Crna takes adderall

Pragmatic Nootropics

2019.05.06 15:27 SwissTac0 Pragmatic Nootropics

This is a new subreddit created with purpose of spreading knowledge and wisdom on the usage of nootropics. THis subreddit is different because it takes a very skeptical approach to Modafinil and Adderall usage and seeks to find ways to minimize the usage of these very powerful substances.

2024.05.18 23:38 Regular_Bee_5605 I am over the methylphenidate class, just sucks badly for me

I foolishly asked to switch from amphetamines to try methylphenidate-based ones. The problem is that the potency is so incredibly low compared to amphetamines. I honestly can't feel even 1/10 the effects of amphetamines. I fall asleep on Concerta; I NEVER fell asleep on adderall, not even after years of taking it, because it was a real stimulant. It's going to be difficult to get back on an amphetamine now, but I must find a way.
submitted by Regular_Bee_5605 to Concerta [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:05 Kellyrva512 Adderall and period question

I am 41 and 2 months ago I started taking Dextroamp-amphet er 10mg but last month increased To 20mg I was on it for a 2 weeks and then my monthly menstrual cycle which went as normal except I had some cramps however 2 days after stopping I started spotting So I stopped taking it for a couple of days and then it stopped so I continue taking it however this month it is a repeat of last month
I'm wondering if this is attributed to medicine or if this is something else that I should be concerned about? I do need to schedule an appointment just to make sure I don't freak out however I also appreciate some reassurance from other people as I have read that adderall can sometimes mess with your menstrual cycle.
Again I appreciate y'alls input thanks.
submitted by Kellyrva512 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 23:04 RevolutionaryCoyote8 Coast fire at 43 - plausible?
Looking to coast fire at age 43, after partner finishes grad school (CRNA)
Until age 43, I'll (continue) to invest $4300/month
Player 2 work until grad school and will take out 300k in loans (woof)
My plan is to go part time at age 43 (est 62k/year)
(Note: apparently on reddit you can't edit picture posts, so I'm posting this one with a link so I can add clarity when people undoubtedly ask what the hell I'm on about
submitted by RevolutionaryCoyote8 to coastFIRE [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:54 Accomplished_Ad_5079 IVIM 3 month jump start

Does anyone know if you receive the entire 3 month supply of medication all at once? And when the dosing instructions say to take 5 “units”, what does that equate to? I can’t find any information on their website. My intake specialist also said because I’m on adderall, my dose should be higher, but I can’t get anyone to help me address this. Any help or advice is appreciated!
submitted by Accomplished_Ad_5079 to Semaglutide [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:41 BettyFlores843 Ugh my pharmacy is out of adderall and I take it every day for adhd. I take 15 mg instant release. I am out of luck for probably a week and am concerned about feeling awful. If I were to buy them illegally what would I expect to pay per pill?

There's no way around it, looking at models all day is not life progress. You'll never fuck the girls you see on here. Don't you want to give yourself a real chance? If you want to make the effort and actually fuck a woman, you have to Sign up on Misty Seed 113 to find an actual horny human being that would be dumb enough to date you.
submitted by BettyFlores843 to StreetValue [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:36 Nijarlep12 Is adderall/amphetamine peaty?

Instead of drinking coffe, how about taking another stimulant like adderall. Would this affect the thyroid negatively or positively?
submitted by Nijarlep12 to raypeat [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:26 Rakhca Bupropion withdrawal after being prescribed adderall

My psychiatrist just put me on adderall recently and told me to stop taking the bupropion in fear id be overstimulated with the two medications. I started adderall and stopped bupropion on the same day, and I’ve been feeling very heavy headed and have been experiencing a lot of brain fog. Is this anything you guys have experienced before? How long does it last?
submitted by Rakhca to bupropion [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:20 DragonflyUnhappy3980 SLOW DOWN! You don't need to floss so hard!

