Play virtual breast surgery

Warcraft Series MUST happen. Now is the time to make it happen

2024.05.16 14:58 KaloyanKaloyanov Warcraft Series MUST happen. Now is the time to make it happen

I know I know... yet another Warcraft movie shill post, but hear me out:
Warcraft movies have long been a fan's daydream. As a long time fan and active player I'm no different. In fact I might have gone a bit overboard with fantasies about it, but I did some thinking and research and here's an outline of what I think can make the franchise a success and launch a potential WoW cinematic universe. I know most of this has already probably been said before, but I want to put it all in a single place where we can see if theres any way to push this to Blizzard/Microsoft and make it finally happen.
A three-part telling of the story of Arthas in streamable series format.
Part 1: The Fall of Lordaeron - We follow Arthas from his young Paladin days through the events of discovering the scourge and ending with the Purging of Stratholm. The ending with "This whole city must be purged" is an amazing finale foreshadowing the downfall of the main protagonist.
Part 2: Frostmourn Hungers - Arthas, now on a downwards spiral goes to Northrend and finds Frostmourn. This part would cover his Northrend campaign, slowly corrupting him into the Lich King's will. Includes the return to kill his father, the destruction of Quel'Thalas, resurrection of Kel'Thuzad and ultimately ends with Arthas putting on the Lich King armor and helm.
Part 3: The Lich King - Starting with the WotLK cinematic, it would follow the story of the WotLK expansion and shift focus slightly on the world banding together to defeat Arthas. The ending should be kept exactly the same - the champions of the Horde and Alliance together with Tirion defeat the Lich King exactly as it was told in the game.
Cast ideas:
It is important that the main cast and director crew are fans of WoW and its story, so they represent it well. I've picked a list of several casting choices that have either played WoW or would just fit too well with the character they portray in my opinion. The following list is more of a wish-list, but as with any production - known names bring audience.
Director - Sam Raimi. He is a WoW player and was allegedly "desperate" to direct the first Warcraft movie. Having a good director who is a fan of the lore and game is critical for the success of this (see Last of Us for example)
Arthas - Henry Cavill is the obvious, well-known, best choice. Apart from being so close to how Arthas looks, he would inevitably bring an enormous audience of non-WoW fans and almost guarantee success.
Jaina - Mila Kunis or Cameron Diaz. Both have played WoW and both can portray Jaina in a slightly different way but close to the depiction in the game. Even Ella Purnel (the Fallout role of Lucy) could do a great job here.
Tirion - Gary Oldman. He not only fits the visual representation of Tirion, but even his voice is similar. His previous roles have resemblance to the character arch of Tirion (e.g. Gordon in The Dark Knight)
Uther - Jeff Bridges. Requires no further explanation. He just is Uther.
Bolvar - Travis Fimmel. He did great as Lothar, but he would do even better as Bolvar in my opinion.
Kel'Thuzad - Ralph Fiennes. We dont have much to go off of for his visual depiction in his Human form, but Fiennes portrayal of Voldemort and Hades fits very well with this character.
Darion Mograine - Christian Bale. This is a an important character and Bale's representation of complex conflicting characters could be amazing for this.
Antonidas - Ian McKellen. Simple - nobody can portray an old wise archmage as good as him so far.
The list goes on and on and I wont try to be exhaustive here as the goal is to just give an idea of what it could look like with a star studded cast. Theres an infinite number of good choices, so theres no point in getting stuck on casting. Frankly the only choice that is non-negotiable is Cavill as Arthas in my opinion.
Main reasons why now is the time for it:
Creating a series, rather then movies, is quite crucial. If Last of Us showed us anything, it is that series allows you to tell peripheral stories really well in isolation, without distracting from the main narrative. I dont see a realistic way of telling all the different plots going into the Arthas story without butchering it. Things like The Wrathgate, The Ashbringer, Tirion's backstory, Illidan and his quest against Arthas, etc. would feel out of place in a movie, but quite natural in a series. There is no other way to tell WoW lore along the main story and open up the doors for cinematic universe of movies and series stemming from this main branch.
Streaming services have allowed series to evolve and tell stories in a way that movies never could. They have started a great trend of bringing games to the big screen. This trend seems to be getting stronger and stronger. Classic WoW showed that Warcraft fans are here and hungry for the epicness of the original games. The hype is there. WotLK just ended, so the nostalgia will start crippling in. We just defeated the Lich King, now its time to see the story told in its full potential.
Blizzard appears to be on a downward trend with WoW subs and are seemingly desperate for cash and ideas of bringing the playerbase back into the game in full swing. What better way then telling this story and potentially turning the whole world to fans who would at least want to try the game after watching a great series? Just think of Cavill as Arthas and the amount of wives/gfs who would suddenly find out that WoW might be cool :D
Microsoft taking ownership of Blizzard is another positive - Fallout is part of Microsoft and it is doing great as a series. This might suggest that Microsoft understands the potential of those franchises coming to the screen and being very successful on their own, while bringing lots of new players to the game, thus increasing profits in two separate streams.
If Last of Us, Witcher and Fallout are doing so well - think of the game that everyone and their mother knows. If there was ever a game that virtually everyone knows, has a story that is perfect to film and has great names in the industry passionate about - it is World of Warcraft. Jumping on this band wagon, WoW has a history of coming to the scene and becoming the king. It would be no different as series - the one that makes them all pale in comparison.
It is what WoW has been leading up to. It is what it was destined to become.
This wont be just a success. This would be a grand slam.
P.S. If you agree with me, help me get a petition or buzz going. I'm a noob at this, but classic wow happened with community effort. This can happen too if we will it into existance. If anyone knows how to do this - let me know.
submitted by KaloyanKaloyanov to classicwow [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:55 ZackDaigle Games work great for what I’m trying to play! But need help Saving games

I’m playing wild arms, and everything works flawlessly. I think that emulators like this are powerhouses for RPGs and JRPGs. I do have one question tho that I’ve been searching around for an answer; should I not be trying to save in game? Like to a virtual memory card?
I’m playing Wild Arms right now. Every time I try to save, it stays on the save screen for a long time. I haven’t seen it all the way thru to save completion yet. But should I just be doing save states? Either way is fine, just want to make sure I’m not doing anything wrong!
submitted by ZackDaigle to GammaEmulator [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:32 TipOfTheHat665 Writer's Guild Presents: A Demon's Device

