room for interpretation on how the data can be viewed. The reason I wanted to be explicitly clear on this thought process is that if you look back at the results section of this paper (Table 1) and see that the calculated average of all house listings was $543,878, it represents an 88.65% difference. A couple assumptions that could explain this difference are:
  1. The listings used in the analysis are only a snapshot in time and could not represent an accurate or precise representation of the monthly price average.
  2. Houses that were listed below the average could be selling more quickly, giving us a skewed data set that is not representative of all listings that have been posted.
  3. gives the average sell price for houses in Fredericton and not the average listing price. There could be a large discrepancy between sell price and list price, resulting in my calculated average being inflated.
The three assumptions made above introduce bias into my conclusions, but given the magnitude of those differences, it could be reasonable to assume there might be an alternative reason causing these discrepancies.
Since there is such a large discrepancy in my calculated average and the average from, I expanded my analysis to other categories. I combined my residential house data set with the other five property types to see if it would alter our initial average and how close it would come to the calculated average (Table 2). claims the average house price in Fredericton was $288,300, which seems to be closest to my calculated average for the combination of house and land listings. With the addition of these combinations, it suggests that calculates average housing price using houses and land listings. MLS’s claim of the average house price in Fredericton, NB being $288,300 is a misrepresentation of the true market value and conditions. If a company were to calculate averages of an entire real estate market within an area, why would they only include house and land and not the other 4 categories?
**Misleading Representations by**
The conclusions made from my analysis were made with plenty of explanations and assumptions. Given that the MLS system is a pay gated system, and their patented house price index algorithms are private, I feel it is reasonable to assume that my data is closer to true market prices. This leads us to the next question, if my data isn’t correct, why are the figures, calculations, and methodology misleading users on market conditions? The average user is not going to spend a significant amount of time manually collecting data and putting it into Excel to double check The company is the largest multiple listing system used in New Brunswick and holding that status comes with some form of implicit trust that the public holds for information it publishes. In this section, I will lay out sections and guidelines from the Competition Act and why I believe that is violating the Act.
**Competition Act**
For the below, I will be using the most updated version of the Competition Act R.S.C., 1985, c. C-34, last amended on December 15, 2023 ( and the “Application of the Competition Act to Representations on the Internet” published by Competition Bureau Canada (\_2010/ic/Iu54-1-2009-eng.pdf)
*Section 2.2, Paragraph 4 of the Application of the Competition Act to Representations on the Internet*
“Businesses should not assume that consumers read an entire Web site, just as they do not read every word on a printed page. Accordingly, information required to be communicated to consumers to ensure that a representation does not create a false or misleading impression should be presented in such a fashion as to make it noticeable and likely to be read.”
Explanation: Section 2.2 applies to the average house price and accompanying figures (Figure 2). shows the average house price in text and graph form but does not disclose that these are house and land price average if my calculations are accurate.
*Section 4.1, Paragraph 1 of the Application of the Competition Act to Representations on the Internet*
“If qualifying information is necessary to prevent a representation from being false or misleading when read on its own, businesses should present that information clearly and conspicuously. Businesses frequently use disclaimers, often signalled by an asterisk, to qualify the general impression of their principal representation when promoting their products or services. As mentioned earlier, the general impression conveyed by the representation, as well as its literal meaning, are taken into account in determining whether a representation is false or misleading.”
Explanation: Section 4.1 applies to house price indices and other methodologies. A disclaimer in this case would be located within the same small paragraph above the figures. Instead, they use their own house price index to obfuscate their methodologies (Figure 2). Another option they give is below the graphs as “Ask a realtor for more detailed information” which creates an additional barrier to the users right under the Competition Act. Specifically, the “to qualify the general impression of their principal representation when promoting their products or services.” The “ask a realtor” hyperlink brings you to an additional page where you can find their realtors in your area. This is incentivizing the user to use their services over others to access more information. has a majority market share in New Brunswick which further reinforces their monopolistic practices over real estate that hurts consumers.
*Section 4.1.3, Paragraph 1 of the Application of the Competition Act to Representations on the Internet*
“Businesses may effectively draw attention to a disclaimer so that it is more likely to be read by using attention-grabbing tools to display the disclaimer. In doing so, businesses must be careful not to design attention-grabbing tools in other parts of the advertisement in such a way that they distract the consumer’s attention away from the disclaimer, making it unlikely that the consumer will notice the disclaimer or recognize its importance.”
Explanation: Section 4.1.3 is further evidence of obfuscation and misrepresentation of their graphical aids and calculations. Similar to section 2.2 in the Application of the Competition Act to Representations on the Internet, placed those figures at the bottom of the first page of listings to draw the user’s attention to their interpretation of data.
*Section 52 (1) of the Competition Act: False or misleading representations*
“No person shall, for the purpose of promoting, directly or indirectly, the supply or use of a product or for the purpose of promoting, directly or indirectly, any business interest, by any means whatever, knowingly or recklessly make a representation to the public that is false or misleading in a material respect.”
Explanation: Section 52 (1) is the main argument for this report. I believe that knowingly or recklessly misrepresented the average house price in Fredericton using deceptive graphical aids and created a home price index to further obfuscate the methodology.
I am not a lawyer, so I could be misinterpreting the sections of the Competition Act. I believe has reached the threshold of violating the Competition Act since Section 52.1.1 states:
“For greater certainty, in establishing that subsection (1) was contravened, it is not necessary to prove that (a) any person was deceived or misled; (b) any member of the public to whom the representation was made was within Canada; or (c) the representation was made in a place to which the public had access.”
This amendment to the Competition Act removed the threshold of proving that an individual or the public were deceived or misled. I believe that has violated all three elements of section 52.1.1 ensuring that they have met the threshold of violating section 52.1 of the Competition Act.
I have given numerous caveats to my analysis, so it is possible I have come to the wrong conclusions given the lack of transparency in methodology and limited time frame. One thing I can conclude with certainty, is that is misrepresenting market conditions through their figures displaying average house prices, pay gates to information, and methodology disclosures guised as a patented as a housing price index. I believe that should make it clear to the user how their housing price index is calculated. and the MLS system has succeeded in market capture and fights to keep this information pay gated to only people that benefit from these misleading claims. Regardless of their reasons, these monopolistic practices only benefit anyone under their system through the restriction of information to shape the way the public perceives the market conditions, a clear violation of the Competition Act and a disservice to the public.
There was a lot more I wanted to cover like if Statistics Canada (u/StatCanada) sourced their data from the MLS system and the broader implications of sourcing data that could be misrepresentation. Again, I could be wrong and would welcome any additional relevant information.
submitted by PunnyHeals to fredericton [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:56 Sweet-Count2557 Best Family Resorts New England

Best Family Resorts New England
Best Family Resorts New England Welcome to our guide on the best family resorts in New England!Get ready to embark on a journey through the region, as we unveil incredible destinations for unforgettable family vacations.As fellow travelers and parents, we understand the importance of finding the perfect place that caters to everyone's needs.So, let's dive in and discover these amazing resorts together, where endless possibilities await.Let's make memories that will set us free!Key TakeawaysElk Lake Lodge offers a rustic and screen-free vacation experience with a crystal-clear lake and abundant flora and fauna.The Tyler Place Family Resort is an all-inclusive resort that caters to families with activities for children of all ages and developmentally appropriate programs.Rocking Horse Ranch Resort is an all-inclusive dude ranch-style resort with a supervised children's program and a wide range of activities for the whole family, including horseback riding.Woodloch Resort is a lakefront resort in the Poconos Mountains that offers activities for all ages and interests, with options for pampering treatments at The Lodge at Woodloch.Elk Lake Lodge (North Hudson, New YorkWe absolutely love Elk Lake Lodge in North Hudson, New York; it's a rustic Adirondack lodge on 12,000 acres of privately owned forest preserve. The lodge offers the perfect getaway for those seeking outdoor activities and forest exploration. As soon as you step foot onto the expansive property, you'll be surrounded by the beauty of nature.The crystal-clear lake is a haven for water enthusiasts, with free kayaks, canoes, and rowboats available for guests to use at their leisure.But it's not just the lake that makes Elk Lake Lodge special. The surrounding forest is teeming with abundant flora and fauna, providing endless opportunities for exploration. You can hike through the dense woods, keeping an eye out for deer, beaver, and even bald eagles. The lodge encourages guests to disconnect from technology during their stay, creating a screen-free environment that allows you to fully immerse yourself in the natural surroundings.Elk Lake Lodge operates seasonally from mid-May through mid-October, offering a unique experience depending on the time of year you visit. In the spring, you'll witness the forest come alive with vibrant colors and blooming flowers. Summer brings warm days perfect for swimming in the lake and picnicking under the shade of towering trees. And in the fall, the foliage transforms into a breathtaking display of reds, oranges, and yellows.If you're looking for a getaway that allows you to reconnect with nature and explore the beauty of the Adirondacks, Elk Lake Lodge is the perfect destination.The Tyler Place Family Resort (Highgate Springs, VermontAt The Tyler Place Family Resort in Highgate Springs, Vermont, families can expect a wide range of developmentally appropriate activities for children of all ages.From nature walks and lake swimming to lawn games, there's something for every child to enjoy.And while the kids are entertained, adults can unwind in a hammock, relax in a Jacuzzi, or join a yoga class, ensuring that everyone in the family has a chance to relax and have fun.Developmentally Appropriate ActivitiesOne of the family resorts, The Tyler Place, offers developmentally appropriate activities for children of all ages. At The Tyler Place, children have the opportunity to engage in nature exploration and participate in creative workshops.They can go on nature walks, exploring the lush greenery and discovering the wonders of the outdoors. Creative workshops allow them to express their artistic side, whether it's through painting, pottery, or even theater. These activities are designed to encourage children to learn and grow while having fun in a safe and inclusive environment.The Tyler Place understands the importance of providing activities that are suitable for each child's age and developmental stage, allowing them to explore their interests and talents. It's a place where children can truly be themselves and experience the freedom to discover and express their unique abilities.Accommodations for AllOur family enjoyed the spacious suites and cozy cottages at The Tyler Place, where accommodations cater to all guests. The resort amenities were outstanding, with something for everyone in the family to enjoy.For the kids, there were numerous family friendly activities to keep them entertained, from nature walks and lake swimming to lawn games and a children's program. Meanwhile, the adults could unwind in a hammock, Jacuzzi, or yoga class.The rooms were comfortable and well-appointed, providing a relaxing atmosphere for our stay. We appreciated the attention to detail and the thoughtfulness that went into creating a space that catered to the needs of families.Overall, The Tyler Place provided a perfect balance of relaxation and fun for our entire family.Relaxation Options for AdultsWe thoroughly enjoyed the variety of relaxation options available for adults at The Tyler Place Family Resort. From lounging in a hammock to indulging in a soothing Jacuzzi or joining a rejuvenating yoga class, there was something for everyone seeking a moment of tranquility.The resort also offered spa treatments for those looking for a little extra pampering. We loved the serene atmosphere of the adult-only areas, where we could unwind without any distractions. Whether it was sipping a refreshing drink by the pool or taking a leisurely stroll through the beautiful grounds, we felt a sense of freedom and calmness.The Tyler Place Family Resort truly understands the importance of providing adults with the opportunity to relax and rejuvenate in a peaceful environment.Rocking Horse Ranch Resort (Highland, New YorkRocking Horse Ranch Resort in Highland, New York is the perfect destination for families looking for a fun-filled and all-inclusive vacation.With over 100 resident horses, horse-crazy kids will have the time of their lives exploring the interlocking trails for walking, trotting, and cantering.But the fun doesn't stop there - the resort also offers a water park, nightly entertainment, and an arcade, ensuring that there's never a dull moment for the whole family.Horse Activities for KidsThe Rocking Horse Ranch Resort in Highland, New York offers more than 100 resident horses for horse-crazy kids to enjoy various horse activities. From horseback riding lessons to pony rides, there is something for every young equestrian enthusiast.At the resort, children can immerse themselves in the world of horses and experience the joy of riding and bonding with these majestic animals. The supervised children's program ensures a safe and fun environment for kids to learn and interact with the horses.To give you a glimpse of the incredible horse activities available at Rocking Horse Ranch Resort, here is a table highlighting some of the options:Horse ActivityDescriptionAge GroupHorseback RidingLearn proper riding techniques6 and upPony RidesGentle rides for younger kids2 to 5Trail RidesExplore scenic trails on horseback8 and upWith such a wide range of horse activities, kids can create lasting memories and develop a lifelong love for horses. So come and join us at Rocking Horse Ranch Resort, where freedom and adventure await you and your horse-crazy kids.Water Park and ArcadeLet's head over to the water park and arcade at Rocking Horse Ranch Resort and have a blast!This family-friendly water park is the perfect place to cool off and enjoy some thrilling water slides. With multiple pools and splash zones, there's something for everyone in the family to enjoy.The arcade is filled with exciting games and prizes, providing endless hours of amusement. From classic arcade games to state-of-the-art virtual reality experiences, there's no shortage of fun here.Whether you're racing against each other in the go-kart track or challenging each other to a game of air hockey, the arcade at Rocking Horse Ranch Resort is sure to keep the whole family entertained.All-Inclusive Family EntertainmentWe can explore all the options and decide on which activities to participate in during our stay at Rocking Horse Ranch Resort. This all-inclusive dude ranch-style resort in the foothills of the Shawangunk Mountains offers a wide range of family-friendly amenities and outdoor recreational activities. From horseback riding to water park fun, there is something for everyone to enjoy.To emphasize the variety of activities available, here is a table showcasing some of the options:ActivityDescriptionAge RangeHorseback RidingExplore the beautiful trails on one of the resort's 100 resident horsesAll AgesWater ParkSplash and slide your way through the resort's exciting water parkAll AgesNightly EntertainmentEnjoy live shows and performances every eveningAll AgesArcadePlay a variety of games in the resort's arcadeAll AgesSupervised Children's ProgramKids can participate in age-appropriate activities and make new friendsChildrenWhether you're a horse lover, a thrill seeker, or simply looking for some quality family time, Rocking Horse Ranch Resort has it all. Get ready for an unforgettable vacation filled with fun and adventure.Woodloch Resort (Hawley, PennsylvaniaAt Woodloch Resort in Hawley, Pennsylvania, we can enjoy activities for all ages and interests, such as a petting zoo, playground, go-karts, pools, and a lake for boating and swimming. Woodloch Resort is the perfect destination for outdoor enthusiasts looking for a fun-filled family vacation. Whether you're a nature lover or an adrenaline junkie, this resort has something for everyone.For those who love the great outdoors, Woodloch Resort offers a wide range of activities to explore the surrounding natural beauty. Take a hike through the lush forests, go fishing in the lake, or try your hand at archery. If you're feeling adventurous, hop on a bike and explore the scenic trails or challenge yourself on the ropes course.After a day of adventure, you can relax and unwind at one of the resort's family-friendly dining options. Enjoy a delicious meal at the main dining room, where you can indulge in a variety of dishes made with fresh, locally sourced ingredients. For a more casual dining experience, head to the snack bar or grab a quick bite at the poolside grill.At Woodloch Resort, freedom is the name of the game. With activities for outdoor enthusiasts and family-friendly dining options, this resort offers the perfect balance of adventure and relaxation. So pack your bags, gather your loved ones, and get ready for an unforgettable vacation at Woodloch Resort.Mohonk Mountain House (New Paltz, New YorkExploring the grand Victorian castle of Mohonk Mountain House in New Paltz, New York, and enjoying outdoor activities such as hiking, fishing, and horseback riding are top on our agenda. The Mohonk Mountain House is a breathtaking sight, with its imposing architecture and beautiful surroundings. Here are three reasons why this resort is a must-visit for those seeking outdoor adventure and Victorian charm:Outdoor Activities: Mohonk Mountain House offers a wide range of outdoor activities for all ages and interests. Whether you prefer hiking along the scenic trails, casting a line in the pristine lakes for some fishing, or taking a leisurely horseback ride through the meadows, there's something for everyone to enjoy. The resort also offers tennis and golf for those looking for additional recreational options.Victorian Charm: As we explore the Mohonk Mountain House, we're transported back in time to the Victorian era. The antique furnishings, stone fireplaces, and private balconies in the rooms add to the charm and elegance of this grand castle. Every corner of the resort exudes a sense of history and beauty, making it a truly unique and memorable experience.Hudson River Valley's Agricultural Bounty: One of the highlights of dining at Mohonk Mountain House is the emphasis on the Hudson River Valley's agricultural bounty. The menus feature locally sourced ingredients, showcasing the region's rich culinary heritage. From farm-fresh produce to artisanal cheeses and locally raised meats, guests can indulge in a true taste of the Hudson Valley.The Glen House (Gorham, New HampshireLocated in New Hampshire's Presidential mountains, The Glen House offers a panoramic deck where guests can relax and enjoy the stunning views. The mountain theme of the resort is evident in its spacious guest rooms, which reflect the natural beauty of the surrounding area.But it's not just the views that make The Glen House a great destination for families who love the outdoors. The resort is conveniently located next to the Great Glen Trails Outdoor Center, where families can explore a variety of hiking trails that wind through the picturesque mountains. And for those looking for a more thrilling adventure, the famous Mount Washington Auto Road is just a stone's throw away.After a day of exploring the mountains, guests can unwind in the lobby, which boasts floor-to-ceiling windows and a cozy stone fireplace. The resort also offers a fitness center, bike rentals, and an indoor saltwater pool for those who want to stay active.But the real highlight is the panoramic deck, where families can gather to watch the sunset over the mountains, creating memories that will last a lifetime.Kennebunkport, MaineWe can experience hands-on family activities like tie-dye workshops and ping pong at Hidden Pond Resort and Tree Spa in Kennebunkport, Maine. This charming resort offers a variety of family-friendly amenities that will make your vacation truly unforgettable.Here are three things you can look forward to at Hidden Pond Resort:Tie-Dye Workshops: Get creative and unleash your artistic side with tie-dye workshops offered at the resort. You and your family can create unique and colorful designs on t-shirts, towels, or any other fabric you choose. It's a fun and interactive activity that everyone can enjoy.Ping Pong: Challenge your family members to a friendly game of ping pong at Hidden Pond Resort. The resort provides all the equipment you need to get started, so grab your paddles and get ready for some friendly competition. It's a great way to bond with your loved ones and create lasting memories.Family Glamping: For a unique and adventurous experience, try out the family glamping option at Hidden Pond Resort. You can spend the night in a cozy tent on a private screened-in porch, complete with sleeping bags and lanterns. It's a chance to disconnect from the outside world and reconnect with nature while still enjoying the comforts of a luxurious resort.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre Pets Allowed at Elk Lake Lodge?Yes, pets are allowed at Elk Lake Lodge.Our rustic Adirondack lodge nestled on 12,000 acres of privately owned forest preserve welcomes furry friends.We offer pet-friendly accommodations and amenities to ensure a comfortable stay for both you and your four-legged companion.Explore the crystal-clear lake together, with free kayaks, canoes, and rowboats.Enjoy the abundant flora and fauna, including deer, beaver, and bald eagles.Experience a screen-free vacation where your pet can roam and unwind in nature.Is There Wi-Fi Available at the Tyler Place Family Resort?Yes, there's Wi-Fi available at the Tyler Place Family Resort.This all-inclusive resort offers a range of activities for the whole family, from newborns to high schoolers. While the children enjoy nature walks, lake swimming, and lawn games, adults can unwind in a hammock, Jacuzzi, or yoga class.The resort provides roomy suites or cozy cottages for accommodation.Additionally, if you're looking for nearby hiking trails, the Glen House, located in New Hampshire's Presidential mountains, is a great choice.What Is the Average Size of the Suites at Rocking Horse Ranch Resort?The suites at Rocking Horse Ranch Resort are spacious and comfortable, making it one of the best family resorts in New England.With a variety of suite sizes available, families can choose the option that best fits their needs. Whether you're looking for a cozy retreat or a larger space for the whole family, Rocking Horse Ranch Resort has you covered.Enjoy the resort's all-inclusive amenities and activities, knowing that you have a spacious suite to relax in at the end of the day.Can Guests Bring Their Own Boats to Woodloch Resort?Yes, guests can bring their own boats to Woodloch Resort. The resort offers boating facilities, including a lake where guests can enjoy boating and swimming.So, if you have your own boat and want to explore the beautiful lake, you're more than welcome to bring it along.It's a great opportunity to have the freedom to go out on the water and create unforgettable family memories.Are There Any Nearby Hiking Trails at the Glen House?Yes, there are nearby hiking trails at The Glen House.As outdoor enthusiasts, we love the variety of outdoor activities available at this resort.The hiking trails offer stunning views of the Presidential mountains and the surrounding natural beauty.Whether you're a beginner or an experienced hiker, there are trails suitable for all skill levels.ConclusionIn conclusion, the best family resorts in New England offer a diverse range of experiences for all ages.Whether you're seeking adventure in the great outdoors or relaxation by the lake, these resorts have it all.From the rustic charm of Elk Lake Lodge to the all-inclusive family fun at The Tyler Place Family Resort, there's something to suit every family's preferences.So pack your bags and get ready to make unforgettable memories at these incredible destinations!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:42 gentlewindsolsol I ran a crokinole booth at a Korean children's event.