I switched from Adderall to Dexedrine about 5 months ago. Since then, I've had remarkable success with maintaining commitment to productive habits which I had been neglecting for several years!
But I still have a tendency of rushing things, and that is not what anyone should be doing if you're doing really delicate work, like working the plaque and rotten bits of food out from between your teeth.
Flossing too hard can ERODE YOUR GUMS!!
so if you want to start building a flossing habit, here's my advice:
Proper flossing technique is a challenging skill to master, you need to practice at it.
Do it in the evening before bed! That way, you won't be stressing about running out the door in the morning to catch the bus!
Gently wiggle the floss between your teeth and gums, and slowly bring it all the way down until you feel the tiniest of pressure. It's important to maintain a calm & relaxed state when you gently work it up, and all the way back down again!
Remember, you're not sanding wood here!
Repeat this 3 times before switching to the adjacent gum, and soon you'll be all finished!
Same goes for brushing, THE TINIEST BIT OF PRESSURE! You want a soft-bristle toothbrush, and you'll gently glide it across your teeth and gums.
Take. your. TIME! You don't have to tug as hard as you can, donshaknow!
submitted by DragonflyUnhappy3980 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 22:01 BrittAnne1996 Overstimulated as heck. Ugh

I've never felt so overstimulated. Usually I just feel over emotional. Starting yesterday, I've been so over sensitive with feeling. Just last night, I couldn't sleep with my shirt on. It was making me SO uncomfortable, like I wanted to claw my skin off. I just started taking Adderall, as I just got diagnosed last month. My doctor has already upped my medication, and I'm now on 20mg of the IR, whereas I was on 10mg IR. I'm hoping I just feel this way cause of my meds and I'll get use to them in the next few weeks. I'm so overstimulated, I'm stuck in ADHD paralysis. I so bad want to play my videogame, but I'm just so uncomfortable. I need to move but I can't. My arms feel like I have 20lb weights on them and I want to cry and scream. Please, tell me this gets better. I just want to feel normal. 🥺
submitted by BrittAnne1996 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:46 Natuanas What's your experience with CBD/CBG oil?

I have dellusions and paranoia that I feel intensifying over time, not to mention my severe depression and anxiety. I don't want to be on any type of medication as I'm scared of all of them. I was researching about cbd/cbg oil and it works great for "normal people", but I'm also scared how I will react to it being as I am. CBD isolate I'll take with more bravery as it is known to be an effective antipsychotic, but due to my depression and anxiety, I also wanted to take CBG in a broad spectrum tincture. However, although it doesn't lead to the same impairment as THC, it's psychoactive, as it can be similar to adderall and give focus, energy, euphoria. I'm worried this might trigger me. I just want help...
submitted by Natuanas to schizoaffective [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:36 BIueEyedDeviI No symptoms on xanax

Backstory: one year ago M25, had unprotected anal, next few days had high anxiety, itchy head, slight rash. From what I remember the rash cleared up within a month and the only lingering symptom is frequent urination/occasional burning while peeing. Did a full Std panel including Trich 3 month after encounter, all negative.
My question is, is it possible that xanax and even adderall takes away my frequent urination if I have mgen, or does it seem more like Cpps?
submitted by BIueEyedDeviI to MycoplasmaGenitalium [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:33 The-Unmentionable Want to share my coworkers well intended advice with people that understand how silly it was to me…