Writer's Guild Presents: A Demon's Device
Photo manipulation by Tip of the Hat

A Demon's Device

CW/TW: Sex Pollen, Mildly Dubious Consent, First Time, Oral Sex, Power Play
My contribution to the GOAD Spring Fling Kink Sling assignment: Sex Pollen!
Summary: The angel Michael enlists the help of the demon Shax to take Archangel Aziraphale out of commission, but things don't go according to plan.
Excerpt: Michael was still staring at Shax, but their gaze had moved from her face to trail down the rest of her body, slowly lingering on her breasts and then down her legs and heels, and then back up to her face. The way Michael was looking at her made Shax feel strange: intimidated, but also curious - Michael was a very powerful angel, indeed. What might they do with that power? What might they do to Shax? Continue reading (AO3)
Special thanks to my amazing betas (you will always be my first): u/MxThirteen and u/pepper_bird. You both made this piece better through your gentle, yet firm, guidance. Much love!
submitted by TipOfTheHat665 to GoodOmensAfterDark [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:28 Sportsinjurycare Understanding the Risks and Complications of Arthroscopy Surgery in Jaipur

Understanding the Risks and Complications of Arthroscopy Surgery in Jaipur


Arthroscopy surgery is a common orthopedic procedure for diagnosing and treating joint problems. This arthroscopy surgery in Jaipur is minimally invasive and has gained popularity due to its effectiveness in various joint conditions. However, it is important to understand the risks and complications associated with arthroscopy surgery before going through surgery.

What is Arthroscopy Surgery?

Arthroscopy surgery involves inserting a small camera, called an arthroscope, into the joint through a small incision. This allows the surgeon to visualize the inside of the joint and perform necessary repairs or treatments. This approach minimizes the risk of infection and reduces recovery time for less post-operative pain and scarring.
arthroscopy surgery in jaipur
In Arthroscopy Surgery surgeons utilize state-of-the-art arthroscopy equipment and techniques to address various joint issues, including torn ligaments, cartilage damage, and inflamed joint linings, ensuring precise and effective treatment for patients.

Risks Associated with Arthroscopy Surgery

Despite being minimally invasive, arthroscopy surgery carries certain risks. Common complications may include infection, bleeding, nerve and blood vessel damage, blood clots, and risks associated with anesthesia.
Complications of Arthroscopy Surgery
Infection is a potential risk for any surgical procedure, including arthroscopy. Proper preoperative preparation and postoperative care are essential to minimize this risk.
While arthroscopy is less invasive than traditional open surgery, there is still a risk of bleeding during or after the procedure. Surgeons take precautions to control bleeding and monitor patients closely for any signs of excessive bleeding.
Nerve and Blood Vessel Damage
During arthroscopy, there is a slight risk of damaging nearby nerves or blood vessels. The surgeon's skill and precision minimize this risk during the procedure.
Blood Clots
Prolonged immobility after surgery can increase the risk of blood clots forming in the legs (deep vein thrombosis) or traveling to the lungs (pulmonary embolism). Patients are encouraged to move around as soon as possible after surgery to prevent blood clots.
Anesthesia Risks
Anesthesia is generally safe, but it carries inherent risks such as allergic reactions, respiratory complications, and adverse reactions to medications. Patients will go through a preoperative assessment to minimize anesthesia-related risks.

Recovery Process and Postoperative Care

Recovery Process

The recovery process following arthroscopy surgery in Jaipur is generally faster than traditional open surgery, but it still requires careful attention and adherence to medical advice. Immediately after the procedure, patients are monitored in the recovery room until the effects of anesthesia wear off. Depending on the extent of the surgery, some patients may be able to go home the same day, while others might need a short hospital stay.

Postoperative Care

Postoperative care is a critical aspect of the recovery process from arthroscopy surgery in Jaipur. Proper wound care is essential to prevent infections; patients should keep the incision sites clean and dry and follow their surgeon's instructions on dressing changes. Regular follow-up appointments with the surgeon are necessary to monitor healing progress and address any concerns that may arise.

Alternative Treatments to Consider

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
Physical therapy is a non-invasive treatment option that can help improve joint function and alleviate pain through targeted exercises and stretches. A physical therapist designs a personalized rehabilitation program to strengthen muscles around the joint, enhance flexibility, and reduce the need for surgical intervention.
Medications and Pain Management
For individuals seeking alternatives to surgery, medications can be an effective option. Anti-inflammatory drugs, pain relievers, and corticosteroid injections can help manage pain and reduce inflammation in the affected joint, providing significant relief for many patients.
Lifestyle Modifications
Adopting lifestyle changes can play a crucial role in managing joint problems. Maintaining a healthy weight, engaging in low-impact exercises, and avoiding activities that strain the joints can help alleviate symptoms and improve joint health. Dietary adjustments to include anti-inflammatory foods may also be beneficial.
Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese medicine practice, involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body. This alternative treatment is believed to stimulate the body's natural healing processes, reduce pain, and improve joint function, offering a complementary approach to conventional treatments.


While arthroscopy surgery in Jaipur is a valuable and often necessary procedure for diagnosing and treating joint issues, it is not without risks and complications. Patients considering this surgery should be aware of potential adverse effects such as infection, blood clots, nerve damage, and prolonged recovery time. However, it is essential to note that these risks can be minimized with proper pre-operative assessment, skilled surgical techniques, and post-operative care. Additionally, exploring alternative treatments such as physical therapy, medication, lifestyle modifications, acupuncture, chiropractic care, regenerative medicine, and massage therapy can offer viable options for managing joint problems without surgery.
For more information can visit our website:-
Mobile No:-9587077444
Address:-Fortis Hospital, Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur - 302017
Mail id:-[](
submitted by Sportsinjurycare to u/Sportsinjurycare [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:25 connorek How to deal with surgery disappointment?

How to deal with dissapointment?
I'm looking at getting top surgery next year, I feel like I may qualify for periareolar / keyhole due to how small my chest is and I suppose I have my hopes up for that. In the event that may not be the case and I'd have to get DI, how do I deal with the dissapointment? I know that to me, a flat chest is better regardless of which method is used than having breasts but I feel I may have my hopes up for periareolar / keyhole. I just want to prepare for the fact i could possibly get DI and have my hopes up for peri.
submitted by connorek to transgenderUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:24 isdjan Autism without special interests?