This is what I posted on the board game community in Korea, and I'm also translating and posting it on Reddit!
The translation and text inspection took a long time, but I'm posting it because I think croquinol gamers from other countries will enjoy reading it.
(I don't know how to put pictures in between when writing on Reddit. If you're curious about pictures while reading, please visit the link below. You may not understand Korean, but pictures are visual information so they can be understood universally)
Not long ago in early May, I ran a croquinol booth for students and parents at a Children's Day event (it was held on the grounds of the University of Education)
The head of the school affairs department suggested, "I heard you like board games, do you want to run a booth?" so I thought very hard. Actually, it was bothersome.
In the end, I accepted because I wanted to make good memories with children as well as selling croquinol. At first, I thought it was easy to take a few croquinols and play a few rounds.
It wasn't long before I realized that the idea was very wrong. This is because there were so many things to consider operating the booth. The program should be organized in consideration of the number of users and the number of people visiting.
The arrangement of objects and the movement of people should also be considered. I shouldn't think, 'I'm done explaining the game to the students in moderation and watching them play.'
I have to think about the details. I thought about it until the day of operation and right before it started. Now that it's been decided so far, I'll have to recruit staff to run it together (this was the most difficult problem)
Finally, find out the products to give to the visiting children and purchase them, purchase notices to be installed in the booth, and other things necessary to proceed or make them
For two weeks, I spent a lot of time and energy thinking about and preparing for how to operate the booth. I thought a lot about what to give as the prize, but it was finally decided to go down
(1) Pokémon Key Chain Pokémon is definitely a successful IP!!
I decided it right away because it looked so pretty and the quality looked good. There were some that were really cheap, but the quality was really... It was a pity, so I put in more budget
(2) ritter sport chocolate It's economical because there are 200 in a pack I tried one to see if it's poisonous What????? This chocolate tastes pretty good...
(3) Crockinol Pencil (Steadler + Engrave) Originally, I didn't want to give pencils, but if I imprint them and give them to students, I thought they could remember croquinol for quite some time, so I made it meaningful.
If you look closely at the pencil, you can see the image of a disc bouncing with a finger. (○ ● ☜) I made it using the basic characters on the keyboard. Haha.)
It took a long time to think of the word 'dream tree' in the engraved phrase. (Offered words: rookie, genius, child, master, king, god, etc.) Since there are no other people to help me, I planned and produced a lot of things by myself.... lol
I recruited the operating personnel as follows
Head of the school affairs department -> Recruit me (one-person planner and business manager): Let's compare and analyze croquinol sales and rest at home and then experience it. Decided
Me-> First cast (S teacher): A versatile teacher who has been in the next class since we met in the 6th grade this year He became interested after being introduced to Crockinol by me. Enjoying Crockinol at home with his wife. Canadian style. (He said he was doing it without giving it away.) After receiving a proposal from me, "I'll do all the preparations, so please come and let the children know the games without any burden," he decided to participate after much consideration. I'm playing with my kids in the classroom, and my croquinol skills are increasing rapidly. I'm planning to promote the entire 6th grade croquinol competition later.
Second cast (Teacher C): My younger brother who met as a manager and a staff member at my last school and became very close. The same person who said in an old article that he helped move the classroom!
Together, we played about 400 rounds of croquinol 1:1 match. He made a lot of mistakes in his early days, but after hundreds of editions, he became enlightened at some point. He has become quite a master.
His powerful shots made a lot of crazy scenes. Among them, he sent five discs of his opponent to a ditch at the same time. When he was asked by me to help him, he accepted without hesitation. (He is expected to participate in the next event.)
Third cast (Teacher K): I am a teacher from another region, and I am close to him because I got to know him in a club. She was the last to be recruited, and she suggested liter port chocolate and keychain among the product ideas. Pencils were also highly recommended when I was thinking about it.
Lastly, he volunteered after seeing me thinking about recruiting one more person.
She's the only teacher who doesn't have a croquinol, and she doesn't usually have a chance to train, so she's still a beginner's skill.
Rather, a person who is expected to revitalize the booth operation because of that. (If teachers do too well, all students lose.) For the record, she has a board gamer gene that can also play Arcnova board games.
※ In addition, there is a sad history of rejection and subtly falling over during the recruitment process.
And I started setting it up on the day!! Visit early with teacher C and install one croquinol on three tables in the tent
At first, I was worried because the table was in the shape of a rectangle, but I could put things here and there. If you put the croquinol at an angle on the table, it was possible to conduct a 2:2 team, so there was no problem.
After I finished setting up, I sat down for a bit and tried a croquinol test. Played without any problems. The shot was even better because I told them to cut their nails, including myself.
However, there was a lot of dust on the tables and chairs provided by the company, so I hurriedly cleaned them. The remaining two operators also narrowly joined, and a total of four people were matched.
After that, I had time to start operating the booth as a whole They're here...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The name of the booth was 'Gather up here if you're confident in flicking', but I think I drew some aggro. Other places looked healthy like making animal bracelets, but our booth was like, "You! Come if you're confident!"
The booth was originally planned like this Planning the rules of the game: - If you feel uncomfortable, you can stand and shoot freely - In the case of 1:1, the original use of the 1/4 shooting line based on North America and Canada, rather than the use of the 1/2 shooting line that changed the rules in Korean company Korea Board Games. - A student who is too young is forced to shoot with a line forward. Two places are experience seats and listen to and experience the rules 1:1 or 2:2 (Parents and friends can participate together) - The experience gift is one litre pot chocolate - Rule Description -> Shot Practice -> consists of a two-game friendly
If you have learned the rules through the experience, go to the challenge seat of one place and challenge 1:1 or 2:2 (you can also participate together) - If you win, you'll get a Pokémon keychain, even if you lose, you'll get a 1/3 chance of a keychain and a 2/3 chance of a pencil through a lottery - Using one chance card, we will proceed with two sets, and if the student draws or wins even one set, it will be considered a victory. - Re-challenge possible when you line up again The booth gradually gathered and filled the corner, and the line got longer
I repeated the explanation and game so wildly!
The first episode : Even though it was in the shade of the tent, the temperature was high, so the chocolate melted. The student said it melted, so I touched it and it was liquid! Unfortunately, we can't give these defective products to students, so we decided to go to the challenge seat without giving them away in the experience seat.
The second episode : Our classmates are here! I heard a voice saying, "Teacher!" and I can see the 6th grade girls in my class
Of course, we played the game. I tried to lose, but I thought that if I lost too much, the student would notice, so I made mistakes from time to time, but these guys made more mistakes!
It ended with me winning or drawing (I should have made it more clear and lost... lol) I said, "This is just an experience seat, so it doesn't matter, show your real skills in the challenge seat," and sent the girl to another corner
The third episode : People were buzzing that a very famous politician visited the booth next door. (He was Korea's presidential candidate.) I looked up and saw the face that I saw on screen Although I was curious, I had my day job as a board gamer, so I welcomed students and focused on explaining the rules. Later, I found out that he talked to a student who experienced our booth and passed by
The 4th episode : The booth operators were not given a separate lunch break! It was announced that they would take turns eating lunch boxes. There were quite a few people... and I barely had time to eat. One person will be in charge of one booth, and one person will take turns eating I'm the type to eat slowly while tasting the taste, but I didn't have much time to relax on this day, so I sat on the stand and came back in a hurry that I couldn't even feel the taste
The fifth episode : There are so many people, and especially in the case of the challenge seat, the waiting line is longer, so to solve the bottleneck, we decided to take both the place and challenge as an experience seat It was the same with the booth I was in. I don't know what this day is... I made more mistakes than usual and often missed shots because I was nervous dealing with children. Hahaha
The 6th episode : The operations staff at the next table said, "A kid came up with a challenge and beat me." He got the prize, of course But after that, the student was still in the viewing room and gave advice to other participating children, saying, "I win all of them," showing a lot of confidence Then the child triumphantly challenged the management staff again! He must have wanted to win again. What was the result? According to him, he showed the dignity of an adult with his skills to children Of course, he gave away a croquinol pencil this time!!
The 7th episode : I explained the rules so much that the script was automatically made "This game is a 150-year-old game of Canada known to have started in 1876.... "In Canada, it's a daily sport that many families have and play throughout their lives, from childhood to grandmothers and grandparents. The rules are simple: if you put it in here, it's 20 points, this is 15 points....." I can't remember how many times I repeated the script above! The eighth episode : There are people who waited for an hour to listen to it while organizing it I've already experienced it and moved to the challenge seat, but the challenge seat lines are too long... Did they feel like they were waiting for a long line in the amusement park... ㅠㅠ Parents were tired of waiting, so they asked to go to another booth, but the child said, "Since I've experienced it, I really want to try it. I want to take a Pokémon keychain!" and waited a lot. It must have been very boring for parents, but there was no other way. I thought the quality of the operation would be very low to just experience/challenge one game at a time 2 play experience + 2 play challenge was the minimum number of plays to feel a little croquinol
The ninth episode : After eating, I heard parents and children talking "This is where we play Alkagi(flicking). Shall we play Alkagi?" "Let's do it!"
If you had written the booth title, "Who wants to play croquinol?" no one would know croquinol, so accessibility would have been low But when the title said "Alkkagi", I was proud of him coming in without any pressure
The 10th episode : The official closing time of the booth was 4 p.m At around 3:50 p.m., I took a breath and looked at other places, and some places had already withdrawn, and I was usually cleaning up, so the atmosphere was clear But our booth is still full It lasted beyond hours Is this the power of crocinol?
The 11th episode : Time has been deleted I was worried about what if time went by during that long time of operating the booth, but it was a mistake. We were so busy explaining and playing that we didn't have time to look at the clock, and when we came to our senses, it was a time when the end was imminent. I couldn't even go to the bathroom for five hours. Because it was hectic, the operation ended without a comparative analysis of 'Are many people visiting other booths? How popular is our booth?' (When I saw the photos and videos later, I could see that our booth was more crowded than other booths.)
The 12th episode : I tried a lot to react to it in my own way. I really complimented the kid every time he hit the disc. I exaggerated a little bit like I became a YouTuber and shouted a compliment chant out loud A young girl who looked like elementary 1 or 2 sat down (around 7-8 years old) I finished explaining the rules, and asked her to practice shooting a few times. After that, we started playing the game. The girl said she would do it first, and she took the first shot of her life's first game. It went straight into the center hole. There was applause from all around. I said, "Even I couldn't put it in at first. It's amazing." Congratulations on your best experience." She's made a lot of mistakes in play since then, but it doesn't matter at all! There's nothing more touching than the first shot of 20 The parents who were nearby filmed this scene and will cherish this meaningful moment for a long time
The 13th episode : There seemed to be something interesting to see other crocinol tables also clapping, wow, oh, oh From the perspective of planning, all these reactions are a gift
The 14th episode : There were a lot of spectators while explaining/playing There were a lot of comments about the rules of the game "You have to hit the disc when it's on the surface" "Oh!" A male parent was glad to hear that he knew croquinol "I knew this game since it came out last year. It was about 110 dollars, but I didn't buy it because it was expensive." (It's more expensive now. It's about $140)
The 15th episode : We allowed a re-challenge in the 'Beat the Teacher' section, caressing the hearts of children thirsty for crocinol Some students tried again 3 times (The challenge itself takes about 1 minute and 30 seconds for the first round, 3 minutes in total, so it doesn't take much.)
The 16th episode : After 4 p.m., I looked at the other booth thinking about when to organize it, and a boy who looked like a fourth grade in the challenge seat was doing very well Her parents were also amazed by it The accuracy of each step wasn't unusual He said he came back to try it out and do it again Looking at the game, he unfortunately lost to Teacher S by 5 points when he made a mistake of 2 turns in the second half Teacher S told the student. " Try it with that teacher. He's the best While sitting down, I asked, "Do you want me to do it with all my strength or not?" I laughed and asked At first, the student said, "Please be generous!" but later changed his words to "With full strength." "Haha, okay. I'll go with all my strength!" The student said he would attack first and tried an open shot and went straight into the center hole "Wow... does this make sense?" I also chased along the disc in the center hole. That's how I tried to hit my opponent's disc in Hogan's alley and accidentally wasted three turns. The result is that the student who leads by 15 points wins... The child liked it very much and came home with a light step with his parents "Thank you for your hard work. Bye!" When I looked at the playground with the back of my family leaving after saying hello, the sun was slowly heading down, scattering light everywhere and giving the lawn a cozy view What could be a more peaceful landscape. He must have felt really good on his way home. I thought he lost well
Finish writing : When I was in college, I ran a different kind of booth when I was the president of a club, but it was the first time I ran it this way in relation to board games.
At that time, there were a lot of club members and the space was very spacious, so the event was held comfortably, but the croquinol booth was operated in a very minimal condition: 1 tent, 3 tables, 3 croquinols, and 4 people in operation
Still, it ended successfully as it exceeded the time without an accident, so considering that it is the first operation under this condition, it should be considered a great success.
The operation of this croquinol booth was planned by myself and prepared for the program, so I have a lot of attachment.
I'm grateful to the three people who ran it together (they were dispatched from each elementary school publicly and privately). As expected, people are the most important.
I'm willing to do it again if I have to participate in the booth event another month this year or if I have to run it again next year. I think we can do it in a better way than now
For example, I dream of running a mini-contest by installing more tables. There's a mini trophy, and I think the kid who got it will really like it. (Of course we need a lot more people than we do now...!)
submitted by gentlewindsolsol to Crokinole [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 13:41 Sweet-Count2557 10 Ways to Enjoy the Current Time in Male Maldives