I couldn’t remember if I had taken my Adderall before leaving for work. Normally I can tell right away which it is but was having a hard time of it. At one point I mentioned my internal debate aloud. One of my coworkers reminded me of a feature in the Apple health app for tracking when you take meds. It’s a simple feature that involves manually pressing the button for the day to indicate you took your meds.
I laughed.
My brand of brain functioning reads those words as a new layer of hell waiting to happen. I instantly imagined myself still wondering if I took the pill and wondering if I updated the app accordingly.
Did I take the pill but forget to mark it? Did I forget the pill and that’s why it’s not marked? Did I take the pill and accidentally mark the wrong day?
It would add more confusion and illuminate nothing for me! Not to mention I try and stay as far away from my phone as possible due to how prone I am to rabbit holes and distractions. I’d be halfway to taking my pill, not want to forget to mark it so go to pull up the app, see a notification or just have straight up instant amnesia, and end up scrolling myself late and unmedicated. I see it 🔮
He could not understand why I rejected the idea but I appreciate his efforts. I’m sure it works well for many in this community but I also know there’s a whole lot of you that can relate.
submitted by The-Unmentionable to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 21:27 NecessarySort3 Which medication is least strong?

I have had Covid and was not taking my Adderall XR 30 mg for several days and found that a bad leg shaking disturbance had gone away. Obviously I need some sort of medication. Is nuvigil 50 mg going to be less strong? Forgive my newbie question. Thanks in advance. I have asked my doctor but they are not available at the moment.
submitted by NecessarySort3 to Narcolepsy [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:38 Working-Reveal8818 Concerta

I was on concerta 36mg for 3 weeks and noticed no difference except on my mood, I was hoping it would help with my MOTIVATION AND ATTENTION DEFICIT ISSUES. I was shocked when the amount it helped w my mood. I ended up switching to adderall and adderall is not great for me, I’m having weird side effects, like the blues and it makes me tired. I’m wondering if anyone takes more than 36mg on concerta? That maybe I needed more? I also take Wellbutrin so I’m wondering if I’m not feeling the 36mg bc of the Wellbutrin. Any have these issues? Or suggestions? Thanks
submitted by Working-Reveal8818 to Concerta [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:18 dmf5222 Am I suppose to feel like this?

I’m a 32f and I’ve been on adderall 25XR for about 12+ years now and I’ve always felt my dosage should be higher. However my PCP is the one who prescribes it and she refuses to let me go any higher unless a psychiatrist prescribes it despite several psychologists agreeing I should up my dose. She constantly just tries to prescribe me anxiety medicines to compensate none of which I liked. So finally after all these years I’ve gone to see a psychiatrist who started me on qelbree 100mg for 7 days 200 for the next 7 and 300 after that. I’m on day 4 of the 100mg dose and while I can tell my symptoms aren’t like how they are when I don’t take anything I instead feel like my brain has slowed so far down that I don’t feel like myself. I almost feel like I’m outside of my own body. Is this what normal feels like? If so I don’t like it. I feel like my thoughts are sitting in a queue waiting to be thought causing my to lay awake at night just thinking trying to finish out the queue.
submitted by dmf5222 to qelbree [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 20:13 DemonSwordsman53 Need help with PvP (console)