TLDR: Can a special interest get "lost" or "covered by behavior"?
I have been late diagnosed in my late forties and observed one thing about myself: I can't clearly identify my special interest(s). Though I have strong interest in e.g. music theory and helicopters since childhood, these areas do not play a vital role throughout my live. But other interests do come and go, almost like a mania. These interests may be virtually anything, but they come out of the blue and also disappear again all of a sudden.
Do I maybe have the meta special interest of manic temporary special interests? Or did I lose the ability to "feel" my real special interests due to decades of adaptation?
I was wondering if some of you share similar experiences. Much appreciated!
submitted by isdjan to autism [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:09 FerdinalEntert Beyond your Fear - Postmortem


It's been a year since I launched my first horror game on Steam. Yesterday, I finally updated it with a performance patch, allowing me to call it a finished and polished product. Here, I want to share the story of my journey, the things I’ve learned, and what I could have done differently.


I have always loved playing games and wanted to create them. My first "game engine" was Scratch, which I discovered around 2012, introduced to me by my school teacher. At that time, my attention span wasn’t great, and I didn’t learn much until 2014 or 2015, when I made my first copy of "Five Nights at Freddy’s" in Scratch. I think the series is still somewhere on YouTube. Naturally, nothing exceptional, and the game wasn’t finished. The following year, I made a trailer for my grand horror game idea (which was beyond my abilities but still exciting).
Then I found Roblox and its Roblox Studio, where I first encountered the programming language Lua. Using some presets and models, I tried to make a copy of Outlast in Roblox, which got massive views for its time and earned me a handful of Robux (not much, but it meant the world to me). I made even more lazy projects with large scopes, which I naturally didn’t fully finish either.
I believe my serious gamedev journey began in 2017 when I read an article about Unity development in a gaming magazine. Naturally, I started with horror games again (as everyone else does). I found out I lacked 3D skills, so I got a student 3DMax license. I learned the basics of modeling and texturing and started learning C# for Unity. For a teen, it was a challenging task. Over 2-3 years, I went back and forth between Unity and Roblox.
In my local university, there was a Global Game Jam. I decided to participate. It’s a two-day activity where you quickly come up with an idea and a prototype for a game. I proposed a game called 3x5Cell (the website isn’t working anymore, but the executables are still there). I earned a virtual third place there. Fast forward, I took part in multiple game jams and finally found Blender, which I use for modeling and sculpting to this day.
In 2020, I launched my first game, Chibi Dash, which I ported to Steam in 2021 to test how Steam works.

Beyond Your Fear

I started developing this game in 2021 on Unity HDRP (which was not stable at all) with the goal of making it as realistic as possible, using warm lights as an unsettling element. Unfortunately, due to circumstances in 2022, I had to cease development because I didn’t have a proper PC. However, I continued modeling on my old laptop and published a couple of game assets.
In October, I finally resumed development with a clear plan to create a story-driven psychological puzzle horror game where each action has consequences, and there are three endings. I postponed the release three times: initially in December, then in January, and finally in March, resulting in the release date of May 13th. Now, here are the things I wanted to share with you.

My Mistakes

While some of them might be obvious, knowing something doesn’t mean you do it.
That’s all I wanted to share with you. It’s probably been said a million times, but still. I’ll end this on a good note: I’ve finally started another project and will probably share more about it soon.
Go make your dream game—no one is there to stop you!
submitted by FerdinalEntert to gamedev [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:04 Leather_Ad3521 Optics and PCVR

Just some thoughts as I've got back into PCVR recently ...
My father sent me a Quest 3 for my birthday and the edge to edge clarity of the lenses got me back into VR. I have a Reverb G2 (which I used with knuckles) and a Quest 2, but I had played less and less due to content and, frankly, I was sick of fresnel lenses. Meta's optics are now ridiculously good. I had some software in my account, and as soon as I fired up racket fury - it was clear as day, but looked like absolute crap because it hasn't been updated for Quest 3. I played Asgard's Wrath 2, and while better, was the same issue.
I then went to try and set up PCVR streaming with virtual desktop. I tried 200 mbps AVC and HEVC. I could get up to 400-500 mbps H.264. Truthfully, I wasn't happy with the visual quality or the latency.
I used the link cable. I dialed mbps to 960 mbps. Much better, but still not happy with visual quality or latency. The optics of the Quest 3 make it way to easy to see artifacts. I could even see it on the cubes in the color gradients of beat saber, and it drove me crazy. But really, I could live with it if it wasn't for the latency. At max bit rate I'm locked at about 45 ms. On a native headset I believe it's under 10 ms. You can definitely feel it in VR and it ruins it for me. I could dial back the mbps over link, but then the graphic fidelity goes down.
So, I set out to get a native PCVR headset that was as close to the optics of the Quest 3 as possible.
Initially I was interested in BSB, but the reason the Quest 3 excited me so much was edge to edge clarity. Looked at Crystal and Aero. I'm sorry, I just can't buy a Pimax device - knowing how many issues friends have had with the company. Further, it's massive. Maybe the Crystal light will be better.
I got a used Aero from Adorama for $750. It's pretty good, it's a mature product - but it's lenses aren't as good as the Quest 3 (it's close). It's got slight barrel distortion still on the right and left edges of the lens, which my brain tuned out after a day. It's also got slight motion blur when you move your head. Slightly annoying, but I don't notice it unless I look for it. While it's got no local dimming, colors look great - and I have never had an FOV that bothered me.
I went back to the Quest 3 last night playing red matter 2 standalone. The optics are absolutely flawless. The graphics are pretty decent when compared to PCVR, but this is pushing the device to it's limits, as I see frame drops here and there. This is the best we are gonna get from standalone, most games aren't updated to take advantage of it, and it could look soooooo much better via a native displayport connection on a high powered 4090/13900k pc.
All headsets have compromises, and I'm going to use the Aero for PCVR as I really like it. But the quest 3 compromise is self imposed: no native displayport because Meta wants you to buy standalone games from their store. I get it, but it pisses me off. At least make the pro model have a native pcvr option, because that isn't subsidized like the standard models. We have flawless optics at this point but can't use them with native pcvr because meta. That's what bothers me.
If the Quest 3 had native PCVR, I'd pay 2 to 3x it's cost. Which is essentially the original Quest Pro price range. The Aero is great, don't get me wrong - but it's hard to go back to any compromises in optics when you've seen perfect optics. For Meta, the quest pro was a financial flop (doesn't mean it's not an excellent headset.) For the quest pro 2, it makes business sense to add a native displayport for both the prosumer and business audience. Heck, most people use their Quest pro for PCVR anyway. This would allow a choice of wireless, or native and would immediately be the best native headset, assuming it's not extremely uncomfortable.
TLDR - the technology is there for flawless PCVR optics, but we can't use it to it's full capabilities. An ARM chip is not going to be able to compete with a high end PC graphics card, at least for a decade or two.
submitted by Leather_Ad3521 to virtualreality [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 14:00 CellistRecent3559 finding supportive options for sagging breasts