10 Ways to Enjoy the Current Time in Male Maldives
10 Ways to Enjoy the Current Time in Male Maldives Let's embark on a journey to uncover ten delightful ways to savor the present moment in Male, Maldives.From strolling through bustling local markets to relishing authentic Maldivian cuisine, each experience offers a unique perspective on this enchanting destination.As we navigate through these suggestions, we'll find ourselves immersed in a tapestry of sights, flavors, and traditions that promise to create lasting memories.Key TakeawaysImmerse in Maldivian culture through local markets, cuisine, and interactions.Dive into the crystal-clear waters for beach activities and water sports adventures.Capture breathtaking sunsets on cruises for a romantic and serene experience.Explore historical landmarks and engage in island-hopping adventures for a well-rounded Maldivian getaway.Explore Local MarketsAs we step into the vibrant Male Local Market, a symphony of exotic fruits, local products, and bustling stalls greets our senses, immersing us in the heart of Maldivian culture and commerce. The market pulsates with life, offering a kaleidoscope of colors and aromas that capture the essence of the Maldives. Local vendors line the narrow pathways, proudly displaying their array of fresh fruits and vegetables, each more enticing than the last. The vibrant atmosphere is infectious, drawing visitors deeper into the bustling hub of activity.Wandering through the market, we encounter a fascinating display of local products that reflect the rich fishing culture and economy of the Maldives. The stalls are adorned with an assortment of freshly caught fish, intricate handicrafts, aromatic spices, and unique souvenirs crafted by skilled artisans. Engaging with the friendly local vendors, we learn about the significance of fishing in the Maldivian way of life and gain insight into their daily rituals and traditions.The market exudes a strong fish aroma, a testament to its role as a vital source of fresh seafood for the locals. It serves not only as a marketplace but also as a hub for goods transportation to other islands, connecting communities and fostering a sense of unity. Steeped in authenticity, the Male Local Market offers a glimpse into the beating heart of Maldivian life, making it a must-visit destination for those seeking a true cultural experience.Indulge in Maldivian CuisineImmerse yourself in the vibrant flavors and rich culinary heritage of the Maldives by indulging in a variety of traditional dishes that showcase the unique blend of spices and seafood this island nation is renowned for. One must-try Maldivian dish is mas huni, a flavorful tuna salad made with coconut, onions, and chili, offering a burst of tropical flavors in every bite. Another culinary delight is garudhiya, a popular Maldivian fish soup prepared with tuna, lime, and chili, known for its rich and savory taste that captures the essence of the ocean.For a seafood lover's paradise, fihunu mas is a must-experience dish - grilled fish marinated in a blend of local spices and herbs, delivering a symphony of flavors that will tantalize your taste buds. To explore the diverse local cuisine further, delve into hedhikaa, Maldivian snacks that include bajiya (fish pastries) and kulhi boakibaa (fish cake), offering a delicious insight into the Maldivian culinary scene.After indulging in these savory delights, take a moment to savor a cup of sai, the local black tea that's known for its strong and aromatic taste. This tea is perfect for a refreshing break from your culinary escapades, allowing you to relax and unwind while enjoying the flavors of the Maldives.Relax on Beautiful BeachesLet's unwind and bask in the serenity of Malé's exquisite beaches, such as the Artificial Beach and Rasfannu, offering breathtaking sunset vistas and inviting waters for relaxation and enjoyment. The soft white sands stretch out before us, leading to crystal-clear waters perfect for swimming and sunbathing. These beaches are not just for lounging; they are also a gateway to engaging in thrilling water activities like snorkeling, diving, and paddleboarding, allowing us to explore the vibrant marine life beneath the surface.Now, imagine yourself relaxing under a shady palm tree, feeling the gentle sea breeze on your skin while listening to the soothing sound of the waves. As the day transitions into evening, the sky transforms into a canvas of warm hues, painting a mesmerizing backdrop for the picturesque coastline. Make sure to capture these Instagram-worthy moments of the sun setting over the horizon; they are memories worth cherishing.To further immerse ourselves in the beauty of Malé's beaches, let's take a look at the table below highlighting the key features of these coastal paradises:FeaturesDescriptionSunset ViewsExperience stunning sunset vistas casting a golden glow over the tranquil waters.Water ActivitiesEngage in snorkeling, diving, and paddleboarding to explore the diverse marine life around you.Marine LifeDiscover a variety of marine species, from colorful fish to graceful sea turtles.Picturesque CoastlineCapture the beauty of the coastline with its sandy shores, swaying palms, and clear waters.Discover Underwater WorldUnveil the mesmerizing secrets hidden beneath the surface as we embark on an extraordinary underwater journey in Malé's captivating ocean realm. The whale submarine experience in Malé offers a unique opportunity to explore the underwater world of the Maldives without the need for diving. It's a family-friendly activity suitable for all ages, providing an educational insight into the ocean ecosystem while maintaining comfort and safety.Descending into the depths of the Maldivian waters aboard the whale submarine, you'll be astounded by the diverse marine life that thrives below. From colorful coral reefs teeming with life to graceful sea turtles gliding effortlessly, every moment offers a new perspective on the beauty and wonders of the underwater world. The immersive experience ensures that you're up close and personal with the enchanting marine creatures that call this underwater paradise home.Ideal for those who prefer not to scuba dive, the whale submarine tour in Malé guarantees a memorable journey through the marine marvels of the Maldives. Witnessing the vibrant ecosystem from the comfort of a submarine is an unparalleled adventure that leaves a lasting impression of the mesmerizing underwater world awaiting discovery in Malé.Enjoy Sunset CruisesEmbark on a tranquil journey aboard a sunset cruise in Malé, where you can witness the breathtaking spectacle of the golden sun setting over the Indian Ocean. As the boat gently glides through the calm waters, you'll be enveloped by the vibrant colors of the Maldivian sunset, painting the sky in hues of orange, pink, and purple. The experience isn't only visually stunning but also incredibly romantic, making it a perfect activity for couples or those seeking a peaceful moment to unwind.Here are three reasons why sunset cruises in Malé are a must-do:Scenic Views: Marvel at the stunning views as the sun dips below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the ocean. The changing colors of the sky create a mesmerizing backdrop for your boat ride, offering ample opportunities for breathtaking photos and unforgettable memories.Relaxing Atmosphere: Enjoy the gentle sway of the boat and the soothing sound of the waves as you cruise along the waters surrounding Malé. Many sunset cruise operators provide refreshments and snacks on board, ensuring that you have a comfortable and enjoyable experience.Romantic Setting: The serene ambiance of a sunset cruise sets the stage for a truly romantic outing. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply want to enjoy a magical moment with your loved one, a sunset cruise in Malé is the perfect choice.Try Water Sports ActivitiesExploring the crystal-clear waters around Malé offers an array of thrilling water sports activities for adventurers seeking an aquatic adrenaline rush. In Malé, you can dive into the vibrant marine life through activities like snorkeling and diving. The Maldives is renowned for its world-class diving spots, catering to both beginners and experienced divers. The underwater world in Malé is a mesmerizing spectacle, with colorful coral reefs and an abundance of marine species waiting to be explored.Apart from snorkeling and diving, Malé also offers a variety of other water sports activities to get your heart racing. Imagine gliding through the waves on a jet ski, feeling the wind in your hair as you speed across the azure waters. For those looking for a more relaxed experience, paddleboarding and kayaking provide a peaceful way to explore the coastal beauty of Malé.If you're in the mood for some adrenaline-pumping fun, try parasailing, windsurfing, or even hop on a banana boat for a thrilling ride. With numerous water sports operators and tour companies in Malé, arranging these activities is a breeze. So why not make the most of your time in Malé by immersing yourself in its exciting water sports scene?Experience Local CultureAs we immerse ourselves in the vibrant atmosphere of Malé, engaging with the local culture offers a rich tapestry of experiences waiting to be discovered. The Maldives isn't just about its stunning beaches and crystal-clear waters; it also boasts a vibrant local culture that's deeply rooted in tradition and community spirit.Engage in a meal preparation experience: Dive into the heart of Maldivian cuisine and cultural traditions by participating in a meal preparation experience with locals. Learn about the spices, ingredients, and cooking techniques that make Maldivian dishes unique while sharing stories and laughter with your hosts.Explore Lonuziyaaraiy Park and Sinamalé Bridge: For a serene escape from the bustle of the city, wander through Lonuziyaaraiy Park and stroll along Sinamalé Bridge. These spots not only offer breathtaking nature views and ocean vistas but also provide an opportunity to observe locals in their daily routines.Visit Republic Square and various shrines: To truly immerse yourself in the vibrant local culture of Malé, take a stroll through Republic Square and visit the various shrines scattered across the city. Interact with locals, observe traditional rituals, and absorb the lively atmosphere that defines the essence of Maldivian life.Visit Historical LandmarksHave you ever wondered about the historical significance behind the iconic landmarks that shape the cultural heritage of Malé, Maldives? When visiting the vibrant city, make sure to explore the Grand Friday Mosque, renowned for its exquisite wood carvings and intricate calligraphy that adorn its interiors. The National Museum is a treasure trove of artifacts and marine collections, offering a glimpse into the rich history of the Maldives. For a deeper dive into the past, venture to the historic Hukuru Miskiy, also known as the Old Friday Mosque, with its stunning coral stone walls and ancient architectural marvels.To pay homage to a more recent event etched in the nation's memory, stop by the Tsunami Monument, a poignant reminder of the devastating impact of the 2004 tsunami on the Maldives. Immerse yourself in the cultural significance of landmarks like Muleeaage and the Maldives Islamic Centre, each contributing to the tapestry of Maldivian heritage.LandmarkDescriptionGrand Friday MosqueExquisite wood carvings and calligraphy adorn this iconic mosque in Malé.National MuseumHouses artifacts and marine collections that tell the story of Maldivian history.Hukuru MiskiyHistoric mosque with intricate coral stone walls and ancient architectural beauty.Tsunami MonumentA powerful reminder of the impact of the 2004 tsunami on the Maldives.Maldives Islamic CentreDive into the cultural significance of this landmark shaping the country's heritage.Go Island HoppingOur island hopping adventure in Malé, Maldives promises a discovery of crystal-clear waters and picturesque islands awaiting exploration. As we set out to explore the local islands like Thulusdhoo, Gulhi, and Guraidhoo, we're in for a unique and unforgettable experience.Things to Look Forward to on Your Island Hopping Adventure:Exploring Local Islands: Venturing beyond Malé to nearby local islands like Thulusdhoo, Gulhi, and Guraidhoo offers a glimpse into the authentic Maldivian way of life. From interacting with friendly locals to sampling traditional cuisine, each island has its own charm waiting to be discovered.Encountering Marine Life: Snorkeling or diving during your island hopping adventures presents a fantastic opportunity to witness the diverse marine life that inhabits the waters around Malé. Keep your eyes peeled for colorful fish, graceful sea turtles, and maybe even a majestic manta ray gliding through the crystal-clear waters.Relaxing on Pristine Beaches: Your island hopping expedition wouldn't be complete without unwinding on the pristine beaches that dot the Maldivian archipelago. Feel the soft, powdery sand between your toes, listen to the gentle lapping of the waves, and soak in the breathtaking views of the turquoise ocean stretching out before you.Embrace Wellness RetreatsVenturing beyond the captivating local islands of Malé, Maldives, opens up a world of rejuvenation and relaxation at luxurious wellness retreats overlooking the serene ocean. These wellness retreats offer a sanctuary for those seeking a holistic approach to well-being.At these retreats, guests can indulge in daily meditation sessions that help to calm the mind and rejuvenate the spirit. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore provides the perfect backdrop for finding inner peace. Additionally, spa treatments using traditional Maldivian techniques are available to soothe the body and mind, leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalized.For those looking to engage in more active pursuits, outdoor activities like paddleboarding, snorkeling, and beach yoga are on offer. These activities not only promote physical well-being but also allow guests to connect with the stunning natural surroundings of the Maldives.Furthermore, wellness retreats in Malé often host healthy cooking classes and wellness workshops, providing guests with the knowledge and tools to continue their wellness journey even after they leave. Whether you're seeking relaxation, rejuvenation, or a deeper connection to yourself, embracing a wellness retreat in Malé promises a transformative experience amidst the beauty of the ocean.Frequently Asked QuestionsHow Do You Spend a Day in Male Maldives?When we spend a day in Male Maldives, we start with a relaxing beach picnic, savoring local cuisine like mas huni for lunch.Then, we embark on a shopping spree at the Male Local Market, picking up fresh produce and crafts.Afterward, we indulge in thrilling water sports before unwinding on a sunset cruise to end the day beautifully.This diverse itinerary ensures an unforgettable experience in Male Maldives.How to Enjoy the Maldives?We soak up the beauty of the Maldives like a shimmering gem in the ocean. Beach activities offer relaxation, while local cuisine tantalizes our taste buds.Water sports thrill us with excitement, and sunset views cast a magical spell. Cultural experiences enrich our understanding of this paradise.It's a harmonious blend of nature, flavors, adventure, and heritage that makes our time in the Maldives truly unforgettable.Can You Kiss in Public in Maldives?Yes, in the Maldives, public displays of affection, including kissing, are generally not allowed. Maldivian culture places a high value on modesty and discretion in public behavior.Kissing in public can be viewed as disrespectful and offensive to local customs. It's important to be mindful of cultural norms and social expectations while visiting the Maldives.To show respect and avoid causing offense, it's best to refrain from kissing in public places.Is Male Maldives Worth Visiting?Absolutely! Male, Maldives is definitely worth a visit. From beach relaxation to savoring local cuisine, experiencing cultural gems, and enjoying water activities, to breathtaking sunset views, there's something for everyone.Even in this bustling city with limited attractions, a day trip can provide a unique insight into the authentic Maldivian lifestyle and economy. So, immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere and witness daily life beyond the resort settings.ConclusionLet's linger longer in Male, Maldives, and luxuriate in the local delights that make this destination delightful.From exploring markets brimming with colorful treasures to indulging in mouthwatering Maldivian cuisine, there's something special for everyone.So pack your bags, prepare for paradise, and let's make magical memories in the mesmerizing Male!
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:56 jason_jame rewiew

I've come across being recommended by users several times. It's quite similar to Crushon, following a role-playing format. It offers a wide range of characters to suit any taste, whether it's NSFW or SFW, movie heroes, or realistic ordinary people. You can easily find what you need with the help of tags for searching. Each character comes with a personality description, and you can even view the model's settings.
Of course, you can create your own character and choose from 3 different language models. You can either create a character with basic limited settings or use advanced parameters. Unfortunately, there's no photo generation feature. While the language model may be good, during my testing of different characters, I consistently received messages that made no sense, with mixed languages and unnecessary symbols. However, clicking on the alternative response generation often resulted in a normal, and sometimes even very interesting response on the second attempt. Sometimes, I had to generate 4 or more responses to get a clear message. I believe this is just a temporary bug that they'll fix. For now, I don't feel like communicating with this AI, but I'll give this product another try next month.
In terms of payment, there are 3 options: the first one is free, where you get 100 free messages per week and there's memory. The Standard option costs $7 per month, offering unlimited messages and better speed. With the Pro option, priced at $35 per month, you get better memory and speed.
Did you face similar problems? What are your thoughts on the product?
submitted by jason_jame to AIbotlovers2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:53 IderaDevTools HTML to WYSIWYG: A guide in 2024

In recent years, HTML and WYSIWYG technologies have been among the biggest changes in web development. By facilitating visual revision and connecting the technical domain of code with the intuitive domain of web development, this technology renders the process more accessible and conducive to collaboration.
In the past, web development was predominantly dependent on programmers who used HTML code to construct websites line by line meticulously. Despite providing granular control, this method posed a substantial obstacle for non-technical users. Conversely, the advent of WYSIWYG editors has facilitated the accessibility of web development by enabling users to visually modify their creations, thereby promoting a more intuitive user experience.
This guide will examine the impact of the conversion from HTML to WYSIWYG on web development practices. We will discuss how this technology helps developers and content makers by making the workflow more efficient and team-based.

Understanding HTML to WYSIWYG Conversion

Progression toward WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors resulted in a paradigm shift in web development. In contrast to the conventional method of creating websites line by line through HTML code, these tools present a noticeable departure.
Visually intuitive interfaces, including tools, icons, and menus, which accurately represent the ultimate webpage layout, are the primary focus of WYSIWYG editors. By doing so, content creators and marketers can actively engage in the web development process without requiring extensive code knowledge.
Nevertheless, WYSIWYG editors possess capabilities that extend beyond their visual imagery. A complex conversion procedure exists beneath the surface. The software effortlessly converts user inputs (such as text or images) into corresponding segments of HTML code as the user interacts with the editor.
Determining the webpage’s structure and visual presentation, this code functions as the page’s foundation. For example, if a person adds a paragraph with bold text and an image, the WYSIWYG editor translates it to the following HTML code
 Example of HTML generated by a WYSIWYG editor 
This is a bold text.
Example Image
This code is then interpreted by the web browser, which proceeds to render the content exactly as intended. Critically bridging the gap between the intuitive realm of visual editing and the underlying code that regulates the web, WYSIWYG editors serve as an intermediary between the two.