So my friend on PlayStation got into Sea of Thieves and as such the rest of my friends have gotten back into it over on Xbox. I'll start by saying that I didn't get very far in terms of progression back when I played a couple years ago.
My friends and I have always felt completely out classed in all forms of combat with other players. When it comes to naval combat (not including them boarding us like they're Sam Fisher) we can't seem to damage them enough to sink them. Our performance when it comes to hitting with cannons is varied but generally ok I would say. We can hold out fine with repairs and all that, but the fight just doesn't seem to get anywhere.
I'm aware of the basic strategy and have watched numerous videos as well as asked other players (when they weren't actively trying to kill me) what I should do to better my skills in combat. The general consensus is don't be an idiot and keep your cannons on them whilst keeping their cannons off of you where possible. Aim for the mast with chainshot and drop their anchor if you manage to board them, at which point you can circle around them and blast them from all sides. If their mast is down then try to keep them from getting it back up via cannons or even blunderbombs. All that is just common sense more or less, but we can't seem to get to that stage because we keep getting boarded and obliterated instantaneously via blunderbuss.
When it comes to boarding I don't understand how it feels this unfair. I'm well aware of the "controller only" option and I always opt for that because I know I wouldn't stand a snowball's chance otherwise. Obviously boarding via ladder means you're gonna get blasted immediately, but when I get launched into their ship via cannons I feel like I wouldn't be getting disintegrated by a blunderbuss within the first second of landing. I've been told numerous times, and have experienced more than enough times, that the blunderbuss is the best weapon to have. I know it's possible to get a one shot kill if you can blast them from point blank range and as such, I always keep the blunderbuss equipped.
This is where I'm gonna sound like a kid in a Call of Duty lobby. Whenever I blast people from unfathomably close range with the blunderbuss, I rarely get the one shot kill. What's even more baffling to me is that even after getting a close range hit, the proceed to take three or more shots from about three or four feet away and then I'm getting killed from two to three shots on average.
Two points that need to be brought up are helping and accuracy. I know you can heal, but the problem is that in these instances, that are the source of my frustration, they never put their weapon away and I see them reloading before firing again and they rinse and repeat. When I do see them heal then obviously I can understand why their tanking as many shots as they are, especially if it's a pineapple that they scarf down. As far as accuracy there's obviously a lot of variation because the blunderbuss fires pellets in a spread. Understandably not all of the pellets are going to connect (unless the barrel is down their throat) but a good portion of pellets hitting would lead me to believe that they've received a fair bit of damage. The fights that are the most infuriating is when we're both hopping around like rabbits and firing the blunderbuss whenever we see fit like it's a no-scope battle from mw2 (the good one from 2009), contrary to a no-scope battle, there's no luck involved which makes me feel like I'm playing with a handicap. I'm pretty good at hopping around and hitting shots, but am I just not hitting enough with enough pellets and their just hitting me with a couple more? It feels really bad when I've spent all this time sailing around looting or whatever and when a fight comes around I just can't win.
Given the variation in schedules, if I'm playing with somebody it's almost always on a sloop, but sometimes we have enough people online for a brig. When it comes to fighting on the Brigantine I feel less confident because there's a lot more to cover and the slower speed definitely throws a wrench in the usual way we maneuver during combat (which is obviously a skill issue). When it comes to Sloop vs Sloop combat, I feel fine and can maneuver the ship comfortably and efficiently. But when we get in a fight we can NEVER sink them. I believe I've sank an enemy sloop three times throughout my entire career. We can blast them to hell with cannons and knock down their mast, but then we get boarded and get blasted while they repair their ship and keep the pressure on us. Given that you can only have two people on a sloop, they must be on Adderall to be performing all those tasks that quickly whilst their crewmate assaults us onboard our ship. The best we can manage is killing them when they board while we still get hit from their cannons. We can hold out for a long time and keep some pressure on them with our cannons, but between them boarding and needing to repair, we wind up losing any kind of momentum we had in the fight. We're good enough at the naval combat, but can't get ahead in the fight when it comes to the player combat.
I'm honestly not sure what hope there is for me because I feel like I'm doing everything I can, but I'm just not good enough to compete with other players. I know there's the safer seas option, but that takes the fun out of it for me. I want to have conflict and I want there to be danger, but I just wind up losing every fight I get into. I'm not expecting to win every fight, I'm just wanting to not lose every fight.
submitted by DemonSwordsman53 to Seaofthieves [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:49 Dry-Temporary-6084 Do I tell my psych about stimulant misuse? (Not addiction)