Hello ladies,
21F asking on behalf of my 58F mother. She is struggling with sagging breasts, a result of two pregnancies (one of which was twins) and gravity. Recently she has started to get rashes underneath her breasts and her doctor recommended she switch to cotton, non wired bras. The cotton makes sense, but she says the non wired bras are impossible. Due to the shape of her breasts and degree of sagging, every non wired bra she uses just gets sucked up under there. She is self conscious about NOT wearing a bra due to the headlights issue, and also experiences pain if they are not supported (i.e. just the weight of sagging).
So, I appeal to you all to see if anyone has suggestions to alleviate this issue BEFORE she seriously considers reduction surgery. That’s a last resort. We both understand you cannot cure or reverse sagging breasts (aging happens!), but would like solutions to make the problem more bearable. I suggested trying the stuff that’s like KT tape for your breasts (i can’t remember what it’s called) but she says that A) it hurts to much to remove so it’s not a good daily solution and B) the degree of taping necessary would be like crafting a cup from tape (i.e. you tape upward, it spills to the side). Also, due to her age, she does not want options that emphasize the size.
submitted by CellistRecent3559 to AskWomenOver40 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:56 martinhaeusler Are Gravekeepers a viable anti-meta pick in 2024?

Nevrovalley single-handedly shuts down a lot of the bullshit that's happening in the game right now. It's searchable through commandant which in turn is searchable via throne. The planet scout would also exist, so virtually you can play 10+ copies of necrovalley. If we combine this with some decent board breakers (super poly, kaijus, ultimate slayer), floodgates (gozen match, rivalry of warlords, skill drain) and counter traps, on paper this seems like a viable option that will make them suffer.
submitted by martinhaeusler to masterduel [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:54 Miku_Kit Unlocking the Potential of $RGAME: Revolutionizing AI and Gaming with Blockchain

In today's digital age, the gaming industry is undergoing a transformative evolution, fueled by advancements in technology and the widespread adoption of blockchain. One project at the forefront of this revolution is $RGAME, a pioneering token that aims to redefine the gaming experience through the integration of blockchain technology. With its innovative use cases and promising trajectory, $RGAME is poised to revolutionize the gaming landscape and unlock new opportunities for players and investors alike.
The Use Case of $RGAME
At its core, $RGAME serves as a bridge between traditional gaming and the decentralized world of blockchain. By leveraging blockchain technology, $RGAME introduces a range of exciting use cases that enhance the gaming experience and empower players. One of the key use cases of $RGAME is its play-to-earn model, which allows gamers to earn rewards in the form of $RGAME tokens by participating in gameplay and completing various in-game tasks. This innovative approach not only incentivizes player engagement but also introduces a new paradigm where gamers can monetize their skills and time spent in virtual worlds.
$RGAME/USDT Is Now Live and Tradable on BingX
Exciting news has recently emerged for $RGAME enthusiasts and investors: the $RGAME/USDT trading pair is now live and tradable on BingX, a leading cryptocurrency exchange platform. This development marks a significant milestone for $RGAME, as it expands its reach and accessibility to a broader audience of traders and investors. With BingX's robust trading infrastructure and global user base, $RGAME is well-positioned to experience increased liquidity and trading volume, further solidifying its presence in the cryptocurrency market.
The Benefits of $RGAME
The integration of blockchain technology brings several notable benefits to the $RGAME ecosystem. Firstly, blockchain ensures transparency and immutability, allowing for secure and trustless transactions within the gaming environment. Additionally, by tokenizing in-game assets and rewards, $RGAME provides players with true ownership and interoperability, enabling them to seamlessly transfer assets between different games and platforms. Moreover, $RGAME facilitates community governance, empowering players to participate in the decision-making process and shape the future direction of the project.
Looking Ahead
As $RGAME continues to gain momentum and traction within the gaming and blockchain communities, the future looks bright for this innovative project. With its groundbreaking use cases, strategic partnerships, and growing ecosystem, $RGAME is well-positioned to drive widespread adoption of blockchain technology in the gaming industry and unlock new opportunities for players and developers alike. As the $RGAME ecosystem continues to evolve and expand, it promises to usher in a new era of gaming that is decentralized, immersive, and rewarding for all participants.
In conclusion, $RGAME stands at the forefront of the gaming revolution, leveraging blockchain technology to redefine the gaming experience and unlock new possibilities. With its innovative use cases, strategic partnerships, and growing community of supporters, $RGAME is poised to revolutionize the gaming industry and create a more inclusive and rewarding gaming ecosystem for players worldwide. As the $RGAME project continues to evolve and expand, it will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping the future of gaming and blockchain technology.
submitted by Miku_Kit to CryptoDose [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:51 fxdatalabs_Yp What advantages do AI-powered natural language generation tools offer for content creation?

AI-powered natural language generation tools offer for content creation


In today's fast-paced digital world, content creation is a crucial aspect of any successful marketing strategy. As the demand for high-quality, engaging content grows, businesses are turning to AI-powered natural language generation (NLG) tools to meet their needs.
This article explores the various advantages that NLG tools offer for content creation, from enhanced productivity to improved SEO performance.

Understanding AI-Powered Natural Language Generation (NLG)

Natural Language Generation (NLG) is a subfield of artificial intelligence that focuses on generating human-like text from structured data. NLG tools use advanced algorithms and machine learning models to analyze data and produce coherent, contextually relevant content. These tools can generate everything from simple reports and summaries to complex articles and creative writing.

How NLG Works

NLG tools work by first analyzing a dataset and identifying key patterns and relationships within the data. Once the analysis is complete, the tool uses predefined templates and linguistic rules to generate text that conveys the information in a clear and natural manner. The generated content is then refined through multiple iterations to ensure accuracy and coherence.