Why Embrace HTML to WYSIWYG?

In the realm of contemporary web development, converting existing HTML into a WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) format offers compelling advantages in accessibility, efficiency, and team collaboration. Let’s delve deeper into why this transformation is a smart move:

Accessibility and Efficiency

Before the rise of WYSIWYG editors, crafting web pages often required in-depth HTML knowledge. Consider this simple example:

Welcome to My Website!

This is where the magic happens.
WYSIWYG editors empower individuals without extensive coding experience. They provide user-friendly interfaces for content creation and formatting. This democratizes the web development process, allowing content creators, marketers, and designers to actively contribute.

Real-time Previews and Streamlined Workflow

Let’s imagine you’re making layout changes with traditional HTML:
Image Here
Main Content
Using a WYSIWYG editor, you can visually adjust elements and get instant feedback. This eliminates the need for repeated coding, previewing, and revision — saving valuable time and effort.

Enhanced Collaboration

WYSIWYG editors foster a shared visual language. Designers can express ideas without extensive coding knowledge, making it easier for developers to translate those ideas into working code. Additionally, content creators can directly populate layouts:
HTML to WYSIWYG conversion isn’t about eliminating code; it’s about streamlining the web development process, making it more inclusive and efficient. By embracing this approach, teams can build better websites, faster.

Choosing the Right HTML to WYSIWYG Tool

Choosing the best HTML to WYSIWYG conversion tool depends on recognizing characteristics that meet your workflow and project needs. Here’s a detailed checklist of critical capabilities to emphasize during your evaluation process:
FeatureDescriptionCustomization Options
Modern Web Standards
Ease of Integration
Support and Community

Optimizing the WYSIWYG Editor Usage

Here are some tips to streamline your workflow and maximize your editing speed within a WYSIWYG editor:

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even with user-friendly interfaces, problems can occur when using WYSIWYG editors. Here are some tips for troubleshooting typical issues:

An Overview of Advanced WYSIWYG Editor

The ideal HTML to WYSIWYG conversion tool finds the optimal blend of usability and strong capabilities. Consider solutions that provide users with a clean visual editing experience while also allowing them to customize the editor to their requirements.
Several top WYSIWYG editors excel in these categories. Froala is one such case. This powerful tool has a user-friendly interface, allowing intuitive content development, even for those with limited coding skills. Furthermore, Froala offers considerable customization options, allowing developers to tailor the editor’s interface, functionality, and content modules to fit smoothly into their existing workflows and project requirements.


These simple solutions enable a wider spectrum of people to participate in content creation, resulting in a more collaborative and efficient development process. Teams that embrace the power of WYSIWYG conversion may streamline workflows, shorten development cycles, and produce richer, more engaging web experiences. Explore innovative solutions such as Froala to maximize the benefits of HTML to WYSIWYG conversion and change your web development efforts.
This post was originally published on the Froala blog.
submitted by IderaDevTools to WYSIWYG [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:41 Sweet-Count2557 Best Restaurants in Olympia Wa

Best Restaurants in Olympia Wa
Best Restaurants in Olympia Wa We've done the legwork to bring you the best restaurants in Olympia, WA. With a vibrant food scene that caters to all tastes, you won't be disappointed.From fresh oysters to wood-fired pizzas and mouthwatering Mexican cuisine, Olympia has it all.Our team personally visited each establishment, evaluating taste, variety, service, atmosphere, affordability, and accessibility.Join us as we explore the top-rated eateries that have captured the hearts and palates of locals and visitors alike.Get ready for a gastronomic journey through Olympia's finest dining experiences.Key TakeawaysGardners Restaurant offers a cozy and intimate ambiance with locally sourced ingredients, but has limited vegetarian/vegan options and higher prices.Basilico is a high-end Italian restaurant known for its authentic cuisine and extensive wine selection, but has limited seating capacity and parking.Anthonys Homeport Olympia provides stunning waterfront views and fresh seafood options, but may have potential crowds and higher prices.Cascadia Grill is a family-friendly Northwest brasserie restaurant known for its amazing flavors, local beers, and affordable prices.Fine Dining Experiences in OlympiaWhen it comes to fine dining experiences in Olympia, we've plenty of options to choose from. Whether you're looking for romantic date spots or farm-to-table experiences, this vibrant city has it all.One of the top choices for a romantic evening is Gardners Restaurant. Founded in 1983, this seafood-centric eatery offers a cozy and intimate ambiance, perfect for a special night out. What sets Gardners apart is their commitment to using locally sourced ingredients, ensuring that each dish is fresh and flavorful.For those craving Italian cuisine, Basilico is a high-end restaurant that's sure to impress. With an authentic menu and an extensive wine selection, Basilico offers a taste of Italy right here in Olympia. The atmosphere is elegant and inviting, making it an ideal choice for a romantic dinner or special celebration.If you're a seafood lover, Anthonys Homeport Olympia is a must-visit. This family-owned restaurant boasts stunning waterfront views and a menu filled with fresh seafood options. The atmosphere is unmatched, creating a memorable dining experience for any occasion.For a farm-to-table experience, Cascadia Grill is the place to go. This Northwest brasserie restaurant opened its doors in 2016 and has quickly become a local favorite. Their dishes showcase regional flavors and are prepared using locally sourced ingredients. With its affordable prices and family-friendly atmosphere, Cascadia Grill is a great choice for a casual yet delicious dining experience.No matter what type of fine dining experience you're looking for, Olympia has a wide range of options to satisfy your cravings. From romantic date spots to farm-to-table experiences, these restaurants offer exceptional food and unforgettable atmospheres.Seafood Delights in OlympiaWe have a plethora of seafood delights to choose from in Olympia, and our top restaurants offer an array of delectable options. Whether you're a seafood enthusiast or looking for a waterfront dining experience, Olympia has something to satisfy your cravings. From sustainable seafood options to stunning views of the water, these restaurants have it all.RestaurantLocationDescriptionGardners Restaurant111 Thurston Ave NWCozy and intimate seafood-centric menuAnthonys Homeport Olympia704 Columbia St NWFresh seafood with stunning waterfront viewsChelsea Farms Oyster Bar222 Capitol Way NSpecializes in fresh oysters, waterfront locationGardners Restaurant, located at 111 Thurston Ave NW, offers a cozy and intimate ambiance along with a seafood-centric menu. They source locally and provide sustainable seafood options. Anthonys Homeport Olympia, situated at 704 Columbia St NW, is a family-owned seafood restaurant that boasts stunning waterfront views. They offer a variety of fresh seafood options and are committed to providing sustainable seafood choices. Chelsea Farms Oyster Bar, located at 222 Capitol Way N, specializes in fresh oysters sourced directly from Chelsea Farms. Their waterfront location provides a picturesque backdrop for enjoying delicious seafood dishes.These restaurants not only offer mouthwatering seafood delights but also provide a delightful dining experience. Whether you're looking for a romantic dinner or a casual lunch by the water, Olympia has the perfect spot for you. So, dive into the world of sustainable seafood options and enjoy a memorable waterfront dining experience in Olympia.Authentic International Cuisine in OlympiaWhen it comes to authentic international cuisine in Olympia, the city offers a diverse culinary landscape that showcases unique cultural flavors.From Thai cuisine at Lemon Grass to Mexican-inspired dishes at Hart's Mesa, there are plenty of options to explore and satisfy your taste buds.Olympia's restaurants pride themselves on using locally-sourced ingredients and creating dishes that stay true to their respective cuisines, ensuring an authentic dining experience for food enthusiasts.Unique Cultural FlavorsLet's explore the diverse and vibrant culinary scene in Olympia, Washington, where authentic international flavors take center stage at various restaurants.Olympia is a city that prides itself on its culinary fusion, bringing together different cultural influences to create unique and exciting dishes. Many restaurants in Olympia embrace the farm-to-table movement, sourcing their ingredients from local farms to ensure freshness and sustainability.From Italian cuisine at Basilico to Thai delights at Lemon Grass, there's no shortage of options for those seeking authentic international flavors in Olympia. Whether you're craving Mexican-inspired dishes at Hart's Mesa or fresh oysters at Chelsea Farms Oyster Bar, you'll find a restaurant that caters to your taste buds.With its emphasis on culinary diversity and the use of local ingredients, Olympia offers a truly unique dining experience. So, let's dive into the next section and discover the authenticity and culinary delights that await us in this vibrant city.Authenticity and Culinary DiversityOur exploration of authentic international cuisine in Olympia reveals a diverse array of flavors and culinary experiences. Olympia embraces culinary fusion, offering a unique blend of traditional and contemporary dishes inspired by cultures from around the world. From Italian delicacies at Basilico to mouthwatering Thai cuisine at Lemon Grass, there is something to satisfy every palate. Many of these restaurants pride themselves on using local farm-to-table ingredients, ensuring freshness and supporting the local community. Olympia's commitment to authentic international cuisine is evident in the wide range of options available, from Mexican-inspired dishes at Hart's Mesa to the fresh oysters at Chelsea Farms Oyster Bar. Whether you're craving Italian, Thai, Mexican, or any other international cuisine, Olympia has it all. Experience the rich tapestry of flavors and embark on a culinary journey like no other.RestaurantCuisineBasilicoItalianLemon GrassThaiHart's MesaMexican-inspiredChelsea Farms Oyster BarSeafoodCozy and Casual Eateries in OlympiaWe love exploring the cozy and casual eateries in Olympia, where we can enjoy delicious food in a relaxed atmosphere. Olympia is home to many hidden gems when it comes to cozy cafes and casual dining spots. Here are three of our favorites:The Bread Peddler: This popular bakery and cafe offers a cozy atmosphere where you can indulge in freshly baked bread and pastries. Start your day with a mouthwatering croissant or enjoy a satisfying lunch with one of their delicious sandwiches. The Bread Peddler is the perfect spot to unwind and savor a delightful meal.Lemon Grass: Located in downtown Olympia, Lemon Grass is a charming Thai restaurant that serves authentic cuisine in a cozy and inviting atmosphere. With an extensive menu that includes vegetarian options, you can enjoy classic Thai dishes like Pad Thai while basking in the warm ambiance of the restaurant.Swing Wine Bar: If you're looking for a relaxed and cozy spot to enjoy a glass of wine, Swing Wine Bar is the place to be. With an extensive wine list featuring local and international selections, you can sip on your favorite wine while savoring small plates and charcuterie boards. Live music events add to the vibrant and laid-back atmosphere of this charming wine bar.These cozy and casual eateries in Olympia offer a welcoming and relaxed setting where you can enjoy delicious food and unwind with friends or family. Whether you're in the mood for freshly baked bread, authentic Thai cuisine, or a glass of wine, these hidden gems are sure to satisfy your cravings and provide a memorable dining experience.Wine and Dine in OlympiaWhen it comes to wine and dine in Olympia, there are plenty of options to choose from. Whether you're looking for a restaurant with an extensive wine list or wineries that offer the perfect pairing for your meal, Olympia has it all.From upscale establishments like Swing Wine Bar with its relaxed atmosphere and live music events to local favorites like Chelsea Farms Oyster Bar, known for its fresh oysters and waterfront location, there's something for every wine lover in Olympia.Wine Pairing RecommendationsWhat wine pairings complement the diverse culinary offerings in Olympia, Washington? When dining at the best restaurants in Olympia, it's essential to choose the perfect wine to elevate your dining experience. Here are some wine pairing suggestions and local wine recommendations to enhance your meal:Gardners Restaurant:Pair the seafood-centric dishes with a crisp and refreshing local Chardonnay or Sauvignon Blanc.Basilico:Enhance the flavors of Italian cuisine with a medium-bodied Sangiovese or a bold Cabernet Sauvignon from the region.Anthonys Homeport Olympia:Enjoy the fresh seafood options with a local Pinot Gris or a vibrant Rosé.These wine pairings will complement the diverse flavors and ingredients found in Olympia's culinary scene, allowing you to fully indulge in the vibrant and delicious dining options available.Best Wineries in OlympiaLet's explore the top wineries in Olympia, offering a diverse selection of wines to enhance your dining experience.Olympia wineries are known for their commitment to producing exceptional wines sourced from local vineyards. One such winery is Olympia Wine Merchant, where you can discover a wide range of reds, whites, and rosés carefully crafted by passionate winemakers.Another notable winery is Stottle Winery, where you can indulge in their award-winning wines that showcase the unique terroir of the region.And for those looking for a unique tasting experience, Scatter Creek Winery offers a rustic and charming setting, accompanied by delicious wines made from grapes grown right on their estate.These Olympia wineries provide the perfect opportunity to savor the flavors of the region and elevate your dining experience.Now, let's uncover the hidden gems of Olympia's food scene.Hidden Gems of Olympia's Food SceneHave we discovered any hidden gems in Olympia's food scene? Absolutely! Olympia may be known for its popular restaurants and eateries, but there are some hidden gems that locals swear by. These local favorites offer unique culinary experiences that are worth exploring.Here are three hidden gems that shouldn't be missed:Gardners Restaurant: Tucked away in downtown Olympia, Gardners Restaurant has been a local favorite since 1983. With a seafood-centric menu and cozy ambiance, it offers a delightful dining experience. From their famous Cioppino (Fishermans Stew) to the Aged New York Steak, the menu is filled with delicious options.Cascadia Grill: Opened in 2016, Cascadia Grill has quickly become a hidden gem in Olympia. This Northwest brasserie restaurant is known for its amazing flavors and local beers. Whether you're in the mood for a juicy burger or a dish showcasing regional flavors, Cascadia Grill has something for everyone.Pizzeria La Gitana: If you're craving authentic Italian cuisine, Pizzeria La Gitana is the place to go. This local eatery specializes in wood-fired pizzas and offers a vibrant setting with themed decorations. Their salads, prepared from organic produce, are also a hit. Don't miss their must-try dish, the II Sogno pizza.These hidden gems may not have the same level of recognition as some of the more popular restaurants in Olympia, but they offer unique dining experiences that will satisfy any food lover.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are Some Popular Vegetarian/Vegan Options Available at the Fine Dining Restaurants in Olympia?Popular vegetarian/vegan options at fine dining restaurants in Olympia include:Basilico's Penne al Forno con Salmone Affumicato, which features smoked salmon and a creamy tomato sauce.Cascadia Grill's Northwest brasserie dishes that showcase regional flavors with vegetarian twists.For a Mexican-inspired option, Hart's Mesa offers street-style tacos with plant-based fillings.These restaurants are among Olympia's best farm-to-table establishments, ensuring fresh and locally sourced ingredients for their vegetarian and vegan offerings.Are There Any Gluten-Free Options for Seafood Dishes in Olympia?Yes, there are gluten-free options for seafood dishes in Olympia.Many of the fine dining restaurants in the area offer gluten-free alternatives for their seafood dishes, ensuring that those with dietary restrictions can still enjoy delicious seafood.Additionally, there are popular vegetarian and vegan options available at these restaurants, providing a diverse range of choices for all diners.Whether you're looking for gluten-free or vegetarian/vegan options, Olympia's dining scene has something for everyone.Which Authentic International Cuisines Are Represented in the Cozy and Casual Eateries of Olympia?When it comes to authentic international cuisines in Olympia, there are several cozy and casual eateries that offer a variety of options. From Thai cuisine at Lemon Grass to Mexican-inspired dishes at Hart's Mesa, there's something for everyone.If you're looking for the best vegetarian/vegan options in fine dining, be sure to check out some hidden gem restaurants in Olympia.Additionally, there are wineries in the area that offer wine tasting experiences, perfect for wine enthusiasts.Can You Recommend a Hidden Gem Restaurant in Olympia That Offers a Unique Dining Experience?When it comes to hidden gem restaurants in Olympia, there's one place that stands out for its unique dining experience.With a focus on vegan options, this fine dining establishment offers a variety of innovative and delicious dishes that cater to plant-based eaters.From flavorful vegan entrees to delectable vegetarian appetizers, this restaurant has it all.Not only does it provide a memorable dining experience, but it also showcases the popularity of vegetarian cuisine in Olympia.Are There Any Wineries or Vineyards in Olympia That Offer Wine Tasting Experiences Alongside Their Food Menu?Sure, there are several wineries and vineyards in Olympia that offer wine tasting experiences alongside their food menu. These experiences provide the perfect opportunity to indulge in the rich flavors of locally-produced wines while enjoying delicious food pairings.Whether you're a wine connoisseur or just looking for a unique dining experience, these wineries and vineyards are sure to satisfy your cravings. So sit back, relax, and savor the delightful combination of exceptional wines and delectable cuisine.ConclusionGet ready to indulge in a culinary adventure like no other!Olympia, WA is home to some of the best restaurants that will tantalize your taste buds and leave you wanting more.From fine dining experiences to cozy eateries and hidden gems, there's something for everyone in this vibrant food scene.So, come and join us as we explore the flavors, ambiance, and culinary expertise that make these restaurants truly exceptional.Get ready to satisfy your cravings and enjoy a gastronomic journey through the best of Olympia's dining scene.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 11:15 tempmailgenerator Ensuring Line Break Preservation in JavaScript for Email Content

Handling Textarea Input for Email Bodies in JavaScript

When dealing with web forms, particularly textareas where users can input free-form text, one common challenge is ensuring that the input is accurately represented in the final output, such as an email body. This is crucial in JavaScript-driven applications, where the dynamic nature of content handling often leads to formatting issues, especially with line breaks. Users expect their input, including paragraphs and line breaks, to be preserved exactly as they have entered it when this information is transmitted via email or displayed on another platform. This expectation aligns with the natural flow of written communication, where line breaks are used to separate thoughts, paragraphs, and sections for better readability.
However, the standard behavior of HTML and email clients strips out these crucial line breaks when displaying text, leading to a block of text that can be hard to read and loses the original formatting intended by the user. Addressing this challenge requires a nuanced understanding of JavaScript and how it interacts with HTML and email formats. By employing specific techniques and code adjustments in JavaScript, developers can ensure that user-entered text is displayed with the intended formatting in emails, thus improving the overall user experience and communication clarity. This introduction will explore these techniques and provide a foundation for implementing solutions that preserve line breaks and formatting.
Command Description
replace(/\n/g, ' ') Replaces newline characters with HTML line break tags to preserve text formatting in HTML contexts.
encodeURIComponent() Encodes a URI component by replacing each instance of certain characters by one, two, three, or four escape sequences representing the UTF-8 encoding of the character.