For context: 23F, bipolar disorder 1 (stable w meds), now seeking treatment for ADHD. Other disorders diagnosed as well but irrelevant.
I got my official diagnoses when I was 21. Everything finally made sense. Started treatment for bipolar disorder and am officially stable. Now currently treating ADHD.
If you don’t know, stimulants can cause hypomanic/manic episodes in individuals with bipolar disorder. Stimulants are widely discouraged if the patient isn’t taking a mood stabilizer and/or antipsychotic. (This is also true for antidepressants as well).
Now that I’m medicated and stable for that, we tried Strattera first. The starting dose didn’t help, and the second dose made me so incredibly nauseous I couldn’t even work. Now we’re trying guanfacine. I’ve heard it makes you super groggy even when taken at night. I already struggle tremendously with low energy and low motivation.
Prior to my diagnosis, I had taken Adderall XR in my teens. Obviously, it worked as intended rather than make me speed. That is what led to my self-diagnosis. My brain was just… quiet. It’s like all the tabs closed and the radios turned off and I could have one singular thought at a time. If I thought about something I needed to do, I just got up and did it. No pep talk. No procrastination. No beating myself up because I just simply couldn’t. I just did it.
I haven’t told my psych about the adderall because.. ya know. Illicit use still. But I’m getting tired of this trial and error (I was previously medicated for MDD and bipolar 2 for roughly 10 years before my bipolar 1 diagnosis) with medications, and I know that Adderall at least helps. But I also can’t afford to come across as drug seeking. ADHD is really starting to impact my job and my personal life. I have a husband, a toddler, two cats, work full time, college part time starting in the fall, etc.
submitted by Dry-Temporary-6084 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:43 ColonClenseByFire I'm losing the wife(DX) i love to Adderall

I feel guilty.. I suggested she (dx) talk to a doctor about some of her issues which I attributed to adhd. The doctor prescribed her and our marriage of 15 years is going down the drain. I am not perfect and I do not pretend to be but we are to the point she has told me she isn't sure if she wants to divorce or not. She was never like this before Adderall but now I am to the point I do 10 things right and mess up on 1 and I am back down to -20. I am a chronic pain sufferer with 25% of my back fused with spinal cord damage thrown in and everyday is pain. I do what I can and before it was good enough but now its not.
She had workaholic tendencies before and now its kicked it into full gear. She is working 12+ hour days at home and then crashing. There is rarely us time. I recently lost my job due to hospital stays that was (wrongly) denied FMLA and now that I am at home all the time she excepts me to do everything around the house. That is fine but at the same time she wants me to spend 10+ hours a day applying for jobs. As well as taking care of our kid. I just cant keep up.
She was unable to take any criticism before and now its completely out the window. So asking about lower dose or changing meds is out the window. I am coming to terms with our relationship is may be over even though I am fighting like hell for it but I cant get past the idea of not being near my kid all day everyday. We have had somewhat heated discussions and I felt like at points she was saying stuff just to try to egg on a reaction. I am not a yeller and never have been but it seems like she is trying so she can say I am the bad guy.
Example: She talked about heading to visit her mother with our kid for a small vacation and i broke down balling. Her reaction... "Ohh that hurt"
I don't know what I can do. We share the same doctor I don't even know if I can a consolation she would listen to me about my wife or the extra stress. Any ideas?
submitted by ColonClenseByFire to ADHD_partners [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:40 Weebaccountrip My higher dose of adderall made my ADHD symptoms worse?

Been steadily increasing adderall dose with my Dr. on a bi-monthly (every 2 months) basis, starting at 5 and working up to 10, then 12.5s, then finally up to 15.
But the entire duration of my 2-3 weeks of taking 15's had been completely miserable, my head was all over the place constantly, unable to focus, mood was completely unstabilized unlike previous doses and I felt like I was back in my old ADHD ways pre-medication. I wasn't consuming any new foods, or anything that could have affected how the medication absorbs in my body but the entire time it felt like I had never taken the dose in the first place.
I ended up messaging my Dr. about it and they agreed to switch me back to 12.5's to see if that would fix my issue and when taking them I immediately felt a return to normal like all my previous doses.
Has increasing your dosage of ADHD medication ever done the complete opposite and just sent you feeling like you were back to square one? Is this a common occurrence with ADHD medication?
submitted by Weebaccountrip to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 19:35 ryan_greaney0 Is there really no possible way to regenerate sweat glands for anhidrosis?