Key Benefits of NLG Tools for Content Creation

Enhanced Productivity

One of the primary advantages of NLG tools is their ability to significantly enhance productivity. By automating the content creation process, these tools allow writers and marketers to focus on more strategic tasks, such as brainstorming new ideas and refining their content strategy. NLG tools can generate large volumes of content in a fraction of the time it would take a human writer, making it easier to keep up with the ever-growing demand for fresh content.

Consistent and High-Quality Content

Consistency is key when it comes to content creation, and NLG tools excel in this area. These tools ensure that the generated content adheres to predefined guidelines and maintains a consistent tone and style throughout. This is particularly beneficial for businesses with multiple content creators, as it helps maintain a unified brand voice across all channels. Additionally, NLG tools can produce high-quality content that is free from grammatical errors and inconsistencies, further enhancing the overall credibility of the content.

Personalization at Scale

Personalization is a powerful tool for engaging audiences and building brand loyalty. However, creating personalized content for a large audience can be a daunting task. NLG tools can automate the personalization process by generating tailored content for different segments of an audience based on their preferences, behaviors, and demographics. This allows businesses to deliver more relevant and engaging content to their audience, ultimately driving better results.

Speed and Efficiency

In the fast-paced digital landscape, speed is of the essence. NLG tools can generate content quickly and efficiently, allowing businesses to respond to market trends and customer needs in real time. This agility is particularly valuable for industries that require timely content updates, such as news media, financial services, and e-commerce.


Hiring a team of skilled writers can be expensive, especially for businesses that require a high volume of content. NLG tools offer a cost-effective alternative by automating the content creation process and reducing the need for large writing teams. This can result in significant cost savings while still maintaining high-quality content output.

Multilingual Content Creation

Expanding into new markets often requires creating content in multiple languages, which can be a challenging and time-consuming task. NLG tools can generate content in various languages, making it easier for businesses to reach a global audience. This capability not only saves time and resources but also ensures that the content is culturally relevant and accurately translated.

Improved SEO Performance

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a critical component of any content strategy. NLG tools can help improve SEO performance by generating keyword-rich content that is optimized for search engines. These tools can analyze search trends and incorporate relevant keywords and phrases into the content, increasing its visibility and driving more organic traffic to the website.

Real-World Applications of NLG in Content Creation

NLG tools are being used across various industries to streamline content creation and enhance efficiency. Some common applications include:

Case Studies

The Associated Press

The Associated Press (AP) has been using NLG tools to automate the creation of earnings reports for several years. By leveraging NLG, AP has been able to increase the volume of reports it produces while maintaining high accuracy and consistency. This has freed up its journalists to focus on more in-depth reporting and analysis.


eBay uses NLG tools to generate product descriptions for its vast inventory. By automating this process, eBay ensures that all product descriptions are consistent, accurate, and optimized for search engines. This has led to improved user experience and increased sales.

Challenges and Limitations of NLG Tools

While NLG tools offer numerous benefits, they also come with some challenges and limitations:

Future Trends in NLG and Content Creation

The future of NLG in content creation looks promising, with advancements in AI and machine learning driving continuous improvements.
Some emerging trends include:


AI-powered natural language generation tools offer numerous advantages for content creation, from enhanced productivity and consistency to improved personalization and SEO performance. While there are challenges to overcome, the benefits of using NLG tools far outweigh the limitations. As technology continues to evolve, NLG tools will play an increasingly important role in helping businesses create high-quality, engaging content at scale.
For more insights into AIML and Dat[a Sc]([ence Deve]([o]([me]([nt,]( [please]( write to usat:[]([FxisAi](
[#AIinCo]( #NaturalLanguageGeneration #ContentMarketing #Innovation
submitted by fxdatalabs_Yp to u/fxdatalabs_Yp [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:49 stephenjohndent Innovative Engineering Solutions: Insights from Stephen Dent BMO

In the rapidly evolving world of engineering, staying ahead of the curve requires a combination of innovation, expertise, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. One individual who embodies these qualities is Stephen Dent BMO, a distinguished engineer based in the USA. With a career marked by groundbreaking projects and a reputation for solving some of the most challenging engineering problems, Stephen Dent has established himself as a leading figure in the field. In this blog, we will explore the innovative engineering solutions pioneered by Stephen Dent BMO, delve into his professional journey, and understand what sets him apart in the industry.

The Journey of Stephen Dent: From Aspiring Engineer to Industry Leader

Stephen Dent's journey in the field of engineering began with a passion for understanding how things work and a desire to create solutions that make a tangible impact. Known professionally as Stephen Dent Engineer, he has dedicated his career to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in engineering.
After completing his formal education, Stephen Dent quickly distinguished himself through his work on a variety of high-profile projects. His expertise spans multiple domains, including mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and software engineering. This multidisciplinary approach has enabled him to develop a unique perspective on problem-solving and innovation.

Stephen Dent MD Inc: A Hub of Innovation

One of the key milestones in Stephen Dent's career was the establishment of Stephen Dent MD Inc, a company that has become synonymous with innovative engineering solutions. Under his leadership, the company has undertaken numerous projects that showcase his ability to think outside the box and deliver results that exceed expectations.
At Stephen Dent MD Inc, the focus is on leveraging cutting-edge technology and best practices to tackle complex engineering challenges. From designing state-of-the-art systems to optimizing existing processes, the company has built a reputation for excellence. The projects undertaken by Stephen Dent MD Inc span various industries, including aerospace, automotive, healthcare, and renewable energy, reflecting the versatility and breadth of Stephen Dent's expertise.

Innovative Engineering Solutions: Case Studies

To truly appreciate the impact of Stephen Dent BMO's work, it's essential to look at some of the specific projects and innovations he has spearheaded. Here are a few examples that highlight his approach to engineering and problem-solving.

1. Renewable Energy Solutions

As the world grapples with the challenges of climate change and the need for sustainable energy sources, Stephen Dent Engineer has been at the forefront of developing innovative solutions in the renewable energy sector. One notable project involved the design and implementation of a solar power system for a remote community.
Stephen Dent's approach was to create a modular solar power system that could be easily scaled and adapted to different environments. The system not only provided reliable electricity to the community but also served as a model for similar projects in other regions. This project showcased his ability to combine technical expertise with a deep understanding of the social and environmental context.

2. Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing

In the manufacturing sector, automation and robotics have become critical for improving efficiency and reducing costs. Stephen Dent MD Inc undertook a project to develop advanced robotic systems for a major automotive manufacturer. The goal was to create robots that could perform complex assembly tasks with high precision and speed.
Stephen John Dent led a team of engineers in designing and programming these robots, incorporating advanced sensors and artificial intelligence to enhance their capabilities. The result was a significant increase in production efficiency and a reduction in defects, demonstrating Stephen Dent's ability to drive innovation in high-stakes environments.

3. Healthcare Technology Innovations

Healthcare is another field where engineering innovations can have a profound impact. Stephen Dent Engineer was involved in a project to develop a new type of medical device aimed at improving patient outcomes in surgery. The device, which combined advanced imaging technology with robotic assistance, allowed for more precise and less invasive surgical procedures.
This project required not only technical expertise but also close collaboration with medical professionals to ensure that the device met the needs of surgeons and patients alike. The successful development and implementation of this device underscored Stephen Dent's commitment to improving lives through engineering.

What Sets Dr. Stephen Dent Apart: Reviews and Testimonials

Dr. Stephen Dent reviews often highlight a few key attributes that set him apart from his peers in the engineering field. Clients, colleagues, and collaborators frequently praise his innovative thinking, meticulous attention to detail, and ability to lead complex projects to successful completion.

Innovative Thinking

One of the most commonly cited qualities in Dr. Stephen Dent reviews is his ability to think creatively and approach problems from new angles. Whether it's developing a new technology or finding ways to improve existing systems, his innovative mindset is a significant asset. His colleagues often mention that he is not afraid to challenge conventional wisdom and explore uncharted territories, which has led to many of his breakthroughs.

Attention to Detail

In engineering, attention to detail can make the difference between success and failure. Stephen Dent BMO is known for his meticulous approach to every project he undertakes. From the initial design phase to final implementation, he ensures that every aspect is thoroughly planned and executed. This attention to detail not only enhances the quality of his work but also builds trust with clients and collaborators.

Leadership and Collaboration

Leading complex engineering projects requires more than just technical skills; it also demands strong leadership and the ability to collaborate effectively with diverse teams. Stephen Dent Engineer has a proven track record of bringing together multidisciplinary teams and guiding them toward a common goal. His leadership style is characterized by clear communication, mutual respect, and a focus on achieving the best possible outcomes.

The Future of Engineering: Perspectives from Stephen Dent BMO

Looking ahead, Stephen Dent BMO sees several key trends and opportunities that will shape the future of engineering. Here are a few insights based on his extensive experience and forward-thinking approach.

1. Embracing Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are transforming many industries, and engineering is no exception. Stephen Dent Engineer believes that AI and ML will play an increasingly important role in designing and optimizing systems, predicting maintenance needs, and improving overall efficiency. By embracing these technologies, engineers can develop smarter, more adaptive solutions that can respond to changing conditions in real-time.

2. Sustainability and Green Engineering

As the world continues to prioritize sustainability, green engineering practices will become more critical. Stephen Dent MD Inc is already heavily invested in renewable energy projects, and Stephen Dent anticipates that this trend will only grow stronger. Engineers will need to focus on creating sustainable solutions that minimize environmental impact while meeting the needs of society.

3. Interdisciplinary Collaboration

The complexity of modern engineering challenges requires collaboration across different disciplines. Stephen John Dent emphasizes the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in driving innovation. By bringing together experts from various fields, engineers can develop more comprehensive and effective solutions to complex problems.

4. Enhancing Cybersecurity

With the increasing reliance on digital technologies, cybersecurity has become a major concern in engineering. Protecting critical infrastructure and ensuring the integrity of data and systems is paramount. Stephen Dent Engineer advocates for integrating robust cybersecurity measures into the design and implementation of engineering solutions to safeguard against potential threats.
Stephen Dent BMO's career is a testament to the power of innovation, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of excellence in engineering. Through his work at Stephen Dent MD Inc and his various projects across multiple industries, he has demonstrated a remarkable ability to solve complex problems and deliver impactful solutions. Whether it's through developing renewable energy systems, advancing robotics, or improving healthcare technology, Stephen Dent continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in engineering.
As we look to the future, the insights and innovations of leaders like Stephen Dent BMO will play a crucial role in shaping the next generation of engineering solutions. By embracing new technologies, prioritizing sustainability, and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration, engineers can address the challenges of tomorrow and create a better, more sustainable world.
For those looking to learn from and collaborate with a true pioneer in the field, Stephen Dent BMO offers a wealth of knowledge, experience, and a proven track record of success. His work serves as an inspiration for aspiring engineers and a benchmark for excellence in the industry.
submitted by stephenjohndent to u/stephenjohndent [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:44 coudys New App idea, quest 3 as matterport cheaper replacement

New App idea, quest 3 as matterport cheaper replacement
I played track craft and tried few other mixed reality apps. With track craft it's possible to scan the rooms and apply two distinctive textures to the walls and furniture. That gave me an idea on a cheaper replacement for real estate solution for house and room scanning than is matterport. Imagine a real estate agent visits a house and put on his/her quest 3 equipped with Lidar. Walking around and scanning as he walks. At the same time using interval or manually taking photos of the house. 3D scan and the photos would then inside or in the cloud create the virtual tour similar to matterport tours. Question would remain if it's a good business plan as it will target companies that can't or won't afford matterport. Another question is how to share and store in cloud which again bears costs. I can't really make this happen as a sso just sharing here the idea... I gle person with some programming knowledge but not in XR. The use wouldn't not be specific to real estate, could be home use or similar w to BRINK Traveler (pretty sure they haven't use quest 3 for that) . Would such an app (and the service behind it) be in demand?
submitted by coudys to OculusQuest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:41 Extra_Character_3861 33m who really needs sleep anyway?