In-depth Exploration: Preserving User Input Across Platforms

When users input text into a textarea on a web form, they often include line breaks and spacing with the expectation that these formatting choices will be preserved, whether the text is sent in an email, stored in a database, or displayed on another webpage. This expectation stems from the intuitive understanding of text formatting where line breaks signify pauses or separate ideas, crucial for the readability and comprehension of the text. However, the inherent challenge lies in the way different platforms and technologies interpret and display these line breaks. In HTML, for example, line breaks entered by users are not automatically translated into visible line breaks on the webpage. Instead, they are treated as whitespace, leading to a continuous block of text unless explicitly formatted using HTML tags like for line breaks or
for paragraphs. This discrepancy between user input and system output necessitates a careful approach in handling and displaying user-generated content.
To ensure that text input retains its intended formatting across various outputs, developers must employ specific techniques. For instance, when preparing text input for inclusion in an email body or for display on a webpage, replacing newline characters (\n) with HTML line break tags ( ) is a common practice. This replacement can be done programmatically using JavaScript, ensuring that the text appears to the recipient or on the webpage exactly as the user intended, with all line breaks and paragraph separations intact. Additionally, when sending text over a URL, such as in a mailto link, it's essential to URL-encode the text to ensure that line breaks and special characters are correctly interpreted by email clients. This process involves converting the text into a format that can be transmitted over the Internet without losing its structure, using functions like encodeURIComponent in JavaScript. These practices are crucial for maintaining the integrity of user input across platforms, enhancing user experience by respecting their formatting choices.

Preserving Textarea Input for Email Formatting

JavaScript snippet
const textareaContent = document.getElementById('textarea').value; const formattedContent = textareaContent.replace(/\n/g, '
'); document.getElementById('preview').innerHTML = formattedContent;

Encoding Textarea Content for URL

JavaScript for Email Links
const textareaContent = document.getElementById('textarea').value; const encodedContent = encodeURIComponent(textareaContent); window.location.href = `${encodedContent}`; 

Enhancing User Experience Through Text Formatting

Text formatting in web applications, especially when dealing with user input in textareas, plays a critical role in user experience. Preserving the formatting such as line breaks and spaces as entered by the user is crucial for several reasons. First, it ensures that the message's intent and tone are communicated effectively. Line breaks often serve to emphasize points, separate thoughts, or organize content in a readable manner. Without these, text can become a dense and challenging block to navigate, potentially leading to misunderstandings or misinterpretations of the intended message. This is particularly important in contexts like email communication, where clarity and precision are paramount.
Secondly, maintaining the original formatting entered by users when their input is transferred to an email body or another output format respects the user's expression. This not only improves the overall user experience by validating the user's input as valued but also minimizes the need for manual corrections or formatting adjustments post-transfer. Techniques to preserve line breaks, such as converting newline characters to HTML tags or encoding them for URL transmission, are essential skills for developers. These methods ensure that applications handle user input intelligently, reflecting the care and consideration of the user's intentions, ultimately leading to more polished and professional communication.

Frequently Asked Questions on Text Formatting

  1. Question: Why are line breaks important in text input?
  2. Answer: Line breaks help separate thoughts, organize content, and improve readability, making the text easier to understand and follow.
  3. Question: How can I preserve line breaks in HTML?
  4. Answer: Use JavaScript to replace newline characters (\n) with HTML line break tags ( ) when displaying user input on a webpage.
  5. Question: What function is used to encode text for a URL?
  6. Answer: The encodeURIComponent() function in JavaScript is used to encode text, including spaces and line breaks, for safe transmission over a URL.
  7. Question: How do I include user input in an email body?
  8. Answer: Use JavaScript to dynamically insert the user input into the mailto link, ensuring it is URL-encoded to preserve formatting.
  9. Question: Can I preserve formatting in email without JavaScript?
  10. Answer: Without JavaScript, preserving formatting relies on the email client's capabilities, which can be inconsistent. Encoding and formatting should be done before sending the email.
  11. Question: Why does my text appear as a block without breaks in HTML?
  12. Answer: HTML does not recognize newline characters from textareas without explicit formatting, leading to text being displayed as a continuous block.
  13. Question: How do I convert newline characters to tags in JavaScript?
  14. Answer: Use the replace() method with a regular expression, such as text.replace(/\n/g, ' '), to replace newline characters with tags.
  15. Question: Is it necessary to URL-encode email body content?
  16. Answer: Yes, to ensure that special characters and line breaks are correctly interpreted and displayed by email clients.

Wrapping Up Text Formatting Insights

Ensuring the integrity of user-inputted text across various platforms is not just a technical necessity but a crucial aspect of enhancing user experience. This discussion highlighted the significance of preserving formatting, such as line breaks and spaces, to maintain the original structure and readability of text as intended by the user. By employing JavaScript techniques to replace newline characters with HTML tags or encoding them for URLs, developers can overcome common challenges associated with text formatting. These strategies not only uphold the clarity and intent behind user-generated content but also reflect a thoughtful consideration of user interaction and communication. As digital platforms continue to evolve, the importance of such meticulous attention to detail in handling text input will only increase, underscoring the need for developers to remain adept in these practices to ensure seamless, user-friendly experiences.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 10:35 JokeCultural9610 Vox. One soul. Five fragmented personalities. Can you help me develop the fanfic, please?

I want to develop a character who has DID derived from PTSD, which in turn arose from a four-day period of suffering different atrocities. The character has no explicit memories of this four-day period, but their subconscious locks it away to avoid the pain of trauma and develops disorders as a defense mechanism. In addition to the mentioned disorders, the character has developed a refusal to eat food due to an apparently irrational line of thought and sensation that if they eat, they would be hypocritical for something, and therefore, more guilty. The character has 5 personalities. So far, I've only been able to conceptualize 3: the assistant, the machine, and the monster.
The monster is the murderous and harmful personality. It's what the character most instinctively tries to avoid manifesting, even if they don't know exactly why. It's the embodiment of their potential evil, and its appearances are always accompanied by tension and suspense. Even if not actually manifested (or is it?), the mere fact of appearing in nightmares and hallucinations already triggers panic attacks in the character. This is the most mysterious personality because the character has doubts about the nature of this personality that doesn't offer many explanations beyond the simple fact that it knows everything about him and is playing and affecting him; Is it a personality or a distinct demon? Is it a delusion or is it real? Is it himself or a separate being pretending to be him to scare him? Is it capable of killing the personalities, and if so, why doesn't it do it immediately instead of leaving the personalities unharmed? Why psychologically torture him if the function of fragmented personalities is to help in self-preservation? If it's real, why does it let him escape at the end of its ''games''? This personality (or not) is physically the largest, the most technological, the most inhuman, and presents more feats of strength despite appearing less, all geared towards psychological torture mainly, a literal kind of haunting like Pennywise's. It wreaks psychological havoc on the character in each of its personalities, and the most sensitive one, which is the one the other personalities most try to avoid being impacted by the monster, is the assistant personality, the personality that personifies human essence and, being based on the Superego and Ego and reflecting the distant past spent with his deceased good mother whose values were transmitted in his childhood and adolescence, is the personality that tries to maintain order, predominate, and reunite the fragmented personalities, although this self-imposed role is not easy and it is difficult to deal with the fear of what could happen if people found out that he and the other four 'people' are actually the same person who has DID; it is difficult to represent order while his other parts are more inclined to chaos and there is no direct interaction between the personalities. The assistant personality has blindness, whose degree varies depending nuancemente on the external and internal security situation it feels, but is always present because it results from an unresolved trauma. Glasses are used, the only one who does this. Blindness is more present in the assistant personality and less manifested in the other personalities because they are more detached from humanity. The assistant personality is the most divergent from what the character was before DID. Its form is more human, shorter, and less cybernetic, precisely because it reflects a distant period from the current one of the character. (A side note: the character is, in a way, a shapeshifter, so its personalities have a distinct form, some more similar to each other and others less similar, and vice versa. The metamorphosis is restricted to the forms the character has already had in its life and afterlife, and those forms it did not have are a more adapted version of the personality concept). The assistant is the most sensitive personality and the one that most tries to be virtuous, and because of these characteristics, it is the most vulnerable to the monster.
The machine personality is the psychological barrier. A wall for any emotions. An internal shield for trauma. It looks like a robot, like a machine, both for sentimental and behavioral issues. It does not feel emotions, is extremely rational, and is very connected to technology. Indeed, it is the most technological personality in the purest sense of the word, while the monster personality is the most technological in the most monstrous sense. Its function is to offer a more impartial view of situations and, because of the monster, to be the most solid shield for the assistant personality not to be haunted directly (and possibly killed) by the monster.
There are 2 more personalities to develop, and I'm working on it since it's a new idea I had.
The character is Vox.
The conceptual ideas for this fanfic that I intend to create, combined with my hobby of self-studying psychology/psychoanalysis/psychiatry, made me realize that I attribute four disorders to Vox:
• DID: According to the DSM-5 criteria, to be considered DID it is necessary: ▪︎Two or more distinct identities or personality states are present, each with its own relatively enduring pattern of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and self. ▪︎Amnesia must occur, defined as gaps in the recall of everyday events, important personal information, and/or traumatic events. ▪︎The person must be distressed by the disorder or have trouble functioning in one or more major life areas because of the disorder. ▪︎The disturbance is not part of normal cultural or religious practices. ▪︎The symptoms cannot be due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (such as blackouts or chaotic behavior during alcohol intoxication) or a general medical condition (such as complex partial seizures).
• PTSD: Symptoms of PTSD fall into the following four categories. Specific symptoms can vary in severity.
Intrusion: Intrusive thoughts such as repeated, involuntary memories; distressing dreams; or flashbacks of the traumatic event. Flashbacks may be so vivid that people feel they are reliving the traumatic experience or seeing it before their eyes. Avoidance: Avoiding reminders of the traumatic event may include avoiding people, places, activities, objects and situations that may trigger distressing memories. People may try to avoid remembering or thinking about the traumatic event. They may resist talking about what happened or how they feel about it. Alterations in cognition and mood: Inability to remember important aspects of the traumatic event, negative thoughts and feelings leading to ongoing and distorted beliefs about oneself or others (e.g., “I am bad,” “No one can be trusted”); distorted thoughts about the cause or consequences of the event leading to wrongly blaming self or other; ongoing fear, horror, anger, guilt or shame; much less interest in activities previously enjoyed; feeling detached or estranged from others; or being unable to experience positive emotions (a void of happiness or satisfaction). Alterations in arousal and reactivity: Arousal and reactive symptoms may include being irritable and having angry outbursts; behaving recklessly or in a self-destructive way; being overly watchful of one's surroundings in a suspecting way; being easily startled; or having problems concentrating or sleeping. Many people who are exposed to a traumatic event experience symptoms similar to those described above in the days following the event. For a person to be diagnosed with PTSD, however, symptoms must last for more than a month and must cause significant distress or problems in the individual's daily functioning. Many individuals develop symptoms within three months of the trauma, but symptoms may appear later and often persist for months and sometimes years. PTSD often occurs with other related conditions, such as depression, substance use, memory problems and other physical and mental health problems.
The four tabs below provide brief descriptions of four conditions related to PTSD: acute stress disorder, adjustment disorder, disinhibited social engagement disorder, and reactive attachment disorder. Source: • Psychotic Depression: Psychotic depression Some people who have severe depression may also experience hallucinations and delusional thinking, the symptoms of psychosis.
Depression with psychosis is known as psychotic depression.
Symptoms of depression Someone with depression feels sad and hopeless for most of the day, practically every day, and has no interest in anything. Getting through the day feels almost impossible.
Other typical symptoms of depression may include:
fatigue (exhaustion) disturbed sleep changes in appetite feeling worthless and guilty being unable to concentrate or being indecisive thoughts of death or suicide Doctors describe depression as mild, moderate or severe depending on your symptoms, how long it lasts and how much it affects your daily life.
Read more about the psychological, physical and social symptoms of clinical depression
Symptoms of psychosis Having moments of psychosis (when people lose some contact with reality) means experiencing:
delusions – thoughts or beliefs that are unlikely to be true hallucinations – hearing and, in some cases, feeling, smelling, seeing or tasting things that are not there; hearing voices is a common hallucination The delusions and hallucinations almost always reflect the person's deeply depressed mood – for example, they may become convinced they're to blame for something, or that they've committed a crime.
"Psychomotor agitation" is also common. This means not being able to relax or sit still, and constantly fidgeting.
At the other extreme, a person with psychotic depression may have "psychomotor retardation", where both their thoughts and physical movements slow down.
People with psychotic depression have an increased risk of thinking about suicide. Source for more information:
• An as-yet unidentified eating disorder: This is the only one in which I do not know which exact diagnosis it fits into. It is a consequence of the trauma from the four-day period - including this period being one of the biggest mysteries in history and a great source of theories for readers, as it is the root of Vox's psychological mess, the divergence point that originated the entire fanfic and which the protagonist DOES NOT want to remember - that resulted in the trauma of eating. He does not feel like eating, not even the SIN OF GLUTTONY is able to make him eat - he is immune to her powers - and feels an apparently inexplicable instinct of guilt and hypocrisy when trying to eat, as if he were the worst being in the universe if he ate a food and a huge hypocrite; why and what exactly this innate thought of judging himself as a hypocrite is another mystery in the plot.
In this story, at least in the initial arcs, no one associates all five as being the same person, at most they associate only one/two of them with Vox. With the climaxes (yes, it's in the plural) throughout the story, the characters will find evidence and suspect and associate more and more of the other alters (as I call Vox's fragmented personalities) with the same person, which increases the narrative tension. Being the assistant personality the last to be accurately associated by the other characters, although she was the one that had the most tension and care in NOT being associated throughout the story because she is the human essence of Vox, reflects more the fragility of his soul state and is not ready to deal with the harsh social consequences that the actions of the other alters and Vox before DID caused, needing solid support and not wanting to lose all the friendly social relationships, although fragile, that he built as a separate being from Vox and the other alters. It is easier to hate than to love. The assistant personality does not want to risk losing the little support he has built. These relationships are extremely valuable to him. He doesn't want to have this taken away from him anymore. The relationships he built are based on the inhabitants of Hazbin Hotel.
All alters have Vox's trademark: the TV as
a head. All... except the assistant personality. This alter is the ONLY one that has a human head and is the smallest, being even a few centimeters smaller than Lucifer. The size of his hair goes up to just above his shoulders, but he ties them in a professional hairstyle. His clothes are similar to those of an assistant, and they have a palette of blue, black, and white colors. The color of his hair, influenced by his powers as a Media Demon, is black with dark blue streaks and tips.
His human appearance reflects a period when Vox was human. In my story Vox is a trans man, which means he was born female and went through a transition at some point in his adolescence or adulthood. The appearance of the assistant personality reflects an episode during his 13/14 years. In this episode, he did a special show for his father's assistant at a fancy restaurant. It was her last night in his life as she would unfortunately be sent away without a chance to return, and he was aware of this. He also knew that his father was responsible for her being sent away, although his innocence at the time made him not immediately detect that she would be KILLED by a hired hitman hired by the father and mother. The assistant was a loved one by the teenage Vox. She was a loving mother he never had, and because of the emotional attachment to her, he decided to do a musical show, showing for the first and last time to anyone his talent for piano and violin. He, at the time still not going through the transition, dressed more masculinely, used the best appearance he could, and used a pseudonym to enter the restaurant and make the presentation without being detected by the family. He did not explicitly specify for whom the music was intended, but the assistant, secretly his true biological mother, knew it was for her. That was the last time he would see her, and he made every second of that night count.
Vox's human female name was Elizabeth. I chose this name because it is a beautiful name, it was the name of the former queen of the United Kingdom, and it was the name of one of Jack the Ripper's victims, Elizabeth Stride.
Vox, during his adult life as a man and even post-death, buried his past as a woman. It was not a source of pride, especially for the family abuses suffered and the transphobia of the time. If the Vees, the people closest to him currently, do not have a deep understanding of Vox's human life as a man, imagine their knowledge of the initial part of his life before the transition!
That's why being called "Elizabeth" during the direct and indirect appearances of the monster personality already causes genuine and unmasked panic in him. It is an indication of knowledge of his deepest layers.
The story has a suspenseful atmosphere, with some horror scenes. We follow the alters individually, and as the story progresses, we realize along with the protagonist some strange, wrong things. The alters do not communicate directly with each other and, therefore, the character does not immediately perceive the signs of having multiple personalities. It was as if there were four people in one body and none of them noticed, according to the perspective of the assistant personality, the alter that we slowly follow discovering the huge web of the situation he's in. There's something very wrong with Vox, more specifically his soul. But there's an invisible barrier that prevents the character from investigating further, like an elephant in the middle of the room. Each alter has its own course, all acting as if they were distinct people and not associating with each other. This is bad socially speaking in the long run, because sooner or later the clash of beliefs and values built among the alters will come into conflict and the individual consequences of their actions will negatively impact each other. The monster personality served to add more salt to the wound. It is by far the most harmful, appearing little but causing a huge mess in return. Don't think of it as a kind of Hulk, because Hulk is a destructive monster that his counterpart, Bruce, can try to control and turn into a hero, and everyone is aware of Hulk's nature, which is easy to understand and try to contain; whereas the monster personality is an enigma at the same time as it is a nightmare, there is no discussion with it, it causes psychological terror in Vox's alters, its apparently internal actions affect the external world of the alters, it is unpredictable, it is the literal meaning of hell. The monster personality has already caused physical harm to the alters, although they did not exactly remember, mainly the assistant personality, the most oblivious of all for a reason. I want to relate the monster personality to Roo.
submitted by JokeCultural9610 to hazbin [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:29 stealthtechnocrats01 Discover Best Casino Games Aggregator of 2024