Edit: the title should be: Is there really no possible way to fix your autonomic system in relation to not being able to sweat.
I've scoured the internet looking for any sort of cure, and I just can't find it. If there's some kind of alternative solution, Id like to know because at this point I'm ready to give up. Also, I think this was caused by a severe mast cell flare up brought on by Adderall. Just putting this here, so someone can learn from my mistake. If you notice you've stopped sweating while taking it, get off immediately.
submitted by ryan_greaney0 to dysautonomia [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:54 Imthegoat1212 I’m think I need a second job, I’m barely getting by in this economy

I can’t enjoy life. I haven’t been able to enjoy my life for a while now. Everything costs money. Now everything is so damn expensive and I’m living paycheck to paycheck. After I get paid, once I pay all my bills the small amount of money I have left immediately goes to gas, groceries, laundry, etc. I had to even cancel all my subscriptions (Netflix/CrunchyRoll) in order to have more money to get by. Now I’m broke and bored. It feels like job raises don’t even matter at work anymore especially in retail.
I currently make $22 an hour as a retail supervisor. I haven’t done anything nice for myself in months. When I get invited out I feel bad because I have to keep declining because I can never admit that I’m really struggling. Sometimes I resent my parents because it feels like I never had a fair shot at life like others. Grew up with a mother that was very financially irresponsible. I remember being age 19/20 and having to take out pay day loans along with my brothers so we could pay rent because my mom would randomly quit her jobs. I started working at age 16 to support myself and I got sucked into paying bills in my household because my mom refused to keep a job. All I knew was survival and never really got the opportunity to use my money for myself and my future. We always had to make up for our mom’s mistakes and carelessness. I try not to be a victim to my past but it’s rough and I’m working on moving on.
The worst part is improving your mental health also cost a lot of money. Therapy, medication, and Psychiatrist, etc. I haven’t been able to get my adderall prescription in two months because I ran out of money on my work medical card and couldn’t afford an appointment. I’ve been avoiding getting a second job because my goal was to find one good job but I’m tired of being broke. If I have to sacrifice some free time to make more money I’m going to do it.
Anyone else working two jobs? How do you balance?
submitted by Imthegoat1212 to CPTSD [link] [comments]

2024.05.18 18:45 NoTea9298 First time trying Strattera. Not sure how I should feel.

I wanted Adderall but I am diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Tbh I just need something to help me get sh*t done because I'm constantly zoning out and just not present. I have ADHD inattentive, last time I was given that diagnosis I was around 10yo. Now 27. Self managed for 7-8 years but I am kind of self employed at this point and need a kick starter that will help me to be more productive. At the point I have been lately, socializing feels like a chore and my bf is tired of me being anxious and depressed all the time, frankly so am I.
I'm on day 4 or 5 on strattera and I feel super out of it I guess. I don't want to talk to anyone, eating feels like a chore, socializing is kind of pointless and exhausting to me. The first day I took the pill pretty late at night because I was worried about the side effects. I felt really loopy, dizzy, tired. I had insomnia and stomach pain. The second day I took the pill a little earlier in the evening and felt a bit better but I had a really bad headache with severe light sensitivity. I slept for about 13hrs straight. Honestly all I want to do is lay in bed. It doesn't matter if I drink coffee or not. Day 3-4 I just felt tired, I keep falling asleep at like 9pm and waking up at 6-7 which I don't mind but also, I'm not really feeling like I'm ready to tackle the day or do anything. I just feel whatever. I don't feel anxious which is okay but I still feel like a looming pressure and some feelings of overwhelm. I also am eating less and not as hungry.
It kind of feels the way I did on concerta except without the jitteriness. Is this just meds? I just want to feel normal. I don't feel irritable or anxious and I have more emotional control but I also feel, well, bleh. How long does it take to start feeling like a human?
submitted by NoTea9298 to StratteraRx [link] [comments]