So, sleep and I played a game of hide and seek last night, and let's just say sleep won... by not showing up. Now, I'm tired but a little determined to keep me going.
If you have any tips on staying lively after a night of ceiling gazing, I'm so down to hear your secrets. Or if you're in the same boat, how about we keep each other company and share some laughs to beat the sleepiness?
Let's turn this no sleepless night into a night of unexpected adventures. Anyone up for a virtual coffee date to fuel the journey?
submitted by Extra_Character_3861 to bored [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:40 thelansis HR+/HER2- Breast Cancer – Market Outlook, Epidemiology, Competitive Landscape, and Market Forecast Report – 2023 To 2033

HR+/HER2- Breast Cancer – Market Outlook, Epidemiology, Competitive Landscape, and Market Forecast Report – 2023 To 2033
Breast cells undergo testing to detect an excess of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2), which is crucial for controlling cell growth and division. An abundance of HER2 receptors can accelerate cell multiplication, potentially leading to uncontrolled growth and tumor formation.HER2-positive breast cancer is characterized by rapid growth, increased metastasis, and recurrence tendencies. Despite its aggressiveness, HER2-positive cancer shows heightened responsiveness to treatments targeting HER2 proteins. Although typically asymptomatic, studies suggest a higher prevalence among younger women. Diagnosis relies on immunohistochemistry (IHC) tests, grading HER2 levels on a scale from 0 to 1+ (negative), 2+ (borderline), or 3+ (positive). Common symptoms align with general breast cancer indicators and include changes in breast shape, masses or abnormalities on mammograms, breast lumps, nipple pain, and nipple discharge. Treatment strategies encompass surgery (lumpectomy or mastectomy), breast reconstruction, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy focusing on HER2 receptors, and hormone therapy.
Thelansis’s “HR+/HER2- Breast Cancer Market Outlook, Epidemiology, Competitive Landscape, and Market Forecast Report – 2023 To 2033" covers disease overview, epidemiology, drug utilization, prescription share analysis, competitive landscape, clinical practice, regulatory landscape, patient share, market uptake, market forecast, and key market insights under the potential HR+/HER2- Breast Cancer treatment modalities options for eight major markets (USA, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, UK, Japan, and China).
KOLs insights of HR+/HER2- Breast Cancer across 8 MM market from the centre of Excellence/ Public/ Private hospitals participated in the study. Insights around current treatment landscape, epidemiology, clinical characteristics, future treatment paradigm, and Unmet needs.
HR+/HER2- Breast Cancer Market Forecast Patient Based Forecast Model (MS. Excel Based Automated Dashboard), which Data Inputs with sourcing, Market Event, and Product Event, Country specific Forecast Model, Market uptake and patient share uptake, Attribute Analysis, Analog Analysis, Disease burden, and pricing scenario, Summary, and Insights.
Thelansis Competitive Intelligence (CI) practice has been established based on a deep understanding of the pharma/biotech business environment to provide an optimized support system to all levels of the decision-making process. It enables business leaders in forward-thinking and proactive decision-making. Thelansis supports scientific and commercial teams in seamless CI support by creating an AI/ ML-based technology-driven platform that manages the data flow from primary and secondary sources.
Read more: HR+/HER2- Breast Cancer – Market Outlook, Epidemiology, Competitive Landscape, and Market Forecast Report – 2023 To 2033
submitted by thelansis to u/thelansis [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:40 Training_Purchase318 Extremely disappointing article from the BBC covering Great Britain in the world championship

Extremely poor article clearly written by someone who knows nothing about hockey.
It fails to mention the stellar contrast between the two countries culture of ice hockey, the government funding the sport receives, the geographical influences.
Switzerland’s roster have almost 4k NHL games under their belt, Geneve-Servette recently won the Champions Hockey League, Switzerland have a well established youth development program.
10 years ago, Great Britain were finishing 4th place in Division 1B. The sport has no TV coverage here, this article is proof that domestic coverage is shockingly poor, international recognition is virtually nonexistent.
The BBC is supposed to be the staple of British journalism and media coverage of our sports teams and just because it’s not the football or rugby they let these subpar journalists write shallow nonsense without explaining the full picture and how even though a 3-0 loss to Switzerland doesn’t seem good to the casual observer, this result and the 4-2 loss against Canada are outstanding results against these h top tier nations whilst we play with minimal government support, no media coverage and fans who feel like they’re being given the short straw by the government and media. Ice hockey is more than just the final score and this article does an incredible job of failing to present this to readers
submitted by Training_Purchase318 to hockey [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:34 strawberry1000AD my husband won’t help with baby at night

husband said “no” when i asked for help
i want to cuss. i’ve had a fever and full body aches and chills for two days now due to mastitis, my doctor hasn’t sent in my antibiotics yet and might need me to come in person to prescribe them. i’ve been up all night for the past two days with prickly, achy bones/skin and night sweats. if i wear pjs to bed- im sweating my balls off, if i wear underwear to bed-im shivering and achy. i co sleep with baby and she is a space heater. so then i’m achy and shivering AND sweating. my mom was able to come help yesterday morning. i had woken up my husband 5 mins before his 7:45 work alarm and asked him to hold baby so i could get at least a half hour-hour of sleep. he works from home and baby was recently fed, changed and asleep. he took forever getting out of bed, had her for 10 mins then woke me up in a rush and gave me back the sleeping(!!!) baby bc he had to do a virtual meeting (with his camera off). i took her and sat and cried. my mom was able to drive over an hour later and helped me so i could get two hours of sleep.
THIS MORNING i have been up all night taking on and off blankets, taking tylenol, feeding, changing, shivering and aching. my husband stayed up until 12:30am playing video games. i woke him up at 4:45 and asked if he could get up at 5:30am to hold the baby so i can sleep. he straight up said no and rolled back over. i asked him to repeat himself. he said “no i need to sleep, i have work” (he makes his own hours and works from home) i told him that i am in pain, ive been up all night with baby, why won’t you help me. you’re her dad. he said “sorry,no” and rolled over again. i’m so mad i could spit. all i want is sleep. he could’ve held the sleeping baby while playing video games last night and then i could’ve slept, he could go to work later in the day so i can sleep. he told me “you get to catch up on sleep whenever you want during the day, i can’t” hypothetically, if my husband helped hold the baby during the day, or if she’d sleep in her bassinet, yes. i could. but none of those are true. i hate this situation and im pissed. thanks for letting me rant.
tldr: my husband is an asshole and i’m exhausted.
there. i cussed.
submitted by strawberry1000AD to Mommit [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:31 alexjeron12 Latest Tennis Clash Cheats 2024 - How To Get 22k Gems & Coins Fast Easily[OPUI]

In the competitive world of mobile gaming, Tennis Clash has emerged as a fan favorite, thrilling players with its dynamic gameplay and realistic graphics. However, mastering the game can sometimes hinge on your ability to access sufficient resources like coins and gems. That's where the Tennis Clash Coins & Gems Generator steps in, a revolutionary tool designed to elevate your gaming experience by providing an endless stream of coins and gems. This article will explore the myriad benefits of using this generator, how it works, and why it's a game-changer for Tennis Clash enthusiasts.