In today’s digital age, where convenience is king and variety is paramount, finding the perfect platform to satisfy your gaming desires can be a daunting task. However, fear not, as we introduce you to the best casino games aggregator that promises an unparalleled gaming experience like never before.
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In conclusion, the best casino games aggregator of 2024 redefines the gaming experience, offering unparalleled convenience, excitement, and rewards to players worldwide. With its diverse selection of games, user-friendly interface, and commitment to security, this platform sets the standard for excellence in the industry. Embark on your gaming journey today and discover why it’s the ultimate destination for casino enthusiasts.
submitted by stealthtechnocrats01 to u/stealthtechnocrats01 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:11 Sweet-Count2557 15 Things to Do on a New Paltz Family Day Trip

15 Things to Do on a New Paltz Family Day Trip
15 Things to Do on a New Paltz Family Day Trip Are you looking for a perfect family day trip destination near New York City? Well, you might be surprised to learn that New Paltz, located just 90 miles north of the bustling city, offers a plethora of activities for the whole family to enjoy.From picturesque hiking trails to fascinating museums, this charming town has something for everyone.So, whether you're an outdoor enthusiast, history buff, or simply looking to indulge in delicious food, join us as we uncover the 15 things you can do on a New Paltz family day trip.Trust us, you won't want to miss out on the exciting options that await you!Key TakeawaysOutdoor activities in New Paltz include hiking, rock climbing, biking, and canoeing/kayaking.There are various indoor activities such as visiting museums, attending performances, and playing at indoor parks.Educational activities include visiting art museums, learning about history, and exploring science centers.Families can enjoy dining at family-friendly restaurants, visiting parks and playgrounds, and exploring farms in the area.Outdoor ActivitiesWhen it comes to outdoor activities in New Paltz, there's no shortage of options for adventure and exploration. The town is surrounded by beautiful natural landscapes, making it the perfect destination for hiking and rock climbing enthusiasts.New Paltz is home to numerous hiking trails that cater to all skill levels, offering breathtaking views and the opportunity to connect with nature. One popular hiking destination is the Mohonk Preserve, which boasts over 8,000 acres of stunning scenery. Here, you can choose from a variety of trails that wind through forests, meadows, and along the Shawangunk Ridge. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced hiker, there's a trail for everyone to enjoy.For those seeking a more adrenaline-fueled adventure, rock climbing at The Gunks is a must. The Shawangunk Mountains are renowned for their world-class rock climbing routes, attracting climbers from all over the world. With its challenging cliffs and unique rock formations, The Gunks offer an exhilarating experience for climbers of all levels.Whether you're a nature lover or an adrenaline junkie, New Paltz has something to offer for everyone. The hiking trails and rock climbing opportunities in the area are unparalleled, providing endless possibilities for outdoor exploration. So, grab your hiking boots and harness, and get ready to embark on an unforgettable adventure in the heart of New Paltz.Indoor ActivitiesIndoor activities in New Paltz offer a diverse range of options for families looking to escape the elements and enjoy some quality time together. Whether you're looking for a little friendly competition or a chance to unleash your creativity, there's something for everyone.For those who love a good challenge, there are plenty of indoor games to keep you entertained. Head to the local arcade and try your hand at classic games like skee-ball and air hockey. Or, if you're feeling a bit more adventurous, check out the escape room where you can put your problem-solving skills to the test. With a variety of themes and difficulty levels, it's sure to be a thrilling experience for the whole family.If you're in the mood for something a bit more hands-on, why not try a creative workshop? There are several places in New Paltz where you can learn a new skill or craft. From pottery classes to painting workshops, there's no shortage of opportunities to let your imagination run wild. Not only will you have a blast creating something unique, but you'll also have a special keepsake to take home with you.No matter what your interests may be, New Paltz has plenty of indoor activities to keep you entertained. So, why not gather the family and escape the elements for a day of fun and adventure? Whether you're competing in indoor games or getting creative in a workshop, you're sure to make memories that will last a lifetime.Educational ActivitiesNew Paltz offers a wide range of educational activities that will engage and inspire the whole family. Here are three hands-on workshops and interactive exhibits that are sure to captivate your curiosity and expand your knowledge:The Dorsky Museum of Art: Step into a world of artistic expression as you explore the thought-provoking exhibits at the Dorsky Museum. From contemporary installations to classic masterpieces, this museum showcases a diverse collection that will ignite your imagination. Engage in interactive workshops where you can create your own artwork and experiment with different mediums.The Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art: Located on the SUNY New Paltz campus, the Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art offers a unique opportunity to delve into the world of contemporary art. Immerse yourself in thought-provoking exhibits that challenge societal norms and spark conversations. Participate in hands-on workshops led by professional artists, where you can learn new techniques and unleash your creative potential.The Science Discovery Center: Embark on a journey of scientific exploration at the Science Discovery Center. Engage with interactive exhibits that bring the wonders of science to life. From experimenting with electricity to exploring the mysteries of the natural world, this center offers a captivating experience for all ages. Participate in hands-on workshops where you can conduct experiments and discover the scientific principles that shape our world.As you embark on your New Paltz family day trip, these educational activities won't only provide valuable learning experiences but also foster a sense of wonder and curiosity. So, embrace the freedom to explore, discover, and expand your knowledge as you engage with these immersive hands-on workshops and interactive exhibits.Family-Friendly RestaurantsLet's dive into the delicious world of family-friendly restaurants in New Paltz, where you can indulge in mouthwatering meals that cater to all tastes and preferences. New Paltz is home to some of the best family-friendly restaurants, offering a wide range of cuisines that will satisfy even the pickiest eaters. Whether you're craving Italian, Mexican, or just a good old-fashioned burger, the restaurants in New Paltz have got you covered. Here are some of the top places to eat with kids in New Paltz:RestaurantCuisineHighlightsMain Course Catering & RestaurantAmericanOffers a kids' menu with options for all agesP&G's RestaurantItalianWood-fired pizza that will leave you craving for moreMexicali BlueMexicanColorful and flavorful dishes that kids will loveMoriello's GelatoDessertsHomemade gelato that will satisfy your sweet toothMain Course Catering & Restaurant is a popular choice for families, with its diverse menu that includes everything from burgers and sandwiches to pasta and seafood. They even have a kids' menu with options that will please even the pickiest eaters.If you're in the mood for some authentic Italian cuisine, P&G's Restaurant is the place to be. Their wood-fired pizza is a favorite among locals, and their pasta dishes are cooked to perfection.For a taste of Mexico, head to Mexicali Blue. Their colorful and flavorful dishes will transport you straight to Mexico, and they offer a variety of options for kids.And of course, no family day trip is complete without dessert. Stop by Moriello's Gelato for some homemade gelato that will satisfy your sweet tooth. With a wide range of flavors to choose from, there's something for everyone.These are just a few of the best family-friendly restaurants in New Paltz. Whether you're looking for a quick bite or a sit-down meal, you're sure to find something that the whole family will enjoy.Parks and PlaygroundsAs we continue our exploration of family-friendly activities in New Paltz, let's venture into the world of outdoor fun and discover the parks and playgrounds that offer endless adventures for kids of all ages. New Paltz is home to some of the best parks for picnics and family-friendly playgrounds. Here are three must-visit outdoor destinations that will provide a sense of freedom and joy for the whole family:Hasbrouck Park: This park is a perfect spot for a family picnic. Spread out your blanket on the lush green grass and enjoy a delicious meal while surrounded by the beauty of nature. The playground in Hasbrouck Park offers a variety of equipment for kids to climb, slide, and swing, ensuring hours of fun and excitement.Sojourner Truth Park: With its basketball court and picnic area, Sojourner Truth Park is a fantastic place for families to gather and enjoy outdoor activities. Let the kids shoot some hoops while you relax and soak up the sun. Pack some snacks and have a delightful picnic in the shaded picnic area, creating lasting memories together.Nyquist-Harcourt Wildlife Sanctuary: For a peaceful and serene picnic experience, head to the Nyquist-Harcourt Wildlife Sanctuary. This hidden gem is a haven for nature lovers and families alike. With its beautiful trails, lush greenery, and abundant wildlife, it offers the perfect backdrop for a relaxing picnic. Let the kids explore the surroundings and discover the wonders of the natural world.New Paltz's parks and playgrounds provide a sense of freedom and adventure for families seeking outdoor fun. Whether you're enjoying a picnic, playing on the playground, or simply exploring the beauty of nature, these destinations offer endless opportunities for family bonding and creating cherished memories. So grab your picnic basket, gather the family, and embark on an exciting day of outdoor exploration in New Paltz.Family-Friendly FarmsFamily-Friendly Farms in New Paltz offer a unique and educational experience for families looking to connect with nature and learn about farm life. These farms provide a variety of family-friendly farm activities that are both fun and educational.One popular activity is visiting farm petting zoos, where children can interact with and learn about different farm animals. At Kelder's Farm, families can enjoy a petting zoo experience like no other. You can pet and feed a wide range of animals, including goats, sheep, pigs, and even llamas. Kids will love getting up close and personal with these friendly animals, and it's a great opportunity for them to learn about animal care and farm life.Saunderskill Farms is another great option for families looking for a farm experience. In addition to their fresh produce and baked goods, they also have a petting zoo where kids can meet and greet farm animals. From chickens and ducks to rabbits and goats, children can learn about different animal species and their roles on the farm.Apple Hill Farm is a must-visit for families interested in learning about farm animals. They offer guided tours where kids can see cows, horses, pigs, and more. The knowledgeable staff will explain the importance of each animal and how they contribute to the farm's operations.Family-friendly farms in New Paltz provide a hands-on experience that allows children to learn about farm life in a fun and engaging way. Whether it's petting and feeding animals at a farm petting zoo or taking a guided tour to learn about different farm animals, these activities are sure to create lasting memories for the whole family.Family-Friendly EventsAfter exploring the family-friendly farms in New Paltz and learning about farm life, it's time to discover the exciting and entertaining world of family-friendly events in this vibrant town. New Paltz offers a variety of events that are perfect for the whole family. Here are three events that are sure to evoke joy and create lasting memories:New Paltz Regatta and Rubber Duck Race: Join in the fun at the annual New Paltz Regatta and Rubber Duck Race. Watch as colorful rubber ducks race down the Wallkill River, and cheer for your favorite as they compete for the finish line. This event is filled with laughter, excitement, and friendly competition.New Paltz Winter Carnival: Embrace the winter season at the New Paltz Winter Carnival. This event features a range of activities for all ages, including ice skating, sledding, snowman building, and even a snowball fight. Warm up with hot cocoa and enjoy the festive atmosphere as you make memories with your loved ones.New Paltz Halloween Parade: Get into the spirit of Halloween at the New Paltz Halloween Parade. Dress up in your favorite costume and join the community in a lively parade filled with music, dancing, and plenty of candy. This event is perfect for families who love the thrill of Halloween and want to celebrate together.These family-friendly events in New Paltz provide an opportunity to bond with loved ones, embrace the joy of community, and create cherished memories. Whether it's cheering on rubber ducks, enjoying winter activities, or celebrating Halloween, these events offer something for everyone.Historical SitesNew Paltz is home to a rich tapestry of historical sites that offer a glimpse into the town's fascinating past. From the Huguenot Street Historic District to the Deyo House Historic Site, there are many places to explore and learn about the town's history. Take a step back in time with historical walking tours and immerse yourself in the past with historical reenactments.Here is a table showcasing some of the historical sites in New Paltz:Historical SitesDescriptionHuguenot Street Historic DistrictA National Historic Landmark that preserves the unique history and culture of the Huguenots who settled in New Paltz in the 17th century.Deyo House Historic SiteExplore this historic house museum that showcases the lifestyle of a wealthy 19th-century family in New Paltz.Historic Huguenot Street CemeteryDiscover the final resting place of the Huguenot settlers and learn about their lives and contributions.Historical walking tours provide a great opportunity to explore these sites and gain a deeper understanding of New Paltz's history. Knowledgeable guides will lead you through the streets, sharing interesting anecdotes and stories along the way. You'll feel as if you've traveled back in time as you walk in the footsteps of those who came before.For an even more immersive experience, don't miss the chance to witness historical reenactments. These events bring history to life as actors dress in period costumes and recreate significant moments from New Paltz's past. Whether it's a battle reenactment or a colonial market, you'll be transported to a different time and gain a newfound appreciation for the town's history.New Paltz's historical sites offer a window into the past and provide a unique and educational experience for the whole family. So, grab your walking shoes and prepare to be captivated by the rich history that awaits you in this charming town.Nature CentersAs we continue our exploration of New Paltz, let's now turn our attention to the fascinating world of nature centers. These centers offer a unique opportunity to connect with nature, learn about wildlife, and engage in hands-on activities.Here are three exciting nature center activities that are sure to captivate the whole family:Wildlife Education Programs: Immerse yourself in the wonders of the natural world through engaging wildlife education programs. From interactive exhibits to live animal presentations, these programs provide a chance to learn about local ecosystems, animal behavior, and conservation efforts. Get up close and personal with fascinating creatures and gain a deeper appreciation for the delicate balance of our planet's biodiversity.Guided Nature Walks: Embark on a guided nature walk led by knowledgeable naturalists who'll introduce you to the diverse flora and fauna of the region. Explore scenic trails while learning about the unique features of the local ecosystem. Observe birds in their natural habitats, identify different plant species, and discover the hidden wonders of the natural world. These walks offer a chance to reconnect with nature and experience the serenity of the great outdoors.Nature-themed Workshops: Participate in nature-themed workshops that foster creativity and appreciation for the environment. From art classes inspired by the beauty of nature to hands-on activities focused on sustainability, these workshops provide an opportunity to learn new skills while deepening your connection with the natural world. Engage in eco-friendly crafts, explore nature-inspired photography, or try your hand at creating nature journals. These workshops are a perfect blend of education and fun.Nature centers offer a wealth of opportunities to learn, explore, and connect with the natural world. Engage in wildlife education programs, join guided nature walks, and participate in nature-themed workshops to create lasting memories and foster a sense of wonder and appreciation for our planet's incredible biodiversity.Water ActivitiesTo make the most of your family trip to New Paltz, immerse yourselves in a world of water activities that offer fun and adventure for everyone.New Paltz is surrounded by beautiful bodies of water, providing plenty of opportunities for water sports and boat tours.If you're looking for some excitement, try your hand at water sports on the Hudson River. You can rent paddleboards or kayaks and explore the scenic river at your own pace. Feel the rush as you paddle through the gentle currents and take in the breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains.For a more relaxing experience, consider taking a boat tour on the Hudson River. Hop aboard a comfortable vessel and let the knowledgeable guides show you the sights. Cruise along the river while learning about the history and wildlife of the area. Keep your eyes peeled for bald eagles soaring above and maybe even catch a glimpse of a playful seal.No matter which water activity you choose, be sure to pack sunscreen, towels, and a sense of adventure. Remember to stay hydrated and respect the environment by practicing responsible water sports and leaving no trace behind.Arts and CraftsLooking to unleash your creativity and explore the world of arts and crafts in New Paltz? You're in luck! This vibrant town offers a variety of opportunities for art workshops and handmade crafts that will inspire and delight. Here are three exciting options to consider:Mud and Fire Pottery Studio: Step into the world of pottery and get your hands dirty at Mud and Fire Pottery Studio. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced artist, their pottery classes cater to all skill levels. Learn the art of throwing clay on a wheel, hand-building techniques, or glazing and firing your creations. The studio provides a supportive and encouraging environment where you can let your imagination run wild and create unique, one-of-a-kind pieces.Fiber Flame Studio: If textile arts are more your style, then Fiber Flame Studio is the place to be. This cozy and inviting studio offers a wide range of classes and workshops, including fiber arts, mixed media, and collage. Dive into the world of fabric, yarn, and paper as you explore various techniques such as weaving, knitting, and needle felting. Let your creativity flow as you create beautiful and intricate pieces that reflect your personal style.Wallkill River School of Art: Immerse yourself in the world of painting at the Wallkill River School of Art. This art school and gallery offers a variety of painting classes for all ages and skill levels. From acrylics to watercolors, landscapes to portraits, there's something for everyone. Learn from experienced instructors who'll guide you through the process, helping you develop your skills and unleash your artistic potential. Whether you're a seasoned painter or just starting out, the Wallkill River School of Art is the perfect place to express yourself and create masterpieces.With these art workshops and handmade crafts, New Paltz provides the perfect opportunity to explore your creative side. Let your imagination soar as you engage in these artistic endeavors and discover the freedom of self-expression. Whether you choose pottery, textile arts, or painting, you're sure to have an unforgettable experience that will leave you inspired and fulfilled.Sports and RecreationNew Paltz offers a wide range of exciting sports and recreational activities that are sure to keep the whole family entertained and active. Whether you're looking for outdoor adventures or indoor fun, there's something for everyone in this vibrant town.For those who enjoy outdoor activities, New Paltz is a paradise. You can explore the numerous hiking trails in Mohonk Preserve, where breathtaking views and serene nature await. If rock climbing is your thing, head to The Gunks, a world-renowned climbing destination. Biking enthusiasts can pedal along the Wallkill Valley Rail Trail, while water lovers can canoe or kayak on the Hudson River.If you prefer indoor activities, there are plenty of options as well. Visit the Children's Museum of the Hudson Valley, where kids can learn and play at the same time. Explore the Historic Huguenot Street, a living museum that takes you back in time. You can also catch a performance at the McKenna Theatre or bounce around at the indoor trampoline park, Bounce!New Paltz is also home to family-friendly sports facilities. Play a round of mini-golf at the Apple Greens Golf Course or try horseback riding at the Payne Farm Too. The SUNY New Paltz Tennis Courts are perfect for a friendly game of tennis, and the New Paltz Golf Course offers a beautiful setting for a round of golf. If you're visiting during the colder months, don't miss the opportunity to go ice skating at the Kiwanis Ice Arena.No matter what your interests are, New Paltz has something for everyone. So gather your family and get ready for a day filled with excitement and adventure in this charming town.Day TripsEmbark on a day trip from New Paltz and immerse yourself in the beauty and culture of the surrounding areas. There are plenty of nearby towns to explore, each offering its own unique attractions and landmarks. Here are three options that are sure to evoke a sense of adventure and freedom:Visit the Walkway Over the Hudson in Poughkeepsie: Take a stroll across the longest elevated pedestrian bridge in the world and soak in breathtaking views of the Hudson River and surrounding landscapes. Feel the wind in your hair as you walk along the expansive bridge, enjoying the freedom of being suspended high above the water.Explore the Mohonk Mountain House in New Paltz: Step back in time as you explore this historic Victorian castle nestled in the heart of the Shawangunk Mountains. Wander through lush gardens, hike scenic trails, or relax by the lake. Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the area and revel in the freedom of being surrounded by nature.Discover the Storm King Art Center in New Windsor: Lose yourself in the vast outdoor sculpture park that spans over 500 acres of rolling hills and fields. Marvel at the impressive collection of large-scale sculptures by renowned artists. As you wander through the expansive landscape, you'll feel a sense of freedom and liberation as you explore the intersection of art and nature.These day trips offer the perfect opportunity to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life and indulge in the freedom of exploration. So pack your bags, hit the road, and let the adventure begin!ShoppingWhen it comes to shopping in New Paltz, there's no shortage of unique and charming stores to explore. Whether you're looking for local boutiques or artisan markets, this town has it all.One of the must-visit places for shopping in New Paltz is the Water Street Market. This picturesque market is home to a variety of shops that offer everything from handmade jewelry to vintage clothing. You can spend hours browsing through the quaint stores and discovering one-of-a-kind treasures.Another great shopping destination in New Paltz is the New Paltz Plaza. This shopping center offers a wide range of stores, including popular retail chains and local businesses. You can find everything you need, from clothing and accessories to home decor and electronics. The plaza also has plenty of dining options, so you can grab a bite to eat after a day of shopping.If you're looking for unique and handmade crafts, the Unframed Artists Gallery is the place to go. This gallery features the work of local artists and artisans, offering a wide range of handmade items such as pottery, paintings, and sculptures. It's the perfect place to find a special gift or a piece of artwork to decorate your home.For fresh and local produce, don't miss the New Paltz Farmers Market. This market is held every Sunday and features a variety of vendors selling fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and more. It's a great place to support local farmers and enjoy the flavors of the Hudson Valley.In addition to these shopping destinations, Main Street in New Paltz is lined with charming antique shops. You can browse through a wide selection of vintage furniture, clothing, and collectibles, and maybe even find a hidden gem.With its local boutiques, artisan markets, and charming antique shops, New Paltz is a shopper's paradise. Whether you're searching for unique gifts, handmade crafts, or fresh produce, you're sure to find it in this vibrant town. So grab your wallet and get ready to explore the wonderful world of shopping in New Paltz.Seasonal ActivitiesAs the seasons change in New Paltz, there are a variety of activities that offer something for everyone to enjoy. From winter wonderlands to festive markets, here are three seasonal activities that will ignite your sense of adventure and create lasting memories:Christmas Tree Farms: Immerse yourself in the spirit of the holiday season by visiting one of the charming Christmas tree farms in New Paltz. Bring your family along and wander through rows of beautifully decorated trees, breathing in the crisp winter air as you search for the perfect centerpiece for your home. The joy of finding and cutting down your own Christmas tree is an experience that will bring smiles to faces of all ages.New Paltz Winter Farmers Market: Embrace the cozy atmosphere of the winter season by visiting the New Paltz Winter Farmers Market. This vibrant market showcases an array of local vendors offering fresh produce, artisanal goods, and homemade treats. Stroll through the market, savoring the scents of warm apple cider and freshly baked bread. Engage with the friendly vendors, supporting their small businesses and discovering unique treasures that will delight your taste buds and nourish your body.New Paltz Spring Clean-Up Day: As the winter months transition into spring, join the community in a day of rejuvenation and restoration. Participate in the New Paltz Spring Clean-Up Day, where families come together to beautify their town by cleaning up parks, streets, and public spaces. This hands-on activity not only promotes a sense of civic pride and environmental stewardship but also fosters a deeper connection with the community. Pitch in with your loved ones, rolling up your sleeves and making a tangible difference in the place you call home.Celebrate the changing seasons in New Paltz with these engaging and family-friendly activities. Whether you're searching for the perfect Christmas tree, exploring a winter farmers market, or giving back to your community, there's always something special to do in this vibrant town. So, embrace the freedom of the seasons and create unforgettable memories with your loved ones.Frequently Asked QuestionsAre There Any Nearby Wineries or Vineyards to Visit During a New Paltz Family Day Trip?Yes, there are nearby wineries and family-friendly vineyards to visit during a New Paltz family day trip. You can explore the Robibero Family Vineyards, where you can enjoy wine tastings and beautiful views of the vineyards.Another option is the Whitecliff Vineyard & Winery, which offers a variety of award-winning wines and a picnic area for families to relax and enjoy.These wineries provide a perfect opportunity to unwind and experience the local wine culture while spending quality time with your loved ones.What Are Some Family-Friendly Hiking Trails in the New Paltz Area?When it comes to family-friendly hiking trails in the New Paltz area, there are plenty of options to choose from.Take a leisurely stroll through the beautiful Mohonk Preserve, where you can enjoy scenic views and picnic spots along the way.Or, explore the trails at Minnewaska State Park, which offer a mix of easy and moderate hikes suitable for all ages.These local attractions for kids are the perfect way to connect with nature and create lasting memories as a family.Are There Any Family-Friendly Museums or Art Galleries in New Paltz?Yes, there are family-friendly museums and art galleries in New Paltz.The Dorsky Museum of Art is a great place to explore various art exhibits and learn about different artistic styles.The Samuel Dorsky Museum of Art is another museum that showcases contemporary art and offers educational programs for families.These museums provide a fun and educational experience for all ages, making them perfect destinations for a family day trip in New Paltz.Where Can Families Go for Swimming or Water Activities in New Paltz?For families looking for swimming spots or water activities in New Paltz, there are some great options to choose from.You can swim in the beautiful Lake Minnewaska, go fishing in the Wallkill River, or even try paddleboarding on the Wallkill River.Additionally, you can enjoy a boat tour on the Hudson River or have a picnic at the scenic Rosendale Trestle, which overlooks the Rondout Creek.There are plenty of opportunities for water fun in New Paltz!What Are Some Options for Family-Friendly Lodging in New Paltz for an Overnight Stay?When it comes to family-friendly lodging in New Paltz for an overnight stay, there are plenty of options to choose from. From cozy bed and breakfasts to spacious vacation rentals, there's something for every family's needs and preferences.These accommodations offer comfortable amenities and a welcoming atmosphere, ensuring a memorable and enjoyable stay for both parents and kids.With a range of kid-friendly activities in New Paltz, families can explore the outdoors, visit museums, and indulge in delicious meals, creating lasting memories together.ConclusionAs the sun sets on our family day trip to New Paltz, we carry with us memories that sparkle like the stars in the night sky.From soaring high on hiking trails to immersing ourselves in art and history, we discovered the beauty and wonder of this charming town.With bellies full of delicious meals and hearts full of joy, we bid farewell to New Paltz, knowing that our adventure will forever be etched in the tapestry of our family's story.
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2024.05.15 08:26 Aeogeus Do Not Fight Monsters

“What do you mean it’s wrong?” said Tamara, becoming frustrated with Samuel.
“I'm trying to tell you that plants do not eat earth. They just absorb nutrients from it,” Samuel replied, equally annoyed as this was the fourth time he had explained it. “Look, just take my word for it, OK,” he added.
“Fine, but you will have to explain it again,” Tamara retorted.
Samuel and Tamara were partners in a scientific study of their forest home. It was genuinely idyllic in every sense of the word; the trees stretched high into the sky, and everyone was covered in succulent leaves, a deep and gorgeous shade of green. Around their trunks were rings of flowers gathered from every continent, and a thick carpet of grass lay on the ground.
The two sat underneath a chestnut tree, writing up their findings for the day. It had focused mainly on tree sizes and growth rates, and they had continued this study for, on and off, almost a year.
Samuel turned to look at his assistant and found that she was just as remarkable as the day they had first met: golden locks, like living sunlight, tied neatly in a bun. Her eyes were an emerald green, and all in all, she was gorgeous. However, it was when you came to her waist that things became truly incredible because rather than a pair of legs, there was a long and wide snake’s tail.
It was huge, at least seven metres long and as wide as her torso. The scales were the same beautiful colour as her hair and reflected the sunlight in such a way that she appeared to glow. She was wearing an ultramarine tunic with a black diamond in the centre. She was like this not because of a plague, a curse or some mutation; Tamara was a Lamia; it was how she was born.
Samuel, on the other hand, looked far less impressive. He was around five foot ten, with dull brown hair and equally dull eyes. His stomach stuck out from the rest of him. No amount of exercise was able to get rid of it.
He was by every description a ‘dull as dishwater’ human. His clothes, however, were slightly more interesting. He wore a navy blue tunic with a thick leather belt wrapped around his waist. On his feet was a pair of excellent leather boots, able to withstand whatever the world threw at them and on his forearms and shins, he wore something Tamara had never seen or even heard of before: a pair of vambraces and greaves, Samuel called it armour.
Three strips of rugged leather layered on top of one another made up each piece, and between each layer was a collection of tiny metal beads. When Tamara asked what they were for, Samuel said they were for protection.
All of this would have been inconceivable to Samuel two years ago, but he had become used to it in time. Samuel was not born into this world; he had arrived. How? He did not know, but he remembered it all vividly; his senses had been overloaded, and at first, he believed he had died.
“What’s wrong?” Tamara asked Samuel, who had been silent for over a minute.
Samuel snapped out of his daydream and said: “nothing, just thinking about that day again.”
Tamara nodded and said nothing else; she knew exactly what was wrong.
Samuel went straight back to writing. When Samuel first showed up, there had been no paper or pens, but what was even stranger than the lack of these apparent necessities was that Samuel had had to invent both of these items.
Tamara and those like her did not possess a written language; they relied entirely on their memories, and until Samuel had shown up, Tamara had not even conceived of the notion, but she had picked it up astonishingly quickly.
“It still sounds like eating to me,” said Tamara, bringing the conversation back to the original topic.
“Well, it isn’t; eating requires a mouth and stomach,” Samuel replied.
“Says who?” Tamara asked defiantly.
“Says me,” Samuel answered.
Samuel jotted down the last of his notes and left the pages to dry in the sun. Samuel then turned to his right and looked at a large book, the size of a chair’s seat, bound in yellow leather and knotted by animal tendons. He picked it up and began to leaf through the pages.
His eyes glanced over paragraphs about oak trees and orchid flowers until he finally reached the section he sought; the page was titled Silver Birch (Betula Pendula).
“Have you finished the drawing on Silver Birch yet?” Samuel asked without looking.
Tamara was currently focused on a drawing of sunflowers, but she understood his request and, without looking up or saying a word, handed him the picture he wanted.
Samuel took the drawing and took several moments admiring it. Like all her work, the picture was astounding; not only did it look like an actual Silver Birch, but it also seemed to be alive, as though it would start blowing in the breeze.
Samuel punched four holes along the sheet's left side, undid the tendon strings and then attached the drawing behind the title page. He added eight more pages to his book, four of text and four illustrations.
Their work was now done; there was no more writing or drawing today, and he placed their work into a knapsack Tamara had brought with her. Samuel turned to his partner and asked: “so what do you want to do now?”
Tamara looked up through the canopy and could make out the silhouettes of several birds and finally said: “I’d quite like to fly.”
Samuel smiled, chuckled and said, “Yes, so would I, but that would require every member of the village working together for decades.”
Tamara looked Samuel in the eye and said: “are you making fun of me?”
Samuel did not reply; he just looked Tamara dead in the eye. She observed every minute twitch on Samuel's face and concluded he was not.
“How could a person fly?” She asked, suddenly intrigued.
“I don’t know, I’m not an engineer,” Samuel answered, “So apart from flying, what else do you want to do?”
Tamara let out a sigh and said: “I guess we will just have to walk.”
These were the moments Samuel lived for, just a quiet afternoon with his best friend enjoying a stroll; he was utterly content.
“You seem chipper,” Tamara said, noticing the growing smile on Samuel’s face.
“That’s because I feel chipper” he replied
They passed through the trees, heading towards their favourite spot, a beach by the side of a lake so large you could not see the other side.
“So, how is everyone?” Samuel said, trying to spark a conversation.
“You mean every single one because that could take a while?” Tamara replied.
“Let’s start with your mother” he clarified.
Tamara’s mother, Pancha, was more or less just a larger version of her daughter, just as brash and headstrong.
“She’s fine; she has finally stopped asking me what happened every time I come to meet you,” she said.
“Really, and it only took her two and a half years,” said Samuel with a smirk.
Yes, that first year here, had been a real trial. Samuel had never felt so scared, isolated and persecuted in his life. When he thought about it, he could still feel the fear and the hopelessness.
A gust of air slammed into Samuel’s face, bringing him back to the present, and what a wonderful time it was. The water was crystal clear, the beach was covered in sparkling white sand, and the distinct aroma of water wafted through the air. Samuel breathed it all in as Tamara spread herself over the beach.
The cooling breeze that Samuel found so enjoyable, Tamara found far less agreeable. Tamara was ectothermic or cold-blooded. She could not maintain her body temperature; she needed to absorb it from her environment, and the wind was slowly draining her.
“Comfortable down there?” Samuel asked.
Tamara turned her head, looked up at him and said: “Actually, yes, not as good as my bed, but still fine.”
Samuel left Tamara to her thermoregulation and strolled down to the water’s edge, “stay where I can see you!” Tamara called.
“Yes, MOM,” Samuel answered sarcastically, though he knew it was more for Tamara’s sake than his; she had a problem with open spaces.
Samuel closed his eyes, stretched his arms above his head, feeling his muscles strain against the tension, and yawned. Small tears formed in his eyes and wiped them away. He had only been up for a few hours but was ready for bed.
“Too much thinking, that was the problem,” Samuel mumbled to himself.
The sunlight sparkled on the water’s surface. It seemed as though millions of diamonds were suddenly brought into existence, danced for a few moments, and then vanished as quickly as they came. It was beautiful, just like everything else here.
He climbed up a rock that jutted from that sand and sat down, his legs dangling over the edge. As he kicked his legs, a ray of sun caught his greaves, and although the leather was rather dull, it still dazzled him.
Samuel heard a sound reminiscent of sandpaper brushing against wood, and he knew at once what it was. He waited four more seconds and said, without moving an inch, “Don’t even think about it!”
“How did you know?” Tamara asked, feeling simultaneously impressed, confused and disappointed.
Samuel looked her in the eye and replied: “who do you think you’re dealing with?”
Tamara had not clambered up the rock like Samuel; she had simply raised herself on her tail so she stood over two metres high.
“Are you feeling better?” he asked.
Tamara smiled and answered, “yes, thanks for asking.”
Tamara moved behind Samuel and then began to coil around the boulder, and if he had not experienced it all before, it would have been unnerving. Tamara was only twelve and a half, yet she was already far stronger than him. Samuel was sure if Tamara really wanted to, she could crush a bison to death. After the graceful dance around the stone, she sat down beside Samuel.
The pair was silent for a few minutes, except for a quick coughing fit by Samuel; they took in the unnatural beauty of their surroundings.
“Hey, I have a question,” said Tamara, coming back to her senses.
“What is it?” Samuel replied.
“You still haven’t told me why we are studying the forest?” She asked.
In an instant, Samuel became deeply confused. To him, it seemed all too obvious why they were doing it.
“There is no practical reason for doing it. We do it so that we know,” Samuel answered.
Tamara became silent. Samuel realised that she was deep in thought and decided to give her all the time she needed until she finally said: “Is this one of those human things?”
Samuel, upon hearing this, gave a small chuckle and answered: “yes, if you like.”
Suddenly, something caught Samuel’s eye. It was a crab, no bigger than a golf ball. Its back was powder blue, and it held its arms upright, its claws pointing down. The tiny creature would walk forward, scoop some sand into its mouth, and then leave a small pellet behind.
“Look at that!” said Samuel, nudging Tamara’s shoulder and pointing at the tiny crustacean. Tamara turned her head and looked directly at where he was pointing; she strained her eyes at what she thought was a pebble; she was about to climb down and collect it when it suddenly moved, and she squealed.
Tamara dragged the bottom end of her tail up from the beach and timidly said, “What’s that?”
Samuel remembered that tone of voice all too well, and it brought with it some unpleasant memories, but he pushed them to the back of his mind and said: “it’s a crab.”
Samuel was certain he had seen this type of crab before but could not put a name to the image. Samuel was sure he had read about them, watched a documentary, or attended a lecture, but he could not remember. Ultimately, he decided to drop it for now and see if the answer would come to him.
Tamara kept staring at it as though she believed it would pounce if she took her eyes off it for one second.
“Is it dangerous?” she asked, her voice hushed to ensure the creature did not notice her.
Samuel sighed and answered: “it’s a crab, Tamara, unless you happen to be a nematode then…”
Samuel paused mid-sentence as his brain finally connected the dots and asked, “Wait, you have never seen a crab before?”
This perplexed Samuel for a moment until he remembered that Tamara did not have a television, a car, and she could not fly a plane, so it was not unexpected that she would not know what a crab was.
Tamara shook her head in response to his question, and Samuel added: “you know what a woodlouse is, right?”
Tamara nodded and said, “I like woodlice.”
“Well, a crab is just a type of woodlouse that lives near water,” Samuel concluded.
However, he could tell from her face that she was unconvinced, so he got off the rock, walked over to the tiny creature, wary of its pincers, and picked it up by its backside.
“What are you doing?” Tamara called in alarm.
Samuel held the animal, its legs flailing wildly in an attempt to escape, and said, “showing you there is nothing to be worried about.”
Taking care not to crush it, Samuel clambered back up the rock and presented the animal to her. Tamara stared at it for some as the crab bobbed its eye up and down and tried in vain to find a part of Samuel it could nip.
“It’s actually kind of… cute,” Tamara said after two minutes of silence.
She relaxed her tail and let it rest on the beach once more. “Can it hold it?” She asked Samuel, fear being replaced by interest.
“Of course, you can. Just make sure you hold it by its back and be careful of the pincers; if they get you, it will hurt.”
Samuel handed the crab over to her and watched as Tamara began to inspect the animal from every angle. The crab had a white underbelly and purple joints.
“You think you could draw it from memory?” Samuel asked.
“Hmm?” Tamara replied. Samuel let out a sigh and repeated. After three more attempts, Tamara finally took notice and said, “Yes.”
Five minutes later, Samuel said, “we should probably put him back now.”
Tamara moaned about it, but Samuel said: “he has his own life, Tamara; you can’t keep him!”
She conceded, grumbling under her breath, and gently placed the animal back on the sand. As the crab dashed away, the two noticed that while they had been fixated on that single crab, thousands more had emerged on the beach.
Upon seeing the swarm of animals make their way across the beach, Tamara let out a squeal and once again pulled her tail up off the beach. The army of crabs marched along the shore. The collective walking produced a sound loud enough to hear from fifty metres away, and at last, Samuel remembered what they were and said, with no small amount of satisfaction in his voice, “they’re soldier crabs.”
“What are they going to do?” Tamara asked, concerned by the sudden appearance of so many creatures.
Samuel kept staring at the gathering, but he heard her question and replied, “They’re just feeding,” and added quickly, “But we are far too big for them.”
“That's odd,” Samuel said under his breath.
“I know there are so many of them,” Tamara said, deeply unnerved by the sheer vastness of the swarm.
“No,” Samuel said, “There should be this many of them; it’s where they are that is strange.”
Tamara momentarily took her eyes off the army and asked, “So where should they be.” There was a slight flicker of fear in her voice at the prospect of being invaded; rats and mice where bad enough. They did not need another pest.
“By the sea, not a freshwater lake,” he answered.
“The Sea?” Tamara almost yelled. Samuel was a little surprised by this enthusiasm and turned to face her.
“Yes,” he said.
“Have you ever been to the sea,” she asked.
“Yes, many times,” Samuel said, uncertain where this was going.
“I bet it’s wonderful,” Tamara added with a smile.
Samuel was silent as his brain connected a few dots and asked: “how can you know about the sea if you don’t know about crabs?”
She smiled; Tamara enjoyed it when she knew something that he did not, “there is a story that my mom told me that before we came to this forest, we were a different people that lived by the sea.” Tamara paused for a breath.
“But then humans came and drove us from the water, and we fled inland. Our people split into two. One half went to the mountains, and the other settled in the forest.”
Tamara finished and waited for his reply. Samuel, however, just kept looking at her. Tamara was concerned that she had upset him; he did not like it when humans were labelled as the enemy, yet his face and posture were not those of one who was sad or angry.
“You people blame us for everything, don’t you?” Samuel said with a chuckle.
“If there is a fire, it’s a human’s fault. If there is an earthquake, it’s a human’s fault. If a little Boreray boy drinks all their apple juice in one gulp, it’s a human’s fault.”
“So, getting back on topic, where did these “Soldier crabs” come from anyway? We have visited this lake for over two years and never seen even a glimpse?” Tamara asked. Samuel looked back to the slowly advancing army, and several ideas flashed through his head.
“Maybe they have been dormant up until now; perhaps they make a large circle around the lake shore, and it’s simply luck that we were here on the day they passed by, or maybe the migrated here from somewhere else.”
They watched the crabs' ceaseless march until Tamara said, “These things are still giving me the creeps. Can we go now?” Samuel could not argue that there was something eerie about all of these animals appearing, seemingly, from nowhere; however, there was still one thing he had to be certain of.
“You think you could draw one from memory?” he asked.
Tamara’s face contorted in a scowl. Samuel, for all his good points, could become far too focused on his research, which often caused him to become ignorant of other people.
Yet she knew sitting here yelling at him would accomplish nothing, so she told him the truth: “Yes, can we go now!” Samuel nodded and then slid off the rock. Tamara copied him, and they both slinked back to the cover of the trees.
Now that she was beneath the canopy, Tamara let out an enormous sigh of relief as the anxiety slowly left, and the close air warmed her body. On the other hand, Samuel began to chafe at the stagnant air while his head began to bead with sweat, but it was nothing he had not experienced before, so he gritted his teeth and bared with it.
With their plans now ruined, Tamara and Samuel wandered aimlessly through the woods, chatting about what they could do to fill the rest of the day. Several ideas arose, including visiting a nearby waterfall and a set of monument stones, but none truly appealed to them.
In the end, Tamara said, “how about we just call it a day?”
Samuel was happy about this. Tamara was his only form of human contact, yet he could not deny the pointlessness of wandering around the woods, so he said, “Ok, but let’s take the long way.”
Samuel heard a sound above him and saw a red squirrel scampering through the trees.
“Is it difficult?” Tamara asked.
Samuel looked at Tamara and replied, “Well, it can give me a crick in my neck sometimes.”
Tamara let out a short laugh and clarified, “No, I mean, is it difficult being so inquisitive? It looks exhausting.”
He was not entirely sure what she meant by that. To Samuel, Tamara was every bit as curious as him, so he stated: “you tell me, you went out looking for me just because you wanted to know.”
“True,” answered Tamara, “and everyone has always said that I am always asking questions, but you’re like a boar that just ate sugar beat.”
“I have no idea what that means,” Samuel said, shaking his head. “But I do know that people always told me, when I was a boy, that humans are, by their nature, infinitely curious, but personally, I think that it’s just how I was born.” there was a pause, and he quickly added, “just like you.”
Tamara’s fingers started to numb as she brushed them against the bark of passing trees. She took a good look at the trees around her. Tamara had lived her entire life sheltered by these trees. This place was her home, her family’s home and her friend’s home, and she loved it, a perfect example of the innate beauty of nature.
Samuel, however, was of a different opinion this forest disturbed him, though this feeling had diminished with time. The trees all grew in perfect symmetry, four and a half strides form each other.
From Tamara’s perspective, there was nothing strange about this, yet Samuel often said that this should not be possible, that the wood should be a mess and that the trees should grow in an unorganised fashion. Yet to Tamara, the idea of messy forests was just as impossible as a structured one was to him.
Noon came and went, and Samuel’s stomach began to rumble. His breakfast was becoming a distant memory; he thought he might be able to bear it for another hour or so, but as they travelled closer to the village, Tamara started to become irritated by Samuel’s constant growling.
“We need to find you something to eat before that sound drives me nuts!” Tamara stated bluntly.
“That’s all well and good, my dear, so long as you can materialise food out of the aether,” answered Samuel, with just a hint of condescension in his voice.
Tamara did not know what the aether was, but it did not matter. “No, but I do know a nearby tree with some great fruit in it,” she replied.
Samuel found this strange for two reasons. Firstly, he found it very difficult to believe there was a source of food in this forest that either he had not found, or Tamara had not told him about yet.
Secondly that, Tamara would know much about something she could not eat. Tamara was strictly carnivorous; she ate nothing but meat.
He wanted answers fast and asked: “So why haven’t you told me about this before?”
“Because I can’t stand the smell, that’s why, and I didn’t want you stinking up the place,” she explained.
“If it smells disgusting, what makes you think I will eat it?” he asked.
“Because the Boreray can’t get enough of it, some of them say that they taste like all the best parts of every fruit and vegetable we grow, which is a shame because they smell like all the worst,” she added.
He asked no more questions. He was too busy thinking; this fruit sounded so familiar, but he could not remember. The need to survive day in day out had pushed most of his standard learning, from school and university to the back of his mind, not forgotten mind you just buried.
I'm back with Tamara and Samuel latest adventure. If you like what you've read so far and want to know where it's going you can find the complete story by following the links below.
If you do decide to read ahead please leave a review or rating, every single one helps immensely, and helps me keep doing what I'm doing.
Also the e-book will be at a reduced price until the last chapter it published on reddit.
submitted by Aeogeus to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:27 g3thic [F4A] Genres and Fandoms!