Why Use the Tennis Clash Coins & Gems Cheats?

Enhance Your Gameplay
The primary allure of the Tennis Clash Coins & Gems Generator lies in its ability to significantly enhance gameplay. With ample resources at your disposal, you can:
Save Time and Effort
Accumulating coins and gems through regular play is time-consuming. The generator fast-tracks this process, giving you more time to enjoy the game's more engaging aspects.

Cost-Effective Gaming

Investing real money for virtual resources isn't always an option for everyone. This generator provides a free alternative to keep you competitive without the financial strain.
How Does the Tennis Clash Coins & Gems Generator Work?
Effortless Integration and Safety Our generator integrates seamlessly with your game account, ensuring a smooth and safe enhancement of resources. Here’s a simple breakdown:
  1. Enter your Tennis Clash username.
  2. Select the amount of coins and gems you need.
  3. Complete a quick verification to ensure security.
  4. Receive your resources and elevate your gameplay.
Regular Updates We regularly update the generator to keep it compatible with the latest version of Tennis Clash, ensuring you never miss out on your competitive edge.

Maximizing Benefits: Strategic Use of Generated Resources

Invest Wisely
While it's tempting to spend freely, strategic investment in the right upgrades can dramatically improve your win rate and game enjoyment. Plan for Long-Term Growth
Consider your long-term goals in Tennis Clash and allocate resources to support these ambitions, be it climbing the leaderboard or mastering certain tournaments.
The Tennis Clash Coins & Gems Generator is more than just a tool; it's your gateway to unlocking the full potential of your gaming experience in Tennis Clash. By providing you with the necessary resources to compete at the highest levels, it not only enhances your enjoyment of the game but also allows you to experience it without financial barriers. Whether you’re a casual player looking to have more fun or a competitive player aiming for the top, this generator is the ultimate companion in your Tennis Clash journey. Why wait? Give it a try today and transform your Tennis Clash experience forever!
submitted by alexjeron12 to Gamespros [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:30 Sea_squirt_24 Egg retrieval & night sweats?!

My husband (35M) and I (31F) are brand new to all of this so I don’t know all the abbreviations yet. I have breast cancer and start chemo on June 5th so we’re only doing this one round.
I started Letrozole and Gonal F on Tuesday and have been getting INTENSE disgusting drenching everything night sweats since the first night I started on them.
I only see “hot flashes” as a side effect for these meds but isn’t that different if it’s only happening at night?
I’m still recovering from a double mastectomy (about a month out) and I’m terrified this drenching will cause infection somehow. I’m also a bit triggered because I’ve only had night sweats once before and it was in the month before I was diagnosed with breast cancer, and they stopped after the first surgery which led me to believe it was related to the diagnosis (the chemo I’m doing is preventative as they got all visible cancerous tissue in the mastectomy).
I’ll call the fertility clinic as soon as they open but for now…anyone have the same experience on these meds prior to egg retrieval?
submitted by Sea_squirt_24 to IVF [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:27 adulting4kids First Sentence Genre Benders

Genre-Bending Prompts: Spark Your First Sentence, Unleash Your Imagination!

Feeling stuck in a genre rut? Let's break free with first sentences that twist expectations and set the stage for genre-bending brilliance! Choose your favorite, or use it as inspiration to craft your own:
Science Fiction:
  1. The android detective knelt beside the glowing corpse, its artificial tears mixing with the victim's synthetic blood, the neon cityscape reflecting in its metallic eyes.
  2. The wormhole spat them out into a chaotic tapestry of fused timelines, where dinosaurs roamed alongside flying cars and a samurai dueled a cyborg.
  3. The message arrived in binary code, translated to a single chilling sentence: "Your reality is an illusion, and they are coming for you."
  1. The dragon shifter disguised as a human librarian clutched the forbidden grimoire, its ancient magic thrumming against his scales, as the witch hunters stormed the library.
  2. The prophecy whispered of a child born under a blood moon, destined to unite the warring elf and orc clans, but the chosen one was a sarcastic gnome with a penchant for pastries.
  3. The portal shimmered, revealing a world cloaked in perpetual twilight, where ethereal beings traded wishes for stolen dreams.
  1. The rain-slicked cobblestones gleamed under the gaslight, reflecting the accusing gaze of the gargoyle perched atop the cathedral, its secret known only to the dead man at its feet.
  2. The private investigator, notorious for her unorthodox methods and pet talking raven, received a cryptic clue: "The killer walks among shadows, whispering secrets to the wind."
  3. The locked room mystery deepened as the impossible became apparent: the victim vanished into thin air, leaving behind only a single playing card with a riddle scrawled in blood.
  1. The time-traveling prince fell in love with the street artist who painted murals of his forgotten future, their romance defying the barriers of time and societal expectations.
  2. The grumpy werewolf CEO and the sunshine-optimistic florist collided in a hilarious clash of personalities, their forced proximity igniting a love that transcended stereotypes.
  3. The arranged marriage between the warrior princess and the bookish prince seemed doomed, until a shared love of ancient prophecies and forbidden magic sparked an unexpected passion.
Bonus: Combine genres for even more unique stories!
  1. The cyberpunk samurai drew his katana, neon lights reflecting off its polished blade, ready to face the dragon guarding the virtual reality server.
  2. The detective, half-man, half-mermaid, investigated the murder on a floating city in the sky, where secrets hid beneath the shimmering waves.
  3. The time-traveling chef served a dish from ancient Rome to a group of aliens disguised as humans, hoping to win their trust and prevent an intergalactic war.
Remember, these are just starting points. Let your imagination run wild, weave in subplots, unexpected twists, and remember, the most extraordinary stories often begin with a single, genre-bending spark. Happy writing!
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 13:27 No_Witness_1086 [COMPUTER] [2006-2009] Virtual Chat Room Game

I am looking for a game that I use to play in my early teenage years. The game was basically a virtual chat room where you could make friends, have your own house, and play mini games in the several games provided "hangout" spots. I remember avatar customization was pretty cool and in depth. The game provided "hangout" spots that were developed off different personal styles (emo, disco, a basketball court). Any help with this would be greatly appreciated! I would love to be able to go back and see what this place has become! Thanks!
PS: I know it was not that game IMVU
submitted by No_Witness_1086 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]