[F4A] Genres and Fandoms!
Hello again! I’m not sure if you’ve seen my other posts about a fandom roleplay but this one is gonna be about any roleplay in general, fandoms included. This’ll be pretty detailed and I’ll let you know the parts if you want to skip ahead (I suggest you don’t). If you don’t wanna read all of this, then don’t. This was made for people willing to read blocks of paragraphs and maybe even respond with their own.
My name is Hina. To know more about me, I hail from Japan and I have been an avid writer ever since I moved to the States when I was 11. My second language is English but I believe it’s been pretty good. I recently turned 22 years old and I'm female. Talking about age, I would be comfortable with you being 17+ and preferably at least 20. Roleplaying with minors isn’t a big thing for me, I apologize. I’m in the west coast, PST timezone. Let’s see.. What other information can I give you? I would say I enjoy skating, basketball, watching tv shows and anime, and reading. My favorite anime is Nana and Death Note.
I am not looking for a specific roleplay. I would say i’m skilled in all genres. Sci-fi, fantasy, horror, apocalypse. All of that. Even slice of life, though that depends on what type of plot exactly. To be more specific on each genre, starting off with fantasy, I'm more used to high fantasy and mythology. I’m not that great with medieval, unfortunately. DnD based role plays aren’t really fit for me and I struggle playing with species like ogres. Just putting that out here. For fantasy, I don’t have any specific ideas.
Sci-fi is the genre I have more skill in. Most of my roleplays are based off of them! Specifically, I’m fine with all subgenres of that.
For other genres like horror and apocalypse, I do have some taste. I really like monsters and creepy things from the horror genre like vampires and all of that and I even have my own idea set up in older times dealing with vampire lords and hunters and all of that. I also enjoy eldritch type horror. I also like that one sun genre of it, like video game horror? I’m not sure how to describe it. I also forgot if it even has an official name or if it’s just something used to describe the horror genre. I like Resident Evil, so maybe that’ll tell you the type of horror I usually enjoy. I do have a developed idea of something more eldritch horror.
More on fandoms! To get some other things down, I usually only play OC unless the character you want me to play is one I know more about and I'm more comfortable playing. The fandoms I like in the more anime way are Jojo’s, Nana, Death Note, JJK, AOT, Haikyuu, and probably more. I’m well versed in the Jojo’s, Aot, and JJK fandoms but less knowledgeable on Death Note since i’ve only seen it once. Other fandoms i’m in include ATLA, TLOK, Harry Potter, Resident Evil, Marvel, DC, and many more.
I tend to use character sheets to describe my character, these usually consist of names, background, and personality. More so on appearances, I prefer using animated or drawn references than real life people. I enjoy good enough references where I get the idea of how the character would look like.
The types of characters I write are either the lone wolf type that has some sad past which leads them to want to join someone for a redemption arc or the bubbly character who is the one that brings the mood up and is usually seen as trustworthy and of that kind.
I like all types of tropes, especially enemies to lovers or rivalry. I also really enjoy opposites attract as a whole from either opposite personality or something else they would be opposites in. Enemies to lovers takes my heart, though. I love seeing the characters go past the urge to ultimately hate each other and/or go past their usual way of disliking the others lineage or upcoming.
I think this is my last paragraph on the roleplay. It’s the most important, at least. Requirements. All roleplay searches come with them. Or at least that’s what I heard! But don’t fret, there isn’t much.
I’ve seen this as one of the most used requirements, and I agree with it. As someone who’s first language wasn’t English, I understand that you may not be great at it. But please, I do require a partner that at least has proper use of grammar and punctuation. You don’t even have to use big words or anything, just at least know where to put your periods and the placement of your words.
My second requirement is for you to be LITERATE! Please. I’m a big writer, I tend to ramble on and tend to write more than what I thought I would. (like i’m doing right now) I write multiple paragraphs from the starter until the scene relaxes. I also understand that sometimes writing big blocks of words every response is tiring or boring so I don’t expect it all the time, at least after the starter has been made and in more important scenes. Dialogue also cuts my replies shorter.
Please please please be polite in OOC! We may just be role playing together but kindness goes all ways. If we do include OOC, I enjoy talking about many things. My day, movies, games, funny moments and stories, all of that!
I think that’s the end to this wonderful journey of an ad about my search. I hope you are still here, fellow writer! I would LOVE it if you reached out to me! This wasn’t all for nothing, right!
But don’t leave yet! I do have a passcode. I know this was a jumble of words and rambling but I still have to put one in. I heard that there’s a lot of people on here that don’t read things fully and miss out on rules or information! But.. Just because you read through this all, I’ll gladly give you options on the passcode! Also please put in an introduction of yourself! Don’t think “Oh maybe I shouldn’t bother this person with too much to read”! I like seeing big blocks.
What’s your dream country to travel to and why?
Who’s your favorite TV show / Cartoon / Game / Anime character?
Feel free to pick both! Now, that’s all from me. Please don’t put your request as just “Wanna rp”!
submitted by g3thic to Roleplay [link] [comments]